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Full text of "The trve bovnds of Christian freedome; or, A treatise wherein the rights of the law are vindicated, the liberties of grace maintained, and the severall late opinions against the law are examined and confuted"


Section 1 OHoinal M aterial fas fUn^) . 

Author(s) Bplton. Samuel " *A(jthor*s date(s) 


Tie true bovnds of Christian freedoms 

Publisher, If a book 

Publication Date(s) 
or period coyered 

No. of vols. 



) Pages ( ) 

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! ■) 

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. Editor, or Translator 

Holder of Orljglnal Material University of Toronto - Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library 

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THE ' *" 



Or t TrpatKe wherein 

Law arc vindicat€d, 

Gtace maintained} 

And the feverall late Opinions 

agaioft the Law are examined 

and {:onfiited- 



By S4m.B«it6nD.D. lace Maftcrof Chrifis 
Colledge in Cambritlge, 

Wherc^nto it annexed a Diiconrfe of the 
Learned foh» Csmerms, touching the 
chtce-fold Covenant of Goi with Man, 
faithfully Tranflated, 
tUni dhlmm dtctjlft legem qu$ad oatrt, $$a 
iu0*d jufiititm. Aug. 
I Pet.i. I*. 
4i ftttt an4 n$t uBngytur libertie ftr *. tl»*\ $f 
ma&fUu fntffty hut ill the fervaxts oj G»d, 


ffinUi^r i'.5.»Dd treto be fold by «y^*.] 

P*» %S'« at the three Hearts at the 

Wcfte«defJPM(/r. i4s4. 




■ m 




.-. -1 


l'«lkvi.i ■ 

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.1 l: 


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♦v, J} I, 



U R A B L E 

E D V V A R D Earlc of 



^ O N O 

Right Honourable, 

Imesof trouble have c- 
vcr beta r/«M«i of trial!, 
tbey are /(/it»«^ times; 
I? wherein God^/tj us, ^5 
lie tells U5, A^o$ p. 9. 

'/4 and men fift us ; Uuc 

;iih a great deale of difference , God 
\o prtftrve the fiowre ; Men to difco- 
ver the branne ; theuij^^Fof Gods m- 
s/? is our graces, of viahs , our corriipti- 
^)ns ; that which Gud aymcsiiZ is lo ivi- 
fUmce ©ur good, that which men, zodtfco- 
'^wr our cviil; your Honour hachVjf'^ 
#Gods iriall , whorn^jthe heart, and the 
\g»mi he hath dtfavind, hath riKc.ered \o\x 
\ iruly honourable : And you have fpijfind 
* ; Rians, 

I'-iLilMLZ^-!-^ H '1 

r ( 

* ! 


. hi ': J, 

.: r 

^ ^ ■■- • 


' !<P^" 







E D V V ARE. Earlc of 
. ; Manchcjter, 

I ■ 

Right Honourable, | 

Imesor frfl«^/e have e- 

vcr fieen fitu^/ of trial!, 

^ tbey are /J/ii''^ times; 

'^=>j^7 wliereiiiGod /If?/ us, .as 

i''^^ he tells u?, ^M.; 9. 9. 

^M- and men )j/it us ; Liut 

wiih a great deale oF difference , God 
to prtftrve the fiowre ; Men to dt^co- 
rer the branne ;"* thei-^y?^6f Gods tri- 
<?// is our graces, ojr w^w , our corrupti- 
ons ; that which Gud aymcsa.l is to ivi- 
dence our gcod, that which men, iodifco- 
verom evill; your Honour hath p.^jfn^ 
Gods triall , whofnVithe heart, and the 
gm^ he hath dtfavercd^ hath riKc.ered you 
truly honourable = And you have fnfftrid 
* 5 mans. 






The Ep'Jfle DeJigMtery, 

mans, I fay fnfftred^ and to fay no ihore, 
have eMjttred the cempjtatfpn^ ^nd iq- 
deed your Honour hath bccfr a reek «n 
greater ftormcs , and 4f ^ «<//*</ your fclfe 
in greater rrw// then thefc are ; *;hat are 
the /rid// of thefeiinifs to t\\t fifttHgs of 
former yeares > Then thp /r>|/x were 
more clofc , Religion being gnorc 4^- 
ftraSlid from other confiderations j now 
motegrttjfe^ be'iag complicated v/'nh other 
rcfpcAs ; then few would dppiare for 
Religion, thopgh now many fland up to 
0Jftrt it ; then it was under cemempt, 
now it /«(»c»r/them,whoAfl»ftwii. Wee 
read* while }H4gtmtHti accompanied the 
jirks of God , while they who had it 
ivere /»*/««i» with Emrods , Everyone 
thoHgki ic a burthen, and were dtprom to 
tHrnekofS', ihcy fent it frora^4»A, to 
£.kro», from E^on to ^tkfhu , and he 
w as the hafpj man that could rid his 
hands of it; But afterwards when it came ' 
into the honfe, of Ohd-Edom^ and they \ 
faw that God bleflcd him and his whole 
houfe for the tyfrks fake , then every one 
could lookc upon it i$ wmty entertain- 
ment While /?f/i;^i« and the truths of 
God are iAngtrtiu aed undoing to them 

„ ?'f who 

To the Chriftian Reader. 

Hon Art ti$t 1 cotKeive fuck 
a Oranger to th$/e times 
httt thett kyev/elt , that as 
God htth communicated 
manj trnthj • fa bath Sa- 
tan fought to vent many tr- 
rouri'y Htreby lalfeHring to prejudice and 
WM^» i&e reception of the one ^ ifheconid 
not prevaile tathi entertainment of the other. 
Indeed,*! is hit Itefifeafonfor merchandixing^ 
at fttehatimtht finds mm/? Chapmen, 4M(i 
in the heat */ the LMarket while men are 
buying frM/i&j, he may hope to put oS jome 
of bis own wares ; which that he may makje 
war* vendible , ht wiU feeketa'pific them 
under at honourable notions, and not ftick^ 
to language them into yonr hearts M?tiier at 
fpirituallco»«;»Mw, m truth n felfo, H$ 
hath a long time walked as a prince of 
darknejfe; and becaufe he can deceive m 
longer in that (hape , he now transformes 
himfelfe into an Angel of light. He went 
4 l0tg time bare- faced, and was fucctjfe- 
fnU ; when he wot difcoyered he pnt on 4 
'<■•-• • ■^*\ ■• raask. 



Toihe Chriftian Reader: 

mask, ftHtler which be h/tth walked niMy 
gtntrAtioHs, Antith^t ktittg taken off 4/- 
fo , he nam diflemblet the very vifage tf 
trtah : Of sH erreitrs^ ntne ure mere fc- 
dudive then fucb vthkh Are handed t» 
men under the notions tfFree Grtue^ Mnd 
none more dedrudive , they tfrepoyfoniii 
the be4ri^poy(oaiHthe foMitMHe^ /need 
net ttd thee hew many ef this kindc hAVe 

•j hten vented, *n^ enter tained For the re- 

ducing of thofe tfhoare carryed aWMy^ the 
cdthUOning of thofe who ft^pger, and the 

I bailding-4</; ef thofe who Are in feme mta. 

\ fme. fevlid in the truth ; th:* foUewing 

Trcatife being fi^fi freaebtd (ihnttgh the 
long And earnc^ importunttie of mAnj 
friends ) is now Printed* 

The fubjeft whereon this TJiftourfe is 
pr.6-i//> IB founded , is the fame which is made the 
fiisChrift foundation o/rWr/, wA/ci5> / chofe rife* M- 

ocheri. ' "^"^ fuper-ftiudurc did mefi refemble 
the foundation ; the Difcourfe it ftlfe « 
partly Da[l>itrrU\ -wherein the received 
truth is laid dopfi't and confirmed^ partly 

)?l' Ctntrtvtrfall , whtrein the comrAry Opi- 

l . pions Art fxumiutd, Andconfuted. 

■J Firji I faj cxumined , and wthave gi- 

ven thun A tair /rw//, btinii^ wiHin^tjktare 


To the Chriftian Reader.' 

; the utmoft they could ftj ; This examina- 
tion Ijes ht fixe ^eries^ viz. 

I Qturj' Whether this be any pare 
. of our freedome by Chrift to be fiecd 
from the Law. 

1 Query. Whether this be any part 
of our freedome by Chrift , to be free 
from all puniflireents 6i. chaftifementa 
for Hnne. 

3 ^««rjf. Whether this may confift 
with our Chriftian freedome, to be tyed 
to doe dutie^becaufe Cod hath comman- 

4 Query. Whether the frteraen of 
Chrift , may not frnne thenfclves into 
bondage again> 

5 Quiry. Whether this may confrft 
with our Chriftian freedome, to do dutie* 
with a refped to the recompence of re- 

- ^ard* 

6 ^uery. Whether this be part of 
our freedome by Chrift, to be freed frooi 
obedience unto men. 

1 "Xheft trethtmiAttt inqumes^ in which 
ihtH maifl «lfo read the contrary DoClrimJ 
Tedeich^Arc urn held ftrtb by m*ny su ^\^\a' 
ly eu^MudjAi fticai\y d^stted; I» whith 

■< fTerkmy maine eudksuhbten to convince 
the jtni£emfHfifmt» imUiC tbtnfeiiieiiti 




TotheGhriftian Reader. 

Usft rphile I f,ugh$ u be heJpfulJ towr^ee 
i^ht k, (crriccable to >«,, w Ihd 
I.tfideftvtftrei^ to cberifli mens holmefj / 
^mld but draw out mems corrnptms Ind 
fi run « W. ^na tbereftre I h4^ de- 
fircd to Mmth things, mrt then per. 
Ions i And rather to difctVfr f rrQUrs hj 
Arguments, ,i,W, names. And it i, J, 
etrncttdefiretliMt jthst it heremtde obvi- 
onsK, thi„t tyt, ike GoA of truth mmiA 
nuhtn^nttothjhe«rt; 4nd giv, unto 
iheeandmc found judgement, that wt 
m*j be shUfodiketatof things that dif- 
ferygmde mintbemjtsef hxxhund obe- 
dience, inable m to ferve him yphi/, w 
Aw fmile upon m when w dye , and after 
d«ath ««^ H, tohimfe^fi which is the .II 


Thine in the fervice of 

Chriftfp advance faith 
and obedjence. 

.•:', ' 


A Table of the main things con- 
tained in this following 

TREAr^SE. . . -,^ 

THe coherence of the text , 4nd 
the do5iri»es contained in it, i, 

The matne doftrine propound- 

ed,viz. That there is a true and reallftee' 

■dtme vfhieh Chrift hath pur chafed^ and in- 

\to rvhich he hath inflated all thofe who are 

true beleevers. y 

In the profeCMt ion of which, 3 things 

are infifted on. \ The qualitie. 2 The 

fMure, 3 The farts of fhripan fiee. 

Mm, ^ 

j -* "^^e nature i and here are 4 kinds of 
ijreedome fet downe. 6,7 

. I Naturall. 2 Politicall. 5 Senfuall, 
>^SfirituaH, 7^8 

j a The qualitie of this freedome is fet 
^irnnt, p 

'- ^J^" * r'^U, 2 An miiserfaH, 3 A 

fftftant f^tedtme, p.ia 

A ^Thi 








The Tabic. j 

5 The p4rts of this freedome are tyf 
I In grAce. 3 J» glorj : and thofe i PrH 
vative : 2 Vojitive. 1 1 

The particular tranches of our tnchoatt 
ft eedom^or for our freedom here ingrace.ih, 

1 fVe are freed from Sat an ^ ibid, 

2 iVe are feed from Jinne. i the guilt 
of Jin : 7 the defilement of fin : i the domi. 
mton of fin. U 

I W? are freed from guilt of fin , ani 
this is laid down in two particulars, ibid. 

1 That none of our fins jhall andemm 

tU. 12,1! 

2 That none of jur fins fifiall bring an] 
fruits of Tvrath upon m. I4»I! 

2 We are freed from the dominion <; 
finne. 17,18 

5 Beleevers are freed from the law. 2/ 

1 From the ceremoniall. 2! 

2 From the morall law. i As a cov(- 
nam where dtvers opinions are propounds 
what h^nd of covenant it was. jl 

2 We are free from the maleditlions am 
CH rfa of the law. 2 8 , 2j 

3 We are free from the indiUments am 
Accufationsofthe law. 56,;] 

4 We are freed from the rigour of th 
law : j( 

Some particulgrs whereiH the rigft*ri 


the lawdidconfijh. ' ' ' Ij 

1 It commanded impsfilhle thfngf, jt), 

2 If reqa ired obedience tn our pwne per" 

3 And this ^hedience univerfail,aQitalf 

■ fP 

4 It ittfoTced it felfe upon the coiffcii- 
encewiththreats andterrour. ^% 

4 Beleevers are freed frQm obedience t9 
men. 54,^5 

5 Beleevers are freed from death. $6,57 
And how f^id to befre:fram d:ath. ib, 

6 Beleevers jhall be fr?e fiam the gr^tye. 

This laid downin three conclnfion$. 58,39 

3 The pofitive part of our ficedome ^ 9jr 

what we are fireed unto, yp 

This is briefly laid down in feven par^ 

ticHlars. i We are feed from a ft ate of 

wrath y to a. fiate of mercy. 5 9 

2 We are freed from a fiate of c9ndem^ 
nation to a Jtate of jufitficatien. ibid, 

3 We are freed from a flat e »f enmity t§ 
A fiate of frienfhip, 69 

4 We are freed fr-om 4 fltte efd«4th,f§ 
fiate of life. ibid, 

5 We are freed from a fiate offinne tf 
a flat e of fervice. 6q 

6 freed from a fiate of bondage at>4 ^irff 
A % •/ 


o[J}avery,to a jpirit cff.^fhip andhbenj. 

7fe are ficed fiom death and heU, to /I 
ahdg/ory, .^^^^ 

The firfi maine Q^ry profomdid, viz.' 
Mr thu be a.yj,rt ofol fieedome by 

^frcr dferent Scriptures xre alledied, 

^wo thr,gs are required. 1 ^ut is 

mxnt by this ward Law. ^9 

2 /« whatfe^fe this word is :-L I tit 

Scffpturc. ^ 

thtfetwo thw^t beip^ cleared.^' ". r'^fr 
qn^Uoyt IS jet do,,H more difi:nUr . ,,z 

Somed'ferentopinionicflt : ^J^t^ 
The truth /aid L.. ^ '• H'l'^ 

peaks thcconunuanccof, andobUgatton to 
themoraULaw. ^ I 

1 Poi; That the law for the fubfianJof 

2 Pol. That there wm ho end or ufe for 
'ht^ch the law was gtven^bm might conftft 

V^nl: grace, anAb,' ferV^.^U, to the ai 
v^in,mu,it of the covenant of grace. 75 

^ The ■ 

The Tabic. 

The firfl Po Cuton is canfirmU -,7^0 

1 By ths coHcordar.t Co^S,'n,„, V'f 
formed Churches. '^ \^'^- 

2 By cleare Texts ofSc ^. .,-. H'f 

leJe^ ^^«..., :;d...o^l 

^Anfwerismade to fame O'veaiol't'j 

Is that It t ^'^'fi' ^hoiharge\ 
y^thawe m^ks this a part of our ChL i 

fi'^»l^l"rtytobee.cmp[edfrL ull Law. \ 

2 Vfe. To blame them amon. us who P 
labour to maie vo:d t L' Law ^ t '^'" 


mgnt^ andfo maintame it. ,„,*,- 

21 01 7 hat there was „o end or yfe C 

a ""'^ ^'^'' ' '^■^dbc ferviceailetotle 
advancement of the coLa.t of qrZ. 


,l''jl^l[^''^^^f<^ ends for whtchth 


I T}rcftrairtetra»(greffioH, 
3 i 9 humble T»e?i for ,;„f;g 

■■'e law 
J ro 

'. Fur 

The Tabic. 

J^ torddireSiionofltfe. Il8 

t^ As A glajfe to Mfcover ottr imperfe- 

fiio.s. J ^ i^»^- 

4 As a reprover and corrector of Imne. 


7 Jt 4 fpfirtoqHickjnus todnty. ibid. 

Secottdlfi th^t none of theft ends but 

ptifht con ft ft with grace, and heferviceAble 

to the adviincement of the covenant of 

i^ace. i^''^- 

7 his is proved tn the review ofthefor- 
ffiir tartt^'dArs. i 20,1 2 25&C. 

It Qjjcd. PPe read the law rta* fet uf 
at a lovenAtit, and if fo it could not fi and 
r^tth grace, therefore vtM there fonte ends 
afid ::fes for which the Law was fet up 
that could not conftfl with grace. 1 27 

J 'Divers dtfltKiHoHs of covenants. 1 28 
The Law was not a covenant of workj ; 
ihis proved by nine arguments. I ^o 

i Objcdl;. ^ut it is [aid to be a covf 
HaM^ and if fo^ either a covenant of works 
^ of grace; or elfe there is fame third cove- 
nant : but there is no third covenant, nor it 
it a covinant of grace; therefore it ntufi 
needs be a covenant ofwqrl^s. I ? J 

To the anfwer oftbis^ two bvinions are 
liiddtwnet I J*^ 

I That tt vkU h third covenant, er a co- 

The Tabic. 

' venAnt dijtin^ from thi covenant of na- 
ture andgrace^ and may be called a fubfer' 
viem covenant, ibid, 

Where the differences and agreements 
that this fubfervtent covenant hath with 
the covenant of nature and of grace is fet 
downe. 139,140 

The reafonwhich this opinion feemes t a 
hold forth. 1^% 

2 The fecond opinion that the law was 
the covenant of grace, though more legally 
dijpenced. 1 46 

fhis fecond opinion 14 drawne up in five 
particulars. 148 

^ Objcifl. That which fioad upon eppo- 
fite termesto the covenant of grace, can- 
not be f aid to be a covenant of grace; nor 
jet fubftrvient to the covenant of grace, but 
mufi- needs be a covenant ofworkj: but the 
law did t hrss iEroo. 150 

The law flood not upon oppojtte termes 
to grace. . 151,15* 

Doe this and live, which were the termes 
upon which the law did fland^ is interpre- 
ted. ^ 154,155 

Though the law flood uppon ooptfite 
termes, yet it had its fubfrvient ends to 
grace. 157,15^ 

2 Query. Whether this be any part of 

A 4 OUT 

The Tabic. ' The Tabic; 

our fcetiomtbj Chrifi to hefieefiom all i It u Anfwereiinthe geHerall ; tljat it 
f¥ni(hmentsandchAfitfemeHtsforfin.i6^ (t no iufiiniement to our C^irifiian ftc- 
Script itns alledged to prove God m*y ^tne tohe tyedto the performance .jf. hit y,. 
chaftife beUevers for fin. 15^ x^6 

Some ObjeElioMS againfi the validity of t Itis qneritd^ IVhethrr this be no in^ 
ihofe Scriptures which prove Gods pumjb- fingetnent to our liherty to be tjed to dutie 
*ngforfin^lledgedaMd/infwered.i6^tl6$ b ecaufe Godhaih commoKded. 197 

I Other ObieEtions , that thefe were ex- Divers mifiakes about this laid downe, 
amples w the Old Teftament , and there- 1 98 

fere mt ftsfficient to prove , becaufe they i Seme thinkj they are not to doe dutie 
witre under a different covenant; anfweredy hut when thejpirit of God doth move then* 
\ ibid. 167/0 tt. 198 

Y^her ob]eilions upon fame places alledged i Aniw. It is good to goe yvhen the Spirit: 
tift of the New Tefiamentfor Gods puntfh- .moves : Its jhewedhow in fame cafes,and 
ikjr prfin-^ anfwered, 173,174 at fometimes Satan may put a godly man 

'£>.vers cavils againfi Gods punifhingfor on duty, when yet he thinkes it u the Spi- 
finne anfwered. ^ 76,1 77 rit moves him. iggyiooficc. 

J heir maine arguments againjt Gods 2 Anfw. Though we are to goe when the 
•ni(htngforfinan]wered. igi Spirit movesy yet are wee not to neglcH 

Arid divers reafons are laid downe why when we doe not percetve fuch fenfihle mo- 
Gad may pardon fin , and yet chafiifefor vings of the Spirit. 2 02 
fi^'f' 185 2 A fecond mifiake , Some tliinke they 
Seme confideratiom propounded for the are to do nothing elfe but pray^hecaufe God 
fuller anfwer to the Qjsery. igg hitth commanded, a»dwhothofe are. 204, 
J The whole anfwer u Jhut up in fourt 205 
'^f'tJo^S' 19, 5 A third mifiake , Some thinkj they 
I ^"'^'■y; f^yhetker this may confift with ^re not to doe duty, becaufe God commands^ 
our Chrifiian fieedome, to be tyed to doe bnt becaufe their own Jpirits incline them. 
duty beccufe God hath commanded, iQf;\ 2 o 5 

I It, Anfw, 



The Tabic. 

Knim.mmHJt i,e i'mes hcaufe G^ ThC Tabic, 

luth comm^ndedthem, bnt itumtfuffiM Undage. "7 

em to doe them mgerely becaMfe God hati They may fmne themfelves into a ban- ' 

commanded them. 

lOve in rejpe^ of com fart. 


For the clearing of this, thereis adifiikome Oil eSl ions againfi this mfwered. 
thon laid d7p,H^ bef,veen pofitive and natl ^ '>'' 

r L- r r idSoptidiltinatOHS offCaCC. 254 

J» rvhatfenfeswemayhe faidtoiefieli five- fold peace of a godly man may 
jromdtttie. J 2 2(J 

^J^>JTcreHcebetwee?i4graciotisheartZz They may fnnethemfelves into bon- 
^"'^^"'"her m the performance of dnty uLe inrefhett of the manner of their obc- 
dawn,n, particulars. Ui^li^^ii^^J^nce : this is proved. ^ ^9 

y^e U'iery firfi refalvsd and concl^^ Q.uerv. ^yhether this may confijt mtb 
'*"*• ^ , 2iLr Chrthanfeedome to doe dmes wtth 

4 Q.,ery . fH,ether thefieemen of ChrlfbeO: to rexpard. .M^ 

may mt finne themf elves into bondage Three opinions laid dorPn. ibid. 

^'"^'' . ^ ^ 2M Some fay v,e are to doe duties to mertt 

Jiondage ts dtfiinguifhed into Huiverfakieaven and glory :thtsis cajtoHt. 241,241 
*"T ;, L . 2^-^'"^ 2 ^'""'P' peremptorily, that we mujf 

^antall bondage , is either a bondageihave no reJpeSt toheavtn and ghry in our 
relpeaofcomfort,ori„rejfeaofthe ma,cbeiience. M?.M5 

wt '^ • 22 3 Other fay^that v>e may doe holy dtt- 

J he ^,»ery anfrvered in two Concluj ties and have refpeEi to the recompence of 
■'* ^ li\ Reward in the doing of them. 144 

1 «^onclurion. The freemen of Chrij The Reafons whereby thefe two lajt opt- 
" . f/^^'' ^"''^ themfclves into that urn nions are each of them maintained. 24 5> 

'Verfallandjlate bondage again. jjt 24'» 

2 Conclufion. The f-cemen of Chrij Three things examined in the Query. 
may fi„f3c themfelves inia a partiall.agn i Whaf is m?ant by reyf^rds, a 4^ 



The Tabic* ' f^verepHto the ohaimttg of Jpiriw* 

/ / Ji J f'^remyhoj'e re afons examined and anfwerid. 

? Aether the eyina of r,,«^ jl ' 276,277 

//«f.«^w r. .urciniZZ '*"^\ '^^'"^^ ^^"^ *^^' fHTchAfedallgLd 

lhe^^erfuuksn\n piecef^J fi^ for h^, yet ^ill God hcfio^ then. 

^^«^W.^.,C;,7^X?. '*:^! '^^^"''■f^ G^d r^tll hefo„ them i] a 

'^'> life. " °" ^"^ ff* 'four prayers, but the gtfc of hit or,n 

plained. ^ ^ '"^ ' ""^ '''""'' ^^mlificationt of otir bringing, Jen 
Some particulars UU A.^ 'f "f^O'^^'fiorving^'doe noway intrench 

-«>.r. l-"idom,etn r.aj\nthef^eenefe of grace. 279,2^0,2^1 

I That the enwymenti>f fl,. .1 ■ T f"* '"'*'"' '^'"'M'^ations propounded 

this Ufe is not thelroZ V rT^i Uing precedent quaUficati^ns. The na- 

obedtence. ^romd of a Chrtj^iifc of faith and jufiification. a8y, 2%6, 

^Jh^renotthemeereend ./ ... J O ucry. Aether ..may not tlj^d 

? The J are not the maine d ^\ ^'fejcnce ta eternaU rewards, 

4 ^"^^^hether they may be' raid .T " ^"^"^^^ fome, on divers grof^s'. 

fnbordinate ends, divers rJr. ^*"^*'\ . 29*295 

agatnjl it. ' '" '""i""^ fropoHni^t u affirmed by others with divers €aI 

<>bjelllnsanf-^lred'^ """^'fi^h^^d d,veu2 T>ofitions taiddtwne in Anfmr t^^tU 

2 QHsry. whether wee I " ^^H^'r ■ ^«« 

duties wuh reference ta.l'T " <^^/°*«»°"- ^' may obey Ctd with rf 
JP'ritnail .ood lh,,gs °^'^'»'ng cf^ to heaven andghry. 301 

^ ^'' '''^'""^ "f ^H^r^h. hold r.e arc' m ' ^*' 


The Table. 

Tke re*foHS whj this hath been deftyt 

The Table. 

■-, ^ . ' , /;/';'^'"y' free-, you are yet inhand^ge.x-VofinHe, 
hcanfe men have made falfe draught i ^^ .^ . ^ /^^ ^^ divers [ad particulars. 

eived t>fhe4 ■' ,,a 


heaven^ they have not conceived of he 

^nder the rtght notion j ^ To Satan.whichis alfo illnfirated i» 

IVhat heaven ts, ts darkjlj M'>Mr,„e p^rticnlars, ? ? ?,&c. 

^"tT'TlT'a ' /" c '"^"^1 3 To the law. i T. the Cnrje. i The %}- 
efGod. 2 of Chrifi, ? the Spmt. 4 ij *^^ . .^ ■< ^ ^ ^ 

refcof grace 5 An eternallSMath.)^ ri cnrfeofthe law fet ominfonrfar- 
vhich are defireable and may b, eyed, i ^,-^^/^^^^ "' "' 3 ? 5 , 3 3 <5 

„ ^ „ , , , A The rtfOHr of the law fet out in ten far- 

aPofit. 1 hat we ought t0 have refpcl ^^^^^^^^f ^^^^8,,, 

r., .-J./...,- nur nl„i,enc,.2.. ^^ ^.^^ joHwhom Chrifi hath wfiated 

into this gloriow friviledge of frtcedome. 
I Maintaiaeit. 34'* 

1 Maintaine it againfi this law. 321 

2 Maintaine it agatnfi men. 344,&c. 
a Beware of abujing it. 34^ 

heaven and glory in our obedience-, ^i. 
thts is provfd by Scripture and dtvers 
fiances. 312 to the 

C Query. Whether this be part of 
Jreedonte by Chrifi^ to be fee fiom ek 
ence unto men, 

Dtverfit J of Scriptures alledged, i^ sixewayes,, 

ji twofold fubieElu>n, whereof one r^^ ^^ . ^^ ^ ^^^^ 
the other cannot be yeelded without • j.l 349 

peackment to Chrifiian liberty. ■ ] "wkenweufeit to fuperfiition'. 350 

Some Queries anfwered, whether »( ^^^^ ^^ ^ , ^ ^^,^ ^^, ^^^ ,^g*^^ ib. 
/rfw-/^// for a Magtftrate to irnpofe /. ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^, ^^^^ y^,^, ^^ ^^^ 

rW. upon mens praUife which fom .J^^^ .^ thi^^ of law full. ibid. 

the confaence. i < whenwe ufeit undutifully. ibid. 

7/.. Afflicationofthewhole ] ^ whcnwcyptllbe bonndto mthing. 35* 

1 Vic. The fearefua condition to bi\ 
hnbeleever ; the Son h^th not jet mad'] 


Sixe wayes whereby Chrifiian liberty is 

- ,1 J - I .-ou(ed.iyVhenweufetttothefcanda&of 

yeelded without ^ ■' 








y.i '--i. 

vi' ^,V.y-. 

VJ >i 



Chriftian Frccdome 5 
A Difcourfc flicwing the extents 
and reftraints of Chriftian 
Liberty, &c. 

Wherein the trurli is fetled , many errori 
confuted, objcAions anJwcred : 

And the whole applved,upon this 
place of Scripture. 

J Joh. 8. verf. 36. ^ 

I // the Sonne therefore fhaU nmk^ jou free^ je 
I Jhallbefrteindted.^ 

iT is fet down as a part of the 
*fufFeringi of Chrift, Hel>r. 
12. ?. that he endured the 
- -, w ~y^ among all the Chapters in 
the Gofpfll, there is none that fets down fo 
great apart of the fuffcrings of Chrift in this 
a kinde 


s| The Coherence of the Text, 

kinde, as this 8 of John^ from the i ^ verf. 
to the jp. which is the end of the Chapter, 
almoft every Verfe (hewes you how the 
Jews fee the pride of their obftinate and ^^ 
bellious wills,againft his Divine and infinite 
wifdomc. There was nf thing that Chrift 
could fpeakebut their rebellious hearts did 
cavil! at it,and thwart and contradi(% him 
in it. Yet there were fome among them,that 
the word had better effefts upon, you in 
in the ;o ver- that though there were many 
contradidors, yet forae were wrought up4 
on, fome bcleeved : To thofe in particular^ 
Chrift dfrcfts himfelfe,by way of Cautiotf 
and encouragement, and tells them, if thti 
did continue in his Word , they Ihoull 
knpw the truth ; yea, and the tri^th (hould 
make them free. 

Whereupon the Jewcs anfwered (not 
thofe chat beleeved, as appearesby the 37. 
•vtt for the fame pcrfons that thus anfwer* 
ed, fought to kill hira) We *rt Al>r^4n» 
feed, dnti were never i» hantidgt $»»») mtnk 
hat* fajejt then , vee fUU be m*Ai frt» ! 
CHritl init;ht have returned this impiidMl 
tfi in 1$' CiirvHl on them , by giving them to revicf 

l!?|(w,3iv»r. their former ftate under the EgyptiatHi- 
Babylonians , and prefent condition undtr, 

Horn. 18. th\ P.oinanes,but paffing by their corporall' 


The Coherence of the Text, J 

bondage ; he proves them to be in Spiritu- 
al!, and foule bondage to finne, 34 verf He 
thdl oinmitttth finne , is the fervant of finne, 
.but you commit finne. And having fhewM 
them their frefent finfull con^tkn , h?e 
comes to tell them what (hall be iheir futttre 
Jotme, they muft be caft out of the houf^, 
though they wefe now in the Church of 
God,yetthcy (hould not continue in it.ihey 
muftbecaaout,astheApoftle faith, Qii-,^'J'^'""'' 
4.30. Cafi out the btn^-vpnian and hTtbe'.tuil 
fonne. And this be proves by fctting down cum. 
the condition uf a fervant and a fonne, the 
fervMt tibUeth n'A in the houfe for ever ^ hut 
the fonne ai>idetb for ever. :; 5 . verfe. A nd 
yet he leaves them not here under their (id 
doome, but propounds them a way to pre- 
vent it, and that is by endeavouring t»gft 
free^ and then fets down the mennts how 
this frcedome may be obtained , and that \i 
by the .y«i»»if . * Though theworke bediffi-* CtxdltU, 
cult.yet he that abides in the houfe for ever, "^'". fi''*^ 
he that is the Sonne can effcft it : fur '/»^{, ^""^'^'^ 
StMue JbsU wuks J»H fret, joH JhdU f>e free fieri pog cut 
indeed. fereumU- 

■And thus have I cariyed you down to my berentur. 
Text; and (hewed the refpedsthat thele f "^-JJ^I; 
words have to, and the depcndance they 
have apanthc former words, 

B 1 We 




^ Th? DoBrintiUiddown 

\\<? (\y.\W now come ro look upon it a' 
inCire, of itidfj. // tke Scnne flM mak^ 
Ju$t free 

lln which voa may obltrve nn tA»U' 
ecofttt, an "I a Cj)f',tqnefit ; o', rirft, a '^upvi- 
Jitip-fj , ij ihe Jijnne jhAll mak^ y-.u free : fc- 
cofidly , a Concelllon, then jhull juhfrt 
i-si'ed. Vint j^ive me :eave to branch I 
forth in fliefc foine parriculais. 

IFitl^ , Heiewe have a 'Benefit expre(fed 
Frcedome. Jfthe Sentie m.ikejoi4 free. 

•Secondly, We have rhe o'«(i/u»>x gf tk 
frefd,?fte, Jc is a true and real I freedome 
frek tKcic-ed, 

Thirdly, We have the i'«%^of it,whicl 
fure are J;eleevers // the :^ tune Jhall tn^tk 

Fourthly, We nave the Authtur of ii 

Clirirt, IF che fmne (hall make you fr« 

'Jliat wi.ith IS exprefled.and that which i 

in^ployed, would afford four Conclufioni 

4Conclii- I 1 liar tvery man by »4/*rf , and in tt> 

l:_oni tiuiji n-j.v (*- ;. -t-neM in Bondage. 

• ; iiar rfiere aie fame, who are fet jn 
la; ill uiii .M riddge. 

! 1 hat {\\QittkAt are fit Free, are It 
Fr^eby^V •'-'/? 

4 j V'c.i \u(h as chrifi Lath fci free, the; 

at«: free »s.J.(W 



TheMAin DoSlri/'e pr0^i6H/ided. ; 

1 (hall not fpeake deiUnctly to all thele 
which I have |)r.>pouiid(.J ; Ic will not luie 
fowell With my dc'ig.c la cliis wuk. i lie 
firft Doctrine nui^hc ciuHcnge (omcching 
by way of IruroUurtion ca what fliali fal- 
low, and It m gilt be kiVicciiSU^ to let off, 
andtoiTiinand chis high pnv.icdgeof bpi- . • 
utuall freedome. Contraries, tliey do en- 
lighten one aiuicher. Suincihing of Heaven cotttian-i 
iiiigi't be kaowii trora Is il, and fomeching cntHratm 
of the excellency of our Spiatuali free- '^"ff/"- 
domc, from the contidei ation of our natu- "^''^• 
rail bondage : A biuidat^e, i to >inne. .z to 
Satan; :? to die law. Aii wiuch is full a 
fuiil-bondcige ; and tliac U.iiVvrlall b'^n- 
dagc : iec>»ii.iiy, a Crucil biirijige ; third- \ 
ly, a VVil.ir.g bondage: fourtiiiy,a bondage 
oucof which v^.c are not abii tored^emc 
oui iclves by price , or deliver oui icives 
by power. 

iiut this lif It Doctiinc wefliall letgoefot 
prelci)t,and ttliatl iiiigl.t licrelpi^ajie <>f ir, 
i (hall ie:crvetn lome .' pplitittion. Theo- 
theri'oure I willlumupiuio iliisoiie. 

'Dtct. 7 hitt there is n true .i a ritill Free-' 
dome which [hr'fi hAth pinch,'.! cd , .md imoDitUrin. 
yvhwh he hiiih inlUted ail ih^jt who^ire tint 

And in th.syou have the whole Ttxt. 
lis I'le 

The lin^seffreedome. 

The BtHejit frtedornc : The ^4litie of it: 
true and reaii : The SmI>]c[}s ot it, true Be- 
Iccvcrs; and the Anthouro it, Chnlt. If tht 
Sonne fl.AH ?Httkt jeu fret^ then — Allwhch 
maikes this one Conclufion , J hat there u 4 
true ani reall freedbme. 

Now in the profecution of this ,we fliall 
endeavour to do thcfe three things. And 
fo com? fo the Anlwer of tho(e Queries 
which induced n)c to enter upon thisDjf- 

I We will (hew you the Quditj of this 
frcedome here fpokcn of. 

3 We will (hew you the Naim e of it. 

t We Ihall Jilcover the parts of it. 

And this bricfl/, that l"o we may come to 
that which 1 have chiefly intended. 

I For the nature of it, what freedomc that 
is for ktnde, of which ( hrift doth here 
{[!• !;•=>, a.T- in o which Chnft Aothinflatt 
Belcvers. 1 or the clearing of which, it 
is acedfuilco tell you that there are /««« 
kinds of fre^domc. 

I A A'^inmll freedomc. a TJiticall. 
3 ScufuxH 4 ■' piritua/l. 

t irlt, A N'iturali frcedome, fuch a frec- 
^ohieasis in tvciy thing by nature, every 
^hiag in nature injoyes a natural frcedome! 
|)*UE of ihis ii is not ipoken, 
' j ' i^condly* 

I ChrifiiAii frttdome. 7 

Secondly, there is a Pvliticall freedome, 
which is freedomc of fuch a Nation, fuch a 
State, fuch a Commonwealth, and Cor- 
poration ; and of this the Je*es thouj^ht 
Chrift fpake ; they wee Ahr^kams feed, 
and therefore free , bucofthisi hrift did 
not fpeake. 

Thirdly, There i$ a ttrrupt and JitifuU 
freedom: , which we exprtlte unde; the 
word Li^ertinifme : and the ApoUle fets 
downc in the 5 (jal. r 5. Brethren^ jtt are 
called HKto libtrtie j hut ufe not Ititrtte m an 
tCfaftoH to tk fieji, that is, as an ocjafi-.n to 
finne ; this is fcarfull, to tnrne^hc grace of 
God into M>4Mfi'»«fjp,of whomthc Apoftle 
fpeaketh in the fourth of fude , There are 
certair.e men cnpt i» un^iwares^ who were if 
old trdained to the condemaaiion , nmrodly 
min , turning th; grace of (Jed into lafci- , 

Who perhaps did reafon with them, 
Rom.6 That they might ahmd in fiifne 
becaufe God hath ahnnded in grace^ which 
was fcarfull, noreafoning of a child of 
God. And of tie fame men cheApoflle 
fpeaks in n\'t 2.16. eAs fyec , and mt 
ufint^ joHi- lib en ie as a cloakj of mihcitHf' A 
nejfe ; that is, a pretence, or a colour to fin. 
Bfii M the fervuKts tfGod^ &c. It is evill to 
B 4 finne 

••*f'*(^.'*t^; ■ .JM.'.«?^>- 

8 I The quality of j Ckriftidttfreedome. 9 

mnc.to doe H»y a fl of malicioufncffc, bmno mere the ferv4ntofme>t^iCor.y. 23. But i Cor.7.13 
much more to cloaks ir,covcr it ; and much of this more hereafter, 
more agamc to m^k? Chriftian Bertie the Inthe generall then I fay, the frcedome 
cJaake of finne, that is mort damnable ; tointo which Chrift hith imfif-d bcleever-, 
make Religion,to make the truth o( Goi, is a fpirttuAll, a Mvi-,e ne Joine ; .1 frtc- 
to naice Chriftian liberty lo dearely pur-domein oppofition to our/ttr/w^rbondiqe. 
chaled,a cloakc or pretence to finne ; or to Which clearcly undcrftood .would diftover 
take occaUon to finncbyit, is a fearful! what our freedome is. We come to the 

but of this Chrifl doth not here fpeake, Secondly , What is the quality of this 

i'l^."Iru '*-^'' ^'"^ "°^ ^""^ fmdomt, ^cedomc ? 
asUhallQiewyou. Thcreisonefw^/.V/Mn the Text : I (hall 

Nurtljly, There is a fpimuali and hea- but adde two more to it. 
venly freedome ; a freedomc punbA/ed bj: Pii rt. It is a reaU frccdorac, not an ima- 
C hrift, revealed in the Golptl, conveyed tOr ginary, not a fancied freedome ; tliere arc 
the j'aints, as the great ^oiprji of Chrift to- too many who are imaginary free, and 
hisjChurch and i,poufe. jealiy in bondage : but this is no imagi- 

There are two great things Chnft hath nary freedome -, it is a freedome indeed. 
intruftcd into the hands of his Church: a true and reall freedome, whom the Son 
riitt.chrifiianf^ith. StcondU, Chrijiianli' makes free Aic free indeed. 
bertj : and as we are to contciul earneftly Secondly , It is an .-mwr/^// freedome; 

rti r ^'"^^"*"" of the faith, as the A- a freedome which leaves us in no part of 
poftle faith, /Wi?^. Soalioforthemaintc- bondage : that looke what ever was any 
nance of Chriftian /»^£r//>, againft all op- part of our bondage before ; in our liber- 
pugners and underminersofir, C«/. ^. i. ty now, we are freed from it, Butwemuft 
Stand faft in the Liberty wheremtb chrifi take heed of taking any part of our liber- 
waiU yo:t free. And mutli like to this is that tie for our bond.iie : or of our hondAge for 
pf t]hc Apoftle,ro« are bought »ith a priLe.h ow Bertie ; too many do : as 1 (hall (hew 

»» hereafter. 




of the parts of 


and To 

We were then in bondage to Satan, Kl ^.^nCr^anut (aithT4«' 
finne to the lav., ro w.athjo death.to hel^J TJJ.f ^/,f ^^^^^^^^ i. ths 

&c. And by thisprivilcdge arc freed {zc^^'l^r ^ * ' - " . • ; . .-- 

Iby thispnviledge are fred7.^„«hnft here ; -; ^J-^ ^^-0 ...i. 
alUc. It.sanuniverfall freedo.e m-^[fjZ:t2TfTeL they (hall 


rfiom Satan, ^^j^^jhe parts of this frcedome. 

1 Ihall Ihew*' gpford come to tell you what arcchc 

of parts, Weai 
«w^ .luiiiMn [uaiwas, oris any wavpart*""""/.;'' „„»" 
of our bondage: We are free f om SaL ^ J^jTn 

and univcrfall in refped of parts 
free from all that was 

UntbiAtthtntHthtHje Jor evtr , m^y »-.• 
„, iherit ; they thall injoy a perpctuall frec- 
^ ^"jome, never again to return to bondage, 
" 2 We come now to the third thmg pro- 

fromfin, from the law 

*Thifdlv TfU,. a .e A harTsoTouVchnmanfreedome.Imuftnc- 

1 hirdly, It IS a cnftHnt freedome i youJ./r,_,.„ .^.i „ou that freedomc in generall 
are .inflated mto a condition of freedome:^'2^.^iy,jttl Thefe two branches. 

Tf '^°"^^8'^^ _ , /iiHWdf* freedome , or the freedome wee 

If ever the Lords 7«^,7. was procIaimcd^Xt the".y, and thefreedomc of our 

;XaTof"a"«" ''f '^a' y °" ^^" "'■ffi;s Wr.- ' Wone m C7.^.. the other 
ver neare ot a m*r»* ro ^o;»^^|e more ; you- ^/ 

ftall never more returneinto bondage to'"^^7^,^„rpeakexhiefly tothc firft: the 

th?Lai.ror&?""''" ^'^ '^"^^^^ to Ji^rlfL^. herein^..... which i. 
AndZrh ft- r- ,„,,, our «cW.f>eedome: and wc will briefly 

•«. rL rl^ f 'T5 r '" ''^•' ^ .'^ It iay down the parts of it, which are two. 
^5. y^ijf Jervant dktdeth not t» the Luft ^ . Privative 

i'i'T'J'" *^' ^""" *^''^'^ f'"- '^"'- ' Pofuive ' 

Ittncll rf'^f '\ ^Tn • ""'^'^ '; We will begm with the firft. 

be™^.?nfh.V?- '"''"' ^''^'"^^^^^^ ^ They are free from Satan: Ifay, be- 

u^da h rlfn^l ,h '■^" U '■■ '^\ T; '"^ I«vcrs are freed from Satan. Chr.ft hath 

^^ln..?^^^c^'f^'^^^^^ '"'^eftus, and delivered us out ofSatans 

rr "' r i' °u '^.' ^'" ' '^^ ^"''" ''^ hands.We wer. prifoners to Satan, even in 

the prcmji, and the Icrvants of the Ur, ; ^^ chains,but arift hath delivered us.Thw 

'^^* is fct down byway of parable in Z-«<^ "• 



BcUeversfrted \ from the guilt of (m 


4U « « peace . -Bm when a flron^er JhioiBe (lia.l affaont be called ro account ^^^^^^ 
come.he ff,a/l fpcy/e him of hi, arm.ur B-i/orthy iin .s tl...Uj ittbou iiail anuitercft ^^.^..^^.i, 
inhetrufted.&ic. But plainly in //r^. 2 il" ^inl, Imne ■i.tllaevr cundcn*ne thee,;<a«.l'if- 
15. Chrifi c*mt into the world, thnt throif^»^'^ ^'^^'^ '»"'''*"■ '"^-*'"\ . 

deuth.hemiifbtdefiroybm that hadt^e po^ ^^ ^''^''^ "^' >^"V''^ ^•''' ^'"'^ 
of death, the devil. *l>e pay merit of Chv ilt ; n 


to reqmre 

of death, thf devil. ' ' ^l>e payment of C.lnilt ; nay to receive the 

Chi iit freed us from the wrath of Godfc'*'"" laci-stsftionof ^hnif aad ro recfHlre any 

X/Tf'?"l^urchalV,bu7fm^^ ti'J^'dmhm 

Indeed he bouglic us out of the hand J'^^'«?*»'"» "/ «^ "Z/'. *J.*- ? ?• '''"'^ ^^is hath 



his Fathers jultice by price; hut hee (^'C/"-//? done; he paidGod truhel:nd,hehad 
livers u> from Satan, as hee dehvered tP<^^fi'' '' ^"^ *^* ^""V Int'^fied tully con- 
children of Ifrael out of /^ y^r not K'^"'^^ = ' ^" " '"^ TMllbdovcd :>oHne ,^ j« Mat.12,,8. 




unto two 

Firll, Chrill hath freed us from the j^m 
of lin : yea of all lins which appears in'this 

1 That none of our finuts fhall con 
d^mne us. 

2 That none of onr fins fliall bring anj 
fiuits of wrath upon us. 

I 1 hat none of our fins fliall beable ti 
c()ndcmne iis ; Chrifi inteipofeth lumlclh 

itof finne. I ihali oncly"lpc»i ^"'8*"''"<"^'''^'*"'^/," ''y;'^*-.^"^?'*^^* ^^ 
of them, t.«.s, full payment. ilenieChnlt faith, fub 16. '« ^'at-S- 

10. J /end my ::'pirit^aA he (h^li conviucethe ''• 
mrlsi, as vf fit , fo of righteoufmffe , be- 
canfe f gte to the I''*thcr, and je ^mU fee me 
nomirc^ that is, you lliall fee me no more 
in this kinde ; yqu Iball never fee me agamc 
as zfHftrer, as a fatisfUr of Gods JalVice 
for finne more ; 1 have done this. Indeed 
we fli-uld have fetn Chrtft againe if he had 

b(|tween i^ and wrath, ti.ac' none fiiall b( "^ffati^fied Julbce ; if but the gcilt ot one 
aLJlctact'nJcmr]cus,At5».b',i. 2hre;j» ^^ thole iins he bare h.id //f«ou him unh- 


I For erernall punifliments ; all doe t- 
rce, thofe can never lay hold of any of 
lofc whom Chrift hath freed from finnc, 
bfe whom he hath jultified- 

For ocher puniftiments that have part 

14 Frttd from the Guilt if fn^ rrtedfrdmfnmjhmentef fin, 15 

tisfied for, it would have held him undi if you take away the body, thefhadow 

ehiuns ef death, the ;)ow*r of the grave, ffcuftoccds be removed ; finne is the body, 

ever; he could never have rtyiw.muchleLmjfliment the (hadow that doth attend 

have «/«W#<i and gone to the Fatheil j^d follow it : takeaway finne, and then 

hee had not anfwered Juftice to the fu|ie punifhments are alto taken away, all 

And therefore the A poftle makes a ch^odsdifpcnfationsarc in mercy 

lenge, hefets thedeathof Chrift agai 

what ever Sinne, Satan, Juftice, or 

can fay, Rem. 8. ??, ? 4. ff^o PjmU lay 

thing to the charge of Geds eleEt ? It is Cj 

thdT jufiifinh : lyhg U he that condennti 

h is Chrtfi that djed, ye* ruthtr thdt is r//^f eternall puniflimcnts in them, any thing 

ttgnine, who it evenut the right hdndof GM[ the nature of wrath, from thofe wc »re 

ivhoalfemakfthiHttrcefftinfor »«.He l"ay$n«fceed. 

Who (hall accufe,but,who(halcondemnr 3 And from all that beare relation, ftib- 

Todeed we may have <icc*»rfn enoughs Ordination, to any etcrnall puniftiment » 

Satan, Confciencc, &c. but none can coi|hefc certainly belcevcrsarc foreverfreei 

demne ; the ifluesof life and death are n|rom. 

in their hand. And as none of our fmntf i grant that God doth afflift thofe whofe 

fhall condemne us.fo none of our finnes ftulin he yet pardQns,but there is a great dealc 

put us into a ^4rf of condemnation moret)f difference, both in thcAwW whence they 

none of our finnes (hall ever putusHndacome, the ptrfon that beare thera, the 

the curfe, under wrath agame : and thatij^reWiof infliding ; the ends that God 

the fecond. ^jmet at in the afflifting ihcra on us : as I 

2 None of our fins fhall bring any fruit|hall (hew afterward. 
of wrath on us We are freed from all mi God doth not afflid his people for fin.' 
feries, calamities, afflidions. puniftiment* Firft, isaffliUieHs are part of the cmrft 
which yet are the fruits of fin, asthey mafor finnc ; fo he cannot doe: So we all «- 
' be conceived to be fruits of wrMth-^ or hav^ree. 

wrath ia them. Secondly, 

- I - 



■• 4/- 

6 Prttdfromfunijhments, P reed from d«mimoHef fw, tj 

Secondly : as they ite payments fori God hach thoughts oflove in all he doth 
fatisfaAioii for finne, a» if Gods jujl to his people: the grenndsoi his dealing* 
were not tull enough fatisfied for finne tous in love,though the tccajion may be fin, 
Chnft.buc he had left fomcthing, for ut^ ^hc manner of his dealings are love,and the 
bcarein way of iatisfaAion ; fo the Papii *»Jof his dealings arc love, i Our food 
(r , (and therefore they penance and p here.to make us partakers of his holinefle ; 
n\ih themfelvcs) but fo do not we. \ as the Apotlle faith. 2 Our ^Urj hereafter. 

Thirdly, God doth not affliA his peof to make us partakers of his glory. 
f<>r finne, asajfliftions arc the meet fruiti But now it is not fo in Gods punilhments 
finne, for as they are the mcerefiuiui of wicked men. Neither is the ground 
finne ,fo rhcy are part of the curfe. Aftii^ Jove.nor the manner love, nor the <r»<^love, 
onsupon wicked men are meerely pen^ *'l his ^i-^/iV^i with them in this kind, they 
pare of the curfe: there is nothing mcdifeare^^rrj of the curfe, and ;.4«/ of their dc- 
nall in them, they are the effefts of meJ nierits for finne And that is the firft par- 
vindi(etivciu(tice, and not of fatherly nigticular branch, he hath freed us from the 
ci^',&c. but affliftions on the godly, tllflgu^^t of finne. 

are mcdicinall to cure us of finne. j Secondly, Chrifl hath freed us from the 

And this is the Firft. Chrift hath fr« Dominion of finne, Rom. 6. 14, SinnejhaB. 
lis from the guilt of finnc.by which we a""' ^*^f domimn »ver pu. Why ? /cr fdith 
undcrtland nothing elfe but thatwrad *^ ^w art mt under the law^ tut under 
that punifhment which is due to fin. Ten" ^'''»«- indeed while we were under the 
poiall, Spirituall, Eternall. And 'a*^ ^H had full dominion ; it had not only 

1 From Htcrnall puniftimcnts. wee i^^/'iT'*'' in us, but Dominion over us. And 
agree God hath freed us. ^^at dominion a voluntary^ a rvilling^ a free 

2 From Spintuall, as they have relatio M<^«» and rcfignation of our felves , to 
tUternail? fo we muft needs conclude, thcmottonsand lervicesof fin. Then we 

5 From Ttmporall. fo far as they hif.wenc downe fireame, windc, and tyde; 
relation to eitherfpiritual I or cternall j* there was both f.wtroi luft , and loftfuir 
niftiments ; or, as they have any thing) ^ ^'"*''' 

vvrath in thero. 


rim Roma 

18 Belee'uers arefrted \ 

incl'inku'stts to can y us : this was the tjit; 
the other was the Wind. 

But now being under grace\ a covcnan 
of grace , interejfed in Chrift, and fet frft 
by hirti ; wc are freed from the dominioi 
and power of finne. 

Though ftill we have the frefence ; naj 

the ftiirings and workings of corruptioni 

which makes us to have many a fad hear 

and ^'et eye. Yet Chrift haththus farn, 

fiecdi us from finne , it (hall not hati 

dominion ; there may be the turbulencit/ 
mgoin cum . , /„. . , 

femtnr.i °^^ not prevmencj ot Sinn f. there may K 

carthaginc the ftirringj of corruption ; as it was fai<: 

q nam am of C4rth.i^^e, that/?t)w« Was more troublef 

tmcgra. yy^i^ jj ^j^f „ halfc dcftroyed , then whet 

whole. So a godly man may be more troiy; 

bled 'with fiiiwh^ k is conquered, thn 

whert it r«^«f^. You fliall ftill heare of it 

operatpi. wordings, but they are checked workings 

catumfed rathtir workings for life.thcn from liferthtj 

fiaax f['c- are nbt fueh uncontrolled workings as for 

rauonts^ Yneriv. Sin is under command ; indeed i 

^^auluine may get advantage and have a tyranny 11 

tyfanidem the foule, but never foveraignty more : f 

txe;ccat fay, it may get into the throne and play tk 

fednerei- tyraijit in this or that particular adof fu 


(rem t he dcmmien efftt. i p 
never reignc more, ycu (hall never yeeld a 
voluntary willing obedience to fin- Sinne is 
conquered, though it Hill have a being m 
you. SMMJugafiine fct$ down man un- 
der foure condition. ; that i^, before the mm ten- 
Jaw we i^inchhcT fi^ht nor /nt;.againftMj-«r 
fianc; under the law we fii^t, but are^^^^,^^i>'^.^^' 
overcome: under grace we fight and ««- g,^,j^^/., 
futr ; but in heaven there is all csw^xf^.and p.uc. .'hnc 
nofoU^nmoreto all eternity. It is om!^gm»vn 
happincfTe here in grace,that there is a «»- ^"^J/J"'' 
■^Hcj}, though daily cm[>at: we H^^^M^^„:„;,, 
we get the viftory , finne (nail never Ivivef^^yi^^^. 
more dominion over us ; thofefinnes thttmhrjub 
were k:ȣt ar^ now captives in us; they g'atta pug- 
that were in rhe throne, are now in chaincs. '"""" « 
And what a mercy is this. Where others J^^^'""^^'* 
are under the AHthritative comsunds (^f p,,,rt.:r/ius 
every paffion.of every luft; tvery (in Iiath ^/W^w. 
cqmmand ovef them, no temptation comes a.^^. i» 
.but- It conquers, A finfull heart ftands tea- '^^™- 
dy toenteaaine every finn:,if it comes on ^''^^'^^""^y. 
w(th po.vcr. It is taken captive <jr pl^^- paxfervtri 
fure.Atidrvithpleafure /^ 

But ^jiou art free from it, fin is broken in 

the tempting : there is no <i//(;»i»^ of fin in 

the underftandiog.the foul is not willing to 

allow of finue 04 finne under any notion 

C a no 



Fretdfrom the pwtr of fit. Believers freed from the Uxv. 2 1 

mcUfyng with ic in the will . m tmhrncl,^''^ for tbcfecond. Chrift hath freed us 
of ic in the affediom ; the workings of fii»°™ "°"** ^. .« , . ^ , , 

are broken and wounded. &c. You willne. Thirdly, Chnft hath frtei h* frtm th, 
Mzxh^mlhnz MMm/tofinne againe:yof -"J that isanothcr part of our fieedome 
may bc^-prit.f.,nevcrM.i?/ ; nnmayrj^y thrift. We are freed from the law, 
ram<^, ntvtt reigne. The nifnt of rinflJ""-7-?.<5. We^n delrver,^ from the Uw, 
doth denominate afouleunder 1/ r ^o^*tytingh»dtoit. we Jhcu/d ferveiM new ■ 
of finne , and under a ftatc o fiunc bM« •//>»'■«. '*'*^ *"' »* '^' f'^«# •/ »*" 
finnc rather dies ih^n lives in you. As yoj""" ^a'' »• ^9- ^, '*^«*i*' '*" '*'' ^^ 
know a man that lives fnkly : a man that ""^ ^"^^^ '""'i '*f f W '**"' """ ^»* 
confuming ^4.'> he is faid lathcr to die the '»'• ^ '8- ^/^7'*' '^^ h ^*' J/»>»^ 7' *'■« 
live i to live implie. a getting Orength.ao »» «*^'' «*'/*»'j Rom <5.i4. Teare mtun- 
io finne doth not : It is in a Confumptioi "" '^''-w. **' »*«"' Gr4«. 
dying daily. ^"^^ 'f"'* " another part of our freedome 

It is dead 'jHdkUlly, Chrijt hath fentcnce '/ ^^^rift j we are freed from the law : But 
it. Chiiahath condemnedSin in the flefl 'hatthiiuweftialirhcwatlarge. 
Aw. 8. 3. it had its dead blow in the deail » iY«are freed from the Orwwa^M// 
of Chrift. And itisdying4fif«4y7;: gsth'-'.wh'ch was4 yoke wh,ch ntttherm, mr 
Houfc of S41U. It is in iti decreadng evcrt^'' ^f *»!"' "'"■' f f* '« f^f' » ^^^ ' ^*°- 
day.But only God hath chofen to put fm >^ J,^'* « "^^ all.hercisbut a fm^B part of 
alingring</f4/*,adeath uponthe Crofli>0'fr«e'»oroc. .. w „ , 

for the greater puniihment of finne, thati^.'^* «« ff««* ^'O^^''^ ;f^''** '^T' 
might fenfimmri, and for the further fa^J^"^"', " « rot/««4»r fay our Divines. It 
.wi/i4/«i» of Saints, that they night be p|Wo«l4fm a great deale of trouble to fay 
upon *Arw,/e of prayer, andcaft ipon th ^c are freed from the law, ai a condition 
W<^of their/4,>il, ; and fA:«r«/* their faitli"P«" the obedience whereof we expefted 
for the i-i/y breaking of the power of fij'fe. But take it inthcic words , we are 
and corruption in cbem . And fo much ftiF^" f' om the law as a covenant ; the en- 

(jjy^uiry will be then, what Covenant it is f 

C ? 1 Sjme 

lex datiff 

21 t^e'dre/reeti'fr'em the Uw of Covtnm, 23 

I Some would have it a Covenanff'^'''''^'"^*'* "* ^^ f« the teArmulinAti 
ivorkes^wi yet will noc have ic«p;)fl/7/e|'h'^'' ^^* ftood ; that to we might be 
the Covenant of grace. '|r*JUg''t out of our felvcs, and brought over 

2 Some would have it a Covenant J^ ^J'"''/''. that ws mgfit.apeft nothing 
Gr4«, but more legally difpenred. •" ""elation te life from the law,or from our 

5 Some again would have it a /w;.vt c|^f'^'^»"'^oit, but ali n.)m Ctinil, who is 
vcnant, m.xt of the Covenant of Natuil*""'Shtcou(ncfrc and peace. 
and of Grace. J ^ ^^^" "ot in this place citbate thcfc 

4 Some again would have it a fnhferviS^^"f^' I ^'^*'« 'c'" "cd 'c to another placej 
ovenant: a Covenant 2iven to them i*"f^y ^ '''>'> 'hiit the bciipturefccms not to 

liold forth. ■ ■ ■ 

Covenant; a Covenant given to them 
way of fubferviencie to the Gofpcl ai 

5 And others would have it rio Covettu 
but rather the r epet it iattoi^ the Covenant 
worksmade with man in innocency. / 
that God in giving of the law, did but n^ 

, that it was the repetition of a 
covenant, but that it was a Covenant it 
ITelfe, £aW. 19.4. and 6. and expren,' m 
hnt. 4. 1 ;} . rW the Lord dec lured Uyito yen 
f^^ti Covenant which he commanded you to per- 
,u.u uuL ,,J'"''"^ 5 '^f" '«» OmmAndemtnts, and he 
tlie covenant" under svhich we did, and 3'^''''^*'^^'*' */''"' *^o iabln of fione. | 

fland till we come over unto Chrirt. .• J*^ ™at you fee it is in cxprcflc tearmes 
And this God did with rr.ocifull purp;"'^""''* f Covenant. And k is generally laid 
fcs,to drive usout of our rc!ves,and to ^?^^"" ''V ^'V'"" as one part of outjreedom 
us over unto Chrifi : as the A poftlc fefl ^ ^hnft, to be free from the law as a co- 
to fpcak when he demands this queftift ^^''**"f- And therefore I conceive they doc 
Cal. ^ 19. But if the inheritance le mt', "^'""derftand it to be a covenant of grace, 
the law ^wherefore then fervith the law M; ""^'y [egally difpenfed j becaufe then ic 
' "- " ' • ■^f-i^ffJ.?,^''";^''<='^f"«'^»"a'J. that we are free from 


theLdiv as 4 CevenMt^ 25 

»4 BeUevtrs freed jty. 

obedience or difobedience to it : So k,r^f,f0s, *nd bcUevt in thy hem th'^ 
^ZcT'^'' r. Gr4fr,and could no way ^od uif'd him from the deal thou Mt h 
r.?i^r/r'V!;'^''i"'""''^ fpeakcGf,.,^. iut though it ftood'uponV^^T?,. 
',<r.u7lk. "''"^'*'^J^*''f";^ff>andtor.;>.«rofhiso4,,,«„,toGrace, ycthadit \t$%l,fervLt 
Pofici, p.o racffy, '«e'ng i, c hadgive» the promife fon^nds to it : as the Apoftle fhews at large in 
cnorn.,ho, Med and thirty je^resl^f re, and the laihe third oU^tGd^tians, in many places: 
^,;,;r:^' ^"^''f'^ ^^^^e prora.fc; andthereaalccbutonevcrfe.thcai. where the A - 
&Bt; "•" rh T'""^ '^u.'' "''f oppofit^oftle faith. Is the l^ a^ainfi the prmiCes, 
toit; th.swere not aJdmn toMt the i^od forbid f implying that though it ftood 
fj'f'^^ot the prom.fe. Bcfidesjt isfai ?pon»/,peA«tearracsryet hadititsM/irW- 
fobe givcn ,n the bands oU A/edia^o, >ntend/to the promife, and Covenant of 
V h.ch a Cov.n.nt of mrkes fo onderftoc >ace ; if which be their meaning, whether 
w II not adm.c of j that w,ll not bcare wii t were not better for diftindions fake, ex- 
a Mediatour : as IftaJ fhew at large aftc ,reft by fome other word, I leave you upon 
ward. J'Othacwhentheyfay,thattl,el»i:hefeque.ctodeteiminc. ^ ^ 

was a CQveH4»t ofwork_es, they do not ui We will now returne to the jjrtf pmlcu- 

jTo^'Ij L V^^'l' ^'^ ' ^^'^m^^ t^r laid downe, viz that we iefree frm 
hfe^nUea,h, then fliould it be o^^o^th, Im as a Covenant. It is the diftinftion 
CO oracc : «ut that ti was fuch a Cerw^which is laid down ufually in anfwer to tha 
■i fk ^.^!''L""8'^t '" ihe^ifpenfation ^objcdions agaioft the o!>lifatio't to thckw. 
V ti^'" ' ""r"'^ ^''''- ^"^ ^^^"8^ ic fto«, The law may be confidered as a rJ, and 
g£ TZ^f' f^r^o Grace, as the Apo as a Covenant, when you reade the Law .s 
Ltp:b,r- 'flelhewsinhisEpiiHeto theifow^^i, ihftillin/or„. Jt is tobe underftoodofthe 
'-■ Hianyplaccs; J will '^-- - ' - ■ - 


diitata tt 


. - V A^r , r "^ "'^ ''"' °"'' ^"' ^*^ " » ^*''«. "Of as a Covenant ; Aeajne" ^^»f *«- 
f'u) ^?/?W</"m^.^6 I/,, „;g^,„«/4 when you reade the Z-ww- is abrofatel zniT,il"f'^' 

VhT' I*' t '^'V'"*' '^'^ '^"^^ '^'"i^ *''" y*^" «« f^"'* fro"^ the Law"; it is to h/'^dluret 
^1 I tl ■ u'^r ^ , h' '*' r,;^*/««Munderftood of the law as a Covenant, not as L,«.T 
i^c^ u of Uith fpeakfth en this wife, verf 9^, a R„/e3\it yet in all this it is not expreffed./"]^*'**. 
4\ba) »/ th,uJkiU coM y,uh thy month ik wliat Covenant it is , the Apoftic calles it , ' 

edt tv wfrrni^f "'^' ^ \'- ""'^" ^Hou lookc for /^. alone by Clm.l. 
I27/..- T L!^5 ''"' ""'"/'• r "^ f'eef And this was the Af^iiUs cafe, he was 

e«« - mfl.ft^^.^onyou. You are^,^^r.,■^ a«;,„u^hgoudrrom chcUanJ hw.^J...r. 

J !n ;!,Thf ^ ^" ^^^ V^''"/ ^^'^ '" "P^o .eis any man, /i.^.^P,! o. V ^.^ ^dr.c^ 
WOQitHhtjRom.i.C. jhe Un>kuh doA^ui, he. without the hrP o»ce.ihiHi vi.iUmt 

Argument ^^ tins for themma, th,t h,tilh,„ ^he cmmundementc.m:, tk..f;* mi- 

foUg^ he hvcth but if her hmb*ndL,4,ordJedt.Ufe, I fo»ndt.be nm deuth, 

B^.ln Iw Zr " t"^ ^""^u' ^'"^ '^ ^" Hhat is. I found mftead ^q.vtng .nc, it ^.7- 

Rm6U. itvht I K™?"^/'^'''""'^P'"''"''««/^'^nie. Jtgave death maead of l.fe. Tor 

TlniL !'JSl""S'>^ be fee down; I (l^all only f« ^„-,/, h,^ L, ,,ki„^ .aa^ h '^^ /-". ^- 

ciutm. f^^. '^'' one. which yet is fubraitted to b« \,iyed mUdby u l^^ wMhat ,s, the law 

ter judgement by natu.e or covenant , tl canie in with an enlightning,convincing.ac. 

Jaw IS your husband I you arc under^ cufing, condemning p«>,>.r, and laid me on 

f.T 'if l''''^;"r^ ^\ yonvfHbjeakn to my blks, did cleane k'd ^^ I lay I could 

to \ie]Hfitfied and fjvcd ; and till the law; expcft nothing there, nothing from it as a 

a c<?venanc, or husband be de^d to you, a> covenant. And as the law was now dead to 

yo^/fl;^furtheApoftle makes them boi him and could 4ord nothing to him , fo 

I on^ verf.^. you wdl never look for rigll was he now ^f^<^ to the law. and cxp^atd 

; , tcouhiefle and life m anotherj Till the S nothing from it after : as he teiis you af. 

jlokillyou and you arc dead toit.yo-iwf terwards.C7>./,i.ip. / throu.^h the Uw am 

look tor r.ghtcourneffe and life in obcdi' ^,,j ,„,/,, /,»,, th^ I „.ight Uvet, God. 

encje to it. Lut when once the law hath M That is, the law having now IImh me, 1 am 

/^4you,apd (hewed you it is di,d to you.ani for ever «)f J to it, I cKped n.thing from it 

car^ 40 yoitno good, and you are d^adio it< as a covenant, all my /*/* is in chrifi 1 look 

anc|canf^y,,^/nothmgfrom.t, thenwil now to /r.. by another. Uhnnih the law, 

■^ ihat 




t8 Beleevm freed from \ theLawatdCovetiAnt. 59 

thati$,throaghthcconvincin|,€nlightnin|,,^^/«^,^,)[,,/- CcdMitbom him, &c' 
eondemniog killing power of .t, fee thttj hcreforc muft needs be under ihe Curlei 
tsae/idto mcjand I to it: andean cxpcd n£r .k. Lj,^ 

thing from icihatis.as a f^T^*»4«ronifca» But now'thofe that arc bcleevers. thry 
death.It IS dead toae,and J to it,and 1 ^e freed from the law, as a covenant o l.fe 
for all from <^h"ft -but thus much fhij j^th. And therefore are free fiom the 
fiifficetohavefpokenof the firft. We il„y„ ^^ ^^/.^^^j,-,^, of ^h^ Law. t' e law 

u^^V'*"!!!^!; /'*'! *' * Covenant. Cj^ nothing to doe with them, as touching 
which we (hall fpeake more largely in %,irtter^4U rtatc and condition. 
Anfwerto the (Queries : We will corner^ Hence the Apoflle. Rcm.^.i. ThtrtUm 

\demnatieM ti them thAt are in Chrifi-^ that 
,to them who are not under the law: 
Were you indeed under the law as a 

other branches of our Chriffian freedoi 
from (he Law ; which will hang upon thij 
if we looke upon it; as a Covenant of 
and death. 
I Secondly, You are freed from the ». 
Mlicns and Citrfes of the Law , The Lai 
requires fjro things of them uhoareun 


mant , there were condemnation, nothing 
fe but condemnation. Though the law be 
t able to fave you.yet it is able to c»^dem» 
u, though not able to yefiow the biclfing; 

Gal. J TO. 

ItX qitiad 

ad (Ivrt 

At muny as art tf the yforkj of the Uwy 
that is under the law, as a couenant thac 
)ok for life and juftification thereby) thty 
rtHndtrtht enrfe. And he ufeih this Argu- 
lent, For it is written : Cnrftd U he that 

it. Either, that you (hould 0**7 the /»'*f<4et itcanM«r*thef«r/*upon you, GaI. ?.' 
Which was impoflible, in that ftriAnef >. .>- j ? j 

«nd rigidneiTe the law commanded the 
ipal.^, or that we (hould ieare the ptnalt^ 
ft of the Law which are infu ppor table. bitb 
you rnuft*^*; the commands, or fufer 
CMrftiof the Law ; Either doe Guds wiB 

or >jf.r Gods will, in /.r/«>«m of Soi|eeds be under the c-r/".; becaufeit is not'd7^\ 
ana body : And in that fad Mlemma thoioffible to«^*; in all things, and to faiU in ad%va^. 
are who are under the Law, as a coveoainy.you are left under the curie. Aug. 

fch. I tit thM Ifthivtth net I, co^dtmj So that 1 fay , wtce you under the law, 

^/«<M> the 

ihm tkejinaU things, declaring he muft ^^'J^^;^'. 



Chriflui j <■■ 
Jliis Icnij^,- 
janier L'd 

fti {;<■.-' 

dcrdi!i. .. 


• F«/* f.-.H' 

culpa gmm- 

30 Bileevers freed frfim \ tht L*w as 4 C^veaAnt . 31 | 

the law is aible to condemoc you : tliougivhy thois hath God de»lc with the law to 

cannot faw you. Rem 8. ^ ^elcevcrs, as touching <k ohli^AtioH to the 

I?ut now being in Chrift , Chrift i|urfc ; its fewer to feiSf«nec and condemne ; 

freed you : from the curfei of the lawjhe Apoftle tells us, ^/, 2. i^. H<r hath \^oHcomen^ 

thatbybearmg thiscurfe for you: z%%ktted out the handrfritlng 0/ Ordinances "" to quod. 

Apoftle, Gal. ^ i ?■ Cbrifi hath redakhatwxs agAinfi tu^tvkkhrvas ccmtrarj to hs,^^'^"'^'' ^"■: 

tu frem the curfe of the Lsw^by ktiug^^ni tool^ it eut of thewAY, nailingit to hti^['."''*'^^'^* 

^ fw/e forw: hec doth not onely igjirefe ; Byhand-wrifibg of Ordinances, \c'!iucoHdo- 

,' -'anngthecurfefor us, but by being n oncciveis not meant the Ceremomnl'Law nata, sub- 

n ( uric for us. For it is written ; (^urfi ilonc; but the Mora/l too, fo farre as it \^ni'"cfiit ipfum 

every one ihKthangeth en the tree. And 1 igainft us. So farreas it did bind us over to ^^'^'^"V^- 

is anofher ieneft flowes from it. You he curfe ; and the jlpofiUs Gradation'is ^^H^uml d 

freed frSm the law as a Covenant, 1 lere ohfervable , Af hath llctted cut , but fj^f^jj^/a 

'fo from the curft of the Law , the J eaft this'fliouid nint he enough, Icaft ii\y ita delctum 

hi i'")t paffe' fentence upon you, it can houldTay.it is hot fo blotffd out.but itway qulnpofjlc 

i^ondemne you. i You are not to be reread, therefore ht^i^dds, he hith takeH^''".''}''^f'*r ^ 

in that court. 2 Ci^r»/? hathfatisficdii f'«»'«7- J^uf icaftihisfhouldnnrbeenongh ^"''"'f*''''' I 

«lh?f«ll- 'f'ther, leaftn.me might fky ; yea, but it'SZln^ 

And rhisprivi ledge is not Qiiely for) ^'H ^^ found again, trffd put in futt afrefli : per tffe fub- 

nt. but for ever^ though you fliould fu ^"Cforc he adds , 'he harh nailed it to his '-'^«»,/f^ 

jcrrhclaw cannot pronounccthe curft ■''«/'. he hath torneitin pieces, never iQi''''^S'<' f^<'- 

■j'ou ; becaufe you are not under the L 'e put together more. 1 he law (hall never li^fr"^"^' \ 

V"ufe ye are freed from the curfe of 1 ^^"^ anything /a y^wfor the finncs of he- tm&Vo- 

law: and the curfe can never take b '^^"^rs. Indeed it hath ^/^c^e bill i, h\ooiy ier'etur iupo- 

^n thee. A man will never be afraid ofi "d'tements againfl fuch who are under it : l^f^'w, imo .1 

i^bligtttien, which is made voyd , the S '"' i'f^all never have any thing to produce ^"^'*'.^ ^^ 

lorne off ; * the yvriting defaced : nay,i 'gainft thee, who haft an intereft in ckijty "m^i'^'d "vi 

t)nly eAr)C(l'd aod croft, but tome in piecl /T/r'ifl'w '^^ 

L^P*7"' '"-l""i"'-.^l'rogata l,x qmadvm damnatonm^ 
ton qiuid Vim diHcio, mm. Dav.i.'ii^ ■ ' 



j2 StUevtrs freed frm \ thtcurfeoftheLm, ^^ 

I may fay of fuch, as the Apoftle doth io Fourthly , againe , that Cmh c^nmc 
noiher^fcnfc, agMw/lfiuhtkere is mlaw. ictHdetitHf you , bccaufe Chrift in our pcr- 
thercis no law tojumtihtm , fo there fon and fie^d was condemned by it^ tftac 
no law to cM^mtuih^m. wee might be fireed , G*l, 3. i^. Chhik 

This the Aponie ftews plaine, Sim^^tt, redttmi us frm the cnrfe 4 tht law 
34. ffheu hethdt ctndemHtth^ it u CmeiM^ wMde aeurfe for tu. * It may (Ton- * '^^^^ «- 
thMt djtl He fetsthcdeath oickrifi agaifeemne finnc in us : but cannot condemne ''""^^'^ 
all that can be brought : and it is evident us for finnci qu^mvint 

Firft. That Cfl/^rf cannot condemned Fifthly , that Cmrt cannot condemne, 'Zr'quid 
caufethat Cmn is condtmned^ the curt|,eeaufe you have MpptaUd from it; you/"«^/«« 
judgements, and fentcnces of tt arc «fe(f this in the PHblkan, he was arretted; '''S«'^^ 
UMguam «o» invalid, and of no power * men that lagged into the Court of jufticc, fen- ""^'"""'i 
V6cemba- condcnuicd , they have a tongue, buc|enced and condemned : but this takes 7;'''^'^* 




vayce. So here, though the Law havi w place bccaufe hee makes his appeal* ; qu^imvts 
mgueiiiW to accufe, yet hath it no /« ?o^ be mercifuU tg me 4 finntr : hec fl/es Hon flcklcu 
to condemne, it cannot fatten condcra o Chritt , and faith the Text, he went 4. Amef. 
lion on you. ,4j j^ftififd. So that Court (provided ^"''^ '^' 

Secondly, That Om cannot condcn igur appeale bejuft) cannot condemne 
you, bccaufe you are not finder it as a C» tecaufe you have appealed to the Court of 
you are not under the law as a covenaai|4i<r(;. 
life and death. If you be in Chritt, youb Indeed, there be many who make a/«/> 

""t^L * 1?°^*"*"' ^^ ^^^^^' *PP^''* ' ^^^y appca'e in Pirt, not whoUj ; 

Thirdly , That Caitrt cannot conde«lhey will truft part on chrifi. and part on 

yop : bccaufe you are not under the condJiJwi/i/t/M. Many that appeale to ChriJI- 
nation ofit, you are under the ffl»d<<ff,lfbr/«/z;«ti>i,,whodo not appeale to him 
not under thef*r/« of it,you arc undcri^or fMa^CMtm : this if falft. 
/)^f|r«/;n (though not as the Law doth hi. Many who appeak to Chrift befofe 
them out, upon thcfe termes docthisaihcy bcMyf in the former Goartj bcfor* 
Az/^Jbut you arc iiot under the /«»4/r; of jj g^^^ 






'34 Beieeifers freed frtm 

chey be hnmbled, convinced , condem 
lin it;e Uw. 

If on may retde what kindeaf appc 
wili doe you good In the poore Tuhlun 
he feems a man caft and condemned 
the Court of the law, and tbereup 
makes his appcale to Chrift m the G 
Lulc. iS.ij'P*' '-^^^^^ the words , it is faid of hi 
He flood *Urrt tff, 4>$d wtuidrnfom 
as liftHphU tyts to heaven ; hut fmte 
i>fe»ft^ Jaying, God (fe mtreifttU tome 4 
net. Here was a three-fold demea 
and it anfwers to a three-fold afF^ai 
inhKn. tirft, k fio,d afarrt off -, and t 


iht tutftofthe Ltw» t 3J 
liWlf as fatvition; to bee made hr 
Ij bf Chfift, as Bellas to be miAcha^py 
iy Chrift. 2 U muft be the appeale of 
man htimbled and cafl in hirafelfe. No 
an will appeale to tmother Court , till 
frft he be frf/f-ahd condemned In the for- 
ier, So hcrtf \<re cannot appeale to Chri(f, 
II firftWd htcafi-, condcihned by Ale- 
?nd this the Apoftle fhewes, ifcw, ^ ^""-J- 
ffe havt pruvtd hoth J ewes and gen- 
ilts to be all nttder Jinne. At it is vrritten, 

here ii unrig ri&ktfaui ma tint nttr • fjjfy 

kre u none rigbtetus, no not one j there ts 

— , "^j>y*aHjitrr»tjj-^ j^jiQ^-'^e that Hnderfiatideth , none that fetkitk 

anfwers to his feare and cegfternatio^^^'" ^'"^• 
He would not fo mitch at'iiftup hit em ^^creisthe indiftment, and the accu- 
this aflfwered to his (hame and confofi(l''°" ^^^^^ '*^> ^"'^ '" ^^'"^- ^^' V^" have 
He fwHte hii hreafi ; this anfwered to ff ' Sentence , or judgement upon it j and 
forrow and compundion: and being tyP^^^hcApoflle tells you the reafon^ why 
caft hethcnappealcs:(Jc<i^r »»<r«/«/y/J^^ ^*^ faith this; it is that every mmth 
4\Jinner. might be Sopped^ and all the world may he- 

I In briefc then, if thy app^ale be rigr*' ^*"''J' ^^f''^' ^'"^' ^^^w when the 
aAd fuch as will doe rhee good; j J*»hath accufcd, when it hath fenrenced 
Hiuftbo a totally m: '^ vmiaH apptalt • yrV» fi°f* ^^^ mouthes , and we become 
muft noL cnmfe- f . . r /;wA f-., Ti — Li:J|uilty; now comes the finncr to make 

aAd fuch as will doe rhee good; 
Hiuftbo a tBtall^m- 'i vmiaS apptalt , ,. 

mutt nou cometo CXn/?. for tome relit- • - 

onciy, but fotnii. Chrift muft jiave f'^^fM' ^om theL<»» as a Covenant, 
honour of all. 2 It muft bean apptalt 2P. "^^^ * Saviour : he lookes for no- 
Gti€t&&m\litmerfy ; foi fandificatlrf ^"^ ^'^°'" ?«/?»«, but all from mrcy. 

And having thus appealed , the Law 

Tiathgpmorc to doe with him; he is rtoc 

D t uiidec 

3<S Bdtevers fmd frm thelndiBmtHtstftheLm. 37 

under the /./»/w* the penalties of 4tc tree, becaufc they (liouia not h, mfe 
law: heisoutofthercachof It Thela^nough ; and you fee how ordinary it 
can uks « W^of him for ««^«4/i,js with him. either to accufc Goiismcrcy, 
hec IS fled to Chnft. hce hath r4^.*/<i;^hen he tells them they may fume, and 
«^4rr mh.m. , . -yet God will be merciful!; or his 5'«y?,«. 

I And what zmviUdge 11 this , that y« that if they finne , there is no mercy for 
are free from the curfcs and penalties (them. As he firetckth GoAs iufticc a- 
thclaw^ ; that .f the taw tkrt4tt», Chri^vethe bounds of theGofpel ; fo he 

VZrt'' '^t u'^ '^f*. ^^"? ik\/fmchethGodi mercy above the bounds 

/«*.Mh.s ,s a h(gh pnviledge : if Go Jfhii truth. 

did but let one fparke of his wrath a.^ And as he accafeth God to man ; fo 

difpleafure fall upon your confciences fi\nan to God.- i Either by way of««. 
k "JcTote t us fre'Jd ''' ""^^ * "^^//-'-^ •* you fee in fofiua^ zA j.i. ., ,,,,, ^ 
ThTri? V L jr . i3.t And thus he is ever laying crimes, i,j, 4/ 

Thirdly You are freed from the jfanJ preferring Bills againft the Saints.So 
dt^mems AHd 4ccHf4tu>»s of the law, /^ that in all his temptations we may fay is 

f^ !/' vTr^hi '^ ""^/^'"-^ '" *^' ^Htbcman to ^omI, , when he asked why he 
ofGcdsEha? One would thinkc ihii; killed not ^^/i/bwj Thou thj felfeLrd 
ftrangcaueftion, ivho {h»V why there «.*-« /*. King ccmmMnded, that Ahfdm , 
enow «,.[! lay to their charge. ^JhonUnot be hurt, and iflbad ^J,A«[/;™; 

their charge J he is called, Revel, i z. iim»ld have accufcd me to the Kinjr. So may 
A. ^.«Ar */ ;6, saints night and d»i we anfwer Satan ; Thou thy felfedoeft 
r';J*^''%S'"t C^Wwfflr, ever pn. know that God hath /ir*»-J^» this thing: 
rcrtf.,. Bills of indidment againft tj;andif Ifliould havedoneit. would not 
^arnis : rometimes he accufeth C,d t thou have beene the firft that would have 
n^a .,.as you lee he did with OM^mh^accufedmeto G»d? This is Satans way. 
rents . where he charged God with enr he is firft a tempter to draw us to fmnc, 
tol.»crcature,asif he had Mi/,» thei. wd ihen an *:f«>r to accufc us to God 

tin D 3 foe 







38 Bil«vm,r,fai,Jfrm ,UmufMU.,f,h.L«, ,„ 

hckne* M better then God h.mf, JL^f S / S ,^'j 7,"^^ T' 

Nay. and though he could not condfl h/JL / ^: I f^ ?^*^' '^^'.zach.j.i. 

his adioni. yet hewould quarrell . fJcT) "" '**" " ^'""^ ^'*^^'' '«' 

bis w/f^?M»/; Surely, what ever his/ 2 Ytahnrn^^ ^ 1 c 

c;,. are.yet j^«^. .nteitions are not goA J J'^^ ^r^''^ ^"'" ' ''°' ''^' 

which was Is much as to tell God tffiL 'f Ti r ' Vl' ^«">""n« 

was deceived infold, for certainly .El.f,,^^'".^^^^ but forgiven; 

ever ^hpu thinkeit of f.^. yet f.h dotlfnt o th tl Z f'' *"''''* l"'^ 

fervc thee fornought , he i, a w.rrXh"ch G >d h>fh ?o • ""'^"c'"^ '^" 

fellow, one that lerves thee for iXiL^wlhin^^^^^ 

belly-bleOings : tho« ba^ h^apedl^^f t'fe aS^^^ *^. ^•'^• 

ward favours onbira , aqdhaft malecaufehc wouu n-t^ ^»cant,neKc^, 

bedg^ .k,t him, fenced him in i\!$Td\o^^^^ 

voursthat nothing can annoy him.Sol^, thinTtZll A A t \^"- '^'^' ^''•'^'"« 

you fee there ,re thof, that w.Il lay toj,/. tfnone a« coni^nl u, '" ^' ''"' ^""^^^ 

fharai Of Gods people. Satan willf , Yea buf n.rn 1 c ' 

cufcr «" wf"^ 3 Ilea, but notonely Satan ctnd kicked ■"'•'''-'«« 

But now ^-«/-« cannot condcu'^o oar charce ConfcJnrn^ ^ ^^"'^^'^«« 
the ,ir«..Qf life and death are notii^nd then how can ^f. T^n?'.?'"' 
hands, nor (hall his accufation takc^any th mg to h" ^ha s'e oit":!^"^ t\ 
'P^oecm withGodagainftus. * A man conlconfcience t r- ^ ^ 
t.t.. .i«ned himfelS though bee have a vJtimeSin/ tme LT ' '°™" 
^j»:habet yet be hftth po powcr ; his teftim(^/i//nnfo ni "L /w.. ^^'""'"'" 
f^^«*^"t ^nvahd againft other ^x. SataXg J^' '„%L'^^^^^^^^ 

. tonder.n^d wretch.and sH hisaccufattjagoe """'^''^ ' '"'^ "^^^"^^ *«"S 

fb.ll laKp «Q plac? wUb gQ4 againjj Jn tt^e firft wc are to liflen to the ac 

D4 cufations 

> mtit>a. 

146 Beleevers4re fried frtm thtaecufMitmofthe Uw, 41 

MccHfdtions of confcience when it 4 contentious troublcfome fellow at Law 

charge us truly; ^o/'f/.A/brethrens, p^ndGod will deale with itas anhoneft 

fcrencc acculcd them wfeeq they weR'7«^« doth with fuch a contentious quar- 

evil intreatcd in Egypt, and tel$ them.i^clfome fellow ; he carts all out of fpm, 

s; non mo- ^^^^y^^^hg^tity of the r,rong djnt to f(^^s matters not worth hearing ; or things 

ne„do,mo,-^f X»^t;«^. after he had numbrcdthep|hat have beene determined long agoe. 

ieiidf, P'«, f^t^ hem /mote him. Confcience|rrhcfe accufations (hall not tal^e hold of 

not a bridle, but it was now a trhip ; itethe fooie. In this cafe I may fay .when ctn- 

"<*f^j"'"'^'afld therefore now a /f«j»«^r«r# condemnes, God is greater thw 

he did not hearken to the warnings, ijfonlciencc to *f<iuit and abfolve the 

therefore feels the ia/hi>i£s of confcieiflfoule. 

and when confcience doth juftly accufff 4 Yea, but there is 4 fourth . which it 

When It conies in with evidence act^ready to lay to the charge of Gods peo- 

ing to the Word,we muft hearej fortlflplc , and that is the Uw .- The Law may 

God/penkj. If a7)i4*be not ki by'accufe,8:c. Andhow thenis itfaid.Who 

SuKMe, It IS no matter what it faycs;»can lay any thing to the charge of Gods 

If «t goes by the Suh wee muft hearke^people ? and if the Law may accufe, we 

It : So if Confcience do not fpeake ^cannot be faid to be/r« from the indift- 

f ording to the Word, we need not mi^ ments and accufationi of the Law ? 

jts accufations-.but if it fpeak accordinj I anfwer : If we fpeake of finnet par- 

^M^fw* there, it is good to liftcnto doned j neither huh Confciewe, nor J4. 

J Sometimes Confcience brings infi) m», nor the Law any right to accufe the 

i^formatioMj; It will perhaps tell you thj people of God. God hath juftificd, and 

things to be finne which are not : 1; who then (hall accufe? 

here It is an «rrw««i confcience; wef Indeed while wee are ttudtr the Law 

jot to bcaie It. J Sometimes it • before f^h ; we are both under the ac- 

bring m old cafes, anfwered and fatiii cufations, judgements , and fentences of 

^ong agoe: then It is a quarrelforae c« iNLaw. The Law doth noc onely accufe 

i^n^c : Confcience in this cafe fst' ' ^s 

m ■? 

■=^ -^^-mSr- 

4i Bdttvtrs are freed fnm *^' aeiu[4tms of the L4rv . 45 

us , but the fentcncc and curfc takes hoPf fin"*, « ^^ ^^^ "' *"^** '^*^ ^'"""* ' ** 
ofHs, feeworddothfignifie, /{«•. 8. ?^ >fA« 

1 It Accufeth uSjfoL 5. 4j. ai Ch^^ll '"; '««;f^»«^ 'o*^* charge of Godi £- 
told them that would not hcIecv«M' Or racher,whoftiall call jnto Court, 
him . but looked for j4aification hyLTheword doth not onely fignifie to acr 
Joli. J. 4Maw J Z)a Mf thiMke tktt 1 mil 4cclft pfe ; bat in im v$e4re,to call into Court? ^/^ iy^J^^ 
tetkf Pdthfr, there « «W r^^? mll'm^^^ fo neither the Law, Juftice, Con- >i,„;flf 
70^ J «v« /^•/>/ (Vf )^Ajn» je trnfi : ;}Ceicnce, Satan, can accufe ui, to call us in- i^^aAU. 
taw which they looked Co be iyftjjto Court; the Court of the Law. Forwe^wy7g«»- 
by.fhould accufe them. ^re (when beleevers) freed from it as a ficM,acc». 

1 Tt doth not onely accufe us, {ICeurt, as a Covenant, and fo from ^hePj^^''/^* 
fentcnceus -, yea, and the fcntence ^4en»<n" » fcntcnccs, condemnations, p^j^-' * 
cuife fakes hold of us, ^ah. 5. 18. He (F*""**'. *"<* accufationsof it. If it fend 
belKvtth mt ii condemned Already. A J«"y ^^ its OjTfw/ out to accufe us, and 
the l6. vcrf. He that heUevetb not l»«ach us for finne,we mayrefule to o- 
ywhofCodahidethonhim ' *fcey, tocome in and appeare ; becaufe wc 

So that while you arc under the U' *•■* ^^ ^^ ^"'^ ^Y ^^^^^^ ^o"" 5 *^ *''® 
before faith and<«/m/?in Chrift thei^*°''*''"J"'^''y'^*^°^P^J' ^"^^^^'^^ ^^^^ 

- I .1 -r ' I ^ ti//ifi/« a/hrn Fh<>ii hav^ 

doth not onely *ff«/f J but theLawMP"'/''''^'^*"^^^y have finned, go 
condemne. ^rtghtCoart, they might both M 

to the 

-„ _.-, „ AflflwrgCt 

But now thofc thiit have an »Wm '?"/•"''"' f<*'^^*""V^ affurance of pardon 
Chrift. I The law cannot Accyfe tV °^ ^*""^ 5 ^*'*y ^°'*^'* ^"^' "^''' ^""'''*' 
of finne before Grace; bccaulc thcvi' *^^^^^^ *''*'''""" ^'^'f ^'""^; - . 
pardoned ; and this accufation is rw* ^ ^^*" ' ^"V- '^^ *" '''"'' ''^ ^ ^ 
void- 2 The law cannot accufe of (in' accufationsof the Law : I meaneaccula- 
aftir Grace, finne after a pardon Tlicyi *|o''*of >t as fubardinatt to condemni- 
noc under the accufajions, arrefts ft' ^'^"* 
tcnces pf the Law. ' ' Tkcrc is » two-fold accufaiion, 

I fay, riic Law cannot fo accuft ^ ^"^^ 

44 teUevtrs frttd fr»m the Mce»fdii$m of the Liw 45 

Firft, An accu Cation to c«Hvi6lm% In biiefel anfwer, we are not under 
humilutioH fox time t ^tcurfts , bpt wee are under the com- 

Secondly, 'in accufation to ftnu^nds of it j wee arc not under the Law 
and condtm»*tioHiot fincc, the LawforjW^ww«, but we are udder the Law 
(^ufetbandcondcmaethairo, alltheaci)r»»</»^. So farreacwewaikenot ac- 
Tations of the Law to-thera who are |ordingto it, as a Rule,it hath an accufing 
der tbe Law , they are fBberdinAtth'mr , though we are taken out of the 
Sentence , Judgement , and con(i#)nderaBing fovtr ©f it. There is no fur- 
nation for finnc : the Law accufethAer ftwcr iejf^in the Law then for our 
alfo condemneth all them under it. f " 
all theaccufations of the godly for rJ 
they are in fubordination to comvH 
for finne and humilintion for it. 



our humiliation; our edification. 

nd this is ohcly a power for our good, 
id our furtherance in Gtace. , 

Whether the law is /«/? in its accufa- *-^*'^'' 
fo fubordinate to life andralvation,|onof us,feeingwedoe not finne. And 
And fo I conceive the Law may m^*x. is founded upon the former ; if it be 
thole who are yet the F rttrntn of Qh^^ > that we are freed from^ thelaw as 
It may difcover to them how farretl Rule. orasaDireAionof£»/«,(wbich 
come fliort of the glory of God , ji etfo to be freed were not a part of our 
farre they have erred and wandered ft Mdorae but our Bondage) then our l^f^-S«ms 
the paths of righteoufnefle, &c. and teaches of the law are not finne; if no'®|^^*'^*'^ 
cafe them for it , but this accufation ii w for us , then wee doe not finne in the p° [^ ^\nWit^ 
humiliation , not to condemnation, i reaking of it, no more then we doe, if chrjfi a- ' 
(hall fliew hereafter : either this muf) 'c breakc now the lawes of 5/)4>»e , orionccxal- 
fo , I or elfe you muft deny the Law (oM other Narion,which is no law for us : ^=d. p.i4f • 
being a Rale. |» fome doe feeme to cxemplifie this. 

But here two Querits ttt propoundc^ Thefe two ^m« the invalidncflc of 
Whether the Law may jaftly accufcPein'^nd danger of them, we (hall (hew 
feeing wc arc not andei; it. jfterwards; In the mcane I muft tell 

I yoo, 



V -•-^- 


45 BeUevirs free^ fiimUirigi,^^^^*''' re^uiredh the Up. 47 
„^„ Jl,, ,. ^ J ' V J- o • In, it k part of our Freedome. l^uf 1 will 


^.^ , A J L- ■ *tanticipaccmy DifcourJc, */ce 

{]2 qua/it a 

Gfil4tia»s 1, T^^ DHcmirfes 

7 A* ^^«.^ ji?;« 4JojMm -*yJ^|^oWtMy,Wc arc freed from the n;g<,«r^^''S'^'«« 

. S'Vf^;u T • foli-dfertccrfqiiiredm the Law, wee {"""/•- 

I Jiir£.}Uh(i laww^s given 1 ^^^^ ^.^ fj_ _.o.k-^:.-*L/k.,.'^''''«*'». 


^r^i jr tne lslw vtfL% given 
yeare*i»%r<J)p Ptomifif, then either 

PW M AVfrft/*'w»Mt,ccmiy ,riot be gii 
forthfin were God cfintrary to timft 
r.rii in giving a Covenant of CrMcfy 
cl: w«'i4''it Ao<i therefore he gaveit 
4^U . |to d^fcover ^o us after juflificai 

not fHtcd from exdi ohediMt^ {' but adeoq-. 

th8t'r»^o«r of obtdierfce whfch the qMntu gt- 
wf rtqtrired unto falvation- tinetadtu^ 

Firft, The Law d^d not ortlj^tbrtliiJand ft'fi^'^t'*- 
jf^/r, but «^#y. thing, of «sr .t l^id S^ 
fjTi|*^ii{)On us which we could not bear, ^i^^. 
'd it would not, nOr^ could it giyi uj the opera\h^ 
■ ,. u f n i • ,i* "11 • r<ift>y??/?.«x« and concurrence, tike the aafo^K «»« 
by thc:Pr(>m»fe, a Rule d? walking «j^ij,^^4^j PharMeeS ■ who IMi kavie e^^gmur 

^4n, That can nev,r be faidto^^;^,^, ,„^^^ ^^ ^.^^^^^^^ ^^ih^-'£no^' 
moiouTFrud^m, which .sa paC,.sothe Law, it laid hiavy ^^kcsZt'^^' 
ouc£,n^^,: orthatcap neycrbefai|^,^,;b^kgi,,/y,^„j ^^.l^^J affift-/.. J.r 
bt.pmQf^rXondMgt, which IS partfccfcattd concurrence of /.e,r«Afb.' the i-^^-i- «i- 
^^rHcUfe. But conformity to the LfoiAgbf it. /«^./. /.J «.»,W, itf.^;-"*^/^"'- 
and rub;edion to the Law of God is w^^^^,^ (^^ j^ .^„ ^ ^^^ ^j,, no Grace. Z^'':r\ 
ofourhol,ne(re:Thereforeitcanncv«5^ ,'h,^efor* Divines have compared iTltS 
fjidto be part of our ^.«J.^. Inay^,,^ ^^, i„ .^e Law to the B.ndL otfllV^f" 
here IS ^TmfMfHbjeaioH, ^^^tj^frael -j^ni^ct 'Pharxr.l, , who nauireli the ^^o''. Aug. 
jcftionof aSon, and of a Slave. We Ve of bncke,but afrdeino ftriw ; So^^^'^K 
/Wfroffi theone, the fubjeaion oj^e Law r*^«ir« the full tale, it abates of jr'** "*" 
.^/-^Mh.swas part of ouri?.«^^ri Jiothing in the command, but itgiVe* no Ij'" 
net from the other, the fabjeftion of|fiiftj,ncc and concurrence for the doing n>eophil. 

^<^ of 

Ifa. i4.it. 
J^«0^ i mt 
Ufimis if- 


juvtt: tit- 


lohn 1 ^.f. 

fft Ux fpi- 
rituaUSy E- 
lex bfiritits, 

48 Bilttvmfrtti from the rigtt thefigturtftheld^* 4P 

of ic ; it Anfwers us there as the Pne(b|Qfp(i is the LtMefthe Spirit^ R»m. 8.2* Decdogui 
fiuUi > Ste thoH tQ that. -j jotjj therefore inible to doe, what ii eftiexff.h- 

But now in thcGofpel wee are fi nuaands to be done i take one inftance, ''"»''''^? *^ 
from impoflibilities, here maw ptpi ,,h,6.ii- the Sfirit cnioyncs that we ^^^'J^JJ^^^'J^ 
all things are poflible,notin refpedp doW not la fiHne ttigtu in our f>ortaU ^^f^^^ ^^^' 
but jn rcfpeA of God, who hath undt ^„j. There is the command.and rcadc 
keatt^ttr^aU »ttr vorki inm^antifti 5 j^, vcrfe. Si»Mi fiiH have m$ demint- 
CArj/^opbleffctbGod, that that» injoxr mortaU Miis. There is the pro- 
Goil rt^mrtd $f him , he had £ivt^ u fe , and hce allcadgeth this rcafon j for 
Indeed tlje works oj^ the Go/pei m a are not under the Law, bur under 
great a» any wcrkes of the Lsn^ti ice •• as if he hai fatd,had you been un^ 
greater, t/«t. to ^*/«w, which is a gn r the law you could not have expeft* 
workcthea to doe all the duties of fuchaffiftance.bDt you are under ^r«ff, 
LMf ; t»ut God hath given us 4l therefore (hall have that power, 
ftrcngth, we have Cmmft»i*» with I Secondly j This was the rigtnr of 
power and ftrength of Chrift. As x^ Law, that the law required obedi- 
ent ivham »« fM dee n^hing : So ike in onr ewne ftrftms , it would not 
whtm. wet fi>4(l be ahlt to tiu *U riiow of any to doe or worke for us, nor 
A wenkfi Chriftian , and a ftrimg Cly help to us in the doing of it, we are 
(hall be able to do all ; Nothing (htiw freed from this rigour,and God will 
tat hsrd for that mai),that hath <l>«/rAcptof our obedience by another, 
of Chrif^ to inable him, and the J/>ir» There was a tWo {olX debt we owed W 
Chrift to woikcwichhim ; If Godtfed' ' 

mamd the works of an Angel, and givfl| t The debt of finnc «. 
the y?»'*»gr/>ofan Angel, all will be ei« 2 Tie d/^t of fervice. 
The workes commanded may be dt^Thefe two, the debt of finoe and let- 
cult in rf fpcd of divine impefitioit j bulle , were both trMf4iiid upon Chrift, 
they are eafie in rcfped of divine e»«ffi be hath fiilfilled aU rigjiteoufaefle. 
ti«H : the law was a fpiriwal law , but|sf c^ crucisy for os, hence we ate iaia 

JO ^ilte'»m frttd from therigeurofthelAW. %l 

tohcompieaunChrifi, though we b«|ntheGofpel God acccpteth of 4fi- 
perfea .n our (clvcs: L for .itions , of '"/^^'"^ /^/■f;!^'; 

Thirdly, This was the «|or of thell^,«i, of dcfire (otMtty. Here is all, a 
that itrequ.red miverfai^dtuAU , as i|:hriftianhe is raadcup ^^^^firesfiimur. 
as perlonall obedience, yea and wiih^,w,, thirftings and bewailings. Oj th*t 
W. that. f you failed in one t.ttle .L;^;^ were d.redcd: and o/» rmfcM 
were gone for ever, G-/. Mo. f «r|;;, that I am ! h«eue.ofpelperfed.oa. 
h J9»kjesmtiver, thing »nm» I>i4«/ Want was rather m// then pawcr 
h.keofl Uwto\tl HereP,ratherp««..r then Will, there^wJl^^^^ 
1 ohdnnce, and 2 ptrfonaU obcdiencJoe , but wants power to doc • Not hat 
^dUca. , u»iv,rf.ll obedience required, Jhe m/l is pcrfeft i.J'^'^ ^^^i^""' t 
•aewcA*- that oBiverfall 4fl«-tf, nay and 5 Ibe things we w«Wdoc, 'Wr*^ '* -P;/* '" 
S^'"-'- conftant and perpetual!, .f he failed iAur members -./o^ee cannot ^/ the 
S r ' t.ttle,nay.and at any ^'^..he comes*iag, we fboM ^M^ 5 '^.f, f ^. '" ^" 
ilr,:.- chec^rfe)^ All your defires,all your eyills : but yet 1 fay , the ayhng o Gods 
fingon vours would not ferve the turnc ; iffeeople is more for v,»n o* P^*" «^/" 
«"'^-'''- failed in the leaft tittle, you vvereL-tofwill; there.SB«//to doeb^^^^^ 
^^^^- forever; no«;,.»r.M«.noteares,nofrantt««'.rtodoe,astheApoftle T^^ mil 

ers. m future czrc would make if ?«/"•» »"'*"^^^':\^""- ^^f f'^ ^^7. 
?^,»r./..- Though Che Gofpel doc admit oi 4» ferform th,tM ^ ^ood I findc mt, 
?«"«. /"^-tance , yet the Law will not owneiiM God hath meicy for ^*« .«'"' ^"^ 
'"'^*"-'''- looks for rjr-a obedience to every tijione for m//-«o» : p^.^""T'?S 
r'"''^"rnom th,.ri"id obedience huh ^etfrttnwe4kene!femdi^^ck^dneSc.\^JMC 
^'"''" frcedyoui AndGod .. pleafed for Jhouartunder the law th.s ^'^kefas 
/all aL.ll , to accept of ^.ivcrfd if by wickedneffe a finf»a 'J^''^'"* ^^^^^ 
ruall obedUc, 7^/!./^ 119. 6. ^^'^".'f^" ^od hates it. Under cheGofpe^ 
/>.^^ r, ./; hu C.n,m^dermms. Th*e looks not upon the ^-^-^-'f* of S^^^^ 
iher*betWtngm*i7«;,. yet wl.erefcthe.r w.ckednclTe, »"d therefore he 
is il^M\^oi4m,.n, God can wrt^Wcs ih«m. Sinn^ makes ihofc who are 

Ham ebt- 


52 BeUevtrs freed frm the Rigtur cf the Lav, 53 

under the Law the ohjeSls of Gods hotkg^i erery Law comes now to the Saint* 
Sin in a BeUever makes him the e^jtljiom the t^trcyfcat. Uberamur 

Gods pitty. Men you know hatepojlm All rigor is now gone, and nothingbut j co'^taiane 
a toade, but pitty in a man. In the ont,rt«/f is the mative to it, and the prin- Ugis, dcm 
is their nAture, in the other their (^tLif of your obedience, ^^k" ebediemiamy fed non cogit 

and infirmities, he hates the wicked,if«i^chen Love;things rcusi» Rom. ^.14 

the ones nature, a«d the others difcApej/ilu to others, arew/« tothera that Mat.i 1.30 
Fourthly, This was againe the rive ; Love knowes no difficulties , Mj eo quad 

of the Law, that it inforcetiit (elfc mke u eafie, mjbHrthen u light ; \.ost\s^'*l'*''n"^' 
Moil ^4S. the Confcicnce with f^rMfj andwitljhaffcaion that is not to be pofed "f^'^^^Ynum'^ute 
f(e>/«XH- '■'"""■» t"'"OW the Qofpei comes oiliities or difficulties to the pcrfon be-f,/^jj p^j* 
«*,vel /«. ^^'^"^ > *'^h bcfeeches and love. / ^ved j Jmc(A ferved a hard prentifliip for lexnontam 
hUt,kd y^''* ^""^'"'"h *^* mercies ef goii,RiJLchtl ^ and yet faith the Text , Heiftee-impcrat, 

1. In theGofpelthefpiritisnotai»<^ri&r/iw;AVf/« , i>ec4ufe he Uved her.^'*^'>""on 
/vrtiijucn ofbondage and fear, butafpiritofplove doth fliorten time, and facilitate ^^^'^^'^^' 
' and love,as you fee, Rem^. 15.2 7iM|hour. When Achilla was demanded \ut1u 

^ of bondage and fear, butafpiritofplove doth fliorten time, and facilitated'""'*'^*''* 

" - « • s > . ^ eutiamj 

The Law urgeth obedience upon pai^hat enterprifes he found the raoft eafic auxiut 



^tirtgata «wnaH death, Deut.z-j. 16. Grfi.ifall he had undertaken in his lifc,he an- /po»ttf»f« 
tftLcxnonindkeMforceth\tbyterroMr^ but the%ercd, thofe which he un^trtoikf for igratitudine 
^uofd obe- pt\ by/»«/»fjfeandlove, all lerrwiend. Thisisthefptnt which God *^-^l'J^^lf. 
nTu'l'i ^^"'' ^^^ *'***''** °^ '^* ^*^ "** Pf ^'^^ '" his children, not a fpirit of feare, „lli„ic^t ' 
tnoJuml'- hetweene the Chtrtthims , and upoopit a fpirit of love ; which is the /))ri«^ of £)j„i„jyfl. 
beditnii^. Mercy- fca t , to tell us under the Gofl their aftions , and makes thofc things ^i<f(.«, 

^brtgataLc:i:quoadjitlii(lcattonem,a(cufA(itntmiyw,..-.-.n.- o- - , /• 

tiicm, coaflionem. Sec. Chemni. I'"'*-'*' ^'«'»' ""^f^^ P««^«« >»em,eo jem, quocunqne 

E 3 which 

:he uofii tneii 



54 HorvBeleevers'drefreidfrtm^ ebe^fpa to mtH. jy 

which otherwifc would be tasks and l)#/«#<'^«'"' C^*fi^ ""^ ^l^J'' '"'' ^'■'- 
thens , rcfrefliments and ddigha, Jnw ■^*''*"'*«/«'^''^*^ ^^>^^''''/'"" "»' 
Godly man takit in what ever concert^'**'' /Ww/?fr, m* C kift, &c. 
hishappincfreby/4»A and Uyesout^Sccoadly, for the fecond, not to wn^^fr- 
cver concerw his dntit by love : }if(Bmtuie,i:Cor'7'^3' ?> "'" ^««i^« 
and love arc the all of a Chriftian,lhf>*^;'*^^^''»^7« the fervanu of mtn. 

' lUC the meaning iSj that we are not to ac- 
Qowledgeany our fupreamt mafter, noc 
e we to give our ^»ith and Confciences, 
tinthraS our. judgements 10 the fenten- 
», dcBnitionSi or determinations of any 
an, or men upon earth, becaufe this 
ere to make men Mafitrs of pht Faitk, 
hich the ApoQle fo puch abhorred, 
inallbyF«Aandlay««Mllby Lovel<^f- ?; ^- ^" "^ »"' m4it~!4 ywr 
this is another pnviledge Beleevers «#"*«?,/«' H'"' "/ /f/ ^f /' There arc 
they are freed from the rigour of theW'^'i'^/^'''; i Matters accordmg 
There are fome more, which becilj'he «««>> and iMafters according to 
would haften, I (hall but name. t^^ff' ^h^ ^rft you rcade of in the 
Beleevers are not onely freed {x^m-f^'^^l- Strvmsht uhtditnx t» jenr 
tan, from fin, from the law j but tht^^'^^'f ''"'H^ '« '^^ ^f i ^^e fecond . 
freedfnm Mience tomcn. W? havl'""« ^f in that ^/<,«/».2? 9,10. »7* 
/,.r^; over us,men are our brethren,(*'''? t' l'^"f '/ "*"' ^^^'"^ according 
7.6. J 4. J w./?fr « ,« H..t/*«. We filT ^^' f ^ '. ^«,/»"« «^ i^PfertaiH, to the 
Scripture n^,«^/, charge, i NottoiPf'f'','"''n!"a''f«^«'^^'^^hmgs : Butof 
Waftcrfhip. 2 NottoWfm* fervi*"'M'and':onfciences as we have no 

Firft,for the fi. (\,^U. not to uft^T' '"w'^n'' "^ ?f ""u "^ u° t*"^* 
llerlhip. Ycu have it in ^^f^mA.^ {"'''y ^""^ Mafter and Father which is in 
9.io/i.«*»j.f4y?f*iRabbiJoro«f^t";'«"' "d in this fenfe Chrift fpcaks, 
^' '' '^ -•■"« wc rauft not ^^/t/wrr/j' yeeld up our 

^ 4 Iflvcf 

fH,n potii/f poftle faith fo,G<»/ 5.6. For m Cbrijl 
i»l>-i.^i1'*'' neither Cireumcifion nvailtth 4ny ti 
fub /4g|. „^y uncircHTficiJfon; but Faith whish 

rilih Li h ^^"^^ ^^^^^ ''*"^ ^^*^^ ^"' * 
wic^t f«t of Chnfi to heare his Woi d,and 

maridnta. c- like AUrth* doth compaflc him 

;"/« l/ai-M withfeivice. Faith is the great Rtd 

nonfunc ^j^j Lgyg j, t^g great Dishurftr ; we 

Par. i/j loc, ..- . 



^6 Sekeversdrefretd frmDtdtk 57 

fel ves to be ruled by the will of any, 1^^ anfwered, there is a great odds.thcy I 
mhra/l oat judgement!, and (ubioiC(kgre(lthet«rrff;is(jdue toabad life; but 
faith and confciences to any power b(||e txptUt^ the rewards dne to a good life. 
Chrift. It were high «/i»r^iifMi» for anjThirdiy, this is another part of oar free- 
requireit, it is to enter on Chrifts Prajome from death , that wee (hall noi^ij'* 
gacive Royall,and it is nolefle iniquity ||| the tefi time. Indeed none (hall die till 
us to render it. And fo much (hall fc^ods /iwe.the wickedft man in the world 
for the fourth branch , 1 may fpcak nfiall not djt till Gods time. What Davii 
unto it, when we come to the query oijd to his enemies , fo may any man fay, 

Fiftly,\ve are /««<< from death. Imfy times are i* thy hAndt- But this is notpfal.ji^ 
is a three-fold death. Firfl. A ^/)iniver the beft time : thou may die with if. 
death, thedeathofchey«»/«intheb(iK4/f4/«r caroufiHg, vmhtyffntntMtnd 
Secondly, a naturall death, the dax^aphirah lying, with the Noh/emaM un- 
the body from tl)e foule. Thirdly, anielceving, with lulUn blafpheming ; Buc 
nail death, the death of /«»/«and bsdj^a is the friviledgeoi Saints « they (hall 
ever. Two of thefe you do not doubt c^ot dj/e till the hcR time, not till that timci 
the queftion is about the thirdjwVnatifrben if they were but rightly informed 
death, of which I (hall fay ao mordthey would defire to dye. 
this: Firft,that it is the body only diet;t Men cut downe weeds at any time , bat 
worferpart, & our dud and bones arellheircorM they will not ()U d^wue till the 
united to the Son of God. Secondly, ;beft time;j«M are Gods htuhaMdry faith 
, are freed from death as a CMrfe. Theilhc Apoflle, you are his wheat, and when 
fo!'i*fe'rn ^"""^ ^^ '^"^'^ '* **''*" away,and therefifou zttripe , when you have done your 
5J„^/,^,*thcnameis changed ; it is but calW{tforkc,then,and not till then (hall you be 
bent vitam flccp,and a flcep in Chri(V,and a giihtmuhered into your Maftets Garn r. So 
w paawj- to our fathers,a change,a dcparting.Dawach for thefift. 
^'dTi"- >s the Godly mans wi/*, the wicked mii Sixtly, Wee (hall be freed from the 
** T * feare. Arifiifftu being demanded i«P'''»w, and this comes under our Con- 
^arwi why he feared noc as well as oibfljhmcQate fiecdome. We will but touch 




Si,*fc^- -• ! M-yjs^j^j^pi 

I Cfitttlu 

1 Cauclut 

58 Bdeevm frttdfrom the Gnve, jp 

it. We (hall be freed from the Grave.ghes.ind thofc jI/&" eaten by men ; it 
- will give you this in three concJufi«u> above themio think this (amcindivi- 

1 aft. Though our bodies doe die iTiH and numcricall body Ihould rife a- 
bc confuraed to duft , yet they (halliTiae, When P<i«/difputcd this point at 
afrefli, heavinlj and (Jloriom, in thcfc »/i^«, the great Philofophers of the Epi- 
1">l'"cs» Ireins laughed at bimwhat will thitbab- 

Firft, they (hall arife ptrftii bodieSjfiXy^y ? they looked upon this as Babling; 
from fickneiTe and all imperfedions. Xtthe Scriptures tells us,That welh^U Jet 

Secondly, they (hall arife fpirituai fLyrlththtfe f^mej/ts, Job 19- 27. And 
dies, I Ctr. I J. 44. Which muft nwlfjiit^ with Gods jutticc , that the fame 
underftood jq regard offubfi^Hce^ botdies which have finned, or fuffcred.lhall 
regard of t^Mitus. L puni(hcd , or rewarded . 

Thirdly, they (hall arife imm»rt4ll\l\iA foule and body (hall never htforttti 
dies, never to die more. fioteto alt Eternity, When you dye, by 

Fourthly , they (hall arife ^/orioiwlleath you (hall be freed from death, after 
dies : Every one filled with brighcaiiis««^N there (hall never be feparMtioM 
and fplendot,(hiBing as iher^w in theiiore. ' . 

mament, Itan. i j. 3. Mat.i^J^jm T Thus I have done with the Privitlve 3 cohIht , 

1 he ftme BaMes (halUrife , the Aartof our freedorae, what we aie freedfi""' 
fonle (hall be united to the fame indiviiroin. j 

all body againe. And this is a myfteryiif" I (houldnow fpeakc fomcthing to the I '" 
?hilofophers dreamed of a trjusfom^t^tivt ^xioi it,what wc are free unto, 
of hodus^ or bodies transformed into w will but name a fpyv particulars. 
(hapes,& a tr*nfmigratiok of fouls or fi| Fitft, we arc freed from a (i»te ef wrath, ^P^^^- ** 
flitting into new bodies , but could ofjlo a fiatt of mercj and favour. r t i 

apprehend the truth of this the refuni. Secondly, you arc freed from a fiate of t^o™'''*«J 
on of the body, that the fame '\ndmii Cadtmnatioa, to a fiatt of JuJliJkjtioH : 
Bumericall body after it is corrupted int before you were under the condemnation 
water, ctnfumed by fire, converted i^of the Law, becaufc you had finned, and 
earth, vanifitd ixKOiytt. any eattH*^ of 




»!^^ j.„ '^^i^.V^ 



Rom. 8. 1. 
•Vw KM,- 

Hon U4d 


60 Wlfdt Seleevers dre free urn, Wh*tBeletversMre free unto. 61 

of the Gofpd becaufeyou belccved a^cpreffed by Chrift, Thertfort brethren »#_..; r . 

But now there « m condtmnAtion , wedtkters. And he that thinks not fervicCy^frt 
one condemnation ; the t4» cannot ci isftecdome, thinks not fin his bondage> aar*. 
deraneyou, becaufe you have appeal nd therefore is in bondage, 
the Ge//*^/ cannot, becaufe you do bel« Sixtly, you are freed from a flatc of 
God condemned finnc in Chrift, that mdi^i, a fpint of flavery in fervice : to a 
might juftifie the finncr by Chrift.andt writ of /«»-/^»> and liberty in fervice : as 
out condemnation for ever , as one d yhis blood he redeemed us from being 
Criticize upon that place , * M4ti% aves j fo by his Obedience and Spirit hee 
He will bring forth Judgement into y\m^ redeemed us to be fonnes. Now you 
\m( it u- ry, he renders it, he will caft outcondJre drawnc to feivicc , not with ccrds of 
Cihn ut nation for ever, and fo it will beare. pare,but with the bAuds of love ; not out 
»"«©• Tluf Thirdly , you are fVeed from a fta!l|f tmfHlfton; of confcience, but prepenfi- 
*pi«», iit tnmitj to a ftate of friend/hip. yindjoullt" of Nature. As the hve if Gtd to us 
WK©-,in wereeMemiethAthG»dreconciled,CQ\.l.^^^^^^SfringoftL\\\{\%di^\oti%io us, fo 
Fourthly, you are freed from a fta#"'^ 'ove to God is the rife of all our obe- 
dcAth to a ft ate of life. Tsu that were 4'cnce to him . 

in )'cur trefpafej And Jinnety bath he qii^ Seventhly, In a word, for wee cannot 

ned^ Ephe. 2. begin. ' **"'* ^0 name all.you are freed from death 

t iftly, you are freed from a ftate of/f"'^^^« to /»/f4i«^(;/er7 j heaven is your 

^u«.,,.. toaftaieof/rrwVf. Bte hath redtemn'^^^'^x)^'^^ Inheritance, ^ouv Manfion- 

dcdcm. in from 6Hr enemies.that we might ferve Hf'^J'' ^^ wasw4<iforyou,andyoufor it; 




nacie. Vid 


1 .?-f T hereforc did God difcbjr ^^^fepared for you, and you for itjyou 

■ ■ <^Kvejfth prepared far glarj^ Rom. 9. 2?. 

thedehtef fin^thtit we might render l»f*J'M/''"«/'^«d'/fi»'^/or7, Rom. 9. 2?. 
the debt of fervice ; he freed us froniiy"*^'^'*i* called the ^/oy««i/i^f«y efthe 
^W; of raifery, that we might take oi'*'"*/^»^.Rom,8.2i. Ephef. i- 14. And 
the mgagements of duty, Rom 812. T^^Jcll you what you are freed from , and 
Apoftle lofcrrcs this after all the bcn^'"*^ y<^" ^«11 enjoy hereafter jfor to take 



S*JUr.-- 'L ;'• ' '"""i^.-Wri - 

I 4.ull-^^«« 





ei Whdt BtUevtrs are free untC Ihtfrfi main ^ery frepcunded. 6$ 
voutothe top of Neht, and fticWj^ff. from that which is the chief lintca- 
ali this C4H-MII. would make you willr<led in this Difcourfe. 
to lav down your bodies there, and f;o< Thus have we as htefly as the largeneflc 
to enjoy it. I fay, to open this privilal^ind concernment of the fubjed would 
a little whichyct is farre above man toiiufi«r us, finiftied thofc three Generals 
Fiehnlhrn fetn mr tar heard, mr ^hich we propofed in the handlmg of 
it etiter into the heart of mtn to ««flithls Doftrjne : I (hould now come to 
ifhat God hath reftrved for tu , and^^« application otwhat I have faid.andthe 
'^""'■^■''that i?fpoken of Grace, and therrfilargweffc of the fubjcd would afford 
what is Glory > Could we but opefli«ra"ch for comfoit and for caution : for 
to vou it were even enough to put yofr^direftion and incouragemcdt to the peo- 
to heaven, while you are here uponei(«'le of God. But 1 have other worke to 
Itiscallcdthc«>.^r«Mf«, C//or;,|<loefirft. ■ ^r u 

Msftersjoj, Fathers Honfe , K.^^i*! h^^ext ,s the raamc 5.iZ. whereon 
McmecfGlorj, Heaven. LightJl^i^ Doftrme of Chr.fitan freed,m is 
Et^rnalllifl Look but onthat onefkf "'«£ = a"'* '" "-fEfd many have endea- 
vor. 4. 17. For our light aipiliomP^^^^^ ^o bnild their owne fupcrftru- 
archHtfJamoment, r^erksth f,r «.#U'-es. hay and ftubblc on it,which the 
mre exceeding and eurn.ll we.gbt #««/•*/«"» vv.llneverbearejUay, in re- 
It is one of the necreftesprellionsweffrd there are fo many Opinions which 
of I Glorv. 2 Weight of glory, jflwd /.4frfl»;»fe from this Doctrine, I 
ceedins weight of glory. 4 More conceive it is my great worke to '^i-^i- 
:;i SEof gL?. ,\far#-roexceIlentaDoftrineas this is of 
exceedmg weight of glory. 6 Nay. .r^"^^^^ Mi»«., from thofe falfe, I 
iHore exceeding and etemall wcighnP^yJ^J. ^«f "«; J>o'*"n« ^h.ch are 
slorv and this is the glorious liberty off ^^wd and fathered on it: Andto n»ew 
fonsof God: Butwemuft (hut up iij:°" 'h« "e'thcr this Doiirine , nor yet 

becaufc I would notwillmgly Mf '' ^'f '^'J'^^^f^ ccMnten^cc ov con- 

fnbutcany ^rength to iuch fofitions, and 

I opinions, 


-*>- ,1 

6i Whdt Sdeevtrs 4re free unto, 
you to the top of A^*^*. and (heir Ja 
■11 this C<»»*i«, would make you willm 
to lav down your bodies there, and poit 
to enjoy it. I fay, to open this priviU 
a little,which yet is farre above man lo d! 
fje hath Kit feeM, nor tdr heard, mr « 
tt enter into the heart of man to concih 
•Cor.j .,**«' god hath referved for «/ , and H 
that is fpoken of Grace , and there/or 
what 1$ Glory ? Could we but open tli 
tp you.it were even enough to put you it 
to heaven, while you are here upon ear tJ 
It 1$ called the »w fernfatem. Glory », 
^fprsjoj Fathers Honfe , Rinldm 
Xtn^domt ofGlorj , Heaven, Light, Lift 
£ttrnaaiift. Look but onthatoneplact 
2 Cor. 4. 1 7. for o^r n^i^j afflinions yrhid 
4re but ftr a moment, tvorketh for w afm 
mrt exceeding and etern^/l weight ofg/m 
it IS one of the necreft espreliions we reai 
of. I Glory. 2 Weight of glory, 3 Ei- 
ceeding weight of glory. 4 More a 
ceeding weight of glory. 5 Afarmort''^ 
weeding weight of glory. 6 Nay, a ftr 
raore exceeding and etemall weight of 
glory and this .s the glorious liberty of tlx 
Idnsof God : Butwemuft fhutup this, 
bccaufc I would not willingly keep yM| 


Ihtfrf m/un J^trj prepttntdeJ. 6% 

off, from that which is the chicflintea- 

ThHs have we as hriefij as the largeneiTc 
and concernment of the fubjeA would 
fuflfer us, finilhed thofc three Generals 
which we propofed in the handling of 
this Dodrine : I fliould now come to 
the app/icatioH of what I have faid.andthe 
iargcncflc of the fubjcft would afford 
much for comfort and for caution : for 
diredion and incouragemcnt to the peo- 
ple of God. Butl have other workc to 
doe firft. 

This Text is the maine Bafu whereon 
this Dodrine of Chrifiian freedtme is 
built : and in regard many have rndea- 
vouied to huild their owne fuperflru- 
dures, hay and Aubble on it,which the 
foundation will never beare ; I fay, in re- 
gard there arc fo many Opinions which 
plead fitrottiie from this Dodrinc, I 
conceive it is my great worke to vindi- 
cate ia excellent a Dodrine as this is of 
Chrifiian freedme , from thofe falfc , I 
may fay, licentioHt Dodrines which are 
faftencd and fathered on it : And to fl«w 
you that neither this DoEirine ^ nor yet 
this 7'r;>;^ will afford cenntenance, or con- 
tribute any ^r;»^f (7 to fuch fojitions, and 





^4 rhefirft main Query fripeuttdtl 
toto en» ' ^^P'^'O"* •> ^^^^^ '^cy would feera toi 

reluL It <^' fro™ '^' *"^ ''"''^ "P^" •'• 

i><i«;»«i The worke is great, for I am to dealt 
nofierje- with thc greauft k»ots in the praEHe4 
jM tfc*»/i. pjrtof Divinitic, and mens jmdiemm 
;«,<;«* j4 are various, Scripture is picalcd on al 
b!!*iDe7' hands : Thc more difficult the vvorke, 
pMrt,fapi- the more need of your prayers , that tht 
eniia, /«- Father of light, would go before us, and 
|I««4, /"*»- by his owne light leadc and guide us mm 
a^ficatto, thejv^jes$f4lltrftth*. J 

«r rtdem- ■'' . . ■ 

m«,&iBquo funt omnes thefaunfafunti* & ctgnuionu A 

fcottditt , HC fpnitu ftn6lo fito funilificet, et in amnm vM 
tatm ducat, ad divine fua gratis gl»nim,& ^tteraam uojlra 
fatittem. Aug. de ord- et modo prwdepn 

Cupimui emm invepgare quid vet urn fit , nequc lUlolumjA 
quid cumveritate pietatem queque pr>euyeiie,iidDitimhaitii 
ctn}unam. C. Sadol. in 8 lloin. 

In confidence of which wc fliall ad- 
venture to Unch into thefe decpes , and 
fall to the examination and triall of thole 
Dodrinei, which are <^e<l/«:*«i from, and 
would feem to be built upon this Text. 

The firnDoftrine and the maine that 
they would fceme to build vpon tniJ 
Text is. That Teleevm art freed fro* >« 
L4». And this (hall be the fitft Query 
we will propound and examine. 

I Query. whethtrthUhe tiHj fsrt pf 
] frtedmt hj Ctrift tc h (rttd frot» tbt^ 


AbHq^AtUn of tht La^* ^5 

f ,« ? I fct it downe in this Urgm^c and 
tfdent!re.butft^all gradually WUnto thc 

rlofer handling of it. ^ , • • „„ 

My>. For the anfwer of this ,n ge- 

nerlll as it is propounded , wc muft con- 

S wV are not without fomc places ot 
cr^mre, which declare the law to be 
r.Lj • nor without lomcagamcthat : 

;::i::cyett"bcin/.«. Wew.ll8.vc| 

vnuatafteof foraeot them. , . .^ 
nWccWiUbeginne with thofc that 
fecmc to fpeake the abrogation of it, /<r. 

fliih the LORD A'^t I W/ «»-<l^ '^ »^ 
t:^t.Uh thl h..[e of Ifr.1, ^^^^^^^^^ 

CeunWthAt I m^de mih their Father 
inthed^jihit ItockethemhjthehAn\,t,. 

n^t<^en.nt tUj hrake, f^'^'f^^^^ 

„\am.kc r^ith theboufe oflfr^l .^K 

fn iJin their i-^^rdf^l^'^'ir^'J^ 
iM hearts, -«^ /^'/^ t' the^rGod 4nd 

th,i hm the Urd) hm that the i^ 

■■ •<* 


..iiH.^> -=^ 



6^ Scriptttres fpeakhg tht 

huth domirtion over a m*n m long m in 

Vtrf.2. livtth ? For the yfoman which hath u 

hHtbund , ti bound by the Itm to her huf- 

l>4i*i fo long M he liveth , but if herhnj. 

b4tid be dead , /he u loofedfrom the lait( 

Veif.y. her Husband. Se then if while her hi^. 

baud liveth, (he he married to another mtu, 

/he /hall he called an adult ere jfe ; but if ho 

husband be dead, /he ii free from that l/nt, 

fa thtit fje It no adultereffe^ though /ht k 

married to another man And that the A. 

pottle doth here fpeake of the iJIford 

Law, iscvidcnc from the feventh verft, 

And that we arc freed from it, fee thi, 

fixth verfe.^c- Scealfo.^ew. 6,14. Ls 

net finue rei^ne , fur you are ntt unk 

the Law, G^l T^.\g,t^. The law was tir 

d^ed , b(caufe of traufgnfjiun till the /tti 

c>ame, Gal. 4. 4, 5. chn/t was made mi- 

der the Law, to redetme thtm that wert f» 

derthe laiv/^cKom.^.^. For the law^ 

the/pirit rf life hath made me fret from tit 

lawbffin and death, &c. Gal. 5.18. !?*« 

if you he led bythe fpirit, you are no mm 

mder the Law, Rom. 1 0.4. chrift u thetrd 

ejfthe L»w, crc. i Tim. 1.8,0,10. Tkt 

taw is gar. d ifuftd lawfully, but the Uwii 

Mof made for the righteous^ &c. 

So that you fee there fcemes to be a 


Af>ro-riimneftheUw. 61 

rrMtdeaie oi' firenjth\n the Scripture to 
prove the Abrogatron of the I.r.v that 

wee a-c dead to the Law, tiecd /^<>"; 
the Law,no more under the Law. Which 
Scriptures wc Oiall have to dea e w.ch- 
all afterwards ; for the preiciU 1 do one- 
ly name them, to le: you fee the nrengch 
which the Scriptures fceme to hoU ou 
for the firlt Opinion, the Abrogation ot 

the Law , ^ 

2 Now fecondly, there are fome 
Scriptures againc which fceme to f)p'^ 
uptheLaw,and fay, the Law is (hll in 
force : I fay, fome which fecmc to fpeake 
the Obligation, as the other the Abroga- 
tion of It, Rom. Mt. 'Doe wee make z-t.^ 
the Law throw h faiths God forbid : yea.wi 
e/iMfh the Law : this leemes to be con- 
trary to the former : the other fcemes to 
fpeake of the abrogation, this of thcclta- 
bliftjment, and obligation of the Law. So 

Matth. 5. 17- ''^^^"'^ "" '*'•'', ^ "'^ 
eometo defiroy the Law or the Prophets, i 
am mtcometodftroy hut to fulfill : for vt- 
rily I fay unto you, till heaven and eartU 
p/jfeaway, one pt, or one tittle ihill tnnt 
Wife pajfe from the Law, till all be fulfil- 
led, &c. 

Upon thcfc varieties of Tests, merl 



K:^ H 

a T-fgis no- 

£[ v.iiia 
funt ligis 
fl'Ci ici. 

Mi/ijh. in 
■L c, b : D:- 

£.r ..itiiL. 

ph'i nvn 

fioCillt, tit- 

ki.ic nomtn 



6^ The interpretation , 

have gr-undcil cheir variecy of Opinioi 
for the Ahrf f' iriun of, a nd Onli-arionii 
the Law. T here is no t|a«;lli m buc ilj 
Scripture fpeak?s truth in both , thf 
arc the words of Truth ; and though th(i 
Icemj iicre to be as the accm'^c/s of Chril 
never a one fpcaking like the other ; jt 
if wc were able to finJe out the rntjn 
inp, , we fhould find them hkc Nm^ 
ahd B'iihp>ebA , both fi)eaking the fait 
■ chinas. 

. N 'V fir the finding out the truth w 
der thc'e Icemmg cautrarieties , andfl' 
the anfwer c»» the /^£re , left we (hoi 
beate the ayre, and Ipendour bteith ton 
purpole; ic will be nccctfary to tnijm 

tjvo things. 

1 What is meant by the word i-4w. 

2 ]nwhtil fen/ei this word i^ uledii 
5^<ripcurc. And wiien this is done then 
Will bra way opened to the clearing « 
thctruth, andanfwer of the i^harics. 

I For the fir ft : What is meant b] 
this word La ^ ? 

Palling by others : the word whichf 
rtf frequent ufe tor the Law, in the Oli 
Teitainent is ^ Torah ; which is. derivci 
(>f anotlicr word,whicli lipmfies to thio« 
liarcs j and in a fecund lignificaiion lo 


of the wor^ Law, 69 

teach, to inOrurt, toadmonifti ; and *''"»;!:f,^ff„'|.' 
it is ufed for any dodrine or mlhuftion /^^,; •",, 
which doth teach, inforrac, direft us ; as t ;,>.■/?/.« 
in Pro I ?• H- <^ i he t^zw of the ivije is a Linqitan 
ftuntaine of life to depart from the fnareu''"?'""^'*' 
ofde4th. Here law is taken m a large '""'^'y'"- 
fenfe for any Dodrinc or direction, __ _ 
which proceeds from the wife. So Pro. rA^n*^ 
3. I. and 4 2. 

In the New Teftament the Word 
i Law isdeiivcJ of another word which 
fignifies to ^»/?r»^«f(r; becaule I', e Laiw 
doth dtfiribute ^ or render to God and ^ *^i*^ 
man their due. ^ ''"''• 

And in briefc, this word Law^ in its'*f**' 
natu -all fignification.both m the Old and '^'J^";/** 
New Tellament, doth (ig ificany Ao''^^.Ji^„^ 
drinc,inftrudion, law, ordinance ftaiute,p.,(j'>,i-. 
divine or humane ; winch do:h teach, 
direft, command , or bind men to aiy 
dutie which they owe to God or man. 
And fo much for the fii ft. 

3 In what fenles this word Law is 
ufed in the Scriptures. 

I fhall not trouble you with all theac- 
ceptationsof itj oncly name lomeof the 
chief to you. 

I It is fometimes taken for the Scrip- 
tures of the Old Tefiamenr, the Books of 
r 3 MY(s 


6S 7ht interpretaiion 

have gr undcii cheir vaiiecy of Opinioi 
for the Ahrf ^ ici'^n of, a nd Oolij^arioim 
the Law. There is no qaelli m but ili 
Scripture fpeak?s truch in both , ihf 
are the words of Truth ; and though thj 
Jc^mj !icre to be as the nccHcrs of Chtii 
never a one fpca king like the other ; ^ 
if we were able to ftndc out the mean 
in^, we (hould find them hke N^k 
and B^thpubA , both fpcaking the fm 

. N '.V f tr the finding out the truth » 
der thc!c kerning antrArieties , andfj 
the aniwer to the ,S^£re , left we (hoiit 
beate the ayre, and Ipendoui bi euh ton 
purpofe; ic will be nccclXary to inc^m 
t\Vo things. 

I What is meant by the word Ltnt. 

\z '\n\v\iiii(eM[es this word u uledii 

Fitripturc. And wlitrii this is done then 

will be a way opened to the clearing! 

the truch, and anfiwer of the (JH^ries. 

I For the fir ft : What is meant li| 

cfthe wor^ Law, 




KftMan • 

t; v.tiia 
fioit ligis 
Mill Ih. in 
•tcb : D: 

£X .,1(111.. 


^/i'/n-iintbiswordl.a^ ? 
docun *n- Pa jjin„ by others • the word which f 
hf'ir xomen ^'' ^rtqucnc ufe tor the I.iw, in the 01> 
iT^^n Teitament is ^ Torah^ which ii derivci 
dnam-i, of another word,whicli lipmfies to thio« 
in(iiiHi'^\ ci^rts ; and in a fecond ligmficaiion to 

teach, to inftrud, toadmonifti ; and '"^ ,!;)^,'*^;^7 f- 
it is ufed for any dodrine or inlhiidion /^"„/;',, 
which doth teach, infoinae, dire<fl us ; as aii/?//« 
in PrO' I ?• 14- "^ t he t<.:W of the mje is a t.mqu-jm^ 
feUftaifie of life to depart from the fnaresJ'"!"""!'^' 
of death. Here la«v is taken in a large ""^•^'i'''''- 
fenfe for any Doftrinc or dircftiun, 
which proceeds from the wife. So Pra. 
3. I. and 4 2. 

In the New Tcftamcnt the Word 
i Law is derived of another word which : 

fignifies to ti(7?n^««; becauie t'.c law \ 

doth dtflribttte ^ or render to God and" *^i^^ 
man their due. '^/"'" 

And in briefe, this word Law, in its'V*' 
natu -all fignification.both m the Old and 'j'jj;/*' 
.New TeHament, doth li;;; ificany diO- '^^^.Ji^^^ 
drine,inftrudion, law, ordinance ftaiute, p.i/j'jj'. 
divine or humane ; wluch do:h teach, 
direft, command , or bind men tnn^j 
dmie which they owe to God or man. 
And fo much for the fi; ft. 

2 In what fenies this word L.irv is 
ufed in the Scriptures. 

1 fhall not trouble you with all theac- 
ceptationsof it; oncly name lomeof the 
chief to you. 

1 It is fometimes taken for the Scrip- 
tures of the Old Teftamenr, the Books of 
r 3 _ A^o^is 



*j(5) Ifi fvhat ftnfes I 

lexali- Mefes, rfglwei, and Prophets. Andf 

qitsiidoLu tt,,. 'jtfves undciftood it in the Job. i2.i( 

"J"f-!*[ f^'^ ^^^« htard cut of the Uw that C^^ 

/i'iSai- *^><^(th f»r tver, iio Joh- 1525. This m 

is Kcc;if.iJ.i fth to palje fkut the word might be fnl^j 

ante i hii- ivkich v;m mritten in thtir law , Tht) i| 

fium.pre- ted mewitbifit a canfcy Vii\. ■^$. 19. T^ 

'i"'''!'"' . li!:!eyou have in i Cer. 14. :i. where il| 

'y'j'ci'[[^^oMe. repeating the words of IftiA 

viii'.^. r, ^l*- -^i' !'• la'th, it is written ini? 

/. ij.i.?. Law. 

/<^-J-^>7- 2 It is fometime taken for the »tt i6« 16. 

f.'""'""'''-mrd of God, Promilei, and Vtea^ 7 Sometimes for all the Lawes Mo-'"''"'fJ: 

thtmrdLawUufed, 71 | 

LitfitfMofes: meaning the &ve Bookcs Lex fumi- 
of Mores,Cr<«/.4.2i. mco>,t,^. 

4 It is taken for the Pedagogy off/j^^ 
Mofes in his foure laft Books, /«/>, '>.4<^'^«*«op,.- 
Had Jilt believed Ahfes^ you voft/d hai/erxmiiilVnia 
beiuved rue j fur he wrote ef me ^ Jofli. i.exi'lkai, 

7 8. ««/«/?•-, 

5 Sometimes for the Morall Law ^-'^£!^ 
lone . the Decalogue, Rom. 7. 7. & iiew. ^^^ ^Jfli 

7, 1 4, 20. e^pomtur 

6 Sometimes for the Qeremonull, Luk. Evasgeihy 


/^«t.-P'»'-'9-7' TheUr^ofGod^perfead 
fadeel,i- "verting the fiule : You know converfit^' 
ua.Fii u Ipcakes the promife ; neither juflificin. 
Nov.rijla on nor fanftification are the fruits oftl|. 
liter.! ju- i^^ giQpp . tj^g livi ammandi.k' 

friv- '■' 8'T^ no Grace. So that either by Li« 
Lexii^j'e- "'"^ ^> meant theT>-br»>fe too ; ellctlm 
rat.ftd p. by I his Convcrlion is not mean: Regf 
dts t',f,<.a. ncr^tion. 

Beza ;« ^ ](• jj fometinKs taken for the fiw 
I'odkcs of Mofes, Gal. ^ 21. V/zifn 
h.idi'ei^e a Law oivtn whith could havt (f 
. V(ii life., zerily ri^hteuufhi^e /hoHld htv, 
hti» (.J tl e hi.w, John 1.45. lytjiundhit 
((fiifphomA'Jtfcs inthe L<*w did write, Lul«^ 
H" H- /: II n^ifj^t ftili Hid writttniit »*»; 


rall,Ceremoniall,Judiciall,/efe. 1.17. Lhe^.^i^^^j^^^ 
law came bj Mofet, hut grace and trnth ; ^xcsrc- 
by jefM ^hrij}. » Grace, inoppofition to«»oaifl/iT 
the MoraU; Truth, in oppofltion to Ce-^-^^" f"'^ 
nmonial; which was but thcdiadow. "^^'/';.'^ 
Nowalfothe controverfie lies in ti\is^J.^'*'i^J^' 
laft ; the law as it is taken for the Morall, Abtahama 
Judiciall, Ceremoniall Law; and yet in pramiifum, 
twoof them wcfindc more clearnefle o(Ci3\.i.i6, 
agreement : the great difficulty is of the ^,?2'"* 

Fitft, for the Ctremtniall Law which rerma/iU- 

was an Appendix to thefirft Fable of the/fiiii<»f»- 

Morall Law ; and is an Ordinance con- 1*"^'^ 1"^ 

tjiaing precepts of worlhip to the Jewes"'^ 'T^'u 

if fa temparis maturitate evantut. Idem. 

F 4 whw 


>' < 

' Si 

1/en *Dt* 

1 lif 




rent, im- 



71 Jcceptdthns of the vtord Law, 

when they were in their infancic; 

I To keepe them under hope. 
. 2 To prefcrvc them from will-wi 

? To be a wall of reparation betwft^ 
^^^thera and the Gentiles. And this alU 
qn9genils grcc to bc abrogated both in truth, a^^ 

clia: cum in fad. 

fiii Judsli Secondly, for the lu^iciall Law. wbic^ 
tn uniHs y^jg g p appendix to ihe ftcoiid Table ; i\ 
was an Ordinance containing Tncif 
concerning the Government of the peop 
in civiS things 

I That there might be a ru/e of coi 
(umcifiiius inon and publique equity 

pr»mq/io- — "^ - * ' - 

(aHfacrf-f^om Others. ' 

fame, <c- ? That the Government of Cbrf 
quum fr.i/ might be typified. ' 

^';j^,'*^^ChriO,ro far it is ccafed ; « but that whicl 
jliTihiii ' '* of common and generall efjuitic rt 
ndtciah- mainfs fliU inforcc. Itisa Maxime,7A|fi 
ii« »tf;c judgtments rfhich are amman ar.d nUt 
funt ferp:-y^fi^ ^^^ mor»lUnd perpetnalt. Butinthed 
7utt]w,s ^""^ ^^ fi"<^ f^^ diffcntcrs. AH the con- 
tommunis, trovcrfie will be in the third. j 

five q»x habtntatquhlmoralc, iUiC vtra ahogatd qutfK*>: 


That they might be difiifis^mfk 



J>ifferefit tpnioM oh this Qut(l^ 7 j 
Thirdly , the Mor^ll Law which is 
fcattered throughout the whole B^^le, 
and Aww.^'iup in the Decalogue. And 
for/«^/?4).ctfContaincsluch ihmgsas are 
m^nd holy, and agreeable to the will 
If God, beingtheiw4^*of the Divine 
will- a beamt of his holineffe : the fummc 
of which is love to God, love to man. 

And here is now one of the great Di- 
fputes in thefe dayes : Whether this be 
abrogated , Or to bold to the Query : 
ff^htther "Beleivert are freed from the A fo- 
raa Law. All agree that we arc freed ^,g, 
from the curfes and malediftions ; trom Parcum, 
the indiftments and accufations ; from «« Ro™, 
ihc Coadionsand irritations. &c. and'-'^* 
other particulars which wee named be- , 

fore. But the queflion is , if you 

will have it in plaine tcarmes : 

Queft. whether are Believers freed from 
the oheiienctto the MofaU Law; or frtm 
the Merall Law at a rule ofekedience ? Legem tjuh 

Some there are that pofuively, or per- dtm chri- 
emptorily affirm that we are freed from J««;><"«** 
the Law asaiJ«/«, and are not, fince*J"^PJ- 
Chrift,tyed to the obedience of it. mnutU'S 

Others fay, It doth ftill remain in force inltemfs' 
H. as a /?«/< of Obedience, though it be ahs- cem,&c^ 
ViMin oth?r refpcas. We are nil! under Bcxa. 








wi AcceftithnsoftheworJ Law. 

■ when they were in their infancic ; asi 

1 To kecpe them under hope- ^' 

2 To prefervc them from will-woi>^ 
(hip. ',-j 

7 To be a wall of reparation betwtc 
ST^/'f ^^^"^ and the Gentiles. And this all i:| 
qlaimls S''*'^ ^^ ^^ abrogated both in truth, m 

elite cum in tad. 

fiisJudaiU Secondly, for the /wdiVw// Taw. whid 
was an y4ppeti(iix to the ftcond Table ; an£j 
was an Ordinance containing 7ricm 
concerning the Government of the peorlj 
in civiS things. 

I That there might be a ruleoim 

(imci finds (jjQjj jnj pabiique equity. 

prtmifio- , jhat they might be Sfii>iiM 

rtc, lefts - , JO -< *< r 

c.l/-a\r/- from others. 

fantc, £- ? That the Cjovcrnment of Cbnit| 

qnum er.(« might be typified- 

leg'mcef- y\nj (q ^ere as this was fjpicd 

fartfiw- (^ j,rjQ f far j^ jj ccafed ; * but that vwhitki 

ylcn'^i^m '* ^f common and general! equitic re 

ndtaali- maines flill in force. Jtisa Maxtme,TW 

b'M Hlx judgtments rthich are ceinman ar,d ni^A 

funt ferpc- ^^^^ ^^^g „,^^^ii ^„^ perpetuaff. But in thefej 

'«< ?** two we find few diffcnters. All the con- 

tn uniHs 
vert lici 
rent, im- 
flcta. civ 

funt JMtis 

trovctfie will be in the third. 

jizc a»x habentaliquul morale, ilitvcya ib; Ogata quitf»'^\ 

finicu!<u-is , &c. /^Ijltd. 

Different ephions oh this ^^eft, 7 j 

Thirdly , the A/oruS Law which is 
fcattercd throughout the whole S^l^ie, 
and /*«»w-^^ up in the Decalogue. And 

for MP"*" containcs luch thmgs a^ are 
« J and holv. and agreeable to the will 
Sf God, being the image o? the Div.ne 
will- a heamt of his hoUnefle : the lummc 
of which is love to God, love to man- 

And here is now one of thefereat Dt- 
fputes in thefc dayes : Whethe^thls be 
abrogated , Or to hold to the Query : 
whether 'Beleevert are freed from the Afo- 
rai Law. All agree that we arc freed ^,g, 
from the curfes and malediftions ; from Parcum, 
the indiftments and accufations ; from in Rom. 
die Coadions and irritations, &c. and*-"*' 
other particulars which wee named be- 
fore. But the qucflion is , if you 

will have it in plaine tearmes : 

Qucft. whether are Beleevers freed from 
the obedience to the Motall Law ; or from 
the MoraU. Ltm as (t rule ofekeMience ? Legem qui- 

Some there are that pofitively, orper- «f(«c/»i»- 
emptorily affirm that we are freed from^«*;'Y»- 
the Law asaiZ«/*, and are not, fince^J""Pj- 
Chrift, ryed to the obedience of it. „^; j, j^.j 

Others fay , Tt doth ftill remain in force WrUemfi^ 
t as a iJ«/rof Obedience, though it be abe- ceret,&c^ 
" Win other refpcSj^ We arcftiU under Bcxa. 





io" 'Sf ■ . > 

! MjiieM I m iW t /im tS. 




T6at the Lm 


nmAtnti tu a Rule. **! 5 ,. , . 

the conduEi and commands of the Law, towards our neighbours, rf;»/;£r^»« and .^Jj'.^-'^'J 
though not under the curfes and penalties . fobrietj towards our fclvcs. And for the ,„ !Ut>i m- 

lUbftancc of it, it is Morall and Etcrnall, nncmix, 
and cannot be abror,atcd. We grant the ''''/:">••'' 

\ s 

of it. 


m/araa-f ^''u",^*y'^""^'^^"''e are freed . , - , 

nc lens I ^''°™ ^^= ^^'"' ^' g'^cn bv Aiofes , and are circumfi^nas, ihcy were but temporary & . ^ ^, ,^ 

K<»;uWa.- 0"^'y fyc'^ fo tne obedience of it. as it i» ^ changeable, anl we have now nothing lo . ., 

oaelcrJu 8<ven fay cAr//?.And thouch thev — '"-' ''^ ' • • - ■ "-''-- •-- 

noitiUn-fu- ^.'^'y ^y" •■" "-"c "Hcaience ot it, as it is jcnangeaDie, ana wc n^vc u^w .iv^LiUMj, .^ * ,i';;(,j-:fa 
cae legh, given fay Chrifi.And though they are Tub- . | doe with the P/omulger Mofes, nor the , i /, v, 
Beza la jeA to thofe commands , and that Law M pi'*" where , Mount Sinai , nor the time /w.irf vim 
M^c. J 17. which ^o/f/ gave, yet not as he gave ir 1 Hfty dayes after they came out of £^,7,2?, pi^'fi^^'^'^' 
but as Chriftrenewcsitj and as it comes 1 nor y« as ic was written m Tables or :^ ;^.'''^^'» 


:'r viget 

nu n. 1 I ---uiivi.Lyui f, ' ". . , " 'i:i->ad v'm 

^hni\;foh. I?. ,'4. A mw commandmtnt -A ning.icc. We lookenotto ■z^.uthc hilL,, rgcndi. 
Igivemtojoti^ that joh love one drtothir'^'^^ of bondage, but to .<«» the mountains of * £.;«(;.:- 
'tis a Commandment, for Chrift is botha '^>^ C^uce ; and we take tlie Law as the Im^^e ^■»* ^on- 

<_» 3 J — - -"-rf^fc ««« IIV 411' 

: as Chrift renewcs it j and as it comes v, - . 
^•^t oy ne hand,and from thcauthorityof | ^one, dtLvcredwkh thundnng and lic'K- 


non quoad Saviour and a Lord: and it is 


J — - »• 13 a new oneM /I' 

^.<.«/./,;-''''':'7'^"«'^,^^««^^> but bccaufe now ^^ 

^rf«eW, and we have it immediately from 

the hands of Chnft. I ftali not much m 

dlllike this, acknowledge the morall Law 1 

as a rule or obedience and Cbriftian waiit- ''' 

Lex mr'.T- ing,and there will be no falling out, whe- 

t t£i: l^H^T 'f' '' '' P^«^«lged by M,res,ot 
re^Uz. *' 7"^^^^ ^<^ yo". and renewed by Chr.iV 
AlHcJ. ^'^^ indeed the Law as it is confidered 

£si nama. «s a rule can no more be aoolijled or chan- 

id evil can 
0-— — fubftance 

bis requi. : ^ ^^'^ fumme of Dodrine con- 

rtf.ljcm. <^g'^°'"o/'^^7 towards God, and Chariry 


£s{ ita,mii «s a r«/(r can no more be *boliihed 
eonfrrmi- ged, then the nature of good anc 
uus qu^m be aboliflicd and changed The f 

Hem a. no- ^cu t ■ \ r ° • "c i 

i.;c .......: of ^nc ^aw is the fumme of DoA. 

of the divine W^/Zf of God, which we dc- f;^"%!^;^ 
fire to obe/ , but from wh^ch we do not /'^^^ J,.^] 
expcd /*/f and favour, nor feare death and j,,y »o;» 
rigor ; and this I conceive the concurrent fidclc^. 
opmion of all Divines. TheLaw is* *»^ro- \obfe.vi- 
fatedm refped of power, to jaftific or "" ^'■g^:! 
condemnc ; but it remames Ihli ot rorce . ^ ^.^^^^•_ 
to dired us in our lives. * 't condemaes ,^^ j,„f^i,ii, 
fin in the faithful!, though it cannot con- .-rtq-, I fde 
demnethefaithtullfor fir.ne. * Farrebe/Vw 
it from us , that prophane opinion, t^i^ip'^i^- 
take away the law as a Ilulc, which is an p^"'^'.;^ 
»»/^:.vi^_/ff rule of living, and by teaching:, ^^„j,, (j^,. 
admomftiirg, chiding, rcproving,p.epare3 ,^,>^ii »»j;- 

i^ ' i npbio le^rm nvnifc .igaL t m ; rjl cnin infier . ihiiis vivimii . 

t''i ■■•;'.:, Calv.iu 




.>x -.' 





•J6 The two mdin Propofitions, 

«mf«- '" 7f "^ P^'T""' '^^ ^'■^ "Ot under the . 
tufmo- ^«'V'. DU t yet the commands. Another. 
mm, con- The MoraU Law is perpetuall and im 
dmnatio- mHublc, this is an everlafting truth t^iat 
ZC [,^^55^^^---^^?-^ to^orrfipandS; 
tamnnon ^" P^J^^' ^^^l <<> ^Uch the««r. bound i 
quotd »be- ** "«c hath ««m<i The greater benefits' 
dientiam, ^na wecontcfs; to be free from < ' ' ' 
Chcianic. is to be fervants unco finne. 

But thefc things vve fliall fpeakeraore 
largely unto m the following difcourle a 

which holds forth the ^ho.atian of the ^ 

law^ and fa, th that we arc freed from the ' 
obedience ot it; Ifliajj laydowne, and 
endeavour to make good thefe tj Pd- 
uons, vfhkh will fcrve fully Co anlwer 
the J^^uery. and refute them. The Pcftti- 
OHS are thefe : "^ 

I That the law for the M^snce of it 
(for we geake not of the c;rcumftances 
and acceffor>es to it; doth remam as » nk ' 
0/ valkina (9 the people sf god. 

y»h,ch:heUT^rPM given, but might confijt 
vtth Grace , and be ferviceahle to the air 
VMcemtntaftht Covenant ef g race. 

Tof, X, 



7he firjl dijcuffed, 77 

• And if thefe tvfs be made good , thofc 

i'Db£lrinejofihc abri>gacion ofthcMorall 
Law , and freedorae from the 4aw, will 

^k/i? to the ground. 

We will begin with the firft, Th,tt the f»f.i» 
Ltuwin the fub^^nce of it dsth rsmaine in 

farce , M a rule of walking to the people of 
god I ihall not need co l!ay long in this, 
for the fccond pofition being made good, 
duch hold forth and ef^ablilh this alio, by 
the /4»,you know is meant the morall law 
comprehended in the Decalogue or ten 
Commandments, by the fuhftanceol it, I 
meanc,the things commanded and fo'. bid- 
den, which zxtmorAlly good and evill,and 
canno; be changed or abolifticd : For^?'^'* 
what is the kwin th: fu'jfianceo^ ii,hat^JI^^^ ''^^^ 
that law of nature ingravenin the hczttoigemfitam 
man in innocency?and what was that, but tnfcriffit 
ilie expre(fe Idea, or reprefentation of'•"'''^/'"'- 
Godsownc image; Even a ^f*ii* of his '"""■' ^ 
ovrac holinefs , which cannot he changed" ''^^^ ^' 
or aboliftied no more then the nature of mnralis hbm 
good and evill ? And that the law thus ^c,/f^y<t- 
confidcred in the fui fiance of it , doth re- 'i'^edif- 
raaint as an unchangeable Rule of walking ^'*'^'^'=^* 
to Beleevcrs, I am now to prove- 
In which proofc i to fay nothing of 
JfigU Aucboiitics, which m igfac be al- 




lion d.im- 
fiat, ace i- 
ram in ne 

bis Optra- 
tUY ^c. 


"7 S The confeffiom ef Churches 

leadgedjcven as many almift as men, wo 

have a ckudof witnefTcs, ifwc look upon 

the concordant Confcfllons of Chriftian 

and Reformed Churches ; the Helvctm 

a H^ulcKM Church hath this Confeflion ^ Thi 

ttaqiic. t^ ^^ j/j^ £^^^ ^£ fjgj Abri)Z-*ted, in thutii 

abri^Z'tti cfr, I \ r, i- ^ 

Icvufi (3-it» »•'( poTver to coidem^ B-ltevers^ Q".. 

njcxtcv'ui Ns'tvUhfiiftiXini, rve do not difdt'mngljrt- 
nos .im,d'usjtcl the Uw , bu: condernit thtm a^ henfui 
rffhkb art t:'.iigbt a^ainfithe iiw,thAt it u 
mt a rtthuf ■iv.ilklitg- The French Church 
hath this. ^' H^e be'icve aU the figures oj 
the Lirv to be taken areay tj the coming cj 
Chril^^ a/thcugh the truth and fubfi ance ij 
legem ul. » fijfj^ ^g cQntlnne to M in him, and are fnl- 
nonplhdi- ri^ ^ .^^ ^.^ ^^^ ^^^ do£l:rine of tk 

tn-df dum ^''^ '^ both Hjtd in them ta confirm our lift ; 
nan::is a:n- As alfo th.it wc m.ij he the more confirmeJin 
ma q;<a: the Pramifes of the G'jfpel^ 4ndagree.t^!e to 
ha,-etid f(j.j in the Celgick ConfclTionThe Church 
wfwrct, cc f Wittenberg. ' "-'e acknowledge tk 

rT cot'*)' I CI O ^- o 

canirn L- ^■^ "/ (^''"^i ^'^'f' abridgement u in the 'Vc 
gm Dei 

dedcriint, Bclvclica Con^, jjii) A.iic. \i pTg.38. b Crcilimi 
omiics Ic^U fig'^ras advcnm ch'i(t t fublit as (jfc, qitamvis a- 
VKm Veritas, et fubfl.imht niihis in en confltt m qun funt omm! 
impktxjegh timendoBrinaiuendncIl, tiimadv'uamno^rar* 
ciDifirmiinditm, turn itt ea m^gis in pramilfiomhm Evjngelicn 
emfi,m:^nnr. Gxl.Conkf. A uc. ij. ^ai. 10^. Concordat cu» 
»:!-iic. Canfcf. Anic.t^.pa^. 17^. 

Hrengthningthefirjlpdfitien. 7^ 

calogue,to commend tile bej}, mufi jufi and c Agnofd- 
^ perfect vfork^s, an^ man to be bound ta obey mui legem 
k' the morall precepts of the Decalogue. Net- ^"' <^^f''^ 
Kther are thofe precepts which are contained ':""''"' f* 
lin the Apoaics writing a new law, but are pj^j'^'c' 
Uranches of the old Law, Another, dt ts npimaju. 
net^full t% teach men that they mil ft not on- H'fim.i, tir 
^If obey the Lw \ but alf» bow tki ebedi- pt-f'^aiffi- 
Mtne ple.ifeth God. the Scottiftl Church. '"'"P''''.''' 
^ fVe do not think we are fo freed by /,- ^^^^ 
\btrty, as tj weowednu tbedieyice to the law , v(j'- ad obe- 
j»T confeffe the contrary : And cue Church dumlum 
]holds out the fame. *' Although the law '»" '''•'^«* 
^ivenef god by Mofes in regard of the'' ^'f'^ 
\Rites and Ceremonies Joth not bind C^ri-^Sc'r- 
hans, neither u any, although a Chr^ftian, gka confc- 
lloofed from the obedience of the command- Ij!". pag;. 
Iments which are called morall. To thefe ^'♦5- "'^1"' 
might be added many more. prtcepta 

But it may be all thcfe arc of no autho- (^-'X'! 
Irity, they are of no power with thera,i„/4rL 

\ funt novo lcx,fcdfu>,t'jetenslrgis,&c. p.i^s. d NccrlTe cH 
^ doceYehomnes, ion foUm quod Ugi okedicndum (It, fidetism 
qtomodoptaceatlxecobcdiemia.Augujl-confef.art.g p i«>. 
t^on extflrmamm noi ita hbcYtare donatos, qtuff nnSam Irai 
»bediem»mdcbeamm,comrs,mm cm ante coufcffl fumus.Sct 
ttancL Conjcf Art. ij, ,47. f ^^amvislcx a -Deo data per 
'^^reKquondRvnsetCcYcmomas Chriliianos non adriJat, 
njqjt^mnabobrdiennamamiaiorum, qa^moralia v»camm\ 
"tii^sciumtiVischaJltma efi f alHtH f. C o nftf, ^ n ^tie . ^1*7* 



■ ''•.4. " 


('• ! 

? f f 



ex nil- Mefcs, rfitmes^ zr\A I'rofhets. And fo 
iitiidob- ihc Jtwes undciftood it in the "fab- 1 2. 34 
juniiiuf if'g ij^^g heard cm of the Latv that Chnj 

ccr.MiJ-"^ ^° P^'j/' '^''•' the word might be inlfihi 




'itt ( ha- which wm written in their law , The)/ lit 

'im.i'fo- tedmetdihbut a cafife^V\^\.'i,')-i9- Ttit 

f uhi- jij.g y,^y i^jve ,n I (;^v. 14. : I . whcie tht 







^/"J','"Apoftlc repeating the words of //u«M 
r,."y. r! -^/««- 2-' n- laith, ic is written in tlii| 
.5.<,.5. Law. 

'■!-5,6,7. 2 It is fometime taken foi the «4i 
'' '"'"2- W^or^ of God, Promiles, and Preccp:),| 

fioB ; 

fl untvi'i 


Vu a 

Ur.i }u- 
^. ■,;.,.;(' 
X ,■,..'; c- 

La <« 

'verting the futile: You know convei 
(peakes the promife; neither juRificati- 
on nor fanftification are the fruits oftU 
law alone ; the law cmmandt , but 
gives no Cirace. So that either by Law 
' niuft b- mer.nt iheT'ormfe too ; elle that 
by this Convcrlion is not mean: Rege- 

? k is fometinics taken for the five 
Bookes of A/o/es, Gal- V a- ^j tktn 
h^dl-ci»e a Larv given whiih rould have (_i- 
vra life , zeril} righteuMJr.<^e (hoHld hdii 
htin h tie l.^ip, ]chn j . 45- lyejmndhin 
cfwkom Mifis in the Lakv did write, Luke 
24. .^4. ^.Uiruji btftili lltd vritttnin tht 

tht Vford Law is ufed. 7 1 

\LmofMofes: meaning the ^^tViOoktiUxfumi- 

^f MoreS,C7<»/.4.2I. turcont.a- 

•r 4 It is taken for the Pedagogy of"'^;!^^ 
Ijaofcs in his foure lad Books, A/^. '^■^6.^^^^,,^^^., 
Mffdd Jitt believed AfffeXy you veoftld have mmiiilii-.ia 
' 'nlieved me j for he wrote »f me ^ Jofli. i . f a; /if j/ , 
! S. eicifft^- 

, Sometimes for the Morall Law a- '';£;;';'.' 
Ilone . the Decalogue, Rm. 7. 7. & Rom. ^itofcHfui 

1 7. 14, 20. ojfafjitiir 

6 Sometimes for the Ceremoniall, Luk. Evangeiioy 

l6> 16. Ci)3mier.i>i 

J 7 Sometimes for all the Lawcs iA<^-^^'lllT(i' 
! ralUCercmoniallJudiciali./'t/j. 1.17- ^ ^f i,,, locmn. ' 
' law came by Mojes^ but grace and truth ; ex cerz- 
hy fefM C^rifl. •* Grace, in oppofition lot/ionhlis 
the Morall i Truth ^xn oppolltion to Ce-^^'^f"'t 
rtmonial ; which was but thcnvidow. '^^J'f 
Nowalfothe controverfie lies in this^!^'!^'/^^^^*"' 
laft : the law as it is taken for the Morall, Abfahmj 
S Judiciall, Ceremonial! Law; and v*t in prom! [j'um, 
two of them we findemorc dcarnefTe of^^Ls.x^. 
agreement : the great difficulty is of the ^^1,"""^^ 

"^^' . ]Mt legem 

Firft, for the Ceremoniall Law which (e;-tm»nu-, 
was an Appendix to the firft Fable of the Lemtnti- 
Morall Law ; and is an Ordinance con- 1^"'^ 'j'-« 
Uining precepts of worfliip t^ ^hc J^wfr^j^^^^^'^'*^ 

i^fi temporis matuiitate evanitit. Idem. 

F4 I whc« 



.a , 





«i AcctftitkniofthtmrdLaw, 
when they were in their infancic ; ari . 

I To keepe them under hope. i 
a To prcfcrvc them from will-woi 


7 To be a wall of reparation bet wftti 

f^«i'fw7-jj^j'j^ gjjj j|,g Gentiles- And this all s'-. 

/.i<f»?/.;« gree to be abrogated both in truth, ani ., 

qkogcnits ° , „ i> 

4.^ c'.v» in ^aa. * 

fiisjui't'n Secondly, for the /«<J/VM//I-aw,wliic 

i«l «»/wf ^^js an Appendix to theyifoi^ Table ; anib 
was an Ordinance containing Trtafif 
concerning the Government of the peopltj 
in civiH things. 

I That there might be a r«/«otconi| 

amctjirds pjon and publique equity. 

fhmijfio- , jj^^j jhey might be #i«g«/^i 

rr'Y'" 2 Ihat ttiey m 
/ij^fr, ^- ? That the (..< 

jovcrnment of Cbiiil 

q^um er.ir might be typified- \M 

Ut<mcef- And fo here as this was typlcd off^ 
fc.efiw- chrift/ofar it is ccafed; 'but that which 
•J,"'i,J^''i« of common and generall etjuitie re- 
ndtaaa- maines fliil in force. Jt is a Maxtmc,TM( 
bi^ iUx piditments which are cemman ar.d nat»- 

a. But in thele 
two we find few diflcn'tcrs. AH the con- 

/4»' f^'P'- rttlt, are morall And perpetHalt. But in tliele ^. 
7Vw,s '^^ ""^ ^"^ ^"^^ diffcntcrs. AH f^.- con- 
(i^'lll'JL trovctfie will be in the third. 


file qȣ labsntaliquulmomk, illtivoi iliogata p^uifut^ 

^^ • Thirdly' 

different ^ftniontonthu^oueli^l^ 

^t Ji., the A'orall Laif which t$ 

f Jt S Vhr u^^^^^^^ 

InTi!-«.'3up in the Decalogue. And 


iot ftPjT*nv , ble to the will 

°i,Ml;« ofhishoUncffe: thcfumm. 
"fihichislov.toGod,lo.etom • 

.„d htre is now one of the gr«t VI- 
fput ln"be.ed.,e.: Whether th,se 

.brogattd , Or 10 hold to 'he Qi"y • 

« r„ All asree that we «rc Ireea 

the ind.ftments and accufat.ons ; from 
the Coaaion, and tvntat.ons,&c. and 
other particulars which wee named be- 
fore i-But the quettion is . .f you 

Queft. vyhither are Bdetvtri freed from 
the obeiimi to the MorallL^w ; or frm 
the Morall Law M 4 rtde ofehdte^ce . 
. Some there are that pofuivcly, or per- 
emptorily affirm that we are freed from 
the Law asaiI«/«, and are not , fmce 
Chrift,rved to the obedience of it. 
Others fay , It doth ftill remain in force 
. as a i?«/*of Obedience, though it be 4j»- 
h/iedm othqes, Rm.j- H-,^"^,^^ 
B\xt fimsperficiens,mni»terfiae»s, ihc per- ^,_^^ ^ 
/ei/,W and confumraatirg end, not the de- ■ 

;/?r<,«-^ and abilifhing end thereof; the f^,;^^^^^.,^^ 
Law had an end of perfeRion and ccn- ;,,^^^g;^ 
Inmmation in Chrift, not anewiof ^</rr»- uv.ifju.i' 
m^w and abolition. You fee here <^Chnfl.'c.u>/^/- 
sivcs a ftrifter expofition of the law, and ctonn, »» 
Scatcsit from the corrupt gloflcs of ^-S^^'- 
: the Pharifces , which furely fpcakes the^^^;;^^^ 
continuance , not the abrogation of it. i,^ /,^«,.^., 
And agreeable to this place is that of the c Hoc an- 

" tcm z-v.lt 

chMm vo^tutatU me veniffe Kt ego legem folvam, atqu abi- 

ham, at^crotmum abejl, ut dacl.m^ ma cam i*'^-"""^" 
contra, rcnfumlciisimtmmemetplmoreml,wgequefeYJccti^^^ 

rem, etexaamm ejus mctiigeutum fgo tradam, quamfo..^J^ 

«« hadenus vobis propont « doRonbm ve^rls, Capcl.bpicHf g. 

wMat.f. XI. ^uod accuratm Chri^iis cxpofuit, magis eA 

Cbrmantsfeninere creditur. Chamicr. Wide potcjlis per fpice- 

uqLmUngeabfim a d,(jclvenda lege, qui abfolmmm qus 

inuUigemiamvebis tradam quamhatienui ur.quam tdtcttclti-^ 

C»pcl.Spicilcg.i» verfc 18. ejufdema^. 



'%. '''I 



82 fUcti of Scripture urgtJ 
Apoftle, which fpeaks the fame languagci 

j, 1,1. T)oe we make d void the 
threffgh Faith? Gsi forbid : jea^ »g 
eftablijh the Law. How? not for juftificaci- 


a lUud, 

Mac. 5. 17. onjfor lo Faith makes it void.butas a rule 
iH'fZ of obedience, ana fo faith will cftabl.fti ,t. 
^f/'* ' The Apoftle tells m, Rom- 7, i ?, 22, 2^ 
K*lat >«r That//« Law u hdy^ ji»^,good,tLnd hede- 
Tif ,i^o, lighted in the Law of God, &c. Teamth 
in\iocloco,hiimindt kte ftrved tht-Law tf God So 
Gmiui, in James a. 8 . If jst* ftlfiU the rojaU law tf 
Mat. f . ij. iil,frtj^ jt do wtlU and what law that wai 
Jjijics 1.8 ^^ fticwes in the 1 1 verfe.to be the Deca- 
logue of the Morall law, I luhn 2.4, Ht 
Vc?f6 II. fij^ f^itij J l^tw him and keeptth not hu 
1 J6h. x,^Commandme>asi ii a Ijar^ i John 3. 4. 5ia 
t4 the tranfgrejfion tfthe Law. 
linj.^; Now then fince Chrift who is the 
bed expounder of the Law , doth fo 
largely ftrengthen and confirme the law, 
witnefTe this Sermon on the Mount : and 
in Mar. i o. 2 1- Since faith doth not fu^' 
fUnt, but firetigthiu the law ■ fince the 
Apoflle doth fo often preffe and urge the 
duties commanded in the Law ; fioce 
Samt Taul acknowlcdgcth he did ferve 
the law of God in his mind, and that he 
was under the law 10 Chrift, i Ctr. p. 21. 




td cinfrmt the Tofitien] S j 

I may vvarrantably conclude : That the 
Law fur the fubftance of it , doth fii/l re- 
tnaine a Rule of life to the pcoplt of C»d, 
But to all this give me leave toufc-thefe 

I ^rgH, It ever the law was a Fulci 
of walking, then it is y?«/Sfa rule of walk- 
ing: this is cleare; cither it is (till , or 
we mult (hew fome time when it vvasa- 
brogated. But there can be no time (hew- 
ed vvherin it was abrogated : Ergo. 

A/in, prob. If anytime, then in the 
time of the Gofpel by Chrift and his A- 
poftles : but not by Chrift or his Apo- ; 
files : therefore not in the time of the 

MiH.prob. If Chrift and his Apoftles 
did comtnaHd the fame things which the 
law requireth ; and forbid and condemne 
the fame the Law forbiddeth and con- 
deraneth : then they did not abrogate 
jr, but ftrengthen and confirme it, &c. 
But this they did : i Chrift as you fee, 
Matth. 5. 19. He that heaktth the leafi 
sf thefe Commandments and t cache th men 
fo , fbaU be leaji in the Kingdom of hea- 
ven I but he that Piall teach and ohfervt 
them. fhaU be called t\ot legall Preachers 3 
htgrtstiittkt Kingdoms of ht4Vin. 

' G% 1 Nov» 





Serif turts a 


to cinfirm t he Pofiticn. 8 5 



a T/i^liri 
noda'i h :■ 

jum txpU- 

Now in that * Chrift himfelfc did 
exround , ^ and elkbliih the Law, 
by his Word and Autiiority, as in liie ^ 
5,6, 7, Chapters of Matth. it ftiewes .^ 
uit'ic continuance of it; for had it beea 
to be utterly ahoUfhtd , hee would rathet 
""J^'/o,// - have decUreci againft it, or have [nfferd it 
fhvf^oru tohavcdiedof it felfe ; and would not . 
'juidnUo. ^^y^ cvi»dicat(ii\t, and reftored it to its -| 
Vi'/' /;«'•'>« from the gloifes of the Pharifees, 
^';'j f :',, wiMch doings, It clearly fpcakcs to Ui the 
f,xlf.i.uio. cBMinHMHceoi, and obligamn to the law. i 
Miia, And asChrilt.fo the Apoftlcs,in ftcad \ . 

hi.\xncn Qf aklifbtHg , they did in their Dodrine 
juu,a cfya- ^^^^^^^^ jj . frequently urging the duties 
M\cVih-oi the law to the Churches and people 
ma\a,et of God, ^flW 12.19. DtArdy htloved, t- 
CMijluiiis -otnie not ysttr filvts ; Why ? For it a _ 
trotioHiiUf yfrittetty vengtAtwc is mint. So in Run, 
tatiqium ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ jj^g Aponic repeat- . 

r«Il'c'ha-«clithe Commandments of the fccond 
njitr. Table ; not to repeale or reverie any; 
c si lex but to confirme them as a Rule of walk- 
r,io\aiisad jngjo ti,c Saints: and hee comprehends 
^''W''"'" ihtmnU in this, ThoH /halt leve thy w»|i- ., 
«!m« "'. ^'«^ ^ thy fc/fe, for Uve « tk d fuljiillini ■< 
doifnnustaHiaccur.it/tSamexfamict, etfrafcriberet, nu»f-' , 
• "va^gelium cliri[h ciiiiijiinrerum inutilium exflicationc canfii- 

d^-jid COH- 


'ittii.'' dLha,ii>i^HaHefiptrpei.ii fed vera Ugls'tm^'Utto. 


ff the Law- Soalfointhc irhcf4,hj 

i ThtiPiihtmltofGo^ thMyoH^h ^, ^_ 

dme frm formcatio» ; ' thM no mm g:e d, ,,.. 
heyond ^ndd^r^^dh^^ brother; kc.^cth^r^--'^ 
Ur^ts the avenerofall fnch. 1 ne hkc;^ 
inEfhef.6. i. ChUlre^t oky joHV^Arcxts ; .^;> ;^ ,,^^;^ 
and hee prelTeth this duty from the au ,„,,,^,^ 
thoritie of the precept, and perUvades co i ,^i,^,<- 
it from the gracioufnelFe of the pi^nmic 1. -«= 
forthuuihe fir(i conmzHdment^ «,uyrfl-P--e,«. 
mf^ : and as full and plain is that of the ^ ^ ,^,^^^ 
Apottlcin ;?<>«». V 31- ' ^"^ f^''.^' f i.'^"?/i 

though it carry another, yecitbear.th.s ...ma 
l^nle alfo , that though we lay down the -^-J-^ 
law in point of jutt.fication, yet weetta- ^j-.^^^. 
blifh it as a rnle of ChriQian convcrlation. ,, ,„^ ^,y,„. 
And there arc fome learned and holy ,/;f^ idem 
' Divines that tell us, that thofe i Wi .:. /. ^<a 
and comminations which we have m the 7 -j ^^^^J^ 
^ Goipel, -J^i^. Matth. 3. 10. 7"^^ -^^'^ ''^ :,'.,. Gro-. 
• /4»<i t» the root of the tree, every tree r^o-ch . _^^ ^^, 
triittreth not forth good fruit , ts hcmn j.^,, ». 
down^nd caftimthefire : Andthat inthcru..'.-. 
■ fifthof Mat. 22. iVhofcever M 0^) to i^^/^^;^^;^ 
brother, ThoHfoole, Ml ^^ ^" ^^"J.'' "(lu.^rl-' 
helt-fire. And fo in other places, they tell „.^ ,;,,.. 
"■■ us that the C^mminatiom and th reatnings ( „, ute j-fd, 
pris4ica(imiloaiin'e,fionq!iitcHHsfmimr'9l^i^Fd»' . 



r ; 







85 Ihc Pefitlon 
in tl.c new Veftamenr , they arc not of 
Nfg"" " the rt.twre of the Golpcl.'but ai e tlie con- 
(onM^i^ ^r»;.mo« of the law , and doe plainly Je- 
"'■'' 'T monftiate to us the contmhAnce ot the law 
t:^X linger Grace. You may read the Aiuliout 
;,./ i J.^«- 11 ch- place cited , where he doth dillin- 
giliy^A i'h ouini the Gofpcl into the DMnne of the 
h^4''i'-'QQ[r>Q\ and Grace o's the Golpcl ; into 
'":"^f r /the preaching of the Gofpel b,- C:hrift 
? 3-- and the Apoftles. and the law ot fait., cr 
iiM^uc. fpiritof lifeinChnO. The preathmg o' 
Cha.ni. doftrine of the Gofpel, he tdb us con- 
T'""'^;'- taines two things : firft, the /)r6W»y'« of i 
! ^'Ml' '' Grace ; and fecondly, the co^rmAtton ot 
;:4-. 'I'e 1^^- And he (hews t!,at all thofe am- 
in wm^ifjsw and threats which we read m the 
3-£" crinmrcsof theNewTcftament, are no 
, • ^' • way of the n.^tme of the Gofpel properly^ 
tnS'\^n i'> callrd ; but they arc the coi^f'^matm or 
SSi." the law; and declare the contin»ance of 
fdci\c,!i- ic now under the Gofpel to bean exact 
■ '''^''- ru'c of C;hnriians walking and obedience. 
^•- ^" And fo much might lAtisfie for ih: 
clc'-ringofthefirlt Argument : Nay, the 
co»f:rmAHoiioi the pr^;»u«U IcUc , if our 

Mac.^. f 
ad lio 



^,'!\->Jv'l ill f:xdic.i!io>imevs;igiriin ''%^>»f^^^^JJ;'^ 

,*'i i'^it.'c^ iei.io, i','t:lH^ilio cvaiigiliiiciinicc. 

1 T'0''"f' 

^' 1 CoiJp-r^:iUi!'iil"^-V^-"?- 4.icft. 13.M* 

Seme Ohicciions Anfwcred Sj 
'^verfArUs would be fatisfied. Wc will 
hear whac they can fay therefore , and 
anfweric ; and then proceed to the reft of 
the Arguments. 
<i Ohjea. Some fay, Though it be a rule, 
. yet it is a rule at our liberty whether wc 
will obey it oi no : It is not a bmding 


And there are three feverall Opmions 

o{ this. 

1 Some fty , that it binds us no farther 
then as wc are cyeatuns , not as wc ate 
Chrifti3n5,buras »Me arc creAtures ; Bu: 
why then are not they bound? I hope they 
arc creatures as well as Chriftians. 

i 2 Others fay , It doth binde the ^^•,'^5 
i but not the fpirit ; it doth bind rhc mre- 
generate part , but not the regenerate to 
\ '■ obedience, for that is free ; and here is 
a dangerous Gap opened to alllicentiouf- 

n rffe ; witaertethc Opinions of David, 
George^iai the ValcntlnUns, 

3 Others fay , That it is not a binding 
rule at all ; beleevers aie no move under 
the law , then Fnghn^ under the Lawes 
1 of SfMtte : nor no more bound to the 
obed'iHce of the Law, then any man is^ 
bound to the tUiencc of the Lawes ot 
(} ^ anotaec 

\' ' 

I *> 






; ' '-'il 



\ 4'Z»' 

S8 \Argumtnti to 

another Common-wealth : this over- 
throws, (ay they. Chnftian liberty. 

Now if this be true, it ftrikcs downe 
all : if it be a r«/f, but not a binding r«.'t; 
a rule binding to obedience , it will be oi 
li.,ali ufe : and therefore we will take 
off this cAv'tll before we goe any tur- 
tlier, and fliew you that the law is 3 
binding Ibtle^ and binds Chriftians, not as 
men, butasChriftians : and I will but 
produce five Arguments for the proofe 
of this: tliey arc managed by another; 
Iftiallonely flrengthen them with funic 

That which dpth caufe the C««/fif«;« 
©f regenerate men to Excnfe , being ob- 
frrvedj or to Ace fi/e, being tranfgrcflcd ; 
iliac doth bind the confcicnce of legcne- 
rate men, forthat it isto bind the con 
fcience to accufe or e;>;cufc. But the law 
of God doth caufe the Confcicnce of the 
rt generate to excu/e, being obfcrvcdj anil 
riicsije^ being tran(grcflcd. Ergg , do?h ic 
bind the confcience. 

That which hath power to (zy to the 
confcience of the regenerate Chriftian, 
This oM^ht to bedonc.and that a»^fcf not 
{0 bedonfadoth bind the confcicnce : bijt 

ftaUip the Pfifjtm 89 

fhe Law of God hath this power, &c. 

Irgo. Though it cannot fay, this ought 
■ potto be done on paine of daranatiun, or 
, On paine of the curie : or this ought to be 

4one in reference to juQification, or life, 

f^c. yet itfticwesit ought to be done as 
'good, and pleafing to God : and this 

ought not to be done, as dijplcafing to 


'. That authoritie by which the Apoftlesj A gu, 

iirged Chriftiansto duty, doth bind the 
!^' Jonfcience to obedience. But the Apo- 
\ |lles did ufe the authority of the law to 
' provoke Chriftians to do their duty , £r- 
; -10. Forthislooke, £^Af/.6.i, 2. children 

i^bty j«ur parents in the Lord , for thu u 
kight ; homur jour father and moth'r^&c. 
f If the Law of God doe n( 

not hind the 

/onfcience of a regenerate man to obe 

licnce, then what ever he doth which is 

commanded in the law , hce doth more 

ihcn his duty ; and fo their merits or 

^finnes, being guilty of witlr»or(hip ■ but 

sin obedience to it hee is not guilty oftviH' 

I'jf or (hip, not doth hee merit, Ltikj i -. i o- 

"^ K^htn jott have done all that u commandeJt 

fay that je are unprofitable ftrvants^ &c. 

Either the Law doth bind the Con- 
[((ience or Chriftians to obedience: but 


4 ^'IK 


f -^-X*^. 





fO Arguments ta 

Cbriflians doe not finne in the breachof 
ie. But they lin in the breach of it, i fi 
■}. 4. SiMMe u the tranfjrrej/lm r,f ,|, 
£,rfw. Ergo, the tran/jrrejjhn 01 the Lai 
is iinne. 

Or take it thus. 

IfChriftUns be bound »ot ts fmn^, thr 
they are bound to kccpe the Law : tiii 
(IjrijUans are bsuad not to Iinne : tr^tA 
&c. I know the conl'equent will be de- 
nieJ,that though Chriltianj arc boudm 
to finne , yec it followes not they aril 
bound to kecpe the Law. I will proviK 
it thus : 

If hee that breaks the Law doth finn.', 
then Chriftians are bound . if not linnc,(i| 
keepe the law» But he that breakesitii 
law doth iinne, fo the Apoftie, i feii.].it 
finne is the tranfgreffion sf the Law. -^m 
where there ts m Uw , there u m trafifrij] 
1 fio», Ergo. 

''",. f"-';"' And now being driuen againtt tlii' 
L \( In „. wall, they have no way to maintainettit 
formir ttxont ., but by another. And thai, 
is to tell us plainly, that beleevtrs doc ra 
finne : BcinChrift,and fin ifthoucanfl 
but that you fee the Apoftle tels the( 
they finne in faying fo, \J»h.\. 8. // 
faj we hjtve no fi'tnei wt deceive tftrfd'i 


IM; fal:a 
\39ma fine 

jlM^theTofvion. 91 

Ithe truth IS 'nvt tnut. Nay, * wc m^kl * ^ii/,U 
aaljar.Vtvk 10. If lWCJ l>iy, ^f^fil^^.'7r:u(Air 
well as others; for there is nomaii sjyr^r, 
lichfinnethnot, y«i.8.4'^. AndtnmA s.umoda 
l,hin0sweDJfe'^dall,hmcs3.t. '-T^if 

But ti this will not hold, then they Hiy , l^^"^^ 
It God fees no finne in thofe that are J_,.;,^ ^^^ 
Beevers : But what is this ? It is om «>» fant 
ing to finne, and Another for God not to hujpiHmi^ 
'. finne : Indeed he fees not finne either "^ J^^ ^^"^^^ 
ienHdemne beleevers for finne, or to ap- ""■,'/^^^l^ 
\ve, or allow of finne in belocv ?rs. fie pV^^, /f^, 
ts not finne, that is, he will not fee fin ;,,,-, '.^ij. 
liw^^fittouswhcn in Chrift- But !fg.r«r. Bex* 
lis will not hold, then they fay, Though ''* '«f • 
^ey finne, and though God doe lee f;-^;^ 

for he ices all, and brings all to judge- ^^^^^,^,.j 
rnt ; why then they fay , God is not fcccitora^ 
\fh4id mth. the finnes of beleevers. «.iw^«if- 
[ertainly terfccl good mud ht ever Lite 1''^^ j<^ »«- 
fat which is pcifeft evill : and the nea; er "' '^!*'""'f 
\\i to him , tiic more God hates it. In a ^.^^^i^g, 
licked man God hates both finne and .,^t^ autfu- 
ancr,but here he hates the finne.though ^trbM, <«ks 

:pitties and loves the poore finner.&c. (iuUiiscft. 

e is difpleafed with finne , though hcc Cypiian. 

irdon finne in Chrift. But we will fol- 
f)W this no longer. Somuchfliall fuffice 

)r the nroofeand vindication of the firft 







9t Arguments to 

Argument : wee will come to tlit| 


iJigu. If the fame finnes are condemmi n\^. 
forbidden after Chrift , which were b^'; 
foreChrift, then is the law in rcfpefto;'' 
a rnUoi obcdicnce,ftdl in force : but thi 
fame fins are forbidden, &c. That whict 
was fin then, is finne now ; I fpcake ot 
finncagainft the Morall /-<»»}', and there- 
fore is the Law ftiUin force to beleevcri 
as a Rule of obedience. 

) ^;g«. If the fame duties which were fxjcjH' 
tJi in the law , be ammaKded Beleevsn 
under the Gofpel, then the law doth 111 
remdiie&s a Rule of diredion and obt' 
dience, &c. But there are thefamcdii- 
ties commanded under the Gofptl 
which arc enjoyned in the Law : as I 
have (hewed at large, Rtm i^-g, io,&c.| 
To love God, feare God, &c. Obediencej 
to Parents, Ephef. 6. i. And therefore tht 
law ftill remaines a Rule of obedience un- 
der the Gofpel. 

♦ ^7j«.i If the things commanded in the law, 
be p4rt of our holine^e , and conformitj 
to God ; and that this cmforntitie to the 
law is required of us, then is the law Ml 
in force : but the things comroandeil 
»r€ part of our holineile.and conforroitf 

fahlifbtherefition] p^ 

j^ the law is required of us, Ergo, That 
e *tl)ings commanded are part of our 
linefff, I fuppofc is granted ; and that 
is conformity to the law, is required of 
is ealie to prove. That which we are to 
pirc up unto,and labour, and cndeavouc 
Icr both in ouratfcAions and adions, 
jur prmcipksandpradifes, thacfurelyis 
ouiied of us. But to this conformity to 
- lav" of God we are thus toafpireun- 
, and endtavoui after ill our aflfedions 
,nJ anions : Er^o 

1 I liat we ate to afpire up to it in out 
jfal'nr, take but that, Jiow- 7. 22, 25- 

'^here the Apjftlc fliews you that he dii 
ehj^ktntlte Uw if gad : and hee ferved 

Ihs law in his mind : Nay, it was his 

)urpgfe,aimc,derire,endeavour of heart, 
[0 be made conformable to that Law, 
/hich he fayes , is hil^, j»f}^ and giod ; 
though he fell (hort of it, yet he alpired 
ifterit; which (hews we arc to afpire 
ifcer it in our affeftions. 

2 And that we are to endeavour after 
:onformitie to it in our aftions , it is as 

Iplainc: take them both together, PfM. 
JII9. 4,5,6, Thouhafi commanded us ta 
\k(tfi thj precept s diligently : Ob that my 
\v>'i]t$ mrt dirtHfd to k'pe thy fi^tutts. 



} f. 

9 A JyguffJfr.tstd^dlrflj.^^c. 

7 hen Pj.iII I not bt aJhAmect when I hi 
refpiH: UKto all tly Con^.tnaKammts : y, 
liadr.fpcd to tliernmliis heart and atf| 
fedions ; and lie endeavours conform: ' 
ty to them in life and aftions. And tk 
Was his duty , becaiife God had com. 
msnded , Tiiou lialt coiTimanded us to 
kccpc tliy precepts. Oh that my hea;t 
wercdircded to keepethy ftatuus. 
1 /ligH, That cannot be part of our fretdi. 
by Chr.rt to be freed from obedience tot'f 
law ; beciiufc the Law is holy , jaj}^ J 
goid : andfurcly that is not part of oii; 
frudom, to be freed from that whithn 
h. ly, juft and good. 1 will give it yoc 
in this forme. 

That cannot be part of onr freedom! 
in/hich is no part of our bondage huuk\ 
ditucearA (ubjeftion to the Aforall \iV 
in chat fcnfc I have (hewed, wasncvei 
part of cur bondage. £rg9 , cannot be 
partof tur freedonie. 

That it was never part of our bondage 
I prove. 

That cannot be part of cor iondd^f' 
which is part of our glorj ; but obe- 
dience and cor.forroity to the law, both 
m prtncifk and in fra^ice is pan of out ^ 


Thefirjl Pofnion apflyed. py 

[lory. Erga^ cannot be part of our bon- 

Againe •• That cannot be faid to be 
•art of our ^fi»<i«£f, which is part of our 
reedomc; but to obey the Law is parr 
if our frcedome , as you readein the firft 
f Luke, verfe 74. Th*t being delivered 
'om the hand of onr enemies , veie wiiht 
'rve him in n^hteoufntfe and holiaejfe^aJt 
>e dayes of cur life. I ftiall proceed no 
irther upon this, you iec it piainc e- 
iough • that the law in the fubltance of 
doth lemame a rule of walking, or obc- 
liencc to them in Chrift. Wc will give 
•u two or three Applications and come 

the fccond Pofition. 

This may then fervc to ^/^wf the Pa- lUfe. 

ifts.fortheii uiijuft charge of us, that ^^5'" <^^'-i- 

e make this a part of our Chriftian /»- '""'' •; '^^ 

rtj to be f.v««;;,/f^fromalllaw, to li¥c"',"f^'7 

we lift ; and that we are not bound to i j. J'^'. * 
le obedience of any law in confcienceTom! /. 
.'fore God. We appeale to all Refor- ^^^^^es li- 
ed Churches in the Chriftian world, ^'''^'('"'^ 
hcthcr ever any of them did hold forth ^'™" 
ich an opinion as this, It is the con-<,WigJww 
irrent Opinion of all Reforraed/f^ij.ibid. 
■'wrchcs, that Chriftians arc fubjeft to 





) ' 

5 -I 

3 «■ 




', t. 

4" '':^!^H ' '■ 

^ ! 



-' '^^^^ 

■ 1 



; a 

' ■ i 

p « Thefrji Pofit'ion dpplied. 


7 he fir ft Pofrthn apflyeJ. 9 f 


inder theworkct 

,he rule and chc a.cd.n co clje a.bi. -t^;;^'^;^^:,^ ! and he g.vcs 
Oinnnm We preach .^.vW to tlu I ^ v ^^^ ^^. ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ 

J„,«,«- not as they doe ; ^ '^^^ P-^^'^ 1 Mi-u' Thefc men they feeke life in 
^4c<^<io- ioy4i[i'^-fim. af *^ P^"'^' '^'' death, that feek righteoufnefTc infinne. 
>«« Mfx^^^^ttiatwcw^j'obey. , And alas we are all too apt to it;it is hard 

/W^/^-"- Wecryd.wue..i..-c^Mu- :^^^^^^ 

•** ^ -...n.fi-oMnn: and cry up .k. ^^^^^^^^ Tn -^«r/» in relped of perfor- 

rnancc ; and out of duties in rclpeft of de- 

to weave a wib 
ownc ; lofpinae 

Grace in junification; and cry up 
tnce as the fruits of Grace in fanAitua;. 
hecthat Wilkes not in obtdtcncnn 

on: heethat *'^5;,"*^V';:;r;;T .pendance. We are apt 

ftranger yetto ^^^f^^^'^^^tf righteoufneffcof our 
•-^sotf^fVwe knows not Chnlt.lndcearai « . f' . .. 

ny arc too like the yfwrift.ll; Godletu) 
a law for a rule of walking,andthcv U: 
for juftification by ic : poore men l.j| 
Oien in the yoake ; they draw, and co)k, 
and fpcnd their (Ircngth, (as who do« 
more then they who think to merit;) ai 
when they have done their labour, thj 
are fatted up for flaughtec ; *o/bf 
L, , •., when they have endeavoured hard ati( 
^.r^W the.r owne righteoufncffc , they peril 
tamUum in their juft condemnation. Theletni 
noflrafa- luthtr{ii\yCi\bi\\cdt:vilsmartjrj; m 
lut, bafi fyjf^r much, and take much pames to 
tamnfir- ^^ j^^j, . ^^e ApolUc tels themwhactb( 
r«'!Bc« aretocxpea.G-Z.^.o. yyhoiveranf^\ 
i«i |ohn dtr the mrk's </ tht Lm, *n unitr^ 
i.i. ^''^i 

a thread of our owne tc climbe up to hea 
ven by ; othcrwifc what need fo many 
exhortations , admonitions , to doe all 
righteoufncflc, but rell in none? The Scn- 
nuredoth notufc to kill j^jwwith Bee- 
tles ; to cleave firAv/es with wedges of 
Iron ; nor fpend many admonitions and 
txhortations where there is no need. ^ ^ ,^ 

Alas, there are a thoufand in the world y^.^^^ " 
that make 4 CAfj/? of their workes, and^^^^j^^j, 
!iere is their undoing, &c. They look for f„.^.i,pfr 
righteoulnefle and acceptation, more in^i.« »- 
thefwr/juheninihe /'r«w»/i,inthe Law J^»f •*»'"'' 
thenintheGq/>f/, in wor/t»»? then heUe-i''^"-'^'^ ' 
ving^ and fo mifcarry, and there is fome 
touch of this in us all , otherwifc wee 

lould not be fo up and down inourcom- 


J » ' 


I—--—- -.J^i 



Lcgl T-x- 
•vcn, m I 

' II .if- 




58 rbefrfi Pofitiotidfpljed, 
forts and beleeving as we are flill, and call 
do A nc with every weaknefle , wc (houk 
be all in Chrift in weak performance, ari 
nothing in our telves m ftrong perib4 

mances. , u a j 

\ his blames them who are called At. 
momuns. As the Paf^fis do /« j.'p :. 
lawfor/«/?»7iC4ti<i», lothefecy do;v:t 
the lawfor^4«ffi/If-*^i:» •• wee fay wa- 
are freed from the cmfes : they wou . 
have us freed from the co>iduas, troratti 
commandsofthclaw. weefayweea,! 

free from the fmdtits , but they wou. 
abohlh the Prtcefts. See. They tell us uu 
makeafalfe mixture together of Chi;, 

'; ■•;.t 

and A^ofes , and wee mingle Law 

Golpel together. How unjuftly ^. 

charce is cart upon us; letundcrnandir 

.men judge. W't crj d^r^nt the LaiV.^, 

.« M. .;- point of juftincation ; hnt vitfet it ,.f ^ 

V , ,| /^H'/.'^/'?.wa,ulcof hanaiftcation : the lawM^' 

II , ,1 «'"■« 'sf^totheGoipel. thatwe may be )unine« 

/jV 'Hi 

r e vh <-. 

and the Gofpel ftndiuiio the law agai 
t.. erqu'rc what is our ducie being F' 
tied What ever they (ay of the law 
thc.ugh they caft contempt anddilgra" 
on It, and upon thofe which preach unj 
♦r.u fee for the fubftancc of it , it is tj, 
imu of God, a ham of his holineffe ttit' 

The jirji P>i^ ( '^« appljtJ. 9 >• 
thinss commanded and forbidden . a e 
thing* ,1^.r.//^,ani therefore Et.^^^Hf 
J„odandevill,nothmg can alter the na- 
ture of them. Things f^uvd) g'^-d 
OL- evill are ^hcrMe by hrni t.-..r 
commanded them. Rut chofc t.ung, j 

which are .r.V^//v S*^"^ o"^ ""'f ' ^'T 
can no more dur them , then m..N. ^ _^^^ 
good evill, or evill good. Thit which ^,^,,^,^,^^ 
vvas MotaHj good then, is A-oyfyu^,>n.^^ 
cood now and to be purlued and t •!- ;.,:.. «- 
Uvved. That which vvas .l/.r.ij e- .^^^i.. 
v.ll then, IS CM.r.lly cvill now and to;' --^_^ 
he (hunned and avoided. Wee na^^'e< Hj>,,ier, 
a Golpel Rule which turnes us to tne 
obedience of the law. You (hall lee 
the Rule, PhiUipians 4. 8, fV^M ev,.f 
ilmqs are true , fVhat ever things ^re 
hmfi, TvhAt tver thin^^s An j»fi , wlui 
ever thinf^t are pure , what ever tlnt^gs 
are Uvely, whatjoever thingt 4re of good 
report : If there he a»y virtue, »/ tfcf« 
teanypraife, thinki of thefe thing!. And I 
hope the law is of this number the 
. Apottle tells us that the Law is holy, 
I juft.and good, certainly there is nothing 
commanded but what is good : ir we are 
to learne of the Ant , the Ttfrr>ire,oi brute 
bcafts, of inanimate things,certaidy mucU 







muilfo jiul 


more are wc to learne of the Law, which 
is die image of God in man, and the will 
of God to man. We have nothing to doe 
with AUfes, nor doc we look to Si»At the 
hill of bondage, but to Sicn the mount.im 
oiGrAEi; and wc take the law as the c- 
ternall R^de of Gods Will, and delirc ui 
conforme our felves to it . and brtath tu; 
'^ '^ with D.ivil oh that r»f wajes wer^ .jri ' 
Ihcitokftp^thjfiatHtts ! Ctitatnly ti.e '? J 
and Goipcl doe ^f/;> one another .they' i 

one another the hand. 

The Law that \s (ttbfervient to ue\ 
Gofpci.to convinceand bumble us, .uJ 
the Gofpcl thati»4^/tj to (hcobeainut 
of the Law. The Law lends us tu tlx 
Gol'pcl for our juftification , theColptl 
fendsus to the law to frame our convcrii- v 
tion ; and our obedience to ihe law n no- | 
thing ehe but the cxprcflion of our thank- | 
fulncfletothatGod, who hath fo frcclj 
juflified us, Luke I 74.: That hing nk- 
med , Kc might ferze him withcht fan. 
'I hough our fervice was not the nuttvto^ 
inipulfivetaufe of Gods redeeming of US; 

yet It is the end of our redemption, the 
/.pollltflKws at large inthefixt to tbe,^ 
Lcmanes. And It is ihc Apflieatitn^^^^S 

makes oithe D^lirint of hecluflifii""' 1 

" on, :■. 

rhtfrJlPefitiena^pljed. i 



on, the 8 Rl>v^^^. Ther/f^re brethren w^ye 
^.^j.if Chria haih fr.'l you from the 
Pf«4/»>i, how ought you to [nhjell your 
lelves to the pwppf^ r if \\t\us^ dehvireX 
you from the cur(cs,how ought you toy?«- 
dj the commands ? if he p-vd our dtbt ot 
fin, certainly we owe a debt of (crvicc. 

This was the great end of our reiemp-^t,,^^ ^^ 
tion he redeemed us from !>o>'Mi^c to free^ /,,;„ ft 
^,«f,from (iivery to ftrvice: thit which/u.ff -.••- 
Chnft hath redeemed us r.. h. cann^u be-j^-- 
faid to rcdeeme us fr.n* ; but he hath re- ^^ •;«/;;/« 
deemed us to fervicc, and therefore can- ,^^ ^^>^ ,?. 
not be faid to rcdeeme us from \tx^\^c.ii^^cr:et. 
Indeed bee hath freed us from the w-i^wr^f h-fiim- 
of our obedience but no: from the matter T^f/ I't no> 
of our obedience, &c. We now obey, but "^^-^-^J- 

to otiier ends, tlien we did bcfrre. 

The principles of obedience, beioic i. 
they were /fg^// and fervilc, now they are 
fihall and EvangclicalL As the Law was 
given with Lv^gelicall purpoles ; fo it is 
kept with Hv^»?fW/ priiKipC; princi- 
ples of fuith, L.ve. and Df/»?fcr . which 
caufes the foulc to obey, and facilitates all 
this obedience •, the love oK^hiiftcon- 
ftraines,2 for, s. 14. yet i^ tbeohcdienc. '"'■'>■ '*' 
free- Loveknowcsnod.fficuities ; things 
H 5 . 'i"- 



Ilfi'" ' 



/ • 

;■ -■ 



1 02 The frjl Poftion applied. 

impoiTible to others, are yet cafie to thctn 
that love. 

The ^rcW/ of obedience tint ditfers,be- 
fo e die p.round was fearc, now love. 

The fircKph beforewas our owne.now 
we have Communion with the flrcngth 
t,t'Chril>, /'^- ^ 2 1. our workes are /^ni 
/i h r.rotight inCoi^hy Union Wich him ; 
ai.d by (Communion with him, as we can 
due liochinp without him, fo we can doe 
a,l iliiif,* throuph him flrengtlienino us. 
And ihil fin ngth he hath promikd, Dent- 
z6. i8. 'I hs: Lord hAth dvsucheJ thie to ht 
hisptiflt , AS h bath fnmifcd , and tU 
th:'is lh'jnld(Ji kftfe all hn Cbmm.itidment!, 
and he tells us, Ifa.zS.xz.JhAthe wurkith 
nihui- -ivorhjin ns^tridjur tu^ all the rcqiii- 
; leJ worksof (Jr<i«inus, & oidnt] foru^ 
JhcfwJj before were for jultiricatiun 
, and life ; now they arc for other ends, h^ 
glurifii God, to d'fui^t the Golpcl, di^ l.iri 
■ i:ef ire they obeyed but out of compulfi- 
tMi of cor.!cicnce;nowoucofpropenfi.ns 
of niture which fo far as it works, works 
.. t) Cod, as naturally as ftones move 
doHnwuid,or fpark^flye upward, i bus 
11 lee how we preach the law, not in op- 


pifitLn, tuc fukrdiii'ilion to the Golp' 

The fir ft Pofitiett apply e/. 105 
which we (hairihew ac large after- 
l.ec itbethsnin the laft place to ex'ioit 3 

you all, chat you would jidg* of ths law 
Bright, and c.Men Ic: ic be your car.' to 
inainraine it. I.e: not Af/cJ cake p!a:e 
^iC^rifi; b'jc ye: r.i ike a right uf- of Mo- 
fes When workes and o'^eiien:; come 
"in the right place , the La v in tlie right 

{'lace , then it is HJy, ytji, and ^.0^ ; 
;uc if we ufe ic as ou. life, rhen we ir-irn- 
p/ftlie blood of Chrill under foot, and 
make his life and deaih in vaiir ; let chi 
/r>-r/«r follow the A .'after, C^f'j/esC^Jrifi, 
the l,iw (y^;«ff; obedience /^(/^, and then 
«11 art their proper and defigned p.ir:s. 
i'You know what /^4fW;<j/) faith, L:k.e 1. 
?t74,75. Teu rvere redtemtd that jr,H mtght 
'ftrve^ that you might live unco him that 
Jdied for you, ileafon from mercy to ducy; 
.not from »j;7-r)r to liberty. Oh beware 
•that the great things of thrift doe not 
make you more carelefle 1 take heed of 
'Ahufin^ Mercj. It were a fad thing if we 
■ fliould abufcthe Grace of Chrift. The 
luftke of God prevailcs with othei s, oh ! 
*> but God would have his ^ow/j, his mer~ 
' .' nV/toprevaile with you, Horn. 12. i. I hi- 
' fetch jaH thrcttgh (he mercies tf Cod ^ offer' 
II ^ J^f> 






I -I 


|P4 Thefrjl Fofitttn affljtd. 

ttp pur fouhs and btdiis 4 living facrijia 
S»ints reafonings and are from ingaii- 
piftts of mercy, to enlargements in J«(j,i 
-3 (^ fir. 5. 14. and 2 Cc. 7.1. Havini^JHu 
precioM promifes, let m purge our /elves fni 
till forruptian of fiejb and fpirit. None be; 
vcnemous fpirits , will fpider-iikc futki 
poy/en from fuch fwects, draw luch anc 
jiqueats from racicy, as may be tncourA^ 
mtntsto fin. 

It were a fad thing : i if wo ftioul; 
bee more flicke and fluggiOi , ittliail^ 
which fliould cjui. ken, doth (luckcx <Jt: 
hands, when a man fliall fay m his hM 
Chrift died, I need not pray fomuc' 
Chrift hath done all, therefore, I needi. 
Iioching; this (hould Arcngchen, and do t 
this weaken your ingagcments ? ili i 
(liuuld hcighten,and doth this ItlTcn yum 
engagements? thisfhould quicken, ar.i 
duih It dead your beaits? it fliouldiii' 
flame,and doth it code your fpirits? whu 
a fad thing is this ? but worfe< 

2 If we (houid draw arguments ti 
finne by mercy ; (hall that become a fpur, 
which (hould be the greatefl curbe 
SImU Vft ftn becaufe Grace abounds, K"™ 
6.1. There H mercy with thee that tk 

p^Jtfi l?e feared, faith ihe t^alimftj ""C 


Thefrft Pofitien 4pplytd, 1 o j 
ihat I may finne, but ferve. You that thfr 
Lav hach fent to the G^pel , let the Co- 
fpel againe fend you to tl.e l*aw ; fludic 
4 now youi dutie : abundance of ntmy 
^ calls in for abundance oUutj. If God bad 
'i not abounded in mercy, what had be- 
come of us? And hath he abounded in 
mercy ? Oh then let us abound in dutie ; 
obey for Gods fake who gives his Sonne ; 
iorchrifi fake who hath g vcn himfelfe, 
- that you might give your Icives to God- 
'I Obey for faiths lake, which is dead with- J 

':■ out obedience. It is the cry of taith,G»^'« 
' me children, elfe J dje. Obey for profffnHS 
fake ; adome the Gofpel of our Lord and 
Saviour Jefus Chrift. What a (harae itv^ap*, 
■ (hould be faid of us, that faith cannot do jtatfaei, 
; that which infidelity is able to doe ? l'*"^!"^: 
4 What will Turks and Mahumcrans I'ay,',"^^'"' 
^ Ecce qunles funt qui Chrijium ciluntl 
Behold , thefe arc the fei v^'.r.ts of the crn- 
; cifiedGod ! they pioftlTeC:hnft,and ycc 
i will fwearc, yet Will finne againft Chnft. 
i What will Papifts fay Thtie are they ■> 
V which preach faith, and yet flrangers 

to ekedience, and live in finne Ltt tl»Ro"i'««<« 
tightesufncjfe of the hr* le fulfilled in M , 
pot wiilki>*i after the fiifh , kut after th 
f pit it, Horn. 4. 8. 11k i-awis tt Royall 

law ; 




, E 






hex uWi.i 
vi.i itf>; di- 

■VCI'lU^ll' ti 


Be £3. 

el, >i!\!{j 

1 06 Thefirji psfition Mppljed, ^ The M Tofition Mfply^. i J^7 

law; //.. >(>f.rve theny., /.>. -r.W/,, «i^.^«'f^ ^f chi, world you ^ 

to,k Scripture, laith h^^s.yoH d:emiw4^ ^^e ^/^-i"^ .^/,;7;;; , ,, p.,c - 

Jim« 2.S. icsa royall Law ; live royal- |iw «" «^rWto the la^v, bu. .c 

ly above the rank of men in obcdicnccl-^/^i .^"^ ' "^f ' 

Receive njt the Grace of Ged * in VAin;,'"t . 

tCar.e 1. If ye receive ic not in vaine info CaH4an. ^-^^ ' "- / chn{\s 

you wlllhave poierto will. andpsmru:M^ I'vc ; but befurcto .j.uponChruts 

J ; not wor 

kj, but FMth ; 

i,a,t.M.>««' but'c^n)? muabrirgyou 

" Doe what youcan whUw 

this life in the wildemcfft of this worii ^" '"'^ )v4/4i«2^ 
undertheconduAof /t/f/e-/; but letnont )ff^^ , ,. , „,««»f1 hv Scrlo- 

but M.. bring thee^ov. to C....'^ ^t^^ 
the promifcd U.d Jo dant^eft imony of fome, and might of 

ic agrees thus farre vv.th Scr.pture, *^ X^\f,,„/a Churches : wee have 
M.fes was a man of the law, he gave ch: J ^^^ened this by many Arguments, 
law, and he .soften taken for the 1^« 5 »„7|J,„"you fome Applications of .t. 

We are now come to the fecond Po- 
tion which wee laid downe in Anfwcr 
the QLuery which will bee more 
knotty J but if wee (hall be able to make 
it good' it will at once vindicate the law, 
and ftrike downe thofc many moneom 

tbey htve Mofei and the Prophets- Luke 

i6. 29. tyf/td there is one tbAC Jhtll coh- 

demnejou^evea Mofet in whom yott trnft, 

John 5. 4 J. fo/hudh was a type of Chrift; 

liis namefignifies fo much : he was fefm, , 

fo called, flel/.^S. Iffeftu.th^t is, fopmi, . 

could hjtve liven them reft : Aiofes muft ^ ~/-^~- ■ .u . ,- «r. f^.^r ao-iin'^it 
/ j,u uij r rr I u ' L ,L. opinions that are on toot again.t It. 

lead the children of Ifrael through the 1 . . . . . ■ 

wiLiernejfe ; but fojhna muft bring them 
into CanMMn. So while you are in the 

wldirni^i I 

The Pofuion is this. 


; Pofic. 


ie8 Thefectnd Pofiiion preptmdti 

Two miin eitds of the Lm. lop 
There are two maine ends Duplex ufm Uglt 

TL^^ tL E J „.r r i There are iwo niaiiic cHu» vupux hjm uiit 

lh.t ti^mrcM «/-''•'' J^/'/«^»to^|br"^fcich the Law was pro.^p'/uui,. iVm. i.8.' , 

I Ihcologicits. 
Ufui Thitlugicuf. 

2 The other Thcologicall, ^;, ^uflificundU. 
ar Divine. J vel 

I The firft, w-c. the /)o/»-^wj«j?'A"»^«>' f. 
L4// ufc of it, which the Apo- ^t q'*''b»j c»n[uie 
lie feemcs to hint at in thcChc™-^'*/«'^2'^. 

. -^r -•";• — /""J- :" wm litn. I. 8, 9. Kmw'm thu that tke 

with Grace, and be fervkeabU to the ad-^^^ ^^ „^^ ^^^^^y., , ,; ^,*,,«, «,» ; ^«f 

Will obfcrve this Method. ^MJ' r J^J^,^, J Lhirs and mthtrs, 

I Wee vv.ll (hew you the M i^lf^,^^ n,»n-(iajers : that i», itwasrnadc 
princpall ends for which the Law was, j f^, ^^^^^ . J ^ij their Rnle^ihit it Oiould 

|be their fmi^mtHU This is the pohticall 
\ ufe of the Law. 

2 A fecond great end, and that is T?/- 
\ vint^ or Theologicall : and the Divine 
I end and ufe of the law is two- fold. 
, „ . „ d I In thofe who are not juflified. 
? Wee will an(wer thofc 0V»»«/^ ^ Inthofewhoarejuftified. 
vvhich may be made againft this Po-| , j^ thofe that are to be;«f /Ir^, or the 
i«7 _ „ . - , , ^ ufe it hath in reference to juftification. 

4 Wee (hall in a few words (uramc, Yii^.tadiftovtr 0„. Secondly, toit«»,^/* 
up all m (brae bricfi Apflicatior,. ^ f^^ ^ . ^n^j ^ ^^^^ d^ive us to Chrift. 

^ i^ My firft workc is to fumme up the .% ^ j^ jijofe that are juttificd. 

principall ends for which the ^ p;jft 

^'Tf'tn ^""""fn '" '*' ''^^''«''^"'i One was pohticall. 
ment oj the Covtrntnt of Grace. ■,, . r . . 

And this I hope you fliall fee mai(| 

good, and then you will fee gofpeliaM 

Law : and that the Law is not thai! 

which men give it out to be j oppofuetoj 

theGofpcland Grace; but may conriilj 


proraulged, or given. t| 

2 We will (hew you how thofe ends! 
may cenfifi with Grace, and be fervUedlil 
to the advancement cf the Covenant of 
Grace ; and therefore may rcmaine under 

law was given or promulged. 








1 1 o The ntiin ends wherefert 
Firft , ic is A Doctrine to dircfttod, 

ties. I 

Secondly, as a GUjfe to difcovcr tk" 

defefti of them, that fo wee might k' 

k?pc humble and flyeto Chrift ; whc; 

thtre is mercy to cover, and Grace ( 

cure all finne. 

Thirdly, as a. rejiraiiteritii correftu 

cf linne- 

Fourthly, as a rtfrovtr of finne, 2 Tk 

. fhall for the prcfent but lay down 
r" - • ncipic and maine ends,for whicij 
ff,.. • / was promulged. 

^ 10 «(?r«j«« tranfgrcfiion } tofttl 
liun^s and banks to the turfed natureol 
r -a fallen j not onely by discovering licl 
iu. tl,c wrath of God; triMutm t*\ 
(tncu.fij to tverj [cHlervho^oth evilly RomI 
2 , 9. We read in Gal. ■i.\9' '^^•" ''*| 
law woj added becunfe of tranfji^reffmX 
And this place HUrome and Cl^ryfojhtm 
undcrftandof the reftraint of tranlgreirij 
on. The law may rejiraine dinners, thouglij 
it cannot renew Tinners ; it may cok'" 
and bridle finne, though it cannot htil\ 
and cure it. Before God gave the Lawj 
finac had a more perfcft rcigne j byrea-f 


the Laxp w/ts given. 1 1 1 

fonof the darktifffe o^ mem underftand- 
ing, and fecurity of their hearts, Rtm. 5. 
i:;, 14. Death reigned, and fo fi'.ne from 
oAdam to Ahfes : as the Aportle fheweth. 
And therefore God might give the law 
to difcover ^ not ontly that they Ji^Jtied 
in fuch courfes vvherin they walked ; 
but to difcover to them alio that heavy 
wrath of God which rL -y drarv upon 
themfclves by finne, which might worke 
fo farre as to rcjlrniu men in the eourfe 
of finne; and to hinder finne that it could 
not now have io compleat, and uncon- 
trolled a domimon and reign in the foule. 
Though ic did ftill reign , for refiraining 
Grace doch not contjH r, though it doth 
fiippreffe and keepe downe finne ; yet ic 
fliould not have fo fuH, fo compleat, fo 
uncontrolled a dominion in the foule : the 
ftmer ihoald be infeare, and that Will 
ferveto rejiraine men in waycs of finne, 
though not to renew the finner. 

If God had not given ifevereitid ter- 
ilble law againft finne, fuch is the vileneffe 
of mens ipirits, they would hiveafled all 
villany ; the Devi/l would not onely have 
reiatted, but raged in all the fonnes of 
Qien. And therefore as we doe with 




. mAin ends n> htrejore r^ nhirefcre the Litv given, i i j 
madile Beans, Wolves, or Lions, &c. vvi '^en by it, there would be no fafetic; th* 
bmde tt.ciP up in chaincs , that tl.cy m]^ fields, the ftreets,your houfes your beds * 
not doe that mifch efc, which ihc.r i^ would have becne ///*</ with blood, Urt- 
tlinAiitns ca ry them to : fo the Uv\ deanneffe, murder, rapes, incefts, adul- 
chaines up the wickcdneffe of the hean lerics, and all mifchiefcs. Iftheretoienb 
of men that they dare noi fulfill thok 4aw, Tht» {h»Umt murder ; men would 
luftfuU incliiacions which are in thes Jnakc every ;4^o« a ftabbe : «f no law 

hearts to doe. V^« J^'l' "^ A-*'* 5 '"^" "'^"''^ j')"''' 

AndbldHrdtjeGod that there is tb||A*/r, coufcnagc , cheating opprcihon, 

/V^rruponcheipiritsof wicked men; o4.*ood policy, Sec. and the bcft hte f.v r^/.^^ 

therwife there were no living in ilic >viver,, to live on other mens fwcat : it 

world • one man would be a devil to a- iiolaw, Thou Jha/trnt commn adHlteryi 

nother'-evcrymanwouldbeaC4i« Eoh«^ men would defile their neighbours bcdi 

brother an Ammon to bis fiftcr , an //i.||nd commit all WickedndTe. , 

^T» to his father, a Sa.l to himWfc. f And therefore hath God given a lav. 

?W^ to his raafter : for what«« manyo fet ttMnds andbankestodefendus a- 

doth 4Zf men would doe, were it not toifcainftthc incurfions. and breaches that 

Sint upon their fpirics. Naturall.Mnne would make uponus. He thatf«» 

fS "is part both fenfe and (hame m.moUHds and bankes to the raging Sej, 

there would be no wohe , no flay, noRvhichotherwife would oz'er)!.* the landj 

Itke or bounds to Anne; cver'y manloth fet alfo bounds and bankes to mens 


^^wehavecauleto hlefl^God, that he | It is noleflfe wonder that the^^of 

hathgiven a law to reftrainee.--/5«i/?^lfftandcorrupt.onmmen,do^^^ 

that if men wiilnotbc fo good as tt^q^orthtothc.t/<r/flm>.^ofallbanks, then 

that It •"«" V • ^^ g^^ ,cftram.>^lhatthe^r* doth not breake forth uport 

p$, but hethat fets ^««<^ to the one.doth 
I t$Mnd and reftraine the othet. Tbat'i 

t Secoadlyi 




II ; 








I Secondly.Tbelaw wasgivento Mmi 
^ ^''f*- and levcaltranfgreffions, and that 1 conJ 
Uh"^ ccive is the propcv meaning o^/h" PUce 
X^i" GaI- ^ 19. ThelMw yPM ^dded, bec^. 
*P«"- cf trMgrelftons, tb" is chiefly thattk 

^'' , £la{retorevealeanddifcoYcrfinne,andi»* 

tra.fguiJ^\a except the Uw b^d f^^i . thou jh.^ 
4>mb:^^,H\,f covet And this theApoftle leemf 
"""^'''T tofpeak'alfo.in Rom- 5. ^o. 7^*L.>»<« 

rX«; ;j.fc.. »;,;.#.«.. -^^'-^-/'»;j;: 

i..«/«A"'N that linne might appearcrA:.^^.*^ lini > 
/V.^<.^ «t This is another end God gave the luj 
freinde ^^ rcvcalcand cowt^i"" the fouk« 
finne :' and this wai with reference toi 

emnci in 

nafZnt. 'frcmi'ft to grace and mercy 
Beza»«/<,- And therefore God gave the Law*/" 
«««• the promife , to difcover finne and to 
Ltxm6rh& ^^L,«the confcicncc, and to drive m 
riS- ourof themfelvcs. and brw^ them ovi 

»rMA,.f. were /if«^^ and carelelTe. did not cite 
Aiad. of the promife, and the falvation the p 
niife offered; they faw not that ««# 
ofic. AndthereforeGodgavetheU 
to ^,M«r finne. and by thatour««^ 

tUlMiv us given, II J 

the promife, that fo the promife and 
Grace might be advanced. God in giving 

. the Law did boc purfue the purpolc ot 
raercie he had in giving the promie, by^ 

; taking a coutfetomakc hisGolpel wr- 

hhiofaa aceept4tm, that when we were 

iconvinced of finne, vie might Uokf out 
for, and pr»** a Saviour; when we weri 
p»g with the fiery Serpent . we might 

■looke up to the Br/ujH Serpent and. 

in this, God did but purfue the defigne of 

, ^of his own Grace. 

"^ Thirdly, The Law was given to hnot^ 
Me men for fin , and this is a fruit of the 

' former, Rm. ?• i p.^o. Nor* we kfuv irhat 
stver thing the Law ptitb, it fatth te them 
\hM 4ri Hndtr the Lav,, that tverj mmfi 
\meht be (toppel and all the werld might be- 
' -.me gmlty.iiiit is, fenfible of their ownc 
[uilt , for we were no leffc guilty before, 
lutnow by the law men are made /««/»- 
./«of their own guilt, for faith the Apo- 
'le , Bf »*'^'"» « f^ knovl'dge of fiH.T^frlegm 

:c. Soin,ii««.4.i^ «:*'« '*^' « -^S,;?" 
L4W , there ii m traitfgrefim, that is, no ^^^^^^d. 

:raofgreffion doth 4ppe*re, where no law umpeccatt 
to difcover it , or no tranfgreffion will be aboikio, 
charged upon the confcicncc, vvhere no Alihi, 
'.aw w dilcaver fin j And this lecmes to 
1 2 Nj 



V « 




the IM was givt»» 117 

aanis ««».4r;tohimfclfe, bee hath re- 
"*n" d of hi.irmer promifes, when yet 
Tci. the /-«r repent, of nothin^^n 
fcdefires that his mtrcy might be more 
fonfpicuous and advanced in the though» 
If the Debtor; and therefore fuffers h.m 
Jobe brought to thefee«rem.t.e,,tha 

'^ercy might more dearely appea-^^^ 
he may be more thankful!, ^he caic « 
Jhe fame between God and us We a e 
iecplv in^btdyx^^^ God ; and to Abr* 
hmlr^i us in him. God made a r^M^o^ 
lercY but men were ftcur: and carelefle 
tnS chough they were guiUy of fi^je-and 

folyabletodealh, yet b^*"/^^- ^^^^ir 

Laitor.»^«c*rinne and dea^^tothei^ 

confciences . theycould not fee .t luch 

near» wu.. .».».,^..- ,- ,^ ^crcy as it was to l]ave af trdon. I nerc 

„etothem(elves.Andthcrefo« , ^^^ t^uj^a by M,fes. a everc 

r^ the law, and promnlged tbe .,^^^j t,„iblc Uw, to difcover, accuse us, 

„««» Sinai, to difcover aHdiin-»^.„.„_j.mn. us for finne,not that M 

1 1 5 The mAtnt ends wherej uu 
•be excellently fet out in ^om. 5. 1 3,14. 

oil,, nan i-«w , ^^ ^ --j^ mtaiMng I5, 

.«i4'- Jhercwas noledc finne,or gu.lt and dca h 
mxm:ve- u-fore the Law then after, finnc reigncfl 
'"' '"''" and death reigned over all the Tonnes of 
^"''"'"' rn..n and itfeigned thcmore, beciufnt 
r^i^^c^gied^n thedL. there was^l.. 
trofonm^ ven thereby todifcover and revcv. tto 
'«'•''*. them, and to helpc to charge 11:^ ?o« 

f ""'""> ,.j „here there u m Ut», that i», ili u^ti 

i,i»,» <«-/•«»« andcarcltlTc, atid havmg noLi.; 

: 111 

^ wiU gviu^ou in^isfimilitude. '^;^bodmouldbe««r..r;toh.mrcU.; 
,, „ «1 e ^D^W tl owe a great fu^.c .^hj^^';^^^, ^^^..^y gx^U being maje evident 
t".".;^ ;? money to a Cre^.>.r, and the Creduo^ ^ ^^^^j,,, ft.pped we "^'f/ ^^^^^^J^. 
71JLL of nJeere mercy (bould F^Wi ^K and acknowledge the g'^""^^^^^^, ^ 
« f-b,t. j^ f,,^^, him all the debt, yet after th- |^j^^^ ^f f,„ g^.^e and mercy. ^"^J^^ ^ 
"• ^''""- n^ould fend forth O^cm to Atuch a""*! ^as in ?o^ •• as you fee fully m /<>& ^>?- ^^. 
£^^* Sm^Jl!^ ^ wol Chink A'rcly^phc /i. G.^. -^ ^^^ ^-'^^"^^^ 



y A 

<r V 





,,,,f^ i. 

(life legem, 

q ltd. Ill u.-iC' 

q.igad j:i- 
Ai'g. liX 

eft IKfltr 
SCibiliS V I- 

f ■ '^ ' 

1 1 8 The rHAtne ends rvhereffre 

(iHded alt under finne . that tbeprmift ij 
faith &C' W'^*'* ^« ^*'"* '" ^^^ ' "' *'" 

4 The Law was given for a ^»>fffic» 
of life, a rule of walking to belcever*. And 
this 1 (hewed vou at large in the former 
rofition , That the Law was a RhU of 
walking, though the law for hurthm is ta- 
ken a-.vay, yet not for ohecHencei And if il 
wcrcnccdfull I might purfuc to ftrcng- 
then this to you. 

Theraorall Lawn pcrpctuall and »w- 
mutal^le, this is anevcrlafting truth, the 
creature is bemd to worihip and obey bis 
Creator, and fo much the mere kund as he 
hath received greater benefits. And thisii 
a truth as clcare as the light, and furely lo 
be free from obedience , is to be lervanis 
onto fin, as I have niewed at large. 

Fiftly, The Law was given notonely 
as a Dirlaor for duties, but as a gl4^^^ 
difcovertheimperfeftions of them , that 
fo wee might be Kepthnmhle and vile in 
our owne eyes, and that we mightlive 
more out of our felves,and more inChritt, 
that we might pe to Chrift upon allocca- 
fions. as a defiled man to the fountaine.to 
be wafticd and dcanfcd, in whom there m 


the Lmw Of given- 


mrcy to cover, and Grace to cure all our 
infirmities. I 

Sixtly, The law was given as a Reprover ^^ -i^r-^^ 
and corrcftor of finne, even to the Saints,./,, ."/ w- 

1 fay, to difcipline,and reprove them for it, ''-^ •'-'". oh- 

2 Tim S.i6. u4 II Script t4re n profit Me for \^'l^"^'^j 
Mri>ie*ndreproofe^ and this part of Sen- ^^ ^^^^^, 
pture fpccially for thcfe ends, to be »»/?.»r /,(,,.„,„ ,p„^ 
firr^frt*, to corredt andchaftile wanton- ?/« |o,<a«r. 
nefle, to reprove and correft for fin. Calvin. 

Seventhly, The Law was given to be a 
' fpHrre to quicken ns to duties ; The flefti 
isfluggifti, and the Law is inflar /^im'/li^ 
of the nature ofifpur, or goad to quicken 
lis in the wayes of obedience. And io you 
fee the firft thing, the ends wherefore the 
law was given. 

2 I am now to (hew ycu that there 
was no end wherefore the Law was gi- 
ven ; but might conffji with Grace, and be 
ferviceable to the Covenant of Cr^tce, and 
therefore may remaine under GrAce. 

I It was given to reftrainc tranfgrcrti - 
on , and it is of the Ume ufe now ; and 
takes place to reftraiiu wicked men in 7»«, 
though it have no power to renew and 
. change them ; feare may reflraine,thouph 
It cannot renuc men ; feare may fuppreflf: 
1 4 M 




1K ■ 


.Md/^ * 



1 2p ThAt thtft ends 

fin, chough alone F4ith doth conquer and 
pvercome fin, &c. 

The Law may fA4»« up the Wolfe, but 
the Gofpcl chuHgei the Wolvilh nature, 
%\\^ ont ft o^fes chc flreame, the othtt 
lf(Met the fountainc; the one reftraincs tht 
pra^ifes, the other rtntwes the principlti 
And who doch not fee this ihtordim)- 
fiU.tofthclawof God now ? IcwasiU 
(pecch of a huly man, That our C^n hath 
not killed his brother Abtl-^ that out Am- 
mt» hath not dcfloured his fiHer JAm0\ 
ih^t out RinhtH hath not gone up to hu 
fathers couch ; that our Ahfalonh^ihrn 
confpircd the death of his father. It is Ix- 
caufe God refirains them, therefore wai 
tbelaw 4^<;^<^, and therefore for this ulc 
it continues, to reOraine wicked mcn.to 
fet bounds and bankes to the rAgt of meat 
luftfull hearts. 

2 The Law was given to dtfcuvend 
^eveal tranrgrcnions,and this might Pand 
with Grace : nay, it ferves to advance it, 
ami it ftill continues for this end, even to 
difcoverand reveate tranfgicfnons to us, 
(o make finand mifery appe4re,»ad by that 
to Aw-iks" (tie confciencc to flye over to 
Qhrift* Hcn(;e the Afpftle, gaLxi9> 

might confiflmtbgrau. 



W^rtftrtftrveth the Law, wjjy faith hre, 
i$ wM Added ^tcMJe of tranfgrejfioH^ till the 
fftd Jboitld come , HHto whom the Iromife ^^l tx it^t 
^M m^de. Some take lecd here for the M,fis ««- 
pW/< and make this the meaning, that A««.'-'» 
Jo long as there are any to be brought un'S'/' 
|o Chrift, fo long there will be ulc of the^^^^^^^^^^ 
lawtodifcoverlin, both i \n the unrege- ^s„gnp,o 
ptrAtty that they may flye to Chrift, and fide legem^ 
» in thofe who are rtatud, that they may f'» ctyn0» 
icarne to caft all their faith, hope, ^^^-^^l'^^ 
ftation, on himftill: but vvhechcr that ^^^];^^^^ 
Interpretation will hold oi no, yet ^^^ coAumitn 
holds firrae: that the law doth remairtedocetjcd 
for this ufe, to difcover fin to us. Rom 4. «^ centum 
M . frhm no Uw ts, thtre u m tr4nfgr,fn», ^^J* '[J'j 
that is, rone difcovcrcd, where no iaw to ^,1^^^ 
difcover finXindoth not appeare : So Ro- ^,"ft;ficiri 
manes 5.21. The Lav entrtdthut the of-d<icet. 
..fence might * abennd, not onely to dilcoyer Chamicr, 
• Till, but to make it appeare exceeding lm-iwTAr| 
full. And the Apoftles words put all out ofow^i. 
' queftion, Rom*-].-]. I had not known fin knt ^ ^f'»,''t 
>; the L4t», which was the rcvealer of fin "'^^'J^'^*" 
to h m, and in the i ^ verfe But fin th4t it \^^ ^mfli^^. 
might 4pp(4re fin, tvo^king ^t'th in me hj cjiretur. 
\, th4t which u good, that fiyt b]/ the C'-mjn4»d- bcza. 
h ment might Apptdrt exceeding fnajuli. *" aiidiiir 

*^ Sq ;hat you fee the Law doth ftil! rc-^^^"^- 





Its r hit thefc ends might H eonffwithGr4ce, iii 

main in this ufe to difcorcr fin to uj.I (lal^fc it concludes us under fmnc : thtc 
not known concupifccnce, and foofam ii, it doth humble us, conv.nccus or^n. 

nut known LuntupiiLcncCf ana lo or am «. it aoiB "">""'*- "» — , 

othc. ,if the Law had not faid, Thon M Jat fo the promife might be given ^^^ ^ p^^c^ 

Mot covet: and this it doth after ^r4ce too |*nce it is fai<l''*^h* *"* ^" 

that which was y»«w before, i$y»««noi, X our Scboole-m^lter to 

Ct^ii-»Anrh nrkf alror thm nafi-it-^ ^f (inr. ML-lA . Vip<» frtfakCSOf tl 

i.iiak wuit.li wa« jutitc wwiuLt., i» nn 

Grace doth not alter the nature of finnt, 
though it doe free us from the fruits ani 
condemnation of it. 

^ It was added to bumble us for finnt 
And this alfo coMfijit with Grace; andi! 
Hill remaines in that ufe, though this be 




Wifi ' hce fpeakesof the fame law of 

m^k hce d.d before, which eemes by 

ie ,2 verfe. tobethe Worall law • and 

w is this the Schoole-maner , but by 

tftiing us. humbling us for finne, and 
invmiustoChnft? Or admit that ic 

iniiremaincsmtnac uie, tnougu ttiisnt 'j|nving us w v^uw"- 

denied by fome : Sin is the great grounffvcrc the ^«'-«»»"'»'*/^ .^*'*' ^^"''^" * u^ 
of hnmilUtitm : and that which is a g/^i |kid to be the Schoolc-maltw .^yet^r^nc 

to difcoveryj/»,muft needs upon difcovet] '0foY 

L'x hfi,- 
vh Evil- 
fclio lit m- 
dicatd etr 
tiffimi ex 

of it, humble the foule for it. 

Aid to be tne acnooic-iua^w. ,,.--- - 

tMorall law was the rod : the Maftcr doth 

.., ........ .. .... little without the Rod, nor the Ceremony 

And for this you may reade. R,^.i fxceptihe Morall ^t^'u''* "^"LlrhrS 

19,20. G4/.3.2I In which regard>t the Ceremoniall, whtfh vvas then LhrUt 

: may befaid, tbeUrr^ii mt 4g^nft xhi fn- |n Figure, as it doth now anvc u» ■ 

wi/i/, Gal. 1.21. // /Ae/4». -^4,'«/?/fc« thrift in truth. fti,„«,am« «an 

fromife. f God forbid. Snt thfserimn^ And thus the L*'' «'" 5'!^*'""! *" 

fromifes f God forbid. Snt th^ Senftm^ And thus the Law».nrema.n» a .« 
d.«n.m- i^^,i, conclH^cd 411 under finne, that the pn- 'inttrument »« ^^e hands ot the ^plrlc a 
«,pr*;..«_./;,^_^^ /-..vt ^;.A, A,.;.,.. ,, L difcovcr finne to us, and humble us tor It, 

hAth conclH^ed All under firtne, that the pn- inttrument 'n^^^ ^^"'^7' "^. .fJr* :. 
ae.pr^psrec .^ . lil • lI l ■ . .L. /(.frnv^r finne 10 US, and humble US tor It, 

1:7:1.. »hat beli.L ^Marke ^ou : fhere the Apo- ^that fo we m.ght come over ^oO^^J^ 
rfjf.,a-ftle faith the law is not againft the pro- the *vengtr «[ blood had not touo 
*«. ^ mifes ; for thofe AffirmaL interrogati- the ««rrfe«r, he would never have gone 
Chamicr. ons, a e the ttrongell negations. And k, to the Cin. of refuge: 'fGo<imou^^jn^^ 
(hewes why the law is not againft thr| h«mb!e us, weftould nt^r go t^nft^ 
promife. becaufe it is fubfervient to the | A tender of Chr.ft, ^"'i /^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
pfomife: whyhowthat? iicftewes.bcJ wen h% hHnfbld , ts worib notn. g^ 





tex noH 
quoad obe- 
fid quoad 


Lex ope^S 
exigti im- 

blood of ChriftjBui when once God hatlQjod therefore did not give the Rule, ^^g,^,^^. 
difcevtred fio ; when the law hath com agd afterward the Promifc : but firft the ^^m con- 
upon us as on PW , with an accufing j^omlfe . and then the Rule, to djl' ^^»«»^«^_ 
convincing, humbling , killing power; ^vcr that our obedience vva» not the ^^^^ ^^^ 
Oh then Chrifi is precious I the prtmi/i /gi««»^ of acceptance ; buc a '^"^''*' ^r/u* a- 
precious,the ^/W of Chrift precious. AnJ J„ of our thankfulneffc to God vvho^^,^ „„ 
I conceive this vvasthcmaine end Goi ilath accepted us. So that as it doth re- ^^«i«if, 
gave the law after the promife, toid- ,|ainc a il«/e of walking, yet in Chntt : «</» «u<"f- 
vance the promife. Men had not known % mult be our RuU in Chntt ; we mutt 4«m»" 
the fweemife of Chrift, if not tailed of Mbey by they?r«|ffeof Chrift : you muu ^^^ i ^^^^^ 
the hitterne([t of fin. fegin obedience from Chrift, you are iiot cham.cr. 

4 The law was given for zdirtaiA: to wor/^e for your intereft, but^« an in-adfintm. 
of life , and fo it doth ftill remainc ; u; -lercft that you may wr^ cap.3.l.if, 

1 have fully proved toyou. !;. The law, fay fome of our Divines, was Tom. ». 

Though we be fons; and are willing ;o given with Evangehcall p«r;o/«/, that is, 
obey, yet we mult learne how to a Auaie ,,fwith purpofes fublervicnt to the GolpeJ ; 
this willing difpofition : I fay. thoughwe '%nd I fay, it muft be obeyed with Evtnge- 
are fons and are f«i<if J by the Spirit, and %cM principles ; principles from Chrilt i 
inour/*x;« to God are ready to all fer- The law fbemt us but what is good, ic 
vices J yet we need that the tVerd fhould ^ivet no power to doe it. It is {''flP*'*' 
be a lightunto our feet, and a lanterne w4/« , a fpirituall ^-» i ^oW. V^"' *"'* 
unto our pathes : God hath made you good : but it is not /f^/;.mw. the law oc 
fonnes, and he hath given you an inheri- thefpirit : this is alone in Chrilt, Km, 
tancej and nowhce giv«you a /f*/* to.^ 8.1. The lawyinriyou what is holy, but 
vvalkeby, that you might expreffeyour cannot make you holyj while 'tiian»»e 
ibankfulncflc to him for his rich mercy. ''«*"* 

Youi 1 


ODimiom airjfveret 


\ \ 




7y, ,b.(, «* rmgk .^ .. ^^^ ^.^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^„, „^,„, 

Qucrv with fomc A pphcation. 

^Ititt nowtodcale with the thud 
Aine,thcanfvweringof Objeftions. 

I oh]ta. We read that the Law was 

jfci up as a Covenant, and »n that ufc ;cei- 

u . K fainlv it could notftand with Gracc,and 

■^nds you thither as to the rule wuhoriif'^'Vj^^^^ ^^^^ y-,^, ,„j, andufes 

after which you (hould conhrrae pt *"f f^,^ ^^c Law was given that aic 
hves without : whenthe law is onccp: JJ"^ ^^^^^^^^ ^-^j^ grace. 

^3ow that it was fet up as a Covenant, 

^helc places fecme to declare, Lxad.ig. 

A, 6. Nbw thertfure if J en will obtj my 

■'\o)ce indeed, and kftft my CovenA»t,thc» 

te« IhaUbe a ftculiar peaple : -f"'y*5 

more plainly m Deut. 4 1 3. Judtht Lord 

declared to jon hn Covenant , vhicb hee 

' commanded you to firfarme^ evtn ttnne 

{^ommandmeHtj ; and het wrote them Hfon 

^ tf^a Tables ej fione^ Jeremy 51- ?^ 3^* 

Andtbusinbricfe you have fecne two ' ^^f^^^, ^y,^j,, come, iaiihtheLord^thAt 
of thefe things propounded, done; f-^j^^^ make a new Covenant mth tkhonfc 
bave feenc the maine ends and ulestoi . j^^^^j^ ^^^ ^.^^ ^^^ y^^^^ ,y juiafi, 
which the law was fet up: you have 1«D Ym according to the Covenant/ mait 
how thefe ends were not onely conftjm '^.^^ ^^^.^ ^^^^^^^ -^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^, / ^^^ 
with Grace, but might be ferviceabie to ^^^^ , ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^.^^ ^^,„ ,^,e/ the 
the advancement of (?Mc«. _ _ __ land^fRpvot. Bttt thu Iball he the Cove- 

tvithbttt us; it cannot nnake usholy, 
muft be a rule vrithin us. 

The Law is a prineifle within us U 
and then z patttme without us: we 1 
not made holy by imitation, but by u 
plantation. Uut that Principle vvitlit 
/f«i; you thither as to the rule withom 

Principle , it then becomes your h 


5 It was given us as a gUjfe todt 
cover our imperfeftions of duty,andtlii: 
remaines ; there you fee the impcrfe& 
onsof your duties,of your graces, ando 
bcdience ; and by that you are kept don 
to Chrift ; you are kept humble: this caii 
you out of your felves,and cafts you upon 
the hold of Chrift and the Promifes 

Wee are now come to the third thing 
propottndcd, to anfwer Objeftions ; and 

land of Egypt. Bttt thu {ball be the Cove- 
nant : / will put my lawes into their hearts. 
So Hcb.8.7,8 ,9. For ifthefirji Cove«a« 





I.. A 

X iS ObjeBions Agitnfl thu 

load heene faultlefe ; them had tbtrt ht^ 
no fUce jar anntber. Thcfe places ittn 
CO fpcake very plainely, that the law wt 
given as a Covenant of vvorkcs to tb 
fttptj : and as a Covenant of workti 
could not C0n0 with Grace; and thni' 
fore there were fome ends wherefon 
the law was fee up, which were notcM 
^rirt with Grace. 

Now then for thef/e<«ri»f of thefepli r 
ces, there hath been laid downebyDi 
vines dtvers didindions of Covenaou 
^ome have fet downe thefe three. 

1 A Covenant of Nature. 

2 A Covenant of Grace- 

g A mixt Covenant confifting oi 
Nature and Grace. 

Others fet downe thefe, 

1 Fcedta ttatftra. The Covenant oi 
Nature : or, that Covenant which Goil 
made with man in Innocency. 

2 Fedus fromijft: or the Covenant of 
the promife, as iome ; the Covenant of 
Grace, as others ; which was made with 
>*d4jw after kis fail, in thoft words ; 7k 
feed af the rvomM Jb^U hrtAke the Serpcnti 
bcMd, and renewed to Ahaham in (be 
1? of Gtn. but more clearly in ^en. !!• 
«8. I» thy [teA fitiHall the NMionsof tk 

thu hjitieff dftJwtrtJ. li^ 
%rihhe hlijfid. And this is the fame m 
flibftancc with the covenant of grace. . 

5 Feint tftru, Ihe Covenant of 
Workes which was made with the p »es, 
^ they interpret chol? places, Exd. 19. 

' Others againc , that make thele tliree 

I FsedM natura, The Covenant of na- 

liire made with nAdam. 
'': 2 FaeiMgratU. The Covenant ot 
^race made to us in C^rifi. 
V 3 FaiiHi MfervicMs. Or the fukjer' 
i;W Covenant, which they fay, was the 
covenant made here to the Jems, raeer- 
ty in way of fubferviency to the cove- 
nant of Grace in chrifi. A preparing co- 
fenant, to make way for the advancc- 
|ient of the covenant of Grace itl 
Thrijl , vvhich as a covenant is gone, 
Ihough the fubferviency of it doth fliU 


•i Others there arc that fay, there Wer<J 
Bcvcr any but two Cbvenants made with 
man : one of mrkss^ the other of grace. 
The firft in innocency, the other after the 
|tfall. But yet this covenant of Grace waS 
■fo legally difpcnfed to the ^tws, that it 
' fecmcs so be nothing elfe but the ripett- 



^ ''. 

', U 


, .<v? 





* 1.* 



i\% ■ 

1 18 OhjeBions d^dinfi thu 

lai hene fdtt/tlefe ; then had there httth^ 
wo fluce J6r athther, Thefc places fecme^^ 
to fpcakc very plainely, that the law wai* 
fiiven as a Covenant of vvorkcs to tht 
ftwts : and as a Covenant of workciit 
could not canftft with Grace; and there- 
fore there were fome ends wherefort 
the law wasfetup, which were not «» 
^r« with Grace- 
Now then for the clearing of thefe pla- 
ces , there hath been laid downc by Di- 
vines divers diftindions of Covenanu. 
*ome have fet downe thefe three. 

1 A Covenant of Nature. 

2 A Covenant of Grace- 

3 A mixt Covenant confiding of 
Nature and Grace. 

Others fee downe thefe, 

1 Fosdm natura. The Covenant of 
Nature : or, that Covenant which God 
made with man in Innocency. 

2 Fcedm fromijfi : or the Covenant of 
the promife, as iome j the Covenant of 
Grace, as others ; which was made with 
■^dsm after bis fall, in thofe words ; Tht 
feed tf tilt womM Jhuff hre^ke the Serpintt 
l>e*d, and renewed to Abraham in the 
1? of Gtj^^ but more clearly in gen. iS- 
18. la tS^fted fiaHall the Nations ef tht 


this fefitien dpjwa id, n^ 

earth he hltfftd. And this is the fame i" 
llibftance with the covenant of Cj/mc. 

5 Foedtu tperu , The Covenant of 
Workes which was made with the Jefus, 
as they interpret chol? places, Exud. 19. 

Others againc , that make thefe three 

1 Feedtu natf*r<t. The Covenant of na- 
ture made with tyidAm, 

2 Fadui gratix. The Covenant of 
; Grace made to us in C^rifi. 

3 foedtu fuhfetvitHs. Or the ftthfer' 
•t«»» Covenant, which tluy fay, was the 
covenant made here to the fewes^ racer- 
ly in way of fubfcrviency to the cove- 
nant of Grace in Chrifl. A preparing co- 
venant, to make way for the advance- 
ment of the covenant of Grace irt 

' Chrijl , which as a covenant is gone, 
though the fubfcrviency of it doth flill 

i Others there are that fay , there were 
never any but two Covenants made with 

I roan : one of W»rksst the other of (jrace, 

» The firft in innocency, the other after the 
fail. But yet this covenant of Grace was 
fo legally difpenfed to the j'fw«, that it 
feemes to be nothing elfe but the rtpeti- 

. '1 




I Aigii. 

t A,i:: 


I^o The LAVfWM not 

tio» of the Covenant of Works, In rj. 
fpeft of which ie^all difpenfutions of it, the 
lame Covenant undci the law is called a 
Covenant of Works ; under the Gofpel, 
in regard of the ctettrer manifeftationsof 
it. it is called a covenant of Grace ; but 
thefc were not two Mfiinfi covenants, 
but one and the fame covenant divcifly 
dil'pcnfcd. Ar,d that the law could no: be 
a covenant of vvorkes properly taken ; I 
will give but thefc Arguments. 

That I conceive cannot be faid to be 
a covenant ofworkcs whereby ihuly Gd 
is married to a finfti/i people ; but by tlij 
covenant, God was married to luch, fa. 
-ji. 31, ^2. And therefore could not be a 
covenant of vvorkes. 

That can never be faid tcbe a cove- 
nant of vvorkes, which had mercy in it to 
finfuil men, but this had : it was fet up 
with mircifull purpofes , with fttbfervi- 
tncie to the Gofpel, as the Apoflle (hews 
at large inC7«/, ?• Ergo. 

Jf the law were given as a covenant 
of Workes , then were it oppoftte, and 
contrary to the piomife; but that the 
Apoftiefticwes itis not. Gal. ';. 22. htk 
/uvf again fi the promile ? God forbid- But 
if It vvcie fee up as a covenant pf works, 


d Covtmnt 6f Works, i^i 
then were it diametrically oppofite to it, 
tor if of works, then not of grace, Ergo. 

That can never be a covenant of works 4 
/hich was ttddei to the Covenant of 
but the Apoftle (hews the law was 



\ikdto\\it promife,G4/ ?. 19. Now if 
jt had been added as a Covenant , then it 

would overthrow the nature of the pro- 
'mife : it was fo added, as that the nature 
jof thcpromife might be prelervcd : but, 
jif any thing of works were here, it would 
deanc overturne Grace , and overthrow 
the nature of the piomifc. Therefore ic 

was not added as a covenant, nor was it 

ddedby wayof ittgrediency to the pco- 
.;Bnife : as if we had beenc to be juftifiei 
Ipartly by mrking , partly by believing j for , 

Ihat everthroms the freeneff: of the pro- i 
^ mife, If of worses, then it is not of Grace. 

But it was added by way of fubfervienej 
'\ to the promife,as the Apoftle faith here it 
' was added becaufe of tranfgrefion. It was 
Uo added to the promife, or covenant of 
I grace as to hclpe and advance, not to fub, 
fvert and deftroy it. And therefore could 
Inot be added as a covenant of work^. 

The fifth Argutacnt may be taken s ^'i*i 

jfrom.^j/.j.iy. where the Apoflle ftiews 

that the Uw which voi fottre hnndrtd and 




thirty jtarts after the Promife , couU na 

4 Ceveaant ef IV&rks, i j j 


jmrij lettrii niter irjc rrvmijc, i-vmant\tm .r i ^ i /I L L I 

l/uc ,f God had fct up thcla«,as a\o#'''"%^'^^-/*'^. ^^.^'^'^'f T'Tl 
v.nant. it would h^stMannUed the Pro.^'^''.^^?''* ^"^.^o B'^^ ''^^ ^^ the Uw, for 

mife ; Niy , and it would have decUm , 
God changeable, which cannot be ; fot 
iaith the Apoflle, Gal. 5. 30. Goi it m\ 
hee is thcy'jrw in his grace and purpofeco 
linncrs, though he kcme by giving the 
Law alter the Froniile, to repent Qi\[\\ 
loi mei meixy, and by this to cancel!, or 
repcalc what hee had done ; yet it is no 
fuch matter, Gedi^ose, he is the fame in 
all. This covenant was eHablilhcd by 
Hub. 6. 17, Oath, Heh>6.i'],\%. And when Goi 
^f-^ fweares, hee cannot repent, /"/ii/iw 110. ^. 
ria.iia. Nowif God fctupthis as acovenantaf- 
ter he had given the Promife ; either thi> 
would have fliewed mHtabiUtj in Gods 

€ A' 


and fAlvation to the loft fonncs ot men by 
a covenant of Grace, then hee never fct 
up the Law as a covenant of vitrkts fot 
that end, liut this was his purpole? &C' 
as the A poftle in dl. ?• 1 8. If the inht- 
niHnce is Ij th L',iw,thenit un$t (>j '^ 


\c had given it iefire another way, name- 
y, by promife. And therefore never in- 
ended this the way. 

If the law were a covenant of mrket , 7 -^gv. 

hen were the yeip-v under a different co- 

enant from us, and (o none were faved, 

hich the Apoflle gain-faycs.Wf?^ i? n, 

'f htlteve threugh tbe grace of['hrifi to be 

^aved, Kif^tit'm evett oi thcj : or elfe they 

re both under a covenant of wurk^es, and 

covenant of Grace, But that they coul J 

ot be;they are utterly inconfiftcnt. ErgOf 

God never appointed any thing to an g ^, .^ 

nd, to which the thing appointed is ^/i- 

'trvi' ealfie ind unfutablc : but the !aw was 

Kterly«»/^?'i/i«4^/£andunfutable tc this 

w///, orcontradiAion in his ads , which _ , - .- .-r „ j r^i „,^.„. ,u^ A«/»ai-. 

' , . , I c , u .L, i :«<i,to give lire and (alvation:tncAponl^ 

cannot be- And therefore it could not M ' , • 5? 1 „,,„„. j „^, ^ .;r p -. o ■, 

- , ;clsus, thelawcould not do It, Atiw. b. ^. 

a covenant of mrkj, ■ ^ ^^^ jy ,^^^^ ^^^ ^^,„ ^ ^^^ .^^^ 

]f It were Gods pr^«/. to ^^^<^ l[f%,, ,,J i,,4 ^,^,„ i,f, ^ „>ii,;.ib impl^s iz 

tve given 
I ouldnot doe it,and therefore God n^vcr 
it it up for that purpofe. 
Itcould never fuit with Gods heart to^A,gu^ 
nners to give a covenant ofworkes after 
lefall ; bccaufe man could doe nothing, 
.'cwas dead.^c. Bcfides, ic was con- 
K 3 trary. 



j,^ The Law was »9t 

trarv to the nmrtoi a covenant, man 
m'mfotent, and could not ftand a party 
in covenant with God.— -— . 

Befides , if you doe but confider th: 
nature of a covenant of workss, youwili 
fee plainly an imp<>0iltty that the Law 
Ihould be a covenant of works- 
, - ,^«,r I The covenant of wtrkes is a cove- 
i:^, '/^r nantbctweene m./mW;:,!^ is a cove. 
,<..;'cl..-nant of friendjhip : but God could not 
P- make fuch a covenant with fallen man; 

f '^:^'";h wc were enemies, we were guilty fin- 
fcm £fjj«- . ^ therefore a covenant of friend- 
ri<r,farf«5 (hip could not be made : Indeed tn 
g^^'"c micht be a covenant of grace made with 
I /< J«'^l« him for that is a covenant of reeemluu- 
T en & fuch a covenant might be made with 
'^■■" enemies : but there could not be a cove- 
nant of Workesmadc, forthat isacove™ 
nantbctweenefriends: and fuch we were ^ 

not after the fall. 

5 The Covenant of vvorkes was a Ci- 
w«4»f , wherein each party had to 
work; It wasacoW/>«o-*//Covenantvvt 
had foracthing to do, if we expcded th, 
which was promifed. But now luch 
Covenant God could not make with rn J 
after his fall; becaufe man was not 4* 
^0 ftand to the kwefiiwm^, iof"7'"'j^ 



4 Covendnt of worhs. 

the mcaneft condition. And therefore 

3 The Covenant of workes was a Co- 
venant no way capable of nnovMhu ; if 
you once broke it, you were gone for e- 
ver. Rut now this Covenant: which God 
made with them was c.!f.il)!e of rennv- 
;j»f , and they frequently rennved Cove- 
inant with God. And thetcrorc this could 
[not be a Covenant of worlcfs. Sothat 
[. by this which hath been fpokcn, you fee 
! plainly that this couldnotbea covenant 
, of workes which God made with the 

' f(wes. 

Ob}!i:i. Rut you will fay ; a Covenant qi-^, ^, 
it was, and fo it it called ; And if it were 
a Covenant, then was it either a Cove- 
nant of VVorks,or a covenantof Grace, or 
elfe cixtur tertium, there is fome third, 
feme mUMe Covenant : but there is no 
m'Mle Covenant, nor is it a Covenant of 
Grace, and therefore it muft needs be a 
covenant of works. 

If by a third covenant, be meant a mid- Aufi 

I- ^n.ronnnr /TknCifVinO narrlv ftf WOrkeS. Mr ll, 



ir Dy a tllirU tl'VCIiaill, LH. 1IH.«<11.» rrr,„ J^tjjV^. I, 

cik covenant, confiding partly of workes, .w« bi^m 
and partly of Grace, under which thcj>! fW/'^^ 
fmes were, and by which they were fa- ""'"'^ 
ved , I utterly deny any fuch covenant. 
Foir there was no fuch Covenant ever 
made with man fallen, neither can there 
K4 f'* 

;..ai»r aaiK'iMr'.^*^* 

r. ■■■. 



■ ■fc. 

t ^ 6 What kittde of Coventm 

be any intdiHM , bctweene woj-ilL'^ and 
Grace, the Apoftlc fpcaks that plainly,;/" 
tf vforkes , then not of Grace- If they had 
been to doe any thing in relation to life, 
though never fo fmall , and though the 
Go/pel had been to doe the rcft,yet had it 
been a Covenant of workes, arid had been 
utterly inconfiftcnt with the covenant of \ 
* G/.J/U Grace. For * Grace can no way be called 
tuiio mod,) grace, if not every way Grace : if there 




were any thing of m^ns bringing, which 
*'*'_. ***''^ were not of Geds hejlovfing, though it 
were never fo fmall, it would evtrtmn 
the nature of Grace , and tnake that of 
ivfl^i^fj which is oi Grace. 1 f a man (hould 
aske I ut a fennj of us, to the furchnfe of a 
Kingdoipe, though hcfhouldgiveus the 
reft, yet would that penny hinder it from 
being a rr<eer$ gift and grace. So it is here, 
&c. And therefore a middle covenant I 
fannot allow it. 

There are two other o/jwow which I will 
piopound to yeur thoughts. Some that 
thinke it neither a Covenant of mrkes^ 
nor of Grace, but a third covenant diftinft 
from both j Others that thinke it a cove- 
nant ofGrace,but more legally difpenfed< 
I Some there arc that do think it to be 
^ third covenant i t/^ muMudft^orj, pre- 


ihtLAW w^, 157 

pjrator^'or fubfervient C^vtna.t. ^^^^'uXl 
venant. Ifay, chat was g.ven by way of J^^'" 
fuhfervitncj to the covenant of Grace.J 
For the better advancing, andfetting up 
of the covenant of Grace ; and ihok 
who hold this , doc fay there are/kw 
dsQinft Covenants, which God made ^^^^^^^^ 
with mankinde. i The covenant of Na^ ,^^ '^ 
turc. 2 The covenant of Grace. 3 The ^ Gmm^ 
Subfcrvient covenant. turn. 

I The covenant of Nature^ and that j Subftr^ 
was whereby God recimred as the Cre4-^«»^- 
tar of a creature, per fed ehdience to all 
his Comraandcments, with promife of a 
bleffcd life in Paradifc if he obeycd.thrcat- 
ning eternall death if hcc difobcyed the 
command, and to this end, to declare how 
'vertMe plcafcd, and J»« difpleafied him. 

a Th= Covenant of CJrace , whereby 
hcc promifcth parden and forgivcnefle of 
finnes. and eternall life , by thciWof 
Cbrifi , to all thofc that fhould tmhract 
him, and this to declare the riches of his 


3. The Suhfervient Covenant , which 
is called the Old Covenant, whereby God 
did rf^ajr* obedience of the I fraelites, to 
the Morall, Ceremoniall , and Judiciall 
^vy^s , upon promife of all bleifings in. 





1 1 t' 


138 T/je dijiin^bn of three 

the p9JftJJt3n of Canaan, and threatning 
curfes and mifcriesto them chat did break 
it, and this to this end, that he might raife 
up their hearts to the expeElation of the 
MtJfiM to come. 

And ihis fubfervient Covcnant.or Old 
Covenant , is that which God did firikf 
with the people of Ifrael in Mount Sinni, 
io prepare them to faith, and to inpmt 
them with the </f//rc of the Tremifc, and 
the coming of Chrifl, and to be as it were 
a bridle of reftraint, to cohibite them from 
linne, till that time that hee fhould fenj 
the Spirit of Adoption into their hea us, 
and govern them with a more frcefpirt 

This CoveniKt of which the Morall Uw 
isfaid to beapart, and which is called 
here the fubfervient Covenant under 
which the ^ewcs were, is (hewed at large 
(by the Authour named) to be a third and 
«sli^/«ff Covenant , bctweene the Cove- 
nant of Nature, and the Covenant of 
Grace. And who ever will have recourfe 
unto that TraOate of his (hall fee he layes 
downe both the Mireements and ctijfcrenccs 
it hath from the covenant oi Grace and 
thzt.o^ Nature. And in regard it may be 
^he thing hath not been obferved by all, 
and many who have not the Jmhourb^ 


CivenAntsptfoundtd. 139 

them. And other, .f they had it could 
^kenoufe. neither rece^'e any benefit 
^rforthe.rfakeschiefl/. Iw.ll lay 
do^; notall,but the majn heads of agree- 
mencandd.fference, that th.s S.b[.rv^-- 
,„, covenant hath with the Covenantor 

Nature and Grace And we wiU firfl 
{hew vou its agreements and dilagree- 
mentsmthche covenant of Nature The 

agreements are thefe. I 

1 In both thefe Covenants, one p4r»7 

Covenanting is God, the other man. 

2 That both have a con^ttm annexe^ 

to them. , , ,1 ., 

g That the condition for the general! »« 
the fame; Dot f^^, and Live. 
4 That the promife m \.TAradije 
the generall is thc< and 
fame too ; C^^'^^*' .,, 

Thefc arc the agreements. We wiu 
now (hew vou their difagreemcnts. 

1 The CovenantofNature was made 
with all men, this fubfervient covenant 
alone with the Jfraelites. , . , . 

2 The covenant of Nature doth W 
us to Chrifl, but no^ ^•"^'^J' ^V it telfc-buc 
obliquely and pit accidens : but the Oldet- 
T;.«4«t„orthe fubfervient covenani,dotli 
proferlj, and/>er /f, bring mio ChrtJt.iot 






1 40 Toe Jgreemtnti between the 

>t was the true and proper fcopt which 
God aymedat in giving of it. " G»d M 
*' nut make the Covenant of Nature w'ttla 
*' man , that he being hurtheneti with tki 
" iveigh cf it pjomld goe to Chrifl. In gi- 
'* ving that, God ajmed at thu, to have thit 
" which v'M hii cine fnm man. "But in thu 
*^' fubftrvient Ctvenant, Cod doth nquirt 
*'/b« right for mother end, then that pihh 
*' l/emg convinced of his weakstjfe , andim- 
*' potency might fiye to Chrifi 

3. The covenant of nature was made 
with man, that by it men might be car- 
ried on fweetly in obedience; foritwai 
hgraven in their hearts. But the Jubfervi- 
tnt covenant was made that men might be 
compelled to obedience ; for it did natn- 
rally be^et to bondage, Gal. 4. 24. 

4 The covenant of Nature was to be 
fternaH, but this fubfei vient covenant was 
to be but for a time. 

y Thecovcnantof Nature had not re- 
fpeft tothe reftraint of outward fins, nei- 
ther in WiSprincipaliuk, nor Itjfe principa', 
but the old covenant in his tefle principall 
tnihid^ Fxod. 20. 20. 

6 The covenant of Nature was tM^yj- 
ren in the heart, but the other w/»f« »n 
tables of ftone> 

7 The 

covenant (uhjtrvitnt ir of natttr e.i^i 

7 The Covenant of Nature was mtdc 
with Jdamln Paradife; this fublervicnc 
covenant in Mount Sinai. 

8 The covenant of Nature had no 
mediator ^b\xi this /w^/frv/fw; covenant hard 
a mediatory viz- A^^fes- 

9 The one was made with man per" 
ftil , the other with a part of mankmdc 

And thefc are the maine agreements 
and differences between the covenant of 
Nature, and this fubfervient covenant : 
We come now to (hew you the differen- 
ce t and agreements that it hath with the 
covenant of Grace. 

1 They agree that God is the Au- 
thour of both. 

2 That both are e9ntrdiedmi\\i^\\ta 

3 That both doc difetver finne. 

4 That both doe bring to Chrifi, 

5 That both are tontraEled by a Me^ 

6 That in both is lift promifed. 

2 They differ, 1 that in the fubfervient 
covenant God is confidercd as condtmming_ 
iin,and approving alone of righieoufncflic ■■> 
hut in the covenant of Grace, as pardon- 
ing fin, and renuing hglincfls in us. 

1 They 


, -•y! 






142 Dijferences between the 

2 They differ in the /?«/)«/4r»o»,or con- 
dition; the condition of the old covenant 
was this, Doethii *nd live, of the New: 
Believe and thfjt fialt be favcd, &c. 

I They differ in the Antiquity. The 
Promife was mere ancient then the Law, , 
]t is faid the Law -tvas adieci to the Promift^ ; 
and that 450 y cares after tlie Promife was [ / 

given, G'4/. ^ i7« 

4 The fubfervient covenant doth n- 
firains,hui-H>tthCaa^'o» ir\d fervility ; but 
the covenant of of Grace by a vfilling and 
Child-hke inclination of ])»>«, by more 
freenefleand naturalneffe of loulc- 

5 In the lubfervienc Covenant the 
fpirtt of Bondage is given, but in the cove- 
nant of Grace, the Spirit of AdoptioH. 

6 The Old Covenant did terrifie the 
confcience J this doth comfort it. 

7 The objcd of the old was mM a- 
(leep, or rather dead in fin ; of the other « 
man aroakemd^ind humhlediot fin- 

8 Tlie one (heves the way of fervict, 
but giucs no ftrength to fcrvice ; this doch 
both fhew the way, and give potnr. 

9' Loth proniilc life, but the one in 
Canaan, the other in Heaven. f 

Thus you fee the firft opinion of the 
tw», which fccmes a RatioimUopmon, 


fuhfervitnt & tO'venint of grace, 14J 

though ii want the number of maintain- 
eri. The Reafen in this opinion feeracs to 
be this- The Law is faid to be a covenant, 
as I have Ihewed in divers Scriptures, and 
if fo, either a covenant of tVorkes^ or of 
Grace, or fome third covenant ; but not 
a covenant of iVork.es, nor a covenant of 
Grace, Ergo, fome third Covenant. 

I Not a Covenant of i^yorkes, that I 
have (hewed at large ; becaufe there was 
a /or««>' covenant , a Covenant of Grace 
made , and this was but added to it, and 
not in way of off^fition^ but fubfervicncy: 
befides,this broken was capable of reno- 
vation , which a covenant of Woikes is 
not capable of: beildes, when they had 
brukin this , they were not to be cafi by ir, 
but had liberty of appeale from the Law 
to the Gofpeljfrom Gods fufiiceoSead- 
cd, to Gods A /trey pardoning and cover- 
ing, as you fee they frequently did,when 
they implored mercy and pardon, for his 
Names fake ; For thy Names fake forgive, 
and for thy Names fake cover: under which 
iixpofitions ^hri^was darkjly fhadowcd 

Againe , if it were a concluding cove- 
nant of life and death, then could they 
have had no mercy, no pardon, they muft 








' v),; 


1^4 7 J&^ Jt^ii/tf;» o//)^^ 

deeds have perifhed ; but againfl thattdt 
Apoftle fpeaks, Mh i<. 1 1. w* ^f/«w 
through the grace cf Chriji to he fAved even m 
they: Nay,and then it had been utterly i«. 
eonfifieittvuih thecovenant of Grace. Then 
Were there fomc ends and Mfts for wliich 
the Law was promulged which could not 
ihnitviih, but were utterly dejlruSive to I 
the Promife and covenant of Giace. But I 
I have flicwed you there were no fuch 
ends, And t hcreforc it mull be con- 
cluded, that it was fuch a covenant under 
which they y^W, as noEwithilanding chat 
they did y?4»^ under a covenant of Grace, 
and therefore it could not be a covenant 
of works : this feems to be the reafon of 
the opinion againd the firft, that though 
it be called a covenant, yet it could not be 
a covenant ofworkj •* and if To, then mud 
ic be either a covenant of Grace, Or feme 
tjlfirc^ covenant. Now, 

3 It will be faid it could not be a co- 
venant of Grace ; Bccanfe that our Di- 
vines doe generally reckon up this as one 
part of our frecdome that wee have by 
Chrijt, to be freed from the Law as a co- 
venant , and if the Law were a covenant 
of Grace onely more l*t^a/lj ^i^etifed^titii 
uader more Lfga/i adminlHrations ; ic 


fubfcrvUntCtvenAitt, 14 j 

might fecme better to fay , wee arc freed 
from the ieg*U adminiftrations of it, then 
tofay.wc are freed from it as a Covenant. 
And therefore they faying vvc are freed 
from it asa covenant,Gannot poffibly hold 
it to be a covenant of Grace. I onely pro- 

I pound you the reafon this opinion holdi 

And if it be neither a covenant of worb, 
nor a Covenant of Grace, then muft it of 
neceility be a third Covenant. And yet 

I this fuch a Covenant as doth not ftand ia 
ofpofitiom to Grace, neither is inconfiftent 
with the covenant of Gracejfor then God 
(hould have contradi^ed himfelfe , over- 

I throwne his owne purpofe , repented of 

I his owne promife which he had given be^ 
fore; and therefore it is called a fuhfervi- 

\tHt Covenant, which though it ftand up- 
on opfofite tedrms , yet it hath its fubfer- 
vient tnds to the Covenant of Grace ; and 
was given by way oi fubfervieucy to the 
Gofpel,and the more full revealing of the 
covenant oigrMtJk was temporary, 8c had 

I refft^ to Can44» & Gods blefling therejin 
obedience ta it,and not-to heaven,for tbac 
WiSfrtmi[edhy another Covetttot which 
God made with the before he entred this. 
And this is the reafon that this firftopi' 
h » 

f r 





I M 




146 The redfon of J hi 

nion holds forth, which 1 dcfiremodenij 
to propound, no: yet feeing whercinii 
may nc injurkm to holinefTc, or Mfa^m- 
ing to the minde of God in Sciipturc. 

2 There is a fecond opinion, in which 
.1 findethc greateft Number of moft Hol^ 
and /f^r«/i Divines to concurre,and th« 
is , that though the Law be called a Covj- 
nant, yet was it not a Covtntnt of Works 
for falvation : nor was it a third covenant 
from Workes and Grace : but it was the 
fame Covenant for nature and k}>t^i un<l« 
which wee ftand under the Gofpel , even 
the Ctvinant of Grace, though more It- 
gitUj diffenftdto the javes ; and it diffcrti 
no'v in Inb^itnci from the Covenant o( 
».t.«w^//- Grace, bat in degnts^ fay feme, in tht 
jerum^ Octmiimy and externall adminiftration of 
I Ttttip.c-^^ f^y others , the Jtvts were uaderin- 
rjr!tTf^'"<^Y'^hereforeraedagogy. In which re- 
iciaritaiclm^ the Covenant of Grace under the 
4 /«fi/;f4- Law is called F adits vttus, or the Old 
te, f /««- Covenant , and under the Gofpel, Fe- 
-jitatt. jj^ Movum^ or the ntw Covenant, Hr*.8. 

mnn'' S- ^"'^ ^^« ^"« ^'^ ""'^ ^^^' ^^* °'^" 

quial"ii!f, iVfW.not bifcaufe it was before the other : 
fed qi^ia ' For the Larv was aJaid t» tlai Prtmift 43°' 


tercyct fiicccJenti prafl.miiori jirdai dectilcfc, et aboUndt' 
hair. Ciiam. Ji^.U-U ^*^b- 7- 4-5. OcQOHsmia jwdcris Gr. i» 
v,7', ml i/nirnf.)^ tfjit,tf/.i. AllUd. 

[ubftrvitnt Ccvettdftt. 147 
Fj«r« -/>'r ; and therefore the Promife 
ias before it ; but it is called old,becaufc 
•thofe 4dminifir»tioKs did now w^j: */^ and 
decav *werc nigh to vaniftiing, ready to ^""^^^^ 
tear,and we're to give place to more ^^V;;- 

Knew and excellent *^;«''''^^'"'"' J^"**^?.* «- 
was more obfcnrely adra.mttred, Oiadow- ^J 
' ed and darkncd with (hadowes,this more ^^^i, J^^^ 
\ terftitHoully &nd clearly; that was more* y,„/-«^ 
\oZ»us aid burthenfome ; this more ea- pr.uu. 
fie and delightfull ; that in r^ (pcft of thf ^^-^^^J^ 
legail adrainiftrationi did beget t^ bondMge, _ .^^ ^^ 
this to ^on-Zii^e /rw^«< •' « yo« ^ay ,^j^, „^. 
Iclearely fee in thofe places, C«/»/- 2- 17 vum.jadui 
W. 10. 1. A/4r. ly. TO. G4;.3.24.G4/.4 «f.m,« 
Vi X *Henceonefaith.thc«»andfl/JM''^g';^v 
Covmnt, thecovenantof Works (fohe-. j^^ - 
calls the law) and this of Grace,thc cove- ^^^ ^^^^ 
nant of the Law and Gofpel, are not para- ^cn\.^ ^ 
llel diftinaitn, ; for both thefe covenants trumc^, e- 
are co^enantsof Grace or^ly^^ijl^^^^^ 
the Oeconoray,and diverfc admimftrati- ^ ' ^^ 
ons of them : that they were the fame co- ^^^^^ ^^^. 
venant for nature and kind, is aUcadged ,,* « e- 
thatinthe i L«iL-7i-74.7?- T*" ?"/«"»"*" ^^ijgf- 

r*»»^ii»^<r A« W; CoveH4»t. What was ^j^^.^^. 
that? you fee that in the 74. verfe, for lub- ,j,. j. f. 
ftaoce the Umc with ours, T*4» bewonldfia. le. 
f, a grant uU 

' li^.-' 

i I 

I ) 


] ) 






148 The fecofid Ttttt'm dtMn 

grAHtt*nto M^thMtwe btlng delivered tttt of ^ 
tht hands of cur enemies , miglat ferve h'm 
without feAre, inholine^e Mi rigbteoufnilft 
4ll the dayes of eur life. j , 

I Will give yoy for brevity, the full i; 
^rAugh of their thoughts, who maintainc |- 
thisfecond opinion in thefe five patticu-;^; 

lars, r- 

1 There was never any more then ^:^ 
two Covenants raade with mankinde,|| 
which held out life and falvatton : TheP, 
firft was the Covenant if Works., in inno- 
ccncy; the other is the Covenant of|r4f(, 
after the fall. 

2 There was never but one way of 
falvation fince the fall, and that was byi 
Covenant of Grace : God never fet up 
another Covenant of Works fince the fall, 
hec puts us now to believe without iwr^- 
ir.g for life. 

3 That yet all Adams pofterity thef 
lye under the Covenant of yptrkes, asi- 
dam left them after bis fall, till they come 
over to Jefus Chrift. 

4 That the Law was ncvtt given as » 
Covenant of works, but 4^<i<<J to the pro- 
mife by way of fubfetviency to the Cove- 
nant of Grace. 

5 Ttiat though the Law wa« given 

* wuh 

into five f Articular s, 149 

with mtrcifui purpofes, and fubtervient 
to the covenant of Grace i yet it fcemei 
tocome)^<i)»^''^tous, as though it were 
the repetition of another Covenant of 
workes under which we ftand. 

Or rather the covenant of Grace un- 
der the Old Tcftament feemes to be fo le- 
fallj reprefented as if it were a covenant 
of works ftill to us. And it is worth, our 
obfervation to fee how the covenant ot 
Grace like the Sun in the firmament, hath 
r;/>» up mil to further and further clcar- 
nefle ; from Adam to Mofes, it was very 
darks and obfcute ; from CMofes to the 
time of the Prophets, the light begin to 
appeare. After the Prophets when fvhn 
began his Miniftery, then the liiht was 
moreclearly revealed, under the AUm- 
/?«ry of Chrift, who revealed the bofcmeCamtmn. 
Counfels of his Father, there were more 
chare and gUrioui manifeflations of it. 
After Chriftsrefurreftion.and the fend- 
ing of the Spirth the -ffoiibefore clajped^ 
was now fully opened, that he that runs 
mitht read. In fo much that fome have 
called the Covenant of Grace before^ 
Chrift, fotdus prtmijfi , the covenatit of 
wmift : and now Under the Gofpel the 
'^ L 3 covenant 



:m ■ \\ 

t ^m;'■■ 






,50 itUohitatdthtUvffitoiuftn 
covenant of grace in refpeft of the full 
cleare ,and ample d.fcovery of u : the/J*- 
^yces which before thfumed it being ti- 
ken away; and the whole fUtform 0} 
GodsMgHeof fsvingraanby meer gracel 
fo clcarciy difcovcred, that he that runntt ii 

may read it. 

That which flood npon /•p;e/>'e terratt 

• to the covenant of Grace, cannot be faid 

to be a covenant of grace , nor yetMfl-- 

v»V«» to the covenant of grace; butmaft 

pecdi be a covenant of Workes. 

But the Law flood wpon cpptfite lerratJ 

to the covenant of grace, Erio. 

ux py.p*- That it flood upon ofpojite tertnes 1 is 

^>ti4^'<i manifeft, the one commanding ^o««^. ">« 

« [.ilntcm ^ heletving : if you doe conloU wnB 

p/%^.c, r-/«4« ^of A* fiaU Uve tn them, Exek. 0, 
■vAngiUum J, / jg4x;; (ib«m W7 fiatHtts vbtch tj *l 
'^'">/"- man dot he /hdlt live in the». Gal. 3.1 Jj 

.».. B« thefe may be Sluded, hce m\ 

^hajDier. jiye (in) theio, but hec doth not n) 
hec ftulllivcC^j) them; we live »*«J«- 

iience^ but wee doc not live ^y^^-| 

epfofite turmes to Grace. 1 j i 

|}»M«f there is much difference between 

them. . , ■ cc 

Therefore left this might put U ott, 

fee more plainly, Rm.z n. /^c" »'* '^* 
kArersoftheUv^ hm thi doers ef the law 
IhiUbe j»fiifitd. And thst the Apoftle 
fpcakes htre of the mtall Law he Pncws 
tiUer, vtrf.2J.il' where hee dilcouticch 
of feme branches of the Morall Law : 
Soiim. iO.S,6. For Mtfes defcribeth the 
righteoufnt^t which u of the L*w (yet he 
doth not fay which is by the Law) that 
the mate which doth thefe things fhaO. live by 
them , bht the righteottfiee^e which u of 
Faith fpeaktth thut : Whtftever heleeves c» 
him, fhJll not be 4/hamid, vcrf • 1 1 . So that 
I he Law you fee by thefe places feemi to 
fland upon opfefite tcrmes to Grace, And 
this is the Objedion which you fee X 
have raifed to the height : and if this be 
cleared, then all is done, &c. 

Now againft thefe I might tppofe di- 
vers other Scriptures , which fecme to 
fpeake againft ir, U4/. 5. 11. Hut thatna 
nun IS jufiifiedby the Uwit uevideit, for 
the jnfififAll live by Faith Againc, 0*1. 
3. 21. Ifthert hid betne a lart gi-vtn th^t 
could have given life, verilj RighttonfntGe 
L4 ^^^ 

.^ . I 

'1 . 

1 5 z The Lawjlfiod net upon 

hadbetn (>j the Law : that is, if the Law 
had been able to juftifie or fave any man, 
it (hould have done all men : God would 
never have fcnt (^rift^ but hy the varks 
of the LMw/hallne fiejh living he jujtifid, 
Gal. 3.10. ffho ever ure under the wr;^ 
of the Law^ are under the cur(je : and if 
under the curfe, whoever looks for lift 
by obedience to the Law, then furcly God 
did not fet up this with this end, that we 
Should have life by obedience to it. 7\» 
L*v> entredthgt Jin might 4bound , faith 
the Apoftle, and if the Law was given to 
ftiewthc widencflc, grcatncfle of finnci 
then furely not that we (hould be jufti- 
fied by obedience to it, &c. Befides , /; 
was given fame hundred and thirty yimt 
after the promife : God gave the proraife 
of life and juftification before to Faitb ; 
and had he after given the Law that we 
ftiould have life by working, then had 
God been contrary to himfclfe, chtnit- 
able in his purpofe, and repented of hiJ 
former mercy; but not this, therefore 
not the other. 

Befides, Godconid not expeH that we 
iTioold doe, that we might have life ; be> 
taufe we were to have life before wee 


cpfofiteteMrmts to Grace, 15 j 

';oulddoe : ChrifiUkh, mthut «>* JT* f ;^/,*^'. 
tan ^ nothing. We have no /i/f out ot^^^.^^^^^ 
Chrifl, he uour life., He that hath the S»n ^^^„,^ijf 
iath life , and he that hath net the Sou n^mm, 
'^Athmt life ; and dead men cannot worktChiy(, 

|vc could not <J«* that we might Hve^ fec^ 
Jng we were to be made alive that Wt« 
'blight doe. 

Againe, God never purpofedXx^tvi^fx 

ibedicnce, bccaufe he had decreed anothet 

ay to conferrc life upon men ; this yoa 

jceplaine,G4/. 3. 11. where the Apoftk 

debates the fame thing, But that m mim 
\U juftified by the law it is evident i Why* 

how is that evident ? becaufe.,^2i\ih]\cjthe 
\jnfi fhaM live by Faith : at if he had f*i<3, 

God hath decreed another way to ttfe ; 

and therefore furely the former is ti« iht 


But yet you will fay. It fecmes ai if 
the Law did require us to doe, and prtmift 
life to doing : and if fo, ccrcainly the law 
ftands upon eppojtte termes to grace ; and 
therefore can neither be a covenant of 
Grace, nor fubfervient to it. And if they 
doe not fland upon oppofitc termes , boW 
(hall we undevftand this , Dee thts and 
live ? For the rw«w»7#>£of thisoppofiti- 


' yx- 


■> H 


f ^4^ 

152 The Law find not upon 

hAibienhjtheLAw : chat is. if the Law 

had been able to juftifie or fave any man, 

it (houtd have done all men : God would 

never have fcnt C^rift^ but hj the worlds 

of the L*i» /hall tto fiejh living Ire juji-ifiti, 

Gal. 3.10. ivho ever drt under the wtrlij 

of the Law, art under the curfje : and if 

under the curfe, whoever looks for li(« 

by obedience to the Law, then furely God 

did not fct up this with this end, that we 

Ihould have hfc by obedience to it. TA« 

Law entred that Jim might ibound , faith 

the Apoftle, and if theLawwasgivenco 

(hew the widencffc, greatneffe of finnc) 

then furely not that we (hould be jufti- 

fied by obedience to it, &c. BeHdes , /; 

WM given fture hundred and thirty ytmt 

after the promife : God gave the promife 

of life and juflification before to Faicb ; 

and had he after given the Lav that we 

(hould have life by working, then had 

God been contrary to himfelfe, ch^ii- 

able in his purpofej and repented of hit 

former mercy ; but not this , therefore 

not the other. 

Befides, Godconid not expeR that we 
fhoald doe, that we might have life ; be> 
eaafe we were to have life before wee 


oppofiteUMrmesti Grate, 15 J 

^oulddoc : ar,;/? faith. H^ithm m^^y^-^^^Z. 
ian ^ nothing. We have no /^fe out of ^^,^^,,^ 
Chrift, ** tiour life. He that hath the St» f^,^„, flit 
tath life , and he that hath net the Stm mmm^ 
,4th net life: and dead men cannot work: ChryC 
vc could not die that wc might live, fee> 
ng we were to be made alive that we« 

blight dee- 

Againe , God never purpofed life upon 
obedience, bccaufc he had decreed another 
way to conferre life upon men ; this yoa 
fceplaine.G^A 3-11. where the Apoftk 
debates the fame thing, But that no mtm 
is JHftified hj thelavtit is evident i Why, 
how is that evident? ^rf4«/f, faith he,»te 
jnft fhaM live hj Faith : as if he had f»id, 
God hath decreed another way to life ; 
and therefore furely the former is n« ditt 

way. ^ 

But yet you will fay. It fecracs at it 
the Lttw did require us to doe, and pnmft 
life to doing : and if fo, cercainly the law 
ftandsupon«;)po/>« termesto grace ; and 
therefore can neither be a covenant of 
Grace, nor fubfervient to it. And if they 
doe not Hand upon oppofitc lermes , bo'W 
(hall we undeiftand this , D«e \i>it ^^ 
live ? Fonhe recmilin^oi this oppOfici- 




9 54 Dte this dfid livCy 

orb and unfolding the meaning of Do; tJiJ 


interfrtted. »$X 

'.Ut hdve life\ that was not by 

particulars to be conndcred of. WZten td c^hU Uvc &^'^'*Jfi:i^:^Z 

I 'Dte this 4nd live , hath not refer- 
ence to the MorttU Lav oaely , but tol 
the ceremonUU alio I'as iii tevit. i8. 4, j.)! 

which was their Gofpci; cfpecially ifb 4 SometmniKui«^v^—--_^j^^^ ^^r^ 
you lookc upon the Ceremonj, not as it ulfliven the fromife of hfe, an j^j^c 

an appendix to the Morall Law. butasiiKponbeleeving.he '''P'*''";^J ^^n to kii» 
carries a /)f/f«ii?relationioChrift, as ev^■of woriis in the Law, to p ^^ ^^^ 

ry Jam'' flame did point out to Chrift,ajil|cboycc , whether hec ^ou ^^^ 

fay, 'BthtUtUL^l> of God that tikitlMuvtd by working or *^''^^'" K ^^ 

0maj the finHcs of the world. The Goipelithis the rachev to. tmftj 

themleWe., andanfwerther 

out by^he Ceremony. ■ thoughts .which perhaps they^'^ „^ ^^^ ^^^ 

was darkdy adminiftred and (hadowfdBtheml'eWei, and *"**", „;«hf think 
outbytheCeremony. I thoughts. which perhaps they mrg^^^^^^^ 

2 This was not fpoken of the Laai that they were able to ^^JT^ ^ujij 
*^/r4ff/;.»ndfeparatelyconndered;l)ut| obedience, and therefore ij^ap" ^^.^^^^ 
of the Law and Piomife jojntly ; not of ■ to the triaH ; and lelt they »no"'^^ ^^^ 
the Uw exclufive/j, but of the Law ii-l that any wrong was done to inc , 
■ " «iv« them a rrtmtw« of the torraei 

(Infivel^ft as including the Promife ; as hi- 
ving the Promife involved with it. 
9 He doth not bid them Dot and livi 



S^^^^nrrr:ere, puts them to 

rJ choyce whe^er the'y would bee 
h W.ng ; but i»e and Hv, in dein^ ; »(| laved by vvorkinf V ^bele^^^^^^^ ^^^.^ 

when they were 

not,nor cannot live [by] obedience Wc I ownc impotency , they m>6 . 

may live [ in J obedience, though wedwj 

notinor cannot live I by ]] obedience Wcfc owiw iiin~«*"~j i - -~.u- Merci 

could not live by them, till we bad hfcM fee., aimire, a^of^'. *'*''*", promife 

but that is not by dkiW. but by heUevi»lM of God who "** . «^f '* * „- -oc 

as Chrrft faith , 2cHmuldn,Lmtto ml lent a ehrift,w/-wtbofc that were not 


■u.' V . 



■^i: :p.. 

15^ Die thJiMd live, 

iible to doe any thing towards their owni^ 

5 Others think that Dot thu snd I'm 
hath reference oncly to a umf»r«H ani| 
profperous life in the Land o^CanMn ; lij* 
they would be conformable to that Itw 
which God had given them, ando^ia 
in his commands, then (hould they Aw, 
and live profperotijly in the Land of C*- 

^8- „jau which hec had given them : h« 
would bleflc their basket and ftore,&c. 

6 There is another intcrpretatioD.iml 
that is. that Doe-thU and live, though 
it was fpoken to them immediAttlj , j« 
not terminrnvelj, but through them to 
Chrift , who hath fMlfilled all rightmj- 
ff((fe fet m, and purchafed life by his own 
Some of thefc I rejeft, and I can dole 

with none of thefe, onely I propound this 
variety. I will give you my own thougbu 
of it in bricfe, 

I grant that in fne exteruad vitw of 
ihera (whatever it is in truth) thel4» 
and gejpet doe feeffie to ftand upon opft- 
fne termcs, but yet thefe oppofue tcrmes 
on which the Law feemes to fland, had 
its fubfervient ends to Chrift and Grace- 

YdY jiU this was but te awskin them, and 


inter preteL I57 

Bonvince them of their own impttency, to 

kun>l>le them for it , and to drive them 

■nto^^^'T?- If »"<'"^ ""^ ^^^^^ "P°" ^"* 
aw [epMratelj.io it feemes to ftand upon 

mrne terraes, and we may anfwcr the 
ueftion, which yet the Apoftle con- 
ludes, // the Law again^theTromtfet? 
hdforhid, and fay, yea it is againft the 
f»romifes, as it faith, 'Do* tA« -""^'f ' 5 Z''" 
\f of works, then Mtt of Grace. And thcre- 
'orewemuftfo interpret this ; Doe thts 
\„i live, that we may not make it aiawfi ^ 
he Promife. Now I fay, if you ^ookc^J^^ 
.pon the Law feparatelj, fo .t ftands upon l^f'^^^ 
ippofite termes and is agamlt the Fro- ^^„f ^^. 
ife. Bat if youlookeuponity«/<«m/7,„M.P£t. ; 
js it hath refpeft to the Promife, fo thefe Marc 
,fp,fite termes have their ^"bfervient i« •;. J; 
endi to the Promife and Grace. And that Jjj-^i^„, 
by convincing us of our owne tmpotencj ^j^^,^ ^ 
and weakenefle, that we might go over to oppofiu, 
Chriji and the Promife for life. 1 fhewed Alu. 
you this was the difference between the 
covenant made with man in Innoccncy, 
and between Gods requires iniheLavv : 
In the former, God did not rf^wiV* obedi- 
ence, that man being bHrthentd *»* ^^^ 
weight of his workc ftiouldgoc to Chrifi^ 
but this was it God aymtd at there to have 







15^ DttthMMdlive, 

able to doe any thing towards their owne 

5 Others think that Dot thu and I'm, 
hath reference onely to a umf»r*li and 
profperous life in the Land o^Caham -, \[ 
they would be conformable to that Uw 
which God had given them, ando^«;iiH» 
in his commands, then (hould they Am, 
and live profpcroM(lj in the Land of C»- 
na.in which hee had given them : hee 
would bicffe their basket and ftore,&c. 

6 i here is another interpretatioo.ind 
that is, that Doe-this and live, though 
it was fpoken to them immtdi*ulj , jct 
not termiHMwelj, but through them to 
Chrift , who hath fnlfilled aU rightml- 
neife for M, and purchafcd life by his own 

Some of thefe I rejeft. and I can dole 
with none of thefe, onely I propound thi$ 
variety. I will give you my own thoughts 
of it in bricfe. ^ 

I grant that in roe extertmU vitw ot 
them (whatever it is in truth) thel.4» 
and gefpei doe feeme to ftand upon oppn- 
ftte tcrmcs, but yet thefe oppofue termcs 
on which the Law feemes to ftand, had 
its fubfervicnt ends to Chrift and Grace- 
Vor ill this was but te awdkin ihcm, and 


interpreteL i57 

•onvince them of their own imptttncj, to 
\mhle them for it , and to drive them 
xtnaChrift : If indeed we looke upon the 
^aw fepArAteljyfo it feemes to ftand upon 
.pptfite terraes, and we may anfwer the 
Oueftion , which yet the Apoftle con- 
ludes, // the Law againfi theTromifes? 
lodUrhid, and fay, yea it is againft the 
ir^romifes, as it faith, Doe thU andhve ; for 
Uf of works, then not of Grace. A nd there- 
Ifore we muft fo interpret this ; Doe this 
L»<j live, that we may not make it aiainfi ^ 
the Promife. Now I fay, if you looke t.. dj 
upon the Law feparatelj, fo .t ftands upon ^J^^^ 
oppofue terraes and is againll the Pro- ^^^^ ^^. 
Imife. Bat if you looke upon it «/«/m//,m«.P«. ; 
as it hath refped to the Promife, fo thefe Mart. 
^.fpcfite termes have their fubfervient !-«•;. £^^ 
! ends to the Promife and Grace. And that JJj-^f,^,. 
by convincing us of our owne tmpottncj ^,„^f^ ^ 
and weakeneffe, that we might go over to of^ofiu, 
Chrift and the Promife for life. 1 (hewed Aiu. 
you this was the difference between the 
covenant made with man in Innocency, 
and between Gods reqmret iniheLaw : 
In the former, God did not rf^«»Vf obedi- 
ence, that man being bnrthened with tte 
weight of his workc (hould goc to Chrift^ 

but this was it God aymtd at there to have 








^58 lioe this and live, 

that which was bis ^f from man, But 
now in the Law God doth rtqmrt hu 
rioht for no other end, then that roan bt- 
ing convinced of his weakncfle and im^ 
tcHcj. might /Jje to Chrift. And therefore 
though ^ t/»M 4W/it/. beagainft the pco- 
Biife vet if you looke upon the tHd whert 
fore God faidfo, to difcovtr our weak- 
» ^«.,« nclTc, to ibww^/e us for it, to Mve us out 
i;-V'r« of our reives ; fo yoti w.ll fee fweet -|r«. 
hendo.quad ^nts and fubfervuHty to the 1 romtic, 
>«f gr^"* There is a feemlng ctntrddiEium o\ ft- 
,mplmn»n ^ ^^^^ ^^ 1,0th parts, '^ C^^/f^ « i« 

Tit -r«x. AndcurfauhetUtfMththcUn 
fuaminfir- '^ufofdle. This fceraes ftrange, did not 
*.««««, «f God «i»»w4>d the Uw, and is not (he 
9"'^ f*' Law impofible^ It is true it isfo : and 
r.;Sr: ^herefor;Goddidnotc.jj.-^^^^^^^^ 
salvm- with txftaMkn^t (hould/»//?« It , «« 
,c/»,a <?«• were not able to obey it.nor \t to helpoi, 
(Auau vo- g, YOQ fcetjoih, in iiwii- 8. ?. But bod 
/«»f^.,,y- ^oJ,n,,nded the Law, God faith^ifc" 

f!f[et. and weakneflfe, and ft.r re up our W 1 to 
ux^ilt^r lookcoutafterChrift, who bath /«//i"^ 
tdducet ad j^,| liphteoufneffe for us, both legu&crn- 

M'!r-^1^-r CSS , he hath undergone the P'«'^?«">*"J 

«ur fantictt. 

- |^^,^^«^l«ft>- 

interpreted, 159 

The courfe that Chrrt takes with the 
mnjrmdfi is very obfervable, and fully 
irovcs that which I have faid to you, you 
dill read«itin/<^*i«i. 19 16. and fo on. 
jtedLMMfierjMthhe, v^hgt fhall I da that 
Im^y inherit tternall life f Here was h;s 
lucftion, &c. You (hall fee Chritts an- 
wer in the latter end of the 17 vcrfc. // 
hottwiltemerintt life, keep the cemm^ndt- 
mnts : this was a ftrange Aufvitr , was 
:hc Law a vaj ? wherefore did he then 
come into the world ? or was the young \ 
roan able to keepe it ? that is impoflible. 
Rem- 8. 5. and doth not the Apoftlefay, 
IVho ever are under the verkj of the Lm^, 
thtyare under the cur ft, becaufc curftd it\ 
he that ohejeth not in alt thinf^i in the heek. 
tftbe L4w,and that is impoflible : this was 
therefore a ftrange Anfwer that Chrifl 
made to his C^ucftion, he doth not fay, at 
in other places. If thou wilt enter into life 
l>eheve, but here, keep the commandmentsk 
Yet if you looke now upon the ptrfen u> 
whom Chrift fpakc, and the end where- 
fore, you will fee the meaning : the per- 
fan to whom, was a proud iu(ticiary, onct 
xMfwelledin a fleftiy opinion.that he had 
kept the whole Law, and therefore (hould 
be faved by it, as hce tells you afcetward. 


:i 1 

j^o mtthhdndUve, 

Ai ibu I h*ve kfpt /«'" »/ J'f^ ' ' I 
therefore Chnft fees him to the Law, not 

for an inarumentof juftification. forh 
anfwered the fame aueft«oB otherwife.ijj 
U6. 28, 29- but he fets him to the La» 
is a tU[fe to difcoYcr his imperfeftioni, 
that being convinced of his impotcncy, 
*«d being humbled for it, he might come 
over to Chrift for life and falvation 

When men will he Saviours of thm 
fclves. when they look for righteoufneffe 
by ih^ Lawi Chrift bids them goc and|«, 
the Commandemcnts Jervanda ptandttt, 
•ndthis to hnmbU them, and to bring 
them to him. liut if men be once W 
W«Land broken in the fight of finne, thtn 
.^ ♦ wihout m>,t,oH of the Law at all , bee 
'^*"^t cmftrtsthtm with the free prWf/ ol 

Zl^^f^ie^jand he. vj laden .nil mil e.fep»^ 
d,Htf»U^ jijtke Spirit of the Lord u upon tncti 
w,fai|h ^.^i}iil;ertyutheCaptiveiS>cc. 
S'S/^ So then to conclude; I conceive the ij^ , 
^ Hfo^« between the Law and the Go(pel. 
Ws^ib«/Z, of their owne «'J,'""8'j; 
(hould have been driven to Chrift by »t 
but they expened life in obedience to it 
And this was their great rm«r. and miw 
tiJte, itwasas hard to bring therofr^tn 

iriurprttti. i6i 

{te](inff life by their own righma/nijfe and 
obedience to the Law, as to forcf tlie Sjtn 
■torn the skie. Not that I thinke they did 
limaginc righteoufneffe by the Aiorall 
Law aloncfor there they could not but Ice 
hey were caft and gone, but by the Cere- 
lonialllaw with the Morall. God had^*- 
^,«thcm thefe Lawes, and often faid, Do 
ihtiand live. Therefore they thought by 
fubjcftionto them to have hfe- And what 
hey w4»trJin iheMorall, they went to 
ntkettpia theCeremoniaU, they would ds 
fomcthing the Morall Law toramanded. 
ind go to the Cercmoniall tor what they 
ould not do, not thitall did lo,yet many 
of them. But this was farre from Gods 
tnd. It was their own errour, and miftakc, 
IS the Apoftle fcemcs to imply, in Rom i o. 
5 4. Thty haveA-cealt to Ged, hmwith- 
m knowledit : for they being ignoranti 
uve not fubmitted thmfelvti to the rtgh- 
lioufntSe of God, ht vent *boHt to efia- 
'hlifb a rightetttfnefft of their ow» ; they 
cm about it, but could not attaine it, all 
;his was but fetting a de»d man on his 
icet, and thisarofe from their ignorance,' 
:hcir errour and miftakc .They did as 
loore ignorant fouls doe with us, we bid 
bemPMr, we bid them 0%, doe duties,- 

•^ 'I 


,^ ' 


'»' . 1 



t6i whether God doth 

and poore foules all they doc they doe in , 
reference to jaftification by them , they 
(bin a thred of their own righteoufneffeto 
4ifpAull themfclvcs with all, Poore fouli 
they can thinkeof nothing but »»»■% 
themfelves to life : when they are troMhki 
thtymuft //ci themfelves whole, when 
v/ounded,they run to the /rf/t/« of duties, 
and flrtamet of performance, and fArjjf 
is neglcded. So hard it is to be in duty ia 
lefpeft of ftrformnnce^znA oftt of duty in 
refpeft of deptnlwce ; this is a thing be- 
yond their reach, to deall righteoufnelTc, 
and yet to rr/? in none but Chrifis. T)i- 
mine mem^rabor ju^itU tut (oliut , Ld 
I mli make mention of thj right ecttfmUt 
only , and that is mine too? foi' C^i^ « 

T»;ide to «>^ wi/dome, rightecufnefe i 

Ccr. i.ig. 

And thus I have Anfwered the ntlt 
great Qjuery, and thofe Objeftions that 
depended on it. And may lay down thefe 
two Pofitions as firmc Conclufions. 

1 That the Law fur fttbftance tf it, dd 
remaine m a Rule of ohe^ience to tht fsoflt of 
Cod. and that to tvhi^h they are to conform 
thiir wa/king under the <jofpel. 

2 That there wot no end er ufe far vhich 
the law wa4 ftven, ht miiht confifi »«>'' 


fumfhfor Sinne. \6) 

Grtct,»nd htftrviceablt to the advancement 
of the Covenant vf grace. 

I come now to the fecond Query. 

ivhelhet thii he any fart of our freed.me 2 <0,,,,r; 
hy Chrifi, to ht free from all pumjhments 
andchakifemtHts for fm. . _ . . . r. 

If wedoeconfult with the Scripture?, Anfa: 
they feemeto hold out this to U5 ; That 
Gods people, fuch whofe finnesare yet 

finne. That they have beenunder the red, 
under the correftions, arid chafl.femcn . 
ofGod.thatisplaine ; ^^[-^^'^'i?*^',-;; 
Mofes, and all were, and the Apome telU 
ul Heh.i^-S. Ifwehenotchafi/e^,r.e^rr 
hahrds Mnd not fons, for he fcourgetb e- 
Zi fon he receiveth. And that thcie 
corfeftions have been inflifted on thern 
for fin the Scripture feems to hold forth 
I ant \ U. wherefore d»th a hvtng man 

ffj Let usfearch,&c. Micahj-^- ^'S 

. friW-/?-^' -U"o The 

i •/ Ifrael U 4II th^ ^*'"^7•?•Jjl 

^ Church faith . She wiU hare the tniqna- 
tioH ./ the Uord, htcauf* fhe had finned 4- 
i-i.Ai^. Nay, « is M down as a pr.- 

ideit condition, to 6°* before God«^^ 
•Mv-i/ofwUiPiticytotothero. Jh« 




ft- / 


164 whether God doth 

they were to hnmble themfdves for finne, 
and turne from ftnnc before God did de- 
Irvcr them. 3 Chro, 7. 14. and in Ltvit, 
26. 41. // their UHcircumcifeA hettrti 
P^all be kumbltd , *nd if thej fhAll accept of 
thr ^uni[hmcnt of tkeir iniquity , What is 
thac ? that il, if they would jujiifie God 
in his piocecding againft them , if. they 
would /;f dcw»e in the dull and ow« 
their punilhment, and ky , that cheir 
fir.nes have defcrvcd it.and acknowledge 
Gods Jufiice in affltding them , thin 
would he remimbtr hu Covenant ani 
heJpe thtm. And all this you fee was done 
by the Trinecs of Ifrael , when they 
were puniflied by the hand oi >,hlftjAk.^ 
2Chr». 12 6. It is faid , Thej hnm- 
tied themfilves under the mighty hand ij 
God, and faid, the Lor J is ri^^r^w, that is, 
he doth juftly affliA us for our fin we have 
committed. So that this proves that they 
were puniftied for their (ins. For if they 
were 10 kumblt themlelves forlinne un- 
der afflidion, if they were to jufiifie God 
in his dealing, then fureGoddid afflift 
thtm for finnc. 

But now againft this it maybe it will 
he faid, that this was fpoken of the wholt 
Churcb.ini not of chem alone who were 
godly. 1 

funifh for fmne. 16% 

I grant it was fpoken to the vh^la ^"/*' 
Church, yet the ^odly themfdves were 
to doc the fam: duties with them, they 
were not to be exempted , they were to 
humble themfelves for finne, as you Ice 
Daniel, Ei.y4 did : and if thaty;^ was not 
ihc ea-^fe , and ihofe calamities inflifted 
on them for finne, then were they to huid 
forth an untruth, f'Ji' to humble themfelves 
ftr finne,as the caufe why Gods hand was 
none out againft them, and to accept of 
rSepuniftimentof their iniquity, and to 
declare God is righteous in it ; tf God did 
not chafiife them for finne, was certainly r 
to hold out an ««rr«f/j , which cannot be 

allowed of. 

But admit this, that this was Ipoken ot 
the whole church, yet wee have places 
to evidence , that God hath punifhed his 
owne people for finne, fuch as was his 
deare ones, Mofes and AArtn they were 
fjut out of C4«44«,God would not fufr 
them to enter into the Land of Promife. 
And this was a great affl.ftion: and if you 
looke into Nttm-^o. 12. you (hall fee 
that this wa« for finne, BecM^ they fa>t- 
EHfied mt God at the waters of Mertbsb. 
As he teils them : bec^iufe you believed 
mt to fanmfie me w the ejts of the chtl- 
M I dref* 


.5 ■ 



J 65 Some Ohje^im 

^ren of Ifrael : Therefore yoH M not brlni 

the Cohgregatisn into the L4»d. 

So 'Pavtd, cf whom God propSethy that 
he was a man after his o:\ntheArt, yet 
vou fee how God did chafiift him, his 
chiUe diss, the Sword (hould not depm 
from hisV^oufe, his own /iww role up in 
«^./to againft him : thcfc w«c great 
r!»lamitics;and if you look mtothe a .sam. 
, o. y ou fliall fee the caufe of ' his to 



^ 1 

be his finne, his muider and adultery. 
Nowthenfere the fwoti Jhall mvtr dtpirt 
fnm thy hcufe btctftje thou haft dtffW 
me, *r,d h4 tnkentht wife of Uriah t»U 

ih) wife. , ... 

But now againft this it may beitwiii 
be (aid . thefc were examples under the 
OldTcaamcnt, and therefore will not 
prove, for they were under a different co- 
venant to the godly tiow. 

I told you in the anfwcr to the formei 
queOlon that fome Divines did dip*- 
qm!h of a three- fold Covenant; a cove- 
nant of Nature, a covenant of Grace, and 
a fiif^fervitnt covenant ; which laft was 
that which was made with the JtWvS 
\nSir.iii, contained in the Morall, Ccie- 
rnonialljudiciai laws : a covenant which 


Anjwertd, 167 

though it flood upon oppofttt teiraes, yet 
had m's fnbftrvieHt tn<iiio the covenant 
of grace. A covenant which God made 
with /]^j/ when they were to enter in- 
to C^»^H|ta|^li ad chiefly lefpeft un:o 
their goo^^^ill in it. Wherein God 
powi/"Jblc (Tings upon obedience , and 
ihreatned calamities and judgements on 
them if they difobeyed. As you fee them 
at large annexed to it, in the 28. and the 
ap. Chapters of DiHteror.omj. And all 
this by vvayof/«^^^'^'>f»CJ' unto the co- 
venant of grace , that when they yW 
they were neither ii;5»/« to obtaine life, nor 
outward mercies ; nor /j^^^ptjf death, and 
teraporall evils, by their obedience to it, 
they might loik out for the frmift of 
gace, and long for the Mtffiah,Sir\Atx- 
peBiW thefe upon better grounds: And 
into this Covenant they did all enter with 
God, and bound it with an Oath, and a 
f«^-/f, asyou fee in *DfA(M9. 12,19. God 
I for his part ingaging himfclfe to ^/r/* 
i them in the Land of CanMu whither 
I they went, if they obeyed his commands;^ 
and threatning to punifti them there if 
they did nott^rrhirn. To all which they 
" Tm^r, as vou fee there, and bounq 

And there- 

did fuhjcn 

it with an OJ^th and a curfc. 
M 4 



H • 


•'.5 •• 


J 68 Semt Oh\tBm% 

forc/uww interpret thofc words, Titt thu 
and live, to have rcfpeft alone to their 
well-bemg in the Land of C^nMit, and 
in tills life. I Iiavereadaftory of thei'.W- 
iliices, who you know denycd the refnr- 
rectioH-, and confequently, I fuppofe, the 
immortality of the foule ; they vvert 
menfkilfullin the Law, andobfervantof 
ic, though they held this greaicrrour; 
upon confidcration of which , one ^t- 
manding of them wherefore they k:ft 
the Comraandcments, feeing they denied 
thcrefurrcdion: they anfwcred , Thit 
if miglitgoe well witli them in this lite; 
that they might inherit temporall blell 
lings by obedience to it. I will not fay that 
they ftrvedtbe end of the Law in this, for 
certainly God gave the Law for hi^htr 
ends ; but this ,1 may fay, that it may be 
they ferved the end of it better then they 
ihat asked the queff ion, Jtmight be, they 
who asked the qucflion, kept the law 
for ]uftificmon : you read of fuch a fftnt 
in them, ^flw. lo, ;5,^. fomc there were 
that looked to be JHjiified by obedience to 
it : and that was farther from the end 
of God in giving of it, then to keepctbe 
law that it mightgoe well with them m 
fh.shfe: ofthcfirfl nVi jyu. therein not 


anfrvertd. 169 

%nc tittle in the 'Book, of God , but for ihi* 
LWthcre fcemcs»»»«.^^ ; You rcadc ot 
fomething p this purpofe in the htch 
t:ommandement, Hmur thj father And 
Uy ttiither , that thy dayes t»Aj he long tit 
the hit^rvhither thoH goefi to pojfef : and 
%omcthing of it in the fccond Corn-. 
Imandcment ; and a great dealc more m 
Ithca6 Deut.iS. 17,18.19. and wholly 
I in the 28 of D.Hteromwy : though un- 
"derthefe temf orals Jpiritit.tl things were 
Jhitdowed ind apprehended by thofe who 
were fpirituall. 

It is true, the things that were com- 
' manded and forbidden , were morally 
good and evill, and fo of perpetUAll ob- 
fervance ; yet the termes on which they 
feeme to be commanded and forbidden, 
and they obeyed, are gone, which were 
; profpcritics or calamities, good or evill, in 
j the Land which God gave them. And 
■ hereupon they are faid ftiH upon their 
difobediencc to heaks Gods Covenant, 
which could not be the covenant of grace, 
for that is not broken , It is fin everUfiing 
Covenant . like that of the Waters of 
* Noah. A covenant that (hall i.ot be bro- » Ifa.54.^ 
ken, M deftMcis not upon our vfalkitg an^ 
obedience, it is not made upon oui good 

l/thAVtvUi' I 








1 70 OhjeSiions igdhft Gtds 

Maviour ; Obedience might be the n\ 
but not the grouHcl or motives God hi 
in^making it : nor could it be a cove 
of workcs with reference to life and falvii 
tion ; for that brokftiy is not c^oMtle of 
novation, and renuing; but it is fpokcn 
this fubftrvient covenant , which 
made with them, and under which tlii 
flood. This I only fuggeft ; And I do m 
fee any dangers it leads us into ; yet 11 
I not peremptory in it : But admit tlii 
(which yet is the greatefl advantage cii 
Supoltiia be given to them) admit, I fay, thattki 
Jewes were under a difftrmt covenani 
and that it was fuch a covenant as is n- 
preffed ; wherein God premifed and lx| 
flowed umpordM goed upon them , upoi 
their obedience , and threatned and ii 
Aided ttrnparull evils upon them for theiii 
difobedicnce ; yet were they under a co- 
venant of Grace as well as we ; thiil 
fure all grant : and the Apoftle fpeikci 
plainly in A[ls 15. 11, We hope thnM^i 
the grace of Pmfi to be fated as mil * 

And there were fuch as were Godi 
f%« people, who were not only Htii(i> 
but in thu covenant of Grace , that y«i| 


^'^ LuftX and affl'ftcd foe finnc ; 

ffe therefore this will not be of «»- 
Lr to overthrow/ this Pofition ^».. 

Though it (hould be granted they 
Jre under a different Covenant, yet 
,ere unaer a u Covenant of 

lat Covenant wa* iiu<. • uuft,n/i- 
^orks as 1 have (hewed ; notw.thftand 
eh; covenant, yet were they under 

children, his chcjce or^^^S^l^J^^ 
llr* afflidcd for linne. And theretoic 
,ere .a/"''^^" . • l pofition is firm, 
lotwithftanding this, me i ^t,:/j,,K 

^"''/;; to take away the occafion of that 

RnfnleCaviU thatihefc arc places al- 
Sdoutof\heOldTeftameot and 

thefeforc prove nothing to them, 
\^uTl am farre from allowmgo any 
'fuch exceptions, becaufe they arefu 11 of 
^«g.r.and lead you "P-^^ H^ri^^, of 

you can yet i'f«'^"«-/K^''ns one 
Scripture muft be prcferved .t .s one 

way to find out truth in doHbtM POt"" • 

Gofpelithesreatwork,to^»/"^^ »^^^ 


m : 



1 7 2 Oh)eclions dgai/tjl Gods 

prcferve the Harmony of them ; and noil 
to make one piece of Scripture to f «4mj 
and dafh againft the other. Certainly 
(here is a fwce? Harmony ^ and agret 
raent betweenc the Old and New T( 
^ament ; God is the fame'm both. Am 
had wee Wifdoaie , we (hould fee ih| 
mut Maine [fe, fnlfffrvienciet , and agret. 
ments , even in tfibfe places that leenif 
eppojite. [ 

But that you may not have, or rathci 
take an occafion of exception; wccwill 
from the 0/</ goe downe to the A'l 
Teftamentsind ieeif the fame Pofitionbe 
not ceitfirmed thetc alfo : I thinlcc wet 
(hall findc them hih to fpeake o»« /i««- 
g*4^r in this point. 

Locke into i Car. n. 50. the Apoftle 
having before told iheta of the fcarefiill 
finne of prophaning the Lords Table, and 
unworthy partaking of this Ordinance; 
he tclsthcm at laft ; That though they 
did nottakepoticeof it, yet this was tbt 
great caufe of that fckxelfe , wm/^w/c) 
death, which God had infliAed on them. 

and now reigned among them fi' 

tbu caufe, vi^. unworthy partaking, mt- 
Mj are weake and Jickij among yttt , am 
f)any are faScM afleep. Can you have a 


fttnifimmforfinMnfvftrtd. 17 j 

carer place? here is affliftion and pu- 
iracnt fet downe ; here is the yf« >cc 
fiwne: and left all this (hould not be 
Cough, betels them, for thts finne is this 
Jnifliraent ; tor thU caufe many art 

li— — 
But you will fay, this was not fpokcn ^^j^^. 
Gods people; thofc of whom this is 
l^oken, were unmrthy partakers of the 
[acraments ; but Gods people cannot be 
hworthy partakers of it,£r^o. . r, 

^ For the anfwerof thiswe muft know ^^'J*;^^ 
,icie IS a two-fold K*wow/)i*fj(r«; i ^he^.^^^^^^ 
jHworthinejfe of the perfon : ^ The ««- , pe,fon<c, 
Lrthhejfe of prefent difpofition. 1 Un- » traCta- 
' forthinefs ofthc perfon,and that is when tloms. 
man comes without his Wedding ^4r- 
wf5unjuftificd,unfanftified : and thu« 
Jods people cannot be unworthy, this is 
:ate-unworthinefs. 2 There is Hnwortbi- 
wfs of prefent difpofuion,or the manntr of 
partaking , when we come not with thofe 
prefent difpofuions & affeaionswiif* are 
jreqaired to fuch anordinance;^4^»/«'«/pre 
paration there may bc,and yet want atli*' 
«/, which lies in exatjaination, excitatioa 
of our graces, as the Apoftle fpeakcs, L«« 
I a man examine himfelfe, and fo let him tat, 
\ &c the want of which ©ay mal^^ a mail 

■n*w ^ 


j( .„ 

i8. 19 


1 74 ScriptttretaRead^ed te maint^i 

anunworihy rtceivtr, Ajinaybe iecne 
iCliro.30. the prayer of He^^ki^h : Good Lord f». 
dan every out thai prepareth hii hem t 
jeek the God of hU f. it hers, though heltiK 
prepared according te the prep-ir4tiot$ if tk 
SHH^uary; they had habuHJtll (their heara 
were prepared to fccke God ) but the, 
wanted aftuall, they were not prepared to 
cording to the Preparation of the Sandu 
ary. Gods people may have hditHd, 
yet may want SMcrantentall prepara- 

2 But fecondly,that they were (74 
peoplcyoumty fee in the 32 Terfc,7«»*< 
chd^ened of the Lord, that jou may net if 
condemned tftbt world. 

It was not a punifhmcnt, but <•*»/!»/«• 
ment : A phrafc/iffw/Mrto Saints, and the 
end is that they may not be condemned 
with the world ; So that ycu fee this place 
fpcakes plainly enough,&c . Let us fee ftip 
Rom.8.io.ther.Lookintothe8Rom. 10. If chr'4 
btin y$u^ the hod) u dt*d hcanfe ef fn, 
where the Apoftle fhcws,that death is the 
tfeSlofdnaefind though you be in Chrill 
yctyou muft dye becaofe of finne, finne 
Hcb It ^ brings death,&c. And that alfo in then 
' ■Heb.6.7»8.fpealcc$foiBClhing,f/r/f(W'i' 

tth every ftHnt rehtm he Jtcihttb : »»* 

* fm 

9 A 

Cohfumjbing for [ml 175 \ 
Ttnnt ii ht vfhom he chafUftth ntt ? AndM 
wherefore doth he chaftife them ? becaufe | 
Ithey arefonnes? that cannot be the tea- [ 
lion but becaufe they are finners; correaion ^ 
lihough not ever . yet here fure iraplyes ^ ^^^ 
offence. So i Pet. 4. 17. Indgement muft ^^^ ;^ ^^ 
\hf}n*t the htttfeof G«^. Revel. 2. 12. to £0(1^^,6. 
the 16. where it is faid to the Angil of the 
Church ofPergdntM, of whom God gives 
this ttfiimonj , that he had kept the Name 
of Chrift, and had not denyed the Faith 
of Chrift; but yet there were fome finnes 
among them , that God bid them repent 
of, leaft eiherwife he come againfl them^ 
where hee (hews their fins (hould bring 
talamitj if they repented not, 1 Gor.10.5. J^ ^^'^J^ 
to the 1 1' Let not hs he idolaters as fome of 
them were, &c. cyfU theft thty happened to 
them for exampUs and admonitions to nt : 
And why admonitions to us, if that we 
rauft not (hare with them in the fame 
/rwi^/jif wewenc on with them in the 
fame fins ? 

Thus 1 have given you a tafie of fome 
places that feeme to hold out this trueth 
firmly to os , I'hat Godt people may he cha- 
ftifed for fin , or that God doth chafiife his 
people for fin. 

Now we will come to draw forth theic 










I Cavil. 




1 76 ohitB'tons AgAlnjl Gods 

firen^thfind fee if they be ahle to (land oat 
againft the ftreugth and dearncffc of this 
truth : wee will firft begin wich fome 
of their CAviUs^ which are their Forlorn 
hoft, and then wc will come to the roaitit 
^od> of their Arguments, and (hall leavej 
Ktftrvtoi ftrength to come up after all, 
and make the viEiorj of truth more «»• 
fUat and perfcA- Fitft, to begin wi;h 
their Cavills. 
vr cr m God, lay they, doth not affUFi his peo 
bii 'chlifl pic fur finne, hue chafiife them from finnc: 
aloneex- The father doth not give his childc Phj- 
gired.^u ^cj^to make him ficke, butto taketi'mi 
"^'- bad humours, to prevent or remove dif- 


Now this I call a raccre CaviH- Artli. 
dions have rtfpeH: both to time paft, and 
time to come- God doth both afflift his 
people Jor finnc, and chaftife them (to u(e 
their phrafe) from finnc ; the father doth 
not only corrcd his childe to make him Ix- 
■mure of the fame fault-but for the faultal- 
ready committed; to bring him to repent- 
ance & forrow for it,and to workout that 
difpofition in him: or to nfe their ownefi- 
militude ; bee gives him pbyfieke not to 
increafe his bAdhumors^ but rcmefve them ; 

We grant it,an(l fay , God doth cb^^f^ ^^^ 


fumjhmtntfer fin *n fitted. lyf 

llnne, not to encreafe finne.but to remove 
W . but vet fay. as the bud humonrs arc 
there were no bad humours there were 
no need of fkjOcke : So fi. .s the caufe of 
the aftliaion. if there were no fin there 
m^g\^ihcno AfpaioH. And if the father 
II give phyfiik, for the pi-rg.ng out bad 
raL^urs.befire they doe break «.r much 
more for the eorreaion of theni , and curi 
of them when they doe break out : So if 
God may ^ffiia men for the purgmg out 

coired tbem for the breakmg ent of th,s 
difpofuion. Indeed the.r m.ttake.s here., 
they look upon afflidions, tneerly as f*;- 
fic^, which yet you fee doth not ffand 

the"mineieatftead. ^^/^'^^-^t^'y .f? ,. , , 
t2ZJ^.Ms ; they ire Z^^^^^o "lied M.a i^ 
Z corren us for fin committed.and -«^'- [f^^- 3- 
cinesto prevent fin to come; or if you doe 
Sookeupon'hcmas Phyfickou\y, PbyM 
hath a d,HHe rtJpeB, i to our prefeiu j.- 
^*«,p*r,to purge out that and f'>/#f '«" 
are for finne: z to *ur fHtHrthe4ltb, to 
I f ecorer or gaine that,and fo j/jfJ»ff «*/ »rc 

1 from finne. ... j cavils 

' A fecond C4vHl » this. Biit yott wiU 
fay wc confoand ihing»»and letdown th^ 

i • 





178 ()(>]( Siiem agahjl Gods 
for a caufe which is but an occifion, God 
may takeoccafion from finnc to chajiift 
his people, when yet their finnc is not tk 
eaufe wherefore they »rc chaftiied. For 
inftance ; ''D*vids finnc of numbring the 
people, upon which God did bring a ^^ 
fiiknce upon Ifrael ; Davids finne vv« 
not the caufe of it , Ifraels finne was the 
cAtife ; Davids finnc was but the eccafm-, 
Tr is faid in 2 Sam, 24. i. The angtr tj 
the Lord xpxs kindltdti%i\n^ Ifrael, uni it 
moved David againft them, to fay, Go Mm- 
krthe ptiple ; God had difpleafure againft 
Ifrael, and Davids finne was not the caufe 
of procuring, but the tccmjion God tooke 
of infliftingthis judgement on them. 

The like may be laid of HeK^kjMi 
finne in glorying in the riches of his trea- 
fure.and the/rew^/Aof his Magazine, « 
you fee in Ifa. 39. 2. He (hews all hii 
riches to the Ambafladour of Babylon, 
upon which aft of his pride and rain glo- 
rying, God fends the Trephet to tell him, 
tbat as he h»d tempted God ; fo hee had 
bit tempted *n enemy, and (hewed him 
where he might have a booty if he vvouM 
come fetch it ; and that Ihould be the 
»f«f of it. for all this Treafure & ftrength 
which be had difcovcrcd, flstitldbt cmj- 


funijl^mtntfor fm Anfwmd, 1 79 
e^«f. Babylon. Now this particular fin 
TuZkiA for which God feemes to 
'hreaten this' calamity it was not the 
tanfe of it, at theutmoft it was butan oc- 
11: and therefore It IS a great m.ftake 

inihefe and other places to lay downe 
tbofe things for c^nfes which are but oc- 

Mow to Anfvrer this diarge . i vviin ^ 
firft. that they were no more guilt yot 
c»f,UH»dmg things then we are. L^cr- 
tainly. the want of ^/'-« concept-"" J^ 
thmgs hath been t\^t ground of thole mB- 
takes, anderroneousopmionswhich they 

have vented ButwewiU not nm- 

minute, wee will come to thc Anfwer . 

particular finne. »iay (bmetimes be fajd 
rather to be thc occ4»n^ then the c4«/« of 

anatflidiofl' .„-„i« 

. Thatyetwefay, Sinnctsnotonely 

taoccafion. but it is oftentimes a .--^. 

. n«t qnly oUh^ifemtnt in generartl.but ot 
of this or that particular Cf 'l-^- ^* 
you fee,! Cor.11.30. For thn canft «-; 


I fiitfe»4/l«;. SoPfal-39-»i- . . ^^ 
Y 3 And for thofc AUe^^im , 1 coo- 




1 8o Objections dgah/i Gods 
ccivc tlicy will but afordthsm little fuc. 
cour. AsforthelaO, that of HtK^ki^h 
we are fo far from thinking that particu! 
lar iinneof his to httheeaufe^ that we 
will not admit it to bethcoff^/e« of thofj 
calamities tlircatned. We grant it to bj 
anoccafioii of the predmioK, but not of 
the punifliment. Ly his^« God takts 
eccaftuH to foretell the calamity which he 
had decreed.hm this was no occafion either 
of the decree ic felfe, or of the evildtcred 
And for the other, that of David, it vvai 
not meerly an cccajionuken, but there 
vvas an ccc^fioH given by DAvids fione 
It was not oncly an .rr^/.*, but a c»ujt 
too; If Ifraels fmncs were the dderv^n,, 
D4v,dsCinneyvii ihcappeanng caufe ;1f 
Jlraeisfinnedid frocHreih», yet q)avm 
linne^^^-, the y5«/>.«^ and concluding 
flrokc. Notonelyhisfinneinnumbrini 
of them, but the .«„;;J7«« of that dutie 
which God r(C}Hired,^t\cn they were to be 
numbred, which was. Every Ld thai ^^ 
r.«maredt,giv. an offering t, ,he Lord. tk,t 
tiun be »ofUg»e among them whenthej mn 

which being omitted. God broHght\ 
^/^^«f on them. * 

Thisu allimaUfay forAnfwerto 


punifhment fer fin Anfwtre4. 1 8 1 

t\\e(e Caviij which arc made, wee w.ll 
come CO their maine W/of Arguments.' 

The firll Argnment , vvh.reby they , 
would prove that God doih not pinifh for 

/»«?,is this, If God doe tak^ away the 
'mfi, then hce takes away the <^jfc// a'fo. 
Sinne i^ the cAufe of all piiniQiment , pu- 
nilhmentis the <jfc(? of linne;!iowifv jo4 
doe take away the <rd«/i which is finnf, 
then the e^e^ which is the punifhinent oi 
finne, if the body be rcinoved,the (hado-v 
muft be gone too : finne is the body, and 
punifhment the (hadovv, take away finne, 
and the panifiimenc mull needs bctakea 
away. And this feemcs to be impljtd in 
thacphrafe which isufed in Scripture for 
pardon of finne; I tviJi renumber your 
fmues MO more, that is, never to c»ndem»e 
you for them, noi to tbjeEl them againfl: 
you. nor yet to punilh you for them ; 
where bee pardons finne, there he forgives 
the puniftiment. | 

And this feemes to be granted in the 
thing it felfe, pardm of finne ; what is par- 
ian of finne, but a removing of guilt ? 
what IS guilt, but in oi> ligation and binding 
usovcrto puniftiment : Spiriiuall, tem- 
porall, ctcrnall? And therefore if God 
N 2 take 

5? •' 



'*' wr 




\%i OdjeSiion s agai/ijl Godi 

take away the gftUt of finnc, then doth he 
take avwy the punijhment alfo. 

For the anlwer of this , we are to 
Jifii»gHi/h of punilbments. i Tempo- 
rail- z Spirituall. 3 Eternall punifli* 

1 For Etern*ll puniftiments, fo all a« 
grce , that they can never lay hold on 
thofe whom Chnft hath fct free , thofc 1 
favjvvhofefinneshe hath pardoned 

2 For Timperalt punifliment as they 
have relation or fubordination to tttrMJl 
puniflimenti, fo we are jrud from them 

I fl„-Lr jj alfo. 

i^usU- 3 Nay, thirdly, we arc freed from all 

vk-dcn 7Vwp<)r4//puni(hments. 

fmiuntcs I * As they are farts oi the curft for 

fYifte,' finnc. 

^'^''i** , 2 A«theyare fatisfadions for finne; 

rrniz either fatisfadion by wjay of p«rci4/i,or 

fausf^cia- fatisfaftion by way of fHmlhmtnt. vVe 

jij, ml^ia- fay Gods juftice, yea,and both parts of it, 

vteniliui- his vinMUve and rtw^rding , bis «»»■ 

^"''' "^ manSnf and (ondtmning juftice is fatif- 

omni fccii c t 

& c^iaa- 3 We are freed from them, as they 
toi'u. " are the meer frnits of finne, or as meerlj 
Pavc.i« Jpennli. for fo they are P4rr j of the curfe, 


tanijhmtnt for fm Anft^cred. i8j 

tnd fo infliAed upon wicked men. but no^ 
foinflifted upon the Gtdlj.iW their r/e«- 
iUs are fntitfull^noi penall troubles. 

4 As they are the efi^s of vittMBive 
juftice, and not of JAtherlj mercy ; fo v ve 
arc freed from alltemporall puniftiments 
for finne;God hath thoughts of /ot'« in all 
he doth to his people, i Ihzgriuni of 
all his dealings is love, a Jhirnanntr ©f 
his dealing is love. ;? The tnds of his 
dcaliug is love, i Our^^M^i here, to make 
us partakers of his holmeffe, Heb 12.10. 
4 Our|/or)( hereafter, to make usparta- 
k?rsof hisG/oK/. 

If Chrift have bom what ever our fins i A'gu. 
itftrvtd^ and by thitfatisf.ed Gods ju- 
ftice to the full, then cannot God in j«- 
(f j« punifh us for finne, (chat were to rc- 
quiiethc /"«// p47»««f of Chrift, and yet 
to demand pan of us.) But Gods juftice 
is /«//; fatisficd in Chrift,S.'c- Lri^o. 

I grant Gods juftice is fuHy faiisfitd in Aufvf. 
Chrift, he anrequire no more then what 
Chrift hath done and fnfred, he hath a- 
hundantlj fatisfied i and therefore, farrc 
be it from any to fay, that God doth ci)*- 
fitfe his children for finne, for fatisfadion 
of bis juftice, Chrift hath done that, and 
bath left nothing for us to ^Mr* by way 
N 4 of 

■J ' 

> .=» 




J 8 :^ Htw GodmAj chtfiife 
of fMisfAllioH , the PapiOs fay indeed 
thac oar fujferwgs arc fMufMEiiont ^ and 
therefore ihey penance and funifhthm- 
fclvcs. But I know none of ours to fay it 
we fay God doth not chafiife us for f*tu- 
faliioH for fin, but for csftigation and f^a- 
tion, to bring us to monrMt for fin commit, 
ted, and to bervMrt of the like. 
canrrj. /J ^"^ fccondly , God may chaftife the 

»«faro;«« *"<i ^h"" hath borne the punifhment of. 
■annffi.tum'^hoMgh Chrift hath borne the puniflii 
Kuita Dci raent of finne, yet may God fatherly w- 

frf.f'r/'^ '"' P*^P'^ ^^"^ ''""«• Chrift M^«. 
J«fc]r'''V']*>S'-"t ^«»« of wrath, the l^lack 
iUis i,fl,^^ a"*! ^I'lmall (howre of difpicalurc forfin; 
«f/'e>^fc.f/t''4t which fallesupon us, is ^Sun-fim 
fliowre, , warmth with wet , as mt fo 
»4rwr/»oflove. to make us fruitfuli uni 

"hat bitter 

- us.andleft 

Arc^/;cii,r, i*^ much for ui, as to humt/e us. That 

nonr,,„\,_ which you fuffer forfinne, is not penally- 

ffty^io, rifing from vinaiSUve juflice, but mcdtci- 

^hAu, "•«^'a"fi"8 from a fatherly Jove. It is thy 

i>meMct)ie, not thy pHmfhmer.t, thy dmfiift' 

ment^ notih^j fenteuce^thy correCiioH, not 

thy (oudtmnatkn. In brJefe then, God 

pay f/w7?i/> the Saints for thofc finnes 



uc^'" **'"^^'' ''^ '^'•-«^' 'he <^«^. of that 
Davcn.' ^"P ' ^^ '""ch as Would d<tm«e us,s 

the Saints for finne. 185 

for which Chrift fc/iffc fatufied, and hetritairfi 
bimfelfc hath forgiven formany rcafous.cj«i'^Me- 
S. AniH^ine names three, tor the demon- ^f^^^^'^*'" 
: ftration of our due mifcry, for the amend- f"'^"'^^- 
ment of our /«/;, for the fArcro/* of our >„onji,uiio- 
patiencc, 1 fhall name thcle five. nem dibux 

I God may doe it for the ttrnur o(mifiru. 
wicked men, that they may read their de- '■^f^J_^fJ^' 
fiwy ill the SaTnts mifcrics. If ic be thus^^^^,/" 
done with the ^wwtree, what (hall bc-.j,„^ 
come of the dry tree ? If it thus befall the j ^d exer- 
Shifp of Chrift , what ftiall become oUitMianem 
Wolves, o{ Goats} If he dealethus with «^^|P^'^* 
frundsj what (hall become of tnemiis? ^/[^'^I^lr^'. 
judgment hiiin at the hoHfiifGod, where ..^^^^i^, 
(hall the wicked appearef rum. 

z Forthemanifeftation of his juftice.i inmanl- 
that he might McUre to the world that ,Kj*''»«w 
he is juft : if he (hould punifti others for /'''"" ■ 
finne, and fp»re his owne, wicked men 
would fay hee were partiall, he refpefted 
pe rlons , and therefore to declare he is 
JHjt andimpartiall, hee will ch;ijlife his 


3 To remove fcandall. The finnes of 3 -^^rt- 
the Saints, they bring /fW4i? "Ponl^e-';;"^^^^^ 
ligion , their finnes are Ihe finnes oifub-' 
iique perfons, every e«e ftands for many. 
God was more difiomnred by Davids 


4^ InCau- 
UtHcnt a. 

J In fain 




I S6 Httv God may cbiftife 
uncleanne/Te, then by all tht filth oi So. 
dome the waycsofGod were hUpk. 
wrJ thereby, as the Prophet tels him, ani 
upon that groHMd, becaufe he had given 
the ece^fion, therefore God would cha- 
ftifchira, I Sam. 12. 

4 lor Caution to others : others »w 
fliould be our yvamiu^s ^ others fuffir. 
*»gs, our fermofis ; and ftanding (ermoni 
to us to l>eit>are of the like: thus God doth 
cija fti fe, He in Mies grafetttr peceatum, iert 
finnc fhouid fpread : the ApoQle feu 
downe this at large in the i Cor. id. from 
the 5 to the 12. Is^^ wife was turned in- 
to a pillar of fait, m ttcondiret, to fcafon 
thee, 2^ey, 1.13,14. 

• 5 For their owne goo^ here, , and fur- 
therance o^ their falvation hcreafcer:their 
good here, i TohumhU them more for 
their finne; when finne comes cUd^^i 
arrayed with a crofTe , or fad afflidion, 
then it mrkf deeper for humiliation; 
alflidions draw mens thoughts inward, 
as the wicked, fo the godly have fome- 
times a carelefle care, thatcanhearetbe 
indiAments of finne.and yet not lay finne 
to heart, and therefore God opens their 
tarts by difci flint; Jn their mamth you 
ftiallfindc them : SchoUcrmU, efi fchoU 

lucis • 

the S dims for fnne. 187 

w are Chen ready CO /;/?.« to them > 

under hem: that's one end. ^ fo work 
he let ac f.r^her d.fl.^ce w.th finne. 
TO prevent the like : W.u f^fcatj /- 


affl.aion for fmne , will bewa-.e of the 
C- of the serpent in the p./.«.-^^^ 
finne We read that before the babyio- 
the whole Cre'ttt^" was Ica.cc large 

could fcarce finde --'«-/"""f,;;. 
rnakeldolsof. But alter God once car^ 

ried them c.puve mto l^h';:'^^"", 
/„«r^dchem foundly tor the.r luolatty 
ofallfinnesto this day, they never re 

Led to Idols : even to th^ d^Y «|hey 
abhorrt piAures. Many other rea oo« 

might belaiddownc. 1"^^^,"^""^^"! '! 






1 8 8 Some con ftderdt tens frepeunded 
glory hereafter. And indeed, to fwccten 
heaven and glory to us. The Philofopher 
Per angu-ZcMo (oMghi om ttrment to helpe him to 

/>/«^.!,^ nothing worth ifthey were not thus fea- 
re fas, per ^oicd ; thofe //f^i affltftiom you have 
motumad here for a memtm-t will be a mighty /^/«ff 
qiiictcm,pc, 10 ih^t f^rre more ixctedmi^ tht eternd 
p,jceUas y^eight ,f gUrj, 

fc: cuum ' """ P'oceei^ "« further. 
W (■«/«« Unto ail this give me leave to add thus 
(ontc/iJu. much in this nithappy difference, and we 
willfflw./Wfthis Anfwer. 1 will but give 
you a few thoughts to confider of. 

I Sinne doth »AtHr4lly bring fr«/7 on 
us : as there is ptact and good in the 
vajes of holinefTc , fo there is tvil and 
trouble in the wiijet of finne^ they are ne- 
ver y^prfrrffj^/.- trouble is the naturalt and 
proper /mf of finne, that which it natu- 
rally bcarcs. Nay, it is in the very bowels 
of it : Sinne is mulnm CathoUum : It is 
a l>ig-l>tUi(dtV\\\ J all evils are the birtht 
cf finne : ifyou could rippe upfinne, you 
fliould finde all evill in the hovels of ii : 
there may be •vill of punifhment^ where 
there is no evill of finne in it j bucallevill 
ofpuniftimcntlies inthe*T/i7offinne :all 
?hc Commandcn^ents were given for 


,> iwxhir dpftver to the Slutrj. 1 8p 

d, and your good lyes in obedience to 
them! And h^ that breaks Gods bounds, 
doth neceflanly lunne upon evill and 
trouble : Sume is the hirthoi our hearts, 
jnd trouble is the hirth of finne, and trou- 
ble is as trueaci»/</f of finne as finne is 
the naturall i^ut of our fouls. This is the 
fiift : finne doth not only by confequenc* 
and Gods ordination, but naturally .biing 
(vill and trouble- 

2 Secondly ,the evil that finne brings.or 
the trouble that comes by fin; cither it is 
byffc4««, ot hy providtHee, and by Di- 
vine difpcnfation ; But not by chdnce. jab 
telsus fo ; and fure he tcis us truth ; Af- 
jimnt they doe not arifeout ofthedufi : 
And Chrift faith. There cannot a ham JaU 3;"; 
frtm our head^ withont a provUence : And p^^j^^j ^^ 
if not a haire , if not the fmallcft thing guilds. 
without a providence, then much It^e the Aug. 
greater. So then the evill that comes by 
finne, is not by chance,but by providence, 
Divine difpenfation. 

3 If from Trovidtnce , then either 
from Gods aHive, or from his pajfive pro- 
vidence : or if you will, take it thus ; ei- 
ther by his permijfive providence , or by 
his/iffiw ordaining providence. To fay 
hy ]\]» ptrmij/ive providence oncly , tht» 





liA) il 

, \ 

190 Anfnxr to the ^^ifry, 

cannot To weli fuic with God who is all 
*j£7, nor With the wotdsof the Prophet, 
Is there anytviUinthe C'nj which 1 havi 
Kit done? You know it h meant onely of 
the rvilsoi puniftiment ; not of the ml 
of finnc, there God hath no hand. 

There a e m»ny things which God 

fermits'm the world, which he doth no; 

doe ; tliole arc the eyils of finne. But the 

evils of puniftimsnt thcfc he permits and 

doth too. Is there mhj eviil in the Citii 

tvhich I h»ve not done f And in I fa, 42. 

24,25. Where the Prophet makes ih< 

fame qoeftion , and gfves the fame sn- 

f'.ver. H% gAve Jacob for a (poi/, and If, 

rael to the robbers ? Did nut the Lard, Hi 

agatnft whom wt hiive fi/.ntd f Sothat 

you fee all chefe come from Divine dif- 
penfation. God brings this evill, andhK 
telsusfor firnetoo. 

4 If God doe in providence bring any 
evill upon his people, then either out ot 
love^ or out of anger, or out of hatred. 

I Not out of hatred; (o wee grant 
i:hat cannot be : there ii nothing that God 
doth to his people, that is any fruit oref- 
fedof hatred. Indeed tftliftions on the 
\fricked are fruits of hatred ; fome drep- 
/»»gj before the great fliowre of wrath 


Anjmrtcthe J^cry, 191 \ 

jfill upon them ; but it is not fo with his 
owne people. 

2 Then fccondly , either oijt of love 
or anger. Certainly, not out of anger 
nieerly without love j for the principle, 
theground, the end oi all his dealings 
with his people is love ; there is Hothing 
he doth to them feparatedhom love, there 
is love in all ; Nay, and I fay, from iovc 
they proceed : for all hu vrayes, are rvayts 
tfmrcjttathem that feare bint, P(al. 25^. 
10, But becaufe afHidions, and chaftife- 
menti are evils, and doe feeme to be the 
t§cEis of one angrie and difplcafed ; 
therefore I fay, though they come from 
love, yet from love difpleaftd, from love 
offended. Taul faith, Thil. 2. 27. Godn\,\\ , ,- 

mercy on him tn refioring Epafhredt- 
ttts to health. Why? had it not beene a , 
mercy to Tanl if he had died too ? Arc 
not all his waycs, waves of mercy ? and 
therefore though he had dyed, had it not 
beene a mercy too? What fhall wee fay 
to this ? fhall we fay it had been a mercy 
in the iflue, and event , as God would | 
fadlifie it to him, and doc him good by 
it, as he himfelfe faith. All things JhaS 
viirk^ together for good t$ them that Itvt 
(7«</}Rom. 8. 2S. Jndetd, this ii good, 






192 Some Coitfiderdtiins frdpeundtd, 
but this is not all ; finne it ic\ie may Ix 
a m.'rcj in the iflTuc. But the 7!A/«./ 
faith, all hi^ wnfes, arevusyei of mm), 
not a fiep God takes towards hi> people] 
not inaiiion that God doth, not o« 
difpenfdtioH of providence, but it is out of 
mercy. And therctore what is the mean- 
ing , God had mercy on me in reftoiinj 
of him ? what needs he to fay fo i feeing 
it had been a mercy if hee had beenc U- 
ken away ? and G«d had (hewed mercy 
to PdHl if hee had dyed ? why then doth 
be fay, God had mercy upon me in re- 
ftoring of^ him > Indeed it had been mer- 
cy to Paul if he had died, but artm(5»»{ 
racrcy, mercy in chaftifement ; The A- 
pofllc fecmes by this phrafe to imply j 
medium, or at leaft a difference betweenc 
mercy nfloring , and mercy depriving of 
him. It had becne mercy,but a correcting 

racrcy,had God taken hira away. So 

I fay here, though afTiiAions and chaftifr 
mcnis are out of love ; yet becaufc they 
are in themfelvcs cvjil, therefore I fay, 
ihcy proceed often (notalwayes) from 
ieve diff leafed, from love offended. 

We fay indeed, that God is angry, not 
that we arc to conceive there is anger in 
Cod, hee hath no paffioiM or affcdtionsij 


SmtCepfiderdtions fropdUffded. ipj I 

hina : but we fay he ii angry, becaufe hee ira non t| 
itAlts with us , as men ufe to dcalc with Kff'fcf'i'>^ 
fuch with whom they are angry; tbcy^^^'^'""'"* 
witW^w from them, they cfcjiie them, they ' ^'^ ' 
w^»;l^ethem, corre^thtm; and fo doth 
(/«/,ina paternall difplcal'ure, with them 
he dearely loves. 

But wee will come to rttut up this 
Query in a few particulars, vviiich wee 
will lay downc for your lull latisfadioa 
in it. 

God doth not ever chujiife his people x Pojf. 
for finne. I fay, all the chaftifcments 
which God inflidts upon his people they ; 
arc not for finne : there are fomc which j 
he inflideth for the prevention of finne; as j 
?*«// temptation was. 5oflic forthc m-l 
All of grace:, as '^ths affliction feemesto 
be. Divines doc diftinguilh of divers j y,^,^,'^ 
kinh of afflidions. Some arc ca^igati- , ^^^^y. 
m for finne ; forae arc tefiifieatms to the ^j^j^ 
truth ; fomc are probatioin of our faith, ^ i'^^t^- 
AndtxercitatiiPSOfoutGi-ifCcs. So that ^j^^^ 
though it be granted God doth chaftifc' 
for finne, yet all the affltnicHs with whieh[ 
God doth exercife us, they are not for fin : 
though it might be faid, that finne is the 
gcnerall ground of all calamities j ^'et ic 
maybe faid, that this or thatafijiftion. 









1 94 7ke J^irj jiiiAlli refohei, 
hull not any particular finne the prtcH- 
rtug f aufe of it. As you fee in Job and 
?<«»// trials. 

I fofnion. I God doth fometime take eccaftoH by 
the Ji»s of his people to afflid and chaftife 
ihem. And It may be thus farre will be 
j^ranted on all hands ; many will grant 
flnne the ccaifh», who will not ^rant 
rinnc the f<iw/e wherefore God a fflifteth 
llis people, i fay, many will not grant 
llnne the caaft , who yet will admit of 
Ijnne an cccajion why God doth aftlift 
IJis people. And indeed, this or thai par- 
ticular finne dotli often rather feemcto 
|e aiucfrfjfiw, then a c4«/« of the punifti- 
icnr. Sinnemay be thecaufe, andytt 
ths or that particular finne may be but 
tjie occifioH : As I have fheewed be- 
iT^piicn- God doth not orely take occafion by fin, 
but God doth oktnfo^fin chaftife and af- 
flid his people : F$r fml fay, noc oncly 
rfal.'{9.n. for the preventing and cure of fin; but for 
1 Cor. 1 1 . ihe puniftiment anid corrcdion of it i as 1 
J°- have (hewed at large. God makes us to 

fee fiM in the ifSs , when we will not 
lee it in the caufe , to fee fin in the fruit 
of it, when we will not fee it in the root' 
God^ifavtrsfit to us in bis mrkj, vvben 


, The c^trffindf rtjolved, 1 9 5 
„,Ulnot/«»Mn his ff'.r^i That which 

K, fenfe , Ardii for the back of * f""^- 
'^^VVhcn God doth chaftife his people -rr<./.. 
forh. his chamfements. they are not, 

V ft iUsof r^r^K or parts of the Curie 
he;Asnowrathinthetn-, atheyareno 

faS^aaronsfor/«; 3 th^Y ^^^ "^= ^'"^ ^ 
la u'*^'"j; thevarenot meerelj 
^i„, »flit;Ouft'« , 4 J"«y ground i^ 

''"z nd this (hall fuffice for the anfwer to 
tisfi ■• Wee will come to the next , ihc 

fiun freedom, ^'^J^^^^ ^eftion might 

*^"' "X5f uTch"idian/«.^«...to 
may "W *''".""' . jytv and then 

2 vvmcuic . j-ommanded. 

h4d. I Thatitisan|<J«C;«';^^ 

/J.^«r we have ^S^^^^^'^^ \\li it is 

the p.r/..«--^ ?Jj"Sin Saints to be 
farre below the tree ipin*- '^^ ^^^,^4 






156' rhithlr^ c)atr^ frtftunied^i. 

tyedto the doing of dutie heaofe tinA 
hath commanded : fo that you itc lucy 
might have been feparated^hui for brthity 
lake, wee will fold them up cogethfr in 
one Queftion ; but yet (hall anlwer Wh 
parts diftindly. 
4r,fv>.-i. Andfirftforthe firftpart; rrhether it 
WA) confili with tur Chrijiiatt freeder te t» 
he tjt^to the doing ej duty. I fay it is a 
Qjjcltion out of Qucftion. Itisnc-. *»- 
friugemiKt to oui Lihtrtj in Chrift tc be 
tyed CO the performance of ducie: It iwjs 
the great erd of our freedom and rca» uip- 
tion that we might ferve him. Chrli t re- 
deemed us from finnCjbut to fervicc- , A» 
Zitcharj in his long, Lukei.j^ " ' 'i'' W 
we l>ciaj delivered fretn the h*in*i . 
entmies wtgln ftrve him tvithsHt fes.rt , m 
hoiinejjc and rivhtcvufnelfe all the djjes tf 
oh* life- Chrift hath not redeemed u* from 
the mMter of fervice, but from the t0a»»tr 
of ItTVicr . he hath redeemed us iVoma 
jllfvijl *]' lE in Ic-rviceto a fen- like; fcoma 
ipii it of ^! nd>age^ ro a fpirit of liberty •■ hec 
hitli broken the bonds of fubjeftion ti) o- 
tfjcr Lords, that we might take on m the 
)iikt (tf fervice to him, ivhsfe * joke uedfie, 
n>h:.je btsrdm ts iighti Matth-ii-^o. And 
flierefore the Apoftlc infcrres , after he 
^ had 

"iiC, qi..:d 
tUH'/l I. i f 

UiUts iff ftrformMceofdutv 197 

weenjoybythe«^'f»^ff''"«'>r^<^l"7' ^\ 
S a'ion, freedomc from the puut and 

porroffinne,heeiauh. <M*---" 

Ututht fpirit > to live ajter the fpirU, ^ c 

Horn 8 1^- At,uthfc>pla.ne, as .f itRom.S.u. 

vveTe written wUh a 5««Wr IMS as 


a ho mcfsand obedience rom the perloa 

• Qifird &C rhe grace of God whuh h^th 


nhedicnccor performance of duty, nay, 
UUpart of ou? redcntf^i.n^^^^ part of ou 
5 Tl And indeed that is true and re^ll 

anH true obedience. r- „ 


4b ! 

1 >!'? -f:^ 

Afifv "i 

« i 

<!';., 5 


ownefpirits, then upon the impofitions of 
God, There are three miftakes about' 


Some tliinkc they eught not to doe d«r;, 

but when the Spirit of God doth move 

them to it. _ 

. Indeed, when the JfiViVwswMtisgood 

f o goejprtad your /hVm when the wiW« 

blowes.fl/)f«whenheit«flf^'f** ^* ""i '*" 
faidtob/iWwhcnhehcard the noife in 

tlie Mulbcrie trees then helhould gee out, 
for Godwas gone oHtbtfart him ; So when 
you finde inthfirong mowings upon your 
Ipirits , It is good to take thofe hints of 
the Spirit:, it is good to dofe with the fca- 
fon. Many are like hurUts that will mur- 
ther the childe in the womb, to avoid the 
trouble of child-birth :fo they will wnr- 
ther the l^irths of the Spirit , bccaufe they 
would not be at the trouble of the worke. 
That is a fearfull finnc, to caft water, and 
q\!eKch and coolc any metions of the Sfirit 
oif God. When God moves, becomes 
with power too, for the performance of 
the duty, then we goe full faiie, and it is 
good to take th©fe hints. But good hearts 
doe often here miflake to their owne per- 
plexing.and thiuk if they do not goe with 
every motion, bow unieafonablc foever 
I they 

concernlngptrformsnce of <l"tj. 1 99 

thcv have quenched, and rejefted a moti- 
on of the spirit. 1 conceive ic therefore 
notamiffe to tell you that fometimcs Sa- 
»4» may pJt us upon duty, whenw-Mhink 
the Spirit of God doth it , and that you 
will thmlif ii ftrange, but yet it iS a trucf, 
And there are four times when ;>atan doih 
ufually put men on duty. 

I VVhen our tpirits are muchi«"^ ani 

downe.either ipprejftd'.Mih cenvpiationsor 

troubles , then he may put you on to doe 

duty: notbut that I fay God doth at thefc 

times put us upondutie; but yet lorac- ^ 

time Satan too. Hedeales withus.as the 

B,l>Mar,s with the liraelitcs VVhen 

they were in Eahlo>*y oppreffcd with 

theii captivity, then they fay, Co>«^ »J»; 

fing Hs one of the f.r,gs of 5i>» ; fo when the 

ipintis .pp.if.^ and overwhelmed, when 

hce thin ks we are upon fome great J.fud- 

^4«.|. , and wee M but r«rm^. our 

felves,and d^fcoHr.ge our lelves more, then 
it may be he puts us to pray , not to be- 
leeve,l.ke them who dealt with Chnft, 

blinded lus eyes, and then fi^ h^mprophe- .urMA* 
ciewhsfirtkeshim; fo when hee hath */r *i- 
dourcyes.heebidsusnow Ice. now pro- 

our fpirits, when he hath tro/tl^Ud the^ica. 





300 How Sdtan mdy pat 

that it cafts up nothing but mire and dirt, 
dirtruftfuli and unbelieving thoughts,then 
he bids us goe and pray: which yet fomc- 
timcs helps to Uy the ftorm,and quiet the 
/))<><> too.and Satan lofeth by it ; it proves 
his ownc di(|dvantagc, »nexpe£lej gtice 
comes in which he was not aware of, nor 
could forcfce. 

2 A fecoiidtitnewhen Satanmzy put 
tisonduty is, When wee are called by 
God upon «r^fr tmpUymtnts, cither »<it»< 
tuH or ffiritmlt- i Spirimill, either to 
hcare,to confer.or to do other duties.tlien 
he bids thee goe pray ,he loves to make du- 
ties interfere, i Ot wiien we are called 
upon »a/»r<f/? employments, itrnaybe to 
ear, drink.to fleep,and fometimcs he hath 
carried a poor foul out of his bed>or from 
his meat, and hee muft now goe pray, 
Which perhaps hath not bcene for Sata»s 
advantage neither. Thui hee fometimcs 
dcales with poore/okles intemptation,and 
if they do not doe it upon his infiigation^ 
then he teli them they have refijled a mo- 
tion of the .'^p<>i>. If they doe, why it is 
for their rr(,«^/< too perhaps he will charge 
them after all with Popery and fuperfliti- 
on,and voluntary penance, that they muft 
ri(ie in the night to goe to pray«r,&c Who 


mti dutie. ici 

.nuiresthis at your hand? It were good 
imchcalesto lay with a godly man who 
,„ thus m<mli to prayer when he was to 
20 to Beep. Get thee her.ce Satan, 1 will 
Le to duty when Cod calls, not when 
• thoufuggcfts, 1 have cw«/»ii«^ my foul 
■' into the arms of Chriil, and in his arms 


, A third time when Suan may put us 

nduty When we are wf^' in body, and 

Ltable to perform it, when we want na- 

\mMl fpints to do the work, then will hee 

nut on tG it.he knows that \t we do it,ihea 

ihe (hall by reaton of our naiuraU weaknes 

getadvancageofus. When he puts us to 

Eft hw, he knows wc are weak. W hen 

Vtmtvts 10 duty, he h^y^es^t have no 

4 K fourth time when hee puts us 
upon duty is, when he ihir.ki hee puts us 
upona/«^r., when he thmks duty wiH 
be a Inare to us, he puts us on it not as 
Godsworke,butaswr fnare , hee moves 
us to it meerely as zjcrHfU, and to Itruple 
us further, whether we doe it, or <loc not 
doe it • he puts us on iutj, not to cmf<^n 
us buttororwf«us and vex us, not to 
rJ/euswhertweare dt^uU^ , but to cw/ 
us lower, though we be often miUaien. 


^ ia 


y il 



* ■, i 


1 .'/wj'ly 

202 Butie fometimestohedom I t,tt of metre ehedience. loj 

But yet though Satan doth fomctiA Befidcsifyouwmnevjr^|^^^^^^ 
as you lee, yet Gods Spirit doth ofXt when the V'' ff^^^^^^^j^^i^^ 
move and ftirrc up the heart to duty, aXwould often want that ^omro ^^^^ 
when he wm/ indeed. hee mvej tfllEaGod which you doe ^^J^^^^^^^j 
-1^/, hccputsyoaonthe Jutie, andm en have you gone to pi aye 
you/;,.«g/^£odoe.t, hcc carryes yo, irt,and rofe w.th a '?«'^,'^ .^'*^^^^^^^ 
through it.&c. And it is good to ob4 Mit. and rofe agame ^''^^^'^^^^^^^^^ 
Gods timers, the hints of tlie Spirit, anJ ,rt, with a <)<r/f S*^' uL^e nolucU 
goe .vith them, which h the firft Anfwei w often when you could hndc no mc 
to that railbke. otion of God before to ic. f^^J r J. 

. liut though wee arc to f^oe when Godi etwith God in the duty, ana cnj y 
Spirit maves , yet are wee not to negltH 
when wee doc not ptrceive fuch fenfiblt 
motions of the Spirit. Grace moves us, or 
ftiould move us to conver/e wtih Gud eve- 
ry day, and if fo, the Spirit moves , the 


fpirit regenerated, though the fplrit reg^ 
ncratmg doth not appeare.and Gods 

,i w»rieth righteottfneife 

le milar be not 

thitn I hat re- 
God loves to 
able to command a 
' ■ the 

tge-|ne mtuar uv .-y - jKicfavU. bc n the; 

5,/-|ind,yet he W'^/r^^^^^ ''^|hough the 

Mf may move /emr/jf, though not rf;;<.|»ayiohateit,it it come. , ^^^^^^^ 

rextlj, and fcnfibly to thy foule, inwrnan could not gel »nt 

oved ; Oh 

Befides, if youlookc foraniww^ 
call upon the duty, then you will not doefte would lyc {<> ^"'"u 'H-aieof/flw" 
duty out of obedience to the commandlide, and no queftionwitn a ocait ^ 

the waters av 


So though 

Wee raurt doc duty fometimc out of o-l»g every time 
bedience, although we want both a heartly fme vpohU throw nte i ^ ^^^ 

to it:, and a heart >» i/. That <^*/; is elleelwe cannot bring the Spirtt lo ^^^ j^.^ ^^ 
mcdof Godvtfhichis gotten and wrf/^ilus let our felves in the way -^^^^^g 
out of the hands of the flcfli, which i|meet with us. Hold up "^* f*^^ ^^^^^^^ 
done againit tcraptationi and gain-fay-lof duty ; by them you co 






204 other miftahs dm ftrformMce of dutie, a 05 

face of God. to have eonverles with hi ought to pray, and therefore they go 
youkcepc/jfAiagainfinnne, youget/i taycr every moment : they will not 
pljes of ftrcngth from Chrift, you getlbeaven for warit of prayer 


to It. 

eavenror w*iii.vfi ^lay^^. 
tixixU7-„{'l>ove the world, they that' fpeakTacail Such who are in humliation and 
4fx« performance of dutie , might as n mds of fpirit : poore louls ! they goe 
fpeake againft the aatngs of faith, and « cand anon to their knees vvhich yec 
fw/i of Grace: for prayer is nochinotl fomc is the d^r^nntg of faith , taitn ^ 
but the ctmrnwiicatwH of the foulc wii »i»«c up to Chnft.but others they goe^p,,,* 
God,the4f/,«^, of faith, and *A-*rf,/n on thefe, as the /n/t/f to hcale their ^^.^ ^ 
Grace. Kut we will fhac up this . forauc mi ; <^r, asfo many bribes tot a par- tf«„pi« 

fnrrhpfipft miOaL-ii ,.,k;^l, ..,.. ,l,-.i-_I- -cfrwmnrh Oooi mj»£» laid OUt lOt ..jj^jj. 

-vj. «».«.. 13UV WL will iiiuL up [111$ . iQ[]]|j( )unu ; ""« «»'^- j - - 

for the firft miftake, which was thatloBi in,a»fo much good mmj 
thinke, thev are not to doe dutie, bo tmch^feoi glory. - 

when the Spirit of God moves thco JV-i/«'''»/!(r . men run to a Covenant 01 

otks . but It muft be another mrkf to 

There is a fecond miftake. Some thini ling us to Chrift : A cbavinced man runs 

they are to doe nothing cKe but to pray, 
God hath commiMdedm to pray, and tbcy 
thinke they are to doe nothing cUe , ad 
therefore ever and anon they run to tbcit 
knees, drop as it were a he4d, fay over t 
TMer-Mofter , and too much with a Fo- 

,»CoYenant of works. But he mnft be 
„,n;rmJman, that comes ovec to the 

:ovenantof Grace- So much for the fe- 

ond miftake. . . ^. ^ 

A third miftake : forae there are that^ 
thinke they are not to doe dune, becauler4<tf. 

compafTe life j fo much laid out for the 
purchafe of a pardon, and heaven. There 
trc too many foch. 

They are cfpecially two forts of per 


I'^ier-HojTcr , ana too muctiwith a fo- tninw iney are hwi lu u^*- -—-i : 
fijh fpirit too, even as fo much done te God commands, but becaalc theicoww 


That An{w. 

To which I anfwer, and "ay, /I "at 
thoach wee muft doc duties , btcunie 
->.''.. . . - - et it is not 

God hath ctmrnankd us , y( 





{n^itnt to doe them merely, bccaute j, 

I Such who are ^/«Wand ignorant, they I God hath commanded there. Yo" mjju W 

would fainegoe to heaven,and they hearel pray, you muft hcarc, and doe otnct \ 

they I dttti*' 

/ ■ M 

.. .. r 




zq6 The difthliiM of 
dutie ; becaufe God hath comman 
but it is not (ufficient you doe t. 
metrtlj. bccaufe God hathcommaD 

For the explication of this , you m 
know there are two-fold iawes. Pofioi 
and Natural!. 

1 Some that are Po^ttve. a ft 
^ '"^'^ ^' *■ tliat are NatHtatl. Or there are fome 

Mk!i/" ''"'*''^' wh'<^f' ^"^^ f"**^^^'^ uponG»^;»ij| 
v.riirlV.p.and lome ihn axe jomdtd uponG«</;r 
ture. 1 hofe that are founded upon Go 
w»7/, arc fuch as are go»d, bccaufe G( 
cemmmds them ; and fuch were mai 
under tbe Old T«rtaraenr, vU- their Ci 
remonits^ a,nd thcir,«w4r/ forbidden, whir 
were things neither good nor evilli 
themfehes^ butasQod had comraandti 
or forbad them. 

^'omc againe which were foHHiied u 
on Gods Nature , and were intrinjictl^ 
and inherently go6d inthemfelvesj ai 
not onely good bec»ufe God command 
them, but in themftlves good . 

I Now for the fir ft of thefc , ibol 
which were foHniled upon Gods mtn 
Win , as ;hofc Lawes before mentioned 
It was fufficient that we obeyed ther 
mmly bccaufe God hath command( 


thhgs commanded: 207 

ihetn : the Apoftle called them a heavy Aa.tf.io,. 
mit, winch nttther they nor their father i 
,trt 'Mt to heart : In calling them a hea- 
,« yoake, it demonflrates their obedience 
;o them was more bccaufe God comman- 
Wthcm, then out of an inherent mcrin- 
fecall goodneffc which was inthena In 
■ailing them a heavy yoake, it was a figne 
Hhiitbcy obeyed ihcm not out of love ot 
[the things commanded ; but out of Uve 
of that God who commanded them : 
They were a heavie yoake, but ycc they 
\m\r. till God to»kt it off; they were 
}urd lawes, but yet they fnl^muied to 
them, till God pleafed to repeale andUil- 
inull them. And indced.l may call ii/wf- 
*;/7?oi., for their obedience was more out 
of /«^»i^fl» then delight. And for thefc 
Uwes It was fufficicni that they obeyed 
them mttnlj bccaufe God commanded 

them. . . 

2 But now the other, thofe commands 
and things which were fiunded upon 
C/ois Natitre, and were in their w« na- 
ture eW and holy ; thofe it is not fuffi- 
cient to obey, hecanfe God hath com- 
mandcdthera: but there muft be an in- 
ward prw«p/« agreeable to them ; an in- 
ward Uvin^ and clofing with them 






ao8 It Umt enough to dee dutit,\ lJ»xvwe4re freed from duty, 109 
which arifcth from the /w-'w^^w/^oftlilWithhiraina dutie. He goes upon ««- 
heart to them. Ihcfe commands muft nolt«r/w with God, not as a ftrvAnt to his 
be eaecmcd a heavj y6^<?,noc a burdcn.buimafter, butas a childe to his father ; not 
adtUiht; andprmcipksof/«'c.*aier,^«,|ashis^/i(«, but as his »4r«r* ; not as hu 
red in the doing of them. I ftfvice ondy . but as his pnviledge ; c- 

When llay,you »rtcmmaM^dto\oMMatmia%Mce(fetoGod, and cotnmnnioi| 
God, to fearc God,honnur God; it is nol with him, as one of the top priviledges ot 
cnouelivou doe this htcattfe God com.! a Chriftian. , 1 • r 

reands : but there muft be an ^nw^rd pnnl Indeed , Chriftians arc by their frt,- 
cipk bred in u. whereby we doe all this | A»« by Chrift free from dutie. but thelc 
hee tliac loves God wjffrf/;' becaufe God wayes 

hath commanded, &c. hre lov.snotGod 
at all ; and ifthat be all, then if God had 
not commandtd hcc would not doe this. 
ButaChriftian is to doe this though ne- 
ver a command co bind him to it. Andhc 
Jces fo much icauty and lovelincfle in 
God, his heart is fo much t*ktn with him, 
that he muft needs inve him. 

So for fraycr, ic is not enough that h« 
pray metrtly becatilc God hath comman- 
ded ; but he is to j-;oe 10 dutie out of cU- 
Brts of communion with God ; be goe 
upon duty not as a duty ccmmdtsded: fo 
carnall hearts d^ic fay they doe, who have 
no/swto the liuty; but he goes upon it as 
a meanes of converle and communion 
with God ; and thinks it his happmjft 
vvUea lite cjn ojy a lutlf ammumai 


1 We are free from duty as our tasks j 
for fo it was a burden to us ; wee arc not 
like to dtyUboHrers in the vvaycs of Godi 
that are to earne every penny vvchaveat 
the hAndsoi God j wee arc free frera du- 
ty as oar taske. 

2 Wcarc free from dutie raeerely as 
mtradt: thtugh wewalkeinthe wayes 
of dutie , yet wee vvalke not in them 
mmljzi our trade ; for that is not for 
kvtoi the worke, but /or< of the games 
which come in. A Chriftian will doe 
ktit thaugh hee fee no gams coming m 
by it, becaufe hee loves the worke; the 
worke is reward and wages to bim. As a 
man who loves finne, .whofc nature u 
vaffaliz^dto finne; he will drmke, and 
finne. though to his utter updoing : «o J 








is" ^ 



no H«wt»e ire freed from duty: 

godly man he will Icrve God, hce will 
hold up in the tvajes ofobcdiencc.though 
he find no incomes •. (uch a fuublttu^t 
there is betwecne a godly man and the 
worke,thac he will doe it, though he (ee 

rthingcomesinby it. 
■} Vk e are freed from fUverj of fpirit 
in duty, and doe duty out of a ehUde-likt- 
nejft of fpirit, where the o«e he doth du- 
ty becaufc of feare of blowes, feare of the 
4:udgell : were it not for feare of that, 
that God would punifti him, hce would 
not doe the duties. But now the 
^ther hce would doe dtttie , although 
there were no puniftiment followed 
the omiflioB of it. Hee counts this hii 
greateil punifliment to be denyed am- 
rnunion with God, converfes with hitn ; 
this is enough to him. You have a child- 
Ultks Ipccch of Ahf^Un will fcrvet little 
to exemplifie this : AbftUon had beene 
baniftied fiom the Owrr, and ferufalmi 
butafrerwa.d through the mediation of 
fo*b was received againe to fertifahm, 
but yet denyed admifflon to the Court, he 
was denyed comntHnionmih his father, 
whereupon he lends ^04^ to mediate for 
him. The pardoning of his fault was not 
0fprthtmled (0 great a mercy, as the ha- 


\i .1 

Hm m »t freed from duty . 2 u 

niihmtnt from his fathers fight was eftcc- 
tned a mifery, and therefore he laith, Ltt 
me fee his face thtttgh he kill me : hee 
thought no funifhment for his fault to br 
(0 gieat an evill, as to be denjed ^cafe to 
his father,and communion with him. So 
it is here with the foule, he thinkes this 
the greateft puniftiment to be denyed ut-- 
«f«toGod, and communion with hun. 
Oh this hecneemsthetopof mifery. ra- 
ther would he be kilied in communion 
and ncceffa to God, then to enjoy all/r«- 
rioawinthewant.anddeniallot it: a cor* 
rupi heart hee doth duty becaufe ol th? 
punilhment if hee doe not doc it ; a holy 
heart he doth cfteeme this the tc^ of pu- 
niftiment. to be denied communion witij 
him : hee eftecmes accejfe to God and 
communion with him, to be his top hap^ 
pineffe. Bleffcd' « the m^n fW rM 
c^ftfi to 4pfr»*ch to thee, faith thePJal- 
mift, and herein he conceives his blelledr 
neffc to confifl, in approaches to God. 

4 He is free from duty upon the te»r 
dirstni termes commanded in the Law ; 
hee doth not doc duty that it might |c< 
veil with him here; nOr doth he doc duty, 
to co;i»Mirf glory hereafterj he lookesup- 
onfommuniopapd converfes wuh G04 
P » bappiOfUf 





,. I 


aik 7heiiiff*rmei>ttwtm o 

happincflc enough; his fpirit doth not aft 

thus, doe thou pray, doe thou obey .and it 

(ball' g-^c well with thee here, and thou 

{halt have hiaven hereafter; butheee- 

fteems this a fitce of his heaven, to have 

«ww««it« with God; this \i coelum tx- 

tm ceelifm; he needs not to be tir*vnt to it 

by any promi/cs ; there is enough m the 

thing it felfe , communion with God, 

to induce him and make his foule de- 

fireit. , . 

And he goes uponihe duty, a$a;>MM 
otrcwaid ; which if he can but find God 
in , and have converft and communion 
with God i« it; Oh there is Heaven e- 
nough, glory enough to his foule. As foU 
other /r4;fr; wherein his foule hath no 
communion with God , he hath thus 
much comfort from them ; that his foule 
did in fuch a duty fct it felfc in fmccrtut 
to converfe with God, to have commu- 
niow with God, though miferablc poorc 
man he wanted it. 

Give mekave to give you the dine- 
rence of thefc two fpirits , Legall , and 
Evangclicall, in nine or ten particulars, 
it may be wytth your obfcrvance. 

1 The frinciple that carries the one 

upon duty is jlavifhi the other childlikf ; 
•^ one 

4 (Todly mdn And others in dutf .215 
one doth thefe things with a Ltgall fpirit. 
♦cither hopes of rew'trd by it. or kixt *u^, 
of tmiihrnint if hce doe it not : tl'sother C .a.„Kr. 
goes upon this.for communion wich God, .y^ • ■ • 
and fees that his mvard and happincflc,toJ 
have communion with him; and the want 
of itthegreatcftpuniihment. | 

2 The one doth thefc things as his 
itlilhu the other as his hny^tn ; and in- 
deed it rauft needs be burden to them 
who findc not Gd\n prayer, either (•me- ^i^^i ^^^ 
thing of (7flJ going out from them t> him,yi,:,;«„ 
or fomething of Go^coming downe from .^ fi!,oru 
himr.them. Heethat hath to doc with /P--^^^^ 
nothing but-i^i/. m duty, to them duty .^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
is tedious; but they who have to doe with ,.,,«p^,^^ 
God, with Chrift in duty, to them duty ,ut fpe 
is de iehtfull. Now fuch though they mmcct^, 

in ^aycr , they have no co*>verfe with 
him ; they have to doc with nothing but 
</«;/induty; yea and not with that nei- 

thcr. they have to doe with the wM 
with fimic in duty , not dnty in dune, 
much Icffe with God in duty: therefore 

it is tedious. . . , _ ■ . ,. 

But the other hath to do with Ccd.thit 

is, he labours.he breathes,his heart galpea 

ancthitn; he it is whom heehathia h«s 

P3 «V"' 


,« .1 


a 4 AgoilftHAn 

eves whom he labours after in prayef, , 

thouch he cannot enjoy him. 

X The one hee doth duty out of ««- 
^.fl»«.of confcience, the other he ^oth 
dutyoqt of Che propenfions of Nature. 
Many mcnwhofc obedience iis their p«- 
alt not the.r pv^a^/r^hohneffe thc.r Uw, 
not'thca nature ; man/ men who are con- 
^..«ff^,whoarc notfowfrrf.J- ^^^V ^'.^^'^ 
are convinced, this thev ought to doe, they 
ourhc topray,who yet want W^/ toclole 
vvuh thole things they are convinced of, 
and doe. Meerc conviftion >» rather a ty 
unt then a king ; it conftra.ns, it doth not 
t,nnim\* pcrfwHdei it forces, it doth not move and in- 
Yoa.o.um cimc the loul to obedience, It u buta^i^- 
«'"' ''i" rln^ not a ftformtni light, it iUrts a man 
*"' f ;", not to fm. it iares a man to doc dutic.bat 
:ir- enables not a man either to h.u Cn, or 
r«(; M le- love duty, all that they doe is out of .««« 
gls ,pf,us convidions of confcience, not out ot pro- 
i"g"'*^^- penUons of Ki.t««. Confcience tells you, 
!*''"•'", t!iat you ought to doc thefcth.ngs. but 
^Z!! a es\.o nrength to do them. Meerc con- 
Z Sid.on doth but Mhver the way. tell you 

Calvin. „,[,at to doe,but it doth not carry the loui 
in it; Like a <?««Hetup tn the way, it 
fliews ihe waytothe travttter, but gives 
rjo ftrengtb to w^lke in it. But now where 

Mii»thersindtttj. 215 

there arc principles, where there Is grace, 

it is in the foul as a F'tUt mthefhip, who 

doth not only difcover the way, but fieeri 

at & carries us that way it doth difcover. 

4 The one hee lookes for fdtufaBio* 

in the duty (>) the duty ; the other hee 

lookes ror tatisfaftion in the dutie h 

Cbrift, Ivsc works above the dutie for his 


5 rhe one contents himfeltc with 
the M, the other no content without the 
/li/?4««« ; the one goes upon duty, as the 
»(4*es ot C<.mmnat>nwith God, to fee 
God and enjoy God, and have converfe 
with God in it , the other goes upon it 
mcerly to/4t«^«the grumblings and cjnar- 

tels of bis cor.fcience. 

6 The one doth them, but hee looks to 
live by thsm; ask mmy a foul,that prayes, 
bow hee thinks to come to heaven , hee 
Will tell thee by prayer : But now the 
other doth them , and tver-Uckj theni, 
looks alone to live by Chrift ; bee lives im 
duty, but not hj duty, hee lives »» obedi- 
ence, but yet above his obedience , / Avf, 
yet mt I, bm Cbnfi inme. Hee looks for as 
much by Chrift, and from Chrift , as 
though he had never prayed a prayci,jft*i 
a teatc ; Though he have done this abun- 

p ^ dAHtiy^ 




■\ , 

y < 


t' ■ 

. f'Tjf f :'i 

ii6 Tie dijference bttwttti 4 godlf 
<ii«///, yet he looks up to Chrift in refpeft 
of Accept Ance, as if he bad done none him- 

7 the one doth thefe things colM) 
and fortna/ij, the other fervently ; andyec 
Iqueftion not.but there may be coldnefs 
in a godly man, and earneftneffe in ano< 
thcr. h 'Baals Priefts prayed to their IM 
(o earnetlly, much more a naturall con- 
fcicnce to God. A naturall man may pray 
csrneftly ; there is no queftion but J(W 
wasearneft,&c> A condemutd man may 
cry earneflly for a pardon. A natural man 
may pray earnt(ilj at times, when in fearc 
^ndhorrour, under/>4M^/ of confcience, 
hec may now cry eAmefily^ but not htltt- 
w'»^//. I here may be much afeBiamia a 
prayer when there is but little/4iV/r,fleflily 
affedions, naturall affedions. laifcdaffc' 
Aions, efther from convidions , feares, 
horrours.thefeare but thecr;« of nature, 
jof fenfc and reaTon, the cryej of flefti not 
of faith J the affedions vhich faith rai- 
feth, they arc not lend, yet they arc jiroun 
[though they are fli/l , yet they itcdeepi j 
iliough not fo violent , yet more/wfrt, 

8 Againc, one doth duties by way of 
'nhfeTvitncj to Other ends : that which 

I makes 

mAn And others In duty* 2 1 7 
-iakcs duty defireablc to one is fome re- 
peas , dutic is deftreable but onely m a 
Si; And you know things which yet 
Kherwife are lookt upon as evilt may be 
lefired in a Cafe. As the Merchant calt- 
nghis^M^/ cut of the fhip, hce looks up- 
on the thing no way defireablc , he cafl? 
away his heart with them, but yet in this 
cafe he fubmits to it, to fave his life. So 
they dcfire duty , and hlinejfehMt onely 
in a Cafe, they looke upon fK;i;*r, upon 
obedience , mortification of their lulls, 
&c. but as fo many hard tash'y and im- 
pofitions which they wxiifHbmit to un- 
dergoc if they will come to glory ; Buc 
the other doth dofe with thefe as his 
\>tmn, as a part of his happineffe, apK« 
of bis glory — -he doth notclofe with 
thefe things out of fn^miffion, but out of 
Mfht, thefe are not his finance , but his 
|i.r;,his defire : As the one he parts with 
finne, not becaufc it is not dsfireaOle , for 
hteweepes after them, but becaufe it is 
tUmning , He parts with finne as facol^ 
with 'Benjamin . becaufe othcrwifc hec 
(hould ftarve: or as phaltiil.wxth Miclul, 
becaufe otherwife lofc his head ; or as the 
Merchant with his goods, becaufe other- 
wife lofc his life. And lo ^«c/«M vv.th 






ai8 neMffere»c<ittme€uagedlj\ ^^'*^"^ *^*''^ould fm 

«■ '• Yp, not out of love and defire to^^fj^^J wmh^'he doth daty and 

'^tittfhiln duties doth arife froma 

Utntlfeoi fpint in the doing of thera. 

grace within , as well as 

if there be not prinapUt 

the heart can never 

, ,. . - -- ... . and dares 

but b"ccaure this he muft en^Hre if heewf > ♦^"Vi; " -. u becaufe hcc wants 

come to heaven. But now the other b|l»» "« ^'"^ '° ' 

|>4rri with flnoe as psyftn^ as an accurfc 

thin{; which bee defires to be rid of, agl 

floftth with bolinclTe as his happinei 

which be thirfts to enjoy, and to be ft 

lowed up with it. 

9 The one hee doth dutie , as thi 
fickf naan eats bis meat, not out of difn 

/t«f<of fpi 
here be not grace 


and delight ., but out of ri*(,n, it ismM*t » ^^1' Krr«"ufeTt is commanded, but 
cutofc«../^«.,heemuftdieif heedo. ^.^If/^^^rht nature, inhisobedi- 
not eate, then out or defirt or ttoraad 
to it. The other doth dutie, as a htahi 

caufe he a^s his nature, 

fuB man feeds, not meerely out of rn^n^ 
but out of defire and delight in it. Or cht 
one he doiictb with dutie, as with phf- 
ficke, not/W, as with a meiieiiu, not with 
meM , there is reluiUnte againft it. it 

doth waike in dutie, 



The la^ of God which if in the booke 

,; nature renewed, m.S..?obed,. 

Kc The eve needs no command to lee, 
the earc to heare. it is the.t nature, the 
land is in it felfe,the/-..«ftj offeemg 
the command to fee :fo far as the heart 
«««d it is as «4r-r4// font to obey as 
the eye to fee, the ear to hear, and to 
in obedience, as^hcii^ in the water, 


The good that I would doe.I cannot doc, ''^'^^'^ .^^^^vit doc not obey mtrnlj, Concl^ 
«n«ith»i.viiirh,ri„,^„M„^,^^- T A^. And th ' ictorc wc aoc iiui. > / 

and the evill that 1 would not doe, I doc; 
the other, The ^aed that I have no defirtto 
<ioe,I doe,and the eril chat I defire to do 


ecaufe it is commanded, that is for fuch 
ihohavc liOfrincipU in them , but wee 



■^ ' 

r • ■ , u- un Au .u- iifc: the eye is never irf;ir; of leeifig. 
obey out of^r,«cip/« which God hat^H f.... of hewing, neither the Awrtof 
p/4»/Jinusfutabie to the comraandsi ■ . jtisfofarrc as it is renewed, fo 
God. Indeed, the command jsth? A iJaJiinaified becaufeit ishisnafurc- 
with«ut,ofoHr obedience, but grace istl J j^ promifed in his Covenant, f 
principle TPithin ; the heart and commij , ^^ ^^ -^ ^^^ ,^^,^ ,|,^, /„^,, . poor 
anfwcr one another : as face anfwers fai ^^^^ ^^e Law in tables of ftone, 

in the water, orm a glalTc, fothei« i^^itcafter itasaftef aCopie. a thing 
and tlic command^ the command IS fr« and vou have worke indeed, 

Jcril^cd into the hart fjlence it is tbi Ugc* fai\hihee will write them in the 
there is fo much delight m obedicnee, tx . ^f ^^^ j^^rt. he will tranfplant them 
caufe ic js H4tur4ll to obey, fo farre as th .^ f^^^^ whereby they (hall become 
Af^rr is renewed. Ant is nstHrall hrt\i ^^^^^ J nd then obedience (hall noC 
eye to fee.the earc to hcar^fo for the i{« . ^ , ^.;^ command, a Law without 
roobcy , lofarreasit IS renewed. M ^^i/ut obedience (hall be a naiuraUfci«^, 
pral.40^. hence comes ^e/ig^,W-4pvS-^*/^« hw within \o\x,y out nature; Hence is 
to dos thy mil. Oh my (fed, and wherein W! ^^^^^^^^ of delight in the Law, as 
thi5^/#r. hee (hews la the words fol ^^ fceintheii9T/4/w. upanddowne. 
]omn^,thj Uw uia^riffhf4rt.&c. ThcK j^^^^j^ ^^^^ delight in obedience to it, 
was tht: grtrnd, the La v^ was not onely his ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^j^. ^ . ^ ^^^ ^^^^ mature, and fo 
emmnl bat his HMtm; fo long as the/« ^^^ ^^ ^j^^^ ^^^ ■^^ ^^, ^ith <if/iji&J. 
is your iommatid oncIy, you camjot <^f/.jti ^ ^^^^ ^j^^^.^ ^ 4,^ ^ ^j^dc of »rt<- 
iodo.he»iZ;ofGodiyoudoeduties,bu; . ^ ^^^^ j^^,oufne(re in us at times, 
youannot^if/.-^^^f inthem, unlcfle 11 be ^ ^^J ^^^^^ ^j^j ^|(^^^ ^gt are nar 
looking upon thcra.as/ewf^A*^^ for glory, ^^^^^ ^^^ f^^jj ^^ ^ttigbt ; though it We 
/««i/»/.;«^ for Hf4ve» : but when once tbc ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^hJ^t wbcrem 
Uv^o{ God becomes your «4tffre, then ^^^^^^^ ,)!,«„«« «mr wf-rr; of (ttii^. 
you come to <^fAgJnn obedience, and in j,^^^^,^ fj^jth, but that is to be under- 
ihewayesof God. , Joodofancyethat isfoundjtofif theeye 

>^aM»j of nature they arc tt^tons ofT ^'* ^ • ' be 




; » '1 



/If Smuts, 
j2i ihmmMjheiomttfkfomii ^„j jt„,mach (hall now fervc for the 
before, it may breed a tidmfntiftm i „f„erof this third ^ery. Wherein I 
eye to doe that which it dtUghtt fo ma ^^^^ pUinely (hewed you, that it is no tw- 
in. So though it be nMtirMtt for thefoi ■ j^fl^p^^, to our Ghriftian liberty to be 
to obey, and that wherein it delights, 1 „3tothc/»^r/brjiM«« of duties, noryec 
the y»/?» in the water ; yet If the ^rwi^i 'oobey and doe duties, ^fM«/f;God hath 
within be difturbed, if Wounded, it iw ^manded them ; only this is the free- 
breed a kinde of irklomnefle, wtti ^jfjofaChriftianlpirit, though he doe 
fomeneffe, and tedioufmeffe in the foul( j,jj^j„ which are commanded, and doc 
to doe that which yet it had fcmuchMJij^ becaufe God hath commanded 

light to doe 

And this may aiift from divi 

1 Either their hearts may he da. 
with carnall affeAions. 3 Or they miy 
pulled haeie with the prevalles of conn 
(ions. 3 Or they may Jr»t/* l>Mf 1/7 undi 
fome vextni, and long temptation. 4 ( 
in cafe of the fpirits mthdrdwmtnt eithi 
in Poenall, or Probationall trials. 5 Orii 
cafe of RtlapffMg into fmne. Yet in t 
gredtefi unwillingnefle, take t Saint at cl 
worft, hee bath a ftronger "Byoi to G 



[hem, yet not meerflj becaufe they arc 
[ommanded , but out of priiKiples of 
joTC, delight, and agreeablencflc to the 
things that are commanded, he praycs be- 
[««f«God hath commanded him, but not 
mtly becaufe of the command, but be- 
lufe there is a futsklenejfe bctweene hi« 
art and the work, his foul and the duty, 
>nd as he dtfires after ,fo his foul deliglitt m 
lit approaches and coBverfes with God. 
have fpokento it at large : Wc come 
low to the fourth Query. 
Whether the freemen ofChrift, ot^QHtrj. 



then any others have, when they are >li,ofemadc free by Chrift, may not finne 
bcO, becaufe in the one there is fome wifhcmfelves into bondage againe ? It it 

r(r«W, though a will now obfcttrtd.ot 

conflift, in the other thefe may be fo( 

f^fioH^ feme mood to fervicc, but P' 

w». - 


iffirmed by fome ; It is denied by others, 
(hall anfwer in britft. There is a two- 
Id bondage, i Vnivtrfnll, 1 P*rtiaU, 


I Ao 



41 <j 'ThedipnSiUmofhndAge. I Ttteeiifiin^ion cfbonhq^t. 21 y 
I An itnivtrfall bondage, or a fin\ never made up againe, neichsr by diMbU 
konebiit ; which is a bondage properly fol diligence, nor by repentance, i hat is cite 
called *. and that is three- fold. I rigour of ic, 

1 A bondage to iinne, which is nl 2 It is a bondage to thccurfe of u ^ 

preffcd in the 3Ti>. g. fr« wAict wwl which is , i An fxff^w^/i'* and umvcrlall 

ftmtimes foeli/h And ciifobedient JervHMmfe ; curfed inlnulc, body, eltace, liU 

t^vtrs litjis. So in the Rom. 6. 30. f J yer, gold, rebtions.as you lee m the 29 of 

iv^fM jdU vfire the ftrvMts of finne , ^iil Dmteronomy. ^ ^ 

jure Jrte fremrigbteoMfneffe. And lohniM % And \t\smuna'v»yd>Mle<:\xx{e.;im\S 

->4. Heth»tcmmittethfinne^ t6thefervtM^l[.ml^h\c to obey in all things, and 

lf'anyZVttz-i9» ^hilt tbtjfromlfetkm\\\t\^(oxc ttHavoydablj concluded under 

Lkertf thty thmfdvtmrt the ftrvanuM the malediaion and curfe 5 as the Apollle 

r«rr*i»*. I «afon?. Gal. ^ 9. 1 o, 1 1 . .^/ »w«; 4/ 

2 It is a ^«»^-«g<to54//i»;hcisGo(is|<rfWfr *^f mrks tfthe larv, tkj are un- 

fdjler , who holds downe poorc fouleJjfrjAf curfe : and how proves hee that ? 

under W^w barrcs, and iVw gates ; not! f «r .7 « wr.V/fH, C^r/e.'^ « ft/tr; s«* that 

to be broken, Ephef.i. 2. //« « /i«<i li| AfUcf s^ry »«-// things rvr'utentn the tock^ 

rule iuthe henrts of the children »f diftit-Mtf the Uw t» doe them- Where there is 

jig^, I the impartialitj of the cui (e , to every 

3 It is a btnMe to the Law. 1 hi one, and the (everity of it. 1 Who eves 

thtri£Uir, a Inther«r/f of thcLaw. 

1 A bondage to the rigour of tht 
liw.which requires, 1 hard things: ii» 
fcjfihlt things : ^ yea, and that in fuel 
fevtrity^ that it will not accept of the mol 
f»i»iii«»» endeavours withtnt performance : 
4 Norofo/'rJ«»«inrauch, if you failein 
a little: 5 Nor will it admit of repen 

tkjHbt. 2 Obey not in every thing; nay, 
though hee (hould, vet one oitiiffion and 
failing in this life,- would conclude hint 
under it. 7, Whoever continues not to 

obey in all things A nd this is the fir^j 

the /4fe.bondafie, os bondage pripirl) i J 

called. . 

3 There is » ^4rrj4ilf or^r^i^i^-Tbori- 

anttie: 5 wor will IC aamif ui ivt^-j * ^MViw w . ^-.^ ° . j «* WJ 

taoce after all this failing j one brtM ilagc, a bondage in part ; 6r i bondage fu 

r«ve| C^ afegr«» 




.- '\ "-k 


■ t( 

■ 4' ' 

1 Con- 


ii6 i^W ff"^ "*'' /'''*'" 
degrees, vvhith is t bondagt improfitl] 

to called. , , „ , 

And that is, i A bondage mrefpiSloi 
cmftrt. 1 A bondage in refpdl of the 
>»<>»»er of obedience. 

And fo wee (hall 4Ji>fr this in two 
condufions. . ^. .« , r 

That thc/wW"*" of thrift, or tv Me 
that are made /rw by Chrift, (hal^ et 
finnethcmfclvcs into the firfi-ioUigf a. 
eaine; they (hall never finnc thcrok.vM 
into that «»mr/4// and fiate-hondzgcM 
that is once Chrifts /r««4s (hall nevei 
againe become Satans b<mifl»ve. i Het 
rhall never more be a fervant to fir.nc.tbc 
promifeis,7?ow.<i. H- ^o" '^' ""' *7; 
tfe /<in', but under grMt ; rim/flw /» M 
have n» mere tiuminitH tveryeu. Sin maj 
have a tyranny , but never a foveratin- 
ty: you may be carried Mpfjff, as the A- 

poftle faith, /?«»»• 7-2? ''^'^'''i "•" 

cApive but you (hall not be wH 

captives ; you may fall into fmne, but 
yoa (half never he ftrvMts to fin more; 
your earcs (hall never be bottrtd m token 
of viUing and voluntary fuhjiaion to 

finne. , - , 

2 Againe , hee (hall never be a pv\ 

to Satan more, Satan may get the 4^*^ 

M^*of him, but he (hall never become 
bis »»»7/*i»j fervant more. 

5 So he (hall never come under tha 
Uwtaote. 1 Not under the r»p«r of ir, 
J Not under the c«r/e of it; the Law cart 
take no hold of him to condemnation. 
And this is the ground, k is mt mkt thi 
l4tP. hut under grace ; if hee can finne him- 
Iclfe from under grace, then indeed he la 
againe under all this : But this is »»/>#- 
bk, therefore the other ; and fo much tor 


Though xht freemen oi Gbritt cannot 2 Coti^ 
finne therofelves intoa#rf»«of bondage f //<>«. 
againe, into an temverfail bondage ; yet 
may they finne thcmfclvcs into a grAduall 
partiall bondage, which we will (hew 

I The freeman of Chrift fliay fmne 
hmftlfe into bondage in refpeftof com- 
ftrt, Tbus you fee David did, Pfalm 51- 
Rijiort to me the jojes of thj [alvatlon: 
men that will not foUoy* thI dircftton of 
the Spirit, (hall w**^ the confolation of 
the Spirit ; if they will doe wr^« ot 
darkenefTe, they muft looke to walkc in 
darkene(fc. Though promifes of Grace 
treabfolate j yet protnifes of ftace and 
comfbrtfeemciobeconditiflfnall, not 
C^a th« 







ii8 H<?rp Btleevtn ntdj finne 
ttiat our y»»lK>y>^ hath any meriting or 
defcrving power to the procttrtng of our 
peace : butthatthis is the way tn which 
God will beftow it, and continue our 
peace and comfort. In the wayes of 
duiiewee hold up our commnmon with 
God our fo«w/« with him , our amn^s 
of fa'ith and grace ; and fo in thc(e i^Ajti 
tsmfort and peace as they are froenrd, 
■ fo are they continued. Grace is as the 
fire, comfort as i\\tfi»m that comes from 
it •' but as it is with grttn waod, if it be 
not continually bUmng, there will be no 
fl«w« ; fo grMt IS in us, as fire m grcene 
Tfoody vvhich will quickly gather an 4 
and deadneffe , if you dot not cono. 
nue in hltwing, if you doe not txiwit 
your graces, you can lo«|te for no flame, 
looke for no comfort, without the extr- 
cife of Faith, of Grace, and fotable walk- 
ing in obedience. Though promifcsot 
grace are abfolute, yet ptomifei of com- 
fort, 1 fay,* they are conditional!, Plal 
^o. 2?. To km that trdereth hu ccnvir- 
f At ion drifht , wtll I fhf» the fMlvattontj 
Cod, Ifa. 32. 17. The warki f rtgkt- 
«uf»:ffe Ml he peace, and the tffett^ 
rnhteou[n4e JhaB kt tjttutneffe aitd 4\ 
ranee i^r ever, id. 64. 5. 7 *.« mttt^ 

thtmfehts into hndage. 229 
him that rc'pyctth atid rvi krth rightiuj- 
»fjf«, him thdt rememhtrs thtt U ihyw.'.), 
((fc, Johni4. iS'^^^'i. JjjvHLveme, 
keep my Commandemcnts, avd I mS pray 
the Fatktr , ai-d he Pm/I ^ive Jit* amther 
Ctmforttr^ TCfh» [hill a'nxe with yjH f-jr e- 
wr, vcrfe 2^. He that huth ntf Crruntm- 
Imentsand kscpeththim, u he th.it lovith 
me; and be that loveth me /hJi Oe luv<.d 
if my Father, and I will l<rjehi>», and m.i- 
nife^my fvlfe to him. Where you Ice it 
feemes all to lye upon condition : fo Gal. 
6-16. As minj as wjlk^aeccrdmg to this 
Rule, peace be uptn tkm and mercy, and 
Hftn the whale Jfrael of god. So that if 
raeii walkc not in the wayes of ohtdlence^ 
they may w4«f comfort, they may want 


The freemen of Chrift may finne them- 
felvcs \nio ^ bsndige by finne. though not 
into the bondage o/Unnc : They may linne 
therafclves into a horMge offeaic: yea, 
and a bondage oi trouble ; their finne may 
coft them brokenncffc of b^nes, though 
they (hall not finne tbemfeWes into a 
ftatc-bondage againe. Though you can- 
not finne away your ^r«^«,vetyou may 
finne away the evtdence^ the fenfe, the 
(mfort of it : Though you cannot finne 
C^3 away 









,^0 WemayfnMrfehesim^ 
away your pardon, yet you may finnc i- 
way the Me of ix, i nay, the comf<prts of 
it ithoHgh you have it, yec you have no 
po pardon in refpca of you; otherwife 
voumuftfay a mn may have /W»# of 
peace , of affurance, and of comfort e- 
ven in the highcfi ads of finnc, ai foro« 
havefaid. Nay. and yoq may not one- 
!y finnc away the r^«/i and cpmforr of 
I but the evidence and knowledge of it. 
is that place of Peter feemes to imply, 
k Pet. x.Q. Ht kMh f0rg,tu» thM he wm 
Ln^d from h^ Mpna ; "cw lmn« 
bring new feares, new gu.lts andtrou- 
tics? All the former foundations and 
rerting places of the foulc /eeme to be 
fbakcn, new doubts arifc whether I am 
juftificd and pardoned, yea, or noj and 
thcfc new doubts bring new troubles and 

fcares on the foul. ^ 

^L,n Cut you Will fay this is our weaknel e, 
^^^'^- fi.r the' free men If Chrift they are l« 
*Doaor locfe to enjoy th, free J pmi of Chnft, 
c?An im that is to fay * they, to h*ve/m difcourff , 
Chr.(t a- free /../«; vvith the 5;,.«ofGod.ancl 
lone c.ali hearc all the gracioMi \^t\e,Wgcot 
f d. p. M^r Gods ,kcHihts, yea, and with apphcation 

httdige in refpeH ef amfert, 1 3 1 
foonc as he comes warme out of rmnc 

This is our tf>eak»tf indeed, but a pe- 
nail weakneffe , ancjik^^effe which is a 
(htjti/me>*t of former wic JiedncfTe- 

There are threcfelddefe'tion.. 1 C""' 

fiiwutf, for prevention of finne, as 'Faftl 

fcemcstobe. 2. />yi)£ja-)M.j;V tortr;all,ai-d 

i txirciCeo^ grace, as Johs. ? 'P^n'^f. fpr 

i ckftlftment of fome way of wickednellc. 

In the former it is our weakncile in- 

i deed, and fo is the other, biu yet vvith 

mch difference, for in this ic is a ire.ik^effi 

which we have coHrrafted on our felvcs. 





and comfort , and that fay foroe^^^ai^ 

i or a weakneflc infli Acd in chaftifemcnt 
former wiclccdncffe : as it v?3s in David^ 
his finne had brought this on him. 

The Spirit oi God is a tender and </^- 
licatc Spirit* if you grievehim , he will •/^.„„f 
trieve you ; if you will not follow h^s iraclstuc 
mnfiU and commands,you (hall wont his « «"J- 
«»/»rr/and joyes : n«r i.iqmtteshave'''^^^^'*'^. 
{mrattdbetmen yen and jour god. Tlitugh 
finne make not a totall reparation, a 
finall feparation , between us and Gud, 
yet it may caufea mth-drawment ^ and 
bleed a diftancc between God and us, tt 
may caft up fuch a cl^d, thai all ihef^uk 
wc have will not be able to fee thrcttgo 
0.4 '^. 




V ^5. 


*); / - 

jt 3 2 Wf M4yji» our f elves into 

ir, as you fee in David : you have a paf- 
lagein Ha. ^7- 17. provesthis, For th 
iniqmty of his covet infnt^e I tpos rvreih^ 
I jmaii htm and hid my face — — And you 
fee how frequently upon the admijjin 
of finne, though perhaps of an ordinary 
ii„:uref<io, what troubles the foul hath, 
all tlic former rf/r*«^ places for the foulc 
are no relf to a man , all his former evi- 
(i^ncis are beclouded, and hid in the 
jiark, he cannot dilcerne them. Diitallthij 
you will fay m his wca|incfle too,as DavU 
laith, Pial.77 10. This nmjinfirmit)^-A 
grant it is our wcaknefTe to qucftion for- 
jrisr/iz/j/ , if ever God did grant us i^ 
^rcnidcdc\\d,inctoi a pardon, and our 
inccreftmChrift, tocall it inqueftiona- 
iain Due it is fuch a weaknefle as doth ac- 
company wickcdndfe, fucha weaknefsas 
inne will bring on yea ; and God fuffers 
t to he fo.for his fatherly ends to humble 
L15 the more, and therefore, 

I Ciod doth not lotk^ now on us as 
ic ■va'' jiowr. 

J Confden^e doth not now ^he In e- 
/itjertc as ic was wont. 

-,' ic may bcc Satan is let loofe to 
empc us too. 

^ ic niiy be the i'wV// of Cod is wi/A- 


hini»gt in rtfptB of comfert. 255 
|r4r»« coo, becaufe you have grieved the 

)ly Spirit, and then no marvell if there 
letrouble, if the foul wantcomfort- - 

But you will fay ; It is our work, at this ObjtSi, 
fiinc even after f,«»w>/7i-«of finncto be- 
leeve, and if to belecvc, then to be comfor- 

1 Comfort is the (rmt of faith , and Artfi*- 
therefore it may be our vork, to bcleevc. 

And a man may be able to bclceve.and yet 
notable to take comfort; A man may 
reftupon Chrift for fardon, and yet upon 
ttpam is not aU!c to evidence hee doth 
reft on him. and a man may be able to 
todifcerneof his own^f?/, and yet «w- 
/jrfmaybe fulpendcdforatime. 

2 Though i? be our wr^to bcleevc.yet ^^^^. 

is not fo properly our wori to take com-^^ ^^^ 
fort : God would have us to take eomfsrt „^, ^^ 
in an orderly w/yr.goc from beiccvtngand „,,fif,,T.. 
mourning, to joy, and comfort. Gods 
workings arc orderly workmgs : It ts now 
yourwork.as you have finned afcclh.lo to 
belecve <«/«/&, and mourne afr?(h, and 
then to receive comfort. . c a • 

Yet ? you may becomforted,nrlt,m 
refpeft of your former juftif cation, this 
new finne doth not overthrow y^^lJ\ .. 
mer pardcn, though inierrupt and ditturtt 



^^ Wem4jfn»ttr ftlvts 

your prcfcBt f:ace and comfort, and ft. 
condly.you may be Gomforced in this, thitl 
ilicrc IS mtrcj enough in God loctver^^m 
Grace enough in Chrift to cure this freft 
finne : thirdly, and in this you are to be 
ffw/om^,that God doth notfuferyo^ to 
lie in Hn but bath tiifcovered it to youJ&i«» 
^/fdfyouforit, and brought you over to 
Chrift , in whom you may reufw youi| 
p«tce> and regaine your comforts. 

But then you will fay, that if our peace 
M4J be interrupted by our walking, theq 
our peace and comfort doth not defend up> 
ondhrifl, but upon m/* fehts^ notupoo 
Chrifts doing, but upon our vdlkjiig . 

I Some didioguifli betweenc a feut 
wtl&CTo^andapeace ifith onrfthesi tk 
futetmtb God cannot be /e/?, but peace 
with$itr/eives miy be forfcittd. 

3 Others diHinguifli betweenc a ftta 
f/conrcience,and pcMte mth confcience. Ai 
wicked men may have peace mtb confci* 
ence, but no peaci of confcience : So thi 
Godly may have/>M(f «/con(cience, and 
yet want peace vitb confcience. Con- 
fcience raayobjcdt and qQarrell.anddif- 
put( , when yet the foule is tiuely at 

S Others diflioguiih betweenc a reid 


int» bondage, »3S 


ijv have reaU peace m rcfpcft of their 

k and condition.and yet want thefcnfe 


#..«^ »nd peace /.oj^ Juft^^^^^ 
a. the former remaincs fay tbcy tn 
Jiandun-inicrrupted, even when he 
Clth neither fee not feehts wonted 

folationsafoM-7^M49.S. b^^^^^ 
'other may be interrupted and diltut- 

idbv our walkings. . „ .. 

c Otherslky, there is a peace of 7«/f.^ 
«M,ou« walking, then our "i^^^^f^^ 
Efcdoth ; but the other doth dtptnd 

i^m peace whilft we ^^SJ'^'V''^^ 

16 JsfMny as walk,4CC»rdtng to tbu rnU^ 
:t;;rfci Go^ddothftmc^^^^^^ 
1 his r^ork both of peace and hol.ncflc m 

w. and helping the other.— 

rin a word, 1 conceive we may ^T?*"- 

Lift between the foundafion and t««| ot 



: af'-f 


. V I 

2 J 5 We may ft» our fehes intd 

wel-being of it. The fonH^ation of t 
Clirjftian peace, is not »« w, but in Cm 
not in our hsliiefs, but in his rhktemfmi 
not in our wdkingy but inH ^/ed aol 
fufFcring, who is the /p''«»j or our pea 
and »"« w/?6»» w« have jxAce , John 1 6. ^ 

a There is a ^m« which flowes frc)m 
le foules Communion and converics with 
lod in dutic. There is a peace as well as 
leetncfTc in every pitce of hulincffe, and 
II) fme a man may finne away. AH that 
Hitntfs and adaptation of fpint in duty 

^m iHTCf horn vte have pe*ct i \om\ 6. xW' c a. ; ;nrri fintiB 

and who .s (^^^tohl.Hrfe.ce, Ephe I '"'^fi'^^JT'; r T fZlw^- 
14. But Che fl.Hnlhi.g ar^well-bcinglndno* the .oul formerly .»,»^^^^^^^^ 
this peace doth much ^.;,.«iuponthelrr"pted and d.Ourbedm all u.-;p..-*fe« 
trcife of our Graires, and exaft W^J'i'l'Of "*"*^"hh.m. I 

. , ^ J T • / A J L .u I. j« J There 1$ a pf<i« which flowes from 

with God, It >s ewcirfc^/f^ by the obedi ^J ''"^.V %>,'^ . , . j;„,„ ,,.,mii 
, cnce of another, but muft be cherifhd^ ||ce«rc.feof Gra.e.y^^..^ ny m-you 

our owne obedience: And indeed it dot *nnotexe.c.ic »"y^!"^^«' ^J^^'" '^ 
fo far ^.;.«^ on us. that if we do not waii ^^^ P'"" ^"'^ '^'"^^^ '" ,rV.Tco be 
rA;.f7/;,?hough w^cannotfinne awayo. '. When you eKemte y^^\f^^f'^J^^ 
/..^/pardon, yet we may finne awa 0. l«vc and clofe w«h Chr.rt, ^on jc^.^' 

t -r-L r 1 1 J. tnT^rn mnurnefor iin,- tnereisiome 

prefentBd-rfff. There 1$ a sfeU-peace^i »nce to moumc u . , ^k^ „/-„/. of 

c Lin.'c-i.i Mice fome cowforfi that is, the rr/»«oi 

amanmayfinneaway.the leaftofwhici pw"« lomc ion^« », „mo„finn»«- 
is worth a world «hclc exercifes. Now a man may linne t- 

iswonnaworiJ. „»« this «w/"o7» v our /rfj% Imne doth 

I There IS a peace which flowes froii ""Y r"^"'"{ ' ^ rh-*r«rr;fi» aF 
the «-/;«./- bearing of our confcience inoa '^•--^ «nd dittutb you in the «crafe ot 
,V.^.i//andexal walking, fuchapeic, jour Graces, and ^^ef ore jour com 
as HrA..6 had when heel-aid, Lordn ^^"^b.ch flow from fucheWesm^^^ 
mml>er \^ I h.ve r^aiked before th . «cds be .nterrupte<f. Nay.'f * «*" ^^J 

f,„ceritj and /».«/ had the fame fi""=-^:'-^?'"^r "'frhLSBof 

I Tref 2.4.5,6. Rcm.i.9. andthat;.. Grace, thofe«^.>^.>wh^h are gou^^^^^^ 

weraayfinncaway, when wee fall int« a mans owne '"'P^?^^^^' .'^"Xuld 
frefh finnct he cmforts of our former walk may he finne ay^.j bis peace which (hould 
ing will not bcarc us up. "'^w from them. ^^^^^ 

i Iheti ^ 




2 j 8 ^^ ^'^j fi** ^*"" fi^'^'^ '"^^ 

There is a peace which>w« front f««f w'hc ObjeAionj , and the ftnliBi 

fcnfc and knowledge e/ godt Gr^ew 
planted in thefoQl,vvhenaman isabit 
tvidence the works of Grace implanted 
the foule, there mart needs be peaceo 

finiK away, hce may finne away the fa 
and Knowledge of a work o( Grace in bin 
he may fo darken and obfcure bis evid 
CCS by fin, that he is not able to read th 

it»tl4gt if! refpeH tf bhedknce .239 

of the firft particular, that the ]retmtit or 
Cbrift may fin therafclves into bondage 
Inrcfpeftof comfort. i 

J A Chriftian may finne himfcire in*- 

comfortinit. Now this alfo a manm toW-^Mn refpedof themanncrof his 

obedience : Though hee doe novf fcrve 
God, yet not with that meafure of wil- 
lingoefic ; not with that measure of free- 
dome, cheerfulnefle and dtMght ; not with 

cesDvlin, tnaineisnoiaoiciu 'raMiuM- — . - - ■=».• V r ^ 

nor Ifcetne that work of Grace in him Jthat inlargcdneffc of heart v vh.ch formr^ 
may now finde fo much grace as to m hce hath done. T>av^d after Im finne 
bim^uc not fo much as to cmf^rt hia,adefired that hee m.ght have the M Sp.r j 
lifth was not diremvt before, and ititJof Go^refioredto h.m ; hee had not /»/? 

mivt now |«. '^<^ ^^^ ^f'"" ""^^ '" ^'"^ • t 

s There isa peAce which horns from tl|w»«^ that former freedomc of fpint; he 
affurance «f God at peace with the foDllwanted thofc operations and workings of 
A peace which fl owes from the fenfe Jit; he wanted that comfort mrj^^t.ce^nd 
Gods favour, from the affurance of Gol that freedotiaetoM.««'A.cfchehadbe, 
at peace with us. And this peace may J fore ; th«: wheels were now taken of, and 
forfen andlofe, though we cannot finnel he went Af*W;, and fadly on in the wayes 
^ZyLf^erfarL^jc, may we fi Jof life- Though it be «-'«-fj<> ^he «ye 
away our frefJt f^acl] nay. and finjtofcc; and earc to heare, and that where- 

away the fenfe nnd cmfort ; yea the h»^ 
ledge o( om former pardon ; which niiy 
be implyed in that ot the Apoflle, a Pet.i 
9. He hath forgmtn that he rvoi fti^l^ 
from hit eldfinnes. 

And thus much (hall fcrve for the An 


in it doth delight ; for aftions of nature 
they are aftions of delight : yet if chat the 
eye be fare , it may breed a tedioufnerte 
and burden in the doing anions vf nature: 
Sohere.ifthc pr»«ff/>/» whereby he obeys 
be wounded » it may worke an irkifiote- 





m .1 

340 Benddge in rt[pt£i of 
n<^t in the doing ihofe things vvheieiii 
foimcrly a man delighted. Though finnt 
cannot fct him into xhtftate o( a jlm, 
yet It niviy difabie to fervc fully as a linne 
And this lervilenerte oifpirit may be can- 
fed cither by, i Ftare : or 2 by 'Douk 
and unbelicfe : or 3 Gmee is weakcntJ 
in the operation by the prcvaiiingsoffin; 
or 4 The foul w^wr/thofc former appro 
henfion?, and fo is dilheartencd in alliti 
approaches unto God. Indeed now hti 
ferveiGod, but it is more out of obedi- 
ence, then out of delight ; he dares not bin 
pray, and yet he findes little heart in pray- 
er ; hec is now wounded in all his ap- 
proaches to God J that ad^putictt , ani 
Iweet connatuialneffe which was bs- 
cwecnc his heart and duty is now gone 
that comfUctncy and delight which In 
foule had in all his approachu unto Goii, 
and vfalkifg ^^ith him, is gone, and thi 

mAnney of sbtditnce, 2 m 

of the manner of their obedience. And ^ 
this (hall ferve for the Anlwer to the 
fourth Query, t'/« whether tin fnemm 
if (^hrifi^ nttty not fi nne themfelvts img 
l/ttuiage. VVc come now to a fifth 

IVkether thu may cs»0 with cur chri- 5 J^iA' 
p»H freedoms to do dutus rvtth refpcft /« 

There are three Opinions concerning 
tliis Quertion. 

Some fay that we are to doe dutj^ to ^ Opln. 
wiike in the wayes of obedience, to merit 
heaven and glory : we muft faft,pray,and 
doe good workesj and all this with an Eye * sinrft 
to glory, a»* wages for work,and as dtjert mm cjj. de» 
of obedience. And therefore Ao they doc ^'-' ', ft^ 
all their wri^f. they faft, pray, penance. 2 '"'"•'» ^ 
and aftiift themfelvci, in reference to the ^'''^ ** '^•» 
purchafeof heaven and glory by all this. "••^*«f'« 

Bi.u »*».^."^ , "b— •, The Councell of Trent doe denounce "'^^^ x*'* 

(oul^driva heavily in the wayes of cbc af«r/i upon thofe who fay , Thata j«y?»-X'«P"- 
dicncc: hee goes now to duty, asa>Wif</perfondothnot merit eternalllifc hy j^,|^|^^.,*'^' 
man to meat ; not as a hungry healthtaljhis obedience. And what would not the XriJcnr. 
man to his food : he doth duty rather oMfroHd heart of a man doc, if by deimg hes , , ^ ^. 
offpirittiall reafon , then out of natur JMighi merit Heaven ? What torments Cin. j.j 
delight; and thus it befalls many of thAavcthe very Heathen iadHrcdt out of an 
Saints in their rehpfes into fmnc; ihtmfinim that they ftould comcto happi- 
finnc thcmrdves into bondage in rcfpe§Jcfle by thcra i? And what would not o- 

ol 11 thcr» 








24s whether m Are to hhtits 

cum Inn thers doc ? 1 have read U was the Ipeech 
co.enn ^p ^^^ I vvouid fwini through a ^>.i of 

f :l;, to Heaven aclalt. Menwouldbe ac grca. 
/.O mhU paincs, and i'pare bx no coft,ii what they 
«7«,/ era- j,(i niiglit be /o^.ilj''i upon as / 7<»?J out tot 
n.itqiuM Heaven, as the /p«V<;i.«A of ^''^•'V' ^^ *' 
r'""It y»azes for worke. The proud heart ot 
^";.5E man v^fould faine have that oU.h, which 
co,o,uu, God hath decreed to be ot 0^*c*; and de- 
>«,)« wf'f'' fires that to be ot" pftrch^fe, which uol 
i«j Auji. hath intended to be of free^'Z/t. 
*>''/.'; But thefeareco be catt cue of the en^ 
f^:Z quiry. Certauily though we m.y d. good 
qnta ego works, and walkcin the »»-;« oi obeJi- 
</ig«;/i i«iencc,withancyeiO the rtcempence of re 
f^?"^.AiiR^j^j.jj . yjt nrjiie of us ifl/i, that thel« 
in 4?.lMai. J j ' j^, be ^,«, with reference to oui 
Ho^ fir 00- It ii njtof*dehJm$fGf4ce, Kom.4.4; 
■'■:m(i\i.,„- AndinEphcf.2.5. By grace mart [mi> 
■ diim^jid (^^ ■^^ j[^^ 8 . 9, 1 1 verfcs. And thtgtp] 
fii.iiim ...... /^i- 


,.. (7ffd.fr/^.«*JiZ/i/«,Kom.6.2i -Glotvii 
dc notthe»^^«of afcrvatit, but theinbf 
ritance of aionnc. 
And indeed, i' what are all our work^ 

, ovir^ ciA I r>um gh/t^m ? Bern, ^ttd pcffumoi digmmfM^ 
^4nf,W,f'k-.'J?Amb.inPfaI. ii8.fcr.to. T^OH fuatc»r 



whh rtfftci to rtwnrd, 54? 
tothac glory, it sH our fuffering^arennc 
wrthj to be ecmfand 10 the glorj t!;St 
(hall be revealed, what then are fur do- 
j.^; ? It was the c fpeechof Jrldtnt, is ^ ^; -">'» 
amanfliouli fervct.-od af/;.*/^; J vcers, ' / ■;;. 
he could n.'vcr by \.\\^lierv^ce uitCive hnii ,, , ^,. ... 
n day : I fay^ not one moment ot f/ws. m . i;,. •,■; 
that eternall Glory. „ ^ , , .'^'r^' 
And therefore wee will caj} thcle oiu - ' ' > 
of the »*7«i^j. leu too Cfoile for cJmI- '_:;;• 
ftian earei : the ApoOL- tel> "» r'amelv , ,, ,. 
Titus 3. y Not by wirkjifrijc}iiroUJnc][er ,-,■■< 
which wehavt d»nt, bnt accx'S^f^ to ^«';";- 

mrcj he faveth m- Not by vvorkes .-1,1^".;^^ 

of righteoufneffe, that is, out own r^rks, ^;J^ ,:^^, 
though wee fay of them, as tome o. the , , y,„^^ 
mote moderate of our Mvirfaric: doe ; :>„,, ,.,k t 
our ownc vvorkes * fpnnkjed vvi h the ./.tr.^- 
bioiKiofChnft. Allareim«m« to grace ^j;^ ;■;;;; 
For ^7 Grace wMrefavedi and grace, is ;,_;,_. 
nowayesgr*:*, if nut tvery way Grace, g.,.,^, j 

But let us leave them. <■«'•;?"■; -*. 

There arc tm other opinions which are !i::iccjc^ai 

K) be debated. . t,,i uvf''- 

2 Some fay peremptorily, that wee ^. ^^.V 

a,,r /kf t «^4 W««ii^ «<>» f ' ««f '^7^« ^''^f '2!^^ ^^- '''' ^:''** 

m.'lUDa()^r,t.^v^. ' Opera rwUrn Uyunc un^U nnu^, 
Qun, »n!h modi f^rM, niji wnt mao c-.^u. Avg . 
R 3 tT^-ui^ 



) . 


^^ f. 


244 JrgumtntSMgdinft tying 

muft have no eye, nor no ufpell to Hea- 
ven or ghrj incur obedience : But wee 
muft walke in all the »<i;f/ of obedience, 
with this freedome, carrying ho refpiil to 
the recempence of reward at all : and that 
it is utterly inconfiftent with the fneifi- 
fit of aChriftian, and fttfimUivt to out 
Chriftian freedome, to ^otauty with w- 
fftEl to reward. 

3 There is a third opinion^ that faith, 
tye may dee holy «Clio»s , and wee may 
,%alke in the vajn of obedience , and 
ma<y alfo in this doini caH an eye , and 
have refped to the reccmptace vi Re- 

Thefe two lad come to be examined 
by us ; we have r«)^ tut the firO, as incon- 
fidcnt with the mMtitrt of grace, and the 
fretdm of the Gofpel; but both ihele cko 
are held up as r«fi/y?(»( vvith Grace and 
ChfiOian freedome. And yet thefe two 
lal^ fecBie to fland upon cfpofite termes. 

1 One faith, we are to d»e holy J^titu 
and may not at all caftati eye to the rttm- 
p«r» of Reward, 

2 The other faith, wee may have re* 
fpedtothe recompenccof rtwttrd in the 
doing of chem. 

I or the ^r^oftbefe* that wee are not 

reward in ohcdiencf, 245 

to have refped to, the ritomfunce of re- 
ward : Itleemcstobe ftren^cliened b/ 
thefe argumcncs or rcafans 

1 Bccauf this ove tlirowes the xaure 
of our obedience, and mikes that mirce- 
narj and fervile, vvhicti lliuuld he fon I \t 
and free : for if vvc doe obey God in re- 
ference to Heaven and GlcKy, then we do 
not obey/r f/j, not God for hiniirelfe,bac 
(crviltlj and mercenarily, that obedience 
being Icrvilc in the pr»«of/f, which is mer- 
cenary in the end. 

2 Becaofe if fo, then wee overthrow 
the »xf«re of Grace, and make that man* 
furchdfr^ which yet is freely htftovr^d of 
God, which muft needs orerthrow the 
nature of Grace. 

J Becaufe all thefe things they are the 
;4rr/ofthc Covenant made to ui : 1 will 
ftrdon your finnes, I will give you Grace, 
I will give you Glory. Now we doc not 
obey that we may have fjtrdon ; nor obey 
thatwemaylaveC7rrf« ; and why the o- 
ther > why flwuld we fay, that we obey, 
thatweniay have^/sr;, feeing thefe are 
alike prormfed ? 

4 Becaufe all thefe are fully punhjled 
by Jefus Chrift.and prsvidtd for in Chrift. 
Therefore they are not the purchaf; of us; 
11 3 we 




/ . 

Ml'. /■ 

f^r ' 

f \ 


J. 5 Some Argumtmt that m 
,:',- doe not obey, cl>:lt wee may get this 
Uii he'-aute chefe are parchafeJ for U9,and 
vvccre ;.r/:v.iJtti thereof, therefore we 

i hu^ miv the fuft Opinion be managed. 
M Tl.^ fecond, that we may have «- 
/ru'i to the rtcompenceof the y^iwr-J m 
cu obvdicncc. • i r 4 J 

le iuiv be thus managed and defended. 
Tia^'wl'ith God hath fro^eu^^d as an 
iucmvc to obedience, we may look upon 
,.1 cur obedience. But this God hathlo 
pva.';,;^f^: £r_^«. Or thus, Jf mtUves may 
be taken from them to ^nickeit ustoobc- 
a;ence,then may we eye them in our obe- 
dcrcc. But motives maybe taken from 
th m to ^mcke»us in our obedience, Ergt, 
The Icond preptfiticn fccms the mam to 
b • cleared ; and it is proved thus ; 
,. ' Thar 7ph>ch God hath ufed as a motive 
to rucken to obedience, that may beulcd 
as a mocive, and confcquently we may 
eye ir in our obedience. I'-ut God hath uled 
4.yand Heaven as a motive to quicken 
us to obedience : this is proved, i?««».b. 
, - Ifyvn live 4ur th ftcjl ^H JhaUd^f, 
brttlrr^ ^' ihcjfirltdo n>ortifie the dic^ 
,.ithc nin^, thtn )on Jh<*ll hve. And m tM 
i t.i'i's.laa. Jifircfcre he pdl4, <»'- 
* ' -' 5r.t).'; 

ff/4v eye retvArd in olcdiojce. 247 

ta^es >ii>j'fndi''i^ it the ivork^cj t'-Ji Ifd, 
\a XAiKC in the Lo>-l So, z I'ci- 1 • n. to die 


,and 2 PfcCer 

.SVf*'--^ je ijJi fcr 

Ut» i^eavcns anl tnw hartii, be dUi^act 

\m )c may be /■u'iJnf h.m micice, wi>.h-\ 

\,it fpot arid hUm'Lf. And Gal. ^\ ^,9- 

BtthM foweih to the fi in, (hail ojthe fi ;h 

rufe corruption ; (ust hi th.%t Jcivtth to the 

ffirit , /h.ill if ih lF^>-'t ^(■■'pf ''/« *'^'^'^^' 
\pi,g ; 'Be mt wt.in »''»<// d/ir.g, fur i-4 
kiff^on ye pjA.'i rap: if ye faint n.t. So^ 
:Tim.a. 1 2- ^h^'^ jnjf\rmihhim,we pya.'s 
xlio reigns -afitb him. nnd therefore God 
having propounded tliis as an incentive 
ot obedience,' we may eye ic.and have re- 
fpeft to it in our obedience- ^ ^ 

That which the Saitits and people ot, ., „,,.^ 
God have eyed in their obedience, wee 
may eye alfo. But the Saints in their obe- 
dience have eyed the reccmpeytie of re- 
ward : therefore, &c. That they 

have eyed it, you fee Ahfes, Heb. 11.25, 
26. He MevAtherto fnfr ufftiaienuttk 
the people of God, tkn to enpy the pleafures 
tf finne for a feufor, ; ejtamtng ihe reproach 
ofC hrift greater riches then all the treafHrcs * t,i 7it 
t/Egypt, for he h.idrcfpcn * tithe recow- imUt- 
fcncfofxcmtd' p oJoswr- 

114 C"'^ 


f -^- 


\ i _ € f 

54$ ThMtrvemayfye 

But you will fay, J/o/ci was a man 
under the Lavfr, and hee had not fo fnt a 
fpii it in fervicc, aj thofe now under the 

Butro tliismay bcanf»^7ercd- 

1 Hee was a fonne, though under agt, 
and had the fveeffirii of Grace : elfc hee 
coii'd have had no Glory. 

2 T<ini commends this ^^ of Mofa, 
flicwing the greacncfle of his fail h and 
obedience, and fo makes it imitdli 
Co us. 

^ Butthirdly, welhallfindethofewho 
were under the Goffd , who enjoyed a- 
hundance of Gods free 5;><m,tbat yet had 
an eyi to the fame rccompcnce of reward 
in their obedience. You fee /"rfw/ who had 
as free and ingenious pr'mciplet inhimaJ 
ever man had ; yet hee faith of himfelfe, 
in Phil. ;, I J, 14. / forget mH things that 
art hihind., sxi reaching forth nnto thofe 
thiKgs which art htfort , / frtfft hard tt 
the markt, forihe prictof the high caliini 
ijGid in fefm Chrifl. And fcc Hcb. 12. 

J, 3. 

bus ydU fee the fevcrall Opinions, 
and the chiefe jirength whereon they 

Now in way of RiC6KciliaitG»,and fff- 


revfira ttt ebedicnce. 2 \9 

(iDgdowncthat which 1 apprehend the 
uth in this Controverfie : 
I I wifl firft (hew what is meant by 
^»rd. I 

J What by eyeing of the Reward. 
3 Whether the Bjting of it be any in- 
\mgemtMt to Chriftian frcedoroc [ 

For thcfirft. What is meant by ^e- 
,,'ards. Rewards may be faid to be of a 
\hriefeU nature. 1 Temporall 2 Spiri- 
[uall, 3 Eternal!. 

I Timpora/l, and thofe arc all kindc of 
.lercies we enjoy in this life , whether 
,trfmall, or relative, and thofe poftive. 
)r frivative, health, comfort, food.ray- 
lent, houfe, harbour,ri£hes,freedomc de- 

a Spiritual!, and thofe are all kinde of 
'ItffiHgs conccrnc the foul-' Juftification, 
lanaification, Grace, increafe of Grace, 
iftory over our luftscomforc,pcace,joy, 
communion with God. 

3 Eternall Kervards , and that is the 
maine in controverfie ; ghrj.immrtali- 
ij.life.ms the Apoflle fers it downc, Rom. 
3.5,6,7. kViio will rtttdtr te every man 
iccording t» hit w»rk,t , t.othtmrvho hj pa- 
lim continuoMce in Tvtil-doing /eeke fer 
'Itrj, and h»ntu>-^ and immrrtalit] , tter^ 
' nai 


1* -c / 

150 IVhdi is meant ty rewdrds 

Hill lift. In a word, this ctcruall rcwardis 
the eHJt^autttof God, of Chrift of tht 
Spiritjtt is pcrfcA frcedomc /rcdifinnc, i; 
isperfeft holwfs , it is indeed, grace ^/. 
rified, this isthatetcrnall reward. Ani 
this (hall fuffice for the firfl. 

3 What is meant by ^jri^*^ of the re 
ward. It is the phrafe which the Apoftle 
ufeth of AUfes^ Hcb. i r. 2 j, 26. He t- 
fittmtdthe rfpr$Mh cf Clm(i grt^ser rick 
then 0II the treafurej of Egypt , for he kd 
refpeil t» the rcctmpenceef reward. Wee 
Will a little expiaine what is meant by it. 
There is athretfold Eye. 
I There is an Eye of knowledge, where- 
by a man fees and knows the Excellency 
of a thing. 

1 There isanfytof Faith, whereby 
hebeleevcsihe tmb of it, and his inter- 
eft in it. 

3 An Eye of He;*, and thereupon oi 
patience, and waiting, or cxpedation for 
the enjoyment of it. 

In thefe Rtfptlis, M»fts might bee laid 
to Eye the recompcnce of Reward. 

1 He Syed it by knowledge, lice kneffl 
thofc things which wfre/«.i^ up forhini, 
he faw him that was invifibU, as the ne« 
vaftttclsBSj and he faw tbofc rewards 


ande^ehgofit, 251 

vh God had laid up for his people; 

'h had an eye of f««fe; Whereby 
'l^MdUh of thecruth of . 
Gch things were referved, arid of h.s 
:Sem.andthathec(houldp»jP/. I 

"fJe had an Eye of H.P^ to wait and 

S'low'hVeuponhee efteemedche 
,t^i of ChriQ above all the treafare 

^'fyp.. for faith the Text: f/.i-^J« 

, to the recomfente ef reward. What s 
a /(hall we fay. he had r.Mto that 

Ry doing of this, or tor 4o.ngtbs? 

' 10 But becaufc hee knew the Glory that 

s'refervedforbim. l)ecaufe hed.d be^ 


I hope for it. and e.pea \J^^'^^^ 
vMdtfDire all the riches andplcaiores 
irtDC wouu> .J yvh.ch arc 

pjredvvithit. Agreeaoic vw 

And thus much for the fecond. wee come 

now tp the third. " . .vu.nCv*. 
3 Whethcrtodoedati«svvuh»nu;r, 

y . 


mi J 

eye the reward, 2 5 j 

252 Whtthtr may me ^ ^^ ^1^^,^^ y^ at latt, t!>ereupon we 

tothcrccompencc of reward be anvi *roobcvandcive up our felvesto all 

/- ■ ... r^u^:n: c i _ •*.• i i- i ._j . ; 

fijngemcuttoour Chriftian frccdomc 

I I anfwer, if you take ic thus at 

have faid , for k^owmg^ yelitving, kpu 

cxpeAing of that Glory Godhachpi 

nicnc of Chriftian liberty , to doc duti 

tp4jtio( obedience, love and tcrvice 

ni wt4» ivtr joH (.Le , doe heariily to the 
ffi, k^wing UtAt of the Ler^ jfou (bail 

mifcd to US ; then I fay, it is ao infrinj f,j« the nvard »/ the inberitdnce. But 

by eyeing of the rccompence of re- 

with an eye to the rccompence of the t jrd you meanethus, whether we arc 
ward But rather contrary liay,that hen jtto i* duties, in reference to the o^- 
in our Hberty dotli confift , upon twilj^i,! of fpirituall, temporall and eter- 
W/#, Faith, Perfwafion, Hope, and Ailmerciei, thenl itiull paufe, andan- 
peftation of that Glory,which God haiftcr you by fotne diftindions. 
rifervediot us, thereupon to be enconnl if then the ^ntftion be demanded, i of 
gcd and quickened in our obedience, anBmporall good thmgs. frhtthermay not 
thereby made free indeed in ourobefluM^ duties and obey God in reference 

enceof him. 

In briefe, tbenif you take this f;<ii 
of the recompence of Reward as I ha 
faid , then a man may doe duties with 
eye to the recompence of Reward. A 
indeed wc ought to doe them with fu 

Gods htfibffiHi of tHtvmrd mnies and 
\]tjmints upon him in this hfe. The affir- 
latiue whereof, vii.. (that a man may 
l«; God with an tj$ and refpcA to Gods 
tjiating of outward mercies , and good 

iingi in this life) is held up and main- 

an eye to the recompence of Rewardftjned by holy and learned men,fuch as I 
I Upon knowledge , faith , perfwaiionldeeve Joe carry as little eye to tbefe 
that God will blefie us, and never depiiftings as any doe, in their obedience, 
from us, from doing us good, a Aimn(i ti^is is maintained upon the former 
upon knowledge, faitli, perfwafion, thiirounds, becaufe God hath propounded 
God is oar Father, that our finnes iilltere things as tnotives znA incentives to 
pardoned, &c. ^ And upon the liiAbediencc,aBd the ^f/? of Saints have «;«< 
knowledge , Faith and perfwafion tha| them 


) . 



•f ti 

'' V^f 


2 54 Whether umpWiB rer»Ard 
them in their obedience, rrfo, we may 
it alfo. And to take oS 9\\ fttfpitm 
mercinarinefleof />>>»> in fo doing, t' 
ufc to diflinguifti betweenc Suprei 
grounds and cnds.and Suhoriiinate grou 
and end$,and fay,though xhtthingsoH 
life may bee the Subordinate ground t 
end of our fervicc, yet they are not to 
Ha«.«.33.ihc itJtimAte and Suprcarae grounds 
ends of fervice. VVimay eye them wii 
reference and fubordination to Godsg' 
ry and our good and falvation.but not 
mariij bcfore,or [Hpreatnlj above the j 
ryofGodandourlalvacjon : Thefti 
the nfuall cMtionaU diftindions whicb 
added by fuch as affirme the Pofuion. 
1 reverence their ftr(»ns and jud 
racnts, and what I fpeak though it may 
dtf event , yet I fappofe it will not be coi 
irary to that which hath been tnamtiii' 

by them . 

The Query is , trhttber t man mti 
do deities Mndolpty God, in reference to 
SffiomngtemporAM gcck things en him- Fi 
the right ftatingof the Query, 1 concc 
llrU, that (i».j»)inthe^r7, muft 
taken for Chrift^n man, or man »» ^^( 
for tf it be i^okenoi CarnaH tH*n^ he d^ 
neither shy from right frincifUs , ui 


mAjhetjtel, ajj 

ight grounds, after a right manner,or for ,. 
ight ends : we may fay of all his obedience, J,,'^^ I"*, " 
•iat it is but carnnU.lic hathcarnall frinci- pl'^^l'.'r;. 
js^ and grounds and ends in all he £loth.y;,^ji^yg. 
It tnay truly be faid of him,wkat God faid 
if the Jews, when they farted and prayed> 
hey did not at all doe this to God, They 
\^tmyied themfelves far Come, And W»w, 
^ni^ji belly blellings, /-.// is th» ground, .^ 
ind felf\i the end of all. They ferve not ..^J^^^ 
3od either »»«r/)i or mtunly forhimfelf,^„„,-j q-^ri 
juifor themfelves; they feek not him, but religionn/i 
L; they follow him not for the miracles, </ '- ««'» 
^ut for the loaves : Many ihoufands.who ^^^"^^^ 
ire moved by no in»*rdffring,on\y thefe Jj^ ^,^^^ 
mwtrdmights, which taken off, like a f;„,,^.,,,«. 
\ki they ftand fiiU and cannot ftir. It is chsni. 
jhe voice of a carnall heart, «'Ao wiSfheno 
^ any good f they count ^<«7j»«/i no gatne^ 
f they can make no gaint oi godlineffe; if 
nfteadof _5<ii«#, thc-y have /o/ff, inftead 
9^ 4clvantaie, they meet with ftrfecntion ; 
if in (lead of a ^oJ namt^ they meet with 
tfrMch, for Chrift, then they prefently 
.iy?(,jf religion and obedience, they own- 
td it meerly to ferve their ownc ends, and 
for their M^/ doe difclaime it. Hee that 
'ill Arz^f God for fom«hing,vvill ferve 



;^-. • 







J 5 6 ?"/;« termts txfUincd. 
thcdevillfor more, if heccan minii\ 
wages hce is for any mafter. 

And therefore by [ Man ] in thc^«r|| 
I conceive is meant Q Chriftian nan ] 
Man in Chrift. 

2 r.y j^ good things ] bcrelconceiv 
is meant, e«/w4r<i good things, andthol 
fuchasthe wo^yd doe reckon andeftecn 
to be ^«o<^ f'i'ix^/. as riches, honour, great 
nefle,applaufc ; at leaf), a eompctencj ai 
fufficiency of temp»r4il and outward goi 

3 And by [fervingGod] I conttivi 
is meant all the 4^j of obedience, noiOQ 
Jy oHtvard conformity , but inw^ird ful 
jedion to the Laires and commands oij 

4 And by [ Eying ] of thefe temf»i 
good (hingsinfervice, 1 conceive, isn 
meant the aw4ib"«^ thefe things, either t' 
mcct or maine grounds of his obedience 
nor the fupreame and primary indt ar 
aymes of his fervice, for that were »b 
minable, but carrying arcfpeft untot 
injojmeMtoi thefe thmgs,as a fubordina 
ground to fct him on workc.and a mei 
to quicken him in working. And thw 
have rcndrcd the bcft fenfc I can, of tho 


in reference ta temper ah, 257 

particulars in the Quei v,and the qu Jlion 
being thus ftated ; I fliitl nowtomero 
[the Anf'/>'er- In which I conceive 1 fnall 
have the grant of three patcicuUr* toU 

I [hat the enjoyment of ihcfe ^ad 
things of this hfe , is not the ground ot 
aChriflian mans obedience ; the/ are not 
that wliich doth put ui on woriie, thoir^h 
they(li.)uld be a d'tiittc Ho qvmkcn us in 
working, they are not the Ipringofmo- 
Rion,atthemoft they are but cyle to the 
wbcelcs to kecpc on and quicken motion- 

conceive there arc thefe gronnds of obc- 


1 The binding grounds : and thofc are 
jcciufc God hath commanded, as Pf^l. 
119.4,5. ThiU haft commanded ta to kf(^ 
\hj frecepts , Ob that my hurt wert dirtHtd 
hk^fpthj ^MHttS. 

2 The inabUog Ground. Thofc arc 

-0. t 

I Our implantation into Chnft ; As 
nthmhm vt can da ntthing , fu in hin* 
H»rccre4ttdti all ga*d work^ ^ uud I ca* 
lull things tbrauih Chrifi^ &c- 
1 ChrilU implantation into us , which 
called the iarmUg of Chrift m the foul, 
ic ATwmanjtbe /.<»» written in the hear:, 
S tiie 




2 5 8 Whithtr wewij net obef 
the Kf iv creatures, faitli and love.whcrcb'; 
we arc enabled to obev lii* precepts : our 
faith inAiUs. By laith AhrAkiW obeyed, 
—and <'.ur love conftraincs. 

3, lm;.iHinf grounds , and thofe ait 
motives rather ■ i F.ccaule C«.Vis good, 
2 Becaule he hath been ^m-^ to us-^ (jo^s 
goodnelTeisa motive, and his Grace li 
our (hengih, 

2 The ef]ojrnei*t ot thefc things, tticy 
are not the mar end of a t hriftiansobt- 
dience, then would it render us to be let- 
vile and mercenary in our obedience, and 
not .y#«-/«^ and free Indeed tlicie mif 
bethe »««r*»<^/of the obedience of cat 

h,gher cads then thefe z^'lhefe are too 
low for the Noble and nj^ll (pints ci 

h refer erne to ttmp&rah. 259 
A Whether it can be faid to be th?/fc4- 
trinrnte end of a Chriftians obedience : 

Seehig, . , , 

I Jt fecmcs to bee the r^aa^ogj ot 
the Law , in which time they lecmed 
to be carrycd by tcmporall Promife: in 
the vvayes of obedience, and (jodfee-* 
Bied to propvtiHd to them as men under 
age, the promifes oitcmporull good things 
to f?w;tthemon to obedience, As you 
fee in DiUt. 19. Certainly, the enjoyment 
of thefe temporall things was not the 
mere end of their obedience ; though 
fomc of them might have the fpirit of the 
Stidnces. who faid, they kept the Law, 

. .^ 1 •. -I -. i^-j ™:«i,i. Li.fT, 

bethe ».«r*«^/of the obedience ot cat- c^mnces, vvuui«.u, ^""y "^r "'; V7> 
nail me^ but not of the godly, th.y have and obferv.d it, that God m.ght^/./. 
?* I"^^"'. i". r^.f. . ThJo Mre too them . and that it might goe well with 

them , and that it might goe well with 
them in this life •• yet^// were not of this 
fpirit ; nor was the enjoyment of thclc 

. They are not the m4n end. of the. things, the «««* end of their obedience 

*,. y . L-..- ;.-/..- »„,4c rJiM nr,mnr'^rh..nnf OUrs : It WaS bUt a /«*- 

obedierce , they have higher ends then 
thefe ate ; A Chriftian hath a moic »* 

lo farre all agree. 

y\ll the controvetfies is about the next 
which 1 dcfirctoptpow^^^in modcUy," 
tliole who are of dirftKM judgements. 

4 Wltftbd 

nomorethcnof ours: It was but % fnh- 
Draiwfecnd, God Mietproftmdedtt, nor 

. A Chriftian hath a moic»w iruwie cna, ^^u n^^^-- r-r'""-—" --^ 
fpint, a more/«.-^.r« foule , then ;» did the godly .;Mt . as the ^"•^"dof 
makeanvZiroutof Godh.mfelfe, t!« their obedience. But God deales vv.th 
«1 end oThis obedience to God. Ani hem as m their infancy, as under age,aad 
w^,» enu or . 1 eades themon. and *ii^««jthem by fuch 

.llCniilb III IIICU liuauvy,".- D-' 

eadesthemon, and #ii;;««jthem by fuch 
■iffeas as thefe , becaufe they had not 
that raeafure and abundance of fpirU 
S 1 which 


^ it 








260 whethir «i may not o^tj 
whif h he bath l>t(iowtd on his people now 
urHlcrthcGofpel. ^ ., ^ , 

a Bccaulc it feemes to prtjertbe Liai 
and limit God, not fubmlttjngio his wit 

^ Bccaulc it teemcs to propound thit 
tuhkh God hath not propounJ.d. 

4 Efcsufe ihii end may taile, and fo 
cui- obedience too, at Icalt, fomucha! 
thefe things were the titd of our obdi' 
ence, fo much obedience will /.if/nn the 
failiijgof them. 

5 Jc is hard to carry an eye to things »[| 
thii nature, and yet our fervia be free 

6 1 conceive it is fafcr to take up <r. 
gumtnts to quicken us in our obedientt 
of God, from the mercies of Go^btpw 
td, or made oars in the proraifc to tasth, 
then for to take up arguments to obej 
from the expedition of mtrcj to be b« 
flowed , or to gaine mercies by our obe 
dience. It fcennes better to fay, thatw 
are not to obey that God may bijiov bk 
fines on us, but rather upon the kpowleil' 
faith, perfwafion of Gods blclfing of w 
here and for ever, to be quickncd ftoit 
that to obey him. Andthc Apoftlcfeem 
CO Ipcakc after the fame manner to us 

2 Cot. 

in reference to temporah. 261 

I Cor. 7. 1. HdvtHjr therefore t'-ufe preei- 
mytntifih let m cU*nfe ««/• ftlvss fi-tm 
a flthixeffe kth of fl;fj anJ fpi^t^:rf,St- 
inihilinejfe in t'^fe^re efOad. He; argajs 
from mercy to duty, no: from duty to 
mercy here. He realons here from the en- 
joyment of promil'es to the performan.c 
of obedience ; (^.^viug therefore fn b pru- 
miffSyUt laoti^. So in Col. ^.i^ 2^. -^"J 
wLtfoever y >H do ^ dn it heartily at to the 
hrd, <$nd Hsit t» rn*n , Knwii^ that of the 
ItrdjoU Jijtt recdvethe retv^rdaf the in- 
kiritMace . where you fee he taUs n^y u'lc 
argument, to inftircc the duty fi-xa -^lie^ 
knowledge, or fa.th ani pcriwanon of 
thatreward whichGoiw.l' j/f^?./; be- 
now on them. So Hcb i o. s 4- -^^ »*»^* 
jijfully the fpMt^i of tkir i^oU^ kfomii 
in themfelvis that thej had »« Heaven , <* 
kter ^ And 4» endnnt^ f*'jfi.:nci. But I 
am not here to dcale vyich eterr.iJi, but 
with temptrull rewards , and urg; thtfe 
places no further then to ftrtngchen what 
I faid before, that ic f-emes beiter to fay. 
that wedoe not ol'tj thit God may he- 
ftow th-fe outward blc'lVmgs on us, but 
rather upon the kj^i^/edi^i faith, perfwa- 
fion of Gtdt blefllngus bere,and ior ever, 
wee arc quickncd to obey him, and in out 
^ 3 obedience 

■Jr ' 





' ^^'^ 

i ' iKi 


W^^-^ 7 


^-^ ?;'■*' 

2 ^ ^ Whtther we rnaj net obey 
obedience of him- And certainly thcieffe 
eve that weeca.ry tothdc things in out 
obedience, the moic eye will God carry 
to our obedKuce.tl-.elelTe regard and re- 

fpert vou have to thcie cutward things m 
vour le.vice, the more w.U God reipeS 
& reca: d your Icrvice, the Icffe you make 
them Che .r^ of your working, the more 
will God make them the end ot youi 
work ; Indeed the enjoyment of outwam 
things fteme to be too low for a ChriituB 
to eye them in his obedience, thcApo- 
ftlefaith,2Cor.4. '8- m lo^k not ut ik 
tlm.u which Are feme , b»i at the thtr,^, 
rrhich are not [ten: for the things which m 
(nn are temfvr*ll,hm the things whtch art nH 
lien are ettrnall. ,, 

But you will fay, God hath promifedall 
r-ood thing* to obedience, as hee tells us, 
I im 4- 8. G^Mim^e hath the j^rom,ji « 
th,j nfi,an^ of that which u to com , and 
therefore wee may obey with relptaw 
the cnjoymentof them. 

Before I come to the anfwer o. this, 
1 will frcp.u»<i one thing, and ^uerj two- 

I l hat which 1 propcand is this, VV hC , 
thcr it wtrc n<'t better expreil,to fay, God 
proniiteih to the .obedient all ^^c*^ things,! 
rachei- then to fay .he promifeth it to c^'^^'" 

in reftremc totcmpsrals, 26^ 
,^f^ Efpeciallyif ihacb^-a triicth , thac 
lods IVomilcs unda the Covenant of 
jrace arc not ra ade to die vfcrkf, but to 
hirvirkmAHi nottotiie uUioh , but the 
\(r[ori. 1 am furc our Divmes have m .dc 
to one difference, between the CoveriiiK 
)f Workes, and Grace ; that in the Cu- 
^ininion^orkj, made With ^^^^r», the 
Ptomife was mide to the wjrh . and not 
to the virfoK. iiut in the Covenant of 
Gract- the Prom.fc is made to the pcr;o», 
aninJttotheivfl/A^. 1 his lonely pro- 
pound : Now I will cinery two uv.ngs. 

1 Whether that which the ApoUiecalis 
I, the frowi^ofthislife,! «nd that Which 
is cxprefTed in the O^^tllon under the 

nimcof i:8>o'l'hi"8vl ^^^ ^F'-^'^'"*'^ 
ph.afes, both exp^elViag the lame thing. 

2 Whether by I good things | btc 
meant thole things which arc g»oJ \n the 
\»camt of men, or ihofc things which arc 
Ld m the efteem of God : or if you W.IU 
whether thofc things which a>c ^W m 
themfelves^or ihofe things which luOods 
wifdome he knows good for us 

If good ihi^^s be taken at large mdtji- 

nitelA the finl part of the 0^}fto»is 

granted : thatG^jd hath proroilcd to the 

Munt,Qt lOiheoUunt inthcr obed.- 

S 4 c"'* 

rf t 

r V. h 



' I 264 n'hahirwctnAjnstcht'j 

I crKC all good things- It is his promifcJ 
rf:il.l54.n Pla'mb'4. i r, iVo ?^ooii thing -nill hewM 
'H held fnm thtmif^hew^lk.t{prlghcJy. Nay, 

Ici. 31.4c. 3,^j l^is (Covenant, Jci. ?2. 40. Iwillm- 
vir drptirt Jrim yoh from doi^'g jon jjod, 
I'll: if you doc dcrcrminc and reftraint 
pjood things either to thofe thinf;s which 
arc fffitvclj good , thole vvjiith the 
world i-y/ffWigOiid, and doc not take in, 
w.i»'r/,as well as enjoyracnts,j?rif«V/ as well 
-as JK/Hijfi, puveriy as well as pe/ptWfV 
to be ofthc number of thole good thing!; 
then I fay thai God hath made no kk 
'!i,',':l, pnmife to us,nor can wee truely interpret 
ir.i' ; .'./<- tins frtw/'/t' after that manner. Ifitwero 
p,on;ile made unto obedience, and God- 
lineflcand the promifcwere to be inter- 
preted after that manner , ihenfurcly chi 
Apoilles (hnuld have been fharcrs init 
liutChnd tells them , iLtthey /htulm 
, hand of iill mm for his N*mis f/tke , m 
ppu/i h hcuifit btfore Trir.ces, ii*fi'm 
'^■'^ trijiiii, perfuuttd , find thtfe whe aidtm 
I lit- I i. jh-y-l'J thtnks thtj did God gtsd ftrvtct, 
n. Ai'd the ApuUlc tells us , That l>u>idiO»i 

JnliiM^.i. ^^^,^(j,,^j rt';..j ahide for him ivirj Tifhtnl 
Acis:o 1]. Ads 20. ? q. Jtidiflhiirh(pev.cfeinii>i 
J /i'V, the J Wire of ad nnn p>ujt tHijcrdn 

5 I Cor. 1 5- I*?. And it is thsiacue wluc. 


Li,: i. 



ii'i, '.' f''- 

< iC 


_- I 

in reference to tent for ah. 265 
fee are to exped and reckon on, accord- 
igtoihatof the Apome, a Tim. 5. i2.tJ''«'.J 
/, that mil Uvegediy muft fufcr /'f'-A'l^'^.M.J 
And Ads 14. 22. Through mMj 

i I'^.i' 

t, K 

or. I 


ilmUtienj we mnfi enter into the K*»gdom 
fiedvtm. Ani Chrift himfelfc tells us, 
hit if w» y»U follov him, rre mufi take up 

ir daily cro(fe and follow km Lukc 

,.2^ And therefore certamly if by the ^^^'9'h 
iromifc of this life , be meant the good 
liings of this life : and if by the good 
things of timlife, be meaui outward cn- 
oyments, then ifay thercisnuluch/)re- 
l/« made here to obedience. 
If ii be faid, that the Scripture faith, // 
liN will ke willing aud ekdient jou [hall e*t 
lit |wa of the Land. And Therefore tcm- 
lorall kleflings are proraifcd upon condi- 
tion of Obedience. 

If it be admitted that the Jews (though 
they were under a Covcnanc of Grace ) 
veie yet under a different Covenant 
from us : a fubfrvient Covenant , as 1 
live fliewed, wherein God prcnufedoui- 
md mercies to obedience; and thi eatned 
Upaions to the dilobcdienc ; then the 

lAniWcris foone made ^ And Z)-<^>d/ 

might well fay . He wn-fr farv the 
\mkeoH6 forUkea ; nor tkeir feed dtig'^g 






"v f 

2 66 Whtthtr we may not okj I in ufereme u ttmponh. ^ 2 6-] J^^.^ ^ ^^^^ 
their bre»d: for outward mercies whiciln one f."/f of this prcwij* ft»all faile^ ^^, ,,^. j,^„^ 
wc.c the conditions zxyv.iyic<l to their ofo^K^- liut you wiU fay Jf ^'/#*i^,»c ^■''^^''^.'', 
bcd,cncc and Gods part ,n tlic Coveui A promifcd to obedience ; arjJ . ^^.^^ '"'^^tw,;,,. 
uled not to/uiA-thcin ihiiwHlkedin the J«ardeth not obedience, then by tuc luic.' y- ^ -^^^ 
But whoever it was then, it isnot[f contraries, pumihnicnts are n^tt/^«t- v^^-.,^. 
now; thole who are mlUn^ and obeJili againft fmnc , nor doth t^oa /«^*y<'^;.„.v;« 
•nt doe not eat the good of the Land: noT'"-" " n«'if^ 

It may be they are m the greatefl: ouuxml 
trouble and neceiruy ; and the) rrk 
ypiiktdiy, do proffer. 

And where IS it that God hath nuii 
fucha peiwi/enowunier theGofpel? 

fo ; why is it not mivirfali and i«f4//ALiwii«L v»ww ,. ---.- ^nedcuita ma- 

why doe not thole who are willing>n§u5,m Ih\^ 171 :• /^^"' >/" V ^l.^.c,..- 
obedient enjo7 it? and not onely loratli wfc«t « c»mr»Ayiiiii ^J ' '''^'/' , _i'-«/:jf, 
of them, but ^^ of them? for pr*w;;var§p/?/4^/« /./-yj^^i. -'•'i j VtiAvjln '•*"^^*"'*' 
not made to particular members , buttl^^W ir^ ;c«r ^^Cr^"^'- ^"Vj 'ot ?!!»:? ""' 
the whole body of Chnft. Jndeed gA fin, wee doe that which we (honld no « 
te'.Uusnow, ii r/.4M«7//r..H(r. H oe : and therefore may God pumfhthej--^ 
fMffer perfecutm : And, t)b««r^/) w«i DC. and yet not reward the mtieriuc ^^^^^.^^^ 
rn^«/-/iW n.. ««y? enter into the Kni uni(hmenc of our linne is but he julU^- ;,,^,,^ 
i^me of He.ven. But y et ihis is firmc in all mt of our eviU ; but the ^c^jdof ^^r r 
that God will never depart from us, ho« bcdieoce is tl^^A oH;. owne m^c^- .. J^^ 

jS' Not to fpeakc much to t^;«^^;''if "» 

iuft exertion: ^ for God ^^^ f'^'f . ^.J,. 
inc and yet not rtw*rd obedience- In ^^^.^^j,^ 
It obedience (if it were ftrftn) wcioe, :,„uium et 
,t what wee fh»nld doe.as Chnll hints it obedumm 

rA;:«Vfpc'-ak« /» mud, when .,« ,«. «4- 

ells US, rk wAgfs oj finne u atatb , tut^_ _ 

doing us ^ofl<;/ ; he will never leave U'^, no 
forfakeus. In blefling he will blcfle m 
Jll thiwgs fhM/l work^ togethtr fur the ^« 

t,f them wha lovi Gad. And this ilani j^.^ii^a^ipt^ f,^„,^.. «,.. - .- , 

fiimcani mmovenblelo all Saints ; //« loi.chaimcr. a Rom.6.i3- i« «Vsr, Itaa^ii J''* """f 

t,en and earth (hall fooner pilte rfn-^J w,«. .W Wp.--^^-^. ri^t^^^-T-'-i O' ""*•"""«"' 

,^«|i/i cfgodisitcrnJtil Itfe throtilh jrim'^^^^^^,^^ 
.^natea,qu^J^'imcx offia„ dekentur, fed h,c»,r'U m'-' 




f.itt'V ? tt 
tffci pifli- 
ru, nifi 


t u\ rtdd - ^ ^ ^ whether we rttty not ehej 

rrt fiifiits Chyifi cur Lor J yKom. 6. 2"^. Man 
jitdexcnro- prtvek^ God to jullicc , buf cannot fn 
njm/in4)it God to mcrcy ; our finncs drawoDt 
jaftice, but his mircy is the iffueof 
owne heart. Wee can do that for whit 
Godmay ^^wwus ; but wee cannot di 
that tor which hce may favs us : ai 
thcvefore you fee though the parts 
granted to be true, yet the connexion 
'^f^Ziifqux open to juf^ exception. But fceondly, 
j»ikficjt is granted that hUJfingt are prcmifti 
jmpium ? obedience, and puniftiments are thret 

TdJnT f'^'jr'''i' ^""^ ^^^ enjoyment of temfm 
fur, nifi ""d outward^fW things : may not /ojj"«l 
p/tm itia bleffings as well a? enjoyments ? and mij 
mdithua. n Jtfwjs/flWMf/ be panifliments, vvhcnyi 
!"!'''''"'«; '^^ire bleffings? Certainly, they mij 
,„- ," '! f>e fo in truth , thout^h not in nAme > thi 
ni(t«fl»n«f'T'*y be loin Gods intention , thongnw 
, i.nie djm- in our apprehcnfion,'' And tofpeakrx 
Hts,mhd nothing isrfji/fr/i; but what doth «i/?*| 
Hn/fefd- our<Ter»(«// happineOc; and nothing pr( 

*M. Auk. c , ■ . ■ I . .„ , 

Atnxidcn4 'Perous, buc what t« advantagtotu to i| 

eon aliunde kite hahef, fed ipfccf} i'./!deam.tt, ct tdiovcbcm^ 

tint amxt--- Bern J^uomada cctifcret dcuf opnt naflm mtvci 
.^ di^fa, nifi quod iniUis nHodpxna dignum i(i immaif-t beni^i 
i tiit\ab»'em? Atig.b itivtraliiqi.iviliinni, qkidifl adveyfi* 
^ niftquad nobis ttb^ac ad teUraaifi falicitium pifpcumiitu 

quidprofpcitm, HJji qKiideo cetid'*(it } Confu! Suifl,(id' 

ntdi, L$ad) nb SxcUf. Vi'aUch. cs-ifti iff, 


in reference to temptrals. 169 I 

ibirdly, »£ ^ granted »gaine that God 
[oth reward obedience, and fim^tth 
inne: but it is one thing for God to re- 
[ard obedience, and another thing for 
jn to r;« reward in his obeying. Jt is 
[tamed to be the tnii of the mrk_i but 
Li is dilputed , whether it (hould be the 
[nd of the workjtttH, and upon thofc con- 
iderations pcopouoded. And though 
lod doth reward obedience, and punifti 
inne, yet as wee doe not avoid finnc.be- 
anfcof cemporall punifhmcnt j fo we do 
lotperformc duty becaufe of reward :— 
I fay, reward, asic is reftrained here to 
cmporall enjoyments. 1 would have no- 
Ihingtocomein as a motive to the obe- 
lience of a goily man which ii either ««- 
»mW#, too low, or uncertainc : buc cem- 
porall rewards fecmtobefuch: i Uniu- 
;able and below his workc it felte ; and 
[ure below bis fpirkin working : and % 
incertaine they arc, for wee have no «»^- 
(i/«# proraifeof them: if there be lucb 
promifc, why is it noE univerfali and in- 
fallible ? 

But thus much (hall fcrve for the 
irft pare of ibje Objeftion. Wee come 
tothefecondjwhichis inferred upon ir ; 
;hat if God have promifcd all good things 




j.o whether we m^j not obt) ¥ iff reference to temptr^h: 271 
Jobcdicnce, then may wcr obey with Jnot in the J«^. mi.ris "'^^thcrc. r.; 
^Hi to the er joyment of them, &c. Irifv '« not there ; hue mrcy but a hUJ' 
^^" apr"erby wayof denyallof thcX is there. And for tf^ other I con- 
frnucnce andfay. Though it (houldfl^e that .t w.llbe a farrc greater 4i- 
XStGodhad pro'm.red ., l».^e toobed.ence, and .ncenc vc o. 
thrncs f Jo interpreted as lefore) to ollurrc to quicken us .n .c and to u ; to 
dt? y t d"'h it not foJlo. that welnfider the ,.«,,/. . made, an «.c ar 
to.^.,G dwi<hr./;.fttothe enjoyrnJotto .^.7 /hat wee ^7 /^^-. the pro- 
ofJhem. Should we grant that by [gXle; but hav.ng luch prom.le., how 

TndTClZ of tL lifel were mX we may have the prom.fe or them ; 
:,i^Jd thinis :^nd tUe H t*-y weo^j; chat wee may have the 

promiTe : but rather hav.ng th.s protniflo part, not lo much as a p. oit^^jork: 
we mud be quickened to obej. Certai#«yi«P of a gracous foule ; ^hey a e too 
the Apofties realonipg .s the beft reafJ. to move one - Y^-lL h v a"e 

vif^ thertfon Hck prectoui frorUifes , jfito;/. .0 the ^nee e wn i ^ ,^, ,^^^^^^ 

us ^cUanlemr felj from Ih fiUhintI, nn.of motion, ^"^ ^.^^^ '" "^^^ ^;;«-;,F''.^«' 
L.f 7?'/^ .4-> •• he doth not lay.te le thmgs of ^'"^^f ."" Xdt ncelt '""' 
usdoe th,s that wee may ^-...fochpto ;^8^«"^^ "J'^^^^'tvluh,^^^^^^^^ 
inifes- but having fuch precious pro^i f a gracious /.M^r, they neither /«( us oa 
"let .^ ober Doe not thinke that -orke,nor doe they continue us m ^ork. 
wLdlknalhnaiansdeed.norwoul 'S- ^he ^"'^V'"^"^ ^^^>=^ J J„ ^^l " 
Zrhdrar. the fe.el, much leffe caft w.t« ^ ^^f /" "f^^^^'f.:; f, Zo^c 




;i hic 

2'ji Whtther we nuj tut obe) 
enjoyment of them. //' thtejt he fn^tt, 
whole bieij m light. — And (oon the cj 
trary.ifthe^^eoe double, ifouraimnjiii 
ends be God,and oac (elvcs,if they bc« 
hie, the whole man i« darkneffi. In brie 
the lefTe re(pet}: wee have to thefc thin 
in our obedience, the more free and di] 
bic is ourobcdicnce. As wfc fay o^ dt[ife\ 
thar defircs th:6 for thtt , doth not ' 
fire thti!^'.xt th*f^\c that dcfire* one thi« 
for anocher thiiig, doth not defire thi$od 


fcad cfifiie- thing, bat ihc ethir; or not this.but/ortlii 
■'■•itlfei of^f^ tiling. Sohethatotf;; with refpej 
to o'jtward things, cither wottld nat o^ 
or would not lo cbtarfHiy obey, if the 
were not fuch refpefts to be enjoyed - 
ohiiB. But you will fay, wee raay;r 
for th«le omwArd things^nd therefore 
ma/ <J« Jmy with rcfpcd to them. 

Jnfrp. It doth not follow. It is 
thing to be the nutter oi oar ducy , an 
thei thing to be the ground of it. W 
grant that eutvp-tr^ thmgs may bee iW 
m4tter of our prayer , bat yet not tl« 
ground of our p.aying. Btfides.itiso 
thiui to be the ground or the end of a P«' 
ticular duty, anjcher thing to bee t' 
Spring of the whole frame. Some oat 
ward refpcd may bee the ground or t\ 

in reference tt temporal. 2 7^ 

J this or that particular duty ; wee may 

lawfully goe to Prayer for this end, to 

lake known:; our temfirall n.-ceiTi ies ; 

Jay, and our p efent wants may be the 

wjH and particular ground of doing this 

articular ducy at this time ; but no due- 

(»rJ reipea^ mult be the hinge upon 

hich the whole jrAme moves ; 1 iav, they 

jay be the ground of particular ^ff/, but 

,iot the ffrmg of he vthJe ; they may be 

[he particular r»<^of this p4rttcular ducy< 

fut not the general end of the whole sdh.-j* 

if uur obedience, . 

And this (hall 'uffice to have fpoken of 

Ihefirft branch of the ^^iucry ; Whether 
rainmaynot(»^<7 God in reference to| 
jods heftoving of outward mercies and 
tnjoymentshere. And I fay, in a word; 
t feeraes m)ft agreeable to the Golpel^ 
ind to the frame of a Chnft.an fouie, to 
ly, that upon the knowledge , faith and 
erfwalion God will blefle us, and with- 
jold no good thing from us ; we oug^t 10 
wquickened in our obedience of hifri •, 
Ihen to fay, v*e are too^r; God, that wee 
lay game ihefe temporall good things 
^y our obedience; Certainly, the good 
Ihings of this lift , even the aflaranceof 
1, fa farreas chcy Mcm«icoter itf 

h s C 


2 74 whether we tfiay doc dnues 

u-j, ?.r.\\ arc- r!o:ii \r:x U5, i!;ey arc not the 
< :• . ii'i . oi\"-ir i.bedicncc- tbcugii they 
liioiiM copi-^ in as iruttirtii'trfeyUs in our 
olx-Jiei c? t!■^v arc not the r{>nnp,,though 
ti.f ii',/i t(i?y utr nor ih-'grotiiids ormo- 
t/m. r!ii)ii{!!i V, i-c n>ouiJ ,h!wit them to 
c'lioein ss /.'-//7f in motion j and it not 
itiL- ailura'ft: of chem, then how cm the 
hnpcs<;t them which arc more uncertain, 
bel id co'.vne r.srheprownd'of our obty- 
in" ? thtinrh th<? nrraniioi' ih'.s prirticu- 
h^ r.rt of obedience, \fx lurely not the 
fp; ingot the ivhule. Hhall profecute this 
no further ; itin that I have (aid, t have 
dijj'md from others , it is not out of dif- 
relpeft ""o others vvhofc inducements I ho- 
nonr, and 1 hope an allowance may bt 
rtjfi/^T^irfuntomc, Jf Ihave <i;//t»f^^with 

Wee come now to the fecond brandi 

of the Qj^ier*" propoundei, Z'i-j: M'hit't' 

we are not to do d.Uies with rejtrtnce uml 

rrfpetl t^ th; ublAintng (f fpiritUAll j^'ioi 

i:» things f 

And ihcti "xre feme that fay , VVc ae 

not CO propound any vc pefts or endi i' 

^" !,''!''"' all in the doinj of Juty: by which thfy Jc 

not mcane /'*t/? ends, or cars all rcipcrt; 

or fuftl-ir advantages ; but they intend 

if} reference tofpirituaU 2 75 
the bi^htfi and nobkR emb : and teil us 
pUinely, that we arc not to huml>le our 
felves, tall, and pray , for tlie prevention 
of any evill,or the procuring of any good: 
nay, yet htf^htr .• that wee are not to doe 
duty with refpeft to the obtaining of any 
fpiritHJill good : either pardon, peace, jo\ , 
afl"urance,the hghtof Ciods countenance, 
the fubduing of luOs , or for any other 
end ; which though it be an irrationall 
opinion, and doth denude men of rea.bn 
(for take away the end which every rea- 
fonable creature, 4^ reafon;ibl- profiarnds 
inaftions, and you levell hini with a 
beaft ) yet they that might fceme to be 
reafonablc in this fAraiix^ they give us 
two grounds of it 

1 Bccaufc wee muft not thinke to 
^nnhafe that by our prayers and clmies 
which is the punhsfe of Chrift ; Bii. 
Chrift hath fully ffirchafed &l\ilns for us. 
vU. fardoH, peace, joy, and every good 

thing, Erfft. 

2 Becaufcall thefc arc fufficiently pro- 
vided for us in Chrift : and God hathy*- 
fw^all thcfe good things for us in Chrift? 
and therefore we muft not thinke to eom- 
?/«lf* them by our prayers. . 

Thefc are the Reafons that this, mail i 
T 2 fev. 



"• i' 


LuLc I J. 9 


i \ ^' -r^ 


2 75 Whtther wi way do duties in 
fsy, wit'out offeree, unrearonablc and 
d. On ,d ve Opinion Ucmts co be foun- 

deii on. 

Certainly, 1 nef d not fay much againft 
the Opinion, U>r \f it bt but twice rr/iMrffi 
itw.Ubeas j:n<>dasa confutation to it — 
Indeed, if ti IS be itruih , we mull have 
another Bi^'lf to cou rcnancc it : V\ hat 
IS more frrqutrnt then this? CmU on m 
in the d.<ij if trinblt-, and I mltdihvtr 
flfee Ajl^e, Mnajuu {ha/l have ; Jttkft 

And rtt fijuii ii»d • kyfi. a>*^ " y**^ *' 

eptned: doth not the ApolUc dtflic thtm 
to pray for him , and tor what end ?hfe 
tells you; tliat mitrAtice m.ii^ht kt gitt» 
^, , ^ him : Doth he not defire the hke. that i» 
'"^ " mtlh h dtlivtred from unteaftntihh mtn I 
lames T. Doth not Saint fdrnt* bid Hs, if wc be fitk, 
'<>'y- call for the Elders of the Church; but for 
what end!' to pray for us; and why 
pra\? that the fick perfon may be healed; 
fr^y fluf for Mnethir that joumttj ht hu- 
Itl Bi-t lam v»eary with this: where 
almoft can you looke lipon any place 
where a </«(; is commanded, butthereis 
an end propouiided i* And vvhai canbt 
mo: e deHrudive to Gract to Reaf$», then 
fuih an Opinion? It would be no mote 

*yfmdiiy to realon , to lay, wc muft n^' 



reftreKcetfifpiritud/s. 7'j'j 

Mte to fitisnc our hunger, dnnke to 
quench our thirft ; feed to nourilh our 
felvcs : but wee are to feed out of raeere 
inftinft, and then as h^fis; and not out of 
rcafon, as wc arc men. tiut what, are wc 
to doe dntj for no end ? m ty we not c^m- 
feffc finne that wee may be humbled, and 
made fenfibie of it ? may wee not hcAre 
the Word, thatourunderftand:ngsmay 
be bettered, our <jf j7»9«j quickened , our 
fiith flrengthened ? Sure ihey thtm- 
(elvci propound thcle ends in their pieach- 
ingj other vife why doe they take lo 
much paines to pcrlwade (I due not fay» 
convince) mens undcrftandings thar they 
treinanerrour? And may wenotoic Or- 
dinances for the increafe of "" graces ? 
for the nhatrmtHt ir\i weakening of our 
corruptions ? And may wee not do wori(j 
ofcha ity, to refreflithc poore? to re- 
lieve them who are in extnrmuies ? And 
arc not thefe ends f and are not the other 
kties? But if all thi> (hould be denied yec 
this you Will grant , that We may do duty ^ 
and walke in the waycs of obenence, to 
tdirne our profefllon, to divnifie the Go- 
fpel,to^/flr/jieGod,to btmfidhe <sainis, 
to winnc others : and are not thefe f»j<i/ •' 
and were not thefe as much fmchaftd 
T3 by 

i ; 


*t '•! 



vcrk; 1= 

378 Wh-'thcr wt ma) dee dutkt 
bv Chrifl,and provided for by God as the 
thcr ? Sure much more God hath nu 
,„f^of U',, though wee have of him ;hb 
GUr), hi-. CcfpeU \i\s CAHfe doth not ^fp?«^ 
upon us ; Godwo-'ld Advance this , aaJ 
nidinia.ue th^ orhc vvithuut us.: and 
ihci-ctoithovv/itr* oC rnen, how hide of 
God, howhccleof l?M.no,how hide of 
Scripture there i> in futu a itmnt , 1 leave 
to ah to judge. 

liut vet that their pjiw of rcalonsmay 
nocgoc without an anfwr.l Oullfav^'*"'^ 
it is all I ftiall (ay, to them in a word. 

1 Though Chrilt have punhAJed all 
food things for us, yet will God bellow 
ihemina way ot /ffi(y«jj •• you lee this in 
y <.ek: ?6- '7- ^'h'th IS lublcnbed at the 
foot of the moll free and ahfolnte promi- 
miles ; jet J wiU he inquired tocoHCtrninl 
/fe«, -^ -though God prom.led to be- 
llow all this, and promifed like himfclfe 
to beftow all this freely without any re- 
fpedcoraan, as hce tells them verle 52. 
N''t fur yo'ir fakfs, te it known unto )oH, 
Oh hufe of IfrAil, will J do tins. No, it 
was forliisownc N->mis hki. And yet 
Ikc ttlli them, / wllytt for this h inqmni 
if hj tbj Heuft nf Ifrad to doe it jot 

,/;f^ which pbinely Hiewes tliat 


in rtfiYtmt to ff^lritfuu's. 275) 
though G^'d haili pro-i'^ -.1. utwS .v'>ni'.l . dj 
freely to adt^w t'..tic.'iin-,- oii tiic'ii- '-i^A 
Will he htjl .V til -in :.i I w,i ; >' ' :v!i^. 

I Wee la ' HC-'Agiifi.th. -'-> •.:• • ^ «'"'- 
Wi!l/'f/?.vn''ii ■'-' t lui ?'' in ■•. -iv^t,' >>'. \-'.':rc- 
viiignnJ praying '.,-:i tii'? ' ^.r ■ .10: .;•;.• p-«.--| 
fi^.j/eot oiirpr;ivci".-> , bu- r;u rii^c o- 'tii 
otvnemc'.cy, And f ../>•:■ !'. ioar.v ■-•'^-•! 
[her cvi;r they hcr;'.'d :!ny conic ;- -.tious iviif 
nifter co Gy: that praj-j-r *as the r/ienttng 
caufe of any mercy. i>;d ever an\ lay ili=.f: 
duty had anyC a':l..li>'ilni>ic^ 'iuu lixtomt- 
fijp'iff ot any mercy.'' f ath ic not lliU 
been held up as a .' ul^firvitm mean^s and 
no procuring caulc of any >ui.-c) fiofii ( 0.I' 
When God haih a f« -c/j./f to :',ivc,he fiir\s 
up the heart to I'ceke, and hi. Itirriiii^ up 
tde heart to feck, is an evidc>.:<- !iee hitn a 
purpole to Itjlow : who loves to hcfuw his 
mercy in a v,/^y offeck'n^, iha; 'Vee micLc 
beencour^iicd rocorae.anJ to looke upon 
ouri/.tfl^wt/asihe/rvi/j (.fpraycr;SnJ p:i;- 
forniaiKeof promilestou:. 

liiic !i may bt; it will t.e laid. If tlicfe oljMio'i. 
things bi /(ff/y promilcd , why is there 
then a condition rcijuued to the beflov^j- 

ing of them ? 

I Some there are tiiat iliy , V!iat though Arfwcr. 
Qo^i^promiffs a- s ii ->. i'; fieri, in reiiKift 

•i4 f' . 


• 80 Whethtr v»e dee duties 


tt , I." (V\. t 


(jods (Jrace , euhei in makingor in ptr 
forming the promife ; he fells us , he wA 
f^ive to him that u athirfi. Revel :T 6 
"licrc is a condition or qualificaticn , an( 
yet this doth not intrench upon the frer 
neffe of g ace '• Nlotwithftanding this out 
iification , he tells us he givesio him that 

in refertme to fpirhuah. 281 

1; f 

of the making of them,yct they are condi. jrtcc.becaufe that which God requires as b<)«(« « 
tionail /»/>«» fJ[^^m ref ed of the pt rtor. iibfcrvient to the promifc , i» n..t of our j^'^"'^' 
Hiancc of ihem,ti)ouph ihcy are madcoiii uingtng, till firft of Gods bffi.wi»g \ not '^^^^^^ \^^ 
of meer mercy, yet they are performed in ifuurpurcbafing, but of G;>ds gtving ,quidtinn 
relation t«. our fubicrvient duty : and ifwc iilio hath »»g<«5f^himfelfe by Covenant, jAfz.cwa/i? 
doe but fuffjoyne this to it, that the lubfet- lot only to s^ive the promire,but aifo what /'^ '*>': «*- 
vient condition or auty which is prerequi' «ris re^mredn neceflary and lubfcrvi- ^''!^^J'J^^^ 
red to the performance of the p omile,ii nttothc Promife; if indeed ^berehad ,^^|^J*j.^ 
nothing of our bringing but firft of Godi uenc any thing required which was of ^..^^,^ ^,ji 
tifiumngi I doe not fee how thi« may mr bringing, and had not fiift beencof <2;^j^i;;<j 
aiiv way intrench upon the freencffeof lodi^^y^'^wiwij, it would have intrenched ^r„c«£i«t 

ipon G ace and alttud the nature of the ''" 'S'""' 
hine, and made that of purchafe which is '*',y ';''''"' 
)f gift, though that wc hrtught did carry ^^^^^ ^^ 
nproportioM With that wc had for it, if but invtuians, • 
mc penny were required of u» tor the Tata qui- 
urchafe of a Kingdome , though this fall dcmqu^n, 
nfinitdy /tw and (hort of the w»rt/)of the '* '"^'"'''> 
is athirlt,and what can be freer then gift? hing , yet this<«/«rj the nature ot ^"^ pf^-^.^i,,^ 

hipg , and makes ihAtafMrch^fe, vvhich ij,.,n. Jt-' 
mthout that would be a gift. So here, \tdilig. do- 
hcre were any thing required of our w-^.p 9 5 • • 

(rift you know imply s freeneffeof (yri«) 
And left any fliould obj.d anl fay, ho* is 
it a gift when God dothriqmre thirft; 

^_^ure (his qunlificatixn doth nip y it to be )tipging and cowpaffi -g, which were noc 

no gift, it difcovcisit iSH'ic of Giacf; 
thtref< re isGod plealed to ^Jpyne tothe 
forn.er -void (^ gift ; this other ( freely) 
1 mH (givt ) t6 himthii is athirft of tk 
ftHntaine of thf fVttttrs of Life {f^tt'ij] 
An j thcrcfurcdoth not tliis intrench upon 


BfGods giving,and viftawmg, though the 
bingwerenever fo Imall , ytt it vvould 
liter the naiure of th.' gift, and intrench 
pon f\:c frttnefs of Giacc; but when rhat 
which IS of our i>t inking '\$ truly of C(>ds 
^cw;»gand giving, this doth fliU hold up 
the nature ot the S'f^-'in^l 'Ji ih no way m^. 




282 Whether we doe auties \\» refcremto (frltuAh. 585 

mnch upon Che freenefT.- of Grace.if gA are condltion.ai ; 1 !ay thefe ktnde 

doth require /^/V; ro ckft mih the pXiW'^^ they irecondihotuU, m reipect 

mife, and gives us /.!»/; whereby wee nilhe performance of them, J^^^^ ^^^ 

be abkto come t » the prom.fe , ceruinlare m the nature of them. And tnerc- 

th.s ,s ro7v.;;«.V. to Grace. I>i,h.U U are to doe dm.;^^ mblerv.ent 

« nV/;,v, «M. ^«^ Iht'^gth. fMih tk rn P to the compafling of them; not tnat 

lf4.^f.M.n/;.r;i!a.4 = .2^. Ri^huou/.>e(}} to thol )is the c:.r«A, orthat «thathOt«^// 

[hat cun:c over to him, and /hr^gth to ,1 ucnce to the protunng of taele tiling , 

adieus to come; as the ^.4 fend. out», that it is a fubfervient '"'-';''' ^'I'.'J'? 

urs to fccch us to it, fo G.^d Joth ;/«.^ 00 aining of thefe things wh:ch God uata 

Arena(hfomh.aifdi^,t,)^r<jj^uscohini f«f/; promifcd : God "^jf^ rf"^ 

klf; Andloallisofgrtcc. wh.chcanii fethings to his people, and this is c.e 

way be Grace, if it be not every w^y trui iwhe.cm God will performe tl.ern, a. 

Grace. ttelUusIfai.64.5- HemcettthiHm>wi^o^:.i.t^.U 

And if pn^w«/f/ of Grace (though 4i/. ftth and mrknh rightecHMe : and 
/«/.andfrceinthemrclvcs, yetarccodi lln5-^•2^ ro^i»»r/..«o'-^f^f'-»^"^^.''- rfal.fo.^j 
tionallin refped of the performance c Utm aright, mil I fjiv^ the Jui.'amn 
them) muth more may I lay this of pro ;J, and mthe 6 Gal,i6. '^^'"^''^^Gal.5. i^, 

mifes of. 5w>7, peace, joy- if vvhic kby thu Rate feacc he ^P''*"'"^' ^^ 

were acknowledp^ed , men certainel it you fee the rr^? m which ^.og per- 
would not runupon thefe w^f, that a bt mes thefe promiles,is inaw^jot omy 
lcevtr;ffjw^^.»rf/j upon the ad 01 finnt iobedience : and therctoremay we. 
may take comfort and heare God IpeakiB c duty with refpcft to the enjoyment 01 
W4:t intht pi-omife, anJalithe gracioj tfepromiles. 

/.,m«.^ge of heaven, as though he had no 0^]dt. Hut it may be it -.^ ill t)e lata , [ 
fi-uKd thewan-ofLheacknowlcdemei at can be no prfrf^V«^ condition to | 
f.f tln^SothnnavoyUlfCiYtymen upj ace and juftiticacion, wivch is a )Me- 
fuch A'.c/l^/ ; certainly.what ever die pro m f uit of Grue an i juitihcufon . yuc 
milcis,yett[icpirfoim.i.iceoftheicpra periorm; ^utj acccpcabiy is a j«^;*-j 


f ^i^ 


I '"'*■{. 

]oh, ij. J. 
|ih. 1. 10 

in rtfertnct toff rituals, 285 
Ue jMlHfi(d,haiv/e muft be juftifitd 
\ wee may 'rvtrk: And if to ibcm the 
ioripanceof duties cannot be faid to 
itie precetieKt conditions , feeing they 
(he lubfcquent fruits of grace and ju- 
iciiion 1 l.us I have i aifcd up this ol>- 
|iM, to the utmoft height 1 can ; And 
!bi$ htif^ht, I had thought to have (^ealt 
[bit, but that I Iteitleadsintofofra- 
L/riMrrdifputsiioni , which aie hitct 
1 partitulai Trtati/e, then for the ^n- 
rtooncOt j'.dion; yet tf better and 

„,..».." (t4hU hams doe not undertake it , 

are juQ.fiei before wc can worlce.l ]^^^^^ j. mv e arneft defire) then poffi- 
Scr pcure fcemts to hold forih plain; q^^j ^,gy ^gr^yj ,„ occofian to mc, one 
When It tclUus , 7 bit witknt CH 10 is the meMtfi of ihofc that labtur 

2 84 whether we mdj do dutm 

Monx efera^Hent fruic of our juaifitation, andw( 
U04 [>r£ce- of g-aceinus , and therefore cam it, 
</;*« J'''^- laid to be a precedent condition. Thi 
^7'.'"" '*■ is a fubfcqufn fruit of ou juaificatK.nl 
U Sr have the concurrent Opinions of all 
elU learned and holy Writers againft the 
Aug pi(!s, in their Trcatifes aganift juihticd 

J:u.mvis i)v«,„riis; and among othrr 4r|W 
l""' Tr th.i is ulcd forone. If wc- be j .ftifie^ l>i 
^.ylt's^t can wo kc. then we arc not ;«]f,j 
u:miuq,,i by our workes,but WC arc juOtfied *(| 

fiitxfina wecanw rke.thereforc Ard'hi; 


doe wAkng. And that w arc cm 

^ , Chrift till wc have Union with him ; \ 

i^ol' 5* IX /« thut hAth the -^onm hMh Uft.and k ( 
' hath mt the Sennt hMh mt Ufe. And 
fo ne as there is life and un;on, thert 
JHflificattoH , for they are fimultanet 
eperrmur both at the fame ii>»e , though in ordo 
txiuflifi- H4 ure^ one may be conceived before! 
{'itio'"'""' Qi\^^^_ And it will be faid, if this 
IH ,Hh'.fic.x ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^,^,^1^ ^^ e;;;,6/r againft 

B.'r>r I'apifts, then muft we nut workc ih»' 

the Gofpel , to fpeake foraething of 

CMH doe notumg. mm i.ii"<- ">■ - tne«.''npri, n , 

inCh'tft ftfvu to good works. Andino i,,iubjtftas this is. Intheracanel 
fclves we are de4d men, and all our If j|, ^„^^^^^' a few things to be ftrioMfy 
from Chrift , and we can have no /i/*tr i(|,foughly confidercd on. 

1 Whether thde thif g* laid downe, 
lynot hchoih prtctdtnt conditions, and 
fubftqucnt fruits of grace ; Efpecial- 

[if you lookc upon them ascondiuona 
God* beftowing , before of our bring- 
!,tnd fo qualifications to grace, *s yet 
^y are qualifications from grace , and 
rue themfelves, aod prcfuppofc fofflc 
t#«*f« of faith? „,. 


J 68 S^"'^ m:tnt 

j-jupi X 2 W hethci- tliof: be ggod and fife| 
/«.'/./.;. I- pinnmsoi 4ua!ificacion ; \ Ihcg 
»'".'/"■. Rcat^^fis in ^vhich or by which a f( 
'^ ''"'*• cotr.es ro Clinft, (which are laid lo 



loriftkr Alien? frepounded. 287 

iJyr preparations to Chrift; by the one 
5p;WtofGod emptying us of our fins, 
Jtlves : by the other begatin^r^ in us 
jlrM hunccrinp, and thiiOirc afctr 
cotnesro ^-"^.i, 1, ^ ^^ vvhcther both thelcdoe not 

fenfeot need,.^.n "--^/"^ " VV f^^, ,,.,^,,,, ,„d being of 
and/tir/?; ipu.tuall ^^^'A^^^^^^^^^ ^ nd Chnfhn the loule. who hath 
U..) ^ ^^f^f^^^ ^iche (oule.asche/,,Ar;ncers .nt« 
thetouLnoUr,ft...:c »/"h. And I which doth rathei <i»;>.//, 

thistheciuahhcanonsofGr , ^^^/^^hedarkcneQe. rather Ivcs 

mitted, that thole quahficat onstogr, ^^^^^.tefore itc«ca. - 
are not ot man, though mrnan vVhetherthac bt a 1 ate diftinaUn.v, 

5 Whether there be not ome , ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ 

in order to Gr.r. which may be ft^ Y ^^^ ..r Clirift. And /^' 

be/r.«,theSpjr.t.butyetarcnon..^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^.^^ ^,^^^ ^^^^,^^c 

Spirit. Y^I f^^^'^f2:ilnl^^^^^^^-^ ^'^-^-^" — ^ '''"^ •' '"'^^^ 
tion, and yet not -'^/''^jf "^^^^^^^ the Hvlr. man . ece.ve* f..d, and 

m.^ A5ihe /.^^^ ^^l^^Xnl/ l«b-rrhe o«. r^ay be called the /.«/.. 
thcSunne,vttnormrfcthcSunnc. t ^,, ^.^^ ,^^,f^ /^jthc otkr tht m*- 

4 WhetherC^r/cojenot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ .^ ,^^,^j,,. 

fore he ^^«"^^ -'-";' J.^^^^.r^w, I' '"^ny of thofe ^.hich are laid to be 
kmdeoN,i^./..«»Chr. bef^^^^ doe not H^pvof^R^^. 

[niXLreondy,orwhecher^^ terefj,^ thougli the «..«./.i?...« of ^^at ,^^^,, 
inrelpedof /«^..if.A-.-'o«tous,orbci '^""^'^^^^^^f^^^^^ Qrder of vvorking/a",;?^, 

in nduytut uHi^ .-airftions v '»y "ot d#r from that which is to be 

5 Whether tho e ^ "inft J J ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^j^^^^,^^ 

hold of 'iff^^''^^* ai^d f';/»Ol^ ""'^^ ••- — 







jgg Some matne 

tlierebe not fome nft to be made oftlii 
dinin(ftion,or God» ordinary and hist: 
traordinary w((»J^<"^Jon mn. 

« Whether upon the lame ^rcMnd\i 
on *hich all preparations, previom vo 
ings, freceltntall ad^ of G d to ju.liiit 
tionatcdcnycd.fi*. ton. ft oiioffin 
and difcoverj of hrift , even upon t 
fame ground f^th it (elfe m ly not b- J 
t\yjiii^'< precedent to juftificioon, if lothi 
certainly boch, faith and juftiftcatioii,d 
f«p///< of another lenfe, then the wi 
ture fceras to hold out, and alfo then th 
have been thus long received 

And tlicrefore it would bealf)WOt 
our paincs, to fji-nd fome thoughts i\y 
the fethngofthctruc«««rt"t faith- 
jultificMion i and therein to in4uirc; i 
the nature of faith ; And that, 

1 Whether faiih be propeily or tm 
the infirument of jullitication, or only tf 
tvidence we are jufhfied ; whether it d 
liuly give us intertft in Chrift, or i$ ont 
the mamft Ration of our interell ; and i 
that which may be ufefull to (uch & 
bates : whether that faith which doth)i 
ftirie us be an ail oi rccHmbency and reltj 
ing on Chrift for intercll ; or a ferfm} 
and atfurance of our intcreft in hiai ; ai 


thofe places would bee well weig!i;dj 
jvihci-C wee arc faid tc» bee ju l.iici !)y 
Ifjiih— Aew 5- '-^ — ^liom.T,.^)^,. 

And fur JuUiticacion , u would hi 
:learcd ; _ | 

Whether it be a fartin ^ or an irKtrn^ 
\mt a^ in God ; whtther \ b; an nci -it 
God in time; or wlr-ihcr that vvhitii i« 
done in time be not mipropeny called ja- 
ltificacioi(,and isrutltti thi. (fj.i/ii'f/-fi,;>to 
Ksiifwliit Gjd tiatii d'ii.t: iruHi sji cttr* 
Hity- And it would bv ex;'.n.ioe^ by thtin, 
(ko hold this lattcrjwhether a d.Hiriliun 
It the leverall ptnodioi junificati.wi mighp 
IOC be adinicccd for the further ticaruig 
jf this truth. As 1 we may be Jaid t»j ha 
IHJiifcd in decree, and fo we arc ;;<//» t4 
otQ everlartiug. 2 wraie/i «J^',.lnulo we 
irejutlifiedinthei^j^f^or ^^-hiift, he laid 
lovvn then the full price tor the payment 
if our debt. 3 Aclually, and lo we are 
K^i^d when wee doe come to bclccve. 
[ Inthc^fl«r;of conlciencc, a.idlowc 
\K]uJiifieii to cur feives; wlan wee con^e 
to be M^ftrtd. 5 'FerfMly,3ind lo we are;?* 
^(d whenwec Si.e^Unfud, when <- bnft 
ull prcfent his ^p(.»ilc w.thout tithff 
^^ttcrwi inkle er ai.) jnch thing, whetj 
^kQmrch ftiall U (ot^* I'ffkhr^, ^li iim^ 


291 ThtOhitSiimAnfwmL 
without foot or finne- if which be net 
admitted, the Order of Scripture w.ll 
feetne to be Uvtrtei; and wee (hall run 
from Gods rtvuUd will »<> Gods Am. 
Will: yea, and amanmay ftatid ^^«4fl; 
iuftificd by this Opmion. while he ftands 
.ff«.tf; under the ;«..., '•^'8"^ and rage 

of Saumtii finne Thefe things 

have only fuggcfted now to coufider of. 
but had intended out of thefe to have 
frmed the Aniwer to the Objeftion 
which in regard it would have been too 
large, I have purpolely waved. Leaving 
thistofomc more particular TrtM'^ 
better hands (which is defired . andof 
which there is need ) doe not undet- 

take it. . ., ., 

For theprefent, I fay no more thti 
that thofe Sffofiiicns and qualification 
which are prercquired doe no wayes « 
m«.i!;upon the freeneffc of 6r*«, feeii 
they are from Grace : and are of Go* 
btftowinf, not of our furch^ng ; they an 
notofourbringing>tfirftot Gods « 
^ini. And we fay that no qualificati 
on mansp^rr from man are rcqu.rcd.i 
vet there may be fomethingoQW4«i^- 
from God. And I will «ot fay that th' 
who doe dtvj preparations to Chnft, 

Ihe ehjtStivm anfwerei/. 295 
jnakindrdenythc neceffitj oi the means 
ofGracc to them not brought m : vvhac 
if we (hould thus argue? , 

If preparations to Chrifl are not nt- Ar^^ 
4arj, theft the www of Grace are not 
Dtccirary tofuch. But the ».«4»/ of Grace ^^^^^^^ 
are neceffary : It is faid fanh corns bjhea- ,7^ 
m\ and ifthew4w be notneceljary, 
then may then W«v« and be juftified be- 
fore ever they have heard of Chrift. But 
I know the Confcquent will be dcnycd : 
which may be thus proved. r. -'■^, 

If bv the »«4w of Grace, God dothy,,^. 
prtparc/^cibfor Chrift ; then take away 
preparations roChrift,and takeaway the 
L«, of Grace tofuch. But by the «f4j. 
of Grace God doth frefm us for Chntt. 
In them he •^ns and difcovers ouri«./*- 
rt ; in them he makes us fit our finful- 
iffe, and need of Chrift -.In them he 
Li and difcovers Chrift and the pronji- 
^tous. and K^niles in the foule a jb- 
Ireand thirft after him,earneft M'^i^foJ 
lim ; which is the mmlng of Grace, the 
J^;,W, of faith and converfion ; and 
foch as are the h^rbingtrt of Chnft. It » 
aid of Un, who ffas the frodrmtu or 
i4r%/r of Cht.ft, both into the ''«;J^, 
ladmtothc ht,rt, Itis faidofhim,tbat 




Lnrfnotorfinne-if which be net|inaklndedcny the ««i777 of the means 

admittea J"^ , . ^ ^,^,1 ru„ I .f ^^ (hould thus argue ? 

l"';;^ Cods ^rr/wi 1 to cods fu.\ if preparations to Chr.ft are not n^-Ar^, 

w.U ^ea and a ^a^Ly ftand MnA^arl thefi the «.-«of Grace are not 

• rl fi K ' rhit Omnion while he ftands I necefrary to fuch. But the rn^ns of Grace ^ 

^ft under hcC; r^.g"^ »"d '^gJ »^ "ecekry : It is fa.d fanhcmes hjhea- ,,, 

wfl«^tf; under the pi^er, r & hints lILr and ifthe>w4«/ be not necelFary, 

of Satan and finne I heie tnmgs ii „,^ , ^na u u. 

h.v.. onlv fuescfted now to confider ofj then may tntnbiUtvt ana dc F"' '"=" 
Wh?3 in ended out of thefeto havJ fore ever they have heard oChr.ft. But 
fL^ the An^" to the Obieft.onjlknow the Confequent w.U be denyed . 

F ;T.i:ri;:^vS sfe^x^^i:^KJice, gc. doth s::^ 

which there IS neea ; m ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ Chnft- 

»hoiloeA»;prep«raiioMtoChnfl,*u«lintotliel..«.u«uiooi , ^^ 

t \ 



191 *thioh\tiiUn Anfmrii. 

he was to nt»ke read) , or ;r«p4re4 p^pkl 
Ur the lorl Luke T. I7- and how vva. 
ihat, but by his Miniflry? Chnft will 
haveVow* goc before him to prepare fot' 
his entrance It is faid of the feventi{ 
difciples whom Chrift fcnt out to preach 
that he lent them to tvery C*') *»dfUu 
wiither ke himfelfe wcti'd come : m 
wherefore did hee fend them hefore, bm 
to prepare their hearts to the receiving ol 
Chcift vvhenChrin{houldcomc?aswi 
feen by the Ttxt he gave them to prtJcl 
upon. Co <i»<i fay mto them, the kinikn 
oi Cod u erne nigh unto joh , as ycu fee 
Luk. 10.1,9. verles. It is with Chriftii 
his entrance into the /t«/<, as it is with 
Trime coming to a place, who you knoi 
hath his harhingtrs luch as goe before, b 
Ciurtot fuch a» goe with him, and hisai 
tcndants, or [mh as are his /o/;owfn am 
come afccr him : So hath Chrift, the bti 
bwgtrs of Chrift, they are thofe prepat 
jtory workings, convidionof finiie,# 
njtry of Chr>fi and the promife> ; e4m\ 
longinp.ihirftingand feeking after hiin 
his '. /lurt are all the Graces of the ^pm 
which tie works in his fiift entrance intl 
ihc /*«/«, and^his attendants or fnllo» 
«.s ihty aie that puce whuh paftethal 
■^ under 

the Oh]e^i6n anfaered, 2 p 3 
Jerftanding, Phil. 4. 7. that foy un- 
fpcikablc and glorious in the holy Ghoft, 
7fM .8. Chrift may be encrcd into the 
y»/ibeforchii/«i7»B'frx come in : there 
jjy be faith without afturance, tnd^grace 
i\\\.hout hy ; there can be no true joy 
[viihout Grace , but there may be true 

itace without joy 1 will proceed no 

irtherupon this. This ftiall fufficc tor the 
Kond branch of the Query, we come 
low to thjc third and laft ^rdwi 

J whether we may not do dHtiei am 
t] God.rvuhrifirenctand refpe^ taeter- 


And this is dcnyed upon a double 


1 Some that deny it upon this ground, 
fcaufe that Chrift hath purchn/ed, and 
iod hath fully providedtieiycn and glory 
rus: and therefore we are not to have 
fpeft to it in our obedience 1 ndccd it is 
ie,we are not to have refpcft to the pur- 
lafing of it by our eW/V»»ff,but we may 
ive relpeft to the poflcflionof it in out 
jedience. Wee may have refpe<^ to the 
ijoymcnt of it in our obedience , ihcs*gh 
tto the obtaining of it ^; cwrobedi- 
«. To have an eye to our enjoyment of 
inoHr obedience is one thing; and to 
V 3 have 

H* : 

Ill i, 

not any I refpe^ to eterftAll rewards. 797 

Bfl«4»F»vrag6 Vfhitherv .^ j^l „fpcftof pc.fo.mancc,but<,.t of <^fjf 

/""'.^'^ have an y< to our obtaimjg u hj^'^* 1% iiciu.ft in refpcft of ^.p.'«d.m ? 
Kg«»,««» .f„.. :.-;nnthet thing. Certainly, thole |8na'n^^u ^^^^ ^_^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^^^^^^^ 


/""'.^'^ have an y< to our obtainiRg u ^P*''' 0* I'" ^ -^chnd in refpcftof V'"^^"" ? 

S";;dien.eUanother thing Ce^^^^^^^^^^^ 

;ik ' who ;«..fc obedience and M^^^^ tollevvardis 

^-'t::;S:^lu:^»o^^^ .he.becha.deny .ha. wee 

t;;l«f .^ prefence. r« w^^L* /« //-Tcol t Jwirds in our obcdieace, buc ic is upon an- 

uta\d.!c- the inhritarce of the Satnti i» i»g f, ' J^i,„ g,ound : Bccaulc this ( fay they ) 
P^m.,. J,, Ncctffary they are, but j;^' •"'''. |„ours not o^iG^fpel and ingenuous ipi- 
aVV " of ^'''^'">'^"^'"^'^f ^r^^l'it, but rather of a mercenary and (mile 

:;:;■ r..-^ord.iut.on = "^".^i t J^^^ 
LL m- ^.trW ^r^d Cjkrh^' ^^e Apomc ^^^ I j;,„gh there were no Keaven , nor hell , 
iiLao,- 5. to rm«*astheprepmiion toifj^^^a^^^^^^^^p^^^^^^^^ 
,.us «o. asthe/rmt«»:inrcfpeaolpieien« I ^ j^^^^j^^ ^//.^fgdaflory ofa^.. 
'^O;;"- fay works of righteoufnefle and hol.nenj ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ .^ ^^^ 

tK - are required ; for "^"'"^^ ^^ m l^nd; and w^ur la the other , and being 
Xv/n. nonc^.p/»^ hereafter, but Vbom he m^J^^^;^^^ ,^, Shec 

r,^,«|,'m.i w^here , he brings none to uurj. J,„f^ered, with this waut 1 will cfH^nch ^11 

^«^ ntrcf the Me to Heaven- 

r;«^;S of ■?«#... ndCauf* 

Mu^^^' wee cry ibcip downc , and »ay ^^'^" ,^„^ |^ ^in appear before 1 have d. me, that 
/i*/^";'-^' Aponie,Titu?3.5. mhjimrhotR^ „rr,inl« her. wanted c/m*- conceptions of 
.J';: uLfncjfewhul. we have done hm 4m 

La,!... this ever m your ears; Doeallr.ghiec 
L, ,;,... «i ff. anti learn lo /J^/J m none, be in«* 

>^../.i-'^,',C- ' 

bucit will appear ociuic i ua.w «■..-, —— 
certainly here wanted c/m*- conceptions of 
heaven & glory,if (he had conceived artght 
ofcliat, there had not needed this exprel- 
fion. There is nothing in heaven that a 
V 4 glortfita 


1 . 

i'i J 


%()6 Whttbirx»emA')»»tetrr') 

|/sr»^f<<f«iul<? can tell ho^to parrwitliilt; 
tlKioii rochiui? to be burned up there; 
tlif re is nothing but (^od in ^rAce, 'and in 
C/'fr^: a* 1 fluli (hew anon 


refftli to ettrnd reivirJi, 297 

ord, for Chriil. And as the/ (ay for re- Noh am.u 
' .fts, (0 they fay for grounds' and ends '.tediimiae 
,j: Heaven & gloiy are not to be thcM'^i" ^;'«"'^ 

, a, . ..M..,..cw« rounds and ends of our obedience : ^^\u,uqHod 

^ { here n A k-c md Opinion, and that|«they to be th; fnfreAme grounds and ^i r<^-^tc-t 
ii; Tint a p.J/K man ma/ doc ^//^ , andlds of our obedience ; we may cany an u a>».u. 
rr- ]/(' in the % n ot obd^ence with a rr/prfllMO them to fjmcken us in our triotion ; A"g 
t„ the retomin.c of lU-ward. But ihs|tt»^"'e ^^ "^^ ^'^ \'^ "-^^ 8^"^ "'^ """' 
on,n,o., is fo m,d.>^ fo temp-red and ./.|.v.ng : this rnay be the ref. cftuncnt .n 
/Ivrd, that it IS a vVcmder that any n.oald|r "'.ir : but this is not to be the fdi 
tDk<:cftemeat,t. lound of the undertaking of onr jour- 

A5 1 rhtt<^h vvct may have Rerpeflfc : the ApoOles phralc may lecme to 
•■' • ■ "ijiic fomething fur this, Hcb. 11. 26. 

UirefpeEltathe HccompiKVt cf Rtvtarii 

is not £fA.'»st. butttwifAtTt) he cajr an 
i.vvhcnhewas on his j )urney, to cheer 

t 1 Heav?n ami g'ory and our falvation yft] 
thtfe mnf« not be ihc (npream and priiiu- 
ry R-fpffti, butondy lecpndiiy andin'l 
tenour Re 1 efts. 

^ I hotc ' mufl not he refpcfted' finglflm in his tr^; , to encourage htm m hn 
andr/*/?, bat «.;««flm.> and joyntlylurney, leH hclhould thinkc ofthegrcat 
vvuhUmlsv^lory. ling* l^^e had r^«;d andbytha:the 

7 Ihcfe mud not bee ^/;/i/«fe R^I/&n^ou d reafonand cehhim, hehad 4 
fnc.*t^ hut llelpcfti with /«^«.-di^4t»«|rdbargaine, therefore he j?M/n a lookc 
to Gods olorv. It was the mcdiratfon oi|m Glory ; he goes to h.s CM, hefi 
on^. Not f/f.,t,« Ohlord,bnt(;r;:iu*|(^sanf|etoiherccompenteof Reward, 
r/.^/4f".--arhcrten thoufand times cMli by this hermirihis firengrh , gets 
... vv.Etiout Heavt,,, then freavcn vv.thoutlw ,nd ficfti encouragement ro goe on 
• chri'i: ; hut icc.ng thou haft joyned chemltiis way : he makes not this the ground 
'^ toccther.l.ac Icannut frj.vonr, exceptithe undertaking his lourney , but a 
'' HiavGthe och€r,thenb(HliO f.o.d.butlcaneuoq'iicken him in the waJ .-not 
not J H? ror Heaven, bu: H^avc^, OIc Ipnnsof his motion, but the ^rMo 

L Old' "'* 

•ti i 

3 CO whether wt may net cm) 
the wheeles whereby hce might raoy 

And yes fome there are vvhodiftii 
rut(h bctweenc young beginners , ai 
growne Chriftians. Ac the firftencia 
of a foule into the w*jts of Grace, fa] 
they, a man loch upon Heaven and hell 
the o*ne to drive him out of finne , th«c 
ther to perfwade him, and draw him inn 
the wAjes of holincffe : but when onct 
ibuleisentredinto the w4;»oflifc,h 
findcjfo muchfweetneffein God, andlif 
rvayes, that now hee fervcs him with 
more free and ingenuous fpiric As tl 
Samaritans faid , Now wc btluvc . 

btcaufe thou h4 f'*i<iif > ^«^ ^"^f*''^' 
havt heard him . and k>t»iv thu u the Mt, 
Gxt that jhould come, John 4 41. 42. S 
now we ferve thcc, not for fearc of pi 
iftiment.or V of reward; but becaulew 
fee thofe beauties in thy fclfe, that fwei 
oeff; in thy »-i;«,that if there were no 
ther heaven this were heaven enough. 
And there feeraes fomething to ffcal 
for this in the prodigall, Luki M- ' ^ 
When firft he was awaked and convinci 
tuV I?, of bis mifery, hce faith, He mil retnn 
18. ij. bis father, a»d faj. Father , I havefinnn 

ftrftSttoeurnAllremrdi. 301 

tmntt worthy to he called ttpfo^ne. 

Sr he would be a hired fervent 5_but af- 

Uee came to his Father , and faw tl»e 

,t«V and indulgence dibis father, how 

iwns to meet him i and embraces him: 

ijttlkes no more of a hired Icrvani-; hce 

iflow overcome with love, and rhercj 

theconely rematt^irt the wtckeAtijje 

Ioh.4 4f, 

d-^ne, and abhorres himfelffyr. tu^^^ 
U faith , Father , 1 have finntdagoinjt 
iMret and hejm tket , bee names h^red 
Uants no mor*. So when ftrft the foule 
awakened to fteilnne, »nd mtfery by 
„c. then bee fay«f, Ob make rne as one 
, thy hired fervants: feareof hell, and 
tefirc of Heaven, are the two great p/«»- 
tr; which moYe him : But when once 
^tf.Hlc comes over to ChrUt and the pro- 
life' when onceic hath tafted of his 
(ercy in pardoning . \Ky^ p^d^ep m re- 
ceiving of him ; thendoth he fff^l^^ 
,ndabhorre himfelfe. a» .t's (aid there 
thofe whom God fettled thcprom^es 
.pen, £c.i 56. 5 1. And now all be de- 
L fe to ferve God for himfclfc •. he /.., 
Lucb^.4«rj. hath tafted (omucbmer- 
W that if he hadtheftrength ot^an An- 
|ell,it were aH too little to be laid ou^fo 

J 11. 


500 whether we miy not cany, ^c, 

him : Ic is not the lifoni within hb 
veines, the y/»><>i within his arteries, tht 
life within bis body, that can be too ditrt 
to be laid out for him : now all the con- 
tcft is, not what will God give me, but 
v4iat (hall I j^it/fGod ? ff'hat (hill I un- 
der Utbe Lord ftr^ihu goodnejfe ? hccis 
mll'tHg to goe through a fu and throng}) 
a m/atmef, ihrcughroany difficuUies.Mi 
duties ; and all he can doc it falls infinitely 
ftiort of his heart aod.gpod will to God; 
all his expreflions they arc but a little off 
his larger a ffcdionsiq him | and though 
God flioujd never doe wM'^r for him . yrt 
his heart doth ^Kr»ewjth fuch affeftions 
to God, that he coppts ii// he can doe for 
him, but a little of {f)^t much hce could 

And now though I did not need 
proceed any further in this, yet givcras 
leave, becaufe this is themaincin Con- 
trovcrfie, yet to proceed a little further 
in the clearing of it to you. For anfwer 
then to this third branch of the Query, 
VVhtthera Cbrifiian man Wky mt doe du- 
ties with 4tt eye te the RecompiHce of Re- 
ward ? Or with refpeft to Heaven and 
Glory. 1 zafwet fiffirmatively 1 and in 
tppefnion to that contrary Opinion, Iftia" 
^'^■' las 

Tfvt Pojiticrts frcpctind(J. 3 1 

in downe and evidente thefe two Pofi- 


I Pofition. That ve may my Cod 

h Re/pt^ t9 Heuveit and glory. 

1 I'oHcion. ThAt we enght to have 

(te[i to Htaveie and Glory in Mr ibt- 


Thcfc two 'Pifitions I (hall endeavour 
^t^dlijhto you, though not upon the 
ime grounds,whereon the lawfulne(rc of 
yeing the Reward in our obedience is «- 
iiif; built : T (hall labour to fettle itup- 
infuch fpirituaU ind yet true ground*, as 
herein yon (hall itc the reafon of our dif- 
mting to the firft branch of the J^werj. 
iVe will bcginne with the firfi, which is 

ibis. I 

1 Po(i. That it is lawfullf and we may 

itj God with RefpeB to tternaU Rewards, 

htiven and Glory. 

I In the handling of this, in regard I >rf 

Ithat thofe who have maintained the con- 
;ary opinion,have grounded that opinion • 
ipon miftakes , and /j//e conceptions of 
ihat Heaven and glory vs : I (inde they 
iavcraadc/4//e draughts o( Heaven, and 
lave too mwchpenfitdit out after a carnal 
nanner ; a way farre below Heaven and 
Jlory. And ihcreupon I conceive , have 




'304 WlMt it nitant ly Heaven. 
grounded' th.5 opinion, that we may «, 
eve «ci« our obedience. I (hall thcrefoi 
in the fi-A place (liaving in the entrin, 
upon the i2«.a cWcd what u mea, 

bv R«=lpc<*, or eyeing Qf the Reward) 
downenow vvhat^Aee conceive is truel 

meant by Heaven apd^^lory- , 

And here 1 muft firft tell you.that .fyc| 
dotfabftrad or feparatc that/ro»» Heave 
which a crnall heart doth conceive tol 
heaven, that is Heaven to aged yraai 
Carnallmen doe fanc^ Heaven undcrci 
nail notions; they loo,ke upon It a, .£ 
and where there is fulnefs of all plcafu^ 

and happineffe ; b^^bo^h^^/'^^', ^f 
fery and the happineffe, thefrecdora « 
enjoyment; they fancy ma way fuub 

and complying with their "rnall on,a« 


ven, but this is not a Chnftians Hi 

vcn; indeed. w« read Heaven feto 

]Uvel.M>-»P'«^/ij cousin the Scripture Re« 

^^,icHS thenoj 4r» garm/hed mth aim 

/ 'i.rSr and the ml 

Uatts M* tmlve Pt^rla, Ibusoi 

Wbdt U meant tj HeMtft. 305 
pleafedto fenfil\x. out, as if he would 
pa a worldling, and even corrupt fenft 
ftlfe which (hall neter come there, to 
ik the enjoyment of it. Butthefe you 
ift know are m.taphoricall Speeches, 
.caufe the Glory of Heaven cannot bet 
njil'd and limb'd out as it is ; tbcre- 
)fe God doth condelcend here to our 
ftakneffe , and even to fenfe it fclTe ; 
d fcnjils out Heaven and G lory by fuch 
ngs as are known to men to be picci- 
5, Not that wee aie to conceive th« 
liVcn is any fuch thing ; nay , or ihic 
tre is any fuch tking in Heaven ; if you 
inkc fp, 1 (hall /pojlyout heavens before 
have done ; Certainly, 

1 God needs not to be beholding to 
jnes, though precious ftenet , to make 
leaven glorious,no more then the Sunne 

ti% to be beholding to the Starres to 
jke the day. God himfclfcj?/^ heaven 
rith Glory, and makes it infinitely glo- 
ious. God in Heaven is the Glory of 


2 To what purp»fe (hould there be 
ich poorc ixggerlj fenfitivc things , to 
lofe who are ai fpiritiv^A glory? thcfe 
ings are^f/iwthefpirit ofa godly man 

ittc J be Mih a more ntkh fpint> he •=*° 
' ^ - now 


now r^.i«^/« upon j^fl/t^andfilver, Pc^rl 
and BUmands : and if his fpiHt be ab(j 
thclc things here ; what arc thtfe to k 
in Heaven ? if thefc be hetow him wbii 
hceis here hl»w; what arc they thci 
when he ftiall get above ? 

5 iiefides, thefc are but beggerly ?/« 
to the meancft glory in Heaven; youihil 
lurneyour eyes no whither, but hehoUi 
farre greater gLrji then thefc arc ; ever 
glorified to\x\e fh*U be more gloriotu then i' 
^«« in its glory : alas, what are pwi. 
'ftoncs,bui^e^W< ftones, \UmfArdiot 
glory of a glorified Saint ? 

But to proceed no further , upon ttii 
miftakc. I conceive in briefe, that by m 
«<// Rewards, is meant what ever ougl 
to be the utmo^ of the defirc of a rene^ 
cd and fanHifiecl foulc : Not to fpcake 
it in that largcnclTc which * others b»v| 
Burrovrs excellently done. 

of God. 

2 It is the ttijoymtnt of Chrift , t' 
Pwr^ of price. 

3 It is the tnjojmnt of the Spin 
the OBcly Comforter. 

4 It i$ th? ffifeaioft and fulnefle 



MdeterttdB rtrvArd, .50J 

S It is an Etetntll Sabbath ; a reft,and 

reft in ^ehtvah , in whom there is all 

(ft : it is areftafiher all motioMt ; all 

earnings after him , arc now Refts in 

liiDj and in him as in'yoor C^^rr, your 

;oper fUet of reft ; it is a reft with 

ilory, though here they feldome, yet 

iheaven they perfeftly meet , and that 

It all eternity 

And tell rae now in this little I liave 
lid of it, whether a Chriftian may not 
fire all this ? whether a Chriftian may 
It eye this,and have refped to this in his 
trvice and obedience ? 
I May we not defirc and have refpeo; 
iothe enjoyment of God in our fervicc ? 
"rtfi<i could fay, fyhmhuvel in htdven 
Jthtc^ mUh tarth I dt(irti» cmpari- 
fmffthet? Pfalm 73- » 5- The enjoy- 
DCBt of God was the utmoft of his defirc 
inheaven, anditia fet downe as the top 
priviledge by Chrift , to bring us to God; 
i7rt, 3.18. and may we not eye it here? 
Certainly , the more refpcd wee carry 
to the enjoyment of God in our»bedieDce, 
m more Noble is our obedience j the 
pore eye you carry to the enjoyment of 
God in a dntj , the more nobU are yonc 
to in duty: and may wee now pf«y 


.06 we may dey with 

and-doc duty with refpeft to get a littl| 
communion with God and Chrift.witt 
out which rcfpeas your duties arc ni 
faiKd: and may wee not jVr^* Godthi 
with yi/pdh to the full enjoyment ai 
Commumon with him? how abfurd 

this ? , ^ i-i a I 

o And may we not tirftre Chnlt, tnl 

obey God. and [ollorv after him m tb 

r,Js of holineirc with refpcfts to thee 

ioymcntof Chntt? indeed, not to pi> 

chafe h mby our obedience ; buttojoi 

rev to him in our obevlier>ce:yea,a 

to walk in iv.^yes of fervice vviih refpc( 

to the enjoyment of him ; notasttij 

mrit of ouL- fervice, but the endm 

feeding. . >/• ,1 

:. And thirdly, may wenotaf/rdl 

Spirit, who istheoncly Cmfirter ; f 
and lerve God with rfffeBs to the en)0' 
mcnt of him.who is the comfornng, w 
is the fana.fying6>/n* , who is now 
Hi, but wee (hall hereafter be tn hii 
As it was laid of j^etw, which was the pi 
occupation of G/tr^, he wm in the Spnt 

4 And may wee not obey Cod, ai 
fervehim with refpeft to petfeftiona 
/«/«f/i of Grace. May wee here fei 

rtfptii to Heavtfi. 307 

lim with an eye to the additions of grace, 
id may we not el>ey hira with refped to 
ibieffe of Grace? may we now pray. 
i/^ in the ufc of Ordinances, and in all 
le wayes of dutic with Refpeft to the 
[tting a little more Grace, a httlcmore 
lith.lnore love, more brokenneffe of 
irt?— — How much more may wee 
nit God, and obey him with reipefts 
ithc fulncffe and perfeftion of Grace i 
«is that we ^«4/A after, wc pray for, 
te hope for, even perfemott , /ajisfa- 
i»n : ^'he» 1 awAke, faith 1>4vtd, I jhAU 
[AtMmth thy likenejfe, Pfalm ij.u 
uid certainly, that which is Samts latii- 
ftion hereafter, is Saints defirc hercj 
which they heAth after in all theu: 
ces as their fatisfaftion, may be re- 
ted and eyed here as our duty in aH 
.fer vices : if thofe<i»f«« are not well 
ine wherein you have not carried rc- 
tftt to the Communion with God ana 
trift, and improvemenis of grace ta the 
[ingof them; then furely we not only 
Li, but it is our d»ty, and wee »/»/? eye 
ife things and have refpeft to them in 
irdoingof them. 

1 5 And fifthly, may we aothavere- 
' " lOi ftrfta Sahhtb in 'hcdoing^of 

*> I 

^1- ■♦i * 

apg Wentdjtbejmth 

omuls mo- duty ? What is it but a Seft f is not ri 
tu( tcHilc jiig end of all laboQr,doth not labour tei 
td'iuietim. j(j jgft > And is not this a reft ? nay, an 
from finne, a reft in God, a reft vvii 
prayies and admirmgs , glortfjings 
God to all eternity ? and may we 
labour with refpcd to this reft ? may 
not doe fcrvice with an eye to the obtai 
ingof fuch zSMathi where wee fti 
reft forever, and reft from fiti. Nay, 
in fervice, reft in God. Evtnftr thu t 
jve labour and faint »or, aCor. 4. i6. 

And tell me now by this little tl 
hath bcene faid, jvhttkr m may »tt f« 
God rvith RefpeHs to ettrnall Revin 
May not a Chriftian ferrc God with 
fpeft to thefc things? Nay.isheeaCI 
ftian who doth not *(»/</«/> thefe refpei 
in the fervice of him ? Why, what itii 
vation, what is heaven, what is glory, 1» 
all this ? I wonder what draughts f 
make of Heaven, what you think of|l 
r;,«nd falvation, when you fay, wef 
not CO eye thefe things; nor to have 
fpcft to thefc things in our obedienci 
certainly you conceive of thefe thingsn 
dcr falfe notions; you make falfe dra»l^ 
of thefe things: you looke upon them 
the world dotb, carnally, not fpiritn" 

refpeil te Heavtnl iop 

/bow none will ownt that heaven as his 
ippineffe,which he may not havercfpcft 
ito in his fervice ; Nay, make his fcipe, 
, 4imein his fervice : the Apoftle fcems i CorM.iS 
limply fo much in the 2 Cor. 4. 1 8 • fTfSww.'r- 
In^ nrt at the things which are fetn, I'm rotp rd (xi 
thi things which are not [ten: the word ;3m- 
iplics, we make thefc things which are«i<i«r*— 
)t fun, our fcapc, our aymt ; and if fo, -< '*>=« • 
«n ccrtainely we may have refpeft to ««»»«. 
^em: let us be aftiained to pcnfil out that '^^^ 
irhcaven, which a godly man may not ^-^^ 
xtimitttd to eye, and have refpeft unto ^^^^^j^ 
jhii obedience ; nay, make his /cof* at»d ^^r^ ad. 
idinobeying: that is,not htavta fo much qnam ;:a. 
|hichcomcs^7 God, as that ^^^^^^'f 
Ideed which lyes in God: ifwcefpeakc';«^^» ' 
[(heaven akfiraaivtly, it is but a notion: .^i^i^^,^. 
lis can never make a man happy : but if 
DO fpeake of heaven c»njfin£Hvtlj , hea- 
ta with God, and heaven in God , as it is 
ir happincffe, fo it is our holineffe; and 
)this we may carry an eye«ndrcfpcft la 

lour obedience. ,- -^ 

And by this may a poore Chriftian be »'^' '" 

dsfied in thofc doubts which are ufually 
be refults of a jealom mifgiving fpint. 
[h, will fome fay , I doubt my lewicc is 
fpoctiticall and out of ftljc-lovt , for I 




I T 




fJJatoHeaten and Glory. To which J 

"^I^VV; never read that God cW. 

anv for hjpocrifio who had refpeft to tfi«l 

Weed, he bath .W'^thcn. who hav 



•L la eyli • but never charged ad 

W.fc. notion, rnake true ^r.«|fe. of H« 

ven ; looke upon Heaven as Ihav J 
forth; tnake this thy Heaven wh.chl«^ 
liT.«/tobtaChrift.ans Heaven 
then thou maytt carry an eye and rl^ 

to it m thy obedience ; nay .the more 
and refpeft thou carrieft to Heaven* 

defer Jd . certainly the more /«^^^^^ 

the more heavenly thou art. In ihu t" 

^,/?fclfe: andnotthy felfcino;po^ 

toGod,orfeparated from God but 

AV",^Gc<^; thou /./^i? thy felfemh 

refpe^ to Hedven, 3 1 1 

](«</(? thy felfc in him, when thou fhaU 
:fvaS$rveti up with his likencfle. 
And here will be the anf^verto ano- 2 
yfcrmU too: you (hall hcarc fome 
J 1 feare my deftres are nor true ; for I 
[fire not grace foricfelfe, but^r^fe Lt 
ory, grace for heaven- | 

To whom 1 might alfo fay, conceive a- 
!ht of heaven ; looke not upon it with a 
wZfeye, a phcc o? frecdemg from a 
ifitive mifery and enjo- menc of fenfi- 
! happinertc and pleafure : but looke 
in it as a pUce wherein thou haft com- 
mion with God, enjoyment of Chrifiy 
ftUioH and fulneffe of grace, frecdome 
.m all finne, from every corruption,and 
itituall imperfeftion ; and thou mayefl 
ffire grace for Heaven Indeed if you 
Laid look upon _5r.j« and heaven as two 
■jthings, you might ci re in dcfinng 
;j for heaven ; but looke upon heavuu 
ilK fnlfiefe of Grace, and then 



jumayft defire grace for heaven- Thou 

Vjfidejire Grace here as the beginning 

heavcn.the earneft ofiLrj, and as that 

jich may tKtis/e theo to perfeftion and 

id/Ww/ffof Grace hereafter- 

Inbriefe, he ^ho tiejlres grace meery 
irglory, and lookes upon that ^/t'-v, as 
X 4 <^>v»ri 

!! ?!■ 


mi tettnii- 
tath fcmi- 
till-, Sfl/J- 
,[l g'.ari.t 
] -a cho at a\ 
gli\i>^i efl 
m-tta. An 


^\% rhdt we 6ught to have rtfptSl 
divers from Grace ; his defires are n 
right ; but ihou raayft defue grace meer 
for heaven , fo long as thou defireft httj 
vcnmeerely for Grace . and the racM 
inlarged thou art in tho(c Jtftres, the moi 
gracious and fpiritual are thy principles, 
And thus much (hall fcrvc forthefirl 
Pofition. That wee may obey God witi 
refpcA to heaven and glory. And indw 
we cannot conceive of heaven fomeani 
if wee conceive aright of it j but it may 
eyed even underthe meaneft notion of i 
But we come to the fecond. 

2 Pofition. Thst we ought to 
refpe^ to Heavtn 4nd Clary in tnr «y 
ence. In the former, I told you onely thi 
you m/iy ; here I tell you that youm*i|! 
(you may ohey God With refpeft to heaven] 
but you ww/refped heaven in your ob« 
dicnce : It is that which God hath f( 
downe to fottifie out hearts againft few 
of any troubles,and to bear up our heir 
under the fenfeof any calamities. Youfi 
when Chrift would arms his Difciples 
gainft all fearcs and evills they ftioul 
meet withall in this life , he takes the er 
couragcracnt from hence ; becaufeG 
would give them a Kingdome, Luke n 
FsArt not Utile fiockf, j^r it n p" 


tfihtdvenineirokditnte, 315 

Ifi^htrs will to give yoH the Kingiomt : he 

brings the harbour into the fea ; the rtfi 

liitothc Uboitn ihe gltrj into the tren- 

\il,: and this encouragech a foule to goc 

tbro»gh all. And (hould wee not eye it, 

lind have tefpcft to it,we (hould be found 

Ik, (lifht the encouragements of God. As 

it is a finnc to flight the confolattons of 

God./o^.i 5-1 1. So it is no lefle to make 

Itftiof the encouragements of God. All 

Ithefc God affordeth to help f^ith agamft 

ifenfe.to furnifh fdith with arguments a- 

eiinft the carnall rcafonings of the flclh ; 

and to encourage us in the greateft ftraits 

lind diftreffes the world can brmg upon 

ui. And you fee it was that which the 

SMHts have eyed in their encouragement 

in the greateft ttraits. It is faid of Mojes, 

Heb. n . a J . That he ch$fe rathtr to JHpr 

\4fliaion with the people of God , them f 

\my the fleafures of finite for 4 fedjoit : 

L.,^»r, faith the Text, to the Recompenrt 

,f Reward : that Glory, thai happinefle 

iwhich was made rcall aod vifihle "«* ^<* , 

the eye of his faith, did encourage hiro to Za®- -hw 

hht\\\ the greatneffe of the world :. ^W/.©- 

♦ it renders all Trcafures on earth toe ht- x^Tiffi- 

tl, for his fpirit, and his fpirit t»o hig to be ivt<u. 

d^HHted with all the difcouragemeats mBaliL^ 




^ 1 4 That m ought to have reffeSl 

the world. And ic was that which was 

7>4«// encouragement too, 2 Cor. 4. 17, 

18. HtwM trtubleci on tvtcy fide,— but 

io,;».. yet laboured and fainted not. Why ? Be- 

Bcz.»» loc. caufc ottrligk afpaietis which are hut for 

A moment , workethfir hs 4 farre morttx- 

ceeding And tteritaU weight of glery , while 

we looks not unto the things which Are [ten, 

but At the things which Are net feen. So that 

you fee from hence the Apoftic tooke 

his great CorM^U , and encouragement to 

gee through all his troables and diftrcffes; 

hcc looked above thofe things which arc 

fecncandconfidered thofethings which 

arenotfeene. — 

And to be briefe, i Would you waike 
thankfully. 2 would you waike chetn- 
fully. :? would you be ftrong to do. 4 and 
Able tofufer. 5 would you fubmit to all 
Gods dilpofals. 6 would you rejojice\n 
yourfafferings, then youmurt carry an 
eye to the rccompcncc of Re ward. Brief- 
ly, to fpeake to them : 

I VVould you walke thankfully ? The 
confiderations of this will make us bnrfl 
out into pvii/"?/ in our loweft conditions. 
Here is matter enough of prayfcs , the 
»PeM, Aponieburfts out, iPet.i.3,4. 'Bhjjd 
be the Go^ and Father of our Lord pfM 

iohci'vtninmohedlenct. 315 

.yid who hMh begotttmu again unto An 
Jitance immrtaH and tncorruptible, 

0' onf 'of thanklg.ving for his great--^^ 
odneffc-. ^io fc.»b«-^;«;r^ ;K.i....- 
^;^ld you walke cheerfully W<^ 
I be filled ^vith ,oy , vvKh conifor ; I 
Uem.dftof all your fad cond.cions?^^, , ,,. 
' Sd you joy in tribulations? fetch con- ^ p„. ,.8. 
r,d rations from heaven , ^'^f '^j- 
■L tooke joyfully the fpo^hng of th»r 
5 k^mwlg inthemfelves th,t they had 
Ckeaven a better and un enduring fub- , if,,. 
Lr t U reported of C4^r, that when c.j.n- 
bas/L, heeufed to fay tohimfelfe #. 

^Malthou art C^far : D.d he thmke 
P.W greatneile was enough to W 

uphis heart in any trouble? how mucn 
more (hould the confideration of tbeie 
tea things referved for us , cheer up our 
arts and comfort our fpir.ts m .heM 
'^Sion^ Hethat Uves much.^^^^^^^^ 

iughtsoi heaven to '""Itjfullv 
hcavcn,that is. thankfully, and cheerfully- 



3 1 6 That we iught to hdve refpeil 
The Pliilofophers fay, if men were above 
the feceud Regio» , they were above all 
fiormts : there is nothing but ftremty and 
clearencfle, It is trucoflhofeye*// who 
can /»i/nn heaven, they have re^ in la- 
bour , cdlmes in ftormes , tra»^miUty in 
terapefts, and comforts araidll their great- 

eft diftreffcs. 

1 Would you be ftrong to dot the 
will of God ? You mufiktch ftrengthand 
encouragement from the confiderationof 
ihefe things : the Apoftle brings in this 

Co). 3.13, asanencouragcmentjCol.5.2 3,24- fVka 

»4. tver you doe, doit heartily k»6T»ing th»t 

if the Lord pH fhaU receive the Rewariof 
the iithtrit*tue. So in the i Cor. 1 5. ult. 
Be ulrrajes sboetitding in the works of tin 
Lord, for tu wtHchiu joh kjtowy that ym 
Ukur IS mot in vaine in the Uerd : and yoa 

Ji'*'°' may read the like in 2 Pet. 1.10,11. and 

iPct.j.i4.in2Pet. J. 14. 

4 Would you be able to fufier and re- 
joyce in fufferingsPWhy, the confiderati- 
onsofheavcn and glory will be great w- 
cDuragemints & inableracnts to you,to iin- 
devgoe any thing. You fee this in Adtf", 
Heb. IT. 2 5 , 26. In the Primitive Chrifti- 
nnsjHeb. 10, 24. andinffe^. ii.35,Hf^' 
12.1^2. To which 1 might adde ahn- 




u heiven In our tbtiicnce . 317 

i^t more. He who eyes heaven and glo- 
Ifo, will be ablcto walke through any con- ?encuu 
ditions: while Tf^r held his eye upon""* ''^/>»- 
Chrift, hee walked fsfely upon aftormy^^^"'"" 
jndiempeftuousSea, but when he tookCj>^,^j^ 
,|Tiis eye from Chrift.and looks upon the ♦ mu'vi- 
llorrainefs of the Sea then he finks ; whWe^Mum 
we have an eye upon eternals, we are able '"'''or, ni- 
towalltcBpanthe moft terapefluousSea.'^J^'^"^')'- 
wecangoc through any itormcs; we are ^/^JJ*^ 
too bigge for any trouble; but if we once ^^^^i.^^, 
alie our eye ojf Chrift and heaven, thenjgw e>. 
the leaft trouble is too kigge for us — Mcrux,in- 
wiiihefpeechof* 'Bafil. I care for xiO.^'*:'fu*bt- 
^m^vifMew iuvifible, that I mayi«gl(«'«? 
Chnft} let fire, letthecrOiTc— let break- ^^2«,«,- 
ing of bones come ' nay, let the torments ^^(^j/ 
ofthedevill come upon me, fol mvj %tx. mmbrorum 
Chtift. Such a bleffed magnanimity did«?-/«pp'»- 
the confideration of thefe things /.»t into '■'^l^^l^l^^, 
him,that he could (ieight and contemn all '^',f ^ *,j, 
the evills of the world- This is certaine, y^y^^^ 
be that confiders thofe cternall mights of chn^um 
glory, will not thinke thefe Ught afpilitns acqulram. 
which are but for a moment worthy to S«fcb. l.j. 
be compared 10 them ": he that fees vifont ^' 5>- 
of glory will not matter with Steven , a 
jbowre of (I ones : he that confiders eter- , 
nity at the end, doth aot dread togoc , 

through / 

318 th^tmoughttohAVt.O'c. L,,,,«,fl/,/,. Andallthishccandocby 
<^ui ater- through any troubles in the way.- — ^hm^\^ccoHjtder4tian of the great and |/*ri»w 
m^en, confidcration of thcfc things will rendct|i)ings yvliich God hath rclerved for him. 
tnenti £-'»- all the good and evill of the world ^00 /.«/J^„(j therefore you fee the neceflity of 
cefit,nuUi,i j-^p jj^^j fjj^ip^ eitiiei- to tempt or threaten living refpeft unto heaven, and glory in 

*"Tr„ outouhcwaytsoflife. 

^''"'''^■''^"' 5 Wouldyoufubraitto all Gods i^. 
tofalsoiyon f Theconfidcrat.ons of hea- 
ven and Plorv will make the foul fubmit 

venand glory will 

to anything here : hee can be content 
tobepoore, h:c knows hefhallbe rich 
to be reproached,he knows lie (hall be fe. 
„oMred ■ to be ^fli^ed, he knows liec (hill 
hecmfortid ; to be impnfoMed, hee knows 
he (hallbi brought into a UrgepUai to 
fit at Dives doorc,he knows he (hall fit in 
Mn^lMms bofome j to lofe all, hee kiiows 
he (hall findc all at the other yiJr.Ood 
will be rf*. and wo'-f then^fltohim. He 
knows It is but for a little /m/aw, a daj,in 
hoHre, a moment, and a fmall moment; 
hereafter there are etemall embraces ; he 
mmhthicc&n fubmit to Cod to vvorke his owne 
TfeT vvorke , and vvorke it his owne >..;. and 

our obedience. And thus I Lave eftabhih- 

I Thdt rre may ohej Cyd with rrfpcQ tt 
^tAven and Glory. 

a That we ought to have reffttl to beAvtn, 
tniglorj in $nr thedience . 

And in thcfe two , 1 have fufficicntly 
anfwered the third Branch of the fifth 
^uery, t/it. lyhtthtr a ^'hrifiiau may mt 
kdnty with refpefhs the recompente of Re- 
md. I (hall now haften the reft. — 

Wee are now come to a fist .^uery, 
rvhich is : ffhether this be a pnrt ofourfretm 
hme hy Chrif} > te he free frem ohtdience 
wu man ; or whether to obey men, be any 
infringement of our liberty by Chri(t. 

Now before 1 come to the Anfwer of 
I muft tell yoUjThere are fome pla- 

utjn 4ter- worke it after his owne manncr/o he vvil ij„j ^■^^^ Chrif^ian libtrty to be obcdi- 

. ... ... _i .» l.lV . find .., ,- . . i • y- » 

1 4ter- 
ntt^ par 




p/w/e to bring him to glory at Ia(t ; and 
he can fay, well-come thiz fonotp that 
tends to;.; ; that trouble that endsm 
cmfcrt : thofe cro(res that prepare for 
crownings J and that .-/f^fA vvh-.ch ulhers 


(sthat feemeto fpeake, that it doth not 

tnttoman. We finde in Scripture (as I 
hewed you in the beginning of this 
rieatifc) a double rA4r^f. » That man see the 



\. ' 

'■■*$ \^^' 




310 Thefixt^eryproptH»M I Jhefixt ^eqfnfeundtd. 321 

(hould not /i/i<r^ m»fter(hip. 2 That Jirce mufl Co fubmit out fclvcstothc4«- 

(hould not undergoc ferviwde. mirity of man, as that wc do not thereby 

The firtt ycu may read , Mm. j ^. ^.iMpfi^h our Chriftian Hhrty which wee 

l^r'tmi. Be JOH ntt c^tled * RMi, for cne ts p lavc in Chrift , and we muft fo m4Wtai»,e 

mmvocar, Ma/ier. cvin C^rifi, and aU j» *u% wChriftianhbeity, as that under «/.«>- 

tnagillfum ,hyf„^ and the like in the tenth verfe. if it, we ncgled not our Chnftian dntj. 

ut tUipwt- jijj fecond, that we fhould not undt mbmit your felvcs, faith the ApoiVie, but 

clpabtacem fg^vitude : you readc in 1 Cor. 7. 1 1 fne, not as JlAvtsy but as free-men fbU 

"?£" TeMrehouihtTfithapriceJe je ntt tht {i ibtnit , hit te^htth no fuhmiJfKn which 

«,m,,«* vMnts.fmn. ujiye^hoHrClmfiUnfrtedom. In 

deo compc- Nqw contrary againe to this wee tei net then, there is a two-told JHbjtttton to 

"^•Aqui". Rom. i?.i. L« rmjr /o«/ *«M»S un. ^. ^ ^ 

f"ri!/ thehiihir powers, fer thire k no fowri i There is a /«^;f «,o» which w-; bee 

TapMc"<>fG<>di I powers th4t are, are orM tdded Wrrkhe prefer vation of our Chri- 

PrLiihcc Gd : and in i Pet. j. 13, 14, 15- ^'^ li«nUbcrty. | 

decreve- jour ftlvet to evtrjOriinanceof m*nf»\ 2 There is a [nhpaisn which can- 

rmt ere- jr,^j, y^t, , y^hether it be to tht King M /fot be yceldcd , without impeacbmctit 

Ziinftl- tertyfor a cloakf of maluioufnef,, b0t ^| For the firft. That there « a fubjeaion 
lud BeU^r- [crvantsofG^l Ff^V ^^ Y"'!**'*?. ^'^^ the preferrat.^ 

,;«,, dibi- Now how (hall theft two be rccoofnof our Chnftian liberty : That you fee 

. h 


" ["" "; led ? One faith, he ye notftrvants sf i 
jrJX- The other faith./»*«< pur felvesujt 

implyediathe 13. Rom. i. andi Ttt. 3.RcMn.ij.f. 

3,14. ll'ct.».IJj( 

And there is a fubjeAton which can-'** 
otbe yeelded without impeaebmenc of 

„ ,._ ^ . . ' .as is fcen in the contrary places. Beye\ *^''^' 

nuntiir ; non enim more d»{l»m, quaknm ratio fuMdecJe'^ ^ j^ Jervants of men : and Call no man Mat.9. i** 

mam eccU- rj Ordinance of man. But the meaning 


& HOM dubittremumiu fehabeant ntcne, q»< vobis prtf 

tiam fuamvobhfiOfonuntcredeKdami fcdm*ie judicisw 
m Ktcefftnt. utetuiun imfanum. 

i \ 







The one is the [HbycUon of the *««(• 
„„Jm.n..uh.n8^Uwtull, the othens 

the rub)e':ti..n of the in^»rd man, the Ajjl 
^dco!.lcKncc. and in thmft* unlaw u. 

- i\ft:onmlut,ordinaaontoGod. and tot 

' heZ-,d;M^asrheApoalela.th,lP«. 

" Ty . rhcucheri.au.v/c/«r. lubjea.onJ 

, ,,„, ,. a fubjcd.on of our /.«/. and conlcicnce. 

; ;;;. Jormns fake, or upon mans. uchor.ty«e 

4--'"^ maYbelubj.ftin relped of theoutwat 

-i--'' maLnth.ng^lawfuh: butforcurH 

'"t "ir' and commence*, a. we have no faiheT5,lo 

SLt wehavenomaaers.baconelyourf-.-« 

,.,(.;ww and ^/^^'•i" heaven. ., 

himm ul You may fee both thcfc plaml/ , itjoi 

'fr'" '" compare thele two fUas, the one is, M" 

Which two p!a"C5 being confide.td, d^ 

furniin as With this diftinaion. There ai 

L;.i/.. maftcrs according to theji.yJ,and maje 

".:S:m'x,. according CO the /pH;: wee have m^ 

U:.id tu»,i. ^ccoruii.g to the pp^ : that is. fo tatrei 
p^»P<-/.7^. aopertainsto tbee«(w.irrf man in ouc^^al 
'P.u-v.na ^jV^^^j gyj. .^g i,_ivj. no maftcrs accotdii 

J I. PlOf'i- 


may heyetlded to men . 5 :i^ 

to the //>*>»', we have none to whom vvC 
are 10 fnbieEl omi fouls and confciences, hut 
onelyChrifti as inthisfcnfcwehavc no 
father, io we have no Matter upon earth- 

Ob. But you will fay.Is it not lawfull for 
a Magiftratc to imf^fe fuch things upou 
mens praftice ; which doc concerne thcic 
confciences ? 

Aufw. 1 It is not lawfull for a Magi- 
flrate to imftft any thing ■' h»Uw(uI to be »^ 
obeyed : thisisto fet upanau:hotity a-' 
gainft Chrifts <i»W;or.r)r, thepowcr of ruan^,,_ ;...,:, , 
againft the power of God. I qnu p -.- 

2 But ytt a Magitirate may require (if; ,., ,j 
thofe things at our hunds.wtuch are cliA>- I'lrfe-in- 
Ij revealed to be the will of G >d, and in '^';l^'^^' 
that wee 6^«;God in man, and not To.;^;^^.^, 
much man as God. In this caie wc may fcripth^iem 
lay as the Samaritans did. Not* wee be- acjitftuHm 

jiindiiri o- 
fortere in verba divino, Iqnt ft abberraverint, lilnd. ApofloU 
vtleb'n,DcofotiUi ebidtre oportet, quam hemini. Davcn. da 
ludic. et Nor. 75. p. lmfntmelletfaailegumqutc<}Hidhuma- 
Mjutere jnflituHur ut difpofnio diviita iiolnm. Cypr. Coa- 
Biva priHcipis ptteflas nonabfolute ligut fubdkum,ji:d fulum^' 
mdo fubcondinmelictu. SubdUleuiin noiidebeni lUu con- 
la Deum abcdire^ ct qui abufm p»teltath refiftit, non repfiit 
ordinatienidivira. Gcrfom. Confil. de pace. p.nt. i. Ruanda 
rtges contra veritaUm coHftituunt malas leges, probanturvere 
(udenus^et cerenaniuf perfeverantcs. hug. Hqui pr<tefi,fi 4' 
liquid pr a cipit p;<ttcr volit>itaumdei,velpr*ter quod m [ami 
[mplurU tvidmeip- *»{"'«>> fro /*'/« '«/^« babekitur. i 
, Y 1 I lit^' I 


2U Whatfdjemdrt 

■''"'^^hAve heari hi>r, oht [this. 1 conceive, 

^"/' f;. S rb.tweene /«Aj.O»» in order toa- 
w/Us, /;;- a»^ _j nhl.^lence to oncasthe/«- 
hn].vn If- nother, aad obedience li 

'W' \ -- ' Km we obey in lubordmanon.or in or- 
'■"7'"-; d CO another; and thole a'^^^rf ^"j 
'""r "'^' Ue s in whom our obedience r.i^ffj, and 
CIS uu in- ucr^ in w refolvcd ; ^ tor this 

i..f«,. ino whom It IS /f'*^//; ^^'^^'^.ta doArine 
Kclar. laftWind, which i« the R^fn,lh doamt, 

H-i"- urc^ neither A/.- nor ^^^^.^''^'\Xl 

p;.Utos tn^foH toi any «/ < ^j,^^ 

W'»f«- for any to ^/x/^ It; if ^°l , 'y,^A,,.r. 

W-' ^'-L(7mporal thingshur -q-r« us co ^..^ 
»"'•'?«'"« m^n a.infubo>dmationtoC.hnlt,i;p'»^ 
'"'"' " '^ ^ntl " ' M Much leffc w.ll heallow of 
untJ. a hrt*"^ roafter .n fp:ritual ci.ngs 
Luther. tainlY,ic .sthe h.gheft piece of ^*ver) and 
Fphcr. ^.7. .Xilaj'^' i" thc-.vorld to ,«/^upourcon. 
*^'''- ^ • '^ ' fciences to the n-i// of any . 0^/7'';'^'; J 

J^^... -M-r-^'^=-'^'^'^^ tfbL- 
fcopW*- fentences=determ.ncit.on*ufa.,ybucno« 

U/e.v ». I,, ci,e other fcn'c,l conceive that men my 
fmm jjj nuners& *<= may he (dr^ to them m 

W4y ^ yielded to men. 3 2 j 

Jmrdi»4twH to (j 0(1 and ^.^hiit. ■'^no , -.^.j^,, 
1 furcly if you look into the old leOum^iit.t'-c'.;/; rrgi' 
it doth plainly holu forth l'i's > /«//5>-'fi '•'•.■ -i'^ >'«« 
««iiof obedience in f.-ircaall tiiir''«, '• ch'- •'" "- •' ■""*" 
people were bound coo^ev - 'i. >-'f'^- 
j?r<«tr/ when lie timnmant'ed o»fui- ncc co ,'_^ f,^ 
th at which (Jo^^ haa i omni.in -u ; Mri : r > , ,;^.,, r^. 
obey them Iconci'ive no: us- chcv v ■ : ^.rus.ii- 
types ofChrift,(a> Tome imag.n<-,«iis' ■•^f r-. i..L:i;s- 
iheir pi>wcr Was to cea.e, and to end '"!},rj„'^'^*^ 
Chrift, as the great King of his Church &",',,' 
in whom alone all authority over his feo- b sif^ats 
fit was to be fliut up) but 10 them as il\cy [cap: u)m 
vicrc tempoTMl Magiftrates, and were the '^^ t. '«- 
/■wfMofthcworlhipafvJod : So that ^{['^'^'l^': 
I conceive a Ma^ifirate without any i»-'ttaMurq:ti 
U/rffWM* to the authority ofChrift,ori»-rf5/«« del 
[friitgement of the liberty of confciencc may c»/.((« fw 
require thofc things to be tl'tyeJ which are /"'"'"' *"- 
{It4rly revealed to be the rvUi and mind <^f|i"/^'/r'.. 
Cirj^, \ii in this be is bai ifmlfordiiidte, ^'^.^^j^.^ 
d chri^ is \.\\cfHpre»m Mal>er,he teU yt>u -y.u'uhaHt, 
I what \iG$ds will, not what is bn: if he tell 7"» deU- 
you it is ((»0 tio, it is becaufe it is Qodf firft. '' ' •'' '"""'" 
But it may be Objcfted againe.though ''^^^^"-.^ 
it (hould be granted, th:t a ^'«^»/2'''«ff N.V.'rfgei 
lnightcommandor jw/j/e iuch things as /cTrera.r- 

itUMKieretrice V.p.'.nlsy.u.i fen, tali funf^dibucunriii^r, iefplatii- 
l^et/fi/sif, -iii.i/ft.^i ft^^, , •;/.:/; cri:hii:ii bri'taic. 'Day.d: 


!•.' <^ 




,,< Whether Magijlr^tesmaj 
3 , j.„, rn be the minde of 

i;.,.."« beinqu,«d, «h«h« '^^'^JSroubt- 
/,V4..«.'« tullcomc "'" J conceive, ether 
,,,,,,;l.5 thcmlelvcs 1 ^^"^floU i^t^\\.otimf»^ 
W^ua, ne- they (hould not be '"'W ^^ -f' ^^^ ^te 
q4wi«"Y^^ with aUtendcrnefTe. But »r tucy 
^•^f ^' ^'' onelv doubtiuil to me . they "^ay J ^c 

o,a« ««- fully cbcjedh'j me. ahq 

../<.!:.. a As fome thmgs ™7^^^„f Simpl 
"^"" '" K<.«pd which may not /4«';«/0' t>e ni»l^ 

law m.n to, /i'^*'''*' t<> 1^ 

i: was t 

^L.i>.v Tr romraand ; it might be /-i^Hj 
f/«»wt/v'.ijj»w.««',ii^f-^*^'="" •> mote 


impofethin^t doubt full. 517 . . 

more, a rj-pf of chnil ; and theret^-^re .^/^,^^^.,^.,, 
ji*^/?<i, whether they mifiht .'>b{'y rf\.v / ,,^x-i 
command or no ; I fay.inthiscafctr hnd :■ 'j^' ■-'', 
not been Uwfittly olicycd by luth, ''^''"n'' •';,•;;/■■''''; 
it might be lawfully ammanJed !)y He-'''-^'^^';^'' 
Ll(it,h Ceriainly. iheiearcmaay thuv'> . " ".,., 
Lvhich may be conimanlcJi and it V"'J . ■> 

kave rf/prcf? .>nly to the thing* commano ^ . - i^lo 
Id, m.y be lawfully obeyed, which yet if) 'i^-^'- 
Lou have rcrp."<ft to [he psr'fon who u t a o- 
bty, maybe unUnfulUo be obeyed. A 
jraan m this kind msy both linne u\ d'>ing, 
fcr an erroneous confcience bindcth,and 
Lmay finnc in not doir.g, and be g-tiltj 
Sfdifobedience. ^ 

I We might run into a /^frcfJifpure up- 
on this [nkita ; but it is not my intent at 
this time ; 'another occafion may be fif- 
jfrMfi ill fome other Diicourle to treat 
lOiC largely upon it; wherein thts que- 
tion may be rightly Oated , f^ithiully 
ixamined, and [MtsUilioitmvjhttnAt^- 
loured to l.e given to the multitude of 
icruples and Objcdions , in which, this 
»»f above many, I had like t^bave faid 
iny other, is abundant at-uiuuictull. In 
fhemcanetime, 1 ftwU ilmw^ this An- 
Wciy And having iVnikento the mc.ine 
'^uciics which arc m connoveilJc con- 
Y ^1 ceimng 







3 1 ij Uuffclecvers m in 3»ndigt. 
cciningChriftian/wJflfW •• In fteadol 
raifing any more ^ueftioHS. I (hall noil 
conclude the whole Difcourfe in fonii 
briefe application. 

In the firft place then. Is it fo, thi 
Chritt hath ^wrcW''/ and inrtated Belti 
vers, and bclccvcrs only into fuch a prm 
/<;^pthcn what a fearful! condition it is t( 
bean unbeleever? you are flill in bondagt. 

I You arc in bondage to finne- 2 In 
bondage to Satan. 3 1" bondage to thi 
fjorv : and who can expreflc a more raife- 
rablc condition then this is ? We will dif 

cover it to you. 

1 Ycu arc in toKda^e to finnc.not onl 
in bondage by finne : that is, by finnew 
pofed: nay, and bound over to all evills 
/piritftali, umptralt,^^^ eterH*U,hM)» 
arc in bondage to finne,you are under th 
CBfHtnMdj of every luft. Every finnc is 
tyrant in the foule : Chrift t«ll5us, jsh-l 
^4, fVhoever cemmitteth finne u the /ff' 
vantef fifne. Firft, you entertaine finn 
as your fr.ienl and afterwards it teem 
your maftcr ; you arc the fcrvants of nn 
Sem6. lo. Tou are feldtofinyis the ApoJ 
ftle faith of his naturall condition, Rom.} 
14. I4M carttail, and fold under ft»nt, 1 
deed, wc ate all of us fdd under finne 
** * natur 

Unhtlwvm ire in Bendagt . 319 
Unrc, but here we fell our fclves to fin ; 
Ias it was Taid of Jhah , Hie fold kimfilft 
\\t mrkt mckfdnefi : fo it m-iy be faid of 
11, wee arc not ontly f^jfivdj content to 
levaflalsiofin.but Wf cyyuihvl 'n.'ea- 
rtur to vaffall our fclves wca.e il^ive- 
L willing to befinnes /Z^^f^^ra-lu-: tht'n 
LbeGods fervants. It isUc Jo«!:c as 
the charaSer of a man in his raturall con- 
dition , He is difoheditnt ftrving divers 

]ui,^ Tit'l.^. hi« obedience to fin 

bno't ftrctdy but fi-ee , not voluntary , 
bat naturall and with dtllgk. Hence it i« 
faid , that finne rtignes in them ; Sinne 
nth a feveraigKt), not a tyMnj in them: 
iey are the profeff'cd fervants to finne, 
\i Vet Z.I 9. Like thofe who chtfe tV.cir 
Matters after the Lords ]ubile was pro- 
claimed ; whofe cares were hoared in to- 
len of perpetuall fuhjedion 

Andtbisisyour rcr dition, youaiein 
bondage to fin. AnJ thisi? a fearfullbon- 
(lage,tf you confider but thcfc paniculars. 
I It is a foule flivcry. The condition 
Lfthc Jfra0liteiun(iei7^araoh,^r\d thoic 
Ivvho are now uPidcr the Tuvkifti Gal- 
Itycs.is very fad ;but ihatis but the Unduga 
of the body ; but this is a foule flavery. 

lihe bondage of the fuu'.e. What is it to 




■TSfl ■ 1 

^ mcipfi 


ajo AmiferahleboH^Mge 

have our ^wVa vaffall'd, our *//4<«inni. 
vcd, in comparifon of our fmh ? Bcuetj 
to be unJcr the tyranny ot the molt m- 
pmoH4 man, then under the viiflaiUijc sni 
flivc.y of Sii:nc and nur o^vne coi lupuon. 
This IS che uc-nolt, the />'«.'2'«>»^ conclu.| 
dit,'=> ftrolie of God to Rive a man up to 
Lis linne ; to lay, Hh thut Are filthy k 
filth pll ; anti therefore the wortt o 
of iudgcfacnts. i 

2 It ib a f.nfelcffe Havcy ; a navd 
that wee we.c not fcr>fiblc of ; we lay ii^ 
nature, that thofe dM^s are moft moc- 
tall that deprive m of lenfe : now thisi 
a lenidcll lla«rery, wte arc in chjiina am 
fecle it not , wee are under the w»g^t> « 
finnc and arc not fenfible of it; God doil 
often bring us in bondage by fin, he c Uf 
us under the fears and terroursora .elt 
condemning conlcienccand all this is ik 
be might deb ver us out of the bondage 
finne, Wc fay a bBtning Ftaver is moi 
CMifcms hopefulUhena Z.f»W^7 5 ihcPhyfuui 
nihil cfl mi- doih (ometimcs caft his Patient into 
fernji. non f gavcr to titf-f the I-ethargy ; So a wou 
mifamiie. j^j ^^j troubled condition, is better thti 
a fecure and dead condition ; The /?«» 

this is the milcry of this bondage, you * 
pnfenfiblc of it. ^ 

. Itisan4f?.Vf flavery ; A man vaf- 
•d to his lofts, will drudge or take any 
Ltofatisfiethem: fuch a man will 
Jhispaines, his ftrength. his health 
,t(latetoo, to [at4e\n^ lulls ; though " 
V think every thing M9 ntncb laid out 
IrGocJ and Chart : yet they ihmkc no- 
L too ntuch to ^«^upon their luas- 
isan^cfmflavery. andycttnore, 
Litis a wiUifti navery : they count 
Lir {l*very freedome, their M^ge li- 
rtv their c/^4i«« of braiTe, to be chaincs 
pcatl ; they are voluntaries willing 
ints to finne. How often hath the 
)rds Juhihhten proclaimed ? how often 
hChnflr tendredto fet us free, and 
iwehavechofentorcturne to our 0/^ 
ifters? and therefore juft vv.ch God 
ith«€ (hould hire our eares tn token ot 
mall pvtpy to finne and Satan. 
5 It IS a 'bondage out of which wc 
I Neither can we rcdecmc our 

tlves by vrice. ^ . . 

' 2 Nor deliver our fclvesbypowjror 

'J*^ Wc cannot rcdeeme our feWes h 

w. A man may be in Hondas^ to men. 










332 A fe^rtfuUtbing, 
WW power, vet by r.\\tklfs, collcaioi 
and conti ibutions of others. But no in 
can redeeme his ownc foule. Nay, all tl 
fwrritwfM*/ of men or Angels fallt 

rMn.M.9. thort; ihey have but .y« to fervcthci 

felvcs : It is fctdowne not onely as t' 

proper worJk; of Chrift, but the sreatd 

vorks which Cbrift hath done, to » 

<i«whis people from finne: Indeed 

did It by price. G^M-;. hce %fet 

out but it was not by filverand goW, 

I Pa ..18. Petlr tells us ; the Rtkmpionoi oxxik 
is more precious.T/-*/"' 49-7.S' °»'"" 
by the kUnk of Chtift. 

2 As wee were not able to redeci 

our felves by r^('^ ^^ *« ^^'" "*^'f 
to deliver our fclves by f<wtr •• ^ « 
ficner.and to be without /?rf»g»*», w 
ate all one in the ApoWes phrafe. Km. 
6,8. And theicfore hce tells us th^ 
Whik we >r<re [in»trs , «>«<J ^fit w»» 
Itnngth, Chriji djtd for ut. Indeed, 
cou'd doe nothing to hdpe our felues 
of this bondage ; wee were not able 
wtpt, to pray, to worke our felves out 

this condition It is with us as rrn 

in the ^Hkk'fAnds, the more ihey W 
' the deeper ^hey Me themfelvcs s 

I the more we flrive by our owne fireng- 

/ he bofidsgt t$finne. 333 

our owne power , the more wcedoc 
,Weandchaine our felves in this con- 
[ion. And by this you may ktfcmahmg 
to this mifetable condition ; but yet this 
lot all : and therefore. I 

Ij We are in bondage to Satan, not that 
im-J him any thing; wee were onely 
^td to Gods Juftice ; but bee is Gods 
i/jr, who holds poore foules downe 
[under l>rtiK.in barres, and iron gates not 
be broken ; if a man were in bondnie, 
feme lelicfetohave a TnercifttU ]ay- 
; but this addcsto the miferyjthoa 
ia frw// Jiylor, the Jaylorof hell is 
[e lithHchA(ine<.K,<ir who will take no 
twirds , hee will not be bribed^nai per- 
to let thee free. Satan is a ctuell 
irant, ycha rules »» the heart of the chil' 
\uf difjbtdieHce, Ephef.2.2. And you 
Eui^^w captives at hu wHl.is the Apoftle 
[ius,i Tim.z-i6. Indeed.he hath forae 
itarc more royj/l flaves then others '• 
le hee keepes in arHa cufiodtA , dofe 
nets ; holds them downe with many 
;ifx and chaioei , under the raging 
sec of many lu^s and corruptions j 
pfom: he kccpcs mlibtra cMjiadia, pt^- 
[ersat lirge ; he fuffcrs them to wdlk^e 
Hit: they hare the liberty of the pri- 
' fon, 



' ^^ ;.«r oo at his pUafu Aft'ons in bondage ; thy vcry/>mf is in a 

fon. but yet arc cUp up a^ n^'.^W ^^ ¥^„j,ge. thou haft no ffirit of frecdoroe, 

Hrrd to hesrc, 7«^^ «> Pf"^" ' ^ 1 ^nj this is a fad condition : In this 
hath hM oi^^^^l^^ ;;;;fc\h. Alond.tion thou art till Chnft let thcc free: 

y/tn^ them back vvncn ^'^v ;„kJbut vet further, 

thatisafecond particular. VOuaremb|«^y^j^^^ ^^; .^ 

dagctoSatan; And this .,J,ndthat i Tothe . 

1 It is a crucll bondage ; a '"""'»f ^i^^ Law 
bondage: What is ^he ^^"^,'S? «^^^^^^ , Thou art in bondage to the curfc of 
.„ rt,...«fc in coropanfon ot "^" " Ij,,^ Law ; ro the penalties and forfeitures 

5 1 nou art in bondage to the Law, 
mdthat I Tothe c«r/i: 2 to the rijr^Mr 


to Thsraoii in cotnparilo 

tan ? And, . 

2 It is an ^nivfA'/^ bondage 

.llborne)2-.». ^It'^Univerl^^ n 

Cnce, theyarcallin^W^.^ll'" 

vcd to Satan- . ,, . /-^oi 

3 And it is Un.verfall in refpca; 

if the Law, the Api.ftle tells us. Gal- 3. 
0. tAs m»ny Murt^jtht vorkrs of the 
.,w they an under the cnrfc And why fo? 
hr it is rvriittn , CurfeJ u every one who 
ith fiot ctoiUue Itt All things which Are 

\tttn in the Books: of the Law to doe them. 

1(1 that is impolTiblc : and therefore you 
mil needs be HHavoydnhlj under the 


And if we ftiould now take this in pt- 

2 Ana it »» """ . -e, 

.sL and performances; thou canft 

perforrae one 4^;o» as a t'«f" ' ^„^and (hew you bow much lies m tne 
roaift performe the »monso\^ irc ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ . ^^^ ^^^y jhcn fee 
fuch adions as fice men Qoe ; u lourmiferablc condition. It doth com- 

w.and (hew you bow much lies in the 
n»{//of thiscurfc : you would then kc 

lucu aciiui" .- .— - ni^ourmiferablc condition. It doth com 

canft not performe them as a free n.- 




xhend »a miferies tcmporall, fpirituall, 
ladeternatl. It is 

1 A comprebenfive curfe, an ftniverfAll 
wfc ; you are curfed in evtfy condition : 







3,^ UnbtUiutrsArein 

in voar ^«/^, rilver,rclations; in your ver, 
mercies where oihcts arc blcffed in tbw 
afflia'ons,you are curfed in yoiu raetcia 
As there is a blejpng hid in the vvorf 
ihinssto thcgodl-y •, ^JhftH^^ ^cb 
neffe, in poverty, in croff«. loffes deit' 

it iclfc So there is a curfc in the be 

things to wicked men ; a curfe in youi 
cold and lilvcr, in your comforts and tn 

2 It is an Mnavojdable curfe ; as th 

art a fonnc of ^ J4«, fo thou art borne 

fcfir* to this curfe. 

, It is an unfHfforubletmie, vvhid 


the AntcU themfelves they lye under i 
and cannot W,,therafetYes: the yvrit 
of man may be borne, at leaft undcrgonel 
it is but a wrath reMchethto the body ; bi" 
who can bcMre the wrath of God ? it « 
career., wrath reachtth to the foule, and wb 
iUe Gchen- j^^^,, much leffc who can bt»re the po» 
»'""• of this wrath? 

4 It is an unremvetible caue : »« 
looke upon any thing we can do : it 
/4r it on,it is not ah the power and wit 
men or Angels that can take it ott_ 
none can take Beleevcrs out of the h* 

t$r impe- 


of Gods mercy ;(o none can take un 

iinddge to the Law, 357 

\]^trt out of the hdnds of his jufticc. And 
lit is the firft Particular • you are in bon- 
(geto the curfc of the Law. 

2 You are in bandttge to the rigour of 
leLaw : which requires in the rigour 

)fit; , , 

I Hard things, <tjj?f»/Hhings : looke 

Dver the duties commanded, and fee if 

ley be not difficult things : Nay, 

J It requires imptfiblt things in the 
\gion wherein wee are i It is a )<Mf vt 

tfut»blttthtar,kei% ij.io. We might 

well be fet to move Alenntaitiis^ to ftop 
jeSunncinitscourfe, to fetch yonder 
\wrt from heaven, as to doe what the 


I And yet all this it requires to bee 
lone of us in the *;c4£?«/j,and according 

the<x«a>»«i>of the command. It re- 

ires pfrfrff obedience, both in tefpeft 
thevriMcifli, and in refped of the mat»- 
•5 and in refpeftof the tn^t it will «- 

|m nothing. 

4 Ye», and all this it requires m oat 
ne perftns' It will not tulmit of obc- 
iDce by a furety : not of performance by 

ler.ihatis GoZ/w/; it requires all m 

5 Nav, and it will not scetft ot the 

' ^ IDOit 



-.^ UnbduutrsArtin 

in voxxxgeU. rilver,rclations; in your ver, 
mercies where others are blcffcd in thw 
affliaions,you are curfed in yom mercta. 
As there is a hhjpng hid in the vvorl) 

things to the god!r,>^^^j!/^''y "'?;;. 

neffe, lO poverty, in croff«. loffes de» 

it iclfc So there is a curfc in the bel 

things to wicked men ; a curfe in youi 

cold and lilvcr, in your comforts and en 

iovments.- It .s an cxu>»fivt curie- 

2 It is an Mn*vojd*ble corfe ; as thoi 

art a fonnc of Jdam, fo thou art bornea 

heire to this curfe. 



the Anfcls thcmleUes they lye under i 
and cannot W;.therafelves: the Yvr,t 

of man may be borne, at Icaft undergow 

it is but a wrath rcMchethto the body ; bi^ 

rat,r « who can heare theWrath of God ? .t 1$ 

Ta'Xm, wrath «-.fc.rfe to the foule, and wh 

iUe Gchen- j^j^t, much leffc who can bure the pow 

c$r impe- 
rattr, tu 


I Hi •.V*- 

of this wrath ? 

4 It is an uHrmovctble coxk 


looke upon any thing we can do : it G 
Uj it on.it is not all the power and wii 
men or Angels that can take it ott_ 
none can take Beleevcrs out ot the*-^* 


of Gods mercy; to none can take um 

' kev 

hnddgt to the Law, 337 

\^ttt out of the h4nis of his juftice. Ani 
[bat is thcfirft Particular • you are in bon- 

igc to the curfc of the Law. 
2 You are in htndAgt to the rigour of 

leLaw : which requires in the rigour 


I Hard things, ^J?f»/r things: looke 

iver the iutits commanded, and fee if 

ley be not difficult things : Nay, 

1 It requires imp»0lt things in the 
\(tun wherein wee are : It u * yokjs vt 

tnotdletti>tar,hSti ij-io. We might 

well be fet to move A^oHntaines^ to flop 
acSunneinitscourfe, to fetch yonder 
\\trrt from heaven, as to doe what the 


3 And yet all this it requiret to bee 
lone of us in the «Ar4i?>««/i, and according 
ithcrx4S»«/i0f the command. It re- 
ires p«-f«a obedience, both in cefpeft 
ihevrificiflt, and in refped of the marw 
r, and in refpedof the en^: it will #- 

U nothing. 

4 Yea , and all this it requires m out 
utt ferftns. It will not 4Jmi$ of obe- 
ience by a furety: not of performance by 

ther.thttis Gofftl; it requires all ii 
J Nav, »nd is will not steift of tnc 
' ^ moll 









2,8 XlnbtlHveriiTtinhondAgt 

for performances : thts is GolpcK 
6^ It requires «H^^rj .nail this. 


„««f to obey in every thing. -- 

^ NoiwUbftandmg a^l this eA?<ni 
from voui yet it will not ,fWyona, 

Sh nor luffcr you to 8« ^^ l« 


ty and confidcrs not your ftrcngth; 

itas well asyou can ;U Will bavcuciq 

^8 AndhercagainetsthengourofJ 
that upon the '"ft (-.■««! v^^^f' ."^ 

arc ^.^^/^-^ tnd made uncapaW 
forever. Upon .<i-«»ifirft finne^l 
^e.ofl.fcbytheL4i.«ras/o.»; t^ 
God had not propounded a CbnRjM 
bcenc/./? forever. Why. buc you 

/oik rigour of the Law. ^ 5 7 
thgoodasheehaddoneev.il and o 

licr make MVtenas ror it , m"" *■ , 

Uat the Law required , y« au iiiou 

ten 1 would «..r ".'k"";'"",; : 

Luld never »* "P 'he form" "^'> 
,„„,«, word w"h an «?. of praiOT , 


(twill not 4iimit of tcates. or re^ 
p come in; this .s^/P'^^^^^^^^^^^ 
f thou /-y^n the eaftp«^^^^^^^^ 

Lieventhyr7"0"^°f'^*^"'^ V 

it * 

I '^ 



3,vo weArttomilMAtnt 
alUhi* vwiW be no rduj^ to thee here : iht| 
I aw Will *-U« of no repentance. 

ken t!,rurpcr unto. rofcr/ife/« and com 
Lnd thi. great pn..7.^r/ of freed ™ 

tovau. Weuletoiay. *<^"''»''" ^oc iL 
luO rate one aaotber: I hope then by /Jj 

bonJacc N-cuwill be better 4bU tocen 
ce cfcblbleffed 
fe free by Chrm. All Tvh.cU 1 have J] 
doLealurgein the entrance mto^J 
d.fcourfe ; and (hewed vou how ebl 
hath fmd us from Sinm , from Sgi 
from the Z,.^'; to which I refer you, 
And fav^et further. . 

You whom Chrift hath i«j?4^^Jt«| 

this high and^/or«»«privilc<Jge. it' 
vour wof kto maintaine it, y'«'-5-^.^'' 
/^/ irt the Ubtrtj where vith Chrtfi »' 

ni»(it jfM free. ,. 

There arc two ^rMt things wb 

Chrlft bath intrMfied unto us, and wcifl 

Coprelrrve them inviolate. , 

I ThefirftisChrimanMi. «rfe 

of ?»ae , 5r« //>4/ ye earneftl)> contend f« (> 

w^i»w»*««o/ the fMth, which w^6nct 

RvmitatheSMnts. _ .. 

2 1 

DurCbfiflidnlihotj. l\i 
i The feconi is Chriaian liie.ty. 

,;,/!, fhrift h^th mide yon fm •• bvcry 
anlhouldbe /4,»fe>/nn thok- things 

.herein hee is .W,>./d ; U-d h»th .-- 

mUed vou with p^ae^i things. Lbu- 
an rife, and Chriftian/.W:r: <tnd 


hera> Cit'.5and«orpor^llM'>'*"ih^y 

very r'^'"«^ 5 l^^*' '^^^ '^^ '"P'' 

«edome», aqainft thof.' who wr.uld at- 

Lftlv be ertcemed they are men ot ^ jdt 
Lds that would for any cor.lidcrauon 
forgoe their fr«damcsa..dUbtrt.cs. 

' L. the i^P^r^K. madealevcreO»- 

Ui„. and all n>e.^ ib.c f'i'-.' ^'. "'^"^ 

L,4r( with bis trecdame. And .t C i ..I 

Umctbeueedom.bvCr^? ;^ 
[reedomc fo dearcly furch^ied bv H c 
L'ofC.hr.ft. You ef;eru;eyoiK£, // 
Lom« the better in tUat^th^'^ 
omuchofthc^'/.«iofvour ^-,''-^;^ 
lo^paO^ihcm. Iti^bikuclk toU r,- - 
Z 3 



1" . :^ 




""^ 4 « \ ■ hu bv the bUud of Chnft, iauh 
„mo us by the i>,..> ot '-l"'";'"'"^,, 

^'V Maintame your Chriftian H 
ov vour liberty vou have. a Cfcr./8.^ 
dJu^w. neither looking for y«^»/.^^^ 

Vive in'refpeftof your p^a,/. and 

^ienc» a$ men not to be c*^ and co 

U^on we are to learne, to «p*/t m the U 

the law in «/p.« of comfort, neuhrx 
,rc],«/ favor from thence in point ot ot 
4icnQC, nor fearing rigour trom thence 

ciLrChriftanllhirty. 343 

•nfftf failinc- Let the Law come in to 

siHCiHrt to be tryed and J'^^^f^ f""_y^"^ 
las this.stomakcz..;^Chnftand 
Sndeed,wetoo much /.-... as though 


our failings : Oh that we couU learn to 


Inaword, how to »^/i >n the Law as a 

Kift and the prom.les in poinr ot juttifi- 
E The Law is a R. of bondage as 

r, 1 it and they who look for ngh' 
^trimt calls it^anu mcy 

L ,.nke who draw and toyle, ana wiic<« 
(l.iiWer : So thefe when they have en 
vour d hard after their ..«. nghteouf- 

VZ doc m/J at laft in their j4 ^o"' 
nelle, doeprnj/? « thefe men the 

mfnejfe, ,''»'*f "/ Vr7.J Proud Nature 
'UerlghteoHMecj Cod. I rouu ^^^^ 

^4 I 




< t 

344 WeAretomAinUine 
would faine doe fometbing for the ^i 
c)b>./^ of Glory, God will have it of Grm 
and wee would have it of Dtk ; Gof 
would have tt of qift , and wee woul 
have it of T>Hrch*fe . and wee have to 
much of that nature in us ; wee goe t 
prayer, and lookja^n our «/«tw/ and tcari. 
as fo n-iuch good money laid out forth' 
purchAfe of heaven and glory, nay, thougl 
wc bring no money, yet wee would briq 
money worth.and plead our own iMlifi 
cations and difpofuions to iittirefl us in thi 
promife. This utterly cnfftth Gods de 
figne.he will have all of Grace, and thoi 
wouldft have all of Debt. It is not now 
Co thu and livt ; but bcleeve, and thoi 
(halt be faved ; walke in the duties of tb 
Law, but with a dfpel fpirit, let the La« 
come in as a Rule of Sanftification , bui 
keep it out in fointof Juftification, an' 
thing taken in here , one flaw here fpoil( 
ell. It was well faid of Luther, Walke ii 
tlie heaven of the promife, but in the mm 
of the law; In the heaven of the promife, 
inrefpeft ofbeleeving, andintheearthd 

the law, in refped of obeying,and fo thoi 
(halt give the Law its honour,and Chri' 
his Ghrj. 

2 Maintaine it againft men, Chrittia 






lerty is a preciew jewcU, fuffer not any 
„^you of it. Let us never furreadcr «'» '/ 
ipour judgements or our confciences to "^^'^^ ^,<. 
; difpofed according to the Opinions.and ^^^tundh 
be fuhjeflid to the fentcuces and deter- adhibendu. 
linations ot men. Let neither power or cjl .x.im4, 
lici force or fraud roh you of this preci- cj it^li cum 
jcU. Khallfpeakeonly to this lat- ^^;;-- 
:.ltl not fraudind policy; the /^poltle ^;^,;^,„,. 
lith, fiandfaji *ndhenot intangled, let us ,j„,;„ p,f,bi 
It returne like rviUing flaves into our u.^cnurii 
«magaine. Mt is a greater cviU of ^./-^n^ 
freeman to be made a flave. then to be a ^^^^l"/- 
ive borne ; Therefore take heed, be not ^^^^^^^^^^ 
tpted to flavcry , as the fi!h into the i^^^^ j, 
let , be not infnated and over- whelmed ,W.jc,««i. 
the policies of men, wee are warned to \ns^n. 

heed none deceive us, Sphe^nns ^-6. nc midice- 
../.4.8. ^Thefis- as .fit were inf«;^;^ 
iiiur power to prevent it.and fo it is.we can- ^^^^^ ^. 
hot beinfnared but by our owne def4i4lt. i^^,^.,., f^r. 
Me often betray away our liberty when vum ^eri 
le might maintaine it, and fo become the ^»i«/c*-- 
fcrvantsof men. And this arifeth either, -^^^jY^- 
I From fveahii of heac],or 2 from mcktd ■ 
wof heart; k is my ^Arfc^rfrf^iow therefore 
jihat thofe who are the freemen of Chril> , 
iwould f»4.«f4i« their Chriftian freedom. ^ 

js againa the Uw, fo againft ra^n •• be not i 


^\ ■ 



7' ■ 

2 A 6 The ofmiem of ethtr men 

tempted otthrtAtnd out of it, be notW 
kd or friqhud from it , let neither /orci 
nor traud rob you of it, wee often keep. 
apainft/«r«,and lofe it by />-«J; to whai 
a hmmbui purpofe is it to maintaine it againft tholt 
fiif incH.>%- who arc the open oppugners of it the I a- 
hitiii jibi ^^^ ^^^ fuchas would take it from us 
ca^u. Mi, ct V : ■ ^ Qur ownc hands,to the" 

X .'^'^ more ufuall. and therefore beware : G^( 
c^^mv•enl ^^^ up your fetves to the opinions ot othci 
"\ ^ ■''•• men. though never fo Learned . never Id 
^VTn holv.becaufeit is their opinion. It isih 
j:;/:'" Apuhlesdireaion. Try .llthi.fs..M 
qu,ff, de- f^jl to that i^hich « good, I Thell. 5.21. 
btt n,n /-"/ofcen falls out that a high tfitm of otha 
>'^''^'"" for their learning and Piety . makemei 
mciud.ao jj f^^p from fuch, ' ani 

piLxuUc- nions, and their confcicnces to their fu 
»"«»«"* cepts, mcnwillA/p'»a"uth'falyarit 
«S- .rt«-i« f^[^\ ij and therefore (hrift would n. 
Efi' It ownc the devils .c^L-^W.^f^'^ « ^'" 
r;;t. whcnhefaid. 7-ic« .. '^' W^' , 
j.rff i«rop. but they arc ready to l>ilecve an crroui. 
Srnp.Con- fi^fcndit to an untruih , if a" hmjti^ 
ff^r- Ui'^M manaffirmcit, what ever lu 
'''' '"^';- men (ay , it comes with a great deal ot -* 
^p.rj &c.rte«7 intomensfpinisj Andyctiti5FJ| 

tohee)i*ml»ed. S47 

(i/a'or fuch men to miftake ; It is a moft 
Lcrous thing to h^ve mens Honsyn too 
S You know who tcls us. That >rriL^oK. 

;i.p.rM Cor.. 3.12. The beft arc .«-^^^^^^,^^^_ 
^ffff in knowledg.tbe mod learned,' an. ^^^ ^^^^„,^, 

Wv Martyrs, every man hath need ot his ^^.,^^ ^^^ 
bL««, they arc but mcn.and m that;-,,/«,. -.//e- 
Kff to errour, though thefcthings may nuM,u>s 
[tford »roU/<rcon)eftures that what they ^^^,^_ 
Bid forth is a truth, yet thcfe are not i»- ^ ^^^^^^ 

Uibh evidences. Indeed, there is ;«*^*' to ^,g— , «. 
c Civcn to men of learning and piery ,but ,,^,n^c, 
icmuft notn.our ^a^rtotheiri^i;. wccm-f/u- 
Snat;^ t^ Ph- a(b is^in our/.^ up-M-- 
)n their fleeves, wee muft not /«&;<« «"%«i,«)i;;- 
(iJcmcnts. refoheout faith into their ^«- g,,/^ac/<.- 
Li/» this is to make men t»4fieri of »>tr ^^^nuji m- 
U this is a !hn^d of that Garment, h.u w 
Lfthc Koman Antichr.ftian Church to re- ^^^^ |^ ^^. 
Live our p»ti!' into the MiUntm ot men, ^^.. q,^^^. 
Jc though It be notrequircdof you, yet 11 ,r.m,aitft 
Lo lefs done (though more finely done) i^i^^run. 
bv many . then by thole of whom fuch m- ^^; --« 
\vm faith,& blind obedience is required. ^^,^„^^ ,,,^, 

\>fd!ati,—&c. Kciiioldscortf. hxrcf.c. ii.en.im cai^.A- 





, f 

c $.incll 


imnf, .if- 

& tf'rOp*- 

«(rd Tit It. 

f tli f-rir. 

<!»«'•.■ 4 q. 

U:c. d- . 

tip. ■'■■'■ . 

pr ;/.■■'"■"' 

^.Vr .'•/■- 


3^8 Betvdrefifahfwg 

Ub^mrtomaiRuineyour Chnft.an tree' 
dome : It \»as ^^4rly puahaled and met 

cfullybtaowcdor. v'^'^ '"^'^"vM 
(houldnocbew.-/o';loft, no.yerW^/ 

maintainclMc Tvas given m««.r.;, an 

dlrr.t.on; w.e mart ne:thcr M«7 ou 

1" .en, cl.msl. learned and^ ho V.e. 
^vUh/.Wiu.gemcnc nor rc^ oe 

s.lUnullfpMkttothcfecond W)l 

;fo;.Chr:ibanr.be.v Weecorne 
athud. vvhichisnolcir. .faPa-»"i| 

,,bcrvi3aprrn.;«il..ns; anithern.el 
;.ccou^^,them,.recarcnaccaabule ; 

J^ om tlnngs doe u(c to be .«!»«.- 
f;" w,thw.UorCauuua, .bnn^» 

^::,!^ ual!a»cd,andn.rolullvM- 
t,r.uti<.n,.ndro conclude. U^.r. 

Clrifiian liberty, 34P 

itheayre, thcie are fixe waycs whcrq- 
.ChrilVian liberty is abufed. 
I Wee abufe Chriftian liberty, when 
the u(e of it wcfeanM others : liberty 
,j5 pnrchafed for the ctmfort of our 
(Ives not for the affliftion of others ; 
btv abufe it indeed, whofo ufeit, as to 
thers */M«-- We re ade of forae young 
hriftians of Ortnth would eat meat 
M to Idols, tothatendonely toyi*» 
itir liberty : But the A poflle tells them, 
liCor. lO.H- *^^ '^'"i' -"■* /4wH>r 
H ht^Utinngi *rtmt ixptdtciu. Aoa 
iiint T^l IS frequent in inftruftmg 
itm, r.owto excrciie Chriftian liberty 
ncafeof/f4«^//, GaLj.n. iJr^ifcrw 
,,»i4w ^«« csli«^ ttHtt liberty, mIj »/< 
M ;»^(rrf f^r 4» «rfj/#» tQ tht fitfb, bfU 
i, /,z/, ftrvt *« <«'«'»^. Chrift hathta- 
lenof our former yoke of bondage, not 
[hit wee (hould be more wMtf» but 
lore c^^fHll : Indeed for the cmfortot 
m feUes, but not to deftny another , as 
k Apoftle argues,! ror.8.i I. p'^f* 


' But l(htllhaftento»coBcluftoa.tnt 

j«f ifotc Will y*w »p «|l io » word. * 

■y ; >r 

5 CO chrifiUnlihtrtjM''^- 

^ There is tA««^ way, whereby w, 
doe 4^^ our Chriftian liberty; and th 

will fay ibcy have Chnftian hberty . ai 
The efored rc^«r««upon any oHero, 

•rcuftome* »ndgeaures, although j, 
uons, tui V ^ Ijij indeed , 

vcrp^-rM« .abythe w^ra ^ 

rhriftian licentiouineuc , ""•■ i 

wou at larce. when wtc Uta'i ;*«£« » "^ 

in f;e«w»t«fi» from letvice, Du>^ • j 
L"oi ft thatfcanisyetln^^.-^^^^^ wb 
doth not iudge/*n/i« his ttberty. 

^out ■ftive^m^t.i^^ that art! W«/yt 
S e-/.tMBg to run,e frotnufe to aba 

of that Ep.ftle : Thm m ctrtatfie * 

ChrifiUnlibtrtjAbufed. 351 

L(nyingtheeM«»i«to UwjmII AmUrity 
iBthings lawfuU upon pretence of Chri- 
llian uytrtj : which i$ indeed to make 
the world levell , and throw downc all 
L/^fl Authority. 

6 When wee will be t;«rf to nothing, 

L»<Jto nothing but what our owne 

hirits incline us to : of which 1 have fpo- 

(en at large : and therefore I (hall «u- 

(/«^ all with the werdiol the Apoftlc, 

in the I Peti 16. Tcu are free, jtt 

u/t n$t Jtur UbtrtJ for 4 cUakf 

efmMlicisnfHtjfe^ int m the 

ftrvMtts »f ^td. 




T . 


I'-' •'3 ■■ 

A Preface to the enftiing Di^i. 
coiirfe of the Learned 
Joha Cameron-, 

Chriftian Reader, ^onnmt^ 

OodHtffe antiUght are t/^ ,;;^;,y;,,j,» 
diffufive nature, Birds w>jm , ,;. 
they com to a fnll heape cf u.U^nda 
«4, T.'iS chirp Wc.//i>* -^^'™- 

, fcarch /think i kivejonnii ■, -^..t^ciuKi 

U full floore, W fe-iT'* un»oc»^'f »^^ '^7' j f 'V'-" ■ C 
L brought It /.«& to irtvite ethen to teed ci.«i. y- 

\dfmou4 Divine Mr. Joh n Ca m e *on, .^^^^ ^^,,^. 
C.»«rm»? tht three-fold Covenant o/G«d ,.^. ^ ;;^.,^^ 
U,»4». /t«t*«Key»rfc^Gofpel , W-^£.v««.1 
LMrefolver tii^t / We «ft ^^thallcf ..,o,.».^ 
^intricate Controverfies, W D.i^«.- J^-j;;;^^ 

Lipturc t/;^ tib« Law was * Covenant, ^^ ^^,^^ 
Wmore fret^Hcntly am»g Divines, t^^f ;,,i,v..u.g. 

(,.-« free frm thcu^ ^ ^^^'^l^;^ g^:;;!/.. 

^»rry/«* ^fc^^ Covenant rfc;.jv4;,i^»fe-.;;^;^^ . 
« keen the worke <)/ «*»; ; /^^' J^ '^^\ un^cc^rf- 
,«4 Covenant./ w.riL^, ^/-*; ^=*f, /...■«, .^.-i. 
tt/4m«ife« foregoing 1>ijcMsi andi, ,,.,Kjfca;,.i 

' A a * 





■ 'i 




4 Covenant e/Grace, fcew are we faidto h 
freed from it ; »» »^^ eniuing T>ifccurfc 
thu doubt M rtfolvtd ; and hcin^ thertkj 
in fome geed meaftire latisficd my [tife , / 
have here annexed it to do the Uki for their 
It wMfirfi written »» Latine, and for thek 
fakes who MfidtrftAnd not that Languaie, 1 
l\\ought good not onely with Sampfon, u 
impart the fmetnelfe , i>Ht,yfhtcb wasmn 
then he would do, unfold (^f Riddle slfo 
4ndto render toyotuhefe excellent lahonr 
(tooprecioHs to be any longer concealed, c 
hid under the ftiell of an unknown tongue . 
ittjoHrewn t\m\clangH4ge In which {j 
farre as that rcftraint wshld not darken tk 
fenfe) I have kept me to the propriety. 
the Language. I VfiU ktepe thee no \on%t 
ejf, i>Ht Ml now give thee leave to fell 
thy filfi apon h^i phnty , hy vchich (ash' 
the labours of the Saints ) that thou mx 
grow up in light, and lovcj Grace and life 
fj the earned prayer of hint. 

Who- is not his o!VA;,if not thine 
in the fervice of Chrift, 





Pofitions of the Learned JouM 

CAMhRON, Concerning tbethree- 

fold Covenant of God with 


1 rhefs. 
Ovcnant in Scripture , doth ^ ^^..^^^^-^ 
fonaetimes figmtic the ^p-i Abfaluu. 
folute Promife of G-'d , 
without zny reJiipuUtion ; 
as was that Ow »?-«» which ^^^ 
God made with ^ No.b prefently attcr^,^ 
iheFloud, f^tc\y promfir.g never to de- 
ftroy the world againe by water ; of this j,Heb.8.ia 
kindeM5thatCm«.«r in which God 

promifeth to give unto his £^^^; f^^J^ 
and pcrfeverance : to which ro^.^ih"^ 

cannot be ..^ai-'^^^ny ""^T/!^ Z 
nexed , which is not comprehended in the ^ 

promife it fcifc- I 

But it often falls out that the name of ,j^ «• 
A a a . Covenant 


254 certAtmPofniQmof I the three f eld C3vm4m. 355 

invc Ctvenm is To ufcd in holy Scriptures, asl 4 r%7r. _ 

•;.iu, it is evtdau thereby U f.on.fied the tree! for in the Ahfolnte ^- venan., there w 
-- ro:mfe ot Cod ; yet with the rf/;.>//>i-|nothing n the creature t?>at doth ;»>,m« 
' tkrto^ ourducy,w!iichoihcrw»lc,th..ugli|G()d either to pram/f , or to pf./r; m; 
tliere were no {\xc):\ intervtmtig proimle Jwhat he hatli promifed ; Eut m th..tc<;- 
■' irmid»tboth^<?yf'?«'Vfdc/God, andailo »«4«Mo which a n/?/p>i/rfn-oa is anncy- 
■ ^- ■ -..'--.-- u„ ...... jj ^ Qjj ^^.j^ 1^1^,1 what hee hadi pr..- 

mifed, bccaufecheof^ «'f hath rendtrcd 
vvhac'is rcq'urcd ; And although God 

lui* «,».«—" i h^thmadc lucha C«w«^-f , 'vhcrcnhe 

devcnd upon the d, /?*»««o« of the love oi hath promi'ei io Rrcar thingv upon co^dt- 
J . "^ . r .■' _. 1- ,-..„f /-. ^r^ti,. ii^^ yf ma'-s performance, ycr ail this 

proceeds from the Ant^-r-knt love of 

(if it fo plcaicd God) ought to be/jfr/sr- 
w^ of the creature. 

This etipuSlien of the Covenant, doth 

Cod , and for there is Uve of d d to the 
creature ; from whence evciy thing thaf 
IS good in the crf4/«'-e bath wholly flowjcod. 

ed and there is the ^rc^wrVAffwr love of GoJ ^ Thifs. ^ 

in'ihc creature; and this the creaturJ So great things, 1 lay, beciu.e to;yc- 
hath received ; not lor any thirg from ■M[^,:(,i a c mealure or rcard,^ is an a. «;« , m ic, 
felfc but from Cod, as it was ^^/^^ witfof ^ ,noft free vv.h n^: of Ofx^.s nature^ i_ 
that fi-,/? love of God; that love,forbetl,h»n yet <i to nrJ(r^tiythr^^inrcv>ard-^ - 
terundciftandir.p. wee call Gods fr,«<rrf due fervice from the creature and to • 
or-nlccedenc; this, Gods /<cW4r; o|p„,Y, chat , dotli altogether belong to 
conftq-i nt I vo : from that wee fay,dotit>,e c.nf^pfm 1 >v;or Gou, whi.-h .^not 
depe»d both th? p^aioH and fulfilhng o|„nelv -cc/;f'!f.2'-> love, burs r^r/iv.'^ pro- 
tteahfolute Covenant, from this dcpendlperty in Ciod , who cf his .i.vnc proPtr 
the tulfillirg of that CsveMMh to v^hlc|nJtui-f d nh »nr/*«r to the rr^r^r^ct goow 
is A^mxidA rel>ipulation , not fo the pais eo the p«;/^«f»for cilh when the 
dioii, for that we fay, <ifpf»<iion thcfirllncecedeiitloveof God is altogether vo- 






-^ e-lhcfis. 




VVc are here to treat of this Oz-.- 
Td b caute u .s HOC one/.W. Covenant 

liwcOiall ftnaiy fA;.»r>,«e what doth 
:;Jtoeverv!ande%nd in what manner 

fc'^#r among themfeWcs. 

Wee fay therefore Vhcrc is a roT/.«<«t 
of Nature . another Oz'^"^"' o^ Grace, 

.Vx^.s.-,\,t^Oli^ov.n*nf) ^nd thereto^ 
n^- - , w.lldeale with ^hat.nthclaftplac. gi 
iiir^ct..Ul, „• - .he fi./? place to the C^venmt ot 
SrcandofV.«; becaufe they arc 
S'efe and becaufe they have no re- 

Eot deny the 0.---fNat-e 
tl.scorrupr,onof our nature to be >H 

/i.^,ir-f t(. the Covenant of G^^ce . a . 

14-a.-.: Seeing this .snot the J «P 
f 4-5 t;;.-;. Uut Covenant, of which we (hall fpeak 
^=- mote largely ' hereatter. 

8 ry 


//&« threefold Coven*m. 3 5 7 

The Cot'e»-»»» of Nature, and the O- J"''^^^',^^."^ 
\vtn»nt of Grace doe agree. Covenant 

1 In the |e«M// end ; Gods g/07 of Grace 
being the tndo^ both. and Na- 

2 They 4£r« in the pfj/ox/ Covenant- tut'--. 

ing, who are Godzni AUn. 

I They Agrtt in the f a-^ frM4// form, in 
that a reftipf(Uti$» is annexed to the both. 

4 They <a|rf«inthe Nature, in that 
both are unciiangtable. 

9 Ihefu. 

They differ, 1 In the fpeciall end ; forxhcdiffe- 
tbcrw^of the Cez'fw^Bf of Nature, is ihcrcncc, 
kUration of Gods juftice, but the end of 
the Covtnant of grace, is the decUraticn of 

his mercy., , , . r 

2 They differ in the foUHdatm ; tor 
the fomdation of the Covenant of Na- 
ture is the creMioH of Man, and tntegn- 
»;of' mans nature; but i)^: foundation of 
the Covenant of Grace, is the ndtmptt- 
wofmanby Chnft. 

; They differ in the ^nahtj, and ffx}ffK' 
manner of the Terfons covenanting ; for 
in the Covenant of Nature , God the 
Creator doth require his d!4t, or right, of 
man pure and perfed ; but in the Cove- 
nant of Grace , God as a mrcifull ta- 
hcr doth cffer himielfe to a finner. woftn- 
^ Aa4 ded ^ 



I-: V 






r.ii c 


^5S CertaryeTofitioniBf 

'4ea wiih the confcience of finnc 

4 They ^<jf<?r in the Siipulatiori ; In 
the C"ve»*^t of Nature, nAturall ri|ihtc- 
on'nf^c\%nqulnd, but in the Covenant 
of Cjxxccjaitk alone is rc(^aircd. 

<y They differ in the Promifc ; In 
tie OtvH.jnt of Nature , (ff-w** and 
hkffcilifeis promifcd, but vet nn'i »- 
■ wsoZ/life, to behved in Paradije : but 
in rhe O^m^vf of Grace a k<iw«/; and 
Ipiricuailliicis nromifcd. 

6 They<^if<r in the manner oj ^ar.- 
Bion or ratification. In \.hcCivr'*Mtox\ 
Kacure there was no Midutour; hcrxc 
tlieVpvcnancof N^tt-'re was not promi- 
kd before it was fH^^liihed Kut the O- 
^-«.IH'^of Grace was firft promtfid, and 
long after was piMp'cd and ratified m die 
tWof lb? Sonne of God 
lo Ihcfls. 
Ta{>icc and Faith doe differ ; as ^(rivh;^., 
:: Jd rcaiving, for ?,.^ic. g.vcs to Go 
P( his due), r.irWeceives (frcni God 

•-.ri Uat is not our due); >/?u^ <s pU" 
inthe««f».t//I-ovcof God,f^«f/nntli 

F(r/7r./I.'»ofthe loveof Gcd but yc 

rhefe ai e y.y^.cd in an unlcpai able tyc V«' 

fo ac f ^*.'/.' doth precede, Love doi\^J^^^ 

ow , Fidih IS ihc Caufc, /-cxc the cfrcft 

the threefold CoveuMtit. 359 

^Mfl and wcake Faith, begets love, 
lou«h lefTc fcivent : Ttrft^l and corn- 
tat" faith . begets l>ftry.in^ aff^d.ons ; 
crcforc nghteoufntrte, or jujiue pre- 
.Uttb (as they fay) faith : a;>d on the 
ntrarv /"'^^ ^o^^ ncceffanlv conclude 
[or prefuppofc ) love, as the conle- 

ijntof it. 

II Thfjti. 

Whence there ar.feth a tlir^f^^'^ 
^/?,D». . neither unprofitable, nor d.ffi- 
hlt to unfold. I VYhyinthc«ff'-«' 
f Nature God doth not in exprefTe ^ 

'armes requi e faith , but obed.ence and 
,vc> ^ By what right /-«»fc and )uitice, 
riphtcoufneac are ep/wA^ m the fp-Jjf - 
„toi Ckace, feeing they cannot be k- 
toratcd > ^ Whether . and how that 
Lwhich .;..^ jurt.ce d«'b preluppofe 
', the «t;f«4«» of Nature , doth d.tter 
:om that /-litfc which God requires in the 

ivcnant of Graae ? | 

II 7hcfif. . , ^ , 

Tothcfirft OHfjy^-weanfwer. ll^atwhy God 
J'n^verdid n,L faith of man, fave ;-b..c 
)nclv bv confequence. faith from 

Firrt'of all, becaufe there was not any ^^^^^ 
fcmuch as roM caule Sivcn vnto 


And why 
he exact- 

ctl» ic ot 


I. -i 

^60 CemltttPofitiomef 

rand favour: of God ; for as much 
fin had not as yet fct footing in the world 
quite otherwife it falls out in the Cove 
nant of Grace , which is made w.tl 
^cenfcunce terrified with the fcnfe of fi. 
and which IS able no otherwife to r«j 
upherfelfe, then by W/«f that cM 
is nothing at all that is r^qmrd of her bu 
onely faith ; that is, onely to prrM^ he| 
Idfe, that(hcis;«a9«< unto God, an< 
acccDted of him. ..^ 

Secondly, inthe rcv.«.«tof Natar, 
Isconfidercd vvhatitis thatman.si 
debted unto God, and that is jamcT^^^ 
I . , .cur of juftice (for itu /«/?.« and H 
•><»t-tV^ ^ that he oweth.) But now in I 
-P'^- ::Li.of Grace [isconn^e-cdonc^ 
MK<u»f what God «c«K:i/f'i in h» Sonne, is wi 
l.ng to make tender of to raan, aodthi 

he /fM^if'-J freely- , ^ 
I ^ Thefn. 
To the fecond Q^^tftioK wee anfvve; 
., that/<iitfeinthe «»/f«4«rot Cj*"" 's ; 
^°r ^'.'therefore oppefcd to the nghttotiM' 
:etf;Sr. tn BecaSri formerly they were J, 
;" ft'oablelo ««/!/? together; or for that tb 
..c o,po. could not h together (yea verily a hj 
fed in la- J, c^ij ^ they mutually grant an 

(lification. 0« 

thethretfoldCdViHAnt. 3^1 
jeach other) bur becaufc in one and 

' cannot ro«.«r toRetber to he j«^» 
■I ■ ,< ^( i min • tor in tnc 

per ii>«- j c , 1 . Nj^ichcr is U 

UJi-ani'f "° ■ 'h° M«« of juft.cc 
Lelyt««)ovcctothe (»««" ) 

iberetoanfwer.t-J I 

lAlhifit. I 

•in in tilt covenant of Natute pre -i ^ ^j„_ 
r",h in this ae««h with the /j"* „j„f 
ofrlh, I" ■";',*•„ ,(,£ Covenant of„,„.The 

■'"" 'i„"tCo "a etmm God; both ^u,,«- 


L- » 


.Si Ceruln Pafitiom of^ 

ctb; and /..r^^lanfiu thing, '.ove do 
iangmlhi and /.«•//» cxr-ngmmed,!^ 

juftice of Naeure dojh /""/"/-P"/^ /;" 
L^uponthci.tlcofa^rAff Cieam 



/oz/f the creature in . c fclf ;V«a5 It, s or 


Je.sablecap.r/..^.h.mec' h 

crcatare,(forasmuchasallhv nnne 
andforbvconfequencc ) ne. ber canl, 
Jml V nor vet lo peV^^^^ l^-in^feH e thar !u 

t>onismadcmtbecr,....«o Gra J 

r««,^J upon tbe rom{f^'i\'^,^Xnn 
Secondlv norvichaand.nfi botb arc Iron 

^thc'L«.-''ot Nature pre uppe.. 
Ucod (ascbeSchoolcs(pcnU. 
way of Nature :^vhcr.nsthe^.j^^.c. 

U V<=d ,n Che C..-« - l.-^: 
from God too; ^^^^^/'^ /' J fi, 

which the fa.tb of Nature dot 
was «»«f-/V. ; bccaufe ^'ff\^l 
whence that JuPacc or A.^'^.'^r/,. 

</;< thrttfeld Covtmnt. ^6% 
Id flow, did ^f;)r«J upon a Mph^^i 
iiurff mutable : But the holmjfe wluth 
)ef4i»/» ot the cotttiant (f Gfacedotti 
Jt, isr^>-«4// and immutable, as pro- 
cdingfrem a;, eurn^lt and immutable 

i,45^o^'^' ^^\^^r\^^rof 

ourthly, the;«/?.«wh.chtbc/..rfeof 
fitu.c doth beget, notw.thftand.ng t 
^d cxcellencv of ^tM fcS much M*t. that 
4i„,ft wbicli M begotten by the /-«<"" 
hnft And whereas even the moft hoiy 

this life doc fall farrc /^""^ o^^!j^^ ^'''^ 

i iuftice (orrighteoufneffe,) this lo 
omes to paffe from the penury and 
imnejfe of fatch .but herein tb.s place. 
\t doe underftand /-«.vfc >n the raoft «»»« 

,r ( and fuperlative degrees ot fa.tb; 

:h as it (hall be hereafter) mthehfeto 

'°'** --L /r i 

Here againetwo ^-"'»" «»»; t«/,X 
Dunded,thefirftis(ilis: i lf»Jf ?»'^ 

4e and faith of ^ ^4^ was rnHM, ho^ 
fhcfecoDd place: a After what man. 


nth fo ««»^ to it . that .u can be by 
.0 manes /-.F^r.r^^fro«»f^«h;feemg 

» » , 

' r 






TtT Cirt'i" reptm of 

,1 K,r«fKr I in the lift to comt.tho 

rn«/- fo"^"V" '•'''''''■" '" 



/lUialrudy. ]l^" ^^"" .'former 
t'-^/Alo wb.ch therefore the AP 

i;:,, and th? Covenant of Orw«.^e^ 

<A* threefdd Covenant. ^6% 

ime oi/c»<ntj that is in it , there is need 
ijcwc explain it- 1 

Wc doe therefore An^Mhtivtnly life The diffe- 
belU, ».W.A Chrifir^r, i^-f.%'%Zt 
,t9eHj\ which is therefore called Hm- ,,^;„,,ii 



MvriJ '. w11n.11 i» *uvivtv..v— ."- ---^ Bnimnll 

Ivw/y.becaufe thefirft 4Mtbti*r of it »s d tne m^. .,„,j » 
|/Mv«/y w««» •• and that (on the other h„vci,lyn 
Ld) wee call an animAlllife, whicb A- d xCot.ij. 
L lived before his fall , in P^radtfe i 47> 4«. 
U differing at all in i»ttnftc». but in tx- • 
Wflw onely , and durdtioit from that life 
ihich was to be ftrpctftated according 1 

)l\ieperpttM4tin^ of his obedience ; and 
would have r^af**"*^**/ unto allhisp#/?<r*- 
f ■ like as that Htavenlj life, the poflel- 
ion whereof Chrift is now entered into, 
ii> btloMg^ by right tfatloptioH, unto all m 
ilio^f/UwinChrifl. j . 

The covenant of Grace either is confi- ^J^' Covc- 
Jercd as being promifed, or as being o/^»»/y ^^^^^^ 
taifHlly promnlgediad confirmed; itconfidcui 
uas »r«»«/w to the Fathers; firft, toy4-two maiy 
W S then to the Patriarchs^, and after- n" of 
urdsto thepetpU oflfraeli but it was^jy/;; 
)ptnlyand fully promulged, Ntwwhen^^ 
^e fulntjfe tf timt T»at cme , Gal.4.4./Qin. i». 
Pcciai. '*• 




'^66 Ctrtahe Pofitms of. 
.21 Thflis. 
Which wc do L thus explainc 

: V TIk 

the threefold Ctvefidnt. s 67 
I men both teach , and were taugk ; the 
Chf*rch by him was rightly governed ; 

r. ;<> was /• ^^!''^ TndThe "vv7.ai^^«rof' the c'l howbcit, the way and manner of his »>e 
?ZlZ:f^Tnt^^^^^^^ was p.p«««^.<^ at the /If more 

old iVlU 

but Citherns one to be '"/f ^«' ^^ ^j 
cruc'fied, and tobera.kd from the ^,.i 

and /'«•«£ truly raUed from the dead 

Mor never any bad his finncs rem^nedM 

.. :nhS:Jho.syeaerday.andtoday 


g Aft$i4 

^ri^/r 5 tftif wards the force and ethca- 
cyof it became yec leffe : and Ufily , it 
redounded but to very few. \ 

zz The fit' Ti.- 

To thefewewiW \pei\ie feverallj. lJ«- of it under 
fore the fir^ coming of Chrifi. That the t^,, old 
"ac ffeuChrilt f r«< vjou aiiiM way and manner of his >»MMfw» was reft »- 

and for ever, p/ J '^j^^^^^ ^^ ^„„^,j ^ote obfcnrtlj , doch appecuc uk nr, 

^•'^'" /;beMXL..i.o«. nocrfrom A.-.., viz. The r..^«i of the- -^^ 
^""L ll^lLZ hecwas no otheJ Bookes of the Sacred Volum., called the -f^^"-- 
wthftandrng ^^J^" then as God .JoW Tefiament; in wh.ch are handled 
wife a ^«*;'^ ; . . andin,t tl[tho(e thrngsj concermng the perfon of 
to rake ^^\^2;Jyfi of our ijl^.^^, concerning the way and manner 
perform ^^e /vhol^^^^y heis called tJJf K^s execntion of h^ ojf^c of Mediator- 
dempfi>»j anj nen ^^ /, J/J,«;and herein alio is handled concernmg 

^r^''^^:tIrU TJ^^^ fi^'|theW«itfelfeof J/e<iM...-y*»^ and the 
t^eVw by his'c-" > «^^n ^^ J*.«.)i.nhat flow from .W 

Kn^clif'-^'^^""'- ,, Tfc.... I Thathisperfon ifdefcribcd.^M./^f-;:;;, 

chc Mcdi- ^ ,.ui,^„c,hrheSo,.«ofGod,bcfolappeare« herein •• that although it wa8j^,,,ibcd 
.tion of ^"^•';W 'uif'^^^^^^^^ rtr/7; was IL/y fignificd . that hce ihouldbe rr».„,„rcob- 
Chriftun- 5f 7"'^'^'^„JV"^,^;X^^^^^ W^ -L..;and'that alfo he is tr.eGd'. yetthefcurCy. 
gr Che Gods "X/efo aSt.t.«r beciufe|„.j;«£?«« of thefe two Nature, , mto a 
Sine'. ^"'^'-^ li^ hIeforeC/, through 4-4 of Perform, and the //,.«.* %«>«- 
^rfh« ;;^,' TnL ::S^y^^^ 4> J-of himfromthe..««/..«,unoe 






-58 C(rtaineP0fttions6f 
fo»p^«/r propounded, as that it could be 

to be able toattaineto lucha La.)f/«ft J 
W..^^.ofChnft,asi.^ whohveu^^ 

der the iV.n' Cove^"*'' , «»»- ro»,«/^-..j 

of Chrft doe H.I.' attaine unto; hereto 
S' it; that h.P-A« is jo frequently 

ftidowea out unto us under Ty^^and 
r-p. Neither is it held forth to be 
25 1 hefts. 
So alfo, the way and manner of his 
JlC wee have it fometimes a.d 

havewc It <lefcritcd more fArtwnUrlj , 


The offices jiicrAme courfe hath the Sptnt ot| 
'"^ '*"" rJ taken in deicribing his l^^^tpi »"* 
'"•='"• £ If; :fr.« are they flgn.fif d by ^.r-i/. 
but rchcn>ore^.r^/;,oftet, are they 

lhadowedoutuntous,butby lyfts. 

27 T<»e/»J- .1 

The 'Types whereby the /'^''/oV^ 

C/>n/? IS dclcnbcd unto us, are eitbct 

Lir ,..«,.; but thofewhe^bytbe^H 



Tlhc way 
rf liisMc 


the welfare of our foules. 

But in .bat #»;«; ■ ic w;;^^^ fcf '„'• J^^^j;- 

hovrfuU for us »'*{7'f,'JC".vcn ■"' »"»- 
jiftinA Pradattotts. Betore tnc La\ K . 

by 3/.|". t";P was given, unto the 
T"! frotn hetimesoftheFr^pt^rx, 

' rf ?;JthrBaP"ft> ^»"r^^- >'"■ "P"" 
unto /o^'"^^7a l' theBaptift, ttwas 

Che Pr«^«.^ ,^^'Ln of all «;.-M. - 

now w^-/^ ' ^Lord lelus Chrift luc- 
vvhcn oncV^r l-ot^ J^' ^-j ^0^1, 








jjo Ciffiint foptmoj 

Vather , concerning the refi^ttm'ton of 

Im Chmch ; whilert bee was in the exe- 

citiHoi it,lcn"e dcarely ; after he had 

txuHud it, moft ckarely : firft, to his A- 

p,,ftles atcer bis rtfurrcdion, and then at- 

tcf 1 is fifcenjhn into V^.eaven by the fclemne 

J minionof the Holy Ghoft, ' of whuh in 

its place. 

2p Thefif. 
But here it will be dtmaudtd , In the 
firft place , why thofe things were fr(^ 
p,««^f«^morcobrcurely : fccondly,wbvfo 
Vnnch the more obfiurely - by how much 
• the times were fartheft difiint from the 
fowi«^ of Chrift. Thirdly, in what fenlc 
the tdithoi the Fathers might befaid to 
be UvUg faith , Iccing that Chnft was 
won unknowne to them,thenunto us. 
;o Thefts. 
! ■'^ Wl.ytl.at To the firft we AnfAer ; That thofe 
1,1 Mediation things were frofoundni more oblcurely. 

) was pro- Pirft, bccaufc they wr« to come ; and 

prffhfjies , before the completion of 
ihcm, ought tube more ohfcure , at leaft 
as refpetti-Ag their manner of fulfilling, e- 
fpccially when it »s done amongfi thofe 
bywhcmthey were to be fulfilled. Se- 
condly, "^ the Churcb was then raw and 
in her i>^faKcj ; (he had not as yet Attuned 


moie cb- 


de three feU Covendai, 3 7 1 
to her ripe age. God fo orderh^_ the mat- 
ter as beft leemcd him, in hi? great Wii- 
dome. Thirdly, foi thar it was meet to 
rtferre the cleare m^^ift,Uicyt of this 
Mvftcrie, for CiriJ} the great Propkt. 
Fourthly, ^ for that thdr w/W'Wcre ta ;gj 
be held up in expdUioo of Chnft : but 
myo thehm which is feen ts mt hope ; in 
a way not much ualike to this, is our con- 
dition in the life to come , fro-^^»ndid co 
us here more obftutely. 
:; I Ihtfts- 
To the fccond we Ajx^^r : l\w mi- .^,^^. ^^^^ 
fierv was by fo much the more si-jcure/j ,,, ,,cob 
propounded, by how much the tin^e was ( ..jy by 

Firft, becaule ly how much ''J-'^'T ^'^ '.Nectar- 
coming of Chiift was at hand by lo ^.^^ ^j. 
much ibe n:o>c earmffiy oucht the mind^^,„t).-rom 
of men be fnrred up in cxpcet.it.on of hu .,. tim. of 
coming secondly, becajn. ^ hw..^^^^ 

much thofe tl^es were f^trth^jt ott trcm « 
the ..«;.«? ot Chnft •, by io much was 
God pi* 'nore ch.rely 10 nianifeft 
lumfelfc for others reafons alfo : he M 
upon them from Heaven, he AK^ unf» 

them by his eX«i:^/., &c. ^"'^ ^'V/^.^^ 
much r.fanr ^ct the times '•pproM ^o 

ii b y, '^""^ 




,' -J . 
V ' 

'''W< .) 


C^rf 4/;»« Pofttions of 
5*^^ , f^. tVinfe ver^ reafons, was 

he P^^f/^^^^.'^hev Sere to make up this 
and therefore ^^77' . n after feme 


.,M/i., /^ ^^"^^^/.^o be .^/r^a.^ after a 
fl^ejandthe-etoreto -^^^^^, /;,. 

^ore.mperfca manner ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ 
, fore the Law '^/''j^ ^.«, it became 

iMp.-. f«'^^7«;;.f;;,\obemoft 

of all Jf^^n" a"<^ Che rvr.««^rdby the 
T..;t.r.; and when tn2,^,lhouldbv 
''''"' ^"St be "ofe-^dently n,.^^ 

«o,d' upon them J^V . ^;^.i-y.«,thc 

people had not as ) ci » i j^ 

^of the /'•->/7^'^^.>''!^'^>' 6;, and thofe 


following.) A««"!,*ir UeinC but as 
vine by «f'"'*' 'f c'„^, of ihe <7>r.- 

/^* thrttfold Covenant . 573 

thev felt the w"?^^ and ^«['^'' <>| 'M 
whLce wee conclude, that the Do^nne 
concerning the «»y/?.7of our Reacmpw 
r as much as concerns the perfp,cu^ty 

hforethcl^gi^en, as K»«'lhat the i--^ 
«,i «x/f» • nor ««w the /^w was given as 
vet foneceffary was It; m the times ot 


the'Bapt./t. Sixtly, •" f'""^,^!' ^1'.' 
hxiiJreeMe [unto /V^r«»-«1 that t^e 
,lSu d be fo much the more oh- 
Ze ^nidarke, by how much farther 
(hey 'appeared\t defiance from the n^ 
0(\heSH»necf Rilhttoufnels. , 

To the third we anfwer. The meafHre 

that to be true and /...«5 [-f ' ^Jl^ cne 
leeves all thofe things, ^^at hav^ ^ jne 
rcveaU and i» 'he fame manner as ^^^^V 
Lavebeene reveded , and theretorc mc 

faith, as being that which ^.^ ^'^^ZZ 
{hofc\hings, which in »./.t..»t^^^ 
fed Go^ ft^ould be reveM ; and it d.a .* 
....chemalfo after the r-^^^^^^^^^^^ 
wherein they were by God rm4«^^^^ 

Bb4 I 


i < 





5.74 Certiifi Pofithfts of 
them, and wc count [ not that faith, but ] 
a JacriUgioits AudMuuftiffe^ for any man 
to be mfe Mve the fVordof Cod ; and to 
attempt to how thofe things rvhich Coi 
oafet pHTfofe hath propounded to us more 
hidden and ohfeurelj. 

■i,7, Thefts. 
That the efficacy of Chrift promifei, 
Tliceffica-^jg Icfleihcn of Chtii\ exhikitedby ma- 
ildft pro- ny degrees. Firft, r.,„,;y7/<,«of finnes al- 
^ cjlfed, was though \twis certaine with God. yet it 
^i^■ choa was le(fe perceived by reafon of the cloud 
dtChiil of the law, hinging Las it were] bnween. 
-r. .._ I ^g^Qj^jjy^ though it was pirm'yfd, it af- 
forded lelTe comfort , by leafon of the 
yfe<ikfi»I< of finne ( which needs muft 
be fuppofed to be in thtm^ to whom there 
doth not as yet appeare fo great a necejfit) 
of hearing of it exipated by the death of 
the Sen of God ) I fay, /# cemjort by 
reafon of the m^k^ fenfe of finne, and the 
dimmer knowledge of that ghry and life 
which doth attend upon remiffton of fins. 
Thirdly, the 5/>i>»> was poured forth in 
fcMt miafure on the fait hf nil [of old,] 
as being a hntfit to be referred till the 
wlolmj, timsofChrtfi, -who, it was meet, 
SH. fliould fir^ of all receive into his httmMne 

name all that hnndlejfe miafart of the 


fj&£ threefold Covenant, 37 J 
(wVjf ", and (hould from thence derive «Ioha 
\mto 411m. Moreover, feeing the Zy- i^^- 
ifit of Chrift , was in thofe times Ufie 
mn unto them ; needs , by fo much 
le l4e inflamed muft they be with the 
,e of God and Chrifi. Fourthly, the fpi- 
, if bondage then reigned, bccaufe xhf 
JI(eo( thtlawWuyciMntaksnff. i'l'ii ' 
, they were not carried on in a Jmef 
iiltfc to remifton of fumes , as appei s 
the/orweofthe Covenant, fiifi encer- 
into at the Mount Sinat ; afterwards 
.frequently rehearfed in the Sermons o( 
le Prophets. Sixthly, then the A«/e of 
.life to come was more thfcure ; as is e- 
[ident , from the more offcure mention 
lat is made of it in the old Teftament, 
id from the horronr of Death, which 
meth to have reigned in them who 
jid before the fanaion of the New Ce- 
mant in the blood of Chrift. Scvciithly, 
ifecmednotthe Fathers \n\attAUed to 
at fame pitch of glory wee doc now at- 
linunto who </re in Chrift. Firft, for it 
iisbchovefull, that Chrifl (houldhira-Heb. i«. 
Ife firft enter in thereat. Secondly , be- JJ';,^ ^^ 
mfe while the fiift Tabernacle was 
bding, the fecond was not yet unlocked. 
"hirdly, for that there tught a certaine 



^ ' 

4 -V.J 






/ . ^ 


Ke SaoF the hfe to cor«e , in th.s l.fl^ of Chrift might appear the more And why . 
nthof that arc grown up; and betwelfent »ad confp.cuous m the cait.ng 
XcfrJon of the fame in the l.fc IcGcnt.les.Secondly.thatGodm.ght 
omi but this A«/. no*/ in them v. ,«,rc, upon all, » for hee hath ««c/«-.Ro..n. 
X; and muchmore .^M,, thcni allunderfin. ^herefojechathem.glK^ 
this day it is under the New Tenamen ,e mmy upon all Thirdly, that hee 
Fourthlv , ^ they were not to be ma( iht fiandioah a raort ^w«« T;/,. ot 
p,r.^.£? without us : even as wee our felv U in the Jewes, and «j.rt».« L or rc- 
r»e not to be made p^fefl before th .bationl in the Gentiles, to w>t, of the 
bkflcd day of ihc ftcondcotning of Chri( welt of God, and of Satan. ^ 

( wherein the t>odi of Chrilt. that is . il 5 S I ^'K- ^. .« : 

Church, (hall be all over -^/iW; pe But yet 'as ourLo>d /'/'"^Wy 
fed) although wee doe confiantly^ffiit I'-I "Pon him at times m-«./^^;^.was 
that the J^/firx , now that they are/.r «fed to appear unto the Fathers , that 
ibertv! ou ofthis;r.yi-ofchebody,d reby hermght as U were fore-aft h 
noWM^/lV'of ablefl-ed life; yettl J incarnation : fo.phke manner bu 
8...we Caffirme moreover, ittob'e/. .of thcG.ntlUs. beforeth^^^^ 

leffe excellent , then was that, where ,rift. were ""•J^''* '"^^.''^J,„ j L^a 
'\ . n r '., :/x u:„r-.f» A.A fi qJ, that hereby hec might ftaud forth 8 

ilHdium al(o,of the future calling oJ the 

entiles. , ' 

;6 Thefis. 
Thus much concerning the ^V^Acw^ 

our Lord ]tfJ Chrift himfelfc did fi 


34 Th(^s. 
Tholcihat jj^g tfficAcyoi the mediation of C\ 
uZ"i exteMutMot'tmt, being at the firft 

,....J.^unto fewer , being at the hrl . Thus mucn c°n " -b --^ ' ^.^^ ,^, 

Cluift in ftraincd, and (hut up in the family.of i omifed. The beg'nnmg of ^^^c t^ovc ^^^^^^^^^ 
Sou rc-Patriarchs,afterwards, as that grn.io .c Fon'fi^^.-'^^^l'^^^^ LTJ al "^ ^T 

^ir-4 -re. Virft . that ^^^^^^^ 

W-w. ■ irom 




« 1 

/ T 



578 Cerumfofition^of 
from thcriWof his Afcc»rion ; at w 
time, being iiftcdfipto Heaven , he^^« 
with his My thcrctnto , and decUr'h 
he had fcnt into the hi*rts oi his Apo( 

the threefold Covenant, 37^ 

ner, that they no more now ^ait^ in 
of the/'*<^<»^o^iieoftheLaw , feeing 
are * t/tnght of God : certainly thas 
rj« concerning faith in Chrirt , could 
pr«;)«r// be called Cefptl (though cal- 
by that name) the LMofakaU worlhip 

lie iiau itM>. i"<-^' ••"-•"-•" - • fj ••—--—■•••/ -'-^ -^ -"j-.-^ww,, ,• .f- 

his Spirit, the Comforter , at ihcfeaji iiing,and that too by the alIowarice,ind 
Pentccoft',inat^(j»^/«fiiapewith/je7( [obation qf Chriit, and thofe things 

yet /«/^//d, which arc declared in the 

ven tongues. 

57 Thefi'. 
This will plainly appear to him tha 
/(rvtth iht Mntttr\nd forme of the p 


:,8 Thefif 

115 IS dc- 



[pel, ^9 Thefts. 

Ihis very thing appeareth(o to be 
11 the forme ot the prcmulgatioH ; For 
as that Old Covenant (of which wee 
llfpeake fomewhat by and by) " wasaExod, 

For feeing chis is thc/«wwfof ml^Add , not without great pomp ini>'»o* 

Gofpel, or Nmtsvemit, that alUi^, 
fii/ ' law giving of Ctrertwmis is n 
ceafed , and lo the nfe of the law, (un 
whofe cufioclj wee mre detf.ined evin 
the Faith , which puuhl afterwards ht 

crticified, dead and buried , and afteri 
r.cai'f.J into Heaven. Firrt, thatnw; 
o» of finnes in his blood fliould be cb 
and openly propounded, offered, and 
llowed upun all, as many as by tr«; U 


Mount Sinai, the people of Ifrael both 

i»^ and beholding it, ^ and fw£aring&&xo.i9.9. 

i: fothis Mevf Ctventint alfo fell ouc 

be promulgated upon a fee and foltmn 

, in a cotiventim of almo(l all nations. 

rf.</J) was aboliflied : Chnftleinpn bgreat fplendenr , fo asitwas, upon 

.A 111 J I ',. A An/4 n fhor I i". £t J -,1* fl ^ ^/T. 

/m/? day of Pcntccoft. 

40 Thtfis. I 

? And certainely, before that day, 
T)tElrine of faith was fuch, as men 
feeme rather tu be called to the King- 

helecve that this Chrift is both Lord a leof God which fhtuld come, then 

If ^1- .■ t-U . Ta. .'««.'* f\r .. ^^ ._J I .^ iT A.^'/^.J- *.L.^ 

Saviour. Secondly, that the 5>nV of 

? » 

« commanded to red fatufitd in the 


L^'llU.JI , / •— — — — -— -— -•..J 1^^ ,ij . 

doprion (hnuld be fent into their he* ent fiatt of things : that WCC iffctad 
who doe thi« -, with firmc confidenct . " no 

in;nd:- accjuirjif in and nji upon this 1 


'¥ . 

a John I. 

Luke }.I7. 

Mar, 1.7,8. 

Mat, j.iij 


fc Mat.-?. 


c Mat.18. 


H ' ' 

^80 CtrmnT»f\tion$of T the thrttfeld Covenant. 381 

no hic1i€r(for the thing is clearly witbljoched many things belonging to this 

all controverfic ) •* fohn the Baftifi fel|,ce , wee will for fo long defer the mat- 

his hearers unto Chtift , ^' <^hritt iw|r, untill we (hall undertake to (hew you 

men unto the'Kingdomc of heaven (tifip ccmp^rifon bctweene /fc« and the Old 

is thci'T/rfM^f/'f"'' ^'^'"'"'^'^*"°"*'^ lovenant, (which we call by this name 

Church ) as being that, that was c fuiffervkntCovtn&ai) of which lam 

now at hand, and (hould (hortlji bc,bu ^^ ^^rpofed to fpeake. 

vet was not p>-./.«' ; V" ver.ly , feem( ^ , T^y;,. I 

was even now raif(d from tlic dead, The Old Covenant, or the fuhftrvitnt j\,c o\A. 

thouch YOU heare him eftnlj proftfll ;ovenarit, we call that, which God wfrd Covenant 

tohisApoftles, ' 1 hdt all fower was jt© with the people of Hrael in thc*^'"'""* 

vtnhimhoth inHedVt»*nd in Earth, \ ^„„f sinai , that he might p*/«r« them 

commanding them »o prf*«:/» «fc«^« or faith, and that he might i^/Z^w* them. 

nnto even creature, yet he doth fof „th a ^f/reof thepromife, and of the 

W4>i<lthis, <^ ashcbiddeth them to -^ofpel-C ovenMt ^ which otherwifc had 

tea at Jeiufalem. the fdping of the p ^,^ jnd langui(hed in their mindes , 

mife concerning \\\c (demne Mijfm hearts,] and that withall he might, as 

theholvGhoftLun'othcm 1 asbeinf ,ith a curb reflraine them from theic 

deed«^^jf»'f<ialr"<ly>"^*"*^'T^'' "i"'^'" » *^" "°"" ^^*' ^"^ "™*^' 
be inftat'd and publikely recciv'd v ,|,grein he was pw^s/d to fend his Spi- 
txtrMrdinar] fignes, whilftmanv ft»o it of Adoption into their /»Mrrj, and to 
both hem it, and ftand iMk^rson. niertie them by the law of liberty. 
41 I'htfis 43 Thefts. 

Here 1 now ] vvimld be a fit ; Hence we fuppofe, that it is not obfcure, why itis 
wherein to fpeake more at large conci ,j,yitis by us called a /«^/frt.«i»t Cove- "Hf ^ ft>I>" 
"ne i\\ttxct&encj of this Covenant, ant,wel-necr inthefafnc/fw/e, wherein'"''^"'- 
feeing the w»tttr otherwifc m it felt is called by the HoljGhoft, the Old Co- 
ti^lMcttrt \ and tn aw/"<>"«'«i '^ 4;f»^>.^ not becaufe it is the yir/2 (as lome 
the Covw<iw<of Nature, we have altjoc furmiic) but in that it ought to t»4x 




' ■■}. 

381 Certain Pefitiomof 
iHcb.g.ij.o/f/, ^> and to give fUce t»a Itetter Covi- 
nant^ which is to fuccecd it, and fo itjdft 
at length to be abolifhed. 
44 Thefit. 
The nature and condition of this Co 
'verntHt, cannot be more certainly fought, 
or more t^fily found dour,] then h^ cm- 
faring it , fiift With the (Covenant of Na- 
ture; and after that, with the Covemnt of 
Grace ; for it will fo come to pa(Te,by this 
feareh^ that all tholc things being wJirW, 
wherein it doth aa^ret with thofe other 
covenants ; all its properties will bc brought 
forth to light. 

4<; Thtfis. 

It agrees with the CovtnAnt of Na* 

The agree- ture. Firft, for that in both L thefc Cove- 

ment of nanis ~\ the one part contr^Eling, [or Co- 

the f"bfei:-ygnanting]isGod> the other is man; Se- 

vicntCo- j.Qj,jjiy^ that both have iht\x fiifuUtien or 

anTthc condition annexed. Thirdly, that thej?*- 

Covenant puUtion is the fame, as touching the Mo- 

•fNaturc. rail law. Fourthly, that the frcwi/e is the 

lame in the generall. Fiftly, for that betb 

of them doc iead us unto Chiift. 

46 Thejis. i 

But they Mftr. Fu(t, in that the jfo- 
Hic dlSc-venant of Nature was made altogethet 
"""'■'' with 4M mcn,t his oncly with the Ifraelitts. 



< I 

the threefold Covenant . ? 8 j 
Secondly, in th:'.t the CovenAHt of Nature • 
was prejenth made with man, at the injiat ^ 
of his' Creation, and had no pr^paratones '' 
at all untoitjthe Old Covenant long after, 
and had many pr<tparateries. Thirdly, haE 
the Coz^fw^"' of Nature doth oncly bmdc 
us by the Law of Nature anto due obedi- 
ence. The Old Covenant doth oblige us 
farther, unto «re«e«;«. Fourthly, feeing 
life is premifed in both Covcnams.m this,ic 
is defij'ned us,by the fruition of the land of 
C4Haa»:in ihiioi Taradife, t'^W-.<^'^«"g 
both covtnAnts ioc lead us unto Chrilt.thc 
tovinant of nature doth not this by it tclt, 
but by accident.ihc o/^/Covenant doth this 
by it fclf i for it is its true and proper Icope: 
For God made not the Covenant oi Na- 
ture with men, for this end^that being op- 
mff^with ihtr^eightoi It, they (hould 
Lath after Chrift , but the laft and mMn 
tndo( it is this , that men (hould rtnier 
up unto God that which is is a«« ; but m 
the rHhfervie>.t Covenant , God «q'^'rf» 
nothxs right, for any other end then thii. 
thatment upon cnvi^im of their ownc 
^eaknefs, (hould flye in'.o the -.r^^^f 
Chrift. Sixtly , the Covenant of Nature, is 
founded upon the Creation and generaJl 
OnfervAt^on, the f«&/erz.i.i.J Covenant 1$ 
founded uponthe £/rf?.o«of the people ot 


// r'^J 


384 Ceruhe Pofiuens ef 
IfrAel. And laftly, upon their /mJ^wout 
of EcvPt, and their t»»/frt'-»'"» in the 
/^-Jof Canaan. Seventhly, tht Covenant 
of Nature wa» therefore made, that by it 
men m.ght be drar>n fwt^tly .for it was 
written m their hearts, but ihc fnhferv,. 
m Covenant for this «»^, to compel men, 
uGaI.4.M.aforit did ^^i;f* unto hndage hightly, 
rhe r c^/w4«^ of Nature is ffer«4tf the oli 
covenant ^s bm temporary. Ninthly, the 
O^/*"-"* of Nature had no regard unto 
rtfiraint from out\ward impieties, neither 
as touching the princip^ll fcope of it, nor 
^ Eyo.io. vet as touching the lefs prmctpMlL i ne 
J/^ Covenant as touching its leffepri««- 
p^iff fcope hereunto hath regard. Tenthly. 
[\xtcovtnm of Nature was tniravemn 
the heart , whereas the old Covenant only 
intahlesoffione. Eleventhly, the C.^j,' 
n*nt of Nature was made in "Paradtft, the 
fHbfervitnt Covenant in the dMomt Si- 
nai Twelfthy, there was no Mtdiatow 
of the Covenant of Nature; the /w^A';- 
i/i^«f Covenrnthad g^MtdiattHr, that is 
to fay, O^tofa, Thirtecnthly , the Govt- 
nantof Nature was made With man, per- 
/r.-^ and in innocencj, the 5«^/*mf «t Co- 
venant, onely with fime part of mankmac 
being /^pM *^, . 


the threefold CovtnMt, 385 

47 Thefis. 
Here may be asked , ftrft of all, how 
we are drawn by the Covenant of natpre 
unto Chrift, by accident^ for we laid, but 
nov^ that it was not ordained mainly for 
this end. Secondly , how the Covenant of 
Nature may be faidto draw men fweetljy 
fince it doth compell rather ? Thirdly, fee- ^ 
ing then it doth competi , in what lenfe ot 
confideration,a$ touching this part of it, 
it may be difiinguipjed from the i>ui>fir- 
vient Covenant. i 

Tothefitfl: I Anfwer. The CotfM«TlieCa«> 
of Nature brings men by accident unco "="^1 of 
Chrifi, in that it (hewed what man is in- J^^^J'^Jf^ 
kbttd unto God , and how (*re prtniih- ^,„_^ 
WMiabideth him, who doth not.p4; this ^haft. 
Jebt ; whence it ctmpelt a man to Io»k, 
to the CMediatoHr, feeing hee beholds 
himfelfc both MnaHe to difckargc ihedebt, 
and as w«4^/« every whit to tindtrgot the 


49 Tfetyi/. 
Ncverthelefle, it doth net this ahke m rhis U 
all men, for in thofe who are gnidtd onely doth di- 
by the light of Nature , by reafon of that vcrfc 
igmranci which is ingenerated in the ^^y"- 
mnd of man i it ptrfermt tbis more>- 

Cf 1 ptr^ciallj f^ > 






85 Certaine Pofttions of 

*ht threefold C6ven Ant. 3S7 

inlhe w^ «»/ ^'^'^ ^«« '^"'^ f'"* ''"' ^^■- ^ '' . - . 

1. 11 it [It 


/v'rff«rf ; or hear ic aniphind ; ii dot., wrjjs 

mortftr.H^Jj •• Ii"t »» /• «^ "^^ P'"^'1 ' 
j/jt:/.-, wl-uie minds It d<.ih * htfpnr.kuAn 
cn'iclitenwith a fin'gu ai and fA-»/-i-*'J»- 
n^rylkht, to d.fcetne J..»r/;howniUfli 
it IS they Of*' a'^<i ''"^ littltthcv ' ave 
p.i^f<i ; as alfo h'.-w Joren ptmihrnm ihcy 
have, upon iliac accoHHt, dimenitii. 

Bn the Co- ^tt th:^ was not cne fvJof ihii Cove 
vinaat ot pant ; neverthclcffe, in that the i .»'/-■? 
NacuR-, theriijviiLS not wholly t/i/m<^out of 

!iXl ti.a for th.s.< that thereto un.,n'^i>c 

men aie 



' ftrvicedle, both to rtftiainc men, iudto 
/#4^ them unto Chrirt. 

51 The^s. 
And alfo iV* very things , » hich bj 
accident the aw«-«« or iSacute doth 
.f.«. ycc it dotlyfci? them after ano^h^ ^ 

w^«r . then the SHhjtivie>.t Lovenani J^^^ ^^^^ ^^,^^J ^.^^^ 
doth. ' " 

flowcs from rhc fn\lcrviM Coven.^.i 
did referrt) butt^.i tt .i,d , bifore 'l!'<;t 
ffilnefs of ttntts , for w^^^r or die JT^.i ;>, 
which ^^»/^ times d;d p.'.riaejt f:i , Aid 
fincethc promal^Jt: lo)-! or die Golp^i , u 
doth the /4»»t' thmy alia, lor iv,i-t ot ;r f. 
Spirit, which was pr.mifed u: t • ■ . V i,> 
Covenant. Hut in W'h?c th-; 4 • .^^izt'^ 
Covenant did nlirAvie , ttiat it dul, be- 
caufc the tirr.e was not as yet come : 
wherein Gcd would fe/id the Sprit of 
Adoption into the hearts of his laithfM/l 


5^7 hefit. 

For /ji^f ;?/ under the Nc^v Tcllamsnr, 

the meafure of the .y^-mV is o-;e in iA'< iiie, 

(i»of/.:?r m t^e life ra «»«/' ; i > undo the 

OLl Teftament, iherm-tfun of the Spirit 

was hncaifcrt:-t thenfiom what h-j.-v ic 

is under 'he Nov : and Lki m in ihac mea- 

wliich i« hcftowcd im 

infnc , 


„, . life it IS fot bcn.twed p-'rf.a, ihete is 

5»7fy»;-. .., needofacW't wh.rebv'tlie fldli mifht 

Forfirft. in that the C«,/,«4«/ ofNa- '^l.^.j ^,{,ch .s'the 0^'^'--' -^ 
A:>dbytl,cturc doih rtftrarne men from «/«r«ji J^ ^^^ -^j^^^ ;,;.^,'«rMvhi.hcuu;.i be 
iui.u.via.t^-,,,^ il,,iUoth, nojfor anyj^-u.^ ofthi - ^^ ^^^ Co.cant, for as 

Covcu-.K. j^^j^ ^^^^^ y^,,^^ under the iV*4^"^'^'''^" ^ much 

iLi-ing in fb* 

. •>• 






-gg Ceriaiite Pofitiem of 
^..chasicwas never afforded us frr/rff. 

lor this cauie the ^>... both by the 
roU.«r.-- Nature,/.^, unto us, and aUo 

bv the f,ib[ervient Covenant , ^#«» 
f.U us, were «i?r.«J from rxr*.«-// 

In 1 ke manner alfo doth the ceven^nt 
^"""■c!" of Nature /«d us unto Chrift »«« way, 

to thrift ,,,„^,„f of Nature hegets and )? rry «f 
ty 'l-'^ £/,„ /^ ,n men; which by Chnft *ppj(d, ei- 

S^;^r'^ Sc;^-a4.i«,. could bc^ 

robicrvicnt^.^^^^^^r, ^n,,^,^, then by the cm*ngoi 
tovcninf- ^[^j.;q himfilfm ihc fiefh. 

^6 Thefts. 
Therefore men, fofarrc forth as bemg 

m.O on by the ccvenant of Nature . 

Eare d^^^^^J -^h the H-^ of a 

AJ:iMr.«// vet before hee was .vfc^^^^^ 

,.^ thcv d fire oncly an Affhcamn ot 

uUn p.fr.A^ , but after hee was j.v- 

;:vfe,^ud. But the iHbfavunt Covenar^ 

/;&< threefeldCovtriMnt, 389 
did not fuffer men to re^ fatiifnd in 
Chrift, as one that was promfeti, * ut/«r- 
ther it did ««^*y»ethem with a marvel- 
kui defire of his camming in the ^f;'&. Juft 
ffcw under the Cfi/^*/, the Covenant of 
Grace doch caft in a dffire , not only of 
that maft^^t of Jefus Chrift, which will be 
tffurcieci\ii\nthi6hk, but it doth alfo^jc- 
cttt and fiirre «;>,inth? minds ofthego*/- 
/;, a mArvelUmciffire of thefl«/»/«»'o«of 
this body , and of the feconii commiitg of 
Chrift. I 

Therefore the pws were brought unto 
Chrift by the Covenant of NMure, after i 

mother manner from whAt they were by 
thc/«^/'f'"t^»'»» Covenant. I 
^%1 hefts. 
Tothe/ffa«<l, Unlwer, that we co»/- wh-^nce it 
^^>-the covenant of Nature, according to '^J'JJJ^^'^^ 
its firfi in ft it utio»,_ when it was infUtutei^^ ^^^^^^ 
with man, ««/»'•?, 'and uncorrupt, and not j^h com- 
accordingto its acciientary u\e ^ the iV*i-psl!. 
r««of man being now wholly cerrufsd 
ind dtpravfti. j 

5p Tib//?/. ' 
To the third wee have already anfice- 
rtk, (above, in Xlnjis 5 2. 5 ^ ) where wee 
fA:p/^;»r<i how men might one way be ^^^^^ 

^ Cc4 rtpAinU r^* 




390 Certain Pfiftiom of 

refiraitied fromfinne, by the Oventntoi 
Grace, and an other wa^ by the jHtJtrvKM 


60 Thefts. 
But bccaufc wee have already fpoken 
fomewhacof theCo^inion, that doth pro- 
ceed both from the Covenant <Sf Natuic, 
&sx\\oiyomt\\cffi('/trvnnt Covenant; u 
will.notunlikely, ^»«r the labour, to ex- 
fl.m what and how manifold that ca- 

atluii is. 

61 Thefts, 
oon By C^^ioH here wee underftand , not 
iki^. that whereby the members of man ase 

htrrhd on imp tuoudy to the dotng ot 
thofe things, which by no meanes >.»/- 
liH<rly they would doe,but luch a kmdc ot 
Ct^ato^lio} which rhcre doth Co.- 
cHrr^ louic content of Will, indeed that 
co4tnt not ahjolm, and perrcft, neither 
vfcfuchas is aM^Mlcl furas nvaih a*to 
\fnt, and yet to be amfdled, arc repug- 

62 Thifs. 

This fo comes CO paffe, when wha^ee 
h;tte in it felfe, cuf ^vtls doe yec mbraii, 
eitl'tr 'or the avoycUr.ce of fimithir>g' 
wh'ch ucc «orc hace ; or for tlie atchttve 
m»t of fomcthmg, the Uve of which 

i iiiv li ti 

the threefold Covenartt. 391 

loth more carneftly f/^'^^*' "S ^^<^f '^''^ 
Aefc^irfJof that^ which wc yet ^jlr^.* 
Ifor the Atchievenunt of this. 
65 Thtfts. 
, This kinde of Coaaion they f.-^/ ^^h--. ,t 
tver arc rcflruUed, by the fm«^»< 01., ,. 
Nature, or of that which is Mr^.v.«N --h^^.u 
from their oi*tward impieties ; yet /o, as ^ b^ 
JitfirfM^ (orts of men, after a dtveri, ini ■ 
I different manner ; for verily wck^d men, 
arc only fcmd from cvill, by the fexn of 
puniftiment, denomced in tht Covenant 
againftthem , whereas the ^fl^/j- are alio j 
<j,4n.« by the love of God Coz/f«^«rt«^ 
with them , notwithftanding , e/ ihem- 
klves thcy-are encUning unto <z^i// -■ now 
tha: , a man may call a fervile, this a loti- 

hke filull aftion- 

■' 64 Tkfis. 

Butthe dlverfujoi this C.-^.-.« hath Wl.n« ^_ 
its dtvtnd.^nce not fo much upon the C»- 
^,«^«Mtfclfe, cither of Nature , or of^^^^^ 
thac thai \i fHbfcrvient, as it hath upon 
the renditions of the ftrf^ns concerned in 

the Covenant. 

^5 Tkfis. ' 

For the very Ow»>«"f 'tfelfe, in this 

corruption of nature, i»forcetb, yet fo, as 

it doth It by a frvil coaition , m them 

■' who 


^ f'>»A 


2 p 2 Cert at He Pojitms of 

who arc defiitute of faith j but by a [Uull, 
in them who are iWWwith faith. 
66 ihejis' 
It now remaines, that wc ampare 
the ftihftrvient Covenant (which is 
the Old Teflament ) with the Cevtnant 

of Grace. 

67 Thep 
They agree jlrj? of all in ttnit. That God 
is the ^uthohr of them both- Second- 

Thc agree 

nicnt of 

tlic Su'v 

fcivicnt ij , ^'." , L • /. 

Covenant, man confidered ashee nipntr 

with the . . -. 1 - J 


et Grace. 

the threefold Covenant. 393 

Secondly , they differ in the ftipnUtk^,^ 

or this is the ^ifuUt'm {_ or can'M^n'] of 

he oi(^ Covenant, » Do tha a»4 hvc -, of^Gil.j.iv 

he iV^w 1 ^ Believe^ and thju jhdlt not cowe b lohn j. 

^to jHdimtnt. Thirdly. Oicy differ in i«. 

;hcir-i«w«it; ;forthe/»^/"eryv«« Coy^c-^ 

laot was added c to the ^nm^a of'^^M- 

Grace , which preade^ Vuurthly , they '' "• 

iifferin the manner of ^i(c»ver\ni liane, 

ly , that both of them arc 

th. j»«ond- MrvUnt Covenant d.uh not 

made vvich '»^ '"^ '" ^. ... ..;;... K.,r hu exoe- 

Thc difa- 

lUl liiv ,».^j»' -"•" 

-p.- J difcover finne primarilj A, but by cxpc- ,i Kom?. 

^"••■' y- , fi '„ ' rience of mans r^t^h^fs in the keeping dirou^h- 

ly, that ^ot/. of them doc r»z/«/« linne. ^^ ^^^^ covtnMt; but the at-.-^-t of oat. 
Fourthly, thMhothoi ihem dot rijtmnt .rim^rUj ; '^ for it doth.Rom.j.9. 

fromy?«... Hfthly, that they /.»/> do lead ^Ca«^ ./chat man is a finncr ', and et f.i.r.^,, 

toChrift. Sixthly,that«//.*risa^4<i^^ j^'' ' ^^^ -^ ,^^,4 i„ ,,;^i^,„ ./,«.? - 

the CW)!; of God. Seventhly that ^.«i »» Fifthly, the /«^^rz,/.«r Cove- piV. 

ofthem were made through the ;^^. -; l^riith reftrLe frlm'^^'. but by/^^-^-^' 
ro^r. Eightly , that.n^«/Uf 'hem /./. .=1 ^^ .^^ ,^ ^j^^ ^^^^^„, ^f Grace, by a,^£;.;. 
promifed. llbontaneotts and voluutary inclination of^j^^^j^.. 

^58 Thefn. ^ ^. [^^ j^jj^jgj oimsn. Sixthly, in that m/vr|j B.om. 6. 

""-"^'" . , ;•„ [heminaesormcii. oij 

But they d.fer. Firft. m the f W-O ^.u lead unto Chrift 
nd condition ot the Authour ; for God ^^.^ ^.^^^ 

• t3 f^'* in the Mrvient Covenant is conluler 

"• . • n «r,/4 <ic nnp annrr. 


cd as rtvrovi»g finne, and as one «;)f«- 
,/»»gonely RighueHf«e(fe : but here now 
hec is ethermfe confidered m the Cove 
»jint of Grace, as one rmitting fmne.anil 
rep<iirini a new rightcoulntffe m man 
^ '^ Secondly 

uiJiii ..— - tbe ( ow»<>»f of 

Grace, doth this dirtBty ; the fuhfervient 
Covenant, indirtniy. Seventhly, where- 
as UthiT^ a badie of the Church ; the 
Old Covenant is a cMrH4ll or outward 
badge onely of the fewii Church ; bu: 
the CoveHdKt of Grace is a [pirituitl 
badge of the Church of the / w;, and al- 



,'• s 



:;94 CertAtne Pdfitiom of 
'(oo( the Gemtles. Eighthly, whereas 
tltkr Cavsnant was made by a iT/f<^M- 
UHf ; the Mediatour of the 0/^ covenant 
is the 7»^» il/e/" , but the Mediatour of 
^. f hs iV'>>', is not a ' weak *»>*», hut Chrift 



..ii. 8 

- Jff««.«Ninthly, ' in the old Cove 

narr. tUe fpirie of hmdAie is given ; but in 

the Covmar.t ^ of Grace, the Spmc of 

.-t/i/^pNow. Tenthly , the Old Covenant 

IV35 the wf<j« unto, to the end; hut the 

Covenant ot Grace, the endit Jd[. tle- 

venthly, the c/«i Covenant did terrifieihz 

conlciences ; the yVw doth cow/ort them. 

Twclfthly,the cbjia of the old Covenant 

is man de^din finne ; of the New, A con- 

fcicnce terrified hi fmne. Thirtcentlily, 

theOWCovenantdid indeed declare the 

W4»«frhowto worfbip God in, but per^ 

formed nothing ; the New Covenant doth 

ferjjrmt b:.th. Fourteenthly. the Uld Co- 

nant is a * hand- writing a^aif^ »«. ' but 

the New "■ IS a * hitrd;;hc.tfl if. 1 iftcenth- 

Iv " the Old (Covenant is from Mome 

/i»ji trembling \ " the New fiom SioH, 

which hhuvc>ly,dtlt[tal>U^ Lvelj. Six- 

tcenthlv, the 0/^^ Covenant doth fl:in out 

the Gentiles: huttffc Nnv receives them 

• in- And latl oFall. by lome this dfcnnce 

is further added ; tliut whereas in iithir 


thethreefoldCovemnt. 39^ 

life is promifcd, in that it fcemcs that life 
isonely piomifed to be hved \ntheLd»d 
of CanuAH ; hut in this is promifed a life 
to be lived in Heaven, 1 

6 9 Thefts. 
Furthermore, tht Old Covenant waSj-heQi^ 
[ a n^eane ] unto Chrift j confidcrtd either Covcnini 
as it did rtdargut and reprove men of »« mcane 
flnne ; or as it did reftmint men from'"'*^- 
finne, or as being a Tjp ; and a fmtittttde '^^* 
of the New Covenant ; the two Jorrr/er 
have beene expLined already) the ItUttr 
yec rematnes. 

70 Tht^t. 
There are two parts of the 0/</Cove-^he ufc of 
nant, the Law CMorall, zn^Cerewomali,^^^^^^^^' 
to which aifo may be added their Tolitj: j„j ^crc- 
[ namely, the Judiciall L&w'] thefe, ifmoniall. 
confidercd in themfclves , did redar- 
gf*e and reprove man ot^ flnne : and in- 
deed the IferaM Law, as through the 
Ki-^k>^efs (f the fitfb it is impofible j fo it 
declares a man not to be fptrnMUiind it 
doih refiraine him from oittw4rd impie- 
tie*. through the intervtutHgoi the/pirit 
tf bonddgiv \ but now the C«'«w«»«';Heb.i«. 
did fee forth mans iimpmitj contradedj. 
by finne. But, and if we confidtr chem.a& 
lyfu, fo the Morall Law wae ib« Off 





■, .fc. 




"gS Cert di It Pefithm of 
ot our holincfle ; the Sacrifices fome of 
them, did fet forth the death of Chrift as 
expiatory ; the reft of them did figure out 
« Rom u. 1 the reajonahlt ftcrifiee of our hody and 
5. ■ w»W, in refpeft whereof, ' weearecal- 
vRev.i.^, led Priefts : and thofe other cleanftngs 
& r- 'o- ^ did note out unto us the leall fatiEiificn- 
*«• ^' /«« of our foHls in the ^/o«^ and Sfirit of 

71 TAf/*/. 
Here two things will be demwdtd : 
Firft, how CMnfes could be fa >d to be a 
MedUtour of that Covenant , feeing hec 
himfclfc was one included in the fartji 
on the one fide covenanting. Secondly, why 
the Sacrifices y ISacraments} and Cere- 
moitks o{ the Old Covenant , are called 
m.h.9.io.carna{l r, the Sacraments of the Nev> 
' Covenant not fo ; whereas Chnlt.or tne 

■'' ^wyi/jofChrift were reprefented as well 

in thofe , [ of the 0/^ Covenant ] as in tbe(e 

they arc. 

72 Tfe^/x. 
To the firft, I aofwer. It i» not af- 
ford, that both one and the fame, under 
a divers confidf ration, may be i'otb a A/e- 
diatcttr . and may yet be one inclttdei in 
party of the one fide , Covenanting. For 
intheiVfwCoTenanr.Chrift, though he 


Jiow Mt- 

fCi could 



the threefold Covenant. 397 

be a MediatoHr ; yet as God, hce likcwife 
is the Cither forty covenanting ; fo in the 
Old Covenant, Mofes , leeing hee was an 
Jfraelite, and a part of that peopk with 
whom God did enter into cot'f«<»"'*, after 
bee had taken upon him the Office o(J^ 
A'Jediatour, appointed him by God ; hee 
is no longer now fitiply to be confidcred 
as an Jfraeiite^ but as a Ahdiatour ; ma- 
king interceffwn betwecne God and the 
people of IJratl ; and thu wee conceive 
was done, that lb he might appeare to be 
a clearer and more manifert Type of 

73 Thefts. 
Eut from hence a greater and more 
weighty difficulty feemeth to arile ; for 
feeing God is infinite^ it may not abfurd- 
ly be demanded • In vthat refpeH could 
Mofes he a Mediatour betrnen god and 
man , feeing he himfelf was but a man ? 
To this weeanfwer : that Mediation is 
twofold. The o«, by the benefit whereof 
men are truly and effedually united unro 
God ; and this Mediation wee confefte, 
bclongeth to no othtr then to a perftn in- 
dued with infinite vertue and power; 
[and fo that the Nevf Covenant, could ad- 
mit of no other Afediatenr then of one , 


t 1 . 


n > 


t— V 

I ' 


-pg Certalne Tefttioni of 
who muft be God, wc conftantly affii me ; 
but then wee fay, againc, there is motkr 
MedMtion,whevtoi this oncly is the ulc ; 
to fliew what the way and m^nnsr is, 
how God is to be vor/hipped in, and not 
to tKOjin \nio men a fircKgth and power 
to peffcrm It', nor to uconaU men unto 
God • but onely ic propounds thBje thtngt 
whereby ic eafily appeares what need 
they have of reconciltathn : I his is the 
MeaiMun of the Old Covenant : where- 
fore we fay not* that the Auditor of it 

T^T'htfis. Atwofoi4 

The firtt difference is this, for that the J'(a^r«- 
tcrtfices, Satrments, 2iXKi C^rtmomsoV'^^^'^^'^^^ 
be Ancients had their carKa3. ufc, ovcFg^^,^. 
nd befides the Jpirittt^ll fifiiiifii^ation uKats cf 

Why the 
inencs ot 
the Anci- 
ents are 

lut the Sacraments of the New Cove- the Anc!. 
ant have, by Gods appointment, noemsand 
tr»all ufp at all, now, but meci)y jpi-"''''' 


76 Ihefis. \ 

1 Nevcrthelefle wee deny not , but 
fore we lay not»inai mc /f-twra.." — - jven the Sacramtntt of the Ntvf Cover 
ouchtio have beenc o( infinite POW^^Lnt, by the injiitmion and cnfiim of 
feeii.g ihofe things are not of a powet L^^ ^ ^ ^y h^ve a c4r>M// ufc, but not any 
inhnttt, but finite, andfuch, as may Lc-tj.h prefcribcd them by any Wortl o^" 


long unco a crtatnrt 

74 7 A*/?/. 

To the fccond, we Anfwcr : That the 

Sacrifica and Sacramt»ti of the Old 1 e- 

ftament are defervcdly called camaUi &c 

Thofcof the Nev Covenant not lo ; be 


77 Thefit' 
2 The fecond difrence is placed m 
hii : That the Sacramtnts, Sacrifices, tnd. 
Ueremniet of the Old Teftament did fct 

J nuicoi «.* .--- ' btth Chrift,and the Benefits by Chrift j 

caafe, notwithUanding theft as well as ,qj p^i^^rih-, but fecon^a^ , and th»t 
>iba/#, as refptding the matter, may both „q ^^^ ^^^^[j . I^^it^ Sacraments of 
be called Mr»<»//, ind fpiritnall, both in re- jj,j ^^^^ Coyena»«.<lo ^^ew f^nl) Chrift 
fped of the figmfication ; yet here falls m ^i^^^/^^ gnd (hat clprlj. 
a two-fold fl#>e»*« whereby they arc • ^g r^i^ jj r ' 

MiniHiJbtd each irom other. So Circnmcifion^ p^^fy i, ^^f '^P*' 

parate betweene tbe/«4riif^^'''««'<'^an^ 
75 '^^'/''•Ihc r*# of lh?;y/i;io'«i ; irjUi A*(« Pntw 

; • •• ■ ■ ' W A them 









\'i ' 


^co Ctrtahe PofitioNS of I Ihe EfifiltDtdlcmory. 
thtni thcMrfW; promife ; ftcondmlj, ilrho own them, every one is ;**> to re- 
did fignific <^"r fMUipcitioH. In likjceive them, and as ready to rf/f<fnhem ; 
manner the T/«j(/iot/fr , primarilj/y ihepsmat when once the vaytsoi <.jod come 
ftno tvercf the defireUng Angtl : Jeconho htthrivin^, enriching and ennobling 
d»rilj, Cbrift •• fo alfo the facrificts, aniwayes, and that rdigion comes to be of 
the cli4»l>^^s, they reprefented, primanlcmmoM meption , an^ reputation, then 
Ij^i ccnu'iue carnall hiltMifi : ftctM(i*riljh\ciy ot\c is ready to jjirr entertainment 
they figured out chrift, and the (>mfitho ic ; It is fomethtng for a man to ow»e 
of the New Covenant. the Arke when none will ow» it : indeed 

The dcS- 

many will twnt a profpering truth, a 
blelling Arke : but liee is an obid-Sdon* 

Of the 


797 hejis. 

And now! conceive /rf/?/;, it will no ^^ 

bearrJfTein thcplace of a <ro«:/«i/«», t( indeed, that will own a perfccuted, atol- 
fubjoyne hete, the Defimtiont^ of thof fed, baniihed Arke, 
three CeveMaiits, concerning which we My Lord, you are this OM-Sdorn, 
bare raifed this ^.j;/'«/f. who have owned the Arke, when /<» 

80 Tbefis. would owne it , that have efteemed it a 

The CovcKAut of Nature is that bleffing, when others have 4/)p«if»iP!i:t» 
whereby God by right of Crcation.dotI curie, that have haked u^oa\i as your 
'V'MTtu?.' require a perfh obedience of all man greateft honour, when others have ey^d it 
' kinde. and promifes a mott bhffed life t( as their difgracc , that haveftdeJ with re- 
ts many as doe give it him, to be lived i ijgion not when you might live on it, but 
FarMd'fe ; but againft thofe that den when it was to /it/eon you, anduponthe 
h\mihis perfta6l>eMtnct, hedoth(ib»«». i^/? of your hterefis and enjoyments. 
tteruaB dcith ; and that for this *«», iha None that kmrnyom Honour, but kyows 
it may appeare to all, how greatly hec 1 this, that in the wr/? of times, when Re- 
in /«v# with z/fr/K?, and how infinitely h«li,gion was under moft contempt, and it 
hatetb vice. Ifcemcd crime enough to be godly, wheri 

iiThefn. lyour Honour was not oncly a <r4rc/;<// 

The Old Covenant it that 





— Li, ; 





7h EpiflU Dedicator j 

praElifer, but a xjeAlom pyomiter of the 

waycj of God * a fAithfnll contender for 

purirj of doftriDC and woifliip, ijjdttr 

to the Godly, a rc/^^etothcopprened, a 

ftnce to religion , and eoanted godimllt 

great ^4Wf, when there was (if welooke 

downward) no (raine to be nude of god- 

lineQe. And fiTr the puhlt^ne they are 

ftrangers in our l raci, that doc not know 

y. urfc'-y?.<«fand unwearied labours and 

U)i»^s t.uc tor it j And before ever th« 

PHUia.ii' was tkuiht upon in publi^Mt 

even as vw:, refvlved to run that hazzard 

cither t.i hv. in the publique, or to dye f» 

the piibliqie. And l%ijjj^ God hath wr 

ryd on \ <mr fpiiit, and made you (trvkt- 

fJA: to i'hcfc times of common calaraitv 

n^>c i: cifths^ but Chronicles, without lut 

jpitiun of fAmMUty (hall report to fa 

■ tare fjenctations . when all c/o«<^jof mi 

the EfifiltDull(Mt»y. 
worthy: It contain! dbw/ijf feme friendlT 
(ith4tts of fome opinions , which have 
hctu mmtAimdtigimfk the Law, where- 
in I have fo trndtAvaurti to hold up the 
Law, as not to wfrwcA apon the liber- 
ties of Grace, and fo to tfiitblifh Grace.as ,^ 
not to m»kt void the Law, nor to difihAr^e 
belcevers of any dutie they 0we to God 
or roan. And this tJi/fo^r/f though weak, 
yctfuchasitis, I make bold to prefent lo 
your Henqnr with yonr vtrtuom and no- -, 
ble Lady , and (hould onely ctnv$j it in- 
to your bofomes by prayer, did not my 
native Comtrej and place to which youc 
Homnr is related, ingagt me to addc ^Maachtjter 
few words. A place it is which above 
msBj others God hath hontHrid, both in 
firttigtiumng them to doe their duty, and 
preferving them in it , making them not 
onelya Rvck^z^u^^ their enemies, but a 

r kc Ih.UvaMfh/and nothing but «»»/><.r refnge for their friends , the «/«^*r; of 

, ri nv, I hP r. v.alcd m*"y Peaces in danger, and the ncoveurs. 

"^ o^t m honou^^^^^^^^ as to oJ of t^af.y loft ; It .s my earneft .,«./ to 

.ho !, tTb'cVfo ..-/.«.an Uf^ertor . your Honour as b.anng relation to th^m 

, I c (V^,u Tv.-M'/inf rhriHii 'hat »Wf they are in cenpa ^ they may 

/,/.rr,.x, this imall Trr-i^rof^^^^^^^^^^^^^ be e;.^ and relieved j And when it (hall 

Ub^rty flV^^^t«; P^;;^^;^^^^^^^^ pUieGod the /l.r«. is over, your Ho- 






r-»i 'i 




Tbe EfifiU De^icMury. 

ing to adde to the honoMr of your name' 

upon it, Tome further if4«« of honour to 

it ; Aqd |he God of all grsce and mercy 

be ftill a t$vftr ©f proieftion to them, and 

a /4>'«oftiir«ftionBDyou,thatyou may 

kntwhow to wAlke In wifdome under all 

thecba»getoi his providence to you, and 

make your Honour yet further »*/?r«- 

s»fMr<^, to advance his caufe, and fromote 

, tis glory, sod when you have ferved him 

inyour^fwx^/ww here, take you to his 

j^Lrjf hereafter ; which is the earnefi and 

hearty prayer of him, 

Whfife aH is i>Ht t» ftrve 

thethreeftldCevettatit, 401 
God doth require from the petple of If- 
tmI^ obtditnce of the <JMoratt , Certmoni' 
tU and fndicUU Law ^ and to as many 
as doe givt it him , he promifas all forts 
if hlefiugj'mihc pojfelfioH of the land of 
Ca»4aH ; on the contrary, to a$ many as 
deny ith'm. he denounces, moft fcvcrely, 
curfes and death ; and that for this tnd^ 
that he might bring them to the Me£iM 
which was for to come. , 

8 a Tktfis. 
The CovetMHt of Grace is that where- 
by God, upon the Coudititn propounded 
of faith in Chrifi , promifes remifuu of 
ftnnts in hU blood , and a Heavenly life ; 
and that for this «»»d. that he might /hei» 
forth the richitofhn LMtrcj. And thus 
much concerning the c*'^tnAnt> 

SamvEl Bolton. 

giorj bt t» thtt, Itrd ftftu. 





