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Full text of "A door of salvation opened unto all men, or, A short treatise discovering that all man-kinde as they are considered under the fall of Adam have an equal and a like respect with almighty God ..."









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Unto all Men: 



T , „ , ^'{covering ■*> 

Ihatallman-kindeas they arc confident $ 

under the fall of Adam, have an £u/l " *' 

and a like refpeft with Almighty God, Z ' l 

that by Jrfus Chrifthchath%rep ai ed 

eternal Salvation for AlUndffi- 

ed unto All, means fufficient to 

bring them thereunto. 

Sundry Ob,eftions GroundsofKeafon, andTexts of 1 
Scnpture, for die contrary Opimon J l ^ I 

aileadged and aiifwered. 



By R. B. 

^AislS& fu,efmm K m,ne ■ 

London, Prinredfor Wil Lamm- ™a 


; fi£ «b *'::■■ 

>es£e: " yK&*L2&i. " SrSSri iei&*?& ^>£^ • ;«&&, *k$5k! " ^ 



T O 

The Impartial 

E A D E 


i S concerning what 
Ihereprefent un- 
to thee^ I am nei- 
ther ignorant of 
myfwerving therein from 
the common Opinions of 
the Times, nor yet infenfi- 
ble of the many ceniiires I 
A 3 fliaJI 

The Ep/Jile to the Reader. 

mall incurrc from feme by 
reafon thereof; But He that 
obferveth the winde, pall not 
[owe : and he that regardeth 
the clouds > jhall not reaf. 
(Ecclef.i 1.4. ) The fcope 
of Scriptures, and light of 
reafon is the ground of my 
belief y and my onely rule 
in this: From which I have 
not confcioufly erred in any 
thing contained therein. 
Notwithftanding confided 
ing mine own 5 with the 
common frailty of all men 


The Epijiie to the Reader . 

now living, I crave not thy 
acceptance in any thing 
more, than what after a 
diligent perufall , with a 
free and impartiall exa- 
mination upon the fore-faid 
Grounds, mail appear war- 
rantable unto thee. All 
which I humbly defire thee, 
as well for thine own happi- 
neffe (depending thereup- 
on ) as for the good and be- 
nefit of others, thankfully 
and gladly to receive in the 
love thereof, faithfully to 
A 4 pra- 

The Epiftle to the Reader. 

pra&ice, and induftrioufly' 
to promote in thy whole 
Convention: And fb refer- 
ring thee to theDifcourfeit 
{elf; and the Grace of God 
difcovered therein, I reft 

Thine in all 
R* B. 


Directing to fome of the 

moil: principal Heads contained 
in this TREATISE. 

A IX men as they are considered in A- 

dam have a like etfeem and rejpett 

with Go d^ page 5,7,8. 

Adam made mutable, and why^ pag. 

Adams first offence incurred not the 
damnation of hell, 58. 


The Table. 

Children not dead in trefpajfef and 
fins, nor liable to the damnation of hell 
by births pag.57,58. 

Chrift was fent into the world to be 
a Saviour for all men, pag. l6 D 17, 

18, 19. 

Chrift hath redeemed all men from 
death brought upon them by Adam s dife- 
bedience^ 13,32,58,92. 

Chrift hath prepared and opened a way 
to eternal life for all men^ pag, 1 3 , 1 4, 

When the Covenant of Grace was gi- 
ven, ¥-9h93* 
That it is cxtendedunto all mm^ P.9C . 
How works are required thereby to Sal- 
vation, p.79,8c. 
i Wherein it k mofi properly ditlinguif,- 
ed^fom the Covenant/ work? ^£3$ 4 3 
* 8)386,87,. 


The Tabic. 

And in what rejpeffs it is to be e$eem~ 
ed a Covenant ofGrace^ p.87 ,88 ,89. 

None de&ed to Salvation as they are 
considered in the ejiate of dif obedience^ p. 


Wherein, Faith confifteth, P-5** 

tiorp it is begotten in men , ib. 

That none are unavoidably enforced 
#/jem/;^ 5 p.5 :> 6 D i6 D i7,i8,i9 !> 2o,2i 5 22, 


That ifF* ith were enforced none could 
bcjufafiedOyit; ^44^5,4^4,5^ 

In what rejpett it is faid to be the gift 

ofGod, P-5o,5is}*5M4- 

That menntaypojfibly fall away from > it , 
p.l 1,12,14,101,102,1035104. 


The Table. 


That God requireth not more of any men 
to their Salvation, then what by the im- 
provement of the means they may perform 

God neither hardeneth the hearts, 
blindeth the eyes nor rvorkgth wickednes 
in any men. P*3 t d3 2 * 


That all vertue and vice proceedeth 
from the hearts of men ^ p. 44,4 % 54^55^ 


That every mans judgement at the 
laSi day Jfjall be according to the things 
only that werefeely chofen andentertain- 
ed therein , ibid 


The Table. 


In what refyeU it is f aid, That the na- 
tural/man perceiveth not the things of the 
Spirit of God, p.57358-,59,60,61.,62,63, 

Bow men are taught of God, and drawn 
untojefus Chriff, p.66,67,68,69. 

How it is wrought in them to will and 
todo&c. p.69,70,71. 

How it is given unto them to repent, p. 

to believe in Chrijt, and to fuffer for 

his fake, V-7^77* 

And how God putteth his Lav?s 77zto 
the mindes of men, p.9 5. to the end of 
the Chapter. 

That no man canbehved without the 
grace of God> nor no man be faved there- 


The Table. 

by without his obedience unto it. p. 1 5, 


In what nature Salvation is given by 

Cod unto men ? p. \ 5 , 1 6,49, 50. 

Andwhat in general! is required of al/ 

wen for the obtaining t hereof \ p. 5 5, 5 6* 



To the Reader. 

Reader s 

THrough want of opportunity to attend 
the Prefle, feveral efcapes have been 
made in the Printing hereof ( and fome of 
themfuchas pervert the very fence of the 
place where they are committed ) moft of 
which ( in the two firft {heets ) I thought 
good f more efpecially) to give thee notice 
of, to the end that thou mighteft correct 
them, as well as any other, which thou (halt 
bbferve in the reading of the whole. 


PAge 4-lin.4. for from the enjoyment, read and the en- 
joyment. p.i8.1.28.for other, i.greater. p.19- 1-i8« 
for made in under ,r .made in him under. p.2o.l.2,.for dr 
nyj.denieth. p.24.1.$.for tendrethj.rendreth. p.27.1.1?. 
for rve,x>men. p.27.1.22. for imexer able, x -inveterate.^ 
SoJ-s-for magnified,x.imagined.p.^.\.i^.foi' eppofej.op- 
foferi.p.62.1.3i.add which, p.^.l.i.for Ifrael, vEphrt- 
im. p-^o.l.^.for and ha f pines »r. and of obtaining happi* 
fie/.p-74.!.ii.for apprehended ,r. applied, p. 80J.24.for 
iwi/;ri/.p.9$. 1.25. for he,\.I. p.ppA^.'dck from this 
text.p.ico.L6.zddand. p.io5.Li.for thkfJtk. Poft- 
fcripr, p. 2. 1.12. for iniernitj,r.jnfirmit). ibid-pJ.15.for 





The Introdn&ion. 

Orafmuch as man-kinde commeth not 
into this World alwaies to conti- 
nue therein , but is appointed after 
a fhorr fpace to leave the fame, and 
reiuineto corruption: And foraf- 
much as we are abundantly admo- 
niftied by God in the Scriptures of 
U| Reftaiuation from thence to an eltute of Im- 
ortality in the Wcrld that is to come ; wherein eve- 
man Ihall receive according to his deeds done in 
i* life, and are thereupon often required to remem- 
ber their latter end. Vent. 32. 20. (to wit) death and 
idgeroent to come '■> to the intent that from the con- 
ion thereof, they may be lead fo to paiTe the 
i f their being here in feare, 1 Pet. 1. 17. t\> 
well with them at that day ; It hiving orher- 
B wife 

A Doore ofsdvatitn 

• been (according to die faying of Chiilt, rhougf: 
here thev had gained the Dominion of the whole 
Wcrid; good for them uut ihev had never been born- 
Mat. id 2'5. In which regard,, there cannot poflibly 
be any thing of greater concernment unto men, than 
to be informed what it is that God uquiieth of them 
in this Wcrid co thcafoieGfccl enc\Jkd how they may 
WeihabJedlo the doing thereof \ becaufe that what a 
man knoweth nor, or knowcth not how to perfornid 
he can in no wife difpele or apply himfelfe to the per- 
formance thereof. 

ma yet thife is not* any thing wherein moft men arc; 
more wanting, than in this fo neceilary^o^/e^eito the 
great difquietneffe and perplexity of their mindes ail 
their dayes, apprehending themfelves in the greateft 
dangeryand not uncjerftanding how or by what meanes 
they may avoid the fame j which mifcry (as may juftly 
be fuppofed) happeneth unto them chiefly by reafojj 
'of their dependence for information in the things of 
this nature upon thofe perfons only, who unduely arn 
rogarc unto themfelves to be the infallible teachers of 
the Ignorant, and difpenfers of the Oracles of God- 
appointed and fent into the World for all meatoiaskc 
rounfel of,in their SpiVituallartaires. Whofe principal 

fc'irft, That by Adam r tranfgreflion all ; men yffl 
brought under the guilt of Temporally Spiritually aiK 
ivternall death. The firft confifting in the mifeiiesoi 
tHisl^fe, and the dilTolution of mans nature in the ei 
thereof. The fecond in the depravation of the inw; 
roan,whcrcby al men are di fabled from defcerningf 
! ituall things, or chcofing the things that are goi 
ordeinganythingpteafingor acceptable unto G 


Opened unto all Men. 

The third in the deftruftion and perdition of the 
whole man body and Soul/ni hell fire,for ever and ever. 

Secondly, That of man-kinde thus confideredGod # 
in hi- eternal! counfcll was pleafed to choofe and elect 
for his fons and daughters onely fome few perfons (in 
coiiiparifcnof the whole ) whom alfo he decreed to 
deliver from the fore- faid guilt , to.call them to rhe 
knowledge cf himfelfe, to worke in them faith by the 
etYeduall operation ©f his Spirited in the end to give 
them ta!\ atic n ?;"But decreed ro leave till the reft of 
man-kinde in that eftate wherein they were fallen jirnd 
that although by thedo'ftrine of the Gofpel,he decreed 
outwardly toad them to repent,believe,&oyec to the 
intent thatthey might not efcape the damnnation of 
hel,whereunto they were deftgn'd (by reafon of Adzms 
tranfgrefTion)by anlwering his call, 8c giving obedience 
thereunto,he further decreed, nor onely ro deny thcrii 
the benefit of uidimeanes which he knew to be ne- 
celfary to enable trjcrn'r'p repent 8r believe, &c. but he 
alfo decreed to blinde their eyec, haj den their hearts., 
and to make their ears dul of hearing, leaft at any rime 
rhey "ihonld fee with dieir eyes, hear with their eares> 
and underhand with their heartSj&come unto him and 
be hca!ed,or be converted and have tr>eir fins forgiven 
them. By whicli opinions preffed 8c received as funda- 
mental point- i!i Divinity, men pre generally brboghc 
to pclieve, trfat as the damnation of fome perfons is 
altogether impoffible,God having decreed foas of nc- 
cefiity to. worke in tliem faith, &o and to bring them 
to eternail life', fo On the con tray, That the falvacton 
of thegreateftpartof men is as impoflible tobeob* 
rained, God having denyed u?to them all necefiiry 
Rear* for that pur pole. 

B i TW 

4 A Do'ore of Salvation 

The evill of which belief fo neeeffarjly diverting 
• ajid^ difab!ing # all men from the profecution and ob- 
taining of thefe ends that (Wpropofeth unto them(to 
. wit) an e>u:mpticn from cverlafting death, and from 
the ejnioym^nt- of eternafl life; difcovercth unto us the 
errour and tal(e-hood of thefe dodrines before reci- 
ted, whereby thefe opiuions are begotten and foftrecl 
iq them, in regard that it may not be conceived., that 
God who is truth it felt, fhould require all men to be- 
lieve his love and favour towards them, manifeftly im- 
.plyed in his frequen^fervent and pathettcal exhortati- 
ons unto them in the Scriptures,to hearken unto wife- 
clome, to chpofe his feare, ta .choofe life, to worke 
out their own falvation, withfeatf and trembling, &c. 
When as in hiseternall counfell, for Adams offence 
he hath utterly excluded them from his love, and irre- 
coverably fealed them to ,everlafting deftru&ion., 

Andalfo (altlioughit be a moft certain e truth that 
God before the World , did eleft and choofe fome 
men unto falvation,& appoint others to be punifhed) 
yet this may jufrly leade us to conceive, that neither 
the one fort were ele&ed, nor the other reje&ed upon 
the grounds that. thefe men pretend, or upon any other 
rhan thofe grounds whereupon God in the Scriptures 
promifedi unto men adoption arid falvation, and cte- 
nouncethuntothem death and reprobation, or thofe 
waVre-upon Chrift at the laft day will gracionfly re- 
ward fome men with eternall liappineffe, and puni/h 
ethers with everlafthig paincsy except we will fet the 
toetan^ revealed nunde of Godat an irreconcilable 
variance, or- fancy two mindes in God, oppoiitc eai i 
tinto the other* one whereby he hateth and abhorreth 
in t'me, thofe perfons whom he loved and elefted be- 


Opened jtnto all Men. 

fore rimci and the other whereby he loverh in time. 
rhofe perfons whom he hated and abhorred.befajq 
time : which may not be imagined- 

And therefore originally, or a* men wexe confided 
ed under the faftof Adam j we afc to concert diffl 
God maketh no' dhference or diftinftion. betMQXt 
them , but of hi< great arid abundant £i ace in Ch5ft 
Jefus , maketh dad dpeneth unto thcrn all a-doore^T 
jfclvation, excluding -fietie/whd' through' « heir ownjvii* 
full and voluntary difobedtence au# : contempt ©fnHii 
gtjodnes, exclude ndt themfeivej '•> ncrfaving any but 
tftbfe who from a tharikiuU af>prehenfton of his rich 
mercy revealed un*o them in Ins Word and workes, or 
both, doe chearfulKV ane' willingly fabmit themfeive* 
to the obedience ofhTs Xtffi, known and understood by 

For the Probation of whkh £W6#ttie?a4 heads Joint- 
ly difcourfed, % the dereAion-ofthf contrary oprna- 
orre,exhibited in fundry>biecV!on5 3 rcafon? and- fettts 
of Scripture, the fumme of that which followed! is ap- 
plyed^ beginning ivrrftrHe firft- 

. . — . , — 


np :JJ>eaer offerfohs cmiuA chovfi 
■.. man in hid difabedienee, aml/.jcU ano :. 
ortnforce one wan to believe and not *«<rti ft 


V that Cod fhould neceflitate rhe falvation of fome 

men and not others,then he fhould be a refpefter ol 

B 3 per- 

A Door e of Salvation. 

pcrfons contrary to the Scriptures- As will appeare by 
feverall texts thereof. As ftrft by Mis 10. 54. where 
Peter when he perceived j that God had received 
nnto adaption Cornelius a Gentile as well as himlelfe, 
and others that were Jewes,,he L thus exprefiedi hius-, 
felfe. Now I perceive of a truth that there i< no re> 
fped: of perfons With God;>bjK in every Nation he that 
feareth him and. worked* righteoufnefie is eccepted of 
him : Arguing plainly, that if God mould accept of 
oneperfon wording righteoufneifc and not of anorher 
as righteous andijuft as he j that therein God fhould. be 
a refpeder of £ejrfons, r and d,*a^the reafonwliyGod 
doth not acpep^f .one man working ) igjiteoufnefle, 
andrejed: another,. i$ becaufe that he is no refpecier 

Secohdljf ^few^Apoftle in 1 .Ptttr 1.17. exhort- 
ing Believers to take heed ^ud feareleait that rbcy 
difobey^and diipjeafe G$d ? grpuupcrh his exhortaxi- 
on upon the impartial irv or' Go^ proceeding towards 
all men without refpect.of perfons> in which argument 
there would be no force to difiwade them from difo- 
bedience,if that God without rdpeft of penons could 
difpence with one man in his difobedience, more 
than widi another. 

Again Paul in the Rom.24. to the 1 1. Admonilh- 
eth all forts of men, Not to defpife .the riches^of tfc 
goodnelfe of God leading them to repentance i bur. 
through patience to continee in weWoing, and not 
to obey urtrighteoufneiTe, far thi&reafon. That there 
is 110 refpeft ofperfons with God- And upon the fame 
.rea-foii Je ho (bafh at .char^eth the Judges whom he ha^ 
appointed to judge the people. To adminifter righte- 
ous judgements Chron. ip .7 . And likewife Paul, up- 

Opened unto all Men. 

Son the lame ground inftruftetii fcrvanrs to ferve 
mattery not with eye-fervice : bur in ffngfeptffi 
heart as to fhe Lord, £; • . ;. ;-. C 

IMiilcing) tfiac God being no rtfpecter of perforis, hec 
cannot accept of one man and reject another in me 
fanae eftare and condition, fan evil! iMiich he rt | 
'tfayjdmyi : ., . CondfeBiBf/bR^n 

otfej.ee, arid inorherunder rhefame i»tiilt :. But 

co a!] men in one and the toe capacity equal ly 

idnuniftretH Ws nierci< s reprcefs 

'.arc? aH men 'is 
id himldie in E^ek- W. 21, 
plainly avowed in the wore, follow in';. 

i wiU tkrne frmhtifiv 
ami tr - . ihrt rfihic) 

'irtfllvfo thM • h 

imo font, ihhi 
that the wicked fl - j 

retprne j'vn hti waits atul !>i 

UirnetbawA* \h. hf&ammhlethin!- 

afid dith acibftirr to iFthki 

' • \flhi 

thtth? ' fhrJhiot be wn:- 


■ i • ' I 

God i^uo refpectef of pel Ions , 
•i* diipfeafure in an eqjsall | 
jporcion a\.A 1 nre unro every man, 

' ir intli. UUteot naaiie whetein all men are 
B 4 

S A Doore of Salvation 

concluded to be alike, every man hath a like efteeme 
with hire, and receiveth alike from him. 

And although that fometimes hee affordeth more 
meanes of Inftruft ion unto fome people in the eftate 
of nature, than he doth unto others \ as formerly hee 
did to the Jewes, more than to the Gentiles- Yet if it 
be confidered that where he giveth much, hee askerh 
the more againe, Luke 12. 48- And that fuch meanes 
doth not necefiarily enforce thofe perfons to whom it 
is granted to the love and obedience of the giver 
thereof *, nor that the want of thofe extraordinary 
meanes, doth necefiarily hinder any men" from walk- 
ing acceptably unto God ,- but thacasthe Scriptures 
declare, the Gentiles who faithfully ferved God accor- 
ding to the Law written in their hearts, il am. 2.15,16, 
26. fac. found as good an acceptation with God , as 
the ]cwes that ferved him according to the Letter of 
the Law delivered unto themj Nothing can be inferred 
from hence, to prove that God in the eftate of nature 
loveth one man more than another, fo.as to neceftiute 
his falvation rather than another 

Ob)eZf- The Scriptures declare, Tito* z. 3- ^rf.v 
2 Jim. 1. 9. That God calleth and.faveth fome men, 
nqt according to their workes : but according to his 
Grace which was given them before the world, but jbce 
doth not fo call and fave all-, therefore he doth refpeit 
the perfons of fome men above others ? 

For Anfwer to this Objection, \ fhall only endea- 
vour briefly to clear, the Scripture alleadged for the/ 
countenance thereof, the hrft of which is T/t.^ 
3. fyc wherein is declared, Firft, what the Crctiam 
were, before the Grace of God in Chrift was made 
kttowne unto them, (to wit) fpolifh> difobedient, fer- 


Opened unto ail Men. 

ving divers lufts, fac verf. 3- Secondly, what they 
became, after this Grace of God was revealed unto 
them, (fi*.) they were regenerated and renewed by 
the holy Ghoft. Thirdly, the benefit that did redound 
unto them thereby, (yi^. J they were juftihed and 
made heires according to the. hope of eremall iife. 
The fumme whereof, I take to be this. That the love 
andkindneffeofGodinChrilt towards men, appear- 
ing unto them m theMiniftery of the Apoft!es,Yerf.<i. 
They were thereby taught and perfwaded ( not ne- 
ceflarily enforced by a power v/hich chey could not re- 
fill) to deny all ungodiinetfe and worldy lufts (where- 
in before they lived) and to live righteoufly, foherly, 
and godly, in this prefent evil World. And hereupon 

.much as the fame ApoftJe fheweth that godii- 
ncne hath the prumifc of the World toiccme) rhey 
obteined the hope and affurancecf eternal lrfe. Ac- 
cording to Titus 2. 1 1, 12, i $. Which I take ro be the 
m rural e^poficion of this text- 

Audwhereavitis faid that they were renewed by 
theKoly.Gbdft,:itrr,uft not be conceived that ihey 
were irreflftably lb renewed thereby : Becaufe it is e- 
nideiit tliat rheiSpirt* as it is vouchfafed for thefe ends 

not fo operate in arw men- According to the 
Hijptures the Spirit is communicated unto men, only 
thefe two wayes* 

Firft, Minifterially in the preaching of theGof- 
pt;I,to inftruft men in the knowledge of the fafiiei and 
< ; hence ra leade them to the unfeigned obedi- 
ence thereof. In which refpeft jefus Chrift who fpa!:c 
not of hitufelfc, but according as the Spirit of God 
tliat wa? upon him , wherewith hee was Anointed to 
preach the- Gospel, Luke 4. i8.tai'sh: him, what -lite 


I C A Dotoc of Salvation 

Ihonld fay, and what bee fhould fpeake, John i 
iairh, The words that I fpeak unto von they are Spirit,! 
John 6. 64. So Rkewife the Miniftery of. the ApolrlesJ 
•wherein they delivered nothing but what they hadl 
heard ©r feen, 1 Jots ft iJ nor fpake otherwife thanl 
according as rhc Spirit gave them utterance, AUs 2.4.) 
Is caHed the miniftration of the Spirit, 2 Cor. 5.8. and I 
mlike manner, in 1 Pet. 9. 17, 18. thefpirrt is faid to 
preach repentance to the World in the dayes of Nvaft. 
And thus the natu rail man is inftructed in the things 
of the Spirit of God, iCor. 2. 13,-14* 

Secondly, Actually to rhofe that have received and 
mbjefted themfclves to the obedience of the Gofpel, 
(the Spirits initmction.) Repent and be Bapt\zed,and 
yje.fhal! receive the Holy Ghoft, Alls 2.3 3. Have ye re- 
ceivedthe Holy Ghoft f;nce ve believed.' Atts if. 2. 
In whom alto after that ye beJievedfyie were fealed 
with that holy Spirit of promise, flpAr/v t\ 1 2, 13. For 
ye are all the Sonnts of God by Faith m Chfift Jefu's, 
(?44(t*'g.2^. And becaufe ye are Sons, God hath fen t 
forth the Spii it of his Son into iy our hearts, Quint. 
4. 6* 

By the fir ft' of thefe wlierei ft the 'Spirit by doftriTie 
with ftgnes and wonders, for the confirmation tiieniof, 
Ikb. 2i 3, 4. Speaketh to thcxaresi'and'- eyes of Hpba, 
graciouliy and lovingly driving thereby to convert 
t^em from theiriCVB^^rfayes , Gen. 6r?. befecching 
them -by all rhe meitiesof Godtoi pxfenr .themfclves 
living iacri rices iiwftojhim, holy and!acceprablc , which- 
is their reafbrubk device yRem. tdinn hee enforcefh 
none in any fuch fort, but that poffibly risey may relilt 
and rebel! agai nit him therein ; according as the if- 
raelices a* e often charged. • Ye ftiff-deeked and uncir- 


Opened unto all Men. 1 1 

cnmcifed in hearts and eares(faith Sieitn flaking un- 
to them) ye doe alwaies rchft the holy Ghoft, as your 
fathers did, fe dee yee Alls 7.51. 

They rebelled againft , and vexed his holy Spirit, 
therefore he was turned to be their enemy,and fought 
againft them\ l Efa\.' 63-10. Yea, To far may the wie- 
kednefTe of men lkerin be extended, as not only w il- 
fully and ftubbornly to relift and oppofe j but moft 
malic ionfly to blafphemc hirn, and to attribute his spr 
ry doctrines mid wonders to Beelzebub theprio.ee of 

leconcj place 3 arc any of thofe who 
are actually pbffefled with the holy Ghoft nete/i 
ted therein' to the obedience thereof j as i: 
. fi y implyed , firfiyin thofe many £%tiqrtatj 1 
contained in the Scriptures • To walke in the Spirit- 
■ 1 5. Not quench the Spirit. : i Nifr 

Spiricwhereby yeaie feat'dto theday 
tyfred< n £pk-4- 3P« 

But 1 fcinore efpecfally In" thofe Scriptures 

wherein it is cYsafly fuppofed(& by t!ie Apoftles of Je- 
lusChiilt i'- I granted} that thofe. perfon^who 
have be 11 : ; \ Ghoft, may fall 

away 1 be$.ence of it, //• Joedefpite 

unto it, .A\\d fo cietile their bodies the temp1<5 

of if,as ' me foreti definition 8: condemnati- 

on upon th( Kn Vie not 

(faith xhe apoftle'rhat ye are rjic: temple of God ; and 
that the fpirit of God dvveilcih in you'If any man defile 
the Temple of Gcxi, himfhall G 1 Tor- 3. 

I 7. compare hare wjtfi 

And this more evidently niav ferye rodemonfhate 
l hat ihc Spirit to the Miniftcry thereof doth not en- 

j 2 a Doere of Salvation 

*orce regent-ration ami purity inanyj for, if that; itl 
Yhonld enforce purity in the uncleane, much" morel 
fhould it preferve purity in thofe that are clean , and! 
become temples thereunto. 

And therefore when it isfaid, That the Cretians 
were renewed by dfie holy Ghoft, ic rimft be ander- 
ftq'cd, that they were renewed thereby no otherwife 
than through their diligent hearkning unto '& receiv- 
ing the bleffed doctrine thereof, revealed unto them 
by tlie. Aroftles preaching. From whence it is/ that 
the Apoftle Peter in his tirft Epiftle the fecond chap, 
verfe -22, writing unto Believers, thus e >preiTeth him- 
felf '■) Having purified ycrir own fouls in obeying' of the 
truth through the Spirit' : Plainly intimating, that no 
mail }s renewed by the Spirit any otherwife than 
thresh their applying thernfelvcs unto the doctrine 
£Jhd inftruftion thereof. 

\k other Text is 2 fittui. 9. (die words. whereof 
aretnefe) Who hath faved us and called us with au 
holy calling, not according to our wo rkcs,but accord- 
ing r G his own purpofe.aud grace that was given u,s in 
iff before the world- Which wTU not prove tha.t. 
feed doth necefHtate the v faith and falvation of any 
feeing that that the grace, that was. given to the 
nsheer fpoken of before tjie world, by whjch 
.vtie called an4 faved, in verfe the io.is declared 
t be none ether, than; the grace that was manifefted 
by Chrift at his appearing, To' a] fo in Turn 1. i a 2, 8.) 
ref re by rhc latter we are to meafure the fojf- 
irerj'&by the grace iManifefTed,)udgeMetermine wliat 
that .-race vasthat was given them before the world. 
ci^racecf God towards mari-kinde,. mani- 
I A by Chi ill at his appearance , is by Paul, in Ti~ 


Opened unto all Men. 1 5 

2.11,12 .(before cited)thus difcribed,The grace of 
jo^(faichhe)thacbringethralvacion to all men, harh 
ippeared reaching us, that denying ungodlineffe 
md worldly lufts , &c. to looke'fer thebleflcd 
lepe and glorious appearing of the great God and our 
Saviour lefus Chrift, which gen erall defer ipt ion in o- 
rher Scriptures Is unfoulded into thefe particulars 
fvi^.J That God fo loved the world that he fenc his 
Son to be a Saviour thereof. Joh. 5. 15,17. And on pur- 
pofe by his death to deftroy death, Heb.2.14. and 
herely deliver man from the curfe of the Law conOft- 
ng therein. Gal. 5.13. of which all men ftood guilty. 
Kom- 3.13. And by his refurre&ion to bringjife & im- 
nortality to light. 2 I/m.i.io. And in that eftate to 
Prepare maniions of glory and happ'mefle, to be pof- 
efled of all thofe that repent, believe, <frc~ That is to 
ay, That love God for his grace and raercie manifdi- 
-d towards them, 1 John 4. i£. Which conilfteth in 
keeping his commandments. 1 John 5. 3. Orinlo- 
•'ingof Jefus Chrift being revealed unto them> and 
seeping his precept!. John 15.10. And t\ut thus re- 
lenting, believing, fac* men are required with con- 
idenceto hope, and with patience to waiteforthe 
^romired Salvation,i lobn 3. 19,20,21. £4.17. Titm 

Thii then being the fubftance of the grace of God 
tianrfefted by Chrift at his appearing j the grace thac 
vas given to men before the world, is to be under- 
took as followeth, ( vi^.) That God forth of his rich 
pee, pity, and comp3ffion,confidering all mankiude 
"alien from their firlt obitc , and Ixcome guilty of 
A ing death ; refolvecfto lend his Son into the 
«Voiid, to redeem th?m fro™ ttoeiicc, r ^ reftore them 


14 A Doore of Salvation 

again to immorality, to prepare for them therein I 
heavenly Kingdome , to open unto shtfn a way there 
into, to invite than to walke therein , and walkin 
therein/m the end to give them rhe pofiefiion thereof 
According -to which grace Paul and Timetby wer 
called and faved, and net according to their workc 
of i ighteoufnelVe by the Law j which is all that can ra 
tionally be inferred from this Scripture. 

And this is further .confirmed by that which follow 
erh in the 13. • verfe, where Paul exhorteth Timothy 
To hoJd faft the forme of found words which he ha$ 
heard of him in faith and love which is in Chrift Jefus 
which exhortation feemeth to be grounded upon thj 
turning away from the truth of many in Afl*> menti 
oned vet fe 1 5. the which would be altogether inper 
tinenc ( as alfo that caution which he givethnim,^' 
Tim. i.ip-To hold faith and a good confeience where- 
of fome had made ihipwrack ) If thaj before in the 
9- verfe ( as it is pretended ) he had concluded th^t> 
God in his eternall purpofc had decreed to neccfiitaw 
•and enforce his faith and falvation \ for where it'* 
known there is no danger of mifcarriage , there is rib 
ground to exhort to beware, ox to admoniih him to 
hold fait, when both the admonifhei and the admo- 
nifheduaderitand that God hath decreed not to fatter 
him to let goe his hold if that he would- 

Ob'ytti. If that God doth not inforce men to believe, I 
and fo inforce their falvation thereby j then man is th<*« 
author of his owne falvation. 

This confeqnence is badly colie&d : As well 
might it be faid, that man is the author of his owne 
(ubfjftance in this life, became the food wherewith his 
life h main veyncd. and \ rekrrved is not brought unroll 


Opened unto all Men. i 5 

his hand, minced and violently put into his mouth by 
|Jie immediate hand of God. 

There are two things required to the Salvat jon of men 
\ 1 /<.) Gods Grace in jefus Chrift,and mans obedience 
thereunto ; as no man is faved by the former withouc 
the later, fo neither can any man be laved by the later 
[without the former- That no man can be laved with- 
out the Grace of God in Chrift, appcares in this: That 
no man is able to deliver himfclf from the curfe of the 
Law, lahehimklfe from corruption to immortality, 
^reate and let up that Glorious Fabrick of the World 
to come, or that Heavenly Jerufalem which is to bee 
pofleiTed therein, for thefe, as alio for his owne being, 
ihe meanes of his Salvation, the promifes of Adopti- 
on, Juftitication, fyc through Faith and obedience 
every man muft acknowledge himfelfe to be infinitely 
led to the unfpeakable mercy and goodnelfe of 
i n Chrili. And that no man is faved by the Grace 
pi God, without his obedience and conformity there- 
into, appeared! from hence. That men are punifhed 
•vitli damnation, for aiming the Grace of God into 
wantonnelle, Jude 4. For negle&ing Salvation, Met. 
2. 3. A-nd walking in oWkneite when light is come in- 
fo the World, fikn 3. 19. Upon which ground it h> 
:hac Paul to Timothv this exhorteth, 1 Tim- 4. io\ 
Take heed unto thy feiie, and to thy doctrine, comi- 
iuc thei cm; for in fo doing thou fhalt both lave thy 

and them that hear ihee- And yet notwkhh. 
ng, forafmuchas we our icha, the meanes which is 
uiptoved,and the end thereof which is Salvation ,isa!l 
Dt God", we are by the Scriptures intruded ro 
ittribute the honour and glory thereof wholly unto 
lira. He giver h os(fakh-tfo Apoftle,)2 T\m. x . 17. 
Speaking of die things of this life ptocurcd no other- 

1 6 A Dvore of Salvation 

wife than .through a laborious induftry in the ufe 4) 
meanes) richly all things to enjoy. 


That it cannot ft and with \\>e love ofGodunti 
■all) to enforce jomemento believe and ntr 

IF that God fhould neceflitate the Faith and Salva 
tion of fame men and not others, it would argue ; 
repugnancy in the Doftrine of his love to man-lunde 
unto whom he hath exprefied an equall afteftion , 
giving his Son a Saviour for all, and m defiring the fal- 

Filial, That God fent his Sonne into the World m 
favc the World, appeareth by teverali plaine Texts 
of .Scripture, as John 3. 17. God fent not his Sen inrc 
the World to condemne the World j but that the 
World through him might be faved, and John 6. 11, 
I am, faith Chrift, the living Bread which came dowt 
from Heaven > If any man eate of this Bread, he fhal 
live for ever. And the bread that I fhall give is my 
Flefli , which I will give for tlie life of the World 
Agajne in John 12. 47. If any man, faith he, heare my 
words and believe not, I judge him not,for I came not 
into the world to judge the world , but to fave the 
world. And in the 1 Tim* 2. $, <5. the Apoftle faith , 
There is one God , and one Mediator between God 


Opened unto all men. 1 7 

kJ men, the Man Chrift jefus j who gave himfelfe a 

And whereas it is by fome objected, Tliat by the 
trorld here fpcken of, is not to be underftood the 
hole lumpe of man-kinde, but only the Eleft, a part 
lereof j and that by this terme (all) is not meant e- 
-ry particular man and woman in the world, but 
nly fome of ail forts, &c. The Scripture as it were 
5refeeingthis0bjecti.cn, addeth mHebr. 2. p. That 
thrift tatted death for every man. And in the 2 Fet. 2. 
.That as there were falfe prophets among ihepeo- 
ie : even fo there fhall be folfe teachers amongft 
ou,who privily fiiall bring in damnable herefies, even 
enying the Lord that bought them ; and bring upon 
lemfeives fwife deltrucTion. And Rom- 14. 15. De- 
rcy not with thy meat him for whom Chrift dyed, 
md iCor. 8. ii- Through thy knowledge fhall the 
eake brother perifh for whom Chrift dyed. Plainly 
itimating, that Chrift dyed not only for the Eleft (as 
ley ufe to fay) but for every man , for thofe that deny 
im are deftroyed, perifh, and are damned. 

And furthermore, whereas it is objected, That the 
erfons here fpcken of, were not really of the number 
f thofe for whem Chrift dyed*, only in the judgement 
f charity were fo reputed. 

The Scriptures aflorderh unto us divers evident 

rounds, to prove that Chrift came into the World to 

cry ; articular pcrfon therein, without excepts 

n. As Firft, theGofpel is declared to be glad tydings 

all , Luke 2. 10. And Secondly, is commanded 

ore to be preached unto all, Mattb. 28. ip. 

[5. And Thirdly, all men to whom ir is 

quired to believe it, Marke 16. 


1 8 A Doorc of Salvation 

Jifuttk. ii. 20. And Fourthly, Such as doe not be 
lieve and give obedience unto it, are threatned witf 
damnation, Mat. ic 4. Job. 3.8. And Fiftly , thofi 
fhat have had it preached unto them , and refufed « 
£ive obedience thcreunto,are declared to judge them 
fclves unworthy o; eve rlaiung life, ^4#/ 13. 46. and tc 
neglect Salvation, /frJr.2. 3" 

Now forafinudi js die Gofpel in generall is none 
other than the fruits otChril\sdeath,& that Salvation 
in particular is othci wife altogether impoflible,it coulc 
not in the nature thereof be glad ty dings unto all, noi 
in equity or juftice be proclamed unto all > nor the 
obedience thereof be required of all j nor difobedi- 
ence thereunto be punilhable in all *, nor could it tru- 
ly be faid,That thofe that are damned for their difobe- 
dience unto it, have neglefted Salvacion> if thatChrifl 
had not fhed his Bloud for all. 

And furthermore, whereas it is replyed b*y fome. 
That although Chrift dyed for ally yet his death was in- 
tended only to fave the Eleft. 

It is by God declared , that he fenr his 
Son into the world forth of his love to man-kinde ". to 
the end that thereby they might be faved, (for fo faith! 
the Scripture) God fo loved the world, that he fenrj 
his only begotten Son, foe John 3. i<5. 

And for the further confirmation of all mens 
Faith in this behalfe,he molt folemnly profeifeth, yea,] 
and having no other to fwear by, he fweareth by Him-' 
klfe, Thau he defireth nor only the Salvation of thofe 
that are faved*, but cf thofe alfowho through con- 
temp: of his goodneflfc, dye in their litis and perifh, as 1 
we may reade in £^. 33. 11. As I live faith the! 
Lord Gcd, I have no pleafure in the death of the 

wicV . 

Opened unto all Men. 19 

wicked, but that the wicked tume from his way and 
live : Tume ye, tume ye, from your evill wayes, for 
why will ye dyeOHoufe of Ifrael ? And herewithall 
accordeth the teftimonies of his fervants,in the 2 Tim. 
2. g, 4. This is faith Faulygood and acceptable in the 
light of God our Saviour (to wit) That we fhould pray 
for all men, vert 1, 2. becaufe he would have all men 
ro be faved, and come to the knowledge of the Truth. 
And Peter in his Second Epiftle the 3. chap. 9. to the 
fame ttXtA faith, The Lord is not flack concerning 
his promife (as fome men count flacknefle) but is long 
futiering to us wards, not willing that any fhould per- 
ifh, but that all fhould come to repentance, and con- 
fequently to Salvation, as the end thereof. 

Now as there is nothing more oppofite than yea, 
and nay, (which as the Apoftle informeth us in the 
2 Cor. 1. 19, 20. Is not in Jefus Chiift or in the pro- 
taiifes of God made in under the New Covenant : ) fo 
can there be nothing more repugnant to the Doftrine 
of Gods Love to mankinde espreffed, in fending his 
Son into the Word, that the world through him might 
be faved, and in his oath whereby he profefleth,that he 
«vouId not have any thereof ro perifh, &c. Then this 
Doctrine which kith, That God doth neceflarily en- 
brce fome men to believe, to the end they may bee 
aved: and denieth fufficient meanes unto others to en- 
ible them to believe,to the end they may be damned. 
The Rrit faich, That he loveth and defueth the Salva- 
ion of all alike, and would have none to perifh. The 
itter faith, That he defueth but the Salvation of a few 
11 fpeciall, and willeth the damnation of many. The 
irft faith, Thuyr rhrough the mercy of God vouchfafed 
Chrilt, every man may pofiibly be faved. The 
C 2 latter 

A Do ore of Salvation 

later faith, That no man can poiiibly obtaine Salvation 
therein, without a fpeciall affiftance vouchsafed unto 
him, to enable him to believe, Sec. and fo deny Jefus 
Chrift to be the Doore and way to eternall life, andi 
f.oncluderh man-kinde (whom he came into the world I 
to fave) as incapable of obtaining die end of his com- 
ming, as if he had not at all come into the world to be 
their Saviour : And fo in a word maketh the Death of 
Jefus Chrift in relation to the Salvation of man-kinde 
ofnoneefteft: And the folemne Oath of Almighty 
God, as toHching his defire of the Salvation of all, and 
the death of none (with reverence be it fpoken)worfe 
then jefuiticall deluiion and equivocation j which a- 
lone may ferve as a fufficient evidence againft this 


How the Doctrine of Gods enforcing men to bM 
lieve ^ leadetb the Reprobates to Blajpbewj 
againft God, and makpb them excu fable in 
their condemnation. 

F God fhould necefiitate the Salvation cf fome men* 
^J and not others, it would fill the Reprobates with j 
Blafphemy againft him, by reafon of their condemna- 
riori contrary to the Scriptures. From this confidera- ; 
tion, That in the point of Salvation he doth that for < 
•theis, which he refufed to doe for them, and yet pro- 

fcfltrh ) 


Opened unto all Men. 2 1 

fefTcth that he hath done as much for them in that be- 
haife as he could. 

That God profeffeth, that he hath dene as 
much for the Reprobates to make them fruitfiill to 
Salvation, as he could : The words of the Prophet Ifay 
in his 5. chap, doe plainly d'eckie, I will fingto my 
wel-beloved (faith he) a Song of my beloved touching 
his Vineyard : My wel-beloved hath a Vineyard in a 
very fruitful! hill, and he fenced it, and gathered out 
the Itones thereof, and planted it with the choifeft 
Vine, and built a Tower in the midfc cf it, and alfo 
nuAn a Wine-preffe dicrein ; and he looked diat \z 
fhould bring forth Grapes, and it brought forth wilde 
Grapes- And now,0 Inhabitants of JtntfafemyZnd men 
oijudab, judge I pray you betwiy: me and my vine- 

what cculd have been done more to my \ 
yard, that I have not done to it ? Wherefore when i 
looked, that it fhould have brought forth Grapes, it 
brought forth wilde Grapes : And now go to, I will 

u what I will doe to my Vineyard, &c Under 
[which fimilitude, the Prophet declareth unto the In- 
| habitants of Iudah and Ierufdlem; whefe deftruction 
for their unfruitfulnefie & difobedience towards God, 
he denounceth in the following part of the chapter, 
from the 2- v. ScoThat God to make them fruitfull un- 
to all ^ood workes, to prevent their dtfiruftion , and 
to bring rhem to eternall life, had vcuchfafc i 

1 unto them all convenient .md ncceflary m 
conducing to thole ends. Infpmuch that when 
appealerh nnto them fi tit therein, before he 

proceeded to pronounce his definitive fentence a- 
jpinft them, the^ are left altogether fpecchlefle, not 

[anything to reply unto Gcd in chd* 

22 A Daore of Salvation 

behalfe > whereas if their underftandings had been in- 
formed that any necefiary meanes had been wanting 
unto them, without which they could not pofiibly ren- 
der unto God that which he requireth of them-, or that 
he had not vouchfafed unto them as effeftuall meanes, 
as he did unto others in the like cafe j their anfwer 
might have been ready in words to this effeft. 
(i Lord we are poore helpleffe Creatures (who alone 
"byreafonof thy decree, in reference to Adams 
€c tranfgreflion, which we could no wayes poflibly pre- 
" vent) are made altogether uncapable by any fuch 
" meanes as thou aifordeft unto us , to doe any thing 
<c pleafing or acceptable in thy fight, no not fo much 
<c as to thinke one good thought j and this Lord thou 
u knoweft, and from the confideration thereof, thou 
cc givelt unto fuch and fuch men and women, thy good 
u Spirit ', whereby they are enabled to the doing of 
<c thofe things that thou requireft of usjwithom which 
<c Spirit, our intfifted condemnation is altogether un- 
"avoydable. And therefore if that we muft peiifh, 
cc it's only for thy wilJs fake, and neither for omitting 
<c or mifdoing any thing that we were able rightly to . 
« dee. 

Whereas, therefore the Scriptures informeth hs, 
that when die greateft enemies of Almighty God, fhal 
take into their moft ftrift and fevereft examination, 
all his fayings and proceedings againft them ; that 
forth of their owne mouthes, like unto thofe wicked 
Husband-men (in the Gofpel, Mattb. 21.40, 41. )rhey 
fhall fully acquit and juftitle him in them all- Rom. 3. 
4. And that we are thereby alfo plainely informed, 
That if our confidences doe uot accufe andcondemne 
us, we have peace with God, 1 Iohn 3-21. And fo 


Opened unto all Men. 23 

:onfequencly that then he will noc condemne us ', we 
ire hereby neceflarily led co this cendufion, That 
-adonis not confer ed upon men through neceffiry ; 
lor chat it is any o>herwife to be cbteined , than 
hTOugh mens improvement of the rceanes granted i:n- 
o them for that purpefe. 

Objttf. Gods not doing fo much for the Reprobates 
is he doth for others, is no dueftcaufe of Blafphemy 
n them, in regard that he is not thereunto bound j fo 
hat if they Blafpheme, it's without caufe on Gods 

Anfrv. Firft, Wherein any mans confidence aecuferh 
lim not as touching fuch things whereof he is accufed 
nd condemned by another, he is inevitably compelled 
o contradift and gain fay in that refpeft : And fo 
ikcwlfe, if that the Reprobates fnould be condemned 
>y God for impenirency and the worker thereof, and 
et in their owne confidences be infallibly afured that 
epentance was altogether impofrible unto them, thty 
iiould therein diredfy (n?l they will they) be inferred 
ft and gaiufay in fuch their condemnation, 
-hichinthe Scripture fenfc is none otherwife than 
Jlafphemy, A&s 13. 45. 

Secondly-, And therefore although that God as hee 

\ Lord and Creator of all, cannot be bound un-:o any 

f his creatures, yet confklering that he doth not pi e- 

cendemneany cf them \ thereby to exertifc. 

Dike a cruell tyrant) his power and prerogative 1 

but only to punifh them for their voluntary and 
'ilfiiU difobedience a^ainft him; for the Honour of 
is Inftice he is abfolutely bound not tocondemne 
hem for aiy fuch thing which is impofliblc unto 
hem, becaufc that then his lattice canno: *\ 

C 4 bte 

24 -A Doore of Salvation 

bee acknowledged by them in their condemnation 
as he hath declared it fhall. 


How the VoUrine of Gods enforcing men to believt 
tendretb the exhortations of God to the licfro 
bates) and bis lamentations for their damnation 
hateful} and odious. 

IF that Faith and Salvation were attainable only 
through an neceffitating power, and not through 
mens improvement of the meanest would render all 
the invitations and exhortations df God to the Repro- 
bates to heare his voyce and partake of Salvation by 
Chrift contemptible and all his lamentations for their I 
refufall thereof? and their deitruftion thereupon en- 1 
fuing, hatefull a^d odious, becaufe thitfuch e^horta-I 
tions, invitations and lamentations (if real) are alwaieil 
moft infallible arguments of the itrongeft affedion,} 
towards thofe perions in whofe behalfe they are made, 
bat are not fucft towards them if that Repentance,) 
Faith, &o be attainable only through neceflity, and| 
not through their improvement of the meanes afford- 
ed unto them, they otherwife being wholly uncapable 
ofthemfelves, of obeying his exhortations, &c And 1 
God unwilling to grant them that affiftance which hee 
knew to be neceflary for the avoydkig of their 
threatned deftruflion, nocwirhftianding fuch his la- 
mentations That 

Ofenedunto all Men. 

That God exhorteth and inviteth the Reprobates, 

to hear his voice,and partake of the falvation prepared 
in Chrift, the Scriptures doe plentifully declare unto 
ns, as in Prover bs i. 2 c, to the 24:. Wifdbnaejcryedi 
without, fhe cttefeth her voyce in the ftreets, the cry- 
erh in the chief place of die concourfe,m the opening 
of the Gates in the City fhe tittereth her words, 
ing, How long ye (implecnes, will ye love finiplieity, 
and fcorners delight in their (corning, and fooles hate 
knoy/iedf ;e ? Turne ye at my reproof, behold I will 
pour out my Spirit (or minde) unto you (as 1 
reade) I will n a ic known my words unto you- And 
Frot/.p. 1. foe* Wifdome Iiath builded her a H« 
Jfce hath lichen her out feveri Pillars, the had] killed 
her Bcafts, flie hath mingled her Wine, (he hath alio 
fhrnifhed her Tabic, I hhemtai- 

denr, fhe cryeth upon the higlieft places of the Ciry, 
who {o is fimple let him turne in hitherjzs for him that 
vanteth undcrftanding* (he faith to him, come eat of 
my bread and drinke of the Wine which I have ming- 
led, forfake the fooliih, and live, and go in the way of 
undeilianding. And Mztth- 22. 2. fcc- The Kingdom 
of Heaven is like unto a certaine King, which made a 
Marriage Tor his Sou, and lent forth his Servants to cal 
thofe that were bidden to the Wedding, and they 
made lightof it, and he fent forth other Servants, fay - 
ing,TeIJ them which are bidden, behold I have prepa- 
red niy dinner, my Oxen and my fadings are killed, 
and all things arc ready, come unto t!\ , buc 

they made lightof it. 

And that the Lord doth cxpreffe him 
of forrow and lamentation, fcr the difob 
men to his loving invitations; e. .a:d their 


26 A Doorc of Salvation 

punifhment following thereupon , is as manifeft as 
the former. In Jer- i5-$>6« he thus fpeakethj Who 
ftall vifite thee, Oh lerufalem ? Or who fhall bemone . 
thee ? Or who ihall go afide to afke how thou doeft/ 
Thou haft forfaken me, faith the Lord, thou haft gone : 
backward, therefore will I ftretch out my hand againft 
thee, and dcftroytheej I am weary with repenting... 
F Jaime 8 1.8-1 1-1 3 • Hear O my people and I will refti- 
fy unro-theei O Ifrael, it thou wilt hearken unto me : 
But my people would not hearken unto my voice, , 
and Ifrael would have none of me : O that my people 
fad hearkned unto me , and Ifrael had walked in my 
waies. E^eki 33»n-Turheye rurne ye, why will yee 
dye O hcufe of Ifrael I Zzjk; 18.32. 1 have no pleafure 
in the death of him that dyeth, faith the Lord God, 
wherefore turtle your felvcs and \vcLuke 19.41. And 
when he was come neer he behtH the City and wept 
over it, faying, If thou haddeft known, even thou, at 
lean: in this thy day , the things that belong unto thy 
peace. Matth. 23.37- O lerufalem, lerufalem, that kil- 
left the Prophets and ftoneftrhem that are fen tun to 
thee, how often would I have gathered thy children 
together even as a Hen gathereth her chicken, and ye 
would not ? Hofeah 6. 5. Epraim, what ihall I doe 
unto thee ? O Jade ah what mail 1 do unto thee ? For 
your goodneffe is as the morning cloud, and as the 
early dew it goeth away. 2 ckron.2 6.14, 1 5, 1 5. More- . 
over all the chief of the Priefh and the people, 
rranfgrefied very much after the abominations of the 
Heathen; and the Lord God of their Fathers fent unto j 
them by his Melfengers, riling up betimes, and fend- 
ing, becaufe he had companion on his People, and on 
his dwelling place 3 but they mccked the Melfengers 


Opened unto all Men. 2 7 

)f God, and defpifed his word, and mifufed his Pro- 
bers, untill the wrath of the Lord arofe againft them 
ill there was no remedy. 

Now as nothing can poflibly be (Vid by God to ren- 
ter him more gracious, loving, kinde and pitifull to- 
wards miferable men, or more to endear and enfemc 
leir atieftions towards him, than what is he re by him 
xprefied, being understood according to thefe rules 
'hich he hath given unto us to judge of his love and 
oodnefle by j in regard that fuch expreffions dot 
pundantly demonftrate that he unfainedly and 
om his v( ( asit were ) dellreth that wee 

1 fhould hear his voice , obey his counfelb P^ : 
fthe benefits or "his Son, obtain falvati on thiv 
m,and iliac there is no defect,nor any thing wan. 
n his part that can be judged or any waits conceived 
LCefiary or requifite to enable us thereunto, and 
nfcquently toavoide andeicaye the wrath that is 
) come : fo neither on the contrary is it poiTible,trr.t 
le Almighty God fhculd prefent himielfe to his clea- 
rs mere hateful & odious then by any blafphemy char 
s molt inveterate and malicious enemies forth of 
eir deepeft defpight and hatred againft him, can any 
y waies imagine or foment, which would be by fuch 
exhortations and lamentations , where the 
xxiience and duty that he require th of men to their 
vation, jnd the efcaping of perdition in the world 
come are impofnble unto them: forasmuch as then 
his love and arleftion, pity and companion therein 
mifefted, could be cfteemed no other then rr.eerc 
xkage, hipocrilie, delufionandciuelty in the high- 
degree, becaufe that whileit he pretended), the 
ateftlove ; he fhould beare the greater! hatred; 


28 A Dovre of Salvation. 

whilefthe pretendeth to feeke rhcir falvation, h< 
fhould fecrerly airne at and intend their damnation 
whileft he pretendeth to lament their raifery , h< 
fliould laugh thereat, rejoyce and delight there in, ha, 
ving from eternity without any refpeft to their mifdo: 
iags utterly excluded them cut cf his favour, fhut and 
faft feaied them up under his wrath , hatred and forefl 
indignation j and from thence denying unto them the 
neceiiary meanes of their falvation, which being th< 
true and naturall confequeace cf tint docTxine, whicj 
afferteth falvation to be through neceiTity , and 1101 
through mens voluntary improvement of the means 
may admonHh all men that tender the glory and ho- 
nour of God, to beware thereof. 

0h]e3. The exhortations znd invitations of God tc 
Reprobates to partake of good things prepared ir, 
Chrift arc not contemptible ajnd odious , considering 
that good things are prepared in Chrift, unto whicl 
the Reprobates are invited, which retain their goot^ 
nes, though they be rejefted. 

Anfxv. Its not the goodnes of the thing prepa-l 
red in Chrift, that can free the exhortations of God tc J 
Reprobates,to partake thereof from contempt : if thai] 
God forth of his hatred againft them, fhould be con*] 
eeived to exclude them from the participation olj 
them', becaufe that thereby the Reprobates lhould be] 
abufed with afpecious fhew of love towards rheni] 
when 2s nothing but hatred is intended to therpll 
which muft needs render fuch exhortations odious 
unto thcai. Abfdoms good cheare rendrech his invittr 
tions to Ammon to eate thereof far worfe than open 
hatred. 2 Sam> ij. 2<5-28. 

2. Therefore i further anfwer, That it is impoflibki 


Opened unto all Men. 2 9 

iat God who abhor reth nothing more than mens 
rawing neare unto him with their mcuthes, and ho- 
ouringhim with their lips ^ when their hearts are 
ir from him, Jer.6.20. Ifay i-i^i^-Amor 5^3. And 
'ho hath inftruScd all men not to eate the bread or 
efire the dainty meates of him that hath an evill eye, 
ut to contemne his invitations ( eareeate) when his 
earc is not with them. Prov-2 3 6,7. Th.it he him- 
'lfe mould fo praftife, doe the thing which hede- 
?fteth , and exhort men to eate in the feme cafc, 
herein he willeth them to abftain j he cannot lye, 
ecaufe he is truth it felfe , Titus 1. 1. therefore as he 
)eakethfohethinketh, and like as he pretendeth fo 

Ob. 2. Secondly, concerning the lamentations of 
rod in refpeel: of thole that perifh, it is objected, That 
ley ferve onely to expreiTe the reniedilefnes of their 
lifery : And that he is not delighted with their pa- 
ifhment as they are his creatures ; but with the glory 
f his juftice which fhineth in their wicked n 

An fo. The firft part of which objection (1 tr^J That 

lie lamentations of God in the behalfe ofthofcthac 

erifh, ferve only to exprcfie the remedilefnefs of 

lieir mifery, rightly underftcod may be admitted} 

ut I defire to know, whither their mifery be remedi- 

i refpeftof thenifelvcs, ci in refpeft of God ? 

whether ior want of meanes fufiicient vouchfafed bv 

rod to prevent their mifery, or through their wilful 1 

egleft and abufe thereof ? In the latter fenfe I r 

I 'iection to be goodi For he th tt nepjefteth the 

rf God in Chrift vouchfafed unto him in this 

y what meanes fhall his mi ented in 

ut which is to come, danwati :>n in hell being 


A Doore of Salvation 

penalty thereof * From which there is neither re 
demption nor Redeemer made known unto us. Bi 
that their mifcry ihould be remedileffe for want c 
:r.ercy fufficient vcuchtafed unto them in this life fo 
the prevention thereof, may not be magnified, becaui 
it's inconstant with the integrity of Gods pure naturi 
(difcovered unto us in his Atributes of Truth , Lovt 
Gocdnefie , Mercy andluftice )to make lamentation 
hv the behalfe of his perilling creatures, when as thv 
1 cafon thereof lyech limply and wholy in himfelfe- 

Secondly, Whereas it is further fuggefted, Tha 
thefe lamentations are intended to exprefie, Tha 
God is not delighted with the punilhment of his crea 
tores, but with the glory of his juftice, which Ihinetl 
in their palpable wickedneGj its meft abfurd, Bccaufi 
tliat if God ihould be delighted to have men wickec 
as they are his creatures, he mnft needs much mor< 
be delighted with their punifhment, as they are hit 
creatures, the puni lament of wickeduefs being thi 
moft proper excrtife of his juftice : And therefore il 
the glory of his juftice againft the honour of his meR 
cy, fhould engage him to deny his grace unto hf| 
creatures, to the intent that they might be wicked, tt 
moft needs much more engage him to punifh them 
being wicked- 

Betides, the Scriptures doe plainly informe us,That 
God doth not onely lament the punifhment of hff 
creatures, but their ingratitude and wickednefie alfo 
as zh^ caufe thereof. In Ie r.2 . 2. <frc To the ingratcfr 
fall Ifraeiites he thus fpeaketh. 

I remember thee, the day of thy efpoufals, when 
thou wenteft after me in the wildernefie in a Land that 
was not fowne, veif. 5. What iniquities have your Fa- 

Opened unto all Men. 3 1 

hers found in me, that they are gone far from me,and 
ire walked after vanities and are become vaine? verf. 5. 
Meidicr faid they where is the Lord that brought us Hp 
)urof the Land of Eg)pt ? That led us through the 
iffilderndie through a Land of Defarts and of Pits, 
hrough a Land of drought, and of the ihaddow of 
leath, through a Land that no man palled through,and 
vhere no man dwelt, verf. 7. And I brought you into 
t plentifull Country, to eate the fruit thereof, and the 
»oodnefle thereof, but where ye entrcd ye defiled my 
-and, and made mine Heritage an abomination. The 
'rieft faith nor,wherc is the Lord, and they that hand- 
ed the Law knew me nor, the Pallors alfo tranfgrelTed 
tgainft me, fyc. verf. 12, 13. Be aftoniihed O Heavens 
t this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very defolate 
lith the Lord. For my people have committed two e- 
ils, they have forfaken me,thefountaine of living wa- 
ers, and hewen to themfelves broken Cifterns that ca»i 
old no water, verf. 31. O Generation, fee the Word 
f the Lord: have I been a WilderncfTe unto IfracI:' A 
.and of darknelTe f Wherefore lay my people, We are 
ords, we wil come no more unto thee ? Cai a Maidc 
>rget her Ornaments, or a Bride her Attire ! Yet my 
j?cplc have forgotten me dayes without number.//*/. 
• 2. Hear O Heavens, and give ear O Earth , for the 
ordhathfpoken, Ihave nourifhed and brought up 
hildren, and they have rebelled againft me. The Oxe 
lowerh his owner, and the AiTe his Matters cribbc : 
it Ifrael doth not know, my people cloth nor confl- 
;r. Ah!finfull Nation, a people laden with iniqury, 
Iced of evill doers, Children that ai e corrupted, they 
,vc forfaken the Lord, thty have provoked the holy 
je of Ifrael uno Anger. Iercm. 1 3. 27. Woeuntq 


A Doorc of Salvation 

thee O ]erufalem,wilt thou not be made clean ? When 
fliall it once he/ How much more of this nature might 
be added? Such as reade the Scriptures know. Now 
that the goodneile of God fhould thus cauie him to la- 
ment the wickedneflfc of men>ajid endeavour their re- 
pentance y and yet the glory of his Juftice in oppofi- 
tion thereunto, fhould c^ufe him to delight in their 
wkkcdneiie,and from thence to deny them the means 
of repentance, cannot be fuppef-d, becaufe that this 
would quite invert the teiiimony of S- James, chap- 2. 
13. And make judgement in God to glory and rejoyee 
againft n;ercy;nor yet can it Viand any better with the 
purity of God, to lament the wickednei:e of thofe 
whom he delighterh ro have wicked s then for him to ! 
lament the damnation of thofe , whom from erernity 
lie hath excluded from his favour, and appointed 
thereunto. Butfecondly,! anfwer, That it is inconfi- 
ttenc with the nature of Gods juftice, to delight in the 
v/ickedneife of any man, becaufe that juftice it felre 
can neither occafioii nor take delight in any thing 
that is unjuft, or contrary to it felfe j as all fuch things 
mufv needs be whic h are reprehended and punifhed 
thereby, Rom. 2. 1, 3, 21, 22. £001,3.3, 6. Therefore 
feeing that the juftice or God is declared to be angry 
with, and provoked to wrath by the wickedneffe, hard- 
nei^eof heart, and impenitency of men, Alarke 3. 5. 
Mat. 22. 4, 5, 6 9 7- It cannot poflibly be pleafed or 
delighted therein,or be any waies accelfary thereunto, I ! 
Either by woj king wickedneHe in mens mindes, Jam. ^ 
1 . 1 3. (As feme men too rafhly afnrme from tliefe and {■ ,& 
fuch like Scriptures, Rom. 9. 1 8. AZh 4.28. /0A.12.49.HJ 
cr by prohibiting meanes fufftcjenx for the jreveni 
there- i. 

01 ■ 

Opened unto all men. 3 5 

Vfyeth God could have prevented both Angels and 
en from falling, and could recover all and every one 
F men, as well as any ; which arguedi that he would 
ive fome to perifh. 

.Anfw. What God as he is Almighty and Omni - 
Dtent might have done , we will not difpute, nor is 
neceifary to the prefent point: It is fuftkienc to 
jr purpofe to prove , that God vouchfafed both to 
len and Angels, means fufficient to prevent their fal- 
ng j the which, 1 fuppofe no rationall man will deny, 
eing thatwhacfoever God hath impofed upon his 
rcacures, by the Law of nature and necefiity (as hun- 
srr, drought, wearineffe , eating, drinking, fleeping, 
jr.) are neither orYenfive, nor difpleafing to him \ ic 
eing impoflible, that he fhould blame or hnde fault 
ich what himfelfe doth, or necefntateth his Creatures 
>rtodoe: fo that if the fall of Men or Angels 1 
een unavoidable by them, by the Law of their Crea- 
on, their falling had not been tinfull in diem, nor 
lould they ever have incurred the difpleafure of God 
1 any refpeft, by reaion thereof, no mere than we 
>w do by our eating, drinking* &\ . 

Gcd Geared horil Angels and men in a murable 
ate, ftiSiciently able to doe whatfeever hb required 
them 'j and furnifhcd tkeiH abundantly with argu- 
cim of his love and goodn.el!c,ro endear and engage 
cm to the perpetual] love and obedience ofhimfeii \ 
d yet withall (ubject, (or incident) through the want 
deration of his goodneflc towards rheni, ro fail 

ingratitude and difol ediencc agiinft him, 1 

1 otherwife, neither tjie One nor the orhcr could 
w been capable of manifehing then fidelity and 
u/uuimeilc untg him their Lprd and Creator; | 

D w** 

3 2 A Boon of Salvation 

Was moft necefiary they fhculd) for how fhould he 

ex pr efie his (ubjecTiou and obedience* who cannot pof- 

(ibly dilbbey i And how God conld have made a 

creature in fuch an eftate, wherein: hib love and good* 

neife towards hini, and fovcraignry over him, could 

not thankfully be acknowledged by him , cannot 

reafonably he. imagined. In which refpeft, it may 

juftly be queftioned, Whether God could have done 

any more to prevent the fall of angeJs and men, then 

what he did? | I 

c a- Whereas it is implied,That God hath not recover-* 

ed by jefus Chrift,ali and every of men(as well as any) 

from under the curfe of Adams tranfgrefiion, it is not 

to be admitted, becaufe the Scriptures do informe us> 

That as in Adam all die,fo in Chrift^U are made alive, 

i Cor. 1 5.22. And that as by one mans offence, judge' 

ment came upon all men to condemnation, even fo by 

the righteoufnes of one,the free gift came upon al men 3 

to the iuftification of life,7lom.5.i8.And that as the firfi 

man Adam was made a living foul, fo the fecond man A* 

dam is made a quickning fpirit,i(7o. 15.4$. But I fuppofe 

that by thefe word* (God could recover all, and every 

man, as well as any) is to be underftood only,That God 

could ( if he were pleafed) enforce thefalvation of al!j 

and every man,as well as fome:wherin that is taken for 

granted, rthichSs denied (to wit) that God doth 

neceflitate the falvation of fome particular men, and 

ROt others ( which hath already, and fhall hereafter 

be further difproved :) And although that it cannot 

be denied, but. that fome men doe perifh, yet is it 

not therefore to be conceived, that they fo perifh for 

want of means fufticient to accomplifh their falvationi. 

b«c by reafon of their contempt thereof. All the| 


Opened unto all Men. 33 

^waies of God being mercy and truth, the goodneife of 
God is alwaies firft exercifed in providing means fuffi- 
cient for the Salvation of membut when his goodnefie 
therein is defpifed, and his Grace turned into 
wantonnefie *, then, and not till then, doth his righte- 
oufnefle and juftice call for judgement and vengeance 
againft the defpifers and contemners of him, as the 
Scriptures doe witneffe, Jud. 3, 4, 5, <5. Rom. 2. 4, 5. 
aChron. 26. 14,15, 16. In which refpeft it is that God 
is faid to be flow to anger, Nahum. 1..3. That he doth 
not willingly afflift nor grieve the Children of Men, 
Lament. 5.33. That mercy glorieth againft judgement, 
Umes. 2. 15. And that his tender mercies are over all 
his workc*, Pfal. 145. 9* 

C HAP. V. 

How the opinion of enforcing Faith and Re- 
pentance in men> oftofetb the JVifdome of 

T¥ that Repentance, Faith, &c. were through neceflfi- 
|_ ty, and nor attainable j only by the improrement 
?f the means atfordedj (vi^-) the workes and Word of 
"Jod, it would not ftand with the Wifdome of G©d, to 
xpeft and wuit for the Repentance of men, as the 
Scriptures declare he doth : Eecaufe that Ikjrein l>ee 
ihould not locke for Figs of a Fig-Tree, according ro 
•he \ rucikc of Chrifti But for Figs of Thorncs, and 
D 2 Grapes 

36 A Doore of Salvation 

Grapes of Thirties, which is much below the wif- 
dome of mem mid therefore much more of God. 

That Gog doth e*Kpec% and wait for Repentance 
from me:}, is plainly taught in the Scriptures, Ifai.<,.i> 
2. My heloved(faith rhe Prophet/peaking of God)hath 
a Vineyard in a very fruitful! hil} and he fenced it} and 
gathered out the ftones thereof*, and planted it with, 
rhe choiceft Vine,and built a Tower in the midft of it} ' 
anda'fomadea Wine-prene therein, and he looked 
that it fliould bring forth Grapes, and it brought forth 
wilde Grapes- 

Lufy isf,i& And Jefus fpake alfo this parable : 
AcertainemanhadaFig-Tree planted in his Vine- 
yard, and he came and fought fruit thereon, and found 
none} Then faid he to the drefier of the Vineyard, Be- 
hold thefe three years I come feeking fruit on this Fig- 
Tree, and finde none 5 cut it down, why cunibretb-.it 
the ground. Jer. 13. 27. O Jerufa lens, wilt thou notbe 
made cleane, when fhall it once be £ 

Now forafmdeh as wifdome doth prohibite jl 
man to expeft the efteft v/ithout the caule, or more 
from any caufe, then can be effected thereby, or to ! 
wait for a plentiful harveft in Summer,without plough-' 
ing and fowing in the Winter} who can conceive that 
Almighty God the fountaine of all wifdome, yea, who 
is wifdome it felf, mould eypeft and wait for repent- 
ance from men , without vouchsafing unto theri 
'%ea*?sfiiffieient toanftver his expectation therein! 
No man feeketh Figs of Thorns, or Grapes of Thirties* 
and fhall God that maketh men wife, be conceived to 
be fo far iriferiour unto him in wifdbme,as to leek and 
CKpeft repentance of man, it beifig no lefte impofiibte 
to.be found I Surely nothing can be leife imaginable i 



Opened unto all Men. % 7 

And yet for die further prevention of luch difhonour"* 
able thoughts concerning the Gcd of all Wifdome, 
the Scripnires before ci red, note unto us thefe two 
things : Firft, the ground upon which Gcd doth ex- 
pect repentance from me>n, demonft rated to us under 
the fimilitude of a man planting his Vmeyard in a 
fruitful! Hill, planting it with the chdiceft Vine, fen- 
cing it, gathering out the (tones, foe- As alfo under 
the fimilitude of a Husband-man, dreffing and digging 
about his Fig-Tree. Secondly, the time in which God 
! expefteth repents , which by Chrift \ in 

Mat. 41.34. (in which I e alludeth to tfii.£i) 

is declared to be nor untill cfie time of Vintage, and 
the more plainly to declare, how farre he is from ex- 
pecting from men that which is unreasonable: in Ufa 
13. 7. he uferh theft: words, Thefe three years liave 1 
come feeking fruit and finde none, fare* tinder which 
formes of fpeech, the Lord doth inftrbft us, Thai 
wifeHnsband-man do:h not expeft to receive fruit 
from his Vineyard, without the ufe of all nece 
means required thereunto, nor untill the fcafon of tfce 
year wherein his expectation may beanfoete«d 
neither doth he himfelf look for any thing mere from 
men , then what he affbrdeth unto them fufficieut 
means and opportunity to eflcft. 

And feeing then that if repentance, &c were no 
otherwiie attainable then through the irrefifiable 
ration of the Spirit : that all impenixent wicked and 
ungodly perfons from whona he cxpefteth repentance, 
fhould neither have means nor any opportunity afford- 
ed unto them for that |jnrpofe, (for it th.ir die means 
of doenecefiarilyacccmpliftitht Gave* then all 
hat means mull nee-d 

D 2 re- 

38 A Doore of Salvation 

repentance thereby.) Therefore repentance muft be 
acknowledged to be obtained only thorow the im- 
provement of fuch means which God vouchfafeth unto i 
all , and the nature thereof be acknowledged to be 
fuch, that poffibly may be neglefted by thofe to whom 
it is granted,and from whence ( repentance) the end 
thereof is expefted, Reveli.n. I gave her fpace 
(faith the fpirit)to repent, and fhe repented not. 


How the commands of God in Serif ture are of- 
f o fed by tbe opinion of Gods enforcing Refent- 
. ance^ Faith, &c. 

THisdoftrine (to wit of Gods neceffitating re- 
pen tance,^rc)oppofe the Commandments of God 
given unto men, whereby he requireth them to re- 
pent, believe in the name of his Sonne, work out 
their own falvation with fear and trembling. Now for- 
afmuch as God cannot oppofe himfelf, therefore that 
which he requireth of men to doe, muft needs be pro- ' 
per and peculiar to them to perform . 

That God requireth every man to repent, <&c. is e- 
vident by the Scriptures, ^#.17.30. The times of 
this ignorance God winked at, but now he command- 
eth all men every where to repent, 1 /oft. 3. 2 3. And 
this is his Commandment, thatwefhould beleeve in 
the name of his Sonne IefusChrift, J?W/.2.i2. work 
out your own falvation with fear and trembling 
whereby repentance, &c. is by God made the pecu- 
liar work and duty of man, through the improvement 
of the means vouchfafed unto him for thofe ends, op- 


Opened unto all Mm. 39 

polt thereunto is the doctrine* which averreth re- 
pentance,^rc to be the peculiar work of God,and no: 
of men,That it is by God made the peculiar work of 
jnan,tkrough the improvement of themeans,appeareth 
from hence,thatGod threatneth condemnation to trnfe 
perfons,who rhorow the ufeof fuch means,as heaftbrc- 
cth unto them for that end>door did not repent. Mat* 
n. 20,21, 22.Then began he(faith the texr,meaning k* 
fus) to upbraid the Cities, wherein molt of his mighty 
works were done,becanfe they repented not: Wo unto 
thee Corarjn>\Xo unto tile-' Betbjaida'fct: if the mighty 
works, which were doiiL- in you, had been done in 
T) re and Sydon, they would have repented long agoe 
in fack-cloih and afhes. But I lay unto you, ic mail be 
more tolerable for T)re and S)don, in the day of judge- 
ment then for you- For it cannot be fuppofed, that 
God fhouM condemn men for not doing the thing 
.vhichdoth not peculiarly appertain unto them to doe- 
And that it is by the opinion of Gods neceflltating re- 
pejiunce^rc. made the peculiar work of God k - 
/ident, the opinion it feif plainly imtimating, Then 
10 man by all his beft endeavours in the ufe of the 
"neans, can poflibly attain thereunto 1 which oppoit- 
ion cannot be applied unto God , as proceed- 
i)g from him, becaufe tliat in the Scriptures it is to be 
obferved, that he is fo far from requiring of men the 
loing of fuch things, which peculiarly belong unto 
limfelfro perform, that in all fuch cafes he requireth 
hem to ftand ftill, and wait upon him for his help 
md falvation. As we may rcade* EaoJ.14.13. where 
>y his Almighty power he made it his work to give 
he people palfage thoiow the red fea, he commanded 
hem that they lhould not fear, but (land ft ili, and fee 
D 4 h 

4.0 A Dovre of Salvation 

his falvation. As alfo in 2 54^.5.23. where having 
before undertaken to difcomfit the lioaft of the Phili- 
films in the behalf of the Ifraelhes, he commanded! 
David that he fhould not move untill he heard the 
found of a going in the tops of the Mulbery trees : as 
alfo again, when he was pleafed to make it his peculi- 
ar work to deliver the Jfraelites fordi of their captivity, 1 
he commanded them only to wait upon him with con*, 
t?dence for their delivery from thence. Hab.2. 3. 

Secondly, Becaufe it is alfo to be obferved, That 
when he ufeth the concurrence of man for the acconv 
piifhing of any worke, he alwaies diftinguifheth the 
work of man from that *hich bclongeth to himfelf to 
perform therein : and whatfoever he requireth of 
them in fuch cafes, that he will ruve to be performed! 
.by them : and will not himfelf do it for them. 

As riift, when he gave the people in die wildernes 
water out of the rock, Numb* 20. 8. he precifely di- 
ftinguifheth unto Mofesy the work that he required of 
him thereunto. Take the rod (faith he) and gather 
the AfTembly together, thou and Aaron thy brother* 
and fpeak ye unto the reck before their eies, and it' 
ftiall give forth his water- 
Secondly, Likewife when hepromifed to deliver the 
City of Jericho unto his people, for the over-throw 
of the walls thereof, he plainly and evidenty declared^ 
what lie required of them to that end, Jo(b . 6. 3, 4,5. 
Yefhalicon^ffetheCity (faith he) all ye men of 
wafre, and goe about the City once j thus fbalt thou 
doe the dales And feven Priefts (hall bear before the 
Ark feven Trumpets of Rams-horns, and the feventji 
day ye lball compare the City kven times, and the 
Priefts fl jail blow with the Trumpets. And it fhaH 


Opened unto all Men. 41 

eometopalfe, that when they make a long biaft with 
the Rams-horns, and when ye hear the found of the 
Trumpets,all the people fhall fhout with a great fhout, 
and the wall of the City fhall fall. 

Thirdly, And alfo when he made it his work to de- 
ftroy the Catiaanites, and the other Nations, for their 
gi eat and abominable wickedneife, and to give the 
poifeffionoftheirLandto the children of lfraeU he 
clearly roanifefted unto them,what he would have per- 
formed on their part for the accomplilhment thereof} 
They were to cb'fc r ve his Word, and to obey his 
voice: Aswereade 5 Exod.2j&6&i>22'' and in par- 
ticular to goe armed before the Lord unto battel, Num. 
322c. And lie himfelf would caufe the hearts of their 
enemies ro fail them for fear, and make them turn 
their backs upon them, untill they were deftroyed, 
Excel. 23-27. 

And this he doth, Eecaufe that he will net give his 
glory unto another, //i.42.2. which would necefl 
ly follow upon his requiring of men, and aligning un- 
to them the performance of rhofe things, which im- 
mediately concerneth himfelf, or by his not diftin- 
guiihingthe work of man from his own, in fuch acti- 
on:, wherein his concurrence Is required* In regard 
that no man can pofliblv afciibe unto hkn the honour 
of that work, which is noc evidently difcovered to be 
wrought by him. 

Whereas therefore we finde that men are abfolurely 
commanded to repent,^, and are no where required 
to hand ftiil, 01 wait upon God, untill fuch time as 
he fhall nectfrirare rhem thereunto, nor yet can finde 
any diftinciion made therein, as that man Ihould doe 
this or that, and that God will doc the reft 1 repent- 


4 2 A Doore of Salvation 

ance, as it isconfidered, whether in the difpofition of 
the minde, or in the aclions, and exercife thereof y \ 
muft be concluded the peculiar work of men , by the 
ufe and improvement of the means vouchfafed unto 
them by God for that purpofe > the which will further 
appear from thefe grounds. 

i- Becaufe that the penitent ffcall rife up in judge- 
ment againft the impenitent:, and condemn them ; as 
appeareth by the words of Chrift, in 3ftfr.12.41. $The 
men of Nineveh ( faith he) ihail rife up in judgement 
againft this generation, and condemn them, becaufe 
they repented at the preaching of Jonas, and behold 
a greater then Jonas is here ', which could not be, if 
that repentance were the peculiar work cf God, and 
not of men, by the improvement of the means. For 
where there is no difference in men, but that which is 
enforced in them by God, the one can be no accufa- 
tion againft the other, inrefpecl: of any fuch differ- 
ence: for as he that did repent would not have re- 
pented, if he had not been enforced; fo he that did 
not repent, would have repented, ifthathehad been 
enforced. And therefore the men of Nineveh, if they 
were enforced to repent, can be no greater an accu- 
sation againft the lews for their impenitency in the 
day of judgement, then Benjamins brethren can be a- 
gainft him, in refpeft of the cup that was put into his 
lack, againft his will or procurement. 

2. Becaufe the Scriptures doe plainly declare, That 
God doth not require of men, beyond what he giveth, 
unto them, means to attain unto, as we may perceive 
in the Parable of the talents, inlM; *9 *$• where 
none are called to give an account before Chrift at his 
coming, tut thefe to whom before hand he had deli- 

» vered 

Opened unto all Men. 43 

vered his money to be improved, nor nothing requi- 
red of any of them, but proportionably to that which 
was delivered to them, to whom he giveth much, he 
askeththe more again, according to his faying, in 
JLH^.12.48. And fo on the contrary? From whence it 
doth follow, That feeing repentance is required of all 
men, and that all men fhall be accountable to God 
concerning the fame, Thar therefore all men have the 
means of repentance voudifafed uuto them, & that re- 
pentance by the improvement therof peculiarly apper- 
tained! unto them,and is no otherwife to be obtained- 
3. Becaufe that the unpenitent arc charged with re- 
bellion a^aiiift Gcd in lcipeft of their impenirency, 
plainly argueth, repentance not only to be the 
peculiar work of man, but alfo within his power to be 
'erfcrmed, rebellion being none other then a wilfull 
:nd ltubbom refufall of that known duty which a man 
bled to perform. And fo much the words of the 
ex: do evidently declare, £^.12.2. Son of man 
laith the Lord to the Prophet ) thou dwelleft in the 
nidrt cf a rebellious houfe, That have eies to fee> and 
ire not,they have ears to hear, and bear not. Their re- 
•ellion being demonrtrarcd from this gronnd, That 
hey have eies,and fee not,&-r .(j.c)they know and un- 
crftand how to perform their duty, but they will not 
o if, according to that in Cbs.p. 3$. 51-^2. He that 
noweth to do well, and doth not, to him it is fin, 
'*m.4 1 7' Whereas that which a man underftandeth 
or, nor is any waics able to perform, is imputed to 
is infirmity only, which God will never lav to hts 
large, Heb.$.2. For we have an hioh-Pridt that can 
ive compaffion on the ignorant, and of thofe that 
c out of the way, I obtained rr.ercs becaufe I did it 
uorantiy, I Tim. 113. CHAP. 

44 A Do ore of Salvation. 


Tlat the opnion of enforcing Faith, and Ke^ 
feritance in men^ cannot Jiand with the na- 
ture of the laft Judgement by Cbrift. 

THis BocVme (namely of Gods neceffirattng re 
pentancc, fyc. in men) is inconiiitent with the 
laii fcntence of Chrift>(which as die Scriptures declare; 
ihal be according ro every mans works v And therfon 
forafamch ae al fuch things wherunto men are enforcec 
by a power which they cannot reilft , are imputable 
only unto that power whereby they are fo enforced 
It muft follow that if that fome men fhould by God b« 
liecefTKated to repentance,^*:, they could be no mop 
justified according to the fentence of Chrift in relario 
thereunto, then any other men could be condemn© 
with reference to Inch evill aftions whereunto the 
were enforced by a power which they could no wait 
ppftibly refiibTo make this evident by the Scripture: 
in Mat- 1 6. 27. it's declared by Chi ift himfelf, Th 
when he commerh in the Glory of his Father with h 
Angels? he will reward every man according to ti 
workes. In like manner? Revel 22. 12. he faith, B< 
hold I come quickly? and my reward is with me, t 
give to every man according as his worke fhall be , ; 
greeable unto which is the Tefiimony of the ApoftI 
2 Cor. 5. 10. We muft all appear before the Judg 


Opened unto all Mm* 4 5 

rientSeacofChrift, that every oneinay receive the 
iiings done in his baby, according to that be hath 
ione, whether it be good or bad- Ace e< ding to which 
rule (the Scriptures aforehanddelnibing unto us die 
nanner of the laft "judgement, afs if it were already 
paii) we rinde the fentence ofChrift denounced to- 
wards all perfons, Mat. 25.34. with iceiv. 20.12,13. 

Secondly, That all inch a&iom, fyc. whei eunto 
perfons are enforced a^ain ft the choice and aflent of 
iheir own wilt, are nor imputed unto them as, their 
Dwn aftions,will plainly appears firft, by Deut. 22.25, 
: 5. If a man faith the Text, rinde a betrothed DamfeU 
irt the field, and force her j then the man only that 
fenced her (hall die- But uaco the Damlell thou fnak 
doe nothing, there is in the Damfell no fin worthy cf 
death : for as when a man rifeth againft his neighbour, 
and flayeth him, even fo is this matter. Likewife by 
the words of the Apoflle, in Roviu 7-2. If I dee thai 
i would nor, it is no more I that doe it, but fume thac 
dwelleth in r^e j from which in the 24^ajst} 2*^ verier, 
he concludeth, That God, would acquit him. And 
thereupon in the i- yerfe of the 8. chapter, deckreth 
ills That there i^ no condemnation belonging 
Dntq men for fuch a&ons* The reafon hereof is, Be- 
irut God looktth only at the heart 
j Sun . coord in g to 

what lie obfervcth thereto, whether it be gcod or bad; 

. is wilkd snddctei mined therein, he nek. 

i r as if it were don e, th >rot- 

nicy or abiliry it ne\ er be eflefto whence it is 

hcApoftJe declaj .rail rule, 

1 .ilin£ 

..".. , :in n harh, 

46 A Doorc of Salvation 

and nor according to that he hath not j which we find* 
verified unto us by a clear inftance, in the 1 King* 2 
18. 19. of Gods kinde acceptation of Davids atfectiotv 
to build him an Houfe, though that it was never built 
by him, Whereas it was in thy heart (faith the Lord} 
to build me ati houfe, thou didft well, that it was ii 
thine heart ', nevertheles, thou fhak not build me the 
Houfe, ^rc And we may alfo obferve that Solomon, 
who by Gods appointmeut did build it, received net 1 
greater reward for his aftion therein* then David did 
for his arfecYion thereunto : And fo on the other fide, 
Chrift informeth us, That the things that defile a man, 
are only thofe that proceed from his heart, Gut of the 
heart,faith he,Mat. 1 $.19,20. proceeded! evil thoughts 
(hefpeaketh not of thofe that are fuggefted, or that at 
unawares arife therein, and are forthwith quenched* 
and fuppreffed, fcr thefe defile no man) but of thofe 
that are conceived and harboured therein, which 
when opportunity ferveth, break forth into murthers, 
ad«ltcries,fornication5. 3 thefcs,faIfewitnes,blafphemies, 
thefe defile the man; upon which ground it is, That 
the Scriptures declareth David to be a man according 
to Gods own heart, fave only in the matter of Vriah % 
1 Kings 15.5. "Wherein deliberately and with purpofe 
of heart (as mnft needs be conceived) he chofe the 
thing which he knew to be etill, which in other cafe 
(wherein his aftions much fwerved from the rules of 
perfect juftice) he did not } and therefore is neither 1 
blamed nor accufed for them. 

Ob)t&. God doth not juftifie men for Faith, but by \ 
Faith : nor reward them for their workes, but accord- j 
frig tQ tteif worked the reward of good workes being 

Grace ! 

Opened unto all Men. 47 

Grace belonging to Adopted Children, not to fervants 
for the worke done. 

Anfo. The diftinction betwixt jufiification by 
Faith, and for Faith, is altogether vaine : feeing that 
he that is juftined by Faith, cr by reafon thereof, 
which is all one, is fo juftitied for Faith : Eecaufc that 
Without Faith he cannot pleafeGod, Hebr. 11. $, 6. 
nor obtain acceptation with him- Thy Faith, faith 
Chrift to the woman, hath (aved thee, Luke 7. 5. The 
like may be faid concerning the diftinctien betwixt 
reward for workes, and according to workes; in regard 
that he that is rewarded according to his workes, is fo 
rewarded for his workes : as he that is rewarded accor- 
ding as he hath fed y relieved, and feafted the poor,that 
were not able to feaft him again , {as Chrift hath 
promifed in Luke 14. 1 3,14.) or as he that is reward- 
ed according as he hath given a cup of cold «water in 
the name of Chrift, (having no better in his power to 
give) he is fo rewarded for that he hath fo done, by 
reafon that otherwife he mould have received no fuch 

And yet it is not to be denied but that Juftifica- 
tion through Faith, and reward of good workes, ori- 
ginally proceedeth from the meer Grace and fpectall 
Favour of God in jefus Chrift, conOdering that by the 
Law we can lav claim unto no Inch thing, but muft ac- 
knowledge our felves, according to that Coven^t, 
gniltyofeverlafting death, or the difiblution of our 
natures for ever in the Grave \ and therefore whatfo- 
ver we either doc or fiiall receive from G<xi more or 
lefle than this, as our prefent being in this lifc,theen- 
loymcnt of the Creatures, a time of repentance, wirh 
-h* means there ^ .1 he cufft of 



48 A DoGre of Salvation 

the Law, Refurre&ion to another life, Adoption and 
Salvation through Fairh, rr conformity to the will of 
God,known and underftood by us j muft be attributed I 
to the alone Grace of God in Jefus Chrift, through 
whom he hath obtained thefe things for us, and Cove- 
nanted and granted to beftow them Upon us, Accord- 
ing to which diiVmftionbenvixc tlie Covcnancs,is that 
diftinftion which runneth through the Rodie of the 
New-Teftament, betwixt righteouiVies and rigbteouf? 
nes,workes*aud workes, reward and reward, to be unr 
derfiood according to the firft covenant,There is none 
that doth good, none righteaub, but all have finned 
and are fallen, mor: of the Glory of God , accurfedi 
dead and excluded from, all happineffe for ever. Bat 
in relation to the fecend Covenant made with us in 
Chrift, as we were confdered in this eftatej we are 
through his death and refurre&ion redeemed from 
death, made alive from the dead.uuder a Law of liber- 
ty futable to our frailty, and capable of working 
righteoufnefle thereby, under the pron>iies of Adopti- 
on, of reward of good workes, and of raigning toge- 
ther with God and Chrift for ever and ever. It doth 
not therefore follow/That becaufe men obtain Juftiti- 
cation and Adoption through Fairly and are rewarded 
for their good workes, that therefore all thefe diings 
are not obtained through Grace j feeing that it is from 
the unfpeakabie Grace of God,:hat we who were dead 
doe live, that we enjoy fuch precious promifes , and 
upon fuch gracious termer, whereby we are or may be 
made partakers oi them. 

And yet although that Juftification and Salvation, 
are thus founded upon the Grace of Gpd,yec hath eve- 
ry m*a through the performance 01 thofe tilings 


Opened unto all ?;>en. 49 

whereunco the fame is pr.omifcd.as j lift, a right and 
dainie thereunto, as our firft Father Adam could have 
had urrto life by obedience to the Law., as the words of 
the Apoftle in Iiebr- 6. 10. dee plainly witneffe, God 
is not unfaithfull (faith he) to forget your worke and 
labour, of love, the righreoufnefle cf God is engaged 
to performe whatfoever^ forth of his gcodneiTe he hath 
promi fed. 

And as for. the pretence of fome (gathered frcm 
thefe and fach like Scriptures, 1 John 5. 10, 11. Luke 
27-)That Salvation is freely bellowed upon men with- 
jut any thing required on their part thereunro j their 
niftake therein is dearly dilcovered from thele 

r. That the A potties of Jtfus Chrift who handled 
lot the Word of God deceitfully , but cemmendeef 
hemfelves to every mans conicicnce, as in the fight of 
od, 2 Cor- 4. 2. doe every where in Anfwer to the 
Jueftion, What men fhould dee to be faved'j De- 
lare,That men rouft repent and beiieve,A r // 2.37,38. 
\lls 1 6. 30, 31. 

2. From the praftkre of the Apoftles themfelves, 
ho being fully intti lifted in the knowledge of the 
race, of God, Aft; 2c 2;. yetttrove to ebrain the 
rown of eternalllife, And not un-necefi n ity, as men 
sating the Aire, I Cor. fl.25, 26 zlim.2. 


3. From the tenure of the promifes, which all 
Brie conditionally, 1 will give to him that is a thirft 

the water of life freely, Rom. 20. 6. Ee rhuFaith- 
11 unto death, and 1 will give thee a Crown of life, 

11 hive fought a good fight, I have rinifh- 
H»vc kcpttheFajthj heneef r h there 


50 A Doorc of Salvation 

k laid up for me a Ciown of Fighrcoufnefie, which the 
Lord the righteous Judge will give me at that day, and 
not to me only, but unto all thofe that love liis ap- 
pearing, 2 fink 4. 6, 7. Rev- 3,. 11. Rev. 3. 24. 

4. And laftly, from hence that Salvation it felf is 
intituled, The inheritance of reward, Col. 3. 24. For- 
afiiuich as reward do'thalwaies prefuppofc fomething: 
either dont or to be doae, in recoirpence whereof 
rhe lame is given- Mofes chofe to fuffci with die peo- 
ple •£ God,beca«fe he had refpeft to the recompence 
of reward, i/e£r. 11.25, 2d 

5- And although in 1 John $.10,1 1. It is faid that 
God hath given- us eternall life j yet in verf- the 12. k 
is alio faid,That this life is in hi$ Son, and that he that 
hath it muft have the Son. And the fame Aportlein 
his 2 Epift.v.p r plainly decFareth/Thatwhofoever rranf- 
greffeth and abideth not in the doftrine of Chrift,hatft 
neither the Father nor the Son > He is the author oh 
Salvation to thole that obey him, Hebr. 5. £. 

And as for Luke 1 • 77- where it is prophefled, That 
John the-Baptiit lhouldgive knowledge of Salvation" 
to the lewes, by the remhTion- of hnnes. The meaningi 
thereof is beft interpreted by the tenour of his owin 
peaching unto them '<> whereby they are taught not to 
expect either remiffion of fins, or Salvation other wife 
then through repentance, and amendment of life,L«^. 
3. 5. Mat. 3. 8,9,10. Luke 5. 8. according to that m 
Ails 3. y$. 

Objefl. Faith being the gift of God, Efh. 2. 8. 
Salvation in reference whereunro it is given, is the gift 
oi God alfo- 

Anfrr. Firft, It is not clear in this Text that die 
Apoftlc doth intend Faith to b* the gift of God > but 


Opened unto all Men. 51 

rather that falvation is the gift of God, and in what 
nature Salatiwi is given by him, hath been fhewed 

2. But admit that Faith is the gift of God ', it doth 
not therefore follow, that Faith whereunto Salvatioa 
Is promifed is the gift of God; for Faith in the Scri- 
ptures is diverfly taken : As iirft, it is taken for the 
Doftrine of Faith j in which refpeft , they that have 
preached the fame, are faid to preach the Faith, Oalat, 
1.23. and thofe to whom it was preached, are faid to 
ficai the Faith, (/<*/. 3$. and thofe that received and 
fubjefted themfelves thereunto, are faid to be obedi- 
ent to the Faith, Atts 6. 7. Secondly, it is taken for 
he bare credence and belief of the Doftrine of Chrift; 
hi which refpeft, The Rulers that loved the praife of 
*ieh more tlian the praife of God, are faid to believe 
in Chrift, John 12. 42,4$. And thus the Devils are 
ilfo faid to believe and tremble, James 2. i$>. Thirdly 
(t is taken for the knowledge, love and obedience of 
:he Doftrine of Chrift j In which refpeft , thofe that 
fiave departed from the love and obedience thereof, 
jrefaid to make Shipwrack of Faith and a good con- 
cience, 1 Tim. 1. 19. And laftly, it is taken for an 
ifiured hope and expeftation of eternall life: begotten 
n men through a confcientious privity of the truth of 
heir repentance,finceiity of tlieir obedience, and the 
gracious promifes of God made thereunto (according 
sthe words of the Apoftle, in 2 Tim- 4. 7, 8. before 
'ehearfed do declare.) Now although that Faith in the 
irft and fecond acceptation j whereunto the Apoftle 
n thefc words, (yi^.) (It is the gift of God) may have 
efpeft) be acknowledged the gift cf God, and be after 
• fort neceffarily impoied upon men (efpeciallv when 
E 2 

A Doore of Salvation 

as the Do&rine of Chrift is clearly and evidently de- 
monitratcd unto them (by the miraculous power of 
God, as it was by the Miniftery of the Apoftles.) Yec 
in the third 'acceptation, by which alone men are inti- 
tuled ro Salvation, it cannot from hence be concluded 
to be the gift of God \ it being begotten in men only 
through a due and ferious confederation of the truth, 
ceftatnty>wqrth, and excellency of the Doftrine ther- 
eof di {covered unto them : For like as a foft anlwer 
turneth away wrath, and a foft tongue breaketh the 
bone, (according to Prev. 15. 1. and 2$. i$.) Even Cm 
the unfpeakable love and goodnefle or God appearing 
unto men, received into, and laid up in their hearts,- 
(as it is required in Vm. 6. £,11, 18. Prev. 4. 4.) be- 
getteth in them a love towards God, obedience to his 
Word, crucifieth them to the world, calteth downe 
imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it 
felfagainft the knowledge of God, and bringeth into 
captivity every thought, to the obedience of Chrift, 
2 Cor. 10.4, 5. Epk. 6. id, 17. From whence it is 
that thofe perfons who have had the mercy and good- 
neiTe cf God demonft rated unto them (in a more a- 
bundant mcafufe than others) and have not thereby 
been fubdued to the love and obedience of him, are 
charged with fcrge r ting God -heir Saviour and rruker, 
with forgetting his worke, Pfalm- 100. 21, 15. Den*. 
32. 18. With forgetting that th cry were purged from 
their old imnes, 2 Pet. *.£. Are called forgetfull 
hearers of the word, Jam. 1.25. and refembled to 4 
man beholding his natural! face in a glafle, and ftraighc 
way forge rteth what manner of man he was, J&m. 1. 
25, 24. plainly arguing that the consideration of the 
love and gcodneiTe of God towards men 7 is the only 


Opened unto all Men. 5 5 

and effectual means to becec the love and obedience 
of God in them. 

3. Etr let it be granted, That the Apoftle in theft 
words doth conclude, that faith whereuhtp Salvation 

1 1, is the gift of Gpd, yet it will not from the 
follow, That i- r-bv him necei^irily begotten Or 
forced in any men. 

1. Becaufethacin the Scriptures* tliat is dec.. 
to be given,* whichls only ottered tc mens accepc: 

to receive or rcfufe, is themselves bhall pleale : So 
the neld of Machpelah, and 
the Caved!:' <aham*> Gtn- 29V1W 

Andthefoi! Chriit, gate him to 

drink wine mingled with mynbe, but neither the one 
nor the other of them, were thereby -pofiefled wirh 
jhac which . t\ unto them, becaule they rciu * 

led ro acce] :->. 12,13,17. Mai\ 


2. That in the Scriptures 

untc men, which is no otherwifc obtained , 
through a free , ufe and improvement ov 

fuch means, which he hathvouchfarld Unto them for 
thofe ends- Thefe arc the children, faith J .nob, • 

5.5- which Ov 1 huh jgricioftfty 
vant, hep'r.e h food t<> all flefh rgd.ay* He 

gave the Ifraefites their corn, and their wine, and 

heir filvcr and their gold, //of.2.8. H 
veth u: ( faith the Ay ity all things to en] 

r T7/u.<j.i7. And thus God hath given eternal life to 
all men in his Son , 1 Job. 5. 10,1 1. So God being 
nen, when he only ariordeih 
unto therrt the means thereof, jtff. 17.31. Thar faith 
which is obtained by the ufe of that mean;, mult 
E 3 need* 

*4 A Doore of Salvation 

n eeds be acknowledged to be his gift alio. And there- 
fore as the Scriptures teftimony , that falvation is of 
grace, and the gift of God, is no fufticient evidence 
to prove, that therefore it is conferred upon men any 
otherwife then in the nature of a reward and reconv 
pence of their obedience, repentance, fac* So nei- 
ther is the Scriptures evidence, That faith is the gift 
of God, a fufticient ground to prove, that therefore it 
is either infufed into mens hearts by the Spirit of 
God, or intruded upon them by the irrefiftable ope- 
ration thereof, or that it is any otherwife obtained by 
them, then through the voluntary ufe and improve- 
ment of the means that God hath vouchfafed untjo 
them fcr that purpofe. 

It is declared, That God gave the Israelites bread 
from heaven, and fed them thereby, Pfal. 78.2$. 
Joh*6.$i. Deut.2.3. Aud yet none will from thence 
affirm, That he either infpired them therewith, or 
enforced them to eat thereof, or that their fuftentati- 
on thereby, did not wholly depend upon their own 
voluntary gathering and applying the fame thereunto, 
according as the Lord commanded, Exodus 16. i& 

To conclude therefore this Argument feeing(as ic was 
fliewed before) that God only regardeth the hearts 
of men- And that his love and difpleafui e is direfied 

towards them, accord- 
' * Life and death U there- ing to that which he 
firefaid to be in the power of obferveth to becho- 
the tongue, Prov. 18.21. And fen or refufed thereto, 
that by our words we (hall be vertue and vice, life 
pftifedy and by aur words we and death proceeding 
ffiaUbe condtmuedflltt 1 2.37, from thence, 4 " Pro- 4- 


Of cried unto all Aim. 55 

23. If that faich and 
repentance did not 
proceed frcm the free 
and voluntary choice 
of mans will, as there- 
by in thefighc of God 
.hefticnld not be di- 
'ftinguiflird fiorn the 
•impenitent and difo- 
[focdicnt \ fc neither 
fhould he finde any 
favour 01 acceptation 
with God by rcafon 
thereof, or receive a- 
eward from him 
at the lafr day for the 
fame- If 1 doe this 

becaufe that the longue k \ 
juftofed to be the infallible In - 
te v preter of the hearty and tka 
nothing it uttered by the one^ 
which U not fir ft cbofen, Ami 
determined in the other, Mat- 
12.34. which plain!) arguetk, 
That all vertue and vice pro- 
cecdethfiam thence y a::d that 
every mans 'judgement in the 
day ofCbrift, /ha!! be, not ac- 
cording 10 fuel) thought* or a' 
ttions whereunio they were en- 
forced, but according to that 
which wns ft eel) chofen, em- 
braced and accepted by tlyem in 

their own hearts. 
thing willingly ( faith Paul J I have a reward, 1 ( 
if but orherwife not, as his words doe clearly 

And therefore to the end that all men may obtain 
eternal life , life and death being by Almighty God fet 
before them, Df at. 30. 19.it ccnccrneth them ro heark- 
en diligenrly to wifdoms voice, calling upon them to 
choofe the fear of the Lord, Frov. 1 .29. And from a 
jthankfull app/ehenfion of his gocdneile difcovered un- 
ite them, wichuprightnefie of heart to apply them- 
selves to the- obedience of him '■> and that vlutfoevev 
they doe, to doe it willingly, and act grudgingly 1 
nor of necefiity, knowing that he only loverh rlre 
cheaifull giver : from whence the widdows miter be- 
ing offered with aftccYi en, becometh a moft accepta- 
ble facrifice unto him . He defireth not to reap,wbere 
E 4 he 

$6 A Doore of Salvation 

he hath not firft fowed, yet he expefteth from us, ac- 
cording to the talents delivered unto us, the which 
therefore every man ought faithfully to improve- And 
ill fo doing, when the Lord fhall return to take an 
'account of his fervants, he may afiuredly conclude, 
That he will gracioufly imbrace and receive him with 
this heavenly Eulogy, Well done good and faithfnll 
fervant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord, when the 
wicked and ilotbfull fervant fhali be caft into* outer 

C H A P. VI I L 

Servetbfor the clearing of 'jucb Texts cf Scripture^ 
which feem to imfly a disability in men to im- 
prove the means vouchsafed unto tbem for their t 

AGainft that which hath been faid there are two 
main Objections , which require feme further 
Anfwer to be given unto them 3 Tfe &"ft °f which h 
grounded upon fuch Sciiptures-vvMch feem to imply a 
difability in men to improve the means vouch&fed to 
their falvation : The fecond is grounded upon fuch c- 
rher Scriptures which feem to import repentance, faith, 
fyc. to be neceffitated in men by the irrefiftable pow- 
er ofGoct. 

The Scriptures appertaining to the firft of thefe Ob- 
jecYions are thefe and fuch like, Ephef-2. 1,2,3. iCor. 
■2.14- John 5.44. 2 Cor. 3.5, which in order I mail 


Opined unto all Men. 5 7 

endeavour to clear, and fo proceed co thofe which be- 
long co the fecond. 

I- From the firft of thete Eph?f.2. 1,2,5. die words 
whereof are as followeth ( And you hath he quickned 
who were dead hi trefpafles and fins. Where in times 
part ye walked , according co the courfe of 
this world, according ro the prince of the power 
Gftheair,£rc. fulfilling the lufts of the flefh, and of 
the iincte, and were by nature the children of wrath) 
Its conceived that a man deprived of his natural life, is 
not more incapable oi ng the actions of living 

men then a man in his natural condition, is of per- 
forming any thing required of him to his -Salvation. 
'Which \vi i ! appear very incredible, if that we doe but 
confider, that the Scriptures doe evidently declare, 
1 that God requireth net of any men, but according to 
the talents delivered, unto them, he requireth not five* 
where he giveth but two, nor two, where he giverh 
but one, not' yet one, wheichehath not vouchsafed 
If ye were blinde ' (faith Chriit) ye had not fin, 
. •■-?• 

2. Therefore fecondly, I arifwer, That although 
'that this text doth declare, that the Ephefaiu were 
in trefpafles and fins : Vet \t doth hot argtae that 
'they were necdfarily dead therein, or that they n 
hot have avoided the lame, for mens being bad is no 
good ground to prove that they could not be good. If 
that they were neceflarity fncli, it mult be either by 
reafon that they were fuch by birth, or elfe through 
.want of inltmcTion, but that they were fuch by birth, 
car, nor be gathered from this text- 

I. Becaufe that thofe fins and rrefpafies, wherein 
'they arc faid robe c-caJ, arc declared to be fucb, as 


5^ A Doore of Salvation 

relate to their convention, and time of ripe age,they 
walked according to the courfe of this world, the 
prince that mleth in the air, fulfilled the detires of the 
minde, fyc. which is not incident to the eftate of in- 

2. [twasobferved before, That all fins have their 
original in the wils cf men *, and then forafmuch as 
children cannot diftinguifh betwixt good and evil, 
DfNM.39. they cancoc poffibly choofe the thing that 
is evil y and therefore cannot be guilty thereof, rcucl 
lefle dead therein- 

If it be objected, That they are faid to be the chil- 
dren of wrath by nature- 
Its anfwered, Tliat by nature in this place probably 
may be underltood that flefnly, fenfuall cr devilnh 
courfe of life, wherein they had their converfat'en 
( for fo the word naturall in the 3. Chapter of lames 
the i$.verfe, compared with the nmrgent, appear- 
eth to be rendered ) in reference unto which, they 
may here be faid, to be children of wrath : Bur if that 
thereby we muft underftand their eftate by birth, then 
in that refpeS are they to be efteemed none otherwife 

the children of wra th, [ 
* By wrath in thU place tannot then as they were fub- 
poffibly be underftood the con- jeci to the wrath or 
demnatlon of hell, becaufe that curfe of mortality, in- 
funifbment relates to the rcfur- herein to their na- 
refrion, which could not have tures by their defcenc 
been had not Chrift died and fiom Adam *. From 
rofe again j and t fore fore the whence being ranfom- 
curfe ef the fall ("of which on- ed by the death and 
iy we are chargeable' by no,- refurre&ion of lefus 
turej muft oftiecefftty end in Chnft , the more to 


. ^ 

Opened unto all Men. 5 9 

c ndear them unto the grave , and the being of 
Jiim for his goodnelfc fallen Adam, there ceafing, no 
towards them there- funijbment be) end the fame can 
in, the Apoftle in this be inflifted. And therefore 
place may put them in the wrath or condemnation of 
minde thereof. bell mufi ofnecejfity be proper 

And as they were to the being that it to come,and 
not dead in trefpaiTes the reward of difobedience in 
and fins by birth : So thefecond Adam, and not of 
'neither were they our fall in the firft Adam, 
dead therein through wane of divine illumination 
or demonftiation ( though that neither the Mofakal 
Law r Doclrine of the Prophets, or of Chrift, were 
delivered unto them) as appeareth by Atl-iq.iy. 
where we reade that Paul and Barnabas having before 
reproved the men ofLyflra, for walking after ftrange 
gods, and facriricing unto them (to convince them, 
and difcover to us, that k was not through want of 
divine evidence that they fo walked) They declare, 
that God did not leave himfelf without witneffe, that 
he only ought to have been worfhipped by them, in 
that he did them good, and gave them rain from hea- 
ven, filling their hearts with food and gladnefte : and 
the fame Apoftle further declareth , in Rom- 1. 19. 
That that which may be known of God was manife-ft 
unto them ( to wit the Gentiles J for God fhewed it 
avothera: For the invifible things of him ffaith 
lej from the Creation of the world, are clearly feen, 
3eing understood by the things that are ntade, even his 

tenia 1 power and Godhead. 

And yet the more fully to evidence this truth, 

nverfiiy it's plainly declared, that bv the afore- 
aid means they did attain to the knowledge of God, 


60 ADoore of Sdvation. 

and of that worihip thafrhe required of them, when 
they knew God, faith the text, they glorified him, 
not .as God, neither were thankfull, $rc But know- 
ing the judgement of God* that rhey which did com- 
mit fuch thuigs, were, worthy of death, did not only 
doe the fame, but took plcafure in thofe true did 
them, vcrfez. And thereupon in Cbap.2-i,%. are 
declared to be tfkhoat excufe, both in their difobedi- 
enteand condemnation. 

2.. This is yet more clearly demonftrated by the< 
words of the ApcS13i in Cib^.^TajiS-^When tte 
Gentiles fhnhhcj which have not the Law, doe 
by nature die things contained in the Law : thefe hi 
viag not the Law are a Law unto themfdves, which 
lheweth the work of the Law written in their he 
their conferences alfo bearing them witiicffe, and cheif 
thoaghes in the mean while acceding and excufmg ob* 
another in the day; when God fhall judge the fecreii 
of men by IeiusXhrift. In which words thele twe 
things are plainly declared; Firft, Tha" whatibever 
was neceiforily required of them to their -falvation 
fully known unto them. Secondly, That the think* 
io known by them, was within their power to perform 
and pra&ife. That tlieir duty was fully knowne 
unco them , he demonftraterh from thefe two 

i. That feme of them did perforate' the fanraC 
which according as he argued!, they, could not have 
done, had they been ■ -ignorant thereof, when the 
Gentiles ( faith he J dee by nature the things 
contained m the Law, they fhew thereby, 
that they have the. worke of the written in their 

j 4 Fiorr 

Opened unto all Men. 6l 

2. From hence (^i*.) iha: thole of them wiiich 
id not per forme the things required of chetn ro their 
alvation, had therein confciences accufins them a: 
»refent (andfnould accufe them) by reatcu thereof in 
he day when God fhal judpe the fearers of men by ]e- 
js Chrift j the which ihould be impoifibie, were noc 
he fame things known and underftood by them, as we 
iay perceive by a very plain inftanee, in Gen. 20. 
■'here we read, That Abimelech having raken unto him 
ibrahims wife,upon his denying her to be his Wife, 
nd of Gods threatning him with death, in caie that he 
id not reftore her again unto him, he net being privy 
o himfelf of any evil committed therein \ Id 
trf. the 4. and 5- thus replierh in his own defence, 
^ord wilt thcualfo Hay a righteous Nation? Said he 
ioc unto me (he is my filter \ And the, even fhe her 
elf faid,He is my brother', in the integrity of my heart 
nd mnocency cf my hands I have done this > the 
ihich grounds alfo ferve plainly to demoBl'irate the 
ruth of the later portion, (t/7^.) 

required of diem to their 
lalvaticn, v/as within their pesver to be pet formed by 
hem. For by the fame reaton that fomc perlormed 
hem by nature - , others in the fame condition might 
uvc done fo likewiie, i\\& cciifcjoufuelie tiut tney 
rould not performe them, being known unto diem, 
ivoulJ quiet their niindes both in this world , and ac 
he day ofChriit, as much asconfaioufnefieoMiek ig- 
1 the competence; of a man 
n the cmiflion or mifdoing 01 his duty r.c: LMidcr- 
iood, acquitteth him therein on. tii ground, 

Fhjt the doing or right i*-i s utv 

:o nim ; nor •idca- 

■Lt vouis, 

62 A Doore of Salvation 

vours 7 the which ground of impoffibility, to performe 
his duty will appeafe his confcience in the omifiion 
thereof, in any other cafe whatfoever. And thus this 
Objeftion with the ground thereof is taken away. 

Thefecond text is, I Cor. 2. 14. the words whereof 
are thcfe : But the naturall man perceiveth nor the 
things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolifhnes un- 
to him,neither can he know theni becaufe they areSpi- 
ritually difcemed j from whence it is fuppofed that no 
man in the eftate of nature, not endued with the Spi- 
rit of God, can pofiibly underftand or doe any thing 
required of him to his Salvation. 

1. The groundlefneffc of this fuppofition was 
clearly difproved before, by the testimony of the Apo- 
ftle, concerning the Gentiles , their doing, by nature 
the things required of them to their luftiftcation and 

2. But yet die more fully to take away the ground 
thereof. By the things of the Spirit in this place mult 
needs be understood, either fach things which are pe- 
culiar to the Spirits revelation to thofe which after 
their believing have received the fame, according ta 
hhn 1 5. 12. where Chrift telle th his Difciples , That 
he had many things to fay unto them,whichthey could 
not then (vfe before the Spirit was given unto them) 
bear: How be it (faith he) the Spirit of Truth when 
he is come, he will guide you into all Truth, and will 
fhewyou things to come. Or elfe fecondty, By the 
thingsof the Spirit muft be imderftood the Dodrinc 
cftheGofpel in general 1, mentioned chap. 1. 17, 18. 
21. 2. 4- $. By the wifdome of the World is accounted 
foolifhnefie. If that the things of the Spirit be taken 
ill Ae firft acceptation,^! may be conceived from the 

12, and 

Opened unto all Men. 6 % 

12 , and 13, verfes, where the Apoftle intimateth, that 
the things whereof he here fpeaketh, were none otheF 
then what was revealed or taught unto himfelf and o- 
thers> by the Spirit which they had received) then this 
text pretendeth not at all to prove, thar men in the 
eftate of nature cannot perceive or doe any thing re- 
quired of them to their Salvation, but only that none 
can undcrftand the myrteries or fecrets of die King- 
dome of God, untill firft they believe the Gofpel,Mzr. 
1 3 • 1 1 • and are Baptized wi th the H6ly Ghoft *, which 
the World cannot receive, John 14. 17. Nor yet fe- 
condly, If that by the things of the Spirit are under- 
stood the Doftrine of the Gofpel in generakk will not 
thereupon follow, that a man in the eftate of nature, 
by the exercife of his underttanding, cannot perceive 
or receive the knowledge thereof, when it is plainly 
preached>and by the evidence of 1 he Spirit deraonftra- 
ted unto him. Seeing it is manifeft by the Scripturer* 
that the very worft of naturall men, The Ruler?, 
Scribes and Pharifees, have attained :o the knowledge 
of the moft fundamental! points of Chriltianhy; under 
which the whole Doflrine therof is comprehended. As 
1 They believed that there was a God. 2. They befiev- 
that jefus Chrift was the Mefiias and Saviour of the 
World, and fo confequently that his whole Doftrine 
was none other theH the undoubted Oracles of God, 
Iobn. 2.23,24,25. John 12. 42,42. And thirdly, They 
believed the redirection of the juft and of the uniuft, 
AR* 23. 7,9. A&f 24. 15. And rle Gofpel being 
thus underftood by men, they are thereby fuhiciendy 
enabled to the 1 obedience thereof , whence it is that 
the Scriptures unto fuch perfons fpeaketh on this 
wAi Receive not the grace of God in vain; having 


64 A Doore of Salvation 

thefe promifes, let us cleanfe our telves from all tikhi- 
nefleoftiefhand fpirit, and pel fed holineffe in the 
fear of God.He that knowerh todo wel,and doth no:, 
or that knpweth his mailers v/il,and doth ir not^to him 
it is fin,and lie fhall be beaten with many ftripefr ouch 
manner of fpeech alwaies prefuppollngan ability in the 
perfons ro whom it is directed to improve thofan.e to 
rhe end thereof. 

i Wherefore we are not to conceive (that becaufe ir 
isfaid, Thenatundlmanpercciveth not the things of 
the fpirit> nor can receive them ) that There- 
fore no man deftitute 
ofthe fpirit can poffi- 
bly underhand or give 
obedience to the Go- 
fpel of Chrift, when 
it if -evidently (in the 
preaching thereof) 
demonftrated unto' 
them. But we are 
thereby given co 
Know, That? no man 
whatfoever meafuring 
the Gofpel of Grace, 
teaching him to deny 
al ungodlines &world- 
ly iuii,& to live right- 
eouily,foberly& godly 
in this prefent world* 

fydit. 2. ii,i2-J by 
the natural, earthly 8c 
fenfual principles and 
wifcfoir* of rhe world * 
( reaching 

* -S.John in hk 1 }o\\.2.iy ex- 
horting not to love the world, 
nor the things that are \herein y 
inver.id, teacheth m, what 
he would have Hi to under [land 
thereby fvi^J tie lujis of 
ihefiefh, the luftsiof the eyes, 
and the pride of life j whereby 
we are affe taught to under- 
ftandj&brreunlo the wifdome of 
tbt world, fc often ffoken of in 
thefirftyfecond and third Chap. 
of the 1 Cor. k ta be confined 
C\\l.J to the promoting and 
accomflijhing the fore-faid 
ends, becaufe that it cannot 
extend beyond it felf, or direll 
mtn unto any thing that is not 
comprehended therein , the 
which may ferve to admonijh 
all men to beware of branding 

Opened unto all Men. 65 

'teaching him to de- the vertuout and juft princi- 
iy all godl'metfe and pals , whether of the Hea- 
>codnes in this world, then s> or any other ferfons 
indto live according whatsoever ( 'though learned 
o the lufts of the in the iookof Creation only J 
lefh, the lofts of the with the odious infamy of 
?yes, and pride of worldly wifdom : An evil too 
ife, 1 Joh-i-iC. can ordinary in our times. 
X)flibly receive the 

ame, and become obedient thereunto, but mint re- 
eft it as foolilhnerYe. God and the world, the wif- 
JomeofGod, and the wifdome cf the world, being 
3 direftly oppofite and contrary each unto other, 
"hacwhofc ever will love the one, muft hare the o- 
ler ', or that will embrace the one, muft reject the 
ther- If any man, faith James , will be a friend 
) the world, he muft be an enemy unto Gcd, 
hmes 4.4. 

Jofiua having put it to die Israelites choice, whe- 

ier they would ferve the Lord, cr the gods tliac 

*cir bathers had woifhipped, Chap. 24.1$. And they 

living in* anfwer thereunto declared, Thar they 

Ould ferve the Lord only, verf\ 8. He replieth unto 

fern, Wf/'.io. in thefe words (Te cannot fe t v e toe 

ord J wherein his meaning is not, that it was im- 

oflible for them to ferve the Lord ( for then he 

ould not have put it to their choice, whether they 

fould ferve him or not ) but his meaning is, that ihey 

puld not ferve him acceptably, unlefle they did 

y cleave unto him, and rejeft Idols, verf. 14-1^. 

etfife in this place, when the Apoftlcfairh,Thac 

curalman cannot receive the things of the Spr 

jod (that is to fay, approve and fubjeft him- 

F b 

66 A Doore of Salvation 


CtJfto the wifdomeand inftru&ion of God, contained v 
in the doctrine of the Gofpel) wc may not fuppofe 
that thereby h^ concludeth it abfolutcly impoftible 
for them fo Co do > but impoflible only fo long as they 
retain and nouriih in themfelves the vicious vvifdome 
of the world; whereby they are inftrufted to gain- 
fay, ref.ft and oppofe all godlinefie, vertue and ho- 

The third Text, is, loh. 6*44.. The words whereof 
are thefe, No man can come unto me, except the 
Father that fent me dravy him. From whence it is or- 
dinarily fuppofed, That no man can believe in Jefus 
Chrift, except that he be neceflarily en forced there- 
unto by an immediate exercife or operation of the 
power of God upon his foul- 

For anfwer whereunto, I defire that it may be ob- 
ferved , that this word f draw J whereupon the 
whole weight of this Obje&ion ftandeth, is diverfty 
underftocd in the Scriptures, and is not alwaies ta 
ken for a necefiary compulsion, as it is here fuppofed; 
but ordinarily for an argumentative perfwafion only. 
asappearethbyyl#.$.37. Where (fpeaking concern- 
ing one Judas, afeducer of the people) it is laid- 
That he drew away much people after him. As alfc 
by the words of the Apoftle, in AU. 20.30. where Ik 
declared! to the Church, That from amongft them- 
felves men mould arife, fpeaking perverfe things, anc 
fliould draw away Difciples after them. And tha 
God only draweth merf to the love of himfelf, tin 
Faith and Obedience of Chrift, by the difcovery,$ ; 
his goodncfe towards them , and of the danger 
their ingratitude towards him, doth evidently a] 
by thefe following Scriptures, Hofea u. 3,4. when 


Opened unto all men. 6 7 

' concerning backfliding Ifrael, \*hcfe goodneslike 
he morning dew parTed away ) the Lord thus fpeak- 
^th, I taught Ephraim alio to goe, taking them by 
;heir arms, but they know that I heah d them, I drew 
hem with cords of a man, with bands of love, and I 
was ro them as one that taketh of the yoke on the jaws, 
ind I laid meat unto them. And in /&&. 10.38,39. 
rhe juft fhall live by faith i but if any man draw back 
faith the Lord ) my foul fhall have no pleafure in 
him. But we are not of thofe (faith the Apoftle) 
.hat draw back to perdition, but of thofe that believe 
to the faviri£ of their foul. 

In which Scriptures aredifcovered(befjdes the means 
thereby Gcd draweth men) thefe two things- 

i . That God draweth all men, the backfiiding 5 and 
:hofe that draw back to perdition, as well as thofe that: 
believe to the faving of their fouls. And 

2. That he fo draweth none, but that pofiibly I 
may draw back to perdition (as Ephraim, and' th^fe 
xhers fuppofed in -the later Text) it being other - 
wife to no purpole, to prefcnt men, with the danger of 
Irawing back, nor would it be any matter of commen- 
dations, either in the Apoftle, or that number where- 
with he joyneth himfelf, that they did not draw back, 
is well as others : For what praife is it not to draw 
sack, when as it is impoffible fo to do. 

Secondly, The words of the Text, compared wich 
he former, and following verfes, doeclearlv import, 
That the drawing of the Father, whereof Chri ft i. 
confiftcthonly in external means, and dec; 
initroftion delivered imto men by his preaching In 
jtrf.41. Chrift declaring himfelf to he the living bread 

' Cfl)i ^fromheaven,whichgiv<tt 

Fa i:r 


A Doore of Salvation 

life unto the world, and that by eating thereof, a man 
ftionld live for ever ( of which he had fpoken before, 
verf. 55. 3> ) And tlje jews carnally weighing his* 
words therein; and not connecting that he fpake not 
unto them concerning material bread, wherewith 
their natural lives ikould be fnftained- In verf-4i,42. 
Murmur againfthim, faying, Is not tliis lefus the few 
ofhfrpb, whole father and mother we know * How 
then faith he, I came down from heaven ? Whereup- 
on in verf.4$,44,4v Chrift that he might remove from 
before them the occaiion of their ftumbling at him, by 
leafoa of his parentage, and inftruft them by what 
means they fhould attain to the Belief and Obedience 
of his Doftrine j anfwereth them to this efteft, AW 
though that my father and mother be known unto" 
you, yet notwithftaodmg, murmur not againft me,be- 
caufe I faid, I am the bread which came down from 
heaven, to give life unto the world : For it is not my 
bodies descending from heaven, but the promifed : 
Grace of God touching your Redemption, Refun eftt- ; 
on, and eternal Salvation thorow my Death, and Obe : f 
dience to my doftrine, which I intend, when I k| 
fpake unto you, the which you cannot receive^except^ 
s my Father which lent me, draw you, according as ici 
is written in the Prophets, They fhall be all taught of 
God i Every man therefore which hath heard and* 
learned of the Father CyiKs received his inftruftion, 
and fubmitred themfelves thereunto) cometh unto; 
me. Arid then in verf.46. leaft that he fhould be mi- 
Itaken in what he had here faid concerning the Fa- 
thers drawing and teaching,and be thought thereby to 
affirm,That none could believe him to be the bread of 
life 8c Saviour of the world,except that the Fatherim- 


Opened Tinto all Men. 69 

mediately in his own perfon,or by his fpirit fhculd in 
(truer then? therein,& enforce them thereunto-He fub- 
joyneth thefe words, Not that any man Iiath feen the 
Father at any time,fave he that is of God,he hath feen 
the Father i intimating thereby, That although that 
the Father teacheth men, yet he teacheth them not 
perfonally or immediate Iv, but mediately by the Mi- 
niftery of his Sonne, who is God with us, Mat.i.zj* 
and (exit into the world, to the cod? that we may te 
taught of God by him, according to thefe plain 
p cures, 7«/j.i.i3. heb-i.2- hhj*l6* lob. 12.49, so- 
So that when it is Uid, That none can come onto 
Chrift, except that he be drawn thereunto by the 
teaching of the Father i The meaning thereof is only 
this, That no man can receive jefusChiift to be the 
Saviour of the world, and become obedient unto him> 
except that he hear and rtara,be drawn and perfvvaded 
thereto by the infuuetion of the Father , in the I 
fiery of his Son. 

iourth Text allcadged to prove men incapa- 
ble of improving the means of falvaticn, is, 2 Ctn . 
rhe words whereof are thefe, Not that we are fuffici- 
cot of our felves to think any thing, as of our -felvo, 
3iir our fufliciency is of God. 

1. To which i aniwer, hift, That this Scripture b 
leaft of all to the piupofe for which it is alleadged, fee- 
ing that it is not pleaded, that of our felves, a* of our 
Telves, or as we are men limply completed, without ci- 
ther having the Law written in our hearts, or fome 
diicovery made unto us of our deliverance from mor- 
rality and happineifc in the world to came, to thinke 
my good thought, either towaids God, or of reform- 
ing our felves according to the rules of vcrtue or Chri- 
V 3 ftianianicy* 

70 A Doore of Salvation 

ft ; anity. It being according to the teftimony of the 
Apoftle, if that the dead were not raifed, and con- 
fequently no felicity to be expe&ed after death, our 
only wifdome to eat and drink, to free and ac- 
quit our felves from all manner of troubles and fufter- 
ings whatfoever in this world (as for confeience fake)' 
1Or.15.32. with the 19. 31, 2,2. To fill our felves 
with coftly wine 3nd ointments, and to let no flower 
ofthefpringpafie by us, to crown our felves with 
Rofe-buds, before they be withered, and to leave 
tokens of our joyfulnefie in every place, it being our 
portion and only lot, Wifd.2. 7,8,9. Its thorow Faith 
only in the Refurreclion and eternal Salvation, that' 
we overcome the world, iIobn<.4.> The crolle of 
Chrift cruciiieth us to the world, Gal.6.14. The bloud 
of Chrift, or the bloud of the Covenant fancYifieth" us ; 
in the' world, Heb. 16.29. And we love God, and 
keep his Commandments, becaufe he hath commend- 
ed his love unto us. by fending his Son into the world, 
that we might live thorow him,i Iob~i. ip.with v.o,ta., 
£ cap. 5.3. 

But the intent of the Apoftle in this place doth ma* 
nifeltly appear to be only this C^'iK.O That neither 4 
hehimfelf, nor any other of the Apoftles were off 
themfelves, fufheient to think or conceive that glorrl 
ous Miniftery that was committed unto them. For hi- 
ving in the %'Xttte declared, That the Corinthians: 
were the Epiftle of Chrift miniftred by them, not- 
written with inke, but with the Spirit of God, not in 
rabies of ftone, but in tiefnly tables of their hearts, 
leaft that they fhould think of them, above* 
that which was meet , 1 Cor* 4. 6. And afcribe 
honour of this miniftration unto them ; as if that rl 

Opened unto all Men. 71 

Radnor received it, 1 Cor .4. ft 7- In the fifth an<! 
fixth verfes, he addeth thefe words, Not that we are 
fnfficientofour felves to think any thing, as of our 
felves, but onr fuftkiency is of God, who hath made 
us able Minifters of the new Ttftament, not of the 
letter, hjtof thefpirit. And therefore in 1 Cor.4.1, 
defireth, that they fhould account of them only ^5 Mi- 
nifters and Stewards of thefe things. 

So that all that can rationally be inferr'd from 
hence, is only this. That like as the Apcftles of them- 
felves yvere not fufficient to conceive that Minifterie, 
that was given unto them, nor to accompliih any fuch 
things, as wereeffefteH m men thereby : So neither 
are any men iufficienr of themielves to conceive or be- 
lieve the things declared therein, or to purine their 
hearts thereby, imleife that die fame be revealed unto 
them : Faith herein (and file eftefts thereof) being 
by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, Rem. 

1 Some other Scriptures there are of this nature, hue 
the anfwers to thefe duly conlidered, may be fufficiefit 
to enlighten any indifferent mans undemanding ther- 
in. And therefore I fhall proceed to anfwer to the 
fecond mamObjecTion,and to fuch principal Scriptures 
which belong thereunto. 

F 4 CHAP- 

A Doore of Salvation 


Containing [everatf Anfwers for the clearing of 
fuch Scriptures, which feem to import faith to 
beneceptatedintnen by the irrefiffable power 


THe Scriptures alleadged in favour of the fecond 
main Objection, are fuch as thefe, Rom.2. 2%,2p, 
30. Pbil.2.i$* tbil.1.19. 2T///1.2.25. A0m.11. 5, - 
6. Jer.31.is. 

1. From the firft of which, the words whereof are 
thefe ( And we know that all things work together 
for good to them that love God , to them who are 
the chofen according to his purpofe j for whom 
he did fore-know , lie alfo did predeftinate to 
be conformed to the Image of his Sonne? Moreo- 
ver whom he did predeit'inate , them he alfo cal- 
led, and whom he called, them he juftified,&r. ) Its 
conceived that of man-kindefo Hen in Adam, God in 
that eftate before the world, chofe a certain number 
thereof unto himfelf for his fons and dan jhters. And 
that in reference thereunto in time begetteth them 
to faith,in his Son juftifieth them,(£rc 

1. To which I anfwer, firft, That none are chofen 
to Adoption or Salvation before the world, otherwife 
then in relation to their obedience to thofe duties 
vhich God in the Scriptures by lefus Chrift , and his 
Apoftles requirech of men unto thofe ends ; 2 77/tm •?• ; 


Opened nnto all Men. 7 3 

_ * 

'with the 10. TzM.1,2. with die 3. 

2. Secondly, The Scriptures doe pofitively declare, 
That election is only in IefusChiih, Epbef. 1.5. with 
the 2 Thejf.2.13. God hath chofen you to Salvation 
from the beginning, through fan&itiea:ion and belief 
cf the truth. 

3. IfthatGodthonldchoofeniento Adoption and 
Solution Before the world, otherwife then in relation 
to their obedience to his will made known unto them, 
Then the will of God in this refpeft, fhouid be two- 
folJ, andcontradi&ionsinitfelfi The one whereby 
he choofeth and accep I option and Solvation, 
the wicked, difebeditf.: and impenitent: The other 
whereby he will net choofe, nor receive to adoption 
or Salvation, any other then the godly, Philip. 4. 3. 
the rich in faith, Jcim.z.%. The penitent, 2 Cor, 6. 
17,18. And obedient, Matth-z:. ; to the 
fourteenth, which contradiction is impciuble to be 
in God- 

4. Nor doth'the words of the Text prove the con- 
trary \ Wherein firft is laid down the happy eftare of 
thofe that are called according to purpofe, ver.iZ. 
And 2. the ground thereof, which in vet. 29. is de- 
clared to be thib ( ii^. ) That all thofe whom God 
fore- knew ( that is to fay before the world beheld in 
his Sonne through obedience unto him, who arc there- 
fore in verfe the i8. deiaibed to be fuch as love 
God, leaft that we fhouid conceive that God knew the 
workers of iniquity before time, whom he refufeth to 
own or know in time, Ato.7.23.) thofe hepredefti- 
nared, that they fhouid be conformable to the Image 
of his Sonne in glory, Phil. 3. 21. For the accom- 
pUihmen- whereof he udminiltrcth unto them the 
ITV mean 

74 A Doore of Salvation. 


means for their calling, and upon their obedience 
thereunto, receivcth them to juftiheation, and in the 
end to glory. 

The lecond text is, Phil. 2.13. the words are thefc: 
For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to 
doe cf his good pleafure. From whence it is concei- 
ved, That whitfoever any man willeth or doth accept- 
able unto God and tending to his Salvation, he is ne- 
ceflarily enforced diereunto by God. 

Anfw. For the removall whereof its to be obferved> 
That in the Scriptures things are apprehended unto 
God, as done by him upon feverall grounds : As 

1. Such tilings are faid to be done by him, which 
he only fuftereth, or permitted! to be done, Job 1. 

12 21- whether by men or devils, 70^.1.15,1^,17^ 

21. 706.2.7. with the 10. 

2. Such things are faid to be done by him, which 
are no otherwife cftefted, or brought to pane, then by 
the ufe and improvement of the means that he afford- 
ed! for the doing thereof. Thus he giveth man day by 
day his daily bread y and feedeth the young ravens that 
cry, Pf. 147.5?. 

3. Alfo fuch things are faid to be done by him* 
which he aftorde^h fit and necelfary means unto men 
for the doing of: Although that through their neglect 
orabufe of thofe means the fame he never accompliih- 
ed, E^ek: 24.13. becaufe I have purged thee, an 
thou waft not purged; therefore thou'fhalt not b 
purged from thy fikhines, untill I have ciufed my fu 
to reft upon thee. 

And that God in this fenfe only is feid to work 
the Philippianr, to\villand to doe, plainly appearerh 
by comparing the 12. verfe with the 13. where tfo 


Opened unto all Men. 7 5 

feme perfons are required, to work out their own fal- 
vation with fear and trembling , becaufe that God 
worketh in then?, &c whereby his working in them, 
to will and to doe, is neceftarily implied, to confift 
only in providing and yropounding prompt and fit 
means to induce and perfwade them to will, and to do 
the things, that in the former verfe is required of 
them, becaufe that otherwife the Argument which 
the^pcftle ufeth to ftirre them up, to work out their 
falvation with fear and trembling, fhould more fitly 
ferve to perfwade them to fit ftil! and doe nothing,nor 
take any thought or care at all for that purpofo For 
if that God did work in them the will and the deed, 
which is all that is neceliary to falvation , there fhould 
then remain nothing at all on their part to be done 
thereunto. So that the words cf the Apoftle in this 
pLce> are to be underltood only j as if he fhould 
havefaid, Be you di. 

ligent and carefull *God wrought in the Pharifees 
to performe the and Law\ ers, to will and to do> 
tilings rhat God the things required of them to 
requireth of you to their Salvation, by the Mini- 
your Salvation * ', for firry of John : or elfe in reje- 
he ( is not wanting , Iting the fame, they could not It 
but ) aftorderh unto charged with fufkrating and 
you alnectlTary means reletting the couvfd of God 
to enable you there- within themfelves> Luke 7.50. 
unto. with the margent. 

3. And this may alfo ferve to enlighten us in the 
underftanding of Phil. 1.29. ( which is the next Scri- 
pture to be anfwered ) the words whereof are thefe : 
For uato you it is given in the behalf of Chrift, nor 


j 6 A Doore ofSahaticn 

only to believe on him, but alfo to fufter for his fake •> 
being delivered in the very fame nature as the former, 
(i^.)us a ground toperfwade the Philippians to hand 
faft in the Spirit with one minde, ltriving together for 
tlie Faith of the Gofpel, and in nothing to be terrified, 
by their adverfaries. Forafmuch as that which is made* 
the ground of an exortation^muft not only admit,but 
alfo with fome kinde of vehemency, ftirre up and pro- 
voke to induftry and diligence for the obtaining of 
whatsoever is from thence urged,prened or perfwaded 
untc- And that the prefence and aftured poffefTiou of 
a thing doth prohibit a man to feeke and endeavour 
after the fame, and any other to exhort him therunto', 
therefore the giving cf Faith and perfeverance in this 
place muft not be conceived to contift in the actnall 
conveiance thereof, but in the giving of fuch means 
and helps, through the ufe and well improvement 
whereof, they might be enabled to believe, and be- 
lieving to perfevere therein, to the end,againft all op- 
pofition whacfoever : becaufe that otherwise, the Apo- 
ftle muft be underftood to exhort them to ftrive for 
what they already have,or elfe to keep what they can- 
not loofe, yea to ftrive for them, becaufe that they 
have thefe things already and cannot loofe them,which 
is moft abfurd, and not to be imagined : And there- 
fore as God is faid to give food unto all iiefn,?/^/. 136. 
2$. By affording unto them means for the ob- 
taining thereof, Fyov. 10. 4. Frov. 20. 4. 

And as he is faid to give affuiance (or faith) unto all 
men (as touching the refurreftion and Judgement to 
come by Jefus Chrift) by his rneer granting unto them 
3 ground for their afliirance therein, Alls 17. 3. Even 
fo in this place God is faid to give unto thePhilippiaus 


!&*»&/ 'ft. 

Opened unto all Men. yy 

to believe in Chrift, and ro fuffer for his fake , by 
affording unto them means, through the improvement 
whereof, they were brought thereunto, and might be 
fiirni filed with power and ftrength to perftvere therm, 
againft ail the malice of their adverfaries. 

4 • The fourth text is the 2 Tim .2.25. the words 
arethefe, (17^.) In meekneffe inftrufting thofe that 
oppofe themlefcs : if God peradventure will give 
them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth ; 
from whence it is conceived, chat repentance is not to 
be obtained by the ufe of external! means, but is gi- 
ven unto men, or wrought in them by the immediate 
hand of God. 

Anjw. To which I anfwer , That this inference 
doth neither fuite with that which is exprcftinthe 
1 3, and 2i,verfes, afore-going in the chapter : nor yet 
with the text it felf. 

For fiift, in the 1 8, verf. it is declared, that forne by 
the errour of Hymemus and Phiktm (who raught,thac 
the refurrecTion was pair already) had their faith over- 
thrown, that is to fay, were thereby feduced to the be- 
lief of that opinion ', and from the deniall of that, the 
foundation of God and godlineife to Apoftates, from 
all the duties of Chriftianity, and workes of repent- 
ance, implved verfe ip, which muft needs be imputed 
either to fon-ie change and alteration in God, or elfc 
in themfelves; but unto God it cannot be imputed, for 
hechangeth not, Mat. 5. 6. His foundation ftandeth 
furej therefore it mult be imputed to themfelves : and 
if lb, tlien it muft thcrupon needs fcllow,That repent- 
ance in men is not any otherwife obtained, then 
eh their own improvement of the means vouch - 
fefoJ for that end j for if that it did not wholly de- 

y8 A Doore of Salvation 

pend upon themfelves, then it ihoulcl be altogether 
impofiible, either that any thing done or mif-done, o- 
mitted or committed, fhould be prejudiciall unto 
them in that refpeft. 

And that this is fo, doth further appear by that in 
the 21, verfe, the words whereof are as followeth : If 
a man therefore PURGE HIMSELF from 
thefe, he fhall be a veffell of honour, fanftined and 
meet for his Mafters ufe, &c. Wherein is plainly <ie- 
dared how, and by what means Sanftification (where- ' 
in repentance contifteth) is to be endeavoured and 
obtained, (i#tO That every man by the Doftrine of 
the RefurrecYion and Glory in the World to come, 
through conformity to Chriit, vcrfe u, 12. DOE 
PURGEHIMSELF from the forefaid opinions, 
with all the evil confequences thereof. Flee youthfull 
lufts, 2nd follow after righteoufnelfe, faith, charity*- 
peace, with thofe that call on the Lord out of a pure 
heart 5 the neglect whereof occalioned the falling a- 
way of thofe afore-mentioned, as by the coherence of 
thefe verfes doth manifeftly appear- 

2. Nor doth it any better (bite with die Text it : 
felf: wherein Timothy is required with meekneffe to 
inftrucl: thofe that oppofe themfelves, the end where- 
of, as alfo of Gods forbearance, being every where in 
the Scriptures declared to be none other than mens 
repentance > and therefore to whomfoever the fame is 
vouchfafed, the potTibility of their repentance there- 
by muft needs be fuppofed j becaufe ic doth not ftand 
with the wifdome of God to propound an end, from 
fuch means whereby it cannot poiTibly be eftefted. 
And its frequently robe obferved in Chrift, that he 
dircfteth his inftruftion only to thofe that have ears, 


Opened unto all Men. j$ 

rp hear. Mat. n. 15, 15, 43. Revc 2. 7, 11, 17, 29, 
/erfes, chapter $,6, 13, 22, verfes, Thereby doubtletfe 
roinfoi mcus, that if men were abfoluteiy urxapable 
af hearing andreceiving the Time, it fhould not at all 
be preached imro them. 

Eefides, It cannot be fuppofed, that God fhoirid 
command his fervants, to caft holy things unto Swine 
to be trampled under their feet,or to fpil the immor- 
all and incorniptible Seed of his \Vcrd,as water upon 
the ground, (the confequence of the contrary opini- 
on) feeing that it is delivered by him for a general! 
•ulc to be obferved by them*, That when men by their 
^reaching unto them were fully enlightened in the 
knowledge of his Grace, and of eternall Salvation 
Drought unto them by jefus Chrift , and fhculd then 
wilfully and ftubbornly reiefr the fame, put it from 
rhem, and judge themfelves unworthy thereof, (there- 
by declaring that no hopes of their repentance were 
to be expefted from thence) that then they fhould 
depart from them, and ceofe to preach any further un- 
rothem,^/f 19. 45^^47- 

And therefore it may not be imagined, that either 
the perfons intended in the text, whom Timothy \va> 
; equired to inftnict, or aiy other to whem the Gofpcl 
au- fa\% to be preached, were altogether uncapable of 
mproving the fame, to the end thereof. 

Which confidertd, 1 he meaning of the Apofllein 
this place, muft beunderftood only as if he fhould 
have commanded Timothy to inftruft with meeknefie, 
thofc that oppofe themfelves, becanic that parad 
Hire at one time or other they Blight heaik< 
to, lay it to heart, and impro- c the fame to their re- 
nice, £c. 


80 A Doore of Salvation 

God being (aid (as was (hewed before) not only to 
give unto us fuch tilings wherewith we are-immcdiatly 
pofieffed by his nicer devotion, but all fuch things 
likewife which are obtained by our laborious induftry, 
and improvement of the means vouchfafed unto us for ' 
thofc m&%: He giveth unto us richly ail things to 
enjoy, i 37m. 6. 17. Day by Day, he giveth unto us* 
our daily bread. 

$. The fifth text alleadgedj is Rom. 11. $, 6. The 
words are thefe, Even fo at this prefent rime alfo there'. 
is a remnant according to the Eleftion of Grace, and 
ifhy Grace, then is it no more cf workes, othe^wrfe- 
Grace is no more Grace : but if it be of workes, then 
it is no more of Grace, other* ife woike is no more 
worke*. From whence it is conceived that by the Co- 
venant of Grace, all workes on mens part,either in re- 
ference to their Eleftion or Salvation, are wholly ex- 
cluded j and that there is not any thing required to be 
done by them thereunto. 

Anfw. To which I anfwer: firft, That it was the 
td before in anfwer to Rom. 3. 28, 2p, 5c. Tliat Ele-v 
ftion is not in the firft, but in the fecoHd Adam > not i 
of the difobedient but of the repentant, godly, rich in I 
Faith, fyc which with comparing the 4, verfewith the- 
5, before alltadgcd, will receive further confirmation > 
For when iw the 4, verf. the Apofile having declared. 
That thofe whom Gcd referved to himfelf in the daies 
of Elitts, were fuch only who in obedience unto him, J 
refufed to bow the knee to the Image of Baal. In the 
5, verfe he addeth, That even fo at this prefent time 
alfo, there is a remnant according to the Eleftion of , 
Grace , which is as if he fhould have fa'-d, Whereas a 
great number of the Ifraelites are rejected andcaft oft, | 


Opened unto all Men. 81 

from the favour of Gcd, yon are not to conceive them 
to be fo rejected for an v other caufe, then for their 
wilmll and ftubborn difobedience againft his word re- 
vealed unto them, chap. 1.17. chap. ic. i3, 2 1. chap. 
1 f . 20. For as in the dates of Eliai he referved to him- 
feif, all thole that hearkened unto him, and refufed ro 
bow to the Image of Baal: Even fo likewife at this 
time he referveth to hirpfelf for his fonnes and daugh- 
ters, all thofe that fubmit themfelves to his righteouf- 
nefie, chap. 10. $. Harden not their hearts, Hebn 3. 8, 
17, 18, ip. Nor judge themfelves unworthy of eter- 
nall life, Alh 13. 46, 47. Nor yet doth he fo rejeft 
any of them for their unbelief', but that he will readily 
accept of them again, if due they doe not continue 
therein, Rom. 11-25. 

2. I anfwer, That when the Apoftle faith, That E- 
leftion to Salvation ;s not of workes, but cf Grace* he 
doth not thereby exclude all works in reference ther- 
Linto, but the workes of perfection, according to the 
law of innocency and creation',only from which eftate 
man-kinde being fallen, Eccl.*j. Zf. their juftincation 
ind Salvation thereby mult needs be altogether im- 

That Graced:th not exclude all Workes, doth evi- 
dently appear from hence, (viz-*) That integrity and 
lprightncs of hearcCwhich properly confifteth in a»ref- 
ly and chcarfuli conformity to all the Command n 
of God made known unto us, lb far forrh as opporruni- 
:v and ability doth arford )is required of every ma 
Vis Salvation, Gen. 17. 1, 2, 7. 1 Cijro 1 Wat, 6* 

4.8. Mat. 19. if, 17,21. 

In which refpect Chrift implieth the youog man, 

1 9 2 1, 29 . (that rcfuftd to fell all that he had 

G and 

82 A Doore of Salvation 

and give ro the poor, and to take up his Croffe anji 
follow h<m, when it was required of hiribto be imper- 
fect, and incapable of entring into eternall life. And 
S. John denieth that man to have the love of God 

dwelling in him, that 

* Abrahams integrity engaged 
him to offer up hit Son upon the 
Altar -, when it was required of 
him'-, and by offering of htm up,. 
he u [aid to' fulfill the Scrip- 
ture, which [aid that he belie- 
ved, God, Jam. 2. 22,. Which 
'plainly argueth that all knowne 
duties, or works within a mans 
power to be performed, are fo 
effentiall to integrity and' faith, 
that they cannot poffibly be di- 
ftingui(l)ed: whence Abraham, 
that one while U faidtobe'ju- 
ftified by faith, Rom. 4. 0. U 
ofherwhiles by S. James chap. 
2.2 1. declared to be jujiifed 
by worker. 

feeth his brother ftand 
in need, and fhutteth 
up his bowels of coin- 
pal Hon towards him, 
1 John 5. 17. And 
from hence it is, that 
S. Jamc-s declareth, 
That that faith which 
obtaineth juftifkation 
is made perfeft tho- 
rough workes, lames 
2. 21,22,22, *. For 
where workes (fuch as 
are within a mans 
power) are wanting, 
integrity is warning* 
and where integrity is 
wanting, faith is dca<J, 
verfe 17, 26. 

fitable, Gal 5. 6. And not to be diftinguifhed from 
-that of the Devil, .fam.v ip. 

And feeing then rhat all fuch workes which are 
within qpeas power tc performe, are required of them 
to theiF Salvation : It niuit needs be granted,^ hen the 
A\ :-ftle faith, That it is not of workes, that his mean- 
ing therin is none other, then that it is not of workes 
ofpeiiccrJon according to the lav/ of our creation, 
winch are impofliblc for any man to performe, fo as to 


Opened unto all Men. 83 

be juftifced thereby* Gal 2. i<5. And that the differ- 
ence betwixt Workes, and Grace, or che Law, and 
the Gofpel, ftandeth only in this, C V K- J That the 
firft requireth unto life, that which is impoflible unto 
men in their fallen eftate : the later no more then 
what is pojfible unto them therein j and ft) c 
quently,that life and Salvation which could no: be ob- 
tained by any through the covenant of v. orkes, may be 
obtained by all, through the covenant of Grace: which 
will more evidently appear, if it be considered. 

Firft, That rhe cniy and fpeciall reafon, why tlie 
firft Covenant v>ai repealed, and the kcond vouch- 
fafed, is declared to be this,f vi^.J That the tirft con!d 
not give life unto men, (that k to fay, in their fallen 
eftare, for in the eftate of innocency, jr mult needs be 
acknowledged it could) If there had been a Law that 
could have given life (faith the text, Ga!. 3-21.) veri- 
ly riglueoufnefie had been by the Law, bur hi 1'egard 
it could not, therefore . (as the words of the Apoftle 
to Hebr. 8. 6,7. doe plainly intimate) the Lord found 
Quit therewith,aboiiiked it, and gave unto men a more 
excellent Covenant inftead thereof, (that is to fay, a 
covenant wherby lalvation might be obtained by them 
in their fallen eftate) for, (eeing that die goodnefle o. 
3od, and h i Salvariou was fuch, as cau- 

ed him lO abolilli the tirlx Covenant, becagfe it could 
lot give life unto them: no realonable man can con- 
xive, that his faidgoodneue and love towards them 
vouldfurfer him togivc unto them a fecond Cove- 
lant, asfaulcy and unable, to give life unto them, as 
.ibolifhcd : and if not, Then foraimuch as by the 
atcr woil.u aie required to be performed by men to 
heir Salvation^ Well a* by the form** > dieexcellen- 
G 2 cy 

84 A Doore of Salvation 

cy of the later above die former , muft needs be ac- 
knowledged to confift only in this, (yi^.) That the 
workes required thereby, and the conditions upon 
which life is promifed therin, are performable by men 
in their fallen eftate, whereas thofc required thereun- 
to by the other were not. In which refpeft it is, that 
in the <5, verfe, the Apoftle declareth , that the later 
is eftablifhed upon better promifes, then the form- 

Secondly, That thefe that endeavoured to reduce 
men from the Doctrine of the Gofpel, to the obferva- 
tion of the Law, are by die Apoftles,j4#J" 15.10. char- 
ged with tempting God, by putting a yojk upon the 
necks of the Difciples, whkh they were not able to 
bear. And to the Galathians which were perverted by 
thofefalfe teachers,Pa«/in G<*/. 3.1,$* thuswriteth: O 
foolifh Galathians, who hath bewitched yon, that ye 
fhouldnot obey the truth J Are ye fo foolifh that ha- 
ving begun in the Spirit, are ye made perfect by the 
Law ? which plainly argueth, that the Doftrine of 
the Gofpel which they preached was no fuch yoak,be* 
caufe that then they themfelves in preaching the Go- 
fpel, & turning men from Mofes toChrift, fhould have 
bin liable to the fame reproof which they laid upon ci- 
thers : And as foolifh fhould the Galathians have been, 
m hearkening to them preaching the Gofpel: as they 
were in hearkening to the falfe Apoftles preaching the 
Law. For of two yoaks alike intolerable, wifdome di- 
refteth a man to choofe the one as foon as the other, 
and not to prefer the one before the other ; and tliere- 
fore unleffe that we will fuppofe the A pottles to be 
guilty of tempting God in the faqie nature, wherein 
they accufe and cenfare others; (and thereby to make 


Opened unto all Men. 85 

themfelves inexcufoble , both before God and men, 
Rom. 2. 1.) we muft needs conclude that the yoak or 
precepts of the Gofpel, which they endeavoured to 
impofe upon men, were not intolierabie or grievous, 
1 John 5. 3. Like unto thofe of the Law , but eafie 
and light, Mat. 11. 30. and fo confequently, that righ- 
teoufneffe, life and falvation impofiible by the former, 
ispoffible, and may be attained by the later. 

3. That Paul in the 2 Cor. 3. 7, 9. fpeaking of 
the Law, callethit the Miniftration of death and of 
condemnation. And contrariwife fpeaking of the Go- 
fpel, or New Teftament, he calleth it the miniftration 
of righteuufnefie 3 and in verfe the £, faith, That the firft 
killcrh, but the later give th life : Now forafmuch as 
the Law in it's own nature, is neither the miniftration 
of death nor condemnation,being holy, jnft and good, 
promifmg life, and would alfuredly bring us to the 
polTeffion thereof, could we but obferve what it requi- 
reth, or attain unto that cnginall innocency and puxi- 
ty in which we were created ', therefore ic is (o called 
on!y,in refpeft that in the neceffary confequence ther- 
of (by reafon of our inability to fulfill the lame) it be- 
commerh fuch unto us- And therefore if that the con- 
ditions of the new Covenant were no more perform- 
able then thofe of the Law : the Gofpel could noc 
be called, the miniftration of righteoufnefle and life a- 
ny more then the Law: becaufe it is the favour of death 
unto death , unto all thofe that difobey it as 
well as the Law, John 3. 1?. Hebr. 10. 28, 29. and 
conferreth neither righteoufnes nor life unto any that 
obferve it not, any more then the Law ; therefore 
vrhereas it is called, the miniftration of righceoufnefle 
Jud life, in oppotition to the Law, ic mult needs b<- 
G 5 

86 A Doore of Salvation 

nnderftcod in this refpec^That rightcoufnevTe, life and 
Salvation, impofllble by the Law, may be obtained by 

4. The fame Apoftle likewtfe difcourfmg of the 
two Covenants, in the ninth and tenth chapters of the 
Romans, and having hi the g2,vafe of the p. chapter, 
after a large difcourfe concerning the fame, concluded 
rightcoufnelfe not to be attainable by the Law: in the 
8,verfe of the 10. chapter, he declareth,That the righ- 
teoufneJTe that is by the Goipel, is nigh unto us (even 
in our mouthes and in our hearts) then which nothing 
can be more near unto us. And in Dent. 30. 11,12,1 3, 
14. w hereunto he hath allufion, to prevent all objecti- 
ons concerning this thing, Mofes thus fpeaketh : The 
commandment that I command thee this day, it is 
not hidden from thee, neither is k fane off : It is not 
in Heaven that thou fhoirldft fay, who fhall go up for 
us to Heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may tear 
k and do it. Neither is it beyond the Sea, that thou 
fhouldft fay^ who fhall goe over the Sea for us and 
bring it unto us, that we may hear it and doe it ? But 
the word is nigh unto thee, in thy mouth awd in. thy 
heart, that ihou.rnaieft doe it , then which,what words 
can poffibly be ufed more emphatically to fet forth to 
our underftandings that righteoufnefTe which was im- 
pofiible by the Law, is not only poflible, but eafie to 
£e obtained by die Gofpel '■> it is not hidden from us 
flor for off, but near unco us, in our mouthes, and k 
our hearts, that we may doe it. Far from their opini- 
on that afrkme, That God muft bow the.Heavens and 
come down into our Souls, and mfufe into them fu- 
pernarurali light faith, &c before that we can either 
underffand or doe any thing Fequifite to our Salvation. 



Opened unto all mat. 8 7 

5. But to put this point cut of all difpute-Where- 
as the Scriptures do inrorme us, that according to the 
Law of worker There is none righteous} none that 
doth good, no, not one, Rom. 9. ic, 12. and yet not- 
withstanding doe alfo informe us. That Abel, Heb. 11. 
4. Noah, Gen 7. 1. Abimelech, Gen. 20. 4. Lot. 2 Pet. 
2,8. & Zechariah,Luke 1.6. were all of them righteous 
men. That Jacob Mat. 1.19. Simeon, Lkh^e 2-2^. Cor- 
nelius, were juft men, A8s ic 1, 22. That Jeb r chap. 
1. 18. Afa, 1 Chron. 15. 17. and others, wereu' r righc 
and perfect men, Phil. 3. 1$. That Akimaas the ibn 
of Zadockj 2 Sam. 18.27 a »a Barnabas the fon ofcon- 
folation, were both of them good men, Afts \\. 24. 
It muft therefore neceffanly foliow,That what was im- 
pofhble by the Law or covenant cf workes, is pcflible 
by the GofpeL, or covenant of Grace : and (hat righte- 
oufnefTe, juftice, goodnefs, and eternall Salvation, 
w hich could not be obtained by the former, hath, and 
may be obtained by the later. 

And yet notwithstanding, although *hat the Cove- 
nant of Grace (or the Gofpelj doth require to Salvati- 
on, the performance cf all fuch good workes, which 
are within our power :o pei forme j yet ought it, and 
that eminently to be efteemed by us a Covenant of 
Grace: and tha: for thefe refpefts- 

Firft, In regard of the time, fftate, and condition, 
wherein all man-kinde were) when this Covenant was 
vcuchfafed unto them. That is to fay, When all n±\\- 
kinde by rcafon of Adams tranfgreffon, were brought 
under the grrtlt of condemoat'u n, and tve; 
livion , having no eie to pity them, £7^ 

ibifity to deliver thenofclves from thence (but 
1 of nectfliiy have perilhed therein 
G 4 

88 A Doore of Salvation 

i Cor. \*>.\6, 17, 1 8.) That then Gcd the Father of 
all pity and companion, commended his love nnto 
them, Rom. i$. 8. and fonh ofhis "mfinite goodneffe, 
was gracioufly pleated by the death of lV*s only begot- 
ten Son, to pay the price of their redemption, to 
ranfome them from that eftate, 2 Cor. 5. 14. 1 Cor. 
15. 21,22. and to fay unto them, return from corrup- 
tion, yepeiiihing fans of men, and live, and in relati- 
on thereunto, to grantthis Covenant of life and Salva- 
tion unto them. 

2. That becaufe in this Covenant Gcd requireth 
of us lefle than his due, and no more then what in our 
fallen eftace we are fufficiently enabled to performe 
and render unto him , we owed unto him perfect in- 
nocency, being in creation made perfeft by him,£cc/. 
7. 29. heaskethofusbut integrity coniiftent with 
nocency and imperfeftion fo considered) as plainly 
appeareth by that which is fpoken concerning David, 

1 Kings 9. 4. Afa, 1 King* 15. 14. Simeon, Luke 2. 25. 
Cornelius, Afts 10. 22. and divers others, declared to 
be perfect, juft, and upright men, (notwithftanding 
all -their frailties, fenfurable by the covenant of works) 
and are by God approved and accepted, in reference 
to his covenant of Grace- 

3. In regard that although we have our lives of 
Grace, and that he asketh of us fo little in comparifon 
of what we are indebted unto him, he is fo bountiful, 
as to grant us a reward of all our workes, Hebr* 11. 6. 
ye fuch an exceeding great reward, that our light af- 
flictions which are but for a moment, worketh for us. 
a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory> 

2 Cor. 4. 17. 

That he fhould grant us any reward at all for any 


Opened unto all Men: 8 9 

fervice done unto him, (if we confider that it was no- 
thing but his owne which we gave unto him, that wc 
received it of him, and that we our felves likewife are 
his, and that by a double debt) it muit needs accord- 
ing to the humble confeffion of David, be acknowled- 
ged great bounty in him, 1 Chro. 2$- 13, 14^ 15, 16. 
but that he mould fo far regard cur bounden 2rlecTion> 
as to reward us for our very meancft workes, even for 
a cup of cold water given in his name j and to grant us 
fo great a reward for fo fmalia worke : as a Prophets 
reward (doubtles one of the greatest) for but receiving 
a Prophet in the name of a Prophet, Mat. 10.41. muit 
needs be acknowledged tranfcendent Grace, love thac 
pafjethall knowledge. 

The 6. Text is Jerem. 31. 31,32, 33, 54. the words 
whereof are as followtth : Eehold the daies come,faith 
the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the 
houfe of lfraely and with the houfe of Judab : Not ac- 
cording to the covenant that I made with their fathers 
in the day that I tooke them by the hand, to bring 
them out of the Land of Egypt j which covenant they 
brake, although that I was a husband unto them- Bur 
this (hall be the covenant thar I vill make with the 
houfe of Ifrael : After thofe daies faith the Lord, I wii 
put my Law in their inward pans,and write it in their 
hearts, &c. 

From whence it is ordinarily objected, That God 
hath covenanted neceifarily arid unavoidably to in- 
ftruft tome men in the knowledge ofhimfelf, and by 
putting his Lawes intp their hearts, to worke in them 
repentance, faith, fee. The which objection, as it fup- 
pofeth fome men to be more accepted and beloved of 
God, in the eftate of unbelief tl 'uth been 


5?o A Doore of Salvation 

often before difproved ; yet in regard that it hath fo 
teeming a countenance cf truth put upon it by this 
Scin mre , with fome others fpeaking in the fame 
language, I fhall further anrW thereunto, de- 

Firft, Thatitmaybeconfidered, that feeing there 
are but two Covenants known at any time to be given 
by God unto -men, the oi\e of works, the other of 
Grce : ail man-kinde muft be concluded, either 
to be under the firft, or under the later of 

i. But under the firft they are not, becaufe that 
God find nig fault therewith hath repealed it, caufed it 
to wax old, and tovanifh away, Heb^^"i^. 

2. Secondly , H:.th redeemed all men from the 
curfe and penalty therecf, death, G4/.3.13. 

3. Thirdly, Hath prohibited all men from feeking 
righreoufnefie thereby, A&s 15. 10. Romans 10. 
5. And therefore all men mult be concluded to 
be under the fecond. And not for thefe reafons only > 
Eur. alfo, 

4. Fourthly, Becaufe that the duties of the fecond 
Covenant C V K-J Repentance,^, is required of all, 
.i4#. 17.30- And 

5. Fifthly, That Salvation the end thereof is 
thereupon promifed unto all, whence thofe that 
perifh arc charged with neglefting Salvation, Heb. 
2. & 

d. Andlaftly, Becaufe than the fecond death, Rev. 
2-1 t. or condemnation inrlifted byChrift at the tart 
day, is none other then the penalty of the breach of 
the fecond Covenant. This is the condemnation of 
the world ( faith S.John J Chap.g.ip. That light h 


Opened unto all Mm. 9 1 

come into the world, and men love darknt& ra 
then light, becaufe their deeds are evil : Wl 
reaibn received! confirmation fircm hence, Thit Chiiit 
by a meft lively embleme in rhe Parable of rhe Taler.ts, 
hath declared unto ns, That God at that day will ie- 
quire nc more of any men, but according to rhe Ta- 
lents of Grace delivered onto them by himfelf, the 
Mediatour of the new Covenant, and will then con- 
demn none, but for not well ufing what they hid, fo 
received o( him. Whereupon it doth necefarily fel- 
low, That all men being under the new Covenant, 
whatfeever Grace neceflary to Salvation, is there- n r y 
God promifed unto any (he being faithful! than hah 
promifed, and the Covenant confirmed unto all man- 
kindeby thebloud of Jefus Chrift ) the fame mtift 
needs be acknowledged to be granted unto all- And 
then forasmuch as we fee, that all men b&t not the 
Law and Fear of God written in them (ctherwife 
then was (hewed before concerning the Gentiles,/^. 
2.14,15-) nor their ftony hearts taken out of their 
liefh,^rr. we muft not therefore imj God 

hath covenanted abfolutely to do thefe things for any 

But there are two things in this Tey.t, which tho- 
row want of due confederation mi f- lead many men 
from the right underftanding thereof. 

Firft, Becaufe it is laid, Thar this Covenant which 
God promifed ro make with the lews in the laft d 
fhowld not be like unto the Covenant that he 
With cheir fathers, wh< ightthem ou: of the 

Land of JEgypt ( which C : lant they brake, 
jfrc.) It is conceived, Th. 
could not by any be kept, fothelatei v any 

92 A Doore of Salvation 

that arc comprehended therein be broken. 

For the clearing of this niiftake, I delire that it may 
be obferved, 

That if by tliefe two Covenants here fpoken of, we 
muft underhand the Law and the Gofpel, Works and 
Grace ( which is much qaeiiioned by fame, who con 
ceive them to be particular Covenants, prcpet and pe- 
culiar to the lews only, and fo nothing at all to the 
point in hand) than they were neither of them un- 
made, untill the time that God broughc the Ifraelites 
out of the Land of Mgypt. And therefore much lefle, 
until the daies of the Prophet Jeremy, as this Texc 
feemeth to import. 

That the firft Covenant was given unto our firft pa- 
rents in Paradife, appeareth from hence, That the 
curfe thereof entered into the world by Adam, and 
raigned over all men before the Law was given at 
mount Sinai, Rom.5. 14. For where the curfe of the 
Law is inflicted, there the breach of the Law muft 
needs be imputed. And feeing (as the Apoftle teach- 
eth, icom.^.ig. that fin is not imputed, where there 
is no Law given, therefore the Law muft needs be ac- 
knowledged to be given unto Adam, and in him to all 
man-kinde, before the'punifhmenc thereof, death, 
thorow his difobedience did enter into the world, and 
raign therein. And like as the Law was given unto 
Adam, before he incurred the punifhmenc thereof- 56 
the Gofpel or fecond Covenant muft needs be 'granted 
immediately to fucceed upon his tranfgreffion of the 
firft : becaufe that otherwife the curfe of the Law, 
mould forthwith, according as it was threatued, Oen. 
2.17. ) have feized upon him to have deftroied him, 
and in him all man-kinde then in his loins finning in 


Opened unto all Men. 9 3 

him, the truth whereof is confirmed unto us from 

1 . That the end of Gods patience and forbearance 
towards linners, is none other then their Repentance 
and Salvation, Rom. 2.4. Defpifeft thou (faith the A- 
poftle fpeaking to the Gentiles) the riches of his 
goodnelfe, and forbearance, and long-furlering, not 
knowing that the goodneife of God leadeth thee to 
Repentance- A^ain, 2 Pet. 3.9. Peter telleth thofe 
thar fccrled at Gods forbearance towards them in their 
wickednefie ( contrary as they fuppofed to his threats 
denounced againft them) That God was not Hack con- 
caning his Promife, as they counted flacknelTe, btk 
Jong-fuflei ing , not willing that any fhouid perifh, bot 
that all fnould come to Repentance. And Paul, m 
Aft. 17. 26,27. plainly informeth us, That the end 
why God made of one bloud (that is to fay of Adam J 

^rions of men to dwell upon the face of the earth, 
was, That they fhouid feek the Lord : Nov? forafmuch 
as feeking of the Lord, Repentance and the obtaining 
of Salvation dorh neceflarily prcfuppofe the granting 
and exhibiting of the new Covenant : thefe ends be- 
ing otherwife impoQible to be attained, it mufr needs 
follow, That as God is declared to fpare and forlx-ar 
Adam, and ail men,to the end they might repent, &c. 
that in reference to thefe ends he vouchfafed unto 
them the Covenant of his Grace, whereby they might 
be enabled to attain thereunto. 

2. Befides, If that God fhouid have fpared our fir ft 
parents, and granted unto them the prccrearion of 
feed, and not in order to the Grace of the new Cove- 
nant, Redemption from death, the curfecf the Law, 

S llvarion in the world to ccme, thorow Repent- 

94 A Do ore of Salvation. 

ance, then there fhoui4 have been no proportion be- 
twixt the iimne of man-kinde in Adam, and rhe.pu- 
nUhmenc thereof becaufe tinning hiit inpeteniia, they 
iiiouid bepuniihed in aliu, which inequality of pio- 
ccicii:ig i: by Gcdin £^^.i3. difclaimedj fo that if 
.1 not prepared foi man-kinde another life after 
deaih, and vouchsafed means to make them happy 
therein, they liion'rd never perfonaliy have fuller ed 
death/ but fuch as was their ftp* fuch (hould have been 
their pL:ii'ihmenc. 

3. Moreover, If that the Covenant of Grace had 
not been from the beginning, then Salvation ihould 
not have been from the beginning, feeing. tha r it is of 
Grace only, and not or works, £f/;ef.2.8. whereas 
therefore the Scnptures enformern us, That remifft- 
onoffms, acceptation with God, and confequently 
Salvation w^s preached unto Cain, Gen. 4. 6,7. And 
that Abel, the third man on earth, obtained the fame> 
Heb. 11.4. k mv.fi neer: ? be granted* That the Cove- 
nant ofvjiac.-w;.. vouchfafed unto men from the be- 
ginning, gffu i:o:n the very time that they ftood in 
any need tht r, >cf. 

Thefe t)vo Covenants of Works and Grace then be- 
ing made and givqn fo long before the time,tmplied by 
the Prophet ^rarn, his words cannot pofiibly be un- 
derftooU.ro im rr :he time wherein either the fail 
was, or thi ad be made with man-kinde, but 

the trnie wherein the hi ft was, and the Jater fhould te 
more cie.".; iy riia and demo nit rated both un^ 

to theksvsand urito 1 - en at any time from 

the h( £ the woi Id 1 hey had been . In whjci 

j-efpc Chrift ( (peaking unto his Djfcjples) 

tiirh, blehedare yoar eyes, for they fee, and your 


Opened unto all Men. 9 5 

ears, for they hear \ for verily I fay unto yon, That: 
many Prophets and righteous men, have delved to 
fee thefe thin es which ye fee, and have not feen theRi, 
and to hear thefe things which youheur* and have not 
heard them, Mat. 13 10, 17. And hence are the 
words of the Apoftle, in Ephef. 3. 8,£, ic, 1 1, Unto mc 
whoamleiTeihen the leaflet all Saints, is this Grace 
given, that I mould preach amongit the Gentiles, the 
unfearch-ble riches of Chrift, and to make all men fee, 
what is the fellowship of the myftery which from the 
beginning of th. th been hid in God, who 

fcd all thing! ft, to ;he intent that 

now unto the principalities and p . hea- 

venly places, m ght be known by the Church the 
manifold wifdome of God, according to the eternall 
piupofewhichhepurpofedin Chrift lefus our Lord. 
And hereunto alio is the words of the fame Apoftle, in 
Row- 16.25,26. to be applied- 

Which centered, the emphafis contained in the 
words of rhe gopher ( before rehearfed ) are to be 
nnderltood only, as if the Lord mould have laid, I ex- 
hibited unco your fathers the Covenant of works, wbta 
he brought them out of the Land of ^grpt, not to the 
intent that they mould leek righteoufndie and life by 
ir,Gal.$.j-'i2 y Y\om.\o.3. but to ihew them their in-:- 
purrty and weakneffe, Gal^.i^, Row. 7.7. Gal 3.22. 
And that they mould feek Salvation only thorow the 
promife preached unto Abraham their father four hun- 
dred years before the Law was given, Gal. 3.17- The 
which Covenant they brake, though that I was a huf- 
band unto them. But the Covenant of my Grace 
•preached unto you by all the Prophets fmce the world 
began, Luke 1.70/ Aft. 43.26.22,23. and which in 


9 6 A Dovre of Salvation 

the later daies I will more clearly demonftrate unro 
your children by the Miniftery of niv Son, is not like 
unto that Covenanting eftablifhed upon better pro- 
mifes,whcrby I (hall fo abundantly commend my love 
unco them. That although poflibly they may defpife 
the fame, and ruin my Grace therein manife- 
fied unto them into wuntonnefTe, yet furely (or: 
in all reafon ) they will not , but will reverence 
my Sonne, when they fee him , receive my word 
from him into their hearts, and become obedient 
■Bto me. 

For God having made men rationall ( in reference 
w hereunto only he treateth with them , by arguments 
different from all other his creatures; and naturally di- 
fpofed to their own happinefie, whenfoever more 
clearly then ordinary, he openeth unto them a way 
thereunto, and uferh Arguments extraordinary to en- 
dear them unto him for his goodneffe towards them 
therein (in ;the Scriptures) lie olten taketh it for 
granted? That then more efpecially they will be indu- 
ced to the love and perpetual Obedience of him, as is 
fliewed in If** 53.7,8,9 • where from the confideraticn 
ofthescodnellethathehidvouchfafed to the houfe 
oHfrael, the mercies and multitude of loving kinde- 
- neiTes that he had teftowed upon them, in faving diem • 
by the Angel of his pretence, redeeming them in his 
love and pity , carrying them thorow the wilderacne, 
and in all their affiiftions being afflifted with them, 
(frcphe concludeth them to be his people,in fuch fore 
^dat^hey would never deal untruly with him, becaufe 
that (although pofTibly they might, asinverf. 10. it, 
appearcth rhey were, yet) rationally they could not 
fee unthankful! unto him, nor difobedicnt againft bifli 


Opened unto all Men. 97 

after fuch extraordinary mercies received from him. 
From whence alfo it is that S- Paul ftileth thofe men 
that refufed and oppofed the Gofpel of Salvation,when 
it was preached unto them unreafonable men, 2 Thef. 
3.2. degenerated from men into brute beafts, 1 Cor. 
15-52. becaufe that rtafon cannot ov pofe i t felf- And 
therefore feeing that it teacheth and direfteth all men 
endued therewirh, to feek their own happinefie and 
felicity, as it rauft needs prohibit them the reje&ion 
thereof, and rhe abufe of the means leading thereun- 
to : So on the contrary, it muft needs engage them to 
fincerity oflove, and hearty affeftion towards God, by 
how much the more he difcovereth himfelf in Love> 
Mercy and GoodnelTe towards them in that na- 

And hereupon it is, that God confidering how a- 
bundantly the riches of his grace, Fatherly aftecYion, 
and bow N els of compaffion towards all men, fhould by 
rhe Miniftery of IefusChrift at his appearance be re- 
pealed, and by figns and wonders, confirmed .beyond 
ill contradiction ( to the lews efpecially, to whom 
moft immediately he was fent, Joh.1.1 1. Mat. 15.24.) 
more than at any time from the beginning of the 
woxld it had been (infomuch that hearing and behold- 
ing the fame, and not reje&ing reafon and humanity > 
md judging themfelves unworthy of eveilaftiiig life, 
tfiey could not poffibly but re Joyce therein, be hum- 
bled for their former difobedience againft fo merciful a 
Sod,receive with thankfulnes his holy inftruftions, de- 
livered unto them,and ever afterwards become obedi- 
ent unto him,he concludeth therefore that they would 
be converted, and united unto him for ever , although 
that through favage and brutifh folly (unto which 
H rnen 

ay A Daore of Salvation 

men mav pcftibly degenerate, J fa- 46. 6, 7, Z.J they 
both might, and did reject and defpifc his unfpeaka- 
ble gotokefie towards them. All which is moft clear- 
ly :.\ .d \ lainly deitiowftraterf by the wcrds of Chrifl 
himfelf, in Mat'2\. from the 33. to the 39- Mark^io. 
from the firft to the ninth. And Luke 20. from tht 
9* to the 15. 

Hear a Parable ( faith Chrift fpeaking to the lews 
to whom the prcmife in ley. 2, 1. hath the moft efpecia. 
relation) There was a certain houfholder which plant- 
ed a Vineyard, and hedged it round about, and dig* 
god a wine- preffe in it, and built a tower, and let it 
out to hufbandmen, and went into a farre countrey; 
and when the time of fruit drew near, hefent his fer- 
vants, that he might receive from the huibandmen the 
fruit of the vineyard, &r. But the hulbandman tooi 
his fer-vantf,and beat one, and killed another, andfto- 
ned another. Again he fent other fervants more 
then the firft, and they did unto them likewife ; 
2 Chrsn. 38. 1$, 16. A8s 7. $t, 52. Luke 9, 
49> 5o. 

Whereupcn ( to the end, that he mVght to the ad- 
miration of all men and Angels, exprefle his patience 
goodnefle, and hearty affection to the Salvation of the 
very worft of men ) the Lord of the Vineyard ( faith 
Luke J faid unto himfelf, What mall I doe * I wil 
fend my beloved Sonne, my only and well-beloved 
Sonne fMark 12. 6. J faying, THEY WILL, 
(note) Reverence my Sonne, when they fee him, 
Mar. 12. 6. Mat.21.3j. (But what followcth?) when the 
hufbandmen fcw his Son, they reafoned among them- 
felves> faying,This is the heir,come let us kill him,that 
the inheritance may be onrs.* and they caft him out 

Opened unto all Men. 

of the vineyard, and killed him- 

Secondly, The miftake concerning the fence of 
this Scripture, is grounded upon the(e words fvi^J 
1 will put my larvs into their mirides, and write them 
in their hearts, <fyc From whence it is conceived, 
that God hath promifed unavoidably, to beget the 
Love, Fear, and Obedience of himfelf, in fome parti- 
cular perfons, not in others- 

i. For the clearing whereof, it is to be remeirf 
bred, that the reafon why God promifed to write hi s 
Iawb in the hearts of the Ifradites in the later daies, ra" 
ther then in the former, was, becaufe that in the la- 
ter daies (by theMiniftery of his Sonne) he would 
more abundantly demonftrate his love an<£ goodnefle 
onto them, then formerly he had done by the Mini- 
jtery of any of his fervants •, The which although it did 
moft powerfully tend to imprint his Love and Fear id 
them,and to perfwade them to deny all ungodlines and 
worldly lufts,and to ferve him in righteoufnes and true 
hjlines all their daies,Lw. i. 74,7$.yec forafmuch as thac 
means did not inevitably ertecx the fame in them, for 
if it had, then they fhould all of them been converted 
thereby*, therefore it cannot frcm hence be rightly 
inferred from this text, That God hath promifed et- 
feftually to beget the love and fear cf himfelf in any 
one nun more then another- 

2. It is alfo to be confidered, That when God ( in 
the Scriptures^ faith, that he will doe rrrs or that, ic 
do:h not alwaies imply, an abfolute and peremptory 
refolution in him, necdfarily to enforce and bring the 
(anic to palTe, but toadminilterfuch means, where- 
knoweth, that men either by a dircft or in- 
direct ufe thereof, will, or may be induced 
H 2 to 

IOO A Door of Salvation 

to ihe doing of that which he faith, he wil 

In thelaterrefpefticisthathcfpeakcth, when he 
faith, I wi II harden Pharaohs heart : becaufe that con- 
fidering him to be a proud, covetous tyrant, ht 
knsw that he would take occafion of obftinacy againfi 
hm by reafon of his mercy towards the eppreffed // 
raelites ( notwithftanding all his fignes and wonden 
ihewed unto him, ppwerfclly tending to humble hin: 
to the very earth before him J and refufe to he their, 
depart out of his Land, as he was commanded. 

And in the former refpeft, are the words of the 
Apoftle , i Tim 2. 4. to be underftood > when ht 
faith, That God would have all men to be faved. Auc 
fo likewife are the words ofChrift, in John 12. 32. tc 
betaken, where he faith. And I, if I were lifted up 
from the earth, I WILL DRAW all men after. 
me*, becanfe that by his Death and Refurreftion he 
fhould further man i reft himfelf to all men to be the Sa- 
viour of the world : For as when he atiordeth unto 
men the mt.tr.s of repentance; he is faid thereby to 
purge them from their filthindTe, though that they be 
not aftwilly purged thereby (^as was ihewed before 
in f^/^a.i^.J So ^according to thefe Scriptures^ 
when he difpenferh meanes extraordinary , tending 
to kad men to Conversion and Salvation, Then more 
efpecially it is faid,TIut he will put his Laws into their 
hearts, will draw them to Chrift, and will have them 
to be faved- 

Thirdly, It is ro be coniidered, That like as God 
faith, That he will write tin Laws in mens heart?, cir- 
cumcife their hearts, make them new hearts and new 
fpirirs, frr.31.33. pfiir.30.1d. frr-35,25. Evenfo 


Open:d unto all Men. icl 

he alio requireth men to write his Laws in their 
hearts, Erov.7.$. Circumcife their liearts, /er.4.4. 
and make to themfei/es new hearrs and new fpirits, 
£3^.19.31. Now as the Evangelical precepts are 
not to be expounded againft the prcimfes, fo neither 
are the promifes thereof ro be expounded againft the 
precepts ; and if confidertd together, they are to be 
underltood, as if Gcd fnould fay, I willgftcra means 
unto you for thefe ends, do ycu improve them there- 

Ifitbefaid, that rhefe precepts ferve only to ex- 
prelTe unto men, that which God promifeth to work 
hi them. 

It is anfwered tint, That this is a very forraign ex- 
pofition, and will neither be warranted by Scripture 
or found reafbn : God being never known to require 
of men that which he himfelf promifeth to doe for 
them, and moft irrational! to conceive, that he lhould 
not rather exprefie his goodnelfe towards men, in re- 
quiring them to wait upon him for the things that he 
purpefeth to beftow upon them, then to give them 
precepts for the doing thereof, thereby to divert 
their hopes and expectation, as from the promifes, 
and to let them on work to beat the air, or to make 
brick without ftraw. 

But fecendly, feeing it is manifeft, that thefe pre- 
cepts are unto all men, and as manifeft that all men 
have not the things enjoyned therein eriefted in 
them, ic cannot in any wife be fuppofed, that the 
intent of God In them mould be ro exprctTe what he 
himfelf would work in men, hue to enforme us tint 
his promifes to pu: his Liws in mens mindes to write 
them in their hear-o to nuke them new hearts frc. 
H 3 conlirteih 

I O I A Doore of Salvation 

coniifteth only unto them in affording means ferving 
for rhofe ends, which they themfe'ves are enjoyned 
to improve for the effecting thereof. 

4. Laftly, It is to be obferved, That thofe very 
peribns the Ifraelites to whom this promife hath the 
moft principal, unto whom the Apoftle moft direftly 
applieth the fame, in the tenth Chapter to the He- 
brews, are notwithftanding by him evidently decla- 
ed to be mider a pcfiibiliry of finning wilfully againfi: 
he knowledge of the truth, of trampling the Sonne 
of God under their feet, and counting his bloud the 
bloud of rhis Covenant wherewith they were fanfti ti- 
ed an unholy thing, and of doing defpite unto the fpi- 
rit of Grace, and thereby of incurring to themfelves 
the foreft punifhmenr, judgement and fiery indigna- 
tion, that which pofnbly could not be, if that God in 
this Covenant had abfolutely promifed, or underta- 
ken to put his laws in their hearts, and write them in 
their mindes,^rc. as it is fuppofed, or any otherwife 
then by adminiftring unto them means for thofe ends, 
t which pofiibly might be neglefted and contemned by 
lyhem. But becaufe that this Scripture lerveth fo clear- 
to difcover the intent and nature of this Covenantee 
fh all be rehearfed verbatim. 

Heb.io.i<5. This tithe Covenant that 1 will make 
■with them after thofe daies, faith the Lord : / will put 
my laws into their hearts, and in their mindes will I 
write them : And their finnes and iniquities will I re- 
memher no more. Now where remifrion of thefe tijhere 
U no more offering for fin- Having therefore, bret hren, 
b oldneffeor liberty, to enter into the holieft by the bloud 
of Jefw, By a new and living way which he hath confe- 
ratedforns, through the vail, that ti to fa), hii flefl> * 



Opened unto all men. 102 

And having an high Prieft over the houfe of God : Let 
w draw near with a true heart jn full ajfurance of faith, 
having our hearts fprinkled from an evil confcience, and 
cur bodies wafted with pure water. And let m consider 
one another, to provoke unto love, and to goodworkes : 
Kot forfakjng the ajfembling of our feh es tegether, as the 
manner of fome U : but exhorting one another, and fo 
much the more as)efee the day approaching. For if we 
finne wilfull) after that we haie received the knowledge 
of the truth, there remrinetb no more facrifice for finnes, 
But a certain fear full looking for of judgement, and fiery 
indignation, which (hail devour the adverfaries. He that 
defpifed Mofes Law, died without mere) under two or 
three witneffes. Of how much forer punifoment, fi 
}e(hall he be thought worthy, who hath troden under foot 
the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the ( 
nant, wherewith he was fanHif.ed, an unhol) thing, and 
hath done defpite unto the Spirit of Grace ? 

Now forafmuch as where God hath abfolurely pro- 
mifed to doe all for men which is any waies necefiary 
to be done, to bring them to an end , there remain- 
ed) not any thing to be done by them for that pur- 
pofe : and that not only all danger, but the very leaft 
fuppofition cf mifcarriage, or pcffibility of failing 
thereof, is thereby wholly taken away: fo neither can 
there reafonably be any thing required cf them there- 
unto, or any danger of falling be juftly fuggelted unco 
thern^ (the power .ind truth of God being thereby di- 
jeftly impeached of impotency and falfhood)and 
therefore feeing that the Apoftle (who in ail fuch 
things which dependeth altogether for tiieir aecom- 
pMhment, upon the faith and omnipotence of God a- 
lonc, as the refuneftion of the dead, and the reward 
H 4 of 

1 04 4 Door of Salvation 

of Faith, withChrift in the world ro come inftruft- 
ethmen (according to the example of Abraham,Rom* 
4.) not toftagger at the promife of God through un- 
belief, but againft hope to believe in hope, to be 
firong in faith, giving glory to God, being hilly 
perfwaded that whatfoever (in that nature) he hath 
promifed,he is able, and will bring it to pafle, and that 
ueither death nor life, nor Angels, nor principalities, 
nor powers, nor things prefent, nor things to come, 
nor heighth, nor depth, nor any other creature, fhall 
be able to prevent or hinder the fame) doth notwith- 
ftunding this covenant (or promife) of God made unto 
the Hebrews (to put his Lawes in their hearts, and 
write them in their mindes, &c.) fo earneitiy exhort 
them to draw near unto God, in purity of heart, con- 
fcience, and converficion verfe, 22, to hold faft the 
profefiion of their faith without wavering, verfe 23, 
and for that end not to forfake the afiembling them- 
felves together : but to exhort, and provoke one ano- 
ther unto love, and to good workes, verf. 24, 25. To 
looke diligently that no man fail (or fall from the 
Grace) of God, chap- 12. 15- And leaft there be in any 
of them a heart of unbelief (hardened through the de- 
ceitfulnes Of (in) in departing from the living God, 
chap. 2. 12, 13. 

And all this from the ground and confideration of 
the danger of finning wilfully againft the truth, verfe 
2<S, and falling into the hands of God by trampling his 
Son under their feet, and counting his blond (the 
bloud of the Covenant given unto chem, rehearfed in 
verfe i£,T7. J whereby they were fanftified an unholy 
thing, and doing defpite unto the Spirit, verfe 2£, 30. 
(which witnefled and confirmed him unto them to be 


Opened unto all Men. 105 

the Son of God, and that the principles of this Do- 
ftrine, C V *K*J repentance from dead workes, &c. 
chapter 1. and chapter 6. 1. with chapter 2. 5, 4. 
were of God,) muft of neceflity argue unto us, That 
neither he nor yet the Hebrews themfelves, did under- 
stand this Covenant (as now ordinarily it is taken) or 
as in this Objeftion it is urged : For if they had then, 
doubtles he would not (^having no reafon for the 
fame) have exhorted and cautioned them in this man- 
ner, but contrariwife would have encouraged them, 
wholly to have refted themfelves upon the faith and 
power of God, engaged unto them to do for them,and 
work in them wliatfoever was neceffary to their Salva- 
tion, & to prevent all fuch things that might any waies 
poflibly hinder them thereof, nor would they them- 
felves ever have regarded any thing, that he mould 
have fpoken unto them to the contrary ,any more then 
if he mould have exhorted them after death, to raife 
themfelves from thence, upon the danger of perifhing 
for ever and ever in the Grave. Which fhall ferve for 
anfwer to this Objetfion. 


105 A Doore of Salvation 

The Conclusion. 

THe ccnfideration of this difcourfe, may ferve. 
Firft, as a means to remove out of all mens 
mindes, all prejudicial! and evil thoughts, as concern- 
ing the decrees, and precepts of Almighty God: It 
having been fhewed, That in his Eleftion he refped- J 
ech not the perfons of any, nor prefereth one man be- 
fore another therein : but eKtendeth and vouchfaferh 
the fame freely and indifferently to every one who 
doth not voluntarily, knowingly, and of malicious 
wick ednes debar themfelves thereof: his decree of 
Reprobation being grounded 6nly upon the known, 
wilfull, and ftubborn difobedience againft his Com- 
mandments, and means of Grace ufed and vouchfafed 
for their repentance, and reformation, lerem. 6. go. 
with the 28, 20. And his Commandments having 
been fhewed not to be grievous, but eafie and light, 
for every man to obferve and praftice. 

2. It may ferve to admonilh every man to take 
heed and beware of all kinde of difobedience againft 
God, and that they doe not approve or allow them- 
i^any or the leaft thing which they know to be 
dHpleafingunto him, either forth of a conceit of their 
Section, or of an opinion of impodibility of falling 
away totally, and finally, forth of his love and favour, 
g it appear eth that he only choofeth unto him- 
fdf the mavi that is godly, the rich in faith. And that 


Opened unto all Men. I c 6 

he will not jiiftifie the righteous, in the day that he 
tnrneth away from his unrighteoufnes , to commit 
iniquity , nor necefTarily prevent him therein : 
nor will know the works of iniquity in the day 
of Account. 

3. It may alfo adminifter found comfort and con- 
folation to all iimple hearted, fincere and godly alien- 
ed perfons, agauui: all their fcruples, fears, doubts,and 
jealoufies, as concerning their ignorances, weaknefics, 
and infirmities, wherewith their mindes are ordinari- 
ly perplexed ', It having been fhewed that Gcd will 
never lay any cftheie thirds to their charge, or any 
whit the Idle efteem or them, by reafon thereof : but 
doth and will alwaics behold and judge of them 
(""through the riches of his grace in Jeiiis ChriftJ zc- 
ccrding to the integrity, purpofe of heart, and finceri- 
t/ of arfcftion, which he obferveth in them towards 
his name. 

4. And laftly, The confderation hereof, doth stf- 
fo abundantly ferve to beget in all men an unfeigned 
love, and obedience towards Gcd. I will love the 
Lord ffaith David J becaufe he harh heard my voice, 
fcc. Ffal ii<5. 1. And being but advanced, from the 
fheepfold to an earthly Crown, and receiving a pro- 
mife for the continuance thereof to his houfe, harh 
his heart thereby exceedingly rilled with arteftiou 
towards him*, how much more then may the conside- 
ration of his goodnes TbeforeeyprefiedJ in advan- 
cing us, not from a fheep-fold, but from death it felf, 
the fold of Satan, Hebr. 2. 14- Nor to a rcrreftial and 
corruptible crown, but to a gloiious eftate cf immor- 
tality (even when we were his enemies, Rom- $8, 10. 
and neither asked nor defired any fuch thing of himj 

id vc 

Ic8 A Doore of 'Salvation, &c. 

ferve to kindle and inflame onr hcarrs with an unfain- 
cdlove and fincere aftefton towards him j efpecially if 
we confider what an heavenly City, immor ml crown, 
and weight of Glory he hach therein prepared to be- 
ftow upon us for an inheritance and crown of reward, 
even for that love, fervice and obedience, which of 
botifiden duty we owe unco him. -The conhderation 
of this Grace, caufedS- John to love God, i Joh.4.19. 
with the 9, 10. chap. 3. 16. And conftrained Paul to 
the obedience of him, 2 Cor. 5. 14, 15. 




BEcaufe 1 would not be mijfaken in my 
meaning, concerning that which I 
have jpoken in the favour of ignorance $ 
I thought it necejjary^ more clearly to dif- 
cover 5 That my intention therein is not 
to patronize any mans voluntary and 
rv il full ignorance, (fitch as that mention- 
ed by s. Peter in his 2 Epifi. chap 3.4,5. 
or that of the Jews difcovered in John 9. 
9. to the end of the chapter^) For for men 
to refufe to know^ because they would not 
obey^or wilfully to oppofe evident grounds 
ofreafon^ and light appearing unto them^ 
(whether forth of a hatred again (I it^ or a 
Uve to walke in ctarkneffe, John 3. 19. 

A * . i 


Andfom effeUto fay unto God^ Depart 
from asfor we del, re not the knowledge of 
thy waie^ Job 21. 14.) can be no more 
excufable then Jlubbom rebellion 3 and 
.disobedience againfi the truth , clearly 
known and understood. But the ignorance 
for which I "plead excufe is that only 
which befalleth men ^ either through imbe- 
cility in nature? or want of means. For as 
it cannot be required of an ideot to under- 
hand reafon nor of a childe to dijlin- 
guijh betwixt good and evilly naturallin- 
ternity having hidden thofe things from 
their eies 5 and no talent given to them to 
enable them thereunto : So neither (by the 
like reafon) can the particular knowledge 
and faith of the Gospel (or any thing elfe 
whatfoever) be required of thofe to whom 
the necejjary means thereof, is not offered ; 
Vpon which ground Chrift declareth : 
Tih at if he had not come and (poken unto 
the]c\vs p and doneamongft them fuch 
worl{j which did evidently demonjirtte 



imhem the truth and excellency of his 
dbfine^nd that he was the Mejjlas pro- 
mj to come 3 they had not had (in> re- 
je&g either him orit^ohn 15/22, 25. 
vribht io^ 27. And therefore ignorance 
W fs nature cannot be concluded any 
gre**fn then Uriah his carrying of 
the Ljer to take away his own life^ 
2 Sanp] 1 8. 14^ 1 5. which will never be 
laid t Of charge. 

