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Full text of "Briefe directions unto a godly life : wherein every Christian is furnished with most necessary helps for the furthering of him in a godly course here upon earth"


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Wherein every Chri- 

ftian in furui&ed with moft 
neceffary helps for the furthering 

of him fa a godly courfe here upon 

Earth, that Co he may attaine Eter- 
nal! Happineflein Heaven. 

Written by M T .Paul Bayne, 
Minifter of Gods Word, to 

M r . Nicholas Iordane his 

Brother. I 


Printed by A. G. for I. N. and are 

to be fold by Samuel Enderby at the 
Starre in Popes head Alley, 1^37. 



To the 

R I G H T 

Worfhipfhll, M'. 

Nicholas Iordane 

Efquire, and one of his 

Ma/efties Iuftices of the 

Peace and Quorum jin the 

County of Suflix, 

T batb beene 
an ancient 
cuflom to re- 
feree (ome 
liyely repre- 
sentation of worthy friends 
deceafedy therby to continue i 

A ? t be . 




the remembrance of their 
j venues, fsrfons, and bye. 
This holy Treatife enfuing s 
bath ferVedyou to that pur- 
pofe^and that $ery fifty ; for 
herein you. have a true re- 
prefentation and remem- 
brance of your mo ft worthy 
and lowing Brother, effect- 
j ally of the mo ft noble and 
worthy part of him, I meane 
of his excellent under ft and- 
ingin the myfierie of godli- 
nejfe: his moft jealous and 
earneft will and defire of aU 
menspratlke ofgodlineffe j 
And hisfinpere lo<ve unto 
youjnparticularftnto whom 
hee primarily diretled thefe 




Directions unto a godly life - f 
which as they do lively ex- 
preffie that he bad put on the 
new man y createdandrenu- 
edin knowledge \ right eon f- 
neffe and true holine/Je :fo 
is it mofi worthy of our re- 
feriPAtion.j both for the re- 
membrance and imitation of 
him* Tea, I may confidently 
affirme, that this faithfu'J 
remembrancer is mo ft wor- 
dy and fit alwales to h 
carried about us, and daily 
to be look don by in: for it 
will helpe w well to put on 
that new m.m,and to be con- 
formable to our Head lefiu 
Chrijly arid to walke before 

A 4 the 





the. Lord in bolinejje and 
righteoufneffe all the dates 
of our life. For there u 
this difference between thoje 
former corporall Images of 
earthly bodies and thti, that 
men ypitb too much bye and 
ufe of them, eafily fell into 
< fuperflitious wickednejfe 9 
but thy the more it it loyed 
and ufed of men, the more 
will aQ wickednejfe be rooted 
out of their hearts, and the 
more will they glory 'fie God 
by a holy life and conyerfa- 
tion. No'fr haying receiyed 
thii holy Treatife at your 
wor flips hands topubliflj it 
unto the WorldJ am bold to 



returns it unto you for fafe- 
gard t both that the World J 
may know unto whom it is 
obliged for Jo excellent a mo? 
nument f as alfo/or the great 
benefit that /ball be reaped 
thereby. So(Sir) accounting 
it a wife part in him that 
cannot jpeake wellfofay but 
little ; / commend you and 
this Treatife to Gods Grace 
which is able to build us up 
farther i eyen to doe won- 
droufly aboye all that wee 
can aske or tbinke. 

Your WorfhJps humbly 
at command, 

N. N. 

Mr ■- 



Briefe Directions 

unto a godly Life : where. 
in every Chriftian is furni- 

(hed with moft neceffary Helpes 
for the furthering of bins in a 

godly Courfe here upon earth, 

that Co hee may atuinc 

eternall happinefle in 


lire it is, that ic 
was not thus with 
man-kinde in the 
beginning as now 
ic is. 

God created man 
happy, yet mutable ; but Sacan by 
deceit did caft him from that hap- 
py condition; whereby befiiesthe 
lofic of that felicicy, he was plun- 
ged into extreme nufery 3 which 
confifleth in two things, . 
I " Fi-rft, \ 

m »> ■*» ■ >Wf 


Britfi VntBiont 

Firft, in finne. 

Secondly, the curie following 
upon it. 

Firft, our finoe is not onely that 
firft tranlgrcffion of -/**/«*;* wher- 
by we are all guilty, but alio that 
in fe&ion of foulc and body arifing 
from the former. Hence it is that 
the underftanding is filled with 
blindneffe; the conscience woun- 
ded, (eared, and defiled j the ra- 
mory forgetting good things or 
not remembring any thing aright. 

The will eaptive, of no ftrength 
to good, but onely to evill • the 
affs&iocs all together disordered. 

The cogitations about heavenly 
matters, are errour, falsehood, and 

The wifhes and defires of the 
heart arc earthly, and fleihly. The 
outward behavioui is nothing clfc 
but a giving op of the members of 
the 6ody asinftrumentsof finne. 

The curfe maketh him fubfcft 
in this life for his ufc of the crea- 
tures tocftarths,famine,8tc.For his 


unto a godly life. 

body , to ficknefleand other paines. 

la his feafe for his friends to 
the like calamities; inhisfouleto 
vile affc&ions, to blindnefle, hard- 
nefle of heart, defperation, mad- 
nefle, &c. In both body and foule 
toendlefle, and eafeleffe torture in 
the world to come. Yet fomc may 
objeft thar, 

All are not in this cafe or eftate. 
To which I anfwer : 

Ail are fubkft by nature to the 
fame wrath or God; they which 
fecle it not, thek cafe is no better, 
but rather worfe than the other. 

Thconely Efficient remedy for 
the laving of man, is to fithfie 
Gods juftice^ which by finne is 
violated His juftice is (aclsfied by 
filtering the punifhiient due to 
Gnne, and by the prcfent keeping 
of the Law. Therefore it is not to 
be fought for in our fclve^ nor in 
any other creature. It being ap- 
pointed by the Father, was under- 
taken and wrought by Chrift, and 
is fealed in rr-ens hearts by the ho- 


Brift Dtre&hns 




ly Gfaoft : but it -may be deman- 
dcd : 

How did Chrift his redemption 
become ours ? I anfwer : 

God the Father, of his infinite 

love^gave bim freely to us, with all 

his whole workc of Redemption. 

This Divine Myfterie is brought 


The ufe whereof is to manifeft 
that righteoulhcfle in C h r ist 3 
whereby the Law is fully faisfied, 
and (alvation a r tained. 

The remedy and the tidings of 
it is received only by Faich, which 
Faith is fo to give credit to Gods 
Word, as he reft thereon^ that hee 
will fave him ; and is wrought by 
che miniftery of the Wordj<revca- 
ling this mercy and truth of God : 
and by thefe the holy Ghoft in- 
lightening him to conceive, draw- 
ing him to believe^ and fo uniting 
him to Chrift. 

The knowledge of the former 
things is not fufficient for him 
chat will come to .happiudTe : 


unto a godly Life. 

but this knowledge workech. 

Firft, he is dra wne by the fecret 
worke of chc Spirit of. God, to 
be perfwaded that. the D -ftcine 
taught doth concerne him : hee 
fu;h wifdome given him to ap- 
pjygenerall things particularly to 
himfclfe : CW. 1 . 9. as firft, the 
Preaching of the Law, and the 
threatned curfes of it ; whereby he 
teeth himfelfe gailty before God 
of CiCrnall puni&ment and wrath. 

Secondly, the Lord dire&eth 
him to enter into further confije-, 
ration with himfelfe, of and about 
his prefcnt eftate, and confulceth 
what to doe in this his ex remity ; 
and that not lightly, butferioufly, 
as a matter of life and death, 
/irr.8,6. £#^7.15. 

If he be not able to conntell 
hirnlelfe, hce asketh counfell of 

Thirdly, from the former coa- 
Citation, he commeth to this re- 
folution, that hee will not returne 
to his old waieSjbut h all humility 


Britfc Dm&ions 


aad meekncffi and brokenneffe of 
heart, fay with ?*«/; Lord what 

Fourthly, by this meanes hce 
corameth to an unfained defire of 
forgtvcneflfe, which alwaies pro- 
ceedeth from a (bund hope chat 
God will be in treated of him. 

This hungring after mercy, and 
long'ng after Christ, is very 
earned and fervent,though in fome 
with more timoroufneffe than in 

This miketh the Gofpell to be 
glad tidings, and the feete of them 
that bring it to be beautifull to 

Fifthly, withcameft, humble, 
and particular confeflion of bis 
finnes, hee poureth out prayers to 
God for the pardon of them in 

Sixtly, he having found out this 
pearle,prizeth it as it is worth i and 
therefore fclleth all thathee hath, 
biddeth farewell to his fweeceft 
delights for she attaining of it $ 


which affc&ion is not for a mo- 
menr, but is written, as it were, 
with the point of a Diamond,never 
to be rafed out againe. 

SeventhIy,Then hacomraeth to 
apply the Gofpell to himfelfe, as 
before he did the La w,and fealeth 
up his falvation in his heart, rea- 
foning from thofe gracious promi- 
fes which God hath made to fuch 
as he is. 

Thus by often and deep weigh- 
ing the truth, unchangeablencfll 
and perpetuity of the promifes, he 
commeth at length to be fettled in 
Faith • this Faith uniteth him to 
Chrift, and bringeth him to happi- 
nefle. And it is wrought inward- 
ly by the Spirit, while men obey 
Gods Ordinance in the hearing of 
the Word, the outward mcanes of 

Now the markes of Faith tobe 
feenein the belecvcr by himfelfe 
or others rare 

i. If he (hive againft doubting, 
I*dg.6. 17. 

2, If 


Briefe ~DinUions 

2. If not feeling Faith, hee 
t:omplaine bitterly of the want 
of it. 

3. If hee feeke fervently to be 
fettled in beleeving. 

4. If he defire to ftarch out the 
finne which may poffibly hinder 
him,and endeavour to expell it. 

The raa?ne caufe why lb many 
doe want Faith, is the Di veils be- 
witching, and blinding of men, [ 
2 Or. 4. 3,4. Wherein mans fault 
is, that hee opener h his eares, and 
giveth credit to Satans deceitful! 

For the preventing therefore of 
this danger, the Lord hach given 
watch-men to \yarnei the people 

The reafon therefore why men 
doe not avoyd ir, is. either in the 
Minifter, that hee doth qot warne 
themjslright, or <\k in the people, 
that they doe not receive ic. 

pi the Minijitrs : 
x. Ifchey teach nq:-acall. 




2. If they teach feldome. 

3. Ifthcy teach, but not plainc- 
ly to the capacity oft he hearer. 

4. If by Catechifingthey doe 
not teach the grounds of Faith in 
right and good order. 

5. If rhcy be not ready by pri- 
vate conference to (atisfie their 

1 6. If they have not a Chriftian 
care of giving gnod example by a 
holy and blaaielefle life. 

But thcMinifters muft confi- 
der their duty laid forth : 

Firft, by Tides, as Watchmen, 
Labourers, Mttth.g. 37. Salt and 
Lighr,<&/4*. ?. 13. 14 Shephcards, 
lob* 21.15. Good Scribes, AdMth. 
13. Stewards, iCor. 4* 1* Nurfes, 

Secondly, in Commandements, 
i/f£ti20. 28. iTimotb. 4. 2. For 
their better incourageraents, they 

Firft, the honour vouchfafed to 
them, to be God. his Atnbafla- 



Brief* Directions 

Secondly, the comfort of this 

Thirdly, the good that they 
may doe* 

Fourthly, the great reward pre- 1 
pared for them, Van. 1 2 . 3, 

The lets that are in the 
People ^dre : 

Firft, if they efteemc lightly of 
the Gofpel,preferring other things 
before it 3 Luke 24. 

Secondly, if they imagine it an 
impoffible thing to get aflurance of 
falvation in this life. 

Thirdly ,if they think iyhoogh 
not impoffible^ yet not any way 

Fourthly, if they thinke it both 
poffible and neceflary, bac too 
hard to come by, 

Fi&hly, if they be carelefle and 

Sixthly, if for feare of lofing 
other pleaftres,. they forbeare to 

Seventhly, if they prefume of 


unto a godly Ltfe* 


their Faith, living ftill in their Cms. 

Eighthly, if there were never 
thorow brokenaefle of heart pre- 
pared to receive the Gofpell. 

Ninthly, if for feare of not con- 
tinuing , they will not begin. 

Tenthly, if they doe worke it 
upon themfelves, but doe deale 
flightly with ir. 

I Eleventhly, if they content 
themfelvet with fudden flafhes 
that (bone are out, and doe not 
(eeke to be fettled. 

A naked and baredefire of fal- 
vation, now and then ftlrred up in 
a man, is not to beleev*. 

Firft, true defire cannot bt fitif- 
acd without ic,and therfore giveth 
not over till itobtaheir. 

Secondly, it maketh high ac- 
count of it, as of a precious Faith ; 
and vetoing of it according to the 
worthineff: of ic : He fcekcth wil- 
lingly and readily : He iectlerh his 
hearc upon the proroifesof God. 

Hee meditates on Gods Com- 
1 mandementsj that hse fliould be- 

j Iccve : I 

• - — - 


leeve: by thefemeanesheecom- 
methto be fettled. Which done 4 
hee muft beware of all ocafions 
chat may unfctcle him. Againe, 
efpcially that he doth pot give too 
much place to flefhly reaibns and 
caroall donbcings, nor hearken to 

BEcaufc the children of God 
after they have believed^ are 
ofcen drawne from their hold,and 
caufed to fnfpcfted chemfclves,and 
fo fall into much feare and doub- 
ting that they arc none of the 
Lords, they mnft therefore learne 
to ftrengthen themfelves thus : 

i. They muft know that in 
God there is no (hado w of change, 
and therefore that it Utheir weak- 
nefletoenterraine fiich thoughts, 
Tfalm. 77. 13. For hee ought 
not to at ft away his confidence, 
Heb. 10,35. 

2. Hee may perfwade himfelfe 
that hee labouring after, and gro- 
ning to reft his wearied heart on 


thepromifes of God, (hall never be 
wholly forfiken, chough fome- 
times deftituce of feeling. Now if 
any aske, 

Why doth God differ hischil- 
dren to fall into (uch feares? Icis 
for this; 

Left by a .fudden abfolure 
change, they fhould become fe- 
cure ox prefiimptuous. 

3. They muft know that the 
roote of our comfort, is not in the 
ftrength of our Chriftian life, but 
in the free grace of God in Chrift; 
and therefore the weaknefle there- 
in ought not to bring us into doub • 
ting of our falvation. Ic may be 
weake^ but it (hill never be ex- 
tingui(hed$for he that is new borne 
can never die. 

4. They muft call to mind that 
they be yet but children,(ub jeft to 
manydifeafes, andfomeof thofe, 
foch as may take away fenfe of life; 
which muft move us not to difpair, 
but to feek w th al diligence for the 
cure of them.-wherasif any objeft, 

; ': '• Many 




Briefe D'ire&ions 




Many of the faithfull 
brought to that paflTe, that being 
pcrfwaded that they are repro- 
bates, are neerc unto defperacion ; 
they have a feafe of God his wrath, 
and are in great anguifh of consci- 
ence : how ihall they ftay them- 
felves in this cfhte? I anfwer 

i . They may be aflbred of this,, 
that they are not without hope of 
mercy, becaufe they hare not fin- 
ned againft the holy Ghoft ; for 
they have not malicionfly fit 
themfelves againft the truth of 
God, they have not wilfully per- 
fecuted it againft their conscience, 
bat doe love the fame and defire to 
be partakers of ic# 

2. They muft learne to know 
from whom this dclufion com- 
meth, even from Satan who Iabou- 
reth either to wring their hope 
from them, or elfe to weary their 
lives with hcavinefle and difcom- 
fort.This heattempteth : 

Firft, by fpirituall fuggcftion,he , 




un 4 f^udly Life. 


b<*ing a fptritjand helped al/o with 
the long experience which he hath 
had of this rr?<fcj and therefore fir; 
he be irgalfo full of malice, and of 
u fearchable fubtihy, withexcec- 
dir g ftrength, and therefore ready 
thus to trouble us. 

Thus he inciceth as to fins, nor 
onely which by nature wee love, 
but even to thofe which wee have 
no inclination unt^* and when be 
hath thus fattened upon many a 
man, then he labjureih to dimme 
his knowledge and Uiiderftandkg, 
that hec may lay no hold on any 
truth that may comfort him , or 
make benefit of any promife. 

Secondly, by outward obj-fts 
and occanotis forcibly per fwadir g 
to finne. New becaufe thtfe thing* 
proceed rather from Sathan than 
fromthemklves, thereisnocaufe 
why they (hould be difcouraged. 

Thirdly, they mufl call to mind 
that God calleth and enc :>urag< rh 
us to truti and believe in him j and 
therefore it muft needs difpLafe 

B him 


Briefe 'DittUitns 




him that they arc removed from 
cheir faith, to give place to the fpi- 
rit of error. And how if they feele 
not the fwcettafte of God? grace > 
i. Yet they muft not meafure 
themfelvesby that they prefently 
feele, when the foule hath loft her 
feeling; but by the time paft, when 
they were free from temptation. 

2. The fruits of their faith are 
often evident to the eye of others, 
whenthemfelves cannot fee them. 

3. They muft bee acquainted 
with the waiesof God, who often 
doth bide himfelf for a fcafos, that 
they may with more carneft defirc 
feeke for his wonted grace, and 
wich more joyfulneffe of heart 
praHehim whsn they have obtai- 
ned it againe. And if this hinder 

They cannot live as Gods chil- 
dren doe, or as he requireth ; they 
are to bee encouraged herewith, 

They are plants which take sot 
tF.c r full perfeftion at once,but by 


um 7 a godlj L fe* 


little and little with daily watering 
anddreffing : and that Patience and 
conftancie with a refiktt* minde U 
heart Gods triad \ mi ttririga-good 
end in nB temptatienf. 

THat every Chriftiai) may fee 
his cftate to bee good, itfhall 
be profitable to confidcr how farre 
an unbcleever may got; And fo 
whether hee hath gone further. 

1. An unbeliever may bee terri- 
fied with hisfinnes, his conference 
terrified by the fpirit of bondage, 

2. He may bee penfive after fin 
committed, iJftwg.21.7. 

3. He may findejoy and delight 
intheGofpell, and in tbe exercifcs 
of Religion^iWif . 1 3.20. 

4. Hee may have atafteofthe 
life to come with Balaam. 

5. He may reverence the Mini- 
ft:rs,and obey them in many things 
as Herod did, and yet never be fta- 
led up to etcrnall life. Many that 
have made great and glorious 
fhewefj and fcemed to have beene 

B 2 very 

Briffe DircStions 


very forward, havr after either in 
profjrricy waxed fwamonyor in af- 
fliction* wearie; nay, ma^y which 
have (hi n:d as lights for a (eafon, 
have fallen away even bcf re 
trouble canr.Many have had grtac 
griefc of minde, and fo fcemc unto 
themfelves to have repented ; but 
yet have deceived themielves a be- 
caufe they never fur ntfh chemfclves 
with true faith, a pure heart , a 
good confidence, change of their 
life through the love of God; 
their hearts are not upright, nor 
they will not deale plainely with 
the Lord* B^t if wee would no f 
loft all our labour, wee muft goe 
further than any uarepentaat p«r- 
fbn can goe ; wee muft never ceaft 
till wc have more humility, fincc- 
rity and truth of heart, and cerraine 
roarkes and tcftimonies of our Sal- 

They will heare the Gofpell 
diligently : but we muft lay our e- 
(Hte with it, and receive the print 
of it upon our hearts and lives,and 



pgnto a g^dly Life. 

be caft into the molde of ir 3 and fb 
finde ic the power of Salvation. 

They will refrainefrom,them» 
felves, and drive out of their fami- 
lies rainy finnes. 

But we muft willingly be re for- 
med in what parr of our life fbever 
we can bee joftly challenged : and 
notblemifh our profcffion in any 

ALcbough the love of God & 
Chrift, the worke of the Spi- 
rit applying then^and faith appre- 
hending them,bec the chicfe caufe 
of our converfion,yet becaufe they 
are not fo eahly felt of us 3 as they 
are fare and infallible grounds in 
themfelves of Salvation ; there- 
fore it is neceffary to adde fbmeo- 
rherefFefts or rather properties of 
true faith, thatdoaccompaniethe 
love of God, and of Chrift Jcfus 
in us; and are the workes or fruits 
of the Holy-Ghoft by the Go- 
*fpell, which may more clearcly 
bee perceived and difcerned than 
B 3 faith 



Briefi DireliioHs 


faith ic (clfe ; and will cleaiely 
tcftifie^thac where chefe bee^ there 
(hall that be found aJfo. 

The firft inseparable companion 
of Faith, is joy and comforr, glori- 
ous and unfpeakeable, Ali.% 8. 3 9. 

Some true believers are even (ad 
and forro wfull* 

Indeed they mourne andgroane 
for a while after that which may 
make them merry for ever : and 
in this mourning they areblcflcd. 
Mtth. 5.4. and their eftate far re to 
be preferred before the laughter of 
the ungodly which is but madnos. 

u The childc of God being 
converted cannot but admire this 
change of eftate f andeven be afto- 
niftied at the love and mercie of 
God : What fhould move him to 
beftow fuch happineffe upon fo 
unworthy a creature, lob. 14.22. 
Pfal. 1 1 6.8. 13934. 

2. This holy and reverent ad- 
miration muft not bee oncly at our 
firft converfion, but ought every 


unto 4 godly life. 

day to be rcnoed in the Lord, who 
doth every day pardon our finnet % 
Pfal.nS.S. and doth al(b upheld 
us in our confidence and integrity. 

3. The true believer feeling the 
love of God to bee died abroad in 
his hearty 114th alfo withjin him un- 
fained love kindled towards 
God, Pplm. 116. i. Luke j. 47. 
Which love of God muft fhadow 
1 he love of all other things what- 

4 Hee cannot but have his 
heart iolarged unto thankfulneffe, 
andpraifeGod even in afflictions 
themfelves/P/j/. 1 16.12. 

5 . There is begotten a holy and 
earned defire ro have more com- 
munion with God ; even to cnjQy 
his bhfled pretence, and to fee his 
glory, 2. Corinthians 5. 1. 

6. The former gracr maketh 
him to forfake this World, to be- 
come a firanger and a pilgrime 
htere, and (oto have r.o more to 
doc in frs World than hee needs 
mu(t; Not that he leave the necc£ 



Marie dwics or forfeke his calling) 
but that hee is doc fo tied co thefe 
thiog$,buc that he could willingly 
leave them, and fo being ready to 
die 3 ismadcficrolive- 

7. Hee cannot but lament and 
be afhamcd of his former uokind- 
nefle to God,and is ready to be re- 
tenged on himft lfe for ir. 

8. Ir cannot bee, but knowing 
out of what milerie hee hath efea- 
ped, and unto what happincfle he 
hath attained, he pittie others that 
are as he was,and wi(h and Ltbour 
to make them as he is. 

One means whereof is edifying 
conference. TV*. 10.21. 


F any man hath taftcd of that 
happincfle which comroech by a 
true faith, and doth therfore ddire 
tokeepethefame, and fe wet h the 
loefing of it, hee muft for his con* 
firraation : 

I. Nourish within himfdfe dai- 
ly that high eftiraaticn and account 
making of his grace,he reuft think 


unto a gaily Life. 

it hischicfcft happinefle and moft 
precious trcafurc ; which they 
chatdoe,have their hearc ever up* 
on it; they feare the forgoing of 
if, they regard it moft of all other 

2. He muft both by prayer dai- 
ly and oft beg this of God, and al- 
fo (erioufly meditate on the graci- 
ous proraifes ofGod, their nature,* 
truth, and perpetuitie : for want 
of this calling to minde of things, 
many do Ic fl'pout oftheir minds 
thofegrouads of faith by which 
fbmetimes they have found com- 

3. Hee muft helpt himfclfeby 
ordinary and reverent hearing the 
glad ridings ot S *1 virion preached 
unto him ; as alio by the holy u fc 
of the Sacraments. 

4. He muft carefully retaine a 
viewing of his finnes by right exa- 
mination^ the fight of them will 
kecpe him from taking offeree at 
theCrofleof Chrili, nay the tart- 
Defieatid bitter efle of hif femes, 






9 " 

Briefe VinUions 

~WI ■' 

will make Chrifts death moft 
fetet and pleafan t unco him. 

5. Hee rauft libour to fettle 
himfelfe even by the experience 
which he hiroftlfe hath found of 
God his goodnefle towards him, 
and his working in him. 

6. Hee may cenfirme hirofelfc j 
even by the examples of others, 
who of weak,have become ftrong, 
and of luch as bee is., have become 
fuch as he defirerh to bee : by thefe 
meancs Gods children come to 
have a holy acquaintance with 
God,and to know his will towards 
them; the Lord difpofing even 
their weakeneflc unto their good, 
that they may by their falls bee 
humbledjand God by their uphol- 
ding may be glorified. 

One efpeciall thing is, alwaies 
to begin the day with deepecon- 
fideration of God his gracious fa- 
vour towards us 5 which if wc doe 
nor,lhtk can bee looked for in the 
day^buc either uofavory lightnefle, 
and fo to be deceived; or unprofi- 

table care, and fo to bee diftjui 
eted. \ 

By that which bath bin (aid be- 
fore,it is to bee obfcrved^ chatal- 
thoughtrue faith bee in fubftance 
oneard the fame; yet that there 
are three degreesof it, kis plaine. 

i. The firft is the weakeftand 
leaft meafare., when there is a*yet 
noafluranccin the beleever, and 
yet infeparable fruitSjjtnd infalli- 
ble tokens of if, 

2. Thcfecond degree is when 
(bme aflurance is wrought in the 
beleever at (bme time, bur very 
Wcake ; and is often to feeke and 
wanting, and recovered againc by 
entring into due confederation of 
hiseftate, and of the truth of God 
who hath prorciifsd it, 

£• The third is the higheft de- 
gree of itj though more ftrong 
and better fetled in fome than in 
other ; and this hath aflurance ac* 
companying it for the moft part 
ufually, unlefle the beleever doe 
quench the Spirit in himlelfc : Or 


I 26 

Btiefe DirtQtom 


the Lord (co (hew him that hec 
ftandetb by grace ) doth leave him 
to himfelfc for his owne gIory,and 
the better eftablifhing of him after- 

It having bin (hewed hitherto 
who are true beleevers* it follow- 
ethtofhewbow a beleevcr is to 
behave himfelfe throughout his 
whole convention. 

i. Wherein is to bee layed 
dowa,firft, the grounds of a godly 
life, ate, that it is grounded on 
fairb, and proceeding from a p jre 

2. The parts of ir 3 which is to 
fly evil^aud doe good. 

VNfained faitb,and a godly life, 
are inft parable c mpanions. 
I. Firft, godlmefle cannot be 
without true Iziihjam* i.i&HeK 
1 1 6. Gen. 6. 5.. the fountaine be- 
ing evil], the rivers which runre 
from it cannot be good* (o where 
faith is not in the heart, there can 
I no godlinefle bee kt the life • by 

which i 


" ' mm , 


unto agodly Life. 

which wee fee how many d^e 
deceive thcmfelves, thinking they 
feare,love,and ferveGod ; and yet 
havcnofaiih, nor no conftanc de- 
fire of it. 

2. Neither can faith bee with- 
out godlineflkjfor as no man liveth 
godly which beleeveth not ; fo 
no man which beleeveth, can live 
wickedly -bui as he is new borne, 
lb like a new creature followeth 
newneflTe of life and obedience; 
al'hoiig 1 ] thig doeth not appeare 
nuhr.t at the firft beginning of 
his conversion > nor in the ve- 
herrency of temptation, Tin 12. 
Neither doth fiuh worke a bare 
wandring <iz&tz to pleafe God, 
but it tomes alfo the man unro 
1 if, andreAcheth him infome true 
I and acceptable meafure to goe a- 
bo t ir- and weenie is overmatch- 
ed v%ih flr(hly corruption, yet 
tc rafe'h fighings and ftrivings 
in:hc h-arc, til! it beefubdued. 
So that as ihey are deceived, 
which pad torn a little forrow 




Brief e "Din&ions 

forfio, tojnewneffeoflife, ascbey 
imagioe^without faith, the begin- 
ning and worker of all new life i 
fo they alio are no lcfle deluded 
that pleafe tbemftlvef > thinking 
they haue faith, when their lives 
arc not only filled with offeofivea- 
&ions,but alfb with cuftome & co- 
raonneflc in the fame.For he that 13 
honoured with the title of a belec- 
ver, muft be knownc by the livery 
o fan uncorrupt life : and the true 
iervants of God dare no otherwifc 
beleevc their (inncs to be forgiven 
thcm 3 than they waike humbly be- 
fore God and man, 

W Hen faith h laid to bene- 
cefifiry to a godly life, we 
muft not onely underftand by faith 
to be Gved:but that the godly man 
muft labour to believe, that all the 
promifts of this life and of the life 
to come, ( whether the great and 
principal!, as of the graces of the 
fpirir,orthefmallcrj as of bodily 
fafety and preferration from dan- 

unio a godly Lift. 


gcrsfoferre as they (hall bee good 
for him)doe belong unto him:And 
befideshemuft beleere, that both 
all the commandements which 
teach obedience, and the threat- 
nings ( because they reftraine the 
contrary ) are fet downe for him 
particularly to bind his conference 
thereunto, Row. 15.4. Thashec 
rauft depend upon the whole word 
of God: many who have fnpeto 
be (aved doe not thus : ,fome finnes 
they make no conscience of: fbme 
promifes they looke not at ; by 
meanes whereof they are not fo 
well fenced as they might be; but 
hold the very promife of Glva ion 
itfelfcvery weakely. This com- 
mcth to pafle partly becaufe they 
are not taught the(e things aright: 
partly becanfe b^ing taught, they 
do not digeft and work them upon 
their conferences. This bringeth 
doubling and unfetledn^ffe crcn 
rogoodChriftians : therefore hee 
chat be let yeth to be (aved 3 muft be- 
leevcalfo that hee (hall befinfti- 




Brief e Viri&ions 


fied,i CVr.i. 50. that hee (hall rc- 
j ceivc grace from God to bring 
forth fruits of amendment of lifc^ 
and that he (hall be inabled to caft 
off his old conyerfttion, and alio 
have grace to goe through trou- 
bles,,^ deliverance from them: 
for afliftance and bletfing in God, 
he muft depend on God his Word ; 
this is the obedience of faith^ Rom. 
1*5 which if behave as a foonda- 
to uphold and r courage us^ ir will 
greatly availe for the furthering 
of us in a godly courfc - by this we 
(hall (boner rcadethrough doubts, 
and grow out of fear? • whereas o- 
cherwife wee faint and fcarc oft- 
times^ar.d be without helpe. 

Many examples wee have in 
fcr\ pture of fuch as thus beleeved, 
efp^ci^Hy fee dowue in the it. to 
t»e ffrfcwwjHefc.i*/. 
2,19. When men doe not thus 
W3 ? kein theftrcngth of God his 
•word, if-caufeth tedious troubles 

hem, and indeed the offenfive 
tvvS of many, and che ftarring a- 


unto a godly Ltfe. 


fide of fandry, come from this 
want. But it may be objeftcd,chat ^.. ^ 
P^Whimklfefeemcdto wancthis, J c ' 
j for hec found no meanes to per- • 
forme that which was good, as he j 
complaineth 3 R(?w.7.i8. Ianfwerj 

He coroplaineth not chat he had Anfa. 
no promife of ftrength, or that bee 
had no faich in the famc;for he faith 
the contrary, Tbil. 4, 13. but hee 
complaineth that for all the hope 
of helpethat hehad,yet the rebel- 
lion of his flcfli did mightily ftrive 
andrefift thefpirit. And this rouft 
every faithfull man looke for 
while he live. j 

NOw for the fountaine from 
whence a godly life doth pro- 
ceed, icisfrom the hem, which 
therefore muft bee purged and 

For this wee are to kaow,that 
the heart of m w,before it be emp- 
tied, is a dungeon of iniquity ; be- 

3 2 

Briefs ~DreUions 


folreitbe inlighcened, a denheof 
darkencffc ; before it bee clcanfed, 
a puddle of filthinefife : and chat 
which Saint J Amis (peaketh of the 
tongue,may much more be (aid of 
the heart, that before it be tamed, 
icis an unruly evilJ. Nowiffuch 
an heart bee the guide of our life, 
how monftrous and loathfome 
muft that life needs bee? ofnccef- 
fiey then the heart muft be purged 
and changed. 

This purging of the \\tixi is a 
renewingin holinefle andrightc- 
oufheffe by little and little of all 
true beleeuers, they being fir ft 
delivered and freed from the ty- 
ranny of finne and feare of damna- 
tion; for then doth finne receive a 
deadly wound, and the power 
thereof is abated and crucified, 
which is (hewed by the hatred 
of fiane, and a delighting in good- 

Although this change bee but 
weakc at the firft, yet if it bee in 
truth, in willand defire, it is an in- 


unto a godly Lift. 33 

fallible mark of Gods clcftion and 
love towards him. This grace is 
often dimmed and even choked ia 
many, because God dorh ihength- 1 
en and continue this gifc of holi- 
ncflc and fanft ; ncauon, as it is 
nonrifhed, cfteemed, fet by, andas 
men doe ftirre ic up in themfelues,^ 
by asking afcer ic when they doc 
miffek, and provoking theraiclvea 
to pray for fiich good affe&ions 
and cannot bee fatiified without 
them; as David did, Pfal.+$ 5. 
103,1. Thus we ought to chirifh 
and blow up the fparkles within 
us, which will not ordinarily faile 
us, cfpecialJy for any long time 
(except in time of temptation) un- 
Uffk it bee through our default and 
folly. As for the manner how this 
is done, wee are to know it is the 
proper and wonderfall worke of 
God by the power of the holy 
GhoG/ABs 1^.9. Tfi.i 1*2* He that 
hath, with faith unfained, an heart 
fanfiified,and purified from his na- 
tural! corruptions and wicked dif- 





Britfe DireUions 


difpoficion ; as he is not co account 
it meane and little worrh, ic being 
an euident worke of the Spiri • • Co 
neither is hceco (land at a ft ay in 
this, it being but the beginning of 
that worke which (hall follow it : 
Bat, I 

How doth God purge our 
heart*, when as faith is did to doe 

Faith is truely laid co doe ic : 
bccaufe that men noc yec affurcd of 
thehappinesof hea?en 3 not know- 
ing, nor feeling any bectt-r delights 
doe feekc after thole which their 
blinde and deceitfull hearts doe 
dreame ef here on earth. 

But as (bone as they are affured 
of Gods favour through faith, fo 
(bone are their heartschanged, and 
their ifFc&ioos (ec another way • fo 
that faith may well bee (aid to pu- 
rine and clcinfe the heart, iTet. x. 
4, but not as the chic fc and hjgheft 
caufe,for thatis cheholy Gholi;but 
a the inftrument. 

Thus from faich and a pure heart, 
I dorb 

unto 4 g$ily Lift. 


doch arife a good confcience, a 
(w*et pcace,and holy Ctc -'ricyj ha- 
ving received from God a miad to 
know htm, an heart to love him, a 
will to pleafe him ; and ftrrngth 
alio in fome mealure acceptable to 
obey him. 

From her ce doth proceed that 
true repentance, which is a par- 
pofe of the heart , ^ff/n.23. 
an inclination in the will, PfM. 1 ? 9' 
44.57. and a continuall endeavou- 
ring in the life* Ails a 4. 1 6. to caft 
off all evili,and obey God both in- 
wardly and outwardly, according 
to the meafure of knowledge in e- 
very one. 

So that this (bund purging of the 
heart, is that ftrong foundation 
bipon which only a good life comes 
.0 be bailded. For God will have 
our whole heart, not a piece of 
it, for that is neither befceming hit 
grearntfle, neither fit for 1 hem to 
offer who receive (b great good 
things at his hands; many indeed 
are hardly brought to this, and 


3 6 

Briefe T>treft$ons 

»«i i ■» 

therefore all their f ire fhc wes and 
colours doe vamlh away,, and 
come to nothipg,for ra(b and hafty 
purpofes arc no fafficient founda- 
tions to beare up Co great anc 
weighty buildings, as the whole 
ccurfe of chcir lives to bee wholly 

But if men at their firft irobra* 
cing of the Gopiell, did give their 
hearts wholly to the Lord, then 
(hould God have more honour, 
and chcmfelves more abiding com- 

NOw having (hewed the 
ground and rooteof a godly 
life, viz* faith and a pure heart : it 
rtmaincs to fpeake of the part* of 
ir, which is a renouncing of all 
finne, and a care to walke in a new 
life. And firft of the former. 

The party beleeving is brought 
to this powcrand grace, that he is 
oat of love with all ungodlineffe, 
and not with foroc part or kinde 
oncly, but.loatheth the whole 




courfeot iniquity, which was his 
onely delighcaod pleafure before: 
neither doth hee this in fome good 
moode onely, or when fora? Oume 
or danger approach, then to (hew 
fome roifl ke of it ; bat in good ad- 
vifement hee is refolvcdtoc*ftoff 
fuch behaviours a loathfomeand 
and ragged girmt n*, H0/4. 9 Epb. 
^iqMatbaS 24. 

For want of this fetled denying 
of oar fclves, divers never atcaine 
true godlintflc : fome never con- 
ceiving the Doftrine, others for- 
getting, andfi mefcorningit, but 
themoft receiving it coldly, and 
going about ir prepofteroufly. 

Whereas the fervants of God 
leave not finne for a time, nor by 
conftraint, for or company, and 
firare 5 &c. but being at utrerdefi- 
ance wirfi it,doe abiure it for ever; 
l^bem* 10. 29. 

But in all thefe they troft not to 
their owne Hrcngth : bat daily 
conlidering what caufe they have 
ccdotfo; how infinitely they arc 




Br'ttje VireBions 

bound to God to difcharge it, be- 
come firmely pcrfwaded,that God 
who hath made them willing^ill 
al(b make them able V ► do it, Phtl. 
4.1%. Rom. 9. 31. andtherfore,al- 
though they fee not that helpe pre- 
fect with their eyes,yet they hope 
for chat which they fee nor, and 
therefore wait patiently for it, till 
it can b? granted them. Thus both 
both faith and hope being nouri- 
fhed and ftrengthened in them from 
day to day, they tfoe fiude both 
will and defire,& ftrength (though 
imperfeft ) to accomplifh to the 
peace of their hearts, that which 
they let upon and attempted. In- 
deed it is not obtained without 
(hiving, but it is no iuft caufe of 
difcouragement tous,totake paine 
for (b great a profit, when we are 
fiireof it before wee goe about it : 
and if, 

The faithfull doe not alwaies 
prcuaile therein. 

As it is true that in fome parti- 
culars they are overcome, yet that 



»— m 

unto* godljLife< 


doth not cut off all comfort from 
them: for howfoever they doe not 
account light of any fall, yet thofe 
very fals turnc to their gaine af- 
terwards; for thereby they come 
rokoow themftlves better, their 
prime pride is much afiwaged, 
they have experience of God his 
grace towards them, and they 
cleave more nearer unto him after, 
and are more circumfpeft in loo- 
king to their waics : remembred 
alwaies that this belongs onely to 
the true belccver, who having the 
Lord for his teacher*, is become 
both slulfull and able to doe this ; 
which to the naturall man ( in 
whom is no dram of goodncfle ) is 
altogether impoffible. 

AS wee havefcene that finne is 
to be renounced, and in what 
manner- fo we muftconfider the di- 
vers kinds of evils which are to be 

renounced :and they V nw * 
are of two forts, ^^ 

C Firft 


Briefe DireHiens 


U Comma** 

Firft by inward evils, is not 
meant the native infe&ionof the 
heart, but the fruits and efe&s 
thereof, Umtsi. 14. Col 3.5. and 
that infuch asprofeffe Religion. 

Amongftthefe, the rooteof all 
the reft is infidelity, Hebrews 
3. 12. From hence growes out 
three arraes or boughes, of the 
which every one fhooteth forth 
as branches., innumerable world- 
ly lufts. 

1. Impious againft God, 

2. IniurioustoMen. 

3. Moft hurtfull to our felves. 
Firft, forthofeagainftGodand 

his honour and woi (hip in the fill 

Againft the firft Commandc. 
meat ; as (touching the Maidiy of 
God ; ( their hearts are &11 of 
blindeneffe, covered with darke- 
nefle ;(b it goeth againft them lobe 
taught the true knowledge of the 
true God ; ic is death to them to 
bedrawneoutof their ig* oracce • 
theyciHr;ot abide to hcareof his 
, iudgr- 


unto 4 godly Life. 


iudgemenc day , lob 13, t/ffts \ 

AGd whereas heerequireth,that 
confidence (hculd bee put in him, 
for continuall defence,delivcrance 
and (uccour in foule and body,tbey 
are carried with diftruft, as with a 
whirle-wind. In adverfiry they are 
eichcr overcome with a fervile and 
defperate feare, or boyling with 
impatience,, or elfe (welling a- 
gainft God inobftinacy and con- 

In profperity there is little or 
no thankefulneffe yeelded to God 
by them, their reioycingiscarnall, 
and oftentimes they are made 
drunke with pleafures,(b that they 
are lovers of thera more then of 
God, and become infenfiblc therby 
and pall all feeling. 

And as for the fecond Comman- 
demenr^hey rebell againft the fpi- 
rituall and true feruice of God, 
and that which they yeeld him isa 
will-worfhip, even that which 
fantafie^ cuftome,, orflefiily wif- 

C 2 dome 1 




Brief* Dirtttions 


4. Cumrnvu 

dome teachcth them^ Iot>.2 1 •14^15 
Matthi*)?. Many are carried by 
fuperftition and blinde deuotion, 
into falfc worfhips ; and other 
uhichretaine the truth, yet in the 
ufe of religious excrcifes, their 
hearts take no delight, 

So alio againft the third Com- 
mandement through thecourfe o£ 
their private converfation, their 
hearts are alcogether vaine, pro- 
fane and diflolute., they have no 
pleafurein pleaSngGod, though 
it fliould be their meat, drinke and 
paftime ; his moft fearefull judge- 
ments they paffe over lightly, fo 
far are they offfrorn expellicg hy- 
pocrifie and other finnes. 

And as for the Lords Sabboth 
and other good meanes appointed 
on the fame, to ftafon and change 
their hearts, they (enfibJy loath 
them,or find no favour in thern,nei- 
thcr is it any part of their thought 
tofceke any confbrc by them. 
Tayic 2 . 
After thefe wee may confider 


unto a giMy Life. 


thofe unbridled worldly Jufts., 
which carry men after the hurt of 
their neighbour. 

What unreverent contempt and 
obftinacy appeareth to bee ia the 
hearts of many againft their bet- 
ters, dirainifhing that authority, 
creditiand eftimation which God 
hath given to them ; (o that place, 
yearcs and gifts, are had in meane 
acconnt ofthera : what unthank- 
f ulnefle in men to them which la^ 
bour for their good and welfare 
enter in corporall ox fpirituall 
things 5 &c. 

How againft the good of their 
neighbours foulcs^ many doe re- 
ioyce to fee them, nay to make 
them fall into fioj what unappeal- 
able angcr 3 deadly hatred, and bit- 
ter feeking of revenge, there is a- 
mengft me^how readily occafbns 
are taken to thinking evill of o- 
thcrs, how lightly men efteeme of 
hurting others : how none alrmft 

x will with Abraham^ Cm. 13. 8. 

i pafle from their right to avoid dii- 
C 3 fention; 

S . Common* 


Briefc Dlrt&ions 

7. cmman* 


*• Comwtn. 


\ fention ; how there is no meeknefik 
or mildneffe to ferbearc others, no 
burying of offences, no pacifying 
of wrath, no fellow-feeling of mi- 

How men let loofc their hearts 
to filthy anduncleane thoughts and 
defires, how they are inflamed 
through every obieft that pkaftth 
them 5 how they delight to blow 
up thofe burning luftes, byallun* 
clcanctalke, and tofeede their a- 
duherouscycB by wanton fpe&a- 
cles, andtorcforc tothofe places, 
where they may be incenfed by all 

What greedy and unfitiable de- 
fire there is of gaine, nay of other 
mens goods^though it be bydeceit 

^ind wrong^whatyrepining at other 

I mens getfings, What pilling and 
flcf cingjoppreffion and ufury in all 

How rare thole are that take 
well, and interpret in the becter 
parr, things done or fpoken doubt- 
fully, what miftakings, fufpitions, 


nnto a g^dly L$fe. 


farmifesdoe arifeagainftour bre- 
thren ; even as Saul againft David 
& J$t7ath*H)i Stf.22.S.Alfb what 
deriding there is both by word and 
writing, what (landers, and repro- 
ches 3 &c. 

And laftly , how their defires 
tend not to good,ncither lead them 
to God; but arc for the moftpare 
taken up in wifhing fomewhat of 
their neighbours to their hurt. 

The evils alfo that concerne 
thcmfelves, are neither few nor 
finall: inaboundance of outward 
chings^fttting their hearts on them 
aad delighting exceffivcly even in 
the abufe of them, and ioyfeg be- 
yond meafare in things tranfitory, 
which is the very pride of life. 

Gontrarily, fretting, murmu- 
ring and vexing themfelves when 
they fall into exrremicy, or unto 
frowardneffe,orfjllenndIc, v;hen 
they are crollcd or difplcafed, de- 
ceiving themfclve* with defies of 
things unproficable,croblingchem- 
fclves wuh curious medii-ng in 
C 4 things 


4 6 


"Brief e "DirtUions 


things impertinent, blind-folding 

(tbemfelvcs with foolifh love of 
themfdvfSj&c. • 

The lufts wherewith the hearts 
of men doe fwarrne, and are even 
burdeaed and Ioden, may eafily 
perfwade us, that it is divine pow- 
er and grace from above that muft 
purge theft and fach like unfivou- 
ry draffes out of them. 

And yet theft and many other 
fuch like are renounced as they 
come to bee knowne of Gods fer- 
vants,and refifted,according to the 
wifdome which God hath given 
tbem ; although in others they rule 
aodr&igne, and the obrainingof 
grace to doe this, is a fpeciall part 
of Chrifiianity, Efhefians^ 2 2. Co 
that hee that exercifcth himfdfein 
obferviog theft his foule and 
flusmfuH lufts, when hee hath 
beene led away, and deceived by 
them, which of them doe mott 
trouble him, and ofceft prevaile 
with him, and fb by the helpes 
which God hath given him, doth 


unto j godly Life. 

rUift thcrn^ though bacwe-kelyl 
zni unpcrfttt!y,he need not doubt • 
b'.;t rhac he is occupied h the god- 
ly life. 

Thus all Gods children doe re- 
nounce and overcome their wic- 
ked lufts, though not all in the like 
meafure, yec of the weakeft they 
are hated and ihiven againftj whea 
they are once feene and perceived 
A'lare not fo meeke as Mofes y 
Nam. ii. 13. fo faithful! as Abra- 
ham y fo continent as Iofefh,Gcn. 3 9 
1 j.fo zealous as Ddvid, nor fb full 
of Lveasthe woman in the Gof- 
pell : Luke 7.47. yet thofcthat be 
behind others (fo it be in crtJth that 
they indeavour ) are not to bee di£ 
couraged^ for all heleevers have 
not their part in the dme degree of 
moreificmon,f>me receive thirty- 
fould, fome fixty f fonie an hun- 
dred, and indeed thole who ar^ 
moftofall troubled for being be- . 
hindeothcrs, doe declare plaincly^ 
that they love the grace that they ! 
monrne for, and bate deadly the j 
C * corrnn- i 



4 8 

Briefc "DmUiom 

corruption which theycomplaine 
and cry out of,they indeed char fuf- 
fer chcmfclvcs to bee ruled and led 
by their lufts, can no waxes claime 
any pare in a godly life, for he chat 
is fo minded, cannot be buc carnal, 
eftranged from God, and a bond 
man of Hell. 

But the weake Chriftians that 
doe flrive againft tbofr 5 and decline 
them in their meafurc, may ftay 
tbcmfelves for their comfort on 
thefe three fpeciall grac v s. 

i .That they have a clearc know- 
ledge of their (alvarion* 

2. That they account it as their 
chiefe treafure, 

3. That they be fecled forward 
in fome plaine and good courfe of 
life, whereby they may grow in 
faiths and the obtaining of God, 
though with forae (triving. But if 
they walkedeftituceofanyof thefe 
three, they Qiall bee faar^d much 
with feare and unquiecneflir.Thefe 
therefore muft beearucftiy l*bou 
red for,bt ing of ail things moft ne- 



unto a gedly'Life* 


Ctffiryeobclearred offuchas have j 
attained already co the knowledge 
of true happincflk by Iefus Chrili : 
for as a nun knowech nothing pre 
ficablc unco falvarion before he be- 
licve:h; fo after he bclieveih, hce 
knowech nothing profitably to 
grow on with comfort in his Chri- 
ftian courfe, without thefe three 
faithfully andcarefully looked un- 
to and prefer ved. 

As for the greater increafe of 
fiich, knowledge, ftrength agaioft 
fi:me, comfort and (uch»like fruits 
of the fpiric • fbmetime the Lord 
doth withhold them, either be- 
cause he fceth them in fame refpcQ: 
not to bee good for us for the pre- 
fers, as 2 Cot. 10. 9. orelfe to try 
u^whether we love them fo well , 
that we willfceke afcer them ftill 
or no ^ but for the moft part, if we 
grow not, it is moft iuftly to bee 
\ imputed to our owne fault as our 
ownc ignorance, lloch, favouring 
I ofoarfclvesinfia : or if thefebe 
not the auks, then it is our ownc 

timer ouf- I 





*^ — 

Briefe VireSionr 

wmorouf tfl? and aobcliete, fea- 
ringthatfuch grace as wee dcfire 
(hall not be given unto us ; where- 
as wee ought to belieue. Nuther 
need we feare left bybelicuingthis 
wefliouldbetooboldor prrfcmp- 
ruous, for God hath promifed ir, 
and commanded u> ro truft in him, 
lam a. 6. And if wee faile no: iau- 
fingthemeanes, flaying upon the 
Lord by faith • aflur telly hee will 
not faile nor difappoint us ; but 
wee (hall have grace co guide our 
ker,tori(twhenwearefilIcn 5 to 
returnc when wee are ftepped out 
of the-way* and to walke in meft 
fweet (ififcy under Gods protecti- 
on all r he day long, 2>**f. 33. 12. 
Aad finally 3 our gaincs (hall bee 
ftch, asfiiallcaufe us tomarvaile 
at Gods goodnefle, in giving us 
more than we would have asktd. 

A Queftton here may bee mo- 
ved, how che-sMndes and hearct of 
the believers are taken up ufually, 
feeing they renounce in ward lufts? 

Th^f thoughts ase according to 


I ' »■! 



their divcis growthes and ages, 
which are three, 

i; The higheft degree is old 
age, or the experienced eftue, 
which yet is not the perfeft age in 
Ghrift, for that (hall not befall us 
till the life to come, buca firms, 

! conihnt, and fettled going 03 to 
that perfefiioi?. 

2. The ftcond is the middle age 
la Ghriftianity, in which 3S young 
Tien in wreftling,we have courage 
:gain(tour iiifulllufts.bac yecafcc ' 

' unco them who have many foiles, 

i wee arc ofceatimes cookd in our j 
courage, though wee fometimes 
prevaile, ever growiog, though 

3. The third is childhood or in- 
fancy, the bweft and thclaft, the 
which is principally difcernedby 
an carneft defirc of the finccre 
milke of the Word, and nameIy,of 
the promifes of forgirenes of fins ; 
which alchough fome of thefe 
deare children of God cannot with 

j fullafliirance lay hold of 5 yet this 





Briefe DireUions 

i ■ i «i n i - 

their hungring defire after it 
(which cannot be facisfied without 
it) ivi^h a feufiblc feate to offend 
God 3 is a true figie thereof. 

The fir ft fort are fuch a s through 
long experience, and much ac- 
quaintance, with thepra&iceof a 
godly life, have obtained grace to 
guide themfelves more conftantly 
than others, and to keepe within 
bounds : they are much fresd 
from this bondage, and ftldome lb 
grolfrly holden under of corrupt 
lufts as others : which efate, 
chough it be to be aimed at of a]] 
godly people^yet it is not obtained 
but of fuch as have accuftomed 
their minds to the heavenly courfe, 
and to whom good meditations 
and thoughts to fliunne and aroid 
evill 3 are become a pleaftre ; and 
are as well able to difcerne the 
fame by their undcrftanding and 
j jdgeaient, as to have their will jn 
good fort at commandement to fol. 
low the good and fhun the evilK 
Now tbeie have their mindes ufu- 


unto agodly Life. 

ally fee upon fomc one or other of 
the infi lice heavenly inttniftioos, 
which from time ro time they have 
treafured up in their hearts: where- 
by, although tbeybenot q jickaed 
upas they would, ordiirecobe 
yet chey are held from much evil); 
they are often coifider'ng of Gods 
urutcsrahle kindneffe, of mans 
morcallity, the tnomencary cibte 
of all things under th; San e, the 
blcflcd eft ate of the E left, the end- 
leile woe of the damned, and facb 
like^hey areofcen behold ing,and 
meditating of God, h?s \fcjefty, 
Patience,and ling ftiffering, and of 
his care over them; but a great 
pare of their daily thoughts is this, 
I how chey may have a good confei- 
J ence in all things pleahog God,an J 
how they may be prepared for the 
crofle; alfo how they may hoi J 
out conftantly the profeffioa of 
their hope into the cod with joy ; 
how they mayrtfift all • ccafions 
] of evill 5 whaw lees they {hall findc 






Brtefe Directions 

from without aad within. Aad 
Mly^ how they may order well | 
their particular aftions in their ! 
callingvhac they may makea good j 
account at the end of the day, and ; 
Co at the laft end. 

This the firil fort are exercifcJ, ■ 
yet not wholly freed from evill ! 
thoughef, and vair.e defires, for I 
Ttfa/wasnot, 2 Cor. 12.9. Ron.j. 
24. and God will make them fee t 
their weakneflc from time to tiaie, j 
eipecially to fubdue pride in them 5 ! 
and to hold them under. 

The ftcond fort compared to ! 
young men 3 are neither fotxpm* j 
enced in Chriftianity as the father, ■ 
nor yet utterly unacquainted ther- 
with, as the new-borne babes. 

The feareefpscially occupied in 
fighting againll temptations, and 
refiftingunruiyIuftSjZ#/>.2.4. For 
knowingby the light of the Scrip- 
tures, what corruptions they have 
in them^they watch their hearts 
diligently, they pray againft them 
ok and eamtfllv- they are alwaies 
1 . J n 

unto a godly Life. 


in fcare left they fhould be over- 
come, and cafling how they may 
avoid the occafions of finne/o chat 
fane becomes odious unco them, 
yec doc ever over-come of them, 
but often unfetled aaddiftempered 
and as often reading the covenant 
with the Lord to pleafc him better; 
fometimc difcouraged, but rife 
againe, glad to ufe all good helps, 
both pubJike and private, and ha- 
ving prevailed againft greater cof 
ru prions, are earneftly let agaioft 
the fm alter, and fuch as feeme leffe 
dangerous; as the idle roving* of 
their braine which do not dire&ly 
fo much carry them after evill, as 
hinder them from good, they are 
holden under (bme inficmities,that 
they may be more humble and 
not forget what they were in times 
paft, to that this fecond age and 
growth inChriftianky is a ft riving 
rather betwixt fcare and hope, 
forrow and j jy 3 than a (uperioricy 
over unruly affeftions; an eftate 
ftanding in ocedeof counfell aad 


help, rather than ficced and expe- 
rienced to connfell,dire& & fettle 
others : but the more fare t \ iey be 
of their falvation, the more ex- 
pert they fbould be in thebattell. 

The third fort compared to little 
Children, who hang upon the 
breft and doe ! labour for know- 
ledge of their Father in Chrift, and 
defire the meanes ot their fpintu- 
all nourifhment, i Pet. 2. 2. their 
thoughts are taken up in thefe 
things^ and their keeping them- 
(elves that they may not offend or 
difpleafe their father- they are 
cheerfull while their fmall faith is 
upholden, by cleaving to the pro- 
mife; and as uncheerfull when as 
faith faileth, moaning, and pining 
if it be long wanting : where they 
rauft take heede of two perills. 

The firft is, left upon pretence 
of (eekiog continuanceof comfort, 
they negleft their lawfall bufi- 
nefle ; for Satan appeareth as an 
Angcll of light. 

The fecond,Ieft in want of com- 

unto a godly Ltfi. 

fore, they be driven co any di£ 
nruftfullor defperate feare ; forfo 
the Divcll appeareth as a roaring 

Thefe muft grow daily out of 
their childilhnefle, making all 
fuch faults as they fpy in them* 
felvcs and purge therafelvcs from 
them. With thefe the Lord dea- 
leth moft kindly, not (hewing 
them all their corruptions at once, 
which were enough to difany 
them- nor how many affli&ions 
abide them, which wtte like to 
| confound them. 

Thus we may fee in thefe three 
degrees, how for the moft part the 
purged hearts of Gods children 
are taken up^the weakeft of which 
doe farre differ from the fecreui 
hypocrite, which of all unifor- 
med, ours come neereft tjiem. 

THus having (poken of inward 
lufts and finnes of the heart, 
and (hewed how they are difliked 
aid renounced of all the believers : 




Briefs VireUiens 

The like is to be (hewed of out- 
ward finnesof the life,that they be 
abhorred and (hunned alfb : which 
is the rather co be confidered 3 bc- 
caufe many boa ft they have true 
hearts to God, when their lives are 
wicked ; but to re Joyce either a- 
bout their falyation, or the good- 
neffe of their heart : if their beha- 
viour be fiained with outward 
wickedneflr, and their holy pro- 
fefflon blemiihed with open and 
flumefull (ins, is vaine : for none 
can be truly godly, that doth not 
indeavour to walke free from of. 
fenfire evills, if hee doe know 
them to be fiancs, which may be 
(hewed abundantly in the Scrip- 
tures by Doftrine, i Samuel 7. 4. 
Hof.if.p. t fir.j.u 2?et.2.2o. 
/rf/H.1,25. Rom. 6.2. By example, 
Iofepb, G&.ip. 10. JHofefyHei.il. 
24. Zjchceu^Luksip.u of che fin- 
fall woman, Luk. 7. 37. Thefe for- 
(aking chofe finncs which by na- 
ture they Iov~d, and bycuiiome 
they had long lien in, doe plainely 

unto a gtdty Lift, 



(hew that they believed in Chrift, 
forfeking their old finnes, though 
they were never fa pleafiat unco 

NChwithftanding the former 
Doftrine be moft plaine for 
Scripture and reafbn, yet there are 
many that hope for falvation, and 
\ yet renounce not open finnc^and 
outward offences. 
Thefe are referred to fourc fort?. 
The fift arc grofie offenders, 
whom every vile perfbn doth 
fcorne, becaufehee doth fee their 
hypocrifie by open and often com- 
mitted evilh, and hath ChriiVian 
Religion ic felfe in meane accouat 
for their caufc; for prophane men I 
when they fee any walkc Gncercly 
indeed 3 §c without jjftcaufeofrc- 
buke,*re little moved at their ex- 
ample, neither greatly reverence 
them,or take any good by the.but 
reproach c hem rather ; bucthatU 
becaufe they fie (b many, who, 
befidcsfbmc outward appearance 



Briefe Viutttms 

of zeale, were little better in their 
lives than themfelves,and thcrfore 
they are hardncd to thinkc fo of all 
the reft; which wilfull blindnefle 
and hardnefle of hearr,though it be 
a fearefull figne of God his venge- 
asce to them, yet this in great part 
maybe jnftly afcribed to the lives 
of thofe who profeffing gcdlines,in 
their deeds deny the fame, 2 Tim. 
5, 6. for whom it had beeae better 
they had never made any profefTi- 
onat a!l,fuch as SauUi Sam.22, 18. 
The fecond lore are fuch as be- 
ing rud<i and ignorant, are altoge- 
ther careleffe, flattring thcmfelves 
in that groffe and brutifh eftatc, 
who have many fpeaches alfo fu- 
table to their lives^which lay open 
their hearts to al]. 

A third fort are fuch, as becaufe 
they kecpe within iome civill 
courfe of honcfty, and are free 
from grofle crimes, tbinke them- 
felves to be in very good eftate, 
I though their open faults be many: 
f:me of thefe (as alio of the for- 

HKt0 4g$dtjLifc, 


mcr) are fometimes pricked in 
conscience for fiane, or rather for^ 
the punifhment of it, Exod. 9. 27. 
and feme kind of change, Mtrl^S. 
19. Hof. 6. 4f.Micb.6.f). hey will 
fometimts make vowes and cove- 
nants to doe v?e\l,PfaLjS.36.thty 
wil&arply reprove oc he r$>Pf. 50. 
16. they have fomefuddenflifhes 
of grace, & yet do want true god- 
lincfl?, and therefore have their 
/en cence pronounced byourSavi- 
ouXjMattb.21.^1. and 5. 20. 

A fourth fore of profeffers are 
foch^as for their feeming zcale doe 
thicks Co well of therofelves, that 
they cannot brooke or abide any 
other that differ from them in 
judgement, they are tauncers, ray- 
l.rs and fluiderers of their Bre- 
thren ; yca,moft (harp and unchari- 
table and proud cenfurersof their 
brethren and betters; who are Co 
fboneripein their owne conceit, 
that none is mcetecaoughorfuffi- 
ciencto teach the n, fame aifo in- 
ordinate livers, lit. 3. worfe in 




Briefe VinZtiws 

their dealings than menwhopro- 
feffc no Religion, etrthly,unquier, 
andftch like. 

The life thus led, is not the life 
which Godrequircch, neitherarc 
thofc works which faith affordeth, 
fo that howfoever God gathereth 
"' his Eleft out of all thefe kinds, yet 
are none of them to be accounted 
as his, while their hearts abide 
ftaioed with fach corruptions, or 
their lives defiled with fuch trea- 

AGainft this that hath beece 
faid, fbrae will be objefting 
and asking, why fuch difference is 
made of men ? have the godly no 
faults? arc they without infirmi- 
ties? are they not like unto other 
men in finning ? if it be fo, why 
fhould they be fhoalcd from the 

I anfwert that as for differences 
of men, they are put by the Lord 
himfelfe, both in naroe 3 converfati- 
on, and reward, Tfal. i. 2. and 50* 
1 6. 1 Tbef. 19. and the end of the 

unto a g 


Minifteryis, to fhoale GodsEleft 
and b, loved ones from the World, 
and ro bring them to his fbeepe- 
fold. Where it is demanded, if 
they be not partakers of the fame 
finnes rhac other men are ? it can- 
not be denied, but the godly arc 
foracwhat infe&ed with common 
corr nptionSjli ving where Satan is ; 
and further 3 it is poffible they may 
alfo lie llill in the fame loathfbme- 
neffe for a feafon ; but yet fo, as it 
appeareth plainly, that they were 
not given over like wicked men : 
for when they come tothfmftlves 
againc, wefcehow ftrangcly they 
are amazed zt thdr offence, how I 
they tremble to thinlce what they 
have done, and can have no peace 
within themfelvts till they returne 
home againe after they are gone 
out of the way, and Co are made 
more vigilant and wary againft 
cue like another rime/he which of 
the wicked cannot be (aid ; be- 
iides the falls of the godly are but 
when they are fecure and takeli- 






Briefs Dirtttions 

bercy onto themfelves, 2 Sam. 1 1 . 
4. and give over to fence them- 
selves as they are charged jfft£. 4.1. 
and 3* 1 2. As forrcprcachfulland 
flagitious falls, we muft know^that 
it is poflible for us to be prefer ved 
from them, aT^.i, 5. 10. fo was 
Enoch, Abraham, Caleb, and Jfo- 
/&* j,with many others ; but yet as 
many rare and deare feivants of 
God have fallen into fhamcfull 
fins,fo may we : for God fuffercrh 
bisfervantstofali fo dangeroufly 

i. For the humbling of them. 

2* That they lee his exceeding 
faountifulneflc in pardoning fo 
great finnes, and fo love him the 
moic, Luke j* 47. 1 An 21.15. and 

3. That others farrc weaker 
than they, yet faithfully maybe 
encouraged to beleeve that their 
finnes (hall be pardoned, and their 
weake iervice accepted of him, as 
I Tim. 1. 16. which other wife 
rr ight be difcouraged.Out of theft 
cafes, if we hold fa ft our faith, and 

fland ] 


$tnt$A g$dljLife. 

— . — — — — — —— i «■— — %— ^ 

ftand upon our watch, wecneede 
not feare falling, for God caketh 
no pleafare to caft them downc 
who dcfire to ftand, but to raifc up 
them that are fallen, Pfal. 130, jt 
to he! pe oar wcaknefle, tofapply 
our wants, and to deliver us ftora 
fuch dangers as we feare* fo farre 
ask is expedient • or elfe make us 
able to bcare them. 

Now concerning infirmities, it 
moft be granted, that becaufe they 
have ftill a body of finne within 
thera, they muftneedeibefu6je& 
to infirmities, and this is properly 
a fnne of infirmitie, when partly 
of knowledge, and more through 
frailcty, an offence is wrought to 
the difpleafing of God : and when 
of fuch a one it is committed,as be- 
caufe he hath his heart fanftificd 
would not doe it ; and yet becauft 
the power of corruption at that 
time is greater in him than the 
ftrength of Grace, therefore hce 
was foreed to yeejfd to if, fo that 
in theft alfo the godly doe much 

D 2 differ 

<7 1 



Briefs DireQiow 

ta^«— *« 

differ from all wicked : for ic is 
their greateft care that they may 
not fall, their greateft fbrrow 
when they are overcome^nd their 
greateft joy, when they doe pre* 
vaileover theirfins; none of which 
are to be found in the wicked. 

THe heart once purged, as hach 
before beene (hewed, doch re- 
quire great care for the keeping of 
ic Co in good plight afterward 5 
Prov^ 2 3% which is done by wat- 
ching, trying, and purging; wee 
muft watch, ldi we fhould for the 
want thereof be deceived with the 
baits of finne ; wee muft examine 
and try it, becaufe no man can 
warch fo carefully, but that much 
evill willcrecpeinj and wee muft 
pui;ge out that fikhy droffe of cor- 
cupiicence which wee fiade by ex- 
amining, that it fee not our will on 
fire, to fatisfie and pcrforme the 
de fires thereof, Pfal. 1 iy. 9. 

This indeed* is no idle worke .• 
for he tiutgocth about it muft be 


mto a g*&ly Lift. 

6 9 

concent and glad to weanc his 
heart from many unprofitable and 
wandring thoughts «and dcfires: 
andfoftufbn them with holy and 
heavenly meditations. But wee 
may (ceby Scripture^ P/«^3 2.4'y, 
6, Heb. 10. 38. and by experience, 
ftfor-g, unruly^ and molt hardly 
'fubdued) wi h wbateafewemay 
renounce and forfake them, and 
have power over oar will and ap^ 
peckes,when our heart be thus re^ 
nued and kept mattered : Whereas, 
the lictlei acquaintance and ill' go- 
verning of the heart, by fctcing it 
loofe to folly, waudring and need- 
lefie phantafies, is that which cau- 
(cth it to be furfehed with al! mar> 
tier of iniquity, 

Againt-jif our hearts be KD€ thus 
i carefully looked u .to, wee (hall 
riot hive them ready to any duty. 
And from hence ic is, that many 
mens hearts arj fwarviog ufualiy 
wic'.vaine thoughts, even whiles 
they are in hearing a id pray fog, 
D 3 be 




Briefs DireBions 


becaufe tbey doe noc conftantly 
throughout the day watch over 
them: for the onely way to curb 
our lufts, is to lookc to our hearts,, 
by it we (hall not onely have help 
and furtherance to worfhip God 
arigh t,but in our common a&ions, 
affaires and buGnefle, we fhould fo 
behave our felves as would be a 
joy unto thofe that fhould behold 
u$j and an ornament and beauty to 

I the Gofpell which wee doepro- 
Thus therefore wee ought to 
looke to our hearts in all that we 
doe, both keeping out evill that 
would enter, and purging out that 
which by ftealth fliall creep io, 
and not by fits oncly, when the 
good mood taketh as (which as it 
is too common, fo it is moft dange- 
rous) but alwaies,P/*/« 1.2. lEph. 
y \6. which if wecfhalldoe, al- 
though our hearts being purified 
and cleanled but in part,our defircs 
therefore cannot be all good and 
pleafing to God, but unperfeft, 


unto a giily Ltfe. 

Nr 71 

that is to fay, many of them eviU, 
and many which are wholly mix- 
ed with cvill and corruption ; yet 
to have our hearts thu$ changed 
but in weake meafure^ Co as it be 
in trucfys a benefit of greater value 
than the who'e World: and he that 
hith ic 5 isby infinite degrees happi- 
er t^an theraoft glofingprofeffbr 
that wanretb ic. 

THas farre of the cfebewing 
of evill : Now for the doing 
of good. 

Where firft, certaine rules muft 
bee learned and obferved, which 
becaufe they are not followed, 
many that would gladly live well, 
attain* to ic in no good fort to 
bring in in credit with others,, but 
mcecewith many unfetlings, di£ 
couragements^and cooling of their 
zrale, yea oftentimes dangerous 
out-ftrayingSj neither findc the go- 
ing abou: it fo pleafant as toile- 
fome and tedious. Now the ge- 
( nerall rules are thefe. 

C 4 Firft 

7 2 

Brief e Virc&ions 

Firftjknowledge ofducie, with a 
/delighting therein, 

Secondly D pra£tife of that: which 
we know ; which is that living by 
faich,or labouring to kcepe a good 
confcience, fo often commended 
unto us in Scripture. 

For che firft, wee muft under- 
ftand by knowledge, fuch an in- 
lightening of the roinde to under- 
ftand the will of God about good 
evill, that wee have with it 
fpirituall wifdome, to apply and 
and rcferre the fame to the well 
ordering of our particular acti- 
ons 5 that wee reft not in feeing the 
truth only, but approve and allow 
of it, as that which is fir to coun- 
ielland guide up, but yet (b as hee 
that hath moft of this, may grow, 
and he that hath leaft, may not bee 
J This knowledge muft nor hee 
weighed and cfteemed of us as a 
thing common and of no va!ue 3 
but loved and like J, othcrwifeno 
fruit will follow. 



unit j godly Life, 


For the iecondpra£tice,isthat 
feckiogto walke worthy the Lord 
and pleafe him in all things, CoUf. 
i.io. which muftbeeboth inward 
and outward. 

Inward, when as in relbhuion of 
our mindes ami defire and pur- 
pofeofour hearts,, we are prepa- 
red and ready to bee (ec on worfcc, 
and ben im ployed in any good fer- 
vicetoGodor our brethren, Pfil. 
1 1 9.10. Alt sir. 1 2. this mud bee 
often blowne up inu«j for if this 
bee loll through forgecfulneffe, 
flo:h, and careleflTe negligence^ 
or ovcr-vpheJraed with ibrrow* 
fore, or foch like paflions, or 
dulled and made blunt in us 
through lightneffc and vanity,then 
are we unfit to honour God in any 

Outward 5 when in our lives wee 
expreffe and declare the fame, by 
endeavouring at Uaftro pleafe God 
in one comman dement as well as 
in another, Aft. 9.3. 
t Thus much of the .rules. The 

D 5 vertwes 


Brief* VireEtiow 

— *« 


. — ■»■». « linn i i 

vermes which farther us herein, 

Firft uprightneflTe,wben in a An- 
gle, and true heart, we love,dcfire, 
and doe any thing, efpecially 
becau(cGodcommandech,and for 
that end, Veut. i8* 1 3. Ephtf.6. 14. 
fervent enough, for want of this 
fincericy, are but froth(as were the 
hoc cnterprifes of Ithn agaioft I- 
dolaters)andcaufethem who have 
longpleafedthemfelv?* chercin,to 
cry out of their doings ( though 
admirable to the eyes of others ) to 
fay they were but hypecrifie, for 
many are the ftarting holes in the 
den of our hearts, and many waies 
wee can deceive our felves and ci- 
thers alfo by falfepretcrxcs in good 
aftions: we ipiift therefore labour 
that howfeever our beft aftions 
are mixed with corruptions 9 yet 
wee may have the fame reioy- 
cing with the Apoftle , that in 
finglenefle of heart wee ferve the 



unttagedly Life. 

The fccond is diligence, where 
by a man is ready to cake all occa- 
sions and opportunities to the do- 
ing of (boie good, and to fhunne 
idlencfle and unprofitableness, i 

The third is conftancy in nou* 
rifhing all good defires, and holy 
endeauoursj, untill his latter yeares 
bee better than the former, and fo 
finifh his courfe with ioy . 

By thefe two, great matters are 
brought copafle : and for want of 
thefe two, and through the con- 
trary 3 floch, and inconftant un- 
fetlednefle ; euen the moft of 
the godly doe not finde the fweet 
fruit in their life which is to bee 

Fourthly in humility and meek- 
nefle, all our duties muft beepra- 
aiftd, if wee will follow Chriff, 
Mstth.i 1.29. Thefe two are not 
particular vermes, which fomc- 
times onely may haue ufe,but fuch 
fruits of the fpirit as necefforily 
are required in all a&ions, lb that 




7 6 

Britfc VireQtons 

at no time humblencfie of minde 
and naeekencfife of fpiric may bee 
wanting. And therefore they arc 
oft-times in the Scripture fetdown 
together,as ^£.4.2,(70.3. 2. and fo 
urged,as doth (hew^thac although 
there bee many goodly gifts in a 
maivyet if he harhnouhefe, they 
fhallloofe their credit and beauty 
amongft thofe which behold them, 
and withhold their commoditie 
from him who wanteih them. 

By all this that hath becne fold, 
it is evident that the life of the be- 
liever is a continuall proceeding in 
the departing from evilly, and en- 
devouring after duties, and a fctled 
courfe in repentance, and a con- 
ftant waiking with God : not an 
idle and uucertaioe Rumbling up- 
on fome good a&ions, whiles a 
great part of his life is negle&ed 
and not looked after. But fomc 
may {ay here, wee have a defire to 
doe thefe things , but wee want 
power and ability, whercunto I 
anfwer that. 


■ II. I I ■ I » l » I l i - .I ' . *- . ; 

-■' • ri 

tint o a godly Lift t 


Thcbeftdefire is invainc, ex- 
cept wee have with it an aflfurance 
of God his favour, and hclpc 
through faith; r or it is faith that o- 
vercommethail les^i J ^^ this 
leuethus fee, that he which hath 
fcvedus from chcgreateft danger 
of hell, will much more five us 
from the leffer, of being overcome 
of our corrupt lufts* A<id if any 
(hall Qy,that 

Saint Vatil himfelfe did nor 
finde power ro overcome the 
bodyoffiane? Ic is evident 

The holy A poftle did nor over- 
come all rebellion of the old man, 
to the end he might alwaies have 
amarke of his unwonhineffe and 
fiane remayninginhim 3 and there- 
by remember, that it was of onely 
mercy that he was pardoned, and 
the grace of God that kept him 
from falling away from him; and 
that for both thefecaufts he might 
bee aba fed and kept humble un- 
der Co great grace as hee had re- 
ceived : and laft of all, i hat bet 
'; might 


Brief e VireUUns 

might from time to time finde 
jfweetnefle ftillin the forgivencfie 

But although hee was not per- 
feft here as an AngelJ, yet was not 
hecarryed of his lufts into grofle 
iniquities, for God his grace was 
fufficient for him ; and (b (hall it 
be for us, if wee doe as oft and as 
earneftlydefireit- for every chri- 
ftian in his meafure may looke for 
the like grace that Tail had, even 
ftreogth to performe in fome 
good for t the dudes which fccme 
fo difficult and impoflible unto 

Which is not (b to bee under- 
ftood/as if every godly chriftian 
doth fecle or obtaine this ( for 
that might difcouwge many ) but 
ro (hew what God his children 
may confidently looke for, and 
how their cftate may bee bettered, 
and their fpirituall liberty increa- 
ftd. For many good people doe 
not know what their heavenly fa- 
ther htth provided fo* them, but 


unto agodfy Lift. 


oncly receive fo much light as 
whereby they fee the way to bis 
kingdomcjuccordingto the know- 
ledge that they have of his will; 
thereafter they declare and Oicwit 
forth in their lives; but nothing 
as they mighr^ or as fomc others 

THus of the rules and vermes 
which helpe us to the pra- 
ctice of a godly life. Now to friew 
wherein it doth confift. 

The dutiit arc theft. Fir ft that 
fcrtaine to God. 

Commavdcmtnt u 

For we muft defire to know him 
as his word doth reveale him unto 
us, in his nature, properties, and 
workes, wee rauft acknowledge ic 
is allowed, and in heart yeeld and 
confent onto the truth of thole 
things which wee know of hicn, 
that then we may fafdy and bold- 


i 80 

Briefe VireUiens 

ly beleeve in him, and cleave un- 
co him. Thus knowing oar fclves 
to be fafe under his wings,we rauft 
grow co pnc our confidence in him: 
and from hence will arifcanother, 
even by hope to looke for chac 
helpe which in confidence we at 
fare our fHues of from ths Lrd, 
and through this confidence and 
hope, wee muft become patient in 
in afliftions, and ioy full in every 
condition oflife. Further, becaufe 
wee know all good things to flow 
unto u$ from God, therefore unto 
him wee lift up our hearts for the 
obtaining ofchofe things which we 
wanr; unto him, we render thanks 
for all bteffings received, and are 
affe&ed with all our hearts and 
ftrength to love him more than all 
the world bcfides, and defire to 
enioy the more full fruition of 
his pretence, in the meane time 
walking before him in all reve- 
rence and uprightnefie with a holy 
and child-like feare as doth be- 
come us. 


\ ** *» 

unto a godly Life. 


" !■ ■ »» 

Commandetnent 2. 


Now bcfidss thefc duties of ho- 
lincfl?, which wee owe dire&ly to 
the perfen of God meerely or 
fpiri.uailandinward: there are o- 

ther whereby wee worflup hhn 
outwardly. | 

Where i9 to be kno wee that h^e 
will allow of no other meanesof 
worftiipping hira out W3rdly,than 
he hach appointed and prescribed 
himfelfciahisword: Astheprea- 
[ ching of the Gofp^l], and admi li- 
ft ring of Sacraments by Minifters 
lawfully called, publicke prayer, 
fails, and thankfgtving§j together 
with the cenfuresof the Church. 
Theft in publike. In private, there 
are anfwerable ro thefe, as talking 
& conferring oi the word of God, 
in mutual inftrufting 3 adaionifhing 
exhorting , or any way e!fe which 
is fit for edifying ; in all which 
duties, as in many other, that arc 
good and godly, great care maft be 



Briefe Di'tUitns 


had that they bee not performed 
lightly;ra(hly,falfly f hypocritical- 
ly, and un profitably, for that were 
abominable to Godasadead bctU 
fice ; but contrarily, wee muft ufe 
them with all high reverence, be- 
ing prepared rightly before 5 well 
aff&ed in theufiigof them, and 
aiming at the moft profitable end 
which he hach appointed, that fb 
we may be approved and allowed 

Commandment 3. 

j Th ere is al(b a farther duty, that 
1 not onely in time of his worfliip, 
but alfoin our common and ufuall 
fpeech and a&ions, wee declare 
what a worchyand reverent efti- 
mation we have of the Lord. As by 
fpeaking all good of his name, 
word^and workes, and in our law- 
full callings, by ordering and be- 
having of our (elves wifely and 
gracioufly,thatall which live with 
.us may (ee that oar religioa is ioy- 


unto a godly Lift. 


ned with the power of godlineffe : 
and thac this bee done of us in all 
eftatesand condition* of ourlifr, 
both in profperity and adveifity : 
labouring alfo to perfwade others 
to the fame. Now as in all things 
God muft be glorified, fo more e- 
fpecially in an oath, which muft be 
ufcdas with high reverence, {bin 
truth, in righteoufnefle, and in 
the beholding of Gods workes 
v**h heaven and earth, with their 
furniture ; taking fweet feeling of 
God his Maiefty and beauty which 
(hineth in them, reioycing with 
reverence that he hath given us this 
cleere glafleto bshold his face in 
for rather his footftoole) which 
fliould move us therefore in ail 
our Aftionsto beware of hypo- 

Commandetncnt 4. 

Vnto all thefe is one more to 
be added, viz. that upon thefea- 
venth day all our workes bee laid 

a fide 

8 4 





afidc as much as b poflible, and the 
whole day to bee beftowed in his 
worftipandfervice, and in things 
dire&ly tending to the fame. 

Here for the avoyding of that 
tedioufhelfcin wel!-dcing,where- 
unto our nature is prone, the Lord 
hath left us variety of holy exer- 
cl&SyViz. all publike and private 
duties, more freely to bee perfor- 
med than at other times ; which 
wife and mercifull regard of his o- 
ver us, if it cannot move us to give 
our (elves to praftife this part of 
holin$fle r (whatfcever our excufes 
bee ) wee plaindy (hew, that our 
raiades are earnail, and that we do 
j but favour our felves in worldli- 
nefle or prophaneneSjidlencfTe^and 
eafe when wee reafon agaisft it, as 
being too precile, 

AFter the duties DTholinefle ' 
cowards God, follow thofe 
of righeouibefle to men, for thefe 
two are j oyntly commanded of the 
Lord, and ought not of anycobe 



iif-joyncd irt praftice, as they are 
ctf many; Come delighting in the 
Rrft^boc oegledHag the other; (bme 
Following afrer ihe £cond,and de- 
ftkute of the former. 

Now the ground roote from 
which ail chefe duties muftfpring, 
is love towards all men, even our 
greaceft enemies. Vnto which muft 
bejoyned brotherly kindnefleto 
Chriftians, which is a holy and 
elpeciall love of one faichfull bro- 
ther towards another, i Pet. 2.7. 

Commandment 5. 

The iirft of thefe are fuch as be 
due betwixt inferiors &fu per iors 
mutually, vtz. in generail,that ia- 
feriours in their whole courfe ho- 
nour their faperiours by voluntary 
fubjeftion to them, as bjfGods 
ordinance and appointment, and 
reverence them,both inwardly and 
outwardly; and likewise that fu- 
periours for their parts carry them, 
(elves towards them as brethren in 



Briefe Vtrt&ws 

all curtefie,faving their authority; 
and further al(b, that they goe be- 
fore them in allinnocency and ex- 
ample of good life. 

In particular j fbme as Superiors 
bycivill authority as Piinces, o- 
thersasNfagiftratcs and Minifters, 
to whom inferiours both fubie&s 
and fervanrs muft (ubmic thera- 
felves in bearing their rebukes 
and receiving their correftions 
willingly and without refinance, 
and in yeelding obedience to all 
their la wfull commands. 

And they, if they bee in higher 
place, are to provide that the peo- 
ple under c hem may live a godly^ 
honcft, and quiet life. If they bee 
Minitters, they are charged to be 
good and bountifulljiuft and equal 
unto their fervants. Some are Su- 
periors by nature, as parents, » to 
whom children doc owe very 
much, as forwardnes in imbracing 
iheirwholefome inftru&ion^ re. 
verence and obedience unto the 
end, the difoofijg of their eftare 


H*toagidty Life, 


yy marriage, orocherwife, thatic 
pe not without their confcnr, and 
readnefle to helpe their neccflicies 
pec. They are al fo bound to teach 
them from their youth, to kecpe 
:hem from idlecefle^otraine them 
up in Tome honeft and lawfull 
*ade,togovemethem wifely and 
kindeIy 3 to provide for their nece£ 
Sty of marriage, and to minifter 
things need full for this prefcnt life 
is they fhall bee able, and as they 
may doe it rcligioufly and law- 

Some by gifts, as chiefly the 
Minifter, to whom double honour, 
reverence, and obedience is due, 
for his wcrke-fake, forheeisnot 
Dnely a teacher, but a father. 

Secondly the ftrong Chriftian 3 
fthom God hath endued with a 
liberall portion of knowledge, 
wifdorec, experience, and other 
heavenly graces, more than others 
af their brethren : theft the wea- 
ker muft not iudge rafhly, they 
muftbearc with their infirmities : 



Sriefe Dittftions 

fo thole that exccll in any other 
gifcSj arc to bee had in honour and 
account for the Cme :Some by age 
of the gray bead and ancient in 
yeares, who of the younger fore j 
are to bee had in reverence ande-i 
flecmed, neither are we to ncgleft 
our equalls, but their dignirie 
and worthinefle is to bee regarded 
above their owne,, Rom. 12. 10. 
Thcfe duties we owe unto the per- 
fon of our neighbour, to which 
nwft bee added a care to maintaiae 
curowne reverence and credit a- 
mongmen, byacourfe befecming 
our holy profeffion : now follow 
fomc dutks towards his life. 

Cornmaidtmcnt 6. 

Firft for bodily life, itisrequi- 
red that our neighbour fuftaice no 
hurt by us or any ofours, as farre 
as we can hinder ir,neithcr hee nor 
bis, foas his life might bee mad ? 
unpkafant, yea though hee ftiould 
provoke us, yet wemuft fiiffer for 



r n* *** 


uni$*godlj Life. 

rather then bee angry in ourowne 
caufe, fecme it never fo weighty to 
us, for that is no better than folly 
and rBadncfle:nayjfunher,we muft 
be wife and carefull both in words 
and in deeds, to cut of all occafi- 
ons, and to avoyd all difcordjyea, 
though it be with departing from 
fome of our right, as v^hraham 
did, Gen. 1 3.7. Thisinnocencicis 
accompanied with meeknefle, pa, 
tiencc and long fuffering. AHo, he 
that is har meleffe,is gentle, tra&a- 
ble,and foone intreated, peaceable, 
communicable, and fit to bee lived 
with : but yet befides the not hur- 
ting of men, it is further required 
that wee (hould dee them good ; 
and indeed our whole courfe 
(hould be fuch, as that wee mig x 
makeeafieas many mens burthens 
as wee can : to men that are in mi- 
fery, we rauft be pitifull and com* 
paffionate; as by (hewing mercy 
unto diftreffed fcrvants and fuch 
like, whom we mfeght oppreffe, as 
being not able to refift us ; by vi- 

E (icing 


; - 



Briefe DircUims 

firing the ficke, and relieving all 
that arcioneedc ;and finally, wee 
tnuft be helpefull unto all 3 to pro- 
cure and raaintaine their welfare, 
fbfarreas necefficy fhall require, 
and our ability can performe. This 
helpfulnefle hath adioyned unto it 
mercy and tender compa(fion,kiod- 
heartedncfle and goodnefle, and 
fuch like amiable and commenda- 
ble vermes. 

Secondly, fortbe fpirituall life 
of our neighbour, wee muft give 
good example of life, we muft take 
all occafions of winning men to 
God, of confirming them chat are 
wonne, of peace-making , of re- 
conciling fuch as bee at variance, 
of obfcrviog one another, and 
provoking to love and good 
workes : and fnally, of inftn> 
fting, exhorting j admonifhing 
and comforting, and fiich like 


Htito a godly Ltfg t 


Cemmandmtnt j% 

After the life of onr neighbour 
in the next place we have charge of 
his honefiy, or ehartity,that by no 
meanesicbe hurt or attempted by 
as : for the better obtaining where- 
of, it is required that both our 
mindes bee kept pure from un- 
cleaneluftsjdcfires, andthoughrs 
tending to unchaftnefle, and our 
Sx>dies in honour, free from all 
rxecoting of all fuch uncleane de- 
lires by any ftrange pleasure, 
which God condemneth, and 
therefore that all the parts of 
our body bee kept continent as 
well as the face, eies, cares 3 
tongue, hands and feet bee carri- 
ed from fuch occafious as may 
kade us thereunto : And this is 
commanded both to unmarried 
and married. 

E a . 



Briefe DireUiom 

Cemmtndement S. 

Another part of righteous dea- 
ling with our neighbour is, that 
they bee not iniured by us in their 
goods : ft) that where the cafe is 
plakie, [that any thing is another 
mans, wee cannot Co much as lay 
claimcto if^ but God is dclpifed 
of us ; but if there be acontrover- 
fie, then in (brae cafes we ought to 
forgoe fome part of cur right for 
peace fake ; but if the doubt dorh 
arife by the fubtilty of either par- 
the damage ought to fail on them 
from whom it came, and if it be o- 
thervvifefo difficult, thatitcaanot 
bet wixv i herrfelves be deiermrned, 
let other men of wifdonic take it 
in hand, or at tbcfattfctft, iffuite 
cf Law cannot bee avoided., let it 
be profited in love. This mi ft 
be obferved in general!: but there 
are fprciall duties accord irg to 
the dm rs (latcsof men; for^bme 
are meerdy poore men, and by 


nnto a gtclly Life. 


God his appointment, doc live by \ 
almesrotherg cia in forac fort pare 
ly maintainc themfelves, but not 
without the helps of others, by 
borrowing of them. And the third 
fort is able to lender to giv?, or to 
doc both. 

ij For the firft fort, they know- 
ing that their poore eliate i s allor- 
ted tbem of God, they arc to live" 
ia ic with contentation ; which 
contentednefle^ will flow from the 
aQuranceof the favour of God in 
Chrift Iefas ;they muft not gruJg- 
in any (brt at the aboundance of 
otber men, but ack«ow!c Jge them 
as the inftrumenta and hand of 
God, whereby hce mniftreth to 
their nec.flirics, for the which 
alfo they muft bnhankefull, and 
take encouragement from thence 
tolivegodly and obediently, re- 
membring alfo, that as much as 
they bee ab!e, and their bodily in- 
firmities of age, blindneflej lame- 
nefle^ and fuch other will fuffer 
then?, that they (hun idleneflk,and 

E 3 all 



Brief c DireEiions 


all evill and unprofitable paffing 
the time, 

2 For thefecend forr> they muft 
not borrow without need, as to 
maintaine themfelves in play, or 
idlenefle,orfimply tomakeagaine i 
of it cither by Vfury, or by taking I 
their ability will fcrve unto; and 
when they have lawfully borrow 
ed , they muft carefully purpofe, 
l and faithfully endeavour the refto* 
I ring of that which they have 
(borrowed at the day appointed, 
and that with thanks ; the contra- 
ry whereof, is both a fiane a- 
gainft God, being a kinde of 
tbefr, and an iniurie to tho/e chat 
have neede to borrow; for a chiefe 
caufc of little lending, is evill 

3. As touching the third fort, 
thofe that are more able,they muft 
regard both thofe duties which 
concerne giving and lending, and 
alfb thofe rules of righteous dea- 
ling, which they muft follow in 

unto a g*dly Life. 

getting, increafmg and ufiog 
their goods, They muft give freely 
and cherefully forcharicy and con- 
fcieoce fake, as the necefliry of the 
pocre requireth, and their ability 
will give leave. 

They muft lend alfo freely to 
fuch a borrower as is before de- 
fcribed, not onely for the appoin- 
ted time ; but if nccellity urgently 
rfquireth for farther fpace, nay, 
(bmetimesto the forgiving either 
ofaIl,or fome part of it. That men 
may be Enabled to this duty, they 
muft be moderate in waftefulkx 
pencts upon themfelves, or o- 
'hers, where they need nor, nei- 
ther doth any charity binde 

In furet ie- (hip they muft not be 
rafh, neither may wc bee fo hard s 
but to know and approve Chrifti- 
ans, fo f me as we are able to bcare 
che burthen, wee may with good 
advice bee helpefull even in this 

Now as for our common dca- 

E 4 ling* 


9 6 

Briefe Dirt&tons 


lings, wee muft firft fee that our 
calling be la wfoll, then that wee 
deale lawfully in every part of it, 
that righteoufoefle may be prcfer- 
ycd by us, in buying and felling, 
hireingand letting, and in partner- 
flbip^&c.Carc mutt be had,that one 
parcy alone be not regarded, but 
indUferencyufed (as much as may 
be) for themutuafl good of both : 
and therefore VTury, wkerein the 
common benefit of both is not re- 
garded, is altogether mlawfull.- 

Concerting Annuities, they are 
of two forts, the one is a veerely 
fum of money for yecrcs,wncn the 
feller hath no fuch Aunuirie, but 
as he hopeth to make it by his 
labour and commodities. The 
other is a certaine revencw, rent, 
or pare of rent, which heeinpy- 
' eth,and is willing to forgoe it. 

The firft kindc is full of dan- 
ger> much like forehand bar- 
games about Hdppcs,Corne, &c. 
which feldome ends without jirs 
and controrerfies, neither ought 


" V la. 

■ i i .»j i' . ■' i \% \ 



unto a godly Ltfe. 


co be made, bat of cho(e who are 
both able to beare, and willing to 
ftand to the utterraoftof the hurt 
which may befall men ; ic is nor 
therefore fafe for thofe that are 
wife and peaceable, to meddle 
with thisfirft kindof Annuities. 
j Thcftcond kindeisnotunlaw- 
1 full , hjwibever it may be often 
I abufed on the fellers bchalfe, by 
fraudulent and crafty Scaling on 
ihe bthalfe of the buyer ,when hee 
taketh advantage of theoihers ne- 
ctffi.y,and Co grinding and griping 
him worfe than if he had tooke tea 
in the hundred; for the redreiling 
whereof, bistobeknowne, that 
the buyer of fuch an A wuitie, if it 
be of a rich man, fo as there be 
plain-dcaling } may fafely enpy the 
benefit which the otfuruff:re£h; 
butifitbeofapooreman, or one 
that is in debt, hee muft give the 
urtermoft value without feeking 
advantage; a good token whereof i 
hefhallfbew, if hee be willing to Lj 
tclcafchinaaftcrwtrdssthisdclsr ^ 

E 5 Finals J 

1 ■ i « ^ i i ■ i . . i i ■ ■ ■ » - ---.T L 

■ j 


9 s ? 

Briefe ViftQtonr 

Finally, that all may come by 
and inioy their right , truth in 
words, equity in deeds, and Am- 
ple meaning in purpo&s and 
thoughis,rouft be firmely ac d con- 
ftantly retained ; ar.d where that 
hath not btene praftifed, fullrefti. 
tucion is to bee made. 

Commaxdemett 9. 

As to the perfon andgoods of our 
neighbour ; Co to his name alfo, 
there are many duties belon- 
As that wereioyce i lour neigh- 

hours credit, an#forrow for their 
infirmities, to hope with pat knee 
for better thing?, to cover their 
faulcs through love, of whom we 
have hope, yet not by fluteryor 
diflembliog, but by Chrittian ad- 
monition and rebuke, not to be- 
wray a fecret, when it may fafc- 
lyand without di/p'eafing of God 
bee kept iri; for ev^ry truth isnot 
alwayestobe uttered, though all 


— — r 


unto J godly Ltfts. 


kind of lying and fl Hindering be ac . 
all times to bee abhorred ; their f 
fatilcs we muft not (peak of after a- 
ny manner,except firft we have ufed 
all meaies thacweecanto amsnd 
them, and then they are with a 
bi id of anwillingieffe., and loving 
faith fulaelfc to be opened ; onely 
to ftchasarclikeftand fi'tcrtco re- 
forms them, and not to plcafeour 
felyes therein ; neither to ad nit 
of all reports, but ihoU onely thac 
have f nne ccrtainecy. We are far- j 
tber rcqaired to uphold and de-* 
fend the good name of oar neigh- \ 
bour,cogiveccftin1oiy alfo unto; 
him by word and writing. And fi- 
nally, ft is our duty and upright- f 
neflk of heart and idodnefle* to in» : 
terprct all ftch fayingsaid doings : 
as may bee well taken in theb-lt 
part, rather centring our felves j 
truly, than others ra(hly;yet not to 
be fooltflily credulous, as to iu Jgc r 
well of them which give open ce- J 
ftiraony of their badde anJ pro« ! 
phane hear:*. 1 



I. -it>o 

Brief? VmEtions 

ii i ■ >■ ■ » *»— ■■ 


Ctmmdr: dement 10. 

The laft part of dutie towards 
our neighbour, is co acquaint our 
hears with tke thoughts and de- 
fires of his good • or wbatibevcr 
wee arc in the five former com- 
roanded to performe to birr j the 
fame by yertue of this we ought to 
wifLdefire^and delight in ; and the 
contrary Iuftings mt'ft be caft up 
and avoyded of us. This- duty 
(though it belittle regarded ofthe 
n-cft) ought to find the more care 
in us fortheperfonsanceofir, be- 
ciulethatthe wel regarding of this 
will make us the better able to 
fcrve our neighbour in all the reft. 

H therto of the d uric rof holi- 
nefle and righteoufnefTt • to which 
if we addc thofc of fobriety 3 which 
concsrne our fclves^i*. that wee 
moderate our ,aff ft ions in the ufe 
of la wful libiitks s ip that we fctve 
northern, but they us, that wee 
may feivc G#d the better, wee 


"W i l li I » «■ » 

*nt o ag*dly Life. 


(hall have all things necefHri: to 
a godly life: from hence we may, 
fetch light to (hew us the way, 
and matter to fcafon oor hearts 
and lives, when we waxc empty, 
barren,and forgctfull. 

Here for avoiding of errour , 
wee are to know, that this god- 
ly life defcribed, the fruits of re- 
pentance, and the living by faich, 
are bat (b many fundry manners 
of fpeeeh wherein the Scriprurcs 
doe lay forth the life of the 
rgbteous, or a Chriflian conver- 
facion: for the bringing fonh of 
the fruires of amendment, or of 
repentance, is nothing elfe bat 
for the perfon who Is adlircd of 
Salvatioa through the forgive- 
nefle of his finnes , to turne 
unto the Lord, and to come un- 
der his governement, from the 
power of Satan, and finne^ and 
in full purpofe of heart to la- 
bour to be reformed irom day to 
day more and more. 

A godly convention is even the 





Bricfe UireBions 

|' fame^ viz,, an endeavouringcolive 
after chc word of G ^d, which tea- 
ch«th us 10 believe,tha? he will in- 
able us thereunto D and b!e(D us 
therein. So alfo living by faith., is 
no other but relying upon the 
word of God, wich fall purpose 
to bee guided by it, either by re- 
tting upon his promifts, or obey- 
ing his comonandements : which 
life of faith, is a rooft glorious and 
rich prerogative : for by this wee 
are conti Jeor, and reft quiet about 
our Saltation from time to time : 
by this wee walke in newncfle of 
life in all the parts of ic ; by it wee 
are aflurcd in our prayers to bte 
preferved, to have the rage of our 
ttrong lufts weakned /by this wee 
arc delivered froti many fharpe 
and bitter affli&ions, and have 
grace co bearethe reft with great 
meckenefle and patience ; by ic we 
goe thorow our callings more 
eafi'y. And finally, wee attaioe to 
that quiet cttate and fweet peace, 
which chc caraall wifdome of man 


* i ■ * *- - 1 

unto a godly Life. 


Qull never finde nor enioy : with- 
oat this, any life is moll mifenr 

HAving after a fort declared 
what the Chriftians or be- 
lievers life is- it followed to fhsw 
fome reafots, why th* believer 
(h juld leade his life thus. 

Firft, there is great canfe why 
this (hould be /ought for; brcaufe 
by this God is higblf glorified : 
for if he bee honoured by the con- 
by his life afterwards. Itwasjfr 
great part of Salomons honour^ 
that hcegave filver as floies 3 and 
goodly Cedars as the wildc Fig- 
trees : this mart *eics bee a great 
honour to God, whenheegiveth 
graces and pofl'effions, which nei- 
ther filver nor gold can purchafc, 
and an habitation that neither C*- 
darnor Almond- tree caa make re* 
(emblance of * 3 this honour the 
Lord jjarh in all ages from the out- 
ward convcr fatioa frf his fervancs; 



( " 

Briefe VireUions 

aodyec their bsft things aie with- 
in, and cannot be feene of men, 
I Pet.i. \2. 

2 Another reafon why men 
fhould -with full refolution, ad. 
dceffc them ft Ives to paflk the time 
of their dwelling here with reve- 
rence and feare, is, the good that 
comes unto thcmfelves by it, 
and the danger which they are 
in without ic, Trov^* \o. for 
bee that hath fethimfdfc tofeeke 
the Lord, and is willingly weaned 
from unlawfull liberties, and hath 
made his paftime to be well oc- 
cupied^hee is al waies fafe^ where- 
as for want of this, many fall 
where they little feared 3 for it is 
not enough that wee purpofeno 
wickednefle nor cvill, but we mud 
be firongly armed alwaies with 
full purpofe againft it, efpecially 
that whereto wee are moft prone, 
and wherein wee have had by wo- 
full trials experience of our 
weakr effe ; for while we doe cotr- 
mit none,yet wc make a way for it 


» % ■ ' 

unto * godly Life. 



■».■■ " ■ *■ 

o enter into us afrefh, while wee 
[become fecure aod improvident* 
This is manifeftly to be fecne in' 
(the example of Peter, of the Pro- 
phet ofBitbeLofluda^ho did all 
pnrpofe well in general!, yet not 
fearing their frailety, nor arming 
themfclvesagainft the lame, they 
were foonc overtaken. 

3 ThisaKo may move us, that 
no exercife of Religion nor godly 
meaacs of the beft fort can do them 
any good, who will not refolve 
praftice of a godly Iifc 4 >This is ex- 
emplified fufficiently in chelewes 
pra&ice, and proved in the Pro- 
phets complaints; experience alfo 
dothwirneffe the fame; for wee 
ftc many frequent the exercifesof 
Religion, who btcaufe they pro- 
pound not with themfelves, to be 
caft into the mould of holy Do- 
fttine, and to be fafliioned after 
ic ia their lives, doe get rather 
harme than good : whereas o- 
thers at the fame time, ufing the 


io 6 

Briefs VircBions 


fame meanes, doe receive muchp 
bleffing from God thereby, (uch 
woe ic is that prophaneneffe of life ( i 
bringecb with ir. 

This is notfpoken for thediG 
couragcment of aiy, that they 
ftiould give over the ufe of any 
good rncanes,butto ftirre us up all 
for to ficke the true fruit of them ;} 
for Gods deare children when thew 
( grow carelefle, loofcthe fruit of 
good exercife, when they waxe 
weary of reverent attending upon* 
God (as all good things the flcfh 
doth (bone turne to wearincfle)and 
be gin after the manner of men (with 
whom they live)to feeke their un- 
lawful! liberty fome way, not be- 
ing circumfpett enough about the 
keeping of the beft things in price 
and estimation ; the Lord feeing 
this, takech from them the privi- 
ledges which theyenioyed before, 
hee dimmeth the light of their 
miodcs,that they fee not fo clcere- 
Iy, (hutceth up their hearts that 
they delight not in the mat- 

unto a godly Life. 

°7 I 

jeers whichwere wont to beof giea- 
reft account and reckoning with 
them.By all whichic may appears, 
that much more they that worfliip 
him with tmcJeane hearty never 
wjftied and purged, cannct re- 
ceive into them the fweet and 
wholeforoe liquour of bis grace, 
by what outward exercifesfocver 
they prefenc themfelves before 
him : and if this be the ftare of ma- 
ny who draw neere uoto God out- 
wardly- how fearcfull then is their 
condition^ who neither heare his 
word, nor are acquainted with his 

NOw becaufc this ftreight 
courfe isnoteafily yielded un- 
to, therefore fome things areob- 
ic<5ted againft ir, which muft bee 

This life camocbee led, or at ohtU. 
leaft not with any ioy > 

It may fteme (b indeed, becaufe j^ n f w 
that after they have begun this 
courfc, many have kept at a ftay.or 




. ■ 


Brief c Vire3i$ns 


clfe being driven backe/omecora 
plaine of much tedioufiiefle, and 
fttong difcouragemears, fearefull 
doublings^ and fmall comfort in 
it • divers others account ic a mo- 
*pi(h life. But for the Anfwer of all 
>thh, wee are to know, that this 
Chriftian life, confifting not in 
fome good aft ions, but in the kee- 
ping of our hearts finccre,and up-; 
rightly bent to walke with the 
Lord in all his Commanderaent^ 
throughout our whole courfe, ac- 
cording to our knowledge, is not 
only poffibte, but required, as the 
9. 97 j 9%. where he tcachetb,that 
he which is happy and godly in- 
deed, endevorcch to this, that his 
mind may delight in,andbe poflef 
ftd of good matters, or rightly u- 
fiog lawfall, or carefully refifting 
thofc which arefinfull, Pbil.3.20. 
The extmpleaKb ofEtoch^Abra- 
ham y Lb^Mofes y David, with other 
godly men,who were not without 
their infirmities no more than we, 




<k (hew chc p^ffibilicy of • his hfc$ 
eithrr is ic a ftate unpleafaiit 
o the ^iriiuall man, whom the 
oly Ghoft dir. fteth^ buc eafi?, 
weete, and comfortable, though 
it be a yoakc to the corrupt 
lufts not yet fubdued : for as eve- 
ry one excelleth another in the 
graces of the fpirk, thereafter is 
his mealare greater in the privi- 
leges of a Chriftian than others, 
and with more fomd and cooti- 
nuall comfort doth hee puffe his 
daies, and free his life from re- 
proachfull cvills; and the more" 
that any godly man incrcafeth in 
goodnefle, and gocth beyond that 
eftare wherein he hath fometimes 
bio in knowledge & high etfiiiuti- 
on of ir,8c ihe right ufe of i he fame, 
the more fhal his iife b: filled with 
matter of found & pure rcpycing. 
Howfbever there were fane in 
the tircc of thofe fore^ fcrhcr3, yet 
niw wee fee none live after chat 
fame manner. 

Alchough the life of the moft be 





I 10 

Brie ft tytn&iom 

»ndecd vary loathfome, yet their 
are fo many godly lights amongft 
us, ) the Lord multiply the num- 
ber of them, and the graces which 
heehutfi given them, athoufwd 
fold, and bee highly pray fed for 
them) with whom to live, is next 
to heaven it felfe. Thty do not on* 
ly not faint or give ovcr>but grow 
from untowardncflfe to Gocsfer- 
vice, to a holy cheert^ulncffcand 
delight in the fame, which growth 
isfeene alfo in the duties to men 
as well as to Gi d. Thefe howfo- 
ever they be but ft w, in refpeft of 
them who fee themfelves to up- 
hold the corrupt eftate that the 
world hath evcrltenin* yetfbme 
fuch, God hath fet amongft us, to 
farre more great and lingular pur* 
pofes, than many carnall eyes can 
fee or difcerne : we muft therefore 
be wife to difcerne them, ready to 
love their per fjns,and to reverence 
thofe precious things that are in 
them, and by frequenting their 
companies, karne to imitate their 
vertues. You 


You that urge this ftri& kind of Obiett. 
ife, doegoe tof*rre, and brag of 
hat which is not in you, not re- 
nembringhow many have fallen 
which were more like to have 
food than you; itVavid, Teter, 
kc. It is good for all toprofeff? 
no worfcthan others doe, andio 
heir fals (hall not bee fomuch 
wondered at. 

By the grace of God, bragging 
s f arre from us, neither doe w* go 
too far the word being our war- 
rant ; but we are not afraid :o utter 
that which we know, nay wed ire 
doe no otherwife, though it bee a- 
gainft our felves dS much as others, 
if wee (hall fet light by it at any 
time; neither are we any thing the 
nigher, but much further from fal- 
ling, by fpeaking the truth bold- 
ly. If at any time we fall, wee looke 
to feele the bitter fruit of the fame 
being afiured alfo that we (hall rife 
agajne. In the meane time, God 
will have this holy life prattifed 
of others, whatfoever become of 


I 12 

Briefe ViuBtons 

us* his ttuthremaineth for ever: 
the true worfh'ppers of God muft 
depart from iniquity % 2 Tiw.2.19. 
As for thetal 1 ot V*vid y Peter J &c. 
They ariie from Jccuricy, and the 
wane of this watchfull courfe 
which i$ urged, and therefore 
fhould be motives uuto us, the 
more carefully to looke to our 
fclvesjeft we alio be overtaken. 

Men cannot now live oihcr- 
wife than they have done, efpeci- 
ally after this manner • fo that nei- 
ther husband nor wife, nor one 
neighbour with another can be 
merry together. 

As for change of eftate, there is 
no cauft why wee fliould feare, or 
be unwilling to change for the bet- 
ter : as for delights, there are none 
more fweet,chan thofe which have 
ground in Religion : but tho/e 
that cannot ftand with a godly life, 
let them, in the name of God, be 
broken oSfot they may as well be 
fpared as the paring of our n*iles, 
and therefore not fufficjenc to juftle 



unto a godly Life. 

oura godly life, from the praftice 
of any true Chriftian and Believer. 

THe Chriftians life being thus 
described; now becaufe icis 
upholders by meanes, it is fit to 
know what thefe mcanes are, and 
how they may be ufed aright. 

Thefe raeanesare fuch religious 
cxercifes, whereby Chriftians may 
be made fie to prafikife a godly life. 
They are partly ordinary, and 
partly extraordinary 5 and both of 
thefc either publike, or private. 
The publike, arc fuch as be ufed 
in our openaflemblies : ordinarily 
thefe are three. 

Firft,the Miniftery ofche Word. 

Secondly, thcadminiftrationof 
the Sacr3menrs. 

Thirdly, the exercife of prayer, 
with thankefgiving and finging of 

Of private, fome are to be ufed 
alone by our felves, as watchful- 
neffe, medication, and the Armour 
of a Chiiftian, ymh experience. 

F Some 



Briefe Directions 

Some are to be ufed with others, 
as focicty of conference, and Fa- 
mily- exercifes- fome are com- 
mon to both, as prayer and 

THe firft and principall is the 
Word of God^ead^Preached, 
and heard^as the Lord prefcribeth. 
That this is a Angular helpe, wee 
may fee, ifweeconfider the truth, 
authority ^ ibfficicncy, and phinc- 
nefle (through the Mioiftery and 
tranflations) which is ia the Scrip- 

To fpeake therefore nothing of 
the benefit which it bringeth unco 
the unregencrare, untowhomicis 
of might to convert them. The 
tries arc many and daily which the 
regenerate people of God have 
by it. 

Firft,by it they are cleared from 
errour and darkenefie, about Reli- 
gion and manners, and are made 
more fouad in the knowledge of 
the truth, and fee more particular- 


unto a godly Lift, 

,i. 5 I 

ly into the way and whole courfe 

2. They grow fettled and efta- 
blifhed in their knowledge from 
| day to day. 

3. Thry are by this quickened 
in their drowfincfle, cheered in 
their heavineflfe^called backe from 
their wandrings, railed up when 
they are fallen, and counfelled in 
their doubtfull cafes of advice, 

4. They are by it fettled in a god* 
ly courfe, and taught to keep well 
when they are well, rather than to 
befickli &inconfiant in good car- 
riage of th mfelves, as many are. 
For by ir,as by a Sunne that giveth 
light in all places, they efpy their 
weaktntiP, and how they are hol- 
den backe when they are fallen, 
and which is the right way of pro- 
ceeding: By it, as by a rule, they 
are taught to frame all their 

5. They are brought to beftow 
forae time in pofuable reading. 

6. They are framed fo, as they 

F 2 be- 


Briefe Directions 


become lights and examples to 
others : fo that wee may boldly 
conclude, that the ordinary prea- 
ching of the Word, is a Angular 
Hieanes provided for the perfefting 
of Gods Ele#, and for their grow- 
ing in a Chriftian life. And whom- 
ever liveth where there is a good 
order of teaching with diligence, 
skil,love,and plainenefie;if he find 
not this fruit by it, ic is becaufc he 
is not attentive and reverent in 
hearing, hee is not prepared be- 
fore to heare, or elfc doth not ap- 
ply unto himfelfe, nor willingly 
digeft that which hee hath heard ; 
but is forfeited of fome dangerous 
qualities in his life, or corruptions 
in his heart; among which, this is 
a (pcciall one among the people, 
that as they thinke of the perfbn 
that teacheth, fo they doe of his 
Do&rine,, and not othcrwile. 

AS for the Sacraments, they are 
helps neceffarily adjoyncd 
unto the former : for they doe vifi- 


unto a g$ily Life. 


bly confirms and pacific that which 
chc Word dcth teach, and the co- 
venant bcewixc God and the belie- 
ver made, is moft furely fealed up 
and effectually on both partiesby 

Firft, the Lord for his pare hath 
granted to every faithfull perfbn, 
that he will never call his fones to 
a reckoning, but will be his God, 
and love him to the end through 
Chrift; for the ratifying whereof, 
hce hath put to his /eale : fo that 
the Sacraments mufi needs remaine 
efFe&uall to the faithful I, both for 
the ftrengtheningofhis faith in the 
promife, and alfo for removing of 
allcontrary doubts which through 
weaknefie might arift. So on the 
other parr, every believer foi his 
owne part hath covenanted, to 
truftinGod alwaies, toindevour 
to walke before him confeionably, 
in righreoufiefle of heart andin- 
nocencie of hands. 

Now of the truth of his heart, 
the Sacrament is a figne- which he . 

F3 having 1_ 


Brief c DireBions 

having received, hath openly pro- 
ftfled thereby, that he hath given 
and cunfecrated himfelfc unto the 
Lord, and is now no more his 
owne to live as his carnall will 
would defire; (o that either the 
prefent receiving, or the frefh re. 
membrance of this,doth fpurre him 
forwards to keepe his covenant, 
andincouragehim againft tempta- 
tions, weariforanelTe, and allhin- 
deranccB^efpecially believing, that 
ftrength in meafure (hall be given 
him of God to performe that 
which he hath promised and fealed. 
By all which we may fee f that how- 
foever the Sacraments be unto the 
unbelievers, even as amyfterieor 
hidden thing, yet the believer ha- 
ving been foundlyinftrufted there- 
in^ beholdcth much, both for the 
ftrcngthening of his faith, and his 
incouragementin a godly life, 

Firft, this may be fcer.e particu- 
larly in the two Sicraments : for 
thefakhfull Chriftian which hath 
beene baptifed,as he by his hgraf- 


1 7 1* 

nnto a g*diy Life. 

ng intoGhrift, is onewithhim; 
and therefore while Chrift liveth, 

uft live alfo : fo he having there* 
by prepared union and fellowfhip 
with him, doth draw ftrcngth and 
grace from him 3 even as the branch 
from the Vhe, viz, The power of 
his death for the mortifying of tin, 
and the venue of his rcfurrc&ion 
in railing him up to newnefle of 
life. So that Baptifme throughout 
.his life, muft needs be a forcible 
meanes to helpe him forward in a 
Chriftian courfe, as ofc as hee doth 
dulyconfider it. 

2* Likewife that the Lords Sup- 
per is an excellent helpe, we may 
fee in three fpeciakies : viz*. 
i. In the preparation ro if. 

2. Intheprcfentufcofit. 

3. In the time which followeth 

1 . The fi-ft confifteth in the tri- 
al!, thac every man ought to rake 
ofhimfelfe, concerning his know- 
ledge both generalland particular, 
his faitiT in Gods proraifes, his di- 

F 4 ligent 


iii ■ an 


Brief e DirtBions 


ligent indevour for the removing 
and fubduing of all time, and fot ' 
readincfle in any duty, his love to- 
wards all men : and Iaftly, con- 
cerning his hungring after this Sa- 
crament, and the berefic which 
God offereth by it. 

Theft properties if heefindeto 
be in himfelfe, hce is a tic and wel- 
come gueft to the Lords Table; 
but if through floch,forgetfulnefle, 
darkaefle, corruption and weake- 
ned, theft graces be weakned, 
dimmed, and decayed, he may not 
rafhly put forth himfelfe in that 
caft 3 but fpeedily fteke to recover 
himfelfe againe, by ftarching the 
ground and ftrious renewing of 
his faith and repentance. Which 
things being fo; it cannot be but 
that this kind of preparation muft 
be a lingular helpe to thoft that in- 
joy it. 

So likewift at the Sapper it 
felfe, where hee may, and ought 
to meditate on the dainties of the 
banquet, and the love of him that 


■ *i 

unto a godly Life. 


ordained it ; on the CommunioQ 
and on the outward figncs what 
they affjre him of; and on the 
Word preached., which fheweth 
him all this. When as by the apply- 
ing of thefe chiogs hecommech to 
be comforted and rrudeglad 3 or 
rather to be revived andejjickned 
in his (bale wkh the fpirkuall 
dainties which by true faith hee 
feedeth upon; how can hee but 
praifeand bleffe the author of this 
banquet ? howan hebutbs much 
heartned 8c fet forward in a Chri- 
ftian courfe ? Ic is alfo of the fame 
force after the receiving of ir^ 
( where right ufe is made of it ac- 
cording to Gods appointment) 
through the remembrance and due 
confidcration of the kindnefle of 
God therein offered and reaped, 
eafily to carry on the fervant of 
Godi.ia fervent defire of all well 
doingjbe heartened an<iftrengthe- 
ned thereunto, even as a man wcl! 
ref refhed with meat is ma4$ ftrong , 

F 5 to; 



Briefe "DinUions 


> . 





to labour : (o that hee which is 
noc made more able to conquer his 
lufts, and weaken the ftrength of 
fione, and is net more heartened 
to the life of godlinefle bythefe 
Sacraments, doch abnfe them, and 
feeth not Gods purpoft in ordai- 
ning them. 

THe publike prayers folemnly 
offered to God in the Con- 
gregation, and praifing of him 
withPfalmes, is another of thefe 
publike helpes : for when befides 
our owne private (upplicacioDs 
and thankefgiving, wc hive by the 
Lord himfelfc appointed thefe al- 
io in publike, and that in (b fo- 
lemnea manner, the whole aflem- 
blyconfenting with us in the fame, 
and Godprefent among us toaffift 
us, as he will, becaufc the very or- 
dinance of God doth promifc a 
bleffing thereto, as oft as wee are 
partakers of them, £b that if wee 
come with reverence, feeling our 
wantSj eatneftly defiriog and mi- 




fting to obtaine the things we pray 
fcr,together with true repentance, 
J wee (hall receive fruit of them ac- 
cordingly, even that good refreflh- 
ing, whereby in private we (hall 
be more cheerefully bent to ferve 

So that neither any prejudicate 
opinion concerning the Minifters 
perfon (chough hee be dumbe, or 
orberwife offenfive) nor yec any 
rafh judgement of reading a fee 
forme of prayer, or any thing of 
the like kinde, ought to hinder us 
from thefepublike duties 5 neither 
ought the private helpcs to be 
neglefted of us upon any pre- 
tence^ without the which the pub- 
like are but cold. 

THe firft private help is watch- 
falneffc : which is a carefull 
obfer ving of our hearts, Prcv.q. 2 5 . 
Diligent looking to our waies, 
Pfal. 3 9. 1 . that they may be plea- 
fir g and acceptable to God. The 
neceffry of this help may appeare 



Briefe VinStonr 

many waies, for without this, fo- 
briery is lotf, i Pet, 5.7. and the 
force of our prayers abated, 
Mattb*26. 1. and for want of this 
(as experience ihewerh) many 
Chri Aians are not acquainted with 
a well ordered and fettled courfe, 
but out and in, off and on, never 
ftaied;and becaufeof the contrary 
carelefneffe and fecuricy, many, 
not evill mco are plunged into fun- 
dry noyfome temptation?, finde 
many wounds in their foules, and 
want many comforts in their lives ; 
fo that fome are as untrufty as Cjc- 
bazi,fomc as hafty, furious^ and 
unlbciable as T^alal wa s * 

The manner of this watchful- 
neffe is fee downe by the Apoftle, 
1 Tim. 4 5. to be in all things, 
and at all times, and by all occafi- 
ons^in all places,with all perfons^ 
and that constantly, fo long as 
wee be in danger of temptation, 
Marker^ 33. 

All of us tljertfore that defire 'o 
walke with God in peace, mtaft go 


umo a godly Lift. 

about this duty to purpote, and 
fee our minds and delight upon it $ 
our evill lufts, wherewith wee be 
full fraught, doe carry us head- 
long into fundry iniquities, in fo 
much that wee can gpe about no- 
thing but we may feele (if we can 
difcerne) that fome one or other 
of them is in our way to hurt us, 
and at band to moleft and difquiet 
us : if we be occupitd in fpirituall 
duties, wee have fhame and hypo- 
crifie on the oac fide to hinder us 5 
dulndfe, wearinefle, untoward- 
nes.&c.on the other fidg to breaks 
us off. In thingslawfull,we are fe- 
cure & careleflc what the maner or 
end be: in evilljWe have eyes open 
tofeethefecming pleafurejor pro- 
fit they promift, and reafbn toex«- 
tenuate the danger; but we have no 
eares to receive the ftrongeftdif- 
fvvafions that can be brought. We 
therefore muft be kilfulltoknow 
thtfe difbrdered lufts diligent 
to efpy, prevented avoid them ; 
wee mult abftaiue and weaneour 



% \j 



126 Brtefe Vire&ipns 

- — 

felves from that which our hearts 
would naturally dciire moft 3 1 Pet. 
2 10. wee muft not dally with the 
baits of finnes, weemuftnotbefo 
bold as to venture upon all com- 
panies, to fall into any talke, or to 
take liberty in any defires without 
re/peft. And mto this care wee 
muft adde prayer, as that which 
doth quicken and put life to it, (b 
that ip may be continued with 
much cheerefulneffc and little te- 

It is further alfo to be mar- 
ked, that becaufe the firvants of 
God have fomefpeciall infirmities 
wherewith they findc themfelves 
more troubled than with any o- 
ther, they muft be moft fufpicious 
of, acd vigilant againft them: and 
where they fee Satan moft likely to 
winde in himfelfe, there they muft 
carry a more narrow and ftreight 
ye, avoiding tbe leaft occafion 
that tends that way,andbeftowing 
more time and labour inthcroo- 
iing out of thefe corruptions, from 





the which moft danger may be fea- 
red. As in troubles we muft watch 
agaii ft impatience ; in profpericy, 
againft wantonncfle., becatife theft 
arc Iikeft to enfue ; and when wee 
have broke out of our conftant 
courfc a little, and that our con- 
fcience begins tochecke us, then 
wee muft cremble to thinkeof it, 
reeurne ipeedily againe, and wee 
muft feire afcer,lcft wee (hould of- 

This may feeme unto many to 
be too ftrift, that our hearts may 
notra ^ge where they lift, nor our 
delights be fattened where wee 
pleafe, but that all powers of our 
minds and members of our bodies 
muft be holden within compafle. 
But unto thofe who are acquainted 
with it, and fee what fafc peace, 
andfwret joy it bringeth to their 
life, it is no tedious bondage, but a 
(pirkuall and heavenly liberty .On 
the other fide, thofe that will not 
be perfwaded to cntcrraine it^they 
muft looke to live deftitute of a 





Briefe Virettiens 


chiefe pare of godlineflV; or if it be 
but now and then in fomeefpeciill 
aftions and parts of our life re- 
garded and looked unto, it will 
make the godly life in great part 
to be bereaved of her gaine and 

The fecond private help is Mt- 
ditatim 5 and that is when we doe 
of purpofe ftparateour (elves from 
all other things and confide* as we 
are able, and chinke of fome points 
of inftru&ion neceffary to leade us 
forward to the kingdomc of Hea-r 
ven, and the better ftrengtheniog 
us againft the Divell, and this pre- 
ftnt evill World ; and to the well- 
ordering of our lives. This hea- 
venly communion with God and 
our fcl^es, is that which the Fa- 
thers called their Soliloquies: 
which muft bed'ftinguifhedfrom 
the ordinary thinking of good 
thiogs,andpondring of words and 
anions, which yet in the Scripture 
is called meditation, Jojb. i, 8,- 
T/i/ 1 1 9. 97. for that ought never 


unto a godly Life. 


to be wanting, being a pare of 
watchfulnefle 3 andisexercifcd to- 
gether wich prayer ; bit this is 
more folemne., when a man of fee 
purpofe doth ieparate himfelfe 
from other bufimffe, to folace 
himfelfe in thefe holy and heaven- 
ly thoughts. 

The matter of this our medita- 
tion may be on any part of Gods 
Word, of God himfelfe, on his 
workes of mercy and judgement, 
of our owne eftate, of the vanity 
andmifery of this world, and of I 
the manifold privileges which wee J 
withthereftof Gods children en- 
joy: but cfpecially of thoft things 
which wee have mod efpeciall 
neede of. 

The gteit and neceffary ufc of 
this duty, may well appeare even 
in the heart of good Chriftians^ in 
which there is much naughtineffe; 
fo many rebellions;, and ioathfome 
filchineffrjthae k rnaketh fomc de- 
fpaire of reforming it, and there- 
fore they ceafe to endeavour it ; 


Brief e VireUicns 

yet if fuch noifomc poifbns be dif- 
fered to lurk and remaine in them, 
they will not only as fower weeds 
choakc the plants of grace within 
us. but alfo grow up themfelves, 
and bring forth moft noifome and 
dangerous fruit, as by wofull ex- 
perience men feeleand cry. Now 
for the weeding ofthefe out of the 
ground of our hearts, there is no 
means* Co availeable,as the confi- 
dering ofr^and deepe meditating : 
vi*. co finde out what fwarmes of 
them doe lodge in our hearts ; al- 
fo to bring them into a vile ac- 
count, to be weary and aftumed 
of them 3 and (b to entertaine 
better in their roome ; for al» 
though by the Word wee know 
our corruption^ by conference we 
revive the remembrance of them, 
and by reading we doe both* yet 
all this will be but of (ball force, 
except they be )oyned& fcafbned 
with medication. For our hearts 
are (bdcceitfull, that if once wee 
can but commend that which is 



unto a godly Lift, 



good, and fpeakeagainft evilly we 
are ready cothinkethatonrelhce 
is right marvellous good ; where- 
as ye^ if there be not in the heart 
a hacred of the one, and love of 
the other, wedoe but deceive our 
felve?. Now, when wee doe of- 
ten gage thefc hearts of ours, and 
fift our thoughts, and deale truly 
(in accufing or excufing) as wee 
love our foules; though wee finde 
finne to fit neere and faft glued, yet 
by Gods affiftanceand blcffing we 
(hall breake o AT and chafe away 
theft curfed fwarraes of prophane 
thoughts and defires; we fhall be- 
come better armed againft them 
afterwards, and our heart being 
thus mollified, anirelentiig, wee 
(hill furnifh them more gracioufly 
with holy thought?, and heaven- 
ly defire^ and draw them inco 
more neere and heavenly commu- 
nion with our God; taking heede 
of the ftgred baius of earthly de- 
lights, and tranficory pleafurcsof 
this world. In (umme, the fruir and 



Briefe "DireUions 


benefit which by oar medication 
and private prayer wee rcape, is fo j 
great (the Spirit of God changing 
our hearts thereby from their dai- 
ly courfc and cuftome more and 
more, and bringing the heavenly 
life into more liking with us, and 
making it more eafic and fweete 
which wich the men of this world 
isfo irkefbme and unfovoury) that 
none canexprefle and conceive it, 
but hee which hath felt the fame. 
Therefore it is that the men of 
God, who are mod commended 
for their piety, both of old, as 
MofesJ)avid,?aulfiLc. and in our 
times alio, are moft taken up of 
this exercifc; and others that are 
ftrangers to it, though they be 
good Chriftians, want much fruit 
which by it they may reaps. 

The lees which are enemies to 
this duty, they are of two forts; 
for either they are fuch which hin- 
der men altogether from going a- 
bout if, or elfe ftch as keepe them 
from taking any good thereby 
» - when 



unto ag$dlyLift. 


hen they enter into ic. Qf the 
brmer fort there are three. 

1- The firft is when a Chrifti- 
n knowing this duty to be requi- 
ed of him 5 gocth about ic> but 
ee is fo empty and barren that he 
ath no matter to beftow the time 
and his cogitations about. Now 
for the remedy of this, there (hall 
be rules and examples fit downe 
hereafter: but in generall, it (hall 
be expedient for him to pro- 
pound unto this his meditation 
thefe foure things, 

i. Firftj of his unworchineffe, 
vilencfle, finnes and corruptions 

2. Secondly, thegreatnefleof 
Gods bounty in his deliverance, 

3. Thirdly,how he may be gui- 
ded throughout that prefent day, 
according to the rules of dircftion, 
elpecially in the hardefl points. 

4. FourthIy,of the (everall parts 
of the Chriftian armor which God 
hath appointed for his ftrengthe- 

2. The fecond impediment of 



Brieje Virt&ions 

\ this fort, is an unfit mind unto 
fpiritaall and heavenly duties, 
through feme unfctledncffe, fl Jth- 
fulneffc, or other corruptions. 

Now the beft remedy for fuch 
a one, is to meditace of his prcfmt 
unfitneffe, loofentfie of heart, and 
earthly-mindednefleto count itan 
heavie burden to accufe his heart, 
and Co to bring it to relenting, by 
confidering howfarreoffit ispre- 
(ently from tha^ mildneffe,humble- 
iiefle^ heavenlinefle, andreadinfle 
unto duties which have beene ia 
him at fome other times : but let no 
man give any liberty in any fort to 
his evill heart, when it isturned 
away from chceref nine fle and wil- 
lingnefle in any part of Gods fer- 
vice to goe forward therein, for 
that were to bring him to utter 

3. The third let is, want of op- 
portunity by reafon of neceffary 
bufinefle taking up the time; or 
for want of convenient place, as it 
failed) out to fea-men, and thofe 


unto a g$dly Life. 


;hat havefmall and poors houfcs : 
boncerniog which, it is noc to be 
ienied but chat there may fome- 
:ime fall out fuch bufinefleasmay 
sxcufe us in the omiffion of this 
duty; and this muftberemerobrcd 
rbat the ordinary duties of our cal- 
lings muft noc put this dutie out of 
place, for if chey doe, ic is through 
unskilfulnfle, or untowardneffe cf 
them who commit this fault : one 
of them is appoiured of God to 
e with the other, and both of 
xhem ftand together in upholding 
of their inward peace. If any man 
b^ rich, hee hath theleffecaufe to 
be holden from it by worldly care; 
if they be poore, they have the 
more need of it to moderate their 
care, that ic exceed not, nor carry 
them to unbeliefe : but if any in- 
tend, or pretend extraordinary bu- 
fincfle, they muft take heede that 
they feeke not cloakes for their 
do- h : yet if any have neceflary lets 
iadecd, hereby they (hall appearc 
to be fruitlcfle if at any time God 


_ I 

i S 6 

Briefe Uire&ims 


be remembred feme other way as 
foall be mod convenient 1 , and thisj 
duty fupplyed when the hinde- 
rarce ispait. 

Of the fecond fort oflets which 
may be called abufes,thcre be espe- 
cially two. 

i. Thefirftistoufcitflcightly, 
and (o to make a ceremony of it : 
the remedy whereof is to hold our 
mindes wich taking delight in it ; 
for this, and all other good helpes 
willbeunfavouryuntous, except 
wee (hould fallen a love and liking 
on them. 

2. The fecond is when although 
we be defiroustoufe meditation, 
yet our heads are (b full of trifling 
and wandringfantafies,or worldly 
matters, that we cannot mind hea- 
venly things : the cauft of this is 
the letting looft of our hearts all 
the day difbrderly, without wat- 
ching over them, or keeping them 
within an holy compifle. Fofcthe 
remedying of it, wee muft there- 
fore carefully fct our (elves agairft 


unto a godly Life. 

i »37 



he corruptiorts of our hearts, la« 
>ouringtodry ; } d thole fwimiBing 
oies with the flame of heavenly 
md fervent afFc£Uou$ ; wee muft 
:ie up our loofc hearts throughout 
he day from their deadly cu^ome 
;f ranging after vaine,fond,and de- 
:eicfu]l thought*, dreames andde- 
ight8;this whofbeverdothornoc 
t all, or feldome, or coldly, they 
ofe a great part of their f wect and 
)ltflcd living hcre,noi in/oying the 
enthp^rt of thofe privileges and 
ibertics, which God h;th provi- 
ied for them in their PiIgriimg-% 

The Rules of dire&ion in me- 
litating bethefo 

i. Hec who dtfireth to have 
ifielpe by meditation, muft weigh 
how flippery 3 fickle, and wande- 
ring his heart is infinite waies to 
his exceeding hurt; and that hce 
innft of neceffity appoint fonie fet 
time to check>rcclaime,and weane 
: t frcjoi the fame, Unm. 17. 9. 

2. Hce muft warch over r 

G heart < 




»*"——• *• 

heart (having bccne (b often de- 
ceived by it through hit whole 
life) and have it in fufpicion, that 
fo it may be more fie to be drawnc 
to iuch heavenly cxercifes, and at- 
tend unto the fame. 

3 • This being obfer ved,Iet him 
draw matter of meditation and 
prayer from bis owne wants acd 
infirmities* from Gods bencfics > 
from the changes and mortality of 
this life, &c. cfpecially of that 
which is moft availeable for this 

4. If hee cannot doe that, let 
him reade fbme part of the Scrip- 
ture, or other booke fie tofeafbn 
and well afFe& bis minde, that Co 
his mind may be quickened to the 
performance of this duty. 

Particular meditation concer- 
ning duties to be praftifed. 

No man (hall be fit togoverne 
himfelfe aright before men, if 
hee doe not ufuaily acquaint 
hitnfelfe with, and feme hirafelfc 
v tfter that Chriftian tour (e, firft be- 
I fore 

■ <W 

^■■P • 

unto a g§Mj Lift. 

I x 3* 

|Forc Gcd. Yet no man rouft reft in 
Iprivare txerciks of Religion with- 
out a wcl-ordered life before men. 
Every part of our calling mnft be 
(6 carry ed j as wee may have peace 
thereby; if a man be fallen, hee 
muft not lie ftill, Itr .8. 6. but re- 
tume unro God, though with dif- 
ficulty, Exod. 33, 8. the breach 
muft be made up in our confeien- 
ces ; which if wee doe, God is not 
farreoff, iSam.y.y. 10.12.22. 

If wee rejoyce oaely in prospe- 
rity, it is x ligne that Gods bene- 
fits, not his favour, makes U8 mer- 
ry. It is a good thing to re pyce in 
the Sabbaths, and in the communi- 
on of Saints ; yet wee may not reft 
therr, but in this, thstGodisour 
portion alwaies, Ffalm. no c 57. 
2 Or. 5. 16* 

In crofles wee muft ufc great (6- 
briety, other wife wee fhall be wi- 
fe t. Jed by them : to this end wee 
muft prep ate and looke for trouble 
before it come, and ink we muft 
meditate of the beft privilege that 

G 2 God 


Briefe DireUiom 

God hath given unto us, 1 Sam. 30. 
6. yfal.77. 

Wee ftldom* keepe unlawfull 
commoditics,or rt Joyce too much 
inlawfull,butthe Lord doth croflfe 
us in them. The moft vexations 
in oar life become annoyances un- 
to us through our owoe default; 
in that, wee either prevent them 
not when wee may, or beare them 
not as we ought, or make not ufe 
of them as wee might doe. Whea 
matters of more importancee than 
our Salvation ia come in place, 
let us be occupied in them with , 
more fervency than in that : but 
not before. Thepra&iceofgodli- 
nefic is a rich and gainfull trade, 
Prcv.$. 14, but if it be not well 
followed, it will bring no great 
profit. To haue a willing tuindc to 
be well occupied, and matter, a. 
bout which wee may, and time 
to bertow therdn, andfre^deme 
from lets therefrom , is ao eflate 
m* f ch to be made of. gud yet for 
the raoft part, c riey v. hkh havcal- 



nnto a g*ty Life. 

I" rnort all outward incourapcments, 
cannot tell what to do with them. 

Whatfoever meafiire of graces 
wee have gotten, yet ic is cenaine, 
that God hach much more (or us 
than we can thinke of> if thofe be 
the matters which wee have in 
greateft price ; but being fee light 
by, and the raeanes neglected 
which prefcrve them, ttay die. 
That is a good eftate, when wee 
have not o/,ely ) ;y in heaven- 
ly thirgs at the tirft hearing of 
them, butincreafnginjoyjasour 
knowledge and experience increa- 
fe h ; *nd when wee are not oncly 
delighted in thefe prefan duties of 
Godsfervice, but alfo as joy full to 
thinke of them which are to come, 
accounting that the more they be, 
the better ihty are, Tfr more lure 
the u art of God his favour by 
far.b, the more humble thou art 
alfo, Mdttb. 15.27. 

They aic worthy of great pu- 
nifoment who fee light by thr 
plenty of that grace, the crummee 

G 3 where- 1 





Rriifi VireQions 




whereof Gods hungry fcrvants do 
ftf great ftore by. When wee are 
rffl fted, and the wicked (pared, 
our eftate fcemeth to them mod 
vile ; when we are both in profpe- 
rity , they feeme more happy ; 
when they and wee bebothaffli- 
£hd, then they account our eftate 
happier than their owne, bate fpe- 
dally when they area ffi&cd, and 
' we (pared, Evod* 1425. 

Wee may not affigne the Lord, 
in what place, (late* condition, or 
in what company wee would live, 
but as Grangers wtit on him, even 
as the hand-maid on her Miftrefle, 
for whatfoever hee will allow us : 
wee arc ready moft commonly to 
be called away by death, before 
we befit, or have learned how to 
lire, Looke what care^onfeience, 
leak, lore, and reverence, eftima- 
tion of good thing?, thouhaddeft 
when firft thou embraced'il the 
Gofpell- the fame at leaft retaine, 
and be fare thou keepeft ftill after- 
wards. The more knowledge that 


unto a godly Lift. 

thou ha ft, take heed chou beeft roc 
more fecure ; for thas ic it with 
many at this day, who therefore 
doe fmart for ic. 

Wee (hall not er py the grace 
which wee had ac the firftj except 
wee bz carefu<l now tokeepcic, 
as wee were then to com: by ir. 

Keep downe carnall liberty ,and 
the fpiriruall liberty fhall be great, 
and reft oa God, and ic (hall make 
thee overcome the hardeft ching3. 

Wee rauft remember to ferve 
and walke with God by daies, not 
by weekes and moneths onely, 
Pfal. 92. 12. 

As Husband-men wait for their 
fruits, fo fhould we for that which 
wee pray and hope for$ andtbit 
woidd make us j)y full when wee 

If we can rejoyce at the conver- 
sion of a finner, then arc we Chrift 
his friends, Lukf 15.6. 

Ic b a folly, yea, a madneffe, to 

be heavie to the death for any 

earthly thing, when yet a mm 

G 4 defireth 





Briefe ~DirtUtons 


I defireth. nothing more than life 

All our life ought to be a provi- . 
ding for a good end,and a keeping' 
away of wo which commctb by 

The fLfh would faine pleafeit 
felfe in fome unlawful! liberties, 
when wc have pleafed God in foroe 
duties ; but a wile roan will keepe 
well when hee is well. The more 
grace wt perceive in a iy man, and 
conftancie, the more hee is like to 
God,tbe better we^ ought to love 
him, 7^.13.23. JP/i/. 1 5 - 4» 

Where there is wilfulrufle in 
finning, there is great difficulty in 
relenting, and alio no power nor 
boldnefll in believing. Many be- 
ginning well in godlinefle have 
fainted and quailed, or beene juft, 
Iy reproached before their end^ 
that others may the more fcare 
their owne weaknefle: where new 
knowledge isnotfbnghr, there is 
the lefls favour in the ufe of the 
old- and when men make not 
good uft of the old, the fee- 

king of the new is but noveltie. 
Men having experience of Sa- 

I" cans malice and con ciniull dogging 
of them to doe evilly it fliauld 
teach them to truft better in their 
armour, and Uffk to therafelves. 

Where we fufpe& thac corrup- 
tions grow, if wee goe net about 
to pull chem out, arid plucke them 
up, they will be too deeply faftned 
in a fhort time. 

Though man pray and medi- 
tate, and keepe a better courfein 
his life than fbme do?, yet if hce 
doe it bucfl.ighcly, that the flefh 
prevailech iruch in hindering the 
well-performing of ic, all will 
fuone come to nought - it may be 
perceived in che fway it bearenh in 
other parts of che life, and then let 
it be fpeedily amended. 

Ic is good (b to cafte our fclves 
with duties, one or ocher,at 11 
times, and in all places., chat Co do- 
ing, wee may cut off occafions of 

Let no fione be flnghcly pafled 

G 5 over 

146 I 

Briefe D'tnUims 

^ **■ 

1 r* 

; 'i 


I over or omicced, for when it com- 
racthto remembrance in trouble., 
it will fee an heavie burden r and 
pinch us to the heart. 

THc third' private fielpe is the 
armour of a Chriftian: con- 
cerning which foure points are fit 

1 £irft,wbat it is, and which 
be t he cbiefc pa rts of it , 

Icbthat fpirituall furdrure of 
the gifts and graces of the holy 
Gboft, by which God doth deli* 
ver his from all adver&ry power 5 
and bringjhem to the obedience of 
his will^2 Cor. 10.4* the parts are 
fee downe, Ef>bef>6. 1 4. 

r WhcrcofJiefirttisfinceJty, 
which is the general! grace^where- 
by a Chriftian is made Ample, and 
without fraud, or hypocrifie bea- 
ring (way in him, both towards 
God and hia neighbour, P/i/.ja 2. 

2 The f cond is righreoufiufff; 
which is that gift of the Spirit, 




f 47 

whereby our hearts are bent to all 
manner of goodnefle, and righte- 
ous dealing,approving of it as raoft 
excellent, defiring fervently, and 
delighting in it, and that becaufc it 
is good, and d diking, and hating 
of all naugbciaeffe and evill, Pri. 
28. i, ffkiX.j. 

3 The third is the (hooes of 
peace, which h 5 that having re- 
ceived the Gofpell, and found 
the fweetneflk of it, wee are now 
thereby as cney who are ready to 
take a j :>urney (hod and prepared, 
ready to deny our felves, and to 
take up out croflfe and follow 
Chrift, through this our pilgri- 
mage, Rpw.5. 1. Lukt 21. 33. 57. 
Phil, 4 7. lob. 16.33. 

4 The fourth is the fliicld of 
faith : which is to build our per- 
wafionon God his faubfall pro- 
mifes, that Chrift Iefas is ours : 
and thit Godhathgiven him to us, 
to obtaine forgivenefle of our fins, 
and feWation by him, yea, and 
til other good things alfo naeece 





Briefe Vire&ons 

for thispretenc life, Colof. 1.33, 

5 The fifth his hope, which is 
a joyfull bnging, and itedfaft de- 
firc and looking for the perfor- 
ming and accomplifhiog of all 
thofe mercies, reroporall and eter- 
nail, which God hach promifed, 
and wee by faith are afjiircd of, 
Lu\.2.^o.Tet. 1. 13. 

6 The fixth is the fword of the 
Spirir, which is to be well inftru- 
Ged in the (bund and living know- 
ledge of the Scriptures, androdi- 
geft the fame, and aUb (eafon our 
uuderftanding withia us : in fuch 
wife that weemaykaowthewtli 
of God, and have the forae in re- 
membrance in the things which 
moft concerne us,(as we can:)hit 
thereby wee may at ail cim*$, and 
in all edes, be readily led by ic, 
PfaL 1 1 9. 105. Where it ig ro be 
reniOnbred, char Hee which hath 
mofi knowledge, i^'hee be not gui- 
ded by that he underftji,derh, hec 
fenowcth nothing as hce oughr, 
10.3,18- Prtfv.^6* leb^^.iy. 


*iu«Ag*lly Lift. 


TKc f cond generall point is 
rhe r.ec^ ffi ie of this armour, 
viz, that wee (h :>uld cloath and 
furrjifhourfouk-s, with every pare 
ofit: wh ; ch is fo great, that the 
right Chriftian life cannot ftand 
without it : for to venture upon 
the manifold tribulations of this 
life without the {booes of prepa- 
ration, is as much as to goe bare- 
foot amo gthornes, or to ranne 
naked upon the pikes. 

To bs deftitute of this fliield 
of faith, is the undoubted way 
cither to defpaire utterly, or clfe 
in deadly presumption axlfecuri- 
ty, to drowne our felvea in per- 

To leave off the breft-plate of 
righteoufneflc, is to expofe him- 
(elfc into the danger of every 
temptation - for hee that doth noi 
from time to time afrefh indent 
with his heart againft ail unrighte- 
ou(oeflc,he may Luk to be carried 
iaco thofe unlaw Full a&ions which 




Briefe DireUicns 

(hall bring difgace to hirafelfe, 
and his holy profeffion a Wo, 
i Cot % 6. 4. 5. 

Hee chat hath notthefwordof 
Gods Spirit, fo that hee be able to 
lay in temptations, it is written 
to the contrary, (hall never be 
able to cut in (under thofe bonds 
of finne, wherewith hee fliall be 

He that hath not all thefe gir- 
ded to him, whh finccrity and 
truth, (hall bnt deceive himfclfe 
and others alfo. 

Hee that hath not true hope of 
(alvation>to keepclife in bis foule, 
how can hee be void of fainting, 
on^dumpUhncile, andfundryfoch 
difcouragements? Or how can he 
have any cheerefulcefleinhislife, 
or contcntedncfle,, that hath not 
this hope of pafiing his afflifting 
daks, under the wings of God his 

So that wee may well affirme, 
without this compleatc armour of 
s God 

unU *godlj Lift 

iud,<hat the Gbriftian life cannot 

THc third point is, how this 
Armour fhould be put on. For 
e anflver whereof wee are to 
ow, that it is not wholly wan- 
ing in any rrue Chriftian : for eve- 
ry true believer at his firft conver- 
fion, is made partaker (chough in 
weake rreafurc) of all things ap- 
pertaining to life and godlteeflfe, 
iPet. 1,4. 

What then raeanech the Apoftle 
when he b'ddeth us put on this ar- 
mour? His meaning is* char wee 
fhould not have it u mea in the 
time of peace have their bodily 
armour hanging by them, unfit f r 
ufe ; but as fouldiers have theirs in 
battel! , wemnft be fare, that in all 
pUceSjand upon all occasions, we 
have it with us fo fane as wee are 
able, werauft licdowne, and rife 
up with k ; becaufe our battell 
lafteth ail our life long, and our 
/enemies be deadly, and all our 






Britfe Virettions 


ftrcngth is by our armour. 

N>w to put on, and alfo to 
keepe on, and to have the feeling 
of every part of this armour, (faith 
againft diftruft, hope againft fain- 
ting, uprightnefle againft hypo- 
crific; knowledge againft thed?- 
ceitfulnefle of fm ; rigfreoufnefle, 
againft all kindeof iniquity, and 
the preparation of the Gofpell of 
peace, againft'crofl&s) to have, I 
(ay, this armour in areadineflV,we 
muft ufe continual] watching, 
hearty prayer, ana frequent medi- 
tation about them, Matth^b*^ 

Here is to be obferved, tha? the 
fwordofthe Spirit hath two bran- 
ches, viz* that knowledge which 
wee get out of the leer er of the 
Scrip* urc onely, and lb have it but 
by rule: and tht knowledge which 
wee Iearneby proofe and triall for 
the bettering of us : for a* in all 
trades and fciences there is great 
difference bet wixc the experimen- 
tall knowledge of them, and bare 
or naked skill of them ; fo is 


unt§ a godly Life. 

there great diftance betwixt one 
that bach onely attained fo much 
knowledge as will enable him to 
girc account of his faith, and him 
who hath had the proofeof this 
knowledge, how it hathbeene ef- 
fe&aall in him. Hee confidereth, 
obferveth, and applieth the things 
which heheareth, fecth,and doth, 
to his owne ufe : and by things 
pafttfaus duly regarded, heelear- 
neth and getteth widiome to ad- 
vift and guide him for the pretend 
and for the time to come* 

This is experience, which ma- 
kethuswifein all things that arc 
profitable to godlineflc and eter- 
nal! life. 

The observation of the reward 
of evill will make us avoyd it ; and 
experience of the fruit of a godly 
life, is the belt meane to continue 
it: our owne friall how sffl ftions 
may be of.lieft borne, and come 
tobdtend, is our bfft rule forever 
afcer. Thr. example w*c have in 
T>Avid, Tftlm. 120, i. I Sjm.\j* 






Briefe VtreOknr 

34. VfMm.jj. io. Tfalm.y?. 37. 
Li furoroe, as in all Trades the 
beginning is hardeft, and experi- 
ence bringetb facility; fo it is in 
the pra&ice of Chriftianky.Woe- 
full therefore it is, that in this, of 
all other,, men will not labour for 
experience. I 

4. The fourth generall fruit is, 
the benefit of this armour, which 
is not fmall, for hee that putteth it 
en, and goetb cloathed with id 
thorow the day, though the Di- 
vell, and his inftrumentg, doe a£ 
fault by craft and deceit, or by 
force and might, hee (ball mighti- j 
ly prevaile againft th m, and pre- 
fcrve himfelfe ; he {hill be able to 
live with comfort in all eftatesthat 
God (hall fet him in, and in all 
places which hee (hall bring him 
to • and change by no occafions 3 
but hold out until! an end be made 
of all difficulties and uncertainties. 

We may (erve God well enough 
without putting on this armour af- 
ter foftrid a manner. 


unto a godly Life. 


It is true indeed.,thata Chriftian | Anfr*. 
trrving God may be ignorant of 
ihis armour; but hte cannot then 
ay, bt fcrveth God wellenougft ; 

csufcthatkindoflifemuft needs, 

wandriog, unfettled, and not to 
ibe refted in. 

' Ac icaft it is not expedient to Obittt. 
impofe (b heavie a burchen upon 

The childe of Godisnofboner Afljy*. 
borne, bot he defireth to continue , 
in tbat eftate of life and falvation, 
to p'eafc God in all things^ and to 
roaincaine peace and joy within 
himfclfc; all which iJcffc&cd by 
the ufe of this armour. 

NOw to come to thofe helpes, 
cither by our fdves alone, or 
others alfo (for the other kinde 
\ (hall have another place) thef: are 
prayer and reading.Firii of Praier. 
Prayer is a caling upon God 
accordlingto his will ; it hath two 
'parts, Thankefgiving and Rcqueft, 
k whereunto isadded the Confcllion 


Bricfe VireUions 

of iinnes. Thankefgiving is t 
part of Prayer, in which we bci 
comforted by fame benefit, whicfc 
in favour God beftowethupon us, 
are drawne to love and pra fe him, 
and fhew forth the fruits thereof. 
In thisdire&ica,there are to be; 
obferved three things and three! 
motives unco them. 

" i. The firft motive is kncwl 
ledge and doe cenfiteraion of 
feme particular benefit received 
or promifed us, i Sam. 25. 32J 
Gen. 24. 27. Lnkc 17. 1 5. With- 
out thefe three can be no true *nd 
heartie thankefgiving, howfbever 
in words there be a protection 

2. The (econdis j ^y and glad- 
nefTe of hearf,for the benefit which 
wee thinke of, or calltorninde, 
Pfalrn. 116. 1.2. Except wee finde 
this fweetnefie in the mercic?, no 
dutyofthankescm in good fort be 
performed by them. 

3, The third, is a perf ^afionj 
that the benefit for which we givq 


UKtoagtdfy Life. 


nkes, comracch to us from God 

fatherly lore. 

This is a farre greater caufe of 
adneffe than the benefit it felfe, 
al. 116. J. 

1. Ilr tirft dt'fy is a continu- 
ceofourlovetoGod, P/.12& 1. 

2. The (econd i$ a defir-- to fee 
rthhis g'ory, anJ in w;rdsto 
of (Te and confefle his good- 

; forif\veelovedv:Lord,wc 
nnot but be carried with this 
rventdchrejtoadvsr.es an J ring- 
ed hioi, PfaL 116. 12 and 1 11. 

3. The third is a further prc- 
:eding in obedience and walking 
rorrhy his kindntfle : this one if 
be wanri^gfroro the reft, maketh 

lem all lame., and maimed, and as 
dious to God as the mortlings 
fhrch were offered to him in fi- 
rifices,D/«/.6.i 0. 1 1 . P/j/. 5 o. 1 6. 
If in this manner wee (hould 
rame our (clyes to thankefjlnsffe, 
rmuftneedes be a mighty and for- 
ible meanes to mollifie the hard 


tfart 3 and to hold under the ftrudy 
* corrup- 

corruptions of it, fo that they may 
be ful j tSt to God ; yea,even when 
ftrong provocations doc draw co 

Thus much of Thankefgiving : 
Now for Confefliot?. Conftffion is 
an acknowledgement of our felves 
f o be guilty, and worthily to hare 
deter ved Gods v. rath for our grie* 
voos offences; together with a free 
and humble bewailing of them be- 
I fore the Lord : fuch as are un- 
kno wne to us in a gcnerall manner, 
but thofe which we do know (ac- 
cording to the nature of them)par- 

To the right practice of this, 
there arc fourc things reqaired. 

i The firft, that wee feele our 
fr.nes odious and burthenfome 

2 Secondly, that we accufe our 
iclv ;S of them to @od# 

3 Thirdly, that we ftand at his 
mercy, having dcfeived condem- 

4 Fourthly, that wee abaft our 



unt§ a godly Lift. 


(elves thereby, and fo are weak- 
ned, and our pride abated. 

All chefc are in the confeifion of 
David. c Pfal.')i.oiDamil 9. of the 
Prodigall foa, Lmk,. 1 5 1 7. 

Now this Gonfcllion being from 
time to time often made unto God, 
wiilnotfufferustogoe farre, and 
lie long in any finne, but hunt if 
oat before it be warme and neftled 
in us; and therefore it rauftnecdes 
be of great force to ftrengthen us 
in a godly life. 

The hit part of Prayer, is Re- 
queft ; it is that part of Prayer, 
wherein wee carnsftly poare out 
our futes unto God, in contri- 
tion of hearr, according to his 
will, with comfortable hope, that 
through Chi ift we fhall be heard, 
and therefore forfakiog the finne 
which might hinder our futf . 

In this du*y alfo there arc fours I 
things to be oblervcd. 

1 Firft, that wee fhe w this con- 
trition of heart, by being preflcd 
with feeling our want*; unwor- 

thincfle, I 


Brhfe ViTcUums 

cbintffc, zniferable eftate, and ma- 
nifold miferies, earneftly cfcfiring 
co be pardoned ar deafed, i Sam. i. 

I* this be (o (as will (bone fol- 
low, upon right confdlion) wee 
(hall neither pray in l.p-laboiir, 

bichGodabhormh* northinkr 
o;:r felves too good to wait Gods 
le ifurtj if ar firft hee grant not our 
requefty, but continue them as he 

11 T»andech # 

2 That wee asfce onely thofe 
things aswsthave a word for^and 
in fuch fort a? hee nathprumifed 
them, 1 fob. 5. 14. 

3 That wee qui' keo our felyes 
to come in faich and confidence, 
and eft. times to come chearefully 
co this duty, Jam.6. i. fob. 16.24.. 

Now to the end we may come 
with chearefull delight unto this 
duty, let us confider thelites, 
which are cfpecially three, 

1 Firft, that by prayer wee are 
made in a fort acquainted^ and fa- j 
miliar with God, and know his 


unto a g*&ly Ltfe. 


m:r,d and will, and hew he is affo- 
rd to us, being admicce:* ro fpeak 
unto h'lm^lMm.^Z.Ioh. 16.26. Rev* 
3 10. 

2 Secondly, that it giverh life 
to God his graces in us, which be- 
fore lay halfe dead; as w ee may fte 
in the example of Sficr. 

3 Thirdly, : treachcihonttous 
in our greateft neede, the good 
things and ^ifes of God which our 
fdvesdefire, Mtttb. j.j. 

4 The fourth and laii property 
of prayer, is y thit wee bring not 
with us the tins which will curne 
tway the eares of God from hea- 
ung us ; (uch are any fanes not re- 
pented ofj butlycoin, fecretlyat 
the leaft,and not rcaouaccd, frov. 
28.19. PfaL 7.4. 

Thcfe are che puts of prayer, 
which if they be reverently and 
humbly adjoined together (as they 
ought) accompanied wkh the 
tore-mentioned properties j if we 
be falko, they will raife us up ; if 

: be heavie, they will comfort 

H usi 

I ■!■-■!. ■ ■ ■ I I II . 1 — »— — ^— — ^— 



us; ifwe be dull,they will quicken 
us; they are a prefent remedy to 
the oppreflfed heart, apreferverof 
the godly life, a giver of flrength 
to tneweake, an efpeciall meanes 
to make a man live in every eftare 
wherein God hath fee him : there- 
fore prayer muft needs be a ftrong 
and mighcy help-to the godly life ; 
for if we pray well, and keeps our 
felves in caie fit to perforce this 
duty, we (hall not need to feare in 
our life any great annoyance. 

THe next helpe is reading ; the 
general! rules for if^are thefe : 
i FirP^^atthebcokesotGod 
be roc laid aficte and nrglcftec^ 
butreidon as oft of every one t% 
may b? : other wife much unfivo- 
linelTe, unqiiictmfle» anfruitful- 
ntfft, and uncheerefuineffei will 
follow even In the be(h 

2 That all fikhyjkwd^and wan- 
ton bookes, yea,needlcfleand tin- 
prc/kib!e be avoided. ( j 

I 3 That in che Scriptures there! 

-I — I ■ 111, 

unto a g*d!j Life. j 

be a conftanc going on in order, 
an d not here and there a Chapter : 
and of otherAut hours, rather lee 
one or two be read 'Well and of- 
ten^ than many fleighcly. 

Now as concerning the manner 
of reading, 

i It muft be with hearty good 
will to learne and profit by ir, de- 
firing God to prepare us with re- 
verence, &c. 

2 We muft fettle our (elves for 
the time to be attentive, and (o 
to abandon the wandring of the 
heart as much as may be. 

3 Wee rauft be carefull to ap- 
ply that which wee reade wifely 
to our fclvcs ; as perfwading our 
fclvesthat all duties arc comman- 
ded us 3 all fins foibidden us 3 and all 
promifes to be .believed of us: 
likewifc wee rauft lookc that all 
exhortations, and admonitions 
quicken i*;tll reprchenfions check 
us; and all threats caufc us to feare. 
If reading be thus ufed, it will ma- 
ny waies appcafc the confeience; 

H i in- 


■■ ^^ ■ ^ ■ 




inlightcn the judgement, inlarge 
. the heart, relieve the memory, 
move the afft&ions^and in a word, 
draw the whole man unto God j 
and therefore muft needs with the 
reft be a Angular hdpe and furthc- 
rancc^o a godly and Chriftian life* 

Hitherto of ordinary helpes, 
extraordinary are efpecally 

1 Firft^Solemnethanlcfgiving, 

2 Aid fccondly, fading with 
prayer more than ufuall adjoyned . 

Thcfirfti*, when infomerare 
and unlooked for deliverance out 
of defperate danger, we doe in 
mofl fervent manner y^cld praife 
tr/God for the fame, and re Joyce 
heartily in the remembrance and 
confideration of if, tying our 
klves in a renewing of ourhcly 
covenant more firm ly to the 
Lord: «nd reftifyingboch fhrfc by 
fignes and Qnfaincd go»>d will ro 
oar brethren. AH which are to be kj 
fe^Dt meft dkardy and lively in P 





that moft famous example of £y?*r 
and M^rdccay^ Efter. 9. Ic is to be 
uCcd acco; ding co the occafion : 
fvheo the occafion of ic belongs to 
a whole Churchy and ispublikeiy 
performed : ic ought to be accom- 
panied with the preaching of the 
Wotd 9 for the qutekenhg of the 
aflembly. If the occafion be pri- 
vate, it is to be ofed privatdy,with 
P/almf s praifing of his Name, and 
fpeaking of his vvorkes, and rea- 
ding Scriptures tending to that 

The fecond extraordinary help 
is fading : and this is a mqQ earneft 
profc (fiun of deepe humiliation in 
ibfiinencc, with confelfion of fins 
and fitppl cations (tor thegreatcft 
pm of the Jay at the Jeift)'oGod, 
'o rurnc av7ay fome fore calamity 
from is, or for the obtaining of 
(bmeipcchll blclfiug. 

!r mi it b 'Lk I arcordingtooc- 
cafio; s, asc'ieo.her; but neither 
muft b: taken in hand, without 

___ H 3 Now 

— . f " 


1 66 


Briefe Vin&ions 


Nowifwc weigh the force and 
ufe of theft exerciieSjhowrihe one 
raifeth up a pyfull recordirg of 
other bringeth us low tor our 
cwne viIencfle 9 morccfpecially rc- 
membred. Both of them doe ex- 
ceedingly draw our hearts to more 
love snd obedience to God; wee 
mu ft needs cocfefle them to bs cf- 
fe&aall mcanes for thefcttirgus 
forward in a godly life. 

NO w that a believer is defined, 
the godly life described, 2nd 
the helpes thereunto ad j >yned t lc 
rcmaineth in the next place, to di- 
refirthe weake Chriftian in the 
right ufe and applying of the 
raeaaes* For thofe dudes of godli- 
ncSs are not left to mca (bmetimes 
to bepra&ifed, and at other times 
to be negle&^dj nor generally on- 
ly, but particularly in all their 
a&ion*; and every day, and tho- 
rowouc the day, to be looked un. 
to and regarded. The meaning is [ 

nor. (^ 

unto a godly Life. 



nor, that the felfe-fame particular 
aftions and duties fhould be every 
day, butyetthatallevillbeavoy- 
ded every day,apd fiich good done, 
as in onr calling and life (hall be 

i Firft therefore to declare thar 
the believer muft have direftion 
for his life every day out of Gods 
Word; it is manifcftly proved our 
of chefe places of Scriptare, i Pet. 
1,17. 4.2. Heh*3. 14. £04.1.75. 

2 Tbc Scripture doth commend 
unto us a certaine courfe to walke 
in with God, and a particular di- 
rection of our !i ve s ss may be £en, 
T/i. ; . r 1 p. p. Prt*io.9.CjdI. 6a6. 

And 60c further require the 
fame to be daily kept and follow- 
ed of us, Pnv. 21.14. 1 tim\ 5. 10. 
Pfil. 119.97. P/J/.7 1.15. ^£2.2 4. 
1 6.&c. 24. 7. P/*/. 145. 2. There- 
fore Chriftian j murt be guided by 
fomc daily direftions in the lea- 
dingofcheir lives. 

3 Furthermore^ fo many parts 
of a daily dire&ionaswilliuffici- 

I H_4 emly 1_ 

II ■ ■• I I 

1 68 

ftritfe VireQ ois 


ently dircft a man 3 be en joyned in 
the Word oi God co be daily ufed, 
as in the parts of ic 5 and thchelpes 
unco ir. In prolperity, Iam.%. 13. 
I Tbef.^i^.Iam. 2.23. In afflicti- 
ons, lam. 1.5.2 Chr. 2 0.34. Lam., 
3. 2j.Pfal $2.6.2 Sam. 15 . 26.Luki \ 
9. 23.Ptttf.3312. Mmh.26.^\. 
Among the helpes for Prayer^ 
Pfal.tf.16. & X 19.164* ?r*.6,22. 
For watchfulnefle, Pfil. 1 19. 97. 
For reading, lofh. 1. 8. and as for 
J publike hearing^ Prcv.2. 33. ^7j 

I 4 B:fidcs, if wee confider the 
danger that fo! ! oweth the neglett- 
ingof thisdirtftion f by taking un* 
lawfulJ liberty, that will be a rca- 
ion to (tirre us up unco the imbra- 
cingohhis cruhj for,firftweare 
caught prefewly with the deceir. 
fulnefleof lilt fome Way or other, 
Mat. 2641. Htb.$* 13*2 Tim. 4. 5 
Prov. 28. 1 3, 

2 Secondly, GOD WmfdCe, 
»h M}g\ he kcepe his children from I 
many eyills while they defire it J 

, 7£fl\ 


unto & godly Lift. 



yet if they be fecure, hce leaveth 
them to themlclves, aad docb pc- 
ni(h their finnc as hee doth other 
mens, 2 S*m. 7. 14. 2 Chro. 1 6. 9. 
prw. 10 9 *P/i/, Sp j, and we all 
know that Satan wacchech all op- 
portunities to hurt us, Mattb. 1 3. 

Tatbtfcteafons may be add'd, 

5 That this daily dire&ion is 
the beft meanes co keepe us well, 
while wee be well, and to rail's us 
up being fallen. 

6 That the very tenComman- 
dcmcn r s/nj lyningdutLs towards 
hi nfelfc generally on fixe daies in 
three commandments, and efpe- 
cially on the fevench in the fourth, 
but towards men on alidads, doe 
lead us to this daily dire&ion. 

7 That Gad hath forbidden 
fuch differences co be mad^ of 
daies, as that in one wee fhould 
be carefull, in others caicklie, 
</<*/. 4 10. CJ.2. 16. 

H % 8 And 


BrUJe Virtilitns 

8 And laftly, thac our whole 
and daily converfafbn rnuft be in 

Therefore as a man thac haih 2 
long journey to travel^ wiHnot 
count this fofficsnt dire ftion to 
goeonEfttararJj or Weft w a ;d, or 
fuch gcnerall rules^ but will take 
a particular note of Toymes and 
paifages : Co ought wee to learne 
wifdome^ that, having a great pil- 
grimage topafle, wee content not, 
ourfelves with gcneralls a but fol- 
low thofe certaine particulars^ 
which may helpe us for warcUnAhe 
kingdorae of heaven, . 

Ow it folio wes tofhew what 
this daily direction is. It is 
a gathering together of certaine 
roles cut of Gods Word,by which 
we may be ioafc>!ed every day to 
live according to the Will of God 
wish found pe^ce. 

And therefore the foilowingof 
fuch direction, is a fuithfull and 
so&fi$nt enckvaar to pIeafcGod<r 



in al! things every day as long as 
wee live here, co the peace of oiir 
o wne conference, and co the glori- 
fying of God. In the description is 
co bt obferved : 

1. Thatic is called an endevour 
only, becaufe perfection is neither 
required of God^ nor co be looked 
for of the b:ft Ghriftians. Thus 
ftch places.as Pfa/.\i9>i.Lul{.it. 
28. which feeme co require per- 
fection, are co be expounded by I 
chofe that fpea Ice of endevour, as, ' 
Chro.2$.j 9 Hof.6.3. A&n^lb 
But this endevour b 3n infeparable 
fruit ofthefeare of God, andmuft 
be in our hearts continually. 

2. That this endevour muft be 
hearty ,not coaftrained, or hollow, 
but conftant, that we faint noc^ but 
hold out therein. 

3. Whereto ictendeth^/^. co 
pleafc God in all things, Lnb^i 6. 
1 3. CV/.I.IO./W.13 18. 

4. Laftly, hacthismuft be daily, 
and continue to the end,/^7. 2 4.16. 
7^,4.26. Aft.iCj, 2 Cor. t.l J, 



Briefe Utrctbms 

Tbevccejjarjf psrU oftbedrilj di~* 
reUion atctbejt eight, 

FIrft, every day wee flioulJ be 
humbled f r our (Line?, as 
through due cx^mi arion of our 
IvesbythcLaw otGod wee (hall 
fee them, Pf*lm»$. j. Epbef.q 16. 
lob U 5. 

2 Every day wee ought to be 
railed up in allured hope of f jr- 
givemff ofihtm by the promifes 
ot God in CbrW ; this is n Vir fr~ 
para cd fir m the foTmtr,A&. 2.38. 
Hof 1 4. 2.3. that word in the pe- 
tition this day doth teach us io 

3. Every day we oug^t to pre- 
pare our hean s to ft eke the Lord 
ftill; and kecpe them fie and wil- 
ling thereto, Hcb.$. 12. De**, 5, 
a 9. Mat 1 2. 37 Pro 4. 18. 

4 E vei y day wre mult itrongly 
and relblu tly arme our fe vesa* 
gajuift ah evill andfinne., fearing 
maftaf allto ogend Gad. 1 

K Ever 5 \ 


■ ■ ■ ■ »■ I l b 1-1 M U »■ n . . 


5 Every day wee muft nounfh 
our feare and love of God, and joy 
to him more than in a vf thing, and, 
erdcvonr to pleafe him io all du- 
ties as occifua (hall be offered, 

6 Every day our thankes bee 
contit u^d for benefits received., 
a.«d (till ccrraioly hoped tor, Lam. 
3.23. Pfa/m. 318.7, aadic33 
1 77*/ 5, 18. 

7 Eevcry day wee ought to 
wa f ch and pray for fteadfatln^fle, 
andconftancy in ail thcfe,£/?^/r. 

8 Every day hold and keepe 
our peace with God, and fo lie 
downe with ic, a CW. 1. n.fbil^ 
4. \Tkef.<).i6. 

Thefearc all neceffiry, as with- 
out which we can never be fafe, we 
can neve r taftc of true joy. But 
here two extremities are to bea- 
voidedia conceiving of thcrrn.One, 
that wee chinkc it not fafficic nt to 
regard rhffe duties, tome one time 
in the day ; for wee rauft have this 





Briefe DireUims 

prcfcnc with us, and our hearts fca- 
foned with them thorowouc the 
day. The other is, that wee doe 
not take occafion from hence to 
(hakeoff our callings, or neg!e& 
any pare of them ; for in our ordi- 
nary and meaneft workes, we may 
aad muIWerve Godjby^doing them 
in takb,not for carnall refpe&s on- 
ly : and avoiding the common fins 
chic prophane ones joync with 

Concerning outward a&rons, 
co certainc rules can be given 
in particular, becaufe they arc va- 
riable and infinite; yet fome out- 
ward duties there arc 3 although 
notneceffary to be done daily, yet 
commonly to be obferved, \ery 
profitable and hclpfull to live well « 
aad happily^ by fettling us in the 1 
pra&ice cf a daily direction • fechf 
are thefe that follow. 

i That wee walkc with God, 
that is, that as fooneas wee have- 
broken off our fkepe, wee let God 
before our eyes*and our hearts uj - 


nntotgodlj Life. 

••— • 



on him, rcfolving Co walke with 
him that d$y,Prcv.6 22* 

This accuftoraing our fclves to 
good thoughts, at our firft awa- 
king, by fee ting our hearts upoi 
fomeholy and heavenly things, 
would te a good entrance to the 
well fpeading of the day, and a 
preventing of ftndryevills. 

2 That infolemne manner (if 
it may be) before wee enter upon 
other affaires, wee ofRr up our 
morning prayer to God, confefc 
fing our cfpeciall fr ties, remem- 
bring his particular favours; re- 
queuing both pardon for things 
paffed,and affirtingHS with bUfc 
fings for time to come, efpecially 
forihatday, Van. 6. io. For the 
helpingforwardof this duty, it is 
fit chat fbme holy meditation be 
jjyncdwiihic : thisbeiogjoyncd 
with a hearty renew* ng of our co- 
venant wil fo leafon us in the mor- 
ning, chat wee (hall rcraine the fa- 
Vor,and hold the ftrengch of facha 
graci ; us beginning, all the day af- 



m ■ 


1 ^^»—™ - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ 

Brsefe DiteUlom 

3 That then (if itftiallbcmoft 
expedient) we with our minds ftill 
kept well ordered, betake our 
kfvesto our calling and vocation j 
wherein wee muft not Co much 
minde our profir, that wee coolc 
any grace thereby, or quench holy 
afll&lons in us, Thac wee muit 
h^ve acallirg^e Cjen.^ig.fyk 4.' 
1 3. 2 T^f/3. 6. That wee muft 
labour diligently therein, fee 1 
Or 7 20. 1 Thrf$ &. io* Pro. j 3« 
41 1. & lS.p. &24.30. 

But r hat the walking in our cal- 
ling diligently may pleaf; God,we 
nmft fo ufe earthly dealings, that 
wcenegkftnot fpirituall duties ; 
wee muft avoid worldly minded- 
1 eflcoo the one part,as idlenes on 
the other : both of which we fhall 
be encouraged unto, if wee con- 
fidenhac it is the Lord who fttcerfc 
11s in our callings, and hath pro- 
mised to be with us,and to give us 
^oodfucccflein them, and to help 
us to beareall tedioufoeffe therein,, 
and further, that hee willech us to 



wnt$ agodly Life. 

doe all fuch duties for his fake, in 
fjch manner, as if wee did them to 
him- and from him to looke for a 
reward, /*/&. 1.8. 

4 That io all companies we be- 
have our (elves as wee are taught 
of God, and as it beconmeth us, 
e fpecially Co as wee leave no ill fa- 
vour behinde us. Wee muft not 
therefore rufh unad vifecily into it, 
j as moft men do, but determine be- 
fore to doe good unto others, as 
we be able, or to take good oj 
others as nccaiio i is off red, C0/.4. 
6. Iofk.iS i r im.^ i*. we muft 
take heed of dirges to come by 
tacmilticfc and b)r/fcS talking 
apd behaviour, which in moft 
companies wee lhall raecte with- 

Occafioos of good fpeeche* 
muft net only be rake nfn it fought 
andwaitedf r, sift.26 28 

If the company be G ciefperate, 
that the»*e is no place for God, yet 
*wee muft keepe our fclvts from 
liihrir unfruitful! workes of darkc- 

l 77 




Brief e VireUians 

riefle 3 by giving of apparent tokens 
of our diflike, leaving them al(b as 
(bone as wee can, and (hunning 
them afterwards as much as wee 
may conveniently. 

Amongft others* wee mnft be 
ready feafonably to give, or Chri- 
ftianly to receive reproofeycxhor- 

1 In particular for our recrea- 
tions, wee mull firft looketo the 
time, when it is ncedfulL 

2 The kinde, that it be honeft, 
and of good report. 

3 That wee forget not God* in 
the ufe thereof. 

4 Ti?c RSSSt*, tnat it be With 
moderation of affe&ion every way 

5 Our affociares, that they be 
fuch as wee may have cemfort of, 

6 Our end, that wee may be 
fitter to the duties of our calling. 

la bargaining and o*her cove- 
nants, they ought to be without 
hollo wneflc, deceit, undermining, 
and fuch other uncontcionable dea 
Hog; that fo wee may be fimpR 



and our meaning good, our words 
pliine,our agreements rcafonable, 
our promifes kept, our covenants 
performed^ advantages not rigo- 
roi-fl* r taken, &c. 

Finally ,wc rauftobfcrve and re- 
verence the graces of God in c- 
thsrs where wee lee them, and by 
that meanes labour to chafe away 
from us frivolous and hurtfull fan- 
tasies, faiotneflf , difcouragements, 
and wsarincfie of well-doing: 
That we may hold the profeihon 
of our faith with joy unto the end. 

That when wee be alone, wee 
have the like care of our felves, 
that our behaviour be unblame- 
able, and that our thoughts be ei- 
ther about things jawfull with mo- 
deration to drfpofe them, orfpiri- 
tuall with delight to enjoy thcra,or 
elfeevill, with hatred and detefta- 
tion to overcome thm; 

i A* firft in things indifferent, 
we muft take heed that we doe not 
fcufic oar felves in other mens mat- 
ters needkfly, 1 Tim. 3. 15. 1 Cor. 
^0.24. 2 Second- 


1 80 Briefc VireQwjf 

2 Secondly, that in our ownc 
we be not drowned* that our love 
and delight be drawnfcaway from 
better things 1 7 1*1,6.9. 

1 In things holy, wee muft be- 
ware, firft, left by the common 
ufing of good duties, wee come 
to have tbem in lefife reverence^ 
M4ttb.6.6.U 15.8- Maith.2^ 12. 

1 S:condly,tbatwethinkcnot 
over well of our fdves,for that we 
doe fomew hat more in the fcr vice 
of God thanothers, Pbil.$. 1 4. 

3 In things unlawful!, *ve mu^ 
creful'y beware, that while wee 
thitikei four Sanes^or other mens, 
with indent to grow in ba red of 
them,vsf be not even by thac occa- 
fion tickled wirh fbme define, or 
drawne into force fxrec liking of 
them, is many are. 

4 WerruO never in (olitariuefle 
bz unoccupied, becaufe of thac 
danger which en(uetb,as examples 
doe teach a 2 Sam, 1 1. 2. Gen. 3. 
Matth. 4. and our owne experi- 
ence confirmetb jwho are no foonq 


unto a godly Life. 

I l8l 


alone and idle, but fwarmes of 
yaine, foolifli., noyforoc and peril- 
ous thoughts and defires are fbli- 
citing and offering themfelves un- 
to us. 

5 That we u(e our profperity, 
and all che liberties which are la w- 
full, of this life, foberly,and fo as 
wee labour to be better by them. 
How hard this is, itappearethby 
experience, wherein it is Co found, 
thasthe more a manhathofthefe 
earchly commodities,the Iefle he is 
ioriched with fpiriruall graces; 
and as they are focreafed and mul* 
tiplyed, fo this decayeth and is df- 
miniftied. Few by earthly things 
are drawnc on and encouraged to 
the love of the heavenly; which 
yet is the end that the Lord hath 
in giving them; few doe as they 
did, which are mentioned., Ati.y. 
3 f . Moft make riches thtir ftro. g 
towers,? r<7.i8,n. whtrebychey 
are imbold ncri to do many things 
wilfully, which otherwifc they 

cur ft not. 



Brief e Uireftfns 

Now that * wee may cfE ftthi^ 
not withftandingall diffi :Qlcies,wc 
jnuftccnfidcr that inordinate love 
which is in ns 5 to the liberties and 
bladings of this life- and this wee 
rruft by all meaoes pofliblc wea- 
kt n and abate ; to which end, Firrt 
we muft often and earoeft'Iy weigh 
howmementraty and flectirg all 
things under the Sunnc arc, and 
how uncertainc hold wee have of 
theii^ Ecclef. i. 2. 1 £V. 7« *9> 
Luke \2.l$. c Prov 23. 4. 

2 Secondly, wee mutt confider 
faioufly of the danger that corn- 
met h to us by them : in which re- 
gard they are termed in Scripture 
fnares, thornes, choakes, becaufc 
ihey inrangle us, pricke, holding 
and (mothering the raaine graces 
of God in us, that they bud not 
out and fruSifie, Maitb. 13.21. 
1 Tim. 6. io» 

3 Wee muft often record, that 
thefe earthly thirgs arc not our 
owne, bnt borrowed, and Co as 
they may every day be requi- 

- ■ ■ ' 

unto a gedlj rLtfe. 


i8 3 

red againe of us, L*kei6* 12. 

4 Wee muft remember what 
hurt they have done, as by caufing 
diftrafticns,un(ettling$ : &c. 

5 We muft often meditate up- 
on examples of fcch as have en- 
j jyed che like, or greater commo- 
dities, and what have becne their 

6. It will be good tovifiteas 
others/othofc alio io their ficke- 
nefle, which have had thefe out. 
ward things, that fo we may both 
fee bow little they can helpe at 
fuch times, and alfo be put in mind 
of cur latter ends, which cannot 
but fomething weane us from this 

7 That we be ready to receive 
our afflictions meekdy and pati- 
ently, Lam. 3. 33. 1 Cor. 11.31. 
Jam.x.2. \Pct.i.6.R*m.5.<y. Af- 
niftions we muft expert, 1 Pet. 4. 
12. Rsrn.S.iy. 2Tiin.$.i2, 
> Howfocver therefore wee be of 
ourfelves ready to fhiinkebacke 
it the hearing of them, loh.\ 1.8. 
* Htb. 1 

U' • 


Brief? DiTt&i*n$ 

Heb. 12. 1 1. )ccucemaft prepare 
our (elves cobeare them meekely, 
and chcereFully, and that in our 
youth, Lam. 2. 27. knowing that 
Satan will be ready to fccke our 
mifchicfeeyenbycrofTes, Ub\ % 6. 
For preventing whereof, wee 
muft every day armeour fdvesa- 
gainft the feare of fuch troubles at 
may come, and againftimpauer.cy, 
by fuch as already are come upon 
us, Luke 9. 23. Jam* 5. 10. 1 i« 
and that not enly in great troubles, 
but even in thofe which are cooi- 

This, if wee doe with obferva- 
tion, wee (hall get e*perience,and 
by experience hope, that will not 
caufe(hame 3 &?»i>5. $• ffil* 102. 
1. Otherwi(e,ifweenegle&thiSj 
every rffliftion will unfettle and 
bring us out of frame, in which 
eftate vvc (hall be both utterly uq. 
fit for any fervicc of God, and al- 
fo unmeet for any Chriftian foci- 
cty with men - and (b both adde 
new troubles unto the former, 


Hnto a g9&lj Lift. 

and make them which God fendcth 
upon us farre more grievousthan 
other wife they fhould have beene. 

8 Thatweconftantlykecpethe 
exercife of prayer & thanksgiving 
in our families, and ftch other 
helprs (as Readings Catechifing, 
Cofifirrcnce ac times convenient) 
co roaintaine the knowledge and 
true worfhip of God, and of true 
happinefie amongft us ; to have 
prayer twice in the day is lictle 
enough, P/j/.5$.Z)jtf. 6. 10. 

I Firft, our neccfllties doe re- 
quire this daily ferving of God, 
though we beofthebeft fbrr. 

z Secondly 3 thy family being a 
lictle Church, there (hould be a 
trimming up and a fitting for the 
publike worfliip, efpecially feeing 
that experience tcachcth thatall is 
little enough. 

3 Thirdly, by this meanes wee 

have communion with the Lord, 

and therefore we (hould often and 

checrefully performe this duty. 

#4 Fourthly, wee (hould caufe 

I our 

— — — mm* I' ' —***———— 



Brie ft VireUUnt 



our conversion to favour ot the 
Lord and bis graces, whereas 
ctherwifc earthly dealing; will 
c&ufc earthly minds. 

5 LafUy, wee have many ex- 
amples, Gm. 18. 16, /fa, 24, 15, 
Act. 10. 2. 

9 The ninth and Iaftduty,is, 
that we doe ar 3 or before our lying 
downe, looke backe and view the 
day palled : that where wee have 
bad bkfliiigs,we may be thankfull, 
and proceed in thciikecourle af- 
ter : where wee have faulted and 
failed, we may reconcile our fc!ves 
?o God, and fo lie downe in peace^ 

The ufe of all thefe duties is^chat 
every day we wcaneand withdraw 
cur hearts from any noifome baits 
or provocations, as fufEr us not to 
arife in the mornicg, to walke 
through the day, and to lie downc 
£t night in peace and fafcty under 
£3ods protection, of which wee 
muft be carefiill al waies, but espe- 
cially when unufuall occafioni 
I ■ ^11, 

unto a g$dljLife. 
fall out which may uafcctlc us. 

THc Rules formerly defcribed, 
ifchey be well followed, will 
be (iifficienc to bring a Chriftian 
(chough not to perfect ion in thi* 
life) yet to fuch aaeftateas he (hill 
finde reft to his (bule daily, which 
others (hail want. Yet b:caufi 
many dangers will be in the way 
that may hinder the weake, there- 
fore it will be profitable to know 
the letrs and hindrances which may | 
hold us backe from peace with 
Sod- that Co wemaylearnehow 
to prevent them before they come 
ind hurt us; or elfe how to rife 
when by them wee arefallen; or 
bow to turns into the way when 
by occafion we are gone ou% 

Now themaiae andchiefe letts 
ire the Divell, with all his force, 
libtilcy, and malice, and our cvill 
learts, (o £<rre as they arcunre- 
brmed ; and by meines of both, 
ill things in the world,though not 
n their owne nature, but by them 

I a made 


■■i n ■ 





made occafions to as of falling,and 
offending God. 

FIrft,for the properties of Satan, 
and his attempts agaiuft us in 
generally he is a mighty enemy ,and 
c ruell ; for which caufe he is called 
a great red Dragon, and theacct- 
fer of ihe brethren,and al(b fabtile, 
and vigilant,and maliciousras he is 
ftrong, to bee befetteth all people 
(chough he belittle obfcrved)and 
moft of all Chriflians, whom he is 
openly and refblvedlylecagaiaft. 
He doth not onely kindle the con- 
cDpifceoce that is within us, and 
cur owne lufts, fetting them en 
fire to doc the evill which wee arc 
inclined unto ; butalfbbaiteththe 
outward things with poifon, 
which wee dealc about, that he 
ir.ay dazcll our eyes, and caft us 
from our hold j that is, that wee 
may not kecpe ftill in theChriftian 
courfe. Our hearts cannot Co fbonc 
be ranging (chough it be never (b 
little) but he is ready to meet withf 


unto a godly Life. 


i hem, and fee them forward in] 
feme evil!, fattening our afft ftionsl 
upon ic before we be aware : weef 
cannot be about any outward 
thing, bur hte is ready to ferve us 
with it, knowing howtoufe all 
outward obje&stoour luarts.Yet 
for all this wee ought not to be 
difinaied ; for howfocver thele 
things vex us, yet by Gods grace 
they (hall turne to our good, to 
make us ftt more ftore by Gods 
proteftion, and more cirehilly 
co kecpe under his wiogj. Hcc 
hath not left us unarmed, for his 
ownc ftrength is for our defence 
and prefervatio:), Colof.i* u. So 
that howfosverweemay notpre- 
far>p uoi.fi/ abufe, yet wee may 
wuh boldnefle (Le unto him for 
helpe ; neither oughtwee to fearc 
that for our infirmities wefhallbe 
fhiken off,when as G jd hath made 
knownchis Will to the contrary, 
Luke i j, 6. Rather they muft re- 
member chat they are the children 
of God, and therefore (hall not be 

I 3 unna- 


wtt m *mm 


^— • 


Brieft Vin&ions 

unnaturally forfaken, or left to 
themfelves in their neede, andne- 
ccflky, but may perfvade them- 
G lves,that waiting on God, theft 
combates fball rather turnc to their 
further exerGift, than to their 
deadly overthrow. Thus depe? - 
dingonGodinallevilI$,thcy muft 
by experience get wifilome. 

In particular, the aflaults of Sa- 
tan are either againft our faith, or 
elfe againft godlinefle in our life; 
Srft of the former.. 

HOw many having difcon- 
ragements, he prefleth down 
the wcake faith of new-borne 
Chriftians, appeareth by that 
which our Saviour faith to Peter y 
Luke 22. 31. 

Sometimes hee terrifieth them 
with their owne wants, ignoran- 
ce tynfirajiues,and un worth ineffes : 
forae with fliasne of fearefull falls, 
which it feemethto them they are 
unlike co avoid : to which end he, 
bringeth to their remembrance 





unto a godly Life. 

■I « 

fuch good (ervancs of God as have 
fallen in like manner before them, 
and feareththem r thac for all their 
care they Hull never hold out in 
their faith and holy courfe of life 
unto the end; but either by afifi&i* 
ons, or otber provocations, they 
(hall be turned backe. Byallthefe 
meanes hee Iaboureth inftantly to 
deprive them of all hope and c xi- 
fidence,that they may conclude re* 
folvedly, that they have no faith. 
For the refifting ofthefe aflaulcs, 
theymuft grow better acquainted 
with the nature and property of 
God his promlfe?, viz. how true, 
unchangeable,and perpetual! they 
be, even as God himfelk is ; ihey 
muft prize thera above all other 
things, and (end up earnert prayers 
to God daily : a id ofi^ for this faich 
to be rooted in them : they mud 
give daily attendance upon the 
Miniftery of the Word, ready alfo 
to receive helpe privately from 
thofc which are experienced, me- 
ditate on Gods promifes, (uch as 
T 4 are 



■■ ■» 

rtH— M»^l4*i«fti I— fc*>M»m i il»i 



Bfiefe VmUtons 

lie Matt kj.j.&L 9.20. Ltt^.22.3 i.J 
Now 3 when by Gods blcflfing 
upon their diligence they have 
gotten feme Ihy or reft uuo their 
foules, they muft beware that they 
are not carried on the other fide to 
prtfumption, crtooboldtrufting 
in God, without a certaine ground 
ofhispromifes: for by this fubtil* 
cie, Satan doth pre vaile with ma- 
ny, and by thatmeanes bringeth 
them to dciperate and dangerous 

BVc if hee cannot prcvaile (b 
farreby his fuggeftions, and 
temptations, as to bring us to utter 
unbeliefe,noryet to preemption: 
yet hee will labour to hinder us, 
that wee (hall never be rooted nor 
eftabliflicd in faith; weefhallnot 
fecle the fweetneffe of ic by pof 
(tffii)g ic daily : b which kinde he 
J doth Co farre prcvaile withmoft, 
even of the faithful! themfelves, 
that they are ofcen-times fo dif- 
couraged, as they have fcarcely 
I any 

any great ufe of laich ia refpeft of 
that which they might have, ' 
Which deceit of our adverfary we 
muft wiiely efpy, and labour to 
afmeourfeivesagaififtit,as, w P/i/. 
12 4 5. and 27. 1. lob 13*15. We 
mult cake heed that our hearts be 
not ftollen away with worldly 
chi igs : wee murt preferve and 
cfrnifh an high eftimation of the 
Gofpell : wc rauft deny all world- 
ly wifedome, thit wc m;y be wife 
to the Lord, and kcepeourfaichas 
we would our life. 

THc like malice doth Satan 
(hew in hindering believers 
from godlineflc of life. For as 
he Iabourcth to keepe the unrege- 
nerate altogether, from pratt'fiag 
godlineHc,z/i*.by keeping in them 
a heart Co accuftomed ro evilly that 
it cannot fubmit it felfc to the will 
of God in one thing, as well as an- 
other, by holding them h pre- 
emption, by keeping them from 
fcrious confidcration of their eftacc 

I 5 and 


!■■■■■■ I I ■» ■ ■■ ■ ■— »l 

Sriefe UiTefttms 

and a&ions, by diflwading them 
from couniing the godly lift beft ; 
and finally, by fnaring them in 
dangerous opinion?, fottifh ignc-* 
ranee, or clfc in hollow, loo(e» and 
wilfull minde*; (b dath hee pre- 
vaile fo farre even with Gods peo- 
ple, as to hinder them from pro- 
ceeding in godlinefle, and that 
chiefcly by theft mcanes. 

^i By keeping them in wane of 
fomegood things, without which 
theycaonotconftandy proceed in 
a godly life; 

2 By prefllng them with foroe 

3 By unfettliog them through 
occafion of things lawful!. 

Of the firft kinde arc three 
maine Iects. 

i Firft when Chriftians arc hol- 
den from a conftant courfe of god- 

2 When thejr fall frona th:ir 
firft eihte, or &cii love, 

3 Whci they want a fuffictent 
miaiftery, Of the firft fort, there 


-* ■■■ 




unto ag$dly Life, 


are many which chinke ic not meet 
co tic themfclvestoany dire&ton 
of hading their life; buc are con- 
tent with fome generallcareanl 
good meaning; than whomthefe 
arc not better, which forafcafon 
keeps frme good order ; buc by 
licdeand little they fall to doe k 
fl;ighcly : even for fafhion in a 
great parr ; and rather through 
Cjftomc, thin with delight and 
comfort; and all becauft their 
hearts goe. not wirh their aftions 
conftantly^eicher doe they regard 
or looke to their consciences in 
one thingas in another, that they 
might beicept in peace. 

The Remedy agaiaft this, is 
faithfully to endeavour every day 
to be well fettled, according co 
the rules formerly mentioned. We 
muft especially labour by fatch^ 
even to fecde upon the promifcs. 
which God hath made for the pre- 
(ervation and protcftion of his. 
children; heartie prayer muftoft 
be ufedj and watchfulnefleagaiurt 




••»»— • 

Briefc Dtrttttons 

our c/peciall infirmities ; It muft be 
contiuuall, together with oft and 
due con Adoration wba* a precious 
treafure this kindcof life i*. And 
if through negligence we doe fid!;, 
we rouft not lie (U'l in hardncfie cf 
hearty butrtmrnetohiroastocur 
Fatherland hee will hcale us : and 
chough wee cannot prefemly hive 
t-hat confidence which fometim^s 
wee havehad 3 yetletusrcturne, 
chough with fome fhamefaftneffe, 
even ftanding afarre off, with the 
Israelites, £#*<£ 3 3vS. 10. 

He fccondfpeciallLetarifing 
from want, is, the leaving of 
oar firff love : for at our firft con- 
verfion 9 when the exceeding love 
of God in Chrift is (hed abroad in 
our hearts, fo as it makcth our 
fclves admire j this conftratneth us 
to love him a gaine moft fervently 
anddcarelyj his Woraaad Mi r >i~ 
fters, with all our brethren, moft 
fenfibly and heartily: and this in 
Scripture is called oar gift love, 
JRev.2.4. Noy 

unto a godly Life 


Now, when this (hall wax cold 
through dulnefle, (bthfulnefft, 
and fcrgetfulneff%&. ic muft need 
be a hainous thing in the fight of 
God, who lookcth that our works 
fnould be more at the lift than at 
the fir ft,as our knowledge is raore, 
and cxperi -nee greater, Rev 2. 21. 
Yet this corameth ofc to pafle both 
in Minifters and people, to their 
great ftumie,, though otherwife 
they kcepefbmecjurfcin fcrving 
God, Rev. 2. 2. which they fhew 
by wearinefle,or at leaft wife,little 
pleafare taking in the publike Mi- 
niftcry, negltft of private prayer, 
conference, Muruall exhortati- 
on, &c. untowardnefie in good 
workeg, abating of their Jove to 
the brethren,imbracing the world, 
e.iteraining of ill-cocupanifhipj, 
wi'h heart-burning againft the 
Minifies that tell them the 
truth. By ihefe and fach like 
figrie*, ma ny doe (h:w how much 
'hey h*ve 1 >il thsir firft love, 
whereby they give great occafiM 






Briefe DiteUims 

of discouragement to the w*akc, 
and of lamenting to the beft. 

This was fore-told by our Sa- 
viour Chrift, Mittb.2^ i 2. where 
al(b hec (hewed how hard it is to 
keep-, and harder to recover our 
firft lore. Thirdly, admonifbing 
all found hearted Chriftians to 
looke hccdfully^ and carefully to 
nourilli and prefcrvc that holy, 
pure, aad fifftfpark of grace kind-- 
led in them, againft all chat may 
come in the way, to quench and 
put out the firac And although 
the worke be hard, yet wee hive 
the C^mmandement of G;>d for 
our warrant, and his promife for 
our encouragement ; therefore 
ought we not to faint or flkeke for 
any imped inaent,but ft tour hearts 
daily to count it our grcateft 
worke, tokeepc our fif ft love. 
•THHe third let of thisfcinde, if, 
X the want of an ordinary and 
found Miniftery of the Word of 
God, whereby the way to falvati- 
on and godlineQe is plainly and in 



unto *£idlj Life. 

good order, with love and dili- 
gence taught fo ofc in the weeke^ 
as the people can conveniently at- 
tend upoQ the farce. This is the 
light of the wosrld^nd the Sunne 
J which vaarmeth all the creatures 
I of she earth with his influence.; (b 
that thofe which enjoy k not 5 tnoft 
needes be as the foado wed places, 
which either bring forth nothing, 
or that which io fowie and unsavo- 
ry* How the Divell hath laboured 
in all ages and Nations, to hinder 
the paffage. of this Gofpell, may 
eafilybc perceived, if wceperufe 
well the A&sof the ApofUes, and 
other Hiftories of the Church: 
how he doth prevaile, ourowne 
eyes and eares caa wimefie : The 
remedy therefore is for fuch as 
want, to relieve themfelves with 
it, where they may with moft con- 
veniency enjoy }tg aud to foe ear- 
neftly, that they may live under if, 
(which (hould be more generally 
granted of God, if by fervent 
prayers and other Chriftian indea- 

vours, j 




i » 

Br'tefe DircUiom 

voursic we r: fought for.) When 
they doe enjoy ir, then mud they 
prize it above all chat they have, 
or ever can enjoy in this world ; 
for thofc which efteeme lightly of 
ir, muft heare what the Scripture 
(peakech of them, MAtth.%. 11,12. 
AmasK.i 1.12. 

Thefe arc the cMcfe lefts that 
men have by wants; whereun- 
co may be add:d thofe troubles 
which fbme good Chriftians have 
through feare of their ownewanrs^ 
though without caufr. For reme- 
dy whereof (chat they be not fWal* 
lowed up through deadly heavi- 
nefle) they jmuft take unto them 
godly boldnefle,co confider that 
there is great caufe of repychg 9 
even in that for which they are 
heavie,!^*. in their feare, cate, 
hungringand chiiftingjPr^S* 14. 
Mattb.^ 3. and therefore they 
ought rather to be thankefull for 
that thsy have, than utterly to be 
discouraged for that they wanr. 
Of (mail beginnings come great 




*v. i ■■ 

unto a godly Lift. 


proceedings* of one little fp^rke^ 

a mighty flim- j ; and the tall Okes 1 
were fbraeiimes but (mall Akorns: 
hce bath wellbegunne, that hath 
in truth begunne ; and hec hath 
much, who feeleth that hee wan* 

THc fecoad kinde of generall 
Lets are, the unmodified af- 
feftions wherewith believers are 
opprefled. Concerning which in 
general!, ic will be profitable for 
every one to marke with what hee 
is moft incambred,and moft eafily 
overcome of, and by whatoccafi- 
ous he is readilieft drawne to them; 
that hec may the more diligently 
and wifely labour to prevail a- 
gainft them. 

In particular, onekfnde isfearc 
and doubt of perfevering by means 
ofaffli&ions, &c. Thisdoth eafily 
take hold of weake ones; there- 
fore the Scripture fore-warnech of 
it, M.uth. io 28. Phil. 1. 28. 




Brief* TtireUUns 

This, if ic doe prevail cannot 
but feeble utterly the powers of 
their minds ; and 10 with-hold the 
inftruments of the body from pra- 
<5U(ing well any kind of duty. 

The way to remedy it, rauft be 
fought for in the Scripture, PJ*/. 30. 
5. 2 Cer. 4.1 7. Hcb.i2. 1 1 . a Cor. 
p. 10. Iam.\.$. 

Another unmodified affefition, 
is 3 pride, and ovcr.wcening of 
themfdves : examples whereof we 
have, ftraf.3.17. 1 Cor. 4.8. 

This maktth men waxc weary 
of learning, reroifle of their dili- 
gence and care for good, to ac- 
count meanly of thofc which arc 
loole and irreligious ; or elfe fall 
intofe&SjfchifmeSjand herefies,or 
at feaft bring themlelves in an ac- 
cused melancholy and folitary 

The rcmcc'ie is laid downe, 
Rrv. 3. 17. 1C0n3.18.and 4. 1, 
Pfal 119 12- We muft diligently 
examine and confider our waies, 
till wee have found out our finnes 


- 1 

unto agvdly Life. 


unto true humiliation ; wee muft 
compare our (elves not with the 
worft, but with the forwardeft 
Ghrifttans, and holicft examples. 

Another uamortified aff, ftion is 
(loth j the remedy to fiade out the 
roote and fountaine of this miP 
chicfej and fo remove i^Trcv. u 
?2%& 1 4.12. Encouragements we 
havefromGod > 2<?/&.i.9 - £p£,3 19. 

AMongft other unftaid aflfe&i- 
ons which are inward lees of 
god'hefle, tucVie or peevifh fro- 
wardnefie is not the leaft; when 
men are fretting againA perfbos or 
things that doe croffe ns^thougb it 
be but trifles. Thas many are 
caught upon the fudien, which at 
other times could eafily wichfhnd 
greater provocations, as we may 
fee of David, if wee compare 
1 &W.24. 7. with 2t. 13. 

This i9 a high offence to God, 
a needleflc trouble to our fclvcs, 
a bereaving us of godly wifiom?, 
yea, and ofcommon reafon alfo. 



"■» L I 


Britfe VbeBUns 


Therefore wee muft make dili- 
gent fearcb, and inquire whether 
wee be prone to theic ftr vile paffi- 
ons, or no, and Co if wee doe la- 
boar to prevent it 5 but if wee be 
at any time overtaken with it,then 
wemuft (as (bone as may be) fit 
our (elves apart, ferioufly tocon- 
fider of the unfcemelinefleof the 
thing, &c. until 1 wee can (hake it 
off, and after take more care that 
it returne not againe upon us. 

Another troublefome affettlon 
is, that men through ignorance or 
unbeliefe, grow weary of procee- 
ding in a Chriftian life, oratleaft 
in (peciall duties thereof: the dan- 
ger of this may appeare by the 
contrary forewarniogs, GaL 6. 9. 
1 Or. 16. 13. 

This Sacan labonreth to e&ft 
by reproach, &c. 

Wee muft therefore get aflu- 
rancc, that God his grace (halite 
fuffic e it for us, Mdtth % 1 1 . 3 1 . 

Many other aff^ftions there are 
of the like nature, and alike to be 


unto s godly Lift t 
.-■ *■ ' • >^— — — , 

ffaunncd ; as unjuft anger, hearr- 

barnings 3 loofenefleand Iightnefle 

of hearr 5 rafhnefle 3 haftineflV, lum- 

pithneffe, and melancholy, with 

divers fuch like ; the beginning 

and firft rifing whereof, alchough 

our o woe hearts doe bret d,y ct t he 

ftrength of them is of Satan. 

BEfides the f ore-iiamed evill 
iffrttlonSj there are other 
worldly lulls, wherby many Chri- 
stians arc much difguiftd, as name- 
ly carnall pleafare, and inordinate 
defire of riches. 

For the firl>, many are drowned 
infmfualky, and the fbtttfh plca- 
fureof the body 3 Co that they be- 
come even blfad and impotent : for 
when a man giveth his heart liber- 
ty co defire ftollen waters, and to 
count them fweece, not cafting 
thera up, and arming bimfelfc a- 
gaintt them as he ough r ;and giveth 
his eye leave to feed it felfe with 
vaoity, by little and little his 
prayers become weake, and unable 
to drive out fuch foui!hnefle,but it . 

Iodgeth I 




Briefe DireUians 

lodgeth in him 3 and fo is made a 
flivc unto ic. Aa example we have 
of Sampfo*, J»&g* 1 5 . Nay, fome 
goe fo farre, rhac they are ftnflcfle 
at the fight of ir, when as they 
ftiould tremble to behold in what 
ftate they are : for their prayers 
arc dead, their burthen of Confer- 
ence importable, their lofle of 
grace unfpeakeable 3 the gricfes of 
the godly unutterable, andthem- 
feives become as fooles in Jfrael, 
and fpcftaclcs to the prophane 
world to movepaftime. 

i Firft, for the avoiding of 
theft mifchiefes ; we muft make it 
our greateft care to abide in the fa- 
vour of God,, and holjfafttheat 
furanceof it from d \y to day. 

2 Wee rauft be willing to fub- 
mk our fcivca to the yoakc of 

3 Wee muft hold in oar lufts 
and imaginations, as it were, with 
'but and bridle , that they range 
not after burtfull and poifoned 

4 We 

i «■*■! » w % im <i w 

i tmn.m 

4 We mi'ft {hun and avoid all 
the cccafions and objeftsof fuch 
Irrrifchiefe. And efpecially, we muft 
pe fufpicicus and fearefull of tbofe 
.fimio which wee know our felves 
to be nioft prone and inclined. 

THc other worldly Iuft isnoy- 
foine care about the things of 
this life, which is a common evill 
under the Same; for it creepeth 
upon men (b fecretly and fubzly^ 
that hardly Hiall one perceive the 
danger of it until! wee have taken 
hart by it : yet the danger is dead- 
ly, forwhcreworldlineflefaftneth 
ujon a man, it devourethgodli- 
neffe, as i i i here had been none be- 
fore; it fuffireth no good thing 
to grow by it, but choaketh it, and 
overfliadoweth any gift of God 
wharfoever, and fo changeth even 
good mcn,that they are not aware 
of ir 5 that they become moft unlike 
themfel/es, iTim6,\o. 

By this, men in worldly dea- 
ling! become greedy of profic,ra(h 

i at 


Brief* Dire&ions 

i;i nuking, aad carelcffc in per- 
forming of covenants- coo much 
Ioofcnefik, earthly rejoycing, and 
fretting when we thrive nor; over- 
laying our frlves with worldly 
dealing?, (b that no time is fie for 
better ufes. 

For the redreffingof this* fbure 
things are required: 

i Let every man looke careful- 
ly that no man be hurt, or fuftaine 
any lofle or danger by hint, i 
Tbefa. 6. by this he (hall be freed 
from all the fins againft our neigh- 
bour, commanded in the eighth 

2 His care muft be not only to 
doe no hurt, but al(b to doe good 
to thofc whom wee have to doe 
whb, Rom. 13. 8. as to the Mi- 
nifter in maintenance, to our fami- 
ly in provifion, to the pocre in 
reliefer &c* 

3 Hkede muft be taken, thar 
riches hurt us not 5 that they be 
not meanes to draw us unto fin, 
Eccltf. $. 12 . 

4 We 

unto a g$ilj Lift. 


I 2*9 

4 Wee muft provide that wee 
be bettered by our wealeh cowards 
God his fervice. DeHt.i% 47. 

As for the poore,they (hall beft ! 
teflifie tha' they are noc tainted 
with this finne, if chey hold faft in- 
nocencie s contentatioD,andthank£ 
giving . Reafbns to move us to the 
avoiding of covctoufhefle,are, 

1. Firft , becaufe wee camot 
enjoy them long, but either they 
fhal bee taken from as, or we from 
them ; 3nd yet this fhort lime is al- 
fo uncertaine,!,*^. 1 6.2. 

2. Bee mfe they are not our own 
but borrowed,/^. 16.1 2. 

3 If wee bee not faichfull in the 
fmaller.it is an argument, Jthat wee 
will be much leffe in the greater, 

4 B?caufe wee (hall give an ac- 
counts of all other thing*, fbe£ 
pecullyof our getting, uSng, and 
forgoing of cue goods and com- 
modities, Matib.2^ 14. Lu 1^6.2. 

THcrc is a third kinde of lets, . 
whereby many beleevers are 
K hindred 1 



I 210 


hindrcdfrom going on in a godly 
courfe^is. All kindcs of outward 
I things which of themfelvcs arc not 
cvilljbnt are made by Satan,occafi- 
ons to hart and wound our foules. 

i Affli&ions thongh fent of 
God for our great good, as is to 
becfeene, jy^.12.7.1 \3tfaU 119. 
ji.& 1C0r.11. 13. Iam.1.2. Yet 
are by Satan and our owne corrup- 
tions, made occafions of impati- 
ence/rettingjpenfivenefle^and ma- 
ny other evils • againft which we 
rouft arme ourfelves before they 
come,that then our unruly pafltons 
may not break out Co impatiently, 
John 16.33. 

2 So in prosperity hefubtilly 
maketh drunken our hearts with 
loveofourgood, puffes them up 
with pride and high mindedneffe, 

To thele dangerous evils (hall 
the godly [hcmfelves taedrawne, 
except xhey carefully prevent 

It is therefore a fpeciall point of 

u f > 


mme a g$dly Life. 


wifedome, in time of peace that 
we beware chat wee leanc not up- 
on outward things, for then wee 
(hall cafily beecaft downc with e- 
very blaft of adverfity. 

3 Another occafion of nnfetling 
our hearts are houfhold affaires, 
and things that conccrne our main- 
tenance, by the unwarie ufe wber- 
of, men become unquiet, way- 
ward, diftrafted, and unlike Chri- 

A wife man therefore will un- 
burden hirafelfe of theft multitude 
of worldly dcalings,which wil not 
fuffer the raindc to bee freed, and 
will fo fubdue his affe&ions,that 
he may have them in order as well 
in one thing as in another. 

4 By change of company ,d wel- 
ling, and acquaintance, men re* 
ceive much hurt fien. 19.30. 

5 The fight of godlincfle to be 
contemned, and licentious courfes 
to be maintained,isa great fcandal 1 
Pfal. 73 . 

6 Familiarity with the wic- 



I . 

ked is of great force. 

Many other occafions there are 
byourfenfcsconveieduntous, a- 
gainft which wee mutt daily ftrjve 
by keeping on our Armour, Han- 
ding on our watch, following that 
direction which Gqd hath given, 
and depending on that grace 
which hec hath promifcd; cverre- 
membring that we doe not cafl off 
feare of danger, for occafions of 
finne (hall never bee wanting, no, 
not in things lawfull and good ; 
nor Satan waiting upon them, wji h 
fecret extenuations oi finne, and 
hiding the punilhtucnt. 

NOW becaufe there being Co 
many lets in the waies of god- 
lirefie, and thofefo hardly psftd, 
and difficult enrerprifes are al waies 
commended by the good that fol- 
ioweththem; ic is neceflary that 
the great priviledges \shich be- 
long to a godly life (hould bee ex- 
plained • that fo the godly may 
know their owne happincfT', and 


unto a godly Life. 

21 J 

ftrive to enjoy ic ; the wicked may 
ftc what great good things they 
deprive themfelves of; and to all 
men the Chriliian liferafcybeein 
better account, which now of all 
forts is too much underprifed, and 
fonegle&ed, and of forne contem- 
ned and fcorned. 

To omit therefore all thofc be- 
nefits which are common to them 
with the wicked (although thefe 
ajfo are farremore fweeceand Sa- 
vory to the godly than to others) 
and thofe alfo which are proper 
to fome of the faithfull jia refpect 
of their callings, thofe onely (hall 
bee nanacd in which the wicked 
have no part nor portion, and yet ' 
all the faithful! may polfefle, one 
as well (chough not fo much) as 1 

Thefc are either fuchas are gi- 
ven us in this life to be er> J )yed tor 
our encouragement, or elfe thofe 
which God hath in ftore for us in 
the life to come. 

K 3 





Briefe VirtUtons 

THe firft and chicfcftof them 
which are given us in thislifr, 
i% that all true Chriftians may 
know thcmfelves to bee beloved 
of God, and that they (hall bee fa- 
fved. 1 J^.3.1.^5.13. Iob.1.12. 
and that by better evidence than 
any man can have of the things hee 
holdeth in this life. This is not fo 
well knowne at the firft, but after 
experience gathered of the un- 
changeable love of God towards 
U5,our confidence is increafed; yea 
the longer wee enjoy this privi- 
!cdge,the better wee know it; nei- 
ther can it be loft wholly or finally. 
Ok Some of ©ads Children af- 
ter they have beene thus perfwa- 
ded, hare fallen to doubting a- 

tdnfiv. True C Wftians are re- 
newed but in part # and therefore 
fom t ace by the fubtilty and malice 
of Sathin brought to thenegleft 
or carelefie ufi )g of the meanes 
whereby faith is confirmed) and 
Co to doubting; and many not (6 


unto a godly Life. 

ai5 | 

offending, doe too coo eailly giv< 
place untodiflruft, thereby depri- 
ving thcmfelves of this great pri- 

This priviledge is the greater 
becaufe of the unfpeakeable glory 
and cverlafting joy which it brim 
gech with it, whereas other de- 
lights are but fleecing and momen- 

Which greatnefle will eafily ap- 
peare if wee well confider the un- 
fpeakeable woe and horror offuch 
defperate perfons as fecle the want 
of this happinefle either here., or 
in hell. 

AFter God hath vouchfafedthe 
fairhfull this honour, that 
they may know themfclycs to bee 
beloved of him hcre,and that they 
ftnllbefived hereafter; heedoth 
not then leave them,but is al waies 
with them,and ha'hafpeciallcare 
of them above others, nay, when 
he is angry with others. Rom. 5. 5. 

K 4 1 Tim. 


mtmimmii* *"" t^h— *■»■ 

■ il mi 

-*»■■ » 


#r*>/* Vinftions 

$.&2$*K &I0.8,3 1.0" 23. iStf.j 

He eftceroeth them not oncly as 
his houfhofd fervants, but as his 
friends, leh>i<$. i5.his Sonnesand 
heires. Rcrn.S. 17; his precious 
jcreafare, EaW.i^.yca^he hon~- 
jreththemfo farre, as hec calleth 
them and makcththem kings 5 E.*v. 
1 p. 5. AH which is both cercainc 
aid conftati? unco the fiithfal^but 
ic is not fo with the wicked* fo 
chat by this ic appeareth, that the 
ftate ofthe pooreft child of God, 
is farre better than the bed of the 
ungodly, yea, better than them- 
felves fom^cimes would have as- 
kedpr thought of. I 

TH^fe who are thus cared for 
of God, receive grace from 
him to live according to his Will, 
that at death they miy enter into 
hisglory • for he teachetbehem to 
be fruitful I in good Iife,and alfo to 
avoide the foulc offences* 


■ ■ ■ ■ 

unto a godly Life. 

Aiforthefirft,s>i£;. a holy life 
whereunco God enable :h his by 
his owee power, ic is a great pre- 
rogatiue, in chat they need not ac- 
count the Cfariftiati life comber- 
fome, uafavory, heavie, and tedi- 
ous, as many d j;bac an eafie yoake 
light burthen, and plcafant race : 
this is in the Scripture called ble£ 
fednefle, as c Pfalm.i 2. & 84.2. 

Many indeed there are, even 
good peopIe,w cl1 in great part goc 
without this privilege; but the 
caufe is,?hat they draw not by faith 
daily ftrengthfrom lefus Chrift to 
fubdue their lufts, buctruft either 
to their owne ftrengeh or in other 
meanes, until! being ftuftraredof 
their defire, they either fall into 
great vexation, or elfeplaiue f.cu- 
rhyand loofeucffe. F,>f the reme- 
dy whereof,thcy muitlabourtobe 
fledfiftin fairh, not yeelding unco \ 
diftruft, but learne to know that 
God who hath taken care or his, 
will not leave them in their infir- 

2I 7 

■• I 


"*«» ^1 



Bfiefe "DtreUtmt 

mitics,but according to his all-fat- 
ficicn: power will fuccour and de- 
liver them, which \i zkey once be- 
lievers God rcquircth vvc ihould) 
then (hall they fee themfclves 
mightily ftaidahd upholden until 
they b:c {ctzt great liberty, and 
that it was the divell who before 
held them in feare and bondage. 

Ch. We dare not believe that 
G od wil I give us foch grace,cxcept 
firft wee could overcome our fpe- 
ciall corruptions. 

Anfwi Wee have no ftrength of 
ourownetoanyfuch worke, but 
wee muft obcaine it by Emh which 
is alfo commanded us. IW&3. 23. 
and rill we doe fo 5 we fliallbehol- 
dca from our right by the craft cf 

AS for the fecond , viz. that 
the faithfull are taught and 
enabled ofGodco avoid great falls 
and reprochfu 11 evils; chat is plain 
Pro 19.23. Pf.i 1 9. 10 11. A id the 
tX4\\\ k At% jt Enoch, Abra^arn^M*- 

H*to*g9dty Ly*. 


219 t 

[esjofbud^amael and Da'iiel 3 Job^ 
with others who for the time of 
:heirneeracquaintancewith God, 
rommictcd not any fuch hainous 
Jcrefpafles^s were common ftaines 
[and blots in the livesof others. 

By this Co excellent and invalu- 
able a priviledge, the doing of 
good becommeth meat anddriake 
unto the faithfull, ft that they can 
(ervcGod even in a good and ioy- 
full heart in all things, Vettt.i** 
18. & 28. 47. minde heavenly 
things without that eedioufnefle 
which is fcene in others* performe 
earthly bufineffes with heavenly 
minds, andalwaics rejoyce before 
the Lord. 

Not that they have no rebellion 
in them; for they fi id a ftrife al way 
& are in part led captive o^ic, that 
theymight no: triumph before the 
viftory 5 partly that feeling their 
owne weakneffe, they rmy mere 
wholly depend on God; md partly 
chat their future vift >ry mjy ap- 
peare more glorious : but all this 




* iffii 


I 1 

Briefe TtirtUions 


while, though many wounds be 
received, the Chriftian is never fo 
vanqui/hed, but chat recovering 
againe by the power of God, hee 
gocth on with ftedfafi j ^y. 

A Further Liberty i*, that if 
the godly doe by any occafi- .j j 
on fall from their foled courfeinto | 
any offence, whereby their con- 
fcienccs are wounded and accufe 
themfelves ; they may returne a- 
gaiae onto God, with ccrtiine at 
iurance of being received of him, 
lohn 2. a. Without thispriviledge, 
there were bat fmall encourage- 
ments for any Chriftian 3 becaufc of 
oar ofcen falls. 

Therefore the Lord doth not 
onely permit us to doe thus, but 
calleth and waiteth for ir, yea,he is 
highly offended, if wee doe not, 
ler.%,^ and for the effc&ing of ic 
hath given charge to the Paftours, 
asEs^f^aadtoocherSjG*/ 6. i. 
how grca; a priviledg this is, they 
kacw full well who have experi- 

7-^^~— "3*=^S - 

unto a godly Life* 



enceof an afRi&ed confeience, to 
whom no tiding? can be-flnre 
glad fome than this, ifit be rightly 
applyed. It draweth from fuch 
many thanks and praifes, and (o 
bringeth muchhonoar to God. 

Bat this rr.uft be warily and 
wifely received, that wee neither 
take occafion hence to imbolden 
our felvesto fiine, or content our 
felvcs wtthfMght repentance : for 
Gods mercies rouft be inftaotly 
(ought for,and then his favour may 
not be doubted of, as appeareth by 

thatexampIejE^.io. i. 

So that here two extremes are 
to beavoided/e/isr. that neither we. 
prefame upon fleight and jhollow 
repentance, norlanguifhindefpe- 
| rate ard unfruitfull forrow, but ia 
found humiliation hope ftedfaftly 
for pardon, and dy to our fouleg, 
as Vavid doth, Pfal. 43. 5. 

The fame that is Ipoken of aSu- 

allfinnes, muft al fobs under flood 

of dulnefli, id leocfle, unprofitable 

.iarrenncifeofche heart 3 and iiich 

1 other 

^ -a= — : 

' ■ ' I I 1 H 


Briefe DireStims 

4 ' * ■ ■>! 

other corruptions which arc wont 
co quench the workc of God his 
Spirir, and to be the feed of maay 
curfcd evills. The Lords will is, 
that from he^ce we fhould expeft 
in faith as well ftrength to weaken 
them, as mercy to forgite them. 

T He very helpes themfetves 
which Gad hath given to us, 
to farther our faWatioD^ are great 
priviledger, & fo to be accounted. 
As that by Prayer we may have 
acceffe onto God to breake our 
miade, lay open eur griefr, and 
that with confidence : and that by 
watchfuloeffe, wee may efcape 
thole dangerous (hares of Satan, 
wherein fo many are bungled , a id 
chat wee may in the end of every 
day make up our accounts with 
J :>y,and kecpeall ftreighc. For un- 
co thefe, and (uch like helpes^ God 
hath proraifed a bleffing, and 
we muft by faith lookc cooftantly 
for the fame 5 for there is do 
fruitc of the beft help:s if wee 




I !■ ■ 

unto a godly Life. 

»• - ™ *— — — — i- ■■ ——»»—' ■ ■ 
ufe them not in faith, lam \. 6. 

Thefeare great privilcdgcs^nd 
howfoever ofmany through eanh- 
linefle,fbth,and way-wardr.efk of 
their hearts they be not fo eftee- 
med; and therefore either not ufed> 
or elft formally or fl:ight]y, yet 
wee (hould account the more of 
them; albeingfo glorious^hat the 
dim eyes of prophanc peribns can- 
not behold them : and praife God 
the more^ who maketh them Co 
fweet and gainful! unto us, which 
unto fb many are ?ery gall aod 


ANother great proiledge ig 3 
that the Lord tcache:h hi$ 3 
how to carry themfelves, and 
keepe their integrity in all eftates 
of life. 

As firft^ in peace and profperity , 
when a man hath riches^ Honour, 
health, friends, delights, and plca- 
fures, &c. This is a flippery cftate 
in which no man of himfelfccan 
ftand, and therefore isanoccafion 


m r § ■ — • 



■ i 1 1 f ' 


Brsefe Dirctlions 

of falling to wioft men, bucGod 
ceacheth his to ftandin this flp- 
pery way.- 

For, firft, whenhecaufeththe 
Dcftiinc of coccntation, fobriety, 
and the contempt of this world to 
be taught unto them, then hee 
dnweth their hearts inwardly to 
attend unco ic, believe it, love and 
pra&ifeir, Bsfides this, God cau- 
feth them oft to fet before their 
eyes the daily changes of all things 
under the Sunne$ and by the oft 
and deepe consideration of thefe 
things as they obferve them, their 
lufts are appalled, and th* pride cf 
life is greatly abated in them,p/*/. 

102, 22. 

So thatby thefe means the Lord 
fo frameth his, that they defire no 
more, nor no longer than their j 
heavenly Father feeth expedient j 
toufe thefe outward things, as if 
they u&d them not* and yet fo to 
ufe them as that they may be helps 
to themfclves and others in the 
way of godliucfle. 


AH which is not Co to be vander- 
flood, as if every believer had this 
grace, but that God hath bequea- 
thed, and doth offer this to all, 
though oncly they have if, which 
doe efteeme ofitandfeekeforir, 
in faith at Gods hands. 

SO Iikewife in regard of af- 
flictions, the prerogative of 
God his children is great ; firft,he 
holdeth many tribulations from 
them, which otherwife by their 
fianes they doe plucke upon them- 
selves, P/S/.52. 10, 1 1 . which muft 
need 2 s be Co, becaufe affli&ions 
fpring from finne, aad therefore 
where lii is greater or leffer, the 
affl'.&ioas will bz proportionable. 
The truth of it,i/i*. that they 
miy be freed from many troubles, 
is plaine, becaufe Co many doe fill 
thtmfelves with in ward troubles 
of mhde and conference, by 
giving place to their unbridled af- 
feftiais, which br^rde many per- 
turbations! and by caking licenfe 



Briefe VireUuns 

co themfelvcs in things which are 
not ftcmely. They bring alfo ma- 
ny outward troubles upon them- 
felves by their fins, as flhame, po- 
verty, difeafcs,evill children, &c. 
All which may often be avoided 
by the grace of God, iffinne were 
taken heed of and refitted, and if 
by labour and watchfulncfle the 
unruly heart wsre fubdued. 

Whereby the way^we may ob* 
ferve how un wifely they doe,who 
(hun the fincere pra&icc of religi- 
on, that they may be freed from 
troubles, when as Religion doth 
f re^a maa from fo many ♦ 

AS the faithfull are freed whol- 
ly from troubles • fo when 
they are in, God delivereth them 
out of many, when asthe wicked 
reraaine in theirs, ?r*. 1 i, 8. Ex- 
amples both of the Church in ge- 
nerall, and of the faithfull in parti- 
cular, are fufficiently knowne to 
all that know any thing in the 
jScripturcs : all which are recor- 


cd, not to (hew onely that the 

ithfull have beene delivered out 
f trouble (for that were no fingu- 
ar thing, but commoa for the 
picked) but that they are delive- 
red in the fatherly love of God, is 
%ppcareth by the meanes which 
they ufed ; as prayer, faftlng,&c. 
~~his the wicked have never, nor 
always the godly. 

Oh The Fathers had particu- 
lar promife for their deliverance, 
but Co have not we. 

Ah. In 'he maine andchiefeft 
thiogs,God hath fpoken as plainly 
and fully to us 3 as to them ': wee 
may al waiesafftre oar (elves, that 
God hath a mod tender and father- 
ly care over us, and that hec will 
fie w the fame in the time of our 
need, either by delivering us ifhe 
fee it good and expedient* or elfe 
by giving us that grace which 
(hall be fufficient for us. The not 
teaching or not believing of this 
do&rincjCiufcth much nncheerful- 
neflc & di&ontent in our troubles, 




Brief e VireBi&u 

as grudging againft God, unlaw- 
ful! (hifcing, carnall feares, &c. 
wheras,if it wereotherwife, much i 
hcaycnly » comfort might be rea- 
ped in our lives, which now is 
wanting. j 

When it pleafcththe Lord to 
lay anyaffliftions uponhi> 3 they 
may allure themfelves it is for their 
exceedinggoodj which peifw* fi- 
onifitibfefetled, and the contrary 
power of carnall reafbn, checked 
and fuppreffed^ we (hall have wif- 
dome to looke for affli&ions daily, 
and be ready to receive them from 
God thankfully,and meekely, this 
wxfedorae muft be (ought for of 

NoWiif wee would take good 
by affliftions,we muft firft receive 
that word with full affentj which 
\$ y Rom 8.28. All things worke for 
the beft to thofe which love God : 
and then confider ferioufly how 
great reafon there isj that wee 
fhould yeeld up our felvcs, our 
wills, and. all that w*e have unto 






unto a godly Life. 


j>od his will^nd thinke thac good 
for us which God thinketh good • 
JbrGod fendeth affli&ions Co his 

I Firft,That they may have ex- 
perience of his iovc in delivericg 

2 Secondly,that they may have J 
proofe of their faich and patience. 

3 Thirdly, thac they may not 
b:c condemned with the world. 

4 Fourthly, that they may bee 

I purged from their finncfulldrofiV. 
5 Fifthly, to weane them from 
this world. If thefe things bee 
knowneandb^leeved of us, wee 
(hall find them fo to our exceeding 
comfort; and though foraccimes 
in mall we may feemc to bee neg- 
IcQcd or forgotten, yet wee fhall 
fecaclcngth rtatitisnothingf}. 

Ob. It afflifl ions (hill turne to 
our good, then wee need take no 
further thought about chem. 

Anfw* Thjt promife doth not 
warcanc us to be careleiT • f jr if we 
behave our fdves wilfully, block- 





Brief e Virt&hns 


ifhly or foolilhly in affliftions, 
they will nunc to our great hurt 
and vexation: but if wee mingle 
that Scripture with faith, it Willi 
caufe us to receive all crofles from i 
God as fent in lovejnot to murmur 
at them, but thankcfully and pati- 
ently, and alio with examination 
of our felves, If lb bee that any fin 
hath brought cvillupon us- and 
then we {hall have proofe of Gods i 
grace in us,experienceof his favor 
towards u$,prcfervationfrora ma- 
nyfins .increafc of humiliation and 
thankfulneflc, preparation for the 
bearing of greater , with (bme 
comfort at Ieaft in the end, and 
hope in the midft^ which (hall not 
makeusafhamed* Whenwefinde 
not this doftrine fcvorie and fweec 
tons, nor the uftofkinouraffli- 
ftions. Jet us not charge or chal- 
lenge the Lord for ir, butconfider 
what we have loft byunbeleefc, 

NOw befides all the former 
privileges feverally D therc is 
one that refpe&cth them all of 


unto a godly Ltft. 


great price^ and thac is, incrcafc 
and growing of all thofe graces : 
orGod givech to his greater every 
way,than they would have (brae- 
times either expe&ed or asked, 
Ccl. i. 9. 

An example whereof we may fee 
in Mofes, if we compare his later 
times with his former > and in the 
Apoftles. This priviledg, if it bz 
duly confidered.addech great cou- 
rage, and yecldeth much comfort 
to Gods children : when they (hall 
know thac this grace is offered 
them of God,even that like plants 
they (hould grow and increaft in 
Gods Houfe, and as the Sunne they 
(hould Quae more and more untill 

Aad bowfoever the Divell ray- 
feth many occafions of fainting, 
(loth , deadnefle of fpiric, and 
earthly mindcdnefle,neglcfting of 
meanes, &c. yet may wee not be 
di/couraged, but prefle forward, 
depending onGodspromifej and 
j following his dirc&ion. 
J Ail 

23 i 



Briefs DireUwis 

A S hec that makcih a good be- 
**ginniDg,{hall increafe &grow 
in goodndle, fo he that increafech 
daily, fhall make a good end at 
length : for all true believers fhall 
conch ue to the end in a good and 
godly couT(c/Pfa.tf.$7.PJ!;i/.u6, 
lob 6.39.8* 10,28. which as in ic 
felfc it is a great priviledge, Co hit 
the greater inthatGcd makethit 
fcnowne to his children, and draw- 
eth their heartsto believe the fame, 
even when the fee no ground for it 
in themfelves, 1 Fc**<\ 5. 1 lob. 1 }, 
13. iThef.5 9. 

This is a treafare invaluable, 
mightily reviving & gladding the 
hsartsof Gods children, and in- 
couragingthem withcheerfulncfle 
to follow the gedly life, and ali 
meanes of proceeding in if. For 
they|wbich takecccafion from this 
deftine to waxeflothfull, world- 
ly, idle, vaice, &c. they know not 
what it meanetb, but pervert that 
wh'xh they know nor, to tfrrir 



The truth and certainty of this 
pri? Hedge is not to be doubr ed of, 
though wee ice good men at their 
death to ftiewlcnail tokens of grace 
and of a happy departure : for 
there may be many impediments, 
and howfoevcr ic may feeme, yet 
this is certain? $ of a good life com- 
meth a good death, Pfalm.5j.27. 
Sometime indeed for conreft ton of 
fom e fin, or for example, the Lord 
may fetid fuch a death as is lefle 
comfortable,aiin Ufa 1 King. 13. 
24. and in the Prophet that was 
fent to Urobotm i yea,(bmetimcs a 
good Chriftian may offer yiolence 
to himtelfe, not [knowing what he 
doth* yet being formerly of a holy 
and,unrebukeable convcrfaion, he 
is not to be judged according to 
that one a£ion, how unwarranta- 
ble and dangerous foerer in it felfc. 

Much lefle ought perfection to 
ftemefo grievous, as that it could 
not ftand with a good eftate, and 
finall perfeverance, efpccully fee- 
ing we hare much incouragement 

L to 





Britfc dirtciims 

co the fuffering ofic, by examples, 
promifts, and predi&ous in hc]y 

This perseverance then being fb 
precious, and yet fo cercaine* lec us 
then nourifh the hcpcofitiaour 
feives dailyby keeping ia us a wil- 
lingnefle to die, 

2 By frequenting medication of 
the vanity of this world, and all 
that therein is, CV.3. 1. 

Thirdly, by holdirg faft our 
rejeycing inChrift, iCr.5.31. by 
mortify ingot lb, and keepirgour 
hearts frora the love of ir, {fW.3.5. 

Laftly, by inuring our felyes, to 
beare fmaHaffli&iocs,arid foco de- 
ny oiir i;\vcs,thac we cay the bet- 
ter undergoe greater when they 
ihall be fent. 

NOw that wherccn all the for- 
mer doe depend, and where- 
at they aime, is the ur:fpeakeabl. 
glcry which was prepared for is 
before the beginning of the world, 
begun in rhisiifej aud to be fully 
ana peril ft. y er.j ;yncc, id the Bfc 


untp a godly Life. 

to come, This for our capacity i* 
(hadowed out by many earthly 
companions and referabhnces of 
chofe chinas which dot moft dc- 
light us,as honour ,treafure,iiche?, 
beauty, friends, plcafure, joy, in- 

Our company there (hall be 
Chrift, with his holy Asgcils, 
bleffed Apoft'es, Prophet?, Mar- 
tyrs, Confcffbrs, &c. 

The habitation it fclfcispemn- 
nent and everlaftiog, and Co are all 
the tteafures that arc enjoyed 

The eftate of Pri.:ce3 is not to 

be compared with that happinefle. 

All the glory which waa in this 

world, even before the fall, was 

but a Shadow in refpeft of this, the 

glorious aod unfpeakeable joy 

j which Gods children hivehetcis 

j great, i C $r * *• 9* an d nuking a 

I day of their life,bettcr than a thou- 

' (and of och?r meo8, T/*/. 84. 10. 

yet this is but a tafte of that which 

is to come. Fot then ail teares 

L 2 I /hall 




1 %l6 

Briefe d<n&uns 



(hall be wiped from our eyes ; for 
fin and death (hall be no more. 

Thispriviledge added untoall 
the former doth Efficient com- 
mend the happy coodi ion of 
Gods children, cfpecially to thofe 
that know theft things to belong 
to themfclves^and find the comfort 
of them. But this cffcftuall Know- 
ledge of Gods willi to apprehend 
them by faith in particular, is a 
particular gift of God tohisElcft; 
not enjoyed of any other, no not o( 
the grcatcft ana mod judicial! 
Clarkesand Divines, Mmh* ij. 
1 1. which doth indeed make this 
gift more precious, in that Gods 
children have grace to draw down 
ill good from God in his promift • 
which naturall men cannot doe ; 
for flefh and blood givcth not tkis 
to any. But God draweth his chil- 
dren to the knowingand believing 
of it : Firft by his Word, and Se- 
condly by their owne experience, 
which bringeth moft neereand fa- 
miliar communion with God by 


^ ■I M «I 


unto * godl] Lift. 



his Spirit., from whence fpringcth 
moft uofpcakeable joy. 

T^He/e being thegreatPriviled- 
*ges which our God hath ap- 
pointed for hi*, and called them to 
partake of; moft lamentable it i* 
that many {hbuld be ft ignorant as 
not to defice to know them, (b 
careleffc as to rej^ft them/o obfti- 
nace as to tread them under £ x>ce 3 
and fo to leade a life foil of mi fe- 
ry for wine of therm 

TbeChriftian lite is termed io 
Scripture,* pilgrimage, a fowixig 
in teares,&c. 

Therefore we hadneedof, nay 
therfore we have thefe privilege?; 
for otherwise wee could never un- 
dergoe the tribulation which wee 
flu!l meete with; and the afflicti- 
ons do rather increafc tfun dimw 
nilh their happinefle. 

We fee no fuch glprioas ihiagsf 

Tfeefcarefpiriruall :hir^* a nd 
thcrtore no: eafily difcirao^Dsjng 
epecially inward ; hskir s.wickc^ 








II !»■■* 





Brief* Vireftions. 

men will not acknowledge that 
glory which they fee; hecaufe ic 
reproveth them. 

Againe 3 thefe priviledges are 
more inward feeling than out- 
ward appearance. Moreover there 
are many infirmities in che lives of 
profeflburs, which the world doe 
more gaze upon, than upon their 
Ghriftian convocation otherwife. 
Sat yet their lives be glorioui be- 
fore God, zni (hining lights to 
them that can fee and difcernc, 
whileft they that carpe at them 
(hall be moftloachfome andabho- 

A Gainft the former Dircftions 
many thiog* may be obj -flted 
both by carnall cavclleis, and alto 
by weake Chriftians. 

Of the Grft fort is, that there 
needeth no pther dire&ions to bee 
prefcribed be fides Gs?ds word. To 
^hich there needeth no other an- 
fwer, biit that by the fame reafon 
all pf^chiogwercnccdlcffe;which 
if ic bee « i C (hould, is out of the 


1 -j mi ■" 

l » m 

unto s godly Life. 

Scriptures : but befides there is 
great need of/uch a Dire ft ion a* 
this to be penned, by rcafonofthe 
great weakenefles which are in 
Ghriftians, fome being fbwofca- 
pacicie, others (hart of memorie^ 
othas very foone unfetled for 
want of good dirc&ion, areafha- 
med or unwilling to open their 
griefes, or elft have no fie man to 
flbew them unto: fo that befides 
other great harme which follow- 
eth the want of dire&ion,they are 
deprived of much communion 
with the Lord, and comfort that 
arifeth from it. 

IT is further obje&ed, that no 
fuchdirc&ioacan bee obierved 

But if it wercimpofiibl.% why 
doth the Prophet call them blefled 
that follow fucha courft? Pfs.1.2. 
and affirme Co much of hirafelfc, 
Pfal. 1 19. 97.many fuch examples 
alio wee have amongft us. even in 
this age, who doe not make them- 






Briefe direcliws 


felvesftrangersunroGod, to hcare 
from him^or to fend vnco hinnnow 
and then ; bat to watke with him 
daily ,as all are commanded to doe. 
Nay, many there are,w ho of expe- 
rience hare fonnd this way not on* 
ly poffible, but eafie to them, and 
fall of comforr^who ihoBld indeed 
be pacternes unto other?; for :he 
beft pra&ifcrs are the beft teachers: 
neither can any idle profefibur 
looke for fach eafe and comfort as 
-the painfull Chriftian that hath 
bcene taught by long experience, 

IT will be &id,that howfoever it 
be poffible, yet it is very toyle- 
fome and inconvenient, depriving 
men of pleafure^ and hindering la- 

Bus the truth is,there js no plea- 
fare or comfort in the world, like 
unto it: thati^heientenceohhe 
faolyGboft, Pftlm. 1 19, 9p y 1 00. 
Pr.v.S. n. Neither is this meant 
offming God at times, but con- 
tinually, even all the day long. 



uttto a godly Life. 

And vvh jfoerer bath any know- 
ledge and experience by praftke, 
whac reward there is in ftrving 
God , doth j aftifie this to be true : 
for why alfo fhould fo many Chri- 
ftians part with all fjafaH pleafures 
which they might enpy wicho* 
thcrs, and fpeod fo much time and 
painei in Gods fervice* if it were 

It is not indeed a pleafare to all* 
but to the upright in hcart,it is the 
onely delight, chough m this life. 
there be fome refiftance ° nay., it 
fcafoneth and fweatnech all earth- 
ly liberties,alfo making them truly 
plea fane to the godly, which to o - 
thers are mixed either with bur- 
tbenfome tedioufnefle, or hidden 

Neither would this hinder la- 
bour and c hnfr ;for all godly thrift, 
Chriftian gaining; and la wfull pro- 
fpering in the world, doth arifc 
from hence ; even when a man go- 
eth to the workes of his calling 
with a minde at peace with God, 




firiefc Dire8iv;j. 

commending his affaires to Gods 
providence, aimes ac his glory, 
loofces ac hie promi(e,and fo waits I 
for a blefirng: and for want of this, 
many in great toile and paincs find 
no ftcceflenor bleflbg ofGodjand 
others that feemc to profper have 
their wealth but as Indus had his 
fopjami the Ijrdelites their quailes, 
to become their banc and poy fon. 

Ji S caufelefle :alfo is their feare, 
*- who fiy,that the following of 
thistlircftioD would breaks ofFall 
fbciety and fcllowfhip arsoogft 
men. For this would breake off 
none but evill fdlowfhrp, fuch as 
it were to be wifbed were abando- 
ned all focieties of Ohriftians; 
which ificfteraeftrange, it wiJl be 
oncly to fuch as the Apoftle Pettr 
fpcaketh of ih his firft Epiftle, 4.4. 

BUc ic is fit to fctisfie the doubts 
which weake Ghriftians arc 
like to propound- 
As firft, how they may attaine 


■ I M • 



and kcepe this Cod r fe ? 

For che anfwcr whereof, thus 
much : 

i There muft bee an earned de- 
fire wrought by the confideration 
of the ncceffide of if . 

2 There muft bee a ftrife againft 
untowardncfle and £hth. 

3 Ail earthly afie&ions rauft be 
moderatcd^nd not clog us. 

4 There mufti ifaih be expe- 
ctation of fruit farer above the la- 

5 It will -begood at the firft that 
doubts which arifeb: imparted to 
others of experience; and chat che 
proceeding be marked, that wants 
may be £ipplied 3 and good things 

This if wee doe,the nutter will 
notfeeme £> difficult and tedious 
unto us;r?eithsr are lawful! c illings 
any lecsumo this Chriftian courfe. 
For holy cxerci&s and Uwfuii bu- j 
(ine(Te,a heavenly mind and earth- 
ly dealing^may very well Hand to- 



Briefc dirt&ionst&c. 

SOmc arc alfo moved, with the \ 
erodes that they (hall mcete 
withallin the world. 

Bat they needc not be troubled 
fa as to goc backe, but rather to 
ftt forward thereby, Vent. 8*. 

The end of all this if, thatfuclr 
as have rectived the Gofpell, and 
that have not beene carefull thus 
daily and perpetually to .walke 
wichGod ; if it was of ignorance, 
they muft not be difcouraged, but 
onely (hew that ignorance was the 
caufe, by amending now upon 
knowledge. If it wasofevillcon- 
fdence againft their knowledge, 
their fin is the greater, especially if 
they have fallen from the firft 
love:Therefore :ime it is,tbat they 
fhould returne and feeke peace 
with God^maimaining the fame by 
carefull watching over themfelves 
throughout the day, that they of- 
fend in nothing* 



Chriftian Letters 


M r . Paul Bayne. 

Replenished with di- 
vers Correlations, Exhortati- 
ons, and Direftions, tending 

to promote the Honour 

Hereunto is added a fruitfull 

Sermon for the Triaffof a 

Chriflians Eftatt. 

He br. 5. 13. 

Exhort one another daily ^ while it U called 
to dijfy left any of you he hardened 
through the deceitfulneffe of finne. 

Printed by E G. for /. N. and are 

to be (old by Samuel Endcrby at his (hop 
in Popes-bead* Alley, at the figne 
of the Starre, 1637. 





<s£> <&» *&> <&* <&* <>5i <*ir> *&* 
«*^> <<jv «^> *^> *£*> c*j»> <$> cj> 



and Chriftian Ladies,the 

Lady Weld, and the 

Lady Lennard: 

Grace, and 


Ight Worfhip* 
full and wor- 
thy Ladies, if 
there bee a- 
ny one thing 
wherein I make fingular 
account of my friends love, 
it is , when by feme good 
meanes they are fetting mee 
forward in the wayes of fal- 

A 2 vati- 



The Epiftk Dedicatory. 


vation:andon the other fide., 
1 cannot (b rejoyce in an* 
improvemetof my beft love 
and fervice co them, as when 
mutually I may bee a helper 
forward of their faith. I write 
not this, as favouring any 
ingratefull burying civil! and 
humane kindnefles in oblivk 
on,but as giving the preemi-j 
nence to theworkeof love,! 
which eipecia'ly is imployed 
in advancing that good part, 
which as our Saviour inri- 
mateth to Martha 3 Q\z\\ nor be 
taken awav from us. Let it 
not therefore I pray you(my i 
honored good Ladies)feeme 
ftrange 5 that in the defire of 
rhe beft good to your fouler 
I prefent to your view, and 
infcribe by particular Dedi- 
cation to your LadifhipSjthi 
enfuing Bundle of Letter t 


The Epifik Dedicatory. 

partofthewerkesofa reve- 
rend Divine, who living, fhi- 
ned as a bright Scarre in the 
Church of God. For 1 am 
perfrvaded, with Gods blef- 
fing^vhich is all in all, that if 
you attentively reade this 
Booke, you fhall finde many 
fweet Motives to heavenly- 
mind dnefle, effV&uall con- 
federations so qcalifie the bit- 
ternefie of lbrrow D which of- 
ten befalleth us in this vale of 
Teares; andlafHy^nofmall 
attra&ive to draw up your 
mindes from thefe vanifhing 
delights below , to thofe 
hopes and joyes of an inheri- 
tance incorruptible, undefi- 
led 5 thatfadeth not away,re- 
ferved in Heaven for you. I 
will not enlarge my felfe, to 
fpeake in commendation of 
the Author of thefe Chriftian 

A 3 Letters \ 



The Epiftle Vedtmory. 

Letters^ who no marvell hee 
(peaketh tofeverall points fo 
gracioufly., who felt heavenly 
ftraines in his Meditations (b 
plentifully. This prefent 
Booke will(as his other Wri- 
tings have done) fpeake for 
him J doubt not.ftfficiently, 
One part of which hath been 
tranfcribed while the Author 
li ved, and the Copie was not 
to bee had in Print, in my 
knowIedge,fuIl many a time^ 
yea, hundreds of times, or 
neerer a thoufand times, if 
fbme godly perfons have not 
mif-reckoned. Now, why I 
chnfe your Ladifhips , in 
whofe name to commend 
this Worke to the Church of 
God 5 though I might al- 
leadge other reafbns, yet for 
the prefent ht this fuffice, 
1 'hat. as you are Sifters in 



" — ■> ■ '■ 

The Epijik Dedicatory, 

nature, fo you are neerer Si- 
fters in grace, and therefore 
well may bee joyned in one 
infer iption, whom God hath 
linked in fo holy union.I will 
not by longer Preface hold 
your Worships from the 
Booke it felfe. Readeir,my 
refpe&ed good Ladies 5 and 
the Lord give you under- 
flanding in all things. Febr* 
22. 1620. 

Tout Ladifhipf) readie 
to all fervice in the 

Ez. Ch. 


A 4 



«r • & & o e* «* & o o o £ o 


Containing Divine Inftra- 

ftions,Ex hortatlons, and 

Letter I. Dite8crj. 


f^Sggg^OoD Miftrcffc 5. 

we muft not think 
ic ftrange, wben 
need is,to be made 
sffli&ions /orchis 
hath ever beene the portion of 
Gods Children., who through ma- 
ny Tribuluions have entrcd in* 
to his Kingdome. Hee that will 
not let the fhew and livdefle 
affiyln g aad overturning, how 
much more hach hce an aking 
Tooth at thjc Grace which is on- 

A S fained? 



faincd? Wherefore bee net dit | 
maied, if Changes and Armies of 
Trials fhould fucceed each other; 
rather re joy ce, thatbyoccaGonof 
thefe things, you may fee your 
fclfecobcbuildedon that Rocke 
which none can prevaile againft, 
though it bee never fo afftyled. 
When the Windes blow, and 
Sformes fall., then wee may fee. 
what buildirgs have fure Foun- 
dations : then ihofe that are other- 
wife,cannot be hidden. Our whole 
care,v\ hen temptations follow u«, 
ftardahin this: Firft, wee rcuft 
judge aright of them, and the end 
for which Gcd doth frnd th^m : 
Secondly , wee nmft fecke vtife- 
domc and ftrergth, which may 
make us undcrgoe them, to Gods 
glory, and our corrforrs. A}! evils 
which befall us in (ouk,bodic and 
condition, fhey are med r cinahle 
forrowes fenc of God, that the 
foule holpen by them, as by bitter 
potions, might by renewed re* 
pen;aiiC€ more and mure purge it 


QUtfclviS inaffliliiQns* 

felfe of cbac true Soule-ficknefle^ 
that finne and corruption which 
dwdlethinit. If wee were as in- 
nocent as Job- 9 yetmuftwehura- 
b'eour felvts under the hand of 
God, whenhefendcthadverficies.. 
V Vherefore^ in all renewed occa- 
iL-nsof chiskinde, let us judge 
our felves 5 and ^row more vile in 
our o wne eyes • that thus humbled 
under Gods mighrie hind p wee 
may further acd further receive 
his grace, for the cxaldng of us; 
Aud this is the end of God^why he 
at miny times briogeth many and 
divers advtriities.Thereafonis: 
this exercife of a broken fpiric 
may ftillbee renewed tffctfually 
in us : even as Phyficians , to 
bring away ficke matter more 
fully and fafely, are forced againe 
and againe to open the veine , 
u kifig away now fome bloud,no w 
ether fome, as the partie mtf 
btare; to doth God, not at once, 
but many times bring away- this 
corruption which dwelleth in us : 





dfjHBiotts though biteer, 

And as Phyficians now give one 
thing, now another, left naiure, 
ufed ftill to one , (hould doc bee 
moved 5 fo God doth (bmetimes 
in bodie, fomeiimes in minde, 
fometimesin our iftaredealewith 
us.hecaufe hce doth fee, that the 
longer wee arc ufed to this or that 
croife, the kffe it worketh with 
us. Bat left wee (hould bee fwal- 
lowed np of evils , wee meft 
jnyne witheare of humbling our 
(elves, that wifedome and ft* ength 
which may make us hopeful! and 
joyfull, even in the middeft of 
our affii<5Uor.$. The things that 
befall us, wee muft not looke at 
them by outward appearance, but 
wifely confider how they are 
changed in Chrift,who hath taken 
away the poyfon which would 
bee in the evils wee fuffer, and 
made them ferviceable for our 
good. As Children, through want 
of Wifedome , are troubled at 
Bug-beares ; fo wee are much af- 
fraid of things which caanos hurt 



ytt rphokfome. 


us. This wifedome, which doth 
make us truly to difcerne things 
comagious in bearing cf them, Ic 
is betcer with ihe body when it 
feedeth on bitter hearfcxs which 
breed good bloud, than when it 
feedeth on fweet meais, which 
ingendcr bitter vomits and mor- 
tal! fiefceefles, Agaioe,asall fwcet, 
without any tart intermeddled, is 
notfopkafing: To if in the tenor 
• four lives wee (hould not (omc- 
time know diftafement, our com- 
rns would when we enjoy them 
beroth'ng fb taftefull to us. Be. 
fides, witedeme will tell us that 
thcic thiogs come andgoe as the 
raine on cur cloaths, which in a 
,whifcdriem up, and all is as be- 
fore: fo when hca^intlfcis with 
us inthe evening, wee fcc joy rc- 
ai Hgeven before the morning 
often. Did wee not through falfc 
glafles tee thirgs otherwise than 
they are, they would oot caft 113 
downefomuch as the doe. Wee 




- +n% +m* f n | | r I a» 

H ■* ».»» 


Chrifi cur ftrength 


therefore wifely obferving how \ 
many wayes the grace of God our 
heavenly father doth change thefe 
things into our good, even as the 
art of the Apothecary doth make 
a poifonfull Viper into a whole - 
Come, Triacle, we muft choofe ra- 
ther aflfli&ion than vanity. Now 
we want ftrength , wee muft be- 
ing confeious of it., come to him, 
who maketh u* able to doe sH 
things through his ftrcrg r henirg 
of them, who ftrengtheneth his 
in the inner man to long fuff*- 
ranee with joyfulneflc, who hath 
faid, Sjch as looke to me, ftull re- 
new ftrength. Our ftrength is to 
clafpeChrift, and hold to him as 
the perfon in whom is all our 
ftrength. TheCofiiesarea weake 
creature, but they diggc in the 
rocke, worke themfclves holds 
under the earch where they may 
beinftfety: we are fet to fchoole 
to them to karne of them, that 
whereas we are weake, we privy 
to it, would by faith worke our 

in all afflictions. 


felves inco that Rocke Chrift Je- 
fus,againft whom the gates of hell 
cannot prevaile. When the Apc- 
fiks had received bis fpiric of 
firength, they made a play of all 
their fufFerings and labours; even 
as in bodily things Wee fee men 
that have ftrength and courage, a? 
thefe porters and fuch, they will 
make a (port to bcare fueh bur- 
thens as a weake creature would 
tremble to kft ar. Want of this 
wifedome and ftrength, wha> voy 
ces doe they draw from us? Even 
fuchasthek; Were ic anything, 
faith one,but this, I could hop- to 
re ceivc good from i ; Were it a- 
ny thing but this, I could hope to 
beare ir. Whereas did wee put on 
this fptfticle of wifedome, wee 
fhould tee that there were no- 
thing Co fit as this to doe us^ood^ 
which Go c'mftth toufe before 
other. Did wee in confcicncc of 
our imp tercy fteke to Chrift to 
mike us able, wee fhould not 
doubt but to fiade ftrcngih e- 


— i .^ i 



Cbriji ourflrengtk. 

nough whereby tobeare that com- 1 
\ fortabtyj which wee thioke moft 
intolerable. Wherefore, as I 
know you fabjeft to (bme exerci- 
(cs,(bl wifliyou more and more 
communion with your Chrift, on 
whom reftcth the fpirit of Wile- 
dome and ftrength^ihat you may 
beare them,yea be more than con- 
queror in thenu 

I doe defire to remember you 
with the firft of thofe whom 
God by his providence hath en- 
deared to roe above others. Being 
not fit to continue long in wri- 
ting, with- my hearty commenda- 
tions and thanks for all your love, 
I commit you to God. 

Yours in Chriflian affc&ion* 

Faitl B4jm. 



. »■ ■■» ■■ 

m ■ ■ ■ 

2. Hortatory. 

MY Chriftian Friend, being 
much indebted uoto ycu, 
for the kindnefle I hive received 
from you, I thought good to let 
you fee that 1 dot not altogether 
forger, what I cannot fo fully as I 
would reqokc: wfc cannot fo diA 
charge this debt of love, but that 
we mud ft ill ftand indebted one to 
another. Now bethinking how I 
may bellow my felf for your good, 
I doe noc know any meane more 
fruitfull , than that of Chriftian 
exhortation, by which wee pro- 
voke each the other to love.Wher- 
fore give mec leave to ftir you up, 
but to labour for the prefent fruit 
ofyour affliftion forcpaffed,and to 
prepare your felfe againft future 
tryalsj if God fhouldbe pleated to 
prove your patience yet further in 
time to come. Wee (ee the earth 
then having endured the nipping 
ftorme8 of the Winrer feafon , it 
commcth to receive into herbo- 
fomc the beames of the Sunne 


10 Deliverance from AffliUion 

now more approached^the earth I 
(ay before fuitIefle,doth put forth 
and become fruitfull : thus wce^ 
chough in the winter of our temp- 
tation,whi!e the favour of GO D 
feemeth to have forfiken us, 
chough in this taking we finde it 
enough to doe to keepe life at the 
root , yet when now Gcd doth 
warme our hearts with the fcnfe 
of his love, which is better than 
life it felfe^ then we muft labour to 
put forth both bud and bloffome, 
yea to bee filled with the fruits of 
tighteoufheffir, which arc to the 
praife of God through Jefus Cbrift. 
I When the Devil! cannot longer 
hinder our deliverance out of any 
evill, yet he will labour to keepe 
us without underftanding hearts, 
that wee fliall not bee able to ac- 
knowledge God in that hee hath 
wrought for us: by which meane 
the fbuie is kept from being bet- 
tered by that it hath received. If 
with our hearts wee underftand 
not the loving kindneffc and faith- 



fulutfle which God hath (hewed 
coward as, then cur love to him 
will not be increafed., for we love 
him, beaufe we finde him ro have 
loved us firft ; our faith will not 
be ftrengthened, if wee have not 
obfcrved how crufty the Lord is 
to all that beleeve in him : for this 
growth we take in knowing God 
by his word and works 5 this doth 
make us grow in bcleeving on 
him according to thar,They who 
know thee ., will truft in thee. 
Wherefore this being an enter- 
prize of Satan, when hee cannot 
defeat us of good things, then to 
keepe us,if ir b? poflible/rora the 
fpiriiuall fruit of them, let us bee 
wifctofeeke untoGodwho hath 
(aid,! am he that teacheth thee to 
prcfit,that he would be pleafed to 
give us his fpirir,which may teach 
us to know what hee hath done 
for us. If this bee obtained, then 
the benefit will follow, both of 
our trials and deliverance: Oar 
finncfhallbe more purged out of 


us , our graces (hall bee more 
ftrengchened , yea they fhall bee 
morea&iveandftirringm us, ma- 
king us more ready to, atid plenti- 
ful! in every good word and work 
rban beforctimes w?e havebeene. 
Thele are the chiefe ends for which 
God fendcth all our vifications : 
as the end of bi'tcr potions is to 
purge forth ficke matter from the 
body 5 (b all our griefs tent of 
God, are medicinabk bitteroeflfe 
to deanfc our foules. Now as tb« 
faculties are ftrengthened in us 
when we are rid of fach ficke ha- 
moursas did fo offend them, (b all 
the graces are the more confirmed 
by how much finne is more remo- 
ved. In the third place, a bodie, 
when ficknes doth not weaken the 
faculties of ir, is full of motion, 
found bodies love to bee ftirring, 
especially if coldneffe doe not be- 
numme the members and make 
them unfit for motion. Thus the 
foule, when God hath fcattered 
the cares a-nd lufts which did op- 


andfoftrengthens Grace* 


prefle it, and by his love fted into 
ic, diflblred that frozen coldnefl? 
which is an eneaay to heavenly 
aftion, then ic doth in 1o*q and 
zealetohis glory beftirre it lelfe 
diligently, both in the duties of 
the gcnerall calling of Chrifti- 
ans,and the particular callings in 
which wearefci refp^ft ofour out- 
ward condition, Thefc being the 
fruits which fhould follow affli- 
6tion, give diligence to find them 
in you more and more : ic is the 
feale of that elcftion and calling 
by Gcd, according to the purpofe 
of life, when you feele that things 
vvorke thus together for your 
good. Every bafemetall maybe 
patintothe tire, but that which 
abideth ia it and commeth forth 
more rt fined by k,thac is precious 
and of much account. Every man 
may bee put into the furnace of 
aflfliftion,but if wee endure cha- 
ftifements and come forth more 
and more purged by meanes of 
them, then it is a fure fignc we are 



Prtparalion for evill timet 


vtflel* of Silver, and vctfels of 
Gold, ordained ofGodco glory 

Now I come to tbat fecond 
taske, I did undertake of provo- 
king you to prepare againft times 
to come. Though great fickneflcs 
breed fometime long health , yet 
it is true on the other fide, that no 
winde but may blow raine when 
God is fo pleafed , no ftate fo 
calme which may notfoone turne 
tempeftuous 3 ftiould not the Lord 
bee more gracious. The Divell, 
when now God hath made us get 
the upper hand of fbme grievous 
temptation, doth lie in ambufh, 
and bend all his forces to draw 
us into pride, at leaft into fecurity 
and preemption touching things 
which may hereafter befall. Whcr- 
fore feeke to God to make you 
ready for every thing wherewith 
he (hall try you. In peace we pre- 
pare for warre: wearing a weapon 
docb not make a man the fooncr 
let on, nay it preventeth this 


juvjjcs profitable* 

danger (bmetimes, and alwayes 
makes a man ready ce defend him- 
fclfc when he is affailed. God doth 
fee us to learne of the Ant this 
poin t of Wifdome : that fm all crea- 
ture gatherech and hoordethfood 
in Summer, which may befuffici- 
ent in winter feafbn : and when 
we have that providence in Sum- 
mer to make proviiion of Hay and 
fodder for our beafts againft their 
need^ how fliould we be worthy 
rebuke, if wee fliould not now in 
peace ftoreupin our hearts thofe 
things which may bee ufefull and 
hclpfulltousintimeof our trou- 
ble? Now this praftife ftandeth in 
three things chiefely. Firft Jn gee 
ting a watchful (agacity,by which 
our (boles doe difcerne aforehand 
what kind of events and exerciies 
they are fubjeft unto in this vale 
of ceares. Secondly ,in learning by 
due confiderations, to know how 
wanting we are in wifedomc,how 
weake in regard of tfnc ftrength 
which maketh us able to ftand 




Faith in Cbrift>tbe 

when wee are tryed. Thirdly 3 In 
flying to God by faith , holding 
him, as who hath beene, i$, and 
mcft be, the rocke of our fa! viri- 
on : looking to Chrift the author 
andfiniflKrofou'faich, who hath 
received thiscommandemeot from 
his father, that he would not only 
call us and briogusinto the ftate 
of grace , but fccepe us in it and 
raifeusupattheLftday : who is 
a great Saviour > keeping his (as 
Trf#/faith)from every evillwork, i 
to his heavenly kingdome. Now 
when by faith wee thus hang oo 
God our Siviour, then we? are, 
as it wercio aftroDgTower,wher. 
in the gates of hell (hall not b?e 
able to hurt us, much tefle to pre- 
vaile againft us, God doth fee us 
to fchoole to the Conies, that of 
them we might learne this leflon : 
they are a weak^timorous creature, 
yet they have this wifedome to 
worke themfelves holes in the 
earth , burrowes to which they 
may reiuruc for (h Jccrjand though 

^cy I 


Reck^of our Salvttio*< 

l *7 

they goeoutfometimes, yet they 
dill returns ever and anon unto 
their holds. Oh, (b rauft wee, 
confcious of our weaknefle , by 
faith worke oar felves into the 
Rocke Chrift lefts* and though 
(bmetime wee are abroad , as it 
were, in many other matters, yet 
wee muft ftill returne and renew 
our beltcfe towards hire, I may 
not profecute theft things. The 
Lord teach you by his Spirit fb to 
acquaint your fclfc with him, that 
you may with much more confi- 
dence and boldnefle refortto him 
in all your ntceflities. Moreover, 
I have fent you a Soltloqitie y which 
I did longfince pen, that ic might 
bee an Introduction , leading by 
the hand a wcll-difpofed Chriftian 
to take up a forme of wcrds be- 
tween God and his foule for the 
increafc of his dcvotion.Thus with 
my hearts deftre to Gcd for you, I 
take my leave. 





Temf fattens rvorke fir good 

3. Confblatory. 

The God ofconfolation andcompaf- 
fion be withyoH) my good and lo- 
ving Sifttr , and rcmaine with 
jot* for ever. 

I Know not whether I ftiould 
write of gratulation unto you, 
and thanksgiving unto God for 
your deliverance, or clfc of fbme 
comfort again ft your troubles, if 
you yet rcmainc in them: Confi- 
dcring the Lords ordinary dea- 
ling, if you be not already delive- 
red, your deliverance cannot bee 
farreoff. But forafmuch as the 
wayes of God with his children 
are diver?, w hofe fteps wee can no 
more find out, than know the way 
in the aire where the bird hath 
flowne ; I know not whether hee 
will hold you in the Schoole of 
your grievous temptations. Well, 
lam affured that the iflue (hall bee 
good, aflured alio that the length 
and grievoufhefle of them, (hall 
Accordingly addc unto the weight 



■>! * 

to them that ftan God. 1 9 

and fhining brightncire of the 
Crowne which in Chrift lefts is 
prepared for you : affiired finally 
chat the comfort which thofe 
which are 5 or (hall be cemp:ed,wi)l 
bee much the ftrongerand deeper, 
as they (hall underftand chat you 
which have beene fo long and fo 
fharply exercifed, were atthclaft 
io gracioufly delivered. Be there- 
fore of !',ood comfort (my good 
Sifter) although the Lord plunge 
you into the Ssa, yet he will goe 
downe with you thither to keepe j 
you, tint you (hall not bee drow- 
ned : although you pafle thorow 
chefire 3 you (hall not beeconfu- 
tr.eJ,beciufe he is with you: al- 
though hec leadc you from one 
Seatoacother 3 yectheLord which 
commands both the teas and the 
fire ( as all other creatures) frill, 
for his dearc Sonnes fake, worke 
that fire nor water fhall not onely 
noc hurt you, but profit you in fi- 
ning you more and more from 
the droffc of finne, and wafhing 
B 2 yo i 



Temptations cannot hurt. \ 

you from the common filth of 
the remnants of finnc which arc 
in you. What doe Ifay that he will 
be with you in fire and water ? Ic 
is bat a fmall thing in his eyes. If 
you were brought to the gates 9f 
hell; If hell gates had (hue her 
mouth upon you , yec there his 
hand will be with you, and from 
thence his arme will deliver you. 
Yea, if hell had fwallowed you 
up into her bowels, yet it muft in 
deipite of it render you up againe: 
Her ftomackc cannot long hold 
you, no more than the great moa- 
ftrous Whale could brooke \lo*4s 3 
which if hee had light upon the 
wicked Mariners, hee would 
have devoured and digefted twen- 
ty of them in lefle (pace. And this 
is indeed the promife of our Savi- 
our, tMatth. 6. That hell gates 
fliall not prevaile againft you. 
They (hall fight againft you, but 
fliall not prevaile. Whereof I 
wrote unto you, for that our 
fiiend Mafter C. wrote unto rae, 


7)ifiruji & refnfall of comfort a fin. 


that fince my laft letters you have 
bcene terribly fhaken by a forci- 
ble Tempeft which the Enemie 
hath ftirred op againft you, wher- 
vvkh hee had railed fuch a dufi in 
your eyes, that ycu had in your 
judgement loft all fight of the 
grace and goodnefle of God 
in lefts Chrift. Butbcnotdifimi- 
ed > my Sifter, for my part I am in 
good hope that even as a little be- 
fore day-breake the darknefie is 
greateft : fo thefe grand Piece? 
which hee kcepcih in ftore until] 
the cafe be defperate, be, with the 
clappesthey give, and mifts they 
fend forth, meffer gers of your de- 
liverance, which is before ihe 
doore. The truth is, that as to be- 
leeveGod to be your merciful! Fa- 
ther, is a precious thing before 
God, (b to doubt of his goodnrffc 
towards ns,is a great finnc. When 
further wee refufe the -comforts 
and admonitions that bee offe- 
red out of his Word, the finnc is 
yet increafed. If blasphemous 

B 5 words 



Cjods mercy in Cbrifi infinite, 


words efcape us, yet fiune ii made 
one ftaire higher. If your finnes 
for the height of them, reach the 
very hcavcns,3nd for their breadth 
fprcad themfelves from South 
to North, and their length from 
Eaftto Weft: yet the rrerciei of 
the Lord our God in lefus Chrift 
ovcr-r'ach them every way. For 
u pon us all jthat are thus over f aken 
by Satan, ic is alfo verified, which 
the Apoftle faith; chat where finne 
doth abound 3 there grace doth 
more than abound. Thcfe large 
promifes hath the Lord made us 
to our everhfting comfort, which 
he hath fct out by the meafure of 
the obedience and fuflL-rings of 
hisdeare Sonne lefus Chrifr, the 
height, and breadth, and length 
whereof (as you know) is infinite,, 
not onely, becaufe hee was in fuch 
anguifti of minde for us, that 
through griefe hee fweat( which 
was never heard ofydropsof bloud 
which came from him, and cryed, 
My God, my God, why haft thou 



a gnat Comfort to great fivners. 

forfiken me? but alfofor that his 
obedience is the obedience of the 
eternall God, and for that his fuf- 
ferings are not onely the fuffe- 
ringsofa mortal! man^ but of the 
immortallGod;, which as the A- 
poftlefmb, with (bedding of his 
owre bloud redeemed us : not 
that the Go ihead could (offer the 
fheddingof bloud^but becaufe of 
thcunfpestkablc unity of the two 
Natures, bound together in one 
perfonj that which was done to 
Chrifttheman, i% toourfinguhr 
eomfort, laid to bee done of the 

Now for the keeping of our 
pare, which we have in the obe- 
dience and fufferings of our Savi- 
our Chrift,you muftjrurn your ek s 
frcm your frtfr 9 at;d from your 
owne workes, unto the EIe6Vion 
and calling c f God. For as the 
Lord faveth u$ 3 not becaufe of our 
good workes, bee they never Co 
mar.y : fb hee will not condemne 
us his Children , becaufe of our 




^r— i .fc M 

TLUUion the ground of Gods love. 

cvill works,be they never (b great. 
Hereunto the Lord callcth us by 
the Prophet Efaj, chap # 45. where 
dealing with the rebellious Israe- 
lites, he faith, for Hrael his cho- 
fen fake, and becaufe they were 
called by his name, be would con- 
firme them, and doc them good : 
becauie faith he, I loved thee, and 
becaufc thou were precious ia 
mine eyes, and becaufc I cfleemed 
thee, I will doc this and this for 
thee: as if he would fay ,although 
thou lovedft not raee , nor eftec- 
medft not me* As for the Lords 
calling towards you whereby (as 
by a ladder)you may climb fafely 
unto the couniell of Gcd co know 
your EIeftion,and what his fecrcc 
decree of you was before the 
world was made, I referre you to 
that which I wrote to you before; 
the markes are many and cercaine 
in you, you ncede not , I wis, to 
hare had Co many and long temp- 
tations: to have thrown you head- 
long into cvcrlafting defpaire, if 



Grate voorkfith not aUkfi alw^ju m I 25 

you had not belonged to the Lord. 
For as the Children of God are 

conquerors over many temptati- 
ons, (o one onely temptation (and 
chat a ftiort one) is able to finke 
the ftoutcft among the Repro- 
bates into the bottomlefle pit of 
hell. Neither rouft you think that 
the grace of God worketh al waies 
alike in his Children. When you 
walke in the fields at winter, you 
fee not onely no good fruity but 
not fo much as a leafe on the 
Trcesj inibme alfbrhe very trunk 
or ftocke appeareth to be dcad,yet 
is the fappe hidden in the root 3 
which in due time will ftiewthat 
the tree was never dead.Howbeit, 
I need not lead you into the 
fields, you have an example at 
home within yourdoores: For, 
when yom fire is raked up, there 
appeareth oftentimes a fert of 
cold and deadafhes, when there 
are underneath certaine fparkes, 
] of which you may afterward 
mkkeafirct And fuchmheefute 

B5 of 




Cods Children brought to great 

of the Children of God ,. when 
through thefinncs they doe com- 
mit, and wherein oftentimes they 
flecpea great while, they appeare 
unto men as forfaken of God, 
and remcdileffe. How much more 
ought you to bee of good com- 
fort, in whom the Lord hath 
fet fuch notes of your etcrnall 
falvation in Jefus Chrift, that all 
the ftnoke which the enemy hath 
caft out, cannot take away the 
fight of them from us, or once fo 
much as bring us in doubt of it > I 
grant you your (elves think other- 
wife • but as in ficke pcrfonswee 
fteitcommethtopaffe, that they 
thinke there is no hope of life y 
when the Phyfician and fianders 
by fee certaine acid undoubted to* 
kens of health : So is ic oftentimes 
in theft fpirituall fickaelks. You 
fee David through the affliftions 
which the Lord ftnt upon him, 
J wreftled oftentimes with despe- 
ration, was oft brought into! 
doubt of ; his falvation 3 as ypu | 

**ay 1 

doubts of tbtir falvttion. 

may reade in the 42.43.77.and 88. 
TjW/Bf/.Whcreyou (hall perceive 
that he conceived of God,as of one 
in extreme anger and rage with 
him^as of one that had forgotten 
him,and had taken his mercy from 
him. There are al(b (I grant) voy- 
cesof hope mingled with them, 
tecaufe in one and the felfe-fame 
Pfalme, hee changeth the whole 
courfe of hisMeditationSjhowhe 
floated, now up, now downe,now 
funke,as it were, in thencathcr- 
moft hell, now appearing and 
(hewing his head above the waters 
againe. The Son of God himfelfe 
through extreme anguifti was (as 
I (aid) brought to aske of God 
why he had forfaken him I If the 
force of Temptations could bring 
him which had no finne of his 
owne, and was the onely beloved 
of God, and which had received 
thefpirit of fortitude above mea- 
fare, to fuch a hard exigent and 
terrible conflift, we ought not ta 
raaryelLif the Children of God, 



which have fionc dwelling in 
their mortall bodies , which are 
not beloved for themfelvcs, but 
for his fake alone, and which have 
received butafetvdroppesof the 
Spirit (whereof he had the whole 
Sea) bee fometimes plunged over 
head and eares. And wherefore 
did onr Saviour overcome that 
fearefull conflift of temptation^ 
but that it ffcould be our medicine 
when wee arc overcome of ic ? 
Wherefore in this moft great cc n~ 
fli&did he not only reraine faith 
in his heart, but in calling him his 
Lord, proftffed it before men 
wiih his mouthy but that it fhould 
be our remedie, when wenotone- 
lyfeeleno faith inwardly in our 
hearr^but deny alfb outwardly be* 
fore, men with our mouth , ttm 
we have any hope in him ? There- 
fore our Saviour Chrift in S. John 
placeth not our comfort in that 
we our felves have overcome, but 
biddeth his Difciples bee of good 
€heare a becaufc hechad overcome 


againft temptations* 

the World; that is to fay, all con- 
trary power to the will of God. 
Therefore alfo S. Iohn in his firft 
Epiftle fikh,That our Faith is that 
whereby we overcome theWorld: 
not onely, becaufe through Faith 
we vanquifh the Temptation^ but 
efpecially,becaufe we by it 5 as by a 
Hand , apprehend the righteouf- 
nefle and viftory of Chrift, as a fi- 
tisfa&ionofthat wherein we have 
plaicd the cowards. Asforintcm- 
perate /peeches ( if any were) it is 
(b to be con fidercd, that they were 
notfpoken (as theyfty) in cold 
bloud,and of a malicious purpofe, 
but in a paffion, and of a troubled 
and a broylcd minde, which the 
encmie, when hee hath you upon 
the wracke, wringeth out of you. 
And not onlyftch fpeeches^but 
even fome kinde of Blafphemie 
againft the Sonne of God^ the Son 
of God himfclfe forgiveth. Effe 5 
I pray yoi^what (hould become of 
the holy man/^which opened his 
mouth fo wide of God; all which 




ao Cr^/ dedreft children impatient. 

curfts, fent out agiinft rhe crea- 
tures of God, returned upon the 
Creator bimfdfe? And although in 
the beginning he opened his mout h 
againft the Lord, as it were,aflope 
andindire&lyofinjuftice, as may 
appeare both by his difcourfef, & 
by the Lords owne anfwer, which 
hec maketh in the end. Of the 
which man 3 notwithftanding all 
this, note ( I befeech you ) what 
S. lames faithjCbap. 5, Tort have 
heard (faith he) of the patient man 
Job. Here you fee that heecalleth 
him fo, notwithftanding all his 
frowardneffe againft his friends, 
(which were good men,aad came 
of good will, although they were 
not in every point fo well advifed) 
notwithftanding all his impatience 
againft God inwardly, notwith- 
ftanding all his accusations and 
curfes open!y,which proceeded of 
impatience. Ifyouaskchowthefe 
can (land togetherjthey Sand well: 
forafmuch as the Lord forgiving 
and covering hi* impatience in 


Cbriftmzkj eve* between God & us ; 31 

- i 

Jefu$Ghrift,reckoneth with him 
as if he had fpunnc (fb to fpeake) 
an even thred of his patience all 
the time of his Tcmptation>wher - 
as notwithftanding hec made fo 
many knots, and brake his thred 
fo often. Even fo (good SifterJ 
will he deale wch you : for par* 
dening all your incQnfiderate 
fpeeches,he will make his account 
with ycuforJefusChrifts fake, as 
if you had prayed to him,and pra> 
fed his Name, at the dayes of your 
remptation* If (brne one which 
had borne you good will, and fpo- 
ken much good of you, deceived 
by cvill company, (hotild happen 
afterward to revile you ; I would 
askc you this Q^eiiion , Whe- 
rhery if fuch a one were forrow^ 
full for hisfaulr, you would for- 
give him or no ? When you exa- 
mine your ownConfcicnce herdiij 
I dare anfwer for you, you would 
not refufe him, nor tumc your 
face from him. Shall you, which 
havcj in companion, but afparkc 
! of 

.. I 



J14m merciful!, Cjodmuch more. 


oflove,(hcwthismercie; and not 
the Lord,who is nothing elf e but a 
fire of Charitie towards them that 
cry him mercie,and as the Apoftle 
Saint John faith j Charitie ic fclfe ? 
Shall your fpark confirme the for- 
feit againft you, and (hall not the 
bone fire of the love of God in le- 
fts Chriftj dry and licke up yours ? 
Shall the cooling and refrefhtng 
waters of roercie and companion 
bee foand in a little Channel], and 
the Fountaine &Head-fpring from 
whence itcomraetb,be dry ? Con- 
sidering , that in this relpeft, the 
Lords cogitations are as farre dif- 
ferent from ours, as Heaven from 
the Earth, And the truth is, that 
the Lordhath therefore taught us 
to pray 5 Forgive m our trefpijfei,as 
m forgive them that trefpajfe agamji 
m ; to this endjtha t when wc feelc 
our bowels of coropaffion opened 
to thoft which offend againft us, 
We mighttake that as a fare pledge 
and undoubted token of the for- , 
givcaeffe of all our finnes^ how 

_ g«| 

Chriftian love edifies. 

great fbever they be.Therefore to 
make an end where I bfgan, Beef 
good comfortjdeare Sifter,you arc 
the Lords,you have coft the Sonne 
of God too dearea price,, to bee a 

4. Monitory. 

LOving Coufin, ic is my defirc, 
while our lives are joyntly 
continued in this flefh , to teftifie 
my Chriftian love to you in fiich 
dacics as tend to build you up in 
your holy Faich : it is a common 
debt, but yet fuchas we owe one 
another fo much more abundantly, 
by how much we are linked more 
n rerdy. I have thought fomctime, 
tint I would not bee fo backward 
tothisbufineffc; but then ic hath 
come unto my minde, that you are 
well able to draw on others. A- 
gaine , becaufe I know not the 
things which in yourconfl&ing 
courfemoftoppofeyou, whether 
wants of Graces, or prcfence of 
evill Lawes within us ; becaufe I 
knew not theft particulars, I (aid 



Hunger after Grace the figne of 

with my felfe , I (hall but fhoot 
without a marke> and fit a fhoo to 
3 foot I know not. To what pur- 
pofe fhall I wrire> Indeed, wee 
cannot prefcribe fo pertinently , 
who know not the cftate exaftly ; 
and we prevent our felves in tbefe 
fruits of Iove 5 who make norelati- 
on,and pcrfonall rcporr,nei:her in 
letter^ nor by word of mouth 3 
which might helpethcfe that mi- 
nifter to us:but halfe a Cake 5 is bet- 
ter than no bread; and a general!, 
fafe, and profitable praftife muft 
not be negle&edjbecaufe we fee a 
morefruhfull ccurftj which wee 
cannot aitaine.To come then once 
againe unto you in general], till I 
(hall know fome specialties , to 
which I might fpeak morefor your 
advant3ge;therc is good hopr 3 that 
body wil! doe well, which hath 
the ftomack right affe&cd :Hunger 
is a figne of healch ; fo that foule 
which hungercth and thirfteth af- 
ter righteouftes, there is no feare , 
but it (hallbee welUiking, and 


a heahhfullfiule. -Motives to it. 



profper # I will therefore cndcvour 
to give a (purre toyour/pirituall 
[appetite, that you may come, by 
meanesof ir,tobe filled with the 
fulneffc of God,with the replenish- 
ment of his grace. Now as in the 
body, when the ftomack feeleth the 
empuacfie& (licking of other parts 
whofenourifhment is waftedjthen 
it furrhcr craveth: fo, when the 
foule doth feele how errptie it feJf 
is of grace, then the appetite of it 
is edged.Wherfore think with me, 
how wanting you are in theft 
points following, that fo you may 
bee (harper fet upon thofe graces 
wherofyou feel your (elf fo empty. 
Firft confidcr,how farre you are 
(hort of glorifying God as you 
ought : We (hould fan&ifie him in 
our hearts, words, and works, up- 
on all occafions,& it (hould grieve 
us to Hre him difhonoured. Wee 
(hould doall things in him, and for 
him:In hira,thatis,having his war. 
rant; which we have, when by ftith 
we know that it is welKpleafing 



How vpe ought to glorifie 


co him, we (hould doe this,or that: 
yea, havingaflurance of his graci- 
ous pretence with us, to enable us 
roall fuch workes , in which wee 
know it is his will that wc (hould 
walke. We (hould, Ifay,doe all 
things for him, by making his ho- 
nour the mark we (hoot at, in eve- 
ry thing. No w,how little doe our 
heairs thinke upon him , admire 
him, py that wc know him,afcribe 
unto bimWifdorac/rrutkMercy, 
Power,in his daily works he wor- 
keth for 119, while wee are pafling J 
thorow the barren Wiiderneffe of 
this prefent World, unto the Reft 
I which he hath prepared ? It (hould 
not be thus,Coufin. If we fee any 
man that doth any thing more 
wifely, that doth (hew a faithfull 
parr,or a merciful! office, we think 
highly of it,and give it within our 
(elves the due confederation: How 
much more ought wee to rhinke 
honourably of God, In the daily 
works he (hewech> What a Power 
I is tha^ which keeper h us to fal va- 


Gods Wifedomt And Power. 

tioo,who have Co little ftrengtb, 
and leffewi/cdome, whereby wee 
might ftand in feare of our fpirl* 
tuall enemies and dangers? What a 
Power,thatdoth make the world, 
and the Tcntations of it, dead 
things unto us; which are fo mSgh- 
tie, that the moft are taken prifo- 
Captive Thrals before this or that 
creature/if God fhould not fubdue 
them , and hold them under us ? 
What Power is that, which killetb 
finfolILuftinus- athingofitfelfe 
(bftirringandmightie, andinfati- 
ableinthecourfe ofh?FinalIy 5 that 
upholdeththe life of grace in us? 
To fee a fire buraingon the Sea, 
and to keep in fire on the Waters, 
werea powerfull fatt: but to keep 
the life of grace ia a ibule which is 
dead in fins and trefpaffeg, isforre 
greater. What Wifdome doth he 
daily fhew-,in making al the things 
which befall us, ferve for fbme 
good end ? in tempering our 
eftateSjfo that we are neither oat of 





Gods Truth, ConftjKCy, and 


meafure opprcfled with grievances, 
nor yetirumored over-much with 
the lufhie fwcetnefle of this prefent 
Wof ld:That doth by little & little 
lead us forward co perfe&ion,yea, 
and to Offerings, accord'ng as hec 
keth we are preparfd by nis grace, 
and made capable of thtm?For his 
Truth and Confta:cie, ! ^e doth re- 
ftiSeic abundantly : for wee are 
every day to fcekt: co him ; yet hee 
ftikth not, though wee iyeupon 
him, a fuse friend. Againe, how 
many advantages doe we gire hioi 
againft us? How doe \vc by our Co 
Iicrk profiting and mending what 

J wekaowamiffe 3 provokehim?Buc 
he ftickech ftill faft to u$,ardall his 
wayes arefoll of mercy: hee leech 
how weake wee are, and doth fo 
fhieldus with his favour, that out 
of pitie he will not let the Windc 
blow upon ns. When we catch our 
daily fals, hee fends torus by his 
Spirit,and makethal whole again. 
When ftrength beginnethtofaile, 
hee,in pitie, putteth under, and re. 



Mercy to bis Children. 


newcth oar ftrengch. When wee 
areheavie, and poure out oar 
hearts co him^ telling him how it 
is with us,hce doth make us feelc 
his peace and confblation. When 
he feeth that evill things would 
grow opon us, he doth Cnd feme- 
thing or other , which may brwake 
theNeftof foch matter, and pre- 
vent the mifchiefe. Wee finally, 
which have (bales that are al fores 3 
fee his mercie even in this $ that he 
vouchfafeth ro handle our leprous 
fyirits,, and hy renewing our re- 
pentant fcnlc of miferie^ and our 
Faith towards his falvation in 
Chrift J dothhy(as it w<?re) eve- 
ryday a newPlaifter upon them. 
Now then , not to obferve and 
profecuce wich due honour, fach 
Power, wifedome, Truth; Mer- 
cie is a defeat to bee lamented. 
Wee take ic for a token of an ill 
mindc, when one will not give to 
men of parts, that which is their 
due. What mindes have we, who 
give God no more in our hearts, 




We tnuft prochime Gods Gle'ry 



who is (b to bee advanced in thefc 
and fach like re(petts as I have na- 
med? And this not acknowledged 
of him, in the daily experiences 
which we have of him theft waies 
doth make us as much to feekcj 
when trouble commetb, as if wee 
had never beene acquainted with 
him. Whereas 3 did wee acquaint 
lour hearts with him in thefe his 
wayes,we fhould finde it as eafie to 
reft on him,inany triall and neceffi- 
tie, as men doe one with another : 
they preiume, (uch an one wil not 
be wanting to them 3 who(e truftie 
kindacfle they have bad ful proofe 
of,as which never failed them. In 
the £cond phce, as our hearts 
fhould with b:feeming afRftion 
inwardly honour, fo our tongues 
fliould tell of himj making known 
fuch things as we know of him : to 
fmother thefe things, is his dif- 
honour.Thoicthat belong to great 
perfonages, they delight to tell of 
the valour ,policie,bountie of their 
Lords:yea 3 wc will do one another 


in oust Wirls and ASHons. 


this crcdit,to tell what more mark- 
able parts we cfpy eachfri other. 
Why fhouldour God fee forth,and 
not have a word lent him this 
way? Finally,* hatfoever W e doc, 

wee are to fee his leave and pre. 
fence with us , and to intend his 
glory in it. We arc not our owne 
mcojbut the Lords fervants,bought 
with a price. Now wejaftly deem 
it irreverence in thofe that live un- 
der government, if they prefirae 
to doe any thing ; much more , if 
tbeyrunacourie upon their owne 
heads, not caring to take us with 
them, and know our pleasure. A- 
gaine,men doe iooke, that fuch as 
chcy keepe,fhould doc them hone* 
ftie,*nd be for their credit: And we 
fee the Retainers of Noblemen fo 
add'&ed this way, that they run 
themfclves into Books, and ont of 
faire PatrifDonks,and all to raain- 
taine a Gallancie, which they 
(though falfly) thinke much ma- 
king for their Lords glory .Now if 
Wc i-y thefc together, we (hal find, 

C tfot 



+ m 



42 Wt do not boner tbtLord as wc ought. 

m i » r ■■ . ■ ■■ i— • m> 1 1 i 

that we in thcfe wayes have much 
been wanting to our dutie. How 
little do we fee and pofleffe our 
hearts with the referent and affe- 
ctionate observing of that we dai- 
ly receive from God, and Co of chat 
we find to bee in him towards us > 
Oar hearts lie afleep this way. 
Little doe wee joy to bee telling 
others,and letting forth our Lords 
honour unto therryhat God might 
be glorified, and they thus provo- 
ked to feeke the fame fervice with 
usrand who doth feele this dutiful 
dependance towards God, which 
makes him looke up to the Lord, 
that hte would witnefle to his 
(bule, by his own holy Spirit, that 
his wayes hee takes in hand are 
pleafing to him^that he will be our 
fufficienciein them? Alas, we begin 
our courfcs according co cuftome, 
and thinke no more of this^than as 
if we were not tied to fach homage. 
We are as if we had pnrcha&d the 
Lordfhip of our felve9, and had in 
oar own hands the power of oQr \ 
■ _ . _. 1 wayes,! 

*"*^*»^ *»-^w— • m 

1^ — — — — — 

Oht Failings drive us to Cbrift. 


43 j 

wayes. Now theo, if you difcerne 
how you have failed in this great 
Comimndemcn^of feeking to glo- 
rifie your God- and if your trying 
yoqrftrcngchs, in labouring the 
fpirituall Obedience which tbefe 
points decipher unto us 3 finde your 
uflfiifficicncie tbis way ; then you 
(hall find the emptineffe of Righ- 
teoufneflf:, which (hall helpe you 
fomewhac the more to claipe 
Chrift, your Righteoufiicfle,, that 
in him you may fee your forgive- 
nefle; and Chriftyour Santtifkr, 
that he would doe that hee hath , 
promifed you, even put his Spirit 
in you, and make you keepe thefe 
Commandements more and more, 
in thefe Branches above-named. 
And if the Lord (hall give any four 
to your Dsvocion^any encreafe to 
your Repentance and Faith ,by this 
meanes., I ihall haye caufe to re- 
) jyce with you. I thpught to have 
thus gone over f. me other H ads, 
to have helped you to ice your 
want of Faith 9 and rejoycing in 

C 2 God, 


Wearhsejfc in *ur vuytt&c. I 

God, and (b to have couched thofe 
feares of future events, and poffek 
fing your peace, and thatuncom- 
fortablenefle which doth hang, in 
pa (Ting our t ime^abou t os.But read 
this other Letter I iend you, again 
and againe ; and for the la ft, know 
that the Lord doth but hide from 
us, and let us feele wearinrfle in 
going on, that Co he might make us 
more depend upon him, and fceke 
to him, to fhine upon our waye s, 
and to carry us on in them , when 
we feele ourinabilicy in our (elves. 
ButfheLord,I hope, will enable 
me at fbme other time to performe 
foraeduty to you this way. i let 
this beginning come to you,which 
lay fo long written by mee. You 
rauft not thinke much I write no 
oftner ; for fincc my comming 

| home,I have had neccflity to write 
very many wales. I thanke you for 

all your lovc^ and wifliingyou the 
fweet lovfe of our God fhed into 

your heart, I take ray leave this ' 

fixth o£D$cember. 

5 • VmUory. 

the tffcll ofomjhmcs, to bumble us. 

^^ p ^^ - ___^_j _. « » ■ ■ — — * 

5. DircBerjh 

LOving Friend, wheras in your 
Lettersyoucomphine of tedi- 
ous wearifomenefle^which in paC 
fivg the day, doth «rc- while cloze 
with us, of which we fpakea litde 
tooether.The truth h 5 thoughGod 
doth fomtimes, only to humble us 3 
Ietfuch a wearifome vanity follow 
uSjthat hence wee might confider, 
what our fianc agaioft God hath 
done : how-to wk,it hath thruft us 
I out of Paradife, to a laborious and 
1 irkefome condition of life- that 
thus w* e might be quickned , to 
begin ChriiltbatblcfTiog^which 
doth mitigate thofcevi!s:Though 
againcit fometimedoth only pur- 
file uSj becaufe of performing our 
duties of devotion with toomuch 
overture ; for this maketh God 
loath us :fo thar we find finall ca f c 3 
till wee rccurncagaine,and fhake 
our fel ves up better. Yec the com- 
mon root of this gricfc 3 above na- 
med, is the want of confcionable 
1 dependance upon God for his blef. 
I C % fing, 



4$ j Wt arc f rone te jetfc-JMfficiency : 


fing,and ftrcngth to carry us on a 1 i 
the day long. Doc you feelc,wheo 
you rife,(uch a fenfe of your ownf 
weakneflfe, as maketh your hear- 
to looke to God, 1 hat he wou Id be 
your ftrength and your cotafori 
throughout the whole day ? Ala% 
wegoe or>, as it there did need no 
fuch matter. The Divell told our 
firft Parents, they ftiould bee like 
gods : and though it is falfe,in re- 
gard of any blcffed conformities 
yet it is too true,in regard of fitiful] 
prefumption, with which \v care 
fecretly poy foncd. For we doe na- 
turally live 3 and hold on ourcour- 
fes , as if wee were gods within 
our felves, not needing to looke 
higher for comfort orflrength, in 
which wee might proceed. Now 
this maketh our God, when wee 
feele pwtrfnUy (b little need of 
him, to let wearineflc and uncom- 
forrablenefle overtake us, which 
might make us come to new rec- 
konings within our (elves , and 
more affeftionately to fecke unto 

rvee ought toVtay AgAinjiit. 

>— ^— ii ni »— ■ ■ — — — — » «— — — — ^ 

him,that he would be with us, and 
carry us on, a d refresh us. Now 
if you difcernCj that there is in 
you futha fecret Sclfe-fiifficiencie, 
and that yoor fpirit awakencth 
not with fueh poverty in ir, which 
maketh you looke up to God, 
with confeience of your infirmi* 
tic, and confeffe,, that if he be not 
your ftrength and comfort, you 
cannot pafleon^ hourc over,with- 
out wearifbmeheavinefle :if you 
ifiude that this is lurking 5 then 
you rauft tume you to God, and 
wrcftleagamft it, faying*. I need 
not mufe much at this I finde: 
howflhould Ibut know fainting 
anddifcomfort in going on, who 
amfoaffc&sd, as if I would goc 
alone s and had not need of thy 
belpe^O Lord, at all times, ar.d in 
every thing,with me ? How (houl- 
deft not thou, that fmgleft out all 
pride, as the finnethou wile re- 
lift y bee much incenftd at this 
hidden Selfe-lufficicncie , which 
. doth pull thee out of thy Throne, 
\ C4 mi- 

— ! 


^8 j 'Prajfir agtivjl Stlfc-confidvice. 

makingthee no God to us, while 
re feck no need of thee- but are 
readie to goe on , as able enough 
within our felvcs to walke on in 
our wayes ? Wee farther confefle, 
that though we fee the indignitie 
of this behaviour, yet the frame 
of our hearts is fb eut of order, 
that of our felvcs wee have no 
power to amend it: far ars by na- 
ture wee are fallen from faith on 
thee, fb wee arc filled with Selfc- 
cofidencejwhich makes us(t hough 
we know it not) reft in our o wne 
ftrength. Now then, what fhall 
we doe,but look to thee, that thou 
wouldeft make us (b poore in Spi- 
rit, that we may with foch feeling 
tod lowlinefle depend upon thee, 
for all our ftrength and comfort ; 
that thou (who (hewett grace to 
the humble ones ) mayeft delight 
to nynifter them both abundantly 
unto us, that wee may walke up- 
right, firong, and chearefull in thy 
ftrength > O Lord, weaske it the 
bolderjfor thou haft proraifed^that 


grayer againji Stlfc-co*fidence. 

thou wilt circuincife our Selfc*con- 
fidenc hearts, (o chat we fliall have 
no truft in the fle£h>bat have al our 
rcjoycing in thee. O Lord cell us, 
we beftech thee, make our hearts 
heare ic , that thou who arc not 
wearie, nor mayeft nocfainr, wilfi 
be onr ftrong Armc every mor- 
ning - r (ay to us, that thou arc our 
Gedy who wik leade us to death : 
What joy can we have to fee a foot 
forward any way,ifthou doeft not 
kt us fee that thou arc wich us? 
Our hearts thinkc what thy fervant 
fpoke : if wee may not have thee 
in thy Word, teftifying thy pre- 
sence tvich us (for thy Word is out 
cloudie Pillar) it wert better fo* 
us never to move further, than 
to goe on ; not having thee with us* 
Following God with thefcthingf, 
youfhalJfiudcit notinvaine. Fi- 
nally, this exercifc of bewayling 
our want in forac one thiog r doth 
rnuke us fee what need wee have, , 
that Chnlt fliould be made o( God 
our righteoufheffe^nd doihrnake 

C 5 ui ] 





We tnuft fbcw f§rtb Gods Gracu 


us come feelingly to fee the tor- 
givenefle of all our finnea,through 
him our great G^d and Saviour, 
who hath wa(hed us with his 
bloud. I will leave off, though 
abruptly : my Letter groweth in 
my hand, and if 1 fhould goe on/it 
would be more than ycur handful. 
The Lord Jefus, who is the au- 
thor and fii flier of all his graces 
ihus,perft& you andallhischo- 
fen more and more, that in this life 
we may fee the joyes ofholinefle.. 

6. Monmrj. 

CHriftian Friends,, Forafmnch 
as it is ourdutie, who have 
bin undc r Gods hand,ro teach t ho/e 
that are under rhe fime; and feeing 
we that have rafted grace, are ef- 
fectually to fing the mercies of 
God rewards others: in this re- 
gard, my Letters (hall open thefe 
two things untoycufo farre as J 
am able> if von arc alive ro receive 
k. I know not whether I ftallj 
write you another 5 if nor, it (hall 


m ■ _ ■■ " ' 


■ i » » 

The Sptntjtot afflifttd vporkj repent, 

rcrurnc into my bofbene , that Ss 
written unto you, The end of 
thefc affiiftions, fo bitter and grie- 
vous, is to bore the eares of thofc 
that are the Lords,, that they may 
hearethisCommandcment, of re- 
turning from all iniquitie ; and 
therefore we are bound inchaines 
ofafBtftion, that the eyes of oar 
mindes may bee opcned,to fee our 
workesand finnes, thewhicharc 
migntic. Now it is not the evils 
thsmfelves , but the prefence of 
God, by his (pirit working in them, 
which doth thefc things. For the 
mightie God fin the fifth Verfe of 
that Chapter^ is made the princi- 
pal! worker of thefe things^by the 
means ofgrievous calamities. Now 
this is a great mercie of God : for 
if wee were not thus brought to 
repentance, wee would neither fee 
good daiesher^nor fcape the con- 
demnation of the world, i Cor. j i • 
Confider therefore, what evils of 
our lives the Lord would have 
us rip up and be waile before him 








and it is in generally our difloyall 
eftranging our hearts from hiai, 
that our hearts and delights have 
been more on the finfull pleafures 
and profits of this Worlds than on 
cbe Lord, and on ourmoftbleffed 
covenants of dying to finne, and 
living with Chrift rifcn, in new- 
neffe of life. I know^good friend, 
though you will not bolfler your 
felfaltogether,yet you will hardly 
beperfwaded, that your life hath 
beene no better than a /pirituali 
Fornication from the Lord : for 
comparing your felfe with men^ 
you may fay, that you are not the 
worft •, that howfoever you have 
failed, yet you have had fomc care 
of good duties, asdfbmel6veand 
acknowledgement of Gods chil- 
dren ,. before others. Gonfider 
then, tbat God may have glory 
in our abaftmont , what were the 
dayes of your prime, and man* 
hoed, but fpiritu^ll Fornication 
from the lord > Doubtleflc, I 
would not revive my old ffcamc, 



m p i n i p 


godtvbippeth the abufe of our Peace. I 5 3 

bncco hclpc you in the pra&iceof 
repentance, which without thcie 
particular considerations , is not 
eafiiy taken up. And fihcc that 
nature it felfe hath declined fbme- 
what from this courle ; alas, have 
you not fet your hart on the things 
of the world? hath not your love 
beenc toward them, and your de- 
light in them, and heavenly matter 
which fliould bee (ought with all 
diligence, yeain the firltp!ace,have 
wee not looked on thefe as rd ufe- 
wares, out of r*qucft ? Thisabufe 
o^ourpe3ce,Godwhippeth. For 
whereas our peace fhjuld have 
turned hither, to have been an oc- 
cafion to edifie us more freely in 
faith, love, patience, and ro have 
walked onward in the feareof the 
Lord, declining tvill , and doing 
good (hould have been a meanes 
of (filling us wuh the comfort of 
the Spirit, wee have neglected to 
build up our (elves ia thofe graces, 
28 if there never faould have come 
a time to ufe them : wee have 





I « 

We grow carn*Uin ProfptritU. 

had no feare in our hearts of wic- 
ked companions, yea, of commit- 
ting with them many wicked a ftK 
ons,we gave our (elves to caftc no 
joy, but carnall : for this, God ma- 
kech us eate our bread with our 
lives in our hand , that feeing wee 
would not in the fruicion of thefe 
liberties, yet weroight 3 with Jeru- 
Jalem in the daies of our affliftion , 
Remember the pleaftnt things 
which we formerly poflefled (£.*- 
mcHtations the 17.) And what is 
kin a word, that bringeth forth 
all thecurfes of the Law? It is this^ 
becaufethat in our abundance and 
plenty, wee ferve not God with 
good and withcarefallhearts 5 Z>e#. 
28,47, I doe not remember thefe 
thiugs to grieve you, for I have 
done no otherwife with my felfej 
before thefe occasions came on me. 
What then if one have ft rayed 
thu$ 3 is there no mercy? yea truly, 
there is me*"cy with the Lord in Is- 
rael (in his Church) even for 
theie sourfes 1 though wee have 



■ -~ - it 

tJMtrcjfortbt greatejl finners. 

taken ftrange wives, let us renew 
our covenant of turning from all 
cvilljand following righreoufnefle 
and bolinefle, and the Lord will 
be gracious. Read Ezra 10. and 
the 55. of E/iy, the 6*7. and 8. 
though our finnesfh^uld appeare 
fo great that wee didthinke them 
unpardonable, yet when wee re- 
tur^Gods thoughts are notour 
thoughts. If a mans wife (hould 
goe a whoring with another, 
thorgh (hee (hould come backe , 
he would not receive her 5 but 
chough wee have ftrayed, yet the 
LORD biddcth us to returne P 
as ready to accept w, Je emie 3. 1. 
How fweet a balme is this, if our 
/pirit bee broken ? now to draw 
toacordufioo, the foule is ofc 
ten in fuch plight, that it would 
turn", but knoweth not where to 
finde ability thereunto: ifthisbe 
your condition, thai you comt to 
groane under the hardi:e(Ic of your 
hearr, which willnotlet you bee 
forrowfull as you dtfire^ remem- 


wu we j-m*fj9f yj *^cv¥wc*ni,f 9 


bcr to your comfort, that this is 
the voy cc of God s children^ yea, 
his children repenting; Turnc us 
O Lord, and wee (hall bee turned. 
Jerern* 31.18. Remember further, 
that CHRIST JESUS your 
Saviour is raifed up of God, to 
bee our Prince, to give to us re- 
miffion of fames and unfained 
repentance : hefitteth at the right 
hand of God , by his Ipirit to 
touch your fpirit with unfained 
repentance. Now,ifthat the Lord 
doe gather you notwithftanding, 
forget not the confolation which 
fahh, that fbrthe abufe of the Sa- 
crament many did flcepe, that is, 
they were fmittcn with tempera- 
ry death, yet in all this they were 
but chafiened of God 3 that they 
might not be condemned wlih the 
World. Yet I hope other thing?, 
becaule fmall is the number that 
fearedim, Thus having fignified 
my mird at IargeJ defire 1 he Lords 
bkfling,and ycut diligent ponde- 
ring of ihefcthk3gs,ior in them 


InJbxQiop in Affittton. 


ftaodeth your everlafting peace, 
A#*d thus commending me in true 
lovetoyou and your wife 3 I doe 
betake you to the fatherly prote- 
Aion of my God. Farewell, this 

Your loving friend, 
Taitl %ayrte. 

GOOD Miftrejfc P. when I 
thinke how I might (Lew 
yoa fomc dutit of loye^ I find no 
fitter way than by writing unto 
you and inftru&ing you concer- 
ning your duty to God under 
this his holy hand, and hft graci- 
ous purpoft to you- ward in this 
hisvifitation* A letter will dwell 
by you and talkc with you^ (b of- 
ten as you reade it attentively, yea 
it will be ready vvhenfoevcr you 
arc the fittcft for fiich bufinefle^ 
which conveniency my comming 
to rifit you , cannot alwayes at* 
taine. To fpeake to the firft point- 

58 , Humilitie under Gods Viftmion. 

When Gods hand is upon us, wee 
are fcbjeft to two extremes . the 
one is,not truly to lay to heart the 
band upon us : the other is , to 
droope and be too much ditaaied 
under if. 

Now wemuft walke betwecne 
thefc, tmly humbling our felves 
under it; yet as who have hope in 
ihefaichfull mercies of our God, 
and therefore faint not* Now the 
divelljwholaboureth ftill to tun* 
us out of the way, will tecretly 
worke with your heart, to ward 
offthe (mart of this blow by im- 
pertinent meanest fb that it (ball 
not come kindly to prrcke you 
unto repentance. To this end he 
willfogge&, that you (hallweare 
this matter off well enough, hold 
youtofuchand fuch things, that 
one is provided for >your care is fo 
much leffenedjthat you have many 
behindeyer. Sometime you fhall 
findeyourfelfc inclinedto nap, as 
it werej in fuch a courfe as may 
make you forget forrow for the 


Hnmilixit under Qods Vifitatio*. 1 5p 

- w-»- 

prefenc.If you fiadc not your heart 
dtjzfad and turned out of it felfe, 
as it were, that it may meet God 
inthishischaftifemenr, then you 
muftthinke,OLord, not to have 
a heart, thorcwly caftdowneby 
(b ftrong a vifitation>, this is a 
greater plague than the plagae it 
fclfe. If ftrong phyfickebe given 
us, and it tvorke not with us, it 
doth poifon us : O what (hall I 
thinke if my heart bee not taken 
downe, and throughly emptied 3 
with this (o ftroog a potion, which 
thou in thyWifedome doeftprc- 
fcribe unto mc ! Againe , fay to 
your felfe, What doth mychilde 
get by playing hide^barc^orcaftiog 
up the hand, when I correft it? 
Often, as much more as it might 
have fcaped with : (b Lord,if I doe 
beare off thy blow in this manner, 
I fhall but force thec to double my 
Corrc&ion.lf a Parent fee his fickc 
childe, not the better for one me- 
dicine, he will feeke forth an d get 
him another: fo if I take not thy 



The divill labours to mal^ Gods 

worke fo to heart as is meet,I (hall 
enforce thee to fend me morfcand 
more grievous things £l£ it may 
he) of this nature. Looking up to 
the Lord Jefus , in fuch like 
thoughts,will be a good preferva- 
tion againtl this fecret Folly and 
Hardneflc of Heart, which di£ 
inableth us duely to waigh the 
Lords rebuke aod bee caft downe 
under it* Now if the Divell fe# 
that you are inclineable togriefe, 
then he will turne his courfe to the 
other band,and will labour even to 
drench you infbrrow and make 
you walke hopelefle, and to faint 
under it. To this end he will hide 
from your eyes the remembrance 
of fuch things heretofore in which 
youmight take comforr D yea keepe 
you frem tafting the mercy of God, 
with which his afftiQing hand is 
intermeddled. Secondly, hce will 
amplifie before you the prefent 
band of God, and all old matters 
which may ferve for circumftances 
that make it more grievous* For 


Children faint under Affliftion. 

example, hec will whifper whofe 
ftace is like thine, the pooreft,now 
you muft pray and pay them, aad 
they wil not be gotten: the boothc 
in the garden that was wor.c to be 
the place of yoar folace, how is it 
become a place of feparatioa for 
the infe&ed, it may bee ? every 
mouth filled with th\s,Tbe PUgm 
U at Adifirefe P. the fervant that 
(hould eafc you, being a grievous 
burden. A&d here bee will prefle 
fore all yoar weafcnefle in your 
govetnement over yoar children, 
which may make this ftroke of 
God (among them)more deepely 
afteft you.Fmally will he (ay,Doe 
not you fee what comfort com* 
metntoyou? Thirdly, hec will 
hide from your eics all the hope of 
iflbe^ which God is raoftfaithfull 
to give in due feafdn. 

Now if you difcerne that the 
matter hangeth on this fide, then 
you muft thus prevent your firin- 
ting,(ay with vour feIfe^Lord 3 why 
fhould it be tnus witfe raee ? doth 



6 1 | Wt tnnft notfdtnt under aflliRion, 


doc my child cake bitter orfweec 
which I give ic , and (hall not I 
take this cuppc from thy hand ? 
Shall I take good^ in good worth 
from thee, and not evill? Art thou 
not as mercifull in providing us 
Phyficke forourfbules health, as 
in all thy other daily benefits? 
Meat is more neceflary than me- 
dicine,in the fcafonof it: and what 
are tbeie evils thou fendeft, but 
phyficke of our foules health? For 
the good of our bodies wee take 
things agiinft which our ftomack 
rifeth, ourflefh (hunketh as wee 
take them, and we labour to keepe 
them their time. O Lord, when 
thou niiniftreft for our foules 
N good, yea, our bodies, eftaces,and 
pofterities after us, (hall we not be 
as willing both to receive and 
rctaine in thought, thy courfes to 
this purpofe, I meane which tend 
to our (pirituall good t Secondly, 
youmuftnoc dwell in, butturne 
your thought from fuch particular 
circumftanccs as doe but weaken 

AffliElion bitter but mdicinabk. 

you, looking both ac rhinggpaft, 
prefcat, and to come, which may 
minifter comfort unco you.V Vhen 
wc have a bitter potion todrinke., 
we doe not (ifwebremoreaveile 
from medicine) tafte every drop 
at the tongues end 3 but turne it 
in by great, and we thruftinfbme 
T^cfate^ov Mantu Cbrifli after it : 
and we chink upon the afcer-healch 
of our body, to which it worketb, 
and thus we get it downe, though 
otherwifcwee have no mind to it. 
The Lord give as this wifedome, 
forourfoulef, that wee may not 
dwell too much in exaft (canning 
fuch particulars, by which the de - 
vill fceketh to winnow our belief, 
that we may remember his fweet 
mercies , and thioke of our foulcs I 
health, which God worketh by 
them. Now whacfoever things ape 
objefted,fuch as are true muft bee 
granted, but fo,that hope bee not 
therefore weakned, in this wife ; 
Lord, it is true, that I have many 
wayes provoked thine anger, but 


6 3 

thou arc a God that wile not kcepe 
anger for ever 3 thou wilt not have 
man lb nourifli difpieaiure in 
himfelfe , that^tbe Suwic (honld 
go d owne in his wrath,ho w much 
kfie wilt thou fce iweconcileablc? 
O no,thou art as quicke in forgivc- 
neffe to a contrite heart, as (low to. 
conceive a wra tfi againft us , of 
which we have good experience 
daily. And Lord^ it is true, thy 
hand is extraordinary and many 
wayes heavy upon me, but I have 
learned that I muft nocchufe my 
owoerod, with which I will bee 
beaten 3 but leave that to my Fa- 
thers wifdorae. Again,l know that 
my need doth require it all, we are 
made heavy, when need is, with 
fiindry tentacions , faith Ttter. A 
wiftPhyficianwilnotgivea rtroog 
thing, where a leoitive and gentle 
matter is enough, wich lede woul- 
cfeft thou. And I further confefle, 
that I may bee juftly upbraided,! 
with my former wants, but Lord,l 
beleeve there is mercy with thee, 


m a 



reaching to forgivsneflV/h-cchoo 
maieft be feared, and that this is 
j cbiefe glory , there is none like 
to thee in for c i veoefle,fei pafling by 
the fi-ines of thy people, O Lord, 
v*hat neede I thy grace and mercy, 
if I were not in my felf^ ill defer- 
vi gaudmiferable? and though I 
fedenoc the comfort I defire, yet 
I doe bt leeve thy nurcy no Icfle in 
Chnft r a Fattier doth not greatly 
pifty hisc-iilde,wfcen hefeeth him 
fickc of Phyficke ^ewly taken; for 
hee knoweth that if it fhould not 
worke with him,ic would doe hi n 
no good, and bee kuoweth tha? his 
childe (hall be welhenough, to hen 
the working isover. So dolt tboa. 
Lord; Vvhich maketh thee hide 
wh^n Wee arc troubled, and not 
o n'ch oaonc, became thou feeft 
there is no hurt toward us,thotigh 
wee feeme to feck the contrary, 
chough ic might fccm we fh*U ne- 
ver have day again.No w then both 
the by-waits bring difcovercd, ic 
will be more caSctoinformc y- d, 

D c< n 


66 Hew to walk* tbtt we may have 

concerning the righc way in which 
ycu nmft walke that yon may 
come fafe forth of thefe troubles .If 
you ask bow you are to walk* thac 
you may have happy iflue ? I an- 
swer in few words,(b that you joyn 
with repentance hope cowards 
God,that he will beale thefe things 
and love you freely. Firft,bcnot 
affraideto remember finnes pad, 
God will make triacles of theft vi- 
pers. Here if you have becne fub- 
jeft to great unfruitfulneffejament 
it; for we, the more we beftow on 
our gronnds, looke to reape the 
more from them •, If to diftruft in 
your heavenly Fathers care over 
you, if unto too much neerntfle, 
which is often a daughter of di- 
ftruft, if to quicknesjf to any infir- 
mity (for the fpiric of man know- 
eth what is in man) recount it with 
your heart, judge your felfe wor- 
thy to be cut off for fuch waies 
wherein you have fwerved, if, 
God fhould deale in jufticr, and ' 
not in mercy. Secondly, ftrike a 


4 happy iffm out of offli8$3n. 


jew covenant with God for the 
:ime to come, that through his 
grace you will have care more and 
nore to mortifie every evill way, 
ind to be fruitful! in every good 
worke. Looke Esni the lo.Chap. 1 
a^.Thirdly^youmuftlooketo the 
Lord, as who only muft hcale you, 
hoping in his mercy ; He is the hea- 
ling God ; He that lay eth the rod 
on,tnuft take it off} and if a debter 
will be forth of danger, bee muft 
:ompound with his creditor, who 
only can free him from feareof ar- 
reft. And here you have great canfe 
to watch over yonr heart, that in 
ufc of means it be not withdrawne 
from the liv ing God. We are fuch 
crceples that we can hardly reach a 
Crutch into our haids, but that we 
will walke alfb leaning upon it. 
Now God onely is your life and 
length of your dates, thefe things 
without him, will ftand as in no 
(lead, it is not the Apothecaries 
drugge, but the ufe of it, which the 
art ot the Phyfician teacheth, that 

D a hea- 


* ■■ < 

68 Our wants muft drive m t* C^tifi. 

l«VMv«M» III ■ ■ i.l ■ ■ ■« ■ ■ >. , i , 

healeth a difeafe. So much more 
may we fey, it is not the creature, 
but the Lords ufc, and application 
of it to this or that purpofe, which 
ftandeth U9 in ftead. Yea, I would 
with ycu not to meddle much with 
things ofthis intention, left while 
you prevent the plague (which \t 
may be God will never lee come 
nigher your per(cn)left I fay while 
you doe this 3 you caft your ielfe in- 
to the burning Fever, or fome di- 
ftemper oi that nature. Now wfcen 
you finde your ielfe unable to doe 
thefe things, yoiTmuft, grieving at 
your wants, looke unco Ghrift, 
who doth give repentance and par- 
don of fin tohislfrae), and who is 
both the beginner and finifhsr of 
their faith* Now toaddeaword 
concerning Gods item, it is ever 
gracious to us that are his. When 
be frowneth^be is a Father, no leflc 
than when he fmilech upon us. A 
{ man willbeare much when he /pi- 
eth thiSjthat it commethfrom love 
it fclfe, and from love procee- 

* ■ > ■ 

The [met fruit of tfft&tons. 

deth every courfr, he pafleth upon 
us, as well this of adverfity, as chc 
other of profperity. Whom he lo- 
veth he chafteneth, faith the Scrip- 
ture. Ifwemarke what God doth 
by them, it is more apparent: for 
hee fitteth us by faflfcring a while^ 
to receive all good thing?, both of 
this life, and that to come. What 
doth a Chriflun heai t defire? That 
ic eould beleeve on God, giving 
glory to his Word,that it had more 
Urength ofgrace^that it might fecle 
adecayof finne, andbeprcferved 
from failing into it : that it might 
grow up in acquaintance with 
God> and come to tafte his love, 
more and more, which is better 
than life. Now thefe things God 
worketb by afflictions. For he ta- 
keth one, and putter h him paft the 
helpe of all the creatures, to no 
other end, but that he might leirne 
to bcheTeon God the Creatour, 
who giveth life, 2 Cor: 1. For fuch 
is the wickednefle of our hearts, 
that they will ccver make out to 

D 3 pur- 

69 \ 





jiffiRiovs purgative. 


purpofe unco God, while they 
have any fcnfiblehelpe, in which 
they thinke Co finde fijecour. 

True ic is, we fcele faith rather 
weaker for the time, boc fliaking 
the Torch, which fortheprefcoc 
k emeth to put ic out, doih make it 
blaze: Phyfick,which for the cine 
weakens, doth tend to ftrengthen 
the body, the feme may be Aid in 
this. Secondly, thefc through the 
worke of God , purge out our cor- 
ruption : asthefireiatadrofle, (b 
are thtfe to the remainders of finne 
in us. True it is, we fcele more ft ir- 
ring of corruption under them 
fometimes for a wh?le,than before: 
but as Phyfick thenexpellcth faul- 
ty humou^when ic worketh upon 
chcm 3 and maketh us complaine, ;s 
feeling them more than when they 
wt re let alone, fo dot h Gods Phy- 
ficke to che fcule : even ic h dri- 
viag our corruption then, when it 
makes us fcele, andcomplaincot ic 
more than ever, God by thefc doth 
make us partakers of all grace and 


Godafjli8s teprevextfime. 

holtnefle. Wee wHb chat we were 
able co do thus and thus, but when 
God doch come to us in this kind, 
then hee furthcrcth thofc defires : 
for a$ feedputteth forth, by means 
of raioe, which fecmes to drowne 
it, Co doth the feed of God grow in 
us, by meanes of fuch troubles, 
which one might thinke would 
overwhelme it. Thefe againe are 
fenc co prevent the future brea- 
kings forth of our corrupt natures^ 
For as you give your Iitrie ones 
Cordiallsnow, not that they have 
the fickncfl?,but that you may keep 
them from taking infe&ion:fo doth 
God putthefe cups into our hands, 
not fa much forfinnepaft, as for 
preventing finneco come. Finally, 
we come to acquaintance, and to 
feele Gods love more abundantly 
bythefe: adverficybrccdcch pati- 
ence; patience,expcrience of Gods 
loving helpe to us in due feafon: 
experience of this love, hope : and 
as lovers are never greater friends, 
than after their fallings out : fo it is ] 

D 4 with I 

— - — - * 

7* \ 


God trUi , before he trttfts. 

wichGodand the faithful! foulcs : 
thus is it with ycu.God doth now 
prove you,that he may in your lat- 
ter do you good (I hope) through 
lefbs Chrift : for as men will firft 
try, before they commie any great 
matter of truft • fo doth God with 
us, he doth come and try our behi- 
vieur,when he is willing totruft us 
withhishle9ing,and with benefits 
both fptrituall & corporall. Wher- 
fore looke, good M. P. with your 
Saviouratthcend ofthecroflcy hat 
will fweeten the bitternefle of it. 
Wee never greatly ftickc at fuch 
trouble, which we know will pay 
well at the parting.Thusfhall thefe 
your troubles ( waitii g on lefts 
Chrift the Lord)through whom all 
things worke to your good. It may 
be,you will chinkc this is true,you 
could believe it,but that you fee no 
fach likelihood of mercy toward 
you.But this is as if you fhould fay^ 
I would belecve on Chrift, if I 
might fee him, and put my fingers 
in his wounds J no : we muft not be 

God angry mtb bis^ jet loves ttem. 

Tbomajis^box pray God to increafe 
our faith, that wee hope againft 
hope, and beleeve that wee fee not 
thac To at length, wee may fee the 
things we belceve. I, but yoa may 
think God cometh in anger againft 
yoa. I anfwer, Gods anger is not 
without love, when hee dcalcth 
with his children ; from love it 
cometh, and it reideth to your re- 
newing of love. Againe, as I told 
you, he is a God thac will not keep 
anger, we looking to him, in that 
Sory n whom he is well plea fed. If 
one of our children ftiould (ay ro us 
when we are juftly moved, Father, 
you meane me no good/for you arc 
angry ;we would anfwer 5 Becaufr I 
meane thee good, therefore I am 
angry. Looke to him that hath Cid, 
Though I correft you,yet my love 
will I never take from you. Wait 
upon him, who though hee make 
heavie, yet will returne 8c comfort 
in rhe multitude of his mercies, 
Lj/w.3. 32. AnitheAuthourand 
Finifher oi our faith,help your be- 

D 5 leefe 


- - 




Vnty ofhve to ddmmifb. 

leefe, andhee that givcth wifdome \ 
1 without upbraiding, give you wtf- 
Jom« to carry this prefent cxercKe 
of your patience co his glory, and 
the great iocreafc of your after 

8, Expiftulatorj. 

DEarc Madame, I bavebeene 
long unable to fee pen to 
paper, which hath kepr mee from 
performing the beft office of lev* 
J;at is wkhin the compaffe of my 
abUity,but fiwee your love did get 
ihe flare of mee by preventing mee 
with your kinde remembrance; it 
hath been a fpurre further inviting 
me tothisduty,whichI had with- 
in my ftlfe voluntarily vowed. My 
mirde is to advertifc you out of 
love«pf fomedifeafes which [ fcare 
grow upon your foule, and to give 
you occaf on through Gods ble£ 
fang, of renewing your repentance 
unto falvation. God comandeth to 
exhort one another, left our heart* 
bw hardened through ihcdeceuful- 



True love cannot flatter* 

nefleoffinne, and toconfiderone 
another, that we may provoke to 
love. As this imboldencth mee, fo 
I am encouraged from hence not 
a Iittle,that I know the patience of 
your eare to admonition,^ & moTC 
adornet h the inward man, than any 
eare-ring of Gold can grace the- 
out ward. But Ihould your L. take 
that with the left hand, which 
I reach with the right, this fhould 
not bz a SvptrfedeattQ mce, com- 
pelling mee to defift from per- 
forming my purpofc : for I ac- 
count him a covetous flatterer,, 
which for the good of thole he 
owtth duty t*>, will not venture 
a word 3 which may adventure 
(for a time) the loflc of his fa- 
vour. Wherefore profcffing be- 
fore God my love to your L. Soule 
and Name, and afluring my felfc 
that bee will be my all-fuffident 
reward, while I walke before 
him in uprightnefle, give mes 
leave to tell yon, what I have a 
longtime fufpetted. The grace of 



»-* ^ 

■ *. - ■»■ 



7 6 


Iheway ofthtrighttouiiil^ theJHn. 

_ — ■ . » ' * ■ ii ■ 

God teacheth all fiichas tafteit 5 to 
live, (hs wing forth godlinefle, fo- 
briety, and juftice, ia this prefenc 
evill world : and the way of the 
righteous fhould be like the Sunne, 
which rifingmoredimly,dothftill 
increafe in the light and heate of 
if, till it come at the higheft. Now 
my feare is, left your godlinefle, 
which hath beene fbmetime very 
confpiciousin you, befbmewbat 
abated,left the care of remperancy, 
and equity, which you owe re- 
ward the meaneft, be diminifh- 
ed : left fbme fpice of the con- 
trary breed about your foil ley as 
a ficke humour : which thcughie 
cannot quire choake and excin. 
guifti the lifeofgrace 3 yetit hinde- 
reth rhar growth and thriving of ir 
whichiscobewi(h?d # If I fhould 
feare beyond that I have ground 
for, yet you are to cenfureit as a 
fruit of love, while it ftirrech mee 
up to any good office abourycu,as 
I#£\r feare about his children, is 
m^nifcii to have flowed from his 


The hfe ofgodlwejje. 



Angular love, by the (acrifice it 
movetb him to offer in their be- 
balfr. Buc how juftly my ieareis 
conceived, I will leave it co year 
con(cienc5 to judge, when I have 
madenarration of the particulars 
following. What (good Lord) 
rtiould (hew forth the life and po- 
wer of your godlinefle> Is it not 
thecarefoll getting of fiich meanes 
a? may further it in you and yours? 
is it not the reverent and religious 
ufing of the m?Is it not the cleaving 
to tbofc more af£&ionatly than to 
ochers, who are before others in 
godlineffcMf in yourcourfe theft 
waitrs be considered, it will ap. 
pcare that eveo in chip regard there 
i> fuch defed? asyou mu!t diligent- 
lylabourro fapply. The meanes, 
nrx' to the publike, of promoting 
gcd'inefle in you and yo'r family, 
isthep*efenccof one whoispru- 
derrtto Jwowyourcfbte^rd faith- 
full to advertife accordingly. The 
flyiug exerciiQs of men that come 
andgoe 3 doe not fee forward this 



■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ I ■ I 

78 Rtmijfenefft infelhwtng the meanes 

■ ■ ■ — . » . « ■ -»» 

plough, like as the conftant pre- 
tence, word, and example of one 
who knoweth you, and is knowne 
of you, Now,when you arc where 
publikemeanes may be had, fueh 
as your felfe eftecrae powerful! ; is 
not your L.more remiflely aflfe&ed 
toward them, than becommeth a 
zealous godly minde, yea, than 
fometime you have beene, when 
ycu (bould frequent them dili- 
gently, though fixe times more re- 
moved than now they arc > For 
though, when naturall flrengch 
failetb, there may be an omiffion 
of fome outward meaoes, with- 
out prejudice of inward devotion $ 
yet God hath given you fo able a 
habke of body, at your yeeres, 
that you can venture as farre, ci- 
ther for exchanging civill tour- 
tefies,or for refreshing your felfe 
uich fuch contentments, as the 
civill communion of friends doth 
affoord. For the private meaaes, 
the conftant refidence of one, who 
might bee as a private. Steno you 



of Salvation, an illfigne. 

m i ■ n i- i , - ■ 

and your?; have you profecuted 
this, with that devotion you 
ought t Then fhould not want of 
a Bed, have kept mec this Win- 
ter from beiog with you ; then 

| could you not,afcer yon had tafted 
my Dj&rine, and feene (for ray 

; meafure) fimplicity, and inoferv 
fivenefle in my conversion, you 
could not (I fiy) with ftch o- 
verturc have reinvited raee. To 
fpeake fparingly, I have obkr- 
ved in you an affe&ion, fuch *$ 
is in thofe who cheapen ; who 
would have the thing, but for 
coft ; contrary to the Merchant 
fpoken of in the Gofpcl, who 
would fell all, rather than not 
carry away his commodity with 
him. Whercfore^layiog your hand 
on your heart, bethtnke your telfe, 
where is that dne affr&ion, to 
the bed meanes of building you 
up in grace : If this one thing 
were as much in your defire, as 
Dtvidj- you would not reft, till 
you fa w your foule pofleffed of it : 


«- . -4 

79 ! 



.— — — — — ' ■■!■■■ II II " It. 

8 o j Wc mujf be hatneft after the wants. 

the wife Merchant doth not ondy 
account of the pearle & Treafure, 
bat hee fclleth all, to purchase the 
field in which the Treafurc is hid- 
den; (o highly hee reckonech of 
meeting with fuchan one, who is 
as a VeflcJI, in which his Chrift is 
contained andcooveyed unto him; 
The violentreceivethe Kingdome. 
The Lord keepe us from following 
that which belongeth to his bu- 
finefle, with a cold indifferency. Ic 
may be you thinke • Why > I am 
notdeftkute, I have the Labours 
of many Chriftian men, as they 
may be procured. To which I an- 
fwer : Ic is not in bringing for- 
ward Chriftians, as icisinraifhg 
other creatures. Change of Pa- 
nares \a ill make fat Calve?; but 
changing of Preachers, neither 
knowing you, nor knowne of you, 
will never bring your foules to be 
weli-Jikmg, and take incrtafe be- 
fore God,- 'as they ought: it will 
not helpe the B^bes growth, to get 
it a weekly change of Nurfcs. Be- 


— I H W > 

Change of Preachers unjtmtfnll. 

fides 3 whcH ftrangers corocthey fee 
the faireft piece, the out-fide only > 
and if (in fume one) they heare 
fometKing not good, yet being 
foonepoflefled with that great and 
good report of you and your Fa- 
mily,they rather count it a lingular 
exorbitancy, than any thing cufto- 
msry in your fervants prafttce. 
Hence it is, that they come and 
goe, foraetinae giving commend*, 
tions, feldorae touching the Iocall 
griefes, the fores of your honftiold . 
Wee will not have one make us a I 
(hooe, who knoweth not ftrft the 
length ofour foot : and were wee 
to ufe the phyfician daily, wee 
would not ftill commit our (elves 
to new ones, who never had obfer- 
ved our bodies. If wee are to ufe 
counfcll, wee k^rpe to fuch who 
have the beft infight iato our cafes. 
So in the Phyficians of our Souje, 
it is a great advantage to have 
them to minifter to us, who by 
their conftant obfervation art beft 
acquainted with our neccfliebs. 




82 Take httdhevp we* 

Wherefore execute you 
lb long fince fettled; me 
neth ac home : Will yo 
to many other Churche 
the Church in your ow 
But to leave this Head, 
the beft raeancs,and a li 
fidcr the manner of i 
meanes as you enjoy : 
ftandethnot in bare he 
in hearing like Cormliu 
Bereans, in taking heed 
heare, that wee may j 
That iscrue Divinity, r! 
theCnriuiiu* nojwhi 
but how wee doeit,do 
to our fou\c$> that we 
Ghriftians. Now, goo 
little fufpefl:, that you 
thefe duties in fuch f 
fort ere- while, as if tc 
the worke howfbever, 
dent. I am afraid you 
after thefe exerctfes g 
thatpowerfull worke, 
ingall fi.ifull lufts and 
in pra&ice, in ftrengch 

Wt muJlprsBife what we heart* 83 

conforming fpiritualcie, in ma- 
ng you heavenly minded ; I feare 
yoofindenot thiseflicacie, which 
theWord hath where it isdaely 
mingled wich beleefir* I have ob- 
served in your L. a readinefleto 
hearealwaies, but not a proporti- 
onable care of chewing the C id,of 
digefting and incorporating it into 
yourfoule,and pra&ifingihethings 
you have heard. This maketh the 
Wordyou have heard, vaine; and 
nothing feene of ie, in regard of al- 
teration, or augmentation cauftd 
by it, in him who is the hearer. 
And at they who know not what 
it is ro pray confcionably^vill call j 
moft readily and freely for prayer j 
(b many will call freely to heare, 
not ihat they feele fpirituall hun- 
ger, but becauft they confider not 
what goeth to hearing confeiona- 
bly, in regard of preparation be- 
fore, watching over our fclves in 
it, that wee miy feck it fruhfull 
in us, Againe, I have feene you, 
in prayer, without caufc of any 





^*— • 

Godsfctvtce, net to be done Overtly* 

■■■■ i • m iii, i ■ 

extraordinary weaknefle rife from 
kneeling to fitting * which kinde 
of liberty doth n<# well fu:c with 
that Religion reverence, which 
befeemerh Gods fervants, while 
they worfhip before him. Yea, 
I have heard., that It hath beenc 
talked in houfes where ycur L. 
hath lodged,that my L. 7^, would 
have her roan reading a Chapter 
by her, and her (elfe be fome- 
time talking, (bmetiine fouling, 
yea, now and then chiding, at the 
fame time. I cannot hide it from 
you, I heard it wkhgriefe^ and 
whether it be true or faMe, you 
have need to make ufe of ir» Deare 
Madame,takehced how yon heare, 
looke to your fcet^to the afFcft ions 
of your heart, wheo you come be- 
fore God. Hee will be/anftified in 
fiich as draw ncere unto him, or he 
will do as he did to Aarons fonncs, 
hee will glorifie hirafelfe in judge- 
ments on them* One raay heare, 
call others to heare, give com- 
mendations to the things and man- 

Lnflslnnder the benefit of the Word. 

rimer of fp-aUng, welcome f he per- 
elfon, faften a gift on him ; and yet 
in all this, be devoid of life and 
power of Religion, in hearing. 
Endevour to txpell thofe laits, 
which clogge and pr-ff dowue 
yourfoale; then the milkc ^the 
Word will bepleafar.r, and profi- 
table. To take fuften^ace, while 
the ftomacke is fircharged with 
(upe 4 fluitl. s,horcth the b<x!y : fo, 
till we labour to emptic our fdves 
of t^e lufts that hang abour us, the 
I benefit of the Word cannot be per- 
ceived. And againe^when you h^vv 
heard, labour that you may profit 
by it, that ynu may feek all finfJI 
lufts weakened jgraceftrengcheoed, 
faich & knowledge encreakd,your 
praftice bettered. Should any care 
never (b much^ naleflfr he digeft it 3 
turne it to bloud^ diftdburc ic into 
thevehe?,&c# what is the body 
the better for that which ic rece* 
ved? For the third evidence of a 
godly heait, towir, the cleaving 
more affwftionately to thoft who 



Wt mujl git m grtchKi firvantf. 

are more godly, than others; I 
would there were no defeft in this 
regard. I have obfeived, that you 
can equally impart your favours. 
If any have points of fcrvice, and 
can apply themfelves to your hi> 
mour, though they have fmall ac- 
quaintance with Godj they (hall be 
countenanced. This raaketh your 
family Liofie-woolfie, confirmeth 
the haunts of forne in their care- 
leflc courfe; this makech thole that 
are good, more remiffe than they 
would be : (houH they finde from 
you greater encouragement. 1>j- 
vids delight was in the Saints ; hee 
did purge his family of fuch as 
were unprofitable, and graceieffe : 
fuch as laboured to pleafe God in 
all thing«,not fuch as could get the 
length of his foote, were precious 
in his eyes* Can a loyall Wife 
take pleasure in (uch men who are 
dbfervanr and officious about her, 
and be devoid of all refjpeft to- 
ward her Husband 1 Are you be- 
trothed to your God, in Chrift* 


Tajli of Gods goodmffe y mams 9 &c. 


and can you abide thejr (trvice a- 
bout youj who are carclefle in duty 
toward your Lord, with whom you 
arecomra&ed? This flieweth,that 
godlineflc is much decayed, yea, 
that God is put downe, and our 
(elves (et up as God, in ourowne 
hearts ; whtn we can like of men, 
not as we fee them fincerely ferve 
him,bui as their behaviour is more 
or Iefle plcafi ig and contentful! to 
our (Uves, But to leave this firft 
point, (in which, defire of your 
good hath made mee more prolixe 
than I intended) and to come to 
the praftice of fobrktie, which 
the grace of God teache'h us who 
have rruely tailed it : even as a 
man who hath tooke in the tafte 
ofchebeft creatures, cannot forth- 
with feed on that which is meane, 
cour fe^and no way to be compared 
to it ; fo a Chriftian, who bath ta- 
fled the goodies of his God, which 
is better than life, cannot affeft, as 
fometime before he did , thele fe .1- 
fuall delight?, which carnall men, 


Inttmpcrwe in law full liberties. 

who know iio Detcer (likr as 
Swine do /will) follow wun gree- 
dineffi • Now I feare me here alio, 
ltit thole ipiri tuU fweetneff-s be- 
ing foracwhac cciipfed, intempe- 
rate cherifting the b^dy,ar« dear s 
oithc world (partly through fruits 
voutavetraverfed partly through 
1 k»nd (upportsof many) doe fte«le 
upoo you 5 and win ground mure 
than they h*ve done heretofore. I 
biow Goddoth keep your Lirom 
€xctffive curiofay ,fronn open glut- 
tony/ omdu kcneife^biitasin- 
jnftice is noc oaely in unlawfu'U 
ftcahh,but in cevt tou* f jllowing a 
Iawfulicalling:So intemperancy is 
not onely in thef* outrages cxp el- 
fed, which are openly unlawful!, 
but alfo in the lt(T holy temperate 
and reverent ufe of our lawful! li- 
berties and repafts, in eating and 
drinking wee muft labour to tecle 
ourthankfulneffe renewed, as the 
e ff fts of our heavenly fathers pro- 
v'deixe are renewed : ve muft la- 
bor to be heavenly minded/celing 



The funds 9 as well as the r*skf)&c m 

.m m* 

the gracious pretence of God wich 
our fpirits at our fweeteft fcafts : it 
is a fpor, when wc feare not in our 
feafts, as who are confcious of the 
fiare that is in every creature, and 
ourownc weakaeffe. Finally, we 
eate intcmpctately,when we keepe 
oot power over our own appetite; 
when we putnot our knives to our 
throats, upon feeling any inordina • 
rie moving in as towards this or 
that: like as David did, who Sa- 
crificed the Waters which hee had 
fo importunately defired. Happy 
are they who fiewe not in lawfull 
things in eating, drinking, buil- 
ding, fcc A Ship may mifcarry, 
not onely by hard rockes, but by 
fofc finds ; which (hough they are 
not Co violent, yet they are no 
leffe dangerous. To (cede often 
liberally, not refraining any thing 
to which ones appetite leadeth, to 
be gratifying the ftomacke, now 
wich one thing, now with another, 
alas, what doth it ? It diftempe- 
reth the fl~(h with lull, it doth 

E make 






Wtmufi wiani o*rfctvesfrom y &c. 


make the very (bule fltfbly a fla- 
tted, itindifpofethusco thofctx-'i 
crcifcs which arc performed by the 
minder maketh us fit to be kindled 
with wrath, or any filch like paf- 
6on; Finally it taketh up the mind 
with thoughc,whatit flbal 1 nrx f be 
-iersred- with in this kind. Wher*- 
forepart Madame f ifany fpiric of 
humane frailty hach cloven to you 
this way, remember you are a tra- 
veller, ncerer your j >urnies end, 
than when you firft beleevcd. Gird 
up your loynes, tuck up this traine 
of lufting, which will make you 
unfit to take one ftep this way, 
without hinderance. The houres 
grow on, wherein thefc things 
will yeeld no dcligbr • wee muft 
weane our felvcs in time^that our 
laft weaning may not feeme too 
bitter and grievous to us. If wee 
didtonour God, by unweared ufe 
of thefe things, the Lord will pay 
as home in our owne coy ne, and 
icourge us by that fdfe-fame in- 
temperate praftice, by which he 


Intttnferanct hurts Joule and body . 

i i - — — — ■ — 

wasdifhonoured inns. How ma- 
ny hugge themfclves to death, and 
by powring on too much Oile, 
quite put forth the Light of Life ? 
I am no Phyfician for your body, 
ycc I doubt notj but the driving 
with your felfe, to ufc your law- 
full Liberties and Repafts more 
holily,temperatly, and reverently, 
(let him that is holy, be more 
holy) will be very beneficiall to 
your body. For feeding the fto- 
mackefiall, lb as fuperfluities are 
engendrcd ^ this breedeth the mat- 
ter of the Stone, and augmenteth 
it where it is breed, warming the 
ftomack now with one thing, now 
wich another, this doth beget and 
encreafe the heate, which taketh 
the matter fore-named into this 
forme, in which it is voyded. 
Concerning that laft matter,which 
all muft pra&ife, who know the 
Grace of God in truth, viz. Iu- 
ftice; even in this I have fome 
feares, which I cannot conccale : 
and to (pare what I have heard 

E 2 re- 


$% Equity to bejbewid tewtrds all. 


reported, as the talke of lome,tbat 
your L. fctteth up LeAures, your 
debts undifcharged (for it is my 
meaning to deal c only in fiich mac- 
tcrs which my felfe in fome fort 
have obferved.) To (pare this 
therefore, my feare is, that you 
(hew not that equity towards all 
under you that you ought. It plea* 
fed God to beftow the childc of a 
in oft reverend roan, N. N. with 
y ou,wbom you have not intreated 
well, but provoked and grieved 
rather with exceffive fcveritie and 
contempt, than encouraged, by 
(hewing any motherly afR&ion 
and hoocur/uch as a Chriftian La- 
dy cannot but know her felfe to 
owe to thcleaft of her handmaids. 
The note I tooke of this in my 
mind, made me firft ufe that phrafe 
in Prayer, That God would guide 
us, who goveme,to carry our fcjves 
u ith fuch moderation as befeemetb 
them who know, that even i hem- 
fclves have a Maftct in Heaven. A- 
Ias a wbom doth your anger purfue? 

* , np 

The barmelejft mtji harmed. 


A fatherlcfle cbilde ; who ouc of 
confcience doth humble her felfe 
under you. Many weake perlons 
arcfickcofanevillfickneflr; they 
will make boldtft to offer all hard 
meafarc to fuch whom they know 
moft innocent and harmeleffe 5 not 
caring what eheydoe to fuch, be- 
c mfc they t hinke they doe it fafely, 
and (hill hearc nothing but good 
after ir. Whereas the fame per- 
form will be often veryequjli to 
thofe who arc of worft difp ofiti- 
on, and take fcchfreedbme in fu- 
rling, that they tfill no: fpare for 
any mcanes, which tfoemfelves or 
their Meads can ufe, to cry quit 
1 wich fuch as (hall provoke them* 
The Lord keepeos from this wic- 
kednefle. Watch over your felfea- 
gainft this paflion. It unfitteth you 
for prayer : It is not Co light a thing 
in afting, as hcavie when the Co> 
fcience calleth to reckoning; to 
wound the foule with words, and 
by immoderate difpleaftre to raake 
the life of the Orphant heavie ; to 

E 3 maki 

- 94 

, .i 


Govcrnours to be milde and gentle. 

make the heart of a Widdow lad • 
(for (he is a Marble, not a Mother 
who grieveth not in the Chi Ides 
grievance) to fhewdifhonour,not 
onely to the living, but to the dead 
alfojfo neere and deare to the Lord: 
I tell you, thefe arc great things, if 
you looke not on them through 
thefalfe glaffeofdiftemperate paf- 
(ion. As God hath bid them ho- 
nour you, fo hee hath tycd you to 
honour them, and be rather a Mo- 
ther, than Lady and Miftreffe to 
them. For this caufc,tbe Lord doth 
comprift <3overnours under the 
name of Fathers and Mothers, to 
put them in mindeof doing duty 
to inferiours, as well as receiving 
fervice from them. God hath com- 
mandtdus,thatourbrotherbe not 
vile in our eyes, that wee provoke 
them not, that wc Chew all equity, 
nQt ruling over them with a ftrift 
hand, as Egyft did over Ifratl* that 
wee follow /o£,in letting them ex- 
poftulatc reverently withus,wheri 
they find grievance; and not to be 


notftorvarA to inferiours. 


like N<th/, who was lb vite, none 
might fpeake a word in his eare, 
which did uoc humour him. Ac our I 
command, ourfervantsthinkenot 
much co doe ferv ce$ even about 
ourHorfeshecles: ftiallwethinke 
much, at Gods command, toper- 
forme chofe nyoft equall offices to- 
ward thofe whom God hath put 
under us, who are fons and daugh- 
ters of God with us; Heires of 
the felfe-fime hope* to which we 
arc called? Should our Mifterin 
Heaven lowrc on us., &\d contend 
with us on every occafion ; coald 
wee ftand before it > Ltcusnotbe 
fofcvereandirefull, whoftandfo 
much in neede of mercy and indul- 
gence. Wherefore, to clofe my ad- 
vertifemenr, doe not onely leave 
thofe things but j jdge your felfe 3 
for wha:foever frailty hath eftaped 
you this way,and returncagaineto 
the Oaih and Covenant, renewing 
your Vow before the Lord. Doe 
not reafon in your heart, Why doe > 
I not thus, and thus? Doth not 
1 E4 God 

• i 




A Utile pus marts many good aUigns. 

»■ - ■ fc ■ . 

God allow us lawful! liberties? 
Why ? mcc thinkts our Minifter 
might give mee leave with my 
Maides? Should I a lictle wrong 
them, cannot I make all whole 
with fome benefit unexpected? 
Where hath he learned to beleeve 
reportfcnot having heard any thirg 
from my mouth? Thefe are buc 
ftggeftions of Sutan,to make you 
fall out with medicinable couufel I , 
by which your fbule fliould be 
healed .You do many good things : 
But God will not, for any good 
offices, fee any cvill in which wee 
walke/o as not to diflike it.Looke 
his Epiftk* to the Churches* A- 
gainc,why (hould a few dead Flics 
raarre a Boxe of precious Oint- 
ments ? God doth allow us law- 
full liberties, provided that wee 
ufe them lawfully, pn&iting ho- 
linefle, religious fcare, and tempe- 
rancy in the midft of them. I may 
not hate you fb,as to let your fbule 
finne towards a fcrvant; and wee 
are to teach your L. as well how 



Goodinttntions excufe not id a&ionj. 

> i — ■ ■ i > , 

to governe, as your fervants how 
to obey in the Lord. And yoa may 
doe that, you cannot heale; you 
may i mpaire natural! indo wments 
of minde, by fuch courfes, more 
than you can rccompence by any 
Largefle of your liberalitie : for 
intending future good, will not 
make that well done, which for 
the preicnt is evill. For my felfe, 
I write nothing, but by way of 
Chtiftian fearc, I have arguments 
too many, to make me behere in 
part, what-ever things I pro- 
pound unto you. Turneirom theft 
thoughts, as you would from the 
Direll himfelfe; they are omly 
prompted, that they may kecpe 
ycur heart from repentance. Dchy 
not, while God faideth you a mef- 
(enger> and knocketh ; for if you 
will not heare this gentle voyce, 
you know not in what kind he will 
fjpeake, rhe next. Befide., bee char 
dclayeth to fet a bone out of joynt^ 
doth but double hisfroarr, when 
ic is to be handled, and rcftored. 

E 5 Not 




f ; — ■ ——-—-——— 

pST' 1 ConfcicHcelikcslooi(i*g-ghjJe. 





Not to mention that he that retur- 
neth not into the way, in fucha 
party that which is hairing, is Tub* 
jc& to goe quite forth of it. Ic may 
be you do not feck yourconfeience 
greatly checking you in thefe 
things. I am the forrter if you 
(houldnot:but Mddtmejcmembct 
whether it bath not checked you, 
and whether hy not hearing Gods 
Spirit, you have not (b grieved 
him, that he keepeth filence. Bat 
howfoeyciy the Conference is like 
a looking-glafle, which while it li- 
etb all covered with duft,{heweth 
not (mall matters,but when it is wu 
ped, then it ruaketh the leaft thing 
apparent So the Gonfcjence being ; 
clouded with paffion of luft, cu- 
floppy examples,&c« difcovereth 
not many things, when it is awa- 
ked, & thofc roiftsdifpclled,ic pre- 
fetiteth as grieyous fins, the things j 
wbfcfr wee before made light ac- 
count of.Ic it one thing *iot to have 
an accufing Gonfckncei another 
thing to have a cleare Confdcnce. 



fbrijt onr SmnBijiir^s well as^&c. Y "99 

1 ' 1 - i T - * l ■««««*«■ 

A man may have the S one, who 
feelcth no Fie ofi: : A man may 
have,in fbme regard, an cvill Cofi*- 
fcience, who fecleth, for the time, 
no Fie of accufation in ic. Where- 
fore, deare Lady, be wife : God 
hath taken the yoake from your 
necke, truftcd you with liberty,gi- 
venyoua Summer, to provide a- 
gainft Winter $ O make tip foundly 
your peace with God. Confider 
your infirmities,in time of tempta- 
I tionefcaped:C6fiderthefe : fithence 
your deliverance ; judge them in 
yourfelfe; flie co Chrifr,nor only as 
made of God, your juftifier from 
the guile of fin, but your San&ifier 
from the blot of ir. Pray him ear- 
ncitly, to faveyou from the daily 
power of thefeevills, whichftill 
you find to have dwelling in you. 
You have neec^like the Anr,to ga- 
ther iu the Summer, when God 
trufted you wth health 8c liberty ; 
the rather, u ccaufc Godholdetha 
fiingmg Rod oreryou, the Lafli 
whucof, fhoukiit light ona Con- 


'■■ m>m* 



lob 1 Remembrance of fin in visitation. 





fcicnce naked, ft ripped of his fa- 
vour^ would fecme unfupportable. 
Thinke with your felfe, what joy 
yon can take r when God (hall vifit 
you, if your Confcicnce fhalltcll 
you, that you have had good pur- 
ports, but neglefted to execute 
them ; that you have drawne neere 
to God, but without due care to 
(an&ifisbimin your fpirit, in bis 
Ordinance?^ and profit by them: 
That you have not advanced his 
glory in your family as you oughr j 
that you have borne too gentle a 
band ever the lufls of your hearr, 
favouring your felfe too much in 
them : that you have in anger too 
muchcxceeded,and trade t hero feel 
it raoftjWhom you (hold moft have 
tendred. ThinkeJ fay^ what com- 
fort you can haveinfuch thiflgs'r e- 
membred. But if you will awaken 
your felfe, judge your (bole, hold 
Ghrift to give you ftrength againfl 
thole and all other corruptions* 
then fhall light arife ia darkeovflc^ 
you&all fad it truciht ugh tor che 


The corrupt mlndindurts not reproof 

prefect you fecle a warfare, that 
light is fowne for the righteous ; 
though evills come, God will be 
your ftiadow at your right hand, to 
refrefti you in them, peace fliall 
dwell with you in life and death, 
which I wifti your Ladifhip in fefm 
Cbrift. If I fecme to your L. to ufe 
greater freedome in dealing with 
you,che perfwafion I have of your 
fincericy and (bundnelfe imbolden- 
eth me thereto j found flefii feeleth 
no griefe,when we handle it (bme- 
whac hardly : but it isa fignc an ul- 
cer is bred in that flefh, which may 
not indure any fort to be touched. 
Neverthekflk, I thank God,l have 
ufed to my knowledge, no liberty 
and plainnefle, to which fidelity 

Thus craving your I. to take 
thefc things dowoedeeply,though 
they (hould make Gck for the time., 
feeing that they aims at nothing 
butyour fpirituall heahh, &f ray- 
ing fee Lord for you* who bleflerh 
all Phyfkke, both corponll and 
I fpirituall, 




Concerning * Wivtt ficknefft. 

fpiricuail, and health by it, I cake 
my leave. 


LOviog Brother, we do remem- 
ber you and ray Sifter, and are 
rruly affe&cd toward you, though 
my diftraftions, iraployment, and 
I know not what indifpofition 
(which I dare not every way a- 
vow) doc caufe me to write more 
rarely.Now lean deferre no longer 
from fignifying 01 r remembrance, 
and advenifingyou howthingsgo 
with us, left you fhould challenge 
me hereafter,as not informed. My 
rood Chriflian Wife (yourSiRer) 
hath, fince Eaftcr Iaft, beenevcry 
il), and it hath not pleafed God to 
bltfle any meaoes which fhee hath 
attempted here, or cl{c-whcre. 
Sirce our lift parting with yoo, 
flu continued till within this fort- 
night, crafie, but not feeling any 
violent working of our infirmities : 
but now of litc^and especially this 
weekej her ftrength is more than 
ordinarily ; enfeebled* that I fcarc 


Mourning acceptable to aCbrtJlistn, 

■ - ■ ■■ '■ ' ■ — ■■ ' i 

(rclerving to God whatfoerc couiw t 

fes make with h;s glory) you flwll 
not long tr joy ftch a Sifter, norl 
luch a Wife,of whom I am unwor- 
thy. Which I foggeft for two rea- 
fbos : The one, that you might re- 
member her cftate more fervently 
thanotherwife; againe, that you 
might feafonably reibrt to her, if it 
will any whit increafe your con- 
icntment, as it (hall be gladfome to 
us whenfoevcr, to fojoy your p re- 
fence. The Lord teach us to num- 
ber our daie?, that .wee may apply 
our hearts unto wifrdome, and 
the Lord give us underftanding, 
which may mike our hearts be as 
well pleated in the houfc of mour- 
ning, as the fuoles are in the boufe 
of carnal rejoyciog. Broiher, our 
terme lafteth not alwaies > tbe Lord- 
make us wife to know the accep- 
table time, and while it is called to 
day, not to be hardened through 
the deceirfbJndfc ©kfinne, butto 
tarne to hion, and for . a-, fare-- 
'wcll^. when you&ehow your cli- 




ib4 Cornell c*fd for in neeejjity. 

cnts waic at your Chamber dores, 
fee king to gaine earthly inheritan- 
ces, how much more fhould wee 
waite at the dore of Wiftdomeg 
houfe, which will give us an cver- 
Ufting inheritance? Readethe 8.of 
the Proverbs, theendof the Chap- 
ter, where the Lord (eemeth to 
make this alluGon : I will tell you, 
if we that are the Lords, come to 
be lifted, we {hall be more diligent 
this way, Counfell is not cared for 
(as you know well) till fome flaw 
be found in evidences : when once 
there groweth queftion, then the 
learned Counfellour groweth in re- 
queft : fo becaufe our confidence 
raaketb no qaeilion of that great 
eftatc in the heavens, therefore we 
wake not on Gods mouth daily, 
both in ufing meanes publike and 
private with diligence, Thus your 
Sifter and I 5 doe remember our 
felves unto you, and my Srfter, (to 
whom you may eomraefulus) and 
take our leaves abruptly. 

lo» Cen< 

, ..- ■ 

Comfirt tn fickfltfli. 


10. Confolatory. 

LOving Oufin, J would be 
glad co hcare how God doth 
carry en your weakc frame, but 
this is a thii)g,which though I may 
wi(h eafily, yet I cannot fbcafily 
ttfeft ir. If weakneffc grow on 
you,it muft comfort you,that your 
prifon is not ftrong enough to hold 
your foule long imprifoned. How 
welcome is the evening to the wea- 
ry labourer ? So to us fhould be the 
(hade of death, in which we reft 
fi om all onr travelL If you thdc 
paint, ftekefor that faith which 
may quench the fire^ if it be good 
for you that it ftould be fuddenly 
quenched, if otherwife, lookcto 
him who hath promifed in fire and 
water to be with us^aever to leave 
us, nor for fake us, Thinkconhis 
goodnefle, who will have finfull 
men eafe their enemies beafts, an* 
der the burden which opprefletb 
them. Looke finally tothofe glori- 
ous jo jes^to which thefe momenta- 
ry affliftions fhall bring you. Even 





T>eath thoHgbfainfull 3 ytt &c. 

as the waters tall downe^ not able 
to abide in grounds that lie high, 
(6 the (enfe of thefe affli&ions 
gocth away from mfades, that arc 
lifted op in fuch contemplation, A- 
bove all things rcpyce, that ycr 
you {hall (hortly atcaine your fovrJ, 
your Lord, to whom yourfbule 
by faith hath becne Iongcontra- 
fted. Shec is a forrie Spoufe, who 
cannot make a fhift with an uneafie 
horfe, while ftiee rideth to fee the 
confutnmation of her love, with 
her betrothed Husband. Doth to- 
gether with weaknefleand paine, 
poverty in things (pirhnall; doth 
any defertionjnoleft you? Know 
that this is but the wHedome of 
our God j who, as Phy ficians doe 
mingle many things in the fame 
potion, fb doth intermeddle many 
matters in the fame temptation, 
that it may be more efFeftnallto 
his glory and our good* Thinke 
with your felfe, a wife Phyfician 
will not put in his prefcript a 
Dram too much; God will not 


fFe MMJl reji en God in ntcfffittes. 

■ -— -i m~ .1 _ ■ i - 

xceed chat quantity any whit 
which is fie for his patients. Hold 
outothe rocke, and ftand Hill, 
he things are clouds which will 
idc over you, and goe away : 
though it be nighf, we (hall have 
dayagaine. Who is it thatfeareth 
the Lord > If hee be in darkotffe 
without light, kc him leane on 
the Lord his God. For coodufi- 
on- Doth outward neceflny, with 
her threatning, any thing difturbe 
you ? Looke to him who taught 
S c Paul to want, who made him 
fay, he would doe all things,, while 
his Lord ftrengthened him. Looke 
to him who circamciihh hearts 
with circumcifion not made with 
hands, who can make us fo deny 
ourftlves, that wee (ballfiadeno 
paine to follow him : Be (brry for 
nothing, but that having fuch a 
Father^youfhould be careful!. We 
fan&ific our Heavenly Father, 
when no unbeleeving fearc com- 
mcth neere us. You know the 
truth of my love to you,, and I 


*■ * ¥■ 

L. -^ 


08 Wt muQtut neghtl offtriuitity. 


know how eafily I can (through \ 
Gods bleffing) procure that which 
would refrcfli you feafonably, 
Whmforeif you (hould notim- 
part it to mee timely, before the< 
oyle and meale be quire fpent, 
you (hall negleft a good meane,: 
which Gods providence doth fhew 
you, you (hall be wanting ro your 
owne comfort, you (hall requite 
mee with no fmall unkindnefle. 
Thus with my loving Sifters 
commendations, I commit yon to 

Yonrs as his owne, 
PmhI Bajne. 

II. ExfefiHlatory. 

GOod S r . C. Were my ability 
and freedome from occasions 
at this time, fuch as might be wi- 
jftied, I would fee youinpetfon, 
and not vifit you by writing : but 
love muft be content to crcepe 
when fhee cannot goe at liberty as 
fhedefireth.S r .C. could I bethioke 


Godafflittf his m <• Father, 

te of my cordial], or other thing 
/hich were like to eafc your ficke 
affion, fhould I not be a Traitor 
)r ever in frlendfhip,if at this time 
ftiould hold my peace? So is it 3 1 
ould not beare(even in rpy confere- 
nce) too much blame, if thinking 
>f feme things which may ferve to 
he good both of your body and 
bule, I fhould containe my felfe 
nd not impart them. Wherefore 
jood S r . C. give mee leave a little 
o commune with you now being 
inder the hand of God : For even 
kilfull Phyficians, when them- 
lelves are vificcd, will uft the ad- 
rice of their inferiours. You know 
xtter than my felfe, that ordinari- 
ly in all affit&ions God doth of- 
fer himfclfe as a Father to us, cha- 
ining us, that hee may make us 
partakers of holinefle, yea, even 
by death it felfe hee doth chaften 
his, that they may not be jud- 
ged with the unrepentant world. 
Thu$Idoubtnot,buthe doth with 
you. II then wee arc under Gods 





Wt tnufl mourm for fin in afflilVton 

chaftening hand, wee muft firft la* 
bour to take to heart onr faults, 
for which our heavenly Fachei 
doth take us in hand. Secondly, 
wee muft feeke his mercy in for- 
giving thcin, a'id removing the 
temporary corre&ion, (b tarre as 
may ftand with his glory. Third- 
ly, *<iee muft be cirefulltofeeke 
the u(e of them in all things fol- 
lowing, if God (hall thinke good, 
to raife us, andtruftus with lon- 
ger time in this prefenc life. You 
know that ic is the part of ana- 
turaTl ingenious childe to grieve 
for that, whereby he hath provo- 
ked his earthly parents difplea- 
ftre, and {hall it not be our dudes 
much more toward our heavenly > 
Till we know and feel our fickneflc 
(bmewhat grievous, we cannot af- 
fectionately keke that Phyfician. 
Wee count him our friend, who 
warneth us of fomething growing 
on our bodies,which we could not 
difcerne of our feIves;Take ic^Ibe- 
feech you, as my heft-lore, if I 


, yatnraffmenfpiritupll Adulterers* 


)refer co your considerations fome 
hugs which I cake co have bcene 
br chief e infirmities of your fouie. 
kW our hearcs arc by nature full of 
pirituall adultery, wee love the 
)ltafure$anrf pomp or this worlds 
WU let then carry away from God, 
3u- molt lively and teudereft af- 
fections. Now if a man of crue ho- 
nour would challenge himielfe, 
[hould he be but falfc in love co hi s 
rarchly afJociate? How much more 
(hould it grieve us, who have let 
our hearts play talfr with our hea 
venly Husband? Againc, (bould 
one keepe cheir heart to ihdr 
Love in fome fore, but not care to 
come into the andefikd bed, in 
.which their moft neere benevo- 
lence is mutually imparted ; were I 
it not a Grange difl -yalcy in per- 
form married one co the other ? 
What then (hall wee thinke, who 
by profeffion married co God, 
have not cared for partaking in 
cheminifteryof che Word, which 
isthe.Bridill-bed, wherein by his 





Not to commnnUste in the fins, &c. 


fpiric, he doth communicate with 
our (bules bis fweetcft favours 3 and 
makcth them 6e conceived with 
fruit of righteoufnefle, to evcrla- 
ft tog life. Abantb and Fharpar 
were as good waters as lor dm: but 
ic pleafed not God in them to 
heale Naamans leprofie, but in 
Jordan. It pleafed God by the foo- 
lifhneflc of preaching, to fave all 
who fhall beleeve # Laflly, if you 
have made the finnes of others 
yours by communicating in them, 
and not reproving and reforming 
them when you had power,(a$ the 
finnes offervants in houfe with 
you j) yoa muft rake knowledge of 
this, and let it grieve you : when 
you have friends comming to you, 
you will have your fcrvants not 
onely fcrve you, but be rcfjpe&ive 
to them, carefull that they by no 
nideneffe doe give them diftafte. 
How then fhouid it grieve us to 
thinke, that we have not cared, Co 
we have been fcrved to our minds, 
how our God bath been negkftcd, 


yea, provoked ? No wconfidering 
tbefe things, andthofcof likena- 
tare^which you are privie to with- 
in your felfe, feeke to God in the 
death of your Chrift,for the remo- 
val! of them, of the fin chiefely; of 
the corre&ion, (b farre as hee (hall 
fee good. Ungodly men are like 
Pharaoh, who bade Mejespr&y to 
Godto take the plague away: but 
Gods children like Davidfhty fly 
to the multitude of Gods tendered 
mercies, to take away their finne. 
You may come with boldneffe to 
that mercifull God in Chrift, who 
!aith,that though a man would not 
take a wifconce put away for adul- 
tery,yet he will receive his people^ 
even after their adulteries ; if they 
feek to him repentantly. It is a fol- 
ly to (hive togetloofefromfick- 
ncfle, if we firft fcekc not to have 
releafe from finne. To breake the 
Gaole without being acquitted 
by the Juclge D is no true liberty. To 
fee rhe Sergeant, without compoun- 
ding with the Creditor, cannot 

F make 



Vipery-iike evils made wbolefome,&c. 

» ' I ' ■ ■ ■■■! I > » | , . 

make found peace, Laftly,I doe in- 
treat you tofeeketheufeof Gods 
vifitation before all things. How- 
ever hee (hall deale with you 3 hec 
who hath commanded finfull man 
to joyne inftruftion with correcti- 
on, hce who hath taught man that 
he will not beat a Dog, but he will 
put it into his fenfes as well as hce 
can,what it is for which he ftriketh 
hiouhe,] fay, will not faile to teach 
youj why his hand is on you, and 
make you profit by ic. This is the 
feale that God hath ordained us, 
and called us according to his pur- 
pofe of bringing us to life, when 
all things^ven thofc cvills ofcrof* 
fes, turne to our ipirituall good. 
His Fatherly skill doth not make 
thefe VipcrJikeevills into whole- 
fome triacles, for any, but his cho- 
fen children. If you finde thefc 
things, re Joyce : For God hath re- 
vived in your foule an eternal! 
life^yea^, he will rcftore you to this 
temporaJl lifc,if it be good. The if 
fuesof death are with our God,anc 


Feart not death fince Cbrifl taped it. 115 

what is ic for him to heale you be- 
ing ficke, who did give to belee- 
vingperfons, their dead to life a- 
gaine,when it made for his glory > 
If nor,you know, a ficke body will 
notfearetodrinke that hisPhyfi- 
ciaodothtafte before him : Chrift 
hach rafted death before us ; to de- 
liver us from the feare ofic : yea, 
you know chat your life is hid with 
God in Chrift (whoistherooteof 
us that beleeve on him) even as the 
life of a Tree, this Winter time, is 
bid in the roote of it. The Lord 
comfort you ia thefe things, and 
thus let mee for this time end* 

12. Aicmtorys 

DEarc S r , I thanke God, I doe 
remember you, as I am able, 
unto him, increasing him to ftand 
by you in all things,and finifh your 
courfe with comfort. Remember 
thefore-pafled experiences which 
you have had of his kindnefle and 
conftancy toward you : he willnot 
leave & forfcke you now you have 

F 2 mod 


-*-_ -I 

- ' ■L!J"-g-. ■ 

Mans extremity j Gods opportunity. 

moftueedofhittw Men often, like 
tothefcSwallowe^willbe with us 
in Summer, but leave us in Winter. 
The Divell, when he hath drawnc 
bis into th^e briars,, will give them 
leave to iooke for themfelves : But 
God hath ever ftood neereft to his, 
when their exigencies havebeene 
greateft. Mans extremity is his op- 
portunity. That which God hath 
done once for you, in fuftaining, 
quickningyou, quieting your fpi- 
ric, his peace, which pafletb all un- 
dcrftariding,keeping of ic^ that hee 
wiH doe every day unto you,if y oa 
will inforceyourfelfe toward him. 
It is no more paine to him to heipe 
trs, thanic isuntotheSunto lend 
light ro us. If we have in forne fits, 
found eaie by this or thar, wee 
know if wee come Into like cafe, 
howtohelpefcurfelves: it is wee 
fay* but doing fuch a thing, or ta- 
king ftich a matter : thus having 
once found in deadnefle,fiinting o: 
fpirir, quicknance and ftrength bj 
recourfctoourGodinChrift, anc 


The eye *f Fattbfees God invifibk. 

wreftling with him, wee (hould 
know what to doe when fuch like 
ftateteturnethon us. Well Sir, a*- 
while,& for ever:The Lord ftreng- 
then uf,that though we be led into 
darknefle without Iighr, yet wee 
mayleaoeto him, and call on his 
name. Ifa child have his father by 
the hand,though be be in thedark, 
yet he is not afraid: fo is it wi thus, 
while by the eye of Faich wee fee 
chat invifible one at our righthand 
to fupport and (ave u?, I pray you 
commend me to my good friends a- 
bout you.Thoughl am called more 
on for writing, than my ftrengch 
can well afford,yet I cannot forget 
you overlong.NowIcomend you 
to the grace of that faithful! Shep- 
herd, who will beare us when we 
are weary, ltrengchen us when 
weake, keep us againft the Wolfe, 
yea, notlofcus, but according to 
thewill of his Father, raifeus up 
at the laft day ; to whom be glory 
forever : farewell, 

Yours in Chriftianaffcdion^P.B. 
J F 3 13.O/J- 



A Cbrijlian can fuR of bit promt ft. 



13. Ciiatwy. 

MY beloved Friend, nowthei 
throng is gone ; Co that nei- 
ther we can excufc any longer our 
not inviting,t or you your not com. 
ming when you are called on. You 
know what words did pafle be 
twixt us,, farre be it that they 
(hould prove wind. I doe accom- 
plifliraineinrequeftingyou tovi- 
fic us, you fhall difcharge your 
prosrifc, when we in joy you pre- 
fcnt. We know that you have not 
wanted altogether intreacies to this 
porpofe : we come after preferring 
the lame fuitmore vehcmcntly 3 not 
quite out of hope to /peed : the la- 
teft Dog fbmetime taketh up the 
Hare. My wife will (if you be fo 
pleated) meet you at Ware, when 
you fet forward, that you may 
know with what devotion (he cn- 
rertaiaesyourcomming. All our 
waiea are in the hand of God, hee 
teacheth us to commit theoi to 
him, that they may be directed. 


\!n all out vans we nrnfl fear* God. I 119 

Wc may go here and there,change 
aire and company, but the God of 
all confolaiion is hee from whofc 
eere mercy in his Chrift wee re- 
ceive all our comfort : cheareful- 
nefle of heart is his gift to thofe 
chat arc good in his cycs.The Lord 
pin his fearc ki-our hearts, that wc 
may never depart from him leaving 
the way of his com wdements ; and 
give us more and more his fcare 
before us,in all our waies. For it it 
be a fpot in feafts, to eateand drink 
without feare,as Iudt faith ^ fare it 
is likewifea fpot, in our journey es. 
The firft lines, are to provoke you 
to come ; thefe are to guide you io 
comming, that your way may be 
prolpcrous; which I wi(h you | 
from my heart, wich all oihcr fpi- 
rituall blcffings,for Chvifts (ake,ac- 
curled for us. 

Write to us,when and how you 
will contrive your journey. Fare 
you well* 

Yours in the Lord, 

Pan I Baync. 
F 4 14. Dif- 





Concerning the education of&c. 


14. Viffivaforj* 

LOving -AT. A word in time^ is 
better than many out of feafon, 
when it is too late : I have talked 
with my wxfe 5 and I finde it true : 
Tim vident$cnUqHam ocnlus: two 
are better than one* My wife is in 
love very carefull of your weale, 
and for the party to which one 
might mod probably incline, her 
thoughts are not without reafon a- 
verfc. Firft, the education of Gen- 
tlewomen of that forr, doth teach 
them little to know, but gallancy 
in apparell,to call for fer vice about 
therafeives. If they may come 
where tbey may have conforts 
to play a game at Maw while 
they are vacant from their atten- 
dance. Againe,for leeds of Rdigi- 
on,you cannot groundlyconjcfturc 
them in her, which istheprinci- 
pall thing you would fecure your 
felfeof: for good natures without 
Religion, are as we fty of the Di- 
vell, good onely while they arc 
pleafed, and when you found it 
^^^ enough 


Godly jeahn He ofourfdves profitable. I 121 

enough ro kcepe any duty to God, 
with the help of a Religious yoke- 
fellow, how caii you conceive 
hopes this way, ifyouwancfuch 
a helper? Thirdly, her portion is 
but a little for your eftate and cal- 
ling: God gave you matter of e. 
ftate equalling to hers, when you 
were many wa^es by many degrees 
unequalltoyourftlfe. Againejitis 
by fupplements of good will to be 
made up 3 which may occafion fe- 
rret courfts ofrccompence.Think 
ofthefe things: for though I pitty 
your condition, yet I vufti from 
my heart, there may be no more 
hattethanfpeede: {oft fire maketh 
fweeteft maulr. Labour to have 
your felfe in feare a id jealoufi?,and 
mark.' the fecrec fo»ly ofhearr,w ch 
makecb uspoatt over our mourning 
part before God, and linger after 
the houfe of laughter. Iffit ke bo* 
dies fhould lip onely, and kt a wjy 
the bitter potion, calling for re. 
ftoratives, the diieafe fhould >tfur- 
thex aad further be cher.fljcd : (b 

F 5 our I 




a 2 2 \Love & hatred are not in our power. 

our ficke foules, if they leave their 
wormewood-dnughc too timely 
which wee fhould take next our 
heart, wce.fhall mtfle a great fur- 
therance vi our fbules health. I a- 
gaine often thinke,it is not beauty, 
bat Gods bleffiogywhich muft give 
you contentmew,and love and ha- 
tred are not in our power ; if wee 
had our moneths mind ferved, we 
are fubjeft to grow into diflilcc 
with that wee fo highly defired, as 
the RotyofAmnon & Thamardoth 
wkneffe. Againe,ifyoufindcyour 
minde any thing impotently run- 
ning hither and thither (2s the fpi- 
rit of man tnoweth the things of 
roan ) bee affraid of having 
the thing you (bdefirejeft it prove 
sa^he. Quales which ftancke in 
the momhes of them that lufted 
after them.. I pray you therefore, 
ftrive with your ownc foule for 
more godly fbrrow and wea- 
nednefic of -minde : Deliberate 
flewly, and then you fhall be able 
to accomplifh boldly, cspe&icg 


he Lord out helper in Temptations. I 

From God a bleffing of thofe waies 1 
hich you have comended co him, 
I have great bufinefle. 0\xcMe~ 
\fopoluans vifitation c5mcth fhorc- 
ly,and I am warned co preach, be- 
fides many other cccafions. Yet 
becaufe I love not after wifedome, 
I doe make way by force, to (end 
you in time a word by friendly 

We doe with our beft hearts bid 
you farewell, . 

15. ConWatorjt* 

Si R, Your Letter came in the 
chiefeft of our harveft, fince 
the titTie* the firft weeke, you 
know our Carrier gocth nor, I 
cm no longer be wantirg to my 
duty fo farre^ as to leave your let- 
ter unanfwered. Thus I pafie to 
thatclaufe, touching your late tri- 
al!* I do defire to have (ome feeling 
ofyoureftate; and the Lord that 
kecpeth his, when they are almoft 
lo(t in themfelves, keep you in this 
and all other cemptations.Wc have 




124 \ Many bj-wms out of temptation^ 

great needeof God, to leadc us, in 
time of triall : there are many by- 
waies, at which our corruption 
and weakeneffe will be ready to 
(tart our • and but ondy one true 
way, which will bring us to fee a 
good iffae, in Gods feafon. Some- 
times wee are in danger, as hath 
beene taught u$ t to fet light by 
Godscorre&ions, and play hide- 
>bare with him; thinking well, if 
wee can ward offthefmartinany 
fa/hion * fometime we are impati- 
enr,outwardly and apparently kic- 
king at the fpurre ; like thefe plun- 
ging Horf^which will not indure 
their Rider : fometime inwardly 
andfccretly repimng and fretting, 
like thofe Horfes, which djgeft 
their choler,by biting their bridles. 
If wee neither defpife, nor impati- 
ently rile againft the hand of God, 
yet our weakentfle is ready too 
a uch to rake to heart that which 
is our exercife, fo that our fpirit 
drooperh and fainteth- and this is 
worle, becauic it is commonly ac- 


but one goo & way Jo agoodiffw* 


tompanied wich a wilfull indifpofi- 
tion, which will not let us receive 
uch things, by which we might be 
rucly comforted: as in Iacob^ho 
would not be comforted, buc fol- 
lowed his fonne to the Grave, 
mourning- I doubt nor, buz God 
keepech you both from rhe former; 
I hope, from th'S latter alfo. Wee 
muii rake our correfrion,and hum- 
ble our felves uader the fmart of it; 
but wee rauft looke to Chrift, chat 
he e would not let our faith, hope, 
and meckcnefT: of miade, be fha- 
ken. If God (hould have told you 
both; Twill give you two chil- 
dren, you ftaU bring them up fo 
long for mee, and I will rake them 
agahe; would you not have ac- 
credit ghdly? The event doth 
tell you no UQc s than if he had be- 
fore-hand thus fpoken unto you, 
GodisthechUfe Father of all the 
Families in Heaven a .d Earth ; we 
arc but fofter-paren?s to our owne 
children . When my lafl childe was 
taken to Gad, my good triend, our 






— ^ — -^ — 1 1 MI^M II ' I I 

^Motives to beare equally the 

Preacher^ did fometime fhew mee 
many Motives,why I fhould bearc 
it equally. 

Firft, TKat they, aaken thus 
fbone,are crowned through Ghrift, 
without having experience ot that 
fight,which roaketh us cry, Orai- 
ferable^&c.and thinke our lives of- 
ten a burthen to us. 

Secondly Jt is not love to them., 
when we are perfwaded, that God 
is their God, which maketh us 
grieve at their taking hence : it is 
felfe-love,or carnal] a ffeftion: For 
Chrift told his Difciples, If yee lo- 
ved mejee would be glad,becaufe 
I gee 10 the Father. And what 
raeafure doe wee offer God, who 
can tend our children farre from 
us, where wee are never like to fee 
them againe, if they may doe well 
with man, and yet cannot well 
beare to have them taken out of 
fight by the Lord, though wee are 
pcrfwaded their fpirits are with 
him ? Wee muft Labour for fiich 
good hearts, as may not be content 



stai/£ */ *»r children. 

■ »■ 



berforce to let him take, but may 
willingly yeeld, even our childrea 
^if it were by fterificing them with 
our ownc bands) to him who hath 
not thought his only Begotten too 
dcare for us, but hath given him to 
death for our Takes. If God (hould 
have riven the Tree afander, I 
meane, fevered you one from ano- 
ther^ muft have been taken thank- 
fully 5 but much more when hee 
•leaveththe Tree, and taketh but 
the ftuir, yea, but part of that, lea- 
ving the one halfe yec wkh you. 

Thirdly,and Iaftly, Ic is a token 
wee felt not his love, nor received 
them not from his hand, as wee 
ought to have done, if wee (hould 
not thankfully give them backe to 
him. -^tf* receiving Samue/asa 
gift gotten by petition from God, 
did readily part with him to God 
againe ; {b Abraham with his (ced, 
which by Faith in the Promife hee 
had obtained. I know wc are ready 
to think chele things are truc^ but a 
Parent-like afftttroncaoooteafily 






1 ' • 

We mufl lone Godbtttter tban 9 &c. 

(bake hands with, and yeeld op 
things fo dearely beloved.lc is true 
indeed, that while we pleade love 
to our children, what unkindncfle 
do we bewray toward God ; if my 
heart did not fo love them, I could 
give them thee ? Calmly to thinke 
on this, which yet is contained in 
that Exception above named ^ were 
able to make one blufti, that his 
heart Ihould be Co cold in his love 
to God-ward, as not willingly to' 
pan with any thing it Iovech, ac 
Gods cill : alas, to yeeld that wee 
greatly care not for, is noCjodamzr- 
cy. Bur I hope,Gods love doth not 
make his hand grievous ; neither 
would I have thus late written thus 
much,but that iris good to be pro- 
vided againft all things to come. 
For as when fire catcheth, wee £e 
how farre iris gone, but know not 
where it will flay- even fo ic is, 
when tte£reofaffli#ion(in Which 
Faith is proved) is once kindled. 
The fecond meffenger told not hb 
ail his foricw at once : it is wife- 

'VcmufttbankiGod f&rthe 3 &c.\ 129 ; 

iome flili to provide for the 
fvorft, the bell will fave it fclfe. 

L i5 - 

\ J Y beloved Friend, ardChri- 
[VI ftiai Sifter, if I my ftlfe had 
)eeu a good Scribe,you (hould not 
lave been thus long unwritten to : 
My affl&iontoyourdeceafed Mo- 
her,who did rcquefi it at my hand, 
and the love I bareyour (elfe, would 
long fince haveinforeed it 5 but my 
hand cannot doe,, what my heart 
would. Neverthelefle, feeling my 
telfe not like to live to fee your 
face,I have got the helpofanothers 
hand,to report what my heart doth ] 
fpeake unto you, out of that Chri- 
stian love which bindcth us to con- 
fid er one another,and provoke one 
a nother to love. I m ay thanke God 
for thofe good things, which I 
know his grace hath done in you. 
For the confcionable reverence of 
your deceafed Parent, was of him, 
who writeth in \ he heart that com- 
manderaent of honouring the Pa- 

130 DifeUions toftirre up our duties ,&c . 

" — » « tm 1 mi, 

rent, as well as others, A grace 
which God^who workech it, hath 
promifed to crowne vvich much 
profperity. Other things alfoper- 
fwade me of your piety ; bat God 
will teach you to know the things 
beflowed on you : neither are wee 
much to harpe on this ftri <g, un- 
kfle we were in conference aifured, 
that it were needfull to ftrengthen 
each other with fignes of a good 
eftatc; as the Phyfiria s doe on 
heartkfle Patients, with repeating 
good tokens of recovery. Yet we 
that are taught of him, to fee ought 
that his grace doth in us, muft 
bleffe him;ind Ganders by, who by 
a (pirit of difcerning obferve the 
fame.rouft joynewithusin thankt 
giving. I will leave therefore this 
matter, and take occaficn to ftirre 
you up to duty Co your heavenly 
Father^whom I know to have been 
dutifull of confeience to earthly. 
1 Firft, you muft labour to know 
your God; and in Chrift^your mer- 
cifull Father : for we by.nature are 



like runnagate children, who have 
never kept ncere their Parents 
houfe • or like the ProdigalI,which 
left his fathers houfe 3 and becooke 
him to Harlots : (bour hearts have 
left our God,and know nothing by 
narure, but the things of this 
world,with which we commie fpi- 
ri mall Harlotry. Now there is 
none by nature that feeke after 
God. But wee thatdoeinChrift, 
find him in part, muft more and 
more grow up, in theackaowlcd- ' 
gingof him.Whatagraceleflepart J 
would weconderane itiofor our 
felvcs, if we (hould not know our 1 
Parents here (as by pride and heed- 
lefle rudencfie, (bme children will 
not) much more (hould wee be a- 
fhamed, not to take notice of our 
heavenly Father?Nay,we muft the 
more cry after him, the more blek 
fedneffe we know there is,in injoy- 
ingof him : as the children that 
taHethc (Weetiiefle of the loving 
Parent, cry when they fteme to be 
left. Butifycuaskehowyoumay 




How we may know God. 

know ? I anfwer : Firft, you muft 
gee your eyes wiped, the eyes of 
yourminde: Secondly, you muft 
know where to feeke him. Our 
eyes arc (bre,and full of fcales : and 
therefore/ifmen becarefull to have 
the eyes oftheir body drefifed^yea, 
induce (harpe waters, rather than 
their fight fhould faile; fo much 
more muft weefceketoGod, for 
the Eye-falve of hisSpirir,the one- 
ly Clary that clcarethfickc fights : 
Yea, welcome Gods Affli&ions, 
which are his ftrong Waters, to 
rcftore our Seeing, 

Now could you fee, and knew 
not where to finde him, you were 
never rhe better. Therefore you 
muft know this, that if you will 
feeke him,y ou muft looke at Ghrift 
his Sonne, in whom the Father is, 
for they are one. Wheo a childe is 
like tbe Parent, wee (ay, If you fee 
(uch a one, you fee his Father, for 
he is the fame up and downe as his 
Father was. But Chrift is liker 
the Father, than any childe the na- 


• - I M l I'll . 

turall Parent. For the fclfe-fame 
All-feeing fpiritoall God, who in 
fellowftiip of his Perfon., hach a 
Souleand Body glorified, the fame 
Spirituall Nature is the Nature of 
the Father : as if the fame Soule 
and Body which is in you, were 
communicated with the perfbn of 
your childe* S^condly.as you feeke 
to know him more, fo you rauft 
feekc to love him and pleafe him in 
all things, being more fruicfull in 
ftrving him^than you have beene : 
And good reafon 3 Love is the wher- 
ftonc of Love. If you fhould fo 
love one., as to give your little Son 
to death for his fike, would you 
not thinke it an intolerab'e pare, 
not to be confidered with love a- 
gaine ? Yet God (b loved us, that 
bee gave his onely Begotten ; that 
wee beleeving in him, fhouldnor 
perifh, btic have life erernall. Aid 
for onrc children', Do we not lodke, 
thowgh they be full of play when 
they are y oung,yet,that being bet- 
ter growne, they muft learne fomc 



Levt to God tried by its rvorkfng. 


honeft calling, which may do them 
good another day > So the Lord, 
though he have a gentle handover 
us, while wee are tender ; yet doth 
oke, that wee afterwards (hould 
e morefruicfull and ferviceable to 
him, Ioh.12 2« The righteous are 
compared to Tnes; which, when 
firft planted, beavc few, but grow 
till they come co carry many bran- 
ches, Now, if you would try your 
love,, you muft finde it out by its 
working. What contentment you 
take in that Pretence, which is to 
be had by Faith; what longing you 
have to be with God; what love to 
his tokens $ what love to children, 
and friends. As fcrexample: Lo- 
ving your Husband above all men, 
there is none whofe pretence you 
care for,or take contenment in,like 
his. So faith the faithfull fbule to 
God ; What have I in Heaven but 
thee ? What in Earth, in compari- 
son of thee > Againe,U yourHuf- 
band were in feme other Country, 
how would you long for his re- 


Ejfe&s of out love to God* 


turne unco you, or that you might 
follow him ? So the loving foule 
to God, faith ; Oh, who fball deli- 
ver mee from this body! Oh,ic is 

beft for mee ro bs with Chritt ! 
Shee would goe to him. I looke 
for the appearance of the great 
God,who (hail makemy body iike 
his glorious Body, by the Power 
which fubdueth all things. Ifcwo 
trucly loving were contrafte'd, 
would not every weeke ferae a 
yeere, till the Wedding > Wcc are 
by Faith ontra&ed to God, in 
Chrift : how fhould we long co fee 
our Marriage folemnized? Eadea- 
vour to pleafe him, grieve ifought 
crofle your loving Husband. A 
Letter from a friend, we love, and 
fee by ic : If we have a Token,how 
wckecpeic,aadarcgladofic? So 
the Word of God, which is his 
Letter, Oh! how glad is the foule, 
that loves the God of it ? I rejoyced 
in thy Sratutes, more than in all 
Wealth. Sothe Sicraments, which 
arc the Pledges of himfdfe to us, 



Wee loV9 not God as vpc ongkt. 

thefe arc the love-tokens hee firn- 
dcth to us, while wee are abfent 
from him in the body. Laftly, by 
loving his Children, and friends. 
You loving your Husband, thinke 
his friends welcome, and love 
them. Could you thinke one lo- 
ved you 3 and loved not your fonne? 
So they that love him that beget- 
teth, love him alfo whoisbegor- 
ten, i lob. 1 ) #1- Now thei\letusnot 
be falfe to our owne hearts, and 
wee may confeffe that wee want a 
great deale oflove to' our God .* 
ibr,when ere we glad at the hearty 
and rcjoyce in our God ? When do 
we long after his appearing ? Nay, 
God is faineto fmoake us forth of 
this World with many trialls, and 
yet wee will not arife, and come 
away in our affeftion. When are 
wee heartily joyfull to heare his 
voyce, and receive his tokens? 
When doe wee bufie our head to 
pleafe him ? and when doth it cut 
us at the heart, if hee be offended > 
Now then, if you iee you want ir, 


Therefore vptmnfl tak,e jbameto 9 &c. i 137 


what muft you doc ? You muft 
fhame your owne heart within 
your felfe,and fay; What a wretch 
ami! If my heart could be glad of 
every ftrangers comparand were 
dead within me, not joying in my 
Husbands preferice ; were bufie a- 
bout other thing?; negligent to my 
Husband 5 lor ged for other men; 
never wifhed to fee hinij if abfent : 
whar a fhamefull part were this in 
me ? Yet thus ic is ? my fbule is , 
married 10 thee(Lord;) thouftadft J 
no Dowry with mc, but beggerie, 
and fpiriruall filthinctfe, yet thou 
boughteft mec ccare, and haft put 
mee in no leffe than Heaven, for 
my Joytiture • and yet loe, I can 
fiode a contencation, tod be ifierry 
at this or that earthly thing ; I can 
long to have eaichly matters 
which I lack ; I can be carcfull how 
to pleafe roan, and be grieved, 
when ought doth erode his liking; 
but am lacking in them all, to- 
ward thee. Then feeing this, and 
how your heart is full ot Harlotry 

G lo v c 


Get love to God} and get every thing. 
> ' ' *' > 

love to creatures, youmuftcryto 
God; Lord hejpemee, pare away 
this fclfe-love,andfalfe love to the 
creature, and make me love thee ; 
Lord,draw me after chce,and IftalJ 
follow thee as toft. Aad ftrtngchen J 
your (clfe in faith, and God will I 
give it you: for this i^ his pro- 
mife, I wilicircumcife your hearts, 
ana make you to love mee with all 
your hearts : Get this, and you gee 
I every thing. This will make that 
which is irkefometothefl ft, be 
meateancf drinketoyou, andde-. 
lightfull. Is ??ot the Nurcery of 
the Ghilde, a homely pitcc of 
worke ? Yet, becaufe the Mother 
loveth if,though her fleepe be bro- 
ken, and her hand foiled, fheeun- 
dergoethitgladly. Andnotonely 
doth it conftraine us, but mike us 
patient. What will not a wife wo- 
m^n beate, and pocket patiently 
ir< >m a Husband (he loveth ? Now 
one thing oiort I will warne you 
of, and end* and that is a good 
meaneof the former. Whilcftyou 



Medtfstion in lovt to earthly things. \ 139 

liv^laarne to weanc yoa ielfe from 
the things of this world; lec him 
that buyeth, marriewb, &c. For 
hee who immoderately loveth the 
things of this world, as Pride,Pro- 
fir,and Pleafure,tbclove ofche Fa- 
ther is not ia hira. Shce that hath 
loved one man trucly,(he is fped,as 
we fay ; (he can love no more Hus- 
band, Children, Poffeflions 5 much 
lefie the proud vanities and rio. 
tous Goflippings ofthefe Times. 
Asanhoneft Woman mu ft flyc the 
Stewes, Co muft wee not have our 
hearts (eenc among thefe things. 
And this is moreeafe tomyeafe- 
lefle flefh, that God gave me mean- 
neffe of minde, and negleft of fuch 
carnall courts, in which I might 
have had my (hare, that I wifh all 
rayChriftun friends may receive 
thac grace from him, which I try 
by experience to have fo precious 
effeft. TheLordkeepeyou. 

G % 



C*. iv 



Chrift takes array the cmfe effinnt. 

LOving N. I received your Let- 
tcrs ; in which,you fignifie the 
confomraation of that, which I 
wifh profperous.The ground of all 
profpcrity,isGods bleffing : with- 
cut which, every thing is a deadly | 
poiicn to us; whether it tafte bit- 
terns croflcs; or fwcet,as the more 
fucceflefulliffues of things; whe* 
ther it kill with painfull gripings, 
aseviIJs;orcaft «fleepe, and move 
Iaughter,as thofe things do,which 
in themfelves are to be efteemed 
outward bkflings. The poifons 
fpirituall, for tafte and effect, carry 
noleffethan corporall. Now the 
ground of blefling in all things, is 
Jefus Chrift, our Redeemer, bea- 
ring our Cuife for us, (GaL%. 13.^) 
andfwallowmg our defeived Cup 
up,into an unfained bleffing.I hope 
the eye of your (bule Iooketh up 
to him, who was lifted upon the 
curled Croffe, to heale that Cur£, 
wherewith Sinne and the Divell, 
t bat old Serpent, have flung us. A • 



fVe tnuft [nbrnit to Godsyoake. 


gaine, I doubt nor,but your Wives 
prayers (who is now departed) are 
on record in Hsaven, and your 
Sifters praye r s (who ftilllivah) 
are not in vaine before him, who is 
a God hearing prayer : Bothhav: 
wifhedyou blefiednefie, through 
Jefus Chrift, [ would have beene 
wivbyou before this Letter, but 
rhatGcdtuthletmy wives weak- 
nefleto be more than ordimry. We 
muft take up ourOofies,and when 
God bldJeth us yoake, hee is the 
wliett ^aa that yceld^fh his neck; 
moft willingly. This hath made me 
(lay hitherto ; but the Lord eafing 
hishand 3 Irefumcmypurpofe,of 
fat Isfy bg your ^efire,and meane to 
follow my Letter at thehedes.The 
Lord make it profperous. You tell 
mee a loving Tale, of bringmgup 
your Wife, to enter her into my 
acquaintance. If you had no Bro- 
ther at CAmbridgc, it were pity my 
Sifter (hould be no fooner a Wife, 
than a Widow.You know the Law 
of the firft yecre. 

G 7 The 


Chriflian Queries ^ and 


The God of Love give you ho- 
ly love in him, and keepc the fire 
in, when xc is kindled. I hope I 
(hall never forget my Chriftian du- 
ty to you,of being a helper to your 
faith ; it (hall go hard,when I help 
you not with a {hort Curry of mat- 
ter to this purpofe. My Wife re- 
members you and her Sitter to 
God; and let my love reft with 
you, till God give me leave to fee 
you. Farewell. 


LOviug CguSg, I have « cold 
fpirir, who (hew thee no more 
love : but bcare with mee in this 
Winter of mine, and if ever the 
Son of Rjghteoufheflc be pleafed 
to make Summer with mc, no one, 
without my felfe, (ball have more 
intcreft in the fruits I then (hall be 
taken with. It may be, the thred 
of your life (hall be drawne out fo 
farre* as to fee thefe words prove 
workes; which the Lord hafter. 
How goeth the matter with your 
poore jfoule V how doth it get up ? 


■ *** « M mm* 

Incentives to Devotion. 


How is ic made ready every mor- 
ning? Howwalkethitalltheday, 
when it is once with the folemni- 
ty of Devotion difparched > Doth 
the eye of the foule wake without 
muter, like that heavic matter 
which in fome eyes and heads (coo 
much fluffed) is often decerned? 
You may know if ic be cleare; 
Firft, icwill keGodinhiiGhrift, 
through the glafle of his VVordj 
and it will at eafc hold waking be- 
fore him. If you thus wake, you 
have the ftarc of me;my {hop- win- 
dowesare longer in opening;, than 
m: thioks I &e you in making rea- 
dy. Sometimes the m'ft of my 
ownedarkntffe, fomecimtsearth- 
[ ly humours do? (hoo r e into them; 
fbmetiraes a fpiricof flLrcber and 
fljch doth offer to cloie them; 
fontttimes clouds of fpiriruall 
darkneflfe doe over-caft them : fo 
that, though they arc waked, and 
inthcmfelvesiightforae, yet they 
fee nothing, by rcafbnofchatob 
(curiae which is without them 

G 4 wner 




Mansdulntjfc to kotwcffc. 

1 1 mm^miv^m 

wherewith they are iavironcd : as 
it is with a man that ficteth with 
his eyes wide open, in a Roome, 
where neither light of Sunne nor 
Candle commeth. Now, while a 
man is fl ving to Chrift, roget the 
inward cfirancflc of his fight clea- 
red, (for be can make his Clay and 
Spittle heale them) while hceget- 
teth the diftillation of by-thoughi s 
flopped, by looking to him u ho 
unites our hearts to himfelfe, who 
worketh all our workes for ih; 
1 while hce iecketh to that quick- 
ning Spirit, to fcatter his /lumber, 
and laboureth him, who is Light 
itfelfe, toexpell thofe excemall 
darknefics invtroninghimj while 
one man is tasked with this work, 
another, not thus mole fted, is rea- 
dy,andhathdifpatched. WelI,our 
God doth accept it for one of his 
fickefervants fore-noone workes, 
to fettle their clothes orderly a- 
bout them. I mention theft thiog?, 
to lend you fbme light ; by which, 
you may better fee your privilege, 


J»l ■ — — — — — — ■ T l^ 

TbtnktfHlnefe te Chrifl the, &c. 

who are not forced tofpendyour 
ftrcngth in fuch a faftiion. Bat the 
man that is well waked , muft 
have moving, as well as fenfe re- 
turned. How doe the affe&ions of 
your heart foot into Chrift,in way 
of thankefulnefle, who hath led 
you ail your daies? who is that 
Prince, that makech peace in you ; 
whofe fecrec 3 is the ftrengih of 
your heart, that it fiinteth not ; 
whofe favour is chat Shield 3 which 
doth fo cover yointhat evills have 
no leave to aflaile you, muchleffc 
to prevaile againft you ? Is your 
Irart, in the confeiousunderftan- 
ding of any benefir,affcftiooate to- 
ward him ? Then you are truly a* 
wake, and ligh:fome, like to pafle 
thatday without toorouch we3r;- 
neffc, which is with 16 freQi a (pi* 
tic enured: then that Sttnm ofKigk* 
teoufnejfe hath got you up. For as a 
greater fire draw^th forth a lefler, 
and as the Sun bodily rifing daily 
over us,doth draw torth the fpirics 
of fcnie and movng, which are in 

G 5 the 




'■ ■ ■■' I 




The Souk** Ldvcr. 

»=T J. ? !> '«»'■ 

the bodily creature; fo doth chat \ 
light and life of lirael, by his 
work, though not percei ved,draw 
forth this fyirituall morion of the 
Hie of God in us, whereby we did 
cerne him, and in thankefulnefle 
make towards him. When your 
foule is now awaked,what doth it 
w (h with, what doth ir put on > 
As weChriftians have boch guilt 
and defi rmed blot of fione, (owe 
have a daily laver, even bloud and 
water;for our Chrift came in bath, 
to teaebjthat he came not onely to 
make atonement for the guilt of 
finne, but doth alfocleanfeusby 
his Spirit from the fpot of cor- 
ruption. Now then if you looke 
at that great God, asyourRigh- 
teoufiefle, by taich on his bLud, 
(lied with ieole of the curfe due to 
our finne; and if you looke to 
Chrift, wno isroadeof God your 
Sanftifier, to cleanft you from 
thole inherent fpo*s daily, then 
you have wafheu in the Fouuttine 
opened for lirad, acid are fo clean- 

fed 1 


The Souks c B s atmtni and Armour. 

fed (have you but once wafhed in 
this kindc) chat you (hall never 
be defiled throughout againc, as 
Chrift (peaketh, Neverth leffr, 
there muft be Raiment upoa tfar 
Sjule, yta 5 it muft be cbdwich 
compleat Armour, for it is com. 
pjfled with cuemies 5 and the life of 
n is a warfare. Now, when wee 
looke to Chrift by fairb,.as our 
SinftiScrand f,lvarion,(hen we are 
thus clothed : heisourSan&ifier, 
who muft bringalloor graces from 
one degree to anodic r> making 
that light of holinefle, that image 
of himfelfethe fecor d Adam^tov? 
upinuSj, as the light of ths mor- 
ning, till it cometh to the ftrength^ 
taketh incteafe. Hce muft be our 
Viceroy, tread Satan under our 
feet, diflolve bis woiks* crufti the 
head of him for us,, hee muft frith 
the wc rke of his Grace with bis 
owne power. Well, when you are 
thus forward 5 how doth your fouk 
walkcjpuul.git felfc fortlrin.afti- 
oii? doihit gp limbing? d jth it reft 

and \ 


■ W ■ ■ ' 


148 \ Tbefottlesface>Chriji mends it. 

and can goc no further, as weary? 
Doth ic feare it (hall not hold out > 
Is ic made fad, with wont of any 
thing? Many a good (bulc walketh 
thu$ 3 and puzzle them fo, that they 
cannot goe on freely 5 but 1 hope, 
no earthly lulls fill about your feer, 
It may be it is weary fometimes 3 
and is feareful!, and is marie fid, 
through fome kinde of circum- 
ftance. WelMet us get conference ; 
what painfulnefle, what weaii- 
nefle, what weakneffe* what fcarc 
doth attend us ? Our lpirits being 
or.ee poore ia the privity they 
have of thefe matters, fhall no 
fboner looke with the eye of faith 
to Chrift, bt.c the matter fhall be 
mended. Heeitisthatmakeththe 
lame to lea pe, likeaHinde; v;ho 
enbrgeththeheait, to run in the 
rac*of theConunctements. Lcoke 
toHiro,thefaithfull Shcpherd 5 who 
taketh up the weary Snecpc, that 
through feebleneffe can go no fur- 
ther : to Hinyo whom the casing 
of our eye is the renewing of our 
t facrgh, 

Cbrifl tbefmjber of on f Faith. 14 p 

ftrength.Againft feare of perfeve- 
ring, challenge him as the authour 
and finiftier of your faitb/everent- 
lytdlhim, it is a piece of his Fa- 
tners will that he (hould not onely 
give you to believe, and his Spirit 
for a time, but that he fliould raifc 
you np at the laft day. hh % 6.$g. 
Finally, looke to your God, that 
hath (aid to ^Abraham and all be- 
letvingfodofhimj Walkc before 
me, IamGodA'l-fufficient. Tell 
him yon have nothing but him- 
felfe, in heaven nor yet in earth, in 
comparison of him, and he cannot 
but (apply with bimfelfe, every 

Thus the asking a queflion, 
which Idid not chinke of, wheal 
let pen to paper, hathdrawne me 
on to matter not intended. Icai- 
not now annexe the other , for my 
Ltttcf is km for. I have beene 
neither well this five weekes, nor 
yet ficke enough to mak* mce 

Th* Lord be our daily ftrength, 



» . » »■» 

Kl .'— 

■ l ll . l 



Gods cbildrenfubjtEl tofick>iejfe. 

dire&iorij blefling, comfort, and 
prote&ion for ever. 

MYdearcFiicnd 3 and Brother, 
in him, whoisnotafeamed 
to call lis brethren,! cannot but fi- 
lutc you, and let you heare how it 
is with me: for I know, my lines 
cannot come to you more foone 
than welcome. I was fcarcc al'gh- 
tedfrcm my horfe, but anaguifh 
difrcrapcr did feizc oniric, aadfol* 
low me in manner of an HeSl'c^ 
towhichl have ahabicudr, even 
in my beft health. Befide, I have 
been troubled with fuch an fai^n* 
mation cf fome of thofe rntetiora 
vifara, that I cold not ftape two 
houie?, but extremity of inward 
heat* would awaken me. In which 
kind I went fome five wcekes, bu 
now I thanke God, my b dy, 
though a lif tie more becrete*}, is in 
f ch ttatc as formerly it hath bzene 
For my foule,! ftiilgooninyecrrs 
and monihsofiabour,accordinga 
my Lord hath aaeafored. I Kelt 



The Chrifliant confaB. 


fiich ignorance of God and all his 
waies, fo many yeeres coward me, 
fuch folly, which kcepeth me from 
taking any thing to heart, which 
refpe ftech God, or concernech my 
#He,fuch uncircumcifion of heart, 
which makcth me that I cannot be 
j holily poore and abjeft, though 
conlcious of innumerable motives, 
paft, prcfcnt, eminent, which 
might move me thereco: Laitly,I 
fedfe fuch a Selfe-fLffkkncy, as 
will not let me perceive what need 
I have or my God to be with mee, 
for quickning, ftrengthening,C€>m- 
fortifig dire&mg.profpcrrgofme 
in my courle, though this breath 
of our ooftr ils,is not more neccfia- 
ryto the bing and continuing of 
this bodily life, than b his blcflcd 
prefence, to the caufing and main- 
taining of all our corner. Thcfe 
things doe renew their aflaulc on 
meeveryday,andnoiw;thfta .dlfg 
I renew daily my cud:vour a- 
gainftthtm, yet I caaoot recover 
i" ch fopply- or Grace, as fir.uH 




Sinm is vreakgcdby degrees* 

make mee walke more large this 
way. But hard teflons are not ea- 
fily learned. 

Sometime finding fmall effeft, 
lam ready to thinke, my labour is 
in vaine^ but when I confide^ all is 
not in vaine, whbfe effeft doth not 
prefently appeare : fecdeislong 
time fo wne before harveft.Sscond- 
ly, ftrength fpirituall doth cxpell 
fpiritual corruption's ftrength na- 
turall ficke humors. Scrcng Imw:- 
rall, if it be in fulncfle, ic dorh fi- 
mul&fcmtl purge out that matter 
which is contrary to it : bat if ic be 
in mediocrity, it doch expell Co 
farre 5 that though ficke matter ftill 
remains 3 yet it is Iightened^and be- 
commcth more tolerable to nature. 
Neither is eating and drinking in 
vaiae,becaufe we cannot fo refrefh 
our £Ives,but that hunger will ftill 
reiurnc on us. Sometime the fami- 
liarity of U 9 doth make me ready 
topsffc by >c, not moved at all a- 
gainft it : even as things off^nfive 
to nature at firii, gcowbycuftome 

Again ft marwftt in hohntjft. i 53 

lefle grievous. But I flie to GdcJj 
who hath promifed to put all en- 
mity in us againfUhefecdeofthe 
Serp^nt,which wc find to remaine 
wkhjn u$; I fay tomyChr'ft, as 
thou doeft r^ach me this cupjikea 
cf^IIy dietdrinke, fomakcicwhol- 
feme to me. Sometime wcarincfle 
doth fjrprife mc: thenlthinkeof 
rfraeI,amoDgtt whofetemptations, 

one was from the length of the 
way^even wear ineffe of wandnngt 
I lookc to Chrift, *nd pray him to 
ftrengthen me, that I may follow 
the MUrch, that I may follow him 
whithcrfcever hee leadeth. Then I 
thinke when are men weary (be- 
ing refreftied with deep) to reftme 
their earthly affaires ; I fay with 
my fclfe, for what doeft thou keep 
m<!> for what docft thou refrcfh 
mc > O my Shepherd,thou haft no 
other wooll nor milke from mce ! 
Againe^ I confider how dangerous 
it is to intermix if wheal have the 
moft fervent indeavours, I finde it 
enough to walke weakely, what 


J J4 Wt mnfl not faint at our dead»cjje. 

would become of mee, were thefe 
aegle<3cd? Lord, inlarge my heart 
with thy ftrcngth, that I may dif- 
fer hardfritp like a good Soaldier, 
without Shrinking at it. I thinke 
you know the like things in dead- 
ne fl£, but feare nor, nor faint nor, 
though wee be to that life of his, 
like as cold water and dry afhes are 
to heat, in which naturally, heat 
can never be fixed, yet vhen our 
God hath proved our faith and pa* 
tlence, he, who callcth the things 
that are not, as if they were, hee 
who calleth light out of darkneife, 
will imprint in our foules, and 
make thefe things as fixed pofrk 
fions with us,which now like Iigh- 
tenings are not more forme mani- 
fcftedj than vaniftied : His forbea- 
rance is but till the fitted time for 
hime togiveit>andusto receive if; 
the Lord mike as, in the meane 
wh?le,of underftanding hearts. 

We in outward things wifh to 
be cured rather Securely than spee- 
dily, neither would we have Sum- 

m*r i i Winter, for the Winrer is as 
neceflary for the rooting of things 
as the Summer to make things 
(hoot forth withfrutefmilingly. 

TjuI Bajne. 

20. VttiUiry, 

MYdeare Friend., the hearc- 
iay of your welfareis to me 
moft welcome. I was fbrry that my 
letter mif-carriedjbut there can be J 
no deft ft in any ioftrumeot, which 
doth not codtrefnb tlt&ionmfuprt- 
mi trtificu. If the fruit of our body 
prove abortive 3 we praifc him,how 
much more muft wee fmftifie his 
wife provide nce,when the like cafe 
falkth out but in a letter, tvhich is 
fuchabirchuf the minde, asm^y 
by a lecond conception be framed 
againc with advantag ? I did w^te 
vntoyou feme things concerri g 
myownecftatc, how Ifonndmy 
heart in my vifitacion, what was 


I 56 Dea&neffe offptrit : Why God 

my praftic^evenrocompaflT 4 thofe 
walls of darkneflewhichldilcer-- 
ned in roy fclfe, and "ia filence and I 
reft to wait on my God for his fal- 
vation inthe downfall of them. I 
count it impertinenttorubupmy 
memory in regard of that, I this 
way difcouifed, though in the cir- 
cumftances Itbenufed, ic did be- 
feeme my condition, and would 
have rsliflied wdl co your undcr- 
ftanding. A ficond branch of my 
letter concerned your iw,md this 
uncomfortable deadneife which a- 
gaine you mention, the heads 
whereof I will labour to recall as 
I may, though I cannot reach that 
ftraine in which I found my felfc 
when I indited the former. 

About this deadncfle of fpirit, I 
did confider two things. Firft,the 
reafbns for which God did let 
it hang about us. Secondly, the 
courfc wee were to take againft it. 
The Lord doth it for many good 
ends. 1, That it may be a (pur in- 
citing us to goe forth to him, who 


lets it bang about w. 

is the quickning /piric, that thus 
wc might experimentally findcche 
quickning verrue of Chrift, who 
doth lighten our eycs,and bring as 
out of thcfe fits to fecle our /elves 
alive before him, could wee thirft, 
after the living God, did wee not 
(uffer thisdefed of life. Men feeke 
not thole things abroad, which 
they are full of at home. Hence it 
is, that when God will bring us to 
himfelfe, as the foundation of this 
municace^heedoth follow us with 
experience of the contrary in our 
/elves, that being confeious how it 
' is with us, wee might flic to him 
t who is A!l-(uffiden r . Agaioe, we 
I cannot experimentally know God 
to be in Chrift a quickning fpirir^ 
fhould we not feele an intercourfe 
j of his death, and a powerful! ex- 
Ipulfrgofit from his vertuewor- 
j king in us. The more often the Pa- 
tient growing intopaine, iseafed 
byPhyficke,the more experimen- 
tally he teeth the Arc of the Phyfi- 




c an and benefit of Medicipe. 
Thirdly we have this remainder of 
de^tb, that wee may better confi- 
de of our naturalleftate, howofl 
our fclves we 4re wholly eftranged 
from the life of G ^d: for what we 
renwine in part, that we are whol- 
ly by nature. 

Fourthly, that wee might the 
better hdpe others in this tempta- 

Fifitly, that we might tafte cur 
life more fweerly, and preferve ic 
more carefully: we find with plea- 
fare t ha t we feeke with paine. Sixt- 
ly, that we may know, and teach 
others how they muft depend on 
God for the confidering and mo- 
ving of their grace daily, as well 
forthe beingand firft producing of 
it. Laftly, that we may be led mco 
the knowledge of our o wne hearts, 
whether that worke is in them 
which will drive for life, as every 
thing that hath lite, will flrugglc 
to part with it, or whether the) 
will pafle it over hecdleflely anc 


, . , _ __ m 

fljthfully. Ccruioly if wemarke 
the working of our fpirks, and 
courfe of God ia fiich an cvill hw, 
wee will lear ne ouc of ic manifold 
wifedome. Now for the courfc 
wee are to take, it ftantfeth* firft, 
inrefolving to encounter this dif- 
eafe,thenio pra&i fins that we may 
be cleared of ic : the Dive! I will be 
ready if &e ftirre this way to lerve 
a SuftrfedeaS) fbmetime by fugge- 
fting that the nature of this is no 
fuch thing as may not be borne, ic 
do'hnocwaftethe confcien^but 
fuch foolifh patients 3 who will not 
vementi tccurere mtrbo^ they at 
length are paid home with paine, 
fo much the more, by how much 
they have the longer delated. In 
the body, lecamannotexpelhhe 
fupcrfluity nature hath contraft .d, 
the quantity or acrimony of it will 
to incrcafe, thar he (hall be forced 
to come to it with more paine, or 
there will be bred on him fome 
painfull ficknt:flH . Let us ftrivc to 
expcll every fuch matter in our 

1 60 I Sttansfuggeftfatts in deadnfjjiy&c . 

(bules,we (hall find it true in foules 
as well as bodies, Retemio txcre- 
mtnwum eftfarens motbn 

Secondly, it will be fuggeftcd^ 
why, ftriv* with itaswewill, it 
will returne : D tf we ceafc to eate 
daily and refrefh nature, becaufe 
huoger andfaiotneffedoe ftill re- 
turne upon us? Is it not a betuficto 
be eafed for the prefent, to keepe 
downean cnemy,to dothat which 
wee know will ac length bring to 
perfeft health, though wee cannot 
forth of hand be fully cured? Some- 
time wee rhinke, it is not well it 
(hould be thus, buc implcymeuts 
will not let mee turnc to k as I 
would, we could findc in heart to 
c-eale with it, but that wee cannot 
while it. Buc will a man not beat 
leifure to rake Phyficke for his bo- 
dy? what is worthy our time, if 
our foules life may not have it af- 
forded? Againe, time is not loft 
which is (pent this way, for God 
doth attend the time wee (pend af- 
ter confli&ingj with greater blct 


' . ■' 1 » ■ « 

lot? to refiji dtadneffe of $i it. \ l6 1 



g, and leavens the knowledge 
: gather, fo that it becommcth 
c&ionate andpra&icall, befide 
s wifedome whichistobelear- 
d 5 from obfervlng the working 
your foulc under fucha tempta- 
)u. Bat when you hare repelled 
ch ligatures, by which the Di- 
ll would hinder the will from 
folving refiftance, ia the next ( 
ace, you muft encounter this 
radly paffion by fuch a conftant 
mrfe as may free you from ir« 
he courfc ftandeth chiefly in a 
reefold pra&icc. For^i we fr ft 
pen and prepare matters,that the 
ediciue may carry them away 
ore eafi y* Medic nudum eft con~ 
fcUjion crudis ,&c. So here you 
wft labour to hold your thoughts, 
id ponder upon thisevilI 3 confide- 
ngwhat it isinitfelfc, whatefc 
ft* ic hath for prefenr, what it 
ireatnethj fhould not grace pre- 

In the next place, you muft take 
owne the medicine; lay hold on/ 

H Cbrifc' 

1 62 

*£he prattice of refiftance 


Chrift your life and quicknance. 
Your third pra&ice muft be to 
take a walkc in feme words of pro- 
mile this way, which agitation of 
your foulcdoth ftirre up thefupcr- 
naturallheat of faith (as motion 
doth the naturall)by which means 
wee come to feele our medicine 
worke,Chrift (hewhimfelfc more 
and more effe&uall. To fet you 
downe In briefe an example ; thus I 
concoft the thing, meditation pre- 
paring, Good Lord; what a ftatc is 
this* what a bed-rid difpoficion 
doth hang about me! were my body 
an apoplexy, were I dead but of 
onefide^t would go neere me: but 
to have my Ibule thus bcnummed, 
that I can neither find comfortable 
fenfe or motion in it toward things 
fpiricuall, how much more (hould 
itaflF.ftrae? what ever I fet upon, 
it is prefent with me 5 it maketh my \ 
duties as diftaftefull in themfcivcs 
to thee, as deaded drink to the fto-| 
mack : it kcepeth me from comfort 
for the prefent : and what doth it 


cfdeadfuffe of (pint* 

not threaten, if thy mercy fliould 
not prevent ? yea, it is Co much the 
more dangerous, by how much 
more connatnral],for I cannot take 
inthisfle^pe, and though k be (6 
deadly, yet am no whit affrighted. 
2. AIas,what (hall I doe? To thee I 
looke,, Lord, who bid ft us awake, 
and promifeft toightenour eyes 
from this mift of death, with which 
they are over-fliadowed, to thee 
who art the life and quickning fpi- 
Mt,to thee, in whom, as a rooc, my 
life is hid. How long (hall I live in 
fight, and complaine of darkneffe? 
Bow long (hall I be within thee 
he fountain of life, and feele death 
bcumberfomctome? Theftron- 
;er worketh on that which is wea- 
ker ,and doch aflimu ! ate it to it felfe. 
bhjdifplay thy ftrength,andmake 
lis death flie before thee from 
brth of thy m:mber. ^Movingof 
a$t!\ It is thy will our hearts 
hould live who fcekc thee, yea, 
hat wee (hould have life aboun- 
[antly, thou haft faid 3 comc to mee 

H 2 and 



Refinance ofdetdnefe offtirit. 


and your hearts (hall live,chou haft 
promift d us f that we (hall (o d Hoke 
of thy Spirhjthatirftiallfl >wfrom 
us abundantly. O ftrengchen mee, 
thou author and fiuifher of fakh,to 
hold thee the rocke, rill I fee theft 
waves of death, as v were, break* 
themfelves,and p*fle away. 

In (I ch likepradUcel have often 
found this (badow of d ath lying 
before me, I havealwaies found a 
peaceable reft, expelling enlarge- 
ment more confidently ; when I 
have not found iteafing me for the 
prcftnt, yet it hath difpofed me to 
receive qoicknance afterward, as 
coflive bodies, though they have 
not alwaies ca£mcnt when they 
offer, yet the offer doth facilitate 
the courfe, and dilpofc the body 
toeaferaent a r rer. 

Thus out of love, I have a little 
lent you my (elfc 3 the Lord bkffe 
us with that fpirit which prevai- 
leth : Tfae meane while I will de- 
fire that wee both may watch in 
prayer one for another. 

Yours as his owne, T. B m 

Be not over bdfiy to judge. 



Sir, you may thinke me a grave 
rather, in whom all your kind* 
nefles are buried, than a thankfull 
! friend^owhomwhofogivethjiel- 
lethdearely,chey fey,fo commodi- 
ous t d the donor the thiog pro vet h 
which Was freely beftowed* Ne- 
verthckfTe,your wifdomeand love 
will not, I dare fay, judge over 
baftily upon appearance,knowing 
well,thiit as there may be a (he w of 
good,yea,godlimfle, where there 
imotthefubftanceand power: fo 
there may be a lemblance of cvill , 
even of uathankfulnefle,where yet 
the vice k fclfe doth not harbour. 
Your Ncphewes laft vificingyou, 
was hid frommee, till about bed- 
time the night before he tooke his 
journey ; affure your fclfe,I could 
not have bin privie to his purpoft, 
without fctting my pen co paper, 
though lam none of the forward^ 
about this errand. I doe remember 
all your love, fb doth he alfo who 
is moft apprehenfive of what is 

H 3 done 

1 66 God rewards good don to hit children. 

■ ■ ■ * — — — ^i<» - 

done to him in his children and 
members. They ufe in Spaim a 
powerfull /peech to this purpofe^ 
that rvhofo rvtpeth the childcs nofe, 
kffith the mothers cheeke : Co kind- 
ly naturall parents conftrue the 
homelieft offices done to their chil- 
dren: how then (hall not he accept 
of all fuch dutie as is done to him 
in his children, whofe love is ftch 
to his,that the wombe-love of the 
tendereft mother is farre inferiour. 
For my felfe , I cannot ftiewyou 
any thankcfull remembrance of 
you , better than by remembring 
you in thofe duties, which though 
they moft conceme us, yet we are 
moft fubjeft to be forgetful! in 
them. Worldly wifedorae doth 
teach men to fee the benefit of 
health and wealth, yea, to have fa- 
gacitic for feeing what neede they 
may come to : when wee have Co 
many good Husband seeing thefe 
outward things, and providing 
agaioft a raynie day, that no event 

I may take them unprovided $ the 
. - - - 

True grace the CkrijtiAns truewtltb. 

— ■— — — ' » ■ ^ 

Lord make us wife, to fee the true 

wealth and health of ourfpiritsfor 
the prefent,and to prepare for our 
comfort againft fuch times where- 
in the Lord fhall trie us. I will 
commune with you about thefe 
points^ as God (hill enable. Men, 
who would gather an earthly trea- 
sure, worldly wealth , muft firft 
make fure that their Penny be 
good Silver; that the things which 
they deale in,be matters of worth : 
for counterfeit faife commodities 
heaped op, deferve not to be cal- 
led wealth, or treafure : and what 
is the wifedome of heavenly Mer- 
chant but to feeke good Pcarles, 
right for their kinde • true Faith, 
fuch as purifieth the heart ; true 
Repentance^ fuch as is accompa- 
nied with change in heartjincon- 
verfion ; true (an&ifying Grace 3 
fuch as maketh the heart heneft ; 
true fruits of righteoufnelFe,fuch as 
are through the hclpe of Chrift 
to the glory of God ; thefc are 
things that make a man wealthie 

H 4 in- 



1 68 

True Gt*ct t thegrtaufi Riches, 

ndeed ; true Faicb, laying hold on 
j the unfearchable riches of Chrift, 
on all Gods (pcciall promifes ; 
which more enrich the fon'e that j 
gettcth them, than bonds of thou- 
sands doe perfons who pofltfle 
th*.m. True Repentance, it doth 
get an acquittance and full releafe 
from God of all our debts, and 
dor h make us no lefle happy,than a 
Ghiietwefi doth him who is ftb- 
}eft to great and dangerous ac- 
counts. That Grace which maketh 
the heart honeft, without bypocri- 
fie,that is no finall wealth : for ci- 
vill men doe reckon their Earnefts 
and Pledges lying in pawne , for 
fbmething, as part of their fub- 
ftarcc. Finally^thofe works which 
come from righteoufneffe, and are 
fincerelydircfted to Gods glory, 
cheyareatreafure,as ic is wealth 
to have done fuch a thing amongft 
men, to which great honour and 
living is adjudged. Even as money 
fetcheth every earthly thiog that 
heart can defirc, fo chefc arc cur- 

Wt mnfi loofy ifonr Graces be tr*e. 1 69 

rant Coyne in Heaven 3 even to 
procure what-evcr wee can wi(h, 
chac is good for as : when Chrift 
faw but one of thefe in that wo- 
man of C*n*an • O woman (faith 
hee) great is thy faith, be it to thee 
a* thou art pleated. Wherefore, 
deare Sir , labour for thefe preci- 
ous things : all is not Gold that 
glifters • let us imitate the wife of 
this world: the money they hoord 
up to make a treafcre, they will 
fee it (hall be right Bullion yea, 
that it (hall not be clipped and 
waftied, but of full weight: 
finally, that it (hall have the Kings 
infeription. Let us lookc that our 
Grace be right, without any pre- 
domirate finne intermedled,which 
would be as a Flye in our fwcec 
oyntments : lee us take care our 
workes be good for the ebjeft, 
be full, as though, notcomming 
byhalfcs from us : Finally, that 
they be fincere, having the glory 
of God as an inferipcion ftamped 
upon them from our hearts j thus , 

Hy thcy\ 



thty (hall not deceive us, but ftand 
with us, as a treafure invaluable. 
A fccond thing I marke in getting 
earthly f reafures is, that there ir.uft 
be a dayly diligent adding unto, 
and augmenting that wherewith 
wefirft t* gan.Though a man hath 
good Gold and Silver by hinv, yec 
till ht hath it in fome quamlrie, he 
is not faid to be rich , or to have 
treafure ftored by him. Thus it is 
with uf j K$me was *$t built in a 
day y men are all their dayes in get- 
ting together a more corr.plcat 
weafure. Thus wee Chriftiars, 
though from otr fir ft belet ving we 
havtr Uiifearchablc riches, yer,if we 
fptak comparatively, we have not 
that wealth and contaminate trea- 
fure, which we come afterwards 
unto, when now we have well run 
on in that race which is ict before 
us Whtrefv re give diligence to en* 
create yoi*r Graces., which Gcd of 
j mercy haih begun*. Let the righre- 
J'ous- be more righteous, the holy 
more holy* If out Grace bv true, 


ourfiock and treafim of Grace. 

' there will be a further accefie of 
Grace : Wealth goetfa to wealth, 
even as ftones do to a ftone-heape, 
already mounted. Wherefore,krus 
every day draw one Line this way: 
let us coune that an unprofitable 
day, wherein wee have not fome- 
thing laboured with our hearts 
for the fuller apprehenfion of our 
finncs dwelling in us ; that fopo- 
vertie of fpirk may dwell moreand 
more in us, wherein wee have not 
fomewhat enfurced our hearts to 
ftayt hem/elves on the Lord and his 
precious promifes : wherein wee 
have not called on our fouIcs,to put 
themfdves forth in more thankfull 
acknowledgement of that love, 
faichfulnefle^&parience^which we 
fee doe follow us day by day. Fi- 
nally, wherein we gec not fome- 
thing done, which maybc^sa go d 
foundation, and further our recko- 
ning, when we (hall be accountant 
to God, We muft be ro mi re wea- 
ricof this, than eanhly husbands 
are of rduming tfuir .bufijefles.: 


172 l Tke more grace t9ehave y tbc^&c. 



the fweetenefle and peace of thole 
waies {hould afftd us. Looke as 
men at firft, while poverty doth 
pinch chcm,they feeke wealth with 
much grkfe and anxiety: but when 
once they ba*e gotten well about 
them - then, fleftied with the fruit 
oftheir former la bour,they make a 
play oi following the Worlds to 
the increafe oftheir fabftamce : for 
ihey fteke not fo much out of indi- 
gency, as out of complacency and 
delight which they finde in their 
poffeffions. Thus ^eeChriftianfr, 
when once wee have attained fbme 
fiift-fruitsthiswayjWcfhould with 
delight follow on to perfe&ion. 
A third praftice,by which worldly 
wealth commeth in,!s a carefull re- 
taining what is once gotten. Good 
EenfSjWith little or no expencCjarc 
the fureft Alcban^y that ever wa$ 
found out : whereas let incomings 
bernever (b large, one back-dore 


o: looked vnto, may bring the 
> hole hi ufeto mine* Wherefore 
wee mud sake. he*de oft all fich 


We mufi notUvifb out our Grace. 


things which wafte and excinguifli 
Grace in a manner, giving place to 
finne, (b as to yeeld to it, and lye 
downe under it.Ocherwife.he that 
ftumblts,and eomes not down^gets 
ground : the trippings of Gods 
children y in which they recover 
therafelves , bring them on with 
greater advantage. Againe, wee 
rruft take heed of dead companies, 
of formall performances, which are 
aPealc to Bed-ward. Finally, of 
running our felvcs into projefts of 
worldly pompe and profits, which 
are the common Choakc-weed of 
Grace. Whofe heart (almoft)have 
not thefe Thornes over-growne ? 
Thus you fee how we may by the 
Woi Id learne a way to thrive in the 
beft Wealth. Now I come to the 
Utter point of preparation,where* 
by we may be able to Rand in the 
houreof Tryall. In this 1 will be 
(horcer,my Pe n being run fonh be* 
yond my purpofe in the former. 
The Io igcft dayes have night at 
-length entring: yea, there is no 



P reparation for TrjAlsjhownectffary, 

— — — — ~~— — — — »t— n 1- . ■> i 

windc which may not blow raine, 
if God be (b pleafcd. Eflates which 
have thelongeft periods of profpe- 
ritie, are ac length exercifed $ and 
there is no condition fo fureand 
peaceable, but may turne tempe- 
ftuous on the (udden , (hould not 
God be more gracious. Wherefore 
let us be appointed and fitted for 
every event. Preparing for warre, 
maintainerh peace: wearing a wea- 
pon , makes not us the (boner fee 
on r nay,it prevents thisdangcr,and 
makes us readie to defend our 
felve$> when at any time vve are at 
(ailed. Now this praftifc chkfely 
ftandech in thefe three ihings.Firrt, 
in getting a fpirituall fagc*citie,by 
which our fogies doe difcern afore- 
hand, what kiude of events ihey 
may be fubjret unto, in this-va!e of 
teare** Nacure by inflin&giveth 
untort albnabk creatures j faculty, 
which makcth themaforchan&ap- 
prehe five of -hit which ?s ready I 
toer iuf. The w fedome which is 
from «Jteve,.imkexh. the Lards 


and in what tt confifis* 

children (enliblc ia like kinde,thac 
as lob) Co they in their greaccft 
calme fore-fee how Gods hand may. 
change for theexercifeof them. 
1 he fecond pare of praftice (hn- 
deth in this,in learning by due con- 
fiderationSjhow warning we arein 
wifaome, and weake inftrergth, 
which maketh able to ftand wh*n 
God trieth.The third thing is flying 
to God by faith, and holding him, 
as who hath beene, is, and muft be 
forever of all our filvation, loo- 
king :o Cbrift the author and fini- 
fherof our faith, who hath recei- 
ved th»s commandement of his Fa- 
ther, thathtflruld not oncly call 
us, « ni bring us into fta'6 of grace, 
but alfo raik us up at th. lalt day, 
who is thar greatGjd our Savioi.r, 
that will kcepe his f om every 
evill worke, to his heavenly king* 
dome. Now, when wee thus hano 
G >djgairilfalUvtnis,weartLi 
* ftroog Tower, wherein the gates 
of ficll (hillnoi be abL c<» hu/t u$ 7 
aiuch kflc topjivuilc agan.ft us. 


J 75 

i 7 6 

Cbrijt §ur Rock*. 

God doth let us co fchoole onto the 
Conies, that of them wee might 
learne the Leflbns : They are a 
weake timorous creature ; yet be- 
ing coifcious of their weakaefle, 
they worke themfelvcs Holds in 
the Earthward Burrowes, whereto 
they may retire for ftielter; and 
though they goe forth (bmetimes, 
yet ever and anon they resume to 
their fi»lds. Oh, fb muft wee, in 
confeitnee of our weakenefle, by 
faiih worke our felves into the 
Rocke, Chrift Ieftis : and though 
(bmetimes wee are abroad, as it 
were, in many other matters, yet 
wecmuft flill returne, and renew 
our beleefe toward him. 


MY beloved Friend, and Cferi- 
Itian Brother, I am glad to 
hearc of your fafe returne. If my 
Sonne g*>c on, fetiing his heart to 
get Learning, I will fet my heart, 
co procure him all due encourage- 
ment in (o good a courfe. Con- 


11 » »- -» « 

cernmg the change of youreftate, 
icis v\irh our fbules as with our bo- 
d?es 3 every Age hath ft vtrall Di£ 
cafes; and we fe,asourdifpofinons 
and the feafons vary, (o th^reisa 
fucceflion of divers ficknefcs ac- 
cordingly. Our new birth being 
conceived &bred in faith, perfeft- 
ly formed in hoiinefie, we are ufu- 
ally firft afliiled in that which is 
firft in nature begotten in us : I 
huveieldome rparked temptation 
in both thefe kinds at once • God 
fo mercifully difpofing, that two 
Co great Sickntflfcs (hould not be 
found coroplica te : For who could 
ftand under them, combined ? A- 1 
gaine,Cholercan hardly cauft any 
hot kind officknefle^while there is 
ftore of blood and watrifli humors 
bridling of it: for thele are frtnam 
bith: foourunholineflVjWhilewe 
arc cxercifed with doubtings of 
Gods Grace, cannot move; as 
when all is quiet, this very trouble 
caufing my Faith-cocfl ftj i x fit- 
num concupifcewtU and doth perfe 


178 Tl he comfort and benefit of 

interrupt the a&, though it can- 
not expell the habic being con- 
sidered by it fclfe. Wherefore 
though you fhdc the winde gone 
ioto another corner, your fpiritu- 
all nakedneflc now moft to moleft 
you : and chough you together ob- 
serve, that you arc not Co apprc- 
hen five of fo great an evill as you 
ought, yet have you no caufe, bu: 
to goe on peaceably, looking to 
that Prince of peace,whowill give 
thee peace of (an&ification in the 
quiet fruit of righteoufhefle, as he 
hath the peace of juftification, 
which fometimes in fome degree 
you wanted. For the firft,we muft 
make account our exercifes will 
run in a circle, the ending of one 
will begin another, till God hath 
by many things fufficientiy proved 
us, that in our latter ends hee may 
doe us good. Fi(her-men muft not 
make dainty of cold water d nor 
Chtiftians to meete with thefe ca- 
fes, SecondIy,you muft marke how 
gently God doth briog on your 


triall this way, making you rather 
co difcover defcft and want of 
righteoufhcffe, than tofeelethofc 
lawcsof evilj,and movings of grie- 
vous fins, the root whereof do?h 
fticke in your nature. To want 
health, and doeverynaruralla&ion 
feebly ,is a griefe,but tofcele (harpe j 
fitsoffome paiitull diftafe^is more 
grievous, ThirdIy,(hould wee not 
be trained thus by experience to fee 
that we are as Tobu & Bobu^ a true 
Spirituall Chaos of emptinefleand 
deformity, we could not be poore J 
in fpirir, follow Christ as 1 
who is made of G o d our facfti- 
fication, that is> our fanftifier : we 
could not comfort others in this 
ftate, nor taftc our owne happi- 
reffe fweete in that degree,whero 
in wee {hall doe after thefc things 
experienced of us. Now though 
you doe not fecle this myfterie, 
and rake it to heart as you defire, 
yet this doth but further open our 
defeft, that wee may feeke an- 
fwerably to be fupplied. We are 


not more empty of grace, than by 
nature careleffc to have any : wee 
would let it lie as a refufe thing, 
(hould not God infpire us with 
new defires, to fceke after ir. A- 
gaine, as a footfh carelefncffe, fo 
a ipirituall fl 3th pofleflcth us, that 
I caufcth us to be content a little 
better with cafe, than plenty, 
which commeth with any great 
travell. But what of this? When 
1 fee it, I tell it all to God, fui g 
to him, chat the more I fee mifery 
abounding, the more his mercy 
may abound alfo. I looke to him, 
who as he hath called me to fan&i- 
fication with an operative calling, 
Co he muft bring me to that happy 
eftate,as who is Iehovab^my fcnai- 
fii r. I learne in a word, this worke 
will never goe forward,(houId not 
God in mee, as he hath begun it, Co 
go on in ic,fin&ifying me thorow- 
ouc. Againe,though I love to fearch 
unco the quicke, yet there is (bme 
reafon, why hatred and griefe 
(hould not fo move in this eftate, 


"lis bard for w to btteourdefetts, 

as when iiufull paflions come co 
ftirrc in out members,aud Jeade us 
captive. For,looke as nature, while 
fuch matter doth but in ftire de- 
gree caufe a C<3tkexie,zndm*ke 
her w orkc feebly and imperft&ly 
in all fhe wotketh • Nature, I fay, 
is not Co fenfible here,nor duth not 
btftirre her fclfir, as when fom^ a- 
cute ficknefle doth heavily afflift : 
(b it is tyen with grace in the foule; 
i: cannot be in that meafureappre- 
henfive in this ftate, wherein it ra- 
ther £ dtth it felfe toLckefome 
degrees of health it would have, 
than to be infe&ed with intolera- 
ble ficknefle. B Jt the truth is, let 
Gone doe what it will, wee cannot 
hate it of our ftlves : bur,as by na- 
ture wee love our (elves ; fo^ that 
finfiill image, which is by nature 
propagated in us.S jme S jiiits have 
found this; who having been mo- 
Ieftcd many yeeres with fome cor- 
ruptions,ncverthele(T- have found, 
that at fome times they have not 
, beene able to looke toward them 
J with 

i8 2 

Enmity fofiHtte^riu'd from flmfi, 

with difpleafure. I had thought, 
never cockering mother could take 
that at a chUdes hand, which wee 
put up and (uffer from our Iufts : 
but withall, I have learned to fee 
that promife 3 and hold Chrift to 
thatpurpofc; I will put enmitie 
(faith God) betwecne thy feed and 
the feed of the woman ; betwixt 
Chrift, and that life of his in all his 
member^ and the multitude of re* 
probates , and that life of Saran, 
(for finnc may be called his image) 
which is notoncly in them who 
are his feed, but in os alfo , till by 
Chrift it be fubdued: fliauldnot 
God blow up his grace fo farre^ 
we could not feele enmitie againft 


this feed of fiane,which Satan hath 
fowed in us. Wherefore be not 
carefull in any thing 3 but that 
there creepe not upon you a defp;- 
fing of leflfcr things : for, if little 
things be not dealt wich,God will 
make greater looke in, which will 
caufe us more exercife. Happie is 
that man who doth deale with 

Timely rtfijtdnce cffime^elpfnH. 1 83 

> .« . « — — — — *^— ■^«— — « ... ^ 

things betirae, labouring to fecle 
them grievous , looking to Chrift 
his helperagainft them. That man 
is a ftrange Chriftian,what-cver he 
may thinke , though his ftrengch 
may be affli&ed that bee cannot 
feeleic great; yet vires afflift* and 
vhes frofirata arc much different. 
Againe, he (hall fape much dif. 
eafemcntj by his timely refiftance. 
Let any man of great ftrcngth have 
fome fupeifluitie of matter tending 
to ficknefle, he doth betime ex- 
pell it by imperccivable fweates, 
or other eafic wayes : Lefler 
ftreogth letteth it lye, till it bee 
ponderous, and of acrimonie, and 
(bme way more grievoufly offen- 
deth 3 and then it doth more paine- 
fully upward and downe-ward 
drive it forth.The weakeft ftrengch 
of all, feelcs it fclfc opprcfled, and 
till hoi pen by fome medicine, 
cannot cxpell, and then doth ic ) 
pak;efqlly, and in part oaely : the 
more ffrength , the fooncr is a 
thing contrarie to nature expel- 


1 84 ( Tbankf*ln*Jfi creeps, wkere y &c 9 

- III- ~ 1 I - II H II 1 

led; the fooner, the lefle pain- 
fully al *aics. Well, the Carrier 
doth ftay for my Letter, I muft 
be fhort. 

Yours in brotherly ■'ffc&ion, 
Paul Bync. 

23. Hwtttoiy. 

MY loving Friend, though 1 
winter not faft by you, as 
heretofore, yet I have you in re, 
cnembrance; for,ea ten bread fhould 
not be forgotten, I thinke my felfe 
rruch indebted to you /or che love 
I received from you • and though 
I muft itill ride behirde, I meane, 
come fhort, in regard of r quiwll, 
yet I will n^t be wanting in thank- 
full confeffing of kindoeffe /bre- 
paflvd. It is with thankefulnefle 
as with love, it will creepewhn 
it cannot goe. 1 hope you neglcft 
not your beft Merchandize, the 
feeking chofe Pearles which Will 
make your (bule rich before<3>d. 
That Marchant,World- ward, is in 


Want of Grace the greatejt poverty. \ l8$ 

i - ■ ■■ * — 

fm*li account:, who neither hath 
ware nor rmney ; in like eftate are 
Chriftians, who trading in the 
militant Church, have no part nor 
portion in the heavenly and true 
treaftrc. It is a thing full of confu- 
fion,and very unhappy to be with- 
out earthly pofleffions. Hence it \% 9 
that men in this taking, they hang 
downc the head, when they have 
no meanes whereby to coropafle 
the earchly good which they defire, 
whereis others who have them, 
carry their nofes into the wind, 
have all that heart can wifh, they 
lofe no loigtng.Thus what (hail be 
their confufion who arc not rich in 
faith & if pentance,cheon;ycurrant 
coyre which doth goe with God, 
and fetch down what -ev r eaven- 
ly bleffi g wee can defire. Where- 
fore in lieu of all your love, let me 
exhort you^firftjto labor more and 
more for true grace. Secondly, to 
ufe it and increafe it daily. Third- 
ly ,to watch againft all furfi things, 
whichmay (like a backe dore) im- 

I paire 



Ttne Gr4ce 9 true Ricbe/. 

1 payre and wafted it. For the firft • 
'the wife Merchant doth feeke for' 
good pearks, fuch as are right in 
their kinde : an In&i an Diamond & 
a Briftiw Scone lookealike,but dif- 
fer rnnch in the Iudgmcnt of acun- 1 
ning Lapidift ; No man can gather 
a trcafure, vnleffe hee feleft that 
Which is precious :a rnafle ofcoun- 
ters are not to be counted a trca-i 
fure.Seeke then that knowledge of 
Chrift which maymake you put off 
the old man j fo to know God as a 
child knoweth his father, with an 
affc&iue property which doth v-J 
, nite the heart to him: fo to beleeue; 
{ chat you may feeleyour heart pur- 
ged through faith, fo to doe euery 
Worke of righteoufneffe, that yea 
nay feele your felfe enabled to it 
through Chrift, and finde that your 
foule dire&s it to Gods glory : for 
as that mony onely is treafure* 
which is of right Bullion , that is 
goodMetall, and hath the Kings 
infcripiion : So that worke one- 
ly Will make a true Treafure 


TbeJt$ckt*fGr*cemuftl>e 9 &c. \ 187 


ind good foundation, Which pro 
cecdethfrom Chrift, dwelling in 
vs through fai t£, and is dire&ed to 
GOD, by Which meanes it is 
[lamped as ic were, with his Image. 
For diefecond : As yoy muft get 
thefe things (b you muft tradewich 
rhera,feeke their increafe: he chat 
husbands his ftocke* (hall haue 
more. Men are long gatherers be- 
fore they haue got them a treafure. 
So Chriftians, though on the firft 
beleeuing they rcceiue vnfearch* 
able riches, yet there treafure is to 
be confummate and pcrfe&ed from 
day to day.Tbere is a double thirft 
8c defire after wealth in the world; 
the one commeth from indigency, 
as a man in extreme drought Jon- 
get h for drinke, and in extreme 
want, for fbmething which might 
helpehira. There is another de- 
fire^ which commeth from com- 
placency, from pleasure felt in 
that wee haue obtained; thus a 
man, when third is in fome de- 
gree quenched % defireth to drinke 

1 2 agaiae 



Labour f$r growth in <jr*ce. 


gaine ; thus a poore man, having 
n^w gorten fomc thing well abos 1 
him, yet would faine have a mon 
flufh, full eftatc : better is ftill bet- 
ter : this defire then mutt be in al 
Chriflian^: the goodnefle of the 
things they have tafted,rauft affefl 
them with a further defire of in- 
creafing in them. I would have 
you be as I have feene fbme good 
husbands in dead time, when (ta- 
rings faile, they count the day loft 
in which they have had no takings. 
Account that day as loft, wherein 
you have not gotten feme more 
fenft of fin,whercin your faith hath 
not fomething more enforced it 
fclfe to lay hold on God and his 
precious promifcs, wherein fbme 
good thing is not done, which may 
ft and as a good foundation, where- 
on the conscience may relye, as an 
undoubted tcftimony of faving be- 
liefe* Laftly, take heede of that 
which may quench your affeftion 
to God, as dead company , who can 
never (peak, nor have the language 


Tdk<s httdofvehat may impair grace. 


i oi Canaan : inordinate and doable 
diligence about earthly things. 
More perifh with prepofterous fol- 
lowing of la wfull things 3 than doe 
by unlawfull courfes. Sofc fands 
fwallow more fhips, than hard 
rocks fplit aftnd :r. Licit u ftrimtu 
omnes. Eating, drinkiag,building 5 
matter of marriage^the world (ball 
be drowned in thete, whenChrift 
comes to jjdgemen:. Ufe all good 
meanes doc wich-drawing your 
felfe from them. Difafing meanes 
quenchcthgtace^ as with-holding 
faell queocheth fire. Weed out of 
your heart all fucb things, as like a 
choake-weede fpring up and fnao- 
ther better devotions. Men grow 
rich not onely by getting, but by 
faying and holding together that 
they have gotten. Great getcings 
with little fpendings, is the raoft 
approved Alchymie : {hould one 
hive never fach takings, if one 
(hould filch out N his gaine as it 
came in, hee would not increafc 
in fubftance. Thus Chriftians 

I 3 mud 

£0 A Letter ef cemfert agahft the 

nauftlookethe Diucll robbethem 
not by any meanes, of any grace 
which they haue obtained, that fo 
their fbnles may thriue in their 
heavenly eftate. But my letter 
fwelleth beyond my intendment, 
and I cannot hold backc my pen 
from affording you any thing, 
whom I haue found Co forward in 
fliewing rae kindneffe* j 

24 I 

Sifter M. my wife and I held 
it mecte to figoifie both, onr 
remembrance of you , whom your 
token hath teftifiednot to bee vn- 
mindfull of vs both, for when 
my wife is thought on, I thinke 
then I am not quite forgotten. 
You will be defirous to know how 
my wife and her place agreerh. 
Concerning which lenforme you 
thus much, that both ofv^inre* 
gard of all circomftances^do think 
o&r Hue? well fallen ; if we fhould 
(peake otherwife, wee fhould not 
Qn&ifiehim in our hearts ^ who 
is mercifull to vs, Neuerthe- 


fbrrtws that attend every condition. 

e(Te,youmuft not tbinke chat we 
aue fuch a condition, in which 
no forrows in the flefh and other- 
not in that earthly paradife, but 
ourliuesarefb made comfortable 
through Godsgrace,that we know 
there remaincth yet a further reft 
for his people : the which thera- 
therl «iention 3 tbat you (hould not 
thinkc rauch/if in your condition, 
al thingsfuicenotwithyourdcfire, 
b.caufe that this is no other thing, 
thanwherwith your brethren and 
lifters euery where conflict There 
is a fweate of the brow on euery 
calling, a wearifbm vanity on eue- 
ry condition^only the grace ofi3od 
in Ohrift doth difpence wif h much 
which might iuftly befall vs and 
doth ftrenthen vs to beare that 
comfortably in time,which his fa- 
therly witedome fha'.l not haue rc- 
leafed. And becaufe I know not 
in what argument to fpeakc more 
for your comfort, I will pro fecute 
in a few lines this argume ic 

I4 Ic 


. *!■ > 

RPIfcj (jod makes carnatL 

It pleafeth God to let us find fbme 
conditions not fie f) well upon us 
as heretofore they have done, ye^ 
the lame things waxe tedious, 
which have beene .delight full, for 
our love, our hatred, the orde- 
ring of our affeftions, is not in our 
power,butdorh vary according to 
Gods pleafurc. Now when we ob- 
fcrvc fuch things grow on u$j> wee 
muftbethinkeus ofchecauk, for 
that is the next way to difcerne 
how our griefe muft be cured No^ 
thus it is with us, that the comfort 
of our eft ate doth refulc more from 
carnall cafement often, and con- 
tentments in ir, than from the 
grace of God in Chrift Iefus 3 {hed 
into the heart by meanes of it. 
Now God feeing this, doth fo 
work,that things pleafant in them- 
felves become diftaftefoll to us, to 
the end that wee might feeke more 
vnto him, and take up all our con- 
tentment in him, that thus^hee our 
Creator & Redeem er,might be the 
reft of our hearts, not the creature. 


contentments difttfiefnlltQ us. 


Our hearts arc full of fecret Idola- 1 
try above meafure : Now then, 
when God doth unfettle our hearts 
from a contentment, which is car- 
nal], hee doth it but to leade us to 
reach our content ation by true god- 
linefle. What a fweet life is it^ that 
when a man is not troubled with 
defires of this World, with griefe*, 
or deluded with the joyes of ir 5 
which are like the crackling of 
thornes under a pot,as foone quen- 
ched as kindled ? Bu t if wegrow to 
defire things heavenly, to fteke 
diligently the things which are a- 
bove, this defire will take off the 
edge of other that are worldly. If 
wee learne to rejoyce in Chrilt Jo 
fuSj it will kill his falft joy,the end 
whereof is heavinefle. If we grieve 
for our finsaccording to thatfPeep* 
f*r y tut fimef, yt daughter ef It* 
rufaUmlt will drownc earthly for- 
rowcSjthit they (ball be as nothing 
with us. Grow up in chef- things > 
and I may truely fay, you (hall 
have a kingdeme in your felfe. 

u i 

1 94 

I A ktur concerning the comunicants. 

\ I am bold vponfo fro j11 acquain- 
tance^© exhort you in thefe things 
a duty which wee arc bound to as 
Chriftians, where occafion doth 
require it. I might write further to 
youtbut I rather flint my fclfe than 
roue vnccrtaindy. If J could know 
how to performe anc ffice ofChri* 
ftun louetoyou,Iwould ftudy rhe 
cafe but it fhouldbee performed. 
My wife doth remember herfelfe 
vito you. Your friendes are well 
with vs. Thus in hafle I take my 
Icauc, wjfhing that the peace of 
God which p-fltth rnderttaiiding 
may keepe your heart vmo the end 
and in the end* 

L Eft your halting fhouldrurne 
forth hurtfully to you and 
otheis, I write more fpedily. 
Youasketwoqaefti)ns; The fir ft 
about the communicants duties; 
the fecoad about kneeling. The 
firft, whether you may receiuc 
with one who for want of skill, 


' ' m w iki i i 

■ ■ 1 m w i- 

Duties txurnall and kfltUtng. 


or will, is no preaching Miirfter. 
To which I a-nfwer in c wo confi- 
derations ; firft, if he bee able to 
preach but will not, ic is no qucfti* 
on :fordefe& in qualification, not 
inexcrcifc, breedeth doubc of 
mens calling and authority. A. 
gaine, the extrciie of preaching 
is not neceffary in the Miniftcrto 
the being of a Sacrament, but re- 
quifite only to the well-bebg and 
greater fruit of it. If tht Minifter 
be not able to preach,the doubt is 
much augmented ;ibr God,icfee- 
methjdothdifinabkhim, heethat 
carethnotfor knowing, God re- 
ic&etbhiraas noPruft, Hof4 3. 
Secondly, All Chrifts MfaiiAers 
muft teach and baptize, &c. Mat. 
28 Thirdly,it !$ counted Ieroboamt 
fi re co fet up vileinfofficienr one% 
iKing 15. 33. Fourthly, Tnty 
are commended that fold th< ir in- 
heritance $, and left fuch Priefts. 
Fifrly, They have no calling from 
God, and therefore are not author 
ri it dwuhhuly thiegs. 






A*fe>. Motwithftanding thefe 
ard kch like, this Idcubc not is 
the truth ot God: Firft d that the 
Sacramentall a&ions of ungifted 
Minifters arc effeftuall to fuch as 
faithfully receive them. Secondly, 
that we may fecke and receive the 
Sacrament at their hands. Thefe 
two conclufionsmuft be proved, 
and the contrary arguments fuif- 
fied : and Co the fecond queftion in 
his order reiblved. That thefe ani- 
ons are authentic*!! when perfor- 
med^ is thus confirmed $ Firft, Au- 
gufiim proveth that Herecickes fa- 
craments (in his Booke dt B*p. 
lib.t.cap. iojareeffcftaalljwhere 
we may rcafon as to the k(fer,thac 
unlearned mens aftions have vali- 
dity. Secondly, weefhouldallin 
companion call in quellioi our 
Chriftendomes, which is abfardity. 
Thirdly, as the deed of one in Ma- 
giftratv, (b the deed ofone/» Mi- 
nifterio; though hee be not Vfqnc- 
qua que legitimes Minifier 3 is au-» 
tbcnticail, hath his validities The 


and we me may communicator c. 1 97 

fecond conclulnnis morecontro- 
verfall $ for wee allow the Papifts 
Baptifme when adminirtred, yet 
will not allow the feeing ofit:ne- 
verthekfle this is true, that people 
may fecke and take facramencaU 
aftions from unlearned men ; the 
reafonis, becaufe we have right to 
aske them, and {hey not without 
the calling of God, have authority 
to difpenie them. The firft you 
doubt not, the fecond you would 
fee confirmed, for it is thought 
they are oncly mans Mintfters. 

An\x9. They are called by men, 
bat not without the over-ruling 
ftroke of God in this which is done 
by man. Thus Saul and hrobotm 
thefirft, were called by men: Sj 
that Godfaith,Ha/;8.3. Thejft »p 
Kings^and made n t him ofconnfeU ; 
yet Gud faith againe, in the 13. of 
I Hof.lL Htgwethtrnthtfe Kings 
in hi* wratb^ndtookl them <tn>aj tn 
i?}d>gnjtion.htfine,vjhcn God tel- 
leth u%frr- $.ReJ;ent 3 I nil! give joh 
Pafior r afttr r*J m*c heart. He doth 


1^8 Wt m*y communicate with nn gifted 


feeme to infinuatc chac hce had gi- 
ven them the other, though in dif- 
pleasure : for though the men arc 
not (ucb in whom he is pleafed,y et 
they are here and there placed^ ac- 
cording to his pleafare. You will 
lay, what, are they giucn in ven- 
geance^ how can we iookc for any 
good from them? 

Anfw So in iudgement,tbat yet 
God remembicth mercy for his, 
which he wil reach forth Ly them. 
So tyrants are Gods fcourges, yet 
God rfghteth fome by their regi- 
ment : for Tyranny is better than 
Anarchic. Suppofe then: The Lord 
Chauncelloor of Englanci^he matt 
be for his qualification a man well 
feen in the Lawcs, able to (cntence 
whatfbevercaufes are brought in- 
to Chancery : he nraft againe feale 
all matters^fbr hekeepeth the Sig- 
net. Say fecondly, the Kingfliould 
fet or let one occupie the place 
that knew not tbeLaw,who would 
paff?" the Seale likewi(e here or 
thi a Idle warrantabiy:wouldyou 


Miniftmjtt not with Papijlt. 



now in thethitd place having the 
grant of any thing from his High~ 
neffe, refafrto Ice him put to the 
Kings fealc, becaufe he w s igno- 
rant^ would give the (ealc furae- 
times when his Maiefty would 
have it denyed ? Like is your cafe. 
But why may not we feck* dwel- 
ling arnongft Papifts, to have our 
children baptized with them ? 

An[w .Becaufe they are not one- 
ly ignorant, but mainraine reall I- 
dohtry,likc the Calves of Dan and 
Bethel, from which wee have com- 
iB<ndcment to fcparate. Conclude 
then,* hat you may come and fcekc 
the Sacrament at the hand of an 
unlearned Mmifter, Take heed 
o r (ucbfuggcftion*by which the 
counterfeit angels of light would 
fi bven Church s, and fling whole 
Pari(hes out ac the windowes. 
Now to rcfclve your cbie&ion. 
Thofc whorp God threatoeth to 
cafhier, their aftions which they 
pcrfonne,may not be fought for : 
the progofuion is fullc ; for bis 



200 Wctnay receive of ungtfud Minifters, 

threatning is not a prefent degra- 
ding, dif-inabliDg rhem in that 
they could doe 3 but a menace of fu- 
ture evill in Gods time, for chat 
they ought to have done 5 but could 
not. To Jeroboams fa£k. Thofe 
who ate by the fin of men entred, 
their aftioos may not be taken be- 
nefit of. 

i/info. Falfe againe.The Kings 
of 7/r4e/ thus entred, yet one might 
holily have taken the benefit of ju- 
ftice under them. Hee that fhould 
be never fo did*£licall, yet if he be 
not according to S c , Pauls Canon^ 
heentreth by fin : but would you 
makequeftionto hearehim, once 
in office, being well gifced 1 To the 
third, All Chrifts Minifters muft 
teach, and therefore whom hee 
fends he enables thereunto. 

Anfw. Falfc •IbJeffe undcrftcod 
with limitation, all fent ofChrift 
according to his heart, out of fa- 
vour, fully qualified, or wee mutt 
take teaching in a very large ftnft. 
To the 4. Wee may not Separate 

from 1 

K*eeli*g UvpfnUin the aU ofo&c. 

from every unlearned man when he 
is no reall Idolater. To the fife is 
anfwered above. Thefecondisof 
ltffe moment, I will not difpure ic : 
onelythis. When there is no ap- 
parent fcandallj you may kneele : 
Latent things which cannot with 
morall certainty be prefumed,muft 
not hinder us. My rcafon 5 Firft, ic 
is a geftare fanft ificd of God, to be 
ufed in his fervicc. Secondly, ic is 
notunbefeeming a Feaftcr, when 
our joymuft be mingled with re- 
verent trembling. Thirdly, it nei- 
ther is an occafion, nor by partici- 
pation Idolatry : kneeling never 
bred bread-worflhip. And our Do- 
ctrine of the Sacraraenr, knowDe 
to all the world, doth free ns from 
fu/pition of adoration in it. Attend 
ycurminiftefy, and hold the Lord 
Jefus to fan&ifie you daily. Let no- 
thing weaken you in your worke^ 
the beginning whereof was fo joy- 
full to you. I doubt not but thefe 
are the truth; if I knewtwenth 
fcruples I could not anfwer, yet 



would I be of this iudgmenr. I 
like not forgery which vpon every 
want dHraerobreth andcurteth off; 
n&r iuch meddling in crazie bodies 
which doth vtterly ouerwhrlme 
them-holy quiet willheale morein 
thefe cafes chan renfurous motion. } 

SYR, I cannot but be ready vp- 
on all occafions to faluteyou, 
whom God hath by fo many good 
offices indeared to me. My defire 
to God i$,that your (bule may pro 
fper 5 that yoa may be kept in thele 
euill times, wherein darknefle and 
lofts of ignorance abound, likeco 
the Lampe which (hined in the 
fmoaky furnace,Iike to the bright 
ftarre which fhiued in the midft 
of darkenes.Now that we may doe 
this, we mufteuer renew our care 
of keeping our felties vnfpotted 
from the wicked and powerleflc 
conuer facion of others Like as an 
enill ayre by little and little alters 
i the nature and temperature of bo- 
1 dy 

Ukcftarrcs in&arkgeffc. 


dy, and breedes a difea ie : fe the 
corrupt fafhion ofcucry age doth 
rub vpon us its infection, abating 
the beat, and eclipfiog the light: 
of grace in vsjif we be not more 
caucelous,and in an holy fufpicion 
of our infirmities, hang on him 
who keepeth his from all euils. 
TbeLordgiuevs that loue which 
may make vs more fiudiousofhis 
glory,the more we fee ir obfeured 
by others.Thatis a right fparke of 
hcauenly grace, which by occaGon 
offinoef likcasit wasin r Z>4*#^and 
hremit) groweth to be more fer- 
uent and zealious for Gods honor. 
Second Iy,to(keepe our del ighc) we 
muft frequent communion wi'h 
the children of light.Awtfake light 
ioyning with another, becommeth 
fttongerrfb our grace, while ic affo- 
ciacethitftlfewiththe grace in o- 
thcrs, taketh ircreafe. Like as a 
plane which is fee in a kindly foile 
profpereth for that reafon : fo a 
Chriftian thugrowtth vp among 
them whoaretruely Chriftian in 



204 Cotnunion wttb the Sams hclpfnU. 

.- u 

thatregard,proves the holier man. 
It is admirable how fb great and 
caliamana$S c # Pii«/j fliould finde 
and feel^'f ) great neceflky of com- 
munion wth the Saints, but chat | 
thegreactft faith is motto ppofice 
ro prefumption, and therefore the 
iurtheft off from neglefting any 
oicanes which conduce to that it 
hath believed. I am fure ic may 
teach us that we had neede to light 
our candle,and kind le our fire with 
our neigbours, even to increafe 
our faicb,and fire our affeft ions one 
with the pretence of another. Now 
(till it is to be remembred, that it 
is not (6 much your bodily pre- 
fence, as your fpiritual! ufe one of 
another rfiat is availeable this way; 
when wee (hew what God hath 
done for us,how our foules are car- 
ried on, when with the bucket of 
wifedomej wee can draw forth to 
our ufe the waters of Gnfce, which 
God hath derived from himfelfc 
into the hearts of our brethren. 
That is good Communion, where- 

Extrcifc of grace, humifies the Jhu[e> 

ia is found fbroc interchangeable 
communication of thing* fpiritu- 
all. Thirdly, to keepe our bright- 
nefle, we muftexercifr our graces. 
A? the body takcth more reftiog 
than ftirring 5 flceping than waking; 
as glittering msttalls lo(e their 
b ightneffe, and contraft ruftineflc 
whea they are not ufed r fb it is 
with our fbules ; let exercife be 
oeglefted, their light will be dim- 
med, they will foone grow to 
fome imbecillitie and fickenefle. 
Every day draw fome line this 
way, let us awaken our repen- 
tance, ftirre up our faith, to carry 
fome promife into the fceret of 
our hearts. 

If wee be like the btlfie Ant, dai- 
ly doing (although but a little at 
I onct) wee (hall finde (lore to our 
comfort, when the winter of ten- 
tation (hall approach. This excrci- 
fing is fr 5 which will prefcrveus 
with wholefome appetite, and 
hunger after all good meanes 
I whereby our foulesarecberiftied. 




2 o 6 \ Exercife of Grace very fYofttabU. 


Thefe labouring men are as 
f iimd as a Roche, hungry as hnn- 
ters,whcreas (cdentary Hues are of 
(mall appet i te,and crazie conft icu- 
tion. Thus ic is with Chriftians 
fuch who exercife noc themfelues , 
ftirring vp the diuine heate^they 
are indefferent men whether they 
partake in helps both publike 
and priuate, which God hath or- 
dained to increafedeuotion;but the 
well excrcifed Chriftiaa hath o- 
ther affections. 

Thus much I thought good to 
write , exhorting you in theie 
things, which I doubt not but you 
endevour in your mcafure. I thank 
you for all the p o ore you baue rc- 
licued at my motion. I commend 
my felk to the good Gentlewoman 
yoar Wife,and both of you, with 
allyours,tothe Lord, 


MYloningfriendjIwas at the 
fitft ofcen perfwaded, that 
God would for a time fet me out of 
hand, and t ruft me with my accu- 


How vn m*y have pedcc in winkle. 


ftomed liberty ,buc often defeature 
which myhope fuffred,did coneft 
in time that lightnefle of beliefe. 
Now it fo gocchwith me, thatl 
am like to continue here, or not far 
off all this fummer,f or forae things 
have broken forth in rnce, which 
will not /offer my farre travaile : 
which I muft feeke hclpe for be- 
time , becaule I know my flefh to 
bee hard of healing. What eafe 
fbould I have, had I learned the 
true ftrokcin bearing the yoake of 
my God, had I wifflome to lay 
circun fhnces to heart, had I po- 
verty of fpirir,emptying mce of all 
confidence in my felfe, & common 
courfes, had I confident depen- 
daoce onGod my foleSaviour,then 
(honld I havehad peace in the mid ft 
of troubles, and light in darkenes. 
But I fiadc folly to abound in me, 
fecret pride, hardnefTe of heart, a 
fpiritualldrunkenncflfc, which fce- 
lcth no blowes, flying, falfe confi- 
dence?; what not of this nature? 
I traiic my weapons about them, 


8 I Tbefoftlemftfl be brought low. 

as the walls of hell, expe&ingirJI 
lilence, and reit their downe- fall 
from heaven. 

I looke for better times though 
greater troubles in the flefli, thanj 
hitherto I have knowne : I fee it 
mu^ be in.heali ^g finne, which fal- 
lech out in healing Come bodily difc 
eafes, the party muft be kept Co 
low, that he muft be tatttkm non 
confctlufinedia^bzCoiszfpnng of 
better blood can be procured. In 
labouring to purge out fin., the life 
of grace muftfuffer fuch things as 
bring it exceeding low, yea, to a 
Vdiquium ofcen^ before a new 
fpring of that heavenly life can be 
obtained. I thanke God in Chrift, 
fuftentation Ihave^and fbme little 
ftrength, fuavides fpiricuall I cafte 
not any. But inded I often tell my 
felfe, Phyfick purgative and rcftau- 
rati veare not to be taken at one and 
the fame time, yea, it were to wi(h 
(offering without differing, if wee 
would Co admit forrowes • as that 
wee woald together feele them 
) drow- 

and then God will fir engthcx it. 

, uf ■!— ■ * ~ — — ^— ~~* 

drowned of lpiricuall coniblatioo. 
The divinity refted ere the bead 
fuffercd : Co in the members. The 
Lord be our ftrengch and comfort. 
If wee want courage and ftr&igth, 
weemuft looke to him, to whom 
whofb lx)keth,rer.ewe!h ftrengch. 
Who ftrengehenetfa his, (b that 
they can doe every thing, who 
ftrengthenech them in the inner 
man, to long fufferance wi:h joy- 
fulntffe. O lee us in conference of 
all weaknefle clalpe the rocke of 
Hrael, and leame of thofc Conies, 
w^ake and wife, who worke them- 
felves holds wichin the earth, 
wherein they are fife. When the 
Apoftles had received this (pint of ! 
flrengtb, they nude a play of their 
fufkcings.Even as in bodily'things 
thefe ftrong-boaed hardy porters, 
will make a fporc of bearing fach 
burdens, which a weake body 
would tremble to touchy Now 
Chrift 3 on whom the fpirlt ofwifc- 
dome and ftreogth rcfteth^increaft j 
onrunioa and comunion with him. 

K bo<*{ 





Wee PiMjtfcekg after the kjngdome of 



HO w happy Sir, arc the Lords 
children , who if they be 
occe his Favorites, hee will love 
them to the end, and chough for 
their finne he chaften them, yec 
will hee never remove his mercy 
from them. What is their happi- 
nefle vvho have received a King- 
dome that cannot be fhaken? When 
I obferve how thefe earthly thirgs 
vvheele abour,thcn mcthinke3 how 
happy that n?an i?,whofe hearc and 
hope is in that God with whom 
there is no fhadow of change : 
wherfore let «e flir yon up to feek 
after the Kingdome of God more 
and more* Heire*, the necrcr they 
come to ripe age, and fo to their 
inhcritance^the more their longing 
and defire is after them. And fire, 
they fay the neerericcotrmcth to 
that regie n which is the proper 
place of ir, the fafter it moveth : 
fo (hould it be with'u*, whofe 


Goimorcatdmore, andkow* 


age is now ripe, (o that wee arc I 
neerer our falvation, than when ' 
we firft beleeved : Co (hould it be 
wicb our (parke of Grace, which 
God-hath kindled in us, the ncerer 
it comes co heaven, it fhould move 
thitherward with great fervency, 
yea, in our greateft delights, our 
hearts (hould be excited towards 
thofe joyes which there we (hall 
enjoy : when our prifbn hath (uch 
content as wee ofcen take, what 
(hall wee fi ide prepared in our Pa- 
radife, where we mall live for ever 
with Chrift that true tree of lift ! 
Now, the labour of a Ghriftian 
ftandeth chiefely in theft things. 
Firft, hee mutt lay up thofe free 
promifes God hath made hi© in 
Chrift, as which are the ground of 
his Title to heaven, that as men 
carefully boxc up evidences, and 
coppies by which they can (hew 
their juft Title to the thing earth- 
ly, fb (hould we theft promifes in 
our heart, by which the hea« 
venly inheritance is ftaled to ns. 

K 2 Second- 


212 i We way ^and ought tofecure ourjdvts 

j Secondly, we muft ftrive to enter 
jour poflkflion, by condoling a 
courfeof Chriftianvertues, J >y n- 
ing with faich vercue., with ic 
wee get a large entrance into that 
heavenly kingdome,, 2 Pet. 1. 10. 
That looke as Iftael, the more 
they did fubdue the C^naanitu ^thc 
furcher they were poflcflcd of C*- 
**«*^ fo the more we briDg under 
all earthy lufts, the more we enter 
that: heavenly Cawa??, the more 
wee come into trae reft^begunne in 
hoIijnefTe, confiimmate in glory* 
Thirdly, v/ee muft labour to ft- 
cure our felves in this fhtc wee 
poflefic. God would not make us 
happy* if wee might not be ftre 
flill to hold it, which though in 
earthly things we cannot, for they 
be tranfitory, and if they would a- 
bide^ wee want lealesof our lives 
to abide with rhem, yet vvee may. 
in heavenly thing?, bccaisic they 
are eternaU, (hall not fade, and 
Chrift hath undertaken to fceepe 


f — nans. 

of the ktngdome of Heaven. 

, — . , — . 

us unto them. This is my Fathers 

will, that I (hould raifeyou up at 

the laft day. So certainly therefore 

as hee hath called us, juftified us, 

and fanftified us ; fo certainly will 

he^ doe this other part of his of. 

ficc afligned him by God hi? Fa- J 

i ther, yc3, Gcd will kec'pe us to his 

: heavenly kingdome, as hec fauh^ 

; and none thall take us out of our 

1 Fathers hands, he is ftrongrr than 

j all, faith in thefe will fue ou-t a 

ine, as ic were, and give us quiet 1 
| pofleflbn againft all chat can op- 
pofe u?. 

Well, the Lord be with your 
fplrits,and give you h your mca- 

fore the comfort of theft points. 


LOvlng Brother, I did receive 
your Letter which doth certi- 
fic me of matters, in which 1 take 
good contentment. To beginn- 
with the laft; I am glad you have 
done fo kinde an office to your 

K- S-fter; 1 



Again ft overmueb tvorldlj care. 

Sifter; it (hall furcheryour ovvne 
reckonings when yon cDme robe 
accountant to God. I am glad like- 
wife, chat you know yourlfrcall 
griefc (o well,and can lay your fin- 
ger where it (marts ; and I am joy* 
ed in your refo'ution which God 
giveth you of fluki og off this 
which prtffeth yon downe. I 
thought co have had a letter lay- 
ing your rcturne next Terme, buc 
delay brcedcth danger, and vacati- 
on time is more free for thoughts, 
chan when every rams cafe craveth 
entrance : and in thefe contenti- 
ons my fecond thought biddech 
race write prefently, though Ie(J^ 
exi&ly and fully. Your rcfolut:- 
on is a good figne that God, who 
hath freed your mi ode to a fettled 
purpofe againft it, will give you 
ic\ time performance alfb. Bjtyou 
mufttake heed that your refolutr- 
on be fuch as is gromvled oncly in 
Gods ftrengch, who in his Orift 
nuft diffolve this Worke of the 
Divell, and it raid bz accompa- 


Ktfolntion again ft worldly cars 


nied with the conference of your 
owne wcakneflT*, who are (bid un- 
der (uch finne ; the wifdome of I 
whole foule, by nature brcom- 
ratth altogether earthly; andlaft- 
Iy, with consideration, what 
ftreng'h the earthly objrfts and 
your propenfity and inclination 
this way have to oppofe you : for 
thefe will make you poore in 
fpiric, and have no confidence in 
yourfclfe^ but make Chrift your 
C jptaine (who hach overcome the 
World) all your hope • and if wee 
come not thu 5 to fight, we fn ill be 
forced to recoile onrfoor^ were 
our qjarrdl as jjft as Ifiaelj a- 
gain't thofe of Ben j will. Now that 
you may fee how llrong m evill 
this i?, you mull confider with 
whit forces it is intrenched, what 
fpiriruall things there be that doe 
bicke this infirmity ; the which is 
the rather to be obferved, becahfe 
the rlgbt methoJ of healing,requi~ 
reththat we find outthecaufesof 
the malady. Now this double dili- 
K_4 gent j ^ 

- x^A* fa / . ^* - ■■ 



0#f&* fa begreunded. 

gene carefulneflfe, fpringeth from a 
threefold head : firftfrorodiflruft 
in Gods care,which is ever over us 
for good. When one hath greru* 
friends, which cheyarekoowneto 
leancco, we (ay of cheri^ Such neqd 
co take no caic, they know fuch 
and fiich williee to them ; on the 
contrary, come toonethatkiow* 
eth no end of coiling and caring, 
aske him, Why will you thus tire 
your felfe out ? H : will fay ,1 malt 
needs doe it, I have none but rny 
felfe tocruft co : fo CWft folio w- 
ech his Dilciples cirefulacfle to 
this dore» their unbsiiefo, which 
did not lee them confiJer our hea- 
1 venly Father cared for them. Se- 
condly, theft cares cone from a 
falfe preemption of ftlfe-fuffi;ien- 
cy in our ownc courts, as if wee 
by our owne diligence could build 
the houfe : For, were a mm per- 
fwaded that the bleflhg of G jd 
were all in all, h^e would ply chit 
fare firft,and with little joy would ■ 
undertake anychhg; till heeftw I 


— ^m^S^m^* •f ^ ' -x. ^ i 

Ctufes of overmuch worldly care . 217 

God witneifiog to him by his Spi- 
rit, that -he would bewichhimto 
bkffehim. This make thChrift cell 
his Difciples,they could not with 
all care make a haire white or 
blackc ; infinuacing this difeafe I 
point ar. I know we will not fay 
this; but no more will any cove- 
tous man , chat hee makech his mo- 
ney his God; hee knoweth it is 
earth, and hee accounts of it as it 
is : but oar deeds fpeakethat of- 
ten, which our tongues would de- 
ny* Thirdly, from an overvaluing 
of earthly things, and underpri- 
fiog of heavenly, we come to be fo 
carcfull in the one, and fo rctch- 
leflliy affc&ed in theother,wc b«- 
ing like children who make ac- 
count of a Pearc or an Apple more 
than of all thehoufebcfile. Nbw 
having fouad the caufes and rcotes 
of this tvill, you may difcerne it is 
as cafie alcucft to (hake off your 
ulic, as to be rid of this infirmity : 
which I if sake n©: to mike you 
refiitiKunicfl/, but to nuke you 

K <; take 





Remedies thereof. 

take him with you, who only re- 
maineth viftorious. In the next 
place, you tnuft labour to remove 
theft caufeSj aad the effeft will 
ceafe; Say to your felfe, Lord,that 
I {hould be of fo little faith to thee; 
thou biddeft mee in nothing be 
careful!, but reft in thee ; but I find 
a heart chat will not reft in thee, 
but be for it felfe.H ive I not found 
thee true and mercifull above all 
I could aske orthfoke> How is it 
then chat I ftiould lend thee lb little 
credit? Who will not condemne 
that wretched -Abaz* Ef&y 7, whc<* 
thou didft fcrid him a meffige, and 

' bid him be fecure in chee$ put it 
backe, hee would make fere for 
himfelfc? But alas, ? when thou 
fiyeft no lefle to u% we (upon the 
matter) doe aa leffe than hee. A- 
gaiae D wha: abomination isthis> 
that my heart fhouldj »aving thee, 
reft in fuch courfes Which icfelfe 
imigtaethanddevifech? I fee the 
Divell his word is proved toorrnej 

1 hec faidp wee (hould be like Gods 5 


Con federations dtjwafive from 

.which as it h fclfein rcipe&ofdi- 
v'nc qualities refembling our God, 
Co is ic true in regard of our finfu, T l 
ufurpacion : for we take our owns 
courfe as if wee were All-fuffi:ienc 
to our ftlve?, not needing any 
higher power : and what an inor- 
dinacy is this,that my foulefhould 
be thus turned earth ward,thinking 
on tfufe things which are earthly 
and tranficory, with litde thought 
of thole which arc*heavcnJy and 
eternall > we piccy that want of wit 
in civill courfe, which raaketh the 
mindcrunnc on babies, but never 
thinkeon ought fubftantiall : bat 
what is this dcK &kffe lamentable, 
which makcth me to ffc in my mi id 
things belonging to this life, f:l- 
dome mufing on thofc which arc 
everlafting? Thus when you hsve 
pondred the wrctchedncflc of ir, 
youmuft thtnke on your utter in- 
ability to mend the matter, by ob- 
ierving how deepe your heart is 
;ic in unbeliefe, chat you can 
tooQcr cruft to any thing man fe* 



' I 


overmuch wotUj carf A 



curcth you in, than that God pco- 
mifeth. Againe, hownaturallitis 
to you to plot and contf i vc affaires, 
and reft in your ownc confutati- 
ons, as if your good were in your 
owne hand- by marking, finally, 
how dcepely you arc bewitched 
with theie things pre(ent 3 how po- 
tently they work upon your mind, 
.by reafen of the affinity that is be- 
twixt them and your underftan- 
ding, being become earthly. In 
the third place, you rnuft looke to 
Ghrift toheIpeyourunbelicfc,by 
taking it away, and (lengthening 
your Taith, that you may give him 
glory 5 by fettingyour reft orely 
downe on this, that hee careth for 
you ; and pray him to circumcife 
your hearr, and pare away that 
Sclfe-confidence, that you may j 
have no traft h the fLfh #t but make. 
his care over you, all your rejoy- 
cing; yea, pray him tocrucifieall 
theie outward things to yoo, that j 
chey may not be Co powerful! upen t 

you* laihefe things you muftfok j 

low ! 

»"■" !» W » ■ II 

' «" i f >»«PW»W»P 

__ II IIW I ■ • - - I -■ I ■ !■ I I ■ 1 ■ ' 

Chrift- the Author &finifber rf*&c. 

!» — ■ ^ — — — * ii 1 ' «-^ 

low Chrift, for hee is the Author ( 
and fhifher of ouriaich ; he is che 
true Pi'uft by whom wc have cit- 
curacifion, not made with hands, 
which hee hath ieaied in ourBip- 
tifme; for the water is afeale of 
Chrifis blood applyed Co us, and 
ot that Spiric of his, which is 
pcured into our hearts, through 
the meric of his bloudf, to the in- 
tent ic m<ght abolifb our corrupti- 
on,and create in us the life of grace. 
Chrift crucified, finally, dothk'.ll 
the power of this world to us, and 
©ur corrupt inclination to ic, and 
ihe things of ic: thusendcvourl g 
to remove the roote and caufe of 
your fickneflc, the griefc it felfe 
will n ore eafily be cured. To 
come then in a word to ic,fir(t, re- 
member how ic doth worke upon 
you, and what a wofull thing ii 19 
to have the minde iaoruinatcly 
feared, with retaining thought of I 
this nature ; for firft, how greatly 
oe thefe hinder you in th« belt j 
things? Ic is che common choake- 



22 2 Tht da get ofwirmnh vpottdly can. 

weede, which like as pie doth by 
the oake, (6 it fockech thefapof 
Grace from the heart, andmaketh 
it unfruitful!. Aground in which 
filver Mines are fonnd,i$ common- 
ly barren every other way ; but it 
is ccrtaine* a heart in which veincs 
r unne of world ly cares, is al waies 
too fruitlefle in duties towards 
Gcd. Againej bow dangerous is 
this? For it is to be feared left r t 
erufperatc God, and fomakehim 
leave you to your felfe, and with- 
draw his care over you : if we di£ 
cerne fuch as will put no truft in 
us ; but love to (land upon their 
o wne ground, we give them good 
leave: a$contrarily,thc more wee 
fee our (elves trufted to, the more 
our fidelity is careful! for them 
that ftay upon us; thus is it with 
our heavely Father. Againe,you 
muft aggravate this inordinacy of 
cares in your folk, from this eir- 
. cumftatiee; if I were never fo 

needy, thii diftrafling care could 
aotbe warranted; but when God 


Uifepffiver againfl worldly care* 223 

'Such blefled mje beyond that ( 
could have asked^ then ftill to be 
in farther thought^ h^w inexcu- 
fable is ic > If a poore man fteale, 
icisafharae; but for a rich man co 
play the thiefe, ic is monftrous : 
Cares diftrafting, and not retting 
on things prefenc, are a fpirituall 
theft before God. A?aine. chinke 
how mKerable this is : fay one 
(houldthruftyour face and bodily 
fight into the dirt, and hold ic 
downe there char you cojIJ no: 
lookeuptotheSunne,Fifmiraenr 3 
the Trees and Fiel &, & c. were not 
this a wofull condition? O fach is 
the ftare of a fettle, whole eye and 
thought is thruft do *ne intothefe 
earthly objc&s, and fe held in 
them 3 that it cannot lookeupto 
confider the Sunne of righteouf- 
nefle IefusChriftj nor the heavenly 
things which arc given us of God : 
thus then appreheding the mtftry 
of it, lookeantoChrift, pray him 
cofaveyou, who is that Ie&s that 
fayeth his people from guile and 




Tray to Cbrijitgainjiit. 

»■% m ■ ■ — i» 


power of fin -from this fin lb hurt- 
ful to the prefcnt growth in Grace, 
fo dangerous to provoke yoar God 
againft yon^foill befecming you to 
whom God hath expreffed fuch 
bounty, fo full of wvetchedneiTe. 
Remember he hach faid, Hold m^ 
the truthjlwillfet you free; feare 
not 3 1 have ovtr-come the world. 
Agiine, you muft pray him that he 
would make ycu able to be hea- 
venly mindcd 3 and think upon hea- 
venly things. True it is, our minds 
naturally have no joy this way 3 fiad 
no rclifli in fuch thoughts ; but we 
(hall doe all things inChrift that 
ftrengtheneth us : Contraries muft 
be cured with con r rarics,the more 
you get to tafte heavenly things 
beftovved on you, the more thefe 
fliall grow out of requeft, and 
draw to an end. It will be good 
for you when fuch thoughts feize 
on you, to confider of your owne 
infirmity after this manner- O 
Lofd,how is my mindc throwne 
downc from Heaven to Eatih ? 


^erfwafive Meditations* 


How doc fuch thoughts prevent 
' m:,and come before I would have 

them?How eafily do f continue in 
I thera t How clofe doe they cleave 
unto me? Let meethinkeof thee/ 
thy Grace, my ftue after death ; 
and hardly willchefe enter : foorjc 
they vanifh.aad while I have them 
in my thought, (carce halfe of me 
is 11 th?m. L )rdj, ins chinVes I 
am like the wretched worni 1 in 
ths Gofpelij whj was held of a 
Tpiric eighceene yeere3, thit(h:e 
coulinocIjjksuptoheiven.YoJ I 
(hill fi 1 Ji fuch msdicatio 1 not in 
vaine, when yoa are realy cob: ] 
tranfported, for ic will cveaksn th: 
retime of then, and difpofe yju 
b >ch to feeke and receive th: cure 
of this evill fron yoar Gji aad 
Siviour. Tne PnyScians in hx\* 
kinie of unfeemjly onvaiiiDis, 
Wi(hch it th j Patient (hxildbo'ce 
,onhimfeIfeinagla(Tc, which will 
help him to drive the more, when 
he flnll fee his ownc defotmUy : 
ba: I fee my L:ccer will grow 




to heavenly mindedmjfc. 


beyond the due quantity of it; 
wherefore I end, defiring you to 
follow your good purpofe, and 
not to lye under your infirmity 
with any pretence. Wee fbme- 
times give way to inordinate 
cares, not meaning to continue 
them, but to fittfe things onely in 
order, that wee may be free from 
thero : but the flefh will not hea'e 
flefb, neither will being a while 
diflraftingly careful), ever heale 
diftra&ingcare; you (hall quench 
the fire with wood,affbone as^fione 
with yeelding to it. Againe X will 
doc this bat till, &£ This is as 
much as if one would leape into 
the Thames, and fjy, I w^ll caft 
my (clfeinto the water, but only 
till I be knee dcepe ; were not 
this ridiculous? Well Brother,the 
Lord deliver you from every evill 
ft3re; abd if you will ever be a 
good husband, and have all things 
continue and profper, be fore you 
win his favour, by prefenringyour 
diligent duty in Chrifthisfivour> 


;jin whofe hand is all your good, 
ojyea, the g :>od of yollr wife, chii- 
ifdren, and childrcos children for 

Yours in brotherly aflfc&ion, 
Paul Bajne. 


LOviig Brother, you would 
thinke me haply liketothofe 
creatures which fl ;epe over all the 
Winter, fliouid I but continnefi- 
lent till the Summer were encred. 
The truth is, I have beene very 
wearifh the raoft ofthe dm : fiice I 
Gw you^ but m/ condition is fuch, 
iri will not fuffer my minde to reft, 
were I never fo free of b;> J ily in- 
firmities, aid fecuhr cue?, which 
doe (onetimes looke into mee, 
cfnugh not mjch diftirbe m^e. 
Taily,ic doth cake up rn7 ftfeng: 1 !, 
tog^cftrength where wich to wal't 


tro'.n m >rning to nig it, waiting 
on my G jds fil vacion without m n 




228 The troubled Chrifliam refuge. 

king haft. The Prince of peace is 
my refoge, who as hee hath bis 
time of making heavie, fo he will 
jreturne and comfort in the multi- 
tude of his mercies. Thcfe things 
I w?ite not fo much for my Apolo- 
gia, as for your admiration and in- 
ftructton a thatyou may confidcr of 
your own cftatc,and examine your* 
peace ; that if you find it to be true 
and found, your thankes may be 
; redoubled for fo great a benefit, 
I which others want, which paffeth 
undetftanding : that if other wife 
it prove deceitful!, you may yet 
make Are worke, and let it aright, 
while the day ofgrace is continued 
to you. The Divell circurnventeth 
many by nothing more,t han by laU 
ling them afikep in fuch a reft, as 
I will prove to refHefie ffnart, if it 
be not by repentant courfes inter- 
irupted. A maa may have peace 
I from not ftirring and moving his 
? corruptions. TheDiven,wefay,is 
J quiet, if he be pleafed; difeafe not 
fin, you {hall feele little of it : fiich 


VeceitfuB Peace, and JinfuH Security. ] 229 

is the peace of a body, which is, 
though not ficke, yet in an ill ha- 
bite,andftate tending to Gckneffe ; 
ic is quiet, till fomethng be taken, 
which fightech with, and cxpcl- 
leth the lickc matter; notbecaufe 
there are no peccant humors in it, 
but it is therefore at eafe, becaufc 
they are not provoked and purged 
out with wholefome medicine. A- 
giine, many feele not difeaffnent, 
becaufe they doc not taske them- 
felves about good duties ; asinex- 
crcifing their fairh, renewing their 
thankfulncfle^gectringmore fhame 
and griefc to finite their hearts ia 
therr daily wams,in laboring to be 
more fruicfull iagood works than 
they have becne : in feeking hea- 
venly mindedneflc and holineffe, 
which might make them doe all 
things as become the pretence of 
God, before whom they are. In- 
deed no wonder if wee beat eafc 
while wee il oflknd to thefe 
workes. A lam. skJiglimbehath 
eafe while it reftech/*u: yet is not 



Several! cafts thereof. 

well, though ic hath not fcnfe of 
evill. Againe^hereisnocafefrom 
flecpinefleof confcience,while fpi- 
rituall flamber bindeth the fenfcs, 
and difccrtingfpirituall; Co that 
though there be many wofull evils, 
yet id all of them no difeafement is 
perceived. Thus a man with twen- 
ty fickneflcs, well afleepe, feeleth 
nothing, Laftly, there is noeafe 
often in the body, becaufe the fen- 
fes being taken up with objefts 
delightfull to them, tend not that 
grief which hangeth about them : 
of which fort is the peace of the 
(bule, which difcerneth things a* 
roifle, matters of griefe; but the 
gratcfull objefts of the world, 
pleafure, company, &c. doe (b po£ 
fefle it,that being in thefejt feeleth 
nothing of that which in jfbme 
more retired thoughts it teemed to 
apprehend. What fliould I /peakc 
of mifdeeming our eftates ? There 
is a way right in a mans eyes, the 
end whereof is death ; and the reft 
of which mifconceit,is like the cafe 



m «■ 

— — _____ _— — - 

Ta fa heed offpirituaUjlotb. 

» i m ■ i I ■ .!■ ■ ___________ 

of a golden dream*. Or wbar 
fhould I mention any other kinds, 
which I thiake not To pertinent 
foryoureftate? I befcech you take 
heede of that neglect of getting 
your ficke foules drelTcd, that 
fpirituall (loth and rcftiaefTe. that 
(lumber, ifcat having your foules 
taken up with chefs matters which 
are gratefull to the natural! nun ; 
take hcedc that none of thefe doe 
make you nap to your after for- 
row.» You will haply lay; In 
what ftandcth this true peace? 
Anfw. la perceiving the Grace of 
God fuch toward! mec in Chrift, 
that rr.y Conscience, through his 
bloodjis cleanfed from the guile of 
finne; that my foule, through his 
Spirit, is freed from the rage and 
tyranny of finne, that it hath not 
that power to carry me captive to 
ic,and workmydifturbance,which 
foratimesit hath had.Thirdly/hat 
my condition, through hisBlcfing 
inChriftmadeaCurfe formee^ is 
made fo comfortable, that it plea- 




2 22 t Ike true peace of Confcimct. 

lech me well ; there being no tedi- 
ous difeafements with which ic is 
accompanied, wMch would cx- 
tinguifh my j y for the prefent. 
FourthIy,that for the time to come 
hee will keeps me to him, patting 
his fearc in my hearc, according to 
his prornife, that I may not depart 
from hitUj finiiluog my faith feec 
hath begun j never leaving nor for- 
fafcing me, bur caufing every thing 
workc together, for my good. For 
there is afoure-fold Branch of this 
Peace; one, (hooteth forth of our 
Juftification; the other, from our 
San&ificatioflj the third,from that 
Bleffing with which God doth fol- 
low us, ii our outward condition j 
the fourth/rom the knowledge we 
have of his gracious pleafurc to- 
wards us, even for the time to 
come ; without whicb^ wee could 
not havetrue peace : for how can a 
man have true peace earthly, with- 
out a fecurepofieflionofthe good 
he holdeth ? So there could be no 
true peace (pirituall to m^ now 


Foute branches offpiriiujllFcicc. 

bhffed With heavenly things, if we 
ffilght not have and hold thcrnj 

wich a fpirituall fecurity. Where- j 
: e,dsare Brother aad Sii1er,enrsr 
in:o 5 hearts ^ marke whence ic 
is, that yon got oa at cafe from 
day to day : is ic bec^ufeyou fee., 
chit G 6 t> for fcis Christs 
bl *h hach cried for bet- 

ter things than the blood of Ab:l 3 
hath ab .d you from the guile 
of all your fiuoe? Is it becaufe 
e power of fionebro- 
;cic cannot prevaileagsiinft 
you, ix-Limcs ic hath done,but 
I ^ fnne wea&ned j and your 
v!th more freedome obey- 
g God in fach things, in which 
fomuimes yon could not deny 
your fvilves? D)e you fee, that 
whereas your eftates fomecimes 
were troublefome to you, now 
they are made fuch as give you 
contentment, through the grace 
of God^bltJTngus i.»Chrirt, ac- 
curfed for us > Dxh God open the 
eyes of your miude, to tec his 

L gracious 



2 3 2 I T~rj jour peace, whether PrHe y &c. 

gracious unchangeable good will 
cowards you forever? Then you 
have good ground for being at 
eafe within your (elves. But if you 
finde that your quiet fpringeth 
hence, becaufe you difquiet not 
your felvcs in weeding out youiL 



ignorance, unbeliefe, carelcfle- 
ne(Fe,&c. or becaufe you doc 
not prove your feeble fpirituall 
ftrengths, in labouring to dee eve- 
ry thing out of obedience of faith 
to the Lord, who fhould ever 
be before you ; if becaufe cuftoma- 
ry faftiions, occafions, or obje&s 
of this or that nature, keepe you 
occupied about them, take heed 
of this Eafe , as ever you defirc 
to live in that eternall Reft, which 
God hath prepared for his people, j 
Digge into your hearts berime," 
hold them to th<t which is a- 
bove their felves, through the 
ftrength of Chrift : (?hcy will hang 
off from every thing that is no& 
aacurall to thero.) Iudge ycut| 
felves daily in your wants to God- 

Wt muftprovt our puce whetber,&c. 


u arc! , fceke to C h k i s t the 
quickening Spirit, that you may J 
feele life and power in yoar 
waies : labour for (bbriety in 
the ufc of all worldly things : 
fyou know the laft times* their 
dcftiny is to have (hewcs, without 
life and power, to eate, drinke, 
marry, with forgetting the ap- 
pearance of C h R 1 s t.) Labour. 
thefe things, and the God of 
Peace make you taftc his joyes, 
which are transcendent^ above all 
this World can afford. 

Ycur loving Brother, 
Paul Bajm. 

L 2 


T he fellow-feeling ofaffliEttni. 


DEare Sifter, your Letter came 
not to mee, till I had beenea 
fortnight out of London. I would 
not have haftened from you, to 
have been a lieger there Co long. I 
felt my weaknefles knocking mare 
than before, and faw your hands 
full, which made me long after my 
moft familiar Manfion. For that 
which youfignifie,asbefalliig ycu 
that night,I defire to have fellow- 
feeling with you. Weemuftnor, 
like Swallowes, take the S aouner, 
and refufe to d wel wLh our friends 
in Winter : but it is a true faying, 
None knowes what newes the 
Evening will tell him. Hid I 
known it in the Morning, 5 1 may be, 
foryourfake, my fecond thoughts 
would have rejourned my prefenr 
defignes. Bat God is wife, who, 
whenhegiveth usPnyfickc, doth 
put ail the outward comforts wsc 
afr»&, farre from es, left his cha- 


1 1 m m* . 

Wt are more fen ftbh ofCrcjfes, 

2 3> 

ftifcments (hould work lefle kind- 
ly, and to the purpofe, wich us. 
Dcare Silter, the Phyficke rouft 
make us ficke, that doch us any 
good: yet Sifter, asweemuftnot 
binder them wich prepofterous and 
over-timely comfort of oar fel ves, 
Co wee muft not make them more 
vehemently ftirre us than they do ; 
for both arc dangerous. I perceive 
by your little patheticall Letter, 
that you thioke a great dealeon 
this late hand of God: Towtldtft 
Brother, your eld>Ji Brother already , 
your eldcft Brother already rooted 
out} the(e are all affcftioiute elo- 
quence, Siftcr,our naughty envies 
are full of falfe glides : when God 
doth us any favour, giving u> blef- 
fingSjthen they hold a glaffe before 
us, which makech them fc^me no- 
thing fo great as thry are ; when 
Gri {endethaiycroir^, then they 
deceive us wich fuch a glade, in 
which wefeemeto fee them mjch 
greater than they are. B-?fiJes,bs- 
caufe God giveih us fuch plenty 


j; *i 6 

than of Favours. 

of mercy, that wee arc ever in ca- 
lling and profeffiog fbme good 
thing, or other; therefore, theft 
being plentifully make them leffe 
dainry : but not alwaies feelirg 
fome evill or other, they move us, 
whea they come fo much the 
more,by how much they are more 
unufaailwithus, Wccfeelemore 
the ach of one tooth, than the 
healthfcme frame of our whole 
bodies. Let you and me then tilke 
about thefe things which fticke 
mcftuponyour ftomacke. Sifter^ 
Is it not more kirdly, the younger 
(hould bury the cldcft/han other- 
wife > This then muft not grieve 
you, that God hath taken the 
eldeft 5 he was the ripeft, and fitteft 
to be gathered. But why doe you 
(ay, Already ? Alas, good heart ; if 
hee had died before his upper Lip 
had fprouted, I (hould not have 
wondredat this word : but, Sifter, 
he lived aloaoft to gray baires ; you ) 
could not begge a longer Leafe of 
your owne life, in modefty, than 


Comfort for the death of 

God gave him here amongft the 
living. If wee kept our daies in 
number, wee would chinkc fewer 
yeeres many; and in thofeyecres 
he came to a ripe age. Takeheede, 
left whiles you looke at that you 
have nor, you forget the Lords 
bounty, which is already received, 
in his fo long continuance with 
you. Wfcei you fay, He is rooted 
out; Itakcit, you ufe this phrafe 
chiefely,becaufe hee is dead with- 
out heires male: bat that heehach 
hcircs ferrule, ic i&a gifc of grac^ 
which wee deferve not ;. neither 
will his name be dead, while his 
Brother liveth. A~d what is the 
Name? Is it none of our things 
which cannot be ihaken ; every 
Nam: mufl: at length be extinft. 
I muftnot heale more Jo you th n 
I find ; left when I fceketocurt a 
wound that is, I make a new one, 
whichbefore was not. I concave 
your meaning no further :bnt com- 
fort your fclfe in this ; your bet el- 
deft Brother lireeh, and is by his 

L 4 S >iric, 


*3 8 

an elder Bret* tr* 

t Spirif, with ycu co the cad ; your' 
; Lord Iefas, who i$ not a(h Jmed to 
callus Brethren, O Sifter, would 
you provoke your heart to he ghd 
of hm3j you fhouldnot faxtQWtx? 
ceilively for the abfcnce of any 
earthly Brother : and wbacfoever 
thing i* inyour thoughr 5 yet cor ii- 
der xvho hath done it^even your 
loving Husband in Heaven. Ifyour 
earthly Husband ftiould do^ibmz 
fhrewd turne, as unawares breake 
forae Iewellyou much fee by; whep 
you heard that he did it,you would 
btftaied, though before you were 
much movsd. You muft fay as 
Chrift faith; Shall I not drinkc 
the Cup my Father putterh in my 
hand>That God/hat is,Lovf jdoch 
reach it unto you. If you fee Go j ' 
angry, yet be of good cbeare; hec 
chat will not have finfull man iet ! 
the Sunne go downs on his anger, 
hee will not forever kecpe anger j 
againftyou: and a Parent is a Pa-j 
rent, as well frowning, as fmiling. ! 
Judge your felfc, and with a faich- 


Bez,*alom of Cjedsgkry. 


full heart, (hew him his beloved 
Sonne^n whom he is well pleakd- 
and he will be b^cter friends wich 
you than ever. Scirre up your (elfe 
co more zeale of Godsglorydn fee- 
king to briog children and fxvanrs 
to obey him in thcirfplrits^s well 
as ferve your (elfe with bodily fub- 
j ftion. Oh, tfrnke thecn no fer- 
vanes for you, that will not learne 
to ferve your Ktfsband in Heaven 
alfo, Hire an eye over young and 
oid ; K;it there be no appearance of 
ie4ea(l irreverence in your duties 
'to God- occafion your (elfe co 
, challenge your f)ulc every day for 
unfrmtfuInefT*. Oh, wefhouldin 
vvayofthankfaluefle, wich all our 
hearts, (bules, and ftrengch?,beal- 
waies in ferving hkn : wee muCx 
ftrire to the higheft, and then G A 
will pardon all wee come (Lore in. 
And though yon recounr varieties 
of forrows which you have found 
yet know, that God ftrikech not 
with his whole hand,but fillippeth 
you rather with a finder : our blef- 

L 5 • 1 fed 


Wi ate not *lont af flitted. 

fcdjSaviour hath drtmke the dregs 
for u?. Againe, you are not alone : 
y^^,tbargood Pat riarcb,had di- 
vers affliftions ; Flight out of his 
Countrey- injury from his Father 
Lsidn . feare of death at the hands 
of his Brother Efou * aCaft-away ? 
in regard of nurcy; his Children* 
blbudy Pvior • his Wives death ; 
jfy/^?j dcfpightfull packing into 
Egyft b &c. And Trier faith, Wee 
arc tpade hfavie with many Ten- 
cations*-- when neede is : Which 
(hotild yet more comfort us, be- 
cause that thenecefficy of our tft^re 
doth require that weefhould have 
variety of for ro we J. Indeed, wee 
muft be fbrry that our fbules are 
Co ficke, that they muft take Co 
many things: but muft be thank- 
full to God, that i? 5 not weary, 
but doth follow us with things, 
one after another, for our good • 
for yorir good All things [half 
works together, to the good of 
chofcthat: yc I: Yoer corn- 
torts nmfjboot : in this life ? 


^•*nsw«9Pssw«»<w - 

A Ckriftians crojfismake btm 

- - - * * 

here is not chat Reft for Gods peo- 
ple : wee will let Diveffe* flag a 
Rcqttkmio their foules; bucwer 
will pray to God for grace, that we 
may carry our crofle,and tike evill 
no kffe thankfully than godd from 
his hand : neither muft your com- 
fort be tacked upon the pretence of 
a nun; the God of all confoLti- 
en rs your Comforter^ that Spirit 
which Chrift will fend unto you^ 
ffonrrhim. And let all your (or- 
rowci be welcome for this fruit, 
which in the end you fhall findeby 
thtm : viz. That your departure 
from this world (hall be fomuch 
mere eafie when it cemmeth, by 
how much you arc before by fuch 
crcflfc cncoun f e<s killed in your 
afflfticn co it, S^ch a<mufthnve 
a member cut off, iFey willingly 
yeeldtofnve it bound, though ic 
be painfi )!• becaufe, when it is 
mortified and deaded with ftraic 
binding, :hey (hall ensure the cut* 
ting ot it eff farre more cafily fo 
(ha!i wee take our cutting off from 

i his 



«4 *- 

■*— ■ 

2 42 I wiilinger to part with the world. 

this World fo much more gently , 
by how much more painfull pin- 
chings wee have endured. Weft, 
cheGod which teachech us to pro- 
j fir,as Efay faith ; which purgech us 
by thefe meanes 3 and makcth u^ 
more fruicful] • he make you more 
furitfull by this his hand, in every 
good word aad worke. 

Ydur loving Brother, 
?ju\ Bxjne. 

3 r 

LOving Sifter ;ill GIc&s mirre 
a good Text : Co my ill con* 
ft ruftion had alraoft dor€ by yoar 
good Letter. Yet I am not ferry 
that I miffed your meaning; fork 
grievf s me not fo nrich for to' mi t 


conftwe yourphrif^as itgladdccb 
mee, thi: nofuch unrdinancy ©f 
gdetc came nigher you^s I imagi- 
ned and feared.. Tb*c which you 
conceived in faying, Already, t did 
eonje&ure it likewise;, but did doc 

plainly ? 

«T» — *-* *= 

Faiths afoveraigpse Ladj, 


plainly expreife ic ; bec*u(e I knew 
perfons in griefe rauft be g 7 ng-rly 
handled, let* wee make a Wound 
where there is none, or exafperate 
that which is already (waged. I 
chanke you for my Hmd-kcrcher : 
In rccompence of yoar love, \ will 
comnend unco you 3 good Mid- 
wife, if you will fend for her 5 ic 
is my Lidy Faith, whoistheS~>- 
veraigifc Lady and CotiTundreffe 
in ail things which the jofl mm 
doch, or (uffereth. The jift In 
troubles (hill live by his Eairh 
That which Iliye in the fi .-fh.evcn 
in refpeft of this eternal! life, 
World-ward, I 1 v^ ic-fay fai:h "»n 
the Son ^iGoifiH-.hS.Pjeu^tjjln 2. 
Now, this grea: Worthy doth 
come to none bu: thoic whofrft 
prepare for her, addrdlhg them- 
felves to her liking j fecofldly,(ead 
for hcr^ thirdly disc her to her co 1- 
tcntment : for (hec will quickly b: 
gone, if yon nuke not fuch provi- 
fion which is gcatefcll unto her. 
For the firft: Silter^greac Mid wive? 





-.— - •» 


and the be ft Midwife. 


on Earth, they come to great ones, 

where their wages (ha]] be baunti- 

ftill.their gifts libers]]- where they 

(hall have worfhipfruH ;efpc& put 

upon them, and all thugs of the 

beft fmting to -ih%jr contentment. 

find they cot e not willingly, bat 

where there is Come -likelihood 

they nuy goe thorow with their 

ie. But ny Lady requireth 

co provifioo nor qualification in 

rhe perfons fhec viiletb, but that 

they be poore in fpirir, s n J Pe 

thetnfel ves at luch a pafle^that they 

.ow notwhattodowithou:her 

s know nor what to do, Lut our 

! are towards thee, O Lord 5 

a fenfe,andourowne ftrength 

5 ftandjthen there is fie roomc 

'or Faith to enter. Youmuft 

therefore, good Sifter, what 

ft this cafe i?,:owhichyou 

. You knoWjgood Rachel 

1 way in ir. jft isthechg- 

'the great God ; which 

't put under with one 

3 with the other, 

we j 

«• L t- 

- •■ - t . . » ■ 

Comfort able infiru&ions to a 24 5 

v?e could nocindureic : Yea, deli- 
verance in this cafe (but that is Co 
ordinary) would defcrvedly be 
counted miraculous. Wherefore 
you muft not thinkeof it as of a 
matter of courfe, which you neede 
no further to looke about, than to 
get helped t he accuftomed means 
unto you : No,no; you muft labour 
to thinke that you are in fuch a 
ftrefle, out of which none can help 
you,but the fir oog Helpe of Ifratl, 
Secondly, you muft fend (or her: 
Now (he dwellcth in Heaven, whi- 
ther you muft difpa'ch your hearty 
fraycr, faying to the Lord : Thou 
knoweft, O God, how my heart la 
fallen from thee, intheaffiinceof 
fcj and how prone \i is to leane to 
fuch helps of the crea-ure, as I fee 
before me ; though thefo^, without 
thee, can doe nothing. O Lord, 
though I know rhereisnoRccke 
befide thee., yet I am fb dead in un- 
belicfe and falfs confiier.ee, that I 
cannot tru ft on thee. HcSpe there- 
foremy unbeliefs, and increafe my 



womjn great of cbilds. 

faith.Now when he do:h give you 
grace, feels faith camming toward 
you 5 you muft cherrifti it wkh 
fach food whsreby ic groweth : 
now faith fcedeth oa Gods pro- 
mise, on experieace 5 and on con- 
federations which arc deduced out 
of Gods Word. Thus you muft 
rhinke : Lord* thou doeft make 
the Hhdes to CiJve ; As thou 
hart chaftened us with pain in tra- 
ve!i s to thou haft promifed that we 
fhill p*(Te the pikes, and bring 
£otth y though with (brrowes. A- 
gaine^ you muft thinke, how you 
have fo*Jnd God foithfall and rner- 
cifull in this kinde. Finally, you 
muft reafon thus \ That hee who 
hath put that mercy into a finfuii 
mao, to helpe a Beaft in the tra« 
veil of it, when it is hard; will 
hee faile to give yon (a Daugh- 
ter believing on himj all the helpe 
thac is good £cv you 5 and which 
maketh wichhis glory l The Lord 
acquaint you with him(elfe in the 
daily, experiences you have of bis 


G id doth r.ot cornel us l$y 

Mercy and Truth. Thus hoping 
my Midwife comraeth not too 
late, I commie you to God, 

Your loving Brother, 
Pan/ Baym. 


DEare Sifter, I doe ddlre to 
grieve tvkh you, in your 
griefe • and to have, in fome mea- 
sure,! glad and thaakefizll heart in 
your rejoycing. It is but fince my 
camming co Towne, that I heard 
of your bruifed body and difiafed 
miade : my eyes are cad up co him, 
who break"cb not a bruifed Reede, 
that he would ea(e your mind?; to 
him that m ikech the broken bones 
to re) }yce, that hee would recirne 
you your accuftomsd health and 

D:ireSiftor, wee muft in all ac- 
cidents of this nature, remember, 
that our Goddochnotchaften, as 
having plcafurejchaiteningtinply: 



mjre than we have needof. 

but when ncede is, hee rciterateth 
ourcorte#ion f sukingus heavieat 
fimdrie tiroes^ and by C mdry occa- 
fia&s and manoers,according as our 
necefficy requircth : We (hall finde 
in the end,u e could not have lack- 
ed any one thing, which in this na- 
ture hath befallen us. 

Wherefore wee muft not be too 
rauch caft downe inthefe Cor re ft i. 
on?; but rather admire our hea- 
venly Fathers love, who is net 
weary of nurturing fuch unreach- 
able children ; who is not weary of 
following the cure of our incura- 
ble DUeafes* incurable, were hee 
not fuch a healing God, who could 
fubdue every thing to himfelfe. 
Yea, though our Confidences doc 
know, that there is a caufe why he 
chafteneth and putteth fuch bitter 
Potions into oar hands ; yea, that 
befalleth us, which is obfer ved in 
unskilfull Patients, wee miflethe 
Marke often, whenweconjeftuce 
the grounds of our owne griefes.lt 
is not want of love, Sifter, to S. S. 


Cod f urges w with ajfl0iws 

which is any pare of Gods quar- 
rcll (chough wee cm, none of us, 
love either the begetter, orthofe 
I that arc begotten,as we ought ; for 
all our delight (hould be in them :) 
It is fomc deleft, Si fter,in rhe day- 
lycourfe,andin the frame and con- 
ftitution ofthe heart towards God. 
When wee doc not, by imprinting 
in our hearts the remembrance of 
our Icarres fore»pafled, prefer ve in 
ourfoules that lowlinefle and po- 
verty of fp : rit which it becom- 
meth us to have before God, and 
which fometimesweedidfeelein 
co Science of thofe our provocati- 
ons; then we give him juftoccafi* 
on to medicate on fome new Cor- 
regions. When our hearts grow 
a grainc too light* when our wa- 
ter (at it were) boketh but a little 
too high ; our heavenly Father, a 
Phyfician no leffe loving than cun- 
ning,he doth difcerne i t,and quick- 
ly fitteth us whom hee moft tcadc- 
reth, with that which will reduce 
all to the hcahhfomc temper of a 



250 according to oar difttmperr. 

*• ■■ 1 

broken fpiric. Alas, Sifter, fuchis 
the folly ia the btft of our hearts, 
that ^ur beating will no longer 
dwell tffthusto purpofe, thaa the 
faiartbfteth; and as that weareth 
away, fo wee grow into a kinde of 
lightnefle, fecurity 5 and liberty^ 
which are fore-runners of fome 
enfaing rebuke. That God which 
teacheth his children to profir,and 
which givetb wifedoroe to us that 
want ir, without upbraiding us; 
he open our eyes,to £c our eitares 
this way, that fo he may furnifh us 
with true underftanding* Well, 
though theft things come often,yet 
be not difmaied - T it is Gods pre- 
venting love, who will have no 
neaft of ficke matters breed in us, 
which fhould then difmay us, when 
we moft of all fhnd in neede of 
comfort. A body conveqiendy pur- 
ged every Spring and Fall, is not Co 
fubj :£t to c6:u£t (natter of deadly 
fickaeifc, ai another, which hath 
long gone, 00 without helpof any 
(uch evacuation. Wee fay, it is a 


Spirit nail Phj/icfaafoaies gogd. i 

- ■^^••^ « n - ■— ^m ■ i I ii « 

oniferablc life, to live ftill in cotirfe 
of Phyfickf ; but we may tame the 
fpecch in fpirruall confidsratfon, 
and fay, B!efed are thsy, who 
are never without feme bitcer 
thing or other from God, that 
they may be reftorcd, and prefer- 
red from the fecond D^ath. And 
for my felfe,Siftcr 5 you have fjper- ' 
abounded tome in your tave^ your 
a£tio:s and fruus have not bcene 
fpirLg, but your affe&ion I did 
ever perceive cowards m: in ali fi> 
csricy.I am forry that I have fh i v- 
edyou no more,ar,d ;hat my health 
doth not give mee leave to vlfit 
I you, and come upon yon, without 
writing »ay furthfer iavitemem. I 
h .ve long waded in a confl fting 
Icourle, an J I thanke my )d ( vfho 
hach wrought in me) the lib jur of 
my minde, in fx^eregird^ hath 
notbeene littic;thUmikcth m; not 
able to mniftcr to my dear e friends , 
a* other wife I fhmi'd. When the 
hearcs necc Xvy r cquireth a confl j- 
ent of bl jo J to k,the hands & fuc'i 



Wt mujlfuppert $thets a at vetU^&c. 

m ' !• * l ■ II* ll » ■ I 

exc&ior members are left pale and 
blood lcfle to appearance : you may 
apply it ; when fupport of our 
owne ftates calls for our ftrcngch. 
we cannot doe that abroad, which 
other wife were bchoofefiill. Ne- 
ver thch fle, Sifter, if God eafe nor 
your mindc, that you can walkc in 
(bme tolerable fafhion under the 
burthen; and if withal l,you thinke 
my pretence might be reliefc to 
you that way, ! I will for a while 
adventure to you, if God (part me 
health in any meafurc. If God fo 
Iooke upon your ipirit^as that you 
feele your felft in fomeforcfuffi. 
ciently ftreogthened, then out of 
your love forbeare that, which you 
may otherwifc in love command. 
Thus leaving y#u to your God, 
who teacheth us to profit, and 
giveth hearts as well as correcti- 
ons; andwiQiing you much quiet 
fruit of righteoufhes in his feaibn, 
I take my leave,this 30. olQSlobtr. 

Your Chriftian Friend, and 
loving Brother s Paul Baym. 

Wt have mede eft he Lords daily aid. 



MY deare Sifter; the Lord, 
who helpeth uswithevery 
good defire.,helperac with prayer, 
which may find favour in your bc- 
halfe, through Chrift. Should no 
place hold me, in which I found 
not cafe and content 3 I could not 
mike abode long under the Moon: 
for though I hive fowne the feede 
of both, I know that I am not yet 
to re ape fo much as the fir ft fruits 
of my Hirveft $ I have need of faith 
and patience, to mike mcinherite 
every promife. The Lord be our 
ftrong Arme every morning, and 
teach us fo to Iookc to him,?hat we 
may fcele our fpirituall ftrcngth 
renewed.This I fpeake not of con- 
tentment grounded in godlinefle, 
for I have that in ray meaftre, I 
thankc God • but in regard of that 
content which refulteth fromth: 
pleafing rcllifh of outwardcircum- 
ftaaces. The fweetc waies of my 

youth ] 

* 5 2 I Gsdkis usbe weakjo r»a^e usftrong, 

I youth did breed fach wormes ic 
my Soule, ss chat my heavenly Fa- 
ther will have me yec a while con- 
tinue my bkrer Wormc-feedc., be- 
caufe they cannot otherwife be 
thorowly killed. I write this the 
rather for your fake; for true! y I 
findjthat the cofdence of my ihre 
and need doth helpc mee much to 
digeft fuch grievances as would 
goe too much againS ftoraacfce, 
had r;ot God acquainted mee with 
this gromd of patience. For yoi*r 
weafeeneflcj Sifter, I hope God 
will make it end iti ftreagvh. It is 
kindly for Phyficke to infeeble a 
while : H:>wfoever,hoid the Rock 
and ftrer-grh of the heart, the 
Lord Jefus. Hee who healed all 
Maladies, when hee was abated on 
Earth* He, whole glory hath not 
diminiflbed either mercy or ability 
in him, Hie Icttethus be weake, 
that hee may make us ftrong : our 
exrremitiej is his opportunities 
where mans helpe endeth, Gods 
power begins. The Father of mer- 


God oriel j ourrockf ofComfttrt. 

ciesin Chrift,drawyoutohim,and 
make you able a little co wreftle 
with him forftrengch, acleaftfor 
fpiricuall comfort : Hccwillbea 
Rocke,& ftrcngth, when heart and 
flefh (hall fail^he will give you the 
BrcftofConfolation, and comfort 
you, when no artificial] Confc&i- 
ons can exhilarate your fpirit 5 hee 
Will be Anodyne to you, eafing 
you of all your paine and gricfc, 
ftafombly; a ftiadow at the right 
hand, agaiuft all heat which trou- 
bleth^ a prefent reliefc. Our weake 
mindes creeping ftill below in 
earthly fuccours* are much more 
(baked with evils than they (hould, 
could they cry to God, and get 
themfclvc8,by vertue of his protni- 
fcSj as it wercj by certaine fcaling- 
iaddcrs,mounted up unto him.The 
raine cannot lye folong on high 
mountains, as wee fee it to doe in 
lower grounds; {b is it in thefe 
waters of our affli&tons. For the 
Fityou expeft^God who worketh 
above that we can aske, or thinke ; 

M hee, 



Wt muftfubmitto Gads Toake. 

' hee, I hope, will be better to you 
than you looke for. Sometimes, 
when we prefume upon freedome 3 
he doth with-hold it from us : and 
fometimcs when wee reckon on no 
other jbut to returne to our yoake^ 
and take up our crofle,hc doth dif- 
mifle us: but if it dot come 5 and ac 
the good timCjWelcome ic,though 
ftbeatroublefomcgueft; I doubt 
not but God will make it pleafe 
you welat parting.Neither be too 
much moved at thofe other petty 
afflictions : I ftiould rather chufe to 
have my houfe Gods Hofpicall, 
than a Court of fiich pleafore 
whereto Gods fcare is almoft exi- 
led. Bitter herbes are better, while 
they breed good blood, th^nthe 
fweeteft meate which ingendercih 
bitter voisii^and monall (kknefle. 
The Lord give us wife hearts., 
which may Mthcrchu(caffli<ftions 
thanvanity^wfoichma^nbt think 
much to dwell in houfe fometime 
with godly mourning AVdi Siller, 

*!£. iy 

the affi<SltdfbjB be comforted. 2 $ 5 

ly forrow, as a fofter-facher to the 
fnile : I doe affure you this bk£ 
fi g in the Name of theLord, you 
(hall receive comfort; thy latter 
end fhall be peace, thy winding- 
(hc*t fhall b* as Gods hand-ker- 
cher, to wipe all teares from thy 
eyes, through Chrift our Redee- 
mer. Which I (peak uof,to weaken 
your Faith touching temporall de- 
liverance which God ufeth to 
fhew the righteous (when ic is 
good) though they fall into fixe, 
yea,into (even adverfities: but that 
your Faith, confirmed in that 
which is principal!, may make you 
depend on God more confidently 
far his Redemption from thefe 
prefent cvillft (which is acceffory, 
and lefle principal!) and that Co 
farre as it may (land with his glory. 

Your loving Brother, 
Paul Bsjm, 
M 2 34. Loving 


Chriftim admonition. 


LOvingBrothcr : TheoccaGon 
oiwhius comming home,doth 
move mc to write (brae few words 
to yr u ; partly, for your better ft- 
tisfiftion, touching our affaires; 
partly, forourChriftian Admoni- 
tion, which is al waies needfull : ac- 
cording to tharj Admonifh one an- 
other, whibic is called to day, left 
our hearrs be hardened, through 
the dcceitfulnefie of finnc. The 
grace of God, which faveth us by 
the forgivenntflc offione • and the 
gift of adoption, which making as 
Sonnes, bringeth us to hare the 
Spirit of Chrilihcre, theearneft- 
penny of that mafic of glory wee 
looke for hereafter : This grace 
doch teach us, that is, effefru- 
ally perfwade,yea,andconftraine 
(as?^»/fpeaktth) the love of God 
dorhco(<ftraineu$; allfuch as caftc 
it, doc walke not onely juftly co- 
wards men, but godly in the 


The love of God ytlH wane us 

duties concerning Godsworfhip, 
publike and private $ and fbberly, 
in ufing all the bleflings and liber- 
ties of this preftnt life, which God 
of his mercy doth vouch fafc us. 
Now, many of us are taken tardy, 
bccaufe, that though wee have 
care of fare and juft dealings, 
yet, if wcc examine our felvcs in 
godlinefle and temperance, wee 
may be put in thablacke Bill for 
Nan-frefcums. For what is god- 
linefle? An inward devotion of 

I heart to God, which makcth the 
godly foule both ufe diligently all 
parts of his worftitp, private and 
publike, and alio in everything to 
fceke his glory. So,to walke tem- 
perately towards our felves, is to 
be foberly aflkfted towards the 
things of :hi$ life, which wee ufe : 
as neither to phy theHarbengers 

j and Purveyour <, to provide for the 
lufts of our hearts, before we have 
them ; n*r yet to goe too deepe in 
them, when wee have them; nor 
finally, to be moved much, ifwre 

M 3 have 



have not this or that which wee 
defire. If wc-havetafted thefwect 
grace of God in flmjl 3 you muft 
needs finde your heart drawne orf 
to care to pleafc God by holinefle 
and fobrkty,and u eanedneffefrom 
the things of this prefent World. 
Gods loveconftrainethustolove. 
Cos AmorU Amor ; That you (halt 
fay,Wbat have I in heaven but him? 
in earth in comparifbn of him ? We 
love him, becaufe he hath loved us 
fir ft. And if you have felt thcfweet 
of his grace, which is better than 
lifcjit will weane you in fcmz mea- 
fiire,and make you fober minded in 
thefe earthly affaires and delights. 
I count all things drolteanadang 
in comparifbn of Ghrift and his 
righteoufuefle. A mansmouth doth 
not water after homely provifions, 
when hee hath tatted well of deli- 
cate fuftenancf;(b,whofe heart hath 
(lied into Gods favour, which is 
better than the vintage or harveft, 
than all earthly profits and plea- 
fures : he whofe heart feekth this. 


e Ibep§wer of godlinefjc* 


cannot bat be more weanedlydif- 
pofed towards things tranfitory, 
than thofc whofe portion is in tfrefc 
matterSjWho know no greater hap* 
pinefle: wherefore let meeintreat 
you, as you will aflureyourfelfe 
that you are a Scholler, taught by 
the grace of God j letme,l iay,m- 
treat you toftirreupyourfelfeto 
godlinefle, not to the outward na- 
ked profeflion and (hew of it, but 
the power of it is Gods Image re- 
newed in the (pint of your mind, 
2 Tim. verf.%. 5. Then as your free 
in a glade looketh to your felfe, 
whofc figure it is, (o let your fouU 
ever bs looking towards God, 
whofe fciige it beare?; ftir up your 
ft lie ro him : fu;h as love noc the 
Lord Tcfas, Ut him b* accurfed. 
Would notyoubeafnaraedco &ve 
another more than your o wne be> 
trochedwife? S lal we not blulh to 
have our aff.ftion more towards 
the creature, than God our Creator 
aud Redeemer > to whom we ba?c 
pligh: our faith, as being bap;iz:d 

M 4 ia 


ia his Name* which is likcvvife cal- 
led upon us, as a mans name upon 
the woman with whrnn he is cou- 
pled? Now tree love is officious 
«nd diligent, not contented with 
good workes which are good 
cheape, but it will conftraine us to 
doe all good ferviccs that are plea- 
.fing to God.The love of God con- 
ftrainethus, yea, in private, to doe 
like as Abraham the friend or lover 
of God, Got. 18. 19. Yea, to halt 
that which is evill : Yee that love 
the Lord,hate iniquity 5 ar.d dofeare 
{ to offend God. Res tftfeUiati,fkna 
ttmorUamcf : As itexpelleththat 
flavife feare, which is more of pu- 
nishment than offence, love cafteth 
outfeare; fo,(bberandwatchfull, 
put on Chrift : Take no care to ful- 
fill the lufts of the flefti, ufe the 
World as not abufing it; be marri- 
ed as if you married nor ; yea, cut 
your flefh fhorter in fome things 
your minde (upeifluoufly defireth, | 
like David. Remember S. ?**/> 
PhiL± % \2< who was fo weaned to 


IVu mujl not ttfc lar9full things 261 

ail things through Chrift, that hee 
ceulJ doc as well in wane of all 
thing§,as in abundancg.D je not all 
yoa c*iy doe, kft you quickely 
commit thac you may not doe. All 
things arelawfull, but I will be 
fervant to aothing ; be not unpro- 
ficable towards God : Trees with- 
out fruit (hall be cut do wne; many 
(hall feeketo enter, and (hall not 
enter. Shore (hooting lofeth many 
a gam?. I call on you, left your 
thoughrsof marriage,your fcftivall 
recreaiion^ your companies, refo, 
bring you afL'ejpc : An eafie thing 
when the Candle isforth, and all 
Gill w;;hont din, r o fall a napping ; 
which will prove to your c -ft 
*?v hen God fliill fend for:h fun* 
mom for (laggards. My wife h 
weake 5 bu* Gxl doth bearc her up 
vtich meckaeflr* J thankfulne(T',and 
bope,in all het affliftions.We both 
remember yoa,and wifh your heart 
may not be hardened through the 
deccitfuiarffe of fin, Blefled is hee 
thaitearech alwaiet, but hee that 

M 5 harde- \ 


hardench his heart, (lull fall into 
evill. Fare wel!,comcr;end us to M r . 
M. his wifej&CiBrc* her,remr mber 
one thing is ncccflary- what if we 
could win the World, and lofe our 
fbules? Thinke often that Chrift 
doth denounce wo on the Worlds 
whom hee taketh not in where- 
dome D drunkennefle/xtortion 3 &c # 
but whom hee findeth with thir 
hearts afl^epe., in eating and drin- 
king^buildingjbargiinit g ; that is, 
following lawfull chirgs,but with 
negkft of godJinci!e,and therefore 
unlawfully* Reade theft plwccs. 
You have turned the quotation of 
many a Statute, reade them a *aine 
and againc, Corporall meat taftctb 
in the mouth,thcfe are facet in the 
belly : A man cannot eate his Cake 
and have k.But you may eate thete 
words often* and the ofcener you 
feede on them by meditation, the 
morefweet nouri&menc you (hall 
find in them. 

Your loving Brother^ 
Paul Baine* 

Rtpmtance the touch ftoxe of religion, 


BEIoved Bro:her,though I have 
taken my courfe hlcherco,and 
becne more indulgent ro my ielfe 
In privacy chan heretofore, y ec a& 
(lire y oar felfe, youarcinmybeft 
remembrance daily. My heart doch 
intend to do you the be ft fer vices I 
fhall be able>ia v/.iy of your foul?5 
I rope I {hill e^ecuce tbeai in good 
time- : I would be forry the Sceed 
ju!i ftervc while the grafte 
groweth, as wee we fpeafce in the 
' Proverb/vVhersforeldoaimonifh 
ru, that you would ftir up your 
bearc to repentance daily 3 snd chat: 
you would labor to feele that your 
affeftions arc no*' fit upon God : 
this is the touch^one by which wc 
rmytrythe truth of our Religion, 
and of that Faich we have toGod: 
thatcomfe which is eftraoged tc 
rhe&tfe all the country wide of the 
way to falvation ; this is ch? way 



-. ■* m 

■1 *vr . 

26 A I Tbtextrcifctfnftntdncc. 

co come, repent, and doe workes 
worthy repentance. If you repent 
not, yee fhall penfh. Now the cx- 
ercfe ofthisjs thus much : viz,. A 
renewed gricfe for all unwonhi- 
ncfle paft and prefenc 5 to ome 
honaenecrei & necrer to God daily. 
Can we doe eafier pennance, than 
to let out hearts finite us with the 
thoughts of our ignorace.our care- 
lefnetfeof God, andnrgltdtingof 
his fervice} of our great uoprcfica- 
bkneff?, which alone is fearefull ? 
Fcr t>he Tree that bringeth not 
forth good frui% is as well cut 
downeto the fire, as that which is 
loaded with bid. Wc cannot ihif , 
bat grieve in thefe confide radons, 
if our hearts love God. If we faile 
a friend inducy of love, it grievech 
us j bat if we doe hsro a difpleaibre 
and trefpaflc, jjfHy alienating fv* 
miode trom u\v doth c at as at the 
heart, that wee hav* forgo: ou* 
(elves (u fanre^aod we befhrew our 
fclvesfork : Qull we then take no 
care (or the things wee oa;|tand 


— ■ 



Wt muft compound with Godjo 265 

commit againft God? Miliceonly 
is careleffe of fhrewdturnesdone 
to fuch whom (he maligncth. The 
nature of Lore, is to grieve at the 
leaft offence given,there where (he 
Ioveth : What if (hee offend him 
not (b grievootly, as we fee others, 
fhall we therefore not be grieved, 
though wee hold on ia a cour r c in 
fame raeafure offensive > M in ha h 
right ro a penny a* well as a pound, 
and may be wronged as well i 1 the 
one as in the other: And will not 
the fame rule h:>ld towards Gxi ? 
You m'jft the rather heare on this 
fide, because that th? fparkUng of 
Gods angtr in your Town?, was a 
Summons (ent forth form (bepcr% 
that will not awake our fclve^ ind 
prepare to naeeteotir God in hear- 
ty humiliation. The Famine and 
Sword, and Plague, you know are 
the three greateft Arrefts that 
God ferveth on frchasbreakehis 
Covenants impenttently. This, 
Brother, is the oncly way to avo*i 
danger, to lookc unco Gods grace 




%66 avoydfick^ntffc bis Sergeants. 

wih x forrowfull heart, acknow- 
ledging, that you have (erved him 
loo&ly and imfruicfull/. If a Crc- 
dicorfhxild lay wait ro acreft me^ 
being in the Cicy; thoij^hlchan- 
ged my Chamber from the Temple 
to Whitc-Chippeiljthough I cor- 
rupted the Sergeant with a Fee, all 
this could not fecure me ; for ano- 
ther Sergeant might be got, cr 
(brae new coufe devifed for mee : 
but if my Creditor be compound- 
ed with,! w*lke (afcly. O Brother 
and$f[fer,tbusuis : weeareallof 
usd.btorsuntoGod; SickenefTes 
are but his Sergeants; there is no 
way of defeitiogjif God do lay his 
hand upon us, but by fuing unto 
him wich faichfull and for-rowfu.JI 
hearts, that it wouid pleafe him, 
for his Chrift fake, to give us a 
£hti?ius e^ aad freely acquit us of 
ail oar trefpafles $ which (land till 
then, as fo many Debts in his 
Booke8 3 upon out heads: then wee 
mayflsep on both fiuesymd walke 
at large j the Coaii. is ckay^vvicb- 



= ^-' i-~ » c* 


Dilar not rtfetiunce ; Call 

26j f 


out danger. Wherefore delay not 
this matter; let not company trans- 
port you, hi not feare of painfil- 
n r ;Ge,and forgoing dc light (yoa are 
worfe afraid than hurt) let not any 
indifpofition and (hthfulneffe hin- 
der you; (hike up your felfe 3 CHrift 
will helpe yon, M$do & medb non 
htxbent modum ; the longer you put 
it off, the longer you may. A man 
thatgetteth up forne time, xvlicn 
his head leemeth full of fLepe, 
feclethnowaat of if, whenhecis 
well wakened • nay, is oftenmorc 
Iightfome, than if hce had conti- 
nued fl egging. l^ec (hall lofe no 
contemraenr, by offering vio T s ce 
to our (firicull flothfalntfle. The 
Lord,thattooke L^liogering,and 
carried him forth of Sido w 5 hee 
catch hold of you, andfulpeyou 
ia this bufinefle. And when you 
have found this way, you muft 
helpe your Wife, and call on her, 
toreturnewithyou. A good mm 
cannot tell how to goe to heaven 
alone : the Communion of Sai 




Giber ; to walkf with God, 




•\ ■! « 

mutt be a pcfet of pra&ice 5 as well 
as an Article of Belhfe. One Cm- 
die lightcth aiother:even fo grace, 
where ic is, will labour to Mndle 
grace where it is nor. We had need 
to rerurne; all that live ftrangers 
from God (hall perifh: as forus 
then,it is good that we dra w neere 
unto him. Now if you aske hew 
you may walke with God? 1 an- 
fareryou; by letting yoar heart 
upon him : for as we fay, There a_ 
tnanis, where bis heart is ; ncicher 
cm wee have God other wi(e for 
our Go J, unlcflc our hearts b? to- 
wards him; for if our hearts be on 
any other thing, then that is our 
Treafure and our God. Njw if 
you wouid find out^ whether God 
hath your heart, or no, you muft 
trie it by thefe rules, by examining 
whether your thoughts and affe&i- 
orii ar* taken up with^lm. If our 
hearts b- fet up^n a things wee 
thinke on ic often, and muCe there- 
on in the night fcafba, being not 
abk, means-while, to rake any 

Rules ta kn<rn> whether our 


reft for ir. So, all that feare the 
Lord, muft be thinkers on him : 
though bee be not in fight of the 
bodily eye, herouftftillruninour 
minds. If we take no thought ofa 
thing, it is a token that it is of no 
refpeft with \}$. Brother, God is 
not fo commonly knowne, but hee 
is as rarely thought aponjand mens 
hearts fmite them not, when they 
goe day after day, not once calling 
to mindc the powerfull remem- 
brance of God : thoagh the Scrip- 
tare, when it doth termc men all 
the evill that is, doth ftile them no 
other than fuch as forget God. A- 
gaine, as the thoughts muft be 
tnindftill of him, fo the afFeft ions 
of love, joy, fearc, and defire, muft 
be towards him. Examine there- 
for?, whether you findenot, that 
your defires are more inclining to 
earthly things : you feare more 
often, left men fh*uld cenftre you, 
and note you of novclcy and prr- 
cifenefle, for doing duties to God • 
than that hee fbould juftly have a 


27 o hearts befet on g 9 d y or no. 

quarrdl againft yoa, for negle- 
(Sing his fervice daily. So, if your 
hcarc joy not in the acquaintance 
you have with this or that man, 
more than in the knowledge you 
haveof God in Chriftjefus, which 
isLifeeverlafting : Looke if your 
hcarcieft love be not beftowed ra- 
ther on the creature, tbanont'te 
Creator and gracious Redeemer, 
Jcfas Chrift, Now, if you finde 
aflk£tionatIy,howfarre your hearc 
is out of fquarc, then you muft 
not negleft to feeke remedy for 
this eviil; Griefe which is at the 
hseles thereof, is not to be regar- 
ded. For when the moft vicall part, 
even the h*arr, is touched, then 
wee feeke CordialU, andbeftirre 
us for the reftoring and preftr- 
ving of it : If the heart, as the 
Fountains of this momentany life, 
tarefpeftcd; what care rnuft wee 
have of it, as it is a Fountaine of 
fpiricuall life, never co be ended? 
There is but one PhyScian tha: 
feeleth this heart-pulfe, and is 



Thi heart naturally hard, 2JI 

able to healc ic ; even Chrift Jefts, 
chat hathfaid, Hee will take from 
us the heart of ftone, that is, our 
fecure, impenitent, and dreadleffe 
hearts, continually offending our 
God; and will give us flefhy , 
that i?, tender hearts, fuchasfhall 
froiceus when we trefpafleagainft 
him. We had need to cry to him ; 
for the beft of our hearts; if we 
knew thern,are (b naughr,that they 
out,for they are paft mending. La- 
bour to find out this mortall poy- 
fw, which cxTinguifbech all life of 
grace. Theloveofthe WorlJ,and 
the love of the Father, fighdike 
fire and water, they will not dwell 
together. Keepc the heart with 
all diligence, for thence are the i£ 
fues of life ; pray to God to change 
if, pray to him to ke*pe the frame 
of it: refraine that which increa- 
fcth the finfall diftemper of it ; 
noeanes, by which your think- 
ing upon God, and your hearty 



27 2 The violent take heaven. 

affc&ions cowards htm, may be 
cherrftied md encreafed. I will 
(horrly fend you a Letter cfi fuller 
direftion this way* Ic is better to 
feele Gods favour one houre in 
our repenting ftules, than to (it 
whole Ages under the warmeft 
Sun-foine this World affordeth. 
Commend me to my loving Sifter; 
(he muft thinke of this mat- er too: 
not thole that are carckffc and 
flotbfulljbat the vio Jen t^that catch 
at it by force, they carry away the 
Kingdome. Many that fceke, (hall 
not enter : what will become of us, 
if we feeke not $ In words and pro- 
feffion* All Chfiftians looke to 
Heaven • indeed wee are all for the 
Earth : this raketh up our thoughts 
and affc&ions, that wee are like 
Boat-nun, that looke one way,but 
row another. 

The Lord bs with both your 
fpirks. Farewell. 

Your loving Brother, 
Paul Bajne. 


A Letter intruding and comforting • if 3 


ALts,deare Brother,! defire for 
co condole your chance with 
you in fhe fight of my God, wifti- 
ing him out of his grace, to enter- 
lace the Ce k of h*s fweec love 
with your tr t Td'.fcomforc,: nd ro 
give you th quiet fare of r ghte- 
oufnefle, fallowing in «hc end of 
I this yonr chafti/cmenr. The Lord 
doih give us many ehings, and that 
onely to prove us, that by them 
we may be led uito knowledge of 
our hearts, cither to fee our owre 
weakentffe,and chert by reverent 
aad love the Giver, and foto be 
comforted when hee takeththem 
from iis^or to difcov^r by them the 
un weauednc0e of our affcftions,by 
living in fecortcy, andforgetfuincs 
of God; that finding fuch things, 
wee may be moved to godly lor- 
row; the end of which,is fal vation. 
Event, which is one Booke that o- 
peneth Gods fecret pleafure, doth 



for the death of a Wife. 

now fpeake thus much ;ThacGcd 
did never intend that you (hotjld 
long injoy that gift hee gave you ; 
hee dii it to try what was in you^ 
to make you fee it, either to your 
comfort,ortoyourfurther humili- 
ation before him.The fpirit of marv 
knowech the things of man; you 
have a privitie within your ftlfe, 
which can determine one way this 
ca(e,whicb in it felft is indifferent. 
Now to hejpe you (as God (hall 
guide) under this hand, you muft 
marke what this courfe, on Gods 
part doth moft probably tend to ; 
and in the fecond place, what you 
ate to doe, that out of your great 
IciT^you may worke to your /elfe 
true advantage. For the firft, the 
Lord dcth point out thus much; 
that there is corruption fiill lying 
in you, tha r cr.uft be purged forth ; 
and chat he out of his fatherly loue 
cannot ceafe,but minifter medicine 
to you, to the end that hee may 
bring away that which would o- 
ther wife hazard your ibules health. 



Cod ajfliUs mm without cau \ 




We are not made hea vie with ma- 
ny things unlefls our neede (6 re- 
quite, fiich S. Yeter.) Chap.T^ . A 
wife Phyfidaa will not give Potion 
after Potion, where bad matter is 
fafficiendy evacuated; much lelfc 
I will God reiterate foch ftroug pur- 
ges, if he did not fee that our rred 
' did enforce ic. Wherefore, dears ' 
Brother, you mullleame to fee 
Gods mercy in following of ycu, 
and the nrje Jc your (bule hath tbu3 
to be dc4ic withal] 5 you rouft be- 
thinke you, how that his former 
blowdi I not worke fo to purpof: 
upon y ou,as was mcci : which doth 
.mike him deale like the cunning 
Phyfoian, who when there is not 
bl>od enough taken away^ doth 
Refctert victs^ opeo tht Vcine,and 
make ic bice /reft. You muft 
bethinke you, what (cape did o* 
virtake you in- youth, that your 
God fliQuidrn?.ke a ambiance, 
as if he thought you not wor- 
thy of the ftabl: fruition of (b 
I lovely a blcflhg, as is a Chriftian | 
tradable ) 


How to profit by Gods vifimion. 

traftable loving wife : Happy is he 
thac diggcth into himfclfe, to fiod 
the roots of his cvills. Merbi nojlri 
fiCilins curantnrqnam invtmnntw* 
Pray to God that you may take ro 
heart thecaufes ofthi ^ ; then che 
cffc&s (hall quite ce*{e. whe 1 the 
caufcs are removed . We thac hold 
demurs to found the truth of cau- 
fe$, and who would rather have 
the judgement of awholeCollege 
ofPhyficians/ban not find out the 
ground of a bodily gricfe: how 
fhould wee fee kc to God, that wee 
might through his light difcerne 
what d wells in our fpirits? Which 
is the ground of his difpleafure. 
Now for the fecond thine, how 
you may make the b^ft of this vifi- 
tation ; you rouft doe this,be decli- 
ning that which may hinder, and 
ufing that which may further the 
cffrftuali working of this upon 
you to falvation. O Brother,if you 
take phyficke,will you goe out in- 
to the aire? Will you diftemper 
your fdfc by diet ? Will you hurt 


Wt muft take affb&ion to bean. I 277 

the working of ic inyou>(Such ac- 
cidents as thcfe,are Gods Phyficke) 
for your (bule : O be caref ull co let 
them workcin you to purpofe,that 
your healing(whenGod (hill (hew 
ic) may fland a Fall & Spring with 
you,may becontinuall. IfaPotion 
ftay not with us, but come up a- 
gaine untimely,wbat will it benefit 
the body > If a Seate-cloth be put 
upon us, and wee weary quickely, 
pull it offagaine,what profit can it 
j bring us ? O Co, when God layeth 
thefe Plaifters to our hearts,indeed 
fomewhat fmarring, if we will not 
let them lie oo f but quench that 
forrow for fid, by company, and 
other occafions, not dieting our 
(bules, as who are Patients under 
Gods hands : Alas, wee (hall be as 
ready for anew Purge,as if we had 
nerer taken any. O Brother,! give 
you no woife counfell than 1 my 
(cttepra&ife; if I knew any ftfer, 
you fhould have it. The Lord give 
you wi(3ome,that you may be able 
to looke before you,and delight in 

N fuch 


Wt art apt to Jleight offliRiott. 

— — — — — «— ^ ■ | i ——————— 

^ch things, which though they be 
tedious for the prefenr, yet they 
will end (Weedy •! know your dan- 
ger ; Oh, if wee had but our owne 
foolifh hearts, wee had enemy e- 
nough, too mighty for us, without 
the helpe of Je(&s Chrift our Lord : 
But a great many of Syrens fing a- 
boutyou a great many of matters, 
which will by little and little,fteale 
thefcvory thought of thefe things 
out of your heart :yea,I would we 
had not evill fpirits to keepe pof* 
feflion in us., with fvtch violence, 
that wee can hardly make entrance 
for a thought of this nature. Again, 
it (b fareth with us, that things the 
fecondtime, ftir us not commonly 
fo much as at the fit ft; asnature,the 
more fliee is accuftomed to medi- 
cine,thcle(fe (he is moved with it : 
0,youmuft be afraid of this carri- 
age toyourPhyficianjftrong things 
will poi(bn us if they purge us not. 
Againe, our hearts are (b hard^thac 
till the Spirit doe (often them,thefe 
laffiiftions which are Gods ham- 


We mufi not jl fight God f b*n&. I 2J 9 


mers, beare cold Iron ; all is boot- 
lefle. 0,when youfccleit, cryto 

him that hath promifed to takea- 
way this heart of ftone: what need 
I warne you how malicious the di- 
vellis, to dare (uch thoughts tfao- 
row us, as if feeing it will be no 
better,all* well enough? Your ftate 
is thus augmented, your credit in- 
creafed^your felfe more capable of 
further advancements andconteat- 
metrts in that kind; feeing you lived 
kindly with hcr,and it is Gods plea- 
sure, who can undoe that which is 
done ? The Lord rebuke him for 
you. O turne from ftch curfed 
thoughts which tend to this, that 
you may be kept fhmbering and 
fkeping, till God (end forth lbrae 
heavier fummons for the awaking 
of yon. Now for your helpe this 
t way J have ftnt you a letter which 
I have long intended, but hitherto 
have beeoe prevented: The Lord 
bleflc it unto you. There be two 
extremes under Gods hand : the 
one is to fee light bv it, the other is 

N i to 




mcancm a 


Co droopc too much under it. Now 
| you ma A go in the midft ; rake ic to 
heart,buc wicb hope 3 kno wing chat 
it is good to bcare the yoke., and 
that it (hall be well with fuch as 
wait filently upon the Lord : and 
therefore fay with Micha, I wtB 
bean itjktctufc IbdveJinmed.Think 
your heavenly Father, that God 
that is love it fclfe, hath put this 
cup into your hand, and fay with 
ChtiRySbaB I not drinks the cuf mj 
Ftther bath put into my h**d ? For 
our bodies good we drinkc things 
which make us fee many a fbwre 
face on them ; what (hall wee not 
welcome for our foules health? Yet 
asyou inu ft let it downe, and hum- 
ble your foule, Co you mud com- 
fort your ftlfe another while,there 
is mercy with him that he maybe 
feared. It is good to intermeddle 
reftoratives of /pirituall ftrength,, 
which may raife up the foule in 
true comfort^as wellas otherwhile 
to beate downe our foules in 
thought which may humble them* 


(jo d affiiUs to bumble, and 

The Lord hath given you from 
time to time pledges of his father- 
ly care over y ou:yea,fiich by which 
you may gather, that he will never 
forfake you ; whom he lovech, hce 
Iovcth to the end. Yea, this is his 
great love,andheoffereth himfelfe 
as aFather to you, that he will not 
let y our fpiric goe at randome, but 
correfteth the thing amifleinit; 
that he bring you to be partaker of 
the q iet fruit of rightcoufneffe, 
and Uue you from being condem* 
ned with thofe that are of unbro- 
ken heart,whofe harts never mour- 
ned for their fii. If you cannot fte 
this mercy, of this you muft not be 
difmaide ; though it be night, wee 
(hall have day againe, yea,his love 
is the fame it w3s,though our feofe 
and feeling is changed . Sit licit in 
natos facia amjltrafarentHm^ Mms 
tamer* tqua mamt. I do a dure you 
in that knowledge of my God,that 
if you doe but favourably Judge 
your fclfe before him, and humble 
your fclfe iu his fight : if you will a 

N 3 while 



then to cmfortttt. 


while count that ftate bcft when 
you fede your heart devoted to 
hir»; though the countenance be 
dcj ft, that great God that com- 
forts the abjett, and exalcerh the 
humble, hee will exalt you and 
comfort you with true joy and 
prolperity. Thus inhafte I com- 
mit you to the Lord. 

Your loving Brother, P. B. 


LOving brother;! know a word 
or two will be more welcome 
than continuall filence ♦ wherefore 
I will let you underftand how it is 
with us. My wifes infirmities doe 
continue with heviut fhcehath 
more ftrcngthj I thanke God, and 
the tiolent working of them is e- 
venpaft, at leaftrcflcih forafea- 
(on. It went, when I did write to 
you firft,exceeding hard with her ; 
but if the Lord give us faith, hee 
can worke above all wee can aske 
or thinke. It is good wee /hould 



Wc ate dull andfltepy to Good. 

have falfe fires (hot off fbraetimcs 
to flare np our flambring faulcs, 
wbicharc heavieto fleepe, though 
we be never lb wakened. Some- 
times a coldncfle comraeth on our 
fpirits, which maketh them un- 
a#ive unco good^likeas it ig in the 
body, the heart is^flccpe (bmetime 
when the eyes arc open : fome- 
time wee take a nap in the loft of 
our hearts : fometime wee winke, 
by falling into unfruitful! courfts, 
idle words, parting good hourcs to 
no purpofe : the Divell hath many 
watcs to rockc our foules a(kep,by 
making us rejournc our good pur- 
bcr,a little folding of the hands $ \f 
we efcape falling from grace, lufts 
unfrui f iIacflV:ifwe will not make 
delaies, bur fet upon good duties, 
yet even in the(c,our drowfie hearts 
make us nod oftentimes through 

Aod becanfc I am fallen into this 
Theame J pray you both take heed 
that your Souks be not thus oyer- 

M 4 taken, 


284 #* ought tofitivt again ft it. 

taken, chat the firft love, the gra- 
ces which at any time you either 
have had be not leflened. Lookein 
the 13. of the Reveht. 26. and not? 
to husband our talents, orincreafe 
them* is the next fore-runner of 
judgement. Take heed of giving 
place to lufts 5 He tbatfervtth to hU 
fie/b D fh*llreapc defttuZthn 9 GaI,6. 8. 
Take heed of unfruitfulncfle : the 
tree that beareth not good fruit, is 
a tree that (hall be cur downe, as 
well as the tree that beareth bad 
fruit, and every idle Word (hall be 
accounted for: let nottheDivell 
prevaile with us to put offa good 
purpofe; quench not the Spirit, 
iThef.$. ip.delaie^if any where, 
here (hey are dangerous- let us 
fhake our felvcs up againft that 
indevotion and (pirituall fbth 
which will creepe upon us in doing 
good: benocflothfull, be fervent 
in fpirit : curled is he that doth the 
bufineflc of God haftingly, Bro- 
her, we that are the Lords, though 
wee are not in a dead flsepe with 


Wet nctcU Summons. 


the World,yet our (bules have the 
remnants offach a lethargic as chat 
wee are often napping in thefe 
kinds. The Lordhach need to fend 
one fummons for us fleepcrs,or we 
fliould be in danger by them. A* 
wake thou that fleepeft, ftand up 
from the dead, Chrift (hall give 
thee light j he that is the true light, 
the quickniog Spirit, having our 
nature glorious with him in the 
Heaven. The Lord our Redeemer, 
the qukkning Spirit, quicken our 
foules, and keepe them through 
faith in his power, to that Salvati- 
on which is laid up for us in the 

Your loving Brother, 
T*ui Bajnc. 

LOving Brother,I havt received 
your letter ,ful of heavic reporr, 
but that our neede is 4ch that wee 
muft be made heavie with funilry 

N 5 tempta- 

a8 5 

<i i n 1 


The ufe we arc to m&kt tfGeds hand. 

temptations j our God doth not de- 
light in beating us, but our neccfG- 
ticsinforceit:God hath taken from 
you an innocent and fwcet conforr, 
thcnaturall Narfe of your nurfery, 
a faithfull difpenfer ofyuur eft ate: 
in a word, a good wife* who did 
you good and not evill all her daks. 
Wee aire bereft of a Sifter, a Sifter 
indeede (as S. *Pa*l fpcaketh of 
Widowes) whofeloffe, though I 
beare more weanedly, becaufe 1 
knew her more fparingly j yet it 
doth grieve mee Che is gone with- 
out any fruits of my love with her. 
The Lord teach us to be fcrvice- 
able mutually while we injoy each 
other, that wee come not to wifli 
we had done fo. Brother^ it is my 
dcfire,3nd I will feek at Gods hands 
with a fafting for you, that bee 
would give yon repentance, and 
fpeake to your foule, humbled un- 
der his hand, that he will heale all 
with advantage. A great breach 
hath God made in your houfc,but 
his mending is better than bis ma- 

^ ' 

Repentance only Jfops Gods ungtr. 28 7 

this, r hat God doth call you to re- 
pentance- no bufh will flop the gap 
Co well^s humbling our (oiiles-and 
judging them in this fight: now 
this is an exercife that requireth 
entring into our owne hearts, and 
confidcring what evi lis have llept 
in our bofomes, efpecially in thofe 
wales which the finger of God 
doth point out more particularly : 
'Devtr. go. i Kings 8. 47. 2. To 
get a fight and (enfe of Gods hand 
on U3,and yet of his mercy that we 
are not confumed. 3. From this 
feeling efpecially of his mercy, 
which is never taken from us in his 
chaftiftmentSjWe muft humble our 
(elves bycoufctlion, which giveth 
glory to God, and (hame to our 
(elves, by cenfuring our owne 
foules: as Ezek*26. 34. Yecfhall 
judge your (elves as worthy to be 
cut off: by crying for mercies., as 
T)avid y Tfahn. 5 1 . And thus in hu- 
miliation come to him, and re- 
new our covenants with our God. 



288 1 Wit arefiibjiU to many temptation. I 

Now of oui felves, wee arc full of 
indifpoiicion to this worktjand all 
thatconverfe about you/m cooipa- 
rifon, will call you from this pra- 
ftice, in which onely is your true 
peace : and (o you bad neede co 
looke up co Iefus Chrift, who is 
made the Lord,chat hath all power 
in Heaven and in Earth, that hee 
may give hislfrael true repentance 
andforgivenefleoffins, ^#.5. 31. 
Efay 26. 12. Not thinking much 
to attend upon him, as the eyes of 
a hand-maid on her Miftrcfle : For 
who is like unto our God ? and 
what is more precious than the 
Grace of Repentance ? Againe , 
Brorher, know, that you have no 
wiicdome, to cawy your felfe as 
becommeth you under this great 
handofGJod : For on both hands 
the Divell will aflaile you, and the 
folly found in our hearts, doth 
make his Temptations more dan* 
gcrous j firft, to defpifc the Cor- 
rection of God j:ftcondly,to count 
it irkcfome a cither to ward the 


Wet are apttofieigbt Gods band. 289 

fmarc off by impenitent rneanes,or 
to be fwallowed up with griefe, 
and filled with bitternefle^in endu- 
ring of it. Now for the firft, we doe 
k partly by inward fuggeftions ; 
pcrfwading our (elves, that wee 
(hall weare the matter forth well 
enough, that wee are once agiine 
at liberty, and are in elcftion of 
fuch and fiich preferments, (if (uch 
things happen not to be 11 your 
minde, it is the God of 'Pact that 
keepeth them out :) (bmetimes a- 
gaine, by making this or that way 
delightful] unto uf; fufferingour 
(elves to be drawncaway by idle 
company,which are no better than 
the Divells Whiftle, to call us a- 
way from all favory courfe^ yea, 
j his MinftrclSjto lull us ia our fpiri- 
tuall Qumber.Now take heed here- 
of; for this were to dawbe 'jp the 
wall whh untempered Mortar: 
The eafe which is gotten this way, 
ii like 'he eafement of cold drinke 
to hot Agues, it would make a 
worfe thing breed • for that which 


200 i Tht d*»g*r of deferring humiliation. 

- | ■ — ■ n - — * — ~- — ' — | 

I ftayeththe working of mansPhy- 

ficke,hurrech the body; which wc 
may conceive by application there- 
of to the foule, if wee will not 
imbrace our affii&ions patiently. 
Now, if you will not liften unto 
God, when he callcth on this man- 
ner, then hee will drench you with 
forrow, e(pecially three waies* 
Firft, hee will hide from your eye 
the remembrance of fuchthings,in 
which you may take comfort; yea, 
keeping you from tailing all the 
mercies of God, with which this 
correftion is intermeddled. Se- 
condly, hee will helpe you with a 
Speftacle, and make you fee too 
big,both the prefcn handj and all 
old matters &circDmftances,whkh 
may make it feeme grievous* 
Thirdly, dee will hide from your 
eyes all comfortable hope of Iffue, 
which God is moft faiibfull to give* 
Now therefore, deare Brother, the 
Lord lefts grant you may finde fa- 
vour in his fight, to efcape evill 
(bares. Make a venue of aeceiiky : 





The profit of Refmtance. 



be not afraid to fee finne, and fccle 
thefhaartchererof; but remember 
withal], what the Law of the Spirit 
hath done in the courfe of your life: 
(hike your covenant anew, there 
is hope with our God ; for all this , 
read Ez,ecb,2. 3. He is faithful! to 
give Iflue ; yea, though hec make 
heavi?, vec he will comfort in the 
multitude of mercies, Lament. 3. 
32. Turne from ir, as from the D:- 
ve]l,that would quench the fpark s 
of your godly forro w and abjecti- 
on before the eyes of your God. 
Take heed my Sonne, of defpifing 
and making lighter accounting 
irkefome,thcchaftiiemencofGod : 
If yee lacke wikdome, begge if ; 
I will give r, and not reproach 
you, Heb. 12. flames 1. 5. Ocry 
to God, that thus you may be gui- 
ded. Should you not finde this 
grace, hec would quickly lay your 
honour in the duft, and we fhould 
will hi$ Ki:gdomc, farewell every 
tbicg. But if hee give you this, I 



^ — 

The more we I$ve y tbe more ret grieve, j 

dare aflureyou, all happineffe (hall 
follow yoa here, and for ever. 
Seeke bit Kingdome,ind all things 
ftull be caft upon you 5 Mattb. 6. 


MY deare Sifter, what thaokes 
doe. I owe to ray God, for 
his Fatherly conlblation, where- 
wirh hee doth comfort you ? The 
Lord increafc in mee brotherly 
love, and that grace, which may 
make mee fanftific him in all his 
mercy and truth, which I fee him 
fhew any of his children ; efpecial- 
ly fuch,whom his providence hath 
endeared to me,above others. The 
increafe of your godly griefe,with 
freedome from diftruft, more than 
heretofore, hath nothing in it to 
be admired. The more wee love, 
the more wee grieve, that wee 
have offired any grievance to thofe 
uhom wee love. The more wee 
few ie Gods love in forgiving us , 




Tbey that graawtfier grace, 293 

the more wee love againe : (hee 
lovcth much, becaufe fiieefindcth 
much i$ forgiven her 5 much love 
(hewed her firft. Diftruft hin- 
derethus from feeling Gods love: 
Gods love is eclipfed from us^ours 
is much enfeebled towards him; 
our love weake, our griefe for 
offending him , canaot come fo 
kindly from us 3 for this is propor- 
tioned to our love. Bleffed be God, 
who giveth you thofc groancs, af- 
rer his grace : God ackno wledgeth 
that which his Spirit fuggefteth. 
When wee bid our children (as 
Charity for example) fay, I pray 
youj Mother, give mee this- we 
doe it notjbut when wee meane to 
give them that which wee teach 
them to aske. So it is with God : 
Hee doth not fend his Spirit 
to our hearts, to helpe us with 
groancs, but when hec meaneth 
to anfwer our defires : Hee that 
maketb us fa w, will make us reape. 
Hungric poore foules are glad, 
when they heare that meate is 



2? 4 Cb f 'ft *MJ*t*sfie ihtirUnging. 

coward them ; glad when they arc 
invited, though yet their Knife is 
not laid on boord.Let this comfort 
you,Sifter,your Cbritl faich,Come 
whofo thirfteth, and drinkc till it 
ftreamech from yon, Iobn j. And 
the poore (hall eate, and be facif. 
fied, and praife my Name, Thry 
that fceke the Lord, their hearts 
fliallliye. The Lord repyce over 
his ownc Wort e, and continue it 
in you unto the end. Farewell. 

Yoar loving Brother, 
PaulBajm. \ 


DEare Sifter, yourcoufinDia- 
bdm returning, I cannot but in 
few words anfwer your Letter I 
received. I doc defire to be thanke- 
full for Gods truth and tender msr- 
cy towards yoi, and for making 
mee a Minifter of your Confohti- 
on : Though wee be unfaithful!, 
yet God will be found faithfull. 
I When 

When wee through weakened?, 
follow him, noc challenging him 
with reverence^ concerning his 
good words which hee hath (]po- 
ken to us; when wee wait not on 
the performance of his proroifes; 
even then bee pre venceth us with 
his goodnefle; and for his Names 
fake, hec corometh leaping over 
chofe Mountainesof/tolw,T>i* all 
our indifpoficion, and unworthi- 
! ncfTe. He who is thus good to us, 
fo unbelieving; if we would mend 
our faith, how would he augment 
his mercies ? This fal thfulncflfc of 
God (hould makeunbeliefe odious 
to u?,and caufc us to labour agaioft 
it, by looking to the Authour and 
finifher of our faith; even then, 
when through Gods gracious pre- 
tence we feele our fel ves in beft ta- 
king.For as \ man, who hath beene 
handled fore once with the Stone^, 
will labour to keepe it downe,and 
,cleare himfelfe of it,when now hee 
iswell^andtheFitover; fo,tnthis 
unbeliefe , having found how it 


29 6 Itfbould excite us to Faith. 

(hakes us* when wee have the mod 
releafefromic, then muftweeftill 
be dealing with it: for though the 1 1( j 
Fitisceafed,yet thcfpirituallfick- 1 (0 
neffeftilllurkcth in us. Remem- 
ber, good Sifter, how the Divell 
hath diftutbed your peace : how 
little things, not looked to more 
timely, have bred matter of g^eat 
grievance* Labour to have (tilt in 
tight that our naturall folly, which 
raaketh us remember our beating 
no longer, than the (mart Iafteth. 
Labour to heare your Chrift faying 
every day to your foule • I am that 
Saviour, who fave my people from 
fiane, I will be thy filvacion. Fi- 
nally, ftrive to have a thankfull ac- 
knowledgement of Gods mercy 
towards you : Then flull your 
Peace be like the Sunne, which 
fhioeth brighter and brighter, till 
the height of it be attained. 

My defire is to doc good to your 

(bule, both in my pretence with 

you, and abfencc from you. If you 

.could marke your felfe, and let me 

1 know 

Wte muft profit by correBion. 

know what mo ft biodereth you; 
where you finde your fclfe wea- 
keft, I (hould fie you better with 
advice, when God gave me ability 
to ponder that cftarc. I continue, 
Sifte^bcttcr than fomccimes I have 
becne, but held under the hand of 
God : For that painfull weakneflc 
in the bottoms of my body, doth 
flill follow mee. The Lord teach 
mee to doe his will, and indure his 
pleafore : And hee that will have 
finfull men joyne withCom&i- 
on, Nurture and Inftru&ion, hee 
make me profit by all his chaftife- 
raents. The Lord delight to make 
us ever with good hearts confefle 
his truth and mercy towards us. 
The Lord bleffe you with increafe 
I of comfort, and bleflc all yours, 
| with you. 

Your loving Brother, 
Paul Bajne. 



M r-> \r w*v\ 

'j «_/*/#/ y 

9 *s » *^ » 




LOving Sifter, I am glad that) 
God doth adde fbmewhat to 
your health ; for I hope it is a | 
pledge of further favour.The Lord 
open our eye?, chat wee may fee] 
him to be our life, and the length 
of our daies.You muft not let wantj 
of company make you It Qz light-' 
fbme : wee u(e not company wcllj 
wheu wee are not fitted, by inpy- 
ing it,the more thankefully to for- 
beareit, whenthepleafurcofGod 
is, that we fhould be bereaved of it 
for a while. Your beft Husband, 
hee is with you (till, at Bed and 
Boord, ready to vouchsafe you the: 
fweeteft CommunionThe Lord of I 
his tender love draw you after 
him, and fpeake peace and falvati- 
on to your (pirit. I have kept from 
you the extremity of my Vifitati- 
on -, but the Candle hath not gone 
out by night, fince theThurfday 
after my cemming from you : till 


Submit to Gods Rod. 

2 99 

within theft two nights, for a 
;ood fpacc,I hare beene forced to 
uve fome watch by mce. Yet, 
Sifter, thefe arc but the beginnings 
)f forro wes, thefe are not the fick- 
lefles that I have long looked 
for. The Lord make mee preci- 
ous in his fight, to be made able to 
fuffer and doe every thing in his 
Chrift. My heart followeth God, 
defirous to be taught of him whol- 
ly, to endure all his plcafure. I 
thanke you for your loving re- 
membrance^ which you ftill have 
of mee. The Lord ftirre up ray 
heart, that I may remember you to 
him, and that I may be ready to 
helpe you with whatfoever Office 
of true love (hall lie in my power. 
Thus with my love remembred, I 
commend you, and all my Coufins 
with you to the gracious protefti- 
| on of the Alcnighty. 

Your loving Brother, 

Paul Bsjnt. 



LOvc is a thing we may lawfully 
owe; and becaufe this is a fruit 
of love to confidcr one another, 
and prcvoke to good workes, to 
exhort one ancther,that we be noc 
hardened through the deceitful- 
nefle of fin : Therefore I wifh that 
orfcer things not neglcfted,my love 
may be moft frunfull in this kinde. 
i Let me then call to your mind the 
duties you know welU that you 
may more and more beapra&ifcr 
of them. The Scripture, 2 Cor. 13. 
5. 6. biddcthus prove our feives, 
and telleth us, that if Chrift be not 
in us, wee are counterfeits : It be- 
commeth us therefore, to fee on 
what ground wee (land, thatvvee 
may make fare worke with our 
God. If falfe gold walked abroad, 
weedould not take a Piece, but 
trying it; fo wife wee are, that we 
may not be deceived in earthly 
things, when wee hand over head 


fVe may hp$r* whether we be Chrijfs* 

admit any :hing as currant iichc 
way offal virion. Now wee may 
eafily knowifweebeinChrift, or 
Chrift ici us : for as where the Sua 
(hint th ic may be decerned hence, 
becau/e the darknes doth difperfe, 
all things are lightfome : Even fo, 
where this Sao of RighteoufhefTc 
ftiineth, the darke clouds of igno- 
rance aid fianc are fcatrered., the' 
light of knowledge and grace fhi- 
neth, ! f you be in Chrift, yoa have 
cracifiedthefl.fh, withtheluftof 
ir^ </*/. 5. 24, If you be in Chrift, 
you are a new creature, 2 Cor. 5. 
20. Wherefore, Brothcr^becaafe I 
know there is little wind abroad 
todnue this Mill, the Lord by his 
Spirir worke all things for us. 

Your loving Brother, 
Ptul Baync. 

O 43, Well 



womtn grape. 



Ell, you fliould let nice 
heare from you 3 and know 
how, you feele your foulc affefted ; 
who can fie a ftiooe that k ioweth 
not the foote 1 how can I fie you 
withhelp&Ucounfcll, while you 
conceaie from mee your daily con- 
dition > You would not willingly 
have a PhyficiaQ preterite blind- 
fold, roving in uncertaine without 
a marke;but you care not what you 
put upon my invention. Brother, 
how do you feele your foulc every 
day ? doth it grow up in the life of 
God? hath it more defire of him, 
thought cocerning hinynorc love, 
repenrance, holy fliame-faftnefie? 
If the body be. in au Atrophy, and 
not like, what meanes (over wee 
u fed, what a grief e would it be un- 
to us > (hall wee not grieve if our 
fbules grow not up in the life of 
graee? Doe you feele fome little 
good thing more than you have 


The life nf grace requires 

done heretofore ? ic muft comfort 
us, and wee muft confeffe it with 
thanks, giving to God glory. If we 
mention by Letter, and bleffe God 
in our bodily health, how much 
more muft his kindncfle in our 
(bules be acknowledged? I pray 
you let me & you fall into Letter- 
colloquies of this nature. Brother, 
the life of Grace in the heart doth- 
askedaity diligence to maintaiae 
it. Doeyou not fee in nature, ^4**- 
mwtis ctt)u[<fc vit*efiftig4 f Were 
it not for the repaire by nutrition, 
the naturall life would be foone 
cxtinguifhed. Sodoryounotfeele 
the life of God in your fbule ? you 
cannot find any vigor of it (boner, 
than you lhall fcek a fecret cxhau- 
fturc and decay creeping upon you. 
Now as wee take bodily refe&ioo 
daily, and count it not grievous, fo 
wee muft workeupon our hearts 
before God, that we may feele6y 
this means,firom himadaily renew- 
ing of the beft ftrength in us. The 
good God of nature hath put a de- 

O 2 light 




■ u p 

Daily nourishment 

l'gbtin thofe bodily fur iftions, in 
w ch is the preservation of our per- 
fons^this makes us not abjeft the j 
butbecaufe our foules are to the 
meanes of grace, as a ficke ftoraack 
is affefted to racate., becaufc it is 
painfull a little to us^thercfore the 
belt duties are fore-fbwed. The 
Lord fave us from this fl )th of fpi- 
rit,we will eatc without appetite : 
one bit, they fay, will drive downe 
another. Let us doe thus with our 
fbules,and we fhallfinde that eaiic 
which hath feemed painfull. With- 
out cracking the (hell, wee cannot 
come to the kernel!. The Lord 
kcepe you in his feare and favour. 


GOod Mafter ZW. I cannot 
but write unto you, things 
going as they doe, though other- 
wife I fhould have uftd fortae for- 
bearance, becaule of roy Xmploy- 
ments. The firft part of your Let- 
ter did re Joyce race, and the latter 


The vtyce ofthaukfgiving. 


grieve me : For I defirc to pra&ife 
the duty of remembring the affli- 
ftcd, as if my felfe were affhtted hi 
body; according as wee are com- 
manded, Hebr. 13. 3. I am glad 
God huh noc onely kept you hi- 
tFurco, but (lied into your heart his 
Fatherly love in Chrift r fo thn you 
vow (through his grace) thankful- 
nefle anro the end, A voyct taught 
by Gods Spirit; for you may fee 
the fame working in the hem of 
the Prophet, on like experience 
1 of Go Js goodie ffe : PJal. 146.2. 
[wiflpfjife the Lord 'tinting my life, 
as long as J have iny being, J will 
fwg to ny God. It is a feemcly 
thing to breake out into thofe 
voyces : what fhall wee give the 
Lord for all his benefits (hewed 
to us? Deliverance isc omforcuble, 
but Gods loving kindncfle is bet- 
ter than life. Therefore wee muft 
bow o'Jr knees to the Father of 
our Lord Jtfus Chrilt, that wee 
may know more tin? love of God 
in Chrilt, which paflkch all know- 

O 3 1 fV 


306 J Whom God loves 6nce 7 he loves ever. 

ledge. It was Gods great mercy to 
let you drinke of his favour in any 
meafure, before hee changed his 
right band; I mesne his dealing 
with you : for whom hee once lo- 
vethjthere is nothing (hall for ever 
make a (eparation betwixt his love 
and the party. Neither life, nor 
death^eithcr any thing prefent^or 
any thing which may fall out here- 
after, (hall be able to feparate us 
from the love of God in Chrift : for 
all Gods gifts, his love, and the 
fruits of it, concerning that be tec r 
life, they arc without repentance. 
You rauft then not let your (elft be 
too much caft downe, but comfort 
your felfe in the Lord your God. I 
pray you reade the firft of Sam. the 
30. Chap, and the 6. vevf. I am not 
ignorant M r . Dowfonjhn a wife is 
very neere, and fo a husband to a 
wife. lin part confider it,though I 
cannot weigh it as I (hould.Againe, 
I know that even the deare Saints 1 
of God have not beene able to 
bridle this paflion : lacob would 



Be not fixed on esrtbly thing r. 

goe weepiog to the grave after his 
fonne, and would not be comfor- 
ted. Yet wee muft know what is 
the will of our God : namely, that 
feeing the fafhion of all earthly 
things paffeth away, and feeing 
that through Chrift he doth cover 
oar fpirirs, and give us hope of a 
better enduring life : that there- 
fore wee fhould rejoyce, as if 
wee rejoyced not; and weeps as 
if wee wept not; wee fhould not 
ovsr-much be afik&ed with the 
poffefling or removall of thefe 
things which are 






in Gods Building, . 

Written in a Letter 

byM r . Paul Bay me, iomctime 

Preacher of Gods Word at Saint 

Andnvces in Cambridge. 

EfFe&ually inflru&ing, and 
earneftly provoking ro true Re- 

pecuncc, Love, and . new 


The fourth Edition 3 inlargeil by a more 
perfeft Cupie, 


Printed by E.G. for 1. N. and are to be 

(old by Sam,Enrlerbyu\ Topes-Head- 

AUc), at the SigneoftheScar, 1637. 



The Preface to 


LOving 'Brother, nature 
her felfufuch it School. 
tnifireffe, tbatffieteacb- 
etb her Creatures induflry in 
their kind:the dumb elements 
are carried about frith inde- 
fatigable motion : The Ant, 
and other creatures, are ex* 
ceeding induflrieus. As na- 
ture maheih a man incline to 
atlion j fo mfedome maketh 
him to choofe hti yporke, to 
leave that "which ii dead and 
to leffe advantage, and to 
choofe that "which u mofl 


mm — ■ • - ■; 

. •'.** «■ J t 


commodious. Humane wife- 
dome {unable to go beyond h*r 
compare) can but point us to 
civiQ human works jbe fruit 
wherofu a good proportion- 
able t to wit, civil or external,. 
The wifedome which if from 
above and heavenly guide \th 
our hands to a higher plough, 
and biddeth m exercife our 
felyes in godlineffe, meeting 
God with repentance, fiir 
ring up our heart J, that they 
may be affeclioned towards 
him. And becaufe the worke 
it tranfeendent and of higher 
nature than thefc fecular \and 
Wee are ready to thinke with 

Peccr,Mrf/?ir,ip; do tbmand 

thus, j 





tbuf y what (ball wee haDe< 
God {that wee might better 
like the work)dotb mend cur 
wages^ajjuring us tbatgodll 
nejje u great gaine of it f elf e, 
bringing content mentyeajje 
I dotbpromi/e us the things of\ 
this life, and oft bat which is 
to come jf we will learne thu 
occupation, Now he that wil 
increafe grace andgodlincjjc 
in his heart, mujt labour hi> 
foule this way with wreflling 
and contention. It is not eye- 
ry walking and moving in a 
Cbriflian courfe, by which 
trace ii augmented More (en 
i Die j but flirting ourfelyes 
up, and putting fo jot tb the 



grace "free haye, that injome 
fort -%>e feel the utmofl it Drill 
reach totas natural} ft renph 
is not increafed with eyery 
fedentarj motion.that tsfuch 
fiirring 3 as is next to fitting 
ftill, but "frith fuch exercife, 
which if it be not ad fudo 
teyet is,ad rubbrem^ here 
it is mo ft moderat W her fore 
as you "frould haye thefoule 
thriye, breathe it well in me- 
ditation, and other duties of 
deyotion. Wee haye indeed 
ftiffeakingjoints % thatpaine 
us to ft ir in this kind: but the 
more -warmth wee get, the 
more all grief e "frill be abated. 
No^fr there is no one branch 




of devout exercife more fruit- 
full than that of Soliloquie , 
wherein we commune with our 
owne foules, and excite them 
towards God. Words ferve not 
onely to make knowne the con- 
ceptions of our minds, but to 
give glory to God who under- 
flandeth our thoughts afar off; 
and to blow up devotion^ and 
kindle our cooling affections to • 
wards him. Inordinatpafsions 
come likefoule weather Jce fore 
wee fend for them, they often 
\ present all attion oj the will : 
but good affebl ions are fo over- 
laid with fin which compaffeth 
us about, that if wee gather not 
wind under their wing (fo 



ponderous tbeftejhis)they can* 
not mount up to the purpofefor 
the warrant of this duty, wee 
haye both precept isfpratlics^ 
take "Words to your fe foes ', H o i . 
1 5 . j.Hcb. ; . 1 ; . Examples both 
facredj?[a,\.^z n .Gen. 14.4 9. 
andEcclefiajticall ^Iuftinf., 
and many others. To leadeyour 


band in this matter J gfoe you 
this letter •, "which containeth a 
forme of Soliloquies fer"Ping to 
further your daily repentance^ 
and found affeclion towards 
God -, keepe it for your private 
ufe. And the Lord.Iefm 3 the 
quickning Saviour, be with it 
to the end above named. 

Tout Iov;ng Bf othery. 

'Pttut Bayru. 



- - 

g fc&a ^ 




O R, 

A Holy Helper in 

Gods Building. 

and rooft perilous 
times, in which 
the power of god- 
lindfeis much de- 
cayed; and. Love, 
Mat .2^. 12. through abundance 
of iniquity, much cooled. Now, j 
there is no one thing which more 
breedcth this consumption of 
Grace,and growth of he contrary, 
than the want of fuch Spirituall 
Exercifes as awaken grace, and re- 
new the ftrengthof it in us, from 
one degree to another. For as not 



the benefit ef Soliloquies. 

- i -— — — ■ < ii ■ ■ »^— — — — 

blowing, briogs the firetobcex- 
cinft in time, no le0e than the pro- 
curing ofcold Waterto be poitfired 
upon it : Co the (1 athfull^ not row- 
well as the wilfall, living in fame 
knowne fii ; death followeth upDn 
both. The difference is 5 one is vio- 
lent and fpeedy, th£ other is (as we 
fpeake of Consumptions) gentle, 
and lingring, but ho leffe certaine. 
Now, chough there are many 
meanes whereby the foute doth 
ftiakeupicfelfe, yec thctefcaatte 
more fruitfully than for a Chtiftbtn 
to accuftome himfelfc to S'vliU- 
qnh) taking words to our ieltfcs, 
between God and our owuefoules. 
Words ferve not onely to open bur 
minde, that others may cohceive 
our meaning, but to honour God 
("who undcrftandeth us, without 
chem)and arejasit were 2 Bsllowes 
to blow up our affeftiobs, ttfhfcn 
their devotion coolcth. Sinful pa£ 
(ions Will prevent oUr Wills, and 
come (as wee fay of foulc Wea- 

Soliloquies c omandtd, fraUtfed. 1 315 

thcr) before they are fine for. But 
for holy affefttons (fo ponderous 
is our corruption, which preffeth 
downc) unkfle wee Lbour the 
thing with our heart?, they will 
not rife to any purpofe ia us. God 
therefore hath commanded it un- 
to us \ and complainech, when it is 
negle&ed. Hof.iq. 2. Take words 
to your (elves : None awaketh 
himfelfe to lay hold on God : None 
faith, Jercm. 8. 6. What have I 
done* And the moft excel tent 
men of God have abounded in fo- 
litary Conferences with God and 
their Soules; as both facred and 
Ecclefiafticall Story teach* by the 
examples of Vavtd, and others, 
Saint tsfujien, Anfelme^ and Ber- 
nard. The fruite of this Exercife, 
hath made mee fct downe (for 
the hclpe of Novices, who have 
'not becne exercifed this way) a 
Forme of Wor^, which might 
containe fit Soliloquies, to further 
us in found Repentance, an J good 
Affr&ions towards God. Firft, 


3 20 Gods judgements call for repentaxee. 

therefore, to dcale with you in 
Repentance* then, to hclpe you 
forward in Love, and new obe- 
The Lord preacheth Repentance 
ft ill unto us. If a Meffenger knock 
at our doore, and anfwerbe retur- 
ned, he Is gone forthwith to thefe 
that fent him. So, if the Plague, } 
and fuch like Mongers, which 
God fendech to us, had that which 
they corns for,chey would not ftill 
ring the Bell at our doores, and 
call upon us. Neither doth God 
wait for Repentance onely from 
the wicked, but he would have his 
deareft Children meete him, con- 
demning themfelves, Luke 13. 5. 
If yce repent not alfo more and 
more, when yee fee the exam- 
ples of Gods wrath, yet {hill alfo 

Firft, to (hew you what this is, 
I {hall by this meanes ftirre you up 
unto it more fruitfully. By Re- 
pentance,! cweane nothing elfe, but 
\ godly forrow for finne^ wherein the 
1 foule 

"he Nature ofRcpence. 



foulchumbfeth ic £lfe before God, 
and commeth home to him. It is 
not a worldly fonow,Iike theirs 
in Hofesj. 14. which maketh us 
whine, becaufe the World is hard ; 
nor yet a hopelefie griefe,for feare 
of puniftiment : but a griefe for 
finoe, as it difpleafcch God ; whole 
love through Chrift, wee have felt 
(hed in our hearts ; whofe mercy 
wee Qe ic i?, that wee are not con- 
fumed; yea, whofe fatherly aff&i- 
on doth feeke to call us home by 
loring Corre&ioru 

Now in tlrs furrow, thefoule 
doth humble it felfe : For this is 
the nature of Repentance ; it will 
make us takefhame to our (elves, 
parcly 3 by feafonable acknowledge- 
ment of thofe waies, wherein we 
have moft provoked God 5 partly, 
by judging our fdves as worthy to 
be cut off, that we may find grace 
in his eyes, and not be con- 
demned : And together, with grie- 
ving and abafing it felfe, the ftray- 
foule commeth home to God, 



3 i8 

Wi mnfi grieve fer om failings. 

purposing through his ftrength, to 
leave thole courics wherein ic hath 
grievgd him, and to cleave to him 
in all his Commandemenfs. Looke 
then, if entring into your ownc 
hearts, yee finde, that as much as 
hath beene amiffe, by difpenfing 
Gods mercy and patience, yea, his 
goodnefle, giving you the Call of 
his Word, and Corre&ious ; yee 
are grieved, that yee have beene fo 
unki;>de an uid-utifull to fo kinde 
and carefull a Father. Ifyeefiade, 
that where it is to his glory, yee 
love to confefle your unfruitful- 
ne(Te,and to condemne your fcl ve5, 
and doe with a true purpofe of 
heart, ftrike a new Covenant with 
God,to forbeare your owne waies, 
to walke more fruitfully before 
him,fo far re as his Grace (hall pre- 
ferve you in the one, and ftreng- 
then you in the other (for all our 
fufficieacy is from him :) if yee find 
thefe things in any meafure, then 
rejoyce ; for God hath given you 
Repentance^ to eternal! life. But 


Sofball Godcmfortus. 

if your hearts have negieftcdthis 
excrcifeof a broken fpirit, and if 
your confidence cell you,th tf there 
hath beene little or no gricfethis, 
way, then yee muft be intreated, 
that whiicft it is c lied today that 
Godsgracedothftill invite you,v c c 
would not harden your hearts, but 
prepare to meete him. W^epenot 
for me, bur for your tins, (aichour 
Saviour, Luk^ 23. 28 . And bkfled 
are they that mourne in this kind : 
the Lord carrieth an hand-cher- 
chicfe to wipe away thefeteares; 
he is nigh to comfort thefe hearts : 
thefc April-dewes bring May- 
flowers ; (uch as fbwe in teares, 
(hallreapc in joy. Is it not better 
for us, to take the rodde into our 
owne hands, and beate our felves 
gently,than force the Lord to cha- 
ften us, who is a confumiog fire > If 
the Lord fce, that wee are but wil- 
ling to caft downe our felves, and 
to deale with our owne foules, 
hee will cover our heads in the 
evil! hourc, whereas his negligent 



3 2 4 

■ ,*■ 



Children (hall tafte of his tempo- 
rary difpleafure. Delay not this : 
Oar fouleyn f^ervingfrom God 5 
are like Bones out of j rpnt ; the 
longer they goc fo, they prove 
more painfull ; if we uke them be- 
rime, they are fee more eafily, Wc 
will take Phyficke,purge,orfwear, 
to prevent the growing of a difeafe 
upon our bodies t (hall we not be 
wife then for our fbules? Thevc- 
mic of the fbule, is the griefe of 
Repentance : take it betimes,drive 
it not off, til! the Lord be forced 
co vifi r . Now if God give you to 
defire^ that your hearts were bro- 
ken in his fight, but yet yee finds 
it will not be, partly for the hard- 
ncfie of your hearts, partly for 
other lets and impediments : I will 
helpe you a little at this life- firft, 
giving you rules for the out- wrcft- 
ling of impediments; fecondly/or 
the blowing up of our devotion 
in this exercifej which of all fa- 
crifices is the mod acceptable. 
Now for hiaderances, yec muft 


CMany lets to Repentance. 

make account to meet with them, 
if ye purpofe moreferioufly to call 
yonrielves to a more ftraight rec- 
koning for your wayes. Somtimes 
inward indifpofition wilgrow up- 
on you : Againe, the Diveil will 
want of his will, but fome finne 
or other fhall fo clofe with your 
foules. which will, like aThorne 
caught in the foote, hinder your 
intended journey. If yce elcape 
thefe,hcwilliurthet ply you with 
diftra£ions from things, andper- 
fons, which are without you; This 
or that is neceflfarily to bee done ; 
One or other is to fpeake with 
yoi* Furthermore > if yce looke 
fcrioufly to this good way of Re- 
pentance, he will fuggeth What 
needeth fuch adoe ? God is more 
mercifull, then to require fuch 
ftraitcourfes. Whom doe you fee 
to vex thcmfelves in fuch a man- 
ner ? Yea, fometimes hec makes 
the enrrancedifficult,and comfort - 
leffe, to fee if bee candifmayus 

I ' from proceeding. Finally, he will 
P harpe 





Helpes to orecome th-e 

harpe much on this firing: Wilt 
thou bid adue to thy plcafurcs^and 
betake thy felfc to fo painfull a 
courfe? And this is the Loth to 
depart he fingeth to the foule that 
i looketh towards God: firft > to 
fpeake ingenerall to them ; then 
in particular* to this laft and main 
detention. Now > that we may 
iafely pafle thefe Rockes* wrmuff 
firft ferioufly confider the malice 
of the Devillagainftus* who by 
all poflible means h$ can^oppolcth 
the comming-acquainted with 
ithis exercife. While we are in 
our own wayes? thecoaft is cleare 
enough : but when God giveth us 
a good motion and purpofe , the 
Devill doth watch it,as one fhoufd 
an infantrfhat he may kill it in the 
Cradle > yea, fmother it in the 
Wombe , where it was conceived. 
Thus* Lord, when thou fendeft by 
thySpirit,a motion intoour beartl 
for our foules healtfbhe labourerh 
to make us quench the Spirit* and 
ft) to double our Condemnation. 


foggeflions ofSat*n K 

Now then^feeing the malice of the 
Devill * ye muft labour (fecondly) 
to feele your own weaknefle, thac 
there is no ftrength in you to en- 
counter with the enetry * and fay 
thus to your felves : Lord, thou 
know eft it* I have no ftrength of 
myfelfe; nay * I have chat which 
prefleth me downe > which would 
make me thinke * there is a Lyon 
in this way* and flip my necke out 
of this Collar* though t^cre were 
no other with-ftanding me* nor 
ought without me* that fhauld let 
me: How then (hould I be able 
to goeover fomany things* with- 
out affiftancc ? Then ye muft* in 
the third place * looke up unto 
Chrift by the eye of Faith(finding 
the Devils oppofic ion, and your 
owne infirmities) who giveth not 
onely the will to us*but the deed* 
and worketh all our works for us. 
Speake to him * and fay : Lord, 
thou canft help me; & as thou haft 
put this into my mind, and taught 
me to know this piece of thy 

v P 2 hoy 


33 O I Rch on Godrfo takeaway thcUts* 

holy will, fo I intreate thee to ac- 
complifh it in me : it is not I, but 
thy grace in me, which muft efteft 
all. Asa Childewh© goethwith 
his Father, led in his hand, if hee 
come to a Stile, or Bridge, he will 
cry to him, to take him and lift 
him over; fo muft we to our hea- 
venly Father,cry to be taken up, a- 
boireall thefe hindrances. This is 
an excellent remedy;when we be- 
hold Seasfcefore us, mountains on 
each fide , Armies of enemies be- 
hinde us, all hindring our going 
forth of our felves ; and in all,the 
Devils power : thentoftand ftill, 
andlookcfor thefalvation of the 
Lord. And here it is good to think 
on thefe quickning places of Scrip- 
ture : Enter in at the ftrait Gate , 
Cfrtatth. 7.1 5«Nay,Striveto enter 
in ; for many (hall fcek to enter in, 
and fliall not be zb\z>Luke 1 3 ,24. 
Sceke firft Gods Kingdomc, and 
therighteoufneffe thereof, Matth* 
6*33. One thing is necefTarie,!^ 
1 o • 4 2 • What if one could get the 


Berefolntem l^epentaxce. 

331 1 

J whole world, if hee lofe his ovvne 
Soule ? CMath-i 6.1 6* Narrow is 
the gate that leadcth unto Iife>and 
few there bee that find it, Mat, 7, 
i^Laftly^yemuft think,how if yc 
appoint to bee with this or that 
man, but for fbmc twenty Nobles 
matter, (in which (perhaps) yee 
gaine not a Pound cleirly)nothing 
ftiall let you : if this or that of leile 
moment be out of order, ye fee k s 
and fee it not > yee have a greater 
gaine in fight : if any would hold 
youbacke, yee crave pardon, yee 
nave pointed by fuch an houre, to 
meetfuchanone. Then yee mull 
reafon thustShall I be thus refolute 
in executing my purpofe towards 
man^when I gaine fome limll mar- 
ter,and fhall I let any thing hinder 
me^when I am to go to God about 
the greatcft merchandize of my 
foulcs health?Is not this to be pen- 
ny wife, & pound foelifh ? This in 
gcnerall. Now in particular. That 
yc may then out-grow thefcarc of 
parting with pleasure, and conceit 

I — - — - * I ■ ... 

2 3 2 1 -fifr //tf again ft the maim let 




of fo much heavincs in this courfe 
of repentance ; ye muft firft know* 
that this is a jugling of Sata>wher- 
bv he holds men on in the vvayes 
offin^eto death. He will fhew us 
nothing but delight in evill cour- 
fes. hiding all the after bitterrreife 
of them* which fhouid bring them 
out of requeft with us : fo in §ood 
wayes tending to life* he will tell 
us of nothing but painKoncealing 
all the comfort of them/.hat io he 
may keep us from entring them to 
falvation. Secondly, we are worfe 
aifraid then hurt* Foolike as the 
nfing out of the foft bed* fcemcth 
beforehand to the fluggard excee- 
ding tedious, but when he is once 
Ufhdothnotdarehimatall: So is 
the awaking from the fleepoffin, 

I and flumbring in thereliques of 
luftjwhich (till have dwelling even 
in thebeft ofus.Who everreperr- 
ted him of repentant griefePNfay* 
whorejoyceth not in God who 
giveth it> finding it more fweet to 
his Soule) and more plcafant, 


ofre^entanci) wor/d/jpleafures. I 5^5 

then the pleaf.re of finic > which I 
foon vanifhettaleaving a (ting be- 1 
hind it ? Thirdly^if we try in a re- 
pentant courfc to leave theplea- 
furesoffins in web we fjave livedo 
they will iTiortly have no inch po- 
wer ore us^as to hold u> thus hard: 
For Chrjfoflom doth fitly liken the 
to little Puppies* which while we 
play with the>will do nothing but 
leape about us > but if wccudgell 
them a little, have no joy to come 
neereus.Fourthly,we muft nr tlet 
paffioas blini our judgments ; but 
confider penitent forrow*with the 
end of it,aad impenitent delights 
with the iflueofthe. What is bit- 
tererthen medicine?Yet health,to 
which it bringeth us,doth make it 
lovely. What fweecer to our tafte, 
the manythings we wil nor touchy 
I becaufe we find they love not u*, 
though we love them,we are after- 
( ward the worfe for the. In this re- 
< £pe6tthertb:e,were the medicine 
1 of repentance grievous to take*) et 
in regard of the evcria (ling health 

P4 to 


Qods ivAjes not grievous \ 



to which it reftoreth us,we fli >uld 
like wife men, take the fower with 
thefweete ; yea,choofe it rather, 
then to feed tweedy o i fuch meats 
as pleafechePalate only while they 
are talted^ but caufe at length vo- 
mits more bitter then death.Fifch- 
!y;(ay wefhould lofeour delights, 
(though we dial part with nothing 
but ftollcn waters)is it not better, 
as Chrift faith, we fhould want an 
eye heere,and go to heaven, then 
having it, to be caft into hell fire? 

Kjfrtat. 1 8 9 . 

To conclude, this obie£ion is a 
(lander raifed upon Gods wayes, 
which are full of profperity and 
pleafure ; and is forcible with us , 
partly, through flouth, which ma- 
keth us unwilling to thefe vvorkes 
(and what is not irkefome to a 
mind undifpofed ?) partly ,from ig- 
norant fenfuality, which countcth 
nothing liberty, but licence, no- 
thing fweet, but what is taken in 
huggermugger, without Gods al- 
lowance: like as fome gallants, 



Keep reckoning between e God &*s.\ 3 3 5 

which think no Venilbn fo fwect 
as that which is ftoln. This in par- 
ticular to the principal impedimct. 
Now for the furthering y cur de- 
votion in this cxercife, yeemuft 
know, that there is an art blowing 
up of every grace of the ipirit,& of 
this with the reft. Firft therefore, 
yee rouft enter into your owne 
hearts, confidering jour owne| 
wayes,Wewill keepe reckoning 
whatwerunneon rhefcore with 
men, but rare who thinke how 
deepely they are in Gods Bookes: 
fuch ill husbands are wee for our 
Soules. Now we muft hecre mark 
warily, whether we have rot loft 
fome graces we have had(Imcane 
have themnoc fo powerfully as we 
have felt them ) whether we doe 
not give place to flouth, doing 
Gods fervicc coldly and flight ly ; 
whether we have not forgotten 
our covenant made with Gcd in 
Baptifme>ro wir>of dying to nur 
ownthnrohrs,w f ords&deedsdji- 
ly;and laboring in our whol courfe 

P 5 that 

■• , 

■■' ■»■ 

3j 6 ! We mvfi call to minde>onr great eft 

that not now we live,but Chrift in 
us(as Patil fpeakcth)his fpirit tea- 
ching us to do every thing as be- 
fore him, and in confcicnce of his 
will, to his glory. Heerealfoye 
muft cat tomind the moft grievous 
finnes which ye at any time have 
provoked God with. We muft not 
bid adieu to the remembrance of 
our finnes paft and pardoned, but 
muft ever bcare them in memory 
fo far re forth as will help us to the 
working of godly forrow , holy 
b lftifulneflc & lowlincfieof mind; 
fofaras may be a fpurre to more 
fr uitfull obedience for the time to 
comtfDeu. ;.Yea this remembring 
of the Srine paft in particular > by 
which we have chiefly offended 
God> and mourning for it, & judg- 
ing our felves in the remembrance 
of it,is the evidence of true effec- 
tual repentancerSo Ifrael acknow- 
ledged their defiring a King : So 
David his adultery andmurther: 
So Paul his perfecting. He who 
is true'y humbled in the fight of 


fmSi & our daily fwervtng 



one capitall finne 5 repentcth of all. 
Even as a capitall difeafe being ta- 
ke away, which draweth on many 
another by content .the reft are at 
once removed alfo Again, we muft 
calltomindeour daily fwervin^s 
and unfruitful ncfle. This is.theo- 
pening and the looking on our 
wounds, the negleft whereof is 
lewd carelefneffe , mortally dan- 
rerous.lt is no news,nor yet mif- 
likcd when you fee a ibuldier fhot 
or wounded : but to fee him go 
withit,nevcr regard it .never drefs 
it, is condemned as defpjute fol- 
ly:So/or us fighting in this world, 
no newes , if we come by knocks 
and maimes; but to let them go, 
and ranckle, & fetter in as, is for- 
lorn neghgence.Now then jfthus 
fcttingth. matter before you , ye 
find not your hearts pricked with 
it, then you muft ( as tfcL Prophet 
fpeaks) take words to your felves, 
and trouble your own foules , fay- 
ing-, thus ; Shall I think ofmy fins 
againftGod , and not grkve for 

them ? 

3 5 2 | Rub up the Sonic to Repentance. 

them ? If 1 have overfhot my felfe, 
fo chat men may have a faying to 
me,that doth cut me to the heart* 
and I am adiamcd. If fomwhat do 
but crofle my corrupt- nature >I have 
griefeatwilh and fhalll not now 
grieve for offending my good 
God? If I had broken day* Scnot 
kept touch with mani I could not 
look him in the face; and (hall it 
not go neer with me > that I have 
kept my Covenant no better with 
God ? if my fervant have loyte- 
red his day away>aadnot done my 
work*heblu(heth>and isafFraidto 
comtbefore me ; and (hall I not 
change my countenanced be mo- 
ved* that I have bin fo unprofita- 
ble in the workes of God ? By this 
meanes; as men being in Iwoanzo 
when thoy are chafccLdoccome a- 
gaine : fo (hall our foules* while 
we thus beftirre them * finde (brae 
warmth returning to them, This 
is a frwit* aud furtherance of the 
grace of Repentance; whereas the 
want of thefe Soliloquies, is rc- 

proored I 

Go to thrift for a relenting heart. | 

prooved as a token of an impeniJ 
cent hearts Hof. 7, 2 ♦ But if yet the 
heart will not relent* you muft in 
the third place (feeing your bar- 
rennefle and inability) turne you 
toChrift, fpeaking in this wife : 
Were it to grieve at earthly occa- 
sions, or that my (elf were difplea- 
fed>here my affections would com 
to mz before I fent for them : but 
for god !y forrow^none of it grows 
ii our gardens ; our foolifh hearts 
love not holy mourning ; our hard 
hearcs wil not relent to think how 
we difpleafe thee* We therefore 
knowingrfhat there is no (treagth 
in our felves* to any thing that is 
good,lookc unto theetthou art the 
Chrift and Lord > thou givett Re- 
pentance to thine lfrael > and for- 
giveneffe of fmne* : thoH LORD 
doeft circumcile the hcjrtj thou 
hammereft and breakeft the ftone 
by thy Spirit > making it flefhy 
and tender; LORD doe thou 
turne us, and we fhall be turned* 
Lament. 5 >n. Thus while ycturn 





your eyes to Jefns the quickening 
fpirit,he will be prefent co quicken 
this grace in you. But what if yet 
your hearts (hould not fo kindly 
melt within you,as yedefire , yet 
all is fafc : for this is the fmoke of 
repentance which Christ will 
not leave till it blaze forth;he will 
not put out the fmoking week* 
This defircand labouring after it, 
is happineffeit felf: for blefled are 
they that hunger and thirft after 
righteoufncs:Yeaufingthis couife 
to confidcr ofyour wants to chide 
(after fomefort) your own foules, 
and to look after Chrift the giver 
of repentance ; the ftone of your 
hearts(the hardnes)wilcome away 
by little and little. Yea,and when 
in bodily wounds the mo(t aj pro- 
ved plaifter mtift be laid on often; 
ye muft not thinkcthat thefe fpi- 
rituall evils, fo long growing on 
us>fhoaldbegone on a fudden. 1 
do befeech you therefore , as e- 
verye willtafte the comforts of 
God ; as ye will finde eafc in the 


Gods Covenant. 

cvill houre , when nothing, but 
God cm refrefri you •, yea > as yee 
love to efcape much worldly ibr- 
row 5 which tendeth unto death;fo 
acquaint 5 our felves betimes with 
this exercife of a broken heart* 
Bleffcd are they which ( now ) 
mourner fortheyfhallbecomfor- 
tedf And we know much more 
earthly forrow then we fhould* 
becaufe we will not trouble our 
owrrfoules a little , blowing up 
that godly forrow which is requi- 
red at our hands. 

Now followcth another thing 
which I propounded, viz* to 
helpe you forward in new obe- 
dience? in the faith full keeping 
of the Covenant* The fumme of 
the Covenant betweene God 
and us,is this ;GodinC hrist 
faith, he will take us for his peo- 
ple : we promife him , that we 
will have him for our God. 
This therefore doth comprize all 
our dune to God, that we fcthim 
up in our hearts as G o d. Which 




How to have God ohy God. 

thing wc doe*firft* when we grow 
up to know him in all things* Se- 
condly, when wee mak*.' him our 
truft. Thirdly when we love him 
above all things. Fourthly* when 
we ieare him. Fiftly* when were- 
joyce in him. Sixthly* when our 
hearts are thankfully affe&ed to 
him* making him their fong and 
praife.This is to have him for our 
God;vvhen We know nothing,truft 
in nothing* love* feare* rejoyce 
in nothing in comparifon of him : 
when our hearts are thankefull 
above all to him. Tofpeak a lit- 
tle to the feverals. 

Wc cannot have God our God> 
till w^ come to know him in 
Chrift. Ignorance doth cftrdnge ns 
fromGod 3 & knowledge doth ac- 
quaint us withhim/This Pau/pt&i- 
eth for in thebehalfc of his Co- 
lo(Tians 3 that they may be filled 
wich the knowledge of God, the 
fpiritsof their mindsbeing opened 
to look toward him. Even as our 
image in the glafle doth looke to- 

How wee mufl know Cjod. 

ard usjfromwhom ic is refle&ed : 
> God his Image in us doth make 
ic eyes of our minds view him* 
le author of it in us # And as the 
ye becommeth one with that 
r hich it fecth>and is after a fort in 
lac light it behcldeth : fo are wee 
y the vifionof God* wjiich is be- 
un in us > one with him* and in 
im,Now this knowlcdgconfide- 
eth God three way es; either fim- 
!y an art from all other refpe&s > 
nd thus it containeth the Spiri- 
lal effencein refpe&of his proper- 
ies* into which this felfcfame na- 
jre is diftinguifhed ; the Father* 
onne*and Holy Gholkallofthem 
laving the fame fpirituall effence : 
sif h and you with feme third 
»ut one and the fclfe fame rfoule 
nd body * being dift n& per- 
3nsX)r elfe it confidereth God*as 
nademanifeft in eur nature : for 
[efus the Sonne having the fame 
uture with the Father* hathta- 
cen fuch a foule and body* as wee 




Kncrw GocLin Jfipts Chrifi. 

have (fin onely excepted) to the 
fellowfhip of his perfon; and thus 
is become Emamel * God with us 
or God manifeft in our nature. In 
which humane nature > God the 
Son (iiftered death for asin which 
likewife hemanifefteth his divine 
power* bjyraifing it up> and glori- 
fying it irnieaven* S© that he that 
was dead in his humane nature^is 
now alive in it for ever , having 
fwallowed up death in vidtory. 
Laftly,itconfiderethGod 3 mani- 
fefted in Chrift , as he is become 
our God by covenant, in regard of 
fuch things as his faithful mercies 
do work for us. He in Chrift 
is our juftifier > our fand^ifier ; he 
who helpeth us in conquering the 
remnants of our naturall corrup- 
tion; our Redeemer* who deli- 
vered us from all our troubles; 
the God that careth fcrus , gi- 
veth us every good gift , blefleth 
us in our eftates,feedeth us.giveth 
us,and all his beloved,{leepe,de- 
fendeth us from all evill, keepeth 


We are natnrally blinde. 

us by his power unto faivation, is 
the beginner & ender ofa'l good 
graces in us. But howfhortare 
we in this point ? We are like In- 
fants,in a manner. new-borm they 
are kept by the loving Parents 
from fire and water* they are fedy 
laid to fleep> made ready and un- 
ready ;>and fhifted in their fcapes ; 
but they 1 now not who doth all 
this fortbem: fo doth our heaven- 
ly Father by us in Chrift ; but (he 
knoweth) little undemanding 
have we of him : For though God 
beLi^htit felfe* a Spirit which 
brightly feeth all things in heaven 
and earth* to whofe pure bright- 
nefTe,the Sunneis darkneffe ;yet 
the weaknefle of our fight is fuchi 
that we cannot looke againftic : 
as the Bat and the Owlc cannot 
endure to fee the bright Beames 
of the Sunne in the Firmiment. 

Ye muft therefore take notice 
ofyourfpirituall Blindnefie , and 
come unto him who felleth the 
Eye-filtc > which hath the Spirit 



I 34 

(jo to God for eyc-fahe. 

of Illumination, who openetb the 
Eyes of the blindjcry to him for 
mercy. If your eyes were much 
bloud-fhot (your eyes wherewith 
ye fee but one another* Creatures 
like your felves) yee would feeke 
outforhelpe for them, and wafh 
them with ftrong fmarting Wa- 
ters, but yee would reftorc them : 
And will yee not ieeke to your 
God in Chrift, to reftore the fight 
ofyourfpirits, wherewith ye may 
fee him, and the things ofyour 
peace within the veile, even in the 
Heavens ? Nay, ye muft bee afha- 
med, that yee take no more know- 
ledge of your Gcd in the whole 
day, Ifourchi'drenjwhenweare 
b^fide them,{liouId through rude- 
nefleandcarelcfnes not oncecaft 
a look at us,as acknowledgiug our 
prefcnce; would we take it at their 
hands? Might not every one fay, 
Thefe were better fed than taught 
which are thus gracelefle ? Let us 
apply it to our {elves, who ferve 
our God and Father little better. / 


We ?ntifl trnfi in God* 

347 \ 

Now that vvcc may fee upon this 
Suite with the better hope,let us 
remember that God hath promi- 
fed it unto us ; this is his Cove- 
nant, wo fhall know him,from the 
greatefttothcleaftofus. But left 
I grow too ccdious, 1 come to the 

We muft truft in God , having 
all our hopes on his mercy and 
truth towards us ; and thefc two 
goe together. Men fometimes,the 
more we knowthem>the leflewee 
truft them,and chat defervedly :but 
Pfalnie^io. Such as know God, 
(hall truft in him. 

Who fo repofeth all his confi- 
dence in God, hee taketh him, in 
fo doing* for his God* As the 
Scripture faith in this refped^ the 
covetous man is an Idolater; hee 
taketh his money for his God,be- 
caufe he putteth his truft in uncer- 
taine riches *. his wealth is a ftrong 
Tower in his conceit* and he tru- 
fteth in the Creature>which draw- 
eth his heart from God> faich the 


I 348 I We trnfl not in (jodatwe 

Prophet* jkr-i 7.5. Teachings 
that then our hearts arc united to 
Godjwhen the affiance of them is 
fet on him «Now,thqgh we fliould 
live by the faith ofthe:*>n of God; 
trufting on him for the giving and 
maintaining of all our good, both 
temporal 1 & eternall ; leaning on 
him for all defence>& deliverance 
from evils fpiritualb y ea>and cor- 
porally calling all our care on him; 
having ne confidence in the flcftb 
but. rejoycing in Chrift Jefus : 
though this be our dutie , yet we 
are exceeding weake* and full of 
unbeliefc. this will appeare, by 
©ur want of feare at the threate- 
ning* of Gods Word, which ma- 
keth us loofely alfo to looke after 
his promifes.Did webelceve fuch 
threatnings , If y e live after the 
fieili 3 ye fhall die ? we would 
rrcmblejwhe we favour our felves 
inourownwayes: the devils be- 
leeve^and tremble. And fo.trufting 
civilly in any mans word or bond, 
we do feek them carefully , and 


I e#f ^r • hence Hnbeliefe, 

arc glad when we have gotten 
them; and, as we fay, we write 
upon them, that we mall have fo 
| much money at fuch a day,upon a 
Yubftantiall mans word , or bond, 
given us. But God> who promi- 
fcth all good things in this life, as 
well as in the life to come , his 
Seales we feek not after; which is 
a figne of our great unbeliefe in 
them. Secondly, by reftingour 
hearts in outward things, and by 
being difquietad when we want 
them ; this alfo is a figne, that our 
hearts are unbelieving* 

While we have means, or good 
likelihood of this* or that, we are 
well ; let thefe faile, we are trou- 
bled Which fheweth, that we 
reft not upon the Word of God, 
which is as fure in the want of all 
things as in abundanc ; butthat 
we leaneon fuch things as we fee, 
and have in hand* Suppofea man 
had Crutches under his armes^but 
leaneth not at all on the as he go- 
eth, take them away ,and he vval- 


34P \ 

w — ' 

jjO j LMakcVnbclcefe odi Hs unto yon 

keth as before: So* did wee not 
truft* and lean on the things feen, 
but on God* who is not feen* loo- 
king on him by the eye of faith*we 
ihould goe as upright > when all 
things to fence feeme contrary to 
that we beieeve as when our fee- 
ling is fed abundantly Thirdly,did 
wee reft in God and tcult in him* 
who is all in all ; we would feek to 
him for his blellings , more then 
for the meanest which by his blef- 
fingefteft this orthat;whereas we 
labour not to make him fure to us> 
but to get the means*and then we 
think al is wel with us.Now then 
when yee find your unbeleefe* yee 
muft make ft odious unro your 
felves by fuch likeconfiderations ; 
Shall I feek after the word of man 
fomctimes>to fecure me but of fom 
twenty fhillings matter ? and flhal 
I not feek after the preciouspromi • 
(cs of my God?fhal I truft to a man 
promifingthis or that ? and fhall I 
not truft my God* who is truth 
icfelfe* and cannot lye? Will not 


i/<w w w#y? /w^ ^0^. 

fuch afubftantiall man chink much 
if I take not his bare word ? And 
(hall not I take my Lords Word, 
and Seale, and Oath? He hath 
fvvorne to bleflfe us , with all h s 
bleffings in Chrift : friall we not 
beleevehirm unleflfche leave us a 
pawnealfo? Thus then, when yee 
feele your unbeleeving hearts to 
trouble you,ye muft look toChrift, 
the authour and finifher of your 
faith. Speak to himthir: Thou haft 
begun, and thou muft finifh: I be- 
leeve ; help my unbeliefe, and en- 
creafe ray faith. 

The third point is, We muft love 
him. Love (we know) makes a 
tmn and woman , One ; and the 
i fame doth couple ns to God. Here 
we muft labour to fay from our 
hearts; Lord, what have we in 
heaven.b nt thee? or in the earth, 
companion of thee? Now 




though we doe love him, yetour 
aflfe&ion is but weak ; and above 
all'things, we had need to mend 

I in this behalfe. Trie your lovc,and 
Q_ th:n 

5 5 * I Try pur love to <yW, and 

then judge of it. Thofe ye k>vc> 
doc y c not love to be prefent with 
them> as ye two ope witfc ano- 
ther? If one of you be out of 
Towne , doe ye not thinkc long 
till ye meet againe ? Are not we 
grieved to hearc them wronged by 
word or deed,whom we eftceme 
dearelyof? Doth itnot<:utus,if 
we our felves do them any harme? 
Are we -not glad of a Letter ( in 
abfence ) from thofe we love?Now 
then examine your felves : Do-ye 
not find e little joy, in comming 
privately or publikely into Gods 
houfe 5 or prefencc ? Nay, we are 
like children, who can play abroad 
all theday long>and never lock ini 
to their Parents. When do our 
hearts long to be diflolved * and to 
be with Chrift ? Though God* 
through fundrytroubles,doth even 
i fmoake us-ouc of this World , yet 
we will not come away, in our af- 
\ fcftions. When we heare Gods 
' N tme bl *fphemed,and feeall wic- 1 
kedneflc committed, doe our eyes 





bt ajbamcd of th? rvant ef it. 5 j j 

gufh out with tcarcs? Or doe we 
not j when our fc Ives offend him 
daily>pafle it overtaking coo li^hc 
penance of our felves ? Doe we, 
wuh2)*z//^delight in his Statutes 
more than in all wealth? His Word 
is his Letter to us. By fuch like 
considerations , difcerning your 
' waat of love to God 3 yee muft 
fhamc your felves. If a woman 
fliouldbedeadin theneft , when 
her husband were before her * but 
/hould be afte&ionate to every 
ftranger; If (lie fhould not care 
how long fhe were abfent from 
him> but think her felfe befhwhile 
they were afunder ; ] f fhe cared 
little how her loving husband 
were offended, carting that at her 
heelcs , which he takes to heart ; 
were not this fhameles behaviour 
in her? And (hall not we be adu- 
med to (hew no more love to rhee, 
to whom our foules are married in 
Chrift ? Then ye muft goe and 
confefle that your hearts are full of 
Harlotry , and falfe love. Ye can 

C^2 love 

354 | Concerning love to earthly 

love your felves, ye have affe&ion 
enough to the things of this world; 
to the gifts of God } and thofe the 
meaneft 3 more than to the givers : 
as Harlots to Rings, Gold, Brace- 
lets j more than to the fenders. 
Therefore , befecch him to purge 
your hearts ofthis,and to fill them 
with the love of himfelfe : for this 
is the promife; I will circumcife 
your hearts, and make you love me 
with all your' hearts. Before we 
jpafle from this Head, aQueftion 
may be moved , common to all 
thefe afte&ions- ; namely ,Wbat we 
may judge of our felves>feeing our 
hearts more fhinein love,fear, and 
joy at worldly things > than about 
God, and the great benefits given 
us in Chritt ? 

The anfwer is : Firll , in many 
earthly things we have a double 
caufe working in our afte£iions;as 
in loving the Wife of ones youth, 
and in bewailing the death of ones 
Parent : and\vhereas the motion 
ofouraffe£Hons ; in things fuper- 



\ thingsiabove our love to Cjod. 

naturall,is purely from Grace, Na- 
ture letting no hand to this bufi- 
nefle. Secondly, afteftion is not to 
be meafuredby the indeliberate 
pafling motion of it, but according 
to the iettled habit from the judg- 
ment and eflimation which the 
mindemakethof this or that ob- 
ject. A man laughes at a toy : hee 
is not prefently laid to joy in that 
trifle more than in a! other things , 
becaufe the act of his joy is more 
lively here tha in greater matters. 
A mans affections more ftirre a. 
bout a Granger, in entreating him, 
than to his Wife, foe the time, 
whom he yet lovech more deaie. 
Thirdly* affections if they be com- 
paratively confidcred in us , are, 
though leffe in quantity, yet grea- 
ter in vertue : as Corne , when the 
Weed ( as Carloe ) is higher and 
greater,yet this is ftrongcr,becaufe 
I in time it overgroweth, and kilieth 
the Weed , which farre execedeth 
it : So this love, chough little, ill 
companion of felfe-love , love to 
1 CU the 


3 5 6 Spiritual! love out-growcs carnally 


the creature (the fame being in the 
other aflfc$ions)yet in time it fhal 
over-grow and kill thisweed.The 
love ofthc Spirit is ftronger than 
the love of the world. If there- 
fore ye aske t What one fhould 
thinker that findeth his affedtfons 
thus ? I anfwer* If he find them 
lironger* therearetwocatifesto 
one ; where Nature and Grace 
worke jointly , he muftnot won- 
der at this matter. Againe>though 
wc feele their working more ftir- 
ring fomctimes to things earthly, 
yet out of judgement and fettled 
courfe^ve that are the Lords > doe 
moft affe& him. Thirdly ,we know 
that our affeitions towards God* 
chough but as a grain of Mnrtard- 
(eedjllnal out-gtow all this choak- 
weed ofinorJinacy^ which we feel 
in- this behalfe.In the mean while, 
the feeling of this diftemper* muft 
make us ftill feek thereilifying of 
it* and the healing of the lamenta- 
ble vanity > to which the afte&ion 
is fubjc£t,by reafon of fmne. 


The feare Woivi to Cjod. 


The fourth thing,is the feare of I 
God. San&ific the Lord in your 
hearts, make him your feare. Feare 
to offend him,who when the body 
is killed* can caft the foul into heil 
fire. We fhould reverence his ex- 
cellent Majctty, & dread to offend 
him> becaufehe hath been graci- 
ous unto us, and hath power to do 
with us whatfoever be plcafeth. 
Were there any from whom we 
had houfe and llocke, fo that he 
could turn us out of all at his j led- 
fure ; WvHild we notwalk very cir- 
cumfpe&ly, fearing to doe thjt 
which might alienate his favour ? 
Againe,if the Majeftic of a mcrtall 
man doth aff e& us(as of the King) 
with reverence, how much more 
fiiould we be afte&ed with the 
moft glorious Majefty of the moft 
high God ? Now ye muft know, 
your hearts are much void of this. 
1 Alfo the thing it felfe fpea^eth : 
; Do ye not fecle ( when in prayer 
ye are to fpeake with God ) that 
, there is a reverence in your hearts ' 

I <U be- 

?5 8 

Lfifeditfithns ftirr'mg h* 

befeeming fo high a Majeftie ? l5o 
yc not feeie a want of dread at his 
Judgements, which folong have 
been upon us. and ftill hover about 
us? And what awe is in us, ma- 
king us fcarefiill by finne todif- 
pleafe him? Alas 1 . Preemption, 
iecurity , andhardneffe of heart, 
thefe Weeds grow fo high, that 
we can fcarce difcerne the Fruit 
above-named. Now then yemuft 
work this want upon your hearts, 
as the former ^faying ; If I were in 
the prefcncc of feme great pcrib- 
nagcand (hould carry my felfe 
rudely, without refpeft , would I 
not biufh? And fhall I not be afha- 
med,that Ihave no more reverence 
when I come before thee , O thou 
God of glory ? So> for want of 
dread : Shall the Beafts tremble* 
when the Lyon roareth ? yea,fhall 
the Devils tremble to chinke on 
thy Judgements ; and (hall I be 
fenfeleffe, and no whit mooved ? 
So, for want of awe, in regard of 
GodsLwes: Shall I dare as well I 

. ro l 

up to fear e God. \ 3 5 p 

fotakeaBearebythetocth, as to 
break the Kings Law , efpecially 
where he threatneth Limbe , Life 
or Libertie : And fhall I not be a- 
fraid totrefpafle againft thy Sta- 
tutes ; the breach of which., is pu- 
nishable with eternall death ? Is 
there none but thee , whom we 
may make bold with ? Shall I be 
fo foolilh , as to feare ficknefle, 
povertie, and mens difpleafures : ] 
And fhall I not be afraid to break 
thy Commandementsjifmen note 
me to hit me in the teeth with pre 
cifeneffe ? Shall I not be afraid to \ 
provoke by finnethy wrath, who 
art a confuming fire ? What is 
this ; but with- little children.ro be 
skarred with a Bug -bear e, harme- 
lefle ; and to be dreadlelle of fire, 
and water PLaftly, we mnft lcoke 
to God in confeience, how this af- 
fe&ion is perverted in you; con- 
feflingtohim , that yc can feare 
the faces of men, and things that 
are>or feem hurtfull to your felves; 

1 ye can demean your felves reve- 
CL? rcntly 

remly toward fuch as are in re- 
queft among mcn-but toward him, 
y* find great wane. Pray ye there- 
fore to him, to put it into your 
hearts : he hath covenanted^ put 
his feare into your hearts , fo that 
ye fliall not depart from him. 

The fifth thing is, to rejoyce in 
,God, and to have him in your 
hearts \ for God bindeth you to 
rejoyce in him: Repycc in the 
Lordalwayes; againe, Hay* re- 
pycc* Delight thy felfe in the 
jLord , and he (hall give thee thy 
[hearts defire.Let not the rich man 
jrejoyce in wealth, theilrongman 
in ftrength, the wife mm in wife- 
dome > but that heknowethme, 
faith the Lord- For what we make 
our chiefe joy* that is our God : for 
the heart reilctbprincipaHy in that 
with which- it is moft delighted. 
Nfow what is more cqmlLtha that 
wc Should fblace our fclves in him 
with joy iinfpeakable and glorious 
who hach delivered us from death, 
and fiane,- andSatan?. (who, as 

Gods j 


but doe not as rce ought. 


Gods executioner* bach power on 
finneand death ) In him,who is a 
Lighr and a Shield ; that is a Foun- 
tain of all good 5 and defender of us 
from all evill ; able to maintain all 
the good* both fpirituall and cor- 
poralLwhich we have* and give us 
whatfoeveris wanting* But if we 
markeonr hearts ^ Our joy ism ch 
depraved* (fo chat Salomon faith 
not without caule, that our laugh- 
ter is become midnefle : ) for our 
hearts are not cheery this wav. 
Tell them of the precious benefits 
which are given in Chrift 5 Pardon 
ef finne ; Peace (the beginning of 
everlaftmg life) through the work 
of grace; Hope* through Chrift* 
of the heavenly Kingdome ; why ? 
they can heare all this , anj be fo 
farre from leaping within us * that 
we can hardly difcerne them to 
moove. Nay* if we nurke them 
thebecter,we flull fee, thac when 
we wouid hold them to rhc re- 
membrance of fuch chines ; untill 
tlicy have broken oofc from tur, 



Soliloquies inciting tu 

they are not in their kind,tnd can- 
no: be lighcfome : as if God were 
the damper of our mirth , and not 
the matter of our exulting , and 

Now when ye cannot obferve 
any, rejoycing in the Lord, ye muft 
(Lame your ielves , by laying to 
your hearts the cafe in other mat- 
ters. Iflfeefome Toy, orheare 
fome jcft, I cannot containe my 
felfe : If I heare fome good newcs, 
or meet with fome prosperous 
fuccefle in my worldly affaires , I 
cannot be pleafont enough: If I 
be paffing-my time away with my 
friends , at their courteous mvite- 
ments> or if I be at my fports , it 
goeth on merrily ; dcadneffe and 
uncomfortablenefle , I feel them 
not for the time J (hal have hugh - 
tcrenoughat fome merry conceit, 
or a Feather ,till I tickle againe ; 
and dull I not rejoyce at the Gof- 
pelofGodjOrgood newes from 
Hzwerij touching the falvation of 
my foule? Again,(hall I be cheery, 




e in the Lord. 

and laugh with my friends; and 
fhali I be all amort 3 when I draw 
neeremyGod? Shall I be glad of 
acquaintance with man,and not be 
glad chat I know God in Chrift, 
whoisLifeeverlafting? Shall the 
wicked rejoyce , in ferving Sinne, 
and Satan ; and (hall I be without 
mirth? in ferving my God ? Our 
rejoycing is earthly , little joy cf 
the Holy Ghoft dwelleth in us. 
We are like fuch as are ficke of 
light Frenzies; they will laugh at 
their flhadowes,we at our fancies; 
they fee not into any point of mo- 
ment, we diftaftethat which favo- 
rech of Right eoufneffe > and right 
reafon. As therefore againft the 
former,(b againft this alfo,we muft 
fight the good fight of Faith ; loo- 
i kin^ to him that hath faid , he will 
make our hearts glad in his houfe ; 
who hath promiled to fend his 
Spirit unto us, that our joy maybe 
full ; praying him, that we may 
feele this Fruit of his Kingdorr.e 
take place in us; that he would 


) 3*3 



3 54 

JVt mnfl praffr God our 

rcchfie this affe&ion in us^making 
us to take comfort in that which is 
matter of true rejoyeing. 

Sixtly* Now for praifmgGod, 
and thankfulneile unto him> ( for 
this is the laft thing I propoun- 
ded) vye have thiscommandemcnt; 
In ail things givethanks>yea*in e- 
vils : Qull we receive good things 
from the Lord^and not evill > The 
Lord hath given > &the Lord hath 
taken away, blefled be the Name 
of the Lord* For howfoever it be, 
yet God is good^even when he pu- 
nidieth ; and no wonder* Is it not 
fo in bodily things ? Bitter Medi- 
cines are as good>in due fcafon^as 
the delightfuHeft dainties. And 
are not our inward and outward 
crofles, by Gods graces made 
wholefome Phyficke^to purge out 
our corruptions > and to make us 
partakers of the quiet fruit- of 
RighteoufnefTej and true Holi- 
nefle? Yea, our hearts- (hould be 
fo thankefully aflfe&ed'j chat (like 
fire-) they flhouldbreakefoorch> 


fchesyAnd incite others to it. j 365 

aniinflame-cthecs. Wherein we 
have holy Davrd for an- example : 
'Pfal.i oj-hebcginsyMy foulcand 
all within me y praile his holy 
Name : In the next >Pfainte,ihehfl; 
vcrfe, he-faith ; Praife ye the Lord. 
Firftj he ftirres up himfelfe, and 
then provokes others topraife the 
Lord. As the Cocke,th at firft clap- 
ping his wings about his ovvne 
body, rowzeth up himfelfe,and 
after (crovving)awakeneth others. 
Otherwife > common tearmes of 
thankefalnefle> without afte&ion, 
areas Court-ho!y-water> ( as we 
fay ) which our God, that looketh 
at the heart and rcines > doth not 
refpedt r thefe are eood words, 
that will pay no dent with him. 
And truely > there is good reafon 
for this ♦ For whether ye looke at 
benefits paft>eaten Bread muft not 
beforgottcn, thankes muft ftill bfc 
grecne: And doth not your par- 
ticular deliverance ( when rrnny 
fall on each hand ot you)binde 
you, daily to bee ttunkefull? 


3 6 6 Our Temporal^ and Spirituall 

Or whether ye looke at the things 
ye enjoy; ye know your tempo- 
rail blcffings ; as tolerable health, 
good name and reputation, free- 
aome from fuit and fervice,ability 
rather to be helpfull than charge- 
able, your domefticall peace, your 
Iibertie,without fearc of reftraintj 
all ofthem in their places^nofmall 
matters. If ye confider fpirituall 
bleflings ; that which ye have 
downe in hand , is as great a work 
of his mercy, as the glorious eftate j 
ye looke for hereafter. Is not the 
Lords worke more admirable, in 
the firft making and quickening 
the Infant in the Wombe, than in 
feeding it there, bringing it forth, 
and nmfing it up to fullftature? 
So, his begetting us again , who 
were dead in finne ( though yet in 
the Wombe of our Mother, the 
Church)to be alive in Chrift Jefus, 
\*henwe are new-bornebabe>in 
him, is more then the bringing 
of us to perfect Manhood. And 
.though it feemeftrange, yet iris 
1 onely 


blcJfwgSyMotivcs topraife CjoA. 


onelyinthisrefpeft, becaufe we 
are like Infants ; who live, but yet 
know not that they live: fo, we 
having in fmallmeafure the Spirit, 
which teacheth us to know the 
things beftowcd upon us, know 
not how great that grace is,which 
hath been already fhewed us» Is 
it a (hull thing , when we were 
dead in ignorance, and in Iuftof 
ourignoranccto bequickned with 
the life of God, in knowledge, 
righteoufnefle, & holinefle? When 
we were enemies , to be made 
friends,vea,fonnes and daughters? 
The Apollledoubtethnot to rea- 
fon from this,to everlafting life,as 
theleflerj^o^.j^ 10. God, when 
we were enemies, hath reconciled 
us by his death; how much more 
vtill he fave us,with perfeit falva- 
tionoflbule and body,by his life ? 
that is,by putting forth the power 
of his Spirit. Now he liveth,to die 
no more. 

Thefe then are great things , as 
acquitting you from finne , and 


death; for Chrift* your Sureties 
fake* he fending his Spirit into 
your hearts* and giving you part 
in the firft Refurre&ion; Befidcs | 
thefc * ye muft remember * what j 
advcrfities he hath holpen jou 
i*, how he hath eafed the yoake 
of your corruption s* which have 
had more power in you * than 
now they have* Yea , vv hat evil s 
he hath put by you. Have ye not 
been tempted in this or that kind? 
It is* becaufe God in mercy would 
not lead you into tentat ion. Yea* 
this is* in fome fort* more to be 
acknowledged than vi&ory* when 
ye were tempted : for not to be 
tempted, is more immediately 
from God* and leffc in mans 
power, tha to prevaile againft tes- 
tations. For nothingooth over- 
come u^* without our will \ but 
without our will, Goddorh leadc 
us into tryall : for he knoweth, we 
would talte litle of thcfe*if it were 
in our power to be our owne car- 
vers. Yemuflbeasthankfiill for 


..» •*• 

thofe finnes which God hath not 
let ye know, as for thofe he hath 
pardoned in yoib having commit- 
ted them* 

Whether doe ye thinke* ye are 
bound to praife God more* ifhee 
rcftore you > 'when fickeneffe hath 
come upon you ; or keepe you fo* 
that- you feele noDifeafe? Ntiw, 
if ye confider what things God 
hath prepared for you> they are 
inch as eie never (aw3nor ever fully 
entred into the heart of man* 
Compare the cftate of Princc/fr*- 
ryin his Queen Mothers wombe* 
with his condition* at full ago vn 
aM the glory of his Fathers Court* 
there is a broad difference* and it 
mayfitly-refemble the difference 
of our prcfent and- future eftate : 
We are borne Sonnes and Daugh- 
ters of Godjhches apparant to the 
Kingdomeof Heaven ; but while 
the Ghurch doth here travel of us> 
we arc pent up in dark Cloyfters* 
and annoyed with much fteachof 
Cm> both inour fclves and others : 



Wherein Thankefttlneffe 

but hereafter our eftate fhal be al- 
together lightfome,happy, & glo- 
rious : fo that we may well fay to 
God, How great is the goodnefle 
that thou haft laid up for them 
that feare thee ? How great things 
doeft thou worke for the fonnes of 
mentor fuch as hope in thee ? Ye 
fee then,how for things paft^prc- 
fent, and thofe alio which he hath 
in ftore for us, we are bound to be 
thankfull. Now, if ye askewhat 
it is, wherein our unthankfulnefle 
ftandeth ?I anfvver : firft,in hearty 
acknowledgement of Gods good- 
qeffe to us in all things, vvithcon- 
fcience of our owne unworthi- 
nefle,as not worthy of the leaft of 
all his mercies* Compare GVtf.32. 
i o; and 3 3. 5 ♦ with i.C£/*0//. 29. 
14* Secondly , we muft tell of 
GoJs goodnefle^that we may glo- 
rifie him before others* Come, I 
will tell you, faith Davidy what 
the Lord hath done for my foule* 
So, Mofes would tell his father in 
law what God had done for them. 



to Godconftsls. 


Thirdly, it doth make us caft a- 
bout, whatwemayreturne unto 
God , by way of thankefulnefle : 
What (hall I give unto the Lord, 
for all his benefits unto me ? Laft- 
ly,it wil make us accufe our felves, 
if we be backward in duty* Thus 
we fee, when we receive any fpe- 
riall kindneffe fromour friends j 
Krft, our inward affections do ac- 
knowledge andentertaineit glad- 
ly ;fecondly>we tell what any one 
hath done for us ; thirdly, we will 
thinkehowwe may requite him, 
or, at leaft , teftifie our thankful- 
nefle towards him ; fourthly, we 
rate our felves (if we go on,and no 
token of good will be returned)as 
much too blame y that we fhould 
forget fo great acourtefie, as was 
(hewed to us. 

Now then, that ye have heard 
whatitistobethankful,and what 
good reafon we have to enforce 
this duty upon us, we muft lay our 
felves to this rule; & we (hall find, 
:hat we come as fhort herein,as in 


o— — — ^^ >a ^'— ' ■■■»!, 

j 371 I We have great cattfcybnt 

the afore-named. Oh ! wee are 
horribly unthank full. What good 
bleffin^s doe wereceive* not once 
cafting a looke unto the giver of 
them? When we are kept in the 
night>and our houfes from fire^and 
breaking into; when refreshed 
with fleepe ; when kept all day^in 
our goings out^and commings in j j 
when fed: Doe we heartily ac- 
knowledge God in all thefe ? It is 
he that watchcth , or clfe in vaine 
they keepe the Citie : It is he that 
rocketh us aflecp>and draweth th 
Curcaine ofthc night about vs; he 
giveth fleepeto his beloved : It i 
he that wardcth about us all the 
day, keeping us in our wayes: He 
openeth his hand^and like a great 
Houfe-keepen giveth us our daily 
bread. If in earthly things^which 
we fee and tafte > we cannot ,praife 
him;what taking fhal we be found 
in^about heavenly ? When ye have 
your daily finnes forgiven you > in 
Chrift ; when you arc kept from 
the finneof your own heart ; the 


\ — 

little hearts jto be tha*$kcf*IL 

corrupt examples of worldly men; 
the fpirituall wiefcedneffes which 
fight againft us ; when ye go in 
fpirituall peace from morning un- 
til night? which alone is a gift paf- 
fing underftanding : Doe ye ac- 
knowledge God, with affe&ion to- 
ward him > in all thefe ? It is hee 
that fhifteth us out of the fcapesof 
our naturall corruption>wafliing us 
in the blood of his Chrifbfrom the 
filth of our finnes • he forgiveth us 
every day our trefpaffes: It is his 
might >in whictaas in a Towen we 
are kept fife* againft all the ene- 
mies of our falvation: He is the 
God of Peace,the Prince of Peace 
inChrift? who killeth the accu- 
sing; and fubducth the rage and 
ufurpation of finne in us. We are 
n uch in fault > who have received 
good things at Gods hands? & re- 
payed evill, & fcarce taken notice 
of any his kindnefies towards ur, 
God doth carry us on the tender 
armesof his mercy; but (alas) 
little doe we underftand of him. 


I 374 [ Our great Hnthankefnlnejfe 

In benefits often received,our fpi- 
rics doe not once looke up to him; 
but as Swine take the Mafte,fo do 
we our bleffings : Or if we do any 
thing by way of thankefulneffe* 
how flubberingly do weturneit 
ove^our afte&ios being bent ano- 
ther way,rather than to the thank- 
full pray fing of our God? Wc ferve 
him,as little children fef ve us;who 
when they be come in to us^trotn 
their play>and having gotten fom- 
thing of ns that they want , away 
they goe,without reverence or re- 
fpe&ofus : but if they know we 
will have duties then they doe it ; 
but in fuch a fafhion , that we may 
fee their hearts are on their Game 
abroad, more than on their dutie. 
So , for fpeaking what our good 
God hath done for us ( thankeful- 
neffe wil not fmother a benefit re- 
ceived)when do we tell him, with 
delight of his kindnefle? When 
doewebeatourbraines, notfuf- 
feringthe temples of our headto 
take any reft,til we have given our 


to ye Lor dy Checked. 


God fbme argument of ourtha t- 
fuinefle?Alas! we ufeour God,| 
as if it greatly mattered not how 
he were dealt with* New then 3 
take words to your felvcs, codem- 
ningfrom your hearts this grie- 
vous fmne* Say, if a man do bid 
me to Supper once in a Quarter , I 
thanke bim then; when I meet 
him next after, I thank him againe 
for my laft being with him ; I tell 
him, what kind welcome, what 
good cheere he made me : then I 
invite him fometime againe * and 
checke my felfe,if I forget it. But 
if fome greater mater be bellowed 
upon us,ho w exceeding kindly do 
we take it ? how do we love to tell 
of it: how do we yeeld our {elves 
up to them th^t gave it,profefling 
our felves to be at their comands, 
to the uttermo(t of our abilitie ? 
'Shall I thanke him who giveth me 
aSupperinlove,tellof his loving 
i entertainment, & be afhamed if I 
makeno neighbourly reciuitall? 8c 
fhal I not be afte&ionately thank- 

R full 


576 The Jh Ante oftinth^n kefxlneffe 


full to my God,whogiveth me all 
my dayly Bread ? yea, who feedcth 
myfbule with Himfelfe , in Iefas 
Chrift,(here is my body ,& bloud) 
chat I may live for ever? Shall J 
not tell of the fined Wines, ihofe 
fat things,even of myGod>broken 
in his body& ibule with forrowes, 
fhedding his moft precious bloud, 
wberewkh my moft unworthie 
foule hachbeene fed* and feafted ? 
Shall I , for fo fmall a kindneffe, 
thank a man a thoufand times,and 
tell him , I am his to be comman- 
ded; andfhalllnotfurrendermy 
felfe to my God, who hath payed 
my debt: and purchafed me a new 
Stocke, even the hope of eternal 1 , 
life,with his precious bloudPShall 
1 blufh at fmali unthanfulnefle to- 
ward man* and not be afhamed oft 
great want this way,toward God? 
What?ftiall I be worfe to my God, 
than an Oxe or an AfTe to his ow- 
ner? Iflfliould (hew one excee- 
ding great Iove>and he fliould not 
at all regard me,or returne me but 


How to at t nine a thank* full heart A ^jj 

feme common councenance;coulct 
{endure ic ?Thus then turn your 
felvesunto God 3 and fayj I am be- 
come vvorfe unto thee than the 
Whelpes that feede tinder my Ta- 
ble,are unto metthey will, in their 
kinde , f awne upon me lovingly ; 
and if any fmite me, they will pre- 
fently flyeat him* But my hard 
heart hath no power to be thank- 
full unto thee,and to prayfe thee : 
My zeale is not moved,when thou 
art blafphcmed ; I can fufter thy 
reproach with dry eyes , and un- 
troubled fpjnt. Oh, thcu who re- 
quireftofmein all things to give 
thee thankes,and haft promifed to 
write thy Commandements in my 
heart, put into my heart a Law of 
thankefulnefle. O thouquickning 
Spirit,quicken my foule this way. 
Now finally,foratrain : ng athank- 
full heart, ye mnft labour for thefe 
three things :Firft> ye muft quic- 
ken in your (elves the confeience 
ofyourownnnworthincs; for we 
cannot praife God to any pur pole, 

R 2 fur- 

37» | 

The tneanes to an tine 

further then we fee our felves Jefl e 
than the leaft of all his mercies. 
Even as hunger is good favvce, 
ir.aking bitter things fvveet; fo this 
poverty of fpirit , and confidence 
ofourovvne unworthinefle, doth 

make every benefit amiably tafted. I 
Secondly, ye muft labour to work 
upon your felves a fenfe of the 
worth of thofe things ye enjoy; 
in which, we greatly faile: which 
maketh us ulually , that we never 
know the price and worth of our 
good bleflingSjuntil we are depri- 
ved ot them. And this neg ! e&doth 
breed a double mifchiefe;it makes 
us enjoy things unthankftillyyea, 
uncomfortably > ( for that which 
through plenryfeemeth no dainty 
I cannot be fodelightfull unto *s.) 
And when they are taken away, 
then we come to Had-I-wift; and 
do fo much more penance;by how 
much ^e have bin morecarelefTe. 
In a word,fo much as I efteeme of j 
a gift beftowedjibfarrc fonh am I 
thankfuhNot the having of things 



to a Thaxkefrll heart < 

11 9 

but the having of them in eftima- 

tion,breeds thankfgiving.Thirdiy, 

ye muft labour to fee Gods good- 

nefle to you in all things:the grace 

Jofthegiv"cr>notthegifcitfelf, fo 

much engendreth thankfulneffe ; 

the gift is the Shell,andthis is the 

Meat,which taftcd in the foule , is 

fvveeter than life , and maketh us 

breake out into praifes. Labour 

focthankfull hearts; God aSketh 

nothing elfe but this 5 as a Rene for 

all his bleflings beftowed upon us: 

I will deliver thee, and thou (halt 

praife my Name. Wc will not Ier 

go Lcafcs to men, for not paying 

of Rent : neither let us give God 

caufe to enter and ftrain upon us, 

& all that we have>for not magni- 

fying and praifing him. Thus if 
Godhelpe you ro ftirre up your 
hearts, (for our aflFc&ions,in going 
this way,are like dull A(les,wbicn 
go no longer than they are bea- 
ten; ) if, ' fay.he give you grace ro 
ftirupyour hearts to repentance, 
& to furrender your fouls to him, 

R 3 by 

3 S o 3fi&> benefit of Repentance} 

by eying him, trufting on him, lo- 
ving him*rejoycing in him,fb ma- 
king him your feare^prayfimg him 
by fpirit, word, and worke; then 
happie fhall yeberlf new plagues 
brei&e forth , ye fhall hare your 
comfort in the hotteft* And if ye 
labour to fee bo wfarre your hearts, 
are out of frame , in regard of 
knowledge* truft, love/eare, joy* 
thankfulneffe,and in regard of im- 
penitent hardnes and impudencie 
which is in them,(for they cannot, 
blufh for that whichGod knoweth 
by them,t hough our eares will tin- 
gle and glow on our heads, if any 
mm know ought rcproachfullby 
us;) if ye labour to finde this out, 
and thenin the fight of your mite- 
ry looktoGodspromifejWho hath, 
eovenated to give you a new heart, 
a tender heart, in which his Com- 
mandments flialbe written by the 
finger of his fpirit;then ye fhall fee 
that this courfe will let you be nei- 
ther idle nor unprofitable; yea>k; 
fhall bring you to grow unco per- 


and new obedience. 

fe&ion. For as the young body, 
which from wholforoe emptinefle, 
hathfrefh appetite to newfuftc- 
nance* taketh augmentation more 
and more; lb the foule,which from 
obferving the hcartlefneffe of k 
fclfc, waxeth dayly pooreinits 
ovvne cyes 3 hungring and thirfting 
after righteoufnes,receiveth dayly 
fpirituall encreafefrom GodAVife 
men will take the fovvre with the 
Aveete^and nothing in the World 
is gotten* without paines-taking. 
Therefore* if it feeme to have any 
bitternefle,or to require labounye 
muft not be difmayed* Ipromlfe 
you,it isbut(fome little) braekifh 
in the top; the deeper y e goe, ye 
fhallfindeitthe fweetcr. Make a 
vertue of neceffitie. If ye will en- 
ter into life* this one thingisne- 
ceflarie*L^io % 42. Butthereis 
none that awakcth himfelfe* to lay 
hold on God. The Lord give you 
underloading in all things. 

R 4 




Afpftion beneficiall 

Another Letter, written by 
LMafter PauIBajrye. 

MY Christian friend , if { had 
fooner knovvnp of yOHr hea- 
vinefle,! would before this have 
written unto you: For the more 
argument s we have of love* borne 
us by (Sods children, the more te- 
ftimonies we have of his favour 
towards us. Ic pleafed God > in 
December laft,tochar ge his hand 
toward you, and to touch you in 
your wife, whom now he hath a- 
gaine vifited x and I hope taboth 
your comforts* Trudy our God 
(through Jetus Chrift ) is fo meav 
cifulUhat all things arc fan6tified 
by him unco our good: all afflict- 
ons/hough fGr the prefent not joy- 
ous, yet they bring us a: ter ward 
the quiet fruit of righteoufnefre.' 
Thefe evils which here ever and! 
anon are prefent with us, they are I 
fitly compared to wayward and i 
touchy-guefts : which, while they 
ftay,vvatch every officer; but when 


to the Souk) and how. 

they depart,they pay freely. So it 
, is with thefe: they oftentimes djf- 
\ quiet the frameofthe whole foul; 
but when they go away , they leave 
encreafe ef grace>of faith, of pati- 
ence,of experience; that the ibule 
faith, Well,it is good I knew thefe 
things. But the prefent working 
offorrows feemeth often farreo- 
therwife:for in ftead of encreafing 
in faith, our faith feemeth to bee 
fhaken and weakncd , rather than 
otherwife ; and in ftead of bree- 
ding patience and holineffc , cur 
foulcs do difcover more impati- 
en:e,rebellion , and more unholi- 
nefle every way Now the foule 
thinketh,vvhen thus it is fhaken in 
beliefe; How doe thefe Crofles 
confirmc faith ? and when fuch I 
evill,dwe'ling inns , doth breake 
out,ho\v (faith the ibule to it felfe) 
da afflictions beget the quiet fruit 
of righteoufnes?! will anfwer you 
thefe queftions familiarly: When 
Faith is fhaken by evils befalling 
us 5 you aske how it is confirmed? I 

R 5 anfwer 


384 I Temptations Strengthen Faith. 


anfvver you by a double compari- ; 
fon:When a Linke burneth dim>to 
helpe the light>we knocks it;being 
beaten to any thing* it fecmeth al- 
moft to goe forth ; yet this beating 
it, doth caufe it cart light far more 

Againe > how doth the fhaking 
of a tree by ftormy blafts>fettle the 
root and the tree more firmely, 
though for a while it threaten the 
dovvnefall ? Conceive of thefe* and 
you may underftand* how faith 
though it feeme to be cart downe, 
yettryedbyecntationsj itcomcth 
to be ftrengthened. Now then if 
you aske>how they bring forth en- 
creafe of righteoufnefle^leeing you 
fee more unrighteoufneffe breake 
from you by occafion oftheitbthen 
you have obierved in your felfe 
heretofore: Confidet that when 
aveffellof any liquor, hath mud 
and dregs fettled in thebottome; 
k mud be ftirred 3 that which fee- | 
med|mrej muftbe mademuddie 
before it can be clcanfed z evenfb 


— > — ■ 

and increase righteoafnejfs* ] 385 

his troubling of us > veflelfull of 
uncleanneffe > is the way whcrby 
God doth clcanfe us. Now if God 
he fo tenderly prefentbyus* ask 
pleafed him ere-while to be, it 
falieth fo out, that much °old* ma- 
ny precious graces are difcerned> 
which we before could not difco- 
verrand thefe are fuch fweet fowrs> 
fo plcafantly tempered * that the 
grief i$ not fo bitten as the work- 
ing of grace in us is delightfull. 
But what way foever,calamity doth 
not fo hurt us>as fcarre us ; us who 
are loved of God and called home 
according to his purpofe* Thus 
wifhing your peace^and hoping 
that all (hall turne to good* 
the good of you both>I 

ceafe to trouble 






in Affliction. 


Letter full of Divine 

Comforts ^ and inftru&ions | 

unto all, in the time of ficknes, 

or any other chaftifemencs 

of the Lord, 

Written by Mr. Pavl 

PSAL.94. 12> IJ # 

Blejfedis the man when* thou chajttfifty 
O Lordy and teachefi him out of thy 
Law y that thou maySi give him reji 
from the dayes ofadverjttie* 


Printed for N. En derby and are 
to be fold at his Shop in Popes- 
Head Alley, at ihefigne 







Oving Sifter, I can- 
not but write you 
a word in the love 
I beare you, hear- 
ing that your 
health dothftand 
more weakely withyou, then here- 
tofore. I wifli your bodily frailty 
might be an occafiont© your foule, I 
of returning into it felf, and draw- 
ing moreneerto God inChrift Ic- 
fus.Even as childre love to be play- 
ing abroad, till night approaching 
doth caufe them return : fo we love 
not to dwell at home with Godj 



590 : Cjods children bettered bj affltttion 



and our own conferences in godly 
devotion & meditation this way ; 
but to be abroad infuch courfes, 
as are moft pleafmg to our corrupt 
natures, till the night ofafflidhon 
commeth ; in whick,unable to de- 
light our felves as before > we 
turne backs into our owne foules, 
and come home to oui heavenly 
Father. I wifh you th'a fruit of 
your infirmities therathe^becaufe 
not the having of fickneffe , but 
profiting by it,is a certaine mark, 
that you are one whom God hath 
called, according to his heavenly 
purpofeoflife everlafting :for all 
things work to their good on ely, 
who ?re thus called of God , and 
love him,Rom 8. And if you re- 
ceive correction, fo as to have the 
quiet fruit of righteotffneflfe by 
I meancs of it , then you are chil- 
[dren,notbaftards; that looke as, 
^good metall is difcerned from 
JdrofTe, not by being in the fire 
onely>butby waxing more bright 
and refinedby meanes of it;fo are 




How we may profit under Gods h*nd* j 391 

Gods Children defcried fromo- 
thers, not by being in calamities 
which is common to all , butbjr 
growing thereby more purged 
from their corruption , and more 
Aiming in the light of grace,to the 
glory of their Father which is in 
heaven. Wherefore f eing it doth 
fo much concern you, to find fome 
fpiritnall fruit? of your vifitatiom 
I will at this time teach you> how 
ou may come to profit by this 
and ofGod.which hath followed 
yen oflate with more then ordina- 
ry weakneffe of body, 

Firft,you mwft labour to appre- 
hend God, as a Father corre&ing 
of you by thefe infirmities. 

Secondly you muft labor to find 
out the caufe why , and to what 
purpofe God doth follow you in 
inch kmd. And thirdly, yon muft 
feekc to him, that he would teach 
you to profit, and lead you by his 

frace to al that which is pleafing 
eforehim.Many account of fick- 
ncs,as a thing which commeth by 

courfe, a 


In infirmities ive nwft 


a thing(which may well be looked 
for in your yeers) which will weare 
away by the grace of God ; onely 
as it had a time to grow in * fo it 
mufl: have a time to goe in alio ; 
vanishing away in fucb thoughts, 
never ©bferving the correcting 
hand of their God* in the thing 
which is upon them. The world as 
it doth not know God in all that 
good he doththem,when he filleth 
their hearts with joy and gladnes, 
being worfe then the oxe and afle, 
who know their Maftets Crib ; fo 
againe* beingdiunken with igno- 
rance, andlufts ofignorance^they 
know not who ftrikeththem,when 
the punilhing hand of God doth 
follow them: whereas every childe 
dcth know when it receiveth cor- 
rection from the carchly Parent, 
yea , the wilde Colt doth know 
when the Dam doth Itrike it. 
Wherefore (before a'l things) la- 
bour to fee God>your Fathers hand 
in all things. Should we beat our 
children>and they fliould feem ne- 


apprehend (jods hand. 


ver Co vouch as to heed our linking 
of therib would we not judge their 
ftate forIorne?Againe*this makech 
vs returne repentantly , when we 
Fee our heavenly Father calling us 
by his corre&ion ; this maketh us 
:oindeavourto be humbled under 
Gods hand when we thinke how 
God our Father is offended with 
as. Finally* this maketh us to con*- 
:eive hope* that our vifitation (hall 
be for our good ; the Parents hand 
hurteth not Children. 

Now for your clearer infpe&i- 
on hereinto > and for your greater 
:omfort, I will infift fomewhat 
tightly upon that in Daniel , Dan* 
iz.3 3*34>tf. where the Prophet 
[having opened the impieties and 
perfecutionsofthat wicked Antio- 
r/?*f,as likewife what was the ftate 
sfthe lew without,who had not the 
power of godliness the verfebe- 
fore)doth m thefc three lay downe 
the eftate of the godly,while thefe 
fiery tryalsindured. And 5. hings 
are there fet downe : Firft , he de- 



It is a good twins property 

fcnbeth thofe chat were godly, 
wife, and found-hearted in their 
profeflion,from this, that they did 
labour to bring others to fellow- 
ship in the fame grace with them, 
through inftru&ion, andmeanes 
of chat nature. Secondly >hc fetterh 
downe the variety of evils which 
(hould befall them^rcand fword* 
Tfurdly,thc cold comfort and den* 
derhelpes which they were like 
to find-Fourthly >the end of zlUviz,. 
the purging out of all their cor- 
ruptions, both of flefh and fpirit. 
Fifthly^tbe durance of their fuffc- 
rin*,nacnely,till Gods appointed 
(eafon were expired. From this 
(chat the godly-wife are defcribed 
from hence, that they inftrud ci- 
thers ) obfervefirft by the way, 
that a good mans property is , he 
will labour to make others good, 
ha cannot goc to heaven aloneas 
God catcheth him, fo he will pull 
his neighbour after with him ; asJ 
Th Hip did N'athmeelj Ioh.1,43. 
according to that commandment, 



ftdifi others. 


reach and cdificone another, i. 
rh. 5 .even as a fweet fmell fillet h j 
hefenfesof fuch as are neere it, 
b grace afte&erh thofethat cott- 
erie with ir # Now to perfwade 
s to the praftice of this, we have 
lany rea!ons;firft,Gods glory,fbr 
)e glory of a King , faith Salomon 
andcth in the multitude of his 
ubje&s ; therefore, when we la- 
3ur to increafcthe number of the 
lithfulljwe do gain no fmall g!o- 
no God; as who thenincreafe 
is Subje£ts,and enlargehis king- 
>me. Secondly, the good of che 
irty admonifhed ; for as Saint 
ptfwfaith often, by phis meanes 
m that is converted , then if vve 
?t him the pofleflion of the 
bole World. Thirdly, for our 
Ives,itdoth many vv ayes benefit 
; thus to worke upon others ; 
r, firft without us , we hence 
inneonr felves great love in the 
:artsofothers.This made Naomi 
interefled in the heart of Rmh. 


■■ ■ ■ ■ 


The good nwft helpe to 

This made TauI Co afte&ed to th< 

Galatians > chat they would haw 

given him their eyes ; whereas i 

this be wantingmoeieisfufficiet 

and the negle6t of this , is that 

which often maketh men meet 

with fuch trickes and turnes 

their deareftfriends>as aregrievou 

unto them. Againe* while we do 

deale with others thi s way>we in 

creafe our own grace; for it is wit 

that as our other ftocke^the bettc 

it be husbanded* and theoftner 

be turned , fo moth the more it 

increafed. Thirdly, in Heaven v 

(hall have fo much more ample re 

ward, by h9W much more we ha 

beene in this kind more fruit fu 

T>an.i 2,_3 . This is firft, to rebu 

the vaine complaints of men* wl; 

will cry out>0 what an evill vvor 

it is ! Whom may a man truft nc 

adaycs?But yet never goe about 

I reclaime a man from any evill ws 

What doeft thou complaine of 

evil world?It isthe worfe for the 

When doeft thou admonifh an> 

mak^-others good/Ujes of it. 

lay, one may be in thy company 
11 the yeer, and fcarce hear a good 
Yord> which tendeth to make fin 
ia:efull>and vertue precious in the 
ccounts of others* What tolly is 
his, to begone that, which thou 
/lit not tiir thy litde finger to re- 
refle? As if a husbandman fhould 
Dmplaine,0 hereis nothing in my 
round>but bryers and nettles^and 
ther weeds! but Chould never ma- 
nre ibfow it drefle it, &c* Every 
»ne would condemne it as folly in 
iiibfoit is with us. Sccondly^this 
sbuketh fueh as will not be admo- 
ii(hed:come and talke withthem, 
arping upon this ftring, and they 
/ill fay>What have you to do with 
ne ? \ooke to your (clfe* \ ou (hall 
nfaet for your felfe > and not for 
le -.but we muft have to doe with 
hcm> and one with another: did 
fefee their beaft ready to mifcar- 
y> under a burden^ we are bound 
bhelp it,and they would nocraif- 
>keit ; much more are we bound 
d help one anothejrunderthe bur- 


j 5<jg ( GodffoftfcrvoHts, mofl malted* 

den of fin. Secondly, here we fee, 
that the belt fervice receiver h from 
the world ofcStimes the worft wa- 
ges .Thefe that made others turne 
From their evill wayes > and them- 
fclves walke • to all godly mnocen- 
cy; thefeare the Butts(asit were) 
at which the malicious world, 
chiefely fliootcthtthus it was with 
Chrift , and the Prophets : which 
of them in mannerwere not cruel- 
ly butchered jThereafo i*,firft,be- 
caufe fuch fruitfull Chriftian'., the 
Divell feeieth his head fo trod on 
by them , that he cannot indurc 
them : but will catch them by the 
heele* andmifchiefethem,asfaf 
as he is able*Let men florifh witfc 
humane wifedome , carry them-lo 
felves for humane morall difcourfi i 
and complement , incomparable ! n 
he ftirreth not at this, for all this i 
while he is but played with, nc 
fbule is recovered out of his povy^ r 
er, he is notdifturbed.Agame, a* 
the malice of the divell isagainfl 
them chic fely, fo the envie of th 


■ » m 

7 fts to be made of otbtts affti&iont. 

vorld j who cannot but hate fiich 
whofc workes are becccr than 
heirowne. Theufeofthisis^that 
ve judge not of men according to 
heir affiiflions. Oh when wee 
leare one is in trouble,thcn we lay 
lurely he might have handled the 
natter with more difcretion ; had 
le beene wifer, be might have fa- 
red all this trouble. Do we not fee 
lerc, that the wifeft that werefa- 
hcrs begetting others to wifc- 
lorac, this is their portion ? Chrift 
\nd the Apoftles might thus bee 
:ondemned asfoolifh; nay, fiich 
vhofc (ins doe cart them into their 
roubles , fuch arc foolifh ; bat 
/vhen affli&ions come for a good 
xmfcience, then it is quite other- 
wife. Secondly, we mud fit downe 3 
ind caft our accounts before hand, 
hat we will not bee difcouraged, 
or that meafure wee meet with 
rom the World ; but comfort our 
elves in this., that God will judge 
is, not according to that fucceffe 
ve have had Jbuc according to that 

S we 


400 \ The Afjlt8ions0f the godly mu ft 

III * III M l - .> > . .- . ■ ,| 

weiiave done; bee it good or cvill. 
Thirdly, from this, that thefe god- 
lywife fuffer £nbody,asby fire and 
(word ; in goods,as by (polling; in 
liberty, as being banifhed and led 
captive^and that many daie*;I pray 
ybn obferve^that the Saints of God 
often fuffer ftrong,many, and long 
affliftions. Thus Ifraels pofterity 
endured triall 4oo*yeers. Thus the 
elder people of God were all led 
captive feventy yeeres;for we need 
great ones, that our corruptions 
may be fubdued within us. For.as 
theuDtaraednefle of fome Colt is 
fuch^that unleffs he were fore rid- 
den,he would never be broken, Co 
is it with our rebellious naturc.Se- 
condIy,Httle things donctcxercife 
our faith, & make us tofeeke God 
for as none for a little head-ach,or 
for the ranch of a pin, will fecke tc 
the bodily Pbyfician or Surgeonjfc 
is it with the fou!e,whiIe it is trou 
bled with like grievances ipiric 
all. Thirdly, they nmftbee great., 
to make place for mercy aboun< 


be get Ate ^ divers^andhng. 


dant fromGod to us 5 and plentiful! 
thankefgifing from ustoGod. If 
one heale a trifling matter, it nei- 
ther fo bindcth the Patient, nor 
commendeth the Ph y (Irian : but if 
one heale us of fomedeadly incura- 
ble thihgjO we fay then, we could 
never have met with fuch a Phyfi- 
cian; not the like in the world a- 
gaindSccondly^they muft be many 
and divers, armies of men 5 it lob 
fpeaketh 5 becaufe our corruptions 
are of divers kinds : and becaufe a* 
gaineasthe body, if it take one 
thing ftill, it commeth to beefo 
much leflemoved,by how much it 
is more familiar; (b it is with cur 
foulesjthatoneuniform^ evil doth 
by little & little, through cuftome 
become kfle cffeftuall. It faring 
withanian,aswich a horfe ; who 
ftill (purred in one place , com- 
meth not to feelethefpurre, nor 
mend his pace when hee is pric- 
ked. As they muft bee ftrong and 
divers, fo they muft bee long alfo ; 
becaufe our evil* which have 

S 2 been 

■ i ■ ■ ■ J r r t r 

402 I 3Tfo tfflittions tftbtgodlj 

beene long growing upon us, will 
not goe away haftily ; as ftaines 
which arelong fctled in a c!otb,re- 
quire much fcowring. Now when 
wee daily fpot our (elves with fin 3 
we lee it fettle in; and doe not wath 
our felves by renewing faith and 
repentance : and (o make way for 
the heavier band of God, when he 
(hallvifit. Batitmaybeobje&ed, 
Paul faith, our afflifti ons are light 
and momentany. Anfwer : Not, 
that abfolutely they arc fo, but in 
comparifbn of eternity; Secondly, 
lighten regard of that which grace 
maketh them,when (in is repented 
of, and Gods favour not hidden 
from us. This made Tanl that he 
could not fleepe for joy, butfung 
at mid-night when hee was impri- 
ibned and (ore handled. This made 
Ptf er,thougb he was to be brought 
forth the day after to death, he ne- 
j ver flept better in his life : this will 
make us out-looke death, and al 
cvills,when we have received from 
God the grace of repentance and 


are many, yet light alfe. 

forgiveoefle of finsjwhcn the light 
of his countenance is towards as 
in his beloved. For as a plaifter 
which upon a (ore flefh caufeth 
much fmart, upon (bund flcfli ftir- 
rech no paine : (o troubles lighting 
upon a foule healed thus, as is a- 
bovc-faid, are nothicigfogricvous. 
This muft make us provide our 
felves 5 and ar me our hearts with the 
comfort of the Scriptures, agaiaft 
wefhallbe tried, not bdngatall 
difrruied at them when they befall 
u?. If wee make account of cold 
weather entring, then wee will be 
appointed,& get double clothing ; 
wee muft be as wife for our foules, 
as bodics.Secondly,we muft cry to 
God, that he would fay to our (pi- 
nts by his Spirit, thac our fins are 
forgiven; that is J am he that jufti- 
fiech thee,who can lay any thing to 
thy charge? and we muft give all 
diligence to make our calling and 
cleiUon (ure, feeing that in thefe 
things ftandcth our fvveetc peace 
and comfort, when all the world 
S 3 be- 



Gods Children forfaken of friends 

befides can (hew us no com- 

Fourthly, that they have fo 
fmallhdpe, andmuchdiflimulau- 
on ufed towards chem • obferve 
I hence, that when God will try us, 
men ufaally leave us; fb Paul filth 
in the fecond of Timnhj, that all 
had forfaken him, the firft time of 
his appearing. Thus when Chrift 
was fmitten andattached,the Apo- 
ftlesfhrunkeaway from him •ac- 
cording to that, when the Paftor 
wasfmicten, the (heepc were (cat- 
tered.For of tho£ that make fliew 
to be friend s,many are hypocrites ; 
and therefore they will like fwal- 
lowes take the Summer-fliine with 
I us, but bid us adieu when winter | 
f bloweth. Secondly, many that are 
fbund^yet are weakein love; and 
therefore not able to bcare in 
fufferings. Thirdly, many want 
courage, and therefore fay, I can 
doe him no good, I fhall be look- 
ed into; as good one beare it as 
moe, when we cannot be eafed :(b 



in Affliction : The nfes thereof* 

that their diftreffcd brethren may 
fiokeorfwim, while they confalt 
with fuch flefhly reafon.The ufe is, 
that we would all learne hencenot 
corruftin men, but in the living 
God ; and co acquaint our (elves 
wkb him,ia whom there is no Iha- 
dow of change. 

Secondly, wee muftnorbediC- 
maied, if many forinke from us 
when they come co the wetting; 
Come of Gods children differing 
inthiskindc, take ic to heart and 
ky : Ob, if others had done thus 
and thus, I could bane borne ic ; 
but it goeth to ray hearr, to fee 
fuch ferve me this part ! Why, this 
is no great new^s; doe not the 
Saints here ; did not Chrifi >T>avid, 
Iob> at his wives hand indurc the 

Fifthly, that thefe worthy 
S 11 ncs have fuch ftrong, many and 
long affliftions for the purging of 
them j Obfervc hence, that there 
' are none fa pure, but need fining, 
winnowing , and wafhing : even 

S-4 as' 

4° 5 


AH troubles rvorkt together for 

asdroffeis with filver, offall and 
care with corne, foylc with cloth : 
fb is corruption with our nature, 
it will never quite bee taken forth, 
till this body of finne be diflolved; 
and God will have fuch remain- 
ders that we may be trained in hu- 
mility by them. They are like the 
Swans blacke teete, in the whiteft 
Chriftian.SecondIy,that we weake 
ones may not be difmayedat that 
we find, when the beft have their 
*remna">ts of corruption. 

Sixthly,tbat God doth give them 
to fuch croffes^only to purge them 
&c. Note hence, that all troubles 
are for the benefit of us, who are 
the Lordsjffr. 1 2.1 o.For our pro- 
fit he chaftifeth us ; and that they 
may workcto thi^heedoth Qnd 
them by meafure fuch, as may help 
us, noeoverwhelme us, Jjfi.27.8. 
Hedoth ftill fit ut in our affl ftions 
I for our good, not proportion our 
cvih to ourdeferving. SecondIy,as 
hedoth fend them inmeafure, Co 
with his blefliog; which turneth 


gotd to Gods children. 


all things that they work together 
co our good. True it is, that a 
while there is no (iich thing appa- 
rent; but in the end when we fcc 
whaiGod will uft themall to,theo 
we fhall tec that all fuch confpire 
to our great profit. la buildings 
great while there isnocomelines, 
but ac length when every thing is 
fitted to the right place^ thereis a 
goodly correfponJence in the 
whoie^thar b,a well proportioned 
anfwering ofone part to another : 
(o in the frame of our fbules. Aid 
hence we fee, how wide the wic- 
ked are in their reckoning. O they 
think they have fped us, they have 
prevailed ; when indeed they have 
done good offices to us : for God 
maketh them of the Scullery to 
fcowreus, Launderersto walhus, 
ia the worft things hce fuffcreth 
them, or wicked fpirits over them, 
to doe unto us, Seco!idly 3 (eeing all 
ourfufferings are from God, wee 
muft look for profit by c verytrou- 
b!e; unleflT: we will make God not 



aq% The time of our Afflittion is in 

true, or our felves not his chil- 
dren, truely godly, and loving 
him : and there fore r hey arc much 
to be blamed, that through v\eak- 
nefle will fay, they cannot tbinke 
that ever fuch a thing fhall doe 
them any good; for u^hat cannot 
be make for our gocd, that caileth 
light out of darkn^flfe , if we will 
give glory to his Word byrefting 
upon it? 

Seventhly, that all chefs tribu- 
lationsareto laft but till the ap- 
pointed time : We obftrve hence, 
that our times of exercife they arc 
onely in the hands of God 5 even 
as thePhyfician onely mult pre- 
scribe how long the courfe of 
ihe phyfickeordiet drinkesmuft 
bee continued; fb mud our God 
fct the time, for which thefe trou- 
bles (which are the fou!e c $: urg^ti- 
ois)muftbetakeri. Wicked nr,cn 
cannot fct the time^foi they would 
never make an end ; nor yet Dor 
ieIves;forwe would fipbut lightly 
of fo bitter cups $ this is the Lords 

I Gods band: Theufes thereof. 

— «k- 

prerogative royall, co appoint the 
ftafons and termes, wherein affli-/ 
ftions ftull be continued. Theufe 
ofic is, chat wee take heed of pro- 
voking him, who hath power to 
hold us under evils while he pleafe 
Secondly, weemuftflietohimin 
prayer, that he would be pleated 
co incline mercy cowards us, and 
make haft.ThirdIy,wc muft know 
chat all our continuance in afflicti- 
ons is full of mercy ,truth aid wife- 
dome. If Ixcob thoald have held 
lofeph in prifon, would hee have 
held him coo long? no, no ; much 
ieflfe hc( who is more merciful than 
any father, and pkiifull than any ; 
mocher)will hold us overlong: but 
ordetingallhiscorreftions by his 
Fatherly providence; will in his 
good ime make them worke al o- 
grther for good, and notforevill 
u. tons. 

In the fecond phce 3 'abour to 
findc out what finnc it is, which 
offendcth God. SinnefuU tflen 
ftrikc ooc without a caufe; the 







v4fpUions fbould make w 

juft God,when he corre&eth,hath 
ever juft reafbn : our confidences 
are like Iooking-glafies,which bt* 
ing over-fpread with duft,dofhew 
nothing^ but if they bee wiped 
c!eane,cben little things appeare in 
them clcarely* Wherefore enter 
into your foulcconfiderwhat ftace 
you ftand in before God j whether 
you have that faith toward his 
grace which doth puiifiethe heart 
whether you hive fo learned 
Chrift, that his vertuc hath made 
you put off the old roan, that is 5 
deny thofe earthly lufts,which doe 
leads naturall men (as ic were) by 
thenofej and live godly ^ righce- 
oofly, and with Christian (bbriety, 
in ufe of thofe liberties which in 
themfelves are lawfull. Many 
thinke, that if they know the truth 
and 3src in judgment agaiift Pope- 
ry- if they like of the prefent Reli- 
gion, prefenting their bodies on 
the Sabbat^it the publike worfliip 
efpecially, if they have a prayer 
read in the houfe^and fo&forme of 

fearcb into QurffifitnaUtJldte. 

piivatefervice, thcythinkeitiae- 
nougb;though they never received, 
that grace from Chrift, which 
fhouldf fcafon their nature with a 
divine qualitie, even as the leaven 
doth the lump: of dough • andftir 
up flrife in them againft their own 
corruption, 'which hindrcththem, 
that they cannot doc any duty to 
God,fb as they defiretodo.Wher* 
as all true Chriftians are Chrifts 
fou'diers, & find their lives a war- 
fare; the Spirit of Chriftin them 
driving againft their corrupt na- 
turc^and their corrupt nature lufU 
ing againft the grace whichChrifts 
Spirit hath wrought in them , (b 
that they cannot doe the thing* 
they would doe. Wherefore look 
to this(deare Sifter;) ourbrft free* 
hold , our hope of Heaven dotb 
ftand upon it. Wee muft not thinke 
as many do,we have not lived thus 
long, to call it nowinqueftionin 
what ftate wee ftand : (uch like 
thowghrs the devil (uggefteth,that 
men through hardnts of heartland 




Wei muft examine ourfdvts i for 

blind preemption, might fallinto 
j evill. If you find that you fland in 
the faving grace of Chrift,then you 
muftexamineyourfelfe, whether 
you have not provoked God , by 
negligent and camail performance 
of Spiritual duty : as good ftuffc 
may be marred in the making, fo, 
the b^ftdt?ties,ifour hearts be Tiot 
brought inco Gods fight 5 and reve- 
rently prepared in them, they are 
marred j being :ti fach manner per- 
formed : yea, they difpleafe God. 
Curfedarefucb who do his work 
negligently ; who draw necre him 
with their hearts being farre off 
from hum : many were ficke, many 
(mitten with death for receiving 
the Communion without reve- 
rence, fairh, and repentance, i 
£V it* Examine your fclfe, whe- 
ther you have fet your heart to 
love the Lord Jefus, whom you 
beleeve to have ftudie his bloud 
for you; wee fay, Love de- 
fends ,, it doth not afcead. pa- 
rents tenderly love Children, but 


r i i s- 

what firwe.Gcdafflifts «/, / 41 <? 

Children love not Paretics in 
that degree^ It is raoft true, cwixc 
us and our heavenly Father,, to 
whom* our hearts beare too too 
cold love^f the beft of them be ex- 
anrned. You had more necde to 
Iooke to this,! t is Co popular a difc 
cale.Finaily^onfidci whether you 
have not ufed the law full things of 
this life intcmperately «. whether 
you ha?e not negle&ed time, 
which is fo precious- whether you 
have not bcene carelcffe to fee that 
thofe who are under your go- 
verrmenr, fhouldfrcveand fcare 
the L rd. Confider, I fay, ftch 
like things, that you may find 
whac ic is God would h^ve you 
amenc*. Even as a medicine doth 
ftirre up nacurall hea r e to fight 
.with the ficke humour, which i^ 
to bee expelled by ic 5 lb the me- 
dicio ble forrowes that GOD 
d th m fter to his Children, 
doe ibrrc up grace, to driv \ forth 
fuchcorru^tion&fpirhua l,asGod 
\AOuld have removed by chem. 


41 4 W* mnftgot to God to teach 

In che third place, finding what 
hath been amifle, you muft know, 
chat you cannot redrefle it, we can- 
not thinke a good thoughr-we can 
(like children taken in faults) pro- 
raife to do no more,and be in them 
presently againe. Seeing then ic is 
not in our ftrength,to take fruit by 
our croflTcs,further than Godf who 
givech will and deed) doth worke 
it in u«;wc muft come to him, and 
pray him to make us profit. Hee 
who will have fiafull men joyne 
inftruftion with correftion ; yea, 
who putteth into m*n this regard 
of dumbcrcatutes, that be will not 
ftrikea dogge, but bee will make 
him (ee,fo well as he can, what it is 
for which he ftriketh hi w -(hall not 
hecinftruftus, when his hand is 
now upon us, for want of duty to 
him ? In vaine fhould coLiiron be 
b?ateo,did not fire fofcen ir:in vain 
(hould sffi ftions (which are Gods 
hammer) ftrikc on our hearts, 
(hould not God by his Spirit', 
which is compared to fire, both 


U4 tt profit ly affitlion* 

fofcen our hearcs,and enlighten us, 
to fee our duties towards him. 
Wherefore good Sifter, feeke to 
God for this Spirit of Chrift, w ch 
may make all forrowes fruitfull 
unto you, andbeareyouup^ that 
you finkenot in them: For as blad- 
ders fwim aloft all waters, while 
they are filled with winde, fbdoe 
wee above all affli&ions, while 
this Spirit is with us,to fupport us 
in them. If Phy fickc be given a bc- 
dy,and it will not worke,itisan ill 
figne ; if our infirmities, which are | 
Gods potions to our fbules, ifthefc 
move not our hearts to turne from 
finne, and feeke to God for mercy 
in Chrift,tc isa fearcfull figne of a 
Jeadfbule, from which the life of 
God is departed. The Lord give 
jrou underftanding in all things, 
rhus wiftung you true comfort, 
both inward and outward, I com- 
Btc you to the grace of God in 
Chrift Iefus.Farewell. 

Your loving Brother, 

Paul B*)*te, 



Ftwperforme the grcate things 


^Another Letter. 

GOodM* D. Ihavercceircd 
your Letters, wherein the 
death of our friend, which before 
was conjefturall, is certainly affir- 
med : as alfo the manner of his 
death exprefled. The latter doth 
miniftercomfort for the bearing of 
the forraer.For 3 dearh is not a mat- 
ter of fomuchforrow to the god- 
ly,as the giving of repentance uato 
life e verlaftir,g,is mac ter of joy and 
gladnefle. The Lord grant that 
his death, and the great mortali- 
ty which your ties have feen, may 
bee focfrreall Sermons to us, that 
We may bethinke as of our morta- 
lity, and turne our hearts to wife- 
dome, feeketo gaine the time, 
which wee have heretofore mi- 
fpcnt,by taking all occifions unto 
good; and wee have vowed great 
things in baptifine, we have profef. 
fed our ftlvei dead with Chrift, (b 
that the world is crucified to us, 
and wee unto the life of the world, 



which as Saint John expoundeth, 
doth (tend ia the finfull pleasures, 
profits, and glory which chechil- 
dren of the world imbrace as 
their portion. But alasj, in ftead of ; 
making this profeffion good, wee 
doe live in the World, taking in 
coo freely and unweanedly , the 
pleasures of ic, fetting our hearts 
on the profits of it , more than is 
expedient. We have prof efled our 
felves in Baptifaie,to be alive unto 
3od,(foras thedippingorfprink- 
ingof us,doth fcale ouringrafcing 
ntoChrift dying; fo the comming 
"orth^or wiping the water off^doth 
eale unto us this grace from God) 
trdprofefleit (of our part) before 
iim,thc Angels,and the Congrega- 
ion,that we are paffed from de<tf!i 
olife, even a life which is unto 
5od, and ftandeth in knowledge, 
n rightcoufnefle, in holinefle, 
3 that no longer, now wr, -s 
he old man Ihould live,bn* f irift 
efus fnould live in us. i . .v how 
lead are wc in regard of this lifej 


418 Gods children may die by the fUgut . 

who in the u(c of Gods manifold 
mercies, hath care to fhew forth 
the feare of his name^ the love of 
holinefle, to make manifeft, that 
now hee is alive with his head 
Chrift Jcfus unto God. The care- 
leffe breaking of this covenant 
hath cauftd all this (b grievous pe- 
ftilence,yea, the Lord hath (lie wed 
how true that is,even in his owne 
Children,tnany of whom hee hath 
taken away,yet fbcorre&ed them, 
that he would nottemove his mer- 
cy from them,nor falfifie his truth: 
and therefore he hath given them 
repentance. And if God let you fee 
this covenant of yours, and the 
maine failing in performance of ir, 
you areblefled: Bleffcd are they 
that mourne(faith our Saviour)fo r 
they (hall be comforted • bur, Woe 
to thofc that goeon laughing, for 
they, if they continue, (hall waile 

Your loving Brother, 


Leffonsfrem the lingring eftbe^ &c. 

.« ~ «« 


Afthir Letter, 

Mr. D. Ic plcafeth God ftillto 
lft his hand hang amoogft 
you, though he hach gracioufly a- 
batedhis ttroke, yea, very many 
places remain infefted,thnugh ma- 
ny die not of the infe&ionul which 
mould teach us both to remember 
that which is paft, and to fcare, in 
regard of that which may fall our. 
For this is one end why God doth 
not at a chop remove the evills 
which annoy us,that we might the 
better remember our forrow paft, 
and his goodnefle in our delive- 
rance. Againe,his hand doth hover 
often dill about us, that wee might 
I feare before him, and meete him 
by repentance, in the way of his 
judgement left if that his patience 
wait on us in vaine, our ftroke at 
length be redoubled. Truelymen 
are far from this, they thinkethat 
there is no feare, ic had a time to 
come,and muft have a time to goe, 

and I 


Ihey ibat humble tbemfelver 

and t he worft is part ; but God li~ 
keth noc fuch fecurity^ yea hee of- 
ten Canfeth c vill to meet it. where 
the htarnsbl* fled that fearethal- 
waks.Whereforegood M.*Z).doe 
you go on in f rrow, for manifold 
wau'sofduty towards your God 
fo gracious, yea, accufeyourfelfe 
now, as roo little humbled under 
his mighty hand, when fucb 
ftrength of his wrath was revealed. 
And in thefe thoughts raifeup your 
felft to look unto his free mercy of 
Chrift, which reacheth (through 
the merit of that bloud)tothe par- 
don of all our fins,yea, to make us^ 
who are the children of wrath 
become the children of blefling, 
yea fuchblefling as doth follow us 
in all our waies.O that is a worthy 
(entence for all that haye efcaped 
this hand, to thinke on ; Goc thy 
waies,finneno more, that is, make 
not a trade of walking after your 
owneeies and hearts, left worfe 
things befall. And this I will tell 
you, the praftice of thefe things, 


under Gods handball be exalted. 

though ic reftraine a little mirth, 
which the Wi£ roan callech mad- 
neflc,yec it flhall bring you to tafte 
in your foule a joy unfpeakeable 
and glorious 5 fuch a rejoycing, 
which the world cannot take from 

Your loving friend, 
tuttl Byne. 






Chriftians Eflate: 


A Difcovcric of the Cauics, 

degrees, fignes and differences 

of the Apoftafieboth of 

true Chriftians and falie : 

In a Sermon preached in Lottdo^ 

by Matter P au l Bayne, and 

afterward lent in writing co 

bis friend W.F. 

* —— — - - , ■ 1 1 - ■ - 


Printed by A 6. for i.N. and are 

to be fold by Sam* Enitrhj, at his 

{hop, at the Scarrc in Popes 

bead Alley. 1637. 



<&> t£r> *&* *&> c 'f?> *?&» <&* *tfr> 
o£» cfs> «^* *£«> *^> *^*> e<j* *J> 

To the Reader. 

Hri&ian Rea- 
der \good Wine 
needetb no gar- 
land , it will 
praife it felfi:fo( I perfwade 
my felfe) will tbU enfuing 
Sermon, which a learned , 
holy andfaitbfullfervant of 
God formerly viva voce in 
publique, founded in the 
eares of me and many, and 
afterwards ju a token of his 

A 2. Chri- 


— — . , 1 ■ _ _■ ■ 

To the Reader. 

Cbriflian lolpe to mee , be 
fto^eduponme in writing 
lohich being foj ruitfulUm 
necejfarie a labour , in tk 
judgement of the godly an 
learned that baite Jeene i 
and fo Jpeciallj befittin 
thefe luke-tvarme and bad 
Jliding times , I thought 
could not, without prejudu 
to theejuffer it to lie by m, 
for my private inftru&id 
and benefit alone } and then 
fore for thy good, the ke\ 
ping in precious memory t> 
Preacher thereof yphom t\ 
L ord hath gat In red into l\ 
barne, and for the glory 

i »i>> «^ > i !■ ■ ■ ■» 

aod efyecially, I baloe con- 
sented that it be made more 
bublique and common , by 
comming under the prejfe. 
The Lord grants bat it may 
halve that juccefje in me and 
thee, which bee that ga"ve 
fir ft life unto it inftudying, 
and brought it foortb by 
preaching \intendedjmd Tin 
confenting and caufing to 
ha'-ve it printed \defire : fo 
lb. ill the feeble , uptake and 
doubting Chriftian t be taken 
by the hand, ftaied and com. 
forted aga'inU the feares of 
totall backfliding , and ypc 
all (bail be of the number of 

A 3 them 



To the Reader. 

them which follow faith to 
the conferloation of our 
foules : which the Lord for 
I ejus Cbrift hu fake grant. 

t /» • 

Thine in his beftdefire?, 



<&9 Hr> <&» +$* £&H$3L2$Qi£&L 







But we are not they which with- 
draw vurfelves itUoperdiiha^ 
but pllotp.fdith unto thtMQ* 
fet«vatie*4j C thi{QHfc> I 

[& Apoftle, ha- 
ving in the 
verfc before re- 
unembered the 
fears full eftace 
of fuch who 
through unbe- 
liefs are withdrawne from God , 
doth in this verfe prevent a fcru- 

A 4 pie 

ThetritBef* Cbrifliam E/fate. 

^ ' ^ 

pie which might arife hi fam^ u~ 
morons consciences > doubting 
whether they were not in this cafe 
next before threaded. Hee doth 
therefore tskefnch weakeones by 
the hand ^ ftrengthning them, by 
beariag them witnefle of their 
condition 3 mauifeftcd by the fruits 
above mentionedjverfe 32.53.34 
which eflate is let do wne herein 
thisverfe : Firft negatively* by de- 
niall of their unbelceving revolt. 
Secondly affirmatively, by avou- 
ching their pcrfeverance in faith. 
Either of thefe properties of un- 
bclicfeand beliefe,bdng amplified 
from theefe&s which accompa- 
nied them, ws.deftru£Hon of the 
foul* (for that is to be undcrfbod 
from the latter claufe) and falvati- 
00 of the fame. 

The fiimme ofthe words, Feare 
not though I tell you that backfli- 
dcrsare vcflels of no dclighc, for 
yourfclres with rayfclfe,are not ( 
fiich who fteale from our corapa- 
oieS; leaving our militarie profek 
_____ __ fion. 

^ . . . -. _ 

The triaU of a forsftuns Eft ate. 

fion, which would tame in this 
life and the life to come to our fur- 
ther deftru&ioa; but we continue 
in faith, and put forth our beliefs 
more and more, as occafionrequi- 
rech, which bringcth us here and 
everlaftingly cofce the Lords fal- 

| vation. 

Now for the inftru&i ons which 
both the fcop* and matter of the 
verfe include in them. Firft,that 
Paul doth confirms them by bea- 
ring them witneffe of their cftate. 
Ic doth teach us, that wee muft 
ftablifti cur weakc brethren, by 
bearing thern-reeord of the graces 
Wrought in them* wee who have 
found grace tnuft confirms others. 
If any thing more fmarc be u r re- 
rcd, we nrnli moilifie icwithfach 
wife prevention a9 Phyfirians, if 
they forefee ought harmefull to 
the bodie^, they corrett ic with 
other ingredients, that it may 
wholefjinely be reccircd. If wee 
faw on? ready to trip, wee would 
reachhimahaud 3 30d (alUine lum 

I . A r from 




tU tritUefd Cbriftians Efiate. 


from Falling : much more muft wc 
(hew this love to the fbule (haking 
through frailtie. This wifedomc 
Chriftufed,hee quenched not the 
fmoakingfhxe : thefeafonable ce- 
rtifying to men their good things 
caufeth them to take increafe: our 
honour of them, our dutie to the 
comfort of their lives and to the 
truth, doth require it. Such there* 
fore are to bee taxed who wanting 
this prudence, handle the word in 
dividing it like him in the Em- 
bleme , who gave to the Afle a 
bone, tothedoggeftrawrfuchare 
thofe Pallors who difcourage 
good devotions, and incourage 
men carnally minded, like unco 
them we reade of, Esjtchiel^ chap. 
1 3.22.Such again are chey amongfc 
private Cbriftians, who like Jobs 
friends ztt a breaking to them, 
whom chey fcould comfort and 

SecondIy 5 we mufl be provoked 
by this example to iacourage 
weake ones when they are doub- 

T& trijRofa Cbrtfliins Efiate. 

ting of their eliatcs: for as a timo- 
rous patient imagining twenty e- 
vilJs, when his Phyfitian affureth 
him that his cafe is nothing fb, is 
wellfocisfhd: (bhere. 

Agaiue., in that he faith, We are 
not they that withdraw. Hence we 
are given tounderftand, that fome 
may fall away from the Graces re- 
ceived.In fame mannerGods o wne 
children and others are reported to 
have fallen : Ddvid^Saitl^eter^A- 
Uxandtr^&c. But that this may be 
imre diftin&ly opend,three things 

i. Firtf, from what the godly 
truely fanftificd may fall j how 
farre others. 

2. Sccondly,from whence falls 
come^and the difference of them. 

3. Thirdly, what are t he fymp- 
tomes or fignes of a date declining 
from God. 

To the firft, a man not having 
the true grace of the ele&, may fall 
from all outward privileges,which 
hee holdeth as a member of the 



the triall of a Christians Eftate. 


yifible Church. Secondly 3 from the 
effefts of his Grace in life and con- 
version. Thirdly, from the very 
habituall gifts, which were the 
fountain whence his fruics flowed. 
Thus bee may come to be twice 
dead, and in worfe cafe than ever. 

The Lordsehofenroay fall from 
their outward prerogatives : hue 
that divine nature ftill abideth ia 
them, and it is onely with their 
graces, as ic -is with- the mindein 
diftempers of melancholy, and 
phrenfiff.5 with the Sin in eclipfes; 
with the tree when leaves and 
fruits. faile xr 5 with the naturall 
life when ic moveth not, ne yet 
breathethfenfiblc: which in difea- 
tes of the Mother is ofcen discer- 
ned. Their faith is an ever failing, 
faith; their life an etcmall life ; 
their feed a teed abiding in them. 

Now for the fecond^ vi*** what 
are theeaufes of falling away, and 
that (b diverfly 5 this opened will 
knd a mere thorow light to the 
former. The caufes which worke 


The triaO of a Cbriftians Eft ate. 

in withdrawing us are inward or 
outward r Bin the verity of thefc 
declinings fpriagech chiefely from 
the inward. 

The caufe in the Lords children 
is, the ftate of their grzce^which is 
fuchas hath ftill rcliqies offline 
dwelling with it. 

The caufe of the others totall 
fall, is an eflentiall defcft in their 
grace, which teache:h not to make 
a true union betwix: Chriti and 
the m. nor yet to produce true fan- 
ftification. In a word, the caufe of 
the ones pcrfevering, and theo- 
thcrs totall deficiency, is not only 
to betaken from Gods power and 
gracious pleasure, from Chrifl his 
intercetfion, from the ftinting of 
Satan co the heele of the true 
Chxiftian feed : bat alfo from the 
efTintiall qualification^ and d>(po- 
fi:ion of the grace beftowed upon 
either. But this is a diffi:ulty fur- 
ther to be cleared j How wee may 
formally diftinguifh thele gifts 
which axe in the Chriftian that 


^ i^^»— » ■ a^— — — — — — ^fc— ^^£" ' 


8 I fbetriatlofa CkriftiansEftatt. 



pcrfevereth from thofethat are in 
him that temporifcth* The diffe- 
rence is double: 

i. Firtt, in the union which is 
made by them. 

2. Secondly, in the different 
prodt'ftions which follow upon 
fo different manners of being uni- 
ted with Chrift. 

To open the frft, w fetdowne 
this conclufion : The ipirituall 
gift of the teroporifer doth meerly 
enlighten him ro fee Chrift, buc 
doth not move his will to go unto 
Chrift., as given him of God, that 
he might not perifh but have eter- 
nall life. His application is an 
overweening hope, taken vp by 
his owne preemption ; it is not a 
motion which the fpirit doth cli- 
ciateand draw out^buciuchasis 

In the Word of Chriftare two 
things: firft, the truth ofit,* true 
word : Secondly, the goodneffe of 
itj a good word. That may be ap- 
prehended, God giveth his chofen 


The triaU of a ChriftUns Eft ate. 

not onely an appreheofion, ia the 
underftanding of the truth, and 
goodnefleof itj but a motion of 
affiance, which maketh the foule 
go to and clafp about Chrift whom 
it beholdcth. Hence ic is.thatcom- 
ming and b. lie ving, lob. 1 . 1 2. fob. 
I <5.35.37^ s apprehending,a5when 
a thing is taken by the handle : and 
from this property of Faith doth 
come that internal! union twix; 
the believer and Chri ft, which mi- 
keth them dwell mutually one in 
the other. Hence it is that the true 
believer doth more afLft Chnft, 
price him, joy in him, more than 
the benefits by them. 

Now the Papifts faith is a meere 
enlightning, not having any con- 
fidence within the corapafiT: of it, 
(for a man may be found in their 
faith, and in damnable defpaire at 
the fimeinftant) and the tempori- 
fers faith having no more than an 
apprehenfioninthe underftanding 
of the good word of (alvation joy- 
acd with prcfuraptuous perfwafi- 



w — - ■ i ■ ■ i i I I - ■ — — 

Thetriallofa ChriftiansEftaU. 

on and fallible hopes conceived by 
himfelfe on falfe reckonings : theft 
cmnot innerly unite him with 
Chrift ; but looke as a Wen ?s (b 
united in the body by the skin in- 
compaflbg it, and fome kinde of 
continuation with the other mem- 
bers j but hath not fiaewes,nerves A 
arteries (hot into it from head and 
.heart, as the other parts: fothefc 
by their common illumination aid 
profeffion hare conjunftion with 
the body,but want the influence of 
that more necre ligament of chat 
fiffimced motion of the will,which 
onely floweth from Chrilt into his 
proper members. And this is the 
firft ground of their after failing : 
for looke as ftanding-waters, or 
never fuch torrents which have no 
head of living fpririg-waters to 
feed themj cannot in time but dry 
up : fo thtfe not having Chrift the 
Well-head of all grace 3 wbatfoe- 
ver is iri them, in time ftdech aad 
vaniflieth to norhing, 
F*omdcfeft of interoall union^ 




-m !■ » ■ a ui i 

Tbt trizdof fiCbrifliais E(l*te. A \\ 

. . — *_« . 

which is, as ic were,the fountaine, 
commeth a difference in grace de- 
rived. Thetemporifer$,beingftch 
as doth never tracly humble him, 
fuch, as is fuperficiall,! nlinccre : io 
a word, fuch as doth not truely 
(anftifiehim: by rcafon of which 
defeft, it is nor permanent* 

Firft, not being within the gra- 
cious light of this Sonne ofrighte- 
oufocfle.the depth of his wound is 
never gaged , and though he know 
much humiliation, yet nee is cever 
truly hunblcd. Firft,hee fteth not 
with humble coufcioufoefie the 
fhfoll depravitio3 of his nature: 
hisdifpleaiureitmoreagainft the 
fruits, than rootes whence they if- 
fued. Tdul a Pharifec knew not 
concupiscence 5 a Papift acknow- 
ledged not this as liofull after hee 
is once baptiftd, whereas this was 
the higheft pitch olPsuts and D+* 
vids pi niceatiall cxercife. 

But may not the temporifer 
know and maintainc the truth of 
this Dottriae, yea, propound it 





fruitfully co ochers? Anfwir. He 
may ( by faith infofed ) conceive 
andafTcnttoir, yea, deliver it to 
others, but fo,that the power of it 
doth not refle&on himftlfe, fbas 1 
co be humbled in thisrefpc& : bat 
as the Moone giveth us light 
which is not rooted in the body of 
her,forthatcontinuethdarkfbmc : 
fo they receive light from Gods 
Word, and fee it forth to others, 
but have none in themfelves. 5% 
cond!y,not being within grace,his 
confeflion and paffion under fin is 
hot free and voluntary, but extor- 
ted either from (bme evidence of 
light, or fa& evincing him j as 
S*ul to David confeffed ; or the 
racke of Gods terrours inforcing it 
from him. Whereas the children 
of God, who now fte, that the 
more their finne is, themoregrace 
fuperabounded ; that their bafe- 
neffe is his glory , whofe grace they 
live under, they frankly, yea, de- 
lightfully humble themfelvcs in 
confefliog theirvilenefle. Thirdly, 



Tbt triaSof aChrijlians Efltte. 

not being within the grace of 
Chrift with (bund affiance,he never 
grieveth at finne as it is enmity a- 
gaioft his God : for to be cenrrice 
in this regard, implyeth a love to 
God, which cannot be in him who 
hath not found God loving him 
firft : hee is vexed at his fins in re- 
ff eft of hismiferies hee feethim- 
minentjOr only as they are world- 
ward, fhamefall aberrations from 
praftice of fuch apparent vermes, 
which men may repute glorious, 
and much a&&. In a word, hee is 
never truely humbled, which his 
obedience being partial! doth wic- 
nefle ; for hee will cake and leave 
in that which hee hearech at his 
owne plcafure :yea,ifcrofies come, 
hee is too proud to humble him- 
fclfe under Gods hand ; he is lifted 
up above others, whom hee out- 
ftrippeth in common graces : he is 
cenforious, without con(cience of 
that naturall condition under (in, 
which is common to him with o- 
thers. Aad from hence it is, that 





7 hi itiaUtfa CbriftiansEftati. I 

at length hi* grace f ilcth: for as a 
houfe builded on the fands, with* 
out a due ground-worke hid $ or 
plants unrooted cannot indnrc : fo 
this frame which wanteth the 1 
foundation and root of grace((ucb 
is humility is) cannot perfift. . 

Sfcondly, tlay from this prime 
dcfeO: of inner union, ait the tcm- 
poriftrs graces produce dare faper~ 
ficiall, Height, foil of overture: 
wheras tbofe in found believers are 
fol id,fubftanciall ,not re i mtphjicus 
itfztkmfa things which tbough 
outwardly tfrcy have the appa- 
rency^ yet are inwardly defc&ive. 
Hence It is that JW calleth their 
godlinefle, a figure of godlineflfe, 
2Tf^3 5, their knowledge an ex* 
ternall forme of knowledge, Rom. 
2.20. that Cbhft raaketh?H they 
h*ve,a (emblance,a feeraing onely, 
£a^8.'i8, for Iooke as a wilde 
hcrbe,tho'Jgh it have but the name 
and comm »n nrture, yet it djffe- 
reth much from one which gro- 
I weth in gardens, better manured 
1 and 

Tkttnallrf j Chrifiians Eftjte. 

VMBMK 1 ■■ | I I HI 

and dr fled; and as a blew, dud 
with blockwood, choagh k ieeme 
brigbccr a while, yetisnotfofub- 
ftanriall as that which is woaded 
(and therfore we fay ic is a true co- 
lour :) (b here, chough the graces 
of the temporifer have the fame 
name and comon nature, (for they 
arc iofcriour woikes of the (pirit) 
yea, though ihey may exceede in 
(hew, yet for the truth and fub- 
ftance, they are nothing to thofe 
that arc wrought in houeft hearts ; 
and from hence come two things. 
Firft, their graces are foone 
grownc up ; for a thing fuperficiall 
is done in halfe chetimethata fub- 
ftantiall thing is a working. They 
get the (lart ; and, while many a 
true heart before them in the Lord, 
is complaining of wants^and weak- 
nefle^fiufull inclinations, ufurping 
ferftltnm, ro their perfe&ion. But 
as a true birth, though fl )w!y at 
the firft, yet ftill taketh increafe, 
whereas a mole gruweth fitter at 
/ t^e 





1 The trial! of a ffiriftianr Ejlate. 

the firftj but (bone ceafcth : and 
looke as in nature, things the foo- 
neft ripe,are thefboneft roccen :S > 
ic fares wich thefe leap-Chriftians. 

Secondly, I (ay their graces are 
infincere, their hearts are never 
purged from fome Cm which they 
love and like to live in, forfioifter 
ends inrercaining the meffige of 
Gods mercy^which is not that they 
may reverence him, and ferve hira 
all their daks without flivUhter- 
rocr : but they gladly heare ir, as 
hoping that they have a protettion 
by ir, though they hold on in their 
own courfes. For this it is that the 
cle&s faith, which never faileth, 
is called a faith without hypocri- 
fie ; that the true believer is onely 
(aid to have an honeft heart. 

As God hath made (bme re- 
medies in nature, fuch as purge 
univerfilly every peccant humor, 
as the Phyficians Catholicon, &c. 
Someagaine that purge, cam de- 
/e#*,that expell choler,but meddle 
not with melancholy ; phlegme, 
I but 

Tht trial! of a Chrijlians EJiatt. I j y 

but ftirre not cholcr ; So this medi- 
cine of grace, which God infu&th 
into an honeft heart, icisaC*ch )- 
Iiquc cxpellcr of all kno wne fifinej, 
great or little. The grace of the 
teroporifer purgeth out the root of 
no un • reprt.fleth the moving aad 
paroxyfmes, as it were, of fome | 
choifc fins onley, as in Herod. And 
hence it is that the grace of the 
temporifer doth not continue : for 
as come growing up with twitch, 
briers, thornes, is at length (mo- 
thered; and as wholefome'meate 
in a ftomacke full of flying choler, 
is at length vomited : fo raigning 
fin gr owing up with thefe feeming 
graces, doth never ceafe tilhhey 
be brought up and discharged, 
Lnk.8. i a. 13, 14. Thus much to 
deare that difference of graces in 
Gods children and others, which 
caufetb that the falls of the one are 
ffot totall nor finall, which is inci- 
dent to the condition of the other. 
Now taking it as granted, that 
the Lords children fall, byreafon 


I $ I The triaU of a ffirijlfdmt Ejlate. 




uf chc reliqurs of fin dwelling in 
them,! come to name chc cxternall 
means, which a&ually bring forth 
into ADoftafic this inbred defe&i- 
Thefe fometimes wofkc it 


more violently at once^ fbmetime 
facceffively, by fome hairious wa- 
fting fin, which like aft rongpoi- 
fon dWparchcth all qutckly.Croflcs 
repeated, and gradually increafed, 
lures of pleafures andprofits, un- 
comfortablencfle, which accom- 
panieth by many racane$Chrifti< 
an courft s, (dead worke is quick- 
ly given over ) examples of the 
multitude, a ftrong back-bia?, by 
which the divell fometimes draw- 
eth from perfifting in grace^ffence 
at the firopl city, which to eye of 
flali fceracth to be in Chriftian 
couries, at diHention in opinions 
amongft men of the fame proftfli- 
on, at the fins obkrved, and fails 
onceknowne byfuch, who make 
pvofeffioo; the ieducing calls of 
falieTeachers 9 the glorious fhewes 
of holiueffe,aud whatfoevcr things 



The trUU of a CbriftUm Eft ate. 

ofthisnature,by w ch men through 
Satans working are with-drawne. 

Now followeth the third thing, 
the fymptoms or fignes of a decli- 
Ding fbule. This one thing muft be 
premifed, left that weake ones 
fhould cift the ft Ives further do wa 
by miftakingtbc matter. The pre- 
tence ofchefe evils, andtence of due 
di/pDfirions or aftioni, are note, 
▼il fignes of a dangerous declining 
(bule,but when they are willingly 
carried without remorfe^ rcnued 
defires and endeavours afcerthe 
contrary : for as one may be with- 
out Gods gracious pretence to his 
feeling, and yet not a forfiker of 
God •, fo one may be without thefe 
things, and not leaving them, but 
rather left of them (Gods wife- 
dome for many ends fo difpenfing) 
while by griefe, faich, and renucd 
defires, he doth follow after them. 

This confederation interlaced 
for the right under (landing of the 
matter in hand. Let this be the firft 
figQCjVi*. a feeble, livelcfle aftion 

B of! 


The triaHvf sCbriftians Efitte. 

^— ^— — «— »• -^— i—ii >— — ^— — — ^ 

1 of grace willingly admitted : v. g. 

'as when a man can performe a- 
ny ChriftUn duty without all pow- 
er fpirituall and good devotion; 
neverthelefle doth not chalenge 
himfelfe, as if it were ill wich him 
in that regard, Lafa tttiones Ufas 
argKBntfACuhatts:A.$ when the eye 
feeth not as ic hath done, wee may 
prefume the inftmmencs or facul- 
ties are not as they have beene : 
So here, when we doe not things 
with the vigour we have dene, it is 
a figne of infirmity, and a faculty 
inwardly or outwardly hindred : 
but when wee can thmke well e« 
nough of this ftate, ic is a figne 
of Apoftafie and wilfufl decli- 
ning ;Iuskifh reaching* are the fits 
forerunners comoniy Gods people 
declining have fallen firft to thefe 
formalities, to performance of du- 
ties in a perf«n£tory fafhioa, the 
heart and raine6 far from the Lord, 
in them. 

Thefccond figne isaprepofte- 
rcusappeticeof anwhol Jjm food, 


The triiB of a CbriJHdnJ Ejtate. 

liked well enough, no way diftur- 
bant to us : when men can be with- f 
out preaching, or at leaft without 
any chit moveth their confciences; 
when they can extol frothy windy 
ftuffe, which fillet h them, but ne- 
ver feedeththem,(o astheirfoules 
are not the better for it toward 
God. It is afignethemanis wil- 
ling to fleepe that dra weth the car- 
tabes about him : It is a preforop- 
tion, that thefcare willing co nap 
in their fins, that lovenotfucha 
tight of troth as fliould awaken 
them. Not bearing the wholeiorae 
word is the preamble of Apoftafie. 
A Third token isindigeftionof 
thtf we beare, borne contentedly ; 
hen the heat of love doth not fo 
digeft things, chat they mightafter 
dtftributcd into the veines of 
very good word and worker be- 
caufe they jeceive not the truth in 
love, &c/2 Tbeff. 2. When mcate 
is takeo in* ana pafftth away not 
lltered by the ttomacke, it lcaveth 
:hc b^dy in an atrophie, that is, 

B a fuch 





The triaHof sCbrijlitnj Ejttte. 

fuch a tafte wherein ic is not ncu- 
ritbcd : So here. 

The fourth figne is an inordinate 
appetite after things hurtful! and 
noxious: as when a man feelech 
no hurt, though hee intermeddle 
immoderately in the cares of the 
world j though hee iotemperately 
quaffe in thefe finfull pleafures 
which laft but a fea(on : when a 
man loves to follow the goo J 
healths, wee may boldly fay, hee 
loves to breed ill hcalch. Worldly 
cares and pleafures are the things 
of which che fbule is drunken, 
and furfcts^and theft are the thornes 
and weeds with which the feed of 
graces never thrivetb. 

A fifth figne may be the ditaf. 
fefting of our brethren, whom we 
have acknowledged as begotten 
ofGod. The Divell cannot bringa 
man who hath knowne any good, 
to confront and deipile him direft- 
ly : therefore hee enrreth them 
with this politickctraine; hcrea- 
chech iheou fir ft to be bold and 

Tbetriallofa ChrsjHansEftate. 


trample do wne his Image, and Co 
ac length bring them to defpife 
God, 2 Tim. 1. 4. Demos (*% it is 
likely) turning Apoftatc,forfooke 
the Apoftle. t 

The fixch figne is, when there 
is felt no relu&ation in regard of 
our daily weakneflcs SclcfTer fins, 
but they dfgeft with us : if the 
(bule were not fallen well afl:cpe, 
i ' could not corxoft lb well. When 
nature (things able to provoke ta- 
ken in) makethnot refiftance, her 
ftrengch is feeble :So here. Bat Mr he 
a man is growne to th:s,that he can 
go on in his ienpenitency without 
checke., it is an eviJenc fignc he is 
downe the wind in a wiifujl decli- 
nation -yea,that he is farre gone in 
ir. Thus you have heard chat fome 
fail from their grace; and for fur- 
ther declaration you havf, feene 
cleared,how farre all forts may fal ? ; 
whence comraeth their falls, wich 
the difF:rence of them. Thirdly, 
what are the iadicants of a foule 

B % The 







7"^ triaSefd Cbriftunu Eft*te. 



The ufe of all fc; Firft, as to 
ftirreusup to take comfort in the 
true wcrkc Which God hath be- 
gun; fo to make fare that we have 
received ftch grace as (Kail not 
faile : would wee not be loth to 
reare fucb a frame in a material! 
building, which fhould after come 
downe upon cur heads? We are 
builders, kt us make fare to digge 
fodcep, and ground our workefo 
well, that though it fhould (hake, 
(as they lay, firnaehoufes will) yet 
ic may be farre from feare of ruine. 
In talcing gold, wee refirfc wafhed 
and light golds or clipped, wee 
wrigh them,ring them,&c. In re* 
ceiving grace be not lefle carefull 
that it be right currant, not wan- 
ting a grainc of due weight. 

Secondly this, that many fall a- 
way^ muft awaken us to more cir- 
cumfpeftion ^ though it light up- 
on fome men only, it is every tnans 
terrour. We have great reafon, for 
wee live in moft perilous times, 
wherein the holy Ghoft hath war- 



Tbetriallofa ChiJfiansEJfate. 


nedasthat the dampe of fin (hall 
make the love of many waxe cold : 
wherein the contagion of Apofta- 
fic is epidemical! ; is growne a po- 
pular difeafe. For now what lake- 
warranefle?wjjia?a weakpulfcbea- 
teth every where ? men care not to 
deale with themfelves to hold their 
thoughts to heavenly things, to a- 
waken their affe&ions, to renew 
their faich, to blow up devotion; 
to live in an holy contention ; nay, 
this in our dales is counted a fu- 
perfluous unncceflary courfe, for- 
ged in the head of fome over-for- 
ward fcllowes j it is the undifcreete 
fervor of green youth, which ages 
wildome wil take up.Ochers more 
moderacely fpoken, thinke that 
every thing new is dainties^ and 
that prime affL&ions cann X be re- 
tained :afig-leafe,r>a'ure,arr 5 grace, 
go froTilefieperfc&tomoreper- 
feft. Whether dotha childat eight 
yeeresoreighteenc moft love and 
joy in his inheritance? Doeftthou 
not count thy prentifes two te^d 

B 4 yeeres \ 


The tri*B*fd Cbriftians Efttte. 


yceres better than fourc of his firfl? 
In ftead of appetite to the Word, 
now feme chinke the Sabbath may 
be tolerably fin&ified without a- 
ny preaching : feme count it e* 
nough, if they be whg re preaching; 
is., let it be what it will be; farre 
from fuch as is able to worke oo 
their foules; as if the orders of the 
perfbn, not the fupernaturall gifts 
of knowledge and wiftloraemade 
the Set man (but thefe muft not be 
fevered:) fome count fuch plaine 
preaching (as heretofore was effc- 
ftuall in them) kffediUgcnr, and 
leflc learned. Thus the DiveJl not 
able quite to make them caft off 
the ordinance, perfwades them 
chat change is no robberie ; and 
that they may fleepe the quieter 
(ncg!e<5Hng fuch preaching as was 
powcrfull in them) hecaftsthem 
this pillow, fuggefting tbatthey 
leave not that which was e&ftuall 
in them toward God, but that one- 
ly which was indiligent and un- 


The triad of a QortfiUns EJtate. i 2 7 

Againe, in ilead of working the 
Word upon our affettioas, how 
many concent theuifelves to cxer- 
cife their criiickes,this or that was 
wJI fpoken, &c. and there is an 
end? For the worl^ mm have 
their hands in ic elbow-deep ; yea, 
many who in. their 'times have 
made fhew of a more heavenly 
minde, fume are now fo (hie to 
^heir brethren, that they will not 
Iooke at them, not meeteonthe 
fame fideofcheftrcete, not know 
them. How many, whofe heart* 
w^uld have fwitcen them in leffer 
offences can now commit as great, 
and ic never upbraids them ? nay, 
eflerme this tendcraefle ftrapu- 
lousfimplicity, and mclancholikc 
aufteritiy. The more vulgar jheo 
this difeaft is, the more cautelous 
wee nuft be. 

Thirdly, wee Ice now that who 
will keepe life and pewer in his 
courfe, endeavouring a good con- 
ference in all things, they rauft 
paflc the pikes of cvill tongues*^ 

B 5 which \ 

I 28 


■ 1 1 11 »■■ 1 1— —1 iii 1 __^^^ 

The triall of a Cbrijlitns Eft**. 

which arc ftukenagainft them.For 
now fuch heare, as if they were 
humorifts, new-fangUfts, PrccHi- 
I ans,ptoud,finguIar, fimple, melan- 
cholike perfons,what not > Final- 
ly, the DiveZl to make revolts^now 
refines his wits, and turncs Angell 
of Hght, hanging out our owne 
colours, that hec may the eafilier 
ftirprize us; and pretending per- 
fections, which we yet want,dotk 
tranfport many, whom neither 
creffes nor allurements would pre- 
vaile againft. So that wc had need, 
ifevcr,to walkc warily, Iooki )gto 
the author and finifher of our faith: 
yea, thankefully, that foin cvill 
times we arekept (though wcake- 
Iy) alive in ht* GghcThus much of 
the fecond doftrine. 

The third followeth i* theft 
words; to perdition, viz>, of the 
foute, 2 P*/t2, 20.2 1 • even as hee 
that goech out of the light, muft 
needs come into darkenefle; fohe 
that icaveth the living God, the 
fouotaine of blefled life,muft needs 


[f,IH I I , C I t >■ ! ' 

iw i w i Wr 

TbetrhHofa ftrsfiuns Eftate. 

fill into perdition. The relapfe in- 
into any ficknefle ismoredange- 
roas,than the firft entrance into it : 
for nature is now more enfeebled, 
much (pent in her former refifiacr; 
agiine, thedifeafeis much ftreng- 
thened as a prcvailiogconqueror : 
So in thefe declinings- from the 
heahhfbme fiate of grace in {bme 
(ore at:aiRed,fin is ftronger(thedi- 
vell coming with ftveo worfe (pi- 
nts) and our capacity of receiving 
health leflcr^ we being twice dead, 
and for the degree more removed 
from grace 3 ?han ever before^ this 
end befall? backfliders raoft deser- 
vedly: forthey off'r God the grea- 
teftiudignity, it being better they 
hadoever admitted him, than ha- 
ving taken him in, to difbdge him 
caufcLfly. Again,when fuch as for- 
getting their milirary Sacrament, 
fleale from their colours,are juftly 
punirtied with temporall dea:h; 
howdefervedly arethefepanifhed 
withctemall perdition, whore- J 
fpeft not that warfare, to which 

they \ 



The triaU of a Cbriftsans Eft ate. 

I they bound themfclves by Sacra- 
ire t,who flinch awayjleaving thac 
difplaid enfignc of a zealous prc- 
feffion^ under which fomtimetbey 

But how can deflrt'&ion'follow 
on declining courfes^ when Gods I 
chofei cannot pciHhjand che other 
fort u ere never inflate of falvation> 
A/tfTh\$ is faid to be the end of k, 
not abfolutely without exception^ 
but refpe&ively, if wee by repen- 
tance take not (freight fieps the 
fooner, & get our halting healed. 

To the firftit may be aofweredj 
that the Apoftacy of Gods children 
in it felf tendech to dcftru&ior jit is 
his mercy that preventeththerain 
this way ,not thefruit of their bick- 
ffidfr g. Secondly, they after a fort 
dsftroy thcfclvcs,when they brirg 
their fpirituall life into a fwoone, i 
and lea ye not themft! ves breath or 
motion difcernable.For the wicked 
though they neyer were thorowly 
Tindicated or redeemed from de- 
&t\xSdoa y yet to the jadgemenr of 

charity j 

The ttlaU of a Cbriftians Ejlate. 5 1 


charity chey feemed fo:now it is ufu- 
all to (peak of things not according 
as they are,butas they appeare, Se- 
condly,they,though they never had 
that found eternal! life,yet they had 
fuch a life as is in a Wen; and chough 
che rootes of their griefe were not 
brought away, ycc the effe&s were 
fo retrained, and for a time fafpetv 
ded.tbat to their (etming th^y wc:c 
I made wd ! . Thirdly ,they are laid t8 
fall info deft uftion 3 chough ch*y are 
in i*; becanfe they by Apottacy,goc 
to the heigh: &confummationot r 5 - 
as we are (aid by a godly courfe, to 
go to life ererlaltingjwhich in fomc 
degree wee have already. And th* 
truth is, that falling away doth 
bring the untinneiy judgment* ;doth 
procure an efFcftuall delivering tc 
Satan j who doth afterwards more 
fully fill them with his efficacyrFor 
as God maketh the fincerctt Saints 
often of thofe, who have bcene the 
foulcft finners : So here Satan^wher. 
he gets fach an one,who hath bcene 

in (hewan AogtUcf ligbc, heedotb 




The triattefa Cbrijiians Eftatc. 

! make of him an incarnate divelL In 
\ nature the fweetcft things whe thty 
turn,become the (b wreft.This mo' - 
tallfickneflewe muft take heed of; 
and if our love, zeale/enderneirc of 
conference be diminifhed, wee muft 
timely feek Cut for remedy. I know 
men thinke,we are not fo far gone; 
once beloved,alwaics beloved •■we 
have left nothing but meere curioii- 
fy,melanchoIikeaufterity, men in 
many confederations reproveable ; 
fucb as thofe, who joine not with 
them, we hope may be in Gods fa- 
vour^ and goe to heaven. But never 
take fuch paines to deceive your | 
(elves; thefe vaine words will not 
ftill rockc the conference afleepe. If 
thy fpirituall aftiocs be fallen a- 
fleep,thy contention againft the evil 
dwelling in thee ceafcd^ thy appe* 
cite afcer fincere milke 8c meat aba- 
tcd 3 thy tendernes of con/ciencc im- 
paired,, and thou canft fit under all 
cheie things without repentant for- 
row ; aflure thy felfe^hc end of this 
(if thou prevfintcft it aot by repen- 


n.- i * i < ■•■;; r im^ < m lafttBcaaai . ii n I 

T£e ^rz^Z? of J Cbrijiians EJtate. 3 3 

tance) (hall be deftru&ion. Luic- 
warmnes (thogh men think it a part 
ofptudcncc)it is odious with God, 
and will make us be caft up with di A 
pleafure : true ic is that Gods wrath 
is not prefentlyefpiedagainftftch, 
but this is onely becaufc wee fee not 
the fpirituall judgements, where- 
with they are ftricken; and we fee in 
nature the thing is long bred and 
conceived., before it is brought 
forth and maoifeftcd. 

Secondly, we muft be exhorted 
here ro (land conftantly in our cour- 
fes, who doe waike with God in 
forne life and power, though not 
without great weaknefle ; let us not 
give over our labour and holy con- 
tention, to which the prefence of 
fia & defeft of righteou&efls have 
pricked us:this work of grace goeth 
tgainft the ftrearoe of nature, if we 
intermit to ply theoarc of holy ex- 
ercifc* wind and tide will carry us 
backagainc.Where vveceafc to im- 
prove by good husbandry the grace 
received, there it b?gtnnctb to be 


> ».«— > 

54. The triad of a Chnftitnt Eft ate. 

Qbfer- 4. 


! impaired, True ic is,that the fluking 
\ up of oar (elves, rcfiftinglbth^ the 
reftleflcafpiring after things which 
we are fiill caft froro with violence, 
are in their kinds Uborious : but re- 
membcr,what raeo do in their earth- 
j ly warfare; r hty(for pay oftwoftul- 
lings a day) march thorow places 
often full of difficulty^ lb (the 
ground being their bed)in theayre, 
no covert over therr; in their viftu- j 
alls they are fore ftrcightned, of- 
ten they carry their lives in their 
hands, and fight in the Canons 
mouth : to thinke upon this once/ts 
enough to make us afliamed of our 
fbf ncfle and cowardice. But we are 
of faith, as we fay, a: d men of cou- 
rage & wifdome. Butalas^firft who 
hath theft things ? ftcondly, ^ho 
doth put them forth ? thirdly, who 
is conftant in holding them, and 
making (hew of then as ocofion is 
offered ? 

We may obfcnre this u a fourth j 
inftnuSion, what is the property of; 
afoond believer or beliefe, t//*. to 

The t) till of a Chrtjliam Efiate. 25 

pcrfe ver c when they arc cried & op- 
pofed : this faith is a precious^ fin- 
cere,nevt r failing faith; it groweth 
from one degree toanochcr^the true 
believer, hee holdeth the faith a- 
gainft hell gates thcmfeives 3 thati$, 
the powers of hell which oppofe 
him in it : which that we may more 
fmicfully u derftand;wc muft know 
that where (bund faith is wrought, 
there the divell plaieth the a Aidant, 
bending all his force to di£arme 
them of this divine fhield,by draw- 
ingthembackeagaine to unbeliefe 
and firtfe confidences wfaich will 
not helpe them. 

To this purpofe hee muftercth 
erodes, vomicteth deluges of falfe 
flaader* ;ftirres up theneereft friends 
of fuch as are now come to God by 
faich,to perftcute them mod bitter- 
ly : fbmctimehefhewechthera ira- 
poflibili:ies f in fenfcof feeing that 
they defire and believe : fomecimes 
he troubles their fceiings,that fo he 
may (hake them in their believing : 
fometimes hee withdraweth their 


3* | ThttriaBtfdCbriJHansEJlAte. 


faith bjrfalfcpbjc&s, which he pro- 
pofeth to them; but if hee cannot 
break off cheir belief,then he laieth 
about to repreffe the fervency and 
the renucd exercife of their beliefe* 
by unfettling us with fotne new de- 
vices, when wcare more intent $ by 
making our exercife painfull, and 
uncofortable, overcafting the light 
which was wont to ftiinetousio 
the promifes j hindring us from fee- 
ling the fwecc comfort in them; ex- 
cfcfngthe reliques of fbth,deadne$, 
incor.fhr.cy that are in us:fomeiiaie 
by caufkfle fears & finfullftiamefaft- 
nefle hee wfchdraweth ns from our 
holy devout exercife. But this found 
faith quencheth allthefe fiery darts 
which are throwneagainftit; and 
like as a tree which fhakeo, rotteth 
more deeply;or like as a torch w ch 
beaten, blazeth more brightly; or 
like as a ftar, which when the aire is 
obfcuredjfliinethntoftclearely: Ibis 
it with this rootptorch,this glorious 
ftar; thefe powers of darknefle doe 
[nothing in the end^but lend it a more 



Tlictritllofa Cbrtfthw Ejlatc* 


beautifull luftre, thai it ever puc 
forth whife it was not beroundtd 
with any fuch enmities. 

True it is, thac the beft faith may 
hang the wiog, bsing wcatherbea- 
ten, and fteme to retire under feme 
more vehement delaies or tentation: 
but that which flieth to day, figh- 
teth again* to morrow ; and like as 
it is with thofe, whofe going bacVe 
helpeth them to take their rife and 
fetch their leap more Co nodio^fl/ : 
So here, faith (through him that is 
the author &fiii(her of her)by how 
much (hz gavebacke,by fo much in 
her renued indeavoursfhecom^ech 
forward more fucceflefully. From 
this ground many come to be re- 
proved : Some there are, whowill 
feeme to follow fincericy & fan&'t- 
fication, while making (hew of theft 
things isgainfull^but if crofles come 
they will lay down their weapons, 
and Will provide to flecpe in whole 
skins, whatfocver become of other 
mat'ers. Some, if they be delayed 
beyond their own time^aft up their 



The triaU tfa Cbriftlans EJlate. 

• -- c 

hope^and are ready proudly to fay, 
It is in raine to fcrveGod.Amongft 
the Lords children** Show many arc 
there who followtiot faith, grow- 
ing up from faith to faitb,rencwing 
the exercife of \t in faftningon the 
gracious promife£m j hich are made 
unto us? Men that will check them- 
lllfcsif they omit the aft of mercy, 
oftcftifying truth, of juftice where 
occaficn is offere^blamenot them* 
felves fcroeglcfting to renew rheir 
faith towards God, when hlspro- 
mift s renewed, or experience of his 
goodneffe and trmhdo^h call for ic 
from u?. 

Some there at e^ who weakly fore- 
fpeak things, fignifyoig their oobe- 
btlicf,by fiy ing^ht y (hall never fee 
this or that evill mending wich thc 5 
that ic is but a folly to attempt fur- 
ther* feeing wee ftrire againft the 
ftreame.But this is not to be carryed 
wich full faile of faithfull perfwafi- 
on on him who hath fpoken good to 
u«, but through attending to that 
fen(e & realbn Ipeaketh, to yeeld to 
unbeliefe. Second- 

■ ; ■ ■ • 

The trial! of aChrlflians Eft ate. 

Secondly, we may hence here gather 
the truth of oar beliefe. Hath ic ftood 
through help of Gods grace in temati- 
on> Chrift letteth usfee that hee was 
our fupporrer,it is a true figne of grace 
never failing : buildings which ftand 
when winds acid ftorms beat on chem f 
arc prefumed to bs fare grounded, 
whereas the paper- walls andpaln:ed 
caftles of i hefe who have not mfained 
grace, cannot indure any (bund afl iulc 
which is nude againft then. 

The hft thing 1 3 be marked if^what 
it is that doth bring us to feefdvacion 
here and everlafhngly, ic is ourbe- 
li ife, i Pet. 1.5. Gods plejfure of wor- 
king this or that forus,isfirft made 
knowne by his Word revealing it. S - 
condly, i: is delayed for a triall of 
them to whom it is given. Third]y,ic 
is executed. Now the revel ition of 
this future pleafurconcly faich appn - 
henderh; the delay (wherein m my oc- 
currences are incidc it) fpeaking chc 
contrary this faich beared, by clea- 
ving to that which formerly it heard 
from God. When the thing is execu- 




40 The trtill of a CbrifttAm Eftjre. 

« ,^— — «— — ^^ .^ ■ — — — — — ««— — »«— — «■ 1 .. 

ltd, then faith is changed with tight • 
fo thac it is plainer that faith bringeth 
ustofeefalvatioo, for it never givcth 
over till the thing be in prefent; it 
doth kcepe us within the tower of 
Gods impregnable ftrength for the* 
prefent, which is oar jfcfety againft all ! 
enemies j ix doth bring us out of all) 
troubles by holding Gods gracious j 
Word; as a man comraeth from a 
deepe dungeon, by climbing a fcaling 
ladder call to hipi^ or fittiog upon an 
Eagles wing which would mount up 
wich him. 

In the Chapter following there is a 
catalogue of glorious believers^ the 
end of their faith being like wife re* 
corded. Whence we may fir ft fee that 
errour of Papifts, who though they 
a!cribe our firft forgivencfle of our 
Gnnes to faith; yet our after- rightc^ 
oufceffeand falvation they refe rre to 
good workes, penall (atisfaftions, 
application of the Churches trea. 
Giric^ &c. withdrawing themfelves 
from fcuth^ whea now they arc 
brought to be in ftate of grace* but 


Thz trial! tf a Chrlflians EJlate, j 4 1 

faith is new to ccafe till the thing be- 
lieved be now in fight, neither will 
the fame thing be got both by faith 
anc{ workes ; for thefe are fuch as will 
not be compounded > the Apoftle be- 
ing wiraefle. 

Againe, hence we (ee how wofoll a 
thing ic is to caft away our confidence, 
we fling away the plaifter that {haul j 
healeus - 5 for whatfoever evillswere 
upon us 3 yet holding our faith on the 
truth and mercy of God in Chrift, 
they {hould varjifh away as (hewers^ 
which oaourgarments 5 dry up h time 
and come to nothing. Ye^,their dan- 
ger is henccdifcovered, who though 
they make conference of rcurcher, a- 
dultery 3 in jaftice ; yet care not to live 
in unbsliefe, which is of all finnes the 
mc ft dangerous, for the other (hould 
not hurt us deadly, were it not for 
thi?; that wee will not by faith take 
that medicine which (hould healeus, 

Sccondly,this mart incourage us to 
ptrfevcrein our faith : as Chrilllook- 
edtothe end of the Craffc, fi muft 
we looke to the end of our faith, that 




1 he triati $f a CkrijtidnrEftate. 

we may indure all difficulties the bet- 
ter, with which wee are encountred» 
True it is, that men are often moft de- 
ceived, where they truft moft; bur 
leaning on the Lord, and waiting on 
him, thou (hall never be deceived, no 
mifleofhispromHed falvation. 

Bat in temporary evills wee cannot 
aflure our felves of deliverance. 

Anfo. The truth is, we fee not de 
livcrance, becaufe wee exercife n 
faith fa particular promifes (o farrea 
we might. Secondly, wrmuft ever be 
affurcd of iflue, foch as is j jyned with 
filvation. Thirdly,though it keepe us 
not out of the fire, yet kith will 
keepe us from burning, or taking hurt 
in our moft fiery trialls ; wherefore 
let us renew our faith in Gods preci- 
ous promifes, afluring our (elves that 
the end of it (hall be falvation of foule 
and body in the day of our Lerd 
Jcfus Chrift. To whom with the Fa- 
ther and Spirit,&c. t/trnen. 


