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Full text of "A caveat for cold Christians : in a sermon .."




Collection of Puritan Literature. 

Division «^-?T*^C? 
Section l.XA.io^l 








BY M r . Pavl Bayne, SOMTIMES 

Miniiter of Gods Word at S". \^in<- 

dt ewes, in Cambridge* 


cafe of Chriftians,with the remcdie 3 is plain- 
ly and excellently fet downe for 

_ L-J : ^_ . 

Iohn 15.9. 10. 
Continue ye in my lone. If ye keepe my Commartdements,yc 
fiall abide in my hue. 


Imprinted by Felix KyngUon, for Nathanael Newbery, 

and are to be fold at his (hop vnder S c . Peters 

Church in Cornhill, and in Popes-head 

All ey, right againft thefigneof 

the white horfe. 1618. 




Robert Clavering 3 Towiic- 

Clarke of Newcaftle, all hap- 
y pincffc of a better life, and 

this present. 

Ir, considering the good accept 
unce that Jfime former few 
Sermons of that reltgioujly- 
learncdjmd learn edly-relrgiosts 
Diuine, tjttafter Paul Bayne 
haue had with the Church of 
God, the enfuing Sermon tying 
hitherto by me, I was ( without 
difficulty) induced to make it publtkc. For if I fhould 
longer concede it y what know I whether fome body elfe, 
who hzd not the like intcrcH to it that my felfe haue, 
might notfreuent me in printing this, as well as thij 
bane done in publishing fonte other things of the Itke na- 
ture? LMoreouer, looking into the carriage and frame 
of i his draughty I did not fee how it could difparage any 
of the reft, which are flowne abroad before it. Lafly, if 
m will ponder thefubiecl matter difcourfed of in the fol- 
lowing leaues, I wtS permit it to any indifferent wife- 
heat ted ChrisJian Reader, who vieweth the estate of the 

A 2 times, 

* Comwda 

TTT^^W^^^T L 11 JJUU'itiilUHlLI 

times, and waigbethaduifcdly whatfngular vice raign- 
ith 5 what efpeciall graces are ordinarily deft5liue among 
ProfeJJbrs, whether this Sermon vitereth not * profi- 
table things, and profitable things in their fc*fon. For 
when (refpecledSir) did the like wofull declining from 
the ancient feruor of our firfi loue,fo generally fpread it 
felfe through all the quarters of our I land f Me hath but 
halfe an eye, who looking vp and downe, beholdeth not, 
that euery Utile nothing in zealous forwardneffe of pro- 
fefiion,fiemeth ( for the moH part) very fuffiaenU We 
will neither diligently prouoke our fclucs to liuely procee- 
dings in the way of powerful! walking with God$ neither 
mil we patiently endure others to ontfirip vs,ana to a/pire 
vnwtariedly after the higbeHl pitch of well doing* Thio 
leauing our fir fi louejhis abatement of former light and 
heateinour ChriHian courfe, is prone d in theenfuing 
Sermon, andrcproued. When was there joint le minding 
and remembring whence we are (generally) not flidden, 
but (as it were) fallen headlong? When were there fo 
fewftncere andfetled refolutions,to repent of the euillof 
relinquijhing our firft loue , a finne wherein our land 
hath finned,befides all its other finnes ? Alas, the ftnfiti- 
p d employment of our memories Jo con fider whence we 
are fallen^ (ham" and confufton of face working true re- 
pentance, that we are fofowhe fallen 5 are flrange things 
vntovsl although onefy the exercifeofthefe graces cm 
raife vs vp to true happineffe in this life, and in the next* 
That wem'tyftt vponthefe fauingpr*8>fcs % wee are effe- 
SuaSy called vpon in the fore-named Sermon. So that 
(as I formerly ftid) it will ( I perfwtde my felfe) prone 
hth profitable and fia/bmble to theChriflun Reader • 
who bath a iifcerning fpirit, both what his owne wants 
4re,a»dhom, by tins Uttle booke, Jim pretty fiupply ma+ 


1 HE X/n STLt UtUKAlURiEi 

he aff corded htm for hisrcccutring. 

Thus much why the Sermon ts publifhed : a word or 
two {Worthy Sir) why, by a more efpeciill infcription y I 
haue dedicated n to jour name. Fir ft (therefore ) 1 was 
mcued hereto with an earneH dtjtre, to mantfeft fur- 
ther then euer yet I haue done, the enttreneffe ofmydea- 
refi officii on s toward you • who after oar many y eves 
comfortable lomng and lining together ,ef late hutebeen 
remouedfrom me into thofe Nor theme parts. T^ot being 
there for enow able face to face to enioy the wonted fweet 
inter c our (e offpeech^nd other friendlike offices, I longed 
(noiwitbflanawg) to tell you, you were not fo much out 
of mind, as out of fight. Secondly, I deftred that the de- 
dication might befit the perfon, remembring Senecaes 
counfeS : * we mufl take heede wee fend not fuperfluous *ytupecMM* 
gift s y as to a woman or old man hunting weapons^ or to a bimui^emune- 
clowne 7 bookes -or nets to one joQowin? his (ludtes, and ^"r™*"* 
learning. On the contrary^ to fend a booke to a fchour\ or fams* ma fem 
a Sermon, to an experienced profeffor, I cannot fee but it A,m * ******** 
maholdgvdprtfOTtton. ' Kfihfc 

Thus not doubting 9 but you will louingly receiue what <u Uteris dedk§ 

was louingly intended ',/ take my leaue ; deftrinz that hee [ ctU : Stn,dc 

/ / .*V r j i * • ben J. i. cap. i r. 

who hath begun the good worke fome yeeres agoetnyeu, 

and hath made you gracioujly proceed hitherto^ euen bee 

(the mercifuK and true God) wou'd perfectly accomplish 

it^vntotbeddyoflifusCbrifl* London. i£*8. 

Yours in the fureft feond^ 


A 3 A 


ST i a n s. 

Revel. 2. 4.5. 
2{ttterthtltJJi I haut fomcwbat again ft thee, becaufe 
thou baft left thy firfi lout: remember therefore from 
whence thou art fallen, and repent, and dot thy frft 

S a husband abfent aduerti- 
feth his wife by letter, of that 
which is behoouefull ; lb it 
pleafeth our Sauiour Chrift, 
abfcnt in body, though pr£- 
fent in fpirit, to admonish 
his Spoufe, aadthis Church 
in particular, by an Epiftle 
lent to hcr.In it we may obferue thefe three parts : Three parts in 
6rft,the preface,containing the perfons written vn- tb9E P^ 
to 3 and writing; the one weeendorfe on the back- u efrefati * 
fide ofour letters; the other wevfe to fubferibe af- 
ter them. Secondly, the matter; in which three. x.rbe matter, 
things arc contained : firft,becaufe louc edifieth^ie *» ****** 
beares her witnefie of the things commendable in t ' rcet gm - 
her ; that his rebuke,comming from loue, might be 

better « 

2 A Cdtteat for cold ChrtslUns. 

better digefted. Secondly, in this 4. verfe. he men- 
tioneth that, for which he had a faying to her,that 
is to fay, that (lie was fallen from her firft loue, it 
was decayed in her. Thirdly, in the fifth an dfixth 
verfes hee prefcribes a remedy: in fetting downe 
which,heobierues this order.: firft, hefets downe a 
double praftice which would reftore her, <yi\. rc- 
membring her fall and repenting. Secondly, be- 
caufe the medicine is bitter, and not eafily taken; 
hee fhewes her the great perill, the mortall hurt 
which will enfue,if this be negle&ed. Thirdly, hee 
encourageth his patient; fhewing, that yet there 
was a good figne, that loue was not quite gone, 
though it was in feme fort leflened and enfeebled, 
becaufe fhe hated the workes of theNicolaitans: 
Thus with a bitter potion, fending her a mwus 
C^r//// 3 Chrift folding vp (as it were) a pill in gold, 
that it might bee let downe the more pleafantly. 

3. conclttfm. Hauing finifhed thef matter,he comes to conclude : 
in which, firft by a folemne O yes, hee makes attenti- 
on ; and for a clofe,makes a moft comfortable pro- 
mifeto fuch who fhould ouercome,outwreftling 
by repentance fuch tentation, as accompanies thefc 
declinings,™*. that they fhould haue further reue- 
lation ofChrift made in them,and further commu- 
nion for the prefent by grace with him ; and hercaf- 

rhefHwmeof. ter t h e blefled fruition of him in glory. The fummc 
of thefe words to be handled is this : though many 
good things be found with thee, yet thy firft loue is 
left^ the flame of thy loue which reached to heauen i 
wafted all inordinate concupifcence, and was fruit- 
full in good workes, this is fiinke downe and quen- 
ched ; therefore aduife with thy felfe, and well con- 


A CAuedtfor coldChriflUm. 3 

fidcr how thou art fallen ( as it were ) from heauen 
to earth; iudgc this thine ownc iniquitic; turning 
fromit,returneto God in the waies of righteouU 
ne(Tc,bringineforth the fame fruits of liuely loue, 
which heretofore hauc been difcerncd in thce.Thus 
we may fitly come to the confiderations , whick 
may dire&ly be deduced from thefe words for our 
further inftru&ion. 

Firft,thatthefeEphefiansarechalenged tohaue i.obfer*. 
left their firft loue, wee fee what is the condition of rbtdifcaft. ft 
Chriftians; come to fome good ftate, they are rea- hj-si-j-m^ *vW$.,< 
cjy to decline; when now they haue made great 'li^im^tt witfcU 
proceeding in Ioue,theyarc ready to coole againe. T>-K^*V* 1. 
Euen as it is in the body, when it is in the mod ex- 
cellent temperature , the durance thereof is not 
long ; fb it is in the foule alfo, when it is in the beft 
taking,euen then it is fubied to alteration. So the 
Galathians,thelfraelites» how foone did the one 
fall fronuhe Gofpell,and the other from their ioy 
in that God,which had dcliuered them? Such is 
our frailty, and fuch -are Satans enterprifes againft 
vs. But for more full opening of this point, two The firfl opened. 
things fhall be vnfolded; firft, what it is the true 
ChriftLtnsfall from, when they leaue their loud: 
2. whence it comes,^ being fo wel proceeded they 
decline,To the firft let, that it is not the tranfitcrie 
flafhing 3 thefweetnefle, the delight, or gladnefle in 
heart which wee feele in our firft loue. For this 
which comes not (o much from the things of our 
peace,as from the nouelty of them ; from this, that 
the light of them doth firft fhinc vnto vs; this which 
by reafon of fuch circumftance is in vs,may bee loft 
and left without finne: the Angels loue^workes 

B fbme- 

4 A Caueatfor cold Chrifliam. 

fbmewhat in them touching the conuerfion of a 
finner,whennowhc is firft conuerted, which con- 
ftantly abides not with them : as for example, the 
ioy there mentioned, Luk. 15. Secondly, I {ay it 
was not that diuine quality of loue, which the fpirit 
of God bringeth forth in regenerating of vs $ for 
this could not bee loft, it being part of our new 
birth which abideth ; according to that, Hce who 
is borne of God finneth not,for the feede of God a- 
bidethhimrand Cor. 1. 13, Loue faileth not: not 
onelybecaufeforthekindit abides in heauen, but 
becaufe the lelfe lame in number, which by the fpi- 
rit is brought forth in vs,fhall neuer haue end; it be- 
ing fuch a diuine fier,which no waters of tentation 
can quench and extinguifh. It remaines then, that 
they arefaid to haue left their firft loue, in regard 
that their outward works (which are as con(picuous 
fruits growingout of this tree of loue), in regard, I 
(ay,that thele were decayed and impaired, they art 
laid tohaueleft their firft loue.Thefe are all of them 
things fubieft to alteration:though the diuine qua- 
lity of Chrift remaine with vs; the Scripture makes 
this,toberootedinloue,adiftind thing from ha- 
ujngloue. Paul therefore asking in the third of the 
Ephefians,inbehalfeof them, that they might bee 
rooted in loue, and fo made able to apprehend 
more perfedly the loue of God to them in Chrift, 
aimes at fome Angular degree of affe&ion. For as 
plants are not (when prefently fet firft) deeply roo- 
ted 2 fb thefe diuine graces, faith, loue,&c, grow vp 
in vs to fuch a rooted firmenefle, and fctlcdnefTe, 
that wee are not eafily moued and troubled in the 
practice of them. A man loues truly at firft, yet 


A Cmdtfor coldChriflUm. 5 

kflcgroundedly. Whence it is,that little entice- 
ments allure him, and withdraw him into naps of 
foirituallforgetfulneffe; little (nibs difmay him 3 and 
make him fhrinke in^little things make him doubt 
of Gods louc to him ; yea, of his owne perfeuering 
inlouetoGod : but being better acquainted by ex- 
perience with the Lords fidelity, mercy, patience, 
&c, he takes rooting more and more in this holy 
affedion . Now it is fo, that the loue of thefc Ephe- 
fians began to hang more loofe in them, then fom- 
time it was wont. For looke as any thing that now 
ftands, ftedy may come to bee loofened, yet re- 
maine die thing it was before, though not firme as 
before ; fo it is in loue : fo ioynts that are loofened, 
yet remaine ioynts. Secondly, the operation, 
the feruent rnouing of loue was growne remifle. 
For looke as in materiall fiers, the feruent heate 
may(lake,andfier ftill abide; as in the body, the 
powers of hearing and feeing are fafe (as in fleepc), 
though the exercife of them bee ceafed and bound 
for a time: euen fo our loue, which (like a ficr) 
groweth further and further kindled in vs for a 
time,may be by fome occafions abated 3 in regard of 
the feruor and heate,when yet the being of it is ftill 
continued. Thirdly,in regard of works, which the 
operation of their loue produced in their foules in- 
wardly, and toward God and man outwardly, in 
this regard they were declined. In their foules, the 
light of the Lord did not dilcufle the clouds of 
felfc and earthly luftings 3 as it had done formerly; 
nor were their duties fuch now, as fometime they 
had been toward God and man. Looke as in the 
5unne,the eflentiall brightnes remaining the lame, 

B a " the 

6 A dutdtjor aid Cbrtmmu 

theeffeft neuerthelefle of it in difpcrfing clouds, 
and in lightening thcayreisfomtime dinrinifhed, 
fbmetimc quite eclipfed:fo here the diuine nature 
or light of loueremaining 3 yet the effeft thereof in 
their fbules,both in clearing them from earthly de- 
fires^ falfe loues y as alfb in making them fruitfull 
in good duties, this effed of it was nothing for 
meafure, fuch as once might haue been obferued in 
Rcafon. them. Now if you aske, whence it comes to pafle, 

1 that a maaiii. ;ig made good proceedings, fhould 
decay in his loue^I anfwere.-Firft/rom a fecret floth, 
which makes vs wearie of well doing. A dull Afles 
trot will not laft long: fuch wee areofourfelues, 
there being a fpirituall fluggifhnefle hanging about 
our bones, which is ftill ready to returne on vs.For 
this it is that the Scripture calleth on vs, Bee not 

2 flothfull,Hebr.£. Secondly, the longer wee are oc- 
cupied in any thing, the more wee are taken with a 
fatiety of it. This we fee proues true eucn in the de- 
lights of nature ; no wonder then if Manna grow no 
rneate with vs,ifheauenly things and courfes ieeme 
lefle taftfull, while they are continued; Specially 
while we negleft to take paines with our hearts, 
th^twemay come to the thankful vnderftanding 
of fo great benefits 5 and on the other fide, to the 
prudent obferuation of our wants $ whether 

' wee looke at the inward frame of our foules, 
^ or at any dutie which we performs. Thirdly, we fee 
that the more we goe to the perfe&ion of any thing, 
the more difficulty we finde: now when wee come 
to meet with hardnefle, there wee are refldy,(with- 
out ftrength miniftred) to flack our endeauour, and 
thinkewnh the fluggard, Better an handfull with 


eafe,thenfarre more with difquictnefle. Fourthly, 4 
the diucll, by finnes of time and perfons among 
whomweliuc, much weakens our loue 5 through 
the abundance of iniquitie loue fhall waxe cold. 
Sometime the example of others(likeabackc-byas) 
drawing vs from the precifenefle of our care in 
fome duties, in which wee endeauoured before to 
walke with God : otherwife the fcoffing, and iniu- 
rious fpightfulneffe of wicked ones,making vs af- 
fraid to fhew our loue as wewould & J fhould with 
liberty befeeming. Etien as a damp puts out a light : 
fo this fog of fin fuffocates and foothers the light- 
fome blaze of loue , though it cannot quench it 
throughout in vs. Laftly, the diuell commonly fa- 
ttens vpon vs a (pirituall fecurity and fulneflc, when 5 
we are fomewhatproeeeded (whereas wee rtiould 
forget what is palled); and being fecure and full 3 we 
watchlefleagainftfuch things, as by little and lit- 
tle quench the fpirit in vs. Now feeing this is the „r 
condition of Chriftians in good eftate, it muft bee ■* * 
as a glafle to vs,wherein we may behold our fr^Jty 
Did thefe, when now they were gone on farre in 
grace,did they then giue in and decline ?, though it 
be the ftate of fome onely , yet it muft breed a h^ly 
terrour in vs all,making vs liften to the counfell,Lct 
him that ftands 5 take heed left he fall. Elpecially^ we g 
muft be carefull, becaufe wceliueinthelafttimcs^ 
wherein this cold fit growes a popular . difeafe : the 
loue of many fhall waxe cold through abundance 
of iniquity. Now as liuing where fome bodily con- 
tagious difeafe raigneth^we willlooketo ourfelucs 
more carefully : fo we muft proportionably bee cir-^ 
cumfpeft for our foules, that they bee not infe&ed 

B 3 by 

8 A Cauettfor cm ChriJlUns. 

by this common contagion.Some thinke that when 
weteach,thattrueloue,whereitis once, there it is 
euer , and fo of true grace^there is opened a window 
to fecurity, and we make men warrants toliueas 
they lift : but there is no fuch matter,while we teach 
that they may fall into fuch languifhing ficknefles, 
as will make their conditions fcemc a liuing death, 
rather then otherwife. Were the conditions of our 
bodies immortal,yet fuch,as on any mif-diet might 
con trad painfull and fearfull ficknefTes ; fhould wee 
then haue caufe to be fecure, & caft away all care of 
dietingour felues? fo it is in our foules; though this 
life ofloue is eternall 3 yet it is fubieft to fuchlan- 
guiftiing maladies without the greater care taken, 
that none of vs in this refpedi: can want a fufficient 
fpurre to incite our diligence. I will deferre a fur- 
ther word of exhortation to the next inftru&ion. 
Marke then as thefe tell away in their loue, fo the 
Lord challenges them for it, as a thing much dif 
pleafing his Maiefty,and dangerous to their foules* 
z.Obkru. % Obferue hence, that coldnefle and remilhefle in 
the courfes of fuch as are religious, much offend 
God, God accurfeth fuch as doe his worke floth- 
fuWy, though he bid them fheath their fwords in 
the blood ofothers:and the hike warme Chriftian, 
that is neither hot nor cold, the Lords ftomackc 
beares not. To lend the clearer light to the~ dp- 
&rine,wemuft firft know what this finfull remit 
nefTe is : fecondly, why it is fo difpleafing and 
harmcfull.Forthefirft,a man is not to thinke all 
v that a remifle courfe(here challenged) ,which comes 
- fhortof fome more powerfull and fruitfull ftraine 
in his courfe of life,which he hath palfed. For there 


A Laucai for wia u nnjiiams* p 

are degrees of diligence, and the leaft well accep- 
ted with God. Euen as an induftrious husband 
hath fome feafons , Wherein his labour is double 
to that it is ordinarily, and yet his courle is at no 
time idle : lb a fpirituall good husband, may (on 
occafions) be lifted to fuch powerfull endeauour, 
which he hath not continuing with him at all times, 
and yet be farre from this finfull remifnefle.Second- 
ly,it is not a remifle, feeble, weake walking, which 
proceedeth from a fpirituall faintnefle in vs, being 
vnder many tentations ;for euen feeble and remifle 
anions in this feafon, are nofmall labour of our 
loue,and moft acceptable to God; we muft not goc 
all by quantity. A ficke man may fhewmore labour, 
and tire his feeblcd ftrength more, in doing that 
which in two houres might bee difpatched, then a 
found man can fhew in a whole dayes worke. For 
though the found man doth more in quantity, yet 
he doth lefle in proportion then the ficke, fo farre 
the ficke is from being idle, Euen as the rich men 
that offered, though they gaue more in quantitie 
then the widow,yet (he did more inproportion ( if 
her ability be confidcred) then they all. It therefore 
no t being a comparatiue remilhefle, which m?y be 
fo termed,in regard of more extraordinary beftir- 
ring our felues,nor yet a feeble remifnefle ; what re- 
giaines,but that it fhould bee fuch a remifnefle, as 
commeth from fpirituall floth,caufed in vs by lufts, 
which we haue in fome degree entertained?Forwhe 
lufts do get the vpper hand fo ouer vs,that we ftriuc 
not with them,but goe on in them, though they eat 
out the life and power which we felt in our courfes, 
and make vs that we can be well cnough,though we 


l0 A Cdttest f$r coMckritiUns. 

fcclc not our communion with God in that meafure 
we were wont ; this is euer ioyned with a finfull fiiU 
ling from the loue in which we walked, 

Me*fofi, Now the reafon wherein this comes to be Co of- 

fenfiuc, is taken from Gods coniugall loue^ which 
makes, hmiholily icalous of the loue of his people. 
What doth a louing husband take fo gricuouflyag 
the finding want of loue in his (poufe ; as to (pie the 
hart of her withdrawne 3 that it is not as it was here- 
tofore toward him ? and it is harmfull to vs, by^au- 
fing lometime outward chaftifement (as (loth itv 
fcholers & feruan ts, forceth corre&ion from goucr- 
nors), by caufing vncefiantly a wafting of the life of 
grace in vs. For as fier not blowne,goes out; (b this 
loue,whenwcaregrownccold and remifle, dies a- 
Avay, &c fals into a dangerous (wounc, which makes 
our ftatcs no t a little frightfoll. 

yp t This then being a thing fo dilpleafing and hurt- 

full,wemuft examine our felues how it is withvs, 
whether we haue not taken fbme (pice of this cold. 
If wee would apply our confideration nationally, 
what doth the Atheifmc, the mcere brood of Arri- 
ans, the (warming of Papifts, the drunkennefle, vn- 
cle^Rnes of thefe time proclaime,but that our loue 
isinfome meafurc left? But wee will ftrainc this 
ftring no further, becaufc it is the beft for vs to 
weare our eyes at home ; if wee looke to our (elues 
per(bnally,fliall we finde it otherwife ? Ginnot wee 
many of vs take pleafitre in the company of fuch, 
who care not how they prouoke our heauenly huC 
band? doe not we walke without feeling, feare of 
offending our God? cannot we pafle ouer our of- 
fences lightly, calling that at our heeles, which 


A GAttutfor coldChrijiuns. \ \ 

<grieucs his hcart?canno t we flight oucr our duties, 
and put God off with fuch for rie feruicc, as if any 
thing were good enough for him ? haue we not had 
fbmetime good purpofes and endcauours, from 
which now we are fallen? If weebepriuietothefe 
things,itistoofure,ourfirft loue is exceedingly a- 

In the fecond place,wc muft awaken our hearts, 
and ftirre them vp to this loue.Let vs thinke,Lord, 
fhould Ioffcrthismcafure to an earthly husband, 
ncuer to bee afraid after doing that, which I knew 
would difpleafe him;to take delight infuch(I knew) 
neuer bare him good will 5 would it not make me 
blufh ?how much leffe ought I to vfe thy Maiefty 
fo iniurioufly ? Wc brooke not, that loue fhould 
not grow in them toward vs, with whom we are 
married^why fhould our loue be leflened to thee ? 
We would checkeour felues in affoording vnchaft 
fauours to men^whatcaufehauewe to take vp our 
felues , that our affe&ions giue fuch vnchaft kit 
les to thefe earthly delights,and dwell fo in the im- 
brace of them,that they are indifpofed, & wanting 
deuotion toward thy Maiefty? O let vs take words 
to our felues and blow this fparke, that it may flafie 
vpward toward our God, If while our hearts are in 
the loue of (bme louely creature, wc findc fuch 
fwectnefle^ what a heauen fhould they feele, did 
they loue the Lord affe&ionately? in this loue there 
would-be no lacke. 

Againe, while wc haue not fbmc warmth of loue rfe x« 
in our courfes,nought we do is accepted.If I would 
giue my body to be burned,and wanted loue (faith 
the Apoftlc) 3 it profited nothing* Eucn as n6 office 

C is 

12 A Cmutfor cold Cbriftiarrr. 

is acceptable to a husband from a wife, when the 
loue of her heart is withdrawne and cooled. On the 
contrary 3 it (hould prouoke vs to renue our loue, 
becaufe while this is liuely in vs 3 God fees many 
faults,and fees them not : as in Dantd, whom God 
counted after his heart, but in the matter of Frtih. 
Itisplaine,thatGod did notlooke at any infirmi- 
ties,while his feruant (in this maine matter of fpiri- 
tualloue)keptvpright with him. Looke as itisbe- 
tweene husband and wife, while loue and fidelity 
are kept inuiolablc, little faults are not obierued 
andftobdvpon fo,asto make falling out betwixt 
them ; (b it is twixt God and his people : while this 
heateofloueisftirredvpinour couries, ourfoules 
fhallbepreferued inhealthfomeftate,and grace en- 
creafed. For as that exercife,which dothftirrcvp 
the naturall heate, if it be but ad rubtnm vfijue, 
doth benefit the body,wavling(in fbm^ degree) the 
fiiperfluitics,which are ready to breed erifuingfick- 
nefle: So notonely thofc eminent mouings of loue^ 
wherein fheeexceedes her felfe^but euery courfe 
which is with life and power of loue inany meafiire, 
encreafeth and ftablifheth grace, and confumes the 
revues of corruption in vs. 

pfi 3. Finally jifnothing will moue vs to weane our af- 

feftions^nd (et them more feruently on the Lordj 
but that we will goe on key-cold (in a manner) to 
God-ward : then the Lord will not faile to pay vs 
home with our owne coyne$ and make thefe thirigs 
breed vs fmart, which Aveehaue moft inordinately 
loued,to his great difhonour. 

■Ttonmtdy. Thus hauing confidered the difeafe,we come to 
the rerriedie,which ftands in a double practice : the 


A Cdutitfcr cildCbtifium. r ^ 

onepreparatiue to the other; the one of remem- 
bring whence {he was fallen; the other of repenting, 
which is fet forth by the fruit of it, Repent and dee 
thy fir ft workes. In the firft we are to marke two 
things ; firft,the a&ion commanded ^Remember. Se- 
condly , the obie£t of it jvAence thou art f dim. 

Whence wee obferue^with what our memories -i.Oiferu. 
are to be taken vp; euen with our eftates, and the 

For opening this-do&rine,two things muft be in* 
fifted on. Firft, we muft open what remembrance is, 
what it concaineth within the compafle of it. Se- 
condly, what is to be remembred of vs. For the 
firft, as we fee it is with man,hee hath fome worke 
without doores, which he goes out to; fome he 
do di,ftaying within : fo the mind doth fome things 
without, fome things it doth retired into it felfe, 
keeping within it felfe, and working onely on it 
felfe; as when it remembers or deliberates on any 
matter. Now euery working of the mind, tends 
-either to this end, that we may know better by 
meanesofit; or that we might doe fomthing that 
isbeboouefulL Now this remembrance is a cer- 
taine operation ofthefbule within it felfe, whete- 
by we thinfce on things forgotten -.to the end we 
maybeftirredvptofuch confcionable pra&ice, as 
the nature of the thing remembred requires. It 
.containes three things : firft, an entring into our 
felues;when a man returnethinto his thoughts, no 
longer wandring to and fro in thefc outward 
- things,in which hehad (afterafort) loft and for- 
gotten himfelfe :For. this is the beginning of that 
-remembrance which leades to repentance; See 

C 2 Deut. 

14 A Cttttatftr cold Christians. 

Deut.30. i, i.King. 8.47, Secondly 3 a bethinking 
and calling things to mind fo farre,as to know how 
things ftand with vs. Thirdly, when wc are bidrc- 
Tncmbcr 5 wearc enioyned to fct cur hearts on,keepe 
in mind,confider the ftate we are in,and confequen- 
ces of it,Pial.50. 22, Conftdtr thisye thatfvrget God. 
Where consideration andforgetfiilnefie are oppo- 
fcd. / confidcred my wayesjnd/o rtfenttd. Thus you 
fce,whatthis duty of remembrance includes in it. 
♦ Now for the matter to be remembrcd, it is our 
eftate,and the declining of it. 
Reafcn 1 . For next to God,we are to haue our owne eftates 
in mind ; both what they were before grace, Eph.2. 
for it doth make vs thankfull, diligent, humble : wc 
vnuft not,with the Prieft,forge tour old Clerk-fhip^ 
wenuiftftillcarricin mind our naturall eftate, to 
the ends aboue named. 
t Secondly, we muft remember our eftates fince 
grace ;both in regard of our frailty and proneneflc 
tofall,though we ftand through Gods protection 
and fupportancc : for this will make vs mecke to o- 
thers,Galath.^.i,and.watchfullouer our fellies. Se- 
condly, in regard of our falles fincc we receiued 
gftice; whether they be fucb,ofwhich we hailing re- 
pented, find them aTready pardoned, Deut. 9. y^or 
whether they be fuchfalles,in which wee haue lien 
hitherto durtily, not awaking our fellies to repen- 
tance. And this kft« remembrance is required of 
thefc Ephefians , that they fhould remember and 
confider how much they were declined, though 
they lkdetookc it to heart. For this duty is need- 
full,thatwernayfecle in our felues a fpurreto re- 
pentance, in which the face is wri then awry fovn- 


fecmly.Thc fight of our naturall deformity in a 
glatfe,ftirs vp nature to inforcc her felfe to remoue 
it :1b here the looking vvifhly on our fpirituall de- 
formity ,cxcites euen feeble grace to doe her vtmoft 
endcauour for correcting it. 

This which hath been Ipoken, ferues to conuince Vfi* 
many,who Hue neueronce returning to their harts, 
and confidering their ftate in fuch wife, as might 
make them wife to faluation. Many goe like hood- 
ed haukcs 3 neuer once thinking on that which hurts 
them, till their foules are ready to fly from their 
bodies,and their condition hclplefle.For partly the 
foule (as it is faid of the harlot,, whofe feet keepe 
not at home) the foule(I fay)liues in the fenfes more 
then in it felfe:. as an vnchaft mans heart is more 
with his miftrifle, then at home with himfelfe: (b 
our foules wedded inordinately to this flefh, are 
more occupied about thefe fenfible things , and 
dwell more in them then in themfelues. Againe, 
Satan is mod malitious to hold vs chat(as it were), 
and kcepevs occupied till this time and tide of fel- 
uation be ouerflipped: and finally, the exercifefo 
little futes to an impenitent heart (for men that 
are bankruptSjWhatplcafiire take they inreuiewing ' 
their bookes?),thatalmoft none entring into nim- 
felfe,callestomind and fixedly holds his heart to 
thinke on things of this nature. This negleft (like 
a flood-gate opened) letteth in all euilland impe- 
nitency. What makes men Iweare, bowze, giuc 
place to their lufts,goe on inhardnefle of heart ? is 
knot that they are ignorant, or that they haue an 
erroneous iudgement,as if thefe were lawfull, >and 
repcntancenecdlcffe? it is forgetting themfelues, 

C 3 and 

16 * Laneatjer ma ^hrtjmns. 

and neuer once confidering what they doe, and 
how they goeon. Secondly, we muft make confer- 
ence to exercife our remembrance about thisfub- 
ie<3:,euen what fwcrtiings and declinings haueo- 
uertaken vs. In our bodies and eftates we will quick- 
ly marke what is amifle,and not eafily forget it: If 
matter of wrong be done to vsjt ftickes in memory, 
as if it were written in braflc: we are not weary of 
remembring earthly things, fuch is our eftimation 
of them,and familiar acquaintance with them.Shal 
weonelybe wanting to ourfelues in remembring 
here, when our faluation lieth vpon it ? therefore as 
you will haue the latter end peace, fo remember 
your way es, finnes, declinings; the more you re- 
member them,the more God will forget them(pro- 
tionably to that, If we condemne ourfelues, God 
will not condemnevs),and we had need hold our 
hearts to the remembrance of them ; they will not 
heare lightly on this fide. Such is the loue in vs to 
our naturall good, and care to auoid ficknefle, po- 
uerty^that we cannot fofoone call to mind our de- 
feds and dangers,but that we apprehend them, and 
turne from them. But fo auerfe are we from our hea- 
uenly good,and carelefle of fpirituall dangers; that 
whenwefpeakeofthem againe and againe within 
ourfelues, the foule will hardly be mooued to fol- 
low the one,or giue attendance to the other fb,as to 
feeke the auoidance of them. Alas, if we will not 
now be brought to thinke of our daily flips, decli- 
nings,of the grieuous finnes in which we goe on 
without repentance; if we will not, I fay, God fhall 
one day enlarge our memories, that they fhall ap- 
prehend all ourfinnes : yea thishardneffe of heart, 


A Caueatfor cold Chrifiians. 2 7 

which would not let them repent,when exhortedj 
and that in fuch fort, that the remorfe and after- 
thought of them fhall be as a worme that nener 
dies. He who doth nioft willingly forget his finnes 
here, fhall remember them there, moft fully and 
painfully hereafter. 

To proceed to the fecond practice, Remembet : A % obferu. 
whence thou art fallen, and repent. Firft marke, vpon 
thedeclinings ofgracehebids them repent 5 teach- 
ing,that the leaft declinings of grace in our felues 
andothers,is a caufe of repentance. 

The falles of others wemuft repent of, left we Reafcn. 
make them ours,& inwrap our felues in their iudge- 
ments. We are members of the fiime body with 
diem 1 and therefore what we doe in our owne, wc 
muftinfome proportion doe in their finnes alfb. 
When the health ofbody declined in Bawds coun- 
terfeit friends, he humbled himfelfe id fafting,Pfal. 
35, And when one Corinthian being inceftuous, 
was not caft forth. Saint Paul prouoketh them all 
to repentance. Now in our owne declinings we 
muft take them betimes, left that which is halting 
tumequiteafide.Ifaforrenenemie inuade vs, wee 
ftay not till he come to our gates 3 but meet him 2nd 
hold him play betimes. If a bodily difeafe breed on 
vs,we loue to looke forth quickly. Thus it fhould 
be, when fin ( an enemy ,yea a ficknefle to the fbule ) 
doth (b much as make entrance into vs. And this is 
fore, that often fmalleft declinings are not a little 
dangerous. It is feene in nature, that the moft tem- 
perate diftemper ( fuch as at firft is in an hc&ick fe- 
uer) as it is not eafily found, lb it is hardly cured. 
Thus in our foules declinings,whkh wee fee not to 


x 8 A Cam At for cold CbrifiUns. 

be fo outragious 3 but that vvc are well enoughfor all 

them, thefe often proue moft perillous. 

Againe,thismuftmoucvs betimeto dealcv/ith 

[ *. t*mrif£*P*to6\\r fellies in finne ;for the beginning of it ( as Sato* 

*£ ^^M^^ m9n f a * tn of ftrifc) i s l^e the opening of waters • lit- 

.To3c*>. t-»7^ : f fjtlc though it feemc at firft, yet it will (well and rife 

^^n^lwebeouerflownewith it. 

j^^rf^"^^^ This therefore muft checke vs, who neither re- 

'*?$£! «. b*<*&!'f l pent for the declining of the people in the land, nor 

J^Tjfe . the decay ofgrace in our felucs. The truth is, that 

looke as in {weeping a kennell, the further it is dri- 

uen do wn,the more filth abounds; fo the lower ages 

with vs, are asfinkesreceiuingall the defilements 

of former times,and our iniquities arc more encrea- 

fed. Now if by repentance we put it not from vs, we 

make our felues little better then actors in prefent 

tranfgrcflions, by commenting to them. And for our 

owne particulars,wee are many of vs to be blamed, 

who like foolifh perfons let our fores putrifie,rather 

then open them, and endure their drefling more 

timely. Many of vs ( who till fharpe fits force vs 

forth) will not (eeke out againft our difeafes. Thus 

eafe flayeth the foolifh. But let vs be wife • let vs not 

thftke all well,while we can hold vp our head, and 

fcele not the painfull pangs of conference. The child 

is brcd,before the pangs of trauell come • fo the fin, 

it may be,hath laine a long time in vs, which if wee 

in time dcale not with,will one day fill vs with re- 

mcdilefleforrowes. A good husband mends a gut- 

ter ; if a tile be fallen,he fupplieth another ; he keepes 

all winde and water-tite : in like fort muft we in 

thefe foules of ours,which are houfes to God his fpi- 

r i t,w e (hall elfe bring all vpon our heads. And thus 


A Catteatfor cold Chi(li arts. \$ 

much for this do&rine,which in the coherence may 
be obferued. 

The matter it felfe,or leeond exercife prelcribcd tob[ erfim 
is repentance, fetdowne by the effeft of it, doe thy J 
frft wot kes. Now that againft this ficke ftate he pre- 
fcribes this remedic,/tyw/ ; we fee what expels and j 
heales all iuch matters in the foule,w&, repentance. 
This will helpe euery malady : were a man ficke of 
the confumptionof his lungs,there were fmaihope, 
it is mors lenta, but w/<* ; well, languifhing Ephefus 
euen in a (bule-confumption is reftored by repen- 
tance. We fee in nature euery part hath a faculty of 
expelling what is noxious andharmfull: the lungs 
haue their cough; thebraine his fneezing, ando- 
ther excretions ; the ftomacke will turne it felfe 
topfie turuie,but itwill bring vp( by vomit) that 
which offends.Not to profecute this, in ftead of all 
the(e,and fuch like, the loule of man in this condi- 
tion wherein it contra&s corruption, hath this fa- 
culty of repentance put into it, whereby it empties 
it felfe of all that which is offenfiue. But for the fur- 
ther edifying you in this point, I will open two 
tilings : nrft,in what this pra&ice ftands : fecondly, 
how we may excite repentance. The aft of repen- 
tance is a certaine determination,which the vnder- 
ftanding makes and propounds. Secondly, in the 
turning away of the will from that finne it lay in; 
as now hauing it in abomination. Thirdly, in cer- 
taine affedions and aftions, which the will (now 
changed) excites in vs. For firft,in repentance, the 
mind apprehends, and determinately fets downe 
thus much,that we lie in a fearfull eftate, guilty of 
grkuous finne ; the vnderftanding (peakes thefe 

D things 

20 A Cdtttatfor cold Chrtttuns. 

things within vs: O we hauc done fooliftily, what is 
it we haue done ? we are worthy to be cut off; wc 
hauefinned,done wickedly ,peruerfly,Dan.p.Ezech. 
20.1cr.6.8. rKing.8. Now while the vnderftan- 
ding fpeakes this in the foule, the will perceiuing 
byhervnderftanding,inwhat euillfhee hath lien, 
uirnes it felfc away,nilling and hauing in abomina- 
tion the finne it liued in.Whathauel to doe with 
idols((aith repenting Ephraim),Hof. 14? For looke 
as in the body,not the prefence of ficke matter, but 
the ftirring of it ;fo that, nature begins to feele the 
malignancieof.it; this (timng is that which makes 
nature to fight with it, and driue it forth.: fo 
not the prefence of finne,but when the fenfe of it is 
conueyed,by this the vnderftanding fpeakes, then 
thcfoulesendeauour of turning it away is excited. 
TJiirdly the will thus abhorring it, caufeth certaine 
affe&ions to arife 5 asgricfe, indignation, reuenge> 
fhamefaftneffe,2^Cor.7.Hebr. 12. 28. Yea it com- 
mandscertaine outward a&ions : confeffion, hum- 
bling our felues in fading ;fome,as fignes and tcfti- 
monies ; fome,as meanes alio further helping ir.For 
as after a medecine taken, Phyfitians prefcribe fa- 
ftng,fixe or eight houres more or lefle, as the na- 
ture of things require^and that to this end, that the 
medecine may more eflfe&ually grapple with the 
matter to be expelled, hauing no auocament: fb 
here we reftraine meates,andall delights for afea- 
£>n,that the flefh may be more fully wrought vpon 
by the Spirit^whilethe worke of the foule, by thefe 
carnallauocaments is nothing hindrcd. Now for 
exciting,if hauing fet before vs our finne, we feele 
aot our hearts penitently affected, then muft we 


A Cdutdtfor ccldchrifluns. i \ 

thinkc how it is with vs in outward euils, and take 
words to our felues,faying ; Lord, if I fee any dan- 
ger towards my body or eftate, forrow will come 
beforclfendforit. In default but of complement 
with man,I can be afhamed quickly. *what Atheifme 
and hardnefle of heart is this,that I canthinkc of my 
fumes againft thee, indangering my foule,and that 
without gricfe or blufhing? 

Thus hauing made this difcouerie of the hard- /^. 
hartcdnefle in vs 3 we muft ( conlcious of our owne 
inability) looke to Chrift, whogiueth repentance 
and pardon of finne; who takes away the heart of 
ftone 3 giuingvs hearts tender and flefhie. If yet it 
rife not to our defire, we need not feare, this is the 
feed which will grow vp to that we wifti, indue 
time. This then being thus,that repentance is fo fo- 
ueraigne a medecine for all difeafes of the foule ; 
how ftiould we be inamoured with it? what good 
reafonhauewetoholdit in high efteeme? would 
not one account much of fuch a receit, as taken in 
any bod ily ficknefle were prefent remed je ? 

Againe,it muft moue vs to the confcionable pra- yfe. 
dice here enioyned,feeing it is fo beneficiall to the 
foule:what will we not endure for our bodies ? t£h 
making them ficke with bitter potion,incifion; yea, 
cutting off,if a member be putrified, fearing them 
in diuers parts with hot irons : fhall we goe thus 
farre for thegood of the body, and refufc the pra- 
ctice of this exercife for the good of our foules? I 
may fpcake to thy impenitent breaft, as Haamans 
feruants fpake to him about the cure of h is leprof le : 
Fttber y ft he Prtphet had comanded thee 4 hard tbi*% y 
Muldtjt then not h&uedore it? how much mere feetna 

D 2 he 

$2 A Canut for cold Chri fit arts. 

be faith JVaJh and be draw. If God had commanded 
thee a hard thing, vvouldeft thou not haue done it 
to auoid damnation ? How much more muft thou 
obey,when he faith,Be but grieued, and condemne 
your finnes your felues,I will not condemne you ? 
Ffi* Neither muft they onely 5 vvho are priuie to grea- 

ter finnes (as more mortall ficknefies) repent them ; 
but we alfo,feeing we all of vs, though wee haue no 
fuch dead fickneffes, yet we haue fuch corruptions 
as will breed vs bitternefle, if we auoide them not 
by repentance, if ye repent not,you fhall perifh, ye 
mydifciples. Men that are well, how would it goe 
with them,if neither by vrine,nor fiege they fhould 
get eafementof fuch fuperfluitie as is to be expel- 
led ? they would not long continue well. So it is, 
though we are well for grace fhewed vs, yet our 
foule daily contra&eth and harboureth fuch mat- 
ter,whichif we purge it not forth by renewed re- 
pen tance 3 we may aflure our felues it will turne to 
fomefcarfull foule-fickneffe. Let vs not be like fuch 
foolifh ones, who goe on in fome difeafe, rather 
then they will trouble the humour, and difeafe 
themfelues one day, let things goe on with them 
till they are curelerfe. I know the diuell makes it 
feeme a painfull thing to leaue our delights, to di£ 
quiet our felues, and fit as Iudges condemning our 
felues within our felues. A fluggard thinkes it in- 
tolerable to rife; yet when he is vp, he findes it not 
painfull : fa here. But were it troublous, is it not 
better to put thy confidence out of officejby iudge- 
ing thy felfe , then haue GOD and thy confer- 
ence condemae thee eternally ? To conclude this 
point,doe we catch any fall bodily, but wc will get 


A Cdueatfer cold Chrtftians, 2 3 

vpagaine,though we rife from hand to knee, and 
get vp but faintly ? O let vs be wife in the fals of our 
foules,takeheede to get vp by repentance againc. 

Thus much of the pra&ice of repentance : now 6.0bfertt. 
for the c&d^ce thy fir ft works, I obferue,that finne 
by repentance remoued,our former abilities are re- 
ftored. Euen as in nature, when the a&ions of any § f ^ \ £ • <■ i\ 
part are hurt by this or that ficke matter hurting^- iSb^ft^ 71 !* f« 
them •, take but away the difeafc, the part will doe ^ ■ pklrf**"' { 't' {z ' 
that belongeth to it as ably as cuer : fo the foule 
once healed by repentance, puts forth the pov/ers 
of it felfe as it did before : yea ( as they fay ) a bone %#£ jwe^W^"^fe 
broken and well fetagaine, isftrongerthcn euerit^^n-z-?^^ 71 ?^^ 
was ;fo Gods often mending ^ f™iU k,r ****„ *£C..~«(tfc* kteru < J 

tance, exceeds the former maki 

blefled exercife of a broken ipirii 

the vertueof it? whether we looke at cuils in thc^^vv^/Q^ 

(bulc^or in the body and condition. It often hca-OxC^'S^-fog'^ 

lethfoule-euils,fo that there is no fear left in themr*iu*n^^4 ^ fr 

of the wound receiued. Peter* prefumptuous man|^#yf^K* ^/^ 

{landing on comparifon 3 thou^halthefcleaue thee,^ ™ x wffif5K 
yet,&c, ro#fofuUoffclfc-louVo f«rfuUof dcath,2p%?Sy^ 
that he denied his Lord and Mafter: when now 4. 
God had touched him with repentance, mark Pbw 
cleerehe rofe vp (as it were) from thefe cuils. The 
night before he fhould haue been martyred,he flept 
as (bundly as if he had not been priuie to any fuch 
matter : and when Chrift asked him, Doefl then /cue 
me more then thefe f Peter now had forgot his com- 
panions, Lord thou knorvefl I toue thee. So Dtutd jxhen 
God had now enlightened his darkneile after the 
matter of Pru/^hc felt fuch fpirituall ftrength, as if 
he could haue leaped ouera wall,or broken through 

D 3 an 

24 d CdutAtfcr coldChriBUns. 

an armie. True it is that fbmtime when repentance 
is not in the more through degree, but done by 
halues^then it is as in bodily difeafes,which goe not 
cleanc away,but leaue the party ntntrum conualefccn- 
ti&, that is, not well, but onely fomewhat mending, 
rather thenfully rcftored. This it doth in regard of 
foule-dheafcs that arc entred; but if wee fearc their 
growing on vs, then this pra&ic«foIlowed,isan ex- 
cellent preferuatiue,preuenting their entrance, 

Nowforbodily and conditional! euils,this keeps 
them ( vfed in kinde) that they befall vs not. tj/- 
cbabs counterfeit repentance obtained no lefle. Se- 
condly ,it makes vs grow out of them, if they hauc 
ieazed on vs. How did /*£, now humbling himfelfe 
in duft and ailies,mount vp (as it were) with Eagles 
wings, aboue all his calamities ? If the fentence 
touching outward euils be irrcuocablie pafled,yet 
fo itaflwagesandfweetens thefe erodes, that wee 
haue peace in the middeft of them, and feele not (o 
much difturbance from them. As in Mefes 5 who 
might not enter Canaan ; in Dauid yvhofe child was 
to die, whofe other calamities threatned,were to 
Vfi . fFhis therefore may lerue for a touch-ftone to 

dilcerne,whether our repentance be right,or other- 
/ wife: if we haue foundly repented,wee fhall finde it 
inourfreedomefromlufts, which fometime trou- 
bled vs in our abilities fpirituall, and in the perfor- 
mance of our duties. When by our repentant hu- 
miliation we grow of vngodly, godly ; of intempe- 
rate, fbber ; of vniuft, iuft ; of uothfull, feruent in 
good duties ; then we may affiire our felues that our 
finne by repentance is taken from vs. Should wee 


A Cane at fir cold Christians. 2 5 

fee^ho had been feeble, wafted, nowhauing taken 
phyficke grow full of blood, flefhie, able to digeft 
any thing,ftrong to labour; wee would not doubt 
but that his difeafe were fully remoued; but that his 
medecincwas right and effedtuall : fo is that repen- 
tance right, and that man healed by it,to whom the 
workes of grace are now returned: but if wee 
hauenot fruits which accompany repen- 
tance,thenis our turning to bee 



Page i, line 1 7. put outCbrijl* p. j, 1. 1&. for let,, r. vi^. p. i o. L 1 2. 
for mccrc, r, ncvp* 


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,ti; s=s&. 
