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Books Printed for Ralph Smith, at the Bible in Ccfrn- 
hill, neer the Royal Exchange. 

y: TK 7Eemj\woiks in four Volumes « 

V V Rogers Pra&icai Catechihtie on the Sacraments. 
Dc&or Stougbtons works. 

Matter Edwards Gangrena c'ompleat. His Antipologia. 
Litbgorvs Travels, 
Simpfon on the Penitent Pfalmes. 
Byfields Touchftone of a Chriftian. 

Devenfhire l^iniftcrs Teftirnonya^ainft the errors of the times. 
A learned Treatife of the Godhead of the Holy Ghofl ; by Mailer 

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Ovid de Trijitbus in Englirfi. 
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**6 Of the other fifty h&, 

I Pfalmes, | 

-O^ From /y". jo. to /Y- t oo l7 & 

3§ BY §£ 


^^ ProfeiTour of Divinity in the N*» 

•>b* Colledee of Edenbitrgh; c^*» 

**>i Nv 

gfc ~~ : — : . . 9«» 

_"r^ Blrffed is tbcnim wbomibcv cbufcji , j«<i c -njfc/f ro dp r 9^* 
*T^ froMbiimo thee, that be mxy dwell in thy Count: wejhjf ~^*t 
2$ be fatitfied with the gwdneffcof thy boufe, even of thy ^** 
^g^boty Temple. Plal.6f. 4.' g<*» 

jj^g ■ — '$£ 

■o^ T rwv 

«ot> Imprimatur, r-+c~ 

*>o* fab* 6 - **$$' Edmupd CJv*a#V; -§S 

«ot> ~~ — r+o» 

«*>-^ r.on^ow, Printed by T.R.&E.M. fcr Ralph Smith, at FK&» 
^^b the Bible in QornbilL near the 2(j>ju! Exchange,' 9^f. 
«Ots 1 6 ,- j. £rt» 

t$r> Q& fjljj --& A <S> «5? . A C$i <g>ta>*St(fe A 

T O T H E 


The E a r L of 


Mercy and Peace through tfefus Chrift. 

tJMy right Noble Lord, 

|H E reafon of my fending forth of this 
piece,under yourLordfhips name,is, 
that by this means I may pay home 
before I die , the old debt which I 
owe to your Lordfhip, and to the 
whole nohle family, for countenan- 
cing and encouraging me openly in my Miniftery, 
all the while I was in Irwin near your Lordfhip, 
full twenty yeares. 

And the reafon why I do confefle my debt now, 
and go about todifcharge fome part of it, at this 
time of your Lordfhips reftraint in EngUnd , is, be- 
caufe when I call to minde the time of my reflraint 
about fome thirty yeares ago, (when the High Com- 
miffion Court of Prelates procured my confinement 
within a little village in the North beyond Aberdein^ 
in regard I could not give them fatisfaftion by recei- 
ving the yoak of fome Popifli ceremonies, impofed 

A 2 then 

The Efifite Dedicatory. 

jhen upon the Miniftery, ) I cannot forget how 
comfortable your Lordfhtp wa9 to me then , and 
what paines and travel you endured fummerand 
winter without wearying , untill they who at that 
time had power to loofe me from my confinement, 
beingmadefenfible, fomeoftbem of the iniquity, 
and all of them of the inexpediencie of keeping me 
in bonds , I was reftored to the free and full ufe of 
my Miniftery. Wherefore I do efteem it a part of 
due gratitude , todowhatinmelieth , to be com- 
fortable to your Lordfhip in this your prefent con- 
dition ; and do heartily pray to God that your ex- 
ercife and trouble, may prove a meanes of your 
happineffe. It is true indeed , that happinefle with- 
out this meanes were to be wi(hed , if fo it were 
Gods pleafure; but unto God onely (in whofe 
hands alone it is to make men bleffed , and iq 
whofe friendfhip and favour through Chrift on- 
ly men are really blefled) it doth belong , as to 
choofe the m^n fo whom, fo alio tochoofe the 
meanes whereby , and the manner how he will 
communicate the right and pofTeftionof trueblef- 
fedneffe. If happinefle were at mens wifh and 
carving, no man would choofe God for his chief 
good, nor Gods way to bring his felicity about; 
for the multitude of men do fay, PfaL^.6. who 
yvi// fhew us any good t 

1 he good which God doth (hew unto them, 
and the way how by reconciliation with himfelf, 
and walking humbly and uprightly before him, 
they may have God to be their rich reward. , is not 
the thing they love to have; but corn and wine 
and oi!e , and whatsoever may beft pleafe their 
flefhly fancie , is their defire. And of this the 

Lord i 

The Epiftle Dedicatory. 

Lord doth complain, <P/i/.8i. n. Afypeop/e,hhh 
he , Would not- hearken to my voice , and Ifrael 
would none of me. And what was it which they did 
preferre unto God ? they loved to have their 
own will in this world, whatsoever (hould befall 
them after death; they loved rather to have their 
own earthly defires fatisfied , then to have the 
friendship of God : and their choice was givefj 
unto them to their owne deftrudion. So ( faith ' 
the Lord ) / gave them over to their owne hearts 
/uff , and they talked in the counfell of their cftcne 
heart. Few , when they look upon the courfe 
which the world doth runne after , yea very few 
do preferre the fellowfhip of God reconciled to 
them in Chrift , before riches, honour, and fen- 
fual pleafure : For , who Will fhe-w m any good ? is 
that which many do fay , 7/al^ 4. 6. but , Lord, 
lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon tu , is 
the petition of the few oppofed to the multi- 
tude 5 and even thofe few godly would wifh to 
go to heaven with eafe , and to be free from 
trouble in their journey, if it were the Lords will, 
as we may fee in the prayer oijabez,, 1 Chron. 
4. 10. Who called on the God of Ifrael faying , Oh 
that thou wotildcft blejfe me indeed , and enlarge 
my coaft , anh that thine hand might be with me y 
and that thou roouldefl keep me from cvill 9 that it 
mayn't grieve me. But our loving and wife God, 
who knoweth perfe&ly what is fitteft for every 
man 9 doth crofle and correft thofe? natural de- 
fires of his children. And howfoever he will now 
and then poffibly grant the prayer of Jabcz, to 
fome of his people , yec he hath appointed this 
to be the ordinary road-way to heaven , which 
A 3 the 

The Epijile Dedicatory. 

the ApoRle pointeth forth to us, ASs 14, 22. 

We muft through much tribulation enter into the 
Kingdom of God* 

And this courfe of carrying of Gods children 
through many afflictions, doth no wayes hinder 
their happinefle; for how many foevcr their crok 
fes be, yet this holdeth alwaycs fall, Pfaf. 65.4* 
. Ttleffed is the man -whom thou cboofeft, and canjeft to 
approach unto thee. If therefore by plurality of 
chaftifements , the Lord ftiall draw and drive 
them to feek remiffion of finnes and reconcilia- 
tion with himfelf, and the renewed fenfe thereof 
through Chrift , and (hall by the rod hedge 
them within the way of walking with him in a 
friendly communion ; they !ofe nothing except 
their lufls , and do gain eternal blefledneiTe. And 
certainly there is fo much reliques of natural cor* 
ruption , fo ftrong inclinations unto finne, fo 
many a&uall outbreakings , and grofle tranfgref- 
fions to be found in the moft precious Saints, 
that there is no wonder the Lord fhould vifit 
their trefpaffes with the rod, and their iniqui- 
ty with ftripes; but all the wonder is , that he 
will not take his loving kindnes utterly from them. 
There is alfo fo great need of loofing their affe- 
ctions from what feemeth love-worthy in this 
world j fo great need of railing the hearts of the 
heires of Salvation unto the feeking of a King- 
dom, which cannot be lhaken , and of a crown 
uncorruptible; as all reafondoth call forthemix-f 
ture of troubles with earthly comforts , left the 
fweetnefle of temporary vanities fhould prove un- 
to them poyionable. Moreover, the experience 
of the Saints fee down in Scripture, and efpeci-* 


ally in the Pfalmes, doth make it manifeft, that 
by the variety of outward and inward troubles 
the faith of Gods children hath been tried > and 
trained to farther ftrength. Tbeir love , hope, 
and patience , and all other fpiritual graces in 
them have been to foftered and augmented , as 
they have been made joyfully and thankfully to 
fubferibe this truth , Pfal. 94. 12. B/ejfed is the 
man whom thou chaftenefi^ O Lord , and teachefi him 
cut of thy Lato. This is the language of the Lords 
prefent difpenfation toward his people , and the 
leflbn which his Providence doth recommend to 
us all , that we may learn it to our good : where- 
unto if this piece (hall contribute any thing for 
the edifying of thofe who (hall be pleafed to read 
it ; and in fpeciall , if it fhall be acceptable to 
your Lordfhip , this (hall do much more then re- 
compencc the labour of 

Tour Lord/hips obliged fervant 
in the Go/pe/J, 

David Dickson. 


TheEpiftle to the Reader. 

Thriflian Rei^c-, 

I He acceptance which the former fifty PfalmeJ 
hue found, doth give me encouragement [uf- 

1 cieitt to offer thefe other fifty to thy view alfo % 
and to give thee the laft fifty fofoonas the 
Lor d fall enable me : I am ft ill [paring of 

1 thy time, and do fir he to point forth , not alt' 

1 the Vottrincs which may be deduced from the 
words 5 but fo many oncly as being joy ned to- 
gether and compared with the Text, may give unto tbee both tbefenfc 
and the life thereof. It is not poffible to expreffe grave purpo fes fuf- 
ficiently without a volume , nor to open myfteries in few words 
unto thy fatis fact ion^wbo can ft not chufebut wiflno have more of the 
purpofCy whereof thou loveft to hear much) andfindeft but a little of 
it hinted at. No fort of writing, except that of the Scripture^ hath 
all perfections ; but this advantage thou Haft- by this mould , thou 
fait not read long till thou meet with muter worthy of thy medita- 
tion j and whensoever thou meeteft with a wordfpofyen in fafon,or 
fit for thy condition , thou may eft clofe thy reading for the time* 
without lofmg any long difcourfe , and feed upon what thou haft 
found till it be digefted , and then rcturne when thou wilt& fee^. 
fgr as much as may be another morfelL For the reading of many 
diver fc doctr ines, without fome interlaced meditation jslilie eating 
cf ma-row witvom bread, and cannot but cloy tine for the tfrac, or 
give thee a fur f tit of whole fome food \ which evil if it befal thee, 
may be helped for after-time by fart ejaculations of a word of prayer 
while ft thou art reading , a cording as the purpo fccallctb thee to 
fceli the Lords blejfing unto that which thoureadejt ,wbofe prejencc 
that thoumay eft findc comf or tablets the prayer of 

Thy fervant in the Gofpel, 

, The mift kes in tKc printing which have cfcaped the Picffe m 
the former piece, and may paffiMy alio efcapc it hereafter^ I pray 
theeexaife ; becaufe I a<H at uich adiftance , as I can neither 
timoudv prevent them , nor mavkc them as Errata that thou' 
mi^hrUVcorrecVthcm;- A v 



A Brief 


Upon the other fifty 


PSAL. Lt. 

To the chief tiiuficia*. A Pfdmeof £>a^ , when Nathan ibi 
Vrophct cxme unto hrm, after he Hdgonc in to Bathiheba. 

H E PfaimiiUnthefadfenfe of hU giiil- 
tinefle : praycth for remiflion of finne,vvith 
an eye to trie Lords large rilercy, ver. . i, t. 
and followed his petition with a deep a'nd 
hcart^ confeflion of his finfulnfle^ ver. 
J 4j *>£• He praycth the fecond time 
tor remiflion of linHe, with an eye toward 
the blood of the Mefliah, ver. j. and fol- 
lowed it with another petition for comfort to his afflifted fpi- 
rit, ver. 8. He prayeth for remiflion of fins the third time^cr. 
9. and folloWeth it With another petition for renewed comfort of. 
the holy Spirit 3 and for removal of felt wrath, with aprcmifc of 
making nfe thereof, to the edification of Gods people, ver. 10, • 
1 1 , 1 1 , 1 3 . He prayeth for remiflion of fihne the fourth time, 
an namely of that particular linnc , wherewith f6r the prefenc 
hisconfeiencewasrnoft troubled, ver. 14. and' he foUoweth it 
with another petition, for enabling of him for a morefpirituar 8c 

& finccra 

2 PSAL. LI. 

fincere manner of ferving God hereafter, renouncing all confi- 
dence in the external ceremonies of the Law', wr. 15,16, 17, 
And laft of all, he prayeth for mercy to the Church, ver. 
18, 19. 

From the Infcription, Lcam, 1. How foone the moft morti- 
fied luft may be kindled and break forth like fire in the embers, 
when it meeteth with powder i how fraile the ftrongeft of the 
Saints are in themfelves, when rhcy are tempted to finnej and 
what need he who ftandeth hath to take heed left he fall ; for the 
holy Prophet, the fweet finger of Ifrael is here foully defiled by 
bis going in to Batbjheba. 2. Howfaftafleep infinne,evea 
the moft watchful watchman may fall, and that he cannot at all 
awake, of himfelf, till God of his grace (who in love purfueth fu- 
gitives) by fome means 01 his own chufing, ftir up his confid- 
ence, as here is evidenced in the cafe of the Pfalmift, who did lie 
ftill in his fin fecure, till Httbin the Prophet came unto hint. 
3. How faithful Minifters ought to be in their proper charges, 
reproving finnCj even in greateft perfonages^when God doth call 
them unto it : and how acceptable their reproof mould be to the 
honefj heart, as Natbxn the Prophet, 'Davids Seer , his coming 
unto David, and rebuking him after the open knowledge of his 
finne 5 and Davids acceptance of this office at his hands 5 and 
the honourable mention made of his fidelity here do teach us. 
4* How little a true penitent doth ftand to fhame himfelf, when 
his fin hath difhonoured God, and he fceth that the confeflion 
of it may glorific God j and how far the Pen-men of holy Scri- 
pture do differ in this point from the writers of humane hifto* 
ries,, as J) Avid, in the Infcription of this Pfalme giveth proof. 

Ver.j.TT Ave mercy upon me. §od, according to 
XjJ thy loving kjndneffe : according unto the 
multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my tranfgref* 

2. Wafh me throughly from mine iniquity , and 
cleanfe me from my (in. 

In this firfi affedionate prayer for remiffion of fins, Learn, 1. 
Asthecontcience, till it be awakened by God, cannot appre- 
hend how difpleafant fin is to God J how it meriteth wrath, and 
tow unfupportable a burden it is to the (inner , when he is char- 
ged ' 

1>SAL. LI. $ 

gc<i with it:So after it is wakened, it can fee no refuge till it con* 
Edcr that mercy may be had in God, and then the more it \i 
prefled by the Law, or fear of wrath , the more it feeketh after 
Gods mercy, as here we fee ; Hdve mercy on me, God. 2. The 
confidcration of the Lords loving kindncfle , and readineile to 
forgive the finner that comith unto him, ftiould keep the finner^ 
( how grievous focver his offence hath been) from running away 
from him, yea mould give him hope to meet with mercy, what- 
soever may bt his demerits: Have mercy, God on me, according 
to thy loving \indneffei J. Sin is a debt obliging a mart to a 
penalty which he cannot pay, but mufl be forgiven, otherWaycs 
heperifheth,as blot out my tran[grejfions doth import. 4. All 
doubts arifing from the multitude of fins forgiven before , and 
from the abufe of many mercies already received , and from the 
deepdefervingsof melt hainous fins, arc folved, when Gods lo* 
vingkindnefle, and the multitude of the mercies of God are op-* 
pofed to thefe doubts 3nd fears, and are put in the balance over 
againftthem; according to thy loving fyidncjfe, according totht 
multitude of tky mercies, blot out my tranjgrejjions. 5. When 
a Saint now juftined doth any thing againft the Law of God, 
his fin is fo rarre from being extenuated or made leflc, as by the 
Contrary it is multiplied fo much the more, and found to have 
in it a plurality of fins, when it is rightly confidered; blot out 
(faith he) my tran[greJJions> in the plural number. 6.Sia,as it 
bindeth a man over to punifhment, till he be forgiven 5 fo it de- 
fileth a man , and puts an abominable deformity on Him, which 
his illuminate confcicnce cannot look upon, without loathing* 
till it be by pardon and purging wafhed away > wajh me and 
cleanfc me from mine iniquity ana my fin. 7 . The pollution of 
fin goeth through the whole powers of the foul and body 3 which 
have been ferviceable to itj through minde, will, afteftions, 
fenfc* bodily, and all> and nothing can quiet the foul here, except 
k finde pardoning mercy, and fandifying mercy, going after all- 
hefoulefootftepsof fin, and doing away the :filthinefle thereof, 
wajb me throughly % and cleanfc me. 

Ver. 3. For I acknowledge my tianfgrejjions^ and 
toy fin is ever he for& me. 

4. %AgainSl thee, thee ontly have I finned, and 
ione thii evil in thy fight , that thou might* ft be jufii- 

JB 2 fled 

4 -,; PSAL. LI, 

fied -when thou fyeakeft , and be clear -when thou 
judge ft. 

5. Behold j J was fliapen in iniquity : and in Jlnne 
did my mother conceive me. 

6. Behold, thou deft reft truth in the intyari pmi ; 
And in the hidden part then fhdt make me to know 

Here he maketh confeffion of his (in and GnfulneiTc, and ag- 
gravated his guildnefle, from the very root of original finncymct 
fubferibeth whatfoever God hath fpokenof mans finful nature, 
and deierved punilhmcnt in the Scripture, approving himfelf for 
the fincerity of his conic (Hon unto God. Whence learn> 
1 . Whofcever would have mercy and pardon of his fin from 
God , mull acknowledge his fin and debt ; and muft take part with 
God, and with juftice a gain ft himfelf, becaufe the Pfalmift here 
givcth this for a reafon ot his hope of pardon, for 1 acknowledge 
my tranfgrejfon. . z. Albeit God hath pardoned fin to a peni- 
tent foul, and albeit his Minifters have made declaration of the 
pardon to him, yet the confeience will not pronounce the fen- 
tence of absolution, but ftillprefent the (m as unpardoned, till 
God make it quiet by his immediate intirr.ation ;for David after 
that l^athan had told him irom the Lord, that his iniquity was 
pardoned, itill flndeth the conference purfuing for the guilt, my 
Sprit is ever before me. 3. The dividing of the grant of pardon 
irom the tffe&unl intimation thereof unto the confcience,isdone 
in Gods wifdorae and mercy towards his childc for good :for here 
it ripeneih repentance, and bringcth forth this deep confeffion, 
J acknowledge mine iniquity, and my finne is ever before me. 
4. Itismcft fuitable for true repentance, to pitch upon fome 
particular in, in the vileneffe whereof the e v il of other Its 
may be taken up and lamented again ft thee have 1 done this 
evitt > he meancth the particular whereof Nathan charged him in 
the matter of Uriah. <. The material injury and hurt of a 
fnful action may refolve upon a creature, but the formall obli • 
cjuity of the adion refolveth upon the law or command of God, 
and upon his fovereigne authority which gave the law ; againft 
ibee, thee kai'e I finned. 6 . If the injury done to the creature, 
could be fevered from the ofYcnce done to God, the conlcience 
would net be fo much troubled for the firft as for the laft 5 or 


P SAL. II. 5 

if the injury done to G?d againft fo many obligations, be com- 
pared with the injury done to the creature; the injury done 
to God isfohigh as it comprchendethall the challenge which 
the creature couW make for its part, and leaveth nothing to the 
crearurc tofaybeWes : Thereto e faith he > againft tbee, thes 
incty have I finned, and done this cvill in thy fight, y . Albeit no 
man mould challenge for a wrong done by one man to another, 
and in particular for a wrong done to a fubject by a Prince or 
Ruler, yec will the Lord challenge for it, and bring the man to 
an accompt for it, agaiitft thee, thee oncly have I finned. 8 How 
clofely (bevcrthe circumflances of a /infill action be conveyed L 
that men mould not fee the vilcnefle th ::eof yc- before God all 
the muter is plaine : / have done this evill in thy fight, faith he. 
<*• Theconfcience rightly wakened in the feme or' -nycannot 
tut juftifie what God hath fpoken in his Word of mans -nful- 
nefle, and of the merit ofj n and o whatsoever God hath done, 
or mall do in the puniming of fin : for David makcth tluv.ieep 
confcfTion of \m againft himfelf, that God way he juftjfied rvhejt 
befpcalictb, and dare when he u judged, i o. Ahhou s h p-efumptu- 
9*man will not ihnd to examine, judge, and pailc feme nee up - 
o^fcod, andhis words, and his works, yec flail ito m.m be ab]e 
to blar a blot upon God > but every confcienc.e when awake, (lull 
be found to blame the man, and to juitine God infill his words 
and proceedings, zs f David is forced to blame himiVt here, 
■that God may be juflificd wben be fpeaketb, avd clear when be 
is judged. 1 1. As original (mis common to al! men by natu- 
railprcpagation from their parents, fo is it not abolillied out of 
the moil holy in this life, and as it is found to utter it felf by 
actual tranfgrifTions, in the children of God, fomuft the evill 
thereor be acknowledged by them, and that not to extenuate, bat 
to aggravate their fin thereby, as David fheweth here, faying,Bc- 
hclij was fl^apcnin iniquity, and in fin did my mother conceive 
me. r. No confcfTion of f n, nor any other part of G ods wor- 
iliip givcth eafe totheminde, or is acceptable to God, except it 
be done in linccrity and truth, and when it is done in fpirit and 
truth . it is acceptable to God, and.giveth ealc to the confeience; 
lkhold/faith 7 avid after his deep confcttienjibou defircft truth 
in the inward partu i $, The bit operation of Gcd* gr ce in uk, 
is worthy to be oblcrvcJ, acknowledged, and made nfc of, as an 
evidence that God huh fomewo^k in us, wherein he takctli 

inuh intbeinwurdpms. i* Whcnamanhaihicundi'oa.eiW>k 
B 2 of 

$ PSAL. LI. 

pfgraccinhimfelf,hemayexpe&tofindeyet more grace from 
God, as Ddvid after thisobfervation of grace given unto him, 
10 make^a fincere conkflion of his f?n , doth expect that God 
ftiall efte&u^lly teach him more wifdome, or wiic bthayiour in 
his light. In the bidden fart thou wilt ma\e mc to lyiow wifdom^ 
that is, thou wilt make rfly confeience judge yet more impar- 
tially of my native (infulnefle, and wilt teach me to walk more 
eircurnfpeftly before thee, in the fenfe of my (infulnefle. 

Ver. j. Targe me with hjfope and \ fball be clean: 
ypafb me and l fhall be whiter then [now. 

§• Ma^e me to hear jo\ and gladnejfe : that the 

( hones whicb thou haft broken may re Joyce, 

Heprayethforremifficnof nnthe fecondtime, with an eye 
to the bloud ohheMefliah Chrift, and joynethwith it, a peti- 
tion for comfort to his afflicted fpirit. Whence learn, i. No 

iieflfeloathfomethenleproiieisthe hghtof /In, when it is looked 
upon as unpardoned $ and nothing leflc then the bleud of Chrift 
fignified by the bloud of the clean bird llainc to cleanfe the lcjtfr, 
car} purge a man of it, for David doth look unto the mannjgpf 
cleanfing the leper, as it is let down, Levit. t 4. Where two mfas 
were taken, and one of them fiaine,and the living bird icing 
dipped with hyfope in the bloud of the flaine bird, was let flie 
away, to (ignifie the leprous fmners deliverance from perdition 
|by the bloud of that cleanly bird Jcfus Chrift: purge me with by* 
(ope, faith he. z* Whatfoever application hath been made to a 
'irianoif Chrifts blood in juftifiqation of hisperfon, it doth not 
hinder, but rather doth open a way unto the renewed afts of ap- 
plication thereof, according as new (ins do draw on new guilti- 
neflc : for here juftified David pvayeth to be yet again purged 
withhyfope. 3. Renewed acts of remiffion pf fin granted, by 
new application of the vertue of Chrifts blood, cleanfah the 
confeience of the guilt of fin, and cleareth the man before Gcds 
juftice, purge me with hy/opc, and I fhatl b: clean, faith he. 
4. Howioever remifsion of the guilt for Chrifts fake, be infe- 
parable from the imputation of lighteoufhefife for Chrifts 
lake,yetm3ythefe^wobediftingui(hed, and diftin&ly looked 
upon for the beleevers comfort y for here Tiavid looking on the 
removing of the guiltinefle of (in by C hrifts death, faith, purge 
piewitb (>yfopc,4ndIJhaU be cleane : and looking upon the im- 
putation of Chrifts righteoufneflc, 01* obedience even unto the 
death, he faith, Wa\h me and I flail be whiter then [now. 



Now thar thefe two branches of this mercy are diftin^uifhable*' 
may appear from this, that as to be freed from eternal torment 
is one benefit, put cafe a man were annihilated inhisloofing from 
it; andtobe % not onely freed from eternal torment , but alfo 
made blcffed by the gift of eternal life, is another and a greater 
benefit: So removing the guilt of fin, in relation to the remo- 
ving of punimmentisone thing, and the affignation of Chrifts 
righteoufnefle in relation to eternal life is another thing , and 
thele two benefits both of them are pu/chafed by Chrifts perfect 
obedience unto the death, and are holden forth, Lcvh. 14. for 
after the delivery of the leper from death (figured and fymboli- 
2ed by the letting go of the living bird, dipped in the bloud of 
the flaine bird) the cloathing of the leper with righteoufnefle, is 
figured and fymbolixed by the warning of the man, and putting 
clean cloathsupon him. Now it is not the mans perfonal fan- 
ctification inherent, (which in every man is joyned with much 
pollution) that maketh him clean, but the imputation of Chrifts 
righteoufnefle 5 This maketh him whiter then [now* ?. As~ 
we muft not neglect the Ordinances of God, but muft ufe them 
cjefully for obedience unto God, and for ftrcngthening of our 
jB), fo we muft not reft upon them, but feek in unto the figni- 
fifc^pn, fubftance,andendof them, which is Chrift s as here 
David feekeih perfect pardon by Chrifts blood, perfect purging 
and clean : ng through him under the tetmes of purging with 
byfopc and waflnng* 6. The grief and torment which followcth 
finne,and is felt by a wounded fpirit, even in the children of 
God, in the time of their repentance , is greater then ever the 
pleafure of fin was to them, as David fheweth here, who fpeafc> 
eth of his vexation, and wounded fpirit , as of the painfulleft 
trouble which can fail upon the body: for by the bones-which thou 
hajlbro^en^ he meancth the chaftifement of his fpirit, inflicted . . 
ojfGod. 7. Nothing can heal this wound of the fpirit, fave 
the hand that made it > nothing but Gods lively application of 
his word of Grace and pardon to the guilty (inner can do it ; for 
*Z)avid wxll not reft with what Nathan had fpoken, till God fpeak 
the fame effectually unto him ; mi\\e me to hear )oy and gladncs. 
3. Asthcreisnoforrow fb deep, as the fenfe or Godsdifplca- 
fure, fo there is no joyfo rcfrefhing as the inward confolation 
of Gods Spirit y for T>.ivids broken benes will rejeyce, if God , 
will fpeak peace to his foul : ma\e ire to hear J oy and ^ladncflc, tb:u 
y he bones which thou lujl brolien^may rejoyec. 

B 4 Ver.ft 


Vcr. 9. ffldt thy face from my fns J and bio oh* 
all mine iniquities. . 

Jo. Create in me a clean heart, Q God 3 andrenew^ 
a right jpirit within me. • 

1 1 . (fa ft me not aftv*} from thy f re fence ; and take* 
not tby holy Spirit from me* 

12. Reft ore tint me the jo} of thj falvAtion^ and 
uphold me with thy free (ptrit. 

13. Thtnmtt I teach tr anfgre {fours thy w/tjes, and 
ftnners fhall be converted unto thee. 

He prayeth for remiflfion of (in the third time, vcr. 9.. And 
joyneth therewith a petition for rectifying his fad condition; firfl: 
by renovation of that grncc which was decayed, and as it were 
loft in his fenfe vcr. • o Secondly ; by preventing his deferved and 
feared leparation from God, & from communion with his Spirit, 
V&h u. Thirdly, by repairing and reftoring of his fome- time 
gracious condition, and fctling him therein by the Spirit oi^L' 
dOption, vcr. u. And then he promifeth to makegoodjW 
thereof for the comfort and edification of other finners, v^pj. 
Wlwtcc leant , 1. Sinisfoone committed, and guilrinefie and 
mileryfoone drawn on, but not foone and eafily removed; many 
a cry to God may be uttered in the fenfe of felt difpleafure of" 
Gotland fear of more and more evill following on it, before 
the foul finde frcedome from it; as this frequently repeated peti- 
tion for pardon, and thefe expreffions here let down do make e- 
videntv ;z m EarneftnciTe of affection maketh often repetition 
not to be babling , and when that which moft prciTcth us, is 
moft prefled, and in fi fled upon by us in our prayer, it is no 
vaine repetition g 1 * idle multiplication of words, as here is to 
befeene. j. Sin feen in its own (hape, is a loathfome Tight to, 
God, and horrible to the finners which loathfome fight nothing 
can remove, lave the Lords voluntary forgiving qT it, and his not 
fetring u before his own face, to bepurfuedinfevcre jtiftice, 
Hide thy face from my fins. 4. As one fin doth waken up the 
conference of many other fins, fo nothing can quiet the confer- 
ence about that one ' : n, except both it and all other fins be for- 
given , theeforc faith he , Blot out M mine iniquities. ' $. A 
tmcere penitent is no lcfFe de rous of renovation and fan&ifica- 
tjon thenheisofforgivenefleof iTns for with blot out all mine 


PSAL. LI. 9 

iniquities , he joy net h create in me a clunc heart , and renew a 
hit within rnc. 6. Albeit fin againit the confoence 
dim- eft] th it throughly, and defoccth the work 
ofcho holy Spirit, openerh the flood-gate of natural corruption, 
to the pollution of the whole frame of a holy heartj openech the 
way unto, and iVengrhcns the work of an cvill and deluding 
fpiiitjyet no principle of grace in the renewed man is able to 
remove this evill ; but the removing and 'remedying of it muft 
be by the immediate work of Gods own omnipotent hand. This 
work is nolefle then creation, therefore f :ith ht>Creatc in me a 
tkanc hearty and renew a right fpirit within me ; that is, it u not 
in my power to dear my confcicncc, and my polluted heart, or 
to fee my perverted fpirit in a right frame again, but thy creating 
and renewing power, which borrovverh nothing fpm the crea- 
ture, muifc do it: create iu witfimporrcth this. 7. Albeit a re- 
newed foul cannot be utterly call off from God, nor be bereft 
utterly of Caving grace once beftowed on him; yet U he grieve 
the Lords Spirit byprefumptuous finning, his aifurance of ftand- 
ing in God$ favour may be mightily branded, and he put in fear 
of lolmgthepofleflionof what is behinde of the laving work 
of *Gock Spirit in him, especially when he confidercth that hi? 
pro votibtion doth defervc no leife at Gods hands Therefore faith 
hcyCajl me not away from thy pre fence •, and ta\c not away thy ho- 
ly Spirit from me. 8. Nothing is fo terrible to a renewed foul 
which bath been fometime fenfible of Gods favour, arid lure of 
theprclenceof his Spirit, as to be (hut out from Gods favour, 
and fever'd from the communion of his Spirit, as .this prayer te- 
iiihz:h,CaftmenQtaway,&c. 9 As a bclecverm^ycome to 
ailurancc ot his own ialvation, and when he keepeth a good con- 
fidence, may fwecrly rejoyce therein 5 fo when lie feeth that 
the pleafurc of fin harh marred this joy unto him, he cannot relt 
nor be quiet till ho recover the aflu ranee he hid, and his wonted 
joy be joyned therewith, rcjloreunteme the joy of thy fal'j..tio/i^ 
10. The ^odly by their fall , mould learn fenfibiyto acknow- 
ledge ihcir.own weaknc(le, and their need ot the fuppouiaj 
iircngthof Gods Spirit, and to account the bqnds of Gods Sprv-j 
rit, kcepingihem in orders and in Gods obedience, to l>: their 
only freed o me. Therefore David aft er payer to have the joy 
of Gods falvation rcftorcd unto him, fearing left he mould lofe 
it again if he were left to himfcif, doth adde another prayer, Up- 
hold me with thy free Spirit. 11. As the end o;V^e.kin^ mer- 
cy to our fclves, fi)Quld bcths,tlu: we maybe enabled to be in- 


io PSAL. LI. 

ftruments of glorifying God, and faving of others: fo the falli- 
ble feeling of mercy which is fought after, doth greatly encou- 
rage a man to the work : Then will J teach tranfgrcjj'ours thy 
Wayes. T/;en, that is, when the joy of Gods falvation isreftored 
to mc, and I confirmed fomewhat in the grace of God. 1 2, As 
the way which God keepeth in manifefting his juftice againft 
tranfgreflburs, and his mercy to felf-condemned finners. flying to 
hirninChrift,isnotknown by nature to finners, (o long as 
they go on in their evil courfe,or before thry be effectually taught 
to know both; fo none is fo fit to teach and perfwade them of this 
myftery,as thef who by frequent experience are acquainted with 
the wayes of God: Then will I teach trail fgeffo+rs iky wayes* 
x $. The communicating the knowledge, and experience of Gods 
juftice and mercy, according to every mans place and calling, is 
a good means 0: converting of others who know n) fuch thing: 
J will teach others thy wayes , ajid finners Jball be converted 
unto thee. 

Ver. 14. Deliver me from Wood-guUtinefie^ God^ 
thou God of my falvation : and mj tongue fhaUJing <a- 
loud of thy righteoufneffe. 

He prayeth the fourth time for remiflion of fin, and namely 
of that fearful and bloody tranfgreflion in the matter of Urab y 
which now did moft trouble his confeience Whence learn, 1 . As 
the confcicncedcKhpafle upon particulars inthe midft of con-«- 
fufed challenges for multitudes of fins: fo doth it preffc fome 
particulars more eagerly tL.n other fome, according as it is fet 
on work : as here the guiltincfiein the matter of '"Batbjbeba and 
Uriah preffethD avid '.deliver mcfiOta blood-guilt ineffe . 1. Though 
finfeeme plcafant at the beginning, yet at length it is found a 
devouring enemy, from which none can deliver a foul fave Gcd 
atone: 'Deliver mc from blood-guiltine(fc y God. $ Upon the 
general grounds of the Covenant of Grace made with us for 
falvation through Chrilt,muft a foul fetkto have particular mer- 
cies; Deliver me y tboit Cjod of my falvation 4 . The righreQuk 
neffe of God, which ftandeth in the remiiTion of fin, and impu- 
tation of (Thrifts obedience unto us, through faith according to 
Godspromifc, is the matter of our joy and long of praife to 
God : which fong, a foul being in thraldome by felt guihincfie 
can hardly lings but after the intimation of pardon will fing it 

chear fully* 

P SAL. LI. ii 

chcarfully: Deliver me from blood-guiltfncjfci then fhMmy tovgtut 
fing xloud of thy rigbtcoufncjfe. 

Ver. 15.O Lord open thou my lips, and mj month 

Jhallfbev forth thy praife. 

1 6. For thou de fire ft not facrifce % elfe would I give 
it ; thou delight eft not in burnt -offering, 

17. The facri fees of God arc a broken (pint: 4 
broken and contrite heart , O God, thoH Veitt not dfi- 

Hepurfueth this fourth petition for remiffionof fin, with* 
rcqueft for enlarging of his hearty and furnifliing him with mat- 
ter and ability for praifing of God , Wherein he fincerely re- 
nounced all confidence in external ceremonies of the Law, or 
in any thing elfe which he could performs fVhenceletrnj.Hovi- 
foever proud fpirjts think that they can do any thing they pleafe 
in Gods fervice,yet a humbled foul under exercife, knoweth that 
it is God that givcth both to will and to do of his good plea- 
sure ; fuch a man knoweth that the habit of grace is a gift, and 
the bringing forth of the habit to exercife, is another gift, he 
knoweth that when one hath gotten grace, to will to praife God; 
he mud have grace to put this will to a& eftc&ually : This the 
Pfalmi ft doth acknowledge and Jprayet h, opett thou my lips; *and 
my tongue fbillfeto forth thy praife. j.Whatfcever holy ordi- 
nances and outward fervices God doth prefcribe to his Church , 
they are not required for fatisfaction of his juftice, nor are they 
the maine thing he is plcafed with, but they are meancs oncly to 
lpad men to himfelf in Chrift, in whom onely juftice findeth 
fatisfaclion,and man findeth ftrength to go about the worihip, 
thatfo God himfelf may have all the praife of our fervices: 
Therefore 'DrJdgivtih it for a reafon of his former petition, 
for thou dcfireft n;t, (or thou haft not pleafure in) facrifec. 
4. That which God aimeth at, we fhould moft intend; and 
what he is well pleafcd with, we fhould moft endeavour ; Thou 
defireftnot facrifee, elfe would I give it. 5. The main intent 
ot the facri fices under the Law was,that a man in the fenfe o r his 
fin and deferved judgement, and in bility to fatisfic for his faults, 
fliould come and empty himfelf before God, and betake him 
to that oncly one 'propitiatory facrifice , reprcfented in thole ex- 
ternal lacrifices: The fzcrifcesef God arc 1 broken fpirit> that 

,12 PSAL. LI. 

is, the right wayof facrificing^is that a minsfpirit be emptied 
of its own felf- confidence when it comcth ro offer unto God 
the external facrifices , which othcrwayes God rega relet h not. 
6. The man who moil rcnounceth his own work$,worth, or .me- 
rits, and defpifeth all his own doings, as a broken earthen vtffdf*' 
is moft acceptable in his approaches to Gods free grace in the 
'Mz&'wouv: a broken and a contrite hart, God, thou wilt not 
defpife ; and that not for any worth in the matter of contrition, 
but becaufe by contrition is expelled all conceit of klf-worth, 
and fo the man is moft tit for receiving grace and Tee pardon 
from God. 

Ver. 1 8. 'Do good in thj good flcafun unto 
Sion^ build thon the Walls of Jerufalem. 

Xq.l'hen /halt thou be flea fed with the facri frees 
cfrighfeoufneffe, with burnt- offering, and whole burnt - 
offering : then /ball thej offer bullocks upon thine 

In the laft verfe David prayeth for the Lords people ; that 
what breach had been made in the walls of Gods protecti- 
on about them, by his (ins and theirs, might be repaired, and 
God more holily and heartily worshipped, both by himielf and 
by them in rime coming. Whence learn, i. As every true mem* 
ber of the Church iliould bear in heart the condition of fhe bo* 
dy» and put it up to God, whatfocver be the mans own private 
condition^ fo in Ipecial he that hath by his fins provoked God 
to withdraw his protection frcMii the incorporation wherein he 
is,fliouldrnoitearneft!y intet cede for the good of the body, as 
David doth here: do good in thy good pleasure unto SionfbuiU 
tboutbe walls of rfcrufilem. 2. The rich grace of God, his 
free love and unchangeable good will tc* his people is ,the caufe 
of all the welfare of the Church: do good in thy good plcafure 
unto S ion. 3. Whofoever have been moft i n ft ni mental in the 
building of Gods Church, nniil lome way be emptied of the 
glory of this work, that it may be all afcribed unto God alone, 
who is the oncjy builder of his own Church; as2Xtt'/i here em- 
ptieth himfclf ot this honour, & afcribeth it toGod/aying.Sfli/^ 
thou up the walk ofrfcrujalcm. 4. When God pcureth out up- 
pn hit, people his Spirit of grace and implication, and other 


PSAL. LII. 13 

proper cfR ft 5 of his good will to them, then, and not till tffen, 
rfrethcy fit to do him fervice acceptably : do good in thy good. 
pla\ure to Sion; then fait ihoubcplcafcd with the fieri fas ,(^c. 
5 No facrifice is acceptable to God, fave the facrificcs of righ- 
reoulneiTc; Now the facrificcs of righteoufneffe are firft, the 
propiti -tory facrifice of Chrift, whercunto every beleever muli 
have re fpeft, as offered in his Name when he cometh to Gods 
and next the facrificcs of thankfulnefTe and new obedience of- 
fered up by venue of Chrifts facrifice, to be accepted : The firil 
fort of facrifice was reprefentcd moft fpecially by burnt-offering, 
and whole burnt-offering 5 and the other fort by peace-offer- 
ings and other oblations: Then Jhalt thou be flcajed rvitb the 
Sacrifices of rigbtcoufncjfc, rvitb burnt-offering, and whole burnt- 
offering . then jhuli they offer bullet fci upon thine Altar. 


To the chief Jdufuian 3 MafcbiL A Pfalme of David : whcnDc.e* 
the Edomite came and told Saul and [aid unto bim> David is 
come to the bou[c of Abimclecb. 

THefcopeofthe Pfalmiftisj to mew that Docg his enemy 
had no reafon to glory in the favour oi the Court, purcha- 
fed by his falfeand ciuel cilumnicsagainft him and the Loids 
Priefts which he proveth by four reafons ; Firftj because Gods 
kindnefle could not be taken away by Doegs cruel calumnies. 
v.i. Secondly ,becau'~e God mould root oui'Doeg cut of the world 
for his wicked calumnies^cr. 2,3 } ; 4, 5 Thirdly, becaufe Doeg 
mould be made a laughing- ftock and matter of dcrifion to the 
godly, "jer. 6. 7. Fourthly, becaul'cma'igre his malice, David 
mould be blellcd as a believer in God, and- a true wormipper ot 
himyver. 8. Whereupon he condudeth with praifc to God, vcr. 9. 

From the Inscription, Learn, 1 . It is no new policy of wick- 
ed men, to leek to be great in Court, and in the favour of Prin- 
ces, by maligning the godly, and foftcring the difpleafure of 
Princes ag; inlt them, for D, eg of old did climbe in Court this 
way. 2. Such practices are meft fuit~b|eto falk brethren ; for 
ihisDccg is an Edomite of the pc'tenry ofE/iw. $. When the 
wicked come to be in power and credit with Kings, for their 


14 PSAL. LII. 

very enmity againft Gods people, it is a narrow trial , and a 
fore tentation to the godly, as here in Davids cafe with Doeg is 
to be fesn. 4. In this eafe there is nothing fo needful as to go 
to God for dire&ionand confolation 3 for fo David did, and 
came back with a Mafcbil, or Pfalme for inftru&ion to himfelf 
and others, f . It is no advantage to a claw back Calumniator j 
to pretend that he fold nothing but truth, and faid no more 
then what he faw : for it is true, that "David came to the houfe 
of Abimelecb, but the telling of this to Saul, imported much 
mifchief upon the matter, even all the evil which fell forth, and 
alt this is laid on Doeg, prefuppofing he had faid no more then 
is expreffed here, that is, that he told Saul, "David is come to the 
hoitfeof Abimelech. 

Ver. !• Why boaftcft thou thjfelfe in mifchief, O 
mighty man f the good'icffe of Qoi endtireth conti- 

David chargeth Doegmih the vanity of his gloriation, that 
he was n®w made fo mighty a man, for his ill fervice done a- 
gainft the Lords fervants, and refuteth his folly, becaule he 
would not take the kindne fle of God from the godly fo eafily 
as he might ileal their good eftimation from them among 
men. Whence learn, 1. Profperity and fucceile following upoit 
a wicked courfe, doth hide the fin and mifchief which is in it 
from the (inner, as we lee here, how the favour which foolifh 
Doeg found at Court for his calumniating David and the Lords 
Priefts, did puffe him up. 2. There is fmall reafon for a wick- 
ed man to glory in his wickednefle, whatfoever profit or prefer- 
ment it doth bring unto him, for after examination he will not 
be able to give a reafon of his vain boafting 5 Why boajieft ibou 
thy fclf of thy mifchief, thou mighty man? J. Albeit the 
wicked do think that God forgetteth his fimple and filly fer- 
Yants, yet it is not fo ; and albeit the Lord doth alter the excrcife 
©f the godly, and changeth their profperity into adverfity,yet he 
changethnot his afk&ion to them, this remaineth faft forever, 
whatfoever feem to the carnal fpe&ator,of the Lords dealing with 
his people $ The goodticffe of God enduretb continually. 1. So 
long as Gods unchangeable kindneile enduretb/ the wicked have 
nocaufetoinfukovcr the godly, nor have the godly caufeto 
faint or be difcouraged J- for this goodnefle of God Vavid doth 
oppofe, both to Doegs boafting, and to his own tentation $ The 
\indneffc of the Lord enduretb for c vcr. 


PSAL. LII. 15 

Ver. 2. Thy tongue devifeth mif chiefs : like a Jbarp 

rafour forking deceitfully. 

3 . Thou love ft evil more then good.and lying rather 
thentofpeakjighteoufneffe. Selah. 

4. Thou love ft all devouring wordifi thou deceitful 

The next Argument of refuting Vocgs folly, is, becaufe this 
cruel calumny mould bring Gods vengeance on 'Doeg, and root 
him out from all felicity* and here he firft fets down his ditty 
in thefe three yerfes, before he fets down his doom, ver. f. 
iVhence learn, 1. The tongue when ic is abufed, is a work! 
of wickedneile , fetting the world on fire, as it felf is fct on fire 
from hell by Sana: for whatfoever mifchief the devil can [ug- 
geft, or a wicked heart can devife, the tongue will ferve to vent 
it; therefore is the tongue charged with devifingof mifchief: 
Thy tongue devifeth mifchief. 1. The fmcoth convey of a wick- 
ed device doth not hide the mifchief of it from Gods fight, 
nor extenuate the mans fault, but rather doth help on the mif- 
chief more cunningly and powerfully : Ufa a Jbarp rafour word- 
ing deceit fully. 3. When a man fpeaketh no more of a tale of his 
neighbour, but what may ferve to the mans hurt and prejudice, 
andkeepethup the relation of that part of the tale which 
might clear the mans innoceney, or might give a right con- 
ftruftion of his doing, albeit that part of the tale told be true, 
if all the reft of the tale had been told with it, yet being told 
alone as if it were the full hiftoiy, it is evil, is is falfe lying. 
It is a munhering and devouring fpeech, and full of deceit £ 
and doth argue the Speaker fuch a one as Vocg was, in the par- 
ticular atleaft, 10 whom V avid faiths Thou loveH evil more 
then good, and lying rather then tofpea\ right eoujncjfi ; Thou to- 
veji all devouring words , O thou deceitful tongue. 4. The 
more wit, deliberation and affection is in a fin : the heavier is 
the guilt, and challenge for it more juft. Vocgs devifing mif* 
chief, Doegs chufing evil, and not good ; chufing lying, and nop 
rigbteoufnejfe ; loving tbcje evil and aU-devouringwords , ma- 
keen his ditty moil fearful. 

5* God Jha.ll likewife deftroy thee for ever, he 
JhaU t^kfi the away , andpluck^thee out of thy dwe I* 
ling plac*> And root thee out of tfo land of the living, 


16 PSAL. LI I. 

Now followeth his doomilVfiencc learn, i .As any wicked man 
is inftrutnental for bringing temporal deftruction on the godly, 
to is he initi umental in drawing everlafting^ deftru&ion upon 
himfelf from Gods hand, God fhall lHiert>ife dcflroy thee for 
ever. 2. He tha: feeketh to fettle himfelf, to inlarge himfelf, 
to root himfelf in the earth, and to prolong his ftanding in 
the World, by wrong means, and in fptcial, by hurting the god- 
ly, mi their good name and caufe. fhall finde the event quite 
contrary to his defire , defigneand expectation, asPocgdidj 
whofe doom was deftru&ion, for his evil offices done at Court 
aguinft David and the Lords Miniiters. God fhall ta^e tbee away 
andpluclz tbee out of thy dwelling place> an I root tbccoutoftbe 
land of tbc living. 

Ver. 6. The righteous a/fo fhall fee anh fcare, and 

fhall laugh at him. 

7. Lo y this is the man that made not God hii 
ftrength) but trufled in the abundance of his 
riches , and ftrengthened himfe'f in his wicked* 


The third Argument of refutation of Vocgs vain-boa fting* 
is, that his wifdome fhould be lcento be ridiculous folly > *rid 
his boafting to be the matter of his fiiame anddifgrace. Whence 
lcarn>iJT\\± notable enemies of Gods children and fervants may 
expert to be notably punifheiand that they who did fee their fin* 
fhall fee alio Gods vengeance on them : The righteous fhall fee it. 
2.. As the godly are the only wife obfervers of Gods work, and 
d fpcnfationof his mercy and juftice: foalfo are they the only 
perfons that do make fpi ritual advantage thereby: The rigbte- 
ow fhall jee itandfexr. $. As the good of godlinefleis \^txi 
and felt by the godly in their cwn experience of Gods blcfling 
upon themfelves, fo is it feen and obferved alfo in the contrary 
evils which btfal the ungodly \ Lo, ibi is the man that made not 
God bis ftrcngtb, (Lay they) but trufled in the abundance of 
biS rj\ bes 3 and ftrengthened himfelf in his tvicl{edne(fe. 

Ver. 8. But I am like a green Olive-tree in the 
houfe of God, I truft in the mercy of God for ever 
and ever, 

^ The fourth Argument for refutation oiDocgs foolifb boafling* 
is.becaufej, fairh Vavid,(hM RQm'iih in Gods favour, inde- 
ipireoiPflfg} IVhencc learn, 1. Whatfcever may befall th6 


PSAL. Ltl. i 7 

godly by the malice of their enemies, it (hall not hinder t/ieir 
felicity, when their enemies are running to their cwn defini- 
tion, it fhall be well with the godly, they may be perfwaded of 
it, for the Pfalmifls example doth encourage to it: But I ant 
lii{c a green Olive-tree. 1 As the Olive-tree* being planted in 
a fertile ground, drawcrh in moiftu, c> whereby it is neurifhed and 
growcth up: fo doth the belcever, being planted in the Church > 
draw fpirit and life trom God by the holy ordinances, whereby 
he growcth up: I am li^c a green Olive-tree in the houfc of God. 
3. The wifdom of the gedly, and the ground cf their true blef- 
fednefleisthis, they make fail work of their evcrlafting felicity 
by faith in God, and this maketh them like green Olives all the 
dayes of their life; for I truft in the mercy of God for ever and 
ever y is given here for a reafon of his happy growing in the 
hoafeof God. 

Ver. 9. / will prat ft thtc for ever^ becanfe thou 
haft dove it: 4nd 1 Will wait on thj Name* for it is 
good before thy Saints. 

He ciofeth the P A alm comfortably, witn rcfolution to praife 
Gcd, and to depend upon him. Whence learv, 1 . Victory c ver 
tentations obtainedi by faith, is very glorious* for faith doth 
make a man as fure of what is to come, as if it were pcrfeftecf, 
and filleth him with praife for the certain hope of the perform- 
ance of Promifes ; I will praife thee for ever (Tafth J) avid J be- K 
caufc thou haft done it. t. Faith being folidly fixed, bringeth 
forth hope and quiet expectation of what is promffed, 1 will 
wait on thy Name. $.AstheChriftian patience of one of the 
Saints, is a marter of good example, and great encouragement 
unto ail the reft that behold it: io the confideration of the good 
which may redound toothers, who witneflcs of onr pa- 
tient attending upon God, mould flu it e us up to this duty of 
patient hope in God, I wilt wait on tbee, for it is good bej ore 
thy Saimr. 

PS At. 



To the chief Mufidm upon M&aktb Mafcbil, A Pfalme 
of David. 

AS in the fourteenth Pfalrri, fo here Tuvid comforteth him- 
felf, and the reft of the godly in their fad fufterings which 
they felt from godlefle men lying inthemiferable condition of 
nature, vet. i, 2, 3: The grounds of comfort are three; the 
firft , becaufe God was engaged in the fufferings of his own, 
and would plead their controverfie againft the wicked, ver.$> 
The next, becaufe Gods judgements were to come on all the 
perfecutors of the godly, vr*%. and the third, becaufe there is 
hope of full falvation of the gedly in Chrift, ver. 6. Com- 
paring this Pfalme with 'Pjdme! 1 4. wherein, the enmity of 
the wicked againft the godly, and the comfort of the godly in 
that cafe, in this place are the fame which are fet down there) 
We learn. That as the godly may fall oftener then once, in one 
cafe, under one and the fame tentation, fome fort of hard exer- 
cife and grief : fo may they, and mould they make ufeof the 
fame comforts, and bring to memory the fame doctrines for 
that end, as the Church is taught to do , Pfdme 14. and here 
in this Pfalme. 

Verj. T^Hi? foole hath faid in his heart /There 
JL is no God; corrupt are t bey t and have 
done abominable iniquity ; there is none that doth 

Z God looked down from Heaven upon the children 
of men f to fee if there were any that did under ft and ^ 
that did feek God. 

3. Everyone of them is gone back^ they are altoge- 
ther become filthy ; there is none that doth good \ no 
not one m 

From the defcription of the miferable condition, wherein the 
world and eyery unrenewed man within the Church vifible do 


P5AL. LIU. i 9 

lie; Learn 3 i. All unrenewed perfons are fools before God, how 
wife ibever they may feem to men 2 All unrenewed men arc 
inwardly in their affections and rcfolutions Atheifts in eftect, 
and fuc has do not regard God in any things whatsoever they 
may feem to themfelves or others outwardly, They fay in their 
heart , There is no Cjod. 3, All unrenewed men arc altogether 
rotten in their principles and motives of their actions : They are 
corrupt. 4. The actions of the unrenewed will be found abo- 
mination before God, and will prove them to be corrupt: They 
have done abominable iniquity . 5. Among all unrenewed men, 
whether without or within the vifible Churchy not fomuch as 
one man ihall be found to hive done fo much as one good acti- 
on , which can ftand for good in Gods accompt : There is none 
that doth good. 6. The truth of this doctrine is put to trial 
and prcot by God himfclf, and fentence is pronounced of all 
mens natural a verfenefle from God, and impotericy to do good. 
God looked down from Heaven upon the children of men } to fee 
if there we e any that did good, and he found none. 7. As it is 
impoflible they can do any good, or be wife who feek not Godj 
fo the proof and tiialof this naughtinefle of all men, fo long 
as they lie in feature unrenewed, is found by their not undcrftand* 
ingi not leering of God ^ The Lord looked to fee if there were 
any that did underjiand y that did, fceliGod. 8. Everyman by 
nature is a Revolter from God, and from the {late wherein once 
God made man, 'Everyone of them isgon^bach^ 9. There is 
nothing clean or unpolluted in foul or body of the unrenewed 
man; but the longer he livcth in nature, the viler is he : They 
are altogcthct become filthy. 10. Seeing all men by nature are 
concluded under fin, wkhout exception, And there is none that 
doth good \ no not one ; It is no wonder, that the image of God 
appearing in his children, be ill entertained by natural men , 
and ih it Gods children expect no good fruits from fuch ill trees," 
as all men are by nature, tor this doctrine is delivered to quiet, 
the hearts of the godly, when they aremolcfted by the men of 
this world. 1 1 • It fhbuld yield corafoi t to the godly, to behold 
the mifcrable condition wherein all men are by nature, and 
themfclves called forth of this miferable eftatc, and converted}' 
for this doctrine offereth ground for the comparison and confo- 

Ver. 4. Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge ? 
Who eat up toy pcopkte they (rate bread j they have 
note died Upon God, C 2r - . The 

20 PSAL.LIII. . 

The full di:cct Argument for the comforting of the godly 
under their perfccution by the wicked amonp whom they live,is., 
■th.uGod anftdeieih their cale, and will plead their caufe. 
Whence kirn, i. The Lord obferveth every point of enmity 
which the world carrieth againfl his People; he taketh their 
cafe to heart, and will plead their caufe, and this is a foHd 
ground of comfort to his People in all their fufferings; Have 
the workers of iniquity no knowledge? that eat c up } &c. 
2. Grounds of drftlirences between the unrenewed, and the re- 
newed or reconciled, offered in this oppofuionof the one fort to 
the other-are thefe:Firft,:he unrenewed, all of them are called 
workers of iniquity; but they that arc reconciled, howfoever 
they are not free of fin, yet they are not counted by God to be 
workers of iniquity. Again, the Lord doth own the regenerate 
and call them his own People, but doth difclaim the other, as 
in efteft not his people, but his enemies* And laftly, the unre- 
generate do notcallujonCjod, town, in earneft, or in truth, 
but the regenerate by the oppolition made arc prefuppofed here 
to call on God, and to depend upon him in truth. j< Nothing 
doth more evidence the blindneflc and beaftly befotting of the 
confeience of linners, then the periecuting of the Saints ; it 
Will notfuffice the ungodly to live a sodlcflelife themfclves, 
except they maligne and moft unreafonably oppofe Piety in o- 
thers; Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge? that' they eat 
up my People^ as they eat bread. 4« To vex, bear down, and de* 
ftroy the godly, is as great a pleafure to the wicked, as to eat 
t heir meat $ They eate up my People as they eat bread. 

Ver. $. There Were they in great feare, where no 
feare Was ; fer Cod hath festered the bones of him 
that encamped againft thee : thou haft fHt them 
tofhame^ becaafe God hath defpfeh them* 

The next ground of comfort to the godly againft perfecution, 
fs, becaufe Gods judgements mall overtake the troublers of Gods 
People, when they do leail fearc it. Wl)encc learn , i. As per- 
fecution doth cauterifc the confeience, and maketh it fenfe- 
leife of fin; fa alfo doth it make the Perfecutors fearleficof 
judgement, when they do cat up the People of God as bread 
without feae; For there, faith he, no fearc was. 2. The more 
fecure a finner is, and in fpeeial a Perfccucor of Gods People, 



jhe more terrible (hall his wakening be, when Gods judgement 
cometh on him j There were tbey in great jcare where no f care 
was. 3. The enemies of Gods Church make it their ftudyanj 
main work, to overthrow thegodly, and to.compaflc them as 
it were by way of laying (lege about them, Miat they efcape not; 
Tbey encamp Again ft, thee, iaith the Pialmiit, fpeaking as it 
were to everyone of Gods People. 4. Wra h purfueth the 
Persecutor, both living and dead, and ccaicth not to follow him 
fo long as there is any thing of him capable of puniihment; 
for God not only rsifcth the (lege, and deftroycth the encmie 3 
and confumethhisflelTi, butaifohc hath fcattcred the bones 
tf him that cnampeth again ft thec. 5. When there is nothing 
left of the Persecutors fubftancc unpuniflicd in the world, the 
wrath of God purfueth his name and memorial and the wrong 
done to the innocent, is the Perfecutors greateft difgrace: Thou 
haft puttbemto flmmc* 6 As true honour, and the conferring 
of refpeft from men upon any, is the gift of God, who honour- 
eth them that honour him ; fo deferved iTiarr.c and difiJiacefor 
fin committed, when it is poured out, as the eflfcet of Gods j ti- 
ll ice maketh them who dilhonourhimto be lightly iflxeirtfd * 
Thou baft pit them to flume, becaufe Goi hath defpifed them. 

Ver. 6. O that the falvattonoj ffi&eii were come 
cut of Sior. ! Vrhev God bringeth back the captivity 
of bis people, Jacob /hail rejoyce , and Jjh'el [hall 
be glad. 

Thelaft ground of comfort to the perfecuted g-dJy, is tire 
hope of complcat falvation to the Church of God, and of every 
true member thereof inChrift. Whence leame, I, There is 
no folid confolation againft perfecuticn, or any ether grievance, 
lave in the falvnion which is to be I ad in CJrifl; Hcistbs 
Saviour and jalvation of Ifraci. 2. As Chrifts coming to ac- 
complish falvation by part and part, in his own order and time., 
is mofl certainly to be belecvcd and hoped for: fo is it moft eat- 
neflly to be wiihed, longed after, and prayed for; as the ex- 
ample of the Lords People here(longing for his coming to fiffe 
in his incarnation and manifeftatien of his grace 5 and then 
in the fpreading forth of his grace and falvation out of Sion to 
Gentiles andjewesj doth teach us 3 that the falvatjonof If- 
raci were come out o/Sion. 5. As the captivity of Gods People 
doth remain in any degree and meafurc, which may make 
Chrifts coming to b<; Co much the more dcfircable, and to be 

$ 3 the 

is PSAL. tlv. 

theobje&of wifhes, and matter of Prayer 5 fo fhall every fort 
and degree of captivity at laft be removed from Gods People, 
iill Redemption be compleatly fulfilled ; God (hall bring back 
the captivity of his People. 4. As of all People, whoever had 
the name of Gods People, the miferies and captivities of the IP? 
raelites. becaufe of their provocation againft God, have been 
themoftconfpicuousand fignal: So of all the People on the 
eartb> and of all the Nations which have been honoured with 
the title of CjodsTeoplc, the deliverance of Ifrael from cap- 
tivity fliall be moft eminently and confpicuoufly comfortable; 
for when God fhall bring bacfi the captivity of bis People, then 
jfacobJ2?4// rejoyce, <ztf<f Ifrael fall be glad* 


*fo the chief Mufician on Neginoth Mafckil. A Pfalme of Da- 
vid, when the Ziphims came and [aid to Saul, 'Dotbnot Da- 
vid hide himf elf with m ? 

DAvid being betrayed by the Ziphims^ Fir{l,dqth make his 
Prayer to Qod for delivery, ver, 1, 2. Secondly, he 
ftrengtheneth his faith by fome reafons, ver. 3 Thirdly, he is 
confident of his own delivery, and of Gods judgement on the 
Ziphims, whereunto he fubferibes, ver. 4, ?. And laft of al!j 
he promifeth praife to God for his own allured deliverance, 
ver. 6 3 7- 

From thelnfcriptionj learn, I. Particular ftraits and particu- 
lar deliveries rtiould be particularly remarked, as David here 
remembereth the danger he was in by the treachery of the Zi- 
phims. 2. Mighty men will finde readily more friends in an evil 
caufe, then the godly do fjnde in a good caufe: As Saul hath 
the Ziphims to ofter their fervice to his cruelty, when David was 
in ftraits. 3. The wicked are very hearty to do an ill turn, 
and' glad to finde occafion of it: Doth not Efevid^ (fay 
they) hide himfelfwith usl as if this had been good andblef- 
fed newes. 


PSAL. LIV, 23 

Vcr. I. QAve me,0 God, by thy Name, and 

& judge mt by thy ftrength. 
2. Heare my Prayer, Cjod, give tare to the 
words of my mouth. 

"From Davids Prayer; Learne, i. The godly can never be 
fo furprifed with trouble, but they fhould fiie to God forde* 
livery, as David doth here; and it is a rare vertue not to forget 
this relief in depth of diftreffe. i. When men beleeve that 
God isall-fufficientandanfwerable to what is fpoken of him, 
they hive great encouragement to go to him in difficulty. Save me 
by thy Name, faith David: Gods name gave him ground to 
Pray and hope for deliverance, g. Albeit no man fhould rafhly 
call God to give ,udgcment,y£t in a good caufe,igainft a ftrong 
Party^ an upright man may call for and expect affi fiance from 
Cod ; $ii'1gc me by thy jlrcngtb, faith he. 4. Tn fervent prayer, 
the very voice hath ufe,as with the fupplicant to expreffe his ear- 
ncftnelfe, and his faith in God, and to ftir him up, and hold 
him fixed to his fupplication $ fo with Godalfo hath ic ufe in 
regard it is an expreffe invocation of him, and a figne of depends 
ance upon him, and of expectation of a good anfwer from him ; 
Heare my Prayer, Cjoi, give eare unto the words of my 

Ver. 3. For fir angers are rifm up agamft 
me*, and opprejfours feek^after my foule^ they have 
notfet Cjod before them. Selah. 

The reafons fupporting his faith in his Prayer ,are taken from 
theunkindnefle,' unnaturalneffe and cruelty not only of his 
Countrey-men, but alio of his father in law, and of his old ac- 
quaintance, flippery Courtiers, who fometimc profefled friend- 
ship. Whence learn, 1. No ftrangers are more itrange then 
they who call: off the bands of civility and nature, wherein they 
were bound ; falfe Countrey-men, falfe brethren , falfe friends, 
falfe alliance, arethofe cf whom men may expect leaft in their 
need, forZ^j/^findethfuch men to be his g ; e ate ft enemies ; 
Strangers arc ri [en up again ft me, faith he. 2. When they who 
fhould protect a man, do him moil wrong, God will hear the 
plaints put up againft fuch men: opprejfours fccfi afler my foul or 
Jifc. 3. When the fear of God is laid alidc^ there is nothing to be 
C 4. expected 

24 PSAL. LIV. 

pqpe&ed of thegodLefie man but the worft of evills which he 
is able to do, there is no aw band to reftra : n him, for they bive 
-not fet God before them. 4. The lefTe hepe there be of mans 
mercy, the more hope is of Gods help $ the more unkinde and 
crimen be, who mould be friends, the more may the Lords 
kindnefle and comfort be expected for fupply of inlacks 3 as here 
t he drift ol7)avids argument holdeth forth, 

Ver* 4. r £ekold^God is mine helper : the Lor A is 
Vtitb them that uphold my foul. 

5. He Jbatt reward evil VMo mine enemies : cut 
ffrem off in thy truth. 

In the third place he is affurcd of help to himfelf , and to his 
friends, and of vengeance to his enemies. Whence learn , i • Few 
yem prayer hath readily a fwift anfwer, and fometimes wonder- 
fully tjvifg, even bef®re a man have ended ipeech, as here Pavid 
Ipth in experience, 2?e/;oM f&ftfc he J God is my helper^, The 
fight of faith is v,ery clear, and piercing through all clouds, when 
God holds, fprtji the light of his Spirit unto it, it can de- 
monstrate God prefect in an inftant, ready to help in greateft 
Straits: Behold, god is myhelpar. 5. There is more joy in 
<3ods felt prefencc, then grief, in felt trouble $ for, Behold, God 
is Thy helper, is more comfort then his friend $ unkindnefle , and 
grangers malice was grievous. 4. Such as do comfort and 
help a man in time of his tentation , are not onely helpers 
unto him in the matter of his temporal life, but alio inftruments 
to fave his foul, which by tentations is like to be drawn into fin, 
and fo to deftcuclion ; for David faith of fuch men, they uphold 
my foul. 5. Such as take part with the persecuted Saints, God 
\yill talce part with them: The Lord is with them that uphold my 
foul. 6. As God is a friend to the friends of his difireffed chil- 
dren, fo is he a foe to their foes, and their foes {hall (mart for 
their enmity in due time: He Jhall reward evil to my enemies 
7. The doome of the wicked enemies of Gods children, is let 
down in Gods word, his truth is the wicked mans terror , and 
the godly mans ftrength: Qui them off in thy mtf 6.8, Albeit we 
may not without clear warrant pray againft particular perfons, 
yet we may lubferibe to. Gods Word fet down in Scripture a- 
gainft his obftinate enemies, and our enemies for his. caufe: Cut 
tbemoffinthy in^th. " 

Ver. 6. / will freely ftcifice un(o thee^ I tyi8 
fraift thy N<\me (O LQJiD) for it is good. % 

PSAL. LV. 25 

y. For he hath delivered me ont of all trouble ; and 
mine eye hath feen his defire upon mine enemies. 

In the laft place Ije proinifeth praife to God for the 
Certainty he had of his deliverance, whereof he w;s no lefle 
aflurcd, then if he had feen it with his , eyes. Whence 
learn y i.PiOmi fed and hoped for deliverance is able to affect 
the heart, as a mercy prefent and already pa/l , as here it doth 
Vivid: I will facrtfice totbee> and praife tbce. 2. Readinefle 
of heart to glorifie God, and liberty of fpiric, with occafion 
granted to praife him for a benefit, is another new benefit fupcr- 
added,and greatly to be efteemed of,as 'David doth account of it: 
I will freely facrificc unto tbec and praife thy %ame,for it is good; 
that is, not only is thy name good, but to have a heart fincercly 
to ferve thee, and liberty to exprefl'e thy praife before others is 
good. j.Then is an actipn good, when it is done, becaufe it is a 
good aclion,ind is not gone about for by-ends ; I will praife bis 
namejorit Ugoodfahh he. 4. In one experience of bn£ delivery 
man m y have a forefight ofa ful del very out of every evil or trou- 
ble wherein he can fall, as here David fpeaketh of hopes for 
full delivery, be hath delivered me out of all troubles. 5. The 
fame light of Gods Wori 3 made lively by Gods Spirit, i$ 
able to mew a man, both the deft ruction of his wicked enemies , 
is own deliverance from them; and as a man may rejoyce 
in Gods mercy towards himfelf, fo alfo may he rejoyce in, 
Gods juftice againft his enemies, provided he be free of pri- 
vate revenge : mine eye bath fecne tby judgements upon mine 


To tl c chief Mufician on Ncginotb, MafchiL A 
Vhlme of David. 

THis Pfalme containcth this doctrine, That albeit Chtift 
and his followers may be in great {traits by the treachery of 
their pretended friends, yet through Gxls favour they (hall be 
delivered, as David felt in experience. The ufe of w'hkh Do- 
ctrine is fubjoyncd in the end of the PfahnCj which well agree- 
cth with the P/al mi fts condition in the time of Abf4ms and A- 
chitophcls con\pi\acic. 

The parts of the Pfalme wc m.iy make thefe three. In the 
tuft is let down his forrcwtul Uipp!ica:jon.toi/cr.i6.Inthe ncxi. 
his comforting of himfelf in the Lord hi. deliverer, to vcr ti« 


26 PSAL. LV. 

In the thirds the ufe of this experience, in the two Lift verfes, 

In his fupplkation he prayeth id the fir ft -place for a gracious 
hearing, becaufe of the calumnies and cruelty of his enemies, 
ver. i >i,$ . In the next place he fetteth down his pitiful condi- 
tion of minde , vcr 4, 5. making him to wifh to be farre from 
the company of thefe confpirators, which were combined againft 
hirr vcr. 6,7, 8. In the third place, he praycthto God to con-* 
found their counfels,becaufe the whole City was in an uproare 
againft him, fceking how to execute their mifchievous plot, ver, 
9, >o, 11. In the fourth place he condefcends upon a more par- 
ticular reafon of his prayer for confounding their counfels, be- 
caufe the plotter of the confpiracy had been moft intimate in 
his familiarity, and deep upon his counfel , ver. 12, 13, 14, 
Whereupon in the laft place by way of prayer he prophefieth of 
the curfe of God 1 come upon them, vcr % I $ . 

Inthefecond part of tne Pfalme he comfortcth hirnfelf in 
Godi Firft, by his refolution conihntly to depend upon God, 
and hopefully to pray, ver. 16, 7. Secondly, by his former ex- 
periences of deliverances granted to him before, vcr. 18. 
Thirdly, becaufe he was affured God ftiould take order with his 
enemies for their treacherous breach of Covenant, and plaifter- 
ing oi their malicious defignes with fair pretences, and deep 
difrimulation, vcr* 19, 20, 21. 

In the third part of the Pfalme are the ufes of this ex- 
perience, ver. 1 i^i 1, 

Ver, 1 ♦f^ Iveeare to my prayer | God y and hide not 
VJ thy felf from my [application. 

2. Attend unto me> and hear me : I mourne in my 
complaint , and make a noife. 

3. Becaufe of the voice of the enemies > becaufe of 
the opprejpon oft he wicked : for thej cafl iniquity upon 
me } and in wrath they hate me. 

From his addreflc unto God for relief in this, as in his other 
fad conditions; Learn, 1. Many grievances are the godly fubject 
unto, but in none of them all is there any eafe for them, till they 
go to God and lay oat their cafe before him: Give care to my 
prayer, God. 2. As it is eafe of heart to fupplicants to have 
anyfignc of the acceptance of their fupplication 5 So not to 


PSAL.LV. 2 7 

UmWccefle in prayer doth adde much weight to their trouble. 
bide not (faith he) tby felf from my fupplication. 3. When a 
fad heart is fixed on God, anal findeth what to fay to him, it may 
expect that its words /hall not be rrwfregarded of God, but 
punctually taken knowledge of: attend unto me, and bear me. 
4. Though a childe of God were never fo ftout-hearted mm* 
rally, yet when God exercifcth his fpiric with trouble, he mall 
be made to weep before God as a childe,and muft not be amamed 
to be thus humbled before him : I mouru in my compl.;iiu y f faith 
he) And make anoifc. $, A mourning fupplicant rtiall neither 
lole his prayers nor his teares, for I mournc> is brought for a rea- 
fon of his hope, that God mall mend and bear bim. 6. When 
the godly fall into perfecution and trouble from men, their lives, 
their eftate, and their good name, readily come altogether to be 
in danger at once J as it befell David 5 when the con fpi raters 
made headagainft him, they traduced his former governmenr, 
as if he had been a wicked man, and fought to bear him down, 
and to have his life; becaufe of the voice of the enemy , there is 
their railing, becaufe of the oppreffwn of the wicked, there is their 
violent robbing him of his eftate; tbey cafi iniquity upon me 3 
there are their Ilanderous traducings of him, and charging him 
with faults falfely 5 In math they hate me, there is their cruel! 

Ver. 4. My heart id fore pawed whhin me : and 
the terrours of heath are fallen upon me. 

5 . Fearfulneffe and trembling are come upon me, and 
honour hath overwhelmed me. 

In this pitiful condition of nninde; Learn, j. It is not a 
thing inconfiftent with godlineflfe to be much moved wi.h fear 
in time of danger 5 natural afte&iqns are not taken away in cpa "- 
veifion,butfandirledand moderated : My bean is (ore pained 
within me. 2. Natural wit, and courage are not fuificient to 
bear a man out in a great ftreffe, for they will fail him, and if a 
man have not ftronger fupporters then his natural parts , he is 
undone, for here tbeterrours of death are faUen upon me , aid 
honour bath overwhelmed me. J . The godly have an au vintage 
above all natural men:tor when natural itrength and courage doth 
fail them, they have nothing behinde, but the godly have faith 
in God, to cpen a fountain of frefh fupply of ui [dome, courage 
and ftrength to them, when parts natural do fail them; for Pi - 
vid being now emptied of natural furniture, hath wifdomc and 


j8 PSAL. LV. 

ftrength to go to God, and hope of heart to be helped by him. 

Ver. 6. And I faid, that I hadwings like a Dove* 
for then would I fist a\\ay, and he at reft. 

7. Lo y then would I wander fare off, and re- 
main fa the Vcilderneffe. Selah. 

8, 1 would haften my efcape from the windy forme 
and tempefl. 

Whcreashewiftied to have been out of the reach and foci- 
ctyof inch wicked enemies; Learn 1, When a manmayefcape 
a prefent hazard of life, with a good confcience,he may lawfully 
flie and efchew the danger, as Vivid here wifhed he could have 
efcaped; if I had wings, then would I flie away, z. A god* 
iy man may be in fuch peril as it fcems to him he cannot with- 
out a miracle be delivered, as David faw no waytoelcapc the 
confpiracie, fave fthis way; that I had the wings of a T*ovC',zn& 
yet God may fo difpofe, as he may be delivered in an ordinary 
way, as here T>avid was. %. It is better to be in the Wilder- 
ncfle in fome cafes, then to be in the company cf the wicked: Lo, 
J would wander farre off, and r ermine in the wildcrncjf'c. 4. The 
way to efchew the fury of a fudden inlurre&ion of a tumultuous 
multitude, is not to come forth and appeafc them with wotds, 
but to decline their prefent furie by going out of the way.if God 
offer occafion: I would haften my cf cape from the windy flormc* 
and tempeft. 

Ver. f. <De(?roy, O LORD, and divide their 
tongues : for I have feen violence and flrife in the city. 

10. Day and night they go about it upon the walls 
thereof :mifchiefalfo anciforrove are in the mid ft of it. 

1 1 . Wickednefft is in the midfl thereof, deceit and 
guile depart not from hcrjlreets. 

In the third place he prayeth to confound the counfcl of the 
enemies, becaufc they had put the whole City in a confufion? and 
let the citizens upon a courfe of cruelty and violence. Whence 
learn, 1. A vilible Church may at fome time be in fo finful a 
condition, as a godly man mall not know what to do, or to 
whom he may Inve iccouiic,or where to hide him S as here the 
condition of the holy City, the City of tfenifdem isdefcribecL 
x The prayers of the godly are movable to difappoint the 


PSAL. LV. 79 

plots of Cruel enemies, then all humane policy: T)cftroy,0 Lord y 
and divide their tongues. 3. The beleever fhould make ufc 
of fuch courfes as God hath taken before for difappointing 
wicked enterprises, for fupporting of his faith in his need, as 
here *David maketh ufc of Gods difTolving the conlpiracy of 
Coral), Dathan and Ahiram, and of the proud enterpiife of the 
wicked in building Babel ; 7)eflroy, Lord, and divide their 
tongues. 4. A man iliould be very fine, that fuch as he doth 
prayagainft, and complaineth of unto God, are in a wicked 
condition^ and upon a mifchievous courfes for David givcth for a 
reafonof his imprecation, that he had feen violcn c andftrifc 
inthecity. The Rulers of the city diligently watching for his 
lifctodomifchief; day and vigln going about the walls, mif- 
cbief fo row , rviJiedncjfc, deceit, guile in the mi dji of it, and 
openly avowed in the fircets. 

Ver, 12. For it W2S not an enemy that reproached 
me, then I could have borne it ; neither was it he that 
bated me thai did magnifie himlelf againft me, then 
I would have hid mj [elf from him. 

13. Hut it was tboti y a man, mine equal, mj 
guide, and mine acquaintance. 

1 4. We took^ftveet connfel together ,and Walked tint 
the houfe of God in company. 

In the fourth place he condefcendeth upon a more fpecial 
reafon of his imprecation, becaufe Mhitofbel and other like 
Traitors, (fir types oi^udM) had treacheroufly abufed their 
trail and familiarity which they had with him, whofe ingrati- 
tude g-ieved him more then the injuries of others 5 Whence 
learn, 1. It is not a itrange thing for the godly to finde fuch as 
1 fhould 6e their friends to become their grcatcft foes ,efpcci ally in 
I a good caufe 5 this doth Davids experience make cvidenr.i-Thc 
worft that a profelfcd enemy can do a'gainft the godly in a good 
caufe, is more tolerable then treachery againft us, or the forfa- 
king of us byaprofeffed friend; for that importcth a reproach 
in the Party forf.iken, as having an evil caufe, or being un- 
worthy 'to be afli (led ; It was not an enemy that reproached me , 
then I could have borne it. $. The injuries of a fufpeded e- 
neruy, are not fo unavoidable before" they be done, no; fo pier- 
cing when they are done, as the injuries of one whom a man 
fafpeftcth not, or as the injuries aouefo us by a profelfcd and 


3o PSAL. LV. 

trufted friend $ Neither was it be that hated me, then I could 
have hid my f elf from him. .4. The di [appointing of us by a 
friend in a good caufe, much more the open oppofition, and 
moft of all the treachery of a trufted friend againft us in a good 
caufe, doth carry with it a vilifying and defpiling of our per- 
fon and caufe ; and imponcth our ill deferving at their hand, 
our ill carriage in the caufe, and our deferving to be forfaken, 
and faith in effect, that the falfe friend or traitor hath reafon 
to be avenged on us , and to oppofe us in that caufe > and what 
can be heavier to a godly persecuted perfon ? for this is a very 
exalting of the Traitor againft us : Neither was it he that 
hated me that did magnife himfelf againft me. 5. Amongft 
many friendly neighbours, it hath been the cuftom of godly and 
wife men to chufcoutfome to be their moft intimate friends, 
whom they would ufe meft familiarly and freely, whofe coun- 
fel they would take, and moft readily follow j It was thou, O 
man, mine equal, my guide, and my acquaintance. 6. To finde 
a godly and wife man, with whom we may be free in all cafes of 
minde or confcicnce, wherein we may fall, to whom wc may 
ireely cpen our minde, and be ftrengthened by him in the 
fer vice of God, it is a notable refremment, and part of happi- 
neffe and contentment : We tooli facet counfel together, and 
walked unto the houfe of God in company. 7. A godly and 
wife man may be deceived in his choice by the clofe carriage 
of an hypocrite, who becaufe he hath no found principles of 
ftedfaftnefle in a good caufe, may both difappoint his friend, 
and deceive himfelf alfo , and fo do that which he did not at 
firft intend to do. This difappointment to the godly is a very 
heavy affliction : But it was thou , a man, mine equal, my 

Ver. 1 5. Let death feife ufon them, and let them go 
down qmckjnto hell \ for mckedneffe is in their dwel- 
lings, and among them. 

From his Prophetical imprecation againft his cnemies,fuch as 
Achitophel was to David, znAtfudat to Chrift, and fuch like, 
together with their followers and complices; Learn, 1. Swifc 
deftruftion is the reward of the enemies of Gods fervants, 
and fpecially of treacherous Apoftates from a good caufe, as A- 
chito^heVs and Judaass latter end gave example : Let death feife 
upon them', and let themgo down quicfi into bell. z. Such as give 
entertainment and lodging to wickedneffe, mall have hell for 

their % I 

PSAL.LV. $i 

their lodging, where wicked neffe lodgethj for here it is given 
•for a rcalon why the wicked mall go down to hell , Becanje 
widicdneffeisin their dwellings, and among them. 3. What 
the Lord hath revealed to be his righteous decree, the godly 
may warraruably fubferibe unto it > Let death feife on them, 

Vcr. 16. As forme, 1 will call upon (jod: and the 
Lordfia/l fave me. 

17. Evening and morning, and at noon will 1 pray 
and cry aloud> and he fhall he are my voice. 

Inthefecond parr of the Pfalme, he comforteth htmfelfin 
his refolution, conftantlyto depend on God, and his confi- 
dence tofinde accefle in worftiip. Whence learn, 1. The right 
life of Gods judgementson the wicked, for their wickeJnefle is 
to draw near to God, to worfhip him and depend upon him, as 
7) avid here refclved ; As forme, I will call upon God. 2. A 
man may be furc to be faved in drawing near to the Lord what- 
ioever mail befall the wicked, I mil call on God, and the Lord 
Jhallfave me. $. He who refolveth to live upon Gods good will 
and furniture, and hopeth to be faved at laft, muft reiblve alfo 
•to be conftant, fervent and importunate in his daily worihip and 
attendance on God y Evening and morning will £ pray and cry 
aloud. 4. As it is needful upon all occafions to watch unto 
Prayer, and to entertain a frame of Spirit fit for i implication ; 
fo is it fit for giving of our felves more fpecially and fully to this 
work, to have (albeit not fixed canonick houres,) yet fee times 
everyday, at or about which we may follow religious worfhip, 
fuchasarcflZ0r»/wg, evening and noon, or any other time molt 
fitting for the work ', all circumftances being compared, as here 
Vtvias refolution and example doth teach us. 

Ver. iS. He hath delivered my foule in peace 
from the battel that was againtt me: for then Vpcrc 
many with me. 

His next encouragement is taken from the experiences of for- 
mer deliveries given to him by God. Whence learn , l. Then 
1 <lo we make good ufe of experiences, when we ftir up our felves, 
thereby to belecvc the more for them in God, and to call on 
him in all conditions, as David here givech this, He bath dclu 
vered my foul, asareafonof his former refolution. z- In the 
midft ot war the Lord can keep a man as iafe as in the time of 


2i PSAL. LV. 

peace, and in extreme perils preferve him from danger > Ji e both 
deliver A my foul in peace from the battel that was again ft me.i He 
that depends upon God in the time of trouble., albeit he had an 
liofte againft him, yet hath he more with him when God is with 
him, then can be againft him : He bath delivered my foul, for 
there are many with me. 

Vcr. 19. God /ball he are and affli&tkcm* even he 
that abideth of old- Selah : becaufe tbey have no 
.changes-, therefore they feare not God* 

20. He hath put forth his hands againsl fttch as 
be at peace with him : he hath broken his Cove- 

21. The words of hit mouth were fmoother then 
buttery but war was in hii heart: his words were 

fofter then oile, yet were they drawn fftords. 

His third encouragement is taken from aiiurance, that God 
fliould punifh his enemies for their godlefle feCurity, breach of 
Covenant, and deep diflimulation* Whence learn, 1. Upon the 
complaint of thcoppreilea fervantsof God, not only are they 
delivered thcmfelves, but alfo theit enemies are punimed ; God 
fall bear and afflict them* 2. Gods eternity and immutability 
is a fufficient ground of the manifestation of his mercy to his 
own people, and juftice againft their enemies from generation 
to generation; godjhall bear me, and afflici them, even be thai 
abidctb of eld. Selah. 3. The more gently the Lotxudeales 
with the wicked in not exercifing them With fo many erodes^ 
outward and inwayd, as he doth his own 5 the more godlefs are 
they , the more fecure are they; and the more godlefs and fe- 
curethcy are, the more certain is their vexation coming. He 
willaftlift them fore, becaufe they have no changes ; tbercfere 
they fearc not God. This is one reafon of the Lords purfu- 
ing the wicked. 4. Whoever he be that maketh a breach in the 
peace between himfelf and others, mail have God for his Party; 
who mall not faile to afflift the Peace-breaker, he fhall afflict 
them, and namely the chief Ring leaders > Wbobave put forth, 
their bands againft. fucb as be at peace with them: and this is 
another reafon of the Lords punifhing of the enemies of his 
People. 5* The Lord will make a quarrel, and purfue for the; 
breach of Covenant in fpecial, becaufe this is a moft folemn 
confirmation of peace> and wherein God hath ipecially intereft 


PSAL. LV. is 

to fee h performed, or the breach of it punifhed • He bfcb 
broken his Covenant ,• and this is the third rcafon of Gods pu- 
nifhing f/Jfe brethren , pretended friends to Gods people, but 
in effect moil pernicious foes. 6. The bofome-enemiesof the 
Churchy and undermineis of the Lords people, and of his work 
in their hands, do make faireil pretences j when their vileft 
plots arc in hand, then they are at Haile Mafter, and at offer- 
ing of kifllsj when they are about to betray i The words of bis 
mouth were jmootber then butter, butwarrewas in bis heart: 
bis words were foftcr then oilc> yet were ibey drawn (words • 
and this vile diflimulation is the fourth reafonof the Lords a- 
venging the perfecution of falie brethren. 

Ver. 22. Cafi thy burden upon the Lord> and he 
/ball fuftain thee : he (hall never ju^tr the righteous to 
be moved. y 

23. But thou y O God, /halt bring them doftn into the 
pit of deftruftion • bloody and deceitful men Jhatl 
not live out half their dajes ; but I will trusl in 

The ufe of this experience he fetteth forthj firft, by giving 
counfel totheopprelled, to caft their burden upon the Lord; 
when they are over- burdened, and by making promifes for en- 
couraging them thereto. Secondly, by giving afTuiarice of the 
perditionof the treacherous enemies of the Church. Thirdly, 
byfettingforthhisownrefolutionto keep confidence in God; 
Whence learn, 1. The ule of the expedience which godly per- 
sons have had, of comfow in, and adiverie out of trouble, is 
the encouragement of us to take the fame courfe , which the 
godly followed before us in feeking our relief in God only! 
{Jajl tbjf burden on the Lord, 1 . Whofcever do roll over them- 
j.elvcs upon God in their weighty troubles^ fhall never fink un- 
der ihem i Caftthy burden on the Lor J, and be fall fit ft ain thee. 
|. Though the godly be troubled and tolled, yet bjcaufe they 
:ontinue to feek God, and to walk in the way of righteoufneffe, 
hey fhall never be driven from their anchor-hold, the v ihall riot 
jeloofedatthe root, their building (hall be found ftillin its; 
mn place, upon the rock s Hcjball never fuffcr the righteous to 
x moved, 4. As on the one hand the Lord mall hold up the be- 
.iever, how-low foever he (hall be brought jthat he perifh not i fo ; 
'•hall the Lord ftill bringdown the wicked to pei'dition, hoW 

B highi 

34 PSAL. LVI. 

high foever, how fixed foever his ftate appear, beleeve this who 
vvitl : God will not (uffcr the righteous to be moved, but thou, 
Godyfiait bring them dovoninxo tbepit of definition. 5, Trea- 
cherous and and ad ver fades of the Lords people ftull be cut 
oft, before t hey accomplifli their bloody plot s, they (hall never 
die-full of dayes, but wrath fhali take them away, when they 
would leaft 5 BlooJy and deteitful men Jball not live half their 
dayes. 6. Whether fuch as do trouble the godly live longer or 
fliorter, they will breed exercife to the godly, fo long as they 
live ; and the only reft that godly hearts can have againft all 
the trouble they feel or fear from their enemies,or other waves, is 
toftaythemfelves on the Lord > for fo refolveth the Pfalmift } 
Tint I will trufi in thee, faith he, and fo dofeth. 


^o the chief MuJIc'an upon fonath Elem, Rccbo^im, ZMichtm 
of David, when the Ibili {lines toofihim in Gath. 

DAvid flymg from Saul to the countrey of the Philiftines ; 
fas we read, 1 &z#z. 21. 13.) is apprehended, heprayeth 
to God, and is delivered. There are two parts of the Pfalme; 
In the former part there are three conflicts of Davids faith with 
his trouble and tentation , and three victories. The firft con« 
flic! is in prayer, laying forth his enemies carriage againft him^ 
vcr.1,1. And his full victory by faith, ver. 3,4. The fe- 
cond conflict is in his complaint he maketh againft his enemies, 
ver. <$,6. And hisfecond victory byfaith^ ver . 7. His third 
conflict is by laying forth his mournful condition before God, 
with hope to be regarded, ver. 8. And his third and greateft 
victory by faith, ver. 9, 10, 1 1 . In the latter part of the Pfalm 
is Davids obligation, thankfully to acknowledge his merciful 
delivery, with a petition for grace to perfevere in the Courfe of 
obedience, under Gods protection, ver. 1 2, ij. 

Prom the Inscriptions Learn, i-Wheti once Gods children 
are entered on their trials, they meet with new and unexpected 
difficulties, asD«nwiheie flying from one enemy, falls in the 
hands of another enemy. 2. Thefe means of fafety which 
Gods children do devife themfelves, readily prove fnaresj David 
flying out of the holy land, doth fall in the hands of his adver - 
larks ; The Ubilifiines tafa him in Garb. Ver. 


Vcr. I. TD E merciful unto me > O God, for man 
fu) would j wallow me up> he fighting dai- 
ly oppreffeth me. 

2. Mine enemies would daily f^aUow me up; 
for they be many that fight againfi me , O thou 
mofl High. 

His firft wraftling in prayer is with the check of his confer- 
ence, whether tor his daily fins, or in particular for calling him- 
felt in fo apparent danger, as to have ventured without probable 
fecurity had, to feck fhelter among the enemies of the people of 
God, whofe blood he himfelf had flied abundantly 5 for this 
ra/hncflc or other /ins he beggcth mercy, and layeth out before 
God, the picflingtentationtrom.S\J«/ and his C6\intrey-mens 
cruelty, which di ave him to this poor /hift. Whence learn, 
1. There is no fence for challenges of confeience for by-gone 
fins meeting with trouble drawn on by our folly, but flying to 
the mercy and rich grace and pity 01 God, as 'David doth 
here: Be merciful to mc 3 God. 2. When all men and means 
do fail us, and we fee none but wolves and lions ready to chveur 
us, there is hope of help in Gods mercy > 2c merciful to me, O 
God, for man would fi» allow ?, c up- 3 . Continued tentations 
and renewed dangers, do over-fee theftrength of a fi ail man, 
till he go to God to have relief from the tentation, or new 
ftrength 5 He fighting daily oppreffeth me. 4. Whatfoever in- 
conveniences the godly do fall into by flying from perfecution* 
they are all charged juftly upon the Perfecutor, and the chief 
Authors of their trouble : He fighting daily oppreffeth me 5 faith 
'David of Saul, who drave him to thefe ftraits. ?. Bloody 
pcrfecutors follow hard after the chafe of Gods iervants, with- 
out intermiffion, as dogs or lions do their prey, with as great 
defirc to have their blood, as hungry beafts have after their 
foods Mine enemies would daily fw allow me up. 6. One ring- 
leader in the perfection of thegodly^ willfindea multitude to 
runwithhim; ZMany arc they that fight again ft me. 7. There 
is one above all, who can and will take order with a'l the ene- 
mies of his people, who only can eafe their hearts, when they do 
complain of their foes : Many arc they that fight againfi me % d 
tbon moft High* 

ly x Ver. 

3 6 PSAL. LVI. 

Ver. 3. What time I am afraid, I will truft 
in thee. 

4, In Cod I will praife hhVpord, in Qod I have 
put my truft y 1 m>l not feare w hat ftefb can do unto 

Here faith gets the victory, by fet ting Gods Word agafnfi 
all difficulties, within or without him, whereupon he defieth 
what man can do unto him. Whence learn, 1 . Albeit the godly 
be not fo ftout in their trials, as not to feel their own infirmity, 
or not to be afraid, yet they are kept from fainting in their 
fear, by faith in God 5 What time I am afraid, I will truft ht 
thee. %. Albeit faith doth not alwnyes put forth it felf, yet 
when feare doth affault moft, then faith in God doth moft evi- 
dently m3nifeft its force; for then efpecially by directing of the 
mans eye towards God,it fetleth a troubled minde, ftrengtheneth 
weak courage,and relieveth the oppreffed hzwvJVhat time I am a~ 
fraidj will truft in the:. 3 .The experience of the fweet fruit of 
faith endeareth theLord to a foul, and ftrengtheneth a man to the 
employing of faith,come what can come, as Davids affectionate 
refolution here teacheth us : What time I am afraid, I will truft 
in thee. 4. Faith groweth valiant in fight; albeit it begin like a 
coward, and ftagger in the firft conflid, yet it groweth ftout : 
incontinent, and pulls its adverfaries under foot; In God 1 
have put my truft, I will not fear what flejhc m do unto me, 
5. When faith prevaileth, fear ceafeth, and all oppofition of ene- 
mies is-defpifedjf will not fear what flcjh can do unto me. 6.The 
beft hold that faith can have of God, is to take him by his 
Word, however his difpenfation feem to be, this will give fatisfa- 
ction at length j for. In Cjod I willfraifc his Word 3 \s as much 
asjalbeit he withhold comfort and deliverance from me, that 
I cannot finde what I would, yet let me have his Word 3 and 
I will give him the glory of all his attributes. 

Ver. 5. Everyday they vpre ft my VPords : all their 
thoughts are againfi me for evil. 

6, They gather themfelves together : they hide them* 
f elves, they mark^ my fieps when they watte for my 


PSAL. LVI. 37 

His fecond conflict is with the maKce of his crafty and cruel 
enemies; of whom he complaincth that they mifconftrued his 
actions, words"and deeds, as fmclling only of treafon and re- 
bellion, whether he ihyed in the countrey , or fled out of it, 
and whatfoever expreffions fell from him at any time for his 
own clearing, all was svrefted to another meaning. 2. They 
devifed each of them how to bring mifchicf upon him. $. What 
they could not make out feverally , they fought to ripen by con- 
futing one with another. 4. They covered all their plots with 

' faire pretences, and diflembled their intentions. 5. Theyob- 
ferved narrowly every one of his fteps, to make out fomething 

I againft him by their obfervations, for which it might feem ju- 
ftice to kill him. 6. They thought to double out their courfe, 
by more and more iniquity againft him, for which he prayeth 
the Lord to execute juftice againft them. Whence learn, i.Let 

I the godly fay or do whatfoever they can, how juftly, how inno- 
cently foever they carry themfelves, yet their adversaries will put 
another face upon their words and deeds, then what is rights 
Every day they wreft my words. 1. The Perfecutors of Gods 
people do fpend their wits in deviling fome harme or other a- 
gainftthem, dU their thoughts are againft me for evil. 5. What 
the wicked cannot make out againft the godly by themfelves fe- 
verally, they labour to make out by mutual counfel and concur- 
rence } They gather themfelves together. 4. Tliotigh the wicked 
reveal themfelves one to another in their plots and defignes a- 
gainft the godly, yet before others they ufe to put a veil e over 
their malice, and fome faire pretence what they minde todo> 
They hide themfelves. ?. The wicked take occafion of forging 
their Pre:ences from obfervation of fome paffage of the carriage 
oTthe godly, that they may make them odious, and cut them oft 
They mar \my fteps , they wait for my foul. 

Ver. 7. Shall they e/cape by iniquity ? in thine 
anger caft down the people , O Cjod ? 

The fecond victory of faith, is in his forefight of the pu- 
nimment of his enemies approaching, how foever they feared 
no fuch thing. Whence learn, 1. Sinners fee no way to hide 
the mifchicf of their actions, fave by doing more mifchicf, and 
in fyecial by colouring their injuries with calumnies againft the 
^r Ions whom they injure, and by pretending law for what they 
• D 3 doi 


do 5 They think to cjcape by iniquity, z. Howfoever the wicked 
may by their falfe pretences deceive their own eyes,& others like 
themfelves, and fo efcape mans punimmcnt, yet mall they not 
efchew the vengeance of God, but rather be fo much the more 
liable unto it, as they do multiply iniquity, to hide iniquity $ 
Shall they efcape by their iniquity 2 caft them down. 3 . Neither 
high place, nor multitude of people following wicked men in 
an evil courfe againft Gods fervants, mail fave them from the 
wrath of God.* In thine anger caft duwn the people , 

Vcr f 8. Thou telle ft my wanderings > put thou mj 
testes into thy bottle ; are they not in thy bookj 

The third Conflict, wherein he layeth out his mournful con- 
dition before God, with hope to find pity. IVhenct learn, 1 . When 
faith hath gotten victory,it will finde new aflaults: though faith 
pyercom a tentation, the Tempter will make head again* though 
faith overcame one tentation,another wil enter the lifts,& fet on, 
as conflict after conflict here maketh evident, z. Many a tear may 
the godly fhed before their trial be ended, when once it is begun, 
and many uncouth pathes may they tread, who are forced to 
iflie the cruelty of Perfecutors, before they finde reft ; multitude 
of wanderings had David, and large meafure of tcares fhed he, 
before he was delivered. 3. The looking back upon many and 
long continued troubles, being laid together in a heap, or put 
in order one after another, do mufter terribly, and make a greac 
afTault againft a mans faith and patience, as here the multitude 
of 7)avids wanderings andteares did mew themfelves together 
before him/ 4. God hath fo great companion on his fervants in 
trouble, that he doth reckon even the fteps of their wandering 
and pilgrimage, and doth number all their teares, and keep the 
count thereof, as it were in a regifter; and therefore every trou- 
bled fervant of God, when they look upon their fufferings, 
(hould look upon God alio, taking as particular notice of their 
troubles, as they themfelves can do : Thou tcllcft my wanderings^ 
put thou my teares into thy bottle , are. they not in thy book l 

Vcr, 9. whwlcry unto thee, then [hall mine e~ 
nemies turn back*' this I l>non> 9 for God is for 
me. lodn 


10. In God mil I praifehis word : in the Lord Kill 
' I praifehis word. 

ii . In God have I put my trufi: I will not be a- 
[raid what man can do unto me. 

The third and compleat victory of faith. Now he is confix 
J dent to rout all his enemies by prayer, and to defie all mortals 
I by faith in Gods Word. JVljence learn, i. Laying forth our 
cares and fears before God in prayer, is a way to get a fatisfa- 
ctory delivery by faith, before the bodily delivery do come ; 
When I cry unto thee , then fall mine enemies turn back- t. Faith 
goethuponfolid grounds, and is not a fallible conjecture : buc 
a fure knowledge y This I fyiow, faith he. 3 A reconciled man 
praying to God in a good caufe, for victory over his Perfecu:ors , 
may beaflured that God will own his quarrel, and give him. 
the victory; This I finow^bccaufc God is forme. 4. The ipe- 
cial attribute of God, wherewith faith doth meet 3 and whereby 
it attatneth unto reft and contentment in God, is his truth and 
fidelity in his promifes : In God I willpraife bis Word \ albeit 
there be no appearance of performance^ Gods Word is lure e- 
nough to fix upon. 5. The grounds of faith are the more 
fweet and fatisfactory, the more they be examined and looked 
upon, and compared with their effects} for David is not con- 
tent once to fay, In Cjod I willpraife bis Word > but with com~ 
fort and confidence reneweth the commendation of Gods 
Word, and the benefit he hath by it 5 I will not be afraid what 
man can do unto me. 6. As it is neceflary for our juftitication 
to beleeve in God ; fo is it neceflary for our confolation to ob^- 
fcrve that we have beleevedjfor then may we promife to our felvs 
all the bleffednefle which belongs to the beleever : In god I 
have put my trufi, I will not be afraid ; for when we thus refo- 
lutely do fet to our feal to Gods truth, beleeving, and affcrtiflg 
our bcleeving : then he fetteth hislealc to our faith, in comfort- 
ing and relieving us. 

Ver. F2 # Thy vowes are upon me, OGod; 1 will 

render praife unto thee. 

13. For thou hafl delivered my foul from death : 
Vvilt not thou deliver my fet from falling ? that I may 
walk^ before God in the tight of the living. 

D 4 In 

40 PbAL. LV1. 

In the latter part of the Pfalme, having now obtained deli- 
yery in his fpirit by faith, he obliges himfelf to thankfulnefle, 
wifhing to be preferved and enabled of God for that end . 
Whence team, i. As God puts the duty of glorifying him upon 
the fupplicant, when he promifeth delivery to him: fo may the 
fupplicant put the obligation of glorifying G©d upon himfelf, 
when he is praying for delivery out of his trouble, as David gi- 
veth us to underftand he did, while he faith, Thy vow es 
are upon me. 2 t An honeft heart is no leffe defirous to per- 
form the duty of praife to God after delivery, then he was 
ready to make his vow and promife before his delivery > 
yea the conference of the twofold obligation, is a burden up- 
on his fpirit, till he go about the payment of his twice due 
debt; Thyvowes are upon me, God, 1 will render praifes 
to thee, 3 . As deep gangers do ferve to difcover our weaknefle , 
and our need of Gods help; fo a well-fecn danger maketh clear 
the greatnefle of the delivery $ and the greatneffe of the delivery 
deciphers the wifdom, power and goodneffe of God to us, and 
of our obligation unto him ; 1 will render praifes unto thee, for 
thou baft delivered my foul from death. 4. The right ufe of 
by-paft dangers and deliveries, is to prepare for new dangers 
and difficulties, (for when one danger is paft, all perils are net 
paft,) and to renounce our own wifdom and ftrcngth as ineffi- 
cient to preferve us from mine either of foul or body, and to 
give up our felves to Gods guiding and prefervation , and to 
depend upon God, and ftedfaftly to hope to be directed and 
preferved by him, all this is imported in ZXfuiix words ; Thou 
baft delivered my foul from death, wilt thou not pre ferve my feet 
from falling? 5. The end of our defiresto have deliveries and be- 
nefits from Gbd,fhould be, that we may fpend our life, and the 
gifts beftowed upon us fincerely in the fervice of God, for the e- 
dification'of his people; Wilt thou not prcferve my feet from, 
falling} that I may walk before God in the light of the li- 




To the chief Mufici m M-ttfchitbJdhhtm ofVavid,n>b:n bzflcl 
fron Saul in the cave* 

THis Pfalme of Z2*vii, as many other his Palmes, doth rc- 
prefent the condition of hisipirit, both in the time of his 
trouble, and after the delivery: what was hisexercife in the 
Cave, and what was his condition after he was delivered out of 
that danger, whereot we read, 1 Sam. 24. There are two 
parts of the Pfalme, the firft containeth his prayer for deliver- 
ance, which is prefled by fix arguments, all ferving to ftrength- 
en his faith \ the firft, becaufe hetrufted in God, ver. -1. The 
fecond, becaufe he refolved to infift in prayer till he were heard, 
ver. 2. The third, becaufe he hoped certainly to finde notable 
delivery from this extraordinary danger, vcr.$. The fourth, 
becaufe his enemies were beaftly cruel, ver. 4. The fifth, be- 
caufe this mercy might contribute much to the glorifying of 
God>ver. 5. Thefixth is, from the low condition whereanto 
his fpirit is brought, by their crafty and cruel purfuit of him, 
ver. 6. In the reft of the Pfalme is his thankfgiving, confifting 
of five parts ; The firft is the acknowlegement of the mercy and 
del i very granted, zer* 6. The next is his fixed resolution to 
praife God for it, ver. 7- The th'rd is the upftirring of tongue 
and hand, and the whole man to praife God, vcr.S. The fouth 
is a promife to tranfmit the knowledge of Gads mercy unto o- 
ther Nations, i;e/\ 9* The fifth is the acknowledgement of the 
glory of this mercy, with a wifh that it might be more and more 
ieen and acknowledged by giving new experience of it, ver. 
10, if. 

From the Infcription, Learn % The godly may be i nvolvcd in 
a deadly danger (as Pavid was when he fled horn Sard in ttu 
Cave; and yet notperifh. Now he was nsa man ready to be 
buried quick j for the Cave was as a grave, and the army of 
Saul at the mouth of the Cave, was as the gt*2ve-ftonc; let 
then the army of Saul know only that he is thee, and keep him 
in,ind he is gone ; yet God blinded them,brought David out,an<J 
Jo delivered him. 


42 P-SAL. LVIi; 

Ver. I. \y E merciful unto me, Cjod y be mer- 
iLJ-ciful unto me^ for my foul trufteth in 
thee : jea % in the Jhadow o^ thy wings trill I make my 
refuge, untill thefe calamities be overpafi. 

"From his prayer for deliverance, and fir ft argument taken 
from his turning in God, Learn, i . The onely refuge of a 
man in trouble, is the mercy of the Lord ; be it fin, be it mifery, 
be it peril or preffing evil > in mercy onely is the relief of one 
and all fad conditions : and in this cafe muft a foul double its 
petition in the Lords bofome ; Be mcrctful to me> God , be 
merciful tome. z. As it is not trouble fimply which maketh 
prayer to be fervent, but folid faith preffed with trouble, which 
cloubleth petitions unto God : fo where faith in trouble, flieth 
unto God, it cannot but fpeed $ Be merciful, O God, fori 
truftintbee. The force of the reafon is, the Lord cannot for- 
fake the foul which hath committed it felf to him. $ . The Lord 
offereth relief and protection in Chrift to miferable finners, in 
as warme a manner as the fimilitudc of a hen gathering her 
chickens, or the type of the ftretching of the wings of the Che- 
rubims about the Mercy-feat could cxpreffe > and faith doth 
creep no leffe warmly in unto this offer in time of ftraits, then 
this (imilitude doth import; yea, in the Jlw.low of thy wings 
will I make my refuge. 4. The ufe of Gods protection and 
warme love, is beft known in time of trouble, and faith alfo is 
beft fet on work, to make ufe of Gods love and protection in 
time ot troubles : In the foxdow of thy wings will I mah t c my 
refuge, untill theft calamities be overpafi . 

ver. 2. / will cry unto God mofi High : unto Qod 
that performeth all things for me. 

From the fecond argument which he ufeth for ftrengthening 
his faith; Learn, 1. Faith in God and invocation of his name, 
are graces infeparable, and resolution to petfevere in beleeving is 
unfeparablefiomrefolution to perfevere in praying unto God : 
and he that findeth in his heart fuch refolutiohs , may alfo be 
confident to fpeed in his requefls made to God : for the 
Pialmiflo as he did refolve to beleeve in the former verfe ; fo here 
he addcth, I wiU cry unto God : and hereby expe&eth tint God 
(hall be merciful unto him. 2. It is needfull for the fup- 
plicant in his ftraits, to keep in his fight the Lords Supremacy 



ani Onnipotency , for incouiaging himfelf in hope to 
fpeed ilmllcry to Godmoft Hig/;,fairh he. 3. The coniidcra- 
tionofthe Lords conftant going on in the perfe&ing of the 
work of grace, which once he beginneth gracioufly in us or for 
us 3 doth ferve much to ft lengthen our faith in prayer: I will cry 
to God whoperformetb all things for me. 

Ver. 3. He flail jend from heaven, and [ave me 
from the re} roach of him that "toould frva/low me 
up. Selah. God/hall fend forth his mercy and his 

From the third argument and prop of his prayer, taken 
from his hope to be helped* Lcwa, *f. Albeit faith pe no help 
on earth 3 yet it looketh for help in heayen; and if ordinary 
means do fail, itaflureth itfelf of Gods working wonders, for 
perfecting of his promifes 5 He Jhall [aid from heaven, andfave 
me. z. The godly mans making God his refugees a matter of 
mccking to the wicked ; which mocking God will certa nly re- 
fute, by making the godly finde the fruit of their flying to him 5 
be will five me from the reproach of him that would [wallow me 
up* 3. The mercy and truth of God, whereupon faith doth fix it 
felf, do remove all impediments, and fet on work all the means 
of the falvation of the beleever,and that erTed u ally :Godjl:ali fend 
forth his mercy and his truth* 

Ver. 4. My foalis among lions , and / lie even 
among them that are fet on fire : even the fons of mem 
ypbofe teeth are fyeares and arrowes, and their tongue 
a fharp ftiord, 

Frorr* the fourth reafon of his prayer taken from the bcaftly 
cruelty pi his enemies} Learn, 1. The condition of the people of 
the Lord in this world may be o\r-tines like fheep in peril of 
their lives, compaffed about with ravenous beafts; My foul is 
among Lions. 1. Yea, they may be fo defolate, as having no al- 
fiftance from without themfelycs to Hie or fight, they mall be 
forced like darned birds, chafed by the hawke s or like bound 
fheep, to dap clofe down to the ground: I lie, faith he, among 
them- 1. The defolate condition of the godly, doth not move 
their perfecutors to pityrdeadly malice is moft ready then tobreak 
forth, and to devour; I lie even among them that arc fet on fir:. 
4. G.-aceleflemcndeftituteof thefcaicof God, are fit enough 
inftiumcnts for the perfecution of Gods children, and his dear 



fervants ; if they be no more, but yet in nature, even the chil- 
dren of men* 5. The flanders, moc kings, lies, calumnies, re- 
proaches and afperfions caft upon the godly by godlefle men, are 
no little part of their cruel perfecution, of cutting and piercing 
the Lords people very deeply: rvkofc tceib are (pears and arrowes^ 
and their tongue afiarp [word. 

Ver. 5. Be thou exalted, O God> above the hea- 
vens : let thy g ! ory be above all the earth. 

From the fifth reafon of his petition; Learn,i. When the god* 
ly are born down, and the wicked do carryall matters before 
them, the glory of the Lord is obfeured and eclipfed in fome 
fort among men, therefore faith he ; Be thou exalted, O Cjod. 
2. In what meafure Gods children are helped by him , and his 
enemies are born down ; in that meafure is he glorioufly manifeft- 
ed to be the ruler of heaven and earth; Be thou exalted above the 
heavens, and thy glory above all the earth. 3. However the wick- 
ed do obfeure the glory of the Lord, and how little evidence fo- 
ever Gods children do fee of his appearing tor their relief, yet 
they ought to glorifie him in their hearr , and not onelybeleeve 
his iovcreigne power, able to fet all things in order ; but alfo to 
profefle their hope thathefhall maniftft himfelf from heaven, 
to be Lord over all his enemies and adversary powers of the 
world ) "Be thou exalted above the heavens, and thy glory above all 
the earth. 

Ver. 6. They have prepared a net for mj fieps y 
my foul is bowed down : they have digged a pit before 
me, into the midft whereof they are fallen themfelves. 

From the lafl rcafon of his ifupplication, Learn, 1. Great 
flight and fubtilty do the wicked ufe to overtake the godly in 
fome fnare,one or other ; They have prepared a net for my ftcps. 
2. The godly mansflrengih will foone tail him in time of ftrait$ 
if the Lord do not give Uipply 5 yea, the Lord for the clearer 
manifeftation of his glory, both before the godly and before the 
wicked alfo, doth fufrer his children to come to fo low a condi- 
tion of fpirit,that they are ready to fuccumbe, if he do not help* 
My foul At bowed down. 3. When the enemies are at the higheft of 
their plots, and the. godly at the loweft ftep of their humiliation, 
then is the Lords time to turne the chafe, and to fall upon his 
cnemies 3 and that oft times by that fame very mems wherby they 



were about to make all faft for their own power, and the oppreili - 
on of the godly ; They have digged a fit before me , in the midjl 
whereof they arc fallen ihcmfclvcs. And this laft fentence is the 
firft part of his thankfgiving, in acknowledging the Lords won- 
derful mercy and juftice, in changing up-fide down the fcales c;f 
his low condition > and the enemies lofty perfection on a 

Ver. 7. Afj heart is fixed, God , mj heart is 
fixed) 1 Wi// png and give praife, 

In the reft of the Pfalmehe profecntcth histhankfgiving, and 
thisisthefecondpartofit, wherein he profclleth his fixed pur- 
pose to praife the Lord for his delivery : Whence learn, \ . Re- 
newed fenfe of Gods fivour, and ficfh experience of his mercy 
towards his children, and of his juftice againft his and their ene- 
mies, doth much rcfrelh, quiet,, and fettle the hearts of his peo- 
ple, and confirme their faith 3 My heart is fixed, 2. It is a part of 
our thankfgiving unto God, to acknowledge the fruit of his gra- 
cious working for us,, felt upon our fpirits,whenfoever our hearts 
are chcared up by him, after any fad exercife: My heart is fixed, O 
God> my heart is fixed. .3. As it is needful to labour on the heart, 
that it maybe fitted and prepared, fixed and bended for Gods 
worfhip : foin fpecial, for the work of praife, whereunto natu- 
rally we are mod dull and indifpofed j then (hall the work go on 
mo;e chearfully: My heart U fixed, I will fing and give 

Ver. 8. AWake up, my glory : awake^ pfaltery 
and harp; I my felf will awake early. 

From the third part of this thankfgi ving, wherein he ftirs up 
himfelf by all means within and without himfclf, tofct forth his 
Tenfc of Gods mercy, and of Gods glory in beft owing of iXyLcarn, 
1. A well-imployed tongue fot praifing or God, and edifying o- 
thers, is indeed a mans commendation, and glory above other 
creatures: Therefore David directing his ljpeech toward his 
tongue, alter the manner of Orators affectionate fpeaking, faith, 
Aw ahf) my glory. 1. Albeit the abolition of the Ceremonial 
Law hath taken 4 away the roome, which muficalinuruments 
once had in the {lately, publickjinftituted worfhip of God in the 
congregation, yet neither is the natural private ufc thereof taken 
away, nor the bonification of that typical ordinance to be for- 
gotten; to wit, that we of our felvcs are dull and unapt to holy 



things, and that the Lords praifes are above ov power to reach 
unto them or exprefl'e them : and that we (hquld ftir up all the 
faculties of our ibul unto this holy fervice, as David hereinfi- 
nuateth to be the moral fignification thereof 5 for after he hath 
fa id 3 AwJie^Tfaltery and Harp, he fubjoyneth, I my felf will a- 
wriic 3. As he, who in earned is wakened up to glorifie and 
praiie God, will finde himfelf fliort in abilities to difcharge this 
work of praife: fo will he finde the choiceft time of the day, 
when the body is beft refrefhed, molt defervedly beftowed upon 
this cxercife: I my [elf will awa^e early. 

Ver. 9. 1 will praife thee, O LORD> among the 
'People 5 1 will jing unto thee among the nations. 

From the fourth part of his thankfgiving, wherein he pro- 
mifeth to let all the world know the mercy beftowed upon him> 
Learne y 1. The Spirit of God, who indited this Scripture, made 
his Pen-man know, that the Gentiles fhculd have the ufe of his 
Pialmes > I will praife thee amongft the People, 2. David was a 
type of Chrift in fufferings , cxercifes fpiritual, and in recei- 
ving of deliveries,- fcr this promife is fulfilled in Chrift and 
this undertaking is applied unto Chrift, Rom 11.$. 3 . Then 
do we ledouily minde the praiie of God, when according to our 
place we labour to make others alfo know God, as we know him; 
I will praife thee among the People. 

Ver. 10. For thy mercy is great unto the Heavens^ 
and thy truth unto the clouds. 

11. Be thou exalted, God, above the Heavens : 
let thy glory be above all the earth. 

"From the laft part of his thankfgiving, wherein he confefleth 
that the excellency of the glory of God doth tranfeend his reach 
and capacity, and that he can follow it no further then by wim- 
ing the Lord to gloririe himfelfi Learne, 1. The matter of the 
joy of the Saints, and of their fweettft Songs, is the goodneffe of 
God, which appointed and promifed fuch and fuch mercies unto 
them: and.thefaithfulnefle of God, which doth bring to paffe 
his gracious purpofe and promifes made unto them ; For thy mer- 
cy is great, and thy truth, faith he. 2. There is no poflibility of 
taking up the greatnefle of Gods mercy and truth, they reach fo 
fiirre as our fight cannot overtake them > Thy mercy is great un- 
to the Heavens, where mortal eyes cannot come to fee what is 
there :' And thy truth unto the cloudsy through' which mans eye 


PSAL. LVII1. 47 

cannot pierce. 3. Seeing the Lords glory is greater then hea- 
ven or earth can contain, and God himlclf only can manifeft his 
cwn'glory j it is our part when wc have faid all we can, for glo- 
rifying of God, to pray him toglorific himfelf, and to make ic 
appear, to all that his glory is greater then heaven or earth can 
comprehend ; Be thou exalted above the Heavens, and let thy glory 
be above all the earth. 


To the chief Mufician AU tafchhh, Mich tarn of David. 

TH e Pfalmift being opp: effed by the calumnies of the Cour- 
tieisof King Said, and by the Senators of the Courts of 
Juftice, who fhould have provided againft the oppreflion of 
ihefubjetts, chargechthem in the fir ft part of this Pfalm, as 
nv ft guilty of injuftice done tohim, ver* 1, 2,3,4, f. In the 
iecond part ; heprayeihagainft them, thatGdd would execute 
judgement upon them, ver. 6, 7, 8. And in the third part, he 
pronounceth the fentence of their deferved deftruction, ver. 9, 
io y 11, From this experience of the Prophet, we may fee what 
ftvong Parties, and hard oppohtion the godly may meet with 
in the defence of a good caufe, and how neceffary it is in fuch 
trials to exercifcour faith, and to exalt God above all oppofite 
powers, that we may be borne out, and get ccnfolation and 
victory in the Lord. 

Ver. I, r^\° ) e indeed fpeal^righteoufneffe , O 
1 J Qongregation ? do ye judge uprightly , 
j Oje fonnes of men* 

2. Tes, in heart yottVvorl^txickedneffe : y oh weigh 
the violence of jour hands in the earth, 

3. The wicked are eftranged from the wombe^ 
they go aft ray affoone as they be borne , [peaking 

. 4. Their poifon is like the poifon of 4 fetpent 9 



they are Uk* the deaf Adder , that (toppeth her 

5. which will not hearkfn to the Voice of Qharmers^ 
charme never fo wifely. 

In the firft part he cfnrgeth the Councel and Senste, or Con- 
gregation of the Judges > firft, foe not giving out righteous de- 
crees or fentences, ver. 1. Secondly, for their refolved, violent, 
.oppreffing decrees, ver. z. Thirdly, for their inveterate wick- 
edneffe, and fal (hood from the wombe, ver. 3. Fourthly, for 
their incorrigible wickedneffc, which they will not for any ad- 
monition or" advert! fement amend, ver. 4, $. Whence learn % 

1. There is a Congregation of Rulers, whofe office it is to admi- 
nifter juftice to the people ; who prefuppofe they be the fupreme 
Court in authority and place, above the body of the peoples yet 
are they fubject to Gods challenge, which he do th fend unto 
them by the hand of his meffengers, when they do wrong, as 
here we fee 5 Do ye indeed {peak riglHeoufncjfc, O Congregation? 

2. When the juft caufe of the righteous cometh before the 
JaJge, whofoever bepurfuer, were he as great a Party as King 
Saul purfuing 'David , the Judge mould defend the righteous 
and abfclve him, without fearing mans face : and if he do not, he 
lliall be called to a reckoning for it before God : Do ye judge 
uprightly y O ye fons 0/ #zetf?$.TheLordlooketh to the afTedions, 
purpofes and conclulions of a mans heatt,and what ill turn a man 
is refolved to do, for that is a done work before God:and the man 
is fo much the more guilty, as his fin is deliberate : T£i, in heart 
jouworfiwk['edncjfe* 4. A wicked JuJge doth not ftand to 
give out a decree for as much oppi effion as he is able to put in 
execution ; Ton weigh the violence of your hands in the earth ; 
and when he is thus opprefling men, he will labour to fcem to 
make his decree no lerTe agreeable to the law, then the equall 
fcales of the Merchants balance do in a juft weight anfwer one 
to another 3 You weigh the violence of your bands. $. An un- 
renewed man is a born ftranger to God, to good men, and all 
goodnefle s The wicked are estranged from the wombe. 6. Men* 
wkked actions do prove the wicked neffe of nature, or mens ori- 
ginal tin doth augment the ditty and condemnation of unrenew- 
ed men for their adual ims .- They are eftrdnged from the wombc, 
is made here a part of their challenge. 7.Errour, falfhood and 
lies arc kindly iinncsto men, they break out early, and contimie 



long, anddodraw on guiltineiVe he longer, the more; rbcy 
go fftray ajfoon as they be borne> [peaking lies, 8 There is as 
great natural enmity in the wicked agar ft the godly, as thv.^ is 
in w penes againft mankinde, and they are as ready tc vent 
iheir deadly hatred againft them, as ferpents arc to fpue foi-h 
their : deadly venom :~ Their poi foil is iietbepoifon of afcrpsKt. 
y. That which fillcth upthemeafure ot the tins of thewuked 
is this, they are obdu.ed in their fins, they are incorrigible, 
and will not receive inftrudion, admonition or correction 
from the Word of God : They are lir^c the deaf Adder that 
ftoppetb her earc. 10. Albeit holy Scripture ufe r h to compare 
the beft things in fome poinrs unto the worft things, for clear- 
ing the purp'clc in hand by a, fimilitude, yet uoth it not there- 
fore juftifie the wicked thing* by borrowing a limilitude f om 
ir, as here the admonition and reproof of linners is compared 
to charming of an Adder, and yet for that comparifon the 
damnable :nof charming is not the lefl'e damnable ; nor is the 
duty of reproof and admonition of fmne s theworfc.or lefle 
laud . ble for r he comparifon, for it is a challenge : They are ti^e 
the deaf Adder that ftoppeth her care y which will not hcarh v e?i ;<n- 
to the charmer , charming never fo wifely. 

Vcr. 6. Breakjheir teeth, O God^ in their mouth I 
ireak^ out the qreat teeth of the young lions , 


7. Let them melt away as "hater's which run 
continually : When he bendeih\\\$ bowe to (hoot 
his arrowes^ let them be as cut in pieces. 

8. As a fnaile which metteth, let every one of 

thempaffeaWay : like the untimely birth of a woman 
that they may not fee the Sun, 

In the fecond part of the Pfalme he maketh imprecation a- 
gainft them, by fpecial warrant of the Spirit of God, who 
endited this Pfalme unto him, that judgement might be execu- 
ted againft them unto deflation. Whence learn y 1. The Lord 
fhall in due time di fable the wicke i from doing the harme hey 
intend to do againft G dispeople ; for this prayer is aprophecte 
and promile to the Churches comfort: Brcali their teeth. 6 
God, intheir month, a. Were the wicked never fo potent and 

E rcfoiutc 


refolute to execute their cruelty, God (hall break their power 
in pieces : Bre^out the great teeth of the young Lions •, Lord. 

3. When once God entercth in judgement with theenemiesof 
his people, he fhall bring upon them a conftant daily confumpti- 
on and wafting of their power and abilities till they be abd- 
lirtied : Let them melt away lib^e water that runs continnjly. 

4. The chief plots of the wicked (hall mifcarry in the very 
point of their putting them in execution : When be bendetbbU 
bom tofboot bis arrows, let tbem be as cut irtrpieces. 5. How 
ftrongfoever the foundation of theenterprifesof the wicked a- 
gainftthe gocfly feemtothemfetves to be, yet the event (hall 
prove them to be weak, feeble and effectlefle devices ; As a fnailt 
which mcltetb let tbempafle away, as the untimely birth of a wo- 
man, that they may not jee the Sun. 

Vcr. 9. Before your pots can feele the thornes y he 
fhall take them away as with a wbirln>inde } both living 
and i*his wrath. 

10. The righteous fhall rejoyce When he feeth the 
vengeance : he fhall wajh his feet in the blood of the 

ir. So that a man fhall fdy^ Verily there is a re- 
ward for the righteous \ Verilyheua God that judg- 
eth in the earth. 

In the hft part of the Pialme he pronounceth thefentence of 
deferved definition upon the wicked and unrighteous Poten- 
tates, opprcflbrs of the godly, as an anlwer from God . to the 
former imprecation agaihft them, and that for the conlolation 
cfthe godly, and clearing of Gods juftice among men. Whence 
lcarn y i -Howfocvcr the ungodly do hope to make themielves good 
cheer by their works of iniquity, and do rejoyce a while in 
fheir hopes, yet before they finde any ripe fatisfa&ion by their 
ill deeds, fuddenly are they deftroyed, and as it were fwallow- 
cd up quick, and taken away by the fierce wrath of God againft 
them : Before your pots canfceltbc thorncs, be fhall take them 
away as with a wbirlewinde, both living and in his wrath. 2. It 
is lawful for the godiy to rejoyce in Gods juftice agajnft the 
obftinate enernies of his people : provided their py be indeed in 
Cods juftice, ncfcinthedeftmftionof the creacurej but in the 


PSAL, LIX. 51 

manifcftarion of Gods juft avenging fund : The righteous Jhall 
rejoycewbenbtfeeththevengeme. 3, The puniftunent ot the 
' wicked ftiouLd teach the Lords people to be more holy in all 
their wayes, for this is one of the ends of Gods punching the 
wicked in their fight 5 The righicw Jhall wajk bis feet in tbc 
blood of the wicked- 4 When the Lord execuceth judgement 
' againft the wicked, then men who knew not what to think of 
* Gods providence, when they faw the godly ^pprefled, and the 
1 wicked high in power fliallcbmc to a right judging of matters:^ 
that a man Jhall fay, Ferity there is a reward for the r/gtw«».5.No 
J man fervetb God for nought, in following the courtc of friend- 
ship with God, and walking in obedience unto him, fruit cer- 
tainly will be found: Verily there is a reward for the righteous* 
6. Albeit the Lord doth not let down his Court for executing. 
I jufticefofoon as men would, yet hcfailesnot to fliew himfeff 
Huler of the arlairs of men, and a righteous Judge, a$ to relieve 
the opprcflcd, lb alfo to take order with oppreffors : Verily he is 
a Godthajudgethin the earth* 

«— . - j — _ 


To the chief Mufkian Al-tafcbhb, CMkhtam of 'David: when 
Saulfent, and they wjtch't the houfe to #11 him. 

DAvid in prtfent danger of his life by Saul, (who having 
David inclofed within the Cky and within his own houfe, 
thought lurely to have killed him, as we read, 1 $am ; 19, x i.J 
he prayeth to God for deliverance, ver. 1,2, and for a reafon of 
his prayer, maketh a complaint againft his enemies, ver. 3, 4* 
In the next place, he prayeth the Second time for delivery to 
himfelf, and judgement againft his enemies, w. ?. andcom- 
plaineth of them the fecond time, ver. 6, 7. In tfce third place, 
he dcclareth his confidence to be delivered, ver. 8, 9, 1 o. In the 
fourth pbec, he maketh imprecation againft his enemies for 
their wickedneife, ver. 11,12, 1$, 14, tf. And in the hA 
place, he promifeththankf to God for his delivery, whereof he 
Was affured before it came, ver. 16,17.- 

From the Infcriptton, Learn, 1. No common bands of na- 
ture or civil relations can lecure the godly from the pcrfecution* 
£ % of 

5i PSAL. LIX. 

of the wicked ; for Saul, Davids father in law fendetb to \M 
David. 2,. Gods children cannot be in fo great ftratits , nor the 
diligenceof the wicked be- fo great to ovei rake the godly in a 
ftrait, but God can deliver a. i'upplicant } They watched the 
bou fete kiU him, yet he efcaped and did write this P/alme : by 
whatmeanes he- efcaped he doth not tell here, for he a:tii- 
buteth the delivery to God, from whom he did leek it by 

Ver. I. 1 "\ 2 liver me from mine enemies my 
JL^fGod : defend me from them that rife 
up againft me. 

2. "Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and 
fave mejrom bloody men. 

From his prayer > Leame, i. Whatfoever means God mall 
offer foreleg ping out of a trouble, Prayer is our beft weapon 
againft our enemies, and the beft of all meanes, and fii ft of all 
to be ufed for a delivery ; Deliver me from mine enemies, x.Time 
of trouble and difficulty doth put beleevers to makcufe of the 
Covenant of grace, and: of Gods friendmip and power for their 
deliverance ; my God, defend me from them that rife up a- 
gaivflme. 3. When wicked, and powerful, and blood-rhirfty 
men do turn Perfecutors of the godly, no power but divine can 
be looked unto for a reliefs Deliver me from the workers of ini- 
quity, and' fave me from bloody men. 
• ■ 

Ver. 3. For lo, they lie in wait for my foul: the 
mighty are gathered againfl me, not for my tranfgrtf* 
fion> n^rfoxmy finne } Lord* 

4. They, runne and prepare themf elves without 
my fault : a^a\e to help me 3 and behold, ' 

From his complaint againft hisenemies, and reafon of his 
pvaycr } Learne^ i. Defperate-like dangers arifing from the pow- 
er and crnftinefle of enemies, muft not diicourage the godly, but 
(harpen their prayer to God, with whom is power and wifdome 
to deliver them : For lo, they lie in wait for my fouL 2.1t is no 
new thing, to fee them who are in ereateft power, to be the 
Olefin the persecution ©£ Gods children * The mighty are ga- 

PSAL..LIX.' x 

xhcrcd together dgainfltne* $. A good confeience, cfpecially in 
*he particular for which a man is purfued, giveth greateft com- 
fort in the time of trouble^ Not for my tranjgreJfiou y nor my fiu^ 
OLord, 4. Albeit the Pcriecutors of the godly cannot finde a 
fault in them, for whith they may pnrfue them, yet will they de- 
vife fome cha\teii£e, and make a great bufmefle to accompli ill 
their defigne ; they run and prepare tbemfrtves , not for my fault. 
f . The Lord will let the plot go on, and the danger of the god- 
ly grow, as if he minded not to take notice of it, that he may 
firlt puc his children to prayer, and then appear in the fit time; 
/Iwafa to help me, and behold. 

Ver. 5. Thou therefore, LORD God of hofies f 
the God of Ifrael , awaks *o vifit all the hea- 
then : be not merciful to any wicked tranfgrt flours. 

6. They return at evening, they make a notfelikf 
a dog, and go round about the City. 

7. Behold ^ they belch out Vvhh their mouth y 
(words are ih their lips : fir who^ fay they, doth 

he are? 

From his repeated piayer and complaint prefentedthc fecond 
time; Learne, 1 . In time of ftraits we mould fet our eyes moft 
upon thofe ftilesof God, which moft ferve to flreagthen cul* 
faith, efpecially fuch as hold forth his power and good will to 
employ his power for us ; Thou therefore, Lord God ofboftes y 
the God 0/ Ifrael, awa^e. 2» Counterfeit P/ofeifors, and pro* 
felled Pagans are all one before God ineffeer, and the counter- 
feit Profeflor will be as ready an tnftrument to perfecute the 
godly as a profefkd enemyj for fo is Saul and his followers na* 
medhere; Arva^e to vifit all the Heathen. $ Although the 
Lord beare with the wicked a while, he will at laft take order 
with hypocrites, and obftinately malicious tranfgreffors * A~ 
wake to vifit all the Heathen , he not merciful to ahy wicked irauf~ 
grejfor. 4. From the time that P.rfecutois have once refolved 
cruelty, they ccafe not to purfue their purpofe, but like bloody 
dogs they run to and fro till they catch their prey i they are 
buhe all the day, and fet warches in the night to-hurt the man 
they would haye 3 They return tt evening, they m^e a noife 



lily a dog, and go round about the City. ?. Refolved obftinacy 
in finne taketh awayallremorfeofconfcience, allfeare of God, 
and (hame before men, and rnaketh men openly avow their 
wickednefTe 5 yea and their cniel hearts will vent their bloody 

Jmrpofe, when they think they are fure to accomplish their der 
igne ; heboid, they belch out with their mouth, (words are in 
their lips ; for who (fay they) doth hear* . ? 

Ver. 8, BmthoH,0 LORVtfbattUHghAttbem; 
fhonjbalt have all the heathen inderifion. 

9. Becaufe of his Strength mil I wait upon thee: 
for God is m f defence. 

I o. The god of my mercy Jhall prevent mt : 
God Jhalj let me fee my defire upon mine enc« 

In tjie third place,hedeclareth his confidence to be delivered % 
and doth make fwect ufe of his 'faith for keeping up his heart 
under his trouble. Whence learn, 1 . . The firft fruit of an humble 
Prayer, is a fpiritual delivery o f a mans oppreffed fpirit, grantr 
pd to him by faith and affurance of an outgate, as here, and ma- 
ny times eUevvhere appeareth. i. When faith feeth God to be 
i friend, it fcorneth all oppofition of whatfoever enemies , few 
or many, all is one to the clear-fighted beleever; But thou, 
f.ord,flalt laugh at them, thou flalt have all the heathen inde<? 
rifion, 1 . How weak foever the btleever finde himfelf, and how 
powerful foever he perceive his enemie to be, it is all one to 
fiim,he hath no more to do, but to put faith on work,and to wait 
till God work ; becaufe of his (that is, the enemies,) ftrength^ 
I will wait upon thee, faith he to the Lord, for God is my de- 
fence. 4. When faith gets up the head, it feeth its own deliver- 
ance, and the overthrow of the enemy, both at once in the pror 
percaufe thereof to wit, the fountain of over-running mercy, 
engaged unto it by Covenant ; The God of mynxeny. There is 
the fountain of evcrlafting inercy* whereof God is called God, 
becaufe he is the beleevers God for ever, and therefore the God 
of all mercy, confolation and falvation to the beleevcr 5 fi e (faith 
ht) flail prevent me i that is. he (hall give manifeft deliverance 
before I fuccumbrit fhall come fooner then I could fet it a time, 
Then, for his enemies, he faith, God flail let tnefte upon mine 

"" ' tne- 

enemies; to wit, what I couid lawfully defire ; or wha:lhou!d 
fatisfie me. 

Ven 11- Slay them not, left mj people forget: 
Scatter them by thy power, and bring them down, O 
Lord, ourfbield* 

12. For the finne of their month, and the words 
of their lips, let them even be taken tn their 
pride: and for curftng and lying which they 


13. Confume them In wrath, confume them, that 
they may not be : and let them know that God rule th 
in Jacob unto the ends of the earth, Selah. 

14. And at evening let them retume % and let 
them makeanoife lil>eadog, and go round about the 

15. Let them wander up and dotyn for meat : and 
grudge if they be not fatisfied. 

In the fourth place, he prayeth to God to glorifie himfelf in. 
the manner and meafiue of his juft judgement on hisobftinate 
enemies; which in effect is a Prophecy of the punifhment of 
Perfecutors of the righteous , and of the wrath to come upon 
the enemies of Chriu, ofwhom David in his trouble and unjuft 
fufterings was a type. Whence learn, 1 . Sometime the Lord will 
delay the cutting oftof wicked enemies of his people, for a curfe 
to them, and a benefit to his people: Shy them not, left; my people 
forget, 2. The Lords people are fubject to forget the Lords do- 
ing for them, and puniftiing of their enemies, except the Lord 
did renew the evidence of his care he hath of them, by often re- 
newed, or long continued judgement on their enemies, whole 
mifery is made more to them, by lingwng judgements in the 
light of men, then if they were cut oft* more fuddcnly ; Slay 
them not, left my people forget ; 5 . Tn praying againft our wick- 
ed enemies that pcrfecute us, we mull take heed that we be found 
pleading, not our own particular revenge, but the common caule 
of the Church, and the Lords quarrel 5 Slay them not, left my 
people forget > y fcattcr and bring them down, Lord, our wield- 
E 4 It 

56 PSAL, LIX. 

It is the good of ihe Lords pe: pie, and the glorifying of God 
which is in his eyes. 4 Albeit the Lord do not at firft cut (ft 
the troub'ers of his Church, but do fuf&r them to live for the 
exercife of his peoples yet it is mercy worthy to be prayed for , 
if God di fable them, and beak their power, that they prevaile 
nor over the righteous; Scatter them by thy power, and bring 
them down, Lord, our Jhield 5. Albeit the Periecutos do 
not accompiiih their purpo.e agai.ift the righteous; yet rheir 
pride, their brags their lies, the-ir flinders, their ' againft 
the godly, are a Efficient ditty to; .iamn^tion, and wrath to 
cme upon th in ; For the fin of their mouth, and the words of 
their lips > Let them even betaken in their pride, and for cwfing 
ani lying ^bicbthey jpe k 6 After the keeping alive of the 
wicked tor a time, to the enc effing of their mifery, at length 
litre- -MVu&ion come h upon them. Con fume them in wrath, 
con fume them, that they may not be 7. By the judgements of 
God upon the adveriaries of his people, the knowledge o* c his 
Coy. rejgnty over, and Kingly care for his Church is made more 
known to the wo^ld, the encreafe of which glory or the Lord 
fhouldbethe fcopeof the prayers of the Saints agai ft their 
foes' ; And let them- know that God ruleth in rfacob unto the ends 
of the earth* 8»" It is luitable to Gods juft ce, and no ftrange 
thing to fee fuci as have b en meflcngers, fervants, officers of 
perfecting powers, or fearchers ou: of the godly,, as beagles or 
felood hounds, to be ma e beggars, vagabonds, and miferable 
fpe&acles of Gods wrath before hey die, roving to and fro like 
hungry and mafterlefle dogs ; At evening let them return, and 
let them mx\e a noije li^e a dog, and go round about the City ; let 
them wander upand down for meat, and grudge if they be not fatis- 

Ver, 16. "But 1 Will fin g of tby poVver-> yea, I 
wil Jing aloud of thy mercy in the mornings for 
thou haft been my defence and refuge in the day of my 

£7. Vnto thee 9 O my ffrength, Will I Jing; for, 
God is my ciefence y and the God of my mercy. 

Inthelaft place, he promifeth thankfgiving for the mercy 
which he felt in the clay of his trouble, and'fixeth his faith on 
God, as his merciful Protector, and only ft rength , whereon he 


rjj t\ jl,. x- a. 57 

jfasto lean in every condition wherein he could tall. IVhenct 
learn, i . Wha focver mif, hief fall upon the wicked ,the Lord* 
children whom they maligne, mall have rea(on to rejoyce and to 
p:ai'e God or fuppor r ingthem in their trials, and delivering of 
them out of toubles ; But J will fin g of thy power, i. When 
the gedly do compare the Lords putting difference between hem 
and the reft of the wicked world , pitying them and pardoning 
their fins, when ho juftlypurfueththc fins of others, they cannot 
but it jovce and proclaim Gods mercy with earneft affections 
Tea, I willfmg aloud of thy mercy in the morning. 3. The (hi-* 
ning light of cne late experience of Gods care of a man, ferveth 
to bring to remembrance, and to illuminate the whole courfe 
©ft Gods by paftcare, and kindncfTe to him, andtoraife a fong 
of jcy and praife to God for altogether; For thou hi(i been my re- 
fuge mi defence in the day of trouble 4. What God hath been 
unto us /'being looked on rightly) may ierve to certifie us what 
God is unto us, and what he ftiall be to us , and what we map 
expect of him/Fo; f; om,*/;o« haft been my defence and my refuge, 
he inferre.h hope of joyful experience of the fame mercy for 
time to come ; Unto thee, my flrength y will I fing. f When a 
man is lure of God engaged to him by good will and Covenant, 
and proof given for letting out to him protection and mercy, as 
his tou needeth, he cannot choole but have a heart full of joy, 
and a mouth full of joyful prai es unto God ; Unto thee, my 
ftrcngth, will I fing, for Cjod is my defence, and the God of my 


To the chief Mufician upon fbufian-Edutb Michtam ofDavid, to 
teach When heftrove with Aram Haharaim, and with 
AramZobab, when Joi^ returned and (mote of 
Edom in thcvallcy of (alt, twelve thoufani. 

THis Pfalme is a prayer for the victory of ifrael over their 
enemies in iited unto the Prophet when Israel was fight- 
ing with the Syrians ana Edomites. It may be divided into three 
}>arts ; in the firft whereof the PlVmift praycth for help more 
argely,v. 1,1,3,4. 5 In the fecond parr David is -^ade confident 
of the victory, w. 6,7,8,0, 10. In the third part he repeated his 


5 3 PSAL. LX. 

gi^er more briefly, and bis confidence of having the victory, 
ver. it, i*. 

From the Inscription; Lcarne, I. The children of God muft 
not think it ftrange 3 to be put to wraftling, ftrivine and fight- 
ing for a promifed~Kingdome, before they befetledinpoflefli- 
on, as David was \ yea, the Church of Chrift muft refolvefor 
fuch like exercifes j lor this Pfalm is given to the publike Mini- 
fies of theChurch for ufe in all ages. i.The Church muft make 
ufcof her prayers, as well when (he is furnimed with aregular 
army, as wnen fhe wanteth bodily armes, asP^/itcacheth the 
Church here. Ji There is hope of victory, when God by prayer 
is more relied upon, then the army in the fields; for with the 
Pfalme the mention of the victory of the Lords hofte is fet 
down , and the daughter of the enemy tecorded > That $oab 
fmote of Edom twelve thou find. 

Ver.r. /^\ God, thou haft caft us of, thou haft 
K_J featured us, thou haft been difpleajecl, 
O turne thjfelfto us again. 

Of the larger prayer there are three branches $ the firftisfor 
reconciliation with God, ver. i . The fecond for reparation of 
the decayed ftate of the Kingdom^ ver, i, $. The third for de- 
livery and victory in the conflict with rhc enemy 3 ver. 

In the fir ft branch of his prayer he acknowledgeth by-gone 
judgements, as the fruit of Gods dif pleafure, and of the peoples 
provocation of God to wrath, and fo he prayeth that God would 
turn again and be reconciled to his- people. Whence karn, 1. Ter- 
rible evils may befall the Lords people, or the vifible Church, 
when they by their finne do provoke him to wrath, as was feen 
in the time of the Judges, and in Saulsiime; Cjod thou buji 
taft m off, thou baft featured us. 2. When God doth plague a 
whole Ktngdome, or the body of the vifible Church, it is no: a 
matter of hmple exercife or trial (as when he bringeth trouble 
on fome of his dear fcrvants, in the time of their upright carri- 
age,) but it is for their (ins, and provocation of the eyes of his 
glory ; Thou baft, been difrleafed. 3 . Such as would have plagues 
removed, muft acknowledge their (in, and feck to be reconciled 
with God; and in this way may they expect to finde favour j O 


turn thy fclf to us again. 4.Whatfoeverfins the viable Church 
and incorporation of Profeflbrs have done againft God , c^ 
whatfoever injuries they have done againft the godly, inafllft- 
it\° of perfecuting powers againft them j yet the godly muft not 
only not feparate from them, but alio be ready to receiver hern 
into favour, be reconciled with them, forgive their former inju- 
ries, joyne in Church and Camp-fellcwfhip with them being 
reconciled , (hare With them by companion in calamities , in* 
terccde with God for them, as for themfclves, as being all of 
one incorporation, as VavU, the type of Chiifts moderate and 
merciful governing, and a paternto all the godly, did forgive 
thofe that perfecuted him, fought againft him under King $atd 9 
and flood longeft out againft him when Saul was dead, for2>*- 
vid here doth fay with,and for the people $ God, thou baft {cat- 
tercd us : turn thy felf again to us. 

Ver.2. Thou haft made the earth to tremble, thou 
haft broken it : heale the breaches thereof, for it 

3. Thou haft /hewed thy people hard things* 
thou haft made m to drinl^ the wine of aftonijh- 

Wfyen Saul did reigne, all things went wrong, the wicked a* 
bounded, and vile men were exalted, and God plagued the 
land; therefore in the fecond branch of his prayer, he pray cb 
for reftauration of the dejected ftateof the Kingdome ; the ca- 
lamities whereof he layeth forth, both before and after the pe- 
tition. Whenceleam, i.VVhen people will not ftand in awe 
of God, and fear him, he will ftrike them with the fear of his 
wrath, and fenfe of fore judgements; Tbouhaft male the earth 
to tremble. 2. Warre, and in fpeciall civil and inteftine war,is 
moft able to ruine a Kingdom, and like an earthquake to make 
ruptures and breaches in it, to the renting of it in pieces: Thou 
haft made the earth to tremble, thou haft broken it. 5. It is a 
Chriftian and royal venue, to feek the union of the fubje&s a- 
mon? themfelves, and to remove divifions. of the Kingdom, 
without the removing whereof the Stare can nevei be fetled : 
But it is a divine power to work this union effectually : there- 
fore doth he pray to God for it: Heal the breaches thereof, for 
it Jhaketh. 4. When people will not fee nor take, knowledge of 


60 PSAL.LX. 

their fins againflGod, and their obliged duties to him, he will 
let them fee fad fpectacles of bloody warres, forreign and inteft - 
ine: Tkoubaft fare, d thy people bard things. .$. When people 
have befotted them! elves in their fin, and have not beleeved what 
God hath threatened againfl: them, no wonder they know not 
what hand to turn them unto, and be ftticken with aftonifh- 
ment in the execution of his judgements, which when they fall 
upon a people, cither fuddenly or more heavily then they could 
have expected, they put mens mindes in a confufion, as if they 
were drunk 5 for fudden, fore and lafting judgements confound 
the thoughts of fecure finners, fo as they can make little ufe of the 
Word of God, or of their wit, or any other means of relief, more 
then a drunken man overcharged with wine i Thou baft made v& 
to drink the wine of aftonijhment. 

Ver. 4, Thou haft given a burner to them that fear 
thee : that it may be d» [played, becaufe of the truth. 

<.That thy behved may be delivered, fave with thy 
right hand, and heare me. 

In the third branch of his prayer, he feeketh delivery and vi- 
ctory over the enemy, and that becaufe God had begun to' give 
fome hope of changing the face of affairs* by railing a banner 
in ^Davids hand for the Lords caufe and people 5 \V\Knce lcarn y 
1. When the godly are opprefied , the truth of Religion, and of 
Gods promifes do lie at under, like a fallen Standard > and when 
God raifeth up inftruments of their protection and comfort , as 
here he did in bringing David to the Kingdome, it is like the 
lifting up of an Entign in the hand of a valiant flandard- bearer* 
Thou haft given a banner to them that fear thee. 1. It is for the 
godlies caufe that mercy is ihewn to a whole land, Thou baft gi- 
ven a banner to tb em that fear thee. $. When the godly get up 
their heid, all their endeavour, according to the u:moft of their 
power, fhould be to advance true Religion and the practice of it; 
'Thou bdft given a banner, that it may be displayed, becaufe of the 
truth. 4. As nothing is refpeded by God in a land fomuch as 
his Hied that fear him: fo nothing can encourage us to feek and 
hope for mccy to a land, fo much as the Lords love to them thai 
fear him in it: that thy beloved may be delivered, [ave. ?. When 
pod hath begun to appear for his Church, then in ipecial fhould 


PSAL. LX. 6\ 

wc follow a begun blefling with prayer, that God would work out 
rfri benefit y Thou hat given a banner to them that fear thee, that 
thy beloved maybe delivered , fave. 6. Whatfoevcr difficulties 
appear in the way of the churches deliveiy, we mu(l oppofe the 
omniporency of God to them all, and fuftaine our faith in pray- 
er by looking to his love towatd his Church, and power to do 
for her > That thy beloved may be delivered , fave rvhb thy right 
hand, and bear me. 

Ver. 6. God hath ffpokeninhis holineffe y I will re- 
joyce : I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of 

7. GilcaA, is mine, and Manaffeh is mine : EphrA* 
im alfo is the ftrength of mine head; fudab is my 
L, are— giver. 

Inthefccondpart of the Pfalme is fet Aovm'Daviis confi- 
dence to have the vidory over his enemks,and to have his King- 
dome both feded at home, ver. 6, 7. and enlarged abroad, ver< 

By Davids prayer, the word of promife that he fhould be efta-* 
bl idled King, is made lively unto him y whereupon he is com- 
forted, and made confident of the accomplishment thereof in all 
poinsj Whence lcarn y 1. As faith helpeth up prayer , fo by 
prayer raith is fctled and (lengthened , as here is evidenced. 
2. Tlic word of promife is a more fure evidence then begun pof- 
feflion, for David was not fo fure of the Kingdome now, becaufe 
he had begun to reigne, as becaufe Qod had frozen. 3. Then is 
the Word of Qod refted on, and rejoyced in, when it is received 
as his Word, when his holineffe is taken as a pawn for perform- 
ance ; God hath fpofen in his holineffe, I will rejoyce. 4. What- 
foevee 1 dteth unperfeded, of what is promifed to us by God r 
fhall bcfulLy put in our poffeillon,as 'David here afiureth him- 
fclt, to exdcife the fuprcme government in thofe parts of his 
Kingdome, on the one, or other fide of Jordan , which yet were 
not brought unto fubjedion, or fetled under him J I vpM divide 
Shechem, and mete out the valley of Snccoth ; &c. ?. Whatso- 
ever ilrength or encreafe of number the Kingdome of Ifrael was 
to have from the plurality of Tribes, and their ftrength, yet the 
union cf the fonnesof 4brabam, and liability of the Kingdome 
or rfraely con): (led in their joynt fubjedion to the Law-giver, 
and government otjudab, ou: of which Tube Chad came, who 


6i psal. lx. 

is the true Law-giver and King of J fuel > towards whoni the 
Church cf old wr*s o direct their eye,, through their typical ga- 
vetfnours, 'fudah is my Lxw giver. 

Vcr. 'd. Moab is my Voajhfot^ov^r Edom mil I caft 
ent my fhoe : PhiUftia triumph thou bccxnfe of me. 

9. Who mil bring jftttntO the lirong city ? who mil 
lead me into Edom? 

1 o. Wilt not thou, God, which had ft cafi to off? 
and thou , O God, Which didft not go out with our 

Here he is allured by the Lords Word , not bnely of the efta- 
WifhmentofhisKingdomeat home, butalfo of the enlarging 
of it abroad; by the lubduing of fuch as had been enemies to 
J/wZ before. Whence learn, 1. When the Lord doth unite his 
people under the government of fndab, and giveth them grace 
to take the true Ruler of the Tribe of Judab for their Law • 
giver, then fliall the enemies of Ifrael be brought low, and either 
ufed contemptibly, as they did fometimesufe the Lords people, 
or clfc fh ill profeffe themfetves happy in their fubjedion to the 
King of Ifraety for after that David* as the type of Chrift, had 
endited a Song to the Church, wherein they ihould acknowledge 
zfudah their Lawgiver, then he as the type of Chrift, doth give 
them tofing this alfo ; Moab is my mjhpoi, that is, Odoab mall 
fervc me in the bafeft fervice I mall put them unto > Over Edoni 
will I caft out my Jhoe 3 that is, I ftiall fubdue them, and trample 
them under my feet as I paffe through them 5 Pbilifth triumph 
tbou, beexufe of me 5 that is, inftead of thy triumphing over my 
people ; thou /halt be made to profeffe thy joy, to be under my 
government. 2. The beleever when he promifeth to himfelf 
great things, muft neither be fenfeleffe of the difficulties of oppo- 
sition which he is to meet with, nor of his own inability to over- 
come difficulties, but being fenfibie of both muft look to God 
for afliftance , and furniture to overcome; for When David con' 
fidered the ftrength of the fenced royal Cities of the enemy, he 
faith, Who will bring me into tbeftrong city ? Who will led. 
meinco Edom I Wilt notthou God ? 3. It is Gods abfence 
from, or gracious pre fence with a people,which maketh the uk>" 
cefle of the warres of his people againft their enemies worfe or 
better, and their bad fucceffe in former time, or by-paft judge- 
ments on thcm> for iinne muft be fo farre from- marring the 


confidence of a ffcople turning home to God 3 and feeking to findc 
**clp from him, that on the contrary, the judgements infli&ed 
upon them in their impenitency , ieiving for confirmation or 
the thrcatnings of Gods Word, and evidence of his ju- 
ftice, muft be made arguments of confirmation of faith in Gods 
promifes, of merciful afliftance, when they are turned towards 
God* for fo reafoncth <David, Wliowill Iring mezntoEdcm? 
Wilt not thou, God, -which hadfi caft us off, And, thou, Gad, 
which didft not go out with our armies f 

Ver. 1 1 . Give m help from trouble :for vain is the 
•help of mam. 

1 2 . T hreugh God we/ha/l do valiantly : for he it is 
tbat /hall pull doWn our enemies. 

In the laft part he briefly refumcth his prayer, and confidence 
tobeheirds Whence turn, 1. The certainty of hope fliould 
not make us the more flacky but rather the more earneft and fer- 
vent in prayer, for after this profeffed aflurance, David infifteth 
in prayers Give m help from trouble. 2. Seeing God onely is 
the ftrength and furniture of his people, and he cannot endure 
that they fhouldrelie upon any means,which they may and muft 
ufe 5 but upon himfclf onely ; Therefore the lefle confidence we 
put in the creature, the more may we be confident of help from 
God 5 Give us help from trouble, for vxinc is the help of ' mxti. 
3. A feif-denying and humbled beleever may go with courage 
and hope of fucccfle to the uie of the meanes, and may encoun- 
ter with whatfocver oppoficion of enemies; Through God we 
flnU do valiantly . 4. The praife of valour and gallantry of vido- 
- rious fouldiers muft not be parted betwixt God and the victcur : 
but whatfoevcr God doth in us, or by us, muft be no leffe wholly 
afcribed unto God, then if he had done all the work without us; 
for both the valour of the inftiument, and the victory nre the 
works of the Lord, the motions of body and foul of the viefcor arc 
the work and upftii ring of Gpd within him, and the operation 
and effects wrought by the inftrument, are the works of God, 
without the viftor ; for he it is that [ball tread down ozr enemies. 


* 4 PSAL.LX. 

, ^ . . _ ^ c 


To the chief Mufcian upon Ncginah, A Pfalm ofDevid. 

DAvid now in his exile maketh his addrefle to Hod in a 
fad conditioner. 1,2,3. And is comforted in the Lord, 
and perfwaded of his prifent and future happindfe, vtr 4, ?. 
And of the perpetuity of the Kingdome of Chrift , rcp> elented by 
him, to the comfort of allChtifts fubje&s in all ages, ver* 

V cr - *• T J Ear my cry, God: attend unto my 
in prayer. 

2. From the end of th& earth will I cry unto thee *! 
rthen my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rockjth&t 
is higher then L 

3 . For thou haft been a falter for me % and a (Irong 
tower from the enemy. 

In his fad fupplicication he prayeth for a comfortable .recei- 
ving of his requeit, and for a comfortable reft of his foul on God 
him felf through Chrift, hoping to be heard, becaufe he was re- 
folved to look toward God, and to continue praying, whatfocver 
condition of fpirit he mould be in , and in what oeverpart he 
fhould be ; and alfo becaufe he h d experience of Gods help in 
his {traits in former times > Whence learn, 1. The beft expe- 
dient for a fad foul, i s to run to God by prayer for comfort, and 
toinfiftearneftly. albeit God mould feeme not to attend; Hear 
mycry,OGod> attend unto my prayer. $ When the godly arc 
driven from their countrey, and fellowship with the Saints , and 
from exerci fe of the publ ike ordinances, no wonder they fall in 
perplexity of fpirit, tor David forced to flee to the ends of the 
land finds his heart overwhelm d within him. 4.L is exile indeed 
to be fecluded from the liberty of publike ordinances, and it is 
our home, to be where God is publikcly worfhipped, for David. 
counteth himfel: < alt out unto the ends of the earth s when he is 
debirrcd from the Temple of the Lord. 5. Albeit a man were 
never fo farre banifhed from the free fociety of the Church, and 

communion 1 

communion with Go Is people in ordinances,yct he is ftill witfr 
in cry unto God: from the ends of the earth will I cry unto thee* 
6. There is a rock of refuge fo< i cutty and com.ort (O ;he cx : ^ed 
and perplexed Saint, which is jble tq fupply all wants, and to 
fweeten all forrows, and this is the 2tyo£ of G o,;s felt f.icndfl-dp 
in Chrift frcm heaven, repreiented by the vifible rockofi/c/7/, 
where the Tabernacle and mercy-feat was fituate, the appointed 
trufting place, whert God did receive the pravevs of his people, 
and did anfwer them from heaven; when 'Druid coul - noi c ne 
to the typical mount oi ro.k , he prayeth to have acafle to he 
thing fignified:/edi me to the Rocfi that is higher then I ? .S; nhble 
and comfortable communion with God, isamyit ryfpi t d ; 
which mans wifdome or power cannot difcover, n-.»r btkig QiUQ 
him : but God himfelf muft reveal, and muft renew the reveal- 
ing of himfelf to a foul in trouble, and muft make a mans foul to 
apply it fclf to him powerfully, elfe a man cannot /eel this < pm- 
fortable fellowship with God, mere then a blinr'e man can finJe 
out what is removed from him, or a weak chiUk can go nor b> ng 
led y or a man can reach up to a fteep high place, not being lifted 
upumoit; Therefore muft the Lord him.eifviraw us nc jto. 
himfelf, and lift us unto fiimEelf:/ed<i me to the rocl< t! at u H?ber 
thenl. 8. This fpiritual felt co rt munioji wi h letd 

put a man fane from the reach of any enemy, tn : irrh n-tke a 
foul quietly to reft it ieif from fear ot rrouble, how g 
foever the external danger c n be, as David mmy times jot by 
expc^iencc/for thou haft: been a jhelter w to mc> and ajirong tower 
from the enemy. 9 \ be!eeve;s efohn >n tor depending n 
Gou, and praying to him in hardeft conditions, and his'f tcfent 
ijfe making of fo mer expe iences, as. thevd; e v. much ;or 
ftrengthening of his faith in p. aver: fo hey are 1 he neareft means 
tjut can be tor coming by a renewed fenhbie corrtfort, ns here wc 
fee: for Davii teiblvcth,/rowz the ends of the earth I will cr\ 
prayeth, Lead me to the roc^ and faith , Thou h ft been a jirorig 
tower to mc,and io comfort doth follow quickly after this pie-^ 
paration, as the next verfe doth mew. 

Ver. 4» / mil abide in thy Tabernacle fot ct>cr i I 
will tru(t in the covert of thy wings. Selah. 

5. For thoti) O God, haft beard my vowei* 
thou haft given me the heritage of thofe that feare ify 
Nam* . 

Here he is comforted in his exile, and made to be at home in 

96 PSAL. LXI. 

his fpiritj by reafon of the prefent fenfe of Gods favour to him, 
and of his confirmed hope of the performances of the promifes 
made unto him 5 WlKnce learn, s* The Lord can give fuch 
fatisfaction to a fad heart hi the time of is trouble, that the 
trouble may turne to be no trouble, even whil it lierhonftill, 
as here is to be feen in ^Davids comfort > who fpeaketh as if he 
were reftored, while he is yet in exile. 2. Spiritual confolations 
in temporal tro<bles 5 do both give fatisfaftion to a foul for the 
present, and for time to come, for eyerlaftinghppineffe; I will 
abide in tby Tabernacle for ever: his hope is 5 that not only he ftiall 
fee refiored to the fellowship of the Saints, at the Tabernacle in 
fferufalern, bur alfo that he (hall be in Gods company, in heaven, 
reprefented by the Tabernacle, and that for ever $ . True con- 
folation ftandeth not in earthly things, butin things heavenly, 
and things having neareft relation thereto, for Davids comfort 
was not (0 much that he (hould be brought to the Kingdome, as 
that he fhould be brought to the Tabernacle, and to heaven by 
that means it will abide in tby Tabernacle. 4. Sincerity fetteth no 
term-day to Gods fervice, or to the fe.king of communion with 
him; I will abide in tby Tabernacle for ever. $. The ground of 
all fpiritual confolations is jn the mercy and grace of God offered 
to us in (Thrift, reprefented by the wings of the Cherubims 
firetched out over the mercy-feat 5 There faith findeth a reft 
and folid ground, able to furnifh comfort abundantly j I will 
truftintbe covert of thy wings. 6 Accefleto Gad in prayer, 
and approbation of the confeience. and the fincere pouring forth 
of the hem, melting with prefent felt fenfe of Godslove, do 
ftrengthen greatly the affurance of everbfting communi- 
on with God > fortbou^OGoA, bajf heard my vowes. 7. As 
fpiritual comfort in time of trouble granted to a beleever, is in- 
deed 4 earneft of everlafting life , fo fhould they to whom fo- 
ever ihe heirlefle is given,make reckoning thai by this heirlefs the 
inheritance is confirmed unto them by way of poffeffion begun* 
thou baft given me the heritage oftboje that fear thy Name- 8 .The 
inheritance of the chief of Gods fervants , and of the meaneft 
and weakeft of them, is one 5 the right of every beleever is alike 
good, albeit the hold laid upon the right by all, is not alike 
ftrone, and what the ftiongeft of the godly do beleeve for their 
own confolatin and falvation, the weakeft may beleeve the fame 
to belong to every beleever that feareth God, as /-avid doth here* 
Tbou b*jt given me the heritage oftbofe that fear thy Name. 

ir o rv jl.. jlai • v / 

Ver. 6. Thou wilt prolong the Kings /if e : and his 
y tares as many generations. 

7. tie {hall abide before God for ever: prepare 
mercy and truth^vjhich may preferve him. 

8. So will Ifing praife unto thy Name for everjthat I 
may daily perform mj vowes. 

In the third place , he prophefieth not fimply of the ftability 
of the Kingdom in his own perfon and pofterity , bin under the 
type namely he fpeakcth of the perpetuity of the Kingdome of 
Chrift, the true King of Ifrael > for which end he prayeth that 
mercy and truth may be forth-coming to the fubjc&s of Chriftj 
that his Kingdom may be prolonged^ and ioPuvid-in his time, 
and all the Saints in their time, may joyfully praife God conti- 
nually. Whence) learn i. It is notnnufual with God> together 
with prefenc confolarion , and the light of future falvation in 
Chrift, to reveal alio and give aflurance of great things con- 
cerning Chrifts Kingdome , as here and elfcwhere in the Scri- 
pture is to be teen : fhon wilt prolong the flings life>dnd his years,, 
as many generations, z. The glory of Chrift , and perpetuity of 
his Kingdome is every fubje&s good and comfort, for this is 
comfort to David, that Chrift mail live for ever, that he fall 
abide before God for ever. 3, The Kingdome of Chrift, and 
government of his fubjects ; in his Church (hall be allow- 
ed of Go&i and be protected of God, and blefled of God 
for ever , however it be oppofed by men' in, the world : he 
/hall abide before God for ever. 4. The perpetuity of Chnftsr 
Kingdom^and preiervation of rhe fubjects in this life^till they be 
poflei&d of heaven, is by the merciful remedying the miie-y, 
and removing of the fin which they are fubje^t unto, ardby 
performing of what he hath piomifed and prepared th'rou ;h 
Chi iff to beftow upon them 5 prepare mercy and truth, which 
may preferve him. 5. Thebcft retreat that can be made after 
wreftling and victory over troubles, is prayer and praiies, as here 
David after his exercife prayeth, Q prepare mercy and truth , and 
then faith, unto thee will Ifing. 6 As the main matter of our 
vowes is the moral duty ofiejoyciug in God, and hearty prai- 
(ingofhim : to renewed experience of Gads mercy and truth 
towards his people in Chrift , is the main matter of our joy in 
him and praife unto him; prepare mercy and truth, &c. fo will 
ifing praife unto thy Name> that I m.iy drily perform my vowes. 
V z _ PSAL, 



To the chief ZMufician , to Jedutbun. A Pfalm of David. 

THis Pfalme is the iffue of a fore conflict , and inward corn- 
bate, which David felt from the ftrong oppofition of his ir- 
rcconciieable adverfaries, and from the lafting troubles which 
he fuftaine by their peufecution and by his friends forfcking of 
him, whereby he W3s put hard to it what to think or what to do: 
at length faith in God giveth him victory , and makefh him firft 
to break forth in avowing of his faiths and hope in God, ver.i.z* 
Next 3 to infuit ever his enemies as dead men > becauic of their 
finful courfe , ver. 3, 4. Thirdly , to ft: engthen himfelfe in his 
faith and hope , ver. $ 3 6, 7. Fourthly , to exhort all men to 
truft in (joe, and 'o depend on him , for reaions fet down , ver. 
9 3 9 And not to truft in oppreffion and robbery, for reafons fet 
down, ver, 10, n 3 2. 

Ver. 1 . "" p* Rulj my font waitetb upon God :from him 
JL cometh my falvation. 
7. Heonyxs my rock^ and my falvation: he is my 
defence , 1 fhall not be greatly moved* 

Prom this abrupt beginning of the Pfalm , declaring that he 
hathhad a fore deputation and wreftling with tentations within 
him 3 ?ndout of which this is the firft coming forth j Lcam, 1. 
Albeit ft ong faith be put to a conflict , wher. trouble and tenta- 
tions 00 let on 3 yet when it lo< keth on C^od and his piomifes, 
it gets the victory , and putreth the foul to? fubmiffive attend- 
ance on God , and a quiet hope of compleatjdelivevance : Truly 
my foul rvaitcth upon god; from him cometh my falvation. a.Then is 
faith well led and app:oved,when bein:^ ftriptof all fupporters 
except God, i 1 doth content it fclf with him alone) as all-iuma- 
em 3 be weljis my rock and my fdvation. 3. Fai h findeth as many 
anfwers in Qois fufficiency 3 ?s temptations can make objections 
againftii.* be is my roc^and my falvation : be is my defence. 4. As a 
;»aarelol\reth to believe and follow she courfe of found faith ; fo he 


may aflTure himfelfe of eftablifhment and vi&ory over all tem- 
ptations , notwithstanding his own weaknefle : I Jhafl not , 
greatly be moved , doth David conclude from his refolution to 
reft on God. , 

Ver. 3. HoVe long will ye imagine mtfehief againfi a 
man? ye fall be jlnin all of you : as a bowing wW/ftiall 
yc be , and as a tottering ftnee. 

4. Thej onely confult to cafi him down from his ex- 
cellency \ they delight in lies \ they bleffe ftiffc their 
mouth, but they curfe inwardly. Se ( ah. 

In the fecond place, he infulteth over his enemies , and hyeth 
before them the danger of their wicked wayes. W, learn, 
1 . So foon as a man hath fattened himfelfe on God, he may rec- 
kon with all adverfary powers,and infuk over them, for the feeing 
of Gods help difcovers to theBdiever the vanity of all oppofition, 
ho rv long will ye imagine mischief again ft a man ? 2. As the godly 
when they fall under perfecution,may lie long under it 5 and muft 
refolve patience al the while on the one handjio on the other hand, 
peifecutors are unreasonably carried on in the courfe of persecu- 
tion, like madmen, who cannot give over the purfuit, albeit they 
fee God againft tbemfelves , and with the godly whom they pur- 
fue; bow long wilt ye imagine mi (chief againft a man ? 3. Perlecu- 
tors mail not have their will againft the godly, but by their per-* 
fecution mall draw upon themieives compleat fudden and irre- 
coverable deftru&ion :yejhall bejlainallofyou y as a bowingwall, 
and 1 tottering fence ; that is, you ftrll pefifh fuddenly , as when 
a bowing wall and tottering fence ruftieth to the ground in a 
moment. 4. As the Handing -fail in the faith and ferviceoF 
God in a good caufe , is the excellency of the Believer 5 fo is it 
the eye- fore of his adversaries, which they pf all things can leaffc 
endure in the godly , and therefore do bend all their wit and for- 
ces moft unto , to break them off their holy carriage and courfe; 
they onelyconfult to cafi him down from his excellency. 5. Not 
truth andli^ht, but darknefle , error, falftiood and decei^is the 
pleafure of the wicked* They delight in lies. 6. When the wick- 
ed do minde their worft againft the godly , then will they fpeak 
faireft words unto them, to fee whether by fal/hood pr force they 
can prevail moft, to draw them offtheir good courfe : they bleffe 
with their mquti?, but they curfe inwardly. 

?3 Vcrfc. 

7 o PbAL. JLXII, 

Ver. <J. Afy foul \r? ait thou onelj uponGodt for my 
expectation is from htm , 

6. He onely is my rock^ andmj fiitvathn? he is my 
defence, 1 fhall not be moved. 

7. In Godxs my falvation and my glory : the rock of 
my flrength , and my refuge is in God. 

.In the third place , he ftrengtheneth his faith and his hope, 
that he may be able to endure trouble till /the fin cf the wicked 
be ripe 3 and their judgement be executed ; Wlwtcc learn > 1 Our 
refolution patiently to keep filence , in waiting on God, and our 
putting of refolution to practice., do differ; our pradifing is fo 
fhort of our refolution 5 that we had need to be ftirred up , and to 
ftirre up our fclves to our duty. And as Satan is ftill moving 
new perturbations s fo have wc need of 3 and mull ftudy to have 
new confirmations 3 My foul, wxh thou onely upon God 2. They 
that do expect their help from Cod , muft not expect help 
frorw anv other art , no not when tfiey (hall ufc all means lawful 
for theit delivery, but the fucceffe muft be without hafle making, 
patiently waited for from God alone; Wait thou onely on God, for 
toy expectation is from him. 3 The grounds of confidence arc 
able to abide new aiiaults,an<1 muft be brought forth and averred, 
fo oft as tbey are oppok. : for he eunto the new ftirrings of the 
fime tenrations,he opp. iuh this over '-gain: He only v my rock : he 
is my defence an i my falvxtion. \nd whe-eas he laid before I mall 
not greatly be moved j now he faith more confidently: Ijhall not 
be moved : and yet more, he triumphs in tlu Lord : he is my fal- 
vxtion and glory $ which he fpcaketh in regard of hope ii) have 
all good which he needed. And laftly in regard ot fupply in 
whatloever wants , and delivery from all evill : he faith s He U 
the roc\ofmy ftrengtb>andmy refuge is in God : andfojiis fai h 
doth fettle it fclf , and tentations arc overcome* 

Ver. 8, Trufi in him at all times p ye people, poure 
out your heart before him : Go& is a refuge for hs. Selab. 

9. Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of 
high degree zxtaliet to be laid in the balance , they 
4?-~ altogether lighter then vanity. 

In the fourth place, he exhortech all men to place confidence 



upon God, partly becsufe God is able to give deliverance, as a 
place of refuge 5 and partly becaufc men whether great or fmall, 
Few or nuny, cannot but deceive , and disappoint the man that 
trufteihinthen. Whence learn, 1. The duty of the comforted 
and victorious believers, is to communicate the fruit of their ex* 
perience, for ft engthening their brethren, and edification of 
others,as their calling permitteth them, as Vavid doth here: Truft 
in him at all times, ye people. 1. Whatfoever condition, how hard 
foever, we fall into ; the grace of God, and grounds of confidence 
in God muft not be loft , but alwayes made ufe of; Trufl in 
him at all times. $. As a guilty confcience 3 h.avy trouble, mif- 
beliefe and fufpicion of Gods good will, do lo^k up the heart in 
forrow : fo any meafure of faith in God , going to him by prayer, 
doth eafe the heart and layeth the burden of grief down berorc 
the Lord ; ye people ^poure out your heart before him : God is a re* 
fuge to us. ?. The way to place our confidence in God, is to lift 
our confidence ofTall creatures , and in fpecial offmen of fupe« 
rior or inferior ranks : and the way to lift our confidence offthe 
creature, is to con'der the inability of men to help us, except 
God make them do ic ; and that without God they are nothing 
worth to us : men of low degree are vanity. 6. Whofoever do 
truft on men higher or lower, are fure to be deceived of their ex- 
pectation, and of wh.itfoever mans help can promiie : and if we 
will not be deceived, the voice of God 3 and experience of his 
Saints may give ns certainty of the truth of the doctrine; for out 
of experience David faith, Surely men of low degree are vanity , 
(?c. 7. Carnal confidence is not oncly unable to help a man, 
when he hath moft need, but alfo bringeth damage unto hit^and 
makes him to finde God in hisjealoufiejan adverfary and juft 
Judge to plague and to curfebim; and foifthe matter be well 
weighed, crea:ure-help, and creature-comfort, when it is relied 
upon, is worfe then no help 5 "Being laid in the balance , they arc 
altogether lighter then vanity. 

Ver. 1 o. Truft not in oppreJfion 5 become not vain in 
robbery : if riches increafe , Jet not your heart upon 

11. Goh hath fpoken once ; tmce have I heard thh f 
that power bclongeth unto GoL 

12 Alfo unto thee, O Lord, , belongcth mercy : for 
thou render eft to every man according to his Worl^. 

F4 Tb» 


Toother part of the exhortation doth forbid totruftinop- | 
prcflion or riches, o p< wcr, or g<'eatnefk of place, becuife God 
djipofeth of all ihur^s s he pleatcth,fliewing mercy to fuch as do 
truit. in hi n and tendering to every man according to his work, 
Whence learn i . There are many more idols then one to dvaw a- 
way a mans heart UomGod.for when trufting in men of high de- 
gree and low aegreie is call down^hen oppreltion^ robbery P riches 
iland up 3 .md cake Gods room in the heart 3 as here we fee. 2. It 
is more hard to uivert a man from confidence in himfelfe, and 
What is in his own p">wer , then to draw him from confidence in 
men ofhighe! or lower degree. Therefore after c fting down of 
carnal confidence in men, hisui or low; he difchargeth confidence 
in whatfocver a man is able to do by himfelfe , as might , and 
riches , and authority of high plac.- : Truft not in opprejjion 5 // 
riches increajc (?c. $.Whi toever is confLen 3 by his own ftrength 
and might to ueba e his bufinefle againft any man, and to do his 
adverfa y two wrongs tor one , mail finde himfelfe to have difo- 
beyed G ;d,and to have been proud in a matter of nothing : Trujl 
not in oppre(fwn> become not vain in robbery. 4. It may ftand with 
godlinefie aid t uftm^ in God, to be rich ; but not to have our 
ije.irt fct upon riches 5 either to gather or keep them , either tQ 
rejoyce in them , or to be proud becaufe of them ; If riches in* 
crcafc fet not thy heart thereon. 5. Nothing is able to fettle mans 
continence in Goj,and cc keep his heart from idols,or carnal con- 
fidence in creatures j or to bear in upon others this twofold duty, 
fave the powerful impeffion ofthe unchangeable Word of God> 
therefore faj h he, god hath fpoh^en once. (>. Albeit one teftimony 
of Scripture for?, g ound oi faith, or rule oi life^righ ly confide- 
red be bundanrly fufficicnt, to fettle our faith in that point, and 
to warrant cut obedience 5 yet God will inculcate that truth oft- 
tKf 9 and have us to receive it oftner, and more firmly} and as it is 
the Lords kindneife to us, and care of us. to caufc his once fpoken 
Word, to be oftner repeated unto us 5 oftner cleared , and con- 
firmed unto us by repeated experimental evidence^ of the cer- 
tainty thereof : fo it is our duty, to receive it more and more 
heartily, fo oft as it is repeated and inculcated , and to meditate 
and confidcr oi it, and to take a deeper and a deeper impreffion of 
it : God hath fpofon once, twice have I heard it. 7. The propri- 
ty o r authority and power to do alland everything , is the Lords 
onily : and as for thepower of the creature, it is but lent, and de- 
rived to it. at Gods pleafure. The creature can neither hurt us, 
nor help it feifeorus, but as GoJispleafed toufe it as an in- 



ftrument ; twice have I heard this, that forcer belongeib to Got* 
S. To induce a foul to truft in God only, it is neceiYary, that 
it (• look to his power, as it alio look to his me cy, and lay hold 
on both* frith hath need of both, as or two wings, to cany it 
up to God above all vain enticements, andtetrours, and ten- 
tations, and as props whereon to fettle and fix it felf joyntly % 
Alfo unto thee, l ord, belongctb mercy, ^o. As the man that 
puts his truft in God, and ftudieth to obey his Word., thaU finde 
Gods merc'y to pardon his tranfgreffion, and Gods power to fu- 
ftain him in all his difficulties, and to perform all the promifes 
made to his fervants : fo the man that tvufts not in God, but in 
himfelf, or in fome creature without him. elf, thinking to work 
bis own happineffe by his own wayes, (h 11 finde the fruit of his 
wicked courfe, according as God hath forewarned : For tbou 
renderefi to every man according to bis wor^s. 


A Tfalme of David, when he was in the wildernefle of 

W£ have in this Pfalme Davids cxercife in his banifli- 
ment, when he was hiding himfelf from Saul in the wil- 
derneffe of Judab \ wherein is fet down his lingring and prayer, 
after the benefit of the publike ordinances, ver, iji. And the 
fruits of a gracious and comfortable anfwer given to his prayer, 
in number foure. The firft, isartfolu:ion to follow fpiritual 
duties, and in fpechl to praife God, ver. $. and to be aconftant 
fupplicant depending on God, ver. 4. and to take his content- 
ment in God, and in his praifes, ver, ?, 6. and joyfully to truft 
in Gods mercy, ver. 7. The fecond fruit is the acknowledge- 
ment of Gods power, fuftaining him in his adherence unto 
G)d, pra&ifed by him for time paft, and puvpofed for time to 
come,itfr. 8. The third fuit, is confidence of the dcftrucYion 
of his enemies, ver. 9, 1 o. The fourth, is aflurance that he (hall 
receive the Kingdorae promifed unto him , to the confuiion of 
all fuch as did flandev him as a traitor. 

Vrom the Inscription- Learne, t- Such of Gods children as 

dwell moil ftuely and commodioufly among iheir neighbours., 
may be diivenfonKtimes to hide thcmfelves in a wildtrneile, zs 

' Vavid 


P^viiwas. ^. Baniihment from among friends cannot baniffr 
a man from God, bur may ferve rather to drive him toward 
God. j. Troubles are grievous when they are prefent, but 
may prove a matter of a joyful fong, when called to remem- 
brance: A Ffalme of Vavid 3 when he was in the wilder neffe of 

Ver. i. /^\ God y thou art my god\ early Vcill I 
\*~J [ee\ thee I my foule thirtieth for 
thee, myfiefh longeth for thee, in a dry and thirfty 
land, where no -water u. 

2. To fee thy power and thy glory, /<?as Ihwefeen 
thee in thy fanttuary* 

From his prayer; Learnc, I. The Lord is the onlyeafe of a 
diftreffed minde^ and here is no fpeedier relief then to go to 
God in prayer, as the Pfalmift did, faying, God. 2. When 
ive would fpeak unto God to purpofe, we mould faften our hold 
on the Covenant ; OGod, thou art my God. f. Troubles will 
fharpen a man in the ufe of the means, and rouie him out of 
naftyfecurity 5 Early will 1 fcc\thee. 4. It is good to faften 
dutiesonour felvesby refolution, and toftiengthen our reso- 
lution by (hewing it to the Lord ; Early will I feck. thee. ?.A 
lively foul will be no leffe deSrous ' of fpiritual comfort from 
God, then the body for natural food after long failing ; My foul 
tbirfletb for thee. 6. Spiritual affj&ions, when they are ftrong, 
will aftt ft the body with impreflions anlwerable thereto > My 
flejh longeth after thee. 7. It is a barren place to a godly foul, 
where the publike cxercifes of Religion cannot be had : for this 
caufe mainly did God call the wildei neffe, A dry and thirfty land y 
where no water is. 8, Becaufe the power and glory of God is no 
where fo clearly feen, as in publike ordinances, therefore mould 
the ordinances beloved, fought aker, and haunted, that we may 
finde communion with God in them ; My foule thirfletb to fee 
thy power and thy glory. 9. The more good a man hath found in 
the publike exercifesof Religion, the more will heefteem of 
them, and in fpecial when he is deprived of them > My foule 
thirfts to fee thy power and glory : fo as I have feen thee in thy 

Vcr. 3. Becaufe thy loving ktndneffe is bitter then 
Tfe : my lips (ball praife thee. %.Thm 


4. Thus will I bleffe thee while I live : I will lift Up 
fttine hands tn thy Name. 

5. My fo*le jhall be fatisfed as with marrow and 
fatnejfe: and my mouth /ball praife thee with joyful 

6. when I remember thee upon my bed, and medi- 
tate on thee in the night- watches. 

7. Becaufe thou hafl been my help j therefore in the 
Jhadoto of thy wings will I re Joyce. 

Here the Lord giveth to his feryant a gracious anfwer, and 
fweeteneth Ms condition in the wildernelTe, making hi;n no leffe 
glad then eve'- he was in the publike exercise of Religion, by 
granting him the comfort of his holy Spirit, as the fruits of the 
anfwer ot his prayer do make manifeft. The firit whereof is 
ihewen in fundry holy rcfolutions,to praife the kindnes or God 3 
to blcffe God, and to call on his Name in all conditions, to take 
contentment in God, and to truft in him. Whence learn 9 
1. When a man, who lovcththc publick ordinances is debarrrd 
from them and maketh ufe of private exercnes ot Religion, 
God can and will fupply unto him what he wanteth, and be a 
little fanctuary unto him, as here appeareth. 2. The felt kind- 
nefle or God , and {heading abroad of his love in the heart of a 
believer, is joy unfpeakable and glorious, able to fupply all 
wants unto him, and to fweeten all troubles unto him, and to 
give him more com.ort, then whit is moft comfortable in this 
worl ., yea, to make life it felt without the feeling, or hope or" 
feeling 1 his love to be little worth tohmj Thy loving kjndneffe is 
better then life. g.Rich experiences of the felt love of God in the 
ufe of the meanes, deferve to be brought forth to the praife of 
God, when it may glorifiehim 5 Becaufe thy loving \indneffe is 
better then life, my I >ps (lull praife thee. '4. Oneproofof ^ods 
loving kindnefTe towards us, is reafon abundant ror us to blefle 
God for ever thereafter, and to acknowle Age him the fountain of 
bleffinos, even to our felves, whi:fcever change of difpenfations 
we (hall meet with 5 Thus will I blcffe thee while I live. f . As 
our aflurance of Gods love unto us, and of his purpofetobleife 
us, doth ferve to prepare us for (traits and difficulties hereaftci: 
fo alio for praying to G-">d with confidence to be helped, in what- 
focra change of condition we may fall into afterwards 3 Thus 


76 PbAL. LX1II. 

will I bleffe thee while I live, I will lift up my hands in thy 
Name, to wit, as a man engaged to depend upon thee, to call 
upon thee as my need requireth, and a man particularly encou- 
raged by thee, and confirmed by experience from thy former 
helping of me, that I mall have a good anfwer from thee, who 
haft manifefted thy felf unto me b/ Word and works. 6. The 
fpiritual life of the foul hath its own food, as well as the bodily 
life of nature : and the life of the godly is not fo barren, fo fad 
and uncomfortable as the world doth beleeve : They have their 
hid Manna, and the water of life, folid and fat is factory confo- 
lations, and joy in the holy Spirit, wherewith ftrangers do not 
intermeddle, of which joyes the fwecreft morfels of delicate 
banquets are but (hadowes* My foule jhall be fatisfied as with 
marrow and fat?iejfe. 7. Such as do hunger and thirft alter 
communion with GodinChrift, anddovefolve to fpend their 
life in Gods fervice, may promife to them felve^r hat they mail 
feelfweet fatisfa&ion in this courfe, and with David fay, 
My foule Jhall be fat i fie d as with marrow. 8. Spiritual joyes 
are not like carnal joyes, which end in fadneiTe, but they re- 
folve in glorifying, and do make the vevy outward man parta- 
ker of the benefit ; therefore doth the Pfalmftaddc : And my 
mouth Jhall praife thee with joyful lips. 9, The way to finde re- 
frefliment fpiritual, is beiide publike ordinances, to give our 
felves to fpiritual exercifes iu fectet, at fuch times as oar necef- 
fities civil and natu al may beft fpa e, and then and there to re- 
call to minue what we have heard, feen or felt of Gcd> Word or 
working, and to keep up our thoughts upon this holy fubjed, 
by prayer, foliiocmie and meditation, as David fheweth to us 
the example : When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate 
en the in the night- watches. 1 o. As one experience mould call 
another to remembrance, fo the calling cr experiences to cur 
memory mould oblige and encourage us in all conditions, joy- 
fully to make uie by faith, of Gods ilanding ofter of grace to us 
in Ch'ift, ftiadowed forth by the wings of the cherubims 
fti etched out alwayes over the mercy- feat j Becattfe thouhafl 
been my helper, therefore in the Jhadowof thy wings will I re- 
jo)ce j for here^ and here only is the remedy of all iinne and mi- 
fery . 

Ver. 8. My. foule followetb hard after the : th} 
right kaxd upholdeth me. 



From the fecond fruit of the gracious anfwer given to Datids 
prayer, that is, from his giving the glory of the ads of grace 
which he did unto God the furnifher thereof; Learne, i. The 
Lord ufeth to exercife the foules of his own children with fenfe 
ofdefertion, and withdrawing of his ptefence one way or other. 
This is prefuppofed in uavits following after the Lord, when 
he felt him retiring himfelf, as it were. 2. A believer in (Sod 
cannot endure a thought of feparation from God, nor forbear 
to leek after God, when he mifleth his prefence, but will ufe 
all meanes to recover the fenfe of his prefence which he hath 
felt before; My foule followetb hard after thee. 5. It is our 
wifdom to reflect upon, arnd acknowledge the grace of God in 
us, and upon the ads of our faith andlove toward God, for 
our own ftrengthening, as David doth here, faying, My foul 
follorveth bard after thee. 4. Although the exercife of graci- 
ous habits be our acts, yet the enabling of us to bring thefe 
ads forth, is the Lords work, who giveth us both to will and 
to do of his own good pleafu ejand as it is our duty to acknow- 
ledge this, fo is it the fruit of our feelings of G^ds help to 
profefle it > My foul foliowetb hard aftertbee . but by what power, 
itrength and Furniture dothhetlnVr/;; rignbandupboldeth me. 

9. But thofe that feekmj foul to deftroy it, /ball go 
into the lower parts of the earth. 

10. Thejfba/l fad by the fword: they fhdl be 4 
port ton for foxes. 

The thi'd fruit of the anfwer of his prayer, is affurance 
given thaj^ his enemies (hall be deitroyed, for it is revealed to 
him, xhitSanl (hould be flain by the fword > he knew by reve- 
lation that his carcafie ihouldliein the fields, a p-ey for foxes 
and wilde beads. Whence learn, 1 . The deadly and un :econcile- 
able enemies of Gods people, hating them for a good caufe, do 
draw deftrudion on thcmfelves ; Thofe that feefi my foule to de- 
ftroy it, fball go down to the lower parts of the earth, z. It is 
agreeable with Gods jaftice that bloody enemies of Gods 
people be puniflied by their bloody enemies*} God can ftin e up 
the wicked againft the wicked, to avenge the wrongs done to his 
children: They fball fall by the (word, they full be a portion for 
. the foxes. 3. The Lord, to eafe the hearts of his opp.-effed chil- 
dren, doth fometimes before hand make them forefc; :hc dell u- 



fti6n of their adverfaries, whether by teaching them in an or- 
dinary way to anpythe general fenten;es of theScriptare unto 
them, or in am vc way revealing his minde, ashefeeth 
fit, as here: They Jhall fall by ibefmrd, (?c. 

II. But the King Jhall rejojee in God : every one 
that fweareth by him Jhall glory : but the month of 
them thdt fpeakjies Jhall be flopped. 

The laft fruit of his prayer, is affurance that he (hall be 
King , and that all the godly (hall be comforted by this means , 
and that hisrighteoufnefle iliall be cleared againft all the ca- 
lumnies of the wicked. Whence learn, i. Howfoever it may go 
hard with the righteous, and their enemies may profper for a 
time, yet their lot (hall be changed to the better at length : and 
when their enemies are born down, their head fliall be lifted up; 
and whatfoever is promifed unto them, they may be as fure of in 
asifthey ha.ip {f-ffionofit, yea they may ftile themfelves by 
the title whhh Gjds Word haih given unto them, as *Davil 
doth in his particular, calling himielf King, now when he was 
abani'V.ed man in the wilaeoieffe of tfuaah ; The d^ing Jhall 
rejoyce, faith he. 2. The true ground of a beleevers joy, is not 
the gift he receiveth from God, how great focver it may be, but 
the good will of the giver, even God himielf 3 The J^ing Jhall 
rejoyce in God. 3 Every true worfhippcr of God, (whofe pro- 
perty is truly to feare the true God, and the cognifanceof 
whofefincerity is his .onfeience making of an oath) ftiall have 
matter of gloriation, after a whiles patient fuffering in time of 
trial: Every one that fweareth by him Jhall glory. 4. The born- 
down righteoufnefle of the godly, and of their caufe, by the lies, 
(landers and calumnies of the wicked, fhall be brought to light 
induetime, and the wicked made afhamed of their lies j The 
mouth of them thatjpeai lies Jhall be flopped. 




To the chief Mufician. A Pfalme of David. 

THis Pfalme fiath two parts : In the former is TZavids heavy 
complaint unto Godagainil his deadly enemies, laid forth 
before God in fundry particular evidences of their malice, ver. I, 
*j 3>4j ^6« And in the latter part is the Lords comfortable 
anfwer u uo him, by giving him allurance of Gods judgement 
coming on them, to their own and others aftonifhmenc, and to 
the comfort of the godly, ver 7.8;9jio. 

Ver. I . tJtare my voice, Cjod, in my prayer : pre- 
ferve my life from feare of the enemy. 

2, Htde me from the fecret counfel of the wicked* 
from the infurreUion of the workers of iniquity. 

In his prayer he requefleth firft in general, for delivery of his 
life from the fecret plotting and ofien-p/aclifing of his enemies 
againft him Whence learn y i .Prefent danger is able to force out 
cryes to God, and ftu;h earneft prayers poured out in extreme ne- 
ceflity, (hall not vv,ant an anfwer ; Hexre my voice, God 3 in my 
payer* 2. The danger cannot be fo great, wherein help may noc 
be had from God S he is fo near to a fupplicant, fo powerful,and 
fo ready to fave the man who hath made God his refuge 5 L re- 
serve my life from fear e of the enemy. 3. God can fo overrule 
and outwit the devices of our enemies, that they (hall ei:her 
not light upon the meane whereby they might overtake us, 
or fhall make them miifeof their intent in cafe their device be 
probable > Hide me from the fecret counfel of the wicked. 4.Whac 
the wicked cannot do againit the righteous by craft, they will 
purfue with open violence • but God, as he is wifer in counfel 
and able to befool them, to is he ftronger in power, and able to 
break them : Hide mcfrom their infuneftion. 5 . That we may 
have the greater confidence to be delivered from our enemies, 
we had need to be fure we are in a good ciufe, and that our ad- 
verfaries have awrongcaufe: Hide me from the workers of ini- 


SO l^tXLi. JL.A1V. 

Ver. 5. who whet thetr tongue like a fword, and 
bend their bowes to (hoot f £*/r axrovpcs, even £/«*r 
bw^ : 

4. That they may (boot in fecret at the perfe&:fud- 
denly do they /hoot at him, and fear not. 

5 # They encourage themfelves in an evil matter: 
they commune of laying fnares privily y they faj, Whd 
Jball fee them ? 

6+ They fearch out iniquities, they accompUJh a 
diligent fearch : both the inward thought of every one 
of them, and the heart is deep. 

Here he complaineth of his enemies, and layeth forth feveral 
deg ees of their defperate wickedneflfe before God, as fo many ar- 
guments -o ftrengthen his faith , and hope for delivery from 
them. Whence learne, 1. The benefit of a good cau:e , and of 
a good confeience appea e^h bell in a ftrait, when nothing can 
help a man againft his enemies , fave God alone, as here appear- 
eth in Davids cafe. 2. Caluim ies and ilanders againft the 
godly are very cruel weapons: for not only hurt they the efti- 
mation of their good cau e, and perfonal good behaviour,but alfo 
do flit re up all men to take their lives. They whet their tongue as a\ 
fword,and bend bend their bows to (hoot their arrows fitter words. 
3. There is no fear againft a privy (lander , a man is woundei 
ere he is aware, and no mans innocency or integrity of life can 
be a guard againft the mot or a Calumniators tongue, ihey jhoot 
in ferret, at the perfect, fuddenly do they fliootatbim. 4. e- 
caufe onlv God can heal the wound of a (lander . and fuftainc 
the man in the confeience of his good caufe and carriage, till he 
clear him, the righteous muft content himfelf to referre the 
matter to God, as Vavid doth here- 5. G« dlefle men are dan- 
gerous enemies, for they fear not god, and fo have no powerful 
reftraint within them from doing anymifchief, and the. more 
they finne, they take he greater boldncffe to mine more j they en- 
courage them felvts in an evil otter 6. The wit and wicked- 
neflcwhkij lswrhin rhemlclves, will not fuffice their devillifh 
intention, the efdre they leek ail' help they can finde from with- 
out; They commune cf laying fnzres privily. t 7. They feek how 
they may overtake the mans perfon, after they have killed his 
good name and caufe with calumnies and bi:terafperfions. Yea 



Satan fo blindeth them, that they neither look to God the aven-» 
ger of fuch plots and practifes, nor do they confider that God 
lceth thcm,and they think their pretences before men arc fo thick 
a covering, that no man can fee through them 5 T bey fay, Who 
Jhallfce them ? 8. If there hath been any flander of the upright 
mans mifdemeanour in any former time, which for. the falfhood 
of it is evanimed, they make fearch after it, to waken it up a- 
gain : and if there be any poffibility to devife new inventions, 
With any probability, they go about it btifily, yea they fearch hell 
itfelf tofindeout how to bring a milchief upon the upright; 
They fearch out iniquities , they accomplijl) a diligent fearch. 
9. Laftofall their wickedneiTe isunlearchable, the uncontrol- 
led bent of their wicked wit and will affifted with what Satan 
can fuggeft, {urnifh and ftirre up, all is imployed, and it is hard 
to fay whether their wit or will be moft wicked, and do draw, 
lieareft to hell , but it is fure to fay cf both, Both the thoughts of 
every on oftbem, and the heart is deep. 

Vcr. 7. But (fed fhall Jfjoot attherh*. with an ar- 
row fuddenly fhall they be wounded. 

8. Sotheyjball make their own tongue to fall upon 
them/elves : all that fee them, /hall flee a\\ay. 

9. And all mtnfixll fear , and fhall declare the work 
ofGod\fot they ft all Rifely confider of hi< doing. 

I O The righteous {hall be glad in the LORD and 
(hall truft in him ; and all the upright in heart (hzll 

In the latter part of the Pfalm is fet down his prayer and con- 
fidence of juftice to be executed againit his enemies, and mercy 
to be /hewn to him , and to all the godly. Whence learn , 1 . The 
godly want not a fiiend to avenge their quarrel : God will fhoot 
againft wicked archers, and not miffe the mark, But God flmll 
Jbootattbem; with an arrow Jhall they ic wounded, z. Where 
defperate malice is feen, there fudden mifchiei may be forefcen, 
that it mall light upon the malicious; fiddcvly flail they be 
wounded. $. The wicked adverfaries of Gods people are de- 
nroyers of themfelves, by their oppofition unto them; for as 
1 iJ ey jf 10u S ht t0 do unt0 Gods children, God doth to them ; So 
thy fhall maltf thzir own tongue fall upon themfelves. 4. Some- 
G times 

8z PSAL. LXV. 

times God will make the wicked fpectacks of his judgement to 
the afVrightment of all that knew them , and do fee their plague j 
tAll ibat fee them fiall flee away. 5. The judgement of the wick- 
ed fhould be all mens leflbn, and all forts of people fhall learn 
by their plagues to know Gods juftice and terrour j And all men 
Jhal'fcare and declare the worlds of God. 6. Not every fpe&a- 
tor of Gods workgiveth glory to God, but they only, who com- 
pare Ifis Word with his works, and through the vaile of means 
and inrtuments do look to God the righteous Judge of the 
world 5 They JIM declare tbervorf^ of god, for they Jh all confidcr 
wifely of his doing. 7. When wo and wrack doth come upon 
the wicked, then doth joy and comfort come to the godly, not 
fo much for the dammage of the wicked, as for the maniieftati- 
on of the glory of God r The righteous, fhall he glad in the Lord. 
8 As the Lords mercies do confirm the faith of the righteous, 
fo alfo do the works of his juftice ; They fhall he glad in the Lord, 
andjhall truH in.bim* 9. The delivery of one of the godly, is 
a pledge of the like delivery to :11 in the like cafe ; and as one 
fo all and every one of the righteous and upright in heart fhall 
triumph at length over all enemies,and make their boaft of God: 
All the upright in heart Jhall glory . 


To the thief Mufician. A Pfalmeand Song of TaviA. 

THis Pfalmeis all of Gods praifes. The Propofition, that 
he is to bepraifed, isfetdown, vcr. 1. Thereafons of his 
piaife unto the end, arc nine. The fit ft whereof is, becaufe he 
heave, h prayer, vcr. 2- The fecond, becaufe he mercifully par- 
dorethiins, ver. 3. The third, becaufe of his gracious purpofc, 
and powerful prolecution of the decree of election of his own re- 
deemed on^Sj ver. 4. The fourth, becaufe of his defending of 
his Ch rch in all pin cesser. 5. The fifth,is from his ftrength ma» 
nifeftcd in the framing and feeling of the mountains, ver.6. 
The fixthjfrom his wife and powerful over-ruling of all unruly 
and raging creaturesyi/er.7. The feventh,is from his preventing 
of trouble*., which are coming to his Church, by terrifying all 
Nations at the beholding of the tokens of his difpleafure a- 
gainil the enemies of his people^wr. 8. The eighth argument 
is taken £om the joyful peacc 3 granted fomedme tohispeopV, 


PSAL. LXV. 85 

vet. 8. The ninth Argument of Gods praife, is f omtherich 
plenty of all necefTuy rood from year to year 3 which God pro- 
videthfor maintenance of man and^beait, and ipecially of his 
people Ifracl in their land, iw.o, idjiiyia* 13, 

Ver, I. Tf^Raife wait eth for the? y OGod, in Si- 
IT tftf : ^»^ ##f0 thee > fi all the vow be 

From the Ttopcficion, concerning his purpofe tofpendthis 
Pfalm only inpraifing of God; Learnt, 1. Although prayer and 
praife s do alwayes agree weil, yet feme time may call foi 
ies, and for the work of praife only, and may take up the whole 
man for a time, as here. 2. How mourniul a condition fdevcr 
the Lords people may be in, yet God is preparing thereby mat- 
ter for his own glory • Praife waitetb for thee. And whatfoever , 
matter of praife be feen, or whatfoever meafure of p.aife be 
given unto God by his people, more is due to him, and more is 
making ready for him; Praife xvaitcth for thee. ' $. Although 
the reft of the world be fenielciTe of Gods benefits, ye: his' 
Church muft fet about the work of his praifes, and fha^l be en- 
abled to give him praife 5 Praif write lb for tbee, OGod, in 
Sion. 4. As it is the duty of every man, who doth feck deli- 
verance from trouble, or any other benefit from God ; to oblige 
himfeif, to praife God for it: fo it is the Lords manner to gaine 
rohimfclf praife by granting prayers, and topurchafe the per- 
formance of praifes prcmiied unto him $ Unto thee fall the vow 
be performed* 

Ver.2. Othou that hare ft prayer! unto thee /ball all 
flejh come. 

From the firft reafon of the Lords praifejLcur^i.The hftu-irg 
and granting of prayer is the Lords property, and his ulual pra- 
clice, and hispleafure, and his nature,an<J his glory* thou that 
hear eft pro} er! 2.Thereadinefleofthc Lord to hear prayer,doth 
open the door of accefle to all forts of people, who are fenfible of 
their own frailty and neceffitics, and do know his readinelle 
to relieve them, Gentiles as well hs Jewcs fhall come unto him; 
thou that beat eft prayer ! all flcfi [kJt erne unto tbte. 

G z far; 

84 PSAL. LXV. 

Ver. 3. Iniquities prevaile againfl me • at 
for our tranfgrcjfionst then Jhah pmge them <t- 

From the fecond reafonof the Lords pralfcj tedrn, 1. Sin 
is a fore advecfaiy, and many times prevails over us, and 
drawes on troubles on us, which makes us know the ill of it 
better, then we knew before the committing cf it 5 Iniquities 
p cvailc agaivft me, a. Wharfoever be the ins cf the people we 
live amongft, let us make fpecial accompt of our own giiiltincfs* 
in the point of cenfeffion, as .David doth here, whenhefaith, 
Iniquities fr civile ag.iin(t me. 3. Our fins mould be looked up- 
on, not to chafe us horn God, but to humble us, and drive us 
to feck pardon arid purgation frcm the Lord, whofe freeerace 
only can take fins awdyj Iniquity prevails over me : as for our 
tranjgrcfons , then fialt purge tb cm away. 4. The holy Pro- 
phets and Pen-men of Scripture have no grounds of hope for 
pardon cf fin, fave rhole which are v common to the meanefi 
of Gods people; foe T>..vui in his'confeflion ccmcth in by 
himfelf alone aggravating his own fins moft j Iniquities prevail 
aguiuft me, faith he. But in the hope of pardon, he joyneth with 
the reft of Gods people, faying, As for our tranfgrefwns^thoii 
Jhalt purge them am ay. 

Ver, 4. Tie fed is the man whom thou choo- 
fefl, anh caufeft to approach unco thee, that he may 
dwell in thy Courts :' ire Jhall be fatisfied with the 
goodtiefe of thy houfa even of thy holy Temple. 

From the third reafonof the Lords praife S Lcarne> i.God 
hath made election of fonie out of the reft of mankinde, on 
whom he doth effectually beftow bleffednetfe; %lcjfed is the 
wan whom thou choofeft. 2. All thofe whom God dorh effectu- 
ally call, and reconcile to himfelf, and draweth into communi- 
on and fociety with himfelf, are elected and blefiedperfonss 
^Blcffcd is the man whom thou choofeft, and caufeft to approach 
untothec. 2. It is the free good will of God, whieh putteth 
the difference an ong men, and makethfome to be partakers of 
b'efie ; ncde,and not other fome j Blcfled is the man whom thou 
tbtofeft. 4. The power and glory of the work of convenors 
r.ciliation, and drawing near to God., for communion with 


PSAL. LXV. 85 

him.of Co many as are converters the Lords powtr an i glory.n 
Iefle then elation is his free choice and glory 5 Blcfjed is the man 
whom thou cboofefty and whom 5 thou caufcfl to approach unto rbce. 
$. The, man elected, eff.61 ual I y called, reconciled and drawn in 
foci.ty with God, is a true member of his Chin ch, a ccnilant 
member thereof in this life,and one who (hail be a member of the 
Church triumphant, in the life to come, and fo effectually blefc 
fed ; He fhall dwell in thy Courts, faith the text in the c riginrl. 
5. Whatfoever is fufficicnt for begetting and entertaining the 
life of grace, and of true blefll'dnefle in Gods elect , is to re found 
bythemeanes of publick ordinances in die Church of God - 7 
We frail he jatisfi ed with the goodvefje of thy boufe 3 even of thy 
holy Temple. 7. Whofoever do finde in them feives the proper 
effects or confequents of election, in fpccial, a powerful drawing 
of them to the Covenant with God, and unto a nearc. ani 
nearer approaching unto God, in the way of obedience unto the 
publick ordinances of his houfc, may be a flu red of their ele- 
ction , of their effectual calling, of the blcffcdiufle, and of their 
intcreft in all the goodnefleof Gods houfe to their full con- 
tentment, for after the general doctrine, hcapplierh, \Ve fiall 
be fatisfied with the goodies of thy houfc, even ofiby holy Temple. 

Ver. 5. By terrible things in right eou'neffe wilt 
thon anftyerus, Goh of our jalvation , who art the 
confidence of all the ends of the eninb % and of them that 
are afar off upon tbefea. 

The fourth reafon of the Lords praife is taken from the de- 
fending of his Church in all ages and places ; and laving of his 
people by giving terrible anfwers to their prayers againft their c - 
nemies, for the performance of his own word , and confirmati- 
on of the faith of his own people, in whatfocver part of the earth, 
unto the end of the world. iVheneelexm, 1 .As the !ovc of God 
to his people doth not exempt them from th?moUffa f ion of ene- 
mies, becaufe the Lord will have the faith-of his people by this 
means exerciiedj and them put to pray unto him, and complain 
of the injuries done unto them J fo his love to them will not fuf- 
fer their prayers to want an a nfwer in their troubles, to the ar 
mozemeat of their adversaries > By terrible things rvilt thou an * 
fiver u$. 2 In the L-rds relieving of his people, anddeftroying 
their enemies, he will have the work looked upon as the perform- 
ance cf his Word, wherein he hath prom i fed to be a friend :o 

G 3 frienes 

friends ofhis people, and a foe to their foes; 'By terriole thing* 
hi r-gbtcoujiieJ]c, wilt, thou anfwer us. 3, The realon of particu- 
lar deliveries ot rods people horn their enemies, is,becaufe thefe 
deliveries a:e appendices of the Covenant cf grace, eftablifhed 
them everlasting life. Thou wilt anjwer us God of 
.ilv.uiou. a . What the Lord huh promi fed and done to his 
Ghurcfc . . oldjisa lufficient gtound of confidence to the people 
CiGj ,in alt times and places, to expect and finde the like mercy, 
unto that whieh they of old did exped and finde; God of 
our fdlvation , the confidence of ail the ends of the earth > and of 
ib:m that are afar off\iaon tbejca i that is , thy people, whether 
dwelling in the Continental' in ifles; or failing on the fea. 

Ver. 6. Which by his flrength fetteth faft the 

mountain's , being girded with power. 

The fifth <eafon of the Lords praifeis, from his ftrong power, 
whereby he is able to do all things, as appcareth by his framing 
and fetiing the .mountahas ; Whence learn , 1. The power of 
G xl mani:eited in the work of Creation , is a prop to the faith of 
his people to believe the promifes , and a pledge of the perfor- 
mance thereof unto them; By bis ftrength he fetteth faft the 
r.ionntaines* z . Whatfoever great work the Lord hath done , he 
is able and ready to co a greater work , if need, be for his people} 
f{Q is girded with \.ower . 

Ver. 8. Which ftillfjt the noife of the feas : the 

tiQife of their ^Xaves^ and the tumult of the people. 

F'om the fixth reaLon taken from his wife and powerful over- 
ruling all commotions ot" unruly creatures of whatfoever fort; 
Learn , 1 . There is nothing to turbulent and raging , and rea- 
ilc in the whole world, which God doth not rule and bridle, 
and make quiet as he pleateth : HcftiUctb the noife of the feas 3 
the noife of their waters. 2. As the commotions of people , their 
feditions , their in furred ions and confpiracics againfl Gods 
people, within and wiihout the viable Church, are no leffe rage- 
{ng and reafpnlefle ihen arc the commotions of- the fca : fo God 
hath the ruling of them, as well as of the feas 2 and by his ftilling 
tbcnoijc of the feas , the noife of the waters thereof^ he giveth 
in evidence or his power and purpofe to bridle the fury and r3ge 
ofrealonlcffc men, who rhreten trouble and deftrudion to his 
people ; Hcflilktb their waves , and the tumult of the people. 
Ver, S. They Jjo that dwell tn the mtermoji parts \ 

■ are 

PSAL. LXV. 87 

Are afra'dat thy tokens : thou makefl the outgoings of 
the morning and evening to rejoyce. 

From the fcvcnth reafon of Gods praife,taken from the aftHght 
ing of all the world by his judgements againft the enemies of 
his people, left they fliould attempt the likes Learn , 1, As the 
Lo:d can {till the tumults of the people, when they rage moft 5 fo 
he can by his tenor prevent their commotions againft «his 
Church , by (hewing them his terrible judgements executed on 
others,which are the tokens of the power ofhisdifpieaiure againft 
all who fliall dare to be ad vet faries to his people ; They alfo that 
dwell in the uttcrmoji pins, arc afraid at thy tokens. 

The eight reafon of Gods praife is, from the joyful tranquilli- 
ty and peace , which he when he pleafeth , giveth to his people, 
after he hath fetled their enemies rage and power againft them; 
Whence lemi , As the Lord doth fometime excrciie his people, 
with trouble and perfecution from their enemies ; fo alfo he can, 
and doth give them fome breathing times , fome comfortable 
felons, as it were fait* dayes from morning to evening 5 yea fun- 
dry full fair dayes, one after another , fo that his people are made 
to rejoyce before I: im from day to day i Thou ma\e{t the outgoings 
of the morning and, evening to rejoyce. 

Vcr. 9 Thou vi fit eft the earthy and water eft it 5 
thou greatly enricheft it with the river of God which is 
full of Water : thou prepar eft them corn, when thou haft 
fo provided for it. 

IO Thouwatereft the ridges thereof abundantly : 
thou fetleft the furrorves thereof: thou make ft it foft 
withfhwres, thou bleffcft the $ ringing thereof. 

1 1. Thou croWneft the jeer With thy goodneffe , and 
thy paths drop fatneffe. 

1 2. They drop upon thepaftures of the wilder neffe : 
and the little hills rejoyce on every fide. 

13 . The paftures are clothed with ftock^\ the valleyes 
alfo are covered over With corn ; thej /bout for joy^ they 
alfo ring. 

^ The ninth' reafon of the Lords praife is, from his plentiful fur- 
nishing of food yearly for man and beaft , tut in fpecial for his 
G 4 making 


making thepromifcd land fruitful unto his people Ifracl , when 
he fhall give them reft from their enemies , and peace therein, af- 
ter their being exercifed with troubles. What may be propheti- 
cal, in this whole Pfalme,as touching the Ifraditcs, we will not 
here enquire 5 nor how Jar the Prophet did look beyond his own 
and Solomons time, when he faid, Praife wiitetb for thee inSion^ 
&c. Only , Hence learn general doctrines , 1. The Lords blef- 
ling of the ground 3 and making it fruitful , is his coming as it 
were to vifn it ; Thou vifiteft the earth, and voxtertft it, 2. Gods 
providence is then heft feen, when particular parts are looked up- 
£>n one after another; Thou watereft it, thou evricbeft it, thou fre- 
pdreft them corn, &c. 3. The fending of timely rain, and plenty 
of it, and after that abundance of victual, mould not be {lightly 
pafled over, but well and carefully marked j for the husbandry is 
all the Lords : Thouprcpareft them corn , when tbou haft fo provi- 
ded for it. 4. Second caufes , and the natural eourfe of convey- 
ing benefits unto us, are not rightly feen, except when God , the 
fir it and prime caufe , is feen to be neareft unto the actual difpo- 
fingof them for producing the eftyct : Tbou watereft the ridges 
thereof abundantly 3 &c. Tbou ik(feft the fpringing thereof . 
5. From the one end of the year to the other God hath continual 
work about the bringing forth of the fruits of the ground , and 
glovioufly doth perfect it once a year ; Tbou crowneft the year by 
thy goodnejfe. 6. Every onejsf the footfteps of Gods providence, 
for t he p'ovi (ion of his peoples food, , hath its own bleffing 5 as 
appeareth in the profitable u'e of the ftraw and ftubble and 
chaffe, and multiplication of the feeds Thy paths drop fatneffc. 
y. The Lord hath a care to provide food , not only for man, but 
alfo for beaftsj and not only tor tame beafts , which are moll ule- 
fui for man, but alio for wilde beafts in the wildcrnefle , making 
his rain to fall on all parts of the ground : They drop upon the pa- 
stures of the wildcr?ieffc , 4nd the little hills rejoyce on every fide. 
S. Albeit temporal benefits be inferior to fpiritual, yet becaufe 
unto Gods children they be appendices of the fpiritual , they are 
worthy to be taken notice of, and that God fhould be praifed for 
them; as heiethe ^Pajlmijl fheweth , prailing God for fpiritual 
fclefTings, in the beginning of the Pfalm; and here in the end, for 
temporal benefits. 9. The plurality of Gods creatures , and the 
comparifen of Gods benefits fet before our eyes,are the fca!c,mu- 
(ick book , and noted leflbns of the harmony and melody which 
We ought to have in our heart s, in praifing him : yea thefe bene- 
fits do begin and take up the fong in their own kinde^thac we may 


follow them in our kinde 5 Thepaftures are clothed with flocks, the 
vatlcyes alfo arc covered, over mtb corn } they Jhout for joy, they aljo 




To the chief Mufician, A fong or Tfalmc. 

jHis Pialm being all of praifes, may be divided into three 
t pins In the Brit, the Pfalmift exhorteth all the earth to 
praife God, ver. r, t,^4- and that becaufe of the works which 
God did of old for his people , ver. 5> 6. and becaufe he is able 
todothelikewhenhepleafeth,^er.7. In the fecond part, he 
exhorts the Church of lfrdel living with him in that age t to 
praifeGod for the late experience of Gods goodneffe towards 
them , in the delivery granted to them out of their late trials, 
troubles, and fore vcvations,w. 8,9,10, 11, ii. In the third 
place, the Prophet exprefleth his ownpurpofe of thankfulnevTe 
unto God for the large experience which he had in particular 
of Gods mercies to himfelfe, from xurrM^to the end. 

Ver. 1, \ /T^% a J°jM no *f e mt0 Go ^ * a ^ 7 ee 
iVl lands. 

2. Sing forth the honour of his Name ; wake hid 

praife glorious, 

From this urgent exhortation to praife God: Learn, 1. As the 
dutyof praife is moit^eceflary, and moil fpiritual : fo are we 
more dull 3 and indifpoied thereto, then to any other exercife 
{piritual , and had need to be (lirred up thereunto; therefore faith 
he , Make a wife, fing forth , &e 2. The Prophets of old 
had it revealed unto them, that the Gentiles fhould be brought 
to the knowledge of God, and made to worfhip him; as, SHake a 
joyful noifeunto God, all ye lands, importeth. $. The praife of the 
Lord is a task for ail the world to be imployed about , and a duiy 
wherennto all are bound/eeing they all do fee his works,and all do 
hold whit they have of him ; but (pecialiy thofethar hear of him 
by his Word. to whom moft 1 pecialiy the Word doth fpeak ; Make 
a joyfulnoifc ally c lands. 4. Men ought to go about the work 
of p railing God lo cheerfully fo wifely and fo avowedly , as they 
who do hear his praife fgoken of, may under ftand his Mi icily, 


9<5 PJ>AL. LXVI. 

magnificence, goodncfTe, power, and mercy : Ma\i a noifc untd 
Cjohfingfortb the honour of bis Name t n.afy bis praife glorious* 

Ver. 3. Say unto God , How terrible art thou in 
*J!?j nw^r ? through the greatneffe of thy poster Jhall 
thine enemies fnbmit themf elves unto thee. 

4. All the earth fhall worjhip thee\ and Jhall (in g unto 
t hee y they Jh all fing to t hj Name. Selab. 

Here the' Pfalmift, as the Lords pen-man, doth fuinifh matter 
and words of praifing God nnro the hearers , and prophefieth 
that the fulneffc or the Gentiles fhall concurre in his worfhi'p, 
and take part in the fong of his praife > Whence learn 3 1. Bc- 
caufe we can do nothing of our felves in this work of the Lords 
praife,God muft furnifh to us matter & words$5ty unto God,How 
terrible, &c % i, As the wo k of the praife of God mould be done 
in love and confidence, and fincerky, and in his own ftrcngth : fo 
may it be dir-ected to him immediately, and that without flattery; 
fotherwayes tlien men are praifed) for praife properly is due to 
God onfy, and no man can fpeak of him , except in his own au- 
dience; Say unto God , How terrible art thou i>i thy works? 
1* The works of the Lord, every one of them being rightly ftu- 
died y are able to affright us , by discovering the incomparable, 
dreadful, and omnipotent Majeily of the worker thereof y How 
terrible art thou in "thy -wor\\s? 4. When the Lord ispleafedto 
let forth his judgements on his adverfaries 3 and to let them fee 
what he can do, none of them dare ftand out againft him 5 but if 
they be not converted, yet will they be forced 10 feign fubmiflion 
unto him 5 Through the greatneffe of thy power Jhdl thy enemies 
fnbmit themselves to them? f. Over and above what is already 
accomplished of thispropheeie concerning the converiion of the 
Gentiles, a higher meafure is yet to be expected in the bringing 
in of that number of them, which the Scripture callerh the fid- 
neffe of the Gentiles y and the making all the l^ingdomes of the 
earth to become the Lords , and his Sonne Chrijls 5 for this word 
in a greater meafure then yet is come to pane , muft be fulfilled; 
^ // the earth Jhdl warjhip thee, they full fing unto thee ; they full 
fine unto thy Name: Which word doth import the revealing of 
the glad tidings of Jefus Chrift nnto them , and their joyful ac- 
ceptation of the Gpfpel , and glorifying of God for it. 6. As 


l J 5AL, LAV1. $1 

it is the Lords glory to have many praifing him : fo mould it be 
the joy of all that love him, now to forefee the fuccefTc or Chrifls 
Kingdomc , as well as it was of old , when it was the Charches 
fong; All the earth Jballworfbifthcc. 

Ven 5. Come let us fee the work* cf God: he is 
terrible in his doing toward the children of men. 

6. He turned the fea into dry land: they went 
through the flood on footy there did toerejoyce in him. 

7. He ruleth by his porter for ever , his eyes behold 
the nations ; let not the rebellions exalt themfelves. 

He pointeth out in fpecial the Lords works , 'already wrought 
for his people 3 Whence learn , 1. Albeit the Lord doth work 
for the delivery of the Church, and his own glory, yet men are io 
carelefle, to obferve his works / that they can neither make ufe 
thereof for their own profit, nor for Gods praife 5 fo that there is 
much need to ftirre up our dulnefle , to cbferve them and make 
right ufe thereof; Come and fee the worly of God. 2 . Whofoever 
do obferve the works of God, which he hath wrought for his peo- 
ple, they mail be forced to fear and admire his wonderful ACts 
for them, and his refpeft unto them; He is terrible in his doing 
toward the children of men. J* The work of redemption of his 
Church out of Egypt , is a work one for all worthy to b: made 
afe of to the end of the world j and fufficient to mew, that if 
leed be, God will invert the courfe of nature for the good 
Df his people , and for their delivery out of difficulties ; He turn- 
ed the 'ea into dry land.. 4. As the Lord will work wonders for 
he delivcsy of his people out of mifery : fo will he work wonders 
"or performing of promifes to them, and for bringing them to the 
)offeffion of what he hath given them right unto ; for the drying 
)f the river Jorte, that his people might go in to poffcflc the pro- 
niled land , was a pawn and evidence of this his purpofe for all 
ime coming ; They went through the flood on foot. 5. As all 
he people of God are one body , and that which is dem in one 
tgetoone generation doth concern all and every one to make 
ne of it in their generation : fo every one in after-ages mould 
eckon thcmlelves one body with the Loa's people in former ages, 
.ad make ufe of Gods dealing with them., as if ibey had been gre- 
• ' feat 

gz PSAL, LXV. 

fcnt then wkhthem 3 as here the Church in the Pfalmifis time 
joyneth it felfe with the Church in Jojlwabs time , rejoycing in 
God with thenrat their entring fr\toCanMU;Therc did we rejoycc 
in him y fay they. 6. Whatfoever the Lord hath done for his 
people in any time by-paft, he is able and ready to do the like for 
bis people in any time to come; He ruleth by his poacr for ever, 
and for this caufe his former Ads , are perpetual evidences and 
pledges of like Ads to be done hereafter , as need is, 7. No-- 
thing is done in any place , which the Lord is not witneiTe un- 
to; no plot or motion againft his people,which he feeth not: His 
eyes behold the Httions. 8. Albeit there will be from time to 
time a generation , who will not fubmit themfelves to this for 
vereign Ruler, but will ftand out againft him , and maligne his 
Church, yet fhall they not long profper, nor have caufe of glorx- 
ation in their rebellion > Let not the rebellious cxrft themfelves. 

ver. 8, O bleffe our God, ye people y and make the 
yoke ojhk praife to be heard. 

9. Which holdeth our foul in life , and fuffereth not 
eur feet to be moved, 

I a. For thoUy O God ; hafl proved us : thou hafl 
tried us, asfilver is tried. 

1 1 . Thou brought eft m into the net-, thou layedft af- 
fliction Upon our loines. 

1 2. Thou hafl caufed men to ride over our heads, rce 
went through fire 9 and through water : but thou 
brought eft ta out into a wealthy place. 

Inthefecond part of the Pfalm , the Pptlmift exhorts the 
Church in his time, to praife God for preferving them from ex- 
tirpation in the time of their fiery trial , and fore afflidion un- 
der the tyranny and oppreffion of their enemies. Whence lexrv, 
I, The Lords people in every age, befides all the reafons they 
have to praife God for his former works, want not their own 
particular reafons for his care , providence , and kindnelfe to 
themfelves in their own time to ftirre up one another to bleffe 
hisMajefty; O blejfe our God, \c people. 1. It is the Churches 
proper priviledge , and her glory, above , all other incorporations 
and focieties befide, to have fpecial intereft in God , as her own ; 
O bleffe our God . 3. It is not fufficient that the Lords people 


PSAL. LXVl. 93 

acknowledge inwardly the mercies of God tothcmfelves; but it is 
their duty in an orderly way to bring others on to the knowledge 
of God, and to fhew to others how praife-worthy he is : mab^e the 
voice of btipraifc to be heard. 4. Albeit the Lord takes many 
things away from his people, when he is pleafed to exercife them, 
yet he keeps life in their foul; fome fweet communion offpirk 
between himfelf and them : and doth notfuffcrall his people to 
be extirpate, aud rooted out from the earth j Which boldetb our 
foul in life, $. It is great mercy to be kept from defperate 
courfesinthetimeoffad calamities, and to be tup ported under 
burdens , that we (ink not , and to be prevented from denying 
of God, or of his truth in time of pevfecution: He fufferetb not 
our feet to be moved. 6. One end of the troubles of the Church, 
among others is, the trial of the graces of his people, and purging 
them from their corruptions : for which caufe the Lord ufeth to 
bring on one trouble after another , as mcttal is put in the fire 
oftner then once; For tbou y Cjod, haft proved us , thon baft tried. 
Ui , as filver is tried. 7. When God doth bring his Church 
into trial, there is no efcaping; we muft look for afflicti- 
on, and not dream of declining it by our own wit or skill 5 Tlmt 
brougbteft m into the net , thou lay cdft affliction upon our lines. 

8. It iswifdomeand jufticeand goodnefie in God, to make his 
people know fome time , whether his fervice or mens- fer- 
vice be moll earTe 5 Thou baft caufed men to ride over our beads. 

9. When Gods ferviceand mens fervice are compared , the fer- 
vice of men is a beaftly bondage in comparifon : for the enemies 
of the Church will abufe Gods people like beafts, when they fall 
under their power 5 Thou baft made men ride over our beads. 

10. There is no fort of affliction , nor extremity of affliction, 
from which the godly may fecurc- themfelves , after the time of 
their entring into their trials, till Gods time come, wherein their 
trial! is to end; We went through fire 3 and through waters. 1 1. Af- 
ter troubles and trials, the Lord giveth ever an event, and a gracu 
ous delivery to his own, which bringeth as much comfort with 
it, as their triall had grief in it 5 But thou brougbteft m out into A 
wealthy place. 

Ver. £3. IVcillgoimo thy bonfeVeith bhrnt*offcr~ 
ings : 1 toi/Ipay thee my Vo\X?er. 

14. Whicbmy lips have uttered , wJt mj mnith 
hath fpoken, when I was in trouble, 

15, In 

94, PSAL. .LXVI. 

i -r. / *W// ^rr ##/<? f^tf burnt-facrifices of fat - 
TwgSy Witft the ivcenfe of rams ; 7 wi/l offer bullocfy with 
goat si Selab, 

In the third and laft part of the Pfalme , the Pftlmift fliew- 
eth forth histhankfulneile for the favours (hewed to himfelfe in 
particular : and firft, he promifeth to acknowledge his obligation 
to God in the place of publick worfhip , as the Lord had required 
in the ceremonial hw, vcr.13, 14,15. Secondly, he declareth 
his particular experience of Gods mercy, teftifying his hearing of 
his prayer by his acceptance of it , iter. 18^ 1 9. And laft or all* 
he blefleth the Lord for the gracious anlwer of- his prayer, 
ver. 20. 

From the promife, which he maketh of publick acknowledge- 
ment of the mercy according to the prefcript of the Lords ap- 
pointment 5 Learn , 1. In common favours and deliveries grant- 
ed to the vifible Church , each true member have their own fpe- 
cial mercies beftowed upon them., befide the common : for which 
in particular, and for the common mercies alfo , they ought pub- 
licity to be thankful, as the ^Pfalmift is here, faying 3 I to ill go 
into thy boufe with burnt-offerings. 2. As it is a token of lively 
faith in defperate troubles totruftinGod , and to hope for his 
deliverance, and to promife him praife before the delivery come : 
fd is it a token of an upright heart ., to be as willing to perform 
promifes afcer the benefit received , as it was ready to make pro- 
mi fes, before the benefit received 5 I will pay thee my vowes which 
my lips have uttered , and my mouth hath [pollen when I was in 
trouble. 3 . As our perfons and belt fervice arc polluted, except 
they becleanfed by the facrifice of Ghrift : fo in our approaches 
unto God we mould acknowledge the finfulneflc of our perfons 
and performances , and the need we ftand in of Chrifts medi- 
ation, and the riches of grace beftowed upon us through him, 
who perfumeth our perfons, and prayers, and praifes , as was fha- 
dowed forth in the ceremonies of the law 5 for this was the Pro • 
phets meaning,when he faid, I will offer unto thee burnt- facr if ce$ 
offatlings , with the incenfeoframs : I will offer bullucfis witfr 
goats, which were appointed in the law to be offered , partly for 
lin, and partly by way of thanksgiving. 

Ver. 1 6, Come and hear all je that fear God, and I 
mil declare What he hath done for mj Joule. 

if 1 


17. / cried unto him With my month : and he was 
extolled with my tovgw. 

From his declaration of his lately felt experience of Gods mer- 
cy to him ; Learn, 1 . A fpiritual manias he will not neglcd out- 
ward rites of commanded publick woniiip : fo will he not reft on 
them, but will go about the real glorifying of God belore others* 
as the Pjalmift doth here; Qome and bear what the Lord bath done 
for my foul. 1, The true difciples of Gods grace , who can beft 
difcern of Gods works, and of the experience of others 3 and who 
will be moft ready to praiie God with us, are rhofe that fear God; 
Come and bear, illyc that fear God i I will declare what be hath 
done for my foul. 3. It is no lefle needful for the glorifying of 
God, and edification of others , to make the way of our coming 
by a benefit manifeft to others, chat it was by the ufe of holy 
ordinances, then to make mention of the benefit it felfe ; I cried 
unto him, faith he; that is, I was inftant in prayer for the benefit* 
4. There are cafes wherein the uttering of words in prayer > da 
ferve much, not only for our own up-ftirring, and fixing of our 
mindes, and for others edification; but alfo concerneth Gods glo- 
ry, on whom we profeflc dependance , and in whom we acknow- 
ledge power and goodneflc to dwell 5 And be was extolled with 
my tongue* 

Ver. 18. If I regard iniquity in my heart : the Lord 
will net hear me. 

1 9. But verily God hath heard me ; he hath attended 
to the voice ofmj prayer 4 

From the clearingof his fincerity in prayer; Learn, i. Since- 
rity of heart (hould be joyned whhthe iupplication of the mouthy 
and with felte examination - that we may be fure wc pray fin- 
cei cly : for, Ifl regard iniqnity in my bean , imports fo much in 
the PfdmijU practice, 2. He is an upright man in Gods ac- 
compt, who doth not entertain affection to any known fin > but 
doth oppofe it fincerdy in Gods fightf for this the Pfalmift bring- 
eth for the proof of his fincerity, that he did not regard fin in bk 
heart. 3. Thole onely are the linners , whole prayer God will 
not hear; who live in the love of known fins , and pray for having 
fatisfaclicn to their corrupt lulls. If I regard iniquity in my 
heart, the Lord will not bear me* 4. The lawful prayer of the 



epright heart, mall be granted in fubftance, and ic may be juft as 
it was deGredj which as ic is no (mall mercy, fo mould ic be well 
marked, as the return of our prayer ', 'But verily Cjod bath beard 
me, be bath attended to the voice of my fupplication. 

Ver. 20 Tileffed be God) Which hath not tHrneh 
away mj prayer, nor his mercy from me. 

He dofethwith thanksgiving for this particular experience, as 
an evidence of the running of the fountain of Gods mercy toward 
him. Whence learn , 1. As it is no fmall mercy , that our pray- 
ers are not rejected of God > albeit he mould delay to anfwer us 
for a long time* fo when he delayeth not to anfwer us , the mercy 
is the greater , and ought to be acknowledged in both refpeds : 
Bleffed be God, which batb not turned away my payer. 2. The 
gracious anfwer of an upright fupplication, evidenceth ready ac- 
cefie prepared yet mo.e for the fupplicant , to the fountain of 
Gods mercy 5 and this is yet more mercy : He hath not turned 
away my prayer, nor bis mercy from me. 


To the chief Mufician on Neginotb. A FfJm or Jong. 

THis Pfalmis a prophetical prayer for ablefling upon the 
Church of the ewes, for the good of the Gentiles , and en- 
larging oftheKingdom of Chrift among them. The petition is 
propounded, xw. 1 } z In the next placets an acclamation with the 
Gentiles, glorifying of God at their in-bringing , now forefeeri 
that it mould come moft certainly^er. 5,4. In the third place jthe 
Church ofthejewes do applaud the fecond time the converfion 
of the Gentiles, and their praifing of God, promising ro them- 
felvcs that by that msanes the increafe of Gods bleffing on 
chem mall follow , and the enlarging of the Kingdom of God, 
through all the world, vcr. 5, 6 } 7. 

Ver I. f~> 0*D be merciful unto m 4 andblefft m: 
VJ and caufc hi* jace tojhine t*pon usJSelaL 

2. That 

PSA!. LXVII. 91 

2. That thy fray itoay be kyorvn Upon ear ih j thy f^ 
i'lna health among all k aiior.s. 

This is the blcflin:: which the Lord commanded the childieri 
of Aaron to pronounce upon the people of lfrad.Hnfnb.S, 2 2,2j. 
which here the people do turn into a prayer , for the drawing, in 
of the Gentiles untc Gods fer>ice. Whence learn , i. Iris lafti 
turning of Gods offers, promiks ,' and forms of blcffing of his 
people into prayers; we are lure fo to pray according to Gods willy 
is the Church doth here* i. It is the duty of every citizen of the 
Churches lively members of that body , to pray for the blcffing 
)t God upon all his peoples God be merciful unto *£, and caufebis 
hec to flrinc upon us. 5. Then are the Lords people bleUed 3 
vhenGoddo;h make them iriftrumentai Xc enlarge his King- 
lome, and to propagate the tut Religion J that is , the doctrine 
)f mans falva-.ioii, and Gods fervice : and this mould be the aim 
ve mould Jboo't at. in fceking any blcffing v his people. That the 
,ord may be known upon earth, thy ftoing health among all the na- 
ions 4. The world is ignorant of true Religion , till God by. 
:is own -inftrufments rcveale it j and no way of Religion will 
leafc God, nor profit men, fave Gods way only , wherein he will 
tave men to walk in the conrfe of feith and obedience, and 
'herein he rcvealeth how he will deal with us, and how wemuft 
ehaveour fclves toward bitty Therefore fay they , That thy way 
lay be known upon earth, thy jaj?ig health amoug all nations, 

f er. 3. Let the people praife thee • God j let all the 
eople praife thee. 

4. let the nations be glad , and fin g for joy : for 
hu /bait judge the people righteouflj , and govern the 
ationstipon earth. SeLk 

The P falmi ft tore fe[h by the revelation of Gods Spirit, that 
le Gentiles (hall be converted , and (hall rejoyce in God , and 
•aife him , and therefore will have the Church of rhc Jewes to 
elcomethem, and to joyn in acclamation of praife co God with 
lem, becaufe of Chrifts reigning among them, and ruling them 
rhismbft holy lawes. tfbence learn, 1. The manifeltaubri 
: ijod's freely gifted falvation inChrift, arid the revealing pi his 
anner of dealing with people , and how he will have people dcaL 
ithhim, and one with another, is a matter of unfpeakable praife 

H to' 



to God, and joy to men, to whom this grace is revealed , that thy 
faving health may be Ipiorvn among All nations ; let the people praife 
tbee.OGod. i True converts un:„Chrift,be(ides the joy they h:\ve 
of their own falvation, have alfo daily new acceffion of joy at the 
conveilion of others > as they come in and ought to bleffc and 
praife God heartily with them , when they behold their convei- 
fion j Let all thepeople praife thee: dotheyfay twice, and here - 
afte;- alfo the third time. ?. The conversion of the Gentiles 
was. not a rhing only wifhed for by the Church of the Jew<s ; but 
alfoprc pheficu of unto them clearly : let the nations be glad> 
&d fing for joy ■ for thou Jh&lt judge the people rigbteouJly i ^c. 
4. The Spnit which did enditc the Pfalme*,did not degrade the 
promiled Meffiah Jefus Chrift from his Godhead, for his future 
incarnation; but fpeakethof him, and to him, as God blehed for 
ever; that is, ;he true God, to the Jewifh Church before his 
coming : and true God * to the converted Gentiles after his 
coming in the flefh,one with the Father and holy Spirit} for fixe 
times in this Plalm he is called God^and acknowledged here to be 
the fountain of mercy, and blefling to men , and of manifested 
reconciliation with men > and the object of all divine ho- 
nour and praife * and God the Lerd a and Law-giver of the con- 
verted Gentiles'; Thou fbalt judge the people rigbteoufly , and go- 
vern the nations upon earth, U The doctrine and difcipline of 
Chrift , whereby he judgeth and governeth his Church, ismoft 
holy and righteous , and in as far as particular Churches and 
Chriftians fubmit themfelves to his Lawes , Doctrine, and 
Government , they are his true fubjec~ts, and fhsdl finde the 
fruit of his governing and judging ; For tbejcjball he judge rigb* 
teoujly, unto thtfe mall he do the part of a Governour , even on 
earth j He Jball govern the nations upon earth. 

Ver. 5. Let the people praife thee ,0 God , let all 
the people praife thee. 

6. Then /hall the earth yield, her increafe , and 
God, even our own Godfhatlbleffeus. 

j, God [hall bleffe us , and all the ends of the earth 
fhall fear him. 

In the laft place , the Jewifh Church giveth a fecond accla- 
mation to the incoming of the Gentiles , and do promiie 
to themfelves by that meanes Gods blefling more abun- 


dantly upon themfclves , as now being one body with the 
Gentiles, in the fame Covenant of grace with them. Whence 
learn y i. As the converlion of the Gentiles was efteemed 
by the Jewes , a matter worthy to be oftner prefented to 
God , and prayed for , and earneftly purfued by all that lo- 
ved God 3 fo was it forefcen to bee a matter of grow- 
ing and lading joy to men , and growing and lafting 
praife to God , and to Chi ill , who is God , the Con- 
verter ot them , and the Governour and Teacher of therri 
effectually , to know his Name and falvation J Let all the 
people prAije thee , God , let all the people puife thee. 
2. The Spirit of God gave the Church of the Jewes to 
under ftand , that the converfion of the Gentiles , efpecially 
the converfion of the fulneffe of the Gentiles, ( which here 
is prayed for , when he faith, Let all the people puife thee) 
was to be a means or a mercy antecedent unco , or nearly 
joyried with the bringing in and bleffing of the Jewim 
Church, and poflibly in their own land; then jhalt the earth 
yield her increafe , and God even our own God Jhall bhjfe 
us: for by the earth he meaneth the promifed land of C&+ 
ttaan , which hath been , and is accurfed , during the time 
of their ejection out of it. $. When God mall be gracious 
to the Jewes , after the converfion and bringing in of the 
Gentiles , and fhall renew the Covenant with them in 
Chrift, it (hall fare the better with true Religion , and with 
the Chriftian Churches among the Gentiles > it fliali be id 
them as a refurre&ion from the dead , in regard both of the 
purity of Doftrjne and Worfliip , and of the multiplica- 
tion of perfons converted unto Chrift in all places,- God 
(hall blejfe us ffaiti he then, ) and what more ? And all tb$ 
ends of the earth jhall fear him. 

■ ■ 

a i fcsAi* 




To the chief tin fie tot. A Ffatm or fong of Ttxvid. 

THis Pfalm is very fuitable to that time, when T>xvid having 
gotten the victory over his enemies round about,did afiemble 
all lfrxel , and carried the Ark of God, now returned frorri 
the land of the Pbi lift tries > triumphantly out of the houfecf 
Obed-Edom , into the City of David, as a type of Chrifts afcen- 
fion afttr the work of Redemption in the world. In which 
PiMm after the manner that ZMofcs prayed unto God , or to 
Chvift who was to be incarnate, when the Ark did march i Z>j- 
vii praycth here firftagainft the Lords enemies , ver. i, z. And 
then tor the Lords people , ver. $. In the next ptace , he exhert- 
cthall the Lords people to praifc God , ver. 4. and giveth twelve 
or thirteen 1 eafons for it 5 Fii ft, becaufe of his mercy to the defo- 
late and afflicted , ver. 5,6. Secondly, becaufe of his wonderful- 
nefle and tcrribteneffe in delivering of his people out of bondage, 
as appeared in his bringing of his people out ofEgj^and through 
the wilderneiTe , ver. 7, 8. Thirdly, becaufe of his fatherly care 
to entertain his redeemed people & s did appear in his nouriming 
of his Church in Camxn^ver. 9, io. Fourthly , becaufe of the 
victories which he giveth ufually to his people , when their ene- 
mies do invade them^ ver. 1 1, 11. Fifthly 3 becaufe of the deli- 
very which he will give to his p^jple out of their moft fad cala- 
mities, as he hath oftentimes givjjrt proof, ver. 13, 14. Sixthly, 
becaufe his Church is the moft glorious Kingdome in the world, 
being compared therewith , ver. 15, 16. Seventhly, becaufe 
Chrift the King of the Church , hath all the Angels at his com- 
mand to ferve him : and having ended the work of Redemption, 
was to afcend glorioufly, for fending down gifts to his Church, 
and ruling of it , ver. 17, 18. Eightly, becaufe of Gods bounty 
to his people, in daily renewed mercies, till he perfect the work of 
their falvatien. ver. 1 9, 20. Ninethly, becaufe of his avenging 
of himfelf upon all his enemies, ver. n» Te nt hi y , becaufe God 
hath undertaken to work over again in effect , as need lhall re- 
quire, what he hath done in bringing his people out of Egypt, 
and in giving them victory oyer the Canaanitcr, ver.ii,i$. 


PbAL. L.XV11I. ior 

whereof the experience of his power , already manifefted .for 
Jfrael, was a proof and pledge fufficient , ^v r. 24, 25,, 26, 27. 
Eleventhly , becaufe it was decreed by God . to eftablifh his 
Church, and to make her ftrong , by making Kings to become 
converts, ver. 28, 29 and that partly by treading down fome of 
her enemies, ver. 30. and partly by making others, even fome of 
her grearc ft enemies,, to feek reconciliation with God , cveii her 
God. ver* 31. Twelfthly, he cxhorteth to praife God, becaufe 
of his omnipotent power, in converfion of Kingdomes , ready to 
be let forth for the defence of his people, ver* $ 1, 52, 3 2, 34, 
and ready to overthrow their enemier , and all lor the ftrengthen- 
ing ofhisChuch: for all which he exhorteeh all to blefie the 
Lord, ver. 35. 

Ver. r„ 1 Et Godarife^ let his enemies be fcattered: 
I jf't them aljo that hate himifiee before him. 

2. As fmohe ii driven ds^aj^ fo drive them away ; 
as waxe m?lteth before the five ^{o let the wicked pcrijb 
at the prefence of God. 

3 . 72 ut let the righteous he glad : let them re Joyce 
before Cjod' } yea let them exceedingly rejojee. 

In Davids prayer agninft his enemies , and for Gods people; 
Lexrn , i . Such prayers as the Spirit hath endited unto the Saints 
in Scripture, i: is lawful and expedient for ftrengthening of 
cur faith, to ufe the hme or the like words in the lite cafe^ for 
T>avid prayeth here., as Mofcs prayed at the marching of the 
Ark, Numb, to. $ ?. Let Godarifc , (?c. i. As the Ark was 
amongft the Ifraeiites 9 \o is Chrift amongft his pecplc : and what 
ground of confidence the Church had , becaufe of that pi dec of 
Gods prefence at t' e Ak; we have the fame , and a more lure 
ground of confidence in Chrifts incarnation , reprefented there- 
by ; that upon every appearance of his beginning to ftirre againft 
the enemies of his work , we may lay, Let God arifc. $. Thr 
enemies o^ the Church are the enemies of God, and eikemed 
haters of him, becaufe they are harers of his people ; with whom, 
albeic the Lord doth be;r for a while, yet will he take order, 
when he pleafeth J it will not coft him much labour : on y, Let 
God arije, and let hU enemies b; [entered 4. Although all the 
enemies of God make head againft his people , yet will they noc 
H 3 p eyaile, 

prevaile, when God appeareth, they will turn back; Let them al- 
fo that hzte him, flee before him- $• Whatfoever ftrength of for- 
ces or number the enemies of Gods people hive in appearance, 
it is nothing before God , but like fmoak before the winde, and 
waxe before the fire ; As fmoak # driven away , as waxe meltetb 
before the frt: fo let the wicked per ijh at the pre fence of God. 
0. Albeit the Lord exercife his people with affliction , and with; 
grief ior a while , yet he alloweth unto them comfort and joy, 
whatfoever become of their enemies : But let the righteous be 
glad. 7. The only true matter of the Saints joy is God him- 
feife, and his manifefted presence ; and he will not be pleafed, 
except his children lift up their hearts , and comfort; themfelves 
in him above and againft :\U grief and fenfe of whatfoever ene- 
mies oppofition ; Let them re joyce before G od y yea let them ex- 
ceedingly rcjoyce. 

Ver. 4. Sing unto God 9 fmg pratfet to bis Name : 
extollhimthat rideth upon she heavens , by his Name 
J A H , and rejoyce before bins. 

From his exhortation of the Church >.o praife God with the 
joyful voice of finging; Learn , 1 . Vocal fingine of praifes unto 
God> is a moral duty, and a part of his holy wormip > frequently 
called for in Scripture^ Sing unto God } fing praifes to hU %ame. 
%. Qur thoughts o God mould not be bafe , but high andjiea- 
venly,lifting his Name up above the moft glorious creatures ; all 
they being but his fervants , as he pleafeth to make ufe of them : 
Extotlbim that rideth upon the heavens. 3. The Lordisonely 
and properly worthy of praife, becaufe he onely hath his being of 
himfelf , and givetb being to all things , which arebefide him- 
felfe \ His Hame is J A H« 4- The Lords praU'cs aie his 
peoples advantage , and the true matter of their confidence 
and joy j Sing praifes to him , md rcjoyce before him. 

Ver, 5. A JF ither of the fatherleffe, and a Judge of 
the mdowes is God in his holy habitation. 

6. God fetteththe folitarj in families * he bring* 
fth out thofe that are bound with chainesfiut the rebelli- 
pffi dwell t$ a dry land. 



From the firft reafon of the exhortation topraife Godj Learn* 
i. The Lords highneflie above the hcavensdoth not hin ierhim 
from taking notice ofthe lowed ofhis poor pcoplcj yea the mo$ 
helpl^flc and defolate among men, are the fivfl objects of hi? 
warmed love >A Fatbcrof the father leffe , and a Judge cf the 
mdovps is God. 2. Albeit the Lord be infinite and iiicompre : 
hentible by anyplace* yet hath he appointed a trifling place 
where his people fhall findc him by his own ordinance., to wit, 
the ailcmbly of his Saints, his holy Temple , fhadowing forth 
(Thrift to be incarnate., who now is in heaven., no.* is incarnate, 
and fitting at the right hand of God , in whom dwells the God- 
head, here, here is God tc be foimd: God in hU boly. habitation. 
$. It is the Lords nature 4 , pleafure, and ordinary pradife/to 
makeup the wants, and to change to -he better the difconfolatc 
condition of his own humbled and emptied children; Cjod fettetb 
the folitary in families. 4. The fouls that are mod ienfible of 
bonds and bondage, do lie ncared the feekingcf the fruit of his 
redemption j yea, none in bonds have made oi fhall m?.ke ufe of 
God the Redeemer, but his bonds and fetters hindering him 
from freedome of Gods fcrvice, and from attaining cf felicity, 
have been artd {hall be loofed offhimrte bringctb out ibofe wbiri? 
are bound inchaincs. 5. Such as will not be ruk-d by his* Word, 
according as they are difloyal rebels to him, fo fhall they be dealt 
with as rebels; that is, they fhall neither have Gods bleffing 
joyned with any benefit which they fecm to poiTcile , nor any 
fpiritual comfort in their affliction*, when their calamity conv 
eth upon them: but the rebcUiom dwell in a dry land. 

Vcr. 7. OGod^hen thuwenteft forth bej or 6 th j 
peoplcjvhen thou diddefi march through the ivi/dernejfe. 

8, The earth pjook^ the heavens alfo dropped at 
the pre fence of Ged,e\en Sinai it fe/f was moved at 
the prefence ofGod y the God oflfraeL 

From the fecond reafen of praifing God, Learn, 1. It is ex- 
pedient for our up-ftirring unto thankfulncffe , to cad our eye 
upon fome particulars wherein the Lords goodneffe to us, and 
our obligation to his love, may appear, as here the P.almift doth 
lead us by the hand unto the Lords particular work of redempti- 
on of Tfracl out of Egypt. 1. That one woik of the Churches 
deliver y out ofEgyp^rcprefcnting the redemption cf his people 
H 4 from 

from the roifecy of fin. and Satans bondage, is a fufficient proof 
lb? ever oi the Lords lovc,care powcr,ind faith fulnefle,to deliver 
his o\vn out of ail their mifery>whkh the . hutch and every mem- 
ber thereof ftidiiW a w ayes make uie of unto the end of the world j 
v.'he he: we lock upon that work in the type fmgly. or as it is a, 
representation or pawne of the fpiikual. delivery of his peo- 
ple, this wqi k flioiud we often look upon, nnd ftill hold it up un- 
to* God ; God, when thou wcntql forth before thy people 3 when 
ibeudidde march through the wildcrncfje. 3* In the woks of 
the Lord it is needful net only lo lcok up^n that which may 
fofter faith in God., and love toward him; but alio to let before 
'us, what may fcrye to keep our hearts in fear and awe of his 
drea.'ful Majefty ; The earth Jhoo^y the hercens dropped, at th? 
frcfcTiccof God., even Sinai it felf was moved at the prefence of 
God t .cz'cnthcGcdof7fraeL 

t ., 

Ver, o m Thou. QGod % didfl fend a plentiful raine> 
whereby thou didft con fir me thine inheritance, rvhen 
it was weary. 

10. Thy r cngrtgation hath dwelt therein: thou, 
God,, haft prepared of thy goodneffe for thi 

from the third reafon of Gods prajfe ; Learne., 1. The or- 
dinary fuftainrng of Gods people bodily and Spiritually in the 
pofieffion of 'kt& benefit temporal or spiritual given unto 
the ru fhould be observed, as well as the bellowing of any be- 
nefit in ah extraordinary way, as here the ordinary fuftainin^ 
of" ifraclin Canaan, is made a part of the fong of praife, no lcfti 
then their miraculous delivery out of Egypt ; Thou, Lord 
didft fend a plentiful rain whereby then didfi confn me thine inhe- 
ritance when it was wc ry. z. The people who are in Cove 
nant with God externally, are the Lords own peculiar, mor< 
pearly and properly then any other lociety in the world} theie 
fcrc Ifracl here is called by the Prophet (peaking to God , Th 
Congregation. 3. It is for the Churches caufe, that the lan< 
wherein his people dwellcth, is blelTed at any time by God 5 Th 
Congregation hath dvoclx in it. 4. The bleffing bellowed upoi 
the Church or the place wherein they dwell, is not given for a 
nygoodncile in his people, but for the goodnefle, grace 3m 
good will of God to them; Thou. god, haft prepared of ih 
goodneffe for the poor. ' Ver 


Ver. II. T hi Lord gave the Vcord: great rras the 
company of thofe that publifbe&k. 

i 2. Kivqrs of armies did fire apace : avd fhs that 
tarried at horns divided the fpoile. 

From tie founh reafonof praife j Team, 1. The Lord will 
fometimcexercife his Church with WJrresnfTlidtions and trials* 
when he doth not intend to pupifh therm bn: to give them the 
victory over their enemies, ana that for his own glory, as in ^Dt 
foual)s time and lavids, whereunto the text doth relate • The 
matter of joyful newes, or the word of the Chinches victory o- 
ver her foes-, whenfoever it is, proceeds from the Lord, who 
fuimimeth matter for, and words, and utterance of joy to his 
people, and praife to him'clt : Tbt Lord gave the word. 2. When 
God will glorifie hxmfelf by Comforting his Chuch, he fliall 
no: want Herauldsof hispraife $ Great was the company oftb&fc 
that publifhcd it. 3. Were the enemies of the Church never fo 
powerful, and Gods people never fofane inferiour unto their 
enemies in pewer, yet (hall the enemy not be able to ftand, 
when God begins to fi^ht for his people .* lyings °f Armies did 
flee apace. 4. It is caiie for the Lord to make them a prey to 
the weakeft of his people, who do let themfelvts to make ha- 
vock of the Church, yea and to inrich his people with rhe fpoil 
of fuch adverlaries : she that tarried at borne, divided the 

Ver I ?. thongl) ye have lien among the pots, yet 
(hall ye be as the wingt of a l^ove^ covered with fil- 
ver, and her feathers -with yellow gold 

I y When the Almighty fcattered Kings in it^ it was 
White as /now in Salmon. 

From the fifth reafon cf praife ; Learn, 1. As the Lor J fome- 
times doth pcautifie his people with viftbries and wcahh: fo alio 
at other times roi juft reafons, hewilldaken all their outward 
glory, and make them look :s blacked fculK^ns in the kirchir; 
though ye have lien among the pots, &c. :. Th_ Lord after the 
trial and hard cxercifesof his people for a time, will :,ive them 
fo glorious an event and delivery, as fhail take (rfFalhhi igno- 
miny of their former affliction, and make np all thciL lofiesr y.ea 



hewillcaufe their formerly deforming afflictions, to ferve for 
waihing-balls of tope, to make them fo much more beautiful; 
7bougb}e have lien among the pots, ye fl)all be as tbc wings of a 
'Dove, covered with filvcr, and her feathers with yellow gold. 
3 . Experiences of mercies fhewen to the Lords people, are pawns 
and evidences of like mercies in time to come, as here. When 
the Almighty fcattered Things in the land, it wa? made white y 
is mideaproof of the Promife made, ver. i$. 4. As a dark, 
duskie mountain, whereupon groweth no green thing, but black 
heath, is made white, when covered withfnow: foisadilgra- 
ced, fhamed, impoverished, inflaved land made glorious a- 
gainby a merciful manner of delivery manifefting the Lords 
kinde refpe&s unto it $ When the Almighty fcxttercd lyings in 
tfudea, it was made white as fnow in Salmon. 

Ver. i<$. The hill of God is as the hill of ^afhart, 
an high hill as the bill of Bafhan. 

16. Why leap ye, ye high hills? this is the hill which 
Goddefirethtodwellin: jea, the LOKT) will dwell in 
it for ever. 

"From the Gxth reafonofpraife; Learne, j. The Kingdom es 
of this world, efpecially fome of them of more eminent fort, 
dofeem very rich and glorious in comparifon of the outward 
appearance of the Kingdomeof Chrift in his Church, as the 
great, high, and fruitful hill of Bafian feemed to be more glori- 
ous then the hill of S ion $yct all things being compared, in fpeci- 
all the fpirkual priviledges of cheone with thetemportl privi- 
ledges of the other, the Church of God will outreach the 
moft elorious Kingdom on the earth : The bill of God is at the 
bittof Bafian> an high bill as the hill of Baflw*. 2. Although 
the Kingdomcs of the world rejoyce in their Prerogatives, and 
defpife the Kingdom of Chrift in his Church, vet nave they no 
caufe to exalt themfelves : Why leapyc, ye high bills? 3 . This 
onepriviledgeof the Church, that it is the place of G'ods resi- 
dence, wherein he will manifeft himfelf familiarly and com- 
fortably to his own, mayoverfwayall the excellency of all the 
Kinfrdoraesof the world 5 no Kingdom which hath not Gods 
Church in it, can fay the like; Tbi% is the bill which god 
defiretb to dwell in\ yea, the Lord will dwell in it for 



Ver. 1 7 k The chariots of God are twenty thou* 
*»d> even thmfands of Angels : the Lord is among 
bem^s in Sinai, in the holy place* 

Ver. r8. Thou haft afcended on high % thou haff led 
activity captive, thon haft received gifts for men; 
ea, for the rebellions aljo^ that the Lord God might 
] well among them. 

From the feventh reafon ofpraife* Learn, i.NoKingdome 
nth fuch defence, fo potent and fo numerous armies to fight 
heir battels as the Church hath 5 The chariots of God aretwen- 
y tboufand, even tkoufands of Angels, z. The defence of An- 
;els is made faft to his Church, and their power nude fure 
o be for her, becaufe God is in his Church, even the Lord 
vhom all Angels do ferve and attend upon, is in his Church, 
is at his giving of the law upon {Mount Sinn did appear; 
the Lord is among them, m in Sinai. 3. The Lord is no leflc ter- 
ible againfthis foes in Sion, then in SinaU and whatfoever 
errour the Lord did mew to his Church in Sinai againft the 
riotaters of his law , he will mariifeft it for the comfort and de- 
ence of his people, who heartily embrace his Gofpel : The Lor A 
s among them, to wit, thefe chariots and Angels, as in Sinai, fo 
In the holy place. 4. The Ark was not more glorioufly convey- 
dfrom the houfe of Obed-cdom unto the city of 'David, then 
Sod, that is, Chrift, who is God, who defcended to aiTume hu- 
nane nature, that he might therein perfect the work of Rc- 
lemptton, did glorioufly afcend into heaven, afrerthe price of 
Redemption was paid by him > Thou haft afcended on high 9 
Eph. 4. 8 3 o, 10. $, The praifes of God, and joy of the 
Church are perfected in Chrift ; no fatisfaclion in the fhadows^ 
ill Chrift the fubftance be looked unto; therefore here the 
Lords Spirit led his people to look through the fliadow of the 
tfcending of the Ark toward the city of David, unto the a- 
"cending of God incarnate (rep relented by the Ark) into hea- 
ven ; ffyou baft afcended on high. 6. Chrift did not en^er into 
bis glory without a battel going before, and that with ftrong 
md many enemies : and in his fighting he carried the victory, 
ind after his victory hedid triumph, firft in the Croffc, and 
:hcninhis Afcenfion , over fin, Satan, the world, hell, grave 
mdall: He led captivity captive. 7, Chrift as Mediatour and 
King of his Church, was fully furniilKa wiJi all things need- 


ful 5 for gathering his Church, for edifying, governing and per- 
fecting of it : fbov baft received gifts for men ; even thofe gifts 
which the Apoftie fpeaketh of, tor the gathering and edifying 
of the body of the Saints, Eph.$. ii y ij. 8. 1 he gifts which 
Chrift hath received and given forth; are not forthe Jewes on- 
ly, or Gentiles only ; for the poore only, or rich only $ but for 
men indefinitely: Thou haft received gifts for mtit. 9 As ha 
hath received gifts for bringing on to life thofe that are recon* 
ciled: fo alio to conquer, lubdue and bring in rebels, and to 
reconcile enemies: Tbou baft received gifts for men, yea, and for 
the tebeUious alfo. 10. The end of (Thrifts' Afcenfipn, and re-, 
ceiving and fending down gifts among men, is to eathcr and 
prcferve, and eftablifti unto God a Church in the world, where- 
in he may make himfelf manifeft 5 and dwell and rule in the midfi 
of his enemies: Thou baft received gifts for men, that the Lord 
might dwell Among them • 1 1 . Yea what oevcr gi fts are beftowe i 
upon unregenerate men within the vifible Church or without it, 
which may any way be ferviceable to the Church, they are all 
beftowed on them in favour of the Church, that God may 
dwell in his vifible Church, which by thofe gifts is edified 5 Then 
baft received gifts for men, yea for the rebellious alfo, tha the 
Lord God might dwell amongtbem. 

Vcr. 19. B/effed be the Lord, ^ho daily loadeth 
us with benefits, even the God of our falvation. 

20. He that is our God, is the God of fafoa~ 
tion\ and unto GOD the Lord belong the Jffaes 
from death* 

From the eighth teafon of praife s Learnt, 1, Where the 
Lord will be merciful, he will be merciful, and not weary in 
doing good to his people in a current courfc of bounty; theob- 
fervation whereof fhould ftirre up our hearts to th:mkfulneflc: 
Tleffed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits. 1 . The 
favours and benefits which God doth beftow upon his people, 
do come in greater number and meafure unto them, then they 
are able to acknowledge, make ufe ot, or be thankful for, and 
loin a fortdo burden the fpirits of the truly godly : Plcjjed he 
God, who daily loadeth us with benefits. 3. As all benefits do 
flow unto Gods children from the covenanted kjndncfle of 


PSA L.L XVIII. 105? 

God for giving unto them eternal blvation ; fo mould all be- 
nefits confirm their faith in the Covenant, and lead them to the 
hope of receiving after all other benefits, falvation alto $ Blcffei 
be the I ord, who daily loadeth pa with benefits, even the God of 
our falvation. 4. Albeit the Covenant of falvation befure and 
folid in it fclf,yct are we flow to beleeve it, & weak in our laying 
hold of it; :nd have need to have the ftamp and impreffion of 
it let deep upon our hearts, as here the Pfalmift teacheth the 
Church by inculcating this point : He that is ourGod 3 is the 
God of jalvation. 5. Temporal things which men do idolize, 
may ferve a man in this life; but at death, in death, and after 
death he can have no good by them 5 It is God only who can 
deliver from death , and give an ifluc out of it : Unto God the 
I ord belong the iffucs of death. 6 . Let a man be once fetled in 
(he faith oi his falvation, then he fliall be comforted againft all 
the troubles and dangers wherein he can fall, yea even againft 
death it felfj ifhecanlay, He that is our God, is tbc God of fa4- 
vation , he may alfo fay with confidence and application to him- 
fel^ andcomiort , Unto God the Lord belong the ijfues from 

Vcr. 21. But God toill wound the head of his ene- 
mies'- and the hair y [calf of (uch a one as goeth on 
fiill in his trefpajfes. 

From the ninth reafon of Godspraife; Learnt^ 1. How 
great fcever be the majefty of God, and the riches of bounty and 
grace offered in Chrift, yet will men be found even within the 
vitible Church, who will wickedly refufe his grace i and oppofe 
his Kingdom, but all to their own Ihame and drjjaage ; 'But 
God (hall wowid the head of bis enemies. 2. The e^ra&et of 
Gous irreconcileable enemies is, that they ceafe not to >Uo\ * the 
courfcof fin: he goeth on fiill in bis trefpajfes. 5. Though 
God fpare his enemies long, andfuffer themtoerow old in the 
courfe of enmity againft him, yet (hall flnmeful, fudien and 
irrecoverable judgements overtake thern in their old dayes > Hut 
God [hall wound the hoary feilp of fuck a one as gocth on (till in 
his trefpjjfcs. ^]j3l 

Ver, 22, The Lord f aid ^ Jwili bring* gain from 


Ba/ha?t r I mil bring my people again from the depth's 
of tie fea, 

2$. That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of 
thine enemies, and the tongue of thj dogs in the 

From the tenth reafon of praife, wherein the Prophet promi • 
feth in the Lords Name, that God (hall work over again fuch 
works of delivery to his people, and fuch works of victory o- 
ver their enemies, as he had wrought before; Learn, 1. The 
Lords Word is certainly fufficient ior performance of his pro- 
mifes, and gtound of comfort and confidence, andthankfgi- 
ving and praife to Gd even before the work be wrought 5 The 
Lord [aid, I will bring again , ttfc . 3 . As the Lord wilF have the 
memory of former dangers and deli veries of his Church kept 
in remembrance for his own glory : fo will he have former dan- 
gers for his peoples good to be looked upen as advertifements 
of what ftraits his Church may be caft into, and his former 
merciful deliveries looked upon as pledges and pawns of the 
promi fes of like mercies in time to come, as need fhall require : 
I mil bring again from Bajhau, I mil bring my people again from 
the depths ofthcfea>doth import thus much. 3. As the Lord will 
give as great deliverances to his Church, when they are in ftraits 
as ever he did before: fo wil he give as terrible blows to his adver- 
faries as sver he did, according as the Churches need or good ihal 
require; I will bring again from Bajhan, (<rc. that thy foot may be 
dipped in the blood of thy enemies. 4. Albeit neither the Lord 
nor his people do delight in bloodfhed, yet will he let his people 
and all men fee, in the bloodfhed of their enemies, how terrible 
heisin juftice, efpeciallyagainft the enemies of his Church, 
and how dear his people are to him, and that rather then they 
fhouldbe overthrown, he will deftroy Nations for their fafety; 
and give unto his people in their own defence againft their op- 
preffors, notable victories j So that thy foot may be dipped in the 
blood of thine enemies. 5. When the Lord thinks it fitmot to make 
his own people inftrumental in their own delivery, then can 
he yoke the enemies among themfelves, or raife up profane dogs 
like themfelves to avenge the quarrel of the Lords people upon 
their enemies : That the tongue of thy dogs may be dipped in the 
fame s that is 3 in the blood of thine enemies; 



Ver. 24. They havejeen thy goings, god, even 
the goings of my God y my King^ in the fanUttary. 

25. The fingers went before \ the flayers on inflrn- 
ments followed after \ amongfi them were the dam - 
f els flaying with timbrels. 

To confirme what is promifed, he brin^erh forth old experi- 
ences acknowledged by the enemies, regiftred in the Word of 
the Lord , and read in the Temple. Whence learn, i.The Lord 
ufeth to work to evidently for his people, and againft his ene- 
mies, that both his people and their enemies are made witnei- 
fes, and are forced to acknowledge the Lords work) They have 
fcen (by goings, God. 2 . It is the glory of a people, when God 
fo worketh, as he is feen to be their God, their leader, their de- 
fender, and all as in C ovenant with them : They have fcen thy 
goings, God, even the goings of my God, faith he. 3. Thac 
Gods honour may be feen, mans honour mould be laid down 
at his feet ; and put cafe a man were the gi cateft King, yet is it 
greater glory and matter of contentment to have God for his 
Kmg, then to be a King without God j 7 bey have feen thy go- 
ings,0 my God-my 1^'7/g, (faith David, now fetled in the King- 
dom. ) 4. The meft dear, lure and profitable fight of the Lords 
work and wayes, is to be had in the ufe of publick ordinances, 
where his Name, Nature, Covenant and courle he keepetri 
with all men, togerher with the caufes, ufe and ends of his works 
are to be feen 5 They have feen the goings of my God intbefan- 
ctuary. 5. Where ail the people receive a benefit, it becometh 
all the people publickly andfotemnly, and with their beft ex- 
predion of affection, as God doth appoint, to praife God, and in 
his worfliip to ice that all things may be done orderly, as Israel 
did, when they came through the red lea, and at othertimesas 
the Lord gave occafion : The fingers wan before, the players on 
inftrumeius followed after , amongfi them, in the middle- ward, 
the Vamofels playing with timbrels \ 6. Ail the powers of our fouls 
and bodies ihould concurre each of them in their own order 
with the beft harmony of knowledge, afteclions and expreflions, 
which can be attained unto, for ferting forth the Lords praiies, 
and our obligation to him for his goodnefle to his people, and 
fo mould wemarchonall thedayes of our pilgrimage and war- 
fare, till we come to the promifed reft : for this did the external 
ceremonies uled under the pedagogic of the Law, teacht Whicfe 



ceremonies although they be abolished nowj yet the fubftance 
and intended duties painted at in them, befng moral, do {till 
remain; The fingers went before, players on infirwnents follow- 
ed after, &c. 

Ver. 26. Bleffe ye god in the Congregations : evert 

the Lor d from the fountain of lfraeh 

2 j. There is Utile Benjamin with their Ruler , the 
Princes of Jud«h, and their CoUncel^the Princes of 
Zebulun, and the Trinces ofNaphtalL 

As the Pfalmift did clear the doctrine of Gods dealing for 
his Churchy and againft their enemies by experiences of oh: 
fo he poinrs here at experience later, as was to be feen by all, 
st the glorious triumphing of Ifraelowcc all their enemies, when 
they were now afiemblcd in their feveral tribes, the leaft as well 
as the greateit, the moil remote tribes/ as well as thofe that were 
neareilhand 5 all of them conveyingthe Ark of God unto the 
City of "David, which was the type ot Chrift. God incarnate, 
aicending after his victories into heaven. Whence learn, i.The 
mercies of God to his people, in ipecial the gteat work of Re- 
demption> and victory overall enemies obtained by Chrift in 
favour of his people* are abundant matter and caufe topraife 
God, and to blefle him in all the aflemblies of the Church; for 
here it is a commanded duty : Bleffe ye God in the Congregate 
ons. 2. Whatfoever be the part of others in di charging of this 
duty, it is expected moft at the hands of every kindly Israelite, 
who draw their original from the fountain of ifraely whether 
they be of thenatuial flock of tfacob, defended of him, as wa- 
ter out of a fountain, or have their defcent of the fame Spirit of 
regeneration with him ; Bleffe ye God, even the Lord from the 
fountain of Ifrae!. 3. Examples and practices of Gods children 
at any time, are the encouragements of his people at all times 
thereafter : There is little Beniamin with their Rulers , &c % 
fet forth here for example. 4. The Piety of Governors, and 
their precedencie before or joyning with others in the Lords 
fcrvice, is more honourable unto them then their places of dig* 
nity,or their gifts of wifdom and power : There were the Trinces 
of judah. with their Councel, the Princes of Zebulun, and tke 
Princes of Naphtali, 5 . In the exercile of Gods worfhip, and 
in privileges fpiruual, the Lord doth joyne the fmallcft with- 



the treated, the lowcft with the higheit, that the lowcft may glo- 
vy t in their exaltation, and the higheft in their humiliation: There 
was little Benjamin with fudab , the people with their Princes 


Ver. 28. Thy God hath commanded thy firength' 
ftrengthen, O God, that which thou haft wrought for w 

2 ?. Becaufe of thy temple at Jerttfalem^ /hall k^ngs. 
bringprefents unto thee. 

From the eleventh reafon of Gods prai.e; Learn ? 1. Not 
fn Kings, or Rulers , or any thing eile , but in the Lord and 
from the Lord , is the firength of his Church , which fhe 
imy expeft al waves to be furnifhed with by vertue of the 
Covenant i Thy Cjod hxth commanded thy firength > faith 2)i- 
vii to the Church. 2. As the Lord hath decreed to efta- 
b.'i/h his Church : fo hath he meancs and inftruments in 
every age and place prepared for this purpofe 3 and ha:h gi- 
ven out order by actual providence; which is- alwayes going 
about the work in all ages ; thy God hath commanded thy 
ftrcnjb. 3. The Loi\ J s decree and the order given forth to 
accomplish it, confifteth well with the Churches ufing of all 
lawful meanes to further that end 3 an J in Ipecial mould 
bejoyned with thankful acknowledging of what the Lord hath 
begun to 60, ordone already for it > and with earneit prayer 
for accomplishing of what is to be further done: fo teach- 
eth Davids example ar.d prayer here : Strengthen , Cjod, 
that which thou haft wrought for m. 4. The Lords knowne 
prcfencc in his Chuch , maintaining and bleffing of his publick 
Ordinances * fhall move kings at tail to do homage to God in- 
carnate > that is , to Chrfft reprefented bv his dwelling in the 
Temple ofrfcrufalem : Becaufe of thy temple at ferujalem , jhall 
yin** bring pre' fonts unto thee. 

Ver. 30. Rebuke the company of (peartnzn ,~ the 
malt it tide of the built, -with the calves of the people \ till 
every one fttbmtt himflfwith pieces of fiver : jcatter 
thoH thtyeople that delight in)todrre. 

31. Princes full come out of Egypt , Ethiopia Jhall 
foonftrctchotit her hands unto Gcd, 

I . Ho?/ 

riow tins man luiiic t j ^ajit , uv, mcwcui i lu wit , paruy oy 
breaking the power of fome of them, when they make oppofitipr. > 
partly by powerful converfion of other fome. Whence learn , 
I « It is not againft the precept of love , to pray again!! publick 
enemies of the Church , when private fpleen is not the motive, 
fcut 7.eal to the glory of God > Rebuke the company of fpearmen. 
2« The leaders of armies, parties, and fadions againil Gods 
Church and caufe,and the followers of fuch leaders , are all of 
them a company of beafts> Rebuke the multitude of the bulls jtvitb 
the calves of the people* 3 . God is adverfary to all who do oppofe 
his people, and his caufe in their hand , and can as eafily repulfe 
them really, and overturn them, as reprove them verbally : 7£c- 
bu\ethe jpearmen , tyc. 4» The end of the Churches prayer 
againil her enemies, is,that God may be glorified , and people at 
leaft brought to outward obedience unto God, which may be a 
means to real converfion in Gods time ; l\cbu\e them , ($c. till 
every one of them fubmit themfelves, with pieces offdver j that 
is, till they offer to contribute to Gods fervice. 5. The punifti- 
ing of fome of Gods enemies, may be a meanes to move others to 
offer obedience , and fubmitto God , when people that delight 
in warre are fcattered ; For Princes Jhatt come out of Egypt. 
6. God will draw into fubjeftion unto himfelf, fome of his moft 
open and inveterate enemies ; Princes fhall come out of Egypt 9 
Ethiopia jball foonjtyetcb out her bands unto thee. 

Ver. 32. Sing unto Cjod^ je kingdomes of the earth: 
O jing praifes unto the Lord* Selah. 

33. To him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens^ 
which were of old : lo , he doth fend out his voice > and 
that a mighty veue. 

34. Ajcribefe firength unto God: his excellency U 
over Ifrael, and his firength is in the clouds. 

35. O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places : 
the God of I frae lis he that give th firength anil power 
unto his people : hie fed be God. 

From the taft reafon of praifing of God , taken from his Al- 
mighty power, in converfion of Kingdomes of Gentiles, ready 
to te put forth for the prefervation of his Church gathered, 
and for the overthrow of his enemies. Learn , I. The time 




ftiallcome, when thekingdomes of the earth mall turn Chri- 
ftians in profeflion, in a greater meafure then yet hath been 
feen v for, Sing unto Got, ye \ingdon\cs of the earth : is not a fim- 
pic telling of their duty , buta prophecieoftheir joyful joyning 
in the worfhipofGod; and that they (hall have caufe of joy 
within themfelves to praifc him; O fivg praifes to ihe Lord. 
2. True Converts will renounce Idols and falfe gods^ and reve- 
rently worfliipthe omnipotent Creator and Governour of hea- 
ven, the eternal God : Sing praifes to God that rideth upon the 
I heaven of beivens, that were of old. 3. As thc-glorious govern- 
ment of heaven doth fhew the Lords power 5 fo the thunder 
alio doth fhew his power and terror , the consideration where- 
of is needful to diipofe our ftupid mindes to Jhraifc him; 
Lo , be cloth fend forth his voice, even a mighty voice. 4. The 
right ufe of Gods great , and ienfible , and daily ken worksy 
is to make us to glorify the power of God , who is able to 
work wharfoever he pleifeth ; Afcrihe Jlrength unto the Lord. 
5. The Lords glory in his Church is more excellent then all 
that is to be feen in the works of Creation: His excellency is 
ever Ifrael. 6. The true worfhipper mult itudy the power, and 
all other properties of God,both by what he hears in the fociety of 
the Church,and by what he feeth in his vilible works-as well dai- 
ly tranfient works, fuch as the cloud s arenas conltantly enduring, 
works, fu:h as the hravens are : Hts excel ency is over ifrael, and 
his (irength is in the clouds. And forely it is no fmall power, 
which doth bear up fuch weight of fnow, and feas' 
of water , and doth make them faile as it were , and flee wka 
wings in the aire, which God doth diflolve by (ittleandlittle,as 
we daily behold. 7. Where foe ver God fheweth his preience,whe- 
ther in heaven, or in his Church, in any place of the earth, there 
and from thence doth he fhew himfelf a dreadful God to fuch as 
fear him not ; God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places. 
8. Albeit there were no man to hear us glorifie God, or no man 
to take hispraife of our hand, we mould acknowledge M> great- 
nefle in our heart, and before himfelf, who will take true worfhip 
of our hand; for 'David here turneth his fpeech to God in the 
end of the Pfalme, faying to him, O God, thou art terrible out of 
thy holy places . 9. The Lord hath an evei lafting intereft in the 
people of ifl-ael, and they in him, for the elections caufe 5 and 
every true Ifraelite hath an everlafting intereft in God, he is the 
God of Ifrael. to. Wilat the Lord hath, is forth-coming to 
his peoples furniture; as they have need : Tk$ God of ifrael is he 
I x that 

1 16 PbAL LXIX. 

tbxx givelb flrcngtb and power to bis people. 1 1. It is reafon that 
at all the feveral remembrances of Gods mercy to us;, we mould 
acknowledge his blefledneffe , and his ble fling of us, and this is 
all we can do, and that alfo can we not do except he ftrengthen 
and enable us for praife ; for, blefftd be Goi, faith the Prophet, 
for this very reafon, after he hath fpoken of his giving power to 
his people* 


To the chief mufiewt upon Sbofbannim. A Pfalm of Vivid. 

DAvid> as a type of Chrift , earneftly dealeth with God for 
a delivery from his perplexed condition , and from the ma- 
lice of his adverfaries 5 and doth finde a comfortable even*. 
There are three parts of the Pfalm. In the firit, is his prayer, fix 
times prefrnted , and ftrengthened with new reafons, to vcr. 22. 
In thefecond part of the Pfalm, is his imprecation often plagues 
againft his enemies, with fome reafons added for the juftice ot 
the inflicting the plagues, mentioned to vcr. 29. In the third 
part, arc four evidences of his vi&orv, from ver. 19. to the end. 
In all which, whatfoever is proper to the type, is to be referred 
to the type only ', and whatfoever is fit alfo to be applied unto 
Chifl the Antitype, muft be referred to him only, in thatfenfc 
which is fuitable to his Majefty. 

His prayer at firit, is propounded in few words > Save me: the 
reafons are foure. The firit, from the danger he was in, ver. 1,2 . 
The next rom his long and patient waiting for an anfwer to his 
prayer, ver 3. The third from the multitude, and malice, and 
iniquity of his enemies , ver 4* The fourth is by way ofattefta- 
tion of God, that he was innocent of that whereof he was char* 
ged by his enemies , joyned in with his humble acknowledging 
©fwhatfover other fins juftice could charge upon him in any 
ether refpeft , ver* 5. 

Ver. 1. Q^weme^oGod; for the waters are come 
\3 in unto mj foul. 
2 . 1 fink in deep mire*, where there is no {landing : I 
am come into deef Waters, when the floods overflow me. 

PSAL. LXIX. 117 

His Brft Petitiou is to be faved , and the firft rcafon ofiti 5 , 
becaufe of the danger he was in j Whence learn , 1. A childc 
of God may in his own fenfe be very near to perilling , and 
yet muft not in the mod defperate condition ceafe to pray, 
nor ceafe to hope for delivery prayed for : Save me , God. 
z . With danger of bo.lily death , a childe of God may have in 
his fpirit a fore conflict with the fenfe of wrath , like to fwallow 
up his foul, as deep waters do a drowning man s The waters arc 
come in unto my foul, j, The condition of a foul exercifed with 
the fenfe of wrath j thieateneth nolcflethen perdition, certain, 
inevitable, without any event , and endleUe ; whereof the bodily 
danger of a drowning man isbutafhadow : I finfi in deep mire, 
where there U no (landing ; I am com into deep waters > where the 
floods overflow me, 

Ver. 3. I am weary ofmj crying.mj throat is dried: 
wine eyes faile while I wait for my God. 

The fecond reafon of the firft Petition is, becaufe he had long 
and patiently waited on God. Whence learn, j. Faith in hard exi- 
gences doth not give over for appearances of perdition , knowing 
that what is impoflible to mans appearance , is not impoflible to 
God; for David, as a believer, and a type of Chrift,prayeth ftill 
for all this , although he Gnde no delivery: I am weary of my 
crying. 2. Prayer put up in faith to God , kecpeth in life, and 
is like a mans drawing breath in the water when the head is lift- 
ed up above the floods ; for here , although the floods over- 
flowed the Pfalmift, yet he is able to mew this to God, and to cry 
till he be weary of crying. $ . For cxercifing of faith, and making 
patience to have the pcrtect work, it is no ftrange thing for God 
to delay relief unto an earned fupplicant', till he be like to give 
over, till his cafe feem defperate , and-Jiis relief hopelefle ; Mine 
eyes faile, while I wa ; t for my god. 4. Though the flefh of the 
regenerate man be weak, yet the fpirit is ready,and will never give 
over calling on God , depending on him , holding fail the 
Covenant 3 and the hope of deliverance s for it will make this 
a new ground of fpcech unto God, that it is no: able to fpeak any 
thing, and a new ground of laying hold on God, and hoping for 
help from him , becaufe its hope is failing , as here : I am weary 
of my crying, mythrotfis dried ; mine eyes faile, whi'c I wait for 
my God. 

Ver. 4. They that hate me without a caufe^ are mot 
\ 3 then 

115 Fb/iL. JLX1X. 

then the haWes of my head : they that would deftroy me t 
being mine enemies ^Qrongfully^are mighty : then I re- 
ft [ ored that which I took not aVay. 

The third reafon of the firft Petition is , becaufe his enemies 
Were many, mighty, and malicious, WJKnct learn , i . Holinefs, 
and integrity cvnn^t ward off the enmity of a \ icked world : for 
the enemies of David, who was a well-deferving man, and Chrift 
(whofe type he was) much more beneficial to men , had iocs in- 
numerable} They that h ate me -without cauje , are moe then the 
haires of my head, i . Albei t mam- do aggravate their own j,riefe 
foolifhly , wh.ii they fuffer hui t of them whom they did not in- 
jure or provoke ; ye: the confidence of harmle'r effe toward fuch 
as wi/h harm to them, is a great fupport o their confidence, when 
they are injuriouily dealt with; They hate me without a caufe, 3. It 
isnoftrangemcjttertofec truly godly men to be out of credit* 
and afte&ion with men who are in power and authority in the 
world ; They that would deftroy me , being mine enemies wrong- 
fully < are mighty. 4. He tnac is moft juft, may be troubled 
and hated without a caufe. and may be dealt with as a thief, 
being verily an honeft man > Then I reftored that which 1 too^ 
not away. 

Ver. 5. O Cod, thou hnoweft mj foollfhnejfe , and 
my fins are not hid from thee. 

The fourth reafon of the firft Petition is.,becaufe God was wit- 
nefle to his difpofnion *nd carriage. Whence learn , When we 
are condemned of men unjuftly > we have God to appeale unto; 
and although there may be fins upon us in our private reckoning 
with God 3 yet being free of what men do lay to our charge , wc 
may appeal co God in the controverfy betwixt cur enemies and 
us , an.i when we have ackno^ ledged what finnes are in reckon- 
ing 'twixt God and us, our fupplicaticn to God fliall not be caft 
back for oul fms$ for this is the force of the Pfalmifts reafoning, 
for the ftrengthenirig of his own faith in prayer , faying, Cjod 3 
thou finoweft my foolijhneffe, and my fins are not hid from tbety that 
is, whether I befofoolifh and injurious to my perfecutors, as 
they fay, or not, thou Lord knoweit; and whatfocver other nnnes 
may be imputed unto me upon any other fcore 5 I refufe not to 
reckon for them, but T am free, thou knoweft, of what I am char- 
ged with : and this is applicable alfo in fome fort unto Chrift, 
who was moft free of what men did lay to his charge^ although in 


' another reckoning all the iniquities or the elect were charged 
upon him by imputation , according to his tranfa&ion with the 
Father about our debt. 

Ver. 6. Let not them that wait on thee , O Lord 
G OT) of hoftes^ be ajhamed for my fake : let not thofe 
that feek^ thee % be confounded for my fakje , O God 
of lftaeL 

The fecond Petition is , that the godly may not be hurt by his 
manner of exercife, which he ftrengthens by four reafons ; Frft, 
becaufe his fufferings were for Gods caufe, ver. 7- Secondly, be- 
caufe he was call off by his friends , ver. 8. Thirdly , becaufe 
he did take Gods honour deeply to heart , ver. 9. Fourthly 3 be- 
caufe his holy and religious carriage was mocked : and both by 
high and low, by honourable and bafe rafcals he was oppofed and 
pei»fecuted, ver, 10,11,12. 

From the fecond Petition learn , 1. The property of the god- 
ly is to feek communion with God > and patiently to attend his 
anfwer for the time, manner, and meafure of its for they are here 
defcribed, They that wait on thee, OLord, thofe that feek thee* 
2. When one of Gods children is perfecutcd for righteoufnefie* 
all the reft are waiting to fee the event, and it cannot chufe 
but be a great da(h to them , to fee the righteous lie under , or a 
good caufe to lie long opprefled, which inconvenience we fliould 
requeft the Lord to prevents Let not tbem that wait ontbee , be 
ajhamed -, let not thofe thetfccfi tbee , be afiamed. 5. It is a 
kindely mark and property of a godly perfon to be a lover of the 
good of all Gods children , and to be careful that no caufe or oc- 
cafion of (tumbling be furnifhed unto them by him s Let them 
not be ajhamed for my fa\e 5 let them not be confounded for my fafa. 
4. Faith fets its eyes in prayer upon thofe titles of God 3 which 
dofervemoft for itspurpofe; as here the Pfalmift hath to do 
with enemies, Lord god of Hop, will do his turnagainft 
them; heisyrayingforthegood of Gods children, and, OGod. 
<?/ Ifraelj fpeafatb to that point* 

Ver# 7. Becaufe for thy fake I have borne re* 
proach : fhame hath covered my face. 

The Gift reafon of the tecond PetiVon is , becaufe his fuffer- 
ings were for Gods caufe. Whencc{lcarn 3 1. Though differing 

I 4 for 

for Gods caufe in maintenance of his truths be a glorious fort of 
fufiaing , wherein a man may go unto God confidently ; yet it 
may be accompanied with fhame from men of this world, and the 
godly for a time may be fo delayed in the point of relief 3 that 
they know not what to fay to their fcorncrs, but may be iovced to 
hang the ik ad for a while 5 For thy caufe I have bore reproach. 
2. He jhat fufters fhame for Gods caule^ fhal! neither have caufe 
at length to be aihamed of his fufferirig, nor (ball any other have 
caufe to be afhamrd for him $ Let them not be con founded for my 
fjlie, becaufefor thy ja^e I have borne reproach. 

Ver. 8. / am become a fir anger unto my brethren , 
and an alien unto my mothers children, 

The iecond reafon of thetecond Petition is^becaufe his friends 
had caft him eft) Whence learn , I . In affliction for Gods caufe 
friends will more readily foriake a fuffrer , then in his affli&i- 
on For a civil caufe s I Am become a ftrangcr to my brethren. 2. The 
power of Religion in the godly , is ftrongcr then the bonds of 
Bipod with their kinfmen , and it will make them cleave to 
God 3 when their kindred do caft them off : J am an alien unto 
rny mothers children. 

Ver. 9. For the zj ale of thine hoyfe htith eaten me 
up : and the reproaches of then? that reproached thee, 
are fallen upon mee. 

The third reafon of the kcond Petition is 3 becaufe he was 
deeply affe&ed with the difhonor done to God. Whence Icarn^ 1 Jc 
is not enough to leve Goc\> and his ordinces,and kingdome , jand 
his peoples good $ but it is required alfo that we be zealous here : 
The ^eale of thy houfe bath eaten me wp. 2; Spiritual affections 
and paffioiis will noleflc affect and trouble the body , then natu- 
ral affections and paffionj.; The \ex\e of thy houfc bath eaten me. 
up. $. Injuries done tc God and Religion, and to the godly, 
fhould affect us noleffe nearly , and be laid to heart , then injuries 
perfonally conceining us ; The rep/caches of them that reproached 
thee, have fallen upon me* 

Ver. 10. when I wept ^ and ch&Rened myfculmth 
faffing^ that Was to my reproach, 

11. Imade fack cloth alfo my garment: and 1 be- 
came & proverb to them, 

1 2. The j that fit in the gate , [peak agdinfl me , and 
I was afong to the drunkards. The 

The fourth reafon of the fecond Petition is 3 hecaufe he wis 
greatly mocked of all forts for his holy carriage. Whence learn , 
i. Truezeale is ruled with knowledge, joyned with humiliry ia 
the mans felf, and tempered with the love to men , even toward 
perlecutorsj fuch was Davids zeale : but Chrifts zeale was per- 
fectly fuch ; J wept: and cbaftcned my fonk. 2. Fading in earned 
is not fo much the abftinence from meat , as it is the afflicting 
the ibulc; W)nn I chaftcned my foul with fafting* 3. The 
godly b.haviour of the righteous, is fubject to horrible mifcon- 
itruction, yet mult they not defift from duties for all this, Falling 
was to my reproach. 1 made facecloth alfo my gaxmcai , and I be- 
came a proverb to them. 4. It is a fore affliction to the godly > to 
be condemned by Magiftrates and Judges^ and yet the truly reli- 
gious, even Chrift and his followers were, and are fubjeft to this 
exercife j They that ft in the gate (ov in the Courts of Juftice., 
which were erected at the entry of the parts of Cities) do fpeafz 
againji me. 5. Righteoufnefle and truth is not the worfe by its 
being condemned by civil Judges 5 God will not difclaime his 
own caafe for that, but will hear fuch complaints as this is, in 
this cafe: they that fit in the gate, fpeakagainft me. 6. When 
Magiftrates do discountenance true Religion, then it becometh 
amattcrofderifiontorafcalsj and to every bale villain without 
controlment , and a table talk to everygtiplers I was a (ong 
of the drunkards. 7. The fliame of the Croife is mo.e grievous 
then the reft of the trouble of it .• This is the fourth time th3r 
the (haw of the Crofle isprefented unto God 5 in thefe foure 
laft vcrfes 3 I was a fong of the drunkards : after complaining of 
his being reproached* and being-made a proverb* 

Ver. 1 3. 'But 4s for me, my prayer \s wto thee, 
LORT*, in an acceptable time : O God , in the multi- 
tude of thy mercy hear me^ in the truth of thy Jul- 

This is the third petition for deliverance, ov for granting his 
pravcr, or the third time he prefenteth it j whereunto he adderh 
rcafons taken from the time of ptefenting of it^and multitude of 
Gods mercy and truth of his promifes or Covenant of fal vation. 
Whence learn, 1. Thebeft way to bear out thepcrfecutionof the 
mighty, and the mockage of the bate multitude, is to be frequen t 
in prayer to God for our part h But aa for me, my prayer is unto 
tbcCjOLofd. 2. So long as God doth offer a gracious eare to 


fupplicants, a man may be confident that petitions of grace mall 
have ready acceflc and anfwerj my prayer is unto thee in an ac- 
ceptable time. $. The largeneile of Gods mercy is a iufficient 
encouragement for the afflicted to^come and take the benefit 
thereof 5 In the multitude of thy mercies hear thou me. 4. When 
befides the mercifulnefle of God, we have alfo his Covenant and 
promifeoflalvation, we may upon thefe two pillars leane and 
rollover, and reft our faith : hear me in the truth of thy frt- 

Ver. 14. 'Deliver me out of the mire y and let me 
not fmk^: let me be delivered from them that hate me^ 
and out of the deep waters. 

15. Let not the water-floods over- flow me, neither 
let the deep [wallow me up, and L t not the pit jhut her 
mouth upon me. 

The fourth petition for delivery, or fourth time he prefenteth 
it, whereunto he addeth reafons taken from the danger he was 
in. Whence learn, 1, Faith ufeth to correct the expreflions 
of fenfe 1 and as faith doth gather ftrength , a mans condition 
groweth clearer ; It was the expreffion of fenfe, ver. z> I fiitk in- 
deep mire, and here the fear is fomething leflened , becaufe faith 
is fomething more cleared ; deliver me out of the mire, let me not 
fin\* 2. The man who loveth truth better then worldly profpe- 
rity, and maketh the Lord his refuge, (hall not faint under per* 
fecution,but mall be borne through all troubles, and be deliver- 
ed ; let me be delivered from them that hate me^ and out of the 
deep waters, g. Faith in God giveth hope to be helped , and 
is half a delivery, before the full delivery come; for the Pfalmift 
is now with his head above the water, and not Co feared as when 
he began the Pfalme 5 for here he faith, Let not the water floods 
over-flow me 3 neither let the dcepfwallow me up. 4* As the fenfe 
of danger fhatpens prayer, fo the greatnefle of it is a ground of 
hope, that the evil which is feared frail not prevail e over us$ for 
albeit the Lord fufter the danger to be great, yet will he not leave 
us in a cafe defpei ate; let not the pit flnit her mouth upon me, 

Ver. 16. Bear me^ LORD, for thy loving 
klndneffe \s goocl : tume unto me according to the mul~ 
titude of thy tender mercies. 

17. AM 

PbAL. LXIX, 123 

1 7. And hide not thy face from thy fervant % for I 
am in trouble : hear me (pecAilj. 

The fifth petition for delivery, or fifth time he prefenteth it, 
whereunto he ad. ieth eafo^s taken from the multitude o. Gcds 
mercies, confeienceof his uptigbtnelte, and greatnefle 01 his 
trouble. Whence learn, 1, Albeit God mould give no anfwer 
for a time, faith will ftill preife for an anfwer, for it knoweth it 
hath to do wih the hearer of prayer: hear me ^ laid he before, 
and hear ove again, Hour mc> LO% . 2. Faith feech what 
is in Gods heart, whatfocuei : k doth tinde or miffe in his hand, 
it fallens on love, and drawetb hope and life from that: hear me 3 
for thy loving faidiicjfc is good. 2, Though a beleeving foul 
finde it ielf deierted of Gou in fome refpe&s; yet while it holds 
faft on his merciful nature, it may be lure to meet with a 
change of difpenfation more comfortable; turne unto me ac- 
cording to the multitude of thy tender mercies. 4. When a be- 
leever isperfecuted by man for righteoufnefTe,nnd friends and fa- 
miliars do turne theii backs upon him; it is not ftrange that 
God for the mans trial, mould feemc to hide his countenance 
from him alfo, which exercife the beleever ccunteth more heavie 
then all the reft, and can be content to want all the creatures 
kindneffe, to he may finde the Lords kindnefle; tor he cannot 
endure long to want Gods prefence : Hide not thy face from thy 
fervant. 5. Thcconfcie. cc of endeavour to fervc God, giveth 
hope of comfort in time of trouble and that fo much the iboner, 
that the trouble be gieat, and perdition apparently near; Hide 
not thy face from try fervant, for I am in trouble: hear me fpeedily. 
6, An upright fervant, albeit he be troubled for Gods cauie, and 
do mifle comfort from God, yet will he not change his Mailer^ 
nor defpaire of his favour; Hide not thy face from, th fervant , 
for 1 am in trouble. 7. It is no limitation of God, to preife his 
ha fling to help, when trouble preileth us fo fore as we feeme near 
toperifh: if he fpeedily prevent not: hear me fpeedily. 

Ver. 18. Draw nigh unto my foul , and redeeme 
it : deliver me becaufe ' mine enemies. 

19, Thou haft l^nown my reproach, and my Jhame , 
and my difhonour : mine adverfaries are all before 

2p, Reproach hath broken my heart- and 1 am full 


124 PSAL. LXIX. 

cf beavinejfe : and I looted for fome to take fitiejbut 
there was none ; and for comforters , but 1 found 

21. 1 hey gave mi alfe gall for my meaty and in 
my tblrft they gave me vincger to drink* 

In the fixth petitioner fixth time he prayeth for obtaining de- 
livery : whereunto he addeth reafons taken from the inhumani- 
ty, and cruelty of his enemies, and defection of his friends, and 
want of comfort from all men. Whence learti, i. As ft raits do 
ferve to drive the godly more and more neei -hand to God : fo do 
they ferve to prepare men for renewed fenfe of communion with 
God, or for Gods fenfible drawing more neer-hand to them ; 
draw neer unto my foul, faith he. 2. A new manifeftation of 
Gods love to a foul, isprefent relief and delivery, whatfoever be 
th^ trouble; draw neer to my foul , and redeem me. 3. In the 
delivery of Gods children from the hand of perfecutors , the 
Lord doth look not onely to the neceffity of his children , but 
alfo to the infolent pride of the enemies, in cafe they mould pre- 
vaile; deliver me 3 bcc au fe of mine enemies. 4. Theconfidera- 
tion of Gods being wit neffe to all the fufferings of the Saints, 
is a ground of patience under trouble, and of hope to be deliver- 
ed S Tbou baft lyiQvpn my reproached my fame, and my dishonour: 
mine adversaries are all before thee. 5 Before a beleever once 
entered in fufferings, and put upon his trialls , be delivered, he 
fhall be made very fenfible of the weight of trouble, fpeciaily of 
reproaches, and of his own weaknefle to bear the burden of the 
crofle alone,- l\eproacb bath broken my heart , and I am full of 
beaviygffe. 6. Asa perfecuted Saint may poflibiy be deprived, 
of all common comfort, pity and help from men ; fo the lcfle 
their comfort be on earth, they may look for the more and readier 
comfort from God 5 I looked for fom to tak.cpity, and there was 
i:one>and for comforters, but I found none. 7. As the wicked 
are ready to adde affliction to affliction unto the godly: fo muft 
the godly ever look for it : yea, they muft not think it ftrange 
to finde the meanes of natural life, and ordinary refrefriments of 
the body, made bitter to them by perfecution : They gave me gall 
for my meatyhte is, they made my natural refreshments taftelefle, 
yea and bitter to me: they gave me caufe of grief, inftead of com- 
forting me 8 .As all the fufferings of the Saints are but madowes 
of the fufferings of Chrift: lb arc.they all mitigated and fan&i- 


1 J 5AL. .LXIX. 125 

! fied in the fufferings of Chrift , upon whom all the fufferings 
1 mentioned in this P(alme,were foretold that they mould fall, for 
expiation of the (inland fan&ifying the crofses of all his follow- 
ers ; In my thirft they gave me vineger to drvifi , was a Prophecy 
of Chrifts fuffering on the Crofsfc, ' 

Vcr. 22. Let their table become a fnare before 
them: and that which flhould have been /<?r their 
Welfare, let it become a trap. 

23. Let their eyes be darkendthat they fee not : and 
make their loines continually tofhake, 

24 Pour out thine indignatian upon them, and let 
thy wrathful anger take ho! d of them, 

25. Let their habitation b: deflate , and let none 
dwell in their tents. 

This is the fecond part of the Pfalme, wherein the Propriety as 
a type of Chiift, by way of imprecation againit his malicious e- 
nemies prophefieth of the vengeance of God againft all obfti- 
nate adverfaries, and malicious pevfecutors of him , whether in 
his own perfon, or in his members S and denounceth ten plagues, 
or effe&s of Gods wrath to come upon them for theii wickednefs. 
The firft whereof is this, God mall curie all the comforts of this 
li-e unto the obilinate adverfaries of Chrift^ and of his follow- 
ers : all thefe comforts mall ferve to harden their hearts in finne, 
and lengthen their life therein, till they fill up the meafure of their 
iniquities 5 Let their table ' ecomeafnare before them. The fe- 
cond plague,, all the meanes appointed for mens converfion and 
iaivation (hall turne for the aggravating of their finne and juft 
damnation : and as all things work together for the good of thofe 
that love God, fo mall all hings work for the wo and wrack of 
Gods enemies j That which fnould. have been for their welfare, 
let it become a tiapi The third plague, they mall not perceive 
the true intent oi Gods work> nor confider the day or their vifi- 
tation 5 Let their eyes be darkened, that they /c not. The fourth 
plague^ there mall be no peace to the wicked , but as even in 
laughter their heart (hall be forrowful ; fo alfo their confeience 
for fear (hall never dare to abide the light of the Lords. Word, 
to be examined by it j and even in their greateft prosperity they 
ihall haye perpetu. 1 fecret (ear, fmother it as they will; mxhjt their 


iz6 PSAL. LXIX. 

loines continually to fhahe. The huh plague, the tireatened 
wrath of God (hall be fully executed againft them, and never 
depart from them when it is once poured out j Ttoure ut thy in* 
dignation on tbem> and let thy wrathful anger tx\\e hold of them. 
The fixth plague is, the curfe ot God fliall be on their houfes 
and pofterity, and the place they have dwelt in (hall be bhurred : 
Let their habitation be defokte,andlet none dwell in their tents. 

Vcr. 26. For they perfecute him Whom thou haft 
fmittenj and they talk to the grtef of thofe Whom 
thou hafi Wounded* 

Hegiveth are.ifonof thofe fearful imprecations on Chrifts 
" adverfaries, becaufe they a e cruel in their perfecutipil of him, 
and of the godly, even in the time of th_i. affliction otherwayes 
fent by God. Whence lam, 1. It confffteth well wirh the love 
of God to his children, (even his only begotten Sonne Jems 
Chrift not being excepted) to exercife them with fad calami- 
ties, for bringing co pafie the work of mans Redemption by 
Chrift, and for perfe&ing of the fan&iHcation and falvatiori of 
the redeemed by Chrift; of all of whom now and then it may 
befaid to God 3 Tboubaft fmittenhim, and they are thofe whom 
thou haft wounded, z vVhatfoever may be the reafon of the 
Lords uniting and wouniing his own children 3 yet their 
wicked enemies have no juft reafon to maligne them, or to 
trouble them, and therefore their troubling of Gods children 
is perfection > They perfecute him rvbom thou hafi jmitten* 
3. The very talking and venting of ill fpeeches, tothe prejudice 
of Chrifts caufe and r ruth, and true holines in his Saints, efpe- 
cially when they are under fufterings & afflictions wrntfoever, is 
a high provocation of Gods wrath : They talli to the grief of thofe 
whom thoubafl wounded. *.The; perfection of Gods children for 
righteoufnefle, isafufficient ditty for ail the forenamed dam- 
nation in the preceding verfes; this is the reafon of the juftice 
of the imprecation: For they perfecute him whom thou hafi 
[mitten. ?. The Church withoat breach of duty to men, may 
fing and rejoyce in thefe fearful imprecations againft the mali- 
cious enemies of Chrift and his Church, firft, as lovers of 
God more then of men : fecondly, as followers, not of their own 
quarrel, but of the controveriie of the Lord of hoftes, whofe 
fouldicrs they are againft all his enemies whatioever : thirdly* 


PSAL. LXIX. 127 

as fubfcribers to the juftice of God, who will not fuffer malici- 
ous cruelty to be unpunifhed : and fourthly, as rcjoycers in 
Gods love to his people, who ownes the wrongs done to his 
Church and fervants therein, as done tohimfelf, and will be a- 
ven^ed upon their adyerfaries, and having decreed doom a- 
gainfttheadverfariesof his Church, will have his children to 
be minifters under the great Judge, to pronounce the (entence a- 
gainft his and thjir enemies j and as it were, to give out order 
for execution of the fentence, faying, Let their table, let their 
eyes> let their habitation be fo and fo difpojed of. 

Ver. 27. Acide iniquity unto their iniqnity y and 
let them not come into thy right eoufneffe. 

28. Let them be blotted out of the book^of the livings 
and not be written with the righteous* 

The feventh plague of the enemies of Chrifland his Church, 
is this: howfoever igno;ant Ze ots, fomeof them may finde 
mercy ; yec malicious perfecutors of truth and piety grow worfe 
and worfe, and being entered in the courfe of perfecution, can- 
not go off, but do draw deeper and deeper in guiltinefle, and 
that in Gods righteous judgement, ptiniming fin by fin : Addt 
iniquity unto their iniquity. The eigth plague is, they are gi- 
ven over to a reprobate fenfe, fo as they cannot lay their owne 
fins to heart, and fo cannot fee the necefllty of the remiflion of 
fin, nor put a price upon the purchafe of Juftificationunto fin- 
ners by Chrift the Redeemer , nor be found among the perfons 
juftified by faith in him : Let them not come into thy righteouf- 
neffe. The ninth plague is this : albeit the enemies of Chrift 
and his people may pretend to be among the number of his 
friends, and to have their names written in great letters, in the 
Catalogue of the vifible Church} yet God (hall difclaim them 
one day as none of his, and thruft them from him as workers of 
iniquity: Let them be blotted out of the booliof the living The 
tenth plague is this: asthevifible Church hath an open book, 
wherein all within tne external Covenant are written, as Saints 
by calling, and Covenantets with God for life and falvation, out 
of which book Go.l dailies out the nnmes of his wicked enemies: 
fo God huh a fecret book & roll as it were,wherin hecnrolleth all 
the regenerate, all the juftified s and among the names or this 
(on, or among the names of the true members of the invifible 


128 PSAL. LXIX. 

Church of the regenerate, none of the names of Chrifts malici- 
ous enemies mil be written 5 Let tbem not be written with the 

Ver. 2p. But 1 am poor andforrowful : let thy fal- 
vation (0 God) fet me up on high. 

Tiie third andlaft paftof thePfalme, wherein is fet down 
the glorious event of this fad exercife in foure evidences of vi- 
ctory of his faith over this aflault. The firft whereof is in his 
confident prayer, not only to be delivered, but alio to be ex- 
alted, ver.zg. The fecond evidence is, in his hearty promife 
of thankfgiving, ver. 30, 3 1. The third evidence is, in a pro- 
phecie of the fruit of this exercife, which the beleevers fhall 
have by it , ver. 31,33. The fourth is a thankfgiving for mer- 
cies forefeen, which mall come to the Church, and in fpecial to 
the Church of Ifhcl, ^r.34, 3^,36. All which, in as farre as 
they concern Dxvfi the type, are but little in companion of 
Cht ift the Antitype. From the firft evidence of the victory of 
his faith, appearing in his confident prayer ; Lewmc, i.Itisno 
ftr3nge thing to fee poverty of fpirit and fad afflictions joyn- 
ed, the one to help and feafon the other y But I am poor and for* 
rowfuK 2. There is as fure ground of hope of an event out 
of every trouble wherein the children of God can fall, as there 
is ground of hope of the overturning of the moft fetled world- 
ly profpei icy of their enemies $ for the fore-named curfes fhall 
come on the enemies of the godly, buc the childe of God in the 
mean time may expect falvation, and to be let on high, which 
heconfidentlvprayethfoij But I am poor and forrowful, let thy 
falvation, O God, fet me up. 3. The conscience of humiliation' 
under Gods hand, is a great evidence of delivery out of what- 
foever trouble, if a man in a righteous caufe be emptied of k[{- 
conceit and carnal confidence, and brought down to poverty of 
fpirit, and affected with the fenfe o^iins and mi fery following up- 
on it, and withal go to God in this condition, he may be fure to 
be helped, the poor in fpirit are freed from the curfe 5 But 1 am 
poor and forrowful, faith the Pfalmift here, let thy falvation fet 
me up on high. 4 The man afflicted andperfecuted for righ- 
teoufnefle,humbled in himfelf,and drawn to God for relief/mail 
not only be delivered, but alfo mail be as much exalted after his 
delivery, as ever he was caft down ; Let thy falvation 3 Cjod^ 
fet me up on high, y . The kindly fufferir of righteoufnefle, wilt 


PSAL. LXIX. ii$ 

have no deliverance^ but fuch as God will allow him, as God 
ftall bring unto him: and as he doth not look for delivery an- 
other way, fo he doth look for a glorious delivery thi s way j 
Let tb) falvatlon, God, fet me up on high. 

: Ver. 30. iVvill praife the Name of God with 4 
fong y andwillmagnijie him rouh thanksgiving. 

31. This alfo Jhall pleafe the Lord better then an 
exe or bullock that hath homes and hoofes. 

From the fecond evidence of his vidory of faith in his pro- 
inifed thankfgiving; Learne^ i. When the Lord comforts the 
heart of afufferer for hiscaufe, he can make him glad before 
the delivery come, by giving him the ailurancc that it (hall 
come, and can engage his heart to folemn thankfgiving in the 
midft of trouble ; for poverty of fpirii will efteem the farre fore- 
fight of delivery at laft, as a rich mercy, and matter of a long ; 
I will praife the Name of God with a fong. 2. The Lord in 
the delivering of his children out of their troubles, will give 
evidence of his greatnefle,as well as of his goodneflerofhis power, 
as well as of his mercy to them, that he may £ave the more glo- 
ry & thanks for his work; I willwiagnifie bim with tban\f giving. 
3 . Moral worftiip offered in Spirit and truth, in the meant it de- 
gree of fincerity, is more acceptable to God> then th: moft pom- 
pous ceremonial fervice,which can be done to him without Spirit 
and truths This alfo Jhall pie. ife the Lord better then an oxe and 
bullock that hath homes and hoofes 5 that is, which is pa fj& 
and wanteth nothing in the external part of commanded fei- 
vice. 4* That which we know ihall be molt acceptable to God, 
we ought to ftudy and follow that moft 3 that we may walk be- 
fore God unto all well-pleafing, infpecialto praife him in af- 
fliction^ and to praife him from a contrite fpirit : This alfofialt 
fleafe the Lord jitter tbeu, <&c. 

Vef. 32, The humble Jhjill fee this and be glad: and 
jour hearts Jhall live that fee ^ God k 

33. for the Lord heareth the poor, and defp^ethnoi 
his prifeneru 

From the third evidence of the Viftory of his faith, in the pro- 
phecy of the fruits of his fufterings, mainly as*hc was a tvpe of 

K , , Chrift, 

I jo P5AL, LX1X. 

Chrift, who here is mod intended 5 Leant, i.Theexercife of 
the Saints, fet down in Scripture, and namely the exercife of 
*David> and of Chrift reprefented by him, was foretold, that 
it mould be of great ufe to the Church of God in after»times, 
as now we fee it in effect : Tbe bumble Jhall fee this arid be glad. 
2. The humble foul is moft capable of divine knowledge and 
comforts The bumble Jhril fee tbis. $. Theefcapeof our Lord 
Jefusoutof hisfuflerings for us, andtheefcapc of his afflicted 
children out of their fufterings through faith in him, is a matter 
of inftiuction, comfort and joy to every humbled belcever : 
Tbe bumble Jhall fee this and be glad. 4. As fuch who are pure 
in fpirit and truly humbled, do live upon Gods almes, and are 
daily at hisdoores for relief of their necefiities, and for commu- 
nion with his gracious goodneffe :foihallthey thrive well in 
this trade * lour heart jhall live that fee\ God. ?. The Lords 
children have a life beyond the children of men, which is able to 
quicken them in their deepeft troubles, and to make them blef- 
fedin their delivery out of troubles; a life moral and fphitual, 
whereby their confcicnce is comforted ; lout bean fall live that 
fce\ God. 6. The right way for the godly afflicted to have the 
benefit of the troubles and events which Chrift and his follow- 
ers have had experience of ,is to comfort themfelves in hope of 
the like event and fuccefle in feeking God as they did : The 
bumble Jhall fee this and be glad, and your heart jhall live that 
feelf God. 7. As the Lords poor men are much in prayer, fo 
fhall they be rich in good anfwers - 9 For the Lord bearcth the poor. 
8. Whoever in defence of any point of Gods truth are put to 
trouble, either in body or minde, by men, or Satan, or both; 
they are all fufterers for God ; they are all prifoners, who how- 
foever they be mifregardedby men, fhall be of much price in 
Gods eyes : He defpifethnot his prifoners. 

Ver. 34. Let the heaven and earth praife him, the 
feas 9 and every thing that moveth therein. 

35, For God rvillfave Sion 9 and will build the Cities 
of fadab, that they ma] dwell there y and have it in 

3 6. The feed aljo of his fervants Jhall inherit it y and 
they that love his Name Jhall dwell therein. 

From the laft evidence of the victory of faith; fet down in a 


PSAL. LXIX. 131 

prophetical thankfgiving for the forefcen mercies which were 
to come to the Church by Chrifts procurement, and fpccially 
to the Jewcs 5 Lear?ie > 1. Large fenfe of troubles maketh way for 
large obfervat ion, and fenfe anfwcrable of mercies ; The evil of 
dcepeft afflictions the Lord can rccompenfe with higheft con- 
folation, as the beginning 3nd ending of this Plalmgiveth evi- 
dence. 1. The foul that Iecth the mercy of God toward it felt, 
doth fee alfo the mercy of God upon the fame grounds to all o- 
tilers, his people in Sion y his Church in every place and time- 
andhefeeth the benefits of Chrifts fufterings to bematter of 
praife unto God, able to fill the whole world 5 and he feeth his 
own infufficiency for the praifing of God alfo, and that all 
the creatures are all few enough, when they all concurre in this 
Song; Let the heaven and the earth pr rife him, and the fcas and 
everything that moveth therein. 3. Whatfoever condition of 
Gods people can be reprefented by the various condition, moti- 
on, fetdement or commotion of heaven, earth and feas, and 
things therein, cannot but furnifh matter of joyful praife to 
God, and come up to contribute to Gods praifes * Let the hea- 
ven and earthy the feas and every thing that moveth the; e in, praife 
bim, 4, Every delivery of every belcever, and above all the de- 
livery of Chrift as man from his expiatory fufferings, is ear- 
nefts and pledges of the delivery of the Church militant out of 
all its troubles; For Gfod will favc Sion, faith the Pfalmift, be 
ingnoW delivered out of his trouble. ?. As the Lord will e- 
ver maintain his Church, his S ion andhis^M^S fo hath he 
a purpofe to give a fpecial evidence of this his care among the 
Jewcs, how rarre foever they may at fome times be from all ap- 
pearance of his refpect to them; for inthepromife he keepeth 
in expreffely the Name of $udah : He will build the Chics of 
tfudab. 6. What outward teftimonies of Gods r effect to the 
jewesfor Chrifts fake mall be given unto them, after the de- 
ftructionof their Cities, here prefuppofecf', we muft leave it to 
"God, to be in due time by his own works interpreted , and 
to be made out according to what here is faid 5 That the Cities 
ef Judahyk// hebuildcdy that the j may dwell there and baveit, 
(to wit, thepromifed land J inpofieffion, the feed alfo of his fer-. 
vantsjhall inherit it, and they that love his Hame fall dwelt 
therein. Only Ictus obferve, that the duty of the true Citi- 
zens of the Church is, to tianfmit true Religion to their poftc- 
rity, and that this is the beft and only way to tranfmit alio the 
Welling of God, and the conftant polk flion thereof unto them: 
K r The 

i 3 2 PSAL. LXX. 

The feed alfo of bis fervantsjball inherit it, andtbey that love 
Ms Name, &c. 


To the cbief Mufician. A Pfalme of David, to bring to re- 

THis Pfalm is almoft one in words with the latter end of 
Pfalm 40. wherein David being in prefent danger of his 
life by his enemies, prayeth firft, for fpeedy delivery, ver. i. next, 
for (hamsful difappointment to his enemies, ver* 2, 3^ and 
thirdly, for a comfortable life to all the godly, vcr.^: from 
which condition albeit he himfelf was very farre for the prefent, 
yet he profeffeth he doth rclie on God by faith, and prayeth for a 
timous delivery, ver. ?. 

From the Infcription; Lc&rn, 1. Our moft notable dangers 
and deliveries mould moft carefully be obferved and remem- 
bered, and made ufe of 5 Tbis is a Ufalm to bring to remembrance. 
2. What hard condition we have been in before, we may fall 
into the like again, and the fame gracious means we have ufed 
before^ in feeding our relief of God, we mould ufe again 5 and 
what words of prayer we have ufed before, we may ufe again, 
without any either needlefle aftl'&ation cf other words, or fuper- 
ftitious tying of our felves tc the lame words, as the example 
of 'David teacheth us, when we compare the end of the 40. Pfalm 
with this Pfalm. 

Ver, 1 ♦ A j% Ake v hafte , O God y to deliver 
IVJ me : make hafte, to helpe me 7 O 

Prom the firft petitions Learn, 1. Though death or danger 
of it were never fo near , God can come quickly and prevent 
its and prayer is a fwiftmeffenger, which in the twinkling of 
an eye can go and return with an anfwer from heaven, as this 
abrupt beginning of his prayer dorh reach u» ; Lordjo deliver 
me. Thefe words, mafabtftcs are not exprefled in the Origi- 

PSAL. LXX. 133 

nal; for the hafte was (o great as he could not expreffe it, till 
he drew his breath, x. As we have need of help , God will mile 
hafte unto our help ; Make b&ftc to help me, LORD. 

Ver. 2. Let them be ajhamed and confounded that 
feek^ after myfoule: let them be turned backyard^ 
and put to confuflon^ that dejire my hurt* 

3. Let them be turned back^for a reward of their 
fhame that fay , Aha> aha. 

From the fecond petition 5 Learn, i.The more that the ene- 
mies of Gods people do promifc to themfelves certainly to 
deftrcy fuch of the Saints as they do pitch upon when their 
plot (hall be ripe and fixed, when God doth difappoint them 
they are the more confounded and afhamed ; Let them bexfia- 
med and confounded, who feel^aftermy foule, or my life. z. All 
the enemies of Gods children, (hall at laft think (Lame of their 
injuries done to them, and evils which they have wifhed unto 
them, to wit, when they fhall know whofe children they are, and 
what intereft God hath in them, then at Ia'ft' fhall they flee, and 
hide themfelvs for fhame; La tbem betumed backward, and put to 
confufion, that defire my hurt. $. The damage of the godly is 
the delight of the wicked; and an enemy to the godly, ishethac 
laughs and fcorns atthemifery of the godly 5 They fay* when 
they fee them in trouble, Ablush 1. 4. Albeit what fhame the 
wicked do put upon rhe godly for righteoufnefle, or for their 
fufferingsforrighteoufnefs, is not the fhame of the golly, bur 
the fhame of the enemies, who do what they can to expofe the 
godly to fhame, yet fhall the enemies have fhame yet more tor 
their pains, and the terrible wrath of God fhall chafe them out 
of Gods prefence ; Let them b: turned bacfifor a reward of their 
Jhamc, that fiy, Aba, aha. 

Ver. 4. Let all thofe that feeh^ theey rejoyce and 
be glad in thee 1 and let fuch as love thy falvation 7 fay 
continually , Let God be magnified. 

From the third petition 5 Learn, 1 . Whatfoever be our own 
hard condition at any time, we fhoull feek the welfare and pros- 
perity of the reft of Gods children, and it is the property of 
K $ each 

134 P SAL. LXXI. 

each of the godly in their trouble, towifhallthe reft ; to be par- 
takers of the bleiTedneiVe which their own foul doth feek after, 
but not to be like to them in trouble or bonds ; Let all tbofc tbat 
fee\ thee, rejoyce and be glad in tlxe. 2. If one of the godly be 
delivered out of his troubles, all the reft, who did pray for" the 
delivery mould rejoyce in God alfo, as for a benefit given to 
themfelves; Letallthofe that fecfi thee, rejoyce and be glad in 
thee. 3. The godly do not defire deliverance to themfelves or 
their fellows except in Gods way, in a cleanly and holy way: 
and the more of God is feen in the delivery of his fervants, the 
more arc they glad in the Lord 5 Tbey are tbofc that love Gods 
falvation. 4. It is a moft fuit able fer vice for the Saints, to be 
alwayes praifing God , Let tbofc that love thy falvation, fay con t 
timidly > The Lord be magnified* 

Verv 5. Tint I am poor andnecdj, make hafte un- 
to me y OGod: Thottzxtmy help and my deliverer* 
LORD make no tarrying. 

From the fifth petition; Learn, r. Albeit we be notinfuch 
a condition, as we wifh all the godly were in, yet let us lay out 
that condition before a pitiful God, and fubmit our fel\res to 
him in the condition wherein we are ', *But 1 am poor and needy, 
2. The fenfe of a hard condition, is a preparation and a ground 
of hope to be brought out of it to a better $ I am poor and needy, 
na\t bafte unto me, O God* 3. Whatfoever difpenfation we mall 
meet with, we mould hold faft the claim of faith, and of our 
intereft in God; Thou art my' help, and my deliverer. 4. Ha- 
ving fetled our dependance upon God , we may without being 
miftaken of God, fpeak all our defircs to him 5 and having done 
To, mould leave our fupplication and cafe at his feet with con- 
fidence ; Lori } make no tarrying. 


THis pfalm is a Prayer oiVavid in his old age,requcfting for 
delivery from the confpiracy of Abfalom,\vh&m he wreftlcth 
with the Lord by fervent fupplication; in feven petitions, all 
: ■ tending 

PSAL. LXXI. 135 

tending tothispurpofe/thathe may be delivered, to ver. 14. 
and from ver* 14. to the end, we have his confidence to be de- 
li vered,fec forth in foure evidences thereof, ^bfalom here is not 
named, nor is the particular cafe fet down, otherwife then in ge- 
neral expreffions, that fo it may ferve the better forthe larger 
ufe of the Church of God, and of the particular members there- 
of, in their afflictions. 

Ver. 1. T N thee, O LORD, ho 1 put my truft, 

I let me never be put to confvfion. 

The firft petition is general, wherein he profefleth his con- 
fidence in God, and prayeth that he be not put to coafution. 
Whence learn, 1. As long as a childeof God doth live in the 
world, he muft look for new afflictions, as here the experience 
of the Plalmift, tofled in his old age* doth warne us. 2. Look 
how many new troubles do befall Gods fervants, fo many new 
meffengers are fent of God to call them to him; fo many new er- 
rands arc furnifhed unto them ; fo many new petitions are put 
in their mouth ; and fo many preffing neceflities are fent to 
make them earneft in their fupplication^ and frugal in makin^ 
ufe of their intereft in God by faith, as here and elfcwhere doth 
appear. $♦ He that cometh to God muft bekeveinhim, and 
faften his faith on God, and avow it, how weak foever he 
findc it to be ; In tbee, O Lord, do I put my tnift. 4. Albeit 
fuch as bcleeve in God, may have many tentations to miftiuft 
God, and great feares that they fhall be difappointed of their 
hopes, and for a time may feem to be difappointed and put to 
confufion, yet it mall not be for ever 5 if they do not take fhame 
unto them by diftruft, they mall never have caufe tobeaflia- 
med s Let me never be put to confufiw. 

Ver. 2. Deliver me in thy righteoufneffe, and 
caufe me to efcape : incline thine eare unto me and 
fave me. 

The fecond petition is morefpecial, for fa fet y and delivery 
from his enemies. Whence lemi, i.The righteouincfle of God 
is apawne unto the godly, that their lawful petitions mall be 
granted, and fpecially when they feek delivery from their un- 
godly adverfaries j "Deliver me in thy rigbteoufncjj'c, and caufe mc 
K| tQ 

136 VbAL. UtXl. 

to cfcape. 2. When the Lord giveth a heart to a beleeverto 
pray, he will alfo grant him audience, and a good anfwer s In- 
cline thine ear e unto me, and fave me. 

Vcr.j. Tie thou my ftrong habitation, ^hereunto 
J may continually refort : tloou haft given command- 
ment to fave me, for thou art my rock^ and my for- 

The third petition is, that the Lord would fhew himfelf to 
him in effect, what he hath engaged himfelf to be unto 
vers according to the Covenant. Whence learn, 1. What the 
Lord is to his people by Covenant, he will be to them the fame 
effectually and in deed, as their need fhall recmire i and as they 
/hall imploy him > 25c thou my ftrong habitation. 2. The good- 
neflc of God covenanted to his people, is not for one goocl turn, 
but for every good which they need ; not for one. day, but 
for daily ufe- making, and conftant enjoying of it j 2c thou my 
ftrong habitation, where <nto continually I may refort. 3 . As. the 
Lord' hath all means, all fecond caufes,all creatures at his com- 
mand, being Lord of hoftes, to execute whatever he doth give 
order for to be done ; fo hath he really fet his active providence 
j©n work, toaccomplifh what he hath covenanted to every Be- 
liever ; Thou baft given commandment to fave me, for thou art my 
vor\ and fortreffe : he giveth his believing in God, who is his 
rock, asarealon of hj$ faying, that God was about to fave 

Ver. 4. Deliver me ^ O my God, out of ' tht hand 
pf the wicked^ out of the hand of the unrighteous and 
cruel man. 

5. for thou art my hppe y Lord God: thou art my 
truftfrom my youth. 

6. By thee have I been holden up from the wombe: 
thou an he that too\ me out of my mothers bowels, my 
fraife (hall be continually of thee. 

The fourth petition for delivery i* ftrengthened by reafons 
taken from the wickedncfle of the enemy, ver.$. from his own 


confidence in vjoa, vcr. 5 : anu uum in* iuiig experience ot 
Godskindnefle unto him in timepnft, ver.6. Whence learn , 

1 . It is a great advantage ro be a Confederate with God, 
when we have to deal with his enemies and ours in any debatei 
Deliver mefi my God y (faith \\t) out of the band of the wicked. 

2. The integrity of the beleever in a good caufe, and the iniqui- 
ty of their adverfaries in their ill caufe, are good tokens of the 
beleevers viftory over them 5 Deliver me out of the bind of the 
unrighteous and cruel man. 3. Confidence in God, avowed a- 
gainftalltentations in Gods prefence, and fpecially when it is 
of long {landing, is fo ftrong an argument of being heard in 
a lawful petition, that it may perfwade the beleever he (hall 
fpeed; Deliver, me, for thou art my hopc^.O Lord God, 
thou art my truji from my youth. 4. True thankfulnefle will not 
paffe by common benefits, and true faith will readefpecial love 
in common and ordinary favours, and make ufe thereof among 
other experiences for ftrengthening of faith ; By thee have I 
been boldcn up from the wombe, thou art be that tooh L me out of my 
mothers towels. 5. The forming of us in the belly, and the 
common jbenefit of birth and bringing forth quick into the 
world, is a fmothered wonder, and fo glorious a. work of God, 
that hedefervethperpetualpraifc from us for that one woik i 
Thou art be that eoo^ me out of my mothers belly. 

Ver.7. Jam as a wonder ant many y hntthm art my 
Jlrong refuge. 

8. Let my month he filled with thy praife, and with 
thy honour all the day, 

The fifth petition is ftrengthened with rcafons taken from 
his hard condition, and from the opportunity of Gods having 
glory by his delivery out of it. Whence learn , i.Theexer- 
cife of the Lords children is fometimes fo Grange to the be- 
holder, as the world doth wonder at them ; I am as a wonder un- 
to many. 2. Knowledge of Gods Word and waves, and faith 
in his Name maketh a believer not think ftrange, whatioever 
fiery trial come upon him, but to reft on God$ will whatfoeyer 
befall him 5 I amas a wonder unto many , but thou art my ftrong 
refuge : For faith doth not judge of it felf, as the world judg- 
eth, but as God hath judged and fpoken ot it in his Word* 

3 . The more ft: ange the excrcife of the godly be, the mote glo~ 


riuus Diut juuiui u^nuiuin^ ui muiJ iii n, aiiu uciiYcrili^ OJ 

them out of it, and for the hope of the glory which mall re- 
dound to God by fuch exercifes, the hardship mould be the 
more patiently born, and the delivery fought and expected more 
confidently, that it fhall come when it may be moftfor Gods 
praife > I am a wonder unto many, let my mouth be filled with thy 
praife, and with thy bononr all the day. 

Ver. 9. Qaft me not of in the time of old age, for- 
fake me not when myfirength fai/eth : 

1 o» For mine enemies fpeak^ againfi me> and they 
that lay Wait for my fonle , take tonnfel toge- 

II* Saying, God bath forfafan him, perfecute 
and take him 9 for there is none to deliver him. 

The fixth petition is ftrengthened with reafons taken from his 
own old age and weakneffe,and from his enemies malice. Whence 
learn, 1. Such as have been the Lords fe^vants in their youth, 
may be fure to find God a good and kind Matter to them in their 
old age } Caft me not off in the time of old age. i; Infirmities in 
Gods children mall not move loathing and cafting off,' but pi- 
tying and cherifhing of them, that they may be fupported in 
their weakneffe , For fake me not when my ftrcngthfaileth. 5. The 
world conceiveth that God doth caft off his children, when he 
doth bring them under any fad calamity, and by this means do 
think that they have not to do with Gods children, when they 
perfecute his deareft fervants 5 yea, and they encourage them*- 
ielves to perfecute themt^e more that God doth afflict them 5 
M inc enemies f peak againfi tnc, and they that lay wait for my foul 
t&\ecounfel together: faying, Godbath for jakw him, perfecute 
And take him, for there is none to deliver him. 4. The mifcon- 
ftru&ions of the world, their plots and confpiracies againfi the 
gedly, their evil fpeeches of them , their refolved cruelty to un- 
do them, are fo many arguments of good hope that God (hall 
deliver them s Forfakeme not, for mine enemies fpeakagawft 
me , &c. 

Ver. 12. not fane fromme: my God, 
make hafie for my help, 

1 1 let 

PSAL. LXXI. zs9 

I*, Let them be confounded and con[umed> that are 
adverfaries to my foule : let them be covered with re- 
f roach and difhonour ,that feek^ my hurt* 

Thefeventh Petition for delivery and difappointing of his ene- 
mies 3 is ftrengthened with reafons taken tromthe Covenant 
between God and him 3 and from the glory which God mall 
have by learning his enemies. Whence learn, i. When tenta- 
tions are moft y dangers are greateft, and the aflault is ftrongeft, 
then doth the believer draw neareft unto God, and hold him moft 
clofely > God, be not farrefrom me, &c. 2. Relying upon, and 
avowing of the Covenant between God and the foul of a Belie- 
ver, is able to bear the greateft ftreffe , whereunto tentations and 
troubles can drive him* my God>ma\c bjfie for my help. 3 .God 
for the glory of his juftice againft the wicked, and the glory of his 
grace to his own, (hall pour confufton , coniumption , reproach, 
and difhonour upon perfecutors of rightcoufnciVe, and adverfaries 
of his fufferins; fervants • Let them be confounded and confumcd 3 
that are adverfaries to my foul : let them be covered with rcpr&ub 
and difhonour , that fee\myburt. 

Ver. 14. But I mil hope continually ^ and will yet 
fraife thee more and more 9 

1 5. My mouth fball Jhew forth thy righteoufneffc, 
and thy fatvation all the day : for 1 k^now not the num- 
bers thereof. 

16. / will go in the ftrength of the Lord God: 
1 will make mention of thy righteoufnejfe , even of 
thine onely. 

In the latter part of the Pfalm , is the Pfxlmifts confidence to 
be delivered, fet forth in four evidences thereof. The firft is his 
rcfolutiontoperfevere in hope to be helped , and in praifing of 
God, and relying only on the Lords power and righttowftieflk, 
and not on his own ftrength. tVhcnec leifu > 1. He that is re- 
fol ved to perfevei e in hope, may be fure of a gracious tvent out of 
his trouble : but I will hope continually. 2. Rcfoliue hope 
comforteth, enlargeth , and ftirreth up rhe heart unro more and 
more praifing and thankfgivina , j w m hope continually , and I 
mil yet praifc thee more and more* 3. The matter of the con- 

140 PSAL. LXXI. 

tinualpraife-of God, is partly his righteoufneflc , whereby he 
keepeth his promife, not only according , but alfo above conditi- 
on, and giveth alfo remiflion of fins , which did deferve wrath, 
and partly his deliverances, which he giveth to his children , out 
of danger ofbody and foul > Mymotab fialljhew forth tby r igb- 
teoufnc(fc,and thy falvationallthe day; for I J^noiM not the num- 
bers thereof. 5« Beciufe in troubles a mans own ftrength will 
fail him, and fail him alfo in commanded duties, therefore the 
believer muft .• enounce confidence in his own ability in bo^h ca- 
fes, and leap to the furniture of God ; I will go in the ftrength of 
the Lord God. 6. Becaufe the confeience of fins and finfulnels 
ftill doth ftare ihe Believer in the face, and all to difcourage him; 
the Believer muft renounce all confidence in his own holineffe, 
and relie upon the imputed righteouinefle of Chrift onely, which 
is called the righteoufnefle of God by faith , being witnefled un- 
to both byrheLaw and Prophets, 7{pm. $. n, I will make 
mention of thy rigbteoufnejfe s even of thine onely, for in the 
point of j unification, and abfolving of us from fin, this rigbte- 
cufejfcofGod only hath place, 

Ver. 17. OGodjhouhaft taught me from my youth: 
andhitherto have I declared thy Wonderou* work** 

18. Now alfo when I am old and gray- headed , 
God, forfake me not : untitt 1 have (hewed thy ftrength 
unto this generation , and thy power to every one 
that Is to come. 

The fecond evidence of the Prophets confidence to be deliver- 
ed, is the expeience of Gods kindhefle for time paft, ma- 
king him with comfortable aflurance of being heard to pray for 
the continuance of that fame kindncfle for time to come. Whence 
learn > 1. We are all of us ignorant of God and his wayes , tfll 
he teach us by his Word , and by his Spirit, and by his giving to 
us experimental knowledge thereof 5 God } thou baft taught me 
from my youth. 2. .The confeience of fincere endeavour to 
make ufe of Gods gifts to us for the glory of God , and edificati- 
on or others, according to our place; is very hveec and comforta- 
ble ir the day of trouble, and giveth much encouragement in 
approaching to God 5 Hitherto have I declared thy wondrous 
wor^s. 5 He that hith had long experience of Gods mercy to 
himiclfe., and thankfully doth acknowledge the fame 3 may affure 


PSAL. LXXI. 141 

himfelfe that the courfe of Gods kindneffe to him fhall not 
be broken oft : God, thou haft taught me from my youth , now 
alfowhen lam oU and gray -headed for falie me not, Lord. 4, It 
is a noble dcligne for a man who ha h received gifts , whereby he 
may glorify God and edify his people 3 to deftinate all the dayes 
he hath to lwe,to fcrve his own generation , and the pofterjty, in 
the communicating to them what he knoweth of the Lords all- 
fufficiency> and not to love to live in this world , except for this 
end 5 Forfakeme not untill 1 have fiewed thy flrength to this gene- 
ration > and thy powa to every one that is to com-. 

Ver. 1 9. Thy righteoufhejfe alfo % God , is very 
high % who haft done great things : God>who is likg un- 
to thee? 

20. Thou -which haflfhewed me great and fore trou- 
bles j fyalt quicken me again , and fkdt bring me up 
again from the depths of the earth. 

21. Thottjbaltincreafemy great neffe , and comfort 
me on ever j fide* 

The third evidence of his confidence to be delivered , is his » 
looking to the unfearchable fountain of Gods wifdom, faithful - 
neile, and omnipotency, and his expecting from this well-fpring, 
that as large confolation mail come foith to him^ as he hath had 
a large meafure of troubles. Whence learn , 1.. Albeit the effects 
of Gods wifdome, faithfulneffe , and omnipotency, be neer unto 
us 3 and do fall under our fenfe in his daily operations , yet the 
fountain thereof, which is Gods own perfect ;on, is unfearchable* 
incomprehenfible 5 and incomparably great; Thy rigbteoufnejfc> 
God 3 is very high, who haft done great things : God 3 who 
is lifie unto thee ? 2. That which we fee of the Lords works, may 
lead us up to know what is not feen in relation to difficulties, and 
power of men, and to fee what he is able to do ; and when we fee 
the invifible God, we cannot choofe but admire his Majefty, and 
exalt him as Sovereign over all, and then , and not till then that 
we give him the honour of omnipotency and faithfulnefle , can 
the heart reft and be quiet: Thy rigbteoufncjfe, God, is very 
high , who haft done great things ; who is Uh^c to thee ? 3, He 
tha- acknowled get h Gods jufticcand wil'dome in his troubles, 
may look to fee Gods power and grace no lefie evident in his de- 

i 4 2 PSAL. LXXI. 

livery and confolation : and he who m trouble hath feen his own 
infirmity, emptineffe, and death, may look to fee Gods power and 
life in railing of him out of the grave of his trouble ; Thou which 
baft fhewed me great and fore troubles y fhaU quicken me again, and 
ft) alt bring me up again from the depths of the earth. 4 As trou- 
ble humblcth and abafeth a man before ,the world : fo the Lords 
delivering of him, and (hewing his refpecl to him, honoureth the 
man again, and exalteth him before men ; Thou fhalt incrcafe my 
greatneffe. 5. As no trouble doth come alone, but multitudes of 
troubles joyned together , when the Lord will humble and try a 
man; fo no comfort cometh (ingle or alone , when the Lord will 
change the mans exe;cife, but a multitude of comforts joyned to- 
gether j Thou wilt comfort me on every fide . 6: Lofles are made 
lighter , and comforts weightier, when God is ^cn and acknow- 
ledged in them : Thou which haft Jhewed me fore troubles, (it is 
but a view of trouble what we have felt when troubles are leen to 
come from Gods hand,) thou ftiati incrcafe my greatneffe , and 
comfort me on every fide. * 

Ver, 22. IvifilUlfo praife thee Vrith the Pfaltery, 
even thy truth, my God : unto thee will I fing mtb 
the Harp, thou holy One oflfrael. 

23* My lips flail greatly rejojee when I fing unto 
thee: andmj [oule, which thou haft redeemed. 

24. My tongue al/ojhalltalk^ of thy righteoufnejfe 
all the day long : for they are confounded ; for they are 
brought untofhame thatfeekmy hurt. 

The fourth and laft evidence of his confidence , is his promifc 
of joyful thankfgiving, by way of a begun fong , and that for the 
forefight of his own delivery , and o£ his enemies overthrow. 
Whence learn , 1. Faith is fo fatisfied with Godspromile , that 
it can piaife heartily for what ispromifedjbeforc it finde perform- 
ance : I will praifi tbee with the Ufaltcry, even thy truth. 2. It 
as our intereft in the Covenant, which makes us to have interefl 
in particular promiis 5 I will praife thy truth, my God. $. A 
foul fenfible of Gods kindneile, and furc by faith of the perform- 
ance of his faithful prornifes , cannot fatisfy it fclfe in prailing 
of God, it hath fo high eft imation of his fidelity , power 3 and 
love : Therefore after he hath 1 faid, I will praife thee, he addeth, 


JJd/Vl-. JLAA1I. I45 

unto tbce vill I fing with the Harp. 4. How hardly focver a 
foul hath been exercifed with troubles for a while, fo foon as ic 
feeth by faith the Lords prepared event ; It will juftify all the 
paifages of Gods providence, as juft, and wife, and good, and in 
a word, as holy in all rcfpe&s. To thee mil I fing , O holy One of 
Ifracl. 5. Singing without* voice unto the Lord, is a part of 
moral worfhip, as well as prayer with the voice, when his honour, 
and our upftirring , and others edifying calleth for it 5 My lips 
fjall greatly re]oyce when I fing unto thee. 6. As the work 
of praifing God requireth fincerity, earneilncrle , and cheerful - 
nefle; fo the. work thus done , becometh not onely honourable to 
God, butallorefreflifultotheworfhipper; uMy lips Jhall great* 
ly rejoyce when I fing unto thee , 7. Dangers and diftref- 
fes, how grievous foever they be for the time, yet do they furnifh 
matter of praifetoGod,and joy to the party troubled afterward 
when the delivery cometh : CMy lips fhall rejoyce , and my [ou'e 
which thou baft redeemed* 8, Befide, ringing ofPlalmes unto 
God, fpeJfcing of his praifc in all companies, and upon all occafi- 
ons,is a part of our bounden duty of thankfulnefle,for making his 
word good to us in the overthrow of our enemies, -and delivering 
of us : My tongue alfo [hall talfi of thy righteoufneffe all the day 
long. 9. The overthrow of the enemies of the godly is as cer- 
tain to come , as if we faw it with our eyes already come to pafle. 
The fame Word of God , the fame light and perfwafion of fpi- 
rit, manifefteth the delivery of the godly , and the deftm&ion of 
their enemies : F or they are confounded y for they are brought to 
fhame , that fceli my hurt. 


A Pfalm for Solomon. 

IN this Pialm under the fhadow of King Solomons reigne, 
Chdfts gracious government ispraifed 5 and firft, the Church 
is taught to pray for a bleffing on King David and his fonnes 
government , including Chrifts , vet. 1. Next , the anfwer is 
given by the fpirit of the Lord in aprophecie of the bleffednciTe 
of the Reign, and Kingdome of Chrift the Sonne of David, from 
ver* 1. to ver. 18. Thirdly , thcuie hereof* is fee down in thanks- 


giving unto God, ver. 18,19. and herein is the accomplifh- 
ment of all the deliresof Ptftf/rf 3 obtained by this fatisfactory an- 
fwer, ver. 20. 

From the inscription and prayer 5 Learn, A King may com- 
mand within his kingdom many things , but he cannot com- 
mand a bleflingon his own government ; he muft. make fuit for 
this to God : He may leave a kingdometo his childejbut becaufe 
a kingdo n is nothing without Gods blefling , he muft pray for 
this DlefTing,and feek the affiftance of the prayers of the Church 
for this intent : and this duty Kings may crave of the Church, 
and Gods people mould not refufe it ; A Pfalmfor Solomon. 

Ver. 1. /^ Ive the king thy judgements^ God* and 
\.Jtthy rightem/nejfe unto the kjngt fort. 

Prom the prayer of the Ckurch 5 Learn, i; Gifts from God 
are neceffary to fit a man for an office ; and it is n r t ^ery gift, 
which doth make fit for a particular office, but fuch giftS Special- 
ly as are for the difcharge of the place a man hath, and thole muft 
be asked horn, and granted by God , and by this meanes Sancti- 
fied; Give tbeKjng tby judgements, OGod. l. Nothing is 
more conducible to make a Kings government profpercus and. 
blefied, then equity and juft ice, according to the revealed will 
of God ; Give the J^ing thy jvdgemetus, and. tby rigbteoufnejfe to 
the lyings fori. 

Ver. 2. He /ball judge thy people with righteouf- 
nejfe, and thy poor with judgement. 

3. The mount awes pall bring peace to the people ^ 
and the little hills by rightooufne/fe, 

4. He /hall judge the poore of the people , he [hall 
fave the children of the needy, and {ball break* in pieces 
the oppreffour. 

5. They jhall fear thee as long as the Sun and Moon 
endure ^throughout all generations. 

6. He Jhall come doWn like raine upon the mowen 
grajfe * as /bowers that water the earth m 

7. In his dayes /ball the righteous flouri/b.and abun- 
dance 0/ peace fo Ing as the Moonendnrcth. 

8, Hi 

from the river y tint o the ends of the earth* 

y. They that dwell in the witaerneffe Jball bow be* 
fore him } and his enemies [ball lickjhe dnft. 

10. The kings of Tarfbifb and of the Ifles jhali 
bring prefents : the lyings of Sheba andScba Jball offer 

1 1 . Tea, all kings Jball Jail down before hito : dll nai 
tions Jball ferve him. 

•_. 1 2. For heJbaH deliver the needy when he crieth^ the 
poor* a/fa and him that hath no helper. 

1 3. He /ball (part the poore and needy , andfhallfave 
the joules of the needy, 

14. He Jball redeem their foule from, deceit andvio- 
lence y (QJ precious JbMl their blood be in his fight 1 

1 5 .«>And he Jball live , and to him Jball be given of 
the gold of Sheba f prayer alfo Jball be made for him con* 
tinually, and daily JbaH he be prai'ed. 

1 6. There Jball be an handful of corn in the earth 
upon the top of the mount aines ; the fruit thereof Jhalt 
Jbake like Lebanon ' and they of the citj fbatl floririfh 
lik* graffe of the earth. 

17, His Name Jball endure for ever : his Nam* 
Jball be continued as long at the Sun: and men Jball be 
bleffedtn him^ all nations Jball call him bleflhd. 

T^c Prophetical anftver given here to the Churches prayer* 
promifeth above twenty. benefics of Chrifts government, all or 
them tending to the glory of the King , and good of the fubjeel^ 
the fhadrow whereof was to be fcen in 'David ,* and Solomons 
reign, Joyned with many imperfections • but the red accomplifh- 
ment Is onely in Chrift . TheTirft is, Chrifts fubje&s (hall have 
good rules how to carry themfclves in all duties, how to behave 
therrrfeives righteoufly, and how to be made righteous, by his di- 
rection and conduces Hcjhall jtidge thy people witb right coufneffc. 
The fecond benefit or commendation is , Chrift vyill fc6 the ne- 
Geffiries of his fubjc&s, his humble ones, his affti&ed ones; , to- be 
L fupplied* 



fupplied molt difcreetly , and the wrongs done unto them re- 
paired; He f)all judge thy poor with judgement , ver. 3. The 
third benefit is, Chrift is not to take away civil Governours, nor 
Potentates places 3 no r the fever al orders and ranks of greatnefle 
of fuperiour and inferiour powers , Rulers and Judges 5 all thefe 
are to be fixed rather by him, for the good of the people: The 
fuperiour as mountains, and the inferiour as little hills ,(ha\l ftand 
in their place for him. The fourth benefit is, Chrift fha'lmake 
fuch Magiftrates as do embrace him, for their Lord and Gover* 
nour , a bleffing to the people under them 5 for by their righteous 
government the people ihall live quiet and fafe in Gods feryice 
under them : The mountains Jhall bring peace to the people, and tbc 
little hills y but how {hall the mountaines and little hills do this? 
By rigbteoufncjfc, ver. 4 The fifth benefit is , albeit Chrift do 
fuffer fiis fubje&s to be brought low in the fenfe of their own 
weaknefle, and in danger of being fwallowed up by their perfe- 
cutors, yet mall he take their controverfie to his cognition , and 
deliver his people out of the hands ofjtheir advcrfaries»#e JJjall 
judge the poor of the people : bejball fave the children of the needy ; 
be Jhallbrcaliin pieces the opprejfors, ver. $♦ The fix: h bene fit > 
Chrift the true King oilfracl, mall never want a kingdoms , he 
mall never want fubjec'ts , but ihall alwayes have a Church 
of fuch as mail worfhip and fear him, and do homage unto him, 
fo Jong as the world doth ftand , amidft all changes and revolu- 
tions that can come :„ They Jhall fear tbee as longas the Sunne and 
Moon endure ', throughout til generations, ter. 6. The feventh 
benefit, whatfoever fad condition his people fhall be in, how 
farre foever i polled of their luftre and glory in the wqrld , or in 
any other refpeclswhatfoever, they fliall be made as a mowen 
down medow pofliblyjyei Chrift by his Word, Spirited effectu- 
al bleffing fhall revive and recover themras grafle cut down being 
watered by rain, is made to j>row again : he fliall come down li\{e 
rain upon the mowen grafjc , as jhowers that water the earth, 
ver. 7. The eight benefit , all the true fubjec'ts of Chrift are 
juftified perfons,and devoted in their hearts to righteoufnefle, in 
the obedience of Gods will,and fuch js do endeavour to abound in 
the fruits of righrcoufnefle:77;e righteous foall flourifi in bis dayes. 
Theninthbcnefit,Chriftsjuftinedfubje»5rsand ftudents ofholi- 
nes>ftial have peace withGod,peace abounding and paffing all un- 
derftanding,/d/fa>gtertce.,withoutend,in all revolution of conditi- 
ons^/^ r/^foeo^Jitf/yfottrz/?;^^ abundant peace ,fo long as the 
world endumb.v.j. The tenth benefit ofChrifts government's 



the enlargement of the Church, and number of his fubjecls , ac- 
cording co the length and breadth of Gods promifes made to his 
people Ifrael , whether Ifrael in the letter , or in the Spirit: He 
fhall have dominion alfo from fca to fea , and from the river unto 
the cuds of the earth, ver. 9. The eleventh benefit of Chrifts go- 
vernment is more (pecial; whomsoever he pleafeth to make fub- 
jectsuntohimfelfe, howwilde and favage foever they be > yea 
how great enemies foever they have been to his Kingdom e * he 
fliali tame them , bring them in fubjeftion to himfelfe , and to. 
moft humble fubmiffion unto his commands : They that dwell 
intbewilderneffe fballbow before him > and bis enemies flail licit 
theduft,ver. 10. The twelfth benefit is yet more fpecial 3 The 
Kings and Rulers of the Gentiles fhall finde it a bleflingto 
themfelves, and to their dominions > to be under Chrifts go- 
vernment, and fhall effectually contribute their riches, power, 
anal authority, to advance the Kingdome of Chrift , their fove- 
reign Ljjtfi and protestor: The fangs ofTarfhifh, and of the Iflcf 
full br^gprefents : the fangs ofsbeba and Scba fball effer gifts ,* 
vcr. 11. The thirteenth benefit of Chrifts government, is fo 

treat an enlargement of his Kingdome, by bringing of all King- 
omes and Nations fomeway under his Scepter, that the Picphe- 
cie of John the Divine , Rcimi. if. fhall be acknowledged to 
be fulfilled ; All the fangdomes of the emh are become the Lords 
and his Sonne Chrifts , how improbable foever this may feem i 
for anfwerably hereunto is it faid here,T<rrt all fangs fhall frll do^tvn 
before him, all nations fhall ferve him, ver. 12,. The fourteenth 
benefit ferving for the commendation of his government , is by 
way of giving a reafon of the marvellous enlargement of his 
Kingdome, from his care of the meaneft of his fubjefts, from his 
effectual pity toward them , love and eftimation of them. The 
care Chrift hath of his fubjecls is fuch , that there is not one id 
mean in all his Kingdome, of whom, and whofe necefihies, and 
of whofe particular petitions he doth not take moft particular and 
exact knowledge, whofe petitions being prefented in the fenfe of 
their need, he doth not grant : He fhall deliver the needy , whcii 
he crictb- There needeth no Mediator between him and his fub- 
jects s He heareth the needy when they cry m The man that hath : 
nothing within him or without him to commend him to Chrift, 
to aflift, help 3 relieve, or comfort him in heaven or earth , is not 
defpifed by Chrift , but delivered from that which he feareth: He 
fhall deliver the foot alfo, and hint tbxt hath no helper, and thitf 
be doth by teaching his fubjects to bear troubles , by ftrengthen- 


jug them for the burdens by comforting them in their griefjby gi- 
ving a delivery to their fpiritsby faith, and a full delivery at laft, 
v 1 3. The fifteenth 6enefit and commendation of Chrifts govern- 
rrcnr , he doth not exact any thing of his fubje&s , but that 
which he offer eth tofurnifh and enable them to d i (charge : he 
lets none be tempted above his ftrengthj he taketh fmall be- 
ginnings in good part, he fpareth the rod in a great meafure, mi- 
tigates the correc~tion,and in midft of wrath he remembereth mer- 
cy : He Jhall fparethe poor and needy ; whatfoever hard exercife 
he put them to, he will give them their foul for a prey : They 
fhall not perifh 3 who in the fenfe of their need depend upon him : 
He flail/aye the fouls of the needy, ver. 14, The fixteenth be- 
nefit and commendation of Chrifts Kingdome , albeit the Lord 
fuffer his fubje&s to be tried with herefies and feducers , by op- 
prcflbrs and perfecutors , yet he will affift them in the trial and 
bring them out of it : He Jhall redeem their foule from deceit and 
violence , and if for his own glory he put any of them to lay 
down their life for his caufe , it fhall be a point of fjjeial ho- 
nouring of them, as of precious fonnes,whom he efteemRn much 
of,both living and dead }s Precious Jhall their blood be in bit fight, 
v*\ 5, The fe/enteenth benefit and commendation of Chrifts go- 
vernment is from his everlafting indurance 5 albeit other Kings 
die, and leave their kingdom to their fucceffor, yet it is not fo 
withChrLft, he indureth for ever: his death for paying the ran- 
fom of our fins , did not interrupt his reign, but made way for his 
more glorious reigning , after his relurre&ion 5 he hath life in 
himfclfe, as in the fountain ; Hejlwll livc> he fhall live conquer- 
ing, and bringing in moe fubje&s , who fhall pay tribute unto 
him. To bimJhaUbegiuenoftbegoldofSheba* The eighteenth 
benefit and commendation of Chrifts Kingdom is this , Chiift 
fhall be well beloved of all his fubjetts, whofe exercife it fhall be 
to wifh and pray for the profperity of his Kingdome, Church,and 
myftical body,and who fhall commend and praife his glorious and 
lovely Majefty ; Prayer alfojhalll be made for him continually , and 
daily Jhall he bepraijed, vl i6,The nineteenth benefit & commen- 
dation of Chrifts government is , that a little feed of his preci- 
ous Word fowen among men > of whofe converfion there might be 
leaft hope, like a handful of corn fowen upon the mountaines or 
moft barf en ground , fhall have a glorious increafe of the con- 
verfion of many notable Saints , like as corn in a barren place 
fliould grow up like Cedar-trees; There Jhall be ah handful ofoorn 
in the earth, on the top of mountains > the fruit thereof Jb&ttJbal&' 

ll\c LCUJ.nv/L • «uiu iiiii uicuiugui iiic vjui^ci iic tan itkikc it 

to be without prejudice of the manured land of Churches al- 
ready planted, which are as cities inhabited ; thofe he can bleffe 
and will bleffe at his pleafure, with the abundant growth of 
grace amongft them > And they of the City fhall flour ijh as the 
grajfe of the earthy ver. 17. The laft commendation and bene* 
fit of Chrifts government, fummethup all that can be faid in 
thefe foure generals > 1 . That Chrifts Name, fame and honour, 
fiiall be perpetuated from one generation to another, for the run* 
ning of his benefits to his iubjetts, and for the courfe of his 
judgements on his enemies; His name fh ail endure for every 
bis Name fhall be continued as long as the Sun, i.HisGofpei 
fhall fpread further and furrher among men, to deliver his own 
from the curfe due for fin, to make them partakers of the blef- 
fing of full felicity ; Menjldl be b'ejfed in him. 5 It fhall be 
in vain to feek bleflednefleany where, except in him only, who 
is the procurer, applier and maintainer of true blefledneflTe ; 
the wa^whereunto is,to come to God in and through Chrift : In 
him mmfhxllbeblcffcd. And 4. Such a fulnefle of converted 
Gentiles at length fhall be brought in, that the bleffednefle of 
the Gofpel of Chrift, and of fpiritual communion with him, 
and the riches of his goodnefle and grace fhall generally be ac- 
knowledged in all the world 5 AH Nations fall call him 

Ver. 18. "Blejfed be theLORT> G$d y the God of 
Jfracl, who only doth wonderous things* 

19. And blefled be his glorious Name for ever* 
and let the whole earth be filledtyith his glory* Amefi* 
and Amen. 

After this gracious anfwer of the Churches prayer in fo glo» 
riousaprophecie of Chrift, thankfgiving andpraifcis endited 
unto the Church, to be offered up to God for this mercy. Whence 
learn, 1. When the heart hath beleeved what the eare hath 
heard of the blefledncfs to be found in Chrift, the mouth fhould 
te opened to praife and blefle God ; j3le(fed be the Lord God, the 
God of Ifracl. 2. As the keeping of the race of David till the 
coming of Chrift, diftinft from other families, in fo many revo- 
lutions of affairs, as were between Davids reigne and Chrifts 
coming, is very wonderful : fo the enlarging of theKingdomc 
I. 3 of 

I5P PbAL. LXX11. 

pfChrift,fincehe came, is full of wonder alfo, whether we look 
to the King, or to the fubjects converted or the way of convert- 
ing them, by the preaching of his Word, or the piefervation or 
continuing of Chrifts Kingdome in the world amongft fo many 
Devils and wicked adverfaries, all his fubje&s being fo weak and 
finful as they are ; It is a matter of great wonder indeed: Blef- 
fed be the God of Ifracl, who onely doth wondrovA things. There 
are no wonders like the wonders done in the Redemption of men 
by C hi ift, I yea there is no other who can work any wonders, but 
Chrift alone. 3. As the bleffings of Chrift are everlafting, fo 
fhould the thankfgiving for them be 5 and no lefie can content 
the heart of a true beleever, who, the more he thinks of Chriftj 
the more glory feeth he in him 5 and blejfed be his gloromMame 
for ever^ faith he. 4 . Before Chrift do put an end to his work, 
and give up the Kingdome to the Father, his glory (hall (bine in 
all the parts of the world, for the prayers endited to the Church, 
arenotvanifhingwifhes, but reallpromi fes, and certaine pro- 
phecies 5 let the whole earth be filed with his glory. •$. As 
faith fets to its feal unto the truth of Gods Word, in fpecial what 
co'ncerneth the falvation of men,and the glory of God in Chrift 5 
folove to both the glory of God, and falvation of fouls fets 
to itsfealalfoj or both faith and love do fubferibe the fame 
truth of God in both refpefts, again and againe : Amen and 

Vcr. 20. The prayers of David the fonne of Jeffe^ 
are ended. 

This clofure of the Pfalm is added by the Pfalmift David him- 
felf, and is a part of the text; ferving firft, to fhew that this was 
the laft of the Pfalmes, endited by the Spirit to him a little before 
his death, when Solomon was now reigning > howfoever in the 
order of providence it be not in the hindmoft place of this book 
of the Pfalmes* And next, it ferveth to {hew, that in this anf^er 
made to his prayer fet down in this Pfalme , all his defires were 
granted, both concerning himfelf and his houfe I for he could 
wifhnomore. And thirdly, it ferveth tofhew his mean efti- 
mation of himfelf, notwithftanding of the Lords lifting of him 
up fohigh, that fo the grace of God in him may be the 
more confpicuous ; for which caufts he call eth himfelf, The 
fonne of Jeffe. Whence learn, 1. As a man liveth, fo readily he 
dieth : 'David was a worshipper of God all his life, and now 
^yhen he hath given over the Kingdom to his Son, and is go- 

Palmes, for Gods glory and edification of his Church. 2. The 
meditation of Chrift, contemplation of his glory, fceking af- 
ter and forefeeing the inlargement of Chrifts Kingdom^ is a 
noble and comfortable clofing of a mans life, as here we fee i:. 
$. It is the note of true humility and fincere love to God, to 
abafe our felves, and acknowledge cur low condition, wherein 
God did finde as when he did let forth his love to us, that there- 
by we may commend the riches of Gods goodneflfc and grace un- 
to us, as appeareth here in 7)avid. 


A Ttfalmc of jfapb. 

THe Pfalmift fetteth down here the doctrine of Gods 
goodneffe to the faithful, however he feem to deal with 
them,itfj\ 1. andcleareth it by his own experience; Wherein 
firft, after he had ftumbled to fee the wicked profper in the 
world, comparing his own calamities with their prefperiry, ppr. 
z >h4> ?>6, 7>8, 9, 10, 11, 12. he was like to be overcome 
with the tentation , and to forfake the courfe of godlineffe, ver , 
1 ?j i4.Next, with this tentation he wreftles, vcr. 1 5, 16. And 
thirdly hegetteth the victory, by confuting the Word of God, 
ver. 17, 18, i0 t 20. In the iaft place, he maketh a fourefold 
life of this experience 5 the firft whereof is, the acknowledging 
of his own weaknefle under the tentation, ver. 2 1, 21. The nexc 
is, the confeffing of Gods kindnefle to him in the time of ten- 
tation, ver. i g. The third is, the confirming of his own faith 
for time to come, ver. ?4, i$,i6. The fourth is, his reiolution 
to draw more near to God hereafter, ver. 27, z 8. 

Ver. 1. ^TRnly God is good, to Ifrad, even 
X to fucb as are of a clean heart. 

The doctrine fet down in this verfe, is the refult of his fad 
exercife, after he had gotten the victory of the tentation, which 
did call in queftion the bleffednefs of believers, whenfoever 
their outward condition mould be found more miferablethen 
the condition of the wicked. Whence learn, 1 . As the tentations 
of Satan do aimat the weakening of our believing of laving 
L 4 do- 

15? ro/iii--. JUAAiii. 

idoftrine, fo our exercifes, our experiences of conflicts againft 
the tentation, and our victories over it, mould ftrengthen our 
faith fo much the more, to hold faft that truth which the tenta- 
tion did oppofe s After this experience the Prophet not only 
holds forth this doctrine, That God is good j but alfo prefixeth 
unto ix, truly, jet, or notwithftanding. i. However the Lord 
feem to deal more hardly with humble beieevers, and worftiip- 
pers of him, then with the wicked, yet ishisdifpenfation to- 
ward them alwayes for their welfare : Truly God is good to If- 
raeU 3. Thofe perfons airetrue Ifraelites, who not only do 
cleanfe their confeience by the blood of the Lamb of God., 
but alfo ftudy to be holy in foul and body in the fincerity of their 
heart : This is the eleanncfle of heart which the Scripture teach- 
eth ; God is good to Ifrxel, even to fucb 4s are of a deiy, 

Vct.Bttt at as for me l my feet were almofi gone : my 
fteps had Well nigh flipt. 

3. Fori was envious at the foolijh, when / fan 
the projperitj of the wicked. 

The Pi'almift compareth his late carriage under a tentation un- 
fo the rule of this doarine, and doth acknowledge-that he did 
not hold it fo firmly as he mould have done , but was almoft 
driven from the maintaining of it. Whence lemn, 1. In the 
time of adverfity a bdeever may prove weak in the faith of that 
truth^ which was not queftioned by him in profperity, and be 
neer-hand unto the quitting and renouncing of ir$ But as for 
me, my feet were almofi gone, my ft cps hid well nigh flip t. 2.A1- 
fceit the Lord fo fane decipher the weaknefs of his own chil- 
dren, as to let them be brought 10 the very brink of mifbeiieving 
of a neceffary and faving truth, yet he preventeth their quitting 
of it altogether* they may be very near tfie fall, and not fall 
altogether: ZMy feet were almojl gone, my fteps had well nigh 
Jtipt. 3 ♦ The godly will not ftand to coniefs to their owne 
jfhame their own weaknefs, when it may ferve to ftrengthen o- 
thers, and give warning to preven t the fall of others , or any 
way prove profitable to others^ as in this example we fee. 4. The 
mcaiure of our faith or love to God and to Religion , the rues-* 
fure of our faith to obev known truth, is beft known in time of 
remation ; when the objeft is in our eye, and the tempter is ma^ 


king me oi it to minare us : i was envious ai loe joonp, wven 
I fawtheprofperityof the wicked. 5. If the profperky of the 
wicked, and trouble of the godly be looked upon, inrefpc&of 
their outward worldly eftate only, it cannot chofe but trouble 
a mans thoughts; I was envious at the fooli}h> when I fan the 
prosperity of the wicked. 

Ver. 4. For there are no bands in their death? 
but their fir ength isfirme t 

5. They art not in trouble as other men : neither 
are they plagued like other men. 

6. Therefore pride compajfeth them about as 
a chaine : violence covereth them at a garment. 

7. Their eyes ft and out With fatnejje : they have 
more then heart could wijh. 

8. They are corrupt andfpeak^ Wickedly concerning 
ppprejjlon^ they $ea\ loftHj. , 

9. They fet their mouth againft the heavens : and 
their tongue Voalketh through the earth. 

10. Therefore his people return hither^ and waters of 
a full cup are wrung out to them. 

What was the profperity of the wicked, which {tumbled him, 
he fetteth down in particular inthefe verfes, Whence learn y 1 .Al- 
beit the great multitude of the wicked are fubject to fuch out- 
ward naileries, as others are, yet to fome of them, yea and to 
fome of the worft oi them 3 God for his own holy ends 11 fet h to 
give health of body, long life, little (ickneffe, and a quiet death, 
when the time of it is come , and in their death to keep 
them from many troubles, which others are fubject unto: and 
yet God doth not love them, nor approve any Whit more cf 
them for this: There are 110 bands in their death, hut their 
ftrcngth is firme 5 they are not in trouble as other men, &c. 
2. The more liberally the Lord deals with the wicked, they arc 
the more infolent and proui, and vain-glorious 5 they are the 
moreunjuft and violent opprcflbis of others: their profpemy 
dothblinde them, and ferveth to enevcafe their wickednerle } 
Therefore pride compajfetb them as a chained -violence cover cth 


154 PbAL. LXXIII. 

them as a garment. They glory in their opprcffion. 3. Albeit 
God bellow riches on the wicked, and more then they could rea- 
fonably wiih, and do give them health of bodies to make ufe of 
their riches as they pleate, fo as they fwell for fatneffe, fwhich a- 
bundance ftiould oblige a man to ferve the Lord more heartily) 
yet the rccompcnce they render to God is this, they become 
more and more vicious in their own perfons, and do threaten 
more and more injuries to their neighbours 5 They are corrupt, 
and fpeafi wickedly concerning opprejjio* : They fland in 
awe neither or GoJ nor man, but openly in their, fpeeches 
they defpife all authority over them; They [peak loftily: 
They fcofFe and mock religion, and fpeak blafphemoufly of God 
and his providence.* They fct their mouth againfl the Heavens : 
They fpeak as they pleafe of all things, and all men, not caring 
againfl: whom they fpeak , or what they fpeak to any mans pre- 
judice 5 Their tongue wal\eth through the earth: not caring 
whom it tread upon, or whom it abufe. 4. The profperity of 
the wicked, and their thriving in an ill courfe, doth enfnai e ma- 
ny inconfiderate people, even members of the viiible Church, 
and moveththem tofollow the evil waves of' the openly wicked, 
and to make defection from their own profefled duties; There- 
fore bis people return bilbcr, faith he. 5. When men {tumble at 
righteoufnefs becaufe of trouble, and follow the courfe of the 
wicked for love of worldly advantage ; it is righteoufnefs with 
God, to give both the bait for a while to fuch changelings, and 
the hook ?.lfo, for hardening them in their own wicked choice ; 
Andwatersof a full Cup ("faith he) are wrung out unto them: 
that is, they finde fome worldly commodity by their defection. 
6. There is a threefold tentation to draw a man from the courfe 
of holinefs unto loofenefs and profanity ; one, when the wicked 
areobferved to profperin the world j another, when multitudes 
turn off a good courfe, and follow the example of the wicked: 
and a third, when thofebackflidcrs alfo fcem to profper after 
their defection, as here. 1. The wicked do calumniate every 
good courfe, and they profper. i. Gods people return hither 
for love of profperity. $.Tbn waters of a full Cup are wrung 
ow unto them. All thefe things may concurre ; and the way mean 
time is moft damnable notwithftanding. 

Ver. I r . And they fay^ tio'to doth God knoW ? A*A 
is tbtrt knowledge in the mojl Sigh 1 

12 72 e- 

l^AL, 1.AA1U. 155 

IZ, "SehoIJj theft zxtthe ungodly : -who projper in 
the T»orU^ thej increafe ill riches. 

Herehebringeth in the poor deluded people defending theh- 
defection, and their following the example of the ungodly, and 
hardening themfelves in their evitcourfe, faying in lubftance > 
that if God difliked the ungodly, he would not let them prof- 
per fo in the world, and heap riches upon them as he doth : 
and this is in fubftance to blafpheme God as an ignorant Gover- 
nourof the world, or a mifregirder how men do carry them- 
felves. Whence learne y 1. When men are once infnared in an 
ill courfe, theywiJlfeek reafons to juftifie themfelves; thofe 
thoughts which did infnare them, do alfo hold them ; for they to 
whom waters of a full Cup are wrung out , do fhy, How doth god 
\now* i. Men are ready to reproach the Lord, if he do not 
guide the world to their fancy, yea and to blafpheme God, ra- 
ther then blame themfelves for their faults, as thefe words do 
import : How doth God lyiow? that is, how can it be, that 
God taketh notice of fuch mens wayes as wrong, feeing he doth 
profper them? 3. To think that God iswell-pleafcd with the 
way of the wicked, becaufe they profper; and that he refpefts 
not his Saints,6ecaufe he doth afflict them more then the wick- 
ed, is as much as in eft'ecl: to fay, The Lord is not wife that doth 
fo well to his foes, and dealeth fo hardly with his friends; for fo 
here is it interpreted by the Lord : Is there knowledge in the 
moft High ? 4. It feemeth very reafonable to carnal reafon, that 
if God hate ungodlineflc, he (hould not fufter the ungodly to 
profper in the world : and if he will fuffer them to profper, then 
he doth not hateungodlinefle 5 and therefore when it is clear to 
all men that theungodly do profper, they conclude that God 
fcnowetb not 3 taketh no notice of ungodlinefle, or is notdif- 
pleafcd with it, for here is their proofs "Behold , (fay theyj thefe 
arc the ungodly who pro [per in the world, they increafe in riches. 
5. The thing that deceiveth the ungodly and the misbelieving 
world about Godsdifpenfation, is, that they look only to that 
which is done by God in this worlds no punifhment after death, 
or felicity after death do they think upon; Thefe are thcungo 7- 
ly (fay they) who profper in the world. 6 In the very tentation 
whe- eby the wicked is infnared , the worme of their gourd, and 
the ftaine of their felicity is discovered : their felicity is but in 
riches, and their profoerity is but in this prclcut world 5 They 
frofper in the world, fay they. 



Ven 13. Verily I have cleanfed my heart i* vain, 
and wafted my hands ininnocency. 

14. For all the day long have I been flagued f and 
chaftened every morning. 

Here is the well near flipping of the Pfalmifts feet, fetdown, 
in his begun gelding unto the devils tenjation, forcibly born in 
upon him, and repeated over by him, after the manner of a re- 
folute couclufion, condemning all his former courfe of godli- 
nefle upon this one poor pretence, becaufe he feemed to him- 
felf more miserable then the picked were. Whence learn, 1, A 
tentation fometime may be fo powerfully born in upon the fpi- 
rit of a childe of God, asitmayfeem to be admitted, yielded 
unto, and fubferibed unto as truth, as here we fee; Verily I have 
cleanfed in vaine&c. 2. The true courfe of fanftification con- 
fills in the ftudy of cleaning a man from all pollution both of 
foul and body,or in cleanfing the heart and the hands, as here is fet 
down : The heart is cleanfed by the blood of the expiatory facri- 
fice laid hold on by faith, and by the begun works of the Lords;. 
Spirit manifefted in the hearty refolution, purpofe and ftudy of 
hoiinefle the hands are cleanfed by a blamelefs and harmlefs con* 
verfation or^courfe or life and actions .• I have cleanfed my bean 
and hands in innocency. $. When a man is under a tentation, 
or in a fleihly temper of fpirit, for the pi efenc he putteth a high 
price upon any good he hath done, and forgetteth by what 
ftrength he did' it 5 he forgetteth Gods part, and his glory in it,- 
for the Pfalmifts part, was the confenters part, the inftrumenrs 
part, and he was in the point of action onlv a fubordinate a- 
gentand co-worker at the beft by a borrowed ftrength; and yet a? 
if all the work had been his work alone 5 In vain (faith he) have 
' 1 cleanfed my hear t, and wafoed my-hands in innocency. 4 That 
which is the break-neck of the wicked, may readily be a ftum- 
bling-ftone for a time to the godly : that which is the irreco- 
verable deadly ficknefs of the wicked, may be the hot fever or 
diftemper of the godly for a feafon. In fpecial, as the wicked 
man at all times doth look only to this prefent world, and to 
what may make him profperous or miferablein this prefent life: 
fo it may befal the godly man alfo in a fit, at a time, to look only 
upon tempotal prosperity and trouble,as here we fee the Pfalmift 
looketh only to his prefent troubles ; For all the day long I have. 
bfen plagued s never a word here of his fweet confoiations and 


man- fold benefits beftowed on him. 5. To finde fome new crofic 
daily ,eithcr fromGodimmediately 3 or from the world,or fromSa- 
tan, oi- ff om our own corruption^ is no ftr ange thing to the god- 
ly i Ml the day long I have been fixated .and cbaflened every morn* 
ing, faith the Pfalmift ; even while he was daily cleanfing his 
heart, and warning his hands: fo doth divine wifdom fee k fit 
for the good of his children, and glorifying of his own Name. 

Ver. 15. If I fay, 1 mil Jpeal^ thus : behold^ 
J Jhofild offend againft the generation of thy chil- 

Thus have we feen his tentation. In the next place, we have 
his wreftling with it, by bringing this conclufionfuggeftcd^ by 
Satan to a further examination : and firft, of humane reafon, 
wheiby he perceiveth^that if this conclulion mould be maintain- 
ed, then the Church of God in all ages, and all the godly from 
the beginning of the world mould be condemned as miferabie 
fouls : which confequence he thinketh to be a ram condemning 
of the conftant refolution 01 the godly wife .in all ages paft. 
Wber.ce learn, i.Tentations driving at the fubverfion of raith 
inChrift, and holineffeof life, do finde refiftance in the heart 
of a renewed man, how farre foever they feem to prevail at firft : 
The feedofGodremainetbin him, the principles of fpiritual 
life, the infufed habits of faving graces , the new creature by 
Gods up-ftirring do make oppofiuon, as in this example we fee. 
2. The way to take up and decipher Satans tentations, is tocon- 
fider what they aim at, tend unto, drive at,what may be the con* 
fequence thereof; If I fay, I will [peak thus, then fuch a thing 
will follow. $. So long as a tentation remaineth un4er dis- 
pute, and is not come to a fctled decree and refolved pra&ice, 
it hath not obtained full viSory; it is with the Pfaimift here, 
for all that was fuggefted and fecmingly yielded, no more yet , 
but, If lfay I will jpeafithus. 4. Whofoever doth condemn 
piety and holy converfation , becaufe the world doth fo, or be- 
cause trouble doth follow fuch a courfe, he doth a high injury to 
all the Saints from the beginning of the world, and to God the 
Author of all holinetfe; If Ijhould (peak thus, heboid y I Jbould 
offend againft the generation of thy children. 5. The godly arc 
not the authors of their own fpiritual being, the making -them 
new creatures is the work of God, they are the children of God, 



fcegottenofhim, by his Word and Spirit, and do refemble their 
Father iawifdom and righteoufnefle ; fodoth thePfalmift llile 
them, in the time of his hard cxercife here , The generation of 
Gods children. 6. In our difputing with tentations by the wea- 
pons of reafon, we (hall do well to make God Moderator of the 
ciifputants, and to look to God in our reafoning, that we may by 
his teftimonies rectifie every thing, left we reafon amifle, as here 
thePfalmift dothj I Jhould offend again ft the generation of thy 
children. 6. We ought to reference the judgement of the godly, 
and the more univerfally their jadgmenr is one, and agreeing to- 
gether in a poiut of comroverfie, the more fear fhould we have 
to diffent from them, as the Pfalmifts example teacheth us. 

Ver. 1 6, when I though to\now thii^ it was too 
painful for me, 

1 7. Vntil I went into the SanUuary of God , then 
under flood I their end. 

1 8. Surely thou didflfet them in flipper J pUcesjhou 
caftedft them down into deftruQion. 

19. How are they brought into defoUtion as in a 
moment ? they are utterly confumed with ter- 

20. As a bream when one awake th : fo, O Lord i 
when thou aVvakeft , thou Jbult deffife their i- 

In the third place, finding himfelf not yet fuisficd, he con- 
fulteth the Oracle of God, revealed in his Scripture and ordi- 
nances of his houfe, ana fo he findeth his doubt refolved, and vi- 
ctory over his bitter tentation granted unto him. Whence learn, 
j. When a man doth fee himfelf in a mift, and out of the 
Lords way, he is not able by himfelf to flnde it again; for the 
ftrongeft of humane teftimonies will not fettle him and make 
him quiet; When I thought to \now this, it was too painful 
2. The laft refuge of brangled faith, is God himfelf manifefting 
his will in his Word and Ordinances ; no fetiing or fatisfa&ion 
of doubts in Divinity, but by the Scriptures 5 It was too painful 
for me> until I went into the Sanctuary of God $ thati:, till I 
coufulted the Scriptures, and considered what God had revealed 



in his Church by his Ordinances; this did fatisfie and fettle 
him. 3. The Lord hath revealed in Scripture what (hall be the 
endandclofeofmenscourfe, who ftudie not to walk according 
to his direction, how profperous focyer they may feem to be: 
and becaufe the felicity of men is not to be known by Gods 
outward difpenfation of worldly comforts or croffes, therefore 
the mansend muft put the difference 5 Then underftood 1 their 
end. 4. Whatfoever alterations and changes the godly man be 
fubjeft unto in his temporal condition, bodily or fpiritual, yet 
his felicitic is fetled unto him on the rock ; but the felicity of 
the wicked is builded on the fand 5 the higher they are lifted up 
in that felicity earthly, which only they do aflecl, the more 
near arc they to a fall and fearful ruine : Thou haft fet tbcmup- 
onjlippery places. 5. Whatfoever may feem to the wicked them- 
felves, or to the world, 01 to the godly who look upon the wick- 
ed, how little appearance foever there be of their fall; yet it is 
decreed it mall be 5 for notwithftanJins; of all appearance it is 
faid, Surely thou hi ft fet them in flippcry places. 6. As the 
wicked do not arife unto any greatnefTe or power in the world 
by themfelves, but the Lord is he that letteththem up for his 
own glory; fothey do not fall of their own accord, but the 
Lord doth caft them down : befide their own weight* they have 
the throw of the right hand of the Lo;d,who iheweth his power 
in their overthrow, and doth drive them to more deaths then 
ones Thoucaftcft them down into deftruftion. 7. The wicked 
periib fuddenly, when neither they themfelves nor others are 
looking for their ruine, in a way much more wonderful then 
their lifting up was ; They are deftroyed, how are they brought in- 
to defo.lation>ar in a moment? 8, The deilruftion of the wicked 
is full of terror^ how fenfeiefly foeve; fome of them go away , 
all their riches, honour and profperity is pulled from them, and 
in great wrath they are lent out of the world, never to fee any 
token of favour again; they are adjudged to irrecoverable per- 
dition of foul and body for ever : They are utterly consumed with 
terrors, o When the wicked are flourifhing in wealth, eafeand 
honour , men do think that God is as it were fleeping ; but the 
truth is, both the wicked themfelves^ and all who lock upon 
them, and do ju.ige them to be happy, are in a dream, as they 
fhall fee when the Lords time is come to execute judgement on 
them> for then all their ri.hes, honour, pleafurc and content- 
ment (hall be found nothing but a defpicable picture of thefc 
things 5 As a dream when one awaJ^eih : faO Lord, when thou 
*mkeft> thonjhalt defpife their image. Ver # 


Ver. 2 1 . Thus my heart Was grieved i and I waJ 
frickedin my teines. 

22. So fooii/h was I and ignorant : lw.ts as a be aft 
before thee. 

In the fourth place , hemakcth a fix-fold ufe of this experi- 
ence. The firft is this, that by it he is taught how weak and foo- 
lifli he is in himfelf , and how unable to fhnd in time of trial and 
tentation, IVbcncc learn , i. Hardly will a man difcern a pow- 
erful tcntation, when he is under it. The beft fight to be had of 
the danger of a tentation is, when it is overcome and gone and 
look how well pleafed a man is, when the tentation is beautified 
with fpecious colours of carnal reafon,fo much will he be difplea- 
fed with it, when it is feen , anddifcerned bylpiritual light, as 
here we fee in the Pfalmi ft s experience* 2,Much trouble do we 
bring to our owr fpirits , when we examine Gods difpenfations 
by carnal reafon,ani not by the Scripture j and we may thank our 
felves for the mifery which we draw upon our felves , as here the 
PJalmift doth; Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my 
reins. 3 , So foon as the godly can perceive rheir own error, they 
will no longer maintain it, and no man will more (harply cenfure 
them for their fault then they will do themfelves : This is apart 
oftheiruprightnefle, and ingenuous honefty of heart 5 Sofoo- 
lifl) was I and ignorant. 4. The fin of envy , and male-content 
withGodsaffh&ingofus, and fparing of the wicked, hath its 
own judgement bound upon the back of it : for as a fourc- lea- 
vened veffel , turner h all things put into it unto fournefle , -fo 
doth envy of the profperity of others make all the good th3t 
the Lord'doth to our felves, uncomfortable, and unpleafant un- 
to us: for the Word My heart was grieved ; is in the force 
of the original , My heart was imbittcred , made fourc , 
and leavened f. Perplexity of minde, rifing upon the mi- 
staking of Gods providence , is like the pain of the gravel in the 
teinesj very troublefome till we be rid of it 5 I was pricked in my 
nines , is a fimilitude borrowed from the bodily pain of the gra- 
vel. 6. Carnal rcafon not corrected by Gods Word, isbeaftly 
ignorance i it may bear fome fticw of reafon among foolifh men, 
but indeed it is nothing before God ; but brutifh folly * I t»as as A 
bcaft before thee. 

Ver. 25. Nevertbetejfe, I am continuattj whb thee ; 

ikon haft holden me bj my right band, 


The fecond ufc of this exercife, is rhe acknowledgment that his 
ftandin* in grace, and Gods obedience, depended only upon the 
Lord , by whofe powerful fufteining of him he was kept from 
bcin2 utterly overcome by the tentationsof Sitan , and from fal- 
ling from the way of God by the tcntation. Whence team, i. The 
perfeverance of the Saints is not of themfeives , but of the L&rd, 
who doth not forfake them, when they of themfeives are ready 
roforfakehim, but by his power fecretly uphold them, and keep 
them faft to htmfelfe : This doth the Tfalmift here acknowledge? 
Neverthe'ejfe I am continuity with thee. i. When we have 
gotten proof of our own folly, and weaknefle. and ill deferving* 
\then do we moil clearly fee and confefle Gods grace and power 
in preferring of us j Thou bxjt bolden meby thy right hand. 

Ver. 24, Thoti Jh;rft guide me With thj connfdi 
and tfterward receive me to glory. 

The third ufe is the confirmation of hi; faith and hope in 
God for time to come. Whence learn , 1. The Believer, how 
fenhbie foevcr he be of his own weaknefle , may be perfwa"dei of 
his own perfeverance^by looking on Gods conftancy, and felt ex- 
perience of his work of grace inhimiritimcpaft>r/70j/ wilt giiide 
rae with thy couvfcl, &c. z. There is an unfeparable connexion! 
between walking by Gods direction inthctime of this life, and 
our receiving into heaven after thislife:and he who is refotved ro 
walk by the rule of Gods direction, may promiic to himfclfeto 
be received into glory immediately after his journey in this life 
is ended ; Thou Jlyalt guide me with thy counfel , and afterward 
receive me to glory. 3, Albeit the Believer may meet with many 
doubts and difficulties in his way, yet hath he a s;uide to direct 
him, and a rule to walk by 3 to wit , the Word 0? God revealed 
in the Church or Sanctuary 3 whereby he may be advifed effe- 
ctually how to walk on hi- way to heaven: Thou wilt guide me 
with thy counfel. 

Ver. 25. Whom have 1 In leaven but thee ? tini 
there is none upon earth that I defire be fides thee. 

26. Atj flejh and mj heart faileth : but God is the 
firength of my hearty andm) portion forever. 

The fourth ufc of this exercife is , the fedin'g of his affefltaW 
n a** 


ard confidence on God, as the matter of his fatisfaftory content- 
ment,. and upholding, when all creatures failed him. Whence 
learn , i. As nothing can givetrue contentment , exceptGod: 
io God Will have us to loofe our heart from all creatures, and ex- 
pect no contentment in any of them, but in himfclfe ; Wfjom 
have I in heaven but theel d/?d there is none on earth whom I depre 
bcjiJcs tbce. z. He that feet h Gods fufticiency, feeth alfo the 
Cmptineile of the creatures, and nothing to be in them, but what 
they have of God. A Believer may fee that he needeth nothing 
in heaven or earth- but communion with God, to make him ful* 
ly bleifed $ Whom bay? I in heaven but thee 3 and there is none on 
earth that I defire bepics thee. 3. As to finde all things to faile 
\\% } except God, in the time of trial, doth ferve to loofe our affe- 
ctions and confidence oft" them : fo to finde help in God when 
ail things do faiie, ferveth to tie the heart of a Believer ftrongly 
to the Lord 5 My / cart and my flejh faileth me , but God is the 
(irengthofmyhea.t, 4. When the Believer hath fecn his own 
itrength tail him,and yet net the leiTe doth believe inGod,he (hall 
finde bis (ailing heart and fainting outage up hold en , and his 
own exhausted itrength fupplied with a greater itrength from 
God: My heat and my fiejh fail me , but god is thc^/irengtb 
9) my heart. 5. Every man fecketh fomething for his portion* 
fome one thing in the creature , fome another , but the believers 
portion is the Lord himfelfe, and no idle will content him 1 
The Lord h theftrcngtb of my heart , and my portion. 6 . This is 
the believers advantage above all that do feek their bleffednefle 
in the creatine; for his portion is the eternal God, and he is made 
an everlafiing enjoyer of him : God is my portion for ever m 

Vcr . 2 7. For fo, they that are farre from thee, (hall 
perifh .* thoti haft deftrojed all them that go a -whoring 
\rom thee. 

The fifth ufe, is his refolution to draw nearer unto Gcd : the 
reafons of which refolution are twc$one : becaufethey perifli, who 
do not draw near to God : ver.zj. The other is, great advantage 
is to be had by drawing near to him, ver. 28. Whence lean, 
1. The Lords childe doth profit by hardeft exercifes, and his 
tentatiens bdng refined bv faith , do leave him in better cafe 
then they did finde him : his knowledge of Gods ways, his faith, 
his love toGod^md hatred of wicked couries are augmented,as in 



this example is tobefcen, 2. Theywhofe confidence ^fVe&i- 
ons j cotirfe of life and actions do run toward, and cleave un- 
to the creature , do depart from God more and more; for here 
they are faid to be fan c from God : and they that depart from 
God, do draw near to eternal perdition: They that are fa.r re 
from thce,fball p.rifb. And howfocver this truth be not believed,' 
yet it is as fure and certain, as if it were feen with our eyes > For 
to, they that are fane from thee , flull perifh. 3. A chafte foule 
hath no choice , no love, to delight it felfe in contentedly , ex- 
cept God : no confidence to reftit felr'eupon , but God. And 
whofocver do fee k their delight and fatisfa&ion in the creature, 
cfpecially if they be members of thevifible Church , in Cove- 
nant with God,they are adulterers: They go a whoring from God ; 
and they (hall not finde felicity in the creatures ; but perdkion no 
lefle certainly, then if it were already paft : Thou haft deftroyei 
all them that go a whoring from thee. 

Ver. 28. But it is good for me to drAw near to 
God : / hive fat mj trufi in the Lord God, that lmay 
dtclareallthy works. 

In this verfe, he giveth the other reafon of his adherence unto 
God, from the advantage he findeth by fo doing , and cloleth 
the Pjaim with the fixth ufeof his experience, which is the fixing 
of his faith on God, that his experiences maybe more and more 
frequent,a«d he may be a fitter inftrument toglorifyGod, Whence 
learn, 1. The right ufeof the periftiing of the wicked, is to be 
more holy, and to feek nearer communion with God > as our on- 
ly blefledneffe , how many foevcr depart from him i They fhall 
ferifoivbo are farrc from thee > but it is good forme to draw near 
to God. 2. No man is fo near in communion with God in.this 
life, but there is a further degree to be aimed at , a.ndpofilbly 
to be found; as there are degrees of departing from Gcd , fo alfo 
degrees of coming near unto him; and the better for us, the near- 
er we draw : It is good forme to draw near to God. 3. The 
tifc of all affaults againft our fauh , is more and more to fixe our 
faith and confidence on God} for this is trrt ufe the Pfdmijt doth 
makeoftheaflaultfpokenofinrhisPfalm: I have put my trufi 
in the Lord god. 4. None but a BcLiever can difcern th^ Lords 
working,it is only faith that giveth a righrconflxu&ion unto all 
the Lords works, only frith makes men lit initruments to glorify 
God; Ibwc put mj trufi in the Lo*d GoAjba I may declare all thy 


works. 5. As the Believer isthebeft obfcrver of Gods works, 
and litre ft to fct them forth before others 3 fo he is the man of 
greateft experience \ and he of all men is filled with moft matter 
of Gods pratfe : for the Lord never difappoinrs the believer, but 
makes him have new proofs of his wonderful wifdome, power,and 
goodneffc fo doth the Pfalmifl, lay his reckoning : I have put my 
truft in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy wor^s. 


fflafcbil of Afapb. 

OF this Pfalm there are three parts. In the firft the pitiful iar 
mentation of the Church presented unto God, becaufe of the 
deftru&ion of tferujalcm , and burning of the Temple by the 
Cbaldeans>to ver.n. In the next is the ftrengthening of the faith 
and hope of Gods people, that God would fend a delivery, to 
W* 18, In rhe third, there are fundry petitions for relief of his 
people, refli.-ution of his ownwork,and fuppreffion of his enemies, 
to the end of th j Pfalm. 

Ver. 1. r^\ God, Why haft thou caft us of for 
V^/ ever ? why doth thine anger fmoaf^ 
a gain ft the Jhcep of thy pasture ? 

2. Remember thy congregation which thou haft 
furchafed of old, the rod of thine inheritance which 
thou haft redeemed, this monnt Sion, Wherein thott 
haft d^elt. 

In the firft part of the Pfalm there is a lamentation and prayer 
for reliefe in general, ter. 1 ,2. Secondly, a complaint againft the 
enemy, laying forth before God the defolation which the Chalde- 
ans had made., efpecially in deftroying the Temple, s^M, 4,5,6, 
7 ,8,9, And thirdly, a prayer unto God for vengeance upon them 
for their paines,xw. 10,1 1. 

From the lamentation and prayer for relief in general; Learnt, 
I. I nail judgements inflicted by whatfcever inftruments , the 
lords people muft look firft to God * and glbek wrath , and fear 



of utter wrath do fhre them in the face, as hardly it can be cther- 
wayes when God putteth hand in his own Temple , and taketh 
away all the tokens of his prefence from among a people , and 
feemeth to caft them utterly oft; yet mult they make their addrefs 
to God, how angry foever he feem to be ; as here the Church un- 
der this lad judgement dan, faying, God, why baft tbou caft ta 
off? 2. In the point ofcaftingoff, and fear of cutting oft for 
ever, the Lord craveth no yielding or fubmiflion to theprcfling 
thoughts thereof , but will allow us to call in queftion every ap- 
pearance ofanyfuchpurpofcof God, and to debate that point 
with him , and not to endure utter cafting off, yea and to fay, 
Wbybafttboucaftusoff for ever ? whether it be our own parti- > 
cularcafe, or the cafe ofthevifible Church, ours and others 
cafe with us, who cannot endure to be ieparate from God. 

3 . When the wrath of the Lord is kindled againft his people , all 
that they do fee,doth feem to be but the beginning of more wrath, 
as fmoak is but the beginning of burning : why d>tb thine anger 
[moi'i againft thy fliecp ? 4. A'beit we by our fms have pro- 
voked the Lord to fall upon us, as his enemies ; yet muft we not 
quit the leaft relation, no not of the external Covenant, between 
God and us , but make ufe of it for fupporting of our faith in 
him , as here ; ♦ IVby doth thine anger fmoakc againft the Jheep of 
ihypafture? that is , thy Church and people, the care of whom* 
thou haft taken, as a fhepherd over his flock, f. The Believers 
asking,^/?/ ? is no quarrelling ; nor is any fpeech of the Saints 
un:o God, a quarrelling , which endeth or refolveth in petition 
and fupplication , as this doth wherein after their asking,/^/?/ ? 
they turnthemfelvestofupplication, and do pray. Remember thy 
congregation. 6. Let the Lord do to his people what heplea-p 
feth, they mult pray unto him, and make ufe of all the bonds be* 
tween him and them , as here the Church doth, pleading, 7. 
That they ai c by outward Covenant his i hurch,con(ecrated un- 
to him 5 Remember tby congregation. And 2. That they are his 
purchafe by paying price, and conqueft : Thy congregation which 
thou baft purchajed. And $ . That they have been in his poflef- 
fion tor a long time, IVhrcb thou haft purcbafci of old. And 

4. That the Lord had taken them into manuring , as a piece of 
land mcafured out by line or rod , and his inheritance not to dif- 
pofe, or put away: The rod of thine inberitjiice. And ?. That 
he had granted deliverances out of ftrars before; The inheritance 
which thou hafl redeemed. And 6. That he had taken up home 
amongftthem in his pubiick ordinances: This mouursion where** 
iit thou haft dwelt. M $ Ver. j. 

166 PbAL, JLXXIV. 

Vcr. 3. Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual defla- 
tions : even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in 
the janEtuary. 

4. Thine enemies roare in the midft of thy congrega- 
tions : they fet up their enfignes for fignes. 

5 . A man was famous according as he had lifted np 
axes upon the thicks trees. 

6. But noW they break do\\>n tht carved Vcorkjhereof 
at once With axes and hammers. 

7. They have c aft fire into thy fanEluary^ they have 
defiled by carting down the dwelling place of thj 
Name to the ground. 

8. They f aid in their hearts i Let us deftroy them to- 
gether : they have burnt up all the fynagogues of Cjod 
in the land. 

9% We fee not our fignes , there is no more any pro* 
phet ,. neither is there among m any that knoweth 
how long. • 

In the complaint he defireth the Lord to come and fee , and 
to take order with the deflation made by the enemies in his 
land 3 and fpecially in the Temple, vcr. $ . What infolent domi- 
neering of them was over his people, yea over God himfelfe , fo 
farre as their lifted up banner againft him could do, vcr. 4. Each 
of them thinking it as great matter of commendation to them , to 
throw down the Temple, as ever it was for any man to build it, 
or prepare materials for it,w\ ?, 6. How they had burnt and de- 
molifhed the Lords houfe , vcr. 7, with a relblution to root out 
his people , according as they had burnt alt their Synagogues in 
the landjver.S. And how there was no appearance of comfort or 
delivery from this calamity, vcr. 9. Whence learn, i« All the 
evils which the enemy doth unto Gods Church , proceed 
from the Lords defertion of 3 and departing from his peo- 
ple, who have provoked him to wrath; for this prayer, Lift 
uptbyfect, or come and fee, doth import his departure , and 
leaving his people naked without his protection. 2. Albeit the 
Lord doth feem to turn his back,& depart far away from his own 
people, when they do provoke him to anger , and to let their ene- 
mies do unto them, what they pleafe; yet will he be entreated fay 


his people to come again., and iee, and pity tne delolation brought 
upon them,and puniili the inftrumentsof ir> Lift: up thy feet unto 
tbeperpetud defolations; that is, Lord, come fpee.ily , and fee 
what defolations thy enemies have made amongft us , and pity 
and relieve Us by thy manifefted prefencc. 3. Among all the 
calamities of Gods people, nothing doth afflict them fo much , as 
the infolent profanation of the worihip and Name ct God among 
them, for here in the firft petition, they lament the abufing of the 
Temple , Even all that the enemies- have done wickedly in the San - 
3uary> and then do infill moft upon this. 4. When the wicked 
are lec loofc upon Gods people, they are moft inlolent, cruel and 
favage in their carriage toward them; Tby enemies roare intbe 
midji of thy congregations. 5. It will not fuffice the enemies of 
the Church to intuit over Gods people , but they will infult over 
their way of religion , and over God whom they worfliip ; They 
fet up their enfignes for figncs 3 they difplay their banner upon 
the mines ot the Temple, asiignes of their victory over that re- 
ligion which is profefled there , and over Gods worfliip 
there 6. When Gods people do abufe religion, and do mock 
God in their profeflion of worfliip , and do di (honour him by 
their carnage and converfati on 5 it is juftice with God to^ive 
over his people, and all the meanes of religion into the hands of 
his enemies, to be abufedby them , rather then to fuffer his own 
people to mock him continually y as in this example is to be fcen. 
7» It is a matter of a mans commendation , to contribute any 
way to the letting up of Gods worfliip and ordinances in a land; 
A man was famous according as be bad lifted up axes upon the chide 
trees: that is, as he had cut down timber ouc of L-banon 
Woodjto build the Lords Temple withalL 8. When the Lord is 
provoked by his peoples evil carriage towards him , no wonder i*e 
let the work of edification or reformation of religion go as faft 
down amongft them,as ever it rofe up,as the Church of the Jewes 
did feel by experience, when now the enemies did brex\ down 
the carved wo)\ of % the Temple at once , with axes and bammtrs, 
much more fpeedily then it was builded ; They have caflfirc into 
the Sanctuary, they have defied by cafting down the dwelling place 
of tby Name to the ground.T his the Lord chufed to permit,rather 
then tofufter his people ftill to mock religion, and ftill to abufe 
the Temple , and make it alhelter for them to truft in agair.ft 
all Gods threatnings, fa long as it did itand. 9 Abeitthe 
Lords minde be onely to correct his people, by letting them fee 
their provocation in the judgements brought upon them : ytt the 

M 4 enemies 

105 F^/\i^. JUAAJLV. 

enemies whom he ufeth as instruments in their correction , do 
minde their utter deftruclion, and the rooting of them out of the 
world; They faid in their hearts .Let us defiroy them, io.When the 
enemies of religion cannot kill all the worfhippers of God, yet 
will they labour to m~r the means or" their aflembling foi publick 
worfhip/o force as ihey can : for after they have faid,Lcf m defray 
them together, it is fubjoyncd, They have burnt up all the Syna- 
gogues of God in the Ixnd : that is, all the houfes built for the 
weekly aflembling or the people unto publick worfhip , in their 
feverai divifions, through the land. 1 1. Houfes built for meet- 
ing of the Lords people to publick worfhip, albeit they be not ty- 
pically holy, as the Temple ofjerufalcm was ;yet cio they belong 
to God , as meanes dedicate for maintaining his fervice , 
and when they are marred , it is a wrong done to God, 
and a caufe of complaint to «ood againft the facrilegious 
fpoilcrs thereof, as hei e we fee. 12. External troubles are much 
lighter, when the publick ordinances and fignes of Gods prefence 
in a land may be had for fpiritual comfort $ but when thofe are 
removed, every trouble is the more heavy : We fee not our fignes, 
there is no more any Prophet, ne thcr any among ws , that fooweth 
borv long : that is, publick meanes 3 ordinary and extraordinary, 
whichmay give us comfort, do now ceafe. If it be asked, how can 
this be applied unto the time of the captivity/eeing^crew^E?^ 
frJeLTtanieljanithe Piopbet who did Write this P.alme byin- 
fpiration, were living at the beginning of ihc captivity, and after 
theburningof the i emple ? It may be anfwereJ , that Jeremy 
was carried away ro Egypt , and the people could not have ufe of 
his miniftcry > E\el^iel and 7>aviel were carried away to Baby* 
Un , and the poor which remained in the land had none of the 
Prophets to comfort them; yea E\e\\iel and "Daniel were but now 
and .hen imploycd ofG ;d to utter their prophecies,and the multi- 
tude of the captivcs,\vho were to make ufe of thisPfalm,were fcat- 
tered in fundry places.and could not have the benefit of their or of 
any others miniftcry, as they were wont to have ; and this in fpe- 
ciall maketh the lamci-tation to have a ground, that the table 
was drawn from the children ; the people had not that* accefle, 
which they enjoyed before . unto meanes either extraordinary 
or ordinary ; they had not their former allowance;and howfocver 
in the copies of Jeremiahs prophecie 3 10. yeares was determined 
for the peoples captivity, vet none of the Prophets at the time of 
wiiting this, told, cr could tell them, how long time fhouldpafle 
before their dc fclation ihculd be repaired; how long it ihould 



be ere the Temple fhould be builded again > and the Prophet, by 
whom thisPialm was endited,had no further commiflion then he 
fpeakethofj and fo thefe forefaid expreflions , may ftand with 
the time of the beginning of the captivity of Babylon. 

Ver, 10 O -rod, horv long /hall the advtrfary re- 
proach ? (ha I the entmy blafthetne thy Name for 
ever ? , 

1 1 , Why mthdrdtoeft thou thy hand , even thy right 
hand ? fluent out of thy bofome* 

After the lamentation is fubjoyned an imprecation againft- 
the enenuLs,that God would notdeferre to punifh them. Whence 
learn , 1. Mens patience ismuch/hort of Gods long-furYcring 
and forbearance 5 for here it is the fpeech of afuftering people : 
O Gody bow long fall the adverfary reproach ? when with God it 
is not yet time to tail upon them. 2. The Lords long-fuffering 
patience doth greatly harden the adverfaries in their in'olent 
mocking of Gocli people; for inftead of faying , Lord, how long 
wilt thou bear with them ? he faith, God , how longfhall the 
adversaries reproach ? 3. The truly godly can endure their own 
troubles better then they can bear the open difhonouring and 
blafpheming of God, by occafion of their trouble? Then- 
fore this expreffion , from thedeepeft fenfe of his heart , doth 
break forth, Shall the enemy blafpbeme thy T^amtfor evir? 4. Al- 
beit tentations from carnal fenfe do reprefent Goci as if he 
were idle when he fufFers his enemies to trample onhispeople 3 
and on his glorious Name 5 yet faith will not admit of iuch a 
thought, but dealeth with God by prayer , to let his ftrengthani 
power be fo manifeft , that the world may not think his hand is 
in his bofome > Why withdraweft thou thy hand , even thy rhbt 
hand I pluclt it out of thy bofome. This he belicveth the Lord 
fhail do , and giyeth reafons for his hope , in that which 

Ver. 1 2. For God is mj King of old , wortyg fal- 
vation in the midfl of the earth. 

1 3. Thou didft divide the fea by thy ffrength : thofi 
brake ft the heads of the Dragcns in the Waters. 

14. Thou brake ft the heads of Lcviathdn in pieces^ 


170 Pb/VJL, LXXIV. 

and gaveft him td be meat to the people inhabiting 

1 5 . Thou didft cleave the fountain and the flood : 
thou dried]} up mighty rivers. 

16. The day is thine, the night alfo is thine : thoH 
haft prepared the light **h the fun. 

1 7. Thou haft fet all the borders of the earth , thou 
haft made Rummer and winter* 

Inthefecond part of the Pfalme , thc^fdmifl dothconfirme 
bis own and other believers faith that God would undoubtedly 
deliver his people , and take order with their enemies; Firft,from 
the intereft they have in God., and God in them. Secondly jfrom 
the experience of fenfible deliveries paft of his people, ver. n # 
Thirdly, from the great work of redemption of his people from 
Pbaraobs tyranny ver. 13,14. Fourthly, from the Lords feeding 
his people in the wildernefle , vcr.ij. Fifthly, from the Lords 
lbvereignty,and difpofing of all creatures in the world,vcr. t 6, 17* 
Whence leitn , 1. Relations between God and his Church, and 
in fpecial this , that he hath made himfelfe King thei eof, are 
pawnes of Gods defending his Kingdom and injured fubje&s, 
and punifhing of his enemies > for here the Church giveth it for 
q reafon of their hope of deliveryjGo^ is my K? n g- *• The more 
time is paftfince God did avow himfelfe King of his Church, 
the more confident may later generations of the Church be to 
finde new evidences of his royal actions for them, and againft 
their enemies; Godismy^jtng of old. $. New troubles muft 
not make us forget old mercies, but rather call them to memory, 
to be made ufe of afreih as pledges that what he hath done before, 
he will do the like again 5 God is my }&ng of old, vporbjng falva- 
tionintbcemb : that is, fuch deliverances of his Church, as all 
the earth was witneiTe of. 4. The delivery of Ifrael out of 
E^pMndthedeftai&ion of the Egyptians, is a pawn unto the 
Church in every age after , that God will deftroy their enemies 
how ftrong and terrible foever they be , and will deliver his 
Church : Thou didft divide the fca by thy jlrcngtb , thou brafaft 
tbe heads of the Dragons in the waters. $* As all the enemies of 
the Church are no lefle cruel and lavage againft the Lords peo- 
ple, then unreasonable Sea-beafts, and Sea-monfters : fo can he 
make their carcaics a pixy to unreafonable beafts, ?.s he made Pha- 


tdob and his Captaines to become food to the beafts of the 
wildernefle, when the Sei did caft up their carcales on the ftiore^ 
like fea-wrackt; Thou bra^efl the heads of Leviathan in pieces , and 
gave ft him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wildemcjfc* 
6. The Lord will nut fail to provide confolation to his Church 
in her neceflity, though no probable means do appear , as he fur* 
niflied his people dank from the flinty rock in the wildernefle ; 
Thou didft cleave the fountain, 7. The Lord can arid will re- 
move all difficulties and impediments out of the way of his peo- 
ple, which may hinder them from the polfeflion of promifes , as 
he did to Ifrael : Thou didft cleave the fountain and the flood, thou 
driedft up mighty rivers. 8. Faith is fo thrifty, as not to let the 
works of creation, and common providence paife by, without ufc- 
making thereof : The day is thine , the night alfo is thine, &>c. 
9. As God hath appointed viciflitudes ot" day and night , lighc 
and darknefTe, fummer and winter ; fo hath he no lefferefolvedly, 
wifely, and graciouily appointed viciflitudes of dangers and deli- 
verances, of grief and confolation to his people , for their good : 
The day U thine, the night alfo is thine : thou \rkft prepared the light 
and the Sun. 1 o. As the Lord hath fet bounds to the fea^ bounds 
and borders to every Kingdome , to fummei shear , and to win- 
ters cold : fo can he do, and fo hath he done , and fo will he do 
unto all the troubles of his owne, to all the rage, power, plots and 
purpofes of their enemies ; Thou haft fet all the borders of the 
earth, thou haft made fummer and winter > 

Ver. 1 8. Remember this , that the enemy hath re- 
froached> O Lord, and that thefoolifh people have blaf- 
phemedthy Name. 

19. O deliver not the foul of thy turtle-dove unto 
the multitude of the wicked : forget not the congrega- 
tion of thy poor forever. 

20. Have refpett unto the covenant : for the dart^ 
places of the earth are full of the habitations /if cruelty. 

21. let not the oppreffed return afbxmed : let the 
poor and needy praife thy Name. 

22. Arife , God , plead thine o^ne canfe : 
remember hov» the foolifb man reproacheth thee 

23. For get 

i 7 2 PSAL. LXXIV, 

23, Forget not the voice of thine enemies : the tu- 
mult of thofc that rife ftp agai»fl thee , increafeth 

In the third part of the Pfalm, he returncth to prayer , and re- 
doubled his requclts for delivery to the Church , taking argu- 
ments ; Fift, from the injuries done to God by the enemy , vcr. 
18. Secondly, from the danger and weakneife of Gods people, 
vcr. 19. Thirdly, from covenanted help in time of need, ver.zo. 
Fourthly, from the Lords intereit in his own quarrel againft the 
growing infolency of his defpightful enemies,wr. 22,2$. Whence 
learn > 1. Although fins, especially perfecution of Gods people, 
and blafphemy againft God, be not prefently puhimed, yet (lull 
they not be forgiven: Remember this, that the enemy hath reproach- 
ed^ O Lord. 2. All tins, but in fpecial blafphemy of Gods 
Name,are aggravated by the naughtinefs of the finner,and excel- 
lency of God : Thefoolijh people hav: blafphcmed thy Mame^.Tht 
Church of God,incomparifonofhermany and ftrong enemies, 
is like a folitary, weak, defolate turtle-dove , harmlelle , meek, 
lowly, pr.tient in desolation, and eafing her griefe by hghing,and 
expofed to a multitude of ravenous birds* deliver not tbcfoule of 
thy turtle-dove* 4.H0W weak foever the Church be, and how ma- 
ny and ftrong foever the enemies be, yet cannot they all devoure 
the Church, except the Lord fhouki deliver his Church over into 
their hands , againft which evill the Church hath ground of 
confidence to pray , deliver not the fou'e of thy turtle- love 
unto the multitude of tbcrvidicd ; for he harh given his Church 
wings, and a hiding place too, as the comparifon imporrethjifhe 
pleafe to give her the ufe thereof alfo. $. The Church is 
the Lords hofpital, where his poor ones are fuftained upon his 
provifion and furniture, and he will not ncgleft them 5 forget 
not the congregation of thy poor for ever, 6. Albeit the Lords 
people deferve to 6e fccludedmany times from the Covenant of 
gtacc, yet the Lord will never de.bare them from their right unto 
it, when they in their need draw near to him , and plead for the 
benefit of it : Havcrcfpctt, (faith he) to the Covenant. 7. Such 
places as want the light of the Lords prefence in his OrAinan- 
ccs, are but dark and uncomfortable places, where there is 
no Icfie hazard for the people of God to remaine, then for 
fheep to be in the midft of the dennes of cruel lions and 
ta\-e::ous beafts : And when it plcafah God to call his peo- 


pie by captivity or exile in fuch places , there is much need 
ro make ufc of Gods Covenant for prefervation : Have n- 
fpett unto the Qovemnt^ for the dar\plaes of the earth are 
full of the hibitations of cruelty, 8. The emptied fupplicanc 
coming to God , efpccially when ovcr-loaden with troubles, 
fhall finie comfort , and (hall not bee difappointed of his 
hope ; let not the oppreffed return afhamed. 9. The fenfe 
of need and emptincfle , is the beft difpofition for prayer, 
and beft preparation for praifes alfo : and fuch as are poorc 
in their prayers, {hall be rich in their praifes 5 Let the poor 
and needy praife thy Name. 10. The Churches caufc is the 
Lords caufe > for the wicked do not maligne the godly for 
their iinnes , but for righteoufneffe , and fo the quarrel is 
1 he 'Lords, which he will and muft maintain , though he 
feem to fit ftill a while : Ari(e , Lord , plead thine orwt 
caufe , 11. The Lords enemies are all fooliih men 9 for 
they beat out their braines upon the Churches bulwark; be- 
caufe the'. Lord forbeareth for a time, they go on to blafpheme 
him daily to hrs face, bat (hall findeat length that God hath 
all their reproaches upon record : 2{emembcr how the foolifh 
man rcpro cheth thee daily, n. Every finne , and in fpc- 
ci,al enmity againft God and his Church is fearful; but open 
gloriarion therein is worfe , which God will take know- 
ledge of, and punifti : for fo much is imported in this pray- 
er, forget not the voice of thine enemies, 13. Sinne , and 
in ipecial perfecution gloried in , doth grow daily more 
and more ; and the growing of finne , and in fpecial of 
perfecution, doth haften the delivery, of Jie godly, and the 
deftruSion of the enemies : The tumult of thofc that arife 
againft thee ^ increafeth continually* 



*74 PSAL. LXXV. 


To the chief Mufcian Al-ufchitb. A Pfalme or Song of 

THis Pfalm doth well agree with the time of Davids entry in- 
to the Kingdom after Sauls death, before he was eftablim- 
ed King over all the tribes, wherein he with the Church > 
Firft, doth thank God for bringing him wonderfully to a begun 
poffeffion of a part of the Kingdome, vcr. i. Secondly, he pro* 
mifeth, that when the Lord ftiall give him the reft of the King- 
dom in poffeffion, to imploy his power for righteous governing 
and fetling of it,after it (hall be put once in a rightframe,ver.i,$. 
Thirdly, he begins to triumph over the wicked that followed 
Sauly bringing to their minde the advertifement he had given 
them, not to be proud in their places, ver. +> 5. partly, be- 
cause God had the difpofing of preferments in his own hand, 
vcr. 6 y 7-and partly, becaufe albeit God gave to all his own chil- 
dren a tafle of troubles, as he faw fit, yet the dregs of wrath were 
referved for the wicked, ver 8. Fourthly, hepromifeth to 
praife God continually, for calling down the wicked, and exalt- 
ing of the godly, ver* $> 10. 

Ver f 1 . T JNto thee, O God, ho we give thank*, 
V unto thee do we give thank*:, for 
that thy Name is mare , thy ivonderous work* de- 

From his thankfgiving ; Lcarne, i. The Church of God 
fhould take out of his hand every beginning of mercies and deli- 
verances with affectionate and frequent thankfgiving .• Unto tbce 3 
O Lord, do we give thank* 3 unto thee do we give thanks. i< As 
the Lord is described in his Word; fo will he be found in his 
works, to wit, near at hand, and ready to help his people as they 
ftand in need ; We 'do give thanks JoecaH\e thy Name is near; for 
this is the neernefle of Gods Name, when his powerful, gracious 
felt prefence is anfwerable to what is faid of him in his 
Word. j. Whenfoever the Lord doth (hew himfelf for his 



Churches comfort, he doth it in fomc wonderful means 3 in one 
vefpect or other, that is, a farre other way then any could have 
expeded 5 That tb) Name is near, tbj wondrous rvor^s it* 

Ven 2. When 1 Jball receive the congregation^ I 
will judge uprightly. 

3. The earthy and all the inhabitants thereof arc 
diffolved\ I be are up the pillars of it. Selah. 

From Davids undertaking to govern the Kingdom well, when 
ic came all in hispower j Lcarnc, 1. Po&ffion in part of pro- 
mifes made to us, doth give good hope to have thewholeoi 
what is promifed in pofleffionalfo > for, When I JhaU receive 
the Congregation, prefuppefeth his certain hope and expectati- 
on to have it. 2. He that is advanced to a civil Kingdom, con- 
lifting of people in Covenant with God, he hath gotten charge 
tonourifhthc Chinch, and to procure whatfeever a King ci- 
villy can procure to a Church, that his fubjectsnuybeall of 
them Gods Church 5 therefore Vavid faith not , iVben I receive 
the Kjngiome> but when 1 receive the Congregation , or the 
Church. $. Forefightof a charge, whereunto a man is likely 
to be called, fhould make him prepare himfelf, and refolve be- 
fore-hand fordoing the duties of that calling, as "David did be- 
fore he was poffefled in the Kingdcmej When I fbull receivctbe 
Congregation, ifoxll )udgc uprightly. 4. Whin a land is de- 
ftitute of godly and gracious Governours, the whole countrey is 
left loofe, both in the matter of Religion* and of civil Juftice* 
as was feert in Sauls time before Vavid was fetled ; The earth 
and all the inhabitants thereof arc diffolved. ?. Kingdomes and 
Common -wealths have their pillars whereupon, they fhould 
{land, to wit, religious and righteous government! > for, I will 
judge upriglndy, in the fecond verfe, is as good as, J mil hare 
up tbepillars thcreofrm the third verfe. 6. Thaie that minde the? 
reformation of aland, fhouldbe fentibleof thedefolation of it, 
and have not only will, but alfo skill and place of powettofet 
matters in a right frame, as here the Pfalmift, after faying, Tbe 
landaiidxll the inhabitants thereof aredijfolved* addeth, I bear 
up', or fall bearc up the pillars of it. And here, whatfoever Va- 
vid fpeaketh or could fay, was but a madow of what is to be 
found in Chrift, of whom he is a type ; For the Kingdom and 


i-]6 PSAL. LXXV. 

Countrey is ill guided, where Chrift doth not reign; but when 
people do fubjett themfelves to him, he fets the Kingdom or 
Countrey upon true pillars, and fuftaineth all by his power. 

Ver.4. I /aid unto thefooles, <DealnotfooliJhlj: 
and to the wicked, Lift not up the home, 

5. Lift not up your home on h ; gh: fpeal^ not with 

In the third place, he calleth to minde his own prophecy of the 
change of affairs, and advertifement given by him before to his 
adverfaries, not to behave themfelves fo ihfolently as they tlid. 
Whence learn, i.Evcn intimeof trouble, the godly, by the light: 
of G ods Word,may be enabled to forefee and prophecie of the 0- 
verturning of the wicked from the top of their preferment j 
1 fed unto the fool f, Deal not fofoolijhly, faith the Pfalmift. 
2. When the prophecie uttered according to Gods Word, islike 
to take effect, it is no fmall comfort for belecvers to call to re- 
membrance ads of their beleeving bcfore-hand,what they do fee 
in their own time $ I faid to the fooliJh,Deal not fo foolijhly , is 
a fort of triumph over his enemies here. 3 .Such as are acquaint- 
ed with true wifHom, do juftly account all wicked men to be 
fooles, forfakers of Gods teaching, and followers of their owne 
wit and will, to the mine of their own bodies, foules, houfes and 
fame i I faid unto the f 00 les. 4 The fruit of a wicked mans 
profperity is pride, vain-glory, audacious bonfting againft the 
godly, wherein they grow more and more infolent* againft all 
warnings of Gods Word, as this reproof importeth 5 teal not 
fodifhly y lift not up the horn ; lift it not on high, fpeak not with A 
ftiffe neck 

Ver. 6. For promotion comcth neither from the 
£afi> nor j rem the iVefl, nor from the South. 

7. Bat God id the Judge, he putteth down one, and 
fetteth up another. 

From the firlt reafon of his admonition unto the wicked ? 
Lcarne, 1 . Asthe caufe of mens pride in a wicked eourfe, is the 
forgetting of God, and of his government in tfce world on the 


PSAL. LXXV. 177 

one hand, and a ftrong conceit of their cwn ability, tocompafl* 
r heir defines by their own wit, power and induftry on the 0- 
rfacrbari?: fa the way of wifdom to remedy the evil, is tocon- 
fi.ler that God doth govern the wo/1 J., and that men aie nothing 
but what he plcafeih to make of them 5 Promotion comctb neither 
from tbcEajh nor from the iVfi, nor from the South : that is, 
howfoever, or from whence focver preferment to places of pow- 
er in the world fceme:h to come, yet the difpofingof places is 
from a higher hand, 2. Piaces or power and pi cfcrment are dif- 
pofed of only by the wife and righteous pleafure, and determi- 
nation of the fupreme Ruler of the world 5 But God it fudge. 
He oppofcrh God the Judge his determination unto all the ap- 
pearances from feconi c 3 . As G)d hath a miride for the 
glory of his grace, tony, or to correct, or to comfort and im- 
ploy (one men in his fervice, fa he putteth them down,or fetteth 
them up, and as he hach a mindc to have the glory of his juftice 
on other fome, fohe fe;te:h them up, or putteth them downj 
God is fudge, he putteth down onc> and fetteth up another. 

Ver. 8. For in the htwJC of the Lord there is 4 
tup y and tbervine is red: it is full o c mixture, anA hS 
fwretkoutofthefamz: but the dregs thereof all the 
y?ick*d of the earth fh*tt wring them oUt 7 2nd drink^ 
them, • 

From the fecorid reafon of the admonition given tb the wick- 
ed Learn, u As the Lord doth wifely dift/ibute his benefit 
amd temporal comforts among men, to teftifie his goodnefle to 
his creatures: fo alio afflictions and ca'amicies are meafured; 
out by him unto men, to teftihehis"jaftice and indignation a- 
gainftfin 5 For in the bind of the Lord is dCupy that £i, a 
meafure of affliction proportioned unto them, for wfyranki* 
prepared. 2. This meafure ofc affliction ordained for each man, 
is prepared for the time appointed, like drink, ready for the 
mouth of him to whofe head the cup mail be put ; It is acup 
with wine in it, in tfods hand, ready to be fet to any man^ feea J 
he pleafeth. 3. The affliction is like ftrong wine, quickly pier- 
cing throughall the mans veines who drinUethit, and cleaving- 
faft unto him ; The wine is red. 4. The Lord ha:h as, it were 
both hot and cooling w iters, whereby he doth mi:iga:e cheCup 
of calamities to fome, and increafesfethc fenfe of his fiery inji^- 

N natiorv 

J7<> l^AL, JL.AJV V . 

■nation unto others 3 It U fall of mixture \ or it is perfectly 
mixed ,As the cafe rcquheth. 5. What iseachmans meafure of 
calamities, how mixed when it is executed , ail is in Gods dif- 
oenfation $ He lourab forth of the fume into the mouth and 
oclly of every pcrfon,as hepleafuh.6The calamities of ihe wick- 
ed do follow ott-:imcs alter that the godly have drunkthefnft 
draughts or* the Lords Cup > It is toward the bottom and dregs 
\vhen the wicked drink j the hottcft wrath, and hcavieft indig- 
nation is refer ved for theni, and none of them fliall efcape, how 
longfoever their judgement fliall be delayed, But the dregs 
tixreofalltbcwkJ&duf the earth JIM drin^ 7. The wicked 
fliall be no letfe acceilory to the drawing on of their own cala- 
mities, then he that wiingeth the dregs, to draw out more li- 
quor lot* himielf to drink, is acceilory to his own drunkennefle 
and damage ; The dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth Jhall 
wring them out^ini drinl(tbem ; their vanity, pride, greedinefie, 
luft, ambition, eiwi.e, and plealant coiufes of (Inning, wherein 
they delight themfeives, while they are drinking in iniquity as 
an oxe doth water, (hall be their dcilru&jon, as in the point of 
merit, fo alio in the point' of meanes of their owne over- 

Ver. 9. But I Will declare for ever, I mil fag 
praifes to the God of Jacob. 

10. blithe homes of the wicked alfo will J cut 
ojfjbnt the homes of the rigljteopts /ball be exalted* 

In the lafl place, he promifcth to make this holy and wife dif- 
penfation of juftice upon the wicked, and mercy toward the 
godly, the matter of his fong in Gods praife. Whence learn* 
1. However matters feem to. go, how deep foever the godly 
drink of the cup of calamities., yet thebeleevcrsin God fliail 
ever have matter of joy in God, and praifing of him : Bvt I 
tvill declare for ever, (faith the Pfalmiit) I mil fing praifes to 
the Cjod of Jacob $ yea fa notified afflict on fliall be a part of 
their joy and their praifing of God . 2. It doth delight the god- 
ly to be in the fame Covenant', and of the fame faith withtho r e 
that are commended by God hi the Scripture; I willfingfrai- 
fes, (faith he) to the God of Jacob. 3. As a fincere heart doth 
refolve, never to weary in Gods femee, fo may it be affured 
ftCvcr to want matter of great joy in Gods fervke j for Aitcr he 



hathfaidj I will declare for ever : then he addeth, Twill fing 
friifcstotbcGodof Jacob. 4. It is the Magiftrates part, as 
they have authority in their fupeme or fubordinate places, to 
cut (hoi t the power of wicked men ; All the homes of the wick- 
ed alfo will I cut off t faith "David i which piomil'e he did no* 
ceafe to execute, by turning every man Indiffci ently, whom fee 
did not judge to be regenerate, out of his place; but by taking 
courfehow every man, whom he found in place, mould be 
bound to apply his power for the good of Religion and Juftice; 
as the hiftory of Scripture doth fhew j and by this meanes efpe- 
cialiy did David reform the Church of Ifracl 5 and this was* 
the way of his true policy, to cut oSdU the homes of the wu\ed • 
not to kill, or banifh, or forfeit, or put from all place of power 
and truft, all thofe leading men, who did oppofe and maligne 
him under King Sdul; but by caufing them all to concurre with 
him to let up true Religion, and bring up the Ark to Mount Si~ 
en, and to adminiflcr juftice unto the fubje&s in their feveral 
places. Thus by binding all men to Religion and Juftice, and 
ordaining that wkkedneffe fhould have no home or power for 
it, but all bound to be againft it 5 He cut off all the homes of 
the wicked; And becaufe the civil Magiftrate or Ecclefiaftical 
Governours are able to do in their Courts externally not fo 
much as were need, the real effecting of what here is under- 
taken by David belongeth to the And ype Chriftj for he 
only can fay, and make his words °ood 4 y All t&e homes of the 
tricked will I ait of. 5. The godly (hall be victorious over all 
their wicked oppofers, and righteoufnc lie fliall bear them better 
out, and mall purchafe more help and power unto them, then, 
any courlc the wicked do take to have their power eftablifhed 
againft them 5 The homes of the righteous fall be exalted. 


To the chief Mufimnon Hjginoth; 
A Pjrtrne or Song of Afapb. 

THis is 2 Pfalme ofpraife, given forth upon occafton of fotne 
great deliverance of the Church, fuch as was that when 
Scnnacheribs hofte was deftroyed, or fome other like overthrow 
given to the enemy. 

N t Tfcr 


The fummc of the Pfalme is this, the Lord is glorious in hi£ 
Church, and greatly to be praiied by his pecple, let down, vcr. 
i, z. Thereaibns given for this are fix $ the fir ft, vcr. 3. the 
fecond, vcr. 4« the third, vet. 5, 6 the fourth, wr. 7. the fi t'l, 
fer. 8, 9. the fmh, the ufe whereof, with a reafon for 
it, is letdown, vcr. u,T2. 

Promthelnfcription; Larney 1. The viable Church hath 
need to be ftirred up to the work of thinkfgiving unto, and prai- 
flnjcfGod, no leife then to any other duty; forthisduty is no 
lefle needful, noleflc fpiritual, no leffe difficult and difagrecing 
with our carnal and corrupt natural inclination, then any other 
duty, an.1 ufually is more neglected and more flighted then any 
point of worihip, although frequent occafion and caufe be given 
unto it; therefore it is ofiencft called for of any. If we compare 
this title w'th others, this is a Sovg y a Pfilme , taught to the 
Church, to ftir her up to the praifingof Go*. 2. God had more 
Pfalmifts, more fweet Singers in ifrael :hen one ; Davids name 
is not prefixed here, and the matter is moftfuitable to a latter 
time then his. 3. We are not to he cur ious about the Penmen 
of Canonick Scripture. The firft Author is he, to whom we 
mull look moft and reft upon him: For concerning all the 
fiebrcw Bible, we are taught by Chrift and his Apoftles that it 
was all given by infpir.nion , and that the holy Writers fpoke as 
they were moved by the holy Spirits for here it is not certain 
whether Afipb was the name of the Writer of it, or whether 
Aftpb be the name of the order of fuch of y^rflwjpoiterity, as 
were Prece n tors unto the Chu ch ; and had the charge of 
the Mulick> to whom this P.alme was committed for the 
Churches ufe, as many more Pfalmes in Daviis time, and af- 
ter it alfo were 5 A Tfalmc or Song of Afipb or to Afxpb: the 
words may beare both alike. 

Ver. i 4 T NjndahGodis knoton : his Name is 

% great in Ifrael* 
2. In Salem alfo is his Tabernacle : *ndbts dwel- 
ling place in S ion* 

From the fumrpe and fcope of the Pialmc ftt down here ,- 
Letrne, i. Albeit God be in fo me fort known in all the world, 
fcec3ufe of the works of Creation manifefting fomc way the rn- 



vifible excellencies of OoJ, yet is hemoft of all made manifeft 
to his vifible Church, where his Word doth lbund, .md his 
Works are beft interpreted ; In tfudxb God is fiuown. i.Whcre 
the knowledge of Gods Name is moil: revealed, there mould he 
of duty be molt glorified : for albeit Ifracl many times did not 
unde.ftand, did not acknowledge him, but were more ignorant 
and neglect ive cf him, then the oxe or affe were of their Own* 
crs and Matters crib, yet daily among them he manifefted his 
great majefty, and fomctime he made them all acknowledge it , 
and of duty alwayes t hey mould have magnified his majefty, and 
fo his Name is great in Ifracl. 3; The Lord doth provide al- 
wayes a place, where his Church may vilibly proft fie his Name, 
and wor (hip him : he will not want a place, where he rfath a 
people in Covenant-bond unto him ; In Salem is bis Tabernacle. 
4. It is a great glory to the place where God is wormipped, for 
there alio doth he make his refidence :In Salem alfo>or tferufa^ 
Jem is bis Tabernacle, and h s dwelling place inSion. 5. It is 
not for the worthineflcot" any people or place, that the Lord is 
among them , or manifefted therej but it is his own free choice, 
among whom and where he will refide. The place where the 
vile Canaanitehad been, and the place longeft poffefled and a- 
btifcd by the Canaanire, will hechjofefor his chief dwelling ; 
he will turn the Canaanites Salem to be tferufdem : and the 
ftrong hold of the Jcbufites to be the place of his Temple > 
therefore, faith he, In Salem, (rather then -ferufalem) is his 
Tabernacle t xnd his dwelling place in Sion 

Ver. 3. There hake he the arrovecs of the fawe, 
thejhitldy and theftpord, and the battel. Sclah. 

The fiift reafon of Godspraifeis taken from the Lord 8 
fighting at tfcrujxlcm againft the enemies of the Church, and 
difcomfitingofthem. Whence learn, 1. The greateft overthrow 
given to armies, will be found in their fighting againft Gods 
Church : There (in fpecial manner,) braise he the arrowes of 
the bowe, &c, 2. In the deliverance of the Chinch the Lord 
will be feen to do all the work > There bra\c be the arrowes. $. As 
there is no meanes or inftrument fit to dcihoy men which the 
enemie will not imke ufc of againft the Church; fo there is no 
weapon formed againft her which fhall profper, when (he doth 
relie on her Lord : There bra^e he the tirowes of the bowe , the 
flrield) a, nd the fword, and the battel. 

N 3 Ver. 


Ver. 4. Thou art more glorious and excellent then 
the mountains of prey. 

fhe fecond reafon of Gods praifc is, bccaufe he is more glo- 
rious then all the Kings and Kingdomes of the world, wherein 
the cruel and beaftly raging enemies of his Church have their 
Jl en^th and ftrong hclcis. Whence learn, 1. Thofe Kingdomes 
and Powers which do not fubjedthemfelves to God or Chrift 
the King of Saints, arc to be cfteemed of as mountains where 
wilde and ravenous beafts do lie, every one of them according 
as they are more mighty, oppreffing the weaker; for they are 
called hcix, Mountains of prey or Powers maintaining allcpprcfli- 
bn, as mountains give inciter to ravenous beafts which live up- 
on prey. 2 Whatfoever excellency is to be found in the King- 
domes of the world, wherein men do glory 5 as whdom, riches, 
{trength, multitude, courage, or what clfe can be imagined , 1$ 
ill nothing to the matter of gloriation, which the Church 
liath in Cod ; Thou | faith the Plalmift unto God) art more glo- 
rious then the mountains of prey. 

Ver.5. The ft out- hearted are fp oiled, they have ftept 
their Jleep, and none of the men of might have found 
their hands. 

6. At thy rebuke, God of Jacob y both the cha- 
riot and hcrfe are cafi into a dcakjleep. 

The third rcafon of Gods praife is 3 becaufehe did evacuate, 
and make of no ufe unto the enemie, whatfoever they did put 
their confidence in. Whence learn, 1. Whatfoever ftrength, cou- 
rage, wit, or any other point of perfection any man hath , God 
who gave it, can take it away when he pleafeth; yea,can make it 
a fneanes of hardening his Jieart in carnal confidence, to engage 
him in a bufineffe for a mifchief to him, that he may loie all 
whereunto he leaned 5 The ftout-hcarted are fpoiled, they have 
flept their Jlccp, and none of the men of might have found their 
-hands ', that is, God hath made the couragious and ftrong to 
pc found feeble and weak, and unable to lave their own goods 
or lives. 2. Albeit the Church hath no ftrength in her felf, yet 
the Lord can wi:h a word of his mouth do all her work, and de- 
feat her cnemier - u At thy rebufa God of Jacob, they are ca(l 

PSAL. LXXVI. 1 8} 

vt a dccpjlcep. 3. The more powerful, wife" and front the ene- 
mies of liocts Church be, rlu m re fhould the Chinch ! die up- 
on God, and the more g'ory do'.h the L^rd f£t in ov-m-cuin:: 
them \ Therefore the fto«t-hcartedmcn of might, eh arias and 
bwrfc are here mentioned. 

Vcr. 7. Thou % tvtnthcu art to be feared^ ard 
-who may (land in thy fight when once thou art 

The fourth reafon of Gods praifc is, becaufe he is fo ter- 
rible that none can ftand before him when he is angry. Whence 
Uiirn, 1. When the Lord doth finite the wicked, he doth warn 
his own-people to ftand in awe ; therefore doth the Church make 
ufe of what is fet down before > Thou, < von th u arc to be feared, 
2, Only God is to be feared left we cftend him, and no mans 
anger is to befeared in comparifon of provoking God to anger ; 
Thou, even tbouartto be feared j and no regard unto, nor men- 
tion of any other to be feared in comparifon of him. 3 . Man a- 
gainftmanmay ftand , and wicked men in the time of Gods 
patience may ftand: but when the time cometh of Gods 
judging and letting forth his wrath upon his enemies, none can 
efcape bis hand j Who may (land in thy fight, when on> c tbo* an 
ingry ? 4. The terror of the Lord againft his foes, is the com- 
fort of his people, and the matter, as~of his praife, fo of their 

finging and rejoycing, as here is to be fecn, 


Ver. 8, Thou didfi caufe judgement to he heard 
from heaven : the earth feared atid was ft ill > 

9. when God arofe to judgement , to fave all the 
meel^ of the earth. Selab. 

The fifth reafon of Gods praife is, from the experience of 
fearful judgements on Gods enemies, when he was about to de- 
liver his people from their oppreflion. Whence lew, r« Late 
mercies aid deliverances given to the Church, fhould renew tie 
thankful memory of oLi deliveries, as here is done 2. When or- 
dinary mcanes and advertifemenrs do not make die Per.cuito. s 
of the Church to ceafe , God hath extraordinary judgements 
from hcaYCii;, whereby h$ will fpeak unto his adverfaiies * '/ 

N 4 

1 84 


didft caufe judgements to be heard from heaven. $ . If by one fore 
or moremildeadvertifementcr rebuke men cannot be brought 
in order j by another, and more terrible rebuke they (hall be 
made quiet : Thou didfi caufe judgement to be beard from hea-r 
ven 5 the earth feared and was jiiU. 4. The property of the Lords 
people is to be h acquainted with afflictions, and Co fcnfible of 
.their own finfulneile, that they do not impatiently fret at Gcds 
difpenfanon, even.when they are opprefled by men; butdoilu- 
dy lubmiiTion unto God, and commit their caufe to him; there- 
fore are they called The mee\ of the earth. 5. When the Lords 
meelc ones areindapger to be [wallowed 1 p> and deftroyed by 
their opprcflbrs , the Lord, who is the fovereign Judge to de- 
cide controverfies, and to determine who is in the wrong, albeit 
he be filent for a while, yet will arffe in due time, and f^eak from 
heaven by judgements, to the ttrri tying and (Uencing of proud 
epprefibrsj The earth feared and was jlill, when God arofe to 
judgement lofavc all the mec^ of the earth* 6. When the Lord 
iarifeth to five the meek in one place, and of one generation, 
it is an evidence and earneft , that he (hall a rife to favc at length 
all and every one of the meek in every place, in all times after 3 
for his arifing for his people, which was now paft, is (aid hne 
to be for to fave all the meek of the earth* 

Ver. 1 0. Surely the wrath of man Jball praife thee, 
the remainder of wrath /halt thou reftraine* 

Thefixrh.reafon of Gods praife is, that he'' (hall make 
the malice .jjf the advcrfaries&pf his people to contribute to 
hisgloy^ JFlnme learn, y. A%* r t he rage and cruelty of men 
agaiiifi the Lords meek ones, may feem for the prefent to obfeure, 
Gods glory, and to tend to his didionoun yet when he hath 
humbled, tried , purified his own, and done his work in Mount 
Sion j all the rage of perfecuters (hall turn to (-ods glory un-r 
doubredly; Surety the uratfwf 'man (hall praife tbee- 2. When 
God frath glprijied tymfeli in thc.purging of his Saints 3 and pu- 
nching their pe;iecu£or$. yet the enmity of the wicked weld a- 
gainft Gods people will not ceafc, there will be Hill, as here i$ 
prefuppofed, a remainder of wrath* ■-£. Let the wrath ©f dig., 
wj eked againft the godly be never fo grtnt, inveterate, tailing 1 
and unquenchable : yet it mall vent iff^f only ?s tlifc.Lord fi?$r 
fitting : he (Kill madcratc the cut-lettirigfef it, as hetccth expe- 
dient for his pe( pics gocjd ; it (kail not break out totrfc deftru- 


filon of his people ; The remainder of vora h Jlu't thou re- 
fir mil 

Ver. it. Vow and pay unto the LORT) your Go J, 
let all that be round about him bfmg frefents unto 
him that ought to he feared. 

12. tit jhallcut off the fpirit of Princes : he is ter- 
rible to the Kings of the earth. 

The ufe of the former doftrine is, to reach Gods people to give 
unto God that refpect and praife which is due to him trom 
them ; and to exhort all Nations without the comparTc of the^ 
vifible Church to fubmit themfelvcs unto him, left he cut eff 
fearfully thechiefeft of them. Whence learn, 1. The ufe of 
the Lords delivcran-ces of his Church, which the people of God 
ftiould make, is to call on God in their troubles , engage them-*- 
felvcs to glorifiehim in word and deed for his mercies, and to 
entertain ;he confcicnce of their obligation j Vow and pay unto 
the Lord. 2. It is not enough to difcharge a promifed duty to 
God in outward formality, as the Philiftines made their offer- 
ing to the Ark of God, but the godly moil do what iervicc they 
do to God, as to their Qod, reconciled unto them, and in 
Covenant with them ; Vow and pay unto the lord your God* 
3. The Lord is to be feared and honoured of all tint are near to 
him in Covenantor Profeflion, yea or in vicinity ot place un- 
to his people and Church> where the Lord manifefteth himfelf 
in his ordinances $ Let all that be round about him, bring frc- 
fents untobim that ought to be feared. 4. How terrible foever 
the power of Princes and great men ieem unto the Lords peo^ 
pie, when they engage them ("elves and their fubje els againft the 
Church ; yet ere they bring forth the ripe grapes of their de- 
fignes and plots againft Gods people, God can and will cut off 
their wiidome, courage and life, as eafilyas the branches of a 
Vine-tree; He Ji hall cut off the fpirit of Princes. 5. There is 
greater ca ufe why Princes mould be afraid of God, then why 
Gods people fliould be afraid of Princes : Princes cannot co fo 
much toanyoneof Gods people, as God can do to the higheft 
Princes on earth : God can make their fall great according to 
the height of their place} he can root them out and their po- 
iicriry, not only from all place of power, but alfo from all be- 
ing on rhe earth j he can make them a tcrrour to tkcmfelves; 


he can deftray them foul and body j yea,heufeth to do this to 
bis adverfaries : He is terrible to the lyings of the earth. 


Totfo chief Mufichn, totfedutlmn. A Pftlmeof Afapb, . ■ 

THis Pfalme doth expreflc the deep exercife of the Pfal- 
mift troubled with the lenfe of GodsdifplcUure, and 
how he wreftled under this condition, and had deliverance from 
it, which is fummarily propounded, ver. i. and made plain 
more particularly in the reft of the Pfalm ; for firft, he fettcth 
down his trouble of minde, ver. 2, $, 4« Secondly, his 
wraftlingwiththefenfeof felt wrath, ver. 5,6, 7,$>9* Third- 
ly, his begun vi dory by faith , ver. 10, 11,12. Fourthly, the 
fetling of hisminde by confidcration of Gois manner of deal- 
ing with hi 5 Church of old, to the end of the Pfalm. 

Ver. i # T Cried unto Cjod frith my voice : even 
Ji unto God with my voice , and he gave 

In this fummary Proportion of his fad exercife of fpirit, and 
of his delivery out of that condition % Le^rne, That as there 
are many troubles whereunto Gods children are fubjecl: (where- 
of this is one of the rnoft heavie, to be under the fenfe of the 
wrathofGod, andfeareof final cutting off :) fo God hath fee 
down examples of this exercife in fome of his dear children, 
for preparation of thofe who have not yet been acquainted with 
the like, and to teach patience, and furnifti confolation to 
thofe who are under fuch exercifes; for here is one of the Saints 
telling us , 1 .. That his own trouble in this kinde was fo pref- 
fing, as it made him cry. 2. And (hewing the courfe he took; 
He cried to God, and did put the whole powers of foul and bo- 
dy to abenfal, in his feckingof God; I cried to God with my 
voice. And, 3. That he faw there was no remedy for this evil, 
fave God above, to whom he made his addrcfle with refolution 
rohold unto God only; EvcnuutoGod with my voice 1 cried. 
And, 4« Th*t at length he did prcvaile and receive his requcft, 
gracioufly granted unto him ; Ani he gave earc to me : and fo 
he was relieved. Vei\ 


Vcr. 2. In the day of my trouble 1 fought the 
Lord ; my fore ran in the nighty and ceafed not.- my 
(oulrtftifedtobe comforted. 

5. lremcmbrcd Cjod, and was troubled: I com- 
plained, anhmy fpirit was overwhelmed. Sclah. 

4. Thouholdeft mine eyes waking : 1 am fo trou* 
b'edthat I cannot fpeak* 

He dec T areth this his fad exercife more fpccially 5 and firft, 
how great his trouble was. Whence learn, 1. The fearing and 
feeling of the fenfe of Gods wrath and difpleafure, is of all 
troubles the chief, and doth challenge to it felf moft defervedly 
the name of trouble, or ftraitening affliction, as if the Pfal- 
mift had never known any trouble in comparifon of this. 2 .Al- 
beit the (enk of Gods wrath and difpleaiiire while it doth laft, 
doth feem a fort of eternity, as, Shall I never be rcmembrei? 
and fiich like exprefiions do declare* yet when the trouble is 
gone, ir is counted but a fliort time, but a day; In the day of 
my trouble, faith he, now being relieved. 5. As in this trouble 
moft of any Gods face or comfortable prefence is withdrawn 1 
fo nothing in this cafe can content a godly foul, till he finde 
the Lord reconci!ed,and his gracious face to (hine again toward 
him ; In the day of my trouble I fought the Lord, The wicked 
in fuch a cafe they will either not feek God at all, but fome earth- 
ly comfort } or but take an eflfay what they can have by calling 
on God, they will not make it their work to feek him. 4. The 
fenfe of wrath giveth a fore wound unto a mans fpirit, like to a 
wound in the body, which is like to bleed unto death » My 
foreran in the night. 5. Trouble of conference, as it is like a 
deadly wound; fo is it alfo like a filthy boile, venting rotten 
iflue; for many are the (ins which the confeience doth call up 
in this cafe, which do caufe pain and loathing to look upon.- 
My fore , or my plague, my ftroke by a hand, ran in the night, 
6. There is no healing of this wound, noeafing of this fore,* 
no cleanfing of the confeience, no quieting of a mans fpirit, 
till God whom the foul fecketh, fhew himfelf Phyfician j the evil 
continued ftilland groweth ; My foreran in the night and cea- 
fed not. 7. Where mifery fecmeth remedileffe, there the fad 
foulfittcth it felfe to cndleffe foirow : and as it is hopeleflc of 
relief, fo it is heartkile to feck comfort, yea what earthly com - 




forts are offered for the rcliefe of a fpiritual wound, are but a bur- 
den to a broken ffirit s £My foitlc rcfnfcd to be comforted* No- 
thing can fatisfy a foul which is fenlible of Gods di fpleafure , fave I 
the fenfe of Gods favour. 8. A troubled fpirit hath many 
thoughts 5 for it runs out in meditation , calleth for the records 
of the memory , but canfinde nothing to hxe -upon, fave God 
himfclfe 5 I remembred God. 9. It is poflible that the matter 
of moft comfort at fome time mav give no eafe $ the fweet 
promifes of grace, when a foul is not able to apply them ; yea the 
thought of God himfelfe, and his goOv-nefle, may augment grief, 
when the conscience doth preient his abufed favours, as thecaufe 
of Godsprefent felt wrath : 1 remembred God 3 mi wis troubled. 
10. Lamentation and complaints, when vented and not eafed 
with following comfort, do but double the grief $ I complained, 
and my fpirit was overwhelmed, 11, Redoubled thoughts of a 
■perplexed foule , docaftitover in aconfufion , and a fort of 
iwound ; / complained, and my fpirit was overwhelmed. 1 2. A 
wounded fpirit is able to bereave a man of the nights reft, and af- 
fect the body with a /line of its mi ft r able condition ; Thou bold- 
eft mine eyes waging. 13 When a foul could poflibly defire to 
eafe its grief with a little forgetting of it, and feek a fleep when 
*he body is now weary; it may fall out, that even thus much eafe, 
may be refufed to a Saint for a time, which mufi: be.looked on as 
Gods hand, for the further exercife of the Lords fick childes Tbou 
boldeft mine eyes waling. 1 4. Trouble not lenified , not miti- 
gated, groweth to fuch a height, as it flops the ufe of natural pow- 
ers: I am fo troubled xbgt I cannot fpea\. The forrowes of a 
foul fenlible of Gods wrath, are unipeabbie, neither can the 
tongue utter them x nor rhemindc enuire to the tongue, what 
it feeleth. 

Ver. 5. 1 have confidered the dayes of oldjhe jeers 
of ancient times. ' 

6\ I call to remembrance my fong in the night : 
1 commune Vcith mine own heart , and mj fpirit made 
d'ligent fearch, 

7. Will the Lord cafi off for ever ? and will he fo 
favourable no mort ? 

8. Is his mercy e'ean gone for ever? and doth 
\\\S prcmife faile for evermore f 



9 Hath God forgotten to be gracious ; bath he in an" 
gerflm up hu tendsr mercies f Selah. 

In the fecond" place, he fctrcth down his wreftling,and how af^ 
; rcr he was overwhelmed, he fell again about the ulin^ of a:l 
; means to be relieved , confidering the Lords work of old with 
( riie s his children, and his own experience , and what could be 
the caaie of the change . vcr. 6. and how the Lords unchangeable* 
nefiein his loving kindnefic towards his own , might help him, 
vcr 7)S>9 Whence learn, 1. Were our cafe never to defpe- 
j rare , yet rhuft we not give over , but gather ihength after 
fwouuing , and ufe all meancs ofielicf, as the I'falmil here 
doth. 2. I: is one chief means of comforting a troubled Tinner, 
: and of ftrcngthening th; faith of a weak wicftler , to caft an eye 
I upon the Lords manner of dealing with his Saints, mentioned 
in Scrip ure, as the / falmiji did , who had the books of Mofes 
ond Job, at leaft to make ufe of; I buvcconfideredtbedayrsof 
1 old , and the ycfrcs of ancient times, 5. It is alfo a good means 
forgathering ft en^t hand coxfort for a foul under thefenfeof. 
wrath , to call to minJ.e his own experiences of deliveries and 
consolations received after trouble , and his own obfervations 
made upon his cwn experiences : I cull to remembrance my [origin, 
the night. 4. It is a third holy mcanes for deliverance from the 
ft aits of a troubled confeience, to fearch our waves, and to feek 
out diligently, what caufe in us we can finde , which might pro- 
cure fuch a defection and fenie of wrah 3 as we do lie under; I 
communed with my own heart, anHmy fpirit made diligent fcarcb. 
5. Albeit it bepoffible when all the former meanes are ufed, and 
diligent fearch is made by our confeience , what may be the rea- 
fon of our hard cxercife, that for all that, we finde no congelati- 
on , noeafe, nor event; vet the ule cf thefe mcanes will wit- 
nefle for our wife and upright dealing , and be evidences of our 
. endeavour and diligence in duties 5 as here we fee the Prophet to 
make mention of his diligence for this end, 6. Albeititbeno 
' ftrange thing for a a wounded fpirit to have fuggeftions caft in 
for overthrow of faith , yea to have feme of wrath fpeaking no 
■ le'fte then what the tentatiun unto deperation doth alledge 5 yet 
the natureof faith is fuch, that it cannot yield, but nauit fight 
againft the testation, as a thing whicli cannot be true , cannot be 
; admitted, as this .deputation of the Vfalm'jl doth give evidence; 
Will the LctX caft off for ever / and will he be favourable no morel 
The Lord may fcem xo'caft z Qusi' : eflr> and to ilop the 


courfe of his wonted favour toward him, bur this cxercifeisonly 
for a time: It is not polTiblc that God iliould cafl off for ever 
the foul that cannot endure to be thruft from him : It is not pof- 
fible that God fhould not be favourable to fuch as have had expe- 
rience of his favour,and do long to have new proofes thereof: Will 
the Lord caji off for ever ? mil he be favourable no more ? Which 
queftion, Will be do fo and fo? is thus much in effect , as if he 
had faidjjic is not poffible that th* Lord mould do fo,albek it feem 
he will do fo. 8. When the confeience of fin doth make obje- 
ction agninft faith , then faith makes its defence in Gods mercy, 
and the conftancy of the courfe of mercy, where grace is begun to 
runnejyea faith will not yield to a contrary thought : Is bis mercy 
clean gone for ever. $. The troubled confeience hungering af- 
ter the fenfc of mercy , hath not ohely Gods merciful nature, 
and Gods conftancy in his good will , but alfo his promifes to 
lean unto , for fupporting of it felfe. Therefore after mention 
made of Gods favour and mercy, he mentioneth here his promifc 
alfo. io It ispoffible, that for a timenopromife dooccurreto 
a wounded fpirit, which is fit for its prefent condition^ or at leaft, 
nopromife^ which it dare or is able to apply , yea it is poffible 
that the conditional frame of the promifes being made to fuch 
as are fo and fo qualified , may fcem to pertain nothing to the 
troubled c on fciencc,yet faith will not quit itsintereft in the pro- 
prom ife, but will expect good according to the promifc at laft; 
Voib bis promife faile for evermore ? 1 1 . As it is the Lords 
nature to be gracious to fuch as come to him in the fenfe of their 
unworthineiTe; fo faith layeth hold on him, as gracious, and will 
never, admit a fuggeftion of any change in him, whatfoever feem 
to be in his difpcnlkion; Hath God forgotten to be gracious ? this 
is to faith an abfurdity and impoffibUity. 1 2. Thecompaffions 
of God toward the miferable when they come before him, arc like 
a running fountain; that cannot reftrain it felfe , yet may it feem 
to be (hut up, and wrath and difpleafure to run in the place there- 
of , when God is pleafed to exercife his childe with the fenfe of 
Wrath ^gainft fin \ but faith will not admit this fecming for a 
certainty: Hath be in anger Jhut up his tender Mercm ? This is 
a faying wnich a Believer muft abhorre ro give way unto , and 
yet may be aflaulced with , and branglcd , and Weakened by the 
tentation of it. 

Ver. 10. And I fed ^ This is mine infirmity : but 
I will remember the yeers of the right hand of the 
mofi High* 

n. i 


1 1 , / will remember the tvorkj of the Lord ; furelf 
I mil remember thj wonders of old. 

12. / will meditate alf of all thy works, and ta/t^ of 
thy doings. 

In the third place is fee down the begun victory of faith, where- 
in the believer checketh himfelfe for hearkening fo much unto 
fenfe, for admitting the fuggeftions of misbelief to come unto a 
difputation, and refolveth to make ufe of the grounds of faith, 
and of his former comfortable experiences , xrr. 10. and of the 
wonderful dealing of God with others his Saints before, ver. 11. 
and to fettle his faith on Gods Word, confirmed by his works, and 
to fct himfelfe to give glory unto God , zer. 12. IVljence learn,, 
1. In the inward exercife of Gods children, after a whiles dark- 
neffe, cometh lights after grief 3 comfort 5 and after wreftling, 
cometh victory , as here we fee. 1. The trouble and difquiet- 
nclfe which cometh from fear of utter rejection from God , is 
from the root of natural unbelief , and in lack of the ftrength 
of faith ; This is my infirmity ,faith he, as being now allured, that 
matters were nor as they Teemed to him , concerning Gods mer- 
ciful affection to him. $ . Weaknefie of faith , and fear or utter 
wrath, is a ficknefle whe*. eunto Gods children are fubject ; but a 
ficknefle whereof they will certainly recover : a ficknefle not 
unto death : This is my infirmity. 4. Our event from inward 
trouble, and our victory over it, doth begin at a right fight of our 
own weakneffe , of our own faults, and of a right judging of oar 
felves for them ; And. I [aid , TbU is my infirmity. 5« The re- 
membrance of the experience of former changes , which we have 
found wrought by Gods great power, doth ferve to make us both 
patient under a fad condition , and hopeful to come out of it : 
IxviU remember the yeers of the right b And of GoA. 6. Albeh 
we do not fee how our comfort delivery and event, frnm trouble 
fhall come , yet may wc finde folid ground to expect that it fhall 
come , if we confidcr aright Gods fovereignty 'Over all creatures^ 
thatheiswjo/iH/gfr, and the omnipotency of his right hand} and 
his continuance, being the eternal, unchangeable one,and the lame 
from year to year, from age to age ; 1 will remember the y ems of 
the right hxnd of xbemoji High ; From this ground he doth ex- 
pect, that he fhall have experience yet again of the omnipotency 
of a Sovereign and coriftant God , working for his confolation. 
f< Wteo faith beginneth tQ recover after its infirmty or 



ficknefle, it will make afe of memory, meditation, judgcmentjand 
fpeech; which were all bound up before > I will remember, medi- 
tate y anitill{. 8. We mult not think to come out of perplexi- 
ty, out of ferife of wrath, out of trouble of confidence, out of hard 
exercifes of faith,by having great confclations,high and raviming 
joyes cf the Spirit at the fruit hand > but muft be content to come 
creeping out of our trouble by lirle andlitlcsfor here the PpUmift, 
under,the deepeft fenfe of Gods difplcafure , muft life all ordina- 
ry meanes, and wreftle with bitter tentations, till he come to fuch 
height as is cxprened, ver. 7 ,8,9, and for an event , muft begin 
and reprove his owne misbelief difpute for the help of his faun, 
taking arguments from his experience from Gods power and 
good will, and Gods dealing with others before him. y. The 
works of God , when they are locked on curforily 5 or lightly paft 
by, canno; be ditcerned, but when they arc well con Weed , they 
will be found wondcrfull ; I will remember the wor\s of the Lord, 
furcly I will remember thy wonders of old. 10. It is good for a 
k>ul In a hard exeixiie,to raifc it felf from thinking of God and of 
his woiks,unto fpeaking unto God directly; no cafe or rclkfe will 
be found , till addrefie be made unto himfclfe , till we turn our 
face toward him a and direct our fpeech unto him , as here the 
Pfa mijl doth , from the midft of the eleventh verfe to the end 
of the Pialm. 1 1 * Eftimation of any of Gods works , and good 
gotten by meditation on fome of his works , is able to engage the 
heart to a deeper consideration of all his works ; I will meditate 
alfo of ail thy worlds , faith he^ 12. He that would have profit 
by Gods works, muft bridle the levity of his own minde , which 
cannot ftay fixed in the confederation , till i: be tied in medita- 
tion ; I will mediate of all thy worli*. 1 3 . When we have fed 
our own fouls upon Gods works, we (hould ftudy to make ufe of 
what we have learned thereby to the good of others , and glo- 
ry of God : I will meditate of alltby wor^s , andtal^ of alt 
thy doings. 

Vcn 13. Thy -way , O God> is in thy fanttuary i 
who is fo great a God as our God ? 

1 4. Thou art the God thit doe ft wonders , thon haft 
declared thy ftrength among the people* 

In the hft place, he confirmeth his fa^th,and fetleth hfl£rninde, 
byconfiderationofthe Lords dealing with his people , recorded 


PS A L; LXXVII. 193 

in holy Scripture, whereof he fpeaketb; firft, in general, vet. i $> 
14. Then more fpecially, of the bringing of his people out of 
E&yp* through the wildernefle , terribly difcomfiting their ene r 
mics , and tenderly leading them, as hfe own flock, by weak and 
few inftrurnehts. Whence team , 1. When the heart of 3 man 
is turned toward the Lord, then the valleof darknetTe , cdnfufi- 
cn, and misbelief is removed ; he can juftify the Lo:d in all 
that he doth, as moil holy and juft; as here we fee in the Pfilmift, 
who lince he began to dircft himfelfc toward Gcd , cari now lay 
to him,, Tbyway,OGod y U in the Santtuary. 2. There « no 
underftmding of Gods dealing with us, nor can any rightcon- 
ftrufiionbemadeofhisexercifingofus, except we come to the 
Lords Ordinances, where his Word, his Oracles of Scripture do 
expound his works perfectly; Thy wy.O G^U in theS&nftttiry. 
$. When the works and waves of God are looked upon by the 
light of the Word,in his Sanftuary,or Churchjand God it looked 
unto-jthrou^h his works and Word,then is a foul forced td admire 
his holincs,and wifdom,and juftice and power ,and §oodnes,above, 
all comparifoni^fcc is (0 great a G od as our God. '4. The cxercife of 
the believers eonfeienee with fears and fufpicions of Gods affecti- 
on unto him,endeth in admiration of God in exaltation of God, 
in believing more firmly in God, in magnifying the grace of his 
being in Covenant with God,in acknowledging his own bleffed- 
nefie, and the bletfednefle of all other believers , for having God 
for their God i Who is jo great a God as our God ? 5. So much 
in general may be feenpf Gods dealing with his people , as may 
quiet a man in his own particular, who is troubled about Gods 
diipenfarion toward him : for when Ifrael inEgypt was put tcr 
fuchftraits, as tbev faw nothing but rooting of them out with 
cruelty and oppreflion , God did work fo well, fo wifely, fo pow- 
erfully, and to gracioully for them , as all their hard •crxercifc was- 
turned to their greater comfort , and Gods greater glory; This 
in general is the u;e that the Pfalmijl maketh of Gods dealing 
with his people, and doth finde it applicable to h's owneancjitioi j 
Thou art the God that doth wonders. 6. When we* cannot fee 
how i: islikelyor poflible we can be extricated out of thedifficul- 
ties we are caft into,efpechlly in our fpirituai condition 5 we are 
obliged to give unto God the glory of doing above all things we 
can conceive , for the good of thofe that deurc to be his fubjee^s/ 
Tbou art the god that doc fi wonders. 7. What Sod ha:h* con- 
vinced the World of already, concerning what he can do for his* 
people, may fatisfic eyeVy particular foal of his wifdom, porter* 



and goodnefle toward it felfe,when it doth draw in toward him,as 
one of his people, for this ufc doth the Pfalmift m ike of Godsdo- 
ing for his peopicjTfrcH baft declared thyftrength amongtby people. 

Vcr. 15. Thou hafi with -thine arm redeemed thy 
people ^the fonnes of Jacob and Jofeph. S/tah, 

i6. The Waters faty thee God^ the Waters fax* 
thee : they were afraid, the depths aljo were troubled. 

1 7. 7 he 1 buds poured out wYter , the 5 -^Jes fent out 
a TpfiftL thine an owe* alio went abroad. 

1 8. The voice of -by thunder was in the heaven • the 
lightnings lightned the -world , the earth trembled and 

He defcendeth more fpecially to the confederation of the Re- 
demption oflfrael out of Egypt , ('which is 4 reprefentation of 
the fpiiritual Redemption of his people) whom at the time, when 
they wei -z in the deeptft mifery and Uaft sbleto help themfelvcsj 
were moft oppreffed by th£ enemies : and for their owndifpofi- 
tion /were in a moft linful condition \ and in a defpera:e mood 
sgainft the means and .inftruments of their delivery j God did 
deliver and remove ali the difficulties which might hinder hilt 
event and efcaping from mifery : from whence the 2'Mmift 
might ftrongly reafon for his own comfort, that God would not 
failefo deal giacicufly with his foul, who was feeking favour from 
God, and a renewed fenfeof reconciliation with him. Heree 
learn, 1. That no foul can be under fuch fente of wrath and 
defobtion, but he may draw comfort from the great work of Re- 
demption of left linnets : for if when we were enemi&s, wc were 
rccdnciledcoGodbyihcdeathof his Sonne, much^more being 
reconciled, we fliall be faved from wrath by his life. And this 
fpi ritual Redemption was figured by the bodily delivery of Ifracl 
ouioi-Egypt? Thou baft with thine arme redeemed thy people^ 
the flints' oftfacob and tfofepb. i. It is by reafon of the Cove- 
nant that people receive deliverances, and confolations , and 
proofs of Gods power working for them : Therefore doth he ftile 
the fonnes of Jacob from their intereft in God , and Gods inte- 
reft in them by Covenant : Thou haft redeemed thy people. $. No 
obitacle how great fcever , can ftand in the way of the delivery 
and comfort of Gcds people, but God can and will remove it$ 


PS AL, LXXVII. 195 '" 

were it as the red fth, fo foon as he manifeits himfelfc , it Will get 
0Jt of the way as afF ightcd at his Majefty ; The waters f a w thec, 
God, the waters fave thee, they were afraid, the d'epihs al'jo were 
troubled; 4 Xhe commotions which God hathrmdc fa hcia- 
venbyrain, hailftone, thunder, fire, ana ligbliifirfgj when he 
would (hew himfelfe for his people , and azalnft their enemies, 
do teftify fufficiently what God can and, will do for his owii chil- 
dren , who draw near unto him , and how he will icbuki ^very 
adverfary power which is againftthem; Tbe clouds poured out 
water, the sJ{iesferit out a found $ thine arrowes went abroad , the 
voice rftby thunder ways in heaven; the lightnings lightened the 
world, the earth trembled andjhook- Whether we referre. thefe 
words to what God did in plaguing Egypt) before he brought out 
his people, or after when he {hewed his anger in pm filing the. 
Egyptians in their flight, when they were feefcing to efcape out of 
theredfea : or to what" the Lord did in fighting forhispeople 
againft the Canaan ites , they teach the lame do&rine to us. 

ver. 19. Thy way is in ike jfo, aridthj p»th in the 
great waters : and thy foot ft eps art not known; t 

20. Tbott leddeji thy people like a pek : bj the land 
of Mofes arid Aaron. 

He ciofcth his meditation with two obfervations J one is, that 
the Lords wayes are pail finding out, and this he inlinuateth by 
mailing a way through the red fca , where' never one went before; 
and never one could follow after. The other obfervation is , that 
God can Give his people by how few and weak inftruments h« plea- 
feth. Whence learn , 1. The Lord diawetii deep in the working 
out of] the delivery andjalvation of his own people, bringing them 
firft unto' extremity of danger, and then making a plain and clear 
efcape from all their ftraits 5 Thy way is iit the jea, where no mart 
can wade, except God go before him , and where any man may 
walk; if God take him by the hand, and lead him through. 
2. What God is in woi king, when he engages his children iri 
dangcrs,and which way he is going, when he deads them intoover- 
flowing troubles and deep waters 5 they cannot under fiand , till 
hehattTdonehiswork: Thy path h fin the 'gre w waters. $. A 
particular reafon of every thing which God doth, can no man find 
out: for the which caufe the Lord era vet h fubmiflion of 3!! his 
children in their exevcifes , as he did of fob; Thy foctfleps ak 
O z, not 


not f^novpn. 4. Wheth:r men do fee rcafons of Gods dealing with 
them or not, the Lord hath a care of his weak and witlefle people, 
as t ihepherd hath of his flock, and is a gracious leader of his peo- 
ple chat follow him : Thou leddeft thy people as a fioc\. $. The 
Lord hath his meanes and inftruments of vthofe miniftery he 
maketh ufe : and thofe, albeit they be few and wca k , yet (hall he 
do his greateft woiks by them, according as hedothimploy 
them ; Thm leddefl thy people as a flock > by the band of Mo* 
fes and Aaron. 


Mafchil of Afapb. 

IN this Pfalm, the Lords Spirit doch ftirrc up his people to 
make a rteht ufe of the Lords works of juftice and mercy fee 
down inholy Sciipture , and to this end he giveth account of 
Gods dealing Yery^jrrertifully with his people, and never in ju- 
ftice, but when mercy was abufed ; and he fticweth alfo the peo- 
ples dealing with God unthankfully , deceitfully, whether he 
dealt mercifully or in juftice with them. 

The Pfalm may be divided thus: After a Preface to prepare the 
hearer for attention and obfervation of what he was to deliver, 
ver.i, 2,3,4. hebringeth forthj firft, the evidence of Gods graci- 
ous care he had of his people, in giving them his blefled Word , to 
teach unto them faith and obedience , vcr. 1,6,7) 8. Secondly, 
the evidence of Gods judgement againft his people, who were put 
to flight before their foes, when they did not believe the Lord,and 
did not make ufe of his works among them, ^r.9,10,' 1. Third- 
ly, he fetteth down how great things God did for them in Egypt> 
andinthewilderneflb,ver. 12,13,14,15,16. Fourthly, how they 
made no better ufe of thefe mercies, then to tempt God, and 
provoke him to wrath, ver. 1 7, 1 8, 1 9,10. Fifihly, howfortheir 
tempting of God, he was angry at them for their unbelief, 3nd 
notconndering of the miraculous feeding of them with Manna,v. 
2.1,21,2 J, 24, 2f% and how in wrath he fatisfied their luft by 
fending quailes for them, to eat flefh their fill, ver. 26,27,28,29. 
Sixthly, how becaufe they repented not of theit provocation , the 
Lord did plague them , and they went on in their misbcliefe and 



difobedience t and God went on in the courfe of multiplying 
judgements on them, and cutting off multitudes of them, 
ver. jo, 1 1 , 1 1, $ 1* Seventhly, how they at laft made a falhi- 
onof repenting and fceking of God, but proved in effect no- 
thing but flattering diflemblers and hypocrites, unconftant in 
the Covenant, ver. $4, $ ?, $6, 37. Eighthly, how the Lord in 
mercy pitied and fpared them many a umc , notwithftanding 
all their provocations of his jufticc againft them, ver: 38,39, 
40,41. Ninthly, he fetteth down the prime caufc of all this 
their finne and mifery, becaufc they marked not, or made no 
ufe of the difference that God put between the Egyptians and 
them ; nor how for their caufe he had plagued the Egyptians 
with plague after plague, ver. 4ij4?» 4<>4?,46, 47> 48, 49i 
50,71. And brought their fathers fafely out of Egypt, when 
their enemies were drowned before their eyes, wr.52, jj. 
Tenthly, he fetteth down how the Lord perfected their jour- 
ney to Canxzn, and brought them to the poflcflion of it, thruft- 
ingouc the ^»M#ittt, tnat they migh: have place, ver* ?4>??« 
Eleventhly, how they for all this provoked God to anger with 
their idolatry and fuperftition, ver. 56, 57* 5 8 , Twelfthly, 
how the Lord for this their oft repeated provocation did 
mifcrably vex them in the dayes of Eli and Smuel, giving 0- 
ver his Ark into the Philiftines hand, and plaguing their coun- 
trey with variety of plagues, ver. $9,60,61, 61,6$, 64. Thir- 
teenthly, how God of his free mercy put his enemies to fliame, 
and reftored Religion and Liberties to Church and Kingdom, 
ver .6 $ ,66. And laft of a 11, how he brought them toafetled 
condition un&ti David, who was a type of Chrift, veu £7,6$, 

Ver, I. /~^lve eare, my people, to my Lafo\ 
vJ incline your cares to the word* of my 
mouth . 

2. / -mill open my mouth in a parable : 1 will utter 
dar^fayings of old; 

3 Which we have heard and known ; and our fathers 
have told us. 

4. We will not hide them from tktir children foewing 
to the generations to come the praifes of the LORD; and 
bis ftrength, and his wonderful workj that he hath 
fate. O3 Jq 


In the Preface, the Spirit of the Lord,calleth for attention un- 
to the doctrine which he is to deliver > for foure reafons. The 
firft, becaufe it was his law and word? of his mouth directed 
to his covenanted people, ver. i. The next 3 becaufe this do- 
ctrine wis myfterious and full of hid wifdom, ver.i. The 
third, becaufe it is an ancient doctrine delivered to the Church 
of old, and tranfmittcd unto them that fucceeded, rer.j. 
The fourth, becaufe it mull: be known, and tranfmittcd to the 
farcecding pcfterityjand following generations oftheChurch^or 
the glory of \-ods wonderful working for his Churchy. \.Whaic^ 
Icirh,} Such is our dulneffe and ilownelfe of heart ,to underftancf 
arid.belc^ve what :he Lord doth lay unto us r that we have great 
need 10 be admonifhed, and {lined up to attention and hearing 
with faith > Give earc, Q my people, faith the Spirit by his Pro- 
phet. 2. The authority of divine doctrine fliould tie our 
eares to hear it revc/emly, beleevingly and obediently ; it is thjc 
XiOrdpkw, and the words of his mouth, (peaking by his Pro- 
phet to us : giyc cure. my People, u> my law, incline jour cares 
to the words of my mouth'. 3,. Albeit the Word of the Lord be 
plain to the attentive.beleever, yet to th,e unattentive misbelceyer 
it is a hi: myfte -y, and. for this reafon we have need to hear at- 
tentively and beleevingly } I will open my mouth in a parable, I 
Will litter dark fa) w&s* 4-The Word of the Lord hath true an- 
tiquity with it ; divine doctrine is no new doctrine: and for 
tjiis reafon fhould we hear }t attentively and beleevingly > I will 
litter dark faying? of old,. 5. Albeit the Word of the Loqdbea 
xnyftery, and dark ayings to the misbeieeving multitude of the 
world, yet it is underltood, received and beleevcdby the true 
members of the C hurch from age to age ; therefore tre Pro • 
phet,fpeakingofhimfelf5 and of the godly in his time, faith of 
their parables and dark fpeeches, Which we have heard and 
known, and our fathers have told us . 6. Thofe are worthy of the 
name of Fathers in the Church, in relation topofterity, who 
tranfmittopofieily the truth of God contained in Scripture, 
fuch as is fiere fet down in this Pfalme : and this is the only in- 
fallible fo t of tradition, which ddivereth to pofierity what 
God delivered to the Prophets, or their Predeceflbrs by Scri- 
pture, fuch as is the doctrine delivered in this Pfalme ; Which 
yoe (faith he) have heard md\nown, and our fathers have told 
gg, we will not hide them from their children. 7. The godly in 
every age ought to have the lame care to tranfmit the Word of 
twh to their pofterity, which their anccftcrs had to tranfmit it 



unto them, and to pay the debt they owe to their faithful An- 
ceftors unto fucceeding generations; We will not bide tbem fr$m 
their children, fhewing to the generations to come^c. .8. The 
fubjeft matter o? found and fi vim; doctrine, is the fetting torth 
of the glory of God in his attribures, ana wonderful operations 
for his people : Sbewingto the generations to comethepraifesof 
the Lord, and bis wonderful wor^s tbi t he bath done. 

Vcr. 5. For heejlablifbed a Tejlimony in Jacob , 
And anointed a LaVo in Ifrael, which he commanded 
ottr fathers : that they Jbotild make them known to 
their children. 

6. That the generation to come might ^awthem, 
tventhe children which Jbould be borne: who Jbotild 
arife and declare them to their children : 

7. That they might fet their hope in God, and not 
forget the works of God: but fyep his Command- 

8. Andmight not be as their fathers, a ftubborn and 
rebellious generation^ a generation that fet not their 
heart aright I and whofe fpirit was not Jledfajl with 

After the Preface, he bringeth forth a notable evidence of the 
Lords care of his Church, in giving themttis Scriptures and re- 
vealed rule of faith and obedience, to be tranfmittcd from one 
generation to another, ver. f, 6\ that they might have faithand 
hope in God, and obey his commands, ver. 7. and not belike 
fuch of theis Prcdeceflbrs, as were rebellious hypocrites, and 
backflidersfom their covenanted duties,^. 8. wbuice learn ,i .(Jit 
of the chrefeft mercies that can be beftowed on a people, is ihe 
giving of the holy Scriptures unto them, and revealing unco 
them the way of falvatiori, and of Gods fervice which he requi- 
reth> this is put in the firft room here : Forbccjlablifiied a Tc- 
fiimony in tfacob, and appointed a Law in Ifrael. z. Gods words 
and ordinances appointed in Scripture, are witncfl'es for him, 
of hiswifdom, power, hoi ineffe, mercy, and jufticeagainft fuch 
as do not make wfe thereof, and a fixed rule for mens faith and 
obedience ; therefore is it faid , He cflablificd a teftimony in $a- 
O 4 cob, 


rob, and appointed a Law in Ifracl. 3. The Scriptures were not 
appointed lot a rule only to thole to whom thfy were fiift di- 
rected, but for the ufe alfo oi the Church in all ages follow- 
ing, which every man muftboth ftudy to underftand and obey 
himfelf, and alfo teach his children, and thofe under his charge 
to une'eftand and obey, according to his place: he gave atcfti- 
monyanda law to the fathers, That they Jbould maltf them 
knpwn to their children, tbrt the generation to come might lyioicv 
thw> wen the children which fiould be borne, veboflwuld arifc, 
and declare them to their children. 4. The end of revealing and 
teaching of Gods Word, is to beget ana 1 increafe mens faith 
in God, and dependance upon him, as here is fet 4own : the 
Word was to be declared to their children, 7 hat they mi, ht fet 
their hope in God. ? . The way to fofter faith and hope in God, 
is to mark and coniider and keep in a fan&ified memory , 
how God hath alicady confirmed his Word by his works, and by 
pawnes and pledges, both of his power 3nd purpofeto perform 
what he hath laid 5 therefore doth he joyne unto the duty of fet- 
ting their hope in God, the duty of not forgetting his merits; 
intirnating that if his works were forgotten, his Word would 
notbebeleeved, and faith and hope in God wou'd not remain 
conftantly fixed on God. 6. The faith and hope which God 
craves of his people to be fixed onjiim, is fuch as may bring 
forth obedience to his precepts : therefore unto hoping in God, 
and not forgetting his works, he addeth, But ^eep his Command- 
ments : So this is the fumme of true religion, to have faith in 
God, upon the ttrmes of grace offered u,nto us through a Re- 
deemer, and to hope for and expc ft the accomplifnmcnt of all 
his promifes,and to fofler our faith and hope by the confiderati- 
on of what he hath done for bis people, and uprightly to fet our 
felves to keep his C ommandments,. 7. The example pjf fathers 
is not to be followed, except wherein they followed the ]Lord : 
where their practice \% not conformable to Gods Word we muf^ 
not be like then); therefore faith hziAndmight not be m their fa- 
thers were, fiubborn. 8. This is the natural inclination of cor- 
rupt mankinde, to go on in our finful courfc obiHnately, how • 
focver .God cifchjivgc us; tocomecontraiy to his commands, 
and flatly to re'fufe to obey him ; and if we at any time feem to 
do him (ervice, to doit, from corrupt principles, and for corrupt 
ends, ftill remaining unreconciled to him : and wharfc^^er we 
fie our elves unto by Covenant, as double- hearted perlons, to 
dt 1 deceitful I y therein, and turn back from it: fuch were a}l 



fhR unrenewed Ifraelites : >A ftubbornandrebcllicut generation, 
a generation that fetvot their heart aright, andrvbojcfpiriims 
notfiedfajl with God. 9. Nothing is able to bring us off this 
our natural courfe and finful inclination except iaith and hope 
in God, and obedience ro his commands be begun and entertain- 
ed in us by the Word of God, as the connexion of thefe duties 
here, and order they are fet down in doth teach. 10. The 
Lord will have his people obediently to heat ken to his reproofs, 
and not reject his yoke, and meekly to fubmit to his govern*- 
merit, and not rebell \ to ftudy imcerity of affection toward 
God, and ftedfaftnefle in his Covenant, as his condemning 
rhefc carnal Ifraelites for the contrary faults doth teach us. 

Ver. 9. The children of Ephraim being armed* 
and carrying botocs , turned back^ in the day of 

10. They kept not the Covenant of God: and rcfe 
fed to walk in hi j Law. 

1 1. lAndfcrgatc hit works : and his wonders that 
he had (hewed them. 

Iu the fecond place under thenameofEp&ra/tfj, as the moft 
mighty and numerous tribe of all the reft, lie uriderftandeth all 
Ifrael, and fliewes that the reafon of the J-ords many a time 
deferting of Ifrael from age to age in the day of battel, was 
their cirnal confidence in their own ftiength, and their not 
bcleeving in God, their not regarding the Covenant thjywere 
entered into with God, their di [obedience to his commands, an4 
their not making ufe of his wonderful works amon^ft them. 
Whence learn, i.When men are under greateft °uiltineffe,and at 
ereateft diftance from God, they are leaft fenhble of their fin, 
ieaft afraid of Gods wrath, and moft confident of their own 
abilities. Ephraim and Ifra I many a time I) ing under breach of 
Covenant and rebellion againft God , being armed and carrying 
Corves, do think themfelvcs fuffkient to encounter with their 
enemies. 2 Multitude of men and arms will not ayajl a people in 
the day of battel, wfien God is againft them' God can takp 
wifdom, and courage, and ftrength, and good fuccefie from 
them > The chit Wen of Ephraim being armed, and carrying Ijowpes, 
fumed bac^ in the day of butcl. 3 . The caufe of general cala? 
mitics coming upon Gods people, will be found in thejr fins, 



which have provoked the Lord againft them, whereof God 
will convince them by judgements, when they will not be con- 
vinccAothciwaycs; They turned back in the day of battel - y how 
came this? 7bcyk c P tnott ^ Covenant of God. 4. The Lord 
ufethby his Word in the mouth of his mcflengers to convince 
his backfliding people of their defection, and to prefleupon 
them to return to the rule, and walk in his obedience, but when 
this admonition and offer is refuted, then no wonder judge- 
ment come : for here, Tbey turn bacfi in the day of battel-, when j 
and wherefore ? Tbey refufed to walk in bis Law. 5 . As the fan- 
dified aud thankful remembrance of Gods dealing with his 
people, is ike way to keep the heart in the love, faith and obe- 
dience of God : fo the letting of his works, and fpecially the 
moft remarkable and wonderful works, to Aide out of their me- 
mory and affe&ion, is the fountain of defection from God, and 
caufe of falling unto carnal courfes and confidences, and draw- 
ing on of Gods judgements on themfelves ; Tbey forgat bis 
mrkfs *nd bis wonders that hebadfawed them. 

Vcr. 12. Marvellous things did he in the fight of 
their fathers : in the land of Egjpt^ in the field of 

13* He divided the fea, and can fed them to pajfe 
thoroto , and he mate the Waters to fiand as an 

14. In the daytime alfo he led them With a cloud i 
and all the night mth a light of fire. 

15* He clave the rocks in the wilder nejfe, and gave 
them drinks as out of the great depths. 

16. He brought finams alfo out of the rocky and 
caufed waters to run down like rivers. 

In the third place, he fetteth down fome of th-fe wonderful 
works dene foe his people, which foould have tied their faith, 
love and obedience unto the Lord; infpccialthe great work of 
Redemption and delivery of hispeoplcout ofEgy/tf/reprefent- 
ing the fpi ritual Redemption and delivery of his own out of 
the bonds of fin, Sitan and wrath,) how God plagued the Egy- 
ptians with wonderful plagues* in the fight of their King end 



Princes in loan, the moil famous City of Egypt, vcr, 11. 
How he dried the red fea, and made his people go through 
between mountains of liquid water on both hands, vcr. 1$. 
How he directed them, and refrelhed them by a pillar of fire 
iy night, and by a cooling cloud by day, vcr. 14. How he fur- 
niflicd them drink out of the flinty rock in the wildernefle^TO*. 
.15,16. Whence learn, 1 . The great work of bodily redempti- 
on of Gods people out of Egypt, and the lpiritual Redemption 
pf his Peopk from the bondage of fin and mifery by Chrift 
rcprefentcd thereby, mould be as inducements unto, and props 
oi faith in God, to all who feek life in hhn, and a Efficient mo- 
tive unto love and obedience unto him , to the worlds endjfor to 
this zna did he declare his love, care and power to fave them who 
enter in Covenant with him to be his people; Marvellous things 
didhcj&c. i. The works of God done for his people in any 
former age, do oblige thofe of that age, and all the fucceeding 
ages to make ufe thereof, for the increafe of faith in God, and 
of love and obedience to God 3 and do anfwerably aggravate 
the contrary fins, when they are not fo made ufe of 5 for, M ar- 
tous things did he in the fight of their fathers ; is the ground 
of challenging of the poftcrity for their defection. $. The 
plagues of Egypt, mould fcrve for the comfort of Gods op- 
preflevi people ; and for terrour to their enemies in all ages;5W4r- 
veUous things did be in the fight if their fathers in the land of E- 
gypt. 4* As the Lord avoweth his people^ and owns their 
quarrel moft openly in the fight of Kings Courts and royal 
Cities; fo mould his people avow their loyalty to God before 
all men : otherwayes, the more evidently God hath appeared for 
his people, the more heavy is the challenge of unthankful difo- 
bedience; as here it is made the challenge of back-fliding If- 
r'ael, that God in the moil open theatre of the 'Kingdom or' E- 
gypt, ('whereby the fame of his works might go into all the 
world) did work for them and their fathers > Marvellom things 
did Gcd for them in the field gf loan ; from whence pa flage was 
to many countreys. 5. The Lords making of a way through 
the red lea for his peoples delivery, is' an evidence and pawn 
once for aye, of his power and purpofe to make a way for his 
owne to efcapc, how great foe vcr their llraits fhall b: ; He di- 
vided the red fea, and caufed them to p.ijfc through. 6.The Lords 
cauling theiiquid waters to ftand as a wall,heaped up contrary to 
t,he nature therof, is a pawn of his power and purpofe to make the 
creaturesjwhich by nature fliould devoure., to be not only harm - 



lefle 5 but helpful aifo to this people, as need requireth ; He 
rndc the waters to ft and as an heap. 7. The* Lords bringing of 
his people, both out of Egypt arid out of the lea, is a pawnc of his 
power and purpofe to bring his people through all hazards what- 
soever, wherein others (hall peviflij He caufed his people to 
pajfc through. 8, The Lords leading on of his people night and 
day, isapawnofhisconftant love to his own people, andofhis 
power and purpofe never to leave nor forfake (inch as love to 
have his guiding and conduct $ In the day-time dlfo he led them. 
9 The Lords covering of the hofte of his people with a coole 
and comfortable cloud all the daylong, to keep them from the 
fcorching heat of theSwn in the dry and hot wildernefle, is a 
pawnc of hiskinde care of his people, and conftant purpofe to 
give refreshment in the time of perfection, or whatfoever trou - 
bles they fliall be exercifed with : In the day-time alfo he led them 
withacloud. 10. The Lords making of a pillar of fire to 
bum and fhine all night, for tempe ing the cold of the night, 
and directing of Jfraels Heps, when they were to march in the 
night, is a pledge of his love, power and purpofe to furniflithe 
lighr of direftion and confolation unto his own people, as they 
have need 5 He led them all the night with a light of fire. 1 1 .As 
the Lords people wanting of water in the wildernefle, through 
which their way did lie, doth teach us that we may be redacted 
to great ftraits in this life, both bodily and fpiritual$ fo the 
Lords furniftiing unto them drink, doth teach, that the Lord 
both can and will furnifh his people in their necefli ties, bodily 
and fpiritual > He clave the rocks in the wilderneffe, and gave 
them drink, as out of the great depths ; he brought ftreames alfo 
out of the roc It, and caujed waters to run down like rivers. 

Ver. r 7. And they ftnned jet more again fi him : by 
provoking the mofl High in the wilder nejfe. 

18. Andtbey tempted God in their heart :bj asking 
meat for their lust. I 

19. Tea, they fpa\e againft God: thejf*id y Can God 
furmfb a table in the wilderneffe? 

20. Behold^ he [mote the roc^ that the waters gufh- 
edout, and the fireamt overflowed : can bt give bread 
alfo} can he provide flrjh for his people ? 



In the fburrh place, he fcttcth down how the people made no 
better ufe of the forefaid mercies, then to tempt Cod, and to 
provoke him to wrath, by feeking- fatisfaction to their carnal 
IuftS) and queftioning whether or no God was able to fatisfic 
their defires. Whence lexrn^ i. Unrenewed nature is ftrongly 
inclined to meet the Lords goodneflc with more and more ingra- 
titude, and to fin oyer and oyer again the fame fins, when new 
benefits and old faults being well confidcred, might teach more 
wifdom and thankfuinefk ; They finned yet mors Agiinft birn. 
2. We arefo foolifh in our 'finning, that we do notconfider 
what weour.felve* are, how great a majefty we ofTcnd, and 
what maybe the confequents thereof > They finned yet more by 
frovofyngthemoJlHigb. O how unreafonable , untircumfpefij 
undifcreet and blinde fools arc men in their finning .' $ . Alkit 
we have no outward enticements, albeit the place of our fo- 
journing here mould warne us as ftrangers and pilgrims to ab- 
ftain from flefliiy lufts,albeit we have the Word & works of God, 
as witnefles of God, and evidences of his beholding of us ; yet 
fo pregnant arc we in wickednefie, fo beaflly. paflionate in our 
carnal affections, and ib grojfe in Atheifme, that naturally we 
run on in our own wayes , as the horfe rufheth into the bat- 
tel! 5 They provoked the mojt High in the wiUerncffc. 4, When 
God giveth fufficiently to fupply neceffiries, and we feek to- 
fatisfie our lufts ; when God hath faidand done abundantly al- 
ready for evidencing his power , juftice, truth and care of our 
welfare , and we will not reft on him, except he give fuch other 
new and extraordinary proofs of his properties, as we do pre- 
fcribe, then do we tempt God, and highly provoke him, by 
feeking thus to fubject him to our direction , will and carnal 
affc&ions $ And they tempted God in their hearty by asking men 
for their luft. 5. When the finful motions of the minde ani 
heart arc not controlled, the fin will break forth openly to 
outward acts tending to Gods di/honour, and to the evil ex- 
ample of others ; They tempted God in their hart) and then 
the) 'fpA* 'Againfi God. 6. Words of misbelief, notdifputinga- 
gainft tentations, but in effect calling in queftion Gods truth, 
power 5 care of us, or his goodwill to us, are in effect flandcring 
pf God, and bearing falfe wkneffe againft him ; They fpa^c &- 
gunft God : they ftifcan CjodpirniJh y (?c ? 7> The carnal un- 
godly man hath no eflimation of God, or any of his fpirituai 
benefits, but doth fet him a task of fatisfying of his flefliiy con- 
ceits and afteflions, which if Goddonoranivver, he mifregard- 

2c6 PSAL. Lxxviii. 

eth Gods They faid. Can God furnijha tabic in the wildct- 
ncjfe ? 8. Albeit the unbeleeVef be convinced of Gods power 
and goodneik to his people by his works for timepaft, yet is 
he notthewifer afterward, when it cometh to the giving cre- 
dit unto God in another work ; yea, the woik which God hath 
wrought, isefieemed by him as nothing, except God do far- 
ther as the unbeliever iliall prefcribe ; Behold, (lay they) he % 
[mote the roc £, that waters gu(hed out : but em he give bread d+ 
fo ? can he provide flefh for his people ? 

Ver. 21. therefore the LORT> heard this, and 
ft as Wroth: fo afire was kjndled agatnlt Jacob, and 
anger alfo caifte up again/} Ifrael. 

22. Becaufe they beleeved not in God: and trufted 
not inhis falvatiom 

23 . Though he had commanded the chnds from d- 
bove : and opened the doores of heaven. 

24. And had rained down Manna upon them 
to eate , and had given them 0} the come of he a* 

25 . Man did eate Angels food: he fent them meat 
to the full. 

In the fifth placc,he fetteth down how God was wroth for their 
unbelief, & for their not having a due eftimation cf the miracu- 
lous feeding ofthem withMznnaJVhencc leam>i . Sins continued 
inland in fpecial expreflions to the difhonouring of God flow- 
ing from misbeleefj have a loud cry in Gods cares, and he ta- 
keth notice of them for executing of judgement v Therefore the 
lord heard this, and was wroth* a. VVhcn God is openly disho- 
noured, the Lord by open judgement will fan&ifie his own 
Name on the (inner, whatfoever behis priviledge, and though 
he were never fo neer to God in external pri viledges | So a fire 
was kindled agtinft $acob y and anger alfo came upagainfi IfraeL 
5. Misbelief is a more grievous fin then men do efteem of its 
for it calleth Godstruth,mercy 3 goodnefie,power,conftancy,and 
all in queftion;and even his juftice amongft the reft,which if the 
misbelccver did confider , he would hot provoke juftice apinft 
himfelf by this fin i Wrath came up again ft ifraelfecaufe they be- 



iievel not in God. 4' They do not believe in God , who 
ftudy not to depend upon him for falvation , and for what- 
soever is necefl'ary to them for falvation : yea they who do 
not believe that the Lord mall bring them out of every ftrait, 
in a way moft fcrving to their welfare , and for his own 
honour > do not believe in him for falvation , fo folidly as 
he requireth of them : They believed not in God , ( faith 
he J and trufled not in Gods falvation. $• The more 
meanes ,. encouragements, helps and props to fupport a mans 
faith are furnifhed of God*, the greater is the finne of un- 
bcliefe in him : As the Jfraelltes misbelief was the greater, 
for Gods miraculous bringing of water out of the rock, and 
Manna from the clouds , as here the Israelites misbe- 
lief is aggravated thus i They truftcd not in his falvation, 
though be had commanded the clouds , and rained down Manna. 
6. Man liveth not by bread, but by the efficacious Word of 
God. It is fo eafie for God to r-ain down victuals out of the 
clouds , as to make them grow cut of the ground ; let him 
fay the Word , and it is done : He commanded the clouds , and 
cfencd the doores of heaven , and rainea down Manna on them 
to eat. 7. The Lord doth provide well for his own redeem- 
ed people j wh.t the earth doth not yield unto them , he ma- 
keth the heaven one way or other furniih unto them : as 
when the Ifraelitcs wanted the corne of the earth, the Lord 
gave them of the corne of heaven , fo that man did eat An* 
, gels food ; not that there is cori:e in heaven , or that Angels 
do eat any corporal food , but manna is fo called for the 
excellency cf the food , that it might have ierved for food 
to Angels, if they had any need of food, 8. The more ex- 
cellent the benefit is which Gcd giveth , thc> .-greater is tht: 
ingratitude of him who doth no*t eftcem of it , and make 
I ufe of it as becometh; as we fee in IfrxeU finne , who did 
J not eftecm of Manna, as they fhculd have done : had the 
1 Lord fed< them with duft of the earth , or roots cf grade, 
: or any other mean thing , they mould lme ; reafon 
1 to complain : but when he giveth them a new food , crea- 
ted every morning for their cauie, fent down from heaven 
as frefh furniture every day, of fudi excelienc colour, tafte, 
fmell and wholefomenefle : what a provocation of God was it, 
I not to be content now 5 in fpecial , when he gave them abun- 
dantly of it?. He fent them mcatjto the full. 

Vcr. tCr 


Ven l6. He CAufed an Eaft»mnde to blow in the 
heaven , And by his power he brought in the South- 

27. He rained fiefh alfo ufen them as dufi, and fea- 
thered fogies lity as the fandof the fea. 

28. »Andhelct it fall in the midft of their camp- 
found about their habitations. 

19. So they did *>at and were Well filled: for he gave 
them their o&# defire* 
- ■ 

Here the Lord Being tempted by a murihurihg and unthank- 
full people, to refute their fufplcion- of his power 3 fendeth therri 
the moft delicate rlefti that could be found in the world , qiiailes 
Jn abundance, till they were all 'filled. Whence learn > 1. The v 
Lord, that he may fl*ew what regard he hath to farisfy good and" 
lawful defires, doth fometime grant unto men theft unlawfull and 
nmeafcnable defires 3 that holy deiiies may be the better enter- 
tained, and conftantly followed till they be granted > as appear- 
cth by the Lords granting of the unreafonable defire of the Ifrac* 
Ikes after flefh* i. The Lord hath the Commandement of the 
windes to make them blow from what aire and in what meafure 
be pleafeth r He caujed an Eaft+winde to blow in the heaven , and 
by bis power be brought in the South-winde* 3 . The Lord can ga- 
ther fo many creatures as he mindeth to make nlV of at his plea- 
fore, he can gather birds and fowles, and make their flight longer 
or fhorrer as he pleafeth , and make them light and fall where he 
plcafeth 3 and can bring near to mans hand 3 what he hath a mind to* 
give unto him: He rained flejh alfo upon them at du fl ^and feathered 
fowls Ufa as the fand of the fea ; and he let them fatt in the midft of 
their camp sound about their habitations.^. As the Lord doth grant 
lawful defires in mercy , fo alfo doth he grant finful defircs in 
wrath 5 So they did eat and were filled, for he gave them their own 
defire. <. When the carnal heart doth meet with the objed of 
his luftjhe falleth upon it as a beaft doth without fear of God, or 
moderation of affection : Thq did eat and weu well filled, for he 
gave them their own defire* 

Vcr. 30. They were not eftranged front their tuft : 
bnt while their meat was jet in their mwthei+ 

31. The 


31. The wrath of God came upon them, and flew 
the fat 7 eft of thtrrt > and [mote down the cho/en men 
of Iff Ml 

32. For all this they finned ftill : and believed not 
for huwondrou* works. 

33. Therefore their dajes did he confurrte in vanity j 
and their yeares in trouble. 

In the fixth p'ace , he fereth doV7n their impeniteney continu- 
ed in , and the Lords judgements poured out one after another 
upon them. Whence learn , 1. Sinful luft is unfitiable, even 
when the body is overcharged with the fei vice of it $ To luft fin- 
fully is a fnare, but to continue in the flavery of luft , is a felling 
of a rrnns felfe, and a wedding of him unto that luft: fuch was ths 
fin of the carnal ifradites- They continued in cheir lulling and 
repented nor, albeit they get time to repent j they and thai lull 
did not diicoid 5 They were not eftrangedfrom their tuft. t. When 
men will not be enemies to their own finful lifts , they d6 pro-* 
voke the Lord to become enemy to them' \ and to poure wrath ort 
them in the very ad of their finning; While their meat wasyet in 
their mouthes i the wrath of God came upon iheni. $• Such* as 

. are melt hcad-itrong in finne , and take to themfelves moft li- 
berty to fin 3 and do give example moft unto others to fin y fhall 
be moft notoriously punifhed. High places and emin^ncy tit 
power, as it doth not leflen fin , but aggravate it 5 fodoth it non 
exempt from judgment, but procurcththat it mould be augment- 
ed rather j as is to be feen here in the punifliment of the Nobles? 
and great men in the camp of ifraely The wrath of God came up- 
on them, and flew the fxttcft of them 3 dud [mote down the cbofen 
men of Ifrael. 4. Such is the perverfencfle of our natural incli- 
nation, that neither by Gods gentle dealing with us > nor by his 

' fa J judgements on others or on out felv<s , can we be amended, 
as is to be feen in unrenewed Ifraelites : For all this, they finned 
ftill. 5. Neither extraordinary works of mercy , nor judge- 
ment, nor miracles, are able to convert men , or turn them from 
their evil wayes , or beget faving fai;h in them , with whom or- 
dinary means do not pi evaile 9 For all this they finned ftill y and 

Relieved not for his wondrous wor\\ 6. When all meancs are 
enayed , and none do prevaile to bring men and- 
reconciliation with cod through faith , no wonder God in his- 
righteous judgement mould cut ofYthe impenitent asan unf ait-* 


ful and cvill tree is cut down and caft away; Thty finned ftill* 
therefore their daycs did he con fume in vanity , and their yearcs in 
trouble. 7. By following of lufts, and not feeking felicity in 
God, men do both mi He the good they hoped to have by finning, 
and finde nothing in their way but vanity ; and alfo meet with 
trouble and torment, which they did not fear > They finned ftill, 
and believed not, therefore their dayes did Qod con fume in vanity, 
and their yeares in trouble. 

Vcr. 34. When he flew them , then they fought 
him : and they returned , and enquired early af- 
ter Cjed. 

3 5 . And they remembted that God was their R ock^% 
and the High God their Redeemer. 

36. Never thtjfe , they did flatter him Vcith their 
month : and they lied unto himVvith their tongues : 

37. For their heart was not right With him: nei- 
ther were they (ledfafl in his covenant* 

In the fevemh place, he defcribcth fome fits of their temporary 
faith and repentance, vet. $4>35« which in effect proved to be 
but flattery or hypccrify, and did rcfolve in back-Aiding and apc- 
fla^w. 36, 37. Whentc learn K 1. When men neither by the 
Lords liberality* nor lighter chaftiiements can be moved to re- 
pent, it is righteoufnefle with God . by fearfull judgements to cut 
off a number , and to put the reft in fear of prefent cutting ofY, 
and foto waken them out of fecurity; as here, when the carnal J/- 
raelites went on in their provocations , The Lord f.crv them. 
2. Thefenfe of prefent devouring wrath, and the terror of an 
angry God , may drive men to a temporary repentance , and to- 
ft eking of friendship and favour with God , for fparing them 
from wrath and pre ent plagues, 3nd all this may be without fcri- 
ous repenting of fin , without flying to a Mediator by faving 
faith , without minding hearty and folid reconciliation : and 
may proceed oncly from the naiural principle of fear of death,and 
love ot felfe-prefervation 5 as here, When he flew them, then they 
fought him. 3. Temporary rcpentance,may make a temporary change 
of a mans courfe of lj e and carriage , from the worle to the bet- 
ter ; may make him leave off his way of provocation, and feck af- 
ter God for a time with fome diligence in the outward forms of 



Religion; -as here, They teturnci 3 and enquired after God e.rly. 
/*. As there \% a temporary Repentance, moving from fin upon 
temporary grounds, fo there is a temporary faith in tmny 3 moving 
toward God upon temporary confiderations , that is , drawing 
toward God, to obtain of him fparing of their life and temporal 
benefit^ and making ufeof Gods goodnaffe and bounty, as much 
as fetveth to a mans purpofe : as here , They rememhrei that God 
was their Roefi. 5 . Temporary faith may make ufe of Redem- 
ption , fo fair re as may ferve for deliverance from , or recovery - it 
of temporal trouble, and prefent danger of wrath, and plagues 5 *s 
here , They rcmembred that the High God was their Redeemer. 
£. Ae~b of faith and repentance, extracted by fore judgements, 
fear of wrath, artd deiire of temporal deliverance , may be found 
to be the fruits of flattery, and not of faving faith ; Nevcrtbcleffc 
they flattered him with their lips. 7. Piofeffion of faithandie- 
pentance , which doth forfake fin and feck God onely for tempo- 
ral realons, is but a lying unto God in effect, ho wfoevee the tem- 
porary believer and repenter m?.y judge himfelie found enough} as 
here , And they lied unto him with their tongues 8. When the 
heart or affecUors of a man are not fee fincetely againft fin , and 
for God, or toward God$ all the outward profefiion is but hy- 
pocrify in cftcft , and a lie, as here, They lied unto him with their 
tongues , for their heart was not right with him. $ % Temporary 
faith can produce no ftedfaffiaefle in the Covenant , or covenant- 
ed duties, but make a man onely a temporizer therein,- as out- * 
waid motives do lead him toward duties , or from them :, Their 
heart was not right with God , neither were they Jledfaft in 
the Covenant. 

Ver. 38. 'But he being full ofcompajjion forgave 
their iniquity f and dejiroyed theftl not : yea many a 
time turned he his anger away, and did not ftirre up alt 
bi$ Vvrach. 

39. For he rcmembred that they were but fle/b , 4 
mnde that paffeth away , and Cometh not agai»e. 

40. How oft did they provoke him in the Wilder- 
ne§e : and grieve him in the defer t ? 

41. Tea, they turned back^ and tempted God : and li- 
mited (be hoi j One vflfrael. 

Pi In 


In the eighth place, he (heweth the Lords mcrcifull iparing of 
his people many a rime, and pitying of their natural frailty, be- 
cause if he mould hive killed them , they were not to live again 
in this world , vcr. 38, 39. notwithstanding of their frequent 
provocations in the wilderneife, their limiting of God 5 and ta- 
king upon them to direct God what he mould do unto them, ver, 
40, 41. Whence learn, u There is a remiflion of fin 3 in re- 
gard onely of temporal judgement, Lev. 4. 20. which is in effect 
onely the not inflicting temporall punifhment upon the (inner, 
or the notdeftcoying of the (inner presently, the perfons remain- 
ing the fame impenitent finners,fuch as was Gods pardoning here 
of impenitent Ifrael, flattering and falfe-hearted Ifrxel: Em 
be forgave their iniquity, z* It is not any good in the (inner, 
but pity in God,which is rhe caufe of fparing finners from prcfenc 
perdition, when they provoke the Lord ; But he being full of 
companion forgave their iniquity y and deflroyed them not. 3 . The 
Lord doth evidence his mercy and pity toward (inners , partly by 
his often fparingto ftrike , and turning away of his wrath ready 
to break out agiinft them; and partly by his mitigating his anger, 
and not fullering it to break out in full force j {Many 1 time he 
turned his anger arvjy , and did not ft ir re up all his wrath. 4« Let 
men conceit of their own naturall ftrength as they lift , yet the 
truth is,their frailty is great ; They are butfleJJ),and a vapour that 
paffetb away, an i cometh not again: f . When no good at all is 
found in man for which God ihould fpare him , he taketh oc- 
casion of his frailty and mifery, whereuntoman is fubject 3 to pity 
him : F or he rememhred that they were flefli, a wince thatpajfeth 
away, and cometh not again. 6. The oftner fin be repeated , the 
greater is the provocation ; and the greater is the mercy , that fo 
often doth forbear todefttoy: and when the frequency of finning, 
and frequency of fpaiing are numbred, the reckoning will not be 
eafily ended , nor the number cendefcended upon > Pi ow oft did 
they provoke him in the wilderneife 1 7. The finnes of Gods 
people do greatly difplealc him , and that fo much the more , as 
they are ottner repeated and committed contrary to what Gods 
kindneffe and care requireth of them : How oft did they proio\e 
bim in the wilderneffe ? and grieve him in the defoK? whe/e God 
gave his daily p< e r ence,led them, fed them, and protected them 
miiaculqufly. 3, .'. 1 >ngft other aggravations of fin, this is not 
the lea ft, after con viction,and correction, and promile of amend- 
ment , rcfolutely -o go back again to their vomit ; yea, they 
urr.edfacfii and tempted Cjod, 9* The Lord cannot endure 



that his people who , ought wholly to depend upon , fubm 1 ^ 
unto him, and be ruled by him , mould prefcribe, as they pleafei 
how and when he fhould help them , or fet bounds unto his pow- 
er, truth, wifdom, or mercy 5 as if he could do no more then 
they conceive to be probable. Therefore is it pat amongft the 
higheft -aggravations of their fins; They tempted and limited the 
holy One of I fuel, 

Ver. 42. They remembred not his hand : nor the 
day rphen he delivered them from the enemy* 

43. How he had wrought his fignes in Egypt : and 
his wonders in the field of Zoan : 

In the ninth place, from this to ver. 54. he fetteth down the 
prime caufe of all their fin and mifery , which followed upon it> 
to wit, they marked not , nor made ufe of the difference which 
God did put between them and the Egyptians , whom he did 
plague for their caufe , while he delivered them. Whence leam y 
1. When the merciful proofes of Gods refpect unto us , do not 
confirm our faith in God , and tie us to love and obedience unto 
him ; thefe experiences will foon wear out, if not out of common 
memory, yet out of eilimative and affectionate memory : as here, 
Tbey remembred not bis band, nor the day^ rvben be delivered tbem 
from the enemy. 2. As the right remembrance of former mer- 
cies may be a bridle from all finne , and a confirmation of faith 
againft all doubtings and fufpicions of Gods good will to us : fo 
the not rightly remembring of experiences ofGods refpect /hewed 
unto us,doth prove an inlet to many wicked maftakings of God, 
and difobediences to him: for here the caufe of the former fins 
and plagues, is rendered to be this 5 Tbey remembred not his 
handy nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy. $, Not 
remembring the Lords Word and Works affectionately, and with 
purpofe, and endevour to make right ufe thereof, is in the Lords 
accompt no remembrance of him in effect : for of this people, 
who could well tell the ftoryof their coming out 0? Egypt , and 
fo had a common remembrance thereof, the Lord faith, Tbey re- 
membred not his handy nor the day when he delivered tbem from the 
enemy. 4 Signes and wonders once done for confirmation of the 
doctrine of the true God and his Covenant and true Religion, 
fhould fufiice in all times and ages after for that end : and it is 
not lawful to tempt God ftill,to do moe wonders to; confirrnati- 

V 3 « 


on of that truth; Thq rcmcmbrcd not 3 how be had wrought his 
figves in Egypt , and his wonders in the f eld of loan* 5 . 1 he 
X rds plagues on the enemies of the Church , being rightly rc- 
membred 3 fhould warne Gods people to ftand in awe of him , de- 
pend upon him, fubmit untohim ; and to be wary to contend with 
him which ufe, when it is not made, it giveth a ground of chal- 
le ige : Thy rcmcmbrcd not hew he bad wrought his fignes in 
Eg)i> and his wonders in the field ofZoan. 

Ver 44. And had turned their rivers into blood : 
and their floods that they could not drinke. 

43:. He fent divers forts of flies among them, 
which devoured them : and frogs , -which deflroj- 
ed thtm. 

46. He gave dfo their increase unto the cater pil- 
ler ; andthetr labour unto the locuft. 

47. He defiroyed their vines with haile , and their 
Sycamore-trees withfroft. 

4?. He gave up their cat tell alfo to the haile : and 
their flocks to hot thunderbolts. 

49. hie caft upon them the fiercenejfe of his anger, 
wrath and indignation, and trouble , bj fending evill 
angels among them. 

50. He made a Vcay to his anger ^ he fparednot 
their foul from death : but gave their life over to the 
pe ft He nee. 

5 1. tsfnd fmote all the firft-borne in Egypt: the 
chief 0/ their ftrcngtb in the tabernacles of Ham. 

He numbereth cut fundry plagues poured out upon the Egypti> 
CMS) whereby the Israelites fhould have been wife. From ver. 44. 
Ltarv,i .The means of mens life comfort, wealth^and defence can 
ftand them in no ftead 5 when God hath a contrcverrTe againft 
them; The Lord can deprive them of the benefit thereof 3 and 
turn benefits into the meanes of their grief and vexation , as he 
* did the waters 0^ Egypt , which were the meanes of life and wealth 
unto them : He turned their rivers into blood 3 and their floods > they could not drin^. 2. By what means people do fin and 



provoke the Lord to wrath, he can by the fame meanes punifli 
them. As the Egyptians had defiled their rivers with the blood of 
the infants ofljracl, foGod did make their river fpeak iheirfin, 
and threaten their death ; He turned their rivers into blood , and 
their floods , that they could not drirAL 

Fromx>er45 Learn 1. The meaneft and bafeft of the crea- 
tures do declare the power of the Lord, and are fo fane from be.- 
ine ufelefie, that they lie as it were in garifon among men, 
to be fent out in parties upon fervice, as the God of hofisis plea- 
Icd to give orders ; He fent divers forts of flies arftmgtbcm , and 
frogs, z. Flies and frogs , and every me^neft verminc . are too 
lore for man , when God doth arm them to avenge his quarrel; 
He fent out flies which devoured' them, and frogs which defiroyed 
them', that is, which were about to deftroy them, and were able 
enoug 1 -. for the work, and were acknowledged to be fobythc 
Egyptians , who did reckon themfelves loft men , if thefe armies 
fliould not be taken ofFthem. 

From iw. 46^47,48. Learn, u When God isnotacknow- 
ledged to be the giver of corn and cattel, and fruits of the ground, 
byarightulingofthem, he will be known to be the giver there- 
of, by removing of them ; He deftroyed their increafc, labour, 
vines, and cattell. 2. The Lord hath meanes how to deftroy 
and take away the fiuits of the ground ,and other ferviceable crea- 
tures at- his pleafui e ; The caterpiller, the lociifts, quail, frofl, and 

From ver. 49. Learn, 1. The plagues of Gods enemies areou? 
of mec: juftice, and not trom fatherly love , as the ftrokes of his 
own choien are j He caft upon the Egyptians the ferceneffe of hk 
anger, i. Trouble of it felfe is not lb heavy, as when indigna- 
tion and wrath is joyned with it, or fendethit forth ; He caft up- 
on them the ficr cent jfe of his anger, wrath , and indignation , and 
trouble. $. As the Lord hath good Angels, bywhomhecaa 
work his own will ; fo hath he alfo cvill angels , whofe fervice he 
can ufe holily to his own purpofe ; He cafl the fierccneffe sf his 
wrath upon them, by feuding cvill angels among them. 

From ver. 50, 51. Learn, i. When the Lords judgements 
lighting upon mens houfts, corncs cartel, and fruit-trees, do not 
humble men, the Lord doth make his judgement light upon their 
ownperfons; and when lighter judgements on their perfons do 
not yet humble r hem, then God will deftroy their lives, and rheit? 
laft plagues fhall be heavier then the fir ft J as here, when for* 
mcr pla?ues did not the turn , the Lord hid aiidc former pitying 

V 4 the 


a • : long-fuffering , arid fo /;c w^ic away for his anger , /;* //u~ 
rei not their foul I ft omr'c atk, but gave their life over to thtpefti- 
lai c. i. As he perfecutors of Gods people do finite that which 
God -oveth beft , fo doth Gcd fmite that which perfecutors love 
beft > He Jmoteall the frft-bonic in Egypt. 3. The curfc of 
God coming upon the Egyptians, thepoiterity of Cham, com- 
mendcth the grace of God toward the Ifraditcs , the poitei ity of 
Sera his brother : Therefore in oppofition ro the tabernacles of 
the Jfraelitcs in the land of Go fan , it is faid, He (mote the 
chief of their ftrevgth in the tabernacles of Cham. 

Ycv. 52, But fnade his owne people to go forth 
like Jheep ; and guided them in the mlderneffe like 
a flecks 

53. And he led them on fafely , fo that they fear * 
ed not : but the fea overwhelmed their enemies. 

This was the Lords dealing with the enemies of Ifrael, 
whereof the Ifraelites made no right ufe. Now hee fetteth 
down the Lords different dealing with lfrael, whereof al- . 
fo they made no right ufe 5 when hee hath plagued arid 
drowned the Egyptia7is 3 hee gave Ifracl fafe pailage and 
condud through the fea 5 Whence learn , 1. Whatfoever be 
the unworthineife of Gods confederate people , yet the Lord 
putteth a difference between them and their enemies . and 
tcflifieth his refpect to the one above the other : the Egyp- 
tians he did divcrfe waves' plague $ But be made his owne 
people go forth like jheep. 2. Though the Lords people be 
both weak and witleffe , yet God careth for them 3 as a 
ihepherd doth for his fleck •, He made his own people to go 
forth a? Jheep 3 and guided them in the wildernejj'e as a flocfy. 
3. Albeit the Lord doth put difference between fuch as are in 
Covenant with him in the letter onely, and thofe that are 
in Covenant with him in the fpirit alio, when he compareth 
the fheep with the goats : yet when he compareth the whole 
bulk of his people with the reft of the world, and in fpecial 
with their enemies, he putteth a peculiar rclpecl: upon them 
all j and avoweth his intcreft in them aU above all people 
in the world, and doth for them, as for his owne, he n.adt 
his omie people to go forth- 4- Whatfoever fear may poflibly 
fall upon Gods people when they are following his directi- 


ons, yet their courfe is . fafe and without juft ciufc of fear, 
anJ if at fome time fear do fuiprilc them , yet the Lord fo 
clcaicth their way after that , that they .are out of feu $ He 
led them on fifcly , fo that they feared not. 5. The perdi- 
tion of the world and the wicked enemies maketh the fafe- 
ty of thofe that are faved fo much the greater benefit : hh 
people feared nut 3 but \be fea overwhelmed their enemies. 

Vcr. 54. And he brought them to the border of 
his Santluary, even to this mountain which bis right 
hand had purchafed. 

5«J. He caft out the heathen al[o before them^ and 
divided them an inheritance hj line : and made the 
tribes of Ifrael to dwell in their tents. 

In the tenth place 3 hepointcth at the perfecting of their jour- 
ney through the wilderneffe, and poiTeffing them in Canaan^ with 
the cafting out of the Canaaniics. Whence learn , 1; Whatfo* 
ever become of particular perfons in the vifible Church , the 
Lord doth follow on the courfe of his care and kindnefle unto 
the Church, and encreafeth the obligation of the incorporation 
in the fucceeding ages , partly by what he doth for their predecet- 
fors , and partly by what he doth for thcmfclves , as we fee in 
the Church of Ifrael: whatfoever became of misbelievers in the 
wilderneffe, he brought his own people to the border of bis San- 
ctuary, a. Albeit we mould fight for the liberty of a place,wherc 
Gogs ordinances rany be publickly celebrated 3 and lhed our 
blood in coming by its yet is the commodity not our purchafe,but 
the Lords purchafe, and the Lo ds gift to us 5 He brought them to 
this -muntain which bit right band hath pur chafed. 3. Succcffe 
in warre is the Lords work , and fuch as are difpoffeiled of their 
inheritance, have God to crave for it ; He caft out the heathen al- 
fo before them. It is neither the ftoutneile of the one , nor the 
feeblenefle of the other , but Gods hand or pow^r which doth 
thebulinefle. 4. The fetUfig of a people in a peaceable pcflefli- 
pr\y lo as every manmiy without contention enjoy what is allow- 
ed him of God, is no fmall benefit and obligation of a people fo 
dealt with by God : He divided them an inheritance by lot , and 
made the tribes of Ifrael dwell in their tents* 

Vcr. 16. 


Ver. 56. Yet they tempted arid provoked the mop 
High God, and kept not hi* teflimonits H 

57. Hut turned back? and dealt unfaithfully Ukje 
their fathers : the) mere turned afide like a deceitful 

58. For they provoked him to anger with their high 
places y and moved him to jealoujie ftitb their graven 

In the eleventh place 3 hefetteth down, how this people yet 
again provoked the Lord to anger with their idolatry and fu- 
perftition , their high places and their graven images : for when 
God had appointed one place for their folemn worftiip, to wic, 
his Tabernacle, where his Ark and was, fignifying 
the neceffity of worshipping him, through thepromifed Medi- 
atour Jefus Chrift, in whom alone he would be fought and 
found, and in whom he would have all his people agreeing, and 
ittcndingh ; s appointment, ah/l not to devifewayes of pleafing 
of God by themfelves 5 they would have a place of their own for 
pnblick worfliip, high places, or hills and groves, which plea- 
fed them better then Mount $hn 9 or the place where the Ta- 
bernacle was pitched. They would have reprefentations of their 
own deviling, and loved them better then the Aik of the Co- 
venant, to wit, graven images, which God had forbideeninthe 
moral law, and fo they provoked him to anger* Whence 
le&rnCy 1. Such is the wickednefle of natural men, that neither 
for judgements nor for favour fhewen to them, will they rub- 
bed therrifelvcs to Gods direction, but will take upon them to 
fet rules unto God one way or other : This the Prophet fhew- 
eth in the example of the Ifraelites : let thy tempted and pr 01,0- 
kedthemojl High God. 1. When God giveth his Word and 
Ordinances for his worfhip to a people, and they will caft away 
this rule, and make another to themfelves, it is a tempting of 
God, and a ftriving with the mod High God, whether he (hall 
direct them, or they mall direct: him in the meanes of his wor- 
fhip 5 They provoked the mofl High God; How? Thcj^cptnot 
Us tcft monies $ . Altering or changing the forme of worfhip 
which God hith appointed, is a relinquifhing of God and his 
way, a point of treachery againfl him, and a notable breach of 



Covenant; They kept not bis tejlimonies, but turned back ^i 
dale unfaithfully. 4. Following of antiquity in an errour isfo 
farrc from the excufing of finne, that it makes the children 
liable to their fathers debt and deferved punifhment, becaufe they 
approve their fathers and their deeds, above God and Gods te- 
stimonies ; They dealt unfaithfully like tbeir fathers. 5. The 
Service of the wicked is like a bowe; they will do nothing com- 
manded, but by compulfion; and like a deceitful bowe, which as 
it hath a caft or throw in it, and doth fhift the arrow afide from 
the mark, whereunto it is directed: fo rhey will aim at another 
mark then God doth direct them unto; They were turned afide 
like & deceitful bowe* 6. The alteration of the rule of worfhip 
prefcribed by God, is a provocation of God to anger, were it 
butinacircumftance; They provoked him to anger with their 
bighplaces. 7. Such as take liberty to themfelves to depart 
from the ordinances of God in the IefTe, will depart alfo from 
him in the greater: They provoked God to auger with tbeir high 
places, and moved him to ]ealoufie with their graven images. 
8 Howfoevcr men do dream that they may make good life of pi- 
ctures & graven images,, to further them in devotion and the fer- 
vice of God, who is reprefentcd thereby, and that they mindc 
not to communicate any of his worfhip to the images, yet the 
Lord doth count that religious ufe of images no lefle then adul- . 
tery, and matter of bitter provocation 5 as the word imports: 
Partly, becaufe it is impoflible not to communicate divine wor- 
fhip to the images, before which a man doth bow himfelf, of 
purpofe to be ftirred up by it, to worfhip God reprefentcd by it ; 
Partly, becaufe the devifer andufer of this fort of relative wor- 
fhip, haththruft himfelf in the Lords place, to whom only it 
belongeth to prefcribe how he will be worfhipped ; or at leaft he 
hath admitted another Lord then God, in the appointing of the 
means of Religion j And partly, becaufe the Lor J exprefMy de- 
claeth, tha: by graven images he is provoked juftly to jealoufic; 
Therefore (faith he) they moved him tojealoufie with their gra- 
ven images. 

Ver. 5£. when God beard this , he was wrath f and 
greatly abhorred Ifrael. 

60. So that heforfook the Tabernacle of Shiloh: 
the tent which he flaced among mn. 

6 1. And delivered his ft rength into captivity, and 
his glorj into the enemies ha* ■'. i 2. 


62. He gave his people over alfo unto the feorh: 
and Was wroth with his inheritance. 

63. The fire confumed their yomgmen : and their 
maidens were not given to marriage. 

64. Their Priejisfellbj the [Word: and their wi- 
done 3 made no lamentation. 

In the twelfth place, he declareth how the Lords wrath was 
kindled,?/. 5 9. and how he took his Ark from Sfc/Vofr .where it was 
abufed in Elies time, vet. 60. and gave his Ark (the dgneofhis 
ftrength or powerful prefence among them,) into the Philifiines 
hands, vet. 61. made his people fall in battel, vet. 6 2. the young 
men died in battel, and io maids wanted matches, ver* 63, 
their Priefts were (lain, and their wives made no lamentation 
forthem, 1 Sam. 4. %z. in comparison of greater loffes,ttfr. 64. 
Whence learn, 1. Corrupting of Gods worlhip and ordinances, 
is a finne crying for judgement, which voice God will anfwer i 
JVbzn God heard this be wis wroth, z. The Lord goeth not 
' raftily to judgement;bmt as it were«after perfect underftanding of 
thecaufe: when god beard tbtijhe was' wroth, g. Were a people 
or perfon never to deare to God, tuperftttionandimagerie, and 
abufingof his.publick worihip, will provoke him to jealoufie a- 
gainft them, and draw forth fuch judgements as will fpeak 
the Lords abhorring them for that (innej And be greatly ab- 
horred lfrxcl. 

From ver 60 . Leatne, 1. When the pub! ike ordinances, the 
tokens of the Lords prefence, are removed from any place, the 
Lordremoveth, and forfaketh th at place > So thatbeforfooiitbi 
Tabernacle of Shiloh $ where the Ark had been till Elies death, 
2. It isinv3infor any to boaft of Gods prefence in anyplace, 
when once his publick ordinances are polluted $ lie forfoofi 
Shiloh, the tent which he placed amongmen. 

From vet- 61. Lcarue, 1. When Gods people abufe Religion, 
and pollute his ordinances, no wonder he make their open ene- 
mies to deprive them therof,as here we fee. 2.The Lords people 
cannot promife unto thcmfelves the continuance of the manifc- 
ftation of the Lords ftrength and the Lords glory among them, 
longer then they doeftecm of him,and advance him as their glo- 
ry and thei'- ftrength ; for when ifracl tempted God. kept not his 
lefti monies, and moved him to jealoufie, be delivered over his 
ftrcngtb into captivity 3 and his glory )nto the enemies bands. 



fioro vcr. 62. Lear?/, When enemies get advantage againft 
Gods people by re'afon of \nk\t provocation of God , and 
when the enemies of Religion get?owcr over Gods people, fo 
farre as to deprive them of themeanes oi Religion j the Lords 
anger will be more againft his people who were the caufesof 
this wrath,' then againftthc enemies who were the inftru- 
ments of tHe execution of the wrath; and therefore befide the 
takin ' away of his ordinances from his people, he will fend bis 
vengeance upon them alio ; fie gave his people over alfo unto the 
(wordy and was wroth with bis inheritance. 

From ver.Cs. Lcarne, i.When the Lord fendeth the fwori 
on a land, he can foonconfume the flower of the youth as with a 
fires Tiie fire c .nfnmcd the yoUng men. 2. When Religion is 
overthrown among Gods people, lee net rhc Common-wealth 
think to ftand j when God gave his glory into the enemies 
hand , be ijvt Us people ever aljb unto the [word, and the fire 
cov famed their young men. 3 . When Gods people by abufing of 
Religion do provoke God againft them, it mall be no wonder 
if God pivc them fuch fad blcwes by their enemies, that there 
(hall be no hepe for one age at Leaft to recover their eftatc; and 
no wonder if there be fearful appearance alfo of cutting ofTthepo- 
fteiicy : The fire con fumed their young mc?h and their maidens 
were not given to marriage. 

From vcr. 64. Learn, i.It isamongft the fearful left tokens 
o"f Gods difpleafurc againft a land, when he removeth his Mi- 
nifters from them, efpecially when the good are taken away with 
the bads Their Pricfts fellhy the [word. 1. When the Mini- 
ftersare the abufers of Religion, and chief in the provocation, 
no wonder to fee them alio txemplarily punimed 5 for as Hephni 
an&'hinebas made the facri fleet o be inufted at, fo God made 
ther carcafes fall in the battel ; Their Priefls fell by the fwori, 
3, When Gods wrath breaks forth againft his own people for 
|heir provocations, he can mcke publike calamities fo great, as 
they fhall fwallow up domeftick miseries : yea he an make thofc 
rhat live, and are referved from thefword, fo weary of their 
lives, as they fhall reckon the dead to be more happy then the 
living ; Their triefts fell by the [word, and their widows mad$ 
no lamentation. 

Ver. 65. Then the Lor A awakfd** one ont of jlcep: 
and lik* a mighty man that jhomcth by reajen of 
vine* 66. 


66. sAndhe [motehi* enemies in the hinder parts : 
be put them to a perpetual reproach. 

In the thirteenth place , he fheweth how nctwiijiftanding 
of all the former provocations and fore judgements^ the Lord of 
his own free grace, by taking vengeance upon his Enemies, re- 
ftored his pecple to the priviledges of Church and Kingdom, 
Whence learn, j. Howfoevcr the t-ords pecple draw on judge- 
ments upon themfelves, and defetv*e to be left in their miferies ; 
yet God of his free and conftant love to them,' fendeth relief 
when they ieaft expect j, as here is to be l'een> when his people 
is in a moft defperate condition , Then the Lordawafitth. 2. As 
people do fleep Lecurely in their fin, when God . doth call them 
to repentance : fo it is juftice with God to misken them in their 
calamity, and to be unto them as one aflecp, as here he is defcri- 
bed. 5. God doth not fo farre wink at the troubles o( his own 
people, but the cry of their mifery, andtheinfolency of the e- 
nemy again ft them, will awake him. When ifwl is now as a 
loft people, and their enemies have taken Gods Ark , Tbentbe 
Lord awaked as one out of Jleepe, and li^ea mighty man that 
flmued becatife of wine. 4. Whatfoever weak Similitude the 
Scripture ufeth to make us conceive fomewhat of the Lords 
operations, yet muft we alwayes think of him, as befeemeth th€ 
glory of his majefty, leaving the imperfection of the creature, 
(from which the fimilitude is borrowed) as the dregs of the 
companion, to reft with the creature it felf, as here we are led to 
do, except we mould think blafphemous thoughts of God. 
5. Albeit the enemies of Gods people may be at eafe, whenhvs 
people are in trouble, and lying under their feet, yec God will 
arifc in due time and punifli them $ The Lord awa\ed y and [mote 
bis enemies in the binder farts. 6. The difhonour done to God, 
and to Gods people, is but for a time, and is fhortly removed* 
hut.therecompence of the enemie which do dishonour God 5 is 
perpetual and everlafting > He fmotc his enemies intbe binder 
farts 5 to wit, with Emerodsand a bloody flux > And jo be put 
thorn to a perpetual reproach* 

Ver. 6j. Moreover^ he refufed the tabernacle of 
fofeph : andebofe not the tribe of Ephraim, 

(58. <But 


61. Butchofethe tribe of Judith : the Mount Sion 
Which he loved. 

69. And he built his Sanlluary like high palaces: 
like the earthVvhich he hath eftablijhed for ever. 

jo. Me chofe David alfo his fervant y and took him 
from the ffjeepfolds ' 

71. From following (he ewes great with youngl 
he brought him to feed Jacob his people, and Ifrael hit 

72. So he fed them according to the integrity of 
his heart : and guided them by the faithfulneffe of his 

Inthclaft place is fee down, how albeit the Lord did not 
return to Shilob with his Ark ver. 67. yet he flayed in the land 
among his people, and placed his Ark in JerHfalem, and built 
himfelf a glorious Temple and Sanctuary on Sion, ver. 68,69. 
and fetled his people under the government of T^avid, a type 
of (Thrift, exalted from an humble and lew condition, to be 
King of Ifrael, ver 70, 71. by whom the people were well go- 
verned, ver. 72,. 

r From, ver. £7. 63. Learnc, f • The Lord can fo temper his 
jufticc and mercy in his dealing with his people as the efte&s of 
bo h fhall be manifeft : tfecaufe he was fo di/bonourcd in Shi- 
lob, bcrwilThave his jufticc feen, in not fuftlring his Ark to 
come there again any more; Moreover, be refufed the Tabernacle 
cfjofepb, and cbofc not the tribe ofEpbraim \ to wit, for the tribe 
that he would moft refpecl, or where he would have the red- 
dence of his Ark to be£ there is his juftice. Again., he will 
not forfake the land v or the people of Jfrael altogether, but will 
dwell in fomc other part ot the land, and will take another tribe 
to have the chief evidence of his refpect fhewen unto them 3 
Sut he cbofc the tribe of Judab : there is his mercy, with an in* 
finuation of the main means of the mercy , which is the coming 
of Chrift in theflefh, out of thetribe of tfudab; Thus God 
will not depart from Ifrael, and yet he will not be found fave in 
the tri be of fudab, oik of which came Chrift, the root and 
fountain of mercy, to all Ifrael, who mall feck unto 1 *od through 
him 2. Wnatloever be thepriviledge of th: Church univer- 
fal, ye: noparticular place is ibpriviled^ed, but Gxi will leave 


it, and take another to dwelUn, when he is provoked in any 
particular place to forfake it :fof the difhonour done to his Ma]e- 
fty in Shilob, he rcfufed the Tabernacle oftfofepb ; he refilled that 
ftis.Ark. the chief figne of his prcfence, mould have its refi- 
dence anymore in tho- bounds- of Epbrairn or Manaffeh, the 
(onsof tfofepb*- $. The caufe'why God chufeth unto any pri- 
viledge, one tribe more then another, oroneperfon rather then 
another, or one place rather then^ another, is only his own free 
will, grace and love ; He chofv the tribe of fudab, the Mount 
Siou which be loved. 

Vzomver. 69. Learn, 1. In the type of the building of the 
Temple on mount Sion, we are taught that the Church of God 
is his own edifice, who ever be the workmen,whom he in his pro- 
vidence doth imploy to build it. Therefore is it faid , He built 
bit fanftuary Ufa high Palaces. 2. Albeit the Lords Church 
may have many troubles and commotions in it , yet fhall it en- 
dure and net be overthrown utterly for ever 5 He built bis fan- 
ftuary as the earthy which he bath eftablijhd for ever. 

From, Kcr. 70, 71. Learn, 1. The Church lhall not want 
a King to defend and protect her, for God hath his own cho- 
fen fervant appointed for the purpofe. As for the typical King- 
dome of Ilrael he had David : io for the Church univerfal, re-* 
prefentcd by the type,hehath appointed Chrift the eternal Sonne 
of God.who took his humane nature of the lineage of David, to 
be King myfticall in Sion for ever ; to be a type of whom, be did 
cboefe David his fervant. 2, The Lord to the intent he may not 
oneiy fhew his tovereignepowcr,whereby he can raife the mean- 
eft of men, and exalt them how high foever he pleafeth, but al- 
fo to repreient from how low a degree of humiliation Chrift in- 
carnate was to be raifed to the government of his Church and 
Kingdome, he fctteth down the mean condition ot life , wherc- 
from David wasraifed to the royal dignity of governing Ifrael: 
He toofi him from the fheep folds, from following the ewes great 
with young* be brought him to feed Jacob bis people, And Ifrael 
bis inheritance. 

From, Ver- 72. Learn, The duties and properties of a good 
King are thcfe.Firft, He mud refolve to be Gods fervant in his 
charge,as David was. Seconl . All his iubjects^nd in fpecial the 
Lords people, muft be cared for by him in a civil way, as x flock 
Oi flieep is cared for by the Pattour: David fed them. Thirdly, A 
Kings heart muft be fet uprightly tor Gods honour , and for -the 
fttb;e&s welfare in the whole courfe of his government > He fed 

' tbm 

PSAL. LXXIX. 22 j 

tlcm according to the in'cgrityofhk hart, Fourthly, a King 
mull deal prudently with his fubjc&s, accomodating the whole 
courfe of his dealing with them, as their feveral conditions do re- 
quire : He guided them by the sliilfuhicjfc of bis binds. And 
whatfoever meafure D*rj/i hid of thofe properties, were but a 
jfhadow of the perfections oi Chrift in his Governmenti 
Fifthly, neither lawes, nor teaching, nor miracles, norbenefitsj 
nor judgments can avail unto the falvation ofa people or perfon> 
till they be put under the hand and guiding of Chrift 5 as we 
are taught here in the example and repi efentation of the Lords 
dealing with Ifrael i:i this Tfdmc , wherein when God hath 
tried his people with oft repeated mercies and judgements, they 
c>me to no fetled eftate, till they be put under the Government 
of ZJ*2vii,w"hointhisis a type of Chrift. For he clofeth with 
this, be guided them by the slylfulncjfc of bis hmds. 

A Ffdmc of +*fafb. 

THe fcattered and captive people of God , after the de- 
ft udion of Jferufdem and of the Temple, do put up 
a pitiful comphint unto God, to vcr. 6. and do pray for at 
merciful rcliefe to his Church, and for avenging their blood 
upon their enemies. As for the complaint , in It they la- 
ment four things. Firft, the profanation and defolation of the 
Lords inheritance and Temple by the heathen their enemies, 
vcr. i Secondly, the barbarous cruelty and inhumanity ufed a- 
g.unftthem, vcr 3 2, 3, Thirdly, the contempt and mocking of 
their wicked neighbours in their mifery, w. 4. Fourthly, as 
they acknowledge this to proceed from Gods difplcafu're j 
10 they lament that it is like to be everlafting, vcr. 5. 

In their payer, in the latter part of the Tfihtie , thc^ 
crave: Firft, juftice upon their enemies, vcr. 6. j* Secondly, 

Sjardon of their own Cns , and deliverance out of their miicry, 
or Tundry rcafons, vcr, 8, 9, io, n. Thirdly., that God 
wold reward their inhumane neighbours who movked at their 
mifery, ver. 12. And do clofe their petition with a pVomifc 
ofpraile and thanks unto God by the Church in all iucceed- 
ingages. Whence turn in general, 1. The Church- of Qoi 
thay be brought fc low, as here we fee enceit was i- Scrawny 

Q_ of 

a 15 PSAL. LXXIX. 

of Gcds people as Hvc to fee fuchpublike ;;1 .ar.ities ~nd mifcry, 
muft not delp M: e ' t a recovery, but fhoi.u n\d may i nn to Jd 
ar.d pray for the Church in affliction, expecting order ^e. coti- 
fufion, and after difflparion, 10 Ice | gathering o Gp^s P^opl* 
agiin , an ^ after appr-cnt cveirhro.v of R 1 gi ....< a ;ftowg 
of Gods puMick worfhip, as theexampku .iV: Pfalmjftil this 
Pfalm doth teach, whofe courage and confidence \»( o* \.. rJief 
of thcLorus people is wonde: ful,as the condition of the Church 
at that time feemed to be defp^ratc.A> the holy Ghoft.the en .liter 
of this P.alm, doth give warning here to ail Chinches in all 
ages, to beware to provoke the Lord unto wrath, kit he ieal 
with them, as he dealt with thofe Ifraelitcs : fo doth he ^ive 
warrant to all afflicted Churches, to foilow the example of this 
afflicted Church, to run to God for help: for which caufe he 
huh given this Pfalme to be madeufe of by the Church k A 
Pjalmc of Afaph. 

Ver. I • f "\ Cod, the heathen are come into thine 
\~r inheritance % thy holy fwpte have 
they etc filed % thej have laid Jerufalem on heapes. 

In the firft part of this Lamentation ; Lexrn, i . Albeit there 
be no place nor perfon , h>w near and dear foevcr unto God, 
exempted from judgement when they are polluted , yet the 
wicked i instruments of the judgement poured out upon the place 
and perfons confederated to God, may juitly be compl'inedot 3 
as here we fee s God, the heathen arc come into thine inherit- 
ance, z* When Gods people, who mould be holy, defile them- 
felves and Gods Ordinances; it is no won.'cr that by prophane 
perfons theybepunifhed , and their holy things polluted 3 Thy 
holy Temple have they defied j that is, they have abufed it, dealt 
with it, as a vile and profane thing. $. Albeit people in 
Covenant wiih Gcd have difgraced their holy profeflion, and 
polluted his ordinances, and be juftly plagued by feeing holy 
ordinances pat over in the hands of profane men for their 
caufe, yet neither will the Lord diiclaime his inte.cft in his own 
ordinances, nor do his people loie right and intereft in God and 
in his ordinances, when they take with their punifliment, and do 
make their addreife to God for rclicfe J Thy holy Temple have 
tbey defiled- 4. When G od giverh over religious ordi nances in 
the hands of profane men to be abufed, no wonder if they that 



arc theciufcofthis, do fuirer in their civil ftatealfoj no won-* 
der the City fuffer with the Temple: -ferujhlem have they laid 
9/1 baps. 

Ver. 2. The dead bodies of thy fervants have 
they given to be m?at unto the fowles of the hea- 
ven : the flejh of thy Saints unto the beafts of 
the earth. 

3. Their Blood have they /bed like water round 
About Jerufalem , and there was; nine to bury 

From the fecond part of the lamentation and complaint $ 
Lam, 1. Falling in battel before the enemies mayprovethac 
Godhathajuft caufe againft the party overcome, but cannot 
prove that the victors caufe is good , pre fuppofc both parties had 
appealed to God : for here the heathen do overcome, and the 
Lords fervants and Saints are flaine, and they who are left a- 
live do complaincofthe victors, and take with their puniih- 
. ment at Gods hand, who doth follow his own Quarrel as he 
pleafeth , and will not at mens pleafurc fit down and decide 
appellations, when they call to him, or ihnd unto the time 
fet down by men to him, to determine their controverfie : . 0. 
God,tbe heathen arc come into thine inheritance, ,&c. The dead 
bodies of thy fervants have they given to be meat to the fogies. 
2. Heavy and fearful are the judgements temporal., which may 
come upon Gods people, When they have provoked God to 
Wrath againft them for their fmnes, even fuch' as are here fet 
dovyn, to wit, overcurning of the" outward face of Religion 5 
defiru&ion or their lands, cities and cftate, killing of than, 
in abundance , and want of burial when they are dead. $• As 
not by outward profperitie, fo aTfo not by outward calamities, is 
the love or hatred of God to be known j the fame fort of out- 
ward difpcn.fation may befall both ; The dca.l bodies of thy [cr- t 
v&nts they have given to be meat to the forties of heaven. , 4. No 
temporal wrath not calamines what Loe ver can feparate the Lords 
children from Gods love and eft'imationof them, nor untie the re- 
lations between God and them ; for here , albeit their carcafes 
fall,8c be devoured with the fowls of the heaven and beaftsof the 
*arth,yet remaine they the Lords fcrvants>and Saints under tfoefe 
fufferings:M?e dead bodies of thy fervants &>cJtbcftcjh of thy Saints*. 
J; Thirflkughtcr of the Lords people, and the Lca;:cnng : of fuch. 


asefcape of them may be fo great , when his anger is kindled 
againft them, that none may be found to bury the flaine, but the 
dead may lie unburied ; Their blood have they jhei Ufa water 
round about Jerufalem , and there was none to bury them. 
6. Nothing is to be expected of Gods enemies towards Gods 
people when they fall in their hands,but favage cruelty and bar- 
barous inhumanity , for which they are toanfwemntoGod, to 
whom the complaint of the living and the cry of the blood 
of the flaine doth call for vengeance, as the experience of 
the Lords people in this place doth teach. 

Ver* 4. Wt are become a reproach to our neigh- 
bours : a fcorne and derifion to them that are round 
about tu. 

From the third part of the complaint and lamentation* Leam y 
1. In the day of Gods difpleafnre againft his people, yea in 
the day of the trial of the faith and patience of his people ,, no 
wonder that fuch as ihould mod pity our calamity, and be com- 
fortable unto us, rejoyce to fee us in mifery , yea and make our 
calamity a matter of reproach to us , a matter 01 fcorne and de- 
1 ifion of us ; for here it is faid , We are become a reproach to our 
neighbours , a fcorne and derifion to them that are round about us. 
1. When God doth afflict his people, all their priviledges, and 
the Religion which they profeile, do become contemptible and 
ridiculous to the ungodly, who do not efteem either of Gods 
ordinances or of his people , but when they are adorned with 
outward profperity. The Lords people were feared and honour- 
ed by them that were about them, when God did fight for them, 
and countenanced them; but now they lament , Wc are become & 
repoach to our neighbours , a fcorne and derifion to them that are 
round about m . 3. To be mocked in miiery, and fpeciallyof 
them by whom we fhould be comforted, is amongft the faddeft 
paffages of our affliction : Therefore here , is this part of their 
lamentation fet down, after the formerly mentioned mifery, 
as a load above a burden, and that which did imbitter 
their forrow moft of all, becaufe it did reflect upon their Religi- 
on, their faith, their intercft in God , as if all had been 

Ven 5. How tong^ Z0R1), wilt thou be an» 

£, T J 7 je r *wr ? foatt thyjealoujic burne like fire ? 



From the fourth part of the lament at ion 5 Learn, 1. The Lords 
difpleafure and anger againft his people, is more heavy to them 
then all the calamities which have lighted on them; How 
long wilt thou be angry? putteththe capftone on their prifon- 
hotilc. 2. Guilty confeiences cannot but apprehend wrath , 
when their plagues are heavy, yea they cannot efcape a conflict 
with the fear of everlafting wrath, when his hand doth lie long 
upon them; How long.Lorif Wilt thou be angry for ever? 
5. When Gods people do fall from their matrimonial Covenant 
with God, and their heart and eyes do go a whoring after idols, 
no wonder the Lord be jealous, and his wrarh for this be moft 
hot, and be like to devour unto utter deftr ad ion : Shall thy j ea- 
louficburne like fire? 4. W hat foever hath been our calamity, 
whofoever have been the inftruments of our mifery, yea how 
great foever our provocation of Gods anger hath been : it is 
wifdome^asto expound all the malice and cruelty of men to be 
theeffe&s of Gods anger and jealouGe, and that his anger 
andjealoufie is kinledby ourfinnes: fo to runne to God , and 
lament the whole matter before him,and deprecate his wrath > 
as the Church doth here ; How long. Lord ? Wilt thou be angry 
for ever? 

Vet. 6 % Pottre cut thy -wrath upon the heathen 
that have not fyioton thte y and upon the kingdomes 
have not called upon thy Name. 

7. For thej have devoured Jacob , andlatdwajtc 
his dwelling place. 

In the latter part of the Tfalme Is their prayer; and firft, 
for juftice and vengeance on their enemies. Whence learn, 1. 
Albeit it be not lawful tor u» in our own quarrel to pray 
againft our enemies, yet in the Churches quarrel , in the Lords 
quarrel it is lawful to pray in general againft the incorri- 
gible and deiperate enemies of God and his people , as here the 
Church is taught. 2. Albeit temporal judgements may overtake 
Gods vifible Church,when the open enemies ofGods people ?n& 
of his true worfhip arc fpared , yet at length the fulnefle of 
wrath is referved for the ungodly > one and all : Poure out thy 
wrath upon the heathen that have not fyiown thee. $ Prayer to 
Gcdpnd invocation of his Name upon all occafions, as Gods 

Q^i ' honouy 


honour and mens neceffities and duties publiek, private > and 
fecrct do call' them to come before him , ija maik differencing' 
Gods people from the ungodly > whether profeiTed or real hea- 
thens , and am a. k of inch as (hall finde mevcy diftinguifhing 
them from the object of Gods wrath : Tourc out thy wratb upon 
theKjngiomcs that have not called on thy N me. 4. Unto the 
right worfhipping of God the true knowledge of God is requi- 
red : for how thall men call upon pod in whom they believe 
not , whom they know not , or whom to know they care not ? 
Therefore fuchas are ft: angers from God here , are 'defcribed by 
this, they have not known thce } thy hfee not called on thy 7 }{ame. 
5. The members of a viable Church may be fcattered one irom 
another, that they cannot in one place joyntlyand profeil'edly 
enjey publick Ordinances ; as here> $acob is devoured , and his 
dwellingplaceluidrvaftc. 6. The hcavieft article in the ditty 
of the ungodly is their being either acccfl'ory to , or active in the 
overthrow of Gods people ; Pourc out thy rvratb on tbcntj for they 
have devoured Jacob } xnd laid waftc bis dxvcllingplace. 

Vcr. 8. remember not againfl m former iniqM- 
ties : let thy tender mercies f pee dtly prevent us : for 
ive are brought very low. ; 

p* Help M , God of our falvation , for the 
the glory of thy Name: and deliver tu , and p urge 
away our fxnnes for thy Names fakf* 
1 10# Wherefore fbould the heathen fay y Where is 
their God ? let him be k^owne among the heathen in 
hur fight , \>y the revenging of the blood eft hy fer- 
vants tyhich is fh'd. 

I f. Let ihejighing of the frifoner come before thee> 
according to the greatneffe of thy power : preferve thoti 
thofe that are appoinisd td die, 7 « 

5 econdly, they pray for pardon of their fins, and delivery from 
themifery which their fins had pibcurcd i unto which Yt ition* 
fundry reafons are added for ftrengthening of the faith of the 
Church, tf^w* lcarnc,i.ThQ fenfc of fin maketh the afflicted to 
fee patient^ and fubmiffivc unto God without murmuration, and 



their lamentation for 1 hei mifcry AatbrtefolVe in prayer, and in a 
praver for remiffion or" fin; remember not again ji us former 
iniquities* 2. The onely right way to remedy a miferaolecon- 
d it ion, is ro (ire for remifiion of fins , and for the renewed evi- 
dence or reconciliation : ror before the Church here do ask any 
thing for their outward delivery, rheypray , remember not 
agzinft rtr former in; quit id. 3. A peoples long continuance in fin 
doth turniih ground of fear of the long continuing of begun 
wrath and ju.i^ement upon them, and therefore they pay for the 
fbrgtairtg of their fin, that the quarrel being the judgement may 
be removed; remem'er not againjl us our former iniquities. 

4. When warrh and juftjee are like to confumeus , and quickly 
make an end of us, a refuge is open ro us in Gods tender mercies, 
who earner deftroy utterly a (inner Acting to his mercy ; Let thy 
tc;i:hr mercies ipecdily prevent us , for roe ire brought very low. 

5. When the Lords people a-c brought low, let thtm not look 
for a lifting up or relieft , except from God oncly , therefore fay 
they , hee , Help us. Lord. 6. Such as have laid hold oa 
God for falva< io-n promifed in the Covenant , may alfo look for 
particular deliveries out ofparticular troubles j as appendices of 
the main benefit of f dvation ; Therefore , Help , vs> God of 
Our folvation } fay they. 7. When men do ask any thing , the 
granting whereof may glorify God , they may confidently expeel 
to hive it ; and in fpeciall, when God maybe to glorified , is his 
people may al fo be peferved aja/1 comforted : Help us (iiy they) 
for tkc glory of thy Njmc , and deliver us. 3. As the consci- 
ence of lin ufeth to ftcp in oftner between us and mercy, fo mull 
we call oftner for remifiion of finne > for earned affection can 
double and treble the fame Petition without babling : Deliver 
ics, and purge iway our fins. 0. It is the glory of the Lord to for- 
get fin , and when remifiion ofl^nnes is prryed for according 
to Godspromife, the Lords glory is engaged for the helping of 
faith to obtain ; Furgearvay our fin for thy Name* fahji. 10. Ido- 
laters are ready to infult over Gods people and their religion, ar>d 
over Godalfo, when the Church is afflicted, and this diftto* 
nour of God true Saints cannot endure; 1Vl?creforc Jhould the hex- 
then fiyjVhcre is their God ? 1 1 . Howfoever the Lord will pu- 
nilh his own people for their fins in the (i^ht of the heathen, yet 
will he not fuft'er the heathen long to infult over his people , or 
over the true religion > but by fhewing kindneflc to his people, 
will have the heathen to know that he is their God , who will an- 
swer for himfclf,and fot his pcoplcjind their religion i\[o\Wbcre~ 

0.4 f or < 


fore jhould the heathen {ay , Where is their God ? i z. As it dotJ; 
belong to Gods honour to deliver his people in their diftreflc, fo 
alfo to punifh the perfecutors of his Church and blafphemers 
of his Namej Let him be \nown among the heathen in our fight, by 
ivengingthe blood of thy fervants. 13. It is a comfort and en- 
couragement of living Saints , to fee God avenge the blood of 
dead Saints flain by their enemies \ Let him be lyiowne in our 
fight y by avenging the blood of thy fcrvants. 14. As it is no 
wonder to fee griefe and fighing to be the cheer of Gods people 
when the Lord hath fcattered them , and they are captive priib- 
neis under their oppreffors j fo may we be fure their tears and 
fighingftiall not be mifregarded by God : Let the figbing of the 
frifoncr cb~me before thee* 1 $« Albeit it feem impoffible to deliver 
Gpds people 3 w hen they are as condemned prifoners^deftlnated by 
their enemies unto deftruction, yet faith fceth delivery verypoffi- 
bie to Gods omnipotency : According to the gnomes of thy power, 
preferve thou thofe that are appointed to die* 

Vcr. 1 2 . And render unto cur neighbours feven- \ 
fold into their bofome , their reproach wherewith they 
have reproached thee , Lord* 

1 3. So W'e thy people, and Jheep of thy pdfture H 
mil give thee thankj for ever ; ree mil feew forth 
thy praij'e to &H generations. 

Jn the iaft place 3 they pvay for vengeance on their wicked 
neighbors , who mocked them and their Religion in the time 
of their calamity : and thus they clofe their prayer with a promife 
to praife God for the granting of their petitions. Whence icarn^ 
1. Such as rejoyce a: the calamity ot Godspecple, and mock 
them in their mifcry 3 efpecially neighbours who mould be moil 
comfortable , as they are infome refpect more guilty then ooen 
pppreflbrs; lb (hall they be moft feverely plagued of God for their 
cruelty : Render unto our neighbours [even- fold into their be fom 
their reproach. 2. The mocking of Gods people in their mife- 
ry, efpecially for the JrRelgion., is the mocking of God > and re- 
p .-caching of him whofe fci* /ants they are 5 Render them the re- 
proach, wherewith they have reproached thee , Lord. $. When, 
God taketh Yenge-mce on rhe enemies of the Church 3 then is it 
feen what intereft God hath in that defpifed company : for the 
Church here is confident, then their relations unto God;, and 


PSAL. LXXX. 233 

Gods care of them, (hall be evident > So we tby people and flyeep 
of tby pafturefiiall give thee tbunfe : thuis, weihall come outof 
diftrefl'ej and gather our felves together, and profciTe our felvcs to 
be thy people^ and chafe n flock , and fhall praifc thee* 4. The 
troubles ot the Lords people, and their mourning, are but tempo- 
ral, and of fhort endurance : but their deliverance and comfort, 
when their troubles are ended, is everlafting , and no leffe then 
evcrlafting duration can fuffice them to praife God and thank 
him for his kindnefie; So we tby people JhM give thee think* fir 
ever. $. As the Lords work for his diltrefled pcop'e calkth for 
thanks at their hands , fo alio dcth it call for praifc at their 
hands , who (haJl hear of it ; and they whofe duty it is to give 
thanks , ought alfo according to their power , to ftirre up 
others to praife God with themfelves, and to dure up alfo the 
pofterity in all fucceeding ages , as the Chinch here promifeth : 
IVc will [hew forth tby praife to all generations. 


To the chief tfiufichn upon Sbojhxnnim Edutb. 
A Vfilm of Afapb. 

THis Pfalm given to the Church to be made ufe of, is of the 
like fad fubjeft with the former , and may be applied to 
the time of carrying away the ten tribes out of the holy land, 
while /witfbwasyec in poffeflion of it , and the Temple was yet 
il.inding , and the Lord was dwelling between the Cherubirm in 
th: Sanduary,where the Ark and Mercy-feat vyasyet remaining; 
qt to the time of the begun defolation of theland by Hebucbsd- 
nc\\Jir 3 or to any other defolation which did threaten their final 
rooting cut. The fumme of the Pfalm is a lamenting of the mi- 
serable condition of the Ifaclites , and an earneft ent- earing of 
the Lord to give them repentance and a delivery. In thehdft 
place, the Church maketh her addrefte to God, and propoundeth 
the main Petition, iw, i,t,j. In the fecond place, they la- 
ment their mi fery, and repeat the fame Petition 5 vcr. 4,5 6,7. 
In the third place, they call to minde the Lords cire to plant 
his people in the land as a vine-tree, and do lamnt tht dole- 
ful change of their Ir.ppy Condition in'O that of their prefcht mi- 
fey , vcr.8,9, io>ii,u,T$. In the fourth olace, they pr.iy 


234 PSAL. LXXX. 

for Gods mercy and pity toward his <iefolate people, ver. 14,15, 
16. In the Iaft place , they pray for the ftanding cf the tribe of 
$udab > and that tor Chrifts caufe > who was to take his hu- 
mane nature of this tribe $ and doclofc the Pfaime with repeating 
the third time their fpecial Petition for repentance and delivery 
to be granted unto them , ver. 17,18,19. 

Ver. 1. /~>lveeare, Ofayheydoflfraei, thou that 
Kjjhadeft fofeph like a fioc^ y thoti that 
dmlleft between the Chcrttbinis , Jbine forth. 

Many fweet fruits hit h the Lord drawn forth from the bitter 
affli&ions of his people,and this Pfalme amongft the reft; where- 
in firft, the Chnrchbeggeth from God audience , for the relati- 
ons between God and them, ver. 1. and then prayeth for falva- 
rion,xw. 2, and to this end doth make recjueft for the graci- 
ous gift of Repentance to his people, that they might be fa- 
ved , ver. $ . 

From the firft verfe ; lesrn^ 1* When our heart is full of 
grief, or of any holy afte&ion,which we defire to lay forth before 
The Lord, we may call for, and exped audience at the Lords 
hands, as the Church doth here , faying to the Lord ,' Give eir, 
2. He that would fpeak to God in the dny of calamity, had need 
to fatten faith on God, and mould go about it, how grievous fo- 
ever his rod Teem, as here the Church is taught by the Ffilmift to 
do. $. Albeit faith will flnde Khali ftrength from any thing in 
the f applicant, yet on Qods part it cannot miife folid ground 
to fixe upon, according to the tenour of the Covenant ot grace, 
fnch as is Chrifts Prophetical and Kingly office, whereby the 
Lord taketh on him to lead and feed his people ; to govern and 
protect them, as a fhepherd doth his flock : as here the Church 
doth, Ojhcpberd of Ifrael. This is oneconfidcration. Another is, 
theconftant experiment and proof given of his actual exerctting 
of this office? Thou tbu leadejl^mb as a flock : and Unto the 
former they joyn the free offer of grace to all that do feek for 
mercy from God 1 hrough the Mediator Chrift ; Thou that dmU 
left between the Cbcrubims. 4. Albeit fin doth overcloud the 
manifefting of Gods favour and loving kindeflt towards his peo- 
ple, yet the prayer of faith upon the grounds of the Covenant 
mayexped the clearing up of his countenance again: Ofap* 
Ifcrdoflfrael, Jhine firth. 

Ver. 2. 

PSAL. LXXX. 235 

Vcr. 2. Before Ephraim , and r Ben)atn)n % and 
i Manajfeh , ftirrc up thy ftrengtb , And come and 

• (aV€ W. 

Forunderftanding ofithe fccond verfc, wc muft rcmcmbc r » 
that when the Ark or the Covenant refted, or marched in the wi^ 
derneflfe , thcfe three Tribes , Epbraim> Benjamin , andMantf' 
fcb, were in the reareward of the hoft of lfrael , or on the Weft"" 
fide thereof j as is fet down , Numb. 1. 18, 19, &c. when the 
hoft marched, and the Ark fet forward , Mcfcs faid to the Lord, 
Rife up y l ord , and let thine enemies be fcattcred ; and let them 
that bate thee, flee before thee : anfwerable to this, doth the fixty 
eight Pialme begin , when the Ark removed and was carried up 
to mount Si on "now the people of God being in diftrefle here, do 
call thofe dayesto remembrance, and do requcft the Lord, that as 
he had in the eye fight of thofc three tribes here mentioned , mi* 
nifefted himfelf many a time to be the leader and defender of his 
people : fo he would now alfo in this their lamentable condition 
itirre up himfclfe for th;n reliefc and fa fet y. Whence learne, 
1. The remembrance of the Lords humbling himfelfe to be fa- 
familiar with his people , and how fweet and glorious communi- 
on his people have had with him,, may and fhould encourage be- 
lievers in him to fcek and expect new experience of the like 
mercy in their need , as here the Ifracliks do pray for new proof 
of that favour, which their ancefters did hnde fometimc j Be- 
fore Ephraim > Benjamin, and Manxffib ftirrc up thy ftrengtb, 
ind come and fave us. 2.Thepoftcrity of thole who have been in 
fellow fhip with God, ihould pray for themfclves,and be prayed for 
by the Church, that they may have room in the Lords hoft, 
and have God their leader, as their godly fathers had before 
them; Before tphraim , Benjamin , and Mxnafieb ftirrc up 

Ver. 3. Tttrn us Again ? O God : and caufe thy 
face tojhiie, andvp* fia/l be faved. 

^ This is the fpecial Petition moftinfifted upon, that God by 
giving of Repentance would reclaim his people from their apo- 
ftafie, an J grant the evidence of his former favour unto them,and 
fo deliver and favc them. Whenclcarne, 1. As the apefhfie of 
Gods people from God , is the fountain of all their calamity ; (o 
their repentanee and returning unto God , is the firft ilep unto 


2$6 PSAL. LXXX. 

their reliefe, and delivery from procured mi fery of captivity, or 
any other calamity, as the prayer here importeth : Turn va agmi^ 
O Lord. 2. CDnverfion of people from their fin unto God, and 
leading of them back from the mifery drawne on by (in , is the 
work of God, which no man can work of himfelfe, or in himfelf, 
or in others, till God begin and enable them to return , and lead 
themonin their turning; Therefore faith the P-almift , Tmupa 
again y Lord ; thus they fay as unable to turn again of them- 
felves. $. When a people or perfon do turn unto God , repent- 
ing their fin or back- Aiding from him, they may expect the Lord 
ihall (hew unto them evidences of his reconciliation and favour 
toward them; Turn u& agtin, and caufe thj fxce to Jlrine upon #$. 
4. It is to Gods children very falvation to be in favour with 
God, and to be aflured of reconciliation with him: Turn us 
agiin , caufe thy fice to Jhine , andfojhallwc be faved. 

Ver. 4. LORD God ofhofts, bow long vpHt thou 
be angry againfl the prayer of thy people: 

5, Thou feedefl them with the bread ofteares : and 
give ft them teares to drink^in great me afar e. 

6, Thou makeft us aftrife unto our neighbours : and 
eur enemies laugh among themfelves. 

7, Turn us again ,0 God ofhofis, and caufe thy face 
to (bine , and we Jha/l be faved. 

In the fecond place , the Church lamenteth the Lords wrath, 
manifefleJ firft, in anfwering their prayers with indignation, 
ver. 4. Secondly, bymcreaiing of their woful mifery without 
confoiation, i;er. ?, And thirdly, by making them the matter of 
their enemies ftrifc among themfelves (which of them mould 
fhouid have moft Hebrewes to be their flaves,) and the object of 
their enemies fport, when they had parted the prey among them, 
ver* 6, After which he repeareth the former prayer for Repent- 
ance , and for delivery, ver. 7* 

From the firft part of their complaint and lamentation , fet 
down, -jer.4. Learnc, i.The people of God may in their afflicti- 
on put up prayers to God , which he will not accept, to wit, 
prayers for removing of judgement, when they have not repent- 
ed the fins which drew on the judgements yea they may pray 
lon^, and be inftant in fuch prayers , and not receive a comforta- 

PSAL. LXXX. 237 

ble anfwcr ; yea they may finde their prayers anfwered with evi- 
dencing of Gods difpleah'ngfuch prayers ; How long wilt thou 
be angry again ft the prayers of thy people i 2. When God doth 
not anfwer the prayers of his people in their affliction, the affil- 
ed mutt not ceafe to pray en ftill , neither may the truly 
ocdly among them ceafe to deal with God for his afflicted 
people, joyned in external Covenant with them, but muft 
continue and be ftill inftant with God, as here they do 5 For 
how long wilt thou be angry again ft the prayers of thy people? is a 
part of their prayer, notwithftanding that God feemeth angry 
at their prayers. J. As Gods fupremacy over all the hofts of 
the creatures maketh his wrath more terrible to the fupplicant* 
foihould it make the fupplicant more inftant in prayer, and 
more loath to take a refulal to his fupplication , as here it doth 3 
O Lord Go d of hofts , how long wilt thou be angry againjl the 
prayers of thy people ? 4. We are not alwayes to look after a pre- 
fent anfwer to our prayers , but muft wait on fo long as God 
pleafeth not to anfwer : yea it is pofltble, that after a believer; 
hath begun to humble him felfe , God may fend meffenger after 
meffengerof more and more appearance of wrath 5 but we muft 
refolve , as to wrelUe with all difficulties , fo alfo with the fenfe 
of Gods anger againftus, yea, and that againft cur prayers : 
How long wilt thou be angry again ft the praytrs of thy peop'c? 

From the fecond part of the lamentation , vcr. 5. Lcarne, 
I. When Gods people will norm ourne for finne in time , aspe- 
nitents , no wonder he drive them to mourne for the fruit of 
their (innein fad affliction : Thou fcedefl them with the bread of 
texres.. 2. We are more fenfible of the evill of trouble , then of 
the evill of lir\L" 5 the tears of Repentance are very rare, and foon 
dried up , bu/t tL'tearesof forrow for affliction do eafily flow, 
as affliction 'increafeth or continueth , and that in Gods wife 
difpenfation,that worldly'forrow for afflictions , may drive us 
to godly forrow for offending of God $ Thou feedejt them with 
the bread of tear es. $. The comfort of the creatures, yea of ne- 
ceflary food , may be overcome and fwallowed up by trouble and 
worldly forrow , and that in Gods wife difpenfation , that men 
may learn to hunger and thirft for heavenly and ftrong confola* 
tion : as it befell this people, who were taken up lo with weep- 
ing, as they forgot their ordinary meales, and when they did 
cat and d-ink, did drench their food with tearcs ; Thou feedejt 
them with the bread ofteares , And give ft them tearcs to drinfi in 
great mcafure. 


238 PSAL. LXXX. 

Prom tbe third part of their lamentation, ver.6. Lcxrnc> 
i , It is righrcoulneife for God to make his people fmde the bit- 
terneffe of mens hatred and enmity , when they have flighted his 
friend (hip and favours as here , he gave Ifrxel over ir\to the hands 
oftheir enemies, when they had provoked him : Thou rm\eft us 
a ftrifc to our neighbours t and our enemies liugb. 2. When 
the Lord lets the wicked world loofe upon his people, they 
finde as many neighbours, as enemies , who make havockof 
them , and ftrivc amongft themfelves who (hall do them moft 
harm, and fervc themfelves moft of their perfons and goods $ and 
this is the Lords wile difpenfation, to let. his own know, what- 
fais protection is worth j Thou m&kcft us a ftrife unto cur neigh- 
bours. 3. The grief and trouble ot the Lords people, is the joy 
of the wicked, and it is the property of an enemy to rcjoyce at 
their calamity ; and God in his moft wife difpenfation will give 
his people a tafte of this, that they may know the fruit of their re- 
joycing in that which offended God , and iwhat they may expeft 
of the world if they fall out of his favour > Thou ma\eft us aftrife 
to our neighbours , and our enemies Uugb among themfelves. 

From the repetition of the fame pYayer for giving them repent- 
ance, reconciliation, and falvation, vcr. 7. Lexrnc , 1 . Ardency 
of affection maketh the repetition of the fame prayer not to be 
fcabl i ngi Tur n usagxin t O God, is now the fecond time propounded • 
2. The way to remedy all theevill hoth of fin and punimment 
lying upon Gods people, is to repent their fins, and to feek recon- 
ciliation with God > if his people would repent, then would not 
the Lord be angry with their prayers 5 then affliction mould ei- 
ther be removed, or made light to them : for to remedy all the la- 
mented evils, they pray. Turn usagaifi 3 OGod. $. A praying peo-' 
pies cafe cannot be fo dark and defperatc , but looking to Gods 
power mall give light and hope of relief. Turn u's#gii#, &>$od of 
hofts, faith be; nothing is too hard for him to do. 4. Gods peo- 
ple cannot difpenfe with the want of his maniteftcd good will to 
them; Turn us. and exufcthy face to fhinc upon us,n their fixed Pe- 
tition. { . Salvation may be certainly expected in Gods orders 
and if we labour to be lure of our turning to God > and living in 
the fenfc of communion with him, wc need not make queftion of 
falvation; for that mall follow infallibly on the former two ; 
Turn us agxin,0 God of hafts , and caufe thy face to fhinc upon us, 
fo full we be fxved. The lift is not put up by way of prayer here, 
but promifed to themfelves, and put out of queftion , that it fliall 
follow ,- Turn us, fojhxtt we be javed , fay they. 

Ver, 8; 

Ver, 8. TboH baft brought a Vint out of Egypt : 
thorn haft caft out the heathen, and planted it. 

9. Thou prepared/} room before- hand : and did ft 
caufe it to take deep root^ and it filled the land. 

10. The hills were covered with the Jbadow of it % 
and the boughes thereof 'tocrc like the goodly Ce- 

11. She fen t out her boughes unto the fea : and her 
branches unto the river. 

In the thiri place, they renew their Lamentation, by compa- 
ring the fometimeblefled condition of the Church of Ifracl 
wich the prefent mifcrable elhte they are new in. In former 
times I [ml was as a fruitful vineyard, v.$ ; 9,10^1. but now the 
Lords protection is removed, and they are made a prey to every 
bcaftly enemy, ver. 11,13. Whence learn, 1. Ad ver fity bring* 
cthtominde neglected profperity in time paft, and thediftreife 
of a Church deprived of former favours putteth a price upon, 
and giveth luftre unto abufed mercies locked back upon : as 
here, the calamity of the ten tribes, or of the whole twelve 
tribes caft out of their land, doth make their delivery out of 
Egypt y their planting in Canaan, and the mercies which they 
felt in that land to appear very glorious , and ftttethup that 
their fometime condition in the iimiltude of a fruitful vinejard. 
z. There is no fitter fimilitude then of a vine-tree and of a vine- 
yard, to rcprefent the wcakndle of Gods Church and people, 
and Gods care of them, to have fruits of faith and obedience from 
them : therefore here and elfewhere is this comparifon made ufe 
of. 1 . It ferveth much to help the faith of Gods people in theic 
calamity, to call to mindc Gods begun work among them, and 
in them, and for them .* for when his people do claim to wont- 
ed kindnefle, the Lord is ready to make his mercy run in the 
former channel. This is the ground of the Churches rcafon- 
ing here, in her Amplication to God. 4.1t is not enough light- 
lyto mention a courfeof kindnefle (hewen to us of God, but: 
every part andpaflageof it is worthy to be marked and prized 
highly; as here, 1. ifracls bringing out of Egypt is oblerved, 
and compared to the bringing of a noble plant out of a farre 
countrey in the Lords own hand 5 Tbo haft brought a line out 
ej : Egypt, z. The calling out of the Canaanites , is compa- 
red to the purging of the ground from itones, and thornes, 

an & 

240 PSAL. LXXX. 

and blocks in comparifon of Ifrael, to be planted ihcrc;Tbou baft 
caft out the heathen 3 and famed it. 3. They obferve the benefit 
of cnlargiug their dwelling for commodious habitation : Tbeu 
pepare rjt room for it. 4. And their letting in the land j Thou 
uufcdft it to take deep root. 5. And their multiplying in it 5 It 
filed the land. 6. And their riches, and power, and glory in 
the land, comparable to a wood of Cedars ; The bills were 
covered with the fiadow of it, and the boughs thereof were like 
the goodly Cedars. 7. And the fpreading of their authority and 
government, according to the bounds let. to their promifed pof- 
feflion, GtfJ. 15.18, horn the Mediterranean fea weftward, to' 
the river Euphrates ea&wzrd ; She fent out her boughes to the fva, 
and her branches to the river. Thus a well ordeted Church is like 
a pleafaht.and fruitful vineyard. 

Ver\ 12. why haft thou then broken down her 
hedges t fo that all thej which pajfe by the Tray do plucky 

15. The boar eoUt out of the wood doth waft e it : 
and the Vc'tlde btafl of the field doth devoure it* 

After calling tomindethis glorious condition they were in 3 
they in a weeping and lamentable manner dp compare their pre- 
fent mifery with what happineflc once they had, and do lay it 
forth before the pitiful eyes of the Lord. Whence learn , i.As 
prefent felt mifery commendeth profperity paft, fo pail profperi- 
ty doth augment prcfent mifery, when the two conditions are 
eompared,as in this comparifon is held forth. *. The mod g!o - 
rious and beil planted Church may for its unfruitful nc lie and 
provocation of God by its ill fruits, be plucked up again, and 
the hedge of difcipline, the hedge of civil government, and the 
hedge of Gods proti&ion may all be removed fuddenly from 
it, as here we fee 5 Why haft thou broken down 1 he hedges? 3 . It 
is a wonderful and aftonifhing judgement, to fee the Lord caft- 
ing down the work of Reformation once begun by him , and 
plucking up the plantation of his Church once made by him; 
and yet the provocation of a wicked generation may proeure this 
evil, which hardly can be bcleeved till it come; and even then 
it is wonderful, and fliould fend men unto God, to make them 
fee rightly the caufes thereof, as this interrogation importeth ; 
Whyhifi thou broken down her hedges I 4, When God remo- 


PSAL. LXXX. 141 

ye Wiis hedges from about hi* people, for their provocation of 
him, then anybody thatpleaicth m,iy make ap.eyof.them ; to 
tbxt.dUtbey wbop.ijj'e by the way dojpl ic^hcr. 5. if God remove 
the hedge of his proceed m from about his people, no wonder 
tficy^all into the hands of the molt lavage, cruel and bcaftiy far, 
of men,as did bpfal ifracl > The boxre w ofibc vo6oddoib tvajie 
it, And the wilde bcajt out of the field dotn devburC it. 6. When 
the Lords C hurch is in the wo* ft condition, (Ik is not fo wait- 
ed and dcftioyed, but a rcmnani is left to prticnt by prayer her 
condition unto God, to deal with him for her reftaurationi as 
the cafe in hand hc.e arid elfcwhcic doth (hew. 

Vcr: 14. Return ive befeech thee, O (/idcfhbfles-t 
loo\ dotin froth heaven, arid bebdid % And itifit this 
Vine. J ..,_.,. 

15. And tke Vineyard which thy right hand hath 
planted t and thebranth that thou madt/f ftrongfor 

1 6. It is burnt ftith fire^ it is cut down : the) perijS 
dttbertbuk* of thy countenance. 

In trie fourth place, they pray that Grjd who was departed 
from them, would return and have comp.uTion onthedelbtate 
condition oi his Church; Whence learn; i Although' the Lord 
feem to depart from his Church, yet he is within cry, and may. 
be recalled by prayer, and may by his power let all right again i 
fyturn, we befeeel) tbee, God ofboftcs. i. Although no "hop? 
ofhclpor poffibility of relief can be fcen on earth, yet there is 
hope of help from heaven; Look, diw n from heaven. 3. In the: 
leaft degree of Gods.rcfpecl and kindnefle to a defolate Church, 
begun to be manifested after pouring out judgements on it , faith 
will reawic hope, of relief and.reltaurationol it 3 Bt hold and vi$ 
fit this Vine : for to come and fee, is a ! l to them w hkh they crave* 
4« The labour arid c*re which God hath bcilowpd.on his 
Church* for Jetting ttp, and feeling o*f it in any place, .may 
give hopeto thofe Who pray for it. , that albeit the Lord affiid 
ic heavily, yet he will not Lofe his labour , VifuthU Vin<> ani 
the Vineyard rvhicb thy right band bath planted. J. There was 
^branch to come of the ftock of ifrael, for whole cauie thi Na- 
iiori of the Ifraelite* could not be utterly forfaken and deft ioyecf ;. 

2 4 i PSAL. LXXX. 

and this was the Mcfliah,'Chrift Jefus(promifed to come of Ah~ 
rabardJfaac,lacob,Iudub^David,)of whok coming, becaufe God 
had 3 fpecial care that the ftock fhould be underpropped and up* 
held and made ftrong till this branch came forth, the Church of 
Jfrael might be confident not to be utterly caft off, and therefore 
in their prayer they make mention of him; Vi fit the Vineyard 
and the Branch (to wit, of the houfe of T>avid.) thai thou 
mideft ftrong for thy felf : In the Hebrew, it is the Son whom 
thou madeft ftrong .even Chrift, who is the true Sonne of God, 
the true Vine- tree, John \ <;. i . whereabout the Fathers husban- 
dry is in a fpecial way imployed. 6. The vifible Church or 
people of God by Covenant, at fame time may be fo farrc from 
a glorious - and flour i filing condition of profperity, that on the 
contrary in outward appearance (lie may be almoft deftroyed, 
and ljke to perifli utterly, as here of the Lords Vineyard , or 
the whole vifible Church we read, It is burnt with fire, ft it 
rut down: he meaneth Gods people 5 Tbcy perijb f faith the 
Pialmift,) at the rebuke of thy countenance. 7. We are to look, 
not fo much to inffa umems of the Churches defolation, as to 
. the peoples finnes procuring it, and to Gods wrath cauiing it s 
Tbcy perifi at the rebuke of thy countenance. 

Ver. 17, Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right 
hind:* upon the Sonne oj man, whom thou madeft 
ft rang for thy [elf. 

iS. So will not We go backjrom thee :qpiicke* m 9 
ana we Will call upon thy Name. 

j 9, Turnm again, LORT) Godofhoftes, caufe 
thy face to fane, mdrve fhzllbe faVed* 
In the laft place,- they put up three requefts. In the firft> they 
infift upon that point of their prayeryv. 1 5.which concerneth the 
Branch of the Vineyard of Jfrael, the promifedMeiTi ah, Chrift 
the Redeemer: and do make requeft over again, that the fiock 
and lineage of T>avii> whereof Chrift was to come, might be 
kept to the fore, till he fliould afl'ume humane nature and be- 
come the Sonne of man, according to the folid grounds which 
God had hid down to bring this pramife to paile : Fot the 
fubftancc of the prayer is this : Seeing thou haft made one 
branch of this Vine, which thou brought eft out of Egypt, 


PSAL. LXXX. 243 

ftrong for thy felf, or for thy own purpofc, namely, the man of 
thy right hand 3 the Sonne of man, the promifed Mefliah, God 
to be incarnate: Let thy hand or power be imployed for bring- 
ing this to pafle, that he who is at thy right hand , thy equal, 
niay be made man , the man of thy right hand, the Sonne of 
man : So will not we go ba<.ti from tbec; that is, by him 
we thy. redeemed fhall be p: eferved from apottalieand feparatioo 
from thee. In the fecond requeit, they pray for the pouring 
fo;th of the Spirit upon his dead people, thac having fpiritual 
life communicated unto them, they may worfhip God in Spirit 
and truth: Quicken us , and we will call upon thy Name ', fay 
they. In the third requeit, they repeat the third time that pray- 
ed tor repentance and reconciliation, to be manifested to hiss 

From the firftrequeft, vcr. 17. Learn, 1. The refuge, reft, 
confutation and confidence of a diftrefl'ed Church or perfori 
isChrift: and toward him muft the arHicled caft their eye for 
relief, as here the Church in her deepeft .defolation doth. 
2 .Chrift is alwayes at the t\%h hand of the. Father, in regard of 
power and glory i and it is to. aim no robbery to be equal with 
God the Father, FhiL z. 16. and his humane ndture afliimed 
doth not degrade him from the glory which he had with the Fa^ 
thcr before the world began, John 17. f. He Is the man of 
Gods right band, in a lingular manner. 3, Chrift and his 
Kingdom are eftabliihed before God for ever, for bringing to 
paffe the purpofeand fa-vice of God inihe Redemption or hs 
e!ed ; He is the man whom the Father bath mde firong for bim- 
fclfe : forhis humane nature is united with his divine nature in- 
one peifon; his incarnation Was made fure by the eternaLani 
immutable decree of the Covenant of Redemption^ wherein 
the eled were given over to Chrift, and grace was granted and 
given to them in Chriii: Jefus before the world began, 2 Tim. 
i-9- And as his incarnation was made lure by decree, i'o alio' 
made fure by many times repeated Promifes in the Law and 
Prophets, beginning at Gen. 3.1c. where it is promifed, thac 
the feed tf the woman fbould tread down the bead of the ferpent; 
all along the Scripture unto, Mahcbi $*Ji where it is revealed, 
that Chi iftsmelfenger, to wit, John Baptift in the power of 
Elias fhould come before him : and ftraightway, 'after he him- 
felf mould (hew himfelf, as did come topaffe,- This is the 
Sonne of man (Lath he J whom thou bal made firong for thy fclf; 
4. To bring this promifc to efleft and accomplifhmenr/ the Al~ 
R 2 mighty 

544 PSAL. LXXX. 

*nghty power of God mall fet on work : and never drew back 
from operation, till his purpofe was brought to palfe * tor after 
the time th;u the man /Ibrahim was defigncd, ot who e feed he 
was to take flcfh ; the Se.ipture fticweth what care the Lord 
h:dnf 1'aic and Jacob, and the Patriarchs in Eg)pt : and about 
the bringing of their pofterityour of it to C attain, till Vtv is 
family is defigned for his lto;k : and when the ten tribes were 
fcattei cd abroad , he prefcrved Judab to the fore : and when 
thnt tribe aKo was chruft out into captivity, he brought it back 
ngatfV and peter ved T)iviii race, and thetiibe of <ftidab under 
civil Government till Chriil enme; and this the prayer 
here propounded oid make rcqueft for: Let thy band be up* 
on the man of thy r igbt band. 5 . Neither the Church, nor any 
member thereof needeth any more iecmity for their (lability 
and perpetuation, but Chriit: for now when the Vineyard is 
burnt, and the vifible Church defaced, the remnant are content 
to reft fatisfied with this, which alfo they take for gnnted, ?nd 
do fubferibe unto it ; Let iby hand he upon the man of thy right 
hand* upon the Sonne of man, nbom thou baft male fir ong for iby 
f'clf. 6. The confanguinity of Chiift with thcbeleever and 
his humiliation in his humane nature, are ftrcng lupporters of 
the faith and comfort of his people that do leek falvation 
through him; therefore do the faithful here fixe themfelves on 
this, that as he is Gods Sonne, fo he h a branch of their Vine- 
yard alfo* that as he is at the right hand of the Father as God, 
fo he is the man of bis rifbt band alfo : the Son of man, or of A- 
dam, partakv v ot flelh and blood with us, of the \zmc ftock that 
we are o(, in all things like to m , except fin: for the 
Son tf man is the ftile , whereby Chrift itiled himfelf in 
his humiliation. 7. The perpetuity of the Church , and 
the perfeverance of the Saints, is rounded upon thcfunScx- 
encyof Chriit: and the unfeigned beleever may aflure him- 
felf, as of the continuance of the Church, fo of his own 
Eerfcvcrance and confiam communion with God through 
im : Let thy band be upon the man of thy right band, (?c . fo 
will not rvego bacf{ ft cm thee. 

From the fecond requeft,v.i8.Lc\jr;/ l I As there is a death of 
alienation trom the life of Go I in the unregenerate , and a 
death of disability, difcomfort and difcouragement found in the 
regci crate in Scripture : fo there is a quickening which giveth 
fptritual life to thole that a eyct dead in their nnncs and trcl- 
paflls i arid a quickening which giveth ftrength and comfort to 


PSAL. LXXX. 245 

theweak, difconfo'.ac and diicournged fouls of Gods children ; 
tor the lirft Tort of quickening every regenerate man mould p*ay 
Inbchalf otall the elect in the vifiWc Church, who ac no: as 
yet converted ; and for quickening in o her rcfpCch th;y fhould 
pray inhchalf of thcmlelves and other fHiCicJ fpirits of the 
£od!y, as lici'c thcbclccrcrsdo pray > ^jjidiCH vs. I* The ho- 
nmringof God in Spiritual worihip mould be the • nd o" our 
petitions which wc do mike for any good to our klvcs; 
^jjuficn us, in.i vot Jhull call upon thy Wjne. $. Albeit the 
work p£calling on Gods Name, and worlhipping of GjJ in 
Spirit, and truth, be the work of rhc regenerate mai y yet the 
fpirit.ual life, and r he motion or ftirring up of the regenerate 
man iimo .this work, the enabling of the man un o it, and in 
it, and the cheering up of his heart to do it anv&ionately, fs. -he 
wot k of the Lord : for thefe doth the Pf Lniil here diitinguiih; 
firii, he fees down Gods pan; J^idicn thou ui 1 and then 01 r 
p.m : Ani rvc Jhall call upon tby Hxmc. 

From the third rcoueft, ver. 19. repeated now the third times 
Learn, 1. In what reipects foevtr theChurch of the Jcwilli Rati- 
on may feem to be alienated from God, yet there is hope of their 
repentance and returning and reconciliation unto God ; for there 
is a petition of the Lords enditmg ftmding here, thrice repeat- 
ed in their favour to be granted in due time by God, to wham 
nothing is hard : and here in this third repetition of this prayer, 
the Name of God Jehovah,whercby lie told Ifracl that he would 
be known to them to be the performer of promifes, is added ex- 
preflfely; Turnmxgiin^ 0$cboiab>God of bojics, i t Albeic 
we our felvcs do breed the mill; and clouds, which do hide front 
us the mining of Gods favour towards us, and we do build 
the partition- walls, we do raife up mountains of tranfgrcfTions, 
which feparatc between God and ass vet it is the Lord hiinfeJf 
onlv, who of his own free grace, and by his own power doth 
difhlvechefe clouds, and remove thefe impediments out of his 
own way towards us ; Turn va ojil/i, and cuufe thy fjee tofhinc* 
3 . Sc oft as we are burdened with the lame prefllirc, and ftrahen- 
ed with the fame neceflity, as oft we may and mould have re- 
coorfc to God for relief by prayer ; for this ftafte hath God put 
in faiths tand, to help the believer in every ftcp of hi* journey, 
till he come home to the Lord, and be part all pcrill ; Turnc m a~ 
giihy caufc tby face to jhinc. 4. As the fight of our diftance 
from God, and fenfe of hisdifpieafurc, and fear of perdition, do 
fcrvc tabcafpurre to cur prayer ; fo dci'ure of reconciliation , 


ctefire and purpofc of rcpemi r g 5 and hope of Salvation to ferve to 
encourage us to perfevere in prayer, till we have what we ask 
perfected to us ; Turn m again, caufe thy fuce to Jhinefojhutt we bo 



To the chief Mufician upon Gittith. 
APhirrx of A fapb. 

THis Plalm was appointed to befung in their folemn feafts, 
new moones^and feaftof tnbernacles, in fpecial for a tefti- 
rnony of Gods gracious and bountiful dealing with his people 
on the one hand } and of their provocation of God on the ether 
hand, moving him to change his difpenfation toward them, and 
to withhold many benefits from them, which otherwayes they 
might have had 5 if i hey had not rejected Gods couniel, and 
had chofen ffoir own wayes : that by this Pfalme his people 
mi ght learn to be wifer. 

The parts of the Pfalme are three. The firft is a Preface, 
wherein there is a mutual ftirring up of the Chuich-members, 
to keep the Solemn feafts, andblowin^of trumpets, W. i, i t 3. 
and a reafonof this mutual exhonation,taken from Gods i'nftitu- 
tion of this ordinance when he brought his people out of Eg) ft 
from the fcrvice of Strangers, vcr. ^^. 

In the fecond part is fet down, how God delivered them from 
bondage in Egypt, and from troubles in their journey, vcr.6,-j, 
and | how reasonable commands the Lord did give unto them: 
Which commands are all fummed up in this one ; That CjqA 
Jhpuld be their God alone, vcr. S, 9, 10. 

In the third part is fet down : Firft, how they rejected God 
:md his counfel, ver. 11 .Next, how therefore they were plagued, 
by being given over to their own luih, ver. j 2. Thirdly , how 
they deprived them Selves oi Gods benefits, which by following 
Gods counfd, they might have enjoyed, vcr, 13, 14^ 1 f . 




Vcr. I. Qlngalond unto God our firength: mak* 
^ a joyful noife unto the (?od of Jacob. 

a. Take aPfalm, and bring hither the timbrel: 
the pie af ant harp With the pfalterj. 

3. "Blowup the trumpet inthsne^o Moon ; in'the 
time appointed on our folcmn feaft-daj '. % 

From their mutual jEtirring up of one. another to rejoyce in 
God, commanded here by the Pfalmift in the Lords Name; 
Lcir?/, 1. That whatsoever may be our own private condition, it is 
our duty ever, and in all things to give glory toGod to 1 x Joyce in 
him, tcuprofefle and avow his Name 5 Sing .aloud unto God. 
2. The Lords people have the fulfilling* fupplying and iupport- 
ing of their emptineffc, wants and weakneile in God, whoft lut— 
ficfency they ought to make uie o f 3 and rejoyce therein jj« Sing 
unto.Cfod our ftreiigtb*. 3. It is the Covenant 01" grace, whereby 
God beccmeth our God, which doth intitle us , and givcth as in- 
tercfl in, and right unto his all-fufficieiicy , which we fhonld en- 
tertain joyfully in our communion with God, praifing him; aad 
thanking him for it, and delighting in his pretence, becaufc ot 
it ; Ma\c ajoyfulnoife unto the God of tfacob , for God was 
tfuobs God, becaufe God was by Covenant Abraham^ and 
his childrens God, whofe children alio we are, who are Ghriits, 
Gal. 3.19. 

From tbe ufe and variety of mufical ifcftrBments 'call ccf for* 
Ver. 2, $. Learn, 1. Albeit the external melody of mu^caiim 
ftruments in the Lords publikc worfhip, with the reft Oiiheplpr- 
dagogie, and {hadowing dark figures of the Ceremonial Law 
be aboljihcd now when the Lord, the S.unne of righteotif- 
ncfle,iscomc; yet the moral duties repreiented by them are, ftill. 
to be acknowledged and followed by us, towit, that thepraife* 
of the Lord are unexpreflTibic by us, and that ,\ve are unluffici-. 
entof ourfelves to let 8 forth the fame,: that we have matter of 
unfpcakable joy in God our Redeemer, and fliculd ftir up all 
the powers of our foul, to this par: of his , ! pi ritual fervice; for 
this did thefc mufical ihfiruments teach.: Til$c a *F film } 4?d 
bring hither the timbrel, the plcafint harp ivitb the Pfultcry., 
1. We ought ;o acknowledge the {lately magnificence of cur CjH 
aired Lord, and our dulnciTe and flowncflc to praife him : and 
R 4 what 


;* v hat need we bad to be (tired up, and to ftjrre up one tnothct 
tothisduty: for this was pointed at in the ufe of the trumpets. 
Blow up the trumpet. 5 . We ousht tjo acknowledge that y'e a- c 
fubjcc~t to various changes, and alteration of conditions in this 
life, and that all thefe changes a e fan&ificd unto the Lords 
people, and that new confobtions may be expected from God, 
one auer another, tofeafenthe daikneffe and nights of our af- 
fliction ; and wc fliould cenjecrate our fclves anew from time 
to time to God > and give him t^ic 6rit part and flower of out 
time 5 yea, mould ftudy, that all our time, in all changes what- 
fcever maybefpen: in his fcrvicc : for thus much did the fo- 
lemriities in their new Mooncs hold forth ; Blow up tbeTruWf 
fct iti the vxw Moon. 4. Wc ought to acknowledge that wt arc 
ftrangers here in 1 he world,' and we. hare no certain dwelling- 
place , but that we are in our fojoufning depending upon 
Gods provifion for us, and prore&iort of us, expecting the time 
when w- ftiall appear before him, and (hall bepminpoftefliorj 
cf tboft manGcn-phocspepiredfor us,, wherein we (hall hate 
ftilneife of joy, a < ;d God cdnftantly pre.'ent wit h us, and that in 
the meantime we ftibuld ftudy^o rtjoyce in the riches of the 
Lords gcodneffe to us in our Redeemer ; for this in Tubftance 
was held forth in thofe folemn fcafts, a'ncKn fpecial, in the fetrf 
of Tabernacles ; Blow tbcTrumpct in the thnc appointed 3 on wr 
fclcmn fcifi-daj. ' ' 

Ver.4. F*r this voasa B.atuf ; e fpr Ijiafli. and 4 
/*n* of tie God of Jacob. 

5 . This he ordained in Jnfeph for a ttfhrnony^ Vchen 
he weni out through the land.ofSgypt : \vtl€re / heard 
a language y thill under flood nod 

The Church giveth two reaffirm oft he exhortation, cheerful- 
ly to glorifie God in theobfervation of nis appointed ordinances, 
and folemn convocations : Otic is, becaufe God did inftinuc 
and command this folcmri ire joycing in him, ver.4. The other 
is, becaufe he appointed it' after the beftowing on them of a 
greaVdeliveraficc out of Egypt from their bondage under ftran- 
gers, and people of an uncouth language, ver. 5.rVrorh thefirft 
reafon ; Learn; \ lit is a fufficient motive for observation of any 
religious a&ibn, that God Hath ordained it ; and no lefle autho- 
rity then divine can warrant a rjjan in the matters of Religion ; 
l# - ' * 'therefore 

PSXL. fcXXXT. 24P 

therefore it is faid here. Fir this t»M a ftitutefor Ifracl, and 4 
Uw of the God of Jtcob. As none may appoint z&% of rtligi-r 
ous worfhip, but God: fo alio none may alter nor abrogate them, 
crcept God hirtfelf only : For they Arc (lauites and Uwes of the 
godofjfacob. 1. The Ordinances of Religion appointed of 
God, as thcyare witneflcsof hiswill, how he mall be ferved, 
an 1 witneflcs of his gbqd will toward us , and care of us to have 
lis laved: foalfo arc they witneflcs of pur faith and obedience, 
to tcftirie for us or againft us, as we m ike ufc of them ; This 
\t $rdaincd in fofepb for a te(limonj f J. Thcgreatnctic of the 
work of Jledemption, the powerful manner of bringing it to 

Safic, and the mifei y wherein we were before we were delivered, 
lould augment our joy and thank fulncfle to G^d, and ftraijn 
our tie to his worftiip arid fervicc, as the force of the Churches 
rcafoning here doth teach : for the Lord w^nt through the Egy- 
ptians, and over their belly as a mighty Conquerour, when he 
revicemei ijis people and delivered them from the fervitude of a 
people ot a ftrange language, therefore they were bound joy- 
fully to keep his lolemn Qui inances J He ordained this for ate- 
ftimony flaith the Church) when be went through the land of E- 
gypt, where 1 hejird a Uu^ua^c, which 1 u?\dcrjiood not. 

Ver. 6 I removed his {boulder from the burden : 
his hounds were delivered from the pots. 

7. Thop cailedft in trouble, and I delivered thee \ 
1 anf^ered the in the ft cret place of thunder , 1 pro- 
ved thee *{ the water a; of Jtferikab. Selah. 

InthcfeconA part theXord fpeaketh, and putteth Jris people, 
in mjn,c|e of hjs kimjncflcto therein their delivery from E- 
gypt y ver. 6. and of h}s wife care of ;hem in the wiiderneflc, 
vcr. 7 1 And r^ow he craved noting qt them , but that they 
mould keep clofeto him, and not go after idols, ver* 8,9. 
Firft, becaufe h; is God all fuf&cicnc. Next, becaufe he had 
entered in Covenant to be their God\ Thirdly, becaufe he had, 
given proof w^nt he could do for them by their delivery out of 
Egypt- A^d laftly, because be wa$ ready to make them fully, 
bUlfel upo^ their willingneflc tq receive his offered goodncflc, 
ver. 10. And then he llicwes; an evil meeting they gave 
" From the renewing the memory, of their delivery? oijt of E- 


gypt, ver.6. turn, i. For rkht taking up of the benefit of our 
Redemption, whether Fpiritual or bodily, the heavinefleof our 
yoke and bafencfle of our {livery muft be called to minder I 
removed bis {boulder from the burden, and bis hinds were deli- 
vered ft om the pot: j for Ifraclwcre as pioneers and fcullions in 
Egypt, bafely employed in carrying draw and morter to make 
brick, as moft abject (laves: and this refembleth the condi- 
tion we are in by nature; under the (livery and burden of fin 
andmifery • 2. God only is the Redeemer of men from what- 
foever evil conditions no infttuments which God doth ufc, muft 
intercept his glory : none can eafcour burden nor cleanfe our 
hands 3 but God only : I (faith the Lord) removed hisjhoulder 
from the burden, and bands from the pots. 

From the Lords wife care of them, when they were come out 
of Egypt, vet. 7- Learn, 1. After delivery of us out of the ftate 
of mifery, other particular troublefome pafiages may meet us, as 
did meet Ifrael at the red lea, when they came out of Egypt , and 
we may fall into new trbuhlei for a Iittle,as they did. 2. God who 
delivcreth us from. the ftate of nailery, muft alfo deliver us 
from particular miferable cafes or miferable conditions 5 yes, 
and being called upon by us in our mifery, he will deliver us as 
he did I fuel , Thou cdledft in trouble, and I delivered thee. 
5. It is Gods wife difpofing, that new trouble mould bring to 
minde our former delivery, and our deliverer , and mould piefle 
us to pray to God, and make way for a new experience of deli- 
very, as here we fee. 4. The more the Lord dcuh manifeft him- 
felf from heaven for us, and again ft our enemiesj the greater is 
our obligation, as Tjraels obligation was augmented, when at 
their prayer in the red fea, the Lord by thunder out of the black 
cloud againft the Egyptians following them, did declare him- 
felf for Ifrael : I anfeered tbee in the {ecrct plice of thunder. 
5. It is an evidence of the Lords care of his people to put 
them to ihe" trial of their hhh and finccrky of afrcflion to 
God, that fo- twy may either finde their former profeflion and 
opinion of th^nfelves folid and'upright, or finding it other- 
waves may be humbled andYepenr, and become more fincere; 
therefore is the trhl 01 Ifrxel after their coming out of the red 
fea numbered among the evidences of Gods care cf them > I 
proved thee at the waters of MCribih. 6. Calling to minde our 
misbelief ma& manifeft unto us in the day of our trial, fbould 
make us more humble and wary to depart from God there after ; 
for thisis the fcfibn, v.hkh Ifracls (hiving wi:h God at the wa- 


ters of Meribab, fhould have taught them j I provedtbecat the 
waters of Meribab , or waters of ftrifc. 

Ver. 8. Heare, O my people^ and 1 Vtill teftifie 
unto thee ; O Jfrael, if thou wilt hearken unto 

9. There fbdl no firange God be in thee : neither 
fbalt thou Voorfbip any ftrange God. 

10. /am the LOUD thy God , -which brought thee 
out of the land of Egypt: open thj mouth nide 3 and 
1 mil fill it. 

We have heard of Gods gracious dealing with ifrael, in the 
point of doing for them ; Now the Lord declareth, what thankr 
fulneffehe required of them, and how rcafonable and equitable 
his demands were: unto the confidc;ation whereof he waken- 
eth them up , ver. 3. Summeth up all in the fii ft command 
cf the moral Law, ver. 9. Giveth rcafons io move them tq 
this, ^er. 10. 

¥rom his awaking them to hear, itfr.o. Lcxrnc> i.Wher* 
the Lords Word is to be delivered unto us, we fliould have our 
mindes gathered in, and humbled, and fixed unto a reverent at T 
tention, hearty belief, and humbled obedience \ therefore, faith 
he, Hear y Ifrael, and I will uftifie unto thee. 2. When the 
Lord doth fpeak, whether for conviction of duty to be done, 
or duty not discharged, there needeth no other witneflc befide 
himfelf, to convince the confeience, his fpeech is fo clear, 
fo full of truth and authority: Hear > and I will left i fie unto 
thee. 1, Both the Lord and weourfelvcs have juft reafon to 
queftioncur willingnefle to hear Gods Word inculcated unto 
us: becaufcitwillbe found that we have proved misbelieving 
and rebellious hearers before^ and becaufe it is our natural diu 
pofition to be averfe from all Gods commands ; therefore, 
faith the Lord, ifrael, if thou wilt hearken unto me. 4. The 
Lord rcquireth his people to be a willing people, and nothing 
can be more forcible to make us willing and obedient to God, 
then to unce ftand that Gcd is willing to te ;ch, direct and blcfie 
usi Hetr> lfra;l 3 if thou will, or /halt hearken unto mc. 

From the lumme of that fervice which Gc^d requireth of us, 
ver. 9, Lcuntc, 1. The fumme of Gods Law is comprfie 1 in 



th firft command ; for as GjI is feared, delighted in, fubmhtcd 
unto, and ma J e ourGsdin efted' fo are all the Command- 
ments kept : There jhM be nojtrange god in thee. 2. As found- 
neflc in Religion, and cleaving clofe to our.only one God, (as 
h* hath revealed himfelf to be the Father, Sonne, and^Holy 
Ghoft, of whom, and through whom, and for wliom are all 
things 11 is the fountain of all obedience, and keeping commu- 
nion with God:fo the corrupting of Religion,, and departing 
from this ground in any fort, is the fountain of all following 
misbehaviour, and difcommunion with God 5 There fhill no 
ftrsnge god be in thee , neither Jlult thou vorjhip any /fringe 

From the reatbns of this duty fet down, ver. 10. Lexm, r.The 
confederation of having our life, and motion, and being of God| 
and that he will give to all his promile* and threatenings certain 
performance, fliould move us to belccvc in him, adhere unto 
him, and ferve him only* I Am the Lord J am Jehovah ,i. The Co- 
venant of grace, wherein the Lord hath drawn us, who pro- 
feflo our felves to be his in Chrilt, fliould move us to depend 
on him for rightcoufnefs and life, and to ltudy in his ftrcngth 
to pleafe him ; I am the Lord tbj Cjod. 5 . The great work of 
our Redemption, and all the beneuts beftowed upon us, in re- 
lation toon; bringing out of the fUvery of idolatry and Egy- 
ptian dakneffc, to the beholdingof the marvellous light,, and 
Kingdom of his dear Sonne, reprcfented by the delivery of his 
people out of Egypt* fhould move us to adhere to our Rokemcr, 
a nd to ai me at his fer vice fin gly ; I am thy God, who brought 
thee out of the Uniof Egypt. 4. The faire allowance which 
God beftowcth upon his lervants, to wit, Asti and have, ihould 
tie our hearts to huh a potent, all-fufficienc and gracious God* 
Open thy mouth wile, and I will fill it. f. It is the narrownefs 
of ou; faith, an 1 of our fpiritual defire, which hindcreth our fe- 
licity ; we are not ft aittnea in God, but in ou* i elves : for his 
cfteris., Opon thy mnch wide, anil will fill it. The Lord will 
give grace and glory and will withhold no good thing from them 
that w \\k uprightly ; and for this end he calleth for the enlar- 
ging ofour delircs, and of our belief to receive fatisfa&ion, that 
we may have in him full contentment, and not be allured from 
him to vanities which cannot profit us. 

Vcr. 1 1 . But my people Would not hearken to my 
voice, and Ifrael wofd^nonje of me. 



In the third part of the Pfalm is fet down, how Ifratl to their 
own detriment and depriving of thcmfeWesof great happihefs, 
did reject the Lords comn and, 3nd the offer of his grace. 
10KMC learn, i. The people, to whom the Lord is moil libe- 
ral, arc not alwayes moft thankful : Us people by external Co* 
venant arc not alwayes obedient to him, but readily do give him 
the word meeting J But my people would not fctttrfcw unto my 
vtice. i. The caufc of not hearkening to, and obeying of 
Godi commands, is our not believing in God, not taking fa- 
tisfa&ion, pleafure and delight in God : for how came it, that 
Gods people by Covenant did not obey his voice ? It may 
ferrc forananfwer; *And Ifuelwauld none of me > or reftcd 
not on me, or had no pleafure in me, 

Vcr. 12. So 1 gave them up Unto their own 
hearts lufl: and they walked in their own conn* 

Here isihewen how fearful was Ifracls plague for their not 
delighting in God, they were given over to follow their own 
will unto their own perdition. Whence learn, i.The idols ' 
which come in competition with God, are a mans cwn car- 
nal lufts andafteftions, as here appcareth. x. If thcie idols 
be adhered unto, when God doth offer himlelf for giving a man 
contentment, it is jnftice with God to take a refufe at the mans 
hands, and to ceafe to deal with his heart any more, but to give 
him ever to the fcrvice of his idol > Tbcy would none of me, fo 
I gave them up unto their own hearts lufl. 3 . Whofoever do re- 
fufe to ferve God, (hall not efchew to fer've a worfe Matter, to 
wit, their ownbeaftly affections, and Satan, who ruleth men by 
their lufts; They would brue none of me, fo J gave them up to 
their own hearts lufl ; 2nd this of all judgements is thehcavi- 
eft. 4. When God leaveth a nun to himfclf, there is no re- 
ftrafnt to keep him from going to a mifchief, and to perdition, 
as here we fee ; I gave tbem up, and they walked in the counfcl of 
their own hearts. 

Ver. 13* that my people habhearkenedmtome : 
and Ifraet had walked in mj wajes 




Laft of all,is fet down by way of Gods lamenting for his people^ 
what felicity they ail lefe by this their refufing to make God 
their delight, and his voice their rule to wnlk by. Firft, if they 
had obeyed God, their enemies mould not havebeen their Ma- 
iler, but they (hould have been made victorious over their ad- 
verfaries, vcr. 13, 14, 1 5. Next, they (hould have been fatis- 
fiedwith all contentments abundantly, let forth under the terms 
of feeding them with fine wheat and honey. This lamenting of 
God for his peoples mifery, is borrowed from thje manner of? 
men, lamenting the milery which their difobedieni children 
have brought upon .themlelves, and is not to-be taken lb, as if 
there were in God any paftion onperturbation, or miferable la- 
mentation, but this fpeech is to be conceived,, as other like 
fpeeches in Scripture, which are borrowed from theaftlctions 
of men, and are f 
fuitabletothnt : 

litude ; and lb, O that my people 
to move his people, ('who iriould hear this expreflicn^ to repent 
and lament their not hearkening unto God 5 and toftudiein 
all time to come, to be more obedient unto him, even as rrrey 
vyould efchew them^e which came upon misbelieving and difo- 
bedient Ifrael ; and as tiiey defueto obtain the bkffings 3 where- 
of carnal Ifraelkes did come fhort, and did deprive themfelves; 
and if it beasked^ what may be imported by this 'fpeech pro- 
perly ? We anfwer, that ray people bad hearkened mto me y &c. 
fheweth thefe, fix things ; Firft, what order the Lord hath fet in 
giving bicflings to his vifible, Church ; namely, that they begin 
and bcleeve in him, and ftudyto obey him, and that they by 
means appointed by him, fhould look to have Inch b'eilmgsy 
as he hath promifed to belccvcis, 'and to obedient people. Next,. 
this manner of fpeech fticweth, how acceptable and^eafant un- 
to God it is to fee the faith, obedience and welfare of his peo- 
ple, all joyned together in his appointed order. .Thirdly, that 
the meritorious and culpable caufe of mens miferie, is not in 
God,but in man, who by his fin deferveth it, and draweth it on- 
himfelf. Fourthly, that God delighteth not in the death or dc- 
ftrucYion of his people, but that they (hould repent and live. 
Fifthly, that this is his will, that whofocver mail hear of the 
evil meeting, which the Israelites did give unto God, and of the 
judgement which they did draw upon themfelves, may be made 
wife by this lamentation made by God. »f or Ifrads definition, 
and fo may rather chufe ro hearken to God> as they did not ; then 



to be given over in his wrath to their own lufts , and to perirti in 
his indignation as befell them , Sixthly, that God requiretha 
fuitablc meeting ofhis people to his difpenfations, that is, that 
they may be fo willing to hearken to his voice, and fo loath to of- 
fend him, as he doth manifeft by word and works his willing- 
nefie to fay? them , and his loathnctfe to deftrcy them. 

From the Lords lamenting, Learn further , 1. As on the one 
hand themifcarriage and milery of others before us, fhould make 
us wife to efchew the evil which befell them,& to obtain the good 
whereof they by their difobedience were deprived : So on the 
other hand, the willingneffe of God to blefle thofe who do follow 
histiircdion, (hould make us diligent to underftand what courfe 
God hath prefcribed, and fhould make us confident to obtain blef- 
fedneflc in our endevour to follow it 5 for , that my people had 
hearkened unto mc, 0>c. doth teach us fo much. i. They may 
be in the number and eftimation of Gods people , by vertueof 
Church-Covenant, who for their refnfing to follow Godscoun- 
fell may come 'fhor: of Gods bleffings s for, thit ray people had ' 
hearkened unto me&e^i&kvh this evident. 3. Hewhoheareth 
God uttering his wimes for the conver'Gon of his people , and la- . 
menting that his Word is not : : believed , and that his offer 
of grace is hot received, doth give God an evill meeting, and nei- 
ther believeth Gods goodnelle , nor caieth for his'own falvation^ ' 
except he jcyn with God 3 lamenting his cwn misbelief in time ' 
paft, and do wifh heartily the fame winh with God for his own ' 
converfion for time to come} for this fpeech, that my people had. 
hearkened unto mc, %ft 9 is framed to this very end , to make the 
hearer willing, and fo to convert him, or elfe to convict him , if ; 
he rake not holdofths offer. 4. Whatfoever be the .Lords fe- 
enc: decrees concerning thefalvarion of fomc, and condemnation . 
of other tome in the vi.fible Chui'ch 5 yet the meanes of executi- ' 
on of thofe decrees, are fo holy and juft s and wifely carried on, 
as thofe decrees (hall not be particularly revealed to the ftum- ' 
bling of any man, but the offer of grace and declaration of Gods 
goodneffe is fo laid out in common, that whofoever doth not,, 
embrace the fame . is made inexcufable 5 for when God faith, J 
O that my people had hardened unto me>he that doth not anfwer the 
Lor3 , with O that thou wouldft frame this heart of mine , to the 
ebedience of faith > hath nothing to fay if he be damned, for . 
his flighting of the offer fo freely held forth unto him , and pref- 
fed upon him. 


z$6 PSAL. LXXXt. 

Vcr. 14. 1 fbould (oon have fub&ned tleir encfniet, 
arid turned my h*nd Againjl their adver [dries. 

15. The haters of the LOR'D fhottld have fubmit ted 
themfelves unto him : bat their time fhiitld have en- \ 
dared for ever. 

1 6. He Jhould have fed therh alfo Veith the fine fl of the 
ypheat : and with hotej out of the rock^ , fhjnld I have 
fatisfied thee. 

From the good which fhoutd have come to his pcoplc/et dowjij 
vcr. HjMj 6 Learn, l. Gods blcffings arc riot to be looked 
after, except in the wayes of G<*H and it any man come (hoi t of 
Gods bleffing, he beareth the blame himielfe : that lfrael bad 
walked in my wayes > tjlmld foon havefubdued their enemies ^c. 
2. If the Lords people have provoked him to let loofe their ene- 
mies upon them, and to picvailc over tlkm; the onely way 
to have affaires changed , is to turn to God , and to walk in his 
wayes 3 Ifljracl had walked in my wayes, Iflmld have turned my 
hand againjl their adver faries. 3. They that are enemies to the 
Lords people 3 arc haters of the Lord : and where the profeflion 
of true religion and righecoufnefle is hated , there the quarrell is 
common to God with his people; for their enemies are here 
called Hater s of Cjod. 4. It is a benefit to Gods people, and a 
point of glory to God, when Gods enemies and theirs do fuo* 
mit themfclves to God, albeit but feignedly, which good. Gods 
people do hinder , when they walk not in his wayes: If Ifracl 
had to allied in my wayes, the haters of the Lord fbould have fubtnit- 
Zcd tbemfctvesyor lied unto hint; as the Word will bcar.f. There 
is no means to perpetuate a vilible Church in any place , but to 
tvalk in the Lords wayes : Iflfracl had walked in my wayes, (?c. 
their time fbould have endured for ever. 6. Obeying the voice 
of God , that is, the embracing of tlic oftet of grace and reconci- 
liation with God through the facrifice of the Mcfijan Chrift, 
'ana* ftudyingto walk holily asp'erforis reconciled, is the only way 
of coming by true felicity , the only way of being furmftied wjth 
all things ncceflary for life and falvaticri , the onely way of ha- 
ving lirge allowance fro'nl God offweet and fatisfa&'ory food, 
for entertaining of fp'iritual fife and communion with Godv pro- 
mifed hereunder thcfirnilltude of earthly food ; He flmti have 
fed them with the fineft of the wheat : and with the honey out of 
the Ruck flmld I have fatisfied the*. 




A Pfalme of Afyb* 

THis Pfalme agreeth with the time of Davids perfccutloaby 
SjiuI and hi j Counfellors, the Peeres of the land , wherein 
the Pftlmift comforteth himfelfe in Gods fuprcmacy , and his 
judging ot all Judges on the earth ; for exerci'-'ng whereof God 
comcth unto their meeting, vcr. 1. Then chiHengeth them for 
their in.juftice and opprelfion , vcr u Thirdly , readeth the 
law and rule of their duty unto them, ver. 3, 4. Fourthly , coil- 
demneththem as guilty, vcr.f. Fifthly, pronounceth fentencc 
of doom upon them, vcr.6,7, And then the Pfalmift clofeth 
the Pfalm with prayer, ver. 8. 

Ver. 1. /^>Od jldndeth in the congregation of the 
Kj mighty : he jnigetb among the gods. 

From the Lords preferice in the Aflembly of Judges, Lcdr>i> 
1. The name of a Congregation or Church, is given in Scripture 
to tie orderly meeting of Rulers and Governours, met for 
the execution of their office; as here, Godftamietb in the Congre- 
gation or Church of the migbiy. i. No Judge is ablolute Lord 
over a people, but in fubordination to God , who is Judge above 
&U Judges $ and will judge of all the decrees of Judges under 
him ; godflandcrf? in tbecerigrcgutidn aftbemigbty ; be jiidgetb. 
$. God doth put his Name upon civil Magiftrates, and hath 
clothed them with honour ; that as their eminency is a part of his 
image, fo their decrees (hould be fucir as God will ovvne's He 
judgctb among the gods. 

Ver. 2. How long ^iU ye judge ftnjiifllj : dnd ac- 
cept the perfons ofthj: wicked ? Selah. 

From the Lords challenging of them for their partiality ani 
injufticej Learn e , i. Men in honou. and power , readily do 
forget God their Mafter and Sovereign Lord 5 and done§le&*c 
do juftice according to their office : the (plendour of their powp- 
doth make them forget their duty to GoJ above thenx, and .to 



their fubje&s under them, as the inftance of the Rulers of Ifrael 
fheweth, who had Godsexprefielawinftead of A&s of Parlia- 
ment : and Gcd dwelling in the midft of them in a wonderful 
manner , for direction in extraordinary cafes , even they did 
judge unjuftly. z. Corrupt Judges are inclined to (hew fa- 
vour only to the wicked, and are partiall when the caofe of the 
wicked cometh before them : 7e accept theperfons of the wicked . 
$. Albeit the Lord keep peace for a while, yet will he na: alwayes 
be filcnt, but at length will call them to an accompt 5 How long 
will ye judge unjuftly I 

Ver. 3. ^Defend the poor and father lejfe : do ]u- 
ftice to the afflitted and needy. 

4, "Deliver the poor and needy : ridde them out of 
the hand of thewickfd. 

From the rule of juftice which isfuto Magi Urates * Learn, 
3. Thetouchftone of Magiftrates juilice is in the caufes and 
cafes of the poor.;fatherles,aftti&cd and needy,who are not able to 
attend long their fuits of law , have no friends nor money 
to deal for them $ to whom therefore the mighty fhould be eyes 
to direct them , and a ftafte to their weaknefle , to fupport and 
heipe them to their right 5 Defend the foore and fatberteffe m , dv 
juftice to the afflicted and needy, z. As the poor and affii&ed 
have need of the Judges help, to clear their right, when they 
feek juftice : fo alfo when they are unjuftly drawn to the barre, 
or any way oppreficd , the mighty or Judges fhould interpofe for 
their relicfe, and refcue the opprcflcd from the oppreffour: Z)o 
liver the poor * and needy, ridie them out cf the band of the 

Vci\ 5* They k*ow **<>*> neither mil they under- 
Rand* they walhe onindar\nejfe : all the foundations 

of the earth are out of courfe. 


From the condemnatory fentence for their guiltinefle 5 Learn, 
tu „I. Ir is a great fault in a Judge, not to know the duty of 
milc his office , or not to acquaint himfelf with the folid rules of 
f cd Juftice; for upon this ground are they here pronounced guil- 

*b* *f. ' Tfay &<w M ts *• & ls a s reat ^ l w ^ cn * J^s e 



is ignorant, to refute inftruction , intornmion , and diiection 
offered from :he Lords Word., as here: Neither xoill they under*. 
ftand. I- It is yet moft culp.ibie of all, for any man, but to 
J udges in fpecial, to go on ftiil in a finful comic ,- They tp.j/^ on 
in dar^nefj'c. 4. When jufticc, and judgement- feais ae cor- 
rupted, and Judges do net mind juftice. in their places, i hen the 
pillars of that land or kingdome muft ftag^er, anil all matters 
go to ruine or a perillous alteration : All the foundations of the 
earth (or of the land) are out of courfc, faith the Lord > where 
theforcfaid injufticc or faults in Governours arc found. 


Ver. 6. / have [aid, Tc are gocis : and all of joh 
are children of the mo ft High. 

7. But j e Jb .nil die Ukemen y and fall Uh^e one, of 
the princes. 

From the fentence of doome pronounced againft them; Learns 
I. Princes, Magiftiatcs, chief Rulers and Judges , have allow- 
ance from God, of honour, power, and firength, tribute and. 
revenues, for the better difcharge of their office under mm; I 
havefaidje are gods, and all of you are children ofthemojl High; 
that is, I have put the image of my fuperiority on you , :.nd 
given you preheminence of place , power, and gifts over other* 
in my Name. 2, Great places among men do not exemprafty 
man from Godspower, juftice and judgement j but all men, g*eat 
men no leffe then others, muft die and come to judgemen; , as 
hath be/alien others before them. A Prince among Gods people, 
who doth not execute juftice, as becometh Gods fervanr , fnaU 
be puniftied, as profane perfons are who rule without the pai 
G^ds Church; 'But ye Jhall die li^e men, and fall as one of the 
Princes. 3. The meditation of death and judgement following 
6n it, is a prefling motive unto amendment of life : for this isr 
let before men of high place^who do not Aland in fear of their iub- 
jefts : Te fialldie Ufa men, and fall 4s one of the Primes. 

Ver. 8. Atif* % god , ]ttdge tfo earth : for thou 
/halt inhert all nations. 

From the cjofe of the Pfalrrie by this fhorr prayer^ wherein tfre 
oppreffed fervant of God prayeth thnt God would put order un- 
to the government of his people , and redi eiTe the vvcongs dene to 

S % them^ 


them; LcAtn>\. Albeit the opprefl'ed fetvants ot God cannot finde 
jufticeat mens hands, yet there is help to be had from God., and 
prayer , fhorter or longer 5 as the Lord furnifheth unto them, 
muft they feek their ealc of minde and comfort ; Ari(e, §od> 
judge the earth. $. When Magiftrates or Rulers do oppreffe 
Gods people, private perfons may. not go beyond their bounds, 
but muft have their recourfe to God,; that he may fet matters that 
are wrong in a better condition, as here the Pfalmift doth. 4- As 
the Church of God among the Jewes was acquainted with the 
prophecies of the enlargement of the Church and Kingdom of 
God among the Gentiles , and upon this ground prayed that he 
. would not fufter his intereft in his people then to decay by the 
malice of men : fo may the Lords Church in any place or time 
upon the fame ground pray for the like mercy ; for {till the rea- 
fon holdeth , that God who is about to enlarge his Kingdome, 
will not lofe what he hath already; and fo to pray : Atife O 
Lord , judge the earth $ for thou foalt inherit all nations. Amen. 


A fong or Pfalme of Afapb* 

THis Pfalme agreeth with fuch acondition of the Church, as 
werctdofinthedayesofjF^o/ifto, 2 Qbron. 20. and fer- 
vcth to comfort the Church in the greateft confpiracies of her 
enemies ngainfl her. The Pialm hath two parts. In the former, 
the Church doth cry to God to fhew himfelfe for his people, 
ver. 1. and complaineth of their confpiracy and preparation to 
come againft her, ver. a, 3 . and of their purpofe to root out the 
Lords people , w. 4, f. fpecifying a number of nations, who 
were upon the plot, ver* 6,7,8. In .the latter part, they pray 
that judgment may fo befall them , as befell other fuch their ene- 
mies before 3 who enterprifed the fame enterprife , ver. 9, 10, 
Iij 12. In particular , that the whole hoft may be over- 
turned and conlumed , ver. i$, 14* and the remnant may 
bee chafed and fcattered , ver. 15. and alhamed and con- 
founded for ever , ven\6, 17. that fo God may have themroc 
glory among them, vtr* 18. 

Ver f i, 


Ver. I. Y7~ Eep not thou plence y O God: hold noe 
JlV./^ peace, and be not Ji ill, OGod. 

From his cry to God to let forth a word for his people in this 
ftrait; Learn > 1. The Church may be in fuch a ftrait, as if 
God do not fpeedily interpofe himlelfe , fhe cannot but be fwal- 
lowed up of her enemies quickly , as here we fee. 2. Senfe of 
danger putteth an edge on prayer , and kindleth affeftion in it; 
J&ep notfilence y O God , hold not thy peace 5 and again, O God, be 
7iotftill. $. The Lords uttering a word of comfort to his peo- 
ple, and of terror to his enemies in the extremity of danger, 
will fatisfy his Church , and do all her work 5 "Be not filent, 
bold not thy peace , be notftill, is the fummeof all fhe craveth % 
for let him fpeak, and it ftiall be done, 

Ver. 2. Tor lo thine enemies make a tumnlt , and 
they that hate thee, have lift up the head. 

3, They have taken 'crafty counfell agafaft thy 
people y and confulted againft thy hidden ones* 

From their complaint of their enemies preparation to come 
againftthemj Lcarne > t. The enemies 0/ Gods Church arc 
the enemies of God , bearing the fame aflfeftion to God and to 
them that; are reconciled to him 5 For to, thine enemies that bate 
ibec, mafe a tumult, i. The more din the enemy makes,the more 
infolent he is the higher he lifteth his head , he is thje more 
near to be knockt down by Gods appearing for his people againft 
him : l^eep votfilcnce , for thine enemies ma\e a tumult > they have 
lifted up the bead. 5 .The chief enemies of the Church are not the 
filly and (imple fort of people , but the moft fubtile politicians 
ufually , whofe heads arc moft fit for Satans devices againft 
Gods people ; They have taf^en crafty counfell againft thy people, 
4. The true children of God, his fecietones, who inthe fenfe 
of their own wcakneffe do fhelter themfelves under wings, 
and do glory in him , are the fpecial object of the malice of Sa- 
tan, and of his wicked fervants ; They have confulted againft ^tk} 
bidden ones. 5. Againft the craft and policy of enemies the 
Church hath nothing in her felfe to oppofc , but doth run to 
God , who can eafily difappoint all the enemies plots , as here we 
fee, Vft.^h 

S 3 Ver. 4, 


Ver. 4. They have Jaid, Come , and let us cut 
them off from being a nation : that the name of Jfrael 
may be no more in remtipbrana 

5. For they have confulted together *ftith one confent: 
they are confederate again/} thee. 

From their purpofe to root out Gods people ; Learn , 1 . No 
lefl'f will fat:3ty the .:r,emies of Gods Church , then extirpation 
and abolishing oft UeChurcruLet us cut them off from- being a na- 
tion jhzt the name oflfracl mxy be no more in remembrance ,2. When 
the C hurch isleaft united , and leaft able to defend her felf, the 
wicked encourage and ftrengthen one another in an evill courfe 
againfl: her ; They have [aid ,one to another Come, let us cut them 
off. 3. Although the wicked be at enmity one againfl: another^ 
yet they will all agree together to overthrew the Church ; They 
have eonfulted together with one confent, (faith he) they are con- 
federate agah.ft thee, 4. This consideration, that the confpiracy 
a^alhft the Churches a confpiracy againft God^whofe people the 
O.urrh jsjs very comfortable in the Churches extremity; They 
: v re confederate againft thee. 

Ver, 6. The tabernacles ofEdomandthe Ifbmael- 
ifCi 9 of Moaby and the Hagarens. 

j. Gebaland Ammon and Amele^ the Fhiliftines, 
with the inhabitants of Tyre* 

<?8. *sifhur alfo is joyned vrith them ; the j have 
holp n the children of Lot. Se/ah. 

In the reckoning up .of the fcvcral. nations confpired againft 
Ifrael, Learn , 1. When the Church looketh upon the-mttlti- 
tude of her enemies, and their confederacy , and their refolution 
to deftroy her, fhe mould gather grounds of hope ^ to be helped fo 
much the more, and fo much the fconcrj for this is the Chur- 
ches argument of hope to be helped here. 2* Jn the pei fecution 
ofthe Chinch , no wonder to fee falfe brethren to bethechiefe 
leaders, whoever be followers and affiftants j for here the Church 
complaineth of it : They have he r ped the children of Lot > and im- 
porteth, thatMoii and Amnion ftheir baftard^brethren) were 
firft in the enmity. 3. It is no wonder, ncr ftrangc thing, 
to fee many nations on all hands to invade the Lords people 



; at once : for here are ten nations coming all together againft 

Ver. 9. *&(> unto them as unto the Midiamtes : 
as to Sifera, as to Jabin at the brool^of Kijhon. 

10. Which peri/bed at Endor : they became as 
dung for the earth. 

1 1 . Makf their nobles like Oreb,and li\e Zeeb : jea 
all their princes > *s Ztbah and as Z almunna : 

12. fVho faid y Let us take to our [elves the hoti[es 
of God in pojfefflon. 

In the latter part of the Pfalm , is the Churches prayer to 
Godj that he would be party againtt her enemies 3 and plague 
them. There are fundry branches of the malediction^ which the 
Church doth imprecate againft the enemies. The firfl is, :hat 
God would deftroy them, as hedeftroyed others before them.whci 
were upon fuch a wicked plot of roo ing out Gods people. 
Whence learn, 1. When the Church hath to do with her ene- 
mies, (he (hould look what in Scripture the Lord did for her in 
times paft; for fo doth the Church look here to what the Lord 
did to his enemies, J«rfg.7.z.2. and 4. 1 J,24.and 7-2f. a nd 8.: 1. 
1. It is lawful to pray for judgements upon the enemies of the 
Church, provided it be out of a publick fpirit, and net out of pri- 
vate malice or revenge ; in which cafe the prayers of the Church 
are more forcible for the overthrow of their enemies > then all 
her external force is : T>0 unto themes unto the Midianitcs % is a 
hard charge 3gainft them. 3. Former plagues poured out upon 
the Churches enemies , are pledges oi the Lords bringing like 
judgements on her enemies afterward , and of giving like prefer - 
vation unto the Churchy as before > Do unto them as to the Midi* 
anitos in Gideons time , and to Sifcra <md fabin in Deborahs 
time 3 when fmall meanes were fufficient for a great overthrow of 
the eneniy. 4. The dead bodies of Gods enemies fhall not only be 
contemptible before men s which is incident to the bodies of the 
Saints fomctimesjbut alfo contemptible here we feej 
Their enemies periled at Endor, and became as dung for the earth, 
j.The Noblcs,leaders 3 & chief amongft Gods enemi^may look 
for moil eminent judgement : Mafe their gobies, li^e Orcb and 
Zccbjcj. all their Princes lih x e Zcbah and Zalmuuna. 6. It is all one 
for enemies to refolvc to fpoilc Gods Church* and to rob God of 

S 4 hk 


his habitation fpecially ; fo long as Gods people love to have 
Cod dwelling among them , for the injuries done to the Church 
redound to the contumely of God , who hath taken the mainte- 
nance of them > They fay. Let va ta\e to our [elves the houfes of 

Ver. 1 5. my God^make them like a wheel : as the 
finbbh before the wivde. 

14. As the fire burneth a Wood : and as the fame 
fetteth the mountains on fire : 

l*) So per fe cute them with thy tempeji , and make 
them afraid with thyftorme. 

X6. Fill their faces with fhame , that they may (ee\ 
thyNeme, LORD, 

1 7. £et them be confounded and troubled for ever : 
yea let them be put to fhame and peri fh : , 

Prom the reft of the branches of the imprecation , wherein 

fundry fimilitudes are looked unto , for fhewing forth the eft'efts 

Qf Go'ds \vrath upon the enemies of theChurch3Lear?r, ? .Ufe is to 

be made of our Covenant with God, fo well againft our enemies, 

3s for our felves^ for, O my God, faith he now, when he is about to 

curfe the enemy. 2. The enemies of Gods Church have many 

a mifchief waiting on them , of which if they efcape one, another 

ihall overtake them 5 yea, no ore iimilitude can fet forth what 

mi fey is prepared for them: no peace , no reft for them, no 

{landing in any ftablifhed prosperity, but they fhall be rolled as a 

towle turned upfide-dovyn, or as a wheel ', Make tbcm li^e a wheel, 

3 . They fhall have no ftrength to rehft the blah o f God s wrath; 

Make them as (lubble, or chaffe, before tbewindc. 4. The Lords 

indignation againft them (hall burn them as a flame doth a For- 

reft 3 let them be confumed , as fire that burneth a woed, which is 

the greateft flame we can eafily conceive 5 or when a mountain 

of fulphur or coales is kindled, as the flume fets the mountains on 

frc, where fire above the earth and under it do meet together. 

5. Iftheyefcape for a while,yet judgements mall follow them, 

and overtake them , and toflcthem , and turn them in a circle, 

t\\[ they be giAd'ji So perfecute them with thy tempeft , or whitle- 

winde, 6. Befu!e what torment their prefent plague fhall bring 

unto tl"em ; horror and fear of worfe to come ihall vexe them-, 



I Ma\etbem afraid with thy flormc.- 7. Atlafttluy fliallbcafln- 
' med, when both they ftiall be difappointed of what they intended 
a^ainft the godly,and alio meet with the mifery which they leaft 
feared : Fill their frees roith frame. 8. Ifany of the enemies of 
Gods people do belong to Gods election ,. the Churches prayer 
a^ainft them giveth way to their conversion, and doth not leek 
more then that the judgement fhould follow them only, till they 
acknowledge their finne , and do turn and fesk God : Fill ibeir 
frees with Jhame, that they may feek thy7{j?mc,0 Lord, 9. For 
the reft of the wicked irresonciieable adversaries, when fliarne of 
difappointment and temporal judgements are come upon them, 
theworft of all doth yet follow, even everlafting perdition: Let 
them he confounded and troubled for ever : yea let them be put to 
frame and peri fr* 

Ver. 18. That men may know , that thou^ wbofe 
Name alone is f E HOVAH, art the mofi High 
over all the earth. 

HeclofeththePfalmewith fhewing the end of ail this com- 
plaint and imprecation. Whence learne , i. The end of alL 
curfing of the wicked enemies of the Church, is nor to fatisfy pri- 
vate revenge , but that God may be glorified; Let them pcrifh t 
that men may knorc ,tb <at thou art hewbofcName h $EHOVAR* 
1. The Name Jehovah fignifying Gods being of hirnfelf, and the 
caufeofthe being of all things created, is incommunicable to any 
creature Y an d in Scripture is given only unto the three pe*- 
fonsof the Godhead , the Father, the Word , and the Spirit, 
whofe eflence is one) as here is taught ; That men m:y \noxc 3 that 
thou whofe Name alone is tfcboziab. 3 . If men will not acknow- f 
ledge the true God to be the fupremc and only Governour of all' 
the world, they (hall by his 'heavy judgements, either upon 
others, or upon themfelvcs, be made to know it : for the Church 
doth here declare, that they do ufe this heavy imprecation aeaf nft 
Gods enemies, that men may ^novo (fay they x that tbouwbofr 
%ame alone is tfehevab,art tbemoji High over all the curtb. 

P s Al« 



To the chief MuficUn upon Gitthh. A Pfalme for the 
fonnes of %ora!). 

THis Pfalme is of the fame fubjed with Pfalm 42. and PiUm 
63. Wherein the Pfalmift lamented his banifliment fi en 
the Temple and the publick Ordinances of Religion, to: 
and then prayeth for his reftoring to that priviledge in the eft of 
the Pfalme. This Pfalme agreeth well with the time o I ..'.;„ 
parting with the Ark, when he fled from sAbfdom* 

In his lamentation > Firft, he commendeth the place of pub- 
lick vrforihip, ver. i % Then fheweth his longing after it , v.r. 2. 
Thirdly, he wifheth to be as a fparrow, in the meaneft condition 
partaker of that priviledge, ver. 3. Fourthly, he proclaimeth the 
blefTednefTe of all the Lords Minifters,who may al waves be there^ 
ver .$. Fifthly, he calleth them blefled who have liberty to come 
on foot from any part of the country , to keep at Ieaft the folemn 
feafts, ver. 5,6,7. In his prayer he requefts in igenerall terms , to 
be reftored to the Lords wovfhip, ver. 8 , 9 for two reafonsj one 
is, becaufe he preferreth the meaneft officers condition in Gods 
houfe to the moft quiet dwelling among the wicked, ver. ic. Ano- 
ther reafon, becau e felicity is to be found in God , by the means 
of his Ordinances, ver. ir. and meantime while his prayer 
fliould begranted , he refteth by faith on God, in whom belie- 
vers are made blefled, whereever they be« 

Ver. 1. TI0W amiable are thy talerndles 5 
STlLORT) of hops! 

The Pfalmift being now in exile , cafteth his eyes upon his 
own countrey, wherein throughout all the land theLord was wor- 
(hipped in their feveral Synagogues, but moft folemnly in Sion, 
the place where the Ark and the Tabernacle were i and putting a 
difference between the holy Ordinances of Gods worfliip,nnd the 
multitude of profane mixed among the godly > who did joyn in 
thcwor{hip> he beholdeth the glorious beauty of the holy fer- 
vice , and places where the occafion thereof was offered , and [o 
bveakcth out in commendation and admiration of the lovelineflc 
thereof. Whence lexrn 3 1. As God is glorious in all his holls» 



• which all are very ready as fouldiers to fight for him at his com- 
mand: fo is hemoft gloriouj inthe campe of the viable Church 
militant : for here his authority, juftice, mercy, grace, wifdom, 
and power is moll of all manifefted, for the ovei throwing of the 
kingdom of fin and Satan; therefore faith he^Hoa? amiable aretbj 
Tabernacles , Lcrdofboftcs ? 

2. This beauty of the Lords Churches and places of his refw 
dence,as it is not difcerned by the blind world,but only by fuch as 
are illuminated with heavenly light : fo is it highly prized, loved 
and admired by them only : for it is the fvvect finger of lfrael y who 
faith, How amiable are thy Tabernacles , Lord ofbofis > $. Al- 
beit the world will not believe what here is faid , nor take this 
praifing of the lovelines of Gods publick worfhip from the hand of 
the godly,yet the Lord will receive this teflimony unto the beauty 
of his Ordinances from fuch as do prefent it before him $ there- 
fore doth the Pfalmifi moft confidently direct hisfpeech to God 
himfclfe here 5 How amiable are thy Tabernacles y Lord ? 

Ver# 2. My foule hngethy jea even faintetb for 
the courts of the LORD : mj heart and my fiefi 
crieth out for the living God* 

In the next place, he profeffeth his longing after liberty to 
enjoy thepriviledgesofthe publick Ordinances, albejt he was to 
have it no waves, but in the fociete of fuch people , as were then 
in the vifible Church,of whofe wickednefle he hid fufficient expe- 
rience, they being now in armes againft him, following *Abfalom. 
Whence Icarnc , 1. The beauty and lovelineife of Gods publick 
Ordinances , is bell difcerned , and love and longing after them 
moft ftirred up, when a man is deprived of them for a time; 
ZMy foulclongctb , yea even faintetb for the courts of the Lord, 
2. Bodily affliction fliarpeneth the fenfe of fpiritual wants , and 
thefenfe of wan: of fpiiitual meanes of comfort augmenteth 
bodily affliction : My foul faintetb , my bean anl myflejb cryctb 
out. $, It is not the publick Ordinances alone , to be enjoyed 
in an outward formality, which Saints do fcek after , but it 
is to finde God in , and by the meanes ; it is to finde the Lords 
lively operation on their hearts, which they long after y My 
heart and my flefh crieth out for the living Goi. 


Ver, 3. Tea the fp arrow hath found an houfe % and 
the [wallow a nefi for hi rfelf , where fhe may lay her 
young ; even thine Altars y LORT> of hoftes , my 
King and my Gob. 

In the third place,he wifheth to be partaker of the publick wor- 
ship, were it in never fo mean and defpicable a condition; fo 
he may enjoy Godsprefence in his ordinances, he is content to 
creep into any corner of Gods houfe, and go out and feek his 
meat, and return like a fparrow or fwailow. iVbcnce learn, 
1. A foul which loveth communion with God indeed,will choofe 
any temporal condition of life, how poor foever, how defpifed fo- 
cver,rather then be deprived of what may make better for his (pi- 
ritual condition, as appeareth in the Pfalmift, who wiftied to 
have the p lace of a Sparrow , or of a Swallow ; any refidence 
near Gods Altar. 2. The foul which craveth lively commu- 
nion with God, fliould cleave clofe unto the title and intereft 
which he h th in God by Covenant; as the Pfalmift doth here/ 
thine Altar (lakh he) my l^ing audi my God. 

Vcr. 4. IHeffedare they that dwell in thy houfe.thej 
will be Fiill praifing thee. SeUh. 

In the fourth phce,he proclaimeth thePriefts and Levites, the 
Lords M milters to be blefled men, for their priviledge and op - 
portunity to ferve the Lord. JVbencc leam 3 1. Albeit many 
who have the means and opportunity of profiting by publike or- 
dinances, do not confider the day of their vifitation, to make 
ufe of the means while they have them : yet the godly who are 
deprived of the means, and do behold the fairc occafions of grace 
ottered by them, do count them blefled, as here : IBlcjfed arc they 
that dwell in tby houfe* 2. It isa blefled thing indeed to have 
the occafion of communion with God in publick ordinances, and 
to make ufe thereof in fetting forth the Lords glory ; and in this 
refpecl: there are no meu in the world more blefled then faithful 
Miniftcrs; Blcjfed arc they that dwell in thy bo ufe, they will be 

Ver. 5. B'cjfedisthemanwhofeftrengthisin thee: 
in whofe heart are the wajes of them. 



6. Who pacing through the valley of *Baca, make 
it a Well : theraine alfo fillet h tbepooles. 

7. Theygofrom ftrength to ftrength: everyone of 
them in Sion appearetb before Cjod. 

In the fifth place, he looketh upon their condition who dwell 
fane oft from the Tabernacle, who mightat leaf* thrkeayear 
come from the rartheft corner of the land, to keep the folemni - 
ties appointed of God ; and he counteththem bleffed, albeit in 
their voyage they mould endure never fo much toilein travel- 
ling, and mould with difficulty drink their water, either rained 
down from the clouds, or drawn from a well or cittern digged 
with much labour: for albeit they mould iuftain toile and 
drought in their way, yet having rifrefhments one after another, 
and renewed ftrcngth for their journey, they mould all come at 
laft to the place of publick ordinances in Sion $ and here he de- 
fcribeththe true and bleffed Ifraeiitcs, whether Profelytesor 
borne Jewes, refolved to come and appear before the Lord in the 
appointed folemnities^by thefe fix properties .• Firft, they encou- 
rage themfelves for the journey, by hope in God to be furnilhed 
with ftrength : Bleffed is the man, (faith he) vobofe ftrength is 
in thee. Next, they are refolved in their heart for all the incon- 
veniences they may meet with in the journey, to hold on their 
couife ; In wh'ofe heart are the rvayes of them. Thirdly, they do 
hold on their courfe through dry and comfortlefle places, which 
may be called places of Baca, or weeping ', They paff'e through the 
valley of Baca. Fourthly, they overcome this difficulty of want- 
ing water, either by digging a Well ; where they may finde wa- 
ter, or by finding fome already digged ciftern, wherein Gods 
providence had referved fome quantity of rain-water for them: 
iVbo faffing through the valley of %aca 3 make it a Well : the 
raine alfo filleth the pooles. Fifthly, after refrefhment found in 
their journey they are encouraged to goon their way, till they 
need and finde fome new refrefhment, and reparation of their 
ftrength 5 They go from ftrength to ftrength. Sixthly,thefe godly 
travellers all come at length to the place they aimed at, to Sion, 
where they appear before God in the holy Feait, chearfuland 
joyful fouls 5 Every one of them in Sion appearetb before God. 
And therefore doth he call them blefled, becaufe at length 
they come through all difficulties co have fweet communion 
with God, 



Thefe two degrees of blcfkd Ifraelites, are fo painted out in 
figurative termes, as they may mod eafily lead the fpiritual eye 
to the blelTedneiTe which the figure is fit to reprefent, fothat 
the typical words cannot well be undei flood, except the fpiri- 
tual blcfiidnefs be taken along : for there are two degrees of re- 
ally bleiied perfons, fomc are at home already dwelling with 
God , of whom it may be moil folidly faid : Bleffed art they 
that drvcllin tby foufc , they will be ftill praifing tbce> which is 
their perpetual etercife. Ochers are travellers, who are in their 
way toward heaven, the Lords houfe ; who indeed defpair of 
their own {length to make out their journey, but their confi- 
dence is in Gods ilrength, and their encouragement to fet for- 
ward is this, that of them it may be well faid , TtleffcA is the 
mxn wbofe ftrcngtb u in thee : fuch mens journey doth take up 
their heart, the iiream of their affe&icns runs thitherward $ In 
wbofe heart are the xvayes of them. Thofe travellers have a wil- 
derncfle to go through, a comfortlefle valley wherein they do 
fin 'e matter of mourning, and no foiid confolation, favethat 
which God doth provide, beyond the nature of the place, which 
God one way or "other doth furnifti unto them, that they (hall 
not fail to have a timous confolation : Who fxffing through the 
v Alley of Bxc:\ make it d Well: tberainc alfof.llctb the poles. 
So that albeit God fufFer them to thirft, yet he fuftereth them 
not to want a fufficient meafure for bringing them on their way$ 
aftrengthening them to go rorward : it they miffe a Well, they 
(ball have a Ciftern filled with i.-.fn \ heaven; the meafure 
furn i filed unto them, rcneweth their it -ength after wearinefle, 
and fuffketl them till they nee i , and meet with another reno- 
vation of their itengih; Tbey r frmftrengtbfoflraigtb. Not 
one of thofe rcfolute travelers, or i J nying perfpns,- dying on 
Gods ftrength and furniture do peri... by the way, all are up- 
held and brought forward, till thev coir e where they would be, 
to enjoy Gods prefence in Sien which isab: e; Every one of 
them, without exception, in Sion appcaretb before God, 

Ver. 8. O Lord God of hoftes f hearmypajcr: give 
eare^ God of Jacob. SeUk. 

9. Behold^ God^ onr jbield :and look upon the face 
of thine anointed. 

In the latter part of the Pfaline is his prayed wherein he ma- 



keth requeft for communion with God, both in the outward 
type, and in the fpiritual truth. Whence learn, 1. The godly 
mans holy wihhes and dcfires do not vanifh and die, but are re- 
commended to God in prayer. What the Pfalmift longed for in 
the former part of the Pfalm, in the latter part he piayethfox. 
2. The earneft fupplicant hath no will to be reftifed, but faften- 
cth his hope to fpeed en Gods power and Covenant, and 
doublcrh his petitions in the Lords bofome > lord of hoftcs, 
hcjLr my prayer : give care, God of Jacob. $. Albeit the be- 
lu-cr be feparate in place from the communion of Saints in 
p.^likeworihip, yet he will finde a conjunction with them in 
in' pmycr a: the throne of Gods grace, and claim 
1 :c eft with them in God for protection and com- 
I God, (laithhe) ourfhield* 4. How little ap- 
r . mceToever of poifeffion, or performance of promi fes the be- 
kevej; h > r .* muft he claim his ri^ht and titles, which 
db h o pofleflioa 5 Loi>\upon the face of thine anoint- 

ed v le ccuntcth himfelf King in regard of his right to the 
Crow • bee :: God had caafed Samuel to anoint him to be 
King. », ht Co a pi ncipal mercy, may pray and 

look for c • v Kceflbry nercy, which is prefuppofed in the 
principal;, <. I i^ as here upon the promife of the 

Kingdom, Dxj' 1 1 '<- . vein for the liberty of the Temple, which 
behooved to follow upon his rcpofleiLjn in the Kingdom, and 
here ai he Iboics >/ough his own anointir^ unto the Mef- 
fiah Churl, of wnom he knew. kxtofcU tc be a type : and for the 
Mcffiah Chrift he fcekcth cc ha e his petition granted, through 
whom alone ev^rygood thing is purchased, and muft be con- 
veyed unto us ; Look (faith he) upon the face of thine an- 

Ver. 10. For a day in thy courts is better then a 
thoufand : lhadrathr- be a door-keeper in the houfe 
of my God, then to dwell in the tents of wicked* 

This is the firft reafon, why he deSreth to have the priviledg- 
es of the publick ordinances reftored unto him. Whence learn, 
i.VVhatfoever may be a means to.bring us to the ruition of God, 
is incomparably better then any earthly thing; and one houre 
fpem in the means of eternal felicity, is worth a thcufand fpens 



otherwayes ; For a day in thy Qmms is Utter then a tboufxnd. 
2. Thelowcfl and molt painful condition of life,, joyned with 
anymeafure of communion with God, is better then the moil 
quiet, eahe, and plentiful condition of life without communi- 
on with God 5 To be a door-fceper in the boufe of the Lord, 'js 
tetter then to dwell in the tents of wul{cdnej]e. $ . The godly 
man whofe judgement is rectified about things Spiritual, is the 
only right *cttimator of eltatcs and conditions of life in this 
'world; for that is b'efl to him (if he may choofe) wherein he 
maybemoilferviecabletoGod, and beft helped to heaven. He 
for his part h3d rather have the meancft condition of life, joyn- 
ed with the benefit of the publick ordinances, then live with- 
out them more plentifully among the wicked > I hid ruber ffaith 
the PfalnpinV be a door -keeper in the boufe of my God, then to 
dwell in the tents ofwicf{cdncffe. 

if. For the LORD God is flfunne andflneld: the 
LORD will give grace and glory \ no good thing will 
he withhold from them that wall^uprightlj. 

The fecond reafon why he fo loveth the publike ordinances is, 
becaule by this means tie getteth accefle to the fountain of all 
felicity, who doth ward off all evil from the upright beleever, 
and giveth unto him whatsoever is good for his foule or body in 
this life and in the life to come. Whence learn, 1. The godly 
have need of light and direction, life, vigour; ftrcngth and con- 
folation , and ail this is in God, or what more can be imported 
in the fimilirude taken from the Snnne 7 in relation to earthly 
creatures j For the Lord God is a Sunnc. 2. The godly are fub- 
jed to dangers and perils from without, efpecially f:om enemies 
bodily and fpiritual , and have need of prefervationand defence 
from all adverfe power , malice and craftinerTe : and this 
protection only God is able to give : The Lord is a Swine and a 
jhield. 3* The beleever is burdened with the body of fin, and 
born down frequently with the fenfe of his own unworthineffc, 
witleflenefs and weakneis, and in God is the perfeft remedy of 
all thofe evils ; The Lord will give grace. 4. Albeit the beauty 
of godlinefs be much obfeured in this life, with crofles and af- 
flictions from Goij with calumnies and perfections from men , 
and the godly muft He in grave, and fuller corruption of their 
#efh , as others > yet the remedy of this alfo (hall be found in 



6od to the bclecvcr 5 He will give grace and glory : grace irt 
this life, and glory after it without fail. $• Albeit the Lord 
feem to keep the godly in gVeat fcarcity fometimes of things 6 m - 
fortab'e in this life, and of fpiritualconfolations alio for atirhc; 
yet dotbhe fo difpofe of their entertainment in all refpects, Hi 
every thing fhall wo*k together for their good i For no good 
thing will be withhold from them that wal^ ufrijnly . 

Ver. 12. 6 LORD of hopes : blejfed is the mxn 
that trujtith in thee 

. When the P/almi ft hath lamented his exile from the - puUkk 
ordinances, and prayed to be reftored to that priviledgejhe com* 
fbrtcth himfelf in the mean time, by the conhderation of God> r 
grace and power to fupply alLwanrs > even that of p"ublick ord-i- 
nances, when it cannot without hazard of lite be had by ttie be>-. 
It ever. Whence lam, 1. How hard (never the Lords difpenlati- 
on he to his own chikLen,yet muftweever coptinuetotrujl in 
God, as the iValmifts ex impU he .e doth teach. . 1. God can 
Aipply thewant of the publikc ordinances, and be a little San- 
ctuary to his children, and make them quiet y yea, and bieilci 
inbelccving in him : Lord of hoftes,, blefled is the man that 
trujfctb in thee : for in the beginning of the Flalm his heart 
bieakcth for the longing after the pulpllkc ordinances;, he coum- 
cth the Mihiftcrs of G^ds (ioufe blefled $ he counreth every man 
whomay be inj any corner of 606s Jiou e happy; he" counreth 
the travelling I fraclite coming to the ordinances bleiledj and ac> 
len?th pronounccth every beleever blei&d, and fo him/clhobc 
blefled alfo. 

' ■ ■ ; - ■ ■ 1 1 — . ■ 


To the chief Mufichn. A^Pfalmcfortbefonncsofl^or^h. 


THi> P.alm agrceth well vvirhthc condition of the Church 
of the Jewes , now fallen inco new troubles, afte. their re- 
turn from the captivity of Babylon. In the former part where- 
of jhey pray for a new proof and cspe ience of G^ds me cy, to. 
wr. g, Iathelatie: part-is. Ebj down a com "©ruble nitwit 


thciv piayeiyind for thehelpot their faith in their prjyer. Firft, 
thsy make mention of their gracious delivery from the cap:i vi - 
ty, vet. r, i 3 3. Nex:, they pray for repentance, and removing 
of the tokens of Gods wrath, vc r. 4, fc Thirdly, they pray fo* 
reftauration of their miferable and dead condition wherein they 
were lying, by fome merciful deliverance, ver. 6 3 7. 

As for the anfwer in the latter part, he prepareth himfclf to re- 
ceive it from the Lord, and by infpi ration receiverh indeed a 
comfortable prophecy of five notable fruits of me:cy: The firft 
is, of peace to Gods people, ver. 8. The next is, of deliverance 
and falvation to his fervants, ver. 9. The third is, of the grace 
of Chriitunto juftification, and the fruits of it, ver* \o, n. 
The fourth is, of temporal bleflings, upon the place where the 
Lords people do dwell, and that for his peoples comfort, ver. 1 2. 
The fifth is, of the grace of Chvift unto ianctification, 
ver. 13. 

Ver, I. T ORB , thou haff been favourable unto 

I ithjUnix thou haft brought back the 

captivity of Jacob. 

2. *Ihcu haft forgiven the iniquity of thy people, 
thou haft covered all tbeirfin. Selab. 

3. Tooti haft taken aVcay all t^y wrath ; tkotf 
haft turned tby felfe from the fiercenefie of thins 

After the Church of the Jewes had been delivered front cap- 
tivity, they fall into new troubles, becaufe of their fins and their 
new provocations of God* and in this Pfalme they cry to God 
for mercy, and for {lengthening of their faith : They acknow- 
ledge the Lords favour in loofing their captivity, ver, r . and 
in forgiving their finnes, ver. 1. and in removing all the 
tokens of his wrath from them, ver. g. Whence lexm, 1 After 
great mercies (hewn to Gods people, new provocations do d raw 
011 new judgements, as appearcth in the change of the condition 
of the Chu ch here rcprcfented. 2. Neither old finnes nor 
late, neither old judgements nor prefently lying on wrath, miift 
keep back Gids people from running unto God by prayer, for 
obwinin* favour, of God a^ain, as. thccxample of the Church 



here doth teach. $ . As no fins can make the Lord fo forget his 
Covenant with his people, as mercy fhould not be let forth to 
penitent finnersfuing ior grace; fo no wrath is fo great, as 
4hall debarre poor fupplicants from acccife unto God, when 
they come to feek mercy. 4. As new neceffities do call to minde 
old tupplits received from God ; fo they who would have any 
new benefit from the Lord, mould thankfully remember the 
old, and take encouragement fromthofe to hope fpr fun her 4 
Lord, thou baft been favourable .to thy land ; thou baft brought 
back^hc captivity of Jacob. 5. As grace is the only ground of 
Gods bounty to his people, fo is it the only ground ot his peo- 
ples prayer for new experiences of his grace \ as here, Gods 
iavotiris acknowledged to be the caufe of bringing back the 
people from captivity, and the ground whereupon the Pralmift 
ioundeth his prayer ; Thou baft keen favourable to thy land. o.As 
that is a benefit indeed which is given with remiffion of (\ft£i 
fo everyone who feckcth a benefit, mould, defire to have the be- 
nefit which they come to feek/joyned with remiffion of their fin : 
as the P.'aimift here makech the bringing back from captivity a 
complcat favour, bfccaufe joyned with remiffion of finnes : with- 
out which it had been the lefle comfortable j Thou baft forgiven 
the iniquity of thy people. 7. The way of Gods forgiving of 
fins is, by not imputing of them, not bringing of them forth to 
be reckoned, but hiding them from juftices view, andxovering 
them with the imputation oftherighteoufnefle of the Redeemer' 
Thou baft covered all their finne. 8. As while fin un cpented 
and unforgiven remaineth, wrath alforemaineth ; io when finne 
is taken away, Gods wrath alio is taken away* when God.for?i- 
veth fin, he takes away the punifhment of fin 5 for ai'ter he 
hath faid , Tbouhafl covered all their fin : he fubpyr.eth, Thou 
haft taken away all thy wrath \ thou haft turned from the fi create ffc 
of thin? anger. 9. As the conscience of fin, and feeling of wrath 
lying on, and fearing the growth of it, do much hinder the 
guilty from confident approach unto Gjd : fo the ^ccn iirpfrir- 
ences of Gods drawing ot rhofe barres in former times, do ooen 
the door to afflicted i\ nners, confiden ly to come and feck mercy, 
as here the Pfalmiit doth teach us, in his making of this preface 
to his following prayer. 

Ver. 4. Turn w y O God of our f*\vat\on : andcau[e 
thine anger towards tu to ccaft* 

T 2 i'Wih 

t-j6 PSAL. LXXXV. 

S. Wilt thou be Angry with m J or ezer ? wilt tboH 
dra\\ out thine anger to all generations? 

In the next place, upon the fore laid grounds, the Church af- 
flicted praycth for grace to repent/ .that fo remiflion of finy 
and removing of wrath may follow. iVheuce learn, i. Whom- 
ever iii a Church afflicted are fenfible of their own and .'the 
Chinches finnes, mould deal with God for giving repentance 
to his back-fliding people, and to encreafe tbeir own repentance, 
before they feck removal of the tokens of wrath, as here the 
godly do pray in the fii ft place * Turn us, God. i. The Lords 
Covenant with his people for cverlafting falvation, is a ground 
to pray and hope for temporal deliverance from Gcd, who hath 
power and wayes of his own, how to fave, when we fee no event; 
Turn us, (fiith he,) OGod of our falvatiov. g When God gi- 
veth grace to a people, to repent and turn to him, the tokens of 
his wrath will be removed alio : or befo changed, as they (hall 
be no more cffe&s of wrath ; therefore joyneth he with, Turn us, 
this petition alfo, And caufe thine anger toward us to eeafe. 
4 The anger of the Lord toward his people, is but temporal and 
for a moment in companion of defervings, albeit it feem to en- 
dure long : and the belcevermay be perfwaded, that it malt not 
continue pgainft fupplicants long > iov y lVilt thou be angry with 
us for ever? wilt thou draw out thine anger to all generations ? 
doth import fo much, that his anger could not be perpetual. 

Ver. 6. wilt thou not revive hs Again: that thy 
people may rejojee in thee ? 

7. ShcVo tu thy mercy, O LORD, and grant us 
thy falvation. 

In tUe third place, hepiayeth for fome relief from the diftrefs 
wherein they were for the time, and putteth his petition out of 
cju cilion,by this interrogation, becaufe Gods purpofe and plea- 
fure was that his people mould have joy in their God, and 
thereupon he rcquefteth for new tokens of mercy; from the 
ground of his Covenant with them for falvation. Whence learn, 
1. As iris a death to be deprived fo much as of the evidence 
ar.d fenfe of Gods favejur, fo it is life to be dear that we are in 
fifcWtir with Goi : and as fiich who have had the fenfe of Gods 



favour, cannot en lure ro want vj fo fliail they Lave it rcfto- 
red; Wilt thou not revive us a*iiv ? u f'ecaufe plagu.s and 
• wrarh upon Gods people arc temporal, they may lock cenainly 
for a change to the better ; and after they have fmai ted for their 
fins for a while, yet may expccl to be leftored to >oy and com- 
fort again ; Wilt thou not revive us again, thy people may re~ 
Joyce in thee? $. When Gad changeththe chear of his peo- 
ple, then joy (1 ould not be inthu' gnt, but in the Giver ; That 
thy people may rejoyce in thee. 4 Albeit the dear children of 
God, for whom mercy and lalvation is appointed, may be defi- 
nite of the light and evidence of borh>yer muft they beleeve both, 
claim boih ; andh pe for the manilcilationoftath unto them :/?.rw 
us thy mercy, OLord, &c. grant m thy falvation. 5 As me: cy is the 
caufeof falvation temporal and eternal, and no me it in us 5 fo 
muft hewho looks for falvat ion of cither fort, makeme cy hi? 
plea, and no good in himfelf$ Shew us thy mercy > Lord, and 
grant us thy [alvation. 

Vcr. 8. / mil ktjire rphat God the. LoRDwill 
fp'tk >' for he mil (peak peace u*to his pe plc^ and tQ 
his Saints : but let tbtm not turn again ta follj. 

In the latter part of the Pfalm is the anfwer of this prayer, 
which the Pfalmift doth expect and receive by way of prophecy, 
of five fweet effects of Gods mercy to his people : whereof the 
firftis, peace and reconciliation., and removing the tokens of his 
Wrath. Whence learn, 1 . The prayer of a belctver put up to our 
overliving Lord, is net a vain work of pou. ing ou: wo ds in the 
aire, but a profitable exercife of faith, grounded upon Gods 
Word and goodnelfc, whe cof he tmy expect certainly a return ; 
I will bear what the Lord will jay. *. Comfortable promises 
will fufficc the beleever, who if he know what the Lord doth 
fay, he will be clear alfo what the Lord will do; 1 will bear 
what the Lord will [ay. J . Arbeit Gods people be under r he fenfe 
of wrath, yet theLo'd will comfort them after fceking grace 
of him : be will fya^ peace to bis pcnplc. 4. Thofc wh ) indeed do 
minde true holincffc, are Gods pe^pK'jTO whom the Lord wiU 
fpe">k peace; and for /vho'e caufe the fociety wherein they are, 
(hall partake of the fruits o f Gods favour to them; be will jpex^e 
peace to hU people, and t>hU Saint?. 5. As the interruption of 
our peace with Gad is procured by our. fjlly, or fjo'iih io.'.lvv- 
T $ ing 


ing of the vanities which allure unto fin, and divert us from com- 
munion with God j fo the reftoring of us to peace maft come by 
cur forfaking of thole linful and foolifli courfes which have 
procured wrath 5 and the way to keep us in that peace, is not to 
return to thefe courfes again^and this is the very end both ofGods 
correcting of us, and oi his reftoring of us to peace, that we finne 
notasbetore: tie will [peak (eace to his Saints , but let them not 
return Again to folly. 

Ver. 9. Surety hi* [alvationxs nigh them that fear 
kim^ that glorj may dwell in our land. 

The fecond effect of mercy to his Saints, is the nearneffeof 
free falvation in Chrift, who is the glory of the land of$udea y 
where he was borne, and the glory of that land whatfoever it is, 
wherein his Saints, and he amongft his Saints do dwell. Whence 
learn, 1. The heires of the promifes are only fuch asdo ftudy to 
pleafc God, and toefchew provoking of him : for theanfwerof 
the former prayer, and the word of Promife and Prophecie here, 
hmsde in favour only of them that fear him. 2. The.e is no 
faiisfadpry deliverance to the afflicted beleever, labouring un- 
der the fenfe of wrath, except Chrift Jefus, who is really the on- 
ly compleat falvation of Got : only able to anfwer fully to that 
name, & who was known to the Church before his coming in the 
fiefh by that name, as we may underftand,L//£c i.from the words 
ofsimeojiywho was waiting for the confo.lation of J/Lzc/, and had 
a promife that he fhouldnot fee death, before he had fcen the 
Lords C hrift, vor. 25, 26. And when he had Chrift in his 
armes, he faith : Lord, now letteft thou vby fcrvant depart in peace, 
according to thy word, for mine eyes have feen thy falvation s 
vciv^o. There is the name whereby Chrift was of old known 
to the Church among many o'her titles ^ he is Gods falvation, 
as he is called here. 3 Confolation>and deliverance, and fal- 
vation in Chrift; is neer-hand to every upright afflicted be- 
leever, whether the afflicted do fee it comfortably for the time 
©r not } Surely Gods fa'vation is near them that fear him- 4-VVhat 
land the true Church of Chrift, the Saints and they that feare 
God dodweil in, there doth glory dwell : there God, there 
Chrift by his Spirit bringing righteoufnefs and falvation to fuch 
a t'ociety. is glorious : and for his prefence the people are glori- 
ous : and the land glorious above all other lands whatfoever ; 


PbAL. LXXXV. 279 

Surely bk falvition is reir them that fear him, tb.itglorjm.iy 
dwell in our land 5 This commendation for many reafuns the 
land of Judex might claim, fane above all other. 

Ver. I o. Mercy and truth are met together .• righ- 
Uoufnefte andpeace have kif'edcach other. 

1 1. Truth flail fpring o»t of the earth : and >igb~ 
teoufneffe /bull look dobn rom heaven. 

T he third eftld of mercy, is the grace of Chi in: unto juilifi- 
cation, and the fruits thereof bellowed upon them that a, e ju- 
ftincd by faith. There are here three conjunctions cr couples 
fwectly agreeing together ; one is, of mercy and irut'>\ another 
is, of rifbicoufncjfc and peace : an i the third is, of truth and 
rigbtcoufneffe For the full couple, mercy and truth, may be 
ei.her referred to God, beft owing fome thing on hisp:opIe : and 
(0 Gods mercy dcth pity, fpare and pardon his finfol people > and 
his truth doth perform all the good things which in his Word he 
premifed 1 and this couple indeed did mcfi eminently meet, 
when Chrift the falvjition of god, came in the flefh : for (Thrifts 
coming is the higheft manifeftarion cf mercy that eve: was 
heard tell 0", when God out of love, and pity, and mercy, did 
give his Sonne to redeem finncrs; and this a f; was the 
molt glorious performance of the richeftand the noblcltpro- 
mifes thar ever was made to man ; for in zht fending cf Chrift 
promifed, all the promifes are made lea, and Amen ; for the 
way is made furc now to perform all the reft of the promifes :or 
mercy and truth may be referred ,the one ( namely mercy)zo God > 
and the her, to wit truth, may be referred to men,to whom God 
will ihew mercysand in this confederation we aregiven to under- 
ftand, that as a merciful Ci'oij &"d misbeleeving tinners are fepa- 
farcd, & do ftand at a great diftancc, the one departing more and 
more from the other : lo a mcrci Jul God and a bclecver are fureiy 
reconciled,and do quickly meet togechcrjfor God inCh: ift hold- 
eth forth mercy to the linncr,and mercy doth beftow faith upon the 
redeemed , and faith layeth hold on mcrcjr, and ib mercy and 
truth are met to^tltcr : mer y calleth for faiih. and crcatcth it ; 
and faith calleth for mercie, and lb this couple do mecte to- 

As for the fecond couple, of rightconfneffe and peace, they arc 

both, of them the cftlfts of the meeting or nicny and truth to- 

T 4 gcther- 


gether : ok o^ mercy and of faith, faying tAmcn to mercies offer - 
for p/f/; by in? hold on wm)', bringeth down from Gcd rigb* 
icoitjncjfc or juftification by Jfa/fJ>$ and we being juftified by 
fikh, iuvebo^h peace with God and our cwn conferences 3 at 
le;-ft in the point of right and priviledge : albek fenfe, and pof- 
feflionof the fenfe of thisfe^ may be interrupted. Whence 
learn, In whemfeever menyjox the offer ofgrace, and faith re sei- 
ving theoft'eV do meet, juitificatiortalfo, orimputed righteouf- 
ncflc and peace with God do meet : Then righUoufreffe and peace 
have kiffed edeh other* 

< The, third couple is of truth, or true faith in man on earth, 
and rigbtcoufneflc komGod in heaven j faith fpvinging out of 
the earth, (as the plantation of mercy,) in the fenfible fruits 
thereof, that is, in the true effects of fmcere love to God and 
man; andthe righteoufneffeoi God from heaven ihiningdown 
as the Sun, for npuviuSing and protecting his own plantation, 
and performing all promifes totheHeevcr. IVheuce learn, As 
mcrcie in God, and true faith in man meeting together, are fol- 
lowed with righteoufneiTe of juftification and peace with God > 
fo true faith in man is followed with fruits: for it cannot be idles 
hut muft be operative in bringing forth the effects of faith or 
truth i Truth fall ffring cut of the earth, and right eou fneffe from 
heaven is followed witCadlve influence upon fptinging faith, 
for defending, and encrcafing, and bleffing of it, astheSunne 
foftereth and rcfreiheth the fruits of the ground; Truth fall 
fpring but of the earth, 4nd rigblcoufnejfe^fall look down from 
heaven. ... > 

Ver.I iSCeafheLORD fhillgive that which ugood % 
and our /and fall )ield her incrtafe.' 

The fourth fruit of mercy, is of giving temporal beneftsto 
the beieevcr, and bie fling the land where belecvers do dwell. 1 
Wkcvccie&m, i. The things of this life are Appendices of the 
chief mercies of thcGofpeJ, which reconciled people may ex- 
pert toreceive of God, as tbeirneed and good doth requite ,- 
Tea, the Lord fall give that robich »# good. .2. As the pi ace or. 
[arid where the Lo'ds people do dwell, beareththc tokens of Gods 
J \\ leaf M-e, when they provoke God: fc mall the land be fenfibly 
i)Likd when bis people are reconciled unto him } And our land 
ijU'lihcr ivcrcaje: ■ - ■ \ < > • 

PSAL. LXXXV1. 281 

Ver. 1 3. Righteoufneffe Jhjli go before him : and 
fet us in the retj of his fteps. 

The fifth fruit of mercy is, the grace of Chrift for directing 
and furthering of Believers in the way of fan&ification* 
Chrift fhall bee their leader , and righteoufnefle imparted 
unco rielievcrs from Chrift ( in the grace of converficn 
or holy inclination , and of perfect direction by his Word 
and Spirit) {hall make Believers ro follow Chrills wayes and 
go on in the paths of his obedience. IVbcnce learn, i. Chrift 
is the Captain of his redeemed and reconciled people , or the 
ftiepherdof his pure hafed flock : for he and his people here are 
walking in one way , wherein he goeth before his people , 
that they may follow his fteps , and behinde them aifo > to 
bring them' up > and fet them forward in the way that none 
do fall off j as the fimilkude doth import. 2. As Chrift 
is the Uader of his people, forighteoufnefl'e is the preparer of his 
people to follow him s Firft y in the work of convcrfion or re- 
generation , wherein the minde is illuminated to behold , and 
the heart inclined to follow righteoufnefle. Secondly, in the 
work of daily direction , by his Word and Spririt 5 Rigbtccuf- 
Tjcjfc full go before him. 3. As the way that the Keliever muft 
walk in , is that whkh isprefcribed by the Lord his leader : fo 
the effectual mover of the Believer unto fanc"tiftcation,is the grace 
of rightcoufneffe or fan fti neat ion which Chrift the leader doth 
fend forth into his peoples Ik ait v to make them follow the di- 
rection given unto them : For, Rightcoufneffe 'ftall go before bim y 
and fet ua in the way of his fteps. 


A Grayer of VrM. 

THisPra'meagreeth we'll with the time when VavU was in 
trouble, being perleeutcd by Saul. Thymine of it is a 
prayer for reliefe,ccn. r )fting of 7.Paitions;fome oftbem move ge- 
nerally; fomeoftP.emmore particularly exprelTing his trouble 
nnd his defire of relief: all which Petitions have reafons joyi.ed 
unto trRtn, feiving to ttrengthen the fajth of the fupplicanr. 



Ver. I. TyOrv down thine eare 9 LORD> he Are 
jujme: jor I ampocreand needy. 

The fivft Petition is for audience , and the region of his hops 
to be heard, is , becaufc of his neceffiry to be helped. IVbcvct 
team , i. When a believer hath any Petition to prefent unco 
God , he may expect acceffe iu to God, and audienee,and accep- 
tation of his perfon and prayer : O Lord, bear me. i. Albeit the 
iupplicant be on earth , and God to be found in heaven s albeit 
thefupplicantbemeanandbafe, both in his own eyes and in ef- 
fect, and God be the high and lofty one, that inhabited eternity, 
yet will he humble himleife to take notice of the fupplication of a 
believing fupplicant; Bow down thine ear, Lord. 3. Of that 
whereof misbelief would make ufe unto difcouragement and de? 
iperarion , faith maketli a ground of hope to be helped : for 
affli&ion,and wcakneffe, and want of all help and comfort from 
man* is the Lords forerunner toaalvertife the believer, that the 
Lotd is coming : O Lord, bear mc, for I ampw and needy. 

Ver. 2. Preferve my foul , for I am holy. O thou 
my Godjzve thy fervant that trufieth in thee. 

The fecond Petition is for protection cf his lifeVand the rea- 
fons of his hope are taken from the qualities of fuch a perfon as, 
hath right to expect Gods protection. Whence learn e , 1. The 
bodies and foules of Gods children have fnares hid for ihem 
by enemies, bodily and fp, "ritual, from which they cannot deliver 
themfdves, except they do commit the cuftody thereof unto God, 
as the Prophet doth, faying, Preferve my foul: out wit^our prudence 
our powetyxir fighting, our fleeing, or whatfoever means we can 
ufe under heaven ; arc litle worth, if Gcd do not preferve us.z.That 
man hath a ground of hope to be preferred by God , who being 
purfued for his life by malicious perfecutors , for falfely alledgcd 
wrongs done by him, can atteft God for his innocency,in the par- 
ticular whereof he is charged ; as here "David doth ; Preferve my 
foule,forI am boty- 3 that is , free from the fault whereof I am^ 
charged , or I am a favourite of thine , or a man who hath been 
bountifull in doing good , to him that purfueth me : for thus 
mu£h alfo will the word bear. $. I he confciencc of ftudying to 
pleafe God , is very fwcet in time of trouble, and especially when 



trouble falleth on for Gods fervice, my God , favc thy fcrvxrf. 
4. Innocency in a particular caufe is no: fufficient to bear u s 
out 3 nor yet the conscience of out good fcrvice done roGod , but 
wemuft makeufc of the Covenant, and put our truft in Gods 
gaodnefle, whenfoever we do expeel any good from God ; my 
God, five thyfervxnt tbxt trufletb in tbec. 

Ver. 3 Be mercifutl unto me f O Lord\ for I 

cry unto thee daily. 

The third Petition is for mercy and forgivcnefYe of fin , md 
thereafonof hope is, becaufe he is a daily fupplicant. Whence 
learn 3 1. Innocency in our carriage toward men , and the 
goodnefle of the caufe which we defend , may leave us in the mire 
in time of trouble.becaule of our finnes , whereof we are guilry in 
other refpects, except we flee to Gods mercy : Therefore when 
fin is objected, mercy muft be our refuge and plea 5 c £c mercifM 
to my , Lord. 2# Afliduity and initance in prayer doth pro- 
mi fe certainly a good anlwer after asking , fecklng , and knock- 
ing : Be mcrcifull to mc>for I cry unto ibee dufly/ 

Ver. 4. Re joyce the foule of thy fervwt \ for un- 
to thee (O Lord) do I lift up my foule. 

5. For thou y Lord, art good^andready to forgivf: and 
plenteous in mercy unto all them that caftupon thee. 

The fourth Petition is for comfort ; the reafons of his hope 
nre, becaufe he fceketh hiscomfort no where eife but in God. 
Next, becaufe God is gracious to all fupplicams. I0>en e Icamc, 
1. As the Lord doth burden his own children fometimc. with affli- 
ction and forrow, for their humiliation and trial of faith : fo will 
he alfo comfort them in due time,and give them caufe of joy in 
himelfe, for the ftrcngthening of their faith , and they may pray 
for this and expeel it 5 T{c\oyce the foule of thy fcrvanu 2. He 
that would have comfort from God, muft let himfelte to feck It 
in him onely , apd net look after 1 it elewherc under the heaven : 
and in this way he may oray for it, and expect ir, as the Pialmift 
doth here j For 1 lift up my foul unto thee y O Lord* $-. The 
knowledge of Gods goodneffeand mercy, is the fife of faith, ihc 
fountain ofconiolation and ground of prayer, RejoycQtke heart of 
thy fenmt; for thou.O Lor dart gcw/,4.Whatfocver evill the (inner 



doth finde in himfelfc, there is a remedy in God for it : if be Jack 
any good thing, God hath it , and is ready to communicate it ; 
For tbou, Lord, art good', If the (inner be fmitten with the confer- 
ence of fin, and deferving of wrath : The Lord is ready to for- 
give i If a mans (ins do feem fo many a nd heinous, as he dare not 
approach; The Lord isplenteom in mercy. 5 He who defireth to 
partake of Gods goodnefle and mercy > muft refolve towormip 
$h<$Lord, tobelieveinhim , ancTto pray unto him; andwho^ 
foever taketh this courfe, whatfoever he be, wirhout exception he 
fliall finde the Lord , to begood y and ready to forgive^ and plente- 
ous in mercy to all them that call upen him. 

Vef . 6 . Give ear, LORD, unto my prayer, and 
attend unto the voice of my applications. 

7. In the d*y of my trouble I will ca'l upon thee, for 
thou \W7 aifwer me. 

S# Among the^ods there is none lik^e unto thee 
(O Lord:) neither a?e there any workj like unto thy 

9. All nations whom thou hafl made % JhiR come 
and worfhip thee,0 Lord: and fhall giorifie thy Name, 

10. For thou art great, and dofi ^ndrous things: 
thou art god alone. 

The fifth Petition is for reliefe and deliverance out of his pre-* 
lent diffcerTe 3 propounded in the general termc* of granting his 
fupplicatior. The firft reafon of his hope to be heard, is, becaufe 
he is refolded to make ufe of the Lords promife , that he will an T 
fwer when one calleth on him in trouble , vcr. 7. The next 
reafon is, becaufe there is not a God befile God> and he 3lone is 
able to work wonders, vcr, 8. The third, is > becaufe the Lord 
ii talet all nations know him ; and to gain them in to his woi> 
fliip, by his great power and rwp/iderful working, as thconely 
true God, vcr. 9, 10. And therefore able and willing to give 
him a new experience of his power. iVncncc lexrne , 1. When 
God delayethto ahfwer fupplicants,they rnuft not faint in prayer* 
but continue inftantly, and be importunate ; Give ear>0 Lord> to 
my prayer, faith he now over again, t. Albeit the fupplicant do 
ineet with doubts whether hjs Petition be regarded or n ot , yet 



muft he not yield to thtm, but pray directly a* nnft them 3 as here 
we arc taught > Attend uwo thevoice of my application. $. Eve- 
ry man mould fo make ufe of, and apply to himfclre the 
general command ci God , to call upon nim in trouble, with 
a promife of deliverance , as his faith may be molt ftrengthened 
by it; for fo the / l falmifl doth he-re : In the day of my trouble I 
will call upov thee ; for thou wilt anfwerme. And this retateth 
to that which is faii , *Pfd 5©. 15. Call upon me in the day of 
tby trouble. 4. He that ha: h found the fruit of true Religion, 
and both experience of the gracious work of God upon his cwn 
fpiiit, will Let at nought all idolatry and falie Religion ; Among 
the gods there U none Ufa unto thee , God. 5 , The works 
of God working according to his Word , areiuch as may prove 
him to be the true Gcd ; with whofe works > no creatures works 
can be compared. Where is fuch a work of power as the crea- 
tion of the world , and prefer vat ion of it ? Where is there fuch a 
wo.kofgace as the work of Redemption ? And who can work 
a>iy thing like unto the leaft of the wo. ks of the Lord, in his ma- 
king ana upholding of themeaneft creature ? Neither are there 
anyworfalifa thy worlds. 6. The consideration of the large - 
neile of Gods grace and power, which he hath manifefted in the 
converfionorNa:ions,and is to manifcil yet more and more in his 
own due time may encourage any man to come and worship God, 
and expect grace from him for his own particular : he will not 
rcfufealmes to any begger, who is about to gather all poorbeg- 
gcrs to receive ot hisalmcs : All nations foall Qomc and worfoip 
before thcc y O Lord y and glorify tby l Iijme. Whatfoever is alrea- 
dy done for accomplifhing of this p.ophccie , more is to be done 
ere the Lord clofc the courfc of time ; and whatioever (hall be 
done by way of convcrfion , before the laft day 3 we are fare 
ihu at lealt by way of conviction and extorted acknowledge- 
ment, all this fhall be done at the laft day 3 for the Lord. 
hath fworne that every hjiecfotU b9# to him, and every to 'gue foall 
eonfcjjc to his Name. 7. It is the cognizance of a kindly fub- 
jeet of GoJs Kingdome, to delight in the iuc cafe and dory of it: 
and he that findeth in his hearc to love the enlargement of 
glo.y, may expect the benefit cf a kindly fubject , as the Pjalmifl 
doth here. 8. The omr.ipotency of God, and the won.irous 
wo ks which God huh already done, mayloofeall doubts about 
theaccompliflimcnt of all his p omiiis h.w great focver ; .*// 
nations foall come and rvorjlip b fore thee: for thou art great (faith 
he) and docji wondrout things, y, All l.iols and IiolatrymUlY 



tit length be defaced, and be found to be vanity, and God at 
lengrhmuft be known to be the onely true God: All Rations 
[hall glorific tby Name, for thou art god alone* 

Ver. ii. Teach me thy tpaj, O LORD, I -will 

walkjn thy truth : unite my heart to jeare thy Name. 

1 The fixth petition is, to be kept from following any 
finrull courfe, fpccially now in ihis his triall and tentation, ver* 

1 1. And this he hopeth (hall be granted to Gods glory, ver. 1 1. 
Firft, becaul'e he had experience of Gods mercy before, 
Next, becaule he had to do with proud and godiefle encmics,ver 4 
14. Thirdly , becaufe God was exceeding gracious and merciful, 
ver. if. 

As for thepe:ition to be faved from all Gn r ull cburfes, it hath 
two branches/ one is, to be inftru&ed in Gods way ; the other, 
fhat his heart may be made to follow that way, and to ftand in 
awe to offend. iVhence lexrn % 1. The Lords children under 
trouble and pcrfecutson, arein'dangcr to be driven by tentation 
to fome finfull courfe; and this they mould pray againft, and be 
no leffe feared for it, then for any bodily trouble, as heare the ex - 
ample of David teacheth us. 2. It is neceffary for efchewing 
finne, to know how God ufeth to deale with his own children, 
left we think that fomc ftrange thing hath befallen us, when we 
fall into trouble jand it is necefl'uy to know alfo how wcought 
to carry our felves in every paflage of our trouble and triall, left 
we neglect our duty, or do contrary to it: Teach me thy way, O 
God. 5. Befide the information of the mi nde concerning the 
duty in generally which God giveth by the miniftery of his 
Word, and common operation 0? his Spirit, there is amorefpe- 
ciali, lively, efficacious teaching of a man, whereby he is fitted 
to make particular practicall application of the jjenerall rule to 
particular circumftances of time and place ; and for this we muft 
pray to God alfo, after we are taught to know the duty in gene- 
rail, Teach me tby way, Lord. 4. No man muft count any- 
way to be of Gods teaching, but that which is warranted by his 
Word 5 and no man can walke fafely, except he thattollowcth 
the Lo:ds truth: Teach meruit will walk tn tby truth* 5. Who- 
foever would have G ;d to mforme them of his will , muft raft 
refolve fincerely to follow his will when he hath (hewn it j for lb 
iio±7)ivii: Teach me tby way, and I will walfa in thy truth. 

t. To 


6 Tonukeinftruftion erY.clualL, not onelymuft the minde 
be informed,but the heart alio muli be wrought upon,and framed 
unto obedience: Ignite my hart. 7. It is the nat mull difeaeof 
finfuil mens hearts, to be loofed from God, and fcactered and di- 
itracled about vavkty of vaine objects, which are offered un:o it 
to follow y and this ciifeaie oae!y God can cure : Unite nty heart. 
8. It is not fufficicnt for a man once to refignc over his heart 
unterGod in hisconverfion, bu: this refignation of the heart 
muft be renewed upon all occafions into Gods hand, that he may 
tie the affections to himfclf, and to his holy Law, and reclaime 
rhe heart from ranging and going a whoring from him after fin- 
full objefts : for this prayer tor uniting the heart is Davids pray- 
er, who long before was converted. 9. Then is the heart united 
and fixed, when the fear of God doth rwle it,*that is, when after it 
is informed of Gods will, it feareth ro omit what he command- 
ed, and to do what he forbiddech: Unite my hart It feare thy 

Ver, 12. 1 frill praife tbee^ O Lo^dmj God , rvitb 
all my heart : and I wilt glorife thy Name for ever- 

13. For greath thy mercy toward me \ and thou 
baft delivered my foul from the lorvefi hell. 

Here Druid hopeth to be heard, and promifeth praife to God,, 
both for his by-pait, and alio for his fore- fecne deliverance, flow- 
ing from the greatnefle of Gods mercy to him. ]Vbtt\QC learu y 
1. He who prayeth according to Gods will, may promife to 
himfelf fatisf action, and unto G 3d thanks for granting his re- 
I quells : I will praife thee, Lord my Cjod. z. The thankfgi- 
i ving of the godly, efpecially when the heart isenlargcd 3 is very 
! hearty, joyned with great delight, and conftant purpofc of glo- 
| rifyingof God conftantly: I will praife thee y O Lord my God> 
|j with all my heart, and I will glorifie thy Name for evermore. 
3. Wheaaman feeth his finnes great, his defeiving great, 
his danger and delivery great, he mull a]fo lee Gods 
1 mercy toward him great , and his obligation to thank f- 
giving great: 7 will glorifie thy Name f.r evermore : for great 
is thy mercy toward me. 4. Preventing mercy keeping usfrcm 
rhe evill we were in danger to fall into, is to beelteemed of by 
us as delivering mercy, bringing us out of the evill wherein we 
were lying.The Lords keeping of us from falling.into hell, fliould 
! be 


be accounted by us no Icflc mercie, then it we-fcad been in helK 
and had been brought back out of it by him: Thou hafl delivereX 
my foul from t\?e towefi hell. The lame may be laid of other 
particulars: and when our eyes are cpen to fee the evils from 
which the Lord hath kept us> when we were in danger of them,we 
fhall be forced fo to judge; 

Ver. 14. OCfod* the proud are rifen again fi me^ 
And the affemblies of violent men have fought after 
my foul : and have not fet thee before them. 

I >. But t.hou, Lord, arc a God full of compaJfiQn, 
dndgraciott* : long-fuffering^ and plenteous in mercy 
and truth* 

Here are other reafons of his hope to be delivered, taken from 
the pride and oppreffion of the cpdlefle enemy, and from Gods 
pity and companion. Whence tarn. 1. Proud, violent, cruelly 
and godlefle men, are the readied inftuments which can be 
found unto. Satan forperfecuting Gods children : Such were the 
enemies of David a type of Chrift, and ah example of his peiTc- 
cuted followfrs: The proud are rifen again ft mc. i. Whatfo- 
ever wicked man pleafeth to make head a^ainft the, godly , he, 
will readily finde multitudes to follow him:'' The proiul are rifen 
a'gaivft me, and the affemblies of violent men have fought after 
my foul. 3. When men do reject the fear of God, there is no 
wickedneile fo great , which they will not commir : They have 
fought after my foul, and have not fct thee, 6 God, before them\ 
that is, they neither fear thy judgements, nor care for what may 
pleafethec. 4. The more violent, crucll, prophane and ungod- 
ly our periccutors a' e the more hope is of Gods pity towards u$i 
asthePfalmiftrcafoneth: But thou, OLord, art a god full of 
compaflidn 5. Whatfocver objections may arifc from our un- 
Worthineflc,from our former finful provocations of God, and the 
multitude and greatnefle of our former Fns, to hinder our hope- 
that God fha!l pity us in our affliction 5 they are all anfwered and 
taken away by confideration of the unfpcakable greatnefle of 
Gods goodrieffc; for in God is com'paflion, he U full of cowpajfton, 
a God full of compaffwi-y th.n is, infinitely' companionate, and 
as it we- e ofhcTcd v\i h our mifeiy ', he it gracious, though we be 
unwoithyi Ik u long- filtering, ^\zho\x^y:t be giventoftrife. 
aii.i provocation of him ; and how great foevc: our raifikfa> ; 


vin^shave been, he is plcntcom in mercy \ and howfoever VfZ 
have forfeited our intereft lit his proiViifcs, yot he will not follow 
the forfeiture, but will k:ep up our ri^ht unto his promifes f ftiH: 
be u plenteous in truth; great is his raiihfuliietfe, who kecpetli 
promifes, albeit he mijhc jafttyrejeft them. 

Ver. 16. O tmm untomc , and have m^c) upon, 
m* ; (five thy flrength unto thy fttvaM : and fave the 
[on of thine handmaid. 

1 7. Sbety m> a t#k>n r ^r £'W, that they \X?bi b ha>e 
me may fee ic> and be afhamrd : hecaufe thou, LOR. D, 
tkft hogpen me^ a»d comforted me. 

The feventh peition is, (ov ftrehgrlitd (land out , till fuch a 
clear delivery flionld come to him from God, as mi^h: pu: his 
enemies to confulim, when they mould fee it. H r hcnceleurn y 
1. Whofoever do cinder we!! the riches of Gods grace and 
g K>dnefle,nr?y c onfi dently p My for a proof of it ', in Lire hang- 
ing of a miferable con iition into i better 3 even whenGod f em^ih 
angry and averfc : Thou art plenteous in mercy Mil truth, turne 
unto mc, and hive mercy upon' rne. z. It is no final mercy to 
have ftrength from God to fubfiit under troubles, till the delive- 
ry come y and for this tlrength tke manempi;d of felf- confi- 
dence rany call , and fboiild be content wich fupportiflig ftength, 
till the Lords time of deliverance come. Give thy fif&tgrb unto 
thy (crvint. $, The longer courfe the kind rie lie of the Lord 
huh hai toward us 3 and the more relations are between G :)d and 
us, we may expert the more confidently tor further effects and 
fruit of his kindnefle ftr our deliverance : for 7)avid here rec- 
k nc:h trom hi:> being born within flu* Coven mt, borne. as a 
dorncllick, as achildcofthe Church, who belonged toG^ls 
protection and ca e, as the ion of the lundm if J belonged to the 
cae otthc m.ilte: of the family : Save the fon of thy hanimaid. 
4. As the wicked delight to fee the godly in miLry , that :ney 
miy ittfiltt over godl indie 5 fo the go ly dcnVe deliverance, that 
inth.irpenbn godlineile may not furfjr, nor wicked men be 
heartened in thei iufoLnci _•: Shew me 1 \o\en fvrgwdy tbatthcy 
mho hate me ^m ay fee it. $. The good lujccefle and delivery of 
fome o» the Saiirs odt of their troubles and mils, is a good to- 
ken both to themielves, and to ail other godly perfons, or a b!e;- 
fed event unto them from all th ir troubles* Therefore TjxAd 
pr.n'::h fur i:, Slxw me a cofyn for goii, 6. As the good event 
of the godly from then* -troubles, is a matter o: ley 

U" and' 


and glcriation unto the godly, to is it ?J To the matter of (name 
and confufion to the wicked, who do hate them: Shew >;;>ea toi^n 
for they who hue me mxy fee t, and be ajJw.ed, be- 
exufe tbQU)Lordbdjlbolpcn-mc,4nd comforted me. 


A Pfaime ox [ong for the founes of fyrab. 

WHcn God Ioofed the captivity of the Jewes by Cyrta/cw 
of them did returne from Babylon ; the work of repa- 
ration of Church and S ate , Temple and City had few to af- 
fift i f : their enemies were many, they were ftraitned with po- 
verty and famine 5 and the herts and hands of the Godly wetc 
weakened j they were like to faint and defpaire , that either 
Chui ch or State fhouid flourifh any more amonjft them ; for 
comfort in fuch a time was this P'alme fi.tcd, leading the Lords 
pe' pie to live by faith, and to work on in the building of the 
Lords home 3 and reparation of the City , looking to God the 
Builder of his Chinch, and maintainer of his people. To which 
pui'pofe the Pfalmiftgivcth them feven coniolations oppo/ite to 
io many temations unto difcouragement. The fir ft is, that 
they fhouid lock to c:od who had founded his owne Temple fo- 
lidly, and fo not faint for the weakneflc and fewnefle of the 
builders, vcr. 1. The fecond, that they fhouid look to G ods love 
and good will, and not be troubled for want of external! power 
and riches, vet. z. The third is, that they fhouid look torhc 
prophecies concerning the Church, and not be troubled for 
what prefent outward appearance and carnall rcafon did repre- 
fentj vcr. $. The fourth is, that they mould not be troubled for 
the multitude of their foes for the prefent time, but look to the 
multitude of friends and converts which they fhouid have here - 
a r te; vcr 4^5, The fifth is, that they fhouid not be troubled 
with the fcarc of the ruine of the Church, but look to Almighty 
God, who would dlablifh her fo, that no power fhouid overturn 
her, vcr. f. The lixth is, that t! cy fhouid not be troubled wi-h 
the prefent contempt under which they did lie, but look to the 
glory and eltimatun which God fhouid put in his owne time 
upon the Church and her children, vcr. 6. The feventh is, that 
they fliould not be troubled wick their prcfeu* grief tlicy were in, 



bat mould look to the i'pMrual joy and caufes thereof whkh 
the Lord was to furnifh to his people ,vcr\ 7. 

Ver. r. T J// foundation is in the l:oly mount- 



Thefv.ft comfort of 1 he-afflicted Jcwes, troubled for the hip.- 
de ingof the buil Jingof Gods Temple is, that God had by his 
decree and prcmiie made the mountains of 5 ion nnr 1 Mcr'ub the 
rMace of his reft amengit his people, till the Mefli .h mould 
come, in whom thefe types were to be nccomplifhcd , and for 
whofe cuifc they were to be preferred till became, who is the 
only (olid rock whereupon the C. (lurch is builded. Whence lc&rn> 
i. When the builders of the T„ords Church arc few and weak, 
his people had need to be comforted a^ainft their feares and 
doubts, as here we ice ; and the way to be comforted in fuch 
hard times, is to lock by faith to God, ss the builder of his 
own houfe, who hath laid the foundation upon folid grounds, 
that every believer th3t trufKth in him, may be as Mount Sion^ 
which cannot be removed 5 Hit foundation is on the hoi) mount* 


Ver. 2. The LORT) freth the gates of Sion : 
wore then all the dwellings of Jacob. 

.The fecond crmfort is, that God had choknSion above all o- 
th:r places to be his eft , and did love there to dwell rather 
then elfewherc. Whence lexm^ 1. The dignity of my place, 
gerfonor fpciety, proceedeth not from r.ny thing in the place or, 
focicty, but from ; he Lords election and'frcclove \ r bc Lord 
love h thcgites of Sion. more then all the dwellings of Jaau. 
2. Thciovc of the Lord to his Church, is a (ojjd 
ground of afl'arancc of her conrinuance : as here in the figure 
we a.e taught. 

Ver. 3. (jlorious things are fpol^en of thee ^ City 
of God. Selah. 

.The third comfort is, from the prophecies pift abcut the 

Church, and pr cm ills rai/e umo her in figurative terrors. , 

V 1 Whence 


Whence lcarn> i . The Cbu ch is the incorporation, in whkh 
the Lo.dieigncth, rolcth and lendah 5 It is the City of God. 
2. Thep :iviiedges of the Church are vdy glorious , the glo- 
ry of Kings, Crowns and Diadems is nothing to tii^m, but bo- 
dily and temporal fhadows of what is Ipimually and everlaft- 
, in^ly bciVnvc.t on the Church ; Glorious things arefp\cnof 
tbu. 1 Albeit glorious things are bellowed on the Church, 
yet it is net lo much any thing already done, as what is to be 
cione, which makeththv Church bieifci : it is notprefent poi- 
feflion , but hope 5 not fight, but faith, which rmketh the 
Church bleflcd : and the Scriptures are a funScient ri^ht to us 
for all bleiiings which are to come : Glorious things are /pollen 
of thee, C"y of Ood. 

Ver. 4. / trill make mention of Rahab and Baby- 
l on ) to them thai hnorv me ; VehoU, Phi iftia and J ye> 
rdth Ethiopia : this man was borne there. 

5 . «t^^ of Sion it Jhali be (aid, 1 his and that man 
Tea* borne in her: and the higheft himfelf JhMl eft a* 
blip) her, 

The fourth comfort is, that the Churches chief enemies 
fhould be converted to the fai:h ; and mould count it their great - 
eft honour fo to be }Vhevcc learn, 1 . It is among the troubles 
of the Church that (lie ha h to many enemies, and thofe fo migh- i 
ty and potent as the Egyptians and Babylonians; 1 will make 
mention of Rah ab j that is, Egypt, ano c JJabylon, and Falc-lvu, 
: ni Tyre, and Ethiopia, which arc pctt named as the moil emi - 
nent eppreflbrs of the Churchy among all other Kingdomcs. 
3.- It mould comfort the Church, that God is able to make her 
chicfeft enemies to become Converts, and that he ha:h dene it 
Jundry times, and will yet do it more ; and that he can take 
order-with thofe enemies which mail no: be converted, as he 
did with Rahab and Babylon ; for, I will ma^e menii n of Ra- 
hab and Babylon to them that lytow me, figninah a mention-ma- 
king o. them 5 vi\. to the edification of the Churches chil- 
dren, both concerning what God had done to thofe Nations in 
juftice , -md what he would do to them in mercy, or unto oiher 
enemies like unto them. 3. As it is the glory arid comfort of 
the Church, to have her enemies made Converts: fo is it ho- 


. iible to the enemies, were tbcv never fo porciit in che 
[a ro be Citizc-.s . f the Cirv of God ; / will nuf(€ menti- 
on oftbem,tlut this rain wus bom xherefhx is,in theCity ofuod. 
4. The convenor! of men from Pa^anifm i.ui Idotatr y u.iio fcfr- 
lowihip in rh L Covenant wi h che Church is a fort of new birh 
to the cfcteriially converted, f om which th i. new birth an.; n.w 
bein^ is to be lecfconerl j This m.iv borne there* 5. \s wlnt.o- 
cve • honour men have in the worldjit is not ro be compa* ed with 
th: honour or' regeneration, and being born Ci iz ns ot the 
Church: lo wh-irfoevtritfjucmpc the members ci the Chu \h 
do lti(fer of' the world, it's mire up by the honour o; being bo 1 n 
in the Church : tor, of Sion itlkdlbc fail, This and ihit man 
were bor: 111 her. 6. I he e is no rcafon to fearethe mine of 
tliv.Chut\h, or the not continuing or hertrorri age to age, to be 
a mother and recepcade of Converts; For the hi^hejt bimfelf 
/bull cjtdblijb her, wd this is the fifth comfort ot" the favour as 
cf .he in the time or' trouble. 

Ver. 6. The LORD {hall count when he xvti- 
teth up the people: that ihit m*n>Xas borne there. 

The G\:h comfort is. from G^s e'timation which he hath of 
cve.y one ot" the true Citizens of hi -Church. Whence lcirn> 
1. As ail .the elctf all rh: regenerate are uken no; ice of by GoJ, 
1 no Idle particularly, then it their names were all written up in 
a book one by one: fo there is a time when he imnifefterh his 
en o!liog of them ; partly to themielves by his vyitneffirig unto 
thcrri that they a; e his Children ; partly to the worl.i, by feftajn - 
ingthem in their rials and troubles \ andp r ; y b/ a fal i deli- 
very of rhem, and eon fc fling their names before men and An- 
gels at the great day * The Lord Jh.dl count when he wriictb up 
the prople y that is, inhisowntime when he feet h it ti: ro n a- 
nifi fi his refpect to his own. 2. The Converts among the Nar 
tions (Tnll be reckoned up anon? the Converts ot the Louis 
people cf the Jcwcs i The Lord fail I count when he n riictbup the 
people, thi. nun w is bor nc there-, that is, whuloe ver man he 
be, who isc onveitcdout of any countrey, ton&ufc or language, 
he (hall be counted a memo:; of the Church ot IjhcL 

Ver. 7. As well the fingers as the pU;ers on 
V 3 i* 


irfiruments (lull be there : all wy /prints are in 

The !aft comfort is , from the joy fpiritual, and the everlaft- 
ingfpiings, fountains and caufes of joy, which God doth fur- 
nifh, ana will furnifh to his Wh c nee lcmt y i. As the 
Church is fubjeft to her own griefs in the world> fo alio is fhe 
lure of ahundantconfolationstobehadandlaidupin flore for 
her, exprefied here in the termes of typical joy, appointed in fo- 
iemn feftivals ; As trell the fingers as tbeplayers on inflrumentj 
frail be there. 2. The caufes of the joy of the Saints are ever*- 
kfting, compai able to wells and fprings of living water j All 
my fp rings jhal! be in thee. 3. Such Saints as have had their 
fenfesexercifed, are able to lubferibe the truth of p.omifes by 
their owii experience, and in fpecial, that there is no joy or 
comfort, no gift nor grace, no refrefliment nor delectation wor- 
thy to benamed, except that which they have by Church-privi- 
ledges, and communion of Saints, as here the Pfalmift doth 
confefle> All my fprings arc in thee, faith he : (peaking to the 
Church, or to God dwelling in his Church. 


A Song or Tfxlme for the founes of J$prxb. To the chief Mufic'm 
* upon M&d&tb Lcxnnotb, Mxfchil ofHemxn tin E\rxhite. 

THis Hcnun the Ezahite, was one of thofe foure wifc^ 
men InallJ/w/, nextafcer Solomon^ who is preferred a - 
bove them all, 1 ¥jtiff 4« 3 *. The exercife of this wife and ho- 
ly man is let down here under the heavieft condition of a wound- 
ed fpitit? of any that we rearl of; wherein firft, he prayech for 
comfort to his foul, now afflicted under the fenfeof fad wrarh 
and long defenion, ver.i, 2!. In the fecond place he poureih 
out his foul to God, -and layeth before him a moft pitiful la- 
mentation of his diftrefled condition, ver. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,$. In 
the thud place, he vvreftleth by faith in his p: aver to God for 
comfort, ver. 9, io, 1% n, 13, 14 •' And laft'y, finding^no 
comfort, he rcnewcth his lamentation, leaveth his prayer before 
the Lord, : and writeth it for the edification of the Church in all 
ti incoming, asthematterof ajoytul Song. 
u , . • • > : < ' • ' FiOm 


From the Infcription; Learn, i. David was not the only ir^n 
acquainted with fad cxeidfe ana rffl.ction <,f fpirit, for here is 
another , to wit, hcnwi ibcEyahitc, as deep in trouble of fpi- 
rit, as he or any other txfidc. 2. They arc not all men of 
weak mindes and fh dlow wits, win arc acquainted with trouble 
of fpirit, and borne down wi.h the fenfe of Gods wrath; for here 
is He? 3 oneamongft the wifeft in all Ijrdd, and inferiour to 
none for wifdom, except to Solomon alone, under the hcavieft ex- 
c cife we can imagine poflible to: a Saint. 3. When it pleafcth 
God tocxercife a man of psfts, of great gifts and graces , he 
can make his burden proportionable to his ftreng r h, and give 
him as much ro do with the d :ffi:ul:ies he puts him to, as a 
weaker man (hall fin de in his excrcifc, as appca'eth in the ex^ 
perience of Hcman. 4 Wife men in their trouble mult t tkc the 
fame courfe with the (impler fort of mcu, that is, they mud run 
to God is others d >, and feek relief only in hisgnce ; who as 
he diftributech the meafures of trouble, can alio give comfort, 
etfe and deliverance from them, as the practice of Hcm&n doth 
tea h us. 5. What trouble of a wounded fpirit of Go is 
children h;vc felt in former times, others to God may finde 
the like, and all men ought to prepare for the like, 
ftnd fliould not think the excrcifc ftrang-e when it cometh, but 
muft comfort themfelves in this, rhitct'ner Saints, whofe names 
are recorded in Scripture, have been under like affliction ; for 
the Pfaim is appointed to give inftrudion ; it is Mafibil of He- 
Willi. 6. What is atone time matter of mourning to one of 
Gods children, may become matter of joy and tinging afterward, 
both tohimfelf and to others, as this fad anguifh of fpirit in 
Hcman is made a fongof joy, unto Gods glory and the com- 
fort of all affliftrd fouls, labouring under the kvSc of fin and 
felt wrath of God to the worlds end ; It i a * ong, a Pfalm for tJye 
fomofl^orab 7. Such as are moil heavily afflicxel in fpirit, 
and do flee to God for reconciliation and conlolation through 
Ohriftj have no rcafon to fufpecl themfelves, that they are not 
eiteem.d of and loved as deir children, bixnufe they feele fo. 
much of Godswrath : For here is a Saint who Inth drunken 
of that Cup, (as deep as any, who (hall read this Pfalm lw. e is 
one fo much loved and ho no 11 re J of God> as to be a Pep- nan 
of holy Scripture, and a paten of faith and patience unto 0- 
thers , even Hcnun the Eyabite. 

V 4 Ver. 


Ver.i. (^\ LOWV CoA of mj falvation , I 
\*J have cneH day and night kefirs 
2. Let my frajcr come kef ore thee : incline \hue eare 
hntony c y. 

In the fir ft place, he fafteneih his faith and refolutionto pray 
o nlhmly to God, till he receive anfwer,and requeftuh foi com- 
fort now at laft. Whence learn, i. Whofcever have fled to Gcd 
for grace, and have received the cfter of leconciliation mace to 
the Chmch in the MeiTiah, are entered in Covenant with Cod 
for their everlafting falvation, and ought toftandfaft in the 
holding of this Covenant, whatfeever hard condition they may 
fall intc, as Uem«n doth here, faying to Gcd, Lord God of my 
falvation. i. When a foul hath received the ofl'er of grace made 
to the Church, in the common tender of the Covenant of grace, 
he is entered into Covenant with God fo particularly, as it the 
Indenture weie paft between God and that foul by name, fo 
that the beleever may rcade his own name in Gods everlafting 
ftilesand titles, and may reace in himfelf the mark of Gods in- 
tereft unto him, and the mai kef his intereft in God forever- 
more; for, god of my (alvMion, importcth no lefle. 
a beleever hath laid hold on eternal life, he may by the fame 
right ask and expect comfort in, and deliverance out of every 
trouble, as an Appendix cf the great faivation , which is com- 
ing unto him, as here Hemandoih. 4 God can love a man, 
and keep him in faith and exercifeof prayer a longtime, with- 
out a comfortable anfvver, and all in love, wife love : I have 
cried day and night I cfcrcthec y faith He man, and the anfwer is 
not come yU. 5- There is a difference of the lamentation ofthe 
worldly man, and ofthe bekevcr : The worldly man fighes and 
cries, and he knows not to whom, but the godly do prefent 
themfelves in their lamentations to God j I have cried day and 
night befcre thee > as his dolour did cleave unto him, or was 
renewed upon him, fo hehad hisrecourfe to God at all times. 
6. Albeit our prayer* being prefented before God, do fecm to us 
roc to have been admitted, yet muft our bill fkftill, and bepr.^ 
up to Gad again and again, till it be received to our ienfc and 
knowledge; L(t my prayer come before $ bee 7- The beleever 
may be fure to have a good anfwer at length, but he muft be in - 
flant, and deal ilill with God for it, and picfle it hard, and ps- 
I. \ . ., ■ ' . tiently" 


riently wait for it 3 as Hcmjn here doth j Incline thine circi.MQ 
my cry. 

Vcr. 3. Tor my [oule is full of troubles, and mj 
life draweth n'gh unto the grave. 

In the fecond places hclayeih out his trouble before God in 
nine degrees thereof each of them fuperadjing ionuthiijg to 
the former: under which he is not only wonder fully upheld, but 
altohemakcth u'e of this lamentation and long catalogue ot mi- 
feries, as aground of Lis hope, to have a gracious anfwer atlait, 
which came to oafle, as the turning of this lamenta. ion into a 
Song, tothecomtort of others in the Churchy that mould feel 
the like in any meafure thereafter, doth ihcw ; for his condition, 
he fetteth it down under the name of trouble, foul-trouble : 
more troubles then one or two : and the fir ft degree thereof is, 
that his foul is full ok trouble;* rcpltniflicd to as it can hold no 
more. Whence I xm. 1. Albeit we nothing to bring before 
God buc our grief and mile ie, we want not matter of confidence 
to findc tavour from our pitiful God, as this example tcachcrh 
us; Incline thine eire, for my feul is full of trouble*-.- 2. Irthe 
goaly (hould fmcthcr their grief, and net go toGxi withic, 
then forrow were able :o choke them i but this is no fmal^eafe to 
them that they h \vc God to go unto_> to whom they may freely 
vent their minde, as here we fee. 3. Soul troubks are the 
m oil; pi effing troubles, and with ihofe readily will the Lord 
exercile hischildrenj when he mindeth to trie their fJth, ma- 
king iheir fpirits to [mart with trouble after trouble, with a 
number of troubles, which they are neither able to reckon nor 
to beare ) My foul is full of troubles. 4. The dolours of the 
minde arc able to wafte away the body, which cannot but 
(hi i&k and pine away when the foul is fick wi:h anguifh 5 CAly 
ljfcdrdWctbncii*totkcgrruc, faith he ; and this is the fecond 
degree of his trouble. 

Ver. 4. J dm counted nith them that <ro down 
into the pit : I am as a man that hath noftrerxrth. 

The thid degree of his troub'e is, t' a: in the jucherrent of 
them who knew his condition, and pcflibly lamented it, hi was* 



counted a loft 'man : yea and he himfelfdid finde no ftrength to 
beare out, or to recover himfelf. Whence learn, i. It is no fmall 
tenntion and vexation of fpiritta the godly bclecver, to be in 
the judgement ot : beholders a loft man, becaufe of the ieemin<* 
de r perate condition of his foul, and yet it may befall a dear 
childeofGod; 1 am counted with them that go down to the pit. 
2. Albeit God hath by grace fevered death from hell unto the 
believer, yet the connexion of thefe two, if juftice wer« not 
fatisfiei in the Redeemer, mould never be forgotten, as the Scri - 
ptures giving the fame name to death, g ave and hdlynay teach 
us 5 lam counted with them thit go down to the pit x or grave, or 
h:lH J« Whatfcever ftrength of foul or body a man haih in his 
pofllffion, lhall be fooji emptied when Go.l puttcch him indi- 
ftrefle, except new furniture be fupplied unto him, and that no 
lefle then unto the weakeft •> I am as a man that huh no ftrength* 

Ver, $• Free among the dead, tike the flaine that lie 
in the grave y wham thou remtmbreft no more ; and 
they are cm ojf from thy hand. 

The fourth degree of his rouble is, that he is like the Le- 
per in the hw, (hut out from the living, and put among 
the deid, and no more fit for any duty of the livin?;which teach- 
eth us, that the bcleever in God may at fome time be fo burden- 
ed with trouble of fpirit, as he can neither think,nor fpeak, 
nor go about any duty of the living for a time y I am, or I am 
counted (faith he,) as one free among the dead , or ihut out,and 
feparate among th^ dead. 

The fifth degree of his trouble, he is a man whefe life is 
violently pi uckt from him i who gets not liberty to die at lea- 
lure or in peace, but £s thruft out of the world fuddenly with a 
deadly wounds and fuch may the condition of a foul deir to 
God, feemtbitfelftobe : I am li\c the Jlainc that tizinihe 

The i?xth degree of his trouble is, hef^emeth to !~e dep:ivei 
of the comfortable viciflitude of the common benefits of life, 
and of thofc changes which ordinarily Gods vifirariens do make, 
as if h" were left under the power of death , there to lie 
without a change of thn condition for ever : and fuch may the 
cafe of a beloved Saint feem to be, both to himfelf and to others* 
1 am as one in grave , whom thou remcmbrejlnomorc 5 yea, the 



beleever at a time may lofc :hc fight of cvcrlailingpromiics, and 
feemtohimfelf to be rejected of G->d J lamas they that are an 
°ff f rm f fy band. 

Ver. 6. Thou haft laid me in the lowefi ph : in 
d*rknefftjn ?bc Aeepes. 

The feventh degree of his trouble : he fcemeth as a man al;ea* 
dy condemned and poflfefled of the torment of hell, in the ex - 
tricable mifery of the damned, deprived of all light of confo- 
lation,in the gulfe of defparation, wherein a man ennno: findc 
ground, nor deliverance from it. Whence learn, i That this al- 
io may be the cafe of a beleever in his own fenfc 5 Thou haft laid 
me in the loweftpit . in darfinijfc y in the decpes. 2 . Whntfoever 
trouble we arc in, or how great danger foever we fecm to our 
ftlves to be in ; it is the beleevers wifdom ftill to look to God, 
as our party with whom we hive to do, and to lay it forth be- 
fore him : for albeit this may augment grief and fear on the one 
hand, yet it pieparcth way for the remedy, and kcepeth the bc- 
lecver intermes with God on the otjier h md, as this example 
doth teach us i Tbou haft laid me in the loweft pit : in darh^tjfe, 
in the depths, 

Ver. 7. Thy wrath lieth hard Hponmc> and thou 
haft afJUEledmc rvith all thy waves. Set ah. 

The eighth degree of his trouble is, the felt w ath of God 
purfuiwg him, overtaking him., lying heavie upon him, toffing 
him with new aft' ightments and aifauits, as the waves of the fea 
do, when they come one after another, and do beat with end- 
lcQ": dafhing upon wh it they finde in their w \y ; and fuch may 
be the cafe of a beloved foul in its own fenfe, which when wc 
CJnfider, we may fay, How gentle is the ordinary execife of 
weak beleevers, when this exeicifc is looked upon ? rhy wrath 
(i<:th hard upon me 3 and thou haft ajflittcd me with all thy 

Ver. 8- Thou haft put aft aj mine arquaintancc 
farrefrotn me : thou haft made me a* abomination un- 
i*> them : I am Jb:itup } andcAnnot c me forth. 



Thr ninth degree of his trouble ts, that betide all the bui den of 
the forefaid vexation, the Lord deprived him ot all com/ort . and 
did not b.itow upon him to much as any conioUrion from his 
friends 3 or from the fellowship ot the godly wife; but by oods 
providence they did leave him as a man defperate , yea as a man 
whole condition they were afraid to look upon ; yea they abhor- 
red his cafe and for look him : and he being thus in appearance 
/hut out from heaven , an.i fallowed with wrath from ood, was 
not onely left co.nfortleffe anoug men, but aifo was looke.l 
upon by his friends as a damned and abominable reprobates dealt 
with as a man mm up for the plague of peftilence, to chat he kept 
his chamber and could not come abroad to look any nun in the 
face : and this alio may be the cafe of a foul precious in Gods 
eyes , beloved and accepted of him in the very mean time o'f all 
this hardexercife : Thou ha[i put xvo y my acquaintance fane f. ram 
me, thou hill m dc me an abomination to them : I am Jbut up > and 
cannot come forth, 

Vcr. p. Aline eye momneth byreafon of afflit~lion 
LOUD, I have called daily upon thee : I have 
firetched ont mj hands unto thee* 

In thcthird place, he wreltleth by pnyei* with Go 1 for com- 
fort, u mg for this end four reafons to {lengthen his faith, and 
hope to be comforted. The firft is, from the confeience of his 
earnelt feeking his comfort and iclie : from this his trouble onely 
in God. Whence learnc , ?. G^dlinetfe doth not n\ake men 
ienfeleileof gricfc, nor doth it hinder tearesor mourning , or any 
other effects of forrow to be feen in their body; tf/we eye mournetb 
bccaufcofaffliclion. 2. Sorrow mould neither hinder the godl/ to 
feek God , nor move them to feek their confohtion elfewhere: 
Lord, 1 hive called daily upon thee, 3 . It is poffible that a goJly 
man may be inftant daily with God , praying with teares for 
comfort, and yet not obtain for a long time, as this example doth 
teach. 4. As in ferious prayer, fpccially in fecret, the affections 
of the heart do uttey themfelves in the anfwerable gefturcs of the 
body> aswellasin the voice and words of the month: fa thofe 
vcftnres have their own fpeech unto God, no lelle then the words 
ot the mouth hive ; as here, I have ftrctched out my hanh unto 
thee , is bfdiignt form to exprefle his fub niili/e rendering up 
of himfeifumo God 5 and his dependanee upon hiou 


Ver. 10. Wilt thou flaw wonders to the dead f JhaH 
the dctdrilc and praife thee f Selah. 

II. Shall thy loving kwdnefie be declared in the 
qrave> or thj faithftilnefie in dcftrtitlion? 

12 Shall thj \Xohd?rs be kno^n i* the darkj and 
thj nghteoitfnejje in the land of for get f nine £e ? 

The fecond reafon is,becuife if God do not fhortly anfwe; him , 
(as he thinks) he cannot choofe but die ; and then it wil not be 

time to^ivc ananfwer to his prayer, foe the edification of othe:s 5 
and glorifying of his Name among men in this world , .by le- 
lieving of a poor iupplicaiir 3 fuch *she was. except he would ratte 
him up again after he is dead extraordinarily and miraculoufly, 
which he cannot look tor , and therefore he hoperh and praycth 
to be comforted in time ; wherein he puts it out of queftion, that 
he cannot but die quickly , if ihe Lord comfort him not fiiortly. 
Here he fpeakcth his own fen.e > and hafterH a little to he 
co n forced , asd doth jomewhat indirectly fet a time to the Lords 
manifefting o! himieite, and ftiew&th fottu humane jrtfiufttiry, y^c 
fuch as the Lord u:eih not to quarrel for with his children in their 
lamentations , mean time i A this he (hevVech himfelfe a noble 
wrcftler; Firil ; that beafKircrh himfehe (*od would not fails 
to comfort him before he died $ and f.gain that the Lord wouid 
rather miraculoufly raiie him from the dead, then notgloriy 
himfelfe in his deliverance : and in this alio he takith a fate 
courfeto feek tor what he might expect, r»t cr in an ordinary 

, way 3 then to look tor miracles. IVhinc learn, i. When the 
Lord debyeth to comfort a believing fupplicant, lie doth call him 
to wrcftle in prayer 3 and w excrcife his faith fo much the more, 
as here we hn/.ie this Saint to do jexpour.ding Go. is e.ii'penfation, 
and binding his (p rit in h \s fupplication to w. title Eflp coPtiio 9, 
as thofc often interrogations do make eviden:. i When faith is 
fix:d upon the Covenant, and p omifes and power, and goo .iridic 
c f God i it will expect miracles, rather then fear breach of G ds 

' Promifc: l^vaiU thou Jhcw while s to the dead ? *do:h tmpo.t. 
3. A t ae believer fhoald hve to be co.-nfoie. , ve.i nj 10 live 
in the wo 1 i , not fo mu h 1 1 Irij own fatlsraction , as r|iat he 
may J nify God in his \iu : 2$;JbaH the r fc and praife thee < 
.doth import. 4« It will nnt content a reliever ro have the u'e 
of any bench' u.uo himfelTe 46tlt fiat refolvech to make it rouh- 
coming, as to the glory of ccd ; foalio to the e..ificu.i 

others : 


othe s : and therefore loveth to hive the benefit which he feekerh 
mainly for that end ; as, Shall thy loving {in dncjfc be declared in 
the gr avc ? doth import. $. The onely time to glorify God , fo 
as others may be edified , is this prefent life , after death a man 
may praife God in heaven , but fhall not inft uct any ignorant 
perfon there by his example or counfel 5 as, Sbull thy fxitbfii'nrfle 
be declared h deftruclion t doth import : and that which follow, 
ethalfo iheweth the fame ; Skill thy mnders be l^nown in the 
darh^and thy rightcoufnefle in the land of forget julncffe ? 6. There 
is no commerce between thelivinjandthc dead , the dead do not • 
know what mm arc doing on the earth , for death isthetoi of 
forgctfa'neffe , wherein the living and dead fo part and go afun- 
der , asthofedo who forget one another. 7. A foul acquainted 
with God,, hath' no will to die, till thefenfe ofwrach be remove I, 
and the feeling of the [tn(c of reconciliation be granted , as this 
examplc^dcth (hew ; and no wonder in this 5 for it is a fearful 
thing to hive the terror both of temporal and eternal death to 
fct on at once. 

Vcr. 1 3 . Bnt unto thee have 1 cried, LORD: 
Und in the morning fb*ll mj prayer prevent thee. 

The third reafon of hishepe to have his requeft granted is,' 
from his resolution never to give over p.aying, but as he had 
done before., fo to continue ft' 111 in his fupplication. Whence 
learn , 1. Infancy in prayer , and rcfolution never to give over, 
as it arguerh folic! and ftrong faith: fo doth it givt gooo 1 ground 
of hope to be heard ,as in this example of the Prophet may be iccn. 
2. Albeit we do not finde an anfvverto our warrantable prayers 
fo foon as wc would , vet we muft not conclude that our by-paft 
p ayer hath been amiiVc , but rather muft avow our by-paft ex- 
ercifc , and rcfolve to continue as the Pfalmift doth here ; But 
unto thee have Icri dfl LorA^and in tbc morning Jball my prayer 
prevent thee. 

Ver. 14. LORD \ why cafteft thou offmyfoule t 
why hide ft thon thy face from me ? 

^he fourth reafon is, from the impoflibility of his being a caft- 
away > albeit it feemed fo or that God fliould alvvayes hide his 
face from him , albeit it feemed fo, as his asking Jffy/in tlje rca- 
foning ofraithagaii.ft icpfi and outward appearance; doth mew 


obchismeaning 3 efpecially if thefe words be compared with the 
>rc eding w fix. Whence lcarne,i. As the faith of Gods dear children 
nay bealfaulted with fuggeltions moving them to fufpect their 
\ je&ion horn God ) fo is it the nature ofc faith, and the duty of 
believers to rcjed thofc thoughts, to lay them out before God, 
ind to difpuw againft them s Lord, rvby cafieft thou of my foul? 
a. When God doth hide the (enable figncs of his favour toward 
us, we are allowed to deal with Cod to remove the vailcj Wby^ 
bidefi thou thy f ice from me? $. A glimpfc of Gads face, or of 
his ienfible mani fefted love may mitigate the foreft trouble o L 1 
fad.foule, and fatisfy the afflicted , as the Petition involved ii\ 
this fpeech, why hi deft thou thy face from me? doth im- 
port : for if he could have found any glimpfe of favour, he 
would not have fo complained. 

Ver. IJ. / am ajflitledtndready to die > from my 
youth tip : while I 'fuffer thy terrors I am d'ftr«llcd. 

In the lad part of the Pfalm, the Prophet finding no conf lo- 
tion , returncth to his lamentation, by which he made way to his 
wriftling in prayer, from ver.$. to the 9. and layeth down 
his mifcry at the Lords tcet , as the object of the b:we'S or 
his pity : in which mi! cry he is pcriVa led , that he could 
not but Snde the eftl&s of the Lords comp flu>n in due time. 
The parts of the lamentation arc three. The Si il is, for the long; 
continuance of his lad exercise, even from his youth up, wherein 
he fheweth firft, that he was afflicted , that is ; put to great ftraits 
by calamities. Secondly, that be was ready to die, as a man over- 
let and able to bear no more. Thirdly, that he was as much vzy.- 
ed with what he feared to come , as he was troubled with whit he 
felt j He fuffcrcd the terrors of the Lod. Fourthly 3 that he was 
exercifed frequently, and of a long ti ne this way > r rom bis youth 
up. Fifthly, that by the hard cxeci!c,and returning terrors ot G >d 
r.pon him, he wns fo rent a id pe plcxcd , that oft-times he could 
not make ufe of his natural rcafon,as he did reckon JVbcvce learn , 
1. When we have a flayed all memes ror hiving comfort of G cd, 
it is lafeft for us to lay cur griefc before G jd, till he be pi .a fed o 
(Ikw pity : Tfie cfatlde of God hath no oraro r y but mourn- 
i.^e to his Father, as hi e we fee. i. A g' ievcH minde can 
reck n all itsamtftiO'iS, and c.dl to remembrance ifiple troubles 
that arc lonp hncepait , as he:e we fee. $. It is an o dinary 
dott ine, but hardly believed , when it ccmeth to applica ion, 


304 PSAL. LXXXVIII. Cjod loveth them whom be cbajlifctb^ as the Prophets la- 
mentation and wreftlings do teach us. 4. In a through trial] 
the Lord bringcth the foul to the b ink of death. / am ready to 
die. 5. The weight of pr'efent troubles, is a*:companie J readily 
wi;h the tear of worle to come, and the fear of eviil to come doth 
double the weight of evill that is prefent > tor the Lords terrors 
here are reckoned as his faddeft fufferings. 6. Some of G )ds 
children are more exercifed in their consciences then other tome, 
yea fome foulesmay all their dayes be frequented with the terrors 
of the Lord and fears of his wram> as this example of Neman en- 
ercifed from his youth «p,doth (hew. j. Sore trials may put faith 
fometimes to (tagger with doubting, and by perplexity put a mans 
re.ifon to a {land , and make him many times like a man befide 
himfelfe \ I am diftraffed. 8. Albeit the godly may be put 
to doubt, yet are they not driven todefpairej Albeit they be 
caft down , yet they ?re not deflroyei , as here we fee". 

Ver. I 6, Thy fierce wrath gocth over me ; thy ter- 
rors havo cat me ojf. 

17. They came round about me dxilj like water: 
they compajfed me about together. 

The feconi part of the lamentation , is for the feeling of the 
apparent effects of Gods wrath 5 force wrath , overwhelming 
wrath going over him, fears and terrors of more & henvier wrath 
co ning ; affrighting wrath in appearance , furrounding wrath 
and terror comparing about, like deep waters , from which no 
event cm be feen. lVl)cnce learn , 1. Trouble hath its own 
weight , bat wrath maketh it unfup portable ; the wrath of 
a Father , when it is feen, is terrible ; but fierce wra:h of 
a Judge , whin it appearech , is unfpeakable : it ovewh.lm- 
eth, fwalloweth up , and yet this may be the exerci fe of a childe 
of God j Thy fierce wrath gocth over me. z. Albeit the exercife 
of a childe of G)d may fee m to himfelfe to be the very cafe of a 
damned reprobate , yet in rhe mitlft of it the footfteps of grace 
and evidence of faith may be feen by a beholder , as in the expe- 
rience of fr'cman^ who in his deepeft trouble adhered to God, 
may b: feen : For fiol,the fea- which let upon him, is called the 
terror of God, which importeth not only wrath,prefent wrath, but 
al(o unrefutable wraih: vea and growfns o'Gods vvra:h, coming 
spa c upon him , tor terror importeth this, 2. I ne terrors or 
( ?oj in the plural number are upon him, that is, frequent terrors , 
ahda-.uitiplieJ tcrroi*. y. The effect of thole terms as th:y 


P$AL. LXXXVilL 30; 

feemed, they were aff igluing terrors , which did threaten to fe- 
parate his foul from God utterly > altogether , and for ever to his 
fenfennd likelihoods they fpake no telle then that he was to be 
found a cafhway : Thy terrors ( faith hcj have cut me off. 4. L it 
of all, for the manner of the affault made by thofe tenors upon 
his poor foul, they arc compared co waters inclofing a man be- 
fore he be aware, compafling him lo about that he can findc no 
event ; and like the returning of the tide, comparing him daily* 
vea like contrary tides, one or them thru fling another, and fetting 
upon him on all hands together $ whereby the inexpreflible 
trouble of a foul under the fenfq of Gods wrath is defcr.ibed,. but. 
(b as none can undeifand it, except he, who cither in leffcr cr 
greater tneafure hath felt ir ; and nil this may befall a childe of 
light : Thy fierce wrath gocth over m:>tby terrors have cut pie ojf r 
the) came roundabout me daily Mjp water , they compared me about 

Ver. 18. Lover and friend hafi thou put far re from 
we : and mine acquaintance into darknejfe. 

The third and lad part of the lamentation is repeated from 
jcr. 8. that there was no man companionate towerdhim , none. 
topity hiiBj none to counfel or comfort him , nohe % to whom he 
might impirt his minde fully for cafing of him* but hftol-A 
friends, and fuch as> loved ivm before , did faile him and forfake 
him : and God rri ide it manifeft , that he did thrult them away 
from hi:nj lotie were to bear him company,but he demeaned him- 
L-lfe to (it iolitary in datknrfle. So then Learn , 1. Abut a 
friend b^ made for the day of trouble ; and albeit it would h.ive 
been an cafe to hive had any friends company, foi means ofcern- 
f > t, vet he could fmde none : God withheld them ail For the rriall 
of hisiervant hce: and fuch a heavy and com forded^ co-dii- 
on may be the lot of a beloved childe ; Lover and friend lull thou 
p.ttfa re from'm^ and mine acquaintance into itjrfcejfc* 1. In that 
he endcth the P.alme wi:h nil any comfort for the time ,' it rna- 
Jteth this Pialme no lelfe comf);iv;le, then any other Pfolmfc,' 
becaufe it flieweth :h it he was fupp ted infenhbi/ for the \\ rte, 
arid had comfort given to him the carter, Iq much'as tomakethis. 
fad complaint to be tivned into a long bo'h to hfmtMfe,anJiot>c 
Churcn . and it teacbeth , (SeiW Go.l can fuftain a foul by, 
B&ret fupporting of amansfai h , without comfortable fenfe, yea' 
arid that under the fadd.ft fcnfe nf W ;achi ifcrcfbre a bUL 

X i'a 


in God muft lay hold on Go, J s goodneiTc , Promifc , aid Co- 
venant , and muft truft ftill in the Lord ; albeit he (hould 
feem to flay him } as the example of Hemxn the E\rxbite here 
doth teach us. 


CHxfcbil of Etbxn the E\rxbltt. 

THis Pfalme is intituled Mxfchil, or a Pfalme written for in- 
ftrudtion by Ethan the E\rxhite> who after Solomon was ano- 
ther of the four wifeft men in ifrxel: This man furviying the ^lo- 
ry of Solomons Kingdome, and beholding the diminiihing ot the 
glory of Vxvids houfe , lamenteth the defoiation thereof unto 

The Pfalme hath three parts. In the fir ft he fetteth his faith* 
uaon God , and laboureth to ftrengthen it aga'inft the testation 
which was boyling in his brcaft , to x/er. i 9. In the fecond pare 
he expoundeth the fumme of the Covenant of Grace , made be- 
tween God and Chrift, typified by Dxvid : wherein indeed, albeit 
Vavidhzth his own intereft,yet the fubftancc was to be found only 
in Chrift , who came of David according to the flefh > from 
ver. ipjto 38. In the third part is a lamentation of the appa- 
rent diilolving of this Covenant with Davids pofterity > and a 
prayer for repairing the ruines of that Kingdcme , for the glory 
of God : which prayer he a flu ret h himlelfe /hall be granted. 

From the inferiptionj Lwr?/, 1. Wifdomc doh not exempt 
a man from grief and anguifh , from tentation of faith and hard 
cxercifcofmindc: for here is another example beiide Hemxn ^ 
to wit> Etbxn the Eyabitc , a man of the fame family with He- 
man* 1. The Lord doth diftribiue unto men their inward excr- 
cifesjthat one may have his trouble for one caufe , and another 
have it for another caufe/ as it pleifeth' him to meafure out in hit 
wifdomejfor Hemxns trouble is made about his own private con- 
dition , but Etbxns trouble is about the publiclc calamity of 
Cfnirchj and Kingdome Not that we think Heman was infenfi- 
ble of thcpublickj or Ethan not acquainted with trouble for his 
own particular alfo^but becaufe the Lord will have the one 
exemplary in the one fort of exercife , and the other exemplary 
in the other fort o( exercife, and will have the exercife of both-" 



to be the inffrudion of his people : Mafcbil of Hcman > and 
Ethan both. 

Ver. I. jf Will fing of the mercies of the LO R V 
Xfrr ever 1 With mj month vrill I mal^e 
known thy fatthf nine jfe to all generations. 

■ ■ • 
B:fore he utter his tenntion, or bring forth his lamerraricn 
frr the apparently diiVolVcd Covenant between God and David* 
he obiiguh himfcKc to maintain the glory of the mercy and taifch- 
fulncHe of O od , ver.i, ». in relation to the (lability of the Co- 
venant made with David particularly , ver. j 3 4. and to this end 
te ftrengtheneth his lakh by a nnmbor of reaions to ver. 19 The,- 
fir ft is, from hisrefoludonto bold faft the b:liee of OoJs ipefcjf 
and faithfulnefle > notwithibnding it did at thistime feem th t 
Godhaddiiiblvcd the Covenant with 'Davids houfe. Whence 
learn , 1. What foe ver prom ifes the Lord hath made to_ his pco-, 
pic, they muft nc\ wonaeV > albeit ibrnetime he makes it very 
improbable to carnal! fenfeand reafori,that ever they fnall be per- 
formed : for this is needful for the cxcrcifcot faith, as in this ex-, 
ample we fee. 2. In the conflict of faith with misbelief, it is. 
wifdeme tqr the believer to fupprefle the faggcilions of unbe- 
lief 3 to t.^kc part with faith , to break through the throng of de^ 
fperate thoughts/ and without difputarion dofe with the mercy 
ot GocM-^ndwith the fait hfulr.ofle of his: .Word , and to avow. 
faich } and to engage himfelfe to maintain faith, befoi e he utter 
his tcntation unto misbelief, or fuft'er it to vent it fel.fe > as he: e, 
the Pfalmifi doth te^ch by his example, laying , 1 will jing of the 
rncrcics of the Lord, for ever , (pe. $. The mercy of God 3 and. 
the faithtulrve(Te of G'jd 3 are two ftrong pillars of confidence in 
God: mercy to take away fiti and mLery , and faitWalReiitto.' 
perform all thepromifcs.of every good umo the. believer :• I pili* 
fi?i£of the mercies of the Lord for ever: with my mouth villi 
ma^c h^towntbj faith fulnejjc to ull generations , 

* ., '• .-> 
Ver. 2. For I have faid . Mercy flull be hit it yp^ 

for ever : thy faithfnUe^e fhialt thoa efiabsijh in the 

very heavens* 

He ad&th areaion of his rcfoiuttenxo give the jfory oftiijcrjjj 


Perfected and llclea for eve an h ' f ""*' on snd be 
WAN! promife mould b2 aSfSS ? ' V f ^ of Gods 

i-th rbe mouth to con cil'e „r„, <~ • ,£• , s tuth ' 3nd «"" 

™> : * wruA/rcics P S 3 *22fi* %£? f " 

«™fog *« Redeemers ta'<ii, fvfl h ,7 in ( P«,' al Con - 

fMfhta*:-, foundation fc a; vhV kjl r Ilk ^ buUdin ? 

»;i heaven in Gods decree J, • ? * " ls t0 be tound 

v'-ce it will" no- Si "; Ejj?A RS» 5J f U - hfl,I ' K(le ' 

nm®M &*^&£^*^ n > 

tUvefworneuno D*vidmy frrt^r ' ™ ™-' 
tnf tryrone to all generations. Se'ah. 

ft%c*,», »l« * • - , h-wit He e doth teach us : for he 
E| ( °n^^:. /,C '«*» 2 ^ the qualification 
tt££f ,2 ' e ET^^W * j '-WesofChHl 

££»/•( vu™ ,ff I /ci y v l cr ^"i, and the nature of the pro- 
g*Ly wayc-t Wemn ekM^and the confirmation of ft by an 
HfK^ *«* /***? and the fubihnce oc the promise, X" 


cme fliouhi come of V Uvid who lLoul . beofcvcr'afling'co .-i- 
nuance , ftabliflied by civiie p<w.rforc\c ; 1 • wit , Chiii: 
the Lord : and dnc the kiagdom or ff-jcl filial Davids thiom 3 
which wase. ccted for governing the peop t of ~>od,as it was no^ 
Wvll (bunded upon !i ; . od,4nd begun tn beb i!dcd al- 

ready, ihoulci hcbuildcd ///),and g ovv unto a perspicuous pcifc^i- 
011 j tiom one gene ation to >< other; :na be perpetuated for 
ever ; r/7 feed will f cjUblijh for ever, and build up thy t rone to 
all ions. When iiflappeii ance of hoped go~d hingsdoth 
brangle faith, then the Wostl of God and his pro mi Tea muftbe 
called to memory, upon which faith muft 6xd it fvife , as this ex- 
ample teacheih. 3 i he mercy and laithfuloefle of God, which 
are 'he common grounds of the ft ibilky or" all he Lords promi- 
f cs 3 being believe; in he gcnerall , fhoiutl be applied particularly 
to every promj e, as we have need thercof,that we may ft.engthcn 
cur faith 6y reafoning f r m thi* ground thus ; ' 7 ods mercy ml 
fairh uLaeflc do make all hi-. prnmif<s faft., ana rhe efore do make 
hit this particular promife alio, whereupon i do row pitch, 
as rhe example of (he PfJmift doth teach us 4. As ali the pro- 
mifes cf God are worthy to b: taken notice 0; ; fo in p.ciall thefe 
p omile^ that are ma. J c to Chrift in favour of Believers , who are 
the tubjects of his K income, in whom all th j piomifes are made 
Iciznddmen , to the benefit c f the fubjccls : for tin's are we 
taught to do by the example 01 the Pfdr$ijl 3 who when defolai ion 
was like to fwallow up both v. butch rnd Ringdome } doth make 
fail to his own faith the promife of Ch 1ft , and or' the (lability 
of his Kingdome j which prcmifc being lure of neceffity , the 
tribe of J/d.j/; , and the pofterity oiVrcid behooved to be prefer- 
red, and continued till Ch ift came. 

Ver. 5. And the heavens frail fraife thy wonders § 
LORD: thy faithfulneffe alfo m th? congregation 
of the. f nints. 

He laboureth to ftrengthen his frith in thh pomi cby ten 
rcafons further. The firff whc*cot is this, The heavens are an 
evidence both of Gods power to work wonders for his people, 
and of his faithfulnefie to perform promifes, unto ihc 'Church 5 
rhcrcfo e will he fay, I have reafnn for me ro believe this p.omi c 
male to Davii concerning Ch-i ft > Kingdom, iFbo'cc Uirne* 
1. The conn" deration 0'' the powes of Gxl rnaiarcftcd in 
X 3 w 


woiks of creation , to be able to perform whstfcever he promi- 
feth , were it ri*er io wondeaful , may and fhould confirm our 
faith in his promife 3 how improbable foever i.t appearc : For 
the hdavena flyil praije thy wonders^ O i crd. a. As the heavens 
areapawne of Go Js power 3 irirefpe& of their firft framing therri 
cut of nothing: \o ate they a patern of Gods faith fulnciVe , in 
their and orderly motion according to his Word 
fince their framing; The heavens Jball pratfe thy faith f til- 
mcjfe alfo. 3. However the power and faithful neife of God 
may be ken and heard in the work and fpcech of 'he hea- 
vens by all men , "yet arc they not obferved and hearkened 
unto , except in the Church by Gods children j Therefore 
faith he/ They fail praife thy faithfulnejfe alfo in the Con- 
gregation of the Saints. 

Ver. 6. For t*ho in the heaven can be compared 
Unto the LORD? who amongfl the fonnes of the 
mighty can be likened unto the LO RT>1 

The fecond reafon to conSrme his faith is this , God is 
above all Angels in heaven and men on earth , and 
hath them all under him to perfect by them what woi{c he 
plcafeth; and prefuppofe they had aminde to hindet any pur- 
j?ofe of God concerning performance of his promife, they 
could not hinder him , they being infinitely inferiour in 
all excellencies unto God, and no way to be compared with 
him : Therefore will he fay , I have reafon to believe his 
promife concerning the {tab litv of Chrifts Kingdome. 
Whence learne , 1. The height of Gbdg excellency is above 
the reach of our thoughts 3 and we cannot take him up 
btherwayes then by climbing up upon the fhoulders and tops 
of all created cminency, and there to proclaime God to be 
greater then them all : for Who in heaven can he compa- 
red unto the Loxd ? Who among the fonnes of the mighty 
can b" likened unto the Lord f 2. God hath given power 
natural ,"mcft of all to Angels \ and power acccflory, moft 
of air to Princes and Magiftratcs and Potentates in the" 
earth, whom here he calleih the fonnes of the mighty ; in 
whofc power and authority we may fee fomewhat of Gcd, 
|f they bee for God j and may tec Princes to bee nothing^ 


ifthrybe againft God > ior , Who in heaven <wi be compare^ 
unto the Lord ? who among the of the might) can b c 
likened unto the Lord ? 

Vcr. 7. God is greatly to bee feared in the 
affembly of the Saints : and to bee had in rcve~ 
rence of all them that are about him. 

A third reafon to confirme his faith, is this; God is 
terrible , and to bc flood in awe of by all his people , and 
it were a fear full injury fos his Saints not to give him 
the glory of his power and fidelity > Therefore will he 
(ay , I have reafon to believe wha: he hath promi fed con* 
cerning the Kingdom? of Chrift. IVhenec Icarne > 1. Ho- 
ly Angels and fanctificd men , of nil creatures have 
neareft accefle unto God , and are moft like to the dome- 
fticks and Courtiers of a King , who attend him daily, 
and wait upon him ; for they are here faid to bee about 
bim. i. The feare and reverence of God imprinted on 
Angels and Saints , doth evidence the great ncfic of Gods 
power, excellency, and majefty; God is greatly to be fear- 
ci in the Affembly of the Saints. $. The tcrriblcnefle of 
Gods holy Majefty * and the reverence due to him from 
all his Saints , fhould make us afraid to misbelieve his 
Wo-d ?nd Promi fes j for this is made a reafon of the Pjal- 
mrfis believing the Lords Word : God is greatly to be fear- 
ed in the AJfemh'y of the Saints, and to be had in reverence 
by all shem that arc about him. 

Ver, 8. LORD God ofhofis^ ftbo is a flrong 
LORD like unto thee ? or to thj faith fnlneffe ro»nd 
about theef 

A fourth reafon to confirme his faith, is this; GOD is 
kORDof Hefts, and incomparable inftrength and fait hiul- 
ncfie , whereby he is computed on aU hands round about : 
therefore will he fay, I have reafon to believe his promife 
concerning Chrifts Kingdome. IVhencc learn , j. As the 
X 4 Lord 


Lord only knowcth perfectly his ownc Omnipotency, and his 
own Excellency in all perfections* To we know GOD btft 
V hen we come to him , and' acknowledge that he only knoweth 
himiclf fully , and do give unto him this glory, as the Pfalmift 
directing his fpeech to GOD immediately dcth teach us ; 
OLORV God bfbvfts, who is a ftrovg LORD ljh v e unto thee i 
2. The fame power which ferveth to humble a man by afflicting 
cfhim, ferveth alfo to comfort him, and ftrengthen his faith 
in affliction , when he doth draw neare unto God : for the 
Pfalmift maketh ufe of the fame ftile here , both to direct his 
Jaith, and tc keep down hispride, his fretting and repining 
againft God, faying, L %D (fed of bops. 3. As the, 
Lord is (as it were) compafled about on all hands with power, 
and is incomparably flrong in all difference of time paft , pre- 
fent, and to come, above all his creatures 5 fo alio firft and Lift, 
in aH difference or time , he is incomparably faithfull above all 
his creatures ; O LORD God of hop ^ who is a flrong Lord 
like ftnto thee ? or to thy faith fulnejfe round about thee ? 

Ver. 9, ThoH rulefi the raging of the fca: when 
the waves thereof arije , thou Jt ti left them. 

A fifth rcafon to ftrengthen his faith, is; The LORD 
who doth rule the raging Sea, is able to ftippreffe andcompoie 
alii tumults and troubles , whatfoever are raifed, or fhall be 
raifed againft his Church) Therefore I have canfc, will he 
fay, to believe his promiie concerning Chrifts Kingdcme. 
Whence learn , That the power of GOD in ruling and~calm- 
ing the raging Sea , may ftrengthen the faith <f his chil- 
dren > amidit all the tumults cf people againft Chrifts 
Kingdome. ■■ 

Ver. 10. Thou haft broheft Rahab in pieces * as 
we that isflaine; thot* hafi fcattered thine enemies with 

ih) jlrongarme. 



Yhe(ixthreafon,isthis; GOD hath'done as much already 
;or delivering his Church, by deftroying Ribab, or the Egypti- 
ans , and feat re ring of his enemies frcm time to time, as ma/ 
afture me both what he can, and what he will do for his people, 
therefore I may be quiet. Whence karne, u Faith inland 
ftiould make ufe of every example of p O D S wcrMng for 
his people in all times after , and in fpcciall the overthrow of 
the Egyptians, as a perpetual pawne of GODS promife to trend 
down and dehVoy all the enemies of his Church and Kingdoms ; 
for Thou haft b o{cn Rabab in pieces , is here and el fe- where f c- 
(jucntly called to remembrance for this end, 2# Ic is as eafie for 
G OD to deft, oy'a Nation of enemies , were they never lo ma- 
ny or powerful, as to Wound or kill one man ; Thou baft broken 
Rabab in pieces, as one that ujlain ; thou haft fcaticrcd thht ene- 
mies with thyftrong hand. 

Ver. Ti. The heavens arc thine , the earth affois 
thine: as for the world and the fulrtejfe thereof , than 
haft founded them. 

Vcr. \\Z The North an£ the Soyth , thou haft 
created them : Tabor and He) monfia/l rejoyce in thy 

The feventh reafon for confirmation of his faith , is ' Heaven 
nnd earth, and all creatures in all corners of the world, are the 
LORDS work fuftaincd by him,and cared for by himyand there 
is not a mountaine or hill greater or leflcr , fuchas T;<bor or 
HcrmoUj which do bear graffe, or cornc, or herbs., or trees , or 
whatfoever may make them 100k as it were cjieartully nnd re- 
joyce , but it is by the power of GODS Name; Therefore 
I may be furc , GOD will much more care for his C hurch, and 
for the (lability of the Kingdome of Chrift. Whence learn, 1. 
The heaven , and tulnefle thereof, belongcth to the 
LO^£p) by due right , and are cared for by him as his own pof- 
feffion: 7 be heavens arc thine, the earth a! fo 14 thine: as for the 
world and fulnejj'c thereof, thou haft founded them. 2. The ma- 
king and governing of the world, which was ma^c.and is govern- 
ed for the ufe of man , may give atfurance 1 1 tat his Church and 
people, ( for whole caufe especially all was made, ) fliajl be con- 
tinued from age to age, to long as heaven and<' earth do rcmaine > 
and flnll be more particularly cared tor a theq any oilier part or 



piece of his wotkmanfhip : for to this end doth the Pfalmift 
make mention of other creatures appointed to fervc man. 
5. Seeing the Lord maketb the hills and mountaines, after Win- 
ter-blaftsoffroftand fnow, to change their countenance > and 
as it were look joyfully and rejoyce > we may be perfwaded that 
his Church after troubles (hall much more change its counte- 
nance, , and reioyce in Gods Name: For to this end is it 
faid , that thefe mountaincs Tabor and Hcrmon JIM rejoyce 
in thy I Name. 

Ver. 13. ThoH haft a mighty arme : jlrong is thy 
bandy and high is thy right hand. 

The eight reafon is taken from, the exceeding gteat power of 
GOD 3 to do more then ever he hath done for his Church. 
W\)cnce learnc, If a greater work then the making and uphold- 
ing of the world 3 or if a greater work then any thing which is 
done by GOD hitherto , were needful to be done for the good 
of the Church, there is power enough > infinite power in GOD 
to effect it ; Thou baft a mighty arme: (Irong U thy bwd&nd high 
ii thy right band. 

Ver. 14. J afiice and judgement are the habitation 
of thy throne \ mercy and truth /ball go before 
thy face. 

The ninth reafon for ftrengthening his faith 3 taken from the 
properties and attendants of GODS Kingdoms is this: Juftice 
and judgement are the fupporters of his throne j and mercy and 
truth are his officers, preparing way for the LORD^, when he i$ 
about to do juftice in favour of his people : therefore I need 
not fear that the promife of Chrift; ttingdome /hall faile. 
Whence team , 1 . Whatfoever oppreffion or defolation thfl£ords 
people may be under , the unalterable tighfeoufneflc of GOD 
cannot fiile to execute juftice and judgement for punching of 
the opprc flour , and relieving of his people : for fuflice and 
judgement are the habitation of his throne : or the bafe whereupon 
his throne is fetled. 2- Albeit the finnes of the Lord* people 
might ftop the way of relief coming to them, or prejudice them 
of having any benefit from juftice > yet mercy and truth are rea«* 


dy at hand, to prepare the way by pardon of their fins , and per- 
forming all prornifes unto tLem : Mercy and truth f?all go before 
hit face. 

Vcr. 15. THefedls the people that kpoiv the )oyf*l 
found : they /ball wal^ LORfD , in the light of thj 

1 6. In thy Name /hall they rejpyce all the d*j : and 
in thy righteoufneffe Jhall they be exalted. 

J7. For thou art the glory of their firen^th : and in 
thy favour our home /ball be exalted. 

I 8 For the Lord is our defence : and the holy One 
of Ifrael it our King. 

The tenrh reafen for It-iengrhening of his faith , is taken 
from the blellednefle of Believers in GOD, whefc properties 
and privileges are fet ("own in order, fix : all ©f them proving 
GODS people to be blcfled. V/hcncc lcarn y 1. Whatfoever 
are the afflictions cf the LORDS people , and in danger 
and difficulty foever they be in , yet are they certainty blcfled ': 
2/cjfci U the people that Iptow the joyful found. 2. Thofe are to 
fee accounted GODS people , who with a good heart joyne 
with others at GODS command in the worftup and fervicc of 
GOD; Blejfc^ is the people tha^now the joyful found : for the 
joyful found was the found of the filver trumpets, which were 
blowne at the joyning in battel in their wanes, or for their jour- 
neys, or gathering of Aflemblics, or intimaticn of folcmne 
feafts , and at the offering of the faci ific'e$ of Ifrael, JP/j/.S r« 
Numb. 10. $ocl z. Ana the knowing of this joyful found fig- 
nifieth the alacricie of Gods people to ferve and obey the Lord^as 
he in his Ordinances mould warnc , dircd arid guide them. 
3* 3Ehe properties and priviledgcs of B.licvers in GOD, make 
fure proof of their bleffcdneffe 5 for they live in grace and favour 
with GOD , whether they dofenfibly feell it or not : as theif 
perfons, fo alfp their carriage in faith, and upright endeavour to 
pi cafe GOD , are alwayes acceptable to G O D : And this. 
is the firtt pri viledge of G ODS people , They Jhatt rvalue , O 
LORD, in the light of 'thy countenance 4. Believers have mat- 
ter and ju ft caiifc to lejoyce in GOD for their intereii in him, 
what focyer be their prefeni condhion 5 In V y Name frail they 


rcpyceafltheday. This is another priviledge of Goes pecple. 
*. The joy of Believers is underpropped and en!arged,when they 
confider that Gods righteoufneffe fwhich is by faith in Chriil,) 
is imputed unto them, and Gods righteoufnefie in performing 
hispromifesis ktonwork for their <iiired:!on 3 encouragement, 
reformation and defence; And in thy righteoufneffe. f\)dl they 
beexilted. This is the third priviledge of Believers. 6. Albdc 
the godly finde no power in themfelves, either to do or fufter , no 
power either to defend themfelves > or oppofe their enemies 5 yet 
they want not ft:ength, either imployed tor them , or furniihed 
fastjiey need) unto them, by God in a glorious manners they 
will fee , if his helping them be rightly looked upon ; For 
thou,Lord, (faith he,) art the glory of their ftrengtb , wherein 
they may glory in their weakeft condition. And this is the fourth 
priviledge of GODS people. 7. The free grace and love of 
GOD gracioufly tendered to Believers , is the ground of their 
ftrength, comfort, confidence and gloriat ion , becaue it is the 
fountaine of all their felicity ., and well-fp ingof life to them, 
to look unto this, that they are in favour with GOD i And in 
thy favour our borne Jl?atl be exalted. And this is the fifth pri- 
viledge of che LORDS people. 8. Albeit Biievers be defticure 
of help from men ; yet they are neither left without protection, 
nor without go vernment 3 becaufe God or Chrift who is G xl , 
js the Churches King, to protect , guide and governe her ; for 
The Lord is our defence or flneld > and the holy One of I fr act is 
cur J^ing : the Original alio will bear of and to, The Lord k our 
defence of and to, the holy One of Ifrael Uourl^jng; whereby 
what may be faid of the typical King, David, and of the true 
King, Chrift, confidered as man , may give affurance that God 
would be their defence and King, becaufe T>.wid, ann Chrift as 
man, were Gods Kings , and Kings for G}ds ferviqe and ho- 
nour, authorized of God, and devoredtohim. And this is the 
fixth priviledge of GODS people. A ll which pri viledges areio 
many proofes of thcbleflfednefle of the Believers , in wlntfcever 
condition they are. 9. It is wifdome for every Believer , wlien 
he is about to reckon the riches of G >DS people; an. i to let 
forth their priviledges, to make application thereof to himfclr* in 
amongft the reft oi that number , as the example of the Pfalmift 
here doth teach us j who in the latter part of this computaion 
doth Co \ In thy favour our home Jliall be exalted, the Lord is our 
defence^ our fyng. 



Ver. F9, Then thou fpakefl *" vifion to thy holy 
One : andfaidft, I have laid help upon one that is 
mighty : / have exalted, one chojen out of the 

20. / have foundT) avid my fervant } with mj holy 
dile have J anointed him. 

In the fecond part of the Pfalmift,for the further comfort of the 
Church in her faddeft condition , and to ftrengthen yet more the 
godly in their troubles, j. He expoundcth the Covenant of 
Grace made with thrift , reprefented typically by Lavii, be- 
caule he muft be looked upon only as the fhadow , but Cbrift as 
the chief party , and as he in whom the reall fubftance is accom- 
plished peife&ly. Therefore (hail we fpeak of both, as the word 
doth relate uito the one, or unto the other, or to both in feverall 
re "peels. And firll of the circumftances of the C ovenant , and 
then of the feveral Articles thereof: for the Pfalmift marketh, 

1. The time of revealing of the Covenant 5 Tbe.uio wit,wben 
ic pleafed God to let it be known, that he puipofed to take a courfe 
for the comfo .-table governing of his Church and Pecpk* 2. He 
obferveth the way of revealing it, which hefheweth to be by 
vifion; he fpake to his holy fcrvint , to wit, Samuel or Nathan. 
3 He commendeththe man whowas torule , as fitand ableto 
be helpful to his people; 1 have hid help upon one tb at U mighty. 

4. He fheweth the caufe of his pic.e ment , to be his ownehee 
love and good will ; / have exited onecbofen o.t of the people.. 

5. He nameth him and his effi.e j / bdve found. David my /er- 
vjint. 6. He telLth of his ipiritual furniture , n^uied forth by 
anointing; With my holy Oilc have I anointed hm. Wbenct 
learn, 1. Albeit the Lord hath alwayes a fpccial care of the go- 
verning of his people j yet doth he not at all times alike clearly 
make manifeft this care, by giving comfortable Governours he 
hath his own times, as to hide his face in this particular, fo hit' 
own then alb, when to mew his love; Then thou fpa l itji» 

2, The L:rds mindeis not to be found by conjc&iires , bu; by 
his Word revealed to his holy Prophets 1 Then thou \px\tfi to • 
thy holy One in vifion and jaid 3. As the Lov.s peopU Irani 
in need or a good Kin£ , a m in or p jwer, able and wiliiftg tq be 
h.lp ul co the fubjecb, and not hurtful : Co G ;d mull be the in- 
able, of him, and defigner of him after the wav he pScafech , and 
fhe m.iker of him to be ef. dually bclpiul : I have luUbdpupon 


3 i8 


one that is mighty. 4. It is conducible > to the intent a Ruler 
may be helpful to the fubjech, that there be fome natu- 
rail tie between him and them : for this God did provide 
for in the appointing comfortable Govcrnours over his own peo- 
ple y 1 have exalted one> ebofen out of the people,, 5. That one 
is preferred before another , or advanced to any place of power 
or trufi over others in mercy, it is of Gods grace, free choice 
and good will ; I have exalted one, ebofen out of the people. 6. The, 
man who muft in his government do good to Gods people , muft 
be a man for *5od, Gods fervant, not by office and duty onely, 
but of a fct purpole alfo: I have found David my fervant. 7. The 
man whom God imployethin Government for his people , muft 
tefurnifliecj with gifts and graces of his Spirit, figured by holy 
oyle 5 With my holy oyle have J attainted him. 8. As D avid was 
in type, fo Chrift is in truth, and in all refpeds more eminently 
thcnDxvidyi. ftrong hclper,mighty to lave, appointed of cheFather 
to help us in all cafes; and to whom we arc directed to go^that we 
* may finde helpe , on whom helpe doth lie , in whom we (hall 
furely finde help > he is one of our kinde, taken out from among 
the people , acquainted with the meaneft condition his fubje&s 
can be in , exalted to be a Pance and a Saviour A chofen and 
predeftin ited (as man) for the office before the world was, devo- 
ted to the ferviceof the Rcdemption/anSificauon,gov€rnmenr, 
and falvation of his people s and filled, as man , with the holy 
Ghoft above meafure, that out of his fuineile we may all re- 
ceive grace for grace: of whom it is moft really true , With my 
holy oyle have 1 anointed bim. 

Ver. 21. frith Whom my hand fall be cflablifbed: 
mine arms alfo jhalljlrengthen him. 

From this ver. to the 58. he bvingeth forth tenrie promifes, a$^ 
fb many heads and articles of this Covenant, whereof this is the 
firft, concerning aflifhncc to be given to David in type, and 
to Chrift morefubftanthlly, and in more eminent effects. 
Prbcncc learn, 1. As to David in his Kingdome: lb to Chrift' 
as man in his Kingdom, God hath engaged his outwardly aflift- 
ing power conftmtly: With vohommyb and \b all be eftibliftcd. 
i« As to David: fo to Chrift full furniture of power for all the 
puts of government is p.omifcd in favour of all tji£ fubjects of . 
his Kingdom!: Hike arme alfo' foaW firengtben hiin y as the 



work is great or difficult , divine ftiength (hall enable him to go 
about it and do it. 

Ver, 22. The enemy ftall not exatt upon him : nor 
the fonne oj wickednejfe afflttt me. 

The fecondpromifcis,thatas Davids fubje&s, albeit they 
had many battels, yet were they not fubducd in his time , no'c 
made tributaries to their enemies , nor made miferable by them: 
to fhali Chtifts fubjects and kindly converts unto him , be 
found during his time, which is from generation to generation, 
and for ever; albeit troubled by the fpiiitual enemies of his King- 
dome, yet they (hall not be made tributaries, voluntary fervants, 
or miferable (laves to them : for (inne (hall not have dominion 
over them , nor (hall Satan or perfecuters have fuch power , as 
to drive them away from their liege Lord Jefus Chriii, the true 
*Divid , the true King oft he Ifrael of God : The enemy fall 
not exift upon bim y nor the fame ofwkkpditejfeafflitfbim, or 
make him really miferable: for all things (hall work together for 
their good. 

Ver. 23. And I will beat down his foes before his 
face 9 and plague them that hate him. 

The third promife,isof the deftroying the enemies oCDsvids' 
and Chriits Kingdome, which albeit trey mould not want e- 
nemies, both open enemies, openly envading the Kingdcme , 
oroppo ng it to their power, and alio inward fecret enemies, 
who in heart mould wi(h the hurt and barm' of their Kingdom/ 
yet God (hould deft oy as 'Dj.vids enemies, fo far as might iervc 
the type,(b Ghrifts enemies more eminently, and in a more corn:- 
pleat manner and meaiurc: I will beat down bis enemies before 
bUfdcCy this is for open enemies: I will pLguetbcmthu Lute 
bim, this is for fecret iateftine enemies in lpccial : both thele 
forts (hall be permitted to cxercife Chrills fubjc&s, bur (hall 
ac length be iully deftroyed.- 

Vcr. 24. But fhyf4itbfh r *e(fe and mj mercy flu!! be 
Wish him: and in my Name Jbati his horr.e be exa ted. 



The fourth promifeis> for removing all difficulties and iov 
pcditncnrs which might hinder the growing of Chrifts King- 
corn, and of his Objects unto full glory : for here the promise, 
as k relates unto the type, hath not the accomplishment clear- 
ly and fully. JVbence learn^ i. There arc two things which 
iio oppugne aniaffault faith: the one is, the grcatneffc of the 
work • and benefit promifed : the other is, the finnes of thclc to 
whofc behoof the piomife is made ; but Gods fattbfulncffcznd, 
mercy p/omiled to Be w ith C hi ill for the benefit or his fubjec^ts, 
doth anfvver both thofe obftades ; for Gods promife muft be ac- 
coTplifhed, how great things fdevcr he hath promifed, the. e is 
nothing too hard tor him : and Gods mercy takcth away the cb- 
ihcleof unworthinefs and ill-deferving by reafon of fin : Mercy 
boldeth truth on upon the courfe thereof toward us 3 when juftice 
otherways might break it off from us^But ny faitbfidneffe and my 
mjrey Jhaltic with him. z. The fubje&s of Chrifts King- 
dom want not matter of ploiiation , albeit they have nothing 
in them lei ves toboaftof: Gbds puwer, mifdom, good nefle and 
mercy manifefted in the Word, is the only ground of their glo- 
liation : In my Name Jhall his home be exalted > for when' 
Chriils fubje&s elory in God through him , Chrifts glory is 
€xaltedin Gods Name. 

Ver\ 9$. / wi/I fethh hand a'l/o in the fea, and 
his tight hand in the rivers. 

The fifth promife maJe to 2) avid in the ihadow, but to* 
Chrift inthemeft realfubftancc, is the inlarging oi his King- 
dom through the world by fea and land, continent and ifles :* Chrifts Kingdom muft not be confined to morenarrcw 
bounds then his charter doth be -re him unto, but muft be 
(fetched cut to the due length and breadth^ even to whitherfo- 
ever he fenderh cut his Gofpel : and doth extend his hand 
10 fubdue and conquer fubjefts unto himielf, and to bting 
them within the vifible Church ; For, I will [a his hand alfo in 
the \ca } and hh rign band in the rivers : flieweth, that the King- 
c'on muftaach beyond the bounds of (anaan, whethe. we look 
to David thetypc> ortoChvift the Antitype j wc areled by this" 
f^eech to the largenetfe of this Kingdom. 



\tr.z6,Hepjallcrj unto we, Thou art mj Father : 
mj God, and the rock^nf myjalvat/on. 

The fach promifc, properly belonging to Chiifr., according 
as it is declared by the Apoitle, Hcb. 1.4. from diisptacc> and 
from iSam 17. 19. For albeit David and Solomon were Gods 
tonnes by adoption office ot Government, and chofen types, 
.yet Chrift. who came ot tDrjf J according to the flelh was Gods 
Sonne by perfonal union ot the humane nature with the IVqyA 
or fecond Perfon of the Trinity. And here he is promifecl 3$ 
Head and Piinceor the Covenant of falvation, made in favour 
of the elect only Ale .iatour and Inter ceilbr for all the redeemed.' 
}Vhcnce Icarn^ 1. The Covenant ot" .grace is confoiidated in 
Ch iftour Head: and he hath the h\ ft right as man, to :ay un- 
to the Father, that which is he.e laid as Intcrccflbr and Media- 
tour for the elect ; Hcjhall cry unto meThou art mj Father :my 
Oo ' , and the rodi of my falvation. 2.H ereby it is intimated al- 
io, that both Chiift in his ownperfoji, and the .per (bus of .his 
redeemed ones alio, fin^vhvfe name Chrift tafeeth the eight of is promhed to his iubjectsjwas to be cxercifed with trouble,' 
and was to be put to i:> to make ufe of the Covenant, and of the 
privileges and prcniiies of it for fuftcntation and falvation^ 
Thou art my F other >m) God, and tie rcch^of my falvatiqn. 

Vcr.27. Alfo 1 rrillmak? b m my firjl-borne^ high* 
tr then the Kings of the earth. 

Thefeventh promifc moft proper alfo to Chrift, who in re- 
fpecl of his humane natureperfcnally. united with the divine 
feature of the exertjal only begotten Sonne, is made and de- 
clared to be the Fathers fiift-born, and more excellent then all, 
the Kings of the earth, how dcfpicablc foevcr bis Jrungdom 
dothfeemj for all earthly Kings are under his foo iluol , and 
of them none can make or prelerve the Irfc or one ot his fub- 
jccls,nor his own > *Al[o I will mafic kimmyfrfl-borne, Ifrgb- 
cr then the lyings of the earth. 'Davids prerogative above o.h<.: 
Kings, w.s but a fhad'ow of this, and ot ll.ort continuance. 

Vcr. 28. Mj mercy wi/l 1 kfep for fan f 0Y ever- 
more: and mj covenant fhail ft and fail with him. 

The" cigruh promlfe is of evedafting.. mercy (0 Chwft> fub- 


jecls, to be kept in ftorc for Chrifts difpeniing forth thereof; 
My mercy will Ifacpforbm for ever; and this is the ground 
of the Covenant, arid the fweeteft confolation of the Covenant, 
which ihall never he difannuiled, becaufe cttabliAied in Chrift, 
and to him for our behoofs My Covenant ft all (land f aft witb 

Ver. 29 His feed alfo will Intake to endure for 
ever : and his throne as the dayes of Heaven. 

The ninth prornife is, of the continuance and Increafe of 
hisolV-fpringand Kingdome^ while the world ftandeth, which 
cannot be fulfilled but in Chrift. Whence learn, 1. Chrift hath 
from aee to age a fucceflion of children, whom he by his Word 
and Spirit- begetreth unto a (piiitual life; and this fucceflion 
fliali net be cut off, but one generation ihali follow another: 
His feed alfo will I mj\e to endure for ever. 2. As Chrift lhall 
not want fubjects in any age, fo fhall he not ceafeto govern 
his people in any a^e } Hk throne fall be as the ayes of 

Vet. 30. If his children for fafy my law, and Walk 
not in my judgements: 

31. if they breaks my fiatutes y and keep not my 

32. Ihentoi/l I vifit their t ran fgreffi on with the 
rod^ and their iniquitie frith firipes. 

33. Nevertheless, my loving kindnejfe mill I not 
utterly take from him : nor fuffer my fait hfulne fje to 

Th: tenth prornife is of a merciful manner of dealing with 
Chrifts fubjects, (that is, with perfons regenerate and reconci- 
led with God/ by correcting them with temporal rods, when 
they break forth into cftcncesjsnd do turn back or go afide from 
obediene to Gods law, that being cor reded they may repent, 
-md iobefaved. Whence learn, i. The Covenant here mnde 
h David in iypc> and with C hriftthe Antitype, i* for the 



behoof and benefit of the children^* this article mrkcth evident j 
if bis children for Mc my law. z. There is a proyilioni.n the 
Covenant, againit die hns which may fall out in the pcrfons 
covenanted, and might mane ail our comfort if remiffion were 
not covenanted > If bis children forf^e my law. 3. If the 
Lords children watch r.o: over their own conupt narure, and a- 
gainft tcntations, they are in danger or falling, and certainly 
will fall into fits of fearful (inning againit. Gods revealed will, 
bo:h byway ofcommi (lion and omiffion, io as they may feem 
no: renewed, as here is prcfuppofed j If his children for fa^c my 
Uw, andw.dli not in my judgments :. if they, bre.ifc my.jlatutes 3 an& 
keep not my Qommandmcnts^.i\\Q Lord doth jicm allow, im in his 
ownchilctren more then in others>but wilUeftttie his indignation 
againit the Mis of his own children with /ad. judgements ; 7/ 
they h K cep not my commmimcnis } then will I vi fit their tranfgrcf- 
fions with the rod, and their iniquity wrthjlripcs.. .5 v The fliarp- 
eitrods and lorcll ihip^s, wherewith God doth vilu the chil- 
dren of Chrifl;,may itand, and do (land with loving kindnefle 
unto them; fo; they are fatherly corrections, medicinal preser- 
vatives againft finning afterward, and tokens of Gods .hatmg 
of (inne, and not of rejection of their peifans, but rather ef- 
fects of his love to the pet-Ions corrected $. 1SI evert bclcffe, my lo~ 
vingh K indneffe will I not utterly take frcmbim., 6,, "lhe mercy 
ihewento the children, is with refped to the. Father with, 
whom the Covenant is made in iavour of the children : ^Oi/ly to- 
ying fandneffe will I not utterly tufa from bim: that, is, from 
David as type, and Chriftas Antitype, to: whole fake the 
kindnefle is derived to the 7. Except 'the Covenant 
of grace had this article in it . for icmiflipn of iinnejand for fa £ 
thcrly cor,rcc1ion y to drive unto repentance,- that the penitent 
pcrfon coining to God by faith, might have Came forgiven him, 
and loving kindnefle (hewen to him ; this Covenant mould faile; 
us no lcfle then tlje Covenant of works : My loving fyndncfjc I 
-will not tafcfrom bim, nor fuffer my faithfulncjfctofailc. 

Vcr. 3 !• Mj covenant, will I not br?ak\ nor filter 
the thing that is gone out of my lipr. 

^ 5 . Once have I [worn by my bolixeffe, that I W /// 
not lie unto David. 

36. HU(eedfhall endure for ever \ and his throne 
as thc'Sunne before me. 

y t it; 


37. // Jhalhbffftablifbed for tver as the Moone : 
find As a faithful ftitnejfe in heaven, Selah. 

A'terthe articles of the Covenant, he fubjoyneth the confir- 
mation of it j firlt j by the fubfcrib cd Pcomife of God, for c- 
videncing of the immutability of it, vcr. 34. Secondly, by ra- 
tification of his oath formerly made for the liability of it, 
vcr,} 5. Thirdly, by witnefles and pledges of the continuance 
of it j to wit, the Sunne and the Moone, ver. $6, 37* Whence 
learn, 1. Albeit the finnes df Gods children do break the Cove- 
nant on their part, vet do they not diflblve the Govertent on 
Gods part, or make God to break his part of the Covenant, 
%vhich is to correct and chaflife the finncr, and bring him back 
by repentance, and not take away his loving kindneflc from the 
iinner ; My Covenant will 1 not hrea\, 2. The Covenant of 
grace is that which is revealed in the Gofpel for remedy of fin, 
and relief from wrath j and what is revealed we ma^ be Pure 
iliall not be altered : My Covenant will I not brca^ nor alter the 
thing tlwt is gone out of my mouth. 3. As we arc declared to be 
naturally averle- from teleeving God , who do ftand in need of 
confirmation byTtis oath: fo God by ratification of his promife 
by oath doth declare his will to the uttermoft, that we ihould 
beleeve in him, an .1 reft upon this Covenant, and fo make an 
end of controverting with him any more, by our misbelief in this 
matter > Once have 1 [worn. 4. There can be no greater fecu- 
rifjv-then 'the true Chriftian hath for his falvationj for <3od 
hath hid frfpaWn his truth and his holincfle, which is the glory 
of all his attributes, that he will not take his loving kindnefle 
away from any of Chills children: Once bxvel jwornc by my 
holincffc, thxtlwill not lie unto David. 5. The ftability of 
7)avids feed which is Chrift ; and the perpetuity of his king- 
ck>me for the comfort of all his iubje&s, as it is confirmed by an 
oath, and by pledges laid down for affurance thereof : fo hath the 
Lorcj taken the Sunne and Moone to be witnefles of this Cove- 
nant of grace, as the rainboweis witnefle of th.n Covenant for 
not deftroying the world with a flood: His feed fhall endure for 
<cvcr\ and bis throne as the Sunne before me* 6. As the witnefles 
of the Covenant, the Sunne and the Moon, do remaine in hea- 
ven, whatfoevar change do feeme in them , and howfoevcr both 
of them do difappear every day once , and the Moon every day 
ami every moncth feemeth to change ftfmething in riie 'meafure 



of her light, yet is the c no qucition made aJbont them, but t n CV 
(hall nppear i<j;ain in due leafon. lb :hc Covenant of grace made 
with bis IriCivift) (^hatfoflwc .-derations do fcem to come 
thcrin,andhowfoever it doth difappeiE ar fomc timcsyfhould not 
be called in queftion, b-u cirjemed faithful as the witneiles of 
i: are ; U Jbail be efixblifhcl for ever si tbc Mqjov, a 
faithful vitneffe in be wen. 

Ver. 3 8. Hut thou haft caft off and abhorrtcH ' thoji 
baft beenWrotb mfbthi'ie tnointci. 

yaiff'jg 40 4* \% 43 <H & *tfl' 

In the third par, of the Pfalm: hefallsth upon a. fad Ume*- 
tation, and reprefenteth the aftaircs and Kingdome of 7$A\ffl) 
as in appearance dole coiinvuy to the Covenant, to v.46 w hero 
he takcth up himiilf, and prayeth to Gad for reme iy o ; all thofe 
evils, and clofetb the Pfatme wuhthankfgiving and prai e. 

In his lamentation he bemoaneth ft. it , as it ieemed to him j 
that Druidand his houie were rejc&ed of Gad, and that in 
wrath,v.}8.Nexc,that the Covenant wasdiilblved and the King- 
dome and C own ruined altogether, vw. ;y;. Thirdly, that 
all defences and ftrong holds were removed and thrown down, 
vcr. 40. Fouuhly, that he was nude a prey to any that plea fed 
to fpoile him, and a reproach to his neighbours, vcr. 4 \ . Fif.h- 
ly, that his enemies were afliftcd of ^,-od, and he being deferred 
jn battel was put to flight, vcr. 4 *<> 4-? • Sixthly, that all the pri - 
viledges and prerogatives of his Kingdome were abolifhed, 
vcr. 44, Sevcnth!y,rhat the happinelie of his Kingdom hid taft- 
cd a very fhort time, and that nil expectation of hoped tor blef- 
fings wcreblafted, and turned to matter of ihame and confu- 
lion, vcr. 45. Whence learn , 1. From the order and place of 
1 he lamentation; It is not time for us to enter the lifts with Ofts 
tatic ns and doubts, till firft we have fixed our hearts by faith in 
the Lords promifes againft all tcntations, anddouotSj and 
fearcs, and appearances of evil, as the Pfalmift doth he e. 2. The 
eila e of Chrifts Kingdom, no lefle then of Vjvfds Kingdom., 
may at fomc times leem to humane lenle in a condition quite 
contrary to what is promifed concerning it, as this lamentation, 
wherein the hopes of Chrilb Kingdom isqueftioncd by the 
Pf dmifts tcntation, doth m ke evident. $ . The only relief of 
Gods diftreffed people at fuch a time, is to follow the ex implc 
of the Pfalmift, that is, toftecngrhen their faith, contrary to 

3 2<5 PSAL. LXXXIX. 

what appearcth outwardly to fen r e, and then lay out the doubts, 
fearcs and tentations before God,to beanfwercd by hfcjlj as ftttfe 
the Prophet doth. 4. Alt thofe calamities might come upon 
Davids civil Kingdom, and yet this Covenant made with hirri 
as the type of Ghrift not be cMYclved, as experience huh pro- 
ved, because the Covenant wss not made to exempt him, or his 
family, or Kingdome from the rods of men, in cafe by their 
mifcarriage and tranfgreffions they fhould provoke the Lord, 
for the kit article in the Covenant, invcr. 30, Jiyir*. cxprefly 
holdethout the contrary. Secondly, becaufe the Covenant in 
the main fcopc belonged to Chrift and his fpiritual Kingdom > 
to Vavid and his children and Kingdom, as to a type and iiiadovV 
of Chilli and his Kingdom, or as they were members of Chrifts 
Kingdome tor 'their fpiritual good. 5. Senfe and carnalreafon 
may mifrcprefent the Lords difpenfation, as if it were contrary 
to his Covenant and Prornife, and contrary to what the godly 
do belecvt according to Gods Word ; as here we fee, comparing 
this lamentation withtheformer part of the Pfalme. 6. lfihc 
godly dohcldfaft to the Wo-.d of God, andbelecve what trre 
Lord hath fromiied, whatfoever appear in the contrary, then 
may they with great freedom* (yea, and they fhould of drty 
and wifdom) lay forth all their tentations, and what carnal rea- 
fenand fenfe fpeaketh id them before the Lord, who is able 
to folve all doubts, and fatisfie faith, without feare of being mis- 
taken, as this lamentation compared with what precedeth, ma- 
keth manifeft. 7. Whatfoever calamity (hall croffe the be- 
leevershcpe* Gcd- ftill muft be efteemed and held the fender 
out, of the calamity, as well as the Author of the Prornife, 
which the difpenfation feemerh to ■ croffe : that the glory, both 
of jvftice wounding his childe, and of mercy healing him, may 
be given to lire Lord, as the example of the Pfalmift doth 
reach, who in all the complaint faftentth all the branches of the 
calamity upon Gods dcing. 

Ver. \6. H?>rv long y LOKD y -wilt thou hide thy 
felf, for evert Jbtll thy wrkth burr.e lifyfire? 

47. Remember how fbort my time is: Wherefore haft^ 
thou made all men in vain} ' 

48. What man is he that Iheth^ and fhall not fee 
de*tb ? ''fhall he deliver bis fcul from tie hand of the 
grave ? St /ah, " 4?. 


49. Lord, where are thy former loving khidnrj[ff f 
which thonftoarcft u *t "David in thy truth} 

50. R a mtm'jcr (Lord) the reproach of thy fer- 
vanti : how I dobeare inmj b>)jomeK.\\Z reproach of 
all the mighty people, 

51. Wherewith thine enemies have reproached^ 
LORD: therewith they have reproached the fjOt flops 
of thine anointed 

U. Blefed be the WBSD for evcrmrre • tAmcn, 
and Amen. 

Here he ta;ncth his complaint into prayer for remedy, to 
fliew that he did not fret; but b:lccve, that the Lard both could 
and would give relief The rcafoas for it en^thenirv* of his faith 
are tome. Fiilf, beanfc the wrath of God agaiail his people 
cmiot be everlafting, vcr.46. The fecond. becaufctheLo us 
afflicted people were of a fhortlife, and did expect comfort be- 
fore they died, vet. 47,48. The third, becaufc former experi- 
ence, and Go Is fworn Covenant behooved to have eviden: com- 
fortable effects 3 vcr. 49 The fourth , becaufc the mockcriccf 
the enemie againft Gods people, and Ch'i (Is King. 'on was ir- 
fupportable, vcr. ?o ? ji. After which, asking allured cm a 
gooi anfwer, hcclofeththc Pfalmc with p aye- and thinkigi- 
ving. Wlnncckxrn^ i. From the firft teaforijTbc 
God are mo c affected with Gods dffpUafu e, then with tic 
rouble they are put u nm \ How lp?ig,Lord 9 viilt thou bidct^y 
jicc? This fhewe:h their chief wound. 1. WIntfocvcr be the 
Lords pu-poic in afflicting, yet fore trouble doth alwayesfpcA 
the wrath of Grd to the apprchenfion of 1 he afflicted ; ^briliby 
wntb burnc iib^c fire? 3 . A; God cannot be angry for ever with 
his people; fo his people cannot endue any, appearance of ever* 
laftin^ wrath, and ut:er deftruction '> How UngyLord, telly ihvi 
hide tby ficcfor ever ? Jlull tby wrMb burnc li^efirc f 

From the fecond reafon, to confirm hishope to be heard, (et 
down, vcr. 47,4 $• Lcirn> 1. Asour life is fliort, an I -.he fnort- 
nefle of it mould be a (purrc to feck the \cn\^ of Gods good wilt' 
to us while we are in this life: fo may all Gads children exp: :t , 
how (hort foever : heir life be, to finde fen ible p oors in this 
life of Gxlslovc to them, and care of them; for, Remember 
bow Jhort my time k : do h import lomuch in the iVaimifb 
X 4 rcaibuiiag. 



reafcning. z. Albeit God liath created no man in vaine, but for 
his own glory one way or other, yet Gods children have little 
or no eitimation o\ this life, except that they therein may finde 
God reconciled , and have communion with him in this life. ; 
For thus pamonare i.xpicffion, Wherefore baft thou made all men 
in vaine? doth import as inucb.; as we count our life in vaine, 
and nothing worth to us, i;>hou fhalt not be reconciled unto 
lis. 3 . Albeit our words in prayer mould be well weighed, yet 
in fcd affliction and grief ct hep.: t, words fomctime may efcapc 
a Saint, which cannot be ijhftified, as here this fpcech giveth 
us an i n (lance : fortius is a limiting of God to crave comfort 
in this Jife to the afflicted, at the time when they fliall prefcribe, 
or elfe to make all their formerly received comforts, and life it 
fclrto be in vaine given unto them : for prefuppofe a man fhould 
fufrcr Gods terror from his yourh up, as Heman did, and be as 
S diftrafted roan, becaule of the terrour of God , and fhould end 
his life, as Heman doth the preceding Pfalm without comfort 5 
fee life eternal might make up the troubles of the wrcftiing of 
uch a mans faith, and loon recompenfe the lofle of comfort in 
this life : and yet uch is the weakneife even of Champions Tike 
Ethan, as to vent fame psflionatc exprefllons in their trouble: 
Why bafl thou made all men in vain? ^Mortality and fliortnefle 
of life is common to all men: but to be {lined up thereby to the 
more earncil feeking of Spiritual comfort, and preparation for e- 
tcrnailiie, is thepropcrtie of actildcof God only 5 fuchasthfc 
Pfaimift is, who \c this very end, that he might have fpiritual 
comfort, draweth in Argument from mortality ; What man k 
he that Inctb, and frail wtfec death t 

From the third reafonfet down, vcr* 40. taken from the ex- 
pei ience cf mercies, and nvorn promiies made to David ; team, 
1. Albeit a nian were in never fo hard a condition for his own 
cae, or the ca^c of other godly perfons, yet that which God 
hath done and promifed ro do unto any belccver, may fuftaiii 
him when he miflcih all comfort or appearance of it 3 Lord y 
where arc thv former loving liindvcffcs luito David? 2 •When 
thebciecver doih mine the comfort which he or any other hath 
got en of GiJ) he fhould go to the fame fountain to have fomc 
new experience the:eof, as the Piiilmifts example doth teach. 
3 The belccver uktth Gods part agninftall doubts, and difap- 
pearanrcscf thcper!orming of his promiies, as we fee in the 
Pudmift, who when he is 'miffing Gods former loving; 
fuiidndfej the continuance whereof . was promifed and Twotn; 
- he 


htfaflertcrh the tru;h of the promife, faying which tim f#i~ 
reft unto David in thy truth. 

From the fourth real on of his hope td have a gracious anfweY 
to his prayer, takctl from the reproaching of the enemies, as- ft is 
fctdowm ikt. 50, fi. Learn, 1. Bcfuic inward ten rations unro 
misbelief in tncday of trouble, the Lords people ufc to meet 
u ith the moclfings of the wicked, infoiemly (corning their faith 
in God, which as it vcxeth the g'cfdly, to is it taken notice of by 
d .• fyrncmbft> Lord , the reproaeh of thy ftrvants. 1. The 
mocking of Religion in the thy of the CfturdieV calamity, is Co 
much the nnrc a terrible tentation, as the adverfarics who do in- 
fill t over Religion, are many and tiowe/ftti to annoy Gods people, 
and tread down Religion m y Remember the reproach of all thevnJgb- 
' tj people, $. The reproach of Religion and of the godly doVh 
lie near, and mould lie near the heart of every lively member df 
the Church: Remember the reproach which t do bcare in my 
bofome. 4. Such as do reproach Religion and the &odly in their 
calamity",are Gods etfernlcs, and againit :hem God is engaged ; 
Remember the reproaches, xohercvoith the enemies have reproached, 
O Lord. <. The bhfphemie's which do ftrikeagainft Gdcispro- 
mifed falvation in Ch ill, and th: progrCile of his Kingdom, are 
of all t(?n:arions molt heivic , and are refc-ntcd of God rnoft dctp- 
ly ; 7{cmembcr the reproaches, rthCrewith they have reproached 
the foot jlcps of thine anointed ; tot ii Ddvlds pofterity ^r\A 
fucceflion went on one genei at-ion after another, (0 Clirift made 
his approaches nearer to his incarnation ; and when the family 
of David feemed to grow weak, the godly were aiTanltcd with 
fcarcsand doubts about the coming of the A'leffiah : and the un- 
godly mocked the matter of Chritis coming altogether, and re- 
proached the promii'e of his progrcJ&. 

From the clofc of the PfaUi, ver. fa. Learn, 1. Prcfuppofe 
a bclcever ftiould not findeprcfent cqimfbrt in his lad condition, 
yet it is an eafe to have poured. out his complaint before the 
Lord: and this liberty of fpcech is a gift worthy of thankfri- 
>rifip tor, Blcfd hethcUrd, doth the Prophet adde, when 
hen-th lakUi he would fay. 4. We ihould dole and leive 
our phiytt before God in good tcrmes, however he fliall aniwer 
us, or 1: em to difpofe of matters towards us: ane! we fliould 
blclTe hrm;db what he p> the Pfalmift doth here ■ 2fcf- 
fed he the lord for evermore. * .The boleever mav be lure to have 
his lawiuiicqiicfts graced unto him, anJrnay let to" his ft-1 to 
Ooi^s proxies without f:arc,a 5 the Pfalmift tcacheth us in his 


33o PSAL. XC. 

faying, Amen. Yea the more tentation doth drive us unto mif - 
belief, the more mould faith look for a deliverance, and ad- 
here to the truth of Gods Covenant, as here the Prophet doih 
by doubling hisfcale, by, Amen, and Amen. 


A Prayer of Mofes the man of god. 

THis Pfalm agreeth well with the latter end of CMofcs's life, 
when he being now to remove, did prcfent this prayer to 
God, and delivered it unto the Churchy for their comfort and 
direction, how to carry themfelvcs towards God in their fhort 
and forrowful life. 

The Pfalme may be divided into three parts. In the firft, is 
the Churches fourfold comfort againft temporal troubles and 
miferies in this world. The firft is taken from the Lords kind- 
nefle to his people in all ages, ver. i . The fecond is taken from 
the decree of their election, ver. z. The third fronv the hqpe 
of their refurre&ion,iw. $. The fourth from the mortnefle of 
time unto it, vcr. 4. In the fecond part, the ftiortncffe and mi- 
feries of life procured byfinne, are lamentably fet forth before 
the Lord, who is full of pi:y, vcr. 5, <S, 7, s > 9> 1 O, 1 1. In the 
laft part a e fix petitions, fome whereof are for the right' ufe of 
the fhortneffe and forrowesof this life, and fome of them for a 
gracious deliverance from them, vcr. n, 1$, 14, ij, 
4 6, 17. 

Vromthe Infcription; Lam, t. A teacher of Gods people 
fliould carneftly intercede by prayer for Gods people, a* Mofes 
did 3 This is a prayer of Mofes. 2. He that firtech in Mofes his 
chaire mould be furniftied with gifts for the' Mini ftery, called 
ok God, confecrated unto God in his heart for this purpofe , 
and altogether fet for God in his pra&icc, for fo Mofes was, 
A wan of God. 3. As the conference of being, A man of God, 
is a Gngular comfort and encouragement to a Mincer in his 
life-time: fo is it a Angular honour to him, living and dead, 
before God and men, to be in effect, tA man of God, as here ic 


PSAL. XG. w 

istoMofes, who is called, Aminof Cjody to his commcndi- 
Uon, becaufe he was faithful in all the houleof God. 

Ver. I. \ Ord^ thou haft been our duelling f lace 
J /m all generations. 

The firft comfort of the Lor .is people, againft tfacmiftricsof 
this life is, from the Lords kindneile to his people in all ages. 
Whence learn, i. There is no dealing with God in prayer, ex- 
cept we lay hold on the offer of Gods kindntffe, according kq 
the Covenant of grace, and do look uponC6d as gracious to 
us in Chrift, Therefore here and ejicwhere, ^applicants do 
begin with renewed aftsand exprtflions of laving faith. i.Gois 
people in every place and age , is one incorporation with 
K,cdi people in all ages preceding and following and may 
lay claim to all the p/iviled^es or Gods people before th m, 
as here the Church in Mofcs time joyneth it' felfc with 
all the Lords people in former times, for th:? tie of fnc - 
ceedino ages which were to come; Lord, thou l.ujt becne 
or dwelling fbee in all generation's. 3. Albeit the Lords 
people be ftrangers in the earth ; partly , becaufe they have 
no certain residence in this world 5 partly, becaufe they, 
are evil entertained by men of this world , but fpecially, 
bccaule in their afte&ions they are pilgrims in this world; 
yet they want not a refting place, and a dwelling in hea- 
ven, even God himfclf, in whom they dwell by faith, and 
findc In him reft, and food , and protection, and comfon ; 
yea, and in his heart they have bad a lodging in' all ge- 
nerations , Lord , tbon haji been our dwelling plate in all 
generations. 4 # Troubles and .mileries of this lire do 
make the godly to fcarch out their intcrcft in God, and in 
another life, as here and elfewhere we may perceive in the 
excrcifc of Gods children : their {traits on earth, do make 
them feek inlargemcnt in heaven. 

Ver. 2. Before the mountnines v:cre brcuoht 
forth, or ever thou hadfl jormed the earth and the 
World : even from cv?rLfting to cverlafling thou 


55 2 PSAL. XC 

The fecond corafort of the Believer a^ainft the mjferies of this 
fliort life , is taken from the decree of their Election , and the 
eternal Covenant of Redemption of them felled in' the purpofe 
and counfel of the bleffcd Trinity for their behoof , wherein it 
was agreed before the world was , that the Word to be incarnate, 
fliould bethcSavioutofthcElcct: for here theaffertingofthc 
eternity of God, is with relation to his own chofen people y for, 
Thoii haft been our dwelling place in all generations , and thou art 
God from cverlaftngtocverlafting, is in ftibftance thus much: 
Thou art from everlafting to everlafting the fame unchangeable 
God in purpafe and affection toward us thy people, and fo 
thou art our God from everlafting, in regard of thy eternal! 
purpofe of love, Electing us; and in regard of thy appointing 
Redemption for us by the Redeemer. JVbence learn , \ . From 
Gods good will to us in time, we may arife to Gods good will to 
us before time ; and from grace fnewed to us in time , we may 
conclude grace and good will pnrpofed toward us , and ordained 
for us before time ; Thus doth the Pfalmifl teach us to climb ; 
for after he hath faid , From generation to generation , thou \u[l 
been our dwelling place , that is , in all time paft thou halt 
been our God ; he fubjoyncth , Before the moumaines were 
brought forth j ere ever thou hxdfi formed the earth And the world, 
thou an God : That is, the lame God unchangeably in thy 
purpofe and love toward us before time from everlafting.' 2. From 
fpeciall love fhewen to us in time, we may conclude love to- 
v/ard us, not oncly before time from everlafting , but alio that 
ft mall continue toward us after time for ever; Even from ever- 
lafting to everlafting, thou art God , faith he > that is, the fame 
itrong God immutable in thy purpofe and love toward us firft 
andlaft : and indeed faith cannot Hx it felf , till by the warrant 
of Gods Word, and feeling of his gracious woi king in us in time, 
it ]oyne Gods work of grace, and his purpofe of grace together. 
Therefore the Apoftlc, Epbcf. i. doth lead the Believer in 
Chrift, to election in (Thrift before the world was > and to pre* 
deftination unto Adoption by Jefus Chrift, according to the good 
pleafure of his will before the world was, ver* 3,4,5. And i Tim. 
1.9, he lcadcthusto a compleated Covenant before the world 
was made, between God the Faiher and God the Son, according 
wheretinto all conditions required of the Redeemer are fetlec, 
and all the Elect , all the redeemed are delivered over to the Son, 
the IVotd to be incarnate , dciigncd Redeemer ; and all laving 
grace is given over into (Thrifts hand, to the behoof of the Elect, 


PSAL. XC. 333 

co be let forth unro them in due time : for there it is faid , TbiZ 
^race was giz<n to us in Cbrifi $cjits > before the world began* 
3. The nature of God which is to be one and the fame, un- 
changeable from everlafting to evcrlafting , is the foiid ground 
of the rcafonine of faith after this manner ,as here we arc taUght, 
from ever Lifting to cvcrlafting> thou art Cjod. 4. The know- 
ledge ot Gods eternal goodwill to us, is a fufficient cordiallto 
foften and fweeten all our grief and affliction in this life: for 
the very end why this Doctrine is prefixed unto what is follow- 
ing about temporal mifery , is to comfort the Lords people 
againtt ail the troubles of this life. 

Ver.3. Thou tumefi man udefiruttion •* andfayefi^ 
l\eturne y ye children of men. 

A third comfort, is from the- refurre&ion of the dead. 
Whence learn, 1 Albeit God doth execute the decree , which 
hath appointed ail men once to die, yet he hatkappointed alio 
« refurre&ion , whereby he is powerfully to recall and make re- 
turne from de?th all the pofttrity of AcUm ; Thou tumefi man 
to deftruftion ; and fo all men muft die , and fay eft ^ Rcturne, jc 
cbi-dren of men, and fo all men muft rife againc. 2. It will 
coil the Lord but a word to make the dead to rile againe , or to 
make them that ate deftroyed, to rcturne againc j Tkoufaycfty 
Rcturne, ye children of men. His Word is already paft forth in 
the Doctrine oftheReurreaion, and is altogether operative, 
(hall prove fully effectual at length. 

Ver. 4. For a thou/and yeares in thy fight, are 
but as yeflerda), when it is pa ft : and as a watch in the 

The fourth comfort , is from the mortnefle of the time be- 
tween a mans deathand his returning from it in the Re Hnec"ti- 
on, kz down by way of anfwering an cbjc&ion , which might 
be moved concerning the long time fact the Refuneclion was 
prormfcd, till the time that it be really accomplished, likaicc 
learn, v. Albeit it may.icem a long time between a mans deatfi 
and his Refurrcftion, yet is it before God but u mort time : yen 
and Jn'cfle& it is nailing in companion oi eremitic : Fir a 


134 PSAL. XC. 

boufind yearcs in thy fight is but as yefterdy when it it U pjft y and, 
asawatch in tbeniebt 2. Except we do reckon time as God doth 
reckon it , we cannot but be weary and think lone, and wonder ac 
the delay or" 'he performance of ptomiies,.~nd fo to tall in tenration 
ofunbeliefe, as wearetaught by the obviating of the objection, 
and comparing of a thou fund years in Gods fight with ycftcrday 
when it is paft, and with a watch in the night. 

Vcr. 5. Thou carriefl them away as with a flood^ 
the j are M a jleep : in the morning they arc /i& grajfe 
which groWetb up. 

6. In the morning it flourijheth , and grotyeth up : 
in the evening it is cut down and withereth. 

In the fecofld part of the Pfalm he fetteth forth the fhortnefle 
and naileries of this lifcjnrft in general/J. 5 , 6. and then the mile- 
nes of the people of Ifracl'm fpecial, to vcr. 1 2. As for the fir ft, 
he fets forth the mortality and n ifeiy of men under the fimili- 
tudeof men overflowed with a flood, and in the fimilitude of a 
fleep s and of grafle or flowers , which flourish in the day-time, 
and at even are cut down and wither. Whence learn, 1. Mor- 
tality is like a flood growing greater and greater* compelling 
fome footer* others Liter, and at laft overflowing all men withouc 
exception; as the deluge in Noahs dayes once did overflow all 
the earth, fo doth death : which fimiiitude givcth all men ad vcr - 
tifementin time to prepare {or an Ark, that death may not drown 
both fcul and body : Thou carricftthem away as r*ith a flood. 
l. This mortal life is like a fleep , wherein men do dream that 
they haveriches, honour, ftrength, and pleafure ? but when they 
do awake, thefc things will be found but dreames and (hadowesj* 
and it is like a fletp , whether we look to the time of abiding in 
the world , or to the time between death and refurre&iqn ; it .is. 
but as a fleep, wherein time is not obferved for (hortneife : They 
are (faith he) lilicajlccp. 3. This mortal life is like grafle, or 
flowers, which have final! beginnings ; at their beft are but weak, 
and after a fhor t feafon do wither ; ~and like grafle and •flowers, 
whereup n the mower fallcth with his fitheor hook, andxutteth 
it down in ;hc vigour of it They are life grajje wbi:h grower b; 
in the morning it* flour jjhetb and growctbup , in the evening it 
is cut down and wither ttb m 

Ver. 7. For we are consumed by thine anger : 4nd 


PSAL. XC 335 

by thj wrath *rc we troubled. 

8. Thou baft fet our iniquities before thee: our fe- 
cret Clones in the light of thy countenance . 

9. Tot ull our dayes are pa fed away in thy Wrath* 
we fpend our ye*rcs a$ a tale that is told. 

1 o. The dayes of our years arc thnefcore jeares and 
ten , and if bj reafon of ftrength they be fourfcore 
jeares , yet is their ftrength labour and forrow : for it, 
is foon cut off>andwc flic away. 

He defcendeth now to the mortality and calamities of the peo- 
ple of Ifrael, which he had obferved inhisewntime j they were 
conlumed in wrath for their fins, and had their lives cut fhort 
and repleniihed with miferies while they lalted, whereby he point- 
eth forth the power of the Lords ringer , which few did confider. 
Whence harm , 1. Common calamities and worldly miferies 
may be fcurrd as evidently in Gods vifible Church , and among 
Gods people, as in any incorporation in the worlds for here is the 
theater .of Gods judgements as well as of Gods mercies, and when 
Gods people do provoke God , his judgement begin at his own 
houfc-JVe are con fumed by thine anger. v.The efteds of G ;ds anger 
are very terrible, and able to ;{loniiTuhe beholder J By thy wrath 
are we troubled. g.Fn the time of Gods forbearance ufually mens 
finnes do lie hid in tttheifme , ignorance , oblivion, and careleflfe 
fecurity; but Gods judgements do 'draw them forth to the light, 
and do make it appear chat God hath obferved them all $ Tbo'u 
baft fet our iniquities before thee , our fecret finnes in the light of 
thy countenance. 4. The misbelief and difobedience of Gods vi- 
fible Church maketh their life both fliort and mifcrable , as the 
experience of the lfraclites doth (hew ; For all our dayes arc paf- 
fed away in thy wrath , we fpend our life lih^t a tale that is told. 
" 5. The more we ftudy to fee the length of mans life, it appeareth 
the fhorter 5 the more we look upon mans ftrength, and beauty, 
{ind glory, we finJe him the weaker , the vainer, and the naugh- 
tier: The dayes of our jeares are thnefcore y cares and ten, and if by 
reafon of 'ftrength they be fourefcore yeares , yet , &c. 6. If our 
infancy , and ordinary ticknefles andcafualtics of incident griefs 
and forrowes , fometinvs for onecaufc,and fometimes for ano- 
ther, be confidered, the life of mm hath little in i: , except #m~ 
ble and grief; Their ftnngib ■« labour and forrrow. 7. If any 
man fecm to have lefle trouble and forrow, 6rmorc ftrength then 

* others* 

33 6 PSAL. XC. 

others , it is nothing to .count .upon, the fhortnefle of it mnkciti 

ittoiofewoirh andeitimarioni tor , Itis.fron tut off, andwc 
fice away. 

Ver. Ii. Who knoxveth the porvcr of thine anger j 
even according to thj feare y fo is thy wrath. 

In the calamities of the Ifraelites he obferveth how terrible 
f he Lords wrath is , which albeit few do confider, yet might men 
fee it in his fearful threatnings an d judgements. Whence learn e, 
i. Albeit the mifery and fliort life of doth fpcjfc 
fomewlnt of the terribleneile and power of Gods anger, yet is it 
taken notice of by few 5 Whoknowctb the fewer of thy anger F 
-v. The wr.uh of God maybe known by the fear and terror of 
"God j which his feverc juftice, -almighty power , terrible thrcat- 
•ntngs , and tearful judgements cxecuted.againft finne do teach 
men to know V Even according to thy fear^ fo is thy wrath. Seeing 
men know not the power of Gods wrath till it break forth upon 
them . it is wifdeme to ftudy his fear 5 that wrath may be prevent- 
■ed> and to take the meafure of the power of Gods wrath., 
♦by meafuring his dreadful feare and terrible terror > and to 
ftand in awe of him in time : Who linowctb ibe pwer of thine 
anger ? even according to thy fear fo is thy wrath. 

Ver. iff So teach its to number our d^jes : that 
Vve may applj our heartt unto wfdome. 

Tn the third part of this Pfalme , he putteth up fix Petitions 
for the right ufeandgracioasfeafoning of the fhort and forrow- 
ful life of the Lords-people. The firft Petition is for wifdome to 
-provide in time for the remedy of. fin and of e vq rl ailing mifery y 
fccfoie-this fliort and uncertain life be ended. Wiencc learn, 
ct: j Albeit our life be both fhort , and uncertain how fcon it may 
enJ 3 yet we look upon the indcfiniteUe of the time of continuance_ 
of it; as if the duration of it.were infinitc ; and our y'eares were in-, 
numerable 5 for, Teach jif to number our dayes 3 importeth fome 
acknowledgement of this fault. 2. Albeit it be eafie for us to' 
confider how many of ourdayesore already pall, and how few 
thefe thit arc tocome muft be by courfe of nature, or may be few . 
in the way of Gods bi-din:vrypvov'iae-:ice; yet "this lelfdnj how eafie 


PSAL. XC. 337 

foever^muft berauohrofGodbefoe we c^n .profitably confer 
of hiSo teacb m to number our we may. apply our hearts mxo 
ftijdom. ?. The only remedy ot lin-and of the wra:h or Gotland 
mifcry of mortal men for (in . is the witdomwhih is taught of 
God in the Scriptiirejro wit,that (inners mould feck reconciliation 
wi:h God, through the facrifice and obedience ot Chiift, and ilu- 
dy to keep fiiendlnip with God by the power of his Spii ic ; So 
teach m to number our day is , as we may apply our hearts unto voif- 
dome. 4. The right uft of the fin 3 wrath, and judgcmcnts : whi>h' 
we fee in our time m a ni felted, is to deal with God, by prayei\th.*u 
not only he would inform us of onr danger and duty,not cnely re- 
veal ro «ur mindes the m)ftery of grace and reconciliation . but 
alio that he would eft dually move our will , he»rt , andaftldi- 
6ns by faith which wprketh by love, to make application of the 
remedy of thofe evils to our fdv s : So teaJ? us to number out 
dyesy that we may apfly our beans unto reifdom'e . 

Vcr. 13. Return (0 JLQRD) how fbngf and 
let it repent thee concerning thy fevams. 

The fecond Petition is, that God would not onfy remove the 

tokens of his difpleafirc againft his p:ople, but alio nowpc 

length would mew himfelfe reconciled, by changing his difpen- 

fation toward them in a cottrfe of comfort ; Whence learnc^ 

1. A!6,*itthe Lord do not go away from his people, but > otfy 

ever remain with them in l'omeone or other gracious oggrafior* 

yet in refpect.of a comfortable pre fence ..he may turn away till his 

people reouc ft him to return, as here : Return >■ Lord, 2. Th$ 

Lords withdrawing of his comfortable p^cfence from his people, 

for how (hort a time '.oever , feemcrh a long time to us in this 

jhort life j 7(ciimi, Lord, bow long ? 3. Albeit the Lord do 

not change his affection and repent like a man, yet he can change 

his operation like a father, who commiferares his chillies nffl ijfti* 

On, and gocth about to cherim him after correction >s Let i&Cy 

pent thee concerning thy [crvants. 4. Albeit we be but verV 

flight fervants , and be fore (mitten for oiu'diiobed fence* j ycc 

fcouLf we not c^ft pway our calling , nor fnrllr our relations iin- 

fo God to be diflolved , bu: |hould adhere unto them by any; 

means, as here they call themklves itill fr-Oancs 5 Let it rcpirt 

thfe concerning thy fervxnts. 

33* PSAL. XC 

Ver. 14. fat is fie useayly "frith thy mercy , that 
Tve may re Joyce, and be glad in our dajes. 

15. Make m glad according to the day es wherein 
thoh haftaffMledtu : and theyearei wherein we have 
feen eviB- 

The third Petition is for fome fpiritual comfort and refrefh- 
ment to their fpirits > which might keep them in heart and 
hope of eternal falvation. Whence letrn , 1. A foul fenlible of 
wrath, hath as great hunger for fpiritual comfort , as a famifhed 
man hath for meat { fat is fie us. 2. The renewed intimati- 
on of Gods mercy, pardoning fin, and making clear our reconci- 
liation , is able to comfort usinour greateft forrow 5 fatisfie 
as with thy met y. 3. As bodily hunge cannot fuffer delay y 
fo neither can fenfe of wrath , and deflre ofrfavcurable acceptati- 
on long endure the want of confolation -, but after a night of 
trouble earneftly expecteth a morning of com fort : {atisjk u* 
early mtb thy mercy* 4. A poor hungry foul, lyin^ under fenfe of 
wrath, will promile to it felfe happincflc for ever , if it can but 
ence a^ain finde what it hath fometime felt ; thar is , one fwect 
fill of Gods fenfiblc mercy towards it ; fathfy us y that rot may 
' re Joyce a?id be glad all our dayes. " 5. Were our trouble never 
fo great , and oi: long continuance , the renewed intimation of 
Gods reconciliation to us , fh.ll feafon and iweeten all our trou- 
ble ,recompenfe all our loffes, and make our condition in this 
fhort and mifcrable life tolerable; yea in God very comforta- 
ble : Make us glad, according to the dayes wherein thou baft affliclci 
US; and iheyeares wherein we have feeneviH* 

Ver. 1 £ . Let tly work appear unto thy fervants : 
and thy glory unto the if children. 

The fourth Petition is, that God would continue the wort 
of building and enlarging of his own Church, ana 1 of glorifying 
him felfe in their fight, and in the fight of the poiterity from ge- 
neration to generation. Whence learn , 1, The building, pur- 
ging, enlarging, pifpagating of the Church, and manifeftingof 
Gods care tor it, is the Lords own proper work .which he will not 
leave oft- but albeit he hide his working for a t ime, yet is he on his 
WOik, and his people fliouldpray for , and ma/expeft the mani- 


PSAL. XC. 339 

fcftacion of its let thy work. a PP e * r utlt( > *b) fcrvanu. 2. As ic 
is the glory of the Lord to manifeit his £i*ace and mercy toward 
Lis people, or vifible Church, (o the defire of his people is to have 
the Lord glorified v no idle then to have themfelvcs p efetvedor 
comforte 5 Let thy work appear to thy fevants, and thy glory to 
their children. 3, The Church in every age (hould have a care/ 
that thepolkiiiy may be pa, takers of the lame merciful work of 
God, which they in their time have had experience of 5 and 
their children may profit by the cone&ions of their predeceilbrsj 
Let thy work appear 10 thy. j'crv.ints^ and thy glory to their children. 

Vcr. 17. And let the beauty of the LORD our 

Cod be upon us , and efiaklifb thou the work of our 
bands upon us : yea , the XKork^ of our hands ejlabhffi 
thou it. 

In this laft vcrfe.arc the two laft heads of his prayer ; The fit; 
Petition is , thac God w\,uld beautify his people with his holy 
Ordinances; with order., and unity and peace > with s. holy con- 
vcrfation , and the evidences ot his dwelling among them, as his 
own confederate people , proper fubjecls of his Kingdome , ar.c^ 
domeilicks ot ~h\* own family. V/hcneelearn > 1. As God is thg 
glory of his own people, in whom is their beauty and-jornamenr, 
whereby they are made honourable in the fight of all Nations, a^ 
tlu B iJe is, made comely by the attire and ornaments put upai 
her : lofTuuld his people ctlcem of him, arlecl and love him , te- 
member him,a,nd feek their beauty in him . Lex ibi beauty ofib? 
Lord be upon m. i. Then is the beauty of the Lord upon bite. 
people , and i'cen to be on them, when they behave therml'lves a$ 
his covenanted people , walking in fai h and obedience before 
him, and he (lieweth himfclfe their covenanted God > pi elect- 
ing and Uc fling them : Let thi beauty of the Lord our God be u- 
on va 5 and this Petition was granted all thedayes oijojhub, 
and of the Elders that outlived tfojhiiah* 

The fixth Petition is, that God would bleflc theendevrou, s 
of his people tor promoting of Gods work among them, and for 
tranfmittiug his Ordinances and his truth to the pofte.i.y. 
Jf1)cncc learn y 1. VVhofoev'er do pray for the advancing of the 
Lords work in his Church , muft tefolve not to be idle s bu ; 
engage themfelves to endeavour in their places and callings , ac- 
cording ko their jtower ,' the promoting of bis work /as fc*cc 
Z % 

34° PSAL. XCI. 

crh his fei varus and inftrumcrrs : Eftablijh thou the work* of our 
bunds 2. Wholbever go about the building of the Lords 
Church, andpromctirg ofRe'igion, mud acknowledge elm 
the face ffc of their labour Jcpendeih omly upon G^d, who mull 
be emreued for the bUflitr^ : Eflablifi thou the work of our 
hands. 3. In refpect that our wok is lb mixei and defiled 
With imperfections and fins, that God may juftly withdraw him- 
felfe from it, we mult the mere earneftly deal with God, to keep 
his own hand about his wo: k, and about our hands in it , asthc 
twice repeating of the Petition doth import 3 Teatbcmri of our 
hands e j ablijh dmi it:. 


A Lbeit this Pfalm hah ro infeription nor the name of 
jfi the penman who did write it , yet Satan could not deny it 
to be the Lords Word , for out of this Pfalm he brought one of 
his dart* ngainft our Saviour, Manb % 4. and the Promifes which 
a e ma<'e here ro the believer, are fo much move ftrongly ours$ as 
Ch» ift head of all his people, hath intei eft therein as man , and 
h.ith taken them to him in our name, 

Ver. I. T J E that dwell of 'the 
Jt J moft High, fall abide under the fbador* 
of the Almtjhtj. 

Tlefumme of the Pfalmc is , an encouragement to believe 
in God, by nine motives or inducements, moft of them feeing 
p c^ious , whereunto Chrift cur Loed hath the fiiit 
right and tide, and we onely in and through him. The firft 
motive is, becaufe the believer (hall have the warme and com- 
fortable protection of God Almighty. IVhencc 'earn, 1. Truft- 
in£ in God , is the means of ertertaining of co.ftnnt con- 
junction and communion with Tod; for he that is a belie- 
ver, dwell: th tn the feent p'jee of the moJhHigh. ?. The 
un'carchcablc depths of the rkh.s ofGods truth, grace, pow- 
er , and goodneffe , r.nd of his other attributes , whereupon 
faith doth fixe it iclfe > a:e amyftery to the world , which 


PSAL. XCI. 341 

carnal reafon knoweth an , nor how to make ufc thereof : 
and therefore is well compared to a fee ct pluce : He that 
dwelled) in the fecrct plac: of the mofl High. 3. In the mojl 
High is whatfocver the Believer ftande-.h in need of, a habita- 
tion , well fiunifhed with ta e , comfort > peace , reficflimem, 
protection , and whatfocver el e a foule could wiili ; fcr, the 
feact pUce of the mojl High > where the Llievcr may and 
mult dwell* is Gods truth and love 5 and uno him that 
dwelleth here, is the Promifc made. 4. The Believer is not 
exempted bv his f J i : h from trouble (vea , trouble and exer- 
cise from hfs erienajjs he may f.irely expeS ) but he is ex- 
empted from being taken, overcome, and deft oyed by the.n : 
for a refvisje, even the fecrct pUce of the m>Jt High; here i* 
provide! for him. 5. He that b:t^keth him clfe unto God 
for refuse, and will make his refuge his hibitation, (lull 
not be refufed lodging , nor be thru ft out when he is eli- 
te ^cd : He JhM abide in the fhxdovp of the Almighty. 6. The 
fcorching heat of periecution (lull, not pcvaile ag^inft the 
Believer $ for Grjds omnipotencie (hill oe imployed for his 
protection and confolation ; He fl:all abide in the fjaiove cf 
the Almighty. 

Ver. 2. / will fay of the LORD , He i* my 
refuge , and m) fortreffe , raj GA , in him Kill 
1 trufl. 

The fecond motrce is the Pfilmifts example , who in hi? 
ownc experience having felt the good of truftin^ in God 
in hardeft ftrait;, doth refolve to believe in him ftill. iVbencc 
leirne , 1, He that hath experience of the fruit of faith , is 
the' futcft man to bear witneffe of it, and m oft abletofpcak 
from his own perfwafion to the pevfwafion of others i / Will 
fay of the Ltrl , He is my refuge ani my forircjfe^ z. The 
duty of the Believer is to go on and grow in faith, 
arid the right ufe of his experiences, is the confirmation of 
him in the faith of the Covenant , and gefqlution ro grow 
therein in meafure of ftrength and fmcc i:y : He U my Goi, 
in him wiH I trujU 

I I Ver.j. 

34* FSAL. XCJ. 

Vcr. 3. Surely he (hall deliver thee from the 
f*a r c of the foVcler : and from the noifome ptfti- 

The third motive to beleeve in God, is a promife of deliver- 
ance out of danger, which'by humane wit could not be efchew- 
efd, which he exprcfleth under the fimilitude of fnares and pefti- 
icnce, which do overtake a man before he be aware. Whence 
learn, 1. A kindly beleever mould love to have other's belee- 
ving inGod, ashehifnfelf doth, and mould leave nothing un- 
done to perfwade others to beleeve, ss his calling requireth: for 
the example of the Pfalmift teacheth us fo. 2. There are ma- 
ny tentations, wheteby Satan (as a fowler laying fnaresj catch- 
eth poor foolifli iinners, and there is much contagion of (inne, 
whereby albeit men are infe&ed one by a not her, and many do 
periih > yet the beleever in God is either preferved from falling 
int6 the fnare,and from being corrupted with contagion of others 
ill fpeechesand manners, or elfe he is rid and delivered out of 
thedapger; Surely bcfiall deliver thee from t be fnareofthe 
fowler, and from the noifome peftilence. $ . As there are dangers 
an relation to our fpirituai condition unavoidable, if God do 
not deliver us 5 (o are there dangers of plots and confpiracies 
by wicked enemies in relation to bodily dangers alfo , from 
which the wifdom of beleevers could riot deliver them : but 
God hath promifed a deliverance, or a good efcape from them 
all, fo as the beleever fhall be nolofer. Surely he"Jl)dtl deliver 
thee from the fnare of the fowler .fcrc. 

Ver. 4. He /ball cover thee with hit feathers^ <wd 
under his Wings (halt thou trttfl : his truth JiaU be 
Zhyfoield and buckler. - 

A fourth motive is, a promife of comfortable and fure de- 
fence againfl the invarion of the enemies, fet forth under fun- 
dry fimiiitudes ufuai in Scripture. Whence learn, 1. The care 
and watchfulnefle of God over his own is fuch, as neither Na- 
ture -nor Art can yield Efficient fimiiitudes to expreffe it, as 
the borrowing of more fimiiitudes, fome frcm one thing, and 
fome from another^ doth here fhew. The watchfulnefie of the 
* k • - 'pird 

PSAL. XCI. 343 

bird over he -young ones , and the care that t man hath inb' c - 
tel to preferve his own body from hurt-, arc but imperfect (h a - 
dowes to reprclcnt the watching care of Gx! for a beleever. i.As 
the Lord defcendeth unto our capacity in fuch low fimiiitudef 
ofpro r c&ion andcom'ort, fo he rcquirethof us that by thofe we 
ftiouldafcend in our f 'ith to rely confident'y and lovingly upin 
him* He fiall cover thee with bis father land under his wings 
Jhilt thou tntft. 3. Tint which we muft oppofe to all perils ; is 
the Word of Gad* lo long as we keep that, and ward oft' dans and 
fwords by that mcanes, we mall not be overcome : Hk truth fliall 
be thy Jhitld and buckler, 

Ver. 5. Thou fhah not be afraid for the terror by 
night : nor for the arrow that fleet h by day : 

6 . Nor/ir the Pefiilenct that voa^keth in darfyejfe: 
JlOr for the deftruEl on that wafteth at noone day, 

7. *s4 thottfand Jhall fall at thy flde r and ten thou. 
fand at thy right hank ; but it jh^ll not come nigh 

A fifth motive to beleeve, is from a more particular promife cf 
fafcty unto the beleeve r from all fort of deadly enemies and cUn- 
gers,wherinto when many do fall, the belecver fhall fland. IVIkvcc 
learn, 1. The true remedy againft tormenting fear, is faith in 
Godrformany terrible things may befall men, when th:y are 
moft fecure, like unto thofe that befall men in the night : but for 
any harme which may befall the beleever this way, the Lord here 
wiileth him to be nothing afraid; Thou flult not be afraid for 
the terrour by night, 1. Many fudden accidents may befall men 
when they are moft watching, and upon their guard, but the 
Lord wiileth the belecver to be confident, that he mall not be 
harmed this way: Thou fait not be afraid for the arrow tbatflcctk 
by day* }. Many evils are men fubject unto, which come up. 
on them they cannot tell how, but from fuch evils the Lord 
aflureth the beleever he fliali have no harrae 5 Thou fait no.t be 
afraid of the pcftilcncc which wal&ctb in darlyicjfe. a . Men arc 
fubject to many evils which come upon them openly, and riot 
Unawares, fuch as are calamities from, enemies an,d oppreflbrs ^ 
the Lord wiileth th£ believer, to be confident, that he ftrit nor 

344, PSAL. XGL 

be harmed rhis way 5 ThdufoJt not be afraid for the dcftruftio% 
wbidp wall{etb at noon-day. 5. When trials and testations 
come upo.i the world 10 try the children of men, albeit many 
fall by thofe tentarions, ve; the man w ao bcleevcth in God ftiall 
ftand : whether the u;r. ion come upon the Lit hand, with 
Kile appearance oi good offered in it ^ or upon the right hand, 
with tai e pretences 0; lawfulnerTe and hotinelfe in a iinful 
tourfe. whereunto the temation doth drive : albeit a thoufand 
fliould fall by the temation on \ht one hand, and ten times more 
on the other hand vet the beleever inGod,going upon the grounds 
Oi Gods Word j ihall not fall : thofe evils whe:cin others fall 
and petim (hair not come near him, us to the point of harming 
of him, 01 of deftxoying of him* A thoufand Jhall fall at thy fide, 
and ten thoufand at thy right band, but itfiatl not come near thee. 
6. The Lord will not only one way be helpful to the believer, 
but 10 manywayes asbecanbe in danger as the enumeration 
of fo many fundry cafes, whe.ein he promifeth deliverance^ 
doi'h teach us. 7. The only peifons who are hurt by judge-' 
ments aid tentarions/ aie luch unfenced fouls as belecve not in 
God, are not reconciled with him, and ftand at a diftance oppo- 
fite to him, as the object of his wrath, for none have tight to the 
former promiles, except the believer only, as all the text hoid- 
cth forth. 

Y^r. 8. Only with thine ejesjhalt thou behold^ and. 

fee the regard of the melted. 


He anfwercth an objeftion : It may be faid that the former 
mentioned evils, tentatibns and calamities, do come very near 
iirito the&odlyl for they are ofttiinesno lefle deep in them, then 
Others are. He anfweVeth, that the Lord may well acquaint 
themwuh the danger, and with the fenfe of their own weak- ! 
ne(Te,but for 4 the point of harme from thofe evils, or for the point 
of deft ruction by'thofc evils, which is the reward of the wickeJ ; 
the godly have no more but a difcovcry of it, to fee it, wherein 
they might have fallen if God had not prcfe/ved them; and' 
wherein the wicked <\o fall and periih . licence learn*,' 1 . Albeit" 
the f. mac c'a'amities externa! may befal the beleever and the wick- 
ed \ yet the dofc of their cbuife, the reward of their works mail 
put'the diffeitnce : for the godly fi) all only behold the reward of 
the wic\ed. 2. Albeit the beleever" may be : exercifed with the 
rP ;* l v ' ■ <•>.*>.* * f ear ~ 

PSAL. XCI. 345 

fearof defiruftion, yet he flu 11 be free of falling into ii j Only 
•pith thine eyes Jhait thou behold and fee the reward of the 

Ver. 9. *Becaufe thou hail made the LORD % 
which is my refuge, even the moft Bi^h % thy habi- 

io. There flail no evil befall thee % neither flail any 
fUgne come nigh thy duelling, 

A fixth motive to belecve in God, is a promife general to be 
delivered from. all evil, tluc nothing Dull harme him, but all 
things (hall rather wok together for his good. Whence learn, 
i. All bclecvers have oneebjeft of their faith, one relief in their 
tioubles, one retreat from the vexations which do aflault them 
in this world ; even God: thou haft maictbe Lord, who is my 
refuge, even the moft High thy habitation, i. One bckever may 
and fhould encourage other bcleevers by the fame motives where- 
by he him felt is encouraged, as here ; Bccaufc thou baft made the 
Lord, who is my refuge, to be thy habitation : therefore fuch and. 
fuch ble (Tings (hall come upon thee, faith he. $ The nature 
of true faith is to make ufe of God in all conditions j in peace 
and warre, in profperity and advcrlity, as here he is both a r£- 
fuge and an habitation. 4. As we have need to have the fame 
promifes repeattd unto us, and inculcated upon us, fo flow 
and dull are wc to receive themrfo the Lord doth repeat and 
urge the receiving thereof, with an inlarging and not abridging 
of what once he promiicd,as this general promiie tcacheth: There 
Jl?all no evil tefall tbec, nor any plague come near thy tabernacle ,ro 
wit, to harm thee : for God; who is the beleevers habitation, in 
terpoftth himfjf, and tqineththe calamity to his good } if it be 
fuftered to come oh, that it ccmc net near to his dn ad vantage. 

Yer. 1 1. For he flail give his Angeli charge over 
thee : to t^eep thee in all 1 hi -wayes. 

I 2." They flail beare thee t*p in their hands > I ft 
thh dafl thjfoot gain ft a ft one. 

A feventh motive tobeicevc in CoJj> a promi-fe of making 


34$ PSAL. XCI. 

Angels wait upon the beleever, and carefully to attend his mo- 
tions in all his lawful affaires, left he fhould ftumble and fuftcr 
harme ; which promife even Satan doth acknowledge to belong 
unto Chiift, and Chrift doth ovwieit, being taken in a right 
fenfe, Mat. 4. Whence tar*, 1. Such is the indulgent love of 
God toward his ownc, as he doth obviate all doubts, which from 
any hand might hinder them to beleeve in him : if the feverity 
and juftice of God terrifie, the Lord offcreth himfelf as a bird, 
with Jtretcliei out wings ro receive the fupplicant, ver. 4 If e- 
nemies who arc tooftrong do purfue, the Lord openeth his 
bofome as a refuge, ver. 3. If hischilde bcaffaulted, he be- 
cometh a fortreffe, ver, 3. If he be hotly purfued and enquired 
after, the Lor&htcomzth a fecret place to hidchis childc; If per - 
fecution be hot, Godgiveth himfelf for a Jhadow ; If Poten- 
tates and mighty Rulers turn enemies, the Lord interpofeth as 
the moji High and almighty Saviour, ver. 1. If his adverfa- 
ries be crafty like fowlers or hunters, the Lord promifeth to pre- 
vent or break the fnares, ver. 3. Whether evils do come upon the 
beleever night or day, fecretlyor openly to deftroy him, the 
Lord prefervetli his childe from deflruction ; and if {tumbling 
blocks be laid in his childcs way, he hath his inftruments, his 
fervants,his Angels prepared to keep the beleever that he ftumble 
not : Hejhallgive his Angels charge over thee ; not one Angel 
only, but all of them, or a number of t hem. 2. The Angels 
are miniftering fpirits, fent forth to minifter for every be- 
leever; He Jhall give hti A ngels charge over thee y toficep thee in 
aUthyrvayes. $. Promifes are not made to fofter men in their 
turning after folly, but to encourage them in the courfe of obe- 
dience in their feveral callings i They have charge tofiecp thee 
in all thy wayes. 4. Albeit ftumbiing ftones be laid in the way of 
Gods chiidc, yet while he behavcrh himfelf as a beleever in 
God, he {hall not ftumble; Great pc*ce have they who love 
Gods law, and nothing fhali ftumble them, Pfil. 1.19. 16?. 
They Jhall beare thee up in their hands, left thou tLJb ty foot a- 
gain ft a (lone, 

' Ver. 1 3. Thou fh tit tread upon the t*on and aider :the 
young lyon and the dragon /halt thoti trample wden 

The eighth motive tci beleeve^ is a pron&iff of victory over c* 


PS AL. XCI. 347 

vtryenemicof his falvation, how fierce, ftrong and cruel foever 
they be > how crafty, malicious and dangerous foever they be r 
Tboufh&lt tread upon [be lioi and aider* God ihall put Satan 
under his feet; tyrants and bloody pcrfecutors, here: icks and 
feducers lhal I not prevaile over the beleever / The young lion and 
the dragon jhalt tbuu trample under feet. 

Ver. 14. Becaufe he hath fet hit love upon me, 
therefore will I deliver him : / will jet him on high, 
becaufe he hath knoftn mj Name. 

1%. He fhall call upon me^ and I mil anfwer him ; 
/willbefri/A him in trouble , I votl deliver him, And 
honour him. 

1 6. fVtth long life will J fat is fie him : and fitw him 
mj falvation. 

The ninth motive to beleeve in God, is taken from a bundle 
of fiveorfixpromifes, as fpoken immediately by God the Far- 
ther of his Son Jelus Chrift as man. and of every beleever and 
true member of his myftical body. The firft promise is of de* 
liveringof the beleever from what foever trouble or danger he 
can be prefuppo'fed to fall into: I will deliver him, faith the 
Lord. a. Vor trial of true fai:h, the unqucftionable property 
of a beleever, and the evidence of a found and faving faith in 
God, is fixed love toward God ; becaufe be bath fet his love upon 
me. 3 • As there is a becaufe and a therefore in the procefle of the 

zz^/eanda tl 
1 for fin, lot 

law, in concluding death for fin, fo there is a becaufe and a there- 

fore in the procefle of grace, and of the Gofpcl, which doth rea- 
fon from one grace given to infer re another grace to be given, 
even grace for grace : and fuch is this here ; Becaufe be bath 
fet bis love on me, 1 will deliver him. 4. Sound love to God 
H< weth from, and is joyned with found knowledge of God, as 
his Majefty is declared unto us in Scripture ; The beleever who 
hath let his loveufon God,tarb f^nown my Namcfohk he. f. As 
the beleever is highly priviledged and honoured of God, being 
made a fonne and an heire, and co-heire with Chrift. fo fhslt 
he bemadealfo more then a Conqucrour overall his enemks, 
through Chrift 5 I will ft him on high, becaufe bebaxl/i^nown 
my^ame ; this is the fecond prpmife. 6. The third promifc is, 
the Lord will give the Spirit of fupplication to the beleever, 

348 PSAL. XCII. 

and^alfo a fatisfaSory anfwer unto his prayer; for as when * 
man giveth way to misbelief, he cannot pray any more: fo 
when ne entertaineth faith, it miketh him eloq uent and inftant 
in prayer, till he receive what he feeketh; Hefhallcdlonme^ 
and I wi I anfwer him. 7. As it is not to be expeded, that the 
man who beleeveth in God (hall want trouble, io the r beleever 
may be fure, that God who exercifeth him with trouble, (hall 
bear him company in his trouble, (hall diieft him how to be- 
have Wmfelf in it, ftrengthen, fupport and comfort him under 
it, and give him delivery out of all his trouble, and not only 
putrefped upon him in the fight of them who did behold his 
exerciie, but alfo at laft (hall glorifie him before men and An- 
^els ; and this is the fourth promife : J will be with him in 
trouble, I will deliver him dnd honour him. 8. While others 
do either want fubmiflion unto God at Gods plcafure to live in 
trouble , or do want fubmiflion to die at Gods pleafure, if they 
be not in trouble 5 the beleever only hath fatisfadion in the 
length of his life, to die or live as the Lord liketh, and he only 
departeth contentedly,and entereth into a life eveilafting j With 
long life will Ifatisfe Waijand this is the fifth promife, 9. When 
the beleever hath received of God fatisfadion in the length of 
life in this world,God will enter him into the polTeflion of blef- 
fednefle, of everlaftine falvation iu the world to come y which 
is worthily called thejalvation of God ; With long life will J ja~ 
iisfichim\ and what then (hall become of him ? y And I w:tt 
Jhew him my filvation ; and this is the fixh promife. Above all 
which promifes what can be more added, to induce a foul to em- 
brace the free offer of g*ace in Chri ft, tendered in the Gofpd 
to finne r s, or to more him to entertain friend/hip with God, by 
ftill belceving in him, and refting on him? 


tA *2falmc or Sang for xht Sabbath-day. 

'His Pfalm is intituled, A Pfalme for the Sabbath-day ; 
«_ wherein the Church is f^irrei up co praife God, by fundry 
rcafons, ver. I, a . £. but fpecially for thefe. three caufts ; Firft A 
for the great work of creation , fuftcntarion and wife govern- 
ing of the crcajures, ver. 4, 5 . The fecond ciufe is y forhiswjU 



PSAL. XCII. 349 

'dom and juftice inpunifhing the wicked, ^fl*. 6> 7, 8, 9. The 
third is, for his grace and goodnelTe toward beleevers, ver. 10, 

From the Infcripcion 5 Learn y 1. The Lord hath had a fpe- 
cialcareof fanctifying the Sabbath, as the rppolnting of this 
Pfalme for that day may amongft other things give evidence ; 
id Pfalme, a Song for the Sabbath-day. 2. For the fandifi- 
cation of the Sabbath* it is not fufficient to reft from our own 
bodily, fervile, diftra&ive works, boc we muft reft and ccafe 
fiom our own works, and be imployedin religious fe; vice and 
worfhip, and exercifes fuitable for that day, whereof finging of 
Pfalmes to the honour of God is one ; This it a Song for the 
Sabbath-fay. $. God hath appointed that the Church fliould 
have folemn meetings on the Sabbath, wherein God may be 
publickly by his own ordinances honoured, and the Congrega- 
tion edified in their mod holy faith: for this Pfalme is given to 
the Church with tlis title and Infcription , A Pfalme or Song 
for the Sabbath-day 5 to be fung in the Affemblies. 

Ver. l.TTi* a good thing to give thank* unto the 
1 LORD: and to ftng praiies unto thy Name 9 
O moft High. 

2. To Jhew forth thy lovingkiidneffe in the worn* 
ing \ andthy faith fulneffe every night. 

3 . Vpon an inftrvment of ten firings y and upon the 
P falter j : upon the Harp with afokmnefotinA. 

From the exhortation unto praifing of God and thankfgiving 
! with the reafons Thereof; Learn, 1. Albeit we be daily receiving mo 
j and mo benefits from God,yet are we flow to a*, knowledg this, oc 
j togive thanks unto him,and have need to be flirted up to the dtuy, 
as this exhortation importeth. i. Not onely Jo we dii'charge a 
piece of our du-y in thankfgiving unto God, bur we alfo receive 
! a new benefit by doing of this duty: It U a good things (pleafant 
to God, and profitable to u c and others) to give clunks unto the 
Lord. 3 Albeit we cannot give thanks unto God as we defire, 
or as he deferveth, yec to acknowledge and confciTe to God 
our debt , and what we have received of him , (hull be ac- 
counted thankfgivinLi for ;he word mihz i^inal doth $iv£ 

grou a A. 

35* PSAL. XCII. 

haveptcferredeMrth to heaven, their botfly lufts untothe faK 
vation of their fouls and bodies; far when the wicked fpring upas 
tbegraffc,and when all the workers of iniquity dofiourifh, n is 
that tbey jbxU be deftroyed for ever. 4. The ungodly are fo be- 
fotred with the love of the world* and pofleilion of things tempo- 
rail, that they neither do know, nor will know, nor tan knew 
this myftery^ except God fupernaturally do revealeit to them, 
andpive them Tpiritual wifdome : A birutijh man f^owctb nor; 
neither doth A foolc under ft and tbk. 5. Albeit the wicked be 
in power and high place, there be little appearance of their ove;- 
rhrow, yet God is higher then they, arid fo able according to his 
place to take order with them : and albeit they feerce to live long, 
yet God endureth for ever, and Co able to cut them eff when he 
pleafeth, and to perpetuate their torment for ever:Bwf tbou, Lord 3 ! 
art moft high for evermore 6. To ncknbv\ledge that God is ftf- 
preme and everlafting Judge and Ruler of all tilings, is a fuffi- 
cient ground tocjuiet our mindes, however matters feeme to 
go : for becaufc he is the Sovereigne Ruler of all the world, and 
the eternall God , he cannot but govern all things well and wife- 
ly ; and will not faile to do as he hath laid in his Word, to pu- 
nifli the wicked, how great foever profperity he grant them for * 
time : for the beleever doth from this doctrine draw light to fliew 
him the myftery of the perdition of the wicked, by the meanes of 
their profperity, which the foolifh and wicked man cannot con- 
fide* ; 'But tboa ?.Lord 3 art moft. higbfor evermore: for lo y thine ene- 
mies > Lordjhall perifl). 7. Workers of iniquity, pretend what 
they pleafe ; are Gods enemies,and feeing they are Gods enemies; 
they cannot but perifh: for lo> thine enemies , Lord, and the te- 
cond time, for to, thine enemies fhalt perijh* 8. The wicked; 
who now combine together, fhall be feparatcd from God , and 
from the fociety of the bleffed company of the righteous , and! 
(hall not be able to help one another in the day that God ilia ll 
bring judgement upon them: All the workers of iniquity fhall be 
fcittcred; and this is another part of the right of the 
Sabbath, to learn this leflbn Well. 

Ver. 1 6. "But my home (hJt thon exjiltVike the 
horne of an unicorne : I [baUbt anointed with frtjh 
01 le. 

1 r. A fine eye dlfo fh>\U fee my de-fire on mine 
enemies^ and mine eares [ball heare my deiire of t*e 
wickf J t but rife up agtiihft we. T h& 

PSAL. XCII. 353 

The third fpeciall reafon and matter of Gods praifc, is his 
grace and goodneik to beleevers , wherein the P/almift doth, 
ipeak firft with relation to his own particular, ver. io, 1 1 . And 

i then in generall of all the godly, from what he ocleeveth toward 
himfelf, as ferving to teach every one to make application of the 
doctrine to their own ufe. Lexrn^ \\ The fame fuprcmacie 
Of God over all creatures , which giveth afTurancc of the over- 
throw of the wicked, giveth alio aflurance of the welfare and fe - 
licity of the Godly, tor from ver. 8. he deduceth this alio, But 
my borne fbalt thou exalt. 2. The beft condition of the godly; 
is not in what they a:e for the prefent, but in what, they fliall be 
hereafter ; for albeit they be no<v under, they mail have domini- 
on at length , etfprcfied here under the termes of exalting the 
borne , which is the emblcme of dignity and power and victory. 
My borne fbalt thou exalt like the borne of the uhicorne 3 Thac 
generall dod line may be comfortable, it miift be applied, as the 
Plalmifts example doth teach here. 4. Whatfoever wcakneflc 
or grief the godly do labour under for a while, they mall have in 
due time feftivall refreshment, comfort and encouragement from 
Gods Spirit and powerful providence , and t,hat renewed unto 
them from time to time as need recjuircth $ I fnall be anointed 
roiib oile,ve>itb frefb oilc- s.Whatfoever might be the Pialmifts 
peifwahonof vicVny over his par:icular eneaiics, yet as a type 
of Chiiftj and as one of the Believers having inteueft in Chrift,' 
and in all bleffings purchafed by him^ he might by faith fee and- 
hear in the Lords Word the overthrow' of all the enemies of 
his welfare, and (0 may every beleeve; be perfwaded ; Mine eye, 
4l[ofiall fee my defire upon mine enemies, and mine eares fbalt 
heare my defire of the wicked that rife up againft me. 

Ver, 12. The righteous fall four ifb like the Palm- 
tree : be fhM groW like a cedar in Lebanon. 

13. Thofe that be planted in the houfe of the 
LORD, fall four tjl in the Cotirts of our God. 

. 14. They JbJl ft ill bring forth frtiit in o ] d age \ 
the j fall be fat and fours fong. 

1$. To fhew that the LORD is upright, he \s my 
focki <wd chcre is no unrighteoufnejfe in him. 

A a 1 Froifi 1 

354 PSAL. XCII. 

From the Lords joodncflc to all beleeveis in general ; Lexin, 
i. J he promifes and comforts given to any one beleever, are 
not proper to him only, bat common to all beleeveis ; and the 
m:\n who can upply thefe promifes to himfelf, is the fitteit man to 
bear witneffe of the intend which others have therein ; for 
what the Pfalmift hath applied to himfelf, he extendeth to all in 
fubftance ; The righteous fall flourrfb. z. The godly fhall get 
up their head, notwithstanding of whatfoever weight of trou- 
bles laid upon them, and they fhall conftantly grow up to the 
fullftature of perfection, whatfoever op pofition be made 5 They 
fall flour ijh Ufa the Pdmt-tree, befliallgrow /% a Cedar in Le- 
banon. $. The Lords childrea are like trees which do not grow 
in every foile, are not nourished with every moifture $ the place 
of their planting, growth and floui idling, is the houfe of the 
Lord, where the Word and Spirit of the Lord joyned with the 
holy ordinances may be had for food : They are planted in the 
bottfe of the Lord, andfkarijh in the Courts of our God. 4. Not 
every barren tree or weed , not every one who is in the vifible 
Court of Gods Church doth grow and flourish; or is made 
partaker of the fpiritual grace and blefling of the ordinances, but 
only,'planted ones^that is,fuch plants as the heavenly Father hath 
planned; fortothofe only, who by Covenant have embraced 
God, isthepromifemade; Thofethai be flamed in the boufe 
of the Lord, fall flour ifh in the Courts of our God. 5. True 
beleevers (hall ftill perfevere, and the decay of the outward man 
fhall net hinder the renewing of their inward nun day by day 5 
and their laft works fhall be better then their firft; Tbey fall 
ftill bring forth fruit in old age, they fall be fat and flourishing. 
6. The end of the Lords deftroying of the wicked, and of 
his blefling of the true beleever with the growth of grace, and 
perfevcrance to the end, is the glory of Gods righteoufnefle, 
fingleneffe in Covenant-making, and of his conflant afie&ioa 
to uprightness for thefe threatening and promifes (hall be 
made good, To jhew that the Lord is upright. 7.Whofoever 
neglect to give glory unto God, the beleever will not faile to lay 
his own weight upon God, and build all his felicity on him, 
being aflnred that he will neither flee from, nor faile the godly* 
He is my rock* &• Let the Lord do what he pleafeth, let the 
wicked profper for a while, aid the godly be troubled for a 
while, yet God is wife, and ju ft, and holy; and that man hath 
profited well in the fchool of God, whogiveih this glory unto 
God conftantly, as the Pfdmift, doth here 5 tie ismf roc\, and 
there it no unrigbteoufnefli in himi PS A L. 

PSAI. XCllt 3$i 


IN this Pfalme for the Comfort of Gods people, againft the 
multitude and powet of their enemies, and the efft of 
Kings and Potentates in the world, wh» oft times a; e like too- 
vciHgvv, devoureand drown theChuich, the glory cf the Lord 1 
isdefcribed ; in whom is the Churches defence, cctnfo:,- and' 
victory. For this end ; fill, the praifes of Cod for the Oun'h- 
es comfort are fct down absolutely , vtr. i , 2. Then uetppo- 
fitionof the enemies oi the Church is compared to the grow- 
ing Hood or raging iea, vcr j. And thudly, the praiLs of 
God are fit down in oppofition to their power, ver. 4, 5. witti J 
the uic of this doctrine, vcr. 7. 

■ • • . 

Vcr.f . r ^jnHe\LORD r eigne th, he is clothed rruh 

X Mtjrfiie : the LORD is clothed nitb 

firengfh, wherewith he hath girded himfelfe; the 

rPor/d *lfo it ejfabiijbcd, that it cannot be moved* 

2. Thy throne is eft ahhjhtd of old: than art from 

Fi om the praifes of God abfolutcly fet down for the comfort 
of the Church- inall refpeCts, and for fhengthenin^ cf 
taitiif fpeciaily againft all her enemies rLcm^ j.H-owfcever fflfai 

ter^ conteming the Church or any member thereof fhall go ; 
vvhitfoever he be that haih power for troubling of the Church- 
God is he who is giea: Govemour of all ; and this is one groan J 
of ccnfiJenceand comfort to the Lords pecple V The Lord rtign\ -, 
etb.-. z-. The outward fplendorof earthly Kings and Potentate; 
in the world, oppofite to Chr ill's 'Kingdom, is "no fmall tentatio.i 
to Gods people, but the beleever mutl oppofe unco this the ejo^ 
rious governmept of God > He is cloiibcdwitb Mujejty. j He 
il'rcng foever the adverfe poWCis of the World do (JentV it . ,muil 
not terrific the believer in following the Lords caufc, But iris 
frrength muftbe oppofed iheieunto, and that lb much th: 
morp comfortably, as Gods tfrength is not borrowed frcm . ny,. 
isthc ftrensth of ; the, creature is ■', The. L-ord is. clotted witf, 
Ircngb, wbcrcwub be hub girJcfbimfclf 4-, 'Tbe-k&oidiii^ 


of iheconftant guiding of the world, fliewefh the power and 
wifdcm of God, employed much more insetting the woik of 
his Church, for whcfecayf^ the werM wis made, and is up- 
held and cfbblifhed j The world aljo is eflMifbcd, that it can- 
tiotbcmovcd. 5. The Lords Kingdom in his Church is nGt 
like the new upftavts in this woildywhich arc of ftiort {landing & 
unftablc.If any King be kind to his Church, his people have rea- 
fon to thank Ocd, but they mud lean to duhaKingshis rei°n 
(hall be but fhor: ; and if any King be froward and oppofe himfclf 
to the Ghurch>we muft not be too much feared for him^becaufe 
his Kingdom is but lately begun ,a'nd is.of fhert continuancerbut 
the Kingdom of thcLord is an ancient Kingdom and well fetich 
Thy throne is eftablijhedof old. 6. The eternity of God is the 
ground of the immutability of his Kingdom , and of the perpo 
tual comfort of the Chuich againfi alloppofeisj Thou Art from 

Ver. 3 . The floods have lifted up, O LORD : the 
floods have lifted up their voice : the floods lift t*p 
their "to aves. 

In thefecond pbee, is the tcntation of the Church ; they are 
like to be eve flowed as with a deluge, by the multitude of pow- 
erful! enemies/ whereof the Church complaineth unto God. 
Whence learn, r. It is no wonder to fee the world riling up tu- 
multucufly to overthrow the Church, and as it were a deluge 
coming upon them to drown and devoure all ; no wonder to 
heare the enemies threatening deftruttion to the Chur.h, like 
to the noife of waters after raine coming down the mountains 
upon them, which are notable to flee; The floods have lifted up, 
the floods have lifted up their voice, and the third time, the 
floods lift up their waves, i. The be ft way to encounter threat- 
enings and fearcs is, to oppofe God unto them ; and to lay 
them forth before the Lord; that he may anfwer them, as here 
the PJalmift doth; The floods have lifted up Lonf : faith he, &c. 

VeM.7^ LORD oh high is mghtier then the noife 
cfmany waters :yea then the might) waves of the fea. 

In the third place ; he fets down the power of God, inoppo£- 
tionto rll the bags^ and malice, and power of the enemies, 35 
very farre above the power of the enemies, and more mighty 
for the defence of tie Church, then thecnemie is powerful to 
eppofe it. Whence learnt, 1. Heavenly help and cemfortfrom 

above r 


;above, is'only able to quiet our mimics in time of pcrfecution 
againftthe fearcs of enemies he; e beneath : The Lord on high 
is heeoppefed to the roaring of the Hoods and waters dafhing 
againft the Church* i. We can neither gloririe God ? nor com- 
fort our C Ives again ft the power of the enemies of the Church, 
except we lift up the Lords power above them all ; The Lord on 
high is mightier then the noife of many waters. $ . The Lord is 
above all terrible things, to bridle them at bis plcafure, and by 
his power able to tcrrifie them that tcrrifie his Church; The 
Lord is mightier then the noife of many waters,yca then the migh- 
ty waves of the fca. 

Ver. 5. Thy Tc flimsies are very fnre : holncfit 
becometh thine hon r e^ LORD^ forever. 

The ufes of this doct ine concerning the Lords power, and 
good will to defend his Church, are two : the one is, that as the 
Word of the Lord is fure and true in it felf, Co we mould ac- 
knowledge it to be fure. and friould fet to our feal unto it, as the 
Pfalmilt doth here ; Thy teflimonics are very fure. The other 
ufeis, that fuch as love to have the benefit of the protection 
which is promifed here, mould labour to be holy. Whence learn, 
I. Whatsoever is faid in the Scripture, needeth no probation 5 foe 
it is the depofition of Cod, declaring truth Jn every thing 
which it deiermineth; the-eforeare his promifes callei here, 
His teflimonics. 1. By giving c edit to the truth of the Scri- 
ptures, or to the Lords teilimonyexp eiildthccin, no man can 
be deceived: for when we have his Word, our minxes maj be 
quieted and at reft; Thy tejUmonles are very fure. 3. The honou", 
ftrength and hippinefs of the Lords people is, that they are the 
Lords habitation and place of re{idence,dedicatcd and confea ated 
unto him; Holinefs becometh thine houje : that is, thy f hurch 
and people , whe eof the Temple was only a Shadow. 4 God will 
be fanctifiedofall rhat draw near unto him > and whofocver do 
love to enjoy the prefervation and priviledges promifed to the 
Church, muft ftudie for holineffe, which is the duty of the 
members of the Church alfo; Holinejfc becometh thy houfc. ? The 
dignity, duty and priviledges ofGo.U people,and cfpecia'ly his of 
confecration, fan 6 if! cat ion in affeftion and carriage, and vindi- 
cation from finne and mifery, do not belong unto anyone ti™o 
01 age, but are perpetual, belonging to all iuch as ftu.lic to be. 
approved unto God, protected, and made bleffed by God, in all 
times and ages, in all places and company all the dayes of their 
life* Forholinejfe becometh thine boiifc for evermore . 

Aaj PSAI<. 

353 PSAL. XCIV, 


Tills Pfaime is a prayer 3nd a complaint of the Church unto 
God in the time of her opp.eflionby inteftine enemies, in 
fpecial by unjuft and cruell Rulers , whereumo fundry grounds 
ij{ comfort tothegodly in this hard condi ion :re fubjoynedi 
The prayer and complaint re. Kh unto ver. 8. The grounds of 
cbm fort are foure; the firft is, theccnfidevarionof Godswif- 
dome in the permiflion of this fore trouble of his people , with 
a check unto the opprcflburs for their Atheifmc, ver. 8 ; o, t o,i i„ 
The fecond is , the confideration of the profit which G ods peo- 
ple fhall have by this exercife, ver. • x/ 1 3. The third is, from 
a promife that God flull change the face of affaires to the joy of 
the godly, ver. 14, if. The fourth is, from the experience 
which the Pfalmift had of GODS helping of him in this catc 3 
fet down at large to the end of the P.alme. 

Ver. *'/^\ LORD God 9 to whom vengeance be- 
V~/ longeth : O £jod>to whom vengeance 
belongeth , fljew thyfelf. 

2. L : fc up thy /elf 9 thoujudge of the earth, render * 
reW^rd to the proud. 

In the prayer, the Chnrch requefteth the Lord to be avenged 
en inteftine enemies; her proud oppreflcui'S. IVhcnce learnc, 
t. The Lords people are fubjeft to trouble and oppreffion, as 
from for reigne , foalfo from inteftine enemies, as by-paft ex- 
perience fheweth, and this Pfalme prefuppofcth , being let fonh 
for her comfort in fuch cafes in tiraetoccmc. i. The Lords 
people may fin^c as bitter affliction from domeftick enemies, as 
from fon eigne, as the doubling of the prayer unto God thcA- 
venger, to rife and take order witH their opprefiours, doth im- 
port. 3 . God will not faile to be avenged on tlu enemies of his 
people • for He # the Lord God to whom vengexnee bclongctb. 
.4. Albeit fora while the/Lord fuffer the troublers of his people 
to go on in their pei fecution . yet he will ihew himfelf a righte- 
ous Judge in due time; Ogod, to whom vengeance bclovgctb, 

PSAL. XCIV. 359 

fhcwthyfelf *• The Lord will fometime. as it were, hide 
himfelf, and not appeal in the execution ofhis judgements a- 
giinfl wicked eppreflburs, till his people come crying unto him 
forjuftice, as is imported in this prayer ; t if t up thy [elf , thou 
x u igeoftbecxrtb. 6, The Lords people are not troubled by 
fcumble foules, fenfible of their own finfulneifeand frailty ; but 
by thofe who little know hew it fares with the Lords hidden ones* 
and afflicted children, for the oppreflburs are here called the 
proud. 7. The Lord will give the proud oppreflburs of his peo- 
ple a meeting , and grieve them as th.y have grieved his Saints i 
Render a reward to tb. proud. 8. When the caufc is notour 
private quarrellj but concerned God in his glory, and the 
Church in her fafety : inch compluntsas are here, ac: law full; 
for this Psalms is put in the Churches hand in fuch cafes. 

Ver. 8 LORD, ho^c long /ball the rvic\ed? how 
long /hall the wicked triumph ? 

4. How long fhall they utter, and fpeak hjrd things} 
and all the Workers of iniquity boafi themfehes. 

ThePfalmiftcomplaineth; fir ft, of the long continuance of 
the inlolent triumphing andboaftingofthefe inteiHne enemies. 
Whence turn, I. When the wicked go away unpunished, they 
think their caufe right ; and the caufc of the godly . vvholie un- 
der their feet, to be wrong 5 and thereupon do infult over the 
godly, and boaft of their pnrpofe to do them more and more 
mifchiel : fov here, They triumph, they utter , and [peak bard 
thing*, they boaft thcnifclycs 2. The Lord may delay execu- 
tion of judgement on the wicked , fo long as his children may 
begin to wonder how his juftice can endure it : Lord, how long 
fall the wicked ? how long fhall the wicked triumph t How long 
jhll they utter , and [peak hard things ? $. When the godly are 
borne down by oppreflburs being in power , all the ungodly of all 
ranks become infolently bold "alio 3gainftthcm : How long 
fall the workers of iniquity boajl tbemfelvcs V 4. As the injuries 
done to the godly,do force the godly to complainc ; fo the work- 
ing of iniquity by pcrfecutours , ptovoketh God to punifh their 
oppreflburs : This the Pi aim ill holdeth forth . when be giver h 
the advevfary this defer iption 5 How long /lall the itffk e &/ bow 
lovg (lull the wicked triump!) ? t and all the workers of iniquity 
boaft themfelvcs ? 

A a 4, Vef 


Ver. $4 They break in pieces thy people, LoRDl 
and affliS thine heritage. 

6. The y flay the mdow and the fir anger, and murder 

*y. Yet they fay* The LORD /hall not fee : neither 
/hall the God of Jacob regard it. 

The wkkednefle of the oppreffours is here defcribed more pari 
jicularly, by their cruelty againft fuch as humanity would fpare > 
fuch as are the Lords harmleffe people, the widow,fatherlefle 3 and . 
ftranger,whom the opp r eflburs abufe without all fear of GOD, 
who acth behold them. Whence lear?t> i » YVhen wicked men, 
haters of piety within the Church, get power in their hand, they 
will be more cruell enemies then men ufe to be , who have only 
fiumanity and civility, and want profeflion of Religion ; They 
breach pieces thy people ', LORD: arid afflict thine heritage. 
They flay the widow and thejlranger , and murder the father leffel 
2. The more relations a people hath unto God > it is the more 
wickedneffeto opprejfTe them$ and the more dangerous for the 
pppreffours : for they have an owner which others have not , 
even the Lord ;' 'tbey break in pieces thy people, and afflift thine 
heritage, $ It is net profeflion, but practice which wit neflcth 
what impreflion the Deity hath upon mens fpirits ? oppreflioh 
of fuch as God hath promifed to protect , fpeaketh blafphemy of 
pod in eftcd: > They fay, the Lordjha'l not fee. 4. Oppreffion 
of the juft doth cauterize the conference, ex r inguifh the fenfe of 
a Deity, and maketh the oppreilour fecure and fearlefle of judge- 
ment 5 Yet they fay, The Lord fhxll not fee: neither /ball the 
God oj^acob regard it. 

Ver, 8. Under f and , ye brut ijh among the people: 
andyefooles, fthen will je be wife ? 

9. He that planted the ear e\ /hall he not hear? he 
that formed the eye, /halt he not fee ? 

I O. He that chaftijeth the heathens, ftall not he cor- 
reel ? hcthat teachethman kno-wledze. fliallnothe 
Jcnow } 

1 1 The LORD \nowcth the thoughts of man: th$t 
ihejzxz vanity. 

PSAL. XCIV. 361 

By way of rebuking the Atheifme of the cpprefTour, verf. fr. 
he giveth the firft ground of comfort unto the godly from the 
attributes of God , as Gods wifdomej ver* 9. and from his 
jufticeagainft offenders, and from his care ofinftru&ing his 
people to be wife by all means, ver. iq. and from his difeftima- 
tion of mens vaine thoughts, ver. 1 1. Whence learn, u The 
wifdomcof wicked oppreffours is brutifh iollie, however they 
themfelves or othe;s do efteem of them : and whatfeever high 
thoughts the wicked have of themfelves , or others have of" them 
for their high phc- ; yet they are notwithftanding all their 
honour, nothing in Gods eftimation, but asthe meaneft of the 
.peoples yea, as the beafts that perifti: Underjland ye briitijt) a.- 
mong tbepcople. z. The wicked within the vifible Church have 
this advantage overthofe that are without , that in Gods long- 
fufhring they have time to repent , and admonition Lobe wife 
for gaining of their fouls,or clearing of Gods juftice in their con- 
demnation : for here they arc fpoken to ; Tcfooles, when will 
yebe^ife? $. The knowledge which wicked men do feemto 
have, or pretend to have of God, is nothing but a bale conceit of 
God > as if he were a dead Idol> which neither hearcth nor feeth : 
for this the Pfalmifts inftruft ion given to them doth import; He 
that finned the care, Jhall he not heir I 4, Bcfide what the 
Word doth tench of God, his Works alio do teach convincingly 
what he is } He that planted the are, Jhall he not he r ? he thlt 
formed the ey c , Jhall he not (ce? 5. 1 he Lord ruleth among 
the Heathen, and chaftifcth them when they fin ngainft the law 
written in their hearts: He chajlifcth the heathen. 6. The 
judgements which the £,ord executcth among the Heathen , is a 
fufficicnt evidence of hispurpofe to execute judgement, on op- 
preflburs within the vifible Church, which driw&B much rearer 
unto him; He that chajlifeth the heathen Jlvll be not correct ? 
7. Jhediverfcmeafuresofwit, Icarning,prudence,and wifjome, 
which God dothbeftow upon men* is fufficient tc prove how in- 
cpmpreheufibie his cwn fcurtain-wifdome is ; He that tcacheth 
man knowledge, Jbatl be not tyiow ? *, It is a matter of great 
confolation to the godly in their opprcflion, to know that their 
opprcfloursarefoolesj and that God in his wildome is over- 
ruling all confufions, and leading them and thcii 'thoughts unto 
wife ends, as nerethe Pfalmift -cached the Chuch; TheLord 
fyyvcib the thoughts cf man. o. The enemies of godlintfle, and 
perfecuters of the godly, are at a threefold di advantage. Firft, 
thty do not put God upon their coui.fd, arid yet he knowcth 


j6i PSAL. XCIV. 

their thoughts. Next, They hope to make their own ft inding 
faft, and hereinthcy aredifappointed Thirdly, They think 
that they are able to fuppreflc piety , and that by this meanes they 
ihall eftablifh themfelvesj and here alio are they fooles, and dq 
deceive themfelves j The JLqrd \norcetb the t' oughts of man, 
that they are vanity. And this is the firft confolation of the godly 

Ver. 12. B/eJfedkthe man whom thou chafleneft, 
O LORD : and teacheft him out of thy Urv ; 

13. That thou may eft give him reft from the 
dayes of adverfity : mt?ll the pi* be digged for the 

The fecond confolation is, from the benefit which cometh to 
the godly by their exercife under the crofle : their temporall 
trouble ferveth to prepare them foi everlafting reft. Whence 
learve, 1. The perfection of the godly by the wicked, muft be 
expounded,as it is indeed, the Lords chaftening of the godly by 
fuch a rod* This trouble whereof they complain here is called, 
The Lords chaftening. i, Suffering for righceoufneffe is no 
token ofGodsdifpleafureagainftaman, nor part ofhismiffry, 
if it be well confideved ; hi^Bleffed is the man whom thou cbxftcn* 
eft, OLord. 3. The expo'ltion of a mans exercife , and the 
meaning of the rod muft betaken from Gods Word , and God 
only can effectually teach men to carry them felves in trouble ho- 
lily and righteoufly in all patience $ Ble(fed is the man reborn 
thou cbafteneft, Lord : and teacheft kirn out of thy law : 
4. When God teacheth his chiide by his Word , to poil'efTe his 
foul in patience unier the crofle , then doth he alfo give him a 
fort of deliverance from the trouble j yea, the Lord'chaftifing 
ofhjsown, and his teaching them cut othislaw to make the 
fight ufe of it, is the means whereby he doth fave his own, that 
they petifli not with the world in his wath ; Whom Ihou cbaftcn- 
eft> and teacheft out ofth) law : That thou majeft give him reft 
from the dayes of adverfity. $. A9 condemned men are fuffcred 
to live till their gallowes and grave be made ready , that after 
their execution they maybe thruft into it ; fo are wicked men 
fuffered to live till they fill the cup of their iniquity, and till God 
have filled the cup ot his wrath for them : and this is the termc- 
day of the Saints patience ; That thou may eft give him reft, untill 
the fit be digged fur the Tricked/ Ver , 

PSAL. XCIV. 3^3 

y^r. Jf For the LORD will not cafi off his 
people : neither will heforfake his inheritance, 

i J . Bnt judgement Jhall ret urne unto righteoufnefs $ 
nnitll tht upright in he$rt Jhall follow it. 

Thethird.confolationis, that the kords people (hall not be 
alvv3ye^ under the feet of oppreflburs : butbecaufc the Lord will 
not forfake his people i therefore fuch a change of aftakes (hall 
come, as the godly (hall have comfort and encouragement from 
authority, which fliall countenance and encourage them unto 
rightequfnefle and piety. Whence Icarnc, /« A ! beit men do 
pit-times caft oft'Gods people as unworthy to lie mernbers eithei- 
cf Chiuchor oi any civil incorporation , yet God will note ill 
themqffs The Lord t»iH not aft off bit people, i. Albeit the 
JLord may feem for a while to hide himfelffrom his people, when 
hefuftereth the wicked to perfecute and eppreffe them ; yet be- 
caufc of their relation re him asjns people, and for his imereft 
in them, as his own inheritance, lie will not fufter himfelf to be 
bereft of chem * He will not cajl off bis people : neither will he 
for fate his inheritance. $ % Itcomethtopatiefundry tiTes , that 
rightccufnefle and judgement are patted afunder for a whiles part- 
ly by earthly Judges, refilling to do juftice and judgement for 
{Jods people : and partly by the righteous Judge of the world his 
fufpendingforatime to mamfefthis judgement for the godly, 
and againit theiroppreffQtirs 5 and that for his own wife and 
holy reafons. This was the cafe of the godly in this Pfalnvj, 
who were waiting for the 'returning of judgement unto rightcouf- 
vejfc. 4, Righreou r nefie. and righteous judgement executed in 
favour of it, fhall not long be feperated: for God (hall either raife 
up righteous Judges to favour righteoufnefle,or he Aiall make his 
righteous judgements teftifie for the godly , and againft their cp- 
preilb.urs,orhe mall do both thefei for God will not for fake 
his people, but judgement Jhall rcturwe to righteoufneffe. 5. When 
the Lord maketh Judges and Courts of juftice to favour righre- 
ou'nefFe , then the righteous have a banner lilted up for them, xe 
gather them together again , who before were fcattered in perfe- 
ction; to encourage and countenance them in their gqdlinefle , 
and righteous waves i tyidgcmnit fbaU rctwrxc to rigbleouf- 
vetfe , and all the uprig/?t in heart Jhal follow it, 


Vcr. 1 6*. Who mil rife up for me againft the eviS 
doers? or who mil ft and up for me again [I the Worl^rs 
of iniquity? 

The fourth confolation is from the example and experience of 
XhePfalmijl, who in his righteous caufe fought afliftance from 
men in a lawful way , when he was oppreffed, vcr* ) 6. but found 
none to help him, except God only , who was hi$ fupporter and 
comforter, ver. 17. which he thankfully acknowledged, and 
praifethGodforit, w £ 18, 19. believing that as God wasdif- 
pleafed with unrighteous Judges, and their cruelty againft the 
righteous , ver. 20, 21. fo he would certainly defend him againft 
their oppreflioni ver. 22. and cutthemoff, ver. 23. andthishis 
experience and eximple he propounded to the Church , both to 
comfort them in their oppreflion, and to direct them in their bc-» 
haviour, till the relief fhould corhe. 

From hisfeeking affiftance againft oppreflion j Learn, 1. There 
is a lawful defence of the godly , while they are oppreffed by their 
fupcriours, which is no wayes injurious to authority, fuch as js to 
bear witneffe for the godly , to fpeak and make requeft untb the 
Rulers for them, as §07tatban did (ov Vavid,and Ebedticlecb did 
for tferemy , to countenance and affift them in their appear- 
ances for defence of the truth , as Pauls companions mould 
have done , when he was brought before Hero , and fuch as here 
was fought after by the Vfalmift j Who will rife up for mc againft 
the eviii doers I who will ftand up for me againft the workers of 
iniquity. 2. When the godly fuffer injury by their own Rule, s, 
who fhould maintain thern , few or none poffibly will be found 
to countenance them in their righteous caufejfor this faying, Jffo 
rfiillarife for me ? doth (hew that none did offer themfelves : and 
he knew none , when he thas did miffc all help. $. Before 
the godly complaine of wrongs done to them by their fuperiours, 
they fhould be firff fure that they have done no wrong y or any 
thing which Rulers may juftly punifh , and that their Rulers are 
not onely injurious to them in a particular , but evill doers alfo, 
and open enemies to equity $ Who will rife up for me againft the 
evill doers ? or ^>ho will flandup for me agiinft the workers of 
iniquity ? 4. Rulers fhould be warie that they force not the 
righteous to complain to God and man of them > for if they do, 
the oppreffed may readily fill upon the Pfalmifts outcry , and 
that is not fafe for the Magiftrate , that any fhould have caufe 


PSAL. XCIV. 3*5 

to cry, Who mil rife up for m: again ft the evill decrst 

Vet. 1 7. Vnlejfe the L R D had been my help : 
mj foule had almojt dwelt infilence. 

Heftieweth what fucceffc bis fecking of help from men bad, 
and that was none at all j for if God had not helped him 3 he 
ftiould have periflied before help had been given to him from 
men. Whence turn , 1 . Whofoever do engage in any caufe, 
were it never fojuft, with confidence in man , or with hopes to 
carry it on and go through with it by mans affiilance , neefl not 
wonder if they be difappointed ; Unleffe the Lord had been my 
help 3 my foulc bud almoft dwelt infilence. 2. Whacfoever lawful 
means the righteous man doth ufe for his own reliefe, they may 
fail, if he lean to them , and not to God onely : but if he relie 
upon the Lord, he fliall be relieved : Unleffe tbeLord had been my 
b(lp> my foulc had almoft dwelt infilence. 

Ver. 18. When I [aid % My foot Jlippeth : thy 
mercy , LO KD y held me up. 

He flieweth how he received help of God, to wit , by acknow- 
ledging unto God the danger he was in , and his own weak- 
nefle to relieve himfelfc , whereby he found fupport from the 
Lorjls mercy. Whence Icarne , 1, Such as are put upon the 
trial of tljeir faith and obedience to God by perfecution , are hi 
danger either to fall into f?n or prefent trouble, yea poffibly alfo to 
lofe their life, like unto men driven unto the edge of a flcep- 
down place, as the fimilitude of my foot Jlippeth , doth import. 
2. In time of trial and tentation ; as ordinarily God maketh mens 
own wifdome , courage;, and ftiength faile chem , that they may 
diftruft themfelves and come to him : fo ftiould they acknowledge 
their own weaknefle , and lay it out with the danger they are in 
before God : 1 faid, My foot Jlippeth. J. The feme of our own 
weaknefle prefented to God in prayer, is a forerunner of G~>ds 
reliefe coming to us : When 1 faid, My foot Jlippeth , thy mercy 
held me up. 4. As it is our duty to acknowledge Gods power and 
m&'cy in our fupplications ; fo alfo it is our duty to glorify the 
mercy of God attei the felt experience of it r Thy mercy, Lord, 
held me up. 



Ver. 19. In the multitude of my thoughts i with- 
in me thy comforts delight mj foule. 

He fetteth down here a further benefit of his faith in God; td 

wiryrhat by what he law in God, he found comfort and joy in all 

his perplexities. Whence learnt , r. In the time of danger , or 

of narrow trial , many que ftions and dcubts, and difcourfesof 

mindeufetoarife, which did riot appear in time ofeafe , ancf 

thefe multiplied thoughts do breed perplexity • anxiety and' 

grief, which call for comfort, as the experience cf the Pfdmrfl 

doth teach ; in the multiude of my thoughts within ike , (<?ci 

2. No eafe for a perplexed foule till it go to God inGhrift, the 

refting ftonein Sion : and in him iupport is to be found under 

burdens, and comfort againft whatsoever cauie of griefs yea, 

and more alfo, joy and delight (wallowing up rll grievances , as; 

the Pfalmift by experience did fincfe ufiiall/ • In the multitude of 

my thoughts m bin me thy comforts delight my foul 5 now Gods' 

comforts are Gofpel- comforts. 

Ver. 20. Shall t he throne of iniquity have fellow- 
ship with thee : which frameth mifchief by a law f 

21. They gather themf elves together againft the 
fonle of the righteous ; and condemne the innocehi 

He flieweh what ufc he made of the oppreflbrs wickedncflc 
for fupporting of his own faith 5 to wit , that he was perlwaded 
that God allowed not their mifchievous courfes, how foe ver they 
pretended to do what they did by a Law ; becaufe not the good 
ofthefubjeft, but the overthrow of the godly was intended by 
them. Whence learne . 1. The feat of Juftice within the via- 
ble Church, may poflibly turn enemies to piety and righteouf- 
nefle, and to thofe that follow Gods Words In which cafe, the : 
grief, tentation, wtaftling and trial of the godly, is not fmall,,- as 
the Ttfalmifts experience doth teach us, who here cometh to God, 
with a queltion ; SbM the throne of iniquity have felloxvfhip with 
thee ? 2. As the Thrones of Juftice are honourable, are counte- 
nanced and protected of God, when they decree and execute rijh- 
teoufneflc 5M0 they lofe their reputation, and are denuded of 
Godsapprobauon, comfort, arid defence , when they decree and 


PSAL. XCIV. 3*? 

eiccufc iniquity; Skull tke throne of iniquity have fclio+Jbip 
with tbec 1 3. Albeit wicked men ofttlmes love to have the ap- 
peal ;mce and ftudow of equiry, yet unrighteoufneffe , impictf, 
oppreffionis not the more juflifiablfc, that it be covered wi-hthe 
authority of a law^ but rather God Will abhorre that wickednefle 
which is enjoyned by si law, fo much the more as it hath pretence 
of law: Skill the throne of iniquity hive fellowfhip wiib tbec> 
that forgetk mifekiefby a law i 4. The iniquity bfperfecutors 
is tfre matter of confidence for the opprefied ; for if our ad ver fa- 
ries be againft God , and againft us alfo, then have we fellowship 
with God in a cemmoncaufej Shall the throne of iniquity have 
fcllowfrip with thee? faith he. 5. When mifchief is enacted 
by Law 5 then ihortly may the godly be pannelled as criminally 
guilty 5 and they who allow the, Law > fhall be found ready to fit 
upon Aflifes to condemn the righteous 3 as the experience of the, 
Pfalfnift doth (hew : They gather tbemfelves together againft tbt 
foute of the tighttoia > and condemn the innocent blood. 

Ver. 22. "But the LO RD is m} defence 1 and 
Cod is the rock^ofmj refuse. 

23. And he (ball bring upon them their oven inu 
quity , And {haft cut them off in their own Wcked- 
neffe ; jen , the LORD vttr Cjbd flatten them off. 

From thiscor.fiVeration he draweth two conclusions , one af- 
furinghiniofhisownprote&icn> ver. 22. another alluring him 
cf the defttuttion of the adverfary, ver. 23. tVbenct learnt, 
1. As nothing fave faith in God can uphold a man in time^ of 
perfecution : fo by perfecurion and trouble , Cod ufeth to caufe 
his own to make uTe of faith,and to draw nearer hand unto him, 
as the PfaMnift did finde by experience, faying 3 But God is my 
defence. 2. It is netdful that he who would have Gods help and 
protection in a particular good caufe, ffiould fee that the recon- 
ciliation of his perfon be folidly grounded on the Covenant of 
Gods grace: My God is the rodi of my refuge, j. The godly 
may from Gods Word give out damnatory decrees againft their 
perlccutors, which furcly (hall he executed j as here thrice de- 
ftrucVion is pronounced by the Pfalmijt againft theoppreifors. 
4. The deftru&icn intended againft the godly by their eppref- 
fois , is as re.uty ft any thing to be the trap to take thimfelve$ rfrj 
Qoi frail 'bring upon them \ tbtiif c#h iniquity , And frail cut 

thern 4 

368 PSAL. XCV. 

them oft in tbeir own wicficdncffc $ . How li ttle appearance fo- 
ever there be of the vengeance of God upon wicked Rulers abu- 
ling their power againft the godly for their righteouineffe and 
piety, yet the overthrow of them muft not be doubted of , becaufe 
of the Covenant paft between God and his fervams, who fcrve 
him in fufferin'g for righteoufneflfe > for the repeating ot the kn^ 
tence of deft ruction the third time againft fuch opprcflfors , doth 
teach fo much : 7ca> the Lvrd ourgodjball cut them off. 


THis Pialme is applied to Chrift: by the Apoftle, Hcb. $. 7,$, 
o, i o, 1 1, Whereof there are two parrs. In the firft, is an ex- 
hortation to worfhip God in Chrift, or Chi iff God with the Fa- 
ther and holy Spirit, dwelling among them in the Temple , and 
reprefentingunto them his future incarnation , and the execu- 
tion of his offices in types and figures. The arguments of prai- 
fing and worshiping of him are five. The firft , becaufe he is 
tfterockofourfalvation, vcr. 1, 1. The (econd, becaufe of his 
greatnefle> vcr. $ . The thirds for his power , vet. 4. The fourth;, 
becaufe he created all things, and ushispeopre, vfr. $, 6. The 
fifth,' becaufe he is our covenanted God and Paftoi'4 ver, 7. In the 
latter part of the Pfalm is another exhortation unto the vifible 
Churchy to evidence their obedience of faith, and not to harden 
their heart in the time of Gods dealing with them by his Word^s* 
their fathers did, whopeiifhed in the wilderneffe for their pro- 
vocation, vcr. 8, 9, 10 } iu 

Ver. I. /^\ Come let its Jing unto the LORD : 
K^Jtet us makf a jojfull noife to the Rock 
of our falvation^ 

2. Let m come before hU prefence With thanks- 
giving : and make a joy full noife unto him with 

From the fi.ft exhortation unto a chcarfal praifmg and wor- 
shipping of God, manifeftinghimfelfe in Chrift tohis-Church, 


PSAL. XCV. 169 

and unto joyful thmkfgiving for fal vat ion offered , and granted 
to us in him, which is the firft reafon to move them to the duty} 
Learn y I. A? theneccflity and acceptablcneile of the duty of 
praifing G^d 3 and thankfgiving unto him , is very remarkable; 
foisour unreadinelle unto the duty , and uncheanulneffc in ic 
obfervable alio : for the frequent and prefling exhortations 
thereunto do intimate fo much unto us : come, let us ftng unto 
the Lori\ letusma^e a noife, let us come before. him. 2. Every 
one , but fpecially the Lords Miniilers , mould ftirre up theif 
people and o:hers alfo to this duty , to difcharge it not only in 
fecret , bat alio publick T y in their Congregations, and that with 
cHeanulnefle , with heart and voice 4 , whatever ihall be their 
private grievances and burdens 5 Let us come before bis prefence 
with thanksgiving , and mx\e a joyful noife unto bim with P films. 
$. Whatfoever evil or grkfdo trouble us , there is reafon of joy 
and p.aifc and thanks, when we I09X to Jefus Chrifl and his be- 
nefits : Muliea joyful noife unto the 7{pcfi of our falvation. From 
him is our full deliverance, and upon him lieth our victory over 
fin, Satan, death, hell, and all enmity , founded as upon a Rock. 
4. It is time to come before Ood for mercy to prevent juftice, 
while yet we are fpared ; and he is not come to us in judgement* 
for fo the Word in the original giveth ground , fignifying com- 
ing fpeedily, and with prevention : Let us fpceiily come before 
bis prefence , or preoccupy his prefence. 5. He that cometh to 
God in Cbrift, meeteth wiih his reconciled hec 5 for the coming 
to the Tabernacle , the Ark and mercy-feat , did fignify and 
promife fo much : and therefore it is faid,? Let us come before his 
prefence , or before bis face.' 6. Singing of Primes mould be 
done as a matter of honouring God p and not as a matter of 
pleaung our own eares , ortheeares of 0, hers > Let us come with 
thanksgivings or confeffion and praifing, and mj^c a joy full noife 
unto bim with Ufalmes. 

"Ver. 3. For the LORTj is a are.u God : and 
a great King above all gods. 

Another reafon of praifing Ch ift , is his greatnefle and fupre- 
macie above all Rulers, and above all imaginable excellency. 
IVfjcnce learn, 1. He that hacha minde to p.aifc God , mail 
not want matter of praife , as they who come before P.inces do; 
who for waji; of true grounds of praife iu them, do give ilum rl -t- 

B b teiing 

370 TbAL. XCV. 

tering words: For tbe Lord is agrext Cjod , for power and pre- 
heminency , for ftrength and cor.ti mane*. 2. Ex.ep: we put 
all things thar bear the name o^exjellency under Gods feet, whe- 
thet they be Angels or Princes^ or whaticever the wo.ld makuh 
their god , we do not give him his due honour : He is a great 
Kjng^above all gods. 

Ver. 4. In his hand are the deej> places of ths earth : 
the jlrength of the hills is his afo. 

A third reafon of hi> praife is this, he is ftrong , fufhining by 
his power fea and earih, and all things of height. Whence learn, 
1. Whatfoever is moftfecret snd remote from mens power, or 
from our fight and knowledge, God hath it at his difpofins 5 for 
fcefuftainethit, and makethit fubdft: In hk band are the deep 
places of the earth. 2. There is nothing of any ftrengh among 
all the creatines jwhich hath not its ftrength borrowed from God: 
-Tke ftrcugthof the hills is his alfo. 

Ver. 5. Tk fea is his , and he make it • and his 
hands formed the dry land. 

6. come, let us worflAp and bow doyvn : let ta 
kneel down before the LORD out m*\ber. 

A fourth reafon of Chrifts praife is-, becaufeheis the Crea- 
tour of all things , and to be wor hipped of us as our C e.uou r. 
That Chrift as God, or God to be incarnate, one wiih the Father 
and holy, is here intended, appeareth by the command gi- 
ven to the worfhippers to prefent thcmfclves in the Temple, and 
to kneel down toward the place of the Al k before God dwelling 
between the Cherubirns, that is, before Chrift* God to be incar- 
nate. Whence lexm, 1 . All things were made by Chrift, whether 
high or low, C°^°lf' u l &- ^nd lt was mcet that our Saviour 
fliould be no other then he by whom Tea and dry land were made, 
fo great is the woik whUh the Mediator hath in hands. The (ex- 
is his , and he mi&it y and his hands formed the dry land. 
z> Chrift as he is one with the Father and holy Spirit in great- 
nefle and power , in refped- of his Godhead and divine nature : 
fo is he one with the Father and holy Spirit in the capacity of di- 
vine honoui $ come, let mwo flip and ' t borv down. $. Religi- 

PSAL. XCV. 371 

ous kneeling is a part of divine worfhip , whereby we tdtifyour 
abfolute fubmiflion anto.and higheit tiding of honour to God in 
foal and body j and this honour is incommunicable to any crea - 
ture : Come, let m wtrflrip and bow d$wn, let m facet before the 
Lord our ma^eu 

Vcr, 7. For he is onr (3od, and Vre are the peo- 
ple of his paflure , and the fheep of his hand : to 
day if ye will hear hU Voice. 

The fifth reafon of Chrifts praife is > becaufe he is our God, 
and Paftor of his Church, by ofticeof his Mediatorfhip. Whence 
learn , 1. God deferveth praife of all the world , but ipecially of 
his Church j becaufe of the near relation of Covenant between 
God 3nd his Church; Let ta worfhip and bow down : for he is our 
tjod. 2. The good rtiepherd of che Church s who layeth down 
Jiislife for his fhcepsthe great Doctor and Prophet of theChuechy 
the Mediator of the Covenant of grace , and covenanted fpoufq of 
the Church , is very God , and was knowne, believed on, and 
worfhipped as very God, before his incarnation : He is our (jod> 
and we are the people of his pafturc. 3. Chi Hi the Maker 3 the 
Govlj the Mediator and P. ftor of the Church , doth not only ef - 
fe&ually feed his people by teaching , but alio effectually govern E 
e,th and defendeth his Church by his omnipotent power ; We art 
the people of his pafture, and the fheep ofhU hand ; whom his Al- 
mighty hand and power governeth and protecleth in all ages. 

Ver. 8. Harden not your hearty as in the provo- 
cation : and as in the day of temptation in the ml- 
idernejfe : 

9. When jour fathers tempted me : proved me^ 
And faro my Work. 

10. Fonrty years longwas I grieved wi:h this gene- 
ration , and, f aid, It is a people that do erre in their 
heart : and they have not knowne my waies. 

In the latter part of the Pfalme^ which beginner h in the former 
verfe. To day if ye will hear his voice , harden not your heart \ foe 
giveth another exhortation to his Church vifible ,. to believe and 
obey the voice of our great, Prophet Jefus Chrii), asthe Apoftle,. 
ticb*}. ffimlM 1 * tcacheth us to expound k, Thenujnaix 

Bb 2, &mekt 

37* PSAL. XCV. 

gument to enforce the exhortation is, left the curfe of God mould 
ovevtakcthe difobedient,and they mould be debarred from heaven 
andhappineile, as the misbelieving Ifraeiites were fecludcd from 
Can/tan j and from heaven iigniticd by it : the uiftory may be 
feen } Exod 17 . Whence leirve , i. The voice of God in the 
Scriptures, in the Gofpel 3 appointed tc be preached by fent Mi- 
nifters , is the voice oi God the Father, God the Son, and God 
the holy Spirit ,one God in three perfons: for all who do grant the 
Scriptures, to be divine, do acknowledge alfo that the Scriptures 
are the voice of God the Father ; and this Pfalme the Apoftle, 
Heb.f.7. calleth the faying of the holy Gbofi : and in that fame 
place he expoundeth bis voice , of whom this place doth fpeak to 
bethevoiceofthc5 , e?z7/c,JefusChrift j and fo the voice ofGod 
in the Scriptures, in the Gofpel, appointed to be preached by 
fentmeflengers, is the voice of God the Father, Son and holy 
Spirit, as David alfo doth teach us , a Sam. zj. 2,3. The Spirit 
of the I ord fpake by rnt, there is the perfon of the holy Sfpirit : The 
God of I frael faid , there is the ordinary delignation of the perfon 
of the Father without fedudingof the V^oriqx Spirit: The Rock 
oflfracl jpafa to me , there is The defcripf ion of the perfon of the 
Son, who is the Builder of the Church , his houfe, and the foun- 
dation whereupon his Church is builded $ againft which the 
gates of hell (hall not prevail. 2. The vifible Catholick Church, 
which hath the Word of God preached unto them, and are in 
Covenant with him, is the people of Chrifts pafture , and flieep 
of his hand , whe- ein may be found many fuch. as harden their 
heart and perifli, and fo are not all of them elect perfons 5 for, To 
day if ye will hear his voice> is fpoken unto all,to whom the Word 
of God doth come, and doth bring them in the bond of the Co- 
venant to hear his voice. $, Of fuch as are in Covenant with 
God in Chrift, to believe and obey his voice, thofe only are actu- 
ally true difciplcs, who hnve this property; to love, to believc,and 
to obey Gods voice , to yield their heart to the Lords Word: To 
day if ye will hear his voice^ is here the probation of their cove- 
nanted p ofeflion. 4 Theprefent time only is the opportunity 
offalvation, or embracing of the offer of Gods grace, and teftify- 
ing of our obedience of faith i we are not fure how long the 
Word iliall remain with us, or we with it : 7 dxy if ye will hear 
his voice. 5. How ignor 1 nt, weak , and unable foever a man be 
by nature, to believe and obey the voice of God , yet feeing God 
doth offer hi mfelfe by his Word to cure him of all his evils , he 
cannot endure thzt 9 emjq (h^oM witrjn^ly & willingly reject the 


PSAL. XCV. 373 

counfcl of the Lord , and refolutely ftrengthen himfclf in his 
natural misbelief and difcbcdience , tor this were to harde i his 
own h:art yet more, which here is forbidden : To day if ye will 
hear his votce, harden not your heart. 6. T: e example of other 
mens finnes mould be made ufe of to make us wife for efchew- 
in j the iike, as here the hift oi y of the peoples murmuring ag.iii.ft 
GodandhisMinifters,is for this end recorded fomExct/. 17.3,4. 
concerning their tentatio 1 of God , and provocation of him in the 
wiUc r iicffe. 5. It is to good purpofe that we look upon the (ins 
of our foe-fathers, and upon Gods judgement on them for their 
(ins,that we may be humbled & m de watchful againft hereditary 
fins', fo this end is the time told them, Wl)en your fa hers tempt- 
ed m:, proved me. 8. He that ma- eth queftion ei her ol Gxls 
power or good will, after he hath had experience and proof" there- 
of, burieth unthankfully the Lords bounty, and do:h draw a gi eat 
deal deeper in the (in : for this doth aggravate the provocation of 
God by the carnal Ijraclitcs here, that they hid often proof what 
G )d could do , They favo my wor^s, faith he. 9. The Lord not 
only ma. kcth mens (ins . bur alfo doth reckon how long they con- 
tinue inthen : ¥ our ty year es long was I grieved. 10. Misbelie- 
ving of God, and not fubmiuingour felves to his government; is 
a vexing of his Spirit , and a provocation of him to reject the (in- 
ner i Fourty yeares long wx\ I grieved with this generation. 
11. The errors of the mink are dangerous} but the errors of the 
heart are yet more dangerous : for the faults of the minde (imply 
confidered, are ignoiance and error ; but :he fault of the heart, is a 
loving of darknes and error : the error of the minde faith, I knew 
not, I did noc underftand fuch a duty 5 but the error of the heart 
hith no lefie then, i will not know \ I de(i*e not to hear of, I 
care not for fuch a duty ; I (aid it is a people that do errc in their 
heart, and they have not known my wayes : that is , they have not 
regar Jed my wayes, have not allowed of them, or loved them ; for 
otherwayes they were not limply ignorant of them ; they heard 
his words, and fawh swords. i:# Not to fubject our felves to 
fuch and fuch particular hard exerci:*es,diffi:ulties,itrai:s,ikl lad 
diipenfationS; as it plenfes God to put us under, is a not knowing 
and difipproving of the ways of 3od, which he followed in ,;eiU 
ing with his people , an. I is no lefle then if we did take upowtfgtd 
be wifer then he, and to coun.el and lircfl h'm h >w to govern the 
world and our particulars be.:er then he doth ; They crre in h:art x 
And have not known my wayes, 

B b J Vto 

Ver. ii. Vntovohom I [ware in wj wrath: that 
the) Jhould not enter into my reft. 

To enforce the exhortation, the Lord lepeateth the doom pro- 
nounced upon fuch as harden their own hearts, in their unbelief 
and difobedience or" the voice ot' God, to wit, that he fware ,' they 
fhould not enter into his reft, that is, they mould not enter into 
the reft of reconciliation andpeace with God, which is a part of 
the believers reft, whereof the Apoftle fpeakerh, commenting on 
this place, Heb. 4.5. nor into the reft of Canaan the type of hea- 
ven \ for they died in the wilderneffe: nor into the reft of hea- 
ven fignihed by Canaan, fo many of them as continued in this fin 
of hardening their heart againft the voice of God, Whence le.>rn, 
*t There is a reft of God ordained for Believers , who give up 
their hearts to the impreflion of Gods voice , in the obedience of 
faith ; to wit, the reft of pftification , reconciliation , and peace 
with God; the reft uf begun fan&ification,and ceafing f;om their 
own works; and the reft oteverlafting refreshment, be^un in this 
life, and perfected in the life to come : for this is the reft which 
God calleth here his reft : They Jhall not enter into my reft. 1. As 
all Cm hath judgement following after it , as the fhadow follow- 
eth the body : fo hardening of the heart againft Godjfl^grd in 
fpecial, hath' wrath annexed unto it 3 To whom lfwrnfymy^ 
Wrath. 3. Obftinate hardeners of their heart in ffKbeUfeiraud 
dilbbedience againft Gods Work, are near to the curfo $ and whe- 
never do continue to the end, ihall be found reprobates juftly 
damned to the eternal torment of reftleffenefs^gainft whom God 
ftandeth fworne, to condemn them and deftroy them: Unto 
•whom 1 [ware in my -wrath , that they Jhould. not cnt.r into 
my reft. 4. The molt fearful curfjs and threatnings pronouncel 
a^3init Tinners by God, and the molt terrible judgements which 
haveteen executed upondifobedient unbelievers of Gods Word, 
are merciful! and fat fie. ly warnings ot Gode children j to efchew 
fuch ns as carefully and really , as they abhorre the punifhment ', 
infli&c." for them 5 for the Lords making ttfe c f his wrath againft 
the misbelieving and dilobedknr Jjraelucs here doth teach us 
fo much. 


PbAL. X^VI. 375 


WErn'e, i Chrov. \6. 23. 1 part oi this. P^/m, fung 
at the bringing up of the Aik to Sion, to be in lub- 
ftance and almoft in words al one and the fame withthts 
which is he -c ; tor as the e , (0 here the Prophet forefceth in the 
Spirit the fpreadingof the Ki^gdomc of Chrift among the: Na- 
tions; And therefore fivft , he cxhortcth all people heartily to re- 
ceive Chrift, and propagate his. flory, ver. tj i, $. And gi- 
veth reaions for it, vet. 4. ^6, Then he re^earerh and inlar- 
geth the ixhomtion to gloiific Godj and to re Joyce in him, be- 
caufc Chiift was indeed ro'come among the Gentiles, to reign, 
among them righteoufly, v<y. j 9 S, $ y io a n 3 1 : 3 1 3, 

Vcr. \. £~\Si»gH»to the LORD a neW fong : 
\Jfing Mt° the LORD all the earth. 

2. Sing unto the LOR'V, bleffe his Name, JhfM 
for ihhULfAlvation from dty to day. 
* ?v *&tbUre his glory amovg the. heather) : hh won- 
dirs among all people. 

Prom the exhortation given xo all Nations to rejoyce for 
Chrifts coming among them; Lcame, 1. As fadnefle and 
forrow, mifcry and mourning, is the condition of all people, till 
Chrift the true Ark of the Covenant come unto them: fo Chrifts 
coming among them, isth^nntter of thegrcateft joy that ever 
linnets did hear cf> for upon rhi> ground arc all here exhorted 
to rejoy:c; Ofing unto the Lord\ 7. As the matter of Toy ia 
Chrift iseverlafting, and (hall never decay; fo 'Jve reason of 
praifing of Goi for falvation in him, is everlafting atfo^ new and 
iYefli matte being alwayes offered of joy to us, andpraife to 
God, which fliall never vanifh nor wax eld 5 Sing unto the 
Lord a new Song. 3 All the earth hath intereft in this Song, 
and is obliged unto the duty of joy and praifc, hecaufe out of 
all pecpie, tongues and languages; God is to gather a people to 
be laved ; Sing unte the Lord all tbceirtb. 4. We have meed a- 
eain and again to be ftirred np to joy in Chiiil, to praife him; 
Bb 4 for 

foe wea-e dull, and the work excellent, and no man doth dis- 
charge the duty lufficiently : therefore is it faid the third time, 
S ing unto the Lord. $ . The grace offered in Jefus Chrift, is a 
perpetual reafon of declaring the g'oodnefle of God, and that 
Chrift is the fountaine of all bleffcdnefl'e to them who do re- 
ceive hirh : for, 'Blcffebis Name, doth import fo much. 6, The 
falvarion which comerh through Chrift, ought to be commend- 
ed as Gods falvation indeed, becaufche devifed it, hepurchafed 
it, and he it is that doth apply it to us, and maketh us partakers 
of it; Shew forth his falvation. 7. The doctrine of 1'alvjtion 
by Chrift, is the common good of mankinde, and ought not to 
be concealed, but let forth to all, preached, and proclaimed, and 
fpoken of by all, according to their vocation and ability ; Shew 
forth his falvation from day to day. 8. It is a part of the Commif- 
iiongiven to thelVjiniftersoftheGofpel,not only tote^ch their 
Congregations concerning Chrift, but alfo to have a care that 
they who never did heare of him, may know what he is, what he 
bath done and fufYered, and what good may be had by his medi- 
ation : Declare his glory among the heathen. 9. Nothing fo glo- 
rious to God , nothing fo wonderful in it felf,as is the falvation 
of man by Chrift : to behold God faving his enemies, by the 
incarnation, fufFet ings and obedience of Chrift the eternal Sonne 
of God y Declare bis glory among the Heathen, his wonders a- 
mong all people. 

Ver. 4. For the LORT> is great, and greyly to be 

praifedi be is to be feared above all gods. 

5 . For all the gods of the nations are idols I but the 
LOBSDmade thcheavens. 

6. Honour and maiefty are before (jijn : Hrength and 
fyeauty are in his fantluary. 

The reafons of the exhortation are, becaufe God is Sovereign, 
above all, ver. 4. and all other gods beiide God are idols, 
ver. ?. and whatfoeveris glorious is to be found inhiraonly, 
ver. 6. Whence learn, 1. None can pi aiie God till they con - 
fider his excellcncie, and that his wifdom , power and empire 
is cibove all created or imaginable greatnefie , for The l^ord is 
great and greatly to hepraifeL 2. As the Lord is pvaifc-worrhy 
lor lis goodnefie and readinefle to communicate ci his riches to 
' J - - ; ' cli 

PSAL. XCVI. 377 

att hi J creatures, and moft of all to his lervanrs: (o is he able to 
puniih his adversaries, ind all that contemn his Authority ^which 
no creatu.e is able to do ; He is to be feared above all gods. 
$. Whofoeverdo not fubmit themfelvcs to God, a 1 ™ vvorftiip 
and obey him, (hall be found to ferve idols and vanities, where- 
by they can have no good, but difappointmenc of hopes : for, 
blithe gods of the ^Nations arc idols. 4. The framing of 
heaven and eai th, and the upholding and governing of all the 
creatures proveth, that die Maker thereof is God alone., and 
that there neither is. nor can be any befide him ; all others who 
have the name ofgods are idols: /ill the gods of the heathen are 
idols: but the lord made the Heavens.) 5. Before a man can 
come to the knowledge of God, he muft firft meet with the 
rtiining beams of his honour and majeure in his Word and in 
his Works; for thefe are Apparators and Harbingers going before 
him ; Honour and majefiy are before him. 6. The power and 
gJory of God is not rightly fecn, either to Gods praife or a mans 
Talvation, except by his own ordinances in his Church where 
he himfelf is both teacher, and the fubftince alio of what is 
taught ; Strength and beauty are in his Santtuary. 

Ver. 7. Give unto the LORD, (0 ye k'»4 } £#< 
of the people, ) give unto tkp LORD glory and 

Here he repeateth. and dilatcth the exhortation in foure 
branches. In-thefirft, he exhorteth to acknowledge, that glory 
and power belong to God, both in decreeing wifely,and in execu- 
ting timoufly and powerfully his own decrees > in ipecial, the 
work of Redemption and Converficn of the Gentiles by Chi i ft- 
Whence learn, As it is the finful fuknefle ot natiualmen, to 
take to ihemfelves, orto give unto the creatures the g'ory of 
every excellent woik, which is properly due to <-od alone; lo i$ 
it the part of a renewed foul , to give the glory of every thing 
which is praife-worthy un/o God alone ; which glory ex* 
pecteth, and fhall have it of the Gentiles bein° reconciled and 
inftruftcd by the Gofpel : Give unto the Loid, 0}e fan/ire J \ 
of the people, give unto the Lord glory and flrcngib. 

Ver. 3. Che unto the LORD the gfarj due un- 

? 7 3 PSAL. XCVL 

to his Name , bring an offerings and come into his 

In the feconl branch, he exhorteth all to acknowledge the 
Lord, as they who are worfhippers of him, And who are taught 
by his Word, fhoulddo. Whence lam, i.It was foretold, tnat 
as the Church of l(rael was taught by the Lords Word to know 
him: fofhould the Gentiles be to taught alfo 5 for, Giveunta 
the Lord the glory due to his Name , prefuppofeth and importeth, 
that they (hould have his Name fet forth in his Word, and 
ihould be inftruclcd to know him, and how to worfhip him ac- 
ceptably. 2.Whatfoever point of glory the Scripture giveth unto 
God,itmay not be withdrawn from htm,nor communicated to any 
other be de him; for it is his own proper due: Give unto him the 
glory due to bis Name. 3. It is the manner of the Scriptures of the 
OldTcftimentj to exprefle the fpiritual fervice of the Gofpel in 
the termes of the fervice of the Law : Bring an offering, and come 
into bis courts. 4. Albeit bodily facrifices and oblations, and 
the material Temple of tfcrufulem be taken away; yet the moral 
duties fhadowed forth inthem, are (till neceffary to be done : 
we muft not come for fafhion , empty and vaine before G"d, 
but with the calves of our lips, offering up our felves in a li- 
ving facrifice,holy and acceptable to him : Bring an nffcringun- 
to hn ?.. The Church of the Gentiles make up one Church 
with the Jewes, and are of the fame incorporation and holy fo- 
ciety , and partakers of the priviledges of the Church with them : 
Bring an offering, and come into his courts. 

Ver. o. worfhip the LORD in the beauty of ho- 
lineffe : feare before him all the earth. 

Inthe third branch, he exhorteth more particularly all the 
Gentiles to worfhip and feare the fame God with the Church of 
the Jewes. Whence learn , 1. True Converts mult fubmit 
themfelvcs absolutely unto Chritts Government, in foul and 
body; for, worfhip the Lord, importeth fo much, t. Then 
is a mans wo' '<hip Wai fubmiffion fandiGed,and made acceptable 
when it is offered in and through Chrift,and in fociety with his 
Church reprcfentcd by the Sanctuary, here called the beauty of 
holineffe 5 Worflnp the Lord in the bciuty of holineffc. $ . A- 
mon* all Gods works nothing fa beautiful as his ordinances, 
rightly made ufe of in his Church ; Worfoip the Lord irt the 
beauty of holineffc. a . All our worfhip muft be fcaloned with 
/ear, [eft we fwervc on either hand from the rule prefcribed by 
God ; Fear before him all the earth. V*r. 

PS At. XCVI. 379 

Vcr. To. Say among the heathen xhn the LORD 
r eigne th: the world aljo {hall be eftab lifted ^ that 
'it fhall not be moved: be /ball judge the people 

11. Let the heavens rejoyce : and let the earth 
be glad; let the Jea roare and the julnejfe 

12. Let the field be joyfully and all that is therein : 
then [ball all the trees of the Wood re Joyce. 

I 3 i Before the LORT>, for he comet h , for he Com- 
eth to judge the earth : he fiall judge the world with 
ri^bteauf.effe) and the people rtnh his truth. 

In the fourth place, heexborteth the Lords Minifters , his 
called meiicngers every where toprcclaime Chriit, King in his 
own Church , and to declare the benefits of his reigning in fpe- 
cial thefe three, i. The putting of all things which are in dif- 
order and contufion in the world by fin, into their own order a-. 
gain > andfetling all things to the perpetual benefit of his iub-. 
jects. 2. Chriils righteous governing and de : ending of his fub- 
jects. 3. The unexprefliblejoy which Chi ill doth bring to his 
people, for letting forth whereot, ^11 the reafonable and under-: 
ilanding creatures are unable. Whence learn, i . Where foe ver 
tnc Gofpei is preached, there without injuie to Migiflrates. 
Chrift may and mould be declared King , lovereigne Lord and 
Law-giver in all the matters of Religion , and whatfoever con- 
cerned the falvation of men and lei vice of God : Say Among* 
the heathen that the Lord rci^netb i. Before Chrift come to x 
people, men neither know God,nor themielves, nor what is their 
profit , nor what is their loffe : for before Chriil reveale him- 
felt to a man , things earthly and temporall are put in the room 
ot things heavenly and everlafting : the creitures and lufts ot 
men are put in the room ot God, and the finncr is made 2 (lave 
to his own lulls and unclean ipiiits ; but when Chnft cometh, 
who is the light ot the world, and the life of men , and convin- 
ced men otlin and righteoufnefie and judgement, then is the 
(inner humb ed, and God exalted, and every thing is put in its 
own place, and a lolid Hate of grace and glory is rounded by his 
Word and wo. king , and is fetled by his decree tor che benefit of 


380 PSAL. XCVI. 

the world of his Ele& and Regenerate people: for by Chiifts 
governing the world alfofball be ejlablijbcd 3. The Kingdom 
of Chrift is a Kingdom which cannot be moved , and they who 
are his Subjects, do receive this Kingdom in title and right 3 and 
begun podeffion^which cannot be taken from them again * The 
T99rli alfo Jhall be cftxbljjhed that it cannot be moved. 4. The 
government of Chrifts Kingdom is fo well and wifely carried by 
him, as right is done to God and man, to friends and foes , and 
no injury to any party is allowedjand courfe is taken to give effe- 
ctually to every man according as his work (hall be : He (bail 
judge thepeoplc rigbteonjly. 5. There is no true rejoycing for 
tinners in heaven or earth , except in and through J efus Chrift 
alone : all joy of fanners without htm is madnelfe , and in 
hjm men have caufe of rejoycing whatfoevei condition they (hall 
be in: Let the heaven rejoyce "and let the earth be glad', let the 
fea roarc, and the fulneffe thereof 6. The joy which Chrift bring- 
eth to his people is fuch, that men and Angels are not able to ex- 
prefle it 5 and if all the dumb creatures had mindes and mouthes 
to fet it forth, it were a taske and more for them to undertake it : 
Let the heavens rejoyce , and the earth be glad y let the fear oar e, 
and the fulnejfe thereof j &c. 7. As all the creatures are in 3 fort 
of bondage and fubjec~tion u nto vanity through the fins of men jib 
have they their own redemption & freedom from vanity in rela- 
tion to Chrift, and the fervice which they do unto the Saints,who 
make right ufe of them 5 and at length the creature (hall be fully 
delivered from the bondage of corruption , and in its. owne kinde 
have caufe of rejoycing : Let the heaven , earth, fea and fields re- 
joyce, &c. S. All the creatures are at enmity with man, before 
he be reconciled to God in Chrift ; but when peace is made by 
Jefus Chrift, they look upon man all of them with another coun- 
tenance, as fervants unto and children of their Lord , who is Fa- 
ther of the reconciled, and govemour of all for their good : Let 
the fields be joyful, and all that is therein } then foall all the trees 
of the wood rejoyce. They (hall look upon a reconciled man 
walking in the light of Gods countenance as a Paradife. 9. The 
fitft and fecond corning of Chrift to (hew him elf King of his 
Church, is ground and caufe of all joy to his Subjects ; Let them 
and all the creatures rejoyce before the Lord, for he cometbjoi' this 
for he cometb ftwice Did) to 1 udgc the earth, is given for a reafon 
of the exhortation 10. By Chrifts government , every poor 
and needy Subbed is helped, fupphed , comforted anJ provided 
for, as their caferequireth : all the Subjc&i are juftiried by the 



imputation of the rightcoufnefle of Chrift,allof them are renew- 
ed and begun to be fan&ified , and made to aime at righteouf- 
nefle more and more in their wayes^ all the proud and adverfai ies 
of his Subjects are declared againft ; courle is laid down in the 
Wordofttuthfora fulldcliverieof his people from all injuries 
andeppreffion , from all miferieand tin, with the full punish- 
ment of their enemies : He Jhall judge the world with righteouf- 
ncjfe, and the people with hit truth. 


THis Pfalmecontainethaprophecie ofthefpiritual glory of 
Chrifts Kingdome, to ver. 8. And the ufc of the Do&rine 
to the end of the Plalme. The comfort of Chrifts Kindome in 
relation to his Church is let downe, vet. 1,2. And the terrible- 
nefle thereof in relation to his enemies, vtr % $, 4, ?, 6. with a 
curfeuponinage-worfhippers, ver* 7. The ufes of the Do- 
ttrine, they are foure. Thefirftis, that all excellency , and 
whatfoever is honourable in the wcrld , ihould do homage to 
him. let down in the end of vet- 7. Thefecond is, that the, 
true Church mould be glad at the hearing and the feeing of the 
execution of Gods judgements upon idolaters,with a reafon for it, 
ver.Syp. The third ufe is, a dire&ion to the Saints to beware 
of fin, with fome reafons for it, ver. 10,11. The fourth ufe 
is, that the righteous mould rejoyce , and thank God upon all 
occafions, ver. 12, 

Ver. 1. nr^He LORD reigneth, let the earth re* 
JL jojee : let the multitudes of J (les be . 
glad thereof. 

2. Clouds and darknefe are round about him : 
righteoufnejfe and judgement are the habitation of 
his throne. 

ThcPfalmift procbimeth Chiift King among the Gentiles, 
aad doth commend his Kingdome to them , as full of joy, full 
©fmajefty, and lull ofrigrueoufneffe. Whence leum, 1. Be- 



fide the fovereignty whichGod hath over all peopleshe hath a fpe- 
ciail Kirigdpm , wherein he reigneth by the Gofpel of Chrifi • 
this is it whereof here he fpeaketh, faying, Tht Lord reigneth. 
2. Comfort againft all g'Jef from fin or mifery , true matter of 
joy and full felicity, is to be had by the coming of this Kingdom; 
1 he Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoyce. 3 . The Ifles of the Sea' 
arc in Chr Its charter , and have their fhare of rhe joy which is 
to be had in Chrift ; Lee the multitude of the IJlcs be glxd there- 
of. 4« How defpicable foever Chrifls Kingdome mayfeem to 
the world, yet it is full of heavenly majefty ; Clouds and darfc- 
nejfeare round about him* 5. The glory of Chrifis Kingdome is 
unfearchable , and hid from the eyes of the world , who cannot 
take up the things of God, except he reveale himfelfto them, 
and do op en rhe eyes of their underftanding ; Qlouds and darfc- 
neffe are round About him. 6. The Kingdome of Chrift °iveth 
no liberty unto fin,but is altogether for righteoufnefle and judge- 
ment ; for therein righteoufnefle is taught to finners , and they 
made righteous, and kept in the courfe of righteoufnefle,and de- 
fended from the harme of their adverfaries,and rewarded accord- 
ing to their righteoufnefle, and all the unrighteous are adjudged, 
to punifhment according to their works j Rigbteoiifneffc and 
judgement are the habitation of his throne. 

Vcr. 3. A fire goeth before him y and burneth up 
his enemies round about. 

4. His lightnings inlightcned the Vvorld: the earth 
Jaw it, and trembled. 

5. The hills melted Ufa waxe at the pre fence of 
the LORD: at the prefence of the Lord of the 
whole earth. 

6. The heavens declare his righteonfneffe ; and all 
the people jee his glory. 

, After the Pialmift hath fet down how comfortable Chrift is to 
his Subjects, he fheweth how terrible he is to his enemies. 
Whence learnt, 1. Albeit the Kingdom of Chrift be a King- 
dome for righteoufnefle , and a fountaine of joy to all who do 
receive him i yet fuch is the natural wickednehe of men, that he 
{hall not want enemies, as here is imported plainly, xl There 
ifc'nolefli, but rather more attending the defpifers'ofthe 



Gufpel, then did attend the giving out of the Law, Hcb. 11.29. 
A fire goctb before him % 5. Albeit ihe enemies of Chrift were 
neverlbmany 3 invironing his flock round about; yet (hall he 
reign in the midfl of them, and confume all his adveriaries : *A 
fire goeth before him> and burnctb up bis enemies round about. 
4. He letteth forth his wrath , not all at once, but by degrees ; 
lighter judgements,and foregoing terrours come before deftru&i- 
on : his Ugh tnings inligbtencd the world: the earth faw it, and 
trembled. 5. Chiift {hall utterly undo thegreateft Potentates 
on earth, if they ftand in hisway and oppolehim \ The bills 

. melted lil^e rvaxe at the pre fence of the Lord. 6. There is no 
comparifon between Chiift and his enemies; tow great Vlo- 
narchs foever they be, they cannot fland before his presence > For 
he is the Lord of the whole earth. 7. Our Lord mall not wane 
Preachers of his righteoufneffe : for befide the WordofGoJ, 
bleiTmgs from heaven upon his friends, and judgements fro.n 
heaven upon his enemies, according to the Word , (hall teftihe 
for Chrift 5 The heavens declare his righteoufneffe. 8. The 
judgements of God upon the enemies of the Church, and his 
bleltings upon his Church , (hall be fo evident , as beholders 
fhall be forced to acknowledge God in them , manit'efting him- 
feif for Chriih Kingdomey And all the people fhall fee bis 


Vcr. j. Confounded be all they that ferve gra - 
ven images , that boafl thtmf elves of idols : worfhip 
him all ye gods. 

He fecteth down Gods curfe upon idolaters,or image-woi (hip- 
ta, and then fheweththe ufes of the former Do&rine, for fur- 
ther fecting forth the glrry of Chriih Kingdome. Whence learn, 
I. All they who either ferve or worfhip graven images, ae reck-" 
oned by God for enemies to God and to Chiift ; and it is a part 
of Chrifts glory to abolilh images > and all worfhip and fervkc 
unto images out of his Church: Confounded be all they that 
ferve graven images. 1. A beit tuch as are lovers of imagery, 
not only do ferve images, but alfo will defend the fhtecf i- 
magesinthe exercife ot Religion, and glory in them ; yet (hall 
th.yat length be afrnmed of their Drafting; Confounded be all 
they that jet ve graven mages , that boait tbemfclvcs of idols 
jv God will not have ftuh. thrive woiUiip as men would give 

him / 


him, by ferving or worfhipping of him in, at, or before images : 
the way how God willbelerved , is by a dired and immediate 
worshipping of him, without the mediation or intervening of 
any thing which may inte cept his worftiip : for in opposition to 
relative worftiip in the fei vice of graven images , he faith, IVor- 
jhiphim'i imposing that when images are worftiipped , God is 
not worihipped at all, whatfoever the image-worfliipper doth in- 
tend. 4. VVlrtfoever creature hath excellency in heaven or 
earth , or can pretend to any tmiriency or excellency of whatfo- 
ever fort, muft do homage unto Chi ift : Worjhip b:m all )c 
gods 3 and this is the firft ufe of the former Do&rine. 

Ver. 8. Sion heard, and Veas glad: and the 
daughters ofjudah rejojeed, becaufe of thy judgements, 

Ver. 9. Tor thou, LORD, art high above all the 
earth : thou art exalted far above all gods* 

"f" he fecond ufe is to comfort all true wovftiippers 5 partly,be- 
caufe they hear Gods wrath threatened and executed againft Ido- 
laters ; and partly, becaufe they have hereby a clear evidence of 
(Thrifts fupremacy over all creatures^ Whence learn, 1. The 
condemnation of imagerie, and of all fervice and worftiip to gra- 
ven images, is a Do&rine comfortable to the true members of 
the Church ; Sion heard, (to wit, this curte againft Idolatry J 
and was glad. i. The true Church confidered in her colle&ive 
incorporation , as the Mother Sion : and in her particular 
branches and fubdivilions, as Daughters o\<fudab depending up- 
on Chrift, the true Vine- tree of tfudab , have the fame realonsr 
of joy, and the fame grounds of edification by Gods Word, and 
works of judgement , wrought for clearing of true Religion , 
and (naming of falfe worftiip : Sion heard, and was glad •> and 
the daughters ofjudah rcjoyced : becaufe of thy judgements , O 
L07(T>. $. The maniieftation of the Gofpel ot Chrift , is the 
exaltation of God, and manifeftation of his excellency; whofe 
difhonour as it fliould be the* matter of our grief j (o his manife- 
fted glory fliould be our joy , as the reafon here given of the joy 
of the Saints dorhte^ch us > For tbou,Lord, art high abov: all 
the earth : thou art cxdtedfar above all god f. 



Ver. IO. TCe tfat love the LORD, hate evil* he 
preferVetb the fouls of hit Saints: he delivereih them 
out of the hand of the ftic ked. 

II, Light is fowtn for the righteous : andgU'lnfffc 
for the upright in heart. 

The third ufe of the Doctrine, is an exhortation to the fakh- 
full to ftudie holinefle, and to cfchew the fellowfhip of fin, what- 
foever may be the danger -, partly i becaufe the Lord will deliver 
his own Out of the hancfs of their enemies: partly, becaufe God 
hath appointed comfort unto them, borh in and after their affli- 
&ions. Whence learn, 1. A Believer in God , or a true 
worihipper of GodinChrift, is alover of God; for thus are 
they dekribed here , 7e that love the Lord. 2. The love of 
Cod muft be joynedwith, and manifefted by the ftudy of a 
holy life, and with not onely abstaining from , but alfo with 
hating and abhorring of that which isfinful; Te that love the 
Lord, bate evil. 3. Albeit the hating of evil and loving of 
God may readily make a man the object of malice and of gerfe- 
cutionfrom wicked men, yet ihall the godly have their ioules 
faved ; yea, and at length be fully delivered from the harme 
which Satin and the wicked intend to bring upon the gedly for 
that caufe > He prefcrvetb tbefoules of bis Saints : be deliver eth 
tbemout of the band of the wicked. 4. All the exercifes of the 
godly> and fpecially their troubles for righteoufnefle, are but the 
feeds of their joy and confolation, which God is to bring forth 
unto them out ofthefe troubles : Light Ufowen for the rigbtc- 
9m. %. The Lords children, who love him, and hate evil,rauft 
1 tiot think to have the fruit oftheirrighteoufnefieprefently in 
| poffeflion , but muft give a time unto it , as is given to corne 
! that is caft into the ground, and as after a time the corne doth 
jfpring, and comes to a ripe harveft $ fo (hall the troubles of the 
I godly have a comfortable iffue : Light is fowen for the righteous 
6. In reckoning of the righteous, the Lord counteth men by 
their heart: and fo many as by faith in Chrift have purified 
their hearts unto the unfeigned ftudy of holinefle, they are 
righteous before God , albeit their infirmities be many ; and 
whatfoever fit of grief and interruption of joy fuch men be fub- 
jeft unto for a time , yet at length their portion (hall be a full 
Cc fiarvcik' 



harvcft of gladneiTe; Light k forvcn to the righteous , and 
who thefe are lie fhewethj and gladncffe for tbe upright in 

Vcr. 12. Rejoyce in the LO RD , je righte- 
ous: and give thanks at the remembrance of hie 

The fourth ufe of the Do^rine > is an exhortation unto 
Bclcevers, to be joyfull and thankfull whatfoever be their 
condition in this prefent life , bec^ufe of the falyation ma« 
nifefted in Chrift. Whence learne, i. Whatfoever may be 
the tribulation of the faithful! in the world 3 they have 
matter of joy in the LORD, and they mould flirre up 
themftlves to rejoyce , and make confeience of the com- 
mandment; 7{ey>yce, ye righteous, in the LORD* z. What- 
foever can be taken from the godly , their right and intereft 
in CHRIST can never be taken from the ti , and 
fo there is caufe to give thanks for this gift for ever; 
And give thanks at the remembrance of bis bolineJfe 3 nt 
confejfetothe remembrance of his holinejfey that is, acknow- 
ledge to his glory the benefit which you have by being a 
Subjeft to this King. 3, Whatfoever word or work of 
CHRIST doth bring us to the remembrance of his Name, 
{hould bring us aifo to the confideration and remembrance 
of his holinefle , which is the untainted glory oi all his attri- 
butes, witdome , juftice , goodnefie , power , mercy, truth, 
Sec. and is the untainted glory of his Word, workes, and 
purchafe unto us 5 Give tban^es at the remembrance of bit 




I^His Tfalme is an exhortation to Jew and Gentile , to ro 
I Joyce and bleflc the Lord for Chrifts comine, to fct up his 
Kingdome in the world. The exhortation is thrice prefled. 
1. In proper tcrmes> requiring the Church to ling for joy, with 
reafonsadjoyned, vet. i/ftj- Then it is repeated, and 
mufical inftruments called for , to (hew that by humane voice 
the matter of the joy whichis in JeAis Chrift,. isinexpreffible, 
her. 4, y,.6. 3. To (hew that neither voice of mm, nor mufical 
inftruments are fufficient to exprefle the joy which comeih by 
Chrifts j£ingdome : the whole creatures are called unto this 
work ofrejoycing, and fetting forth his glory , vet. 7, 8. And 
the rcaforiis given, becaufe Chrift cometh to fct up , and exer- 
cife his Kingdomc in righteoufneffe, vet, 9. 

Ver. l^r\Si'/ig unto the LORD a new fong \ 
y^J for he hath done marvellous things'* 
his right hand and his holy arme hath gotten him 
the vittory. 

2. The LORD hath made known hisfalvation: his 
right eoufneffe hath he openly fbewed in the fight of the 

3 . He hath remembred his mercy and his truth to" 
Ward the houfe of Ifrael: all the ends of the earth have 
feen the falvation of our Cod. 

The exhortation to ling unto the Lord, who is Chii ft !, hath" 
nve reafonsadjoyned, The Bill is, becaufe he hath wrought 
the work of Redemption wonderfully. The next is, becaufe he 
hath done his work by conflict with his enemies, and hath got- 
ten the victory, vet. 1. The third, becaufe he hath caufed to 
preach hisfalvation to the Gentiles 3 vet. 2. The. fourth 3 bo 
caufe he hath performed hispromifes made to the Jcwes. And 
the fifth, becaufe he hath made all the earth to fee the falvation/ 
\YhichGbd in Covenant with his Church hath wrought for his 

Co * 



people, ver. 3. Whence lame, u The joy which Chrift doth 
bring, can never vvaxe old : but becaufe mercies through him 
are everlafting , and the perfons who have (hare in this joy, are 
made new 3 and all things unto them are made new 5 therefore 
the fong and joy alfo fhall be made new : fing unto the Lord 
Anew Jong. ?. Salvation brought by Chrift , and the work of 
Redemption wrought by him, is a moft wonderful work; for it 
is brought about by the incarnation of God , by the painfull 
fuffering and ftiamefull dcathof God incarnate; by whole ftripes 
we are healed , whole death and returreftion we have life, 
and immortality given unto us: For he hath done marvellous 
things. 5. It is by battel 1 a^ainft the enemies of our falvation 
that we are delivered : for On ift hath wreftled with the guild- 
nefle, merit, and punifhment of our fins 5 wreftled with the 
curfeoftheLaw, with Satan, death and hell J and whatfoever 
could hinder our Redemption and Salvation , and hath gotten 
unto himfelfe the vi&ory to our advantage; His right hand. 
And bis holy arme bath gotten him the victory. 4, No creatures 
help hath our Lord ufed in this work, but done all immediately 
by his own divine power, being God Omnipotent ; His right 
band, and his holy arme bath gotten him tbeviftory. 5. The 
glory of the falvation of man, by this meanes is moft juftly to be 
afctibed to him alone , and to be called his falvation > becaufe 
he devifed it , and brought it about immediately by himfelf, and 
caufeth to proclaime it in his own Name to the world by the 
pieaching of the Gofpel : fo it is in all thefe refpefts his lalva- 
tion; The Lord hath made known bis falvation. 6. The way 
how Chrift maketh known his falvation , and maketh us par- 
takers of his falvation , is by making known bit rigbteoufncffi 9 
ortherighteoufnefte of faith*, and making us partakers there- 
of by the preaching; of it among the Gentiles; His rigbtcouf- 
neflc bath be openly foewcd in tbc fight of the heathen. 8. What- 
soever promife he hath made to the Jewes , he doth not forget it> 
but whatfoever cloud is come upon that Nation , all the mer- 
cies and promifes made to them^ (hall all be performed: He 
hathremembrcd hi* mercy and bis truth foward the boufe oftfrael. 
9. The fwlneffe of the Gentiles fhall be made partakers 
of the Covenant of Grace , with the true Church of the 
Jewes 1 All the ends of the earth bave feen the falvation of 
§ut God. 



Vcr. a. Ma\e & jqful noife unto the LORT) all 
the earth : make * lohd noife \ and rejojce, and Jtn£ 

$. Sing unto the LORD with the harp : and the 
voice of a Pfaim* 

6. With trumpets and found of cornet : make a ]oj» 
fnl noife before the LORT> the King. 

From the repeating of the exhortation to the whole earth, 
Jewes and .Gentiles, and calling formuficalinftruments to ex- 
preflfe this toy, whereby the paedagogie of the Church under th« 
ceremonial law, ( which now is aboliihedj taught them the 
greatneffe of the fpiritual joy of Chrifts coming. Learn, i.The 
joy of faith, the joy allowed unto beleevers in Jefus Chrift , is 
unfpeakable and full of glory, which cannot be expieffed by 
words or humane voice ; tor this the variety of mufical inftru- 
ments in Godspraife, at the offering of the faciifices, did fea- 
dow forth under the laws and hereit isfigoified by thisexhor- 
tation , to fing with the btrp, trumpet and cornet > and that 
with fpecial relation to Chrift, as King in Sion : Make a joyful 
noife before the Lord the %ing. 

Ver. 7. Let the fea roar e, and the fulneffe thereof* 
the world^andthey that dwell therein. 

8. Let the floods clap their hands : let the hills be 
jo) ful together. 

In the exhortation direded to tho dumb creatuees, fea, floods 
afld hills, that they mould utter Songs of joy ; Lcdrn> i.Thc 
fetting forth the pnife of Chrift for the Redemption of (in- 
ners , may not only furnifli work to all reafonable creatures, 
but alfo if every drop of water in the fea, and in every river and 
flood, every fifli in the fea, every fowle of the aire, cvcryliving 
creature on the earth, and whatfoever elfe is in the world : if rhey 
all had reafon and ability to exprcfic themfelves ; ye3, and if ail 
the h ; .lls were able by motion and gefticulation to communicate 
their joy one to another; there is work for them all to fet out the 
C c 1 p;aife 


p.aifeot Chrift; for, Let the fear oar e, and the fulneffe there- 
of: the world, and they that dwell therein : Let the floods clap 
their bands f (?c doth import fo much, i. As the Lord can ne- 
ver be furficiently praifed for lalvation through Chrift: fo can- 
not any hearers dutifully^ and as becomes them, hear this do- 
ctrine without great joy or ftirring up themfelves to rejoyce 
therein: for if fenfelefle creatures in their own kinde be called 
upon to rejoyce, much more finful men, to whom the grace of 
Chrift is offered, and for whom the work of Redemption is 

Ver. 9. Before the LORD, for he cometh to judge 
the earth : With righteoufneffe Jhall he judge the worid 7 
and the people with equity. 

Thereafonofall this joy is rendered in this, that Chrift is 
coming to judge the earth and the world righteoufly, and to 
judge his own people in fpecial. Whence learn y 1. All the joy 
conceived for the Redemption and Salvation wrought by Chrift, 
and all the joy which floweth from his righteous Government, 
ftiould be offered unto God in fincerity, as a part of worfhip 
and thankful acknowledgement of his gracious gift: for the ex- 
hortation is not to rejoyce /imply, but, to rejoyce before the Lord* 
2. Chrift is very God, effentially JEHOVAH, before he be in- 
carnate : and when he cometh into the world, by afliiming our 
nature, he is the fame : Rejoyce before the Lord or tfebovab, for 
he cometh to judge the earth : that is, Chrift who is Jehovah com- 
eth to judge the earth, 3. It was foretold, that the work of go- 
verning the Church, and of ruling the whole earth for the 
Churches behoof, is committed unto Chrift incarnate, or to 
Chrift coming into the world $ He cometh to judge the earth. 
4, Chrift fhall guide the whole world, fo as all wrongs fhall be 
condemned, and betaken order with: his own people fhall 
have injuries done to them avenged, and themfelves directed, 
protected ana comfortrd ; With rigbteoufneffe foall he judge the 
world. 5. As Chrift fhall reward every man according as his 
Wotks have been, and do no man wrong: fo (hall he make his 
own people righteous, and followers of the rule of equity; 
JVitbrigbtcouJuefJefiall be judge the world, and the people with 


PSAL. XCIX. 391 


FOr thecomfort of the Church againft the multitude of e- 
nemies round about her, there is in this Pfalm a declarati- 
on of the Kingdom of Chrift, reigning as God, one with the 
Father and holy Spirit, in the Church of Ifrael, before his In- 
carnation: with a fourefold exhortation to all who mall heare 
tell of him. The firft exhortation istoftandin awe of him, 
becanfe of his great majefty manifefted in Sion, vcr. 1,2. An- 
other exhortation is, to praifehimfor his greatnefle, terrible- 
neife, holineffe and rightcoufnefle, vcr. 3,4. A third exhor- 
tation is> to glorifie andworfhip him for fundry realbns, v&* 
U*>7> §• For which herepeateth the exhortation the fourth 
time, vcr. 9, 

Var. 1. *TFHe LORD reigncth , let the people 
X tremble : he fitteth between the Ckc- 
rubims, let the earth be moved* 

2. The LOVSD is great in Siov, and he is high a- 
bove all people. 

From the firft exhortation to feare (Thrift, and to ftand in awe 
of him ;Larn> 1. Chrift was King in his Church, before his 
incarnation, and did reigne in the light or his Saints, from the 
beginning of the world : for as the Father from the begin- 
ning was inChrift his Sonne the Mediarbur, reconciling the 
world to himfeli, no: imputing their trefpaties unto them: (o 
Chiift the eternal Soane was in the Father, and with the Fa- 
ther and holy Spirit gathering ana governing his Church all 
the time before his incarnation : for i: is Chrift of whom here 
the Pfalmift fpcaketh , and calleth him 'febovxb, Ring in 
Sion ; The Lord rcignetb. 2. Albeit the Church beconipatici 
about with enemies, as the lilie among the thornes; yet bc- 
c.uife her Lord reigncth in the midftct her, file hath reabn 
not only to comfort he: felfe in him, bu: alio hath ground of de- 
fying her enemies, and bcafting againft them; The I 
reigncth, let the people or Km ions tremble. 3. The Lords 
people do no: worfhip an unknown God 3 they know 

Cc 4 and 

39? PSAL. XGIX. 

and where to Bade him, to wit, in his ordinances, on the throne 
bfgrice, reconciling himfelf to the world in Chrift j He fitwh 
between the Cherub ims. 4. Whofoever do feekGodin Chrift, 
iaave the Angels attending on Chrift, to go forth for the fer- 
vice and fafety of the bcleever and worfhipper $ for this did the 
ceremonial figure fignifie He fitteth between the Chcrubims. 
j. As Chrift is attended by Angels to the comfort of his 
Church, fo alio for the terrour and punifhment of all ad- 
verfaries in the world 5 He fitteth between the Cberubims, let 
ibe eirth be moved. 6. Albeit the Lord be great in his works c- 
very where, yet is his greatnefle moft manifeft to his Church 
by his Word and Works to her and for her ; the Lord is great in 
6ion. 7.Thereisnooppoiitioriwhichcanbemade againftthe 
Church; nopqwer or multitude of people able to prevail by 
counfel, device, plot or practice againft his Sion or his Church; 
for, He is high above all people : to diflipate their 'devices, 
bridle their fury, and deft roy them at his pleafure. 

Ver. 3. Let them praife thy great and terrible 
Name, for it is holy. 

4, The Kings fir ength alfo loveth judgement \ thou 
dgft efiablifh equity : thou executeft judgement and 
righteoufneffe in Jacob* 

The fecond exhortation is to praife Chrift the King of his 
Churchy for his' greathe fie, terrour, holineflc, moderation of his 
power, and love of juftice. Whence learn, 1. Whatfoever we 
know or underftandof God, we (hould not only by faith Tub* 
fcribe to it, and fcale it, and praife God for it our (elves, but 
mcuul alio commend it to others, and wimthe like mould be 
done by all men: Let them praife thy Name. a. As the 
great neffe of God in Chrift on the one hand mould induce men, 
io the terrour cf our God, who is a confuming fire to his ad- 
verfaries en the other hind, mould prefle men to praife him 5 
Lctthcmpraifet'y great and. ten illc Name. $. Whatfoever in 
Scripture is fed of Chrift, will be found to be really in him; he 
will apfwer to his nunc perfe&ly in all things , without' ftaine 
or blot; Let them praife thy great and terrible Name, for it h 
holy. 4. Albeit the enemies of Chrift, dclpife the weaknefle 
and limplicity of his G venment, yet he is a powerful and 
ftrotog King, both inbimfdr, and in and for ail who bcleevein 

: * : hiiii? 

PSAL. XCIX. 191 

Mm i for here the Church praifeth tb e Kings jtrcngtb. j.Chrift 
moderateth his power, fpecially ift relation to his fubje&s, and 
doth not what he may : dealeth not in the rigour of juflice with 
his people, layech no more on them then they are able to beare: 
his yoke is eafie and his burden is light; yea, he fuftereth them 
not to be tempted above their ftrcngth, but dtaleth difcreetly 
with them; moderation and difcretion pleafcth him: The 
lyings ftrengtb loveth yudgement. 6. The courfe which our 
God hath fet down for comforting the affli&ed, relieving the 
opprcfled, taking order with hypocrites and obftinare offenders, 
is very equitable, and a courfe which he will not alter or change; 
for , He lovetb judgement , andtbou doft cftabiijl) equity , faith 
he. 7. Chrifts anions and difpentations are anfwcrable to his 
Lawesand his revealed Word ; he teacheth his fubjeftsrighte- 
oufnefle ; he makcth thenyighteous, performeth his promifes, 
and executes his threatenings in his Church, according to his 
facred Word : Thou cxecuteji judgement and rigbteoupicjfe, in 

Ver. 5. Exalt je the LORT) our God, and wr» 
Jhip at lots jootfiool : for heu holy.. 

A third exhortation, wherein he prefleth the fame duty of 
glorifyngof God the third time, by three reafons ', One is, be- 
caufehe is holy, ver. 5. Another is., from the example of the 
Lords moft approved fcrvams, who did fubjec~t themielves un- 
to the Lords ordinances, to their own and others advantage, 
ver. 6,7. A third realon, from the example of the Church 
both in the wildernefie and in after-times, who as they found 
the benefit of obedience of the ordinances of God, when they 
worfhipped God as he commanded them : fo did they imart for 
their clifobcdicnce when they followed their own inventions, 
ver. 8. whereupon he repcatetb the exhortation the fourth 
time, ver. 9. 

Whence lexrne^ 1. Then is God rightly acknowledged, when 
his Covenant of grace offered in Quirt is embraced, when 
men joyr.cthemfclves tothetrucGod of Uriel , and when they 
efteemeof God and acknowledge him, as fuprcme Lord and 
King over all : Exalt ye the Lord our God 2 # Gad will be wor- 
shipped, when, and wheie,and how he pleafcth to commands and 
will not be worshipped butinChi-jft, figured by the Temple 



and Ark oftheTeftimony in it.- worjhipat or before bis foot- 
ftool. 3* The worfliippers of God under the Old Teftament 
were taught to lift their mindes above all earthly things, and 
loofe their mindes from all limitation of God unto any cor- 
poral prefence in the Sanctuary or Ark, and to wor (hip him as 
Solomon did, to wit, as God incomprehenfible, every where pre- 
fent, and to be fought in heaven, and adored in a fpiritual man- 
ner: for the Temple and Ark were but as his foot ftool, i lyings 
18.27. Exalt the Lord our god, and worjhip at bis footftool. 
4. Holineffe is the Lords property: he is holy in himfelf, holy in 
his appointing of his ordinances, and holy in his receiving of 
wormip ; rejecting all worfliip, but what he commandeth and 
callethfor, and he will be acknowledged holy by all that wor- 
ship him : and worthy is he fo to be efteemed of$for, He is holy : 
and this is the fcrft reafon. 

Ver. 6. Cfrfofes and ss4aron among his Priefis, 
and Samuel among them that call upon his Name: 
they called upon the LORD, and he anfwered 

7. He (pahe unto them in the cloudy pillar : they 
kept bis Tefiimonies y and the ordinance that he gave, 

The next reafon is from the example of holy men of God, 
Mofcs and Airon , Priefh or chief Officers, and Samuel a 
Piieft, Prophet, and Ruler of the Lords people, who all of 
them fubjected themfelves to the Ordinances of God j and wor- 
fhipped him to their own great utility, and advantage alfo of 
them 3 with and for whom they prayed unto God, and worfhip- 
ped him. Whence learn, 1. The examples of holy men of God 
commended in Scripture unto v.s 3 do fervc for inducement and 
encouragement unto us, to beleeve in God, to worfhip, and to 
obey him : Mofes and Aaron anong bis Priefts, or chief Offi- 
cers, and Samuel among them thai: all upon bis Name. z. Be- 
caufe the holieft men of God that ever wetc in the Church, ftood 
in need cf the ordinary of grace an.i wormip, and fub- 
jc&ed themfelves unto Ordinance; \ the. Lord will have none 
of his people to neglect Ordinances, or lift themfelves above 
Ordinances 5 for, CMofcs, Aaron and Samuel were among them 



thit call upon his Name. $. Whoever worfhip God, and obey 
his Ordinances uprightly , are enrolled in the catalogue with the 
chiefelt Saints, woriliippers of God ; Mofcs, Aaron and Samuel- 
Among tbcm that call upon bis l^jtme. 4, The prayers of the 
faithfull are not fruftrated , but have a good anfwers and the 
anfwer of the holieft fupplicants is fct forth to encourage the 
meaneft' of believers to call upon God alio j as the impartial hear- 
er of the prayers of all that call upon God in truths for he is no 
accepter of perfons : and to (hew this , it is faid here, Tbey called 
upon the Lord , and be beard tbcm. 7. The more evidences 
we have of Gods pretence, and the more familiarly he conde- 
fcendeth to teach us , the more humble and obfervant mould wc 
beofhisOrdinauces and Commands; He fpa\e unto them in 
the cloudic pillar : tbey b K cpt bis tcjiimonics , axd the Ordinances 
which be gave tbcm. 

Ver. 8. Thou anftveredft them , LO RV our 
God : thou waft a God that for gave ft them , though 
thon tookeft vengeance of their invent iens. 

The third reafon to move all to the duty of vvorfhip and obe- 
dience, is from the example of the mercy of God toward fincerc 
worfhippers on the one hand, and juitice toward them that fol- 
lowed mens inventions in Religion in the wilderneffe or after- 
ward on the other hand. IVbence learne , 1. The fame God, 
the fame Mediator, the fame Covenant of grace belong to the true 
Church both in former & latter ages; Yhou anfvpercdfi tbem,OLord 
our God . 2. Albeit the Lord give forth his Ordinances molt holy 
and perfect, to dircd men in their worfhipping ; yet fo perverfc 
is mens corrupt nature, as from time to time they are deviling de- 
vices, and following cheir own inventions , as here is imported. 
I 3. As the Lord is very merciful to his people , when they conti- 
| nue in his fear : fo is he juft to correct them , they pollute 
! Religion ; Tboutoofiejl vengeance cf their inventions. 4. Pcni- 
I tent (inners j although plagued for their fin, yet were never rcfu- 
j fed forgivencfle of fin, when they prayed ::nd fought unto God 
• for hyTbou waft a God that for gave!! tbcmjkough thou tovfeftven- 
gemec of their inventions. 5. Piagukd iiifliifce ; for fin t'pon Gods 
people, are not punifliments fatish&ory biuo juftic$.,&>c means 
I of correction, fcrving to d.'ive men to , and to fcekinc; 

of mercy, and may well ihnd with forgiv«ic0c of few 5 ior CloJ 


3p6 PSAL. C. 

can both plague finners to drive tliem to repentance, andforgi Te 
their fin when they do repent : Thou waft & God that forgaveft 
them , though thou tookefi vengeance of their inventions. 

Ver. 9. Exalt the LOR D our God, and Wor- 
Jhip at his holy hill ; for the L R *D our God 
is holy* 

The fourth exhortation to glorify God, wherein he doth ex- 
pound what he meaneth by the footftool of the Lord fpokenof, 
vet* 5; to wit, mount Sion 3 the holy hill where the Ark was; 
adding the fame reafon of the exhortation which was before, 
becaufe the Lord our God is holy. Whence learn , 1. It is apart 
of 3u exalting of the true God , to joync with his true Church , 
and to offer unto him with others, fuch worfliip as he doth pre- 
fcribe > Exth the Lord our God , and worjlnp at his holy hill. 
2. The Lords holincffe requireth of all men the exaltation of 
his Name,and fubje&ion to his Ordinances 3 neither can his ho- 
lincffe fufter any other worftiip then what he himfelfe doth ap- 
point: IVorjhip at his holy bill* for the Lord our God is holy. 
3* TheholinefleofGod 3 and the untainteJ glory of all his at- 
tributes , is both the glory and comfort of his people who arc in 
Covenant with him, and a motive alfo to them, to invite 
all men to the fellowship of his fervice with themfelves : Exalt 
the Lord our God, for the Lord our God is holy. 


A Pfalme of pra'fe. 

THe title of the Pfalm flieweth the fum and fcope thereof to 
be for (lining up of the whole Church to prai(e God cheer- 
fully j unto which duty all are exhorted once, ver. 1, i. for three 
reafons. Firft , becaufe he is God. Secondly, becaufe we are 
his creatures. Thirdly,becaufe we are his covenanted people, or 
members of the vifibleChurch.whereof he taketh care as a Pallor 
doth of his own flock, ver. J. And again,all are exhorted to thank, 
piaifc, and bleffe him , ver. 4. And that for h}s goodneffe, mer- 
cy, and truth , ver. j t 

Ver. i. 

PSA'fc.'C; 397 

Ver. I* \ !l*s4ke ajoyftillnoifcunto the LOR D, 
lVl4// jt lands. 
2. Serv* the LORD with gladnejfe : come be- 
fore his prefence With finging. 

From the fir ft exhortation to praife God ; Lame , 1. The 
duty of the Church vifible, in all her particular meetings in 
every place , how largely foever God (hall extend it, is to accept 
the offer of the grace of God joyfully 3 and to acknowledge the 
glorious riches of the grace of God , which he offercth unto them 
in the Gofpel 5 M&\e a )oyfull noife unto the Lord , all ye lands, 
or , all tti earth. 2. As we ought to accept of the offer of the 
grace of Go J joyfully : fo mould we alfo dedicate our felvesto 
Gods fervice heartily , ashecallethforit; becaufe according to 
the Gofpel, our perions and fervice are accepted , imperfe&ions 
pitied , our fins pardoned , and our holy endeavours are graci- 
oufly rewarded ; Serve the Lord xoixh gtidneffe* 3 . Our joy 
fliould be ftirred up 3 and expreflcd by Gnging or Pfalmesj efpeci* 
ally when we come to the afferablies or publick meetings,wherein 
the Lord hath promifed to give his prefence with his own Ordi- 
nances 5 Come before bis prefence with finging. 

Ver. 3. KnoVo je that the LORD he is Co J, 
it is he that hath made m , and not we our (elves : T9C 
are hit people y and the Jheep of his paftnre. 

From the reafons of this exhortation 5 Lcarne , 1. Such is 
our natural Atheifme , that we have need again and again to be 
inftru&ed, that the Lord is God 5 of whom , and through whom, 
and for whom are all things j ISjiow ye 3 tbxt the Lord be is God. 
2* If we did confider well , that we are Gods creatures , it wtrc 
a forcible motive unto us, to employ in Gods fervice whatfocver 
we have of God, life, motion, being 3 and gifis $ and to beware 
to make any thing we have of^God, a weapon of unrighteouf- 
mfle for fighting againft him ; and of this confidcration we have 
need tQ be put in muide, and to be ftirred up to the duty : He it 
istbxtbxtb made us. $. The glory of our regeneration or new 
creation bclongeth unto God , no lefle then the glory of our cre- 
ation and natural birth : and itis>no lefle madneflc to afciibe the 
work of our regeneration to our own power ^ then toalctjbeour 


3p8 PSAL. C. 

firft creation to our felves; for in both refpefls here it is faid, 
that it is be tbxt made us , and n$t we our [elves. 4. As the 
Lords people fhould ftirre up themfelves to more thankful feivice 
unto God, as their relations unto God 3 and obligations to him 
as their King and Paftor 3 are joyned ; fo may they expect from I 
God for their encouragement, whatfoever is needful to a people 
or a flock to have from a good King and faithful Paftor j We \ 
are bis people, andficcp of bis pafture. 

Ver. 4. Enter into his gates With thanksgivings 
and into bis courts with With prfrfe : be thankful 
unto him , and bleffe his Name. 

Prom the repetition of the exhortations Learne , i. It is 
our duty in our approaches unto God, fpecially for any folemnc 
fervice, to confider what rich benefits we have from him , that 
thereby we may be ftirred up unto the more hearty acknowledge • 
ment of his favours $ Enter into bis gutes with thanksgivings 
2« A s the Lords benefits to us fhould be looked upon in our ad- 
dieffes unto him: fo aha his glorious attributes, and his workes 
anfvverable thereto, fhould be confidered ; whereby we maybe 
the better dKpofed to give unto him glory in all refpe&s : Enter 
i?itobis courts with praife. 3. Th,e more we look upon Gods 
praifes, the more fhall we fee our own riches , and the iblidity of 
our bleffednefte in-him , and the reafons to move us to thank and 
bleffe him : "Be xbmkfull unto bim, and bleffe bis liame. 

Ver. 5. For eke L R 1> is good , his mer- 
cy is cverlafling: and his truth endureth to all ge- 

Prorh the reafons fubjoynedtothe fecond exhortation to praife 
the Lord; Lexrne> 1. It is a matter of perpetual praife of 
God , and of thankfgiving, and bleffing of him , that as he is al- 
fufficient in himfelfe : fo he is alfo communicative of his 
riches unto his creatureas , and unitp us his own people moft of 
all > Bleffe bis Name, for the Lord is good. 2 . Albeit we be fin- 
full , and deferve to be cut off in juftice from the benefits 
which Gads goednefle might beftow upon us 5 yet the courfe of 
his pardoning mercy renewing- the remiflibn of fin to us, as 



oft as we come to him in his Chrift, doth keep the channel of his 
goodncfle open and clear to us , that it may run toward us for 
ever 5 His mercy is cvcrlaftinz. 5, The Covenant of grace fet 
down in the Scriptures of the Old and New Teftament, with the 
legacieof fo many rich Promi reserving to ftrengthen the faith of 
every weak believer, doth make the matter of Gods praife, and 
of his peoples joy esfofure, that how fad foever our fpirits may 
be, when we look to our felves 5 yet we (hall have matter of prai- 
fing, thanking, andblefliugGod, when we look tohisgood- 
nefle and mercy , and to what he hath for our comfort faid in 
the Word of his cverlafting truth : Be tbanfifull unto bim, and 
blcjfe bis Name: for the Lord is good ; his mercy is cverlafting, 
And bis truth enduretb to all generations. Amen. 










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