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Full text of "Christian letters of Mr. Paul Bayne : replenished with diverse consolations, exhortations, and directions, tending to promote the honor of Godlinesse"






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Chriftian Letters 

OF / 

JVK Paul Bayne. 
Replenifhed with di- 

vcrie Confolations, Exhor- 
tations y and Directions, 
tending to promote the 
Honor ef Godlineflc. 

Hebr. %. 13. 

Exhort one another daily, while it is called to day, 
left any of yon bee hardened throng the deceit- 
futnejji offinne* 



Printed by A.G. forNath. Newhery, 

and are to bee fold at his (hop in 

Popes-head-AHey,at the figae 

of the Star. 1637. 

C#» <$9 <&> *&* <&> <>fi* *&* *f&* 

<jJ*> c^ *>£> «*y*> <&> c>3>* ej> cji> 



and Chriftian Ladies,the 

Lady W ex d, and the 

Lady Lennard: 

Grace , and 


Ight Worftip 
full and wor- 
thy Ladies, if 
there bee a- 
ny one thing 
wherein I make fingular 
account of my friends love, 
it is , when by fome good 
meanes they are fetting mee 
forward in the wayes of fal- 
A 2 vati- 

the Epifile Dedicatory. 

vatiomand on the other fide, 
I cannot fo rejoyce in any 
improvement of my beftlove 
and fervice to them, as when 
mutually I may bee a helper 
forward of their faith. I write 
not this, as favouring any 
ingratefull burying civill and 
humane kindnefles in oblivi- 
on,but as giving the preemi- 
nence to theworkeof love, 
which especially is imployed 
in advancing that good part, 
which as our Saviour inti- 
mateth to Martha } (ha\\ not be 
taken away from us. Let it ■ 
not therefore I pray you(my t 
honored good Ladies)feeme | 
ftrange,that in thedefireof I 
the bell: good to your (boles, 
I prefent to your view, and 
infcribe by particular Dedi- 
cation to your Ladifhips,the 
enfuing Bundle of Letters, 



The Epiflle Dedie*tory. 

part of the workes of a reve- 
rend Divine, who living, (hi- 
ned as a bright Starre in the 
Church of God. For 1 am 
perf vaded, with Gods blef- 
iing,which is all in all, that if 
you attentively reade this 
Booke, you (hall finde many 
fweet Motives to heavenly- 
mindcdnefle, effedruall con- 
fiderations to qualifie the bit- 
ternefle of for row, which of- 
ten bef alleth us in this vale of 
Teares; and laftly, no (mail 
attractive to draw up your 
mindes from thefe vaniftiing 
delights below , to thofe 
hopes and joyesof an inherit 
tance incorruptible, undefi- 
led,that fadeth not away,re- 
ferved in Heaven for you. I 
will not enlarge my felfe, to 
fpeake in commendation of 
the Author of thefe Chriftian 
A 3 Lettert, 

The Epijlle Dedteatorj. 

Letters, who no marvell hee 
fpeaketh tofeverall points fo 
gracioufly,whofelt heavenly 
ftrames in his Meditations fo 
plentifully . This prelent 
Booke will(as his other Wri- 
tings have done) ipeake for 
him,I doubt not,fufficiently. 
One part of which hath been 
tranfcribed while the Author 
lived, and the Copie was not 
to bee had in Print, in my 
knowledge,full many a time$ 
yea, hundreds of times, or 
neerer a thoufand times, if 
fome godly perfons have not 
mi£reckoned. Now, why I 
chofe your Ladiilhips , in 
whofe name to commend 
this Worke to the Church of 
God} though I might af- 
leadge other reafbns, yet for 
the prefent 1ft this fuffice, 
That as you are Sifters in 


the Efifile DediCAtory, 

nature, fo you are neerer Si- 
fters in grace, and therefore 
well may bee joyned inone 
inscription, whom God hath 
linkf d in fo holy union.I will 
not by longer Preface hold 
your Worfhips from the 
Booke it felfe. Reade it, my 
refped?d good Ladies $ and 
the Lord give you under- 
fhnding in all things. Febr. 

22. 1520. 

Xpur Ladijhipt, readk 
to aUjerviafathe 

E z. C h~ 

A 4 


^^:. <S%> #% 



Containing Divine Inftru- 
ftions^Ex hort ations, and 
Confblatipps* ■-//? 

Letter i. I>ire8orj* 

Ood Miftrefle B. 
we muft not think 
it ftrange, when 
need iSjto be made 
heavie with many 
hath ever beene the portion of 
Gods Children^ who through ma- 
ny Tribuluions have entred in* 
to his Kingdoroe. Hee that will 
not let the ftiew and liv-elcfle 
Pi&ure of Godlinefle goe 5 withoat 
aAaylng and overturning, haw 
much more hath hee an aking 
Tooth at the Grace which is un- 
A^ fained?; 

How we ought to hehavt 

faincd ? Wherefore bee not dif- 
mated, if Changes and Armies of 
Trials (hould fucceed each other ^ 
rather re Joyce, thatbyoccaGonof 
thefe things, you may fee your 
ielfetobcbuildcdon that Rocke 
which none canprevaile againft 5 
though it bee never fo aflayled. 
When the Windes blow, and 
Stormes fafl,the^ wee may fee 
what buildirgs have fure Foun- 
dations : then thofe that are other- 
wife,cannot be hidden. Our whole 
care, when temptations follow u«, 
ftancji thin this: Firft, wee muft 
judge aright of them, and the end 
for which God doth (end them : 
Secondly , wee muft feeke wifc- 
domc and ftreegth, which may 
make us undergoetheai, foGods 
glory, and cur comforts. AH evife 
which befall us in fMilr,bodie and 
condition, they are med cinable 
(brrowes fent of God, that the 
I faule hclpen by them, as by bitter 
j'potiQns, nrght by r^ewed re~ 
pernancy more and more purge it 
ft kite 

ourfilvu inaffliiiims. 

felfe of that true Soulc-ficknefle, 
that finnc and corruption which 
dwellechioit. If wee were as in- 
nocent as Job, yetmuftwehura- 
b'e our felves under the hand of 
God, when he fendeth adverfities* 
Wherefore, in all renewed occa- 
fions of this kinde , let us judge 
our ftlves^and *>row more vile in 
our ownc eyes • that thus humbled 
under Gods mightie hand , wee 
mjy further and farther receive 
his grace 5 for the exalting of us t 
And this is the end of God^why he 
at many times bringeth many and 
divers adverfities. The reafon is : 
this excrcife of a broken fpirit 
may ftill bee renewed e Actually 
in us: even as Phyficians to 
bring away ficke matter more 
fully and fafely, are forced againe 
and agafae to open the vcinc, 
taking away now fome bloud,now 
other fome 5 as tbe partie may, 
beare; (b doth God, not at once, 
but many times briftg away this 
corruption which dwellech in as : 


Affliftiom though biittr^ 

And as Phyficians now give one 
thing, now another, left nature, 
ufed ftill to one , (hould not bee 
moved 5 fo God doth foraetimes 
in bodie, fometimes in minde, 
fometimes in our tftaredeak with 
us^becaufe hce doth fee, that the 
longer wee arc ufed tot his or that 
crone, the leffe it worketh with 
us* But left wee (hould bee fwal- 
lowed up of evils , wee muft 
joyne with care of humbling our 
lelves 5 that wifedome andftrength 
which may make us hopf full and 
Joyfull, even in the middeft of 
our affihSHons. The things that 
befall us, wee muft not looke at 
them by outward appearance, but 
wifely confider how they are 
changed in Chrift,who bach taken 
away the poyfon which would 
bee in the evils, wee frffcr, and 
made them fcrviceable for our 
good. As Children, through want 
of Wifedome ., are troubled at 
Bug-beares ; fo wtc are much af- 
fraid of things which cannot hurt 


ytt wholefome. 

us. This wifedome, which doth 
make us truly to difcernc things 
as io Chrift chey are, doth make us 
couragious in bearing of them, Ic 
k better with ihe body when it 
feedeth on bitter hear be s which 
breed good bloud, than when it 
feedech on fweet meats, which 
ingender bitter vomits and mor- 
tal! fickotffes. Againe,asall fweet, 
without any tare intermeddled, is 
notfopleafing: fo it in the tenor 
ofjur lives wee (hould notfomc- 
t ime know difealement, our com- 
fcrrs would when we enjoy them 
be nothing ib taftefull to us. Be. 
fides, wiiedome will tell us that 
thefc things come and gee as the 
raine on cur cloaths, which io a 
while drietb up, and all is as be- 
fore : fo when hea^indfe is with 
us in the evening, wee fee joy re- 
turning even before the morning 
often. Did wee not through falfe 
glafles fee things otherwife than 
they are, chey would not caft us 
downe fo much as the doe. Wee 



therefore wifely obferving how 
many wayes the grace of God our 
heavenly father doth change thefe 
things into our good, even as the 
art of the Apothecary doth make 
apoifonfull Viper into a whole- 
fbme Triacle, we muft choofe ra- 
ther affliftion than vanity. Now 
wewantftrength , wee muft be- 
ing confeious ofit, come to him, 
who makcth us able to doe all 
things through his flreng'hening 
of them, who ftrengcheneth his 
in the inner man to long fuff> 
ranee with joyfulneffe, who hath 
faW, S' ch as looke to me. Hull re- 
new ftrength. Our ftreogth is to 
dafpeChfift, and hold to him as 
the perfon in whom is all our 
ftrcngeb. TheConiesarea weake 
creature, but they diggc in the 
roefce, worke themfclves holds^ 
-under the e^rch where chey may 
be in (afe ty : we are fet to fchoolc 
to them to learne of them, that 
whereas we are weake, we privy 
to it, would by faith worke our 


in all sffliftions. 

fclvcs into that Rockc Chritt Je- 
fus,againft whom the gates of hell 
cannot prevails When the Apc- 
ftles had received his fpirit of 
ftrength, they made a -^lay ofall 
their fufferings ard labours 5 even 
as in bodily things wee fee men 
that have ftrength and courage, as 
thtfe porrers and fuch, they will 
make a (port to beare fueh bur- 
thens as a weake creature would 
tremble to lift at* Want of this 
wifedomeaadftiefigth,wha voy- 
ces doe they draw from us? Even 
Yuchasthefe; Were it anything, 
faith one,but this, I could hop? to 
receive good fromir 5 Were it a- 
oy thing buc this, I could hope ta 
beai c ir. Whereas did wee put on 
this (peftacle of wifedome, wee 
(hoold (ce that there were no- 
thing (6 fit as this to doe us good 3 . 
which God chnfeth to ufe before 
uther. Did wee in confcicncc of 
uir iropotency fceke to Qfirift to 
make us able, wee fliould not 
iuiibt buc to fiude ftrength e- 

r 8 

Cbrift ourjirength. 

nough whereby to beare that com- 
fortably 5 which wee thinke moft 
intolerable. Wherefore, as I 
know you fubjeft to fbme exerci- 
(cs, (b I wifti you more and more 
communion with your Chrift, on 
whom reftcth the fpirit of Wifc- 
dome and ftrength^that you may 
beare them, yea be more than con- 
queror in them. 

I doe defire to remember you 
with the firft of thofe whom 
God by his providence hath en- 
deared tome above others. Being 
not fie to continue long in wri- 
ting, with my hearty commenda- 
tions and thanks for all your love, 
I commit you to God. 

Yours in Chriftian affe&ion> 



Cbrifrian love fruitful! . 

2. Hortatory. 

MY Chriftian Friend, being 
much indebted unto you , 
for the kindnefle I have received 
from you, I thought good to let 
you fee that I doc not altogether 
forger, what I cannot fo fully as I 
would requite: wee cannot fo di£ 
charge this debt of love, but that 
we muft ftillftandndebted one to 
another. Now bethinking how I 
may beftow ray fclf fojr your good, 
I doc not know any meane more 
fruitfully than that of Chriftian 
exhortation, by which wee pro- 
voke each the other to love.Wher- 
fore give race leave to ftir you up, 
but to labour for the prefent fruit 
ofyourafHiftionforcpaffed,and to 
prepare your felfe againft future 
tryals, if God fhould be pleafed to 
prove your patience yet further in 
time to come. Wee fee the earth 
then having endured the nipping 
ftormes of the Winter feafon , it 
commeth to receive into her bo- 
fome the bcames of the Sunne 

now I 

I o Deliverance from AffiiQicn 

now more approached, the earth I 
fay before fuitlefle,doth put forth 
and become fruitfull : thus wee^ 
though in the winter of our temp. 
tation,while the favour of GO D 
feemeth to have forfiken us 3 
though in this taking wefinde it 
enough to doe to keepe life at the 
root f yet when now God doth 
warme our hearts with the ftnfe 
of his love, wh'ch is better than 
life it felfe^ then we muft labour to 
put forth both bud and bloffome, 
yea to bee filled with the fruits of 
tighteou(neffe 3 which are to the 
praife of God through Jefus Cbrift. 
When the Devill cannot longer 
hinder our deliverance out of any 
evil?, yet he will labour to keepe 
us without underftanding hearts, 
that wee (hall not bee able to ac- 
knowledge God in that hee hath 
wrought for us: by which mcane 
thefbuleis kept from being bet- 
tered by that it hath received. If 
with our hearts wee undexftand 
not the loving kindneffc and faith- 

a Motive t§ Rigkteonf ruffe. 

fulntfife which Gcd hath fbewed 
coward us , then cur love to him 
will not bcincreafed, for we love 
him, beoufe we ficde him to have 
loved us firft ; our faich will not 
be ftrengthened, if wee have not 
obferved how trufty the Lord is 
to all that beleeve in him : for this 
growth we rake in knowing God 
by his word and works • this doth 
make us grow in bclseving on 
him according to th*r,They who 
know thee , will truft in thee. 
Wherefore this being aa enter- 
prixe of Satan, when hee cannot 
defeat us of goodthirgp, then to 
kcepeu8,ificbepoffiblc,from the 
fpirituall fruit of them, let us bee 
wifttofeeke untoGodwho hath 
faid,[ am he that teacheth thee to 
profit,that he would be p leafed to 
give us his fpirit,which may teach 
us to know what hee hath done 
for us. If this bee obtained, then 
the benefit will follow, boti of 
our trials and deliverance: Oar 
finaefhallbe more purged out of 



Afp&ion removes finne 

us, our graces fhall bee more 
{lengthened , yea they fhall bee 
more aftive and ftirring in us, ma- 
king us more ready to, and plenti- 
full in every good word and work 
than beforetimes wee havebeene. 
Thefe are the chiefe ends for which 
God fendeth all our vifirations : 
as the end of bitrcr potions is to 
purge forth fickc matter from the 
body 5 (b all our griefcs knt of 
God, are medicinablc bittcrncflfe 
to cleanfe our foules. Now as the 
faculties are ftrengthened in us 
when we are rid of fuch fickc ho- 
moursas did fo offend them, fo all 
the graces are the more confirmed 
by how much finneismore remo- 
ved. In the third place, a bodie, 
when ficknes doth not weaken the 
faculties of it, is full of motion, 
(bund bodies love to bee ftirring, 
elpecially if coldneflfe doe not be- 
nurame the members and make 
them unfit for motion. Thus the 
foule, when God hath (cattered 
the cares and lufts which did op- 


andfoftretigtbens Grace. 

prefle it, and by his love flied into 
ir, diflblved that frozen coldneflc 
which is an enemy to heavenly 
aftion, then it doth ia love and 
zealetohis glory beftirre ir fdfe 
diligently, both in the duties of 
the generall calling of Chrifti- 
ans, and the particular callings in 
which wearcin refjrft ofourou*- 
ward condition, The(e being the 
fruits which (hould follow affli- 
ction, give diligence to find them 
in you rn^re and mofe: it is the 
feale of that ele&ion and calling 
byGcd, according to the purpofe 
of life, when you feele that things 
worke thus together for your 
good. Every bafemerall maybe 
putintothe fire, but that which 
abideth in it and commeth forth 
more n fined by it,that is precious 
and of much account. Every man 
may bee put into the furnace of 
affliction, but if wee endure cha- 
Utifements and come forth more 
and more purged by meanes of 
them, then it is a fure figne we are 



Preparation for evill times 

veffds of Silver, and velfels of 
Gold, ordained of God to glory 

Now I come to that fecond 
taske, I did undertake of .provo- 
king you to prepare againft times 
to come. Though great fickneflcs 
breed fomctime long health , yet 
iciscruc on the other fide^ that no 
winde but may blow raine when 
God is fo plcafed , no ftate (b 
calme which may notfoonc turne 
tempeftuous,fliould not the Lord 
bee more gracious. The Divel! 3 
when now God hath made us get 
the upper hand of fome grievous 
temptation, doth lie in ambufh 3 
and bend all his forces to draw 
us into pride, at leafl into fccurity 
and preemption touching thing! 
which may hereafter befall. Wher- 
fore (eeke to God to make you 
ready for every thing wherewich 
he (hail try you. In peace we pre- 
pare for war re: weaing a weapon 
doth not make a man the fooner 
fee on, nay it prcventeth this 


tlwayes profitable. 


danger (bmeames, and aiw^yes 
makes a man ready to defend him- 
felfe when he is affiled. God doth 
fee us to learnc of the Ant chis 
point of Wifdomerthac finall crea- 
ture gathereth and hoordethfood 
in Summer, which may befuffici- 
ent ia winter feafon : and when 
we have that providence in Sum- 
mer to make provifion of Hay and 
fo ider for our bsafts againft cheir 
need, how fliould we be worthy 
rebuke, if wee fliould" not now in 
peace ftorc up in our hearts thofe 
things which may bee ufefull and 
I helpfull to us in time of our trou- 
! ble> Now this praftife ftandech in 
three things chiefely. Firftjn get- 
ting a watchful figacky,by which 
our (bule* doe difcerne aforehand 
what kind of events and excrcilcs 
they are fubjeft unto in this vale 
tf teares. Secondly ,in learning by 
jdue confidet ations, to know how 
Wanting we are in wifedome^how 
weakt in regard of that flrengrh 
which maketh us able to (land 



Faith in Cbriftjthe 


when wee are tryec*. Thirdly 3 In 
fl>iog to God by faich, holding 
him, as who hathbeene, island 
muft be, the rocke of our falvati- 
qn: looking to Chrift the author 
and finifher of our faich, who hath 
received this commandement from 
his father, that he would not only 
call us and bring us into the ftate 
of grace , but keepe us in it and 
raifeusupatthebftday : who is 
a great Saviour^ keeping, his (as 
Tanl faith) from every evillwork, 
to his heavenly kingdome. Now 
when by faich wee thus hang on 
God our Saviour, theawe^ are, 
as it were in a flrongTower,wher. 
in the gates of hell fliall not bee 
able to hurt us, much kflcco pre- 
vaile againft us. God doth fee us 
to fchoole to the Conies, that of 
them we might learne this leflon : 
they are a weak^timorous creature J 
t yct they have this wifedome to! 
worke themfelves holes in thdl 
earth, burrowes to which they 
may returnc for (helter^nd though « 

L thc y t 

Rtck^ofonr Salvation. 

they goeoutfomecimes, yet they 
ftill returns ever and anon unto 
their holds. Oh, (b rauft wee, 
conici^s of our weaknefle , by 
faith worke pur felveS into the 
Rocke Chrift lefts- «d though 
fbmetime wee are abroad , 2? it 
were, in many other matter*, yet 
wee mnft ftill returne and renew 
our beliefe towards him, I may 
not profecuce theft things. The 
Lord teach you by his Spirit (6 to 
acquaint your felfe with him ^ that 
you may with moch more confi- 
dence and boldneffe refbrttohim 
in all your ncccfGties. Moreover, 
I have (ent you a Soltloquit^ which 
I did longfince pen, that it might 

J bee an tntrodu&ion , leading by 
the hand a wcll-difpcfed Chriftian 
to take up a forme of words be- 
tweca God and his fou!efor the 
ncreafe of his dcvotion.Thus with 

|my hearts defire to God for you, I 

£ake my leave. 






Temptations rvorks fi>r good 

3. Confolatory. 

The God of confolation andcompjfi 
fion be rvithycHy mj good and li- 
ving Sifitr z and rtmaine with 

joh for ever., 

T Know not whether I fhould 
i write of gratulation unto you, 
and thanksgiving unto God for 
your deliverance, or clfc of fbme 
comfort againft your troubles, if 
you yet renaaine in them : Confi- 
aering the Lords ordinary dea- 
ling, if you be not already delive- 
red, your deliverance cannot bee 
farreoff. But forafmuch as the 
wayesof God with his children 
are divers, whofe fteps wee can no 
more find out, than know the way 
in the aire where the bird hath 
flowne ; I know not whether hee 
will hold you in the Schoole of 
your grievous temptations. Well, 
I am aflured chat the i flue (hall bee 
good, aflured alio that the length ' 
. *nd grievoufocflc of them , (hall 
j accordingly addc unto the weight 


to them that feare God. 


and (hining brightneffe of the 
Crownc which in Chrift lefts is 
prepared for you: affbred finally 
char the comfort which thofe 
which are 5 or (hall be cemp:ed,wi)l 
bee much the ftronger and deeper, 
as they (hall undcrftand that you 
which have beene fo long and fo 
(harply exercifed, were at the laft 
Co gracioufly delivered. Be there- 
fore of good comfort (my good 
Sifter) although the Lord plunge 
you into the Sea, yet he will goe 
downe with you thither to fceepe 
you, that you (hall not bee drow. 
ned : although you pafle thorow 
the fire, you (hall not bee confu- 
ted, becaufe he is with you : al- 
though hee kade you from one 
Sea toanother,yectheLord which 
commands both the teas and the 
fire ( as all other creatures) will, 
for his deare Sonnes fake, worke 
that fire nor water (hall not oaely 
not hurt you, but profit you in fi- 
ning you more and more from 
the droffc of finne, and wafting 
B 2 you 


20 | Temptations cannot hurt. 

i i ■ ' ■ ■' ■ ■ ■ ■«—————■—■ 

you from the common filth of 
the remnants of finnc which arc 
in you. What doc I fay that he will 
be with you in fire and water ? Ic 
is but a (mall thing in his eyes, If 
you were brought to the gates of 
hell; If hell gates had (hut her 
mouth upon you , ycc there his 
hand will be with you, and from 
thence his arme will deliver you. 
Yea, if hell had fwallowed you 
up into her bowel*, yet it muft in 
de(pite of it render you up againe: 
Her ftomacke cannot long hold 
you, no more than the great mon- 
ftrous Whale could brooke 1owmt 9 
which if hee had light upon the 
wicked Mariners, hee would 
have devoured and digffted twen- 
ty of chem in leffe fpace. And this 
is indeed the promife of our Savi- 
our, tMattk 6. That hell gates 
(hall not prevaile againft you. 
They (hall fight againft you, but 
(hall not prevaile. Whereof I 
wrote unto you, for that our 
i friend MaRer C. wrote unto me, 
1 that 

DiJirHjl&refHfall of comfort a fin. 


that fince my laft letters you have 
bcene terribly fhaken by a forci- 
ble Tempeft which the Enemie 
hath ftirred up againft you, wher- 
with hee had raited fuch a duft in 
your eyes, that you had in your 
judgement loft all fight of the 
grace and goodntfle of God 
in Iefus Chrift. Butbenotdi/mai- 
ed,my Sifter, for my part I am in 
good hope that even as a little be- 
fore day-breake the darkneffe is 
greateft : fo thefe grand Pieces 
which hee keepeih in ftore until] 
the Cife be dcipcrate, be, with the 
clappes they give, and mills they 
(end forth, meifergers of your de- 
liverance, which is before the 
doore. The truth is, that as to be- 
leevcGod to be your mercifull Fa- 
ther, is a precious thing before 
G3d,(btodoubt of his goodncfH 
towards us,isa great fcne, When 
further wee refitfe the comforts 
and admonitions that bee offe- 
red out of his Word, the finne i 
yet increafcd. If blasphemous 
B 5 words 


22 Qods mercy in Cbrijiinfimte y 

— . i ... 

words eft: ape us, yet finne is made 
one (hire higher. If your finnes 
for the height of them, reach the 
very heavens,and for their breadth 
fpread themfelves from South 
to North, and their length from 
EafttoWeft: yet the rrercies of 
the Lord our God in Iefus Chrift 
over-reach them every way. For 
upon us all,that are thus over raken 
by Satan, ic is al(b verified, which 
the Apoftle faith; that where finne 
doth abound 3 there grace doth 
more than abound, Thcfe large 
promifes hath tfce Lord made us 
to our everlafting comfort, which 
he hath let out by themeafureof 
the obedience and fvfi. rings of 
hisdeare Sonne Iefus Chrift, the 
height, and bread cb, and length 
whereof (as you know) is infinite, 
notonely, becaufeheewasinftch 
anguifli of minde for us, that 
through griefeheefweat( which 
was never heard of)drops of blond 
which came from him, and cryed, 
My Gcd, my God, why haft thou 


a great Comfort to great finmrs. 

forfukenme? but alfo for chat hrs 
obedience is the obedience of the 
eternall God, and for that his (of- 
ferings are not onely the fuffe- 
ringsofamortallman, but of the 
immortall God, which as the A- 
poftle faith, with fliedding of his 
owre bloud redeemed us : not 
that the Godhead could fuffer the 
(hedding of bloud, but becaufe of 
theunfpeakablc unity of the two 
Natures, bound together in one 
perform that which wa3 done to 
Chrifttheman, i% toourfinguhr 
comfort, (aid to bee done of the 
eternall God. 

Now for the keeping of our 
parr, which we have in the obe- 
dience and fufferings of our Savi- 
our Chrift,you muft]turn your eif s 
from your felfe, and from your 
cwne workes,unco the Election 
and calling cf God. For as the 
Lord faveth us, not becaufe of our 
good wcrkes, bee they never fo 
many : fo hee will not condemn? 
us his Children, becaufe of our 

e vM 


Eleftiov the gfonni of Gods love. 

j evill works,be they never (6 great. 
Hereunto the Lord callcth us by 
the Prophet E/i/ 1 chap # 45. where 
dealing with the rebellions Israe- 
lites, he (aith, for Ifrael His cho- 
fen fake, and becaufe they were 
called by his name, he would con- 
firme them., and doe them good : 
becauft faith he, I loved thee, and 
becaufc thou were precious in 
mine eyes, and becaufe I cfteemed 
thee, I will doe this and this for 
thee : as if he would fay,although 
thou Iovedft not raee , nor eftee- 
medft not me. As for the LofuS 
i calling towards you whereby (3s 
by a ludder)you may climb fafely 
unto the couufell of Gcd to know 
your EIc&ion,and what his fecret 
decree of you w;s before the 
world was made, I referrc you to 
that which I wrote to you before; 
the markes are many and certainc 
in you, you ncedc not , I wis, to 
hare had (b many and long temp- 
tations!: to have thrown you head- 
long into cvcrlaftiog defpaire, if 


Grace xvorketh not alify «lrv*jts m \ 15 

you had not belonged to the Lord. 
For as the Children of God are 
conquerors over many temptati- 
ons, fo one onely temptation (and 
rhat a fiaprt one) is able tofinke 
the ftouteft among the Repro- 
bates into the bottomlcfle pit of 
hell. Neither rouft yon think that 
the grace of God worketh alwaies 
alike in his Children. When you 
walke in the fields at winter, you 
fee not onely no good fruit, but 
not fo much as a leafe on the 
Trees, in fome alio the very trunk 
or ft eke appear eth to be dead,yet 
is the fappe hidden in the root, 
which in due time will {hew that 
the tree was never dead. Ho wbeit, 
I need not lead you into the 
ffeldsj you have an example at 
home within yourdoores^ For, I 
when your fire is raked up, there I 
appeareth oftentimes a fert of 
cold and dead afhes, when there 
are underneath certaine Iparkes, 
of which you may. afterward 
make a fire. And fuch is the eftate 
B 5; of 

2tf 1 Gods Children brought to great 


of the Children of God \ whei 
through thefinnes they doe com- 
mit, and wherein oftentimes they 
flcepea great white, they appeare 
unto men as forfaken of God, 
and remcdileffe. How much more 
ought you to bee of good com. 
fcrt, in whom the Lord hath 
fet fuch notes of your etcrnall 
falvation in Jefus Chrift, that all 
the fmofee which the enemy hath 
caft out, cannot take away the 
fight of themfromus, or once fo 
much as bring us in doubt of it > I 
grant you your felves think other- 
wife; but as in ficke pcrfons wee 
fee it commcth to pafie, that they 
thinke there is no hope of life y 
when the Phyfician and ftandeis 
byfce certaine and undoubted to- 
kens of health : So is ic oftentimes 
in theft fpirituall ficknelfes. You 
fee T>4vii through the affiittio.ns 
which the Lord lent upon him, 
wreftkd ofrcntimes witbdefp c- 
ration, was ofc brought inro 
doubt of his falvation-, *s you 
I may 

1 " r+ 


doubts of tbtit falvttion. 

may reack in the 42.4377.and 88. 
<?/*/«**/, Where you (hall perceive 
that he conceived of God,as of one 
in extreme anger and rage with 
him, as of one that had forgotten 
him,and had taken his mercy from 
him. There are alfo (I grant) voy- 
cesof hope mingled with them, 
becaufe in one and the felfe~fame 
Pfalme, hee changeth the whole 
ccurfc cf his Meditations 5 how he 
floared^iiow up, now downe,now 
funke^as it were 3 in the neather- 
moft hell, now appearing and 
fhewing his head above the waters 
againe. The SonofGodhimfelfe 
through extreme anguifli was (as 
I faid) brought to aske of God 
why he had forfaken him? If the 
force of Temptations could bring 
him which had no fione of his 
owne 3 and was the oncly beloved 
of God, and which had received 
the fpirit of fortitude above mea- 
fare, to fuch a fcard exigent and 
terrible cooflift, we ought not to 
majvell if the Ghildrea;of God, 



Chrifis villory our fbield 

which have fianc dwelling in 
their mortall bodies , which are 
not beloved for themfelves, but 
for his fake alone, and which have 
received butafewdroppesof the 
Spirit (whereof he had the whole 
Sea) bee fometimes plunged over 
head and eares. And wherefore 
did our Saviour overcome that 
fearefull conflict of temptation^ 
but that it fhould be our medicine 
when we© are overcome of it ? 
Wherefore in this moft great con- 
fliftdid he not only retaine faith 
in his heart, but in calling him his 
liord, profeflsd it 6:fore men 
wiih his mouthy but than it fliould 
be our remedie 3 when we not one- 
]y feele no faith inwardly in our 
bear^but deny alfo outwardly be- 
fore men with our mouth, that 
we.have any hope in him ? There- 
fore our Saviour Ghrift in S- loh* 
P(lacethnoi: our comfort in that 
we our felves have overcome^ but 
biddtth hisDifciples bee of good 
d*eare 3 bccaule hec had overcome 


again ft temptations. 

the World ; that is to fay, all con- 
trary power to the will of God. 
Therefore alfo S.Iobn in his firft 
Epiftle faith,That our Faith is that 
whereby wc overcome the World: 
not onely, becaufe through Faith 
we vanquifti the Temptation?; bat 
efpecially,becaufe we by it 3 as by a 
Hand , apprehend the righreouf- 
neffe and viftory of Ghrift 5 as a fi- 
tisfaftion of that wherein wehave 
plaied the cowards. As for inf em- 
pcrate/peeches(if any were) it is 
fo to be considered, that they were 
notfpoken (as theyfiy) in cold 
bloud,and of a malicious pnrpofe, 
but in a paffion, and of a troubled 
and a broyled minde, which the 
enemie,whenhee hath you upon 
the wracke, wringeth out of you. 
And not onlyftch ipeeches^buc 
even fome kinde of Btafphemie 
againft the Sonne of God., the Son 
of God himfclfe forgiveth. El&> 
I pray y ou,whac (hould become of 
tne holy man Iob> which opened his 
mouth fo wide o( God 5 all which 


so Gods dearcft children impatient. 

curies, £nt oat agiinft rhe crea* 
tores of God, rccurncd upon the 
Creator himfdfe? And although in 
the beginning he opened hjs mout h 
agaiiift the Lord, as it were,aflope 
andindire&lyofinjuftice, as may 
appeareboth by hisdifcourfes, & 
by the Lords owne anfwer, which 
heemaketh in the end. Of the 
which man , notwithftaiding all 
this, note (I befeechyou) what 
S. lames faith, c^jp. 5. Ycu have 
ht&rd (faith he) of the patient man 
Job. Here you fee that hee calleth 
him fo, notwithftanding all his 
frowardnefle againft his friends, 
(which were good men,and came 
of good will, although they were 
not in every point fo well advifed) 
notwithftandingall his impatience 
againft God inwardly, notwith- 
ftanding all his accuftttons and 
curfesopenly,which preceededof 
jtr patience. Ifyonaskehowthtfe 
canftand trgether-they fland well 
forafmuch as the Lord forgiying 
and. coveting his. impatience < in 

j Jfo 8 


Cbr/ft makj even between God &^m \ 3 1 

. . - -- 1 ■ - _ I ^mmmmmmmmm 

JefusChrift,reckoneth with him ! 
as if he had fpunne (fbtofpeake) I 
an even thredof his patience all? 
the time of his Temptation, vv her - 
as-notwithftanding hee made (b 
many knots, and brake his thred 
Co often. Even fo (good Sifter J) 
will he dcate with you : for par- 
denirg- all your inconfiderare 
fpeeehes,he will make his account 
with ycu for Jefus Chrifts fake, as 
if you had prayed to htm^and pra> 
fed his Name, at thedayesofyour 
Temptation. If fame one which 
had borne you good will, and fpo- 
ken much good of you, deceived 
by cvill company, fhould happen 
afterward to revile you; I would 
aske yon this Qyeflion , Whe- 
ther, if fuch a one were forrow- 
fullfur hisfaulr, you would for- 
give him or no? When you cxa- 
i mine your ownConfcience herein^ 
1 1 dare anfwer for you, you would 
not refufe him, nor turne your 
face from hire. Shall you,, which 
h&vcj in comparifon, but a ibarke 


32 Man mcrcifhB, Qod much more. 

oflovejflKwthismcrcie; and not j 
the Lord,who is nothing elfc but a , 
fire of Gharicie toward* them that 
cry him mercie,and as the Apoftle 
Saint Jobnhhhj Charitie ic £Ife > 
Shall your (park confirme the for- 
feic againft you, and (hall not the 
bonefire of the love of God in le- 
fts Chrift.j dry and lickc up your$ ? 
Shall the cooling and refrefbing 
waters of mercte and compaffion 
bee foand in a little Channel!, and 
the Fountaine &Head*fpring from 
whence itcorametb,be dry ? Con- 
fidering, that in this refpe&,the 
Lords cogitations are as far re dif- 
ferent from ours, as Heaven from 
the Earth. And the truth is, that 
the Lord hath therefore taught us 
to pray, Forgive tu our trefpgjfej^aj 
we forgive them that tnjpajfe againfi 
tu- y io this end, that when we feele 
our bowels of compaffion opened 
to thofe which offend againftus, 
we might lake that as a fare pledge* 
and undoubted token of the for- 
givencfle of all our finncs^ , how 

C ff* al 

Chriftitn love tdtfiis. 

jreac fbever they be.Therefore to 
nakeanend where I brgan, Beef 
»ood comfort,deare Sifter,you arc 
bcLords,you have coftche Sonne 
)f God too deare a price,, to bee a 

4. Mmitory* 

LOvingCouiin,it is my defirc, 
while our lives are joyntly 
:ontinued in this fle(h, cotciTifie 
ny ChriSian love to you in (uch 
latics as tend to build you up in 
/our holy Faith : it is a common 
Jcbt,butyet fuchas we owe one 

by how much we arc linked more 
lecrcly . I have thought fomctime, 
that I would not bee fo backward 
othisbufineffc; but then it hath 
:ome unto my minde, that you are 
well able to draw on others. A- 
gaine, becaufe I know not the 
things which in yourconfli&ing 
rourfe moll oppofe you, whether 
frants of Graces, or prefence of 
mil Lawes within u* ; becaufe I 
fenew not theft particulars, I (aid 1 

with ! 


Hunger after Grace thtfigm of 

v ; . 


with my felfe , 1 (hall but fhoot 
without a marke, and fitallioo to 
a foot I know not. To what pur- 
pofe (hall I write > Indeed, wee 
cannot prefcribe Co pertinently, 
who know not the cftate exaftly 1 
and we prevent our felves in theft 
fruits of love,who make no rclati 
on,and perfonall report 3 ncither i 
letter nor by word of mouth 
which might helpethofe that mi- 
nifter to usrbut halfe aCike 3 is bei 
ter than no bread; and a genera! 
fafe, and profitable praftife muj 
nor he ncgie&ed^becaufe we fee 
morefrunfull courfc, which wei 
cannot attaine.To come then once 
againe unto you in general!, rill I 
fhall know fome fpecialcies , to 
which Imightfpeak more for your 
advantage;chcreis good hopr 3 that 
body will dee well, which hath 
the ftomack right affeftcd:Hunger 
is a fignc of health ; (b that (bale 
which hungereth andtbirftethafi 
terrighteonfnes, there is no feare! 
but it (hall bee well-liking, anc 

a healthfiiUfiule. Motives ion. 

)rofper t I will therefore endevour 
ogive a fpurre toyourfpirituall 
appetite, that you may come, by 
neanesof ir,tobe filled with the 
ulneffeof God,with the replenife- 
nencof his grace. Now as in the 
>ody,when the ftomack feeleth the 
rmptioc Si & fucking of other parrs - 
* hofe nourifhment is wafted;then 
t further craveth: lb, when the 
bule doth feele how etrptie it felf 
3 of grace, then the appetite of it 
3 edged.Wherfore think with me, 
low wanting you are in theft 
seine* folio wing, that Co you may 
>ee (harper fct *apon thofe graces 
fcpherofyou feel your ftlffo empty. 
i?irft confidcr^how farre you are 
hort of gfcnifying God as you 
ought : We fliould fcn&ifie him in 
:>ur hearts, words, and works, up- 
3n all occafions,& it (hould grieve 
js tofte him difhonoured. Wee 
hould do all things in him, and for 
,iim:In him,thatis,having his war. 
[•ant; which we have, when by faith 
we know that it is well-pleafing 

^6 How vpt ought to glorific 

co hitx^we fhould doe this,or that; 
yea, havingafiuraacc of his graci~ 
ous prefence with us, to enable us 
;o all fuch workes , in which wee 
koow it is his will that we fhould 
walke. We (houli, I fay, dee all 
things for him, by making his ho- 
nour the mark we (hoot at, ifl eve- 
ry thing. Now>how little doe our 
hearts thinke upon him* admire 
him. joy that we know him,afcribc 
unto himWifdome,Truth,Mercy, 
Power,in his daily works he wor- 
,keth for us, while wee are pafiing 
I thorow the barren WilderneHf ef 
thlsprefcnt World, unto the Reft 
which he hath prepared ? It fhould 
not be thus,Coufb. If we fee any 
man that doth any thing more 
wifely* that doth fhew a faithfull 
part,or a merctf ull office* we think 
highly of it*and give it within our 
felyes the due confideration; How 
much more ought wee to thinke 
honourably of God, in the daily 
wdrks he (heweth? What a Power 
lis that, whichkecpethustofalva- 


Gods VVifcdomt *nd Tower. 27 

on^who have fo little ftrengtb, 
id kffe wifcdome, whereby wee 
light ftand ia feare of our fpiti* 
iall enemies and dangers? What a 
ower,thatdoth make the world, 
id the Tentations of it, dead 
lings uato us; which are \o mjgh- 
e, that the moft arc taken prif> 
ers by them, and we fhould lie as 
iaptive Thrals before (his or that 
reaturc f if God fhould not fiihdue 
Km , and hold them under us ? 
Vhat Power is that, which killeth 
lnfuUL«ftinu$; a thingof itfelfc 
\ ftirring and tnightie, and inlatr- 
>leinthecourfe ofit?FinalIy,tfaat 
pholdeththe life of grace in us? 
o fee a fire burning on the Sea, 
'id to keep in fire on the Waters, 
'erea powerfall faft: but to keep 
le life of grace ia a foulc which is 
sad in fins and crefpafles, isfarre 
reater. What Wifdome doth he 
uily (hew/m making al the things 
Ihich befall us, ferve for (bme 
:>od end ? in tempering our 
(Ute$,(b that we are neither out of 

3 8 Gods Truth, Conftancy, and 

meafure oppre fled with grievances, 
noryetinamored over-much with 
chc lu(hie fweetneffe orchis prefent 
World:That doth by little & little 
lead us forward co perfe6Hon,yea, 
and to fufferings, according as hee 
feeth weare preparcd,by hisgrace, 
and made capable of chem?For his 
Truth and Confta: cie, he doth re- 
ft ifieic abundantly : for wee are 
every day to ieeke to him 5 yet hee 
fiulethnot, though wee lye upon 
him, a fare friend. Againe, how 
many advantages doc we give him 
againft us? How doe wc, by our Co 
little profiting and mending what 
we know ami fle 5 pro voke him?Bat 
he fticketh (till iaft to us,andall his 
wayes arefull of mercy: hee teeth 
how weake wee are, and doth fb 
flueld us with his favour, that out 
of pitie he will not let the Winde 
blow upon us. When we catch our 
daily fals, hee fends for us by his 
Spirit,and maketh al wholeagain. 
When ftrength begtnneth to faile* 
hee,in pitie, purteth under, and re* 

Mercy to his Children. 


eweih our ftrength. When wee 
reheavie, and poure out our 
earts to him, telling him how it 
swkhus,hec doth make us feele 
is pe^ceandconfohcion. When 
le feeth that evill things would 
;rowuponus, hedothfendfome* 
hing or other, which m*y b'eake 
fieNcftof foch matter, and pre- 
ent the mifc'iiefe. Wee finally, 
vhich have (boles that are a( (bi»j 
:e his mercie even in ilus ; that he 
ouchftfeth to handle our leprous 
oirits, and by renewing our re- 
pentant fenfe of miferie, and our 
: aith towards his falvation in 
thrift, doth by ( as it were) eve- 
y day a new PJaifter upon them, 
low then , not to obfcrve and 
refecute with due honour^ fuch 
'ower, wifedome, Truth ; M?r- 
ie is a dcfe& to bee lamented. 
Vee take it for a token of an ill 
rinde, when one will not give to 
len of parts, that which is their 
ue. What mindes have we, who 
ive God no more in our hearts, 








We tnajl proclAime Gods Glory 

who is (b to bee advanced in thefe 
and fitch like refpefts a$I have na- 
med? And this not acknowledged 
of him, in the daily experiences 
which we have of him thefe waics, 
doth make us as much to feeke, 
when trouble commcth, as if wee 
had never beene acquainted with 
him. Whereas, did wee acquaint 
our hearts with him io thefe his 
wayes,we fhouldfiide it as eafie to 
reft on him,in any triall and neceffi - 
tie, as men doe one with another : 
they prefume, (uch an one wil not 
be wanting to them,who(e truftie 
kindnefle chey have had ful proofe 
of,as which never failed them. Io 
the fecond place, as our hearts 
(hould with befecming afft&ion 
inwardly honour, fo our tongues 
fhould tell of him, making known 
(uch things as we know of him : to 
(mother thefe things, is his di£ 
honour.Thofcthat belong to great 
perfonages, they delight to tell of 
theTalo;ur,policie,bountieof their 
Lords:yea,wc will do one another 


in sur W$rh and AHions. 

this crcdit,to tell what more mark- 
able parts wc c(py each in other. 
Why (hould our God fet forth,and 
not have a word lent him this 
way? Finally ,whatfbcver we doe, 
wee are to fee his leave and pre. 
tencewith us, and to intend his 
glory in it. We are not our owne 
meo,but the Lords fervants,bought 
with a price. Now we jtiftly deem 
it irreverence in thofe that live un- 
der government, if they preftme 
to doe any thing ; much more , if 
they run a courfe upon their owne 
heads, not caring to take us with 
them, and know ourpleaftre. A- 
gaine,men doe looke, that fuch as 
they keepe,fliould doe them hone- 
ftie,*nd be for their credit :And we 
fee the Retainers of Noblemen to 
addled this way, that they run 
themfclves into Books, and out of 
faire Patrimonks,and all to main- 
taine a Gallancie , which they 
(though falfly) thinke much ma- 
king for their Lords glory .Now if I 
we lay thefctogether/wc flialfind, ! 
C that 

42 Wt do not honor the Lord asnc ought. 

that we in thefe wayes have much 
been waning to our duti*\ How 
little do we fee and poffefle cur 
hearts with the reverent and affe- 
ctionate obftrving of that we dai- 
ly receive from God, and Co of chat 
we find to bee in himtowardsus? 
Oar hearts lie aflrep this way. 
Little doe wee joy to bee telling 
orhcrs,and fetung forth our Lords 
honour unto theny hatGod might 
be glorified, and they thus provo- 
ked to feeke the fame fervice with 
us:and who doth feele this dutiful 
dependancc towards God, which 
makes him looke up to the Lord, 
that hec would witnefle to his 
foule, by his own holy Spirir, that 
his wayes hee takes in hand are 
pleafing to him,that he will be our 
fufficienciein them? Alas, we begin 
our courlcs according co cuftome, 
and thinke no more ot ihis^than as 
if we were not tied to fuch homage. 
We are as if we had pnrchafed the 
Lordfhip of our felves, and had in ] 
our own hands the power of our 


I On* Fsili«gs drive m to Cbrift. 


wayes. N >w then, if you difcernc 
how you have failed in this great 
Comnundement,of feekiog to glo- 
rifie your God; and if your trying 
yonr ftrengchs, in labouring the 
fpiricuall Obedience which thefe 
points decipher unto us, finde your 
unfufficiencie this way ; then you 
fhall find the emptinefie of Righ- 
teoufrieffr, which (hall helps you 
fomewhat the more to clafpe 
Chrift, your Righteoufncfle^ that 
in him you may fee your forgive- 
neffe; and Chrift your Sanftifkr, 
that he would doe that hee hath 
promifed you, even put bis Spirit 
in you, and make you keepe thefe 
Comroaridements more and mon*, 
in thefe Branches above-named. 
And if the Lord fhall give any fpur 
to your Dl votion,any encreaie to 
yoU'Rtpentar ce and Faith,by this 
meant*, I ihall have caufe tore- 
j >yce with you. I thought to have 
thus gone over! me other HKds, 
to have helped ycu to fee yuur 
want of Faith , and rejoycujg ir 
C 2 God 



gg Wetrineffe in $ur w*ye$,&c. 

God, and (b to have couched thofe 
fcares of future events, and poflek 
fing your peace, and thatuncora- 
fortabknefle which doth hang, in 
pafling our cime,about us.Butread 
this other Letter I ftnd you, again 
and againc ; and for the laft, know 
that the Lord doth but hide from 
us, and let us feele wearimfle in 
going on, that Co he might make us 
more depend upon him, and feeke 
to him, to fhine upon our wayes, 
and to carry us on in them , when 
we feele our inability in our (elves. 
But the Lord, I hope, will enable 
me at fomeother time to performe 
fbme duty to you this way. I let 
this beginning come to you, which 
Jay fb long written by mee. You 
muft not thinke much I write no 
oftner ; for fince my comming 
homc,I have had neccflicy to write 
very many waies. I thanke you for 
all your love ; and wi(hing you the 
fweet love of our God (hed into 
your heart., I take my leave this 
fixth of December. 


the ejfhtl ofonrfin*es, to bumble w . 

45 4 

LOving Friend, wheras in your 
Letters you complaine of tedi- 
ous weari(bmeneflV,which in paC 
nng tta day, doth ere- while cloze 
with us, of which we fpake a litcle 
cogether.The truth is,thoughGod 
doth fomtimes, only to humble us, 
letfuch a wearifome vanity follow 
us^that hence wee mighc confider, 
what oar finne againft God hath 
done : how,to wk,it hath thruft us 
oik of Paradife, to a laborious and 
irkefome condition of life ; that 
thus wee might be quiekned, to 
begin Chriftthatblcfling, which 
doth mitigate thofe evils .Though 
againeitfbmctime doth only pur- 
fueus^ becaufc of performing our 
duties of devotion with toomuch 
overture^ for this roaketh God 
loath us:fo that we find foalleafe, 
till wee returncagaine,and (hake 
our ft Ives up better. Yet the com- 
mon root of this gricfe,, above na- 1 
med,is the want of confcionable 
dependanceupon God for his blef- j 
• C 3 fing 3 \ 


Wttfte frone tojdfe-Jujficiency; 

fing,and ftrength to carry us on all 
the day long. Doc you feele,when 
you rift,(uch a fenft of your owne 
weaknefle, as maketh your heart 
to looke to God, that he would bt 
your ftrength and your comfort 
throughout the whole day ? Alas, 
wegoe on, as if there did need no 
fuch matter. The Divell told our 
firft Parents, they (hould bee like 
gods : and though ic is fal(c,in re- 
gard of any bkffed conformitie; 
yet it is too true/in regard of finfulj 
preemption, with which we arc 
fecretty poy foncd. For we doc na- 
turally live, and hold on our cour- 
fes , as if wee were gods within 
our felves, not needing co looke 
higher for comfort orflrength, in 
which wee might proceed. Now 
this maketh our God, when wee 
feele powerfully fo little need of 
hiro, to \tx wearinefle and uncom- 
fortablcncfle overtake us, which 
might make us come to new rec- 
konings within our (elves , and 
more affe&ionately tofeeke unto 
__ him, 

tree ought to Pray 4£*inftit. 

him,that he would be with us, and 
carry us on, and refirefhus. Now 
if you difcerne., that there is in 
you fuch a fecret Selfe-ftfficicncie, 
and that your fpirit awakeneth 
not with fuch poverty in ic, which 
maketh ycu locke up to God, 
vviih corifcience of your it firmi- 
tie^andconfeflejthacifhe be nor 
your flrength and comfort, you 
cannot paffebne houre over,with- 
out wearifbrae heavlntffe : if you 
finde that thi6 is lurking, t^en 
you muftturne you to God, and 
wreftleagainft it, faying-. I, need 
not mufe much at this I finder 
how fhould I but know fainting 
anddifcomfort in going on, who 
amfoaflPtfted,as if I would goe 
alone *, and had not need of thy 
heIpe,OLord,at all time*, artf in 
every thing,with me > How fhoul- 
deft not thou, that fingleft out all 
pride, as the fionethou wile re- 
fill, bee much incenftd at this 
hidden Selfe-iufficieneie , which 
doth pull thee out ofthy Throne, 
C 4 m*- 

4 8 

^rajir ag*i*ft Selfe-confidzme. 


making thee no God to us, while 
vefcelcnoneed of thee ; but arc 
readie to goc on , as able enough 
within our felvcs to walke on in 
our wtyes ? Wee further confefle, 
that though we fee the indignitie 
of this behaviour, yet the frame 
of our hearts is fb out of order, 
that of our felvcs wee have no 
power to amend it: for as by na- 
ture wee arc fallen from faith on 
thee, Co wee are filled with Selfe- 
cofidcnceywhich makes us(though 
we know it not) reft in our o wne 
ftrength. Now then, what (hall 
we dee,but look to thee, that thou 
wouldeft make us Co poore in Spi- 
rit, that we may with fuch feeling 
and lowlincfle depend upon thee, 
for all our ftrength and comfort ; 
that thou (who (he weft grace to 
the humble ones ) mayeft delight 
to minifter them both abundantly 
unto us, that wee may walke up- 
right, ftrong, and chearefull in thy 
ftrength? OLord,weaskeit the 
boldcr;for thou haft proraifcd,that 



ft It 

Traycr againft Stlfc-coxfidence* 

thou wilt circumcifc our Selfe-con- 
fident hearts, (o that we (hall hare 
no truft in the fleflhbut have al our 
rejoycing in thee. O Loid tell us,, 
we beftech thee, make our hearts 
heare it, that thou who art not 
wearie, nor mayeft notfainr, wilt 
be our ftrong Arme every mor- 
ning ; fay to us, that thou art our 
Ged r who wile leadeimo death: 
What joy can we have to fet a foot 
forward any way^ifthou doeft not 
let us fee that thou art wich us> 
Our hearts thinke what thy lervaat i 
fpoke : if wee may not have chce 
in thy Word , teftifying thy pre- 
fence with us(for thy Word is our 
cloudie Pillar) it were better for 
us never to raove further, than 
to goeon^ot havingthee with us. 
Following God with thefe thing?, 
youfhallfiodcit notinvaine. Fi- 
nally, this exercifc of bewayling 
cur want in forac one thing, doth 
make us fee what need wee have, 
that Chrift fcould be made of (Sod 
our righteo'afnefle,and doth make 
C$ us 


Wt mujl fhtrv forth Gods Grace. 

us come feelingly to fee the tor- 
givenefle of all our fi net. through 
him our great Gd and Saviour, 
who hath waftied us with his 
bloud. I will leave off, though 
abruptly : my Letrer groweth in 
my hand, and if 1 fhould goe on^ic 
would be more than your handful. 
The Lor d Jefus, ubo is the au- 
thor and fi^fher of all his graces 
inus,perf c ft you and all his cho- 
fen more and more, that in this life 
we mayfeethejoyt3 ofholinefle, 

6. Monnttj. 

CHriftian Frie ds^Forafrruch 
as it is our dude, who have 
bin under Gods hand,ro teach thofe 
that are under the fcmc; and feeing 
we that have taft<d grace, areef- 
fcfrually to firg the mtrcks of 
God towards others: in this re- 
gard, my Letters fhaliopenthtfe 
two things unto you fo farre as f 
am able, if you are alive to receive 
ic. I know not whether I feall 
write yon another $ if aor, it £hali 


The Spirit >not affliElto workj repent. 

returne into my bofbmc^ that Is 
written unto you, The end of 
thefc affli£Uons, Co bittcrand grie- 
vous, is to bore theearesofthofc 
that are the Lords,, that they may 
hearethisCommandemcnt, of re- 
turning from all iniquitie ; and 
therefore we are bound inchaines 
ofaffliftion, chat the eyes of oar 
mindes may bee opened ,to lee our 
workes and finnes, the which arc 
imghtie, Now it is- not the evils 
themfelves, but the prefence of 
God^by his fpirit working in thera, 
which doth thefe things. For the. 
mightie God ("in the fifth Verfe of 
that Chapter^ is made the princi- 
pal! worker ot thefe things^by the 
nieans of grievous calamities. Now 
this is a great mercieof God : for 
if wee were not thus brought to 
if prance, wee would neither fee 
good daies her^nor (cape the con- 
demnation of the world, 1C0r.11* 
Conner therefore, what evils of 
, our lives the Lord would have 
us rip up and bewaile before bim$ 

and ) 

Wt aft apt to Selfe-conctitedxejfc. 

and it is in generally our difloyall 
eftranging out hearts from him, 
that our hearts and delights have 
been more on the (infull pteafures* 
and profits of this World, than on 
the Lord, and on our moft bkffed 
covenants of dying to finne, and 
living with Chrift rifen, in nevv- 
nefleoflife. I know,good friend, 
though you will not bolfter your 
fe!faltogether,yct you will hardly 
be perfwaded, that your life hath 
bcetie no better than a (pirituall 
Fornication from the Lord: for 
comparing your felfe with men, 
you may fay, that you are not the- 
worft • that howfoever you have 
failed, yet you have had fomc care 
of good dudes, and fbme love and 
acknowledgement of Gods chil- 
dren, before others. Confider 
then , that God may have glory 
in our abatement, what were the 
dayes of your prime, and man- 
hood, but fpirituall Fornication 
from thfe Lord ?*Doubrkfle, I 
would noc revive my-oMlhame* 


godrvhtppetbtheabuftofourPeSce. i 53 

buttohclpe you in theprafticeof 
repentance, which without theft 
particular confidcrations , is not 
eafily taken up. And fince that 
nature it felfe hath declined fome- 
whac from this courfc ; alas,. have 
you not fet your hart on the things 
of the world? hath not your love 
beene toward them, and your de- 
light in them, and heavenly matter 
whichlhou !d bee fought with all 
diligence,yea in the firit p!ace,have 
wee not looked on thefe as refufe- 
wares, out of requeft ? This abufe 
ofourpesce^Godwhippeth. For 
whereas our peace ftiould have 
turned hither, to have been an oc- 
cafion to edifie us more freely in 
faith, love, patience, andtohave 
walked onward in rhe feare of the 
Lord, declining evill , and doing 
gocdfhould have been a meanes 
offtilling us with the comfort of 
the Spirit^ wee have ncglcfted to 
build up our (elves ia thofe graces, 
53- if there never Should have come 
a time to ufe them : wee havr 
; . had 


I — 

fVegrow carndUin Projperitie. 

had no feare in our hearts of wic- 
ked companions, yea* of commit- 
ting with them many wicked afti- 
ons,wegave our felves to tafic no 
joy, but car nail : for this, God raa- 
keth us eate our bread with our 
lives in our hand , that feting wee 
would not in the fruition of thefe 
liberties, yet we might 3 wjth Jew- 
jalem in the daies ot our affliftion , 
Remember the pleafant things 
which we formerly poflkflfed (La- 
mextttions che 17.) And what is 
it in a word , that bringeth forth 
all the curies of the Law? Ic is this^ 
becaufethat in our abundance and 
plenty, wee (erve not God wich 
good and with carefull heartj> 3 Z>e#. 
28.47, I doc not remembsr thefe 
things to griev?you, for I have 
done no otherwife with my (elfe , 
before thefe occafions came on me. 
V hat then if one have Grayed 
thus,is there no mtrcy> yea truly, 
there is mercy wich the Lord in Is- 
rael ( in his Ourch) even for 
theie courfes I though wse have 

taken ^ 

Lftforcjfortbe greatejl finmrs. 

taken ftrange wives, let us renew 
our covenant of taming from all 
cvill^and following righceoufnefle 
and holincfle, and the Lord will 
be gracious. Read Ezra 10. and 
the*; 5. of E/jy, the 6.7. and 8. 
though our iinnesftiould appeare 
fo great that wee did thiike them 
unpardonable^et when wee re- 
tur e,Gods thoughts arc notour 
thoughts. If a mans wifeffnuld 
goe a whoring with another, 
though fhee fhuuld cbmebacke^ 
he would not receive her ; but 
chough wee have ftrayed, yet the 
LORD biddeth us ro rctume y 
*s ready to accept us, Je emu 3.1. 
How fweet a balme is ibis, if our 
fpirit bee broken ? now to draw 
toacordufion, the foule b of- 
ten in fuchpUghc, tha: it would 
^urn%buikoowcrh not where to 
finde ability thvreunto : if thisbe 
your condition, that you come to 
groane under the hardixfJe of your 
hearer which willnot lee you bee 
iorrowfullasycud.fire^ remem- 

~_ _ 

5 6 | Godthe Author of Repentance. 

bar to your comfort , that this is 
the voyce of Gods children, yea f 
his children repenting; Turne us 
O Lord, and wee (hall bee turned 
Jwm. 31.18. Remember further, 
that CHRIST JESUS your 
Saviour is raifed up of God, to 
bee our Prince, to give to us re- 
miffion of finnes and unfained 
repentance : he ficteth ac the right 
hand of God , by his iplric to 
touch your fpirit witfrunfained 
repentance. Now,if that the Lord 
doe gather you notwithftanding, 
forget not the confolation which 
faith, that for the abufe of the Sa- 
crament many did fleepe, that is, 
thty were fmittcn with tempora- 
ry death, yet in allthis they were 
but chaftened of God , that they 
might not be condemned with the 
World. Yet I hope other thing?, 
becaufe fm«!I is the number that 
feare him. Thus having fignifted 
my mind at large J defire ihe Lords 
bltfliug,and ycur diligent ponde- 
ringof thefe things,, lor in them 


InfiruQion in Affiiliton. 

landeth year everlafting peace. 
\nd thus commending me in true 
ore toyou and your wife , I doc 
>erake you to the fatherly prote- 
ction of my God. Farewell, this 

Your Joying friend, 
Faul Bajne, 

GOOD MiflreJfeP. when I 
thinke how I might fhew 
joulbmedutieofloTe 3 I find no 
itter way than by writing unto 
you and kiftru&ing you concer- 
ning your duty to God under 
this his holy hand, and htegraci* 
dus purpofc to you-ward in this 
hisvifitation* A letter will dwell 
by you and talke with you^ ib of- 
ten as you reade it attentively, yea 
it will be ready whenfoever you 
arc the fitttft for luch bufinefle ^ 
which conveniency my comming 
torifityou, cannot alwayes at- 
tains To (peake to the firft point; 


5$ . Hums lit h under Gods Vifitation, 


When Gods hand is upon us, wee 
are ftbjeft to two extremes 5 the 
one is,not truly to lay to heart the 
band upon us: the other is, to 
droope and be too much difmaied 
under ir. 

Now we muft walke berweene 
thefe, truly humbling our felves 
under it; yet as who have hope in 
thefaichfull mercies of our God, 
and therefore faint not. Now the 
divelljwho laboureth ftill to turne 
us out of the way, will fecreily , 
worke with your heart, to ward 
offthefmart of this blow by im- i 
perdoent raeanes, Co that it fhall 
not come kindly. to pricke you 
unto repentance. To this end he ; 
will ftggc#, that you fhallweare^ 
this matter off we 11 enough, bold 
youtofuchand fucb things, that 
one is provided for > your care is (o 
much leffeued.that you have many 
behinde yer. Sometime you ihall 
findeyourfclfc inclined to nap, 33 
it were^ in fuch a courfe as may 
make you forget forrow for the 


Inmilith undtr Cjods Visitation. 

>refent.If you fiide not your heart 
U^rfted and turned cur of it felfe^ 

sic were, chat ic may meet God 
a thishis chaftifcmenr, then you 
nuft thinke, O Lord, not to have 
\ hcirtjthorowly caftdowne by 
6 ftron^ a vifitaticn, this is a 
greater plague than the plague it 

lfe. If ftrong phyfickebe given 
]f,andic wocke not with us., it 
!lotb poifon us : O what (hall I 
binke if my heart bee not taken ( 
llowne, and throughly emptied j ' 
with this fo ftroog a potion, which 
liouin thyWifedome doeft pre- 
scribe unto me! Againe, fty to 
jrourfclfe, What doth mychijdc 
get by playing hide-bire 5 orcafting 
jpthe hand, when I cor reft it? 
Often, as much more as it might 
have fcaped with : fo Lord,if I d oe 
beare off thy blow in this manner^ 
[ (halibut force thee to double my 
Correftion.If a Parent fee his ficke 
childe, not the better for one me- 
dicine, he will feekeforth and get 
him another: fo if I take not thy 




The divell hbeurs to mak^ Gods 

M ■ 







workc fo to heart as is mectj ftiali. 
enforce thee to fend me more ant 
more grievous things ( if it maj 
be) of this nature, Looking up to 
the Lord Jcfias , in fuch like 
thoughts,will be a good prefava 
tion againft this fecret Folly and! 
Hardncfle of Heart, which diC 
inablcth us duely to waigh the 
Lords rebuke aod bee caft downc 
under ir. Now if the Divell fee 
that you are inclineablc togriefe, 
then he will turoe his courfe to the II 
other hand,and will labour even to i. 
drench you infbrrow and make [, 
you walke hopelcfle, and to faint £ 
under ir. To this end he will hide I 
from your eyes the remembrance L 
of ftch things heretofore in which I 
you might take eomforr,yea kecpe | 
you from tafting the mercy of God, | 
with which his afflifting hand is | 
intermeddled. Secondly, hee will | 
amplifie before you the prefent 
hand of God, and all old matters 
which may (erve for circumftances 
that make it more grievous. For 

children faint unitt AffiiBion. 

[ample, hec will whifper whole 
ite is like thine, the pooreft,now 
>u rauft pray and pay them, and 
ey wil not be gotten :thc boothe 
the garden that was wont to be 
e place of your folace, how is it 
:comea place of feparationfor 
einfe&ed, it may bee? every 
out h filled with this, The Plague 
n Mijlrtfe P. the fervant that 
ould eafe you, being a grievous 
irden. And here hee will prefle 
re all your weaknefle* in your 
>vcmeraent over your childreo, 
hich may make this ftroke of 
od (among them)more deepely 
ift you.Finally will he fay,Doe 
>t you fee what comfort Com- 
eth to you> Thirdly, hee will 
Idefroaa your eies all the hope of 
lae, which God is naoft faithfull 
Now if you difcerne that the 
utter hangeth on this fide, then 
lu muft thus prevent your fain- 
:ig,Gy with your (elfe,Lord,why 
buld it be thus with taee ? doth 




Wt mnfi not f dint under ofjliftion. 

not my child take bitccr or (wet 
which I give it, and Chill not il 
take this cuppe from thy hand ?j 
Shall I cake good^ in good worth 
from thee, and not cvill? Arc thou 
not as mcrcifull in providing us 
Phyficke forourfouks healthy as 
in all thy other daily benefits? 
Meat is more neceffary than me- 
are tbeie evils thou fendeft, but 
phyfickeof our foulcs health? For 
thego^d of our bodies wee rake 
things ag^inft which cur ftomack 
rifctn^ourflcfh (h inkech as wee 
take them, and w& labour to keepe 
them their time, O Lord, when 
thcu miniftreft for our foules 
good, yea, our bodirs, tftaces,and 
poftcruies after us, (hall we not be 
as willing boch to receive and 
retaine in thought, thy courfes to 
this purpole, I meane which tend 
to our fpirituall good X Secondly, 
youmtftnot dwell in 5 butrurne 
your thought from fuc^ particular 
circumftattft* as doe buc weaken 

Affliction bitter , but mcdicinabU. 

you, looking both at things part, 
present, and to come, which may 
miuifter comfort unco you.W en 
wc have a bitter potion to drinke, 
we doe not (if we b?e more avci fe 
from medicine) tafte every drop 
at the tongues end , bat curne ic 
;inbygreat,andwe thruftipibme 
l{ofjte,or Manm flrifti after ic : 
of our body, to which ic workech, 
and thus we getic downe, though 
otherwifewee have no mind to it. 
The Lord give us ihis wifedomc, 
forourfooles, that wee may not 
dwell coo much in exaft (canning 
(uch particular*, by which the de ■ 
vill (ceketh to winnow our belief, 
that we may remember his fweet 
mercies , and rhi keof our foules 
healch, which God worketh by 
them. Now whacfoever thing? are 
ofyt&ed/uchasaretruemuft bee 
granted, but fo $ that hope bee not 
therefore weakned, ia this wife; 
Lord, it is true, that I have many 
wayes provoked chine anger, but j 


6 4 Chrijl tan moderation necejfary 

thou art a God that wilt not kcepe 
anger forever, thou wilt not have 
man fb nourifh difplcafure in 
himfelfe , that the Sunne flbould 
go downe in his wrath,how much 
lefle wilt thou be irreconcileablc? 
O no,thou art as quicke in forgive- 
nefle to a contrite heart, as flow to 
conceive a wrath againft us , of 
which we have good experience 
daily. And Lord, it is true, thy 
hand is extraordinary and many 
wayes heavy upon me, but I have 
learned that I muft not chafe my 
ownerod, with which I will bee 
beaten > but leave that to my Fa- 
thers wifdome. Again J know that 
my need do?h require it all, we are 
made heavy, when needi?, with 
fundry tentations , faith Peter. A 
wiftPhyfician wilnotgivea ftrong 
thing, where a lenitive and gentle 
matter is enougb,much ieflc woul- 
deftthou. And I further confeflTe^ 
that I may bee juftly upbraided, 
with my former wants, bur Lord,l 
beleeve there is mercy with thee, 


in afjliftioB. 

reaching to forgiv«ncffe,t hat thou 
raaieft be feared, and that this is 
thy chhfe glory, there is none like 
to thee in fbrgivencfle 3 in paffing by 
the finnes of thy people. O Lord, 
what neede I thy grace and mercy, 
if I were not in myfelfe ill defer- 
ving and miserable > and though I 
feele not the comfort I defire, yet 
I doe bcleeve thy mercy no lefle in 
Chrift : a Father doth not greatly 
piety his childe,when hefteth him 
ficke of PhyGcke newly taken 5 for 
hce knoweth that if it fhould not 
worke with him,it would doe him 
no good, and hee knoweth that his 
childe (hall be well enough, when 
the working is over. Sodoft thou, 
Lord; which makcth thee hide 
when wee arc troubled, and not 
much raone, becaufe thou fteft 
there is no hurt toward us,though 
wee feeme to fede the contrary, 
though it might feern we (hall ne- 
ver have day again.No yv then both 
the by-waies being difcovered, it 
will be more cafie to informe you, 
D con- 

66 Hew to walfa that vpc may have 

concerning the right way io which 
ycu muft walke that you may 
come fafe forth of thefe trouble? J( 
you ask how you are to walk, that 
you may have happy iflue ? I an- 
swer in few wordsjfo that you joyn 
with repentance hope towards 
God^thac he will healc thefe things 
and love you freely. Firft,bcnot 
affraide to remember finncs part, 
God will make triades of theft vi- 
pers. Here if you have beenefub- 
}c£fc ro great unfruitfulncfle.laraent 
it; for W€, the more webtftow on 
our grounds, Iooke to rcapc the 
more from them; If todiftruftin 
your heavenly Fathers care over 
you* if unco too much neernefle* 
which is often a daughter of di- 
ftruftjifcoquicfcneSjif to any infir- 
mity (for the ipiric of man know- 
c th what is in man) recount it with" 
your heart, judge your felfc wor- 
thy to be cut off for fuch waies 
wherein you have fwerved, ifj 
God fliould deale in juftice, and 
not in mercy. Secondly, (hike a 


i happy ijfne out of affii8$on. 

new covenant with God for the 
rime to come, that through his 
grace you will have care more and 
more to morcific every evill way 3 
and co be fruicfull in every good 
worke. LookeE*r<*thc io.Ghap. 
2.3.ThirdIy^yoiimuft looketo the 
Lord, as who only mnft heale you, 
hoping in his mercy ; He u the hea- 
ling (Sod; He that layeth the rod 
on,muft take ic off; and if a debcer 
will be forth of danger, hee muft 
compound with his creditor, who 
only can free him from feareof ar- 
reft. And here you have great canfe 
to watch over your heart, that in 
ufe of means ic be not withdrawne 
from the living God. Weareluch 
creeples that we can hardly reach a 
Crutch into our haids,but that we 
will walke alfo leaning upon it. 
Now God onely is your life and 
length of your daks, thefc things 
without him, will ftand us in no 
ftead, it is not the Apothecaries 
drugge, but the ufc of it, which the 
art of the Phyfician teacheth, that 
D 2 hea- 

6 8 Our wants mnfi drive tut* forty • 

hcalcth a difeafc. So much more 
may we fay, it is not the creature, 
but the Lords ufc, and application 
of ic to this or that purpofe, which 
ftandethusinftead. Yea, I would 
wi(h you not to meddle much with 
things of this intention, left while 
you prevent the plague (which ic 
may be God will never let come 
nigher your per(bn)left I (ay while 
you doe this,you caft your felfe in* 
to the burning Fever, orfomedi- 
fterapcr of that nature, Now when 
you finde your ftlfe unable to doe 
thefe things, you muft, grieving at 
your wants, looke unto Cbrift, 
who doth give repentance and par- 
don of fin to hi* lira el, and who is 
both the beginner and finifher of 
their faith. Now toaddeaword 
concerning Gods intenr, it is ever 
gracious to us that are his. When 
he frownetb,be is a Father, nolefle 
than when he fmilcth upon us. A 
taan will beare much when he fpi- 
eth this,that it commethfrom love 
it felfe, and from love procee- 



'the facet fruit of dffli&ions. 

deth every courfe , he pafleth upon 
us, as well this of adverfity, as the 
other of profperity. Whom he lo- 
veth he chaftencth, faith the Scrip- 
ture. Ifwcraarke what God doth 
by them, it is more apparent: for 
hee fitteth us by fuffering a while, 
to receive all good things both of 
this life, and that to come. What 
doth aChriflian heart defire> That 
it could beleeve on God, giving 
glpry to his Word,that it had more 
flrength ofgrace,that it might feele 
a decay of Bnne, -and be prcferved 
from falling into it : that it might 
grow op in acquaintance with 
God> and come to tafte his love, 
more and more, which is better 
than life. Now thefe things God 
worketh by affliftions. For he ta- 
keth one, and putteth hirn paft the 
helpe of all the creatures, to no 
other end, but that he might learne 
to beleeve on God the Creatour, 
who giveth life, 2 Cor. 1. For fuch 
is the wickedneffe of our hearts 
that they will never make out to 
D 3 pur- 


dfftltions pirgativc. 

pu**pofe unto God, while they 
have any fenhble helpe, in which 
they thinke to finde fuccour. 

True it is 3 we feele faith rather 
weaker for the time, but ftiaking 
the Torch, which for the prefent 
f emeth to put it out, dorh make it , 
blaze: Phyfick,which for the time 
weakens, doth tend to ftrengehen 
the body, the lame may befaidin 
this. Secondly, thtfc through the 
worke of God , purge out our cor- 
ruption? asthefieistodroffe, fo 
are thr f* to the remainders of finne 
in us. T;ur it i?,we feele more ftir. 
ring of corruption under them 
fometimt sfora whHe,tban before: 
but as Phyfick then expelletb faul- 
iy hu^nonrsjwhen if workethupon 
th^m, and makethu? complaine, 28 
feeling rhem more than when they 
w re let alone, fodoihGodsPhy- 
ficke to the foulc: even itisdri- 
yi g our corruption then, when it 
rr-akes us feele, and complaineof it 
more than ever. God by thefe doth 
make us partakers of all grace and 


Go&afjlifts t opt went pme. 

holinefle. Wee wi(h that we were 
able co do thus and thus, but when 
Sod doth come ro us ia this kind, 
then hee furthereth thoft defires : 
for as feed putteth forth, by means 
of raine, which feemes to drowne 
it, fo doth the feed of God grow in 
us, by meanes of foch troubles, 
which one might thinke would 
overwhelme it. Theft againc are 
fent to prevent the future brea- 
kingsfortb of our corrupt natures. 
For as you give your little ones 
Cordialls now, not that they have 
ehefickneflfcjbut that you may keep 
chem from taking infrftion:(o dorh 
God putchefe cups into our hands, 
not fo much forfinnepaft, asfor 
preventiigfinnetocotue. Finally ^ 
we come to acquaintance, and to 
fcelc Gods love more abundantly 
by thde : adverfity brcedeth pati- 
ence; patience,experienceofGods 
loving helpe to us in due fofon : 
"experience of this luve, hope i and 
as lovers are never greater friends, 
than after their fallings out :foit is 
D 4 with 


G$d triiiy before he truft s* 

wuhGodand the faicbfull foules ; 
thus is it with you.God doth now 
prove you,that he may in your lat- 
ter do you good (I hope) through 
lefos Chrift : for as men will firft 
try, before they commie any great 
matter of truft ; fo doth God with 
us, he doth come and try our bsha- 
viour,when he is willing to truft us 
withhisblefiing, and with benefits 
both fpirku all & corporal!. Wher- 
foreIooke> good M. P. toitb your 
Saviour at the end of the crofl?,t hat 
will fweeten the bitterncfle of it. 
Wee never greatly fticke at facb 
trouble, which we know will pay 
well at die parting.Thus (hall thefe 
your troubles ( waiting on lefts 
Chriftthe Lord)tbrough whom aj] 
things werke to your good. It may 
be,you will thinke this is true,you 
could believe it,but that you fee no 
fuch likelihood of mercy toward 
you.But this is as if you fhould dy^ 
I would belecve on Chrift, if I 
might fee him, and put my fingers 
in hi* wounds,no : we rouft not be 

Sod angry with bis^ yet loves twm. 

Thomafcsjnut pray God to increafe 
our faith, that wee hope againft 
hope, and bcleeve that wee fee not 
that (bat length, wee may fee the 
things we belecve. I, hut you may 
think God coraeth in anger againft 
you. I anfwer, Gods anger is not 
without love, when hee dealeth 
with his children ; from love it 
cometh, anditteideth to your re- 
newing of love. Againe, as I told 
you, he is a God that will not keep 
anger, we looking to him, in that 
Sorbin whom he is well pleafed.If 
one of our children fliould fay to us 
when we are juftly moved, Father, 
you meane me no good,for you ate 
angryjwe would aofwer^Bccauf: I 
meane thee good, therefore I am 
angry. Looke to him that hath /aid. 
Though I correft you*yet roy love 
will I never take from you. Wait 
upon him, who though hee make 
heavie, yet will reruroe & comfort 
in the mulqtcude of his mercies, 
Lam. 3. 32. And the Authour and 
Fiaifher of our faith,help your be- 
D5 leefe 



74 1 VntjofUve to ddmmijb. 

teefe, ajdhte chat giveth wifdome 
•yithou>: upbraiding, give you wif« 
lomc tocarry this prefent cxerci^ 
if your patience to his glory, and 
the great inaeafc of your after 

8. Expoftuhtory. 

DEarc Madami^ I bavebeene 
long unable to (it pen to 
paper, which hath kepr mee from 
performing the beft office of love 
diar is within the compaiTe of my 
ability, but firce your love did get 
the flart of mee by preventing mec 
with your kinde remembrance; it 
hath been a fpurre futrhcr inviting 
me to this duty, which I had with- 
in my fdfe voluntarily vowed. My 
mir.de is to advertife you out of 
love,of feme difeafes which I feare 
grow upon your foule, and to give 
you occafion through Gods blefc 
fing, of renewing your repentance 
unto falvation, God comandech to 
exhort one another, left our heart* 
be hardened through the deceitfcl- 


True love cannot flatter. 

.neffeoffinne, and toconfiderone 
another, thai we may provoke to 
love. Ai this imboldeneth mce, fo 
I am encouraged from hence not 
a little,that I know the patience of 
your eare toadmonition,V¥ ch more 
adorneththe inward man, than any 
caie-ring of Gold can grace the 
outward. But fliould your L. take 
that with the left hand, which 
I reach with the tight, this (hould 
not be a Stpcrfedtas to mee, com- 
pelling mee to defift from per- 
forming my purpofe : for I ac- 
count him a covetous flatterer, 
which for the good of thofe he 
oweth duty to, will not venture 
a word, which may adventure 
(for a time) the lcfle of his fa- 
vour. Wherefore profeffing be- 
fore God my love to your L. Soule 
and Name, and affuring my fclfe 
j that hee will be ray all-fufficient- 
reward, while I walke before 
I him in upnghtnefle, give mee 
1 le^.ve to tell, you, what I h*vc a 
longtime fufpe&ed. The grace of 


The way oftherighteoutlii^ tbtjftn. 

God teacheth all fuchas tafte it, to ' 
live, (hs wing forth godlintfle, fo- 
briety, and juflice, in this prefcnc 
cvill world : and the way of the 
righteous (hould be like the Sunne, 
which rifingraoredimly,doth ftill 
increafe in the light and heare of 
if, till ic come at the higheft. Now 
my feare is, left your godlinefle, 
which hath becne fometims very 
confpiciousin you, befbmewhat 
abated,left the care of ten.perancy, 
and equity, which you owe tc- 
ward the meaotft, be dioiinifh- 
ed : left Come fpice of the con- 
trary breed about your ibule^ as 
a ficke humour ; which though it 
cannot quite choake and excin- 
guifh the life of grace,yet it hinde* 
reth that growth and thriving f ir 
which is to be a ilhd. If Ifhould 
feare beyond that I have ground 
for, yet you ar« cocenfurc ic as a 
fruit of love, while it ftirreihmce 
up to any good office about you,as 
UVs feare about his children, is 
manifeft tohave flowed from his 

Tie life of godlineffe. 

fipgular love, by the facrifice ic 
movech him to offer in chtir be- 
halfr. Rue how juftly my fcarcis 
conceived, I will leave it to your 
confcience to j^dge, when I have 
made narration of the particulars 
following. What (good Lord) 
fhould (hew forth the life and po- 
wer of your godlint ff: > Is it not 
the carefull getting of fiich meanes 
as may further it ia you and yours? 
is it not the reverent and religious 
ufing of thcmHs it not the cleaving 
to thofe more affr&ionatly rhan to 
others., who are before others in 
godlint (Te? If in your courfe theft 
waies be confidered, it will ap. 
peare that even in this regard there, 
h fuch defefts as you muU diligent- 
ly labour to fupply. ThcmeaoeSj 
ncx? to the publike, ofpromctl g 
g< dlincffe io you and your family, 
istheprefenceof one whoispru- 
denttotnowyour€ftite 3 ardfaith« 
full to advertife accordingly. The 
flying exercifes of men th it come 
andgoe 3 doc notfet forward. this 



7 8 

Rtmijfemjft infolhmng the meanes 

plough, like as the conflan: pre- 
fence, word, and example of one 
who knoweth you, andis knowiie 
of you. Now,when you are where 
publike meanes may be had, fuch 
as your felfe efteeme powerful! ; is 
not your L.more remiflely aflfc&ed 
coward them, than becomroetha 
Jealous godly cninde, yea* than 
fometime you have beene, when 
you (bould frequent them dili- 
gently^ though fixe times more re- 
moved than now they arc > For 
though, when natural ftrength 
failetb, there may be an omiflion 
of feme outward meanes, with- 
out prr ju:Iice of inward devotion; 
ycc God hath given you fo able a 
habire of body, at your yeeres, 
that ycu can venture as farre, ci- 
ther fbr exchanging civil! cour- 
tefies, or for rdrefhing yourfclfe 
with fuch contentments, as the 
^clvill communion of friends doth 
affoord. For the private mea ie& 3 
the conftant residence of one, who 
might bee as a private iWtoyou 



of Salvation, an illf$gne. 

and your?; have you profecuted 
this, with that devotion you I 
ought > Then (hould not want of 
a Bed, have kept mee this Win- 
ter from being with you* then 
could you nor* after you had rafted 
my DcCfrine., and (cene (for my 
mcafure) firnplicity, and inofen- 
fiventfle inmy co^verfition, you 
could not (I fry) with ftch o- 
verture have reiiivited mee. To 
fpeake ipariigly-^ I have obf:r- 
ved in you an affc&ron, fuch as 
is in thofe who cheapen • who 
would have the thing, but for 
coft : contrary to the Merchant 
fpoken of in the GojpeJ, who 
would fell all, rather thai not 
carry away his commodity wVh 
him. Whe^eforv^yfrg your hand 
o- 1 your heart, bcthmke your felfe, 
where is that due affe&ion, to 
c h e beft rneanes of building you 
up in grace .• If this one ching 
were as much in yourdefire, as 
D vids ; you would not rett, till 
yuu & w your foule pufiefled of it : 

- the 


We mujt be hatnefi after the mants. 

the wife Merchant doth not onely 
account of the pcarle & Trealure, 
but hee felleth all, to purchaie the 
field in which theTreafure is hid- 
den j (b highly hec reckoncth of 
meeting with fuch an one, .who is 
as a Ve&ll, in which his Chrifl is 
contained and conveyed unto him. 
The Lord kecpe us from following 
that which belongeth to his bu- 
finefle, with a cold iodifferency . It 
may be youthinke • Why ? lam 
notdeftiture, I have the Labours 
of many Chriftian men, as they 
may be procured. To which I an- 
fwer : Ic is not io bringing for- 
ward Chrifl ians, as it is in railing 
other creatures. Change of Pa- 
(hires will make fat Calve?; but 
changing of Preachers, neither 
knowing you, nor kno* ne of you, 
will never bring your foules to be 
►welHiking, and take incteafe be- 
fotc Gcd, as they ought: it will 
not helpetheB^bes growth, to get 
it a weekly change of Nur fes. Be- 


Chdftge of Preachers unfruiifitD* 

fides,when ftrangers corne 5 they fee 
the faireft piece, the out-fide only • 
and if (in forae one) they heare 
(bmething not good, yet being 
foone poflcfled with that great and 
good report of you and your Fa- j 
mily,they rather count it a lingular 
exorbitancy, than any thing cufro-, 
mary in your fcrvants pra&icc. 
Hence it is, chat they come and 
goe, fbmetime giving commenda- 
tions, feldome touching the local! 
griefes, the fores of your houfhold . 
Wee will not have one make us a 
fhooe, who knowctfr not firft the 
length ofour foot : and were wee 
to ufe the Phyfician daily, wee 
would not ftill comnaic our fdves 
to new ones, who never had obfer- 
ved our bodies. If wee are to ule 
counfcll, weekeepe to fuch who 
have the beft infight into our cafes. 
So in the Phyficians of our Soule, 
it is a great advantage to have 
them to minifter to us, who by 
their conftant obfervation are b-.ft 
acquainted with our neccflicies. . 


Taki heedbowvnheare. 

Wherefore execute your purpofe, 
fo long ficce fettled; mercy begin- | 
neth ac home : Will you be better 
to many other Churches, than to 
the Church in your owne houfe? 
But to leave this Head, of getting 
rhe beft meanes^nd a little to cor- 
Jiicr the manner of ufing fiich 
meanes as you en-oy: Gedlinefle 
ftandethnot in bare hearing, but 
in hearing like Cernclius> like the 
Bereans, in taking heede how wee 
heare, that wee may grow by it. 
That is true Divinity, that raaketh 
theChriftian: not v* hat wee doe, 
bat how wee doe ir,doth whneffe 
to our (bules, that wee are found 
CHri'lians. Mow, good L. I doe a 
little fofpeft, chat you turne over 
thrfe duties in fuch perfun&ory 
fore ere-while, as if to have done 
cheworkehowfoever^ were fuffi- 
cient. I am afraid you finde nor, 
after theft exercifes of hearing, 
that powerful! worke, in mortify- 
ing all fiafull Ms and aberrations 
inpra&ice, in ftrengthening faith, 


Wt muftfrn&ife what we heart. 

j in conforming fpiritualue, in ma- 
king you heavenly minded ; T feare 
youfinderrot this efficacie, which 
the Word hath where it isduely 
minglecf with beleefe« I have ob- 
served in your L. a readineffcto 
I hearealwaies, but not a proporti- 
ipnablc care of chewing: he Gjd,of 
digeftingand incorporating icinto 
yourfoule^and pra&ifingchethings 
you have heard. This maketh the 
Word you have heard, vaine; and 
nothing fcene of it, in regard of al- 
teration, or augmentation caufed 
by it, in him who is the hearer. 
And as they who know not what 
it is to pray conlcionably^will call 
moft readily and freely for prayer; 
(o many will call freely to heare, 
aot that they feele (pirituall hun- 
ger, but becaufc chey confidernot 
what goeth to hearing confeiona- 
bly, in regard of preparation be- 
fore,- watching over our fclves in 
it, that wee may feele it fruitfull 
in us. Againe, 1 have feene you, 
in prayer, witheut caufe of any 


Godsfcrvice, n$t to be dont Overtly '• 

extraordinary weakocfle rifefrom 
kneeling to fitting ; which kinde 
of liberty doth not well fuit with 
that Religious reverence, which 
bsteemeth Gods fervams, while 
they worfhip before him. Yea, 
f have heard, that it hath bcenc 
talked in houles where your L. 
hath k>dged,that my L. 7\[. would 
have her man reading a Chapter 
by her, and her felfe be fome- 
time talking, Ibmetime fmiiing, 
yea, now and then chiding* at the 
fame time. I cannot hide it from 
you, 5 beard it with griefe j and 
whether it be true or falfe, you 
have need to make ufe of it. Dear e 
Madame,takeheed how you heare, 
looke to your ket,to the afFe&ions 
of your heart, when you come be- 
fore God. Heewillbefanftifiedin 
(uch as dra w neere untohim, or he 
will do as he did to Aarons fannes, 
hee will glorfie hirafelfe in judge- 
ments on them. One may heare, 
call others to heare, give com- 
mendations to the things and man- 


LttftsBnder the benefit of the Word. 

ner of (peaking, welcome the per- 
iod fallen a gift on him ; an \ yet 
in all this, be devoid of life and 
power of Religion, in hearing. 
€ndevour to expell thofe lufts, 
which clogge and prefle downe 
yourfoule; then therailkc of the 
Word will be plcafant, and profi- 
able. To take fuftcnance, while 
the ftomacke is (urcharged with 
(uperfluitie$,hHrteth the body : fo, 
till we labour to emptie our (elves 
of the lugs chat hang about us, the 
benefit of the Word cannot be per- 
ceived. And againe,when you have 
beard, labonr that you may profit 
by i t, that you may feele all finfull 
Ms weakenedjgraccftrengchencd, 
faith & knowledge encreafed,your 
praftice bettered. Should any eatc 
lever (b much,, unlefle he digeft it, 
:urne it to bloud 3 difttibute it into 
:he veines, &c* what is the body 
:he better for that which ic recei- 
ved? For the third evidence of a 
godly heart, to wit, the cleaving 
more affe&ionately to thofe who 



86 We mnji git w gracictu fervants . 

arc more godly, than others; I 
would there were no defe<Sfc in this 
regard. I hare obferved, that you 
can equally impart your favours. 
If any have points of fcrvice, and 
can apply themfelves to your hu- 
mour 3 though they have fmall ac- 
quaintance with God, they (hall be 
countenanced. This raaketh your 
family Linfic-woolfie, confirmeth 
the haunts of fome in their care- 
lcflc courfe; this makech chofe that 
are good, more rcmiffc than they 
would be : fhould they finde from 
you greater encouragement. Da- 
vids delight was in the Saints ; hee 
did purge his family of fuch as 
were unprofitable, and graceUfle : 
fuch as laboured to pleafe God in 
all thing«,not fach as could get the 
lengch of his toote 5 were precious 
in his eyes. Can a loyall Wife 
take pleafure in fuch nacn who are 
obfervantand officious about her, 
and be devoid of all refpefl: to- 
ward her Husband ? Are yeu be- 
trothed to your God, in Chrift.' 


1 Taflc of Gods gotdnejfey weanes^e. 
— — — — — ■«■■ ■■^•' — « 

and can you abide their ftrvice a- 
bouc you,whoarecarelefleinduty 
towardyour LorJ,with whom you 
arecontra&cd? This /heweth,that 
godlinefle is much decayed, yea, 
that God is put downe> and our 
fclvesfctupas God, in ourowne 
Scares; when we can like of men, 
not as we fee them fincerely ierve 
him.but as their behaviour is more 
or Ieffe pleafiog and conrcntfull ro 
our felves. But to leave this firft 
point, (in which, defire of your 
good hath made mee more proline 
than I intended) and to come to 
the pr*&ice of £ brietie, which 
the grace of God teacheth us who 
have truely tafted it : even as a 
man who hath touke ia the rafte 
ofthebefl creatures,, canno: forth* 
with feed on that which is raeanc, 
courfe 3 and no way to be compared 
to it ; fo a Chriftian, who bath ra- 
fted the goodncs of his God,which 
is better than life, cannot affcft, as 
ibmetime before he did, thefefai- 
Sall delights, which caraall men, 



8 8 Intemperance in Istp/hU liberties. 

who know no better (like as 
Swine do (will) follow with grec- 
dinefle. Now I fearc roe here alfo, 
left chofe fpirituall fweetnefies be- 
ing foroewhat eclipfed, intempe- 
r ate cherifliing the body> and cares 
of the world(partly through fruits 
you have traverfed, partly through 
kind ftpports of many) doe fteale 
upon you 5 and win ground more 
thaa they have done heretofore. I 
know God doth keep your L.firom 
exccfli ve curiofity,firom open glut- 
tony,from diunkenneffe, but as in- 
juftice is not onely in unlawfull 
ftealih,but in covetous following a 
lawful! calling:So intemperancy is 
not onely in theft outrages expref. 
fed, which are openly unlawful^ 
but alfo in the lefle holy temperate 
and reverent ufe of our Iawfull li- 
berties and repafls, in eating and 
drinking wee muft labour to fecle 
our thankfulnefle renewed, as the 
effeftsof our heavenly fathers pro- 
vidence are renewed : we rauft la- 
bor to be heavenly minded/eeling 


The funds 9 as well as the r$ck^&c. I 8 9 

the gracious prefence of God with 
our fpirits at oar fweeteft feafts : it 
is a fpor, when we feare not in our 
feafts, as who are conscious of the 
f ure that is in every creature, and 
ourowne weaknefle. Finally, we 
eate intempf rately,when we keepe 
not power over our own appetite ; 
when wc put not our knives to our 
throats, upon feeling any inordtoa 
rie moving in us towards this or 
that: like as David did, who &- 
crificed the Waters which hee had 
Co importunately defired. Happy 
are they who finne not in kwfull 
thing?, in eating, drinking, buil- 
ding, &c. A Ship may milcarry, 
not onely by hard rockes, but by 
(bfc ftnds ; which though they are 
not (b violent* yet they are no 
leffe dangerous. To feede often 
liberally, not refraining any thing 
to which ones appetite Ieadcth* to 
be gratifying the ftoraacke, now 
with one thing, now with another, 
alas, what doth it? It diftempe- 
reth the flefh with luft, it doth 
E make 

po We muji vnant oftrfelves from^&c. 

make the very (bule flefoly affe- 
fted, itindifpofctbusio thofcex- 
ercifcs which arc performed by the 
mind,ic cnakcth us Be to be kindled 
with wrath, or any fach like pat 
fion. Finally, it taketh up the mind 
with thought,what it {hall next be 
fcrved with in this kind, Where- 
fbrc,dcare Madame, if any fpirit of 
humane frailty hath cloven to you 
this way, remember you are a tra- 
veller, neerer your journies end, 
than when you fiift belecvcd. Gird 
up your loynes, tuck up this craine 
of lufting, which will make you 
unfit to take one ftep this way, 
without hinderance. The houres 
grow on, wherein thefe things 
will yceld no delight • wee muft 
weane our felves in time,that our 
laft weaning may not feeme too 
bitter and grievous to us. If wee 
difhonour God, by uaweaced uft 
ofthefe things, the Lord will pay 
us home in our owne coyne 3 and 
fcourge us by that fclfe-fame in- 
temperate pra&icc, by which he 


Intemperance hurts Joule and bod;. 


was diftionourcd in us. How ma- 
ny hugge therafclvcs co death, and 
by po wring on too much Olle, 
quite put forth the Light of Life ? 
I am no Pfiyfician for your body, 
yet I doubt not, but the ftrtving I 
wkh your felfe, to ufc your law- 1 
full Liberties and Repafts more 
holily,temperatly, and reverently, 
(let him that is holy, be more 
holy) will be very bencficiall to 
your body. For feeding the fto- 
tracke full, fo as fuperfluities are 
engmdred, this brcedeth the mat- 
ter of the Stone, and augmenteth 
it where it is breed, warming the 
ftomack now with one thing, now 
with another, this doth beget and 
encreafe the heace, which taketh 
the matter fore-named into this 
forme, in which it is voyded. 
Concerning that laft raatter,which 
all muft praftite, who know the 
Grace of God io truth, viz. Iu* 
ftict; even in this I have fome 
feares, which I cannot conceale t 
and to fparc what I have heard 
E 2 


93 Equity to befhcwed towards all. 

reported, as the talke of iome,that 
your L. fctteth up Leftures, your 
debts undifcharged (for it is my 
meaning todealc only in fiich mat- 
ters which my felfe in Tome fort 
have obferved.) To (pare this 
therefore, my feare is, that you 
(hew not that equity towards all 
under you that you ought. It plea- 
fcd God to beftow the childc of a 
moft reverend roan, N. N. with 
you,whom you have not intreated 
well, but provoked and grieved 
rather withexccflive feveritieand 
contempt, than encouraged, by 
(hewing any motherly affeQioo 
and hoDCur,(iJch as a Chriftian La- 
dy cannot but know her ftlfe to 
owe to the Ieaft of her handmaids. 
The note I tooke of this in my 
mind, made me firft ufe that phrale 
in Prayer, That God would guide 
us f who governe,to carry ourlejves 
with fuch moderation as befeemeth 
them who know, that even hem- 
ft Ives have a Mailer in Heaven. A- 
las,whom doth your anger purftie? 


The barmeUJfe mofl barmtd. 


A fatherkflg childe • who out of 
confcicncc doth humble her felfe 
under you. Mmy weake perfjns 
arc fickeofan evill ficknefp; they 
will make bold-ft to off j r all hard 
meafare ro fuch whom ihcy know 
mod innocent and harmslefl'e ; not 
caring what chey d je to fuch, be- 
and (hall heare noshing but good 
after ir. Whereas the fame per- 
sons will be often very equall to 
thofc who are of worfe dispositi- 
on, and take foch freedome in (li- 
nings that they will no: fpare for 
any meanes, which t hem fe Ives or 
their friends can ufc, to ery quit 
with fuch as (hall provoke them* 
The Lord keepeus from this wic- 
kednefTe. Watch over your ft If- a- 
gainft ihis paffion. It unftttech you 
for prayer : It is nocfo light a thing 
in a&iog, as heavie when the Co i- 
fcience calleth ro reckoning; to 
wound the foule with words, and 
by immoderate difpleafare to make 
the life of the Orphant heavie ; to 
E ; npkr 


Governors to be milde and gentle. 

make the heart of a Widdow ftd • 
(for (he is a Marble, not a Mother 
who grievcth not in the Childcs 
grievance) to fhewdifhonour,not 
onely to the living, but to the dead 
aHbjfo ncere and deare to t he Lord: 
I tell yoiij thefearcgreat things, if 
you looke not on them through 
thefalfeglaffeofdiftemperace par- 
Sou, As God hath bid them ho- 
nour you, fo hee hath tyed you to 
honour them 5 and be rather a Mo- 
ther, than Lady and Miftrefle to 
them. For thiscaufe,the Lord doth 
comprifc Govemours under the 
name of Fathers and Mothers, to 
put them in mindeof doing duty 
to inferiours, as well as receiving 
fervice from them. God hath com- 
manded us, that our brother be not 
vile in our eyes, that wee provoke 
them not, that we (hew all equity, 
not ruling over them with a ftrift 
hand, as Egyft did over Ifratl; that 
wee follow lotjn letting them ex- 
poftulate reverently with us,when 
they find grievance ; andnot to be 


aotfioward to infcrionrs. 


like Ndfol, who was fb vile, none 
might fpeake a word in his care, 
which did uoc humour him. Ac our 
command, ourfervantsthinkenot 
much to doe ferv'ces even about 
our Horfcs hecles : (hall we thinke 
much, at Gods command, to per- 
forms thofe moft eqnall offices co- 
ward thofe whom God hath put 
under us, who arc fons and daugh- 
ters of God with u$y Hdrcs of 
the felfe-fime hope, co which we 
arc called? Should oar Mifterin 
Heaven lowre onus> and contend 
with us on every occafion ; could 
wee ftand before it > Let us not be 
fofcvereandircfull, whoftaadfc 
much in neede of mercy and indul- 
gence. Wherefore, toclofcmyad- 
vertifemenr, doe nat on:ly leave 
thofe thing?, but j-idge your fetfc, 
for whacfoever frailry hath efcaped 
you this way,and returne againe to 
the Oath and Covenant, renewing 
your Vow before the Lord. Doe 
not reafca in your heart, Why doe 
I not chu3j.and chus> Doch not 
E 4 God 

$6 A little fins marts many good allion /, 

God allow us lawfull liberties? 
Why ? mee thinkes our Minifter 
might give mee leave with my 
Maidcs? Should I a little wropg 
them, cannot I make all whole 
with fome benefit unexpected? 
Where hath he learned to belee ve 
reports»not having heard any thir g 
from my mouth? Thefc are but 
fuggeftions of Satan,to make you 
fall out with medicinable counfcll, 
by which your fbule ftould be 
healed.You do many good things : 
But God will not, for any good 
offices, fee any evill in which wee 
waJkf ,fo as not to diflike it.Lookc 
his Epiftles to the Churches. A- 
gaine^hy (hould a few dead Flics 
marre a Boxe of precious Oint- 
ments ? God doth allow us law- 
full liberties, provided that wee 
ufethem lawfully, praflifing ho- 
tline flc^ religious feare, and tempe- 
rancy in the midft of them. I may 
not hate you fb,as to let your fbule 
finne towards a fervant ; and wee 
are to teach your L. as weH bow 


Good intentions cxcufe not iR actions. 97 

to governe, as your fervants how 
to obey in the Lord. And yoa may 
doe thar, yoa camot hcale; you 
may impaire naturall indowments 
of roindej by fuch courfcs, more 
than you can recompence by any 
Largeffe of your liberalicie : for 
intending future good, will not 
make that well done, which for 
theprefentisevill. For my felfe, 
I write nothings but by way of 
Chriftian feare, I have arguments 
too many, to make me believe in 
parr, what-ever things I pro- 
pound unco you. Turne from thefc 
thoughts, as you would from the 
Dhell himfdfe 5 they are ondy 
prompted, that they may keepe 
y cur heart from repentance. Dday 
nor, while God fendeth you a msf- 
fenger^ and knockcth $ for if you 
will not hearc this gentle yoyce, 
you know norm i* hat kind he will 
j fpeake, the next. Befide, f!ce that 
' delayeth to fee a bone out of joynt, 
doth .but double hisfmarr, when 
it is to be bundled, and reftorcd. 
E5 Not 

<?8 Conscience Ukj 4 lookittg-glajje. 

Not to mention that he that retur 
neth not into the way, in fucha 
party that which is halting, is fub- 
jeft to goe quite forth of it. Ic may 
be you do not feck your confciencc 
greatly checking you in thefc 
things I am the forrier if you 
ftiouidnonbut Mtddmcjcmmbtr 
whether it hath not checked you; 
and whether by not hearing Gods 
Spirit, you have not fo grieved 
him, that he kecpeth filencc. Boc 
howfoevcr, the Confciencc is like 
a looking- glafle,which wfcileit li- 
eth all covered with duft.&cweth 
not (mall mattcrs^but when it i wi. 
ped, then ic maketh the lead thing 
apparent. So the Conference being 
clouded with paflion of luft, cu- 
Rome^examples,&c. difcovsreth 
not many things, when it is awa- 
ked, 8c tholi Uiifts difpeltcd,it pre- 
fenteth as grievous fins, the things 
which wee before made light ac- 
courxof.lt it one thing not to have 
aa acnafirg Confcience, smother 
zhiDg to have a clears Contdtncc. 
I 'I A1 

fbrijl our Sdn3ifitr y 4S wtU as^&c. j ,99 

A man may have the S one, who 
feelcxh no Fie of ic : A man may 
have,in fome regard, an cvill Con- 
fciencc, who feeleth, for the time, 
no Fit of accufationinit. Where- 
fore, deare Lady, be wife : God 
hath taken the yoake from your 
necke, truftcd you with liberty,gi- 
venyoua Summer, to provide a- 
gainft Winter^ O make up foundly 
your peace with God. Confider 
your infirmities,in time of tempta- 
tion efcaped:C6fider thefe^fithence 
your deliverance; judge them in 
youriclfc: flie to Chrift,not only as 
made of God, your Juftificr from 
the guile of fin, but your Saoftificr 
from the bloc of ir. Pray him cat- 
neftly, to faveyou fromxhe daily 
power of thefeevills, which ftill 
you find to have dwelling io you. 
You have need,like the Anr,to ga- 
rher in the Summer, when God. 
trufled you with health & liberty 5 
the rather, I ecaufe God holdeth a 
flit ging Rod over you, iheLafh 
thereof, fliould it light on a Con- 


loo Remembrance of fin in viptation. 

feience naked, ftripped of his fa- 
vour, would fecmc unfupportable. 
Thinkc with your fdfe, what joy 
you can take, when God (hall vific 
you, ifyourConfcicnce (hall tell 
you, that you have had good pur- 
pofcSj but neglc&ed to execute 
them • that you have drawne necre 
toGod, bat without due care to 
(anftfishimia your fpiric, in his 
Ordinance?, and profit by them: 
That you have not advanced his 
gory in your family as you ough< ; 
that you have home too gentle a 
hand over the lufls of ycur heart, 
favouring yourfelfe too much in 
them: ihatyouhaveinargertoo 
much f xcecded,and made them f-el 
it mof^whom you (hold moft have 
tendred. Thinke,I fay^wnat com- 
fort you can haveinfuch thiags'rt- 
membrcd. But if you will awaken 
yourfelfe, j trfgcyourfoule, hold 
Chrifltogiveyou ftren^thag3inR 
thofe and all oth'er.corrupticnsj 
then fltalllightarifeiadarkeocfle^ 
youfhall tkcit true,thcugh for the 


The corrupt mind indnrts not reproof \ 101 

prefent you feele a warfare, that 
light is fowoe for the righteous ; 
though evills come, God will be 
your ftudow at your right hand, to 
refrefh you in them, peace fhall 
dwell with you in life and death, 
which I wifh your Ladifhipin/f/w 
Cbrifi. If I fecme to your L. to ufe 
greater freedome in dealing with 
y ou,the perfwafion I have of your 
fiixerity and (bundneff? imbolden- 
eth me thereto^ found flcfl] feeleth 
no grkfewhen we handle it fome- 
whac hardly : but i: is a figne an ul- 
cer is bred ia that flefh, which may 
not indure any fort to be touched. 
Neverthekde, I thank God,f have 
ufedtomy knowledge, no liberty 
and plainnefle, to which fidelity 

Thus cravng your I. to take 
thefe tbi -.gsdowuedeeply^hough 
chey (h >uld make Gck for the time, 
feei n g that they airrv? at nothing 
but y uur fpiricuall heal h, & pray* 
tog the Lord for you, who bleffeth 
all PtyGcke, b>th corporal] and 



Concerning d Wives ficknejfe. 

fpirituall, and health by it, I take 
my leave. 


LOving Brother, we do remem- 
ber you and my.Sifier, and arc 
■ rroly affe&cd toward you, though 
my diftra&ions, imploymenr, and 
I know not what indilpofition 
(which I dare not every way a- 
vow) dee caufe me to write more 
rarely.Now lean deferrc no longer 
from Hgnifying ot r remembrance, 
and advenifogyou how things go 
with us, left you (hould challenge 
mehereafter 3 a$not4nformed. My 
moftChriflian Wife (your Sifter) 
hath, face Eafter laft, beene very 
ill, and it hath not pleafed God to 
bkffz any meanes which ftee hath 
attempted here, or clfe-where. 
Since our lift parting with you, 
fh; continued till, within this fort- 
night,.cra/ie, but norfeeling any 
vi dIciu woi king of our infirmities : 
but now of Ute^and efpecially tins 
weeke, her flrength is morethaa 
ordinarily enfeebled, thaclfearc 


I ■ » 

Mourning acctpabk to a CbrtfttAn. J 10 3 

(rcicrving ro God whatfbere cour- 
ses make with his glory J you flwll 
not long in joy fuch a Sifter, nor I 
(ucb a Wifc,of whom I am unwor- 
thy. Which I faggeft for two tea- 
ton s : Theory that you might re- 
member her cftate more fervently 
than othcrwife ; againe, that you 
might feafbnably reibrt to her, if ic 
will any whit increafe your con- 
tentment, as it (hall be gladfome to 
us whenioever, to ibpy your pre- 
tence The Lord teach us to num- 
ber cur daie?, that wee may apply 
our hearts unto wife dome, and 
the Lord give us underftanding, 
which may make our hearts be as 
well plea fed m the houfe of mour- 
ning, asthsfhdlesareintheboufe 
of carnall rejoycing. Brother, our 
terme lafteth not alwaies^the Lord 
make us wife to know the accep- 
table rime, and while it i3 called to 
day, not robe hardened through 
the decekfuJnefle of finne, but to 
tame to Mm, and -for a fare- 
jscil, Vghen you &e how your ell- . 


104 Ceunfell c*fd for in ntcejjity. 

ents wait at your Chamber dores, 
fee king to gaine earthly inheritan- 
ces, how much more (hould wee 
wake at the dore of Wifcdomeg 
houfe, which will give us an ever- 
lafting inheritance? Readethe 8. of 
the Proverbs 9 theend of the Chap- 
ter, where the Lord fcemeth ro 
make this alluGon : I will tell you, 
if we that are the Lords, come to 
be fifced, we {hall be more diligent 
this way. Counfell is not cared for 
(as you know well) till fome flaw 
be found in evidences : when once 
there groweth queftion, then the 
learned Counfellourgro wetbinre- 
queft : fo becaufe our confidence 
raaketh no qaettion of that great 
eftate in the heavens, therefore we 
waire not on Gods mouth daily, 
both in ufing meanes publike and 
private with diligence. Thus your 
Sifter and l, doe remember our 
(elves unto you, and roy Sifter, (co 
whom you may commend us) and 
take our leaves abruptly* 

j o. CV«« 

Comfirt tn fickptjft. 

10. Confolatory. 

LOving Coufio* I would be 
gbd co hcare bow God doth 
carry en your weake frame^ but 
cbis is a thh)g,which though I may 
vvifh eafily, yet I cannot fbeafily 
itftft if. If weakneflc grow on 
you/it rcuft comfort you^that your 
prifon is not ftrong enough u hold 
your foule long imprifoned. How 
welcome is the evening to the wea- 
ry labourer > So to us fhould be the 
(hade of death, in which we reft 
from all our travell. If you fiide 
paine, ftekefor that faith which 
may quench the fire^ if it be good 
for you that it ftould be fuddenly 
quenched, if otherwifc, lookcto 
him who hath promifed in fire and 
water to be with u^oever to leave 
us, nor forfakeus. Thinkeonhis 
goodnefle, who will have finfull 
men eafe their enemies beafts, an- 
der the burden which oppreffeth 
them. Looke finally tothoie glori- 
ous jojes^to which theft momenta- 
ry affli&ions flull bring you. Even 

as I 


Death though painfull j)tt &c. 

as the waters falldowne^ notable 
to abide in grounds that He high, 
fo the fenfe of thefe affiiQions 
gocthaway from mindes, that are 
lifted Dp in frch contemplation, A- 
bove all things rrpyce, that yet^ 
you {hall (hordy attaine your love, 
your Lord, to whom your ibule 
by faith hath beenc longcontra- 
ftcd. SheeisaforrieSpoule, who 
cannot make a (hifc with an uneafie 
horfe, while fliee rideth to fee the 
confunaraation of her low, with 
her betrothed Husband. Doth to- 
gether with wcaknefle and paine, 
poverty in things fpirituall, doth 
any defertion moleft you \ Know 
that this is but the wifedome of 
our God; who 3 asphyfic?ansdoe 
mingle many things in the fame 
potion, fo doth intermeddle many 
matters in the fame temptation, 
that it may be more effe&uall to 
his glory and our good. Thiake 
with your felfe, a wife Phyficiaq 
will not put in his piefcript a 
Dram coo much; God will not 
1 exceed 

We muji reji on God in ficctjfittes. 107 

exceed that quantity any whit! 
which is fie for his patients. Hold ! 
you to the rocke, and ftand ftill, 
the things are clouds which will 
ride over you, and goe away : i 
chough it benight we (hall have 
dayagaine. Who isic thatfearcth 
the Lord > If hee be in darktu fle \ 
without light, let him leane on 
the Lord his God. For conclufi- j 
on ; Doth outward ncceffity, with 
her threading, any thing difturbc 
you ? Looke to him who taught 
S c Paul to want, who made him 
fay, be would doe all things, while 
hisLordftrengthenedhim. Looke 
to him who circumcifeth hearts 
with circumcifion not made wich 
hands, who can make us Co deny 
our fclves, that wee (hallfinde no 
painc to follow him : Be fbrry for 
nothing, but that having fack a 
Father^you (hould be careful!. We 
fan&ifie our Heavenly Father, 
when no unbeleeviog feare com- 
meth reere us. You know the 
truth of my love to you, and I 



1 08 Wtmu$ not ncgUU ofpdrtumty. 

know how eafily I can (through 
Gods blefTing) procure that which 
would refrcQi you feafjnably. 
WrurJoreif yoa fhould notim- 
parc it to mcc timely , before the 
oylc and rrealc be q-ire fpent, 
you (hall neglcft a good meane, 
which Go^s providence doth (hew 
you 5 you (hall be wanting to your 
owne comfort, you ihill requite 
mec with no fmall unkindnt/Tr. 
Thus with my loving Sifters 
commendations, I commit you to 

Yours as h'rs owne, 
Paul Bajne. 

II. Hxpfinhtory. 

GOod S r . C. Were my ability 
and freedomc from occafions 
at this time, fuch as might be wi- 
(hed, I would fee youinpsrfon, 
andhotvificyou by writing: but 
love muft be content to crcepe. 
when fhee cannot goe at liberty as 
(bcdefireth.S r .C. could I bethiake 


God afflitts his 44 4 Fathtt. 

me of my cordial], or other ching 
which were like to eafe your ficke 
paffion, fhould I not be a Traitor 
for ever in friendfhip,if at this time 
Ithouldholdmypeace? So is it, I 
could not beare(even in my confer- 
ence) too much blame, if thinking 
of ferae things which may ferve to 
the good both of your body and 
fcule, I (hould containe my felfe 
and not impart them. Wherefore 
good S r . C. give mee leave a little 
to commune with you now being 
under the haod of God : For even 
skilfull Phyficians, when them- 
felvesarevificed, will ufethe ad- 
vice of their inferiours. You know 
better than my felfe, chat ordinari- 
ly in all affii&ions God doth of- 
fer himfelfe as a Father to us; cha- 
ftening us, that heemay make u« 
partakers of holineflV, yea; even 
by death it fclfe hee doth chaften 
his, that they may not be jud- 
ged with the unrepentant Vtorld, 
Thus I doubt not.but he doth with 
you. If then wee are Under Gods 


1 1 I W* muji mourne for fin in afjlillhm. 
- i I ' i ■ i ■■ i »■■%■■■■ 

chafteoing hand, wee mult firft la- 
bour ro rake to heart oar faults^ 
for which our heavenly Father 
doth take us in hand. Secondly, 
v*ec muft feeke his mercy in for- 
giving them, and removing the 
temporary corre&ion, fo farrc as 
may (land with his glory. Third- 
ly, wee muft be arefull co feeke 
the ufe of them in all things fol- 
lowing, if God (hall thinke good, 
co raife us, and truft us with lon- 
ger time in this prefent life. You 
know that it is the part of ana- 
turall ingenious childe to grieve 
for that, whereby he hath provo- 
ked his earthly parents difplea- 
(ure, and (hall it not be our duties 
much more toward our heavenly > 
Till we know and feel our ficknefle 
fomqwhac grievous, we cannot af- 
' fedionatcly feeke that Phyfician. 
Wee count him our friend, who 
warfceth us of fomeihing growing 
on our bodies,which we couldjiot 
difcerneof our lelvesTake it,I be* j 
feech you, as my beftlove, if I 



T{fiturallmtnfpirh*All Aiulttxtrs. 

prefer to your confiderations fomc 
things which I take to hare beene 
the chiefe infirmities of your fbule. 
All our hearts are by nature fall of 
(pirituall adultery, wee love the 
pleafuresand pomp of this world* 
and let them carry away from God, 
our raoft lively and teodercft af- 
fections. Now if a roan of true ho- 
nour would challenge himfclfe, 
(hould he be but falle in love to his 
earthly aflbciate? How much more 
{hould it grieve us, who have let 
our hearts play falfe with our hea- 
venly Husband ? Againe, (hould 
one fccepe their heart to thsir 
Love in fonie fbrr, but not care to 
come into theuadefiled bed, in 
which their moft neere benevo- 
lence is mutually imparted ; vvete 
it not a flrange difl oyalcy in per- 
form married one to the other ? 
What then (hall wee thinke, who 
by profefllon married to God, 
have not cared for partaking in 
the miniftery of the Word, which 
is the Br idall-bed , wherein by his 




Ntt to communicate in the fins, &c. 

fpiric, he doth communicate with 
our foules his fweetcft favours,and 
maketh them be conceived with 
fruit of righteoufnefle, to everla- 
fting life. Abanah and Fhstfat 
were as good waters as Iordsn: bat 
it pleafcd not God in them to 
heale Naamans leprofie, but in 
Jordan. It plcafed God by the foo- 
hfhnefie of preaching, to fave all 
who (hall beleeve* Laftly, if you 
have made the finnes of others 
yours by communicating in them, 
and nor reproving and reforming 
them when you had power, (as the 
finnes of fervants in houfe wich 
you,) you muft rake knowledge of 
this, and let it grieve you : when 
you have friends comming to you, 
you will have your fervants not 
oncly ferve you, but be refpeftive 
to them, carefull that they by no 
rudenefle doe give them diftafte. 
How then flbould ic grieve us to 
thinke, that we have not cared, (b 
we haive been ferved to our minds, 
how bur God hath been negltftcd, 

. y«, 

■ Gods children m9regtuvedfor^&c % 

\ 1 « " . ^ 

; yea, provoked ? No w confidering 
jthefe things, andthofeof likena- 
rnre,which you are privieto with- 
in your fclfe, fteke to God in the 
death of your Chrift,for the remo- 
val! of them, of the fin chiefety; of 
the correftion, fo ferre as hee (hall 
tee good. Ungodly men are like 
\ Pharaoh, who bade Mofes pray to 
! God to take the plague away: but 
! Gods children like David jhtj fly 
to the multitude of Gods tendered 
mercies, to take away their finne. 
You may come~ with boldnefle to 
chat mercifull God in Chrift, who 
faith,that though a man would not 
rake a wife once put away for adu!- 
tcry 3 yet he will receive his people, 
even afrer their adulteries; if they 
ftek co him repentantly. It is a fol- 
ly to ftrive to get loofe from fick- 
nefle, if we firft fceke not to have 
releafe from fiune. To breake the 
Gaole without being acquitted 
by the Judge,ts no true liberty. To 
fee the Scrgeant,w it hout compoun- 
ding with the Creditor, cannot 
F make 


j 1 4 J Viper-tike evils made t»hokfome,&c. 

make found peace, Laftly,I doein- 
treat you tofeeketheufeof Gods 
vifitation before all things. How- 
ever hee (hall deale with you, hee 
who hath commanded finfull man 
to joyneinftru&ion with correcti- 
on, hce who hath taught mau that 
he will not beat a Dog, but he will 
put it into his fenfes as well as hee 
can,what it is for which he ftrikech 
him.he,Ifay, will not faile to teach 
you, why his hand is on you, and 
make you profic by it. This is the 
feale that God hath ordained us, 
and called us according to his pur- 
pofe of bringing us to life, when 
all thingSjCven thoft evills ofcrof- 
fes, turne to our ipirituall good. 
His Fatherly skill doth not make 
jhefe Viper-like evills into whole- 
fbme triacles, for any, but his cho- 
fcn children. If you finde thefe 
things, re Joyce: For God hath re- 
vived in your foule an eternall 
life,yea, he will reftore you to this 
tcroporall life/if it be good. The it 
fuesof death are with our God,and 


Feart not death pnce Chrlfi t a fled it. 115 

what is it for him to hcalc you be- 
ing ficke, who did give tobelec- 
vingperfbns, their dead to life a- 
giine 3 when ic made for his glory > 
If nor,you know, a ficke body will 
notfearctodrinke that hisPnyfi- 
ciaado-hcafte before him: Chrift 
hath carted death before us ; to de- 
liver us from the feare ofic : yea, 
you know that your life is hid with 
God in Chrift (who is the roote of 
us that beleeve on him) even as the 
life of a Tree, this Winter time, is 
hid in the roote of ic. The Lord 
comfort you in thefc things, and 
thus let mee for this time end, 

12. Momtory* 

DEarc S r , I thankc God, I doe 
remember you, as I am able, 
unco him, intreatinghimtoftand 
by you in all things,and fini(h your 
courle with comfort. Remember 
the fore-paffed experiences which 
you have had of his kindnefle and 
conftancy toward you : he willnot 
leave & forfake you now you have 
F t moft 

i 1 6 Mans extremity, Gods opportunity. 

moftueedofhim. Men often, like 
to thefe Swallowed will be withu* 
in Summer, but leave us in Winter. 
The Divell, when he hath dra wne 
his into the briars^, will give them 
leave to Iooke for themfelves : But 
God hath ever ftood neerefl: to his, 
when their exigencies havebeene 
greateft. Mans extremity is his op- 
portunity. That which God hatfi 
done once for you, in fuftaining, 
quickning you,, quieting your fpi- 
rit, his peace,which pafleth all un- 
dciftandingjkeeping of it, that hee 
will doe every day unto you,if y ou 
will inforceyourfelfe toward him. 
It is no more paine to him to beipe 
nSj thanic is unto the Sun to lend 
lijjht to us. If we have in fome fits, 
found ak by this or that, wee 
know if wee come into like cafe, 
how to helps cur felves: iciswee 
fay, butdoing fuch a thing, or ta- 
king fecha matter : thus having 
once found in deadnefie,fainting of 
fpfcif, quic&nanceandftrengthby 
recourfe to our God in Chrift, and 

The eye $f Fanbfees God invifible. 

wreftling with him, wee fhould 
know what to doe when fuch like 
ftatereturncthon U3. Well Sir, a- 
while,& forever.TheLordftreng- 
then u s, r hat though we be led into 
darkncflTe without light, yet wee 
mayleaneto him, and call on his 
name. Ifa child have his father by 
the handjthotjgh'he b^ in the dark, 
yet he is not afraid: fo is it wi th u?, 
while by the eye of Faith wee fee 
that iavifible one at our right hand 
to fupport and (ave us. I pray you 
commend me to my good friends a* 
bout you.Thoughl am called more 
on for writing, than my ftrength 
can well afFord.yet I cannot forget 
you overlong.NowIcomend you 
to the grace of that faulTful! Shep- 
herd, who will beare us when we 
are weary, ftrengchen us when 
weake, ke?p us again ft the Wolfe , 
yea, notlofeu*, but according to 
the will of his Father, ra;feuiup 
atthelaftday 5 towhombe glory 
forever: farewell. 
Yours in Ghriftianaffe&ionjP.B. 
F 3 13.O/4- 

A Chrijli** carefaH of bit promife. 


13. Chat or j. 
Y beloved Friend, now the 
throng is gone ; (b that nei- 
ther we can excufc any longer cur 
not inviting,r.or y on your not com- 
ming when you are called on. You 
know what words did paflc be- 
twixt us, farre be it that they 
(hould prove wind. I doc accom- 
plifli mine in rcquefting you to vi- 
fit us, you fliall difcharge your 
promife, when we in joy you pre- 
fcnt. We know that you have not 
wanted altogether iiitreaties to this 
purpofe : weeome after preferring 
the fame fuit more rehementIy 3 not 
quite out of hope to /peed: the la- 
rtfft Dog fometime taketh up the 
Hare, My wife will (if you be fo 
pleafed) meet you at Ware, when 
you fee forward, that you may 
know with what devotion (he cn- 
tertainesyourcommipg. AH cur 
waics are in the hand of God, hee 
teachcth us to commit them to 
him, that they may be direfted. 


In all out rvaies rvt muft fears God. 1 1 9 

We may go here and tbere^change 
aire and company, but the God of 
all confolation is hee from whole 
meere mercy in his Chrift wee re^ 
ceivc all our comfort : chearefu!- 
neffe of heart is his gift to thole 
that are good in his eyes.The Lord 
put his f eare in our hearts^ thaewe 
may never depart from him leaving 
the way of his com wdemen ts ; and 
give bs more and more his feare 
before us 3 in all out waies. For if it 
be a (pot in feafts, to eate and drink 
without feare,as lade faith ; fare it 
is likewifea fpot^ in our journeyes. 
The firft lines, are to pro yoke you 
to come ; thefe are to guide you in 
comming, that your way may be 
profperous; which I wilh-you 
from my heart, with all c^her fpi- 
rituall ble{Tings,for Ghrifts lake,ac- 
curled for us. . 

Wrice to us 5 whcn and how you 
will contrive your journey. Fare 
you wclk- 

Yours in the Lord, 
ParJ Baynr. 

f 4 14. m- 

.120 Concerning the education of&c* 

14. Dijfwaforj. 

LOvingiV. Awordintime^ is 
better than many out of feafon, 
when it is too late : I have talked 
with my wife, and I finde it true : 
Tim videntocptliqHamoculut: two 
are better than one. My wife is in 
love very care full of yourweale, 
and for the party to which one 
might mod probably incline, her 
thoughts are not without reafon a- 
verle. Firft, the education of Gen- 
tlewomen of that forr, doth teach 
them little to know, butgallancy 
in apparell 3 to call for fcrvice about 
themfelves. If they may come 
where they may have conforts 
to play a game at Maw while 
they arc vacant from their atten- 
dance. Againe,for feeds of Rdigi- 
on,you cannot groundlyconjcfturc 
them in her, which is the princi- 
pal! thing you would fecure your 
(elfe of: for good natures without 
Religion* are as we fay of the Di- 
vell, good oncly while they arc 
pleated, and when you found it 


\ Godly jealoufic of our filves profitable, 


enough to kcepe any duty to God, 
with the help of a Religious yoke- 
fellow, how cai you conceive 
hopes thisway, ifycuwantfuch 
a helper? Thirdly, her portion is 
but a little for your eft ate and cal- 
ling: God gave you muter of e. 
ftate equalling to hers, when you 
were many wa>es by many degrees 
unequallcoyour'felfe. Againe^tis 
by (implements of good will to be 
made up 3 which may occafion ft- 
cretcourfes ofrccompence.Think 
of thefe things : for thoughl pitcy 
your condition, yet I wiOi from 
my hear r 3 there may be no more 
haft e than fpeede: (oft fire make th 
fweeteft maulc. Labour to have 
your felfe in feare aid jealoufi^and 
marke the fecret folly of hear r,w ch 
raaketh uspoaft over our mourning 
part before God, and linger after 
the houfe of laughter. If ficke bo* 
dies fbould ftp onely, and let awjy 
the bitter potion, calling for re- 
paratives, the difeais fbould fur- 
ther and further be cherifoed : fa 
F K our 

« 2 2 I Love & hatred are not in our power. \ 

our ficke foules, if they leave their 
wormewood-draught too timely 
which wee fhould take next our 
heart, wee (hall mifle a great fur- 
cherance of puribules health. I a- 
gaine ofren thinke,it is not beauty, 
but Gods bleffing 3 which muft give 
you concentment,ancMove and ha- 
tred are. not in our power • if wee 
had our raoneths miad (erveJ, we 
arc fubjeft to grow into diflikc 
with that wee {o highly defired, as 
t he ftory oiAmnon & Thamar doth 
wicnefie. Againe,ifyoufindeyour 
mindc any thing impocently run- 
ning hither and thither (: s the fpi- 
rit of man knoweth the things of 
man ) bee affraid of having 
the thing you fodefire,Ieft it prove 
as.the, Qua !es which ftanckc in 
the mouthes of them that lulled 
after them* I pray you therefore, 
drive with your owee foulc for 
more gpdJy,forrow and wea- 
nednefle of minde : Deliberate 
flcwly, and then you (hall be able 
to. acQomplifh: boldly, expe&ing 


The Lord em helper in Temptations. 

from God a blefling of thofc waies 
which you have comendedro him, 

I have great bufineffe. Our Aft- 
tropolitans vifitation c5mcth (hort- 
ly,and I am warned to preach, be- 
fides many other occaiaons. Yet 
becaufe I love not after wifedome, 
I doe make way by force, to fend 
you in time a word by friendly 

We doe with our bcft hearts bid 
you farewell* . 

15, Confolatorjr* 

Si R, Your Letter came in the 
chiefeft of our harveft, fince 
the time, the firft weeke, you 
know our Carrier goeth nor* I 
can no longer be wanting to my 
duty fo farre, as to leave your let- 
ter unanfwered. Thus I paffe to 
that claufe, touching your late tri* 
all. I do defire to have fome feeling 
of your eftate ; and the Lord that 
kcepeth his, wheu they are almoft 
! loft in rhemfclves, keep you in this 
j and all other temptations. We have 

I JF**! 

1 2 ± If Miflj bj-rpaus out of ttmptatior;- 

great neede of God, to leadc us 5 in 
time of criall : there are many by- 
waies, at which our corruption 
and weakenefle will be ready to 
ftartour* and but onelyone true 
way, which will bring us to fee a 
goodiflTue, in Gods ftafon. Some- 
times wee are in danger, as hath 
beene taught us, to let light by 
Gods corre&ions, and play hide- 
bare with him; thinking well, if 
wee can ward offthefmareinany 
fafhion s fomerime we aie Impati- 
enr,outwardly and apparently kic- 
king at the fturre^ like theff plun- 
ging Hoxf. a, which will no: indure 
their Rider : fbmetime inwardly 
andfccretly repining and frecting, 
like thofe Horfes, which digeft 
their cholcr^by biting their bridles, 
If wee neither dcfpife 3 nor impati- 
ently rife againft the hand of God., 
yet our weakenefle is ready too 
nuchto take to heart that which 
is our exerdfe, (o that our fpirix 
drooperh and faiiteth ; and this is 
worfc 3 becaufc it is commonly ac- 
1 . companied 


compared wii h 4 wilfull iadifpoii- 
tion, which will not let as receive 
fuch things, by which we might be 
trucly comforted: as in Iacob^ho 
would not be comforted, but fol- 
lowed his tonne to the Grave, 
moutt/ing. I doubt not, bu: God 
keepeth you both from the former; 
I hope, from tivs latter alfo. Wee 
muft take our com&ion,and hum- 
ble our felves under the fmarc of it; 
but wee muft looke to Ghrift^ that 
hce would not let our faith, hope, 
and meekeneffe of minde, be Sha- 
ken. If God fhould have told you 
both; I will give you two chil- 
dren, you (hall bring them up fo 
long for mee, and I will cake rbero 
agaiie- would you oc: have ac- 
cepted it gladly? The event doch 
tell you no kffe, than if he bad be- 
fore-hand thus fpoken unto you. 
God is the duefe Father of all tht 
Families in Heaven ardEarch 5 we 
are but fofter-parents to our ownc 
children, When my Uft childe was 
, taken to God, my good friend, our 

1 1 6 j UMotives to betre equally the 

Preacher, did fometime {hew roee 
many Motives,why I fhould bearc 
it equally. 

rarft, That they, wken thus 
fbone,are crowned through Chrift, 
without having experience of that 
fighr^whichroakethuscry, Omi- 
ferable^&c.and thinkeour lives of- 
ten a burthen to us. 

Secondly Jc is not Ioveto thern, 
when we arc perfwaded, that God 
is their God, which maketh us 
grieve at their taking hence : ic is 
felfe-love,or carnall a ffe&'ron : For 
Chrift told his Difciples, If yee lo- 
ved mejee would be glad,becaufe 
I gre to the Father. And what 
meafure doe wee offer God, who 
can fend our childictx farre from 
us, where wee are never like to fee 
them againe, if they may doe well 
with man, and yet cannot well 
beare to have them taken out of 
figbt by the Lord, though wee are 
pcrfwaded their (pints are with 
him? Wee mud Labour for fuch 
goo3 hearts,^ may pot be content 

death of my children. 

I2 7 

perforce to lcc him take, but may 
willingly yeeld, even our children 
(if it were by ftcrifidng them with 
our ownc hands) to him who hath 
not thought his only Begotten too 
deare for us, but hath given him to 
death for our fakes. If God fhould 
have riven the Tree afunder, I 
meane, fevered you one from ano- 
ther^ muft have been taken thank- 
fully ; but much more when hce 
jeaveththe Tree, and taketh but 
the fruit, yea, but part of char, lea- 
ving the one halfe yet wiih you. 

Thirdly,ar d laftly, Ic is a token 
wee felt not his love, nor received 
them not from bis hand, as wee 
ought to have done^ if wee (hould 
notchankfully give then; backe to 
him, Anna receiving Samnd as a 
gift gotten by petition from God, 
did readily part with him to God 
againc ; (b Abraham with his feed, 
which by Faith in the Promife hee 
had ob:ained. I know wc are ready 
tothinkthefe thing^are truc^ but a 
Parent4ikc affc&o^cannateafily 



We mufl lone Godbtttter than,&c. 

fhakc hands with, and yccld op 
things fo dearcly beloved.lt is true 
indeed, that while we pleade love 
to our children, what unkindnefie 
do we bewray toward God ; if my 
heart did not To love them, I could 
give them thee ? Calmly to thinke 
on this, which yet is contained in 
that Exception above named, were 
able to make one blufh, that his 
heart fhould be fo cold in his love 
to God-ward, as not willingly to 
pare with any thing it Iovech, at 
Gods cill : alas, to yeeld that wee 
greatly care not for, is nogodarmr- 
cy. ButIhope,Godslbvedorhnot 
make his hand grievous ; nc'uher 
would Ihave thus late written thus 
much.butthat it is good to be pro- 
vided againft all things to come. 
For as when fire catcheih, wee Fee 
how f arre it is gone, but know not 
where it will (by; even fo ic is, 
when thefirebfaffli£Vion(in which 
Faith is proved) is once kindled. 
The fecond meficnge: told nor I A 
all his forrbj? at once ; ic is wife- 

yVcmiiflthankf God far the, &c. 

dome fiill to provide for the 
worft, the befi: will Gve it felte. 

1 6. 

MY beloved Friend, and Chri- 
(tian Sifter, ifl my felfc had 
been a good Scribe,you (hould noc 
have been thus long unwritten ro : 
My afflftiontoyourdeceafed Mo- 
rher,who did requeft ic at my hand, 
and the love I bareyourfeife,would 
long fince have inforced it; but my 
hand cannot doe, what my heart 
would. Nevertheleflk, feeling my 
felfe not like to live to fee your 
face,I have got the help of anothers 
hand,to report what my heart doth 
fpeake unto you, out of that Chri- 
ftian love which bindcth us tocon- 
fider one another,and provoke one 
another co love. I may thanke God 
for thole good things, which I 
know his grace hath done in you. 
For the conlcionable reverence of 
your deceafed Parent, was of him, 
who writeth in the heart that com- 
mandement of honouring the Pa- 
i rent, 

130 DinUions tojtirre up our duties \&c . 


rent, as well as others. A grace 
which God^who worker h ic, hath 
promifed to crowne with much 
profperhy. Ocher things A(o per- 
vade rnc of your piety; but God I 
will teach you to know the things 
beftowed on you : neither are wee 
much to harpe on this ftri g, un- 
k(T: we were in conference aflured, 
that it were needfull to ftrengthen 
each other with figncs of a good 
eflate; as the Phyficia s doe on 
hearth flk Patients, with repeating 
good tokens of recovery. Yet we 
that are taught of him, to fee ought 
that his grace doth in us, mud 
bleffe him;md Ganders by, who by 
a fpirit of decerning obferve the 
fame,muft joyne with us in thankf- 
givirg. I will leave therefore this 
matter, and take occafion to ftirre 
you up to duty to your heavenly 
Father^whora I know to have been 
dutifull of confeience to earthly. 
Firft, you muft labour to know 
your God; and in Chrift^your mer- 
cifull Fatfrcr : for we by nature are 
• like 

Wc mttft know God j om Father. 

i ■ m m . m i ■ » 

like runnagatechildren, who have 
never kepc necre tluir Parents i 
houfe 5 or like the Prodigall 5 which ! 
left his fathers houfe^ and becooke ! 
him to Harlots: Co out hearts have j 
left our God,and knownothingby I 
nacure, but the things of this 
world, v^kh which we comT,ir fpi- 
ricuall Harlotry. Now there is 
none by nature, that feeke sf:er 
God. But wee that doe in Chrift, 
find him in part/ muft more and j 
more grow up, in the acknowled- 
ging ofhim. What a grace lefle part I 
would we condcmne it io for our 
telves, ifwefhould not know our 
Parents here(as by pride and hecd- 
Itflcrudeneffe, fbme children will 
not) much more fhould wee be a- 
(hamed, not to take notice of our 
heavenly Father?Nay, we muft the 
more cry after him, the more blef. 
(edneffe we know there is,tn in joy- 
ing of him : as the children that 
taflethe (weetnefle of the loving 
Parent, cry when they fceme to be 
left. Butifycuaskehowyoumay 
know > | 

32 Hexvrvemay kgowGod. 

know? lanfwer: Firft,youmuft 
gee your eyes wiped, the eyes of 
your minde : Secondly, you muft 
know where to feeke him. Our 
eyes are{bre,and full of fcales : and 
thercfore,if men be carcfull to have 
the eyes oftheir body dreffed^yea, 
indure fharpe waters, rainer than 
their fight fhould faile ; fo much 
more muft wee feeke to God, for 
the Eye-falve of hisSpirir,the one- 
ly Clary chat eleareth fickc fights : 
Yea, welcome Gods Affii&ions, 
which are his ftrong Waters, to 
reftore our Seeing. 

Now could you fee, and knew 
not where to finde him, yon were 
never rhe better. Therefore you 
muftknow thl«, that if you will 
feeke him,y ou muft looke at Chrift 
his Sonne, in whom the Father is, 
for they are one. When a childe is 
li ke the Parent, wee (ay, If you fee 
(uch a one, you fee his Father, for 
he is the fame up and downe as his 
Father was. Bat Chrift is liker 
the Father^ than any childe the na- 
i turall 

Wt mujl love God, and why. 

rurall Parent. For the fclfe-fame 
ifMMecing fpiriruall God, who in 
Sellowfhip of his Perfon, hath a 
Souleand Body glorified, the fame 
Spirituall Nature xs the Nature of 
:he Father : as if the fame Soule 
jwd Body which is in you, were 
Srommunlcated with the perfbn of 
bour chiide. Sccondly,as you ieekc 
to know him more, fo yon rauft 
jfeeke to love him and pleafe him in 
pll things, being more fruitful! in 
|fcrving him,than you hav? beene : 
(And good reafbn 3 Love is the wher- 
ftone of Love. If you (hould fo 
love one, as to give your little S^a 
to death for his fake, would you 
not thinfce it an intolerable parr, 
not to be confidered with love a* 
gaine ? Yet God (b loved us, that 
hee gave his onely Begotten ; that 
weebeleevingin him, ftiouldnot 
perifh, but have life erernall. Aid 
for our childreo,Do we not Iooke^ 
thowgh they be full of play when 
they are y oung,yet,that being bet- 
ter growne, they rnuft lcarne fome 




Lwt to God tried hy its working. 

honeft calling, which may do them 
good another day? So the Lord, 
though hchavcagenclehandover 
uvwhile wee are tender ; yet doth' 
Iooke, that wee after wardt> fhould 
bemorefruicfulljnd ferviceable to 
him,M.i2 2. The righteous are 
compared to Trees; which, wheo 
firft planted, bearcfew, but grow 
till they come to carry mmy bran- 
ches. Now, if you would cry your 
love 3 you muft fiode it out by irs 
working. What contentment you 
take in that Pretence, which is to 
be had by Faith; what longing you 
have to be-with God; what love ro 
his tokens ; what love to children, 
and friends. As fcr example: Lo- 
ving your Husband above all men^ 
there is none whole prefence you 
care for,or take contenment in,like 
his. So laich the fakhfullfouleto 
God ; What have I in Heaven but 
j thee ? What in Earth, in compari* 
(on of thee > Againe, if your Huf- 
baad were in fomc other Country, 
how would you long for his re- 


TLffitts ofouY love t9 God* 

tume unto you, or that you might 
follow him? So the loving foule 
to God, f*ith ; Oh, who fhall deli- 
verrrec from this body! Oh,icis 
beft for mc to bz with Chrift ! 
Shee would goe to him. I looke 
for the appearance of the great 
God,who fnall makemy body like 
his glorious Body, by the Power 
| which fubdueth all things. Ifrwo 
[truely loving were concrafLd, 
I would not every weeke feme a 
:yeere, till the Wedding? Wee are 
by Faith contra&ed to God, in 
Chrift : how fhould we long to fee 
our Marriage folemnized? Endea- 
vour to pleafe him, grieve ifought 
crofle your loving Husband. A 
Letter from a friend, we love, and 
fet by it : If we have a Token,how 
we kecpe it, and are glad of it ? So 
the Word of God, which is his 
L^tcer,Oh! how glad ischefoule, 
that loves the God of it ? I rejoyced 
in thy Statutes^ more than in all 
Wealth. So the Sacraments^ which 
are the Pledges of himfdfe to us, 




Wee lovi not God as we ought. 

theft are the love-tokens hee fen- 
dech to us> while wee are abfent 
from him in the body, Laflly, by 
loving his Children, and friends. 
You loving your Husband^ thinke 
his friends welcome, and love 
them. Could you thinke one lo- 
ved yoi^and loved not your fonne? 
So they chat love him that beget- 
tcth, love him alfo who is begor- 
ten, i lob.*).!' Nowthen.Ietusnot 
be falfe to our owne hearts, and 
wee may confeife that wee want a 
great deale of love to our God : 
for,when arc we glad at the hearty 
and re Joyce in our God > When do 
we long after his appearing ? Nay, 
God is faine to fmo3ke us forth of 
this World with many trialis., and 
yet wee will not arife, and come 
away in our affe&ion. When arc 
wee heartily joyfull to heare his 
voyce, and receive his tokens ? 
When dbe weebufie our head to 
pleafe him 1 and when doth it cut 
us at the heart, if hee be offended > 
Now then, if you fee you want it, 


Therefore rpefHHfttakeJbameto^&c. \ 137 
1. ■ -»■ ■ -- 1 . -t i, i ■ » 
what mult you doc ? You muft 
fhame your owne heart within 
your iclfe,and fay; What a wretch 
ami! If my heart could be glad of 
j every ftrangerscompany,and were 
; dead within me, not joying in my 
Husbands prefence ; were bufie a- 
! bout other things; negligent to my 
Husband 5 longed for other men ; 
' never wi{hedtofeehtrn>ifabfent : 
i what a fhamefull part were this in 
I me? Yet thus it is : my foule is 
married to thee(Lorc$) thou hadft 
no D j wry with me, but beggerie, 
and fpirituall filthinefle, yet thou 
; boughteft mee deare, and haft put 
mee in no fcfle than Heaven, for 
: my Joynture • and yet loe, I can 
• finde a alternation, and be merry 
! at this or that earthly thing •, I can 
'long to have earthly matters 
I which I lick ; I can be carefull how 
to pleafe man, and be grieved, 
when ought doth crofle his liking ; 
but am lacking in them all, to- 
ward thee. Then feeing this, and 
how your heart is full ot Harlotry 
G love 


i 3 8 

Get love to God^ and get every thing. 

love to creatures, you muft cry ro 
God; lordhelpemer, pare away 
this Clfe*love,and falfe love to the 
creature, and make me love thee; 
Lord,drawmeafcerthee,and Khali 
follow tbeeas taft. And ftrengthen 
your (elfe in faith., and God will 
give it you : for this i? his pro- 
raife, I willcircumcife your hearts, 
and make you ro love mee with all 
your hearts : Gee this, and you get 
everything. This will make that 
which is irkefometotheflrflb, be 
raeateand drinketoyou, andde- 
lightfull. Is not the Nurcery of 
the Childe, a homely piece of 
worke ? Yer, becaufe the Mother 
loveth ir,though her fkepe be bro- 
ken, and her hand foiled, flieeun- 
dergoeth it gladly. And not onely 
dothitconftraineus, bu; make us 
patient. What will not a wife wo- 
man beare, and pocket patiently 
from a Husband fhe loveth ? Now 
one thing more I will vvarne you 
of, and end; and that is a good 
meaneofihe former. Whilcftyou 


Moitt4iiontn\witQt*r%hly things. \ 139 

live,learnc co weane you ielfc from 
the things of this world; let htm 
that buyeth, marrievh, &c. For 
( hec who immoderately loveth the 
j things of this world, as Pride 3 Pro- 
fi:,and PJcafure,tbc love of the Fa- 
ther is not ia him. Shee that hath 
loved one man rrucly,Oie is fped,as 
we fay ; (he can love no more Hus- 
band, Children, Poffeffions; much 
tefle the proud vanities and rio- 
tous Goffippings of thefe Times. 
Asanhoneft Woman mu ft flyc the 
Stewes, fomuft wee not have our 
hearts (eene among thele things. 
And this is more cafe toroyeaie- 
lefle flefh, that God gave me mean- 
ntflc of roinde, and negleft of fuch 
carnall courfcs, in which I might 
have had ray (hare, that I wifli all 
ray Chriftian friends may receive 
that grace from him, which I try 
by experience to have fo precious 
effeS. The Lord keepe you. 




Ckrift takes away the cur fe offirme. 

LOving N. I received your Let- 
ters ; in which,you fignifie the 
confumraation of that, which I 
I wifh profperous.The ground of all 
profperity,isGods bleffing : with- 
out which, every thing is a deadly 
poifon to us $ whether ic tafte bic- 
- terras crofles ; or fweet^a s the more 
ftcccffefullifluesof things; whe- 
ther ic kill with painfull gripings, 
as evills ; or caft afleepe, and move 
laughtcr,as thofe things do,which 
in them (elves are to be efteemed 
outward bleffings. The poifons 
fpiritual I, for tafte and effeft, carry 
[ no Ieffe than corporall. Now the 
ground of blefiing in all things, is 
JefusChrift, our Redeemer, bea- 
ring our Gurfe for us, (Gal.%. 13.) 
and (wallowing our defer ved Cup 
up,inco an unfained blefling.I hope < 
the eye of your fbulc lookcthup| 
to him, who was lifted upon the 
curled Crofle, to heale that Curfe, 
wherewith Sinne and the Divell, 
t bat old Serpent, have flung us. A- 

We muftfubmit to Godsyoake. 

gaine, I doub: nor,but your Wives 
prayers (who is now departed)are 
on record in Heaven, and your 
Sifters prayers (wh ) flilllivtth) 
are not in vaine before hin^who is 
I a God hearing prayer : Both have 
! wi (lied you bie&dnefle, through 
\ Jefus Chtift. I would h^ve beene 
with you before this Letter, but 
j chat Gfd huh let my wives weak- 
n^&Mo be more than ordhay. We 
mufttake up our C oflTxS^nd when 
God bidJeth us yoake, hce is the 
wiiahmnchatyecideth his necke 
moft willingly. Thishath made me* 
ftay hitherto; buttle Lord esfiig 
his hand, I relume my purpofe, of 
farisfying your c?efire,andmeane to 
follow my Lett cat the heeles.The 
Lord make it prosperous. You cell 
meg a loving Tale, of bringing up 
your Wife, to enter her into my 
acquaintance. Tf you had no Bro- 
ther at Cambridge, it were pity my 
Sifter ftiould be no fooner a Wife, 
than a Widow.You know the Law 
of the firft yeere. 

G % The 


Chriflidn Queries, and 

The God of Love give you ho- 
ly love in hira, and kerpethe fire 
in, when ic is kindled. I hope I 
fhall never forget my Chrifiian du- 
ty to yoi^of being a helper to your 
faith; itftialIgohard,whenIhelp 
you not with a fhort Curry of mat- 
ter to this purpofe* My Wife re- 
members you and her Sifter to 
God; and lee my love reft with 
you, till God give rae leave code 
you. Farewell. 


LOving Coufio, I have a cold 
fpirir, who fhew thee no more 
love : but bcare with mce in this 
Winter of mine, and if ever the 
Son of Rightcoufnefle be pleafed 
to make Summer with me, no one, 
without my felfe, (ball have more 
intereft in the fruits I then fhall be 
taken with. Jt may be, the thred 
of your life fhall be drawoe out fo 
farre, as to fee thefe words prove 
workes; which the Lord haftcr. ! 
How goeth the matter with your | 
poorefoule > how doth it get up? 


Incentives to Devotion. 


How is it made ready every mor- 
ning? Howwalkerhitalltheday, 
when it is once with the folemni- 
ty of Devotion difpatched > Doth 
the eye of che foule wake without 
mittcr, like that heavie matter 
which in fame eyes and heads (coo 
much (luffed) is often difcerned"? 
You may know if ic be cleare; 
Fir ft, it will ke God in hisChrift, 
through the g!affe of his Word, 
and it will at eafc hold waking be- 
fore him. If you thus wake, you 
have the dart of me,my fh up-win- 
dowes are longer in opening, than 
me chinks I Ice you in making rea- 
dy. Sometimes the mift of my 
ownedarknefle, fometimes earth- 
ly humours do- (hoo:e into them; 
fometiroes a fpiritof ftamber and 
fl)ch dodi offer to clofe them- 
fometimes clouds of fpin^uill 
darkneffe doe ovsr-caft them : fo 
that, though they are waked, and 
inthemfelveslightfome^ yet they 
fee nothing, by reafonofchatob- 
fcurhie which is without them. 
G 4 w^erc- \ 


Mans dulaejfc to bolinejfe. 

wherewith they are invironed : as 
it is with a man that fittcch with 
his eyes wide open, in a Roome, 
where neither light of Sunnenor 
Candle commech. Now^ while a 
man is flying to Chrift, to get the 
inward dimncflc of his fight clea- 
red, (for he can make his Clay and 
Spittle heale them) while heeget- 
teth the diftillation of by-though i s 
flopped, by looking co him w ho 
unites our hearts to himfelfe, who 
wofketh all our workes for u >; 
while hee feeketh to that quick- 
ning Spirit, to fcatter his (lumber, 
and laboureth him, who is Light ; 
itfelfe, toexpell thofe excernall 
darknefies invironinghi*n; while 
one man is tasked with this work, 
another, not thus moleftcd, is rea- 
dy,andhathdifpatched. WelI,our 
God doth accept it for one of his 
ficke fervants fore-noone workes, 
to fettle their clothes orderly a- 
bout them, I mention thefe things, 
to lend you fbme light j by which, 
you may better fee your privilege, 


Tbrthkefolnejje to Lhrifl the, &c. 

who are not forced tofpendyour 
ftrerg^h in facha fafhion. Bat the 
maa that is well waked, mift 
have movbg, as well as ienfe re- 
turned. Howdoetheaffrdionsof 
your heart foot it to Chrift,in way 
of thanktfulneffe, who hath led 
you all your daies? who is that 
Prince, that makech peace in you ; 
whofe (scree, is the ftrengih of 
your heart, that it fanteth not; 
whole favour is tba r . Sbiel J,which 
doth fo cover you,thateviils have 
no leave to affaile you, muchkffe 
toprevaileagainftyou? Is your 
h :arr, in the copfcious underftan- 
of any benefit^affcftionate to- 
ward him ? Then you are truly a- 
wake, and ligh* fome, like to pafle 
that day without too rruch weari- 
neffc, which *is with (b fiefli a fpi- 
ilc entred: then that Smm ofRtgh* 
uonfneffe hath got you up. For as a 
greater fire draweth forth a leffery 
and as the Sun bodily rifing daily 
omus,dt;thdraw forth the fpirits 
ogfeofe and movng, which are in 
G 5 the 

M* v I 

The Souk' rLaver. 

the bodily creature; fo doth that 
light and life of lirael, by his 
work, though not perceWed,draw 
forth this fpirituall motion of the 
liteofGodinus, whereby we diC 
cerne him, and in thankefulnefle 
make towards him. When your 
foulc is now awaked 5 what doth it 
wa(h with, what doth irputon? 
As we Chriftians have both guilt 
and deformed blot of fione, to we 
have a daily laver, even blond and 
waterjfor our Chrift came in b nh, 
to :each,thar he came not onely to 
make atoucmert for the gnile of 
feme, but d th alfocleankusby 
his S|)iri : . ttom the fpot of cor- 
ruption* Now then if you looke 
at that great God, as your Righ- 
tcoulhefle, by faith an his blond, 
(lied with ftnfc of the carfe due to 
our fince; and if you looke to 
Chrift, who Is made of God your 
S&ndifier, to ckanfe you from 
thofe. inherent' fpots d*ily, then 
ycu have waftieo in the Fouoraine 
opeacd for Ifracl, and are lb clean- 

J ht SoHks c R s atmtnt and Armour. 

fed (have you but orxe waftied in 
this kindc) that you (hall ocver 
be defiled throughout againe^ as 
Ghrift fpeaketh. Neverthclcffe, 
there mult be Raiment upon the 
Sjnle, yea^ it muft be cbdwich 
compleat Armour, for it iscoro- 
paflfid with cucmies^and the life of 
uis a warfare. Now, when wee 
looke to Chritt by faicb, as our 
Sintfificrand-falvatioty hen we are 
thusclothed : heisourSa oftiBer 9 
who muft bringall our graces from 
one degree to another^ making 
thathghtofholineffe, that image 
of himfelfe the fccord Adam ,grow 
up in us, as the light of the mot- 
Ding, till it c5mech to the ftrength, 
taketh increafe. H*e muft be our 
Viceroy, (read Satan under our 
feet, diffolvehis works, crufhthe 
head of him for us, hce muft fi j fh 
the worke of his Grace with his 
ownc power. Well, when you are 
thus forward 5 how-de:hyour fouie 
walke,put:i git felfs: forth in aftt- 
onMcxhi: go limping? djthit reft 
s and \ 

1 48 I The Joule J face, Cbrifl mends it. 

and can goc no further, as weary ? 
Doth it feare it (hall not hold ouc > 
Is it made fad, with wont of any 
thing 1 Many a good fbule walkcth 
thus, and puzzle the m fo, that they 
cannot goc onfredy ; bat I hope, 
no earthly lufts fall abeir your feer, 
It may be ie is weary fometime$ 3 
and is fearefull, and is made fad, 
through fbmc kiide of circurr- 
ftance. WelUet us gee confeience 5 
what painfulnefie* what weaii- 
nefle, what weaknefle, what fcare 
doth attend us > O jr fpirhs bdng 
orce poore in the privity they 
have of thefe matters, (hall no 
fbonerlooke with the eye of f if: 
to Chrift, but the matter ftali be 
merded. Hee if is that make. 
kmetoleape, like*Hin;-e; who 
tn jrgcthrhehea>r, to run in the 
uaeroftheComan ements. L« oke 
to HitD,thef aithfullShcpheid,who 
tafceth up the weary Snecpe, that 
through feeblereff; ca/» go no fur- 
tbei : to Hira,to whom the casing 
of our eye is the renewing of ou* 

Cbriftthefinijber ofoxr Faith. 14 9 

ftre gth.Againft fcarc of pcrfeve- 
ring, challenge him as the auchour 
and tinifher ot your faitfyevcrcnt- 
lyttllhia), it is a piece of his Fa- 
thers will thatheftoi Idnotonely 
give you co be lie v^ ar d his Spirit 
for a time, buc chat he (hould raife 
you op at the laft day. lob t 6 59, 
FinJly, looke to your Gd> that 
hathfaiJ to *Abraham md all bi- 
lecvingfodofhi n, W Ike before 
~tve, IamGodA I^fficieiif. Tell 
him you have noihiug buc him- 
fclfe, in heaven nor yet in earth, in 
comparifonofhim^ a;;d he cannot 
but (apply with himlclfe, cve;y 
thing toy u- 

Thus the askrg a qucflion, 
which I did not thmfce of, yvhcfl I 
fecpenco paper, hathcirawne me 
on to ma^ccr not i mended. I caa- 
notnowanntxe the o her, for my 
Let^r is fen; for. I have beene 
neiiher well this five weeko, nor 
yet ficke enough to make mee 

The Lord be our daily flrengtb, 

l . 

1 5j o Gods children fubjt ft to fickle JJi . 

dirc&ion, bldfing, comfort, ano 
prou&ion for ever. 
\ 9 . 

MYdeareFuend^and Brother, 
in him, whoisnotafoarned 
to call lis brethren,! cwnot but fi- 
lm* you, and let yuu heare how it 
is with me : for I know, my lines 
cannot o me to you mors /bone 
than welcome. I was fcarceal jil- 
ted f rem my horfr, but ar>aguifh 
diftcmfcrdidfciz^onmcj and fol- 
low me in manner of an Hcfitcke, 
to which I have a habitude, eve.s 
in my beft healch. B.fide, I have 
been troubled wich (ucb an infl m- 
mation of fome of thofe interior j 
vifcera, that I cold notfl^petwo 
houre?, but extreni y of inward 
heats would auakenne In which 
kind I went fome five wee kes, but 
now I thanke God, my body, 
though a liltle more bettered , is in 
fuchltate as formerly it hath b^nc. 
Fotmy (oule,Uti!lgooninyerr s 
j and rnontjbsoflabour,accordii ga 
[my Lord hath meafared. I fct& 
l fuel 


TheChriJiiam coojl$8. 


fiich ignorance of God and all his 
waie^ Co many yet res coward me D 
fuch folly^ which kcrprch me from 
caking any tiling to hcsrr, which 
refpe&eth G<;d, orcor.ceir.eth my 
f< lfe, fach upcircumcifion of heart, 
which makrth me thar I ca wot be 
j holily poore and abjcft-, 'hough 
confciousofinnuTjerabkm drives, 
paft, prefect,, eminent, which 
mtghrmovemethereco: Laftly,! 
fe^lc fuch a Sdfe-ftfficien~y, ss 
will noc let me perceive what need 
I have of my God to be with mee, 
for quickniog, ftrengthening,cem- 
fortiug dire&ing.proffk ring of me 
in my courf?, though this breath 
of ournofiriUJa nor more neceffa- 
ryto the b tffig and continuing of j 
this bodily life, chanishisblefikd ! 
prefence^ to the caufing and main- ' 
raining of all our comforr. Theft 
things doe renew :heir aflaojc on 
me every day ; and norwithfta-idi jg 
I renew daily my endevour a- 
gainfhhem, yet I Cinnotrrover 
u:ch fu^-ply of Grace, as frr.uld 



Sinm is neAkjitdby degrees. 

make mee walke more large this 
\*ay. But hard lefla.s are not ea- 
fily learned. 

Sometime finding frul! eff ft, 
lam ready to thinkc, rr.y labour is 
invaine, butwtanlconlidir, a!l is 
not in vaine, whofe effeft doth not 
prefently appeare : fecdeis lvg 
ly, ftrengch fpirituall doth c xpell 
fpiticua! corruptions itrength na- 
tural! (kkehcmors.Strcrg h natu- 
ral], ifr it b? in falncITe, ic doth y?- 
mul&fcmtl purge out that matter 
\fchich is contrary co k : bjt ific be 
in mediocrity, it doth cxpell f> 
farce, that though Gekc nutter ft ill 
remuine,y tt ir is hgncened,and be- 
conimetti more tolerable to nature. 
Neither is eating and drinking in 
jbecaufe we cannot (o refrefh 
our (Uvts,but chat hunger vnllftill 
re (urne un ui- Sometime (he fami- 
liarity of iij do h make merea'y 
top fT 3 by i% not moved at alia- 
ga nft it : tven as things off-nfive 
to uature at fiiii, growbycuftorae 

rfgainjl mar in rffe in boltnefli. 153 

lefle gtievou?. But IfhetoGod^ 
who hath promifed to pucall en- 
mity in us again!! the feedc of the 
Serp?nr,which we find to remaine 
within us; I fay comyChrft, as 
hou doeit reach me this cup, like a 
daily diet drinke, fomakeitwhol- 
forne to me. Sometime wcarincffe 
doth fcrprife mc: thenlthinkeof 
rftaeJ,amongIt whofetemptations, 
one was from the length of the 
way^evoi wearineffeof wandring. 
I Iooke to Orift, and pray him to 
ftrengthen me, that I may fol'ow 
the M*rch, that I may follow him 
whither(oever hee leadech. Then I 
chinke when are men weary (be- 
ing refrefhed with fleep) to refume 
their earthly affaires ; I fay with 
my felfe 5 for what doeft thou keep 
mc? for what docft thou refrcfh 
me ? O ray Shepherd,thou haft no 
other wooll nor milke from mee ! 
Agaipe, I confiier how dangerous 
it is to intermit, if when I have the 
moft fervent indeavours, I finde it 
enough to walke weakely, what 


I 4 ' v ' ■ " ' ■ " * »" — 


#>« mujl not flint at our deadnejfe. 

would become ot mee, were chefe 
negle#ed ? Lord, inlarge my heart 
with thy ftrengih, that I may Gaf- 
fer hardfhip like a good Souldier, 
without (hrinkJn^ at it. I thinke 
you know the like thing* in dead- 
nefle,huc feare not, nor^intnor, 
though wee be to that life of his, 
like as cold water and dry afhe's are 
to heat, in which naturally, heat 
canncv* j r be fixed, yet when our 
God hath proved our faith and pa- 
tience, he, who calleth the things 
that are not, as if they were, hee 
who calleth light out of darknelfe, 
will imprint in our foulcs, and 
make thefe things as fixed poffcf 
fions with us, which now like ligh- 
tening? are not more fbone mini- 
fcfted, than vanifhed : His forbea- 
rance is but till the fitteft time for 
hime to give it,andus to receive it • 
the Lord make us, in the meanc 
while,of underftanding hearts. 

We in outward things wirti to 
be cured rather (ecurely than fpee- 
dily, neither would we have Sum- 


The miscarrying of a Letter. 

net in Winter, for the Winter is as 
neceflaryfortherooring of things 
is the Summer to make things 
hoot forth withfrutefmilingly. 

Youriin Chriftianaffc ftion, 
Paul Bape. 

20. ViulUry. 

MYdeare Friend., the heare- 
(ay of your welfare is to me 
raoft welcome. I was forry that my 
letter mif-carricd,but there cm be 
no deft ft in any inftrumeor , which 
doth not caderefnb ele&iofjemfupre^ 
misrtificu. If the fruit of our body 
prove abortive^we praifebim^how 
much more muft wee fan&ifie his 
wife providence 5 whcn the like cafe 
fallcth out but in a letter^ which is 
fuch a birth of the minde, as may 
by a fecond conception be framed 
againcwith advantag ?Idid write 
vntoyou (bme things concerning 
myowneeftate, how I found my 
heart in my vifitacion^ what was 



1 5 6 

Deaiveffe offptrit : Why God 

my pra&ic",eventocompjfn thofc 
walls of darknefle which I decer- 
ned in my felfe 3 and in filence and 
reft to wait on my God for his fal- 
vation in the downfall of them. I 
count it impertinent to rub up my 
memory in regard of that, I this 
waydifcoutfed, though in the cir- 
cumrtanccs I then uUd, icdidbe- 
feerne my condition, and would 
have rtliflied well co your undcr- 
ftandirg. A fecond branch of my 
It t:er concerned your fel?,aadthis 
uncomfortable deadneffe which a- 
gaine you mention, the heads 
whereof I will labour to recall as 
I may, though I cannot reach that 
ftraine in which I found my felfc 
when I indited the former. 

About this deadncfle of fpiric, I 
did conGder two things. Fir(>,the 
reafbns for which God did let 
it hang about us. Secondly, the 
courfc wee" were to take againft it. 
The Lord doth it for many good 
ends. i. That it may be a fpur in- 
citing usto'goe forth to him,who 


lets it hang about w. 

is the quickning fpiric, that thus 
wc might experimentally findeche 
quickning vertue of Chrift, who 
doth lighten our eycs,and bring us 
out of thefe fits to fecle our fclves 
alive before him, could wee thirft, 
after the living God, did wee not 
differ thisdefe6t of life. Men feeke 
not thofe things abroad, which 
they are full of at home. Hence it 
is, that when God will bring us to 
himfelfe, as the'foundacion of this 
or that good,which he would com- 
raunicate^hcedoth follow us with 
experience of the contrary in our 
/elves, that being confeious how it 
is with us, wee might flis to him 
whoisAH-fofficienr. Againe, we 
cannot experimentally know God 
to be in Chrift a quickning fpiric 
fhould <ve not feele an intercourse 
of his death, and a powerfull ex- 
puifingofit from his vertue wor- 
king in us. The more often the Pa- 
tient growing into paine, is eafed 
by Phyficke, the more experimen- 
tally he feeth the Art of the Phyfi- 



J)t*dnefft efjfirtt-jphy God lets it be 

can and benefit of Medicine. 
Thii iy we have this remainder of 
de^h 3 iha r wee may better co di- 
dtrofournatarallertate^ how of 
oil* iclves v*e ire whollyeftranged" 
from the life of Gad: for what we 
remaine in part, thac we are whol- 
ly by nature. 

Fourrhly 3 that wee might the 
becter bclpe others in this tempta- 

Fifitly, that we might tafte our 
life more fweetly^ and prcfervc ic 
more carefully: we find with plea- 
fare th 1 1 we feeke with paine.Sixt- 
ly, that wc may know, and teach 
othf rs how they muft depend on 
God for the confidering and mc- 
ving of their grace daily, as well 
for the being^nd firft producing of 
it. Laflly, that we may be led into 
th«r knowledge of our owne hearts, 
whether that workc is in thkm 
which will ftrivc for life, as every 
thing that hath life, will flruggle 
to part with it, or whether they 
will paffe it over hecdkflely and 


m m\ bow to carry onrfelvcs^ &c. 


fl tbfully. Certainly if we marKc 
the working of our fpirits, and 
courfe of God in fuch an cvill h w ; 
wee will leame oac of ic manifold 
wifedome. Now for the courfe 
wee are to take, ic ftandcefy firft, 
inrefolving to encou terthisdif- 
eate,thenin pra&ifinorhat wem*y 
be cleared of ic : the Divdl w^ill be 
ready if we ftirre t hh way to fcrve 
a Safer ftdeas^ fbmetime by fiigge- 
fting chat the nature of this is no 
fuch thing as may not be borne^ ic 
doth not wafte the conference, but 
fuch foolifh parientS;>who will not 
venknti occur ere merbo, they at 
length are paid home with paine, 
fo much the more, by how much 
they have the longer delaied. Iu 
theb^dy, lccamannotcxpellthe 
fuperfluity nature hath contra&ed, 
the q entity or acrimony of it will 
to increafe, tha? he fhall be forced 
to come to it with more paine, or 
there will be bred on bim fbme 
painfull fickneffe. Let us ftrive to 
expcll every fuch matter in our 



Satans fttggeftionsin dcadntjji>&c\ \ 

fbulc8,we (hall find ir tniw in (bules 
as well as bodies, Retemio <xcre- 
mentor urn eft parens morbi. 

Secondly, ic will be fuggeftcd, 
why, drive with it as we will, it 
will returne : D oc wc ccafc to catc 
daily and refrefh nature, becaufe 
hunger and faintneffe doe ftill re- 
sume upon us? Is it not a betuficco 
be ealed for the prcfenr, ta keepc 
dowqean enemy,to dothat which 
wee know will at length bring to 
perfeft health, though wee cannot 
forth of hand be fully cured? Some- 
time wee thinke, it is not well it 
fhould be thus, buc imploymeuts 
will not let reee turne toic a3 1 
would, we could finde in heart to 
deale with it, but that wee cannot 
while it. But will a man not beat 
leisure to rake Phyficke for his bo* 
dy? what is worthy our time, if 
our foules life may not have it af- 
forded? Againe, time is not loft 
which is* (pent this way, for God 
doth attend the time wee (pend af- 
ter confining, with greater blcf- 

How to refift deadnejp of jpr it • \ 16 1 

flog, and leavens the knowledge 
we gather, fo that it becommeth 
aff-ftionate andpra&icall, befiie 
the wifedome which is co be lear- 
ned, from obfcrvlng the working 
of your foule under fuch a cempra- 
tion« Bat when you have repelled 
fuch ligatures, by which the Di- 
[ Yell would hinder the will from 
; refolving refiftanc, in the next 
place^ you muft encounter this 
deadly pailion by fuch a conftant 
courfe as may free you from if. 
The courfe ftandeth chiefly in a 
threefold praftice. For,aswefuft 
ripen and prepare ma tters,ttut the 
medicine may carry them awiy 
I more eati-y^ Medic andum eft con* I 
I coBisjton crudis,&c So here you 
m ftUbourtoholdyourchoughts, 
: and pond, r upon thisevill^coofide- 
', ring what ic isuucfelfe,, what ef- 
fects it bath for prefent, what it 
threatcicthj fhould not grace pre- 

In the next place, you muft take 
do wne the medicine ; lay hold on / 
H ' Chrift.' 

I $2 

The prattict of rejtfi^nce 

Chrift your life and quicknance. 
Your third pra&ice muft be to 
take a w alke in fome words of pro- 
mile this way, which agilation of 
your foulc doch ftirrc up thefuper 7 
na f ,urallheat of faith (as motion 
doththenaturall)by which means 
wee come to feele our medicine 
worke,Chrift fhewbimfelfe more 
and more effeftuall. To fee you 
downe in bricfe an example ; thus I 
concoft the thing, meditation pre- 
paring, Good Lord, what a ftate is 
this, what a bed-rid difppficion 
doth hang about me! were my body 
an apoplexy, were I dead but of 
onefidejt would go neere me: but 
to have my fbule thus benummed, 
that I can neither find comfortable 
ftnfe or motion in it toward things 
ipiricuall, how much more fhould 
itaffe&rae? what ever I fet upon, 
it is prefcnt with me,ic maketh my 
duties as diftaftefull in themfeives 
to thee, as deaded drink to the fto- 
mack : itkeepeth me from comfort 
for the prefent : and what doth it 


ofdeadneffc ofjpiritm 

not threaten, if thy mercy fhould 
not prevent ? yea, it is (b much the 
mors dangerous, by how much 
more conna: uralJ,for I cannot take 
in this fle*pe, and though it be (b 
! deadly, yet am no whit affrighted. 
2. Alas,what (hall I doc? To thee I 
looke. Lord, who bid ft us awake, 
and promifeft to lighten our eyes 
from this mift of death, with which 
they are over-fliadowed, to thee 
I who art the life and quickning fpi- 
rit,to cbee, in whom, as a root, my 
life is hid. How long (hall I live in 
lighr,and complaine ofdarkneffe? 
How long (hall I be within thee 
the fountain of life, and feele death 
fbcumberfbmetoms? Theftron- 
ger workcth on that which is wea- 
ker ,and doth affimulate it to it felfe. 
Oh ; difphy thy ftrength,and make 
his death flie before thee from 
forth of thy member. ^Movingof 
fattb. Ic is thy will our hearts 
fliouldlivewhofeekehee, yea, 
that wee fhould have life abouo- 
dantly, thou haftfaid,come to mee 
H 2 and 

it 3 


Refinance ofdeadnejfe offpirh. 

and your hearts (hall live,thou haft 
promiled u^, r hat we (hall fo drinkc 
of thy Spirkjthat it fhall flaw from 
us abundantly. O (lengthen mee, 
thou author and fii iflier of faich 3 to 
hold thee the rockc, till I fee thefe 
waves of death, as ic were 3 breakt 
themfelves, and p; fle away. 

Infi chlikepradUcr I bav soften 
found this ihadow of d th lying 
before me, I have always tonnd a 
peaceable reft, expettirg enlarge- 
ment more confidently ; when I 
have not found it eafing me for the 
prefenr, yet it hath difpofeti me to 
receive quicknance afterward, as 
coftive bodies, though they have 
not *lwaieseafemtnt when they 
offcr 3 yet the offer doth facilitate 
the courfe, and dilpofc the body 
toeakraenc a r ter. 

Thus out of love, I have a little 
lent you my felfc, the Lord bit fle 
us with that fpirit which prevai- 
led : The meane while I will de- 
fire that wee both may watch in 
prayer one for another. 

Yours as his ovvne, T. B. 

,. --Tirr - - , - — - - 

Be not over hajly to judge. 



Sir, you may th'mke roe a grave 
rather, in whom all your kinck 
nefles are buried, thanathankfull 
friend/o whom whofo giveth,fel- 
let.h dearely,chey fay^fo coraraodi. 
ous t -) the donor the thing proveth 
which was freely bellowed- Ne- 
vefthelcflre,yourwi (dome and love 
will nor, I dare fay, judge over 
taftily upon appearance,knowing 
wetl,thatas there may be a (he w of 
good, yca,godlintfle, where there 
is not the fubftance and power: fo 
there maybe afemblanceof evili, 
even of iKithankfulnefle,where yet 
the vice 5c felfe doth not harbour. 
Your Nephewes Lift vificingyou, 
was hid frommee 5 till about bed. 
time the night before he tooke his 
journey ; allure your (elfe, I could 
not have bin. privie to his purpofe, 
without fctting my pen to paper, 
though lam none oftheforward'ft 
about this errand. I doe remember 
all your love, (bdothhealfo who 
is mpft apprehenfive of what is 
H 3 done 


God rewards good don to hu children. 


done to him in his children and 
members. They ufe in Spain a 
powerfull (peech to this purpofe,, 
that n>hofo xvipeth the childes nofe, 
kijjeth the mothers cheeke : (b kind- 
ly naturall parents conftrue the 
homelicft offices done to their chil- 
dren: how then (hall not he accept 
of all flich dutie as is done to him 
in his children, whofe love is ftch 
co his,that the wombc-love of the 
tcndereft mother is farrc infcriour. 
For my (clfe , I cannot fiiew you 
any thankefull remembrabce of 
you 3 better than by remembring 
you in thofe duties, which though 
they moft concerne us, yet we are 
moft {ubjeft to be fbrgccfull in 
them. Worldly wifedorae doth 
teach men to fee the benefit of 
health and wealth, yea, to have fa- 
gacitie for feting what ncede they 
may come to : when wee have (o 
many good Husbands,(eeing thefe 
outward things , and providing 
againft a raynie day,, that no event 
may take them unprovided ,• the 


'true grace the drift tans trtteweltb. 


Lord make us wife, to fee the true 
wealth and health of our fpirits for 
the prefer^ and to prepare for our 
comfort againftfuch times where- 
in the Lord fliall trie us. I will 
commune with you about thefe 
points^asGod (hill enable. Men, 
who would gather an earthly trea- 
fare , worldly wealth , muft firft 
make fure that their Penny be 
good Silver; that the things which 
they deale in,he matters of worth : 
for counterfeit falfe commodities 
heaped up, deferve not to be cal- 
led wealth, or treafure : and what 
is the wifedome of heavenly Mer- 
chant but to feeke good Pearles, 
right for their kinde • true Faich^ 
fuch as purifieth the heart ^ true 
Repentance 5 fuch as is accompa- 
nied with change in hearty in con- 
verfion ; true fanftifying Grace., 
fuch asmakech the heart honeft ; 
true fruits ofrighteoufnelfe/uch as 
are through the helpe of Chrift 
to the glory of God • thefe are 
things that make a man wealthk 
H 4 in- 


We vwft labour to encreafe 

* * 

they (hall not deceive us, but (tend 
with us, as a treafure invaluable. 
Afccond thing I markc in getting 
earthly treafures is, that there mu^ 
be a dayly diligent adding unto,*' 
and augmenting that wherewith 
we fir ft bcgan.Though a man hath 
good Gold and Silver by him, yet 
till he hath h in fome quantkie, he 
is not faid to be rich , or to ha*e 
treafure ftored by him. Thus ic is 
whh u* j Rome was not built in a 
day> men are all their dayes in get- 
ting together a more coirpl at 
treafure. Thus wee CbriftiaiiS, 
though from our fir ft beleevir g we 
have unsearchable riches, y cr,if we 
fpeak comparatively, we have not 
that wealth and confummate trea- 
fure, which we come afterwards 
unto, when now we have well run 
on in that race which is fet before 
us . Wherefore give diligence to en- 
creafe your Graces, which God of 
mercy hath begun. Ltt the righte- 
ous be more righteous, the holy 
move Jiofy, If cur Grace be tra« 5 

our flock and treafwe of Grace* 

there will be a further accefle of 
Grace : Wealth goerh to wealth, 
even as (tones do to a ftone-heape* 
already mounted. Whereforf,let us 
everyday draw one Line this way: 
let us count that an unprofiablc 
day, wherdawe^ have not fome- 
thing laboured with our hearts 
for the fuller apprehenfion of our 
finnes dwelling in us ; that iupo- 
vertieoffpirit may dwell more and 
moie in us, wherein wee have not 
fotnewhat enforced our hearts to 
ftaythecpfcLvesonthe Lord and his 
precious promifes : wherein wee 
have not called on our fou!es,to put 
thepx*f Ives forth in more thankfull 
acknowledgement of that lovc^ 
faithfulneffe > & patience 3 which wc 
fee doe follow us day by day. Fi- 
nally, wherein we get not forne^ 
thing done^hich maybe a s a good 
foundation., and further our recko- 
ning, when we (hall be accountant 
to God. Wemuftbenorntrewea- 
lie of this, than earthly husbands- 
sue. of reluming their bufincfles :. 


The more grace we have, tbe^&c. 

the fweetereffe and peace of chofe 
waies (hould affeft us, Looke as 
men at firft, while poverty doth 
pinch them,they feeke weaMi with 
muchgricfe and anxiety: but when 
once they have gotten well about 
them 5 then 3 flefhed with the fruit 
oftheirformerlabourjthey make a 
play of following the World^ to 
the increafc of theiriubftance : for 
theyfceke not fo much out of indi- 
gency, as out of complacency and 
delight which they finde in their 
poffeffions. Thus wee Chriftians^ 
when once wee have attained fdme 
firft- fruits this way , we (hould with 
delight follow on to perfe&icn. 
A third p raft ice,by which worldly 
wealth cemmeth ia,te a carefull re- 
taining what is once gotten. Good 
Rcnts,with Iictleornoexpcnce,are 
thefureft Alchamy that ever was 
found out : whereas let in-comings 
be never Co large, one back-dore 5 
cot looked vato, may bring the 
: whole houfeto ruine* Wherefore 
wee maft jaks heedc of all fuch 


Wt muft not Uvifb out our Grace. 173 

thing* which walk and t-xtinguifti 
Grace in a manner, giving place to 
finne, fb as toyeeld to it, and lye 
downe under it.Ocherwife he that 
ftumbUs,and comes nor Jown,gets 
ground : the trippings of Gods 
children, in which they recover 
themfelvts , bring them on with 
greater advantage. Againe, wee 
rtuft take heed of dead companies, 
of formal! performatjces,which are 
aPeale to Bed-ward- FinaIly,of 
running our felves into prcj.fts of 
worldly pompe and profics, which 
are the common Choake-weed of 
Grace. Whole heart (almcft)have 
not thefe Thornes over-growne ? 
Thus you fee how we may by *he 
Wo? Id learne a w<i y to thrive in the 
beft Wealth. Now I come to the 
litter point of preparation, where- 
by we may be able to ftand in the 
hourc of Tryall. I > this I will be 
(horter,my Pen befog run forth be* 
yond my purpofe in the former* 
The longcil dayes have: night a: 
lergih entring: yea,, these is no 


1J4 ! Treparation for TryAlSyhewmctffary, 

windc which may not blow raine, 
if God be fo pJeafcd. Etfatcs which 
have thelongtft periods of profpe- 
ritie, are at length exerciled j and 
there is no condition fo furcand 
peaceable, bur may turne tempe* 
ftuous on the fadden , fhould not 
God be more gracious. Wherefore 
let us be appointed and fitted for 
every event. Preparing for Wirre, 
maincaineth peace: wearing a wea- 
pon , makes not us the fooner fee 
on, nay,it prevents this da gerund 
makes us rcadic to defend our 
felvcs, when at any time we are af- 
failed. Now this praft fe chi-fely 
ftandeth in thefe three things. Fir!*, 
in getting a ipiricua]Ifag«ciue,by 
which our (oujes doe djftern afore, 
hand, what kiude of events they 
m *y be fubjed un*o, in this vale of 
teares Nature by inftm&giveth 
untoreafonible creatures a faculty, 
which makefh tiemaforehandap- 
prehenfive of chit which is ready 
toenfue. Thcw fedome which is 
I from above / oukegh the Lords 

and in what tt confifts. 

»75 f 

children (entiblc in liae kiade,tbat 
as My Co they in their greateft 
calme foresee how Gods hand may 
change for theexercife of them. 
The fecond pare of pn&ice ftan- 
deth in thi$,in learning by due con- 
fiderations 5 how wanting we arein 
wiflome, and weake inftrengch, 
which maketh able to ftand when 
God trieth.The third thing is flying 
to God by faith, and holding him, 
as who'hath beene, is, and muft be 
forever of all our falvation, loo* 
king to Chrift the author and fini- 
fher of our faith, who hath recei- 
ved this commandement of his Fa- 
ther, that he (hould not onely call 
us, and bring m into flare of grace, 
but alfo raik us up at th;* lali day, 
who is thac greatGod our Saviour, 
that will keepe his from every 
cvill worke, to his heavenly king- 
dome. Now, when wee thus hang 
on God againft all events, we are ki 
a ftrong Tower, wherein the gate* 
of hell fball not bz able to hurt u$ 3 
macblefle topzevaile againft us. 



Chrift *ur Rockf. 


God doth (et us to fchoole unco the 
Conks, that of ihem wee rnighc 
taarne the Lcflbns : They are a 
weake timorous creature ; yec bt- 
iog confeious of thek weaknefle, 
they vyorke themfelvcs Holds in 
the Earthy aod Burro wes, wherero 
they may retire for flicker; and 
though tbeygoe forth foraetimes, 
yet ever and anon they resume to 
their Hulds. Oh, forouftwee, in 
confcience of our weakencfTe, by 
faith worke our felves into the 
Rocke, Chrift Iefus : and though 
fometimes wee are abroad, as it 
were, in many other muters, yet* 
wee mult flill returne, and renew 
our beleefe toward him. 


MY beloved Friend, and Chri- 
Itian Brother, I am gUdto 
heare of your fafe .returne. Ifmy 
Sonne goe on, fetiing his hem to 
get Learning, I will let my heart, 
to procure him all dueet courage- 
ment in fo good a. courfe- Con- 


faith cholines not affaulted together. 

earning the change of yourcftate, 
it is w 1 h our (bules as with our bo- 
dies, every Age hath ftverall Dif- 
and the feafonsvary, (o th^reisa 
fucceffijri of divers fickneffes ac- 
cordingly. Our new birth being 
conceived & bred in faith, perfect- 
ly fjrmed in holinefle, weareufu- 
ally firtt affiiled in that which is 
firft in nature begotten in us : I 
h^ve feldotne marked temptation 
in both thefe kinds at once; God 
fo mercifully difbofing, that two I 
fo great Sickncffes- fhould not bt 
found complicate : For who could 
ftand under them, comb'ned ? A- 
giine,ChoIer can hardly cauie any 
hot kind offickneffe, while there is 
flora of blood and watrifti humors 
bridling of it: for thefe are jri?##jw 
bilit : fo our unholinefle^w.iile we 
are exercifed with doubtings of 
Gods Grace, cannot move; as 
when all is quiet, this very trouble 
caufing my Faith-c v fl ft, U fr<e- 
mm coxcuyifccntU and Coth perfe 




r tbecBmfort and benefit of 

interrupt the aft, though ic can- 
not expell the habit beirg con- 
sidered by it fclfe. Wherefore 
though you fiidc thewinde gone 
ioto,another corner, your fpiritu- 
all nakedoefle now moft to roolcft 
you : and though you together ob- 
serve, that you are not (6 apprc- 
henfiveof To great anevillasyou 
ought, yet have you no caufe, but 
to goe on peaceably, looking to 
that Prince of peace, who will give 
thee peace of fan&ification in the 
quiet fruit of righteouftefle, as he 
hath the peace of juftification, 
which fometimes in fome degree 
you wanted. F.* the firft,we muft 
make account our exercifes will 
run in a circle, the ending of one 
will begin another, till God hath 
by many things fufficientiy proved 
us, that in our latter ends hee may 
doe us good. Fifher-men muftoot 
make dainty of cold water, nor 
Chriftians to meete with thefe ca- 
fes. Secondly,you muft mar ke how 
gently God doth bring on your 


the fight of our defetts. 


triall rhis way, making you rather I 
co difcover defcft and want of 
rightecufccfle, than tofeelethofe 
lawesof evill,and movings of grie- 
vous finSj the root whereof d<rh 
fticke in your nature. To wart 
hcalth^and do every natural! a&ion 
feebly,is a grkfe,but tofcele (hirpe 
fits of fomc painfull difea/e^is more 
grievous. ThirdIy,(hould wee not 
be trained thus by experience to fee 
that we are as Tohu & Bohu, a trae 
SpirituallC^/of emptinefleand 
deformity, we could not be poore | 
ia (pirir, follow Christ as 1 
twho is made of G o d our ftr fti- 
ficarion 3 that is> our fan&ifier : we 
could not comfort others in this 
ftate, nor tafle our owne happi- 
rxfle fweete in that degree 3 whero 
in wee (hall doe after rhefe things 
experienced of us. Now though 
you doe not feele this myfterie, 
and take it to heart as you defire, 
yet this doth but further open our 
|d;fft, that wee may fceke an- 
fwerably to be fupplied. We are 


I 80 S^gbt of oh* defe&s hade us to God. 

not more empty of grace, than by 
n-atate carelefle co have any : wee 
would let ic lie as a rcfufe thing, 
fhould not God infpire us with 
new defires, to feekc after ir. A- 
gaine, as a tooi fh careleincfle, fo 
a fpirituall fl >th pofTcfothus, that 
caufcth us to be content a lrtle 
better with eafe, than plenty, 
which commeth with a p .y great 
travell. But what of this? Wheu 
I fee ir 3 I cell ic all to God, fuhg 
to him, that the more I fee mi fery 
abounding, the ra« re his mercy 
may abound alio. Ilooketohim, 
who as he hath called me to fan&i- 
fication with an operative callings 
(b be muft bring me to that happy 
eftate,as who is Iebovab y my fanfti- 
fi r. Ilearneinaword,thisworke 
will never goe forward,{hould not 
God in mee, as he hath begun it, (b 
go on in it,fanftifying roe thorow- 
out.Ag*ine,though I love to fearch 
unto the qucke, yet there is (bme 
reafon, why hatred and gtiefe 
fhould not fo move in this efcue, 


%t tU bard for w to bat eonrdef efts. 

as when li.ifull paflions come co 
ftirre in oni mcmbers^ai.d leade i s 
captive. Forjooke as nature,whilc 
fuch matter doth but hi fore de- 
gree caufe a Cacbexte,*^ rmke 
Fur worke feebly and \tny^rt..(k\y 
in Al Hie worketh $ Nature, I ky, 
is not fo fcnfiblc hete//ord thnot 
beftirre herfelfe 5 as when fome a- 
cutefickiivfl^doch heavily a ffiift: 
foitjsevan vtithgrjcj intheloulc; 
it cannot be in tha r mcafure apprt- 
henfive in this ft ne, wherein ic ra- 
ther fiiideth ic felfe to Lcke feme 
degrees of heakh ic would have, 
than to be infefted with intolera- 
ble ficknefie. Bjc the truth is, lee 
finne doe what: it will, wee cannot 
hate it of our lelves : bu^as by na- 
ture wee love our felvcs ; fo, that 
fiifiill image, , which is by nature 
prop -gated in us.Same Siir.ts have 
found this; who having been mo- 
leiled many yeeres w.ich fome cor- 
ruptions, neverthelefft have found, 
that at fome times they have not 
beene able, to Jooke. tow.^d them 


182 ( Enmity to Jitwe y deriud from fflrift, 

I with difpleafure. I had thought, 
never cockering mother could take 
that at a childes hand, which wee 
put up and fuffer from our lulls : 
but withall, I have learned to fee 
that promifc, and hold Chrift to 
thatpurpofe 5 [ will put enmitie 
(faith God) betweene thy feed and 
the teedofthe woman ; betwixt 
Chrift, and that life of his in all his 
members., and the multitude of re. 
probates , and that life of Satan, 
(for finne may be called his image) 
which is not oncly in them who 
arc his feed, but in us alfo , till by 
Chrift it be fubdued: fliouldnot 
God blow up his grace fo farre, 
we could not fede enmitie againft 
this feed of finne,which Satan hack j 
fowed in us. Wherefore be not 
carefull in any thing ; but that 
there creepe not upon you a dcfpl- 
fing of leffer things : for, if little 
things b^ not dealt wich,God will 
make greater lookc in 3 which will 
caufc us more exercife. Happie is 
that man who doth deale with 


timely rtfifttnce offinnefalpfuH. 

things betime, labouring to feel* 
them grievous , looking co Ghrift 
his helpcragainft (hem. Tint man 
is a ftrangc ChriftiaD,vvhat-ever he 
may thinke , though his ftrengch 
may be affli£ted that hec cannot 
feele ic great; yet vires affliQ* and 
vires projtrata arc much different. 
Againe, he (hall fcape much dif. 
eafement, by his timely refiftance. 
Let any man of great ftrength have 
fome fuperfluitie of matter tending 
to ficknefle, he doth betime ex- 
pcll it by imperceivable fweates, 
or other eafie wayes : Lefler 
ftrength letteth it lye, till it bee 
ponderous, and of acrimonie, and 
(bme way more grievoufly offen- 
deth,and then it doth more paine- 
folly upward and downe-ward 
drive it forth.The weakeft ftrength 
of a! !, feeles ic felfe oppreffed, and 
till ho! pen by fome medicine, 
cannot expell , and then doth it 
painefully, and in part onely : the 
more ftrength , the fooner is a 
thing contrarie to nature expel- 



Tbankfulntjf: creeps, where y &c. 



led- the fooner, the lefle pain- 
fully al waks. Well, the Carrier 
doth ftay for my Letcer, I muft 
be fhorr. 

Yours in brotht rly aff.ftion, 
I aulBjjne. 

23. Hortatory. 

I IY loving Friend, though I 
iVj winter not fait fay you, as 
heretofore, ye, I have you in re. 
raembrance; for,ea:en bread flbould 
noc be forgotten. I think my fetfe 
much indebted to you, tor the love 
I received from j^u.-and though 
Imuftfttllride bebirde, I mea ne, 
come fbort, in regard of requital), 
yetl willnrtbc wantinginthank- 
full confeffing of kindi.cfle fore- 
p*ff;d. It is with thankefuloefle 
as with love, it will crecpewhen 
ic cannot goe. 1 hope you neglcft 
not your beft Merchandize, the 
fecking thofe Pearles which wil 
make yoar foule rich before God. 
That Marcher, World- ward, is i r 


• • 

Want of Grtct the grcatcft poverty. 

fmali account, who neither hath 
ware nor money : in like eftate are 
Chriftians, who trading in the 
militant Church, have no part nor 
portion in the heavenly and true 
treafrre. Ic is a thing full of confu- 
fion,and very unhappy to be with- 
out earthly poflelfions. Hence it is, 
that men in this taking, they hang 
downe the head, when they have 
no meanfs whereby to coropafle 
the earthly good which they defire, 
whereas others who have them, 
carry their notes into the wind, 
have all that heart can wifh, they 
Iofe no longing.Thus what (hall be 
their confiifion who are not rich in 
faith & repenrance,cheon!y currant 
coyre which doth goe with God, 
and fetch down what -ev r eaven- 
Iy blefli-g wee can defire. Where- 
fore in lieu of all your love, let me 
exhort you,firft,to labor more and 
more for true grace. SecondIy 3 to 
ufe it and increafc ic daily. Third- 
ly ,co watch againft all fuch things, 
which rmy (likea backe dore) itri- 
I paire 


■ ii i. ig- 


Tint Grace, true Riches. 

payre and wafted if. For the firft ; 
the wife Merchant doth fecke for 
goodpearles, fuch as are right in 
their kinde : ao Indtan Diamond & I 
a BrifiewStonc looke alike,but dif- i 
fer reach in the Iudgment of a cui> ' 
ning Lapidift ; No man can gather 
a treafurr, vnltfle fue felcft chat [ 
Which isprecious:amaffcofcoun- ! 
ten are not to be counted a trea- ! 
fure.Seeke then that knowledge of 
Chrift which may make you put off 
the old man* fo to know God as a 
child knoweth his father, with an 
aflP ftiue property which dothv- 
nite the heart to him: fo to befceuc 
that you may feeleyour heart pur- 
ged through faith, fo to doc euery 
Worke ot righteoufneffe, that yc u 
may feele yoor fclfe enabled to it 
through Chrift, and findc that your 
foult direfts it to Gods glory : for 
as that mony oncly is treaftre, 
which is of right Bullion ^ that is 
goodMerall, and hath the Kings 
infcription : So that worke onc- 
ly Will make a true Treafure 


Thefiockf ofGraa muft be y &c. 

i8 7 

and good foundation, Which pro- 
ceeded from Ghrtft, dwelling in 
vs through faith, and is dire&cd to 
GOD, by Which raeaocs it is 
damped as it were, with his Image. 
For thelecond : As you muft get 
thefe things fj you muft tradewith 
them,fce*eth?ir increafe: he that 
husbands his flocke^ (ball hauc 
more. Men arc long gatherers be- 
fore they hauego: them a treafure. 
So Chriftians, chough on thefirft 
beleeu'ng they receiue vnfearch* 
able riches, yet there treafure is to 
beconfummace and pcrfe&ed from j 
day to day .There is a double thirft I 
& defire after wealth in the world; ' 
theonecommeth from indigency, 
as a man in extreme drought lon-> 
gcth for drinke, and ia extreme j 
want, for fbmething which might 
helpehira. There is another de- 
fircj which commeth from com- 
placeacy, from pleafure felt in » 
that wee haue obrained; thus a 
man, when thirft is in fome dc-j 
gree quenched, defircth to drinke j 
1 2 agaioel 




Labour for growth in (jrnce. 

gaine ; thus a poore man, having 
new gotten fomcth:ng well about 
him, yet would faine have a more 
flufhjfulleftate: better is ftilj bet- 
ter : this defire then muft be in all 
Chriftians : the goodnefle of the 
things they have tafted,muft afftft 
them with a furthet defire of in- 
♦creafing in them. I would have 
you be as I have fcene (bme good 
husbands in dead time, whenftir- 
ringsfaile, they count the day loft 
in which they have had no takings. 
Account that day as loft, wherein 
you have not gotten (orae more 
fenfe^f fin, wherein your faith hath 
not fometbing more enforced ic 
felfe to lay hold on God and his 
jJrecious promifcs, wherein (bme 
good thing is not done, which may 
ftand asagoodfoundation,where- 
on the confcience may relye, as an 
undoubted teftimony of faving be- 
liefs Laftly, take heede of that 
which may quench your affe&ion 
to God* as dead company, who can 
never fpeak,nor have the language 


Tak* heed of what may imy ait grace. 


of Canaan : inordinate and double 
diligence about earthly things. 
More perifh with prepofterous fol- 
lowing of lawfull things,tharidoe 
by unlawful! courfes. Soft fands 
fwallow more (hips, than hard 
rocks fplic atund?r. Licititprimw 
owner. Eatings drinkiug,building, 
matter ofmarriage 3 the world {hall 
be drowned in thef^ when Chrift 
comes to jidgemen:. life al! good 
meanes not wich-drawing your 
f:!fe from -chenu Difnfing raeanes 
quencheth'grace, as with-holding 
fiiell quencheth fire. Weed out of 
y>ur heart all fucb things, as like a 
choake-weede fpring up and (mo- 
ther better devotions. Men grow 
rich not onely by getting, but by 
fiving and holding together that 
they have gotten. Great gettings 
with little fpendings, is the moft 
approved Alchymie : fhould one 
have never fuch takings, if one 
fhould filch out his gaine as it 
came in, hee would not increafe 
in fubftance. Thus Chriftians 
I 3 rouft 

I jo I A Litter of comfort agaixjl the 

\ \ 

muftlookcthe Diuell robbechem 
nor by any meanes, of any grace 
which they haue obtained, chat fo 
their foules may thrkie in thcir^ 
heavenly cftate. But my letter 
fwelleth beyond my intendmenr, 
and I cannot hold bicke my pen 
from affording you any thing, 
whom I haue found Co forward in 
fhewing me kindneffe. 

Sifter M. my wife and I held 
it meete to fignifie both, our 
remembrance of you, whom your 
token hath teftifiednot to bee vn- 
mindfull of vs both, for when 
my wife is thought on, I thinke 
then I 3m not quite forgotten. 
You will be defirous to know how 
my wife and her place agrceth. 
Concerning which Icnforme you 
thusmucb, that both ofv?,inro 
gardotall circumftances^do think 
our Hues well fallen ; if we (hould 
(peake otherwife, vree foouldnot 
fan&ifiehim in our hearts , who 
is mercifdl to vs, Neuerthr- 


(orrowes that attend ever y condition. 

leffe,you rouft not thinke chat we 
haue fiich a condition, in which 
no for rows in the flefh and other- 
wife,are not inrermeddled,we Hue 
not in cbac earthly paradifc, but 
ourliussarefb made comfortable 
through Gods grace,thatwc know 
there remaincth yet a further reft 
for his people : the which the ra- 
ther I mention^that you fhouldnot 
thinke much, if in your condition, 
al things (uiceROtwichyourdcfire, 
becaufethat this is no other thing, 
thin whei with your brethren and 
hfters eucry where conflict. There 
isafweate of the brow on euery 
calling, a wearifom vanity on eue- 
ry condition,only the grace ofGod 
inChrift doth difpence wi'h much 
which might iuftly brfall vs and 
dorh ftrenthen vs to beare that 
comfortably in time,which his fa- 
therly wifcdome fha'l not haue re. 
leafed. And becaufe I know not 
in what argument to fpeake more 
for your comfort, I willproftcute 
in a few lines this argument 
14 It 

I 92 


Why Cjod makes c dm all 

Ic pleafeth God to let us find fbme 
conditions not fit fj well upon us 
as heretofore they have done, yea, 
the fame things waxe tedious, 
which have beene delight fall, for 
our love, our hatred, the orde- 
ring of our atfc£ttons, is not in our 
power,but doth vary according to 
Gods pleafurc. Now when we ob- 
serve fuch things grow on us, wee 
muft bethinke us of the caufe, for 
that is the Dexc way to difcerne 
how our gricfc muft bccuredNou 
thus it is with us, that the comfort 
of our eftate doth refult more from 
carnall eafement often, and con- 
tentments in kj than from the 
grace of God in Chrift lefts, {hed 
into the heart by meancs of it. 
Now God feeing this, doth fo 
work,that things pleafant in them- 
felves become diftaftefull to us, to 
the endth^t wee might fceke more 
vnto him, and take up all our con- 
tentment in him, that chus,.hee our 
Creator & Redeem er,m'ght be the 
reft of our hearts, not the creature. 


contentments difttflefallto w. 


Our hearts arc full of fccret Idola- 
try above mcaftre : Now then, 
when God doth unfettle our hearts 
from a contentment, which is car- 
nail, heedothitbuttolcadeusto 
jdfenour content ation by true god* 
Jineffe* What a fwect life is it, that 
when a man is not troubled with 
defires of this World, with griefes^ 
or deluded with the joyes ofir 3 
which are like the crackling of 
thornes under a pot,as (bone quen~ 
ched as kindled ? Bu t if wegrow to 
defire things heavenly, to fteke 
diligently the things which are a- 
bove, this defirz will take off the 
edge of other chat are worldly. If 
wee learne to re Joyce in Chritt Je- 
(us/u will k'll his falfejoy.the end 
whereof is heavineffe. If we grieve 
I for cur (ins according to thziJVapt 
\ftf y$ur fimes^ jet daughter of le- 
rtifaUmlt will drowne earthly (or- 
; rowcs.that they {hall be as nothing 
with us. Grow up in thef: things,, 
J and I may truely fay, you (hall 
I have a kingdoms in your felfe, 

1 94 \ A ktttr conatning the comunicams. 


I I am bold vponfo fniall acquain- 
tance,^ ex her t you in thefc things 
a duty which wee arc bound to as 
Christians, where occafion doth 
require ir.I might write further to 
you :bqt I rather ftiot my felfri^Nn 
roue vncertaihcly. If I could know 
ftian loue co you,I would ft udy the 
cafe but it fhould bee pc formed. 
My wife doth remember her (cite 
vuto you. Your fridndes are well 
with vs. Thus in hafte I take my 
lcaue, wifhing that the peace of 
God which pa&th vnderfKindjng 
may keepe your heart vnto the end 
acd in the cud. 


L Eft your halting {hould turne 
forth hur tfully to ycu and 
others, I wxite more fpedily. 
YouasketwoqurftU n?$ The fir ft" 
about the communicants duties ; 
the fcco&d about kneeling. The 
tirft* whether you may rece^ue 
with oac who for want of skilly 


Duties txttrnall and faceting. 

or will, is no preaching Minifter. 
To which I anlwerin two confi- 
derations; firft,if he bee able to 
preach but will nor, it isno quefti- 
on rfordefeft in qualification, not 
inexcrcife, breedeth doubt of 
mens calling and authority. A. 
gaine, the cxercife of preaching 
is not neceffary in the Miniflerto 
the being of a Sacrament, but re- 
quifueonly to the well-being and 
greater fraic of ir« . If the Minifter 
be not able C^reacb^he doubt is 
much augmented ; for God/it fee- 
meth,dothdiGnablchim, heethat 
carechnotfor knowing, God re- 
ietlethhimas noPrkft, Hof^. 
Secondly, All Chrifls Minifteis 
iruft teach and baptize, &c. Mat. 
iSThirdlyjit is counted Ierohams 
fi re to fet up vie inefficient ones, 
iKing 15. 33. Fourthly, They 
are commended that fold thtir in» 
htritanc's, and left fuch Priefts. 
Fiftly, They have no calliagfrom 
God, and therefore are not autho- 
rized wiihhjly things. 



l$6 Vngiftcd Minifiers may admimfler, 

A*fw. Mocwnhftaouing thefe 
and ftch like, this I doubt not is 
thetruh oi God: Firft, that the 
Sacr'amentall a&ions of uigifttd 
Mi jitters arc effeftuall to fucha3 
faithfully receive them. Secondly, 
that we may fecke and receive the 
Sacrament at their hands. Thefe 
two conclufionsmuft be proved, 
and the contrary arguments fntif- 
ficd : and Co the fecend qut ftion ia 
his order refolved. That theft ani- 
ons are authentica]&3§Jhen perfor- 
med^ is chusconfirrned^Firft,^*/- 
gufiine proveth that Hererickes fa- 
cr-ments (ia his Booke de B*p. 
lib. i. cap. 10 J are cfFcftaall, where 
we may realon as ro the lcffer,that 
unlearned mens a&ions have vali- 
dity. Secondly, wet Should all in 
companion call in quettion our 
Chriftendomes,\vhich 's abfurdiry. 
Thirdly^ as the deed ofene in Ma- 
giftrafu, fo the deed of one in Mi 
nifterioz though hec be not VjcjKe- 
qHaqueleeitimus AiinifieT} is au- 
vhenticalf, hath his validities The 


and tve me may commmicAttj&c. 1 97 

fecond conclufbn is morecontro- 
verfall; for wee allow the Papifts 
Biptifme when adminiftred, yet 
will not allow rhe feeing of it : ne- 
vertheUfie this is true, that people 
may fteke and take facramenraH 
j aftions from unlearned men ; the 
reafonis, becaufewe have right to 
aske them, and theynot without 
the calling ofGod, have authority 
to difpenfe them. The firft you 
doubt nor, the fecond you would 
fee confirmed, for it is thought 
they are onely mans Miniftcrs. 

An\w. They are called by men, 
but not without the cvtr-ruling 
ftroke uf G< d in his which is do .e 
by man. Thu* S*ml and hroboam 
chc firtf, were called by men : Sj 
that God faith, ffof 8.3. Thy ft up 
Ktngs % and made not him ofconnfeB^ ' 
yet &..d faith againe, in the 15. of 
H»U 1 1. Htvtvetkemtbefe Kings 
in bid wrath&ndtook^ them Away tn 
indignation. A ^in^when God eel- 
let has, /irr ^Re^mtJ willgiveyou 
P after > afar, my own* heart. He doth 



1 98 fVt may communicate with ungified 

feeme to insinuate chat hce had gi- 
ven them the other, chough in dik 
pleafure : for chough the mea are 
notfuch in whom he is pleafed,yct 
they are here and chcre placed 5 ac- 
cording ro his pleafure. You will 
fay, what, are they giuen ia ven- 
geance, how can we looke for any 
good from them? 

jinfw So in iudgemcnt,that yet 
God remtmbreth mercy for hi>, 
which he wil reach forth Ly them. 
So tyrants are Godsfcoirg^ yet 
G- drightfth fome by, their regr- 
ment: for Tyranny is better thai 
Anarchic, Suppofe then:The Lord 
ChruQCellour of England hs muft 
be for his qualification a man well 
fcen in the Law s, abk to (intense 
whacf< ever caufes arc brought in- 
to Chancery : he muft againe leale 
all matcers/or he keepcih the Sig- 
net Say fecor,dly 3 the King (hould 
fetor let one occupie the place 
that knew nottheLaw^whowc uld 
paflc the Seale Lke«ife here or 
there lefle warrant* blyrwouldyou 


Miniftersjtt not with Pdfijl*. I 199 

now in the thud place having the 
grant of any thing from his High- 
nefle, refute to Ice him put to the 
Kings fcale^ becaufehc w.s igno- 
rant^ would g' vet he feale forae- 
times when his Makfty would 
have it denyed ? Like is your cafe. 
But why may not we feeke dwel- 
ling amcngii Papilif, to have our 
children baptized with them > 

-/fy/ir.Becaufe they arc not onf- 

Iy iguoraor, buc mainraine reall I- 

dolifry^likethc Calves ofD*» and 

Bethel, from which wee have com- 

mandemtnt to feparate. Conclude 

then^hat you may come and feeke 

the Sacrament at the hand of an 

uulrarned Mioifter. Take heed 

iaif luch fugg^Rions-by. which the 

counterfeit ar.gels of light would 

fuhm it Cburcn- s, and fling whole 

Pariftiei out ac the windowet. 

Now to re(c !ve your obicftion. 

Thr'e whoro God threataeth to 

c*th:cr> their aftions which they 

p< rforme, may not be fought for : 

the propofixioo is falfe : for his 


2Qo Wt may receive of ungifttd Mimjlets, 

■ threatniog is not a prcfent degra. 
ding, dif inabling them in ihac 
they could doe.,but a menace of fu- 
ture evill in Gods time, for that 
thry ought to have done,bw could 
not. To Jerohoams faft. Thofe 
who arc by the tin of men entrcd, 
their attions may not be taken be- 
nefit of. 

sAnfrp. Fal£ againe.The Kings 
of 7/^4^/ thuse-itred, yet one might 
holily have uken the benefit of ;iv 
ftice under them. Hee that (hould 
be never io dtd*flicaB 9 yet if he be 
nor according to S c * Pauls Canon^ 
heentreth by fin : but would you 
roakequeftionto hearehim, once 
in office, being well gif ed ? To the 
third, All Ch rifts Miniftcrs muft 
teach, and therefore whom hec 
fends he enables thereunto. 

A*[w. Fal^^Uuleffe under ftood 
with limitation, all lent ofChrift 
according fo his heart, out of fa- 
voihyfuily qualified, orxseemuft 
take teaching m a very large feafc. 
To the 4. VVce may not fepamc 


- .. ■ ■ 


KKeeliptgUwfMMintbeaBcfc&c. i 201 

from every unlearned man when he ' 
isnoreall Idolater. To the fift is 
anfwered above. The fecond is of 
Ufle moment, I will not difpure i: : 
onelythis. When there is no ap- 
parent fcandalj^ you may knecle : 
Latent things which cannot with 
uorall certainty be prefumed, muft 
pot hkider us. My reafon 5 Firft, it j 
fsagefturefanftifiedof God, to be : 
bled in his fervic^, Secondly, it is 
fiotunbefeeming a Feaftcr, when 
pur joy muft be mingled with re- 
ferent trembling. Thirdly, it nei- 
|berisanocca{ionj nor bypartici- 
tion Idolatry : kneeling never 
red bread-worfhip. And our De- 
fine of the Sacramcnr, knowne 
o all the world, doth free ns from 
bfpition cfadoration in it. Attend 
rourminiftcy, and hold the Lord 
efus to fanftifie you daily. Let no- 
hing weaken you in your worke,, 
he beginning whereof was fo joy- 
ull to you. I doubt not but thefe 
ire the truth; if I knewtwentk 
cruples I could not anfwer, yet 




The good wuftfhsnt in tvit times. 

would I be of this iudgmenr. I 
like not forgery which vpon every 
want dilmembreth andcu teth off;! 
nor fuch meddliag in crazie bodies 
which doth vctcrly ouerwh:loie 
thetn;hoIy quiet willheale morein 
thefe cafes than venturous motion. 

SYR, I cannot but be ready vp. 
on all occafions to fuluccyou, 
whom God hath by Co many good 
offices indeared to ms.My defire 
to God is^hat your foule may pro 
(pcr 3 that you may be kept in chefe 
euill times, wherein darknefle and 
lufts of ignorance abound, like to 
the Lampe which (hined in the 
fmoakyfurnace^liketo the bright 
ftaire which (hioedinthe midlt 
of darkenes.Now that we may doe 
ithis, we muftcuer renew our care 
' of keeping our felues vnfpotted 
from the wicked and powerleflfe 
connection of ethers Like as an 
euill ayre by little and little alters 
1 he nature and temperature of bo- 


Ukfftarres sndarfyiejfe. a 03 

y, andbreedes a difeafe:fothe 
orrupc fefhion of eucry age doth 
ub vpon us its infection, abating 
he heat, and eclipfing the light 
>f grace in vs;ifwe be not more 
aucclous,and in an holy fufpicion 
•four infirmities, hang on him 
vho keepeth his from all euils. 
rheLordgiue vs that leue which 
■uy make vs more fludious of his 
lory,the more we fee it obfeured , 
>y others.That is a right /parke of 
eauenly grace, which by cccafion 
f iinne (\ ike as it was xnDatttd and 
itemie) groweth to be morefcr- 
ent and zealiousfor Gods honor. 
luft frequent communion with 
*ie children of light. Aweakc light 
^yning with another, becommeth 
rongenfo our grace,while it aflc- 
iatcth it ftlfe with the grace in o- 
hers, taketh increafe. Like as a 
>Iant which is fee in a kindly foile 
rofpereth for that reafon : fo a 
>hriftian that groweth vp among 
hem whoaretruely Chnftian in 

that 1 

204 Comunion with the Saints helpfntt 

that regard,proves the holier man 
It is admirable how fo great ant 
tali a man as S\ Paul, ftiould find 
and feelc f j great necefficy of corn 
manionvvith the Saints, buttha 
thegreateft faith is moftoppofic 
to preemption, aadtheicforeth 
furtheft off from neglecting an 
oicanes which conduce to that i 
hath believed. I am fure it ma 
teach us that wc had neede to ligf 
ourcandIe,and kindle our fire wit 
our neigbours, even to increai 
ourfaitb,and fireour affe&ionsoc 
with the presence of another. Noi 
ftill it is to be remembred, that 
is not (6 much your bodily pr< 
fence, as your fpiritual! u(e one < 
another that is available this wa 
when wee (hew what God hai 
done for us,how our ibules are ca 
tied on, when with the bucket 
wifcdome, wee can draw forth 
'our ufe the waters ofGrace, whi 
God hath derived from himfe^ 
into the hearts of our brcthre 
That is good Communion, wheii 


Ktrcifi of grace, burmfbesthtfoule, 

\ is found (bmc interchangeable 
^mmunicacion oi tning* ipiritu- 
[1. Thirdly, to keepc our bright- 
efle, we rauft exercifc our graces. 
s the body taketh more rcftiog 
wnftirring 5 fleeping than waking; 
p gliftcring mettalls lofe their 
^ightnclfe, and contraft ruftineflc 
mea they are not ufed : fo it is 
nth our fbulea ; let exercife be 
egle&ed, their light will be dim- 
med, they will (ocne grow to 
brae imbccillitieand fickenefle. 
very day draw fbme line this 
ray, let us awaken our rcpen- 
mcc, ftirreup our faith, to carry 
>rae promife iato the fecret of 
ar hearts. 

If wee be like the bufie Ant, dai- 
r doing (although but a little at 
net ) wee ftiall finde (lore to our 
omforr, when the winter of ten- 
sion (hall approach. This excrci- 
ng is it, which will preferve us 
7ith wholefome appetite, and 
unger afcer all good meanes 
thereby our (bulcsarccheriflied. 





* o 6 I Extrcift of Gract vtty profiuih. 


Thele febttiring men are as 
fjund as a Roche, hungry as hun- 
terj^whercas fedentary Hues are ol 
fmallappetitr,andcrazie constitu- 
tion. Thus his with Chrifthi s 
foch who exrrcife not themfeiues. 
ftirringvpthe diuine heatc^thcy 
are indefferent men whether they 
partake in helps both publikt 
and priuate, which God hath or- 
dained to increafe deuotionjbut the 
well exercifed Chriftiai hath o- 
ther affections. 

ThusmuchI thought good to 
write, exhorting you in theft 
things, which I doubt not but you 
endevour in your mealure. I thani 
you for all the poore you haue re- 
licued at my motion. I commene 
my (cite to the good Gentlewomar 
your Wife,and both of you, witt 
allyours,cothe Lord. 

MYloningfriendjI.wasat the 
firft often perfwaded, that 
Godwouldfora timefetmeout oi 
hand, aridtruftmewich myaccu- 


Urv tve m*y hdve pence in trenblt. 

omed libcrty,but often defeature 
/hich myhope fuffred,did corrwift 
i time that lightnefle of beliefe. 
low it Co goethwith me, thacl 
03 like to continue here, or noc far 
ffall thisfummi r,{or feme rhings f 
avc broken forth in mee 3 which 
villrotfuffcr my farre travaile : 
vhich Imuft feeke hclpefor be- 
ime, becauit I know my flefh to 
>eetard of healing. What cafe 
bo'oldl have, had I learned the 
rueftrokein bearing the yoakeof 
ny God, had I wifdome to lay 
rircudlhnces to heart, had I po- 
verty of fpirir,empty ing mee of all 
Confidence in my felfe, & common 
[ourks, had I confident depen- I 
ance onGod my foleSaviour,then 
jould I havehad peace in the midft 
f trc ubles, and light in darkents. 
>ut I linde folly to abound in me, 
rcret pride, hardnefie of heart, a 
riritualldrunkcnncflT^which fee- 
eth no bio wes, flying, falfe confi- 
lence?j what not of this nature? 
traile my weapons about them, 




208 I The Joule mufkbt brought lm. 

as the walls of hell, expeftingin 
filence, and rcit their downe-fali 
from heaven. 

I looke for better times chough 
greater troubles in the fl:(h, than 
hitherto I have knowne : I fee it 
mu' be in healing finne 5 which fal- 
leth out in healing (brae bodily diC 
eafes, the party muft be kept (o 
low, that he muft be tantum non 
confe&ut iuedia^ before a fpring of 
better blood can be procured. In 
labouring to purge out fin^ the life 
of grace muftfuff^r fuch things as 
bring it exceeding low, yea, to a 
"Dfliqwum often j before a new 
(firing of that heavenly life can be 
obtained. I thanke God in Chrift, 
fcftentation Ihave 3 and forne little 
ftrength, fuavities fpirituall I tafte 
not any. Bar indedl often tell my 
felfe, Phyfick purgative and rcftau- 
rati ve are not to be taken at one and 
the fame time, yea n it were to wi(h 
fuffering without lafFering, if wee 
would (o admit forrowes; as that 
wee would together fecle them 


and then God will fir cngtbcn it. 

drowned of fpirituallconfolation. 
The divinity refted ere the head 
fuffered : Co in the members. The 
Lord be our ftrengch and comfort. 
If wee wane courage and ftrength, 
wcemuft looke to him, to whom 
whofb faokcth,reneweth ftrengch. 
Who ftrftigcheneth his, fo chat 
they can doe every thing, who 
ftrengchenech them in the inner 
man, to long fiifferancewich joy- 
fulneflc. O let us inconfcicnce of 
all weaknefle clafpe the rocke of 
Ifrael, and learne of chofc Conies, 
weake and wifc,who worke them- 
fclves holds within the earth, 
wherein they are fafe. When the 
Apofiles had received this (pirit of 
ftrengch, they made a play of their 
fuffkrings.Even as in bodily things 
thefe ftrong-boned hardy porters, 
will make a fport of bearing fuch 
burdens , which a weake body 
would tremble to touch : Now 
Chrift,on whom the fpiric of wife- 
dome and ftrength refteth,increafe 
oar union and comunion with him. 
K how 


2 io | Wcc m*Jl feekg after the kjngdomt of 


HOw happy Sir, arethcLords 
children, who if they be 
once his Favorites, hee will love 
them to the end, aad though for 
their firme he chaften them, yet 
will hee never remove his mercy 
from them. What is their happl- 
nefle vvho have received a King- 
dome that cannot be flbaken?When 
I obferve how thefe earthly things 
wheele abour,then raethinkes how 
happy that man is,whofe heart and 
hope is in that God with whom 
there is no fhadow of change ; 
wherfore let roe ftir yon up to feek 
after the Kingdome of God more 
and more, Heire*, the ncerer they 
come to ripe age, and fo to their 
inheriunce,theraore their longing 
and defire is afcer them. And fire., 
they f*y the neercritcorometh to 
that rcgicn which is the proper 
place of i% the fart'r it moveth: 
fo (hould it be with u*, whofe 


God more J*dmore, and how. 

I age is now ripe, to that wee are 
neerer our falvation, than when 
tve fjrft bclccved : (b ftiould it be 
with our fparke of Grace, which 
God hath kind led in us, the ncerer 
it comes to heaven, it fhould move 
thitherward with greac fervency, 
yea, in our greateft delightf, our 
hearts fhould be excited cowards 
thofe joyes which there we ftiall 
enjoy : when our prifon hath fuch 
content as wee often take, what 
fliall wee finde prepared in our Pa- 
radifc, where we fhall live for ever 
with Chrift that true tree of life ! 
Now, the labour of a Chriftian 
ftandcth chiefely in theft things, 
Firft, hee muft lay up thofc free 
promifes (Sod hath made hits in 
Chrift, as which are the ground of 
his Title to heaven, that as men 
carefully boxe up evidences, and 
coppies by which they can (hew 
their jnft Title to the thing earth- 
ly, Co fhould we theft promifes in 1 
our heart, by which the hea- 
venly inheritance is ftaled to as. I 
K2 Second-! 


212 I Wt may^dnd ought tofa$tre oxrjdves 

Secondly, we muft ftrive co enter 
our polMion, by continuing a 
courft of Chriftian vertues, joyn- 
ing with faich vertue, with ic 
wee gee a large entrance inco that 
heavenly kingdome, 2/eM.io. 
That lookc as Ifrael, the more 
they didfabdue the Canaznites jhz 
further they were pofleflcd of C*- 
xaan, fo the more we bring under 
all earthy lufts, the more we enter 
that heavenly Canta^ the more 
wee come into true reft^begunne in 
holinefle, confiimmate in glory. 
Thirdly, wee muft labour to ft- 
curc our felves in this ftatc wee 
pofTefle. CJod would not make us 
happy 5 if wee might not be ftre 
flill to hold it, which though in 
earthly things we cannot, for they 
be tranfitory, and if they would a- 
bide, wee want leafcs of our lives 
xo abide with them, yet wee may 
in heavenly things, becaafe they 
are eternalJ, (hall not fade, and 
Chrift hath undertaken to keepe 


ofthektngdottoc of Heaven. 


us unco them. This is my Fathers 
will, that I ftould raifeyou up at 
the laft day. So certainly therefore 
as hee hath called us, juflified us, 
andfanftifiedus; (b certainly will 
hec doe tins other pare of his of- 
fice afligned him by God his Fa- 
ther, yea, God will keepc us to his 
heavenly kingdome, as hee faith, 
and none (hall take us out of our 
Fathers bands, he is ftronger than 
all, faith in theft will fue out a 
fine, as it were a and give us quiet 
pofieflion againft all that can op- 
pofe us. 

Well, the Lord be with your 
fpirits, and give you in your mea- 
fure the comfort of theft points. 

LOving Brother, I did receive 
your Lttter which doth cerri- 
fic roe of matters, in which 1 take 
good contentment. To beglnnc 
with the laft - I am glad you have 
done fo kinde an office to your 
K> Sifter; 



Again fl overmuch worldly care. 

Sifter; it (hall further your owne 
reckoning, when you ome to be 
accountant to €Jod. lam glad like- 
wife^ that you know your lacall 
j gricfefo . well,and can lay your fin- 
ga where it fmaics ; and I am joy. 
ed in your refo'ution which God 
givcth you of (baking off this 
which prefleth you downe, I 
thought co.have had a letter fray- 
ing your returne next Terme, but 
delay brcedeth danger, and vacati- 
on time ib more free for thoughts, 
than when every mans cafe craveth 
entrance : andinthefeconfiJerati- 
ons my fecond tfnught biddeth 
mee write prcfemly, though lefts 
exa&lyand fully. Your rdolutfc 
on is a good figne that God, who 
hath freed your minde to a fettled 
purpofe againft it, will give you 
in time performance al(b. Bat you 
mufttake heed that your refoluti- 
on be fuch as is grounded onely in 
Gods ftrength, who in his C^rift 
»amft diflTolve this worke of the 
Divell, and it muft be accompa- 

Refolrttion agawjl worldly care 

nied with the coafrienccof your 
owne weakneflc, who are fold un- 
der fiich finne; the wiflorae of 
whoft foule, by nature b:com- 
meth altogether earthly; andlaft- 
ly, with confederation, what 
ftfewg^h the earthly objefts aod 
your propenfity and inclination 
this way have to oppofeyou : for 
thefe will make you poore in 
fpirit, and havt no confidence in 
yourfelfe, bur make Chrift your 
! Captaioc (who bach overcome the 
World) all your hope ; and if wee 
come not thus to fight, we (hail be 
forced to recoilc oorfoof, were 
our quarrell as jaft as Ifraeh a- 
gainft thofeof Benjimh. Now that 
you may lee how (trong an evill 
this is, you mufi: confidcr wkh 
what forces it is intrenched, what 
fpirituali things there be that doe 
backethis infirmuy; the which is 
the rather to be obferved, becaufe 
the right method of healing,reqiti- 
reth that we find out the caufes of 
the malady. Now this double dili- 
K 4 gent 




ought to be grounded. 

gtnc carefulnefifc, fpringeth from a 
threefold head : firftfromdWruft 
inGodscare,whichis ever over us 
for good. When one hath great 
friends,, which they are knowneto 
leane to, we fay of them, Such need 
to take no care, they know fuch 
and fuch will fee to them j on the 
contrary, come toonethackuow- 
eth no end of coiling and caring, 
aske him, Why will you thus tire 
your felfe out ? H: will fay J mult 
needs doc it, I have none but my 
felfetotruftco : fo Chrift folSw- 
cth his Difciples carefulaefle to 
this dore, their unbeliefe, which 
did not let them confider our hea- 
venly Father cared for them. Se- 
condly, thefe cares come from a 
folfe preemption of felte-fufficien- 
cy b ourownccourfes, as if wee 
by our owoe diligence could build 
the boufe : For, were a man per- 
fwaded that the blefliog of God 
were all in all, hee would ply that 
fart fir ft, an! with little joy would 
undertake anything; tillheeftw 


Cwfej of overmuch worldly care. 

God wicnclliog to him by his Spi- 
rit, that he would be wich him co 
blefle him. This makcth Chrift cell 
his Difci pies, they could not wich 
all care make a haire white or 
blackc; infinuating this difcafel 
pohtar* I know we will not fay 
this; bar -no more will any cove- 
tous man, chut hee maketh his mo- 
ney his God; hee knoweth ic is 
earth, and hee accounts of it as ic 
is : but our deeds fpeakcihat of- 
ten> which our tongues would de- 
ny. Thirdly, from an overvaluing 
of earthly things, aod undfrpri- 
liGg of heavenly, we come to be fo 
carcfull in the one, and forerch- 
leffdy affctted in theother,wc be- 
ing like children who make ac- 
count of a Peare or an Apple more 
than of all the houfc: befide. N^w 
having found the caufes and rooces 
of this evil Vyou may difceme it is 
as cafie almoft to (hake off your 
felfc, ssro be rid of this infifmi: y : 
wfrchl fpeake net to make you 
refift heard* fly, but to make you 


K * 

take \ 


Remedies thereof. 

take him with you, who only re- 

\ maineth victorious. In the next 

' place, you rauft labour to remove 

thefe caufes., and the effeft will 

ceafc; Say toyourfelfe,Lord,thac 

I fliould be of (o little faith to thee; 

thou biddeft mee in nothing be 

earefull, but reft in thee 5 but I find 

a htart that will not reft in thee, 

but be for it fclfe.Have I not found 

thee true and mctcifull above all 

1 could aske or thioke ? How Isic 

then that I fhould lend thee (b li ecle 

credit? Who will notcondemoe 

\ that wretched Aba^ Efay 7, when 

[ thou didft fend him a mefTige, and 

[ bid him be fecure in thee^ put it | 

backc^ hee would make fare For ' 

ihimfclfe? Bar alas! when thou 

; fjyeft no lefle to us, we (upon the 

matter) doe no lefle than hee. A- 

: gaiae, what abomination isthis^ 

I that my heart (hould, kiving thee, 

1 reft in fitch courfes which icfelfc 

J imiginethanddevrfech> I fee the 

Divcll his word is proved too rruej 

hee fiid^ wee fhould be like Gods, 


Confiderttims di\wafivi from 

which as it Is falfcin rc(pcft of di- 
vine qualities refembling our God, 
Co U it true in regard of our finfuH 
ufurpation : for we take our owne 
courftas if wee were All-fuffi:ient 
to our ftlvcs, not needing any 
higher power : and what an inor- 
dinacy ig this,that my foulefhould 
be thus turned eafthward,thinking 
on thefe things which arc earthly 
and tranfitory, with little thought 
ofthofe which are* heavenly and 
eternal! > we pifty that want of wit 
incivillconrfe, which maketh the 
mtndc runne on babies, but never 
t hinke on ought fubftantiall: but 
what is this defc ft leffe lamentable, 
which makech me toffe in my mind 
things belonging co this life, f*l- 
dome mufing on thofe which are 
everlaftiog? Thus when you have 
pondred the wretcbednefle of ir, 
youmuft thinke on your utter Li- 
ability to mend the matter, by ob- 
fcrving how deepe your heart is 
gone in unbeliefe, that you can 
foon«r truft to any thing tnan-fe- 

cureth \ 

220 overmuch reorldj cure. 

cureth you in, than chat God pro- 
mifetb, Againe, hovynaturallitis 
to you to plot and contrive affaires, 
and reft in your owne confutati- 
on?, as if your good were in yoar 
ownc hand * by marking, finally, 
how deepely you are bewirched 
with thele things prefent,how po- 
tently they work upon your mind, 
by reaibn of the affinity that is be- 
twixc them and your undeiftao 
.ding, being become earthly. la 
the third place, yffu muftlooketo 
Chrift tohelpeyourunbeIicfc,by 
taking it away, and ftrengthenirg 
ycur fail h,r hat you may give him 
glory; by fetting- your reft or.cly 
downecn this, that hse caret h lor 
you 5 and pray Lim to circumcife 
your heart, aaa pare away that 
Sclfc- confidence that you. may 
have no truft in the fl . fh ? but make 
his care over you, all your rejoy- 
ring ; yea, pray him to crucifie all 
thefc outward things to you, that 
ihey may notice ib powerful] upc n 
you, la theft things you muft fol- 

Cbrift the Author &finijheref f &c. 221 

low Chrift, for hce is the Author 
anil finifher of our faith; he is the 
true Pruft by whom wc have cir- 
cumcifion, not made with hands, 
which hee hath fealed in our Bip- 
tifme; for the water is a fcale of 
Chrifls blood applyedcj us, and 
ot that Spiric of his, v;hich is 
poured into our hearty through 
che merit of hisbloud, toth&io- 
tent ir m : ght abolifb our corrupt!- 
onyind create in us die lifeof grace. 
Chrift crucified 3 finally, doth kill 
.he power of this world to us. and 
our corrupt inclination to it 3 and 
i he things of it: thuseudevourirg 
ro remove the roote and cau'e of 
your ficknefle, the griefc ic fclfe 
will no e eafily be cured. To 
come then in a word to ic, firft, re- 
member how it doth worke upon 
you 5 and what a. wofull thing U is 
:o have the miade inordinately 
feared, with retaining thought of 
:his nature ; for firft, howgreatly 
toe theft hirder you in the bed 
things ? It isthe common choakc- 

202 The danger ofwermnh worldly core. 

weede, which like as y vie doth by 
\ the oake, fo it facketh thefapof 
Grace from the heart, and maketh 
{ it unfruitfull. A ground in which 
■ filver Mines are found,is common- 
ly barren every other way ; but it 
is certaine, a heart in which veinc s 
runnebf worldly cares, isalwaies 
too fruitless in duties towards 
Gcd. Againe, how dangerous is 
this? For it is to be feared left ft 
exafperarc God, and fo make him 
leave you to your felfe, and with- 
draw his care over you : if we di£ 
ceme fuch as will put no truft in 
us» but love to ftand upon their 
o wne ground, we give them good 
leave : ascontrarily,thc more wee 
fee our felves trufted to, the foore 
our fidelity Is careful! for them 
that ftay upon us; thus is it with 
our heavely Father. Againc, you 
rauft aggravate this inordinacy of 
cares in your felfe, from this cir- 
cumftance ; if I were never fo 
needy, thi* diftrafling care could ' 
not be warranted; but when God 



Viftptfivcr agtinft worldly care. 223 

hath blcffed mcc beyond tbac ( 
could have asked 3 then ftill to be 
in farther thoughts., how inexcu- 
fible is ic > If a poore man fteale, 
ic is a fhame ; bar for a rich man to 
play the thiefe, it is raonftrous : 
CuesdiftraQfng, and not refting 
on thbgrprefenc, are a fpirituall 
chefc before God. Againe, thinke 
how miserable this is : fay one 
flioulJthruftyour face and bodily 
fight into the dirt, and bold ic 
downe there that you could not 
looke up to the Sl]nne,Firm lra^nt, 
the Trees and Field*, & c. were not 
this a wofulJ condition ? O foch is 
the ftateof a (bule, whofe eye and 
thought is thruft downs into thefc 
cirthly objefts, and fo held in 
thsm, that it cannot looke up to 
confider the Sunne of righteouf- 
nefie IcfusChrift, nor the heavenly 
things which arc given us of God : 
thus then appreheding the mifery 
of it, looks untoChrift, pray him 
to fave you, who is that Iefus that 
favech his people from guile and 




?t*j to Ckrijl tgainft it. 

j power of fia ;fcom this fin la hurc- 
\ ful co the prcfent growth in Grace, 
j fb dangerous to provoke your God 
\ againft yon, fb ill burning you to 
j whom God hath expreffed fuch 
bounty, fo full of wretchednefle. 
Remember ht hith (aid, Hold me 
the truthj willfet you free; fearc 
| not, 1 have over- come the world. 
Again?, you muft pray him chat he 
wocld mike ycuable to be hea- 
, venly minded,and tfci >k upon hea- 
venly things. True it is, our minds 
naturally luve no py this way,fid 
no relifhinluch thjughts ; but we 
fhalldoeall things in Chrift that 
ftrergthcoeth us : Contraries muft 
be cured with coirrarieSjChemorc 
you ge? to tafte heavenly things 
beftowed on you, the more thefe 
(hall grow out of rcqucft, and 
draw co an end. Icwill be good 
for you when fuch thoughts feiz: 
on you, toconfidercfyourovvne 
infirmity after this manner; O 
Lord,howjs my mindc throwne 
downc from Heaven co Earth ?. 


'Perfivafive Meditations. 

How doe fuch thoughtB prevent 
rae,and come before I would have 
them? How eafily do I continue ia 
thcra \ How dole doe they cleave 
unco me? Let meethinkeof thee, 
thy Grace, my ftacc after death ; | 
and hardly will thefe enter : foone j 
they vamlh,and while Lhave them j 
in my thought, fcarce halfe of me I 
is in them. . Lord, me thinkes I 
aro like the wretched woman in 
the Gofpell, who was held of a 
(pi jit eighceene yeeres, that flbee 
could not Io-jke lip to heaven .You J 
(hall fi.ide fuch meditation not in 
vaine, when you are ready co be 
I cranfported, for it will weaken the 
recurne of them, and difpofe you 
both to fecke and receive the cure 
of this evill from your God and 
Siviour. The Phyficians in force 
kinde of unfeemely convulfions, 
wi(h thactne Patient (hould loo!<e 
onhimfelfeinag'afle, which will 
help him to drive the more, when 
he (hall fee his owne deformity : 
but I fee my Letter will grow 

L . -^M 



to heavenly mindedmffe. 

beyond the due quantity of it; 
wherefore I end, defiring you to 
follow your good purpofe, and 
not to lye under your infirmity 
with any pretence* Wee fome- 
times give way to inordinate 
cares, not meaning co continue 
them, but to fettle things onely in 
order, that wee may be free from 
them : but the flefh will not heale 
flcflj, neither will being a while 
diftra&ingly careful), ever heale 
diftra&ingcare; you (ball quench 
the fire with wood,aflbone as finne 
with yeelding to it. AgaineJ will 
doe this but till, &c. This is as 
much as if one would leape into 
the Thames, and fay, I will caft 
ray (elfeinto the water, but only 
till I be knee dcepe • were not 
this ridiculous > WcllBrothcr,the 
Lord deliver you from every evill 
(hare*, and if you will ever be a 
good husband, and have all things 
continue and profper, be fure you 
win his favour, by prefentingyour 
diligent dtity ia Chrift his favour, 


Middling in wsrldly c*res danger out I 22 7 

n whofe hand to all your good J 
pea, the g :>od of vour wife,chil- • 
Jren, and childr^as children for i 

Yours ia brotherly aflfeftion, ; 
Faul Ba;*c. 


LOviag Brother, you would 
inke me haply liketothofa 
xeatures which fl:epe over all the 
Winter, fhould I but continnefi- 
enc till the Sucnmerwereeatred. 
The truth h, I have beeae very 
jveatiGi the mod ofche tims (ince I 
[aw you, but my condition is fuch, 
[s will not fuffer my minde to reft, 
were I never fo free of bodily inf- 
irmities, and fecular cires, which 
foe foretimes lo3ke into mee 


;haugh not much difturbe 
rruly^ic doth take up ray ftrengch, 
:o gee ftreagth wherewith to walk 
rroai roaming to night, waiting 
an ray Gadsfalvation without mi- 

228 The troubled Chriftiam refuge. 

king haft. The Prince of peace is 
my refuge, who as hte hath his 
time of making heavie, fo he will 
retume and comfort in the multi- 
tude of his mercies. Thefe things 
I write not fo much for my Apolo- 
gie, as for your admiration and in- 
ftin6tton 3 tbatyou may confidcr of 
your own cftate,and examine your 
peace • that if you find it to be true 
and found, your thankes may be 
redoubled for fo great a benefit, 
which others want, which paffeth 
undemanding : that if otherwise 
it prove deceitful!, you may yet 
make fare worke, and (et ic aright, 
i while the day ofgrace is cendnued 
to you, The Divell circurnventeth 
many by nothing more,than by lul- 
ling them afl^ep in fach a rsft, as 
will prove torsftteflefmarr, if it 
be not by repentant courles inter- 
rupted. A maa may have peace 
from not ftirring and moving hi* 
corruptions. The Divell, we (ay,is 
quiet, if he be pleafed ; difeaie not 
fin, you (hall tcclc little of it : fuch 



VictttjnU Peace 3 andfinfaH Security. 

is the peace of a body, which is, 
though not fickc, yet in an ill ha* 
bite,andftate tending to flcknefle $ 
it is quiet, cillfomething be taken, 
which fightcth with, and cxpel- 
leth the hcke matter; not becaufe 
there are no peccant humors in it, 
! but it is therefore at eafe, becaufe 
j they are not provoked and purged 
out with wholefbme medicine. A- 
gaine, many feele not difeaffnent, 
becaufe they doe not taske che*n- 
J felves about good duties as in ex- 
[ crcifing their faith, renewing their 
thankmlneffe,gettringraore (haroe 
and griefe to finite their hearts in 
their daily wants,in laboring to be 
more fruicfull in good works than 
they have beene : in teeking hea- 
venly raindednefle and holineflc, 
which might make them doe all 
things as become the pretence of 
God, before whom they are. In- 
deed no wonder if wee beat eafe 
while wee fee not hand to thefe 
workes. A lame akinglkibe hath 
eafe while it refteth, but yet is not 




230 Severallcafij thereof. 

well, though ic hath not fenfe ol 
cvill. Againe,there is no cafe frorr 
fleepinefleof con/cience,whiIe (pi- 
r ituall {lumber bindeth the fenfes 
and difcerning fpirituall ; fb thai 
though there be many wofull evils, 
yet id all of them no difcafement is 
perceived. Thus a man with twen- 
ty ficknefles, well afleepe, feeleth 
nothing. Laftly, there is noeaft 
often in the body, becanfe the fen- 
fe s being taken up with obje&s 
delightful! to them, tend not that 
grief which hangeth about them ; 
of which fort is the peace of the 
(bule, which difcerneth things a. 
trifle, matters of griefe; but the 
gratefull objefts cf the world, 
pleafure, company, &c. doe fo pof- 
(eflcit,that being in thefe 5 itfeeleth 
nothing of that which in Come 
raoreretjred thoughts it feemed to 
apprehend. What fhould I fpeakc 
of mifdeeming oar cftates ? There 
is away right in a mans eyes, the 
end whereof is death • and the reft 
of which mi(corxeit,is like theeafe 


Take heed offfirituaUJlotb. 

of a golden dreame. Or what 
(hould I mention any other kinds, 
which I thinke not fo pertinent 
for your eflate ? I befeech you take 
heede of chat neglcft of getting 
your ficke foulcs drefftd, that 
fpiriruall floth and reftinefle, that 
(lumber, that having yourfoules 
taken up with thefs matters which 
are gratefull to the natural! man; 
take heede that none of thefedoe 
make you nap to your after far- 
row. You will haply (ay; In 
what ftandeth this true peace? 
Arfa?. In perceiving the Grace of 
God fuch towards mee in Chrift, 
that my Conscience, through his 
blcod^is cleanfed from the guile of j 
finnc; thatmyfoule, through his 
Spirit, is freed from the rage and 
tyranny of fiane, that it hath not 
! that power to carry me captive to 
;it,and workmydiflurbance^which 
: fomtimesithathhad.Th?rdly 3 that 
my condition, through his Bleflug 
I in Chrift made a Curfe for mee, is 

imadc Co comfortable, that it plea- 


2 22 | The true f$ace of Confcitnce. 

fethmewell- there being no tedi- 
ous difeafements with which it is 
accompanied, which would ex- 
tinguifli my py for the prefent 
Fourthly,that for the time to come 
hee will keepe me to him, patting 
his feare in my heart, according to 
his promiie, that I may not depari 
from him, finifhiog my faith he* 
hath begun j never leaving nor for- 
faking me, but caufing every thing 
workc together, for my good. For 
there is a foure-fold Branch of this 
Peace ; one, (hootetb forth of our 
Juftification; the other, from our 
San&ification; the third,from that 
Bleffing w ith which God doth fol- 
low us, ir« our outward condition ; 
the fourth/rom the knowledge we 
have of his gracious pleafure to- 
wards us, even for the time to 
come ; without which, wee could 
not have true peace : for how can a 
man have true peace earthly,with» 
out a fecure pofleffion of the good 
he holdeth ? So there could be no 
true peace foirituall to us, now 


Four* brunches of^irituall Pticc. 2 3 1 

blefled with heavenly things, if we 
might not have and hold themi 
with a fpiricuall fecurity. Where- 
fore,deare Brother aad Sifter,enter 
into your hearrs ; irarkc whence ic 
is, that you goe on ac eafc from 
day to day : Is ic becaufeyou fee., 
that God for his Christs 
blood, which hath cried for bet- 
ter things than the blood of Abel, 
hath abfolved you from the guile 
of all your finnc > Is it becaufe 
you feelethe power of linne bro- 
ken, that it cannot prevaile againft 
you, as fotuetiraes it hath done,bat 
you finde finne weakned,and your 
fbules with more frecdome obey- 
ing God in fuch things, in which 
femetimes you could not deny 
your (elves > D:>e you fee, that 
whereas your eftates fometimes 
were troublefome to you, now 
they are made fuch as give you 
contentment, through the grace . 
of Godjbkfnogus inChrift, ac- 
curf»d for us > Doth God open the 
eyes of your minde, to fee his 
L gracious 

2 3 2 I Tiyjinrfetce, xvhtthtr true y &c. 

gracious unchangeable good will 
towards you forever? Then you 
have ^ood ground for being ac 
eafe within your (elves. But if you 
finde that your quiet fpringech 
hence, becaufe you difquiet not 
your felves in weeding out your 
ignorance, unbelicfe, carelcfle- 
ne{fe,8cc. or becaufe you doe 
not prove your feeble fpirituall 
ftrengths, in labouring to dc e eve- 
ry thing out of obedience of faith 
ro the Lcrd, who (hould ever 
be before you ; if becaufe cuftoma- 
ry faftiions, occafions, or objeSs 
of this or that nature, keepe you 
occupied about them, take heed 
of this Eafe , as ever you defire 
to live in that eternal! Reft, which 
God hath prepared for his people. 
Digge into your hearts betirae, 
hold them to that which is a- 
bove tftfjr fdves, through the 
ftreng h of Chrift : (< hey will hang 
off from every thh-g thac is not 
oarurall, to them,) Iudge your 
ftlvts daily in your wanes to Gsd- 


Wt mufi prove turpiact wh$$ber y &c. 

ward , fccke to C h r i s t the 
quickening Spirit^ that yoa may 
leclc life and power in your 
waies : labour for fobricty in 
the ufe of all worldly things : 
(you know the laft times; their 
deftiny is to have fhewes, without 
life and power, to eate, drinke, 
marry, with forgetting the ap- 
pearance of Chris t.) Labour 
thefe things, and the God of 
Peace make you tafte his joyes, 
which are tranfeendear, above all 
this World can afford. 

Your loving Brother, 

Fa*i Bsj*u 

1 % 


23 + 

IbefcUow-fetling ofafflittion. 


DEare Sifter, ycur Letter came 
notcomee, till I had beenca r 
fortnight out of London. I would 
not have haftened from you 5 to 
have been a lieger there (b long. 1 1 
felt my weakness knocking more 
thau before, and faw your hands 
full j which made me long after my 
mod familiar Manfion. For that 
which you fignifie,asbefalliog you 
that night,I defire to have fellow- 
feeling with you. Wee muftnor, 
like S wallowes, take the Summer, 
| and refufe to d wel with our friends 
in Winter ; but it is a true faying* 
None knosves what nevves the 
Evening will tell him. H*d I 
known it in the Morning,' t may be, 
for your fake, my fecond thoughts 
would have rejourned my prefent 
defigneSo But God is wife, who, 
whenhegWcth usPhyficke, doth 
pin ail rfce outward comforts wee 
a&tt, ferre from us, l:ft his cha- 

Wt art morcfmfibk ofCreJfef y 


ftifemerus (hould work leffe kind- 
ly, and to thepurpofe, with us. 
Dcarc Si iter, the Pbyficke muft 
make us ficke, that doch us any 
good: yet Sifter, a9 wee muft not 
hinder them wich prcpofterous and 
over-timely comfort of oar (elves, 
(0 wee muft not make them more 
vehemently ftirre us than they do ; 
for both arc dangerous. I perceive 
by your little patheticall Letter, 
that you thinke a great dcale on 
this late hand of God: loureld&ft 
Brother , your eldtfi Brother alretdy, 
your eldejt Brother already rooted 
out^ theie are all af&ftionate elo- 
quence. Sifter,our naughty envies 
are full of falfe ghfTea : when God 
doth us any favour, giving us ble£ 
Gngs,then they hold a glatfe before 
us, which makech them fceme no- 
thing fo great as they are 5 when 
God (endeth any croffe, then they 
deceive us wich (uch a glafle, in 
which we fceme to fee them m Jch 
greater than they are. Befides,be- 
caufe God givech us fuch plenty 
L v of 


than &f Favours. 

ofcmercy, tb^r wee arc ever iota, 
fling and profeffing feme good 
thing, ot other; therefore, theft 
being plentifully make them leife 
dainty : but not alwaica feeling 
forae evill or other, they move us, 
when they come fo much the 
more,by how much they are more 
unufuailwithus* Weefeeleraore 
the ach of one tooth, than ttoe 
bealchfcme frame of our whole 
bodies. Let you and me then falkc 
about thefe things which ftickc 
moftupoo your itomacke. Sifter, 
1$ it not more kindly, the younger 
{hould bury the cldeft,than other- 
wife ? This then muft not gticve 
you, that God hath taken the 
eldeft ; he wasthcripeft, and fi tteft 
to be gathered. But why doc you 
6y, Already ? Alas, good heart ; if 
hee had died before his upper Lip 
had fprouted, I (hould not have 
wondredat this word : but, Sifter, 
he lived aln&oft to gray haires ; you 
could not begge a longer Leafeof 
your owae lite, in modefty, than 


Cemfort for the death of 

God gave him here amongft the 
living. If wee kept our daies in 
number, wee would thinkc kwa 
yeeres many; andia thofeyeeres 
he came to a ripe age. Takeheedc, 
left whiles you looke atthiityou 
have nor, you forget the Lords 
bounty, which is already received, 
in his fo long continuance with 
you. Wf*ci you fay. He is rooted 
out; Itakeit, you ufe this phrafe 
chicfcly,becaufe hec is dead with- 
out heires male: bat that bee hath 
hcircs fera.ile, k is a gifc of grac^ 
which wee defcrve not ; neither 
will his.naroe behead, while his 
Brother livcth. A id what 3s the 
Name? Is it none of our things 
which cannot be ihakcn ; every 
Nim* muft at lengch be ixcinfh 
I muft not heale more in you ihn 
I find ; left when I fteketocurea 
wound that is, I make a new one, 
whichbsfore w^s not. Ico c.ive 
your meaning no further :bat com- 
fort y mr felfe in thi«; your beft el- 
d:ft Brother lirecb, and is by his 
L 4 Spirit, 

as 8 

*n tlder Brother. 


Spirit* with you to the end ; your 
Lord lefts, who is not afli jmed to 
callus Brethren. OSifter, would 
you provoke your heart to be glad 
of him* you fliould not forrow ex- 
crflively for the abfence of any 
ear- hly Brother : and whatfoever 
thing is inyour tboughr,yet corfi- 
der who hath done it- even your 
loving Husband in Heaven. Ifyour 
earthly Husband fhould doefbmc 
(hrewdturne, as unawares breake 
(bmc Ie well you much fct by$ when 
you heard that he did it,you would 
beftaied, though before you were 
much raoyed. You muft fcy as 
Chrift faith; Shall I not drinke 
the Cup my Father puttcth in my 
hand>That God,that is,Love,doth 
reach it anto you. If you fee God 
angry, yet be of good cheare; hee 
J chat will not Jiave finfull man let 
the Sunne go downe on his anger, 
hee will not for ever kecpe anger 
againftyou ; and a Parent is a Pa- 
reat, as well frowning, as failing. 
Judge your felfe, and with a faith- 

Be^aUm ofCjodsgkry.. \ *$9 

full heart, (hew -him his beloved 
Sonne^n whom he is well pleafc^ 
and he will 6c better friends with 
you than ever. Stirrc up your felfe 
to more zcale of Gods glory^ia fee- 
king to bring children an J fcrvants 
to obey him in their fpiritsyis well 
as ferve your felfe with bodily fub- 
jeftbt). Oh, thinke.thcennofer- 
vants for you, .that Will not learne 
to ferve yoq? Husband in Heaven 
alfo, Fure an eye over young and 
oId,th$£*here be no appearance of 
ihe leeft irreverence inyour duties 
to God 5 occafion your felfe co 
challenge your foulc every day for 
unfruitfalnefT:. Oh, wefhouldin 
wayoftbankfulnefle, with all out 
hearts, (bules, and ftrengths,beal- 
waies in ferviag him : wee muft 
ftrive to the higheft, and then God 
will pardon all wee come (hort in, 
And though you recount varieties 
of fbrrows which you have found 5 
yet know 3 that, God fttiketh not 
j with h;s who! * hand , but fillip petfa 
I you rather with arfinger : our ble£ 
1 L 5 - fed 

2 *0 

W* *rc not alone affiiftccL 

fedjSaviour hath drunkc the dregs 
for u% Againe,you are nor alon? : 
jfac0t,rbargood Pa?riarch,had di- 
vers affii&ions ; Fli^hcouc of his 
Countrey- injury from his Father 
Lsban . frare o r death ac the bands 
of his Brother Ep"; aCaft-away 5 
in regard of m rcy* his Children* 
bloudy Rio • his Wives death; 
J^/?^/dc(pightfuIl packing irtrd 
Egjft, &c. And "Peter firth, Wee 
are madt h^avie with many Ten- 
rations^ when neede is : Which 
fhould yet nurt comfort us b:- 
caufe that thenecellicy ofour efticc 
doth require that wet (hould have 
variety of ibrrowes. Indeed, wee 
muft be forty that our fouUs are 
Co ficke, that they muft cake Co 
many thiogs : but muft be thank- 
full to God, that w, oot weary, 
but doth follow us win thiogs, 
odc after another, for our good ; 
for yw good. All things (hall 
worke together, to the good of 
thpfc that love God: Your com- 
forts muft noc be in this life - 



A Cbnfltans cu>j[<smakc bim 

here is not chat Reft for Gods peo- 
ple : wee will let Viveffet fiiga 
Requiem to their foules; butwc: 
Will pray toGodforgrace,that we 
may carry our crofle,aod tike evill 
do It fle thankfully than good from 
his hand : neither muft your com- 
fort be tacked upon the pretence of 
a nun ; the Gcd of all confoLti- 
tn is your Ccmfortery that Spirit 
which Chrift will fend unto you, 
frojivhim. Aod let all your for- 
rowc$ be welcome for thisfruit, 
which in the end you fnal! findeby 
them : vix* That your departure 
from this world (hall be fomuch 
more eafie when it commeth, by 
how much yo« are before by fuch 
crofle encounters killed in your 
aff.ftion toit. S'icH asmufth^ve 
a member cut off, they willingly 
yeeldtohavc it bound, though ic 
be paliful J 5 becaufe, when it is 
morcified and deaded with ftraic 
bindings they (hall en Jure the cut- 
ting of it off farre more eafily fo 
(hail wee take our cutting off from 



vpillinger to part with the world. 

this World Co much more gently , 
by how roach more painfull pin- 
chings wee have endured. Weil, 
the God which teacheth us to pro- 
fits Efay faith ; which purgcth us 
by tftefe meanes, and makah ui 
more fruicfibll • he make you more 
fiiritfuU by this his hand, inevery 
good word and worke. 

Your loving Brother, 
PjuI Bajne. 


LOving Sifter jiiKJIofTes marre 
agoodTexe : Co my ill con* 
ftruftion had almoft done by your 
good Letter. Ycc I am not fbrry 
that I miffed your meaning ; for ic 
grieves me not fonweh for to mi£ j 
conftrueyourphrat,asJtgladdeth J 
mce, that no fuch, iaordituncy of ! 
griefccaratnigh€ryau,asl imagi- 
tied and feared. Thic which you 
conceived in faying, Akeady, I did 
coo^'dureiciike.wi^ but did not 


Faith ~ afovetAignc Ladj, 

24 j 

plainly exprefle it ; becaufe I knew 
perfonsin griefe rauft be gingerly 
handled, left wee make a Wound 
where there is none, or exafperate 
that which is already fwaged. I 
thanke you for ray Hnd-kcrcher : 
Inrccompenceofyourlove,! will 
comnend unto you a good Mid- 
wife, if you will fend for her ; it 
i* my Lady Faich, whoistheSo- 
vcraigne Lady and Cornmandreffe 
in ail things which the jaft mm 
doth, or Thfifcreth, The j 1ft in 
troubles (hall live by his Faith. 
That which Hive in the fl.(h, even 
in refpsft of this eteroall life, 
World-ward, 1 1 ve ic by faith in 
theSonof GoiyBiU S.Pj*l y gai.z. 
Now, this great Worthy doth 
come to none bat thofe who firft 
prepare for her, addreflbg them- 
(elves to her liking 5 (econdly,(end 
for herj thirdly diet her to her con- 
tentment : for (hec will quickly bq 
gone, if you make Qocfuch provi- 
(ion which is grsttefull uaco her„ 
For the firft: Sifter^gceatMid wives 


■ » 


arid the be ft Midwife. 

\ on Earth, they come to great ones, 
1 where their wages (hall be b:>unti- 
| ■ full t their gifts libera]!- wnere they 
I fh^ll have worfhipfull rtfpcft pjc 
1 upon them, and all thhgsof (he 
beft fuitiig to their contentment. 
And they coir e not willingly, bat 
where there is fome likelihood 
they miy goe thorow with their 
bufiatfle. Bucmy'Ladyrequireth 
no provifion nor qualification in 
the perfbns fhee vLfi erh, but that 
rhey be poore in fptri r , snJ fee 
themftl ves at fuch a pafle^that they 
k *iow not what to do withou: her. 
We know not whattodo,butour 
eyes are towards thee, O Lord; 
when fen fe,and our owne ft rengt h 
areat a ftand,thentherei$ficroorac 
ma^e for Faith to enter. You muft 
thinke therefore, good Sifter, what 
a dead lift this ate i*,to which you 
approach. You fcnow,good Rachd 
was taken away in \u It is the cba- 
ftifementofshc great God^ which 
if he fhou Id not pac under with one 
hand^ as he (hikes with the other. 


Comfortable infyru&tom to a 245 

wc could notindureit : Yea, deli- 
verance in this cafe (but that is fo 
ordinary) would ticfcrvedly be 
counted miraculous. Wherefore 
you muft not thiake of it a* of a 
matter of courfe, which you nccde 
no further to looke about, than to 
gcthelp,andtheaccuftomed means 
unto you : No,noj yo;; muft labour 
to thinkc that* you are in fuch a 
ftrefle, out of which none can help 
yoiijbut the ftrong Helpe of Ifraei. 
Secondly, you muft lend for her: 
Now fbedwdkthinKeaven>whi- 
iher you muft difpatch your beany 
prayer,, faying to the Lord : Thou 
knoweft, O God$ Uo w my heart is 
fallen from thee, in the affiince of 
it, and how prone it istoleancto 
fach helps of the creature, as I lee 
before me 5 though thefe, without 
thee, can doe nothing. O Lord, 
though I know tfaercisnoRocke 
befide thee, yet I am fo dead in un* 
beliefe and fa ! fs confidence, chat I 
cannot tiuft on thee. Helpe there- 
fore my uobcliefe, and increaft my 



woman grcAt $f childe. 

faith.Now when he doth give you 
i grace,fccle faith coraming toward 
you, you muft chetrifti it with 
fuch food whtreby it groweth : 
now faich fccdeth oa Gods pro- 
mife, on experience, and on con- 
federations which arc deduced out 
. of Gods Word. Thus you muft 
thinke : Lord* thou doeft make 
the Hiades to Cilve ; As thou 
haft chaftened us with pain in tra- 
veil, Co thou haft promised that we 
fhailpaffe the pikes, and bring 
forth, though with (brrowes. A- 
gaine 3 you muft thioke, how you 
have found God faithfull and mer- 
cifull in this kinde. Finally, you 
muft reafon thus \ That hee who 
hath put that mercy into a finfull 
man, to helpe a Bead in the era- 
veil of it, when it is hard* will 
hce faile to give you (a Daugh- 
ter believing on him ) all the helpe 
that is good fo? you, anfl which 
maketh with his glo? y ? Tnelord 
acquaint yod with himlelfe 3 in.the 
daily expsnences you hw< of bis 



t \ 

G$d doth not correft us 

Mercy and Truth. Thus hopiug j 
my Midwife commeth not too 
late, I commit you to God. 

Your loving Brother, 
Paul Bzynt. 



OEarc Sifter,- I doe defire to 
grieve with you, in your 
griefe j and to have, in fomc tnea- 
fure^a glad and thaakef all heart in 
your rejoycing. It is bar &kz my 
camming to Towae, that I heard 
of your bruifed b3dy and diftafed 
miade i my eyes are caft up to him, 
who breaketh not a bruited Eleede, 
that he would eafe your minde 5 to 
him that tmketh the broken bones 
to rej )ycc,thathee would returne 
you your accuftomed health and 

D^are Sifter, wee muft in all ac- 
cidents of this nature, remember, 
that our God doch not chaften, as 
hiving pleafure,chaftening (imply : 

but I 


mm than we have medef. 

but when necde is* hce reireraceth 
our corf cS ion,«iaking us hca vie at 
fandrie tiroes 3 and by fundry occa- 
fioits and maaaers ,accord i ng as our 
neceffLy requireth : Wc (hall fin Je 
in the cad,w c could not have lack- 
ed any one ihing^which in this na- 
cure hath befallen u*. 

Wherefore wee muft not be too 
much caft do woe in thefe Corrt &i. 
ons; but rather admire our hea- 
veoly Fathers love, who is net 
weary of nurturing fuch unreach- 
able children ; who is not weary of 
following the cure of our incura- 
ble Diftafes; incurable, were hee 
not fuch a healing God, who could 
fiibdue every thing to hunfclfe. 
Yea, though our Confciences doe 
know, that there is a caufe why he 
chafteneih and putceth fuch bitcer 
Potions into our hands; yea, that 
befallethus, which isobfervedh 
unskilfull Patient*, wee miffethe 
Marke often, when wc con jedure 
the ground s of our owne glide?.! c 
is nor wane of love, Sifter, to S. S. 


God purges us with tjfltSms §49 

which is any pare of Gods quar- 
rcll (though wee CMj none of us 5 
Lve either the begetter, or thole 
that are begotten,as we ougbf . for 
all our delight fhould bein thera :) 
It is (bmc defeftjSifter^nchc day- 
ly coutfe,and io the frame *»d con- 
ftitutioa of the heart towards God. 
When wee doe nor, by imprinting 
in our hearts the remembrance of 
our fcarres fbre»palcd, prefervc in 
ourfoules that lowlinefle and po- 
Terty of fp T ric which it becorn- 
meth us to have before God* and 
which fometimes wee did fesle in 
confeience of thofe our provocati- 
on*; then we give him juft occafi- 
on to meditate on fame new Cor- 
rections. When our hearts grow 
a grainc too light- when our wa- 
ter (as it were) lookcth but a little 
too high y our heavenly Father, a 
Phyfician no leffe loving than cun- 
ning,hedothdi{ccrneit,and quick- 
ly fi teeth ua whom hee moft tend?- 
reth, with that which will reduce 
all to the healthlbme temper of a 



according to our dificmptrf. 

broken fpifit. Alas, Sifter, fuchis 
the forty in the beft of our hearts, 
that our beating will no longer 
dwell with us to purpofe, than the 
fmart lafteth ; and as that weareth 
away, (o wee grow into a kinde of 
lightneffe, fecuricy, and liberty^ 
which are fore-runners of fomc 
enfuing rebuke. That God which 
teacheth his children to proband 
which giveth wi/edome to us that 
want if, without upbraiding us; 
he open our eycs,to fee oar eitates 
this way f that fo he may furnifh us 
with true uaderftanding. Well, 
though theft things come often,y ct 
be not difmaied • it is Gods pre- 
venting love, who will have no 
neaft of ficke matters breed in us, 
which fhould then difmayus,when 
we mod of all ftand in ncede of 
comfort. A body conveniently pur- 
ged every Spring and Fall, is not fb 
fubj;& to cotraft matter of deadly 
fickacfle, as another, which hath 
long gone, on without help of any 
fiich evacuation. Wee fay, it is a 
1 mife- 

Sfiritttall Phjfickyd&dits gwd. 251 

inferable life, to live ftillincourfe 
>f Phyfick**; but wc may turne the 
pecch in fpiriruall consideration, 
ind fay, Blefled arc they, who 
are never without fome bitter 
thing or other from God, that 
they may be reftored, and prefer- 
ved from the fccond Dsath. And 
for roy (clfe,Siftcr, you have fuper- 
abounded tome inyourlovf; your 
aftions and fruits have not bcene 
fparing, but your affe&ton I did 
ever perceive cowards me in all fin- 
cerity.I am forry that I have (hew- 
ed you no more,and that my health 
jdoth not give mce leave to vific 
. you, and come upon you, without 
• waiting any further invicement. I 
have long waded in a conflifting 
^courle, and I thanke ray God (who 
h ath wrought in me) the labour of 
my minde, in fbme regards, hath 
not beene Hctk^hisrmketh me not 
able to mioifter to my drare friends ; 
as other wife I fhoiild. When the 
. hearts neceffiry rcquirech a eonflo- 
1 ent Gf blood to iy he haadvSc "uch 



Wt *nuftfuppor$0$kerSj as weff,&c. 

exterior members arc lcfr pale and 
blood Icfle to appearance : you may 
apply ic ; when fupport of our 
owne Races calls for out ftrength, 
we cannot doe tbac abroad, which 
otherwise were bcboofefbll. N<- 
verchelcfle, Sifter, ifGodcafcnot 
your tftinde, that yon can walke in 
feme tolerable fafhion tinder tbe 
burthen; and if withal I,you thinkc 
my pretence might be reliefe to 
ycu that way, I will for a while 
adventure to you, if God (part me 
health in any meafure. If God fo 
looke upon your (pirir,as that you 
feelc your felfe in foinefbrtfuffi. 
ciently ftrengthened, then out of 
your love forbeare that, which you 
may otherwise in love command. 
Thus leaving you to your God, 
who teacheth us to profit, and 
giveth hearts as well as correcti- 
ons j andwifliing you ranch quiet 
fruit of .righteoufhes in his fcifon, 
I take my leave,this 30, olQ&obtr. 

Your Chriftian Friend, and 
loving Brotber,P**J Bajue. 


Vt htvt nudi eft be Lords daily aid. 


MY deare Sifter; the Lord, 
who hclpcth uswithevery 
good defire^helpe roc with prayer, 
which may find favour in your bc- 
halfe, through Chrift. Should no 
place hold me, in which I found 
noteafeandcomenr, I coald not 
make abode long under the Moon: 
for though I have fownc the feedc 
of both, Iknowthatlananotyet 
to re ape fo mach ts the fit ft fruits 
of my Hirveft j I hare need of faith 
and patience, to makemeinherite 
every promife. The Lord be our 
ftrong Arme every morning, and 
teach usfotolookerohinyhatwe 
may feele our fpirituall flrength 
rene wed.This I fpeakc not of con- 
tentment grounded in godltnefle, 
for I have chit ia my meafure, I 
t'unkeGod- but in regard of that 
content which rdultech from the 
p«eafing rellifh ofc ucwardcircum- 
ftaac>s. The fweece wates of my 


2 53 


2 5 2 I Gidletf wbe rveakjo make usjtrong. 

youch did breed fuch wormes iD 
my Soule, as that my heavenly Fa- 
ther will have me yet a while con- 
tinue my bitter Worme-feede, be- 
caufe they cannot otherwife be 
thorowly killed. I write this the 
rather for your fate; for truely I 
find>that the cofcience of roy Ihte 
and need doth helpe mee much to 
digeft fuch grievances as would 
goe too much againft ftomacke, 
had doc God acquainted mee with 
this ground of pacience. For your 
AA/eakenefle., Sifter, I hope God 
will make it end in ftrengch. Ic is 
kindly for Phyficke to infeeblc a 
while : Howfoeverjhold the Rock 
and ftrerg:h of the heart, the 
Lord Jefus. Hee who healed all 
Maladies, when hee wasabafedon 
Earth; He, whofe glory hath not 
diminished either mercy or ability 
in him., H^e ltttethus be weake, 
that bee may make us ftrong : our 
exiren^itiej is his opportunitie ; 
where mans helpe endech^ Gods 
power begins. The Father of mer- 

Goderrel]rourr6ckeofC om f Jrf » I 2 53 

ciesiti Cftritfylraw you to him,and 
make you able a litclc to wreftle 
wuh him forftreng^h, atleaftfor 
fpirituall comfort : Hcewillbea 
Rock?,& ftrcngth, when heart and 
flefti (hall failf;he will give you the 
Brcft of Confolatioa, and comfort 
you, when no artificiall Confe&i- 
ons can exhilarate your fpiric ; hee 
Will be Anodyne to you, eafing 
you of all your paioe and griefe, 
feafonably; a (hadow at the right 
hand, againft all heat which crou- 
bleth^ a prtfent reliefe. Our weake 
mindes creeping ftill below in 
earthly fuccours^ are much more 
(oaked with evils than they fhould, 
could they cry to God, and get 
chemfclveSjby vertueof his promi- 
fes, as it were, by certaine fcaling- 
iaddcrs 5 raounted up unto hica.The 
raine cannot lye fo long on high 
m Duntaines, as wee fee it to doc in 
lower grounds; fo is it in thefe 
waters of our atfli&ions. For the 
Fityou expeft^God who worketh 
above that we can aske 3 or thinke j 
M hee> 


W% mujlfubmitto Gods Yoakfi. 

hee, I hope, will be better to you 
than you looke for. Sometimes, 
when we prefume upon freedeme, 
he doth with-hold it from us : and 
foflnethnes when wee reckon on no 
other^but to returns to our yoake, 
and take up our ccoffe,hc doth dif- 
mlfle us : but if it doe come 5 and at 
the good timr^welcome ir,ihough 
it be a troublefome gueft ; I doubt 
not but God will make ic pleafe 
you welac parting.Neither be too 
much moved at thofe other petty 
affli&ions: Ifhould rather chufe to 
have. my houfe Gods Hofpitall, i 
than a Court of fuch pleafure 
wherein Gods feare is 3lmoft exi- I 
led. Bictcr her be$ are better, while 
they breed good blood, than the; 
fweeceft raeate which ingcndereih \ 
bitter vomk 3 and mortall Iicknefle. 
The Lord give us wife hearts^ 
which may rather chule afilidions 
than vanity, which may not think 
much to dwell in houfc fometime 
with godly mourning, Wdi Sifter^ 
you have hadyour fdca&re in god- 

] y 

The affli&edfbaBbe-cimftrted. \ 1 5 5 

Iy forrow, as a fofter-father to the 
foulc : I doe affure you this bkf 

fing in the Name of the Lord, you 
(hall receive comfort ; thy latter 
end (half be peace, thy winding- 
fhc^t (hall be as Gods handker- 
chcr, to wipe all teares from thy 
eyes, through Chrift our Redee- 
mer. Which [fpeak not,to weaken 
your Faith touching temporall de- 
liverance, which God ufeth to 
(hew th© righteous (when it is 
good) though they fall into fixe, 
yea,into (even adverfities: but that 
your Faith, confirmed in that 
which is principal), may make you 
depend on God more confidently 
for his Redemption from chefe 
prefent evills (which isacceflory, 
and lefle principal!) and that fo 
farre 33 it may (land with his glory. 

Your loving Brother, 

Paul B*ym. 

Ma 34. Loving 


Chrifttm admonition. 


LOvingBrothcr : Theoccafion 
oiwhitts comminghome,doth 
move (nc to write fbme few words 
(070114 partly* for your better fi- 
tisfa&ion, touching our affaires ; 
partly, forourChriftian Admoni- 
tion, which is al ws ics needfull : ac- 
cording to thar; Admonifh one an- 
other, wbik ic is called to day., left 
our hearts be hardened, through 
the dcceiefulntfle of finne. The 
gract of God, which faveth us by 
the forgivennefiB of finne • and the 
gi^t of adoption, which making us 
Sonnes, bringeth us to have the 
Spirit of Chriithere, tbcearneft- 
penny of that mafic of glory i^ee 
looke for hereafter : This grscj 
doth te^ch us, that is, effectu- 
ally perl wad? , yea, aod conrtraine 
(as P^a/fpeaketb) the IcveofGod 
doth co; tiraine us; all fuch as taftc 
it, doe walke not onely juftly to- 
wards men,, but godly in the 


* — lwm 

The love of God wiH i»une uf 

duties concerning Godsworfhip, 
publike and private ; and foberJy, 
hufingallthe bleflings ard liber- 
cicg of this prefcnt life, which God 
of his mercy doth vouch fafe us. 
Now, many of us are taken tardy, 
bccaufe, that though wee have 
care of faire and juft dealings 
yec, if wee examine our ielves in 
godlinefle and temperance wee 
may be pot in thablacke Bill for 
Non-yr$f,cUtits. For what is god- 
linefle? An inward devotion of 
heart to God, which maketh the 
godly foule both ufe diligently all 
parts of his worfhip, private and 
publike, and alfo in every chii^g to 
feekc bis gbry. So^owalkc tem- 
perately towards our felves, is to 
be.foberly aff.fted towards the 
tilings of chis life,' which wee ufe : 
as neither ta-phy the Harbengers 
and Purveyor, ro provide for the 
lufts of our hearts, before we have 
them ; nor ; y«t to goe too-deepe-in 
them, when wee have them; nor 
finally; to be moved much, if wee 
M z have 


from the love of the World. 

have not this or that which wer 
defire. If wc have tafted the fwecc 
grace of God in Chr?ft± you muft 
needs finds your heart drawne on 
to care, to pleafe God by holinefle 
and (bbrkty,and weanedneflefrom 
the things of this prefect World. 
Gods loveconftrainethustolove, 
Cos AmorU Amor : That you fhall 
fay 3 What have I in heaven but himr 
in earth in comoari/cn of him ? Wc 
love h;m 3 becaufe he hath loved as 
fir ft. And if you have felt the fwcet 
of his gnce, which is better thsn 
lifejtt will weane you in feme mea* 
(ure,and make yoa fober minded in 
thefe earthly affaires and delights. 
I count all things droffe and dung 
in comparison of Chrift and his 
righccoufnefie.A mans mouth doth 
not water after homely provifions, 
when hee hath tafted well of deli- 
cate fuftenancf ;fo 5 whoft heart hath 
died into' Gods favour, which is 
better than the vintage or harveft, 
than all earthly profits and plea- 
lures : he whole heart feeleth this, 


Theptmr of godlinefft* 

cannot but be moreweancdlydif- 
pofed towards things tranficory, 
than chofe whofe portion is in thefc 
matters, who know nogreater hap. 
pinefle: wherefore let race intreat 
you, as you will aflure your felfe 
that you are a Scholler, taught by 
the grace of God ; let me, I fay,in- 
treat you toftirreupyourfclfero 
godlioefle, not to the outward na- 
ked profeffion and (hew of it, but 
the power of it isGods Image re- 
newed in the fpkit of your mind, 
2 TVw. verf.3. 5. Then as your face 
in a gUffe looketh to your felfe, 
whofe 6gure it is, fo let your (bule 
ever be looking towards God, 
whoft image it beare?; ftir up your 
fclfe to him : fuch as love not the 
Lord Jcfus, let him be accurfed. 
Would notyoubeaftnmed to love 
another more than yourowne be- 
trothed wife? Shalwenotblufhto 
have our afflftion more towards 
the creature, than G 3d our Creator 
and Redeemer ? to whom we fmc 
plight our faith, as being baptized 




Love God above ati things. 


io hi j Name • which is likewife cal- 
led upon us as a mans name upon 
the w ■ i j with whrmheiscou- 
pkd? N>w true Ioveiscfficiou3 
ni d:I:genr, not con:cnred with 
good workes which are good 
cheape, but it will conftraine us to 
doc iff] good ftrvias that are plea- 
ting to God. The love of God con- 
ftrawethus, yea, in private, to dot 
like as Abraham the friend or lover 
■of God,G**. 18. 19. Yea, to hate 
that which is tvill : Yce that love 
the Lordjtate iniqui ty-,and do feare 
to offend God, Res eft [illicit i,fkna 
timorisamor : As itexpelleththat 
flavifli fcarc, which is more of pu- 
niflimentthan offence, lore cafteth 
outfearc; fo,fobcr and watchfull, 
put on Chrift : Take no care to ful- 
fill the Ms of theflefti, ufe the 
World as not abufing it; be marri- 
ed as if you married nor 5 yea, cut 
your ffefh {horter in fome things 
your minde fuperfluoufly defireth, 
like David. Remember S.Taul, 
Phil a % 12. who was fo weaned to 
7 all 


Wtt mujl not rtfc laxvfulltbings \ 261 

ail things through Chrift, that hee 
could doc as well in wane of all 
I you may doe, left you quickely 
■ commie thac you may not doe. All 
I things arc lawfbll, but I will be 
fervanc to nothing ; be not unpro- 
fitable towards God : Trees wkh- 
out frutt (hall be cut downe; many 
(hall feeke to enter, and (hall not 
enter. Shore (hooting lofeth many 
a game. I call on you, left your 
thoughts ofmarriage,y our feftivall 
recreation, your companies, refts, 
bring you afhepe : An eafic thing 
when the Candle is forth, and all 
(till without din/o fall a napping ; 
which will prove to your c^ft 
when God (hall fend fori] Sum- 
mons for (laggards. My wife is 
I weake, bur God doth bearc her up 
with meekneiT^thankfuhefl^and 
bope,in all het affii&ions.We both 
remember yon,and wi(h yoar heart 
may not be hardened through the 
deceicfulnt (Tf of (ia. Blefled is hee 
thadearcth alwaics, buc hee that 
M 5 harde- 


withnegkB rfgndlincffe. 

hardench his heart, fhUl fall inro 
evtll. Fare weUjCommcnd us co M r . 
M; his wife^&CiBr other/emcmber 
one thing is rcceflary ; what if we 
could win the World, and lofe our 
fculcs* Thinkc often that Ch'ift 
doth denounce wo on the Worlds 
whom hec tsketh not ifl whore- 
bun whom hee findeih wich tfe ir 
hearts aflfepe^ in eating and drin- 
king^building,bargamii g; that is, 
following law full rhif gs,but whh 
negkft of godlineflejand therefore 
unlawfully; Readc the(e places. 
Yoa have turned the quotation of 
many a Statute, reade them ajaine 
and againe. Corporall meat taftetb 
in themoutbjtheiearefiveetin the 
belly : A man cannot eatc his Cike 
and have it.But you may eate thefe 
words often- and the oftener you 
feede on them by meditation, the 
morefweec noariflbmenc you (hall 
find in them. 

Your loving Brother^ 
Paul Baine. 

Rep ntance the tutichjlone ojrtkgion* \ 263 


BEIoved Brother,thongh I have 
taken my -ourfe hicherco,and 
bcene more indulgent to my (clfe 
in privacy than heretofore, yet a£ 
fare your felfe* you arc in roy bsft 
remembrance daily. My heart doth 
intend to do you the beft fervias I 
fhall be able,in way of your foulf ; 
I hipelfinlUxecmetberaingood 
time : I would be forry the Sceed 
ff]3uid fterve while the grafle 
groweth, as wee we fpeake in the 
Proverb. Wherefore I do admonifh 
you, that you would ftir up your 
hear: to repentance daily, and ihat 
you would labor to feele that your 
affe&ions are now let upon God : 
this is the touchlone by which we 
may try the truth of our Religion, 
that courfe which is eftranged to 
ihcl^-is all the country wide of the 
way to falvation ; this is the way 
thither, If you wilefcapet lie wrath 



264 I Tht exercift of repentance. 


to come 5 recent; and doe workes 

worthy repentance. If you repent 

not,yecflial]pcr!{b» Now the ex- 

ere fe of thls^is thug much : **&j A 

renewed griefe for all unwonhi- 

nefle pa'tt and prefent ^ to ome 

home Bterei &~ necrer to God daily. 

Can wc due eaficrpennance, than 

to kc our hearts fmite us with the 

thoughts of our ignor£ce,otir care- 

lelheffeof God, and ncgle&iog of 

hisfervice? ofour great unprofica- 

bkneffe, which alone is fearefull? 

For the Tree that bringeth not 

forth good fruity is as well cut 

I downeco the fire, as that which is 

! loaded with bad. We cannot fhif^ 

; bur grieve rn thefe cohfiderations, 

j if our hearts love God. If we faile 

I a friend in duty of love, u grie vech 

j us^buufwedochimadiiplcafare 

j and trefp*fle, jjftly alienating h ; s 

nitnde from n?,ir doth car urac the 

heart, tbarwee hav* forgoc our 

telvea* fu farre^aad wc befhrew our 

(elves for it : (hill we then take no 

care for the things wee oriiicand 


Wt muft comfound with'Godjto 26$ 

commit againft God > Malice only 
is carelcffe of fhrewdturnesdone 
tofuch whom (he malig-ietb. The 
nature of Love, is to grieve; 
leaft offence given,thcre where fhc 
lovech: What if fhee offend him 
not fo grievoutly, as we fee others, 
ftull we therefore not be grieved, 
though wee hold on in a courfc in 
(bme raeafure offensive > Mm ha-, h 
right ro a penny as well as a pound, 
and may be wronged as well Li the 
one as in the other: And will not 
the fame rule hold cowards G^d ? 
You muft the rather heare on this 
fide, becaufethatthefparfclingof 
Gods anger myourTowne, was a 
Summonsftnt forth for us deeper?, 
that will not awake our felvcs,and 
prepare to meete our God in hear- 
ty humiliation. The Famine and 
Sword, land Plague, you know are 
the three greateft Arrefts that 
God fervetb on foch as breake his 
Covenants impenitently. This, 
Brother, is the onely way to avoid 
danger, to iooke unto Godsgrace 


t 66 aveydjickeneffe hit Serge Ants. 

j wi* ha forrowfull heart, acknow- 
ledging, that you have ferved him 
Joofely and unfruitful!/. If a Crc- 
di r or fhould lay wait to arreft mee, 
beligiothe City; though I chan- 
ged my Chamber from the Temple 
to Whitc-ChappelljthGugh I cor- 
rupted the Sergeant with a Fee, all 
this could nocfrcure roe; for ano- 
ther Sergeant might be got, or 
fome new coufe devifcd for mee : 
but if my Credko* be compound- 
ed wi?h,l walkeftfely. O Brother 
and S'fter, thus it is : wee are all of 
us debtors unto God; Sickeiuffcs 
are but his Sergeants; there is no 
way of defe ning,if God do by his 
hand upon us, but by fuingunro 
him with faichfull and forrowfuU 
hearts, that it would pleafe him^ 
for his Chrift fake, to give us a 
Qniitus eft, and freely acquit us of 
all our trefpafles $ which thud till 
then, as, fo many Debts in his 
Bookes,uponour beads : thea wee 
may deep on both ficc^uxl walke 
at large i the Coaft iicleasr, vich- 


Dilay not nfeuunct ; Call 


ouc danger. Wherefore delay not ' 
this matter; let not company tranC 
port you, 1st not fearc ofpainful- 
worte afraid than hurt) let not any 
indifpoficion and flxhfulnefle hu;- 
der y ou ; (h ike up your ft lfe, Chriil 
will helpe ynu/M*d* & m$do n*n 
habent modttm • the longer you put 
it off, the longer you may. A man 
thatgetteth up force time, when 
his head (eeroeth full of fl;epe, i 
feelcth no want of if, when hec :s j 
well wakened ; nay, is often more j 
Iighcfome, than if hee had conci- j 
nued (1 Jgg'ng. Wee (hall lofe no j 
contentment, by offering vio!fl cs • 
to our £iritullflothfuLvd]e. The! 
carried him forth of Sodome, hee \ 
catch hold of you, andhJpeyou j 
ia this bufinefle. And when you 
have found this way, you muft 
helpe your Wife, and call on her, 
toreturnewichyou. A good m in 
caonot tell how to goe to heaven 
alone s thi Gommuuion of Saints 



^68 other -taw^Uf with G*d* 

mud be a point of pra£Hce,as well 
as an Article of Bclicffc. One Cm- 
- die lightech anotherreven fo grace, 
where it is, will labour to kindie 
grace where it is nor. We had need 
to retume; all that live ftrangers 
from God (hall pcrifh: as forus 
then,it is good that we drawnecre 
unto him. Now if you aske how 
you may walke with God? lan- 
fweryou; by fetting your heart 
upon him ; for as we lay, There a 
man is 3 where his heart is ; neither 
cm wee have God otherwifefor 
our Go J, unleflc our hearts be to- 
wards him; for if our hearts be on 
any other thing, then that is our 
Treafure and our God. Now if 
you wouid find our, w hether God 
hath your heart, or no, you mull 
trie it by thefe rules, by examining 
whetheryour thoughts and af£b&i« 
ont arc taken up with him. If our 
hearts be fetup3d z thing, <v*ee 
thinke on it of en^ and MQft there* 
on in the flight ftafoo, befog not 
able-,- meaar-while, to rake-any 


Rules to know whether our 


tcft for it. So, all that feare the 
\ Lord, muft be thinkers on him : 
(though hec be not in fight of the 
J bodily eye, herouftftiil run in our I 
minds. If we take no thought cfa 
thing, ic is a tokfntharitisofno j 
refpeft with us. Brother, God is 
not Co commonly knowne, but hce 
i is as rarely thought opon;and mens 
hearts fmite them not, when they 
goe day after day, not once calling 
to minde the powerfull remem- 
brance of God : though the Scrip- 
ture 3 when it doth tcrme men all 
the evill that is, doth ftile them no 
other than fuch as forget God* A- 
gaine, as the thoughts muft be 
niindfull of him, fotheafFe&ions 
of Iove^joy, feare, and defire, muft 
be towards him. Examine there- 
fore, whether you findenot, that 
your defires are more inclining to 
earthly things : you feare more 
often, left men fli«u!d cenftre you, 
and note you of novelty and pre- 
cifenefle, for doing duties to God ^ 
than that hee (hould juftly have a 
quarrel! | . 

27 o heart j be jet on g d y or no. 

quarrell againft yoa, for negle- 
6tfng his fervice daily. So, if your 
•heart joy not in the acquaintance 
you have with this or that man., 
more than in the knowledge yoa 
haveof God in Chriftjefus, which 
isLifeeverlafting : Looke if your 
heartieft love be not beftowed ra- 
ther on the creature, thanonrte 
Creator and gracious lledeemer, 
Jefas Chrift. Now, if you finde 1 
affw&ionat!y,how farre your heart 
is out of fquarc, then you muft 
not negleft to fecke remedy for 
this evill; Griefe which is at the 
heeics thereof is not to be regar- 
ded. For when the raoft vitall part, 
ev:n the hcarr, is touched, then 
wee feeke Cordialls, and beftirre 
us for the reftoring and prefer* 
ving of it : If the heart, as the 
Fouataine of this momentany life, 
berefpefted • what care muft wee 
haveof it, aiit is a Fountaine of 
fpirituall life 5 never to be ended ? 
There is but one Phyfician that 
feelsth this heart-pulfe, and is 


Th$ heart naturally hard. 271 

able to heale ic ; even Chrift Jefus, \ 
that hath (aid, Hee will take from \ 
us the heart of ftone, that is, our j 
fccure, impenitentj and dreadleflTe ( 
hearts, continually offending our 
God; and will give us flefhy , 
that i% tender hearts, ftchasfhall 
fame us when we trefpafieagainfi 
him. We had need to cry to him ; 
for the beft of our hearts; if we! 
knew theatre {b naught,that they 
out/or they are paft mending. La- 
bour to find out this mortall poy- 
fjn, which ex- inguifheth all life of 
grace. The love of the World,and 
the love of the Father, fight like 
fire and water, they Will not dwell 
together. Keepe the heart with 
all diligence, for thence are the it 
fues of life ; pray to God to change 
ir, pray to him to kcepe the frame 
of it: refraine that which increa- 
feth the finfall diftemper of it ; 
-acquaintyour ftlfe with fach good 
rneanes, by which your think, 
ing upon God, and your hearty 


27 2 the violent take heaven. 

affedions towards him, may be 
cherr.fhed and encreafcd. I will 
(hortly fend you a Letter of fuller 
dire&ion this way. Ic is better to 
fcele Gods favour one honre in 
oar repenting foule*, than to fit 
whole Ages under the warmeft 
Sun-fhine this World affordctb. 
Commend me to my loving Sifter; 
(he mud thinkeofthis matter too: , 
not thofe that are cardeffe and 
flothfull^but the vio!eor>that catch 
at it by f orce* they carry away the 
Kiogdome. Many that fceke, (hall 
not enter : what will become of us, 
ifwefceke not; in words and pro- 
ftffion > All Chrifoans looke to 
Heaven -indeed wee acsall for the 
Earth : this caketh up ourthougbts 
and affeftions 3 that wee are like 
Boat-men, that looke one way , but 
row another. 

The Lord be with both your 
(pirics.- Fare-well. 

Your lovifig Brother^ 
Paul Btjne. 

A Letter in^ruElmg *nd comforting i 2j 3 

3 <S. 

ALas,deare Brother,! defire for 
co condole your chance with 
you id the fight oi my God, wi(h- 
ing him ouc or his grace, co enter- 
lac^ the fefifr of his fweet love 
with vour bi* t^rtifcom for r,andro 
give you tbequict fruit of r ghre- 
oufneffe, fol; wK^in the end of 
this-yo l -Jt shtfttfemcfit. The Lord 
doth give rs n<my things, and chat 
onely so prove u«, that by them 
we nny be lei into knowledge of 
otir hearts, either to fee our owr e 
:ntfie,and chert by reverence 
aad love the Giver, and foto be 
comforted when hee takeththem 
fr ;mu5;ortodifcovt:rbythemche 
living in feenricy, andforgetfulnes 
of- God; that finding fuch things, 
wee may bs moved to godly (or- 
row; the end of which Js (alvation. 
Event, which is one Booke that o- 
penech Gods fecr^c pleaftre, doth 


1 74 

for the death of a Wife. 

now fpeake thus much ; That God 
did never intend that you fhould 
long in joy that gift hee gave you ; 
hee divi it to try vrhat was in you, 
to make you fee it, either to your 
conifort,or to your further humili- 
ation before him.The fpirit of man 
kno wcth the things of man ; you 
have a privitie within your fdfe, 
which can determine one way this 
cafe, which in it felfe is indifferent. 
Now to helpe you (as God (hall 
guide) under this I&nd, youmuft 
marke what this courfe, on Gods 
part dothmoft probably tend to ; 
and in the fecotKi place, what you 
are to doe, that out of your great 
lofle^you roay worke to your (elfe 
true, advantage. For the firft, the 
Lord dcth point out thus much; 
that there is corruption flilllyiog 
in you, thac rruft be purged forth ; 
and that he out of bis fatherly loue 
cannot ceafe.but minifter medicine 
to you, to the end that hee may 
bring away that which would o- 
fhci wife hazard your fbulcs health. 


God <?jflt£}j none without caujh . 

Wc are not made heavic with ma- 
ny things unlefle our neede fb re- 
quire, faith S. Peter, Cb*p.i^ m A 
wifePhyfician will not give Potion 
after Ponon, where bad matter u 
Sufficiently evacuated; much Icffe 
wiil Gad reiterace Cca ftrotig uur- 
ges, if he did not ke chit our need 
did enforce it* Wherefore, d^are 
Brother, you murtlearne to fee 
Gods mercy in following of you, 
and the nt cie your foulc hath chus 
to be dealt withall 5 you rruit be- 
thinke you, how that his former 
blow did not worke fo to purpofc 
uponyou,as was meet : which doth 
make him deale like the cunning 
Phvfician, who when there is not 
blood enough taken away., doth 
Rcpetcre vices , open the Veine,and 
make it bleede afrefti. You muft 
bethinke you, what fcape did o- 
vertake you in youth, that your 
God (hould taike alembiance, 
as if he thought you not wor- 
thy efflhe ftabkHfruition of fo 
1 1 lovely a bkfffog, as is a Chriftian 
I tradabl e 



2 j& How to profit bj Gods visitation. 


tra&able loving wife : Happy is he 
that diggeth into himfelfe, to find 
the roots of his evills. Motbi nojlri 
faeilitt* curantHrquam invtnittntw. 
Pray to God that you may take to 
he*rt thecaufes ofthings $ then chr 
>fF:vft* (hall quite ceafe, when tin 
cauf:s are removed . We that hold J. 
de-nmrs to found the truth of cau- 
fes, 2nd who would rather have 
the judgement of a whoIeCollege 
ofphyficians/han not find out the 
ground of a bodily griefe: how 
fhould weefceke co God, that wee 
might through his light difcerne 
what dwells in our fpirits? Which 
is the ground of his difpleafure. 
Now for the fecood thing, how 
you may make the be ft of this vifi- 
tation ; you maft doe this^be decli- 
ning that which may hinder, and 
ufing that which may further the 
cflkSuall working of this upon 
you tofalvatlon. O Brother,if you 
take phyfickc,will you goe out in- 
to the aire? Wiily©u diftemper 
your felfc by diet ? Will you hurt 


Wt tnufl take afflt&ion to heart. 


the working of it in you?(Such ac- 
cents as thefe,are Gods Phyfickc 
for your (bule : O be caref ull to let 
them workcinyouto purpo(e,that 
your healing(wh? n God fhall fliew 
ic) may fland a Fall & Spring with 
you,may becomirsualL IfaPocion 
flay not with us, but come up a- 
gaine untimely, what will ic benefit 
the body ? If a Seate-cloth be put 
upon us, and wee weary quickely, 
pull it offagaihe,what profit can it 
bring us? O Co, when God layeth 
thefe Plaifters to our hearts,indeed 
let them lie on, but quench that 
forrowfer fin, by company, and 
other occafions, not dieting our 
fbules, as who are Patients ud.-r 
I Gods hands : Alas, wee {foil be as 
J readyforancwPurge,asifwehad 
j never taken any. O Brother,! gtve 
you no worfe counfell than 1 my 
felfepra&ife; if I knew anyfafcr^ 
you fhould have it. The Lord give 
you wi(dome,that you may be able 
to looke before you,and delight in. 
N fuchi 

278 Wt art aft to jltight apUion. 

foch things, which though they be 
tedious for the prefenr, yet they 
will end fweetly.I know yourdan- 
ger; Oh, if wee had but our owne 
fooliftj hearts, wee had enemy e- 
nough, too mighty for u?, without 
the belpe of Jef&s Chrift our Lord : 
But a great many of Syrens fing a- 
bout you a great many of matters, 
which will by little and Iittlc,fteale 
theftvory tnoughc of theie things 
out of your heart :yea,I would we 
had not evill fpirits to keepe pofc 
fcflion in us., with ftch violence, 
that wee can hardly make entrance 
for a thought of this aature. Again, 
it fb fareth with us, that things the 
fecondtime, ftir us not commonly 
16 much as at the firft; a9nature,the 
more fhee is accuftomed to medi- 
cinc,thelefle (he is moved wkh it : 
O,yourauft be afraid of this carri- 
age to your Phyficianjftrong things 
will poifbtf us if they purge us not. 
Againe, our hearts are fo hard^that 
till the Spiritdoe foftea tbcm,thefe 
affliftions which are Gods ham- 

Wc ma ft notfleigbt God t b*nd. 27 9 

mers, bcate cold Iron ; all is boot- 
lefle. 0,when youfeeleit, cryto 
him that hath promifed to takea- 
way this heart of ftone: what need 
I warnc you how malicious the di- 
veil is, to dart fuch thoughts tbo- 
rowus, as if feeing itwili be no 
better^alh wdlcnough?Your ftate 
is thus augmented, your credit in- 
creafed 3 your felfemore capable of 
further advancements and conteat- 
mnits in that kind; feeing you lived 
fore, vvho can undoe that which is 
done ? The Lord rebuke him for 
you. O turne from fuch curfed 
thoughts which tend to this, that 
you may be kept fl ambering and 
fleeping, till God fend forth fbme 
heavier fummons for the awaking 
of you. Now for your helpe this 
way J have fern you a letter which 
I have long intended, but hitherto 
have been e prevented: The Lord 
blefle it unto you. There be two 
extremes under Gods hand : the 
one is to fit light by itj the other is 
N * to 



mcanetn a 



to droope too much under ic. Now 
you mutt go in the midfl: ; take it to 
heart^but wicb hopc^nowing that 
it is good to beare the yoke^ and 
that it (hall be well witbfuchas 
wait filently upon the Lord : and 
therefore fay with Mcha, I mil 
beare it y becaufe IbdveJinxed.Thirik 
your heavenly Father, that God 
that is love it felfe 3 hath put this 
cup into your hand, and fay with 
ChtiRySkaBI not drink* the cttf my 
Father hath put into my hand ? For 
our bodies good we drinkc things 
which make us fet many a fowre 
faceon them ; what (hall wee not 
welcome for our fbulcs health* Yet 
asyou muft let it downe, and hum- 
ble your foule, fo you roufi com- 
fort your ftlfc another while,there 
is mercy with him that he maybe 
feared* It is good to intermeddle 
reftorativesof/pirituall flrength., 
which may raile up the foule in 
true comfort,a s well as other w hile 
to beate downe our foules in 
thought which may humble them. 


(joi c^tlls to hnrnhh^ and 

The Lord hath given you from 
time to time pledges of his father- 
ly care overyouryea/uchby which 
you may gather, that he will never 
for fake you ; whom he loveth, hee 
loveth to the end. Yea, this is his 
great Iove^and he offereth himfelfe 
as a Father to you, that he will not 
let your fpirit goe at randome, but 
correfteth the thing amifleinir- 
that he bring you to be partaker ot 
the qusc fruit of rightcoufaefle, 
and faue you from being condem- 
ned with thofe that are of unbro- 
ken heart,whofe harts never mour- 
ned for their fin. If you cannot fte 
this mercy, of this you mufl: not be 
difmaide ; though it be night, wee 
(hall have day againe, yea,hi8 love 
is the fame it was,though our fenfe 
and feeling is changed . Sit licet in 
nat0s fades anjitrafarentHm^ Mms 
tamen <tqna manet. I do affure you 
in that knowledge of my God,that 
if you doe but favourably judge 
your felfe before him, and humble 
your firlfe iu his fight : if you will a 
N 3 whije 




then to amfort m. 

while count that ftate beft when 
you fede your heart devoted to 
bfm; though the countenance be 
ckj;& 5 that great God that com- 
forts the abjcft, and exalteththe 1 
humble, hcc will exalt you and \ 
comfort you with true joy and 
prosperity. Thus inhafte Icom-^ 
mir you to the Lord. 

Yonr loving Brother, P. E. 


LOvtngbrother^l know a word 
or two will be more welcome 
than continuall filence ^wherefore 
I will let you underftaod how it is 
with us. My wifes infirmities doe 
'continue with her, but fheehath 
more ftrength, I thanke God, and 
the violent working of them is e- 
venpaft, at leaftreflcrh for a (ea- 
ten. It wen?, when I did write to 
you firft,exceeding hard with her . 
but if the Lord give us faith, hee 
can workeabove all wee can aske 
or thinke. It is good wee /hould 


We are dull and/leepy to Good. j 283 

have falfc fires (hot off fometimes 
to flart ap our fltambring (bules, 
which are heavie to fbepe, chough 
we be never (b wakened. Some- 
times acoldneflecoraraeth on our 
fpirit?, which maketh them un- 
a£Uvc unto good^likeas it is in the 
body, the heart is*fleepc (bmetime 
when the eyes are open : fome- 
time wee cake a nap in the luft of 
our hearts : fomctime wee winke, 
by falling into unfruitful! courfes, 
idle words, pafling good hourcs to 
no pnrpofe : the Divell hath many 
waif s to rocke our foules aflcep,by 
making us rejourne our good pur- 
po(e*,and take day :fti 11 a little Hum- 
ber,a little folding of the hands ; \ p . 
we efcape falling from grace, lufts 
unfruifulneflecifwe willnot make 
delaics, buc fet upon good dudes, 
yet even in thefe,our drowfic hearts 
make us nod oftentimes through 

Acd becaufe I am fallen into this 

TheameJ pray you both take heed 

that your Souks be not thus over- 

M 4 taken, 

284 Wt ought toftrive again ft it. 


taken, that the firft love, the gra- 
ces which ac any time you either 
have had be not leflened. Lookein 
the 13. of the Revelat. 26. and nof 
to husband our talents, or increafe 
them, is the nextfore-xunmr of 
judgement. Take heed of giving 
place to lofts, He thatfewtth to hU 
fle/bfitll reape defiruUmi, Gal,6 t 8. 
Take heed of unfruttfulnefle : the 
free that beareth not good fruit, is 
a tree that fhall be cur downe, as 
well as the tree that beareth bad 
fruit, and every idle Word (hall be 
accounted for: let nottheDivell 
prevaile with us to put offa good 
purpofe; quench not the Spirit, 
iTbef.*}. i9.delaie$,ifany where, 
here they are dangerous ; let us 
fliake our felvcs up againft that 
indevotion and fpirituall fljth 
which will creepc upon us in doing 
good : be not flothfull, be fervent 
in fplrit : curfed is he that doth the 
bufinefle of God haftingly. Bro- 
her, we that are the Lords, though 
wee are not in a dead fleepc with 


H?ee neede Summons. 

a8 5 

the World,yet our fouks have the 
remnants of fuch a lethargic as that 
wee are often napping in thefe 
kinds. The Lord hath need to fend 
oat fammons for us fkepers 3 or wc 
(hould be in danger by them. A* 
wake thou that fleepeft, ftand up 
from the dead, Chrift (hall give 
thee lighr ; he that is the true light, 
the quickning Spirit, having our 
nature glorious with him in the 
Heaven. The Lord our Redeemer, 
the quickning Spirit, quicken our 
foules, and keepe them through 
faith in his power, to that Salvati- 
on which is laid up for us in the 

Your Iov ; ng Brother, 


LOvingBrotherJhav* received 
your letcer,ful of heavie report, 
but that our neede is fech that vvte 
muft be made heavie with funihy 

N 5 tempt?- | 

Ti v ■ ■ '■■■ * ■■ "■ ■ ' « ■■ ' V* 


The ttfe we are to make of Gods band. 

temptations ; our God doth not de- 
light in beating us, but our necefli- 
tiesinforceit:Godhatb taken from 
you an innocent and fweet confort, 
thenaturall Narfe of your nurfery, 
a feithfull difpenfer ofyour eftate; 
in a word, a good wife, who did 
you good and not evill all her daies. 
,Wee are bereft of a Sifter, a Sifter 
indeede (as S. Taxi (pcaketh of 
Widovvcs) whoieloffe, though I 
beare more weanedly, bccaule 1 
knew her more fpaiiogly ; yec it 
doth grieve race (he is gone with- 
out any fruits of my love with her. 
The Lord teach U3 to be fcrvice- 
ablc mutually while vve injoy each 
other, that wee come not to wifb 
we had dooe (o. Brother, it is my 
defire,andl will feek at Gods hands 
with a fafting for you, that hee 
would give you repentance, and 
fpeake to your foule, humbled un- 
der his hand, that he will heale all 
with advantage. A great breach 
hath God made in your houfe,bnt 
his mending is better than bis rna- 
k king* 

Repentance only flop G$ds anger. 

kiog.l doubr nor,bat you know by 
this, that God doth call you to re- 
pentance; no bufh will ftop the gap 
Co wcll^s humbling our foulfs-^nd 
judging them in this fight: now 
this is an cxercift that requireth 
entring into our owne hearts, and 
confidering what evillshavelhpt 
in our bofomes 3 efpecialiy in thofe 
waics which the finger of God 
doth point out more particularly : 
c Deutr. 50. i Kings 8. 47. 2. To 
get a fight and fenfe of Gods hand 
on us,and yet of his mercy that we 
are not confumed, 3. From this 
feeling efpecially of his mercy, 
which is never taken from us in his 
chafti(ements,we muft humble our 
felves by confetTioDi which giveth 
glory to God, and (hame to our 
felves, by centring our owne 
foules: as Ezek*26. 34.YeefhalI 
judge your felves as worthy to be 
cut off: by crying for mercies., as 
Vavid, Tfolm, 5 1 . And thus in hu- 
miliation come to him, and re- 
new our covenants with our God. 

no v w \ 



Wet arefubjett to many temptations. 

x Now of our felves, wee are full of 
lLdifpoficion to this worke^ild all 
that convene about you,incompa- 
rifon, will call you from this pra- 
&ice,.in which onely is your true 
peace : and fo you had neede to 
Loke up to Iefas Cbrift, who is 
made theLord,thac hath all power 
in Heaven and in Earth, that hee 
may gi?e his Ifrscl true repentance 
andforgiveneffeof/ins, AB.^ 31. 
Efajf 16. 12. Not thinking much 
to attend upon him, as cheeyes of 
a hand-maid on her Miftrefle : For 
who is like unto our God? and 
what is more precious, than the 
Grace of Repentanct > Againe, 
B'O'hcr, kn n w, that you have no 
vrifdomt, to carry your £lfe as 
becc mmeth you under this great 
hand of God : Fr on both hands 
the Divell will aflaile you, and rhe 
folly fou.id t i:i our hearts, doth 
make his Temptations more dan- 
gerous; fift, to defpife the Cor- 
re&ion of God ^frcondIy,to count 
tc iikefome, cuher to ward the 


Wee arc aft to freight Gods band. 28 9 

fmart off by impenitent meatus^or 
to be iwiUowed up with gncfe, 
and filled with biccemefle^in endu- 
ring of ic. Now for the firfi . we doe 
ic partly by inward fuggeftions; 
perfwading cur klv^s, chat wee 
(hall w«are the matter forch well 
enough, tliac wee are once ^g.ine 
at liber'y, and are in eleftion of 
fach and inch preferments, (if fuch 
things happen .net to be i 1 your 
minde, it is the God of Peace chat 
keepech them out :) (oinetimes a- 
gaine, by making this or that way 
delightful! un*o u?; ftiflkringour 
(lives to be drawee avvay by idle 
company 3 which are no better than 
the Divells whittle, to call us a~ 
way from alltavory courfes, yea, 
hisMinftrels,to lull as in our fpiri- 
uail (1 iffiber.Now take heed here- 
on • fjr this were co dawbe up the 
Aall with untempered Mo: tar: 
Theeafe which i? gptfo n this way, 
is like the eafement of cold drinke 
to hoc Agues, ic would make a 
work thing bieed • for that which 



The itngtr of deferring humiliation. 

ftayeththe working of mans Phy- 
ficke,hurrech the body; which we 
may conceiveby application there- 
of to the foule, if wee will not 
imbrace our affrfrions patiently. 
Now, if you will not liften unto 
God, when he calleth on this man* 
ncr, then hec will drench you with 
forrow, efpecially three waie*. 
Firft, hee will hide from your eye 
the remembrance of &cbthings,in 
which you may take comfort; yea, 
keeping you from tafling all the 
mercies of God, with which this 
correftion is intermeddled. Se- 
condly, hee will hclpe you wich a 
Speftacle, and make you fee too 
b'g,both the prefcnt hand, and all 
old matters &circumftances, which 
may make it feeme grievous. 
Thirdly, hee will hide from your 
eyes all comfortable hope of Iffue, 
which Godismoft faithful! to give. 
Now therefore, deare Brother, the 
Lord Iefus grant you may fiade fa- 
vour in his fight, to efcape evill 
-fiarcs. Make a venue of peceflky: 


Tbefrofit of Repentance. 


be doc afraid to fee fiane, and feele 
the (mart thereof; buc remember 
withall,what the Law of the Spirit 
hath done in the courfe of your life: 
ftrikc your covenant anew, chere 
is hope with our God ; for all this, 
read£^rc/;,2. 3. He is faithful! to 
give Iflue ; yea, though hee mike 
heavfc, yet he will comfort in the 
multitude of mercies, Lzment. 3, 
3 2. Turne from if, as from the D:- 
velljthat would quench the fparks 
of your godly fbrrow and abjecti- 
on before che eyes of your God. 
Take heed my Sonne, of defpifing 
and making light-, cr accounting 
irkc{cme 5 thechafiifementofGod : 
If yee hcke wifedome, begge ir ; 
1 will give i r , and not reproach 
yoUtHeb.ii.^.Iamtsi.iy* Ocry 
to God, that thus you may be gui- 
ded. Should you not finde this 
grace, hee would quickly lay your 
honour in the duft, and we fhould 
have caufe to weep in fecrct : Fare- 
will his Kiogdome, farewell every 
thing. But if hee give you this, I 


2?2 The more voe !$ve,tbe more we grieve. 

dare aflureyou, all happineffe flull 
follow you here, and for ever. 
Seeke his Kingdome,and all things 
(hall be call upon you, Matth, 6. 


MYdcareS ; fter, whatthankeg 
doe I owe co ray God, for 
his Fatherly confolation, where- 
wi:h hee doth comfort you? The 
Lord increafe in m?e brotherly 
love, and that grace, which may 
make mee fanftifie him in all his 
mercy and truth, which I fee him 
(hew any of his children 5 efp&rcial- 
lyluch,whom his providence hath 
endeared to me,above others. The 
increafe of your godly griefe 3 with 
freedomefromdiftrutt, morechan 
heretofore, hath nothing in it to 
be adftircd.' The more wee love, 
the more wee grieve, that wee 
have o fired any grievance to thofe 
whom w£e love. The more wee 
fetle God* love in forgiving us, 


IW»— — — —<■—■■■ III 1 1 1 l II M l ^ ' 


They that gwaru after grace, 293 

[the more wee love againe : (heel 
lloveth much-, becaufe (heefindeth ! 
[much is forgiven her ; much love , 
[(hewed her firft. Diftruft hiu- 
(dcrcth us from feeling Gods love : , 
Gods love is eclipfed from us^ours 
18 much enfeebled Towards him ; 
locr love weake, our griefe for 
offending him , cannot come fb 
kindly from us., for this is propor- 
tioned to our lore. Bleffed be God, 
I who giveth you thofc groanes, af- 
ter his grace : God acknowledged 
J that which his Spirit fuggefteth, 
I When wee bid our children (as 
j Charity for example) fiy, I pray 
you,. Mother, give mee this ; we 
I doe it not, but whs n wee means to 
give them that which wee teach 
themtoaske. So it is with God: 
H^c doth not fend his Spirit 
to our hearts, to hclpe us with 
groancs, but when hee meaneth 
to anfwer our defires : Hee that 
makcth us fow, will make us reape. 
Hungric poore foules are glad, 
when they heare that meate is 
toward | 

294 C^'ft *MJ*tufi* their knging. 

toward them ; glad when they arc 
invited, though yet their Knife is 
not laid on boord.Let this comfort 
you,Sifter ,your Chriit faicb,Come 
whofo thirftech, and drinke till it 
ftreameth from you, Iobn 7. And 
the poore (hall eate, and be fatif- 
fied, and praife my Name, Thry 
jhat feeke the Lord, their hearts 
fhalllive. The Lord re j syce over 
bisowneWorke, and continue it 
in you unto the end. Farewell. 

Yoar loving Br other, 
Paul Baym. 


DEare Sifter, yourcoufinDw- 
bam returning, I cannot but in 
few words anfwer your Letter I 
received. I doe defire to be thanke- 
full for Gpds truth and tender mer- 
cy towards yo j, and for making 
meea Minifter of your Onfohti- 
on : Though wee be unfaithfull, 
yet God will be found faithfull. 
1 When 



ben wee through weakenefle, 
How him, noc challenging him 
ith reverence* concerning his 
feood words which hee hath fpo- 
ken to us; when wee wait not on 
thcperfoiraance of his proirife*; 
even then hee preventeth us with 
his goodneflej and for his Names 
fake, hee comme'h leaping over 
thofe Mountainesofitolw,^ all 
our indifpofition, and unworthi- 
neffe. He who is thus good to us, 
fo unbelieving; if we would mend 
our faith, how would he augment 
his mercies ? This ftithfulncfle of 
God (hould makcunbeliefe odious 
to us,and cauft us to labour agaioft 
it, by looking to the Auihour and 
finifher of our faith; even then, 
when through Gods gracious pre- 
fencc we feele our felves in beft ta- 
king.For as a raan,who hath beene 
handled fore once with the Stone* 
will labour to keepe it downe,and 
% cleare himfejfe ofit,when now hee 
is well,and the Fit over ; fb,in this 
unbcliefe, having found how it, 

(hakes j 

29 6 Itfbould excite w to Faith* 

(hakes u?; whsn wee have the mod 
releafe from ic, then muftweeftill 
be dealing with it: for though the 
Fit is ceafed, yet the fpiritu ill fick- 
neffeftililurkcth in us. Remem- 
ber, good Sifter, howthi Divell 
hath difturbsd your peac? : how 
lictJe things, not looked to more 
timely, have bred matter of great 
grievance. Labour to have ftill in 
fight that our naturall folly^ which 
makcth us remember our beating 
no longer, than the (mart lafteth. 
Labour to heare your Chrift faying 
every day to your foule; I am that 
Saviour,who fave my people from 
finne, I will bethylalvacion. Fi- 
nally ^ ftrive to hare a thankful 1 ac- 
knowledgement of Gods mercy 
towards you : Then &*I1 your 
Peace be like the Sunne, which 
flhiaeth brighter and brighter^ till 
the height of it be attained. 

My deflre is to doe good to your 
foule, both in my pretence with 
you, and abfencc from you. Ifyou 
could marke your felfe, and let me 


Wee muff profit by corretlion. 

now what moft hindereth you; 
here you finde your fclfe wea- 
eft, I fhould fie you better with 
dvice, when God gave me ability 
o ponder that eftate, I continue, 
>ifter,bettcrthanfomecimes I have 
becne, but held under the hand of 
God : For that painfull weakneflTe 
in the bottoms of my body, doth 
(till follow mce* The Lord teach 
mec to doc his will, and indure his 
pleasure : And hee that will have 
finfull men joyne withCorre&i- 
on, Nurture and Inftru&ion, hee 
make me profit by all his chaftife- 
ments. The Lord delight to make 
us ever with good hearts confefle 
his truth and mercy towards us. 
The Lord bteffe you with increafe 
of comfort, and bleflc all yours, 
with you. 

Your loving Brother, 



The bolj Spirit y the beft cemf anion. 


LOving Sifter, I am glad that 
God doth adde fomewhat to 
your health; for I hope it is a 
pledge of farther favour.The Lord 
open our eyes, that wee may fee 
him ro be our life> and the length 
of our daies.You maft not let want 
of company make youltffelight- 
feme : wee u(e nor company well, 
when wee arenot fitted, by in joy- 
ing it,the more thankefnlly to for- 
beareir, whenthepkafureofGod 
is, that we ftiould be bereaved of it 
for a while. Your beft Husband, 
hee is with you ftill, at Bed and 
Boord, ready to vouch(afe you the 
(weeteftCommunioD.The Lord of 
his tender love draw you after 
him, and fpeake peace and falvati- 
on to your fpirit. I have kept from 
you rhe extremity of my Visitati- 
on • but the Candle hath not gone 
out by night, fince theThurfday 
after my cemmiog from you : till 


Submit to Gods Rod. 


within thcfe two nights, for a 
good fpace,I have bcene forced fo 
have fome watch by mce. Yet, 
Sifter, theft arc but the begLmi lgs 
of forrowes, tbefe arc not the fick- 
ncfles that I have fong looked 
f r. The Lord make mee preci- 
ous in his fight, to be made able to 
fuffcr and doe every thing in his 
Chrift. My heart followeth God, 
defirous to be taught of him whol- 
ly, to endure all his plcafure. I 
|thanke you for your loving re- 
fmembrance, which you ftill have 
of mee. The Lord ftirre up ray 
heart, that I may remember you to 
hirn, and that I may be ready to 
helpe you with whatsoever Office 
of true love (hall lie in my power. 
Thus with my lore rcmembred, I 
commend you, and all my CouQns 
with you to the gracious prote&i- 
ion of the Almighty. 

Your loving Brother, 
Paul Btjint. 


Wit ought to prove our [elves. 


LOvc is athingwemay lawfully 
owe; and becaufe this is a fruit 
of love to confider one another, 
and prcvoke to good workes, to 
exhort one another,that we be not 
hardened, through the deceitful- 
nefle of fin : Therefore I wifti that 
othet things not neg!efted,my love 
may be moft fruiif ull in this kinde. 
Let me then call to your mind the 
duties you know well., that you 
may more and more be a praftifer 
of them. The Scripture, 2 Cor. 13. 
5. 6. biddethus prove our feives, 
and tellech us, that if Gbrift be not 
in u^ wee are counterfeits : 1c be- 
commeth us therefore to fee on 
what ground wee ftand, that wee 
may make fore worke with our 
God. Iffalfegold walked abroad, 1 
wee (hould not take a Piece, but 
trying it ; fo wife wee are, that we 
may not be deceived in earthly 
things, when wee hand over head 


We may k*t$w whether rpt bsChriftj* 

admit any thing as currant to th* 
way of falvation. Now wee may 
cafily knowifweebeinChrift, or 
Chi i(t in us : for as where the San 
{bimth it may be decerned hence, 
becaufc the darknes doth difperfe, 
all things are lightfome: Evenfo, 
where this Sun of Righteoufhefle 
fliineth, the darke clouds of igno- 
rance and fionc are fcacrered^ the 1 
light of knowledge and grace ftii- 
nerh. I f you be in Cbrift, yoa have 
crucified the flefh, with the luft of 
it 3 gal. 5. 24. If you be in Chrift, 
you are a new creature, 2 Cor. 5. 
20. Wherefore, Brothcrjbecaafe I 
know there is little wind abroad 
todriae this Mill, the Lord by his 
Spirit worke all things for us. 


Your ioving Brother, 
?*ul Bajnu 

O * 43, Well 

30 i 


Grow in grace. 



WEH, you fhculd Ice rrce 
heare from you^and know 
how you feele your foule affe&ed ; 
who can fie a fhooe that knoweth 
not the foote t how can I fie you 
with helpfull counfelJ, while you 
conceale from mee your daily con- 
dition? You would not willingly 
have a Fhyficianprefcribe blind- 
fold, roving in uncertainc wuhou: 
a marke;but you care not what you 
put upon my invention. Brother, 
how do you feele your foulc every 
day ? doth it grow up inthe life of 
God? hathitmoredefireof him, 
thought cocerning him,morc love, 
repentance, holy fhamc-fcftnsfle? 
If the body be in an Atrophy, and 
not like, what mcanes fbver wee 
ufed,what a griefe would it be un- 
to us > ftiall wee not grkve if our 
(bules grow not up in the life of 
grace ? Doe you fecle feme little 
good thing more than you have 


The lift *if grace requires 

done heretofore ? it muft comfort 
us, and wee muft confeflfe it with 
thanks, giving to God glory. If we 
mention by Letter, and blefle God 
in our bodily health, how much 
j more mart his kindnefle in oar 
, fjufcs be acknowledged? I pray 
I you let me & you fall into Letter- 
colloquies of this nature. Brother, 
t he life of Grace in the heart doth 
| aske darily diligence to maintaine 
| it. Doe you not fee in nature, Ant- 
mjtmis cftjuffc vita eft fug* ? Were 
I it not for the repaire by nutrition* 
| the natural! life would be (none 
extinguifhed. So doe you not feele 
the iife of God in your fbule ? you 
cannot find any vigor of it (boner, 
than you (hall feele a fecrct exhau- 
fturc and decay creepingnpon you. 
Now as wee take bodily refe&ion 
daily, and count it not grievon$,(b j 
wee muft worke upon our hearts I 
before God, that we may. feele 6y j 
this means,from him a daily renew- 
ingofthebeftftrengthinus. The- 
good God of nature hath put a de- 
O a light 

? oj 


Daily nourishment 

light in thofe bodily f an ftions, in 
w <h is the prefer vation of our per- 
fonsjtfrs makes us not abjeft the : 
butbecaufe our (bules are to the 
meatus of grace, as a ficke ftoraack 
is affe&ed to mcate., becaufc it is 
paiofbll a little to us/herefore the 
belt duties are fore-fl wed. The 
Lord faveusfromthisfljthoffpi- 
rit,we will eate without appetite : 
one bic, they hy, will diivedownc 
another. Let us doe thus with our 
ibuks^nd we (hallfindt that eaiie 
which hath fecmed painfull. With- 
out cracking the (hell, wee cannot 
eome to the kernelU The Lord 
kcepe you in his feare and favour, 


GOod Mifter ZW. I cannot 
but write unto you, things 
going as they doe, though other- 
wife I ftould have uftd force for- 
bearance^ becaufe of my iraploy- 
ments; The firft part of your Let- 
ter did rt Joyce mee, and the latter 
(^ grieve 

The vayce oftbankfglving. 

grieve me : For I deOre to pra&ife 
the duty of remembring the affli- 
ftcd y as if my fclfe were affltfted in 
1>ody; according as wee are com- 
rnanded, Heir. 13.3. I am glad 
God hich noc onely kept you bi- 
thfrto 5 but (hed into your heart his 
Fatherly love in Chrift : fo that you 
vow (through his grace) thankful- 
nefle unto the.end. A voyce taught 
by Gods Spirit; for you may fee 
the fame working hi the heart of 
theProphet, on like experience 
of Gods goodneffe: P/*/ t 146. 2. 
IwiBpraife the Lord during my life, 
4* long as J have &nj being, J will 
fmg to mj God. It is a feemtly 
thing to breakc out into thofc 
voyecs : what (hall wee give the 
Lord for all his benefits {hewed 
to us > Deliverance is comfortable, 
but Gods loving kindnefle is bet- 
ter than life. Therefore wee muft 
bow our knees to the Father of 
our Lord Jefus Chrift, that wee 
may know more this love of God 
in Chrift, which paflfeth all koow- 
O 3 ledge. 


306 I Whorh God loves ence, he loves ever. 

F ; 




ledge. Ic was Gods great mercy to 
lit you drinke of his favour in any 
meafure, before hee changed his 
right band j I meane his dealing 
with yon : for whom hee once lo- 
vethjthcre is nothing (hall for ever 
make a feparation betwixt his love 
and the party. Neither life* nor 
deatf^neither any thing prefent,or 
any thing which may fall out here- 
after, (Shall be able to feparate us 
from the love of God inChrift : for 
all Gods gifts, his love, and the 
fruits of it, concerning that better 
life, they are without repentance. 
You muft then not let your felfc be 
too much caft downe, but comfort 
your felfc in the Lord your God. I 
pray you reade the firft of Sam . the 
30. Chap, and the 6. vetf I am not 
ignorant M r « T>owfo»jlm a wife is 
very neere, and fo a husband to a 
wife. Iin part confider it,though I 
cannot weigh itas I ftiould. Againc, 
I know that even the deare Saints 
of God have not beene able to 
bridle this paffion : lacob would 



B e not fxe&on earthly thixg*. 

goe weeping to the grave after his 
fonne, and would not be comfor- 
ted. Yet wee muft know wh3t is 
the will of our God : namely, that 
feeing the faflhion of all earthly 
things paffrch away , and feeing 
that diroughChrift he doth cover 
our fpirirs, and give us hope of a 
better enduring life : that there- 
fore wee fhould rtjoyce, as if 
wee repyced* not; and wcepeas 
if wee wept not; wee fliould not 
over-much be affV&ed with rhe 
poffefling or removal! ofthefe 
things which are 


o 4 




in Gods Building, 

Written in a Letter 

byM r . Paul Bayne> ibmctimc 

Preacher of Gods Word at Saint 

Andrwzs in Cambridge. 

EfFedlually inflruding, and 
carneftly provoking to true Re- 

pe&uncej Love, and new 


The fourth Edition, inlarge^ b7 a more 


Printed by E. G. for L JV, and arc to be 

fold by Sam.Endcrbym Yopts-Ffekd- 

Alley, at the Signe of ihe Star, 1 637. 


The Preface to 


LOloing Brother, nature 
her feljisfucbaScbooU 
miftrcffe-i that fie teacb- 
etb ber Creatures indufiry in 
their kinditbe dumb elements 
are carried ahut ytitb inde- 
jatigahle motion : The Ant, 
and other creatures, are ex- 
ceed'mg induflrieus. As na- 
ture maketh a man incline to 
aclion ; fo mfedome maketh j 
him to choofe bis "toorke, to 
leave that which ii dead and 
to lerfe advantage, and to 
cboofe that which is mofl 



commodious. Humane wife- 
dome' unable to go beyond h^r 
compaffe) can but point us to 
civil! human yporksjhe fruit 
T&herofit a good proportion 
ablejo witytiyilor external 
The wifedome which is from 
above and heavenly guideth 
our hands to a higher plough, 
and biddeth w exercife our 
[elves ingodlineffe, meeting 
God with repentance , flir- 
ring up our hearts, that they 
may be affeclioned towards 
him. And becaufe the "9eorke 
it tranfcepdent and of higher 
nature thantbefe (ecular/md 
"toee are ready totb'mke with 
Peter Mafier,wedQ thin ana 


L • — m 

tbw t what fodl wee- have { 
God (that wee might better 
like the work)dotb mend our 
xoagesjifjuring m tbatgodh 
neffe u great gaine ofttfelje^ 
bringing content ment\yea,be 
dotbpromij'e us the things of 
this life, and of that which is 
to come jf we will leame tbu 
occupation. Now he that wil 
increafe grace. and go dlinefjc 
in his heart) muff labour bu 
joule this way xt>itb wreflling 
and contention. It is not eve- 
ry walking and moving in a 
Chriftim cottrfe, by which 
grace is augmen; edmore fen- 
(ibis 5 butjiming our/elves 
up, and putting Jo.for.O} the 
> grace 




grace wee barpe, that infome 
fort we fee I the utmofl it will 
reach to: as natural! ftrengtb 
u not increafed with eyery 
fedentary motion^ hat ufuch 
(lining) as is next to fitting 
ftill, but With fuch exercije^ 
which if it be notadCudo 
teyet is } ad ruhorem,B>£m? 
it ismoft moderat. Wherfore 
as you would bat>e thefoule 
tbrivejreatke it well in me- 
ditation, and other duties oj 
demotion. Wee bate indeed 
ft iffeaking joint s % tbatpaine 
us to ft ir in this kind: but the 
more warmth wee get, the 
more aUgriefe will be abated, 
Now there is no one branch 



J of devout exercife more fruit* 
\fiB than that of Soliloquie , 
I wherein we commune with our 
i owne foules, and excite them 
i towards God. Words ferVe not 
; onely to make knowne the con- 
ceptions of ow minds, but to 
giye glory to God who under- 
flandeth our thoughts afar off; 
and to blow up devotion^ and 
kindle our coolingaffedlions to- 
wards him. Inordinatpafsions 
come likefitule weather ^before 
wee fend for them, they often 
prevent all atlion of the Witt: 
but good affeclions are fo oyer- 
laid withfin which compajfeth 
m about, that if wee gather not 
wind under their wing (fo 




ponderous tbeflejhis)they can* 
not mount up to the purpo/e-for 
the warrant of this duty , wee 
have both precept iffpraclice- y 
take words to your felves,HoU 
i j . $,Hcb. 3.15. Examples both 
facredfiiz],^ u.Gcn. 14.49. 
andEcclefiaflicall ;<**Iuftinf, 
and many nbers Toleadeyour 
band in this matter > [give you 
this letter , which containeth a 
forme of Soliloquies ferVing to 
further your daily repentance, 
and found affeclion towards 
God , keepe it for your private 
uje. And the Lord Iefut i the 
quickning Saviour, be with it 
vthe end above named. 

Your lo v tng Brother,- . 
Taut tkjnt. 




A Holy Helper in 

Gods Building- 

EElWeio shelafy 
and raoft perilous 
tiracs, in which 
r he power ot god- 
lineffeis much de- 
cayed ;and 3 Love, 
^^.24.12. through abundance 
of iniquity, much cooled. Now, 
:here is no one thing which more 
Keedeth this confumption of 
Sracc 3 and growth of 1 he contrary, 
han the want of fuch Spirituall 
ixercifes as awaken grace, and re* 
lew che .ftrength of it in us, from 
me degree to another. For as not 
blowing, [ 


The hem fit of Soliloquies. 


blowing^ brings the firetobeex- 
cin6t in time, no lefle than the pro- 
curing of cold water to be powred 
upon it : fj the fl nhfull, no: row- 
fing up themfclveSjkilleth grace,as 
well as the wilful!, living i.i fame 
k'lowne fh ; death followcth up3n 
both. The difference is < one is vio- 
lent and fpeedy, the other is (as we 
(peake of Consumptions) gentle, 
and lingring, but no leffe certaine. 
Now, though there arc many 
meanes whereby the foule doth 
(hake up it felfe, yet there is none 
more fruitful!, than for a Chrifiian 
to accuftome himfelfe to Solilr- 
quit, taking words to our (elves, 
between God and our owne fouJes. 
Words ferve not onely to open our 
minde, that others may conceive 
our meaning, but to honour God 
( who underftandeth us, without 
them) and arenas it were ? Bellowes 
to blow up our affe&ions, when 
their devotion cooleth. Sinful pat 
fio-js will prevent our wills, and 
come (as wee fay of foule Wea- 


Solihqn'us <omanded y praQtfed. 

rher) before they are fen t for. But 
x>r holy affc&ions (fo ponderous 
is our corruption, which preffeth 
iowne) unit fie wte Lbour the 
:hing with our heart?, they will 
sotrifecoariypurpofein us. God 
rhercfore hath commanded it un- 
:o us ; and complaineih, when ic is 
legletted. Hof.14. 2. Take words 
:o your telves : None awaketh 
hirafelfe to lay hold on God:None 
faith, Jerern. 8. 6. What have I 
ione> And the moft excellent 
men of God have abounded in fb- 
litary Conferences ri;h God and 
:heir Soules; as both facred and 
Scclefiafticall Story teach, by the 
examples of David, and others, 
Saint tAujlcn, Anfelme^ and J?er- 
wrd. The fruite of this Exercife, 
hath made mee ftt downe (for 
the helpe of Novices, who have 
not becne exercifed this way) a 
Forrae of Words, which might 
:ontaine fie Soliloquies , to further 
us in found Repentance, and good 
AfE ftions towards God. Firft, 




Gods judgements call for repentance* 

therefore, to dcale with you in 
Repentance; then, to helpe you 
forward iu Love, and new obe- 

The Lord preacheth Repentance 
frill unto us. If a Meffenger knock 
at ourdoore, and anfwerbe retur- 
ned, he is gone forthwith to thefe 
that fent him. So, if the Plague, 
and foch like M lingers., which 
God lendech to us, had thac which 
they come f >r,thcy wonld not ftill 
ring the Bell at our doores, and 
call upwuv Neirher doth God 
wait for Repentance onely from 
the wicked,, but he would have his 
dearcft Children meete him, con- 
demning themfclves, Luke 13.5. 
If yee repent not alfb more and 
more, when yee fee the exam- 
ples of Gods wrath, yet (hall alfb 

Firft, to fhew you what this is, 
I fhallby this meanes ftirre you up 
unto it more fruitfully. By Re- 
pentance,! meane nothing elfe, but 
godly forrow for Jinm> wherein the 


The Nature of Repexce. 


3ulc humbleth ic i Ifc before God, 
nd commech home to him. It U 
oca worldly fortow 5 likc thrirs 
a HopMj, 14 which roakech us 
yhinc, becaufe the World is hard ; 
lor yet a hopelefle griefe/or feare 
)f puniflimenr : but a griefc for 
inoe , as ic difpleafech God ; whofe 
ovc through Chrift, wee have felt 
ted in our hearts ; whofe mercy 
wee fee ic if, that wee arc not con* 
umed; yea,whofe fatherly affl&i- 
f>n doth feeke to call us hone by 
oving Corrcftioi\ 

Now in ihsforrow, thefoule 
ioth humble ic felfe : For this is 
rhe nature of Repentance; it will 
nakeus takefhame to our fclves, 
parcly 3 by feafonable acknowledge- 
ment of thoft waies, wherein we 
have moft provoked God; partly, 
by judging our felves as worthy to 
be cut off, that we may find grace 
ia his eyes, and not be con- 
demned : And together, with grie- 
ving and abafiog it felfe, the ftray- 
(oule commech home to God, 




3 i 8 Wt ma ft grieve for our failings. 

purpofing through his ttrength, t< 
le* ve thofe courts wherein ic had 
grieved him, and to cleave to bin 
in all his CommandemerKfi. Look* 
then, if emring itvo your own< 
hearts, yee finde, that as much a 
hath beene ami(Te, by difpenfinj 
Gods mercy and patience, yea, hi: 
goodncflr, giving you the Call o 
his Word, and Gorre&ions ; yc< 
are grieved, that yee have beene fc 
unki* -ide and undutifull to fo kind< 
and carefull a Father. Ifyeefiade 
that where it is to his glory, ye< 
love to confefle your unfruitful. 
nefie,and to cot;demne your fel ve$ 
and doe with a true purpofe o 
heart, {hike a new Covenant wit! 
God ,toforbeare your own e waies 
to walkc more fruitfully befon 
him,fo forre as his Grace fhall pre 
ferve ycu in the one, and ftrengi 
then you in the other (for all ou: 
fufficirncy is from him :) if yee fine 
thefe things in any meafure, thcr 
rejoyce j for God hath given yot 
Repentance^ to eternal! life. Bu; 

Sofhali God comfort us. 

fyour hearts have negkftedthis 
xercifcof a broken fpirir, and if 
'our confcicnce tell you,that there 
nth beene little or no griefe this 
vay, then yee muft be i treated, 
hat whileftit is called to day .that 
3ods grace doth (till invite you,yee 
tfould not harden your hearts, but 
prepare to meets him. Weep^nc: 
br rnc, but for your fins, faith our 
Javiour, Luke 23,28. And bkfTed 
ire they that mourae in this tend : 
lie Lord carrieth an hand-cheiv 
thicfe to wipe away thefeteares; 
pe is nigh to comfort thefehearts : 
;he(e April-dewes bring May- 
lowers ; (uch as (owe in teares, 
hallreape in joy, h it not better 
or us, to take the rodde into our 
)wne hands, and beate our felves 
^ently^than force the Lord to cha- 
ten us, who is a confuming fire > If 
the Lord fee, that wee are but wil- 
ing to caft downe out (elves, and 
o deale with our owne foules, 
ice will cover our heads in the 
tvillhoure, whereas his negligent 



l)$l-y not t§ repent. 

Children (hall tafteof his tempo- 
rary difpleafure. Dwlay not this : 
Our fou ? es,in f ^ervingfrom God^ 
are lik<? Bones outof pynt; the 
longer they goc Co> they prove 
more painfull; if we cake thern be- 
ime, ihey are fee more eafily, Wc 
Willcikc Phyfickc,purge,orfweat, 
to prevent the growing of a difeafe 
upon our bodies: (hall we not be 
wife then for our fbules? The vo- 
mit of the fbule, is the griefe of 
Repentance : take it bcrimcs,drive 
it not off, till the Lord be forced 
to vifir« Now if God give you to 
defire, that your hearts were bro- 
ken in his fight, but yet yee finde 
it will not be, partly for the ha#* 
ncfle of your hearts, partly for 
other lets and impediments : I will 
helpe you a little at this lift; fir!*, 
giving you rules for the out- wreft- 
ling of impediments; fecondly,for 
the blowiLg up of our devotion! 
in this exercifcj which of all (a* I 
crifices is (be moft acceptable. 
Now for hinderances , yee mufti, 


KJMayty lets to %cfentance. 


make account to meet with them, 
if ye purpofe more feriouily to call 
your (elves to a more ftraight rec- 
koning for your wayes. Somtimes 
inward indifpofition wil grow up- 
on you : Againe, the Divell will 
want of his will, but fome finne 
or other (hall fo clofs with your 
feules, which will, like aThorne 
caught in the fbote, hinder your 
intended journey. If yce efcape 
thefe,he will tutthet ply you with 
diftraftions-from things, and per- 
sons, which are without you; This 
or that is neceffarily tobeedone; 
One or other is to fpeake with 
yoi* Furthermore > if yee looke 
fcrioufly to this good way of Re- 
pentance, he will fuggellj What 
needeth fuchadoe? God is more 
mercifull, then to require fiich 
ftrait courfes. Whom doeyou fee 
to vex thcmfelves in fuch a man- 
ner ? Yea, fometimes hee makes 
leffe, to fee if hee can difmay us 
from proceeding. Finally, he will 
P harpe 


! [ 


Helpesto orecome the 

barpe much on this firing : Wilt 
thou bid adue to thy plcafurcs^and 
.betake thy felfe to fo painfull a 
courfe? And this is the Loth to 
depart he fingeth to the fonle that 
looketh towards God : firft y to 
fpeake ingenerallto them ; then 
in particular^ to this laftand main 
detention, Now > tha: we may 
fafely pafle thefe Rockes, wc muft 
firft ferioufly confer the malice 
of the Devillagainftus> who by I 
all poffible means he can>oppofetn 
the comming-acquainted with 
this exercife. While we are in 
our own wayes* thecoaft is cleare 
enough : but when God givech us 
a good motion and purpofc , the 
Devill dorh watchit,as one ftould 
an infant^that he may kill it in the 
Cradle * yea, fmother it in the 
Wombe , where it was conceived. 
Thus* Lord, when thou fendeft by 
thySpirit,a motion intoour hca ts 
for our foules healttahe laboureth 
to make us quench the Spirit* and 
fb to double our Condemnation. 


fnggeftions of Sat An* 


Now then/eeingthe malice of chc 
Devill , ye muft labour (fecondly) 
to feele your own weaknefle, that 
there is no ftrength in you to en- 
counter with the enemy , and fay 
thus to your felves : Lord, thou 
knoweft it, I have no ftrength of 
myfclfe; nay > I have that which 
preffeth me downe * which would 
make me thinke , there is a Lyon 
in this way* and flip my necke out 
of this Collar* though there wera 
no other with-ftanding me y nor 
ought without mc> that fhould let 
me: How thai fhould I be able 
to goeover fomany things, with- 
out afliftancc ? Tien ye muft) in 
the third place y looke up unto 
Chrift by the eye of Faith(finding 
the Devils oppoficion > and your 
owne infirmities) who giveth not 
onely the will to trs^but the deed* 
and worketh all our works for us J 
Speake to him y and fay : Lord, 
thoucanft help me; & as thou haft 
p:u this into my mind, and taught 
ii me to know this piece of thy 
P 2 holy 



3^0. l Rely on Gohto take away the lets. 


holy will, (b I intreate rhee to ac- 
cpmplifh it in me : it is not I, but 
thy grace in me, which muft eft'eft 
all. Asa Childewho goethwith 
his Father, led in his hand, if hce 
come to a Stile, or Bridge, he will 
cry to him, to take him and lift 
him over; fo muft we to our hea- 
venly Father,cry to be taken up, a- 
boveall thefe hindrances. This is 
an excellent remedy;when we be- 
hold Seas before us, mountains on 
each fide , Armies of enemies be- 
hindeus, all hindring our going 
forth of our feives ; and in all,the 
Devils power : then toftand ftill, 
andlookefor thefalvation of the 
Lord. And here it is goodto think 
on thefe quickning places of Scrip- 
ture : Enter in at the ftrait Gate , 
LMatth. 7.1 5*Nay,Striveto enter 
in ; for many (hall fcek to enter in, 
and fhall jnot be AleXftks l 3>*4* 
.Sceke fait Gods Kingdome, and 
therighteoufnefle thereof, Matth* 
6*33. One thing is necefTarie,£/^ 
1 o- 42- What if one could get the 


Be resolute in %eycntance. 

S3 1 

whole world, if bee lole his ovvne 
Souk? CM*tb.i 5.2(5* Narrow is 
the gate that leadcm unto lifc,and 
few chere bee that find it, Mat* j % 
i^.Laftly.yemuft think,how if ye 
appoint to bee with this or that 
man, but for fbme twenty Nobles 
matter, (in which (perhaps) yee 
gaine not a Pound clearly)nothing 
(hall let you : if this or that of lefle 
moment be out oforden ye fee it> 
and fee it not i yee have a greater 
gaine in fight : if any would hold 
youbacke, yee crave pardon, yee 
have pointed by fuch an houre, to 
meetluchanone* Then yeemuft 
reafon thustShalll be thus refolute 
in executing my purpofe towards 
man,when I gaine fome fmall mat- 
ter,and fhall 1 let any thing hinder 
me^hen I am to go to God about 
the gireateft merchandize of my 
lbulcs health?Is not this to be pen- 
ny wife, & pound fo©lifh ? This in 
gcnerall, Now in particular. That 
ye may then ©ut-grow thefeare of 
parting with plcafure, and conceit 
I _/ P 3 of 


\ 312 \ Helps again ft the maim Ut 

of fo much hcavincs in this courfc 
ofrepentance;ye muft firft know* 
that this is a jngling of Sata 3 wher- 
by he holds m^noT in the wayes 
office to death. He will fhew us 
nothing but delight inevillco'ir- 
fes hiding all the after birtemefle 
of them, which- fhemd b: ing them 
out of requeft vvith ns : fo in good' 
wayes tending to life* hewilltell 
us of nothing but pain>conceaiing 
all the comfort ofthem,:hat;o he 
may keep us from entring them to 
falvation. Secondly, we are worfe 
affraid then hurt* Foolike as the 
rifing on: of the foft bed* feemeth 
beforehand to the fluggard excee- 
ding tedious, but when he is once 
up^dothnotdarehimatall: So is 
the awaking from the deep of fin, 
and flumbring in the reliques of 
luftjwhich ttill have dwelling even 
in thebeft of us.Who ever repen- 
ted him of repentant griefe?Nay> 
who rcjoyceth not in God who 
giveth it> finding it more fweet to 
his Soule > and more plcafant, 


of repentance, worldly fleafnres. I 333 

then the pleafi.rcoffimcj which I 
foon vanilhech>leaving a-ftingbe- ' 
hind it ? Thirdly>if we try in a re-; 
pencant courfc to leave the plea- 
lures of fins in wch we have lived > 
they will fhortly have no fuch po- 
I werore us>as to holJu> thus hard: 
j For Chrjpjlom doth fitly liken the 
to little Puppiesi which while we 
; play with the,will do nothing but 
. leape about us > but if w* cudgell 
I them a little, have no joy to come 
; neere us.Fourthly,we ruuft n: t let 
pafftois blind our judgments ;but 
' confider penitent forrow>with the 
end of it,and impenitent delights 
with die iflueofche. What is bit- 
tererthen medicine? Yet health, ro 
which it bringeth u«,doth make it 
lovely. What fweeter to our tafte> 
the manythings we wil no: touch* 
becaufe we find they love not us, 
though we love them,we are after- 
ward the worfe for the.In this r?- 
fpeffc thcrfore,werc the medicine 
of repentance grievous to take>y et 
in regard of the everlafting health 
I P4 to 




Gods wiiycs not grievous \ 

to which it reftoreth us,\ve (h )uld 
hkewife men, cake the fower with 
fhefvveete; yea,choofe it rather, 
then to feed fweetly o 1 filch meats 
as pleafechePalateon!y while they 
are tailed* but caufe at length vo- 
mits more bit i ct then death.Fifth- 
Iy;(ay we fhould lofeour delights, 
(though wc dial part with nothing 
but ftollen waters)is it not better, 
as Chrift faith, wcfhould want an 
eye heercand go to heaven, then 
having it, to be caft into hell fire? 
UMfe 1 8. p • 

To conclude, this obie&ion is a 
Qander railed upon Gods wayes, 
which are full of profperity and 
pleafure • and is forcible with us , 
partly, through flouth, which ma- 
keth us unwilling to thefe workes 
(and what is not irkefome to a 
mind undifpofed ?) partly,from ig- 
norant fenfuality, which counteth 
nothing liberty, but licence, no- 
thing fweet, but what is taken in 
huggermugger, without Gods al- 
lowance: like as fome gallants, 


Keep reckoning betweene God &usS ? 3 J 

which think no Venifon fo fwect 
as that which is ftoln. This in par- 
ticular to the principal impedimct. 
Now for the furthering ycur de- 
votion in this exercife, yeemuft 
know, that there is an art blowing 
up of every grace of the fpirit,& of 
this with the reft. Firft therefore, 
yee muft enter into your owne 
hearts, considering your owne 
wayes. We will keepe reckoning 
whatwerunneon thefcore with 
men, but rare who thinke how 
deepely they are in Gods Bookes: 
fuch ill husbands are wee for our 
Soules. Now we muft heere mark 
warily, whether we have rot loft 
fome graces' we have had(Imcane 
have themnot fo powerfully as we 
have felt them) whether we doe 
not give place to (louth, doing 
Gods fervice coldly and flightly ; 
whether we have not forgotter 
our covenant made with Gcd in 
Baptifme> ro wit>cf dying to ou 
own thovghts,vyorcvs & deeds dai- 1 
ly^and laboring in our whol courfe 1 
_ Pj th|t| 

3 5 6 We nuifi call to mmdeyonr great eft 

that not now we live,but Chriftm 
us(as Paul fpeakcth)his fpirit tea* 
ching us to do every thing as be- 
fore him, and inconfcicnce of his 
will, to his glory. Hecrcalfoye 
muft cal tomind the mod grievous 
finnes which ye at any time have 
provoked God with.We muft not 
bid adieu to the remembrance of 
our finnes patt and pardoned, but 
muft ever beare them in memory 
fo far re forth as will he! p us to the 
working of godly fottow , holy 
baflifulneflc & lowlineffe of mind; 
fo far as may be i fpurre to more 
fruitfull obedience for the time to 
come > D^*;.Yea this remembring 
of the finne paft in particular > by 
which we have chiefly offended 
Gody and mourning for it, & judg- 
ing our felves in the remembrance 
of it,is the evidence of true effec- 
tual repentancerSo Ifrael acknow- 
ledged their defiring a King: So 
David his adultery andmurther: 
So PahI his perfecting. He who 
is truely humbled in the fight of 


fwsy & our dailj fiver V'mgs. 

one capitall finnc,repenecthof all. 
Even as a capitall difeafe being ta- 
ke away, which draweth on many 
another by confcnt,the reft are at 
once removed alfo.Again,we muft 
call to minde our daily fwervings 
and'unfiuitfulnefle. This isaheo- 
pening and the looking on our 
wounds, the negloft whereof is 
iewdcarelefneffe, mortally dan- 
gerous. It is no news,noryetmi£- 
liked when you fee a fouldier fhot 
or wounded : but to fee him go 
with it,never regard it>never drefs 
ir, is condemned as defperate fol- 
ly:So/or us fighting in this world, 
no newes , if we come by knocks 
and maimes; but to let them go, 
2nd ranckle, & fefter in us, is for- 
lorn negUgencc.Now then.ifthus 
fitting ttu matter before you, ye 
find not your hearts pricked with 
it, then you muft ( as the Prophet 
fpeaks) take words toiypur (elves, 
and trouble your own foules , fay- 
ing, thus ; Shall I think ofmy fins 
agamftGod , and not grieve for 


3 3 8 I -#/*£ Up the SohU to Repentance. 

, them ? If I have overfhot my Cdfc, 
fo that men may have a faying to 
j me,that doch cue me to die heart* 
I and I am afoamed. If ibmwhat do 
but crofle my corruprnaturcJ have 
griefe at wilb and (hall I not now 
grieve for offending my t^ood 
God? If I had broken day* &not 
kept touch with man> I could not 
look him in the face ; and Tiall it 
not go neer with me > that I have 
kept my Covenant no better with 
God ? if my (ervant have loytc- 
red his day away >aad not done my 
work>heb!uiheth;and isaffraidto 
comobefore me ; and fhall I not 
change my countenanced be mo- 
ved 3 that I have bin fo unprofita- 
ble in the workes of Gad ? By this 
meanes; as men being in fwoanze* 
when they are chafe idee cotne a- 
gaine: fo fnail our foules y while 
we thus beftirre them > findefbme 
warmth returning to them. This 
1.4 k friar* aud furtherance of the 
grace of Repentance; whereas the 
waat of thefe Soliloquies, isre. i 
prooved ( 


Go to Chrtfi for d relenting heart* I 5 ^ 

prooved as a token of an impeni- 
tent hear: > Hof 7. 2 . But if yet the 
heart will not relent* you muft in 
the thi^d place (feeing your bar- 
rennefleand inability) turne you 
toChrift, fpeaking in this wife ; 
Were it to grieve at earthly occa- 
sions, or that my felfweredifplca- 
fed>herc my affections would com 
to me before I fent for them : but 
for god y forrovy^none of it grows 
ib oik gardeas ; our foolifli hearts 
love not holy mourning ; our hard 
hearts wil not relent to think how 
we difpleafe thee* We therefore 
knowingrfhat there is no ftrength 
in our fclves> to any thing that is 
good>looke unto theeahou art the 
Chrift and Lord > thou givett Re- 
pentance to thine lfrael > and for- 
giveneflc of finnes : thou LORD 
doeft circumcife the hearts thou 
hammereft and breakeft the ftone 
by thy Spirits making it flefhy 
and tender; LORD doe thou 
turne us, and we (hall be turned*! 
Lament. 5 >z 1. Thus while ycturnj 





your eyes to Jefus the quickening 
fpiritjbe will be prefent toquicken 
this grace in you. But what ifyet 
your hearts (hould not fo kindly 
melt within you,as yedefire , yet 
all is fafe: for this is rhe fmokc of 
repentance which Christ will 
not leave till it blaze forth;he will 
not put out the fmoking week* 
This defire and labouring after it, 
is happinefle it felf: for blcffed are 
they that hunger and thirft after 
righteoufnestYca ufingthis courfe 
to confidcr of your wants to chide 
( after fome fort) your own foules, 
and to look after Chrift the giver 
of repentance ; the ftonc of your 
hearts(the hardnes)wilcome away 
by little and little. Yea,and when 
in bodily wounds the moft aj pro- 
ved plaifter muft be laid on often; 
ye muft not thinkethat the r c fpi- 
rituall evils, fo long growing on 
usjftionldbegone on a fodden. I 
do be'eech you therefore , as e- 
verye will tafte the comforts of 
God ; as ye will finde cafe in the 


Cods CovenAnt. 


cvill houre, when nothing but 
God cm refrefliyou \ yea > as yec 
love to efcape much worldly tor- 
row ,which tendeth unto dfeath',fo 
acquaint ) our felves betimes with 
this exercife of a broken heart*. 
Bleffcd are they which ( now ) 
mourne* for they (hall be comfor- 
ted* And we know much more 
earthly forrow then we fhould* 
became we will not trouble our 
ownfoulesa little , blowing up 
that godly forrow which is requi- 
red at out hand$ # 

Now fblloweth another thing 
which I propounded, viz,, to 
;belpe you forward in new obe- 
dience , in the faith full keeping 
of the Covenant* The fummc of 
the Covenant betweene God 
and us,isthis ; God in C h r i s r 
faith, he will take us for his peo- 
ple : we promifc him , that we 
will have him for our God. 
This therefore doth comprize all 
ourdutietoGoD,thatwe fethim 
up in our hearts as God. Which 



54 ^ | How to have God our God. 

thing wc docfirft, when we grow 
up to know him in all things* Se- 
condly, when wee make him our 
truft. Thirdly when we love him 
above all things. Fourthly, when 
wefearehim. Fiftiy> when were- 
joyce in him. Sixthly, wfien our 
hearts are thankfully affecled to 
him, waking him their fong and 
praife.This is to have him for our 
Godiwhen we know nothiBg>truft 
in nothing, love, feare, rejoyce 
in nothing in companfon of him : 
when our hearts are thaakcfull 
above all to him. Tofpeak a lit- 
tle to the feverals. 

We cannot have God our God, 
till wee come to know him in 
Chriit. Ignorance doth eftr*nge us 
fromGod,& knowledge doth ac- 
quaint us withhirrwThis i\*#/prai- 
ethforin thebehalfe of his Co-. 
lo(Iians 3 that they m.iy be filled 
with the knowledge of God, the 
fpiritsof their mindsbeing opened 
to look toward him. Even as our 
image in the glafle doth iooke to- 
^ ward 

How wee mafi kn<nv (jod. 

vard usjfromwhom it is refle&ed : 

b God his Image in us doth make 

:he eyes of our minds view him* 

he author of it in us# And as the 

*ye becommeth one with that 

vhichitfeerhbandisafterafort in 

hat light it behcldeth : fo are wee 

>y the vifionof God> which is be- 

;un inns y one with him> and in 

iim,Now this knowledgconfide- 

eth God three way es; either fim- 

!y apart from all other refpeSs > 

nd thus it containeth the Spiri- 

aal eflfencein refpe<5tof hisproper- 

ies> into which this felfefame na- 

ure is diftinguifhed ; the Father* 

ionne*an^. Holy Ghofoallofchem 

laving the fame fpirituall eflencc : 

sif h and you with fome third 

nam might befuppofed to have all 

>ut one and the felfe fame foule 

nd body > being dift n& per- 

pns.Or elfe it confidereth God^as 

nademanifeft in our nature : for 

r efus the Sonne having the fame 

uture with the Father hathta- 

;en fuch a foule and body* as wee | 

have i 



3 44 Know God in Jefns Chrifi. 

have ( fin onely excepted) to t 

fellowship of his perfon; and tt 

is become £Wr/w^/> God with 

or God manifeft in our nature. 

which humane nature y Godt 

Son fuftered death for mil* wh 

Iikewife hemanifefteth his divi 

power* by raifmg it up> and gle 

fying it in heaven* So that he tl 

was dead in his humane nature 

now alive in it for ever , havj 

fwallowed up death in vi£to 

Laftly, it confidereth God s ira 

fefted in Chrift , as he is becc 

our God by covenant, in regarc 

fuch things as his faithful men 

do work for us. He in Ch 

is our juftifier y our fan£hfier j 

who helpethus in conquering 

remnants of our naturall cori 

tion ;, our Redeemer y who d 

vereth us from all our troubl 

the God that careth fcrus , 

veth us every good gift , blefl 

us in our eftates,feedcth us,gh 

us>and all his beloved,(leepe, 

fendcth us from all evill, keep 

We are naturally blinie. 


is by his power unto falvation, is 
he beginner & ender ofall good 
[races in us. But howftiortare 
vc in this point ? We are like In- 
ants,in a manner,new-bornt they 
re kept by the loving Parents 
:om fire and water* they are fed, 
lid to fleep, made ready and un* 
eady,and fhifted in their fcapes ; 
>ut they know not whodochall 
lis for them: fo doth our heaverc- 
y Father by us in Chrirt ; but (he 
tnoweth) little- underftanding 
uve weof him : For though God 
>e Light it felfe, a Spirit which 
>rightly feeth all things in heaven 
tnd earth, to whofe pure bright- 
ieffe,the Sunneis darknefle jyet 
he weaknefle of our fight is fuch, 
hat we cannot looke againft it r 
s the Bat and the Owlc cannot 
•nduretofee the bright Beames 
>f the Sunne in the Firrrument. 

Ye muft therefore take notice 
>f your fpirituall Blindnefle , and 
ome unto him who felleth the 
iye-falte > which hath the Spirit 






(jo to God for eyc-fahe. 

of Illumination, who openetbth< 
Eyes of the blind;cry to him fo 
mercy. If your eyes were mud 
bloud-fhot (your eyes whcrcwitl 
ye fee but one another* Creature 
like your felves) yee would feek< 
out forhelpe for them* and waft 
them with ftrong fmarting Wa 
ters, but yee would reftore them 
And will yee not feeke to yom 
God in Chrift, to reftore the fighi 
ofyourfpirits, wherewith yemaj 
fee him, and the things ofyoui 
peace within the veile, even in the 
Heavens t Nay, ye muft bee aftia- 
med, that yee take no more know- 
ledge of your God in the wholi 
day. If our chi'dren,whenvvcan 
befide them^ftiould through rude 
nefleandcarelcfnes not oncccaf 
a look at us^as acknowledgiug oil 
prefcrice; would we take it at thci 
hands? Might not every one fay, 
Thefe were better fed than taught 
which are thus gracelefle ? Let m 
apply it to our fclves* who ferv< 
our God and Father little better, 


We mufl truft in God- 


ow that wee may fee upon this 
lite with the better hope,let us 
member that God hath promi- 
d it unto us ; this is his Cove- 
mt> wo (hall know him,from the 
reatefttotheleaftofus. But left 
grow too tedious, 1 come to the 

Wemufttruftin God, having 
1 our hopes on his mercy and 
uth towards us ; and thefc two 
:>e together, MenfometimeSjthe 
lore we know them>the lefle wee 
uft them^and that defervedly -.but 
falme pac Such as know God, 

Who (o rcpofeth all his confi- 
enceinGod, hee taketh him, in 
> doing, for his God, As the 
cripture faith in this refpedh the 
:>vetous man is an Idolater ; hee 
iketh his money for his God,be- 
fcufe he putteth his truft in unccr- 
*ine riches this wealth is a ftrong 
'bwer in his conceit? and he tru- 
^eth in the Creature>which dn*w- 
th his heart from God> faith the 



We trufi net in (jod as we 

Prophetjjcr.iy.j. Teaching usy 
that then our hearts arc united to 1 
God>whenthe affiance of them is 
fet on him .Now,thogh we fhoulci 
liveby^he taith oftheSbndfGodj 1 
trufiing on him for the giving and 
maintaining of all eur good, both 
temporal 1 & eternall ; leaning or 
him for all defences deliverance 
from evils fpiritualb yea>and cor- 
porally cafting all our care on him; 
naving ne confidence in the fleftx 
but rejoycing in Chrift Jefus 
though this be our dutie , yet w< 
are exceeding weake* and fulloj 
unbeliefc. This will appears by 
our want of feare at the threate- 
ning* of Gods* Word, which ma- 
keth us loofely alfo to looke aftei 
his promifes.Did webelceve Cud 
threatnings , If ye live after th< 
ficfh, ye fhall die? we woulc 
trcmblcwhe we favour our fehe: 
inourownwayes: the devils be 
leeve^and tremble. And fo ; truftinj 
civilly in any man.? word or bond 
we do feek them carefully > anc 


ought ; htncc Hnbelieff. 


re glad when we have gotten j 
hem; and, as we fay, we write 
jpon them, that we (nail have fo 
nuch money at fuch a day,upon a 
ubftantiall mans word , or bond, 

renus. But God, who promi- 
cth all good things in this life, as 
veil as in the life to come , his 
Seales we feek not after; which is 
I figne of our great unbeliefe in 
hem- Secondly i by rcftingour 
hearts in outward things, and by 
peing difquieted when we want 
them ; this alfo is a figne, that our 
fiearts are unbelieving. 

While we have means, or good 
akehhood of this, or that, we are 
)vell ; let thefe faile, we are trou- 
bled; Which fheweth, that we 
reft not upon ths Word of God, 
which is as ftre in the want of all 
things,as in abundance; but that 
iwe leaneon fuch things as we fee, 
'and have in hand* Suppofeaman 
had Crutches under his armes^but 
leaneth not at all on the as he go- 
:eth, take them away, and he wal- 



LMake Vnbeleefe odi Hs unto yon 

keth as before: So, did wee not] 
truft, and lean on the things feen, , 
but on God> who is not fi en, loo- 1 
king on him by the eye of faittawe 
i ouldgoeas upright, when all 
things to fence feeme contrary to 
that we beleeve, as whenour fee-j 
ling is fed abundantly ThircHy,didj 
wee reft in God and trull in him> 
who is all in all ; we would feek to 
him for his bleflings , more then 
for the meanest which by his blefi 
fing eflfeft this or that;wherea5 w< 
labour not to make him fure to us 
but to get the means^and then w< 
think al is wel with us.iNow th< 
when yee find your unbcleefe, ye 
muft make it odieus unro your 
fclves by fuch likeconfiderations ; 
Shall I feek after the word of man 
(bmetimes:to fecurc me but of (bm 
twenty (hillings matter ? and Ilia 
I not feek after the preciouspromi 
(ks of my God?flial I truft to a man 
promifingthis or that ? and fhaU I 
not truft my God> who is truth 
itfelfe* and cannot lye? Will noti 



How we mnft love Cjod. 

fuchafubftantiall man think much 
if I take not his bare word ? And 
(hall not I take my Lords Word, 
and Seale , and Oath ? He hach 
fvvornc tobleflfe us, with ail h $ 
bleflfings in Chrift : fliall vvc not 
bcleevebim, unlefle he leave us a 
pawne alio ? Thus then, when yee 
feele your unbeleeving hearts to 
trouble you,ye muft looktoChrift, 
the authour arid finifher of your 
faith.Speak to him thus: Thou haft 
begun, and thou muft finifh : I be- 
leeve ; help my unbeliefe, and en- 
creafe my faith. 

The third point is, We muft love 
him. Love (we know) makes a 
m3n and woman , One ; and the 
fame doth couple as to God, Here 
we muft labour to fay from our 
hearts; Lord, what have we in 
heaven,bucthee? or in the earth, 
in companion of thee? Now, 
though we doe love him, yet our 
affe&ion is but weak ; and above 
all things, we had need to mend 
i in this behalfe. Trie your love,and 
I OL fb:n 


3 J * I Tryyonr love to Cj 9 d> and, 



then judge of it. Thofe ye love* 
doc ye not love to be prefent with 
them* as ye two one with ano- 
ther? If one of you be out of 
Townc, doe ye not thmke long 
till ye meet againe ? Are not we 
grieved to hearc them wronged by 
word or deed,whom we eftceme 
dcarely of ? Doth it not cut us, if 
we our fdves do them any harme? 
Are we not glad of a Letter ( in 
ab fence ) from thofe we love?Now 
then examine your fclves; Do ye 
not finde little joy , in comming 
privately or publikely into Gods 
houfe 3 or prefence ? Nay, we are 
like children, who can play abroad 
all rhe day long>and never lock in, 
to their Parents, When do our 
hearts long to be diffolved, and to 
be with Chrift ? Though God, 
throughfundry troubles,doth even 
fmoake us out of this World , yet 
\ we will not come away, in our af- 
ff?6lions. When we heareGods 
i NitneWa(phcmed,andfeeall wic- 
i kedncfle committed; doe our eyes 
I . sufli 

be aftamed af the want cfth 353 

gufh out with teares? Or doe vvc 
not, when our fclves offend him 
daily,pafle it overtaking too light 
penance of our felves ? Doe we, 
withZWf*&deliglic in his Statutes 
more than in all wealth? His Word 
is his Letter to us. By fuch like 
confederations , difcerning your 
want of love to God > yee rauft 
fha me your felves. If a woman 
fhould be dead in the neft , when 
her husband were before her , but 
fhould be affe&ionate to every 
ftranger ; If flie fhould not care 
how long fhe were abfent from 
him> but think her felfe-befhwhile 
they were afunder ; Ifflie cared 
little how her loving husband 
were offended, caftingthatat her 
heeles , which he takes to heart ; 
were not this fhameles behaviowr 
in her? And (hall notwcbe afha- 
med to fhew no more love to thee, 
to whom our foules are married in 
Chrift ? Then ye muft goe and 
confefle that your hearts are full of j 
Harlotry , and falfe love. Ye can 
Q^2 love 


Concerning love to earthly 

love your felves, ye have affe&ion 
enough to the things of this world; 
to the gifts of God , and thofe the 
meancft,more than to the givers : 
as Harlots to Rings, Gold, Brace- 
lets , more than to the fenders. 
Therefore , befeech him to purge 
jour hearts of this,and to fill them 
with the love of himfelfe : for this 
is the promife; I will circumcife 
your hearts, and make you love me 
with all your hearts. Before we 
pafle from this Head, aQueftion 
may be moved , common to all 
thefe afte&ions ; namely ,What we 
may judge of our feives, feeing our 
hearts more fhincin lovcfcar, and 
joy at worldly things , than about 
God, and the great benefits given 
us in Chrift ? 

The anfwer is : Firlt , in many 
earthly things we have a double 
canfc working in our affe£tions;as 
in loving the Wife of ones youth, 
and in bewailing the death of ones 
Parent : and whereas the motion 
I of our aflfeiHons, in things fuper- 
1 naturall 

thingsyabove our Uve to Cjod. 

naturall,is purely from Grace, Na- 
ture fetting no hand to this bufx- 
nefle. Secondly, afteftion is not to 
be meafuredby the indeliberate 
patting motion of it, but according 
to ihe iettled habit from the judg- 
ment and e(timation which the 
mindemakethof this or that ob- 
jsft. A man laughes at a toy : hee 
isnotprefentlyfaid to joy in that 
trifle more than in al other things , 
becaufe the zSt of his joy is more 
lively here tha in greater matters. 
A mans affe&ions more ftirre a. 
bout a ftranger, in entreating him, 
than to his Wife, for the time, 
whom he yet loveth more deare. 
Thirdly, afte&ions if they be com- 
paratively confidered in us , are, 
though leffe in quantity, yet grea- 
ter in vartue : as Corne , when die 
Weed ( as Carloe ) is higher and 
greater,yet this is ftronger, becaufe 
in time it overgroweth, and killeth 
the Weed , which farre cxccedcth 
it : So this love, though little, in 
comparifonoffelfe-love , love to 
1 : Qjj the 



« u 

Spiritual! love out-grows carnall. 

the creature (the fame being in the 
other affed^ions)yet in time it fhal 
lover-grow and kill thisweed.The 
love of the Spirit is ftronger than 
the love of the world. If there- 
fore ye aske , What one fhould 
thinke* thatfindeth his affeitions 
thus ? I anfvver , If he find them 
ftronger , there are two caufes to 
one ; where Nature and Grace 
vvorke jointly , he muft not won- 
der at this matter. Againe^though 
we feele their working more ftir- 
ring fometimes to things earthly, 
yet out of judgement and fettled 
courfowe that are the Lords > doe 
moft affoft him. Thirdly ; we know 
that our affe&ions towards God; 
though but as a grain of Muftard- 
(cediftial out-grow all thischoak- 
vveed of inordinacy* which we feel 
in this behalfe.In the mean while, 
the feeling of this diftemper* muft 
make us ft ill feck the rectifying of 
iu and the healing of thelamenta- | 
ble vanity , to which the afte&ion 
is fiibje&,by reafon of finne. 

. The ' 

The feare ive owe to (jod. 


The fourth thing,is the feare of 
God San&ifie rhe Lord in your 
hearcs,rmkc him your feare. Feare 
to offend him,who when the body 
is killed* can caft the foul into heil 
fire. We fhould reverence his ex- 
cellent Majctty, & dread to offend 
him* becaufehe hath been graci- 
ous unto usj and hath power to d© 
with us whatfoever he pleaieth. 
Were there any from whom we 
had houfe and ftocke , fo chat he 
| could turn us one of all at his j lea- 
fure ; would we not walk very cir- 
' cumfpe&ly , fearing to doe that 
which might alienate his favour ? 
Againe 3 ifthe Majeftie of a mcrtall 
man doth affe6t us(as of the King) 
with reverence-, how much more 
fhould we be afteited with the 
moft glorious M.ijefty of the moft 
high God ? Now ye muft know, 
your hearts are much void of this. 
; Alfo the thing it felfe (peaketh : 
I Do ye not feele ( when in prayer 
ye are to ipeake with God ) that 
there is a reverence in your hearts 
I Q4 ■**- 

3 5 8 UWeditations ftirr'wg hi 

befeeming fo high a Majeftie ? Do 
yc not feele a want of dread at his 
| Judgements, which fo long have 
been upon us,and ftill hover about 
us ? And what awe is in us , ma- 
king us fearefull by finne todif- 
pleafe him? Alas 1 . Preemption, 
Tecurity, and hardneffe of heart, 
thefe Weeds grow fo high, that 
we can fcarce difcernc the Fruit 
above-named. Nowthenyemuft 
work this want upon your hearts, 
as the former ,faying ; If I were in 
the prefence of fbme great perfb- 
nage , and fhould cany my felfe 
rudely, without refpe& , would I 
not blufli? And fhall I not be afha- 
med,that Ihave no more reverence 
when I come be fore thee, O thou 
God of glory ? So, for want of 
dread : Shall the Beafts tremble* 
when the Lyon roareth ? yea,(hall 
the Devils tremble to thinke on 
thy Judgements ; and fhall I be 
fenfeleffei and no whit mooved ? 
-So, for want of awe, in regard of 
Gods Lawes : Shall I dare as well 


up to fear e God. 


to take a Bcare by the tooth, as to 
break the Kings Law, cfpecially 
where he thrcacneth Limbe ,Life 3 
or Libertie : And fhall I not be a- 
fraid totrefpafle againft thy Sta 
tutes ; the breach of which., is pu 
nifhable with eternall death ? Is 
there none but thee , whom we 
may make bold with ? Shall I be 
fo foolifh, as' to feare iicknefle, 
povertie, and mens difpleafures : 
And fhall I not be afraid to break 
thy Commandementsjif men note 
me to hit me in the teeth with pre 
cifenefle? Shall I not be afraid to 
provoke by finnethy wrath, who 
art a confuming fire? What is 
this. but with little children,tobe 
skarred with a Bug-beare, harme- 
lefle ; and to be dreadlefie of fire, 
and water ? Laftly, we mnft lcoke j 
to God in confeience, how this ai- 
feftion is perverted in you ; con- 
feffingtohim , that ye can feare 
the faces of men, and things that 
are>or fecm hurtfull to your felvcs; 
ye can demean your felves reve- 
Qy rent ly 

3 6 :> We m ift rejoyce in the Lord, 

rently toward fuch as are in re-- 
qucft among m<!n;but toward him, 
y: find great wane. Pray ye there- 
fore to him, to put it into your 
hearts : hehathcovenanted,to put 
his feare into your hearts , fo that 
ye fhall not depart from him/ 

The fifth thing is, to rejoyce in 
God j. and co have him in your 
hearts; for God bindeth you to 
rejoycein him: Rejoyce in the 
Lordalwayes ; againe, I fay> re- 
joyce. Delight thy felfe in the 
Lord y and he (hall give thee thy 
hearts dehre.Let not the rich man 
rejoyce in wealth , the ftrong man 
in ftrength, the wife mm in wife- 
dome* but that heknowethme, 
laich the Lord. For what we make 
our chiefejoyjthatis our God :for 
the heart refleth principally in that 
with which k is moll delighted, 
Now what is more equalLtha that 
we (Hoiild (blace ourfclves in him 
with joy unfpeakable and glorious f 
vv'io hath delivered us from death, 
and finns-j and Satan? (who-, as 


but doe not as we ought. 


Gods executioner) bath power on 
finne and death ) In him,who is a 
Light and a Shield ; that is a Fo • at- 
tain of all good,and defender of us 
from all cvill ; able to maintain all 
the good* both fpirituall and cor- 
poralLwhich we have, and give us 
whatfoever is wanting* But if we 
marks our hearts 3 our joy is m ch 
depraved^ (To* that Salomon faith 
not without caufe, that our laugh- 
ter is become midnefle • ) for our 
hearts aft not cheery this way. 
Tell them of the precious benefits 
which are given hi Chtift ; Pardon 
of finne; Peace (the beginning of 
everlafting life) through the work 
of grace; Hope) through Chrift) 
of the heavenly Kingdome ; why ? 
they can heare all this, an \ be fo 
farre from leaping wkhin us ) that 
wc can hardly difcerne them to 
moove. Nay) if we mirke them 
the better ,we (lull lee, that when 
we would bold them to the re- 
membrance of Uich things ; untill 
they have broleenlo^fe from lis, 

th- v 


SolihqHies inciting tu 



they arc not in their kind,and can- 
no: be lightfome :• as if God were 
the damper of our mirth , and not 
the matter of our exulting, and 

Now when ye cannot obferve 
any rejoycing in the Lord, ye muft 
fhame your ielves , by laying to 
your hearts the cafe in other mat- 
ters. Iflfeefomc Toy, orheare 
fome jeft, I cannot containe my 
felfe : If I heare fome good newes, 
or meet with fome profperous 
fuccelfe in my worldly affaires , I 
cannot be pleafant enough: If I 
be pafifing-my time away with my 
friends , at their courteous invite- 
ments, or if I be at my fports , it 
goethon merrily; deadnefleand 
nncomf ortablenefle , I feel them 
not for the time.I dial have laugh- 
ter enough at fome merry conceit, 
or a Feather ,till I tickle againe ; 
and fhall I notrejoyceattheGof- 
p«l of God, or good newes from 
Heaven, touching the falvation of 
-my fonk? AgainAall I be cheery, \ 
\ and/ 


to rejojain tht Lord* 

ad laugh with my friends ; and j 
lall I be all amort , when I draw 
eere my God ? Shall I be glad of I 
cquaintance with man,and not be 
Jadthat I know God inChrift,! 
/hoisLifeeverlafting? Shall the 
vicked rejoyce , in fcrving Sinnc, 
nd Satan ; and fhall I be without 
nirth> in ferving my God ? Our 
ejoycing is earthly , little joy of 
he Holy Ghoft dwelleth in us. 
We are like fuch as are ficke of 
>ight Frenzies; they will laugh at 
their fhadowes,we at our fancies ; 
they fee not into any point of mo- 
[mcntjwe diftaftethat which fa vo- 
Ircth of RighteoufnefTe > and right 
rcalbn. As therefore againft the 
former,lb againft this alfo>we muft 
fight the good fight of Faith ; loo- 
king to him that hath faid , he will 
make our hearts glad in his houfe : 
who hath promifed to fend his 
Spirituntous, that our joy maybe 
full ; praying him, that we may 
feele this Fruit of his Kingdorac 
take place in us ; that he would 



1 1 364 I Wc mufl fraijcGodoHr 

rcciifie this affection inus^making 
us to take comfort in chat which is 
matter of true rejoycing. 

Sixtly* Now for praifmg God, 
and'thankfulnefle unto him> (for 
this is the laft thing I propound 
ded)we have this commandement; 
In all things givethank^ye.bin e- 
vils : (hall we receive good things 
from the Lord,and not evil! ? The ; 
Lord hath given > & the Lord hath 
taken away, blefled be the Name 
of the Lord* For (lowlbever it be, 
yet God is good>even when he pu- 
j nifheth ; and no wonder* Is it not 
j fo in bodily things ? Bitter Medi* 
j ones are as goocLin due icalbn^as 
the delighcfullefl dainties. And 
are not our inward and outward 
crolTes, by Gods grace* made 
vvholefome Phyfickerff* purge out 
our corruptions * and to make us 
partakers of the quiet fruit of 
RighteoufneiTe* and true Holi-j 
neflfe ? Yea, our hearts (liould bei 
ib thankefully affe&edb thar(iike 
fire ) th.y fhould brcake foorch> j 

fehcsiand incite others to it. ) %6 y 

ml inflame others. Wherein we, 
lave holy "David for an example : 
Tjal.i o j.hebcgins; My foule^and 
ill within me > praiic his holy 
>Jame : In the next Pfaitoejhzteb 
verfeyhc faith ; Praife ye the Lord. 
ifftj he ftirres up himfelfe* and 
:hen provokes others to praife the 
Lord. As the Cocke,that firft clap- 
Ding his wings about his owne 
body, rowzeth up himfeife , and 
ifter (crowing)awakeneth others. 
Otherwife j common tearmes of 
thankefulnefle> without afte&ioib 
areas Court-ho!y-water> (as we 
fay) which our God, thatlooketh 
■ the heart and reines > doth not 
refpeft : thefe are good words* 
l:hat will pay no debt with him. 
And truely > there is good reafon 
for this* For whether ye looke at 
benefits paft>eaten Bread muft not 
3'e forgotten, thankes muft frill be 
greener And doth not your par - 
icular deliverance ( when many 
: all on each hand of you)binde 
fou* daily to bee thankefull? 


3 66 I OurTcmporalltncLSfiritHaU 


Or whether ye looke at the things 
ye enjoy; ye know your tempo- 
rail blcflings; as tolerable health, 
good name and reputation, free- 
dome from fuit and fervicc,ability 
rather to be helpfull than charge- 
able, your domefticall peace, your 
libertie,without fearcof reftraintj 
all ofthem in their places,no fmall 
matters. If ye confidcr fpirituall 
bleffings ; that which ye have 
downe in hand , is as great a work 
of his mercy, as the glorious ettate 
ye looke for hereafter. Is not the 
Lords worke more admirable, in 
the firft making and quickening 
the Infant in the Wombe, than ir 
feeding it there, bringing it forth 
and nurfing it up to fiillftaturei 
So, his begetting us again j whe 
were dead in finne ( though yet ir 
the Wombe of our Mother, the 
Church)to be alive in Chrift Jefus, 
when we are new- borne babes ir 
him, is more then the bringing 
of us to perfeft Manhood. Anc 
though it feemeftrange, yet iris 
" onel) 


blefftngsfnotivettofrtife (jod. 3 67 

icly in this refpeft , bccaufe we 
e like Infants ; who live, but yet 
iow not that they live: fo, we 
ivinginfmallmeafurethe Spirit, 
hich teacheth us to know the 
Ings beftowed upon us , know 
« how great that grace is,which 
•ihbeen already (hewed us* Is 
a final! thing, when we were 
tad in ignorance* and in Iuftof 
|irignorance,to be quickned with 
e life of God, in knowledge, 
'hteoufneffe, & holinefle? When 
s were enemies , to be made 
ends,y ea,fonnes and daughters? 
le Apoftle doubteth not to rea- 
hfirom this,to everlafting life,as 
c hfftTyRom. 5*10. God, when 
iwere enemies, hath reconciled 
by his death ; how much more 
illhsfaveusjwithperfcd^ falva- 
snoffbule and body>by his life ? 
at is,by putting forth the power 
"his Spirit. Now he liveth,to die 
l> more. 
Thefe then are great things , as 
(quitting you from finne , and 


3 6% J Praifp God for his iMercies 

death; for Chrifb your Sureties 
fake> he fending his Spirit iqi I 
your hearts* and giving you pa h 
in the firftRefurre&ion. Befidv. c 
thefc 3 ye muft remember > wh 1 
adverlittes he hach holpen )i% 
in, how he hath eafed the yoal j 
of your corruptions > which hav \ 
had more power in yon , the 
now they have* Yea, what evil 
he hath put by you. Have ye q|l 
been tempted in this orthat kint I 
It isy becaufe God in mercy wou n 
not lead you into tcntation. Ye 
this is* in fome ibrt> more to I 
acknowledged than vi&ory> wh< 
ye were tempted : for not to I 
.tempted, is more immediate 
from God,- and leflfc in ma 
power, tha to prevaile againft tei 
rations. For nothing doth ove 
come us> without our will ; b 
without our will, Goddoth lea< 
us into try all : for he knoweth , w 
would talk title of thefe^if it wo 
in bur power to be our owneca 
vers. Ye muft be as thankfull fi 



i>fe fihnes which God hath not 
: yc know, as for thofe he hath 

doned in you> having commit- 
k d them* 

Whether doe ye thinke* ye are 
undtopraifeGod more* ifhee 
ftore you /when fickenefle hath 
meuponyou;orkeepeyou fc» 
at you feele noDifeafe? Now, 
ye confider what things God 
th prepared for you :> they are 
:h as eie never faw^nor ever fully 
itred into the heart of man* 
Dmpare the eftatc of Princc/fr*- 
in his Queen Mothers wombe* 
th his condition ? at full age* in 

the glory of his Fathers Court* 
[ere is a broad difference* and it 
lay fitly refemble the difference 
'our prcfent and future eftate : 
r< are borne Sonnes and Daugh- 
•rs of God^heires apparant to the 
'ngdomeof Heaven ; but while 
te Church doth here travel of us* 
2 are pent up in dark Cloyfters* 
id annoyed with much ftenchof 
1> both in our felves and others : 




Whertin Thank* falnejfc 

but hereafter our eftate flial be 
together lightfome,happy, & g 
rious : fo that we may well faj 
God, How great is the goodn 
that thou haft laid up for th 
that fearethce ?How great thir 
doeft thou worke for the fcnne: 
men, for fuch as hope in thee ? 
fee then,how for things paft , \ 
fent, and thofealfo which he k£ 
in ftore for us 9 we are bound tc j 
thank full. Now, if ye aske wft 
it is, wherein cur unthankfulntt 
fiandeth ? I anfvver : firft,in he;i 
acknowledgement of Gods goL 
neffe to us in all things, withcii 
fcience of our owne unworfl 
nefle, as not worthy of the leaf J 
all his mercies. Compare Gen\ 
i o . and 33.5* with 1 . Chron. I 
14* Secondly , we muft tetai 
Gods goodnefle,that we may \% 
rifie him before others* Com* J 
will tell you, faith David* w| 
the Lord hath done for my foi& 
So, Mofes would tell his fat hefl| 
law what God had done for thai 
I Thin yj 

to Godconjtfts. 


lirdly, it doth make us caft a 
>ut , what we may rcturne unto 
od , by way of thatikefiilncfle: 
r hat fhall I give unto the Lord, 
r all his benefits unto me ? Laft- 
,it wil make us accufe our felvef , 
we be backward in duty* Thus 
z fee, when we receive any fpe- 
ill kindneffe fromour friends; 
ft, our inward afteihons do ac- 
owledge and entertaine it glad- 

; fecondly>we tell what any one 
th done for us ; thirdly, we will 
tnkehowwe may requite him, 
[ at leaft , teftifie our thankful- 
^fle towards him ; fourthly, we 
be our felves (if we go on,and no 
fken of good will be returncd)as 
ach too blame , that we fhould 
(rgec fo great acourtefie, as was 

Now then, that ye have heard 
hat it is to be thankful, and what 
tod reaibn we have to enforce 
ris duty upon us,we muft lay our 
f r ves to this rule; & we fliallfind, 
tat we come as fhort herein,as in 



rr* new* vr eny wnjcwnt 

the aforenamed. Oh! wee 
horribly unthankful!. What gc 
bleffin^s doe wereceive* not or 
cafting a looke unto the giver 
them ? When we are kept in t 
night>and our houfes from fire^a 
breaking into; when refrefl 
with fleepe ; when kept all day 
our goings out>and commings j 
when fed: Doe we heartily i 
knowledge God in all thefe ? Ii 
he that watehcth , or clfe in va 
they keepe the Citie : It is he tl 
rocketh us afleep^and draweth i 
Curtaine ofthc night about vs; 
giveth fleepe to his beloved : I 
he that wardcth about us all t 
day, keeping us in our wayes :! 
openeth his hand^and like a gn 
Houfe-keepen giveth us our da 
bread. If in earthly things? vvh 
we fee and tarte > we cannot praj 
himjwhat taking fhal we be foul 
imabout heavenly ? When yefol 
your daily finnes forgiven you * I 
Chrift; when you are kept fat 
the finnsof your own heart J 1 1 

little hearts jo be thankefiill. 


irrupt examples of worldly men; 
le fpirituall wickednefles which 
ght againft us ; when ye go in 
uricuall peace from morning un- 
1 night? which alone is a gift paf- 
ng underftanding : Doe ye ac- 
KwledgeGod, with affection to- 
ard him , in all thefe ? It is hee 
at fliifteth us out of the fcapesof 
sir natural I corruptiomwaftiing us 
i the blood of his Chrifl^from the 
tth of our finnes ; he forgiveth us 
rerydayourtrefpaffes: Ic is his 
lighten which>as in a Tower* we 
[e kept fife* againft all the ene- 
|ies of our falvation: He is the 
lod of Peace,the Prince of Peace 
i Chrift > who killeth the accu- 
ligj and fubducth the rage and 
iiirpation of finne in us. We are 
tuch in fault > who have received 
pod things at Gods hands? & re- 
layed evill, & fcarce taken notice 
f any his kindnefles towards us f 
lod doth carry us on the tender 
*mes of his mercy ; but (alas ) 
hie doe we underftand of him. 


i 5/+ 

-" &• 

rr,„„, M ,^j f , WV/ , 

In benefits often received/>ur fj 
rits doe not once looke up to hi 
but as Swine take the Mafte,fo 
we our bleffings : Or if we do a 
thing by way of thankefulnef 
how fluoberingly do we turne 
ove^our afte£tios being bent ar 
ther way,rather than to the thar 
full pray fing of our God? We fei 
him,ag little childrej*ferveus;w 
when they be conqe in to us,fr< 
their play s and having gotten foi 
thing of us that they want f aw 
they goe,without reverence or j 
fpe&ofus: but if they khow \ 
will have dutie*then they doe j 
but in fuch a fa (Won , that we m 
fee their hearts are on their Gar 
abroad, more than on their dm 
So , for fpeaking what our go 
God hath done for us ( thankef 
neffe wil not fmother a benefit! 
ceived)when do we tell him, wi 
delight of his kindnefle? Wb 
do e we beat our braines , not h 
fejing the temples of our head 
take any reft,til we have given c 


to ye Lord, Checked. 

God feme argument of our thar k- 
fulnefle?AJas! we ufeour God, 
is if it greatly mattered not how 
be were dealt with* Now then, 
:ake words to your felves, codem- 
ling from your hearts this grie- 
vous finne* Say, if a man do bid 
ne to Supper once in a Quarter, I 
^hanke bim then ; when I meet 
him next after, I thank him againe 
for my laft being with him ; I tell 
bim, what kind welcome, what 
good cheere he made me : then I 
invite him fometime againe y and 
rhecke my felfe,if I forget it. But 
f fbme greater mater be beflowed 
jpon us>how exceeding kindly do 
?ve take it ? how do we love to tell 
Df it : how do we yeeld our felves 
ip to them thr.t gave it,profefling 
|mr felves to be at their comands, 
|o the uttermoft of onr abilitie ? 
(iShall I thanke him who giveth me 
k Supper in love,tell of his loving 
pntercainment,&beafhamed if I 
bake no neighbourly requitall? 8t 
~ al I not be afte&ionately thank- 
R full 

% 7 6 

Thefoxntc ofrnthAnkef^lneJIe 

full to my God,who giveth me all 
my dayly Bread ? yea,who feedcth 
myfoule withHmifelfe, in Iefus 
Ghnft,(here is my body ,& bloud) 
chat I may live for ever? Shall I 
not tell of the fined Wines, thofe 
fat things jeven of my GodAroken 
in his body&fbule with forrowes, 
fliedding his moft precious bloud, 
wherewith my moft unworthie 
foule hathbeene fed* and feafted ? 
Shall I , for fo fmall a kindneffe^ 
thank a man a thoufand times^cd 
tell him , 1 am his to be comman- 
ded ; and ftiall I not furrender my 
fclfc to my God, who hath payed 
my debt and purchafed me a new 
Scocke, even the hope of eternal 
life,with his precious bloud?Shall 
I blufh at fmall unchanfulnefle to- 
ward man* and not be afhamed of 
great want this way .toward God? 
WhatPflhall I be worfe to my Godj 
than an Oxe or an A(Te to his ow- 
ner ? If I ihould fliew one excee- 
ding great love>and he ftiould not 
at all regard me,or returne me but 


How to attawea, thanktfull heart . 

feme common countenance;could 
Iendure it ? Thus then turne your 
felvcsunto God,and fay; I am be- 
come worfe unto thee , than the' 
Whelpes that feedc under my Ta- 
ble,are unto me:they will,in their 
kinde , fawne upon me lovingly ; 
and if any fmite me tfry will pre- 
fcntly flye at him* But my hard 
heart hath no power to be thank- 
full unto thee,and to prayfe thee 
My zeale is not moved ,when thou 
art blafphcmed • I can fuft'er thy 
i reproach with dry eyes , and un- 
! troubled fpirit. Oh, thou who re- 
[ auireft of me in all things to give 
thee thankes.and haft promifed to 
write thy Commandements in my 
I heart, put into my heart a Law of 
i thankefulneffe* O thouquickning 
I Spirit,quicken my fbule this way. 
! Now finaily/oratTa'ning achank- 
full heart, ye muft labour for thefe 
three things rFirft? yemuftquic- 
1 ken in your felvcs the conicience 
of your own anworthincs ; for we 
j cannot praife God to any purpofe, 
R 2 fur- 



The nxanes tcMtaine 

further then we fee our felves lefle 
than the leaft of all his mercies. 
Even as hunger is good favvce, 
making bitter things fvveet; (o this 
poverty of fpirit , and conscience 
ofourowne unworthineflc, doth 
make every benefit amiably tafted. 
Secondly, ye muft labour co work 
upon your felves a fenfe of the 
worth of thofe things ye enjoy; 
in which, we greatly faile : which 
maketh us ufually , that we never 
know the price and worth of our 
good blefTings,umil we are depri- 
ved of them. And this negle&doth , 
breed a double rrnfehiefejit makes 
us enjoy things unthankfully.yea, 
uncomfortably > ( for that which 
through plenryfeemeth no dainty 
cannot be fodelightfull unto us*) 
And when they are taken away, 
then we come to Had-I-wift; and 
do fo much more penance;by how 
much we bave bin morecareleffe. 
In nv^rrljfomucha^Iefteemcof I 
a gift beftowed,fofarre forth am I 
thankfuhNot the having of things 


to a Than^c full heart. 

but the having of them in eftima- 
ye muft labour to fee Gods good- 
nefle to you in all thingsrthe grace 
ofthegivennotthegiftitfelf, fo 
much engendreth thankfulnefle j 
thegift is the Shelljandthis is the 
Meat,which tailed in the foule , is 
Tweeter than life , and maketh us 
breake out into, praifes. Labour 
forthankFuli hearcs; God asketh 
nothing elfe bat this 3 as a Rene for 
| all his bleflings beftowed upon us: 
I will deliver thee> and thou {halt 
IpraifemyName. We will not let 
jgoLcafestomen, for not paying 
of Rent : neither let us give God 
caufe to enter and ftrain upon us, 
& all that we have/or not magni- 
fying and praifing him. Thus if 
Godhelpe you ro ftirre up your 
hearts, (for our affe cftionsjin going 
this way, are like dull A(les,which 
go no longer than they are bea- 
ten; ) if, I fayjic give you grace to 
ftirupyonr hearts to repentance, 
& to lurrender your fouls to him, 
R ? by 


3 8 o | The benefit of Repentance* 

by eying him, t rutting on him, lo- 
ving himrfejoycing in him>fo ma- 
king him your feare^prayfing him 
by (piric, word; and worke; then 
happieftiallyeberifnew plagues 
breake forth , ye (hall have your 
comfort in the hottelt* And if ye 
labour to fee how far re your hearts 
are out of frame , in regard of 
knowledge truft, love>feare r joy> 
thankfulnefll\and in regard of im- 
penitent hardnss and impudencie 
which is in them,(for they cannot 
blufii for that w hichGod knoweth 
by them,d)Ough our cares will tin- i 
gle and glow on our heads, if any : 
m.'.n know ought reproachfull by ! 
us; ) if ye labour to finde this out, 
and then in the fight of your mife- 
ry look to Gods promife^who hath 
covenated to give you a new heart , 
a tender, heart, in which his Com- 
mandments fhalbe written by the 
finger of his fpirit;then ye fhall fee 
that this courfe will let you be nei- 
ther idle nor unprofitable; yea>it 
fhall bring you to grow unto per- j 

fe&ion. ' 

and new obedience. 


fe<SHon. For as the young body, ( 
which from wholforoe emptinefle, 
hath frefh appetite to new fuftc- 
nance*taketh^ugmentation more 
and more;ib the foule,which from 
obferving the heartlefocfle of it 
felfc , vvaxeth dayly poore in its 
owne eyes,hungring and thirfting 
after righteoufnes,receiveth dayl/ 
fpirituall encreafe from GodAVife 
men will take the fowre with the 
Aveeteand nothing in the World 
is gotten* without paines-taking. 
Therefore* it* it feeme to have any 
bitternefle,or to require labour,ye 
muft not be difmayed* I promife 
yoa,it is but(fome little) brackifh 
in the top ; the deeper ye goe, yc 
fhallfindeitthe fweetcr. Make a 
vertueof neceflitie. If yewill en- 
ter into life * this one thingis ne- 
ceflarie>£*/% 10.42. But there is 
none that awaketh himfelfe* to lay 
hold on God. The Lord give you 
underftanding in all things, 

R 4 Ano- 


jiffltttion bcneficiall 

Another Letter, written by 
LMafter PaulBayne. 

MYChriftian friend, if i had 
fooner knowne of yourhea- 
vinefle,! would before this have 
written unto you*. For the more 
arguments we have of love, borne 
us by Gods children, the more te- 
ftimonies we have of his favour 
towards us. It pleafed God > in 
December laft, to char ge his hand 
toward you, and to touch you in 
your wife, whom now he hath a- 
gaine vifoed , and I hope to both 
your comforts* Truely our God: 
(through Jelns Chrift ) is fo mer- 
cifull>that all things are fan&ified 
by him unto our good : all affli&i- 
ons 3 though for the prefent not joy- 
ous, yet they bring us afterward 
the quier fruit of righteoufneffe. 
Thefe evils which here ever and 
anon are prefent with us, they are 
fitly compared to wayward and 
touchy-guefts : which, while they « 
ftay,watch every officer; but when I 

. theyj 


to the SohUj andhoiv. 

they depart 3 they pay freely. So it 
is with thefe: they oftentimes dif- 
quiet the frameof the whole foul; 
but when they go away,they leave 
'cncrcafeefgrace,of faith, of pati- 
! ence^of experience; that the fbule 
faith^Welljit is good 1 knew thefe 
things* But the prefent working 
| offorrows feemeth often farreo- 
i therwife.-for in ftcad of encreafing 
in faith, onr faith feemeth to bee 
fliaken and weakned , rather than 
otherwife ; and in ftead of bree- 
ding patience and hoIineflTe 5 onr 
foules do difcover more impati- 
ence, rebellion , and more unholi- 
nefle every way. Now the foule 
thinketh,when thus it is (haken in 
beliefe; How doe thefe Croffe* 
confirme -faith ? and when fuch 
evilljdwelinginus , doth breake 
ouc,how(faith the tbule to it felfe) 
doaffli&ions beget the quiet fruit 
of righteoufnes?I will anlwer you 
thefe quettions familiarly: When 
Faith is fhaken by evils befalling 
us,you aske how it is confirmed? I 
R j anlwer 


I 384 Temptations Strengthen Faith > 

anfwer you by a double compari 
fon:When a Linke burnech dim>to 
helpe the light^we knocke it;being 
beaten to any thmg> it fecmeth al- 
moft to goe forth ; yet this beating 
it, doth caufe it ca(t light far more 

Againe > how doth the fhaktng 
of a tree by ftormy blafts>fettle the 
root and the tree more firmely, 
though for a while it threaten the 
downefall ■? Conceive of thefe> and 
you may underftand > how faith 
though it feeme to be calt downe, 
yettryedbytcntations > itcometh 
to be firengthened- Now then if 
you aske,hovv they bring forth cn- 
creafe of righteoufnefie>ieeing you 
fee more unrighteoufneffe breake 
from you by occafion ofthem>then 
you have obferved in your felfe 
heretofore : ConGdee that when 
a veflcllof any liquor > hath mud 
an J dregs fettled in thebottome; 
it muft be ftirred 5 that which fee- 
medpur'e* muft be mademuddie. 
before ic can be clcanfed : even Co 

-_ hisj 

~~ ~ " ~ f 

and incretfe righteoufnejfe* j 385 

his troubling of us y veffelfull of 
uncleanneffe > is the way wherby 
God doth clcanfe u s. Now if God 
; he fo tenderly prefentbyus* ask 
j pleafcd him ere-while to be, it 
' falleth fo out* that much sold* ma- 
ny precious graces are difcerned* 
which we before could not difco- 
ver.-and thefe are fuch fweet fowrs* 
fo pleafantly tempered > that the j 
greif is not fo bitter* as the work- | 
ing of grace in us is delightfull. 
But what way foever,calamity doth 
not fo hurt us>as fcarre us ; us who 
are loved of God and called home 
according to his purpofe* Thus 
wifliing your peace^and hoping 
that all (hall turne togoodj 
ceafe to trouble 





in Affliction. 


Letter full of Divine 
Comforts ^ and inftru&ions 

unto all, in the time of iicknes, . 
or any other chaftifements 
of the Lord* 

Written by Mr. Pay l 


PSAL.94. 12; I J. 

Blejfedis the man whom thou chaftifeft* 
OLordi and teacheft him out of thy 
Law 3 that thou may ft give him reft 
from the dajes ofadverfoie. 

Printed for N. Enderfy and are 

to be fold at his Shop in Popes* 

Head- Alley, at the figac 


I 1**7. 






in afflidion. 

Oving Sifter, I can- 
not but write you 
a word in the love 
I bcare you* hear- 
ing that your 
health dothftand 
ore weakely with you > then here- 
fore. I wiih your bodily frailty 
ight be an occafionto your foule, 
Returning into it felf, and draw- 
g moreneerto God inChrift Ie- 
s.Even as childre love to be play- 
g abroad, till night approaching 
*h caufe them return : fo we love 
>cto dwell at home with God* 


590 \joas cbudren better eaoy ajptttoi 

and our own conferences ingodl 
devotion & meditation this way 
but to be abroad in fuch courfer 
as are mod pleafing to our corrup 
nattircs, till the night of affii&ioi 
commeth ; in which>unabIeto de 
light our felves as before > w 
turnebacke into our owne foules 
ani come home to ou; heavenlj 
Father. I wifh you thi* fruit o 
> our infirmities the rathe^becaufc' 
not the having of fickneffe , bu 
profiting by it,is a certaine mark 
that you are one whom God hatf 
cifledi according to his heaven!) 
pmpofeoflife ever lifting :for al. 
things work to their good onely. 
vyhojrcthns called of God, and 
love him,Rom 8. And if you re- 
ceive corred^ion, lb as to have the 
qmei fnnc of righteoafnefle by 
mcanes of it, then you are chil- 
dren,nothafbrd$; that looke as 
good metail is difecrned from 
drofle* not by being in the fire 
onely^biKby waxing more bright 


fmv we may profit under Gods hand* ) 39 1 

rods Children defcried fromo- 
lers, not by being in calamine* 
thich is common to all, but by 
rowing thereby more purged 
•om their corruption , and more 
lining in the light of grace,to the 
lory of cheir Father which is in 
eaven. Wherefore feeing it doth 
) much concern you, to find fome 
>irituall fruits of your vifitatiom 
wiilac this time teach you* how 
ou may come to profit by this 
and of God,which hath followed 
,ou of late with more then ordina- 
/ wcakneffe of body. 
1 Firft,you mtsft labour to appre- 
hend God, as a Father corre&ing 
If you by thefe infirmities. 
Secondly you muft labor to find 
jt the caufe why , and to what 
jrpofe God doth follow you in 
ichkind* And thirdly, you muft 
eke to him, that he would teach 
bu to profit, and lead you by his 
^race to al that which is pleafing 
pfore him. Many account o f fick- 
bs,as a thing which commeth by 
courfe, a 

h ~ 


In infirmities tvetHftfl 

a tbing(which may well be lookedi 
for in your yeers) which will wearej 
away by the grace of God ; onely; 
as it had a time to grow in > fo id 
muft have a time to goe in alfoa 
vamfhing away in fuch thoughtsJ 
never ©bferving the correcting! 
hind of their God > in the thing 
which is upon them. The world as*- 
it doth not know God in all that; 
good he doth them,when he fillecb 
their hearts with joy and gladnes^ 
being worfe then the oxe and aflq 
who know their Matters Crib ; fbi 
againe. beingdiunkenwichignO' 
ranee, andlufts ofignorance^theij 
kno,v not who ftrikeththem,whef 
the punidiing hand of God dot 
follow them: whereas every child 
dcth know when it receiveth cor 
reclion from the earthly Parent 
yea, the wilds Colt doth knov 
when, the Dam doih ftrike 
Wherefore (before a'l things) la 
bour to fee God^your Fathers han 
in ill things. Should we beatoi 
childrenund they (hould fcem n< 




apprehend Cjods htnd. 

r fo much as to heed our ftriking 
theirs would we not judge their 
ite forlorne?Againejthis maketh 
returne repentantly , when we 
•our beavenlyJatfcercalling us 
his core e£tion; this maketh us 
indeavour co be humbled under 
ids hand when we thinke how 
:>d our Father is offended with 
. Finally* this maketh us to con- 
ive hope* that our vifitation (hall 
for our good ; the Parents hand 
rteth not Children. 
Now for your clearer infpe<5H- 
hercinto , and for your greater 
mfort, I will infift fomewhat 
htly upon that in Daniel , Dan* 
ij3>34>^. vv here the Prophet 
iving opened the impieties and 
rfecutions of that wicked Antio- 
*f,as likewife what was the ftate 
►l:he lew wirhontjwho had not the 
Hwer of godlines>in the verfebe- 
*e)doth7n thufe three lay downe 
fe t ftate of the gpdly,while thefe 
Iry tryalsindurcd.And 5. hings 
jr there fet downe : Firft , he de- 



3 94 I It is a good mans property 


fcr.beth thofe that were godly. 
wife, and found-hearted intheiG 
p:of^(T:on>from thiSi that they did 
labourxo bring others tofellow- 
fhip.in the 1 me grace with thent : 
through inftru&ion , and meaner 
of that nature.Secondly>he iettert 
dovncthe variety of evils whicl 
fliould befall them^rcand fvvord 
Thirdly.thc cold comfort and flen 
derheipes which they were like 
to find.Fourthly,the end of&ll,viz 
the purging out of all cheir cor 
ruptions, both of flefh and fpirit 
Fifthly,the durance of their fuffc* 
ring,namely,till Gods appoints 
feafon were expired. From thi 
(chat the godly-wife are defenbe 
from hence, thar they inftruiic 
thers ) obferve firft by the way 
that a good mans property is , i: 
will labour to make others go0( 
he cajwot goc to heaven aIone,a 
God catcheth him, fo he will pu 
his neighbour after with him,; 
'Philip did N&thincel > Ioh.1.4 
according to that commandmen 


to edifi others. 

each and cdifieonc another, i, 
Ti. j.evenasafweetfmelltillerh 
hefeniesof fuch as are neere it, 
3 grace afte&eth thofe char con- 
erf e with it. Now to p*«fwade 
s to the pra&ice of this, we have 
lany reaibns^firfty^ods glory.for 
le glory of a King , faith Salomon 
andcth in the multitude of his 
ibje&s ; therefore, when we la- 
?ur to increafe the number of the 
iithfull,we do gain no fmall glo- 
fto God; as who then increafe 
K Subje&s^nd enlargehis kin^ 
;>me. Secondly, the good of the 
irty admonifhed ; for as Saint 
imes faith often, bythismeanes 
Soule is laved: which is more to 
m that is converted, then if we 
it him the pofTeflion of the 
hole World. Thirdly , for our 
1 ves,it doth many wayes benefit 
; thus to worke upon others ; 
r , firft. without us , we hence 
inne our fclves great love in the 
!artsofotbers.This made Naomi 
imerefled in the heart of Ruth. 



The g9od mttft htlpc to 

This made Taul fo affe&ed to t W 

Galauans* that they would havij 

given him their eyes ; whereas I 

thisbe wancing>no eie is fufticiet 

and the negled of this , is that 

which often maketh men meet 1 

with fuch trickes and turnes iij 

their deareftfriends^as aregrievroe j 

unto them. Againe* while we do! 

deale with others this way>we in 

creafe our own grace; for it is wit 

| that as our other ftockc>the bette 

it be husbanded* andtheoftner 

I be turned , fo much the more it J 

increafed. Thirdly, in Heaven * 

fhall have fo much more ample n 

ward by how much more we ha* 

beenein this kind more fruit fu 

7)an.i *♦ 5 . This is firft f to rebii 

the vaine complaints of men^ wi 

will cry out^O what an evill woi 

it is ! Whom may a man truft n< 

adaycsPBut yet never goc about 

reclaime a man from any evill w* 

What doeft thou compaine of 

evil worldPlt is the worfe for th< 

When doeft thou admonift an I 


make others goodfV^es of it. 

ay j one may be in thy company 
the yeer, and fcarce hear a good 
Drd> which tendeth to make fin 
rcfull,and vertue precious m the 
counts of others* What tolly is 
isy to begone that, which thou 
lit not ttir thy littfe finger to re- 
efle ? As if a husbandman fhould 
mplaine^O hereis nothing in my 
ound>but bryers and nectles^and 
her weeds! but ftiould never ma- 
ire it>fow it drcfle it, &c. Every 
le would condemne it as folly in 
nbfo it is with us. Sccondly,this 
puketh fuch as will not be admo- 
(hedrcome and talke with them, 
rping upon this ftring, and they 
ill fay >Wbat have you to do with 
5 ? looke zo yrui fclfe> > ou fhali 
fa et for your felfe > and not for 
: :but we muft have to doe with 
pxi) and one with another: did 
|:fee their beaft ready to mifcar- 
y. under a burden* we are bound 
fheip it>and they would not mif- 
( eit ; much more are we bound 
\helpone another underthe bur- 

i *» 

393 ; Gods beft fervants, tnofl malted. 

den of fin •Secondly, hcrewefee, 
that thebeft fervice receivcth from 
the world oftStimes the worft wa- 
ges. Thefe that made others turne 
from their evill wayes, and them* 
felves walked in all godly innocert 
cy; thefe arc the Butts(as it were] 
at which the malicious worla 
chiefely ftiootcthrthus it was wirt 
Chrift , and the Prophets : whict 
of them in mannerwere not cruel 
ly butchered ?The reafo is,firft,b«j 
caufefuchfruitfullChriftians, th 
Divell feeleth his head fo trod on 
by them , that he cannot induri 
tnem : but will catch chemby thi 
heele , and mifchiefc them, as k\ 
as he is able.Let men florifh wit 
humane wifedome carry then 
felves for humane moralldifcour 
and complement 9 incomparabk 
he ftirreth not at this, for all th 
while he is but played with, 
foule is recovered out of his pov 
er, he is notdifturbed.Agvine, 
thenaliceof the divell isagair 
them chiefely, fo the envie of ti 



fts to be made *f others affli&ions. 

oild $ who cannot but hate fixch 

hofc workes arc better than 

leirowne. Theufeofthisis,that 

e judge not of men according co 

leir afflictions. Oh when wee 

rare one is in troub!e,thcn we (ay 

irely he might have handled the 

attcr with more difcretion $ had 

? beene wiftr, he might have fa- 

?d all this trouble. Do we not fire 

:re, that the wifeft that were fa- 

icrs begetting others to wifc- 

)me, this is their portion ? Chrift 

id the Apoftles might thus bee 

Kidemned as fooliflh ; nay, fuch 

jhofc fins doe cafi them into their 

bubles , fuch are foolifh ; but 

hen affli&ions come for a good 

nfeience, then it is quite other- 

ifc. Secondly ,we muft fit downe, 

d caft our accounts befcre hand, 

it we will not bee difcouraged, 

* that meafure wee meet with 

\m the World ^ but comfort our 

(ires in this, that God will judge 

not according to that (ucccfle 

have hadjbut according to that 

S we 


The Afftttions §j the godly mufi 

we have done, bee it good or cvilK 
Thirdly, from this, that tbefe god- 
ly wife fuffcr in body,as by fire and 
(word; ingoo<3s,asbyfpoiling;to 
liberty, as being banifhed and led 
captive,and that many daies;I pray 
yon obfcrve,that the Saints of God 
often fuffer ftrong,many, and long 
affliftions. Thus Ifraels pofterity 
endured triall 4oo.yeers. Thus the 
elder people of God were all led 
captive (even tyyeeresjfor we need 
great ones, that our corruption! \ 
may be fubdued within us. For,as 
the uotamednefle of fome Colt is 
fuch,that unleffc he were fore rid- 
dcn,he would never Be broken, fo 
is it with our rebellious naturc.Se- 
condly,little things donotexercifc 
our faith, & raakeus tofcekc God: 
for as none for a little head-ach,or 
for the ranch of a pin, will fecke tc 
the bodily Pbyfician or Surgeon;fc 
is it with the fou!e,whik u is trou* 
bled with like grievances ipiricu- 
all.. Thirdly, they nmftbee gre; 
to make place for mercy aboun< 


be grtAte^ divers, and long. 

mm* I ■ ■ » I fc -»— 

dant fromGod co us,and plentifull 
:hankefgiving from us to God. If 
:>ne heale a trifling matter, ic nci- 
:her fo biodcth the Patient, nor 
rommendeththePhyfician: but if 
jne heale us of (ome deadly incura- 
ble thihg,© we fay then,we could 
lever have met with fuch a Phyfi- 
rian; not the like in the world a- 
;aine!Secondly 3 theyniuftbe many 
md divers, armies of men^ as lob 
peaketk 5 becaufe our corruption s 
ire of divers kinds : and bfcaufe a- 
jaineasthe body, if it rake one 
jhing ftill, ic commech to bee lb 
Inuch leflemoved,by how much it 
j more familiar; lb icis withcu: 
>ules,that oneuniforme evil dorh 
y little & little, through cuftome 
ccome lefle effe&uall. It faring 
Wthaman,aswith a horfe ; who 
ill fpurred in one place , com- 
kth not tofeelctbefpurre, nor 
rtend his pace when hee is pric- 
?d. As they rouft bee ftrong and 
i vers, fo they muft bse Iongalfo • 
;:cau(c our evils which have 
S 2 been 

*-* : — - 


*tbc tfflitfioru eftbt godly 

bcene long growing upon us, will 
*not goe away haftily; as ftaines 
which arelongfetled in adoth,re- 
quire much fcowring. Now when 
wee daily fpoc our (elves with fin, 
we lee it fettle in; and doe not waih 
our felves by renewing faith and 
repentance : and 4b make way for 
the heavier hand of God, when he 
fhallvifit. Butitmaybeobje&ed, 
Paul faith, our affli&i :>ns are light 
and momentany. Aufwer : Not, 
that abfolutely they are fo, but in 
comparifon of eternity; Secondly, 
lighten regard of that which grace 
maketh them,when (in is repented 
of,, and Gods favour not hidden • 
from us. This madeT^/thathcj 
could not fUcpe for joy, but fang j 
at mid-night when hce was impri- 1 
foned and fore handled. This made J! 
Pe^r,though he was to be brought 
forth the day after to death, he ne- " 
ver flcpt better in his life : this wil) 
make us cut-looke death-, and ai 11° 
evillsjwhen we have received from { 
G^d the grace of repentance and ; 


are mary, yet light *tfo. 

forgivenefle of fins^when the light 
of his countenance is towards us 
in his beloved For as a plaifter 
which upon a (ore fltfh caufeth 
much fmart, upon found flefh ftir- 
rcch no paine : fo troubles lighiing 
upon a foulc healed thus, as is a- 
bovc-faid, are nothr g fo grievous. 
This muft make us provide our 
felve? 5 and ar me our hearts with the 
comfort of the Scriptures, agaiaft 
we (hall be tried, not being acall 
difmued at them when they befall 
us. If wee make account of cold 
weather entring, then wee will be 
appointed,& get double clothing ; 
wee muft be as wife for our foules, 
as bodies.Secondly,we muft cry to 

\ God, that he would fay to our (pi- 

I rits by his Spirit, that our fins are 
forgiven; that isj am he that jufti- 

I fieth thee,who can lay any thing to 
thy charge? and we muft give all 
diligence to make our calling and 
elc&ion fure, feeing that inxhele 
things ftandcth our fweete peace 

| and comfort, when all the world 
I S 3 be. 


404 i Gods Cbitdnnforftkenef friends 

(hew us no com- 

befides can 

Fourthly, that they have (o 
(mall helpe, and muchdiflimulati- 
ori iifcd cowards them • obterve 
hence, that whea God will try us, 
men ufii^lly leave us; fo Paul faith 
in the fecond of Timothy % that all 
had forfaken him, the firft time of 
his appearing. Thus when Chrift 
was ffn ittcn and attached,the Apo- 
files fhrunke away from him • ac- 
cording to that, when the Paftor 
wasfmicten, the (hecpe were fcat- 
tered.For of thofc that make &cw 
to be friend s,many are hypocrite*; 
and therefore they will like fwal- 
lowes take the Summer-fliine with 
us, but bid us adieu when winter 
bloweth. Secondly, many that are 
found J yec are weake in love ; and 
therefore not able to beare in 
|fufferings. Thirdly, many want 
courage, and therefore fay, I can 
doe him no good,, I (hall be look- 
ed into; as good one beare it as 
moe, when we cannot be eafed : (b 
^ ■ thy 

in Affticii m : The nfes thereof* J 40 5 

that their diftreffrd brethren may 
fiake or fwim, while they confult 
with fuch flifhly reafon.The ufe is, 
that we would all learne hence not 
to truft in men, but in the living 
God ; and to acquaint our (elves 
with him,in whom there is no fha- 
dow of change. 

Secondly, wee muftnotbedit 
maied , if many fluinke from us 
when they come to the wetting 5 
(omc of Gods children fuffering 
inthiskinde, take it to heart and 
(ay : Oh, if others had done thus 
and thus, I could haue borne k ; 
but it goeth to my hearr, to fee 
fuch ferve me this part ! Why,this 
is no great newes; doe not the 
Saints here; did not Chrift J)avid, 
lob, at his wives hand indure the 

Fifthly, that thefe worthy 
Saints have fuch ftrong, many and 
long sffliSions for the purging of 
them; Obferve hence, that there 
arc none fo pure, but need fining, 
j winnowing, and waftiing: even 
d Sj. ss 


All troubles werkt together fo 


as droffe is with filver, offall and 
care wich corne, foylc with cloth : 
fbis corruption with our nature, 
it will never quite bee taken forth, 
till this body of finne be diflblved; 
and God will have fuch remain* 
dcrs that we may be trained in hu* 
militybythem- They are like the 
Swans blacke feete, in the whiteft 
Cbriftian.Secondly,that we wc^ke 
ones may not be difinayedatthat 
wefiad, when the beft havctheir 
remnants of corruption. 
Sixthly,that God doth give them 
to fuch crofleSjonly to purge them 
&c. Note hence, that all troubles 
are for the benefic of us, who are 
the Lords,fl r ^.i2.io.For our pro- 
fit he chaftifeth us; and chat they 
may worketo chi$J*heedoth tend 
them by meafure fuch, as may help 
us, no* oyerwhelme us, J/i.27.8. 
He doth ftill fit us in our affl ftions 
for our good, not proportion our 
evils toourdeferving. Sccond*y,as 
hedorh fend them inmeafare, fa 
with his bleffing; which rurnethl 

good to Gods children. 

all things that they work together 
to our good. True It is, that a 
while there is nofuch thing appa- 
rent; but in the end when we fee 
whatGod will u(e thenvall to,theo 
we rtiallfee that all fuch confpirc 
to our great profit. la buildings 
great while there isnocomtlines, 
but at length when every thing is 
ficced to the right place^ thereis a 
goodly correspondence in the 
whole ;that is 9 a well proportioned 
anfwering of one part to another : 
(ointheframeof our foules. And 
hence we fee,, how wide the wic- 
ked are in their reckoning, O they 
think they havefped us, they have 
prevailed ; when indeed they have 
done good offices to us : for God 
makcth them of the Scullery to 
fco wrc us, Launderers to wafh u$ 3 
ia the worft things h*e fufifcreth 
them, or wicked Ipirits over them, 
to doe unto us. Secondly,feeing all 
our fuflfcrings are from God, wee 
rouft look for profit by e^ery trou- 
ble; anlefle we will make God not 
S 5 true, 


L_ 4 — 

The timt of our Afflittion is in 

true, or our telves not his chii- 
. dren , truely godly , and loving 
him : and therefore they arc much 
to be blamed, that through weak- 
nefle will Jay, they cannot thinke 
that ever fucha thing fhall doe 
them any good; for what cannot 
he make for our gocd, thar calleth 
light out of darkneffe , if we will 
give glory to his Word by refting 
upon it ? 

Seventhly, that all thefc tribu- 
lations are to hft but till the ap- 
pointed time : We obferve hence, 
that our times of exercife they are 
onely in the handsof God; even 
as the Phyfician onely* rouft pre- 
fcribe how long the courfe of 
the phyficke or diet drinkesmnft 
bee continued; fo muft our God 
J fct the time, for which thefe trou- 
I blcs (which arethe foules pargati- 
! ons) muft be taken,: Wicked men 
| cannot fet the time^for they would 
; never make an end ; nor yet our 
\ ■fcIves , ;for we would fip but lightly 
| of f w bitter cups 5 jihls is the Lords 

P pre- 
— --— — — tr 

Gods band: The nfes thereof, j 409 

prerogative royall, toappoiat the 
ftafons and termes, wherein affli- 
ctions (hall be continued. Theufe 
of it is, that wee take heed of pro- 
voking him, who hath power to 
hold usunder evils while he pleafe 
Secondly, wee mud flie to him in 
prayer, that he would be pleafed 
to incline mercy towards us, and 
make haft.Third!y,we muft know 
that all our continuance in affliiU- 
onsis full of mercy ,truth and wife- 
&om$, c \?*Ixcob ftioald have held 
Tofepbm prifoo, would hee have 
ht Id him too long > no, no ; much 
le(Tehc(wboismore merciful than 
any father, and piuifull than any 
mother) will hold us overlong: but 
ordering all his corrections by his 
I Fatherly providence; will in bis 
;. good time make them worke alto- 
1 gether for good, and not for evill 
unto us. 

In the fecond place,labour to 

I findc out what finne it is, wbfch 

ofFendcth God. Sinnefull men 

caufe; the 

ftrikc not without a 



tsffflfflions fbould make us 

juft God, when he corre&etb,hath 
ever juft reafjn : our conferences 
are like looking- glafles, which be- 
ing over-fpread with duft^do ihew 
nothing • but if they bee wiped 
c!eane ; thcn little things appeare in 
them clearsly. Wherefore enter 
into your foul e,confider what ftate 
you ftand in before God - whether 
you have that faith toward his 
grace which doth purifie the heart 
whether yoii have fb learned 
Ghrift, that his vertuehath made 
you put off the old man, that is, 
deny thofe earthly lufts,wbich doe 
Jeadc natural! men (as it were) by 
thenofe ; and live godly, righce- 
oufly, and with Chriftian fobriety, 
inufe of thofe liberties which in 
ehemfelves are lawful!. Many 
thinkr, that if they knowthe truth 
and are in jadgment againft Pope- 
ry; if they like of the prefent Reli- 
gion , prefenting their bodies on 
I especially, if they have a prayer 
! read in thehoiiiC,and fo a forme of 

private ' 

ftarcb into 0Hrfpirit*dUejl*te. 


private fervice, theythinkeitise- 
nougfythough cheynever received 
that grace from Chrift, which 
fhouldf fcafon their nature with a 
divine qualitie, even as the leaven 
donhtte lump: of dough • andftir 
upflrifein them againft their own 
corruption,, -which hindrcth them, 
that they cannot doe any duty to 
God,fo as they defiretodo.Wher, 
as all true Chriftians are Chrift s 
fouldiers, & find their lives a war- 
fareythe Spirit of Chriftin them 
ftriving againft their corrupt na- 
iure,and their corrupt nature lull- 
ing againft the grace whichChrifts 
(Spirit hath wrought in them, fo 
that they cannot doe the things 
Ithey would doe. Wherefore look 
[to this(deare Sifter;) ourbeft free- 
hold , our fcope of Heaven doth 
[Hand upon it. Wee muft not thinfce 
I as many do,w« have not lived thus 
I long, to call it now in queftion in 
^what ftate wee ftand: {uch like 
jthoughrsthe devil fuggefteth,tbat 
imen through hardnes of he*rt,and 



Wet mufi examine eurfeFuts^ f$r 

blind preemption, might fail into 
cvill. If you find that you ftand in 
the faving grace of Cbrift,then you 
muftexamine your felfe, whether 
you have not provoked God , by 
negligent and carnall performance 
of Spirituall duty : as good fluffs 
may be marred in the making, fo, 
the beftduties,ifour hearts be not 
brought into Gods fight,and reve- 
rently prepared in them, they are 
marred, being in fiich manner per- 
formed : yea, they difpleafe God. 
Curled are fuch who do his work 
negligently ; who draw necre him 
with chcir hearts being farre off 
from him nxiany were ficke, many 
(mitten with death for receiving 
the Communion without reve- 
rence , faith, and repentance, d 
for.u, Examine your fclfe, whe- 
ther you have kz your heart to 
love the Lord Jefus, whom you 
bcleeve to have fhedde his bloud 
for you; wee fay. Love de-| 
fcends, ft doth not afcend. pa-l 
rents tenderly love Children, but 

what jinne God affiifts w. 

Children love not Parents in 
that degree^Itismofttrue, twixc 
lis and oar heavenly Father, to 
whom our hearts beare too too 
:old love,ifthe beft of them be ex- 
amined. Yon had more neede to 
looke to this, it is (b popular a di£ 
?a(e,Finaily 3 confidei whether yon 
have not ufedthe lawfull things of 
this life incemperately ; whether 
you have not negle&cd time, 
which is fo precious- whether you 
have not bcene carelcffe to fee that 
chofe who are under your go- 
vernment, fhouldferveand feare 
jrhe Lord. Confider, I fay , fuch 
ike things, that you may find 
p?hat ic is God would have you 
imend. Even as a medicine doth j 
Sirre up naturall hea'e to fight 
with the ficke humour, which is 
o bee expelled by ic • (b the me- 
ticinable forrowes that GOD 
Joth icinifter to his Children, 
rloe ftirre up grace, to drive forth 
"uch corruptions fpiricuall,as God 
ould have removed by them. 




IVt nmfigoc to God to teach 

In die third place, fielding what 
hath been amiffe, you muft know, 
that you cannot redrcfle it, we can- 
not thinke a good thought; we can 
(like children taken in faults) pro- 
mise to do no raore,and be in them 
prefently againe. Seeing then ic i* 
not in our fttength,to take fruit by 
our crofles/urther than Godf who 
giyeth will and deed) doth workc 
itiflU'jwemuftcometohitn, and 
pray him to make us profit. Hee 
who will have finifull men joyne 
inftruftion with correftion ; yea, 
who putteth into men this regard 
ofdumbcrcatures, that he will not 
ftrikea dogge, but hce will make 
him fee/o well as he can, what it is 
for which he ftriketh hion-fhall not 
hecinftruftus, when his hand is 
now upon us, for want of duty to 
him Mo vaine fhould cold iron be 
beaten,did not fire fofcen icrinvain 
(houlcfafH ftions (which are Gods 
hammer) ftrike on our hearts, 
(hould not God by his Spirit), 
which is compared to fire, both 



m U profit ly afjtitlio*. 

fofren our hearcs^andenlighten us, 
:o fee our duties towards him. 
Wherefore good Sifter, (eeke to 
Sod for this Spirit of Chrift, w eh 
nay make all forrowes fruitfull 
into you, andbeareyouup, that 
ou fake not in them? For as Mad- 
'ersfwim alofc all waters, while 
hey are filled with winde, Co doe 
ree above all affii#ions, while 
bis Spirit is with «s,to fupport us 
i them. If Phyficke be given a bc~ 
p,and it will not worke,i t is an ill 
gne ; if our infirmities, which are 
ods potions to our fbules, ifthefe 
ove not our hearts to turne from 
ine, and fteke to God for mercy 
Chrift/u is a fearcfall figne of a 
:ad fbule, from which the life of 
od is departed. The Lord give 
u uaderftanding in all things, 
aus wifhing you true comfort, 
»t h inward and outward, I corn- 
it you to the grace of God in 
lirift lefus.FarewelL 

Your loving Brother, 

> Paul Bayne, 


4 1 6 Fiwpcrfirme the greate things 


%/fnotber Lttter. 

OodM. D, I hare receive: 
your Letters, wherein th 
death of our friend, which befor 
was conje&urall, is certainly affit 
med : as alfo the manner of hi 
death expreffed. The latter doti 
miniftercomfort for the bearing c 
the forrcier.For,death is not a mat 
tcrofforauchforrowto the god 
ly,as the giving of repentance uati 
life everlaftingjs matter of joy aw 
gladncfle. The Lord grant tha 
his death, and the great mortal 
ty which your eies have feen 3 ma 
bee fuchreall Sermons to us, cbi; 
we may bcthinke us of our morta 
lity, andturneour hearts to wiii 
dome, feckcta gaine the time 
which wee have heretofore mi 
(pent, by taking all occafions untt 
good ; and wee have vowed grea 
things in baptiGncwe have profd 
ftd our felvci dead with ChriM 
that the world is crucified to us 
and wee unto the life of the work 
' Wjhic, 

which they frcmife in Baptijme. 

irhich as Saint lohn expoundeth, 

oth (land io the finfull pleasures, 

irofics, and glory which thechil- 1 

ren of the world imbrace as 

heir portion. ButaIas.,infteadof 

ukiigthis profeflion good, wee 

oe live in the World, taking in 1 

X) freely and unweanedly , "the 

leafures of ic, fetting our hearts 

n the profits of it , more than is 

spedienr.We have profefied our 

Ires in Baptifeie,to be alive unto 

iod,(foras the dipping or iprink- 

pg of us,doth fcale our ingrafting 

to Ghrifl dying: fo the coramicg 

rtb,or wiping the water ofl^doth 

lie unto us this grace from God) 

dprofefleit (of our part) before 

ny he Angcls,and the Congrega- 

>n,that we are parted from death 

life, even a life which is unto 

:>d, and ftandeth in knowledge, 

righteoufnefle 3 in hoiineffe, 

that no longer, now wee as 

p old man fhould live,but Chrift 

11s fnould live in us. Now how 

id are wt in regard of this life, 

> who| 

417 j 

4 1 8 Gods childrzn may die by the fl*gu 


whain che uft of Gods manifol 
mercies, hath care to (hew fort 
thefeareof hisnaoiSj the love c 
holineffe, to make manifeft, th< 
now hee is alive with his hea 
Chrift Jcfus unto God. The cart 
leffe breaking oF this covenai 
hath caufed all this (b grievous p: 
ftilence,yea, the Lord hath fhew< 
how true that is,even in his owe 
Children,many of whom hee hai 
taken away,yet (bcorre&ed then 
that he would not remove his me 
ey from them,nor falfifie his trut 
and therefore he hath given the. 
repentance. AndifGodktyouf 
this covenant of yours, and tl 
maine failing in performance of: 
you areblefled: Bleflfcd are th< 
that mourne(faith our Saviour)f< ? 
they £hall be comforced; bur,W< \ 
to thofe that goeon laughing, ft 
they, if they continue, (hall wai, 

Your loving Broth* J 

Anfth ^ 



Ujfwtfrem the Higrhg of the, &c. 

A**tbcr Letter. 

1 Jr,PJcpIca<echGodftnto 
tVl let his hand hang anv> gft 
'oil;, though he hath gracioufly a- 
Mtedhla (troke, yea, very many 
Jaccs remain infefted^though mi- 
U d *notofcheinfe&ijn:Jwhkh 
h^uld teach us both to remember 
hat which is p-ft, and to feare, in 
tgard of that which may fallout* 
"or this is one end why God doth 
jot ac a chop remove the evills 
iffhich annoy us,that we might the 
setter remember our fbrrow paft, 
ind his goodnefle in our delive- 
ance. Againe,his hand doth hover 
:>ften ftili about us, that wee might 
eare before him, and meete him 
)y repentance, in the way of his 
udgcmenrj left if that his patience 
wait on us in vaine, ourftroke at 
length be redoubled. Trudy men 
ire far from this, they thinkethat 
[there is no feare, \t had a time to 
!come,and muft have a time to goe, 




Thej that humble tbemfeher 

and the worft is paft ; but God li 
keth not fuch fecurity, yea hee ol 
ten caufeth evill to meet it, whe* 
the heart isblefled that feareth al 
waies.Wherefore good M2).do 
you go on in for row, for manifol 1 
varus of duty towards your Gcx 
fo gracious, yea, accufeyourfelf 
now, a* too little humbled undc 
l is mighty hand, when fu 
ftrength of his wrath was revealec 
And inthefe thoughts raifeup you 
felfe to look unto his frccmercyc 
Chrift, which reacheth (throug. 
the merit of that bloud)tothe pai 
don of all our fins,yea, to make us 
who are the children of wrad 
become the children of bleffing 
yea fuch blcfling as doth follow u 
in all our waies.O that is a worth; 
ftntence for all that hare efcapei 
thishatid, tothinkeon; GoetJfr 
waies,finneno more, that is, makt 
not a trade of walking after you 
owneeics and hearts, left worfc 
things befall. And this I will tel 
you, the praftice of theft things 
• thougl 

mder Gods handball be exalted, 

ough it rcftrainc a little mirth, 
hich the Wift man callech mad- 
ifTe,yr it (haii bring you to tafte 
your foule a joy unfpeakeafalc 
id glorious , fuch a rcjoycing, 
hich the world cannot take from 

Your loving friend, 
Pa*l Bajne. 







Chriftians Eflate: 


I A Difcoveric of the Caufcs, 
degrees, fignes and differences 
of the Apoftafie both of 

true Chriftians and falfc : 

In a Sermon preached in London, 

bjMaftcrPAUL Batne, and 

afterward fent in writing to 

Printed by A 0. for J.N. and are 

to be fold by Stm, Eniithj, at his 

(hop, at the Starre in ropes 

bead Alley. 1*37. 

C$* C^f> *%* *%> <%* •$> Cf$* €%* 

To the Reader, 

Hri&ian Rea- 
der, good Wine 
needeth no gar- 
land, it will 
praife itfelfe:fi(lperjwade 
my felfe) will this enfuing 
Sermon, which a learned , 
%oly andfaithfullfert>ant of 
\3od formerly viva voce in 
ptiblique, founded in the 
'ares of me and many, and 
tfterwardsju a token of bis 
A i Chri- 

. — -^ ■ 

To the Reader. 


Cbriflian love to mee , be- 
ftoyoedupon me in wiring, 
ishicb being fo fruit full and 
necejfarie a labour, in the\l 
judgement of the godly and\l j 
learned that harve jeene itjk 
and fo jpecially befitting L 
thefelukcxarme and back- U 
Jliding times , 1 thought 1\ 
could not, without prejudice^ 
to thee,fuffer it to He by mee w 
for my private inftruclion 
and benefit alone >and there- 
fore for thy good, the Kee- 
ping in precious memory the 
Preacher thereof yvbom the 
Lord hath gathered into his 
borne, and for the glory 




— I- 


To the Reader. 

Godefiecially, I baVe con- 
fented that it be made more 
publique and common , by 
\ comming under the preffe. 
The Lord grant jthat it may 
halpe tbatfucceffe in me and 
tbee t which hee that gave 
fir ft life antoit infludying, 
and brought it foortb by 
preacbingj.ntendedjmd Tin 
confenting and caufing to 
hai)e it printed \defire : fo 
/hall the feeble , IPeake and 
doubting Chriftianfie taken 
by theband^ftaiedandcom. 
forted againtt the fear es of 
mall backflidingy and ice 
all /hall be of the number of 
A 3 them 

To the Reader. 

them which follow Jaith to 
the confer^ nation of our 
foules : which the Lord for 
■Iefiu Cbrift his fake grant. 

Thine in his beft defoes, 
W. F. 



*,$• *&+ <4> 






Hb Bn.io.verf. 39. 
But we are not they which with- 
draw ourfehes into per dittos, 
but fellow faith unto 1 fa con- 
servation of the fink. 

}He Apoftle ha- 
ving in the 
verfe before re- 
membered the 
fcarefull elhte 
of fuch who 
" through unbe- 
liefe are wicbdrawne from God , 
; dochin this verfe prevent a fcru- 
L A 4 pie 

Tfa tri*B$fd CbriftUns Zfttte. 

pic which might arife in fometi- 
morons consciences > doubting 
whether they were not in this cafe I 
next before tbrcatned. Hee doth 
therefore take fuch weake ones by 
the hand 5 ftresgthning them, by 
bearing them wicnefle of their 
condition,manifefted by the fruits 
above mentionedjverle 52,33.34 | 
which eftace is let do wne herein 
this vcrfe : Firft negatively, by dc- 
aiall of their anbelceving revolt 
Secondly affirmatively, by avou- 
ching their perfeverance in faith. 
Either of thefe properties of uo- 
belicfeand beliefe,being amplified 
from the effefts which accompa- 
nied ^em > w*.deftru<5Hoa of the 
fbule (for that is to be under flood 
from the latter claufe) and falvaci- 

The lumme of the words. Feare 
oot though I tell you that backfli- 
dersare,veflels of no delight, for 
yourfclveswith myfclfc,are nor 
foch who fteale from our compa- 
nies; having our militarie profef- 


TbctriaKofa tfbriflians Ejtatc. 

(ion , which would tame in this 
life and the life to come co oar fur- 
cher deftru&ioo ; but we concinue 
in faith, and put forth our beliefe 
more and more, as occafionrequi- 
reth, which bringech us here aad 
everlaftiagly to fee the Lords fa I- 

Now for the inftr uftions which 
both the fcops and matter of the Obfirvaui. 
verft include in them* Firft,chac 
Paul doth confirms them bybca* 
ring them wicneflfe of their cftate. 
It doth teach us, that wee muft 
ftablifh our weake brethren , by 
bearing chem record of the graces 
Wrought in them; wee who have 
found grace muft confirme others. 
If any thing more (marc be ucce- 
red, we muft mollifie it with fuch 
wife prevention as Phyfirians , if 
they forefec ought harmefull to 
thebodie^ they correft it with 
other ingredients, that ic may 
wholefjinely be received. If wee 
faw one ready to trip, wee would 
reach him a ha-id , and (uftaine him 
A 5 - from \ 

The trisHsfd Cbrifiians Eftdtc. 

from falling : much more muft we 
(hew this love to the loule (hakiog 
through frailtie. This wifedomc 
Ghriftufcd,hee quenched not the 
fmoaking 9 a xe : thefeafonable te- 
ftifying to men their good things 
caufeth them to take increafc : our 
honour of them, our dutie to the 
comfort of their lives and to the 
truth, doth require it. Such there- 
fore are to bee taxed who wanting 
this prudence, handle the word in 
dividing it like him in the Em. 
blerac, who gave to the Afle a 
bone, to the dogge ftra w : fich are 
thofe Paftors who difcourage 
good devotions, and incourage 
men carnally minded, like unco 
them we reade of, E&tcbiel, chap. 
3 j 3 22.Such again arc chey amongft 
private Chriltians^ who like Jobs 
friends are a breaking to them, 
whom they (hould comfort and 

Secondly, we roufl be provoked 
by this example to incourage 
weake ones when they are doub- 

Tie trhHofa Qhri^uns Eflate. 

ring of their eftatcs: for as a timo- 
rous patient imagining twenty e- 
vills, when his Phyfitian affureth 
him that his cafe is nothing (6 7 is 
well fatiafied : Co here. 

Agaiac, in that he faith, We are 
not chey that withdraw. Hence we 
are given tounderftand, that fbme 
may fall away from the Graces re- 
ceived.IafomemannerGods owne 
children aad others are reported to 
have fallen : Ukvid,Saitl 3 Veter,A- 
Itxmdtfffrc. But that this may be 
more diftin&ly opend,three thiogs 

I. Firll^ from what the godly 
truely fanftificd may fall; how 
farre others. 

a. Srcondly,from whence falls 
come, and the difference of them. 

3. ThirdlyjWhatarethcfyrop- 
tomes or figncs of a ftace decliniog 
from God. 

To the firft, a man not having 

the true grace of the clc&,raay fall 

from all outward privileges, which 

hee-holdeth as a member of the 


fr ■ . ' ' ' — ma^s^ .... i ni l ■ 

7 he triall of a Cbnjl$ant Eftate. 

ravfa ef 

vifible Church. Secondly, from the 
effefts of his Grace in life and con- 
version. Thirdly, from the very 
habicuali gifts, which were th* 
fountain whence his fruits flowed. 
Thus bee may come to be twice 
dead* and in worfe cafe than ever. 

The Lordschofen may fail from 
their outward prerogatives : but 
that divine nature ftill abideth in 
them, and it is onely with their 
graces, as it is with the mindein 
difttmpcrs of melancholy, and 
phrenfic 5 with the Sun in eclipfes ; 
with the tree whea leaves and 
fruits faile it 5 with the natirfall 
life when it moveth not, ne yet 
breatheth fenfibk: which in difea- 
fes of the Mother is ofcendifecr- 
ncd. Their faith is an ever failing 
faith $ their life an etcrnall life 5 
their feed a feed abiding iq chem* 

Now for the fccond, vi*. what 
are theeaufes of failing a way, and 
that (b di,verfl/j this opened will 
lend a more thorow light to the 
former. The caufts which worke 


The trull of a Chrifiians Eftate. 
— »— ^ . — ■ ■ ■'■ ' '»» »' - 
in withdrawing us arc inward or 
outward. Bjc the verity of thefe 
i cimiogs fpriiigechcmefrlyfconi 
the inward. 

The caufe in ths Lords children 
is,theftafe of their grac<ywhich is 
fuchas hath (till rcliqaes of dnnc 
dwelling with ic. 

The caufe of the others totall 

fall, is an cflentialldefcft in their 

grace, which teacheth not to make 

a true union betwix; Chritl and 

them^ nor yet toproduce true fan- 

ftification. In a word, the caufe of 

the ones perfevering, and the o- 

thers totall deficiency, is not only 

to betaken froai Gods power and 

gracious pleafore, from Chrifl his 

faterceflion, from the ftinting of 

Satan Co the heele of the true 

Chriftian feed : but al(b from the 

eflln ull qualification^ and difpo~ 

Icionof the grace beftowedupon 

utbeT. But this is a difficulty tur- 

her to be cleared ; How wee may 

brmally diftmguifti theft gifts 

prhich are in the Chriftun that 


-■ i.i ■ ■ m r ■ , ,f I 

Tbetriallofa ChriftiansEftaU. 

perfevereth from thofcthat are in 
him that temporifech. The diffe- 
rence is doable: 

i. Fir ft, in the union which is 
made by them, 

2. Secondly, ia the different 
prpduftions which follow upon 
Co different manners of being uni- 
ted with Cbrift. 

To open the firft, is fttdowne 
this conclufion : The fpirituall 
gift of the temporifer doth meerly 
enlighten him to fee Chrift, but 
doth not move his will to go uoto 
Chrift, as given him ef God, that 
he might notperifh but have eter- 
nal! life. His application is an 
overweening hope, taken vp by 
his ownc preemption ; it is not a 
motion which the fpirit doth eli* 
date and draw our> but fucb as is 

In the Word of Chrift are two 
things : firft; the truth of it, a true 
word : Secondly, the goodnefTc of 
it, a good word. That may be ap- 
prehended, God giveth his chofen 


7 he tri*B of a CbriftUns Eft ate. 

noconely anappreheafion, in che 
uoderftanding of che truth, and 
goodnefleof it; but a motion of 
affiance, which makech the foulc 
go toand clafp about Chri(t whom 
it beholdeth. Hence ic is } that com- 
miog and believing, lob. 1.12. I oh. 
6.35.37. is apprehending, as when 
a thing is taken by the handle : and 
From this property of Faith doth 
|:ome chat internal! union twixt 
jthe believer and Chrift, which mi- 
kech them dwell mutually one in 
the other. Hence it is that the true 
believer doth more affeft Chrifr, 
ipricehim, joy in him, more than 
the benefits by chem. 

Now the Papifts faith is a meere 
nlighming, not having any con- 
idence within the compafle of it, 
Tor a man may be found in their 
aicb, and in damnable defpaire at 
he (ame inftant) and the cempori- 
ers faich having no more than an 
ipprehenfioninche underftanding 
^f the good word of (alvation joy- 
wd with prefumptuous pcrfwafi* 


io 5 Tbctriallof* ChrifliansBftate. 

on an i tailibit hopes conceived by 
himfelfc on fihe reckonings the£ 
cannot linerly unite hfoo wich 
Chrift • but looke as a Wen ?s fa 
unircdh the body by the skin in- 
compaffi'g ic, and fome kindeof 
continuation with the other mem- 
bers ; hut bach nor foewes,nerve$ s 
arteries (hoc into it from head arid 
heart, as the other parts : to thefe 
by tbetr common illumination and 
profeffi »n hare conjun&ion with 
the body,but want the ioflaence of 
that more neere ligament of thac 
affi^aced motion of the will,which 
oaely flowech from Chrift into his 
proper members. Aad this is the 
firft ground of cheir after failing : 
for looke as ftanding-waters, or 
never fiich tonrents wnich have no 
head of living fpring-wners to 
feed chem, cannot in time but dry 
up: fo thefe not having Chriihhe 
Well-head of all grace, whatfoe- 
vcr i* in them, in time fadeth and 
ranifheth to nothing. 

Ft om defeft of iiicernall union^ 
^ . w^ : fh 

The trisHof aCbriftidrts Efitft. 

which is, as ic were,the fountain^ 
commeth a difference in grace de- 
rived. Thetemporifrts^beingftch 
as doth never finely humble him, 
fach, as is fuperficialljfnfincere : in 
a word, fuch as doth not truely 
fan&ifiehiro: by reafooof which 
defeft, it is not permanent* 

Firft, not being within the gra- 
cious light of this Sonne of righte- 
Dufnefl&jthe depth of his wound is 
never gaged^and chough be know 
much humiliation,, yec nee is never 
ffuly humbled* Firft,hee feeth not 
with humble coafcioufaefie the 
Safull depravation of his nature: 
iisdifpleaiureisraoreagain3 the 
tuits, than rootes whence they i£ 
|ued. Tsui a Pharifee knew not 
toncupHcence ; a Papift acknow- 
edgeth not this as finfuli after hee 
s once baptifed, whereas this was 
he higheft pitch ofPj*U and Z>#- 
fids penicentull exercife. 

Bat -may not the temporifer 
now and maintaine the truth of 
his Doftciae, yea > propound ic 

• fruit- 


1 2 The triaB §fa Cbriflians EJImu. 




fruitfully to others? Anfwtr. He 
may ( by faith infufed ) conceive 
and affent coir, yea, deliver it to 
other^ but fo,that the power of it 
doth not rcfle&on himfelfe, (bas 
to be humbled in thi s refpeft : but 
as the Moone giveth us light 
which is not rooted in t he body of 
her,for that continueth darkfbme : 
fo they receive light from Gods 
Word, and fet it forth to others, 
but have none in themfelves. Se- 
condly ,not being within grace^his 
I confeffion and paffion under fin is 
not free and voluntary, but extor- 
ted eithe? from fome evidence of 
light, or faft evincing him ; as 
Saul to David confefled • or the 
racke of Gods terrours inforcing it 
from him. Whereas the children 
of God, who now fee, that the 
more their finne is, the more grace 
(uperabounded ; that their bafc- 
neffe is his glory,whofe grace they 
live under, they frankly, yea, de- 
lightfully humble themfelves id 
confeffing their vilenefle. Thirdly, 




The trhRof a ChrifiUns Efttte. 

■ -— ■ — — ■ i 

lot being within the grace of 
thrift with found affiance,he never 
*ricveth at finne as it is enmity a- 
'ainft his God : for Co be contrite 
tiithis regard, implyeth a love to 
3od, which cannoc be in him who 
lath not found God loving him 
irft : hee is vexed at bis fins in re- 
Ijpeft of his miferies hee feetfa im- 
nincn^or only as they are world- 
ward, ftumefull aberrations from 
pra&ice of (uch apparent vermes, 
^vhich men may repute glorious, 
tnd much affe&. In a word; hee is 
lever cruely humbled, which his 
obedience being partiall doth wic- 
icfle; for hee will cake and leave 
3 that which hee heareth at his 
wne pleafure:yea 3 ifcrofles come, 
ee is too proud to humble him- 
slfe under Gods hand ; he is lifted 
p above others, whom hee out- 
rippeth in common graces: he is 
:nforious, without confluence of 
lat naturall condition under fin, 
'hich is common to him with o- 
iers. And from hence it is, that 




Tkt triaB $fa ChriflUns Efitti. 

at length his g; ace f < ilcth : for as a 
houfe buildtd en the finds, with* 
our a due ground-workc hid • or 
plants unrooted cannot indarc : To 
this frame which wanteth the 
found ation and root of grace(fuch 
as humility is) cannot perfifh 

Secondly^ Ifayfrorathispjime 
defe & of inner union, all the tern* 
porifcrs graces produced arefcper- 
ficiall, fl Jght, full ol overture : 
wher as t bote in found believers are 
fo 1 id,fiibftancial 1 ,not us intrvtjecm 
J$fe9uefa things which though 
outwardly they have the appa-j 
rence, yet are inwardly defe dive. ] 
Hence it is that Psttl calleth their 
godlincfle, a figure of godlinefle, 
%Tim*%.^. their knowledge anex- 
tcrnall forme of knowledge, Rom$i 
a. 20. that Chriftmaketh all they 
have,* fernblance,a feeming onely, 
1*^8, i8 # for looke as a wilde; 
hcrbe^though it have but the name 
and common nature* yet Icdiffe- 
reth much from one which gro- 
weth in gardens, better manured 

c ind 

TbttrUllif sChrifHans Ejt*t$. 


nddreflcd: 2nd ai 4 blew, died 
rich blockwood, though it (eeme 
^righ era while, yetisnotfofub- 
tantiall as thai which is woaded 
<*nd thtrfore wc fay ic is a trucco. 
bur :) fo here, though the graces 
>f the temporlfer have the fame 
ume and comon nature, (for they 
ire ioferiour workesof rhefpirit) 
pea, though they may exceedcin 
(hew, yet for the truth and fob- 
ftauce, they are nothing to thofe 
that are wrought in hone A hearts ; 
ind from hence come two things, 
Firft, their graces are (bone 
growne up; forathiogfaperficiall 
is done in halfe the time that a fub- 
ftantiall thing isaworkiog. They 
get the ftart ; and, w hik many a 
sue heart before th* m in the Lord, 
is complaining of wants,and weak- 
leOeSjfiufull inclinations, uGirpiog 
n them;they arecarried 1 as it were, 
ferfiltttm, to their pcrfe&ion. Bat 
is a true birth, though flowly at 
t :he firft, yet ftill takcth increafe, 
irhercis a mole groweth fitter at 



The tria f l of a ffirifliMj Eflatt. 

chcfirft, bat fbonc cc^lcth: and 
looke as in nature, thingi rhc fbo- 
nert ripe 3 are thefboncft rotten : So 
ic fares with thefe leap-Chrirtians. 

Secondly, I fay their graces are 
infocere, their hearts are never 
purged from fome fin which they 
love and like to live in, fbrfiaifter 
cuds inrertaining the mcflage of] 
Gods a»crcy,which is not that theyi 
may reverence him, and ferve hira 
all their daies without fljv'flunr- 
rour : but they gladly heare it, as 
hoping that they have a proceftion 
by if, though they hold on in their 
own courfes. For this it is that the 
clefts faith, which never faileth, 
is called a faith without by pocri- 
fie ; that the true believer is oncly! 
laid to have an honeft heart. 

As God hath made fbme re- 
medies in nature, fuch as purge 
university every peccant humor, 
as the PhyfitiansCatholicon,&c. 
Someagaine that purge, ct$m de- 
le&# f thdt expell choler,but meddle 
not with melancholy ; phlegmc, 


n&f tris tt *f a Cbriftians Eftati. 

it ftirre not cholcr ; So this medi- 
ae of grace, which God infufcth 
co an honert heart, it is a Catho- 
jue expeller of all knowne finne, 
rcat or little. The grace of the 
mporifer purgeth out the roocof 
5 fin ; reprtflech the moving aad 
noxyfmes, as it were, of fbme 
x>ife fias onley, as in Herod. And 
:nce it ii that the grace of the 
imporifer doth not continue : for 
i come growing up with twitch, 
riers, thornes, is at length fino- 
lered; and as wholefome meate 
i a ftomacke full of flying cboler, 
i at length vomited : fo reigning 
a gr owing up with thefe feeming 
races, doth never ceafe till they 
p brought up and discharged, 
*1^8.i2 13, 14. Thus much to 
eare that difference of graces in 
pds children and others, which 
ufech that the falls of the one are 

IV cocall nor finail, which is ind- 
ent to the condition of the other. 
k Now taking it as granted, that 
le Lords children fall, byreafon 






Th$ triafi of a Cbriftsdnr Eftat*. 

of the reliqucs of fio dwelling ir 
them J come to name tbeexcenall 
ok a ;$, which ^fttully brine forth 
into AvoiUht this inbred ckfcfti- 
on. Thefe fometimes worke it 
more violently at once, fometime 
(ucrcffively, by fome hainot s wa- 
fting fin, which like a ftrong poi-j 
fon difparcheth all quickly. O -(Tea 
repeated, and gradually hcreaiedJ 
lares of pleafures and profits, unn 
comforublcnefle, which iccom- 
panieth by many rocancsCbrifti- 
an courics, (dead worke is quick- 
ly given over) examples of the 
muii.ude, a (trong back-bias, by 
which the divell fometimes draw- 
Ctb from perfifting iograce,offeaCi | ( 
at the firopl cicy, which to eye or? t 
flefli (iemeth to be in Chriftiaa !r 
courfet, at difiintion in opinions q 
amongft men of the fame profefli- v 
on, at the fins obOrved, and falls <j 
ooceknowne byfuch, who make 
profeflion; the ftducl g calls of f c 
falfcTeachers,the glorious (he wes L 
ofholinefl*,aod wnatfbcvcr chipgs k, 

of : 

The trUU efa CbriftUns Eft ate. 

ofthi8nature 3 by w ch men through 
SKans working arc wich-drawne. 

Now followech the third thing, 
the fymptoms or fignes of a decli- 
ning fbule. This one thing muft be 
prerailed, left that weake ones 
fhould caft thefelves further down 
by miftaking the matter. The pre- 
tence ofthefe cvils,andfencc of due 
difpoficions or aft ions, are note. 
I Til fignes of a dangerous declining 
ibule^but when they are willingly 
carried without remorfe, renued 
defires and endeavours after the 
contrary : for as one may be with- 
butGods gracious prelencctohis 
feeling, and yet not a forftker of 
God - fo one may be without thefe 
:hings, and not leaving them, but 
Irather left of them (Gods wifc- 
jtonne for many ends fo difpenfing) 
while by griefe, faith, and renued 
lefires, he doth follow after them. 

This confideration interlaced 
Tor the right underftanding of the 
natter in hand. Let this be the ficft 
ignc 3 w&« a feeble, livelefle aftion 




2 o I The triaHof a Chriftians EjlAte. 

of grace willingly admitted : y. g. 
'as when a man can performe a- 
ny Chriftianduty without all pow- 
er fpiricuall and good devotion • 
aeverthelefle doth not chalenge 
himfclfe^ as if it were ill with him I 
in that regard. L<tf& ettioncs Ufa* 
argHuntf*cultates:h% when the eye 
feeth not as it hath done, wee may 
prefume the inftrunents or facul- 
ties are not as they have beene : 
So here, when we doe not things 
with the vigour we have done, it is 
a figne of infirmity, and a faculty 
inwardly or outwardly hindred: 
but when wee can thinke well e 
nough of this ftate, it is a figne 
of Apoftafie and wilfufl decli- 
ning ; Iuskifh reaching* are thefics 
forerunners comonly -Gods people 
declining have fallen fir ft to thefe 
formalities, to performance of du- 
ties in a perfuc£iory fafhior, the 
heart and raines far from the Lord, . 
in them. 

The&ccnd figne is a prepefte- 
rcusappetiteof unwholcfuia food! 

liked J 

1 'he trUU of a Chriftians Efiatc. 

liked well enough, no way diftur- 
bant to us : when men can be with- 
out preaching, or at leaft without 
any chat raoveth the^r eonfeiencesj 
when they can extol frothy windy 
ftuffe, which fiJIeth them, but ne- 
ver feedeththem^fo as their foules 
are not the better for it toward 
God. It is afignethemanis wil- 
ling tofleepe that draweth the cur- 
taines about him : It is a preemp- 
tion, that thefe are willing to nap 
in their fins, that lovenotfucha 
light of truth as fhould awaken 
them. Not bearing the wholefome 
word is the preamble of Apoftafie ♦ | 
A Thi'd token isindigeftionof 
that we heare, borne contentedly ; 
when the heat of love doth not fo 
digeft things, that they might after 
be diftributed into the veincs of 
every good word and worke: be- 
caufe they receive not the truth in 
Jove, &c. 2 Thejf 2. When meate 
is taken in, and pafleth away not 
diced by the ftomacke^ it leaveth 
pe body in an atrophie, that is 5 
B 2 fuch 


The triaHof a Cbriftitns Eftdtt. 

fuch a tafte therein it isnotnou 
rifted : So here. 

T he fourth figne is an iiord "mate 
appetite after things hurtful! and 
noxious: as when a man fedeth 
no hurt, though hee intermeddle 
immoderately in the cares of the 
world ; though hec intemperate ly 
quaffe in thefe fiofull pleafures 
which laft but a feafbn : vvhen a 
man loves to follow the good 
healths, wee may boldly fay, hee 
loves to breed ill health. Worldly 
cares and pleafures arc the things 
of which the foule is drunken, 
and fur fetfjand theft are the thornes 
and weeds with which the feed of 
gracst never thriveth. 

A fifth figne may be the difcaf. 
fefting of our brethren^ whom we 
have acknowledged as begotten 
ofGod. The Diveli cannot bring a 
man who hath knowne any good, 
to confront and defpifc him direft- 
!y : therefore hee eutreth them 
with this politicketraine; hcres- 
cheth them fir ft to be bold and 
. trample 

The trhll of j CbrftiawE/tate. 

trample downe bis Image, and Co 
ac length bring them to delpife 
God, 2 Tim. 1.4. "Demds (as it it 
likdy) turning Apoftate^forfooke 
the Apoftle. 

The fixch figne is, when there 
is felt no relaxation in regard of 
our daily weakntfles&lefferfins, 
bat they dfgeft with us : if the 
(bule were not fallen well afl:cpe, 
ic could not concoft Co well. When 
nature (things able to provoke ta- 
ken in) maketh not refiftance, her 
ftrengch is feeble :So here. Bat whe 
a man is growneto th!s > tbac he can 
go on in his impenitency without 
checke, ic is an evident figne he is 
downe the wind in a wiifuil decli- 
nation -yeajthat he is farre gone in 
ir. Thus you have heard that forae 
fall from their grace • and for fur- 
ther declaration you have, feene 
c!cared,ho w firrc all forts may fal r : 
whence commeththtir falls, with 
the difference of them. Thirdly, 
what are the iadiemts of a foul? 

B) Tfc 

. ) 

The triaD of 4 Cbiiftians Eftate. 

The ufe of all is; Firft, as to 
ftirreusup to take comfort in the 
true worke which God hath be- 
gun 5 fo to make fure that we have 
received fucfi grace as (hall not 
faile : would wee not be loth to 
reare ftich a frame in a material! 
building, which fhould after come 
downe upon cur heads ? We are 
builders, let us make fare to digge 
(b deep, and ground our worke Co 
well, that though it (hould fliake^ 
(as they &y,firmc houfcs will) yet 
it may be farre from feare of mine. 
In taking gold, wee refefe waftied 
and light golds or clipped, wee 
weigh them,ring them 3 &c. In re- 
ceiving grace be not lefle carefull 
that it be right currant, not wan- 
ting* graiac of due weight. 

Secondly this, that many fall a- 
way, muft awaken us to more cir- 
cumfpeftion ; though it light up- 
on fome men only, it is every mans , 
terrour. We have great reafon, for 
wee live in moft perilous times, 
whereiq the holy Ghoft hath war- 


Tbetriallofa ChriftiansEftate. 

nedusthac the dampeof ficifhall 
make the love of many waxe cold : 
wherein the contagion of Apofta- 
fie is epidemical! ; is gro wne a po- 
pular difeafe. For now what luke. 
warmnefle> what a weak pulfc bea- 
teth every where ? men care not to 
dcale wkh themfclves to hold their 
thoughts to heavenly things, to a- 
waken their affe&ions, to reaew 
their faich, to blow up devotion; 
to live in an holy contention ; nay, 
this in our daies is counted a fii- 
perfluous unneceflary courfc, for- 
ged in the head of fame over-for- 
ward f cHowes ; it is the undilcreece 
fervor ofgrecn youth, which ages 
wifdome wil take up.Ochers more 
moderately fpoken, thioke that 
every thing new is dainties., and 
that prime aflfe&ions cann :>t be re- 
tained :a fig-kafe^ature, art,grace, 
go from lefle perfeft to more per- 
feft. Whether doth a child at eight 
yeercs or eighteene moft love and 
joy in his inheritance ? Doeft thou 
not count thy preatifcs two laft 
} _ B 4 yeeres 


The triallrf* Chilians Eft Ate. 

y ceres better tbanfoureof his firrt? 
In ftcad of appetite to the Word, 
now fbme thiakethe Sabbath may 
be tolerably fon&ified without a- 
ny preaching : feme couot it e- 
nough, if they be where preaching 
is,, let ir be what it will be; farre 
from fuch as is able to worke on 
their foulcs ; as if the orders of the 
perfbn, not the fiipcrnaturall gifts 
of knowledge and wifHoroemade 
the Sermon (but thefe muft not be 
levered :) force count fuch plaine 
preaching (as heretofore wai effe- 
ftuall in them) kflcdiligeatj and 
leffe learned. Thus the DiveJl not 
able quite to make them call off 
the ordinance, perfwades them 
that change is no robberie ; and 
that they may flecpe tbe quieter 
(negle&ing fuch preaching as was 
powerful! in them) he cafts them 
this pillow, fuggefting that they 
leave not that which was ef£6tuaU 
in them toward God, but that one- 
ly which was indiligent and un 

' . Againe,,, 

The trhKofa Chrtfiizns Efiatc. 127 

Againe, in Head of working chc 
Word upon our affe&iont, how 
many concent themfelvts to excr- 
cife thdr criuckes,tbis or chat wa* 
Well fpoken, &c. anc! there is an 
end ? For the worlds ipcn have 
their hands in it elbow-deep • yea, 
many who in chdr times have 
made fhew of a more heavenly 
minde, fome are now fo (hie to 
their brethren, that they w.'ll not 
looke at them, not meece on the 
fame fide of che ftreete, not know 
them. How many, whole hearts 
wruld have fwiccen them in leffer 
offences can now commit as great, 
and ic never upbraids them > nay, 
efleeme this tenderneffc fcrupu- 
lous fimplicicy, andmclancholike 
aufteritiy. The more vulgar then 
this difeafc is, the more cautelous 
wee aiuft be. 

Thirdly, wee fee now that who 
will keepe life and power in his 
courfc, endeavouring a good con- 
science in all things, they muft 
paflc the pikes of tvill tongues I \ 

B 9 which\ V A 

2 8 I fhetriallcfsCbriftmsE/tatt. 


which are (hakcnagainft them.For 
now fuch heare, as if they were 
humorifts, new~fanglifts, Prccifi- 
an$,ptoud,GnguIar,fimple, melan- 
cholike perfbns,what not > Final- 
ly, the Diveli to make revolts,now 
refines his wics, and turnes Angell 
of lighr, hanging out our owne 
colours, that heemay theeafilier 
furprize us; and pretending per- 
fe<5Uons, which we yet want,doth 
transport many, whom neither 
crcfies nor allurements would pre* 
vailcagainft. So that we had need, 
ifever,to walke warily, look fig to 
the author and fioiftier of our faith: 
yea, thankefully, that foineyill 
times we are kept (though weaken 
ly) alive in his fight.Thqs much of 
the fecond doftrine. 

The third followeth ia thefe 
words - to perdition, viz,. cf the 
foule, 2 Pei.2> 20. 2i« even as hce | 
that gocth out of the light, muft 
taeeds come into darkenefle : fo he i 
1 that leaveth the living God, the 
fountaine of blefled lifc,muft needs 
I fall- 

ThetriaHofa C*>r*fli*ns Eft ate. 


fall inco perdition. The rclapfe ia- 
into any ficknefle is more dange- 
roas,than the firft entrance inroic : 
for nature is now more enfeebled, 
much (pent in her former refiflace; 
againe, the difeafe is much Streng- 
thened as a prevailing conqueror : 
So in thefe declinings from the 
healchfbme fhceof gracein fome 
(ore attairted,fin ii Stronger (the di- 
vell c5rcring with Seven worfe Spi- 
rits) and our caps cityjof receiving 
health lefler; we being twice dead, 
and for the degree more, removed 
from grace,than ever bcfore,& this 
end befalls backfliders mod deser- 
vedly: for chey offcr God the grea- 
teft indignity, it being better chey 
had never admitted him, than hi- 
ving taken him in, to diSIodge him 
caukhfly. Again,when fuch as for- 
getting their military Sacrament, 
fteale from tbeir colours,are juftly 

Eunifhed with temporall dca:h; 
owdeServedly are theft puniftied 
witheternall perdition, whore- 
(pt& not that warfare, to which 
, the y \ ' _ 



the triaB *fa Cbrtfi$ans Eft etc. 

they bound themfelves by Sacra- 
nnec,who flinch a way,leaviog that 
difplaid enfigne of a zealous pre- 
femon 5 under 'which fomtimethey 

But how can defiru&ion follow 
on declining conrfts^ when Gods 
choftn cannot ptu(h;and the other 
fort wcce never inflate offal vation? \ 
AnfJhisis faid to be the end of ic, 
not absolutely without exception, 
but refpe&ively, if wee by repen- 
tance take not (height fieps the 
fooncr, & get our halting healed. 

To the firft it may be aafwered ^ 
that the Apoftacy of Gods children 
in it felf cendech to dfcftru£Hoi>it is 
his mercy that preventeth them in 
this way,pot the fruit of their back- 
fliding. Secondly, they after a fort 
deftroy thefelves^wheo they bring 
their /pirituall life into a fwoone^ 
and lea re not themfclve* breath or 
motiondifcernabk.For the wicked 
though they ncyer were tborowly 
Yind:catedor redeemed from de= 
ftruftion^ yet to the judgemenr of 
: . . charity 


■ ' ■ ■ 

The triaU of a Cbriflims Eftate. I 3 1 

charity they fecmed fo:now ic is ufa- 
all to lpeak of things not according 
ns they are,butas they appcare. Se- 
condly,they,though they never had 
that (bund eternal! life,yer they had 
fuch a life as is in a Wen; md though 
the rootes of their griefs were not 
brought away, ycctheeflfe&s were 
fo reft rained, and for a time fufpen- 
ded.tbat to their feeraing ihey were 
made wel!.Thirdly,they are laid to 
fall into deft: u£ion,though they are 
in r ; becaufe they by Apoftacy,goe 
to the heigh: &coofumm«ion oHr- 
as we are faid by a godly courfe, to 
go to life e¥erlalUng,which in fome 
degree wee have already. And tht 
truth it, that falling away doth 
bring the untimely judgmeatsjdotfc 
procure an cffe&uall delivering to 
Satan, who doth afterwards more 
folly fill them with his efficacy :For 
as God maketh thefincereli Saints 
often of thofe, who have Jbeene the 
fouleft finners : So here Satan^when 
i he gets fuch an one,who hath beeoe 
in (hew an Aogellofligh^ hcedoth 


J he triad ^f a Chrijtians Eft ate. 

make of him an incarnate dive!!. In 
nature the fweetcft thing? whe they 
t im^become the fowreft.This mor- 
tal! ficknefle we muft cake heed of; 
and if our love, zeale^endemefie of 
conscience be diminifhed, wee muft 
timely feek oat for remedy. I know 
men thinke,we are not fo far gone; 
once beloved ,alwaies beloved ; we 
have left nothing but meere curiofi- 
ty, melancholike aufterity, men in 
many con (iderat ions reproveable- 
(uch as thofe, v*ho joine not with j 
theca> we hope may be in Gods fa- 
vour, and goe to heaven. But never | 
take fuch paines to deceive your 
felves; thefc vaine words will not 
ftill rocke the conscience afl *epe. If 
thy (pirituall aftions be fallen a- 
fleep>thy contention againftiheevil 
dwelling in thee ceafed, thy appe- 
tite after fincere milke & meat aba* 
ted,thy tendernes of confeienotim- 
paired, and thou canft lit nnder all 
theft things without repentant for- 
row 5 aflure thy felfe^he end of this 
(ifthoupreyenteflitaat by.repen- 



( i l l I ■■ m ■ I 9 ■ 

Tht trisB of a Cbrifiians Eftate. 3 3 

tancc) ftiallbedeftruftion. Lukc- 
warmnes (thogh men think it a pare 
ofprudencc)ic is odious with God, 
and will raakcus be caft up with di£ 
pleafure : true ic is that Gods wrath 
is not prefentlyefpiedagainftfach, 
bat this is onely becaufe wee fee not 
the fpirituall judgements, where- 
with they are firicken; and we fee in 
nature the thing is long bred and 
conceived, before it is brought 
forth and manifefted. 

Secondly, wemuft be exhorted 
here to ft and conftantly in our cour- 
fes, who doe walke with God in 
ibme life and power, though not 
without great weaknefle • let us not 
give over our labour and holy con- 
tention, to which the prefence of 
fin & defeft of righreoudeffe have 
pricked usttbis work of grace goech 
againft the ftreame of nature, if we 
intermit to ply theoare of holy ex- 
ercifrj wind and tide wH carry us 
backagaine«Where weceafc to im- 
prove by good husbandry the gtace 
received,, there H beginnetb to be 


*~ — . * . ^m^;, 1 

54- i j The trtaQofa Chtijiians Efiate. 


j impaired. True it is,that tht disking 
up of oar (elves, refitting (loth* the 
rcftlefle afpiring after things which 
we are flill call from whh violence, 
are in their kinds laborious : butre- 
member^whicmeo do in their earth- 
ly warfare; r hry(forpay oftwo (hil- 
lings a day) march thorow places 
often full of difficulty, \u (the 
ground being cheir bcd)in theayre, 
no covert over cheer ; in their viftu- 

4 alls they are fore ftreightned, of- 
ten they carry their lives in their 
hands, and fight in the Cinons 
mouth : to thfofeeupon this once/is 
enough to make us afliamed of our 
fof ntfle and cowardice. But we arc 
of faith, as we fay, at d men of cou- 
rage & oifdorae. Butalas^firft who 
hath theft things? fccondly, who . 
doth put them forth ? thirdly, who 
is conftant in holding them, and 
making (hew of them as occsfion is 

We may obfcrvc this as a fourth 
inftru&iori, what is the property of 
a (bond believer or beliefe,*/*. to 



The biAft of 4 Cbrtjlians Eft ate. 5 5 

pcrftvcrc when thty arc tried & op- 
pofed : this faith is a precious, fi > 
ccie,nevc r failirg faicb; it growech 
from one degree toanocher^the true 
believer, hec holdeth the faith a- 
gainft hell gates thfmfelves,thatis, 
the powers of hell which oppofe 
him in it : which that we may more 
fruitfully u: derftand;we muft know 
that where found faitfris wrought, 
rhere the divcll plaicth the affiilant, 
bending all his force to difcarmc 
:hem of this divine fliield, by draw- 
ngthembackcagalne to unbdiefe 
md frlfe confidences which will 
lot helpe them. 

To this purpofe hee muftereth 
:rofles f vomictcth deluges of falfe 
laaderi;ftirrcs up thencereft friends 
)f fuch as are now come to G 3d by 
aithjto perftcute themmoft bitter* 
j : (bmctime he (heweth thera im- 
>oflibili:ies, in fenftof feeing that 
hey defire and believe : (bmecimes 
le troubles their fcelings,that fo he 
aay (hake them in their believing : 
bmetimes hee withdrtweth their 

, faith 



The triaU $fa Cbrijiians Ejlate. 

faith by falfeobje&s, which he pro- 
pofeth to them; but if hee cannot 
break off their belief,ehen he laieth 
about to reprefle the fervency and 
the renued exercife of their beliefe. 
by unfettling us with fome new de- 
vices, when we are more intent ; by 
making our exercife painfull, and 
uncofortable, overcafting the light 
which was wont to fhinetousia 
the promifcs; hindriog us from fee- 
ling the fwect comfort in them; ex- 
citing the reliques of fl:>th,dea<toc5, 
inconftiocy that are in us.'fomeiime 
by caufkfie fears & finfullfliaraefaft- 
nefle hee withdraweth ns from our 
holy devout exercife.But this found 
kich quencheth allthefe fiery darts 
which are throwne againft k 5 and 
like as a tree which (haken* rotteth 
more deeplyjor like as a torch w ch 
beaten, blazcth more brightly; or 
like as a ftar, which when the aire is 
obfcured,fhinethmoftclearely: fbis 
it with this root^torch,this glorious 
fhr ; thefe powers of darknefle doe 
nothing in the eod^but lend ic a more 
1 . bgaq- 

Tl)ctri*Uofa ChrtJliantEJiate. 


beautifull luHre, thai it ever puc 
forth while it was not v beroundt4 
with any fach enmities. 

True it is, that the beft faith may 
hang the whig, bsingwcatherbea- 1 
ten, and feeme to retire under fome i 
more vehement delaies orientation: 1 
but that which flieth to day, figh-| 
teth againe to morrow ; and like as ! 
it is with thofe, whofe going backe ! 
helpeth them to take thsir rife and 
fetch their lea p more co modiou fly : ' 
So here, faith (through him that is I 
the author & ficiiflier of her)by how 
much fhr gavebackejby Co mach in 
her renued iadcavours (becomiaeth 
forward more facceffcfully. From 
this ground many come to be re- 
proved : Some there are, who will 
feeme to follow fincerity & fanfti- 
fication,whik making (hew of thele 
things isgainfull^but if crofles come 
they will hy down their weapons^ 
and Will provide to fleepe in whole 
skins, whatfoever become of other 
matters. Some, if they be delayed 
beyond their own time,caft up their 
> hopes, 


The ttiaU if a ChrifHans EJttte, 

hopes,andare ready proudly to fay, 
Ic is in vainc to (erve God. Amongft 
chc Lords children,, how many arc 
there who follow not faith^ grow- 
ing up from faith to faitfy encwiog 
the exercife of it in faftningonthe 
gracious promifes which are made 
unto us? Men that will check them* 
(elves if they omit the aft of mercy, 
of ceftifying truth, of juftice where 
occafionis offered;blamenot them- 
fclves fornegkfting to renew their 
faith towards God f when hispro- 
raifcs renewed, or experience of his 
goodneffc and truth doth call for it 
from us. 

Some there are,who weakly fore- 
fpeak things, fignifynig their unbe- 
belief,by faying,tht y fhall never fee 
this or that evill mending wkh thejj 
that ic is but a folly to attempt fur* 1 
ther, feeing wee ftriye againft thci 
ftreaaie.But this is not to bs carry ed 
with full faile of faithfull pcrfwafr 
on on him who hath fpoken good to 
u«, but through attending to that 
fenfe &reafon Ipeaketh, toyeeldw 
unbeliefe. S?cqnd- 

_ — 

The trial! of a Chriftians EJttte. 3 9 

Secondly, we may hence here gather 
le truth of our beliefe. Hath ic ftood 
irongh help of Gods grace in tentati- 
n> Chrift lettech us fee that hee was 
ur fnpporrcr,it is a true figne of grace 
ever failing : buildings which ftaad 
vhen winds and ftorms beat on them, 
re prefumed to bs fore grounded, 
phcrcas the paper- walls andpainccd 
aftks of chefe who have not unfained 
;race, cannorindure any (bund afliulc 
vhich is m ?de againft them. 

The laft thing to be markedi^what oM-.f, 
t is that doth bring us to fee ftlvation 
iere and everlaftingly, it is ourbe- 
hfe^i PrM. 5. Gods pleafure of wor- 
ding this or that forus,isfirft made 
cnowne by his Word revealing it. S 
:ond!y, ic is delayed for a triall of 
hem to whom it is given. Thirdly 3 it 
3 executed. Now the revelation of 
[his future pleafureeacly faith appn- 
len^eih; the delay (wherein many 00 
:urrences are incidc it) fpeaking chc 
pntrary this faith beareih, by clea- 

ing to that which formerly it heard 
icom God. When the thing is execu- 

4 o 

The triall of a fflriftiam Efiate. 

ttd 3 then faith is changed with Gght ; 
fo chat it isplaine, that faith bringeth 
ustofeefalvatioo, for it never giveth 
over till the thing be in prefent; jc 
doth kcepc us within the tower of 
Gods impregnable ftrength for the 
prefent, which is our fafety agtinft all 
enemies; ic doth bring us out oi all 
troubles by holding Gods gracious 
Word ; as a man eommeth from a 
deepe dungeon, by climbing a fcaling 
ladder caftto him 3 or fitting upon an 
Eagles wing which would mount up 
with him. 

In the Chapter following there is a 
catalogue of glorious believers^ the 
end of their faith being like wife re* 
corded. Whence we may firft fee that 
errour of Papifts, who though they 
afcribe our firft forgivenefle of our 
finnes to frith; yet our after-rightc- 
oulhefle and falvation they referre to 
good workcSj penall fatisfa&ionSj 
application of the* Churches crca- 
furie^ &c. withdrawing themfelves 
from faiths when now they are 
brought to be in date of grace ; baj 



The trlall of a Chrifiia?is Ejlzte. 

ith is never to ceafe till the thing be- 
eved be now in fight, neither will 
le fame thing be got both by faith 
nd workes ; for thefe are fuch as will 
iotbe compounded, theApoftlebe- 
ng witnefle. 

Againe, hence we fee how wofull a 
;hiog ic is to call away our confidence, 
we fling away the plaifter that (hould 
hcaleus • for whatfoever evillswere 
upon us, yet holding our faith on the 
truth and mercy of God in Chrift^ 
they (hould variifli away as (hewers, 
whichonourgarmgnts,dryuph time 
and come tonothirg, Ye;,their dan- 
ger is hence difcovercd, who though 
thtymake conference of amrcher, a- 
dultery, in jaftrce ; ye: care not to life 
in unbeliefe, which is of all finals the 
meft dangerous, for the other (hould 
not hurt us deadly, were it not for 
this; that wee will not by kith take 
i that medicine which (hould healeus, 

Srcondly,this r--nft incour age us to 
p^rfevere in our fauh : as Ghrift ! jok- 
edtothe end of the Craffej (j muft 
we looke to the end of our fauh, that 


4* | The triaU of a C^fi'**" EJlate. jf 

1 ' ■ ' — ■ — - — — — ■ — — j — | 

] we may indure all difficulties the bet- 
ter, with which wee are encouwrcdi 
True ic is, that mei are of:cn moft de- 
ceived, where they truft moft; but 
leaning on the Lord, and waiting on 
him, thou (hall never be deceived, nor 
miflfc of his promifed falvation. 
objeti. But in temporary evills wee canno 

aflure ourfelves of deliverance. 
^»/»- f Anfo. The truth is, wc fee not de- 
liverance, becaufe wee exercife not 
faith ia particular promifes (b ftrreas 
we might. Secondly, wemuft ever be 
affurcd of iflue, (uch as is joyned with 
falvation. Thirdly,though it keepe us 
not out of the fire, yet faith will 
keepe us from burning, or taking hurt! 
in our moft fiery crialls ; whereforci 
let us renew our faith in Gods preci- 
ous promifeSj afluring our felves thai 
the end of it (hall be falvation of foult 
and body in the day of our Ler< 
Jefus Chrift. To whom with the Fa 
cherandSpirit,&c. tAmcn. 



