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A Brief 


Of the laft Fifty 


From?/, i oo. to the end. 


Profeflbr of Divinity in the 



Col. $.16. 

Let the Word of Cbrijl dwell in you richly >Jn all mfdom, teach- 
ing and admonijhing one another, in Pfalmes and Hymnes, knd 
foiritud Songs >fingingmtb grace in your hearts to the lord. 

Edmun d CalAmy, 


Printed by T. K. and E.CM. for Ralph Smith, at the Bible in 
Qornhill> near the Royal Exchange. An % Vom. 1654. 






Grace and Peace through 
Chrifl fefus* 

Oij Right Ityble Lord, 

^Neofthefpeciall motives of my 
refolution, to follow this work 
in parcells , was the apparent ha- 
zard, that ifin this time of trou. 
ble, and of my old age, I fhould 
have delayed to put forth fomc 
part of it, till all had been ready, the whole 



The Efiftle Dedicatory. 

might have been mifcarried, or marred by 
fomepafTage of providence, which might have 
befallen me. But feeing it hath pleafed the 
Lord to fpare my life x and my health, and my 
liberty in his fervfce, afc tainted not the ex- 
ample of grave Authors befope me to ctivide 
the whole Book of the Pfalnrs into three 'fif- 
ties • and to dedicatettfdrj^part to feverall per- 
fohs : So Ljudgedi it good thrift to takeoccafion 
thereby, to teftifi£ my bound duty and iefpeft, 
to fo many of the Noble friends otltion^ as I 
could overtake, and th& : Mth a minde to ho- 
nour all the reft^who have put their fhoulder to 
the work of fefclitig R.digi^ fc 4nd ttie King- 
dome of Chrift among us: tvhofe labours, al- 
beit they lihould have no other fruit in out time, 
then the right ftateing of the gueflion between 
us and all adVerfaries df *he hkz do&tf nfej 3vor- 
ihip, and difciplineof Chrifig A6ufe 3 as it is fee 
down in the Confe/fcoboffaicli; in thedire&o- 
ry for publick wqrfhip, and in the Rules of Go* 
vernment of Chrifts Church, drawn ionh 
from Scripture warranty yet even that much 
is worth all the expenfe of vvhatfoevcr is be- 
llowed, by any,or all the Lords worthies, upon 
Religion. And howfoever the Lord doth 
claimCjancl call for the whole glory of this 
work to himfelfe alone, by ftaining the pride 
jofthe glory of all inftruments whereof he hath 


The Epifile Dedicatory'. 

made ufe about it (asnowappearethj left the 
gloryduetohimfelfein all and every one of 
thepaffages of promoting the fame fhould be 
ccehpfed, yet will he never utterly rejeft this 
fervice,nordifallow the upright endeavours of 
his fervants therein j but will in his own time, 
and way, both advance it, and bear witnelTe to 
his faithfull fervants in and about it a wherefoe- 
ver he hath a minde to keep houfe,or to Reigne 
as King in Sion. Yea, he will alfo make it 
known to the world, that as on the one hand, he 
will not want a vifible Kingdome in the world, 
(though not of this world ) fo on the other. 
hand,that his Kingdome mall be fo farre from 
hindring the civill Government of Magiftrates, 
where it hath place, that by thecontrary it mall 
be a chiefe prop, and pillar of every Kingdome, 
where it is received. 

In this number of upright promoters of 
the Kingdome of Chrift , Yoar Lord- 
fliip hath been alwayes looked upon all 
the time of our late troubles, as one very emi- 
nent: andlfince my firfl: admiffion into your 
Lordfhips acquaintance, have obferved your 
conftant care and endeavour, as to know what 
was the right indifficile queftions, fo alfo to 
hold it faft according to your power, after you 
had difcovered ir. Which as it may be your 
Lordmips comfort, fo is it your commenda- 

A 4 tion, 

the Epiftle Dedicatory. 

tion, and ail mens duty to do the like, efpeciaU 
ly in this dangerous rime, wherein finnes pra- 
difed, and not repented of, are fofeverely and 
juftly puniflied, by Gods giving over the impe. 
nitent to the open profefling and defending of 
their unrepented faults ; for God injufticeand 
wifdom, has fufFered the hedges of his Vine- 
yard to be broken down, and the holy difci- 
pline of his houfc to be fo fee at nought by all 
forts of perfqis, that every fpirit of errour, ha- 
ving open way to come in at the breach, he 
might thereby try andexercifeallhis people, 
who ftand in Covenant with him byProfcffion 
qnd reclaim or punifli fuch as live in errour : 
Andnowonperthathe fofhoulddo, for when 
there is fo little ufe made of the holy Ordinan- 
ces of Religion, when the Scriptures are either 
not read, or not efteemed of, when the forme 
of godlinefle is feparated from upright en- 
deavour to feel and fhew forth the life and 
power of it, when the grace of theGofpel is 
turned into wantonneffe, and men are become 
fo much the more bold to fin, as they do hearc 
much of the mercifulnefTe of God, when eve- 
ry divine pzwh is either not beleeved at all, or 
receive^ only with humane and temporary 
faith: whenChrift is looked upon by raauy 
pniy as a man, and not as God manifeftedin 
the flefh, not as the eternal Son of God, who 


The Epiftk. Dedicator). 

from everlafting was with God, and was God, 
Co-worker in the Creation, with the Father 
and the Spirit, whenChrift is confeflcd to be 
Chrift, but not employed as Mediatour^ or fas 
if men had need of him) not made ufe of 
in his Offices 5 when many docafl: open their 
foules unto, and feek after another fpirit then 
the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, the Holy 
Ghoft, who according to the Scriptures, both 
wounds and heales the confeiences of belee- 
vers, and fanftifieth the heart and converfation 
of all them that come to God through Chrift. 
In this time (I fay ) when thefe and many o- 
ther ungodly practices of men, walking after 
the imagination of their own hearr, do fo a- 
bound } whar wonder ir it that the Lord hath 
let loofe fo many unclean fpirits, as no hiftory 
can (hew more in fo fliort a time in any age, or 
in any place of the world, by whofe ranging 
up and down among us, God is about to make 
manifeft the ftability and finceriry of the 
faith of them, who are approved, and to take 
trial of others, (in whom fuch damnable practi- 
ces, as by the do&rine of devils, are now open- 
ly defended, will be found unrepented)whether 
after they (hall hear their ungodly pranks main- 
tained and patmnized, by fotne Sed-mafter, 
HeretickorSchifmatick, they will abhor fuch 
abominable do&rine, and repent their owne 


The Epifile Dedicatory. 

former mif-deeds, which have fpoken the Ian - 
guage of fbme of thofe vile errours ; Or whe- 
ther they will juftifie their own faults, (accord- 
ing as thei r Sett- matters do teach them to do,) 
either by defpifing all the Ordinances, and lift- 
ing themfeives above the fame, or by reje&ing 
the com mands and cords of the moral Law, will 
Ioofe themfeives from the obedience thereof, 
as if-Chrift had freed the believer from the com- 
mand and authority of the Law, no leffe then 
from the Covenant and curfe thereof 5 or by 
blafphcming the Scripture, will cry down the 
truth, and the ufe and power of it 5 or by cal- 
ling every truth in qucfl ion, will exempt them- 
feives from the bonds of all Religion; or will 
walk after the imagination of their own heart, 
and make their own conceits their Oracle, their 
fmcic their faith, and their lufts their God; or 
will, by oppofing one or other of the Perfons 
of the Godhead, deny and feparate the indivi- 
fible Efface of one God in three Perfons} or 
by receiving the do&rine of fome of thofe 
many lefier antichrifts which are in the world, 
will incorporate themfeives in the great myfti- 
calbody of that one Antichrift, fpoken of in 
Scripture* or in a word, will by rcjc&ing the 
truth, and not receiving of it in love, when it is 
offered, bring in upon themfeives ftrong delu- 
fions, and give a powerful poff (lion of them* 


felvtt to the devil j whereby he may fo rule in 
them, as to make them vent whatioevcr hell 
candevife, totfredifhoriour'of God and Chri- 
stian Religion, that all fuch may be damttcd, as 
for their not receiving the truth in love, fo alfo 
for their takingpleafujre in unrightcoflfnefle, ac- 
cording as the Apoftfe did prophecie fiiould 
come to pa(fe,Vb Tkftt. i f ,. i > • 

In fuch a time therefore a$ this is, wherein 
the LdrtihrhfaiklUng^ who are of God, and 
who not, who do know God, and who 
not; who do follow the Spirit of truth, 
and who are led by thefpiritoferrour, and is 
deciphering them by this infallible mark 
which the Apoftkgivetb, I ]ohn\6. that the 
one giveth a beleeving and obediential eare to 
tfa Penmen of holy Scripture * the other doth 
not fo • what a mercie, yea, what an honour 
and happinefTe is it for the Lords children, to 
make fuch ufe of a felled Miniftry (which is the 
great gift of Chrjft beftowed upon his 
Church,) as not to be carried about with eve- 
ry winde of do&rine, Eph. 4. u, 12, 15, 
14. not to be led away with the errour of 
the wicked, nor fall from their own fted- 
fiftncfle, but to 'grow in grace and in the 
knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jefus 
Chrift, 2 Pet. 3. jj y 18, Which grace, 
and honour, and happinefTe, that it amy 


'the Epijtle Dedicatory. 

hot only continue Iwith your Lord/hip , 
but alfo be granted to all thofe that love 
our Lord Jefus Chrift in Sincerity , is the 

Tour Lordjhips ready Servant 
in the Cojpel, 

David Dickson. 








N the two former parts of 
this wer\> lhavefpohgnmy 
mindeto thee, in relation to 
this brief Explication of the 
Pfalmes i 1 will not here 
hgep thee up in the entry of this lafl part, 
nor fay any more untothee,fa<ve this, It is 
our bound duty, toblefshim that inhabit- 
eth thepraifesof Ifrael, who willhaveaU 
the Mourners in Sionto be comforted and 
who, ashe hath prepared in this moun- 
tain untoall people, Ik.25. 6. a feaft 


To the Reader. 
of fat things, a feaft of wines on the 
lees, of fat things full of marrow, of 
wines on the lees well refined, by be- 
flowing Chriji, and the unfearchable rich- 
es of his grace, upon every Penitent who 
fleeth to him for delivery from fin and' 
wrath ; fo hath he alfo prepared to every 
fitch font the excellent fongs ofSion, to 
encreafe their feflival gladnefs, and for e- 
videncing ofhtspurpofe to give unto them 
everlafiing joy, after this life is ended i 
bath put in their hands for their comfort 
in every condition, wherein they can be 
in this prefent life and valley of tears) 
this f&eetfmdltd bundle of Pfalmes ; 
wherein he hath made his worlds of mercy 
and of judgement thepawnes of his promi- 
fis, for compleat happinefs unto them, 
and alfo of the utter overthrow and per- 
dition of all their enemies, and hath ap- 
pointed both mercy and judgement to be 
the matter, as of their joy, foofhisowne 
glory in the Church, to be lifted up as a fi- 
eri fee upon the Altar Chriji Jefus, by the 

voice i 

To the Reader. 

voice of his people , fznging with grace to 
him, both alone and in company, and ma- 
Jung melody in their hearts : therefore as 
in the changes of our own particular pri- 
vate condition, we have liberty to choofe 
for our ufefuch parts of the Pfalmes, as 
dofpeakjnojl near to ourprefent cafe : So 
let hs be bound in public^ meetings of the 
Church, tojoyne with the Congregation in 
finging every truth uttered by Gods Spirit 
in the Pfalmes, as we are direSied by the 
Minifier and mouth of the meeting, for glo- 
rifying of him, who hath done, promifed, 
threaten ed,and taught, whatfoever is ther- 
in exprejjed', Kemembring that his Prai- 
fes are the pillars of our faith; and that his 
joy is ourflrength; and that thofe calves of 
our lips, are acceptable facrifces to God 
through Jefns Chriji, in and for whom 

I am thy Servant in the Work 
of the Gofpel, 

David' Dick son. 

A Brief 


Upon the laft Fifty 



Avidy not being as yet entered in poffeffion of 
his Kingdome, doth by dire&ion of the holy 
Spirit, fall upon a confederation of the duties 
of a righteous Prince, which he fettethdown 
as a rule, to be followed by himfelf and all 
Magiftratcs, obliging himfelf, to endeavour 
to conforme his Government thereto : where- 
in he is but a type and fhadow of Chrift, in whom alone the 
perfect performance of the duties here promifed are to be found* 
The principal duties which David undertaketh to difcharge* 
maybe, for orders fake, reduced to the number of eight, ac- 
cording to the number of the verfes. 

Ver. i. T Will fmg of mere y an d judgement, unto 
X thee, LORD, mil I fmg. 

The firft duty which he undertaketh, is, to delight himfelf in 
all royal venues, required ior the Government of good or bad 
fubjefts > p and to make thofe duties his Song ; and to approve 

t* himftJ 


himfelf to God for the fincerity of his intention in this under- 
taking. Whence learn, 1. All the duties of righteous Govern- 
ment may be comprehended under thefe two heads, mercy and 
judgement - t for, mercy taketh in the care of the poor, needy, op- 
prelfed or injured; and judgement taketh in the care of equity, 
and righteous dealing among the fubje&s, with the rewarding 
of the good, and punifliing of evil doers : mercy provideth for all 
good things which the fubjeft needeth, and judgement provideth 
for their fecurity, and for removing whatfocver evill may 
trouble them 5 I mil fmg (faith he) of mercy and judgement. 
2. Such as are defigned unto any calling, especially any publick 
charge, ihould prepare themfelves for it : partly, by laying be- 
fore themfelves the duties belonging to the right difcharge of 
fuch a calling: and partly,by bending of their hearts, and laying 
engagements on their fpirits, for the faithful difcharge thereof* 
for fo much doth Davids example hereteach us. 3 .Duties of a 
mans calling, fhould both be ftudied unto, and discharged with 
fomecheavfulnefleandreadinefleofmindes for, IrviUfing of 
mercy and judgement, importeth fo much. 4. As it is expedient 
for the peoples bettet acceptance of a man to a publike charge,that 
his purpofe to difcharge his duty therein be publifhed; foalfo 
it is expedient for the mans ftirring up and fattening to Jiis du- 
ty, that he engage his heart unto God 5 for, fo doth Davids 
example teach us : Untotbce, OLORD* witllfing. 

Ver.2. I will behave my felf Vvifely in a perfett 
voaj \ Owhen mlt thou come unto me f 1 mil walk 
Vvithin my hotife Veith a per (e 61 heart. 

The fecond duty which he undertaketh, when God ihallcoroe 
unto him to performe his promife, and put him in pofleflion of 
the Kingdome, is, that he will caft a copie to all the fubjefts, of 
godly and wife behaviour in his own perfon and family, accord- 
ing to the rule of Gods Word. Whence learn, i.Hc that pur- 
poieth to carry a publick charge well, mull difcharge the duty 
of a private man well in his own perfon, and make hisownper- 
fonal carriage exemplary to all who (hall hear of him : for fo doth 
*Davids undertaking here teach us. 2. It is neceflary for our per- 
lonal carriage, and convening with others, that we make the 
Lords commands our Rule; for that is a perfect way'; and that 
we ftudie ;o make application of general rules prudently, accord- 


ing tothecircumftancesoftime, place and pcrfon ; for, this i^ 
wifdome, as Davids example doth teach : / will behave my [elf 
wifely in aperfeft way. $. Such as belecve Gods pmmifes, do 
long to have the performance of them, as we fee in David, who 
had a promise of the Kingdome, and looked long for it : O 
when wilt tbdu come unto me ? 4 # In the performance of promi- 
ses, the Lord maketh his approaches nearer and nearer unto «th£ 
beleever^and then (hall be the neareft communion,when God flial 
perform all that he hath promifed unto us : for David calleth the 
giving unto him the pofleflion of the promifed Kingdome, 
Go Js coming unto bim : when wilt thou come unto me? (A 
mans holineile, righteoufnclfe and wifdome>is put to proof by his 
behaviour to his domefticks, with whom he doth moll frequent- 
ly and imirely converfe : for herein doth David promife to give 
evidence of bis walking wifely ina perfedway : I will walfl 
within my houfe with a perfect heart. 6. To compfeat a mans 
(incerityjit is neceflary not only that he have a perfect way, and a 
prudent carriage in it, but alfothathc be upright in his hearr, 
intentions^ ends and motives 5 therefore David zidtih, I will 
walk with a per felt heart. 

Ver, 3 1 Will fet no wicked thing before mine eyes: 
1 hate the work^ of thtm that tnrn afide, it (ball not 
cleave to me. 

The third duty undertaken i$,tbat he will be far from plotting 
of any wicked thing, and far from communion with any per - 
fonsin an evil eourfe* which is a proof of the uprightnefle of his 
heart, undertaken in the former verfes. Whence leart y i.A 
wicked dehgne is inconfiftent with uprightnefle of heart, which 
hath an aime at pleating of God, and ac nothing elle but what 
he will allow: I will fet no wicfad thing before mine eyes, z A 
man can hardly be free of an evil courier he flial be tempted un- 
to it, except he hate and abhor fuchcourfes in other mens pra- 
ctices; forhewhoisrefolved to be upright, ihould fay truly,! 
bate the work of them that turn afidc. 5 . Albeit an upright heart 
may be at unawares intanglcd in a (inful courfe > yet fo loon as he 
doth perceive ic to be fuch, he will quit its therefore after David 
Jiathfaid, He hateth the work of them that turn afde } hcaddeth, 
It (hall not cleave 1% mc* 

B a Vtf. 


Ver. 3. tsffroward heart fba/l depart from me, 1 
Will not know* wicked per [on. 

The fourth duty undertaken is, in relation to the Court and 
places of truft : he will not have in his company, nor will coun* 
tenance a pcrverfe or wicked yziion'jWbcnceJLcaMjX. Among the 
vices of the heart, frowardnefle, perverfeneffe and wickedneiTe, 
are moft of all to be efchewed and abhorred, becaufe thofe evils 
do harden the heart againft admonition, and do make rt incor- 
rigible in an evil courfc,albeit a better courfe be ftiewen 5 there- 
tore Daiid denounceth war againft fuch a difpofition 5 A frow- 
ard bcmjb&ll depmfrommc. z. It is good for a King, and for 
his Court, and for his fubje&s,and for the ftanding of the King- 
dome, that wicked, perverfe, and impious men be out of credit in 
the Court, and not admitted to places or power of truft; for no- 
thing can be more acceptable to God in the point of Govern- 
ment, nor more amiable to the fubjects then this ; for which 
caufe2>rj/ipromifethtothe fubjeds beforehand , 1 will not 
know awicficdperfon; much more will Chrift not know, but 
difclaira fuch a perlon, 

Ver. 5. Who fo frivily Jlandereth hU neighbour, 
him Will lent off : him that hath an high look^ and * 
propd heart mlTiMt Ifuffcr* 

The fifth duty undertaken, is the curbing of out-breaking 
wickednefle, efpecially of that which moft hindereth the peace 
and welfare of the fubje&s, fuch as is ; piivie (lander, and open 
infolencie. Whence leant, 1, There is no fort of perfonsmore 
pernicious to a King, or to his (ubje&s, then is a privie (tender- 
er, having credit in Court: for he is able to murther any fub- 
jeS, and ruine his State, by feciet and falfe reports of him, while 
the innocent is ignorant of it, andwanteth all place to defend 
himfelf; and therefore this evil is to be feverely punifhed by 
the Magistrate: Who fo privily Jlunderetb his neighbour, him 
will I cut off. z A Kingdom is not well ruled, except proud 
and infolent fpirits, whole behaviour fpeakerh prodigality, ftrife, 
emulation and oppreffion, be taken order witi and born down ; 

Him tbxthttb a frigb /po£ and a proud bem^ will ml ^Jfer. 



And tuch, if they efcapc mens judgements, will not be wink- 
ed at by Chrift , in whom the truth of types is accom- 
plifhed • 

Ver. 6. Mine eyes fhali be upon the faithful of 
the land, that they may dwell nith me : he that walk^ 
eth in a perfect way, hefhallferve me. 

The fixth duty undertaken, is countenancing and encoura- v 
ging of the godly in the land. Whence learn y i.TheMagi- 
ftrate mould have a fpecial care to countenance upright men, 
and fuch as fear God : Mine cyetjhall be upon the faithful in the 
LnA. 2. It is good policy, for Kings to hive in their Court and 
Councel fuch as are faithful ; Mine eyes jhall be upon the faith- 
ful of the land, thut they may dwell with me, ^ He is to be 
held in our eftimation for a faithful man, who walketh after 
the rnle of Gods Commandments ; for fuch, as he called faith- 
ful before, heexpoundeth here to be (\xch as walk in a perfect 
-way; whether his he^rt beuprighr or not, doth belong to God 
to judge. 4. As it h good policy in a State, to have about the 
King or fup.emc MagHiratef-uchasare Profeffors of true Reli- 
gion, and of an honeft convention: fo it is good thrift and 
husbandrie, for every man to choofe fuch for their fervants in 
the family; He that walketh in a perfect way y he jhM 
ferve me. 

Ver. 7. He that "toirketh deceit, fhall not dwell 
-within my honfe:he that telleth lies Jhall not tarry in my 

The feventh duty undertaken, is the purging out of difcovercd 
hypocrites, if they mall creep in into credit or truft. Whence 
learn, 1.. Deceitful and falfe men, and counterfeit hypocrites, 
may efcapemens observation, and creep into the feliowlhip o£ 
the godly, and climbe up to the Court, and get place in Kings 
houfesi for fo doth David prefuppofc here. 2.Whenmcnare 
•dilcoveredand found to be deceitful workers and liars, then fuch 
as hive power fhould purge them out ; He that worfatb deceit , 
fhill not dwell within my houfe ', \k that telleth lics l foall not 
t my in my fight. 

B j Ver 


Ver. 8. 1 Will early deflroy all the wicked of the 
hnd % that I may cut off all Wicked doers from the Ci* 
tyof theLOR<D. 

The eighth duty undertaken, is, to fuppreffeall ungodliueffe 
in the land, and that for the good of religion, and furtherance 
pfthe welfare of theChurch. Whence learn, i.The duty of 
Magiftrates is to fuppreffe all the wicked in their Kingdom, left 
by indulgence ftiewen to them, they do multiplie, and fo bear 
down the godly : J will deftroy all the wicked of the land, i. The 
fnore timoufly the Maeiftrate doth declare himfelf againft all 
wickednefle, the more doth he what belongeth to his duty : I will 
mly deftroy all the wic\ed ef the land. $. Albeit it be not 
pofiible for any Magiftrate, corporally to deftroy all the wicked 
in theland, partly, becaufe it is impoffible to finde out every one; 
and partly, becaufe the number of the righteous and found -heart- 
ed is few, and their power weak $ and partly, becaufe none can 
detetminewho they are in particular: yet a godly Magiftrate 
may civilly deftroy them all, by cau(ing to execute civil punifh- 
ments, and that EccleGaftick Difcipline be exercifed againft all 
them, who do not fubmit themfelves to Gods lawes, till all 
men yield outward obedience ; and unto this duty fhould every 
Magiftrate fet himfelf : I will early deftroy all the wicked in 
ibeland. 4.TheMagiftratesdut;yis,Dy his power and bypunifli- 
ment of evil doers, to endeavour the welfare of Gods Church 
Within his bounds, as theMinifter of God appointed for that 
end: for David faith, I will early deftroy all the wicked of the 
fand 3 that I may cut off all the wicked doers from the City of the 
L0R2). If the Mageftrate mail punifli open tranfgreffions, 
the Church will be in better cafe : This was Davids refolution 
as a type of Chrift, and howfoever in execution much was, 
wantingin the type, yet Chrift will performe all this exaclly in 
bis own appointed time, and in his own order, partly in this life, 
partly at mens death, and partly at the laft day* 



A prayer of the affliftcd when be is overwhelmed, and pouretb out 
bis complaint before the Lord. 

THis Pfalme agreeth well with the time of the Babylonifh 
captivity of the Jcwes, about the end whereof, the feven- 
ty years being now nigh expired, the weight of the mifery of 
Gods people, and the mockerie of the heathen, and the peoples 
longing for delivery, did fo afflift the Prophet, that in com- 
paffion towards the Scattered Church, he poureth out this prayer, 
and communicateth it at the Lords direction, to all other feeling 
members of the body to be made ufe of, for the waking up of 
their affections, and ftrengthening of their hope of delivery. 
The parts of it are three; Inthcfirft, he craveth audience to 
his prayer becaufe of his fad condition,wherein he fympathizeth 
witn the Church in affliction, to ver. 12. In the fecond, he 
encour3geth himfelf in the hope of being heard in behalf of the 
Church^ to ver. 2 $ . In the third, he layeth forth the occafion of 
all this grief, which was the fear he had of the cutting ofTof the 
Church of the Jewes, before the coming of the Melliah; and 
flievvethhow he ftrengthencd his faith in prayer againftthis 

From the Infctiption, Lcam, 1 . It is no ftrange thing for the 
dear children of God, to be under heavy affliction $ for, here it 
isprcfuppofed that they may be afflicted, yea, and overwhelmed. 
2. The conlideration of the condition wherein the Church is, 
ferveth toaffwage and mitigate the private calamities of any par- 
ticular ceifon at anytime: for this prayer giveth direction to 
the afflicted, whatfoever be his affliction, tolook upon the con- 
dition of the Church in the mean time, that it mayeafehfc 
private grief, if it be well with the Church > and again, that it 
may either eafe his private grief, or turn it to run in the right 
channel, if the Church be in a hard condition, as here it is held 
forth: for the mod kindly grief of a lively member of ;he 
Church, is that grief wherein he fympathifceth with the calami- 
ty of the body, and this wifdom is propounded in thisPfalm; 
and recommended to Gods people to be made ule of, 3. The 
affliction of the Saints before us, may andftiouldbe the matter 
B 4 oi 


©four comfort and fong to God, and hope o. r help to us in our 
prayers; for thjsdoth the Infcription and Pfalme teach us. 
4, The way for a man afflided and overwhelmed, to have eafe, 
comfort and deliverance, is, to poure out bis foule before tbc 
tori 5 for lo much is here imported. 5. Albeit a perlon afflict- 
ed, cannot fill up the words of this Pfalme, in his own proper 
orefent reeling, yet may he make good ufe of this prayer, which 
teacheth him how towreftle for a'deiiveranec : for the general 
{hie prefixed to the pfalme teaehetft fo much, 

Vcr. I. TJEtremy Prayer, LORD, and let 
jLX my cry come unto thee. 

2. Hide not thy face from me, in the day when / am 
In trouble, encline thine eare tint* me : in the day when 
J call, apfeermeffecdily. 

In the firft part of the Pfalme, he prayeth for ready acceffe 
and auaience to his prayer, becaufe of his heavy afflidion, which 
is fet down more generally, iwv 1, 2. and more particularly 
branehed fbtth in the nine following verfes. Prom his petition 
for audience 5 Learn, j. A foul afftided, feeking relief and 
comfort in God, may both confidently pray for, and certainly 
exped audience and acceptance of its prayer 'j Hear my prayer, 
O God, z. The earneft prayer of an humble Supplicant, cannot 
be kept out from God, by whatfoever objeded impediment ; 
for. Let my cry come unto tbcc y is thus much : Let -nothing bold 
cut my prayer. 3. Albeit it is not any ftrange thing to fee a foul 
in trouble, and God to feem to be difpleafed with it alio, yet the 
want of Gods confolation, and fenfeof hisdifpleafure, is more 
heavy then the trouble, and is that which the godly canleaft en- 
dure : Hide not tby face from me, in the day when 1 am in 
trouble. 4. The Lord fuftereth his babling children to fpeak to 
him in their owne forme of fpeech, (albeit the termes which 
theyufe, be not fitted for his ipiritual, invifible, and incom- 
prehenfiblc Majefty) fuch as are , Hear me, hide not tby face, 
encline thine ear to me, and fuch like other fpeeches. 5. A foul 
perplexed and overwhelmed with trouble, cannot long endure 
the Lords withdrawing ofhisprefenccfrom it: In tbc day wbeQ 
I wU) wfacr me fpcedily, 

u - M Ver, 


Ver. 3. For my dayes are confumed like f moke: 
anhmy bones are burnt as an hearth. 

4, My heart Ufmitten^and^itheredlikf graffe, fa 
that I forget to eat my bread. 

5. By reafon of the voice of mj groaning : my bones 
cleave to my s\(m. 

6. 1 am like a Pelican of the ftildernejfe : 1 am like 
an Owle of the defer t. 

7. 1 watch, and am as 4 Sparrow alone upontht 
houfe top. 

He fetteth down his affliftion more particularly 5 Firft, in 
the effects andugriesofhjsforrowtobeleeninhiSDody,to?. 8. 
Then in he c .ules thereof,to v, 1 i.Thirdly,in the confluence 
and chief erTeft therof repeated, which is the apparent utter undo- 
ing of him,!;. 1 1. As for the firft,we may take the figns of forrow 
exprefled in a number of firniiitudes, to defcribc both the con- 
dition of the Prophets natural bodie, and alfothe condition of 
the body politick, of rhe tribe of Judab now in captivity Whence 
learn, 1. The Lords childen are fubje&to iuch lad condi- 
tions, as may bring their very natural body to a fort of decay, as 
thofe firniiitudes here ufed do exprefle. z. The condition of 
avifibleChutchj mayfeem, and reallybein its own kinde, in 
fuchaweak, forryand hckconditiou, as the companions here 
do hold rortht $. As fmoke is extracted by fire out of a moift 
body, and doth vanifh when it is evaporated :fo may the life and 
vigour of a Saints body be fpent, and confumed by trouble, and 
fenfc of Gods withdrawing, or of his wrath j My dayes arc 
confumed like fino^e. 4. As fire hcateth the hearth, and the 
hearth once hot with fire, is able to kindle and bum timber or 
coales, or any combuftible matter call on it; fo is the icnfe of 
Gods wrath in long lading trouble, able to fpend the ftrength 
of the ftrongeft man j My bones are burnt as ai hearth. 5 As 
graffe witherech when it is cut: fo is the courage of a man caft 
down, whenhefinde:h Gods anger, profiling his Church or 
himfelf; My heart is fmittcn, and withered as grafje. 6. When 
God is feen to be angry, the comforts of this life a: e uftelefle, 
and can yield no pleafure ; 1 forgot to cat my bread. 7. Heavie 
forrow can hardly be fupprtffed , lights tind gio?ns muft of 



necefficy give fome vent unto it: tor, here is the voice of groan* 
ing. 8. The exercife of the fpirit of Gods deardt children may 
endure long, even till their flefh faile them: and their jean- 
uefle may be fuch as here is fpokenof j CMy bones cleave to my 
s\in. 9. As in fad troubles familiars ufe to draw back from, 
and leave a man alone; foalfo a fad foul loveth to be alone, ra- 
ther then to be a fpeftaele of mifery to others : I am like a Peli- 
can in the wildcrneftej am Ifye an Owle in the defert. 10. Trou- 
ble of minde is able to bereave a man of nights reft, and then 
his readieft eafe of minde, is to vent his grief to heavenward. 
I watch, and am as a Sparrow alone on the boufe top, chirp- 

Ver* 8* Mine enemies reproach me all the day* 
and they that aremadagainfi me y are [worn againft 

Thecaufesofhis grief are three; Firft, the reproach and dc- 
fperate cruelty of the enemy againft the Church, ver 8. Se- 
condly, thefenfeof Gods anger appearing in his difpenfation, 
which drew him not only to frequent fafting and teares, butal- 
fo to an uncomfortable life. Thirdly, the coaipaiifon of times 
of the former profperity of the Church with the prefent adverfi- 
ty,ver. 9,10. Whence learn y i % The men of this world ufe 
to meet with pity in their calamity, but thi godly are fubjed 
to reproaches in their troubles, which mockerie and calamity 
doubleth their mifery ; Mine enemies reproach me all the day. 

2. The enemies of Gods people are reafonlefle and implacable in 
their indignation againft the godly : They are mad againft me. 

3. Albeit the mifevies of Gods people may be fuch, as the wick* 
cdenemieof Religion, when he would curfe any perfon, ihall 
wifh no worfe to them, then to fay, Let him be like fuch a 
people, and fuch a godly perfon, yet will the wicked not be fa- 
tiated with this, except he bring more mifchief upon the godly; 
They that are mad againft me, do curfe by me, or are fworne a- 
gainft me. 

Ver. 9. For 1 have eaten a/hes like bread} and 
wing! eel my drink with keeping. 

10* Becaufe of thine indignation and ihy wrath* 

PSALME Cir. ii 

for thou haft lifted me up, and caft me down. 

Thefecondcaufeofhiserief, was the fignej of Gods indig- 
nation appearing in the Churches mifery, which "made him he 
defolate many times in the duft, weeping when he mould have 
taken iome refrefhment to his body. Whence learn, i,The 
condition of the godly fometime may make them miferable, not 
only in the eyes of the world, but alfo in their own eyes for a 
time : I have emit ajhes like bread, 1s?c. 2. Not only may the 
godly be driven to frequenr fafting and prayer, but alfo to have 
gray duitie bread for their ordinary diet, and that joyned with 
fuch grief, as they can take no food with comfort; I have 
eaten ajhes like bread, and mingled my drink, with weeping. 
g.Theftiarpeft ingredient in the trouble of the godly, is the 
fenfe of Gods indignation; I mingled my drink with weeping, 
becaufc of thy indignation, 4.The troubles which the Lord doth 
bring upon his own children, fhould lead them to the fenfe of 
their fin, and of Godsjuft difpleafure againft them for the 
fames I mingled my drink with weeping y bee aufe of thy indig- 
nation and wrath, f. As it is the Lord that maketh changes of 
condition, and giveth now profperity in his indulgence, and a- 
non adverfity for the abufe of profperity ; fo mould he be ac- 
knowledged in his bounty and juftice good and holy 5 For thou 
haft lifted me up, and cxfl me down% 6. Companion of paft prof- 
perity withprefentadverGtyj maketh the prefent afflicted con- 
dition the heavier, and Gods juft indignation the more evident: 
for thus doth the Pfalmift prove Gods wrath purfuing him and 
the Church; For thou haft lifted me up, and caft me^down. 

Ver. 1 1 . My dayes are Hip afhadow that declineth: 
and I am -withered like graffe. 

Here he repcateth the apparent fad confequence and effect of 
Ins own and the Churches affliction; he and the Church of the 
Jewes now in captivity,, were like to be cut off without comfort 
or hope of deliverance. Wlicncc learn, 1 . Not only the viable 
face of a Church, but alfo the fcattered parts thereof, maybe 
neartodifappearingj and to utter decaying under long conti- 
nued trouble; My dayes arc like a Jladow that dcclhiah, and 
1 am withered likeg^ffc. 2. The iniferies of the godly, and 
the extreme danger of the Church; being laid forth before Gd 3 



are good arguments of hope that God (hall fliortly help J for 
therefore is it repeated, and laid down here for the laft part of 
pouring out his foul ; My dayes are Ufa a fiadow that declinetb, 
and 1 am withered like graffc. 

Ver. 12. "But thou, LORD, Jhalt en fare for 
ever .• and thy remembrance unto aU genera* 

In the fecond part of the Pfalme he ftriveth to comfort him- 
felf in the hope of grace to be fhewn to the Church, by feven 
arguments. The firft is,becaufe God hath purpofed to perpetu- 
ate the memorial of himfelf unto all generations, and endureth 
for ever to fee it done, Whence learn, 1. There is ground of 
hope to believers, in the faddeft condition of the Church ; for 
albeit beleevcrs be mortal, yet God in whom their life is hid > is 
eternal 5 But thou, LOT^V, Jhalt endure for ever. 2. Be- 
caufe God will have his Name known in all generations, and 
will have his Word and Ordinances of Religion made ufe ofa- 
mongmen, forprefervingthe memory of his attributes, works 
and will, therefore the Church muft continue from 3ge to age s 
Tbouflialt endure for ever, and thy remembrance unto all gene- 

Ver. 13. Thou Jhak arife^ and have mercy upon 
Zton: for the time to favour her, yea, the fet time is 

The fecond argnment of his hope, that God will Shortly hnve 
mercy on his Church is, becaufe the time of the feventy years fee 
for their captivity, was now almofl: expired. \V)nnce learn, 1. It Is 
good reafoning from Gods unchangeablenefle, to conclude a 
change of the lad condition of the Church afflicted, from a 
worfe unto a better : Tbou Jljalt endure for ever, and therefore, 
thou jhalt arifc, and have mercy upon Sion. ?. As the Lord hath 
fet times for exercifing his people with affli&ion, fo alio fet 
times for comforting of them again, which time when it is 
come, God will have mercy on them whom he hath afflicted ; 
Thoujhdt arife and have mercy upon Sion 3 for the Jet time to fa* 
vox r her, fur the fet time is come* Ver. 


Ver. 14. Tor thy fervants take f leaf me in her 
(lories : and favour the dnfi thereof. 

The third argument is, becaufe the Lords people had a great 
aftc&ion to re-edifie the Temple, lying now ruined, IVhenez 
learn, 1. Ic is no new thing to fee the outward face of Religion, 
and holy Ordinances defaced 5 for the Temple of $erufalem, 
is here lying in the duft ofa ruinous heap. a.Thc Ordinances 
of Religion fhall not be utterly abolifhed, but fo much thereof 
ihall be prcferved, ;s may ferve for the furtherance of Reforma- 
tion, and re-edification of his Church, in Gods appointed 
time; as here the Temple is ruined, but there are ft ones refer- 
ved for a new building. 3 . When the ordinances of God are at 
theloweft, and moil deformed in the eyes of the world, they 
are and mould be mo ft lovely, and looked upon with moft efti- 
mation and affection of Gods people j Thy fervants ta\e pica- 
fur c inker (tones, and favour the duft thereof. 4» It is a good 
ground of hope that God will fhortjy repaire the mines of Re- 
ligion,when he provides builders, and doth put into their hearrs 
a love to let upon the work of reformation, as the Pialmift 
reafoning here doth teach us. 

Ver. 15. S the Heathen fhall fear e the Name of 
the LORD, and all the Kings of the earth thj 

The fourth argument of hope is, from the promifed Conver- 
fion of the Gentiles, to whom the true Religion was to be trans- 
mitted inGods own time 3 by the means of rcftoring ofthe Church 
of the Jewcs unto their wonted priviledge. Whence learn, i.The 
enlargement of the knowledge and fear of Gcd among them 
ihat know him not, (hould be the aime and encouragement of 
zealous Reformers, tout all means which may conduce for 
Reformation* for fo much we are taught in the Pfalmlfts ex- 
ample, defiring therettauration of the Church ofthe Jewes. 
tfw.t the Gentiles might be brought in 3 and by hope ofthe 
Converfion of the Gentiles, giving hope of rcftauratinn unto the 
fcattered Church of the Jewes ; fot. So the Heathen foaUf care thy 
t Xamc i is the reafoping of the Pialmift* 2. When the Lord is 

pica c\j 


pleafed to arife, forreftoiing of his affli&ed people unto com- 
fort, and cf Religion unto its own beautie, he can work fo as 
Kings fhall feare and tremble, to fee Gods care of his own de- 
ipifed people ; for fo faith he, The Heathen J]?all feare thy 
HjmejmA all the K™& s of the earth thy glory* 

Vcr. id. When the LORD fhall buildup Zion^ht 
[hall appear in his glory. 

The fifth argument of his hope is, from the glory which God 
fhould hive in reftoring of his Church. Whence learn, i .What- 
soever inftruments the Lord ufeth in the gathering of his 
Church, he will have himfeiffeen to be the builder thereof > for 
it is the Lord here , that JJjaU build up Sion. 2. As the glory 
of the Lord is obfeured when his Church is fcatteredjfo when he 
fets up his own ordinances again, his glory doth appear, yea,and 
that more then if his Church had not been fcattered 5 when the 
LordfiaUbuildupZion, hejhall appear in glory. $. The con- 
nexion of Gods glory with the falvationof his Church, is a 
comfortable ground of hope, that howioever the Church be de- 
molifhed, yet it fhall be reftored and repaired again : for, When 
the Lord fall build up Z ion } he pall appear in glory, importeth 
fo much. 

Ver. 1 7. He Will regard the prayer of the deftitutt, 
and not defpifc their prayer. 

The fixth argument of hope is, from the Lords refpeft to 
the prayers of his people Whence learn, i.The Lords people do 
reckon them felves destitute and defolate, when they have not 
the face of a Church, and do want the publick Ordinances of 
Religion, which arc the tokens ,of the Lords prefe nee among 
them : for efpecially in relation to their fcattering from tferu'a- 
lem and the Temple, doth the Pfalmift here call them deftitute 
or defolate. z.When the Lords people arc fcattered one from 
another, they can truft one another, and meet together at 
the throne of grace, by their prayer prefented before God, as 
here the faithful fcattered in captivity, do meet in a joynt Pe- 
tition for the building up of Sion ; the deftitutc have their 
prayer put up in Gods hearing j He wiUregard the prayer of the. 



dcftitute. 3 . Albeit the Lords people be defolate and deftitute of 
all earthly comfort and help, and be defpifed by the worlds yet 
their perfons and prayer are in eftimation with God 5 He will 
regard the prayer of the deftitute, and not dejfife their 

Ver. 1 8. Thujball be written for the generation to 

come : and the people which ffjall be created^JbaU praife 
the LORD. 

19. For he hath loohd down from the height of his 
SanBnarj \ from Heaven did the LORD behold the 

20. To he are the groaning of the Prifonersx to 
loofe thofe that are appointed to death. 

21. To declare the Name of the LORD in Zion ; 
and his praife in Jcrufalem. 

22. When the people are gathered together : and 
the Kingdoms toferve the LOR'D* 

The feventh argument of hope to be heard is , from the aflii.- 
rance, thatastheir calamity was foretold in Scripture; fo their 
delivery promifed fhould be recorded in Scripture alio, to the 
praife of God, to the edification and confolation of the Church 
of God in their folcmn meet : ngs, in whatfoever Kingdoms 
they lived. Whence learn, 1. The more glory we forefee mall 
toaog to God by the granting of our prayers, the more confidence 
may we conceive to have our petition granted; as the Pfalmift s 
example doth teach us. 2. God rmhfo provided, that the ex- 
crcile ani experience of the Church in former times 5 
fhould ferve to manifeft his glory, and edifie the pofte- 
rityin after-times j This Jball be written for the generation 
to come, $. The Lord hath determined by holy Scripture 
to propagate true Religion, whereby he may be glorified, and 
his Church edified, from generation to generation ; This Jhali 
bewriticn for the generation to come. 4. The gathering toge- 
ther again of a fcattered Church; the conveilion of more fin- 
ners • aid drawing them into the Chuichj and the perpetuation 
of the Church from 3ge to uge, is a Creation or work of the om- 
nipotent Creator : The people wb'.cb Jball be created, Jball praife 
.the Lord* j. The Lord ftiould be praifed, as for all his wo. k 


fo in fpecial for the delivery of his Church > and praifed not dn* 
ly by them who do Tec his prefent work, and are partakers in 
their own peifons of the gift, but alfo by all them that (hall hear 
of the delivery in after- times • The people which (hall be created^ 
fall praife the Lord. 6. The Lord doth fo make manifefthis 
particular and active providence about his people, as all ages fhall 
acknowledge his care for them ; for the pofterity mall fay, He hath 
looked down from the height of his Sanftuary, (?c. 7. Howfo- 
ever the Lord fpeak of his dwelling in his Sanctuary, or in his 
Church here on earth, yetmuft we conceive no thoughts but 
heavenly of him> as prefent at once both in heaven and earth, 
to hear and fee the condition and carriage of every one ; He 
looked down from the height of his Sanftuary, from heaven. 
did the Lord behold the earth >to bcar&c. 8. The Lords heaven* 
Jymajefty doth not hinder him to humble himfelf to behold 
even the moil contemptible things on the earth, but rather he 
will thus raife his praife among men : From heaven did the Lord 
behold the earth , to hearc the groaning oftheprifoner. 9. Albeit 
the Lords people may be prifoners, and put to fiience among 
men, yet their fighes and groanes have a loud fpeech in the eares 
of the Lord ; Hebeholdctb the earthy to heare ihegroanes of the 
prijoner. 10. Albeit the Lord fuffer his childien to be impri- 
foncd and condemned to die, yet he can interpofe himfelf (if he 
pieafe) for their delivery, before the purpofe of their enemies be 
executed ; He beholdcth the earth, to loofe tbofe that are appointed 
to death. ii» The end, both of the fufferings and deliverances 
of the Saints, is the glorifying of God, and as their danger doth 
grow, fo doth the matter of Gods praife for doing for them grow 
, up alfo ,Fcr he beholds the earth , to hear thcfighes of the prifoner, 
and to loofe them that are appointed to death ; To declare the l Iiame 
of the Lord in $ion> and his praife in Jcrufalcm. 1 2. The time 
of glorifying God for his works done for the Church of the 
Jewes, is in a fpecial manner to be under the Gofpelj in the af- 
femblies of the Churches of the Gentiles ; for, He loofed thofe 
that were appointed to death* to declare the Name of the Lord in 
Sion y when the people arc gathered together, andthel{tngdomcsto 
ferve the Lord : that is, in the time when Chrift mall make the 
Kingdomesof the earth fubjeft to him. 

Vcr. 23. He weakened mj ftrength in the way : he 
Jhortencd my dajes. 



The third part of the Pfolme, wherein the Prophet dedareth 
the cau r eof his forrow, v i$. and his wraftling agai-nft it, 
v. 24, if, 26, 27. and his vi&oiyovcr the rcntation, v. i% 4 
As northern ft, hecompareth the cafe of the Chinch untohii 
own perfonal condition . Tor oshe in the flower of his age was 
like to die by reafon of grief for the Church, fo was the Church 
like to perifli in their captivity, and not to go on unto the hoped 
for coming of the Median , and calling in of the GentiLes, 
which was neccflary for the perpetuation of the Church unto 
the end of the world. Whence learn, i* Thee is fuch a {trait 
union between the Church of one age and anoher, that the 
whole Church isas one man $ the Church of thejewesis as 
one Ifr'ael: and there is fuch a union between the Church and 
every member thereof, that every member may and (hould taks 
and eftcem the condition of the Church, as his own perfonal 
condition, and may fpeakofitfo, eipecially if he be the mouth 
of the body, a Pnophet or Minifterof the Corporation of the 
Churchy for fomuch doihthe Prophet* example here teach us* 
2. The Church of ifruel from Jbrah m forward, was like a 
man entered in his journey, and as it were by fo many fteps, 
from one generation to another, walking on to the coming and 
receiving of Jefus Chiitt the promifed Meffiah i, who was to 
come of them, as the forme of fpeech here, borrowed from a way- 
faring man, givcth us to underftand. $. When the Lord did 
fcatter the ten tribes, and after that alfo did lead in captivity the 
other two unto Babylon : it feemed unto Jfracl a flopping ot 
them from going on their appointed journey, to rhe coming of 
Chrift, and a making the tribe of $ud.ibto weak, as there was 
no appearance of the polTibilit^y of their endurance, cr m king 
progreffe to their defued end : for fo much is imported in the 
words of the Prophec, taking on the perfon of Jfracl : He weaf( - 
eiicd my ftrengtb iuthsway. 4. Yea, there was tear of cutting 
offof that tribe, and of the 3bolifhing of Jfrael, u\d that the 
Mefliah coming of them (hould not appear ; and tntswal the ex- 
crcife of the Church (carte red in the Bibylonifh captivitie ; and 
the fear, and the tcntation, wherewith the Chinch and the Pro- 
phet ;. bout the end of the captivity, were wraftling, as is ex- 
prelTed in thefe words, He jhortenedmy dayes) that is, to my ap- 
pearance (faith Jfrael by the Prophets mouth)) I was cut off 
from being as a Church or tribe, for any fuch ufe as I expect- 
ed • 5. The defire after Chriil and communion with him, 
which the ChiUtfh and every believer hath, is like the longing 
C which 


which amJh hath to be at his journeys end, and the impedi- 
ments which feem to hinder their communion with him 3 are like 
the taking away of their life from them 3 He hath fbortenedmy 
dayes, fai.h Ifracl. 

Ver. 24. Ifaid, my God^ take me not away in 
the middeft of mj dayes : thy years are throughout all 

25. Of old haft thou laid the foundation of the 
earth : and the Heavens are the -works of thy 

26. They /hall peri Jh t but thou fhalt endure , je* t 
all of them Jha!l wax old Hf^e a garment : as a ve~ 
ft ure fhalt ttoa change them, and they Jhall bechan* 

27. But thou art the fame } and thy yeares ftjatl 
have no end. 

Againft this testation, the Church, orthe Prcphet in the 
Churches name, doth wraftle in prayer, and ftrengtheneth his 
faith by fundry arguments, taken from Gods^ to wit, Chrifts 
eternity, omnipotency, and immutability, Hcb. 1. n, 12. 
IVhevcc learn, 1. The Church and any member thereof, may 
poflibly fometime be put in fear of being cut off, before they can 
attain their defired end, as here, Take me not away in the 
mdfi of my dayes, dothfimport. 2. Faith doth take Gcd for the 
party to deal with, whatfoever ftrait it fhall be brought into 5 
God is the doer of what is done, faith the beleever, andfohe 
dealeth with God by prayer for reliefs lfaid, Cjod,ta\emenot 
away. 3. Appearance of pa-ifhing mould not hinder us to pray, 
but (harpen us rather in our dutic,and when Gods promifesand 
his difpenfationdofeem to difagree, we may prefle the Cove- 
nant, andnotdifpIeafeGod by fo doing 3 Ifaid, O my God, 
tal^e mc not away, &c 4. The eternity of Chrift is the confo- 
lationof the believer in his mortality 5 and the eternity of 
Chrift as God ; is the pledge of his prefervation, and of the per- 
formance of Godsfromifes unto him ; Thy yeares are throughout 
aU generations. 5. The omnipotence of Gdd ; even Chrift, 


PSALMECir. 19 

which imy be Teen in the works of Creation, is a rock for the be • 
iKvcr, who is in Covenant with G;d to icft uponj for wha^ 
C3n he not do who hath made all things of nothing Of old haft 
thou lad the foundation of the earth, and the heavens arc the 
work of thy hand* 6 1 he immatabiliry of God is a notable 
comfort to his afflicted people, who becaufe he is not changed, 
therefore ftnll they not beconfumed $ Heaven and earth fhall fc- 
rijh, but tboujholt endure : (pc. hut thou art the (me. 7. As the 
heavens and the earth are (ubj.d to vanity for mans C3ufe, and 
fo in regard of this condition whereinthey are now, they fhall 
pcrilhr 10 alio they (hill not limply and altogether perifh, bur 
be changed as a garment for mans ciufe Rom % 8 n . gt. /ill of them 
jhall 1 axe old as a garment, as a vefture fhalt thou change them t 
and tbeyfloall be changed hut thou art thefamc 3 and thyyearcs havi 
i/oi«i,Heb.i. ii, 12. meant of Chrift. 

Ver. 28 The children of thj fervahts fhall 
continue : and their feed fb*U be eftabltfbed before 

Here is his victory over the tersation, and a foUJ afttiianccf 
of the perpetuity of the Church, from one generation t^ an- 
other, grounded upon the aforeiaid attributes ot Chrift. Whence 
leant) i. He that is forry for the affli&ion of the Church, fhall 
have coniolation from God, and a gracious anlwer to his prayer, 
as the experience of the Prcphet here doth teach us. ' 1 The per- 
petuity of the Church, and eftabHfhing of it may be fol idly 
concluded from the unchangeableneffe and eternity of God; for 
thnsGOth the Prophet reafon. 3. The Churco ill ul never be 
barren, but from age to age bring ton h children unto God * 
The cbi drcn of thy fervants Jhall continue >aui their feed. 4. The 
trueme^nbes of the Church, are not the children of theflefli 
finply,but the children of the fame faith and with 
the godly teachers and fcrvints of God 5 for foarc they wh > 
have the pramifes, here defc ibed j The chil Ircv of thy fervants 
jhall tontimie* 5. What foe vc: change may betel the vilibls 
Church before tl-e world, yet before God flie is fixed and ftible, 
as a houfe builded upon a rock , The j'ced of thj fttvants Jhall be 
ejlablified before thee. 




THis is a Pfaime of praife and thankfgiving to God, for his 
grace to his people, wherein the believer ftirreth up himfelf, 
and by his-own example others alfo to praife God, v. i , i. And 
that tor fevenfceen reafons or arguments of praife * fomc of 
them taken from mercies (hewen to himfelf, fome from mercies 
to all believers, and lome taken from his fovereign dominion 
over all, unto v. 20. and in'the laft three verfes, there is an ex- 
hortation to all the creatures,, to joyne in Gods praifes with the 

Ver. I. TyLeffe the LORD, my foule: and 
JOa/l that is within me, bleffc his holy 
2. Ble [fe the LORT) % mjfoute^ andforget not all 
his benefits. 

In the Pro/hets ftirring up of himfelf to praife God; Lexrn> 
I * The fenfe of G ods goodnefle to a believer is very bleffednefle 
* el 1 3 flowing from God the fountain and caufe of blefledneiTe : 
B!cJfctheL0R2},0 my foul. i-When a believer is fatisfied with 
Gods goodnefle,. he cannot fatisfie himfelf in the expreflion of 
his fenfe of it, or of his difcharge of thankfulnefTe for it, but 
ftirreth up his own dull fpirit to the work of praife: Bleffc the 
LORD, O my foul. j.Inpraifing God, fpecial care is to be 
had of che fincerity of our heart and affedions j All that is with- 
in me, bleffc bis holy Hume. 4. Whatfoever is faid of God, will 
be found really to be true of him, and the believer will fubferib* 
unto the unftaincd glory of his Name, and may fay, AH that is 
within mc> bleffe bis holy Name. ?. Albeit we do not obtain of 
our heart a T fii ft what we would ,yet muftweftill infift in the 
ftirring up of the grace of God in us, for any fervice we are about; 
c £lc[fc )he LORD, my foul, faith be the fecond time. 6. God 
hath put fo many obligations upon every believer, as may fur- 



nifli rcafonsof praife and thankfgivingjB/e'jJi the Lord abundant* 
ly and forget not bis benefit s. 7 .As oblivion is always unthankful, 
fo the remembrance and calling to minde what the Lord hath 
beftowed upon us , wkh a dueeftimat.'on of the meancft bene- 
fit, is a point of upright thankfulndfe : Bleffe the LORD , my 
foul, and forget not all his benefits, that is, forget not any of 
his benefits, as the forme of fpcechinthe Original doth im- 

Vcrf. 3. who forgivetb all thine iniquities: who 
healeth all thy dtfeafes. 

The firft reafon of thankfgiving is for remiffion of Annes : 
the fecond reaafon isfor healing fpecially of fpiritual maladies. 
JVbence learn 3 1. Saving grace beftowed upon us > fliould have 
the firft room in our thankfgiving unto God, becaufe it is the 
evidence of Gods fpecial love to us: for this doth the. order of the 
Prophets thankfgiving teach us.2.The moftiholy ofGods fervants 
are not juftified by their good works ; 6ut by gracious remifiion of 
their evil works : Bleffe the LORD >wbo forgivetb thy iniquities. 
$. The remiffion of lin is a perfect taking away of the guilti- 
nefle, not of fome only, but of all fins : Who forgivetb all thine 
iniquities* 4. After remiffion of fin, and juftification of our per- 
fons, there remaineth much inbred corruption , and many not 
©nlybodilvj bar alfo and efpecially finful infirmities, difeafes 
and maladies of our foules, whereby we become unable to do 
the good which we would, or to efchew the evil which we would 
not do: and of thefe difeafes God becometh a Phyftcian to 
heale them all , by his Spirit of Sanctification beftowed 
upon all whom he juftificth j IVlio bealetb all thy dif- 

Verf 4. who re&temeth thy life from S.eflrnUi- 
on\ Mho crowneth thee With foving kindneffe^ and 
tender mercies. 

The third reafon cf thankfgiving, is for delivering of him 
gracioufly, from perilling : and the fourth reafon is, for giving 

C 3 unto 


tinto him mercifully many good things; 2ty dtftruflion here 
hemcaneth, not only the danger of being killed by his enemies* 
but alfo anA efpccially the ftitc of condemnation and pcrifhing 
in Gods wrath, from which, the man juftified is redeemed by the 
Mediator. Whence kirn, 1. The benefit of prefervation from 
eternal death, is given unto the man, to whom all iniquity is 
forgiven • for here thefe benefits arc joyned the one with ths 
other- x- The deliverances which are given to believers, as 
well bodily asfpiritual, temporal as well aseverlafting,do come 
to us in the way of Redemption, made by our kinde and faith- 
ful Kinfmanjefus Chvift > W\n redcemetb thy life from deflru- 
Uion, 3. A man muft be fenfible of the merit oF fin, and fee 
himfelf in the ftate of perdition for fin, before he can put a 
light eftimation upon his delivery, he muft count himfelf a loft 
man* till the LORDS Redeemer deliver him, as we may per- 
ceive in the Prophet, faying, Beb&th redeemed tby life from dc* 
ftfuttion. 4. The favour which God beftoweth upon a belie- 
ver, is not in giving un.ohim one or two. or fome few evidences 
of his love and mere ic, but in a conftant comparing of him on 
every hand, in everything ; fo that he (hall turn him about to 
what At be will, he is circled roun-i about with love' and mer- 
cy, fupplying wants, preventing, or mitigating and feafoning his 
troubles, reclaiming him from fin, and directing him in Gods 
way ; JVbocrowncth thee with laving fyndneffe and tender mcr- 
fics 4 5. The evidences of Gods kindnefle and mercieto a man, 
isnotonlyameanestoglorifie God, but alfo amcanes to put 
refpeel; and honour ; yea, and a crown of glory on the head of 
the believer, inthefighc of all who look upon him; therefore 
faith he, Who crowncth thee with loving bjzdnijjcandtcvdrr 

Ver. f. Who fathfieth tby month Wub good 
% things : fo that thj youth is rentWed like ike 
A fiagles. 

The fifth reafon of thankfgiving is, not onty for bleffing the 
ufeofthe creatures unto him, but alfo and efpccially for feed- 
ing him with fpirirual food, and giving comfortable refrefli- 
(ntntstohis Church, fct forth under the fimilitude of corporal 
Ceding upon dainties. The /ixth re:Jbn is for comforting his 


PS AIM E cm. 1$ 

fjpirit, and reviving it in irs dead condition, as the Eagle is? re- 
vived and renewed after calling her bill. IVbence learn , i .The 
bleffing of God upon the believer, makeththeufe of Gods be- 
nefits, and his ordinary meales and morfels, favourie and fwcet, 
becaufe he hath all that is given to him,withGods allowance and 
good-will > ' JVbo fatisfietb thy rrouth with good thing*. i.The 
Lord after fpiritual hunger and thirft, giveth fuch fatisfacTion 
to the foul of the believer, as banquet-cheat* and dainties do give 
to a hungry and rhiifty rnan, as the fimilitude here fhewcth ; 
Who fatisfietb thy mouth with good things. 3. As the E3g!e de- 
cayeth and growethlean, when her bill or beak growerh fo long 
and crooked as /he cannot eat for it, and when (he cafleth her 
bill, and her beak is now fitted better to take her food, then fh£ 
is revived and ftrengthened, and as it were groweth young a* 
gain: fo fare: hit with the foul of the believer, which fometimes 
is fo excrcifed and troubled, as it rcfufeth comfort, and licth in 
a dead condition $ but when the Lord reneweth theienfeof his 
love, it is a new life, and the inner man is revived again j Thy 
youth is renewed as the Eagle. 4. It is an act of thankfgiving un- 
to God, to give account to our'felves, and to reckon over to our 
own foulcs, what the Lord hath beftowed on us, and done for 
us, as appearethin the Prophets practice here, fpeaking all 
this to his own foul, in reckoning over the benefits. 

VcT. 6. The LORD executeth right eoufneffe and 
judgement for all that are opprejfed* 

He goeth on in his thanksgiving, and afcendeth from the mer- 
cies fhewn to him felf, unto the praifing of Godsrightecufnefle 
and merciful neffe toward all believers, as well as toward him- 
felf, according as every ones need doth require : and here is the 
feventh reafon of Godspraife, for maintaining the caufe of all 
his -rpprefTed people. Whence learn, 1. The fight of Gods 
goodnefle towards our felves, fhould lead us ro ihc(>b r crvct t\ 
et t^ods goodnefle to all hi* children in common, and unto his 
righteous, holy and gracious nature, as the example of the P A 
mift teicheth us. 2. As to be eppreff d was not T> vids ' ■ c a- 
lone, but is the common condition whe.eunto the godly :n alj 
ages a-e fun-eft: (0 to have God rhe defender andtfcavc 
ot thofie that oppreffe them, was no: thcpiivilcd^eo: Davidn- 
C 4 


lone, but common to him and a : l Gods children; For the Lord 
fxccutetb rigbtcoujneffe and judgement for dl that < arc op* 

Vcr. 7. He wade known his wajei unto Mofts, his 
atts unto the children of IfraeL 

The eighth rcafon of Gods praife, is,for his revealing of his 
vvill and works to his Prcphet M.fes, and to the people of Ifrael} 
Wbenec learn, I. The knowledge of Gods will, of his way of 
pealing with men, and of his works, are myfteries which men 
cannot undctftand, till the Lord reveal all to them > It is$e 
who ma\etb bis wayes \y\ovon. 2. As God hath the choolmg of 
people to whom, io alfo of the men by whom he will reveal him- 
I'eit and his wayes 5 He made %nown hk rcxyes unto Mofcs , bis 
s to tbecbildren of IfraeL 3. As the revealing of Gods wav, 
whereinhe will walk with us, and of his way wherein he will 
have us to walk before him> is no fmall mercie to his 
CJiurch: (g is it no fmall obligation put upon \\\% people, and 
matter of praife and thanks unto God 5 for this is madejiere 
the matter of the Churches thanks, and of Gods praife, That 
be made hjiown h.s wayes to Mofes, and made I fir del to fe 4 e that he 
wrought as he had fpoken ; He made \\novon his affs to"tbe chil- 
(Ireirof IfraeL 

Ver. 8. The LORD is merciful and gractom : 
floW to anger 9 and plenteous in mercj ♦ 

The ninth reafon of Gods praife is, for his merciful an4 
gracious nature exprcflTe^ in fimdry ritles. Whence le&rn,\ • I hz 
Lord is companionate toward us in our miferies, and ready tq 
pardon our fits; The Lord is merciful, z. The Lord is not 
hindered by our unworthinefle to do us good, when wt come 
unto him, but is ready to flicvv favour to iuch as acknowledge 
themfelvcs to be unworthy, and do feek nothing but of his free 
love j The Lord is gracious. 3. The Lord doth not eafity let 
forth the evidence of his anger, even when he is provoked ; He 
jsjlow to anger. 4. Even in wrath hcremembretb mercy > and 



dcth not let forth the efte&s ofhis wrath in full meafurc,buttem- 
percth his chaftifemenrs, foaswe may endure them, and. mix- 
eth mitigations in the moft bitter cups ; He U plentcotct in 

Vet. 9. He mil not altvayes chide : neither rcifc 
he i^eep his anger for ever. 

The tenth reafon of praife is, for the fhort continuance of the 
effefts ofhis wrath. Whence learn, 1. Albeit the Lord be ready 
to live as a reconciled God and father with us his children, yet 
we are given to ftrifc, and do frequently offend and grieveliim, 
and give reafon to him to rebuke us, as his not chiding of us 
doth import. 2. When he hath debated his comroverfie by 
words, and by the rod, and hath made our confeience challenge 
and chide us, he doth not entertain the comroverfie long; We will 
not alwayes chide* $. Albeit the tokens of Gods anger endure 
longer then we would, yet ihall they be removed at length, he 
will not purfue his quarrel furrher :hen our real humiliation* 
W Other -will he keep his anger for war* 


Verf. 10, He hath not dealt with as after our 
. finnesy nor rewarded us according to our imqtti* 

The eleventh reafon of Gods praife is, for the common experi- 
ence which the Saints have had already of his mercy. Whence 
learn, 1 .What the Word faith of Gods grace, mercy, long-fur- 
fering, and other titlesof his goodnefle, the common experience 
of his children > yea, and of all the members of the vifible 
Church may bear witnefTe unto it: hehdtbnot dealt with us 
after our [nines. 2.The felt mercies of the Lord ftiould not ex- 
tenuate our finnes, but rather make us aggravate our tauhs, and 
weigh our mifdefervings in the balance of the Sanctuary • for 
not by the weight of judgements,(which oft-times are laid afide, 
or are gently infli&ed) but by the Word muft we judge of our in- 
iquities ; for he hath not rewarded u& according to oiir iniquities. 



Ver. II. For as the heaven is high above the 
earth: fo great is hu mercy toward them that fear e 

The twelfth reafon of Gods praife is, for the unmcafurablc* 

nefle nf his mercy toward his fervants, compared to the unmea- 

furable height of the heaven above the earth. Whence learn> 

l.Ourminde cannot finde out a comparifon too large, forex- 

prefling the iuperabundant mercy of the Lord toward his people. 

For as the heaven is high Above the earthy fo great is his mercy to - 

wtrdtbemtbatfearcbim. 2. Thofe are the children of God, 

who howfoever they are not free of fin, yet they are careful to 

pleafe God, and loath to offend him ; They are perfons that 

fearebim. 3. The confolations of God, and thcrkh:s of his 

mercy, are not appointed to fofter fin or fecarity in any man , 

but to cherifh the hearts of thofe that ftandin awe to offerd 

<Jod, and iludy to pleafe him : Great is bit mercy to them that 


Ver, 12. As far as the eaft is from the weft : fo far 
hath he removed our tranfgrejftons from us. 

The thirteenth reafon of Gods praife is, for compleat fu!- 
nefle of remiflion of fin unto the believer in him. Whence learn, 
I. Albeit fins hinder ouraccefie to God, yet they do not hinder 
Gods Approaching unto them, on whom he will have mercy- 
for fin is not removed, till Chrift come to the firmer, as here is 
imported. 2. Remiflion of fin is agift, full and complear, gi- 
ven by God unto every believer in Chrift, and the guiltinefle 
and debt of fin, is fo far and fo fully removed, that it can never 
bt imputed unto the believer, nor come near to hurt him 5 Jis 
fir &s the e.ifl is from the weft, fofxr hath he removed our tranf- 
grejfions from vs. Underftand this of the believer, who doth not 
turne > he grace of Cjo& into wantonnefle, but makcth nfe of 
grace, to ftrengthen him in his battel againft the body of fin in 



Ver.i 3 . Like M a father fitieth his chillren^ Co the 
LORD fitieth them that f ear e him. 

The fourteenth reafon of Gods praife is, for his fatherly pity 
toward all his weak children, who would heartily ferve him bet- 
ter then they do« Whence learn, i.The courfe of renewed 
pardon of fin, and daily removing of fin from the penitent be- 
liever, doth flow from the Lords adopting of believers to 
be his children, as the fimilitudc taken from a father doth <hew 
unto us- 2. The love which nature teacheth a father to bearto- 
ward his obedient chUde, is but a ftiadow of the love of God to 
believers : Like as a father fitieth his children,fo the Lord fitieth 
them that fear him. 3. As none of the Lotds children want 
their own infirmities, fliort comings in duties, and fallings into 
tranfgrcllionsj fo all of them arelocked on by God, in as ten- 
der pity as ever father did fhew to children : Like as a father, 
fitieth his children , fo the Lord fitieth them th«t fcare him. Un- 
derftand this of fuch as do eftecm their finful inclination, theit 
great eft milery. 

Ver. 14. For hekuoweth our frame ; he remtm~ 
breth that yve are dufl. 

The fifteenth reafon of Gods pi*3ife, is hisdlfcrct'on in mo- 
derating h s dealing with us, fo as our weaknefle mav beare ; 3nd 
this reafon ferveth to clear and confirme the former. Whence 
learn, i. There is no moreftreng:h in man of himfeit, then 
there is in the master he was made of $ We are but duft. i.Thc 
Lord knoweth ou weaknefle perfectly, and what wc are able 10 
£n lure : He knowctb our frame, y/hu Ruff: we are m dc of, and 
how fraile our natural conftituuon is. $. h is not for our wor- % 
thineffe in us, that God J.calcth gently with us, but out of his 
own goodncfie , free-love and pity $ He fitieth them that fear him- % 
for he knoweth onr frame. 

Ver. 15. As for man, his dajes arc as graffe : 



as a flower of the fieldy fo he flourifheth. 

16, For the winde paffeth over it, and it is gone, and 
the p lace thereof Jh til know it no mote. 

17. But the mercy of the LORD is from everlaft- 
ing to ever /afiing upon them that feare him: and ins 
righteoufneffe unto childrens children: 

18. To fuch as keep his covenant , and to thofe 
that remember his eommandements to do them* 

The fifteenth reafonof Godspraife is, for his everlafting 
mercic, and conftant fidelity in performing whatfoeverhc hath 
promi fed to every (incere beleever. Wheuce learn, 1. AH the 
glory of man in his naturals, when he is adorned at the beft, 
with learning, wifdome, beauty, ftrength, riches, honour, and 
whatfoevcr other ornaments he can have, is but like the glory of 
graffe and flowers, which are very tender and fubjeft to m3ny ha- 
zards, and eafily broken down or blafleJ; and albeit no harme 
Should come to them from without, yet of themfelves they en- 
dure kit a very (hort feafon, and then do fade away : As for 
miYiy his dayes are as graffe, as a flower of tbe field fo be flourifh- 
etb, for the windc piffctb over it, and it is go?te, &c. 1. Hu- 
mane infirmities and molality, ferve indeed to humble a man, 
but do not hinder the humbled man to come and receive of God 
compleat mercy, that is, pardon of finnes* fupply ofall wants, 
and lire e verlafting : Mam dayes are as the flower, tbe winde go . 
eth over it y and it is gone, and tbe place thereof flail \yiow it no 
more, but tbe mere ie of the Lord is from ever lifting to everlafting. 
j. The true believer andheire of the promifes, is he, who in his 
grcateft confidence in Gods everlafting mercie, doth ftand in 
awe to offend God > The mercy of the Lord is upon them that 
fcxrebim, 4. As me cieis decreed and prepared before the be- 
ginning of the world, (or the beleever who feareth Godj fo is 
it let forth in actual application unto him in this life, an d fore- 
vermore after this life is gone 5 The mercy of the Lord is from e- 
vcrlaftingto everlafting to them that feare him. ?. Such as out 
of love to God are loath to offend him; and out of faith in 
Gods mercy ftud\ to plcafe him, fhall have jufticc to be their 
friend, to themfelves and to their chi'dren who follow their 
fctffteps, from one generation to another, the Lords righteoui- 



neflefliall be for them, and not againlt chem ; a Jl that is promi- 
fed ro the SaintSjAiall b<. done t?o them, and for them: Hurigbte- 
eufjicjfe flail be unto bis children* children. 6. As God hath gi- 
ven the offer o* his grace by Covenant, for reconciliation of ene- 
mies ; fo hath he given his Law and Commandments for a rule, 
to lead the reconciled man unto falvatian, and he only is the heirc 
of the promife of everlafting mercy and lighteoufnefle ? who fiu- 
ciah to prove theflncerity of h s faith , by his endeavouring of 
obedience : For the promife here is made tofuch as keep his Co- 
venant , knd to tkofc that remember bis commandments to <k 

Vcr. 19. The LORD hath prepared bis throne in 
the heavens : and his Kirgdome ruleth over all. 

The laft reafon of Cods praife, is his uni verfal dominion over 
all the creatures, whereby a ftrong obligation is put upon Angels 
andmentoglorifiehim. Wbencelearn, 1. What God doth give 
unto Believers, he is able to prcferve unto them \ what he pro- 
mifcth , he is able to performe unto them > whacfoever power in 
earth or in hellbeagaii ft them , he is able to defend his Church 
and every Member of it : The Lord hath prepared his throne in 
heaven, z. Whatfoever praife we owe to God for bcnefits,which 
we have received from him, ft wer or more, greater or lefler 5 wc 
muft remember to praife bim alio for his glorious and great Ma- 
' jefly , .md tranfeendem excellency over all the creatures: He 
i bath eftablijhed bis throne in heaven, and bis dominion is over all. 
3. Whatsoever confufions do appear on earth ; whatfoever revc- 
luti .i;sdof. U in Church or State; whatfoever hardfhip Gods 
children do meet with, God guideth the whole bufinc {Ye very 
orderly and well, and performed! all his own good pleafure : Hk 
JSjngdome ruleth over M % 

Ver. 20. Bleffe the LOR D.. ye his Angels that 
exceihn ftv^ngth^ that do hi* commandment s> hearken* 
ing unto the Voice ofh^ word. 

21 . Blejfe ye the LORD, all ye hu hojles : ye 
minifiers of I is that do his pleafure, 

22, Blejfe the LORD, all his works in all places 


if his dominion: blejfethe LORD y Omjfcul. 

Inthelaft three verles , heinviteth Angels and men and all 
creatures tojoynewich his foul in prai^ng God : True it is,th.u 
the Angels need not to be exhorted to bieffe God, and many of 
the Lords hoftes and wcrkesare not capable of our exhortation $ 
yet this forme of fpeech (ignincch, that all ofthem in their own 
kinde , and materially at leaft , do fhew forth the bleffedneffc of 
Cod j and that if they were all endued with rcafon , able and fit* 
ted formally, exprefly , and directly to glorifie God, they were 
all too few for the work, and could not either feverally, or joynt* 
ly glorifie the Lord , as his deferving is. Whence learnt, 1 . The 
weightofthe offering of praile unto Gcd , is too heavyformen 
to lift > and as for Angels, it will take up all their ftrength, and 
their beft abilities to °o about it : Bieffe the Lord, ye bis Angels 
that cxcell in ftrength. z. It is the commendation of Angels, that 
they obey all Gods commands readily, and we fhould follow their 
example, and aime at their perfection in fcr vice , that the will 
of God may be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven : For they do 
bis Commandments, hearkening to the voice of his word- $. All 
the fevei al rankes of creatures, are fo many muttered hofts, rea- 
dy to execute Gods judgements, as they are directed 5 and are al- 
wayes in their kinde fetting forth on all hands, the glory and 
goodnefieof God .• Bieffe the Lord, allyehis hofts. 4, The 
family of Belecvers, the fervants of the Lord, who know his will j 
and ftudy to do it 5 and in fpecial], his Miniftersin the Churchy 
fervants in State, Paftors and Teachers of Gods people, have in 
a fpecial obligation lying on them to bieffe the Lord , who has 
inrrufted them in his fcrvice, and made them do his will : Blefft 
H?e Lord,yc Minifiers of his that do bispleafurc. 5 . There is none 
of Gods works in any part of the world; nothing which his hands 
hath made, how bale and mean ibever it may teem 3 which dorlj 
not contribute matter unto the fong of Gods praife , and furniffr 
reafons to glorifie and bieffe the Maker : Ulcfie ye the Lord , all 
his works, in all places of bis dominion, 6". When the believer 
lookcth on all the creatures in their own kinde , as contribute^ 
unto the glorifying of God, he fliall findc his own particular ob- 
ligation for fpecial mercies bellowed upon himfelf , calling for 
particular praife and thanks at his hands 5 as Druid doth here* 
who when he harh fet all the creatures on work to bieffe God,con* 
cludcih thus ; Bieffe sbc Lord, my lout, 




AS in the former Pfalme , the Prophet ftirred up bimfelf, 
and all others to glorifie God , fpecially for the works of 
grace ; fo here he ftirreth up himfclf, and others to glorifie God, 
fpecially for the works of creation, and providence : And in 
the firft place he fhewcth the fcope of all the Plalme, v. i. In the 
fecond place he bi ingeth arguments for preffing the duty of prai- 
fing God, from the firft dayes work of creation, to wit, the lights 
And from the fecond dayes woik in fpreading forth the Heavens, 
v. z, ^4. And from the 3d. days woik of bringing forth the Earth, 
the Sea, the Floods, and Plants, for the ufeofManand Beaft, 
which were the work of the Gxth day , v- J, 6 t 7, 8 3 o, \o, 1 i r 
12, 1 $, 14, 1 ? 5 16, 17, 18. And from the works of the fourth 
day , Sun and Moon , v. 19,2032X312,23,24. And from 
the works of the' fifth day , Hfhes, greater and fmaller, v. 25, 
26 1 In ihe third place , he bringeth arguments of Godspraife, 
fnmtheprefervation, fpecially of living creatures, v. 17,18,29, 
Jo. In the fourth place is the conclufion of the Pfalme, with 
forae further reafons for praifing of GO D, v. 31,32, 33> 
34, 35- 

Vcr. i.Ty Leffe the LORD, mj (ohI % O LORD 
D my (jod) thou art ver y great ; then art 
c loathed Vvith honour and majefty* 

Here is the fcope of the whole Pfalme , wherein he ftirreth up 
his own fonl , and by his own example, all others that have ears 
to hear, to glorifie our God for his greatnelTe and Majefty , ma- 
nifested in his works of Creation and Providence. Wlwicc learn, 
1. The Lord is to be praifed by his children ; not only for his 
benefits beftowed upon them , but alfo for his own glorious Ma- 
jefty and greatnelTe y not only is he to be praifed for the works of 
Redemption and G:a:e to his Eleft child :en , but alio for the 
works of Creation , and what he hath beftowed upon the crea- 
tures, as this P^lmc compared with the former doth teach us. 


2. Becaufe men have oft-times the words of praife in their mouth, 
and do care little ro have their afte&ion fuitable to the work in 
their heart ; therefore when we go about to praife God we 
fliould ftir up our fpirits unto a Religious difpofition, as David 
doth here,faying : Bleffe the Lord, O my foul. 3. When we go 
about the work of Gods praife , we mould confer his Majcfty, 
how great he is, and worthy to be praifed : OLO 7( Z>, thou art 
very great. 4. Thertis the heart beft fitted for Gods praifes, 
when the foul that is about the work ofpraife, doth apprehend irs 
tmercft in God, and looketh upon him as reconciled and in Co- 
venant with it felf: Lor d my Go 4, thou art very great s.The 
praifes of God do not depend npon tbe man that praifcth him, but 
are fixed in God, and flow forth from him felf fo clearly , that 
none can be excufed of ingratitude, who do not acknowledge his 
glory : Thou art cloathed with honour and 3t*jefty. Albeit God 
be invifible, and unfea. enable > yet his honour an^ Majefty may 
befeen inhb works , which are as a garment, both to hide him 
in one refped , and hold him forth in another to be fecn ; Thou 
art cloathed with honour and Majcfty. 

VerC2. Who c over efl thy klfetoitb light* as with 
a garment : who firetchefl out the heavens Uke 4 

3. Who lajeth the beames of his chambers in the wa- 
ters f who maketh the clouds his char et > who wallet h 
Upon the wings of the winde. 

4. Who maketh his Angels fpirits : his minifiers a 
flaming fire. 

In the fecond place are fet down the Arguments for praifingof 
God , taken from the works o( creation > fuch as were wrought 
the firft and fecond day, whereof only fo much is fpoken , as may 
lead us unto what is faid more thereof, in the Hiftory written by 
CMofes. Whence lcarne y 1. The works of creation , befides their 
natural ufe , do ferve for fpi: itual ufes alfo > to wit, to furnifli 
unto us the knowledge of God , to edifie us in faith , and ftirre 
us up to glorifie the Maker, as here doth appear. *« Among 
ail the fenfible creatures of God , the creation of the light hath 
the firft place, for rnanifeftation of hiv glory > whether we look 



tinto tht brightnefle and admirable purity of it, which cannot be 
polluted by any filthineffe whereupon it fhincs , or the isfe k hath 
in operation upon , and fetting forth of the beauty of the reft o? 
the creatures , thctefore he beginneth at it here. 3. Our 
thoughts of God mould be higher , larger , more purified from 
bodily apprehenlions and all imperfections , then our thoughts 
of created light are, when we look upon the light illuminated all 
the world at once j For as the garment of a King (heweth his 
Majefty , and yet is no part ofhislubftanceoreflence , and irt 
its nature is much inferiour to his worth ; (o is the light nothing 
but Gods creature, ferving to fliewforrh his glory , and isinfi- 
nitly inferiour unto him : IVbo coveretb bimfclf with light, tt 
agirment. 4. As light filling the workl, is nothing but as the 
garment of the glorious Creator , manifefting himfelf wirhiri 
thecompaffeof the world to his creatures; fothc Heavens in their 
largeft circle, are but the Canopy caft about the feat of a King : 
for befiretchetb out the heavens lif^e a curtaine. 5. This world is 
like a ftately houfe , which is divided in upper or lowet roomes* 
byjoyfts, bcames and plankes , put between the lower roomes 
and the higher j and the firmament fuftaining the clouds, is the 
firft divifion r IVboUyttb the beames of his chambers in the wa- 
ters : Or in the fecond region of the aire , where the waters 
in the clouds are gathered , and ftored up as it were in their di- 
ftinft chambers , for the— feverall ufet which God hath for them. 

6. As the glory of Kings is to be feen when they go in Coaches 
'and their tr3in is following them, or when they ride on horfe-bacfc 

With their followers attending them j fo is the glory of the Lord 
feen, when he maketh the weighty clouds, having in them flouds 
of watetyo move from place to place, as chareti above our heads, 
and not fall down at once: He m:\etb ebe clouds his chxriot. 

7. The fwift and unperceivablc motion of the windes, bein^ 
railed by God, from all parts in all places of the world , doth 
ferve as a fhadow to point out the every where-p re fence of God j 
Who walfietb upon the wings oj the windc. 8. The Angels are 
the Lords creatures, and do ferve him at hispleafare, a; the 
Winds and flaming fire do , fwiftly going where hecommandeth 
them , and in the fervour of their love to him, difpatching every 
bufineffe committed to them : Who mx\exb bis lAngcls [pirns , 
and bis Mniftcrsafltmc of fire. 9. Qreat and glorious muft our 
Lordjefusbe, who is th-; Creator and Lord of Angels: And 
nuti&ih his Angels [pints. 

• D Yen 


Ver. 5. Who laid the foundations of \he earth that 
it fb oh Id not be removed for ever. 

6. Thou covered/} it with the deep as with a gar* 
ment : the waters flood above the wountaines. 

7 # At thy rebuke they fled : at the voice of thy 
thunder they haftedaway. 

8 . They go up by the mount aines : they go downe by 
the valley es } unto the place which thou haft founded for 

9. Thou hafj; fet a bound that they may not 
pajfe over : that they tutne not again to cover the 

From this to the 19th. vcr. he defcribeth the third dayes work 
of the Creation , prepared for the ufe of man and bead, which 
were the (ixth dayes work. The preparation of the dwelling houfe 
of man and beaft, and other living creatures above the earth , is 
fet down in thefe five Verfes* Whence learn, 1. The feeling of 
the earth in a like diftance on all hands from the circle of heaven, 
compafling it round about, and hanging of the enrthinthe 
midft oftheglobe, and fixing it by his iole command , where it* 
is now fixed , eeclareth the unfearchable power of God, and glo- 
ry of his workmanfhip : He laid the foundations of the earth, that 
itfhould not be moved for ever. 2. The natural place of the Ele- 
ment of water , Is to be above all the earth on aft parts round a- 
bout : He cover etb the earth with the depth to a garment , and the 
waters flood above the mount aines. 3. That a dwelling hoafe 
might be 6:tcd and prepared for man not as yet created, the Lord 
by his powerful command , made the waters gooftYomuchofthe 
earth as might Urve for mans ufe > and ftraightway, as if the 
waters had been driven and chafed, they did run awayhaflily 
from oft the bounds allotted unto them, as it were terrified at 
the thundering, imperious and effectual command of God : At 
thy rehu{e the) fled; at the voice of thy thunder they baftcd away. 
4 If a man h id been prefent when God commanded the Seas to 
retreat from the Earth, he might have feen both a terrible and a 
joyful fpedhclc of a wonderful haity chafe and flight of the waters 
running fiercely over the mountaines; and when no more moun- 


tairtes were in their way > glyding down through the valleys intd 
the place wherein they are now ; Thy go up bs the mountainer, 
they go down by the valley?, unto the place which thou haft foundei 
for them* S- The waters of the Sea , albeit they tx higher then 
the Ea th^yet are they bounded in the place wherein they .re 3 that 
without command given to them from God they may not 
pafle over the bounds prcfciibed unto them > but do ftiy within 
the Sea-mark , and there lay down their proud boaftin^ waves : 
Thouh ft fct a bound thit they may not pajfe over , that they turnc 
not again to cover the earth : Which they would inbilibl v do by 
their own natural motion, if this miraculous {landing command 
were net conftantly in force > as was tobefeen in the flood of 
Noah, when the boundaries were loofe J for a year 3 till God did 
execute vengeance on the wicked world, and thereafter they were 
fent back never to come again for fuch an univeriai judgment. 

Vcr, lo. He (endeth the jf rings into the valleys 
which run among the hills. 

I r. 1 hey give dr'wkjo every beaft of the field : the 
ajfes quench their thirft. 

12 By them Jhctll the fifties of the heaven have their 
habitation, which jing among the branches. 

13, He watereth the hills from his chambers : the 
earth is fat is fie d with the fruit of thy works. 

14. tie caufeththe graffe to grove for the cattel , and 
, herbefor the fervice of man 5 that he may bring forth 
( foodotttof the earth \ 

15. tsfndwine that maketh glad the heart of man , 
I 4nd oile to mak* h\s face to Jhine, and bread whfch 

flrengtheneth mans heart. 

16. The trees of the LORD are full */fap •* the 
Cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted. 

17. Where the birds make their nefis : as for the 
Storkf^ the Fir-trees are her houfe. 

18. The high hills are a refuge for the vpilde goates^ 
and the rocket for the Conies. 

D 2 Thus 


Thus the ground of mans habitation is (wept 5 now here it 19 
replenished, and furniflied with all ncceffaries ferving for mans 
ule, and to fowles and beafts for mans fake. Whence team, 
1 . Becaufe rhe ufe of frefh waters was ncceflary for man , and 
ncceflary it was that man fhoulA have it nigh hand unto him 5 
for the more commodious ufe , the Lord broke up wells of 
water in feveral places , and made brookes and waters^ and rivers 
and Hoods, like veines in a mans body, to carry from them wa- 
ter along to all habitable places of the earth , where God had ap- 
pointed men to dwell : He [endeth the fprings into the valleys, 
which run among the hills. 2. Not only where men do dwell, 
but alfo where mens ordinary refort is not, the Lord hath let 
drinking veflels full of water , for the ufe cftravellingmenand 
other creatures, appointed to attend man, and fome way to ferve 
his ufe: He fendttb the [prings into the valleys, which ruune 
Amongtbe bills. 3. For the furnifhing ofmanshoufe onearth, 
God hath pi uvided him with parks for beafts to feed in , and 
trees for fowles and birds to live in , and ponds for fifties, as we 
will hear afterwards and thefe beafts and fowles , andfingin* 
birds, have their drinking veflels fet for them •* They give drin^ 
to every bcaft of the field, the wilde affes quench their tbirft.4* The 
Lord hath adorned the habitation of man, withitrces growing be- 
fide the waterSinotpnly for his own proper ufe, but alfo for the ufe 
of fowles and finging birds:2ty themfball the fowles of heaven have 
their habitat on, which fing amongtbe branches. 5. Where wells 
and rivers are not , as in hills and high places it isfeen for the 
moft part ; there the Lord fuppiieth theinlack of waters, by rain 
from the clouds ; He water eth the bills from his chambers , that 
is, from the clouds, wherein as in chambers he hath ftored up 
great waters. 6. The Lord doth not diflblve the clouds all at 
once, but by little and little makcth them diftill fmaller or great • 
er drops only: He watereth the hills from bis chamhers. 7.Therc is 
no part of the earth, whereupon God beftoweth not fo much ot 
the fruit of his operation , as may fill it full of his glory : The 
earth is fatisficd with the fruit of thy wor\s* 8. The grafle and 
herbs,and the divers forts of them , ferving for the ufe of beafts and 
men, are worthy of a room in our meditation of Gods provident 
care t ot man and beaft : He caufab the graffe to grow for the cat - 
tel, and herbs for the fcrvice of man 3 that be may bring forth food 
cut of the cirtb. o. The Lords allowance, upon man is very large* 
not only for neceiTity,but alfo for delectation : For he h3th pro- 
vided wine, and 9ih) md bread. 1©. The right ufe of Gods 



creatures is not to forfeit, and burie the memoiie of God and of 
theexccllencie of man above beads, in gluttony and drunkennefs* 
but to give him ftrength and gladnefle in fuch a meafure, as may 
encourage him cheerfully to Terve his Maker; Ani wine that 
md^eth glad the heart of man , and oile to ma\ehk face tofbine, 
and bread which ftrcngthcnctb mans heart. 11. God will have his 
excellency taken notice or in every thing, which is great, notable, 
excellent: upon which ground, great trees are called here, The 
trees of the Lord. i 2. The Lord hath furnifhed trees , not only 
with fo much fap as might make them grow J but alfo with lo 
much fap, as might ferve man for meat and drink, and medicine, 
and other ufes : The trees of the Lord are, full of fap. i g. A- 
mong the trees the Lord will have us take notice of the Ce- 
dars, as of a fpeciall plan: of his husbandry on the earth , for 
their height and greatnette, and durableneffe of the timber , and 
namely of thofc of Lebanon, defigned for the ufe of his people ; of 
which he faith , The Cedars of Lebanon which be bath planted. 
14. It is worthy of our marking , that fot the nefts of birds , he 
hath provided high trees, where they might breed and lodge, and 
bring forth their young more fafely and fecurely; Where the 
birds mafietbeirnefts: as fortbeStorke^ the Firre-trees are her 
houfe. if. It is worthy of our obfervati on for glorifying of 
God , that God hath taught weak creatures, naturally to draw 
themfelves to ftrong defences ; and fundry forts of them, to have 
their fevcrall forts of refuge: The high hills are a refuge for the 
wildegoates 3 and the rody for the Conies. 

Ver. ip. Me appointed the Mooneforfeafonsi the 
Sunne kpoVoeth his going doftne. 

20. Thou make ft darkneffe and it is night*, wherein 
all the bcafts of the forreft do creep forth. 

21. The youngljonsroare after their prey, and fee k 
their meat from God. 

22. The Sunne arifeth % they gather themfelves toge- 
ther : and lay them down in their dennes* 

23. Afangoetb forth unto his work*, and to bis la- 
bour^ untillthe evening. 

24. LO RD, how manifold are thy work/ ! in 

D 3 Wfz 



fyifdome haft thon made them all ; the earth is full of thy 

Hei e he bringeth arguments of praife from the works of Crea- 
tion on the fouith day, and fheweth the ufes thereof; JVlhitit 
learn, i. The mince of man is not able to overtake all Gods 
works at once> whether in their number or order , or properties, 
or ufes . as the Prophets pitching upon fomeof them only > doth 
teach us. 2. The making of two great lights^ the Sunne and 
the Moon 3 is worthy of our fpecial pbfervation ; for by them the 
glory o: the reft of the works, is much manifefted : He appointed. 
tbe Moon for jeafons, tyc. 3 . The making of two lights to move 
about the earth , the one to fupply in a fort the others abfence, is 
a reafon of Gods praife ; He made the Moon and tbe Sun. 4- The 
dividing of time into nights and dayes, and fundry feafons, that 
the continuance thereof might not be irkfomc unto man > but 
the more acceptable by their interchanges and vicifliudes , is a 
reafon for magnifying Gods wifdome and goodnefle to man : He 
appointed tbe Moan pr feafons , tbe Sun finorvetb bis going down. 
5 % The Lord hath lo wife y mixed the motion of the Sun and 
Moon , that a fweecer temper is not imaginable: for if their mo- 
tion had been the lame , and they did move near together , then 
theufe of the Moon had been the lelfe j if the Moon had been 
alwayes punctually cppofite to the Sun 3 then flic (houldhave 
been in a perpetual eciipfes if the courfe of the Sun had not been 
compieat once a year , and the courfe of the Moon once every 
monetb , the earth could not have had fo great fervice of both : 
But God bath appointed tbe CMoon for feafons f dnd tbe Sun tyiovo* 
ctb bis going down ; each of t hem cxnclly keeping their courte as 
God hath ordained. 6. As Gods wifdome and goodneife is to 
be feen in the Light , fo'alfo in the vicifluude of Darknefle be- 
tween day and day j For Darknefle intervening between d.iyes, 
rmketh Ligtr. every day a new gift 5 and Darknefle calleth man 
from his labour and travel unto reft , that he may be refreihed 
therewith, and with fleep: Tbou ma\eft dartyieftc 3 and it U 
night. 7 . It is a remarkable providence 3 that ravenous beafts, 
for the moft part arc kept in their dennes all day , and not let loofe 
for iceking their prey , till night, rvkerein all the beafts of the 
forreft crap forth. 8. None of the ravenous beafts finde their 
prey, till God bring it unto them : Tor tbe young Lions , for 
tiunger^ roarc after their prey. 9. The natural cries of the Ji- 



ftrefled creatures^ are in fubftance natures prayer toitsMiker 

for relief and help : The young Lions by their rowing, feck, their 

meM from God. 10, It is 3 matter of praife to God 3 that the 

day-light is made a natural terrour to cruel bea»fts„ or that any 

meafurc of being feared by man is left in them : The Sun arifeth, 

they gather themjelvcs together, andlay them doronin their dennes. 

n. It is the Lords praife that hegiveth daily new ufe of the 

light of the Sun to man > that he may follow his work and bufi- 

nefle the better till the evening , and fuffereth it to remaine only 

fo long a time , as weak bodies may endure moderate travell .• 

Man goeth forth to hU wor!(, and labour untiU the evening, i i.The 

more men do meditate on Gods works > the more do they finde 

a bottomleffe deep ; and the number and variety of them , more 

and more unfearchable: O Lord how manifold are thy wor^j! 

l $. Thus much maybe learned of Gods works, that they are all 

of them excellently well , and wifely wrought and ordered; and 

that the riches of Gods bounty to man and co the creaturesyJoth 

fill all the earth In wifdome baft thou made them all 3 the earth 

is full of 'thy riches. 

Ver. 25. SO is this great and wide Sea x wherein Are 
things creeping innumerable\b'oth [mall and great* 

26. There go the Jhip si there is thai Leviatha^ 
whom thorn haft made to play therein. 

He cometh now to the works of the fifth day, fpecially the 
furni filing of the Sea as a fifli-pond for mans ufe > and miking it 
portable tor (hips to faile in. Whence learn, 1. The ^gveatnefs 
and widenefieof the Sea > the ebbing and flowing thereof, the 
morion and faltnefle of it to keep it from rotting,do fpeak of the 
glory of God , no leife then the ornament and rich furniture of 
the earth doth . For, as the earth is full of riches, fo is tb is great 
and -wide Sea 2. The diversity and number of great and fmali 
fifties in the Sea, fpeak much of Godspower, wifdome a*ni 
bounty : wherein are things creeping innumerable , both fmall 
and great fi fins. 3. Themaking of the Seas for the ufe of Na- 
vigation , chit men who car. not rlee nor twim, might the more 
commodioufly keep com me ce one with another in all parts of 
the world 3 is a point of Gods praife 5 There go thefhips 4 Al- 
beit all and eveiy one of Gods works dofet forth Gods power > 

D i ye* 


yet fome of them do it more eminently then other Tome , for 
making men fee Gods glory the more in the reft , yea. and in the 
meaneit of his works ; Such for example are the Elephant on 
jearch , and the Whale, and other huge great monfters in the Sea i 
That Leviathan whom thou haft nude to play therein. 

Vet. 27. Ihefe wait all upon thee t that thoH mayefi 
give them their meat in due feajon. 

28 . That thou giveft them, they gather: thou open - 
eft thine hand: they are filled with good, 

29. Thou hide (I thy face, they are troubled, thou ta- 
fefi any their breath y they die : and returne to their 

30. Thou fendefl forth thy fpirit } they are created: and 
fhoureneweft the face of the earth. 

In the third place,he bringeth forth arguments of Godspraife, 
from the care the Lord hath oftheprefervationof his works , 
which moil: appeareth in the feeding of all living creatures , and 
propagation of the kinde ; for when for»c of the kinde are dying 
from time to time , others are quickened and pat in their room. 
JVhcnce learn, 1. There is a natural inftincl in all the living 
creatures in their want, to wait on Gods providence, which men 
may obferve in themj although the brute creatures know not this, 
and cannot reflect upon their own inclinations : For the Pfalm- 
ill fpeaking of all living creatures , no lefle then of the fifties, 
he faith 5 Thefe all wait on thee , that thou mayeft give them their 
yneat. z So long as God will have any creature to live, he pro- 
yidcth timoufly enough few: its food: They wait for thee, that 
thou mayeft give them their meat in due feafon. 3* Gods provi- 
dence reacherh to the lead bit of food , which any living crea- 
ture mceteth wi* h : That thou giveft them, 1 hey gather. 4 The 
Lord is liberal in his difpenfation , and feede h all the creatures 
abundantly , fo 1 ng as he will have them to live : Thou opencft 
thy hand j they arc filled with good. 5. The Lord demorftraces 
himfclfto bethe fountain of life , and that the living creatures 
flohold thti lifwfhim, aswellby thefickeningand weakening 
$i the living creatures, as by the feeding and ftrengthening of 

them : 


them : For when God withdraweth in any meafure the wonted 
influence of his power from them , then theyfinde a change to 
the worfe : Tbou bideft thy face from them 3 they are troubled* 
6. God hath no lefle fpeciai hand in temovinglife,thenin giving 
of it-' Tbou takefl away their breath, they die, and return to their 
diift. 7. Albeit the Lord take away the life of all individual li- 
ving creatures, yet he preferveth the fpecies and kind of every li- 
ling creature, by making new ones, and raifing them up in the 
roome of thofe that are taken away .- Tbou fendcfl forth thy Spi- 
rit , they are created. 8. The fame Spirit which created the 
world in the beginning , woi keth yet powerfully in forming new 
creatures continually ; Thou fendcfl out thy Sprit s they arc 
treated. 9. The Lord puts a new face as it were upon the earth , 
from time to time, partly by Spring-time and Summer every 
year; partly by young living creaturesj in their fevcral generati- 
ons, one after another , and all thefe things do contribute to his 
renewed praife : Tbou reneweft the face of the earth- 

Ver, 31. The glory of the LORD (hall endure fa 
ever: the LORDfballreioyce in hi* works. 

32. He looktth on the earth , ank it trembleth : he 
UHchethihe hills 3 and they fmok* y 

In the laft place is the conclusion wherein he addeth yet more 
reafons for praifing of God, and then maketh fundry ufes of the 
former Doctrine. He taketh up all that he would fay, in this 5 
That God (hall have perpetual glory from the works of his good- 
nets and power. Whence learn, 1. The end of all the workman- 
(hip of God, is Gods glory, and he is worthy of glory for his 
work, and fhall not want his glery from his works for ever The 
glory of the LordfhaU endure for ever. 2. As the Lord faw all his 
work in the begiuning to be good 5 fo in the clofing thereof , he 
fhall fee 3II that he hath done, to be good > and nothing p-operly 
to be repented or., whatfoever he hath done : The Lord full rcjoyce 
inhU vcor\{s . 3. As the Lord is bountiful to his creatines: fo 
alfo is he terrible to the ftrongeft of them , that he may be feared, 
as well as loved and praifed : He loo^etb on the earthy and it 
trembleth i he touch cth the h ills, and they (mo ak 4 The fignes 
of his terrible power which he hath actually manifeflcd , in fha- 
Icing of the earth, and kindling of the mountaines , do bearwit-r 
neilehow powerful and terrible the Lord is: He loolicth on the 
tmb) and it trembleth * he tombetb the bills, and they jmoali- 



Vcr. 33. 1 will Jing unto the LORD 04 long as 
1 live: 1 mil fing fraife to mj God: While I have my 

34. My meditation of him /ball be ftoeet: I mil be 
gU4$n the LORD: 

3 j. Let thefihners be confumed out of the earthy and 
let the wicked be no more: bleffe thou the LORD,Otny 
foule : Praife ye the LORD. 

Here he fettethdown the ufes of this Doctrine, which are five* 
teaching us fo many Do&rines : For the firft ufe 3 here he bind- 
cth upon himfelf an obligation, joyfully to praife God for ever, 
teaching us to do the fame , when we confider the Lords 
works/ I will fing unto the Lord fo long <w I live , I will fing 
praife to my Goi while I have any being, 2. For the fecond ufe of 
thisDo&rine, hepromifeth tohimfeifjoyandgladnefTe , in the 
difcharge of the work of Gods praife > which teacheth us how 
profitable it is to our felves to praife God : Nothing more fweet 
to a Believer., then to be about the glorifying of God , and be- 
holding the matter of his praife , My meditation of bint Jball be 
fweet y lwiU be glad in the Lord. 3. For the third ufe, hede^ 
nounceth wrath and deftru&ion unto the contemners of God,who 
do not regard his glory, but do ftand out aj common enemies of 
God, and of all his workmanfliip ; which teacheth us, that fuch 
as do not j ?yne with Gods children in glorifying of God , but go 
onintr.anfgreffingof his commands, and abufing of his creatures, 
fh:.l! be feparated from the fociety of Gods fervants ; unto which 
judgement every Beleever muft fubferibe , as very righteous •• 
Lei the [inner s be confumed out of the earth , and let the wicked be 
nomore. 4. For the fourth ufe, he ftirrcth up himfelf to blcfle 
the Lord for his own particular , who had found favour to be no 
more of the numbe/ of Gods enemies , but among the Lords fer- 
vants, whereby he teacheth thofe whom God has called from the 
fhteof fin unto his holy fervice , toftir upthemfelvcstothankf- 
giving : Bleffe thou the Lord , my foul. 5. For the fifth ufe, 
he calleth upon all other Bekevcrs , and exhorteth them to praife 
God , and teacheth us , that every one according to their place, 
ihould ftirre up another unto the honouring of uod ; Praife ye 
the Lord, 




THe firft part of this Pralme was fung at the carrying up of 
the Ark of God to the Cicy oiVavid, i Cbron. 16. 8. 
The whole containeth an exhortation to the Church of 
Ifracl , to praife God for his mercies fhewen towards 
them, with reafons ferving to prcffe the duty. The ex- 
hortation is fee down, ver. i, i, ^ 4, $, 6. The reafons 
are mere particularlyexprefled in the reft of the Pfalme : the 
firft rank whereof is taken from the Lords covenanting with 
Abraham^ Ifiac and Jacob, and the care which the Lord had of 
their perfons, i/er. 7,8^9, 10, 11,12, 13, 14, i$. The fecond 
rank is taken from the care the Lord had of their pofterity, 
when he fent them down to Egypt, and all the while theywevc 
there, wr. 17 , 18, ig, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, Th third rank 
is taken from the manner of their delivery out ot Egypt, when 
they were oppreffed , and from the plaguing of the E^yp:ians 
for their fake, ver. 26, 27,18,1037. The fourth rank is 
taken from the Lords care in leading them through the wilder- 
neflc, from, ver. $7, to 4$. and the laft rank of reafons is taken 
from the Lords placing of them in Qinaxn, where they might 
ferve God according to his law, ver. 44, 45. 

Ver. i f /"\ Give thank* unto the LORD, call up* 
K^Jon his Name : make tycrvn his deeds 
among the people. 

ThePiophets exhortation unto thank ulnetTc, i; branched 
forth in ten particulars, whereof three are in rfli . vei fe r et dewn 
inordtr. Whence learn, 1. Asin the matter of glorifying of 
God, there are fcveral motives, (bihould there b* Teveal con- 
federations of thefe motives, and ads of praifing the Lord con- 
forme thereto, axid nantely in relation to benefits received, the 
gifts fhould be acknowledged and confefied to lis praifc , O 



give tban\s unto the Laid. 2. In relation to benefits to be re- 
ceived, or to evils to be removed, prayer to God is a part of 
praife :Qdl upon bit ls(ame. 3 . It is a part of true thankf ulncfs 
unto God, to make the world know what God hath done 
to and for his Church j CMa^c hflwn bis deeds among the 

Verf. 2. Sing unto him, fyng pf times unto him : tatl^ 
ye of all his wondrous works. 

The fourth, fifth and fixth branches of the exhottation unto 
thanksgiving, are fet down in this verfe : Wherein learn % 
1. The Lordrequireth as a part of his praife, and of our 
thanfcfulnefle, that we rejoyce in him, and exprefle our jey by 
finging 5 Sing unto hint. 2. It is not fufficient to offer the em- 
pty veffelof our joy unto God, or our finging voice inmufi- 
cal tune only, but alfo it is required that we fill our joyful voice 
with holy matter and good purpofe, whereby God only maybe 
reafonably praifed : Sing Pfalmes unto hint: $. Albeit we 
have nothing to fpeak of Gods wonderful works , but what is 
known to any neighbour as well as to our felves, yet it is apart 
of Gods praife, and of our thank fulneflc to make his known 
works the matter of our talk and ordinary conference, as we get 
ccc|fion ; Tal\ye of all bis wondrous wor\s. 

Ver. 3. Glorj ye in his Name : let the heart of 
themrejojee thatfee^the LORD. 

The feventh and eighth branch of the exhortation, is fet 
down inthisverfe. Wherein learn, 1. It is a part of Gods 
praife, and of ourthankfulneffe to him, to make our boaft of 
God, and rejoyce becaufe of our intereft in him; and to pro* 
claim our felves blefled, becauieof our communion with him ; 
Glory ye in his holy Hxmc. 2. Our gloriation in God mould 
be holy, joyned with a low eftimation of our felves, and with 
great reverence toward our mofl holy Gods Glory ye in bu 
holy N ami. 3. It is a part of Gods praife and of our th3nk- 
fulnefie, to profefle our need of God, and in the confeience of 



our emptinefle, and his unfearchable riches, to feek our fupply in 
him 3 for here fhe feeking of God is recommended unto us* 
4. As feeking communion wirh God is a marke of a childe of 
Ood, fo it is alio a reafon of gladnefs and joy, becaufe it both 
declares that we are of the number of Converts and true wor- 
shippers of God, and alfo that joy isreferved for us * Let the 
heart of them rcjoyce that foci tbee. 

Ver. 4. Seek ye the LORD and his ftrength : [ee\ 
his face evermore. 

The ninth branch of the exhortation is here fet down, di- 
recting the people where and how, and for what caufe to feck 
God, to wit, in his own Ordinances before the Arke, which 
wasthefigureofChriftto be incarnate, and is called here the 
Lords ftrengtb, becaufe it was a pledge of Gods powerful pre- 
fence with them, who come unto God through Chrift : as alfo 
it is called Gods face, becaufe God is reconciled and favourable 
to all that feck him in Chrift, who was fignified by the Arke 
and mercy- feat. Yfbcnee learn, 1. It is rounufual for the 
Scripture, to give the name of the thing fignified unto the figne 
appointed of God, to repi efent or fhadow it forth, becaufe of the 
judicial union of the figne and thing fignified and exhibited 
unto thebeliever, by the appointment and inftitut ion of God y 
the fupieme Judge and Law-giver : fo here the Ark of the Co- 
nanr is called the Lord,and the Lords ftrevgtb&nd the Lords face? 
becaufe the believer, feeking God according to his Ordinance, 
did meet by faith with the Lord, and hisft/ength, and face or 
good will engaged unto the true worshipper. 2. Whenfoevcr 
the belcever maketh ufe of holy fignes of Gods prcfence, it is not 
the figne, but God or Chrift fignified by the figne , which the 
believer doth fix his heart upon; as here, he that looked to- 
ward the Avk, which was the figne of God in Chrift, reconci- 
ling himfelf to the world, not imputing their trefpafles unto 
them, is commanded to leek the thing fignified : Scathe Lord, 
(ceil bis ftrength, \ec\bis fice 3. None do feek the Lord fo 
earneftly, but they have need of ftirring up to feek him more 
earneftly, neithe- have any attained to fuch a meafure of commu- 
nion with God, but they have need to feek for a farther mea- 
fure : therefore is ic faid , Seel^ the lord, fcc\b%$ ftrev$xh> jctffc 
hi* f &e evermore. 


Vet. <5. Remember his marvellous Veorks that he 
hath done : his wonders, and the \ubgements of his 

6. Oye feed of Abraham his fervant^ je children 
of Jacob his chofen* 

The tenth branch of the exhortation directed, together with 
all the former branches toward the feed of Abraham. Whence 
learn, 4. It is apart of Gods praifeand of our thankfulnefle, to 
entertaine the memory of the Lord , and of his works and 
Words > Remember his marvellous works which he hath done, 
z. The remembrance of the Lords wonderful works, and gra- 
cious words, istobejoyned with feeking of his face, as a fpecial 
helpofus unto this duty, as the conjunction of the parts of the 
exhortation do:h teach us. j.The words of God in holyScripture, 
whether Law or Gofpel, are to be looked upon as decrees, given 
forth by the great Judge of the world,wherupon certain execution 
is to follow according as it is foretold; Remember, (faith ht)the 
judgments ofbh mouth. 4«It is wifdom to joyn the remembrance 
of the Lords works and words, and to compare the one with the 
other,that we may the better conceiv of both ;& difcern boh the 
words anithewoks to be the Lords works and words: Remem- 
ber, (faith he) his wonders, and the judgements of his mouth « 
5. Becaufe we are dull in apprehending of Gods ordinary work- 
ing , he workethfometimesmarveLsand wonders, that by them 
we may the better take up his power in his ordinary works * and 
therefore for this end, fo much the more mould the wonders 
beremembred; 7(emember his marvellous w^rbj which he hath 
done, and his wonders. 6. The praife of Cjfod which is called for 
at the Churches hind, is expected only of believers, the fpiri* 
tual children of Abraham? and Jacobs faith and obedience: O 
ye feed of Abraham his fervant, ye children of Jacob bis cboien. 
7. As the condderation of Gods grace, beftowing fpiritual pri- 
viJedges on us, doth oblige us unto praifing and lerving God: 
fo alio it (ervcth to ftir us up to the duty , for therefore are the 
faithful called , The feed of Abraham his fervant > the children 
if Jacob bis chofen* 



Verf. 7. He is the LORD our God: his judgements 
are in all the earth. 

8. He hath remembred hit Covenant for ever : 
the word which he commanded to a thoufand gene 

9. which Covenant be made with Abraham^ and his 
Oath unto Ifaac : 

10. And confirmed the fame unto Jacob for* lam 
and to Jfrael for an everUfiing Covenant. 

1 1 • Saying , Vnto thee VpM J give the land ofCa* 
naan^ the lot of your inheritance. 

In the firft rank of reafons taken from the Lords Covenant 
wich Abraham, Ifaac and Jacob, and from his care of their per- 
fonsj Learnt, 1. Our priviledge to be in Covenant with God, 
is a fpecial reafon of thanks jnd pvaife to him , He is the Lord 
our God. 2, The Lords fovereigruy without the Church, in 
all Nations of the world, and in his exerdfingof juftice a- 
mong all men , ns it is the Lords praife and the Churches pro- 
fit: fo it is the Churches obligation unto the thankful acknow- 
ledging thereof; for the greatnefie of Gods dominion overall 
the earth, doth commend the fpeciality of his relpee"tto his 
Church ; His judgements are in nil the earth* 3 . As the Cove- 
nant ofGod is not for a day,or for temporal favours only,but alfo 
and efpecially for fpiritual & everlafting mercies.* fo the Lord for- 
getteth neither leflc nor more of that which he hath promifed, 
but albeit longtime may intervene before the performance of his 
promile, yet neverthelefle he remembereth it (till, till it be ful- 
filled ; He hath remembered hU Covenant for ever. 4 The ex- 
perience of every age and proof had of Gods faithfulnefs>(houU 
force men in every age, to bear witneflc unto the Lords ftedfaft- 
neffe in his Covenant 5 He hath remembred his Covenant for e* 
vcr, the word which be hath commanded to a thoufand genera- 
tions* 5. The word which the Lord hath faid he will do, m 
fpecial his promifes (ball certainly take effect in due time, aod 
order given by Magiftrates for executing of their decrees, is 
butafradow of the effectual accomplifhment of Gods promi- 
fes, which are called here, Avoid which he commanded to a 
tboufand generations. 6. Gods Covenant nude with our fa- 


thersinourname, is to be laid hold on by us their children, as 
the example of the Israelites here doth teach us. Which Covenant 
be mxde with Abraham. 7. For further engaging and confirming 
the children of Covenanters, there is need to repeat and apply the 
Covenant unto their children and pofterity $ For he gave his 
Oath unto Ifaac, and. confirmed, the fame unto $xcob. 8. The 
Covenant of grace is an evcrkfting Covenam with all who do 
embrace it;for, the Covenant made with Abraham wm an Ovtb un- 
to ifaac. 4p.It is not free for the children of Covenanters, to em- 
brace or reject as they pleafe, the Covenant of God made with 
their fathers, becaufe the Lord irnpofed the Covenant upon the 
pofterity, as a duty whereunto they were obliged from generati- 
on to generation ; For he confirmed the fame unto Jacob for a 
law, and to Ifraclfor an cverlafting Covenant. 10. The Cove - 
nant of grace made with Abraham, ifaac and Jacob, and with 
believers after them, did confift in promifes made by God, and 
embraced of them by faith , as here it is defcribed 3 for the ever- 
lafting Covenant is expounded to be the Lords, faying : Unto 
thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of thy inheritance^ 
which promiie being received by faith, became a Covenant with 
the believer. 1 j.The everlafting Covenant of grace,propound- 
ed in whatfoeverexpieffions, was one and the fame in fubftance 
unto the believers: for thefe promifes, to wit, {Intheefbatt alt 
the families of the earth be blcjfedy Gen. 12. 5. and again, Tell 
thefiarres, fojhall thy feed be, which promiie Abraham recei- 
ving, believed in the Lord, andhe counted it unto bimforrigb- 
teoufneffc,Gtn. i$.6.And Iwillbea God unto thee, andtotby 
feed after thee, Gen. 17 7. or, 1 will give unto thee, andtotby 
feed after thee, the land wherein thou art a fir anger , all the land 
of Canaan, for anevcrlaftiiigpoffcjfwn, and I will be their God 3 
Gen* 17. 8. whereunto this place doth relate ) are all taken up 
here in the free and gracious promife, of giving everlaftirg life 
to the believers, fhado wed forth in the typical termes of giving 
the Und of Canaan for the lot of their inter itanec. 

Vcr. 12. When they were but a few men innum* 
her : jea y very few y and ft rangers in it. 

13. When they went from one Nation to another $ 
from one R'wgdome to another people, 

* 14. He fufered no mm to do them mong •• yea, he 
reproved Kings for their fahfs ; 1 j. 


PSALMt CV. 40 

tj. Saying, Tducb not mine anoint ed^ and do m/ 
Prophets no h.trme 

In the care which God haJof the perfonsof dbrabam, Ifaac 
and Jacob, who were in Covenant with him; Lcarne, i .They 
who are in Covenant with God, may be found at fornetimes but: 
a fmall number > They were but a few men in number t yea, ve- 
ry few a. They who are in Covenant with God for a promifed 
blefling, may be far from appearance of the poffible pofleflion of 
what ispromifed, asjfbrzham, Ifaacznd Jacob w ere a very j 'erf 
m:n,and ftrangcrs in the land of promise. J. As the paucity, 
nieannefs, low condition, unworthinefleand weakneis of men, 
doth not hinder God to enter into Covenant with them.but ra- 
ther by this meanes, he commendcth the freedane and riches of 
his grace unto them J fo is it requisite in tff^^/vho enter into 
Covenant with God, that they be ftripped bare of all conceit of 
both their own and their fathers wort hi nefife, and yec not be 
hindered thereby, from believing , embracing, and holding faft 
the Covenant for this did Abraham, Ifaac and Jacob, when 
thtywere very few, and grangers in the land promifed unto 
them. 4» They who hive thepromifes both of this life ahd 
the life to come, may be pilgrims and (bjourners without any 
dwelling place in the world; The Patriarchs went from one > 
x JSjtionto another, from one %iugdome to another people. 5. In 
whitfoever worldly condition believers are, and whatsoever they 
want in things earthly, yet they want not the love and good 
will of Cjod, they have alwayes the defence and protection of 
God , as his fe:erates; Hefufferednomintodotbemwrong. 
6. No power or place how high foever, no worldly authority on 
earth, no law nor pi iviledge of any perfon or Kingdom, is a fuf- 
ficient plea for troubling Gods fervants, walking in his fer-* 
▼ice y He reproved l^ingi for their fah v es. g. The perton of eve- 
ry believer walking in Gods way, is {acred, fanttificd, and fee 
apart for Gods peculiar ; They arc the Lords anointed. 9. They 
who both by Covenant and f ecial calling to the holy Miniftery 
have charge to declare the Lo/ds will unto the world, a e own- 1 
ed of God as his Prophets, and are fenced with a rtiid caveat gi- 
ven to all men by God , how great foever, that they harme 
them not; Touch not mine anointed, and do my Prophets no 
harme. And upon all thefe aforefaid conhicrations : God is to bs 
thmked and praifed by his people, 

E Vef, 


Verf. 1 6. Moreover, be called for a famine upon 
the land : be brake the whole fiafe of bread. 

1 7. Hefenta man before them : even Jofephy who 
was fold for afervanu 

1 8. Whofefeet they hurt with fetters : he was laii 
in iron. 

1 p. Vmil the time that his Word came : the Word 
of the LORD tried him. 

20. The King [em and loo Jed him > even the ruler 
of his people j and let him go free. 

zi*He ma&him Lord of his houfe ; and ruler of all 
hid fub fiance: 

22 . To binde his Princes at hispleafure : and teach 
his Senatours Wifdome. 

Inthefecond rank of reafonsof Godspraife, taken from the 
care the Lord had of the pofterity of Abraham, Ifaac and Jacob, 
♦in bringing them into Egypt, and preferving of them there; 
Learn, j. Every plague, 3nd infpecial famine, isafervancof 
God j ready at a call to come forth, and execute his judgement : 
Moreover, he caUedfora famine on the land. 2. No food can 
be had, except God do furnifh it, and no food when it is given 
can feed, except God gi^e a powerful blefling with it 5 when that 
is removed bread feedeth not : He brake the whole ftaffe of bread. 
3. The way of the Lords performing of his Covenant, is not 
fuch as c irnal reafon would prefer ibe, by giving probable meanes 
of bringing it to paffe, but the way he chufethis fuch as may 
tiy the faith of his children, to wit, byfecming todothe con- 
trary \ As here the Patriarchs having the promifeof the land 
of Canaan, lhall not be fuftered to be fo much as Sojourners in it, 
tmt muft leave it, and go elfewhere 5 He called for a famine on 
that land : which might feem to make it in leffe requeft, and 
by the famine alfo did force them to go where rhey might findc 
bread. 4. When foever the Lord doth bring his children into 
ilraits and difficulties, he maketh provifion for their fuftenance 
in their {traits, and deliverance from the fame. When the Lord 



was to bring his people into Egypt, he provided Co as they mould 
have a fri nd at Court before they came: Hcfcnta man before 
tbcm } evcn$ofepb. f. Whatlbever may be the intent of men 
or devils in troubling of Gods children, God hath a hand irt 
every thing which doth befal them, how accidentally fceveric 
may fcem tocome; rfofepbs coming down to Egypt, is called 
gods meflage ; He fint a man before them, even tfofeph. 6. That 
which men dw finfully, for Utisfictirn oft heir ownlufts, God 
doth holily and wifely for his own ends t by tfofcpbs brethren 
their felling of their brother, to be rid of him i God fendeth Jo- 
fepb into Egypt ^ to provide for their livelihood ; He [em a man 
before them, they [old bim for afervxnt. 7 . It is not ft^ age to 
fee the man whom the Lord mindcth to exalt, moft hu nbled 
before he be exalte d ; and caft into prifon, before he be lifted up 
tolibeity, tfofcpb was fold for a fervant, who j% feet they hurt 
with fetters, 8 . When the Lords fa vtnis are entered in the tri- 
al of their faith, they may look to be foundly feavched , before 
they have ended their trials, and that by iharp afflidi on, as 5^0- 
fepb was tried ; Whofe feet they hurt with fetters, he was laid in 
iron. 9* The afflictions and trials of Gods children, will no: 
end when they could wifti, but rhey have a fet meafure and time 
determined or God ; He was hid in irons until the time came, 
(fc. 10. There is a fee ec word of Gods decree and providence, 
for ending of the affliction of Gods children, which God wrings 
eth forth to light in his own time, and until this come, his let- 
fonts muft lie in bonds, as fofepb lay in iron, till the time thai 
bit word came; that is, till God male his decree man if eft 
about the looting of him. 11, Before affli&ion fhall end, the 
manifested work of Gods providence in affli dim, muft put the 
afflicted to the trial of all that is in him, ana trial muft go bjford 
deliverance; Th* word of the Lord tried him. *r. The time 
appointed in Gods decree, to fend delivery to his afflict chil- 
dren, is made manifeft iu the effectual moving of inftrumenti 
and raeanes of delivery, and in this cafe if aeed be, K'up mall be 
fet on work for the delivery of the Lords children ; The J^ingfent 
and loo fed bim t $ .Such as arc bound ignominioufly for righto* 
oufneffe, (hall be one way or other loofed honourably \ The Ru- 
ler of the people let him go free. 1 4. When the Lords people are 
humbled fumciently, God doth raifethemup, and fometime 
even in a vifible manner before the world, as here fojcpb is by 
the King of Egypt made Lord ofbu boufe, and Ruler of all /;# 
fubfttnee. 1 $ . As Gods children arc «uUcd,tor the benefit of 
B l thofc 


thofe over iyhom they are fet , fo mould they manage and 4 
maintain their honour and power, by doing good to their in- 
feriours, zsjofepb did who was exalted -, To binde ^Pharaohs 
Frinccs at bis pleasure, and teach bis Senators wifdome. 

Ver, 2 J. Ifrael alfo came into Egypt, and^acob fo- 
journedin the land of Ham. 

24. And be increafed kU people greatlj> and made 
them fironger then their enemies. 

25. He turned their heart \to hate his people: to deal 
ftihiUj with hisfervants. 

After tfofepbf the reft of the family is brought down into E- 
*&ypt) who fojourned there, and were preferved till they grew a 
. ftrong people, and then began their affli dion as a preparation 
^o their out-birnging. Whence lexrn> 1 .Albeit a man hath wrafi- 
cd with God in prayer ^ and gotten his bleffmg, yet may he be 
ofled in the world by troubles J Jfrael aljo came into Egypt. 
iiTheheires of thepromife, and the Lords deareft childrerl 
may be made fojournei s among wicked people, even in their old 
age> when they need moft to be at refts Jacob fojourneA 
in the land of Cham. 3. As when the Lords people grow up un- 
to any confiderable number among idolaters, it is no ftiange 
thing if they finde enmity: fo it is no ftrangc thing in Gods 
way, to make them grow the more in number and power, the 
more they be oppofed 5 yea, and to make them under oppreflion 
and periecution, to become mightier then their adverfaries ; 
He encreafed his people greatly, and made them fironger then their 
enemies. 4. The hearts of all men are in Cods hand, toturnc 
them whither he pleafeth to love or hate, as their afte&ions may 
fcrve beft his holy purpofes : He turned their heart to hate his 
people. 5 . The trouble and exercife of Gods people, by whatfo- 
ever inftiuments it be moved, is of the Lord, and he will owne 
the evil of trouble, which is in the city or countrey whatfoever; 
He turned their bcart to bate bis people 6. In the moft finful 
affections, plots and actions of the wicked againft Gods people 
and fcrvants God hath a holy hand, and is not the caufe of their 
fin : for sdl the motions of the creatures,which live,and move, and 
have their being of God, are made ufe of by the Creator, as in- 
ft; uments, whereby he worketh his own juft and holy work for 



his own ends * but when men are about that fame work for their 
finfulends, it becometh finful in them, what is holy in Gods 
part: as the crucifying of Chrift was moft holy on Gods part, 
and moftfinful on his enemies part; He turned their bexh to 
bite bis people: to deal fubtilly with his fervants. 

Ver. 26. He fent Mofes hufervantt an&tsfaron 
whom he kadekofen, 

27. TheyfheWed his fignes among them : and won- 
der sin the land of Ham. 

In the third rank of reafons,taken from Gods delivering of his 
people out of Egypt, and plaguing of the Egyptians 5 Learn, 
1. When by the malice of enemies Gods people arebroughtto 
greateft ftraits, then is deliverance near to be fent from God 
unto them j They dealt fubtilly mtb bis fervants, be fent Mofes 
bis fervanu 2. As it is the Lord who bringeth his own people 
into trouble and ftraits/o it is he who dclivcrnh them again,and 
provideth inftruments for the doing thereof j Hefent ZMofesbk 
fervant. 3 . Aswhofoever do ferve Gods Church to any good 
purpofe,doitnotofthemfelves, but byftirring up, orcommif- 
fion from God ; fo whofoever are about to do the Church good, 
mould do it of intention, as doing him fervice ; He fent Mofes 
bis fervant, and Aaron bis cbofen. 4. As to the end that God 
may have his own glory in every good work, his partis to be 
, diftinguifhed from his fervants part: fo when his fcrvants do 
thefervants duty faithfully, God will have them commended 
and approved for it among men 5 Mofes therefore is called Gods 
fervant, and Aaron bis cbofen. The fignes and wonders, are 
<alled the Lords fignes and wonders, and Mofes and Aarons fer- 
vice is called their mewing of his fignes 5 Tbcy fhewed bisfignct 
among them, and mnders^in tbe land of Ham* 

Ver. 28. He fent da* kneffe^ and made it dark* *nd 
they rebelled not againfi his word. 

29. He turned their Waters into blood: and flew 
their fifi. 

E 3 $O.Ths 


30. Tht land brought forth frogs in abundance: in 
the ihxmbers of their Kings. 

ii . He fpak?) <™A then came divers forts of flies: 
and lice in alt tbeir coafts. 

32. He gave them haile for raine : and flaming 
fire in their land. 

3;. He [mote their vines alfo and their fig-trees : 
and brake the trees of their coafis. 

34. Htfpak?, and the locufls came : and caterpil- 
lars, and that without number. 

3 5. And did eat up all the herbs in their land : and 
devoured the fruit of their ground. 

36* He [mote alfo all thefirfi-born in their land : the 
thief of all their Jlrevgth. 

Hereckonethfundry plagues brought upon Egypt, which arc 
fufflcient for his purpofe, to bring the whole hiftory tominde. 
Iflience learn, 1 . The Sun cannot expel darknefle in the aire, but 
as God maketh way for it,for God can turn the day into palpable 
darknetfe when and where he pleafeth 5 He can make the Sun 
to (hine in one place, and take the comfortable ufe of it away 
in another place, as he thinks good 5 he can put his enemies un- 
der darknefle when his people have light ; Hefent darkneffe, and 
trade it darfa z* It is a piece of glory unto God, when either 
his brute creatures, or his rational iervantsdo what he doth com- 
mand s And they rebelled not againft bis Word. 3. God can 
make moft ufeful creatures tobecomc noifome; He turned their 
Waters into blood. 4. God can plague men in the matter of 
their meat, as well as in their drink, and when the Lord doth 
plague in the one, it is not ftrange if he ftiall plague in the o- 
theralfo; He turned their waters into blood, and flew their fifb. 
f.God can daunt the pride of theftouteft of his enemies, by 
his meaneil; creatures ; The land brought forth frogs in abun* 
dance -j pi the chambers of their flings. &• As the Lord fpeaketh, 
fo mail it be found in due time, he needcth not to make much 
ado in any bufinelTe, but fpeak the word, and it fhall be done ; 1 
He fp&k € > and 'there came divers forts of flics. 7. When the 
proud do ftrive againft God, they gaine nothing but more and 



moreflumefulabafement; He brought Ike in all their coafts. 

8. The clouds are at Gods command, to fent down foft raine, 
or hard and heavy haileftones $ He gave them hail for raine. 

9. Although fire and halftones are moft contrary in their na- 
tures , yet they can agree well in the work of Gods fervice, when 
he employeth them ; He gave them h rile far raine> and flaming 
fire in their land. 10. When lighter judgements do not move 
men , God will fend more heavy plagues, which {hall leave their 
impreffionbehinde them; He fmotc their vines alfo, and their 
fig-trees, and brake the trees of their coafo. 1 x . When Ciod 
fights againft a people, all the creatures are ready to fight 
againft them alfo, as they are called forth: He (pa\e, and tie 
locufis came, and Caterpillars y and that without number. 1 i.What* 
foever hath efcaped the dint of one plague, God can overtake Jc 
by another plague: They did eat up all the herbs in the Und, 
and devoured the fruit oftb: ir ground. 1 j.When God doth fmite 
the creatures which do fervc for mans ufej he (heweth his long - 
fuffering and patience towards man, and his loathneiTe tode- 
ftroy him, as we fee in the order of Gods proceeding with E- 
gypt. 14. When warning given unto man doth not move him 
:to repentance, then the Lord layeth his hand on that which is 
moft precious unto him ',Wc [mote alfo all the firft-borrie in th ir 
land. 1 ?. When the Lord pleafeth to put forth his hand, they 
that are naturally ftiongeft and moft lively, are no leffe near to 
death, then they who are naturally weaker : He fmote all the 
firft-bornc, the chief of all their ftrcngtb. 

Vcn 37. He brought them forth alfo with flher 
and g>ld: and there was not one feeble per f on among 
their tribes, 

38. Egypt was glad When they departed : for the 
feare of them fell upon them. 

39. He fpreadacloudfor a covering, and fire to 
give light in the night. 

40. The people asked, and he brought quailes : 
andfatisfied them with the bread of Heaven. 

41. He opened the rocke , and the waters 
gufbtd out : they ranne in the dry places like a 

B 4 4* 

5<* PS'AIME CV, 

4*. For heremembredhis holy prcwifc, and A- 

brahfiTQ httfervant* 


In the J^ords bringing of his people out of Egypt, and through 
the wilderneile ; Learn, 1 . Albeit there may be many impedi- 
ments of the delivery of Gods people out of their trouble, and 
from theirperfecutors, yet the work of delivery is perfected at 
length 3 for when.Go A had fmitten Egypt in favour of his own 
people 3 He brought his people forth, z. All riches that men 
hive are at Gods difpefing, to transfer the right and pofllflion 
thereof to whom he pleafeth , and the Lords fpeciai and exprcile 
warrant gave title to thelfraelites, to retain the Egyptians Dor- 
rowed jewels. He brought tk em forth alfo with filvcr and gold. 
3, When,(/od grams a delivery, or any fort of benefit, it is a 
new gift to inableaman to make ufe of the offered delivery or 
bellowed benefit, fuch was the benefit beftowed on lfracl, when 
<grod brought his people out of Egypt, There vets not one feeble 
perfon among their tribes. 4. The Loud can make bloody perfe- 
cutors of his people .to ceafe from their perfecution, and to con- 
tribute to their delivery ; and to be defirous to be rid of them : 
Egypt was glad when they departed. 5. God can make his per- 
secuted people terrible to their perfecutors, which is noleffe a 
v/onder .tjien to make the wolfe tremble for feare of the hmbes : 
JZgypt Was gU4 when they departed, for the feare of them fell up- 
en them. 6.Except the Lord did take the guiding and protecting 
of his own people, they mould perim many wayes, after their 
delivery out of trouble . but whom he dclivereth he taketh a care 
pfthem, as he did of iffael, for whom he provided the pillar of 
cloud, to temper unto them the heat of the day : and the pillar 
of fire, to temper unco th:m the darknefle'and cold of the 
night, and made both of them to direel their journey : He 
fpradaclo-id for a cover ing y and fire to give light in the night, 
7. Sometime the Lord will give unto his people at their earneit 
ciefire, that which is not good for them, that fo he may give un- 
to them evidence of his readinefs, much more to give them what 
is good for them, when they earnejtly ask it ; The people ash^ed, 
dnd he brought quxilcs. 8 .When ordinary meanes of the prefer- 
vation of Gods people do faile, God will provide for them won* 
cferfulfy, as he gave his people Manna in the wilderneffe ; And 
fat i sped them with the bread of heaven. 9. As the fountain Qf 
;he feeding of Gods people, is not in the creatures: but in God 



fofliouldtheey£of his people be carried above the cr eatures, 
unto heaven, {or prefervation of this life , as well temporal as 
ipiiitual : for this end it h faid , He faiisfed them with the 
bread of heaven, io. God can bring confolatlon unexpected, 
and that by means moft unlikely to yield 4t ; He opened the 
rock* and the water s guffyed out. u. There is no fcarcity in 
God, of wjiat the Lords people doftandin need of, he both 
can and doth furnifhplenteoufly, and makes the opportunity 
of having theufcofhis pi ovifion follow his people whither fo- 
ever he Fcadeth them 5 The waters out of tbcrocliran in the dry 
places as a river. 12. What the Lord doth to his people, he 
doth it for his Covenants fake ; as here. He remmbred hh 
holypromife. 1$. How many yeares foever do intervene Gods 
promife making, and the performance, the Lord doth not for- 
get his promife, as here we fce.afrer foure hundred and thirty 
years j He remernbnth his holy proilnifC) and Abraham his fct- 

Ver. 43. And he brought forth hu people mthjoj> 
ZX\c\hvs chofen Vvith gladneffe. 

44. And gave them the lands of the heathen; and 
the j inherited the labour of the people. 

45. That they might obferve his ftatntes^ and keep 
his Lcmes. Praije je the LORD, 

Fiom the manner of the Lords bringing \\\s people out of 
Egypt, and planting them in Canaan', Learn, 1. Whatfoever 
bondage the Lords people do fall into, the Lord in due time 
will bring them cut of it, asb'clrongbt forth his people from 
the bondage of Egypt, z. How muchibever forrow his people 
may finde in the expectation of delivery, fomuch joy (hall they 
have in the performance of the Lords promife j He brought 
forth his people with joy, and bis cbofen with gUdvcffc. $ .The 
Lord doth not leave dispeople, till he put them to fometcft 
after their troubles, as he gave reft to his people Jjrael, whom 
when he carried them through the wilderneile, he gave tliem the 
poffeffion of Canaan 5 He%avc them the lands of the heathen. 
4. ThcLord maketh no end of multiplying obligations on his 
people, he maintaincs them in their pofleflfron of what lie doth 


give them 5 t hey inherited the labour of the people. ?. The end 
of the Lords liberality, is to engage the hearts of his people 
more and more to the obedience of his Ordinances, as he did 
all this to Ifraely That they might obferve bis ftautes. tf.Therc 
is no rule for ferving of God acceptably, except his own com- 
mands j for Ifraels rule was, to obferve his fiatutcs, and \eep 
bis Ixwes. 7. The right ufe which we mould make of whatfo. 
ever good was done to the Lords people, is to glorifie God when 
we hear of it, or read of it, as here we are directed 5 Traife 
ye the Lord. 

PSALME cvi. 

THe fummeof thisPfajmeis to teach the godly in the time 
of calamity, lying upon the Church, or upon themfelves; 
Firft, to glorifie God by faith in him. Secondly, to reckon 
up for their encouragement, the frequent forgiveneffe of grie- 
vous fins to his people in former times. And thirdly, to pray 
for the like favour to themfelves i and in hppe to have their 
prayer granted, to give thanks to God. Tfiere are three parts 
of the Pfalme anfwerable thereumo : The firft part is the 
Prophets ftrengthening of his own faith, ver. 1. 2,3,4,?. 
The fecond part is the confeflion of our fins in general, v. 6. 
and in fpecial of eight or nine grofs provocations, which the 
Lord after correction did pardon, and gave comfort to his 
people, to v. 46. which are fo many arguments of hope, to finde 
the like mercy to the Church in this time. The firft fin 
with the forgivenefs of it, is fet down from v. 7, to v. 1 $. The 
fecond fin, v. 1$. 14, if. The third fin, i>. 17, 18. The 
fourthfin, v. 19, 20, 21,22,23. Thefifthfin, v. 24,1?, 
16, 27. Thefixth fin, v- 28, 29,30, 31. The feventh fin, 
pi$ ! >y« The eighth fin,from v. ^4, to v. 43. The ninth 
point of confeflion is of a general heap of fins, oft-times repeat- 
ed, and all pardoned, with pity manifefted to Gods people, 
v, 43, 44, 4?, 46- The third part of the Pfalme, is a prayer 
for new experience of like mercy, and a dofe of the Pfalme 
Vvithpraife and thankfgiving,i/. 47, 48. 



Vcr. r. TT)Rai/e ye the LORV, O jive thanks 
JL unto the LORD, for he is good y for 
hts mercy «ndurcth/*r ever. 

The Pfalmift ftirreth up himfelf and others fourevvayes to 
clorificGod underfad affli&ions, by believing onhim j Firfi, 
by exhorting all to praife and thank the Lord for his goodnefs- 
Whence Itarn, 1 . The exercife of praifing and thanking th$ 
Lord, is very fit for a foul, lying under the fenfe of affliction and 
guiltincfs : for that whieh ferveth for the Lords praife, ferveth al - 
fofox the comfort and encouragement of humbled finners : there- 
fore, faith he, Praife yc the LORD. i. The meditation of 
Cjodsgoodnefs*andreadinefs tocommunicate untomen of his 
bounty, is fit to furnirti matter of his praife, Ttraife ye the LORD 
for he is good. $. Albeit a man be confciencious of his much a- 
bufing of Godsgoodneflfe, and fo might finde this to be the 
matter of his griefs yet mercy anfwereth all objections, ever- 
lafting mercy lcofeth all doubts, and giveth frefh encouragement 
to the humbled (inner to draw near, and make yet again ufc of his 
goodnefle 5 for his mercy endurctbfor ever. 

Vcr. 2. Who can utter the mighty a&s of the 
LORD ? who can /hew forth ad his praife ? 

The next rre^nes which he ufeth, toftir up himfelfando- 
rhers to glorifie God in believing on him, is wondering at the 
Lords works, and innumerable caufes of praife. Whence learn, 
J.Itisa difpofitionfit for praifing of God, tobcfenfibleofour 
uiubility and unfitnefs, for fo great a wo:k, as the Prophet doth 
(hew in this example, faying. Who can utter tbc mighty acts of 
the Lord? 1. There is fuch an impreflion of Gods Omnipotcn- 
cy on all Gods works, and in fpecial on thofe works wherein 
he hath been pleafed moft clearly to manifeft his power, that 
no man can comprehend or exprefs it $ Who can utter the mighty 
aftsoftbclordi $. Albeit the prailesof the Lord furpafe all 
mens ability to declare them, yet neither muft the greatnefs ol 
the work, nor the weaknefs and unworthinefs cf theferv; f 
£od> hinder him to praife asheis able; for even tin. 1 



ofpraifingof God, toconfeffeandfay, Who can Jhew forth ail 
thy praife ? 

Ver. 3, Blejfed are they that keep judgement : and 
he that doth right eoufneffe At all times. 

The third meanes whereby heftirreth up hirnfelf to glorifie 
God by believing in him, is a declaring how blefl'ed the belee- 
ver is. Wbencelearn, 1 . The confideration of the bleffing of 
God upon every true believer, is a notable encouragement to 
put confidence in God; TMeffed are they that keep judgement, 
&c. 2. The evidence of a fincere believer , is not only to keep 
judgement, that is, to receive, refpeft and entertain the Word of 
God, as a decree wifely given forth by him, but alfo to ftudy to 
obey it inpradice conftantly upon all occafions: Blcjfd are 
they thxt \\eep judgement , and he thai dotb rigbteoufuefje at all 

Ver. 4, Remember me y LORD, with the favour 
that thou beared unto tUj people : O vifit me with 
thy [alvation* 

5 . That I may fee the good of thy chofen, that 1 may 
re joyce in the gladnefs of thy Nation : that 1 may glory 
with thine inheritance. 

The fourth meanes of flirring up hirnfelf and others to bc- 
leeve in God, efpccially in this time of the prefuppofed calamity 
of the Church, and of the Supplicant, is prayer to God for a 
new proof of the loving kindneffe, which God beareth to his 
people in all ages. Whence lexrn, 1 . Whatfoever be the out- 
ward afflicted eftate of Gods people, yet they arc ftiil beloved, 
ftill in favour, even when tokens of anger by publick calami* 
tics are mmifefteda^ainft them: Remember me with the favour 
which thou bcarcfi unto thy people. 2. There needeth no more 
felicity unto any man, fave to be one of Gods people: it may con- 
tent any man to have his lot with the children of God, in what- 
foever condition they are put into ; for the Pfalmift era* 
veth no more, but, Remember me, LOTiP, with the fa- 
vour which thou bearcfl unto thy people. $• Albeit ihe Lords people 
feem to be forgotten, yet the Lord will make evident that he 
doth not forget them, nor any one of them ; Remember me, O 
LORV) with the favour which thou bcareft unto thy people. 
s 4 Such 


4. Such as do (hare with Gods people in their grief, (hall be 
partakers alio of their confolation, deliverance and ialvation, 
which God hath wifely prepared for them > therefore prayeth 
the Pfalmift, vifitrnc with thy falvxi ion, (pc. ?. As there 
are times wherein Gud dedareth his difpleafure againft the fins 
of his people, fo there are times when he removeth the tokens 
of his diipleafure, and lettcth forth the evidence of his love and 
refped to thena, in doing them good, making them glad, and 
caufing them to glory in him , this is it which the Pfalmift look- 
eth after, Fifitmewitbthy falvation, that 1 may fee the good of 
thy cho fen y that I mayrejoyceintheglacheffeofthyl^ationy that 
I may glory with thine inheritance. 6. The ncarintereft which 
God hath in his people, and which thty have in him, is a fo- 
lid ground of hope of good, and gladnefs, joy and gloriation re- 
fervedfor them j for they are Gods chofen y Gods TS^ion, ap- 
propriate unto him : and his inheritance , to remain in his pof- 
{ effion from generation to generation ; whereupon the Pfalmift 
doth affaire himfelfe and the Church of his hope of good, 
refer ved for the Church 5 That I may fee' the good of thy 
ebofen, f&Q. 

Vcr. 6. We have finned with our fathers : we 
have committed iniquity^ We have done wickedly. 

In the feconrl place is theconfeflion of fins, for which God 
juftly might afflict the Supplicants, but in his mercy could for- 
give them alfo, as he had done to his people in former generati- 
ons. The force of hisreafoningisthis, many times thou didft 
(hew mercy to our fathers in their afflictions, notwithftanding 
their grievous provocations, therefore we muft intreat thec> 
yea, and hope alfo for thelike mercy in our time ; lV\:ence learn, 
1 At is not for nought that the Lord bringeth calamity on his 
people, he is provoked fo to do by their grievous offences 3 kFe 
have finned. 2. As judgements are fen: ro convince of n'n, and 
to draw forth the acknowledgement thereof; fo there is no rea- 
dier way to remove the fin and judgement alfo, then by confel- 
fion thereof. We have finned. 3. As God when he puniftieth 
his people, doth reckon with them, both for their own , and alfo 
for their fathers faults, whofc footftcps they have followed: fo 
mufhhc peniten* reckon with God for their own fault*, and 


for their fathers fins whcretinto they have acceffion,- We have 
finned with our fathers , t&c. 4. Confeflion of fins muft not be 
flighted, but feriouily gone about, and aggravated duly 5 wc 
have finned, we have committed iniquity , we have done wickedly. 
5. True penitents will neither excufe their fins by the example 
of their Fathers, nor juftifie themfelves, how holy foe ver they 
be, when God is pleading with his Church, but will joyne in 
confeflion with the multttude, as here the holy Prophet doth 5 
Wchwc finned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we 
have done wickedly, 

Ver. 7. Our fathers underfiood not thy wonders 
in Egjpt$ they remtmbred not the multitude of thy 
mercies*, but provokedhim *tthefea,wcn at thtred- 

The fir ft particular fin which he confeffeth is rebellion at the 
red-fea > Exod. 14. 10, n 3 11. which fin was fo much the 
greater, as the wonders done in Egypt for them were great and 
many. Whtnce learn, I. Albeit God manifeft himfelf in ex- 
traordinary working in the fight of misbelievers, yet will they 
remain blinde ignorants, and, brutifh beholders of his operati- 
ons j Our fathers underfiood not thy wonders in Egypt. 1 . Al- 
beit the Lord mould often convince a misbeliever, both of his 
juftice and mercy, yet the Lords works do take no lafting im- 
predion upon his minde ; They remembrcd not thy mercies, 
3. One /in is a degree to another morehainous, for notobferv* 
ing/is followed with not remembring, and forget fulneffe of duty 
drawcthondi/ci&eiiazceand rebellion: Our fathers underfiood 
mt thy wonders in Egypt, they rcmembred not the multitude of 
thy mercies, but provoked him at the fea, even at tbered+fca. 

Wet. 8* Nevertheleffe ; he favei them for bis 
Names fake : that he might makfi his mighty power to 
be known. 

9. He rebuked the reb-fe* alfo f and it Was dried 
$ip : fo he led them thorough the depths, as through the 



10. And he favedthem from the hand of him that 
hated them : and redeemed them from the hand of the 
enemy, ( 

11. And the waters covered their enemies : there Vvas 
not one of them left. 

12. Then beleeved they his words; they fang his 

Asheobferved their fin, fo he obferveth Gods mercy to his 
people; for notwithstanding their provocation, he brought them 
through the red-fe^, rand deftroyed their enemies* Whence learn, 
i. The evil deferving of Gods people, doth not alwayes in- 
terrupt the courfe of Gods goodnefle toward them ; for, never- 
tbclcffe of theaforefaid peovocation, hepped them, z As the 
Lords goodnefle doth agggravate mens fins, fo mens fins do am- 
plifie Gods grace, and make his goodnefle to the unworthy to 
appear the more, Nevcrthelejfe be favedthem. 3. The Lord 
hath other things to look unto, when he hath to do with his peo- 
ple, then prefently to fall upon the puniftiing of their wicked- 
neffe and mifdefervings, even when they are found Delinquents: 
he ufeth to refpect the glory of his mercy toward his people, and 
the declaration of his power a gainft his enemies in favour of his 
people; Nevcrtbclefl'cbe favedthem for bis Names fake, thatbe 
might malic bis mighty power to be tyiown. 4 The manner an d 
circumftanccs of CJods working, is as well to be conlidered as the 
matter, and how eafily he bringcth the greateft works to pa Me 5 
He rebuked the rcd-fca alfo, and it roxs dried up. 5. The Lord 
can make a danger to tune into a delivery, and a peril wherein 
a man was like to perilh, to be a means of prefervation > So be 
led them through the depths^ and through the wildemeffe. 6.ln 
anyone mercy unrolded, we may take up more mercies then 
one, and each particular part of the mercy when it is difcovercd, 
will appear no lefle glorious, then the whole mercy looked upon 
confuiedlyand ingr fle, as here in the delivery at the red-fea, 
the delivery from Pharaoh, whi h is but a part of the work is 
pitched upon ; a nd he faved them from the band of him that bated 
them, and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. 7. The 
comparing of Gods dealing with his own people, and with their 
enemies, amplifieth Gods goodnefs to his people, and their ob- 
ligation wnco him 3 He redeemed them from the band of the f- 

ncm)> : 


Tiemy, and the Waters covered their enemies. 8. When the Louis 
time cometh to enter in judgement wiih the foes of his Church, 
he will not mifTe one whom he mindeth to overtake, as here, 
There was not cue of them left. o The Lord fometime worketh 
fo clearly, for convincing of the misbeliever, that the meft blinde 
and obftinare inhdel (hall be forced to acknowledge his works 5 
When the waters covered their enemies, then believed they his 
words. 10. It fcrveth much for Gods glory, when he extorteth 
credit unto his words by wonderful works, but little to the* com- 
mendation or the believers ,w ho give credit tn Gods Word upon 
that ground only > 35 here we fee, for not before, but then did 
they believe bis words , which importeth their preceding mil- 
belief, and that their duty was to believe his Word, whatsoever 
appearance might be to the contrary. 11. A temporary belief 
extorted by fome extraordinary work, may have joyned with 
it a temporary joy, and praifing of God for a time, without any 
root of faving grace in the heart: Then they believed bis words, 
tbey fang his praife* 

Verf. 13. They Jo on for gat his Works : they wait, 
ed not for his cottnfelx 

1 4. But Infted exceedingly in the Wilderneffe t and 
tempted God in the defert. 

1 <}. And he gave them their requeft : butfent lean* 
nejfe into their jonl. 

The fecond fin confefled here, is their murmuring for want, 
not of water, but of flefli, x Humb. 1 1. 4, 5, 6. which luft God 
did [atisne in his wrath to them. Whence learn, 1 . Temporary 
faith with the fruits thereof, lafte r h no longer then a new ten- 
tation doth aflault, and faith grounded not on the word or truth 
ofit,but only on Gods fenfible works, is ready to vanifh, when the 
work is a little paft and gone; They foonc forget his wor\s. %Xi 
Gods works be not remernbred wi;h eftimation of, and affection 
to God the worker, and with fome ufe making thereof in theo- 
bedience of faith , God doth efteem them to be forgotten; as 
here : for this caufe he faith , They foon forgat his wr/^.3.What 
the Lord doth withhold from his people, or doth unto them, he 
doth it for good puipoferelolvdly> to train his people untoo- 



bedienec, aaJtotry them whether they, will fo'Iow their own 
Will or his counfel as. hut is inlinuated. 4. Misbelievers take 
'thcVuJingofthcmfelvcs into their own lund, ajid will not ft y 
upon Gods provilion for rhem, but muft needs prefe ibe what 
they love to havt ilor.e, and,do murmure if their carnal deli res be 
not fatisried i as here the bn marked in ;he Liaelius d«.ih ihew : 
They waited not [or bis counfel, but luftcd, 5 . When men do hoc 
wijt on Gods direction 3 lulls become their leaders, and furi- 
ous drivers of them as poo (lives to all unreasonable appetites | 
They lujlcA exceedingly. 6. When God by ckcumftanies o£ 
time and place doth c.dl tor moderation of carnal appetite, he. 
tranfgreffijn is the more hainous and offensive unto God > Thcj 
in fled ^xcccdi?i^ly in the witdcmejfe, where chey ihouldha»c 
contented with any fort of provifion. 7. They that 
do not make ufc of* tne life and welfare , which God alloweth 
and provideth 3 but prelcribe unto God what they would h ve 
done to them, do tempt >odj They tempted Cjod in the Jejert* 
tf.Imp jrtunity aWexceffivearfecliontoany unne^eflarvw rid* 
ly thing, may draw out of Gods hand that which is goccf 5 They 
/- fled, ajnl God gave them their requeft, to wit, rfejb in abun- 
dance 9. As hwful meanes are attended with Gods b'efling, 
f© unlawful meanes are followed with Gods curfej He ga-j$ 
them their requcfl but fent leannejfe into their foul. 

Ver, 16. They envied Mofes alfo in theCampe t 
and Aaron the Saint of the LOR'D. 
-17. The earth opened, and fallowed ttf'Daiham 
and covered the company of Abiram. 

1 8. And a fire Was kindled in th?ir company t the • 
\ flame burnt up the wick*d> 


^f he third fiq fconfefled is fedkion which brake forth in K ™h* 
and his complies, 8c was fearfully punifhed, Xum \6. ij ixl'&i? 
Wbencelcarn> 1. The manner 'of the 1 Lords goveri 
people, how gentle foever i: be, is 'riorw'ithlhndi 
menathing inlupriortabie, isdot 

J during the Lords rricck governing of them by Mo(cs\nl^iro't}. 

t.' Rebellion .igainft Godsmannci of it 

ked againftGod; y£t prcrrndtth^b be only' 

F The j 


They envied Mofes in the Camp. $. Milliliters are to be looked un- 
to as men confecrated unto God, and injuries done to them are 
againft the Lord j The J envied Airon the Saint of the Lord. 
4- Whatsoever open wicked courfeis fet on foot, by ring-leaders 
to any milchief, and is not difclaimed by the body of the people, 
may jufily be charged upon all, albeit not in the fame degree of 
guiltincflc, as here, ^orJ)-.nd his Complices fault is charged up- 
on the people , They envied Vdofes in the Cxmfe. 5. Authors of 
iedition in the State, and cf Schifmein the Church, do highly 
provoke God to puniib them exemplarily, as appeareth here .* 
The eanh opened and fw Allowed T)aiban, ad covered the, company 
of Abiram 6 Such as will not be warned to efchewfin, by 
judgement poured forth upon others, do provoke God to make 
themfelves fpe&ades of wrath in the fight of others ; A jire was 
kindled in their contpauy, tie fire burnt up the wic\td. 

Ver. 19. They made a calje in Boreb : and nor* 
fblppe^the molten image. 

30. Thus they changed their glorj into tkc Jlmili- 
tPideof anOxe that eateth grafs* 

21. They forget Ood their Saviour : which had 
done gnat things in Fgjp. 

22 . Wonderom Vcoyks in the land of Ham : and te r- 
rible things bjthe red-fea+ 

25. Therefore he f aid that he would deftroy them^ 
h$& not Mofes his chofen flood before him in the 
breach^ toturne away bis wrath y left he fhould deflrey 

The fourth fin confeffed, is the idolatry of the golden calf, 
which fin is aggi avated,and the danger of their deflruftion for ir, 
(z\[[Mo r es interceded for them) is briefly fet down here,but mort 
largely exprefled,Exorf 3 i.and Deut. a. Whence learn , i.They 
that are ready to change the Government of the Church* 
which G d hath appointee!, will be ready alfo to change the wqi- 
fliipofOod, as experience in the Ifraelites doth teach, who 
are charged with the one fault, v. 16. and with the other here .; 
They made a Qtlfe in Horcb> and worfiipped the molten *- 



mage, x. Idolaters are fo bewitched with the opinion of the* 
hwfulncflfe of idolatry, as they dire both devife and practife ic 
in Gods piefence. They made a Calfe in Mount Horcb 3 th* 
moun ainc whcu the Lord did flitw himftlf terrible. 3. Albeit 
image-making in the matter of Religion and image- worship- 
ping be ^n old (in, yet this relative worfhip offered un o God 
before an image, is alwayes reje&ed of God as no worfhip done 
to him, but only to the imige: for God dorh not expound com* 
munication of worfhip to an image, or relative worfhip before an 
image according to the intention of the worfhipper, but ac- 
cording to the nature of the action, which is oifthargid inthe 
fecond command of the moral law : //r.«c7 in ended to offer the 
holy day to the Lord, and appointed the worfhip to.vaid the 
golden image for him, asthe hiftory fheweth Exod. $ 1. 4> ?» 
To morrow isafeaft of the Lord : yet here tt e Lords Spirit decla- 
reth thistobea woifhip. not of God, but of r he image 3 Tbey 
worjhipped the molten image. 4. M iking of im -ges to reprcfenc 
God, or any of the prions of the holy Trinity, is but a vilify- 
ing of the glory 01 God, and giving it to the image q( a crea- 
ture; yea, the making of an image torep e.enr ^od, is the 
changing of the glory of God into a vile image of fome bafe 
creature, and the placing of the one in the others ftead and 
room, for fo God judgeth, faying, Tim they changed tbeir glo- 
ry into thefimilttudeof an Oxc tbateateth grafle, 5. To have 
God for our God, and to have him alone for our God, and 
the only objed of our worfhip, without any mixture of humane 
devices is our gloryj and to do otherwife is the fhame of the 
wovihipper: They changed their glory into the image of an Oxe. 
6. To devife images or pictures to put us in minde of God, is 
a very forgetting both of Gods nature, and of his authority, dif- 
charging fuch dyvices, for fo doth the Lord expound it ', They 
forgot God their Saviour. 7, Whatsoever woks God hath 
wrought, for making people know him, are all forgotten as well 
as 5°d is forgotten, whensoever men may make devices of their 
own for memorials of God : They forgot Goi their Sdviour, 
which baddone great things in Egyyt> wondrous things in the ixni 
$f Ham, and terrible things by the red-fca* 8. Idolatry openly 
committed in aland, isacaufe fufficienttodeftroy the Nation 
which is guilty of that fin : for y Tberc fore the Lord faidhe would 
deftrvythem. 9. As they whofeae Go,, in a l>nd, fhould de- 
precate Gods wrath that it fall not on it, and ftioulj ftind in the 
£ap to divert the Lords wrath: fo is their imerceffion acceptable 

F x igf 


to God, and a hopeful means to divert wrath, as is to be feen in 
Mojes who flood up before bimtoturn away bis wrath Jefl be fljould 
deflroy them i o. When God is glorified in a peoples obedience 
him, he is a wall about them to fave them from harme$ 
but wh^n he is provoked by open idolatry or avowed fin,;hen is a 
gop m.'de in the wall of his protection, .that milchief may enter 
now in upon them at che. breach : He fail be would deftroy them, 
bad not CMofes bis ebojen flood before him in the breach. 

24. Tea, they defpifed the pleafant land* they be- 
leeved not hU word: 

25. But murmured in their tents :and hearkened not 
unto the voice of the LORD. 

26 Therefore he lifted t*p his hand again ft them , to 
overthrow them in the wilderneffe : 

27. To overthrow their feed alfe among the Nations ^ 
and to fatter them in the lands. 

The fifth fin confeffed, is the contempt of Cfods moft preei* 
cus promifes, figured out in the defpifing of thepromiie ofCd- 
?>^/uintothem, which as it did fiow from misbelief of Gods 
Word, foit brought forth murmuring againft his difpenfation, 
which /did put them in hazard ofdiffipation and deftru&ion> 
as is fet down more largely, Numb. 13. and 14. Whence team, 
1. When the promikJ inheritance of heaven, fwhich was figured 
by the pleafant land ofpromife^is not counted worthy of all the 
paines ind difficulties, which can be fuft.ii ned and met with in 
the way of going toward it : the promised inheritance is but 
little efteemed of, asappeareth in the Israelites, who for love 
of eafe, and fear of the Canaanites were ready to turne back 
to Egypt; They defpijed the pleafant land. 2. Misbelieving of. 
Gods Word, isthecaufeof dilefteeming of his precious promi- 
fes, ashereisfhewen ; They believed not bis Word. $«Dif- 
eftimation of Gods precious promifes, maketh men to quarrel 
with Goas providence . when he is leading men to the poiieffion 
thereof: for this, mide the Ifraelites malecontent with all that 
Cjed had done unto ihemiTbcy murmured in their tents .4 When, 
Gods difpenfationdoth not pi eafe men, they will notiaileto 
takeacourfeof their own, and rciifregard vvhat^od command- 


cth them : they murmured, in their tents , and hearkened not to 
the voice of the Lord. The fait hi die man is fccluded from hea- 
ven, and from Gods nil by an Oath 5 They hearkened not unto 
the voice of the Lord , therefore he lifted up hU hand again ft tbtfrlq 
that is, not only began to fmitc them 5 but alio as it is, Hcb. 4,3. 
He [wore they fiould not enter into hUrcft. 6. We ihoiiLi feac, 
left a promife being left us ofentering into his reft, any of us 
fliould feem to come lhort of it, Hcb. 4. 1. and we mould labour 
to enter into that reft , left any man fall after the fame example 
of unbelief, Hcb. 4. u. becaufc again ft unbelieving Ifraelites y 
God li fed up his hand to overthrow them in the rcildcrvcffe. 7.The 
Lords vengeance againft unbelicverSjand defpifers of the Gofpel, 
and of the precious promifes thereof, readily doth follow the po- 
fterity of unbelievers, as hce the vengeance reached. To over- 
throw their feci alfo among the nations, and to fcatter them in the 
lands. 8. As the Lords threatening do go forth forfure execu- 
tion, fo they leave room to repentance and interceflion , and do 
n?3ke both the man that perifheth inexcnfablc , and the man that 
is (pared to know the wrath which he hath defetved ; For God 
lifted up his hand to deftroy the unbeliever in the wilderneflfe, be- 
fore he did deftroy them ; and threatened the pofterity before the 
execution did come : For this thcApoftle, Heb 4. doth teach 
us, from the example of Gods dealing with the Ifraelites. 

Ver. 28. They joyned tbemfelves alfounto BaaU 
Peor : and ate the facrificei of the dead. 

29, Thus they provoked turn to anger Vfith their in-* 
mentions : and the plague brake in upon them* 

;0. Then flood up Phinehas , and executed judge- 
ment : And fo the p ! ague Was flayed. 

31. And that W04 counted unto him for right eouf* 
fjeffe : unto all generations for evermore* 

The fixth fin confefled, is the mixing themfelves in fornicati- 
on, bodily and fpirituall , in open Idolatry with the Moabires 3 - 
for which they were plagued, till Chinch as interceded fofc them, 
Nwnb.zf. Whence learn , 1. Unbelievers arc cafih 1 ■ o 

change their Religion 3 and to mkede'c&io*. houvGou, as is 

Fj r ■'■ 


evident in the Ifraelites $ who by the lwft oi their flefti 3 mixed 
themfelves with the daughters of Moab; mi then jcyncd with 
them in their Idohtry : They joyned themfelves alfo to Bad- 
Vtor. 2. Idolairy is a breach or wed-lock wirh Go I , and an 
adulterous joyningdf a mans foul to an Idol; They joyne them- 
felvcs to Ttxal-Feor. $ . Communion with Idolaters in worfhip, 
or in ceremonies and appendicles of Idolatrous worfhip , doth 
prove the Communicants to be guilty of Idolatry; they ate tb$ 
ficnfice of the dead. 4- Such as fail from t. ue Religion to Idola- 
try , do make .in ill bargain 5 they go from rhc living God to 
dead Idols , and deadly Idolatry ; They ate the 
ftcrifice of the dead, j. Mens devices in Religion) and Gods 
ace- ptabk Ordinances, do ftand in oppoiiti^n one to another : 
for :ens inventions cannot pleafe God > For tbm tbey provoked 
him with their inventions. 6. Nothing doth draw on more 
fuddain nd fore judgement , then change of he true wo (hip of 
God with mens inventions ; Tbey provoked him to anger ^ with 
their inventions : and the plague brake in upon them 7- Such 
a* have warrant from Godtopunifliopen (\a , ftiould not del ay 
juftice, for thus much doth the extraordinary fcrvicc of Pbincbdf 
teach unt the ordinary Magiftrate , whobearerh the fword by 
office: Then flood rtpVbincM to exceute judgement. 8. As the 
]Lord is loath to ftrike when he is provoked > lo he is ready to h ;ld 
his hand, and ceafe upon any covenicnt occafion : Phineba/s flood 
up to execute judge >ent , and fo the plague vow flayed 9. The 
rule and order which God hath appointed unto men to follow, 
doth not hinder Gad to give extraordinary commiflion to whom 
hepleafeth, for any extraordinary piece of fervice , as appeareth 
inthisitiftanceofTWwcfrtf*. 10. What God doth fct men 2 
Work to do by inward and immediate infpiration^that he maketh 
manifeft to the Church by his revealed word of approbation , as 
the infpircd command given to Tfc/wc/?^, wasjuftified by Gods 
revealed will to the Church : I fay, by inspiration \ b< caufe im- 
predion* on mens fpirits, or inftigations unro that which the re- 
vealed will of God doth not allow J or fecret impulfes unto un- 
lawful adions, is one thing, and infpiration of Gods extraor- 
dinary direction unto any fpecialwork, is another thing : for 
infpiration from god 3 was the way of fhunning Gods revealved 
will , which was to be communicated with the Church, by a mo- 
ral way of command given to the Prophet 5 fuch as was that in- 
fpiration , whereby God ufed fometimes to reveal his will to the 
ChurJi , before the writing of the Scripture was fully dofed : 


Thus God revealed his will exprcflely to Abrahm > concerning 
the offering of his fon Ifaic i Thus God gave order to Mvfcs tor 
the Ifraelices borrowing of the Jewels of the Egyptians, irpdn his 
own ri^ht an d tide > which he hath unto all the c eatn e . a lif- 

Kfe of them at his pleafure ; Thus the whole Scripture * 1 . not 
privare interpretation, but th^ holy men of God (pake 3$ they 
were infpired ana moved by the Holy Ghoft ; And thus was Pbi- 
ncbas inftructcd unto the particular fci vice: but iinprefTions 3 im- 
pullions, inftigations , which are nor acco; ding to the revealed 
rule of Gods Word, winch now is fully fet down in Scripture^ as 
they war.t Gods moral direction to teach th.m . fc alio they wane 
Gods moral approbation ; I fay, moral direction , bec^u'e pro- 
vidential leading of a man unto any action , is one thing 3 and 
moral direction is another thing. In the way bf providential lead- 
ing, a man may be led in Gods jufticc by his bWri lufts, and Sa- 
tans impu'fe into tentatior; a^ainlt which evi! Chrift directcth 
us to pray , Lead us not into tempution, bit' 'clivcr iti from that 
evil, or the evil one. But where morall direction is , xkz man 
hath his manifefted commiflion ard knoweth formally i he war- 
rant of his action, and fo doth not (in therein; in piovidentrl 
leading, a man is oncly a brute inftrument, as the j4fl)/ians and 
Ncbushddve^ffr was, whom God made ufe of as of a 10a of his 
indignation, and he knew it not : but in mora! direction , the. 
man is a rational Urvant^as knowing wh rt he doth to be warrant- 
able fervice ; and fo was -Mofcs in all the hotafe of God a faithful 
fervant, doing all as God commanded Mofcs ; and fo was Phi- 
ticbaf here Gois fervant , following rmoraily a clear divine infpi- 
ration, a clear command and direction, and therefore had he 
alfo Gods morall approbation : For it ivti counted, to him fir 
rightcouf'Mcffc. 1 1. As there is a juftitication of a mans perion, 
which is only by faith in Jtfus Chrift ; To there is a juitibcation 
ot a certain deed or action, when it is accepted by God for fer- 
vice*, and of this fort is the juftific.uioh of Pbinebw his zea- 
lous r ct : for this act was imputed unto him for rigbteoufn<ffe,Q£ 
for a righ-eous piece of fervice. 12. What God doth ju it ifwj 
whether it be a man, or a mans action , no man may condemre 
it, for it ftandeth abfolved , as in this may be fem ♦ It wat im- 
puted unto him for right coufneffe , unto nil generations for act- 

F* Vcr. 


Ver. 32, They angred him alfo at the waters of 
Jlrife: fo that it went ill with Mofes for their 
fakes : 

3 3. Becaufe they provoked his fj>irit : fo that he 
fyake Hnadvifedl) with his lipr. 

The feventh fin confeffed, is murmuring at Meribab for want 
of water ? whereby meek Mofes was drawen in the mare of a ta(h 
fpecch", and of a notable inconveniency > 2{umb. z<>. Wbentc 
larrty 1. 'Oft repeated fin obftinately perfifted in , cannot but 
provoke God to anger > for as before they had murmured, io 
alfo now murmuring again, They angered Go&ttthewiurs of 
jlrife. 2. When the Lords feivants in doing their calling are 
ftriven againft, there God is alfo fti iven againft; for this caufe 
the place where the people ftrove with Mofcs> is called the waters 
jofflrife: to wit, with God, becaufe they ve with Mofes. 
^.TheLords fervants are in danger to be drawen into fundry t ci- 
tations and mares, bv the evil carriage of the people > over whom 
they hwe charge, nsby occafion of the peoples murmuring, It 
rcen' ill with Mofes for their fakes. 4. Albeit men are to be pi- 
tied who are provoked to fin , yet the provocat on excufeth not 
xfic [inner; but it aggravate: h the fin of the provoker j as he: c, It 
%>ent ill with Mofes yet for their f^esi JBecaufe they provoked his 
fpirit* %. Inrheholieit of men, there are reliques of fin unmor- 
titied, and fucf) weakneftY, as they may 1 easily iail into fin in an 
houreoftentaticn; For SMofcs fatty unadvifedly with his lips. 

6. It is a dangerous ca.c to come "unto the Loi\ s holy fcrvice , 
with any palficn or carnal .perturbation, or to miagle Gods pub- 
lick iervice with our pafllons, as in the cafe of Mofes doth appear. 

7. The leading of an holy life in the former time of a ans 
life, cannot juftifie nor excufe an ill action thereafter > nor hin- 
der Gxls wrath whe the mb eaketh torth, 3S is to be feenin 
SH'ofes cafe j with whom it went ill, lecaufe he fpt^e undvifedr 

ly with his lips. 

■ s 

Vcr. 34« They did not deftroy the nations. conctrnwg 
Whom the LQ$ C D commanded them : 



The eight fin, is their difobedience to Gods command after 
they were placed in the land of Canaan, which is fee down in fun- 
dey particulars. The firft is , their fparing of the Canaanitcs, 
whom God commanded them to deft :oy. Whence learn, i . Ne- 
glect: and omiflion of that which Gcd doth command to be done, 
doth bring men under guilrinefle and challenge and wrath , and 
proveth the fountain of more mifchief afterwards, then men arc a- 
ware of , as here appeareth ; They did not dcjlroy the nations, 
concerning whom the LORD commanded them- i . Men ftmuld 
not fpare the lives of thofe whom God commandeth todeftroy, 
left God mike a quarrel of it , as here he doth againft the 

Ver. 3". Titit were mingleh amougthe heatheri) and 
learned their works* 

; 36. sAnd they ferved their idols : fthich were a 
fnare unto them. 

Thefecond particular fo'lowing on the former fparing of the 
Qanaavits , is forbidden marriages wiih them ., and contagion of 
their ill manners. IVbcncclcarn, t Sinnes of omiflion, make 
way for, and draw on hns of commiflion, as here we fee. i.Un- 
eauall matching with open Idolaters , draweth on contagion of 
Idolatry j They were mingled with the heathen, and learned their 
• works* And they ferved their Idols : 3 . Making of images in 
the matter of Religion , is a work of the heathen $ for h it is 
here reckoned and called, their wcr^. 4. Image-worfhipping, 
and Idolatry, is a fin that is eafily learned , the contagion where- 
of doth Lpread quickly , For the Canaanites Idols were a fnare to 
the Ilraeiites. f.Servicero Images is condemned of God, as wor- 
fiip of Images is condemned: yea, God comp;chendeth under 
Jervice, all and whatfocver refpect done toInuj?cs,as an abomi- 
nable and damnable fin ; For they ferved their idols is he: e the 
challenge. 6. How plc^fant foe ver, and delectable, and profi able 
men do plead laiagcs to be ; yet GoH efteeme'th lolc- 

full inventions , which bring no profit to their fe -van's an i wor- 
shippers, fave dolour and grief; for fo much tfofh the word in 
the Original give us tbundcrftand. 7. Win e pre- 

tences men do Fuffer thcmfelves to be led away with, unto the fel- 
low/hip of Idolaters and feiviceol images I are nothing but de- 


luding deceits, which fhall bring on the contrary evils undoubt- 
edly : They ftrvei their Idols which wen a fnare to tbm* 

Ver. % j. Yea, they facrjficed their font and their 
daughters unto devils. 

38« And fhedinnoceut bloody even the blood of their 
fons and of their daughters i whom they facrtficed unto 
the idols of Canaan-, and the land was polluted with 

39. Thmvfere they defiled with their oftn works : 
And went a whoring with their own inventions. 

A third particular of their difbbedience in Canaan , is their fa- 
criricing their children to Idols, whereby the land was fearfully 
polluted. IVhence leant, 1. When men depart from the rule of 
Gods Worfhip • thereisnoftiy nor {landing till they fall into 
the grotfeft Idolatry, whereunro they are temprcd : Tea, (faith 
lie) they jacrificed tbeir fonncs and daughters, 2. The rage of 
Idolatry is fuch , as ic will not fpare whatfoever is deareil , even 
the lives of children and friends to maintain it : They facrificci 
their fons and daughters. $, The fervice done to Idols, andl- 
mages of mans devifing, is not done to God 3 as men do pretend 
who worflitp them ; but to Devils, who are thedcvilVs.fuggeft- 
ers nnd enticers of men unto all fort of unlawful worfhip ; and 
who are ferved and obeyed in efFcel: by falfe Religion, Vcut. 32. 
I7« i-Cbron. l|*«5« \ Cor. 10.20. They facrificcd their fons 
mi daught. rs unto devils , whom they facrifced unto the Idols of 
Canaan. 4. Idolaters are blood-thirity > and do not ftand for 
the innocency of any party or perfon, by whofe blood -flied the 
Jdol may be honoured , and Satan may bs pleafcd who is a liar 
and murtherer from the beginning: They Jhcd i.nocent bloody 
even the blood of their fons and daughters , whom they facrtficed to 
the Idols of Canaan. 5. When innocent blood is fried, the land 
is polluted , whatfoever be the caufe which is pretended ; They 
fljed innocent blood, and the land was polluted with blooi. 6, The 
higheft point of holinelTe in a falfe Reiigion> is bu: filthineffe and 
pollutions ind no invention of man can make the followe s therof 
npre holy by observation thereof, bur doth pollute them ftill,thc 



more they follow them; \ or thm w ere they defied with their own 
•worlds. 7* Following of men inventions in Religion , is Ido- 
latry or fpirituall adultery , becaulc God is iorfaken iMofarrc, 
3nd another go 1 and lord inReligion is received in Gods ftcad: 
for fo mnch laith the Text , They went a whoring with their 
awn inventions. 

Ver. 40. Therefore was the wrath of the LORD 
kindled againfi hu people: inlomuch that he abhorred 
his own inheritance. 

41 . And he gave them into the hand of the heathen: 
and they that hated them, ruled over them. 

42. Their enemies alfo oppreffed them : and the J 
Were brought into [ubjeQion under thetr hand* 

Here is (hewen what followed on their following of their own 
inventions, to wit, flavery and fubje&ion unto men> in (jods in- 
dignation. Wbenc%learn> \. When men do follow fin and their 
own waves, wrath followeth them : For therefore was the wrath 
of God fondled againfi bis own people. 2. When from the Word 
of the Lord men will not believe how odious fuperftition is to 
him , he will make them findc it by his plagues : For therefore 
wm the wrath of the Lord fondled. 3 . No priviledge can make 
men fo lovely before God, as the love of ; dols and Images in the 
matter of Religion doth make them to be loathed of him : His 
wrabww fondled, even again ft his own people , injomucb that he 
abhorred his own inheritance. 4. When Gods people do follow 
the fuperftition of Idolaters, either by complying to gratifie them, 
or in way of pleafing themfelves ; it is juftice with Cjod to make 
Idolaters their rmftcrs , and to m ke his people lole the benefit 
hoped for by complyance : And he gave them into the hand of the 
heathen. f . It is righteoufneflc with Go I ro put bis people un- 
der the yoke of men that hate them, when they have call off the 
eafie yoke of God who loveth them : And when men follow 
w^yes which God nbhorreth , £od juftly doth make them fyflkr 
what they do moft abhorre ; He gave tbim over into the hand of 
the heathen : And they that hated them, ruled over tbem. 6 The 
fins of Gods people do make open W3y for their enemies, and do 
put ftrength, courage,and vi&ory into their hands* and left the 



Lords people fliould not be moved by that change ofgovernment, 
he makes their burden under their enemies unfupportable : Their 
enemies alfo oppreffed them. 7. When people will not humble 
themfelves in the way of repentance , it is righteoufnefle with 
God to bring them low by judgements, as here is feen : The 
Ifraelitesdo not repent of their (ins, And tbey were brought into 
fubjeclion under their enemies hand. 

Ver. 43. Many times did he deliver them*, but 
they provoked him "frith their counfel y and were brought 
low for their iniquity, 

44. N evert heleffe> he regarded their ajflic~lwn y when 
he heard their cry. 

45. AndheremembredforthemhU Covenant : and 
repented according to the multitude of his mercies. 

46. He made them alfo to be pitied of all that 
tarried them captives* 

The ninth and laft point of confeffion, is of a heap of mani- 
fold fins often repeated; notwithftanding which God did 
fhewpity to hispeople for his Covenants caufe. Whence learn, 
1. The Lord leave r h no means uneflayed to gain hispeople, 
fometimes he puts rhem to fore trouble , fometimes he delivereth 
them, and exercifeth them with the viciflirude of calamiries.and 
deliveries , if by any means they may be faved .- Many times did 
be deliver them. z. Such is our wickednefie and -perverfe na- 
ture , that flill we give the Lord a bad meeting for his mercies ; 
and initead ofihankfulnefle, do provoke him by doing and fol- 
lowing what we our felves think fitteft, as is to be feen in the I Is- 
raelites : Many timet did (jod deliver them , hut tbey provoked 
him -with their counfcl. $ . Men in the courfe of their fins , have 
high and felf-picafing conceits of themfelves, and no impeniten- 
cy is without pride j but by fad judgements God many times 
make h them lie low in affliction , who do not walk humbly in 
the way of obedience, as here we fee the Ifraelitcs provoked God 
by their couvfcl , that is, by their own devices, conceits ami in- 
ventions ; ito tbey were made low by their iniquities. 4. Al- 
beit Gods people oft-times provoke him ; and in their profperity 



do not regard God nor his commands ; yet God regards them h, 
asbotha'ter a whiles profperity, to correct them i and after a 
whiles adverfity, to comfort them : Neveribelcjfe he regarded 
their affliction. 5;. God by heavy affliction moveth men to cry 
unto him , who other wife Would not have called upon him at all, 
as his dealing with p -oud provoking Ijrael here doth fhew , who 
in affliction are made to cry J *6. Albeit there be commonly great 
unfeundnefie in the cry oi- opprefled people 5 yet God will hear 
that cry and Kip them out of a temporal trouble, as here ; He 
rtgarded their affliction, when he heard their cry. 7. As when 
Gods people do abufe his grace .and do forget their Covenant, and 
are plagued for their fins \ the good of the Covenant 3 and con- 
federacy with God is obfeured, buried, and as it were forgotten: 
So when the Lord doth change hisdifpenfation , the benefit and 
good of the C venant is brought to light again J for then God 
taketh occafionto (hew , that albeit his people do forget the Co- 
venant, yet he forgers it not ; For he remembered for them , or, 
for their behalfe, bu Covenant. 8. The unchangeableneile of 
Gods merciful nature and love to' hispecpl-e, maketh him change , 
the courfe of juftice into mercie, and no other change, excepc of 
thisdifpenfation is meant by ^ods repentance, when it is (aid , 
zAnd he repented according 10 the multitude ofbU mercies. o.The 
mercy of the Lord is fo large, as the multitude of 'former fins, 
and abufed by-paft favours cannot hinder the finner once again to 
come unto the inexhauftible fountaine of grace, and cannot 
hinder God once more to (hew mercy to a finner J yea, albeic 
God hathentered in judgment with the finner, and hath begun to 
pome out delervcd wrath upon him 5 even jufUce thus begun to 
be executed, cannot hinder God to hold his hand, and (hew mer- 
cy once again to the finner : for here experience teacheth , that 
oft. times when he had entered in judgement with Ifrael, He )€- 
pentcd according to the multitude of his mercies. 10. (Jod hath 
the ruling of all mens affections, to make them turne as he plea- 
ch .* Cjod mixeth the moft bitter cup of judgement given to his 
people to drinkc, with the ingredient cfcompajfion ; and what pi- 
ty his people do finde from any hand , it is the fruit, effect, and 
evidence of Gods pitie toward them, : He made ibm afe to be pi- 
tied ofalltbofe tbtt curried themcapt vcs. 



Verf. 47. Save us f O LORD our God, and 
gather m from among the heathen , fo jj/w /W;^r 
«w*<? /£;? £0/7 Nanie ^ and fa triumph in thy 

4^. £/*//*</ be f£* LORD god ef Ifraelfrom e- 
wr lofting to everlafting , and lee all the feople fay, 
*Amen % Praife je the LORD. 

The laft part of the Pfalm 3 wherein the Pfalmift draweth 
two conclufions from what he hath been fpeaking, and tcacheth 
the Chnrch to do the fame in their fad afflictions : The one is 
apraycr for the frefli experience of the like mercy unto the 
Church ; and to every member thereof in their time, U47. The 
other is a praifing or Gad in aflurance of faith , that he would 
certainly do fo, -y. 45. Whence learn, 1. The right uie of the 
hiftory of Gods mercies to his Church, is to go to God in humi- 
lity 3 aud to encourage our felves to feek and expect the like to 
our felves : Save us alfo, faith the Church here. 2. Seeing God 
in mewing mercy to his people 3 doth alwayes refpeft the Cove- 
nantj it is good for the (inner not to quit his intereft therein, but 
to claime new experience of mercy , according to the tcnour 
thereof / Tor this relpecl:, the Church praycth here 5 Save us, 
O LORD our God. 3. The vifible Church may be fo defaced 
for a dme , that howfoever the vifible members thereof can never 
ccafe to be but one generation (hall follow another s yet the out- 
ward ibcietie sand folemne affemblies of the Church, maybedif- 
folved and difappear by fcattering of them , as this part of their 
prayer , Gather us } doth import, 4. It is a heavic affliction 
/or the godly to Jive in the company of enemies : and of men of 
afalfe Religion: from this evil they deGre to be delivered, 
Gather us from among the heathen. 5. The face of a vifible 
Church , wherein we may have the communion of Saints, and 
occafions to dwell together with them , and enjoy with them the 
publick and free ufe of Religion J is a great mercy, and wor- 
thy that God (hould be intr eared tor it : Gather us from a- 
tnong the heathen, to give thanks to th) holy Name. 6. The Lords 
people are allowed to glory in the LORD, and to boaft in his 



praife? and the end of their fecking the liberty of free affem- 
bling of themfelves together , lhould be , that they may 
declare the LORDS praife , and glory in him : G4- 
tber us to give tbvilis to thy holy Hme y aud to triumph 
in thy pmfc. 7. When we have prayed according to Gods 
will , we mould take our prayer for granted , and leave it 
lying at GODS feet, as the Church doth here. 8. Lee 
the L O R D do to his Covenanted people what he pleaf- 
eth, they (hall never want reafon to praife 5 thank and 
bleflfc him , for the clofing of this Pialme teacheth fo 
much : Blcjfed be the LORT> GOV of JfraeL 9. The 
LORD is the everliving Fountaine of fpirituall andever- 
lafting bleflings to his owne peoples and wharfoever be- 
come of temporal things 3 there is reafon of bleffing GOD 
for fpirituall and everlafting mercies; and to fay, Blcjfed 
be the LORD GOD of Ifracl , from everlafling to e- 
verlaftfag. 10. When the Spirit ot the LORD doth 
rarfe the Song of the praifes of G O D by his Prophets 
and Minifters; It is the Brides p3rt , and the put of 
every Member of the Churchy to joyncinthe thank l'giving, 
and fubferibe with acclamation unto the blefling of GOD : 
*An& IctM the petple fay> Amen. 11. When the Believer 
hath in his own perfon given thanks to God , he (hould 
fttrre up others , according as his ifation calleth him unto 
it, to praife the LORD alio, as here is done ; Prrifc 
ye the. LORD. 




THis is a Plalme of praife for Gods gracious and wife dirpcn- 
fations towards men. In the former part whereof, the 
Pfalmift reckonerh four exercises of Gods people, by Gods 
juftice bringing them to itraits, and by his mercy delivering 
them again; The firft exercife isbybanifhment , and by the 
Lords bringing them back from ic, w v. i o. The fecond is by 
captivity and imprifonment , and delivery out of it, to v. 17. 
The third is by bodily ficknefle, and recovery from it, to ver.z$. 
The fourth is by danger by Sea, and delivery out of it, to 
vet. jjj, 

In the latter part ofthePfalme, he praifeth God for his wife 
dealing with people and Nations, in changes made among them, 
in their lands, perfons, goods and eftates , for the good of his.. 
own, and overthrow of the proud.One change is/of a fertile, into 
a barren wilder nefl'e, for the Inhabitants fins, y. £j> 34* Ano- 
ther change is of a barren iand into a fertile and plentiful foile, 
well peopled, to v. $9 A thirci change is , wafting and fpoyling 
of a well peopled and fertile Countrey , yi 39 A fourth change 
is, pulling down Princes, and Starefmen, and confounding of 
them, fo that they know not what to do, or whither to go, v. 4°# 
The fifth change is, the lifting up of the poor and defolate , and 
enlarging of them in all tefpe&s, v. 41. The beftwitnefles of 
which changes , are the godly and wife obfervers of Gods pro- 
vidence, who for a reward of their cbfervation fhall have com- 
fortable ufc and benefit of all Gods difpenfations, v. 4*,4$« 

Ver. I . f~\ Give thanks unto the LORD , for 
V^/ be is good: for his mercy endureth 
for ever. 

2. Let the redeemed of the LORD fay (o : whom he 
hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy. 

3. And gathered them out of the landsr, from the 


PSAlME CVlf. St 

£aft 9 and from the Weft : from the North ^ and from 
the South. 

He exhorteth all to give thanks unto the Lord , and fpccially 
the Lords redeemed ones, brought back from exile out of all 
countreys where they wandered. Whence learti 3 i . Unto no du- 
ty are we more dull and untoward, then to the pralfe of God,and 
thankfgiving unto him $ neither is there any duty whereunto 
there is more need that we iliould be ilirred up , as this e^rneft 
exhortation doth import : give t\nn\s unto the Lord. i. Whe- 
ther men do acknowledge the grace and bounty of the Lord or 
not , he is worthy to be thanked and praifed \ partly, becaufe of 
his liberal and ready communicating his goodnes freely, not only 
to not deferving, butalfo to illdeferving perfons, and that" out 
of meer mercy s and partly, becaufe he followeth the man who 
hath found mercy, with mercy more and more ; and partly , be- 
caufe he refufeth to no man met cy who fceketh it, or (hall feek it 
of him, at what time foever, tothe worlds end : For fo much 
faith thereafon of the exhortation , For beugoid^ for bis mer- 
cy enduretbfor ever. . $. Every man hath matter and leafon, and 
obligation lying on him, ropraifeGodj bu- fpecially fuch as 
have more pa.ticulai^ oitner and greatc experience of mercies 
then others have had.* Let the redeemed of the Lord {ay fo. 
4, Redemption made by Chrift o\ his own Elect, is thefoun- 
taineof every particular benefit beftowed upon them: for the E- 
lccl: are called the reedeemed of the Lord here , before the parti- 
cular delivery from baniftiment b Specified ; and that delivery is 
called a redeeming of them, Whom he hath redeemed f'om the 
bxni of the enemic, as flowing from the great Redemption. 5 So 
oft as men have received deliverances, they owe unto God fo ma- 
ny lives, and God hath fo many titles of right unto them , as 
they have received prefervations : And thofe will the Lord have 
to be witnefles of his mercy before the reft of the world : Let the 
redeemed of the Lord fay fo y whom he hath redeemed from the baud 
cf 'the enemic. 6. As the Lords children m3y be [Scattered in all 
the corners of the world , and excluded from the external com- 
munion of the Saints J lonone of them doreturne from exile, 
to joyne together in the ufe of Religion and holy Ordinances, 
except by Gods fpeciall hand gathering them : For he gathered 
them out of tb? lands, from the E aft and from the Weft , from 
the %onk&nd from the South* 

G Ver. 

S2 1' 3 A JL M £ l> V 1 1. 

Verf. 4. They wandered in the wilderneffe y in afo- 
litary way : they found no city to dwell in. 

5, Hungry and thirfty : their foul fainted in 

Here is defcribed firft the diftrefle of the redeemed in their 
exile, v. 4, 5. Then their exercife in calling unto Cod. And 
thirdly, their bringing home, v. 6, 7, Whence he inferreth the 
duty of thankfgiving, whereunto he had before exhorted, v. 8,9. 
Prom their diftrefle, Learn> 1. Such as the Lord hathapurpofe 
to draw into the fellowship of himfelf and of his Saints , are iiib- 
jecl: to wandering and exile, both bodily and fpiritual , as the ex- 
ercifc of exiled Jfraelites fheweth : They wandered in tbe wilder" 
nefje* z. The Lords exiled ones do finde no home , till they be 
brought to ^the fellowihip of the Saints j They wandered in the 
wildemeffe , in a folitary way : they found no city to dwell in. 
$. The Lords exiles may be in danger of famine, both bodily 
and^fpirituall, and like to faint for lack of food, bodily or fpiri- 
tual, or both forts , as the banifhed here 5 Were hungry and 
thirfty, and their foul f aimed in them. 

Ver. 6. Then they cryed unto the LORD in 
their trouble: and he delivered them out of their 

7. And he led them forth by the right Way, that 
they might go to a city of habitation. 

trom their exercife in their double diftrefle, of banifhmene 
2nd famine, and fro r* their delivery* Learn, 1. Straits do put men 
to feek God in a ferious manner : Then they cryed unto the Lord 
in their trouble. 2. The earneft prayer of Gods difttetied children 
;vanteth not a good anfwer ; And he delivered them out of their 
diftreffes. $ . When the Lord will comfort a fupplicant , he will 
deliver him from fomanypnrtsofhis trouble, as may fervctd) 
lead him on hisjourneyj he will furnifh food, and direction, both 
whither to go , and by what way to go : And he led them by the 
right way, that they might goto, a city of habitation. 4. To be 



dire&ed of God what to do > whether it be in relation to matters 
temporal or fpiritual^s a fpecial benefit) and a faire fruit of j lay- 
er •• For he whom the Lord doth guide> mall walkfafely 3 and 
profper in his way : He led them by the right wayjbat they might 
go to a city of habitation. 

Ver. 8. that men would praife the LORT) for his 
goodneffe : ana for his wonderful rrorkj to the children 
of men. 

9, For he fatisfieth the longing foul : and fillsth the 
hungry foul With goodneffe. 

From the duty required of the exile now returned homes Learn^ 
i .The mercies of theLord Ihewed to his own, do call for praifing 
of God by themfelves, and all beholders 5 they call for praife, 
both in fecret and in fociety $ that men would praife the Lori 
for his goodneffe, 2. The Lords manner of delivering of his own 
out of their great troubles, whether bodily or fpiritual , hath 
ordinarily fome obfervable wonder in it : that men would, 
peaife the Lord for his wonderfull works to the children of 'men . 
J. The poor and needy fupplicanrs do live upon Gods furniture 3 
he is a provider for ftich^and lettcth them want nothing , but fa- 
tisfieth them fufficiently : and this is no fmall comfort unto us 
and matter of prai le unto God ; For he fatisfieth the longing foul, 
and filleth the hungry foul with goodneffe. 

Vert 10. Such as fit in darkneffe ; and in the 
(btdow of death: being bound in affliction ard 

1 1 ♦ Becaufe they rebelled again (I the words of God: 
and contemned the counfel of the mofi High. 

12. Therefore he brought down thtir heart 
ivith labour 1 they fell down , and there was none to 

1 3. Then they cryed unto the LORD in their 
trouble ; and he favedtkem out of their dijlreffes. 

G 2 i<\>lfe 


1 4. tie brought them out of darkyeffe and the fha- 
don> of death : And brake their bands in [under. 

15. Oh that men would praife tht LORT) for hi* 
goodneffe : and for his Wonderful work* to the children 
of men. 

16. For he hath broken the gates of braffe : and cut 
the bar res of iron in [under. 

Here is fct down the fecond exerdfe of Gods people, to wit, by 
captivity and imprifonment brought upon them for their fins>and 
their delivery from it y upon their turning to God , with theufe 
thereof. Whence learn, 1. As liberty of ourperfons to go a- 
bcut our callings freely, is no frnall benefit ; fo imprifonment is 
a fore affliction, even a fore of living death, and a fort of bu- 
rial of the quick ; For they fit in darfinejfe , and in tbejhadow of 
death. 1. Bonds and chaincs put upon the prifoner,do adde much 
weight unto the heavy condition of the imprifoned,' and yet the 
Lords people are fubjeft to both 1 for here is preftippofed , Thef 
may be bound in affliction and iron, in their prifon. }. Itisa- 
boveall the affliction of imprifonment and bonds, when the caufe 
of the imprifonment is not righteoufnefle , but, becaufe they have 
rebelled againft the word ofGod> and contemned the counfel of the 
tnoftHigjb. 4. The not bearing the eafie yoke of obedience ^may 
bring on the heavier yoke of Iron, bonds and in prilonment up- 
on us, as here is exprefled. 5. Thegreatnefie oftheMajefty 
of God, aggravateth the fin of defpifing his Word > Tbcy contem- 
ned the coiinfcll of the moftHigb. 6. As the Word of the 
Lord is both deep counfel for wifdome,and alfo profitable advice 
for us; fo the contemning of it is fo much the greater finne> 
and draweth on the greater wrath : Tbcy were bound in affliction 
and iron, becaufe they rebelled againft the words of God, and con- 
temned the counfel of the moft High* 7. The Lord bringeth men 
intofore diftrefies,to make them lenfible of their defpifing his au- 
thority ; and to break their natural pride, and ftoutneffe of heart 
againft him , and to (new them the vanity of all their former: 
flefhly confidence ; Therefore he 'brought down their heart with 
labour. 8. Affliction is then come to the height, anditscom- 
pleit mcafure, when the finner is made fenfible of his own weak- 
neflc,and doth fee that there is no help for him/ave in God alone? 



They fctl down, and there was none to help. 9. When all help 
and comfort under heaven doth faile, relief may be found in 
God for them that cry unto him for it : There tqq/s none to help, 
then they cryed to the Lord in their trouble* 1 o.The Lord will not 
only hear and help them who are unjuftly imprifoned, but thofc 
alfo who for their (ins are fo punifhed .- They cryed , and befa- 
vedtbtm out of their diftrejfes. 11. Itmatteis not how deep 
the danger be wherein a man is , when he turneth to God for re- 
lief; for fo great as his diftreflfe is , fo great (hall be his delive- 
ry ; He brought them out ofdarfinejfe and tbcjbadow of death >and 
brake their bonds infunder. 1 2. The end of the delivery of poor 
/inners, is, that they may glorifie the Lord, and may invite 0- 
thers to do the like : for this here is a part of the thankful mans 
duty , that men would praife the Lord for his good?ieJfe,andfor 
bU wonderful wor^s to the children of men; 1 $ . No power of 
man, no bonds 3 no eppofition which any creature is able to make, 
can hinder the delivery of the man whom God will own : He hath 
broken the gates ofbrajfc, and cut the banes of iron in [under. 

Ver, if* FooUf, becaufe of 'their tranfgrejfion: and 
becaufe of their iniquities are affliSed. 

1 8. Their foul abhorreth all manner of meat : and ' 
they draw near unto the gates of death. 

19. Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble X 
hefaveththem out of their diftreffes, 

20 ♦ He fent hid word % and healed them : and delher - 
ed them from their deftruElions.' 

2f. Oh that men Vcou/d praife the LORD for hU 
goodnejfe : and for his wonderful work* to the children 
of men, 

22. And let them facrifce the facrifices of thankfgi* 
ving : and declare his workj Vvith reioycing. 

The third cxercife of Gods people, isby fiknefle of body 5 the 
drawing on whereof he fheweth to be by fin, v. 17, 18. The 
means of delivery to be by prayer , v. 19. whereupon they a:e 
recovered as (iod givethorder 3 v. 20. and the ufe of this is fet 
down, v. 21,12. Whence learn, 1. As other troubles come 

G j for 

86 PiALMfc C VII. 

for finning againfl God , fo doth fickneffe come amongft the reft: 
Fooles becaufc of their tranfgreffion^ and bcciufe of their iniquities 
areafflifted. -. Sin doth blindefinners 3 and bereave them of 
the right ufe of their reafon ; and makes them choofe trifles.with 
the lofle of what mould be moil precious : therefore they are juft • 
ly called fooles. $ . Natural means of life and refrefhment , are 
unfavory and unable to refrefli , except God give the man ability 
to make ufe of them,and put his bl effing into them : Their foul 
abborrctb all manner of meat. 4. As in other troubles, fo in fick- 
nefle, men are net eafily. brought to the fenfe of their fin, till 
trouble be a: the height, and the man made low : Their foul ab- 
borrctb all nunncr of meat , and they draw near to the gates of 
death. 5. Great is the ftupidity of a fleeping conscience, which 
cannot be wakened up to feek Gok till extremity come : They 
draw near to the gate, of death, then they cry uivothe Lord in their 
trouble. 6. When men are brought unto the fenfe of their fins 
and mifdefervings > and of their danger, and of their own weak- 
nefle, and thereby made to feek unto the Lord 3 the mercy and 
relief is near at hand : Then they cried unto the Lor din their 
trouble 5 fo he \aved th err: out of their diftrejfes : And here is 
to be feen mercy and goodneiTe in God , tocaufe (ickneilesas 
his Serjeants' and MelTengers to lay hold on the fugitive (inner. 
7. Neither fickneffe nor health do come or go 3 but God giveth 
order to them, as to his o \n fervants : He faith to fic\neffc, go 
from a man> and to hczljhjtiumz unto him : He fent his iVordj 
and healed them* B. When trouble doth (hew wrath, and tfrnt 
doth weaken the fenfe of fin , and fenfe of fin fends the man to 
feek mercy, then God will readily remove all his troubles toge- 
ther : Re fent his word and healed them, and delivered them 
from their defirufti ns. 9. As men have found mercies of God, 
fo 'mould they ftudy to be thankful , and fpecially in fuch a way 
as may be moft profitable to others: that men would pra fc 
the Lord for his gooineffe , and for his wonderful worlds to the 
children of men* 10, Mb rail and fpirituall fervice is more ac- 
ceptabletoGod then any ceremonial performance . the facrifice 
of thanks is move then th facrifice of an oxe ; Let them ficri- 
fice the facrifecsoftbanfeiving. n. The fpecial matter of joy 
'in the receiving 1 fa benefit; is the manifeftation of Gods refpeel: 
to us, in his working for us; And let them declare hhwxrks 
with rejoycing* 


Ver. 23. They that go down to the Sea infhips , that 
do bufineffe in great waters : 

24. 1'befe fee the works of the LORD : and his 
wonders in the deep. 

2 4.. iV &* commandethy and raifeth the fiormy Voindez 
which Ufteth up the Vvaves thereof. 

2 6. The j mount up to the heaven : they go down <t m 
gain to the depths : their foul is melted becaufe of 

27. Theyreeletoandfro, and ft agger like adrunk^ 
en man : and are at their mis end* 

The fourth exercife of Gods children, is by their danger in 
Sea, and their delivery from their danger. Whence learn, 1. The 
Art of Navigation and following of the Merchant-Trade by Sea, 
how dangerous foever it be ; yet is lawful , and allowed or God, 
for comparing of mens affaires , in commerce between Nation 
and Nation : for this is fet down here as the vocation and occu- 
pation of feme men, to wit , oftbofe that go down to the Sea in. 
jhifs , that do b;tfmeffes in great waters. 2.Some fort of perfons 
have more occatfon of obfervation , and experience of remarkable 
paffages 0/ providence in preferving of mens lives, then others 
have, and thefe rcoft of all fhould bear witneffc of Gods work 
according to their experience $ Thefe fee the wor\s of the Lord, 
and his wonders intbe deep. 3. There hnoftormc or motion 
intheSea, orblowingof the winds out of any part, butasGod 
aduaily dorh raife them : For he commandcib , and raifeth the 
ftormywindti which Ufteth up the waters thereof. 4. When 
God will try a man by trouble, he will not leave him till he 
make him fenfiblc of his frailty, weakneffe , and unability toc» 
vercome dangers .• They mount up to the heaven , they go down 
again to the depths : their foul u melted bceaufe of trouble. The/ 
reel too and fro, and jtdgger life a drun{en mm, tyc. 

G4 Ver. 

A vJXAAuIYl. JU4 'W Y **♦ 

Ver. 28. Then they cry unto the LORD in 
their trouble : and he bringeth them out of their 

29 He maketh the ftcrme a caltne : [0 that the 
v$aves thereof are ft ill. 

30. Then are they glad beeaufe they be quiet: fo 
he bringeth them unto their de fired haven. 

Iq their delivery from the ftormej Learn. 1. Albeit the 
LOR D doth deliver many from fhipwrack by Sea , yet he takes, 
none of them for witnefies of his mercy, but fuch as had recourse 
to him in their ftrait by prayer : Then they cry unto the Lord in 
their trouble •> thole are the mem whom the Lord remarketh, 
2. The fervent prayer of the Lords Redeemed, who at length 
at leaft make <7od their refuge in trouble, have deliverance tor 
the fruit following upon it ; fbey ay, and he bringeth tb cm out 
of their diftrejfes, 3, As the railing of a ftorme is from the 
Lord, fo thequietingofit again is his work alfo; and both the 
one and the other work hath'the time and meafure of it iodifpofed 
of, as may beft feive to hispurpofe : HemJ^th the ftorme a 
crime; fo that the -waters thereof arc ftill. 4- According as is 
mens griefin trouble 3 fo is orfhould be the great neffe of their 
joy in their delivery .* Then are they glad, because they be quiet, 

5. So many Sea- voyages , are fo many evidences of Gods fo 
oft conducting and convoying of Sea-men to and fro: So he 
bringeth them to their defired haven* 

Ver. 3T. Oh that men would praife the LORD for 
hit goodnefs: and for his Wonderful -&or\i to the children 
cf men. 

32. Let them ex alt him alfo in the Congregation of 
the peop'e: and praife him in the ajfembly of the 

From the u!e of this exercife here required 5 Learn, 1* That 
it is the part of every man > whocometo the knowledge of any 



experience or new proof of Gods mercy , in fpccial to any of his 
people, not only to acknowledge Gods goodnefle by themfelvesa 
but alfo to wifti that the reafon of his praifes were known to all 
men, and that all men might praife God ajfoforit : O that; 
men would praife the Lord for his goodncffe, 2. It is the duty 
of a thankful man, not only to praife God for the experience he 
hath had of Gods goodnefle in his own perfon 5 but alfo to praife 
God upon that occafion , for any other the wonderful works 
which the Lord worketh daily for the children of men ; that 
men would praife the Lord for his wonderful worlds to the children 
of men. $. Sea-men after their returning home., mould 
carefully obferve the meetings of the Church, as for other tea* 
Tons ; fo becaufe they have been wichdrawen fo long from thofe 
aflemblies , while their voyage did laft : Andlet themexalthim 
alfo intbe Congregation of thepeople. 4# Befide the aflembly of 
the whole Congregation , the Scripture maketh mention of the 
Church or Congregation, or aflembly of the Elders, who had 
theoverfight and governing of the particular Synagogues and 
Churches of the people : For here and elfewhere , befide the 
Congregation of the people, there is mention made of the aflem- 
bly of the Elders, as diftinguifhed from the aflembly of the peo- 
ple : And let them praife him in the affembly of the Elders. 5. As 
prayers are, and mould be made in the Congregation for fuch 
of the flock as are in any fpecial danger of their lives j fo duty 
recjuireth that praifes (hould be offered fof their remarkable de- 
liveries , or recoveries out of thofe dangers: for of fuch as are deli- 
vered from ihipwrack, it is faid , Let them exalt him alfo in 
the Congregation of the people. 6. As it is a part of the peoples 
duty, to acquaint the Elders of the Congregation with fuch pat 
fages of C/odsmoft remarkable providence about them, as may 
bembft for glorifying of God, and for the peoples edifying ; fa 
it is a part of the work of the Elderfhip to take notice of, and 
make the beft ufe in their prudence of what falleth out among 
their flocks, whereby all may be edified : For as the right /udge- 
ing of Gods works of providence requireth prudence and wif- 
domjfothey who are fet over the Congregation, asmofl: ■eminent- 
therein for their wifdomeand prudence, fhould go about this 
part of their charge among other duties ; For it is faid 3 And 
y let thempraife him in the affembly of the Elder s % 


Ver. 3 3. fife turneth rivers into a mlierneffs : and 
tbeVvater-fprings into dry ground : 

34. A fruitful land into barrenneffe^ for the wick? 
tdneffe of them that Atoe 11 therein. 

In the latter part of the Pfalme, the Lord is praifedfbr his 
wifdome, in making changes upon Countreys and Nations, 
mens perfons and eftates, fome in jufticc, fome in mercy, as he 
feeth fit: of which changes he reckoneth up five. The 
firfl; whereof is, the turning of a fertile land into barrennefie for 
therinhabitants fins* Whence learn, 1. When fertile land be- 
cometh barren, and men are cut fhort of their commodities by 
fea or land, by the creatures not yielding fervice, as they were 
wont to do, men mould lift their eyes above all fecond caufes, 
and fix them on God, who what way he thinketh beftbringeth 
the change: He tut netb rivers into 1 wilder in ffe, and the water- 
fprings into dry ground; that is to hy^a fruitful land into barren* 
nefs.i.Thc proper meritorious caufe of Gods curfing of a fertile 
land, is the fins of the inhabitants, whom God will have fo an- 
fwcred in their labours on the ground, as they anfwer the Lord 
in his husbandry and paines taken upon them, and whom God 
will chaftife for their fin, and fo move them to repent : He turn- 
eth a fruitful land into barrennefie, for the wickedneffe of them 
that dwell therein. 

Ver* 3 ?♦ He turneth the wildernefs into a 
jtanding water: and dry ground into Water springs > 

36. And there he maketh the hnngry to dftell ; that 
they may prepare a city for habitation. 

37. And (owe the fields > and plant vineyards , -which 
may yield fruits of intreafe. 

38. He bleffed them *lfo 9 fo that they are mul- 
tiplied greatly : and fuffereth not their cat t el to de* 

The fecond change mentioned, is of a barren land into 
fertility. Whence learn, i. The fertility • of land is 
not to be attributed to mens induftry, but unto Gad : He turn- 

e*fr the wildernejjc into a {landing water, and. dry ground into vox- 
ter-fprings. 2. If God afflict, his jufticefindcth the caufe of 
it in man ; but if he do gooc to any man, it is of his own good 
pleafure, without any caufe in man : therefore no reafon is given 
here of this change, as was of the former, but (imply , He turn- 
ctb dry ground into water fprings. 3 The Lord taketh pleasure 
to provide for the needy, and they /hall be forced to acknowledge 
hisgoodnefle inhis provifionfor them ; And there he makctb 
the hungry to dwell, that they may prepare a city for habitation 
4. When God openeth 3 door of blefling men, he will have it 
improved, and ordinary meanes diligently ufed, as here, He will 
have them [owe the fields, and plant vineyards? which may yield 
fruits of her cafe. 5. When the Lord is pleafed ro bieffe men, 
he will blefle. them largely in the growth of their familiesand fub* 
fiance, and will extend hiscare even to their beafts ; he blef- 
(ctb them alfo, fo as they are multiplied greatly, andjuffereth 
not their cattelto decreafc. 

Ver. 39* Again, they are minified and brought 
low, through opprejfion, affiiHion andforrow. 

The third change is, by fpoiling a populous and well -planted 
countrey. Whence learn, 1. Such as have been raifed from a 
I01V condition, can hardly bear prolperity, but are readily purled 
up with it 3 as this change prefuppofeth. 2. God can bring down 
fuch as doabufeprofperity, and make them as bale as ever they 
were y A gain, they are minified and brought low. 3. The Lord 
hath more waycs then one tofpoilea fertile countreyj for albeit 
he do make it continue fertile, yet he can bring the fword of the 
cnemic on it : They are brongbt low > through opprcjjion, afflict ion 

Ver. 40, He Votireth contempt upon Princes : and 
caufeeh them to wander in the wildernefs, where there 
is no way. 

A fourth change is, in the pulling down Princcs,and putting 
Statefmen to perplexity. Whence learn, \. As Kings and Ru- 
lers do not keep then place^ and power, and eftimaticn among 


ft I J 5ALMb CJVIl. 

men, but by Gods invefting them with dignity, fo when they 
lofe their dignity and aredefpifed, they mult look to God as 
the doer, and fearch the quarrel: for God will honour them 
that honour him, and they who defpife him (hall be lightly e- 
ftecmed : He poureth contempt upon Princes, z. It is God who 
givethwifdom and prudence unto men, for ruling of States; 
and when their wit is employed for their own earthly intereft, 
he can take their wifdome from them, and give them a cup of 
giddie wine, and put them in fuch perplexity, as they know not 
what to do ; he can banifh them out of their countrey, and fend 
them as vagabonds through the earth ; Hecaufeth them t$ wan- 
der in the wildernejfe, where there is no way. 

Ver, 41. Tet fetteth he thepoore on high from 
ajflitfyon : and maketb him families like afiocl^ 

The fifth change is, in comforting the affli&ed, andraifing 
them out of the duft into a better condition, after they are hum- 
bled in the fenfe of their own poverty. Whence learn y i.Al* 
beit the Lord cafteth down the mighty, and putteth tne wife 
to perplexity, yet he will purfue them no further then unto hu- 
miliation, if fo be they take with their fins, and feek reconcile 
3tion with God, as his Word prefcribeth,and depend upon God 
as* needy poor foules, he will lift them up again $ let he fetteth 
ibe poore on high from affliftion* 2. As pride and felf-eftimati- 
on, becaufe of riches , or power, or wifdom, or any other 
fcarthly reafon, goeth before mine ; fo lowlinefle of minde, hu- 
miliation in the' fenleof fin and of unworthinefle,and of weak - 
neffe and witlefnefle, driving a man to depend on God, as a 
begger doth for almes, goeth before exaltation ; He fetteth the 
poorc on high from affliction, and mafieth him families life a 
floch v 

Ver.42. The righteous /hall fee it y and fejojee; 
and all iniquity jhall flop her mouth . 

43. TVho fo is W//*, and will obftrve thofe 
things : even they jhtll Understand the loving k'tndnefs 
if the LORD. 




Heclofcththe Pfolme with tvvopromifes, one of performing 
what is herefaid, to the comfort of the righteous, and flrame 
of the misbelieving proud /inner: The other is of manifefting 
his loving kindneife to fuchas do obferve and make ufc of 
Gods providence. Whence learn, 1. Such as being juftified by 
faith, do endeavour to order their converfaticn righteoufly, fhail 
be witneffes of the Lords performing of his Word : Tberigh- 
teom Jhall fee it. 2. As there is joy in believing of the Lords 
Word, fo there is yet more joy in beholding the performance 
of his Word $ The tightens jhall fee it and re Joyce. $. Among 
other mercies bellowed upon the righteous man, this is one, 
that the Lord putteth him upon the counfel of his working, doth 
expound his providence unto him by his Word , teacheth him 
to compare Gods Word and his Works, and maketh him wit- 
nefle that God is as good as his Word ; The righteous Jhall fee it 
and rejoyce* 4« The wicked fhall be difappointed of his expect- 
ation, in regard of the good which he hoped to himfelf, and 
{hall finde himfelf miftaken about the godly, whole wayes he 
counted to be folly : The righteous fhall re}oyce> and all ini- 
quity fhall flop her mouth. 5 . As the works of the Lords good- 
neffe, jufticeand mercy are wrought in the light of men, that 
they may obferve his way, and keep the oblervarion thereof in 
memory: fo are they the wifeft Tort of men,who do obferve Gods 
providence beft, and do compare it with the Lords Word, that 
they may underftand it rightly ; Who jo is wife, and will ob- 
ferve the fe things. The wife man, and the obferverof Gcrfs 
wayes toward the children of men, here is one, 6. Albeit there be 
very few wifeobferveisof Gods proceeding with men in jufticecr 
mercy,yet fo many as are his difcipks,Scudcnts of his Word, and 
do walk anfwerably thereunto, fhall never want matter of ob- 
servation of Gods Wndnefl'e toward tbemfelves- For rcho fo 
is wife, even they Jhall obferve the loving iindnejfe of the 




THis Pfalme is compofed of a pare of the fifty feventh Pfaltii* 
from v. 7 to the end, and of a part of the fixty Pfalme, from 
v. $. to the end, but in a diverfe notion 5 for in the fifty feven 
and fixty Pfalmes, 'David is praying tor experience of the truth 
of the promife made to him, concerning the Kingdome oflfracl* 
and viftory over his enemies on all fides, being now in hazard 
by them, but here he is making ufeof the experience received, 
and of vi<ftorie obtained over enemies within and without the 
Kingdome oflfracl, for the encouragement of the Church mili- 
tant to the ens of the world, againft inteftine and forreign ene- 
mies whatfoever. Again, in thefe two former Pfalmes, whence 
he doth repeat the words of this Pfalme > he had his own intereft 
to plead, beficie what was typical in his exercife : Here, his own 
intereft being fetlc-d, and the promife made to himfelf perform- 
ed; he recommendeth this experience of his in a more abftraft 
notion from his own particular, and in a more typical way of 
a pledge of the victory of the true Church militanr, under her 
Head and Lord, over all her both inteftine enemies and for- 
reign, without the verge of the vifible Proteflion, that in the faith 
of Chrift 5 and hope of his prevailing in the work of enlarging 
and reforming of the vilible Catholick Church, and overthrow- 
ing of the open enemies of Chrifts Kingdome, typified under 
the exercife of David, thetruefubjedsof Chrift might go on 
in their warfare with the greater confidence. 

This Pfalme hath two parts: In the former is the thankfgiving 
of faith, and promife of praife, in hope of obtaining all, which 
the Church is here to pray for, ver. i 3 2, 3, 4, $< In the latter 
part is the prayer for prefervation of the Church, vcr»6. 
with confidence to be heard and helped, whatfoever impediment 
appear, againft all who ftand out againft Chrifts Kingdome, 
whe:her within the vifible Church, v* 7, 8. or whether without, 
fuch as are profeffed enemies unto it, v. 9, io, 1 1. which prayer 
is followed forth, 1/.1 2. and comfortably clofed with affuranee 
of the Churches vi&oty by the affiftance of £od; v. J J« . 


PSALMh CJVill. px 

Ver. i. f\ god % my heart it 'fixed: 1 wis 
K^/fing and give praife even with mj 
2. A\X>*kc Pfottery avdHtrpe: I my felf mil a- 
rvake early. 

Inthethankfgivingoffaith, and promife of praife, he com- 
pofeth himfelf inthebeft frame of fpirit unto the work, and 
fictceh himfelf by all meanes unto it. Whence learn , i .It is our 
duty, efpecially when we are about any piece of immeJiatc fpi- 
ritual worftiip, to take heed what we are doing, what the work 
is about which we are going, who the Lord is with whom we 
have to do, and how our heart is difpofed, that fo we may ap- 
prove our felves to God with the more comfort: for this doth 
the Pfalmifts example teach us ; O God, my heart is fix* 
ed 3 1 milling, 2. In Gods worfhip it is very needful we fhould 
have our mindes prefent without diverfion* and our affections 
compofed, and let rightly toward the Lord, and the work in 
hand, as here, CMy heart is fixed. 3. As a man firft tuneth his 
inftrument, andthenplayethonit: fofliouldthe holy fervanc 
ot God firft labour to bring his fpirit, heart and affection* into 
a foiid and fetled frame for worfhip^and then go to workjAfy heart 
is fixed: or prepared firmely, I will fing and give praife. 4. As 
thegloy of man above the brute creatures, is, that from a rea- 
fonable mindc he can expretfe what is his will by his tongue: 
fo the glory of the Saints above other men, is to have a tongue 
directed by the heart, for exprefling of Gods praife: I will fing 
and give praife, even with my glory. ?. That only is our glory, 
wherein and whereby we do moft glorifie God: for this caufe 
the tongue directed by a holy heart, is here called Davids glo- 
ry f I will fing and give praife, even with my glory. 6.Under 
typical termes we are taught to make ufe of alh fanctified 
meanes for ftirring.of us up unto Gods fervice ; for this the 
Pfalmiftintendeth, when he faith $ tAwil^e Pfaltery and Harp. 
7« We our felves mult firft be ftirred up to make right u.'e of the 
meanes. before themeanes can be Sua ftix us up: therefore /aith 
he ; I my felf will amie earlj, 


Ver. 3. I up ill praife thee, LORD\ among the 
f*dple % and I willing praife unto thee among the Na- 

4. forth} mercy \$ great above the Heavens: and 
thy truth reacheth unto the clouds: 

5. Be thou exaltcd> GOD, above the Heavens; 
and thy glory above all the earth. 

Here is the praife of Go J, and the rcafbns thereof; Whence 
learn j 1. It is no fmall help unto the difcharge of a duty, 
to engage the heart unto God for the doing of it, for in efted 
that is the mofl: we can attain unto in this life,but in the next life 
we fhall have full vent for our will to praife God, and fhall 
follow our purpofe with perpetual perfevcrance : I will fraife 
thee 3 .0 Lord, among the people. 2. Sincerity hath confidence to 
profeffe its purpofe before the Lord : I will praife tbce3 Lord* 
J. As it is the duty anddefire alfo of a true worfhipper, that ail 
the world fhould beftirredup to praife the Lord: fo ic was the 
comfort of the Church of thejewes, toforefee the joyningof 
the Gentiles in the fong, and to fee the Gentiles ftirred up by 
thefongsof the Jewifh Church $ I will praife tbee, Lord, a~ 
jnong the people, and will ftng praifes unto thee among the Nati- 
ons. 4. The matter and reafons of Gods praife, are higher 
then the woi fliipper can reach, and larger then he can fathom, 
and in fpecial the mercy of the Lord toward his people, is lar- 
ger then the wide circle of Heaven: Thy mercy is great above 
the Heavens. $ . There is more ftuffe 3nd fubitance of good in 
the Lords promifes, then the ftiarpeft-fighted Saint ever did or 
can perceive 5 tor when we have followed the promife, to finde 
out all the truth which is in ir, we meet with a cloud of unfcai en- 
able riches, and are forced to leave i: there $ for fo much is in- 
cluded in this, Thy truth reacheth unto the clouds. 6. The 
height of ourpraifingof God 3 is to put the work ofpraifing God 
uponhimfelfand to point him out unto others , as going about 
the magnifying of his own Name,and to be gbd for it, as here j 
Be thou exulted^ God, above the Heavens, and thy glory above 
M tbeemk. 



Ver. 6. Thai thy beloved way be delivered: fave 
With thy right hand, and Attjwer me. 

Af:ertheprai(cofGod from Faith , follewerh the prayer of 
faith. fVhtrein learn, i. The ( hurch is the Lords beloved, 
or the incorporation more loved then any thing el fe in the 
world, therefore here called, Thy beloved, z, Becaufethe 
Church is Gods beloved the care of it mould be moft in our 
minde, and the love of the p efervation of it, fhould d. avv forth 
our prayer moil in favour of it; That thy beloved may be deli- 
vered, fave. 3: Whcfoever is entrufted with any publick 
charge, CivH or Ecclefiaftickin a fpeciai manner, fhould make 
the piefervntion and welfare of Gods people, their chief aime, 
and the chief matter of their prayer, and the greateft fatis faction 
of their defires, as here is done; That thy beloved may be deli- 
vered, fave, and an [wcr me. 4 As it is prefuppofed that the 
Church mall be frequently in danger, fo it is certain that her 
delivey and prefervation mud be brought about by God id 
his way, and by his power, and God muft be truilei with this 
woik; therefore laith he ilbattby beloved may be deliver cd, 
favewitb thy right h&nd. 

Ver. Gael hath fpokenin his holineffe, 1 will re Joyce* 
I rviB divide Shechem : and mete out the vallej of Sue* 

8 : Gilead is mine i Manaffeh \imine % Epht.iim alfo 
is the ftrength of mine head'. Jndah is my Law- 

Here the Pfalmift looketh unto the word of promife for his ark 
fwer. Whence learn, 1. Supplicants muft take the anfwer of 
their prayers from the Word of promife, for he who findetfi his 
warrant to pray, hath his anfwer belbe he. begin to pray, for 
he prayeth according tothe Will of god, 'and fo he hatH hi* 
petition; fodoth David teach r God balh ffo^en in hh holi- 
tiejfe. 2. Faiihclofin^ wi:li a promife will furniflt joy ;o the 
H ielicvcri 


beleever* before he enjoy the performance or it : God bath fpo\cn t 
faith he, I will re\oycc % 3. The believer of a general promife, 
may branch out the particulars in it * which are not performed 
no lefle clearly* then if they had been particularly expreffed : 
for fo doth the Pfalmift teach* faying, I will divide Sccbem } 
and mete out the valley of Succotb, which thing c : me to pafie 
as he believed* and the whole Kingdome unde< him was now 
fetled for his particular intereft * when this Pialm was com- 
pofed : but as it typified the reducing or ihe diftrafted parts 
of Chi ifts Kingdom into the unity of Reformation* and joync 
fubjeciion to his Government* it was to be performed noleffe 
certainly then the di ft racted parts of the typical Kingdome of 
Ifrael was to be joyned in uniforme fubjc&ion under David, 
who here faith ; Gilead is mine , Manaffeb is mine, Ephraimal- 
(0 is the ftrengtb of my beady $udab is my Lawgiver. 

Ver. 9. Moab is my wafi-pot, over Edom Veill 
1 caft opt my Jhoe t over tbiliftia mil I tri- 

After compofing of the tribes of Ifrael) reprefentine the vifiblc 
Churchy he turner h him to the forreign enemies of the King- 
dome* and afliireth the Church of victory over them alfo. 
Whence learn, 1. As in the typical victories of David, fo in 
the Conqueft which Chrift maketh, fome are more fincereand 
cordial fubje&s* fome do feigne fubje&ion out of conftraintor 
carnal motives* and as in Davids, fo in Chrifts victories* fome 
are vefllls of honour; all ferving for the vtfe of the great houfe : 
Moab is my waJh-pot y over Edom will 1 caft out my Jhoe , over 
Fbiliftia will 1 triumph. 2. When faith doth look through 
the profped of Gods Word and Promifes, it will difcover afarre 
oft* many advantages, as here we fee. 

Ver. 10. who will bring me into the firong fity ? 
who will lead me into Edom f 

II. Wilt not thou , OGod y Who baft caft m of? 
and tyilt not thou, (jod, go forth rritb enr hoftts ? 



tn the war again ft Edom, the difficulties arc reprefentcdy 
frhich the Chureh militant mall meet with in her battels a- 
gainftopen enemies, which diifi. ulties are here ovcrcum e by 
faith, encouraging her againft all impediments. Whence learn, 
U The Church of believers may fin.x, and fhall fin^e in lome 
paflages of their rxeiciie, fom mainc difficulties meeting them 
in their progrelfe, arid fomc enemies harder to overcome then 
others j fome devils mn.t (Wong in their pofteiTion then others, 
reprefented here by the fir ngeft City of Edom j Who will 
bring me into thejtreng City ? z. When we meet with any dif- 
ficulty greater then any former hath been, faith mult give more 
employment unco God, and put in to him tor more aififtance 
and ft r en Jth: Who mil lea I me into Edom'.roih not thou, 6 God ? 
3. Faith muft net be difcouraged in her warfare, from any 
tokens of Gods difplcature , formerly le: forth ag inft his peo- 
ple, but rather muft draw encouragement from thence, taking 
all the executions of thrcatniugs for fo many pawnes and pledg- 
es of the performing of promifes, as the Pfalmift doth here : 
Wilt not tbouwjjoh^ijicaflusoff} and wilt not thou gofortb 
with our bo fits ? 

Vcr. 12. give m help fr cm trouble : for zake i$ 
the hch of man. 

He repeateih his prayer, and infifteth upon his requeft 
Whence learn, i. When the believer findeth his faith weakefty 
he muft make ufe of prayer, as the infirme man doth cf a ftaffe 
in his walking; Give us help from trouble. 2. He who would 
have Gods help in any bufineffe© muft quit confidence in mans 
help* and the feeing or the vanity of mans help, muft make the 
believer to truft the more unto, and expeft the more confidently 
Godshelp> as here is done; Give us help from trouble, for 
vain is the help ef man. 

Verf. 13. Through God wc'*jhall do valiantly ; 
for he it is that jk*U trejd down mr encrfiies* 

He ciofeth the P.alme ccmfotta8l$ in ajlurancc of the 
H 2 Churches 


Churches vi&ory. Whence learn, i. Whatsoever may be the 
varietie of the exercifes of faith, victory and triumph (hall 
clotethewar, and crown the wraftler ; Tbrou b Goi we Jhall 
do valiantly, z Albeit the meanes be nothing but vanity 
without Go d, yet they mu ft be u fed, for they are fomething 
when they are ufed by us, and put in Gods hand : for, Through 
God we fall do vdiantly. 5. What the Lord doth by the be- 
iiever as his fervant, or by any other inft.ument, God mull 
have the glory of ir$ Through God f faith he) wejhall do va- 
liantly. 4. The faith of the Churches victory over her ene- 
mies, is grounded upon Gods engaging in the war, for the 
Church, and againft our enemies; Forheitis that JJull tread 
down all our enemies . 


To the chief Mufician. A Tfalme of David. 

DAvid 3 as a type of Chrift, h^th here to do with his and 
the Lords defperate- enemies. The Pfaime hath three 
parts. In the fir it part, he complaineth againft them unto God, 
v. 1 j 13 ?> 4^' In the iecond, hepronounceth the fearful ven- 
geance of God againft them, by way of imprecation in the 
Spirit ofprophecie, untoi/. * 1. In the third part, heputtethup 
a prayer to God for himfclf, and is comforted. In all which he 
is a type of Chrift, and hath an eye unto Chrifts Kingdome, 
and to the cefperate enemies thereof, as the Apoftle Peter doth 
teach us in his application oi what is here fpoken, as a Pro- 
phecie to be in part compltared intfudas, Atts 1. 20. And fo 
David here, is not fatisfying his own private revenge againft 
AcbitopbeL or any other tuch like traitor, but as a Prophet fore- 
telling what judgement was to fall on the defperate enemies of 
God, and as a bunt fubferibing to Gods righteous judgements, 
for theurtourof all oppoiers of Chrifts Kingdom, 

Veifl. rjOW not thj feue % O God of 07 


2. For the month of the wicked, and the mouth of the 
deceitful are opened again ft me ; they have fpoken a» 
gainji me With a lying tongue. 

3. They compared me about alfo with Veords 
of hatred : and fon/Jot againfl meVeithout acatife. 

4. For my l»ve they are mine adver/aries : but I 
give my felf unto prayer. 

*. And they have rewarded me evil for good : and 
hatred for my love. 

In his complaint, he praycth the Lord to (hew him felf in ju» 
ftice agiinft his defperate enemies, and chargeth them for aife 
and malicious calumnies, and wicked ingratitude again ft him. 
Whence learn , i.As the moft innocent and holy fervants of 
God arefubjeel to heavy iianders, and falfe calumnies r^ifed a- 
gainft them, lb the beft remedy and relief in this cafe, is to go 
to God with the matter, as here the Pfalmifl: dorh. 2. The 
Lord will bear witnefle in due time unto the innocency of his. 
oppreffed andunjuftly defamed fervants, as here the prophet 
prayeth for in his prayer, and doth expect it: Hold not thy 
puce, God. 3. A good confeience may be fure to be cleared 
from falfe imputations, and mould comfort it felf with Gods 
approbation in the meane time, becaufe whatfoever infamiethe 
believer dorh lie under i the Lord will bring forth his innocen- 
cy and commendation : for this reafon among others, the Pro* 
phetdoth call the Lord , god of my praife. 4. Impudent 
back -biters will put fuch a face upon the moit wicked calumny 
and (lander of an innocent fervant of God. and will avow it o- 
penly in his face, as if it were of truth, ashere we fee / For the 
mouth of the wicked, and the mouth of the deceitful are opened 
agiinjl me, they have fpofan againji me with a lying tongue. 5 A:« 
innocent man maybe fo circumvented with calumnies and lies 
forged of him > as he (hall be unable to findeout any way to clear 
himfelf, as here we fee 5 They compiftci me about alfo with words 
of hatred* 6 Albeit, when an innocent man hath to do with 
a wicked and impudent flanderer, he may be put to no iefle ha d 
cxerci(e,rhen if he were yoked in a combat to fight for his life,yet 
it is comfort when God and his own confeience know that he 
fuffereth unjuftly : They fought againft me without a aufe. 7-In^ 
nocency, kindneffe and good deeds, done by the godly, unto the 

H i wicked 

wicked inftruments of Snan, will not exempt them from their 
malicious calumniating of them, yea, no man is more fubje&to 
this requital then they who do. defervebeft of the wicked world, 
even Chrift and his lervnts are of all men moft traduced : For 
my love they arc my adverfiries, faith the type ofCh: ill, and 
Chrift in him. 8. Ir is not the way to overcome the calumnies 
of the wicked, to render reviling for reviling, or to loofe the 
tongue unto evil words; b'>tthe only way to eve come all, is to 
go to God as Supplicants, asherethe Pfalmift did ; But T gave 
Tiny felf to prayer. 9. When m.iicious lips agrdnft a man arc 
joynei with the ingratitude oi the Calumniator, it makrh up a 
fearful ditty againft the flander£r$as hci:c D And they hive reward- 
ed me evil for gooLmi hatred for my love. 

Ver. 6. Set thotiarricked man over him : and let 
Satan (land at his right hand : 

7. When he Jha/l be judged, let him be condemn- 
ed : and let his prayer become fin. 

8. Let his dayesbefew: and let another takehU 
office : 

9. Let his children be father lcffe y and his wife a wi- 

10. Let his children be continually vagabonds, and 
beg : let themfeek their bread at:? out of their defo? 
late places. 

11. Let the extortioner catch all that he hath: and 
let the H* anger fpoile his labour. 

12. Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: 
neither let there be any to favour his father leffe chil- 

13. Let hit pofierity be cut off' and in the 
generation following let their name be blotted 

14. Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembred 

With the LORD) and let not the fin of his mother be 

blotted out. 

1 5. Let them be before the LOR*D continually; 



that he may cut off the memory of them from thi 

16. Hecaufe that he remembred not to (hew 
mircj , but perfecuted the poore and needy man 1 
that he might even flay the broken in heart. 

17. As he loved cuffing, fo let it come unt9 
him: as he delighted not in bleffwg^ fo let it be farre 
from him. 

18. *s4s he clothed himfelf with curfing, like as 
vcith his garment : fo let it come into his bowels like 
water , andlifa oile into his bones. 

19. Let it be unto him as the garment which co- 
vered him, and for a girdle wherewith he u girded 

20 # Let this be the reward of mine advet fanes 
from the LORD: and of them thatffeak evil againfi 
my foul. 

In this fecond part of the Pfalme, he pronounccch the moft 
fearful vengeance of God upon malicious calumniators, and 
that as a Prophet and the Meffenger of God,to (hew the wrath of 
God againft fuch wicked perfons in general, and efpccially a» 
gainft the enemies of the Gofpei $ for he fpeaketh here as the 
type cf Chrift, as Peter fheweth, applying this prophecie to 
Judatby name, Acts 1. 20. Wheuelwn^ 1. Albeit it he 
not lawful for any man to ufe fuch imprecations, out of pri- 
vate revenge, or againft any man in particular, as Vwii doth, 
who was led as a Prophet by the Spirit of God. yet this doth 
(hew unio us, that fearful and heavie are thofe judgements which 
attend ingrateful calumniators of honeft men, andinfpecial 
all fuch as are enemies to Chrift and to his Gofpel, and ta 
his faithful Miniftcrs, or to thofe in whom the work of Gods. 
grace doth appear, and that in fpecial for their deviftng and 
foftering lies and (landers of them that profefle Gods truth, of 
purpofeto make them, and the truth which they rnaintaine, 
and all of their kindc, to be the more hated and defpifed a** 
mongmen: for this which is written here, rtiallbs their judg- 
ment., according as they draw deeper in this fort of tranfgrcfli— 

H+ em 

1©4 PSALM E C X, 

cm, and do approach to fudas his treacherie. 2. Morcfpecial- 

ly, thele a v e the wages and reward ot the defpera e enemies of 

Chrift, and theGofpel, and Chrifts fervants; Firft, all fore 

of mifchicf mall come upon fuch a mans ownperfon from men, 

and from devils, and from Judicatories, and from Heaven, 

YVrath fhall be on him, in relation to his liberty, to his enter- 

prife$,tonis .uitsofUw, and his exercife of Religion, till he be 

cutoff from the world, and rooted from his place, v. 6, 7, 8. 

Secondly, mifchiefftrllbeon his family , wife and children, 

goods and eftate, whereof his children fh all have no benefit, 

but be expofed to all mifery without pity, v. 9, to, n, 12. 

Thirdly, mifchicf (hall be upon his posterity till they be rooted 

out, whhinfamie to him of whom they came, being purfued 

in wrath to the third and fourth generation, as the children ofc 

him that hated God, till his fame and memory perifli, v. 13, 

14,1?. and that fori his mercikfie perfectiting of the Lords 

poor children, v. 1 6. Fourthly, the curfe of God, without hope 

ofQods blefling, (hall purfue his gracelefie and curfeddifpoli- 

tion ; to the vexation of his foul and body* and it (hall be fnft 

ened on him op ill hands perpetually, v> 1 7> »• ?, 1 9* as the juft 

reward of the deadly enemies of the Lord, and of the falvation 

of his people, i>. 20, And this is letdown as a part ofaPfalme 

of 7) Avid y to be fung unto Gods praife, and allowed and (aid 

Amen unto, by all the people of God^ againftthe defperate and 

unveccncileable enemies of Chrift, and of his true fervants, 

whereby the Church of God may be edified and kept fall in 

the faith and piofeffion of Chrift, and free from perfection of 

bis faithful fervants, 

Ver 21. But cb thou for mefi GODjhe Lord for thy 
Names fa^e \ bee aufe thy mere j is good: deliver thou 

22. For I am poore and need] : and my heart if 
wounded within me. 

21. 1 am gone like the fiadow when it decline th : 
1 am toffedup and down as the locujl. 

24. My \nees are weak through fa fling : and my 
pfhf'ailetb of fatnejfe. 

25. I became alfo a reproach unto tlpem ; 


when they looted upon mz x thej /baked their 


The third part of the Pfalme, wherein the perfecured Saint 

!>utteth up prayer unto Go4 for comfort to himfcif, and for de- 
ivory, ufing Gindry reafons for ftrengthening of his faith^ to 
v. 26. where he repe teth his prayer, with other rea r ons to in- 
foceit. to v. 9. and saving tound comfort and victory, he 
clofeth the Pfalme with thankigiving, v. $0,31. 

From his fi. ft prayer, and the reafon thereof 5 £ Mr h ; i .What- 
soever mifchief be appointed for the enemies of God, and of his 
Son Jefus < .h ift, it (hall not prejudice the godly peifecuted, nor 
hinder rhet accefle unto God, or o<s befriending of them, 
for fo teacheth the Pfalmift ; But do tbou for me, God, the 
Lord 2. It concerneth God in his glo y, as to punifn his foes, 
fo to defend his friends and children: "Do tbou for me for thy 
Names fake, g . The plea of the believer is not his own good-* 
nefs, but the re,<dincfs of Gods mercy unto Supplicants, Be- 
caufe thymercj U good, deliver tbou me 4. Becaufe God is 
good and merciful, therefore he will not fufte his own to pe- 
rifh in their rffliction ; Becaufe thy mercy is good, deliver tbou 
me. 5. Before the Lord do comfort his children in their affli- 
ction, he hringeth them to the fenfe oi their own inefficiency, 
and of their need of his help, and when this poverty of fpirit is 
given, it is a fore runner of delivery; Deliver tbou me* fori 
am poor and needy. 6. As the Lord by affliction doih waken the 
fenfe of fin, 3nd wound the mans fpirit, fo is he a ready Phy- 
fician to the contrite ; Deliver tboumc y for my heart is woundel 
within me. 7. This mortal life is like a fhadow, and when 
affliction is fuperadded to mortality, mans life is like the fhadow 
of the evening,which is fpeedily ftretched forth til it vanifhjand 
when a Saint is in this condition, he may e*pc& the fruit of 
Gods compaffion,as here, Deliver mejor I am gone Ufa a fhaiow 
wbcvitdcclinetb. 8. The children of God muft not look for 
any certain dwelling place, but to be driven to and fro by per- 
secution, as thewindemaketh thelocuil to leap from place t» 
place j I amtoffed up and down as the locu ft. 9. The grief of 
the godly under perfecution may overcome the natural comfort 
of meat and drink, and bring their body to willing leanneffe; 
My knees are wca\ through fajtingi and my ficjh failctl? of fat- 



neffe. 10. As it is ufual for the wicked to mock the godly, be- 
ing brought low by perfecution : fo there is no parr of the croffc 
more heavie to the godly then derifion ; 1 became alfo areproacb 
unto them when they looked upon m$. 1 1. That which jod doth 
threaten for a curfe on the wicked, may for the point of out- 
ward calamity fall upon the dearcft children of j>od> as what is 
threatened, Deut. 28, infundry things, is here found on the 
perfecuted childe of Godj I became a reproach unto tbem> the) 
jha\ed their beads. 

Verf. 26. Help me, LORD my God 1 O fave me 
according to thy mercy. 

27. That they may knoxt that this is thy band : that 
thou, LOKD y haft done it, 

28. Let them curfe \ but bleffe thou : Vvhen they 
mfe % let them be ajhamed^ but let thy fervant re- 

29. Let mine adverfaries be clothed with frame : 
and let them cover themfelves with their own confufton 
as with a mantle. 

He prayeth again for help, and addeth more reafons, cfpecially 
thisreaibn, that fo the difference of Gods dealing with his fer- 
vants, and with his foes may the better appear $ Whence learn y 
1. As trouble is lengthened and lyeth on, io mufl prayer be re- 
peated and in^fted upon, nshe^e: Help me, O Lord my God, 
and fxve me According to thy mercy, 2. When the Lords children 
do perceive tint Gods honour is oblcured by their fuflering, 
they become no leife defirous to have God reftored to his ho- 
nouivhen ro hive themfelves delivered from trouble; Save me y 
that they may Iyiow that tbii is thy bind, thon>LordJ)aft done 
it. $. Albeit the Lord be the infti&erof the troubles of the 
godly for their trial, and for manifeftation of his truth toward 
them, and grace in them, yet the world cannot perceive this, 
till God lift up the hand of his own out of trouble; Save mcjbat 
they may know that this U thy band^ and thax thou, Lord, baft dene 
it, 4. When God fheweth himfelf reconciled to a foul, light a- 
rifeth in trouble, to let item fee both their own relief, a,nd the 


overthrow of their advemries, as here is fliewen in the propo- 
(ition of the condition of the godly and their enemies. 5. Ic 
matters not what the enemie fpeak againft the godly, (o long as 
God approved them: yea, the more the enemie be defpiteful, 
tht more will the Lord be kinde to his fervants : Let them eurfe, 
but blcffc thou. 6.Whenthe contoverfie between the godly, and 
their perfecutorscoracth before the Lord to be judged, mame 
fhall cover the face of the perfecutor, and Gods childe fhall re- 
joyce; When they arifc> (to wit (or pleading of their caufe) 
let them be ajhamed, but let thy ft rvant re\oyce. 7. The pretences 
whereby the wicked deceive their own ccn'ciencesin perfecu- 
tingthc Saints, fliall be their fin, and theii fhame and condi- 
tion; Let mine adverfaries be cloatbedwitbjbame, and let them 
jcovct tbcmfclvcs -with their own covfufion^ as with a mantle* 

Ver. 30. / mil greatly praift the LOBfD with 
my mouth; yea, 1 mil praife him among the mul- 

3 1. For he Jball (land at the right hand of the 
poore: to fave him from thofe that coudtmne his 

Heclofethhis prayer and the Pfal me comfortably. Whence 
learn, 1. Albeit the pcrfecutcd children of God be put to 
mourning and prayer for a time, yet the ifl'ue of their exercife 
jftttH be joy and praife •> For I mil greatly praife , faith the Sup- 
plicant here. 1 . It is not unufual to God to make the delivery of 
his children manifeft before the people, who were witnefles of 
their hard ufage by the wicked, and to make his fervants tp pro- 
claim his praife with their own mouth 5 I vill grcjtly ruife the 
1 ord with my mouth, yea, I will praife him among the multitude* 
3.AsSatan/L/.6.flialftand at the right hand of thePerfccutn t ,both 
to drive him on to perdition in his fin, and then to accufe him 
& tormen- him for it, fo (hill the Lord fiand ac the right hand of 
his perfecuted fervants in their low . k ft condition^ to itrengthen 
them under their trouble, and to deliver them our of it ; For he 
Jhall fiand at the right hand of the poor, to fave him from them 
„ that condemn bk foul. 4. Albeit the experience of the promifei 
delivery be not yctconre, yctthcforefightofitby faith in Cods. 


105 PbAUVlfc, CX. 

Word, and gracious nature, is fufficient caufeof joy to the per- 
fected Saint, and matter of praife unto God $ I will greatly 
praife the Lord with my mouth } for bejhi'/jtand at the right band 
*f tbepoor to favc kim* 


THisPialmecontaineth the doArine of Chrift s Goi and 
man in one perfon,concerning his eveilafting Kingdom and 
Priefthood , whofe Kingdom albeit begun to be manifefted a- 
mong the Jcwes, yetwas tobeextendeduntothe Gentiles with 
great fuccefs,v. 1,1,3 As for his Priefthood, he is fetledtherin for 
ever by an Oath, v.4.and that with the overthrow of his enemies, 
how great or many foever, v. 5>6. yet not without Chrifts luf* 
fcrings , by which he was firft to be humbled, and then to be 
exalted, v. 7. 

Ver. 1. ^ He LORD fuidnntomj Lord, Sit 
X tbottat my right hand: until I Mike 
thine enemies thjfootfiooL 

In the fivft place, the Prophet being taught of God, defcribes 
the Perfonof Chrift, in both his Nature?, and in his King- 
ly office, which he exercifeth in heaven from the beginning of 
the world to the end thereof, until all his enemies (hall be de- 
ilroyed. Wbmt learn, 1. Albeit the understanding of Chrifts 
perfon and offices be neceffory unto the Church, yet none know 
the Son lave the Father, and they to whom he will reveal him; 
for David knew Chrift only by the Fathers teaching ; The Lord 
faidy faith he. 1. Chrift is Davids Son, and "Davids Lord alio: 
Davids Son, in regard Chrift affumed his humane nature of Da- 
vids feed , and Davids Lord, becaufe he is God, very God and 
very man in one perfon 5 The Lord [aid to my Lord> that is, Go'\ 
the Father revealed to me concerning God the Son, my Lord 
3nd Redeemer. 3. Chrift iu his Kingly office is exalted to 



the fellowship of glory and power with the Father, authorized 
by him in his Kingdome, and eftablifhed therein by divine de- 
cree: The Lord (aid to my Lord. 4. Chri ft fince the beginning 
cf the world hath had, and to the end of the world (hall have 
enemies to his Kingdome, who (hall fight againft him, but he 
fhall prevaile over them compleatly and glorioufly, to their 
{name and confufion : Sit thou at my right band, until Intake 
thine enemies thy footjiooL ?. No lefle then divine power is able 
tofubduejhe enemies of Chrifts Kingdome j for devils and 
wicked men, fin, death and hell are oppofite to his throne; 
Sit there until I mx\e thine enemies thy feotftooL 6. Albeit this 
victory is not fully obtained, till the end of the world, becaufc 
oftherenewingof the battel by new instruments, from gene- 
ration to generation, yet till then and for ever Chrift the King 
enjoyeth his glory in heaven, and firteth judging and ruling pow- 
erfully nil things for the good of his \ Church 3 Sit thou at my 
right band, until J make thine enemies thy foot ft. ol. 

. Ver. 2. 7 be LORD fhall fend the rod 'of thy 
jlrength out of Zion ; rule thon in the midjl of thine 

In the fecond plac : he fheweththe meanes and manner of 
his Ccnqueft and wit, by the preaching the Gofpel. 
Whence learu, 1 « Chri ft wantcth not a rod and fcepter whereby' 
to goyern^bur he h.nh the Word of God preached for the Enfigiv 
of his Princely power and preheminencie 3 which is the arme 
and power of God unto lalvation to every c ne that believed '. and 
which is able to throw down every ftrong hold exalted againft the 
knowledge of himi This is therod of thy Jlrength. 2 .Chrift was 
King in his Church, and was in exercife of his office before his 
Incarnation, and that by his Word preached, which is the rod 
of his mouth, J fa. 1 1. 4 For he fhall fend the rod of thy ftrength 
out of Zion, prefuppofeih the rod of his ftrength in Sion. 3 Jt, 
was decreed, rhat Chrifts Kingdome, hevrfoever firft and meft 
clearly manifefted among the Jcwes, yet ihould not be limited 
within Judca, but ihould go forth unto the Genti es for fubdu- 
ing them* The Lord fhall fend the rod of thy ftrength out 0/ Zion. 
4. How many enemies foever (hili oppofc the Ktngdomeof 
Chrift, and hew powerful lecyer they ihall be, ye: Chrift fhall 



bear rule, enjoy his Kingdcme, maintainehis fubje&s, and go- 
\ his Conqucfts * Rule thou in the mid ft of thm 'enemies. 

on in 

Vci;. 3* Thy people ftxzWbt willing in the iky of 
thy porter , in the beauties ofho/inejfe from the wombe 
of the mowing : thou hafi the dew of 'thy youth. 

In the third place he flieweth what fucceffe Chi ift fhall have} 
for he fhall have abundance of Converts, who fhall come to his 
Church offering themlelves , as the free-will -offerings were 
brought to the beaUtlml holy Temple^ and that in fuch mulci - 
tudes and Continence, as his young Converts fhall be innume- 
rable, like the dew upon the grafle, which dewiffueth out as it 
were from the ^mornings wombe as its daily birth. Whence 
learn > i . Whatfoever courfe our Lord mail take, for inviting 
and compelling guefts to come to his feaft, and to the fociety 
of his vilible Church, yet only his Elect, his redeemed ones, 
all of them are made moft willing Converts by his Omnipo- 
tent power, effectually inclining their hearts, and making then* 
willing 3 Thy peop:e fiall be willing in the day of thy power* 
2. Chrifts Church by the-adminiftration of holy Ordinances, 
by the letting forth of the Lords holinefle, by her teaching 
and perfwading effectually unto the duties of holinefle, is ex- 
ceeding beautiful in the eyes of God, and of fpiricual behold- 
ers 5 Thy people flmll be willing in the beauty of bolineJfe.^.Txut.^ 
Converts by the power oi theGofpel are Chrifts children and'" 
off-fpring, who mall grow up before him in (implicity and - 
harmlefneffe , as the youth in each generation do grow, and 
fhall be for multitude as the ftarres of Heaven, as thefandon 
the fea-fhore : or as the morning dew defcending from the 
Heaven : From the wombe of the mwving, thou bxft the dew of 

V€M* The LORD hath f&orne, and will not res 
fent^ thou art aPrieft for ever, after the order of Mel- 

In the fourth place; h his Priefthood fetled, fPbcnce fettofc 

X.Ghri£ „ 


I, Chrift as he is King of his Church, foheis Pdeftalfo, for 
tfte teajj^jteg of Gods will to his fubje&s, for reconciling them 
ro God by his propitiatory facrifice, for fanctifying them, for 
making their fervices acceptable, for bearing the iniquity oi: 
iheir holy things, for interceding alwayes for them, and bleffing 
them effectually in the N ;me of the Lord : Thou art a Ttrieft > 
faith the Lord unto our Lord. 2. Chrift is an everlafting Prieft, 
who liveth for ever to make interceffion for us, and neither need- 
eth nor can admit any fucceflor, or fuffragan to himfelf in his 
office ; Thou an a Prieft for ever. $. Chrift in his office is no 
Ufurper, for he is called to it, his Priefthood is unchangeable, 
confirmed by an Oath, having the glory of Gci laid in pawne 
for its {"lability and continuation without change: The Lord 
bathf orn>and will not repent) thou art a Frieflfor cver.$.Airou$ 
order was net confirmed by an oath, but was an imperfect type: 
of Chrifts Priefthood ,to endure only till the Lord came,till the 
time of Reformation came,and was to be changed at Chrifts co- 
ming; for feeing a change behoved to be made o^'the Priefthood 
a change behoved alfo to be made of the Levitical law ; Tlmi art 
a Tricjlfor ever, (not after the order oitAaron^ but) after ike 
trier of '&&ckhi\edecb. 5. Mekhi\cdechs order, was not the 
pntterne, but a type and fhadowing rcfemblance of Cbiifts 
Priefthhood : for as Melchi\edech in his Scriprural being is men- 
tioned and brought in, withouc (hewing who was his fathei or 
mother, and had both the offices of King and Prieft joyned in 
his perfon, and was firft King of righteoufneffe, and then King 
of peace 5 as is more largely defcribed by the Apnftle in his E- 
piftle to theHcbrcrvcs: fo is Chrift really without beginning 
and ending, both King and Prieft, who bringethpeifed righ- 
teoufnefle and peace to his fubjects $ Thou art a Trieftfor ever, 
aftc r the order of. Mekbi\edeeh. 

Ver. $.Tbc Lord at thy right hand fh*& ftribfi through 
Kings in the day of his wrath. 

6. He Jhall judge among the heathen, he Jhall Jilt 
the places mthtlie dead bodies: be Jhall wound the 
heads over many auntrejs, 

In the fifth place is fct down the vifioiy cf Chrift o*ef 


. ii2 PSALME CX. 

his enemie. Whence learn, i. Chrift the Media-tour, ami 
King of hrs Church, and every believer in him , Jiave Gad 
ready at hand in all that they have to do ; for as Chrift is at 
the right hand of the Father for glory, fo the Father is at Chrifts 
right hand for cccpe«ation and afliftance : The Lord at thy right 
hand, faith he. 2. As the Kings <md Rulers of the earth are u- 
fually great enemies to Chrifts Kingdoms fo he is the hardeft 
party that ever they (hail meet with : The Lord at thy right bund 
fliallftrike through Things. $ 'The Lord hath a time of patience 
wherein he beareth with his enemies, and a day of wrath when 
he will break forth againft his adverfaries : He flail ftrike 
through fyugs in the day of bi* -wrath. 4. Chrifts Government 
is wile and juft, convincing fome of (in, and pordoning the pe- 
nitent; convincing others of fin, and fcalingthcm up to con- 
demnation, calling down the proud, and comforting the caft 
down, and doing all things for the good of the fubjecls meft dif- 
creetly 5 He flail judge among the heathen. 5. Wee there never 
fo many enemies to Chrift , they are all dend men before 
him, whom he wiii kill, and will caft their carcafes in the ditch- 
es of their own campes $ He pall fill the places with dead bodies. 
6. As he will punifh the multitudes of people, who under wick- 
ed Commanders do oppofe his Kin^dome: fo will he in fpecial 
fuinifti wicked Rulers, that lead on their people againft him, 
how many foeverthey be who are joyned in confpiracy$ He 
Jhall wound the heads over many countrcys. 

Ver. 7. Befall drinl^of the broot^ in the Wajf 2 
therefore Jhull he lift up the head. 

In the laft place is fet down the manner of Chrifts carrying 
rii his Kingdome and Priefthood in his Church, to wit, by 
fuftering and enderlng hardfhip, as a good fouldier purfuing 
the victory : for which his humiliation it is promifed he fhall be 
exalted. Whence learn, 1 , It behoved Chrift firft to fiifter, and 
then enter into glory ; He flail drink of tk brook in the way ; 
or, he mail partake of the waters of affliction. 1. Whatfoever 
a good ■ fouldier doth, or fuffereth in his warfare againft, and in 
purfuit of his enemies, Chrift did and fuffered in purfuing his 
enemies in his own perfon, and ttiall do and fuft'er in his myfti- 
calbodys He Ml drink of the brook, that is, content himfclf 


PSALMECxr. n* 

with my obvious entertainment, which hemeetethwith intht 
chafe of his enemies! and not be retarded with my care of beu 
tcr fare, then what may further hit (uvpoie. 3* As Chriftg 
perfonal fu#ering£ were not to endure any longer then the 
time he was on his way to hi* glory, (b neither arc the fufferings 
of his fouiciiei's or his Church militant, his my ftical body, to 
endure any longer then they art in their way to the triumph , 
ifcu is, during thisfliort life; He Jhatt drink of the broo^in 
the *ay. 4. As C hiift in his perfon was exalted after his fuffcr- 
ing? asVi&or, and did enter into his glory: fo 'hall he exalt 
ct try member of his my ft ical bo't y after their (ufiering , and ii ft 
•p their head: fa. it is appointed even for them, through ma* 
ny jffttftions to enter into glory * Then fore fatl be lift up 


THc fcopeof this Pfalme is to flirty* alt topiaifcGod* 
and that for fo many reafons as there are verfes in the 
Pfalme. The exhortation is in the fiift words: Prrife yt the 
L$rd. The reafons follow in order. The Pfalme iscompofed fo 
after the order of the Hebrew Alphabet, as every fen tence or 
iulf verfe beginner b with a fe vera! letter of the AB Q in or- 
der, and all the Pfalme is of praife only* Whence we learn in 
general, 1. Sometime it is expedient to let all other things apart* 
and employ our fclves expreflfcly to proclaim thepraifcsot the 
Lord only-, for fois done in this Pfalme. x. The praifesof 
the Lord arc able to fill all the letters, and words compofed of 
letters, in all their poflible junctures or compofition* for fo much 
doth the going through all the letters of the ABC point out 
»nto us. he is A If hi and Omgi % and all the middle letters of the 
A B £ of praife. $. The praifes of the Lord are worthy tob« 
kept in memory : for that this Pfalme may bethebctterrem^m- 
bred, it is compofed after the order •( the A B C, and fo it in* 
finuatcth thus much to us. 




Ver I. T^Raife ye the LORT> : 7 mil praife 
JL the LORD with toy vokole heart in 
the tsfffemblj of the Uf right ^ and in the 

H« fettcih dowfnhefcopc of the Pfalme ina word of exhor- 
tation to paifethcLovd, and then annexeth ten rea.ons and 
motives thereunto. The firft motive is from his own examples 
lyljevcclarn, i.When we are about any part of divine worlhip. 
it (hall be to good purpofe to let our eye mainly upon thfeicope 
which we propound to our felves therein: for to with lefle wa- 
vering of thoughts, and more fixed pretence of minde, we fhail 
follow our purpofe;' Thus much doth the Pfalmifts example 
here teach us, fetting dov;naU he putppfcthto aime at in this 
word , Praife ye the LorM. z\ The tailor of ? the Congregati- 
on, being about to ftir up others to this, or any other fpiritual 
duty,(hould go before them in his own example, andftir up him- 
felf* for that fame end: for fo teachcth the Pfalmift, faying, 
J trillfraifc tbcLotd. 3 . As the Lord is worthy of hearty prju- 
fts}lo mould we with o*ur- heart take up the Sdng^and bear out the 
wcifcjr w t U praife the Lord with my whole heart, 4.Sclemn meet* 
Ings of Gods children for Gods publick worfhip, and furthering 
one another therein, is an Ordinance ofGod appointed for that 
end: Iwittfraife inthe Afi'emvly^nkintbe QongngArim^.hlbtit 
the true members of the Church invifible, be only they who 
are juftified, and who are regenerate, and who are Students of 
f^ncTity and right^oufneffe 5 and albeit fuch only are fttteft hear- 
ers, ^lifcerners^nd joyners in the Lords worihip » yet muft the 
whole Congregation, or vifible members of the Church,what- 
focver they be before God, be admitted to the feliowlhip of hear- 
ing Godpr a: fed 5 for thereby the ele<2: unconverted may be re- 
generate,- for when the Pfalmift hath faid , I will praife the 
Lcri in theAjfembly of the upright, he fubjoyneth alio, and in 
the Qongngaiwu '■ 

Ver. 2. The works of the LORD are great, fought 
tiki of all them that have Pteafure therein* 


the greatnefs and excellency of Gods works. Wbcnee learn, . 
i. We need nor to far to feek matter for prilling theTicrd/ 
his works are at our hand ro turnifh mattei \ and albeit the Lords 
w%rks in. cornparifon. one with another, be Icrhe of *hern 
greater, fome of them k Her, yet all aiiidsvery cnejol them being 
looked aiponTeverstfy^re greats Ti?$. pwh of the .-Lord are 
great- i.Whatfttfver glory doth appear gtf v. oris wmkisvhere 
ismore-hki. trcaCueaiid excellency therein cpbe : fought out, 
aiuhif .taercrdo not (ktmu.h in Gods, works p lz B bec#u(> jthiy 
doiabt feek chem om ; The worlds of tbs \Lori. Arc great .ipouzfo 
out of jail them, &c. ^.Itisamaik.oY a wi-.e chiLic.o- Gjito 
take pleasure in Gods work, and totake.pleafuie to fearch and 
fee GouspraiLetherfiin, :nd chefeoaiyfreta reap ttjcrighi^tfe and 
bbriefit. thereof :j iTl&;&t \ fought <Mt;df>aU(ttera that \kx&\flM~ 
(wc therein. 'oV.- , 

Ver.3. HU work is honourable and gloriom : and hii 

xW\ third renfon orpraiTe, is the glory andnorfour'of Cod 
to be feen in his works. Whence lean, . Tht ^lory of'Go'ds 
wifdome, power, juftice or mercy, or feme of his attributes, is 
^^-upgnjJ^vK^ks of < .Tea-Jutland P^vLic, g$ akd>hcy 
hav^, an dper.-eye to look u 

^upoarherpiightlyj £n:vv 

r . His Tp,or\is -bQUcurzulc .md glorious. ... \%h. . 
ija-yes of God^i^m, ..pov'vvr> goodrtflft* .01 a,, 
Pl8^iv*d in his-wVi-k, they car;, 
God, and,of his work 3K0 ; and ^pigb$ eili;; 
cannot be attained ; till his glpi y bc'feeij hi it 3 ty 

Gods children alto , do often mifcoflftrue che ^ 2 d 

dealing with themfelvcs and with others>yet there is 

therein, there was never any wrong, nor ever fhali there be i" 

SWte l v# ?mti iraiiilkeiiV^d^liBgi Ru r&btsflfpefft 
cniar.etb for ever? ** v , 

mil *:$% fwtt %4 U 

1 1 J - 
Ver. 4* He hath mad? his wonder fat works to he 

u6 PS A L ME CXI. 

frmtmbrU'* th$ LORD iogr adorn, mmJ f*i! gf $$m 


The fourth motive copnifeGod, iathecourfe hetaketh to 
make his works to be remcmb red , mixing mercy and companion 
in all his providence cowards men, andfpeeially has own people* 
Whence turn, i. What the Lord bath done for his Church, ht 
hath ordained that it (hould beremembred ; and this he pro- 
cur cth , partly by priming upon his works the large impreflion of 
his power and goodntflej partly by doing the like works when 
the Church ftandeth in need thereof * and partly by his Ordi- 
nances, commanding them to beremembred § He bitb mdebb 
wonderful works to be remmbreL a. As the grace and lovinc 
pity of God towards his Church, is theciuieof the wonderful 
working of God for his Church: fo are they ftrong motives to 
caufc his works to be remembrcd unto his praife $ for tbc Lord 
igriciom ini full of iomfAffUn % doth bere infer fo much. 

Vcr. 5, H$ hsth given w*a% »nt$ tbem ihdi 

fear* him, hi will iVit hi mniful $f bit Cow* 

The fifth motirt to praife God,is,beeaufe God according 19 
his Covenant provideth for the necefiities of his people* 
Whence learn t 1 . The Lord in all aees h3tb carefully furniihed 
maintenance for the life, both bodily and fpiritual of his own 
people 5 He bitb given meat to tbem thit fegre bim. a. As what 
good the Lord doth unto his people, is becaufe of his Covenant 
with them, fo what is to be don- for them, he will do for his 
Covenants fake alfo without being wearied ; He wil ever be mini* 
fulofbis Coven&u 

Ver. 6. Ht hath Jb**ti hk people thi powsr 
of hti Vrorkj : tbdt hi may govt them the hirittgt 

of the heathen. 

The (ixrh motirt to Cods pwfi i*>the proof which be gave of 



his power for, and good-will Co this people, ia bringing them 
out of Egypt and onto C**&xnWb€n$e Utrn> i .The Lords woi k- 
Ing wonderfully ?iid extraordinarily for his people, were it hue 
once and at one time, as It is a fufficient reafon of praifing hina 
ordinarily at all times thereafter, lb it is a fufficicnt prop to the 
frith of his people at ail times ; for this ufe arc we taught to make 
of the Lords wot king for his people, in giving tbtm tbebetiuge 
$f tbe hejtben. u As the Lords working for his people at one 
time, giveth evidence of what he can do for them at any time. 
fo will he have his own people in fpecial fpcSarors, obfervers and 
wltnefles of his working at any time, that they may make ufe 
thereof at all times; Hehitb jbrwedbis pcoptc tbe power of bk 
»"('» tb it btmqgh*tbemtbebcriugeofihthwb*t» 

Vcr. 7. Tin m$rh if ki$ minis ire verity 4mA 
j*Jg*mHut : sit hit C*mm*nim*nt$ an fur*. 

£ Tkf}fts*ilf*fcf*r*9frs*4**tr: tod srt i**f 
in truth snkmprigktntjfi. 

Thefcremh and eighth motives to Gddspraife, is thefuit- 
aMenefs of his Work unto his Word, and the ftkoility of his 
Word and Works in truth and uprightnefs. Whence Uir*> 
i. The works of the Lord done for his Church , and in his 
Church to his people for their corre&ionor comfort, and a- 
gainft their enemies for their overthrow, do prove the Lord to 
fie true and faithful in his proxnifes and threatening* : The wor(* 
*f the Lord ire verity and judgement* ** As the Words and 
working of the Lord agree together, fo ftiould they be efteemed 
of, acknowledged and commended by us : Tbe worlds of tb* 
Lord are verity and judgement. 3. The whole Word of God, 
all which he hath commanded us toobferve and make ufe of, 
is worthy of all commendation and of perpetual ufe; for all the 

Carts of it do agree one with another, fuitablc to the condition of 
is people in all ages, good and profitable to them : it is dear an4 
plain, and not ambiguous, when it is rightly considered and com- 
pared with it fclf.- for even the ceremonial law, albeit abolished, 
for the outward obfervation of the carnal cei emonie , which 
figured forth Chrift to come, yetendureth forever in the real 
Signification otfubftancej benefirsand duties thereby fiudowed 
I $ forth? 

fortli: arid thetaVcfraUaw ,• howio^eh itferveth to condentnfc, 
men for their fins; yet it is alfo a pedagogic to draw and* drrrv^ 
c<jridemired« men tofcek'i : ;h r eoufnefleand life in Cnrift, avA 
w\fr&&i& believer along i his hahdftor heaven ; Ml hhCam* 
mandmntsarefure, thejtj&tiidfaft for cvti and ever, m&toeMno 
in truth anduprigbiMJfe. 

■ I 

Vei\ p. He-fint redemption unto his people : he hath 
tmmnufcd his GWinwit for ever*, holy ttnd rekieffnjl 
u httName. 

*. ? 

The ninth motive to Cjodspraiie, is the courle which he "hath 
taken for mans falvnion, and for his divine honour. Whence 
learn, i. The Lord hath made redemption ready for men, and 
fefch giveh*foM*a e&fti^ffrdn for tiMArrg offer of ft, ami" for 
applying it jx>:t-he benefit of.: tbeMiweO fit few rahmfmn to 
kkjgople. 2. Whoibever do receive rbe-rneffage o\ ' Redempti- 
on fent unto them, Gocl is entered with them in an eveilafting 
and unchangeable Covenant, for gfacW and ialvaridn unto them: 
h e hath commanded his Covenant for ever. 3. Wherein foever 
God hathengage<khQ}tel[ by Covenant, we muft not* (j^fftft 
him .to be ot{ia^ayo$ minded .then he hath fpeken , but 
muft in far hand t^ai: • fubicribc to his declaration', left we 
(tfoifeisfc Name im vain : For holy J and nvewd # kit 

Ver. 1.0. The feare of the LORD is the begin* 
rang ofwifdomez a good -tmderftanding have all 
they that do f\k Commandments, htspraijetndnretb 

The tenth motive to praife God is, from the fruit of believing 
fcnd obeying him « | \N hence learn. . l. As it i^ true wiidorne to 
inpw the Lo.xls will, and to obferve it: fo then do : mea be* 
.gin to give pi oof of wifdom in them, when they begjn : tojmake 
confeience o> the obedience of faith, and to ftand in awe to mif- 
believe Gods Word, or dilbbey his commands ; Far, thefeare of 
the Lord is the beginning of wifdom. 1. Howfoever the wicked 


who follow their own cotinfel, may feem wife to world* 
lings, and the Lords children to be fimple and witlefTe, yet in 
dffcct, themanthat ftudieth conftantly unto the obedience of 
faith,is the only wife man; eAgood under ft anding have alltbcy 
that do his Commandments, j. Albeit many do neglect to praife 
God, yet he fhall not want praife : for the matter of his praife 
fhall endure, and he (hall provide fuch as mail praife him, 
from generation to generation^ and for evermore 5 His praife en* 
dureth for ever- 


Vcr. I. T)R*fe V the L0RCD , *BltJfed is 
JL the man that feareth the LO R D: 
that delighteth greatly in bis Command' 

"THis Pfalme is apraifingof God for bl effing of thebdeevers, 
and the whole Pfalme doth prove that the beleever is bleffed ., 
which Propo/ition is fet down, v* 1. and confirmed with fo many 
reafons as there are veries following. Whence learn, 1. Albeit 
infingingof fome certain Pfalm or part thereof, there be no- 
thing directly fpoken of the Lord, or to the Lord, yet he is prai- 
fed when his truth is our fong, or when his works and doctrine is 
our fong, as here it is md}Praife ye the Lord. And thereafter the 
blefledneis of the believer taketh up all the Pialme. 2. It is the 
Lords praife, that his fervants are the only blcfled people in the 
world; 'Praijcyc the Lord: why? becaufe, Blejfedis the man 
tint feareth the Lord. 3 . He is not the bleffed man fwho is moit 
ob'ervant to catch all opportunities to have pleafure, profit and 
worldly preferment, and careth not how he cometh by. them; 
but be is the bleiTei man, who iv mr ft obfervant of Gods will, 
and careful to follow it * Bleffed is the man that feareth the Lord. 
4. As there is matter of great ueii^ht and contentment in .Gods 
Word, unto all them whofeare God; fo the true mark of afouiid 
believer and fearer of God, is delighting to know, beleeve and 

I 4 obey 


obey Gods Word, for fo he defcribeth the man thit fcarcth Goi: 
Hr dcligbtttb greatly in bit Commandments. 

Ver. 2. HufeedfhxR be mighty upon earth: the 
miner att on of the upright [hall be blef[ed s 

The firft proof of the believers blcflcdnefle, isthebleffingof 
his children* (if God (hall fee it good to give him ions and 
daughters of his body ,) or .he blefline of thofe that do by his 
teaching and example follow the footfteps of his faith and obe- 
dience. iVbetitc learn, \ Albeit we are bound toferveGod* 
whether he give unto us benefits or not; albeit our fervice at 
the beft be but a very weak endeavour, and many wayes taint- 
ed: and albeit we be unprofitable fervants, prefuppofing we 
could ioferve, as we ihould give perfect obedience, and do all 
that is commanded; yet it pleafeth God to allure us unto his 
fervice, by propounding rewards and encouragements unto us, 
as in this PtV me we fee. 2.Thebeft way to bring a blefiing 
on our children and poftcrity, is to feareGod, by our inftru&i* 
on and example to teach them to follow us in the Lords fear $ 
for their feed fhal be mizbty upon earth , even Kings and Pr iefts 
unto God, whatsoever mall be their worldly portion, j. Albeit 
few do believe, yet i$ it true, that upright dealing hath better 
fruits then wittie projecting and cunning catching: The ge- 
neration of the upright Jhall be bleffed. 

Ver. 3 Wealth and rich J (hall be i» bit houjt : 
and his right cwfncffe endureth for ever. 

The fecond proof of the believers felicity, is the blefling of 
him in his outward eftate. Whence learn y i. Whether God 
fhali give more or lefletothe upright man, one way or other it 
(hall be more ufeful to him then all the wealth of the wicked 
can be to themilVealth and riches fhal bein his houfe 2. Be ides the 
temporal commodiry and fruits in this*life of the believers righ- 
teous carriage gracious rewards are laid up for him in another life 
for ever ; His rigbteoufneffe endurcth for ever, 



Vet. 4. Vnto the upright then arifttb lighi hm 
tliidarkntffi : be is gratia* and full $fc*mpaj[ic* % and 

The third proof of the believers blcffedneflc, is comfort in all 
troubles, ind a deliverance out of all difficulties, as the fruit o£ 
Gods grace enduring in him* iVbencc torn, 1. Albeit the 
Lord will not exempt the believer fromdukpaflagesof his pro- 
ridence, or from amiAion and perplexity, yet he will make hint 
fure of comfort, direction, and a good event % Unto the upright 
there irifetb light in iar^ntffc. x.The light and comfort which 
isbeftowed upon the upright, is the fruit of Gods erace towari 
him, and of the junfturc of laving graces in him : for the ward* 
may be extended both to God, and to the believer by Gods do* 
nation; Heugracjou and full of compifjiov, and right com; 
which is true of the believer in fome degree, and of God it is 
true,abfolutcly and infinitely* 

Vcr. 5. A ge$d man fbe^eth favour and lendethi he 
mil guide his affaires with difcretiou, 

A fourth proof of the believers blefTedneffe is, from his proper- 
tics or fruitfulnefs of his faith, in the works of juftice and mercy, 
difpenfed with difcrction. Whence lexrn, 1. The believer to 
whom God hath extended favour and kindnefs, will be good to 
them among whom he livcth, and by the fruits of equity, love, 
kindneffe and mercy, will give evidence of Gods grace dwel- 
ling in him : for here the believer is called, 4 good mtttjKhs 
Jbereethmcrejf 9 anllendeth. z. $ race and godlinefie, found and 
fruitful faith, do not make men to become fooles without di ."ac- 
tion, but do confift well with prudence and discretion, in or- 
dering their aftiires wifely, and doteachthem to give, when, 
what, and to whom they iftould give, as the circumihnces ot 
time, and place, and'perfon, need of the par tie, and their own 
ability do require; He will gride bis tffuires with Hi 

ere ion* 

i iZr if a t\ jl m n 1^ A 11. 

Ver. <?♦ Surely he /bill not be moved for e* 
ver : the righteous /hall be in everlafiing remem- 

A fifth proof of thebeleevers bleflednefle, is the promifeof 
his liability in grace, and eftimation with God for ever. 
Whence learn, i.No man fhall ferve God for noughtjthe grace 
befto-ved upon him making him to abound in well-doing fhall 
be followed with more grace, rewarding and crowning grace in 
him, andinfpedalhemallbefetled intheftate of grace, what- 
foever temporal changes of inward or outward condition he may 
fuffer; Surety he Jhall not be moved for ever. 2. Albeit the 
world may mifregard the believer, and traduce him while he li- 
veth, and calumniate him when he is dead, yet his memory mail 
remain frefh and fragrant before God, Angels and good men who 
know him: The righteous Jhall be in ever la/ting remem- 

Ver. 7. He [hall not be afraid of evil ty din gs\ 
hid heart u fixed, trufiing in the LOK'I). 

Afixthproofof the beleevers bleflednefle, is from the peace 
of -God guarding his heart againft the fear of evil. Whence 
learn, 1 Albeit the believer wanteth not his own infirmities 
and fcares, yet he is not overcome of fear, as the wicked or in- 
credulous are 5 ' He /hall not be afraid of evil ty dings. 2. The 
guard of the godly mans heart, is not confidence in his owne 
wifdom or ftrength 3 natural courage or any earthly thing, but 
that which fedeth him is faith in God : His heart isfxcd i truji- 
iugin the Lord. 

Ver. 8, HU heart is eflablifbed, he fhall not be a- 
fraid, until he fee his defire upon his enemies. 

The feven'h proof of the believers bleffednefs, is his fecuriry 
from his enemies. Whence lcarn> 1. Albeit the bcleever be 
not exempted from having enemies j yea, and thofc mighty and 


tfc*riblft*;andfocbaswill beiftudyjng a mifchief igainft him> 
at*l breathing, out terrour^ yet .tarJiiraCrod wiU^gua ti ^freart 
fo 3 thwbefhailiioHjbemovedfrofir the courfc of Go.s obedi- 
ence for alf tHau theencmy can dtf.$ Bis heart is efLabli( 1 :cd 1 .ba 
jbalfaw be afrtid. i. The light of Gc*ss Worddoth(hewunt<> 
the believer both his own delivery, and the ovcrtJuowot h*s 
enemies, which it he do not fee in full tffe& in his own time, 
yet he (hall forefee it in the predictions of Gods Word: H€ 
jhatt not be ajrdiX> until bc[ce his defire upon bis enemies. 

riiy I 

Ver. 9, Fie hath cii (per fed, he hath given to the poor: 
his rightsoufpeffeendureth for ever : hi) home fball 

his right$oufxe$e endure th for 
be exalted x*iih honour. 

The eighth, proof of the believers blefiedn^ is from his 
conftant courfe in fruitful reft q£ faiih, and from the fruits there- 
of. Whe-mt Item, i. The wotks of roercie to the diftrcfled,ar« 
a fpecial fruit and commendation of thefaitho the beleever : 
He hath difperfed, be hath given to the poorc. 2. The beleever io 
giveth as he may be (till ab f e to give to manyjHe bath difperfed. 
3. As the.beleevers-righ-.tei/ufne sbyjuftification, fo his endea- 
vour tobe righteous in .the effect of fancTintatlonV is not by 
fits, but confHnt and permanent ; Hit rigbtctujnejfe endurcth 
forever. 4. Albeit the righieous-may have their reputation blaft- 
cd among men, yet God in due time (hall make tiem honour- 
able : His borne fbatl be exalted with honour.. 

Ver* 10. The wicked /hall fee it, and be grieved* 
he /hall gnaJhWtthhis teeth x andmelt arvaj : the dejire 

of the nicked jhall perifh* 


. Thelaft proof of the Me fled nefs of the beleever is, that his cne- 
roies (hall envie his happinefie, when they (ha.ll' fee the godly in 
gor-dcafcj andthemfelves miferable, Wlcn<;e lenm^ f.ScnVe* 
time, errii in this life the Lord io exahe?h the beleever, as his 
enemies are made witneflcs thereof to their griet ; md however, 
yet at length at the great day they (hall fee the believers joy dear- 
ly, to the increafe of their own forrcw 1 The wnlicd Pra !■' fee />, 
md be grieved. t % Themore-the wicked do tn vie che'gocv- o! rhe 



jodly, the axttt miferable doth he make himfelf .• Me jkitl 
fujb with^istutb «i mltewy. i . As the fceming good which 
cot wicked doth , ftiall be confamed and vanirtij fo the good which 
he hoped and defired to have, (hall never come to be enjoyed by 
him, but (ball vanifli: H< Jkitl mlt an? , tbtdtfnofmwiekr 


*|*Hi$ alfo la a Pfalme of praife, wherein firft, the Fropofitioa, 
that God is to be prai fed by all 3 is fct down, V.i, a,}. lit 
the next place are the reafons taken from his incomparable ma* 
jelly, v.43f« In the third place, arc the reafons of his praife 
taken from his bountie towards men* in railing the afflicted un- 
to an honourable condttionj 9,6, 7, f. and enlarging of defo« 
late families, v. 9, 

Ver. t. T)Raifeje the LORD, Prtife, Ojefor- 
i vants of the LORD : Praife the Name 
of the LORD. 

2. Bleffed be the Name of the 10 RD, from thu time 
forth, and for evermore. 

3. From the rifing of the Snnne $ ttnte the goimg 
ifhn of the fame ; the LO RDS Nam is to & 
prai fed. 

From theexbortatlon to praife God, ttA declaration of h*s 
deferring to be praifed; Lame, t. As it is all mens duty to prai fit, 
the Lord, lb in fpecial it is the duty of his Minifters, and Offi- 
cers of his houfes Firft, becaufe their office doth call for the 
difcharge of it publickly.Next,becaufe as they rtiould be the beft 
efteemersofthe reafons of his praifc,fo alfo ihould thev be the fit- 
ted inftruments to declare it. And laftly, becaufe the ungodly 
are deaf unto the exhortation, and dumb in the obedience of it % 
therefore when be hath faid > Praife je the Lord, he fub;oyneth t 


ft fif*> O yt fervants of the Lord. 1. As the Lord w HI not U 
known, but as be declarcth himfeif in bis Word, fo he will not 
be praifed, five as he hath declared himfelf j I roifo tbe 7{mc of 
the Lord, j. The time ofthcexcrciJc^ofGodspratfc, and con- 
tinuation of this fervke hath no terme fit unto it, but is co en- 
dure all our life, and for ever after * Bleffed be tbe Nttm cftH 
lord frm this time fifth and for evermore. 4. The praifc of 
the Lord is not robe confined unto any place, people or nation, 
but courfe Should be taken that u may be extended from one end 
of heaven to the other, from eaft to weft, on both hands, fouth 
tnd north; from the fifing of tbe Snnne unto tbe going down of 
ibefem, the Lords Hjmc is tobeprsifedi for every where there 
|s matter for it. 

Ver.4- Tbe LORDiihighabeweaJl Nations: and 
bis glory shove tbe Hefvtus. 

<> «Who\%UVt unto the LORD our Godf vke dwet- 
if lb on high. 

In the reafont taken from tbe Lords Majefty; Lesr 9, 1, Gcd 

muft be exalted above whatfoever excellency is to be fe ne ia 
Kings and Peopk in all the earth; for tboLord is high above 
ail Nations. a.Gcxl muft be exalted above whatfoever glory is to 
bcfccninthc Fabric k of Heaven, and more glory muft be gives 
to him then what all tbe creatures can cxprefle: for heaven and 
earth 3 and all things which he hath made, are but the eftcd of 
fome few words of the Lord 1 Hi glory is ibovt the Heavens. 
) Of any, or of all things which we fee or hear of ,or can irot- 

r there is no companion to be made with God, who hath fee 
throne above all the creatures; If bo is W& unto tbe Lord 
9ir£ci, wbo dwollnb on bigb 1 

Ver.6. Who hnmbloth himfelf to Mold the thing! 
thtt are in heaven t and in tbe earth. 

7 . He raifeth mp tbe peer em ef tbe daft : and liftetb 
tbo needy cm of tbe dmnghil. 

8. That he may fet him wit h Princes : even with the 
Primes ef bis people* 

9.Hemakotb tbe barren rroman to hfefhou{e\t*be 
njeyful mother ef children : Praifejetbe LORD. 



In; the ttftfbnfc liked from khe jLordsgracioasfroviden^J/i 
the!revdatfaAo>fK-ingdaDicsanciiarnilies; Lcartie, i. As the; 
ckcclkrcy^ni'Majeity bSfioH is fc great, that in regard of hk 
own al-mffrckncy he might juftly delpilc thje excellency of An- 
gels andimefl/ whereof he ftanoeeh fcft no need: fo the Lords ta- 
Bug any noticeof men or Angels, is apoi.t of humbling of 
faiimeliyit isapoint of love to irhe creature, making him ft oop fa 
low : as -toil adk toward them % For be, bimbleib him (df to behold 
the thingxMhatarexnfamcn, and in the emb. z. As the Lord; 
deciarett*him(df wonderiitUtt clae works .or" .-Great ion* fo alio in, 
the wo-'ks -of \Pirondenccy \*n xtianging the publj^k - afraires of 
Kin^domes, ftove and ttopusfyi© all .probability, .land expecta- 
tion of men ; He raifetb up the poor o a of the dujl 9 and : lifietb 
the needy out of ike &mi$il x <. Jfteferment unto high places Com- 
eth nert?i?r from the c^frf^ft^ftom the weft; -but as Gdd oait- 
ethdown fome, io he raifeih other fome ,- thxpbem^fet'tbwi, 

^ k Mrifa 'tto^^ fitful fif 9°^ 

way manifefted in Scripture , isicontrary to the couple of level- 
ling., for he will have fome to be in a mean place, ahd-Tohie to* be- 
Prirfec^e^among his own PecplcjM :his*text ? flfeweth. J*How- 
foevei* the^brd benole^V'(!onfpicuous in hh throwing riewm 
of the mighty-, thenin iHWItifirfg of the poore" :-yet will he rather 
take'hispraife here from'his liTtirvg-up of tlie riefedy-and *poor*> 
A'enfrprryVheciftingdownofthe-mig'hty, that fo be may give 
corner 'arid hope to tfl^dtfjecled tha, depend upon fcim rHe 
lifmb'tbc needy siittfKfedliv^riijbdbemxj fciibem with Pri** 
tes 6 ; .it " fimlL' benefit, ^ea 3 nt is-Aie greateft dignity in 
the v/nrld; to be advanced not in wrath, but in mercy, to tul* oj 
ver the Lord's people : for to 8bm God here c mnroend his bounty 
to the needy; Thalbe-maliesibem fit mtb'tb'e ! rinccs ofbM 
People. 7. All changes in mens fii milieu are -of £?od, nolefle *h«a 
the changes of St ue; He ma\tib tbc barre- woman to \cepe 
boufeC ^ it is tiie Special, V^fling of afajjiiide to incteajjfc in 
number: forthe Lords "poking the .barren faeare a number .of 
children, is here, made \he example ot ihemoft comfortable 
change of a'diflreffed \\on\i :' l^e.maketb thcbzrrcn tobe ajoyfol 
mother of children* ^.The very hearing 'what comfortable clfeh^ 
gesthe Lord<an make, and doth make theatfli&cd tofinde,3Ts a 
matter of refreshment to all, and of pi;aife to; Gcdfrom * 



THis PfalmisapraifingofGod, for the gracious and glorious? 
worke of delivering of his people out of Egypt , and bring- 
ing them into Canaan, and that for fix reafons. The firft where- 
of is, V: i. The next, v. 2. The third, v. 3 The fourth, v. 4, 
The fifth with the fpecial ufe thereof, v.?, 6,7. The fixth, 
v. 8, 

Verf, 1. TX7 Uen IfraelVeentout of Egypt ^ and 
V V the.houfe of Jacob from a people of 
fir ange language. 

From the matter of praife here fpedfied; Lwrw, 1. The Lords 
moft glorious work done for his people, in fpecial the worjt of 
redemption, mould be ofreneft remembred,as.the mention-:na r 
king here and elfewheie of the time when Ifrael came out o/Egypt, 
flieweth. 2. Redemption is then beft efteemed of, when the 
miserable condition wherein we were, is called to mlnde, as here 
jfracls "Redemption is com'mended from the ftate they were in* 
in Egypt/ The boufe of Jacob went from a people of a ftrange 
IfflguigC' And this is the firft reafon of commending this work 
of God. 

Verf. 2. JftJabwashu fantlnarj : and Ifrael hU 

The next reafon oF commending this glorious work, is the 
joyning of delivered I frail in a near fellowfhip with/Crod, 
Whence karn, u People redeemed by God , are no more their 
own,, but are the Lords purchafc, redeemed for his iiervice : 
tfudab was bis fanHiiary > and. Ifrael was bis" 'dominion. 1. The 
title and intercft which God juftly doth claime in his people, 
isthat they may be confecrated unto him in holineffe, and'fub- 
jed themfelves as his loyal Subjects to his Government : jp#- 
dab vc as his fanftunry, and Ifrael was bis dominion. 5. All the 
confecration and fan&ification of Ifrael, is comprehended in 



•ndflowethfrotnwhn was to be found in rhc tribe of fudsb, 
•nd that is in Chrift Jefus the hWer o( his tribe : All Ijrael *k 
bit dominion, but Judah is bit fan ft vary. 

Verf. 3. The Sea fare if, ani fled: Jeriam »* 
driven bactr^ 

The third rcafon of Godspraife for this work, is from the 
drying of the red^fca, and of Jordan, that his people might paflc 
©ut of Egjfty and into Canaan. Wbenee learn, 1. Godt 
dealing for his people whom he hath ranfomed, doth prove his 
wonderfull power for them, and love towards them, as the two 
miracles of the drying of the fca, and of Jordan do commend 
the redemption of ijrael. a. When God will deliver' his peo- 
ple, no oppofition can hinder, and when he will pofiefie them in 
what he promifed, no impediment can withftand him: The Sea 
fiw it, and fled i And Jordan was driven bac^. 

Vert 4« The mountaines skipped Ul^e ramt % ao4 
the little hills lilej lambs. 

The fourth reafon of Gods praifc, is the caufuig mount Hartb 
*nd other hills ( in their way to Canaan) to tremble and quake, 
when he put foith his power on them in the fight of his people. 
Whence learn, 1. There is no power in the earth which God 
cannot overtop when he pleaicth, though they were like the 
ftrongeft mountaines : for as he can make the earth, fo can he 
move and remove any power on earth, at he gave evidence 
when he made the mountaines by earth-quake 10 $lejp Ufa rtns % 
and the Unit bills Ufa lambs* 

Vcrf. 5. What ailed ihee > O thou fea float tbeuflei* 
deft ? thou Jordan that ikon waft driven back, ? 
, 6> Te mountaines that je slipped lilte rams : and 
je little hills like lambs} 

7. Tremble thou earth at the frefence of th* 
LORD; at the frefence of she Qei of 'font: 



The fifth reafon of Gods praife, is the evidencing of his po- 
\fkv, put forth before his people^ in fo wondeifuli and miracu- 
lous a nianner, as no caufe can be given of the works wrought 
for his people in rheir coming out from Egypt, their entry into 
Ctnaan, and in the wilde;nefle 3 except only Gods extraordinary 
manifeftarion of his prefence amongft his people, and for them : 
which thePfalmift bringeth forth,by asking the caufe of thefe mi- 
• rades, & anfwering the qui ft ion by the terrible prefene'e of God. 
Whence learn, i.Thc Lord can work fo clearly for hispeopk,that 
the mod ftupid and brute fouls flial be convinced of his refpefl: to 
his children j as- this experience doth (hew. 1. If Atheifme, and 
unbeliefc in m*n could finde 3ny natural reafon, or any pretence 
of reafon, whereby they might obfeure the glory of Gods doing 
for his people, they would not faile to do it, as this interrogati- 
on teacheth; W\m ailed thee, thou Sea> &d 3 . The more nar- 
rowly the works of the Lord are locked unto, the mere evident- 
ly doth his power and prefencc appeare in working them, a* 
theanfwer unto the quefticn, and holding forth the Lords pie- 
fence twice for the caufe of fuch changes on the creatures do 
{hew. 4. The end and life of Gods power fhanifefted in fa- 
vour of his people, is fir ft, that all flefh fhould fear God, and 
ftand in awe of him* and next, that his covenanted people lhould 
look upon his terrour, as their bulwarks: Tremble thou earth 
at the prefence of the Lord, at the prefencc of the Gad of 

Ver f. 8. Which turned the roc\ into 4 jiandiftg #4- 
teri the flint into a fountain of waters. 

The fixth reafon of Gods praife, in the woik of delivery of 
his people out of Egypt, is his wonderfull provifion for thei* 
drink inthe dry wilderneffe, by diflclvingthe flinty reck into. 
! water; Whence learn, 1. Whomfoeverthc Lord doth redeem, 
and let upon their way to heaven, he will provide for wharfoever 
isneceflary for their fuftcntation and comfort in their journey, 
ashis providing ot drink for the camp of Ifrael giverh proof. 
l. We beins called of God to follow our Redeemer, till we , bz 
putinpoflcitionofpromiijes,muft not ftand<for any difficulty, 
or dha^earance of meanes for our fuftentation and comfort, for 
God can work his puipofeby contiary-like meanes: He turned 
the ro\ nit? a (landing -water . the flint into a f'ouhtaine of 
waters. & PSA&Mfi 




THe Church of Ifrael being under the power of the heathen, 
and unable to help themfelves, do flee to God for relief; and 
in the former part of the Pfalm, they pray for delivery, ftrength- 
ening their hope td be heard, by fourc arguments* untoi/. $. 
Inthebtier part, the Church is encouraged to truft in God, 
and to expert deliverance in due time by feveral reafons, all 
ferving to confirme their faith, unto the end of the Pfalme. 

Verf. i. Vfft M^ ^ O LORD, not unto us^ 
jS\ but unto thy Name give glory : for 
thy mercy ^ and/<?r thy truths fake* 

In praying for relief from the bondage of idolaters, they rejeel 
all confidence in thcmfelves, and bring arguments of their hope 
to be helped from other grounds, mxnee learn, 1. It is no 
ftrange thing to fee Gods people for their chaftifement, or trial, 
put under the power of idolaters, as this experience of Ifrael doth 
ihew. 2. When we feek any thing from God, we ought to ac- 
knowledge our own unworthineflc and ill deferving, and to re- 
nounce -A\ confidence in our felves : Hot unto m give the glory, 
faith the Church here. j. Albeit the Lords afflicted people 
may want all ground of hope from their own behaviour, yet 
grounds of hope can never be wanting, when they look to Gods 
mercy and truth, and the glory of his grace in helping of them ? 
!]\0* unto wi y LOR'D, not unto us, b>X untotby Namegivcglo- 
ty : for thy mercy ^ and for thy truths faty. ' 

VerC 2. Wherefore fhouU the heathen fay : where 
is now their God? 

Thefecond'rcafondfhopeto have tfeeir petition granted, i* 



Ijecaufe ifthe Lord do not deliver them, idotaters, under wbqfe 
power they do lie, will continue to Mafpheme the true Religion, 
and the true God, whom the true Church doth worfhip. Wbencj 
lam. 1. The enemies of the Church are ready to blafyheme 
the true Religion, when the Lords people arc brought in 
ftraits. and under their pnver, as hcr^TkeheAtbehfiy, Where 
is how their God.) When we have brought our felvesinmifery, 
and our Religion in danger of dii^race, weough: to be more 
ctrefiill to have the Loi d reftored to his honour $ mdtrue Re- 
ligion reftcned unto its own beauty, then to be freed from mifei y$ 
for the Church herf cannot endure the cimonou** of God 111 
their affliction: Wherefore jbould the heathen fay , Whcrekmrt 
their god ? 

Vcrf, 3. Sat our god is in the heavens j he hath 
done whatfoever he pie a fed. 

The third reason of hope to be heard, is, becaufe God is omni- 
potent , and fupreme Governouv of all things, and his authority 
is as his power, abfoliitc, to do what he pleafeth : and this tea- 
fonftrengthensalfo the former leaforf. Whence le am. 1. The 
more the wicked do oppofe God and the true Religion^ the more 
fhould his fervants aflert his glory, and truth: as the Church 
doth here, faying, Tut our god is in heaven. 2. The confide- 
ration of Gods abfol ute power, and authority exalteth God a- 
bove all idols, ftoppeth all murmuration againft his ditpenfati- 
on toward his people, and their enemies,- ctofeth all difpiitati on 
againft his revealed will, and looicth all objections, ariGng from' 
difficulties, arid impediments, which mi^ht hinder hope to be 
i helped out of mi fery, as here wc fee, Qur God is in heaven, be 
doth whatfoever bcpleafctb, 

Verf. 4, Their idols are (liver and gold i the ^ort^ 
of mens hands. 

5. They haVe months, hut thej (peakenot : ejtshwt 
they, bat they fee not. 

6. They have eares t but they hear not : nofes have 
ihey^m they fnitll not. 

K i 7. Thej 


7. They \\Mt hands % but they handle not : feet have 
they, but they walk not: neither j}ea^thej through 
their throat. 

A fourth reafon of hcpeahat theChurch fhall be delivered from 
the pewer of idolaters, is^becaufe there is no other God to deli- 
ver them, fave the Lord : Idols can neither help their Worship- 
pers, ncr hurt Gods people who defpife them, and therefore his 
people will hope in their own true God, and defpife idolaters 
and their idcls both. Wbcvcc learn. 1. Imnges in the matter 
of Religion whatfoevcr they fcem to be, or reprefent, are but 
idols S for fo are they called here 1. Images in Religion prone 
nothing, but bring trouble to men, as their name in the original 
importeth. 3. Albeit idolaters do beftow largely upon their 
Idols; and put upon them artificially fome iliape , to reprcfenc 
fome perfections by them , yet the riches of the matter can give 
them no excellency : They are but filver or gold at the bell, 
their forgers and authours are but men; for it is fufficient to 
difgrace any point of Religion i-r it be of mans devifing : They 
are the vporl^of mens bunds. 4 So many members as the 1- 
mages have : ferving to rcprefent fome perfections by, them , 
are fomany lies: for they havemoutbes, b"t fpeafi not > eyes 
have they, but tbey fee not; Tlxybuve tares , but they beare nor, 
710 fes have they, but they (melt not 5 they have , bunds but they 
bundle not; feet have the? , but they mli not, neither ffcal{ they 
through their throat. 

Verf. 8. They that mak* them y are like unto then) : 
fo is every one that trttfteth in them. 

forclo/ing this reafon, he tumeth the reproach, which ido- 
laters did caft upon the true f God and his worfhip, oyer upon 
thtmfclves. Whence learn, 1. Albeit the Lord be angry at his 
own people, yet mull: th>y not forfakehim, and go after idols' 
to be helped by them; for fo doth the Church here teach us, 
a. The confederation of the folly of falfe Religion, fliouM 
make us cleave the clofer to the true Religion, and to abhorre 
the errors of humane deviling; for foarewe taught by this zx- 
amplc. 3. As it is an honour to be of the true Religion ; fo S 


P SAL ME CXV. 131 

isthegrcatcfldifgrace a man can Lave, to be an idolater : for 
jhedilgrace of the idol falieth upon the wor/hipper thereof, as 
here we fee. 4. All idolaters a; cbrutifh, the makers of idols, 
authorizes of them, worfhippers and fervers of thern, are all 
like realonleffe, and fer.fkfie blocks, in this matter, like the 
idols which they make: They that make them, are like unto thorn* 
that is, They have eyes, and fee not, &c, $ Whofoever do expect 
any good, by making or worshipping of images, they joyne in- 
ward worfhipping of them, with the outward : and in their ex- 
pecting any good by that means, they prove thsmielves like 
reafonlefle blocks, as void of true wifdome in this point, as ima, 
gesareof fenfe and motion: So is every one that trufteth in 

Verf. 9. Ifrael trnft thou in the LORD, he U theif 
help , and their foetid* 

I a O houfe of Aaron % trtift in the LORD: hi 
is their help, and their foetid. 

I r. Te that fear the LORD, trftft in the LORD ; 
he is their help, and their {hield. 

In the latter part of the Pfalme, the Church is encouraged to 
trull in the Lord, and fo to expect deliverance according to- the 
petition fetdown s v. 1. And tfntby feven rcafons. The ex- 
hortation to truft in God is threefold, one directed to Ifrael, 
v- 9- Another co the Prkfls, and Levits, v. 10. The third to 
all that fear God, v. n. Unto which exhorcation, the firft 
rcafon of encouragement is added and repeated again and 
again. Whence learn, 1. No tentation ot affliction fhcmld 
drive us from expe-cting relief in trouble, and trufting in God 
for it : for notwithftanding the Church here is under the fcet 
of the heathen, yet 2II are exhorted to trrft in God: Ijratl, 
truft thou in the Lord. 2. Whofoever in their trouble do tfuft 
in God, may be a flu red tp be delivered, and guarded againft all 
evils which may marre their bleffedneffe : Truft in the Lord 
for be U their help>and their foicld. $. Th: Minifters of Gods 
houfe mould go before the Lords people in trufting in God, 
and adhering to him, fpecially in time of trouble > houfe of 
/Aaron, truft id the Lard, . 4- Such promifes as are made m 
K 3 com- 


common to the houfe of lfrM t are diffident to fupport the faith 
ofpublick Mini fters of the Lords houfe, as here we fee: He ii 
their belp,an1jhicld t 5. As every one thtt feareth God, is of tire 
number of tru. Ifra::lites: fo trufting in the Lord, he may be no 
le$e confident of the confoUtion, and protection of God, then 
the ^ublkkMi-niftersofthe Lords houfe: Te that far the Lord, 
trufl in tbeLori be is their help, andthcir Jhicld. And :his is 
the foil reafon of encouragement to truft in God. 

Ver. t2. Jht LQ R D hath been windfall of w 9 
he willihffem, he ^illb'ejje the hotife of Jfrael : he 
TfVtllhlejfe the hotife fif Aaron . 

1 3 . H* v>i& bl jfe them that fear the LORD ; both 
fmaS ani great. 

Thefecond-reafon of encouragement is taken from forme* 
experience of Gjds refpe&s unto his people that few him and 
the third is taken from tne prOmife of bl: .fling them, in time to 
come Wbecc learn, «. Albeit me Lord ufeth to zffil& his 
people* yet he do^-h "not forget them, or lay atide aSec'trori to 
them : The Lord bath bce\ mindful of va. *. The right ufeof by* 
paftexpeienceofGodscareofus in affliction and trials* is to 
puttruftin God in after-times of new trial and aflli&ion, as 
herfe) TbeLordbxtbbeekfaindfMof ut, is made ufe of to this 
end. I As the duty intruding in the Lord, is common to all 
forts of pe-fons, fo the W.efling of faith is common, and dorfi be- 
long to all forts of beleever * great .nd fmall : He will b'ef]e #5, 
'be will bkffethehoufe of Adr<m^ be will blcffe tbtm that fur 
Lord, both gnu xndjrnM. 

Verf. 14. The LORD fliM end eafejou more and 
piore ; jou am your children. 

The fourth resfon of encouragement to tVuftin the Lord* fi£ 
becaufe the number of beleevers Yhall be multiplied. Whtncb 
leArn> Albeit the Church be driven to deep affli&iony and 
diftrefle, yet the number of the believers in God (hall ihcreafe* 
and the meafure of Gods graces in his people (hall be augment- 
ed* and no age even unto the laft (hall want a pofterity 'of -belie-" 
yers, and God will make no end of blclfine them, whkfr ; fsm"b 



fmall encouragement unto believers .• Tlx Lord fall encrcafc you 
fkore and moft 3 you and your children. 

Verf. 1 5 , Tou are bleffeA of the LORD, which made 
heaven and earth* 

■ The fift h reafon of encouragement is, becaufe G >d omnipo- 
tent hath pronounced believe s to be blciied, how miferablc .o- 
ever they nuy fecm to themfelves, and to others. V^lhcnie learn y 
i. Whatlcevcr diftreffe b.lievers may fall into, yet can they 
never be riccurfed nor deprived of the bleffinj of ri-zbteoufnefie, 
and eternal life : for it is faid to them all, Jou dre blcffed of the 
Lord, who calieth things that are not, and maketh them :o be. 
i. The fight of the Lords work in making heaven and' earth 
of nothing, fhould flrcngthen us to appiehend how richly the 
Lord can and will perfect wha: he faith of bleffing his people : 
Ton are bleffcd of the Lord, who made the beiven mi the ear tl^ 

V^rf. t 6. The heaven, even the heavens art the 
ZO RD S \bm the earth hath he giveu to the chiU 
dren of men. 

Thefixth reafen of encouragement to truft in God is that 
albeit the Lord be abundantly iatisfied in himfei r e, and netd- 
eth nothing from the world, yet men have need to depend upon 
his good neiTc, and truft in him, who ba;h given unto them 
the ufe of his creatures on the earth. learn 3 i % As it is 
no need of any creature which hath moved God to make a 
world, but rather his fupcrabundant felf- funic iency hath made 
the heavens & the earth, to thh end/hat therein he may let forth 
hisalfufficjency to the creatures: fo is it no need of mans fer- 
vice, which made him m ke a people and crave fc vice of them : 
for he could be fcrved with what he hath in Heaven j The b'ejL- 
vcn> even the berjens are the Lords, z. Albeit God huh no 
need of men, and can live without dependence on man, yet man 
cannot live without dependence on God, and uie of his crea- 
tines in the world • Tbeberoci is the Lords, but the earth hath 
be liven to the children of men, wherein they may dwell, and 
bcltiftaincd by what he beftoweth on them there. J. As the 
plenty of riches of the earth is a pawnc of the Lords readinefle 

K 4 to 


t;> give better things unto man: fo it is an evidence of mans fo* 
verty,and needlof the fervice of fo many of Gods creatures, and 
cf his obligatro.'UO truft in God and depend upon him : The 
her 'en is the Lords* but the earth batb be given to the children 
of mm. 

Verf. xy. The dead praife not the LO RD: neither 
, any that go do^ n into pence. 

1 8. Em We mil blefic the LOR D, from thi* 
ilrpe forth and for evermore. Praife the LO K D % 

The feventh reafon of encouragement to truft in God>is,becaufe 
tlie Church of believers mall be continued from generation to 
generation, and mail never want reafon to p aiie and blefle God, 
from this time forth and for cvei'i Therefore in confidence of 
this mercy, let them truft in him, and praife him : this reafon 
he maketh clear thus ; TJie dead fpirjtualjy cannot prai/e the 
Lord, and if the (ue-cefiion of the Church of believers fhoiud h£ 
now cut off with this afflicted generation, neither could we who 
live, praife God in the earth longer then we live on it, nor mould 
there be any Church after us to difchai-^e this duty among the 
children of men: but this is impoffibie, Tor God fhali not wane 
a generation of living believers to praife and bicilc him for his 
goodneffe to the worlds end ; Therefore we mall live and come 
forth of this prefent affliction, and ere we die, another genera* 
tionofbclieveri mall take this work off our hand, and fo (hall 
we that are the Church ofvjod, blcjfc him from this time forth 
dnd for evermore: Wncreupon Le exhoi teth all men in this 
confidence to praife the Lord, and the Palme. Whence* 
lam, is If there were not a Church of believers, God mould 
want his praife on the earth ! for the de;d, to wit fpirituajly, dq 
not praife the Lord. z. And if in anv time of affliction, wjiile 
the world fhndeth, there were not a deliverance unto the 
Church, fo that one generation of believers might not foltow 
another, then mould Gods praife among the children of men 
beabolifhedoutofthc world; for as the dead fpiritually cannot 
praife the Lord, (o neither can the dead bodily praife him among 
Them that know him not; that is, on the earth, where Gods 
praife is:o be taught unto men: For the dead praife not the 

tord t 


Lord, fo neither any xhxtgo dvm into filencc. j. BecaufeG°<l 
(hall never w a jt living nun on earth to praife him, and blefle 
him for his goodneffe, therefore the Church of believers (hill be 
continued from one generation to another* that they mayblefle 
andpraife the Lord in every age, as here is faid, But we fiall 
praife the Lord- from this time forth ini for evermore 4. Th$ 
Churches affliction cannot be fo heavy, but they (frail have 
came to blefle the Lord for his goodneffe, andtoftirre up others 
to praife God with them : for the Prophet clofeth the Pfalmc 
made in deep affliction of the Church with, Praife the Loral 


•"pHis Pfalme is a threefold engagement of the Pfelmift unto 
thankfgiving unto God for his mercy unto him, and in par- 
ticular for ibme notable delivery of him from death, both bodily 
and fpirituall: The fir ft engagement is, that he (ball out of 
love have his recourfe unto God alwayes by prayer, v. 1, 1. The 
reafom and motives whereof are fet down, becaufe of his deli- 
very out of a great ftrait, v. } , 4, ? , 6, 7, 8 , The fecond engage- 
ment is to a holy converfation, v* 9. The motives and reafens 
whereof are fet down, v. 10,11, 12. Thethird engagement is, 
unto promifed praifes, or paying of praifes and vowes before 
the Church, with the rcafons thereof, v. 13, 14, *5> 16, 
I7j 18, 19. 


I * T Love the LORD : becaufe he hath bewA 
X tny voyce, and my /applications. 
2. TSecaufe he hath eric lined kU tart unto mei 
therefore will I call upon bim^aj long as / Jj Vfm 

In Ms firft engagement unto a conftant dependance upon God, 
and calling on him by prayers Learn. 1. A. it is anion* the 
wifcpurpolcsofGcdto put his childten to ftraites, that they 
mny call on him, and he by g:anting their petition may give 
them antwproofofhi$lcvetcthem,and ibilirre up their love 


to him: to is it the duty of his children, to ftirre up their love to 
God, upon every frefh experience of his reipeel: to them : for 
this doth the example of the Prophet teach us, / love the Lor J, 
b euu fc he h Atb bur d my grayer. 2. Not Gods benefits, but God 
himfelfe is the fatisfa&ory object of our complacency, and love 
wherein we may acquiefce : / love the Lord, faith the Prophet, 
after he had perceived the benefit. J. To love God for himielf, 
•and to love him for his favour, and benefits beftcwed upon us, 
do confift Well together : for the loving of him for his favour 
beftcwed on us, doth lead us to love him for himfelfe ; / love the 
Lord; bccaufebcbeardmyvoycc, and my [uppli cat ions. 4. The 
root of.tfcankfgiving is love to God, therefore love is profefled, 
before thankfgiving be prorniied m > I love the Lord, is hi ft let 
down, and then a promife to call upon him in all ftraits there- 
after. 5* Ic is no {mall comfort and obligation put upon a man, 
to have experience of Gods regarding of his prayer, and g- ant- 
ing of his recjueft, as the Pialmifts twice mentioning of it lhevv- 
cth,once. v. 1, arid hereagain,- becanfe he Imk enclificd hU eart 
wnome. 6. One proof of Gods hearing cf our prayer, may and 
/hould ftirre us up to believe in hi«i, worihiphim 3 and have our 
yecourfc by prayer uhto him all the reft of our life: Bccauje be 
hath enclined bis care to me; therefore will 1 call upon him y as 

, Ver£ 3. The for rows of * death I'compaffed me ', and 
deprives rf hell gat hold upon me: i found trouble 
Andf of row. 

The fumme of the reafons of this engagement, is fet down in 
his late experience, containing his deep trouble, v. 3. His cal- 
ling to God for relief, v. 4 And Gods grace and mercy ufually 
extended unto poor {applicants, which helped him out of his 
low condition, 1/. 5,6 The ufc whereof, namely to reft on 
God who had delivered him, is \nv. 7. 8. 

From his trouble and danger wherein he was ; Learn, r. It is 
no Grange thing to fee a godly perfon to be in fear of death, bo- 
.'ily and fpiriturdl, temporal and everlafting, at one time: The 
ferroxvs of death compiled me, and the paines of helf got hold upon 
me. z % The trouble of mindc and conscience alio, whereunro 
Gods children arc fubjeft, as :hey are feu d in their feveral de- 


grees, cannot cafily be expreffed, therefore here arc diver, words 
ufciySorroxvcs of death, paines of bell) trouble and felt for row. 
$. The greatneffe of the trouble, cTapger, mifery ana itiaits, 
whe eintothe Lorddorh caft his cwn,dothlay a greater obligati- 
on on ihem who are delivered from thofe evils, and makcth 
Gods glorv to be the more manifefted in their bringing out of 
them, as thefcopc oi the Pfalmifts laying forth of l>is troubles 
here doth teach us. 

Verf. 4. Then called I upon the Name of the 
LORD: LO ii<Z), / be fetch thee deliver my 

From his courfe taken to have relief by calling on God; Learn* 
I. Theonly true remedy of a grieved foul, is God being cal- 
led upon by prayers for he is a itrong refuge whercunto the hum- 
ble foul may flee, and be exalted : 1 called upon the Name of the 
Lord. z. There is place and time for prayer, even when the 
danger ieemethgreateft- and the condition of the party fuppii- 
cant appearcth defperatc, as here we fee, When the paines of hell 
caught hold upon me, then called Ion the Name of the Lord. $. 
Whether cur defires be laid open before God in many words, or 
few, it is not material before God : fisch a hearty fpeech as this 
will parte before God for prayer, Lord, I bcfcccb tbcc 3 Zdivfr 
my foul. 

Verf. 5. Gracious U the ZORD 9 and righteous : 
jea, our God is merciful. 

6. The LORD preferveth thefimple : 1 was brought 
low, and he helped me : 

From the fountainc of grace and mercy, whence he was helped* 
Learn. 1. Gods gracious and merciful alliens do give evidence 
T)fhis gracious nature, an dreadinefletofliew favour to all men, 
■ who according to the tenor of the Covenant of grace do call on 
him, as he:q the P.ulmifl: to iliew the came of his receiving 
"adtualiyagobd-anfyvc!-, faith, Gracious is the Lord, and rightc- 
~ous,yca 3 oitrGodis mcrcifulL i. There is nothing wanting in 
Gods attributes, whuh may give afiuiancc to the believing (ap- 


plicanr, to have his requeft granted : he is gracious, and ftandeth 
not for the pcrfons unworthineflc i he is juft and righteous, and 
will not faile to keep Covenant, and per forme all promises 5 he 
is mercifully and doth not fhnd to pardon f nne, iniquity and 
tranfgreffions : Gracious k the l ord, and. righteous, yea, our god 
w merciful. $. The Lords children commonly are not 
the worldly-wiftft people, but for the meft part arc of mean 
Worldly witj and whofoever of them hath any meafure of pru- 
dence, they arc for the courfe which they keep in trials and 
troubles, accounted fooliih, yea, and in their own eftinution 
they are very witleffe, and dare not leant to their own under- 
ftanding, but do feck to bedire&cd of God; therefore they are 
here and el few he re called fimplc. 4. Sudi as are emptied of 
conceit of their own wifdome, and fcek their direction, protc&i- 
©n, and prcfervation from Go^> do lie ncarcft unto the foun- 
tain of Gods mercy and help in every difficulty: For the Lord 
freferveth the fimple. f. Any one example of Gods grace and 
•mercy to any believer, is fufficienr to prove Gods nature, incli- 
nation, readinefle, and good will to every believer that calieth 
©nhimjforcafeneth the Pfalmift ; I wot brought lon*> and he 
helped me. 

Verf. 7. Retume unto thy reft , my foul : 
for the LOR D hath dealt bountifully With thee. 

8. For thon h*fl delivered my foul from 
death , mine eyes from leans , and my feet from 

Here is a twofold ufeofthis experience, one t© fettle his con- 
fidence on God, another to praife God fcr the experience of lb 
great a delivery. Whence learn, 1. The general ufe of all the 
experiences of Gods favour which we finde, is the ftrengthenirig 
of our faith in God, as here we are taught. 2. .Aibei: trouble 
and tentaiions do not overcome our faith, yet they may and ufu- 
ally do perturbe 5 ifnot the peace o r our conscience, yet at leal) 
the peace cfourminde, and femctimes the peace of both: for, 
O my foul, retume to thy reft, imports a difquieting of him from 
his reft. 3. As wefhould ftudynot only to lay hold on God 
by faith, bur alfo to reft and acquiefce in his love and truth cor.- 
pdemly: fo fhould we take advantage cf every frefli experience 



of Gods favour, whereby we encourage our felve* to rcfie upon 
<2ods grace and mercy, as here the Pfaimiftdoth : Tieturnc un- 
to thy rcjt, for the Lord hxtb dealt bountifully with 
thee, 4. Mediation of Godsgoodncfle to us, and ipeaking of 
i: In the third perfon, is a ready way to bring us unto nearer ac- 
cefle unto God, and to fpeah unto his Majcfty in the fecond per- 
fon, as here we tec ; For thou haft delivered my font from death , 
iaith he, directing his fpeech to Goa. 5. When outward trou- 
ble and inward tcntations dofct upon a foul at one time, wheel 
men do (hew their wrath., and God hideth his face, it is a fad 
condition, able to draw teares from the ftouuft heart, and to 
put him in hazard of finning, and in peril to perifli : Thou haft 
delivered my foul from death, mine eyes from teares , and my feet 
from falling. 6. As an humble and fenfible foul will pact up 
many troubles joy nrd together in one, fo a thank mil foul will 
branch one mere y out in fund ry particular branches, as here the 
PfalraUHiftinguiihcth, the delivery of hi* foul from dcatft, of 
his eyes from teares , and of his feel from falling. 

Vc rf. 9. 1 will Tvtlk before theLO R *D, in the land 
of the living. 

The fecond engagement by way of thankfulnetfe, is ont© a 
more holy way ot walking with God, whercunto as his taith 
made him confideir, that he-fhould attain, v. 10. fo his reco- 
very from defperation made him a debtor to purfue the c'uty, 
v. it. and a debtor ia. fohigh ameafure, as he knew not hotf 
to be :har,kfu'tl,i;. 1 i. 

F om his hopefull engagement to a holy carriage before God' 
and his Church* Learn y 1. It is a goodufe of experiences of 
Gods eoodnefle unto us, to engage and oblige our felves to a 
mere Lure and holy ordering of cur wayes, as the Pfalmift did: 
J will walfi before the Lord. 2, As the time of our life is the 
proper opportunity ot fhewing our tharktulnefle to God: fo the 
viiible Church is the fitteft fociety we can live in, for cxprefllng 
our thank fulnefie : for while we are living, and living among 
the godly ( be fide whole fociety theielV of the world j$ asi 
company of dead copies) we have time and place of manifeftin* 
cur obedience unto God : J will walk bejerc the Lord in the 
land of the living. 3. As a Gnce:econ\Ci:;ui;m hath God and 
picnio.he wkntifes unto it, io fliould the uyrijjht fcivaru *f 

* F ' GcJ 


God ftudy to approve himfelfe to both, as the Pfaltnift doth i 
1 will walk before the Lord; in the land of the living. 

Verf. 10. 7 be\eeved % therefore have 1 Jpofynx / 
ttw greatly afflitled. 

11, / (aid in my hafte : ^411 men are It ars. 

12. Whatjhd I render unto the LORD for at 
hid benefits towards me? 

He adddh motives unto this his confident and hopeful! en- 
gagement. W'bcncc learn^ i ♦ Faith giveth boldnefle to pro- 
mile to our felvcs, and of our felves, what the Lords Word doth 
give warrant for : J believed, therefore have I fpolicfo i. Faith 
isourfureft holding of Gods bieflings, more fare then prefent 
fenfe, or experience paft, or begun pofieffion, for all thofe may 
be interrupted, and overclouded, but faith laying hold on Gods 
Wordjholdsfaftjwhen all things elfedofaiL I believed ,thcrforc I 
have fpel^eju $. Oar comfort, confidence, and quietneffe, and 
delivery are fo much the fwceter, as heavy troubles and tentati* 
ons have gone before them, as lire the engagement is more 
chearful, and confidence more precious, Tlecaufe ( faith he ) I 
tvm greatly afflicted, and more fpecially, I faidin my hafte : tAlt 
men arc liars, which if we take it of Vavid, doth fhew that he 
doubted of the performance of the promife of the Kingdome, 
made, in Gods Name to him by Samuel, and therefore was fo 
much the more comforted, when he faw the truth of it appear 
again. 4» ThefervantsofGod do not flick to confefle their 
faults and infirmities unto their own fliame, when thereby God 
may be glorified $ as here the Pfalmift faith, I [aid in my haftc, 
&c. 5 . Mif-beliefe may fometimes fo farre prevaile, as it may 
feem to reigne, and as a Jadge to (it down, and give out decrees : 
lfaidinmy baftc, that is,"l gave it forth as a condufion or 
decree., 6. As haftineffe is the proper companion of mif-be- 
lief, fo it cannot endure lon^ in a believer, but onely during the 
time of an inconfiderate paffion, and fit of tentation : jf faid in 
ray bafte* 7. When mif-belief dares not directly vent it felfc 
againit God, or Gods expreffe Word, it falls to quarrel with the 
meffenger, and his fidelity in his commiffion j I [aid in my hafte* 
4U men m liars* 8 . He that feetfe Gods benefits rightly, fliall 



fee himfelf unable to give thanks as bee mes him, and fliall be 
forced tp fay, IVbxtlhd I render mto the Lord ? Yea, one bene- 
fit well confnlcrcd, fliall call to minde many by-paft, and pre- 
sent with it, many other prefent mercies, as this one delivery 
makeththe Pfahnift fay, Wbtt fljatl 1 render to the Lord for 
alibis benefits towardsme ? 9. The fecn impoflibility to render 
cu: thanks, and praife to God for his mercies to us* ihould no* 
hinder us , but rather ftirre us up to aime at the duty, as we ate 
enabled, as here it doth the Piahirift. 

Verf, 13. / Will take the cup of falvation: and 
call upon the Name of the LO R^D. 

14. I^illpajmy voices unto the LORD, now in 
theprefence of all his people. 

The third engagement is unto expreffe praifmg of God, be* 
fere the Congregation, as he had vowed, v. 1 3, 14. the reafon 
whereof is given, v. 15, 16. and the engagement repeated, 
v 17 1 5, 10. 

In his promifmg to pay his vows, and to give thanks publickly , 
he alluded ro the forme of the Lcvhical cercmony,ufcd in drink- 
offerings, as 1 £or. 10. 16. Whence lam, 1. All that we can 
do when God hath beftowed upon us all that can be defiied, is to* 
acknowledge the goodncfe of God, and to thank him for it, and 
this alio mu ft be prefentedunto God by our High Pricft Jefus- 
Chrift, and fo it is accepted : I will til{c the cup of falv&tion : 
oi\ I will take the cup of" bleiTin^, and tn:nikfgiving for falvation 
granted to me for the true iacririccs fake. 2. It is reckoned 
by God as a point of thankfulnefle for benefits already received, 
to come to God, and feek yet more benefits of him, as our need here we fee : I militate the cup of [dvztion y r;i 
call upon the %xme of the Lord. 5. In time of ftraitsit is law- 
full for ftrengthening of our faith,anc] ro tic us the more firmly tg 
give thanks unto ^od, to make a vow to God that we will praic 
him, provided we vow nothing but what God doth allow, ancf 
provided wc do not intend to put an obiigement upon Gml to 
help tuby that mcanes,ns here, i" will fay .my vowes wtU} the 

Lord, vjiv in preface c full bis people 4. When alawfull vow 

JsmaJc., wc fliouM he mindful! :o perfume U truly, as th* 

Pfaimifts example h* e seachgeb us. 

Verf. if. 


Verf. 15. Preciotu in the fight of the LORT) ,h 
the death of bis Saints. 

16. LORD, truly I am thy fervant, I am 
thy fervant, and the fonne of thy handmaid: than 
baft loofed my bonds. 

The motives of this engagement arc .* firft, becaufe God 
tfteemeth much of the blood of his fervantSjV. 1 $. Nexr, be- 
caufe (rod had ufed him as own of his own family, and 
made him as a free-born childe, to be fct at liberty from the 
bondage he was in, v. \6> Whence learn^ 1. ^ods children 
are, and ihould ftudy to be more and more good, mercifull, and 
meek ; for thus much doth rhe word Saints in the Original fig- 
nifie. i Albeit the Lords children are very precious in his eyes, 
yet will he put them to fufterings and hazard of life, but lets 
them not be killed, except he lee it for his own honour, and 
theirs alio S3nd in that cafe, howibever the world (hall cfteena 
of their death, yet fhallitbedeare and precious in Cjods eyes : 
Precious in the eyes of the Lerd^ ishbc death ofhk [aims. $. What 
eftimation God manifefteth himfelfe to have of any of his Saints 3 
he hath the fame eftimation of all ; and what proof he giveth of 
his eftimation of them, in the pi cfervation of any one ofthent 
in time of their danger and fuffering, it may ferve to clear his 
care of all ; for the Pfalmift intending to praiie Cfod for the care 
he had of him, draweth up the praife with retpeft to all the 
S3in:s ; precious in the fight of the Lord, is the death of bis 
Saiflts, without exception. 4. What privileges we do believe 
to belong to Gods children, we may and fhcuTd apply them to 
our felves, as the Plalmift doth here s after the general doctrine 
of^ods eftimation of his Saints, he fubjoyneth and aflumeth 
to himfelfe in particular, faying, lord, truly I am thy fervant. 
5. He who feareth, or doubtcth to apply the privileges of Gods 
children to himfelfe under fome higher title, may and rtiould 
apply it to himfelfe under fome other tide more fuitable to his 
condition and meafure: as here, albeir the Pfalmift doth not 
fay, Lord, lama Saint, yet he faith it in fubftance, in a more 
humble-like title, Lord, I am tly fervant > and the fonne of thine 
handmaid^ that is, a born fervant within the houfe, as the childc 
$f the bend-maid under the law, was born a bend-fervant 



to the Matter of the family. 6. How unworthy fdcver we finds 
c»ur felvesofthemeaneft ftiles of the Lords children, yet muft 
we joyne our fetves to that number under fome tide, and not 
fufTer our felves to be put out of that fociety, as here the Pfalrn- 
ift, albeit confeious to his own unworthinefs and infirmity in 
fervice, yet being confeious alfo to an honeft purpole> and en- 
deavour to lirve God, doth averre and affert his intereftin God 
asafcrvant, anddoubleth and trebleth the afleveration : Truly 
1 amtby I'ervtnty 3nd again, J" am thy fervant, and the third 
time, The fonne of tbitie handmaid \ becaufe borne within the 
vifibleChurch,achildeof the Covenant, claiming right unto 
Gods family by it. 7 Albeit we can f ijeak little of our doing fer- 
vice unto God, yet if we cm fpeak of Gods doing to us and 
forusj as for his own children, delivering us from thzbonds of 
fin, Satan* hell, and hellifh torments of conscience, we (hall 
prove the point of our intereft in God, as here the Pialmiffy 
lor proof that his death was precious in Gods eyes and that hs 
was cared for as a childe of the family, faith j Thou haft loo fei 
toy bonds, and fohe preveth his point. 

Vcrf. 17. I mil offer to thee the facrifice of thanks* 
giving, and Will call upon tbt Name of the LORD. 

18. I trill pay mj vorves unto the LORT)^ novo in tki 
f re fence vfaft his people : 

J 9. In the courts of the LORDS houfe : in tk 
toiddes efthee^ Oferufalcm: Praifeje the LORD. 

He repeateth the 1 * third engagement unto folcmn praifing of 
God, and with this alio, the fail engagement unto dependence 
on God* byworfhippingandinvocatingof his Name, whence 
learn, 1. Believers in the Church of ifuel before Chi ill, did 
not reft upon the exrerrtil ceremonies, but did look through 
them to the fpirirual intent and fignifi&tioh of the ce- emo- 
tes . fc for moral and fpiritual fervice is here prom i fed by the 
Plalmift; I will offer to the c the ftcrifee of thanksgiving, aid 
will cal upon the Name of the Lord. ~. Believers in the Church 
tofljracl knew that even no moral fervice, nor fpiritual fervice 
was acceptable to God, except through the lnte'Ctffion, fufter* 
ingi and oblation of Chtitt, figniflfed ty the faerificesj for 
k there- 


therefore doth he call his praitfng of God* facrifice } 1 will 
effer unto thee the acrifct of tbauly 'giving, 3. Thepromifes 
and vowesofthc fincere fcivantof God, fhonldnotbe fleetin^ 
motions, and laflicxpreffions, but refolute and fixed purpofes 
of the heart, which a man needs not repent or alter > as the re- 
peating of the former engagement here doth teach us ; 1 will 
pay my vorves, (?c. is repeated in the fame words. 4. Publike 
aflembliesof Gods people and places to meet in are needful, 
that by this meanes God maybe more folemnly glorified, and 
his people edified and (lengthened in the fervice of God, and 
profeffion of his truth ; 1 will pay my vowes in the courts of 
the Lords houfe, in the midft oftbee, fcrufalcm. 5 . When a 
man hath Did ail he can for Gods p L aHe, he muft acknowledge 
that Gods praife is a work which requireth more hands then 
his own, to lift at fuch a weighty facrifice; for this doth the 
Prophets example teach us, clofagthe Pfalme with Praife yc 
the Lord. 


Ver. 1. /""X Praife the LORD ad ye Nation ? 
K*S praife him all je people* 

2, For hij mercifurkindnefs is great towards tax 
and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praife 
je the LORD. 

TKis Pfalme is an exhortation to the Gentiles to praife God> 
v. 1. for his mercy and truth toward his people, v. 2. 
Whence learn , 1. In Gods worfhip it is not alwayes neceflary to 
be long ' y few words fometime fay what is fufficient,as this fhort 
Pfalme giveth us to underftand. 2* The Converfion of the 
Gentiles was forefcen and foretold long beforethe Jewes were 
rejected, as this exhortation directed unto them, and prop hefy- 
ing of their praifing God doth give evidence. 3. Invitation o( 
any to the fellowship of Gods worship, and in fpecial unto praife 
arid thaakfdvina, is an invitation of them to renounce their 



fmful coui fe, and to fubjcd themfelves unto God in Chrifts 
» and to embrace the offer of his grace, that fo they may joyue- with 

the Church in the fong of p.aifes: for all the Nations are invi- 
ted to come unto the fociety of the Church in thefe words ', O 
praife the Lord, allye Nations. 4. Yea, this invitation of all 
the Nations to praife God, fctdownin Scripture, is a prophe- 
cy which was to take effect in all t heeled Gentiles in all Na- 
tions, for foreafoneth the Apoftle, Rem* 15. 1 1, from this place, 
Vraije hint allye people, 5 . Albeit t here" be matter of praife un- 
to God in himfelf, though we mould not be partakers of any 
benefit from him, yet the Lord doth give his people caufetc* 
praife him for favours to therri in their own particular : Forbk 
mercifid\ind ejje is great towards itil 6. There is no leffe reafpii 
to praife God for what he hath promited, then for what he hath 
given already > For the truth of the Lord endmeth forever, is 
made a reafon of his praife. 7. As Gods kindnefle and truth 
are the pillars of our falvation, fo alfo are they the matter of our 
praife, which alwayes go together, and run in the fame channel 
toward the fame perfons, and do run abundantly and for ever to- 
gether 5 His fyndnejfc is great towards tis, and the ,truth of the 
Lord endured? fr ever. . .8. All they who hear of God,are bound 
to praife G^d ; Vraifeye the Lord. 


'TPHeKalmiftinthis thankfgiving for bringing him fow.on- 
derfully to the Kingdome , prophefieth in this Pfalme of 
Chrifts troubles by his enemies, and of his victories over them, 
both in his own perfon, and in his myftical body. This Pfalrrt 
hath eye and refpeft unto Chrift and his Church, that 
wbatfoever fliadow of thefe things may be found in David, 
the main fubftance and accomplifhment of all things herein con* 
tained, gec to be found moft clearly and fully in Chrifts wraft- 
ling with his enemies, and his triumphing over them for the 
comfort of the Church , and glory of the Facher : and this the 
Church- of Ifrael did perceive and acknowledge, as appearetfaf 
by their acclamation taken out of this PHme, and made to, 
Chrift at his coming irao ^erufatcm as King riding, and by 
h £ Ghrifts 


Chriftsinte rpretaticn, and appropriating of it unto himfelf* 
A/^r. 11.9, 15,42. Forthiscaufe alfo the Pfalmift doth not 
prcfixe his name unto this Pfalme, whatsoever might be fit for 
his particular experience in it, but leavcth it to run the more 
clearly and directly toward the Medial),, or Chrift, who is here 
mainly intended. 

ThePt3lmmay be divided into three parts. In the fiVft, the 
P»almift> and C hrjft reprefented by him, exhorteth the Church 
to p rail e ood, and £iveth fundry reafons for it, unto v. 14. 
In the fecond, he reneweth the fong of Gods praife, and giveih 
new reafons for the lame, to v. 1 9. In the third, Chrifts tri- 
umph is fct down 9 wherein he gceth into the Temple and fo- 
lemn Aflembl y of the Church, and here Chrift by his rejoycing up the Church to rcjoyce, and the Church giveth ac- 
clamation to him astheir Lord and King, and all the company 
do rejoyce together, and Pricfts and people ft ir up one anorher 
to praife the Lord, unto the end of the Pfalme. 

Ver. I. /~\ give thank* unto the LORD^ for 

KJhe is good: becattfe his mercy endureth 
for ever. 
2. Let Ifrael now fay: that his mercy endureth 
for ever. 

5, Let the houfe of Aaron now fay : that his mercy 
endureth forever. 

4. Let them noVo that fear e the LORD } fay : that 
hit mercy endureth for ever. 

The exhortation is unto the vifible Church in. general, to 
thank God for his evcrlafting mercy, and to the houfe of At- 
ron, and to thofe that fear God more fpecialiy, to praife him for 
that fame caufe. Wbacc learn, 1. Upon all occafions we ought 
to glorifie God, and ftir up others to do fo, efpecially when wc 
coniidcr what God doth for the Kingdom of Chrift, and here 
kt us fay : O give things nnto the Lord. . 2. Albeit the wifdorri, 
power and jufticc of God, be glorious matter of praifing of him, 
y«£ none can heartily glorifie him for thefe reafons, till they firft 



have experience of the fweetncffe of his goodncfs and mercie; 
* Give thanks* for be is zood, for bis mercy enduretb for ever. 
3. Such as are partakers olthc goodnefs which is purchafed by 
Chrift, may lay hold on everlafting mercies, and give thanks 
forthefei 3ecaufe his mercy enduretb for ever, 4 Albeit all 
theeled haveintereft inGodspraife, for mercies purchafed by 
Chrift unto them, yet the eleS of Tfrad have the nrft mom in 
the fong : for Chrift is firft promifed to them, and cmic of 
them according to the flefh, and will be moft marvellous about 
them : Let Jfracl now fey y that bis mercy enduretb for ever. 
5. Men who have more gifts, higher place, and in fpecial ihey 
who are Miniftcrsof Gods houfe, fhould go before others in 
gloiifying Gods mercy manifeftei in Chrift : Let the boufc of 
Aaron now fay , that his mercy enduretb for ever. 6. Whatfoever 
othe s do, fuch as worfhip God in their fpitits (inceiely 5 m uld 
let forth their th.inkfulneffe for Gods grace manifefted to v zm 
through Chrift j Let them now that fcare the Lord fiy> thathk 
mercy enduretb for ever. 7. As the falvation of the tied is one, 
and the love of God to them one: foihould their fong be one; 
as here fou-.-c federal times it is fa id ; His mercy enduretb for ever. 
8. Chrift being cpme at length into the world, in the fulnells 
of time, and having ended his fuflferings, and entered into his 
Kingdome, notwithstanding all the provocations of men to 
move God tocutfhort this mercy, hath given proof once for 
all of his everlafting goodncfle and mercy: therefore is it laid, 
Let ifrae! noWi Ln tAaron now ; Let tbcm that fare god now, 
fay, his mercy enduretb for ever. And this is one rc.ifou of 
his praifes 

Ver. <{. / called upon the LORD in diflreffe : 
the LORD anfwered me % and fee me in a large 

Another reafon of this thinkfgiving is, the P.almifts experi- 
ence, reprefcnringChiifts fuftering and vi&ory, he called to 
God and was delivered. Whence learn , 1. As the deliverance 
which David had out of his troubles, wasareafonof joy to all 
the Kingdom of Jfracl, becaufe of thebenefi;? which they en- 
joyed under his Government: fo the deliverance which Chrift 
tad out of his fuflferings, is a reafon of joy, thankfgiving, and 

L J glo- 


glorifying God to all his fubjecb ; I called upon the Lord in If* 
jlreffc? bcinfveeredme. ani jet me in a targe place, i. Albeit 
the JLord do bring his children into ftraits, ye: he will not le ave 
them in dift.-eflc, but will bring them forth into a large place, 
as this experience of the Pfalmift, and of Chnft ou- Head, 
both diftrefled and delivered for our fake , doth give affitfatrite. 
J. The diftrefle of the Lords children is not (6 bltttt Sts the de- 
livery and enlargement out of it is fweet > For be an\wertd me, 
andfetme in a large dice, is here the matter of victorious joy, 
and of Gods highpraifes. 4. Delivery out of any great danger, 
is a matter of glorifying God, efpecially when it is the returne 
of prayer, a$ here, I called on the Lord, and be anjwcrcd 

Verf. <5. The LORD is on mjftde t I fti// not fe are ; 
tyhat can man do Unto me} 

-j. The LORT> taketh my part with them that help 
me: therefore Jball 1 fee my defire 0/w* them that 
bate me* 

A third reafon of praife is, becaufe the Pfalmift hath by this 
experience received fuch confirmation of Gods refpect to him, 
as made him fearlefle for time to come, and afluved of the over- 
throw of his enemies. Whence learn, 1. Experience of hearing 
our prayer mould confirme us about Gods friendship: as 
here from his late experience hedrawech this Conclufion > 
The Lord U on my fide. i. Gods favour and friendship believed 
ihculdfreeus from thefeare of men; TheLordU on my fide, 
1 mil not fear e % 3. Albeit the power of man be an ordinary 
tentation to divert the godly from their duty, yet when Gods 
favour anJ difpleafure are well weighed, and compared with 
mans hatred and favour , ir (hall be found to be but little 
which mans either terrour or allurement can do, asrhisinterr 
rogation fpealceth* What can man do unto me? 4. Faith ob- 
taineth more good by deliveries, then it findeth hurt by affaults, 
and thenistruV faich viclorious, when Gods friend lb ip is op - 
oofed to whatfoeVe - the wrath of the creature can do, as here is 
teen, 5. Albeit we have gotten fome notable victories againft 
our enemies, yet we mull know our warfare is not ended : for 

fo much doth the Pfalmift in(inuate,when he goeth to make parry 
a^ainft hiscnemies; The Lordisonmyfide y the \,ord ta^etbmy 
pxrt. 6. Albeit the Lords people do not defpife meanes and help- 
ers, yet they rely not on them, but on Gods help, who can bleffc 
the meanes: The Lord td^etb my pxrt with them tbit help mc. 
7. Faith in its own victory by Godsafliftance, feethalfo the 0- 
verthrow of the adverfaries j Tbehordu^tb my part, therefore 
I Pull fee my defire on tbem that bite me. 8. Many goodufes 
may a believer make of one benefit, one viftory, one experi- 
ence, as here the Pfafmift doth, he confirmethhimfelf in 
his reconciliation and friendship with God, he encourageth him- 
felfagainft dangers to come, he exalteth God, and putteth down 
to nought the hatred and favour of man , he refolveth 
to ufe meanes, and to expect thebleriing from God, witho- 
therfundrygood ufes which follow hereafter. 

Ver. 8. h is better to truji in the LORD, then to 
put confidence in man. 

9. It is better to trufl in the LORD, then to put 
confidence in Princes. 

A fourth reafon of praife and thanks unto God, is for blefli.ig 
th: courfe of faith, and making it better then the courfe cf po- 
licy or carnal reafo*^; Whence Icwn, i.As faith garhereth 
ftrength, when it feeth what blefling doth follow on beleeving, 
fo God gectcth praife by blefling the obedience of faith; It U 
better to trufl in the Lord, then to put confidence in men. 
z.Suchasbeleeve in God, in whatfoever mean condition they 
miy be in, are in better cae then the minions of Kings, who 
lean only to mens favour, and time will prove this to be true; 
Tha' it U better to trufl in the Lord, then to put confidence in 
Prince j. 

Verf. 10. All Nations compared me about: 
hut in the Name of the LORD will 1 defiroy 

11. The) compared mi about, jea,th?y compared 
me abottt : but in the Name of the LORD I Vei/l 
deftroj tbem* L 4 1 2.7 hey 


12. They compared me about like bees, they are 
quenched as the fire of thornes : for in the Name of 
the LORD Imtt deftroy them. 

A fifth reafon of thanks unto God ; is Davids vi&ory in the type, 
and Chrifts vi&ory (ignified, begun and made Cure to be perfect- 
ed over a world of adveifaries. Whence learn, l.Manyadver- 
faries hadP'iv/i, but Chrift hath more; for all the world arc 
deadly adverfaries to him, All Rations compiled me about. 

2. T he-Church and Kingdom of Chrift hith neither power 
to defend it felt, nor way in this world to efcape from hs ene- 
mies ; A\L Nations compared me about, is thrice exprefled. 

3. Chrifts enemies are fodepiteful, that in fighting againft 
his Kingdome, they regard not what becomes of themfelvcs, fo 
be they may hurt his people ; but as the B^e undoeth her felf 
in flinging, and loieth her life or her power with her fting, fo 
do they j T< ey cojmpaftedme abo.t like bees- 4 All that the e» 
ncmies of Chifts Church can do againft his people, isbuttq 
{rouble h^ externally their wounds are like the fting of a Bee, 
that is unto paine and fwelling, and a ftiort trouble only, but 
are not deadly . They compared me about life bees. 5 .The pow - 
er whereby vi&o v y is obtained over the enemies of Chrift and 
bis people, is me6ly divine, even the Omnipotcncy of the 
Godhead of our Lord, who fighteth all his own battels and ours: 
In the Name of the LordwiUl deftroy tbem, thrice expreflcd, 
6. Particular victories now and then, do give ground of hope 
of compleat victory over all enemies j for Chrift hath under- 
taken here to deftroy them all; In the Name of the Lord I 
•pill dcjlroy tbem. 7- The rcjoycing of the enemies, and the 
puttin a fo^h of their malice againft the Church, is but for a 
fhort mne,and all to deftroy themfclyes 5 They art quenched as 
the fire of thornes. 

Ver. 1 3- Thou haft thrufl fore at me that 1 might 
fall : but the LQBSD helped me. 

A fixthreafon of thanks, is, for delivery to Chrift myftical, 
fon the chief ruler of the ad vcrfe powers, that is, from 
IVhenccllearn, 1 « Whofoever be the inftruments of perfecution 

of Chrift in hismembers, Satan is the prime Agent, the Cap- 
tain of thefe curled fouldiers : for toward him mainly is this 
fpeecb directed ; Thou baft tbruft fore at me . z. The aime of 
Satan in his oppofition unto the Church, is to drive them from 
their ftarion which they have by faith in God, that they may 
defpaire and fin; Thou haft tbruft jore at *k that 1 might fall. 
7,. H w weakibever the Lords perfecutcd children are, when 
Satan raifeth p: rfecution againft them, and river h his darts at 
them, yet doth he not prcvaile, becaufe God affifteth them » 
But tb^ Lord helped me. 4. The Lords (ervants being af- 
fifted in their rials, fhall have fuch deliverances, as mail 
givethem reafomo infult, time outofminde, over Satan.and all 
their enemies , as here the Pfalmift, as a type and fouldicr of 
Chrift, and Chrift our Chieitain doth. 

Ver. 14. The LORD is my ftrength and Song : 
and is become mj falvation. 

This we make the fecond p3rt of the Pfalme, wherein titf 
fong of praife and thankfgiving is renewed, and foure new rca- 
fons are added 1 And firft, he giveth all the glory of his victory 
unto God his ftrength and falvation. Whence learn, i . As hu- 
mane ftrength is not fufficientto overcome Satan, fo mull the 
wiaftler be emptied of the conceit of his own abilities, and be- 
take himfelf unto God, as the compleat furnifher of him, as 
this example doth teach us. 2. He that hath renounced confi- 
dence in created ftrength, and hath betaken himfelf unto Gods 
furniture promifed in his Word, fhall have caufcto fing, The 
Lord is my ftrength and fong, $. Experimental prooi of the 
truth of Gods promifes, is a new impreflion of believed truth, 
and a new taking up of it, which maketh a man fay, I perceive ' 
of a truth that God is fuch as he calleth himfelf ; He U become 
my falvation,doih import fo much : and this is the firft reafon of 
his renewed fong« 

Ver. 15. The voice of rejeycing, and falvation is 
in the tabernacles of the righteous : the right hand of 
the LORD doth valiantly 



1 6. 1 he right b an d af the LORD is exalted: the 
t&bt handoftbe LORD doeth valiantly. 

The fecond rcafon is from the joy which cometh totheju- 
ftified through faith in Chrift, for the certainty of their falva- 
tion purchafed by his fufterings and battels. Whence lexrn, 
x. Such as believe in Chrift, and do endeavour new obedience, 
a$ they arc the pet-fons to whom C'irift hath purchafed falvati- 
on, fo (hall theyfinde the joy of the pu -chafe, and acknowledge 
it to Gods glory: The voice of re\oyeingji>id[alux!ionisintbe 
ubernxcles of the righteous, z. A':beit the righteoas be pilgrims 
and have no fetled dwelling place, yet is their pilgrirmge and 
private tabernacles made refrefhful to them by the joy of their 
falvation; The voice of re joy ring anifxlvxthnis in the ixber- 
ntcles of the righteous. ;. The matter of the joy of the righte- 
ous, is the fight of Gods power employed for their fifety, and 
vi&oriotifly working out their falvation anl his own glory j 
The right hxni of the Lord doth viiixntly ; The right hxni of the 
Lord h exxlted; Tb: right hxni of the Lord doth v.di- 

Ver, 17. / (hxtnotdle % bat live : anddecUre the 
works °\ *be LORD. 

The third reafon of thankfgiving, is aiTurance of complcat 
victory, and employment of all gifts given to him in Gads fer- 
vice. Wbeit:e lexrn, 1. The believer may be affured, that 
death fliill not prevent him, till he have ended his appointed feri 
vice.' and that as death had not dominion over Chrift, fofhall 
it not have laiting dominion over him; / fhxll not die, bit 
live: xnddec'xrethewo^ of the Lord. z. To hmour and 
praifeGod in this life, llnall be life to the beleever, and 
dearer to him then his life, in regard he loveth this life, and the 
nex; alfo, mainly b:caufe he (hill therein praife God : Ijhxllnot 
iiejxnt live, xni dcclxre the works of the Lord. 

Ver. iS. The LORD hath chaftened me fore: but > 
he hath not given me over unta death. 



The fourth reafon of thankfeivine is, the Lords moderating 
aU ctaftifementsfo, as the Pfalmift is not deftroyed by them. 
Whence kirn, *.As Chnft our Head was chaftifed for our 
andtafted of death, but was not given over unto it: Co 
hisfervan's, albeit not exempted from chaftifements, yet they 
(hall not be deftroyed by them 5 The I erd hxth cbxjtened me fore, 
yet he hath not givervmc over to death, faith the type of Chrift, 
fpeakinghiftory of himfelf, andprophecie of Chrift. i* The 
moderation of chaftifements and (alvation wrought by them* 
ihouldfwallow up the grief of them, and make them the mat- 
ter of our Song, as here we are taught ; The t ord hxth chxftenti 
mc [ore, yet he hxth not given meover unto dextb. J. It is wi(- 
dom to obferve the moderation of chaftifements, as well as their 
fharpneffe and weight, -and to remember that when adverfaries 
do trouble us, and would deftroy us, God is about only to cor- 
rect us , and do us good : as here is observed. 

Ver. 1 9. Open to me the gates ofrighteoufnefte 1 1 
will g$ iuto tbem> and will praife the LORD. 

20. This U the gate of the LORD, into Vvhich the 
righteous fkall enter. 

The third part of the Pfalme, wherein is fet down the royal 
triumph of the Pfalmift, as the type of Chrift ; Fiift, his 
marching up to the Sanctuary, v. 19,20. Then ,his beginning 
theSongof praife, and exhorting all the Church to re. Joyce with 
him, 1;. * 1,22, 2$, 24, Thirdly, the Churches acclamation to 
her triumphing King, v. 25, 6, 27. Fourthly, the Pfalmift 
as a type of Chrift, glorineth God reconciled by Covenant to 
the Church, andpromifcth to praife him ftill, and clofeth the 
Pfalm with an exhortation to thankfgiving,as he began/v. 28 , 19 

As forthefirft, the Pfalmift as the type of Chrift, com- 
mands to way for his entering into the Lords Temple, 
and aflembly of the Saints where he may praife the Lord. 
f IVlxncc letrn, 1. The place of Chriftsand the believers tri- 
umphing on the earth, is the Aflembly of the Church, and they 
who are touched with the feeling of Gods grace and falvation, 
have and mould have a great defiie to have God glorified in the 
.holy ^fiemblies: Open to me the gxus of rigbtco"fneJfe. 2. As 


I}Q I'OttLiIViC LAV 111. 

the mneriil Temple of $erufalan was: fo every viable Af- 
fcmbly of the Saints , is the place where the righteoufnefle of 
faith and obedience is to be preached, where the Saints are to be 
edified in thecourfe of righceoufnefTe, and toward which the 
truly righteous have andfhouid hive great affection and de- 
fire to frequent and honour thefc meetings : Opento me the gates 
*f rigbtcoufncjfe y in which the righteous en;er : I will go into 
them. $. The exercile of the Church met together , is mainly to a 
proclaim the Lords praife : I will go into tbcm, and pr life the 
Lord. 4» The Church-alfembly i$ the convenient place,where 
the Lord and the righteous do meet; TbU is the gate of the 
Lord, into which tbe~rigbtcouijhall enter. Aid this is the firft 
'part of the defcription of the triumph. / 

Ver. 21. 1 Miff praife thee, for thou hajflteard 
me : and art become my fafoation. 

22. The ftone which the builders refttjed, is become 
the head-Hone of the corner. 

2J. This is the LORDS doing : it ii marvellous in 
cur eyes, 

24. This is the day which the LORD hath made' we 
mil re Joyce and be glad in it. 

The fecond part of the defcriprion of the triumph, hath the 
fang of the Pfalmift^as the typcof Chrifts fong of praife ,wheriti 
he in his own mme and in the name of ail believers praifeth God 
for hearing of the interceflion made for the Church, and for 
granting falvarion to them. IVbcnce learn, 1. The interceffion 
of Chrift, and the prayers alio of the Saints put up in his 
Name, are all granted, and thereby God is greatly glorified : 
1 will praife thee, for thou baft beard me. z- The fcveral victo- 
ries of Chrift, and of his militant members, are the fruits of 
Chrifts interccfli >n, and evidence of falvation to his myfticai 
members ', Tbouhafl beard me, and art become my falvation. 
j. As 'David the type, fo Chrift rep-efenred by him, was (v.- ft 
defpifedand fetat nought by the chief Rulers, before he was 
exalted; for he was indeed that precioas ftonefet at nought by 
men; The ftone which the builders refu fed. 4. Men imy have 
Jjijh place in the vHible Church, who cannot take up Chrift 



when he (heweth bimfclf, who have little skill to embrace 
Chrift, and apply him to them fclvcs or others, as the builders 
of the Church, IMefts, Scribes and Pharifecs refufed to ac- 
knowledge Chrift fo much as for a true member of the 
Church j ftone which tb e builder srefufid. 5. Albeic 
men do milrcgard Chrift offering himfelf in his do&rine and or- 
dinances, yet he is the rock whei eon the Church is builded, the 
foundation whereupon to fettle it, the corner -ftone to hold the 
building compact together, and the hcad-ftone of the corner 
for adorning and perre&ing the building gloriously, Mattb. %U 
9, 1 5, 42. ..• He U become the head- ftone of the corner. 6. In no- 
thing more doth the wifdome, grace and power of God appear, 
then in the magnifying of Jefus Chrift, and building of his 
Church ; This is the wor\ of the Ltd, 7. When the weaknefe 
of the Church in her felt, and the power of her manifold ene- 
mies j and the impediments of this work are looked upon, k is 
a wonder of wonders to fee the going on of (j'ods work in it : 
This is the work of the Lord, and his marvellous in our eyes* 
3. Albeit there be no day which God hath not made, yet in the 
day of the.manifdlation of righteoufnelTe, and life immortal 
through Chrift, the time of the Gofpei, and moftfpecially the 
c^ayofthcrefurre&icn of Chrift from the dead, wherein Chrift 
was declared vi&orioufly the only begotten Son of God, is 
made a day of light and gladnefle to poor felf-condemncd fin- 
ners : This U the day which the Lord hxtb mide. 9. Chi ift allow - 
ethjoy and gladnefle to eveiy beleever, and true member of his 
Churchy and willeth them to glorifie God in this holy juy, 
wherein he will joyne with them; Wewill rcjoyce and be 
gUi in it. 

Ver. 25. Save now, Ibefeech thee, LORD : 
LORD) 1 befeech theeJendnowprofpcrUj. 

26. BUffed be he that cometh in the Name of 
the LORD : ypt have bUJfed joti out of the houfe of 

the lord. 

27. God is the LORD which hath Jberved us 
light, bind the facrifce With cords, even unto the hornet 
of the Altar. 



This is the third part of the triumph, wherein the Church 
makes her Lord welcome, and congratulateth his victory, 
prayeth for a bleffing uprn his Kingdome , prophefieth of the 
blcflings, and lets ha- felt to offer the iacrincts of praife arid 
thankfgiving to Gcd for it. Whence learn, i. As it is the du- 
ty, fo is it the hearty defire of every believer to welcome Chrift 
ottering • himfelf as our victorious Mediatour and King: for 
he is worthy, to whom hofanna (asit is written, Mattb. l\») 
fliould be lung. 2. Where Chrift comet h, falvation alfo and 
fpiritual prolperity Cometh, which was promifed before, and iha- 
dowed forth in types : for, Save now, 1 bcfccch tbee } fend not* 
projperity, isa promifing prayer. 3. Albeit Chrift hath no need 
of our prayers, for advancing of his own Kingdome, yet will 
he have us to pray for his peoples fake, that his Kingdome may 
come, and will have all believers in teflirr cny of their love to his 
honour, to draw the chariot of his triumph, that it may ride 
jprofperbufly, faying, Sdveiww, I befeecb thee, Lord, fend 
•now prosperity. 4. Chrift is not come unfcnt into the world, but 
With commiffion to fave his people from their fins 5 He comcth in 
the*NjmcofibeLor&. 5. Together with Chrift all bleflings 
do come, which every believer mould heanily acknowledge and 
proclaim; Btiffcd be be that emctb intbc Name of the Lords 
6. The Pricfls and Minifters of the Lord have warrant from 
the Lord to bleflfe all them that bleffe Jems Chrift 5 for after 
the acclamation which the people give to Chrift, the Mini- 
fters of the Lord pronounce the people, fo many as do heartily 
receive him as their King, to be blefled : We have b leffed you , 
(fay they to the people) out of tbeboufeof the Lord. 7. Com- 
fort againft 3II fin and mifery, is brought unto the Church by 
Chrift, and they who fate in daiknefle, in him have feen a great 
light, which fliould be acknowledged, as here, CjodUthc Lord 
voho bathfiemn unto us light. $ As the Minifters of the Lord 
do preach that believers in Chrift are blefled, fo fliould they 
fet them all on work, and themfelves alfo with them , to cx- 
prefle by all means their thankfulnefie to God for the great grace 
fent by him 1 Bindc the facrifite with eords, even unto tbt 
homes of the Altar* 

Ver. 28. TkoHtftmyGod, and 1 will praife thee * 
thou art mj Go^ I will exalt thee. 



ig. give thanks tinto the LORD, for he is good: 
for his mercy cndureth for ever. 

In the laft place, the Pfalmift, asatypeof Chrift, proclaim- 
cth the Covenant- between tbt Father and Chrift, and between 
God and himfelf in Chrift, as a fetled and ratified bargain, and 
cxhorteth the Church to thankfgiving, as he began : as wc 
tike this for the fpeech of Chrift triumphing in his Church j 
Wc learn, i . The Father and Chrift, bcth before he was Incar- 
nate and after, do ftand agreed in the Covenant of Redemption: 
for Chrift faith here to the Father, Thou art thy God. 2. By 
vertue of the Covenant cf Redemption between God and 
and< Chrift the Mediator, all fuffcrings and battels for thee- 
lecl: are undertaken , and fuch deliverance given from all 
troubles, and victory 'over all enemies is obtained, as the Me- 
diatour isfatrsficd about it, aiidpraifcth God : Tbcu art my 
Go.iy and I mttpraifetbets and over again, Tbpuartmy Qod § 
and I will ex.ilt ibec. 3 . By vertue of the Covenant of Redem- 
ption G oa\ is the believers God alio, and ought to be piaifed, 
and more and n ore exalted In our hearts, and outwardly by us p 
for as Ch.lift callcth God his Father, and olir Father, his 
God and our God, fo eve" ry one who do believe in him, may 
'fay to God," thou art my God , dvd Itfillpraift tbte : tbou art 
my God, I rtilUxrftthce. 4. The good ncfle of the Lord, in 
fending Chrift' a Saviour unto us, and the conftancy of his 
mecy to us b 'him calleth for eVci tailing praife and thanks unto 
God from us ; givfthan^s Unto the Lord, for t>c is good, for bfc 
mercy endurttbfor e^cr. 

•— * *•*>-' ' — — -1— • — »■ fr i jfj — ■-- 




WE read of no man, who had more troubles and excrcifes 
of confeience, or greater viciffitude of changes out- 
ward and inward, or mere frequent experiences of his owns 
weakneffe, witlefneffeandfinfulnefle, or of Gods merciful dire - 
fiion, conlblation and deliverance, then VxviL This man did 
the Lord fit., by the immediate inrpiration of the Holy ghoft, 
for the edification of tjie Church, to exprefTe his exercifes, and 
good deliverances froth them all : and in this Pfalme as in a 
bundle, he hath collected the fumme of his holy meditations, 
and of the profitable ufes which he made of the revealed Will of 
god in Scripture, in all the conditions wherein he was, to 
teach all the faithful after him, to have the Word of God in 
fpeciai regard, and to have refpeft unto itj as the only rule 
whereby they might finde direction, confolation and falvation, 
however matters went. To this end , for memories fake , he 
hath filled the Hebrew Alphabet, with twenty two meditations, 
every one of them beginning with a feveral letter of the Alphabet, 
and every feftion having eight vcries, beginning with the 
fame letter, and every verfe almoft of every feftion, under 
fome cxpreffion, making mention of the Scripture, 

The words wherein the Scripture, or revealed Will of £od 
in Scripture, here is exprefled, is one of thefe ten. i. The UtP 
or Aoftrine, which fignifieth the Lords Will to be taught of £od, 
that all men ihould learn it. 2. Statutes which fignifieth, that 
this revealed Will of God containeth the duties which Cj°d 
hath appointed and prefcribed for our rule. 3. Treccpts, which 
fignifieth that this Will of God is impoied by the authority of 
our fovereign Law-giver The fourth is commands, which fig- 
nifieth th at this revealed Will is committed unto our truft to 
be kept. The fifth, tcftimonies, which fignifieth that this revealed 
Will of God doth teftifie of our dutie and our doings , whether 
conformeor not to the Rule, and teftifieth alio what event may 
be expected by our beleeving or misbelieving, by our obedience 
or difobedience thereof. 6. $udgmms which fignifieth the 



Scripture to be Gods judicial decree, ordaining howourword** 
(Seeds and thoughts fhould be ordered, what (ball be the exeeu- 
tionof his will anfwerable thereto. 7. rule or fpeech, be* 
caufe the Script ure proccedeth, as it were, from the mouth of 
God. 8. The Wor&> which (ignifieth Gods expounding his 
rr.inde to us, as if he were fpeakingunto us. o.The my ofCjod, 
which fignificth the Lords giving direction for our feveral a&i* 
ons how we fhould walk, as by lb m^nyfteps unto the King- 
dome of Heaven. 10. 7$jgkteoufncj[e, which fignineth that 
the Word of God hath in it, the way how a man (hall be jufti- 
ficd, to wit, by faith, and how a juftified man fhould approve 
himfelf to God and man, as juftihed by faith, and that every 
fonneof wifdom, muft and will juftifie this Word of God> a$ 
the perfect Rule of righteoufoeffe. 


Inthefiiftfe&ion> hedefcribeth the bleffed men ro be only 
they who walk in the obedience of faith, as Gods Word pre* 
fcribeth, vet. l» 2, J. and then he raaketh application of this 
doftrinc to himfelf, v. 4, $> 6, 7, 8. 

Ver.i. TyLeffed are the mde filed in the Veaji 
Dwho walk i* *hc larv of the LORD. 

2. Bleffed arc thej that keep his teftimonies . and 
that (cekjoitn with the whole he Art. 

3> They alfo do no imqmtjz they walk* in hit 

In the defcription of the truly bleffed man ; Learn, t . Thit 
is thefirft leffon for direction of a mans life, to know wherein 
true bleffedneffe doth ftand, andwhoisthcbleffei nun $ for the 
beginning of this P/alme with this doctrine Infinuatcth fo 
much. 2, Albeit every nmn confufedly defireth happinefle,vetk 
is the propertieof the children of God, effe&ualiy and in ear- 
fleft to feekrrue happineffe I as the defcription of the bleffed man 

M doth 


dothftiew. 3. As the Word of God only doth reveal trot hap* 
pineffc, and the way to it: fo only they are blefled, whochoofe 
theclearwayof Gods Word, to dired them to blefled nefle, and 
domakeconfciencefmcerely to pat thisdedrine in pradice : 
Tttcffcd are the undcfiled in the my, that w4lk in the law of the 
Lord. 4. God hath teftiried in his Word, how a man (hall be 
pardoned of bis fins, reconciled to God, and have right unto 
eternal life, to wit, by faith in the MefiJah Jefus Chrift, and 
blefled is the man who doth hold this Way fa ft : Blejfcd are they 
who keep his teftimonies. 5. The true believer of Gods tefti- 
monies, about the way of true bleffednefs, doth ftudie to have 
communion with God, and to grow in the fellowfhip ot his 

trace finccrely; They feck the Lord with their whole heart. 
. As the blefled man holds faft the Lords tcftimonies for re- 
conciliation 2nd communion with God, fo he ordereth his con- 
vention in the way which God in his Word hath prescribed, 
efchewing fin, and ftudying to pleafe Gods They alfo do no 
iniquitie, that is, they are not workers of iniquity, They walk 
in his wiy, that is, they aime and endeavour to follow the courfe 
which God doth prefciibe. 7. Albeit there be no man who 
finnethnot, yet fuch as do flee to Gods grace offered in Chrift 
for daily pardon, anddofct themfelves to obey Gods diredi- 
or.5 fet down in his Word , are eftecmed to be no workers of ini- 
quity, but men going homeward to God, howloevcr clogged 
with infirmities 5 They alfo do m iniquity : How fo ) They 
walk in bis xcxyes. 

Ver, 4, Thou haft commanded®* to k*ep thy Pre* 

cepts diligent Ij. 

Thisdodrine the PfalmiftappUethtohimfelf, and firft ac- 
Inowledgeth his obligation totollbwthe diredion of the Lord 
in the obedience of faith, v. 4- and then he wifheth to have 
grace to obey, v. 5, 6, 7- And thirdly, cngageth himfelf to 
follow this courfe by proTnife and prayer, vi 8, from the ac- 
knowledgement of his obtigation to obey Gods Word; Lan/ t 
.1. The doftrinc of faith and obedience fet down in Scripture, 
is not left to our nrbitrement, but is enjeyned unto us by divine 
authority; there » a command given forth unto ro to believe 
inthe&on-of God, and a command co follow chedwies ef lov- 



to God and man : Tboubaft commanded m to keep thy Precepts. 
\. Albeit the obedience or Gods Word had no promileof re- 
ward, and albeit felicity were net prrpofed unto us, as the gra- 
cious reward of the cbedience of taith, yu the very command it 
iclf, and the authority of God, fhould be a futtieient motive 
unco ic : which obligation as we fhould acknowledge, lb 
ftoulJ we iubjcS our felvcsunto it, and fay, Thou buft command' 
idut to keep thy Precepts. 3. Howfoever there be great weak- 
ncfle, even in reconciled foules, and albeit there be lome ftrong 
reiiques of corrupt narure in them , hindering them ro do as they 
Would, yet God will have them aiming to keep br Precepts, di- 
ligent y making conference of all duties 10 CJod and man, otthe 
fmaller durus as well as of the greater, ?nd thar on :dl occalions^ 
in all times, places an: companies , with their beft affe&ion and 
ftrength; Thou baft commanded m to k cc f tty Precepts dili~ 

Ver. 5. that my rxayes were dire tied to keep thj 

6. Tbtnjhxlllmt be afhamed; when 1 have re~ 
fpeS unto all thy Commandments 

j. 1 will praife thee with uprightnefte of heart : 
tehen I Jbtll have learned thj right eotu judge : 

ThePfalmift wimcth to have price to obey ; U Becaufe Co 
he fhould not he afliamed nor di [appointed of his hepe, v. f* 
andaUoj fo he fhould be enabled to glorifie and praife God, 
in ore perfectly, v. 7. Whence tern, "i.The Commandment 
of Gcdare not grievous to the honeit heirt ; for albeit he be 
unable to do what he fhould, yet it is the defueof his heart to 
do what is commanded: that my rpixes were dirctftd to Iffcf 
tbyftatiltes, is his hearty wifn. 2. When we have received the! 
general direction of Word, we have need of .the cflLclu- 
al ducftionofC;ods Spiiit, to apply the Word rightly to oar 
pavticula- actions : tbut my tvyts were dircttcd y faith he 
3. The holieft man is m'oft fcnfible of his coming ffcan in un- 
derftandmg, 3nd of his weakneft'e to keep Gods commands, and 
haoft de<Trou> of Gods help, ds this example teacheth vs. 4.N r 3 
man fhall ever have eaufe to repent ol afinare e ..ucjvou- r c 

M 1 Otizj 


obey Gods revealed will : for howfoever he may fuflfer hard things 
from men, and be mocked for his (incerity, yet mall he not be 
di (appointed of his hopes, nor be confounded before C[od : 
Then fiall I not be ajlwned when 1 have refpeel to all tby Com- 
mands ?. Sincerity muft aims at uni venal obedience : for to 
pretend to keep one command, and to be found a mifregarder 
of other commands,is a matter of fhame,and a ma-.k of unfound- 
nek: For then frail I not be afhamed, when I hive refpeel to 
all tby command*. 6. As Gods Word and Commands are all 
righteous decrees in themfelvcs, and unalterable by men; fo arc 
they feen to be fuch by thofe who know them beft : Even Gods 
righteous judgements. 7. Men do praife God uprightly* only in 
thatmcafure, that they are careful to frame their life to Gods 
Will : for honour given to God with the mouth, agreeth not 
with diihonoardone to him in deeds, in a mans life and conver- 
fation.* / wlUpraife thee with uprigbtneffe of hearty when I 
have learned tby righteous judgements* 8. Sound praifes of g'od 
are the fruit of fou ndnefs in piety and righteoufnefs > and the 
holieft of Gods fervants are but Scholars and Students in the 
knowledge and obedience of both: T will praife /bee with 
nprigbtiijfc of heart > when Ijball have learned thy righteous 

Ver. 8, ImU^eepthjftatmes: for fake me r.ot 

From his engagement to obferve this courfe;Lejr?/ 3 i t Albeit our 
tefolurionsandpurpofeshavenoftrengthofthemfelves, yet God 
f equircth of us that we mould with full pu; pofe of heart cleave 
unto his fervice, and this ccurfe he will blefle, for fodoth this 
practice teach tis j I will \eep tby (iatutcs$ thai is, I refolve to 
aime at upright obedience of thy Wo: d : for this is keeping of 
Gods iiatut .s, to endeavour to cbeytrum. 1. As he who is 
mott upright in his refolution, is moft diffident of his owne 
ftren^th to perfonne his refolution: foishc alfo moft earneft 
with Goa in prayer, to enable him to do as herefolveth, as 
tliis example dotlneach us j I will keep tby fiatutcs, O for fake 
me not. 3 . Albeit no man can be exempted from temporal de- 
ft [tons, whereby his Chiifiian graces may be trkd, and his 
corruptions mortified , yet ;he belcever may both pray and ex- 


ft&y that he fliall not be defected 5 fo as his faith mould bile, 
# ami hit coiufc of obedience mould be cut off: for fo much doth 
this prayer promife ; forfa{c me not utterly. 


In this fcftion, firft he propounds this doctrine ; the Word 
of God is the only rule;, and eftlctual inftrumentof renewing 
and fan&ifying of an unrenewed man: and the oniy way r o 
findethe effic;cyoftheWord, is to ftudie toconrorme a mans 
minde^ will and actions thereunto, «. i« And then in the next 
place . to the end he may teach men to make ufeof rhis do- 
ctrine by his example 3 he fheweth the fmcerity of his owne 
endeavour^ by feven evidences in the feven following verfes. 

Ver 9. Wherewithal Jhall a jormg man cleanfe 
his way} bj taking bee d thereto aciording to thy 

Tn the doctrine about the meanes of regeneration and refor- 
mation of lite. Learn, 1. As all men are from the birth pollu- 
ted with fin, fo mould they early and timoufly be ienfiblc of 
this evil, and feck for the remedy of the running iil'jes of fin: 
for he»e it is prefuppofeJj That apung mm Jlmtld clcanfe hit 
way. 1. Seeing death is uncertain, and fin groweth ftrongcr 
through cuitome i feeing jufticc i3 :he more provoked, the long- 
er men mall continue in hn> feeing no age is fitter to ferve Si- 
tan then youth, being enclined to :ake liberty to beheadil ong, 
felf-willed,and given to defpife grave admonition^and no age luuh 
more excules to continue in fin ;o its own perdition, thereto e ro 
age hath more need of remedy from God then youth hath,and this 
is imported in the queition; If 'herewith Jhall a young map. 
cleanfe bis way? $. Seeing youth is locfe, inconfideracc and 
unattentivcj feeing the way ot obedience is flippcry, and many 
by-paths are offered to the wayfaring man \ feeing danger of pe~ 
riming is greats and many are the enemies of mans lalvation, 
M i who 


who are alwayes Peking whom they may devoure, an<J feeing 
no reconcilia ion can be made with God, nn rorgive'ncfs of fin 
can be obtained, no fo'lid lancVification nor ialvation can be 
had , except the Word or" God be held for the only rule of dire- 
ction of tai: h and corwerfation : therefore no meatus can be, 
Toclcinfe thcyoangmans rvjy y but by taking heed thereto, ac- 
cording to thy Word. 

Verf. 10. With mj -whole heart have I fought 
thee : let me not wander from thy Command 
menti % 

After he hith ec down the rule of a young mans Converfion 
and convention, he offerer h himfclf as an example to follow' 
this rule, and here are the fii ft md fecond evidences or-his fin- 
cedty in aiming n this way; The hrft'isjthc confeience of his 
up- ight ieeking of God : and the fecond evidence is his prayer, 
to be preferved from wandering from the way of Gods obedi- 
ence. Whence learn , i. The fiaht of what ethers have attain- 
ed untoj is a great encouragement 'O young Srholars in GoJs 
ichoole ; for to encourage the young man, the Pfalmift fhew- 
eth here his own profiting in his ftudy z. Senfiblentfle of a 
mans own imperfections, fins and dangers, and f< eking in unto 
God all-fufficient, for relief of fin and mifery, and for a daily 
more and morenear communion with God > is a mark of finccri- 
ty in Religion 5 With my whole heart have I fought thee $ The 
mo'e experience a man hath in the wayes dJFGod* the mere fen- 
fibie is he of his, own readinefsto wander infenfiblv, by igno- 
rance and unadvertance from the wayes or* God 3 but the young 
ioulditr dare run hazards* ride into his adverfaries camp, and 
talk with tentarions, being confident he cannot cafily go wong, 
he is not fo feared, as David here, crying, let me vol 
wander. 4. To be diffident of our rwnwi: and ftren^th, and 
to depend upon God, inftantly praying to be kept in, ani re- 
called from wandrin£ , proverh the fincerity of the pur- 
pofe of holinefle : let mc iwt wavier 'from thy Commandments. 
<. Thegoin^on ofthe bcleever in the courfeof obedience, and 
his living the lifeof God> is not from what he hath received be- 
fore, but muft flow from pre lent influence of grace, fufbining 
what was given before^ and from grace JurnifiVmg frefli fupply 



drawn forth by prayer j as this prayer, la me not wander, doth 

Vcr. 1 1 . Thy Vbord haze I hid in mine heart •' that 
J might not Jin againft thee. 

The third evidence of his fincere endeavour to cleanfe hisway, 
by taking heed thereto according to his Word, is, the laying up 
of the Word by faith in his heart 5 Whence learn, I . It is n )t 
fafficient to have the Word of God in brain-kncwledge,and con> 
mon memory, for not wit and memory, bin the heart is the cheft 
to keep it in : I hid thy Word in my hurt, z Seeing it is irrw 
poffible to keep fin out of the heart, void of the Word of God, 
it is neceflary for the fervant of God, to lay up t he Lords Word 
in his heart by faith and hontft affedion to it : Thy Word baud 
I bid in my hear t, that I Jhould ?wt fin agtinjlibcc $. It is a 
proofof our fine ere endeavour to profit by t ; e Word of God in 
thecourfeof lan&ification, to be careful that we let not the 
Word of God flidefrom us, that we be not poiled of it by feare 
of men, or force of tentatjon: that we be not deceived by Sa* 
tans wiles, that we fufrer it not to go by our negligence and 
forgctfulnefs of it, and that we be careful to approve cur Selves to 
God, in our love ro the Lords Word, and cftimation of- it , as 
of a mod precious Jewel, as here we fee* Thy VVo)d have I bid in 
my heart, that 1 Jhould not fin ugainjl thee. 

Vcr. 12. Bleffed art t iW, OLORD: teach me 
thy fiatutej. 

A fourth evidence of hisfinceriry, rnmafcingufe of the Wo vC * 
of 'God, is his blefling^od for ttre knowledge he hath received 
of it, joyned with prayer for encrcafing the meafure thereof. 
Whc rtcclearn, 1. It is a mark of fincetiry of cbciience, to be 
thankful for what meafure we have received, and to be feckrng 
toencreafe, ^s young birds receive their food and cry for more; 
Bltffcdart thou, Lord, teach me thy jlatutcr. i. Befide all 
external teaching, we h.wcneed of inward and effectual teaching 
from £/od, t0 ma ke knowledge lively and fruitful $ Tea r ,h mc, 

M 4 tbj/ 


thy fiatutes. $.The goodnefsof God, and his readinefs to 
bleffe more and more, is a ground of encouragement to feek a 
greater meafuw of his bleffwg j Blejfcd art thou, Lord, teach 
me thy jlatutes. 

Verfc »;. with my lips have I declared *tt the 
judgements of thy mouth. 

A fifth evidence of his fincere endeavour to make ufe of Gods 
Word, is his care to edifie ethers, and glorihe God, by the 
knowledge and experience which he had of it. Whence learn* 
i* The revealed will of God in Scripture fhouldberhe matter 
of our fpeech and conference with ethers ; With my lips have I 
declared all the judgements of thy mouth. i.TheWord of God in 
Scripture fhouln be looked upon ns the fentence of the fu- 
preme Judge, uncontrollable and unalterable by any creature, 
and whereby men muft judge of all truths and look to be judged 
by it: for therefore ic is called , The judgement of his mouth. 
.-$. As the conference or communicating of our knowledge, and 
our (piritual gifts, is a means of encouragement to feek a great- 
er meaiare: io it is an evidence of the fincerityand fruit filnefs 
of what knowledge we have 5 Teach me thyftatutes 3 with my lips 
have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth. 

Ver\ 14. I have rejoyced in the way of thy tefti- 
monies : as puch as in all riches. 

The fixth evidence of his fincere endeavour to con forme his 
way to Gods Word, is his joy in Gods fcrvice. Whence learn x 
1 « Delight in Gods fervke and worfhip, is a mark of fincere o- 
bediencc p c his Word : I have rejoyced in the way of thy ie- 
ftitno7iies. 2. Spiritual joy in fpiricual ob?efts farre exceedeth 
anyjoyinwQildlypofl'vffions; j have rejoyced in the way of thy 
testimonies, more then in all riches. $. It is a mod lure joy, 
which arifeth from the confeience of practical obedience, and 
not from contemplation only } lhtvcrijoyced in the way of thy 
tfftimoni es 


p SAL ME CXIX. \C 9 

Vet 15. I Will meditate in thy Precepts: and have 
rejpefl unto thy Wayes. 

16. Iwill delight my felf in thy ftatutes : 1 
mil not forget thy word. 

The feventh evidence of his fincefe endeavour to conforme 
his way unto Gods Wad, is his engagement to fet his heart to- 
wa* d C ods Word in time to come, and net to reft upon any 
thing alnady p ' ft ind done. Whence learn, 1 Sincerity of our 
obedience prefent and paft, is proved bed, by joyning of our 
hearty resolution and purpofc to go on for time to come : I 
have rejoyced, I will meditate, 1 will delight in thy ftatutes. 
2. It is a profitable meanes to grow in grace, to meditate oa 
Gods Word 5 I will meditate on thy Precepts. $, Meditation is 
then fruitful, when in our conversation we have refpefitothc 
waves of God fet down in his Word, whereupon we h?ve medi- 
tated ; / will have refpeft unto thy wayes. 4-In meditation on the 
Word, and endeavour to make ufe cf it in our life, wcwill 
eafily wax weary, except we make this courfe our delight 5 J will 
delight my (elfin thy ftatutes. 5. Meditation will iaile and de- 
lectation will wax cold, except the Wo d be treaiured up in a 
fanftifitd memory: 1 will not forget thy Word. Thus a co- 
py is caft for a young man to cleame his way, and to make his 
life comfortable* 


In this fe&ion he praycththe Lord for continuance of hi* 
life, that he may have occafion of further ferv ice, which hedefi- 
reth may be done by him, and for this end alfo he prayeih, that 
he may have a deeper infight in the myftetics of Gods Word, 
V' *7 •> 1 8, And thefetwo petitions he prcfleth by three rea- 
fons, v. 19, 20,2:. HeprayethaKo for clearing of hi* inno- 
c.ency,and for removing reproach from him, for other three rea^ 
fons,v. ih * h l 4- 



Ver. 1 7. *Deal bountifully with thy fervant % that 
I may live , and keep thy word. 

1 8, Open thou mine eyes, that 1 may behold pon- 
derous things out of thy law. 

TFrom the firft two petitions; Learn, 1. As lengthening of 
life is the good gift of God in it [elf, and no fmall benefit to 
tbeman who purpofeth to employ it well: fo life may be law- 
fully prayed for : Veal bountifully with thy fervant, that I may 
live. 2. As the end of our life mould be, that God may be fer- 
vedt folifertiouldnotbedefired nor loved, except for that end, 
fcut willingly laid down, rather then we ihould for fake his com- 
mand : Deal bountifully with thy fervant , that 1 may live 
*nd keep *hy Word. $. A faithful fervant ihould count his 
by-paft fervice richly rewarded by being employed yermorcin 
further fervice, as this prayer teacheth : *Deal bountifully with 
thy fervm, that I my live and fcep tby Word. 4. The whole 
Word of God is a law,a Canon or rule, whereby wc ihould fcjuare 
our faith and converfation, for it is here called alfo. Thy law. 
5. We by nature are blindc, and cannot fee the light which doth 
fliine in the Word of God, till he open our eyes to behold it, 
therefore prayeth he, Open thou mint eyes. 6* xhe Word of God 
h full of wonders) high and heavenly myfteries, and he who 
feeth them beft,doth wonder moft : Open ibou mine eyes 3 that 1 
may behold xoondrom things out of thy Uw* 

Verf. 19. I am a fir anger in the earth: hide not 
thy Commandments from me, 

20. My foul break* th for the longing that it hath 
unto thy judgements at all times. 

2r # Thou hafi rebuked the proud that are c fir Jed: 
which do erre from thjCommandments* 

Of the three reafonsof his petition : one is, becauft he is but a 

granger here, except for fervice : another is, becaufe he longeth 

much to know more of Cods Word.The third is^becaufe he feeth 

©ods vengeance following them who ftudie not to ferve God . 



Wh ncelearn y i. Albeit the believer live on the earth, yet he 
ft not at home, fo long as he is on the earth j I am aft r Anger in 
tbcearth 2. Whatfoever pofllflion a godly man hath in the 
earth, were it a Kiogdomc, he (hould be a ft; anger for the mat- 
ter of eft imation o\ or affe ftioti td any thing on earth; / am 
a • ringer in the eirtb. 5. Acquaintance with the Word of 
Cod, Ts able to make up all the lofles of the pilgrim, and to lea- 
fon all his griefs, it is able to fpply the room or* friends and 
counsellors, to furniih light, joy, ftteng;h, food, armour and 
•defence, and whatsoever elfe the pilgrim needeth: for the Lords 
Word (hall either bring all thee pood things to the pilgrim* 
or lead him to Nod. where he (hall finde them all j lamaftran- 
gcr in the earth, hide not thy Commandments from me. 4. There 
is a hiding of the Word of God. when meanes to hear it ex- 
plained by Preachers, are wanting : and there is a hiding of 
the comfortable and lively light ot the Spirit, who muft quick- 
en the Word unto us, and from bcth thofe evils may we, and 
fhould we p~ay to be laved ; Hide not thy Commandments from 
me. 5. Albeit the godly be the deareft fouls unto God of all 
men in the world, yet will he exe;cifethem with heart-breaking* 
efp-cially for fpiritual caufes, that fo he may raife in them an e-, and furnifh work in the mean 
time to their faith; ZMy bean breakctb for the longing which it 
bath unto thy judgements, 6. It is not every faint and cold wi(h, 
which maketh a beicever profit in Gods fchool, there muft <be 
fome heat and earncftnefs in holydcfi: es : and this affetticn, as 
it may not be cctd, io neither muft it be fleeting, but conftanti 
My hexrt breadth for tb. longig which it hub at all timeu 
7. Thefe are proud men before Godi who are not penitent for 
their fin, and arc not tub jetted to his obedience; for fo arc .hey 
heiecalled. 8. The Word of God condemneth the proud, and 
pronounceth a cu< fc upon them, fo long as they continue p>oud 
and impenitent ; Thou baft rebuild the proud that arc curfed* 
9. To dare to wan der after a maris own will, and go away from 
the direttio- which God giveih us, is pice indeed, and a bold 
hazarding where Gcd commandeth to fear : The proud arc 
from thy Commandments. 

* Verf. 22 Remove from mt reproach and contempt : 
for I have fcpt thy tcftimonies. 

23. Trine** alfodti fit and [peak agvrft mt\ but 
thy fervant did medilau in t hy ft aunts. 24, 


24. Thy t eft womcs alfo are my delight : and my 

He prayetbalfo to be cleared in his innocency, and that his 
reproach may be removed, and giveth three reafons thereof. One 
is, becaufe indeed he was innocent in the point wherein he was 
challenged by his enemies > Another, becaufe he had fuftained 
the wrath of Princes, for his obedience to God : And the third, 
becaufe he had chofen Gods Word for counsellors and com- 
forters. Whence learn, I. As it is no ftrange exercife for the 
godly, to be traduced, calumniated and reproached, fo it is no 
light burden to bear it, but fuch as the godly have caufe to fcek 
the removal of it 5 Remove from me reproach and c ntempt. 1 . A 
good confeience is a ground of comfort, in the cafe of being re- 
proached, and a ground of confidence 5 to feek of God reliefe 
from it : Remove contempt, for I bxve kept thy leftimonics. 
3. It is not ftrange to fee, not only the rafcal multitude, but al- 
fo Judges and Rulers who mould defend the godly, to be their 
enemies 5 Princes alfo dUfit, andfpcali againft me. 4. Troubles 
will try men whether theydofeareGodor men moll, and ex- 
cept the godly take heed to Gods Word, they cannot ftand un- 
der the tentations wherewith they may meet; iri?icesdidfpeafi 
againft me, but thy fervantdid meditate in thy (iatutes. 5. The 
Word of God is able, not only to uphold a man in his trouble, 
but alfo to make him rejoyce in his trouble.' Thy teftimonicsare 
my delight. 6. A King with his cabinet-councel, mall not be 
fo well furniflied to persecute the innocent, as the godiy Patient 
{hall be advifed by the Word of God, how to anfwer and cany 
himfelf in his trouble 5 Thy tejlimonies are my delight anX my 


Verf. 25. Afy fouiecleaveth unto the daft : quick? 
en tboH me according to thy word* 



In this faction, there arc fix petitions with their feveral reafons 
rmnexed unto thcnvfome of them fee down before* fome of them 
(ct down after the pecition. The firft petition is for comforr,be- 
caufc of his heivy condition. Whenee learn, i .Befide the outward 
trouble from men which the godly oft-times do feci, it pleafeth 
God to exercife them alfo fomtimes with trouble of mind,imme- 
diately from his own handjMy foul cleaveth unto the ;/«/?. 2. Albeic 
the Lord fuffer his owne to lie fo long low in their heavy con- 
dition of fpirit, as they may feem dead, yet by faith in his 
Word he kecpeth info much life, as doth furnifh unto thern 
prayer to God for comfort $ ^uicl^en thou me according to tky 

Ver. 26. 1 have declared mj rrajes : and thon 
heardeft me ; teach me thy flatutes. 

Another petition is for direction and power to obey Godf 
Word becaufe he had laid open before God all his own court, 
and confeiTed what he knew of his own way. Whence learn 9 
1. When we are deferred in the point of confohtion, it is wif- 
dom to fearch our way, if any thing in it poflibly hath grieved 
Gods Spirit, and what we finde light, or wrong, or doubtful, ic 
is ourwifdometo lay it oat before the Lord in fincerity as 
here, / hive declared my way es. 1. As we have found audience 
and comfort after confeflionin former limes, fomay we expect 
to finde the like again : / have declare I my waves, and thou 
heardeft mc. 5 . The end of our exercife is to make us ftudy to 
walk with God more holily,( and to feel his direction and guiding 
bio. e effectually : Teach mc thy ftatutcs. 

Verf. 27. Make me to understand the way of 
thy Precepts: fo Jba/l 1 tali^ of thy rvcnderoiu 

A third petition is, for encreafe of understanding of the my- 
ftcrics of Gsds Word, that thereby he might cdifie o.hers. 
Whence learn, 1. Great is our natural blirJixfle in Gods mat- 
ters, and the dfafe is obit-inatf, and therefore the petition for 

i; S ht 


light is fo much the more to be inGfted in ; Stoake me to *m- 
derftznd. 2. It is not fufficient to know the meaning of tht~ 
VVordj except we know alfo the way of prad^Cn^ii prudent- 
ly ; Make mc to underftand theway of thy Precepts* 3. Defire 
of knowledge mould not be for fatisfying of curiofity, or for 
oftentation, or for worldly gaine, but to cdifie our felves and 
others in wifdome : Sojhall I td\[e of thy mrfe. 4«It is gocd 
firftto underftand, and then to talk of, and to exprefl'e truth 
formerly meditated and digefted, as the order of thefc two doth. 
teach us. 5 . The works of Creation, Redemption and Provi- 
dence, either fet down in Scripture, or obferved in our own ex- 
perience, do tranfeend our capacity, and cannot but draw ad- 
miration from them that lee them well $ Ijball talfe of thy won- 
drous wr^s. 

Ver. 28. My foul meltethfor heavlnefs : flrengtfe 
en thou me according mto thy Word* 

* A fourth petition is for ftrength and confolation, in his felt 
fainting. Whencelearn* t.The Lordschildren do finde fu~ 
pel-natural both joyes and forrowes, which the natural man who 
Wamcth experience of fpiritua! exercife, doth not underftand, as 
this expreflion fheweth : Vdy foul meltetb for beavinefs. 2. No 
natural meanes can be a remedy to afpiritual difeafe , but the 
Word of God only, being cjuickned by himfelf is the proper 
cure* Strengthen tboumc, accordingto thy Word. 3. Spiritual 
execcife doth give unto the Saints the cleared difcerning of their 
own weakneffe, and need of fupport from C^od ; &ly heart melt- 
etb, ftrength en thou me. 4. VVhatfoever the believer needethj 
God doth by the Word fupply unto him/as light, that he may 
not wander :7//e,that he die not : comfort, that he faint not : and 
ftrengtb> that he fail not : Strengthen me according to thy 

Ver. 2p. Remove from me the itaj of lying : and 
grant me thy law gracioujly. 

A fifth petition is^ to be freed from the courfe of finning in ge- 


neral, and from the court of lying in particular, that fo he 
might neither deceive others, nor be deceived himfelf, but di- 
rected by Gcds law, which can deceive no man. Whence 
le Art, 1. All fmful courfes in life or religion, arc all ways of 
lying, becauie they cannot but deceive a man, wbatfocver pre- 
tences they carry * Remove from metbe my of lying. 2. As ly- 
ing in fp-cial, and all finful courts arc liable , to our nature, 
and do lie clofe unto us:fo fhouid we pray the more againft them 
unto God, who only can remove them ; Remove from me the nay 
of IfiH* 1' Nothing can decipher unto us a lying W3y, nop 
guard us from it, but Gods law which is the only true way: 
therefore, faith he, Cjram me thy law. 4« Not only are we encli- 
ned naturally to lying, but alio we have (0 foully defiled our 
(elves with the lying way of finning, that it is fo much the more 
grace to finde any deliverance from it; Grant me thy tawgn* 

Ver, 30. / have chofen the Kay of truth: tlj 
judgements have 1 laid before ItlC. 

31. / hxvc fluck.HWthj tcftimonies: OLORD f 
put me not to frame. 

32. / will run the way of thy Commandment $ : when 
thonjbalt enlarge my heart. 

A (ix:h petition, is to be Cived from ftame, and comforted', 
with the reafon thereof: becaufehe bad adhered to the obedi- 
ence of the Word, and hoped to go on cheai fully in the obe- 
dience thereof, if God fhouid be pleafed, by the removal of his 
feared reproach,to comfort andcnlarge his heart. Whence learn, 
1. When a man is about to relolve upon the way of his carriage, 
in general or particular, many rules and counfels will be fuggcfiS 
ed and offered unto him, each of them having a pretence of Lome 
good, fo as a man had need to be well advifed whatcourfe he 
choofethi and then only doth a man refolve rightly when he 
choofeththe way of obedience of Gods Word, which cannot 
deceive him 1 1 b-ive cbofen the my of thy truth. 2. He that 
would have fpecial direction in any particular trial, muft be a 
man rcfolved to follow the Rule of Gods Word, in all his 
wayes in general, for otherwise he may be left without di- 


redion when he hath moft need, except he may fay for the 
whole courfe of his life, J have cbofert the way of truth * 
3. The folid consideration, that Cjo&s Word is Gods decree* 
may guard a believer againft mens tcrrours and allurements, 
and fix him in his right choice, as here; Thy judgements 
1 have laid before me. 4. As he who hath been moft ftedfaft 
in trialls, in not pall danger of being driven from Cjfods 
Word : fo of all men it is greateft fhame for fuch a man 
in mails to quit his hold; I haveftuck to thy tcft monies : 
O Lord, put me not to fhame. 5. In the trial! of our fted- 
faft obedience unto God, there is no way to perfevere, ex- 
cept in the fenfe of our weakneffe , and faith of Gods 
goodneffe , we (hall call on God to fave us , who will not 
fufftr us to be confounded : O Lord y put me not to fhame. 
6. The child of God is fubjed to bondage of fpirit, c- 
ven after regeneration, in fundry cafes, efpeeally when 
god bringeth troubles upon him J hideth his comfort from 
him; and letteth forth appearance of wrath upon him: 
as the ftraitening of Davids heart here doth import, 7. 
As when a mans fpirit is in bonds, hardly can he walk 
in Gods fervice chearfully, fo when God fheweth his coun- 
tenance and comforteth a man, then all Gods fervice is 
eafie : I will runne the my of thy commandments , when 
thou baft enlarged my heart. 8. When the Lord giveth 
large comfort , and loofeth a mans affedion from the fpiric 
©fWidage, he ufeth to give alfo large meafure of ftrength 
and adivity in his fervice, albeit not fo large as the 
mans affedion is : I will runne the way of thy com- 
mandments, when thou haft enlarged my heart. 




Verf. 3 3 . Teach me % LORD , the way of thy 

flatutes : and I Jhall keep it unto the end, 

In this feftioxj there are eight petitions, according to the 
number of the verfes. "From the fiiitj Learn, 1. The narrow 
way of Gods obedience is hard to be found, hardly kept, 
' and eaiilymiftakcn, except God do teach us daily by his Spi- 
rit, what he doth at anytime teach us by his Wcrd, snd there- 
fore we have need again and again to pray> Teach me, Lord, the 
way of thy flatutes. i.As the Lord recjuiveth our perfeverance 
in his lei vice , fo our perfeverance dependeth on his con- 
tinued diredion and afliftneej which :he believer and daily 
fuppiicant tor grace may pvomife to himklft in Gods Name.* 
Teach me, Lord) the my of thy ftatutcs, and I Jhall fefy it ** 
the end. 

Verf» 3 4. Give me underfianding , and 1 Jhall 
keep thy law : yea } 1 /hall obferve it With my Whole 

From the fecond petition; Lcar/r 9 1. There is no true wif* 
dome, except by the knowledge of Gods will revealed in Scri- 
pture, andrapplied by him> and this we fhould alwayes pray for i 
Give me understanding. 2. Where God becometh teacher the 
difcipiemay promiic obedience; Give me under '{landing, and 
1 r Jhall keep thy law. $. As no fervice pleafeth Ged, bur that 
whichamandefireth, at leaft to do heartily : fo he that purpo 
feth toperfevere, muft purpofc a Up to ferveGod affectionately i 
Tea, I Jhall objerve it with my wboiebcart. 

Verf. 35. CMake me to go in the path of thy com* 
wandments : for therein do / delight. 

N from 

J 78 


From the third petition. Learn, 1, Becaufe there are innu- 
merable by-paths from terrors and allurements without, to 
make us decline from the obedience of God, and we of our ' 
felvesare both weak and fubject to errors within us, therefore 
mould we be the more inftant inpiayer, Miafe me to go in the 
pith of thy commindemcnts. 2. As it is a fairc grace of God to 
have plcafure and delectation in Go^s fervice, fo he who ti3th 
gotten of God this grace, may expect alfo direction and ftrength, 
to go on in the path of Gods obedience ; for therein do I de- 
light, is given as a reafon of his praying Ma^e me to go in the 
pAth of thy commznimcuts^ 

Verf. 36. he line my heart unto thy tejlimoniesi 
and not to covet otifnejfe. 

From the fourth petition; Learn, 1. As the moft holy of 
Gods fervants have in rhem the remainder of their natural itif- 
nefle and aver fneffe from the obedience of Gods Word, Co are 
they ofall men molt ienlibleof this (lckneffe, and moft inftmc 
with God, the only Phyfician to heal it: Incline my heart unto 
thy teftimonies- i. The heart cannot want fome object where- 
untoitmuft cleave, a man muft love fomcthing : and if the 
heart be not fct on things fpiritual and heavenly, it will not 
faile to pitch upon things bafe, and earthly, as here is infinuatcd 
by oppofition of covctou fneffe to Gods teftimonies* 3. The 
love of Gods teftimonies, or of obedience to Gods Word, and 
the love ofbafe objects, astheluft of the eye, the luft of the 
flefli and the pride of life,are inconfiftent ;for the one is contrary 
to the other , as here is (hewn : Incline mine heart unto thy 
teftimmies, and not unto wvctou fneffe. 

Verf. 37. Tume away mine eyes from beholding 
vanity : and quicken thon me in thy way. 

From the fifth petition; Leavn> I. Thefinful concupifcence of 
the heart hath defiled the externa llfenfes, and made them fer- 
vants unto it fclfe, except God do heal both the heart and the 
fenfes, as the petition, Tune woxy mine eyes, doth import. 
2. Albeit the corruption of the heart be deadly wounded, yet it 
jmy loon recover life and ftrength by the external objects 6f 



the (enfes, if watching over the external man be neglected, asj 
turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity, doth import- *. 
* Whatibevcr doth draw away the heart from G ds be ience, 
is but deceit and folly, wh i foever it may fee n to the beh lder: 
Turn away mine eyes frombcbolJingvanity. 4. Albeic we know 
that the outward rlkiremcnts or tinne be nothing but vanity, yet 
we cannot beware of them, ..01 renounce hem, except the Lord 
help us, when the bake is offered therefore is it needfull to 
pray, Turn away mite eye from beholding vanity, f. As God 
iett'eth a watch over tr.c fences and keepctb he Covenant be- 
tween the renewed heart, and the eyes ,and doth renew the vi- 
gour of the life of gra e> foisthe toward corruption uporefled. 
and mortified: for the dying of finne, is by the quicken ng of 
-gracious habrs in the heart, unto attuall exercife 3 as quicken 
tbou me in thy Mty y doth import. 

Verf. 38* Stablijh thy word unto thy few ant : who 
is devouted to thy fear. 

Inthefixthpetitionj he prayeth for the fruit of Gods pro- 
mifes, for circumcifing his heart, and purifying of k, nnd that 
by experience he may be fettled in the fa"ith of the promileSi 
Whence learn. 1. "Faith purifieth the heart by laying hold ori 
thepromifesof fan&ification, and urging of God by prayer to 
the performance of them: Stablijhthy Word urto thy fervant, 
2. Albeit the promife be fure in it felfe,and furcunto faith al- 
fo, yet when experimental performance cometh, the truth of it 
is much more confirmed to us: Stablifl) thy word unto the fervant. 
J. Then do we believe the promiies, wjien we take them as 
made not onely to others, but alfo as made to our felves by name, 
as this prayer fheweth, StablijI) thy word to me thy fervant, (to 
wit, the promife of iancti fixation made to believers) and fo t4 
me thy fcrvant 4. He who prayeth for the performance of pro- 
miies, fhould refolvc to be a fervant, and care full to ob(erve 
precepts: Stablijh tby word to thy fervant. 3. That man in- 
deed is Gods fervant, how weak foevcr he be in Pra&icffj who 
is devoted unto Gods fear ; for he proveth himfelfc to be a fa- 
vant by this, 'Bccaufc I am demoted to thy fear. 

Verf. 39. Tnm afray my reproach Which I fear : 
for thj judgements are good 

>4 1 Prom 


Prom the feventh petition; Learn, i. Asthe godly are fub- 
je& to finful out-breakings, which may bring reproach on them 3 
and on their profelTion: io are they alio jealous of themfdves, 
as unable to keep themfelves, except Gcd prevent them from gi- 
ving icandal Turn away my reproach which I fear. z. The 
way to be kept blameleife, is to feare to oftend , and to pray 
unto God for prefervation, and to watch over our hearts, as we 
are taught here. Turn away my reproach which I fear. 3. As the 
fear of difhonoui ingot our profeflion by finne, is a guard on 
the one hind: foeftimation and love of piefcribed holine{Te 3 as 
cf a gopi and profitable thing, is a guard agaioft finne on the 
other hind j Turn away my reproach which I fear, for thy judge* 
meats arc good. 

4c. Behold, I have longed after thy precepts : 
quicken me in th) righteoufeffe* 

From the eighth petition ; Learn, 1. Sincerity loveth to come 
to the light, and oflevethit felfe to be approved to God; Be- 
hold ylSavc longed after thy precepts. 2. To love and long for 
fan&ified fubjeclion unto Gals Word, is a proof of (incerityi 
I have longed after tl^prccepts. 3. A Saint may have a great defire 
to believe, and obey Gods Word, and yet in his own fenfe feel 
much deadneffc in his affic&ionsfor a time-J have longed, quicfic?i 
me. 4. They who bewaile their own deadnefife unto God, mail 
finde according to his ughteous promifes, life ipirituall reco- 
vered and <]ukkzticd: j^i-Jicnmc according to thy rightcoufnefje. 


Verf. 4it Let thy mercies come alfo unto me ,0 
LORD : even thy falvation according to thy 

42. So [hall I have Wherewith to anfwer him that 
reproacheth me ; for J truft in thy word. 

In this fectioo, he praycth ; firft^ for deliverance out of his 



# shard condition , and givcthrcafons for ftrengthening his hope 
in this prayer, v 4 ',42, and next,he praycth for grace to con- 
felfe Gods truth openly, till the deliverance come and lie 
ftremgthens his hope by fix or feven reafbnSj in the reft of the 

From his firft petition, and the reafons of it ; Learn* 1. The 
believer muft lay hold on mercies not feen, and mud not reft 
till he diuw them forth by prayer ; Let thy mercies come alfo unto 
me, Lord. z. Wfntfoever may remove our (innes, and evill 
merits, and make way for performance of promifesds mercy in 
effec"t, and muft be fought no lefie then inward quickning and 
confolation: Let thy mercies come at fo unto me, $ . As perils and 
hazards of life muft be refolved upon by Gods ferva/it, fo de- 
liverances one after another, and falvation may be funly ex- 
pected : Let thy come unto me> even thy falvation* 
4.^ It is not any fort of delivery by any meanes, which the fer- 
vantof God being in ftraitscoth call for, or defire, but fuch a 
deliverance as God will allow, and be pleafed to give in a holy 
way.- let thy falvation come. 5. As the Word ofpromifeis 
the rule of our petition, foisit a pawn of the thing promifcd» 
and muft be held fafttill the performance come* Let thy fal- 
vation come, according to thy word : and this is one reafen or :he 
petition. 6. As the Lords delivering of his children from the 
hand of periecutors, doth flop the mouthes of their enemies, 
who fay of them, that iruy are in a wrong coarfe, and that God 
is not their friend: fo the believer defireth the Lord to appeare 
for him, to this very end, that the mouth of the enemy may be 
flopped: So foall 1 have wherewith to an freer him that reproach-? 
ctbmc: and this is another realpn of his petition. 7. What- 
ioevcr be, ou- encouragements in our lufterings, the Word of 
God received by fai:h-'muft be the ground of our comfort and 
confidence, or elfe the work will not be found 5 for Itrufl in thy 
JVord, is the ground oiVavids comfort. 

Verf. 43. ssfnd ttke pot the Word of truth ut- 
terly out of my month, for ;/ have hoped in thy 

%4^r So(hAtl"l*keep thy law continually : for ever 
and e-QtJ. < 

*i 3 .; 


45. And I will walks at liberty : for I feel^ thy 

46. / will fpeake °f thy teftimories alfo before 
Kinase and will not be afhamed. 

47. &4nd I will delight my felfe in thy command- 
fnents which I have lovfd. 

48. Mj hands alfo Will I Hfr up unto thy command- 
ments which I have loved : and I will meditate in 
thy fiatmes. 

From the ne*t petition, and the feven reafcns added thereun- 
to; Learn. 1. Iris not firfficient for Cods glory, that we be- 
lieve the W d of God in our \tt irt, but we muft alio confefle it 
With our mou hint fie time of fial ; Ta\{C not thy Word out of 
my mouth. 1. &s G >d mav juftly for our linnes deiea us in the 
time of trial, when his glory and our duty caileth for -i teftimony ; 
fo we muft in the fen t~e of cur ill defcrving, ftec to Gogs grace 
by prayer, and fay with confidence, Ta\e not thy Word out of 
Plymouth. 3. If it mall plcafe God, for humbling of us, to dc- 
fert us in fomepaflage of our trial, yer le us believe in him, and 
deal wich him not to for ake us altogether in our trial : T?\c not 
the IVord of tr ah utterly out of my mouth- 4. Where the be- 
Hefe of Gods executing of his Word of threatening and pemife 
hath place with Gods children, there is hope that neither mens 
terror nor allurement fh ill overcome them in their trials ; for 
I have hoped in thy judgement /, isfet down here for the fir it rca- 
fon of his hope to obtaine his petition. 5. The Lords keeping 
our heart in faith, and our mouth and outward man in the 
courfeof confeffion and obedience, is the caufeof our perieve- 
ranc*; So full I k'-ep thy law continually, for ever and ever : and 
this is the fecond reason of his petition. 6. As he who departs 
from confefling of Gods truth, doth caft himfelfein ftraits, in 
dangers, and bonds: lo he that beareth out the confeffion of 
the truth, doth walk ns a free-man, the truth doth fet him free > 
And \ will \vqU;c at liberty • which is the third reafon of his 
petition* 7. Even the confeienceof honeft endeavour to obey 
the Word, hath the promife of not being utterly deferced in the 
day of trial: for I have fought thy precept?, is the fourth reafon 
pj the petition. 8. The terror of Kings, and of men in power, 



is an ordinary hindrance of free confeflion of Cods truth in time 
of perfecution ; but faith in the truth fuftained in the heart by 
God, is able to bring forth a confeflion upon all hazards : J will 
[petti *f thy teftimonicsbej bt ctsjngs. 9. He that is refolved to 
confefle the queftioned truth of ood, whofoevcr do mock at it, 
fhall not be aihamed of his confeflion, but nuh.r (hall have cre- 
dit by it : I mil [peak of rl?y teftimonics alfo before Kin s and 
will not be afbamed : and this is the fifth veaion of the petition. 
10. The more men do know the excellency or Gods truth; and 
do feel the power of Gods hand, lufhining them in die faith and 
confeflion of b, the more will they love, delight and take plea- 
furein the Word of the Lord : I will delight my felfe in thy 
commandments, which I have loved: which is the fixch reafon 
of his petition. 1 i*He that findeth himfelf bom out in the con- 
feflion of the truth in time of triall. mould in all time after fo 
much the more as his experience is greater embrace heacily 
the LorSs^emman ds, as precious gifts, and mould give up him- 
felfe abfolutely tol>e-governed thereby ; for the lifting up of bk 
bands to the Lords comyjfaiments , doih import fo much 12. 
HewhooutoflovetoGodscouimands, hath endured trial by 
trouble, and hatli overcome tentarions, may comfortably ap- 
prove him&tf in his forrr^Poving of the Lords commands, and 
thereby renew, and increafe his love to the obedience of them : 
fcr after he hath faid, I will lift up my bands to tby command- 
ments, he fheweth that he will do fo, with a ratification, and 
approbation of his love to them, by adding, tby commandments 
which I have loved. 15. The experience of the worth of di- 
vine truth, which is able to bear out it felfe, and the man alfo 
who doth confefle it,(hou!d fet a believer on a more and more 
earned ftudy,to know the minde of God reveiled therein, as 
the Prophet refolveth to do, And I will meditate hi thy fiatutcs : 
and this engagement is the Laft reafon of the petition. 


Verf. 9. Remember the Word auto thy Jervant , 
Upon which thon baft can fed me to hope. 

N 4 In 


Inthisfe&ion, he prayeth for the performance of the pro- 
mi c, which he hath believed, and whereof he hath found the 
fruits already in a good mealure. Whence learn, i. Thepromifes 
of 'he Gofpel and grace of God, give liberty and confidence to 
thebelievei to draw neer to God, 'o feek the full perform- 
ancethereof, as here, T^memher the Word wherein thou haft czu- 
fedmetobope. i. The genet al offer of the Gofpel, and the pro- 
miles mnie to the believer, do make prom ifes to be every belie- 
vers propriety _. no leiTe then if his n me we e infertcd in the pro- 
mile, or written in the ible; Remember the Word (pob^eu unto, 
thy fervant, or promifed to mt. $. God that maketh the offer 
of the Wo d, is li • who alfo worketh faiih in the believe., and 
moveth him to apply it and truit in irj the acknowledging 
whereof as it is Gods glory, fo is it the believers profit: 3(p- 
member the Word upon vphch thou haft caufed me to hope : for 
faith and hope is not of our felves, it is the gift of God. 

Ver. «}o. This is my comfort in my affliflion : for 
thy Word hath quickened me m 

51. 7 he proud have had me greatly in derifion, yet 
have I not declined from thy LaW. 

52./ remembred thy judgements ofold % LO RDi 
(ind have comforted my felfe* 

5 3 . Horror hath taken hold upon me, becaufe of the 
wicked that for fake thy Law. 

54, Thy (latutes have been my fengs, in the hcufe 
of my pilgrimage. 

55. . J have remembred thy Name, LO R1) } in 
the night : and have kept thy Law. 

5 6. ThU I had, becattfe 1 kept thy precepts. 

The fruits which he hath found already by his faith in the 
. Word, are feven, all in order fet down in thereltof the verfes 
of this (eel ion. Whence Learn, 1. Faith and hope ifr God do 
*\or exempt Goes children from troubles,but do comfort them 
in their trouble, fo as all other confoLtions ire naught in com- 
panion > This it my ccvfoUtion in my -affliftiw. 2. When the 



believer is damped with trouble, and fometime 3$ it were dead 
in regard of fpidtuai operations, motions and affections* faith 
draweth life againe out of the Word of promife ; for tby Word 
bath quickened me: and this is the firft fruit of faith in Gods 
Word. 3. Albeit impenitent, graceleffe men do mock grace, 
do mock faith ana obedience in the godly. ; and ( in Satans drift 
and theirs ) to the intent they may make the godly forfakc Gods 
law, yet faith in the Word isable to beat thebclieverup againft experience fheweth : The proud have had me greatly 
in dcrifion, yet have I not declined from tby Law: and this isthe 
iecond felt fruit of his faith* 4. It is good to have a number 
of examples of Gods dealing with his fervants, and with his ad- 
verfaiics,laid upintheftorehoufe of .a fructified memory, that 
th reby faith may be il/engihened in the d-y of affliction : for 
fo are wc here taught, I rcmembred tby j dgements of old , O 
Lord. 5. Fa kh doth d* aw comfort out of the execution of Gods 
Word of promiie, and of threatening 3lfo, in former times - 
1 rcmembred tby judgements of old, Lord, and wm comforted*, 
and thisisthethiid (tit fruit of his faith. 6. It is an evidence: 
effinceruy m Gods fervice, to fee wrath and judgement in the 
face of finne, and to be diverted fom v finning by the fight of 
Goiis judgement threatened and executed upnn the wick.d; bor- 
row batb xi\{?.n bold upon me, becaufe of the wicked that for* 
fake tby lave : and this is the fourth tit fruit of his faith, 7. A s 
£>ods children are in this wc l;i Grangers and pilgrims in af- 
fection, and dealt with as (bangers) whee they live, fo alfo are 
they oft-times banifhed from their native Countrey : Tby fta- 
tutes have been my fong in the houfe of my pilgrimage. 8 . Where- 
soever the Ixlkver is, and whatsoever bz his outward conditi- 
on,the Word of God receive . by fai:h, (hall bear him company, 
and furnifh him with marc of comfort and rejoycing: Tby 
ftatntes have been my fong in tbc hou e of my pilgrimage : and 
this is the fifth felt fruit of his faith. 9. The knowledge and 
deepimprcffionortheMajeftyof God, as he reveale hhimfelfe 
in hiswoiks, and Wcrd, is apowerfull meanes to ftrengrhen us 
in the obedience or faith; I have remmbredthy Name. Lord y 
and have kept tby Law : and this is the fixth felt fruit of his 
faith 10. Well fpent time in fecret when wcare folitaryj (hall 
be rewarded openly by a good carriage in fociety and company : 
1 rcmembred tby Name inthe night, 1 have kept tby law. 1 1 . Ic 
is no final! benefit to fee and cbierve what good we have had by 
our obedience to QoJ, and how ^race hath been rewarded by 



grace in our pcrfons : This I hud ( to wit,allthc former fruits,, ) 
bccaufc 1 kept thy precepts : and this is the feventn felt fruit of 
faith, that a man may enjoy the approbation and comfort of the 
fruits of faith. i>. Thofeare reckoned keepers of Gods pre- 
cepts, not who have no finne in them, but who ftudy to be free 
of linne, and to do Gods will : This I hii y becaufe I ^ept thy pre <- 
etpts. 1 3. It is wiidome to reckon what good we have by faith 
an God, and to endeavour to plea(e him, rather then to reckon 
our temporary and light afflidrons in our feivice, as here wc 
are taught. 


Verf. 57. Thou art my portion > LORD, lhaie 
faid, that I would keep thy Words. 

58. 1 intreated thy favour with my whole he Art, 
be mercifull unto me according to thy Word. 

59. / thought on my wajes : and turned my feet un- 
to thy tefiimonies. 

do. 1 made hafle, and delay ednot to keep thy Com- 

61. The bands of the wicked have robbed me I but 
J have not forgotten thy LaVv. 

6l. At midnight I Will rife to$tve thanks unto thee, 
kecaufe of thy righteous judgements. 

63* 1 am a companion of all them that fear thee ; 
and of them that keep thy precepts. 

64. The earth, LORD,is full of thy mercy ; 
teach me thy ftatutes* 

In this feftion he laboureth to confirme his fairh, and to 
comfort himfclfe in the certainty of his regeneration, by eight 
properties of a found believer, or eight marks of a new crea- 
ture. The fit ft whereof is ; bis choofingof God for his portion. 



Whence kirn, 1* Such as God hath chofen and effectually cal- 
cy ,et gi ace to make God their choice* their delight, md 
portion : and fuch as hare chofen • cd for their portion, 
hive n vidence of their regeneration and ele&ion alitor here 
IDavia fnakctfa this a mark of his regeneration : Thou art my 
portion. Lord. 1. It is another mark of regeneration, after 
D* lievirig in God, and choofing of him for our portion, to re- 
folve 10 brin^ out the fruirs of faith in new obedience, as David 
did , I hxve [aid that I will k ec P % words. $. As it is ufaall 
for Go s children, now and then becaufe of finne falling out, 
to be exe- eifed with the fen e of Gods difpleafurc: fo it is a mark 
of a new creature, not ro lie ftupid and fenilefle under this ex- 
ercife. bu to deal with God earneftly, for reftoring thefenfeof 
reconciliation^ ?nd giving new experience of his mercy, as the 
Pialiniftdid ; I intreatedtby favour with my whole heart: and 
this is the thrd evidence of a new oeaturc. 4. The penitent 
believe; hath the Word of grace, and Covenant of God, for his 
affurance wj be heard when he feeketh mercy : Be mercifutt to 
me according to thy Word. 5. The fearching in what condition 
we are in arid examination of our wayes according to the Word* 
and renewing ofrepencancewhh an endeavour of amendment, 
is a fourth mark of a new creature : I thought on my wayes, and 
turned my feet unto thy tcftimo?iics. 6. When we do fee our fin, 
wt arc naturally flow to amend our doings, but the fooner we 
turne us to the way of Gods obedience, we fpeed the better, 
and the more fpeedy the reforming of our life be* the more found 
mark is it of a* ew creature: I made bafte, and delayed not to 
keep thy commandments. 7. Enduring of perfection, and fpoil- 
ingof our goods, for adhering to Gods Word, without forfaking 
of our caufe, is a fifth mark of a new creature : The bands of the 
wkkcdh<xverobbedmc>but I have not forgotten thy law. 8 As 
it is the lor of Gods children who refolve to be godly to fufter 
perfecution, and to be forced either to lofe their temporal goods, 
orelfe to lote agoodcaufe,and a good confcicnce: io it is the 
wifdeme of the godly, to remember what the Lords Word re- 
cjuireth of us, and fpeaketh unto us, and this frail comfort our 
confcicnce more, then the lone of things temporal can trouble 
ourmindes: The bands of the wicked robbed me> but 1 have not 
forgotten thy Law 9. A (ixth mark of a new creature, is to be 
fofarre from f etting under hard exercife, as to thank God in 
fecret chearfuliy for his gracious Word, and for all the paflagea 
of his providence^ where none feeth us> and where there is no 



hazard of oftenrat io n : tAt midnight I will rife to give thanks I 
unto tbee } becaufe cf thy righteous judgement?, jo. A feventh I 
mark of a renewed creature , is , to aifociate our felves, and keep I 
communion with fuch as are truly gracious, and do fear God I 
indeed, as wc are able to difcerne them : I am a compinion of all 
tbcm that fear tbce. it. The fear of God is evidenced by be- 
lieving and obeying the doctrine and direction of the Scri- 
pture, and no other waves: Jam a companion of all them that 
fear theCy and of them tbat keep thy precepts, n, The eighth 
mark of a new creature, is not to reft in any meafure of renova- 
tion, but earneftly to deal with God tor the encveafe of faving 
knowledge, and fruit full obedience of it : tor. Teach me thy fta- 
tutes, is the prayer of the man of God, in whom all the former 
marks are found. 13. As the whole creatures are witnefles of 
Gods bounty to man, and partakers of that bounty themfelves: 
fo are they pawnes of Gods pleafure to beftow upon his fervants 
greater gifts. then theie, even the encre3'fe of fanctification, in 
further illumination of minde and reformation of life: for this 
the Pfalmift ufeth for an argument, to be more and more fancti- 
fied y Tbi whole earth U full of thy bounty , Lordy teach me thy 


Ver. 65. "Thou haft dealt wll ulth thy fervant* 
LORD, according unto thy vcord. 

Tn this fecit ion, he gives eight marks of a thankful 1 foal deli- 
vered from heavy trouble for a time. The fir ft mark is his hear- 
ty acknowledgement of Gods goodnefie toward him elf. Whence 
leamy 1. There is a time to acknowledge mercies received, as 
well as to pray for good things not as yet received: and as it is 
tfiedutyofa believer to pray in his need, fo it is the duty of the 
thankfull man toconfeffe what he hath received for fupplying 
of his nee i : Thou haft dealt well with thy fcrvant 1. The 
Lord will fo performs his promiic, as he (hall make the beli eVing 
fupplicant witnefie of his fidelity : Thou baft dealt well with thy 
favm;accQrdinztQtbymrL 3. As gifts prayed for, fo aljo 



gifts received ou^ht <o be examined, whether they be given ro 
us, as to (irvants of God, and according to the promites made 
to'hisfcrvants in the Word, or not: otherwife a man can nei- 
ther make right ufc of them, nor be thankfull for them, as the 
Pfalmift doth here, who faith; Thou baft dealt well with thj [er- 
vant according to thy word. 

Verf. 66. Teach me good judgement and 
knowledge : for I have believed thy Command* 
ments . 

Another work of his thankfulneffe, is his fceking the increafe 
of wifdomc and di faction , for enabling of him unto better fer- 
vice of God in time to come. Whence learn, i. Befide the 
knowledge of the general rule of Gods will, it is neceflary to 
have the gift ofdifcretion, to know our duty, when particulars 
cloathed with circumftances, come to be tried by the rule: and 
this the thankfull man mould .pray for; Teach me good judgc- 
man arid knowledge, z. He that would be directed in the faith 
and obedience of Gods Word in particular , ought to be deare 
in general of his eftimation and belief of all Gods Word in 
Scripture. Teach me good judgment) ( faith he J for I have be" 
licved thy commandments. 

Ver. 61. Tiefare 1 was tjflitled,! went a fir ay : 
but now have 1 kept thy word. 

The third mark of Uis thaskfulnefle is, his acknowledgement 
of the wifdome and goodnefle of God, manifefted in, and 
wrought by affli cling of him. Whence learn 3 1. So perverfe are 
we by nature, as we are the wcrfe oft-times by proiperity : Be* 
fore I wot afflificd I went aftray. 1. When profperity is abu- 
fed, it is Gods mercy to us to vifo us with the rod of affli- 
ction , and by it to drive us to make better ufe of his 
Word s But now have I kept thy word. 3. When affliction is 
fan&ified and found in the fruits thereof, it is no leife fweec 
when it is pail, then it was bitter when it was prefent^as the 
companion of times lice cloth ihew. 

Verf. 68. 


Ver # 68, Thou art good, avd doefl good ; teach 

The fourth mark of his thankfulnefs, now being comforted 
^fter trouble is, his acknowledgement of the goodneik of • . ods 
nature and working, and his drawing from this fountain more 
fandification. Ifbcncelearn, i. As goodntffeis Gods nature^ 
and good is his woik: io it is the thankful mans part to ob- 
ferve it, acknowledge it, and heartily to praife him for it,e'pedal- 
ly when he Is called unto this by late favours, as the Ptalmift 
doth here: Thou art good, and doe ft good. z. When the good- 
nefs of God is folidly apprehended, k furnifheth ground of 
great confidence to leek further fruits thereof towards us.- as 
here the Pialmiftdoth. $. Or all the fruits of Gods goodnefs, 
which a thank tul man can crave to himfelf, none is fitter to be 
fought, then the growth of the grace of ian&ification : as here, 

Verf. 69. The proud have forged a lie again fi 
me : but / mil f^eep thy Precepts With mj whoh 

A fifth mark of a thankful man comforted, is his renewed pur- 
pole not to fin, for fear of the malice or craft of any persecutors. 
Whence learn ^ 1. Befide violence and crueltie we (hall finde 
lies and falfe calumnies to be the weapons of the wicked againft 
the godly 5 The proud have forged a lit: againft me . 2.The {lan- 
ders and calumnies of the wicked againit the godly, arefo trim- 
med and dreiTed up with much artifice, as if they werecaft in a 
moulds Theproudbave forged a lie againft me. 3. The only 
way of refitting and overcoming this tcntation, is by the fin- 
cere adhering to God in the faith and obedience of his Word J 
But I will keep thy Treccpts with my whole heart. 

Ver. 70. Their bean tiatfet as greafe: but lde* 
light in thy law. 



Thefxth mark of athai.kful man comforted after affliction 
*nd perfection, i< hisdtfpifing the profperity of the wicked, in 
comparifon of the benefit of a gocd conscience, and joy in (jod* 
Whence leant, \ .It is the profperity of the proud, which encou- 
rageththem to pcrfecutc the godly, yea, their profperity fo bc- 
nummeth their confcicnccs, that they may not fear to pei fecute: 
Their heart is tofatM grct/c 2. As a benummed and feared con- 
fcience is a fin annexed to the fin of perfecution, fo is it nlfothc 
plague of God upon them ordinarily,that they Should not repent. 
Their heart is o/s fat as grcafe. $. The comfort of a good con- 
fcience>and the comfort of delighting in the obedience of faith, is 
a greater welfare to the godly then profperity, how great foever it 
can be unto the wicked, and fo the godly need not envie the proud 
and p. ofperous man.- Their heart U fat at greafe, but I de* 
light in thy law. 

Ver, 7 r. It is good for me that 1 have been fifflift* 
ed, that J might learn thy ft attttes. 

The feventh mark of a thankful mind e comforted after affli- 
ction, is his eftimation that holinefs wrought by affliction 
bringethmcre plcafure and gain, then affliction did bring with 
it lofteorpain* Whence learn, 1. The godly have as evil na- 
tures as the wicked have, which cannot be fubducd and beaten 
down, except by affliction, as 3ppeareth by this experience of 
the Pfalmift. 2. Albeit no affliction for the prefent be pleafantj- 
vet aft cv ward it provcrh medicine to the godly, whole wifdom \t 
is to obierve all the advantages which come thereby, as the PfaU 
mi ft doth here : It is good for me that I was afflicted. 3 . Profit- 
ing in fanctitication, is more then may recompense allthetrou^ 
ble which we are put unto in learning of it .• It is goad for tiK 
that I have been afflicted, that 1 wight learn thy [iatutes. 

■Ver. 72. The Latv of thy mouth is better unto me? 

then thoujands of gold andjifoer. 

The eighth mark of his thankful minde comforted after af- 
fliction, is his preferring the advantage of the written Word of 



God to all riches. IVbcnce turn, i . No affection to the Word 
of God can be in a man, till it be efteemed by him, as it is in? 
deed, the Word of Gods mouth, as it were breathed our by 
himfelf fpeaking it: for it is called here, The law of thy mouth, 
to direct Mii in' orcc our obedience. 2. The fpiiicual advan- 
tage which a holy man doth make of Gots Word, is more 
worth then all earthly riches : Tbclzrv of thy mouth is better Mir 
to me then thou funds of gold andfdver. 


Ver. 73, Thy hands have made me and fafbioned 
me : give me understanding that I may learn thy Cem- 

74. They thatfeare thee will be glad when they fee 
me : becauje I have hoped in thy word. 

In this fection is fet down the example of the right carriage 
of a believer 3 brought out of one calamity, and caft intoano- 
the:* : his good behaviour conilfteth in thefe fix duties. The 
firfth. to guiui well agaxnft fin,, by feeking wifdome {rom 
God to bear well thetentacion of new trouble. Whence learn, 
*. Albeit nothingcan fatisfie misbelief, yet true faith will make 
life of rhemoft common benefit of Creation to ftrengthen it 
lelf 5 Thine hands have made me an:, fafiinned me. z.It is a good 
way of reafoning with God, to ask another gift, becaufewe 
have received one : and becaufe he hath given common benefits, 
to ask thu he would give us alio laving graces : Thy hands have 
made me and fafhioned me. give me underftanding that I may learn 
thy Commandments. 3. Seeing God is our Creator and the 
end of our Creation is toferve God, we may confidently aske 
whatfoever grace may enable us to ferve him, as the Pfalmifts 
eximpledoth teach lis. 4. As the afflicted Petitioner for grace 
-to obey Gods Commandments, is ftrengthened in his faith, by 
the hope of the glory which may come unto God by his holy 




behaviour* fo alfo is he ftrengthened in his prayer, by the hope 
•of the edification, which others the Lords children may have 
by beholding his carriage;!^ that fearc thee, will be glad when 
they fee me. ?. It mould be the joy of all believers, to fee one 
of their number fuftained, and borne out in their fuffe<ing$; 
for in the proof and example of one fufferer, a p.iwne 15 given 
to all the reft, that God will help them in the like cafe: They 
that fare thte will begad when they fee me. 6. The Lord fhall 
fowoikfor the man that hopes in his Word that both he and 
others fhall have caufe to be glad, for the grace of faith and hope 
beftowed on him ; They full be glad when they fee me, becaufc 
J hoped in thy word. 

Ver. 75. / fyow, ^ORD, that thy judgements 
arc right t and thac thou in faith fulnefs haft ajjlifted 

The fecond duty of the fufrering belecver, is to juftifie 
God in afflicting of him. whence learn, 1. Albeit we fee not 
the particular reafons of Godsdifpenfation, yet the belief of the 
Lords righteoufneffe and wifdome fliould quiet our mindes 
from all murmuring and difpurtion, and fufpicion about the 
Lords doing, as here is done yIk no7V > Lord, that thy judge- 
ments are right. is not fufficie>\t that we juftifie God , and 
forbear to murmure againft Gods afflicting of ttij but we mult 
believe that God out of love dothifflict us, by way of per- 
forming of his Covenant unto us J J know that thou jn thy faith- 
fulnefs ba't afflifted me. 

Ver. 75. L?t % I pray thee, thy merciful hindnefs 
befoYMjcomforttMccydingto thy fVord unto thy Jtr- 

77i Let thy tender mercies come nnto me^ that 1 
mvy live : for thy lotto is my delight. 

■ The third duty of the afflifted fervant of God, is to feek com- 
fort from God, according to his promife. Whence learn, j. Al- 
beit we know that our fins haw drawn on out affliction, yet thar 

Q mx$t 

i $4 PS A L ME CXIX. 

muft not hinder us to (cek comfort from God in that affliction; 
and nothing can comfort the afflicted, except the fenfeof Gods 
kindnelfe and mercy to him : La, I pray tbee, thy merciful fond- 
ue fje be for my comfort. 2. Albeit full remedy be promifed in 
the Word, and albeit falve for every fere be treafurcd up there, 
yet the Tweet effed 0/ thefe promileswe cannot have, without 
dealing wi;hGod by prayer, to apply in particular, what faith in 
the Word beV:eveth in general: Lei thy merciful liindnefj'e be 
for my comfort according to thy Word. g. To the end we may 
have the benefit of the promife, it is wifdome to thruft in our 
felves among thofe to whom the promifeis made, under one 
title or other as we can,and to put our name in Gods Writ :Let 
comfort come into me, according to thy Word to thy fervant : that 
is 5 the Word of Promife which is made to fervants, and fo to 
me, and fo let it come to me. 4. The fenfe of Gods tender 
mercy to the beleever, is the very life of the belecver, it is death 
to him to want it : Let thy tender mercies come mto me y that I 
may live. ?. As we love the fenfe of Gods mercy, fo muft we 
love C/ods Word, and ftudie the obedience of faith, and .he who 
hath the one, may pray and hope for the other 5 Let thy tender 
mercies come unto me, for thy law is my delight. 

Yet.jS-Letthe profit be afbamed, for they dealt 
fewer fly with me without a caufe : but I will meditate 
in thj Precepts. 

The fourth duty of the afflicted fervant of C/od, efpccially by 
p:rf:cution,is to pray againft his cnemies,and then to go on in his 
way of ferving God; VVhence learn , 1, Proud, gracelefle, im- 
penitent men, will not prove friends to the godly, but unreafon* 
ab*e perfecutors of them, as they findeoccafian : The proud have 
dealt pcrverfly n ith me without a caufe* 2. When the proud and 
wicked in the world are our party, God will be a friend to us 
who do feek for relief from him,and will difappoint them of their 
plots againft us : Let the proud be afhamed, for they dealt pervcr fly 
with me without a caufe. ^.Perfecution by the wicked maketh 
andfhould make the godly ftudie to underfhnd the Word of 
God more clearly and fully then before : Let the proud be afaa- 
med, but I will meditate in thy Precepts. 4. The beft defence 
againft perfeciuionj is to ftand faft in a good uufe^and ftudie o- 



bedience to £/ods Wordj for hy this meanes the afflicted dd 
remain Gods feivants,and the Lord is engaged to do foe 
them as his fervants 3 for this is the couife the Pia:mift 

Ver. 79. Letthofe that f ear e thee turnennts mt\ 
andthofe that have knorcn thy te(H?nonies. 

The fifth duty of the afflicted and ptrfecured is, to-labour to 
know friendship and fellowfliip with others who aregodIy 3 which 
may both (lengthen themfelves and others. Whence lurn y 
l.Asic (hould not feem ftrange unto us if he godly foriakc 
our fellow (hip when wearepcrfecuted, feeing God doth fuffer 
this for the humbling, and trying, and turning us to believe in 
God alone; fo it is our duty to recover them who have delect- 
ed us, and to draw them in unto us again, and to pray to God to 
further us: Let thofe thAt fenre thee" turvc unto rrie y doth teach 
all this. 1. As Cjod when he pleafeth, diverts the comfort of the 
fellowfhip of godly friends, fohecan bring thembackag^n to 
us, as the prayer doth import. $ . Only they' who with fenre to 
offend God, have the found knowledge of C^ods Word, are fie 
comforters and ftrengtheners of the godly under perfecution 5 
Let thofe xhitjure tbec, tune unto me,and thofetbat keef thy tefti- 

Vcr. 80. Let my heart be found in thy fiatutes i 
that 1 be not afbamed. 

The fixth duty of the afflicted, is to ltudie above all things, 
to be fii cere in his carriage, and in his defence ol a good v 
Uprightly aiming to do what is right rightly, and for the right 
ends. Whence learn- 1. Mi nde and heart inthebeft men, are 
fo perverted by natural corruption, (which h not fully abolished 
in any) that not mans tree will, but Gods free grace rnuft help 
this evil : lor this prayer, Let my hexrt be found in thy fixtutes* 
doth import fo much. 1 . S >un.: knowledge of the ftaiUtes, and 
found affection toward the figures, and a found fmr'pofe in the 
following of rheftatutes. mufi be joyncd together in the Lords 
Martyrs; Let my kcxrt be found in thy Jfotutcs. 5. As the un- 
found hea r will not bear out the good caufe, nor keep up with 
the godly in their gocd way, but will fall off to his own (name : 
fo the upright man fleeing unto God in the fe^r of hisowne 
weaknetfe, and fufpicion of the deceit of his own heart, '(hall be 
pre ferved from fhame, as this prayer importeth: Let my hurt be 
[on Jin tbyfttweS) tb*t Ibenot afhxmtd. 



Inthisfedionismewenhowdecp the perfected fervant of 
God may! draw in his afflidion before God give him comforr, 
in the firft foure verfes thereof/ and how he fhould behave him- 
ielf in that fad condition, in the laft foure. 

Verf. 8r. My foufe faintetb for ttyfafaation: but 
I hope in thy word- 

82. Mine eyes faile for thy word: faying, When 
wilt thou comfort me ? 

83. For lam become like a bottle in the fmoakji 
yet do I not forget thy ftattttes. 

84. liotv many are the dayes of thy fervant ? 
when wilt thon execute judgement on them that per* 
fecute me ? 

As for the firft, there are foure degrees of his deepneflein di- 
ftreffe, to wit, fainting of faith, alrncft failing; of hope, failing 
of the body, and longing for death; Whence learn, 1. It is 
not ft range to fee God breaking the heart of his own childe with 
afflidion, even when he is fufte ring perfection, that fo his 
faith may-be tried and trained unto more ftrength / My foule 
faintetb. z* Abeleever in God, how afflicted foever he be, 
Ateketh not to be delivered, but in a way allowed of God $ My 
foul faintetb for tby falvation : or, till thou deliver me in thy 
good way. 3. The ftrength of the faith of the ftrongeft of Gods 
Servants will prove but (mall, when afflidion is great, and Gods 
help is delayed : My foule faintetb for thy falvatun. 4. Albeit 
the faith of the Lords children feem to faint, yet it cannot die, 
it cannot faile altogether: for it looketh to the Word, and 
thereby gathereth ftrength and hope $ My foule faintetb, but I 
hope in' tby Word* 5. Albeit hope keepeth the eye of the minde fo 
fixed upon thepromife, as it is ever looking for deliverance, yet 



long delay of help makth hope weak, and ready to faint 5 Mine 
• eyes f die for thy word. 6. Hope , and patience, and complain- 
ing unto God may ftand altogether, but they mull never be fe- 
vered from prayer ; Mine cycsfoilc for thy wordy faying, When 
w ilt thou comfort met 7. Longer cxcrcifc by trouble may af- 
fect the bodie of Gods deareft children, foas wafting leannefs 
may befeen on it : I am become as a s^in- bottle dried in the 
fmoak. 8.Notrouble mould drive us tofin, but we fliould 
choofe rather to pine away in affliction, then to be freed from it 
with fin ; lam become Itfce a bottle in thef/mfc: yet 1 do not for- 
get thy ftatntcs. 9. It is good in time of perfection or affli- 
ction whatfoevcr, to have an eye both on the Promifes, and on 
the Precepts; for the looking to the Promife doth encourage 
to hope, and the eyeing of the Precepts doth prove the hope to 
be found: ThePfalmift hoped inthe word, v. 8r. and v. 8$. 
He forgatc not the ftatutes* 10. Albeit long affliction be able 
to make the believer weary of life, and to defire to die, yec muft 
he yield unto God, to live fo long as hepleafeth; How many 
arethedayesofthyfervant? n. The delivery of the perfec- 
ted is ordinarily pyned with the puniiliment of the perfecutors, 
and the afflicted muft wait till their cup be full j When wilt 
thou execute judgement on them thxt per feme me ? 

Vef( 85. 7 he proud have digged fits for me : which 
arc not after thy la$v. 

86. t/1 11 thy Commandments are faithful : they 
perfecute me wrongfully • help thou me. 

87. They had almoft confumed me upon earth: but 
lforfooknot thy Precepts. 

8S. jQu'icken me after thy loving kmdnefte : fo [ball 
1 keep the teftimonfofthy mouth. 

He fhewcth yet further how he carried himfclf in this condi- 
tion : he layeth out his enemies carriage before God, v. 8y, 
86. and his owneftedfaftneffe in extream danger, v. 87. and 
prayeth for comfort, that he may in his trial beareout, v. 88. 
Whence learn, 1. The coude of perfecutors, is full of traps and 
fnares, whereby they ftudie to overtake the godly, without fear 
of (inning in fo doing ; The proud have digged pits for me } whick 
O 3 arsr 


m not after thy im. z. As the common quarrel of the wicked 
againft the godly, is for keeping of Gods commands: fothe/ 
common comfort of the -godly is, that they have a good caufe 
to defend; All thy Qomriwidments arc '-faithful, they per-> 
jecu f e me wrongfully. $. The worfe the caufe 3nd courfe 
i >, which our adverfaries do follow j the - more hopeful may we be 
to oe aelped of God : They perfecute me wrongfully > help thou, mc* 
4-' It is a good meanes of courage, and comfort, and ftrerigth 
in persecution, to lay the carriage, and caufe of us, and of our 
advertaries before owr eyes, and compare them together by the 
Word; and then lay them forth before 1 God, as the Pfrtmift 
dot' here. { Albeit the godly : may run the Imard of l.cfins* 
all things they have in tfie earth, yetthat'is. the height of their 
hazard in defence oFGods truth, for what they have in Hea- 
ven rannot be taken from them / They-baidmoft'confumelmc 
upon cm th. 6. No fmard of what foe ver we- have in the world, 
lite, lands, goods, friend vriberty, or what el fc, can warrant a 
man to depart from the obedience of Gods command, contro- 
verted between the perftcirtor and him V^J 1 W -dlmp ft c on fil- 
med me upon emh, Buflforfoofi net thy V*,'CQCps* 7. Through 
theinfirmity of theflcfh, the feeling of the comforts of Reli- 
gion, and the freedomedf following Gods fetvice chcarfully, 
may be interrupted, as quicken me, here doth import . 8. What- 
foevef meafureoi'lpirituallife, {Length or, comfort can be aba- 
ted and diminiflled by afflicli n, the, renewed fenfeof Gpds 
love and friendship to us , (which we (houtevfeek after always,) 
caneality reftorcand recompenfe it; Quicken me after thy lo- 
ving fiind?iefs } foJhallIk^p the teftimo?ues of thy mouth* 


In this fection, heihewetb, Gift, how he was comforted un- 
der perfecuti on « by faith in Gods Word ; and to this end he 
coi: mends the worth of the Word of God y or of the Scripture, 
for fourereafons : Thcfirft is, becaufe of the ftability of it in 
heaven,zf. 89, The next, for the durable ufefulnefs of it ine- 
yery age of the Church, v. 90. The third is, becaufe by Gods 
VVord the earth is eftabUihedj 1^90,9 1, The fourth is, he- 



caufeof his own experience of comfort and flrength by it in 
■his affliction, v. 92. < And in the next part, he expreffrth his 
thankfulneffe in the reft of the verfes of this fectton. 

Ver, 89. For ever >0 LORD, thy Cordis fetledin 

90. Thyfaithfulneffeis unto all generations : thou 
haft eftablifhed the earth,and it abideth. 

91. They continue this d*y according to thine ordi - 
nances : for all are thy ferv ants. 

02. Vnleffe thy law b ad been my delight t IJhould 
then have perifhed in mine ajfltttion. 

In his fetcing down his comfort, which he had by faith in the 
Word, and whateftimatio'n he had of the Scripture j Let us 
learn, .I.God hath given unrous his Word to bear up our faiths 
in every hardeft conditioned it is a fure rock which wil not fail 
m, whatfoever appear, or howfoever we do faile or faint : For e- 
ver^OLord) thy wordueftablijhed. 2. Albeit, the effect of Gods 
Word doth not appear fomerime, but is over-clouded with trou- 
ble and tentations^yet it is -fare and fixed.byGods decree unalter- 
able in heaven, and cannot want the effect in due time; For ever, 
O Lordjby word is fetledin heaven. $ ,The {lability of the Lords 
Word depends upon the ftabiJity of Gods truth and faithful'nefs, 
which becaufeht is abfolutely unchangable,huWord is To alfo; 
Thyfaithfulnefs U unto all generations .4. Thz mith of God is not 
alwayes hid up in heaven, but in all generations the truth cf the 
Word, and the foithfulrrefs of God who hathfpoken it, is from . 
age to age made manifeft among men; Thy faith fulnefs is unto 
aU generations. ?. The ft.ibility of the earth is nothing but the 
effect of Gods Word, and the liability of the earth, and 
frame of the world, is a pa/vneof the liability of Gods Word; 
Thou baft eftablijheitbc earth, and it abideibi 6, As heaven and 
earth do continue in their motion and flation, and do ferye God 
as his Word hath ordained , fo fhould we do : They continue 
this day according to thy Ordinances, for all arc thy fervants.7 . Af- 
fliction draweth forth the worth of C/ods Word, which other- 
wife couid not be known, and lets it be feen, that the Word of 
God is 3ble to fave a finking man in tribulation ; Unleffe thy law 
fad been my delight, I fhould then have perijhed in rry affliction, 

O 4 8.The 

8. The Word of God, being received by faith, is able not only 
to fave the believer delperation in trouble, but alio to m?ke i 
him rejoice, as he who is feeding on delicates, as experience hath 
proved ; linlcffe thy law bad been my delijn, IJhouldbxve pcrijb** 
cd in mine zfjiiclion. 

Ver. 93. / mil never forget thy Precepts : for mth 
them thou haft qmck*ned me. 

94, 1 am thine y fave me : for 1 have fought thy 

95 . The vpicfyh have waited for me to dejlroy me : 
but I mil confder thy teflimonies* 

9*. 1 have feen an end of all perfeQion: but thy 
Commandment is exceeding broad* 

In the latter part of this fe&ion, he fheweth his thankfulnefs : 
gift, by engaging his heart to the faith and obedience of the 
Word, ^,93. Then, by dedication of himfelf unto God, as 
nisfervant, to be faved by him, v. 94. Thirdly, by engage- 
ment of his heart to continue againft ail perfection in the 
obedience of the Word, v 9 f And fourthly,, by commendation 
c\ the Word above all things in the world, v.$** Whence learn, 
I. The worth, of the Word of God is Found fo excellent in the 
experience of the believers, that their experience doth fixe and 
fettle their cftimat'ion of it, their love to ir, and their purpofeto 
make nfeof it alwayes ; I will never forget thy Precepts, for 
with tbcm thou baft quickened, me. i. The believer is the Lords 
peculiar fervanr, bound to him by the bonds of Creation, Re- 
demption and Covenant ; and it is his duty thankfully to reck- 
on his intereft and right in God, and Gods intereft in him , for 
his own encouragement and for Gods praife > / am thine, g. When 
a mans faith isftrengthened about his own intereft in God,then 
may he be confident to pray to God, and to exped for falvation. 
temporal and eternal from him ; I am thine, five me* 4. Honeft 
endeavour to obey Gods commands, how weak foever, doth prove 
thebelievers inrerelt in God, andconfirmerh his hope to be fa- 
ved by him j lam thine, fave me, for I have fought thy Precepts, 

5. Perfecutprs of Godsfervants for obedience to Gods Word, 
r .°, ineftc&murtherers both of foul and body, in driving them 



to forfake Gods commands: The wicked b Ave mite d forme to 
\ieJlroy me. 6. The trouble which the godly fuftain by perfecu- 
tors, fhould drive them to fearch more deeply into the Word of 
God, and to harden themfelves againft all that the pcrfecutors 
can do : and every comfort given to them from the Word, fliould 
do the fame ; But I will confider thy tefii monies, 7. The ufe of 
all things vtfible is temporal, but the ufe and benefit of the Scri- 
pture is everlafting : all things viable have their own perfections 
in their own kinde, and do extend fome of them to one tempo- 
ral ufe, others of them to another ufe, but the Word of God ex- 
tended in its kinde to all ufes, which may bring blefTednefs in 
this life, and in the world to come j A man may fatisfie him- 
felf in the contemplation of the worth and vertue of any thing, 
which is vifible in the world, but the riches of the Word of God 
is unfearchable, the deep wifdome of God in the Scriptures is 
unfcarchable, and the perfection of the Scripture is above all 
companion; Ibavefeen, (faith he) an end of all perfection, but 
thy Commandment is exceeding bro/d. 

__ r - r 


Ver, 97. how love I thy law I it u my meditation 
all the day. 

Hegoeth on in this feftion >to commend the Word of God, 
andtofhewhiseftimationof it for eight rcafons. Theftrftis, 
becaufe it hath gained the affedion of his heart unto it, fo as 
he cannot but continually dwell upon the meditation of it/ 
Whence learn, 1. As the Scripture in it felf is moft lovely for 
the Author, matter and ufe thereof: fo is it moft affeaionatcly 
loved by the beleever, and none can either exprefle or judge, how 
great is his afFe&ion to ir^except God only ,0 hew love I thy Uw\ 
z. True love to the Scripture maketh good memory of it, and 
frequent meditation of it alio 5 It is my meditation all the 



Ver. 98, Thou through thy Commandments haft 
mtde me wifer then mine enemies : for the} ' are ever 
With me. 

The fecondrcafon of commending the Scripture, is the wif- 
dom which it tcacheth againft enemies. Whence learn, 1. Ho- 
linefs is great wifdome: for albeit Iearning,and malice, and 
long experience may teach perfecutors much, yet wifdom from 
the Word of God doth teach the perfecuted believer far more: 
Through thy Commandments thou baft made me wifer then mine e- 
nemies. 2. Such as derive their wifdom not from the Word of 
God, butfromthecounfelof flefh and blood, within or with- 
out themfelves, cannot have their eounfellors alwayes with them 
to confute with, but he that feeketh his wifdom from God and 
his Word, hath his counfel alwayes, prefent with him, to bring 
to his remembrance what he hath learned, and to teach him to 
make ufe of it ; For thy Commandments are ever with wc.^.What- 
foever ufe or benefit we make by the Word of God, all the glory 
thereof belongeth to the Lord- For thou through thy Command- 
ments baft made me wifer then mini 'Jnemiss. 

Verf. 99. I have more under ft ending then all my 
teachers-, for thy Teftimonies are my meditation. 

The third reafonof commending the Scripture is, beciufethc 
beleever thereby is made move wife then his teachers. Whence 
learn, 1 . Wifdome is not fo tied to teachers, but God is free to 
give as much and more to thofe that are taught .* I have more un- 
der ft andingtben- my teachers. 2. Though the teacher give forth 
the general doctrine of faith and manners, yet there is a more 
particular application of the Word to the hearers,which onlyGod 
furnifhethnnto the beleever by the Word: and in this refpecT: the 
believer may fay , I have more under (landing then all my teachers. 
3. The fpecial application of the Word to our feveral ncceffities, 
cometh by joyning private means with the publick, fuchasare 
reading, praying and meditation ; For thy teftimonies aremy me- 



Ver. loo# 1 underfland more then the ancients: be* 
caufe I \e*y thy Trecept s . 

Thefounji reafon of the commending of the Word, is, be- 
cause it is able to make a man more wife then old agfj and lung 
experience of the affairesof men in the world can do. Whence 
Jearn, 1 . Old age and experience in common affaires, is not ef- 
fectual to dircd men in the courfc of Gods obedicace, especially 
when they haveto do with perfecutors, but Godsfpecial wifdom 
by the Word muft come in here and teach : 1 undcrftand more 
then theancievts. 2. To keep clofe to direction of Gods Word 
is more fafc then to follow the minde of antiquity departing 
from the VVoYd, or the authority of men > I hroc m re under - 
Jhndingthcnthe undents ;, becvijc I keep thy Precepts. 

Ver. rot. I have refrained my feet frqm every e- 
vilway : that I may keep thy Ward, 

The fifth teafpn of the commendation of the Scri ptur-e^which 
isalfo an evidence of his refped unto it is, becaufe for the lore 
ofthe underftandingofit, andkecping of it, he had ; ba'ndoned 
every finful courfe,, how .pleafant and hew prcfuahle.foever, it 
teemed to be-. Whence learn. He that would' be a wifedif- 
ciple of 1 Gods Word , muft beware to follow finful coiir Pes- for 
fo he fhall grieve Gods Spirit, who muft make the Word clear 
unto him ; neither is it fufficicnt to abftain from notorious fins 
only, but alfo from every evil way for the fame reafon; I 
have reftr tinci my feet from every cvilmy, that I may keep thy 

Ver. 102. I have not depirttd from thf judge* 
merits " for then haft taught me. 

The flxth reafon of his commending the Word is> becaufe 
he was enabled by it to overcoiuc all tentations which tended to 
divert him from obedience thereof, Whence leum, 1 . As there 



are nor wanting tentations on all hands, to divert men from o- 
bedienceof the Word, fpecially in time of perfecution : fa 
there is great need of adhering unto it al waves, and fpecially in 
time of trouble, as the Pfalmift did I have not departed from 
thy Commandment, i. He who.hath flood faftinhis obedience 
in the day of trouble, may lawfully take comfort in it afterward, 
but muftgive the glory thereof unto God, as here : I have not de- 
parted from thy judgements > for thou baft taught me. 

Ver. io?. How fweet are thy words unto my tafie \ 
yea, fweeter then honey to my mouth. 

Thefeventh rcafonof his commending the Scripture is, be- 
caufe of felt fweetnefle in it. VVbence learn, « . There is plea- 
fure and delight to be found in hearing, reading, fpeaking and 
meditating on Gods V Vord, yet only the believer is he who can 
difcern it ; How fweet are thy words to my tafte I i . Spiritual 
pleafure doth far furmount earthly and carnal plcafurej Thy 
words are fwceter then honey to my mouth. 

Ver. 1 04. Through thy Precepts I get understand" 
ingi therefore I hate every falfe way. 

The eighth reafon of his commending the Word is, be- 
cause he is made wife to fan&ification by it, and made to hate all 
fin for it. Whence learn, 1. As men are involved in erroi 1 , 
becaufe they underftand not the Scriptures: fo by the knowledge 
of it they are delivered from errour, and made wife again it fe- 
ducers: Through tby Precef is 1 get under ft &niing. 2. He thac 
rightly underftandeth the Scripture, as he cannot choofe but love 
and commend ir, fo he cannot choofe but hate every courfe con- 
trary to it: Therefore I bate every fat few ay. $* Becaufe every 
finful way is a falfe way, and cannot but deceive the man that 
walketh therein, therefore we muft hare every finful way, and 
that from the fountain of love to the Word of God ; Through 
thy Precepts I get underftanding> therefore I bate every falfc 


■ \ 



Ver. 105. Thy Word is a lamp unto mj feet: and 
a light nnto my path. 

As in the former fection he gave evidences of his love & refpeft 
to the Word of God, loin this feet ion he giveth eight evidences 
of his fincere purpofe to make ufe of it in his practice for time 
to come. The firft is, his refolution to make it his light to di- 
rect him in all his actions. Whence learn, 1. A mans wayes 
are all in darknefle, except in fo far as he followeth 'the direction 
of Scripture; but he that followeth the rule of the Word, know- 
eth whither he goeth, and what he doth ; Thy Word is a lamp un- 
to my feet* 2. The light of Scripture is not only able ro give a 
man general rules for ordering his life, but alfo to direct every 
particular action. Thy Word is a light unxo my path. ■$. Lowe to the 
\vord,& eftimation of itf which is the duty fet forth in the former 
fection) is beft evidenced by making practical ufe of it in a m^ns 
conversion, which is the duty fet down in this fection : and 
wbofoever loveth it, and loveth it fo as to obey it, fhall finde a 
fweet 3 lively and comfortable light in it, tc carry him through 
all the dark pafiages of this mifcrable and (inful life, that he 
fhall have caufe to fay , Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, 


Ver. 106. I have fvforn. and /ft ill perform it 1 
that Ifyilltfeepthj righteous judgements. 

The fecond evidence of his purpofe, to conforme his life to 
the rule of the Word, is the tying of himfelf byanoathto en- 
deavour to keep it. Whence learn, 1. The upright man is wil- 
ling to be beund to the obedience of Go is Word, not only with 


the rieceflary bond of Gods Command, and of his natural duty 
to his Sovereign , but alfo by the ftrakeft voluntary bonds he^ 
can, and will not repent his resolution for ever r / have fwerne 
and will perform it, that I will i^cep thy righteous judgements. 
2. Vowes, Covenants and Oathes, to tie us unto the faith, pro- 
feflion and obedience of thetfue Religion fet down in Scripture, 
are lawful ami fan&ified meanesto help us to be conftant , I have 
vowed and will perform it, Hut I will keep thy righteous fudge* 
menu. $ ; The equity of all the Commands of God mould be 
a great motive to in ften us unto the obedience thereof s I will 
\$ep thy righteous judgement s % 

Verf. 107. I amajflifiedvery much: quicken mt^ 
O LORD , according to thy Word. 

A third evidence ofhispurpofe to make ufe of Gods Word 
is, his feeking nothing for his comfort and encouragement in his 
greateft affliSion, except the quickening of fpiritual life in 
himfelf by the Word. Wlience learn, 1. It is no ft range thing 
for the molt holy men to be acquainted with the laddeft fort 
of affliction, bodily and fpiritual : I am afflicted very much. 
2. From whence foever affliction doth come, faith goeth to God 
only for comfort, as here, Quicken me y Lord 3 .When God 
is pleafed to make the Word of Promife lively, or to pertorme 
what the promife alloweth us to expect, fuch a confolation is a 
fufficien: antidote to the heavieft affliction ; ^uickjen me^ O 
"Lordj according to thy Word. 

Ver. 108. Accept, 1 befeech thee, the free*wiff- 
offerings of my mouthy LOR'D, and teach me thy 

A fourth evidence of his purpofe to make ufc of Gods Word, 
is his prefem practicing of it, in offering fpiritifcl Sacrifices of 
confeition, praifcarul prayer, that his fervice may be acceptable, 
. and that he may be taught yet more in the obedience of the 
Word. Whence learn, 1. It was fpiritual , moral fervice, 
which the Lord by the Ceremonial Law did teach his people 
<*f old to offer unto him through Chrift, and the godly in the 


Jcwim Church were not ignorant of this ; for here the Pfalmiii 
% pi ayeth ; Accept, I hefeech thee , the free-veill-offsrings of my 
mouth. 2. Albeit our belt fervice be unworthy of it felf to be pre- 
fentedtoGod, but muft have weight by Gods gracious ac- 
ceptation, yet muft we offer it, and have hope through Chrifts 
facrifice that it mail be accepted : Accept, 1 be\eccb thee, the 
f,ce-wiU-offerivgs ofmymoutb. $. Together with the crYerof 
our prefent ftrvice, it is good to joyne the purpofe of growing in 
obedience and prayer for grace fo to do ftill ; tAcccpt the free- 
will-offerings of my mouth* and tejch me thy judgements. 

Ver. 10 9. Mjfculc is continually in my band: jet 
do I not forget thy law. 

The fifth evidence of his purpofe to praclife C/ods Word, 
is his tefclution on all hazards, even of his life, to keep affection- 
ate memory, and actual refpect unto Gods revealed will. IVhenct 
tearn 3 VVhofoever will live godly, mnft refolve to run hazard 
of life daily in the time of perfecution,and he who layeth his reck- 
oning fo : hath evidence in himfelf of his upright purpofe > to fol- 
low Gods V VovdiMyfoul, or my life is continually in my hand, as 
ready tobe hid down for maintaining of righteoufnefs : Jet do 
I not forget thy I aw. 

Ver. no. The mcked have laid afnare for vte iyet 
I erred not from thy Precepts. 

' The fixth evidence of his purpofe of conftancy in Gods fer- 
vice, is his approving of his former carriage, in his by-paft 
trial, which fheweth he is refolved fo to do alfo for time to come. 
Whence learn , i.It is ufual with perfecutors to make acts and 
ftatutes, or to broach fome danger one or other, which fhall ei- 
ther force the godly to go ofFthe tight way of obedience to Cj ods 
Word, or to fall in the fnare 5 The rvic\ed hrjc hid afnare for 
me. 2. The godly muft hold on the royal way of Gods com- 
mands, whether he fall in the fcare of worldly inconvenience or 
not, as the Piaimiftdid ; Jet I erred not from thy Precepts* 
$. He who haihkcpt the high- way, and hath eroded upon fnares, 
andrepcnte;h not his courie, ^iveth evidence of his fincerc pur- 

2UO ror\LsLVL E* \^ A I A. 

pofe to follow the Lord thereafter alfo, through all clangers, as 
this example teaehech us. 

Verf, in* Thy teftimonies have 1 taken as an 
her it age for ever: for they are the rejtycing of mj 

ATeventh evidence of his purpofe to adhere to Gods Word, 
is, his placing of his riches and pleafure in his adhering unto 
it. Whence learn, i. The Word of God beleeved, is the fureft 
riches of the Saints, which when all things faile, doth main- 
taine and hold up their right unto God and eternal life and fo 
fhouldit be looked upon by .thcbeleever ; Thy teliimonies have 
J ta^en as my heritage for ever. i. The felt benefit of the Word 
of God, furnifliing (pkitiial light, comfort, peace, ltrength> 
meat, drink, clothing, and whatfoever commodities an inhe- 
ritance can yield, is and fhould be the joy of the believer, and a 
tie upon his heart to make him flick clofe unto it ; Thy teftimo* 
iiies have I ta\en as my heritage for ever, for they are the rejoycing 
of my heart. 

Vet\ 112. / have inclined mine heart to perform 
thy fiat utes alwaji even unto the end. 

The dghth evidence of his purpofe to pra&ife the Word of 
God,is the bent of his heart, carryinghim on to performe what* 
foever God doth command all thedayes of hislKe. Whence learn, 
J. Albeit it be Gods work only to incline the heart unto Gods 
teftimonies, as we fee, v. 16. yet when God hath made the 
change, andhischilde is content to follow the direction of Gods 
Word, this inclination of the heart is counted alfo the mans own 
work, as here, I have enclincd my hearty 2. As only hearty fer- 
vice pleafeth the Lord, fo that only is fincereand conftant, which 
proceeds from the heart ; and he who findeth this inclination, 
hath inhimfelf the witnefle of his fincericy y I have enclincd 
my heart to perform thy ftatutcs almyes even to the end± 


PSALMfc CXIX. aop 


Verft tt$. 1 h*tevz\vit thoughts: but thy Ldtod* 
I love. 

114. Thou 4rt my hiding place, wdmyfiield; I 
hope in thy Word. 

Ashe gayefcefore evidences o( his affection to the Scri- 
pture* andofhispurpofeto obey it in his practice: foin this 
legion he giveih fix evidences of his hatred of the evil, which 
is contrary to the good, which is promifed and commanded in 
the Scripture. The firft evidence, is his hatred of the moft fecret 
and meaneft degrees ofa&ual breaches of the Lords law: and 
for this proteftation he giveth three reafons. Whence learn, 
». With earneft lore to good 3 hatred of evil neccfi'arily muft be 
joyned > as the connexion of thefe duties in feveral fections 
doth teach. 2.Everydi(likeof evil is not fufficient 3 but per- 
fect hatred is required of us againft all forts and degrees otfin: 
J bate vain thoughts, j». All finf ul courfes in Religion or con- 
verfation, (fuch as are all thofe that are not warrantable by Gods 
Word,) are unprofitable, and (hall difappoint all thofe who d6 
follow them t I bate vaine thoughts. 4. Hatred of fin is then 
acceptable to God, when it floweth from the love of (3od$ Word 
fet down in S cripture : But thy law do I love. And this is the 
fit ft reafon of his proteftation. ?. The prote&ion and defence 
which is to be found in God againft the evil of trouble ; mould 
ftrengthen the believer in the hatred of the evil of fin, as here i* 
doth : Thou art my hiding pla.e and myflricld : and this is the fe- 
cond reafon of his proteftation. 6. Faith in Gods Word is 
the fountainofthe hating of fin, and confiding in God ; I hopt 
in thy Word : and this is the third reafon of his proteftation. 

Ver. 115. depart from toe ye evil doers { for t 
will kfep the (^ommmlmems of my Cod. 

l> A 


A fecond evidence of his hatred of fin, ishisreaouncing all ] 
fellowfhip^ in finning with whatfoever^perfon or perfons; lee 
them leek Aflbciates where they fiffi, he would have no fellow- 
ftiip with them in the unfruitful works of daikneffe« Whence 
lmn> I He that woul4\fchew fin, muft beware to comply 
with wicked men in their wicked courfes, and in this reipeft 
muft feparatefrom them, not altogether from converfing with 
them, for then a man tnuft go out of the world, bu from fel- 
lowlhip with them in evil doing: for in this refpeft is it that 
fae faith* > 'Depart fromme ye evil doers, z r Nothing can fave 
a man from complying with finners, but {ulcere refolution 
to keep Covenant and Communion with God , and not to 
difpleafe him j For I will keepe the Commandments of my 

Verf. 116. Vfhold me according unto thy Word y 

that I may live: and let me not be, afiamed of my 


The third evidence of his hatred of fin, is partly his eftimati- 
onof it asa fhameful thing, and partly his prayer to be pre- 
ferved from the ihame which fin doth draw after it. Whence 
lexrn^ i. The believer doth not lean to his own ftrength, 
or holy purpofe , but isfenfiblethat he fhalteafily fall into fin, 
except God preferve fpiritual life in him : and therefore he 
praycth: U tbold me that 1 my live ■ 2. Albeit 3 beleever be not 
able in hjrajelf to perfevere, yet becaufc of Gods promife to 
hold up. the weak who lean unto him, he may be confident to 
itand, UpVold r me ^according to thy Wordy thxt I mxy live, j.Sin 
fhould therefore be hateful, becaufe it bringeth ihame to the 
finner of it felf, and ihameful difappointment of his hoped* 
for felicity 5 Uphold me, mi let me net he difappointed of my 

Ver.11.7. Hold tbw.meup, an^ljhall be fafei 
and I Will have refpetl wto thy ftatutes conti- 

The fourth evidence of r his hatred of fin, is his fear of mifchief 
imd peiifhiflg, whkh he cannot efchew, except by Gods pre- 


ferving of him in the courfe of his obedience. Whence learn » 
j, The ftrongeft believer is molt fenfible of his own wesjeneffe* 
and mo ft afraid to fin, and moft apprehenfive of the evil of 
finning , and of the good of perfevcring in the obedience of 
God : therefore again he pi ayech, Hold then me up> and I Jbalt 
lefafe. 2. Gods preferving a man from finful courfes, giveth 
great encouragement to him to perfeverefiriceiely in the obedi- 
ence of all g'ods commands; Hold thou rncup, dndlwillbaic 
refpeH unto thy ftatutes continually. 3 .The believer may under- 
take any duty, provided he take God for the fuietyof bis per- 
formance, who if he be fought unto by prayer, and relied upori 
in the ufe of the meanes, will not refufe toinable us toper- 
forme whatfoever duty we fhall undertake; Hold thmmi/up' 9 
and 1 mil have refped unto thy ftatutes continually. 

Verf. 118. Thou haft troden down all them that 
trrefrom thy ftatutes : forth] deceit xsfaljhcod* 

11 9. Thou pHtteB away all the wicked of the 
tarib like draffs ; therefore I bye thy tefti- 

The fifth evidence of his hatred of fin, is his obfervationof 
the mifchief decreed and begun to be executed againft evil doers. 
Whence learn, r. It is a fpeciai mcanes to preierve us from fin- 
ful courfes, to obferve the mifchief which foiloweth thereupon: 
Thou haft troden down them that erre from thy flames. 2. Only 
they who fear to fin, do fee the evil of other folks finning, and 
only they can make good ufe of Gods judgement on others, who 
are fenfible of the merit of fin,if they mould fal intoit themfelves: 
For this istheobfervaticn of a believer. $. Albei: the wicked 
hold their head high, and life up themfelvcs in their finful cour- 
fes againft God, yet he hath already t»od down many fuch per- 
fons, and hath decreed to tread down all of that fort : ThCu haft 
trcden down all them, &c, 4. Not only 'fuch .as- •openly,- jand 
groflclyare wicked and propharie, but alfo all che-y who pleaie 
themfelves in the by-pathes of tneir own wintering, and do not 
care for pleafing of God, fhall perim : Thouhal troden down 
all thcmihat erre fromtby ftatutes., 5 -Whatfoever bethelmrs of 
please, profited preferment wJiich di>wmen fctin th^ obe- 
dience of God, and whatfoever be the eicuLcs, pretences. an^i 
confidences which do iecuie the impenitent finners confd- 
J} 1 ences 


ences, all will be found tobefelfe^deceit, lies and vanity : For 
their deceit U falsehood. 6. The godly and wicked live toge- 
ther in the vifible Church, as drofle and good mettal, but God 
who is the purser of his Church, will not fail by diverfity of 
trials, and judgements to put difference between them, and ac 
laft will make a perfect reparation of them, and c ^ft away the 
wicked as refute : Thou pmttft away all the wicked of the 
earth M drojfe. 7, The defVutfion of evill doersj as it fhould 
make us hate finne, fo fhould it move us to love the courfe of 
bolineifc; Thou put it ft the niched away, therefore Hove thy 

Verf. 120. My fiefb trembleth for fear of thee : 
and I am afraid of thy judgement. 

The fixch evidence of his hatred of finne, is the fear he had of 
Gods threatening, and wrath, and judgements. Whence learn, 
i« A tender heart is eafily affected, as with Gods mercies, fo 
alfo with Gods judgements : My ficfl) trembleth. 2. The godly 
becaufe of the remainder of finne in them, and their natu r al 
frailty, are not exempted from the fenfe of the terror of God, 
yea, it isneedfull they be now and then exercifed therewith, that 
lb they may be kept in awe, and their joy may be tempered with 
fear and trembling, and their prayer may t be fharpened, and tfy y 
may be kept watchfull, and fo their obedience may be furthered : 
ZMyfiefh tremblcth for fear of thee, mid I am afraid of thy judge* 


Ver. 121. J have done judgement anjt jftfiice: 
leave me not to mine oppr effort* 

In this feftion he prayeth to be directed > comforted and 

helped aejainft his oppreffors, for fix reafons. The firft wj} cre " 

of; is becaufe his carriage and caufe was vighteousi fVhenct 

b ~ learn, 

learn* 1. It is no ftrange thing to fee godly innocent men trou- 
bled, perfecuted and opprefled: for here is one oppreflcd, who 
faith truly, I have done judgement andjuftice. 2. A Believer 
put in the power of oppreffois for a good caufe, may call, for, 
and look for Gods afliftance, and prefence, and not to be given 
over to the will of the peiiecutois ; Leave me not to mine op- 

Verf. 122. TZefurety for thy ftrvant for good, let 
not the proud oppreffe me* 

Another reafonofhis petition, is becaufe he hath ground by 
the Covenant of grace, to requeftCrod to engage for him. that 
he (hall not be oppreflfed utterly. Whence learn. 1 . Seeing the 
Lord is obliged to his people by Covenant, to defend his fcr- 
vantsagain{f their enemies, and that all things (hall turn to 
their good, the believer harh warrant to imploy God in his need, 
to interpofe himfelfc for the relief of his fervant, that he be not 
diftreffed : Be fnrety for thy frvant for good, and let not the 
proud oppreffe m.\ 2. Before men do turne perfecutors of the 
godly, they forget both God and their own condition, and be- 
come proud : Let not the proud oppreffe me. 

Verf. 123. Mine eyesfaile for thy fa faction: And 
for the word of thy right eoufnejfe. 

A third reafon, becaufe he is like to faint, and to lok hope by 
the Lords long delaying of delivery. Whence learn, 1. As men 
have received a greater meafure of faith, fo ufe they to get a 
greater meafure of trial, as here thisChampion isfuffcrcd to lie 
in trouble till he be like to (ink in it: Mine eyes f die for thy 
falvation. 2. Albeit the words of promile be neither performed, 
porliketobe performed, yet faith mould juttifie the promife, 
for true and faithfull: Mine eyes faile for the word of thy 

Vcrf. 124. Deal with thy fervant according unto 
P 3 thy 



'fhf mercy : a*d teach me thy flattttes 

I2 C # I am f&/ fcrvant, give me ander/tan 
that J may fyow thy tefiimonks. 

The fourth reafon of his petition for delivery and help, and 
for direction how to carry hinifelfe in trouble, in the mean time 
till delivery come, isbecaufe the Lord ufeth to deal with his fer- 
vants, not in juftice, but in mercy. Whence leam>'i. The 
coarfc of Gods dealing with his children, is not the rule of ftrid 
juftice, oi 4 the Covenant of works , but the way of mercy : Veal 
mtb.tby fervMt according to thy mercy, a. It mould fatisfie 
the I'tojueft of the child of God under perfecution, if God (hall 
direct: hito to walk holily and righteoufly. till the delivery come , 
and to profit in fanctijkation: "Deal with thy fervant according 
tor by mercy. andjeach me tby flatutes. 3. When tentatiort un- 
to af-beliefe dorh oppofe our petition,. or the reafon* thereof* 
it is wikldmc to refiftit>;aad to affert our intereft in the promifc, 
whatipeverl^ Qppofedi and topurfue our petition : 1 amtbyfer-* 
vdnty givt rat undtr {landings that I mxy kriow thy testimonies ♦ 

Verf. 12& It \$ time for thee, LO RD, to workj for 
they have made voih thy Law. 

The -fifth reafon of his petition, is becaufe the perfecutors 
were come to the height of finne > and did ftand in no awe of 
God, or his Word, but rejected it as a thing of nought. Whence 
lear'ity 1 ; As ftntiers grow in finne ti 11 they trample Gods law 
under their feet, fo according as they grow in their finne > the. 
time of Gods manifefting his juftice draweth near 5 It is time 
fo*tbee s Lord, to work.. ' 1, What perfecutors do intend, yea, and 
what their work of perfection driveth at, and intendeth, is put 
upon the persecutors fco;*c ; for they have made void thy Law, is 
charged upon them for their contravening of it fo groily, as 
if they had intended^ aholifh it. 

Verf. .127. Therefore I love thy Commandments a- 
hove gold, yea; above fine gold. 

128. There- 


128. Therefor* I e fit em all t hy precepts concern* 
. in£*a things to be right : and / hate ever) falfe 

The fixth reafon of his petition, is bccaufethe more the ^er- 
fecutors do go about to make Gods law. void, the Pfalniift was 
the wore zealoos for it, loved it, efiecmedof it, juftified it, and 
hated whatfoever was contrary to it fo much ihcmoiedl' whence 
lexrn r The hatred* of holineffe and of Gods truth, perceived 
intheperfecutors,fliouldftirreupthe love of the godly to the 
truth fo much the more, Therefore I love %]iy commxniments. The 
more that the wicked deipLe Gods Word, we fhould efteem the 
more of it ; I love thy ({ommxnis above gold, yex^pbpvc fine gold. 
The more tfuy wrangle^, and wreft it in any point, the more 
fhoulvl we defend and juftifie it in every point > Therefore I 
efteem thy precepts concerning alt thing; to be right. And the 
more-the wicked love wickedneffe, we fhould the more hate it, 
andTaU the branches of it s I hate every falfe way. 

■ .■■•"' ■ " Jxjj 


Intfusfectionhe pro-fefjeth, his high eftimation of,andaffe- 
ftionto the Word of-God, v. 119,1301, iji. and prayeth for 
the benefits which are offered; and may. be had in it ; in the reft 

of.thQ.leclion. . 

Verf. 129. Thy teflimonies Are wnderfnll: there- 
fore doth my foul heep them. 

130. The entrance of thy words glveth light: 
it giveth under flan ding unto thejtmple. 

13 r. 1 opened my mouth, and panted : for 1 longed 
for thy commandnitnis. 

He falleth here ina new admiration of the excellency of the 
V 4 • Word 

Word of" God, and in a vehement paflion oflove toward it. 
Wbtnctkarn^ i . As the Word of God in Scripture is wonder- 
full in it lelfe, and wonderfull in the operations thereof fo when 
it is bed feen, it is moft admired, and every new looking upon 
it, raifeth new admiration of it : Thy tefiimonies are wonder full* j 
2. The more the Word is admired, the more is it loved and iub- 
mitted unto, and more carneft defues are kindled to makeufe 
thereof in practice: Therefore doth my foul keep them. 5. The 
innermoft cabinet of a mans foul, is the proper cafe wherein to 
keep the knowledge of faith? love, and purpofe of obedience of 
God$ teftimonies: £My foul doth \eep them 4, Albeit the 
Word of God in Scripture be full of high myfteries, ytt ( which 
is indeed won4erfull ) it may be read with profit by fimple peo- 
ple^ any who defire knowledge; and it is fo plaine to every 
one who will be Gods difcrple, as it giveth light and direction 
prefently to the reader, in the m3ine points of falvatioh, and com- : 
kianded duties : The entrance of thy word giveth light. $. An 
humble foul loving to be inftrufted, albeit weak in 'natural 
judgement, (hall be made wiie to falvation by it : It giveth > nn- 
.< derftandingto the fimple. 6. The more a man know the won- 
derfwll excellency, ufc, and benefit of the Scripture, the more will 
he love it, and long to underftand more of it, as here the Pfalm- 
ifts experience teacheih ; J opened my mouth, I punted, for 1 long* 
edfor thy commandments. 7. Common and ordinary affection, 
or defirc atter 'he faving knowledge of the Scripture, is not fuffi- 
cknt, but affection earnestly bended, is recefiary according as 
the excellency of the wildome in it doth require: I opened my 
mouthy andpanted* S- The Word ofQodis nolefle neceffary, 
arid comfortable to a mans foul, then meat is to the hungry, drink 
to the thirfty, or coole aire to the weary : I opened my mouth and. 
panted. 9 When a mans affection and love to Religion is kind- 
led ,he hath great need to ftudy hard,to have found knowledg and 
underflandingoftheSrripture,lefthis Zealand affection mi r «. 
carry: 1 longed for thy commandments. 

Verf. j 3 2. Laokjkov ufon me s and be merclfull 
wto me \ as tboHufeft to do unto-tbofe that Uv.e thy 

Unto thisprofeffion of hiseftimation andWeftion unto the 




Scripture, he fubjoyncth four petitions for the right tifeand be- 
nefit thereof. The fiift s the lenfe bf that mercy which ispro- 
a naifed and ufually beftowed upon fuch as love the L^rd. tVbeuce 
1 learn 3 1. The Lord beftoweth bur fliort glimptc of his favour 
and reconciliation on his fervants, that they rr.ay finde their 
need to have thn fenfe often renewed unto them : Look thou upon 
me, and be mercifu "■ unto me. 2. As it is a mark of Gods child 
to finde in hioiitKe love of Gods Name, Go it is a mark put up- 
on him, to be vifited by God with gliinpfc of kindneffe, and 
mercy to him : Loo!<uponmc and be mercifullunto me, as tbou 
tifeftto dototbemthat lovetby Name- 3. Asit isgoodto mark 
Gods ufual dealing with his own children, lb it is good to ftudy 
conformity with Gods children in our afYe&ion to God, that 
we may finde conformity with them in confolation, for fo doth 
the Pfalmift here. 4. It is wifdome for us not to affect fingu- 

Strity of divine difpenfations toward us, but to be content tobe 
ealtwith as others of Gods children before us have been dealt 
with : Be mcrcifuU to me, as thou ufeft to do unto tbofc that love 
thy Name. 

Verf. 133. Order mj ftepts in thy word, and let 
not any iniquity have dominion over me. 

The fecond petition is for fanftification of his actions, and 
for mortification of finne. IVbercelexrn, 1, Albeit we have the 
Word of God for our perfect rule, yet we have need that God 
fhould fit m, and ftrengthen us te the obedience of it. : Order my 
ftepuintby word Albeit by nature we are ignorant and er- 
l roneous, unccrtaine and unliable in the way of Gods obedi- 
I ence, yet in the fenfe of our finne and weaknefle, we may pray 
I to God with confidence to be heard J Direct, order 5 and cftablifo 
my fteps in iby word : for fo much the Word in the Original 
doth import. 3. Albeit by nature we are flaves to finne, an4 ' 
I any finne may bring us in fubjection, yet when in the fenfe of' 
our weaknefle ; we have recourfeto (Jod to be helped, we may 
pray with hope to be heard :Let not any iniquity bane dominion 
over me* 


Ver. 134. DelivcrtncfrwthtPpprcJpon of man : 
fo Will 1 k*tp thy frccefts. 


3i 8 P$A;LME CXIX. 

The third petition is for delivery from the ooprefllon of per* 
fecutors, thatthey be not able to drive us from the belief and o T 
bedienefcofi Gods Word. Whence learn, 1. Betide the body of 
finne and inward tentations, the godly have the? perfection of 
the wicked without to drive them from Gods Yeryke, as this- 
prayer doth import. X. Whentfc, Lords fervants in the fenie 
oftheirweakneffe,dofeekhelpapinft perfecutevs, he both can 
and will deliver them either by breaking the yoke of the oppref- 
for,or by giving ftrength to them to b:ar out in holy obedience, 
of Gods Word, under the burthen : 'Deliver me from theoppref* 
fion of mm* $. The end of our feeking to be free,, from bodily 
bondage and trouble from men mould be, that we may fcrve 
God the more chearfully ; Deliver me 3 [0 mil I fyep thy 

Ver. 1 3 f . Make thy f dee tofbine upon thy fervant, 
and teach me thy flatutcs. 

The fourth petition is for fpiritual confoUtion,and increafe 
offandification*. iVhence learn . J.- Albeit the fenje of Gods fa- 
vour to us may be withdrawn for a time, yet the right which we 
have to God reconciled to ustoChrift, may bear us out in the 
hope of having it renewed unto us in his fervice : Ma\c thy f dee 
tofhineuponthyjervani. 2. Bccaufe the Lord ufeth, with the 
light of confolation, to give alfo the light of direction in duties 
we mould feek both, and wait for both from the Lord: tMika 
thy face to Jhinc,and teach me thy ft Mutes. 3. As there are de- 
grees of (jods manifefting of his favour, and degrees of profiting 
in the obedience of Gods Word: fo (hou Id we feck the increafe 
df both, and no meafure received mould binder the feeking of a 
greater meafure, as the often repeating of the fame petitions in 
effect doth mew :, ?Mx\e thy face to Jhine upon thy fcrvant, and 
teach me thy ftatutes, 

Ver, 136. Rivers of Waters runne down mine 

eyes : (?ecau[e they keep not thy LaW* 

. He addeth a reafon to this laft petition, becaufe k grieved 
him much to fee God difhonoured by them among whom he 
lived, and to fee them 3 by net obeying Gcds ftatutes, draw up- 


on themfdves Gods wrath. Whence learn, 1. He who is for- 
powfull for diplcafure and difhonour done to God, may look to 
be comforted by God, as the connexion of this reafon with the 
former petition doth teach, z. Truefcealisfo farre from pri- 
vate revenge of per fonal injuries received by perfecutors, as it 
can pitty their miferable cafe, and mourn for them: 7{ivcrsof 
waters tunnt down mine eyes, becaufe they keep not thy Law, $. 
(Godly affe&ions are larger then bodily expreffions can fet forth 
and that which bodily expreffions do fet forth, fonifieih a will 
to vent much more then the body could furniftu Rivers of wa- 
ters runne down mine eyes, becaufe they keep not thy Law. 

\ _ — • — '• — -■— - — * 


Ver. 137. Righteous art thou, LO R7) ) and 
upright are thy judgements. 

InthelaftverfeofthisfecYion,he prayeth for a greater mea- 
fure of the faving knowledge of the Scripture, moft ardently, and 
premifeth eight reafons before the prayer, from which he doth 
inferre his petition as a conclulion : The fiift reafon of this pe- 
tition's from the righteoufnefle of God, which appeareth irt 
the Scripture* and in the execution of Gods Word, Whence 
learn, I. The way fet down in Scripture for juftifying of men, 
and the way fet down for fan&ifying of men, and for the Giving 
of fuch as follow the way prefcribed of God for falvation, and 
thepunifhingoffuchas defpife the way of life prefcribed, are 
very righteous, when they are well confidered : Upright are thy 
judgements. 2. The way of righteoufnefle fet down, in Scri- 
pture, 3nd of execution made according to it, may be demon- 
strated by the eflential righteoufnefle of Gjds nature, becaufe as 
he is righteous, fomuft his Word and working conforme there- 
to be righteous alfo: Hjgbtcous art thou, Lord, and upright are, 
thy judgements. 

Verf. 138. Thy tejiimonies that thou hafi com- 
winded) arc righteous : and very faithful/. 



The fecond reafon of the petition is, becaufe the teftimonics 
of Scripture which God hath commanded us to believe and obey, 
are not only righteous but alfo very fait hfull> which can never 
faile a man that belie veth and obeyeth them t Whence learn, i. 
To the end that our faith and obedience may be folidly ground - 
ed 3 we muft hold for a foundation, that the Scriptures are righ- 
teous and true, and that every truth revealed therein, doth in- 
clude a command to believe it > and every duty of men declared 
therein, includeth a command to obey it : Thy tcjiimonies which 
•thou baft commanded , are righteous , and very faithfull. 
z. It is needfull for a believer to labour to have the 
impreffion of the truth, and righteoufnefle of the Word of God 
in Scripture (lamped on his own heart by freequent meditation, 
and acknowledgement thereof, as the Pfalmifts example here 
doth teach us. 

Ver. 139. Mf zeal hath confumed me\ becaufe 
mine enemies have forgotten thy Words. 

The third reafon of the petition is, becaufe his zeal co thd 
commands of God was fo great, as the opposition which his 
enemies made unto them, did torment him, and fuch zeal re- 
quired growing knowledge. tVhence learn, 1. Zeal had great 
need of found knowledge, that it mifecary not, and he that find- 
cth zeal kindled in his breaft, mould labour to informe him- 
felfe well, as the Pfalmift doth, v. 144. and here: My \eal hub 
confumed me : becmfcmine enemies have forgotten thy word.i.Holy 
aftedions are able to work upon the body, no letfe then com- 
mon and natural affections : My \exl hath confumed me* 3 . The 
Contempt and mifregard of the Word of God, perceived in any, 
efoecially in profeflbrs within the vifible Church, is a juft reafon 
of zeal,ajuftcaufeof grief and anger againft fuch workers of, 
iniquity : My \eal hath confuted me ^ becaufe mine enemies have 
forgotten thy word. 

•Ver. 140. Thy word is very pare : therefore thy 
fervant loveth it. 

The fourth reafon ofhis petition, is becaufe he feeth fuch ho- 
linefle and unrnixed truth in <?odsWordj as he cannot choofc 



but love it, and therefore muft pray tint he may know more of 
if. Whence learn, i.The Word of God is a Word clean from 
all mixture of flattery or falfehood, tried to be true in the expe- 
rience of all ages; Thy word is very pure. 2. New contemplation? 
of the excellency of the Word of the Lord, draweth forth new 
commendations of it, and raifeth frefh affection of love to it: 
Thy word is very pur t> therefore tbyfervant lovetb it. 

Ver. 141. /am fmaU gnd defpifed: yet dol not 
forget thy frccefts. 

The fifth reafon of his petition is, becaufe the Word of God 
held up his heart, and comforted him againft ail the contempt 
of men. Whence learn, 1 . The godly may readily lofe reputation 
at wicked mens hands, when they will not comply with their 
wickedneffc : I am [mall and defpifed. 2. Albeit we do lofe efti- 
mation for adhering to the Word of God, yet the Word fhould 
not lofe eftimation for that wkh us ; I am defpifed,yet do I not 
forget tby precepts. 

Verf. 142. Thy right etufneffe is an everlaftivg 
righteoufnejfe : and thy Law is the truth. 

The fixth reafon of his petition, is becaufe everlafiing righte? 
oufneiie, and everlaiting truth is in Gods Word, and may be 
found in experience by it. Whence learn, 1. This is the excel- 
lency ofthc Law of God above all the lawes of men, that not 
only it is righteous at the firft giving out, bu: alfo righteous in 
all ages and times; Thy rightcoufnefle is an everlafiing rigbte- 
cufneffe: and thy law is truth. 1. The rightcoufnefle which 
God hath devifed and fet down in his Word to juftifie finfull 
men, is an cverlafting rightcoufnefle, even the righteoufnefle by 
faithinJcfusChrift, borne witneffe unto by the Law and the 
Prophets : Thy righteoufnejfe is an everlafiing righteoufnejfe, and 
thy Law is truth. 3. Ic is good for the feeling and Itiengch 
ning of the holds of our faith, to confidcr again and again, 
what excellent profi: may be had by it : and how true it is, as here 
the PUjmift doth. 

Verf. 134. 


Ver, 143. Trouble and anguijhhavc taken hold 
ion me : yet thy Commandments are mj delight. 

The feventh reafon of his petition, 12 becaufe the Word of God 
hath been his delight, when trouble and vexation hath befallen 
him for obedience of it. Whence learn, u The believer is not 
exempted from outward trouble for righteoufnefle, nor from the 
vexation and inward anguifh of fpirit which may follow 
It: Trouble and anguifh have ta\en bold, on me. 2. After thac 
the believer hath felt his own weaknefle, and the force of trou- 
ble, he may expect victory .over trouble, and to be rid from the 
vexation of it, and brought even to rejoycing in tribulation.- 
jet thy Commandments Are my delight. 

Vcrf. . 144. The right eoufnejfe of thy teflimo^ 
tiies is everlafting: give me under fianding % and 
1 Jhalt live. 

The cfehch reafon of his petition, is becaufe life everlafting 
is to be had by the everlafting righteoufnefle fet down in Gods 
Word, therefore he prayeth to have more ur.derftanding there- 
of, that is, to have more clear knowledge and more ftrong faith 
inGodsteftimonies. Whence learn, 1. This is the main Do- 
ftrine in all the Word of God, to teach men concerning cverlafi- 
ing righteoufnefle, or how a man is juftiried before God, there- 
fore is this again repeated. Thy rigbtccujneffc, or, the righteouf- 
nefle of thy teftimonies is everlafting. 2. The belief or (aving 
underftandingofthis Doctrine brfngeth eternal life .co the be- 
liever .- and for this end being jo.yned as the laft rcafon with the 
former feven reafons, it fliould nuke a man leek to grow in the 
faith, or in the faving knowledge of the teftimonies of God 
fet down in his Word : (jive me under ft&niing, and J {ball 





Vcrf. 145. / cried With my Whole bedrt : hear* 
me, OLORD, 1 will keep thj flames. 

In this fiction he fallcthon another maine petition untoGod, 
foe reftoring unto him, and encreafing in {him the vigour of fpi- 
rituallife by his Word, v. '49- and to prefle this petition he u- 
feth foure arguments, iome going before, fome following aft ec 
it. Thefirft argumem harh foufe branches 5 the firft is^ be- 
caufe he had prayed earneftly before for quickening of him, that 
fo he might be enabled to ferve God. Whence learn, 1 . When 
the world is crying, Who will mew us any good thing ? this matt 
wUbing for pteafurc, and that man for riches, and he for ho- 
nour, and he for preferment, the Lords children mould be feek- 
ing grace to ferve God, as the Pfalmift did : I cried with my 
whole heart, bear m* Lord,and I mil keep tbfftatutcs. 2.When 
the conscience can bear witneffe of hearty feeking of °race to 
ferve God, the Supplicant may confidently call for, ana expe<5t 
comfortable quickening of his fplrlc unto Gods fervice, as the 
comparifonofthisverfe with the 149. verfe doth fhew. 3«What- 
foever fpiritual grace we ieek of God, we mould feek it ear- 
neftly: for if we feek it 3 fo as if we did not regard whether 
we obtained our requeft or not, fuch feeking mould under- 
value the grace which we feek j I cried with mj whole 

Verf. 146. I cried unto thee, fave me : andljhali 
keep thy teftimonies. 

Another branch.of the argument is, becaufc hedidnotpray 
.-for delivery out of bis trouble, for fatisfa&ion of his natural de- 
£ie, but that he might give further proof of hispurpofe to obey 



Gods Word Whencce learn y Thc conference of a fincere purpofe 
tofeekuod, may encourage us to leek both confolation, and 
lively a alky toferve him j I cried unto thee, fave me, and I 
Jb.Ul keep thy tcflimonics. 

Verf. 147. I prevented the dawning of the morn- 
ing, and cried 1 1 hoped in thy Word. 

A third branch of the argument is, becaufe out of hope to 
finde the fruit of Gods promifes, he had been early about the du- 
ty of prayer. Whevcc learn, 1. Prayer rtiould be earneftly fol- 
lowed and with no fmall diligence in ufing of the meanes, 
fpecially of prayer, fo the Lords children come by their holy 
defires, as here we fee 5 I prevented the dawning of the mornings 
and cried. 2. Looking unto the Word, doth furnifli faith and 
hope, and faith and hope do furnifli prayer, or elfe the Suppli- 
cant might foon faint : 1 cried, I hoped in thy Word. 

Vcr. 148. i^fine eyes prevent t he night-watches : 
that 1 might meditate in thy word, 

A fourth branch of the argument is, becaufe when his nights 
reft was broken by troubles, he did meditate on Gods Wordrwhen 
his perfecutors were fecurely fleeping. Whence learn, x. The 
difficultie wherein the Lords children arecaft mspy times, doth 
bereave them of their nights reft; Mine eyes prevent the night- 
watches, i. The time which folicitude doth take from our flcep, 
is to be fpent upon prayer and meditation of Gods Word, and 
not upon perplexing thoughts : {Mine eyes prevent the night* 
watches, that I might meditate U thy Word. 

Verf. 149, Heare my voice according unto thy /*- 
vingktndnefte : LQKD y quicken me according to thy 

This is the main petition in this fecT;ion,put up for renewing 
and encreafing in him the vigour of fpkitual life by faith in the 


t>SALME CXIX. 22$ 

Word, wherein he giveth a feccnd reafon of this his prayer i 
taken from Gods kind nefle exprefied in his promifes. Whence 
kirne, u Albeit a man had no fpccial promife of help in a 
particular excrcife of trouble, yet the confederation of Gods 
mercy and loving kindnefie, manifefted in general in his 
Word, is a fufficient ground to ftrengthen Vis hepe to be help- 
ed : Hear my vokc : according to thy loving \indneffe j qiiic^. u 
me accordingto thy judgements, a. As the fueling or ipiritual dead* 
nefle doth argue lite and fenfe in Gods children, fo doth it fit a 
iman for renewed influence, and feme of fpuituallife: OLord, 
qulcfienme according to thy tcftimonies. 

Verf. 150. The j draw nigh that follow after mi /- 
chief: they are far from thy law. 

151. fbouatt near % and all thy Commandments 
are truth. 

The third reafon of his petition is,becaufe his enemies were 
ready todohima mi/chief, and were far from regarding Gods 
law, but he believed God was the more near <o deliver him, 
and that his Word was true, and therefore he dcfireth renewed 
vigour of ipiritual life. Whence learn, 1. The more near that 
danger is, the more ground of confidence have Gods children 
in their danger, to call and hope for the influence of his Spirit 2 
They draw near that follow after mi f chief a. The further the 
enemies of thegodly are from Godslaw j and the nearer they arc 
to do a mifchicf, the nearer are Gods children tofindethe com- 
munion of the life of god j They draw near that follow after mif- 
chief, they arc far from thy law. 3, For the confolation of a fuf- 
fererforrighteoufnelTe, it is neceffary to believe Gods readinefs 
to deliver him, and to believe the truth of Gods Word, where- 
by his caufe is juflified $ for the following of Gods command, #is 
a pledge of Gods aflifting of him, and delivery alfo , no leffe then 
a promife; Thou art near > and all thy Commandments are 

Verf. 12. Concerning thy Teftimonies, 1 have 
kpotvn of old, that thou bufi founded them for ever* 


az6 PS A L ME CXIX. 

A fouvth reafon of the petition is becaufe he had long fincc expe- 
rience of the everlafting liability of Gods teftimonies,and thcrfore 
cravethto be quickned according to them. \V hence learn^ i.The 
faith of the {lability & unchangablenesof Gods Word in general, 
is a good mcanes of applying and making ufe of the paffages there- 
of in particular; Conccrningtby teftimonies, I fyiow tbxt tbon 
baft founded them \or ever. z. By-paft experience of the truth 
of Gods Word, is an encouragement to hope for help inlike 
trials afterward ; Concerning thy teftimonies, I ^norvof old 3 that 
tbou baft founded tbem for ever. 


Vcrf. i J 3. Confider mine ajfliftion^ud deliver me: 
for I do not forget thy Urv. 

In this fcftion he prayeth for delivery out of his affliction, 
and for qaickening of him, by confolation and fpiritual ability, 
to ferve God till the delivery came; and to ftrengthen himfelf 
in the hope of obtaining this, he bringeth forth eight reafons 
of his petition. The firft is, the confeience of his adherence un* 
to, and endeavour to obey the Lords Word. Whence learn, 
1. Albeit the Lord cannot but fee and confider our trouble, yet 
we can hardly reil fatisSed, till he by real effect make it evi- 
dent that he pitkth us in our affliction, and delivereth us out 
of it: Confider mine affliclion, and deliver me. z. As no 
trouble or tentation fhould drive us from the obedience of Gads 
Word, fo the more clofely we adhere to the Word in the obe- 
dience of faith, the more may we be allured to be delivered; 
Deliver me, for 1 do nut forget thy law. 

Ver. 1 54, Plead my caufe^ and deliver me: quick: 
en me according to thy fVord, 

He urgeth the fame petition, and infinuateth a fecond reafon 



.for it, From the Lords engagement by his Word, to be Advo- 
cate for him,to deliver him, aid to quicken him, Whence lexrnc± 

1. Albeit the godly under perfection have a good caufc, y< r rhcy 
cannot plead~it,exceptGod thei: Redeemer fhewhimfeff as Advo- 
cate for them ' therefore prayeth the Pfalmift, Plead mycaufe. 

2, When God the Redeemer plcadeth amansc^ufe, hedothk 
to purpofe really and efre&ually : Plead my cm fc^nd deliver me. 
5. Except the Lords Clients (hall finde new influence from 
God from time to time in their troubles , they are bat as dead 
men in their exercife : tor,«^*V^w mc,importeth this v. Till 
we find lively encouragement given to us in creuble,wc muft ad- 
here to the Word of promifc;^/*;/^/ me according to thy Word* 
5. What the believer hath need of, that God hath not only a 
will to fupply, but alfoan office t0 3ttend it* and power to effe 
ctuateit, as here he hath the office of an Advocate, and of & 
powerful T^tdecmer dfo, wherein the believer may confidently 
give him daily employment, asheneedeths i lead my caufej ani 
deliver me> quicken me according to thy Word. 

Ver. ijj. Salvation is far from the tvicfad: for 
theyfee\ not thy fiatntes. 

Athird reafon of his petition of delivery is, becaufe the wick- 
ed who mifregardGods commands when they fal into trouble, are 
far from delivery. Whence learn, 1. The wicked have neirhec 
■ rght to falvation, nor to temporal delivery from trouble when 
, they fall into it i Salvation is for from the r^kkpd. 2. It is ths 
I mark of a wicked perfon to mifiegard, or not to care to know 
j and obey Gods Word ; Silvxtion is fir from the tficked, fit 
! tbcy/celi not thy ft Mutes. 5. Salvation is near to thole that make 
! conscience to obey Gods Word, how ftrait foever their con- 
dition (hall feem, for fo much doth the force of this reafon im* 
t pore. 

Ver. I5& Great arc thy tender mercies, 
L O R1) f quick<n nte according to thj jtidge* 


A fourth reafon of his petition is, becaufc Gods tender mercies 
are <? reat,and therefore the Pi'alnaift may expect the influence of ' 
life till he be delivered. Whence learn , i. When the godly do 
thinkoi- fpeakof thedamnable condition of the wicked, they 
fliouldnotbefenfelcik of their own defetving, nor of Gods 
grace, which hath made the difference between the wicked and 
thems Great arctby tender mercies, Lo*d. z. As the mer- 
cies of the Lord, which are the fountain of all the benefits 
which the believer doth ask, arc very excellent in themfelves: 
fo are they in the eftimation of the believer, when he look- 
eth upon them : they are many and mother-like, tender and 
great* Great are thy tender mercies >0 Lord. 3. Spiritual life 
is fubjed to often fainting, and hath need frequently to be fup- 
ported and reftored by the believers looking on thepromile, 
and prefentingof his cafe unto God on the one hand, and by 
Gods granting of the petition on the other hand : Quicken mi 
wording to tby judgements. 

Vcrf. 157- Many arc my ferfecutors , and mine 
enemies*, yet do I not decline from thy teftimo* 

Afifthreafon of his petition is, becaufe he had manyperfe- 
cutois, and yet did adhere to Gods Word, Whcncelcarn, i.As 
it is no ftrange thing to fee the godlieft men expofed moft to 
perfection s^fo it is nofmall meafureof grace which God be- 
jloweth on them, to bear out the truth againft all oppefition; 
Many are my perfecutors and mine enemies, yet do I not decline 
fromtkyteftimmics. 2. He whocontinuethinthe faith and 0- 
bedience of the Word againft perfecution, may exped fuftenancc 
and confolation in his trouble* and delivery out of it; for this 
is the force of the reafoa. 

Vcrf. 158. I Meld the tranfgrejfours, and "icxi 
grieved ; btcauft they kept not thy Word. 

Afixth reafoncf his petition is, becaufe he was forrovvful ta 



fee his enemies provoke God by their tranfgre (lions. Whence 

learn, i. Anger, grief, indignation and loathing (which the 

•word in the original doth bear) are lawful in Gods quarrel a- 

fainft finj/ beheld the tranfgYcftors.and was grieved, beuufc they 
jpt not thy word. 2. He who is anv&ed with grief, anger and 
vexation for Godscaufe, when he feeth God provoked by tranf- 
grefibrs, may expect confolation and ftrength to himfelf in the 
defence of </ods caufc a as the force of the reafon doth im- 

Ver. 159. Consider how 1 love thy Precepts: 
quicken me, O LORD, according to thy loving kind* 

A feventh reafon of his petition is, becaufe he did fincerely 
love the Lords Word 3 and [therefore expected to be quickened 
in the fenfe of Gods kind nefle. Whence learn, 1, It is a mark 
of true zeal for God, which floweth from love of the Lords 
Word, and he who findeih this mark in himfelf, may offer it to 
God for a proof of his fincerity; CoJifidcr bow I love thy Pre- 
cepts* 2. He who can approve his love toGoJsWord, and his 
zeal for God to be Gncere, may expect confolation and ftrength 
from God in his need, as the reafon doth prove, j. So oft as 
we finde deadneffe in our fpirits, fooft fhould we run to Gods 
kindneiTe, the fountain of life to repaircic : ^uicfien tnc, Q 
Lord, according to thy loving fyndneffe. 

Vcrf. i£o. Thy Wofd\% true from the beginning: 
and every one of thj righteous judgements endurctfr 
for ever. 

The eighth reafon cf his petition is, beciufe the Word of 
God, ana every part of it, according whereunro he craved c m- 
fort and delivery out of his trouble, was true and unchangeable 
for ever. Vj/hcnce learn, 1. Such is the excellency cf the 
Word of God, as neither it can be Efficiently commended, nor 
the believer fatishe himfelf in commmendation thereof, as 
this Among many commendations doth tcfline. i. Truths and 

Q. i & 


all truth is the fhoit famine of the whole Scripture, from rho 
beginning to the ending of itnorhing but truth; nothing al-, 
lowed in it but righreoufncne : Thy Wor l is true ft om tlx begin* 
ping, andcvery one of thy righteous judgements endure for ever. 
3« He who foundeth his prayer to comfort and delivety on the 
rock o> Go is fiithful and righteous Word, may be fare to obtain 
his requeft : as the force of this; reafon doth evidence. 


Verf. 161. Princes have perfecuted n>e without 
a canfe j but mj he Art fiandeth in atyt of thj 


In this feftion, he taketh comfort by fix approved evidences 
of faving grace felt in himfelf, which he prelenteth unto CJod 
to be fealed by him. The ft/ft evidence is his adherence to the 
obedience of faith, notwithstanding of his being perfecuted by 
Princes. Whence learn 3 i . It is a fore tentation when the goU 
ly are perfecuted for righteouineite by their Govetnours, by 
whom they mould be encouraged and defended, and yet this ex- 
£rcife of the godly is no ftran^e matter : Princes have per fecutei 
me without a caufc . i. As it is an eafe, and a piece of comiort to 
the godly, that they have not deferved perfecution: fo their in- 
nocency is an aggravation of the fin of the perfecutor, as here; 
They have perfecuted me without a cwfe* $• There is no means 
to favcus from (inning for fear of men, butthefear of the tu- 
preme power of the Almighty > *Biu my heart ftandeth in awe of 
thy wordy which is all one as to ftand in awe of God. 4- To 
bear out perfecution of Princes, out of refped to the obedience 
of Gods Word, and fear to offend G od, is a mark of faving grace, 
as here it is brought forth. 

Verf. 162. 1 rejojee at thy Word*, as one that 
fin deth great fyoilc^ 



The feeond evidence of faving grace in him, is a greater joy 
felt in Gods Word, then in any thing in the world, yea, fuch 
a joy, as the greatcft joy of worldly men, is but a fhadowing fi- 
militude ef it. Whence learn, 1. He that feareth to offend 
God more then he feareth to fall into any worldly inconvenience, 
may rejoyce in the obedience of faith more then in any worldly 
advantage, as the experience of the Pfalmi ft doth teach, who 
faith; My bean flood in awe of thy Word, when Frinces did 
perfecuteme, and fubjoyneth, I rejoyce in thy Word, as one that 
findetb great fpoile. i. The joy of a believer, which he fmdeth 
in the obedience of faith, is To great, as the joy which a Vi&oj: 
in battel doth finde in the fpoile of his defeated enemies, which 
is butaihadowofit, albeit the joy of delivery from death, the 
joy of vi&ory 3 the joy of riches, honour and peace, and eafe 
arejoyned in the Victors breaft altogether onafudden: I re- 
joyeedatthy JVord, as one that findetb great fpoile. 3. The jun- 
cture of fear to offend God, and joy in obedience of him, is a 
mark of a gracious fpirit, as the Pfalmifts producing of it as 
a mark of grace in him m aketh evident. 

Verf. 163. / hate and abhor lyeing J but thy Law 
elo I love. 

The third evidence of faving grace in the Pialmift, is his 
joynt hating and abhorring of all fin, and loving of the obedi- 
ence of Gods Word. Whence learn, 1. As the [peaking of 
untruth, or concealing of truth which mould be con fe fled, is a 
lying \ fo every contravening of profefled obedience unto Gods 
Word, is a work of lying and felt-deceiving, which a beleevcr 
fliould hate and etc hew: I hate and abhor lying, z. Slight ha- 
tred of aliriful courfe, is nor fufficient to guard a mariagainft 
it: for where the enmity is not great, the mars agreement 
with fin may foon be made, but fuch abhorring and deadly ha- 
tred of fin is required, as cannot admit reconciliation : / bate 
and abhor lying. 3. Hating and abhorring of all fin arifing 
from, and joyned with the love of Gods Word, isafolid mark 
of faving grace : for abhorring of feme fin, and of all /in, for 
temporary reafons, may prove unlonnd; but this isfinccrity, 
when a man can fay, I hate and abhor lying, but thy Law do I 

Q.4- Vcr. 


Ver. 164, Seven time* a day do 1 fraife thee: be* 

tAHJe of thy righteous judgements. 

The fourth evidence of faving grace in the Pfalmift> is the 
frequent admiration of thegoodneffc of God to man, fet forth 
in Gods Word, with hearrypr ailing of God for it- Whence 
kMr^ 1. As the ftudying of the Word of God bringeth the be- 
liever to fee his own blefledneiTe revealed in it ; fo it bringeth 
him alfoto admire and praife God for that and for all his 
righteoufnefle declared in it: Seven times a day do I pYdife 
tbee 3 becaufe of thy rigbtcow judgements. 2. The more a man 
difcover Gods glory in the Woad, and be taken with the love of 
God, and admiration of God for what he fceth , and doth make 
life of Gods Word unto Gods praife, the more clear evidence 
hath he of the work of Living grace in himfelf, as here the 
fcfalmift maketh ufe of the mark ; Seven times a day do I praife 
ibee, becaufcoftby righteous judgements. 

Verf* 165. Great peace have they which love thy 
law: and nothing fia/l offend them. 

Tor confirmation of the former marks of faving grace, he 
commendeth the love of Gods Word, by two notable effects } 
One is, that it bringeth a glorious peace with it : Another is, 
that it maketh a man hold on the way of Gods obedicncc,what? 
foever impediments or ftumbling blocks (hail be call: in his way. 
VVbevce kxtniy j. The receiving of the truth of God in love, 
giveth great peace, peace paflfing understanding: for the law of 
works doth fhew a mans debt and danger, and the beleever fub- 
fcribeth lovingly to the juftice thereof : and the law of faving 
faith fhewethremiflion of fin, righteoufnefle and eternal life 
through the Meffiah Jcfus Chrift, and the beleever embraceth the 
offer heartily : and the law of new obedience diredcth the ju? 
flified m3n how to go on to the full poffelTion of blefledneite,ancL 
the believer doth heartily take on this holy yoke upon him, and 
fohcwalketh as a man reconciled with God, and at peace with 
him: Grexi -[ejeebave tbey ycho love thy lm>. 2. Albeit there 



be many ftumbling blocks and impediments to divert the belee* 
' cr, from the obedience of Gods Word, arifing from theterrour 
and allurements of the world, from the troubles and exercifes 
of the godly, from the fcandals given by Profeflbrs, and fuchlike* 
yet the love of Gods Word is able to carry a man ftraiton his way 
to heaven without ftumbling or turning afide to the one hand 
or the other : Great peace have they who love thy Urv } and »$- 
thing fhall offend them. 

Verf. ^66. LORD, 1 have hoped for thy fahati^ 
en : and done thy Commandments. 

The fifth evidence of faving grace in the Pialmift is, the 
confeiencepf his found faith and obedience. Whence learn, 
1. Sound hope of falvation is joyned with the care of keeping 
;he Commandments ; for he who hath this hope purifieth him- 
ielf, that he may be holy: Lord, I have hoped for thy falvation, 
and done thy Commandments. 2. As none can have heart or 
hand to keep Gods commands except he have hope to be helped 
out of every trouble wherinto he may fall, and to 6e fully faved at 
laft ; fo he who hath the hope of falvation, hath great encourage- 
ment unto obedience, and where the conjunction of thefe two 
are found, the man hath evidence of faving grace, and boldnefs 
to 20 to God in this confidence* as the Pfalmift dcth> Lord, 
I have hoped for thy falvation , and done thy Command* 

Ver. 167. My foule hath kept thy Teflimomes: 
and I love them exceedingly. 

1 68, 1 have kjept thy Precepts and thy Tiftimonies: 
for all rnj wajes are before thee. 

Theftxth evidence of faving grace is, the approved teftimo- 
nyof his conscience concerning thcfincerity of his heart* and 
that after a new examination of the foundnefie of former marks, 
which here a: clocked upon over again , and prefented to God 
With other three marks of finccrky, towit, ipivitualnefs in o- 
bedience, exceeding love to the VVord* and daily waiting as in 



the fight of Goy\. Whence learn, i . After a believer hath found 
marks offaving grace in himfelf, it is wifdome for him to exa- 
mine thefe marks over again, whether they be to him indeed 
and in truth or not: for if they be indeed in him, how weak 
foever they be* and albeit joyned with imperfections, if compa- 
red with the perfect ion of the moral law, yet will theybeare 
weight in the balance of the Cjofpel, ('where any meafure of up- 
rightneffe pafleth for perfection, J as here the example of the 
Pfalmift doth teach, i. Where the foul, or the renewed part 
of the man is for the obedience of faith, there is a fincere keep- 
ing of the commands : My foule bath kept thy tcftimonies. 
3. Where the love roC/ods Word, and the obedience there- 
of exceedeth the mans love to any thing which might divert him, 
there is afincerity in keeping of the V Vord ; I love thy tejlimo- 
Tiies exceedingly. 4, As the looking al waves unto Gods all-feeing 
eye, is a fpecial meanes to make a man keep his commands : fo 
the confeience of his endeavour fo to do, teftifieth finccrity; 
I have kept thy Precepts and thy Tefti monies : for all my myes 
are before thee. 


Vcrf. T49. Let my cry come near before thee, 
LORD: give me under {landing according to thy 

In this laft fection , he clofeth ali the former fweet meditations, 
and comfortable expr.effions concerning his faith and love, and 
the fruits thereof, with five petitions. Thefirftis, for the cn- 
creafe of faving knowledge of the Scriptures. Whence lam, 
1. Nothing is foneceffary to be fought of God as practical 
knowledge, whereby a man may know how to behave himfelf 
toward God and man in every eftate, according to the rule of 
Scripture ; Give me under {landing according to thy word. 2. Tf 
God delay to anfwer us in this petition or any other, or feem to , 
hide himfelf from us let us follow hard after him with earneft 
Application , as the Pfalmift teachethus; Let my cry com near 



Uforetbce>OLord, $.Thepromifes of Gods iWord are fuf* 
ficient to give us breath in crying, and hope to have a good an* 
1 fwcr, ano patience till it come: Give me understanding accord- 
ing to thy Word. 

Ver, 170* Let my fupplications come before thai 
de ! iver me according to thy Word. 

The next petition is, for deliverance out of his trouble* 
JPhence learn* r. Albeit the believer is not exempted from 
trouble, but rather engaged to bear thecrofle, till he come to 
the crown 3 yet is lie priviledged to have accefle to God in pray* 
er for comfort, ftrength and deliverance from it s Let my (up • 
plication come before thee r deliver me according to thy Word. 
2. T he believer craveth nothing but what is promhed 5 andas 
that may 3 fo it doth fatisfie him": Deliver rrx &. cor ding to thy 

Vetf 171. My lips Jbal I utter praife : when thou 
haft taught me thy ftdtutes, 

1 72. My tongue $ til rpeak^ of thy Word: f*r all 
thy Commandments aiengbtecUjnefs. 

He ftrengthens his hope in thefe two prayers, by a promife of 
thankfulnefs for any meafuie of a gracious anfwer. Whence 
learv m 1. Astheend of our petitions fhould be that we may be 
enabled to praife God really, 10 theufeof granting of our pe- 
titions fhould be rhanks and praife ; My lips Jhatt utter thy 
praife, when thou haft taught me tby fiatutes. 1. Tbankfgiving 
in words doth beft beseem the man, who indeed is obedient in 
his lite unto God : and as no man can ooey God in his deeds, 
but he that istaughr of God, fohe thar is taught of God to o- 
bey in deeds, may well promife upon that condition, to praife 
God in words al for My lips (halt utter praife, when thou haft 
tanght me thy iatutes. $. To teach others the waves of God, 
requireth ~hat we our {elves be taught of God; 'When thou 
iaft taught me thy flmtcs> my tongue flail (pcah K of thy Word. 
4. There is no ground of edifying our fclvesand others, and of 



glorifying of God, but from the Word of the Lord ; My tongue 
Jhallfpeak of thy Word. ? . True righteoufnefs is to be found 
only in the Word of Gods and nothing is approved in it, nor^ 
recommended to us by it, fave righreoufneiYe only, which fliould 
move us thy more to ftudy it our felves, and then to communi- 
cate it to others ; For all thy Commandments are rigbtcoufe 

Ver. 173, Let thine hand he'p me: for I have 
ckofen thy Trecepts. 

174, 1 have longed for thy falvation y LORD : 
and thy Law U my delight. 

A third petition is for a ffi fiance in trouble, till God fliould 
fend full delivery to him, whereof three rea tons arc fubjoyned : 
One, from his making choice of the Word above all earthly 
things: Another, from his longing and expecting of deliver- 
ance according to it : And the third, is from his delight in the 
Word. Whence learn, i.As they who are refolved to ierve God 
maybefureofoppofnion, and of adverfarics, and of trouble 
from them : fo may they be perfwaded to finde Gods help in all 
their troubles againfl: adverfaries, for this much is imported in 
thofe words, Let thy band help me. 2. A : beit allurements to 
divert the believer from Gods obedience, be offered unto him, 
yet muft he reject them , and deliberately prefer Gods obedi- 
ence to them all : for thus much is imported in the Pfalmifts 
practice: For 1 have cbof n thy? rccepts. $. He who hath pre- 
ferred obedience to the baits of fin, and tnth refolved rather to 
fuffer then to fin, may look for Gods affiftance to fuftain him in 
his trouble, that he (hall never have caule to repent him of his 
choice: Help me, for I have chofenthy Precepts. 4. Albeit it 
be natural to feek deliverance out of trouble, yet it is proper to 
the godly to love no deliverance but fuchasGbd fendethbyhis 
cwnemcancsin his own time, and in this minde to wait for this 
fort of deliverance in the way of Gods obedience; For I have 
longed for thy falvation, O Lo*d, was the Pfalmifts way to be de- 
livered. 5. The beleever is not comfortlcfle in his trouble, he 
hath hisownfpiritual comfort, pleafure and delight in Gods 
truth or in God manifeftcd therein i Thy Law U my delight, 
faith the P/almift in trouble. 



1 Ver. 175, Let mj [oule live, and it /hall praife 
thee : and let thj judgements help me. 

A fourth petition is^for continuation of his life for honouring 
of God. Jfkwce learttyi . As the s;odly have no will to fall into th# 
hands of men, or to lofe their life by murtherers : fo do they 
not love life, but for further glorifying of God: Let my foule 
live><md it [lull praife tbce. i.Whofoever have a defign to honour 
God in their life, which defign they have not as yet attained,may 
lawfully pray for prolonging their life a while J Let my foule live, 
and it fall fulfe tbcc. $. As the Word of God hathpro- 
nourced fencence already for the fuftaining of his fuffcrinj 
fervants, and for taking order with their perfecutors : fo accord- 
ingly may the godly pray and exped to be helped; Let thy judge- 
ments kip me. 

Ver. 1 j6. I have gone affray like aloft (heep^fee^ 
thy fervant : for I do not forget thj Command- 

The fifth and Iaft petition is, that the Lord would recal the 
Pfalmift, now being a banilhed exile, and bring him home 
to the communion of his people., as a wandring fheep is brought 
home to the flock by a kindly fliephcrd. Whence lexrn^ 1 . As 
the beleever is alwayes a pilgrim in his affection toward this 
eaith:Lo alfo he may be corporally banifhed from his native coun- 
trey, and thruft ouc f om the fcllowfhip of the Church, as th* 
experience of the Pfalmiit teachcth, who doth lament his cafe, 
faying, lb Ave gone aftray Ufa a lift foeep , driven out by ftorme 
or dark day 5 or by the hunting of the dogs, 'chafed out from 
the reft of the flock. 2. Albeit the banifhed bdeeverbe fepa- 
rated from the fellowftiip of the Church, and from his friends y 
yet not from communion with God the good fhepherd, who 
hcareth the bleating of the poor wandering fheep whereever it be, . 
and will rake care oi' it, and feek it out .' Seek tby fervent, faith 
the exile Pialmiil unto the Lord. $ . The way for the beleever 
to keep communion with God in his trouble of banifhment or 
whatsoever other trouble, is to remember the direction of God 
\ in his Word, for going on in the way of faith and obedience, and 
be may affure hiwfell that the good fliepherd (ball not forget 



him : Seek, thjf [ervant, for I do not forget thy Comnm&+ 


THe fcope of this Pfalme is, by the experience of the 
Pfalmift, to teach and comfort fuch as (hall be traduced, 
andfalfcly flandered. His exercife and deliverance isfetdown 
fummarily, v» i . And his prayer in his diftreffe, more largely 
in the reft of the Pfalme* 

Ver. I. TN my diftreffe I cried unto the 
JLLORD j and he heard we. 

From his exercife in general, and deliverance ; Lan, i.Thc 
godly oft-times are put to ftraits and perplexities, tha: they 
know not what to do till they go to God by prayer : lu 
my diftrejfe I called unto the Lord. 2. Diftreffe is a means 
to make prayer fervent , and fervent prayer wanteth not 
a good anfwer : I cried unto the Lord , And be beard 

Ver 2. Deliver my foule^ LORD, from lying 
lips : and from a deceitful tongue. 

In the reft of* the Pfalm he firft puts up his petition to be 
favecf from rhe bloody tongue of the calumniator, v. 2, and 
then denounceth Gods judgement againft him, v. 3*4. and 
dofeth with a lamentation, v. 5,6, 7. 

From his particular petition; Le<irn> itHow innocently fa* 
ever the godly (hall behave themfelves, yet are they fubjeftto 
the bitter back-biting of bloody calumniators, traducing them, 
and forging lies againft them, to make their Governours, and 



Tu<5*es fall upon them, as the Pfalmifts experience (heweth : 
Wetivcrmyfoulc, or my life, Lord, from lying lips, and from 
4 deceitful tongue, i. Albeit the innocent beleever can findc 
nomeanesto refute the calumnie, nor be able to efchew the 
danger wherein to he is caft thereby , yet God can finde a 
way for clearing of his name, and faving hisperfon, as 
the prayer teacheth: Deliver my foulc, O LOKD, from lying 

Vcr» 3. what fhall be given unto thee? or what 
fhall be done unto theejhou faife tongue? 

4. Slurp arrows of the mighty ? With codes of 

He denounceth Gods judgement ag3inft the calumniator,how~ 
ever the matrer (hall go. Whence learn, 1. The calumniator 
hath as little advantage by his fin, as any fort of (inner, but for 
the judgement of God he is fure of it : For what fhall be given 
unto tbcetthou falfe tongue ? 1 . The traducer of the godly hath 
exquifite vengeance waiting for him,which he never dreamed of 3 
and which no tongue can fufficiently expretfe ; What fhall be 
I done unto thee, thou falfe tovgne ? 3. As calumnies do hurt 
I the name of the godly fuddenly, before he can be aware, and 
the wound rcmawieth long, a sari owes (hot againft them; and 
as the coales of Juniper have the greateft heat, and burne long 
ere they be quenched: fo (hall the judgement of the calumnia- 
tor be : Sbxrp arrowes of the mighty, or (hot by a ilrong man, 
and i odes of jumper* 

Ver. 5. Wo Urne^ that 1 fojourne in Mefechy that 
Td^eU in the tents of Kedar. 

6. My fqule hath long dwelt with him that bar 
teth peace. 

7. I&mfotpeace, but when 1 fpeak % they are for 

In his lamentation i Learn } l< Falfe brethren counterfeit 



profeflbrs of Religion, rotten members of the vifible Church 

arc no better neighbours then favage and wilde Barbarian? 

robbers>Mufcovites,and Arabians, Men ofdfaf&byand ^edar 

without the veree of the vifible Church; 2. It is a woful] 

condition to dwell among the wicked, and yet the godly cannot 

cfchew it, they may well lament it : Wo is me that I fojourne in 

Me fecb, that I dwell in the tents of tfydar. 3. So long as the 

godly live among wicked calumniators , they reckon them- 

lelves 1 as baniftied men living in a forrcigne Countrcy , 

and are made oft-times to lament their condition: Wo U 

me that I fojourn in Mefcb, and dwell in the tents oft&dar. 4. A 

man mould have a great caufe of lamenting before he give vent 

10 his wo : his patience mould do its part for afufficient long 

time, in hope to nave the evil remedied: for the Pialmift doth 

not break forth at firft, but faith, &4y foul bath long dwelt with 

bim that batetb peace. ?. It is not fufficientto live innocently 

with the wicked, but duty requireth that we mould labour to 

mitigate thefuryofadverfaries,as the Pfalmitt did: I am for 

peace* 6. Ifpeacebeftudied with thofe among whom we do 

live, and we obtain it nor, yet fhall the ditty 0? the wicked be 

fo much the more augmented thereby; When Ifpeake^tbe^ art 

for warre* 


A Song of degress. 

The fcope of this Pfalme is to /hew, that howfoever we ard 
ready to feek help any where elfe, rather then in God, yet no 
help is to be had, except frorh God : perfeft help, and full deli- 
very is to be had in him undoubtedly, as the Pfalmifts experi- 
ence and example of faith do teach : wherein the Pfalmift 
leaving all other confidences be fide God, betakethhim to God 
Almighty only, v. 1. z. And from his own experience, giveth 
encouragement to all Gods people to place their confidence in 
God alone, by fix promifes, in the fix verfes following* to the 
end of the Plalmc. 

Vcrf r 



Verf. 1. T fyiS lift ttp mine ejes unto the hills 
X from whence cometh mj help. 
2> Mj help cometh from the LO RT>^ which 

made heaven and earth. 

f rem the Pfalmifts example and cxercife ; Learn, i. The 
Lord ufeth to bring fuch double upon his own children, as mall 
make them fenfible of their own weakneflc, and of their need of 
help 5 For otherwayes we are ready to encouuter with imaller 
troubles, in our own ftrength : I will lift up mine eyes to the bills \ 
from whence cometh my help. z. Some one earthly power or 
other, is the 6r ft refuge which naturally wedolok unto, to fee 
what help may be found there : which our natural inclination 
thePfalmift tateth indirectly in the name of lifting the eyes to 
the billsyio wit, to the powers ofthe world, rather thsn to thehea- 
venly hills of Gods omnipotency •> llift upmineeyes unto the 
hills) not thefe earthly ones) will he fay, which I fee cannot heip 
me, but to hills higher then the higheii earthly help, as after* 
wardhemaketh clear. $. Nothing can fatishe faith, except 
the allufficiency of God, who made heaven and earth of nothing* 
and can give help where there is no appearance or reliet : 3\if 
help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. 

Verf. 5. He rriS not (uffer thy foot to be moved* 
he that \eepeth thee mil toot JlfHtofor* 

For the confirmation of his own faith, and the faith of others* 
that they may reft on God* and depend upon him only Fqr re« 
liefein their ftraits, whether they have means of delivery, or not* 
he bringeth forth fix pronlifes of God unto the fyelic ver i for t>ur 
faith being weak hath need to have the promifes of God branched 
Into fmall parts, and multiplied in particulars, that fo they may 
be the more eafiTy applied. The firft promife is in this verfei 
Whence learn, i . Albeit the believer be oMiimfelfe weak and 
ready to fall, yet the Lord will fare him from ruinc, and keep 
him faft in the defence ofthe truth for which hcis put in ftraits * 
Hewitt not [uffer thy foot to he moved. 2. The providence of 
God is fo vigilant for thefafety of the beleevcr, as the believer 

K acedcth 

2 4 2 PS? A L ME CXXI/ 

necdethnot to fear, left he fu tier any inconveniency by God* 
oversight 5 for, He thatficcpetb thee mil not/umber. 

Ver, 4. BehcU.he that keepeth lfrAel, firil mi* 
ther {lumber norflfep* 

A fecond promife made to all Gods peopkj which al r o con- 
firmeth the former promifc. Whence learn, 1. The Lord is 
keeper and watchman over his Church, and every member 
thereof, and this is his Stile and memorial in all ages: Beiiold, 
he that facpetb Ifrael, fiall neither (lumber nor Jlccp. z. The 
right which p articular believers have unto promifes, doth belong 
unto them, becaufc they are made to the Church, over which 
the Lord taketh fuchca»e,as he never in no moment of time 
faileth in his attending the Church, and every particular mem- 
ber thereof: He thxt ^cepetb Jfrael, Jhatt neither flumber ner 

Ver. 5. The L R D\s thy keeper : the LORD 
15 thy Jhade upon thy right hand. . 

The third promife particularly directed to the believer, in- 
cluding the Pfalmift himielfe. Whence learn, 1.. Albeit the 
believer hah net a promife,to be free from trouble and perfecu- 
tion, yet he liath a promifc of confolation in it, and of defence 
from the hurt of it : The Lord is thy peeper, the Lord. U tby fhadc* 
2. When trouble comeih the Lord is not fane to feck, but is 
ready to be found, for protection and confolation; The lord U 
tby fade Kpon thy right hand. 

Verf. 6. The Sttnne flail not fmite thee by day : nor 
the Moon by night. 

The fourth promife made with allufionunto, and* application 
cf that cave which God had over his people, when he brought 
themoutofEg/pr through thewildernefs,whom he guarded them 
from the heat of the Sunne, by a cloud by dayj and from the 
cold and rnoiftnefis of the night and Moon, by a pillar of fir 


by night. Whence learn, i. Albeit the believer be fubjeft td 
fundi y perils from adverfity, and profperity, from one adverfary 
power at one time, and from another adverfary power at ano- 
ther time; yet the Lord fo careth for him, and l'o terhperateth, 
and moderate* his cxercifes, that he (hall be fure not to be 
harmed, in order and relation to the carrying on of his felicity: 
The Sunnc fall not [mite thee by day, nor the Mom by mgpU *; 
What care the Lord had over his people in the wildernefle, the 
fame hath he ftill over every believer, as the application ofr the 
like mercy doth rtiew : The Sunnc fall not fnutt thee 93 
ddy : &c. 

Ver. 7. The LoRDfhatlprefcrve thee from aft tvil % 
he JbaR preferve thy fouL 

From the fifth promife; Learn, ii Whatibever trouble fliall 
befall the believer, he fliali be freed from the evil of it, becaufe 
God (hall make all troubles work together for his good : Tbi 
Lord Jhatl pre [crve thee from ail evil. i. If the believer lofe any 
thing by trouble, he mill not lofe what is moft precious; the 
Lord mall fave his foul, and (Co long as it is expedient) hig 
bodily life alio ; He fall preferve thy [out. 

Ver. S . The LORt) (hall preferve thy going 
tut^ and thy coming in : from this time forth % and iw 
for evermore^ 

Prom the fixth promife • Learn, \. Albeit all men have need 
to have their carriage in all their affaires, directed of God, yet 
none hath the promife of direction and fucceflc, five the belie- 
ver only, to whom it is faid here; the Lord Jhiil prefefoi thy 
goingout and thy coming in. 2. The Lord fo taketh his own by 
the hand to care for them, as he doth not leave them nor forfake 
them afterward 3, but gocth along with therri for ever : The Lord 
fall preferve thy going out, and thy coming in: frdm ifjii time 
forth f and even for evermore. 



* 1 xi— 1 i -— — 



THe Arke of God had for a long time moved from place* to 
place,at length the Lord revealeth untoDdz/zrf the place wher- 
ofMofes had fpoken, to be Sion where the Arkefnould reft, and 
there Davi d fet up the Ai ke, having revealed unto the people 
the Oracle; whereupon the people did heartily embrace the 
will of God, and came'to that place appointed for publick wor- 
ship, and did invite one another to go up to worfhip In this 
Pfalme, we have firft Davids joy for the peoples willingneffe to 
aflemble unto the Lords houfe, v»i,t. In the next place, he 
praifes tfcritfalcm, v. $.,4,?. In the third place, he exhorteth 
al! to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, rcprefenting the univerfal 
Church, and ufeth .fome reafons to fet them forward on the 
duty, v. 6, 7, 8 ; 9. 

Ver. 1 . T Wa§ glad when they [aid unto me : Let m 

go into the houje of the LO R D. 
2. Oht feet Jhallfi and within thj gates, Jeru- 


From the joy which David had in the peoples willingneflei' 
to joyne together in the publick worfhip of the Lord; Learn, 
1. Sometime the meffage of the Lords feryants is well taken at 
their hand, and the fruit of their labour is returned upon them, 
to their no fmall joy ., as here David profeffeth in his experience: 
J was glad, when they (aid unto mc 3 Let us go. 2. As people law- 
fully may, yea, and ftiouid not only ftirre up one another, by 
their example and mutual private exhortation, unto the fervice 
of God, but alfo ftirre up their teachers, and Rulers : fo teachers 
and Rulers fhouid think it no incroachment upon their office, 
nor difparagement to their pcrfon or gifts ; or ^ lace, co be ftirred 

PSALM E CXXir. a43T 

up to their duties by the people, but rather fliould cherifh and 
fofter the peoples holy zeal, as here we are taught by Davids 
praftice: I rv& gl&dwbcntbey faid untcme,.Letusgo into the 
boufeoftbeLord. 3. As it is no iuiall benefit to have a titled 
place for publick Affemblies unto Gods worfhip, to mould it 
be thankfully acknowledged when it isbeftowed and refolutely 
made ufe of, as here we fee the people did : Our feet (ball ftani 
mtbin tbygatcs 7 Jerufalem. 

Ver. 3. Jerufalem is budded as a city, that is 
compatt together. 

4. Whither the tribes go up , the tribes of the 
LORT), unto the tefiimony of j/rael, to give thanks 
Unto the Name of the LORD. 

5. For there arefet the thrones of judgement the 
thrones of the bonfe of David. 

He commendcrh tferufalem, the figure of the Church of God 
and of the corporation of his people. Fiift, as a City for a com- 
munity. Secondly, as the place of Gods publick Affemblies 
for religious worfhip. Thirdly, nstheplace of publick judica- 
tories- for governing the Lords people under David, the type of 
Chrift. IVbcvcelejrn, 1, The Church of God is not without 
cauie compared to a City, and efpecially-to frrufilem, becaufe of 
the union, concord, community of lawes> mutual commodities, 
and conjunction of ftrength, which ihbuld be among Gods 
people: zferufalcm U buildcd w a city that is compact together. 
z. That which commendeth a place moft of anv thing, is the 
erecting ofthe Lords banner of love in ic, and making it a place 
for his people, to meet together for his worfhip; ferufalem Is a city 
rvbither the tribes go up. 3. Whatfoever civil diftinction Gods 
children have among themfelves, and howfoever they dwell Mat- 
tered in feveral places of the e-rth, yet as they arethe Lords peo- 
ple, they (hould entertain a communion and conjunction among 
themfelves as members ot one univerfal Church, as the figniii- 
cation of the peoples meeting thrice in the year at ^crafa* 
tow, did teach : Whither the tribes did go up, the tribes of the 
hord > 4. As the tribes, foal! particular Churches, how farre 
R j focver 


foever fcattered, have one Lord, qrje Covenant, one Law 
and Scripture, fignified by the tribes going up to the tefiimony of 
Jfrael, or to the Ark of the Covenant or teftimony, where the * 
whole ordinances of God were to be exerciied 5 . The end of « 
the ordinances of God, of holy covenanting and communion, 
andjoyning in publick worfhip, is to acknowledge the grace 
and goodneffe of God, and to glorifie him : for the tribes did go 
up to give thanks unto the Name of the Lord. 6. The Church 
of God wanteth not the one Government and Governours, 
Courtsand Judicatories, belonging to Chrift and his Church, 
as the erecting of Ecclefiaftick Judicatories in tfcrufalem did 
fignifieand teach : for there are fel thrones of judgement. 7. 
The civil Governours in their civil power, fhould contribute 
what their power can,to the furtherance of the Church-Governr 
ment, and the Courts thereof: as the thrones of the houfc of 
David,) joyning their afliftance in -fcrufatem unto the Ecclefi- 
aftick Courts, did fignifieand teach: There are (ct the thrones 
pf the beufe of David. 

Verf. 6. Pray for the peace of ^erufalem : thej 
Jbal 'I pro/per that love thee • 

7. Peace be whhin thy walls : and profyerity within 
thy palaces. 

8. For my brethren and companions fake , 1 ^illuorst 
faj % Peace be within thee. 

9. Becaufe of the hoafc of the LOK^D our Cftd, 
/ will fee^thy good. 

In the iaft plncc he exborteth all to pray for the peace of $cru- 
falem y or of the Church fignified by it, and joyneth four motives, 
untoit. Qne becaufe as it was a proof of love to the Church, 
fo it had a promifeof afblefling, v. 6. Another motive is, 
from his own example, praying for it. v. 7. A third, becaufe fo 
did love to the brethren require, v. 8 . A fourth motive, becaufe 
fo did refpeft and love to the Church or houfe of 
God require, v. 9. H'hencc learn, 1. The Univerfal Church 
frtilitant, fhould be dear to every member thereof, and prayed 
for j that it rnay profper : Fray for the peace of $eruf4.m.* z * As 


PbALMfc CXXIII. 247 

none can pray for the welfare of the Church heartily, except they 
love her : fo none {[iM love her and feck her welfare, bin fhall 
fare the better for it; for it is promiled here, They [ball proffer 
that love thee, 3. The Church is a warrc-town, and a walled 
town which is fituated among enemies, and may not trull them 
who are without, but m»ft be upon its keeping, as the typt 
thexot ytfcrualcrrt, with her walls and towers did fhadow forth: 
Vcaccbeveiikiutby watts. 4. Pe.icc within the Church is no 
lefle needfull , then piofpericy within it -, and if peace bs within 
the Church, it matters the lefle what enemies (he have without : 
T?etic be within thy mils* and frefperity -within thy pahecs, doth 
import or infipuate fo much. 5. All the members of the Church 
militant, fnould be aftcfted one to another, as brethren, as fel- 
low-partners in lofle and gaine 5 for the relation which they have 
to one Father the Lord , and one Mother the Univerfal Church ! 
For ray brethren, and companions fake, I will now fiy, Peace be 
within thee* 6. Seeing the Church is the Lords dwelling 
houfe in this world, whofoever loveth the Lord muft not oncly 
inwardly affect, but alio cfTe&ually by all means endeavour to 
romotc the good of the Church, that is to fay, every true oiem- 
>er of the Church mull do what in him lieth, and as his. calling 
will fuiTer, to have Religion cfbblifhcd, Gods ordinances obeyed, 
publick worfhip ereftcd, the Word truly p reached 3 Sacraments 
rightly adminift.ed, and Church- Government according to 
the Word of God cxercifed ; for fo teacheth this examples Be* 
exufc oftht houfe of the Lord my God> I will fcc\± thy good* 

P SAL ME. CXXlir. 

THe fcope of this Pfalm is to teach the Lords people, how to 
carry themfclvs when they areopprcfled by the tyranny of 
their proud advcrfaries,aiyi are deftkurcof all help under heavn, 
wherein the Pfalmiit maketh his addrefie to God, in patience, 
humility, and hope, v. 1,2,. And prayeth for comfort under, 
and relief from, the contempt of the proud aavciia i.$ v. f y 4. 

Ver. 1, FT Nto thee lift 1 up wine eyes : thou 
Vi that dwelt* ft in the heaver:. 

R 4 Behold^ 




2. Behold, as the eyes of fey v ants look &nto th e 
hand of their mafters, and as the eyes of a maiden un- 
to the hand of her Miftreffe: fo our eyes VJdAtwpon 
the LORT) our God, nutil that he hath mercy 
on ui. 

From the Pfalmiftsaddrefle unto God, by this fliort prayer, 
under the oppreflion of the Church; Learn, 1. The force of 
prayer doth not confift in multitude of words, but in faith, an4 
fervent laying forth of defires before the Lord, as here we fee. 
%. It is not ftrange tafee Gods children opprefied, and defpifed, 
and deftitute of all relief, except of whnt may be expected from 
heaven, as this cafe here fet down iheweth. 3 « Albeit the Lord 
feem to hide himfeife from all manifeftation of his kinde re- 
fpe<5ts unto his people on earth, yet he will be found in he-wen, 
and there muft we betake our felves in hardeft ftraites ? Unto 
thee lift I up mine eyes, thou that dwUeft ip the bexv ens. 4. 
The very lifting up of the bodily eye of the believer towards 
Godinhis trouble, hath its own ufc and force with God. Unto 
ibee lift I up mine eyes. 5. As fervants of old were in their con- 
dition flaves, deprived of the common co-fort of liberty, might 
wear no weapons, were expofed to all injuries, and had no help 
or comfort, except the favour of their Mafter or Miftrefle ; fo 
fares it oft-times with the believer for his outward condition, as 
thefimilitudc and pre r ent cafe of the Church here teacheth : 
Bcholdy Qfi the eyes of fey v ants look unto the band of tkeir Mafiers. 
0. It is fitting that the pcrfecuted believer have a low eftimation 
ofhimfelf before God, be patient under his hand, fubmiffive 
to his difpenfation, and hopefull of help in his addrefie unto 
pod : for fo much the fimilirude from lervants behaviour to- 
ward their mafter and miftreffe doth teach : As the eyes of a 
maiden unto the bind of her raiflreffe> fo our eyes nait upon the 
Lord. 7. The intereft which the believer hath in God under 
any relation, hath comfort fufficicnrincluded in ir, as here the 
Xords being Maflcr, is fufficient to fweeten bondage of fervant, 
and bmi/riaii> but Covenam-intereft fweeteneth it much more : 
Our eyes are upon the Lord our Cjod. 8. As makers and mi- 
Jt-reflTcs are taught to (hew pitty, mercy,, bounty, and proteSioa 
Unto their fervants, on the one hand, and fervants are here taught, • 
pi} tfye other hand; by their good behaviour, not to marre their 

' favour^ 


favour : fo ti-.e believer is taught to behave himfelfe before 
G;H, as a fervant inA^d, by endeavouring indeed to obev God. 
9 The cermeofthc Saints patience and waiting, is tjll God 
ftew mercy ; Behold, as the eyes oftbefcrvants, &c. fo our eyes 
mil on the Lord out God y until that be have mercy -on us. 

Vcrf. 3. Have mercy upon us, LO R*D 9 have 
mercy upon us : for "toe are exceedingly filled With 

4. Ottr foul is exceedingly filled with the [corning 
oftkofe that are at eafe, and Vpith the contempt 
of the proud. 

From his prayer for comfort and relief; Learn, 1. Whatfo- 
ever aileth the Church, the Lords mercy is the remedy; Have 
mercy. 2. Each member of the Church mould be fenfible of 
the trouble ofihe whole body, and deal for it as for himfelf.- 
Have mercy upon jt5,0 Lord. $. Asmiferyis more preffing, fo 
fhould petitions be doubled, and poured forth in the Lords bo- 
fome : Have mercy, have merey upon us. 4. Contempt, difdain 
andderifionofGodsfwffeiing fcrvants, is the heavieft and mod 
grievous part of their afflidion ', Have mercy upon us > for wc ate 
exceedingly filed with contempt. 5. They that profpef in 
wickedneife, are ready inftrumems to afflict the godly, and to 
perfecute them for righteoufneile, and to meek the godly in 
their mifery, when they have wrongfully troubled them: Our 
foul is exceedingly filled with the [corning of them that arc at eafe. 
6. So long as perfecutors and oppreflbrs of Gcds Church do 
profper, and findc fuccefle in their wayes, they will not ceafe to 
pleafe themfelves in their wicked courfe, and deipife both the 
perfons and the caufe of Gods people, whatfoever be faid againft 
{hem : Our foul is filed with the contempt of the proud. ' . 




nrHefcopeofthlsPfalme is, firft, to acknowledge the delivery 
of the Church, to be evidently the Lords own work,thc dan- 
ger being fo great out of which they were lately delivered, v 4 f , 
%> 1> 4> v and next, to blefle the Lord for their prefervation 

Vcrf. i. TF it had not been the LORD who 
A was on our fide : no^to may lfrael fay. 

5. If it had not been the LORD who was on our 
fide, when men rofe up agaw/i w. 

3 Then they had [walloped m Up quicl^i when 
their Wrath root kjndled againfl us. 

4, Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the 
fire am had gone over our foul. 

5«; Then the proud rvattri had gone over our 

In the acknowledgment of their wonderful delivery,the P.'alm* 
ift dothihew that their adyerfaries on the one hind, were fo 
ftrong,fo many,ib craftyjfo cruel & maliciouSjand the Lords peo 
pie on the o:her hand were fo \ye,ak,and fo deftitute or all counfell 
and help, that their deliverance could be 3fcribed to no caufe,fave 
to G3dsftrong power affifting his own. Whence lewh i.Al» 
beit the Lord do lufter his Church fundry times to be brought 
near to defti'uction, yet alwayes doth he prove himfelfc the 
Churches friend and helper, againft their enemies 5 If it hxi 
not been the Lord who was on our JLle. z. The Lord fo doth 
help his people, as he draweth forth the acknowledgement of 
their weaknelfe to help thcmfelves, and of utter impoflibility to 
be fafe without his afliftanee ; If the Lord hxi not been on our 
fide, my Ifuel now fij. j. Ate we are delivered out of a 


i j :> Jt\ jl,m Cs LAAiv. 251 

Janger,wefhouldftudy to apprehend it no Icfle livclily, then 
when we are in the danger, and that fo much the more as we arp 
naturally difpofed to the contrary , as the repeating and new re- 
prefenting of the danger they were in doth import and teach. 
4. Men in the ftatc ofnapurc are ready to be party adveifaries 
unto the Church : If the lo^dbadnot been on our fide, when 
mcnrofeupagjtinft m. 5. The wicked have an appetite after 
the blood of Gods people, as wilde beaits have after their prey : 
Then they hud fwaUowed us up quick* 6. If God mould not 
bridle the fury of the wicked againft his people, the worldly 
ftrengthof the godly to defend themfelvcs, is nothing; Then 
they bad [wallowed m up quick* when their wrath reas kindlci 
againft us. 7. If the wickedneffe of the world were let loofc a- 
giinft Gods people, it fhould runne as violently againft the 
Church, as floods of water againft thofc th:c arc within the 
channel! : Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the ftrcam had 
gone over our foul. 8. The more the matter of the Churches 
delivery is looked upon, the danger is the better fecn, and the 
greatneffe of their delivery alfo, as the infifting in the fimilitucie 
doth teach : Then the proud waters had gone over our foul. 

Verf. 6. Bleffed be the LORD^tobo hath not gi- 
ven ns&sa prey to their teeth. 

7# Our foul Uefcaped as a bird out of the fnare 
of the fowlers : the fnare w broken, and we are 

8. Our help is in the Name of the LORDi Vrha 
made heaven and earth. 

In the Churches thankfgiving for their delivery, they make 
a threefold ufc of their experience. Fiift, they praife and bleilc 
Godsgoodnetfc.-y. 6. Secondly, they make much of the benefit 
and rejoyce therein, v. 7. And thirdly, they ftrengthen their 
faith in God for time to come, v. 8. Whence learn, 15 
our duty after delivery from dangers, to acknowledge not only 
Gods power for us, but his goodncfle alio toward us, and to ac- 
knowledge him the fountaine of all bleiTednefie upon that occa- 
iion; Bkjfcd be the Lord who hath not given utM a pry to their 



teeth, i. As the Churches enemies are fuperiour to her in 
worldly ftrength, foalfo in policy, craftinefle, and wordly wit, 
as the fowler is craftier then the bird J Our foul U efcaped m a 
birdout of the fnare of the fowlers. 3. According as the dan- 
ger isfearful,fo is the delivery fweet and joyful : Tbefnarcis bro- 
ken, and we are efcaped. 4. It h as eafic for God to deliver 
his people out of their enemies hands, even when they have the 
godly in their power, as to break a net made of threed or yarn, 
wherewith birds are taken .• 'Blejj'ed be the Lord, tbefnare u bro- 
ken y and we are efcaped. ?. The iaireft fruits of our by paft ex- 
perience is to glorifie God by confidence in him for time to 
come, as here, Our help is in the !>{ame of the Lord* 6, Then 
is our confidence in God to be delivered from evil well bot- 
tomed, when we conGder the Lords Omnipotency manifefted 
in the creation of the world, and held out by his Word unto us : 
for fo much doth the Pfalmift teach, when he maketh mention 
ofthe Name of the Lord, and the work of the Lord, in profef- 
fing of his confidence : Our help is in the Name of the Lord, who 
made heaven and earth. 



lefcope ofthisPfalmeistoconfirme the faith of the belie- 
ver, perfecuted and oppreffed by the wicked, that he may hold 
out walking in the ftraight way of Gods obedience: and to this 
end, the Pfalmift ufeth four arguments. The fiift is from the 
inability ofthe believers felicity, v. 1, u The fecond, is freni 
the fhoit time of his trouble, which he (hall fufter by per fee u tort, 
v. 3. The third, is from the goodneile which God will manifeil 
toward him, fet down in the Pfalmifts prayer, p M 4. The fourth, 
is from the Lords judgement upon backfiiciing hypocrites, who 
make lhift for thcmiclves to be freed from trouble by unlaw- 
ful! meancs,^. $, 

Verf. I. ~TTHey that trufl in the LORD 
JL (hall be as mount Sion, which can- 
not be removed: but aHdethfor ever. 
2. esfs the moHntames are rouneL about Jernjalem^ 


Jo the LORD is round about hi* feopU : from 
henceforth even for ever. 

From the firft encouragement to truft in God in the time of 
trial; Luniy i. There i.s no fervice more acceptable to Godj 
or more profitable to us, then glorifying of God by faith in him, 
whententationsdoaflaultus,astheprofefling of the duty, and 
motives which are ufed here do teach us. i. Seeing the hap- 
pincfle of the believer is lb eftablilhed that he cannot miffc of 
it, be may the more chearuilly hazard in God fervice all things 
temporal and moveable, trufting in the Lord: They tbattruflin 
the Lord,flull he as mount Sion y which cannot be removed, but 
abi dab for ever. $, The prefervation of the believer, and the 
liability of his bleffednefle, floweth not from any ftrength in 
himlelfe, but from the Lords guarding of him : As the mount- 
ains arc round about Jerufdlem, jo the Lord is round about hh 

Ver. 3. For the rod of the wicked Jha/l not reft upon 
t he lot of the righteous , left the righteous put forth 
t heir hands unto iniquity \ 

From the fecood encouragement of the beleever to truft in 
God in the time of trial J Learn, 1, No promile made to the be- 
liever, muitfecure him from being exercifed with trouble, but 
rather afufl fore-warne him of, and fore-arme him againft trou- 
ble : forhereitisprefuppofed he may be burdened by the rol 
of the wicked. 2. It is a fore trial for the godly, to have theic 
Rulers their perfecutors for li^hteaufneflej but this exercife fhali 
not laft lon° : For the rod ( which is the figne of power ) oft be 
wi^ed, fiall not reft on the lot of tbc righteous. $. Becaule there 
is hazard left the believer (hould fain: in trouble, therefore the 
Lord will not trie his own who believe in him above theic 
ftrength, but will give them a deliverance that they may efcape : 
The rod of the wicked (ball not reft ontbc lot of the righteous 3 left 
the rigbteota put forth their hands unto iniquity. 

Ver, 4. Vogood, O LO RD^unto thofe that h 
good: and to them that are upright in their hearts.. 

From the third motive to believe in God in time of trial efpe- 

dally $ 


cUUy; Lexrtty i.The true believer is a good man,harmlefs,boun* < 
tifull, delighting to do good to all men* and to do Wrong to no 
man, for here he is fo called : T>o good, Lord, to tbofe that be 
good. 2. Albeit the believer Teem to be hardly handled by affli- 
ctions, yet (hall it afterward appear that God hath thereby been 
Working for his welfare; for the prayer of the Pfalmift indited 
by God, doth promiie fo much $ 7)o good,0 Lord>unto tbofe 
tbatbegood* 3. As a man that truflsin God is honeft in his 
heart, how weak foever, in doing the good he Would, and he ta- 
ke th care not only to cleanfe his lifcj> but alfo to purifie his heart: 
folhall he be dealt with by God as a good man, whatfoever be 
hisowneftimationofhimielfe : 7)q good to tbofe that arc good* 
diidwitjtbcmtbata e upright in their heart. 

Ver 4 5» As for fttch as turn ajidt unto their crooked 
wajes, the LORD flail lead them forth Veith the 
workers of iniquity : but peace (hall be upon IfraeL 

Prom the fourth motive to believe in God for bearing out iii 
trial ; Learn, i» In the time of trial, there will fundry be 
found hypo'crites>counterfeit dealers, misbelievers* who will fhifc 
for themfelves, and turn afide from the obedience of faith, by 
their own crooked courfes, as here is infinuatcd I Asforfutb that 
turne afide unto their crooked wayes. i. God will decipher hy- 
pocrites, who do not ti-uft God, or do not adhere to the obedi- 
ence of faith in time of trouble and triall, 2nd will put them as 
complyers with the wicked, in the fame reckoning with his open 
enemies : The Lord will lead them forth with the workers of t)ii* 
quity. 3. To look upon the judgements of God, purfuing 
backfliding mif-believers in time of perfecution, ftiould be a 
ftrong motive, to make profeflbrs conflant in the obedience of 
faith, on all hoards in time of trial * for the punifhment of" the 
Wyliemif- believer is fet down here, to teach men to be honeft 
and ftout in the faith and obedience of God $ For fitch as turn 
afide unto their crooked wayes, the Lord fiall lead them forth 
with the workers of in'-quity. 4. Whatfoever trouble the Lords 
people rtiall be put unto in the time of trial, they tfnll ftill re- 
maincinGods favour aud grace j and when the Lord hath 
purged his Church in fome meafitre,by winnowing corrupt hy- 
pocrites out from among his people, the Church (hall be refiored 

to her peace $ But peace Ml be upon Ifrael* 




npHis is the Churches long of thankfgiving for her delivery 
from the captivity of 'Bibylon % wherein fijft the greatnefs of 
the mercy is fet down, v. 1,1, $. then a Prayer to God for en- 
larging of thebencfitj by making many to embrace the ofrer 
of delivery, v. 4. and thirdly, an encouraging confoladon to 
iuch as had returned or fliould returne from Babylon to their 
<Jwn larid^ v, ? , 6. 

Ver. 1. WJH** the LORD turned again the 
V V captivity of Zion : we were like 
them that dream. 

2. Th*n wto our mouth fitted with laughter, and 
our ton'gne with jigging : then faid they among the 
heathen : The LORD hath done great things for 

3. The LORD hath done great things for m, where- 
of rverre glad* 

In the thankfgiving the mercy is magnified} Firft, becauftf . 
it was above all their expt ctation, v* U Secondly, becaufe it 
not only rejoyced Gods people, but alfo convinced the heathen 
of Godspower for, and goodneflc toward his people^ v,i. Third- 
ly, becaufe it was in it felt a mercy worthy to be praiied and re- 
joyced for, v. 3.- Jfhwcc lorn, 1. As the Lore, fometime gi- 
veth evidence of his juftice in afflicting his Church/ foal fa 
fometime he giveth evidence cf his mercy to his people, by deli- 
vering of them, reftorihg and comforting them : as this Pfalm 
holdcth forth, 2. VVhofcever be the inftruments of the delivery 
and confolation of the Church, the Lord will fo order matter* 
as he (hall bfe fecrffo be the worker of the work himfelf -, therefore 

2 5 6 PSALM E C'XXVI. 

is it faid here ; When the Lord turned again the captivity of 2u 
en. 3. The performance of Gods prqmifesis more glorious* 
then the belcevercan perceive or apprehend before he ice it; 
When the Lord turned again the captivity of 2 ion, we were li\t 
them that dream. 4- The delivery and consolation of Gods 
Church is no leflfc matter bf joyi andgladnefle, and praiilng of 
God, then their affliction is of forrow ; Then was our mouth fitted 
with laughter, and our tongue with finging. $. Jn the delive- 
ry of the Church theLodufeth to work fo evidently for'his 
people, as their advcrfaiies arc forced to acknowledge it ; Then 
faidtbey among the heathen, The Lord hatb done great things for 
them. 6. Inward joy in God, and outward acknowledgement 
of Gods working for his people, is the duty of every true mem- 
ber of the Church , and is all which can be dorie at the 
firft receipt of the mercy by way of thankfulnefle 5 The 
Lord hath done great things for tcs-. 7. There is a fpeciat 
cminencieof the Lords working for his people, above what 
he worketh for the reft of the world in governing of them : The 
Lord hatb done great things, fay both the heathen and the 
Church. 8. There is this great difference between the / 
praife which the heathen are forced to give to God, and that 
which the Lords people heartily offer unto him : the one doth 
fpeak as having no intereft nor (hare in the mercy ; the other do 
fpeakas they to whom the mercy is intended, and whereinthey 
have their portion with others ; He hath done great things for 
them, fay the heathen : but, he hath done great things for M, 
fay the Lords people. 

Ver. 4. Turne again our captivity, LOKD r at 
the (Ir earns in the South. 

Prom the prayer; Learn, 1 . The offer and opportunity given 
of a mercy, is one benefit *• and the embracing of the offer> and 
taking the opportunity to mike ufe of it, is another benefit t 
many have the one who receive not the other, as many had the 
liberty of returning from the captivity of "Babylon, who made no 
ufe thereof, but did prefer the eafe and pleafures of Babylon, 
unto the prerogatives oiZion, as this prayer importcth. z. It is 
Xio lefle mercy to give people a heart to embrace and make aft of 
piTercd mercy, then it is topurcjufe the meancs, and proclaim 



the ofFerof it in their audience: as this prayer doth import." 
3. Such as have found grace to embrace the offer of Gads mercy, 
ftiouldphy and pray for others, that they may finde the like 
mercy alfo ; Turn Jgiin our ciptiviiy,0 lord. 4- As the reftau- 
ration of the Chutch is no lefie comfortable, then is the making 
of a river run in a dry land: fo is the one no lefle poflible to God 
then the other j Turne again our uptivity ]' as the rivers of the 

South, or droughtie lands, 



Ver. ^ Thtj that forte in tears : [hall reap in 

6* He that goeth forth andweepeth, tearing preci* 
ens feed) fhall doubt le[[e come again with rejoycing^ 
bringing his [heaves with him. 

From the encouraging Confolation of all the Lords afflicted 
people; Learn, 1. As the Lord hath appointed harveft to fol- 
low the feed-time. To hath he appointed the confolation of his 
own Church tcfollow after their afflictions/ this doth the (i- 
militude import.- i. As the husbandman hath fiift tcyling, la- 
bour and great expenees, and a time to endure in patience, till 
he finde the fruit of his labours : fo tareth it with God's children, 
they may be in grief for a time, before they finde the good of Re- 
ligion : this alfo doth the fimilitude hold forth. 3. There is a 
difference between the husbandman and the Lords afflicted 
childe j the husbandman may have an ill harveft, but the childe of 
tiod afflicted, and ufirigthe m'eanCs, fhall never have an ill har- 
veft , his labour fhall not be in vaine in the Lord : his forrow 
/hall be turned into joy, and his fruic fhall be multiplied unto 
him abundantly 5 For they xbxt (owe in tears, fiall reap in joy. 
He thai goeth forth, attdweepeth, bearing precious feed, fall un- 
doubtedly come again with njoychig, bringing bis [heaves with 
him: His confolation fhall be fweeter, then his affliction was 



i , ■ ■ — 1 — 9U j 


A Sorig of degrees for Solomon* 

THc fcope of the Pfalme is to fhew firft, that the defence of our 
pa-Cons, and fuccefle in our affaires, do depend upon Gods 
blcfEng uporKhe meanes ufed,i>. i> 2,. Next, to (hew that mul- 
titude ot children is GoJsblefling fclfo, v. 3$ 4, 5:, The Pfalm 
is intituled tor Solomon, who was to build the houfe of God* 
and to enlarge the Kingdom of ifracL Whftide ktfn, 1. All 
truth of Godmuftbeftudied, but fpecially that part whereof 
ivearetohave fpecial ufe in our life, andexercife ot our cal- 
ling, as this doctrine Irene commended to Solomon doth teach, 
a. Neither Solomon, nor the vyifeft and moft active among men, 
jnuftafcribe more to thtmftlves in comparing their affair^, 
then other men may do: for this doctrine is taught unto So'o- 
mon. $.Whatfoever wehavs, or we do, or we purchafe, or can 
atchievfcby wtiatfoever lawful meanes, God' m-uft be acknow- 
ledged asthe giver, doer and blefler of ustherein f for the fcope 
of this Pfalme/ is to teach this Ieflbn unto Salomon, and to the 
whole Church. 

Ver. I. T^Xcept the LORD iMd the hottfe , they 
1l dabour in vaine that build it ; ex- 
cept the LORD keep the City % the Watchman ypaketh 
but in vaine. 

2, It is vaine for you to rife up early f to fit up hte^ 
to eat the bread of forrotves : for fo he giveth his be- 
loved fleep. 

Prom the firft Joftrinc, (hewing that the defence of our per- 
fons 3 and fuccefle in our affaires do depend on Godsbleffing y 
Lwn, * .We are fubject to a twofold practical cri'our.- One is, we 
ordinavilylook firft to means,or to our own ftrength,or to appear- 
ances of accomplishing our defignes, and in the confidence of 
thofewe follow our buhneffc. Another is> when any fuccefle is 



founds we arc ready to facrifice to our own nets, and to inter* 
' ceptthe praife due to God as this doctrine doth prcfuppofc. 
* To corred our natural errour,ic is wil'dom to confide: , that 
many men have had plenty of meanes, and have managed th^m 
skilfully and painfully, and yet without fuccefle : For except the 
Lord build the houfe, they labour in vaine that build it. 3 As it 
is a duty lor men to provide for their own commodious living j 
and their families well-being by allowed meanes, anc in their in- 
corporations to provide for Magiftrates, Rulers, and other ciufigi 
needful for the defence and welfare of the incorporation and 
not to neglcft the meanes : fo mull God be looked untc, belie- 
ved in, and depended upon, becaufe he only can give the Wet 
fing, he can work without meai es, but the meanes can tL 
feet nothing without him 5 Except the Lord keep the City ^ tbt 
watchman doth watcb but in vain. 4 The Lord juflly -ioth 
plague the painfulneffe of fome, who toile like Snails in the 
ufe of the meanes , whereby the truth of the doctrine doth ap- 
pear ; It is v.iin for you to rife up early, to fit up late, and to cat 
the bread of forrorves^ that is, iparingly to teed upon courfe 
mcrfels, toefchew txpences. 5. It is the only way for having 
a quiet minde , and good fuccefle t to ufe the meanes 
without anxiety and to commit the fuccefle unto God : an 1 this 
wifdom is the proper gift of Gods chofen children: For fo b$ 
-give 'tb bis beloved Jleep. 

Ver. 3. Zo 7 children are an heritage of the 
LORD: and the fruit of the voombc is his r#» 

4, *sfs arrows -are in the bapdof a mighty tnxn $ 
fo are children of the youth. 

5. Hap yh the man that hath his quiver full of 
them, they fball not be ajbamed: but thej JhaU fpeal^ 
With the enemies in the aate. 

From the feconddocliine.; Learn, I. The Lord will be fecri 

inafpecial marmot in the withholding oc giving chilJren to 

married perlons, and will have cUe benefit acknowledged when 

He doth bellow it : Lo, children arc an heritage of the Lord, and 

Xbe fruit of the mmbc is bis reward. 1. When God glveth ciil- 

S l drca 


drenfor ableffing, he giveth grace, as to the Parents to brinj 
them well up, To to the children to be comfortable to their Pa- 
rents, and to go about their Parents bufinefle, fo readily as ar- 
rowes out of thebowe. As arr owes are in the band of a mighty 
man, fo are children of tbcyotitb. $. In peace and war, dutifu 
children will do for their Parents, and for their Paftofs, Ma- 
giftrates, Rulers, as their fathers and mothers : for the Parent? 
who havcluch children, fb& 7 not be ajhmcd, but Jhallf peril mtl 
the enemies inibegxte. 4. Temporal benefits are then eviden- 
ces of happineife, when the man is a believer in God, and a de- 
pender upon him, and is bleifed fpiruually by God : for of fuel 
only doth the Pfalmift fay, Happy is the man that bath bis quivc\ 
full of fi.cb arrowct) as gracious children, or gracious fubject: 


'He fcope of this Pfalme is to (hew the bleflednefs of the mai 
_ that fearech God, which doth appeare : Firft, in the tern 
poral bleffing of him in his calling, v. 1, 2,. Secondly , in hi 
iamilie, v. 3,4. Thirdly, in pouring fpiritual bleffings upoi 
him, i/. 5,6. 


Ver. I. Yy'Lejfed is every one that feareth tk 
LJL RT> : that rvalkcth in hk 
1. For thou fhalt eat the labour of thine hands 
happy (halt thou be, and it ftiall be Well ypitl 
thee. v 

Prom the doctrine of the bleflednefs of the man that fcarctl 
God; Learn^ 1. That the fure evidence of a found believer 
and truly bleffed man, is the true fear of God, keeping himinth 
awe and reverent obedience of God : Blefjcd is every one tbx 
feareth the Lord, z, He is not the man that i earcth G od, who( 


fc3r is taught by the Precepts of men, or who devifeth to hi™- 
• felfwayes of Gods fer vice, and bijidech fuperilitious bonds up- 
on hii own confeience, buthe that walketh in the prefcribed 
paths of the obedience of Gods commands : only he fcarcth 
God, tbatmlkab inhisxoayes. }, The fear of God doth not 
confift with an idle life, bin require th that a man according to 
his abilities mould be employed in fome lawful exercife, pro- 
fitable for the life of the incorporation where he liveth : for here 
the labour of his hands is prcfuppolcd 3 whereby Gods blcffing 
of him may be derived unto him ; Thou Jhalt cat the 'labour of 
tbinc bands. 4. It is no fmall favour from God; to have the 
right and com Portable ufe cf Gods benefits given unto us, and 
only the godly man who is painful in his calling, hath the pre- 
mile of this j Happy fialt thou be, and it frail be well rvitb 
tb c. 

Ver. 3. Thy ftife (ha 11 be as a fruitful vine by the 
fides of thine houfejhy children like Olive-plants \round 
about thy table. 

4. Behold, that thus fhall the man be blejfed, that 
feareth the LORD 

From the fecond evidence, which isGodsbleffing of his fa- 
| milie 5 Learn, 1 . Marriage is a ftite of life well befeeming the 
godly man, and it neither hinder eth the fear of C/od, nor the 
mans felicity , but confifteth well therewith : Thy wifcJiM be 
as a fruitful vine. 2. Godlinefle is great gain, it hath the prc- 
mile of this life, (fo far as is good for us J and of the life to 
come: wife and children, and a table with maintenance com- 
petent for the fuftenance of the family, are branches of blefiid- 
nelTe,when beftowed upon a godly man, and fhould be fo b'.ked 
upon ; Tby wifejhaUbc as a fruitful vine by the fides of thy 
boufc : thy children li\\e Olive-plants round about thy Tab te-i* There 
is a reward tor the righteous, even in this life, and albeit it be 
not alwayes difcerned, yet he who ftulL behold and confuier Cjods 
providence about the godly man, ihall fee this temporal favour, 
or the equivalent granted unto him; therefore is it faid, £e- 
bold,tbui fch.u is, in this or the equivalent benefit,) JhalLtbt 
wan be blcfkdibat fcarcth the Lord. 

S3 VerU 



Ver. 5. ThelORDfhaUbUffe thee out of Ziom 
And thou Jhalt fee the good of ferufalem^a/l the days of 
thy itfe 

6. Tea, thou fbalt fee thy children* children : and 
peace upon lfraeL 

From the third evidence of Gods bleffing of the true believer 
pnd fearer of his Name, by giving him things fpiritual > Learn, 
1 1 What meafure foever of things tempoval the Lord fhall give 
to the man that feareth him, he referveth unto him nil the pro- 
mifes of righreoufneffe and life, which the Lords Word holdeth 
fijrthtb the Church , and ofthofehe fhall be lures The Lord 
Jhall bleffe thee out of Zion. 2. The godly man (hall not want 
iueceflion,if God fee it good for him or if not children of his bo* 
body, yet followers of his faith and footfteps in Piety 3 whom he 
hath oeea inftrumental to convert : Thoufialt fee thy cbildrcns 
cbi dren 3. What foever eftate the Church of God be in, du- 
ring the godly mans life time, he fhall behold in the mirrout 
of the LoHs Word, and in the fenfible feeling of his own expe- 
rience, he mail perceiyeand take up the bleffed condition of the 
triK Church of God, and rejoyce therein all his dayes ; Tbon 
Jhalt fee the go d of ferufzlm all the day^s ef thy life, thou foal 
fee peace upon IjtaeL 

PSALME exxix. 

nrHefcope of this Pfalmeis, to confirme the faith of God 
people agairift perfection. Thepans thereof are two: Th 
forma is, 'praiic to God for delivering many times his Churcl 
from the oppreffion of perfecutors, v. i, 2, 3,4. The otbe 
h3th a prophetical curfe againft the enemies of the Church 



Vcrf. I. \/f^y a t'&t have thy tfflitted 
iSfxmz from my youth , may Jfrael 

now fay. 
2. Many a time have they totted me from my 
youth : yet they have not -prevailed againft me. 

InpraifingGod for the Churches delivery lately granted ro 
her, hecalleth to minde many by pa ft perfecutions, wherein 
the Lord had preferved his Church frcm overthrew. Whence 
learn, I. The vifible Church from the beginning of tbe world 
is one body, and as it were one man, growing up from infancie 
to riper age: for 10 fpeaketh the Church here 5 &Liny a time 
fcave they afflicted me from my youth. 3. The wicked enemies of 
the Church, they alfo are one body, one adverfe armie, from the 
beginning of the world continuing war againft the Church: 
Many a time have they affliftei me from my youth. 3 . As the for- 
mer injuries done to the Church, are owned by the Church in 
after-ages, as done againft the fame body, fo alfo the perfection 
.of former enemies is imputed and put upon the fcove of prefent 
pcrfecutorsj Many a time have they afflifted me from my youth, 
may Jfrael now fay. 4. New experiences of persecution, when 
they call to minde the exercifes of the Church in former ages, 
ierve much for encouragement and confoJation in troubles: Ma- 
ny a time have they affliftei me, may Ifr act novo fay. 5. Albeit 
this hath been the endeavour of the wicked in all ages to deftroy 
the Church, yet God hath ftill preferved her from age to age; 
let they have not ptcvailed. 

Vcrf. 3, The P lowers flowed upon my back^x they 
made long their fnrrovces. 

4. The LORD is righteotu: he hath cm afunder the 
cords of ike wickfd. 

He repeateth the fame praife of God in delivering his Church 
S 4 from 


from oppreffion oftheenemie, undei the fimilitude of cutting the 
cords of the plough, which tilleth up another mans field. 
Iflwice learn, i. The enemies oft he Church do no more re- 
gard lie:, then they do the earth under their feet, and do feck 
to make" their own advantage of her, asufurpers uleto'doin 
pofleffing and labouring of another mans field > The J? lower* 
plowed i:pon my back* **• The Lord ufeth to fufTer his enemies to 
break up the fallow ground of his peoples proud and ftifTe hearts 
with the plough ofperfecution.andto draw deep and longiurrows 
on them > They made long their furrowes. j. What the enemies 
do againftthe Church, the Lord maketh ufeofit, for manu- 
ring the Chuch, whit h is his field, albeit they intend no good 
to Gods Church, yet they fervein Cjods wifdom to prepare the 
Lords people for receiving the feed of Gods Word 5 for, the fi- 
milituaefpcaketh of their tilling of the Church, but nothing of 
their fowing, tor that is referved for the Lord himfelf, who is 
Owner of the field. 4. When the wicked have plowed fo much 
of (J ^ s husbandry, as he thinketh good to fuffcr them, then he 
ftoppech their defigne, and loofeth their plough? He hath cut a- 
funder the 'cords of the wicked. 5. In aU the exercifeof the 
Church, and in all Gods patience towards the per fecutors there- 
of, and in his delivering of the Church, and punifhing of the 
wickedj the Lord is upon a laudable work of chaftifing, hum- 
bling, trying and training his people to better fer vice, and (hew- 
ing of his mercy on his people, when they are humbled, and of his 
jufticc agiinft the wicked ; The Lord U rigbteoui, he hath cut \c> 
(under the cords of %hereu\ed. 

Verf. 5. Let them all he confounded and turned 
Lackjhat hate Zion. 

6 .Let them be as the graffe upon the boufetops y Vthich 
mthereth afore it growth np. 

7. ivhermth the mower fi/Uthno.t hti havi'.nor he that 
bindeth Jheaves y hij kofeme. 

8, Neither do they Vvhich go by fay, The blejfing 
of the LORD be upon j oh : tee blejfe 7 oh in the Name 



Inthelatterpartcf the P'falmehc prayeth againft all the ene- 


tnics of the Church, andciufah tticm. Whence learn, j.AIl 
thole are the enemies of ihe Church, who love her not, who 
leek not her welfare, who are glad when it goeth ill with her,and 
doenvieherprofpeiity i Tbcy bate Z ion, i. Confufionof face 
and deftruction mall b$ their portiqn,. wqq are enemies to Gods 
people, and the Church may lawfully piay for it in the geneial: 
let them M be confounded^ and turned back, who hMe 2 ion. 
'3. Albeit the trouble of the Church, vvhich me iuftaineth by 
perfecution, feem long, yet the time of the perfecutors is but 
"ihbrt, like the time of grajfe on tbeboufe top, which wither eth ere 
[it grow up 1 their glory isbut a vain fh^vv, like the gre&ineffe of 
grajfe on the houfe topi their high place is their ruin^as the houfc 
top expofeth the grajfe on it, to the greater heat ofthe Sun ; theirs 
'ftrength wanteth roct, Ufa the grajfe on tbe houfe top, which wi- 
ther etb before it grow up 3 wherewith the mower filleth not bis 
hand, nor he that bindeth fheaves, hisbofome. 4, To falute the 
reapers of the fields or any within .the vifible Church, whom 
we finde about their lawful labour or employment, and to pray 
God to fpeed them and blefle them is not unlawful, nor a taking 
of Gods Name in vain, (when done honeftly j for in the PCalm- 
ifts dayes, it W3S the laudable cuftome of Gods people, as they 
went by the reapers of the field, to fay , The bleffing ofthe Lord 
be uponyou, we bleffeyou in the Name of the Lord 5. It Is no 
fmall lofle, which the wicked perfecutors of the Church fuftainc 
by this, that their work is not bleffed untothem of theLord^and 
thai they fhall want the benefit of the prayers ofthe Church; for 
they [hall be as the grajfe t which cometh to no ripenefs nor good 
fruit, whereupon any man can crave a bleffing from God unto 
them . : they who go by them at thia their work, (hall net lay* 
TheMeJfingof the lord be upon you j webleffe you in the Narncof 
the Lord. 




THisPfalme containeth theexercife of the Pfalmifr 3 wraft- 
ling under the fenfe of fin with fearful tentations, which were 
Hke to overcome him, wherein he prayeth for relief, i>. *, 2. op- 
pofeth Gods mercy to his juftice y v. 3 , 4. and waiteth for com- 
fort, v. % % 6. then he bringeth forth the ufe which he makethof 
the relief and comfort which God gave unto him, by encou- 
raging the Church to truft in Gods metcy, becaufe he will deli- 
ver hi* people from all trouble and fin, v. 7, 8. 

Vcr. r. 4~\Vt of the depths b*vt I cried unto 
\J We LORD. 

2> Lord, heare my voice, let thine tares be atten- 
tive to the voice ofmyfupplications. 

Inthefirfttwoverfeswe have his diftrcflc, and prayer for 
relief in general termes. Whence lexrn, 1. The deareft Saints 
of God have been hardly exerciied by trouble in their fpirits > and 
brought into danger of defperation fometime, while they Teem- 
ed to themfelves to be in a loft condition, like a man ready to 
drown in deep waters : Out of the depths did I cry unto thee, O 
tord. %. How defperate foever our condition, or C3feofouc 
foul feem unto us to be* yet fliould we not ceafe from prayer un- 
to God : Out of the depths hive I cried vnto thee, Lord, $ Al- 
beit our prayers feem to us fometime to be mifregarded of God, 
and negleded , yet fliould we not give way to fuch thoughts as 
thofe, but (hould double our petitions fo much the more, as ten- 
tationsdodiflwadeustopray, as the Pfalmift did: lord, bear 
my voice,, let thine ems he attentive to the voice of mj fuppli- 

Vcr. 3. lfthouXOKD^fbouldefl markiniquities: 
Q LORD, whofiattftdant 4. "Bat 


4. But there itforgiveneffe with thee : that tho# 
majeft be feared 

Inthefetwo vcifcs, we have the objection made agalnft his 
prayer, from the confeience of his fins, according to the lawand 
his anfwer unto the objection from the mercy of God, according 
to the grounds of theGofptli Whence learn, 1. Sinfurniih- 
eth ground to all our vexations, and tentations, and objection* 
madeagainft our prayers 3 our comfort and our faith: as the expe- 
rience of the Pfalmift doth teach usj againft whom his Iniqui- 
ties here flood up, to hinder his anfwer from God. 2 Jn the cafe 
of confeience wherein fin is juftly charged upon us, there is no 
ihift for us todenyorexcufefin : it muft beconfefledand iaid 
open before God, as the Pfalmift doth here. $. If the Lord 
ftiould. deal with Supplicants in the way of ftri& juftice, ac- 
cording to the tenour of the Law or Covenant of works, ' no 
man could efcape condemnation and the curie $ If thou, Lord y 
Jhouldeft mark iniquities, Lord, who fhallftavJ} that is, no 
rnanfhouldftand. 4- He who is fled for refuge unto Gods 
mercy, according to the Covenant of grace in Chrift Jefus, may 
decline judgement according to the Covenant of works , and 
betake him unto the way of Juflification by faith, according to 
the Covenant of grace, whereby remiflion of finis promt fed to 
the beleever ; If thou, Lord, Jhouldeft mar^ iniquities, O Lord* 
who fall (land } but there is forgivenefs with thce.$.Jht belief of 
Gods mercifulnefle doth open our mouth in prayer, and encou- 
' rageth us unto the hearty worfhip, fervice and obedience of 
God, whereunto otherwife \ye could never have heart nor hand: 
But forgivencjfe is with thee, that thon may eft be feared, 6. Then 
is ^race and mercy in God rightly made ufe of, when we feareto 
offend God, To much the more as we believe him to be gracious, 
to forgive the penitent Supplicant; Forgivcncjfe is with thee, 
that tboumayeji be feared. 

V cr. 5 . 1 a* Ait for the LORD, my foul both wait: 
and in his WordAo I hope* 

6. UMffoule waiteth/or the LOKD,more then they 
that Vcttcb for the morning*. I fay, more then they 
that watch for the morning. 



Hiving prayed and ffra filed by faith againft theterronrof 
Gods juftice, he waiteth for a goodanfwer, and for confoiati- 
on. Whence learn , i. Albeit the Lord doth not at firft heal 
the conscience of fin, and thefmartofit, yet the may 
furely exped comfort from him : I wait for the Lord. i.Th<:n 
doth faith its own part, when it framcth the heart to patient 
waiting on God, and hope in him; My [oule doth writ. 3. He 
that waiteth for a good anfwer from the Lord, muft have the 
WordofPromife, made in the Gofpel to fuchas feek mercy 
from Cjrod, for the warrant of his hope ; My foul doth writ, and 
in his Word do I hope. 4. He that waiteth on God for comfort, 
fhould perfwadehimfelf of his fpeeding, and muft noc 
flack his hope for a delay, but grow in defire after the Lord, 
more then the Watchman waiteth for the morning; My fade 
waiteth for the Lord more then they that watch for the morning, 
J fay 9 more then they that watch for the morning, 

Vcr. 7. Let Ifratl hope in the LORD, for -with 
the LORD there is mercy : and With him is plenteous 

8. And he '{hall redeem Ifrgel from all his ini- 

In the latter part of the Pfalme, it is prefuppofed he hath 
go-ten comfort, and here he exhorteth all the Lords people to 
follow his example, in the day of their outward trouble and per- 
plexity ofconfeience, affurin^them of grace to be found in God 
to their full fatis fact ion. Whence learn, 1. When Cjol hath 
delivered us out of {traits, it is our duty to extend thetruitof 
that mercy as far as we may, and to exhort others according to 
our place,- to follow the way of faith in God 5 Lctlfrael hope in 
the Lord. 1. Mercy according to the Covenant of grace, gi vet h 
the fame ground of hope unto every one within the Church, 
which it giveth to the Pfalmift, or to a Writer of the Scripture; 
Lctlfrael hope in te Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy 3 faith 
the Pfalmift from his own experience. 5 . So many ftraits as the 
Lords people can fall into, Jo many cfcapes and deliveries hath 
the Lord in ft ore for them: With him is plentczm^ Redemption. 
4. As fin is the root of all trouble, and the chief evil of Gods 
people : fo the remilRqh of fin is the chief cure of all their 



tioub'c, and this the believer may be furc of ; He fiallrcdcem /(- 
net from iniquities, 5. When the Lord forgiveth im to his 
own, he forgiveth all fm leflc and more, whereof his believing 
childe is guilty; He flail redeem IfracL from all his iniquities. 
6. The delivery of Gods people from fin and trouble, fioweah 
all from the Covenant olRedemption,and every delivery of them 
isa part of the execution of that Covenant : lVitbhim is plen- 
teous Redemption, and befall redeem Ifrael from all bis iwi- 



I. T -ORD, 07 heart is not haitghtifi nor 
jL^mirte e,es loftie : neither do 1 txer- 
cifemj [elf in great matters y or in things too high 
for me. 

2, Surely I have behaved my felfe , as a childe 
that is weaned of his mother : my foule is even as a 

we avred childe. 

3 . Let Ifraelhofe in the LORD, from henceforth 
arJfor ever. 

"frN this Pfalme, the Prophet minding to'teachthe godly to be 
Xhumble before God,. however matters go with them, do:h pro* 
pound his own example, v. i, 1. that fo the* believer may per* 
fevcre in hope, v. 3. He proveth his humility by the lowlincfle 
of his heart , fob; iety of carriage ,and keeping himfeif within his 
vocation, v. i. and by the fubmifTionof his will unto Gods 
.difpenfation, v.z. the ufeand profit whereof, as he had found in 
Ihs own experience, 10 he recommendcth the following of his ex* 
ample unto all ^ods people,as the way to be conibnt in their 
hope, v. $. learn, 1. Albeit pride be a rife vice, which 
utreiukth vaine man in cycry degree of excellency, and fuppofed 
worth in him, yet the grace of God is Mq to keep humble a 
wi.f , rich and potent man, yea to keep humble a King and 
Co.icjuerour: fori- is Pr.viwho iVufc here; LorJ, my kart is 


not bwbtie. t. He who will approve himfelt in his humility 
unto God, muft purge his heart as the fountain from pride, and ' 
his eyes and outward carriage alfo, that they be not the fignes 
and tokens of pride, and watch over his actions, that they go not 
without the bounds of his calling, and commifllon given to 
fiim in Gods Word : Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor trine eyes 
lofty , neither do 1 exercife my (elfin great matters, or in things too 
1>igb for me $ Albeit the moil excellent of men are but witlefs, 
weak and unclean things, comparable to young children lately 
weaned from the breaits, yet it is the property of the godly to 
know this, and acknowledge himfelt to be as achildethat n 
weaned of hit mother. 4. The Lord is as a mother, wife and ten- 
der toward his children, dealing with them as their age, weak* 
neiTe, witlefnefle, and other neceflities do require; for fo much 
doth the fimilitude lead us unto. 5 • The godly muft not look to 
befatisfied in their chtldi.fti will and appetite, but muft re- 
foive to be deprived of their carnal comforts, which naturally 
they rnoft anecx, as a childe weaned is put from the breaft to a 
more hard diet, this doth the compaiifon import. 6. The 
humble man muft be content to be handled and dealt with as 
the Lovd pleafeth, and to fubmit himfelf abfolutely unto Gods 
difpenfation, muft depend upon his care and favour, and wait 
for the manifefting of it, when and how it ihall pleafe God to 
difpofe, and this rnoft of all doth prove humility; CMy j ule 
is even as a weaned c\Ah % 7. The peace and cjuiet comfort of 
humility is fuch, as the humble man from his own experience 
may encourage every man to follow that way, with confidence to 
finde the benefit of it: for, Let Ifracl hope in the Lord, faith the 
Ffalmifthere from his own experience. 8. The fervant of 
God who defireth to perfevcre to the end, muft wait on God in 
the way of humility, and hope in him unto the end : Let Ifrad 
hope in the Lord, from heme forth and for ever* 

From this doctrine we may have the defcription, both of a 
proud man,and of an humble. He is a proud man, who being 
ignorant or infcnfible of his finfulneiTe and infirmities, doth lift 
up himfelf in feme vaine confidence, to fellow fome unwar- 
l-antable ccurfe, for farisfying his own tninde, and will net fub - 
n? it himfelf unto Gods diipenfation. Again, he is an humble 
man, who inthefenfeof his fins and infirmities ftanduh in 
awe of Gods keepe:h himfelf within the bounds of his cal- 
ling and cemmiffion, renounceth all confidence in his own wit, 



and fubmitteth unto Gods dealing, in hope to be helped by God 
,4n all things, as he ftandeth in need. 

PSALME cxxxii. 

IN this Pfalme the Churches taught to pray, according to the 
Covenant made with David, reprelenting Chrift : Firft, for 
the maintenance of true Religion, to v. 10. Next, for the con- 
tinuing cf the Kingdom in his race, and prefervation of the 
Church of I fracl, and fo of the Kingdom and Church of Chrift 
figured by it:In the firft petition, he prayeth for the Lords affe- 
&iotfttc and effectual remembrance of David, and of thefufrer- 
ings undergone by David, for maintaining his .Covenant with 
God, v. 1 .And then, calleth to minde the care which David had 
in fetling of the place of Gods worihip, *>.*> fjjfe f t Thirdly* 
he fheweth,how after She Lords departing from Sbihb,his Arte 
was round in f^iriatb-jearim, and thence brought up to the City 
effDkvid; v. 6. Fourthly, the Church profeflech her willingnefs 
and purprie to wormip the Lord, now afcinded unro Mount 
Sion, v. 7, 8. Andfiithly, he prayeth for holine-fie of doctrine 
!n the Lords Mmiiters , and joy to- the godly in obeying 
them, x>. 9. In the-next petition, firft, the Church prayeth 
{orthe Covenant fake made with David, that the Lord would 
not v/ithdraw his countenance- from hisoff-fpnn*, Then> 
roftreng'hen their faith in the petition, they repeat the Cove- 
nant 0/ God made with David, as We have ic, Pfal, 89 con- 
cerning his off- ipring, and mainly concerning Chrift, v. it, 12. 
Thcn,they pray concerning the Temple and City oijeru'ahm, 
reprefenting the univevfat Church, 1;. 1 j, 14. and concerning 
his Mini ftery,i/. 15,16. and concerning the increafe of Chrifts 
Kingdome, and for confufion of his enemies, v. 17, 18. for 
lvemuft not conceive this prayer delivered to the Church for 
*he ufe of all ages, to have the full accompJimment, except Chrift 
and his Church and Kingdome be mainly comprehended and 
aimed at in if. 

From the whole Pfalme in general; Learn, 1. There is a 
pet^etual Kingdom and Prieithood, appointed to be efhbliftud 



among the people of God in his Church, as the prayer given to 
the Church, to be applied and made ufe ot in all ages, doth 2 
us to underftand , and this is the Kingdom and Priefthood of 
Chrift, 2. As the evident appearing of this Kingdome and 
Priefthood of Chrift, mould bedear to the hearts of all Gods 
children, fo mould amplication daily be made to God, that this 
his Kingdome may come, with its own bleiling following upon 
i:, as the Church is taught I 

Vcr.i. T ORD, remember VavU^ and aU hk 


Inthefirftpctidon 3 Leirn, 1. Seeing the Covenant taads 
with Puvii, dpeciatiy concerning fure rnercics, was known 
mainly to belong to Chrift, and to concern the Church and e- 
very member thereof ; ic is witoom for the Church in all ages zo 
Jook to their inte;eft in this Covenant, and to hold up k 
God the memory and ufe thereof, as here the Church is taughe 
to do : Lord remember Viv id , that is, remember the Cove 
made with Vrcid in type, and with Chrift represented by him* 
2. Albeit the Lord can properly forge: nothin $, ye: he is fnd to 
lemembcr, when he by effectual working teftineth his no: 
i ng > this is the remembrance which the Siints do here pray 
; Lord, remember Ttjvjd. $. The Covenant made with Da* 
vid and with Chrift, conlithth well with afSidions probatory 
on I>Jxtii part, and expiatory on Chrifts part, and neither the 
one ftrt nor the other wanted their own refpects with God, 
but Chvifts afflictions being redemptory and meritorious, 
sremoft to be heeded by the Church; Remember *D>iz id, and 
all bis njfliftions. 4. Whatfoever care the godly h.we to p*o- 
mote Gods honour, whatfoever grief and iorrow they bear when 
they rlnde oppofition, or wan: fucceftein this their endeavour, 
whatfoever. trouble and perfecution they fuller in the maintain* 
in* or promoting of Gods cauCe, all is reckoned up unto them as 
parts of fet vice, which God will not forger to follow with mercy 
to them, and to theirs after them > Lord, remember Da Jd y jrd 
dll kkiflUftions* 



Ver. 2. 'Hoft be f 79 ate unto the LORT), and 
vowednnto the might) God f Jacob. 

3. Surely I -will not ccme into the Tabernacle of 
my houfe : nor go up into my bed. 

4. / rvM not give Jleep to mine ey es .• or (lumber to 
mine eye- lids. 

5. Vntil I finde oat a place far the LORD xan ha- 
bitation for the mighty God of Jacob* 

In the fccond place is fee down the care which TZavid had to 
fettle the worftiip of God in the land $ what time this Vow and 
Oaih was made by Druid, it is not fpecified in any other place 
of Scriprure, neither is it needful for us to be curious about the 
time or torme of words; for the meaning is not, as if David 
on a certain day , being ignorant of the place of fetling of Gods 
Ark and building the 1 emple> did limit Goi to reveal it unto 
him ete night came ; but the meaning is, that David fworc to 
* have a care of the ietli ng oi Gods A: k before he tetlen his own 
houic, and that he would no<- enjoy the commodities which his 
royal Palace (not isyetbuilded) might yield unto him, before 
he law the \ ik fetled in the place where the Tt mple ihouli be 
built. Whence learn, \. Ins lawful \o tie oar (elves by an 
Oa:h unto that duty, whereunto we were abfoluteiy tied by law 
beicre : yea, and it may fometiims be expedient ro tie our felves 
umoadutyb fweaiing, for evidencing our hearty purpofe to 
follow that duty cheerfully^ and for itir ring up of ou" felyesfo 
much the more to follow it, as we a econlciousof ou. flacknefle 
u toil, or retblenefle to refft temptations; for here Dazii 
faareunto the Lord, that he would difdmge fuch a duty. 1 A 
lawful Vow is a part of divine worfliip,duc to be msrfe to Gc: a- 
lonc ; ror David offered this eligions worftiip to God only: 
He vtoM/1 unto the mighty god of Jacob. *. The O nnipoten- 
cy ot God is the treafure of the Churches ftren^th, whe ein eve- 
ry believer hath an intercft ; Fc is lb it mighty one of zfaeob, 
A. The cave of Gods pubbek worfhip, and eft blifhing of Reli- 
gion, where we have place and power, ihould be maieearneft 
and greater in every true fubjec* of Qrdds Kingdom, then the 
caie of his own p. ivatc affaires, and in the c.Ue of competition at\\ 
T eo. 


comparifon,thefetlingofGpds worfhip ftiould be preferred be- 
fore out* fcriing in any worldly commodity ; as the example of 
Puv/^htfedoth teach us. 

Verf, 6» £0, wt heard of it at Ephrata : vte found 
it in the fields of the wood. 

In the third place, the Church [peakech and compareththe 
fetled condition of the Ark now with the fleeted condition 
wherein it was before, for it was fomcti me in Sbilob, in the tribe 
of Epbraim, and now fay they ; Lo, we beard of it at Epbrata : 
arid when it was in a manner loft, being taken by the Phili- 
ftines, they fay, they found as a thing once loft, the Ark in ^Jri- 
atb-jemnt, or City of the woods ; We found it in the fields of 
the wood, and now it is fetled will they fay, we know where to 
finde it eftablifhed : for this to be the Churches meaning is gi- 
ven us to underftand in the next verfe, wherein they fay : We 
will go up into his tabernacles. Whence learn, i , The prefence of 
the Lord in his Ordinances, was never fo fixed in any place but 
that mercy may be turned into a ftory of, It was or hath been : 
if itbeabufed, as what the Lord did to his houfe in Sbilob, 
was a hiftory in the dayes of the Kings , Lo 3 we have heard of it: 
{'that is, of the Ark of the Covenant) at Epbrata. z. When 
once ifne Lord hath fleeted the tokens of his pretence far out of a 
land, ir is tfrare mercy and unexpected, and no leffe then is the 
findi;-. ig oi a treafu/e, or of a loft jewel, to fee the reftoi ing of his 
O d r. m.cs again, as was to be f^n when God broughr back 
tfte A-k f om thePhdiftinesto JSjrixtb-jcirimi which mercy 
the Church he-.*e acknowledged > We found it in the fields of 
the wood. 3. v The way of God, about the mewing of his prcfencc 
in his holy Ordinances in any place, is not as men may expect , 
but as God feethgood todnpoie,, as the Churches fpeech gi- 
veth us to underftand ; We found the Ark. *» the fields of the 

Ver, 7, Wt will go into hUTabcrntfles; W* mil 
vtorjhip at hhfootftooli 


8. Arife^ LORD into thy refi % thon and the Ar\ 

In the fourth place, the Church ftirrcth up her felt to wor- 
fbip God in 5 ion , where the Ark, ren* cfenting Chnlt, was pla- 
ced, praying now for the benefit of Godsprefence, as Mofes pray- 
ed at the marching and fctling of the Aik. Whence letrn* 
I. When God hath revealed his will in any point of Religion, 
we fliculd without delay or difpute go follow his direction , as 
the Church doth here, when the Ark is fetitc in 6 ion ; Wt wilt- 
go into bis Tabernacles. 2. Where the Lord hltfa promiiedto 
be found, there muftwe come and keep cruft with him, and 
worftiip him : Wc will go into hist abernnl s, we mtt/mrfbi^ 
at his foot [tool. 3. The trneworfliippe inuft lift his lninde a- 
I bove every external and viiible Ordinance of God, and feek him 
in heaven where his glory fhineth molt, counting all things 
on the earth no more but as his footftool : for fo was the 
Church of ol-d directed to do, when they had the Lord moft 
fenfj.blymanifefting;himfejf inlus Tabernacleand Tempie: Wc 
will worjhip at his footftool. 4. The Church in altcr-ages 
may call for, and expect the like benefit of Gods prefence with 
his Ordinances, which his Church in former ages hath found* 
• as the prayer of the Church here, being one with the payer of 
. the Church in the wilderneife, doth teach us: Arife, Lord, 
as A/ofex faid, when the Aik did remove. $. The Ark of the 
Covenant was the figure of God incarnate, the type of Chrift 
in whom the fulnefle of the Godhead dwelleth bodily, and there- 
fore, after the manner of Sacraments, the figne receiveth tht 
name of the thing fignified j tArife, Lord> thou andthitArft 
'cfihy ftrcngth. 

Vcrf. 9. Let thy Priefts be clothed with righteouf- 
ntffe : and let thy Saints /bout for jcy. 

Now he dofeththe firft petition with a prayer for GadiMef- 
fin^of hisMinilte s.ip.d of their Minifteiy amengthe people; 
Wkncelcxrn, 1. Where the Lord is received,' he mull havei 
Minifte.s, men fct apart for his publick wor/hip and fervice, ?s 
the Prayer for the Prieftsdoth prcfuppofe. 2: The chief badge 
T 2, 


and cognisance of the Lords Minifter, is the true dodrine of 
juftifuation and obedience of faith in a holy convention; Let 4 
thy Priejis be clothed with right coufneffc. 3. People have rea- 
ion to rejoyre, who have the benerir of luch approved Minifters; 
and whomever do really embrace the true doctrine ot j uftib* ca- 
tion by gaace,wheieby men j.ftified by faith, become the fcr- 
vantsof rightcoufnefs inrheir life, are indeed Saints, and are 
called to rejoyce > Let thy ricfti be cloatbed with right eon f?icffe> 
and let thy Saints Jhout for joy. 4. It is 'he duty of the whole 
Church to pray for fut h a Mini itery, and for fuch effv&ual blcf- 
img following on it, as may make finners 6ecome Saints^ and 
fad fouls to fing for joy, as here is prayed for. 

Verf. 10. For thy fervant Davids fakei turnenot 
away the face of thine anointed* 

The fecond maine petition is, for the manifeftation of Gods 
refpeft nmoDavids off- fpring, wherein under the figure of • a- 
vids fucceffors in the Kingdom, he prayeth for the Kingdome 
of C briftj as before he prayed for his Prieflhood. Whence learn, 
1. Every faithful a ember of the Church fhould pray, as for the 
Churches welfare, fo alio for the welfare of the fupreme Magi- 
itrate, and of the Civil State whereof they are members : for fo 
runneth the prayer here in the figure : Tunic not away the face of 
thine anointed % to wit 5 the King of iff id, for whom they pray, 
that he benot put to fhame by difappointment of hishopes.2.The 
Lords anointed, or the fupreme Ruler of the Lords people y 
fbould be a daily Supplicant unto God, and a depender upon 
him : for the petition doth prefuppofe, that his face was toward 
the Lord, praying to him and waiting for good from him: 
Turnenot aw xy the face of thine anointed 3. The Lords Co- 
venant is of great refpccTt with God, and mould much 
uk of by us, as here we are taught j For thy fervavt Davids [afc, 
tume not away the face of thine anointed, that is, for the Cove- 
nants fake made with 'David in the uype, and with Chiift re- 
presented by him, refute not Ms lawful petitions. 4. The truth 
intended in the type, teacheth us that the interceffion of Chrift 
for his fubjecrs,{ha!l never mifcarey, nor (hall thrift be refu- 
nd in wiathe willeth tobedone to or for his fubjects: for 
in hi n the prayer is lurely heard: Chrift that anointed 



One cannot be refufed, nor any who truly do pray in his 
* Name, 

Verf. ii. The LORD hath ftoomem truth unto 
David, he will not turne from it : Of the fruit of thy 
body will I fet upon thy throne. 

12. If thy children Will l^ep my Covenant and my 
Teftimony, that 1 Jhall teach them, their children alfo 
/hall Jit upon thy throne for evermore. 

For ftrengthening of faith in thispetition, he calleth to minJe 
more particularly the Covenant of God with David Whence lcarn> 
1. Every Word and circumftance of Gods promife, is worifty 
to be looked upon, and well con^dered, as this example teach- 
eth us. 2. VVhofoever do feck a bencfit,according to Gods Word , 
ought firmly to believe the promife of it, and to reft upon the lia- 
bility of the prom ife, as here we finde the example! the Lord 
hath (mrne, be mil not turne from it. g. Albeit the promife, 
that Chrift Ihould come of David be ibfolute, and feiled with an 
Oath, yet the promifes of temporal things nude to 7) avid, are 
conditional, as God mould fee fit to give them, and as his chil- 
dren should carry themlelves in Gods obedience, lb Ihould they 
ha ve temporal benefits, and fucceed him in the tempo al throne : 
If tby children will keep my Covenant and my tcftimonics, thy 
children alfo jhall fit upon thy throne for evermore, 

Ver. 13. For the LORD hath] cho fen lion: be 
hath dejired it for his habitation, 

14. This is my reft for ever: here will 1 d^tlU 
for I have dc fired it > 

Hcgiveth a reafon for theabfolute promife of Chrift s coming 
to rule the fpiritual Kingdom of Ifrael, or the Church, becaufe 
the Lord had chofen Zion in the type, and the univerfal Church 
under the figure, to be his chofen Temple an J lubiution,whe;e- 
in he delighted. Whence learn, 1. Where God will fettle his 
Sanduary, there he will fettle his Kingdome alfo: Sion mail 
not want a Kingi for the reafon here, why the Lord will with 
T $ an 


an oath fet up one who (hall be the frui: of Davids body upon 
the throne, is, Eccaufe be bath cbofen Sion. 2. The Lords J 
pitching upon any place to dwell in, o: per Ions to dwell among, 
cometh note Fch worthineffe of the place, or perfons, but from 
Gods good plealure alone. For the Lord batb cbofen Sion, be 
hath dtfired it for bis habitation. 3. The Lord refteth in his 
love towa . \ his Church , accepting the perfons, prayers, ani 
fervice o his chofen people: he fmelleth a fweet fivour in 
Chrift here, and his love roaketh his feat among his people ftcd- 
faft : This is my rcjl y I have defired it 4 What is promifed 
under typical figures, is really everlafting, not in regard of the 
figure, but in regard of the (ignification : For tbk h my reft 
for everts true only in refpecVof the Church, repvefeir.ed by 
Sion, 5. Noreafonis to be craved for Gods everlafting good 
will to any perfon or incorporation; his pleafure may fuffice 
foracaufe: This is my reft for ever, here mill 1 dwell, for lb Ave 
defircd it, or have pleafure hit. 

Verf. 15. 1 Will abundant lj bleacher prrvifon: 
I mil fatit fie her poor with bread. 

16. 1 will alfocloath her Priefls^Qitb(alvation\ and 
her Saints (hall Jbottt aloptd for joy. 

The reft of thearticles of the Lords Covenant with David, 
are io many promifes which the Lord doth make concerning the 
blefling of the Minifters of Chrift, unto the Churches good, and 
theencreafeof Chrifts Kingdomc, in defpite of his enemies, 

From the promife made concerning the»blefTing of the Mini* 
ftery for the peoples goods Leapt, 1 . The true fubjects of Chrift, 
.ihall not want the meanes of fpiritual life,fpiritual meat, drink, 
cloathing, and whatfoever is ncceflary for their falvation ; I will 
abundantly bleffeher provifion. 2. The difpenfation of good 
things unto Gods children, is fuch as (hall make them lcnfible 
of their own infufficiency ', they are not exempted from feeling 
their wants, and being in ftraks, but as they feel their need, fo 
fhall they be provided for : every evil which they feel, fhall have 
a perfect remedy in Chrift ,and in his Word, which fhall fatis- 
fie the needy foul : I mil fatUfie her poor with brczd 3 . Chrifts 
" y ■ J * Church 


Church (hall neither want Minifters, nor (hall his fern Mini- 
fters want commi(fion for teaching of faving truth, but ftiall be 
cloathed with authority to preach and toproclaime fa 1 vat ion to 
the believers : I will alfo cloaib her Pricfts with falv&tion. 4. 
The Minifters of righteoufnefs teaching the true way of j unifica- 
tion, and obedience off aith, are alfo the Minifters of ialvation : 
for the cloathing of the T>r lefts with rigbteoufnejfc, v. 9. is here, 
the c loathing of them with falvat ion. $. Comfort and joy fhall 
the Lords people have, who do imbrace aMiniftery cloathed 
with commi (lion to hold forth righteoufnefle and falvation in 
Chrift unto them : Her faints fbaUJhout aloud for joy. 

r - ^ * T ft 

Vcrf. 17. There^ill I make the home of T> avid 
to bud) I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed. 

18. Hid enemies Vvill 1 c loath with fhame : but 
u\>on himfclfe fiaHhii crouton fionriflu 

Prom the promifes made in favour of Chrifts Kingdcmej 
Learn y 1. As£/<minthe type was the place where Chiift ma- 
nifefted himfelfe King oflfrael, fo alfo the Church mainly fig- 
nified by it, is the place and incorporation, wherein CHrift 
is to be feen manifeftly to be King : There wilt 
1 make the home of David to bud. 1. The glory.of typical! Da- 
vids Kingdom e, was revived in Chrift the true David ; the 
budding of Chrifts Kingdome in Jerufalem, was tie budding 
of Dtfi/iijKingdome in a more glorious way then ever his tem- 
poral Kingdome flourifhed : There will I mah^c the home of *Da- 
vidtobud. 3. This is the Crown and accomplishment of the 
Churches felicity, that ihe hath Chrift for her King : There wilt 
J mafe the borne of David to bud. 4. How low focver Chrifts 
Kingdome can be brought in the world, yet it is fixed as 3 well 
rooted tree, it is rooted as the home of an Unicorne; although 
it may feem gone, or fo weak as it cannot fubfift, yet it (hall bird 
and grow in defpite of all oppofition : There will I ma^c Ok 
borne of David to bud. 5. It is no wonder' to fee adverfaries 
oppofing Chrifts Kingdome, for it is here foretold and prefup- 
poled: His enemies will I c loath with flume. 6. Albeit the 
enemies of Chrift do promife tothemfelves advantage, by their 
opposition made unto Chrift, and hope to oycrturnc his Kinj- 

T 4 domes 


dome, yet have they all been, and (hall beafliamed for ever of 
their expectation, whofoever do hate his Kingdome .- His ene- 
mies will I cimb tvitb fame, which they (hall not be able to 
hide, but mud put on and walk therein, as a man doth in his 
garments. 7. T tie mote Chrjft is oppofed, the mo-e ihall his 
fplendor,ani glory grow in the world: But upon bimfelfe jhatl 
bis crown flourijlu v 


J. how good, and how pit 

for brethren to dfte/l together 

Ver. 1. Ty£k*lA. ko» good, and homo pleafant it 

tn unity. 

2 % It is like the preciom ointment upon the K 
Joetd* that ranne down upon the beard, even 
Aarons beard: and went down to the skirts of 
his garments. 

3. As the dew of Her won: and as the dew 
that defcended upon the mountaines of Sion ^ for 
there the Lord commanded the bleffing ; even life 
for evermore* 

This Pfalme doth fit the condition of Gods people, inZU- 
vids time, when after iheir civil wanes they were brought to 
an happy unity in Religion, and civil Government. This fart of 
concord and communion of Saints is hce commended to the 
phurch as both pleafant and profitable. The goodneffe of it is 
fpokeno^v. I. The pleafontneffeof it, v. 2. The profitable- 
neffeofit, y. $,. Whence l&ivn, 1. Thofe are moil fit to put 
£ price, and right tftimarion upon peace and concord, who have 

feen a- d felt the evil of difcord and contention's T>avids expe- 
rience proveth 5 for this is a Pfalme of David, who had proofe - 

both o( warre and peace, i 9 The fruits of peace in the reforma- 


tion of Religion, and of civil Judicatories, dofo redound unto 
the comfort of all families and private perfons, as the good of 
concord maybedemonftrated ienfibly : Behold, how good it til 
$. Such a concord is true concord;, and worthy of tic Mame* 
which doth unite the members of the vifiblc Chut ^h, as bre- 
thren, or children of one Father, in the true Religion 3 for 
the mutual difcharge of all the duties of love: How g ed is it 
for brethren to dwell together inunity\ 4. Seme things are 
pleafant and not prontable,and fome things are profitable and not 
pleafant, but the concord of Gods people, or holy peace within 
the vifible Church in any place, is both pleaiant and profitable : 
Behold, how good a >d pleafant it is, for brethren t» d>> U together 
in unity. 5. This bleffing is not to be expected by any, but 
through Chrift, on whom the oile of gladntfie, and all the 
graces of the Spirit are firft poured out, and then from him are 
carried to the meaneft member of his body : a<? Adrons head being 
anointed with oile, the benefit of it extended it felf to the utter- 
moft borders of his garments* forthe iimilitude borrowed from 
Aarons anointing, as the type of Chrifl, doth teach us fo much: 
It is Ufa the precious ointment, (^c. .And this fimiii.ude repre- 
fenteththe pleaf.ntnetfe of concord, the fweet fmell whereof 
refreflicth all that have any fpiritual fenfe. 6. As dew maketh 
the herbs and trees to flourifh . for the utility of man: fo is con- 
cord profit ible to the Church and State * As the dew of Hermon, 
cr dew }bit defended upon the mountaincs of Sion. 7. Where 
holy concord maketh its refidence among brethren dwelling to- 
gether in unity, there the bleffing of the God of peace in this 
life, and for the life to come; makes its refidence alfo: there 
the Lord commanded the bleffing, even life for evermore* 8. This 
bleffing oi brethren living in the unity of the Ipirit and bond of 
peace,isnot promifed only, but alfo 'here is an eveilafting or- 
der given forth from the Supream Ruler of all things, for the 
forthwith applying of the bleffing efte&ually to thole tha-r thus 
live together : there the Lord commanded the bleffing, even lift 
for evermore. 




In thisfhortPfalme,the Spirit of the Lord, by the mouth of 
the Pfalmift, exhorteth the Lords Miniftcrs to go about the ex- 
erciTe of their publick Miniftery, in praying , preaching and 
praifing Goa> v* i , *♦ and blefling thecongregation met toge- 
ther, v. $ i 

Vcrf. I. YyEhold, hieffeye the LO R D: all ye 

Xj fervants of the LORD: which 

by night fiand in the hottfe of the 

LO R T) . 

2. Lift up your hearts in the Sunttuary : and 

tlejfe the LORD. 

From the exhortation to the Lords Minifters; Letrn, L 
The publick worfliip of God is to be carefully looked unto : and 
ailmeh>butefpeciallyMinifters 3 had need to be ftirred up to 
take heedtothemfelves 3 andto the work of Gods publick wor- 
fliip when they go about it; for fo much cfoth bcholdy in this 
place import . 2. The fcope and fpecial end of publick worfliip 
is to fet forth the blefiednefle of God in himfelfe, and in his ope- 
ration for, and toward his Church : for all the parts of publick 
worfliip and fervice, in prayer, reading of Scripture, preaching, 
praifing,andth?.nk(^ivin2^ri?\gingpf ; Pfalmes., and blefling of 
the people, do aime at this ' 'Behold) blefleyc the Lord. 3. The 
difcharging of'hepablick worfhipof God,requircth that there 
be publick Mipiftcrs appointed by God, and feparate A unto this 
holy function; Blcffeyctbc Lord, n 1 ! ve frrv.tnts of the Lords 
4. Itwascomrti' uied in the La/;, Ex^> 17 > *o> *<• that fo 
foon as day-light began toj fall at even, lamps fhould belight- 
ed 3 and fhine all night in ihe Tabernacle, till »■ he morning, 
and that the Priefts and Levis fhould by courfe waite upon his 
fervice, that there fliould not be datknefle in the Lord houfe, 



bat light alwayes night and day : whereby was fignified, that 
howfoevcr the world lieth in the darknefle of ignorance, offinnc 
and mifery, yet in the Lords Church remedy againft all thofc 
evils and relief from them is to be had; and that God hath 
ordained Minifters , and' publick Officers, to cntenainc 
and held forth the fliiningof the light unto the Church; and 
to this end not to Hand to break their nights reft , when the 
fervicedoth call for it: Blcjfe the Lord, all ye fervants of the 
Lord, -which by night Jlavd in the boufe of the Lord. 5. Prayer 
to God, as the mouth ofthe people, is a part of the office of the 
Lords Miniftcrs : for io much is imported by pointing at the 
ccftureofthe fupplicant : Li ft up your bands in the Sanctuary, 
that is, in the place where the people aflemble. f. To praife 
the Lord, and to teach the people what the Lord is, what bieffed- 
nefle is to be found in him, and how they ffiould acknowledge 
this, and make ufe of it, is another part of the Minifiers officer 
Lift up yonr hands in the Sanftuary, and blcjfe the Lord. 

Ver. 3. The Lord that wade heaven and earth: 
tfeffe thee out of Sion. 

Inthisverfcthe Lords Mtnifters as they are directed, fo 
they go about to bleffe the people out of Sion, in the Name of 
the Lord: OutofSion,beaLuk there was the Arke of the Co- 
venant, the figure of Chrift, God incarnate, through whom 
alone the Lords bleffing is derived unto his Church. lV)nncQ 
learn, 1. All men lie under the curfe, till God bring them into 
the fellowship of his Church, and pronounce them blefled by 
his Word, as, ThcLo*d blcjfe thee^ doth import, z. It is apart 
ofthe office of the Lords Minifters, to pronounce with autho- 
rity Gods bleffing upon his people, which is no more then a 
wifh or prayer for them ; for rhey are lent of God with com- 
miffiontofay, The Lord blcjfe t bee, $. No bleffing is to be 
expe&ed but from Chrift, reprcfented by the Arke ofthe Cove- 
nant, which was in Sion : The Lord blcjfe thee out of Sion. 4. 
The confidence of the believer to obtain whatfoever is pro- 
mised in the Lores Word, is builded upon the Covenant of 
God, andtheomnipotcncyof'Godrand what can afoul ftand 
in need of, which this fountains cannot yield ? The Lord tbit 
made heaven and earth, blcjfe tbec out of sion. 




THefcopeofthis Pfalme, is to fct forth the praifes of the 
Lord : wherein there is an earneft exhortation of all the 
Church, and of all the Lords Minifters to praife God, v t i,i, $. 
wheieuntoare added feven motives or reafons 3 from v. $, to 
v 1 2. In the next place, the Pfalmift turneth his fpeech to- 
wards the Lordj and praifcth him $ and giveth two reafons 
more for the praifing of God, v. 13, 14, 1?, 16, 17, 18. In 
the third pi ice, more ipecially he cxhorteth the Minifters, and 
every particular member of the Church to praife God, and fo 
dofeth with bleffins; of him. 

Vcr. I. TyRaifei/e the LO RD y praife ye the 
I Name of the LOKT) : praife him, 
O jefervants of the LO RD. 
3. Ye that fi and in the Houfe of the LORD, in 
the courts of the Houfe of our Got). 

In the exhortation dire&ed to the wholeChurch, and to the 
Minifters j Lexrn> 1. The work of praifing God, fliould be 
gone about aftedionatelyi and unto it fhould weftirreup our 
felveSj and oth*.' s with all our might : as this manifold exhorta- 
tion to praife the Lord, and fingpraife> doth teach us. 2. That 
which is fpoken or manifeftcd of God, muft be carefully taken 
notice of, that he may be praifed out oi knowledge : for he will 
not have praifes, but as his Word doth direct . for this doth, 
praife the Home of the Lord y import. $. The publick Mini- 
fters of Gods Houfe, who >ne fet apart for teaching and leading 
$f the people in his fervice, by reafon of thei,r Office and imploy- 
mentjmuftftirreup themfelves unto this wo'/k of praifing God, 
(ivhatfoever may be their own private condition, fad or joy r ull : 
for their obligation fo to do is greateft, Pnife bim y ye Saints 
of tbcLordiOyefcrvws of the Lord. 4. As our priviledgcs 

a>* e 


are more then the reft of the world, by being in Covenant with 
God and admitted to have room, in the holy affemblicsof his 
people j fofhould our care to praifc Go i be the greater 5 It that 
ftand in the boufe of the Lord, in the Courts of tie boufe of our 

Vcrf. 3. Praife the LORD, fir the LORD is 
good : (ing praifes unto his Name, for it is pleafant. 

He infifteth in the exhortation, and beginneth to give reafons 
to move us to praife God. Whence team, 1. The Lord is 
worthy to be praiied, not only for his effential goodnefle , but al- 
io for the letting forth thereof on rhe creatures, and towards his 
people moft of all ; Praife the Lord, for the Lord is good : ami 
'this is the firft reafen or motive to praife. 2. Singing of the 
Lords pi ai fes is a pa* t of the moral wcrlbip of God, and fliould 
be done with chee* fulncfle of heart, as a work wherein we re- 
joyce to be employed ; Sing praifes unto his Name. 3. The 
woik of praifing God, ha: h a fort of reward joyned with it: when 
we praifc God meft, we get moft benefit by fo doing : it is fo 
comely in it felf, fo pleafant unto God , and profitable to the per- 
fon that oftereth praifes, fo fit to chear up his fpirit, and ftrength- 
en his r aith in God, who fe praifes are the pillars of the believers 
confidence and comfort, that a man fhould be allured thereun- 
to: Sing praifes unto his Name, for it is plcafunt; and this- is 
the fecond motive or reafon to praife God* 

Vcrf. 4. For the LORD hathchofen Jacob unto 
hlmfelfe . anb lfrael for hu peculiar treafure. 

The third reafon of praifing God is, becaufe he hath by elect- 
ing 2/rtfe/, put a great refpect and price upon his people. Whence 
learn, i.TheJewes havearefpeft of honour put upon them, 
(how unworthy foever they hive proved themfclves of it many 
times,,/ aboveall the Nations of the world, in that God hath 
cho*en them 1 b^ his people, among whom he will alwaycs 
haveachofen number, which of no other Nation can be faid : 
For the L ord batbebojen ficob unt$ bimfetf. i.The Lords Co- 



Venanted people are no lefle precious in his eyes, then a peculiar 
treafure is in a mans eyes 5 tie barb ebofen 1 fad for bis peculiar 

Ver. 5, For I know that the L ORD is great : and 
that our LORD is above all gods. 

The fourth reafon ofGods praife is, becaufe the Lord is greater 
then all earthly,yea,then all imaginable excellencies in ihe world, 
as theChurch doth both believe and know by experience. whence 
learn, 1. The largenefle of Gods dominion over all Nations, 
and over all imagined excellency of the idols of the Gentiles, 
doth commend the mercy of God to that Nation, which he 
doth prefer unto the reft, by taking them in Covenant with 
himfelf ; The Lord is great, and our Lord is above all gods, 
% As the Lord doth by his extraordinary working for his peo- 
ple make manifeft his glorious and great majeitie to them, 
b fliould they fo much the more for their experience praife him 
before all the world : For I know tbat tbe Lord is gmt, and 
cur Lord is above allgods,doth import not only the Pfalmifts be- 
lief of the point, and experience of the truth thereof, but.alicj 

Ver. 6. whatfoever the LORD pleafed y thu did he 
in heave n^and in earth: in the feas, and all dec pe 

The fifth reafon of Gods praife, ferving alfoto confirm the 
former reafon isj becaufe God is the Omnipotent Creator, and 
abfolute Governour of all things^ difponng of them as he 
pleafeth* Whence learn, 1. The gre^t woiks of Creadon, Su- 
llentation, and governing all things, dolhcvv the Lords great- 
neffe, and do furnilh matter of his praife : iVbatfocvcr tbe 
Lord pleafed, that did be in heaven and in eanb, in tbe fea and 
dll dccpflaces. 2. The Lords will and pleafurc is the meafure of 
the extending of his Omnipotcncy, and no further muft we ex- 
tend his power unto action, then his revealed will giveth war- 
rant 5 IVbatfoever the Lord pleafed : that did be. 3 - The Lords 



Willis thefovercignandabfolutecaufe of all his working, and 
that whereon all mens faith and reafon rauft reft 5 Wbatfocvcr 
bcplcafed 3 bedid. 

Ver 4 j. He caufeththe vapours to afcend from 
the ends of the earth* he maketh lightening* for 
the raine , he bringeth the V&inde out of his tre*- 

The (Txth reafon of Gods praife is, becaufe there is no motion 
in the clouds or in he aire, but that which he maketh. Whence 
learn, There is none of the motions of the creatures fo light or 
variable, which are not wrought by God, and wherein his pro- 
vidence doth not actually put forth it felf in vapours, clouds^rain, 
lightnings, windesand all : Hecaufetb the vapours to a fcetid 
from the ends of the earth, be maketh lightnvigsi for the raine, be 
bringeth the veinde out of bis treajuries^ 

Ver. 8. who [mote the fir [I- borne of Egypt ; both 
ef man and be a ft. 

9. Who fent tokens and wonders into the midfl of 
thee ,0 Egypt , upon Pharaoh, and upon all his ftr- 

10. Who [mote great Nations \ and flew mighty 

1 1 . Sihon King of the Amorites, and Og King of 
Eafhan : and all the Kingdomes of Canaan. 

1 2. tAndgave their land for an heritage: an herit- 
age unto lfrael bis people* 

Thefevcnth reafon of Gcds praife is, for his wonderful Re- 
demption of his people out of Egypt^ni powerful overthrow of 
; the Canaanites, and placing of his people in their voomJVhcnce 
learn, 1. The Lords working for his Church in former times, 
is matter of praifingGod in all aftei-agcs: as this example of 
1 the mentioning fo oft of tbejlaugpicr oftbefirft-boruofE- 



gypt botbvf manandbeaft, doth teach. 2. Gods working for 
bis people is fuch, that their enemies being pofed, muft acknow- 
ledge his wonderful ads: He (cut tokens and wonders in the 
mid ft of thee, O Egypt , upon Pharaoh and all bis fervants* 
3. When God engageth for his people, he will overtop the migh- 
tieft Kings and Kingdomes, and tread them under jn favour 
of his Church ; iVbo [mote great Nations, and flew mighty 
things, Sib on \{ing of the Hmorites, and 0% tiding of Bajhan, 
and all tbelijnglomes of Cxiiain. 4. The care of God for his 
people is indefatigable, he ceafeth not to prdfecute begujg^fa* 
vours, till he biin° them to an end : He iolloweth I/rdc/J**Re- 
demption out of Egypt, till he give them pofTeffion of Canaan, 
5 Albeit there be difficulties and opposition to the fetling of 
Gods people in their poffeffion* yet the wo/k goeth on> and 
muft be perfected ; and the dole of Gods work is no lefle glori- 
ous then the beginning ot it : He gave their land for an heritage, 
an heritage unto Ifrael bU people. 

Verf. 13. Thy Name, LORt), endureth for 
ever : and thy memorial , OLORD, throughout 
all generations. 

Inthefecond place > the Pfalmiilturneth his fpeech toward 
the Lord, and praifrth him yet more .• and then, in the follow- 
ing verfes addeth other tworeafons of hisprai/ing God. From 
this verie, Learn, 1. What the Lord doth declare himfelf to be 
in one generation toward his Church, may and fhouldoc a 
treanes to know what he will do in ail time to come for his pco *• 
pie as need fliall require Thy Name,0 Lordjndurctb for ever, 
and thy memorial, Lord, throughout all generations. 2. As the 
conft ncy of Gods love toward his people, and care for them 
is a matter ofhi^hpraife unto God : io it is a marter'of fweec 
refrefhing joy to the beleevc ', which maketh him look up kindly 
unto God, and praifehim: as here the Pfalmift in praifing 
Gods conftancy, turnethhis fpeech twice toward him : Lord, 
O Lord. 

Ver. 14. For the LORD mil judge hv peopbi 


4wd he W/7/ repent h'tmfelfc concerning his fer* 

Thefirft newreafon ofGodspraifeisthehope, that the Lord 
will plead the caufe of his afflicted people, and will comforp 
them. Whence learn, i.Then are by-paft mercies of God 
rightly made ufeof, when they ftrengthen faith and hope iri 
God for mercies to come : as here we fee the Lords memorial 
made ufc of, for the Churches prefent comfort. 2. Where foe ver 
Gg3s peopkare opprefied by their enemies, howfoever God hath 
ever juft quarrel agninft his people, yet will he examine wh3t 
moved the enemies to trouble them; and albeit he do not at 
firftgive outfentence, yet he will execute juflice in favour 
of his people in due time : Per the Lord will judge bis people^ 
to wit, by pleading their caufe againft their enemies. 3. The 
conftancy of Gods love to his people, makes the change of his 
fad difpenfations into more comfortable, to be certain : and 
therefore Gods afflicting of his people, is a work wherein he will 
not continue, becaufe his mercy toward his people is everlaftingj 
For the Lord wiU)iidge his people , and he will repent bim[clfcon- 
cerningbisfervants. 4. As it is a fort of grief to God toafflid 
his people, fo it is a fort of comfort to him to comfort his peo- 
ple by delivering cf them from their fad affliction; for the 
word, Repent bimfel^ in the Originall doth figni fie alio to com - 
fort kimjclf. 

Ver. 15. The idols of the heathen are filver find 
golly the work of mens hands. 

i6.Tbeyh'a\CfnoHtbes, but they /peak not : eyes 
hl\Ztbey,but they fee not. 

1 7. They have ears^ but they heare not : neither is 
there any breath in their mouthes. 

1 8. They that make them arc like unto them : (o i* 
every one that trujteth in them. 

The fecond new reafon of Gods praife, is taken from the bufi-* 
nefle of all idols compared wirh God 1 and of all idolaters com- 
pared with his fcrvants. Whence learn, 1. True wotfhiposrsof 

U * God 


God '\o deteft images and idols, and all falfe religion, how gor* 
gcouQy foever ihey be decked up by idolaters : The idols of the 
heathen arc filvcr and gold> the worf{ of mens hands % 2. How de- 
legable foever the inyendon of inn^cs, or worfhippingof idols 
fcemtobe, yet do thefe vanities bang nothing to theworfhip- 
pcrs fave g' ief and vexation : for fo doth their name in the O- 
riginarl import $ . Wormippers of images arc not efteemed ac- 
cording to their intention and profeflion, when they (ay they 
worfhip the thing reprefenccd by therrij but are to be judged by 
Goo's verdict of them, who hath pronounced their gods to be 
no other thing, then their images which are fhaped by rhe Arti- 
fice like a man 5 They have mouthes , mt they [peak not, &c. 
4 Idolatry is a benumming fin, which bereaveth the idolater of 
the right ufe of hh fenfes and reaion ; They tbitrnx^c them arc 
lilic to them. 5. Bcfide outward worfhip offered by idolaters to 
th>i; images, they are found to offer unto them alfo the inward 
worfhip of cheir fouls .- They trufi in tbem; and in trufting 
in them, or looking for any good b/ them, they are bu r bru- 
tifh, os like fcnlelefle blocks j So is everyone tbxt trujktbiv 
them. X 

Verf. 19. Blejfe th* LORD, Ohonfe of Ifr.:el: 
bleffe the LORD^ bo ufe of Aaron. 

20 Blejfe the LORD, hoitfe of Levi : je that 
[earths LORD ttejf* the LORD. 

21. BUffcd be the LORD cat of lion : which 
dtyclleth at iemfdem : Praifcjc the LORD. 

In the clofeof ths Pfalme, the Pfalmift exhorceth all ranks of 
the godly, both publick Officers and private members of the 
Church toblefle Gad, and giveth example of obedience in his 
ownperfon. Whence leirn> 1. As the whole incorporation of 
the Church receiveth common benefits from God more thena- 
ny incorporation befide, and as every rank and order of people 
do receive benefits more particularly' to themfelves; fo fhould 
the whole incorporation together, and every one. of ever/ rank 
give pr.ife unto God, and fet forth his blcfledncffc before ci- 
thers, as their vocation permitteth : for, Blejfe the Lord>0-boufe 
Jjrael, is fpokento the whole-incorporation ym^Blcjfe the Lord, 


Oboufe of Aaron, doth fpeak to the Priefts; and Blefle xht 
Lord houfcof Levi, is directed to the under officers of God$ 
houfe. 2. Aibdt all men arc exhorted, and each perfon in theic 
icveralpbcis called upon, yet they only wrro teare God, will 
difcharge the duty con (cionably, therefore after all it is faid, 
Te that fear the Lord, bkjfethe Lord. 3. The true worfhipper 
of God draweth this ipeci al point- of Godspraife* from G^ds 
m?nif. fling of himfelf to his Church in and through, and lof 
Chtift ; for this isfignifkd by the types, figures and tokens of 
his pretence in Sion and Jcrufdemh ?tte(fed b? the Lord out of 
Sion, which dwclletb at ferufalem 4 When thefengofpai e 
isfung unto God, the work of his praife is not en^ed, but 
muft.. be continued, renewed and followed ft ill 5 Praife ;c the 


'J'His Pfaime is an exhortation toconfeffe Gods goodnefle and 

and mercy 3 and zo piaife and thank him for the manifeftati- 

on thereof, in io many fundry works of his : upon this ground, 

becaufe the fountain of his mercy, whence his wcrks did flow, 

doth run ftill, anj endure forever, to the benefit of his ownd 

people in. fpecial. The reafons of the exhortation untothanks 

and praiie, are Tec down in order, fo many in number as the 

vertes are, unto every one whereof is added one common rcafon^ 

from the evcrlaftin* endurance of his mercy In the fi, ft place, 

>theexho)Tntion is tnt ice propounded, with re Uons taken f orrf 

the Lords attributes or names, v. x, 1, 3. In thefecond place* 

reafonsarc given from his works, and in ipecial from the work 

of Creation, v. 4, to v. 10. In the third place, reafons are gi- 

'venfrom the work of Redemption of Vratl, and binging them 

forth out o( Egypt. 8c planting them in Canaanjiom it^tb v.ij. 

In the fourth place, reafons of thanks aregiven, from his late? 

mercy to the. Church in the Pfalmifts time : t>. 23 ,14. And la ft of 

I all, a reafon is given,* from his goodnefle to all living crca urcs, 

v, zf.whereupon heclofeth with an exhottation u'uto thankfgi* 

J ving to the God of heaven, v.iC* 

U * Ver« 


Verf. r. ^A Give thankj nnto the LORD, for 
\*J he is good; for his mercy cndurcth 
for ever. 
2. give thankj unto the God of gods : for his mer* 
rjf endureth for ever. 

3 * give thankj to the Lord of lords : for his mer* 
cy endureth forever. 

Prom the threefold exhortation to give thanks, with the rea- 
foris fubjoyned thereto : I earn, i . When we have praifed God 
for what reafons we have offered unto us in one Pfalme, we muft 
begin again, andpraife (or other reafons, and when we have 
done fo, we have not overtaken our task,the duty lieth (till at our 
door to be difcharged afrcfh: as this Pfalme doth fhew. 2. God 
is to be acknowledged and praifed as the fountain of the being, 
continuance and prefervation of all things that are in the 
world, and as the performer of all his promifes : give thanks 
Mtotbc Lord tfehovt. 2. The knowledge of Gods attributes, 
p roperties or Name, and in fpecial of his goodneffe, is able to 
draw forth the praifing of" God from every believer: give 
thanks unto the Lord j fr be is good. 5 Neither is God weary 
of doing good, nor is his fpent, by whit he hath already 
let forth of it, but it ccntinucth as a river ftill running; For 
hit mere) tndurctb for ever. 4. Whatfoever is the Lords praife 
is for ouv profit and advantage, and fo is a matter of thanks from 
us untoliismiijefty; give thanks unto the Lord, for be is good. 
{•The Lord is more excellent then all theMagiftrates, Ru- 
lers, Princes and Kings in the world : yea, he hath all thofe per- 
fections joyned in one in him, which idolaters do feigne to be 
fcattered among their idols, of whom they conceive oue to excel 
in one thing, and another in another thing : O give lbm\s to 
the God of gods. 6. To whom the Lord is God by Covenant, 
he is alwayes and forever their God $ For bis mercy enduretb 
forever. J.God is the only fovereign Lord of all things, and 
the only Potentate, who hath abfolute right, and abfolute pow- 
er to do what hepleafeth, and can when he will, overtop all 
principa iities and powers, to the benefit of his followers: O 



give tban\s to the Lord of lords. 8. The perpetuity of Gods 
mercy doth mike the benefit of Gods fovereignty forth-com- 
ing for ever to the believer, and to ftand as a matter of con- 
fhnc praife and thankfgiving to him 5 give thank? to the Lord of 
lords: for bis mercy endweib for ever. 

Verf* 4. To him who alone doth great wonders : 
for his mercy endureth/ir ever. 

5. To him that by voifdom made the Heavens: for 
his mercy endureth for ever, 

6. To him that ftretched out the earth above the 
waters : for bis mercy endurech/itf- ever. 

7. To him that made great liohts : for bid mercy 
endureth for ever. 

8. The Sun to rale by day : for his mercy endureth 
for ever. 

9. The Moone and Starres to rule by night : for his 
mercy endureth forever. 

From the rca Tons of praife and "thanks to be given to God, 
' which are taken from his works of Creation -> Learn, 1 .Every 
work of God is wonderful, and able to make a man afionifhed 
if it be well considered: To him who doth great wonders. 
2. Whatloever inftruments the Lord is pleafcd toufe in any 
oi his wonderful works,, he alone is the worker, and will not 
communicite the glory of the work with any creature: To him 
who done dotb great wonders. 5. The conftancyof Gods mer- 
cy to his own, doth make the ufe of Gods wonderful power con- 
ftantly forth-coming to them, as their need requireth : porhk 
mercy endureth for ever. 4. The making of the Heaven, as it 
is a wonderful work, and a matter of eonftant praife unto God, 
fo a wondcrous benefit unto his people in many refpects ; To him 
that made the Heavens. 5. The wifdom of God appearing in 
the fabrick of heaven, as it is worthy to be praifed , becaufe it is 
of fo large a compafie, as the motion of it mall be no w ayes 
troublefome to man : the ftars fo glorious an ornament,.fo ufeful 
to man, and fo regular in their motion as is wonderful': To 
him that by wifdom made the Hcavcw>\ C\ h is the mercy of 
U l Goi 


God that the Heavens do continue in their fervke to finful men** 
for hn mercy eniuretb for ever. 7. The earths (landing up a- 
bovethe w ters, which by courfe of nature fhoulii be above 
the earrh,) is a ftan-.iing miracle for the uvc of man, :ha: he might 
have a pleaf tnt dwelling wtvle t e is in the world > To bim th&t 
ftretched forth the emb above the waters . £. It is the mercy of 
God, that thewateis ao not return to their natural ourfeto 
cover theeavth as they did in the flood of JS(j4b i ForhU mer- 
cy endureth for ever, o. The illumi nation of the world by fo 
great lights, as might at once (hine upon the one half of the 
earth> t which otherwife flioulci be in darkneffe for themoft 
part) is a matter of Gods praife, and mans profit, deierving 
th nks from man unto God : To him who made great lights* 
1 o . It is the Lords mei cy that he haih not changed this courfe, 
nor removed .his much abuled benefit from us> For his mercic 
endureth for ever, 11 The making the Sun to bethe fixed 
fountain of dy light, rather then to have fcrved the world 
with the light which (hined the firft three dayesoftbe Creation, 
Is tor the greater benefit of man. as for many other reafons. io 
for 'this, that every part of the day might be better diftinguiiL- 
eq, according to the motion of the body of the Sun .* Ti?e Sun 
to rule the day. \ z. That God hath not rilcbarged the Sur to 
ihine upon finful men, who defcrve to live in darknefle, is a 
proof of his endlefle mercy to his own t For his mercy endureth 
for ever. 1 3. The tempering of thedarh.efle of the night by 
she Moones light, and by the light of the ftarres in their cour- 
fe*, is a matter of Gods praife, and of nans comfort, and the 
Continuing of this favour ftill, is the evidence of tc> 
his people: Hemx\eththe Moone andSurresto rule by night* 
for his mercy endureth for ever. 

Ver. to. To him thatfmote Egypt in their firft* 
home 5 fer his mercy endureth fur ever. 

1 1 . ssfnd brought out IJrael from among them \for 
hit were j endureth for ever. 

1 2. With a slrong hand, and with a ftretched out 
arme : for his mercy endureth for ever. 

1 3. To him which divided the Redfea into parts : 
for hh mercy endureth for ever. 


14. And made Jfrael to paffe thorovf the mid ft of 
it : for his mercy endurech for ever. 

15. But overthrew Tbaraoh and his hofle in the Red 
fea\ for hi* mercj endureth forever. 

16. To him which led hs people thorow the wilder - 
mffe \fo- his mere) endureth /#r ever. 

1 7s To him wheh fmote great Kings : for his mer- 
cy endureth for ever. 

1 8. AnA flew famous Kings; for his mercy endureth 
for ever. 

1 9. Sihon King of the Amorces : for his mercy endu- 
reth jor ever. 

20. KndOg the Kingof Tiajhan : for his mercy en- 
dureth for ever. 

2 1 . And gave their land for an heritage-^ for his mer~ 
€y endureth for ever. 

22. Even an heritage unto Ifrael his fervant : for 
his mere j endureth for ever. 

In there-Cons of Gods praife, taken from the work of deli- 
very of Ifrzcl out of Egypt, convoying of them through the wil- 
demefle, and planting them in Canixn : Lexrn, 1. The Led 
fflould bepraifed for the works of Creation, as by all men, fo 
especially by thofe who arc partakers or" rhe benefit of Redem- 
ption : and thofe only who are fenfible of the benefit of Redem- 
ption, will give him praife for the works of Creation? and com- 
mon p ovidence, as the fattening of the duty of praife, etVecl- 
ally uponJ/r^r/, here doth teach us. 2. The Lords prelcrying 
ofhisChuch from the beginning doth concern the true mem- 
bers of the Churchin all rimes after, to bethmkful for tt : no 
lengthen for the continuing of the courfecf rhe Heaven**, Sun, 
Moon and Srars; as the context of the P iiavtli hhold forth. ?. 
The Lords punishing of the enemies of his Church v Eg)£lAs 
an obligation on the ChufcB to praife him for ever: and his cofi-, 
flan; mercy gberh aiTur' 1 nee, that he will avenge the qimrrel of 
his oppreffed people i n all ages : To him that fontc J£jpi t in ttcir 
frft-boYiic, foi \hU mercy cniurc:h for ever. 4. T;:c delivery of 
Jfrael from the bondage of Eg)pt, is a matter of Gods pep. 

U 4 Ifej 


praifc: and it is a pledge of: Gods mercy to his Church in all 
ages; He bro: gbt out Jfrael from amongft thcrriy for his mercy 
endurctb for iver. 5. As the work of the Churches delivery is 
more difficult, fo doth the Lord put forth more clearly his Ora-> 
nipotcncyforperfe&ingof it, as appeared in Ifraels bringing 
forth out of Egypt, with aftrong hand and out- fir etched. arme. 

6. One pi oof of Gods power manifested for his Church, is a 
pawne of hispurpofe to eive fo oft proof as need mall be, of 
his power for his peoples relief ; For bis mercy enduretbfor ever< 

7. The moft impobable deliverances from danger, are very 
poflibie to God, who can turn the fea into dry land for his peo- 
ples efcapin§ ; To him which divided the fea into parts. 8. The 
conftancy of Gods mercy to his Church, makethhis dividing of 
the fea a pawne of his power and purpofe to deliver his Church 
how great ibever their ftraitsfhall be: F or hi* mercy endurctb for 
ever. 9. Ic is a work of no lefle mercy and power, to give his 
people grace to make ufe of an offered meanes of delivery, then 
to prepare the deliverance for them, hut the conftancy of Gods 
mercy doth not only provide the meanes, but alfo giveth his 
people grace to make ufe thereof in all ages: He made lfrael to 
paffe through the midft of it, for his mercy endurctb for ever. 
xo. God can make that mcanes which proveth effectual for the 
fafety of his people, to prov * a fnare to the wicked for their de- 
ftrudtionj as the Red fea was a fnare to the Egyptians ; "Bui he, 
ovirtbrexv Pharaoh andhis hofte in the Rcd-jea. 1 1. The conftan- 
cy of Gods mercy toward his people, is a pledge of the conftant 
courfe of his jultice againft their enemies ; For his mercy endu- 
red) forever. 12. As thankfulneffe maketh fearch of many mer- 
cies in the bofome of one, fo the innumerable multitude of Gcds 
mercies doth force the thankful man to fumme up many mer- 
cies in one : as here all the mercies in the fourty yearcs journey- 
ing in the wilderneffe are drawn up in a word ; To h m that led 
bis people thorough the wilderneffe. 13. It is the conftancy of 
Gods mercy, which maketh him continue the conduct of his 
people, and bear with their manners, till he put an end to their 
journey; He led hU people through the •wilderneffe, for his mercy 
endurctb forever. 14, The people of God may meet with no 
jeffe difficulties in their way to heaven, then they have found 
hindrances of their Converfion, ' as the typical example of Ifra- 
els meeting with oppofition before they entred Canaan doth 
fhew. 15, Albeit Kings and potent Powers mould oppofetre 
fetling of Gods Church in any place where he pleafeth to plan: 


it, yet they (ball not be able to hinder his work : for his mercy is 
forth coming in one age as well as in another^ that pvaife and 
thanks may alw3yes be given unto him* Who [mote great things; 
for bis mercy endureth for ever. :6. Men of- renown iofe their 
credit, when they meddle with the Lords Church, ^nd readily 
they lofc their lives alfo: and this fhould be a document to all 
mighty men,and a matter of comfort to Gods people; Hejlcxvfa* 
mem icings, for bis mercy endureth for ever. 17. The Lord will 
have thefirft oppofers of the fetling of his people exemplarily 
punifhed, and their punifhment made no lefie famous then their 
hn hath been ; He flew Sibon Kjngof the Amorites : and the 
like will the Lord do in all ages againft the chief adverfaries of 
his people: For hismtrcy endureth fir ever. 18. When judge- 
ment upon one en* mie coth not terrifie others of them from op- 
po/ingGods pecple, the like deftru&icn (hall fall upon t hole 
that make head againft the Church 5 And he flew Og Kivgtf 
Bajhan. 19. The (laughter of the enemies of Gcds people is 
the work of the Lord, whofoeverbe the inftruments; for it is 
net here laid that the Ifraelitcs flew Sibon and Og, but the Lord 
flew them ; and the like mercy may the Church look for in 
all ages 5 For bis mercy endureth for ever. 20. Ic is the Lord 
who giveth heritages at his pleafure, and who can difpoflefle fuch 
men of their lands, who will not fufter the Lords people to in- 
herit that land which the Lord hath given them : He flew Si- 
bon and Og) and give their land for an heritage, and the 
like mercy may the Church look for in all ages , 
as it (hall be found good tor her : F or bis mercy endureth 
for ever. 11. When the Lord puts down the enemies, and puts 
his fervants in their place s it is a double mercy ; As He gave the 
lands of Sibon and Og to he an heritage unto ifracl bis fervants. 
21. There can no caufe be found in Gods people, why God 
ihculd do good to them., or why he hath done good unto them; 
but the conftancy of his own mercieonly; For bis mercy endu* 
nth for ever. 

Verf. 23. Who remembredut in our lore cfiate ; for 
hU mercy endureth for ever. 

24. And hath redeemed tu from our enemies ; for 
his mercy endureth/iw ever. 



In the reifons ot Godspraife taken from the late experience 
of the Church in the davesot the Plalmiit : Lcj.rn> i. Unto 
whatfoever praife we can give to God for win: he hath done 
before our time, we fhou:d adds praifes alio for v\hat fetk Lord 
hith done for us in our time, as here the Church in the P aim- 
ifts dayes doth un'o all the former adde this ; Who remembered. 
tain our lowcjiitc* i. Thefeafon and ordinary time of the 
Lords manifefting himfelf for his people is, when they are 
brought low, and emptied of th ir own itrength, and of alt 
hope of worldly afliftance > Who remembered us in our low e- 
ftxte. 3. The Lords prefence, help and aflift.mce, good-will 
and refped co us, is better obferved by affli&cd people then by 
pro'perous : for troubles, nccefTries and ftiaits, arcmeanesto 
open mens eyes, and waken up their fenfes, to take up the worth 
of the Lords working : He remembred us in our low e/fote.4.The 
mercy of the Lord is ict on work for his people, both when they 
are in adverfuy to fuftain them, and to raife them out of it * and 
in profperity to maintain them in it, and to teach them the good 
ufe of it, in looking wifely on Gods dealing with them in both 
conditions: He remembred m in our low cjhte, for bis mercy en~ 
durelb for ever* f -Albeit the proud enemies of the Church may 
prevaile, and bring the Church into bondage for a time, yet the 
Lord will not fufer the encmie to oppreffe, nor his people to be 
opprefled alwayes, but will deliver his own in due time : as here, 
He hatb redeemed m from our enemies* 6. The fame reafon and 
caufeistobe found of the delivery of Ifracl out of Egypt > and 
of the delivery of the Church at any t'me from their enemies, 
and that is mercy only > For bis mercy endureibfor ever. 

Ver. 2 v Who glvethfood to attflefi ; for hii mercy 

In thercafon of Gods praife taken from his goodnefle to all 
living creature^ Learn, i. The Lords goodnefle and fa«> 
therlycare of all living creatures, is worthy to be marked and 
made ufe of for his praife, in fpecialthe giving of every living 
ere itu-.e their o\v 1 food convenienr for them, and that in due 
feafbn every day ; JVbogiyetb food to dUficfi. a. The mercy of 



the Lord toward his children, is the caufe of *his care and refpcft 
unto fuch other creatures, as man hath need of : For bis mercy 
euduretb for even 3. The care which God hath of all fiefhto 
ojve them their food, is a ground of afiurance to his people 
of his far greater care of them ; For bis mercy endurctb for 
ever, to them, 

Ver. 29. give th<wkj unto the Cod of Heaven ; 
for bis mercy endufeth for ever. 

from the clofe of the Pfalme \ Lcxruc, 1 . Heaven and hea" 
verly gifts aie the height of ail the felicity of the Saints, and 
tbeflcwer of all Gods benefits unto hischildren, for which a* 
bove all other favours he is u be thanked and prailed by his peo- 
ple: give things untotbtGodof Heaven. 2. God is the 
ftrong Gud of heaven, not only becaufe he made the heaven* 
and fheweth his glory meft 'here but efpecLily beer ufe he hah 

{iromied to give heav.n, and all fpiritual gra:es unto eternal 
ife in heaven, to his own people by an evedafting Covenant 5 
of which he iven and heavenly mercies he is God : five thttnH* 
unto the God efhewen 3. As mercy hath intituled heaven un- 
to the Saints, to doth mercv preferve them in their right, nnd will 
prefeive them in the pofleflton thereof for ever: For bis mercy 
enduretb for ever. 


T His Pfalme may be divided into three pans. In the firft, is 
fet down the lamentable condition wherein the Lords 
people were in tfieir captivity in ^Babylon, ver 1 2,5. In the 
next, is their conftancy in Religion, ver.$,^6< Inthethirdj 
is their denouncing of judgement by way of imprecation a- 
'gainft the inftruments and chief authors of their calamity^ ver. 



ycr. r. TyTtbe rivers of Babylon there toe fate 
JLidown^jea^ we Vrept : when we remem- 

In the firft part, wherein the forrowfui condition of the 
captive Church of God is fetdown j Lc&rn, I. The people of 
God by their fins may procure the taking away of the face of a 
vifible Church from them, and the taking away of their civil li- 
berties alto, and may procure baniffiment from their own coun- 
trey among idolaters, as the captivity of the Jewes \r\Bibylon 
doth (hew* 2. When men do not make ufe of the priviledges of 
Gods publick worihip, it is righteoufnefle with God to remove 
thefe abufed favours, and to caft the abufers thereof out among 
idolaters, as here the Jewes were, who becaufc they made not ufe 
oltferuj 'demy the vifion of peace, they are thruft out into 2fa6p 
lon> aplaceofallconfufion. $ . When the Lords people provoke 
God againft them, the wickedeft wretches and vilcft idolaters 
in the world may overcome them in a battel, and rule over them 
as over ilaves : as the experience of the Jewes doth prove* 
. 4. When defolation is brought upon Qx>ds people, no wonder to 
fee them remain in that condition for a time, and not to be deli- 
vered immediately out of it : By the rivers of Babylon there wo 
fate down, ?. The publick miferies of the Church, are caufes 
of heavineffe unto the true members thereof, and motives of 
mourning : There we fate, yea, we wept. 6. Comparifonof a 
profperous condition by-paft, with adveriuypicfent, doth aug- 
augment mifery and increafeth grief, efpecially when by-pait 
mercies abufed arc compared with juft judgments inflicted in the 
pake thereof: We wept, nben weremembred Sion. 7. They who 
will not efteem of the priviledges of Sion when they have them, 
will be forced to acknowledge the worth thereof with for- 
row when they want them; ff'c weft, when we rcmembrei 

Vcii 2. We hanged our harps upon the wilkwe s >in 
fh mid ft t hereof. 



The Lords people earned with them into their captivity their 
harps j firft, as meancsofftimng up their affections., in their 
private worfhip of God. Secondly, in hope to have fome ufc 
of them afterward in the Lords woiftiip , in their own land. 
And thirdly, that thereby they might make profeflion before 
their opprefibrs of their Religion, and of their h6pe of reititu- 
tionin Gods appointed time, albeit rhcy could not frame their 
heart for the prefent to rejoyce as they were wont to do. Whence 
leurn, 1. Means to help in private devotion muft be the more 
made ufe of, that publick meanes are wanting : for the Jewes 
debarred from the Temple do carry their harps with them into 
their fcattering and captivity* !• In the midft of our calamity 
we ought both to have hope of deliverance out of our trouble* 
and to pi oft lie it before thofe that have us under their power} 
f for fo did the captive JeHves in their captivity, they carried their 
' harps into Babylon. J. 7 here are times when the fignes of our 
joy may be fuppre fled, and the fignes of our forrow exprefled: 
We bunged our burps on the willowes. 4. The moil lawfull and 
commendable forrow, is that which is taken for the dishonour 
of God, and the defolation of the Church : When we remember- 
ed Sion, we hanged our burps. 5. No natural comfort, nor in- 
vitation unto carnall joy, can counterbalance the caufes of fpi- 
ritual grief, neither rivers, nor fhadow of willowes, nor any thing 
eife can ftay the godly grief of Gods enptived people ? We banged 
our burps upon the willowes, in the midft thereof. 

Ver. 3. F or there the j that carried U4 aftay caf+ 
tive, required oft*s a [org, and they that wafted***, re- 
quired of us mirths faying. Sing w one of the fongs 
of Sion. 

Thtir affliction was augmented by the infulring of the Baby- 
lonians over them, calling for a fong from the Jewes, to feed 
their godlcife mirth. Wlicnce learn, 1, Oft-times forrowes do 
not go ling 1 e, and alone, but one grief is jcyned to another, one 
stop calleth to another ; as here, infultation of the Babyloni- 
ans is joyred with the bondage and captivity of Cods people. 
2. As t hi forrow of the godly is the matter of the laughter and 
joyofthcii* enemies and no fport to the wicked is ib rcliihing, 



as a jeft broken upon the true Religion: fo no afflictidn umo 
the godly is fo heavy, as to finde their own firtircs to draw not 
onlymiferyon themielves, but alfodifhonour upon their Reli- 
gion .• as here We fee, the Jewes hanged up their harps^ and why ? 
For they that tarried us away captive, required of us afong: and 
they that wafted us, required of us mirth, joying Sing us eve ojtbe 
fongsofSim, 3 Corrupt nature makerh no other ufe of fpiri- 
tuall things then thereby to iansfie heir fenfual defwes ; as here 
ir is mirth, and Tinging only, for which the Babylonians do feek 
to hear a Pfalme iung : Sing us one of the fongs ofsion. 

Verf. 4. How flail we fin g the LORDS for gin a 
Jf range land} 

5. // / forget thee, Jerufalem : let my right 
hand for get her cunning. 

6, >f J do not remember thee, let my tongue 
cleav* to the roofe of my mouthy if I preferre not fe~ 
rufalem above my chief e joy* 

In the fecond place, wherein the Jewes conftant profeffionof 
their Religion is let down, and their refuting to fatisfie thek 
enemies defire, inprcftitut ng the Lords worlhipto their canal 
pleafure 5 Learn, i. Albeit we be under the feet of cur enemies 
and rdbeit we have drawn on our mifery by our finning, yet muft 
we neither deny ou- Religion > nor any part thereof for tear 
of man* nor fubjed our Religion to mens pleafure, as men 
think good to direct us in it, whatfoever may be the clanger 5 for 
fo doth the example of the captive people ot'God teach us,refufing 
to fing Pialmesat the defire of the Babylonians : How fhall we 
fing the Lords fong in aftrmge land ? z. The place where God is 
not worshipped, Should be:i ftrang land unto us his people, and 
no place fcindely or comfortable unto us, but where the Lords 
people may enjoy the liberty of Gods publick won"hip,and of the 
communion of Saints : How $dl we fing the Lords Song ing 
ftrangc Urid? $. Whatfoever be our own private condition, 
worie or better, it muft not take, up the room in our affection* 
which is due to the Church 5 it muft not make us forget the af- 
fLi&ionot j ofcpb, for that were to provoke God to make thofe 

bene Bis 



benefits ufelefle anto us, which did divert us from fympathy 
with the Church : If 1 forget tbee, OJerufdcm, let my right 
bund forget bcr sunning, or if the Church cf God , and the good 
©fit be net preferred above our own private contentments, ic 
(hall be righteoufneiTe with God to turn the meanes of our pri- 
vate conten-ment, to be the means of our private grief : If I do 
not remember tbce> let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouthy if 
Ipreferrenotjerufalemtomj cliief joy. 4. To feels: mens fa- 
vour with the dct iment of any point of Religion, or c<j confent 
unto mens encroachment upon matters of Religion, that we may 
have their favour, or that we may be freed from their trouble, 
cr fa at more eafe under them, is to forget God and his Church, 
and cur refpefts which we owe to God, and to his Church; as 
we are taught by the example of the Jcwes, refuting to fing 
Pfalmes at the Babylonians desire or direction, and expounding 
their obedience to the Babylonians in this point, to be nothing 
elfebut a forgetting of jcruplkm, and a denying cf their Reli- 
gion, if they mould have yielded. 

Verf. 7. Remember 1 LO RD y the children of 
Edom y in the day offerufalem : who paid, Rafe it^ rdfi 
it^ evtn to the foundation thereof. 

8. daughter of 'Baby Ion who art to bedeflroyed : 
happy fazWht be that rervardeth tb:e> as thou baft 
ferved us. 

9. Happy (hall he be that taheth and dajbeth thy 
little ones agtenfk theftoncs. 

Inthcimrrecationufedagainft the enemies of the- Church, 
and in particular againft their falfe brethren the Edomites, who 
helped on their affliction, and againft the Babylonians wfco 
were the chief oppyefforsof them; Leirn, 1. Falfe brethren arc 
the chief inftrumentse:' perfection of the tiuc members of the 
Church, whenfoever-tbey finde occafion, at the Edomites, the 
pofterity 01 Ejxu did prove in the deftruftion of Jerufxlemz 
Remember, Lord, the children of Edom. 2. Whofoever do 
deljjhcyiii the Churches calamity \ and do endeavour the 
Charches ruine by word or deed ; by their Sirring up of others 




to afflict them ^ or by any oppreflion which may tend to the 
Churches prejudice, when the Lord is vifiting her, their finne 
fhall not be forgotten of God in the day, when the Lord judgeth 
his people, but fhall be fevercly punifhed ; 7(cmember y O Lord, 
the children of Edom, in the day ofjerufalem. 3. No leffe will 
fuffice the adverfaries of the Church then the utter ruine, and 
rafing of it to the ground ; Who (aid oftferufalcm, Rife it y rafe 
it, even to the foundation thereof. 4- The eftate of the Church 
at the worft is better then the eftate o( Babylon, ox any eftate of 
her adverfaries, how profperous foever, at the beft; for albeit 
the Church be in captivity and opprefled, yet (he fhall not be 
deftroycd,butitisnot fowith her adverfaries: but, O daughter 
cf Babylon, who art to be deftroyci, . 5. Faith is neither blind- 
ed by the profperity of the wicked, nor by the adverfity of the 
Churchy but doth fee through the profpeft of the Lords Word, 
both her approaching delivery of the Churchy and the ruine of 
her enemies: for, daughter of B#bylon,wbo art to be deftrojed, 
doth fhew unto the captive Jewes fo much. 6. As the cne* 
mies of Gods Church have meafured out unto the Lords people, 
fo it fhall be meafured back again and more, for a reward unto 
her adverfaries : Happy fhall he be that rervardetb tfyee, as thou 
baft [erved tcs. 7« There is an happineffe, wherein bleffedneffe 
doth not confift, which neither is apart, or branch of bleffed- 
neffe, nor 3 proper mark of bleffedneffe, but only fignifieth iome 
happineffe in the confluence of a mans work, tending to the 
glory of God and good of his Churchy and iuch is the happi- 
neffe of the Medes, and Perfians here fpoken of, wh6, wharfo- 
ever were their corrupt intentions in their warre, did work, al- 
beit not as religious fervants, y*:t as Gods inftruments, a good 
workof juftice upon the oppreflors ot Gods people, and a good 
work of delivery of the Lords people : Happy fiall he be that ta- 
\etb and dafhetb thy little ones again ft the (tones. 8. Albeit it 
beafinfullthingtof:tisfleour carnall affection in the mifery of 
any man 3 yet it islawfullin Godscaufe to wifh that God be 
glorified, albeit in the confuiion of his enemies : and here great 
need is to have the heart well guarded with the fear of God, for 
wherwife to allow the daflnng of little ones againft the (tones > 
might make a man guilty of lavage cruelty. 





HTHisPfalme is Davids thankfgiving unto God, and prahang 
of him for the expe> ience he had of his love and faithfulnefle 
Thepromifeof praife or thankfgiving, is let down^v. 1. and 
fix reafons are to bz fubjoyned in the verfes following, which ail 
doled with a prayer in the end of the Pfalrae; 

Verf, I. Y Will praife thee With my whole 
J. heart : before the gods mil I fing 
praifes unto thee. 

In the promife of praifing God $ Learn, i f It is a part of our 
thank fulneflTe, to engage our heart to praife God for afcer*rime$ 
when we£nde that all the thinks we can give for the prefent, are 
fliort of our duty or defire to praife him j I will praife tbee, faith 
David. 2. As fometimes the believer will tinde his heart fet ac 
liberty in Gods worfhip, which at another time he will finde to 
be in bands 3 fo rtiould he take the opportunity of an enlarged 
heart, to runne in the way of Gods fervice, as David doth here 1 
1 mil praife tfiee with my wbJe heart. 3. Albeit the faces of 
Princes, Rulers, and M: gift rates, ule to lay fome reftraint upon 
the liberty of i'peech^ which men life to take before mean perfons, 
and albeit Princes ordinarily love rather to hear therafelvea 
praifed by flatterers, then to hear either God or man magnified 
in their audience, yet a heart enlarged with the fenfe of Gods 
Majefty, great nefle, and goodne lie, will not Hand to confeffe, 
and proclaim Gods truth, grcatneffe and goodneffe, and other 
points of his praife, in the audience of the greatefl men on the 
earthy put cafe they fhould think themfelves cried down, and 
mote lightly efteemed of, by this meanes .* %efm the Lerdwiti 
J fing praife to thee. 

Ver. l. 1 wiH worfhip toward thy holy Temple \ 
and praife thy Name , for thy loving kl»dneffe 7 and for 

x iki 


thy truth: for thon Icaft magnified thy Word above 
all thy Name. 

He engageth himfclfc alio unto the pwblick ordinary worfhip 
of God, according to Gods command, and then giveth the rea- 
fons of his engagement. Whence learn, i. VVorlhippin^cf God 
iniecret is indeed neceffary, but it is not fufficient for the man 
who mindeth thankfulnefTe to God, except he follow the pub» 
•lick me.mesalfo, and that after the way which is prescribed by 
<7od, directing all his fervice to be offered to God through 
Chnft : for this is imported in Davids worshipping toward the 
Arke, which was placed in the tabernacle or Temple/ I will 
vporjhip toward the holy Temple, and prat fe thy Name. 2- The 
experience of the Lords kindnefTe and faithfulneffe in his pro- 
mifesmadcto his people, is a lively motive unto be'.ievers to 
praife him : / willpraife thy Hameforthy loving hjndneffe, and 
thy truth. 5. There is moretobefeen and felt in the experi- 
ence of Gods children, then they could promife to themselves 
out of Gods Word : for they finde that God in effect is better 
in his payment then in his promifes, for thus much dcth this 
commendation import > Thou haft magnified thy IVord above all 
thy Name, that is, I have found more effect in the performance 
ot thy promife, then the promife feemed unto me to hold forth in 
thy Name, and this is the fir ft reafon of Davids engagement 
unto thankfulnefle. 

Verf. 5, In the day when I cried, thcu anfwer- 
ed[i me : and ftrengthenedfi me with fkrength in 
my fouL 

The fecond reafon of his thankf^iving is more fpeciall, bc- 
caufe God had uphoiden him by his inward comfort in the time 
of his trouble, and had anfwered his prayer gracioufly. WIkmc 
learn, x. The Lord ufeth to put his children unto ftraits be- 
fore he deliver them, that he may be feen the more clearly to be 
their deliverer : for David cried unto the Lord, before the an- 
fwer of his ordinary and daily prayer was given unto him ; In the 
fay when I cried , faith he. z. Tobefupported in trouble, and 
to have ftrength to be#r our in trouble till the full delivery come, 



is a reall and remarkable anfwer from God to his peoples prayers: ; 
Inthe day when I cried, thou anfweredjt me, and ftrengtbctKdft 
me with ftrength in my foul. $• Albeir before the outward and 
compleat delivery cxme, the paflages of Gnus fecuet fuftaining 
of a man be not well marked , ye- when they are looked back up- 
on in the clear light of accomplilhed deliverance, the leaft de- 
grees of deli very and fecret fuppoaing of the man under trouble* 
will appear clearly tobeanfwerers oi prayer, and begun delivery.: 
zsVavidhtKt obferveth. and giveth account he. of , In the 
day when I cried, thou anjweredfi me 3 and ftrengthenedfl me with 
Jirengtbinmy jouL 

Ver. 4. All the k?*gs of the earth fhall praife, 
thee, O LORD: when they hear the Words of thy 

5. Tea, they (hall fin g in the Vvayes of the LORD: 
for great is the glory of the LO RD* 

The third reafon of histhankfgiving is^becaufe he forefeeth in 
the Spirit of prophecy, how grear glory and praife, and thanks 
the Lord (hall have, when he mail conve tthe Gentiles, and 
reveal his Word and works unto them. Whence learn, 1. The 
forefight of the glory which God mall have in the world before 
its end, by the promifea propagation of his Gofpell, mould ftirre 
up all who believe rhe approaching glory of God, to magnifie 
and praile him in their own time : for the forefight of the glory 
of God to be manifefted among the Gentiles is here the mat- 
ter of the fong of David, and of the Church of the Jewes All 
the hjngs oj 'the earth fnall praife tbee> Lord. 2. When the glory 
©f the Lord is feen, it doth overfliine all the glory in the world : 
for Kings when they fee Gods glory, fhall fall down and praile 
God: A H the flings of the earth pall praife thee, O Lord. 3. It 
is the Word of God mainly which fbeweth forth the glory of 
the Lord, and maketh his works to be wonderfull . tAll the fynzs 
of the earth fhall praife thee, when they hear the words of thy 
ntoutb. 4* Albeit the knowledge of God which cometh orieJy 
by his works, be able :o convince even the Hearhen, of ihe Lords 
care over his people, and ro aftonifh them , yet not the knowledge 
of the Lord which cometh by his works, buc that which com- 

X * etH. 


eth by the heaving of the Word of the Lord, is able to convert a 
man, and to make him walk in the obedience of faith, and tp re- 
joyce in God, and to ling his praifes cheerfully : When they bear 
the words of thy mouth, they Jballfag in the wayes of the Lord, 
5 , The glory of the Lord which is manifefted in his Wo d, i$ 
the higheft glory which is manifefted to the world i for after all 
the glory cf his works of Creation and Providence, which the 
Word holJeth forth, it iheweth forth the glory of Gods grace 
and mercy to the felf-con demned finner, which mercie to the pe- 
nitent foul in feme re pect, is above all Gods wotks, for in this 
refpeft it is here faid : great is the glory of the Lord. 

Verf. 6. Though the LORD be high, yet hath 
he rcfyett unti the totyly : but the proud he knowetba- 

A fourth reafon of Davids thankfgiving and praifing of God, 
is for his different dealing with the humble and proud. Whence 
learn y i. Albeit the Lord be fo highly exalted abore all the crea* 
tufts* as it is a fort of humbling himfelf to behold his creatures* 
(V.nin the heavens* yet he is lb good and gracious, that his 
fuperlative grandour, .doth not hinder his taking notice of the 
meaneftluft finner, who humbleth himfelf before him : Though 
the. Lord be high, yet bath he refpett unto the lowly, 2. The 
great nefs of the Majeftie of God commendeth his humility, and 
the Lords locking low for the good of the poore Supplicant, 
commendeth his greatnefle, and maketh it more lovely: for it 
is here put for a point of his praife : Thxt though the Lord be 
high > yet hath he refpeU unto the lowly. 5 . The Lord obfer vcth 
the difpofition of men,- who are proud and who are humble be- 
fore him * for this doth the text point at. 4. The humble do 
lofe nothing by their humility, nor do the proud gain any thing 
by their pride., but by the contrary the humble finde grace, and 
the picud are refilled of God ; He "bath rejpecl to the lowly , but 
the proud he ftfiowctb afar off. 5. Pride excludeth a man from 
accefle to God, and a proud man cannot have communion with 
God : He }yis#e\b the proud afar off. 

Ver. 7* Though 1 walk in the midji of trouble, 



thou Wit revive me % thou [halt firetch forth thine baud 
dgainft the Wrath of mine enemies^ and thy rtght 
handfhallfave me. 

The fixth reafon of his giving thanks & praife unto God,is his 
confidence,; that whatfoever trouble he (hall fal into hereafter by 
his enemies,the Lord will fuftain him under it. and deliver him 
out of it Whence learn.iAi is a good ufc of by-paft ex?erRnce,to 
conceive hope to be helped of God in time to come : as the ex- 
ample of David, here teacheth us. 2. Whatibever trouble a man 
hath been in : he may fall in as great or greater afterward ; yea, 
he may poffibly be in a comfortleffe condition, and helpieiTe and 
hopelefle for any thing cm be teen, yea, and be compaffed a- 
bout with trouble on all hands, yea he may faint under the bur- 
den, and be as a dead man: for thus much Piviiprefuppofeth 
may be his condition afterward : Though I walfiinlhe mid ft of 
trouble. $. How great foever, and how many foever ft raits and 
difficulties the believer can forecaft and forefee, he may pro- 
mife tohimfelf as greatand ax many fupplies of ftrength, and 
deliveries from GodiTbougb 1 walk H the midft of troubles, thou 
wilt revive me, that is,thou wilt put new life and comfort in me. 
4» Againft the power and wrath of adversaries, Gods power and 
good-will is a fum\ient guard, fuccour and relief: Thou ft) a it 
ftretcb forth thine hand againft the wrath of mne enemies, ani 
thy right Iwidftyall favc me. . 

Verf. 8. The LOTSD m/IperfcR that which r*»- 
cernethme : thy mercy, LD&D, endmethfor evert 
forfake not the worlds of thine own hands. 

The fixth reafon of his giving thanks and praife, is his con- 
fidence of the Lords conftant continuing with him, and .nuking 
him to pcrfevere in Gods obedience unto the end, which he-clo- 
fcthwitha prayer that he may pcrfevere, Whence learn, x.Thc 
believers heart cannot be (juiec, till it be fore of perfeverance,and 
cf this he may be made afluredrfor the fame Spirit of grace which 
hath made him fee the Lords engagemen: for him in time paft, 
can give certainty of the continuing of Gods grace in time to 
come ; The Lord will f erf eel that which concerned? me : He find> 

X j cth 


Cth a work of Gods love to him already beg;un,and then gathers 
hence that the Lord wil perfect that work of grace which he hath 
begun, t. The believer doth not build his hope of perfevetance 
upon any ftrengthorconftancy in himfelf, but upon the un- 
changeablenefle of Gods everhfting mercy, as here David ihew- 
cth unto us : The Lord willperfcH that which concerneth me,why? 
and upon what ground is he fo confident ? Thy mercy, Lord, 
enduretb for ever. $. True ailurance of perieverance muftbe 
jcyned withthefenfeof a mans own weaknelTe and unworthi- 
nefle, and ill dcferving,(if God fhould deal wi:b him in juftice) 
yea, it muftbe joynedwithdependanceupon Cjo& in faith and 
prayer, and ufe of the meanes 5 for fuch was cheaflurance which 
2)^;ihau who afturtha'- he hath laid. The Lord will perfect 
that which concerneth mc, fubjoyneth, forfafa not the rvorfi of 
thine n bands, which importeth fo much. 4, Faith hath aU 
waves for us own {Lengthening to make ufe of all bonds be- 
twixt God and it (elf as a creature, and in fpecial as a new crea- 
ture, that feeing his calling and gifts are without repentance, he 
would make out the work of grace and falvation, where he 
hath begun ir, as David teacheth us ; Forjaltf not the work °f 
thy own bands. 


DAvid being wickedly flandered and persecuted by his ad- 
verfaries, findeth his zeal kindled againft them; and kft 
his owi hearts corruption mould deceive him, as being carnal 
in this matter, heprefentcth his heart unto God, the all-feeing 
and every-where-prcfent Judge of the fecrets of all hearts, and he 
prefenteth aifo his adverfavies both perfons and caufe, with his 
own carriage toward them, to be tried by God, praying that him- 
felf may be directed toward lite everlafting. 

Inthefirft place, the Omnifciencc of Gjd is declared, v. r, 
i» IA- 5>6> Ir.theiHXt, the Omniprefence of (/od, with his 
Dmniicierxe is fet forth, v. 7, 8 3 q \o } i 1, n. In the third 
place, the eafen is given of Gods To exact knowledge of all the 
fecrets of his heart, becaufe the Lord did forme and fafliion him, 


in Co wonderfully wife and powerful a way, as he could neither 
exp-crfc no comprehend, ^.13, 14. l 1> ] 6, J7,i#. Li the 
fourth place, he confefleth to God his judgement of wicked 
men, and his hatred of their wayes, making God, who is the 
iearcher of hearts, WnneiTe and Judge of his fine 
or and Director of his courfe toward everlafting life, v. 10, 

20, II, H, 2$, 24. 

Verf. 1. /~\WRD^ thou haft fearched me, and 
V^^y woven me. 

Ver. 2. Thou knorvej} mj downerfitting , and 
mine uprijing: thou under jiandeft my thought a- 
far off. 

1> Thou compare ft my path y and my lying doVQn y 
and art acquainted with all my ways. 

4. For there is not a word in my tongue : but /<?, 
LORD y thou know, ft it altogether. 

5. Thou hafi befet me beiiade arid before : and 
laid thine hand upon me. 

6. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me : it is 
high y I cannot attain unto it. 

In his acknowledging oTGocs OmniicIence,and pcrfe^ know* 
ledge of every thing in him, and in his betaking himfelr un o 
God, for clearing ot him, comforting cf him, and bearing him 
through all calumnies and reproaches ; Lcxni } i The go lly may 
ftnetimes be fo overclouded with calumnies and ycpoaches ; as 
they cannot Gride a way to clear themfelves before mer^but muft 
content and Comfort themfelvs with the reftimony of a good con* 

:c, and with Gods approbation of their integrity, ai'li 
7)Avid doth, faying,0 Lord.tbou baft fcarcbed me and hjiown rnc 
z. As 'he knowledge whi h the Lord hath of us is molt acciua .;, 
having, as it were, a perfect fearching joyncd with it: fo the be- 
lief of this point isneceiTarily to be applied toour felvcs, rrnt ir 
may rule our convcrfation, breed us comfort - and con- 

fidence in our approaches ento God, whofoevcr be agajnft us, 
zs'Davids example here doth teach us. 3. The Lcro is ac- 
ouairacd with all the motions of thee x:ernai nun, themeaneft 
X 4 gefcw 


oefture of the body falleth under his cognition and obfervatioru 
Jhou fywweft my down- fitting and my uprifmg. 4. Wha, ad- 
viumentsweareupon, what consultations and dclibe; ations wc ^j 
are about, th- Lord knoweth all perfectly before wc conclude ' 
.any thing : Thou underjiandeft my thought afarre off 5 The 
Lord doth not only obicrve our aime and icope, but alio how we 
pu: pofc to convey out matters, and how we 2p on and proceed in 
^accomplifhing of our purpofes.. wrnt rule we follow or reject, 
. from the morning to the evening : Tb'ou compajfejl my path, and 
-my lying down.6. The Lord knoweth us fo well as the bift know-r 
led^e which our entire friend can have oi us, with whom we do 
communicate our minde, and who knowcthali ou-dehgne and 
vvay to °o about it, is but a ih cowing dmilitude of Gods know- 
ledge of us : Thou art acquainted with all my wiyes. 7. There 
~ is not a word which we ipeak, either idle or to purpote, bur the 
- Lord co.-Gdereth it perfectly: For there is not a word in or 
: tongue, but to> Lord, thou tywweft it altogether. 8 VVe are fo 
iiiciofed w'thin ihe view of Gods beholding ot us, and 10 com- 
1 pafiedby his providence, and fo powerfully ruled by his power, 
as we cannot turne this way or that way, but we are ilill in his 
fight, and under his difpofing of us, ash'; feeth fit; Thou baft 
be jet me behinde and before , and laid thy hand upon me. 9, The 
knowledge which God hath of us and of our wayes, is fo parti- 
cular and perfect, fo far above our opacity, as we cannot com- 
prehend the manner of it : Such knowledge is too wonderful for 
me. ' 1 0.-When we are about to look upon Gods perfections^ 
»A we mould obf-rve our own imperfections^ and thereby learn to 
i be the more modeft incur fearching of Godsunfearchableper-' 
fection : Such knowledge, faith David, is too high for mc, 1 can* 
not an in unto it. 1 » . Then do we fee mod or God, when we 
* fee hi m jncomprehenfible, and do fee our felves fwallowed up in 
the thoughts of his perfection, and are forced to fall in admi- 
ration of God, as here, Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, 
itU high >I cannot attain unto it. 

Vcrf j. Whither pjall I go front thy Spirit: or 
p>hitherfhali I fit e from thy pre fence ? 

8. If I &fc end up into heaven^ thou art there : /// 
ntakf myfot in hell, behold^ thou art there, 


9. If/ take the wings of the mornings and dwell in 
the uttermoft parts ofthcfea, 

10. Even there flail thine hand lead me\ and thy 
right hand flail hold me, 

11. If J fay % Surely the darkneffe flail cover me : 
even the night flail be light about me. 

1 1. TV*, the darkneffe hideth not from thee, but th$ 
night Jhineth as the day : the darkneffe and the light 
are both alike to thee. 

In Davids fetting forth the Lords Omni prefers cc and Om- 
nifcience to be fuch, as he cannot efcape his fight and power; 
Learn, i# The right making ufe of Gods all-feeing providence, 
and every where prefence is, to confider our duty to walk be- 
fore God, as in his fight alwayes, and net to leek to hide our 
ielves, or our counfel from him , as David doth here: Whither 
jhalllgofromthy Spirit, or whither Jball I flee from thy pre* 
fence ? 2. Whofoever walk in the darkneffe of their own devices, 
snd mifrcga-d God in their wayes, as if they mi? ht efcape his 
fight, orefebewhishand, are much miftakf.n : for there is no 
place of refuge from hts purfuing* Whither full I go from thf 
Spirit, or w/; thcr Jball I flee from thy prefence^ 3. Neither 
mens p;efumptionand blefling of themfdves in courfes not al- 
lowed by God, nor their eftimatinn of high preferment in 
Church or State, f which are a fort of a m:;ns lifting up him- 
felf to heaven,) can availe a man, when hecometh 1 to be tried 
before God ; If 1 afcend to heaven, thon art there . where fugi- 
tives from God cannot hive place. 4. A mans bale condition 
and meannefle in the world, or his defpe ate refolution to perifll, 
provided he can have his will for a time, yea, his delperate dif- 
patching himfdf, when he is incurably mifer bk\ will not avail 
a man, nor carry him through : for God fattening the man in 
the mifery which he hath refolved to endure, will make him findc 
that he hath too fore a party : If I muf^e my be in h U, behold, 
thou art there. ?. Changing from place to pi ace, and h\;ing from 
one countrey to another, forgoing to fueh lolitavy places where 
no man reibrteth, cannot deliver a man froqa Gods pn (uing and 
overtaking of him . If I ta^e the -wings of xh> morning, and 
dvoU in the uttermoft partjofib<r(ca, cpenttert faUvk) kani 
lead me, and thy right band Jball hold me. 6. Whuicrioever 4 



manfhall go, he mud be furniihed with power and ftren°th; 
from God to go thither: for, there fhall thy handle ad me, im- 
porteth fo much. 7. Gods power and juftice fhall ever be a 
mans mafter> £0 whkherfoever he fhall go $ Thy right band/bolt 
hold me. 8. The fugitive (inner hath many devices in his head, 
to elude Gods fight and juftice, and all to deceive himfelf, and 
will run from one fhift to another, before he turne himfelf to 
Gods and his thoughts of Gods prefence are fo groffe, 
as amongft other thoughts , to think himfelf hid in -he 
night from God, but in all, poor fool, he is deceived ; for if 
ljay, Sjurcly the d&rlyieffe fhM cover me> even the night fhall be 
light about me i yea, thedarl{neffebidetb not from thee, bus the 
wight fhineth as the day, the darl^neffe and the night are both ali^c 

Vcrf. 13. For thou hafi poffeffedmyreines : thou 
%afi covered me in my mothers VQombe. 

14* Iwi&praife thee, for lam fearfully and \toa- 
dfirfully made: marvellous are thy "toorkj* and that 
myfoule knows right we Zf. 

I j. tJMy fub fiance was not hid from thee, ^ohen I 
prasMAdein(ecret % and curioufly wrought in the Ion - 
efi parts of the earth. 

16. Thine eyes did fee my fub (lance jet being un- 
perfeB, and in thy boo\ all my members were written^ 
which in continumcewere fafhhned: when as yet there 

1 j. H0V9 precious alfo are thy thoughts unto me % O 
God : hoto great is the fumme of them i 

18. If / fijould count them % they are more in 
number then the fand ; When I awake , / am fltll 
with thee. 

In the third place, where the Pfalmift givech a reafon of Gods 
exad knowledge of, and power over him, becaufe he hath form- 
ed him in the belly wonderfully ; Learn , 1. In regard that God 
feath made us in the wombe, and we live, and move, and fubfift 


by his power* itis not pcffible that God fhould not know our 
words, Wt rks . and thoughts and all, and have usalwayes in hrs 
fight and under his power : For thou haft poffeffed my reines, thou 
haft covered me in my mothers wombe* i< The knowledge of 
God, and his Government of the creature, is nor like a mans, 
who fetteth himfelf for a while on this object, and then turneth 
off to another object, but Gods Knowledge and Government is 
a fetled poflefling of his own woi kmanfhip , by a conftant behold- 
ing, by a fetled ruling of his work, by a conftant maintaining 
and judging of the mod fecret motion of a mans fpirit : For thou 
haft poffeffed my nines > thou haft covered me in my mothers 
wombe* 5. The Lord in framing our bodie in our mothers 
wombe, did cover his tendc work with his mighty power from 
all inconveniences, as with a fhield ; thou haft covered me in my 
mothers wombe, 4. The right fight of Gods workmanship in 
our very bodies, will force us to praife Gods unipeakable wifdom: 
1 wiV praife thee, for I am fearfully made. 5 . When God is ktn 
in his glory in any thing, hismajefty becometh terrible to the 
beholder^ his glory is fo bright ; I am ft arfully made, 6. As the 
L^rds rare works, without confederation, look upon a man very 
common like, fo his common works being well confidered, be- 
cone very wonderful : J am wonderfully made. 7. The right 
fight of any one of Gods works, giveth light in all his works, to 
{hew them all wondercus : Marvellous are thy wov^s. 8. The 
confederation ot Cfods work in our bodies well digefted, is profit- 
able for our foul : And that my foul \noweth right well. 9. As 
the Lord doth acquaint us with his works, we fhould obferve 
them well, and bear witnefle to what we obferve for his glory, 
as£,rjiidoth, faying, And that my foule \noweth right wclL 
10. In the framing of our bodies God knoweth what he is ma- 
king, neither darknefle nor diftance of heaven from earth, nor a* 
ny other impediment, do r h hinder him in his working:^/ fub* 
fiance was not bid from tbce> when I was made in fecret* 1 1. The 
makingof amansbodyoi fo many bones, arteries, vcines, fi- 
newes, &c. is a mod curious piece of work ; I was enrioufy 
wrought in the low eft parts of the earth. 12. God feeth tilings 
before they be made, and his purpofeto make hath no ieffe clear- 
neiTe of knowledge of the thing to be made, then the fubfiftence 
of it when it is made can give j and God in his decree to do, 
knoweth the thins to be done, as fully as when it i s done : Thine 
eyes did fee myfubftanct, yet being imperfefl, and in thy book all 
my members were written > which iu continuance were fijhhncd, 



when as yet there was none o f them . i $ . The Lords decrees of 
things to be done, are fo clear, fo determinate, fo certain, as if 
thedefcriptionandhiftory of the thing already come to pafle 
were written in a book: for fo much doth the comparifon taken 
from a written book to mew the nature oi Gods, decrees, Im- 
port 5 Inthy book all my members were mitten, which in conti- 
nut'tce mre fujbionci, when as yet there wis none of them* 
14. There is rare wifdome to be learned out of C^ods decrees and 
works i How precious are thy thoughts unto me} 1 ?. What pains 
a man taketh in the Cearching thereof, is well recompenfed with 
pleafure and profit, as Davids experience doth teach. i6.We 
Should ftudie this wifdom till we (inde it fweet , and then lay it 
up as a precious jewel in our minde/vhen we have found it; How 
preciomalfoarcthy thoughts unto me, Cjoi? 17. All Gods 
revealed decrees , are the matter of the beleevers comfort and his 
Joy, how harm foever they feem to the unbeliever and unrenew- 
ed mans Howpreck'udfo are thy thoughts unto me } OGoi? 
18. The Particulars of Gods purpofe and decreed wiH toward his 
own children, which from time to time do come to light, as 
they are revealed by the daily execu:ion of them,are innumerable; 
How great is thefumme of them ? ifllhouli count them y they are 
more in number then the [and. 19. Albeit the moft vigilant of 
the Saints fometimes fall in drowiincfle and fleepineffe of Spirit, 
that they cannot perceive Gods prefence with them, and care of 
them, and love unto them, yet when the Lord wakeneth up their 
foules, andreneweth their fpirituil lenies l; they are forced to 
fee and acknowledge that the Lord doth never leave them, even 
when they lead perceive his prefence : For, when lavage, I am 
/till with thee, doth import all this. 

Ver, 19. Surely thou ^ lit flay the wicked, OGod: 
depart from m$ therefore ye bloody men. 

20. For they jpeak againfi thee wickedly : and 
thine enemies take thy Name in vain. 

In the fall place, he confeff-th his judgement of, and affe&i- 
©n toward his adverfaries, and ofFereth all to be fearched and 
approved of God, and himfclf to be directed thereafter unto life 
everlafting : and firft, he (heweth his judgement of his adver- 
f ariesj and the reafon of his abhorring the fcllowfhip of their 



courfes. Whence learn, J. Where we perceive wickeddefle to 
reign, there we may ben (Tured deftruftion will follow : Surely y 
ihouwiltflay thewi\ed>OGod. 2. When we do pafle our 
judgement of mens perfons and courfes, we had need to 
conform our judgment unto what we know the Lord will allow 
as here the Pfalmiftdothjdire&inghisfpecchto God, $ When 
the Lord will comfort his fervants under per fecuti on, he will 
let them fee not only their own bleflednes in himfelf,but alfo the 
deftru&ion ot their enemies approaching, as here we fce./f.When 
we fee deflection attending upon the way wherein others are 
walking, we ought to keep off from fellowfhip with their un- 
fruitful works of darknefle : for otherwife whatfoever duties any 
fpeciai relations do call for at our hands, David was very obi- 
fervant of them toward his greateft enemies, but he feparated 
from them only as wicked and as bloody, and as they were on a 
courfeof perdition $ Depart from me therefore ye bloody men. 
5. When we have a controverfie with the wicked, we fhculd taka 
heed that private fpleen do not rule us, but that only our intereft 
in Godsquarrel with them doch move us, as the Pfalmiftdoth 
here : For they (peak againft thee wickedly. 6 . What the wicked 
do or fpeak againft Gods iervanrs for righteoufneife lake, it is 
againft God in effect 5 They [peak againft thee 3 and art thy ene- 
mies. 7. Such as profeffe themielves to be the people of God, 
and yet do periecute the godly vmjuftly, under the colour of law, 
or fome fpecious prerences,do in efVeft take Gods Name in vain: 
Thine enemies take thy Harr.einvain. 

Ver, 21. Do not I hate them, LORD, that hate 
thee ? and am not 1 grieved with thofe that rife tip a* 
gain ft thee ? 

22. I hate them with f erf eft hatred : 1 count them 
mine enemies* 

After declaring his judgement of his enemies, heprofeffeth hit 
hatred to their perfons, qualified with wickednefie, as is [aid 
Whence learn, i. There are fome men, who befide the 
common enmity which is in all men againft God, do oppofc 
themfelves in an eminent w.y againft God and godiinefle, as 
haters of God$ for this the text doth prcfuppofc i. Such as 



arc perceived open enemies unto God, we may lawfully hate 
them, wiihout breach of the law of love : for the love which we 
owe unto God abfolutely, giveth warrant to hate them who op- 
pofe God comparatively ; Do not I bate them that bate thee? 
3. Injuries dor* againft God, fliould touch and affect us, no lefic 
nearly then injuries done to out- felves 3 And am ngt I grieved 
with tbofe tbat rife up againft thee ? 4. When god is injured by 
our enemies, we had gn at need to look to the fincerity of our af- 
fe&ion 3 that our hatred againfl them, and out zeal for ^od and 
his trirh be upright, fo as we may fay with David, I bate them 
with a per je ft hatred, Icoumtbcm mine enemies. 

Ver. 25. Search we, Qod, and k?(n» my heart* 
try me> and kpoVr m) thoughts* 

24. And fee if there be any kicked way in me: 
and lead ms in the W4j ever la fling. 

When 'David hath fearched hi ml elf, and is approved of his 
own confeience, he offereth himfelf over again to be fearched by 
God. Whence learn, 1 As we have need to try oar zeale, 
when Gods quarrel and our intereft are joyned, that there be 
not fomedre^s of our ill humours mixed therewith: fo muft we 
not reft upon the teftimony of our own conscience in this 
cafe, but muft offer cur heatt to be fearched of £/od, over and 
over again, and muft intre?t him to purge us or every corrupt 
mixture, as David doth ; Search me God, and know my heart, 
try me, and know my thnigots. 1. He had need to be fincerein 
all his waves, who craveth Gods approbation in any one of his 
wayes, for if a man be corrupt in any of his waves, he may de- 
ceive his own heart in all other of his wayes; this doth David 
import, when he faith, And fee if there beany wicked way in 
rne. $ Every wicked way, is a way of grief, trouble and for- 
row : for fo imports the name given to it in the original.4vThe 
good way allowed of God, is a lafting way appointed of CJod of 
old, and will be approved by him for ever : Lead me in the way 
evcrlafting, 5. We cannot walk in the wayes of God, without 
his actual and effectual leading of us therein, befide his directi- 
on given in common by his Word ; and therefore we had need to 
pray with David, Lead me in the way ever lafting. 




DJvid, > being purfued for his life 3 and loaded with falfc 
oi wicked men, payeth, Firft, for deliverance 
trom them, v. i 3 1> ^ 4, 5, 6, 7. Secondly, prayeth againft 
them, Vn S, 9, 10, 1 i« Thirdly, declarcth the Lords gracious 
aniwer, v. 12, ij. 

Vcr. 1. T""V£AW w<?, LO RV, jnm the 

\_Jrevtl man : preferve me from the vu 
olent man. 
2. which imagine mifchiefes in their heart 1 con- 
tinually are they gathered together for yvarre. 

3 • They havejharpened their tongues hke a ferpent : 
adders poif on is under their lips* Selah. 

In his prayer for deliverance; Firft, he requcftethforpre- 
fervation from their cruel devices and flanders, v. 1, z, 3 Then 
rcpeitech his prayer for prelervation from the prefent dangers 
wherein he was, by reafon of the fnares bid for him, v. 4,?. 
Thirdly, he repeateth his petition, with fomc fpecial grounds of 
confidence and hope to be relieved, v. 6. 

From the firft requeft> L<\ir*,That moft innocent and godly 
men, by the calumnies of the wicked, arc fomctimes call in 
great dangers, whence they fee no appear.mce of deliverance, 
for clearing their name, or faving of rheir life, except God finde 
it out t and in this cafe God is 3nd fhould be their refuge 5 
Deliver me, Lo*d,from the evil mm. 2. How wicked foever, 
how violent foever the enemies of Gods children be, God can 
refcue his icrvants out of their hands : Preferve me from the *uz- 
clcntman. 3. Such as nor only in fit of paflion, but alio in cold 
blood, refolve to do mifchictro the godly, may juft'y beefteem- 
cd evil men, violent men, for fo arc they heredefciibed 5 Which 



imagine mifc bief in their bczrts. 4. When wicked men have de* 
viiVd vhjr rhey can by themfeives againil the righteous, they 
canno: truft thei: own wits> as able to make the plot faft, e x- 
cepc rhey con tul t o::_ with another frequently, that they may " 
joync their couniels ^nd their forces' together, to nuke the fnarc 
fure > (Jonti mully they are gxtberei together for rvirre. 5. That 
wickci men may rhe better carry ou their defigne againft the 
godly, they polfelTc the (impla people with prejudices or them, 
deviftngani fpreading falfe lies, and bloody calumnies of them, 
contrived with v*ieat cunning,and made very probable in appear- 
ance,left any lhould pity them, when they are cut off $ They bdJi 
fhxrpenyd their tongue life aferpent; 6. When the wicked have 
vented deadly lies of the ^odly , rhey have in reaiinefl'enew flUn- 
ders and capital enmes to charge them mih talulyi Adders poi- 
fonisunder their lips. 

Ver. 4. Xeepme, LORV, from the hands of 
thewkkfdx preferve me from the violent man, who 
have pnrpofed to overthrow my goings. 

5. The proud have hid a fnarc for me, and cords, 
they have fpreada net bj the way* [the : they have fit 
grinnes for me. ScLib, 

In his repeated petitionfor prefervation \ Lejrn y \Xt wil not fqf- 
fice the wicked to defame the godly, and murther them in heart 
and tongue, but alio they feek to hive them in their gi jps 5 excepc 
Godinrerpofc himt'elf for their fafety : ^ccpme> Lord) from 
the hands of the rvicfei* z. The aefperlte refolution of the 
wicked to overcome the godly, muft not difcourage the godly, 
but ftiarpen their prayer . Urcferve me from the violent mui, rvho 
have purpo fed to overthrow mj goings. 3. Hunters and "Fowlers 
did never go more cunningly to work, by fnares, nets and traps 
to catch their prey 3 then the wicked go about to have the advan- 
tage of the godly, to bring their lit* under their power: the 
proud have laid a fnare for me and corfa) they btve fpr$sd a net by 
the my-fidefhey have Jet grinnes for me. 



Ver. 6. Ifaid unto the LORD, Thtuzrtmy God? 
hi an the voict ofmjfnpplications i OLoR ( D > , 

j. GOD the Lord, the ftrengtb of my fa fad* 
tionx thoh haft covert A my head in the day of 

In the repeating of his petition the third time, withfeafoiif 
of hope to be helped 5 Law, i. The malice ofmenfhould move 
the believer to make ufe of Gods favour and friendship, and 
of the Covenant with him, I faid unto the Lord 3 tbou art my God; 
1. The claim which faith laycth unto God, fhould proceed from 
• fixed purpofe, to (land to its right and intereft it hath in God: 
I faid unto the Lord y Thou art my\God. j. When faith findeth 
the Covenant fixed, then prayer hndeth vent, and the mart 
poureth forth his defire with hope, as here ; Hear tbt voice of 
my Application y O Lord. 4. When misbelief doth prefent to the 
godly the greatneffe of the danger, the mans own weaknefle, and 
the power of the adverfarie, faith ihould prefent , in opposition 
tothefe, the ftrcngth of God and his power for falvation, as en* 
gaged bv Covenant to the behoof of the believer t O Cjod tbt 
Lord, tbcjtrcngtb of my falvation. 5 . As prefent ftraits fliould 
bring to minde by-gone dangers and deliverances, fo bygone 
experience of delivery rttould ftrengthen faith for the prefent: 
for this ufe "David maketh of his prefent and by-gone exerdfe* 
6. In time of danger God ufcth to inttrpofe hirnfelf, for thepre* 
fervationof hisownfervant, more nearly and clofely, then a 
helmet cleaveth to a mans head in the day of battel, and doth 
ward oft* a blow better, then any piece of armour can do, as 
Davids experience teachcth l Thou baft coveted my bead in tbi 
day of battel. 

Ver. 8. Grant not , otORD y the de fires of the 
nicked : further not his vpieksd device , left they txJt 
tbemfebes. Selah 4 

9. As for the bead of thofe that compaffe me abonti 
lit the mifchief of their oVtn lips cover them. 

10. Let bmring wales fall npon them, lef them 

Y h 

3 22. PSALME.CXL. 

be caft into the fire : into deep pits y that they rife not up 

i (. "Let rot an evil Speaker be eftahlijhed in the 
earth: evil /hall bunt the violent man to overthrow 

In the fecond part of the P'falme, wherein he prayeth againft 
his enemies ; Learn, i. God can overthrow all the devices of 
the wicked,,, and the wicked can en\ct nothing againft the god- 
ly, except God grant them their derive ; for fo much doth this 
prayer import : Grant not ,0 Lord, the defires of -the wicked. 
2. The prayer ojj the godly againft the plots of the wicked, ; haih 
more power to overturn them, then the wicked have wit or 
ftrength to promote them; Further not his wicked- device. 
g . When one of, the wicked tindeth tuccefie in his wicked devi- 
ces^ all of them grow proud, and do misken God for that caulV: 
Furrbcr uot his- wicked device, left theyxxalt tbcmfelvcs. >4.God 
will not give al waves l'u ccefle unto the wicked cppreffois of his 
people, were, there no other reafon for it But this one, oocrulli 
the pride cfj his enemies, and to make it ccafe ; Further, not bis 
wicked device, left they exalt tbcmfclveu 5 . What I mifchie { * the 
wicked have threatened. to bring upon the godly, (hall' fail upon 
themfelves, and bitter as gall iTiali their part be, (as the Word 
will naffer, in the Original,) who are chief Ring-leaders of the 
perfecution of tfye godly : As for the heal of them that compare 
me about, let the mi (chief of their own lips cover them. 6. The 
overthrew of the wicked /hall come upon them , as the mine of 
a wall covering them and (mothering them : Let mifchief cover 
them; their torment .(hall be piercing andintolerable, like the 
perdition of Sodom ; Let burning coals fall upon them; no cfca- 
ping for them, Let them bccafl into the fire ; no getting out of 
. the torment, no recovery for them : Let them be caft into deep 
pits, that they rife not again. 7. Backbiters and Calumniators 
ihall not only be debarred from heaven j but alio Gods cmrfe (hall 
follow them on earth, and not fu.fFa.them nor their poftei.ity to 
enjoy quiet pfofperity in the world : Let not an evil Speaker be 
efablijbcd in the earth. 8 , When eppreffion hath cried to God 
againft theopprcflbr, it is fent forth as a Serjeant to follow 'him 
ut the hcels-vvhereeverhego, till it overtake him , and throw 
Kim headlong into deftruclion; Evil fall hunt the violent man 
tqCve'/tkrQwmm. ** 



Vcrf. 12. I know that the LORD rvi/l maintain 
the caufe of she .affiitled: and ;thp tight of the 

13. Surely the righteous flail give, thanks un- 
to thy Name : the upright fball dwell in thy pre* 

In the third part of the Pfalme, is the anfw£r of the Pfalmlfts 
prayer, in a comfortable perfwafion of Gods maintaining cf his 
perlecuted children, & delivering of hisovvn afflicted fervants out 
of ah 1 theirtroubles. Whence /fcav/ji.Whofoever (hal perfecute and 
opprefle the righteous, (hall finde God their Party, joyned in the 
caufc with the afflicted : The Lord -will mimdutbe caufe of the 
afllifted. 2. The faith of Godsaffifhnce is a" Tufficient com- 
fort to the godly, to uphold them till the 'deliverance come, 
andthis per iwalion God ufeW to give to his perlecuted fervants 
for their upholding; Ifyiowtbat tit Lcrd'ftiil miintaintbe 
caufeoftbeiffliftcd. 3. The main thing which the Lords fer- 
vants do care for, is their caufeand their right, that whatso- 
ever they fhaU fuffer, their caufe may go free and be juftified : 
and this the Lord doth fecure here : The Lord will maintain the 
caufe of the afflifled, and the right -of the poore. 4. Whatfoever 
hardinip the godly do meet with in their exe:cife> joy. and deli- 
verance fliall clofe their troubles, ani whatfoever prayer anl 
mourning they fliall be driven unto by perfecuucm, praife and 
thankfgiving fliall be the laft part of their trialjand this the Lord 
will have his people perfwaded of: Surely the righteous jbatl 
give tlnn^s unto thy Name. 5. Whatfoever imperfections the 
beleever fliall finde in himftlf, yet his upright and fincere deal- 
ing with God,by the daily acknowledgement of vvha: isamiifcin 
him, and by his making ufe of the remedy held forth in the Gof-. 
pel, thall prove him to be a righteous man ; for 1 he tigbtc Qui a nl 
the upright, m.m here-is»one« 6.Befide all the c^fortaDle blinks: 
of Goiis •kindncfl'e in this woild, granted to. the believer, he hath 
afliirance of pcrfeverancc, and of everlafting fellowfhip with. 
God ; The upright jbtttfaeU ™ % by pre/erne. 

Y % 




THeHalmift,beingindiftreffebythe malicious perfection 
of his adverfaries, prayeth for relief, and for a holy carriage 
under his trouble ; till his own full delivery, and till his ene- 
mies diftru&ion (hould come. The petitions are feven; the 
firft is general, for acceptation of his perfon, and granting of 
his prayer, v. t, x. The next is, for direftion of his (peeches, 
v f 3 * The third is, for guiding of his heart and a&ions,v. 4. 
The.fpurth is, for the benefit of the fellowfliip of the Saints, by 
their wholefome counfcll and admonition, v. j. witlrtherea* 
fons thereof, v. 6, 7, The fifth is, for the comfort of fpirkual 
communion with God, v. 8. The fixth is, for prefervatifcn 
from the plots of the enemies, v. <?• Thcfcventh is, for the q- 
ver throw of his enemies, v. ie. 

VcrC 1 • T OKT>^l crie mto thee, mafy baft* 

jl-j mto me : give tare mnto my voice 

rvhen I crie umo thee. 

2. Let my prayer be fet forth before thee zsincenfti 

and the lifting up of my bands as the evening 


In the firft petition, which is general, for granting of his 
prayer, and accepting of his perfon in his prayer 1 Ltfrn,i. 
Ml f-beliefe doth feek many wayes for delivery from trouble, but 
faith hath but anc way, to gojo gqdt to wit, by prayer, for what- 
soever is needfull : Lord, 1 crie unto thee. 2. Prefent danger, 
or long continuance of trouble, doth put an edge upon the de- 
votion of the believer : Lot d>I crie unto thee. j. Albeit the 
godly dare not fet a time to God when he (hall come, yet they 
may declare the ftrait they finde themfelves in, and what need 
chey have of (peedy help: Make bajte unto me. 4. As it is an 
ord jnarytemation fuggefted co tbe g°dty In the time of trouble, 



when they pray and do not receive anfwer, that their fupplication 
Is mif-regarded : fo fhould it be repelled by renewing of our pe- 
tition fo oft as it is offered, as this example tcachethj Give tare 
unto my voyce, when J cry unto thee. f. The prayer of Gods 
children, is very fwcetfmelled and acceptable to God, through 
the mediation ofChrift, as the ceremonial offering of incenfc, 
and facrifice ( whereunto David here doth allude* did fignifie r 
Lit my prayer bejel forth before thee y as incenfd and the lifting 
up of my bands, as the evening facrifice . 6. Our prayers unto 
God fhould be joyned with lubmiflivenefle of fpirit, ielf-denial 
tnd hopefull dependance on God / for fo much doth the gefturc 
of lifting up of the hands in prayer of its own nature fignlhe, and 
therefore here the gefture is put for the prayer, which fhould be 
joyned with fuch an inward difpofitionj Let the lifting up of 
my bands be v evening facrifice. 

Vcrf. 3. Sit a watch ( LORD ) hfort my month*, 
kfifthi door of mj tips ; 

In the fecond petition, which ismorefpecial,for diie&ion of 
hisfpeechesi Learn, uThc godly in their trouble, efpccially 
by perfection, are under temation to hurt their own caufe by 
unadvifed tnd paffionate (beeches : for this doth the prayer im«> 
port, fc As words of pamon from our muddy affection, arc 
ready to break out in time of trouble, fo fhould we in the fenfe 
ofourowninablitytotippreflfethem, intreatGodto bridle our 
tongue, that nothing break forth to hisdifhonour, Set &mt(b B 
Lord) before my mouth 4 Keep the door of my lips. 

Vcrf. 4. Incliui not mini heart to any nil 
thing, to praElifi Vtickfd works With men that 
work* iniquity ; and lit mi not oat of their 
dainties . 

Inthe third petition, for guiding of his heart, and a&ions ; 
Learn, 1. The godly arc Uibje&alfo to another temation un- 
der perfec ution,to bz driven to fome unlawfull way of revenge 
or fomefinfull compliance with the wicked, cither by terror or 
Y j rilvement 


allurement, as this petition doth- import, i. The holieft of 
,<7odsfervantshtvcrea(onto pray unto God, head m not ittt*. 
ientation, when they conftder that their .daily finning, may open 
a door to juftice,to give over their hearts, for a time, to its own. 
natural wicked inclination : for in thefenfeofthis danger, 2>^- 
vid prayeth ; Enclinnnotmy heart to any evil 'tbi&g. 3. i As .to 
meet injuries with injuries, is not a meanes to be rid out of trou- 
ble, but a meanes to involve us in further .trouble: fo alfo to, 
comply with workers of iniquity, for fear of danger from them, 
:s not a meanes to efchew trouble, but nther a meanes to draw 
down Gods wrath :Eneline not ny heart to any evil thing, to pra- 
Bifemckedrpor^iwith them that work iniquity. 4. As the 
Lord is the only Sovcreigne over the heart, m whofehand the 
heart is, to turne it where he pleafeth, lo will he being inrreated 
by prayer, fee it right ; Incline not, my heart to any evil thing. 
5. Theprefent pleafure and commoditie of finne, is in higii 
eftimation with thejinner, and much fweeter to him then what 
he may lawfully enjoy; The plexfures of finne are hU deljaics, 
f>. No man can keep himfelfe from being taken with the allure- 
ments of a /infull courfe, except the Lord preferve him : Let me 
not eat of their dainties. 7. The holieft men in Scripture, have 
been mod fenfible of theimpotency of their own free will, and 
inability to refift teritations^ or to bring forth the habits of grace 
unta action 5 moft diffident of themfelves, moil dependant up- 
on God, moft carefull to make ufe of meanes, and confdeneious 
in following of ordinances, as their prayers do reft i fie/ Encline 
not my heart to any coil things let me not eat of their dainties* 

Verf. 5. Let the righteous (mite me^ it (hall be a 
tyndneffeiAntflet him reprove me y \t {hall be an ,ex~ 
fcdent oite ^ which fhaH not break *»/ head*; for jet 
my prayer a/fo {hall be in their calamities. 

The fourth petition, is for the benefit of the communion of 
Saints , wherein T>.ivid perceiving the mifchief which unhappy 
flatterers about the King, procured to the King, and to the god- 
ly in the land; he prayeth to God , to grant him fuch godly men 
sbout nim, as would never confent to any wrong deed of his, but 
Woulddiflwadehirhjdiifcnt from him, yea,reprove and rebuke 



him rather*, if need were 5 whieh fort of frftridfy finitihg of 
him., he promifeth fliall be molt acceptable to'him: and for 
this, he giveth foQr regions : the firit whereof is, becaufe he had 
fo mnchilove to his enemies as to pitty them in their calamities, 
and to pray for them. Whence kirn, i. /As flatterers arc a 
plague to Princes, efpecially when they are upon u.njuftcourfes: 
fo righteous and faithfull admonifliers of us, iriwhatfocver place; 
we arein 3 are a notable bleffing, and worthy to be prayed for: 
Lcttherigbicousfmite me. 2. According as a- man doth hate 
finne, and love riehtcoufneffejfo he Hateth flatten y. and leveth ?o 
be freely dealt with, and -reproved or admoivTfhcd : for if is the 
love of righteoufnelfe, and hatred of finne, which maketh David 
by. Let tberightcous (mite me. j\ No man is tofarre-rhoi-rihed, 
but a reproof will be a wound ro his proud flefh :Lct the righteous ' 
[mite me, 4. Free dealing and plainc reproof is a frnit'of Icve • 
unfeigned : Let tbcrigbtwus fmitc me* it JlkU be abjndncfie* 5. 
As moil precious oileis'to the body, foisthe tourifel), admom-i 
tion,antj reproof of the righteous to the foul : for the fruit of 
both is health and gladnefle j Let bim reprove me ; it flail ic : 
an excellent oilc>xvbicb {hall not break my bead. 6: The godly when 
they are pcrfecutcd, need -not to ieek private revenge ; for cala- 
mities do abide their perfecuto! s, which they by .faith -in' Goes 
WorAjrtiay clearly forefce, as T>ivii here doth prcfuppofc 
cjueftionablyj that their calamities were coming ; My prayer ft 11 
be in their calamities. 7. The Lords children mould be fo far 
from private re venge,and fo ready to come off that cgtxfrV, if 
they be tempted to it, thit they mould keep (0 much love ro thcifc 
adverfarics, as may make them ditcharge all commanded duties 
toward them, as David here is difpolcd, whofe words import 
thus much, if I werefet upon private revenge, Lord let me finds 
a friend to hinder me, becaufe Irefolveto follow < he duties of 
commanded love toward mine adverfarics-' For yet my prayer 
4l(o {fall be in their calamities. And this is the hiftreafon ot the 
fourth petition., 

Verf 6. When their judges are overthrown 
fiony places: they fballheare my words , for thtyAre : 

Thefecoftd veafon isjfronf hispurpofctodcav tfjtfi thc : Gmtfe 
people, f who nowtlidperfecwe him, by the miflc'ading of their 

Y 4 CQiiupc 



corrupt Rulers ) as wicb his kindly fubjefts, difciplet or chil- 
dren * and doth hope to finde them tradable Wbtnce learn, i. 
Difference muft be put between ring-leader sin an cvill courfe, 
snd thofe that follow it in fimplicity* for fo doth the Prophet 
here put difference betwixt the people, and their corrupt and 
kicked Judges, t. Wicked Rulers andmiMeaders of people, 
fhall be fearfully punirtied, as they who are caft down from a 
fteep place, and fall among ftones > Tbcir judges Jhall be wcr- 
tbrown in ftony places, j . Mi f-led people (hould be kindly en- 
tertained, and inftrufted in the truth of Gods Word, as dilciplcs 
and children, fo Toon as the Lord doth offer opportunity : tVhtU 
their judges Jhall be overthrown in (tony places, they fkall heat my 
yoords. 4. As the Joftrine of grace and godlinefle is fweet 
and pleafant in it felfe, fo fhouid it be efteemed of by the 
preachers, and fo recommended to the people, and fo handled in 
the way of preaching of it, as it may be acknowledged by the peo- 
ple tobe fucfi \ and this (hall he, if with the deciphering of linne 
and the cur fe, the remedy conftantly be holden forth in Chrift I 
ifwiththedo&rineofall moral duties, people be dire&ed to 
draw ftrength to obey them from Chrift, and to feek to have 
their fervice acceptable through Chrift; for thus (hall the words 
of the Lord be both pleafant and profitable to people: This 
courfedidDivWrefolve, Tbcy {ball bear mj words, Jor tbcyari 

Ver f 7. Our bones are /tattered at the gr4ve 
mouth : as token one cntteth and cleave tb wood upon 
the earth. 

This is a third rcafon, not only of the fourth petition, but al- 

(0, and mainly of the whole prayer, for comfort and delivery 

frorn perfection, wherein many of the Lords Priefts were fhine, 

and many others of Davids friends were undone, and no more 

regard had of their lives and bones, then the hewer of wood hath 

regard to the chips which fall off in hewing: wherein David and 

: his followcrs,were a type of Chrift,and of hisfollowers,whofe pcr- 

ftcutionis here reprefented, and Prophefied of. iVbtnce leam % 

1. Albeit {he death of the Lotds fervants be dear unto him, yet 

their lives, and the burial of their bones, are no more regarded 

by the wicked, then fo many chips of wood, which the hewer of 

^rpodhewefb off with his; axe: Our bones w featured at the 



ftivts mouth, & when one tutteth mi cleevtik wnd upon tht 
forth* x. WhenChriftsfubjcfts 3rc fo entertained, ( as here 
is fee forth ) their cafe being piefented unto God, hath no fmall 
force to draw down delivery, and to bring a change of the affaires 
of their foes, as the force ot the rcafon annexed unto the prayer 
doth teach* 

Vcrf# 8, "But mine ejts are Unto thee> O G07> 
the Lord : in thee u my truft j leave not mj font 

The fourth reafcn of the petition, relating mainly to the pray* 
er for delivery : after which is fubjoyned the fifth petition, in- 
cluding the fubftance of all his prayer. Whence learn > i. How 
great (Sever the darkneffe of his calamities may be, and how 
thick foever the doudes of prefent trouble are, to hide from us 
the Lords care of us 3 and his loving kind neffe unto us, yet faith 
muft look, and pierce through them all unto God, and to his 
power and conftancy of truth and love: 'But wine eyes art unto 
thee* i. Whenfoever faith turneth it felfe toward the Lord, it 
feeth fufficiency in God to help, as the man hath need* Mine 
eyes are toward tbcc,0 Ged the Lord. $. As it is good to be* 
licvein Godintimeofgreateft ftraitcs, fo it is good to avow 
our beliefe before God, and to obferve this for our further 
(lengthening, that we have obtained mercy to believe, as here 
Vxvid doth i Mine eyes are toward thee: in theek my truft. 4* 
A foul which hath God for a covering of prote&ion and com- 
fort, hath alfo every condition it can be in, well feafoned • 
but the foul that lacketh this governing, is bare and naked, ani 
deftitute, wichout guard againft any evil which may fall upon 
it: againft this evil weliave great need to pi ay, heave not 
my joul deftitute* And this is the fifth petition in this 

Vcrf. p. Keep me from the fnare which they 
have laid for me: snd the grinnes of the workers 
etf iniquity. 

The fixth petition, is to t>e faved from the privie plots, which 
kis enemies had laid againft hlnu Whence haw, i. The ad* 



verfaries of Gods people, or. perfecutors of the righteous for 
righteoufnefle^ are workers of iniquity, let them pretend unto 
godIineffe,lawes 3 orjuftice,asthey pleafe, for fo are they here 
defcribed. 2. Perfecutors of the righteous, ufe not to go (o 
openly to work> as to perfecute them direftly for righteoufnefie, 
butdomakeplauiiblelawesand ftatutes, which may feem rea- 
fonableto the world, and yet luch lawes as rhe godly cannot 
without finnc obey, and fo their commands doinfnarethe god- 
ly, as here they are called, fh&cs antgrinhts. $ . From the plots 
of perfecutors, and in fpecial from iniquity eftablimed by x a law, 
none can deliver the godly lb, as they (hall neither finne nor- fuf- 
fer the penalty, except God alone : %cep me from the fnare which 
tbcybxvc kid for me % and tbegrinnes of the workers of ini- 

Verf. I o. Let the Wicked fall into their own nets : 
Vehileft that 1 withal efcape. 

The feventh pctitioni?, as for his own delivery, ,fo. alio for the 
overthrow of obftinate enemies, who cannot- b$ reclaimed. 
Whence leam, 1. The prayers againft persecutors - which are 
dited to the penmen of the Scripture, are prophecies .of their 
punifliment, and decrees whereunto the Church may fubferibe 
in the general : and this prayer is one among-the reft. 2, When 
the perfecutors do lay plots and fnares agajnft the righteous., they 
lay plots againft themfelves ; and there is no need of another plos 
for their ruine, fave that which is of their own devifing : Let the 
wicked fall into tbeir own net. $. It is not unufual to fee the 
overthrow of perfecutors, and the delivery of the righteous, 
wrought by one and ihefelf-famemeanes, and brought about at 
•onetime: let the wicked fall into.thdr own net, wbiiejitbat I 

o — 1 \ .■;> - i; ■ .. 




CMafcbil of David, <ffc. 

THisPfalme doth fhew what was Davids ♦exercife, when he 
was in the cave of one cf the mountaines of Engedi, ( 1 Ssnu 
24. ) flying from Saul: wherein he firft fetter h down his be> 
taking of himfclfc to prayer in general, v. i,> Secondly, the 
ftraits wherein he was for the time, v. $,4. Thirdly, what was 
the Tpecial petitions of his prayer, with the reaibns thereof, 

Erom the infeription ; LwrM. That when the. Lord doth 

put any of his children in ftraites and difBcultie^ he is providing 

inftruftion, and wife dirc.ftion unto them, and to others, by ttic 

meanes, for this danger bringeth forth a Pfalme of inftruftion? 

Mafibil of David, z. The profit which followed^ upon fharp 

'■ cxercifes, is able to rccompence all the paines whereunto they are 

put in trouble, as this particular inflance doth ihew. 3. It is 

wifdomefbrustomarkthefpecral dangers wherein we fall, and 

how we have behaved our felves therein, and to fee what ufe we 

ftiould make thereof, as this example of Davids calling to mindc 

of the danger he was in, in the cave, doth teach us. 

Verf, h T Cried unto the LORD with my voice : 
JL With my voice umo the LO RD did 
I make my /application. 
2. 2 poured out my c amp Uint before him : I fbeVecd 
before him my trouble. 

In the fetting down of his cxercifc in this danger, and how he 
made God his refuge by prayer; Learn, 1. The grace of God 
can fo calme a mans mind^n the deepeft danger of prefent death, 
as he may confidently put up his defire for delivery ; and no 
danger can be fo defperate, but a man may by prayer be deliver- 
ed out of it, oneway or other, as Davids experience teachcth; 
J cried unto tbc Lord) faith David t being in the cave, halfc bu- 


ricdasina grave, Saul and his hoft being at the mouth of it. 
a. He that is acquainted with God 3 and haunteth his prefence 
by prayer> ordinarily will findc a ready way to go to God, in an 
extraordinary danger, whereof D<n/i4 in this difficulty, flieweth 
his experience* 3. The uttering of right words, with the 
voice in prayer, in the time of perplexity, is a work of faith, pre- 
fuppofe there were fo much inward confufion and multitude of 
thoughts in the minde, as might call in aucftion whether the 
fupplication of fo perplexed a minde could be an acceptable 
prayer; therefore Dsvid twice mentioneth the uttering of his 
voice: i cried with my voice, mtb my vohe. 4. It is afvveec 
mercy to have grace to pray to God, and is not only profitable 
for the prefent, but alfo the memory of this mercy is refreflifull 
afterward, as experience here doth (hew. 5. It may be an c 2 fe to 
our minde, when we arc full of perplexity, and grief and fear, 
toteW the Lord what aileth us: I pound out my complaint be- 
fore him* 6. To prefent our confufion and perplexity and 
trouble of minde, to w looked upon by God, and to be read by 
him, is a real! prayer or fupplication j I fbewed before bin my 

Ver. 3, whin my {pirli y x»m overwhelmed V?ith~ 
inme f then thou kpeweft my path: in the way 
therein 1 walked , have they privily laid a fnan 
for me. 

4. / looked on my right hand, and beheld, hit there 
Was no man that ^ohU k*o**t>refugifai{idmy : no 
man cared for my foul. 

The fli aite wherein Ddvid was, did make his wit to faile him, 
that he knew not what to do : for albeit his caufe and carriage in 
it was approved of God, yet his enemies hunted him fo hard, 
as they had very nigh catched him in the fnare J his fouldiers 
who were With him fainted, and were ready to flilft for them- 
fclve$, and to render up \>tvii, if the army had approached to 
the cave, no man cared for his life, none would ftand to his de- 
fence* Whence le&n, 1. Trouble and danger in extremity, do 
put a mans wit on work to think upon all meane§ of poflible de- 
livery, and when none can be found, the mirtde is involved in 
perplexity, and falleth down as it were in afwoon; My fpirit 



WAf overwhelmed within mc. i. Whatfocvcr danger we may fail 
into, it is good that our caufc and carriage be fuch as God witt 
allow: This was Davids advantage here, When my fp hit mm 
overwhelmed with in me> then thou knoweft my path, that is, thou 
fpprovedft my part, who was unjuftly purfued. }. How inno- 
cently fo ever we behave our fclves, yet perfecators will not ccafc 
co hunt us, till fc they take os in the fnare, if they can: 
In the way wherein 1 walked have tbej privily laid a fnarc for me. 
4. When great flraites do come, wordly friends and all who 
may be in danger for helping of us ; will readily forfake us : and 
this is the lot of Chrift and his fervants, who in fuflering foe 
righteoufneffc, are left alone without all comfort or encourage- 
ment bom men : 1 looked on my right handy and beheld, but there 
was no man that would know me,refuge failed me> no man carei 
formyfouk 5, It is law full for a believer to make ufe of liwfull 
meanes for his delivery 9 and to all for affiftaiice of fuch as are 
bound to affift him, albeit be may fufpeS ro be refuted; as Da- 
vid did here. 

Verf. 5. / criodunto theo , LORD, 1 faiJ, 
7 loon art mj refngt, and my portion in th$ land o( 
tho living. 

6. %yit tend unto my cry t for I am brought v$ry 
low , dd liver mo from mj ftrfecntor* : for they or* 
ftronger then /. 

7. Bring my foul out ofprifon, that I msj praifo thy 
Name • the righteotu [hall compare me above : for 
thou fait deale hunt if fill j W$b two. 

In the laft place, he fettcth down his laft refuge, and the words 
of his prayer, with the reafons to help his hope to be beard* 
Whence learu, 1. Albeit all men, and all meanes of delivery in 
the world (hould faile us, yet muft we not give over, but pray 
to God, and depend upon him, who never fatleth his fuppli- 
canrsthat feekhim,asD4vJJ did > I cried unto tbec, OLori. 
a. The leffe comfort we finde in the creature, we ihould truft 
the more in God, as David did , who when all foribok him, fa id 

o God, Then art my refuse . $. G#i alone with us may fuffice 


as iiv every condition, •« hedid David ; Thou art my portion in 
the land of the living. 4- As the lenfe of our own weaknefs^ 
and of our adverfariespower, aiegoocT whetftones tofliarperi 
our prayer : fo the lower we be brought and emptied of carnal 
confidence, we may expect rhe more confidently hdp from GddJ 
as here Dayed reafoneth ; Attend unto my cry, far I am brought 
very low: deliver me from myferfecuiors, for they are ftronger then 
J. ?. So long as the godly man is debarred from the benefit of 
Gods publick vydrfliip and ordinances, he is but in a prifon in 
his own eftimation ; Bring my foul out of prifon. 6: The end 
of our pr ayer for delivery out of trouble, fhould be that we may 
the more freely and fruitfully fervethe Lord : Brivgmy life out 
of prifon, that 1 may praife thy Name. 7. When any one of 
Gods.perfecuted fervants is delivered, it is a matter of comfort, 
joy and encouragement, and of mutual congratulation to all the 
godiy 3 who haveintereft in their righteous' caufe any way | 
The righteous JhaU cempaffe mc about* 8 . Before a bodily delive- 
ry come, the Lord fometime giveth inward afTurance that it 
fhali come; for, iTborifkalt deal bountifully with me ; for Di- 
*uids words being taken as fpoken in the cave, do fhew fo 


DAvid being in great trouble of mind, for the long continu* 
ance of. his perfection by his enemies, and alio under fome 
exerciie of confcience^through the fenfe of his iin^prayeth in this 
Pfalme for deliverance in general; from his twofold trouble., v. 
1,2. becaufe of his pitiful condition fet down 3 v. 3, 4> 5V &• 
Then he ptefleth his prayer in nine more fpecial petitions* in 
the reft of the Pfalme. 

Ver. 1, ¥J Ear my prayer, O LORD, give e*r* to 
XT! my fupplhaticns : fa thy faithfulnefs 
anfwer me^ and in thy righteottfnefle. 


2. And enter not into jndgement Kith thjfervant : 
for in tbj fight /ball no man Itving be jpfiifie'd. 

In the prayer, as it is generally propounded $ Learn, - i . Out-* 
ward bodily trouble is able to raife trouble of minde, and trou- 
ble ofcorifcience alfo, efpecially when outward trouble continu- 
eth long, and God feemedi to debar prayer from acceffe, or not 
to give anfwer thereto, as this experience of 7)avid flieweth, 
2, Whatsoever be the trouble of a mans minde, and from what 
caufefoeveritarifeth, prayer is rhefirft andreadieftmeanesof 
eafe and quietnefle, as here we fee in David, Hear my prayer, O 
Lord, and give earetomy fupplication* j. The Lords faithftil- 
neffe and righteoufneflc, which fcrve to terrific a natural man, 
arc props and pillars of comfort and encouragement onto the be- 
liever j who is fled to the throne of grace : In thy fritbfulneffc an* 
fwer me, and in thy rigbtcoufnefle. 4. When the confeience of 
fin oppofeth our prayer, or our hope of delivery our of trouble, 
it muft be anfwer ed by flying ro Gods grace : and when jufticc 
feemethto purfue us, then the prayer of faith doth change the 
Court of juifcice into the Court of grace: for albeit the finnes of 
the godly may rake peace of confeience from them for a time,, 
yet they cannot debar them from feeking favour arid pardon, ac- 
cording to the Covenant of grace, efpecially when they are ftu- 
dyingto ferveGod, as this example tiachech us : And enter net 
into judgement with tbyfervam. <;. There is no way of jufti- 
fication by the works ofc the Law, neither before regeneration 
nor after, but only by grace; to? David, a manof lingular holi* 
nefle, hhhfinicrnot into judgement rvhhtby'fervant, for in tby 
fight (Imll none, living be juftifyd :■ ro wit, if thoir enter into 
judgement with him according tQ, the law of rtoritf.- 


Ver. 3. For the enemie hath perfecuted my foute 
be hath fmittenjny life do^n tothe grQHnd: he hath 
rnadem: tojtoell in dark** f*> as thofe thai have been 
long dead. 

4. Therefore is my fftrit overwhelmed mthin me : 
my heart wthh me U de folate* 



Thcrcafonsof his prayer are two : the firft is taken from the 
ciifcrable condition, wherein the violence and oppreffion of the 
<nemie hath driven him, v. } , 4. the other is, from his careful 
ufe of themeanes for finding grace, v. 5,6. In the firft reaConj 
Learn, 1. After we have fled to Gods mercy, according to the 
Covenant of grace for remiffion of fin, we may confidently 
by forth all our worldly trouble before God, and hope for relief, 
as here Dd'M doth. 2. 1c is not iirange to fee the godly in a 
manner wracked by their perfecutors, and undone in their world- 
ly condition, for (0 w as 'David fcrved : The enemie hatb perfec- 
ted my foul, be bath fmitten my life down to the pound, be bath 
made me dwell in dtrlytejfe, as tbofcthMbive been long dead: 
and this he fpeaketh in regard of his being hunted from place to 

!>lace, and forced to hide himfelf in the wilderneffe, and at 
ength to take banifhment upon him, and to live among idola- 
ters in the land of darkneffe. $. Troubles when they are long 
continued, are able to daunt the natural courage *f the ftouteft 
of Gods fervants: for God, for emptying of his owne children of 
felf-conceit, and humbling them in the ienfc of their own wcak- 
neflfe,ufeth to fuffer trouble to hive more weight, then they could * 
before-hand apprehend,as hixt,Tkcrfore is my fpirit overwhelmed 
within me, my heart within men defolate. 4. How heavie fo- 
ever trouble be found, and how unable foevcr we finde our felvea 
to bear it any longer, yet muft we not fuccumbe, nor give over 
vrreftling, but muft pre fent our cife unto the Lord, as this ex- 
ample doth teach us. 

Ver. y 1 remember the dayes of old, 1 mtditata 
me aS thy worlds : / muft on tht mrkjfthy hands. 

6.1 flrotch forth my hands unto then my foul chirft- 
tlh of t*r theaas athirfty land* Stlah. 

From the fecond reafon of his prayer, taken from the confcl* 
enceof his diligent ufe of the ordinary meanes, for finding com- 
fort and relief.* Learn, 1. The remembrance of our own for* 
mer experience, and of the experience of others of the Sainti 
fet down in Scripture, (which fhould have force to fupport our 
faith, albeit we have nothing of our own experience,) is * 
fit exercife for a fainting foul under trouble, as here we fee, I 
rmmbertbe dyes of old, I meditate on all tbj workf. a. The 


PSAHME CXtril. 337 

meditation of the works of Creation and Providenre, is a fit 
meanes 3lfo to fupport our faith in Gods Word, albeit we have 
no example, nor experience of any who had been in the like 
condition before us : for therein we (hall finde the evidence of 
whn the wifdom and Omnipotency of God can do, in perform- 
ing of promifes $ J mufe on the vpoy^s of thy bands. 3 .Before we 
can draw profit by the pledges of Gods power apparent in his 
works, we muft refolve to meditate and mufeupon them at lea- 
fure ; for a flight look of thefe will not draw forth the profit - 
ableufeof them: I remembered, I meditate, Imufed, faith Va- 
vid. 4, Wi th meditation upon Gods works,earneft prayer muft 
bejeyned: Iftretcbfortb my hands unto thee. 5. When fafth 
feeth not only a proiife of help, but alio by the experience of o- 
thers who have been helped, a probability alfo of its coming 
(peed, icfaifeth a drought and longing for the fruit of the pro- 
mile, and kcepeth the eye fixed upon God, without looking^ for 
relief from any frhere elfe j My font tbirftetb after thee} asa'tbirfiy 

Ver. 7. HedremfpeBJilj r .o LORD,, my Spkii 
faileth, hide not thj face from me : left 1 be like unto 
them that go down into the fit. 

In the reft of the Pfalme, he pre {fee h this pratycr in nine petiti- 
ons more particular : Thefirftis for fpeedy deliverance j the 
fccond for fome blink of favour, and both thefe have their rea- 
fons adjoynedinthis verfe. Whence learn, 1. Sore trouble 
and long delaying of Gods help , is able to (hake faith, 
and weaken, courage : Hear meffecdily, Lord, mj heart fail- 
eth. 2«The beleever never give over fceking of Gods 
help, how nigh foever he be to failing and falling oft": Hear mc, 
Lord ,mj (fir it faileth me. 3. Faith maketh uic of extreme 
dangers and inftant deft ruction, xs of wings to mount it fclf up 
unto Godj for death and d&ft ruction cannot be f) nigh, but faith 
finderh time to flee to its refuge, and run to God, toimerpofe 
himfelf before deftruction be executed s Hear me fpecdily, my 
f'piritfiilctb. 4. The Lords difpleafure apprehended in trouble* 
is more terrible then the trouble it fclf, and the lealt intimation 
or his favour,is verv life and delivery; for, Hide not thy face ffi v * 
me, was here Davids deepeft diff'reffe, and the (hewing of the 

Z loft. 


lcaft blink of Gods favour, fhould have relieved him. 5. The 
Lord will not fufTer his childrens faith to be over fet, albeit hq 
fufferit to be hardly aflaulted : Hide not thy face from me , left I 
belike to them that go dowuto the pit, or left I be like to them that 
perifh. 6. The lenfe of trouble and weaknefle in Gods chil- 
dren, acknowledged before God, is more able to bear them 
through from under their troubles, then all the ftupid (toutneflt 
of contumacious mindes, as the experience of this Champion 
T>Avii fheweth unto us. 

Verf. 8. Can feme to hear thy loving kindnejfe in 
the mornings for in thee do I truft : caufe me to know 
the way wherein I fhould walk, for 1 lift uf myfottk 
unto thee. 

The third petition is, for timous comfort in the Word of pro- 
mile: and the fourth is, for direction in the way of Gods obe- 
dience, and both have their reafons adjoyned in this vet fe. 
Whence lesrn, 1 . The confclation which the believer doth feek, 
is that which is promifed in the Word, and he will content him- 
felf with the comfort which cometh by 'hearing, till the full ef* 
fed ofthepromifecomc: Caufemctohear thy loving lyndneffe. 
2« That comfort is indeed early, and fuffickntly timous, which 
cometh before we perirti or defpair 5 Caufc me to hexr thy loving 
kindncfl'e in the morning. $.Trufting in God without comfort, is 
areafon toperiwade us we fhal have comfort, and the readied way 
that can be to come by tt;|£te/c me to bear thy loving bjndncffc ; 
for in thee do I truft* 4. As it is the believers trouble to be >in 
fuch perplexity, as not to know how to behave himfelf in it : fo 
is it a part of his comfort and delivery, to underfland what to do 
next, and how to behave him felt : Caufe me to know tip way 
wherein Ijhould Willi* %> He who feeketh direction from God^ 
muft lift up his heart offall diverfions, and depend on God only 5 
for, I lift up myfoulc to thec 3 is the reafon of his petition to be 

Ver. 9- Deliver me \0 LORD, from mine entmier* 
1 {lie mto thee to hide me, 



The fifth petition is for delivery from his enemies, whereun-^ 
to a reafon is added here. Whence learn, i. As there is no ene- 
nne, from whom the Lord canno* deliver a man who is reconci- 
led, how potent foever the enemie be: fo deliverance from oue 
Enemies is a fruit of our friendfhip with God ; Deliver me front 
mine enemies, i. Albeit our enemies had compaifed us foi a$ 
there were no apparent efcape, yet the believer may finde a hi- 
diug place in God ; J flic unto tbee to bide me. 

Vcr. io. Teach me to do thy will; for thoti art rny 
God y thy Spirit is good: lead me into the land of up' 

The fixth petition is for grace to walk righteoufly andholily^ 
till he came to heaven, which he calleth the land of uprigbtnejfe. 
Whence Ititn, i.In time ot trials and troubles men are in no leffc 
danger of (inning and foul-lo{ing,then they are to fal into further 
bodily dangers and inconveniencies, and hayc need, in the fenfe 
of their inability, to walk circumfpeftly, and to feek direction 
from God : Teach me to do thy Ttill z. The Covenant of grace 
wherein the believer is entered, giveth ground to pray and hope 
for the growth of fanctification : Teach me to do thy will, for 
thou art my God. 3. We have need ot fuch teaching, as hath 
with it leading, fuch direction, as hath with it ftreng;hening un- 
to obedience, fuch information as doth direct us, not only in the 
general rule, but aUb how to apply it in particular actions^ and 
which doth not leave us in any part or our dutie to our felves : 
Teach me, lead me. 4. Heaveuistheland of uprightneife, anct 
we mull have the Lords conftant teaching, andhisconftanc 
leading of us, till we be pofle fled of heaven ; Lead me into the 
land ofuprigbtnejji. ?. The teacher and leader of believers, iri 
the obedience of Gods Word and Will, is the Spirit of God, 
whofe goodnefle muft be oppofed to our natural finfulnefle anJ 
ill defcrving: Thy Spirit is good, lead me into the land of up- 

Vcr. it. J2*ic{enme,0 LORD, for thy Names 

Jake : for thj right e oh fneffe fake, bring mj fonle out of 

1 2 Th* 


The feventh petition is, for fome reviving of his damped and 
dead fpirit, and the eighth is, for ending the courfe of the ene- 
mies peifecution of him, and reafons are fubjoyned to both. 
IVhencelexrn, l. Albeit believers be fubjed to foul-fainting 
and deadnefle, yet they retain life fpiritual in fuch a meafure, as 
maketh them ftill fenfible of their own weaknefle, and able to be- 
moan themfelves unto God, who is able to revive them - % ^uickr 
ten me, Lord, i- It concerneth God in his honour, to revive 
uhefpirits of tre contrite ones, when they have their recourfe 
bnto him $ Quicken me, Lord, for thy \ts(jmes fife 3 .Al- 
cit the Lord acquaint his children with trouble, yet he will 
not fnffer them to lie ilill in trouble, but will in due time fee 
them free; Bring my joule out of trouble. 4. The Lord will 
have his juftice not terrible to his children in trouble, buisbm- 
fortable and a pawne of their delivery from their oppreffors ; 
for thy rigbteoufneffefa^e, bringmyfoul out of trouble. 

Ver. 1 2. And of thy mercy cut off mint enemies : 
anddeQroy all them that tfflitt my foule; for I am 

The ninth petition is, for the overthrow of his defperatee^ 
ncmies, whercunto reafons are added. Whence learn , 1. The 
enemies of the righteous who are perfecuted for righteoufnefle, 
ih^Jperifh ; Cut off mine enemies, deftroy them all. z. Mercy 
to the Lords opprefled children, and juftice againft their ene- 
mies, go together 5 and the work of juftice on persecutors, is a 
work of mercy to the opp re fled : Of thy mercy cut off mine ene- 
mies . 3. As the confeience of endeavour toferveGod, giveth 
fweet refrefhment in time of trouble.* fo our fhort coming muft 
not deprive us of the title of fervants, but we muft aficrt our in- 
tereft in God our Mafler and Lord , f o long as we Ioyc to do his 
will, 2s David doth here; for, Iamtbyftnant. 




4vid being now King, but yet not fully Ceded on his 
._,'chrone, in this Pfalme givcth thanks to God for the work 
already wrought, v. i, z> j 5 4. and Jprayeth for compearing the 
deliverance, and fetling or him in his Kingdom, v. <r , 6, 7 , 8. 
and in hope to be heard, promifeth praife to God, v. 9 , 10. and 
I in the laft place, repeaterh his petition, with reafons taken from. 
the benefit which (hould redound unto the Lords people, by fee- 
ling of him in his Kingdom, v. u, 11, ij, 14. 

Verf/i. TyLeJfeibe the LORDmyfirengtb, 
JD which teacheth my hands to Warre, 
and rny fingers to fight, 

2. Mygoodnejfe % and my fortrttfe, my high tower % 
4ftd my deliverer t my Jbield, and htin whom Itrujl : 
nhofubdueth my people under me. 

3. LORD % what is man % that thoH taksfl knowledge 
of him ? or the fonne of man; that thou makeji account 
of him f 

4. Man is Ubje to vanity : hi* d*ycs are as a JJjMlofy 
that pajfeth away. 

In V>xviis thankfgiving for what the Lord had done for him; 
Learn, 1. As we are to praife God for mercies received, when 
we would have new mercies: To we are to ftrengthen our faith 
for receiving new benenrs, by looking we have received al- 
ready, as David doth here. 2. The believer hath all his abilities 
and furniture, not fo much in what is received already in him-* 
felf, as wizhout himfelf in God : IHcffcd be the Lord my 
(Irength. 3. As what skill, what furniture offtrength, what 
fucceffe a man hath in any thing, is of the Lord; fo the acknow- 
ledgment thereof, isbothapartofhisthankfulnefleumo God, 
Z J and 


andameanesof the confirmation of his own faith : Sfc/Jii 6? 
}be Lord myftrengtb, which teacbetb my bands to war, and my fin- 
gets to fight. 4. What the Lord is in his own nature, he is in 
his good-will, CDvenant, and operation . toward thebeleever, 
and fo appropriate unto the believer as his own treafure, out of 
which he is furnifhed in all things : therefore Diu/i calleth him, 
Mygoodneffe. 5. Many evils are ready to rum in upon thebe- 
Jiever, which the Lord wardeth offas a bulwark : and upon this 
accounc David faith, Myfortreffe. 6. When trouMe from the 
world and inferiour creatures do fight againft the believer, the 
Lord liftethhim up above all, and compafleth him about with 
defence j for this, David faith, tyybigb tomr* 7. Albeit it^ 
pleafe:h 'he Lord fometimeto let trouble in upon the believer 
yerhefufFevethnotthebefjevertoperim therein, nor the trou- 
ble to har me him more then if it had been kept off: for this 
caufe, David catttihGo&y My deliverer. 8. Albeit the Lord 
will guard the be! ieveronall hands, when he is to enter the lifts 
with an enemie, yet will he be employed for this end/ for this 
piQfeDix;i4compareththe Lord to a ftiield or buckler, and 
callethhim, CMyJbield. .9. The multitude of wayes, how God 
is,andmaybefteadableuntous, ferveihtomikeufe of him by 
faith, according to our feveral necefftties, as David teacheth, 
faying, It is be in whom I truft. 10. As the light of faukmew- 
eth what God is to us by right and Covenant : Coalfo it fhew- 
£?h to us, what are h& operations and particular benefits beft ow- 
ed upon us; Ituhc, Qfaith Divid x ) who fubdnetb my people 
under me. 1 1 Gods mercies ate then moft highly efteemed of, 
when the belecve: is humbled in the fenfe of his humane frailty 
and unworthinefle in general, and of his own in particular; 
Lord, what is matt that thou tafieft knowledge of him ? 1 2. It is a 
mercy to be wondered at, that the unworthinefle or man, doth 
neither hinder God to love him, nor to efteemof him: What 
is the fon of man that tbou ma\e(t account of bim ? 1 $ . There is 
pothing in a mm wherein he can glory, nothing which can de- 
fer ve any thing' at Gods hand, and all natural perfections are 
but the fhadow of fomething in effect : Mm U life to vanity. 
14. Were there no more to abafc a man, have what he may have 
in this world, his mortality and ftiorcnefle of life is a fufficient 
reafofi for it $ His day es are a Jhxdow thatpaffctb amy, and all 
this commendeth the riches of Gods grace and good-will ta 
man, and hclpeth the believers faitfya^ajnft the enmity of 


Ver. 5. Bow thy Heavens, LORD, and come 
downe : touch the mount aim 7 , and they /ball 

6. Cafi forth lightning, and jcattcr them, /hoot vtot 
thine arrowes and deflroj them. 

j. Send thine hand from above, rid me, and de- 
liver me out of great Waters : from the hand offirange 

8. whofe month fpeakcth vanity : and their right 
hand is * right hand of falfbood. 

In the next place, he pnyeth to God to let forth his power, for 
fobduing the reft of the Kingdome under him, by repreffingo/ 
his enemies, and faving him from their contention and confpi- 
racies againft him. Whence learn, u How nnworthy foever a 
man be in his own eyes, he may feek great things of God,accoi d* 
rag to the eftimation and rcfpeft he hath in Gods eyes : for up- 
on this account David prayeth, that God would bow the Hca* 
vens anttome down, for bis help, that is, would humble him- 
felf fo far as to own his owne fcrvant. i. If God pleafe to ma- 
nifeft himfelf for any of hisfervants againft the higheft powers 
on earth, they (hall fcon feel the force of his wrath, like fire 
taking hold on them : Touch the moumaincs, and ihcy Jhalt 
fmoafi. 3. No man can ftand againft him who hath thunder 
and lightning at his command, and arrowes of deftiudicn, to 
fliootashepleaftth : Caft forth thy lightning And Jcattertbem, 
Jhobt out thine arrowes and deftroy them* 4. What foever the 
power of adverfariesmaybe, or the difficuitie or danger the be- 
liever can be in, if he mail oppofc Gods good-will and Omni- 
potency for him, againft the difficulty, he mall be Matter over 
it : Send thine hand, from above, rid mc } and deliver me out of great 
Waters. 5. The enmity of ialfe brethren, counterfeit Profef- 
fors of Religion, whofe words, Oathcs and Covenants cannor 
binde them, nor fecure the godly whom they maligne, is no 
lefle dangerous then deep and raging waters are, out of which 
God only can deliver a man ; for, 2)elfaer me out of great wa* 
Mrs, is expounded here, 7)tlivcr mt from the hands of ftrango 
Z 4 children, 


children, rvhofe mouth ffeakctb vanity, and their right hand is a 
right hand of faljhood. 

Ver. 9. 1 Willfing a net» (ong unto the % O God : 
Upon a P fatter j y and an inftrumem of ten firings will 
Jfingpraifes unto thee. 

1.0. It is he that giveth falvation to Kinos: 
mho deliveteth David his ferv ant from the hurtful 

He addeth his purpofe and promife to praife£od for the be- 
nefir which he prayeth for, as a reafon of his hope to be heard. 
Whence learn, 1* The Lord in wifdom, giveth deliverance out 
of trouble, by parts and degrees, and fo difpenfethhjs benefits, 
as he may give his children occafion, both oroftner prayer, and 
of oftne; new praifes, as Davids experience fhewcth, who having 
given thanks for the bringing of him to the Kingdomc in part, 
prayeth for enlarging ot the benefit, and promileth. upon this 
account a new thankfgiving : I mllfing a newfong unto tbee, 
God 2. The uptight engaging of our heart to praife God 
for the benefit which we pray for, is an argument ot hope that we 
(hall have it, as here Qavid maketh ufe of it; IwiUfivgancw 
Song unto thee, OGod. 3, According as a benefit not yet re- 
ceived hath luflre, and doth mine in cur eye, fo are we content 
to be in Gods debt for thankfgiving, if he fhall grant it, (let 
the performance thereof prove as u may) 3s we fee here in ZXz* 
yidy who, becaufe the adding of the government of the eleven 
tribes unto his Kingdome over the .tribe cf tfudab, ieemed to 
be 3 great acceffion unto his prefempoffeffion, if God flioulJ 
give them to him, hepromifeth large thanks : Upon a Ufaltery, 
and aninfirumem oftei firings will I fmg praifes unto thecy 
which imports theju^fieft mealure of his pi ailing God, that he 
could im ginej and unto this his promife, he fubjoyneth the 
forme of thank fgiving which he uid purpofe to ufe. 4- h is 
not the place or power oi a man, how great foever he be, which 
cloth p eferye a man, but the greatefiof men muft be prcferved 
by Gqi, nolefTethen themeaneft, It is be that gheih flvation 
unto lyings. J. One experience is fufficient to a beleever, for 
confirming his raith in any general doctrine, as here, He who de- 




Uvercib David bis fervint from the hurtful fmrd> is fufficien; 
to make him fubferibe, that I* U he that givetb falvationto 

Verf. 11. Rid me y and deliver me from the hand 
of flrange children, whofe month fpeaketh vanity : 
and their right hand, is rt right hand of fa J fbood. 

12. That onr fonnes may be as plants grown 
up in their youth; that our daughters may be M 
corner flones^ polifhed after the Jimilitude of a Pa- 

13. That our garners may be /*//,' affording all 
manner of ft ore : that our fheep may bring forth thou* 
fands, and ten thoufands in our flreets* 

14. That our oxen maybe firong to labour, that 
there be no breaking ** 9 nor going out : that there be 
no complying in our fire ets. 

He repflph his prayer for delivery from falfe and treache- 
rous enemies, whom neither Word nor Writ, neither Oath not 
Covenant could binde, and addeth yet more reafons of enlarging 
of his Kingdome, from the benefits which might come to the 
Lords people thereby. JVhence learn, 1. As the grcatnefleof a 
benefit, fo.alfo the greatneffe of the difficulties which may hin-» 
der that benefit, being forefeen, fhould ftiarpen prayer for the 
benefit, andagainft the impediments thereof, as here the repetiti- 
on of, Rid mc> and deliver me, (<fc. doth teach us. 2. He 
that is called to pubiick employment or office of governing of a 
people fliould feek all things of God, for the pubiick good of 
the people mainly, and ihouLl make the holy peace and profperi-* 
ty of the people their main aime, as David here craveth deliver- 
ance from his enemies, end the enlarging of his power, that 
the people might profper and flourish both in children and 
riches; That our fonnes tnij be as plants, (^c. $.GodlyMagi- 
ftratesarca fpecial mcanesof peace and prosperity to the fub- 
jefts, nnd fliould be careful, as in training up of young men in 
grace and vertuc, fo as they may be fruitful inftruments of the 
publick^cod 5 as plants grown up in their )outb: fo alfo of young 



women* that they may be beautified with all endowments, which 
may make them to be godly mothers of the fuccecding 2ge : 
Our daughters may be corner ftones, polijhed after the fimilitude of 
d Palace. 4. Peace and plenty of corne and cattel, and other 
things needful for this prefent life, are benefits of God in them- 
fclfes, very helpful for the (landing of a Kingdom, and training 
up of the youih in goodnefle and vertue, and worthy to be pray- 
ed for ; That 4ur garners may be full, affording all manner offtorc, 
that ourfieepmay bring forth thoufands > and ten thoufands in our 
Greets. ?. For the continuance of profperity and peace in a 
land,induftry in every mans vocation urequifitc,andfo righteous 
behaviour of the people, as may prevent not only warofFcnfive 
and defenfive, but alfo may pre vene left any vagabond beggers 
be fuffered, or indigent perfons forced to complain in the ftreetsr 
for fo much is imported , while he faith, That our oxen may be 
Jlrong to labour, that there be no breai{ingin, to wit, of forreign 
enemies 5 7iorgoingout y to wit, of the people to invade other 
Nations 3 That there be no complaining in our ftrcets, for want 
ef juftice 01; neceflary maintenance 

Ver. 15. Happy is that people that is. in fucb a 
cafe; yea, baypy is that people, who/c &od is th 

HedoleththePfalme with the commendation of fuch a con- 
dition of a well-governed people, but with a provifion, that they 
be in Covenant with God, and believe in him. Whence learn^ 
1. A people is happy which is fo governed and cared for, and blel- 
fed of God, as tfrael was under the reigne of David the fervant 
of the Lord ; Pj/ify is that people that is in fuch acafc, as is here 
defcribed. 2. A peoples happinefle is not folid, where true Re- 
ligion is not fetled : where the people is not in a Covenant of 
grace, and reconciliation with God, whatfoever worldly profpe- 
rity they may have : but fo many as are in favour with God, and 
do walk in fiiendihip with him, they are bleffed, whatfoever he 
their outward condition: Happy istbat people > vebofeGodittbc 




Davids Pfrime of praife. 

THisPfalme is altogether ® f prai fesj every verfe beginning 
with a feveral letter of the Hebrew^ e/4, 2?, C, from the firft 
to thelaft: wherein David ftirreth up himfelf to the work ef 
Gods praife fomewhat more generally, from the beginning to 
i, 8. and from the eighth verfe, he p raife:h God more particu- 
larly, giving ten arguments ofpraite, unto the laft verfe, and 
clofeth the Pfaime with the engaging of himfelf anew again^ani 
exhortation of others to follow the fong for ever. 

From the Infcription, which is A P [time of praife j Lcsme % 
i.Tt is our duty, and a point of fpiritual wifdom, to fet afide 
ail particulars of our own, and go about the *orfc of praifing 
God only, as this Pfaime teacheth us. 2. The praifes of God arc 
able to^ftrfl the volumes in the world, and what compofition of 
lettcr^flp be made in any language: and this the going tho- 
rowaUroe letters of the Hebrew J4,£,C, giveth usto under- 
(land. 3. It is expedient to commie to memory fome felcft 
Pialmes, efpecially about Gods praifes, for to help memory: 
The wifdom of God hath ordered this., and fome other Primes, 
fo as the order of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet may help the 
memory not a little. 

Ver. I. T WiUextoll thee, my God, King: 
Yandl mil bleffe thy Name for k ev*r 
and ever. 
2. Ever y day will J bleffe thee : and I will praife, th% 
Name for ever and ever. 

Heengageth himfelf unto the work of praifing of God twice: 
in the former part of the Pfaime once, v. i , z, ani of this he gi- 
veth a reafon, and prophefietb that the praife of the Lord fhall 
be perpetuated throughout all ages, v. 3^4. then he engageth him- 



fclfe the fecond time, and Prophecies of the Churches holding 
up this fong, v. f.6 7. 

In Davids n\fl engaging of himfelfe to praife s Letrn, 1. 
The man who heart ly can praife God, is he that is reconciled 
to God; a man in Covenant of grace, reconcliation, and frien* 
fliip with God as David was: I will extoll thee, my God. 2. 
ThenisGodpraifed, when the man who giveth praife to God, 
is humbled before God, and all things created are put down 
under Gods feet, and God lifted up in eftimation above all : I 
will extoll thee. $* Every King mould do homage unto God, 
as King over him, as David doth : I will extoll tbee> my J$ing. 
4. Praife (hould fo be given unto God, as the man who praifeth 
inay approve himfelfe to God, for fincerity ofpurpofe, as un- 
to a prefent hearer of thofe praifes: 1 will extoll tbee, I mil 
blejfetby Name. 5. He who will praife God, muft; know him 
as he hath revealed himfelf, and praife him according to that 
rule: I will blejfetby '}{ame. 6 Seeing God is eflentully blef- 
fednefle in it felfe, and the fountaine of bleffing to his worfhip- 
pers, it is a point of our thankfulnefie, 'and praife of him, to ac- 
knowledge fo rrfuch ; I will biffe thy l^ame. 7. As an up- 
right worfhipper of God, hath no time fet to his'.'purp^tof fer- 
vfce,fo no time mall end his task.- I will blejfe thy ^ftl> f or 
ever mi ever. 8. P.aifing of God is not a work fo^pemne 
dayes only, but aifo muft be ordinarily difcharged ; for every 
day giveth new reafons for it : Every day will I blcjfc tbec. 

Ver. 5. great is the LOR Z>, and greatly to be 
prof fed : and his greatneffe is unfearchable. 

4, One generation {ball praife thy workj to another ', 
and /hall declare thy mighty alls. 

from the reafons of this engagement taken from Gods great- 
nelTe^and from the Prophecie ofthe continuall proclamation of 
it to be in the Church; ' eanu 1. The greatnefle of God ma- 
nifefted in his work, partly in the manner of manifeftation of 
hisprefencenowand then, by apparitions; partly in the am- 
plitude of his dominion, of his power* of his wifdome 5 and of his 
providence, Sec. is worthy of our meditation, and to be acknow- 
ledge.! by us > and the Lord himfelfe worthy to be praifej for this 



his greatnefle : Great U the Lord, and greatly to be praifed. i. 
When we have fearched what we can, and have medicated till we 
beraint, there is no finding out of the Lords greatnefle 5 Hk 
greatnejfeu unfearchabie. $ As it is the duty of the Church 
in eve y age topraiie God, and totranfmit rhe praifes of God 
to the pofterity : io it is the Lords purpole to have a care, that 
this duty be done in all ages : for it is piophtficd, One generation 
fiall praifc thy works to another. 4. Every age fhall have their 
ownadditionof Gods mighty ac~ts> in their time unto what he 
hath done formerly: Thy fall declare thy mighty aft J. 

Ver, $. IVtiU ffeakjf the glorious honour of thy 
Afajefij, and of thy wondrous worsts. 

6. And m^n fhall ffeak of the might of thy terrible 
nUei : and 1 will declare tfy greatneffe. 

y. They fhall abundantly utter the memory 
of thy great goodneffe : and (ball fing of thy righ- 


In DMptfer gaging of himfelfthe fecond time to praife God, 
and inhisprcphcfyingof the Churches holding up the fong j 
Lewi, I. T n God, and in his works and waves, there is a 
wonderlull beauty and comelinefle, afplcndor orgloty, and a 
fhining Majefty to be feen ; and that fhould be obferved and talk- 
ed ofby the obferve.Sjunro the edification of others : I will jpcaf^ 
of the glorious honour of thy Majefty. 2. There is no looking 
in up n God immediately, but men muft beheld him as he let— 
tcth forth him ^he in his Word and works to be feen : for, J will 
facade of thy wondrous ww^f,isfubjoynedtothe talking of Gods 
glorious honour and M: jelly* 3 . When men do not mark his 
works of mercy and bounty, the Lord will (hew unto them 
worksof juftiee, that is .terrible works, and give them matter of 
talking upon this account: tAnd men lb all fpe il^ of the might^f 
thy terrible afts. 4 He who knewcthmoft of God or hath feen 
and obferved be ft his operations, fliould labour moil to fet forth 
his praifcj who ever come fhort in the duty, fuch a man fliould 
not f aile, as David doth teach us ; faying, I will declarcthy great- 
neffc. ?. Albeit every work of God be matter of his praiie, yet 
the works of mercy and troth to, and for his Church, is the (pe- 


C13I theme, which the Lord giveth his people to ftudy and de- 
clare: they Jball abundantly utter the memory of tb) great good* 
iicjj'e. 6. The righteoufnefle of God, whereby he juftifieth 
linnets, and fan&ifieth the juftified, and executcth judgement 
for his reconciled people, is the fweeteft objector the Churches 
joy :for the) Jball fing of thy r.igbteoufncjfe+ 

Verf. ■ Xi The I^ORBihgr actons afidfull of com* 

In the fecond pl;ic*eV~to rpfaifeth God more particularly, and 
giveth fome ten reafons or arguments of his praife: thefirft is 
from his grace toward finners. Whence learn, i. Unworthi- 
neffe and ill deferving fliould not hinder finners to come to re- 
ceive mercy and reconciliation : The Lord. is gracious, z. Albeit 
the (inner hath drawn on much mifery upon himfelfe, and 
juftice hath feized upon him for his finncs, yet may he be re- 
lieved and brought out of his mifery, if he feek the Lord t For the 
Lordisfullofcompajfion. 3, Albeit the Lord be fun^v wayes 
provoked to vifit with the red, yet he gives time to ? «Bnt, be- 
fore he ded are his wrath: He is flow to anger. 4. mk Lords 
anger doth not endure longer then his people be humbled in the 
fenfe of their provocation . and when they feek pardon he is 
ready to grant it 5 He is of great mercy. 

Verf. <).Tht LORfD is good to all, and hU tender 

mercies ixklwr aUhis workes. 

\hn sou v 

Thefecond realon of 'Gods praife, is his bounty generally 
unto all his creatures, and that for mans fake. Whence learn, 1 . 
The Lord is good and kinde to all men, even the wicked not 
excepted: The Lord is good watt. .2. Gods mercy may be feen 
toward man, in the continuation of the whole courfe of the 
creatures, which being denied by mans finne, he might in juftice 
have abolished, or made them either ufeleifc to man, or elfe in- 
struments of his grief.' His tender mercies are over all bk 



Vcr. 10. Ml thy Works Jball praife thee, LORD : 
and thy Saints Jbsll tleffe thee. 

The third reafon of Gods praife, is the glory of his works* 
which do furnifh matter unto the Saints to blefle God. Wlotnet 
learn, i. Albeit all men wer^Glent, the Lords works one and 
all, fhall fpeak each of them in their own kinde, to the praife of 
God i tAU thy mrfajhall put fe thee, O God. 2« Albeit crcry 
man doth not make ufe of Gcds goodncfle and works, but moft 
men do (mother the glory of God in their athcifme, yet the Lord 
hatha number who have found grace in his eyes, who ftiall ob- 
ferve Gods goodndfe> both to the creatures and to themfelves, 
and fhall blefle him upon that account; And thy Saints fall 
bleffe thee. 

Verf, ii. They Jball/peakoftht glory of thy King* 
iieme : and talk of thy power. 

12. 7jfim*ke known to the fonnes of men his 
night j ml: and the glorious Majefty of bis King* 

The fourth reafon of Gcds praife, is from the Lords domi- 
nion and power, whereof the Saints are both obfervers and 
Hcraulds. whence learn, i. There is noleffc matter of prai- 
fingGod,for the upholding, and governing of the creatures, 
then for making of them : They fiall /peak of the glory of tbf 
t{ingdcmc,ardtilli of thy power. 2. The Lord will have his 
Saints to inftruft fuch as are not converted, to know his glory, 
power, and Majefty, that they may be brought in, and made 
fubjc&s of his (pecial Kin^dome of grace ; Thy Saints fhall {peak 
cf the glory of thy Kjvgdomc* and talk of thy power, to make 
l^uoven to the fonnes of men his mighty aUs^and the glorious M,1- 
jefiy of his *{ingdome. 

Verf. 13. Thy Kingdome is aneverlafiing King~ 
dome: and thy dominion endurcth throughout all ge- 



The fifth reafon of Gods praife, is from the perpetual endu* 
ranee of Gods Kingdome. Whence learn, i. Earthly Kin^s 
as they have bat tew fubje&s, Co they Hve but a fliort while m 
their Kingdome: bur the Kingdome of God, both that general 
Kingdome which he hash over all the creatures, and that ipecial 
Kingdome over the Saints in his Church, is from age to a^e 
perpetual; Thy Kjngdome inn everlapng J^ingdomc y and tby 
dominions endurctb throughout all generations. 

Verf. l';. The LORD upholdetb all that faff: and 
raifeth up allthoje that be bowed down. 

The fixth reafon of GoJs praife, is from his care and fuflain- 
ingofthe weakeft of the fubje&s of the Kingdome of grace* 
Whence learn, i. Albeit none of the fubjeds of the Kingdome 
of grace, are freed from the danger of falling into fin, and into 
trouble ; yet they are preferved that they fall not fo deep as the 
bottome of finning unto death, or periihing in their troubles: 
for God interpofeth himfelre to prevent their perdition: The 
Lord upboldeth all that fall. 2. So many of the fubie&s of the 
Kingdome of grace, as feel their own weaknefle sflfcinability 
to {land under the burdei? cither offinne or trouble^ both, do 
finde God a fupporterof them, a comforter of thenljfcd a deli- 
verer of them : He raifetb up all tbcm that be bowed down. 

- - Ver, 15. The eyes of All wane upon thee y and thou 
givefi them their meat in dnefeafon. 

1 6. Thou epeneft thine hand, and fatijfiefi the de- 
fire of every living thing. 

Thefevcnthreafonof Gods praife, is his particular care to 
maintaine the life of every living creature, fo long as he pleafeth 
to lend it , Wlicnce learn, 1. The Lord dorh not caft oft' the 
care of any living creature which he hath made, but ketpeth fo 
conftant an eye ot providence upon it, as doth make every li- 
ving creature, in its own kinde, turne the eye of it toward him : 
Tbc eyes of a 7 wane upon thee* 2. There is a fecret inftind of 
nature in a,l living creatures; which leadech them toward their 



maker, m their danger to cry, and in their hunger to beftirre 
themfclves 5 and the bufincile which they make, going to and 
fro to feck their meat , is 3 kinJe of hoprng and waiting to finds 
fome fuflenance of their life,laid unto them by their maker, iri 
one place o- another : They write upon thee* $-. God doth not. 
frultra e the natural expectation of hungry creatures, but' givetfl 
to every one of them that fort of food which is fit for them : Thou 
giveji them their meat. 4. As in the variety of meat, fuitable to 
the variety of living creatures; fo alfo in the time anJ eafon of 
giving of it the wifdomr, riches #d goo^nefle of God doth ap- 
pear f Tboug veft them their meat it due fcafon. 5 . As in the 
meate,andin the time oi b< flowing ot it, fo alfo in the mea lure 
beftovved, the Lords goodnefle and rich bounty is to bj feen to- 
ward the bafeft of living crearuies : Thou openeft thy kind, and. 
fatisfefi the defirc of eve* j living creature. 

Verf, 17. The LORD is righteous in all his wajtst 
and holj in all his w crks. 

TheeighdireafonofGodspraifejistrom his rightcoufneflei 
and holinefltj nail his proceedings and works, Wienie ledfil% 
\% As the Evidence of God about the creatures i \ common 3 is 
tobemarked,foalfoand efpecially his dealing with man, ac- 
cording to the rule of equity and juftice: The Lord is righteous 
( faith he ) and holy. 2. Albeit the Lord deal otherwife in 
many things, then we could have expe&ed, and otherwife lome- 
timethen we can fee the rca (oft of his doing, yet is he alwayes 
Jutland holy in his proceeding: The Lord U righteous in hit 
wyes, and holy in his worlds. ?> It is not fufficicn: for us to give 
the glory of rightcoufnefle and holinefle unto God, only in fome 
of his waves, and works : or in his vvayes toward others, and noc 
toward our felvcs ; or in his dealing with fome pcrfons, and not 
with all pcrfons, but we muft juftiGe the Lord in our hearts and 
words alwayes, and in all things, toward all men for ever; The 
Lord is righteous in all bis waycs> and holy in ail his worjjj. 

Verf. 1 ?. The LORD \9 nigh unto all tlem that 
call upon bim ; to all that ca/lvpjn him t» truth. 


ip. He will fulfill the de fire of them th At fear him: 
he alfo vpi II bear their cr 7, and mil fave them. 

The ninth reafon of Gods praife * is for his hearing the prayer 
of needy fupplicants. Whence learn, 1. The Lord loveth the 
praife^which arifeth untohim,from his goodnefstohispeoplc,and 
citizens of his Church, more then any other poiqts of his praise : 
as the often falling upon the praifing of God from this ground 
doth fliew. 2. Albeit God bV every where prefent, yet there is 
a fort of more, friendly presence, which Godgivethto chem that 
worfhip him, rhen that which is his common prefence every 
where; and this is the neameffe of grace and friendfhip : the L01& 
h nigh to them that call on him, 3. As God will have his gra- 
cious prefence opened up, and manifefted to his WQrfhippers, 
by prayer 3 fo will he have this favour alike patent to all that 
pray unto him, and feek him without exception of perfons: 
The Lord is nigh to all them that call upon him. 4. Becaufe there 
is a counterfeit and falfe fort of worshipping, and calling upon 
God, which is debarred from the benefit of this promife,to wit, 
when the party fupplicant is not reconciled, nor feeking recon- 
ciliation through Chi ift the Medi it or, or is feeking&fome thing 
notpromifed,or fomething for acarnall end, that^fcf ma y ^ c " 
ftow it on his lulls : therefore he who hath right unto th's pro- 
mifc, muftbea worfhipperof God in faith, and (incere inten- 
tion: and to fuch the Lord will mew himfelte nigh; He U nigh 
to all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. 
f Thofe Are wormippersof God in truth, who fear him, and 
fuch mens holy defires , are prayers which the L"rd will not re- 
fufe, but will fatisfie them : He will fulfill the defire of them that 
fear him. 6, If the Lord anfwer not the prayer of the man that 
fearerh him, at fir ft, yet when hecalleth in earneft, when he is 
in trouble, in ftraits and hazard, he will anfwer him, and clofe 
his exercife with falvati&n : He alfo will hear their eric, and will 
fave them. 

Vcrf. 20* The LORD pre ferveth all them that love 
him : but all the kicked will he deftroj. 

The tenth reafon of Godspraife, is from his different deal- 
ing with hi* friends, and with his foes< Whence Icaru, «. True 



wotfhippcrs, and true fearers of God, are perfons who love God, 
and fuch perfons fliall be fare, that all things fliall work to their 
welfare, nothing (hall hurt them; The Lord pre fervetb alt them 
thai love him, i. All fuch as do not love God, but love to lie 
Hill in linne, and to follow their own lulls, fliall be as certainly 
wiihout exception destroyed, as the lovers of CJod (hall be pre- 
fer ved : The Lord pre fervctb all them that feur hint, but nil the 
routed mil hi deftroy. 

Verf. 21. M f f month (hall fpeat^ the praife of the 
LO K C D : and let all flffi bleffe hi* holj Name, for 

ever and ever* 

He clofeth the Pfalme withapromife to praife the Lord yec 

more, and exhorteth all men to blcflc him for ever. Whence, 

learn, i. When a man hath faid all he can in Gods praife, he 

fliall flnde himfelfe come iliort of his duty and his- obligation, 

to praiL God to be flill lying on hi n, as this example of t>avii 

in me clofe of the Pfalme doth flicw us\ 2. The Lord will be 

praifedinourfpirits, and outwardly in our words and externall 

exprefTionsalib j ZMy mouth Jhall fpeufi the praifes of the Lord. 

3. Some duties belong to fome pci ions, and other duties belong 

to other pcrfons> but the duty of prailing the L >rd, is the duty 

of every man, albeit only the believer giveth obedience to this; 

I Let all fief}) blcffe him. 4. It is nccdfull that every worfhipper 

j ot God, in the difcharge of praife, remember their own frailty, 

I and be humbled; Let all fie ft) blejfe him. f. The duty of praifirtg 

I andbleflingOodmuftbefoholilydifcharged,as the Lord may 

1 be honoured in etfed : Let all flejh blejfe his holy Name. 6. 

! Suchasprai[eGodaadb»ei]ehimheartiiy, mall follow this ex-, 

ercile tor ever: Let &X fiefb blejfe his holy Home, for ever 

and ever. 




THis Pfalme is a Pialme of praife wholly, wherein, when the 
Pfdmift hath exhorted ail men to praife the Lord, he en- 
gageth himfelfe t® the wok, v. i, 2, Then he ceacheth the way 
how to praife God in eft' ft, to wir, by renouncing all carnall 
<:onfidence,and trufting only in the Lord, v. }>4, 5. Thirdly, 
hegiveth reafons, both of trufting in God,andpraifing of C/od : 
and cloieth as he begun, with the fame exhortation to praife 

Verf. 1. T^Raife ye the LORD: Praife the 

1 LoR'D.OmjfoHl 
2. While 1 live will I praife the LO R D, I will fing 
praifesHKto mj Cjod^ktle 1 have any .being. 

From the ftirring tip of others and himfelfe to praife God; 
Learn, 1. The dutyofpraihng Gcdisio neceflary, fo deferved 
by God, fo profitable to us , and fo fpiritual,that we had need fre- 
quently to ftiire up our felvesand others unto it ; Praife )e the 
Lord. 1. For difcharging the duty of praife, all the powers 
of ;he foul mud be itirred up : the minde, to meditate 5 the me- 
mory ,to bring forth former obfervations 5 the heart and affecti- 
ons, for difcharging of the duty in the beft manner: Praife tke 
Lord, my foul. $. Whatsoever concurrence we flndc ofo- 
thers in the work of praife, lefle or more, let us fet our felves fe- 
rioufly and heartily unto ir, and engage our own heart for it: 
While I live, I will praife the lord. 4. There can be little 
heartineflc in this work, till the foul lay held on God by faith, 
and embrace the Covenant of grace, and fo finde its own inter- 
eft in God, and then the foul will praife in earneft, as the Pfalm- 
. ills example may fhew us ; I will fing praifes (q my God> wbiit 
} have m kjv&. 

Verf. 5. 


Verf. 3. Tut not jour truft inTrinceSi not in the 
fan of man, in whom there is no help. 

4. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth: 
in that very day hu thoughts perifh. 

Heftieweththeway how topraife God really; to wit, by re- 
nunciation of all earthly conhdencc, and fixing faith and truft 
on Gcd alone * for renouncing of all confidence in creatures, he 
giveth reafons, v. 3,4. and tor trufting in God, he giveth rea- 
fons, by praifing of God, unto the end ot the Pialme. 

In the forbidding ; cf carnal!- confidence; Learn, 1. What a 
man doth mod truft in, that he efteemeth moil of, and praifeth 
it in his heart moil; therefore doth the Fialmifl fet us upon 
God, as on the right object of truft, and divertcth us from, the 
wrong, that he may teach us to mike God the orfly object of t 
praife. 2. Becaufe the maine object of our carnal] confidence 
naturally, is man in power, who feemeth able to do for us, able 
to promote us to dignity and riches, and to keep us up in fome 
ftate in the world, therefore muft we throw down this idoll in 
particular, that we may place our confidence in God the better : 
Put not your trufi in Princes. 3. To cut oft cirnai confidence 
in man, that neither mean men may trull in great men, nor 
great men miy truft in the multitude of mean men, we muft re- 
member, that no man is naturally better then Iris progenitors, 
but fuchas his fathers were, fu:h is lie, thu is, a flnfufl, weifc, 
and unconftant creature , Tut not y cur truft in Princes, nor in 
1 the [oh of mm. 4. The reafon why we mould not, put truft in 
[ minis, becaufe he can neither help- himfelfc, nor the man thac 
I truftcrh in him. when there is molt need : In whom there is no 
\hclp. $. He thit cannot deliver himfelfc from death, is not to 
1 be trufted in, becaufe it is uncertain* how loon death mall feize 
S 1 upon him .• Hit brcitb goctb forth J?c rcturnctb to bis CSrtb. 6. 
Whatfoever the good will, or puipofe, or promife of 3117 man can 
give afluranceof, all doth vanish when the man diech ; In that 
every day bis thoughts fcrijlu 

Verf. 5. Hafpj is he that hath the God of Jacob 
*or hid help : whofe hope is i* the LORD hit God* 

A a i In 




In the exhorting of us to truftin God, he giveth this encou- 
ragement onto ir, that he who trufteth in God, may look for 
heipandhappineffeinhim. Whence larn> /. The only true 
object of our 'faith, and confidence, is God; as he is revealed by 
his Word to his Church, to wit, The Cjod of Jacob •, the Cjod of 
Jfract. 2. Faith in God bringcth true reli-iry with it, and help 
in time of need : Happy is be that barb the God of Jacob for hk 
help.. 3. Hope of help and happineiTe, from trull and confi-' 
dencein God, mud be grounded upon the Lords entering in 
Covenant 'with us> end becoming ours through the Mediator: 

tcbofe hope is in the JbordbU God. 

VcrC 6. Which made heaven and earth, the 
fea, and M thai therein is; which, k^epeth truth for 
ever . 

7. Which execureth judgement for the npprejfed, 
which givetb food to the hungry! the LORD too feth 
the prifoners* 

8. The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind* > the 
LORD raifeth them that are bo^eddown : the LORD 
loveth the righteous. 

(p. The LOHT> preferveth the fir angers, he rclie- 
veth thefttthrlefs and Widow, but the way of.theWriclg 
ed he tmneth up fide down, 

' * 10. The I; O R D fiall reigne for ev*r, even 
thy God, Sion , unto all generation* 1 Praife ye 
the LORD. 

"Por encouraging of us yet more to believe in God, who offer - 
eth'hirnfclfetd be reconciled with us, and to be our God in 
Chrift, he giveth other ten motives; and as every one of 
them is a point of Gods praife, fo >s it a prop and pillar to fup- 
port the believers fai;h. . The fivft motive to believe in God, 
and firftreafon of Gods praife, is, his omrvipotency and alfuffi- 
ciency, made mani fed by the work of creation, and prefervation 
of all creatures : Which made the heaven and the earth, the fca y and 
Ulltbit therein U. i» The fecond motive to believe in God, is < 
- another 


another point of Gods praife, to wit, his faithfulncfie in making 
and keeping; Covenant, and performing hispromifes unto ever- 
lafting: IVbich l\eepetb truth for ever. J. The third point of 
Gods praife, and prop of faith, is this, albeit the Lord, for the 
glory of his Name, and good of his own people, do fufter the 
godly to be perfecuted and opprefled alio , yet he will 
plead the caufe and controverfie of the believer , 
3nd will deliver the opprefled , and punifh the opp'ciTor : 
IVbich cxecutcth judgement for the opprefled. 4. Tic fourth 
point ofGodspraife, and pillar of faith, is this,albeit the Lord 
lu'ffer the believer to feel the need of what is need full for foul 
or body, yet he doth not fuffer him to ftarve for want of what 
isneceflary : Hegivethfoodtothe butipy. ?. The fifth point 
of Godspraife, is, albeit the belkver may, for his finnes or for 
trial cf his faith, becaft in prifon, and brought in bondage, yet 
the Lord will loofe his bonds ;TbeLord ioojctb the prisoners. 6, 
The fixth point of Gods praife is, albeit the believer may be in 
darknefle of trouble, and anxiety of minde for a time, and 
knoweth not what to do, yet the Lord will fhew him deliverance, 
and give him direction and comfort : The Lord epeveth the eyes 
of the blind. 7. The feventh reafon of Gods praife, and en- 
couragement to truft in him is, that howfoever the burden of 
trouble may over-power the believer, and make him walk hea- 
vily under discouragement, yet the Lord will renew ftrength 
and comfort, and delicvery unto him : The Lord raifeth them 
thtr are bowed down. 8. The cighthreafon to praife Gcd, and 
eighth encouragement totruftin God, is the believer* who is 
fled totherightcoufnefieof the Mediator for his j unification, 
and ftudieth to a holy and righteous convention, may be fare 
he is free from the curfe, approved of God, and (hall finde the 
fruits of Gods good will to htm : The Lord loveth the righteous. 
9. The ninth reafon of Gods paife, and encouaeemmt to 
truft in him is, from the Lords different manner of dealing, on 
the one hand with the poor and needy believe/,, who hath none 
to do for him: and on the other hand, with the proud, and po- 
Werfull man of this world, who truftetn to cany his b-afineflc by 
meancsofthe creature, and mifregavdeth the Lord; he preser- 
ve: h the one, and deftroycth theo^hci : The Lord prefcrvcth the 
finngcr, andr licveth the ffbcrlcffc, and the vcidm .• but the 
rex) of the wicked he tit ncth uffiic dorvi . 1 o. The e< n* h rea - 
fon of Gods praife, and the laft encouragement of the believer 
to truft in him, and not to put confidence in P.inces, is this, the 
A a 4 Lord 

300 ¥Sn^M& ^AJ^Vll. 

Lord is the only S^ve cign King, who liveth for ever, and hath 
engaged himfelt to h t C m ch, gfnd every bel'ever in every age, 
thereioreheonlvis w> tytpbe crafted in and wo thy to be 
prai'.ed ; The Lord flu'! reignv for ever, even thy God, Zion, 
pnto aUgeneraswiu Praifeye the Lord. 


rpHisI^meis for ftirria* up of the Church to praife and 
.uankfgi Trig* The exhortacion is threefold. Thefts ft is, 
«J. *• and fix reafons for it., or motives unto it, are fet down,- ? 
V*:** in4#si*6* The fecond exhortation i$,u 7. and three 
reafons for it, v. $,9. ia, n, The third is, v. lit and fix 
JSafons for it, unto the end, 

Ver. I. TJ} Raife je the LORD: for it is good to 

I fing praifes to our God : for it is plea- 
fant^ and praife is comely. 

In the firft exhortation 5 Learn, 1. There is no part oftGods 
svorlhip w hereunto we are more indifpoied, or need more ftii- 
rirgup, then to praife God, as the frequent repeated exhortati- 
ons do import, 2. The fiift motive is this, all the encourage- 
ments which can be imagined unto any work, do all concurre 
here: Xr is profitable to praife God : for it is good to ftng praifes 
tooiif God. All Gods praifes ave the believers advantage and . 
ftoie houfes : zn&Jtufleafanti full of fweet rtfrcihment, as 
when a man doth view his own rich and well fituated inherit- 
ance : and it is honourable to be about the employment of 
Angels 3 to be Herauld* of the Lords glory :' Praife if '. 

Z.The LORD doth build up ftrufalem : he gather- 
eth together the out- cats of JJrael. 

The fecond reafoncf G'ds p aife, is for his care over his 
Chu ch. Whence •learn, 1 The Church is the Lords fpecial 
handle wbik, he is the builder, upholder and reftorer of any 
"breach in it : 1 he Lord doth build uf J erujakm. 2. The mem- 
ber* ' 


bcrs of the true Church arc oft-times fifattcrcd one from ano- 
ther, not only by common judgements bur alfo by perfecut ion 
and febiimes, that they cannot keep that Tweet communion one 
with another which is to be wifhed, but God is the only gather- 
er and unker of them, afte whir oevcr (ore of feathering : He 
gatberetb together tbeout-cafts ofjfrad. 

" Verf. 3. He healeth the broken in heart: and 
btndeth up their wounds* 

The third reafonof Gods praifc is, for his care of theafflicV 
ed believer* when by trouble outward, or inward, or both , he is 
wounded in fptrit, broken and brought down, made fie kry and 
weakened ; He healeth the broken in heart, and. bindctb up 
their wounds, as a tender Chirurgibn, or Phyficiau doih the 
wound of his Patient. 

Verf. 4. He telleth the number of thejtars,: cd- 
Ieth them all by their names. 

The fourth reafon of the exhortation to praife Go J is, his 
particular knowledge or every thing, which doth tranfeend the 
capacity of men, and to them is impoflible : He tclletb tbtmim- 
her of the ftars, and callctb them all by their names. In which li- 
ra ilitude he fhewcth alio, that albeit brabam could not com- 
prehend the multitude of the children, either of his faith,, or of 
his fleuYmore then he could count the number of the liars, yet 
the Lord knoweth every beleever by name, as he knoweth every 
ihr^and can call every one by their name. 

Verf, 5. Great is our Lord % and of grevt power : 
his under (landing is infinite. 

The fifth reafon of Gods praife is. becnufe in his :ttvfbutes he 
is incomprehenfiblc, namely in his dominion over all, in power, 
to do all > andin his wiidom to contrive whatsoever we ftand in 



need of, fathat nothing can be againft us, bucheisabove it 5 
nothing can be needful for us, but his wifdom can devife the 
meanest© bring it to us, and his power doth put his will in exe- 
cution for our good 5 Great is the Lord, bis power it great , bU 
under/landing is infinite. 

Vcrf. 6. The LORDHftethuptheweek^i he c aft- 
tth the wicked down to the ground. 

The fixth reafon is, from his different dealing with the godly 
and the wicked : asfor the godly, who in the meeknefie of a 
fubdued fpirit, do fubmit themfelves under the mighty hand of 
Godahecomforteththem and relieve th them: but he abafeth 
the proud who do not ftand in awe of his Majefty : The Lord 
liftetb up the mee\> lut be eaftetb the wicked down to the 

Verf. 7. Singunto the LORD With thank/giving : 
pngpraife upon the Harp unto our God. 

The fecond exhortation unto praife and thankfgiving, in 
cheerfulnefleandjoy, is exprefled with three realbns. In the ex- 
hortation; Learn, The whole works of God, each of them in 
their own way, call fas it were) for our eftimationand praifing 
of the workmanfhip which we fee, they call for our anfwer, as ic 
were, andourdutyrequirethof us, joyfully to make anfwer un- 
to the call, (as the Word importeth ) inpraifmg the Maker, and 
thanking him for the ufe and benefit which wc have of his 
works: Sing unto the Lord with tbxn\fgiving } fing praife upon 
the harp unto our God. 

Vcrf. 8. Who covereth the heaven "toith clouds, Voho 
prepareth raine for the earth : who maketh grajfe to 
groVtupon the mountaines. 

The firft reafon of the fecond exhortation is, from his wife 
difpofing of theclpuds. Whence learn, I, Sometime the Lord 


hidcth the°loryof the open bca /en wich clouds, that it may 
appear azain, with to much more new, frcmandpleafant luftrc: 
HecQverctb the Haven voitb clouds t. The change which God 
maketh upon the face of the Heaven by dark clouds is for 3d-, 
vantage to tht inhabitants ot cbecarth^ He prep xrctb nine for 
tbeexrtb. 5. The Lord taketh care of the moil barren parts 
of the earth, to make rhem, by raining on them, more pleafant 
?nd profitable, then ot^erwayes they could be-; Hcnulieibgrifc 
to grow upon the m.untMves. 

Vetf. 9. Beglvethto the foafi bufrod: and to 
th young ravens which cry. 

The fecond reafonof the fecond exhortation to- praife God is t 
from the Lo;ds care of beafts and fovvles, whereby he giv^ih 
men to under ft and, that he hath a far greater care of thern ; 
He givetbtotbe beajl bis food, and toxbc young ravens which 

Verf. 10. He falighteth not intfie ftrength of th* 
horfe : he taketh not pie a fur e in the hgges of a 

1 1. The LORD taketh p/eafure in them that f<e*re 
him : in tho/e that hope in hU msrcj* 

The third rcafon of the fecond exhortation is, becaufe God 
efteemeth very little of thofe things wherein men naturally do 
put confidence, whither their own ftrefcgw or the ftrengyh of any 
creature, fuch ashorfesae, whereof men do make nod ui'e: 
but he t-ik th picifu-c in th : gpjdiy* w':j cio fear him, and do 
hope in him. iVbencc'cirn^ 1 Men have, more cbjecls of car- 
nal confidence, then the idol of ihc power of Princes, orot the 
multitude of followers: for before man want an idol, he will 
idolize hisown.ftrcn^th, or the ftiength uf an horfe, and put 
confidence therein, asrhe flight eftimstion wbjed God hath of 
thefe confidences and 'he di.chi1.2eof purring confidence in 
them doinfinuate. 2, Wherein foewer Mnan delighrcth moft, 
ana 1 puts moft confidence, that -sthe mans idol, and that which 
the man doth bring in competition wich God, as the. Lords dif- 

7 char- 


charging of taking delegation or pleafure in the creature, in- 
ftead of difcharging toefteemof it, or put truft in it 3 doth im- 
port. $. Gadeiteemcth of no man for his riches, honour,com- 
mand of horfe and foot, nor for his bodily ftrength : He delight- 
etb not in the jlrengtb of the horje : Ik tx^etb not pleafure in the 
legs of a man. 4. The only right object of our joy, pleafure and 
confidence, is Gid himfelf^ as the opposition doth teach us : fuch 
as both bcleeve inGod 5 and fear to offend him, are the only 
men acceptable to God, in whom God delighte:h, and taketh 
pleafure to keep communion with then* ; The Lord tx\etb plea- 
fure in them that fear him, in tbofe that hope in bis mercy 5 and 
byconfequence fuch as do not f:ar him, and who, when they 
are overtaken in a tranfgreffion, do not run to him for par- 
don in the hope of mercy 5 He taketh no pleafure in tbem. 

Vcrf. 12. PraifetheL0RT*,O?er»fa/em:praife 
thy God, Zion. 

In the third exhortation to praife God 3 expreflfcly dirc&ed to 
zferufriem and Sio?t y reprefenting the Church in all ages ; Learn, 
1. Albeit all the earth be obliged to praife God, yet only the 
Lords people are the right eftimators of his glory, and the fie 
proclaimers of his praife : Praife the Lord, O tferufalem. 2. Al- 
beit all the creatures are the Lords, yet the Church is the Lords 
in a more nigh relation , for the Church may claim intcreftin 
(Sod as her own by Covenant \ Praife thy God, Zion. 

Verf. 13. For he hath firengthened the barres 
of thy gates , he hath bleffeA thy children within 

14. He ma\eth peace in thy border: &nd fi/leth thee 
with the fine ft of the wheat* 

The realonsfor the third exhortation are fix, whereof foure 
are in thefe veties. The firfiis, the Loid hath fenced his 
Church with walls, gates and barres, that the gates of hell 
cannot prevail againft it : He bath firengthened the barres of 
thy gates, to wit, by interpofing of his Omnipotent power for 
fier prefemtion, 2. The fecond reafon of praise is, that he ma- 



keth one generation to follow another in his Church, and the 
children to be in greater number then their forefathets, by ad- 
ding daily unto the Church fuchasare to be favedj He bat* 
blcflcd thy children within thee : not only in regard of muL* 
tiplication of them, but alio by rrwking them to abound in 
all knowledge and grace. $ . The third reafon of praifc is, that 
the true members of the Church have peace with God, and a- 
mong themfelves, in that meafure which is expedient for her 
good : HcmaketbpcMC in thy borders. 4- The fourth reafon 
is, becaufe he feedeth his people with food convenient , but eipe- 
cially in regard of their fpiritual nouriftiment, in giving them 
the bread of life, whereof thefineftflourc is but a fimilitude 5 
He flletb thee with tiefneft of the wheat. ( 

Verf i> He fendeth forth hid commandment up- 
on earth : his IVordrurmeth very ftyiftlj. 

\6. Hegivetbfnow like wool : he fcatteretb the 
hoare froft like afhts. 

37. He cafleth forth his ice Ukt morfels : rvho can 
fland before his cold? 

18. He fendtth out his Word and melteth them l 
he caufetb his veinde to blow^ and the waters floW, 

The fifth reafon of the third exhortation unto Gods praife, it 
taken from Gods powerful ruling of the leaft changes in the 
clouds, and in the aire, in making foule wearher and fairc, 
froft and frelh weather, as he pleafeth, by which fimilicude he 
will have his people to underihnd, that the Lord ruleth with a 
more fpecial eye all the changes which fall out in the external 
condition of the Church. Whence learn, 1 . The courfe of the 
creatures, and the changes in them, even unto the leaft meteor 
or change , which is to be leen in the clouds or in the aire, is par- 
ticularly dhecled and governed of God, whofc will is a lawto 
the creature, and whole command hath ready execution : He 
(endctb forth bi> C mmxndment upon earth, his Word runneth 
very jwifi\y. 2. The leaft change of weather, by fnow or froft, 
or ice, is by Gods difpenfation and appointment, much more 
any change of affaires in his Charch; He ghetb fnow life 
wool, he futtcretbtbc heire froftlifp afyes, he cajletb forth 



tisicc likftoorfcls. 5. The confequenrs and effects of the 
changes which God doth make., as well in one cafe as in ano- 
ther, could not be endured if God fnould not temper them, and 
J>rovide feme remedy againft them, as appcarcth in the making 
of froft : Who can J fond before his cold 1 4. Before any change 
from froft to faire weather can be made, a new order muft come 
forth from the Lord, and when thit comcth, aire and water do 
return to their former courfe, and fo it is in any orher change 
in the world, efpecially in the affaires oi the Church $ He fend- 
ttb cut bis IVords and mcltab them : he caufetb the winde to blow> 
aitdtbe waters flaw. 

Verf# 1 p. He fhe wet h his Word unto Jacob : hk 
ftatutes and his judgements unto Ifrael. 

20* He hxth not dealt fo -with any Nation^ and as 
for his judgemen ts they have not known them. Praife 
je the LOUD. 

The fixth reafon o\ iht third exhortation to praife God is, 
from the different dealing of God with his Church, and wirh 
the reft of the people of the world. JVbence learn, 1. The bene - 
fit of the Scriptures, 3nd the opening up and application of 
them, unto the edification of the hearers, is a precious gift of 
God : and this benefit the Lord hath beftowed on his Church, 
called by the names oftfacob or Ifrael - y Hefbewetb bis Word un- 
to Jacob, bis ftatutes and his judgements unto Ifrael. 1 * The 
benefit of the Scriptures, and revealing the Word of life unto 
the Church, maketh Gods people in a better condition, and 
more excellent then any other incorporation can be in; He bath 
not dealt fo with any Nation. g.YVhere the Word of God in 
his Scripture is not opened up, there the Lords dealing with 
men in juftice and mcrcic, and the way which the Lord keep- 
eth in ruling of the World, is not undeiftood, but people there do 
live in deadly darkneflij^/br bis judgments tbey have not \nown 
them. 4. As the benefits beftowed upon the Church are moft 
excellent, fo the Church is moft bound to praife God, both for 
thole mercies, and for. all other his glorious works : Traifcye 
tht Urd. 




IN this Pfalme, the Church is ftirred up to praife God, be- 
cause of the incomparable excellency of his glory and majefty, 
appearing firft in the heavens above, v. 1, 2, }, 4; ? 5 &- Se- 
condly^ in the earth and fea beneath, and lower parts under the 
Heaven, v. 7, 8, 9, io. Thirdly, in the governing of men, and 
of alliorts and ranks of men, but especially in doing for his 
Church, v. 11, 12,15,14. In all which, as hefheweth,bow 
the world is full of Gods glory, fo he pointeth ac matwr of 
. his praife, whkherfoever we turne our eyes. 

Vex l.V}Raifeje the LORD, praife ye the LORD 
1 from the Heavens : praife him in the 
2 % Praife ye him all his Angels: praife ye him all hie 

3; Praife je him Sun and CMoon : praife him alt ye 
(tars of light. 

£ 4. Praife him ye Heaven of heavens : and ye waters 
that be above the Heavens. 

5. Let them praife the Name of the LORT)? for he 
commanded \ and they Were created. 

6. He hath alfo eftablifhed them for ever and eve* •■ 
he hath made a decree which (hall notpaffe. 

In the exhortation to praife God becaufe of his glory fhining 
in the Heavens 5 Learn, 1. Howfoever the glory of the Lord 
doth fhine in all his works, ye: there are degrees of the fhining 
of it j and the chiefeft glory is from celeftial creatures, and from 
the confederation of what is in heaven : Praife ye the Lord, 
praife ye the Lord from the Heavens, 2# As God is praifed in 
heaven, by the blefled fpirhs that are there: fo the true worfhip- 



' pec (hould joyne with thofe that praife him there; Praife bim 
in tbehctgbts, or high places. $. Albeit the Angels rave the 
firft place in the fong of Gods praife, and need not to be ftirred 
to the work of praife by us, yet it is. a part of our praifing of 
</od, toconfent unto their fong, and account theiwoik well 
befto#ed on the Lord their Miker, and to hold the example of 
them before our eyes, aiming todoC/odswill on earth, as it 
is done in Heaven: Vrnfe him all ye Angels. 4. The Lord 
hath at his h ind fwift fervants not. a tew, to go in what mefla°e 
he pleafeth to direct them , and they are miniftring fpirits for 
the good of his Chu ch ; Praife ye bim, all ye bis Angels, or 
his meflengers. 5. The Lord is alio well furnirtied with foul- 
diers, for all his creatures are ready at his command, to 
fight in Gods quarrel , in defence of his friends, andpurfuk 
of his iocs : Praife ye bim all bis hoftes. 6. The Lords 
armies are not idle* but are ftill on their work of praifing, 
doing the works of peace even in the midft of wane: 
Traifehim all bis hofies. 7. Befide the common fong of praife, 
which ail things have as they are creatures,every one of the crea- 
tures have their own proper parts in the Song : The Sun in his 
particular vetue and motion, the Moon in hers, and theftars 
in theirs, every one by thcmfclves,- and thefealfo joyntlymake 
up 1 fwcet and harmonious melody, to the praife of God ; Praife 
ye him Sun and Moon, praife bim all ye ftar: of light. 8.T he 
variety and difference of place and diftance from the earth, of 
Sun, Moon and Scarres, fome of them being lower, fome of 
them higher as the Eelipfes of Sun and Moon, and the diverfe 
pofitions of ! he ftarres do (hew, are all martersof Gods praife : 
for the loweft :egion of the aire is here called Heaven ; and the 
place where the Sun, Moon and Starres are fct, is called Heaven, 
and the Heaven of Heavens, the third Heaven, where Angels 
and fpirits of juil men made perfect do remain, each and all of 
them do fervc fot Gods praife ; Vraife bim ye Heaven of Hea- 
vens. 9. The bottles of waters in the clouds, flying above the 
loweft region of the aire, ready tobedjflolved here and there, 
as God pleafeth to water the earth, doferveas matter, both of 
wondering at Gods work, and praifing of him : Praife bimyc 
waters that be above the Heavens. 10. Praife is due to god, 
not only for the making of the Heavens, but alfo for the making 
them of nothing, by the fole word of command, which did pro- 
duce th:m, by faying; Let them be: let them praife the Name 
oftbe Lord; for be commanded, and tbej were created. 1 1. The 



fpcechleffe creatures have their own,way of piaifing God, an i 
men have their way of praifing : fpeechlefle creatures praifc 
God in their own kinde, when they hold forth, as in a table, the 
matter and reafon of prailing God, and. men do praileGod*- 
when they do obferve. and acknowledge, and proclaim one to an- 
other, the reafons of Gods piaife, and thefe exhortation* do im- . 
port bothj Let them fraife the Name of the Lord. iz. The 
courfe and appointed motions of the Heavens, are fo fctled du- 
ring the (landing of the world, as they (halll not faile to go on 
according to Cjods decree, which as it is a matter of Gods 
praife, fo alfo or mans comfort, who (hall have the ufe and bene- 
fit thereof from generation to generation ; He bath alfo eftabli fe- 
ed them for ever and ever, be baib wide a decree wbub thejffball 

Vcrf. 7. Vraife the LORD from the earth t /* 
dragons *nd *ll deeps. 

8. Fire and haile i fnovp and vapour : ft or to) rcinde 
fulfilling bis Word. 

9. Mountaines and aU hilles : fruitful trees and 
all Cedars. 

10. Beafts and all cattel : creeping things , andfij* 

In the exhortation, made in the fecond place unto the creature;* 
under heaven; Learn, 1. As the heavens, fo alfo the earth and 
the deep fea, arc filled with the matter of GodsJ>rai(e: Praife 
the I ord from the earthy yc dragons and all deeps. i. The moft 
terrible creatures ferve to fee forth Gods glory, as well as the 
moft ufeful and comfortable : 7c dragons and aU deeps, 5. The 
changes which are made in the clouds, or in theaire,by ftormes 5 
or tempefts, or whatfoevcr way, come not by chance, but are all 
directed forth by God, for forhe intent of his: and in what 
work he doth employ therfl, they faile not to execute his will : 
fire and baile y (now and vapour, ftorniie vindc fulfilling b$ 
Word: and out of thofe changes p aifes doari.e unto Gdft 
4. Th^ivcrfifying of the face of the earth with higher and low> 
cf pans, with mountains, hilU and Valleyes, and the adorning 

Bb o( 


of the face thereof with trees,tome taller,fome lower and fmallcr, 
fomeba ren, fome fruitful, contributeth much to thepraife oS 
Go<&: Miountaincs and all kills, fruitful trees and all Cedars* 
5.Bv(ide all that is faid in the varictyof things living onthe 
earth, :achofthem do contend with other, which of them (hall 
foew forth more of Gods wifdom, power and good neflej Bafts 
and Mattel, creeping things, and flying fowle: all thofe crea- 
tures do offer m atter of prai Le unto (?od, that men may take the 
(ong of their hand, and directly, formally and properly, praifc 
God for his glorious properties evidenced in them. 

Vcr. ii. Kings of t hf earth, and all pevyti : Prin* 
cesavda'l Judges of the earth. 

12. Both young men and maidens: old men and 

13* Let tbempraife the Name of the LORD, for 
his tSame alone is excellent : his glory is above the 
earth and heaveu. 

Having gone thorough other creatures, he cometh to man who 
is the chief, both matter and inftrument of <7ods praife. 
Whence learn, r. The Lord is glorious in his workmanfhip 
and government of all the creatures, but mod of all in men, 
xvhomhecallethto be Factors, Collectors and Chamberlains, 
as it were 3 to gather unto him the rent of praife and glory* from 
all other creaures, and then to paypraiies for their own part 
alio, flings of the earthy and all people, let them praife, Q?c. 
1. God is no leveller of mens eftates and outward condition in 
the world, or alio *er of levelling, but for his own praife ami 
mens good, he hath ordained diftindion of men in Kings and 
fubjc<S people, Princes and Judges, and people to ie judged in 
all parts of the earth ; lyings of the earthy and all people : Prin- 
ce f , an d all fudges of the earth j. As Civil government is ap- 
pointed of God, fo they who are advanced to this dignity, ars 
ty& in the obligement unto the duty of fetting fotrh C^ods 
&aifc, and yet fubjc&s herealfomuft contribute, according to 
fieir place and ability , lyings of the earth and allp&ple, Princes 
*$4 M Judges tf, tfc tmb* 4« It fliould cjualifie che-tnindes 



of men who arc in. honour, that their preferment is but oft 
earth, ami their time no longer then while they are on the earth* 
and that they arc under a King and Judge, whofe dominion is 
heavenly :mdeverlafting>therefore dothhe joyne this addition* 
things of the earth Erinccs and fudges *f the earth. 5. Asdi- 
ftinguifliingof men in regard 01 eft ue,fo Jiftinguifhing of fet 
and age, oftereth much matter ot praife, when particular* arc 
1 confidercd; and toi the very diftinftion in feiand age, God is 
to be pi ailed: Both young men and maidens , old men and children % 
iet them vraije. 6. Theie is much matter of Gods gtory in the 
earth, and more in the heavens, but the glory of himfelfe and of 
his properties , is more then all that either is or can be feen, or 
found or exprefled in, or by the creature * Let them prdfetbt 
Nameof the Lord: for hk Name alone is excellent, bit glory U ir 
'beve the earth and the heavens. 

Verf. 14* tie alone exalteth the home of hk 
people, the praife of all his Saints : even of the 
children of Ifrael , * people negr mto hirm Praife 
je the LO RV> 

Inthelaftplace.,hepaintethat the glory of Gai mantfeftect 

( to the Church, fat which all Gods people are bound to praife 

I him. Whence learn, 1. The praife of God for what he doth 

to, and for his Church, is above all the r<*ft of his praifes, from 

1 the reft of his works, as farreas the work of redemption, grace, 

and falvationto (inners, is above the works of creation; and 

worthy to put the capeftonc upon the reft of the work of Ms tf rai- 

fes, as here it is placed. 2. B fide all the ufe and benefit Which 

1 the Lords people have of the whole works of Gods hands, he 

liftech them up in ftrength, viftory and bJqxj over all tneir <n(f- 

mies, and over all other incorporations in the world,' who are 

bk: (laves tofinneand.Satan iri compaVifon of them • He 1 Ufa 

, txaktcth the borne of bk m pk.r ^ TjWaltiog or rhe fWth 

( vidory, and glory of the Chftch,ihnduh V ] v in -he e£lc- 

; ingof theMcffiahjor of theKingdcme of rhe Mcffiah •• canted 

■bythc exiting of Pdv/i j for Chriftisthe bctne of his teop'e 

Bb * rf \i 


In whom their viAory and glory is obtained, and maintained 
unto them; and therefore the borne of bit peopU is expounded 
here to be, The praife of allibe Saints. 4. Thofe are the true 
children of 7/r<te/, who glory in Chrift as their ftrength, their 
vittory,and glory, and do -ftudy to be in effecl: Saints": for, hk 
people, and his Saints, are here expounded to be, even the chil- 
dren of 1 [rael. $.. Students of holinefife, who glory and rejoyce 
in Jefus. as their ftrength, vi&ory, righteoufnefle, and falvati- 
on> and who arewreftlers for thebleflingastrue Ifraelites, arc 
the Lords people in a more ftraite union with God, then any 0- 
ther people in the world s A people near unto him : and that in 
regard of their Covenant with God , their incorporation in 
Chrift,and the inhabitation of the holy Spirit in them, and the 
mutual love between God and them. 6. Of all people in the 
earth, the people of God havemoft reafon to praife their Lord : 
Jraifejte the Lord. 


THisPfalmeisa ninefold exhortation of the true members of 
* the Church, who arc believers and Saints in effect, to praife 
God for faviug grace beftowed on them, and for fpeciall privi- 
ledges granted unto them; not only above what is given to the 
world, but alio above what is given to the vifiblc members of 
the Church, who are not as yet converted : whereunto fome rea- 
fons or motives unto the obedience of thefe exhortations 

Verf.-I. T^Raifeyethe LORD: fmg mto the 
JL LO RD a new fong : and hU 
praife in the Congregation oft be Saints* 



throm the firft two exhortations ; Learn, i. The ele&,reg c * 
nerate, or true believers, have afongof their own, for merci e$ 
proper to them, befide the pi aife which they have to give for the 
Lords work roundabout ihem, and therefore they have a pro- 
per reafon to praife £o4 for their own particular : Praife )£ the 
Lord. i. Thcfongotthe redeemed elect and converted, is a 
new fong which mail never wax old, nor be cut off, an everlaft- : 
1 Jngfong: Singuntotbe Lord anew [on g. 3. It is Gods ordi- 
nance, that the worfhippers of the Lord lliould have affemblies 
and meetings, wherein publickly and jointly they may glorifie 
the.Lordin proclaiming cheerfully his praiie; Singhk praife in 
the congregation of the Mints, 

Verf. z< Let Ifrael rejoyce in him that made him*, 
let the children ofSion be joyful in their Ki»g- 

From the third and fourth exhortation; Leafn, 1. It is the 
Lords command, thn his people rejoyce in himfelfe, with a 
joy above ail the joy which they can have in the .creatures, which 
God hath given to them, that they jnay the more chearfully 
praife him ; Let Ifracl rejoyce in him., . z. The Church of .the 
ele&and renewed Saints, is the fpecial workmanihip of Gogs; 
grace, not only as his creatures, but alio as his new creatures,' 
created in Chrift Jefus unto good works: Let Ifracl re\oyte 7i 
bimthat made him. 3.. The Church is a peculiar Kingdome by 
it felfe, whereof God is King in a peculiar way, able togpverrf 
his people by his Word, dilciplinc and Spirit , and to defend his 
Church, and all his own ordinances therein, to the comfort of 
all the true members thereof: Let the children of $ ion fo 
joy ful in their fcng, 

Verf. J* Let them praife hid Name in the dance 5 
let themjing praijes unto him With the timbrel and 

Bb j From 


from the fifth and ftxth exhortation topraife Go d 5 Learn, 
J. The joy of the believer, is * great and growing joy, arifing 
from rcjoycinc;, in the former verfe, to exnl-ing, in this verfe, 
fignified by dinting : Let them praife bis Name in the dance. *. 
The joy of the godly is acomplcac joy, imploying all, and fil- 
ling a)l the powers of the fcml,fignifiedbymu(ical inftruments 
ufed in the paedago^y of the old Church ; Let tbtm fing praifcs 
mto him rcitb the timbrel dnd harp. 

Ver. 4. For the LORD taketh pleafure in his pco» 
fie : he Will beaut* fie the meekjtoith falvation. 

Qfthefe exhortations he giveth two reafons. J^Bence learn, 
j. The Lord loveth believers and repenteth not, bur refleth in 
his love, md taketh pleafure in his workmanfliip upon them: 
TbcLordjafictb pleafure in bis people. 1. The conftmcy of 
the Lords love towards hispeople, is ^he ground of the Church- 
es conftant joy in 1 God. ami perpetual praifing of him : Lcf them 
jpng praifes to him with the ttrnbrel, and the harp : for the Lord 
rakish pleafure * n his people. 3 What ("never matter of joy be- 
lievers or n*ue Saints have, in God, yet rliey are acquainted with 
as much affliction in the world j as emptieth them of rejoycing 
ih/tnemfelvesj^umbleth.theTn, and fubdueth their fpiiits, and 
makcth them to aime arid endeavour without fretting or grudg- 
ing, to digeft all the Lords difpenfations toward them, and for 
this caufe the believers, or Saints, are called mccfi. 4. Albeit the 
affli&tcn wherewith the godly are acquainted, do:h obfeure 
their blcrTcdneffe, and hide the beauty thereof before the world, 
yet God in love to them, oft-times wipeth off the black and 
blemifh of affliction, by giving them gloriousdeliveries, and ac 
length he giveth to them full falvation; He mil bcautife the 
raee\"witb fdvation, 

Vcrf. 54 Let the Saints be jojfyl in glory, let 
fhem fing alouh ttfofl fair bed;, 


6. Let the high praifes of God be in their mouth: 
andatWo-edged fftord be in their hand. 

From the feventh, eighth and ninth exhortations to praifc 
God; ^earriy i. The godly, cp* true members of the, 
are Gods favourites, endued with grace, accepted through the 
beloved : yea, and are good to luch as they live among ; for fo 
much doth the word Stints import, a. The , believer may be 
joyful! now, for the gloiy hoped for, and may. glory in the pre- 
mifed blefledneffe, as if it were already poffeued : Let the Stints 
be joy full in glory 3. The joy allowed updn the Saints, is a. 
lafting joy, both day anJ nigh;; a joy which whe:i they are meft 
retired, may be moft iii joyed/ which being examined in iccier, 
/hall be found folio'sa joy full of-quiet/eft ; nd peace, as if they 
were refling in their bedsj a joy which mail continue wi.h them, 
when their bodies are lying in the grave: for thus much Buy 
the words beare in divers refpecls $ Let tkemfivg aloud upon their 
beds. 4. The praifes of God ; (it down in his VVwid, whe an 
the Lords Name and attributes* the Lords promjfes and glori- 
ous works, efpecially done in favour of his Saints,, are iet down^ 
are the matter of the Saints confidence, glcrhric.n and joy, 
worthy to be talked of, and openly declared in the audience of 
others, for the glory of God^and edification of people .- for what; 
the Lord is, to wit, wife, pbwcrfuil. mercifull, ' juit, &:. th.u the 
Lord is for his people, and for every believer in him 5 and there- 
fore. Let the high prtifes of the Lord be in their mmtb. 5 At 
the Wore} of God wherein Gods praifes are fct down, is the m \L* 
terand warrant of the Saints joj and- confidence. in £od> fo alio 
is it apowerfull weapon to overturn all ndverfafies power wh.u- 
foever,both bodily and fpirit'ual : Lettbe+rrifci ofCj.odbcawa* 
edged fword h tbcirJund. 

Verf 7, To execute vengeance Hpoq the heathen \ 
and puntfljnfe nts upon the people. 

8. To binde their kt*g* »ith chaine : and their nv~ 
ties with fetters of iron. 

Bb 4 9 To 


9. To execute upon them the judgement written : 
This honour have aU bis Satnts. Prai/e je the 
I RV* 

By way of motive unto the obedience of the former exhortati- 
ons, torejoyce in God, and glorifie him, he fubjoyneth a fpeci- „ 
all ui'e of the praifes of God, fet down in Scripture in relation to 
enemies, and persecutors of the Saints; over whom all believers 
have a fpititual victory by faith in Cfod, fo that as the Lords 
Officers, they may pronounce doom and Sentences condemna- 
tory againft all their enemies, great and fmall, according as the 
Scripture giveth them warrant. And this doom and fentence 
of judgement pronounced by the believer, whether in his own 
nninde, or vocally as occafion oftereth, muft have execution un- 
doubtedly following upon it, according to what is written in the 
jScripture, and this is no fmall honour allowed upon the Saints. 
Whence leam, 1. The eleel: and regenerate, believing ftudents 
of holinefle, have enemies both without the Church vifible, and 
within it, both heathen and people. 2. God will be avenged up- 
on them all great and fmall ; for it is piefuppofed that 
vengeance muft be executed upon the heathen, and punijhment 
Upon th( people, g. The believers are in a fort executioners of 
this vengeauce,becaufe they as doom'fters, do take the fentence 
from the mouth of God, the juft Judge, and pronounce doom 
onthem,whereupdn, inthefet time foUowcth execution; the 
Word of God falling on them in effect, as a fharp (word to cut 
them afundcr; thus the truth and jufticeofGod, with his other 
attributes, all being parts of his praife, Are a two-edged [word 
in their bands >to execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punifo- 
ment upon the people. 4- Thegreateft Monarchs, Rulers and 
Judges among mcn,arefubje&ed unto the Word of God, and 
piuft be bound either to the beliefe and obedience of it, or unto 
the punifhment and vengeance pronounced againft the tranfgref- 
fors thereof, fo fall as if they were bound in ftrongeft fetters: 
for the praife of God in the mouth of his Saint, are, To hindc 
tfceir kings with chaincs, and their nobles with fetters of iron. 
$. The Lords children and Saints muft not do wrong to Kings 
orNobles,orto any man elfc ; they muft neither pronounce 
r^r execute judgement according as they pleafe, but as the writ- 

PSALM E CL. 377 

ten Word of God prefer ibet ; fc'alloweth : for here they are tic<J f 
To execute nothing upon tbm,Javc the judgment written. 6 m 
Thefc priviledges are Ipirituall and common to all believers, who 
according to their places and callings, whether publick or pri- 
vate, may for their own comfort, and for others edification, ac- 
cordingly apply the Word of C/od to themfelves , and a- 
gainft their enemies : for, ThU honour bdve att his $ dints, and 
therefore they ought inalpecial manner to bleflcGod for their 
priviledges : Traifeje the Lord. 


IN this Pfalme t he Spirit of the Lord doth call upon us thir- 
teen times to praifc the Lord; Each exhortation pointeth 
ioi th God to be the only objeft of pra'Jc. Thefirft and the 
Jaft exhortation is to ail, to praife (^od abfolutcly^viihout giving 
any motive more then his very Name innpoitethjwhich indeed 
isafufEcient reafon .-for feeing the Lord is God, who hath his 
being of himftlf : and all the creatures have their being of 
him, and dependance on him, it follow eth of neceffity, that 
he is praife worthy in himfelf, and deferveth to be praifec; by 
all his creatures. The fecond, third, fourthand fifth exhorta- 
tions, have reafons and motives annexed unto them, as the mat- 
ter of his praife, v. 1,2. The fixth, feventh, eighth, nineth, 
tenth, eleventh, do teach the manner of his praile, under the 
teimes of the Levitical feryice, v. $, 4, 5. and the twelfth point- 
eth attheperfons or fpeciaJ party, which muft yield the praife 
unto God, with a reafon infmuated, moving thereunto* 
v* 6, 

Yer, r. T^Raifeje the LORD: Praife God 
I in his Stnftuarj : Xfraifc him in the 
firmtmtnt of his foVur. 

a. Praife 

37 8 PSALME CL. 

2* Prdifoh'mfor his mig'^aSs : praife himac- 
C*rdi*g to his excellent grcatxeftt* 

From thefe exhortations which have motives annexed to them* 
Learn, i.Thc holinefle of God,f which is the unftained dearneis 
and untainted glory of all his attributes^ fuch as are his wifdom, 
power, juftice, mercy, and all ihz reft of his properties mention- 
ed in Scripture) is the fubjed of the Saints praifing of God 
in the Church, and of Spirits praifing of him in heaven* for the 
word in the Original doth bear, Vnifc the I ord in bis holinefle, 
in his Sanftuaryjn haven bis holy phce. z . The holinefle of God 
Should be mainly looked unto by all men,who are about to praifc 
him, that our hearty and mouthes may be rightly framed for fo 
high a fervice, and we may beware to rake his Name in vain: fov 
he will be fan&ified of all that draw near unto him, efpecially in 
the work of praife : Vraife Qod in his holinefle. $. Matter of 
praife is furnifhed tous, in the wifdom and power of God, 
which is to be feen in the creatures* and particularly in the frame 
oftheftoriesofheavenj in the firft whereof, his power lupports 
the huge weight of waters in the clouds t in the fecond^ the ftars 
and planets move, and make thtirciicksconftantlyi andin the 
third, Heavens, Angels, and Spirits of juft men made perfect 
do praife God % • Vratfe Urn in tbejirmment of his power. ^Mn- 
ter of praifing God is furmfhed by his manifold mighty acts, 
to be feeh in the powerful fu flaming, ruling and employing of 
all his creatures, as he feet h tic t eft for his own glory, for the 
building of his Church, delivering of her from dangers, and o- 
verthrowing of her enemies ; Vraife the Lord for bit rnigbty &8s. 
j. Matter of praifing God is furni filed in his wonderful great- 
nefle, and in therayes of excellency, fhining in all his difpenfa- 
tions, and manner of governing the world, fuftaining fome indi- 
vidual creatures, whieh are ftill the fame, from the Creation, 
and multiplying others in their kindc, to the aftoniftiment of 
a ferious beholder s Vraife him accordingtohls excellent great- 

Vcrf. 3. Vtafrf* kins with the found f oj c the Trumpet; 
prSfe km with the Pfa/terj andHarpe* ^.Vraife 


4. Praife him with the I imbreland dance : praifi 
him with ftringed ivftramrnts and Organs. 

5. Pratfe him upon the loud Cymbals : pfaife him 
Upon the high founding Cymbals. 

Here are other fix exho. rations, teaching>the manner of prai- 
fing God untie? the fh?dow of typical m'jfick, appointed in the 
Ceremonial I w. Whence learn, 1 Albeit the typical C remo* 
nies cf mufical inftrumtr.ts in <ods publick wo' (hip, belonging 
to the paeda^ie of I he Church, in her minority before Chrift, 
be now abe limed with the reft of the Ceremonies: yet the 
moral ciutu s made wed foith by them, ate itill to beftudicd, 
becaufe this duty of pr.r ng God, and praifing him with all 
cur minde, itrengrh and Coulc is moral, whercunto we are per* 
petually obliged. - z. The variety of mufical inftrumenw, fome 
of them made oife of in the Campe , as trumpets; fome of 
them move fui table to a peaceable condition, as Fisheries and 
Harps; fome of them founding by blowing windein them; 
fome of them .foundry by lighter touching of them, as firing* 
ed inflruments'; fome of them by beating on them more fharp- 
ly, as 1 abrets . Drums and ( ymbals$fome of them founding, by 
touching and blowing alfo, as Organs : all of them giving fome 
certain found, fome more quiet, and fome making more noife : 
fome of them having a harmonie by themfelves ; fome of them 
making aConfort withotherinfliurptntSj, or with the motions 
of the body in dancings, fome of them ferving for one u(e, fome 
cf them ferving for another , and all o\ them ferving to fet forth 
Gods glory, and to fhadow forth the duty of wo<fiiipper$, 
andthepriviledgesof the Saints; The plurality and variety, (I 
fay:ofthefeinfhuments, were fit to reprefent divers conditions 
of the fpiritual man, and of the greatnefle of the joy to be found 
in God, and to. teach what ftirring up ihould be of the affecti- 
ons and powers o: our foul, and one of another, unto Gods wor- 
ftiip j what harmonic fhould be among worfhippers of God, 
what melodie each fhould make in himfelf, finding to God 
with grace in his heart, and to (hew the excellency of gods 
petite, which no rr.eanes nor inftrument, nor anycxpreffion of 
the body joyned thereto, could fuffieicntly fet forth: and thus 
much is figured forth in thefe exhortations to praife Qod with 

' Tru3fc 



Trumpet, FfaUery, Harp; Timbrel, Dance, ftringed infirttmeiitr; 
and Organs, loud and high founding Cymbals. 

Ver. 6. Let every thing that hath breathy praife 
the LORT) : Praife je the LORD. 

In the twelfth exhortation, pointing at the party called upon 
to praife God; learn, i* Living creatures, which draw breath 
and give unto, and take from God their life afrcfh every mo- 
ment in their breathing, do above all vifiblc creatures fpeak 
moft to the praife ofGods wifdom &power in framing and prefer- 
ving of them : Let every thing that batb breath,pratje the Lord. 
*. Of all living creatures, men are moft bound to praife God, s 
as they in whom God in the Creation, and in their feveral ge- 
nerations, from age to age, did and doth breath the Spirit of 
life, and of all men thofeare moft bound to praife God, on 
whom he hath beftowed his holy Spirit : and^ howfoever the 
Lords works in all men (hall fpeak to his praife, how wicked 
foever men (hall be, yet only renewed fouls, in whom God 
hath breathed^his Spirit , as the word breath in the Ori- 
ginal may bear, (hall voluntarily aud fincerely praife GoA : Let 
tvery thing that hath breath, praife the Lord. $. The Spirit of 
the Lord, when he gave the Pfalmes to the Church of the 
Jewes, had an eye toward the reft of the world, of whom he 
was in his appointed time to cxad this Song of praife.* and (o 
we who are gentiles, brought unto the fociery of the Church, 
are bound to joyne in the work with them; and when we are 
joyned, and when all who are to be converted are joyned, yet are 
wealltoofew, tobcarup this Song of Gods praife jjmd there* 
fore to (hew this/ it is faid , Let every thing that hath breath 
praife the Lo d. 4. When we have faid all we are able ro fay 
for Gods praife, we are but to begin again anewj for this are 
we taught by the renewing of the exhortation, in the clofe of 
fundry Pfalmes, and here aifo, at the end of all the PfaIms:P^//e 
ye the Lord. And after us mull all the creatures come in their 
ownkinde and order, to offer up praifealfo, as we are taught^ 
Rev. '$. v. 1 2. where after thit elect. Angels and Saints, whofe 
number was ten thoufand times ten thoufand, and thoufands of 
thoufands^had fung their Song, faying, With a loud vuqq>Wqx>- 


thy is the Lmb, that was Jltinc, to receive power "{"<&"■ 
and mfdom, and ftrtngtb, and honour, and glory, and blejftng. 
Then it fbllovctb, v. i?. And every creature vbicb is m hea- 
ven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and (ucb as are tntbe 
lea, and all that are in them, beard 1 faying, Blejftng, Ho- 
nour, Glory and Power, be unto bim that Jittetb upon the 
Throne, and to the Lamb: for ever and evtf. 



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