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Collection of Puritan Literature.
Division 'T~.^T^.'T7"
Section !.Q I (P I
Of both the Epiflles of the Apoflle
Illuftrated by Doftrinesout of
every Text.
And applyed by their Ufes, for a further
progreffe in Holineffe.
By the Revered and faithfull Minifter of God^
William Jmes, D. D. and late of Cbrifts
C oiled ge in Cambridge*
A ■
Printed by E ( G. for lohn Rothxvell, at the Sunnc
in Pauls Church-yard. 1641.
A Cfannttntary upon the firft Epiftje of Peter.
I Pr^er 1, 2, c£r.
Verfe i. Ptf*r an tApoftle of left* Chrift, to thtfirangeri
featured throughout Po»tus 9 gaUi«>Cappadocia, Afia,
and Bithyma ;
Verfe 2. Eletl, according to the foreknowledge of God the Fa-
tber 9 through fanBifcation of the Spirit unto obedience,
trdfprinkliKgofthebloodoflefusChrifti grace unto
you, and peace be multipljed.
The Analyfis.
He Scope of this Epiftle is to exhort the
faithfull to continue Itedfaft In that grace
of God wherein they ftood, as it is expie£
ly let downe, chap. 5. verfii*. Butbecaule
that grace of God is considered in a two-
fold refpeft ; either as it doth put a man
into the ft ate of grace , and fo it equally
belongs unto all the faithfull; or as it doth direct the faith-
full in the performing of their duties towards others, accor-
ding to that fpeciall condition wherein they are placed:
therefore in the firft place the Apoftle exhorts them to hold
faft that grace, becaufe it belongs to the ft ate of the regenerate
man : from the beginning or the Epiftle to the 1 ; verfe of
the 2 chap, and then he commends and perfwades them un-
to that fpeciall £race, which doth in the firft place direcl: fub-
jefts in their obedience towards the Migiftrates 3 to the 1 8
A verH
A Commentary upon the firft Epiftle of Peter*
verf. Servants in obedience towards their Matters, to the end
of the chapter. Wives in their fubje&ion to their husbands,
from the beginning of the third chapter to the (event h verfc.
Husbawfs in their duty towards their wives, verf q. Brethren
in their duty towards their brethren, verf.8. The affli&ed to-
wards their perfecutors, from the 9 verf to the beginning of
the 5 chap. The Elders towards their Churches, from the be-
ginning of the 5chap.tothe5.verG The younger towards
their elders, at the beginning of the 5. verfc and finally, all
both towards others and towards themselves, totheioverH
where the whole foregoing exhortation is turned into a (hort
prayer which ferves for a forcible conclufionofthewhjle
To the Epiftle it felfe there belong two common ad/un&r.
*An Jnfcription verH 1,2 . A Sttbfcrif>tion,m the t(hree laft. In
the lnfcription there is contained,according to the ufuall man-
ner of Epiftles, a holyfa/utation y mewing firft, by whom this
Epiftle was written , Secondly, to whom, thirdly, with what
minde or affection it was written unto them; which is fee
forth by that pious wifh, wherein he wifheth unto them the
greateft good, Grace and Teace. In t'he perfon writing, and
the good wifhed there are all things the fame with thole that
are fpoken of in the fecond Epiftle. But the defcription of the
perfons to whom it was written, is fomething fuller here
then there ; now they are described, firft by their outward
condition., grangers fcattercd throughout c Pontus } zsf'jia^ Cjala-
tia^Cappadoih. Secondly, by their inward fpirituaJI condi-
tion, which is fct forth, 1. by thefundamentallcaufeoHc,
Eltffion 3 to wit, of God, 2. by the final! caufe, Santtifi 'cation..
3. by the fiibfervient caufe Reconciliation, to wit, conferred in
obedience and fyrinkling efthebloodofjefus Chrift: which three
caufes of our fanftification are fet forth by the three perfons
of the Deity, to whom as to the authors thereof they are di-
stinctly afcribed, Ele&ion to God the Father, San&ification
to the holy Spirit, Reconciliation to JeftsChrift. By the
fir angers fcattered, to whom this Epiftle is chiefly directed,
wearetoundeiftand the Jewes, together with the other Ifrae-
Ktes, who did imbi ace the faith. For James, John and Veter^
difcharged their Apoftlefhip amongft the circumcifed Ifrae-
A Comment Ary upon the firfl Epifije of Peter*
Ikes, Ga/,2 8,9. Therefore as lames doth exprcfly direct hi«
* Epiftle to the twelve Tribes fcattered,fo here alfo by the fame
reafon, by the ftrangers fcattered we arc to underftand the
twelve Tribes fcattered.
By the foreknowledge ofGod^ according to which the fiith-
full are herefaid tobef/"#, we arc to underftand election it
felfe 5 as it is in God, Rom.&ig. and by election the fame aft
of God, as it Is terminated in the faithfull, and put in executi-
on by effectual vocation.
By fanEiif cation of the Spirit t we arc to underftand the whole
(pirituall change of our condicion,even unto perfect holinefle
and glory, becaufe fanctification is themeanesoffalvation
unto which wc are chofen, z Tbeff,2. 1 j.
*By obedUnce and fprinkling of the blood of £brift wc are to
underftand the whole worke of Redemption , together with
the application thereof unto juftification and reconciliation
with God, Ephef 1.6.7.
The Doctrines that we may draw from this arc theft.
Doct. i» The beginning and fount aine of all our happine^e
and confolation confifis in this^ that we are the cleft ofCjocL
This is gathered from hence, that the Apoftlepurpofing
in this description to make mention of thofe things that did
mod of all pertaine to the confolation of the faithfull, puts
election in the firft place, 1 Thef. 1 .4.
Reafon I. Bceaufe all our happinefle comes wholly from
God, who is the author andfountaineofallgood: now it
comes from him not by the way of nature, but of counfell and
fice election, and Co it proceeds from election it felfe.
2. Becaufe all his lperiall bleflmgs which belong unto our
falvation, depend upon election, Sphefli.^.
Vfe. This may fervc to exhort us to ufe all diligence to
make our election certaine and fure. 2 Peter no.
Doct. 2. There is no other caufe or reafon to he given of
our eleEUon unto falvation^ but enlj the good pleafure of God,
This is drawne from thofe words : SlcEl according to the
foreknowledge of God'.jLor if there were any caufe extra Deum^
out of God , that could poflibly be difcerned by the eye or
fenfe of men , it is moft likely that the Apoftle would have
A 2 named
4 A Commentary upon theprft Epifile of Peter.
named that, as being more knowne and difcemable, and fb
more properly belonging to that confolation and congratu-
lation which he propoled to himlelfe.
Reafon l . Becaule the counlels and decrees of God do not
depend upon thole things that are extra Deum^wixhout God,
but they depend upon Gods decrees : for the decrees are fi; it,
and they laft.
2. Becaule othcrwile all the gloryof our ele&ton and fal-
vation fhould not wholly be afcribed unto God , and con(e-
quently all praife and thankfgiving mould not be due unto
him alone*
3. Because if our election did depend upon our felvesjwho
are weake and changeable every houre, ourelettionalfoit
felfe would be changeable and uncertaine , and Lb woukt af-
ford us no (bund confolation.
Vfe i. This may (erve to refute thole, that make Gods
election to depend upon our faith and perfeverance, as acaule
or condition requifite.
2. T« exhort us to acknowledge this wonderfull grace of
God towards us, and to give him all the praifeand glory of
it, both in the inward defires of our hearts 5 andthejoyfull
profeflion of our tongues, and our lives anfwerable thereunto.
Doct. J. truefanBificatisn is a certaine fruit ofetettion.
This is gathered from theft words ; Eletttoja,nttificAtion r
Jjleafcn i. Becaufc fan&incation is a certaine effecYand
figne of the lingular love of Chrift, Ephef^\%^6. Now this
lingular love, which hath relpeft to fpirituall blelfings, doth
nothing differ from election, as touchingthe thing it felfe.
2. Becaule ian&ification i?, as it were, a&ualj election .•
for as by the ele&ion of God, theheiresoflalvationaredi-
ftinguUhed from others in God himfelfe j or in his intention
and counfell; Co alio by regeneration and fanctification are
they diuinguilhcd from others in themfelve?.«For tofanBife^
according to the generall fignification of the word , is to let
apart to fomc ule.
3. Becaule fanftification, although it be imperfec\, yet it
h that fa 1 vat ion and life begun unto which we are elefted.
Vfe 1. This may (erve to refute thole men that make fanfti-
A Commentary nponjkefirjl EpijUe of Peter,
fication the common poflelfion of thole that are not eleft.
2. To comfort all thoie that are partakers of true fan&ifi-
cation .• becaufe thereby they may the more allured of their
5. To exhort us to be very carefull to encreale our fan&i-
Du»5r. 4. The mediation of ffirift^and reconciliation Made
for us in bint^is the only meanes whereby the force of our e/effion
if derived unto us 3 and our fanttificationandfalvationupro~
This is gathered from thole words : by obedience andfprink^
Reafon 1. Becaufe God made Ch rift our Mediator , nei-
ther is these any other name under heaven whereby we may
be laved.
2. Becaufe God made him the Mediator of our cedempti-
on by vertue of his ele&ion : for thole whom God cletVd, he
gave unto Chrilt to be redeemed and faved 3 /«>&» 17. 6. John
6. 37.
3. Becaufe Ghrift is the lecondAdam, the Father, the
head of all thole that are elefted and to be faved : therefore
as life natural! was derived unto all men firft from Adam, fo
alio from Ghrift, and in him is all life fpirkuall communica-
(cd unto us.
Vfe 1. This may fcrve to refute the Papifts and others
which have choien to themlelves other meanes and media-
tors extra ftriftum, belides Chritr, and have departed from
that way of Glvation which the cternallele&ion ofGod hath
prelc ibed.
2. Tv exhort us to put our whole truft and confidence in
Ghrift alone, and daily to feeke after a neerer and neerer uni-
on with him.
Do&. 5* Irtthttchaineofottrfa/vatiavy the beginning is
■from God the father ', the diffenfation of it is through bis Some
lefns Chrijr^ the application of it is through the Holy Ghoft.
This is intimated in that folemne benediction which the
Church received from the Apoftle.
Reafon,- Recaufe this order of operation doth beft agree
with the order of fubfifting, which the Scripture attributes
to the Divine pcrlbns. Vfe U
A Commentary npm thefrft Epiftleaf Peter*
Vfe i. This may fervetoadmonifbus, bynomeanestoput
a (under thole operations which God hath joyned together:
Now this < hey doe, which do either divide Chrift from electi-
on, or election from Chrift, or the election ©f the Father and
Chrift from the fanttificationofthe holy Ghoft, promifing
to themfelves falvation , either by vertue of election, or of
Ghrift, when they have not the leaft part of the falsification
of the holy Ghoft.
2. To comfort all the true faithfull, which do joynethefe
things together : becaufe they can want nothing to falvati-
on, which is not abundantly provided for them in that co-
operation of God the Father, Sonne, and holy Ghoft.
Verfe J. Bhfied be the God and Father of our Lord leftts £hrift,
which according to his Abundant mercy , hath begotten
its againe unto a lively hope y by the refurreflion oflefus
Chr ill from the dead,
Verfc 4. To an inheritance incorruptible^ andundefiled^ and that
fadcth not away, referveain heaven f or y ok.
Verfe 5 • Who are keft by the power of (yod through faith unto
fklv*tion % ready to be revealed in the lafi time.
The Analyfis.
BEc»ufe the Apoftlcs fcope in the generall and former part
of this Epiftle, was to commend unto the faithfull that
true grace of God wherein they ftood, therefore he doth firft
defcribc that grace, verf. 354,5.
2. By the effect of it s towit,/<?/, and rtjoycing^ which re-
dounds unto all the faithfull from the partaking of this grace,
from the 6 verf. to the 10.
3* He doth illuftrate it and confirme it by that teftimony,
which the Prophets gave unto this grace, verf, 10,1 I, 12.
4. From thence he drawes an exhortation to holinefle an-
fwerable to this grace, from the 1 3 verf. to the end of the fir ft
chap. The meanes of which hoiincfle he fhewes to be the re-
ligious receiving of the word of God, verf. i, 2, 3. of the fe-
cund chapter. The chiefe object of which word he fliewes to
A Comment try npon thefirft Epiftle of Peter 4
be Chrift, from the 4 vcr£ to the 13. where is the generall
end of this inftitution.
The defcription, verf. 3,4 5. of the ftateofthis grace fa
placed in regeneration or effe&uall calling, in thefe words:
hath begotten us againe ; which regeneration is defcribed,
1. by the principall efficient caufe thereof, which is fet down
to be, Cj od the Father of our Lord lefus (^hrt ft. 2. By the im-
pulfwe caufe thereof, tbemercjofgod^ which is described by
the quantity of it, abundant. 3. By the immediate effeft
thereof a lively h*pe : the Angular cairfe whereof is (hewed
to be the refurreZlion of Qoritt from the dead. 4. By the re-
mote and laftefFeft thereof, which is laid hold on alfo, and in
fbme fore pofleffed by that hope, that is, falvation and life
everlafting. verf. 4. Betwixt which effeft and its caufe he af-
firmes that there is a very ccrtaine connexion, when he faith,
that that inheritance is refervedin heaven fur all the regenerate ;
and he gives a moft certaine reafon of his connexion, verf. 5.
which hefhewes to confifts in three things. 1. Inthe power
of God , whereby the regenerate are kept unto falvati an.
2. In their faith, whereby they adhere to this power of God.
3. in the eternall degree of God, whereby he hath both pro-
vided this falvation for all the regenerate, and appointed a
certaine time, wherein to beftow it upon them.
But this defcription of Gods grace is not {imply and barely
propofed by the Apoftle, but after fuch a manner as is agree-
able to the nature of the thing, that is, with thankfgivingand
glorifying of the name of God, in that he hath vouchfafed to
beftow fo great a grace upon miferable (inners, in that ft ft
word, Bkpd be God.
The Doctrines drawne from this.
Do&. I. Ihe ft ate of grace depends upon and ftovees from
efetluall calling.
This is gathered from hence, that the Apoftle fpeaking of
the grace wherein the faithfull ftood, begins with regenerati-
on, by which is underftood effe&uall calling.
Reafon 1. Becaufe by our true calling we have union with
Chiift the fountaine of all grace.
2. Becaufe in this regeneration there is begotten in us a
principle of fpirituall life, which is nothing elfe but the grace
A Commentary upon thefrfi Eptftletf Peter.
of God, or the power and gtf c of grace qaickning our (bulef .
5. Becaufe from ihis union which we have by Deing made
partakers of fpirkuall life, there doth certainly and immedi-
ately follow a communion with the Father in all ipir i tuall
bleflings, and consequently a change of our condition from
that which before it was, to wit, linne and death, to that
wbereuuto we are called, grac e and life.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to exhort w to ufe all diligence to
make our calling lure, becaufe without it we have no entrance
to the ftate of grace.
2. To comfort all thofe that endeavour to obey Gods call;
fpr all of them have (as it were) the door of Gods grace ope-
ned un o them.
Doffcr. 2 . God regenerates us^ as the Father of our Lord le-
fts Chrift,
Reafon 1. becaufe in Chrift our Redeemer, and ioour
redemption performed by him , he laid the foundation of all
our restoring to falvation.
2. 7?ecaufe he made Chrift that great Shepherd , that
fhould gather his fheepe, that is, the eleel: into his fold, by ef-
fectual! calling and regeneration. Heb. 1 3.20. lohn 10. 1 6.
3. becaufe through Chrift and his name men are called
and regenerated by God, 2 Cor. 5, 18,1 9,20.
Vfe. This may ferve to Informe #*, that in all thofe things
that belong unto our falvation, we ought alwayes to looke
upon God in Chrift, and confequently alwayes to call upon
and praife Gud in Chrift. The folemne title, and as it were
ftile of God, that was u fed in the celebrating of his name, was
not alwayes one and the fame from the beginning of the
world, but diverie : firft, he was called by Melchizedeck^ the
m oft high Cjodtpofleffour of heaven and earthy Cjen.j^.ig. After-
wards by reafon of that lingular covenant .which he made
with Abraham and his pofterky, he began to be called the
Godofes4brabam, Ifaac^andlxcob : then againe, after that
wonderfull deliverance of his people out ot Egypt , for the
memory of that thing there was added to his title , The God
which brought the children of J fraol out of the land of Egypt^out
of the honff of bondage : fo alfb in the Pi ophet, after his delive-
rance of them from the Babylonifh captivity, he was called
A CommtntdYjufon the fir ft Epiftle of Peter*
The Lord which brought up his people out of the North country^
Ier.z 3.7^8. But now under the New Teftament, and the Sunnc
being rilen, all his other workes and benefit! being obfeui'd
by the comming of Chrift , this title is moil congruous and
lbiemne, God the F other of our Lord lefus Qhrifi t a£V. i, 3»
D0&.3. A wonderful! great mercy ofQoddppeares in our rege-
neration* -
Reafon u Becaufe he frees us from the greateft mifery,and
makes us partakers of the greateft good.
2. Becaufe he doth this of his meeregoodnefie, not only
without our deferts, but even contrary to our deferts ; when
we did not Co much as leek or wifh for any fuch benefits to our
leives, but were altogether aliens from God , and enemies to
Vfe x. This may ferve to exhort us to attribute all to the
mercy of God alone, and to raiicup our minds to the admi-
ration of it.
2. To be heartily anVted with thefe mercies of God , and
to be flirred up to glorifie him, Rom. 12 . 1.
Dodt* 4* Re feneration brings men a lively hope of 'eternaU
Reafon 1. Bccaufe we are called and regenerated to (alvation
and eternal! glory, 1 Pet.^.xo.
2 Becaufe we have the covenant and promifc of this thing
confirmed to us in cur very calling.
Becaufe the Spirit wherewith we are quickned, lifts up our
minds, and makes that hope to be lively.
Vfe 1. This may ferveto exhort us, highly to prize our
calling and regeneration*
3 2* To endeavour by all meancs to cherifh and increafe this
hope in our (elves, and to take heed that it be not dead or
languiming, but lively, quick, and operative.
Do&. 5. The livclirteffc of our hope depends uponthc refur-
fttyion oflejus Chrift from the dead.
Reafon u Becaufe by the re&rre&ion of Chrift, it ap-
peals that death was fubdued & overcome by him, and God
vvasappeafed in him; for other wife, had he becne overcome
by death, he would have becne perpetually kept under it,
B 2. Becaufe
10 A Commentary upon the firft Epiflk of Peter,
a. Becaufe Chrift rofc, as the firlt fruits of all the regene-
rate, 1 Cor, i 5,20. and the firft borne from the dead, Co/.*. 8.
Zffe% This may ftrve to exhort us , for the confirmation
and quickning of our hope 3 to put before our eyes the relurre-
£tion of Chrift.
Boil. 6, That falvation which rve hope for, isacelefiiall
and incorruptible inheritance^ Ver[ % 4.
Rea/on 1 . ft comes from God our Father to us his regene-
rate and adopted fonnes, as worldly inheritances ufe to come
from fathers to their children.
2. Becaufe it is not obtained by buying or any other fuch
like meanes of our owne 5 but it comes by the will and tefta-
mentofour heavenly Father. Now as for thefe reafon", it is
rightly called an inheritance; Co alfo in the nature of it it hath
this excellency above all other inheritances, that it i celefti-
all and immortall .* In which refpeft it doth not only excell
worldly pofleflions , but alfo even that very condition of life
which Adam bad before the fall.
Vfe 1. This may fervetoadmoniftius, not tomfferour
hearts at any time to cleave to the things of this world, or to
depend upon them, becaufe our inheritance is not terreftriall,
or of this world, but celettiall and incorruptible.
2. To exhort U4 to walke askbecogimethchofethat are
called to €0 great an inheritance. For this is it which the Am-
poule meanes, when he ufaally admonifheth us to walke ac-
cording to our calling, and when he prayes, that God would
enlighten the eyes of our mindes , and grant us to know what
isthe hope of his calling.& what the riches, Ephef.t,i8. as if
that they that did cleerly fte this and meditate upon it, could
not faulter or faile in any duty.
Doct. 7. The exceeding great power ofCjoA^ his fidelity
andconftancie, doth mak*. this inheritance firme andfure unto us.
This is gathered out of the 5. verfe, and you miy fee it
prov'd, Eph,l»j^,
Reafin 1 .Becaufe God doth powerfully perform all things,
whatsoever hee hath decreed and promifed. 2. B:cau(eall
the whole bnfinefie of our falvation depends upon theomni-
potency of God : • for the enemies of our falvation, and ths
A Commentary upon the firjl Epifile of Peter* s I
difficulties of k arc io great, that no other power is able to
ftibdue them.
Vfe i. 1 his may fcrve to refute thoCe, that will have our
(alvation to depend upon the frailty of our will : they deny
that God doth powerfully worke in us to faJ vation,when not-
withstanding the Scripture doth expreffely affirme it* Eph. i.
19. <^"3. i& 20. 2. For comfort ; for when wee have (uc ha
Keeper as is omnipotent, wee have no caufe to feare that any
thing prelent or to come mould ever fruftrate out hope,or de-
prive us ot our expe&ed folvation. J. To exhort #/, to depend
upon that power of God by true faith, as it is in the text, i
Do6t.8. Thefefp'uritudl blejfings of god t Jbould never bee
mentioned or thought upon byns^ without a pious de fire to blejfe
Go J for them*
This is gathered from that word Btejfed. SoJE/^.1.3.12
3 Cor. 1.3.
Vfc. This may Cervctoreprove that fluggiflhrrefle and Lufce-
warmneffeof ours, which is oftentimes fo great, that wee are
no otherwife affe&ed when we fpeak, heare* or thinke of theft
things, then when we are talking of common things : yea, we
are fcarce Co much moved,as we uie to be then,when we fpeak
of any worldly profit, which doth delight us.
Ver(e6. Wherein ye greatly rejoyce : though now fr afeafon(if
need be) ye are in heavinejfe through manifold temptations*
7 That the triaU of your faith 9 being much more precious then
of Gold that perijheth , though it be tried with pre , might
bee found unto praife^ and honour , and glory , at the appear
ring oflejtti Chrift.
%. Whom having not feene^ye love$ in whom >> though now ye fee^
him not 9 yet beleevingye rejoyce with joy unfpeakgble and full
of glory.
9. Receiving the end of your faith 9 even the f alvation of your
GRacc is here let forth by the effect and adjuncT: there-
of, which he makes to confift in the greateft joy, in thofe
words, wherein ye re Joyce. Now this joy is amplified by thole
B 2 manifold
1 4 A Commentary upon the fir ft Epjflk of peter*
manifold affli&ions and temptations ^ti.tuutually tmk '
men fad rather then joyfuil, in the other p at of the 6, verity
Where the amplification per difcretnm axiomafcy a di fcrct ax-
iom 5 is to be conceived after this manner. Although by reafun
of manifold afflictions and temptations ye arc exceeding hea-
vy, yet fo great is the excellency of this grace wherein yee
ftand, thatthefeaiHidionsarenohinderancctoyuu, becauli
ye rejoycein ihat grace with great joy.
Now that afflictions ffaould not take away fpiritual! joy
from the faithful.], he fhewes, hr it,from the nature of thole af-
fli&i >ns,wherewith the faithfull are wont to be vexed.2.Fromi
the nature of that grace, which produceth fphituall joy.
The heavinefle of afflictions is diminished, i. By the adj'unft
of duration, that they are butfor afeafon, 2. Bythear^jimft
of profit, that they bring fruit & utility ; and for no other
caufe doc they befall them, in the(e words : if need be* 5. By
the Angular end and ufe of afBiftions, by which alfo their
profit is (hewed, to wit, that they ferve for the triall of their
faith ; which triall of faith is fet forth by a fimilie, anil that of
a lefler, the triall of Gold* 4. By the erTeft of it,which hpraife,
honour andglorj at the appearing ofleftu Chrift*
The nature of grace he fhewes to be fuch,as that it cm over-
come all affli&ions : the reafbn whereof he makes to be this,
becaufe it joynes us with Chrift, without the helpcofthe
outw;T J ftnfes, and fo both againft and above fenfc, it lifts up
the mind to the greateft joy vcrfc 8. of which )oy hee decla-
reth firft the adjuncts of \t,unfpeakableawi full of glory ^ and af-
terwards the caufe or argument that moves or (tirrcs up iiich
joy in the fajthfalJ, to wit, that by their faith they arc made
furer of the Calvation of then toZ/jwhich is the end and fcope
The ©oftrines drawnejience.
|*< Doc*r. I. hy and fpiritftall rejoycing arifeth from the fenfe
I and participation of fpirituall grace*
This is gathered from thofe words: Wherein ye reicyc*. For
exahstio, rt)oy&t\% is a vehement aft of joy, as tis intimated
injihe end of the 8. verfe.
^ Reafer, 1 . Becaufe it is the nature of joy, for the mind to
A Commentary nptfttthefirji Epiftk ofhter. 1 $
delight it (elfe with the pofTefiion of (ome folid good; now
there ii tioe good that can be Compared cum Summa bone*
with that chtefe £o->ef and cternall happine?; & this we begin
' to have poflcfltan ofin having pofltmon of laving grace; and
the compleat and rullpofleffion of it is laid hold on and made
iure by faith and hope; and hence it is that fpiritua*! joy is
properly the fruit of hope. f?eh$.6» Rorr. 5. 2. Yet not-
withstanding this is Co to be underused, as that wee muft not
exclude all thoie from the ftateof grace,which have not thi« joy
Ibmetimes ; becaufe this joy depends upon the fence of grace;
now (btnetimes they have not the fence of grace, that are ei-
ther hindered by ignorance, or fbme grievous temptation,
that they cannot be lennble of that which they have.
Vfr* ?. This may ferve to refute thoie carnal! men, who
fuppofe the practice of religion to bee full of fadnefle and hea-
vineue, without any joy or delight ; when indeed the joy of
thofe men is nothing die but madheffe, Ecelef* 2.2. and is
changed at length into the greateft Forrow : but true and io-
lid jcy is the priviledge of all the godly, becaufe they alone
have true caufe of joy, and that joy (hall never be taken from
2. To exhort us to faife up our mindes to the exercise oF
this joy, for thereunto wt are called^ that we fhould alwayes
rejoycein the Lord, Phil. 4. 4. An example hereof we have in
the EunnchjWho went forward in his way with joy,after that
by baptrfme he was made fiire ofthe grace of God, Afts 8.39.
t)oc>* 2. Manifold effect* ions may well ft anb with this joy.
Keafon 1. Becaufe although afflictions may make us fomc«
what heavie, yet that heavineffe is not in the higheft degree,
that it (hould wholly poflefle andaverwhelmeourmindes,
but it is mitigated and overcome by fpirituall joy.
2. Becaufe the affliftwns themfelves are turned into matter
of joy and rejoychig, lames 1.2. Raw 5»3»
Vfe* This may ierve to admonifh us not fo much to feare
theaffli&ions of this world, or at any time fo to lye downe
them, as to caft orTall our joy.
Do&. 3. AffliBions are turned into matter of re joycing,
•when there is fuch ufe made ej 'them , as that our faith avd every
trace isftirred up andmcreafedhy them*
B3 This
$g, A Commentary upon the firji Epifile of Peter*
This is gathered from the feventh Verfe.
Reafon i. Becaufe we make great gaine by thetriallof
r *our faith, much more then can be gotten by the triall of gold,
as it is in the Text.
2. Becaufe faith by this triall becomes the ftronger by
reafon of affliftions,, and doth more firmely expect praife, ho-
nour and glory in Chrift , as it is in the Text.
Vje . This may ferve to admonifl} us t to make it our primary
• and chiefeft care not to faint in our faith and other graces,
when we are in the midft of affii&ions, as thofe that have but
a temporary faith are wont to do, but to labour to profit by
Daft. 4. Thi* joy doth not depend upon the fight or vi fib le
prefmee of Chrift.
This is gathered from the eighth Verfe.
Reafon i. Becaufe faith and hope is properly of thofe
things that are not feene, Rorn.%. 24. Hcb.l 1. 1. Now this joy
1 arifeth from faith and hope, as it is in the Text.
1. Becaufe we rejoyce either in the a&uall pofTeffion, or in
the certainty of the pofTeftlon of the things we love. Now
Chrift having not yet fecne we love, as it is in the Text.
Vjc. This may ferve to exhort us , while we live here by
faith, Co to walke, rejoyce, and live,as if we did behold Chrift
with our eyes : For blefled are all they which have not feen
and yet havebeleevcd, Iohn 20.29.
Doft. 5. This joy is unfycakable and full of glory.
Reafon. Becaufe both the thing it felfe wherein wc re-
joyce, and the operation of the Spirit in raifing our mindes
unto it, is more divine, then caD poflibly be conceived, much
lefTe exprefled by us.
Vfi* 1. This may ferve to admonifl} us not to be too curious
in the fearching after and declaring of thofe things that are
2. To exhort us to apply our (bules to the fenfe and exer-
cife of this grace, becaufe they have a divine and glorious na-
Doft. 6. By this joy we begin to loo\eforthe end of our
faith^ even the falvation of our foules.
Reafon. Becaufe this fpirituall joy is a glorious beginning
A Commentary upon thefirft Epiftle of ?etcr< 1 5
of our glory, and Co of our falvation through Chrift.
Vf(* This may ferve to exhort us , highly to prize this fpi-
rituall joy , and by all meanes to be careful! to ftirre up and
cherifh it in our felves.
Verfe IO. Of which falvation the Trophets have enquired and
fearchzd diligently^ who propheftedofthe qrace thatfhould
come unto jou^
'Verfe 1 1 . Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of
Chrift which was in them didftgnijie, when it teftified be-
forehand the fufferings cf(fhrift, and the glory that pjould
Vet fe 1 2. Vnto whom it was revealed^ that not unto thewfelves^
hut wito us they did'neinifter the things which are now re-
ported unto you by them that have preached the Gofpell un-
to you , with the Holy Ghoft fent downefrom Heaven^
which things the nAvgels defire to loolee intc
TO confirme and illuftrate the grace and falvation. that
hath hirherto beene fpoken of^ the Apoftle in thefe ver-
fes brings the teftimony of the Prophets ; which is fee
forth, 1. By the principall object thereof, which is nothing
tKe but this felfefame falvation and grace , who ein the faith-
full Chriftians now ftand, in thefe words : of which falvation
thatfhould come unto us they prophefted, a. By the manner how
they were impioyed about this object $ They did it with great
care and diligent heed,in thefe woi'ds 5 f/?ej enquired and fe arch-
ed diligently. 3. By the lingular description of that objeft
whereabout they were impioyed, verf. 11. and the manner
how. The object, to wit, falvation and grace before fpoken
of, is defcribed by the efficient caufe thereof, namely , the me-
diation of Chrift, confifting of two parts, his humiliation
and exaltation at the end of the verfe. And the manner how
the Prophets are faid to have been impioyed about this caufe
of our falvation, eonfifted in two things : 1 . That they did
not only defire to know the very thing it felfe, but alio the ve-
ry moment of time wherein it fhould be rcveal'd , in thefe
words, what t or what manner of time* 2. That it did not de-
16 A Commentary upon tbefirftEpiftle of Peter*
pend upon various anduncertaineconje&ures, but they did
religioufly ask counfell of the Spirit of Chrift, that was pre-
sent with them, as of one that did foreknow and could foce-
tell of all things that mould happen, in thefc words, the Spirit
ofChrift which yeas in them, that unified beforehand, did fig-
The teftimony it felfe of the Prophets is propolcd in the
1 2 vcrlc, to wit,that this grace and falvation was to be revealed
at that very time wherein it appeared, and no other : which
telthnony of the Prophets is alio fet forth by the like tcftimo-
nies of the Apoftlcs and Angels. The fimilitudc that is be-
twixt the Apoules and the Prophets is (hewed herein ; that as
the Prophets prophefied of thefe things by the Spirit of
Chriftythat was in them, that foretold it ; Co the Apottles de-
clared the feme things by the holy Ghofi fent downe from Hea-
ven* The fimilitude that is betwixt the Angels and the Pro-
phets is (hewed herein ; that as the Prophets enquired and
fearcheft diligently concerning this falvation ; Co alio the An-
gels did defire to look into it, all and each of which make ve-
ry much for the letting forth of this grace.
The Dottrines drawnc from hence arc thefe.
Do& l.The chief e fart ofthefrofhefies of all the true Pro-
phets that have beenefrom the beginning of the world, was concer-
ning the grace and falvation that Should come by Iefus Chrifi our
Lord and Saviour ;
This is gathered fi om the tenth Verfc.Thc like you may
{eCftsftts 3.18,20. and 7-52-
Reafon I. Becaufe the falvation of the Church in all ages
depended upon ChriitNowit was the office of the Prophet*
to dircft the Church in the feeking of their falvation.
2. All the Prophets Were Minilters of Chriit 3 and were led
by his Spirit, Verfe 11. and therefore ought to lecke his ho-
3« Becaufe after this manner were mens mindes to be pre-
pared by degrees for the rcceivkigof Chrift that was to come:
for what isfaid oilokn the But>tift y doth in fomcibrt belong
unto all the Prophets 3 that they did prepare the wayes of the
Vfc 1. This may ferve for Information , to confirme and
A Commentary upon the fir ft Epiftle of Peter* 1 7
eihblifh the true faith , not only againft the Heathens and
Jewes, but alf> againft the Pap ills themfelves, who (ay that
this true do&tine of the grace revealed in Jefus Chrift, is a
new do& ine, and never heard of before thefe times ; for Wc
acknowledge no other grace, but that which thofe Prophets
aiwayes prophefted of trom the beginning of the world.
2. To exhort /*/, continually to meditate upon this grace
our felves, and as occasion (hall (erve, to (hew it forth unto ou-
tliers, with all freencfie and reaciinefieofminde ; fortius
doth become us much rather then thofe, that lived fo lor g
before the comming of Chrift, and beheld him only afar off.
Doft. 2. Thofe ancient Prophets did not only prophefie of
thisprace^ but they didalfo enquire and fc arch diligently into it*
This is gathered from the Came word?.
Reafon 1. Becau(e it feem'd unto them , as indeed it is , a.
very great my ftery of godlinefle, iTim. 3. 16. therefore they
law that they muft u(e the very ucmoft ot their endeavours, to
come to fome measure of the knowledge of that which did
lye hid therein, both for their o*ne comfort and the edifica-
tion of theChurch.
3 Becaule this truth was propoied unto them in a more
ebfeure manner under types and fhadowes,ib that they could
not look into the thing it fclfe without great care and labour.
Vfe 1 . This may (erve for information, hereby we may un-
derstand what manner of men the true Prophets of God were
heretofore/ they did not utter words without fenfc, or un-
demanding, or care-taking of thofe things that did lye be-
fore them, as the diabolical! Prophets of the Heathens were
wont to do in their ftiry ; but they did wholly apply tbeir
minds to what they did.
2. To exhort us therefore to lay aiide all (loth and iluggifti-
nefle, and to u(e all care and diligence in the er quiring and
fearching after thefe divine things: for this induftry is much
more rcquifite for us,then it was for them, to whom the holy
Ghoft did immediately dictate all thing?.
Doft 3. The foundation cf all thin greet and falvation^lies
in the humiliation and exaltation of our Lordlefus Chrift.
This is gathered from the eleventh Verfe.
Reafon* Becaufe the whole mediation of Chrift, whereby
C our
A Commentary upon thefirji Epiftle rfPeter.
our falvation is procured,is contained in thole two partf.
Vfe I. This may fcrve to exhort rts, alwayes to joyne thole
two things together, in the fceking of our falvation : for they
are in their owne nature (o conjoy ned , that if they mould be
fepai ated, our faith and hope would be made altogether void.
This u the rock of offence at which thejewes did, and to this
day do (tumble, in that they look for outward glory and ma-
jefty in their Menus, even without any (iiffering or humiliati-
on going before.
2. To exhort us alwayes in all things to build upon this
Doft . 4. Not only the effence itfelfe of this my fiery is ufu-
ally enquired after by the godly , but even all the circttmfiances
thereof as far forth as they may be comprehended.
This is gathered from thofe words : fearching what or what
manner of time.
Reafon 1. Becaufe in this myfterie there is nothing of (6
(mall confequence, as that it may be neglected without lofle
to our (elves.
2. becaufe love is careful to enquire into al things that per-
tainc to the thing beloved, though otherwise they may feeme
to be very fmall.
Vfe, This may fetve to admonifb us^ not to think it enough
to have fbmeconfufed knowledge of the common principles
of the Gofpell , but to exercife our (elves to come to a more
full and diftinft knowledge of every grace of God.
Do£r. 5. es4Il thefe things were alwayes declared only by
the Spirit offfhrifl that was in the "Prophets,
This is gathered from the eleventh Verfe.
Reafon, Becaufe as no man knowes the things of man, but
the Spirit of man,fo no man knowes the things of Chrirc, but
the Spirit oiChriftp 1 C CY 2,,f »
Vfe 1. This may ferve for information , hereby we may
confirme our fe Ives in the truth ofChrifts divine nature, be-
caufe the Spirit of God which (pake in the Prophets from the
beginning, is here cxprefly called the Spirit of Chriff.
2. To exhort *w, to depend upon Chrift, and from his Spirit
to feek for all light in fearching the Scripturcs,and inquiring
after divine thing?.
A Commentary upon the firfi Epiflle of Peter, 1 9
Dodr. C* Although faving grace was the fame y that was in
the Church from the beginning oftheworld^ yet notwithstanding
great is our prerogative in this grace above the Prothtts , and
1 thofe to whom they prophefied before the comming offhrijt*
This is gathered from the twelfth Verle, Not unto them-
felves, but unto us they didminifter,
Reafon 1. It is by reaton of that clearer light which ac-
companied the comming of the Sunne , and continues from
that time.
2. By reafon of the greater efficacy of the holy Gkoft, as
it is in the text.
3. By reafon of the larger communication of this grace,
which is now extended unto all Nations.
Vf* t. This may fcrve for to comfort us, becaufewedos
abound in this grace, our hearts ought to be ftrengthened a-
gainfr ail terrours*
2. To exhort us, that as this grace doth abound, €0 mould
our thankfulnefle alfo abound in all prattile of piety ; for he
that hath received much, oi him is much required.
Doft. 7. So great is the excellency of the grace and falva-
tion offered unto us by ^hrifi^ that even the Angels themfelves
defire to lookg into if,
This-is gathered out of thofe words, which things the *An«
gelsdefire to took^htc So f T$m,%. 16. you may fee it proved.
Reafon, Becaufe there are fome things in this myitcrie,
which the Angels themfelvesare yet ignorant of, LMatth.24.
36. into thole things they defire to look, that they may know
thcm.'into other things that they do know they defire alfb to
looke that they may delight themfelves in beholding the glo-
ry of God, as it were in a glade.
Vj(» This may Cerveto admonijhus, never to be weary of
fearching into theft holy ray fterie6, whether it be in hearing
the Word of God in publick, or in reading and meditating
upon it in private*
C 2 Vetfc
2 o A Commentary upon thefift Eptfle of Peter*
Verfe 1 5. Wherefore gird up the loynes of your minde, befober,
and hope to the- end t for the grace that is to be brought unto
you at the revelation ofjefus thrift :
Verfe 14. As ob. dknt ckildreri^notf ajkioning your felves accor-
ding to the former lufts in your ignorance :
Verfe l 5. But as he which hath calledyou is holy,fo be ye holy in
all manner ofconverfation 5
Verfe 1 6. r Becanfe it is written, *Beye holy 9 for 1 am holy*
Veife 17. tstnd if ye cdll on the Father y wbo without refpet~l of
perfons judgeth according to every mans workg , pajfe the
time ofy our fo)ournirg here in fear e*
Verfe 1 8. For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed
with corruptible things, as filver and gold, from your vaine
converfation received by tradition from your fathers,
Verfe 1 p. "Bui with the precious blood of (fbrift, as of a Lamb e
without bltmijh, and without fhot,
Verfe 20. Who verily was fore-ordained before the foundation
of the world, but was manifefl inthefe la/t times foryou,
Verfe 21, Whoby lyimdobeleeveinGodthatraifcdhimupfrom
the dead and gave him glory , that your faith and hope might
be in God*
Verfe 22. Seeing- yee have purified your fou/es in obeying the
truth through the Spirit. untounfeined love of the brethren^
fee that ye love one another with a pure heart, fervently,
Verfe 23. 'Being borne aq^aine, not of corruptible feed, but of in-
corruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abide th
for ever*.
Verfe 24. FeraHflffouasgraffe, and all the glory of man-as the
flower ofgrajfe :. thegrajfe withereth, and the flower there-
of falleth away j
Verfe 25 . But the word of the Lordendureth for ever : and this
is the word which by the G of petl is preached unto you,
IN this part of the chapter,therc is contcin'd an exhortation
to perfift and goe forward in the grace of God j which is
the .Scope of the whole Epiftlejas was fhewed before .- Now
thisdutyisdefcribcdingenerallinthe 13. verfc 5 and after-
A Commentary upon the fir ft Epiftle of Peter.
wards is fet forth,, and prefied by divers arguments in the ver-
fes following. From the defrripiion of the grace before pro-
poied. there is as it were a conclnfion drawne, which is infer-
' red by anecelTiry connexion and c >nfecjuence from the na-
tu. e of that grace, as it was before dcfciibed : which evident-
ly appeares by the con)un&\on JVben fore ; and that is the
reafon why in all the parts of this exhoitati n, as they
are distinctly propounded, there is a lingular refpefl had to
fbms part of the description chat went be fore, wherein the na-
ture or that grace was explained. The duty therefore to
Which the Apoftle doth exhort, isdefcribcJ. Firil by the
caufe and principall part thereof; which is a I '-cr/j hop^
ef which there was mention made before in the third verie.
Secondly, By the lingular ob}:& of this hope, in beholding
whereof it iliould be confirmed and ilrengtrncd $ which
is true grace ? that is now in tome measure brought unto
the faithfull, but fh.dl hereafter be communicated more
fully and perfectly 5 in thefc words : Hope for that Gre.cc^
n hich U to be brought nntoywat the rcveUiioM ofjiftu Qjirift •
which pirtotthe deicription, is taken from the endoi the
7» verfe* 3. By the adjimft of cpnltancy andperfcverancc,
which is efpeciilly aim'd at in the whole Ep Itle, as the
chicfefcopc thereof j inthele words ; hope to the end* 4. There
is added alio the manner and meanes of performing th>s duty,
when he tells U5 , that it mould be doneconragioiifly and rea-
dily, withfbbriety and watchfulneffr, in theic words : Gird
upthelo'wtsofyour mind, be fobcr, "I his exhortation is fee
forth and prefled by divers arguments ; the firit of which
is taken from rcoen-ir&tion or efre£tuall calling, whereby
all the faithfull are tmde the bonnes of God, which rea-
ibn is taken from the 5.ver(e, where mention is made of the
regeneration of the fiithfuiJ, by the God and Father of our L^rd
JefttfCbrifl .• becanfe by this regeneration or calling, the
faichfuli aretraoflrted from the ft ate of fin, intothcibteof
gr^ce : therefore this reafon is given in both refpetts ; both
that they ftirnJd renounce their former fames, eifei^*. and
that they fhouid conforme themfelves to the bolioeiTc of that
calling; wherewith they are called. verfei5. ^'bich is urged
and enforced by a double argument : the firft is taken from
C 3 the
5S A Commentary upon thefirfi Epiftle of Peter.
the likenefTe ? that ought to be betwixt the perfn calling and
the pci fons called, as the Scripture it felfe in the old Teft. wit-
nelTtth, verfe 15. 16. The fccond is taken from the ieverity
of Gods judgement, which they can by no meanes efc.ipe,
that call God then Father, and yet dishonour his name, verle
17. The fecondargumenc of the exhortation, is taken from
redemption, and the meanes and end thereof, verfe iS. 19. Of
which there was mention made before at the end ofverfej.
and verfe 1 ! . Becaufe the confideration of this redemption
obtained by Jeftis Chrtit, and of Chi ift himfefre, is very ne-
cciTary andcffettuall to admohifli, andftir up the faithful], to
take care of their duty : therefore the Apottle ltayes awhile
upon the defenption of Chrift, as he was from all eternity
fore-ordained to performe the office of amediatour, at the
beginning of the 20.verfe,and as he was manifeft in time ; verfe
20. 2 1. which is taken ftom verfe 11. la.
The third argument is taken (romfanclificatio^ as it flowes
from the regeneration oi the ipirit, and from the word of
God, which are the proper caules thereof, verfe 22. 3. 4. 5.
whereby the way that part of Chrittian duty is commended,
that hath refpedt to the nmtnallloveofthefaithfull amongft
themfelves, verfe 22. becaule all the faithful! by regenerati-
on, are made partakers ofthe fame (piritu ill life 5 butyctthe
chiefeft argument, whereby we are exhorted to conftancy in
that and every other grace, is taken from the incorruptible na-
ture ofthe word, whereby we are regenerated, and conse-
quently of regeneration it ielfejwhich isfet forth by a compa-
nion of things that are unlike it. Verfe 23, 24, 2 5.
The DOCTRINES ariimg here ncc are thefe.
Doft. I. The Confederation of the grace of God that is
brought unto us in Chrift$ fbould fiir us up to the practice of
I his is gathered from the connexion, which is intimated
*n that particle. Wherefore^ verfe 1 3.
Reaf. i . Becaule the end of Grace is to free us from fin,
and to make us conformable to the image of God, Luc. 1. 74.
75. 2 Becaule by that meanes it is very fitting for us, to
teach and further ns in that practice. Tit, 2. 1 1. 1 2. 3. Bc-
A GommtnUry upon thefirft Epjftle of Mer, 3 3
cauft it cannot be truly learned by us 5 unlefle it wcrke this in
us,E^.4.2 0.i,23.,4.
Vfe\. This rmy Cerve to eondemme thoie that turnethe
grace o^ G Jti into wantonnes (fah 5.13*2. To exhort us toiue
all care to make this grace effectual! in our hearts ; that it may
bring forth great fruits of Piety.
Do&. 2. The foundation of found b:/ : ne(fe &s firmely to hope
for that grace that fkall be revealed at the ctmming of Iefus
Chrift our Lord.
This is gathered from the 13. verfe. So ¥hil.^2o.Tit, 2.13.
Reaf.\. Becauft this hope is the perfe&ion of that where-
in our fpirituall life doth confift. 2. Becaufe this expectati-
on reprefents the reward unto us, by contemplating, where-
upon we are made immoveable and abounding intheworke
of the Lord. 1. Cor. 15. 58. Heb. 6. 11. 3. 2?ecaufc this
hope begets patience, whereby with ftrong confolationit
doth overcome all the difficulties, that are wont to befall men
in the courfe of Godlinefle. He h,,
Vfc* iVis may ferve to exhort us, to have a care to lay this
foundation veryfurein our hearts, and daily to confirmed
more and more.
Do6h 3. To keepe this hopefrme and lively, wejbouldcou-
ragioujly gird up our f elves that rre might be prepared \andrc 'aiy to
per for me all t hofe things that tend thereunto.
This is githered from thole words : gird up the loines of your
mind ;for this is it 5 that is fignified by the habit of a man,that
hath his loines girt in Scripture, that he is prepared and rea-
dy to performe his duty. Lttc, 12.35.
Reaf, 1 . Secaufe the difficultly to retaine this hope is ve-
ry great, in fo much,that it cannot be kept without earned en-
deavour. 2. 3?ccaufe in fpirituall duties our loines are too
flick, that is, the floth of (in, and infirmity hath taken hold of
all our faculties Heb.12, 12.
Vfe% This may fcrve toadmonijhm^ bynomeanestoyeeld
to the floth and fluggifhneffe of our corrupt nature, but to
drive againft it as much as we can, and laying afide every
weight,and the floth that doth befet us a to runne the race that
is fet before us, Heb. 1 2 , r.
Dod* 4. Sobriety in the ttfe of the things of this life^ dotlf
24 A Commentary upon fhefirfl Epifik of Peter.
very much conduce to the furtherance of this endeavour .
This is gathered from this word, Bj fcber and hope.
Re of. 7?ec2u(e the love and immoderate life of the things
ofthis world, doth (o burden the foule, and glue it to the
. earth, that it cannot lift up it ftlfe to feeke after heavenly-
-Vfe % This may ferve toadmonifh ^not toaddi& our minds
to any worldly thing, but here to u(e this world 3 and not abufe
it. i^r.7.31.
Doft. V. The ft ate of adoption, whereby tve are wade the
formes ofGodtpiouldftir us up to the praffife ofholinejf.
This is gathered from thefe words : As obedient Childrer*
Rfafi i. tfecauie Children fhould beare the image of
their Father : Now the image of God conlifts inholincfie
and righteoufhefle. 2. />ecaule it is the duty of Children 3
readily and of their ov/ne accord to apply ihemiclvestothe
will of theii Father. Now the will of God isourfanctiixa-
tion« 1 rty.4.3. this is it vhac isuvimatcd in that title,
where the faithfull are called dediem C lire,\
Vfu 1 . T'his may ferve to condemne thoxe,th it with the wic-
ked Jewes fay, they are the Children of Abraham and of
God, when notwithstanding, they doe the worKcs of the De-
\>ill,Iohn 8, 41 » 2.4.1 hhv 3.8.10. 2. Toexb-.rt «.f, in all
things to make it appears, that we are the title ionnes of God,
by obedience unto his will, and our pracrhc of hoUnefle : for
unleflewe beare the thalh'ementsot the Lord, that by them
we may be made partakers of his holinefle, hereby we fliew
that;wearebaftards,and nortjue tonres. Heb. 12.8. 10.
Doft. 6. Thisfiiiall obed:ence i and the fajbiommr four [elves
a, cordir.g to the former lufls ofourfms^ cannot ft a rid together.
This is gathered from the oppolition, that is made betwixt
thefe two, verle 14. where the one being jffirmed, that we
are obedient Children,the other is denyed 3 that we mould not
lalhion our felves according td our lulls.
Reaf. 1. BcchuCq they,which by regeneration are made
the Children of God, arc new creatures, havea new nature
and new affections, fo that they have wholy renounced their
former natureand affections: and for this very cau& they are
called in the Text, former lufts^ or, which were before.
2. Be-
A Commentary upon the fir ft Epifile of Peter, 2 5
2. Becaufe the former lufts of finne do wholly withdraw
us from the will of God, which we ought to obey.
3. Becaufe the former lufts of finne are fiich, that all that
, are come to the knowledge of the truth, may beafham'dof
them; this is intimated in the Text, where they are called
lufts which were in ottr ignorance : becaufe they cannot endure
the light.
Vfc i . 1 his may ferve to condemne th«(e,that profeffe them-
selves the children of God,and call upon Gad as their Father,
& yet follow the fame courfe of life that the children of this
world do.
2. To exhort us, not to conforme our (elves to this world,
R om* 1 2. 2. where there is a reafon alio given of this exhorta-
tion, in the 1 Verfe, becaufe if we do this we cannot prefene
our felves to God as a living facrifice, acceptable unto him.
So2 7Vw,2.ip.
Do&. 7. The calling of the fahhfull doth necejfarilj require
This is gathered from Verfe 1 5, 16 .
Reafon 1 . Becaufe holinefle is one of the chiefe ends of this
calling, therefore it is ufually called in the Scriptures a holy
2. Becaufe God which calleth us is moft holy, and he cals
us to have communion with him in holinefle , as it is in the
3. Becaufe the calling it (elfe is in it sown nature a (etting
of a man apart from the common and corrupt ufe or the
world to a facred ufe; and therefore it is a consecration or
dedication of men unto holinefle.
Vfe 1* This may ferve to rebuke and condemne thofe , that
feek for nothing by their Chriftian calling, but justification
and blifle, and in the meane time altogether neglect the care
2. T-.< exhort us 9 in all our conversion to endeavour to be
holys as it is in the Text ; 'Be ye holy in all manner ofconverfa-
tion ; that is, fo walke, as it becommcth the call ng , where-
with ye are called.
Do&. 8. The feverity of gods judgement ffiouldjlirr* us up
to theprattije of piety,
D This
26 A Comment try upon thefirft EpiftU tfPcl*.
This is gathered from Verfe 17.
Reafon 1. Beciufe God in executing his judgements is no
refpe&cr of perfons, as it il in the Text. Now the name and
proieflton of the faith, is nothing elle, buttheperfonofthe
Christian j as circumciiion and the piofetTion of thelavv" was
the perfon of the lew : Such a protefiion therefore without
found holinefTe cannot ftand before Gods Tribunal!.
2. Becaufe God doth in fome fort more (cverely require
holinefTe of thofe that by their calling draw neere unto God,
& call him Father, as it is in the Text, then he doth of others,
Levi; .TO 3. / will befanttifiedin them that come nigh me*
Vfe, This may ferve to aimonijh tu not to cofen our lelves
j in relying wholly upon the outward profeffion of faith , but
to appeare before God alwayes with feare and reverence,as it
is in the Text : becaufe our God is a confuming fire, Heb,
12. 29.
Doft- 9. The confideratitn of our redemption /bau/d be A
Jlrong; Argument to fir up in ouf hearts a dtfire ofholinejfr.
Reafon 1. Becaufe we arc redeemed from all our vaine con-
vei fation. although it be commended unto us by the ufe and
tradition of our Fathers, Ver£ 18. I herefore for a man to
follow fuch fafhions , after that he is come to the knowledge
of redemption^ nothing elfe, but to oppofe himfelfe againlt
bis owne redemption , and as much as in him lies , to make
it void and of none er£fr.
2. Becauie by this redemption we are bought to be the Ser-
vants or God, 1 CV.5.20.& 7.* 3. So that we ought no lon-
ger to ferve fin" e, nor the world, nor to live according to our
owne will and pleafure : but according to the will of God and
our Puedeemer.
3. Becaufe the price wherewith we are redeemed \ is of fo
great worth, that it doth farre furparJe all the raoft precious
things of.this world : therefore there ought to be made an
excellent ufe thereof ; and yet notwithstanding only thofe
that endeavour to be ho!y,make any eiteeme of it,Vcrf 1 8 : 19.
r e 1 . This may ferve tc tmiem*$ rhofe that by their life
difbonour Chrift, and put their Redeemer to an open fhame,
Heb.6,6. they doe as it were tread under foot his blood, that
was the price of ourredemption,and count it an unholy thing
Heb,io,2p. 2. To
A Commentary upon the firfi Epiftle of Peter. 2 7
X To exhort us, as often as wc think of our redemption,
('which we ought to.do very oft J fb often mould wc thinke
that there are as it were coales of fire heaped upon our heads,
1 wherewith we fliould be inflamed to this holinefle.
Doft» 10. That n>e majgaine profit and benefit by the con-
f deration of our redemption^ we Jhould diligent Ij meditate upon
Chrifis predefiination , his incarnation , humiliation, and glo-
This is gathered from Verfe 20, 2 1.
Reafon I. Becaufe by this meanes alone is the breadth,and
length, and depth, and height of Gods love in Chrift made
manifeft, Ephef.$.i%.
2 . Becaufe by this meanes alone doe we come to know,
what a great worke, and of how great difficulty it was, to de-
liver men from their finnes.
3. Becaufe by this alfb we may eafily gather, how fit and
juft it is , that we fliould live unto God and Chrift in all ho-
linefle, which is the fcopeof this Text.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonijb us not to pafle over this
myfterie (lightly in our thoughts and meditations,but to con-
tinue in contemplation thereapon, that fo we may, as it were,
fuck therehence the juice of true godlinefle.
Dott. 1 1 . The proper and immediate ufe of all our contem*
plat ion upon Chrift t and our redemption obtained by hint, k,to con*
firme our faith and hope in God.
This is gathered from Verfe 21, at the end.
\Reafon 1. Becaufe the end of Chrifts mediation is, that
through him we Qjould believe in God, as it is here affirmed.
2. Becaufe Chrift left us an example of putting our faith
and hope in God ; for he in his way perfectly performed it,
and by that meanes attained the higheft glory.
3. Becaufe for our fakes and for our good was that glory
given unto Chrift, which our faith and hope look and feeke
Vfe, This may ferve to exhort */, al wayes to look unto Ie-
ius Chrift the author and finifher of our faith, Heb.12.2. and
by looking unto him to quicken our faith and hope.
Doft. 12. The calling of the faithfuU hath the purification
if the foulc \omedmth it*
^ D2 This
3 g A Commentary upon thefirfi Epiftle of Peter.
This is gathered from the beginning of the 2 2 Verfc. So
Z Tet. 2. 20. Hence ic is that the warning or baptifme repre-
sents thut grace which is given in their calling : Now this
purification and warning., which is communicated in their
calling, and ngnified by baptifme, is not by jultification on-
ly, which confifts in the imputing thereot unto remiflion of
iinnes, but alio by lanctification and the reallclenfing ofthe
foule, 1 £V.&if. Tit,% 5. And this fan&ification is chiefly re-
ferred to the foule as to its proper object.
Reafou 1. Becaufe outward purification and fan&ification
is nothing worth at all D if it be divided from the inward : for
this was the hypocrifie ofthe Scribes and Pharifees ? that are
faid to have made clean the outiide of the cup and ofthe plat-
ter 9 when within they were full of extortion andexcefle,
2. Becaufe the operation of the Spirit begins at the foule,
and from the foule is derived to the outward man : for as all
pollution proceeds firft out ofthe heart, Matth* 1 5. 1 9, Co alio
3. Becaule if the foule be onc^ purified within 5 outward
purity will follow ofits owne accord., ./W4/M. 23 26
4. Becaufe this purity doth more properly conlift in the af-
fection & intention ofthe lbule,then in the outward praftile ;
for the fame outward works may be done by impure men;
but the faithull differ from all impure hypocrites by their in-
ward diipofitions and affecYionr.
5. Becaufe the faithfull themlelves are oftentimes fuftained
and receive comfort by the purity which they have within in
their will and purpofe, though they cannot produce it into
aft according to their defire, Rom.j. 2125-.
Vfe I. This may ferve to condemne thofe that are whited
over with the name of Chriftians, but never look after the pu-
rity of their foules : and thetefore they may be rightly called
whited wals 3 (^^23.7. and whited Sepulchres, M.n 23.27.
2. To exhort us to ufe rhe utmolt of our endeavours to pu-
rifie our fouls, that they may be made the temples ofthe holy
Dv.ft. 13. This purification is wrought by the hearing of
the word^ & the ejfcftuall operation ofthe holy Ghoft by the word.
A Commentary upon the firft Epiftle of Peter* 2?
This is gathered from thefe words : in obeying the truth
through the Spirit. Where the word of God 3 especially of the
Gofpell, is called thetruth 3 partly for that excellency of truth
' that it hath above all other fa) ings or writings, and partly
beca'i e by vertueofthetruthorfoithfulnefleof thofepronn-
(es which are contained in the word, this purification is
wrought, together with all thofe fpiiituall blefllngs.that per-
taine to the consolation and ialvation of the faithful]-
Reafort 1. ffecauleche word together with the Spirit doth
reveale unto m, that rruepu - ity wh ch is plealing and accep-
table to G jd. whereof we are ignoran .
2. He Mile ; h? word together with the Spirit is the oracle
or power ot Go 1 unto Salvation, and confequently is able to
beget every giace in us
3. Becauleiaith ftirifus the hearts ofthefaithfull,/4#.r 15.
9 and faith comes by hearing of the word, Rom t io.ij.
V(e i. Th**s may Serve to refute the herefies of thoSe,which
either hvld that there is ftich power in the ftrei gch of nature,
that menmay fan6tific;thfsnrelvesat their own rree will and
plcafure, or. which comes all to one rmintaine that the out-
ward preaching of the word is fufficient without the power-
full operation "of the Spirit.
2. To exhort u^ firft, to hearken diligently unto the word
ofGod$ Secondly, not to reft our Selvesfathfied in the bare
letter of the word but alwayes to crave the gi ace ot God and
the operation of his Spirit : thirdly, in theufeofthe word
through the Spi; it to feck the purification of our (bules.
Do£fc. 14. The eff B andfigne of a purified fouls, isapure^
ftneere^ andfervmt love of 'the faithfully as of brethren,
Th s is gathered from the(e words : unto love of the
Reafon I. Becaufe hatred, envie, wrath, Strife, enmities,
and Such like affections, especially , when they reflect upon
theg >od. are Ton ie oft hole fi thy pollution? of the nVfh, from
wbiehthefouleoftrK faith d is puiified, Gal.y\$. n Q.
2. Bt-cauie the purification of our Snules makes us to love
put ity in others, and no man can take delight in the purity of
others, unleffc he be in fomemeafwre thurified himSclfe.
3, Becaufe in the mutuall love ot the faithful! divers ope-
3© A Commentary upm thefrft Epiftle of Peter*
rations are exercifed, to the performing whereof, their foules
are in a fpeciall manner purified and fanftified,as doing good,
bearing with infirmities, edificationof the Church, and glo-
rifying the name of the Lord.
Vfe i. This may ferve to condemne thole, that (hew them-
felves great enemies to godly men: they may rightly be cal-
led Cainites , for they have gone in the way of fain , with
thole to whom the woe is denounced by Ittde.VerCe 12.
2. To exhort us by all meanes to endeavour to gaine this
brotherly love of the godly : wherein there is required, Firft,
fincerity, that it mould be without hypocrifie or fimulation,
fo that it (hold not be in words ov injkew^s the Apoftle fpeaks,
but in heart. Secondly, that it mould be not only from the
heart, but from a pure heart ; bccauie there is a kinde of love
that is in force fort fincere, but yet it is impure, whiles that it
doth either negieft the chiefeft good or elfe ufcth fuch means
to procure lome good as are contrary thereunto t as if a man
to deliver his brother from danger, mould perfwade him to
deny the truth, or to diflemble, Thirdly, That it mould be
fervent , becaufe the afTe&ion ought to be ftt in the higheft
degree upon thole objects, where there is found to be the
chiefeft reafbn to ftirre it up.
Do6t. 15. Regeneration^ that is common to all the faith-
fall) is a flrong argument to provoke them to love one another.
This is gathered from the end of vcrfe 22. and the begin-
ning of the 23.where this rcalon is given,why they (hould love
one another, becaule they are borne againe.
Reaf becaule by this regeneration all the faithfull are
brethren, begotten by the fame Father, of the fame b!ood,and
partakers of the fame ipirit.
Vfi» This may ferve to exhort us 9 to be mind full all this ar-
gument, and to give it roome and power in our hearts, fo
that we may upon occafion fay as Abraham did, gen* 13. 8.
Let there be noftrife bctweene me and thee ; for we are brethren :
and to admonilh others alio in thofe words ofMofes %Acl. 7.
26 . Sirs 9 Te are brethren : Why doe ye wrong one another ?
Doc?. 16. The word of God is the incorruptible feed or prin-
ciple of this regeneration.
This 7 gathered from the 23. verlc,
Reaf. 1.
A Commentary upon thefrft Epiftle */ Peter* g r
Reaf. i . 7ecau(e it is the word of God, (as it is in the
Text}) which liveth and abideth for ever j whole nature ic i e-
fembleth in this, that the operation thereof is not momentany
, or temporary, but it abideth for ever, l . JBecauic to fpeake
properly, it is the word ofeternall life, John 6. 68. for the
end and ufe thereof is, to bring men to eternal I life. 3. 7>e-
caufe where it is once truly received, it never faileth. John 4.
Vfc* 1. This may fasetorefute the errour of thole, which
hold that they that are truly regenerated, ufually fall away
from the grace of God, and fo are borne againe and againe,af-
ter they have bcene regenerate : This is contrary, not only to
the promile and covenant of God, that he will keepc the
faithfull, that they mail not depart from him ler. 32. 40. and
to that comfort which Chrift gives his members, that no man
fhall pluck them out of his hand, John ic. 28. 2?ut alio to the
operation of the fpirit in the hearts of the faithfull, and to the
nature of the life it felfe, that is communicated unto them,
which is incorruptible and eternall, as it is in the Text.
2. To comfort ul againft all thofe feares and terrours, tha&
may arife from the conlideration of our own infirmities j for
although of our felves we are continually falling to corrupti-
on, yet there is fomething borne in us, if we be truly faith-
full, which is incorruptible and (hall abide unto eternall
3. To exhort us to cany our felves aniwerable in allChri-
ftkn duties, that is, tobeconftant and incorruptible in per-
forming them : and this is it at which the Apoftle doth efpe-
cially aime at in this place, when he ftirres up the faithfull to
a fervent and conftant love one of another, by this argument,
becaufe they are borne againe by the incorruptible word.
DocV 17. The condition tvherein the faithfull are put by
this incorruptible regeneration of the word, isfarre more excellent
then all the glory of this ivorld.
This is gathered from verfc 24^25. where there is a compa-
rifon made betwixt, fleflb, grafle, the flower of grade, and the
glory of man, on the one fide, and the word ofGodonthe
other j not as the word is considered in it felfe , but as it is re-
ceived by the faithfull, and tranflates them into the kingdome
of God. Reafon
22 A Commentary upon tftefirfl Epiftle of Peter.
Reofon. Becaaie as ii is in the text, there is nothing in all
the world but vanity , t hat quickly falleth away .• whereas the
word of God endureth for ever.
Vf* j. This may (crve to exhort w to make more precious
account of the word of God and of his k'ngdome, then ot all
the world, and that not only inrefpecT of our (elves, but of
others alfo ; as the Apoftle doth in this place extoll the word
of God and the condition of the regenerate above all the
things ofthe world, that by this confideration among others
he might move the faithful! to efteeme of others, that are re-
generate, more highly, and to love them more fervently, then
all the things of the world.
2. To comfoit us, in that God of i^is bounty and grace hath
advanced us to fsch a dignity,
Do&» 18. fV» opight to have a fingular reffcUunto this,
dignity and excellency w th" word of God^as it is preached unto
us by the Qofp'll.
This is gathered from the 22 verfe at the end.
Reafon 1. Becaufe the lame word of God is preached unto
us , that is So much commended by the Prophets, Apo-
ftlcs, and by Chrift himtelfe, as it is in the Text , thts is that
2. Becaufe it makes much unto our (alvation,as it is preach-
ed unto us.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifk us, not to fatisfie our (elves
with tome generalleiteemeoftheword, as many are wont to
doc, that are weary of the word that is preached unto them,
and loathing it do rejeft it ; but rchgioufly and reverently to
receive the word that is preached unto us^ as the eternall word
of God.
Chapter II.
A Comment ay) upon the fir jl Epiflle of Peter* 3 3
Chapter II.
Verfe 1. fVhertfore laying ajide all malice, and alt guile ', and.
hypocrifies 9 and envies, andevill fpeakjngs^
Verfe 2. *s4s new borne babes^ defire the fincere milke of the
rvjrdy that ye may grow thereby*
Verfe 3. Iffo be ye have tafted that the Lord is gracious.
Verfe 4. To whom comminq as unto a living flone, difallowed
indeed of mm ^ but chofen ofCjod, and precious \
Ve»fe 5- TV alfo as lively fl ones are built up afpirituall houfe^art
holy Fricflhoodj to offer up fpiritualljacrifice^ acceptable to
God by lefus Chrijl.
Verfe 6. Wherefore it is contained in the Scripture, Behold, I lay
inSion a chief e corner ft one ^ els El ^precious, and he that be-
leevcth on him fh all not be confounded,
Verfe 7. Vnto you therefore which believe he is precious, but un-
to them which be djj "obedient , the ft one which the builders
difallowed j he fame is made the head of the corner,
Verfe 8. tAndaftoneofftumbling^andarockjfoffence^evento
them which fiumble at the word } being difobedient , where-
unto alfo they are appointed.
Verfe 9. But ye are a chofen generation, a rcyallTriefthood^ an
holy nation^ a peculiar people, that yefoouldjhew forth the
fraifies of him, who hath called you out ofdarknejfe into his
marvellous light I
Verfe 10. Which in time paft were not a people, but are now the
people ofGodycvhich had not obtained mercy, but now have
obtained mercy,
I He fame exhortation that the Apoftle had be-
fore propofed , he doth here againc repeat
and prefle, and that notfimply and barely,
but by that principle and meanes , whereof:
there may and ought to be very good ufe
made.For by occaii >n of thofe chings,which
he had lately fpoken of the word of God, he ftirre. up a1! the
E faithfull
34 d Commentary upon thefirft Epiftle of Peter,
faithfull to the right ufe of this word , by whofe hclpe they
might perfift and grow in that grace, wherein they flood.
The occafion and connexion of this exhortation with the
words going before is intimated in that phrafe or particle,
jvherefsre. The exhortation it felfe is to a defire or love of the
word of God, which he had before commended, verfe 2.
Which exhortation he doth fo lay downe 9 that in the firtt
place he ftuwes, that the vices whichare contrary to this du-
ty, mult be 1 iid afide, and taken heed of which are five: malice^
quile^ hypocrifies, envies, evill-fpeakwgs^ verfe I . And in the
fecond place he gives reafbns agreeable thereunto, to ftirreus
up unto this duty, (to wit, a d eli re of the word.) Thefirft
reafon is taken, from the ufe or effeft of this word in refpect
of them, that it makes much for the edification of the faith-
ful! ; and this Ufe is allegorically fet forth, verfe 2 where the
regenerate faithfull are compared to infmts newly borne, and
the word to finceremilfce ; and the edification which is made
by ihe word, is compared to that a&»on , which infants ob-
taine by the nie of wholefbme milk p . The lecoud reafon is ta-
ken, by a continuation of the fame allegory, from the objrft
of the word, which he propoled tobetafted, and that is God
himielfeand our Saviour Jems Chrift : whole perfection and
ft neile for edification is declared. Verfe 3. where he is faid to
be gracious : and is 1 onfirmed alio by the experience and te-
stimony of all the faith.uU, who are faid to have tafled this
gracioufneffe , ibid, if fo be jee have tafied that the Lord is
praciou- .
In the explication of this affeftion, that ought to be fet up-
on our Lo'.djefus Chrift, as the primary object of this word,
the Apoftle continues from V rie 4 to the 1 1. Where in the
firft place the ah\6tion and duty it felfe o^comming unto
ChrUl, and adhering unto him by faith, is propoled, verfe 4.
To whvm camming* And then the reafon of thisdnty is allego-
rically declared, to wit,, that Chrift is the foundation of the
fpintuall building thar liveth for ever. Ibid, as unto a living
fione ; and the faithfull are the parts of the building, or of the
fpirituJl houfe that is to be built upon this foundation at
the beginning ofverie 5. And he doth further illuftrate both
parts of chis reafon. The fir ft, concerning the foundation or
A Commentary upon the frft Epiftle of Peter. 3 <j
fubjeft, he doth declare by divers arguments j when he faith
that it was difaliowed or" men, but yet chofen of God, and
precious, verfe 4. The fecond, concerning thepaitsofthe
' building that are joyned toit> hettath j-lluftrate & urge from
the effects, which are allegorically alfo let forth, to wit, that
by th's comming unto Chrift, as unto the foundation , the
faithfull are not only made a fpirituall houfe, as the temple
wherein facrifices acceptable to God are offered up, but they
fliall alfo be the Prielts that (hall ofFerup fpirituall facrifices,
acceptable to God through Iefus Chrift, verfe 5. This that
hath beene fpokerr of the faving effect of Chrift, as our Savi-
our; which redounds unto all che faithfull, the Apoftle doth
confirme by the tcftimony of Scripture, verfe 6. Which tefti-
mony he doth explaine and apply by the contrary affections
and manners, how contrary forts of men carry thcmfelves
towards Chrift, that is, the believers, and the unbelievers: To
the believers Chrift is faid to be precious, verfe 7. at the be-
ginning, becaufe they put their whole truft and con6dencc in
Chrift, and confequently give him the honour of the true
Mefllas and Saviour : but to the unbelievers he is a ftonc of
ftumbling, and a rock of offence, verfe 7,8. Becaufe being of-
fended at his humility they do not receive him as their Savi-
our : whofe infidelity he doth illuftrateby the antecedent de-
cree of God, whereby it was ordained, verfe 8. at the end.
Whcremto alfo they are appointed. As on the contrary the con-
dition of the faithfull is illuftrated. Firft, by the fecret electi-
on of God, that was the canfe thereof, verfe 9. at the begin-
ning. Secondly, by the dignity which they obtaine by faith
by vertue of this election, to wit, that they are a royallTriefi-
hood 9 an holy nationhoods peculiar people. Thirdly, by the end
and u(e of this dignity to which they are called, which is, to
fhew forth the praife of God, verfe 9. at the end. Fourthly,
by comparing the ftate that 1 sunlike it, wherein they were
before their calling, to this ftate of excellency and dignity
whereinto they are now put by their calliing unto faith in
Chrift, verfe 10.
The Doctrines aaifing from hence are thefe.
Doft. I . The right ufc of the word of God is the proper
nuanes to increafe grace,
E 2 This
2 6 A Commentary upon the frfi Eptftle of Peter*
This is gathered from the connexion of. this exhor»
tationwidi that which went before. For when the Apoftlc
had before exhorted toconftancy in grace, and to obedience,
in hoiinefle, and to brotherly love j by a reafbn alfo taken
in the lait place from the worde or God, whereby as of
incorruptible feed all the faithfull are regenerated, here in
the beginning of this Chapter, he commends unto us
the right ufe of that word D as the proper and only meanes
to perfect all thofe things.
Reef i. .Becaufe the word is the inftrument chofenby
God and fanctiried to that ufe. i Cor, 1.21.2. 7?ecaufe the
word, efpecially of the Gofpell,is the miniltration of the Spi-
rit, who is the authour and finifher of every grace. 2 Cor. 3.
6.8. 3. became the word fliewes us the good and perfect
willofGod. Rom, 12.2.
4. Becaufe it furnifheth a man unto every good worke,
2. Tim. 3. 17.
Vfc 1. This may (erve to refute fbme fanatick heretlcks,
that neglect the word of God and looke for immediate reve-
lation?, and dreameol a greater perfection then is contained
in the word.
2. To exhort us, to give diligent heed unto the word of
God in all things, untill we come to theendofperfeftionia
heaven. 2. Tct* 1. 19.
Dodt. 2. If we rwane to ufe the word of God aright y wee
mufi have our minds ready and willing to lay afide all thofe vices
that are contrary to the power of the word.
This is gathered from the 1. verfe. Where five remarkea-
ble vices are propounded, tobe!aidafide,denyed, and morti-
fied, before the word can have its due effect in our hearts. «
Reaf. 1. Eec.ufe as the matter, if it be not fitly prepared,
cannot receive the forme ; neither can the field, if it be not
manured, cherifh the feed to bring forth fiuit : So neither-
can the heart of man, if it be not fubdued by repentance, re-
ceive the word of God with profit. 2. Becaufe fuch a pur-
pofe to forfake all that is contrary to the word of God, is the
firft beginning of that faving operation, which the word of
God doth make, wherefoever it Begins to be received, and
whereby it makes way for it felfe, to perfect all operations.
Vfc. 1.
A Commentary upon the fir ft Epiftk of Peter, 3 7
Vfc 1 , This may fcrve to c mdemne thofe, that will be hea-
rers of the word of God, but fo, that they will notforfakc
their accuftomed finncs. 2. To admonijh us 9 not to take this
thought and purpofc into our minds in thegenera)l,and once
only at our firftconverdon ; but upon all eccafions, ferioufly
to renew this pur pofe. cfpecially when we prepare our (elves
to heare the wo r d of God.
Doft. 3. We mufi lay ajide thefe vices not in part only^ hut
This is gathered r ro:ri the word, all.
Reaf. 1. Becaufe repentance is not true and unfdined, in*
lefTe it abhor the very nature of finne; it nuift with one
and the (ame kind of hatred hate all kind of finne. 2. Becaufe
a man may eafily deceive himfelfe, whiles he thinks that he
hath laid aiide fonie vice, if he doth not deteft all appearance
of it,what Specious (hew foever it may f eeme to have*
Vje. This may ferve to inflruU us, ferioufly to examine our
hearts, leaft through fome deceitfuinefle thereof, there (hould
lurkeforne vice, whereofwethinke our ielvestobe tree.
Do&. 4» W: ft.wt.U h*ve afingalar care tolay afide thofe
vices ^ thjt are contrary to thofe duties, to which roe are in a (feci all
manner called •, and to that difj>o'itio>t^ which is efpecialty required
in Qhriftians, that they may profit by the word of(jod»
Th\s is gathered herence, that the Apoftle, when in the
laft place, he had exhorted unto unfained love of the brethren
' atthe2i. verfe of the former Chapter, doth here marke out
thofe viceSjthataremoftofall contrary to this love 5 &when
he would commend the fimplicitie ofinfants, as a difpofition
requifke to receive the wo<d of God with profit, he calls afide
thofe vices which are dite&ly oppofed to that fimplkity.
Doft. 5* Tomaie agoodufeofthiword^befidesthe'laying
afide of thofe evillajfeclions y that we fpa'k? of before, it is required
that wejhouldfiirre up that good affetti on in our hearts^ which is
called appetite or defire.
This is gathered from the 2. verfe. Now this defire is ex-
prefled in other places of the .Scripture, by a fpirituall hunger
and third, lfai. 55.1. Apocii, 6> And the degree thereofis
fetdowne,that it mould bethehigheft* ?fal. 119, Jo. 81.82.
Jfhich containes in it, 1. a high efteemeof. Gods word'*? faL
E 1 ii9>
3 8 A Commentary upon iheprfi Epiftle of Peter.
119. 2. 2. An earneft endeavour, anfwerable thereunto, to
ufe it and enjoy it. Iohn 6. 27. 3. A delight, whereby We
are well pleated in the fweetneiTe thereof, Pfal. 1 1 9, 1 03.
/?>*/". 1. Becauie the word isabfolutely neceffiry (for us;
without it we cannot live ; for it is our milk or fpirituall food,
as it is in the text, 2. Becauie we alwayeswant fomething
that may begotten : this is alio fignified in the text, when we
are called new borne babes 5 whereby it is intimated that our
imperfection is fo great, that by reafon or it, we fhould ear-
neitly defire thehclpeoftheword. 3. Becauie theexcllen-
cy and perfection of the u crd is fo great, that it fhould of it
felfe delight us, though we ftood inuo need or it our felves ;
this is alio intimated in the text, when thereis mention made
of the fincerity of the word,and of the goodnefie of God that
appeaies therein.
Vft»i. This mayferve tocondemne thatfatiety and loa-
thing of the word, that appearestoo evidently in too too ma-
2. To admonijb #x,not to fufFer our affections to be taken up
with the things or this world, thereby toleflen that defire,
which we mould have to the word of God. 3. To exhort us,
to ufe the urmoft of our endeavours to ftir up and increafe
thefe pious affections in our (elver.
Dodt. 6. This affettion and defire that wee ought to have
to Gods wordy (houlci have refpeEl to the fincerity thereof.
This is gathered from x.hdLt,deJire thefincere milke of the word:
that is, the nature it fclfe of the word and of the things pro-
pofed therein, as they are pure, and affoord nourifhmentnt
lor our Soales .
Rcaf. 1 . Becauie otherwise we doe not defire the word, as
it is the word of life, or the bread of life, or the milke of life,
as it is in the text, but as we doe apprehend it under (bme car-
nallfhew. 2. Becauie this defire alone proceeds from (piritu-
all life, which feekes after that in the word that tends unto
life, which is intimated alfointhc text by the limilitude of
infants, that naturally defire their mothers milke,
Vfe. i . This may lerve to reprove thoft minifters that fal-
fifie the word of God by their owne mixturesand devices,and
obtrude upon him an adulterate word, in ftead ofthe fimple
A Commentary upon thefrfi Epsftle of Peter* o g
and fincere word. 2. To Mdmonijb the hearers not to (uffer -
their affeftions to be carried either cowards the perfon of the
(peafcer, or towards the manner ^jf his (peaking, much lefle
.towards thofe ftrange forgings which many ufe in their (pea-
king, but fincerely to (eeke for the fincerity of the word.
3. To exhort us, highly to prize this fincerity of the word,
and to endeavour all that we can to preferve it as well in our
(elves as in the Church.
Doft. 7* 'Then and not before^doe we nfe the fincere word
of God aright^ when we grow thereby.
This is gathered from thefe words: that ye may grow thereby.
This is fignified in all thole places ofScripture, where the
end of the word is made to be the edification of the faithfull:
for to edifie is to promote the ftru&ureof the edifice, to a grea-
ter perfection, after that the foundation is already laid. 1 his
is exprefied alfb Eph. 4. 1 6.
Reaf. 1. BecauCe we are imperfecT:, like as infants that are
newly borne : now we are perfected, when the word of God
dwells richly in 113, fiUJf, 3.16. 2. Becaufe the word it felfe
in its owne nature alwaves tends and leads to perfeftion : for
it istheperfeft willofGod, Kom. 12. 2.
Vfe* !• This may &rvc to reprove thole, who, when for the
time they ought to be teachers, doe yet remaine unskilful I and
infants, Htb. $. 1 2. 1 3. 2. Toalmonifh as^never (b to reft (a-
tisfied with that which we have attained, as if there were no-
thing more to be gotten ; for although we have all other
tilings, yet it is required, that we fhould increase more and
more in k, I. Th-f./\. 1. 10. 3. To ir. forme us r hereby we
may uuderftand, that the word of God is neceiTarilv to beu-
(ed, not onlv by the ignorant and unskilfull, but alio by all
thole that doe yet want fome thing, and doe defire to increase
that which they have. 4. ToinftruBu*^ to examine our (elves
by this rnarke, whether we ule the word of God aright or no?
Dodt. 8. In the Gofpc/l there appeares fneh gracioufheffe
andgoodnrffeofCfod^ that it fibres up all the faithfully toan£ar-
nefi defire therf f.
This is gathered from the 3. verle, that the Lord is gracious I
Where by Godv/e are to underftand Ghrift, as it appears by
the following words : by gratioufoejfe we are to underftand
40 A Commentary upon the fir fl Epiftk of Peter*
that grace which is revealed In the Gofpell, as it evidently ap-
peares by the connexion of this verfc, with that which went
before. So T/V. 3. 4.
Reaf. 1. Becaule this glorious grace of God, wheh brings
falvation.unto men by Chrift, is the fubj\cT matter and argu-
ment of the Gofpell.
2. Because God beftowes this grace upon us ? being alto-
gether unworthy of it, enemiestohim, ind feeking no fuch
thing of him : for after fuch a manner is this grace befto wed
upon us, as that from the beginning to the end, the whole bu-
fincfle dependsupon the meere goodnefle of God.
ffe, 1. This may ferve to informs *#, to- judge of the quality
and quantity of the goodnefle and gracioufnefle ol Chrift, no
other way but by the word of the Gofpell ; for we mult not
imagine, as many life to doe, that through the gracioufnefle
of God, it (hall be well with us, though we continue in our
finnes without repentance and turning to God : no fiich gra-
cioumefle is revealed in the Gofpell. 2. Toivftrutf us^ al-
wayes to admire the riches and bounty of Chrlfts grace, that
is revealed in the Gofpel!. 3. 7o exhort us, earnefily to de-
fire, to take delight, and to rejoyce in hearing and meditating
upon Gods word. /*/«/. 27. 4. 8C65.4. & up. 103. in this
refpect is the ufe of the word of the Gofpell compared to the
banquet of a King, wherein all things are full of Sweetnefle
and delight. Luke 14. 16. 17.
Duct- p. This goodnefle of Chrift in the G off ell ufropofed
to pu to be tufted.
This is gathered from theie words : Iffo be ye have taftej.
So Pfal. 34. 8. Tafteaadfee. That is, we mould Co lay hold
upon it by faith, that we may have an inward fenle, and expe-
rience of the vertue and power thereof.
Reaf, 1. Becaule in the Gofpell, we are called toft ha
neere union and communion w ith Chrift,tha t he is m«ade un-
tousour ipirituall bread and food, So to be tailed and eaten
by faith, that he turnes to our fpirituall nourimment. 2. Be-
caule our comfort depends upon this, if wee perceive in our
lelves the favour of Chrift, as it were the favour of life unto
life. 2 Cor, 2* 15. 16. 3. ifecaufe the power of Chrift in
drawing our foules unto himlelfe, for the molt part confifts
A Comment dry upon the firfi Epiftle of Peter. 4 1
in this, that we have his goodnefle and love, to be tatted, as it
were, Cjal. 2. 20. 2 Cor. 5*14.
Vje 1. This may fervcr* reprove thofe 9 that doe not u(e the
• word of God, as food to be tafted and eaten, but for cuftome
and fro forma faftiion-fake only , or at leatt account it a thing
to be underfiood and diiputed of only ; but not to be tailed.
2. To exhort us, to ule all care and diligence to preferve this
tafte of the goodnefle of Chriu" in the Gof pell ; for this is pro-
per to the regenerate, as itappearesinthetext : andcon(e-
quently it is a figne of fdvation. Some indeed that are not
regenerate are faid to tafte of the heavenly gift , of the good
word of God, and the powers of the world to come, Htl\6,^ t
5. but this comes to pafle, firft, by Come fpecull operation of
Gods Spirit, whereby fuch men are enlightned above the
common fort of unregenerate men. Secondly, this is but for
a little while, it it not conftantly . Thirdly, in the unregene-
rate it is but a fudden motion of the minde, it is not a rooted
affetYion. Fourthly, it is either of grace only to come, which
is apprehended alfo,but by a humane and uncertaine hope ; or
elfc it is a preemption without ground .* but the tafte of the
faithf ull is of grace,not only to come, but al fo prefent, with a
divine affurance wrought by the operation of the holy Ghoft,
and found faith and repentance.
Do&« 10. The regenerate lathe beginning* although they
be truly faithfutt. jet thej have but a little tafte sfgodtgoodncjfe,
thtj do not fully comprehend it*
This is gathered from the fame words.
Reafon. 1. Becaufe they are new borne babes, and there-
fore weake.
2. Becaufe God ufeth to bring his children by degrees un-
to perfection ; lb that at firft they do perceive buta part or the
firft fruits of his goodnefle, and afterwards they have the
whole, as it were died abroad in their hearts.
3. Becaufe in the beginning they want that experience,
whereby the goodnefle of God afterwards is made wore per-
fectly knowne unto them.
4. Becaufe oftentimes they are alfb (bmewhat negligent ;
whereby it comes to pafle, that they do not ufe the meanes of
grace with that affection as they oughr,as it is intimated in the
F text
* 7 A Commentary upon thefrft Epiftle of Peter.
text, when they are iVirred up to a more fervent delire of the
word of God.
Vfe i. This may ferve/> confoUtion agnnft thofefeares
that arife fomctimes in the fojlesofthe godly, tor that ihey
have bat a little meafure of peace joy, and the like fruits of the
Spirit, whereby men perceive the goodnefle or God towards
them: for they muft underibnd that the faithfull do ufually
perceive but a little meafure of this grace at the beginning.
2. For exhortation, Co much the more to long for the ttate
of perfection, and not torert inthefc fmall beginnings.
Do&. II. That tafie of the grace of God which we either
now have, or formerly had, jhould ftirr e us up todeftre andfeekc
after the fame more and more*
This is gathered from the connexion of thefe words with
thofe that went before.
Reafon i. Bccaufe to that end is there a tafte of this grace
given, to ftirre up the appetite.
2 Becaufe the goodnefle of God it fclfe is in a manner con-
temned and vilified, if it be neglefted, after it hath beene once
tafted : & therefore in this refpeft they finne more grievoufly,
who when they have tailed thisgraceof God s do little cfteem
of it, then they, who out of ignorance make no reckoning of
it at all.
Vfe i. This may ferve to reprove thofe that have left their
firfUove 5 t/4/>0f.J.4.
2. To exhort us, in meditating upon the goodnefle of God
inChrift, and from the fenfe and experience that God hath
given us of it heretofore , to inflame our mindes with an ear-
ned defire to have a fuller mea/hre of this grace 3 and to that
purpofe religioufty to ufeall meancs, whereby it is ufiully
communicated unto men.
Doft. 12. The primary duty cfffhriHians, thereby it it
tdfo that they are made Ghriftians, is to come unto (fhrifl.
This is gathered out of the fourth vcrfe. Now to come un-
to Ghriftyis nothing elfe but to believe in him. So lohn 6.35.
He that comes unto me, and he that bckeves in me, are made all
one. So lohn 5-40. To come unto Chrift, to receive £hrifi, and
to believe in him, are one and the fame. And He b. 10.22. We
aiefaid t£ draw neere by an aflurance of taith.
Re of on
A Commentary upon thfirft Epiftle of Peter* 43
Keafon i. Becaufe our faivation depends upon that union
which we have with Chrift ; whence it is a]fo, that wc are
faid to come unto Chrift, that we may have lifc,2^« 5*40. :
2. Becauie by nature we are ftrangersand farTemotc from
Chrift, and (alvation obtained by him, yea and after that we
are called unto Chrift, we are not Co perfectly conjoyned.
3. Becaufe all Chriftian piety is nothing el(e,but a conti-
nuation and renovation of this accefie unto Chrift, and by
Chrift unto God. In the hearingofthe word we come unto
Ghrift, as our Teacher ; in our prayers we come unto him as
our advocate j in the adminiftrationofthe Lords Supper we
come unto him as the Authour of a Kingly manage feair, Mat.
22. And all other duties do fo depend upon thefe , that looke
how wc approve our fe'ves in theft, fuch muft we needs be in
the others alio.
4. Becaufe Chrift cals and invites us efpecially unto this,to
come unto him, Matth. 1 1.28. Jotin 7.37.
Vfe u This may fcrve to convince all thole of death and of
finne, that have either no knowledge of Chri ft at all, or doe
not endeavour accofdingto that knowledge which they have,
to come unto him, and partake of his grace.
2. To refute thePaplfts and (uch like 3 that draw mena-
way from Chrift to the holy Angela, to the Pope, and to
3. To exhort u?, alwayes to (it Chrift before u9, as our
marke and (cope, PhiL%$.&e.
D ~>ft. 1 3« We Mtijt com: unto Chrift 44 unto d living ft one:
This is gathered from Verfe 4. Now Chrift is callecl aftwe
for that firme power, whereby he doth mftaine and bearc up
the edifice of the whole Church Zach.4. 7. And he is called,
a living ftone^ becaufe that power whereby he doth beare up
the Church is quickning, and communicates fpirituall and e-
ternall life to the whole edifice, John 5.26.
Reafon 1. Becaufe by finne we were bereft of all life both
the principle and foundation of life, nor can itbereftored
unto us any other way but in Chrift.
2. Becaufe unleile we come unto Chrift underrhis relati-
on,we do not imbrace him as he was ordained by God,and is
propofed unto us j and confequently we do not held the true
Chrift, but a feined and imaginary one. F 2 3. Be-
44 A Commentary upon thejfrftEpiftle ofPcitr.
3. Becaufe our faith cannot reft fatisfied bat in him that
hath fliisftrong power to quit ken D for faith feekes life from
a firmc and undecewing principle.
Vfe 1 . This may fervc to refute that blafphemy of the Pa-
pifts, who will have the Pope, a dead ftone 5 to be that rock or
ftone 3 whereupon the Church is built. For Taer, under the
pretence of whole name the Pope challengeth this to himielfc
never exhorted the fas th full to come to him as unto a living
ftone, but unto Chrift only. And therefore Peter himfelfe in
thefe words cxplaines unto us., what was the minde of Chrift,
Mau\6*\%. when he (aid : Thou art Teter, and upon this rockj
vpillbuildmy Church ,that is,upon this living ftone whom Peter
at that time confefled to be the Son of the living God,that is,
the living ftone. Now Peter and the Apoftles together with
the Prophets may be called the foundation of the Church by
a Metonymy of the adjunct for the lubjeft ; becaufe they laid
and preached Chrift as the true foundation, JLphef. 2. 2 0,21.
but the Popes can in no other refpeft challenge this unto
themfelves., but as they are ftones of offence and ruine.
a. To inftruft us, wholly to depend upon Chrift, and to
put all our confidence in him.
3. To exhort us, with all joy and rejoycing to helpe for-
ward the building of the Church upon Chrift, fheutingand
crying out, as it is in the Prophet Zachary , Grace, grace un-
to him.
Doft. 14. Chrifi is refufed by men 3 -when they mil not
tome unto him as unto a living ft one.
This is gathered from the fourth Verfe. SoTfalme 118.
Reafon I. Becaufe he hath not that outward Majeftie and
pompe wherewith naturall men are taken. If ay 53.3. 1 Cor. 1.
2. Becaufe men by nature are blinde, 10 that they cannot
perceive their owne mifery extra feriftumyOUt of Chrift 3 nor
that falvation which is offered in Chrift, 1 fir. 2. 14.
3. Becaufe they too much love themfelves, and put truft
in themfelves, fo that they cannot endure that doctrine of
Chrift , whereby they are called to deny and torfake them-
felves, and to put their confidence in Chiift alone.
A Commentary tyon tkefirfi Eptftle if Peter, * 5,
Vfe 1. This may (erve toinformeus, that we (hould at-
tribute nothing to the world in thofe things which belong
unto Chrift.
2. To admonifh us 3 not to trouble our mindes, for that the
world is averfe from Chrift and true faith.
3. To exhort us, patiently to beare it, if we be refufed and
fcorned by men 5 for the (ervant is not greater then his
4. Toinftru& us to beware that we do not communicate
in theleaft refpeft with the world in refufing of Chrift.
Doit. 15. Chrift was chofen and ordained by God, that be
jhould be exceeding precious unto tu*
This is gathered from the fourth ver'e. Now we mud un-
derftand this (b,as that we comprehend both the predeftina-
tion of Chrift, and the (ending of him into the world, and his
un&ion, together with all thole teftimonics,which were given
by God unto this myfterie.
Reafon I. Becaufe the love and mercy of God is Co great
towards us : for lb God loved the world, that he gave his
Sonne, &c.M#3«i6.
2. becaufe in the obedience of Chrift God is well pleafed,
3. Becaufe Chrift hath perfected and finifhed all thole
thingF, which belong to ourfalvationand the glory of God.
Vfe 1. This may itvittoenformeus^ that we ought to be
afliired of this, that howfbever the world oppofeth it felfe
againft Chrift, yet Chr>it (hall prcvaile and raigne for ever,
becaufe he is chofen of God.
2. To comfort all the faithfull, that beleeve and put their
confidence in Chrift , becaufe they beleeve in him that was
chofen of God, to lave them.
3. To exhort us, in all our pra&ile throughout the whole
courfe of our lives, to make it appcare , that Chrift is more
precious to us, then all the things in the world, thih 3. 8.
ProvS. 10,11.
Do£t. 16. The faithful! are living members of the fame
buildings "whereof Chrift is the foundation.
This is gathered from the beginning of the «J. verte.
Reafon x. Becaufe Chrift together with all the faithfull
makes one my fticall body , 1 fir . 1 2. 1 2 , 2 . Be-
ifi A Commwtary upon the fir f Eptjile of Peter.
1. Becaufe being compa&ed in this body, they partake of
the very lite of Ghtift, S/hef,^. i<J.
3. Becaufe they (hew forth this life or power in bringing
forth tiuits anfwcrable thereunto, Uhn 15.5,' 6.
Vfe 1. I his may lervc to comfort us , when we rightly e-
fteeme of the dignity of this condition, itwill ftfengthen our
mindes againlt all the troubles that can befall us therein.
2. To exhort us, fo to carry ourfelvesasitbecommeth
thofe, that are called to partake of the life of Chrift.
Doffc. 17. *Bj that union which all the faitbfitll have -with
Chrifiy they are ma.hjpirittmll temples^ Priefts^ and facrifices ac-
ceptable to God,
This is gathered from the 5 verfe.
Reafon 1. Becaufe God is in an efpeciall manner prefent
with them, and dwels in them by his Spirit and grace , as in
his Temple, 2 fir.6. 1 6*
2. Becaufe By the fame fpirit he makes them fit and ready
to performe thofe duties, that are more acceptable unto him,
then were ever any externall facrifices, P/i/aw 51.18,19. Heb.
13. 16.
$. Becaufe in performing thefe duties before God they do
ofFcFand dedicate themfelves wholly unto God.
Vfe I. This may ferve toadmonilhus, to have a care ac-
cordingly not to defile the Temple of God, 1 Con 3. \6 3 17.
. that our Pricfthood doth not dishonour .God., and that our
Sacrifices be not lame, and maimed, and fuch as are not ac-
ceptable unto God.
2. To exhort us, to addift our felves wholly to Gods glo-
ry and hisworfliip; for God will be fan&ificd in thofe that
draw neere him, Levit.i 0.3.
3. To refute the Papifts,that rob Ghrifl ians of this honour,
and obtrude carnall Temples, prieft hoods, and facrifices up-
. on God and men in ftead of fpirituall.
D *ct. 18. Thofe duties which tve perform* in Chrifl are ac-
ceptable unto G id by Christ.
I his is gathered from the 5 vcrfe,at the end. But they are
acceptable not as merits,but as facrifices of praife and thanks-
giving, as it h intimated in the Text..
Reafon 1. B.caufe by Chrift our perfbns are reconciled
A Commentary upon thefirfl Epiftle of Peter. 47
unto God, and received into the number of thole whom God
approves and by whom he delights to be worfhipped.
£ 2. B-caufe ChrUt covers our infirmities.
' 3. Becaufe by his intcrcdlion our duties arc commended
unto God.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to comfort us, even when we looke
uuou our owne infirmities , and theuwvorthincn'eoralluur
2. To exhort us, to go cheerefully about the duties of pie-
ty, becaufe our worke fhall noc be in vaine Li the Lord, 1 Cor.
Docl. ip« The fame Chrifl was afcer the fame manner a
Saviour in the OldTeft&ment^ as he is in the New,
Thisis gathered from the fixth Verfc.
Reafcn 1. Hecaufc he was a Lambe fliine from the foun-
dation of the world ; accoidingto the decree, promite, and
acceptance of God, and according to the faith and hope ot
the godly, dpocA^.S.
2. Becaufe the Guholick Church is but one, confiding of
all thefaithfull from the beginning of the world, Beb. 12.23.
Vie 1. This may fer /e to refute thofe, that make the peo-
ple of I frael either to have beene altogether carnall, or to have
beenefaved by the obfervation of the Law.
2. To exhort us to flye unto Chi i& } and to put our confi-
dence in him, in whom all the faithfull from the creation of
the world did put their truft, and by whom they were laved.
Doift. 2 o. Chrift is as it were the corner ftonc ia the bnil-
din<f of the (fhurch.
That is, he doth con joy ne, uphold and direct all the parts
of the building, or membersof the Church*
Reafon 1 . Becaufe he is the beginning or foundation of the
2. Becaufe he unites thofe people that Were before farre di-
vided, the Jewes and Gentiles.
3. Becaufe he is the rule or line of direction in all the build-
ing that tends to falvation.
Vfe I. This may fervc to refute the blafphemy of thePa-
pifts, whereby they make the Pope the head of the Ghurchj
and to that purpofe w reft this very title and words thereunto.
2. To
4# A Commentary upon thefirft Epiftle of Peter.
2. To inftru& us, wholly to depend upon Chrift for t!*c
direction of our louleg to everlafting life.
Do&. 21. There is nothing at all that canbe compared with
Chrift our Saviour for dignity y uje s and excellency.
Tins is gathered from theft titles, dell andpreckm.
Reafon i. For the dignity of his per fon.
i. For the effe&ualnefle of his operation, in farisfa&ion,
merit, and application of thole things which belong unto
our ialvatlor <
3. For the excellency of thofe benefits which redound un-
to the Church by him.
Vfc This may fervetoadmoniraus, to have no common
conceit of Chrift , or to reft in a vulgar efteerae of him, buc
earneftly to endeavour to conceive of him fo> as his dignity
and excellency dothdeferve.
DoCt. 22 . No man that truly beleeveth in Chrift, fhall ever
be confounded, his expectation Jhall 'not be fruftrated^ his de fire
and confidence Jhall not be in vainc
Reafon 1. BecauCe Chrift was appointed byGod by a cer-
tainc and immutable decree to be the Saviour ot all thofe that
beleeve in him.
2. Bccaufe ail power is given unto him both in heaven and
Vfe. This may ferve to comfort us againft thofe feares and
doubts that might weaken our faith.
Deft. 23. Thefaithfull Are not only delivered from mifery^
hut Are alio highly honoured by Chrift,
This is gathered from the feventh verfe at the beginning,
Reafon. Becaufe they are made partakers of Chrifts ho-
nour, for in him they are made fbnnei of God, heircs of the
e eilaftiiigkingdcme,fpirituaU Priefts and King?.
Vfe i» This may ferve to reprove our blindnefie and dul-
neflc, that cannot difcerne and efteeme of this honour as wee
ought, brik are fet upon the honours of this world more then
is fitting.
2. To exhort us , pioufly and ferioufly to glory in Chrift
and the honour which we have in him, though for his lake
the wicked world reproach m.
A Comment iiryupoit the fit ft Epiftlc ofPtter^ 4?
Do&. 24. As Chrift is unto the nnbeleevers hdnouf and
fahtttion^fo he is unto the unbeleevers confufion and perditifn.
This is gathered out of the (eventh Vcrfe, YfaL 1 1 8.22. 4/aj
' 8. 1 4tLM4tth.21.42,
But this fimilitude doth not hold in all things. For firft,
the proper end of Chrift our Saviour was to fave man, not to
deftroy him. Secondly, Chrift is the caufe of faith in the be-
lecvers, but he is not the caufe of unbeliefc in theunbeleevers,
though fomething of Chrift may be the occafion of their un-
beliefe ; like as his humiliation was both unto the lewes and
many of the Gentiles. Thirdly, Chrift merited falvation for
the believers, and not they themselves; but the unbelievers
merit their owne perdition, and not Chrift: but yet Chrift
is truly (aid to be confufion and perdition to the unbelievers,
1 As they take offence at him, and fo runne headlong into
their owne deftruftion. 2. As he doth juftly punifh their infi-
delity and impiety, as he is the juft Iudgeofail the world.
. Reafon 1. Becaufe thofe unbelievers to whom Chrift is of-
fered, in contemning his goodnefle , doe directly as it were
provoke him to uft the greateft feverity npon them.
2. Becaufe by this meanes alone is the glory of God and
of Chrift preferved, when his enemies are put under his feet.
Vfe % . This may ferve to admonifh us to beware of all infi-
2. To exhort us, when we compare our beliefe with the
mifery of unbelievers, to learneto be thankfull unto God and
to give him the glory of it in Iefus Chrift: forthefcendsis
this amplification made in the text.
Dott. 25. Men come unto this confufion and perdition by
Jiuwbling at theDottrine oftheGofpe/I.
This is gathered from the 8 Verfe. Now men ftumble at
•the word of the Gofpell, when they apprehend the Gofpell
tobe ftch, that they owe no aflent and fubje&on thereunto :
fo the lewes were offended at the infirmity of Chrift cru-
cified, i£V. 1.23. andtheGreekesatthe'foolifhnefleof that
word which bringcth falvation, Ibid. For the lewes, like as
the Papifts, with many others, are offended, for that the Go-
fpell requires them to deny their owne righteouGiefie and
workcs, and to feeke to be juftified by Chrift, Rom.^2>
€r Reafon
50 A Commentary *pon thcfrjtEpiftl* tfVcHf.
Rttftn x. Bccaufe this offence is the caufe of tkeir infi-
a. Bccaufe it doth not produce a bare unbeliefe only, but
unbeliefe with contempt, To that they doc infinitely wrong
Vfe. This may (erve to admonifh us, to beware that we doe
net in any thing (tumble at the word ot God, or conceive any
thing in our minde j , whereby we may be in the lean" refpeci
alienated from it.
Do£t* 1&* The infidelity and ctnfufnn of the wicked doth
net fall cm by chance, but according as Qod had mo ft certainly
fare-cr<Uined it*
This is gathered from theft words e whereunto alfo they art
Keafon i. Became God is both the King and Lord of all
living creatures, fo that nothing can happen unto them con-
trary to his will*
x Becauie there can be no caule of their infidelity imagi-
ned, which God did not forefce, or which he could not have
3. Bccaufe we alfo which do believe, were aliens from the
faith as well as they ; neither did we make that difference be-
twixt our fel ves and them, but God :
Vfe. This may (erve to dircft us,that the infidelity of any o-
thers whatfoever,may not defaceour faith,we muft give God
the glory in the difpen fation of his grace, and appointing of
things according to his cotmfcll, whofe wayes are pari find-
ing out.
Doc). 37. Wtfattdd often caM to mirJ that dipnitjjvheretttito
we are called in Chrifi, and that, by comparing of it to that mifery
wherein all ttnkt&rvirs arsplmftd.
This is gathered from that repetition, Verfc 5>. which w
ufed comparatively by the dilfanilitude that is betwixt it and
the condition of unbelievers, beforc defer ibed, as it is intima-
ted in that word: But .
Reafon 1. Becaufe we arc called to fpirkuall )oy, which is
chkfely increased by thi s rneanes.
2. Becaufe it belongs to the thanks which we ought to give
unto God.
3. Becaufe
A Ctmmentary upon the firft EpijUe offHer. 51
3. Becaufe it makes us cheerefull in the performing of all
duties, that we may be worthy of Co excellent a calling.
Vfe. This may fervc to exhort us, to make this contcmpla-
* tion familiar unto us.
Do6t. 2$. The erd of ot*r callings to fixvt forth the praifcs
ofQody that h&th called tu.
This is gathered from the ninth verfe,that is,that we mould
render unto God the glory which hec hath mewed unto us.
1. In the inward thoughts and affections of our heart. 2 . In
the outward profeflion of words. 5. In our adions through-
out the whole conversion of our lives. This is to fan&irle
Reafon u Becaufe this is that glory which may redound
unto God from us, or from our calling.
2. Becaufe our calling it (elfe tends thereunto, that we
mould turne unto God, feekc God, gl orifie God*
3. Becaufe this is very profitable for us.
Vfe 1 . This may ferve to refute thofe, thatuke care of no-
thing leflc: they mew that they are not yet partakers of effe-
ctual! calling.
2. To ftirre us up more and more to fulfill this duty.
Doft. 29. That ftate into which ventre trmfatedij mr
calling, is a ft at e vfmarvetlous fight*
This is gathered from the p Verfeat theend, t»h* a .S.Now
ic is called //V£r 3 both for the Hlumi nation of the mind,which
it brings ; and for the comfort of heart, which we receive
thereby : and it is called marvellous^ becaufe it farre furpafTeth
all worldly knowledge, and whatfoevcr the naturall man can
Vfe. This may ftrve to us, to carry our (elves anfwerable
t i this light, and to walke in it, not according to the common
faftiion, bnt marvelloufly.
Do&. 3 o. It is verjyroftdb'lefor us alnajes toaompare our
preftnt hnpyj ctmilitionjft>ith the mijerjthat ispaftt
This is gathered from the tenth verle.
Rexfw 1. Becaufe contraria juxta, fe pojitamaglf eUtcef-
ctnt^ contraries being put one by another, make each other to
appeare more cleerely.
2. Becauie it tends to our humiliation.
G 2 $♦ becaufe
- a A Commentary upon the firft Epiftle ofTeter.
3. Becaufe it makes us to coirmi(erat;e others, and to fhew
meekenefle towards them. Tit.$. 23.4.
4. becaufe it makes us to be the more thankfull unto God.
x. Tim* 1. 12. 13.
77k This may fcrvctoadmonijh us y never to forget that mi-
fery which did hangover our heads.,
Verfe. I I. D earely beloved^ I befeech you, as ftr angers and pil-
grims, abftaine from ftefhly lufts^ which warre again ft the
Settle, Having jour conver fatten hone ft among the Gentiles*
Verfe. 12. That whereas they [peaks airainftyou^ ai 'evill doers,
they may by your good workes which they ftjall behold, glorific
God in the day ofvifitation.
The Analyfif.
HEre the Apoftle doth in generall exhort to lead fuch a
life as. is anfwerable to that happy condition, which
was fpoken of before : Now this life coniifts of two parts :
The one isabftinencc from evill, abftaine from flejhly lufts 5 the
other is, to foliow that which is good, havingyeur cexverfati-
mhoneft. The firft of which he doth pcrfwade them unto
by an argument taken 1. From the difagreement that is be-
twixt the Godly, and the flcftily Ms of this world in refpecl
of their fcate and condition, becaufe in this world, they arp
Grangers and Pilgrims, and therefore they ought not to fee
their hearts and dcfires upon this world, but upon another.
2. From the danger that hangs over them, from the defires of
this world, becaufe they tend to the deftruttion of their
fbules, in thefe words, which warre againft the Soulc The ft-
cond part together with the former, he doth, perfwade thern
unto, by an argument taken from thofe witnefles which they
ought to haveregard of in their converfation ; among the Gen."
tiles > by whofe teftimony hec fliewes there will a twofold be-
nefit arife from their honeft converfation.
1. That they will ceafe to fpeake againft them as evill doer?.
2. That in beholding their good workes, they will not on-
ly give them an honeft teftimony, but they will alfo glorifie
God for them $ which benefit is (hewed by the adjunct of
A Commentary upon thefirft Epifhle of Peter. 53
time, wherein it flicuH be expcfted, towir, inthed.iyofvijt-
t.ition : Now this whole exhortation, that it might be "the
moreeffe&iiull, and the more acceptable unto them, is ftt
• forth with a double affecVon, in the manner of proposing it ;
of love or charity, in that title which is given unto them,
D ear elj 'beloved ;. and of humility, in that he doth not fo
much commad the(e things, as intreat them, Ibefeechyou.
The.Dottrines arifing hcrehence.
DocV I* *s4H the fiithfuU are grangers ah d pilgrims in
this world.
Kmf. 1. Becaufe their father, and their countrey is not
here, but in heaven.
2. Becauft they doe not defire to ftay long here.
3. Becaufe their wealth and their friends are not in this
4. Because the world accounts them ftrangers, and that
becaufe their converfation is not according to the fafliion of
the world.
Vfr. i. This mayierve to aHmonijh ta 9 not to place our in-
heritance or our treafurc in the things of this World.
2. To exhort hs, to lift up our hearts alwayes towards our
heavenly countrey $ and to gaine all thoft things, that may
helpe us forward and further us in our journey thereunto,
Doft. 2 . All the fait hfu/l ought to abflainefrom the l«Jfs of
But by this phraft arefignified not only the inclinations
of the body, but all thofe that belong to the old man : for
there isfomething to be fanftified even in the very (pint of
our minds, 1 Thef. 5. 23. and therefore fbme luft of the flefh is
feated in the fpirit ; but theft lufts are in generall (aid to be of
the flcuYbecauft they are mod of all manifefted in thofe things
which belong to the body and the flefli : for mod men care for
and looke after nothing elft almoft buc thoft things that be-
long to this prefent life.
Rtaf. 1. Becaufe the flefli together with the Iufls thereof
was crucified with Chriftv
2. Becaufe alithefaithfull in their baptifme and by their
profeffion have denyed theflefh.
G 3 3* #c-
^ A Commentary u$>* thtfirft Epijlte of Peter*
}. Becaufe our lufts are deceitfull. Eph,$.ri.
Becaufc they lead unto death. Galat . 6 . 8. Rom. 8. 6. 1 5.
Vfe. This may ferve w dimonijh ut, above all things to ap-
ply our (elves unto this ftudy,
Doft. J The lufts oft he ficjbwarred£di*ft the foule.
Reaf* I. Becaafe they fpoile the perfe&ion ofthe (bule,
which confifts in the image of God.
2. Becaufc they doe either quench or grieve the holy Spi-
rit, upon whom tie comfort of the foule doth depend. Eph.4*
90. i.Thejf. 5. I 9.
3. Becaufc they caufe the Death of the foule, and lead
Vfe* I. This may ferve to direft $ts^ alwayes to thinke upon
our (pirituall warfare, and accordingly in all things to carry
our (elves, as it becommeth the good Souldiers of Chrift.
2. to admonijb «/, to take fpeciall heed of thofe enemies
which we have within our (elves 5 thole enemies that are with-
out can doe us no hurt, if thofe that are within have not po-
wer over us, and (b doc as it were give us up into their hand? .
DocV 4. Todbfldintfiromjlejhlj lufts, u the way to make
ettr converfation honrft,
Reaf 1. becaufc all flithyneflc proceeds from the lufts of
the flefti.
a. 2?ecaufe tAie true honour and honefty of a man confifts
in that fpirituall victory which he hath over hfmfcrfe.
3. 'Secaufe by overcomming the lufts ofthefleflh, the way
ismadeeafle to all vermes and good dutie?.
ZSfe I . This may ferve to refute andreprove thofe men, that
(le^efor honour and dignity by pampering the flcfli, & obey-
ing the lufts thereof.
2. To exhort m^ cheerfully to oppole our felves again ft the
lufts of the Mi, for this very caufej becaafcitisamoftho-
neft thirg.
Do£t$. The fj.it Hfttfl fljoitllhxve a cart to livehoneftljjict only
e.mi-tvft the fdithfufijbut dlfo amon&ft the HftbeleevpifG entiles \
This ts gath-rcd from thefe wordy, amcttg tfje gentiles^
Whxh notwith (Ian ding we muft fo undcrftand, that we doc
not follow afltbofe things that feemehoneft unto them, nor
omit thofe things that doe dffpieafe them ; but only that we
A Commentary uptm tbtfirfi Epiftk of Wettr. ^
ihcw forth a true evidence of our piety, love and righteouf-
nefleinour conversation.
Then againe, that thereby their consciences may be con-
vinced, that the way, which we goe, is in that refpeel at leaft
praife- worthy, and to be approved.
Rtdf. This we ought to doe. l. For God* fake and hit
s. For our owne fakes and our own© comfort.
3. For the unbclccvers lake, to draw them unto true piety.
Vfc* This may fewe to refute and reprove thole, that under
colour of contemning fame, contemne vcrtue.
Doft. 6". It i* the property ofunbeleevers^ U feekg eccaji-
•n to fpeakt Mgainji thefdithfitll^ tu if they were w iclerd.
This is gathered from the 1 2. vcrfe, at the beginning. Now
there are two kinds of fuch obloquies. 1 . When they fpeakc
all manner ofevill for Chriftslake, for faith and righteouf*
neflc fake, cap. 4.V. 1 4. Math. 5, 1 1. 2. When they find fome
occafion in the defects of the fait hfull , and obfervc fomething
in their lives, which they may juftly taxe. This alfo admits
of a two fold difference ; for fouu times fuch is the impiety of
thofethat profeiTe the true faith, that it gives fcandall to the
tinbcleevers, Rom. 2. 24. and fometimes they take occafion
from tlie infirmities that are incident to die faithfull, to con*
demne their profeffion.
Reef, 1. Jecanfe there is an inveterate enmity betwixt the
children of the light, and the children of darknefle.
*. 2?eeaufe in this refpeft men flatter themfelves, and in
fome fort iceme better and happier, when they make others,
that would (ecme better, either to be like themfclves, or worfe
then themlelves.
3. 1?ccau(e by this meanesthey teeme to bring fome pre-
judice againft the very doftrincot piety, which the wicked
Vfe. This may ferve to admowjb w 9 i. To take Ipeciall
heed, that we hav* no communion with unbeleevers, in this
malic loufnefle, that is, that we doe not willingly feeke or take
occafon to fpeake againft the Godly ; for this is a certainc
marke of impiety.
X To beware alfo,that we give no occafion tothe wicked,
5# A Commentary upon thefirft Epiftle of Peter* ,_
cither to (peake againft bur perfons or our profefllon?.
Daft» 7.' Good woffyt ahne doe flop the mouthes of the
This is gathered from the 12. v: at the middle.
Reaf. 1. Becaufc men, efpccially unbeleevers, cannot
Judge ofus, but by the works which they fee*
2. Becaufe the fincerity of our religion properly appeal cs
in our works. >
Vfe. This may ftive to exhort us 9 alwayes to endeavour to
bring forth good work?.
Do ft. 8. the good work* of the faithfullrnake others alfo
tog/orifie Cjod.
This is gathered from the 12. v. at the end. So M. J. 16.
Reaf. 1. 2?ecaufe by this meanes they arc convinced of the
truth of our religion, whole author is God.
2. Secaufe thereby they are drawnc alfo to embrace the
lame religion, and to cleave unto God.
3. *2?ecaufe they are moved and ftirred up to give God
thanks, for thofe things that were the meanes of their conver-
Vfe* This may (erve to exhort «*, to ufe this argument to
ftir up our felves to thepra&ife of good- Works, becaufethey
make not only for our owne falvation, but for the glory of
pod alfo. <
Doftl 9. We mufi lookefor a day ofvifttation^ that men
may ghri fie God therein*
This is gathered from the 12. v. at the end. J?uttheday of
vifitation may be underftood either in judgement^ or in grace
andmercy. Here it is to be underftood of the grace of God*
So Luke i.62.
•Rcaf. 2? ecauife without grace there is no inclination in the
heart of man^o glorifie God. The tree mult be good, that
(hall bring forth good fruit } Men doc not gather grapes of
thorncs, or fig^es of thirties, Matth. 7. 16. 17.
Vfc* This may ftrvc to adntonipj us, to ufe all patience and
mcekneflTe toward^ the wicked ,al way es provided, that we doe
not faile in our duty to leeke their conversion. 2. Tim. 3.25.
ACotHtoMurjuponthcfirftEpiftU tf Peter* $7
Verfe. 1 3. Submit yourfelves therefore to every ordinaneeofman
for the Lords fake 5 -whether it be to the Ki»g 9 ** fupreme;
Verfc. 1 4. Or unto CJovermurs,af unto them that ore fern by him* 9 .
for the punijhmsut of eviti doers, And for the praifi of them
that do vodL
Verfe. 15. Forfo is the will of God, th<tt with -w:ll doing ye m,ty
put tofiltnce the ignorance offooli(h mev,
Verfe. 1 6. As free, and not uftng your liber tj for a cloake of max
licioufncjfe, but at the fervants of God,
Verfe. 1 7. Honour all mer.* Love the brotherhood. FeareGod.
Honour the King.
The Analyfis.
IN thefe words the Apoftle fheweth that particular part of
obedience, which did in a fpechll manner pertainc to the
honefty of the faithfull among the Gentiles, that is, (ubje£ti-
onto the Magistrates, which fbme at that time did begin to
caftoff, as not agreeing with Christian liberty. Now this
fubjeftion he doth. 1. Generally command and direft us un-
to, to pcrforme it for religion fake towards God, v. 1 3*2. By
a dlftributipn of the objeft, to wit, that we ought to performe
it,notonly to the King and the fupremc Magiftrate, butalfb
to the governours that are fent by him. v. 13. 14. 3. He doth
perfwade us thereunto, 1. From the end of this ordinance $
to wit, that it is to reprcffe and punifh the eyill doers, and to
preferve and cherifh the good v. 1 4. at the end. 2. From the
efficient caufe, or command of God, v. 15. 3. From the end
and benefit of performing this fubjeftion, to wit, to flop the
mouthes of the enemies, who are defcribed by their ignorance
and their foolifhnefie, v. 15. 4. He removes an objection
that might be made againft it, about Ghriftian liberty, v. 16*.
Where he diftinguiftieth betwixt faigned liberty, which is
joyncd with malicioufncfle ; and true liberty, that makes
men to be addicted unto the lerviceofGod : Now that this
fiibjcftion to (iiperiGurs belongs to the fervice of Godj he
fhewes v. 17. by a fhort repetition of thofe precepts, that be-
long to this and the like duties.
Here a QudUon may be made.
H SZ*efl.
58 A Commentary upon thefirfl Epiftle of Peter.
Q»efl. Why is the Magiiiracy called an ordinance of
man v. 1 3. feting all powers a?e ordained of God, and every
power is the ordinance of God, Rem. 1 3 1. 2
Anfa. The fuperiority of power, or government it ftlfe is
Brnpty and absolutely commanded by God, and in that re-
fpect is called the ordinance of God • but this or that fpeciall
manner of power or government is not determined by Gad,
but by men j aad is therefore called an ordinance of man, which
as touching the nature of it, may alfo be called an ordinance of
god: And this is the difference betwixt an Ecclefiaftical! and
a civili office. An Ecclefiafticall office is not legitimate, if it
be not directly determined by God himfelfe 3 and consequent-
ly cannot be changed by men •• but this or that civili office
may be made & changed by men. And the realbn of the dif-
ference is this, becaufe God and Chrift alone hath dominion
and power in fpirituall matters ; but in civili matters men are
alfo Gods, though not abfolute.
The Doctrines ariling from this.
Doct. I. The duties of righteoufajfe towards men, doe
much commend our religion towards Cjod.
This is gathered from the connexion of thefe words with
the foregoing words 3 in that particle therefore,So lames 1 . 27.
&eaf. 1. Becaufe they are the effects of religion ; Now the
vertue of the cauft doth alwayes appeare in the effect.
2 . Becauft they are more obvious to the fight of man, then
religion it felfe, which is the caufe thereof.
3. Becaufe they draw mens minds to approve of that reli-
gion whence they proceed.
Vfc This may ierve to exhort w, for religion fake to apply
our {el ves to theft duties.
D06L 2. We mufi performe civiU fubjetlion to our civili
jMagiflratesfor the Lords fake*
This is gathered from the 1 3. v.
Reaf. 1 . Becauft by thefe meanes the Lord preftrveth the
focieties of men.
2. Becaufe theft Governments are the meanes to advance
Gods glory, at leaft Co farre forth as they tend to pcrfbrme
fbme part of the will of God.
y Becauft in their owne nature and of themfelves they
A Commentary upon the firjt Epifik of Peter. 5 9
make for the good and againft the bad. v. 14.
Vfe. 1 . This may ferve to refute the Anabaptifts and others,
who for confidence (ske will not be fubjeft to the Magifimte.
2. To admonifb us, never Co to fubjeft our (elves unto m<si,as
that for their fakes we fhould negled our duty towards God,
becaufe we ought to be fubjeft unto thera 4or the Lords fake,
and therefore a farre greater fiibje&ion is due unto the Lord,
then unto them.
D06L 3. By the fe duties the good will of Gcd is obfervedy
awithcfoolifhnefte of wicked men is put tofilence*
This is gathered from v. 1 5 .
Reaf* 1 .Becaufe we ferve God^when for conference fake to-
wards God, we are fubjeft unco men $ therefore we fulfill the
will of God.
2. Becaufe we doe that before men.which they doe ufually
praife moft, and fb we remove all occafion of offence.
Vfe* This may ferve to exhort us, fomuch the more care-
fully to apply our felvcs to fuch duties.
Doft. 4. Chriftian liberty is not contrary to that fubjetliott^
which we owe either unto Cj odor man.
This is gathered from v. \6»
Reaf, I. Becaufe by it we are freed from finne, but not
from that duty, which is contrary unto finne.
2. Becaufe Ghriftian liberty confifts properly in fpirituall
things, and not in corporall ; for although we are fubje& unto
God alone in fpirituall things, yet in corporall things we owe
fubje&ion unto men alfb.
3. Becaufe for that end did we receive this liberty, that we
might more freely and readily pcrforme thofe things, which
we owe unto God and men.
Vfe. This may ferve tocondemne thofe, that ufe Ghriftian
Ifoerty for a cloake of malicioufnefie, as.it is in the text.
Do&. 5« We are to take ex aft: notice of the difference of our
duty towards men, towards our brethren^ towards Goa\ and to*
wards the Magifirates.
T his is gathered from v. 17.
R>«f Becaufe great is th<* difference of the grounds or rea-
fons whereupon thefeoVties depend, as it is intimated in the
text ; but we mult make confeience of our duty in all,
H 2 fTe%
A Commentary upon the firfi Epijlk of Peter*
Yfe. This may ferve to reprove thofe, that doc any way fever
or disjoyne thefc dudes, to wit, foch as fecme to feare God,
but doe not love or honour men ; or fuch as feeme to honour
men, but doe not feare God at all.
Ver£ 1 8. Servants, be fubjeEi to your mafitrs with all feare, not
only to the good and gentle, but alfo to thefroward,
Vcrfe 19. For this is thankworthy, if a man for confidence toward
God endure grief e, fuffering wrong fuly ..
Vcrfe 20. for what glory is it, if when ye be buffetted for your
faults ye Jhall take it patiently ? but if when ye doe we 11, and
f tiff er for it, ye take it patiently p , this is acceptable with God..
Verle. 2 1* For even hereunto were you called : becaufe Chrijl
alfofujfered for us, leaving us an example, that ye jhojdd
follow hisfteps,
V« 22. Who did not ftnne, neither ivas guile found in his mouth ?
V. 23. Who when he was reviled, reviled not againe ;whenhse
fuffered, he threaded not, but committed hknfelte to him,
thatjudgeth righteoujly,
V. 24. Who his owne felfe bare our fnnes in his owne body
on the tree, that we being dead tofinnes,fijould live unto
right eoufnefe, by whofeftripes ye were healed.
V.2^.Forje were as Jheep going aftray,but are new returned unto
the Jbepheard and Bijhop ofyourfoulcs.
The tsfnalyfis*
H Ere the Apoftle makes afpeciall exhortation about the
duty of ftrvants to their matters ; and this duty he doth
I. As it were define by a fpeciall kind of fubje&ion wherein it
confiftf. Befubjett with all fear r. 2. He doth illuftrateit by
a diftribution of the objector the matters, to whom this (ub-
je&ion is due ; not only to the good and gentle, but aljo to thcfro-
ward. 3. He proves that this fubjeftion is to be made to both
forts, by an argument taken from the ad jun&s thereof, grace
andglory,thatip,(7odspraifing and approving of it, which
accompanies the lubjeftion that is made unto wicked matters
verfe 19* For thishthank^wort^y. The rcafon of which con-
A Commentary upon thefirfi Epifile of Peter. 6%
fequcncc is fct forth, r. By adefcfiption of that iubje&ion
which is due unto wicked Matters, to wit, that it hapatunt
/tiff ring of wrong for conscience towards God v. i<?.- 2. By a
companion that is made betwixt thofe that iurTer;uftIy, and
thole that fuffer unjuftly, which he (hevves to be unlike, in
that the former can looke for no glory from their iuffering%
but the latter may expeel great glory ^verfe 2C. In the fecond
place, he proves the fame duty from that relation which ari-
ieth from our general! calling, becaufe we are thereunto cat-
led, that we mould patiently fuffer the injuries of the world:
and this he confirrnes by the example of Chrift ; towhofe
imitation we are called : for he fhewes two ends of thefuffe-
ring of Chrift j oncwastodyeforus, that is, to expiate our
nnneSj which is the primary end. The othtr was, to leave us
an example to imitate;, vcrfe ji. which is thefecondary
end. Now a fpeciall part of this fecondary end was, that
when he was without finne v. 22. Yet he patiently fuffered
all kinds ofreproachts and afSic\ions 3 T. 23. And the prima-
ry end of Chrifts fuffering?, which was to redeem* us from
fin, is upon this occafion alfo declared r. 24. 25. Becaufe
t herehence alfo may be drawne a power full argument,to per-
fwade us to imitate Chrift in doing righteoufly, and fufFering
unjuftly : And this is declared, 1. From the nature of
Chrifts death, that it was a faerifice for our fins to take away
the guilt of them ; 2. From the end of this propitiation,
which is the death of finne, and the life of rightcoufnefle.And
hereof there is an illuftratisnmadeby comparing that condi-
tion, which went before our converfion» with that condition
which followes it 9 vcrfe the laft.
The Do&rines drawne here-hence .
Dott. I. They that are in the loweft condition , flionldbj
their good workes glorifie God in that conditior*
This is gathered from the connexion of the 18 Verfe with
the 1 1 and 1 2.
Reafon 1. Becawfe fervants alfo are called to liberty and
glory in Chrift, neither is there any difference , as touching
life fpirituall, betwixt the freeman and the femnt, 1 £V.
7. 22.
H 5 2. Becaufe
g 2 A Commentary ufon theprft Epiftle offtttr.
2t Becaufe there is the fame reward for fcrvants and free-
3. Becaufe the fervile condition hath a proper occafion
and meanes to glorifie God,which other conditions have noti
like as other conditions have their occafions & meanes, which
the fervile hath not.
Vfe i. This may ferve to comfort us, in regard that no man
is excluded from having a part in this honour, that hath a part
in advancing the glory of God.
2. To exhort all, both Servants and all other (bits of men,
to endeavour to promote Gods glory : for if fervant6 ought to
do this ; much more ought free matters, and thofc that are in
any place of dignity.
DocT. 2. Servants, 1 the end that thy may glorifie Cjcd in
their fervile condition , mvfi befttbjeU to their Majiers with all
Reafen 1. becaufe fubjc&ion to another mans will is pro-
perly that wherein fervice confifts ; and therefore all they that
arc bound as Servants, are bound to fubje&ion.
2. 2?ecaufe the fubjecTion of a fervantisfuch , that it doth
neceflarily command a feare to difpleafe, not only in that re-
ipecl:, becaufe in every duty, both towards God and man, we
mould feare to offend by doing amifle , but alfb in refpeft of
that lingular power , which matters have to punifh their Ser-
vants. This is that feare, which we ufually call fervile, which
is not to be difliked in Servants, though in the children of
God there be another feare required over and above , which
ariieth from love.
Vfe. This may fervetoadmonifh, flrft. Servants and fub-
}t£b, not to Separate feare from Subjection. Secondly, all men
to fnbje&themfelvestoGcd with all feare, as it becommeth
fervar»t c .
D.^$. 3' We ctfght to per forme our dtttj, even unto wickjd
men and frorcard.
This is gathered from the 18 Verfe.
Reriftw i. 7?ecanfe the ground of our duty doth not con-
lift in the .^oodneffe or nan^htinefTe of men, but in that obli-
gation which the law ofGod impofethuponus, which may
confifl with the rtaughtinene of mer.
J. Becaufe
A Comment try upon thefirfl Epiftle of Peter, 63
3. 3?ccaufe in performing this duty , wee ferve God and
Chrift, and lhall receive a reward from him, Ephsf. 6.$,6,j,2.
Vfe. This may (erve to reprove tho(e, that direft their du-
ties according to the perfbne of the men with whom they
have to doe.
DocT. 4. We ought to doe our duty for confcience toward
Cody though we are wrong fully afflicted by men.
This is gathered from Verfe 19.
Reafon 1. Sccaufe confcience alwaycs lookes to the judge,
ment of God and not to the qualuies and judgements of men.
2. 2?ecaufe the confcience is by this meanes conitant, im-
mutable, and alwayes likeitfelfe, howfoever mens judge-
ments may alter.
Vfe* This may ferve to direct us in all our a&bns to have a
fpeciall re(pe£t to the conscience.
Doft. 5. It is thank^yvorthy^andnvefballrtceive glory from
God^ ifwefuffer wrongfully », and notjuftly.
This is gathered from the 19 and 2 o verfes.
Reafon. 1. Becaufe this is proper and peculiar toChriftians,
as is thelove of our enemies, Matth 5.44,45.
2. *Z?ccaufe by this meanes ye give grcac glory unto God,
when we fuffer the bictereu" things out of confcience toward
Vfe. This may ferve to exhort us, cheerefully to fet our
(elves to the performing of thefe duties.
Do£t. 6. The calling of (fhrift'tms doth in a fpeciall man-
ner lead to the patient fuffering ofaffliclions.
This is gathered from the 21 verfe, at the beginning.
Reafon i. 2?ecaufe they are called unto glory by the en-
during of all kindes of afflictions, as by the way that leadeth
thereunto, cap. 5 'Verfc 10.
2. Becaufe they are called to overcome their enemies and
cvill doers by well-doing, and if it be poffible to winne them
thereby, Matth.^.^, R0m.12.21.
3. iecaufe they are called to imitate Chrift, as it is in the
Vfe 1. This may ferve to admonUhus, not to imitate or
follow the men of the world in thefe thing?, becaufe we have
another manner of calling.
2. To
64 4 ^mwtntAry upon thtjirft Bpiftle tf Peter*
2. To exhort us to have a great care that we make cor&i*
ence of this duty , becaufe it doth moft neerely belong to our
Doclv 7. (^hriftsaSliens are amoft perfect example for our,
duty and calling.
This is gathered from Verfjb 2 1.
Reafon 1. /?ecau(c Chrift is unto us an example given by
God, as it were the praxis of Divinity and rule of living well.
2. 2?ecaufe he hath no imperfeftion at all, fuch as may be
found in «11 mens examples.
3. becaufe the Spirit of Chrift makes us to be conforma-
ble unto his image.
Vfe, This may ferve to direft us, that beholding Chrift as it
were in a glaffe, we maybe as it were changed into the fame
image from glory to glory, 2 Cor.$. 18.
Deft. 8. The Chief eft manner of imitatmg Chrift in en-
during afjliSlions 9 confitts in this , that we commit our caufe unto
This is gathered from vcrfe 23, 3t the end.
Reafon, 2?ecanfe this is the rule of patience in fuch cafes,
not to revenge our felves , but to commit the whole bufincfle
unto the Lord, and to reft well contented and pleated in his
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifh u»,never to plcafe our own
carnall will, but to fubpcTour felves wholly to the good will
of Gad.
Do&. p. Chrift by his death did not only leave us an exam-
ple of our lives 1 but alfo expiated our fiitnes , an^ procured form
fuch power, whereby w? may imitate him in living well*
This is gathered from verfe 24.
Reafon 1 . Becaufe after the fame manner are we reftored in
Chrift, as we were loft in ts4dam t which Was not by imitation
and example only, Rotr* 5 .
2, Becaufe Chrift ought ro be a facrifice to pacific God
towards us, which is not done by example.
3. Becaufe an example would have nothing at all profited
thofe thit were dead in finne and hated of God.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to refute the Socinians and others,
which feine that the redemption of Chrift confifts in doctrine
and example only. 2. To
A Commentary upon the fir ft Epiiile ofPettr* 6 5
2. To direft us, alwayes to joynethefe two together, re-
demption- and the example of Chrift.
Do£b 10. Without (fhrift we are nothing elfe but fheepe
• going aflray and loft.
This is gathered from the Iaft verie.
Reafon. Becaufe upon him alone depends our falvation and
the dire&ion of our live?.
Vfc. This may fcrve to admonilh us, not to leave Chrift Co
much as in the leaft thing, but to cleave rafter and fafter, unto
Chapter III.
Verle I. Likewife yes< wives be infubjetliontpyourownehuf-
bands t that if any obey not the word^ they alfo may without
the word be wenne by the conver fatten of the wives*
Verle 2. While thy behold your chafie converfation coupled with
feare :
Verfc 3. Whofe adorning^ let it not be that outward adorning of
flatting the haire t and of wearing ofgold^ or of putting on of
Vcrfc 4. But let it be the hidden man of 'the hearty in that which
ts not corruptible •, even the ornament of a meeke and quiet
fpirit^which is in the fight of God of great price.
Verfe 5 . For after, this manner in the old time y the holy women
aljo who tr lifted in God^ adorned themfelves 9 being infubje-
&ion unto their owne husbands.
Verle 6. Even as Sara obeyed Abraham^ ailing him Lord, whofe
daughters yee are as long 04yee do well, and are not afraid
with any amazement*
_ Verfe 7. Likewife ye husbands dwell with them according to the
knowledge of God, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the
weaker vejfelt, and at being heires together of the grace of
life that your prayers be not kindred,
I The
66 A Commmtary upon th»firft Epiftfe of Peter*
The Analyfis.
EietheApoftlc inftru&s Wives and Husbands in'
thole particular duties which belongunto their
eonjugallfociety. And he lets downe the duty
of wives in the fint place, becaufe that comes
nearelt unto thofe duties which hee had lately fp >ken of,
namely, the duty of fabje&s towards their Maturates, and of
fervar.ts towards their Mailers. For that which is here in gt>
n a ull prcfcribed unto wives 3 is their fubjcftion to their hui-
bands, Verfe I. BiinfubjeBion to yonr owne husbands. Which
fubjcftion he doth afterwards explaine by ccrtaine adjuncts
or properties, which do in a peculiar manner belong to the
fubjetYion of wives, and notto the fubjeftonof fervants and
(iibje ^s. Thefirft of thele properties i>, conjugall feare D ver^2.
The fecOnd is chaftity of convention, in the fame verle. The
third is, meck'nefle and mildneflTe, verfe 4. And he doth per-
fwade them unto this lubje&ton together with the properties
thereof. 1 . By an argument taken from the effe&s and fruit,
which by the grace or God might follow thereupon ; for it is
a meanes tending to the conversion of their husbands, if they
obey not the Gofpell, verfe 1. 2. He commends and illu-
ftrates it by a comparifon which he makes betwixt that pious
f ubjedtion, & that adorning which women u(e to make great
account of, verfe 3,4. where he fhewes that outward adorning
to be nothing worth in Gods fighr. 3. Hee doth perfwade
them unto it by the example ot thofe holy women , which
God did approve of in old tirrie, verfe 5. And in particular by
the example ofSara^ and her obedience unto esfbraham^ verfe
6. Of whole example he gives a fpeciall reafon ; becaufeas
Abraham was the father of all the faithful!, Co Sara in lomc
fort might be called the mother of all holy women. The du-
ty of husbands he fets down 1, in general], in their husband-
like govcrnement, which he cals a dwelling with their wives
according to knowledge, which knowledge and understand-
ing is the ground of direction, and therefore is more required
in a man, then in a weman. 2. In the fpeciall manner of this
governement ; to wit, that it ihouid be joy ned with the honour
A Commentary up on the firfiEpi file of Vtter. 6j
of the wife, in bearing with her infirmities , which he doth
perfwadethem unto by an argument taken, i. from that fib-
ciety and equality which is betwixtthe husbanctand the wife,
in refpect of the grace of life, as it is here called. 2. From the
great dilcommodity, which will follow upon the negleft of
this duty, for by their domellicall differences and diflcmions
theirdomefticall prayers alio arc hundred, Verfe 7.
The Doctrines arifing here-hence.
Doit. I. There is the like duty offub)eUs^fervants, wives ,
and husbands.
This is gathered from that particle, Likewifeye wives, verfe
I. and Likewifeye husbands^ verfe 7. Not, that there is the
fame kindeofduty in all thefc in all refpe&s, but that there is
the fame kinde of obligation, whereby every one is bound to
doe his owne duty. .
Reafon 1. Becaufe it is the fame Law-giver andthefame
law that commands every man his duty.
2. Becaufe the difparity of the condition makes no dispa-
rity in the obligation, which is the formality of the duty; but
only in thofe things, to which the obligation binds us, which
is the materiality of the duty.
Vfe* This may ferve to admonifh us , not to caft ofFfrom
our (elves thole things which we eitherreadeorhearetobe
commanded men of another condition, but alwayes to confi-
der, that qttamvis rton adfxmilia^ tamen fimiliter^ though we are
not tyed to the like duties, yet we are in the like manner tyed
to our own duties : when fervants are commanded any thing,
then matters mould think, that they likewise are commanded
fomcthing ; when wives are commanded any thing, then hus-
bands (hould think that they likewise ; and when husbands
are commanded any thing, then wives (hould think 5 that they
DocT. 2 It it the duty of wives to bcfubjcB to their husbands.
This is gathered from verfe 1 . See Co/of. 3. 18. Ephef.5,2 2,
Reafon 1. Becaufe the husband is the head of the wife,
Ephef.iy.13: 1 Cor* 1 1.3.
2. Becaufe there can be no order kept in a family 3 except all
the reft be fubie& to the father of the family.
I % Vfc
£8 A Commentary upon the prfi Epiftie of Peter.
Vfe. This may feive to reprove thofe wives that a^eundu-
tifull and will not be fut>je<5t ; and thofe husbands alfo D who
by their owne fault lofe this authority and dignity, and are
thcmfelvcs the caufes that their owne power is leffened and
Do&. 3. The eonverfation of wivesJboHldbefitch^thatit
fhwldtvinne their husbands to approve of the true religion*
This is gathered from verfe 1.
Renfcn 1. Bccaufe all ihould 5 as much as they can 3 co-ope-
rate with God for the conversion of men.
2. BeCaufe this generall Chriftian duty is in a fpeciall man-
tier determined and intended in refpeft of thofe, with whom
we have a neerer communion.
3. Becaufe love,which doth in a lingular manner belong to
man and wife, requires that they mould defire and feek for one-
anothcrs greateft good.
Vfc* This may ferve to reprove thofe, which in wedlock fa
Jive,that they have no care at all,either to advance Gods glo-
ry, or to further their own falvation, in that ftafe : and they
aie to be condemned much more , which lb carry themfelves
in that ftate, that they doe more and more alienate their hus-
bands from true religion and piety either touching the do-
ctrine, or touching. the pradVifeofit. And if this belongs to
wives toward their husbands, much more will h belong to
husbands toward their wive? .
DocT. 4. (fonjugall chajiity fhould be joy ned with feare.
This is gathered from verfe 3,
Reafoyt. Becaufe not only is impurity to'bc fhunned, but
alfb all fufpicion of imr rarity , or ofaminde inclining there-
Vfe 1. This may lervetosdmonifhmanand wife^ tomun
all tbofe courfes, that may any way be any blemifh to their
chaftity, though it be but in mew or appearance.
2, To adraoniih all Ghriftians, to preferve their fpirituall
chaftity with Chrift.and God, with all feare.
Do&; 5. It is not the onfti>ArdtidQrni*i> r but theinward i
thae we fliould make Account ef .
This is gathered from verfe 3^.
Rtafcn 1. Becaufe the outward adorning belongs to the
A Commentary upon thefirft Epiflle of Peter. 6o
vanity of this world, but the inward is fpiritualllife it felfe.
For Chrift and grace is called the inward adorning of the
v heart or nrinde, becaufe it makes a man amiable and com-
mends him in the light ofthofe which eftecme and prize it.
a. Becaufe only men look after the outward adorning, and
and thole none of the graver fort neither ; but God himfclfe
lookes after the imvard,.as it is in verfe 4.
3. 2?ecau(e the outward adorning is not durable, but the
inward- is incorruptible, as it is in vcrle 4. which is net corrup-
tible^ and 2 £or.q..i$»
Vfe. This may ferve to admonim us , every day more and
more to renounce this outward and worldly adorning,and to
looke to the inward and true adorning of the mind and foulc.
D'odh 6. Meckgncfie and mildeneffeoffpirit in women jt& in
all others talfo , is an adorning that is precious inthe fight of Cjod.
This is gathered from verfe 4.
Reafon 1. -ffecaufe many filthy unbefceming things,which
arlle from anger and perturbation gf the minde, arc removed
by fiich a difpofition .
2. becaufe fucha difpofition is very apttopleafe,and all
men defire that others mould be well pleafcd with their be-
Vfe i. Thi« may ferve to refute thofe, which affeft a kind
of glory and honour by their fiercenefle andimpatiency.
2. To exhort uSjnot only for civility fake,but alfo for con*
fcience toward God to endeavour to get fuch a difpofition.
D0&. 7. Every manjhouldfeeke for examples offuch ver-
tues out of Scripture ,and apply them unto himfelfe according to his
mvne proper condition.
For women have holy women propofed unto them for ex*
amples, verfe 5. So have men holy men.
Do&» 8. In weighing of examples we fheuld have the chief-
eft regard to thefe that, are mo ft commended in Script ureo
This is gathered from thofe words, Abraham^ Sara, and the
Uhe^ verfe 6.
Do&. p. Then and net before are ws the children of fuch
. holy ones^ by a true imitation of them, when we dofo perfift in well
doings that no t err our or any ether temptation it able to remove us
from this ourpnrpofe andrefelution.
70 A Commentary upon the firfi Epiftle of Pete n
This is gathered from the 6. vei (e at the end. For this is
propofed in Sara to be chiefly imitated by women, thatdut
of her duty, ftie followed Abraham in all his journey, n©r
could any tcFrour keepe her back.
Doft. 10. Husbands fooutt Uktwife doe their duty , as well
as the wives doe theirs.
This is gathered from vcrfe 7.
Reaf, 1. Becaufe there is the fame obligation of Gods
law on both fides.
2. Becaufe there is a mutuall relation betwixt thefe duties,
that one doth neceflarily require the other.
3. Becaufe the duty of husbands to their wives, and of
wives to their husbands is almoft the fame, but that the wife
is to doe her part with fubje&ion, and it is the husbands pare
to rule.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonijb #/, not rigidly to exz£t the
duty of others, and in the meane time to neglecT: our owne.
Doft. II. ft be/ongs unto men to exceH in knowledge and
This is gathered from thole words : according to knowledge,
ReaJ, 1. Becaufe by nature they have a kind of perfection
above women in thole things which belong unto know-
ledge, whereupon the woman is in this place called the wea-
ker vefTell. ;
a. Becaufe by their duty they fhould be the heads of their
wives, to dircft and governe them.
3. Becaufe they have greater meanes to gaine knowledge ;
for as it is not lawfull for women to fpeake in the Church 5
ib neither have they any thing to doe in other exercifes,
whereby mens wits are ripened.
VJe, This may ferve to reprove thofe men, that either
through drunkennefle, or floth, or the negleft of divine
things, or through too much care of earthly things, doe not
only come behind women, but children alfb in (bund know-
ledge and understanding.
DocT:. 12. It is the husbands part to be meek* unto their
wiveSp and not to put them infeare,
Reaf, 1 . Becaufe they are not fervants, but companions^
2. Be*
I ACommsntary upon the fir ft Epiftle of Peter, y I
2. Becaufe their conjugall love mould (hew it fclfe in all
fuch duties.
- Vfe, This may kxvets admanifb as well husbands as wives
to beware of harfnnefTe and bitterneffe.
Doft. 13. 7*W </#/v which we owe unto all the coheires of
grace and life eternally fhsuld direct and governs our particular
duties towards ourfuperiours, i*if?riours and e quails.
Reaf I. Becaufe that is the principall duty 5 to which aft
the reft are fubordinate.
1. Becaufe that love doth virtually at leaft containe in it all
3. Becaufe the dignity which redounds from the relation
to grace and eternall life, makes all thole that are partakers of
that grace, in fomc fort equall, and therefore reftraines con-
tempt, oppofaion, and all kinds of injuries.
Vfe. This may (erve todireil us, in all parts of our conver-
fation with Chriftian men, to have chieferegard to this duty*
Doft. 14 ^Allour converfation, as well in pub li que m in
private, fhouldbe fo ordered, that it fl/ould not hinder ; hut rather
further our Prayers.
This is gathered from the laft words*
Reaf. 1. Becaufe otherwile we fliould wrong God him-
felfe, in violating his honour.
3. Becaufe we mould diminish at leaft our greateft comfort*
which depends upon our prayers.
Vfe , This may icrve to admonip} ut, to take heed therefore,
not only of the grofTer fort of fins, but alfo of contentions,
injuries, perturbations, and all thole vanities, by which we
are made unfit to call upon the name of God aright.
Verie 8. Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compaffien^one of
another, love as brethren^ bepittifull, be courteous*
V. f* Not rendring evillfor evill, or railing for railing : but cm-
trariwife blefjeng, knowing that ye are thereunto calkd, that
ye fhould inherit a bleffwg.
72 d Commentary upon the fir ft Epiftle ef Peter.
Ihe Anal)fs.
[e Apofthdoth in thefe two vedes briefely comprehend
thole duties, which belong unto all foits of men. For
becaufeit would.be too long particularly to aefcribe all the
particular vertues, nor can there be iuch a doctrine delivered,
that ftiould direit * every particular man in his duty, * fingules
qua fingulos i as fuch a particular man, as before it was delive-
red touching matters and fervants, wives and husbands, there-
fore he doth here commend tome generall duties unto all,
from which all particular ones will eafiiy follow. And the
firft of thefe is Concord. i. Mutuall fympathy. 3. Bro-
therly love. 4. Pitty. 5. Courteoufnefle. 6. Chriftian Pa-
tience, whereby we doe not only forbcare to curie thole that
curie us, bat alio blefle them ; of which laft duty, as being the
difficulteft of all,he gives a fpeciall reafon,which is taken from
che end of our calling, whereby we come to the pofleffion of
all bletfings, and as much as in us lyes, ought we to commu-
nicate it unto others.
The Doctrines arifingherchence^
Doft. 1. Concord is a vertue^ which all Chrifiians (hottld
mightily labour for.
R»af. 1. Becaufe God hath endued all thole, that are truly
faithfull, with one and the (ame Spirit, and therefore with
one heart as it were. For they have received a new heart of
one and the (ame making and nature.
2. Becaule they propofe unto themfelves one and the fame
end,and they (hould goe one and the fame way untothat end.
3. Becaufe if there be any difference in other things, which
doe not belong unto that way, they are not fogreat, as that
they fliouldcaufe anydilcord : For there may be fome dif-
ference of opinions in many things without any difcord or
alienation of mens minds. And if there be fome difference a-
foout thole things, which doe belongunto that way, a bearing
one with another, when they doe both earneftly defire the
truth., will preferve concord (afe and found betwixt thoft
( A Commentary upon the firfl Epiftle ef Peter. J$
which are true GhriAians, according to that afthe Apdftle
y Vfe* This may fcrve to reprove thofe, which for light caufes
are eltranged from their brethren, and turne the (mailed dii>
ference, even the lea ft controVerfie into dilcord. And how ma-
ny are guilty of this fault^and how clotely it tticks unto them,
may evidently appear* by this, that they cannotlay alide their
anger and hatred, no not for Gods fake, for Chrift fake, and
their owne Glvation fake. And this we may lee in too too'
many, when thcyforbeare to come to the Lords Supper by
reafon of thofe contentions, which they maintaine betwixt
themfelves and their neighbours ; for they doe thereby (hew
that they cannot pray unto God to forgive them their trefc
paries, as they forgive others that trefpafleagainft them, and
therefore they feeme to love diicord more then God himieire,
and their owne ialvatior.
Do&. 2 . There fhould he a fympathy fretwixt Ckriftia/tf*
By which word is fignified not onlyafellow-feeangofone
arotheis troubles, but aUo of one anothers good, i Cor*
it. 26'
Reaf. 1. 2?ecaufe they are members of one body, and all
the members looke unto the good or the whole.
2. Becaule the evill or good of one member, doth in fome
fort redound unto the reft of the members, by that necre uni-
on and communion, which is betwixt them.
3. Becaufe the confent and concord of their wills com-
mands this, that whereof one doth rejoyce or grieve, the ci-
ther alfo fhould repyce and gi ieve.
Vfe. This may Cerve to reprove t htt Stoical! hard neffe, which
hath taken hold of mens minds, whereby it comes to pafle
that they are no way lenfible of the condition of others.
Doft. 3. 'Brotherly love is moreover areatly to be tmbra-
ced-vehich unto concordant Sympathy addes a wllalfo and ended"
vow to doe qyodmto others as unto our brethren.
Reef. 1 Becaufewe are brethren.
2. becaufe love is the character otChriftian brotherhood.
3. becaufe love is the bond of perfection and the meanes
of Chriltian edification.
Vfe. This may ferve to exhort tu to the exercifc of chip grace.
74 A Commentary upon the firft Epifile of Peter.
Doft. 4. To ottr lovc&e fhonldjoymwrej^ n hicb lookes on-
ly unto the feed that is to be done.
Redf* i. Becaufe true love is by this meanes made moftrna-
nifeft, when it is (hewed untothofe which cannot give us
2. Becanfe in this we doe imit te our heavenly father,
who is the Father of mercies.
3. Becaule the fame benefit is greater, when it is beftowed
upon one that is In mifery, then when it is beftowed upon a-
Vfe. This may ferve to reprove thole, which feetr.e to love
fuch men only, from whom they may expett fomething.
D- &. 5. Together with our love and mercy rvefjouldjoyne
Reaf. i.Becaufe true love and mercy proceeding from the
enlargement of the heart, fits and difpofeth the whole man
for the doing of good.
2. becaule a benefit beftowed in a rough and harm man-
ner, doth in fome fort ceafe to be a bcnefir.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifh us^ more and more to lay *-«
fide all feverity, and to have a. care to beautifie that good
which we doe, in the manner of doing it.
Do'ft. 6* Christians foouldnot render evillfjr evilly er rat-
line for railing.
This is gathered out of the 9. vei'fe. So Rem* 12. 17. and
M*t/h. 5. 3?.
Reaf. 1, JBecaufc the railing or ill-doing of another., doth
not loofe the bond, or take away the duty of our lovw.
2. 2?ecau£ this is to be overcome of evii J. Rom. \ a. 2J.
3. 2?ccaufe this derogates from Gods fidelity, and takes
that, which belongs unto him, out of his hands, Rom. 12. ip.
Trev.72. 23.
Vfe. This may Cerve to reprove thoCe men, that areeafily
provoked, and when they are provoked by any injury, thinke
that they may doe any thing, and Co give themfelves liberty
toexerciie all kind of revenge : and that they doe not this
ftom the hatred offinne, but from too n.uch love of them-
felves, it doth fufficienrly appcare by this, that when more
hajnous and grievous offences are committed againftGod,
j A Commentary ttponthefirfiEpiftle of Tettr* ' 75
, and the fame wrongs done unto others; they can heareit and
behold k 3 and never be troubled at it.
Docfh 7. it is the duty offtriftians to blejfe thofethat curfe
"a>'d wrong them.
This is gathered from the 9. v. at the middle. So Matth. 5.
44. and Rom* 12. 14.
Reef. 1. i?ecaufe love and mercy doth in a fpeciall manner
require this duty of thofe, which by fuch like fiuiws make
thcmfelves obnoxious unto curfing.
2. *2?ecaufe we mould overcome evillwith good. Rom*
3. tfecaufcwe (hould imitate our heavenly Father. Matth*
5« 45'
Vfc. This may fave to exhort us to ufe our felves unto this
Do6>. 8. The remembrance of 'our callings that it tends un-
to bleffng^fbouldftir us up to blejfe others.
This is gathered from v. 9. at the latter end.
Keaf. I. Becaufc that which we have freely received from
the blefling of God 9 we mould, as much as in us lies, freely
and liberally give. Matth, 10. 8.
2. B;:caufe by this meanes we cxereife and pcrfeft our own*
3. Becaufe by this meanes we (hew forth and advance the
glory of God, that beftowed this benefit upon us.
VJe, This may (ewe for direction, very often to medicate up-
on our calling, and that to this end, that we may be made
the more ready and fit for Chriftian duties.
Verft. 10. For he that toiK love life, and fee good day es a let him
refraine his tongue from evill, and hu lips that they fpeake
no guile:
Verle. 1 1 , Let him efchew evil/, and doe good, let himfeehe peace
andenfue it*
Verfe. For the eyes of the Lord are ftt over the righteous, and his
eares are open unto their prayers : %but the face of the Lordn
againfi them that doe evil',
K 2 the
y6 A Commentary upon thefirfi Epiftle of Peter.
The Analyjis.
IN thefe three verfes , the Apoftle proves by the teftimony of
Scripture, that which he had fpoken in the laft place, to
wit, that Go dly men (hall inherit a blefling. In which tefti-
mony there isinthefirft place the blefling fetdowne, which
all dt' ire, He that will love life^ and fee good day es. 2 . The pie-
ty of thole, to whom this blefling is promifed, is fynecdochi-
cally declared by adiftributionofthe fubjeifts, as it is in the
(peech, v» lo. or in the deeds and conversation of life v. ir.
3. The connexion of <. he blefling, with this piety is confir-
med by the moft powerfiill caufe thereof, namely, the provi-
dence of God, watching over the Godly for their good,ver(e
12. at the beginning. Which is illuftrated by a contrary ef-
fect of the fame providence toward thofe that doe evill, name-
ly, that he watcheth over thofe alwayes for evills, v. 12. at the
The Doctrines arifing herehence.
Doct. l. It is common unto all men, infomefort to defire
blejfwg and bappineffr*
For therefore doth he in this place, ufe a common argu-
ment to ftirre up all to the practice of piety.
Reaf.i* Becaufe * omnia appetunt bonumjW things defire their
own good 5 & in fbme fort too that which they apprehend as
fummum bowm^xhe chiefeft good.
2. Becaufe all nature tends unto its owne perfection, and
this perfection is happinefle.
3. Becaufe the nature of happinefle isfach, that if the un-
det Handing doth in any manner comprehend it, the will can-
not but in feme meafiire defire it, becaufe it is in all refpects
defireable .
Vfe. r. Let us not therefore reft contented with a confu-
ted defire of happinefle, but endeavour and labour to ftirre up
and to increafe in our (elves the true, genuine and effectuall de-
fire thereof.
2. For dire&ion 3 not to corrupt this defire that is appro-
ved of God, or to choake it with worldly defires, but to goe
forward and increafe it daily according to that rule, which is
given unto us from God.
Doct. j.
A Commentary upon thefirfl Epiftle of Peter* 77
; Doft 2 . Trtte and f olid pietj is the only way to attainc unto
thefe blefings .
\ Reaf 1 . Becaufe God hath promised it to the Godly alone.
' 2. Becaufe piety in its owne nature leadeth to God, and
joy nes us with God s who is the f ountaine of all good.
3, Becaufe piety it felfe hath that perfection joyned with it,
namely, peace of confcicnce and found confolation, which is
a great part of happinefle.
Vfc* 1.. This may ferve to convince thofe of folly and mad-
nefle, that would be happy ^ but will not be Godly.
a. To direttus, to kindle in our hearts an earned endea- i
vour to be godly by the expectation of this happinefle, and to
gaine unto our fclves an aflurance of it.
Dott. 3. The providence of Cjod alone y makes for the furthe-
rance of this piety \and the confirmation of this happinejfe.
This is gathered from v. 1 2.
Reaf. 1. Becaufe God by his providence doth fulfill and
perfe&all hispromifes.
2. Becaufe the fame providence lookes over and takes care
for theparticolar neccflities of the Godly.
3 Becaufe he takes fpeciall notice of all their defiresand
prayers, as it is in the text.
Vfe, This may Cerveto exhort us 3 to build up our felves in a. .
true and lively faith of this providence.
Verfe. 13. And who is he that mil harmey OH) ifye be followers of
that which is Good f
Verfe. 14. But and if ye fuffer any xhingfor righteoufneffe fak*,
happy are ye, and be not afraid of their terrour, neither be
Verfe. I 5. But fanUifie the Lord God in jour heart s> and bee
ready alwayes to give ananfwer to every man that asketh
youareafonofthe hope that is inyou? with m:ekzne§e and
feare, havinga good conference:
Verfe. 1 6,That whereas theyfpeake evill ofyoa, as ofevill doers?
they mzj be ajhamedthat falfely accufeyour good convcrja-
tion in (fhrift*
K 3 The
78 A Commentary upon ibefirfl Epiflle of Peter.
The Analyfis.
I Hat which the Apoftle had before propofcd concerning
the praftife of piety , he doth there perfwadethenYunto
by an argument taken , I. from the erTeft thereof, that by this
meanes men arc freed and delivered from thofe harmes,which
the wicked feek occafion, to bring upon them, v. 1 3. 2. From
the happineltc adjoyned 3 becaufe no afflictions that are fuf-
fered for righteoufnefie and godlinefTe fake , are able to ex-
clude that, verfe 14. at the beginning. 3. He (hewes the right
manner of undergoing afflictions , fo that happincfle may
follow thereupon, which confifts 1. in the laying afideof
that feare and perturbation , which ullially mens mindes are
troubled with in their afflictions, in thefe words, be not afraid
of their terrour. 2. In that confidence and relyance of our
hearts upon God, whereby his name is ianclified, and by ver-
tue whereof that immoderate feare may belaidafide. And
this confidence is let forth by its proper effe<5t, which confifts
in couragious and ready confeftion of the faith; of which
confeffion he lets downe two properties, namely, meckexefle
and feare or reverence, and moreover he fbewes the helping
and preferving caufe thereof, namely, a good confeience, and
the effect alfo which it will workc in others, verfe 16. to wif,
that it will make their enemies With (name to leave offtheir
fpcaking evill of them.
But here-hence arifeth a queftion.
Queft. How can this be made good, which the Apoftle
iaith, that no man (hall harme the godly ? Verfe 1 3.
Anfxver i. 3?ecaufe the nature ofgodlinefie and goodnefle
tends thereunto, to winne the minds of all men , and to take
cffall ill-will.
2. Becaufe often times alfo it hath this erTeft, that taking
away all pretence and occafion of unrighteoulneffe, it doth
in fome meafure mollifie the enemies minds , except they be
quite and cleane lavage and furicufly mad.
3. Becaufe nemo propri'e Uditnr niji afeipfo, no body is pro-
perly hurr but by himfelfeand his own fault jhe therefore that
efcheweth evill and doeth good, cannot properly be laid to
{ A Commentary upon thefirft Epifile of Peter* ?$
flbe hurt by others, though they do earneftly defire and endea-
vour to do it*
The Doctrines arifingherehence.
Do&. i. Chrifiians Jhould be emulators and followers of
that which is good.
This is gathered from vtrCei^
r Reafon i. i?ecaufe they are called to the imitation of Gods
goodnefie ; Be ye holy a* Jam ho/y : beyeperfeft as your Fattier
is per feci,
s. Becaufe they are begotten again unto the im?ge of God,
and mould daily more and more be fafhioned thereunto.
3. becaufe there is nothing befides that is worthy of our
ferious imitation.
Vfe. This may krve to exhort us, to lift up our mindes, and
betake our felves to this holy and divine emulation.
Dott. 2o They that are followers of that which is good are
free J from harme.
This is gathered from verfe 13.
Reafon 1 . 2?ecaufe ifCjod be for us, who can be againft m ?
2. becaufe wicked mens minds alfo are oftentimes overcome
by the goodnefle of the good : as Sfau was moved by the ob-
fequioufhefle oflacob.
3. 2?ecaufc the greater* good cannot be taken away from
thofe that labour for true godlinefie.
Vfe. This may ferve to comfort us againft all dangers which
may befall us by following that which is good.
Doft> 3. To fujfer afflictions for right eoufneffe fake doth
net hinder^ but farther our happinejfe.
This is gathered fromVerfe 14. So Matth, ?. xo.
ReafoH 1 .Becaufe fuch affliftions make us conformable unto
Chrift in the fellowship of his ujfferings, P&//.3. 10.
2. Becaufe it is a fingular part of that obedience and holi-
nefle, which tends unto happinefie.
3. Becaufe God hath promifed bountifully to reward it.
Vfe. This may ferve to comfort us, againft all the evils
which mJy befall us for righteoufneiTe fake and a good con-
Do St. 4. We muft lay aftds the fare of 'all dangers where-
with our mind may be troubled.
o3 A Commentary upon the firftEpi fife of Peter.
This is gathered from the fame veife at the end.
Rea/on I. Becaufe luch ieare is contrary unto faith and <t
fore confidence.
2. Becaufeit hath no other ufe, but to hinder us in doing of
our duty.
3. Becaufe it is contrary to the honour of God and the
Worthineffe of a good caufe.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifh us. not to give place to
fuchpufillanimity and faint-heartedncfle.
Doci. 5« fVe fbouldftrengthcn our hearts againft all feare y
by jutting our truft in Cjod,
Rea/on 1. Becaufe there is nothing elfe whereby we can
overcome all feares and terrou; s.
2. Becaufe God hath taken this upon himfelfe, and com-
manded us to commit our caufe unto him.
3. Becaufe by this truft and confidence God is made the
ftrength of our (bules.
Vj<. This may (erve to exhort us, truly to put our truft in
Do&. 6* By this truft and confidence wefaviUifie God in our
This is gathered from verfe 1 $*
Reafon i. Becaufe thereby we acknowledge him to be a
holy God, that is, a God ot perfett power, mercy, truth and
2. Becaufe by t^e effe&uall acknowledgement^)! this holi-
ncflc we give unto him that glory which is due unto his name
from our heart?.
3, becaufe thereby we advance his glory amongft others.
as well in our actions as in our piofeffions.
Vfe, This may fcrve to exhort us,wholly to rely upon him.
Doft. J. fVe fkould fantlifie God not only in our hearts , but
with our mouths alfb^ and in our prof r£i on.
This is gathered from thefe words : Be ready alwayes to give
an anfxotr. So Rottvio.l o.
Rcafou i. Becaufe we (hould glorifie God not only in our
fpirit, but in our body alfo, 1 Cor.6,20.
* 2. Becaufe we mould advance Gods glory ,not only in our
felves, but amongft others alio.
5. Becaufe
I ACOtHMHltfytyMihefhfiEpifrk ef Peter. 8 1
I i. Becaufe out of the abundance of the heart the mouth
fpeaketh : we cannot therefore fan&ifie God with all our
heart, unlefle we are ready todothefamelikewifewithour
Vfe r. This may ferve to reprove thofe,which boaft of the
(inccrity of their heart, and in the meane time take no care for
the holinefle of their heart and word?.
2 . To exhort us to prepare our ft Ives for this duty, Ephrf,
4- 2p.
Do&. 8. AU ChriflUnsJhwld be ready nrt only to profeffe
the trttfhj but alfo to give a good reafon oftheirprcfejjton.
This is gathered from thefe words : to give an anfaer to eve-
ry man that asknhjou a reafen of the hope that is in you. And this
is not to be understood of all truth, but of the truth of religi-
on 5 nor of all thefe things neither, which do any way pertain
unto religion, but of the very fubftance of faith, hope, and re-
ligion, as it is in the text : a reafon of the hope that is in you :
nor is it either a natural! reafon that is required, or fiich a
kinde of reafon that may (top the mouths of every gainfayerj
for this all are not able to do, nor doth it belong unto all $ but
fbrue foreground out of Gods word, whereupon our faith
and hope fhould be built and ftrengthened agaioif all kinde of
temptations. Now here arifeth a queft ion.
Quef}. Whether fuch a reafon is to be given to every one
that asketh, or no ?
Anfw, No not abfolutely to every one, becaufe we are not
to give it to Dogs and Swine, (that is, to uncleane perfbns)
without a neceffary caufe, but to every one that asketh us, fb
that our profeffion or anfwer may probably at leaft turn to the
glory of God, as it is in the text, tofanUife God.
Vfe. This may ferve to exhort us, 1 ferioufly to ftudy onr
religion,to underftand the grounds thereof. 2 Freely and in-
gcnioufly to declare and defend it upon a good occafion.
DocT. 9. Our prafeffion of religion ffjonldbe with meekene^e
in refpeftofmeHy andtvithfeare in refpetl of God,
Reafor, Becaufe by meekenefle we do good amongft men,
and the feare of God will ftirrc us up to do our duty,and keep
us within the bounds and limits thereof!
Vfe, This may ferve to reprove thofe, which keepe no me; -
fure in their words and acYions. L DoS..
g 3 4 CmmmUry upon Wit pffi Eptfik offeter.
Dodt. 10. A good confeience is very neceffary as well in the
fanclification of Gods name, us in the profeffion of his religion^ {
That is, a conference bearing us witnefle, both of the grace
of God towards us in Chrift, and of the hncere defire and en-
deavour of our hearts topleafe God in all things.
Reafon i. Becaufe without (uch a confeience, our faith,
confidence, fortitude, and liberty* doth languish and decay.
2. Becaufe fuch a confeience freeth us from all that bur-
then, wherewith otherwife we fhould be oppreffed, and terri-
fied, and affrighted from doing our duty.
3. Becaufe it ftirreth us up to all the duties of piety ; for
without the care of performing them, a good confeience can
afford us no comfort.
Vfe. This may ferve to exhort us to have a care of our con-
(cience, to ktepe it pure before God and men.
The 17 verfe is all one with the 20 verfe of the 2 chapter.
Verfe 1 7. For it is better ^ if the will of God be fo, thatyefujfer
for well-doing, then for evill-doing,
Verfe l8* For Chrift alfo hath once fuff *red for finnes , the p ft
for the unjuft, that he might bring us to God 3 being put to
death in theflejh, but quicknedby the Spirit .
Verfe 19. By which alfo he went , and preached unto the Spirits
in prifon.
Verfe 2 0. Which fontetimes were difobeditnt , when once the
long-fujfering ofCjodwait'din the d*jes ofNoah 9 while the
Arke was a preparing • whjeinfew (that ts 9 eight J feules
werefaved by water.
Verfe 21. The like figure whereunto 9 even baptifme z doth alfo
nowfaveus^ (not the putting away of the filth of the fie fhjbut
theanfwer of a good confeience toward God) by the refurre-
Uion oflefus (^hrift.
Verfe 22. Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of
God^ tAngels> and Authorities, and powers 9 being wadefub-
je$ unto him*
j ACtmmcmayyHtonthejirftEpiflhofnur* 85
The Analyfis.
IN this part of the chapter, the Apoftle urgeth that exhorta-
tion which he had before propofed concerning an endea-
vour to do well, even unto thoft that wrong us. And this he
doth perfwade them unto, i, by a companion which he
makes betwixt thofe which fuffer for evill doing : which
comparifon although it may feeme to be of a greater or leffer
good, when it is (aid, It is better to fuffer for well doings yet it
is indeed a diffimilitude, which is intimated by this psiW/y ex-
tenuation, as appeares by the 19 and 20 verfe of the fecond
chapter. For it is thank-worthy and it will turne to our glo-
ry, if we fuffer for well-doing ; not fb, if it be for evill doing.
2, He confirmes this by the example of Chrift, verfe 18, who
though he did moft juftly, yet fuffered unjuftly ; which ex-
ample he fhewes to be of great force , by the end of his diffe-
ring ; becaule therefore he fuffered, that he might bring us
the fame way unto God ; which that he doth now effectually
doe, he fhewes by the caufe thereof, to wit, life and glory,
which he aflumed unto himfelfe by his divine Spirit after his
fuffering. And to (hew that that effeft, namely, the bringing
of men unto God, doth proceed from this caufe, to wit, the
Spirit of Chrift, the Apoftle makes a comparifon of the like,
betwixt thoft things which the Spirit of Chrift did hereto-
fore in the dayes of AW?, and thole things which he doth
now fince the comming of Chrift in the Hem. Heretofore he
preached the way of falvation, and patiently waited for the
performance of obedience, upon the difbbedicnt he infli&ed
condigne punifhment, and a few that were obedient he laved
in the Arke : (0 now alfo he preacheth the way of falvation,
he waits for obedience, and by Baptifme, as it were a figure
like unto the old Arke, he (aves thofe that are obedient and
have a good confeience before God, and that by the glorious
life and power which he hath in heaven fince the time of his
refurreftion, verfe 21, 22. All which things tend hereunto,
that we mould hold faft a good confeience, even when we are
evill intreated ; becaufe it is better as he faid before, verfe 17.
and hath now (hewed as well by the example of Chrift, as by
L 2 his
$a A Comment try upon the firft Epiftle ofVeter.
his cffe&uall difpenfation throughout all agt9,as it is, verO 8,
1 9. of which we may fee more, if wc look hack to chap.2,ver.
2 1. to the end. All the other thing? almoft are explained in
the anfwer to'BeHarmine^ about Chiilts descending into hell.
The Do&rines atifing here-hence;
Doft. I. h was the Spirit of thrift, which preached here-
t of ore from the beginning of the world by the Prophets and men «f
God, before I hat he appeared in theflejh.
This is gathered from verfe i p.
Reafcn i. Becaufe the per (on o* Chrift was the fame from
everhfting in the unity of the Divine Eflence, fo that whatio-
ever the Spirit of God did 3 that alfo may the Spirit of Chriit
be truly uid to have donr.
2. Becaufe Ghrift was the Mediator of mankinde from the
beginning of the world, in vertue and force ; therefore what-
foever the S- irit did., which belonged to the furtherances?
the Churches fafety, all that he did by vertueofChriftsmc*
diatioiij and that no leffe then fince his corr.ming in the flefh.
Vfe i. This may fervetoinltruftusinthetruthofChrifts
divine nature
2. To comfort us and urengtrfen our faith,in that we have
the fame Teacher, which inftiu&ed the Church from the be-
ginning of the world,and brought ittofalvation 5 and con-
icqtiently we imbrace the fame religion, as touching the fcb~
liancc-of itjthat all the faithful! imbraccd from the beginning
ot the uorl^.
3. To admonifli us, never to rejeft or make light account
of thofe things which are preached unto us out of Gods
word, becaufe it is the Spirit of Chrilt, which preachethunto
us thofe things, like as he preached unto others from the be-
ginning of the world.
Docl - . 2. Thej which do not obey thf preaching of Chrijls
Spirit -j wilfully bring upon themf 'Ives ever lafiing damnation.
This is gathered from verfe 1920.
Reafon 1 . becaufe in negkcYing the preaching of the Go-
fpel!, they negledY and refufe the only meanes that can keepe
them from damnation, and bring them unto falvation.
2. Becaufe they doe greatly difkoacur Chrift and hi$-
A Commentary ufotithefirfi Eprftle ef Peter. 8 5
Vfc* This may fcrve to admoniffius, alwayes, when we
1 come to the hearing of Gods word, to endeavour to have cir-
cumcifed eares and hearts,, ready and willing to yeeld all obe-
dience thereunto.
Daft. 5. God ftfeth much patience and long-fnffering towards
the difobedient.
This is gathered from verfe 20.-
Reafon 1. Becaufe by this meanes Gods clemency and
mercy is manifested.
2. Becaufe by this patience of God all are invited,and ma-
ny are drawne unto the obedience of faith.
5. Becaufe this patience makes thofe that are ftubbornely
difobedient altogether inexcufable, and Co -juftifics God in his
juft judgements.
Vje 1. This may ferve to direct us, to give the glory of
this patience unto God , when we fee finners to go unpuni-
shed for a time.
2. To admonifh us not to abufe this patience of God, but
to make it a meanes for the amendment of our lives , and our
own falvation, Rom.i.\.
DocT. 4» fn the defhnclion of the difobedient, God hath a
Jbeciafl eye over the faithfully tofave them from the deftrutlion.
This is gathered from verfe 2 o.
Reafon I . Becaufe he difpoteth his judgements according
to his ccrtaine and perfect counfell, not rafhly or confufedly,
therefore he paflettaover whom he pleafeth.
2. Becaufe the punifhments of finne mould not fall alike '
upon the godly and wicked, for then he would not be a |uft
3. Becaufe it (lands upon Gods glory to fave thofe that flye
unto him, as he promrfed them in his covenant.
Vfe* This may ferve to comfort us, in the time of publiclc
calamities, wherein God revengeth the wickedneffeofmen.
Dott. 5. Cjod doth often times preferve thofe that are hi* ,
tartly by the fame me ones wherby he deftroyeth others.
For it is faid that the Arke faved Noah and thofe feven fouls
in the waters and by the waters.The fame water that drown-
ed others, by lifting up the Arke on high, was the meanes of
their preservation. So leremy was delivered by the Babyloni-
ans , by whom the Iewes were oppreffed. Reafon
86 A CewPtenUry iqm thefirft Epiftle tf Peter*
Reafox. Becaufe God can ufe the fams inftrument top-re-
duce divers and contrary effefts, and when he doth this, his
glory is che more manifefted; becaufe thereby it appeares that
the effeft doth not depend upon the inftrument , but upon
God : nor doth this come to pafle rafhly, or by chance, but is
ordered and directed by Gods certaine counfel/.
Vfe. Th is may ferve to direel us, in the time of danger not
to looke fa much upon the meanes which God ufeth , as to
depend upon Godhimfelfc, who can turne any meanes unto
the good ot thofe that are his.
Doft. 6. 'Baptifme is fuch a meanes of our fpirituall fal-
vation , at the water of the flood together with the lArkty
was heretofore ofthecorporallfaftty of Noah and his family.
This is gathered from verfe J I. It is called the Antitype
of that water,not becaufe the water was the type of Baptifme,
and Baptifme the exemplar of it, but becaufe there is a typi-
call reprefentativc fimilirude betwixt thefe two waters. And
the fimilitude confifts herein, that as the water of the flood
lifted up the Arke and laved Noah and his family in the de-
ftruction of the reft, fbbaptiuneftrengthning our faith, and
lifting up our fbules unto God reconciled in Chiift, (avesus
in the mortification of our finnes.
Reafoff. Becaufe it is Gods inftitution.
Vfe i. This may ferve to reprove thofe, which make little
efteecne of baptifme.
2. To direcT us, to fceke this right and proper ufe of bap-
tifme together with it and by it , and to apply it unto our
felves to our comfort.
Do&. 7. The outward baptifme doth not faveus of it felfr 9
but the inward.
This is gathered from verfe « 1 . Not the putting away of
the filth oftheflejby but theanfwer of a goodconfeience*
Rtfafen i. Becaufe outward baptifme is common to the
hypocrites as well as to the faithful!*
2, becaufe it comes not unto the fbule.
3. Becaufe it hath no laving power in it felfe.
Vfe, This may ferve to admonifti us, not to put too much
truft and confidence in the outward Sacraments, or to relye
thereupon,that we are baptized and partake of the Lords Sup-
P« 9
A Commentary upon the fir ft Epi/He of Peter* %j
per, but alwayes to feeke the fpirituall grace of the Sacra-
DjcTv 8. *A fingular effect and jigne of the inward bap-
tifme and ejfetluall grace^ is the anfwer of a good confcicnce to-
ward God*
For when the Apoftle meant to oppofe inward 'Eaptifhae
unco outward, in deed of the inward he puts the anfwer of a
good confcience, as the proper effcft thereof , by which it
may be perceived and knowru.Now by the anfwer of a good
confcience is meant all that confidence wV.'ch we have before
God of his reconciliation, which cbiefely appeares in our
prayers, and in a pious confeflion of the faith, and a holy care
of obedience.
Retf.i. Becaufe then are we properly (aid tobefaved, at
leaft according to our apprehenfion, when our conferences
are freed from the guilt and bondage of fin.
2. Becanfe the peace of a good confcience is part of our
3. Becaufe fuch a confcience makes us to goe on conftant-
ly in the way of Salvation.
Vfe. This may ferve to direct «*, to make it our chiefeft care
to keepe a good confcience toward God.
Doft. 9. Such a confcience and our falvation d->th in afpecial/
manner depend upon Chrijis refurretlion.
Redf. l» Becaufe intherefurre&ionofChrirt, Godsfen-
tence was declared, abfolving us in him from "11 finne and
death. Rom. 4.25.
2. Becaufe Chrift being raifed from the dead . did power-
fully accomplifh that, which he merited by his death. Rim.%,
3. 2?ecaufe our conferences are lifted upwards untoChrift
fitting in heaven.
Vfe, Thjpmay ferve to diretl tts t to fix the eyes of our faith
upon Ghrift, as he was raifed from the dead.
Doft. 10. Since the time of Chrifts refurretlion, great is
his glory and power in heaven.
This is gathered from the laft rerfe.
Reafon. 1. l?ecaufe the time of his humiliation and empty-
ing of himfelfe was finiflicd before.
2 Be-
88 A CemtMntAt] upon thefirfi Epiftle of Peter.
2. Becaufeit was fir, that he which in Angular obedience
was mightily humbled , fhculd afterwards be exalted un-
to great glory ♦
3. Bccaufe this glory and power is neceflarily required,
that Chiift might finifh all things, which belong to the fal-
vation of the Church.
Vfe* This may fervc to comfort ui^ againft ail dangers and
fejtres, feeing we have fuch a Saviour in heaven.
Chap. IV.
Ver£ 1. For as much then as £V*/? hath fufered for us in the
flejk) arme your felves likewife with the fame mind : for
that he that hath fufered in the fiefi, hath ceafed from finite:
Verfe. 2. That he no longer jhould live the reft of his time in the
fiejh 9 to the lufts of men, but to the will of God.
Verfe 3. For the time fafi of our life^ may fujfice ns to have
-wrought the will of the Gentiles 9 .when we walked in lafcivi-
oufnefc lufts ^ excejfe of wine, revelling*) banquettings^ and
abominable idolatries
Verfe a. wherein they thinks it ft range 9 that you run not with
them to the fame excejfe ofriot 9 fpeaki»g cvill ofjou :
Verfe 5. Who fhall give account to bim t that is ready to judge
the quickjtndthe dead*
Verfe 6. For } for this caufe was the Goffcll preached alfe to them
that are dead, that thej might be judged according to men in
the fte/h, but live according to God in the Spirit*
The Analjfis*
jHe Apoftle having fet before us the example of
Chrift, in this place he concludes therehence ; that
which he propofed to be concluded chap. 3. v. 17.
and before that v. 11. thatis, thatallGhrittians
fhould efchew eviil, & follow that which is good.
And this conclusion he layesdowne in fuch manner, that if a
A Comment jT) upon thefi'fl E fifth of Peter. 89
due proportion be obfcived betwixt Chrift as cur example,
and Chriftian* that are regenerated, and renewed according
t j his image,he (taws it doth ncceffuily depend upon & flow
from the ex imple of Chrilt. Hi concludes with fuch a Syl-
1 ogiime, as this :
All Chr'ft'uws fyouldb? armed with the fame mixd, concerning
fmne andrighteoufn^e i au Chrift himfelfe was :
But Chrift having/fijfjred in the flefo ceafedfremftnne 3 and
lived in thefpirit unto Qod :
Therefore a/1 Chrift ians fliouldbewholy bent t and end. avour all
that they canto ceafe from fmne or the In ft s of men, and live
unto (]od^ or the will of God.
Both the proposition & Aflumptionarein v. 1 The conclusi-
on in v. 2. The conclusion is illuftrated by a cemparifbn made
betwixt the time paft, and that which is to come ; or betwixt
that kind of life, which men are wont to lead before their
calling, and that, which they mould lead after they are called.
For the time paft he affirmcs,that we lived according to the
manner of the Gentilesin all the lufts ofthe fleuV.j. And for
the time to come, he denies that we fhould follow thofe lufts,
but that we (hould live unto the will of God. v. 2. and the
beginning of the 3. It may fuffce Hi &c. where he intimates
a reafbn alfo, why we mould now leave off fuch courfes,
namely j Becaufe we have too much offended God already in
the time paft, and if we fhould abufc his mercy and patience
any longer ,we could expeft nothing elfe but the revelation of
hisjuft anger and indignation, to our eternall confufion.
The fame conclufion and Comparifbn is farther illuftrated by
anticipation of an obje&ion and difficulty, which might take
off our defires and endeavours to change our lives, and live
contrary to the fafhion of others. And the objection is this ,
that it will feeme ftrange unto many ; and for this very caufe
will they revile us, and fpeake evill of religion it felfe, verlc
4. Theanfweris, that this is not cur fault, but theirs ; and
they (hall give an account for it unto God at the day of judge-
ment, vei fc 5. Which judgement is fet forth by a diftribution
ofthe objected upon occafion of that diftribution he makes
a new argument to remove the fore-named difficulty out of
our minds ; namely ,becaufe the Gospel 1 had the fame end,and
M the
^o A Commentary upon the fir ft Epiftle of Peter.
the fame effect amongft the faithfuil that art* now dead ; t#
wit, that they being condemned by men, did patiently beare
that condemnation, and lived according to God in the
fpirit, vcrfe 6.
The DocTi ines arifing herchence.
DotV I. We Jheuld all arme our /elves with fuch mcditatU
*»/, as the contemplation ofChrifis death ajFotrds as.
This is gathered from v. I.
Retf. i. Becaufe we are thereunto called, that We fliould
be matte conformable unto Chrift,
2. Becaufe Chrifts death, c* Chrift crucified is a briefeE-
pitomeofall laving knowledge, I Cor, 2.2,
3. Becaufe by fuch meditations we doe more and more
put on Chrift, and by his power are our minds ftrengthened
and fore-armed, as with a compleat armour, againft all kind
of temptations, and in this refp^tt is this phr aie^ arme your
felves^ufed in the text.
Vfe u This m-iyfervetoadmonifhus, toarmeourmindes
daily with godly and Chrifiian meditations, that fo we may
not be expofed to the danger of temptations unarmed and
naked; in the bearing of a blow, or fuffering any violence,
there is great difference betwixt a man that is armed, and one
that is not armed.
2. To dircft us, in our meditations chiefely to contem-
plate upon Chrift, and thofe things wh'xh pertainc unto his
death and reiurreftion.
Dift. 2. He that hath true communion yeiih £hrift^k..th
cea fed from finnc , and by meditation thereupon doth daily more
and mere ceafefrom it.
This is gathered from verfe 1, at the end.
Reaftm 1. Becaufe our communion withChriftisby the
Sri- it of Chrift, which mak s us conformable to his death
and re'urreTion, Rom. 6. throughout the whole Chapter.
2. Beerrjie in our converfion unto Chrift, there is alwayes
included an aVerfion from hnne by ferious repentance.
3. Becaufe fuch meditations are the ordinary meanes
whereby the wbrke of the Spirit is perfc&ed, and our repen-
tance renewed and furthered,
A Commentary upon the firft Epiflle of Peter. 9 1
Vfe I. 1 his may ferve to reprove thofc,that profile Chiiil
in word, but in their deeds doe not ceafe from finne.
2. I o direct us, to prefle fuch fyllogiunes and reafonings
upon our confciences, Ro?r.6.
Do6t. 3« He that ceafith fxom ftnne , doth not live to the
luHs ofmen^ but t« the will of God, '
This is gathered from verfe 2.
Reafon i . Becaufe the lufts of linfull men are in themfelves :
finnes, and leade unto finne.
2. .tfecaufe thefe lufts fight againft the fbule, and we in our
conversion have bound our felves to fight againft then).
3. Because the will of God is the on»y rule of our life,
which is altogether contrary to the lufts of the flefh.
Vfe, This may ferve to direct us in the triall of our ftate
and condition. For looke how our life is fincerely directed
inrefpeft of the lufts of men, and the will of God, io may we
certainely judge our felves to be either in the ftate of finne, or
in the ftate of grace.
Doft. 4. It feemes more then enough to the faithful! , that
before their converfwn they fo long followed the lufts of the flefh,
andfafhions of the world.
This is gathered from verfe 3.
Reafon I. 2?ecaufe they are afhamed with a holy fhameof
thofe courfes, Rom. 6. 21.
2. Becaufe they receive no benefit by thcm,but repentance.
3. Becaufe they fee that it was Gods great mercy ,that they
were at length delivered from them , and from the death
which they bring, in the fame Chapter.
4. Becaufe the reft of their time feemes but a little unto
them, inrefpeft of the duty which they have to do,in feeking
and glorifying God.
Vfe i. This mayfervetocondemnethofe 3 which deferre
and put off the time of amending their lives, as if they had
not yet finned enough.
2. To admonifh uSj to redeeme the time , and fpend it in
advancing of Gods glory, and our own falvation.
Do&. 5» tAmong^ all the viciotu In (Is and courfes of the
n-orldy luxury is one of the chief eft ^ whereby men walke in fafewi-
w r neffe 3 (xceffe of wine andbanqttetings.
M 2 Reafon
o j A CctHmwtary ufon 1 he frfi Epfik of Peter.
Reafcn i. Z?ecaufe in thefe men do molt of all p amper the
fltfh, and have no regard at 2II unto the foule.
:. Becaufe by thefe the lbulc is drowned, as it were in the
} lediuresof the riefb,fo that it cannot lift up icfclf UutoGod,.
and to divine things.
3. Becaufe thele make way for the devil, and all devil.fli
f nnes; and thereupon abominable idolatry feecnes to be jt.>yn-
e«d with the m in the text becaufe by them many were brought
to be pefent at idolatious fealis, and 10 to honour the idol3
themfelves, though in t heir conferences they made no recko-
ning of them.
Vfr. This may ferve to admonith us , to beware of thele
wkked courfes.
Doct. 6. It ft ernes very Jl 'range to the men of the world y
that the godly fjottldrefafe to life after that manner s as they live,
Rea/on I. Becaufe they think there is a kinde of happineffe
in that kinde of life, which for any man to dill. ke, they can-
not but wonder 2 1 ir.
2. Becaufe as long as they are ca: nail, they cannot 1 ightly
difecrne thofe fpirituallieafons, which make thefaithriill to
abhorre ftch convcrfation.
;. becaufe they meafuiing others by themfelves, thir.fce
that all men do greedily deiire ftch kinde of plea lure*.
J'Jr. Th.s may ferve to adrronilh the flthfull, 1. Not to
thinke that they do live lb, as their calling or profelfion doth
require, imlefle they dofofarreetlnnge thcmielvesfrom the
common courfes of woildly men, that they makethemto
wonder at them. 2. Not to be troubled at Itch opinions o£
men, tut to take their d.flike, as a token oi Gods good lining
and approbation.
Doer. 7. By ihU clienationcf mindes y which ari r eib from
the difference tf ihe conversation^ betwixt the beleevers and the
yr,b leevers^ tfe regenerate and the mire generate , it oftentim s
ccmci to pajfe, that theuxregenrratefpeakeevil/ofiheirxthof
This is gathered from verfe 5 at the end. For although
f&mc 2 re. fo taken with the fplendcur of piety whLh fhines
forth in the goaly, that they glorihe Gcd, as it is chap. 2. \e r .
1 2. and it becomes a ar.eanes of winning them, as it is chap. r.
A Commentary upon thejtrfi Ep/file of Peter* q 3
verfe 1. or at leaft that they areafhamed^as it is chap.?. v.i<5»
Yet there are others which take occsfion thereby to blaf-
pheme, chiefly, becjulc the godly by abstaining from thofe
hits and courles, which they h ghly efteeme, feeme (eriouily
to reprove them, as well in their deeds as their worcV.
Reafon I. Becauie all they that do evill hate the light.
2. Becaufe fuch a reparation in ccnverfation oflife is as it
were a condemning ofthoiefrom whom leparatien is made
out of confcience and religion.
3. Becaufe wicked men being blinded with anger and ha-
tred, and judgeing of others by themfelves, d<e imagine that
this reparation is ufually made in hypocrifie, & fimulation,not
out of confcience and religion,
Vfr. This may fcrve to comfort and ftrengt hen our foulcs
againft the temptations and troubles which may arife unto
us from fuch mens blafphcmies.
Do<5t. 8. God will require an account from men for all
fuch blafpbemiefy either in this life^ or at the I aft judgement.
This is gathered from verfe 5.
Reafon 1. Becaufe his Majeftie is wronged moreinthefe
blafphemies, then in moft of the other finnes.
2. becaufe thole finnes are moll hainous, and come neereft
tc the linncagainlt the Holy GhoP.
3. ifecaufe they dire&ly tend to the hinderancc of the
kingdome of 6bd,and the righteoufnefle thereof.
yfe u This may lerve to admonilh us 3 to take heed of all
thofe, that do any way partake in fuch a foine.
2. To comfort us.- becaufe God revengeth luch in juries,
wethould commit them unto him.
Docl . 9- God keepes ajuft account of thofe things that are
done to the faithfull, not only while they live , but alfo after their
For in that tenfe is he laid to be ready to )ndge the efuick^
and the dead^ where by the quick and the dead the faithfull are
moft properly understood, as appearcs by verle 6.
Reafon 1. Becaufe God alwayes lives, and his word and
covenant lives.
2. becaufe it ftands upon Gods glory, to defend the caule
alfo of his fervants thdt are dead, and to revenge their injuries.
3. becaufe
94 A Commentary upon the firft Epiftle cf Peter.
3. 2?ecau(e oftentimes the iniquity of the wicked is not
come to its full meafure, before the death of Gods children
whom t hey have vexed.
Vfc 1. This may ferve to comfort us, as well in life as in
2: To admonifh us not to judgeraflhly of Gods wayesin
his patience and long-flifFering; but to compofc our mindes
to a patient waiting for the wiflied event.
Do&. 10. The condition ef the fait hfull now living, and
ofthofe that lived heretofore in all ages, is wholly ahke^ as touching
the fubflance of it.
This is gathered from vcrfe 6. compared with the verfe
&ea. JSecaute God is the fame, & faith is the fame; & on the
contrary fide alfo.the devill and the world are like themfelves.
Vfc* This may ferve to direft us, not to give way to too
much complaining of the prelent age, as if there had never
beene the like before ; but couragioufly to go forward in do-
ing our duty, that we may do that in our times according to
our ability, which other faithful! men did in their time -, who
as it is fa ! d oWavid^ *Acls 1 3. 36. after they had in their age
ferved the will of God, fell on fleepe in the Lord.
Dodo 11. The jhort compendium of our whole Chriflian
life, tSyfo to receive the GofpeUjhat renouncing theflefi wefijould
in that rcfpeU be judged according to men, and live according to
God in the Spirit.
This is gathered from verfe 6*
Reafon* 2?ecaufe therein confifts all divinity.
Vfc, This may ferve to dire& us> to make triall of our con-
dition by this rule.
A Cpfumentaryuponthefirfl Epifik of Peter, n$
Vcrfe 7. But the end of all things is at hand : beye therefore fi-
ber , and watch unto prayer.
Verfe 8. And above all things have fervent charity among y oar
felves :for charity fbill cover the multitude of jinxes.
Vcrfe 9. Vfe hofpkality one to another •, without grudging*
Verie 10. As every mm hath received the gift, even fominifter
the fame one to another, as good fteivards of the manifold
grace of Cod.
Verfe 1 1 . Jf any man fpeake, let him fpeake as the Oracles of
Cjod^ if any man minifter^ let him do it as of the ability which
Cjodgiveth, that God in all things may be glorified through
Iefus fflrifty to whom be fraife and dominion for ever 9 and
ever 9 Amen,
The Analyfis.
FRom the laft difcourfe about the judgement of God, the
Apoftlc takes occafion to preffe his exhortation to the
duties of piety, by that very argument. Firft therefore he
layes downe that third argument for a ground, that the laft
judgement., the end of all things, is at hand ; and thereupon
concludes that we muft feiioufly and diligently apply our
felves to the duties of piety. And thefe duties he fets downe
by an indu&ion of the principall parts, 1 Prayer, with the
adjuncts and helping caufes thereof, to wit, temperance and
£bbriety 3 verfe 7. 2. Mutaall charity, verfe 8. which he fets
forth, 1. By the lingular care, wherewith we mould labour
for it above other vertues, in tfreie wprds : above all things ,and
then by the degree, wherein we mould have it, and exercife k
im this word, fervent: of which exhortation he gives a rea-
ibn alfb-from the eflkft, for charity covers a multitude of /inner,
3. To charity he joynes hofpitality, verfe 9. as it were a fpe-
ciali aft of charity, whereof he fhewes the due manner how it
fhould be ufed, that it fhould be without grudging, that is, vo-
luntary, not by conftrainr. 4. A mutual! communication of
all the gifts or'Ood, verfe 10. And the reafon of this duty is
taken partly from die nature of the gift in refpeel: of the au-
$6 A Commtntary Hpen thefirfl Epijile tf Peter.
t Iior thereof, that it is the grace of God, and partly from that
relation, which they that have received the gift, have unto
fuch a grace, to wir, that they are not matters, but (rewards of
it. And of this communication he propounds two chiefe
kinds, which he defcribes and pet (wades them unto, verfe i x.
The firft is communication in fpeech, or in the word of God,
the defcription and rule whereof is, that it fhould be confor-
mable to the nature of Gods word. The fecond is communi-
cation in our abilities and wealth , the defcription and rule
whereof is common to both, together with all the foregoing
exhortations, taken from the end and benefit of them, that
god ift alt things may be glorified ; which glorification of God
is let forth by a prefent declaration of it; to whom be praife
for ever and ever, ^Amsn.
The Doftrines drawne here hence.
Dott. I. 'the end of all things is at hand.
This is gathered from verfe 7. Now this may be under-
stood, 1. of the end ofallmen, that live together, becaufe a
generation ofrren (bone palfeth away, and fb the end of a 11
thofe is properly faid to be at hand. 2. Itmayalfobythe
fame reafon be underftood of the finall condition of all thofe:
becaufe looke how every one dyes , fo (hall he continue for
ever, either happy or wretched. 3. It may alfo in fome fort
be underftood of the end of the world.
Reafon 1. Becaufe thefe are the laft ages, after which there
is no comming of Chrift to be expe&ed, but unto judgement,
nor any change of worfhip, but upon the confirmation of
all thing?.
2. Becaufe the Lord doth not delay the promife of his
comming , but prepares all things for himfelfe, and in their
order fhewes forth the judgements of that day which is ap-
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifh us, not to think with the
evill fervant that the comming of the Lord is farre ofFbut cer-
tainly to look for it, and accordingly to prepare our felves
for that day, Matth.24.44.46,
Do&. 2. For the preparing of our felves aright again fl the
comming of the Lord 9 it u chief) <rcquired 3 that we jhottld pray
A Commentary upon the firft Epifik offeter. ft
This is gathered from verfc 7.
Reafon i. 2?ecaufe in our prayers we do ftirre up our faith,
hope, and defire touching thofe good things, which the Lord
will impart unto us at his comming.
2. Becaufe by our prayers we do turne afide and remove
thofe evils from our (elves, which make his comming dread-
full unto finners : for by flying unto Gods mercy, we do flyc
both from our finnes, and from his wrath.
Vfe* This may ferve to exhort us, to be diligent in prayer.
Doft. 3. Temperance and fobriety fhould be pyned-mth our
This is alfo gathered from verfe 7. It is the fame which is
(aid every where, TVatch and fray.
Reafon 1. Becaufe theeffaftuall consideration thereof,that
the end of all things is at hand^ makes us to love this world
thcleflc, and fo to ufe it j as rirjftt6 abufe it, that if, fbberly
and temperately, 1CV.7.31. ,
2. Becaufe theft are the raeanes whereby our priyers are
helped and furthered ; therefore it is iaidinthetex%£*/fl-
ber and watch unto prayer.
Vfe. This may ferve to exhort us, to make conference of
doing our duty in prayer.
Do&> 4 tAbove all things jvejhould labour for brotherly
love, that it may be fine ere and fervent.
This is gathered from verfe 8. Not that charity towards
men is more excellent then faith hope and love towards God,
bat becaufe it is the chiefeft of thofe things which belong un-
to men, and fhould be preferred before all thofe rtiings,which
might any way hinder it.
Reafon i. becaufe love is the famme of the whole hw,and
fo containes in it all other duties,
2. Becaule charity covers a multitude of finnes, as it is in
the text : among f men themfelves , that they ftirre not up anger
hatred, And contention, Trov. 1 o. I 2.
2. Becaufe charity alio doth in fbme fort cover a multitude
of our finnes before God, to wit, that they procure notthe
revenge of his anger. For thfe it doth, as a figne and argu-
ment, whereby we are the more aflured of the forgiveneffe of
our fins, becaufe we forgive others their offences, A/itf.6, 15 *
N Vfi
-g A Cemmeniary itfon t he ft ft Epfik of Peter.
yj?. This may ferve to exhort us, to labour for char'ty.
T)o6c* 5» HeffuMifi is one ofihefrincipall 4cls of charity.
This is gathered from verfe 9. So &>«• 12.13 H^.13.2.
Kcafcn 1. Becaule in holpitality we do not only commu-
nicate our goods unto oil brethren, butourielvesalfobya
fami iar conversion.
3. Becaufe it is more acceptable unto others to receive a-
little upon (uch an occafion, then in any other retped to re-
ceive much, becaufe the feafonablenefle and couiteoufhefle
makes that which is given to be the better accepted.
3. Becaufe by this meanes friendship is more increafed then
by ot htr bountifull expences.
Ztfe. I his may ferve to reprove the mercilefle mindes and
conditions of men, for luxury and covetoufneffe hath quite
taken away all hofpitality.
Dv &. 6. The duties of :il?is klndfiould b epr forme dwixk-
out (tru-iffing.
This is gathered from verfe 9.
Rrafon j. Becau(c God loveth a ready and cheerefull gi-
ver, 2 C or -9'7;
2. became grudging makes the benefit unacceptable to
him that receives it.
3. Becaufe grudging is as it were a repenting for doing the
duty, and fo makes it void and of no effect.
Vft, The ufe hei eof i^jthat in doing good we fhould watch
over our mindes, that they be rightly and fitly diipofed.
D0&. 7. It is ah effice of charity to minifter unto ethers the'
gifts Tvhkh tve have receive d 9 of what kinds jot ver thej be*
This is gathered from verfe 1 c.
Keafon 1. becaufe the gifts of God do in their nature tend
unto the glory of God in promoting the good of men.
2. Becaufe to this end arc all the gifts ot God committed
unto us, as ftewards of the grace of God, as it is in the text.
3. becaufe this very thing doth the communion of Saints
require, to the believing and exercifing whereof are all Chri-
stians called.
^Vfe 1. This may ferve to comfort us, in that there is no
faithfullChriftian, but hath fome gift, whereby he may mi-
ni tier fomethingunto others.
3. To
A Commentary upon thefi) ft Epifile of Peter* go
2. To exhort us, every one to ule that gift which he hatb 4
to the good of others.
Do&. 8. Ih txer cifing tbofe g'fts , which belong to the
freshing or dtdaration of Gods veord^ our chiefs care Jhwld be,fo
to carry ourjclves us becomes the word of CfoJ,
This is gathered from verle 1 1 at the beginning.
Reafon i. Becaufe every action rightly ordered mould
have a jutt proportion to its objeft.
2i Becauie 16 great is the dignity of Gods word 3 that with-
out fiich a care it cannot be kept fafe, without wronging of it.
3. Becauie all the power of our fpeech concerning Gods
word is loll, if it take not its whole ftrcagth from the word it
Vfc, This may(erveto admonifti , not only the Preach-
ers, that they handle the word of God holily, faithfully, and
gravely, but alio all hearers, that they judge aright of the Ser-
mon, and make diitin&ion betwixt thofe Preachers, which
ipeake as the Oracles of God, and others, which fpcafce as a
humane fpeech or oration; and that they tfaemfelves alio, if
upon occafion they mould treat of the word of God in pri-
vate, mould doe it holily, gravely, and reverently, as it be-
comes the word of God to be handled.
D0& ?. Hethatwithhuwealthminiftrethtotheneceffities
of 'other /, fbonld da it according to the abilitj which he haih recei-
ved of Cjod.
This is gathered from vecfe 1 1 , that is, he muft do it not
by eonftraint, fparingly, and flowly, but wi(th a ready and
chceiefull affection, to his power, and beyond his power vo-
luntarily, 2 CV.8. 3.
Reafon x« becauie this communicating is as it were a facri-
ficc, wherewith God is well pleated, He b, \ 3. 1 6.
2. Becauie from this fowing we may expect a great har-
veft, of Gods blefling, 2 £V.p.6.
Vfe, This may ferve to admoni{hus,nottoperforme(uch
duties according to the fafhion and cuftome of the world, as
if their example were our rule, but according to the ability
which God hath afforded us.
Dodc. 10. God is to be glorified in all things*
As the ApoftIe5iAr.1O.3i,
N 2 Resf.u
%t A Cmm&ary ufon the firft Mpiftk of Peter.
Reafi i. becaufe the glory of God is the end of all things.
2. Becaufe our aftions are not religious, but to farre forth
as they are directed to that end.
5. becaufe God will glorifie tbote which glorifie hin£
Vfe» This may ferve to admonihh us, not to imagine that
our duty in glorifying God is reftrained to the publick wor-
ship, as many u(c to do , but to have a care of this duty in ail
Do$. II. Cjod is to be glorified by IefusChrifi*
Reafon 1. Becaufe in the name.andb? the ^ower of Chrift
we do all the good that we do, C0/.3. 17.
a. 2?ecaufe we (hould reprefent that which we doe, before
God by Chrift.
3. Becaufe we cannot glorifie God by any other rneane?,
but by following the exampfe of Chrift., and observing his
Wfci This may {erve to direct us, that Chrift mould be all
in all unto us.
Doc*. 1 2. fVe floutd befo difpe fed towards Gad in Chrift^
that wejhoxldnever thinkjof his glory without an elevation of the
heart po confeffe Grsd^ which we Jbottld clxrijb and-wcreafc.
This is gathered from that doxolone, to ivhcm beyrdfe and
dominion for ever and ever, lAmex. For the ApGftle breakes
forth into this declaration of Gods glory , being as it were
forced thereunto by the meditation of that ditty,which he
had now propounded,to glorifie God.
Reafcn 1 . Becaufe thereby appeares our inward difpofiti-
on to the performing of that duty.
2. 2?ecaufe it is the beginning of the deed.
5. Z?ecauie God mould raigne in our hearts, that we might
not fo much upon deliberation, as naturally, be ftirred up,
and moved towards him,to the declaration of all thole things
which may make for his glory.
Vfe*. this may lerve to reprove the common ftupidity of
men, who are nothing at all moved with thole things, which
do molt merely belong to the glory of Gods name.
A Ctmnxnttry upon tbefirfi Epijlk of Peter* \ o I
Verfe 12. B * clove d^thinkg it not Ji range concerning the fiery tri-
aU t which is to try you, as though fome Jf range thing happe-
ned unto you*
Verfe 1 J. TSutrepyce, in as much as ye are partakers ofQhrifis
fuferings^ that when his glory Jhall be revealed^ye may be
gladalfo with exceeding yjy.
Verfe 14. If ye be reproached fot the name •fChrifl, happy are
]*■> ft 7 " tb* Spirit of glary ', and of God, rrftetb upon you \ 0%
their part he is evifl fpok^n of, but on your part he is glorified.
Verfe 15. *# ftt let none ofyoufvf rasa murderer, or as a thiefi 9
or as an evill doer^ or as a bufie-body^ in other mens matters.
Verfe l& Tet if any man fuffer as a(fhriflt&yt^ let him not hi
afhamed^ but let him glorifie Cjodon this behalf,
Verfe 17. For the time is come that judgement mufi bstrtn at tht
houfe ofQod:and if it fir fi begin at us^ whatjball the end be
•*■ of them that obey not the Gojptll of God f
Verfe 18. iAnd if the righteous fcarcely befaved 3 where jhaH
the ungodly andthefinner apfeare ?
Verfe 1 9. Wherefore^ let them that fuffer according to the will of
God 9 commit the peeping of their foules to him in welldoings
as nnto ufaithfull (freator*
The Analyfts.
*THe Apoftle doth here repeate that exhortation., , to fuffer
perfecution aright 3 which he had heretofore ufed againe
and againe j becaufe this exhortation was very neceflary, and
Containes in it the primary (cope of the Epiftle. But in this
place he repeates it as a pre-occupation or anticipation of an
objection or difficulty, which might be made againft the fore-
going exhortation, wherein he perfwaded them to a conftant
care of all the duties of piety. For they to whom this Epiltle
Was to come, might thus thinke with themfelves, that by this
profeflion and pra&ife of piety molt grievous perfections are
like to befall them 3 and that contrary to their expe&ation,
and therefore they are not tobcrequefted by walking in the
fcme way to heape fo great evils uponthemfelves.Of thefe per-
IO j A C&mmmtary upon the fir $ Epijlle of Peter*
(editions therefore the Apoftle warncs them. I. In general J,
that it fhould hot feei-ne any new or ftrange thing to any
Ghriftian, thereby to be troubled at it, which he (hewer,
i. From their proper end, that they are as it were fire to try
the faith, fincerity and cceftancy ofthefaithfull,verfei2.'
*. From the fimilitude that is betwixt the faithfull and CJurft
in fu&ring afflic\ions,in which reipeft they fhould be (b fane
from being troubled at it, that they mould re joy ce, which is
contrary to perturbation. The realbn of which confluence
is taken from the effect, to wit, becaufe by differing afflictions
after this manner the faithfull come to partake of glory and
eternall joy with Chrift. 3. From the bleflednefle which is
adjoyned unto it, in refpeft of the communion of the holy
Spirit, who when he is blafphemed by the persecutors, is pre-
fent with thofe that fuffer, and is glorified by them, verfe 14.
2?ut that this which the Apoftle hath (poken, may be rightly
underftood, he telsthem, that this cannot be meant of every
affliction, but of that alone which a man furTers for the name
of Chrift, verfe J 4. as it is explained, verfe 15,1 & when a man
fuffers not for his owne deferts, but meerely as, or becaufe he
is a Chriftian : from which confideration the conchifion
which he laid downe before is effectually deduced, verfe 1 6,
to wit, that in that refpett he mould not be afharaed, or (b
troubled, as M he were afhamed of the name of Chrift, but
therefore to glorifie God. 4. From the ruling caufe which
orders and governes fiich events , namely, the will of God,
whereby he hath appointed a certainetime to exercife judge-
ment in his houfe or Church, verfe 17. at the beginning. For
that which is there fpoken of the time of judgement, is after-
wards referred to the will of God, verfc 1 9. 5. To the fame
purpofe is the condition of the faithfull fee forth by compa-
ring the condition of the unbeliever verfe 17, 18. which is
declared by fiich a connexion ; If the condition of the faith-
full be fo hard, the condition of the unbelievers muft be alto-
gether intolerable ; whence he doth clofely intimare, that we
muft neither en vie the unbelieving perfecutors , or revolt
from the faith by reafon of perfecutions. From all thefe
things the primary conclufion is fpecially inferred, verfe 1 9,
that the faithfull in luffering afflictions would arme them-
A Commentary up&n the fir ft Epiftk of Peter. 1 03
felvcs with true confidence., againft all the perturbations and
temptations which may arifc unto them from afflictions.
The Doftrines drawne herehence«
Do&. 1. Affliliions and perfections fhould not fetme
4 new or ft range thing unto Chrift ians.
This is gathered from verfe 12.
R-afoa 1. Becaufc they were foretold by Chrift and his
2. Becaufc Chrift himfelfe and his chicfc Difciples were
aCed after (he lame manner.
3. "Secaufe fuch is the difpofition of the world D that we
muit alwayescxpeft fuch things from it.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonith us not to be troubled at
thete things, as it is in the text.
Dod. 2. The end and ufe of affliliions is for the triall of
This is gathered from the fame verfe. See the lame do&rine
Chap. i. verfe 7.
Do£t 3. The faith fuR in Coring affliBions and per [ecu-
tions are partakers ofQhriftsfufferings.
This is gathered from verfe rj.
Reafon i* 2?ecaufe when they fuffer for the name of Chrift,
Chrift fuffers in them, according to that of the Lord , Saul,
Saul^ why perfecuteft thou met
2. 'Secaufe they are made conformable unto Chrifts death 9
Thil.$. 10.
Vfe* Thil may ferve to comfort us,bccawfc therein we have
matter of rejoycing, as it is in the text.
Do&. 4* From thefe affliliions ,if fte fuffer them joyfully,
roe have a fure argument of our et email joy and glory to come
This is gathered from verfe 13.
Reafon 1. Becaufe they that afe partakers of Chrifts death,
arc partakers alfo of his refurre&ion and cverlafting life, Rom.
8.17. 2 £V. 4. 11.
2. 5ecaufe that joy which we have in afflictions 9 is the
irft fruits of our eternall joy and glory.
Vf«. This may ftrve to admonifh us to learne to fuffer joy-
fully for the name of Chrift, lames 1.2. A Us 5.41.
1 04 A Commentary upon the frfi EptjMe of? Her.
Do&. 5» The reproaches which the faith} : tiH fttffer for rod*
linejfe fake, are to be reckoned amongfi thofe perfections, which
they fitffer for the name of Christ*
This is gathered from verfe 14.
Reafon 1. becaufe they tend to the dishonouring and dis-
gracing of us.
2. Becaufe they (hew that the mindes of the authors of
them are as ready to bring greater evils upon us, if occafion
fhould fcrvc*
3. Becaufe reproaches doe worke more Upon fome mens
minds then reall injuries.
Vje. Thismayfervetoadmonifb, 1 all men, to take heed
that they have no communion with the wickechvorld in fcof-
fing at any part of true piety. »; The godly, to have a if eciall
care, that they be not moved at fiich reproaches, but to beare
them with the fame patience, that they ought to beare other
Doct. 4. Jn theft re f roaches which the godly fuffer fir the
name ofQhrift , the Spirit ofg§d is in afpeciall manner blofphe-
meden the one fide t and glorified on the other*
This is gathered from verfe 14.
Reafon, Becaufe looke how farre forth the faithful!
make profeftlon of true piety , fo farre forth are they the
temples of the holy Ohoft : therefore when in that refpeft
they are reproached, the holy Ghofl is evill fpoken of : and
when they hold fait and adorn their profeflion notwithstand-
ing thefe reproaches, the fame Spirit which is evill fpoken of
by the reproachers, is glorified by them.
Vfe 1. This may ferve for terror to thofe that do reproach
And 2. For comfort to thofe that are reproached.
Thofe things which are in the I J verfe, were handled be-
fore cap*2. & 3*
Doft. 7. (jod hath certttine and appointed times to execute
his judgements.
This is gathered from verfe 17 at the beginning.
Reafon 1. Becaufe the patience and long-fufFering of Gdd
muft have their time.
2. Becaufe there is a time alfo required, that men may fill
up the meafure of their finncs, 5. Becaufe
JCvMtoentay upontkefirji Fpijtie afTeter. 105
3. Ikcaufc there arecertaine opportunities of time, Where-
in Gods judgements areexecuted with greater benefit , riven
they could be at other times^ ' toil ■
PJei'This 'may fcrve to admonifh M,n.o£to cono'enine
'God a hy way dither' of flownefic or rafhridfiftftft re%'ft;Qf his
judgements, but to icit well fatisficd in his moft wile orde-
ring of all thing.".
Doc"t. 8. Judgement doth .often begin, at the ho »fe of \Go4 s
that is, at the Church* ■
This is gathered from the fame place* 1 [ .£
Reafon 1. Becaufe the finnes of tbofe, which profefieGods
n:ime 3 do in a fpeciall manner wrong Gods name and his ho-
nour , and therefore the more they offend God , the more
Ought they to be puniihed.
2* Becaufe Gods chiefe care i?y to p&rinVhis Church by
fuch chaltifementr,
3. Becaufe God oftentimes ufeth the unbelievers as his in-
ftruments to correft his Church j they mult therefore be firft
tolerated, th«t they may accomplish Gods conn fell, and af-
terwards puni(hed 3 becalife they have dohefo wickedly.
Vfc This riiay ferve to direct us, not to be troubled fa
minde , when we fee the Church affiled be fore and above
other people, but to acknowledge Gods divine ordering
of it.
Do&% 9 -The judgement which Cjod exercifeth upon his
Church, is a tnufi cert due argument of the moflr fever e and hea* ie
judgement that fhall in its due time come upon tricked men and
This is gathered from verfe 17,18, So /<?>\2 5.29.
Reafon 1. Becaufe God dcalcs with his Church as a Far-
ther, but he will deale with others^as a Judge.
2. Towards the Church in themidft of judgement he re-
members mercy, but towards the wicked and unbeleevers he
exerciteth revenge.
3. Becaufe to 1 the beleevcrs judgement worketh together
for good 3 but in the unbelievers it hatfrrio fuch mitigation. >
Vfe 1. This may be. for comfort t,o the faithfull in their
2 . For terrour to the unbeleevers in their per (editions and
' carnallfecurity. O Doc>.
A Commentary ttpon ihefrfi Epftk of Peter.
Doft. 10. They that fnpr for the name of Chrifl^ dofr§-
petty Jriffer ace cr ding to the W&. of God*
This is gathered from vcrfc i p. compared with ver. 1 4 1 d.
Reafon 1. Becaufe their finncs oftentimes are not the cau-
fes of thefe afflictions, but the will of God to make triall of
2. Becaufe it is the revealed will of God, that fuchaffli-
cYions are the lot of the faithfull, and the way by which they
tifually come to the kingdome of God.
3. Becaufe this (uttering of fuchalfli&ioiisijpart ofour
obedience to the revealed will of God.
Vfc. This may ferve to comfort us againft the trouble of
thefe affli&ions.
Doft. 1 1. They which fuffcr in this manner, may com-
mend their fenles unto GoL
This is gathered from the fame verfe.
Reafon 1. j?ccaufe when they fufler for the name of God,
God doth in fomefort furTer with them, and therefore their
caufcisGodscaufe. 1
2. .Becaufe in that duty which we performeuBto God, as
his fervants, we may expeel: protection from hinji, as our
5, Becaufe while we are expofed unto danger for Gods
fake, God cannot but take care of us. ' .,
Vfc- This is.a life of confolation, and it is expiated and fet
forth by the ApoiUeP^/, 1. 7m'.i.i2.
DoC-1. 12. Theyfeottldd) this by well doiag.
This is gathered from the lams verfe. So Rom.i.
Reafon 1 . Becaufe they cannot futrer for the name of Chrift
but as theyfuffer for welldoing. fo
2# Becaufe they cannQtcprderye the liberty of their confi-
dence, but by a good confeience, that is 3 by -wed] doing.
3. becaufe to commend an evill caufennto God 3 is D to
make God as it were the Patron of evill.
Vfc* This may ferve to admoni(htrs 5 .£o take heed, that we
doe not deprive our ielve? of this g£eat,,priviledge by evill
Doft. 13: Godisafaithfttllprotetteranddefinderofthofe
that c ommevd their fouUs unto him*
Q Reafon 1,
A Comment ary ufon thefirftEpifile of 'Peter* 99
Reafon i. Becaufe it is eafie for him to preferve our ibules,
as it was heretofore to make them : and in this refpe& he i$
called in the text, God the Creator not the Treferver,
2 . 2?ecaule it ftands upon his glory to do this.
y Becaufe the fidelity and truth of his promifes requires
as much.
This may ferve to comfort us in all (traits and adve-rfities r
Let them commend their foules under a fait hi ? ptll Creator: (aith
Chapter V.
Verfe I. the Elders which are among you I exhort^ vohoamalfo
an Elder y andawitnejfeofthefujferingsofCkrifty andalfo
a partaker of the glory that /hall be revealed,
Verle 2 . Feed the flockjfC-od- which is among you^ taking the 0-
ver fight thereof \ not by conftraint^ but willingly : not for fil-
tlrj lucre^ but of a ready minde,
Vcrfe 3. Neither as being Lords over Gods heritage', but being
enfamples to the flock:
Verfe 4. And when the chief e Shepheardjhall appear e , yejhatl
receive a crowne of glory thatfk'deth not away*
The Analyfis.
j Ere is a fpeciall exhortation propounded towards
the Elders, that they mould performe their duty
and office in a holy manner. The duty in gene-
rail is fet downc to be, to feed the fl > ck, whereof
they were made overfeers, by a diligent overf ghr. and care of
them, ver(e 2. at the beginning. And withall it is detained
by 3 conditions that are in a (peciall manner required there-
in, which are fet forth by a dehortation from the three
contrary vices, that are oppofed to thofe three conditions.
I. The firft condition is, willingly to feed the flock ; the
contrary vice whereuntois, to do it by conftraint. 2. To do
it readily and freely : the contrary vice unto this, is, to fecke
after fifthy lucre thereby. 3. Not only in doctrine, but in
O a . example
j c 8 A Comment dry upon tht firft Epijlk of Peter.
example of lite to go before the Churchr; the contrary vice
where unto is, to Lord it over the Church. This duty being
thus declared and defcribed, they are perfwaded unto it by
the rewardthat is adjoyned, whichfor that caufc all fauhfull
[hepherds do receive^ veri'e 4- at the end. Which reward is fet
foith both by the internall nature ofk, that it isacrowrteof
glory that fadethnot away j and by the authoijr ar.d g ve of
it, to wit, that the chiefe Shepherd our LordJsiiisChriil,
wH give it; and alfo by the time of this giving of it, when
tkcxaiei'e Shepherd ihull appe lrc^thatis, at the ial* day of
judgement. N >w thi* exhortation., that it might be the more
eftc^u \il, and might worke the more upon them, is u ge i and
fet forth by the per f on c^ Peter ^ who was the miniih ing caufe
there- if, *«. From tU«-pAiicyai)c|feilow(bipofchef<ime.^U''
tfoM.-Pptr arj Elder prayed the other E;ders to do their du-
ty. 2» From the knowledge which he had andthetertimo-
ny which' he could give of the aiflictions ot Chrhi, which he
ffcrffered for ^he Church, the remembrance whereof mould ftir
op^ all (hepnerds to a diligent cat e of the Church. k jw From
jJfeAatfkaMg expectation which he had of the glory to comej
which glory he promifeth to ail (hepherds in the name ot the
The Da&rines drawtie hcrehence.
Dofr. 1. Thrfe exhortations ■ aremtf effeBuall which are
propounded in an humble, manner.
This is gathered fr <m verfe 1. where the Apoftle praye?,
not command^ in humility and charity SoT hil. j.p. 1 Tin e
5.1 He prayesth Eiders alfo as a fellow Eidcr s althcu^ he
Was placed in a higher degree, as Apoftlc.
Rea/on 1. Because by this manner of doing it appeared
that he which exhortb doth not aime at hU'owne good, but
the good of another.
2. Becaufe by this manner of doingh is zeale me wes it fdfe
to be the purer.
3. Becaufe he, to whom fuch an exhortation is made, is
feonuiired thereby, and lo takes it theea(ier and better.
Vfe» This may ferve to direftus, in all our exhortations
and admonition? to have refpeft unto this.
Do ft, 2. It m*k£* the exhortation the more effcttuatty
A Commentary upon thefirji EpiJHe of Peter « t a
when a manfpeal^es snt of cert nine Jzdgemsnt and communion of
This is gathered herehcnce, that 7VA?>- mikes way for his
exh jrution , in chat he was a witnefF? or the furK-rings of
Chriit, and fo had a certainc kn-uvicdge of thofc things
vvhicli beluig unto Chrilt, and th t he was partaker of the
fame glory ; and therefore he was afTe ^ed after the fame man-
ner himl lte,as he defired they fhould be.
' Reaf on i. 8ec aule knowledge gives ability and authority,
and communion of affection addes. zealc and charity to the
2. Became theft two will take away thofe obj tVions,
which ufually hinder the efficacy of the exhortation j name-
ly, either that he gives his judgement of things that he doth
not know, or ellc at lealt he is an unexperienced mnj,of whom
it nny rightly be faid, Jf thou vperthere^ihonwoiildc ft think*
ZJf, This may ferve to direct us to get knowledge of thofe
things which we ixhort others unto, and affections alfoan-
fwei able thereunto.
Doft. 3. Men Jbould be exhorted in a fpeciall wanner unto
thofe AurieSy which bdongmto their proper or particular fttnUi*
9ns or calttngt.
This is gathered fromverfe 2« where the fhepherds are ex-
horted to feed the fljtk.
Keafon i. tfecaufe every maris particular tuncVion is that
condi ion wherein God hath placed him to advance his
2. Became a' man* faithfulneflc h moit of all made triull
of in that conditio .
3. Beeaufe the duties of our generall calling mould be exer-
cised in every Chriltims partial. arconditi n.
Vft* This may ferve to a imon.lh every oi.etotafregrcateft *
ere ot thofe duties which arepro^ei tohiscaiLngorcon-
D >&. 4. It is the proper duty of a Shepherd^ tofeedihe
fiockjhat is committed to his ch irge*
1 his is gathe-ed from vcrfe *.
&taj on 1. Becaufc the theuhcids are appointed for the cdi-
101 A Commentary npm the jiff Epifile of Peter..
fication of the Church: now to feed is nothing elfe, but Co
life all meanes that arc appointed by God to procure the edifi-
cation of the Church.
a. Becaufe Paftors are properly given to the faithfull that
are converted, who as new borne babes ftipuld be nourished
and brought up with milke and food, untill they come to per-
3. Becaufe the overfeers of the Church mould take mod
care of thofe things, that are moft neceflary for the Church ;
but it is moft neceflary for the faithfull being imperfect , to
have their fpirituall life preferved and increafcd by feeding.
Vfe* This may ferve to admonifli, 1 The Minifters not to
thinke that it is a light or common duty that lies upon them,
but that the very life of the Church doth in fbme fort depend
upon their labour and Miniftery , and therefore fo to carry
themfelvcs, as befits and becomes Co great a duty.
2 . The peop!e 3 not to expeft from their Minifters vain and
light things which might tickle their eares , but to come to a
Sermon as to the Lords Table , and feeke for fpirituall food
to feed their foules unto everlaft ing life.
DocT. 5. Paftors Jhmld ferforme their duties willingly,
not by constraint*
This is gathered from the fame verfe. Now by conftraint
is meant that forcing which proceeds from outward things,
whereby a man performes the part of a Minifter in fomc fort,
either to avoid poverty, or difgrace and infamy , or the cen-
flire of others.
Reafan 1. £ecaufe that which is done by Conftraint,comes
not from the heart as from an inward principle, nor from the
Spirit fan&ify ing ; and therefore it is not a duty pleafing and
acceptable unto God.
2. Because that which comes not from the heart, and is
not done willingly , is done only perfunctorily and for fafhion
fake, nc t with that diligence and care which God requires.
3. Becaufe that which proceeds not from the heart and the
deereft affection of the fbule, doth not udially worke upon
other mens mindes, and therefore is not effe&uall to the edifi-
cation of the Church, which is the end of the Miniftery.
Vje. 1 his Should adtnoniih us, to look not only to the un-
A Commtntaty up$n thefirfi Epiflle efPeter. 1 03
derftanding, but alfo to the difpoiition of the will and heart
in the Minifters of the Church.
Do&. 6. They Jhonlddo the fame of a ready mi»de 9 not for
Now by lucre is meant all kinde of worldly profit, which
men acquire unto themfelves, either in doing the thing, or in
getting fame, or in gaining friends, and the like.
Reafon 1. Becaufe that which depends upon lucre or fome
(tich likeend, muft neeefTarily be applyed thereunto, and this
is to corrupt the word of Ood, 2 Cor. 2. j ).
1. Becaufe that which depends upon mutable things, that
alfb it felfe is mutable and inconftant.
3. Bscaufe he which feeketh after lucre, is not a Minifter
of God, but of Mammon.
Vfe. This may fervetoadmonifh, 1 The Minifters, not
to follow after lucre. 2. The people not to fuffcr their Mi-
nifters to be tempted by poverty, and Co to be the lefle cheerc-
full and ready in performing their duty, He b. 13.17.
-, Do&. 7. the ajfettation of Lor Mint -Jfc Jb >ott Id be far from
Chrifis Minifiers.
This is gathered from verfe 3.
Reafon 1. Becaufe they arc called to meerc fervke, not to
3. Becaufe Chrift himfelfe, whofe Minifters they are, did
purpofely live amongft men as one that ferveth,that he might "
leave an example unto thofe that (hould minifter unto others
in his name, Luke 22.27.
3. Becaufe the worke wherein they are imployed , is not
fubjeft to the command and authority of men. For men can-
not command religio»,but only perfwade unto it.
4, 2?ecaufe the Lordlinefife of Minifters alienates mens
mindes from their teftimony, becaufe they neither willingly
fubje&themfelves to fuch as affett LordlineflTe, and they fup-
pofe too that thole men* whom they fee to ftudy their owne
glory and power, do neither look after the glory of God,nor
the good of the Church.
Vf» This may ferveto admonifh all Minifters, to take heed
not only of all afFeftation, but alfb all fhew of Lordhnefle.
Now thefe men have a fhew oi LordlineflTe, 1 That would
X 1 2 A Cowmniary kpq the fir ft fyifth of Peter *
have others in Tome fort to depend upon their authority.
.2. Thofe that prefcribe fomeihing as neccffary to be believed
or done, which is not taken out of Gods word. $»Thofe that
expound the will of God it fclfe too imperioufly , having no
regard to the intirmiry of thofe with whom they have to doe.
Daft. 8. Ministers fhoulA go before the people not only in
dottrine, but in example al[c%
This is gathered from verfe 3.
Reafon I. becaufe, they are called to feed the flock with all
their itrerrgthj and therefore they fhouldedjfle the Church
not only by their words, but by their deeds alfb*
2. Becaufe a wicked life doth either utterly deftroy their
preaching, or at lead much weaken it.
3. Becaufe a good example is ofa lingular force, in that it
fheweth that that very thing may be done, which he preach-
eth mould be done,
4. Becaufe it takes away all prejudice out of mens minds,
and all fulpicion of affe&ing LordlineflTe and vame glory,
when they lee Minifters ferioufly to do that, which they pro-
pound and perfwade others to do. . "
Vfe* This may ferve to exhort, firft, the Minifters, to la-
bour to leade an exemplary li^e. Secondly, the peopIe,to imi-
tate the good life of their Minifters , for therefore are they
propofed as examples. The common vices contrary to this
duty, are: 1. That many obferve thofe things only in their
Minifters, which they may carpe at or calumniate, and not
thofe things which they fhould take notice of, with intention
to imitate them. 2. That many imagine that there is a fpeci-
all kinde of holineffe belonging to Minifters, which others
are not bound to labour for. 3. That many excuse their wic-
ked conrfes by this pretence, that they are Lay-men , not Ec-
clefiafticall or Clergy-men.
Doft. 9. LMiniflersJhouldexpeZl the juft reward of their
labour andcare> not from men^ hut from Chrifi,
This is gathered from verfe 4.
Reafon 1 . becaufe Chrift is the chiefe (hepherd,and Lord
of the fl. ck, as it is in the text.
2. Becaufe they muft expe& many injuries from men, and
thofe good things which .doe happen , are not iiich , or fo
A Commentary upon the firfi Epifile of Peter. 1 1 2
highly to be efteernedof, as that they fhould depend upon
3. Bccauie they will labour to pleafe him mou\from whom
they expeft their reward. Now they mould pleafe Chrift,
rot men. ^
V[e, This may fcrve to comfort gedly Minifters againft
thofe troubles, which they finde men to make againft them.
Doft. 10. Their reward is a crowne of eternaH glory,
Reafon 1. Becaufe glory is the reward of the faithfull for
all kinde of obedience towards God: Now in the Mimftery
there is a fpeciall kinde of obedience.
2. Becaufe thofe that did drive or ranne lawfully in a race,
there was wont to be a Crowne fet before them ; lb for thofe
that carry themfelves well in the exercife of tbe Miniftery,
befides the glory common to all the Saints, there is a fpeciall
kinde of addition prepared, which is like as it were a crown.
Vfe, This may ferve to exhort Minifters, couragioufly to
contemne all temporary ignominy and difgrace for this
Crowne of eternall glory.
Do&. 1 1. This (\owne of glory fhall be fully given At
Chrifis [econdcomming to judgement.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifh us,patiently to perfevere
unto the end.
Verfe 5. Liktwife ye younger y [ubmit your [elves unto the elder:
yea, all of you be fubjeft one to another^ and be clothedroith
■ humility : for God rejifieth the proud, and giveth grace tt
the humble,
Verfe 6, Humble your [elves therefore under the mighty hand of
God} that he may exalt you in due time,
Verfe 7. C*$ tn & *Uj 0Hr C4re H f on him, for he carethforyou*
The Analyfis.
TPHe Apoftle having in the former verfcs defcribed the duty
of the Elders towards the Church or the younger <btt,and
perfwaded them unto it, he doth tricre-hence cone udsthe
duty of the youngee towards the elders by a comparing of
P things
j , 4 A Cemmcniary upon thefrfl Epfile of Peter.
things that are alike unto it, as the firti word of che 5 verfe
fhewes unto us, Likewife, This duty is in generall pointed
out by fubje&ion, which is fet forth by the other duty, that
is due not only to the Elders, but alfo to all the members of
the Church, by reafon of that nature which it hath common
with the former ; and it is alfo called fubjc&ion in thofe
Words, yca % all of you befubjeH cnete another* Now this fubje-
ftion as well unto the Elders as unto all,is firft defcribed what
kinde of fubje&ion it ought to be, to wit, not only outward,
but proceeding from the inward fcbje&ion of the foule unto
God, be clothed with humility. And that it is meant of humi-
lity towards God may be gathered from verfe 6, Secondly,
He doth perfwade them alio unto this humility ; 1 . Becaufe
it is an ornament of the minde ; that by the way. 2. From
Gods blefling ad joy ned, which followes thereupon, God gives
grace unto the humble t which is illuftrated by Gods curfecon-
trary thereunto, that fals upon the proud, God re/ifteth the
proud. Thirdly, he doth urge and prefle them unto this fub-
jeftion towards God, verfe 6. Humble your [elves therefore,
and he ihewes the proper reafon of this fubjeSion, which is
the mighty hand or omnipotency ol God : and withall hee
CXplaines that reafon, which he had before propounded con-
cci ning the blefllng and grace of God towards the humbIe 5 to
wit.that by that grace they (hall be exalted: the time of which
exaltation is marked our, that it fliall be in due time, that hee
may (XsJtycu in due time In thc2aft place by anticipation of
a dole, but weighty objection, whereby this fubje&ion is u-
lually made very difficult, he fhewes the true manner thereof,
to wit, that it mould be joyned with that confidence , which
cads all care upon God, Co that no feare or worldly care can
hinder this fubjc&ion, which confidence he doth perfwade
them unto by that eflfecluall providence which God hath over
the faithfull for their good, verfc 7, at the end. For he careth
for you.
The doctrines arKing herehence.
Do&. I. there is. the like duty of the people towards their
^JPaflorSy as there is of the Paftors towards the people-.
This is gathered from verfe 5 at the beginning* Like-wife ye
younger. Now by the younger in this place is chicfcly meant
A Comment urj upon the fir ft Epiflle of Peter* 115
the flock, which depends upon the Paftors, becaufe the Pa-
ftors and Presbyters were for themoft partchofen ofthofe
that were elder in age, and therefore the greateft part of the
flock confided of younger?. Now their duty is faid to be
like, not for that it is in the fame kinde, that the people fhould
guide their Paftors, as the Paftors do gu dethe people,but be-
caufe there is the like reafon of both their duties.
Reafon 1. Becaufe the fame God and Lord both of Paftors
& people, hath impofed and prefcribed to both their duties.
2. becaufe that relation which is betwixt the Paftor and
people, requires a mutuall intercourfe of duty . # • '
3. Becaufe the Paftors labour and care is made void, if the
people do not in fome fort anfwer the fame.
4. Becaufe the Paftors care and labour, tending to the fal-
vation of the people, deferves it.
Vfe. This may ferve to reprove thofe that are very curi-
ous and rigid in exacting their Paftors duty , when in the
meane time they are nothing carefull of their own dude.
Doft. 2. The duty of people towards their Tafiors cenftfts
chiefly infubjeEiion.
Reafon 1 . 2?ecaufe their Paftors are (et over them in Gods
2. Becaufe faithful! Paftors propound nothing elfe to
themfelves to obferve, but the will of God, whereunto fub-
je&ion and obedience muft neceflarily be yeelded.
3. Becaufe in the calling of their Paftors, they did either
exprefly or covertly at leaft promife this very thing*
Vfe. This may ferve to reprove thofe that come unto Ser-
mons, as Judges, to play the Criticks, not to fubject them-
felves to the will of God, and fuch as caft off all difcipline as
an intolerable yoke.
Do<5t 3. There is a kindoffutyeftion alfo due unto all Chri-
This is gathered from thefe words , Be yee allfiibjeti one to
Reafon I. Becaufe as occafion fhall ferve, we fhould hum-
ble our felves to performe the meaneft offices unto our bre-
2. becaufe we fhould fubmit our felves unto the private ad-
monitions of our brethren. P 2 3. Be-
1 1 6 A Commentary upon the firji Bptftle $f Peter.
3. 2>ecaufe wc mould with all patience bcare all the infir-
mities of ou;' brethren.
Vf( . This may ferve to reprove the arrogancy and pride of
men, which cannot endure any fuch Cub} eftion.
Doft. 4. Humility is a great ornament*
Reafon I, tfecaule humility is a lingular vertue, and in
fome fort the foundation of all the reft.
a. Becaufe it makes us acceptable unto godly men, to
whom in th's regard we are made more profitable.
3. Becauleit doth greatly commend us in the fight of GW,
when for his Take we are lubjeft not only to our fuperiours
and equals, but alfo to thofe oi the loweft degree.
Vfe. This may ferve to refute all chofe, that feeke for ho-
nour and reputation by arrogancy ; and fhunne humility as ic
were a vile debafing of a mans felfe.
Doft. 5. (Jodreffieth the prottd.
Reafon x. Becaufe the proud refill the will of God.
2. 2?ecaufe they feeke unfitting things , or at leaft not after
a duemanrer.
3. Becaufe whatfoever proceeds from pride, turnestothc
difhonour of God, to whom all fubjeftion is due.
Vfe. This may ferve to condemne proud men.
Doft. 6* God fiveth grace to the bumble.
Reafon 1. Becaufe the promife of grace was made to hu-
2. becaufe hux/ility isthedifpofingandflttingofaman
for to receive grace.
3. Becaufe only the humble men have a worthy efteeme of
Gods grace.
Vfr. This may ferve to exhort us, greatly to labour for hu-
Doft. 7. The ftrength andporverofGodfhouldflirreusuf
to fubjeclion towards him.
This is gathered from verfe 6 at the beginning.
Reafon f . Becaufe it were madnefTc to refill the Almighty.
2. Becaufe Gods omnipotencic is the protection of thole
that humble themfelves before him.
Vfr* This may ferve to admonilh us not to fuffer our felves
fo much as in thought to be led away from our obedience to-
A Commentary upon thefirftEpifik tfTetek^ j • j j
wards God, but from che medication of Gods omnipotency
and our own infirm ty to increafe daily more and more in hu-
Doft. 8. God will exalt tbs humble indue time*
This Is gathered from verfe 6 at the end.
[Reafon i. B».caufe glory is the reward of obedience.
2. Becaufe they glorifie God, and therefore God will ex-
alt them according to his promife, Tbofe that honour me 9 I mil
Vfe. This may ferve to direft us, to feek for true exaltation
by humilitie and fubraifllon.
Do&. p. they that humble themfelves before God , may
fafly 3 and alfo Jbould caft all their care upon God,
This is gathered from verfe 7.
Reafon 1. Becaufe this i§ Gods covenant , that he will be
alwayes all-fufficient unco them that walke before him.
2. Becaufe Go i by a lingular care and providence watcheth
over thofe that have a care of his glory, & feek his kingdome,
as it is in the text, He carethforyou*
x Vfe. This may ferve to comfort all the godly , becaufe
God hach freed them from all care 5 and they fhould imbrace
this libertic by true faith, and putting their truft in him, and
apply it to themfelves.
Verfe 8. Tie fober^ be vigilant : becaufe jour adverfarythe'De-
vill 9 as a rearing Lion walketh about ^feehmg rvhom -he may
bkvoure :
Verfe 9. Whom refiftftedfajlintbe faith, knomngthat the jam*
affliftions are accomflijbcd in your brethren that are in the
Verfe 10. But the God of aU grace, who hath called us into his
et email glory by Chrifi Iefui^ after that ye have fuffered
a while, make you perj r ec~l, fi 'ablifb^ftrengthen, fettle you.
Verfe 1 1. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.
118 A Cmmntary upett tptprp EpiJUe 0} Peter*
The. Analyfis.
FOr conclufioh of the whole Epiftle* to the foregoing Ex-
hortations there is fdjded one generall one , which doth
moft neerely belong to the fcope of the Apoftle, to wit, that
notwithstanding all opposition, difficulty, and temptation,
they (hould conftantly perfift and go forward in that grace,
which they had received. Now this care is defcribed, i by
two duties, which belong to the due manner thereof, fober-
neffc, and vigilancy. l» The neceflity of theft duties is (hew-
ed by the grievous danger, to whieh otherwift they mould be
expofed. And this danger is fet forth by the efficient caufe
thereof, the Devill, of whom the Apoftle makes a defcripti-
on to that pnrpofe .- i By the opposition and enmity which
he hath againft us ; in refpeel whereof he is called, our adver-
fary or enemy. 2. By the manner and degree of that enmitie,
that it is joyned with cruelty, as of a rowing Lion. 3. That
befides this cruelty there is over and above in him very great
diligence and greedineiTe to do us hurt, in theft words : feek?
ingwbomhemay devoure. Now the Apoftle gives us warning,
that we muft not yeeld to this enemy and danger which he
threatens us, but refift it, verfc 9 at the beginning , which is
nothing elft, but not to fuffer our ftlves to be removed by his
temptations from the grace of God : and the chiefe meanes
of this refinance he (hewes to confift in the ftedfaftnefle of our
faith ; which faith may in this refpeel: be wonderfully con-
firmed by the example of our brethren in the world,who have
experience of the like afflictions and temptations of Sathan.
Agreeable to this exhortation he addes a prayer verft io. Bt-
cauft the fuccefle of all our endeavours depends, upon the
.grace and blefling of God : And in this prayer he beftecheth
God to ftrengthen the faithfull, and make them perfect in all
grace,at the end of the verfe, make you ferfeEl i ft*bUJb :i flrengtb-
en, fettle you. The arguments whereby he confirfnes their
faith that they (hall obtaine this petition, afe two : 1. The
alKufficiencie of the grace of God in it ftlfe, in which refpeft
this title is given unto God, that he is the God of all grace.
2. The communicating of this grace in the calling of the
A Commentary up an the fir ft Epiftk efPettr. up
fakhfull, in thcfe words : who bath calledyou : the grace of
which Calling is (hewed, firft, by the end a nd fcopc, that it is,
to partake of the eternall glorie-of God. Secondly, by the
ptincipall caufe, in Chrifl Iefw. Thirdly, by the condition
that goes before the accomplishment of this calling, and pro-
perly belongs to this exhortation of the Apoftle untoconftan-
cic in afflictions, to wit, becaufe we are fo called^unto eternall
glorie, that in the meane time we muft fuffer afflictions, after
that'ye have fuffered a while. In the laft place tipdn^occafion
of this prayer he addes a rtligibus doxolog?e 3 glorifyin^ Gfed,
verfe it. wherein is contained both the lait end of that pacti-
on, and a confirm ition ofthe fame that it fhall be heard j at
alfo an iridfreft exhortation to the faithfull, to bend ail their
care ^hereunto,, to: glorifie Gods name really and effectual .ly»
by perflating in the grace of God. CI
The Dottrinesarifinghere-hence.'
Doft. I- We kadneed to watch continually i *Be vigilant,
Reafon i. Becaufe finne and danger doth naturally fteale
upon us, if we do not refift it.
2. Becaufe we cannot do ou*-duty withorit diligent care
and labour, and therein confifts the manner of watching.
3. 2?ecaufe if we could avoid danger,& obtain out defires,
if we did not feeke it with care and diligence , it would be no
praife to us, nor peace of confcierrcc.
Vfe. This may ferve to directuf, to imitatewatchmen,
which watch and ward to keepe the Citie ; the like diligence
mould we ule in keeping our foules, to examine all that goes
in and out, our thoughts affe&ions, words,and aftions, toge-
ther with the occasions of them, what they are, whence they
came, and whither they tend.
Doft. 2. That roe may watch as we ought to d», it is requi-
red that we Jbould be fober.
Now by foberncfle is meant the moderation of our affecti-
ons touching all worldly things.
Reafon i. /?ecaufe the cares of this world do fo burthen
the foule, that they leave no place for fpirituall cares. -
2. Becaufe the care of the world doth draw and diffract
the minder fo that although it doth not altogether exclude
religion; yet it doth diminifh and weaken it.
3. Becaufe
■ l20 A Commentary uponthefirft EpiftteofPettr.
3. Bccaufc under the fhewof Tome worldly profit,pleafure,
or honour 3 we do oftentimes admit of thofe things,which be-
tray and deltroy out foules,
Vfc Thi$ may ferve to adrnonifh us not to drown our felves
in the tfiings of this world, but Co to ufe the world, as if weu-
feditnot, i C or -7*3 l *
Doft. 3. We have fitch affiritaatlenemj^ that we had need
to watch and ward continually againft him,
Reafon 1. Secaufe he is full of fpirituall malice and craft.
1. Becaufe his diligence is anfwerable to his malice.
3. becaufe he is moft cruell, fceking not to bring (bme
(ball inconvenience upon us, but our utter deftruft on .
yje. This may ferve to adrnonifh us, never to be fecure, but
day and night to be mindfull of that danger wherein we are,
Doft. 4. We mttfl coaragiottfiy refijt the DevilL
I his is gathered from verfe 9.
Reafon 1. becaufe he is fuch an enemy, that we can make
no peace or league with him.
2. tfecaufe they which yeeld unto the devill give them-
felves up into his hands, as being overcome.
3. "Secaule the courage of our minde to refill is a great pare
of fpirituall victory.
Vfe, This may fcrve to exhort us, to ftrengthen our mindes
in all things to make this reiiftence.
Doclt. 5. Thechiefepowerofrefifling t confiftsinaftedfaft
This is gathered from thefe words, Whom reffi ftedfaft in
the faith*
Reafon 1 . 2?ecau(e faith layes hold upon Chrift who over-
came the devill, and inhimtbeylay hold of victory itfelfe.
2. becaufe faith laies hold of the truth of all thepromifes,
whereby the foule is invincibly fortified.
3. becaufe faith, feeing it is the foundation of all grace, if
it be ftirred up and ftrengthened, it continues and ftrengthens
alfo all the other vertue?.
Vfe, This may ferve to direct us, to have a ipeciallcareto
raife and build up our faith.
Doft. 6, The examples of other heleevers dot make much
for the confirmation *f our faith in afflitlions & ether temp at ions »
A Commentary upon thefirft Epiflle of Peter* I a *
Reafon i. Becauft thereby Jtappeares that fachcouflitts
are not contrarie to faith and pietie.
2. Becauft therehence we have a cloud ofwitnefles, to
ftievsr, that at length we mall obtarne the vi&orie by faith.
Vfc* This may ftrve to direft us, to ftablifli our mindes
more and more by fuch meditations.
D©&. j* AH thofe things which we defire , either for ettr
felves or for ethers untofalvationy we twtjl asks of(joi*
This is gathered from verft io, compared with the Forego-
ing verft. For all thofe things which the Apoftlehad before
required of the faithful!, he doth now at the end ofthe Epiftlc
in their name crave of God, and he askesitwithdifcretion*
as appcares by that particle, But as if he mould have faid>
Although all theft things which I have propofed unto you
by way of admonition, exhortation, ana confolation , are
duties which you ought neceflarily to do , yet it is not to be
expe&ed, that you (hold accomplish it by your own ftrength:
I do therefore call upon God, (which you likewift mould al-
wayes do ) that he would increaft his grace more and more in
you, whereby you may receive both to will and to do all theft
Reafon I. Becauft of our ft Ives we caii doe nothing that is
2. Becauft in fuch like purpofts and endeavours we are let*
ted and hindred by divers temptations, and fuch as arc mod
ftrong through our kfirmitie.
3. becauft all our fpiritualiUfe proceeds from God, and
of him mould we aske it.
Vfe 1. This may (erve to admonifii us, not to reft in good
purpofes and intentions , but alwayes to fcekefor grace from
God, to accomplish the fame happily.
2-, To d i reft us,when we reade, heare, and meditate upon
Gods word, to water it, as it were, with our prayers, that ie
may be fruitfull.
Note, By fuch conclurions of the Apoftles , wherein
they do clofe up their Doftrine with prayer, theMinitters c-
fpecially are warned and admoniflied, after their Sermons to
defire God to give both themfclves and the people grace to
CL obfervc
I a y A Commentary upon the firft Epiftle of Peter.
obferve thofe things,which they have learned in the Sermon :
and others alfo are admonifhed diligently and earneftly to
fcek the fame, both in publick with the Minifter, and in pri-
vate by themfelves.
Do&. 8. fVeftand in need of manifold grace.
As it is fet forth by divers words in the text : Make perfect,
ftahl'tjhy ftrengthen^ fettle 5 which may be thus diitinguiftaed,
that te make ferfetl is to adde thofe degrees of grace., which
are yet wanting : to flablijh^ is to protect and defend from
temptations and dangers : toftrengthen is togive inward pow-
er and ftrength : and t$ fettle } is to fatten the root it fctfeof
grace more and more.
Reafon I. 2?ecaufe all tho(c good things which we have;,
we have but in part.
2. Becaufe we are affaultcd by continual! temptations, and
are over and above prone to revolr.
3. Becauft great and manifold is that perfection, whercun-
to we are called.
Vf* This mayfervetoadmonithus, not to reft in the be-
ginning?, but by much prayer to aske much grace of God*
Dotfl. 9. God is the fountains and author of 'all grace.
For this title is given unto God in this place , becaufe it is
moft agreeable to thepeticion for manifold grace. For Holy
Men in their prayers lay holdof that inGod, and propoie
thofe titles of God unto themfelves.. which mike molt for the
furtherance of thofe prayers which they make.
Reafon i« *Z?ecaufe God hath in himfelfe infinite riches of
2 .Became grace is not given but by grace, and not for any
merit of our own.
3. Z?ecaufe every degree and all kinde of grace is revealed
and exhibited unto us by God in the Gofpell.
Vfe 1, This may ferve to dirett us tobuildupourfelves
m this beliefe of Gods grace.
2. To admonifh us, not Co to reftiri that grace which we
lave received, as if there were nothing farther to be looked
A Commentary upon the fitft Epiflk of Peter. \ 3 g
after, becaufe God is God not of this or that particular grace,
but of all grace,
D. £b , 1 0. The ch'ufe effeU efthisgrace t which is in */, £
our calling*
R'afox r* tfecaufe before our calling we lye in (inne and
(pirituall deatrn
2. Becaufe by our calling wc come to the hope of etern ill
glory; who hath called you into his eternal! glory, as it is in the
3, Becaufe in our calling wee are ingrafted into Jeflm
Chrilt, that by him we are brought unto this glory, who
hath called joh unto eternall glory in Iefm Chrift, as it is in the
text. . - I, I . ^
Vfe i. This may (erve to admonim us, to labour to make
our eflfe&uall calling more and more fare. •
2. To exhort us, to give God all the thankes for this cal-
ling, and to leade a life anfwerable thereunto, which (eemes to
be aimed at in the text,wuthat for this eternall glory where-
unto we are called, we ftould contcmne all worldly things,
whether good or evill.
Doft. 11. The fujferings of this life are not repugnant t*
the comfort of this glory.
Reafm 1. 2?ecaufe wefufferbutawhile: for although the
time of affliction may feeme long, yet it is but fhort, if it be
compared either with eternall death, which the wicked (hall
differ, and we have deferved j or with eternall glory where-
unto we are called.
2» Becaufe thefe afflictions are the way, whereby accord-
ing to Gods wil we come unto glory.
3. Becaufe glory it felfe appeares the more glorious for
the afflictions going before.
Vfe. This may (erve to comfort us againft all the (uiFerings
of this life.
Do&. 12. For this grace of God we fhould give all glo*
ry unto God.
This is gathered from verfe 11.
Qjl Reafon 1.
12 A J Commentary ufon the firft % fifth rfTettr*
JLeaftn i. Becaufe therein confifts our thankfulnefTc.
2. 2?ecau(c therein alfoeonnft* the perfection of the work
of grace.
Vf<> This may ferve to admonifh us, not to give place to
luke-warsienefle, but to make (uch high reckoning of the
fiving grace of God, that upon every mentioning thereof our
mindes fhould be ftirrcd up fmcercly toglorifiethenameof
God, and alwayes endeavour fo to do.
iThe end of* the firft Epiftle*
A Commentary npon the SeeottdEpiftk of PeUr<
of the Second Epiftle Generall of
iint-l J -E' T E R.
jn — li - - .
— — _
Chap. I.
Verfe i. Simon Peter \ a Servant-^ and ah ^pofile of Iefus
£hrift 9 to them that have obtained like precious faith with
us, through the righteoufneffe of Cjod, and of our Saviour
Iefus Chrifi*
Vcrft 2» Grace and peace be multiplied unto you^throughtht
v_i ^k$QT»ledgejf(jM % andofjefus our Lord.
The Analyfis.
Uch kinde of writings, as well Ethnick or pro-
fane, as facred, are uiiially divided into three
parts, whereof the firft is, the Superfcription,
Salutation, and Preface, z. The Epiftle it
felfe. 3. The Subfcription or Conclufion.
But more accurately me thinks, we may fay,
that the preface and conclufion are only adjuncts of the Epi«
ftfe, .which depend upon the Epiftleit ielfc, and areaKbufe-
full thereunto. But in this Epiftle only one of the(e adjuncts
is uftd, namely , the Preface. For there is no fubfeription
made, or any (uch concluiion, as is ufed in the Epiftles of
Tauly and in the firft of Teter. The Preface is contained in
foure verfes, and it coniifts of two parts, a falutation , and a
confirmation of the falutation : that in the two firft, this in
I s6 A Commentary apt* the Second Eftftk of Peter*
the third and fourth verfe. In the falutation there are tfaofe
three things exprefleJ, which are in every aftion ; namely ,the
agenr,the a&ion it Celfe, and the objf&of it. For Co is there
theperibniaiuting, theperfons (alutcd, and the falutation it
fclfe. The per Ion faluting is defcribed, firft, by his name ad-
joyned. Secondly, by his office adjoyned, and that both ge-
nerally that he is a fervant of Jefus Chrift, and fpcciall, that he
is an Apoftle of hi?. The perfons fainted are defcribed by a
fpeciall adjunct, whichisinftead oftheforme 9i namely^ by
faith ; which faith is fet forth, firft,byacomparifon oTthe
like, that it is like precious with the faith of the Apoftles.
2. By the principall efficient caufe, God and Jefus Chrift.
3. 'By the meanes thereof, out* righteoufnefle. The confir-
mation of the falutation containes, 1. the good that is wiffi-
ed, which confifts of two parts, Grace^ and peace, 2. The de-
gree and quality of this good, bemttltifljed. 3. The helping
caufc of this multiplication of good, which 'is the ■kgon*
ledge of God and lefus Chrift.
This is the Analyfi?.
As for the perfon 9 he hath a double refpeft. For he is here
considered as the Author of the Epiftle 3 and alio as the Author
of the Salutation : in the former refpeclwehavethefe Do-
DocT. I. The very names of Chrift s famous Difciples,
were heretofore of great force for the confirmation and advance
mem of the truth in the Church.
For to that end did the Apoftles ufaally ietdowne their
names in tncEpiftles, which they wrote unto the Churches.
Vfe. This may bee for exhortation, that we alfo accord-
ing to our abilities mould labour Co farre with thofe amongft
whom welive,that our names may be like precious ointment,
"and may make (bmething for the edification of others.
2. It may ferve to reprove thofe,Which Co carry themfelves,
that they aieaxlifgraceto godHnefie,and to the Church.
In the latter refpeft thcperfbnyeeldsusthisobfervation.
Doct. 2. The falutation of the ^Apoftles and Mini fiers of
God is more highly to be prized.
Keafon. Becauie it is not only a good and godly prayer, as
are the falutations of all the faithful!, but it is alfo a minifteri-
A Comment try upon the Second Efiftlt ef Peter* \iy
all application of the good things which Go J communicates
unto us by them. For it proceeds not only from a pious af-
fecYton, but from their lingular office and duty.
yp. This may lerve to admonim us, not to negleft or con-
tcmne fuch bleftings,whether they be publick or private.
D0&. 3. Jt is an honour able title, ifAnunberiqUtljAnd
defer veil y called a few Ant of Q 'odor Chrift*
Reafon. Becaufe the ch'iettft men in the Church of God
alwayes gloried in this title 5 not only the Apoftles and Pro-
phets, but alio Kings and Princes, as we fee in t)*vid.
Ypi This may ferve to comfort poore Ghriftiam that have
no titles whereof to boaft. For if they be the fervants of God
and Chrift : t hey have no eaufe to envic othew,orto complain
of their owne condition. Now that it may be knowiae who
are the fervants of God , we niuft know that there are two
things, as it weleeifentialltbafervant, 1. To depend upon
his Matters will and pleafure, for direftion in hisworke.
2. To referre all that he hath to the ufe and profit of his Ma-
tter, not to his owne* So alfo every faichfullfervantofGod,
1 depends wholly upon G xl for the dir*&ion of his life, not
upon himfelfe and his owne counfell, nor upon the examples
and cuftomes of the world, much lelTe upon the fuggeftions
of thcflefhandthedevill. 2. He refcrres himfelfe and all that
he hath to advance and fct forth the glory of God.
Doel. 4> Thofefervants of Chrift which are caKedtsfpO'*
ftlsS) hjve the cbiefrft authority in the Qhurch of (Jed* ■
For that is the reafon why Tetcr faith that he is an Apoftle
of Jefus Chrift. All the faithfullare Chrift9 fervants, but
they are not Apoftlesreven the ordinary Minifters themfelves,
although in a large fenfe they may be called Apoftles and Em-
balTadours of Chrift, yet not irrthat fenfe as Veter^ Vaul^ and
thehke are called. For the word Aptftle^ in this and the like
places, figniftes not only an EmbalTage, but a lingular privi-
ledge or prerogative in that embalTige. Now the priviledge
of the Apoftles above other Minifters confifts in thele foure
things: FiiftjInthemanneroftheembafTage,^/^' that they
were called neither of men, nor by men but immediately of
Chrift.- Secondly, in the office impoled upon them by vertue
of this embaiTige, viz, that t.hey were c i fly (cm to plant
1 28 A-Gommenurj upon the Second Effiftte of Peter*
Churches, to teed and build them up. Thirdly, in the object
whereabout their labour mould be imployed, •z/fc that they
were fent noc to any one Church , but to divers, and for the
cororerfion or the whole world. Fourthly, in their gifts and
aflittance of the Spirit, which alwayes accompanied this their
etnbaflage, viz,, becaufe in executing this their office, as well
in preaching as in writing, they were freed from all errour.
As in the Creation of the world God fir ft made light, and af-
terwards (et (bmelight9 in the Firmament of Heaven to give
light upon the Earth : So alio in the re-creation and reftituti-
on of the world, God firft gave light in Chrift himfelfe, who
was the Sonne of Righteoufnefle, as he is called in Scripture,
and afterwards ordained the Apoftles , as great lights , to
bring this light upon the Earth. And this is it which our Sa-
viour faith unto them 2 Te are the light of the world.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to exhort us 3 to give God thanks,that
he hath not left us in darknefle, to wander at uncertainties,
but hath (et up theft mining lights for us,by whofe meanes we
might be directed unto heaven.
a. To admonilh us,to observe alfb and believe thofc things
which they have prelcribed us. For We muft receive the wri-
tings of the Apoftles after the fame manner, as we mould re-
ceive Chrift himfelfe, if he were with us on earth.
3. To refute the Pope, who brags that he is an Apoftle,
and hath Apoftolicall authority, (whereupon alfb he cals his
(eat at Rome, Apoftolicall,) when as he hath not 10 much as
one of thole conditions, which are neceflarily required to
make an Apoftle*
Hitherto of the pet fon (aluting. It followes now to (peak
of the perfons falutcd, where we have thele Doftrines.
Do£t. 1. The AyoftL-s wrote not pr&perly to the unbelie-
vers^ but to the £hurch.
For fo here and elfewhcre are they delcribed to whom the
Epiftles are fent.
Reafon. becaufe the preaching of the Gofpell , not the
writing, is the effedtuajl meanes of converfion. The writing
and reading do more properly lerve for the confirmation and
edification of thole that are converted 3 then for the firft con-
A Commentary *pon the SecondEpiftk of Peter. \ \ 29
Vfe. Thit may fare to cxhoit, firft of all, that they wil!
principally apply themfelvestmto Sermon?. Secondly s thofe
that nave received fome benefit by Sermons, thatth«y would
alfo diligently apply themfelves to the reading of the Scrip-
ture, that they might more and more confirme and edifie
them (elves.
DocY. 2. Faith if the prober marke of 'difference , whereby
theChurzhhdiftifi<rmfitdf/*d& 'all other focieties.
For therefore are the ChilHans here defcribed by faith,
that they may be diftinguimed from all other men : and the
fame which in other Epiftlesare wont to be called the efe&jthe
called, the Churches of God, thofe which are in God the Fr-
riier, ; and in Jefus Chrift, arc in this place barely called the
'°CJP. a This may fervetoadmonifhus, ifwewll'l make our
calling and the condition of our falvation fare, then to la-
bour efpecially to obtains faith, and alfo to increafe it more
and more.
Doft. 3. The faith of Chrift ions is a rmft precious pr<^
Therefore it is here called precious faith ; and in the for-
mer Epiftle,Chap.l.v.7. faith is faid to btmore precious then
gold that perifhetf:.
VJe i. This may ferve to exhort usy to make more account
of faith then of all worldly things , according to that of
Chrift : What Jkall it profit a man to gaineihe whole world, and
lofe his ownefonle, or faith f
2. To comfort poore Chrifthns which have no poffefli*
onsin this world. For if they have true faith, they have that
which is more excellent then filver and gold.
DocT. 4. The faith of common Chrift ians is as precious as
was the faith of the Apoftles,
Which it not to be'tmderftobd of the degree or quantity,but
of the nature or quality.
Reafon. Becaufe the faith.of all ChtiftianJlayes hold of the
fame good, viz. Chrift and his benefits* Hereupon 'Paul cafe
it common faith : for as one that is fick of the Falfie, that ta-
keth fome precious thing with a ftiaktng hand, dothpofflfle
it as well as the other, that is ftr ong ; fo the faithful], though
R they
1 20 A Commentary upen the Second Efiftk of Peter.
they be weake, it they do truly lay hold of Ghrift , have him
to be their Saviour as well as they that are molt ftrong*
Vfe. This may ferve to comfort ^eakeChriftians; for if
they have true faith 9 though it be but like a graine of Muftard
feed, they have the fame comfort that the Apoftles themfelves
had. It they be truly knit unto Chrilt, though it be but with
a (lender thred as it were, yet they hold Ghrift as well as they
that are tyed unto him with the itrongeft cords : which yet
is not fo to be taken, as if we were not to feeke for a ftronger
2nd tar it faith; for although the weake pofiefle the fame good
that the ltrong do, yet they have not the fame fruit and bene-
fit ofthispGiTeflfion.
Docl:. 5. The caufe of this precious faith is not in any man 9
hit in therighteoufnejfe cfGod and Chrift*
Now by righteoufnefle is not meant any recompenceof
defert 5 but the faithfulneflfe and truth of the promiies, which
depend upon the meere goodntffe oi God. And thefe promi-
fes made unto Abraham\\\\vXt\ re, that his feed mould be as
the itarres of heaven, and the fand of the Sea, cut of al! .nati-
ons j and they were afterwards often repeated by the Pro-
life 1. This may (crve to refute thole,, tnatafciibe it unto
mans free will ; fo that firft they make the calling of the faith-
full to be uncertaine, as if the promifesof God could be made
void; and then they take away the glory it felfe of mans con-
version from G >d, and give it unto man.
2. To exhort us, to give God thankes,for this fo incompa*
rable a good.
The Doctrines thatarife from v. 2.
Docl". I. AH fplntuall good things , are contained in thefe
two words, Grace and peac
For by Grace is meant both the free favour of God, and al-
io the application and manifelration thereof in the hearts of
the faithfulljby the operation of the holy Ghoft, in the word
and Sacrament?.. And by peace is meant quiet nefle of mind,
which. is thefiuit of grace. So that Grace is the fir ft benefit,
and Peace tbejaft* And therefore all benefits that pafle be-
tweene are »n> luded th-.rein, as in two excretes. Hereupon
in all theEpifties almoltthe Acoftles prayer and (adulation
A Commentary upon the Second Epifile of Peter,
is contained in thele two : ToTimothy and Titus, headdcs
mercy alio, Cjrace, mercy and peace* But that is only an ap-
plication of the lame thing, which is figniried by grace, and
lor a peculiar rcatbnis added in thole Epiftles., becaufeTV-
mothy and Titm wanted a fpeciall kind of grace, in relpeft of
ths fervice, which :hey did undergoe in the Churches, in re-
gard of their age, atidthofe divers temptations, whereunto
they were obnoxious in that Service. In the old Tdlament
peace onely was ufually wiftied in their (Mutations, without
any mention of Grace ; but yet grace alfo at that time was
underliood : 2?ut in the time of the new Teftamenr, which is
the time of grace, and wherein all things are more fully deli-
vered, it was moil: fitting, that grace fhould be named in fuch
1 ke 1 alutations.
Vfc, This may Ceiveto exhort and direct #/, above all things
to with grace and Chriftian peace unto aJlthofe, to whom
we are well-wifhers.
DocT:. 1 1 . The dt fires of the faithfttll are chiefly for thofe
/pirituall good things ^ Grace and peace,
KeaCon, TheReafonoftheColle&ion is this, becaulethc
Apoftle in this beginning of the Epiftle, labours to get the
good will of thofe to whom he writes, by (hewing the prayer
that he had made for them : Now he could not effect this, if
his prayer were not according to their defirejf or if hefliould
havewifhed any of thole things, that they cared not for,
fuch a wifh would have done no good with them.
Vfe. This may (erve to exhort us all, to examine our (el vea
according to this rule. For if wee make no reckoningat all,
of the meanes and inftruments of grace, but doe rejeft or de-
fpile thole, that labour moft to procure this grace and peace
for us, we have caufe to feare, that we are yet farre from the
nature, and difpofition of true belecvers.
Doft. 3. They which have gone farthefi in faith and grace,
have yet need of grace*
This is gathered therehence, that the Apottte wiiheth grace
unto thofe, that have obtained like precious faith, with the A-
poftles themfelves.
V(e. 1 . This may ferve to refute the Pa pifts of theit merits.
2. To exhort us to humility, and continuall prayer for the
grace of God. R z Do&#
j 3 2 d Commentary upon the Second Epiftle &f Peter.
Do&. 4. Without Cjrace f there is no true peace.
Grace is the caufe and foundation of peace , peace the ef-
feft and fruit of grace ; it is the inheritance, which Chrift left
unto his difciples alone, Iobn 14. 27. Ifay 48. laft. For this
peace is not an external! and worldly peace, but fpirituall and
internall. Before we are partakers of grace, we are called in
Scripture, Cj As enemies ^ fo thatwedoe wage akindofwarre
againft God himfelfe, and therefore alfo again ft th« Angels
ofGcd, and ether of his creatures. Now by grace, and by
it alone is peace made.
Vfc This may lerve to refute andreprove the folly of thofe
men, which fo pleafe themlelves, in that outward quietnefTe
which they enjoy, when in the meane time, they are utterly
void and ignorant of the grace of God.
Do&. 5* We mnft fecke not only for grace anhpeace^ but
alfo for great abundance cf it.
This is gathered from that word, Cjrace attdptdce be ntulti-
flyed. For the good things of that grace aYeiach, that they
cannot be too much: in this there is no finning in excefle.
Hence it is that the ApoftlejFW/alwayesexhorcs.the faith-
full, and prayes alio that the faithfttfl may abound more and
more in all grace. And to the >Ep^ans he propofeth the
breadth, and leRgch^and depths and height of this grace,that
thpy may W rooted and grounded in it, Chap. 3. verfe 18.
■Vfe 1 i This may lerve to refhte and condemne thofe, that
fo reft in fihe^refent grace which they have, or feeme to have,,
that they looke for no more. Such do thofe men fee me to be,
.that thinke they know enough, bele^ve enough, love enough,
■See. A hd, therefore they neglecYboth the publick and the pri-
vate meanss, whereby they might be farther edified. The fiate
of a Chriit;an in this life it? a ftate of building, not perfection:
therefore as he would (lew himfelfe to be a foolifh builder,
that mould reft in the middle ofhisworke, and not make up
the perfeft ftru&ure, fo alfo in a Chriftian life.
ia To* exhort us to ftirre up our felves, and labour for more
abuhdint gitace and peace.
^Argument 1. The firft argument may be taken from the
natUFe of grace and peace, which is fuch, that he that hath
ojice 1 to&ed the Iweetneflfe- 'thereof, cannot but deme a fuller
' ^ draught
A Commentary upon the Second Epftle of Peter, j o 5
draught of it, liV.2.23. Defirethejinceremilkei&c.
Argument 2- From the imperfedt. degree, that we have
yet attained : We are for the mod part, as new borne babes,
as the Apoftle fpeakes in the fame place.
^Argument 3. From the will of God, to whom nothing
is more acceptable, then that we mould feeke for plenty of his
grace, Ifuy 55.2. Trov.p.
Argument 4. From the finne or guilt, which followes
the negleft of that duty. For as amongrt men, if one mould kt
before us moft preciou? wares,and mould commend the:*n,and
alfo offer them freely unto us, he could not bat take it ill, if
we mould rcfufe them : fo much more may we think that
Gods anger is incenfed towards thofe,trut neglect and defpife
the riches of this grace, that he hath £et before them and com-
mended unto them.
D )$'. 6. Cjdd is the only author of grace and peace*
This is gathered from 1 Peter 5. 1 o.
God is called the author of all grace. Hence by a kinde of
appropriation he is called the God of graces in another place
he is called the Father of mercies^ and God of all confolationst^nd
grace alfo in this fignification i s called the grace of God ; fo
alfo of peace we finde in Scriptures, that God is called the god
$f peace^ and true peace is every where called the peace of God.
Vfe r. This may ferve to refute all the Papifts, that mani-
Feft the contrary both in their words and pra&ife. For they
are wont to call the blefled Virgin the CMother of grace : (o
alfo they runne unto her and to other Saints, as if they were
the authors of grace and peace.
2. To inftruft and confirme us in this truth , that the be-
llowing of grace and peace depends upon the meere good will
and picafure of God. For when God is called the Godefg-ace^
it is meant alfo that he is the Lord of grace , who can accord-
ing to his good pleafure give it to whom he will, and deny it
to whom he will. This is gathered from 1 Thejf. 5. 23. and
2 Theff.%. 16. for he that in the former place is called the God
ef peace , in the latter is called the Lord of peace. Therefore
when we fee that grace & peace is granted unto fome, & de-
nied unto others, we mould reft fatisiied in the good will of
God, according to the example of Ghrift, Matt h A Q. For by
fo doing we give glory to God 3 as is evident, 3. To
134 A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter *
3. To exhort us 5 to pray unto this great God to give us
grace and peace.
D0&. 7. fefus Chrift is the beginning of all grace and feme*
God is the firft and principal! author, and Co alio Chrift, .
as he is God : but as he is God and man, our Mediatcur.fb he
is the beginning ordained by God, as the head, from whom
all grace is to be derived unto his members, as into the veflels
of grace j Co that God is as it were the firft and principal!
fountaine, Chrift as thelecondary fountaine, in whom is hid
all grace that is to be given unto the faithfully and the raithfull
themselves are the veflels that draw and receive this grace,
which runnes into them from theft fountaines, and the word
and Sacraments areas the channels.
Vfe, This may ferve to informe us of the manner, how we
mould leeke for grace, viz, that we fhould alwayes go unto
God in Chrift, becaufe extra Chriftum, out of Chrift , he is
unto finners not a God of grace and peace, but of vengeance^
and a continuing fii e»
Doft. 8. True faith is the infl rumen e all caufe of grace and
feace, and of the multiplying of both 9 whereby it is derived un-
to us,
Reafon, Becaufe by knowledge in this place is meant faith.
For it is not meant a bare knowledge, but fbmething more,
which followes this knowledge , therefore it is not called
yp4fi; 3 but evlyt&tis, that is, an acknowledging. 2. Thereby
is meant an effe&uall knowledge, iuch as there is no other
taught us in the Scriptures, but faith. Now faith is fignified
by the name of knowledge,bccaufe by the hearing and know-
ledge of the word it is ufually begotten in us. And faith is
called the inftrument of grace D not as it is in God himfclfej
willing, intending, and ordaining (pirituall good things unto
us, for (o grace is the caufe of faith ; but as the fenfe, fruit and
knowledge of this grace is communicated unto us. For faith
is ib the fruit and effect of grace, that it hath the firft place,
and is the inftrumentall caufe of all following grace.And this
efficacy it hath in refpeft of the obje£t,which it Iayes hold of,
Jefus Chrift y becaufe as we faid before, he is the beginning of
all grace, lb that as Adam was the beginning of nature and
the corruption thereof; and that relation which we have unto
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftk of Peter. 135
Adam by naturall generation, makes us partakers both of his
nature and corruption: fo Chriit was made the beginning of
life fpirituall, and grace, and that relation of faith which we
have unto ChrirT; in our regeneration, makes us partakers both
of the life and grace which is in Chriit.
Vf(. This may ferve to exhort us, 1. To have a fpeciall care
of our fakir, ihve would not be deftitute of all the grace and
peace of Go:'. This is it which the Apoftle faith elfewhere,
above all, take the fhxeld of faith y that is, above all things gee
faith, E'phf.6. 1 6. This is it which is often prcrTed, By faith
we are faved, by faith wsfi and , by faith we obtaine the viclory 9
&c. i.Tolabourallofortheincreafeoffaith^fwedelire the
increase of grace and peace. For grace is multiplyed by the
multiplying of faith, and the knowledge of God. As in a
houfe, which is<inlightned by the Sunne , the more the win-
dowes ftand open, the more it is filled with light : fo alfo in
us, the more our faith is increafed,the more is grace and peace
increafed in us. Let that therefore be our daily prayer, which
was Ghrilts Difciples, Lord incr cafe our faith.
Vcrfe 3. According as his Divine power hath given unto ut all
things that pertaine unta life and godlinejfe , trough the
knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and venue.
The Analyfis*
HTHe fcope of the Apoftle in this verfe istoconfirmethe
faith of Chriftiansxouching the multiplying of grace and
peace through the knowledge of God, which hehadwiftied
unto them in the former verfe. And the argument is taken
from the comparing of things alike, as that particle, Accord'
ingas y intimates unto us/The things compared arc. 1. The gi-
ving of peace and grace; and 2. The con (equent multiplying
of them. And of thefe he (hewes that there is the fame reafbn,
both in refpeft of the principall caufe, and the lefle princi-
pal! or inftrumentall caufe; fb that the whole argument runs
after this manner 5 if God and our Lordlefus (fhrift will give
unto hs grace and peace through the knowledge if him t then will
1 3 6 A Commentary upon the Second Epiflte of Peter .
he alfo multiply unto us the fame gifts by the fame : 'But the for-
mer is true : Therefore the latter. The Afiumption is contained
in verfe 3. And it is not barely fctdowne, butwithanillu-
ftrauon, although headdes fome things to conflrme the ifca-
fon it lelfe and our faith. For in (lead oi grace andpeace the
Apoftle here puts things necefTary unto life andgodlineffe.^ and
in the fecond place glory and vert ue : like as by life ''and glory
he meanes the fame thing, that he did before by peac <?,though
in a different refpeft : fo alio by gcdlinejfe and venue he means
the fame thing that he did before by graces Thepnncipall
caufe oft his gifting he explains by the power which he hath,
which he cals divine $ the inftrumentall he expiaines by the
object thereof, namely, Chrift. For he argues from a lingular
efFect, which doth mod of all pertainetothethingit fclfe,
namely to our calling, glory andvertuc.
The Do&rines arifing herehence.
Doft. I. Life and glory are contained in Chriflian peace*.
For the condition, that Chnftians are made partakers of
by peace,is called life in refpect of that inward and permanent
principle of the molt perfeft operations ," wherein confifts
mans felicity, which is given unto all the faithfull. And it is
called glory in refpeft of the compleat happinelle , which
flowes from that principle , and {hall in its due time alfo ap-
peare with outward fplendour.
Z/fe 1. This may ierve to informe and inftruft us, not to
think meanely or contemptibly of the condition of faithfull
Chriftians, but to judge aright according to the nature of the
thing, viz. that the only life and chieleft glory is proper
to them.
2. To exhort us, to prefcrve faith, grace, andChriftiari
peace before all worldly things, yea, before this prefent life it
felfe, and the glory thereof, becaufe by our faith we (hall ob-
taine a farre more perfect life and glory, according to that of
Chrift, He that lofeth lets life^ Jhallfinde andobtaineafarre bet*
ter life*
Doft. 2. (fhrijlian grace brings with it godlinejfe and
For the fame thing is called grace, which is the effeft of
Gods favour j it is called gsdlineffe, as it hath God for its ob-
A Commentary upon the Second Fpiftte of Peter* 1 37
jecl : and it is called vcrtue, as it perfe&s a man in operation.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to inftiu& us, nottoboattofthe
grace of God , unlelTe we (hew it by our godlincfle and vcr-
2. To reprove and condemne thofe, that either out of pre-
sumption or reined mutilation, do enner feparare grace trom
godlinefle or grace from vertue, or vef tue trom either*
Dofr.3. All things ncceftary unto life andgodUmjfe aregi*
venby Cjodunto tht faithfulU
Now to make a girt perfect 3 things are required. 1 . That
the gift which is given be made the receivers, or his to whom
it is laid to be given 5 for othe. wife it is not a gift, or a thing
adu.slly given, but potentially only. 2. That ,t be made his
abfolutely or irrevocably, not conditionally, that the gift it
felte mould depend upon a condition. 3. Tisat the giver be
moved for no other caufe to give, but to fhewandexercife
his bounty and liberality . the more perfectly andpuiely
thefe conditions are found in any gift , the more perfect and
pure is the gift. Now all thefe do molt exactly agree to thofe
gilts of G< d, which pertaine unto lireand godlineffe. As for
example, Chrift is faid to be given for us, and alio given unto
us: the holy Ghoft hath that name as it were appropriated
unto him, that he is the gift of God : faith and repeatance are
exptcfly called the gift of God.
Vie 1. This may ferve £0 inftru&as, againft the error of
thofe, that will not take fuch like good things as a gitt , but
teach us that we muft (eeke for them by our own merits 5 for
as the Apoitle faith, If of grace^hfn not fa rvorkes y for othe r mie
grace were not grace : fo may we alio lav; if r »f gift, then not
by workcSjforotherwile the gift would be no-gift.
a. To admoniflu us, throughout our whole life to (eeke for
fuch good things after that mani eras is agreeable to their na-
ture, that is, to ask, pray, and triplicate tor them, &'. • And
in the fecond place to uie all our endeav -ur to (hew our felves
thankfullunto God for ftich divine gifts.
4. Hee gives thefe fftrttnall gifts unto us by his Divine
His 'Divine Power hath given unto us all things , as it is in
the text : the like hereunto is that ia the firft Epiftle, c.i. v.5.
S Te
A Commentary ufen the Second EpifilerfPeftfi
Ye are kept by the power of God through faith untofalvation. And
Ghrift tcls lis, Matth, 1?. 26, With men this is unpoffible^ but
with God all things are poffible : where we are exprefly taught,
that falvation and fpintiull good things are given u: to us by
the power of God, to whom all things are poflible 3 that is,his
omnipotence .ftr.31.35, Thus faith the Lord, -which giveth the
Sunne, &c,
Reafon. Becaufe fuch a power is neceffarily required to
bring this to pafle, by reafon of thofe ftrong impediments,
which withlhnd and crofle this worke. For io Chilli telsus,
that the Devill as a ftrong man holds his palace, till a ftronger
then he comes tfpon him and overcomes him,and takes from him all
his armour wherein he trufted, Luke 1 1.2 1,2 2. This is alio ful-
ly explained by the Apoftle, £phtf.q.*%. When he aft ended up
on high 3 he ledcapt ivitj captive, and gave gifts unto men. W here
he (heweB that gifts are given unto us by that very power,
whereby captivity is led captive. It is exprefly (aid Ephef.i,
1 9. that it is the exceeding greatnejfe ofCjods power , which work?
rth in tu by the might of his power, and Verfe 20. the fame power
whereby Chrift watrai fed from the dead,
Vfe I. This may ferve to refute the Remonftrants and fuch
like men, that deny faith to be begotten in us, and our con-
verfion to be wrought by Gods almighty power. For they
make grace only morally perfwading, that may be refilled,
impotent, and confequently unerFecUiall.
2. To comfort the weake and all the faithfull, in that they
have no reafon too much to feare the gates of hell, becaule
they have the gates of heaven making with them : although
they maft wreftle not only againlt fleflb and blood., but againft
principalities and the powers of the world, &c. Ephfi tf . 1 2.
Yet they have a divine power, farre beyond all thofe enemies,
to uphold them in this wreftling.
5. To exhort us, 1. To behave our felvesftoutly, and fhew
our felves men in thecaufe ot God, aniwerable to fo Divine a
Power, as he is ready to afford unto us. 2. To give God
thankes, that hath not h(t us in our owne infirmities to be
fxpoftd as a prey unto our enemies, but by his divine power
helpes our infirmities.
Do<Jr. 5. This 'Divine Power is the power of Chrift him-
felfc Vfe
A tommzMar) upon the SecondEpiftle of Peter* r 3 9
Vfe I. This may fcrve to confirme our faith, touching
Ghrifts divine nature. For the divine power is not.feparatcd
from the divine nature*
2. To comfort us, that he who (b loved us, that he gave
himfelfe for us.hach fuch Sufficient ftrengtb to perfeft our Sal-
vation. He ufeth this argument to comfort his Difciples.
/0/w 10.28,29.30.
Doft. 6* Chrifi gives us theft things by his divine power,
when he doth ejfettually callus, through the knowledge of him that
calleth us,
Vfe* This may (erve to exhort us, to apply our (elves with
feare and reverence unto the meanes of our calling, becaule
Chrifts divine power is (hewed therein.
Dod. 7. The conft deration of the end where unto we are cal-
led in Chrifi 3 Jhould build us up in faith 3 hope 9 andallthofe things
which pertaine unto life andgodlinejf.
Therefore the ApoiHe here puts us in minde, that he hath
called us to glory and vertue; foin the former Epiftle,c. 5.
V. I®. who hath called us unto his eternall glory ^ &c* To that
purpoic the Apoftle Bphef.\,\%. earneitly prayes for the £-
f he fans, that theejes of their under/landing may be enlightnedfo
know what is the hope of his 'calling, and what the riches^ &c»
Now this confideration is of great force for thele reafons.
Reafon 1. Becaule it is an argument confirming our fa'th,
whileft we thus thinke with our felves: If God hath called
us unto glory, then there is no doubt, but that he will in due
time bring us unto glory, and in the meane time keepe us in
the w iy that leadeth thereunto.
2. Became it is an argument whereby we are (Hired up to
labour for vertue, whileft we thus thinke with our felves : if
we are called unto glory and vertue, we muft not carry our
felves Sordidly and bafely, defiling our Selves with the pollu-
tions of the flefli,like Swine wallowing in the mire , but as it
becomes fuch a calling.
DocT. 8. There is the fame reafon cfth-'s calling and the
frfl gift of 'grate b that there is of the multiplying of all grace and
peace %
For they are alike free, they do depend alike upoa the di-
S> 2 vine
14© A Commentary upon the Seco nd Epiflle of Peter,
vine power, they are alwayes kn'u and linked together : this
followes from the connexion of verfe 3. with the iecond.
Vfe. This may ferve to comfort us, as it is fee forth, Phil. &,
6. That he which hath begun a good work* in us, will perforate it
Verfe 4. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious
prontifes, that by theft you might be partakers of the divine
nature, having efcaped the corruption that is in the world,
through lufi»
The Analyfis.
fTPHe Apoftle had before confirmed his prayer and the hope
; of the faithfull, touching the multiplying of grace and
peace, by the comparing of things alike, that is, from the gi-
ving of all things which are oeceflary unto life & godlinefie.
Now he confirmes and proves the afTumptionalfo, touching
the giving of things neceflfary to life and godlineflfn And the
argument is taken from theteftimonyofGod,thatis, from
Gods promifes; for his promiie is a teftimony of the good
that he will beftow. Now while the Apoitle difputes rrom
the promifes to the gifts pi omifed s hediiputes from the teiti-
mony to the things teftified, which kindc of argumentation
hedothdifheiently intimate, when he puts the things promi-
fed in ftead of the promife. An1 the things promifed are thus
explained 5 1. In general!, by two adjuncts, that they are ex-
cecdir.g great and precious 3 that is, neither concerning fraall
things , or things of little moment , nor concerning things
tha* we have nothing to do with , or are little to bee (teemed
by us, but things of exceeding great weight, and of exceeding
great price. 2. In fpeciall, by thofeeffe.&s, which are con-
tained in the(e things promifed j and they are two. Firft, A
lifting up ofthe faithfu'l to perfection, which is explained by
a likeneffe unto the divine nature. Secondly, A freeing of
them from corruption, which is fet forth by the fub jectand
the cauie thereof. I he (ubjeft is the world, the caufe isluft or
A Commentary upon the Second Epifik if Peter* \±x
The Do&rine arifing herehence.
Dod. 1 . Gods promifes carry in them the vertue of 'a gift »
Reafox, Becaufe they make the thing promiied certainly to
belong unto thofe, to whom it iipromi led. For although it
be noc yeta&ually in their poflcllion, yet it is that power that
is certainly produced into aft. Thccauleis, i. The truth of
God that patomifeth. 2. The Divine Power which accompa-
nied Godspromrfc$,wherof mention was made in the former
Vfe 1. This may ferve to refute thofe that make Gods pro-
mifes wholly to depend upon mans will.
t» To comfort all the faithfuil, that they may be of good
courage, and have a firme hope in the good things that are
promiied by God.
Doft. 2. Gods promifeiare of "things exceeding great.
Hence it is that the Scripture often fpeakes of the wondrous
thing&of Gods word, PfaU 1 1 9.18. And it evidently appears
by the things themfelveSj if they are well weighed and confi-
dered ; whether we look unto the divine properties which
breake forth in the things promiied, or their divine effe&s.
For wonderfull is the mercy, and power, and providence
whereupon they depend ; and the effe&s alio are wonderfull,
for many of them are men, that they do 10 tranfcend mans
capacity , that they feeme unto many utterly unpoflible and
incredible ; as the refurre&ion* immortality, and life ever-*
Vfe i. This may fervetocondemnctheftupidityofthofc,
that are nothing moved or taken with thefc things that are
fo great and wonderfull.
2. To exhort us, to labour and drive in our prayers with
Davids that our eyes may be more and more opened, to be a-
ble to tee he wonderfull nature of them.
Doft. 3. C/ods promifes are as precious unto ut t as thej art
grext in themfelves.
So they arc diftinguifhed : for if God had promifed that
he would make another World , yet fo , as that ic fhould no-
thing pertaine, unto us 5 this indeed had been an exceeding
great promife, but nothing precious unto us ; but when he
fo promifed a world to come 3 wherein immortality and
1 4.2 A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter*
great glory (hall dwell, as that we fhould pofleffe it, this pro-
mise is as precious as it is great. Hence it is, that in the Scrip-
tures the testimonies of God are extolled , whole promises
are exceeding great above all riches, T/4/.119. 14. Above
gold and {ilver, and all precious things, a6 we often read in
the Pfalmes and Proverbs*
Vfe 1. This may ferve to ex hort us 9 both in judgement,
affeftion and all our endeavours , to carry our (elves anfwer-
able to thefe divine promifes , as to the molt precious thing
that is , as we are admonifhed , Prov»2. 4. Tofeeke them as
filver, andfearch for 'them as for bid trea/kres* AndTrov* 8.
10. to receive tbem 9 and not filver , e£r. And to be more de-
lighted with thefe then with the fweeteft gifts, to get theft
promifes at any price , how great ibever , though we fell all
that we have. , as it is in the parable of the Merchant , who
found a precious Jewell.
2.T0 comfort tholeChriftians that are poore in ipirit 5 evenin
t his prefent world;for though they have nothing excellent in
thefe outward things ,yet they have thole exceeding great &
, precious things provided byGod for therrv They arc in this
like unto that heire,of whom Taul makes mention 3 G r «/.4 , r.
Do£fc. 4*Bj venue of thefe promifes we are made partakers
of the divine nature.
Now by nature is not meant the eflence of God, but thoie
-perfections , whereof wc have a rcprefentation made by
the Spirit Epifi* 1. c>2.v.g. They are called the vertues of
God , and in their places 5 it is called the life of God,
the Image of God, and the Spirit of God. And this nature
is communicated by vertue of the promises \ because the pro-
mile of the Gofpell in this differs from the Law, for the Law
confidered in it felfe is a killing Letter , and the miniftration
of death in refpeft of finners , but the Gofpell is the mini*
ftration of the quickning Spirits * Cor.% 6 7.8.
Reafor. Bccaufe the Spirit of God together with the .Gof-
pell worketh our falvation.
Vfe 1. This may ferve todireft us , to examine our fclves
whether the promiies of God have teene effe&uall in us yet
or no ? for if we have nothing in us above naturall men , or
onr corrupt nature , wee are yet Grangers to the promifes
of God. 5 .To
A Commentary up en the Second Epffle of Peter* 1 43
2. To reprove thole , that are wont to fay , when they
are ftirred up to Cbriftian duties , that they are not Saints or
Angels , but flefh and blood , and therefore cannot either
abftaine from common vices, or come neere unto a heaven-
ly lite. ForChriftians beiides and above that nature, which
they have from AUm i are made partakers alfo of a divine na-
ture , whereby they are able to doe all things through him
that ttrengtheneth them, namely Chrift, Phi/. 4.13.
3. To exhort us, to labour with all diligence , that the
grace of God may be unto us like a fecond nature, as fome
(kyo£C*ft ome * And f° fa W 'M b e D w ben we performe the
workes of grace and new obedience, not by conftraint or un-
willingly , as many u(e to doe , but with delight and cheer-
fulnefTe , as it we were carried hereunto by the inclination of
nature.as the fire is upward.
Docl* $ • The corruption ofpnnc is contrary both to this na~
ture^andGods promifes,
Reafon. Becaufe the prefencc of the divine nature and the
vertue of the promifes drives out this corruption, as heat
doth cold, & as light difpells darkened 1 T-et.i. 14,1 5,2 Pete
2*20.77f.2.II. 12.
Vfe*l* This may &rve to condemne thofc, that will joyne
together thefe things that are fb inconfiftent and repugnanr
and contrary to God himfclte 5 that is , thofe that joyne the
profeflion of Religion with molt corrupt praftife.
2 . To exhort us, if we believe the promifes of God , and
love the divine nature to our own falvation, then to efchew
all theft corruptions. Thus much the Apoftle iatimates,
when he faith : Having efcaped the corruption , as if a flying
away were required , and that quickly, as it were from a fire,
w hereh we are almoft burned, or from a plague that rageth
in our houfes, 1 Feu 2. 1 1. 2 ^Vr.4.1. Having received mercy ^
let us net faint, &c, and Chap* J.v, I.
Doft. 6. This corruption offinne hares rule in the world.
This is gathered herehence, becaufe this is the true descrip-
tion of corruption made by the Apoftle.
Vfe. This may ferve ro exhort us, 1 not to love the world
too much. T his ufe the Apoftle makes of it, 1 Iohn 2. 1 $. t.Not
to fafnion our (elves according to this world, Rom,i2.z.
144 ' 6*»M* e **tary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter.
Duft . 7. Lftji is the ejfentiall caufe of this corruption t which
is in the world.
For it is not from the fabrick of heaven and earth, nor in
any c seated iubitance, but in the naughty affe&ions and di£-
politionSj, together with the actions flowing therchence, Co
that every man carries this world in his owne bowel?. And
the reafon why this wickedncflfe is figniflcd by concupKcence
orluit, is:
Report I. Becaufein mans converfion to worldly and un-
l.wfull things, linne is more manifeft then in a fimple aver (ion
from God.
2. Becufe this defire of unlawfull things is mo# contrary
to that affeftion, which we fcould have towards God, and
divine and heavenly things.
Vje* This may tcrve to exhort us, to ufe great diligence to
fubdue and root out our own iufts and concupifcence.
Verfe 5« *s£nd befides this, giving all diligence^ aide to jour
faith 3 vertx*; and to vertut knowledge ;
Verfe 6,» And to knowledge continence j and to continence , pati-
ence} and to patience, godlineff ;
Verfe 7. And to godlinep) brotherly kjttdnejfe* and to brotherly
kindnejfe, charity.
The Analyfis.
Now the Apoftle comes unto that which he chiefly aimed
at in this Epiftle ? and the (cope of the Epiltle is (hewed
exprcfly, Chap.3.ver(e 1. namely, to ftirre up the pure mindes of
the faithfully by way ofremembrance* and verfe the Iaft , more
diftinftly, that they Jhould grow in grace, and in the knowledge of
our Lord lefts forif. This lame thing he propofeth in thefe
veries, 5,6,7. and confirmes it in the reft of the Chapter, and
in the two following Chapters, he vindicates it from thoie
things which crofTe this purpoie, namely, the feducings of
falfe teachers, chap. 2. and the derifions of prophane feoffors,
chap^. Now his fcope and purpofe, as it is cxplaincdin thefe
three vcrfes, is, to exhort the faithfull 3 to apply themfelves
A Commentary upon the Second Epiflk of Peter* 145
wholly to thoft duties that are anfwerable to the faith, which
they have obtained and do profeiTe. And thofc duties are ftt
forth; 1. By the common conditions and all the properties
of the vertue and duty; and 2. By the fpecies or kindesof
ve.tues and duties. The common conditions and properties
of vertue are foure, which are ufually called cardinal] vertues,
Iufiice, Trudence, Temperance, and Fortitud*. Juftice is here
fignified by the name of vertue, becauft it doth moft neerely
belong to the efficacy of vertue, tobeaccordingto the rule,
which is generall juftice. Prudence is fignified by knowledge,
becauft prudence and Chriftianwifdomeconfiftsin thepra-
fticall knowledge of Gods will. Temperance is called con-
tinence, becauft this is generall temperance^ if a man contains
himfelfe or abftaines from thofc intifements, whereby he may
be withdrawne from his duty. Fortitude is meant here by
patience, becauft this is true Chriftian fortitude, patiently to
fuffer all afflictions , and to pcrfift in his duty notwlthftand-
ing all affliftions. Theft are fuch conditions, that they mould
be in every duty» which if they be,thcy make every duty com-
pleat ; nor can any of them be away, without huitingof
the vertue and duty. The kindes of duties are two : godlinejfe,
which containes the duties of the firft table ; and charity,
which belongs unto the fecond table : which charity is de-
termined by a fpeciall manner, whileft it is called alio brother-'
ly Jove, whereby we love thole, that are joy ned in the fame
faith with us. Concerning theft duties the Apoftle propoftth
firft the common aft, that we fhould uft in them, namely ad-
ding, as he faith, adie ; Secondly ,The manner how we (hould
uft this aft, namely, giving all diligence : where both the man-
ner and the degree is (hewed ; the manner, is diligence, the de-
gree, is all diligence. Thirdly, the end and fcope of the aft and
duty in theft words, be/ides this, or hereunto, that is, to that
end of which hee had fpoken before, viz, that wee. might be
made partakers of the Divine Nature,and have grace and peace
The Doftrines arifing herehence.
Doct. I. Our endeavours ntujb be jojned to our prayers,
and to the operation of Gods grace*
This is gathered herehence, that the Apoftle faith, we
T muft
ffi - A Cemnitnt&ry upon the Second Eptjtle of Peter.
rnuft labour for that very thing which he wifhed unto us, and
fo propofed unto u»to be prayed for, and which he faid the
*'. grace of God did worke in us.
Our endeavours muft be joyned unto our prayers.
Reafon i. Becaule otherwife we cannot have a fincere de-
fire in our prayers, without which our prayers are in vaine 5
for what we fincerely defire, that alfo we do alwayes labour
to attaine.
2. Becaufe our prayers themfelves do bind us to (uch an
endeavour. For in every prayer there is a promifc and vow,
wherein we promifeunto God that we will feeke that which
we aske of him : fo that to aske any thing of God without
fuch an endeavour, is not only to take Gods name in vaine,
but alfo plainly to mock his Ma/eftie.
Our endeavours alio muft.be joy ned with the grace of God,
becaule grace tends thereunto , both to afford us ftrength to
endeavour, and alfo to ftirre usup to exercife that ftrength.
Vfe 1 ., This may ferve to reprove thole flothfull men,
which wifh for many things, and after their manner alfo ask
them of God, but yet will not move fo much as their finger to
obtaine them * thefe men are like that flothfull man, that the
wife man defcribeSjTVw. 22,13. and ellewhere, where the
flothfull man curries hishandinhis bofomc, &c.
2. To exhort us, daily to bemindfull of this obligation,
ivhen we pray unto God for, the forgivenefle of our linnes, for
deliverance trom temptations, for newnefTe of life, or any o-
ther thing, let us conftantly alfoufe our endeavours to attaine
thefe ends.
Doft. 2. O ur endeavour s mnfl alwayes tend to the increafe
of the grace which ns have received.
This is gathered therehence , that the iiimme of our duty
cohfifts in adding : the reafons arc divers ;
Reafon, I. Becaule that is imperfect which we have : while
we remaine in this life, we are in a ftate of progreiTc and edify-
ing ; not of reft or perfection, Ephefa.i2 i i 3.
2, Becaufe that w hich we have received, is given unto us to
be an earneft, a pledge, and the firft fruits of that which we
yet looke and leek for.
3* becaufe it cannot be, that we Ihould rightly efteeme the
A Comment ay} upon the SecoudEpiflle &f Peter, j a-
grace that we have received, if we do not labour Coateaine the
higheft degree thereof but reft contented with the benefit that
wc have received, and never look tor any more of chat kinde.
4« Becaule wc cannot keepe that which wc have r eceived, if
we doc not labour to increafe it ; for as the vitall heat doth
-alwayes either increafe or decreaf e , and he that goes up a fan-
dy-hill, mult ftill labour co gee up,or elie he will Aide downc;
(bit is in a Ghriftian life.
5. Becaufe we (hould do chat unto Godj which we would
have God doe unto us ; for we would have God alwayes adde
unco thofe benefits and bleflings which he beftoweth upon u§»
wc therefore (hould likewife adde unto thofe duties which
we performe unto him.
Vfe. 1 . This may ferve to condemns thofe, thac reft (atis-
fied with that which they have, and never feeke farther , and
much more thofe, that by dimini(hingandlofing,wafteand
confamc that which they had, tsfpoc. 2. 4. This may be ex-
plained by the parable of the talents.
2. To exhort us, to exercife a holy kinde of covetoufheflc
in thefe fpirituall chings ; for as covetous men joy nchoufe to
houlc, field to field, If ay 5.8. fo (hould we alfo joy ne faith to
faith, obedience to obedience, charity to charity*
Doft. 3. We muff nfe our endeavours aboptt thefe ffiritnali
things with all diligence*
Now by all diligence is meant, 1. The greateft heedful nefle
ofcheminde. 2.Thegreaceftearneftneu*eofthewill. 3. The
greateft care, thac is intimated by that phrafe, whereby wee
are commanded, to feeke the kingdoms of God and the righteouf-
nefjfc thereof For when Chrift had told them, Mauh,6.^u
that they (hould not becarefull what they (hould eat, or whaC
they (hould drink, hecxplaines this care y verfe 32, 33. by the
phrafe oi feeking. 4. A diligence in the ufe ofthemcanes,
whereby we may come to attaine that which wc defire. And
the reafons why we (hould ufc this diligence about fpirituall
things, are 3
Reafon 1. The dignity and excellency of thefe things a-
above all earthly things > which worldly men are fo buiie
2. The difficulty 5 for in their nature they are above our
T 2 ftrengtb,
1 48 A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter.
Orength,and there are many impediments altb,as well inward
as outward, which we cannot overcome, but by ufing all di-
3. The neceflity of theft thing8,without which we are mi-
ls rablc wretches.
*Vfe 1. This may ferve to reprove the floth full and flug-
p 3 ifh Ghriftians,that are foremilk, to cold and luke-warme at •
leaft in thefe things, which require fogrc* diligence. Heie
appeares the croflenefle of mans difpontion : for when God
hath forbidden us, to be ovei -carefuil about worldly things,
becauk all thefe things fhould be added unto us without fuch
care ; and hath commanded us, to be diligent and carefuil a-
bout (pirituall things, becaufe we (hall never be partakers of
them without diligence 5 we on the contrary are carefuil and
diligent about the world, and neglect Heaven.
3 . To exhort us, by all meanes daily to ftir up our (elves,
and to provoke one another to this fo neceffary diligence.
Doft. 4. Frith is the fount aine andbeginning of all ChrU 1
ftian vertur.
This is gathered frqm the text. Bscaufe faith is here laid as.
the foundation upon which all venues are to he built.
Reafon 1. Becaufe without faith no mancanpleateGod.
unto everlafting life, and therefore the very vertues of unbelie-
vers, although they bcpleafinguntoGod in themfclves, e-
fpecially if a compa : ifon be made betwixt them and vices 5 yet
they are not pleating unto God unto falvation, or (uch a? that
they may expect a fpirituall reward from God ; and therefore
if a comparifbn be made betwixt them and the vertues of the
faithfully they may not unfitly be called, fyltndida peccat a,g\o~
riou* finnes.
2* Bccaafo-to the making up of vertue there is required not
only good matter and forme, but alto the beginning and end.-
Now in a heart deftituto of faith there is notthe beginning of
Chriftian vertue, and from the defect of this beginning there
follovvcs alfo a deleft, both in theend, and in the fornv. The
manner how faith produceth vertue, is, U In regard of the
objeft which itlayesholdof, because all grace and Vertue is
derived from Chrili. 2. In regard of the effect, bcc.iufc faith
purities the heart of man, and Co nukes it fit for fuch operati-
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter* I^e
ons and difpofitiour . 3. Becaufe faith it feJfe is an iaipu'fivc
argument, moving ns to labour for vertue.
V(e i . This may fervc to reprove thole imprudent builders,
that negleft faith and feckc for vertue, as if they would build
the route of the h> ufe.and n*>tlay the foundation*
2. To exhort us, to have great care of faith, becaufe all vcr-
tues depend upon it.
Duft. 5» Vertue is the glory of faith.
This is gatheied therehence, that it is (aid,it muft be added
to faith as fomethmg belonging to the perfection thereof.
Now it is not an eflentiall perfe&ion, butcomplementallj
not intern ill properly, but externally
Reafan 1. Becaufc faith without vertue is not a Iiving,bat
a dead faith*
2 . Becaufe vertue is the end of faith.
3. Becaufe it is the adorning thereof.
Zffe 1. This may (erve to reprove tbofe 3 that boaft of faith
and ncgleft vertue, fuch were many even in the Apoftles time,
as appeares by the Epiftle of lam.-s,
2. To exhort us, to give all diligence, to adde vertue to
Do&. 6 . The -perfeRfan ofatrtite defends upon knoreledf**
This is gathered from that ; To vertue adde knowledg , By
knowledge we meane, not Co much that intelle&uall vertue,
which is properly called fcientia, knowledge, as underftand-
ing^ wildome, and prudence, all which are ngniricd in the
Scriptures by the right knoT»l<-ig* of Gods w/7/.N jw this Know-
ledge is neceffary unto venue borh in gencrall and particular*
Reafon I. Becaufe virtus eft habitus tUUivus^ vertue is an
habit pertaining to ele&ion, or hath good elcftion j -yned
With it. Now to this election it ivrequi' ed, t hat a man (hoald
rightly know the end, and alio the meanes thai lead unto the
end, and the manner alio how he may come to the end by
thofc meanes.
2. Because aftioyies virtutum verfantur in particularism,
the attionsof vertues are in part«cuUr«,and therefoie it is not
fufficient to ju^ge aught ol" g >od ahd t villi' r gene, all, unlefle
that judgement be alio applyedco pauicuUt actions, accord-
ing to their circumltances.
1 5 o A Cmtt&ntary npm the Secsnd Epiftle tf Peter.
Vfe i. This may ferve to reprove thofe, that pleafethem-
(elves in their ignorance, as if ignorance weie the mother of
devotion, ox of any vertue, whereas it is the greateft enemy to
vprtuej and the mother of all profaneneffe, efpecially it it be
voluntary, as Peter ftiewes, Epin\2. Chap 3. verfe 5 Where
he gives a reaibn of their great wicked ntfle , becaufe thofe
(coffers of whom he fpeaks, were willingly ignorant of thofe
things which pertaine unto true godlineile.
i. To exhort us, to fceke for knowledge , and when wee
have gotten it, to apply Kalfo to the increafe of vertue. For
vertue without knowledge is blinde, and knowledge without
vertue is vaine.
Duct 7. Continence or temperance is the perfection of
Now by continence and temperance we meane a modera-
tion, whereby all lufts are fupprefled that might allure or
, withdraw, us to any thing that is contrary to vertue and
Reajon 1. Bccaufe knowledge tends to luch a moderation
and gosernement of the afk&ions.
2. Bccaufe knowledge it felfe cannot fubfift without this
moderation. For unlefTc the affections ai e directed by know-
ledge, knowledge it felre is corrupted by the affections: hence
it is, that many errours and herelies oftentimes take their
rife and beginning from evill manners and afft&ions, Ephef.
4. 18.
.Vfe 1. This may ferre ro reprove thofe, that are puffed up
with knowledge, when in the meane time they (hew by their
intemperance that they know nothing yet, as they ought to
know, 1 Cou%i 1,2,
2. To exhortus, to ufe all our knowledge to the governe-
nient of our afft&ions and manners.
Doft. 8. patience mujl be joyned with continence to the
perfetlion of vertue
By patience we meane that grace whereby we continue and
perfift in well-doing, although we are croffed by many grie-
vous things. Therefore it includes in it patience, conftancy,
and ftablenefleofminde,orChriftian fortitude. Continence
irrengthens vertue againft alluring intifements, and patience
A Commentary upm the Second Epiftk ef Peter. 15
againft alladverfity, fo that vertue is quite perfected, if it tfc
grounded on faith, dire&cd by knowledge, and ftrengthened
on the one fide by continence, andon the other fide by pa-
Vfe 1. This may ferve to reprove the lightneife and in-
conftancy of men, who indeed profcfle themlelvss to befm-
dious of vertue, and yet can beare no thing, to keep e vertue
whole and intire. 1 oT «
2» To exhort all good menj to prepare themfeiVestjobeare
all afflictions for vertue fake and' a good conference.
Doft p. Cjotilinefie is the chkj c e and mofi nseeffarj of \iH
By godlineffe we meane true religion towards God , and a
minde wholly given to the true worfhipof God.
Reafbn 1. Becaufe it hath the nobleitobjeft, that is, 1 God
2. Becaufe it doth moft of all perfect all other vertues,
whiles it refers them and all their afts to a divine beginning,
and a divine end. For godlinefle fubje&s the minde to God
in all things, fo that it ackriowledgeth God to be the author
of all good, from whom every good and 'perf : ecl gift commetb 9 AT\d
makes him the chiefeft good and the laft end to whom allour
aftions are to be directed.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to reprove thofe, that'atcrrbntefc
much to fome morall and humane vertues, that they preferre
them before godlinefle.
2. To exhort us, continually to exercifc our felves both
in publick and ih private, to increafe this godlinefle in our
DocT. 10. With Godlineffc towards God we fhoxldjoyne love
toward-: our neighbour.
JLeafon. Becaufe godlinefle it felfe commands and begets
this love. For we love our neighbour with Ghriflian love,
when we love him for Gods fake r not for our own s or any
worldly refpeft. Now godlinefle produceth this lovetowards
our neighbour, 1 Becaufe it teacheth us to obey Gods Cora-
mandement, who hath commanded us to love our neigh-
bour. 2 Becaufe it teacheth us to love the image of God, and
every gift of God in our neighbour* 3 Becaufe it brings us to
I < 2 A Commentary upon we Second Eptjue cjTele r.
imitate God himfelfe in the communicating of good. There-
fore godlinefTe, which is feparated from charity , is not true
godlinefle; and that charity which is (eparated from godli-
nefTe, is not true charity , but either hypocrifie, or (bme hu-
mane civility.
VJe i. This may ferve to exhort us, to (hew and adorne our
godlinefTe towards God, by our love towards our neighbour.
2. To reprove thoft, that make (hew of much godlinefle
towards God, when in the meane time they take all occafions
to wrong their neighbours,' if fc be they might by any means
advantage themfelves thereby.
Doft. II* This love Jhould be extended unto aHmen t but
chiefly to be ufed towards the brethren*
For fo they are diftincTIy let downe, verfe 7, 'Brotherly
kindneffe and charity. Both of thefe is proper and peculiar to
Chriftians. For the Ghriftian alone loves all, even his ene-
mies, and he alone al(b loves the brethren, thatis,thehou(e«i
hold of faith. We (hould love all, i. As they are partakers
of the fame natural! good with us. 2. As they zre capable al-
io of the fame fpirituall good. And we mould love the faith-
full al(b, as they are partakers of the lame (pirituallgood
with us.
Vfe. This may (erve to exhort us,to edifie our (elves in this
charity, which is the charafter of Chriftianity.
Verft 8. For if thefe things be inyou^ and abound^ they make
y oh that ye Jkall neither be barren nor unfruitfull in the
knowledge of our Lordleftts forif*
The Analyfk
HEre the Apoftle begins to confirme the exhortation,
which he had before made, to addevertue to faith, and
knowledge, &c. And he confirmes it by a twofold argument;
1. The firft is taken from the benefit which is joyncd to thefe
vermes, whereunto he exhorts them. 2. The fecond from the
difprofit, which followes the privation orabfenceofthem.
The firft is laid downe, vcrfe 8. the fecond verfe 9. The bene-
A Commentary upon the Second Epifile ofVettr.
fit propofcdis contained in theft words, they make you that ye
/ball neither be barren nor unfruitfull : where by a negation is
meant the contrary affirmation, namely* that by theft ver-
tues they (hall be quick and active, arid alfo fruitful] 5 which
benefits are explained by the primary efficient caute, which is
the knowledge of our Lord JelusChrilt; and the ftcondary
cauie, which are the vertues themftlves whereunto he exhorts
them. And theft vcttues he explaines according to that way
which he had intimated before in the exhortation, touching
the manner, and touching the degree: touching the manner,
that they bein yow t touching the degree, that thef abiund.
The Doctrines arifingherehence.
Do&. 1 . There arefpritua.il benefits Arifirgfrom vertues 9
■whereby the faithful/ are ftirred up to labour for vcrtue.
This is gathered from the fcope of this verft, and from the
connexion which it hath with the former exhortation. Theft
benefits are iuch, that they cannot be underftood by carnall
and worldly men ; but the faithfull do not only underftand
them, but alfo feeke for them with great and continuall dili-
gence. Otherwife this argument which the Apoflleuftth to
the faithfull, would have beene altogether unefFeftuall. But
theft benefits are fuch, that they make men rich, not in this
world,but in the Lord,i Tim.6. 18. Luke 1 2.2 r.
Vfe. This may ftrve to reprove thoft earthly men, which
are not moved with fuch arguments, but covet the gaine 5 pro-
fits, and pleafures of this life, and favour not thoft things that
belong to the kingdome of God.
Doft. 2» Jt is a great benefit to the faithfully and fo they
efieeme it^ if they can be ready to do good works*
This is gathered from that, they make you that yefb all not be
barren , that is, not idle or flothfull in the prof eflion of re-
Reafon 1. Becaufe it is the greateft mifery for men to be
reprobate unto good workes.
s. Becaufe by this readineflc to do good , the faithfull
come to obtaine their defires.
3. Becaufe by this meancsthelife fpirituall is cxerciftd and
increaftd. For as all life is the beginning of operation, and
tends unto operation, fo alfo is it increased by operations.
U 4. Becauft
j -, A Commentary upon the Second Epftk offetet,
4. Bccaufe the glory of God, wherein confilts the ehiefeft
good, and mans happinefle, is by this mejnes advanced.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to reprove thofcfoolifh and floth-
full Chriftians, that neglect their owne proper good, or rather
do not under ftand what that is wherein it conlifts.
2* To exhort us, by all meanes to make our (elves ready to
do good, and therefore according to the minde of the Apo-
ftle in this place, to get all vertue, that we maj not be barren in
the kgeyvledge of Chrift.
Do&. 3. Good rvorkes Are fruits th&t the fahhfull fhould
continually bring forth.
This is gathered thereherice, that fruitfnlneiTe is both re-
quired and promifed in this place. It is required therein,that
the Apoftle intimates, that this is neceffary for the faithful/,
to be fruitful!. It is prcmifed thereby, that it is made as a be-
nefit ariiing from vertueS. Good worses arc called fruits by a
metaphor, for the hkeneffe that they have unto the fruits of
trees and plants. Now in naturall fruit many things are con-
sidered, which according to tta Scripture muftbeapplyed
unto good workes* r. That it be fomething agreeable to the
nature of the feed fromwhichicari'feth. 2. Thai it hath not
only fome good in it, but alfo perfections ; hence flowers - and
leaves are not wont to be called fruits, although they come
from the fame feed that the fruits do, and be the laft two that
comes forth, and hath in it that perfection, that it is the end
both of the feed, and all other things that arifc from the feed
before the fruit. 3. It is required alfo, efpecially in thofe
that arife from good husbandry, that there be ibmething that
is.def red and expected and will be acceptable to the husband-
man, and mailer, or owner. All thefe things in the Scriptures
are to beapplyed unto good works, J. That they be agreeable
to the word of God, which is the feed, as it is in the Parables,
Matth. 1 3. Marke 4. of the good feed : and good workes dif-
fer from tares, as grapes differ from wilde grapes, ffaj 5.? »
2. That they have good nclfe in them. For bad workes nei-
ther are properly fi uits according to Scripture , unledc it be
with an addition, «>/// fruits. Nor do they bring any fruit to
their .m\\izs*iRom.6 21. They mult alfo have perfection in
their kinde : for as the feeds which are (aid in the parable to
A Commentary upon the Second Epiflfe of Peter. y^
arile, perhaps unto the care, yet becaule they did not come to
juft perfe&ion, are laid to have brought forth no fruits : Co al-
fo Ghriltiaos, which have only the flowers and leaves of pro-
feflion, and not the folid workv^s of godlinefle, are accounted
by God unfruitfull and barren plants. 3. Our workesallb
muft anfwer the expc&ationofGod, and that care which he
hath taken in manuring our fbules, I/ay 5.2. Luke 13. 6", 7. &
10.10. Although in all thefe things our good workes and
fruits are alike, yet one thing may be observed, wherein they
are unlike ; namely, that whereas the profit of naturall fruits
iswonttorcturne to the husbandman and matter, the profit
of thefe fruits redounds properly to thole that beare them,
Rom, 6. 12. Although hence alio fomething redounds untp
God our mafter, #0^15.8.
Vfe 1 . This may ferve to condemne thole, that bring forth
no fruit, Matthew 3.10. John i$\2. Luke 13. 7. Much more
are they to be condemned, that are like unto the curfed
ground, and in fteed of fruits bring forth thorncs and briers,
Hebr,6$. f Deut.$ 142.
2. To exhort us, by all meanes to labour to bring forth
goocj fruits, and fo alfo that they may beanfwerableunto
thole meanes which God ufed towards us, to make us fruit-
ful!, according to Gods expeftation,and in that fcafon where-
in God expefts them, and in that meafure alfo which he ex-
pe&s, of fome thirty v of fome Ikty, and of fome an hundred
Doft. 4 Without thefe fruits the knowledge of God is un-
For it is as it were choaked with thornes , or withered
Vfe» This may ferve to admonifh us, to be fo much the
more carefull to bring forth fruit, that we may not heapeup
this finne of barrenneflfe unto the other, by making the word
of God void and of no erTeft.
Doft. 5. That we muy be fruit full^vertuesmufl not onl)
be in Hit but alfo abound in us.
They are in us when we have gotten a habit of them 5 they
abound, when we do ferioufly and diligently endeavour to
make that habit more peifed.
U 2 Verfe
{$6 A Commentary upon the Second Eprjile of Peter.
Verfe p. But he that lacketh thefe things y is blinde^ and cannot
feefarre cjf, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his
old (tnnes*
The Analyfi?.
HTHis is the fecond argument whereby the exhortation of
the Apoftle is confirmed ; and it is taken from thedifpro-
fits that befall all thofe that are ftrangers to thefe vermes -And
the(e difprofits are contrary to thofe profits whereof mention
W&* made in the former ver(e. For the Apoftle would fay that
they which have not thefe vertues , are quite barren and un-
fruitfull. But he ddth not barely exprefle this/but fets it forth
by thecaufes thereof. And the caufes are two, blindnefleand
forgetf ulnefTc. For he that is blindc, rnuft needs be barren and
linfruitfull, and unfit to do thofe buffneiTesefpecially, which
require the eye fight : and he that forgets the benefit which
he hath received, it is no wonder, if he bring forth no fruit
worthy of that benefit. Their forgetful ncfle is let forth by the
objeft or benefit which they fhould remember, that is, their
purification from their old finnes. By blindneiTe in this
place is meant, not the privation of their corporall fight, or
of their natural! u'nderftanding , but of that fpirituall perfe-
ction, whereby we come to the laving knowledge of thole
things that pertaine to the kingdome of God,and our eternall
life. By thofe things that zrefarre off, arc meant things truly
fpiiitiull. which as touching their nature and condition, arc
3S fane off from carnal 1 men as heaven is from earth.
The Doftiines aiifing here-lience.
Do&. ft ftAll that are dejiitute of vcrtue are ffiritually
Theyareblindein atwofoldrefpeeT. I. In refpeft of that
rjatU'allblindrfeiTe, wherein all the fonrie* ofy^w are born,
like that man that was blinde from his birth, Iohn$~i. And
fecondly, in refpe& of another adventitious blind nefle, which
they have brought upon themfelves by their finnes, through
the juft judgement of God blinding thofe that will not fee,
ACommnUYytyontfo Secend Epiflk ef Peter* i*j t
like that forcerer, ABs 15. 11. upon whom the hand of the
Lord ieemes to have beene, to blinde him. The former blind-
ncfTe goes before as the caufe, z$z, the negleft of vertue ; the
other followes as the effeft. And both or them appsares by
thofe fignes that corporal) blindnefledoth.
Reafen 1. Beeaufe thofe men know not the fpeciall way
wherein they (hould g< ■■
2. They cannot fee tho(e ftumbling-blocks that lye in the
Way,but continually (tumble and fall.
3. They cannot fo much as difcerne the colours of thofe
things which they handle, and therefore as k is, Ifay 5.20.
Ihey call evitlgood^ and good, evilly &c. And one. thing there
is that addes to their mifery more then is in thofe that are
corporally blinde; namely, that they feekc riot fit guides to
Ieade them, as it is faidof the forcerer, that he <\\<\^Atts 13.
11. for cither they truft wholly to themfelves, beeaufe they
doe not know that they are blinde, Apoc.^.iy. orelfethey
follow fome blinde guide, fo that both fall into the ditch.
' Vfe 1. This may ferve to admonilh us, to acknowledge
ourfpirituallblindrefle, and to labour to get out of it. Fork
is in every one of us either in whole or in part* Wefhould
therefore thinke with our felves how great a mifery it is to
continue in perpetuill darknetle and in a mod thick myft.
Ghrift wept over Jerufalem for this theif blindnefie.
2. To exhort us earneftly to pray unto God.who can open
the eyes of our minde. The blinde man, Luke 18. 38. never
ceafed to cry out, faying, Ufus thou Sonne of David have mer-
cj en mt, and when Ghrift asked him , what he would hat
he mould do unto him, he defired nothing elfe , but that he
might receive his light, verfe 4 1. So alio in fpiri tuall blind-
neffe, although a great part of it was cmi ed in David^ yet we
fee that he c r, mtantly prayes unto God, to open his eyes,
Pfa&iifyiti. Soalfothe Apoftlelaith, that he ceafed not to
pray for the faithful!, that the eyes of their undei Minding
might be cnlightraed, £fhefi\.i%. This is the coun fell of the
holy Ghoir, and of Chrift, &if«ts>'$, 1 8.
3 To inltrtift us,never to think that we have received fight,
untill we find.- in our felves this Ltudy and labour to abound
in vertue.
158 «* Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter.
Do#. 2. The forgetting of gods benefits is a great will
and /inne, and brings mifery along with it.
For it is here attributed unto thole, that are Grangers unto
vertue, not only as a finne, but alio as a great difprofit, and is
oppofed to that fruitfulnefle wherein the happinefle of the
faitbfull doth confift. It is a (inne, becaufe it container in-
gratitude in it, and that not the leaft degree of ingratitude ; for
though a man be windfall of the benefit which he hath recei-
ved, purposing to be thankfull for it, yet if he doth not render
thankes, he is faid to be ungratefull ; yea, and though he doth
render thankes, if he doth it coldly, and doth not endeavour
to anfwer the merits of him that beftowed this benefit upon
him, and the dignity of the benefit 3 he is not yet free from
this vice; but if he doth quite forget the benefit which he hath
received, then he is rightly faid to be as it were twice un-
Vfe. This may ferve toadmoniuS us, to beware of this kinde
of ingratitude, and not to think our (elves ungratefull then
only, when we do repay evill for good, but alfo when we doe
any way forget the benefit which we have received.
Doft. J. God accounts him for get full of the b em fits -which
he hath received^ that is not effectually mindfull ofthem^ that t's 9
that dath net fo remember them, as to live anfwerably.
This is gathered therehence, that fruitfulnefTe and forget-
fulnefle are oppofed. For they are made immediately con-
traries* fo that there is no medium bet,weenc them. Deut. 32.
18. 1 he Ifraelites arc faid to have forgotten God for that
reafbn only, becaufe they had forfaken tfye true worfhip of
God, and his due obedience, as it isexplained^verfe 15. So
Tfal.i 06.1 3. where they are faid to have forgotten God and
his wotkes,as often as they murmured aeainfl him, although
there is no doubt but if they had beene asKed, they could have
cafily related the whole hiftory of thofe things that God
had done for them in Egypt. After the like manner are the
words of Chrift to be underttood, when heaskedhis Difci-
plcs,ivhcthcr they had forgotten the miracle of the five loaves
and two fjihes, intimating that it was a manifeil token of their
forget toluene, that they were at that time fo troubled about
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftk of Peter. 1 59
Vfe. r. This may fcrve to admonifh us, not to reft fatisfi-
ed with fuch a memory as confifts in bare contemplation,
which God accounts forgctmlneflc.
2. To exhort us, by all meanes to ftudy this art of me*
Which that we may the better do, let us obfcrv« theft
Rule 1. That we do not flightly paffe over the thought of
theft things, but look narrowly into the natures and circum-
ftances of them. For the more plainly we come to underftand
them, the more firmcly do we retaine them.
Rale *. That having come to fuch a cleare knowledge of
them, we fliould alib call them to minde, fo as to eonlider
the efficacy of them j for the more they worke upon the affe-
ctions , the lkongcr is the impremon upon the memory :
thence is it, that children are wont to remember many things,
which others forget, becauft they nfc to admire all things as
new and ftrange; and wes alfo doe not eafily forget thofe
things which we admire, as being things wherewith we are
much taken, P/al. 1 1 p. 1 6. / will delight my /fife in thyfiatntes^
there is the affection - and I will not forget thy vtord^ there is the
memory flowing from the affection.
Rule 3. That we mould alwayes carry a memoriall with
us, whereby the memory of theft things may be. kept.iV#»^.
16.40. This is a memorial! * Now our memoriall is the word
of God chiefly, which in that refpett we mould daily read
and meditate upon.
Doft. 4. Our purification from ftnns is 4 benefit nevjr to
be forgot tcr*
Reafon j. Becaufe it is very great in it ftlfe and its owne
nature, fteing by it we are freed from the guilt and dominion
of finne, from the curft of the law, from the anger of God
and eternall death.
2. Becauft it is of great force and efficacy to ftirre us up to
labour to be thankfull, and to abound in vertue, as hei e it ap-
peares by the manner of arguing , which the Apoftle ufeth.
For that cauft alfo Paul, Rom. 1 2.1. and in other places ex-
hortcth the faithfull by the mercies of God,
Vfe t. This may fcrvs tocondemne thofe, that do either
1 60 A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter,
not think at all upon the mercy of God 3 and redemption
through Chrift ; or el(e turne it into an occafion of finne.
a. To exhort us, daily to meditate upon this benefit^ and
not to fadsfic our felves, unlefle we are daily ft irred up by this
argument to the pracYife of piety.
Doct. 5 . All the Jinnes from which we are purged in £%r//?,
mtfft be accounted old, thatis^eutofufe^forfaiten, dead 9 neverto
be taken ftp againe*
Verfe IO. Wherefore, the rather brethren, give diligence to make
your calling and election fure : for ifjedothefe things, ye
Jhall never fall,
Verft 1 1 . For fo an entrance /hall he miniftred unto you a-
bundantly, into the everlafting kingdome of our Lord and
Saviour Iefus Chrift:
The Analyfis.
IN thefe words is contained the conclufion of the Apo-
ftles exhortation , as it is intimated in the firft word,
Wherefore, Now becaafe the conclufion and the queftion
muft alwayes be the fame, as touching the thing it fclfe,
although they differ in fome refpe&s, there is no doubt but
the Apoftle here concludes the fame thing, which he had be-
fore, verft 5. propounded to hirafelfeto be concluded, viz.
That they Jhould give all diligence to adde to their faith vertue,
dec. And as repetitions in the Scripturearenocwonttobe
vaine,nor bare, but for the moft part with fome ufury or in-
crcafe; Co alfointhis plaee he doth not barely repeat the ex-
hortation to labour for vertue, but he doth illuftrate this en-
deavour and labour by the proper office thereof, that is, by
the confirmation of our calling and election ; fo that he doth
both repeat the exhortation, and alfoadde a new argument,
and that a moft weighty one, to preflc it the more, after this
manner: If by the cxercifeoj ' gocdrcorhes ye make your elcttion
and calling fure, then Jhould ye moft of all apply your/elves there-
yr.to : but th fot mr is true^ Thrrrforr, The afJumption is laid
downe in the ttxt, and proved by a double argument. 1. By
A Commentary upn the Second Epiftlc of Peter. \S\
removing the contrary or Apoftafie, which is moftoppofite
to the aflurance of ou- election and calling; and is alike op-
pofite alfo to the exercife of vcrtue and good workes, which
is (hewed in thefe wo: ds : If ye do thefe thin rs^ye/hall never fall :
wherein is (tich a reafon contained, if yc (hall never fall, then
ye will have your calling (lire. The fecond argument is taken
from the felicity adjoyned , which is fet forth by the proper
caufe thereof that is, by the abundant entrance into the ever lad-
ing ki*gdome offfhrifl. And this argument ftrengthens both
the conclufion and alfo the foregoing argument, after this
manner : tfye have abundant entrance into theeverlafling king-
dome efChriftt then ye /ball never fall y but holdyour calling- fure 5
But if ye labour to be vertuous and to dogoodtvorkes^e/haH have
abundant entrance into the everlafiing kingdom* ofChrifl : there-
fore if ye labour to be vertuous and to do good workes, ye ft all ne-
ver fall) but have your calling fure. But before we confider
the conclufion it felfe which the Apoftle layes downe, there
comes the manner to be obferved, how he doth propound it,
that lb it may worke the deeper. Now the manner is (hewed
in that title which he gives unto the faithfull , when he cals
them brethren, which is not only a title of good will , but of
fome fpeciall and lingular love, fuch as uicth to be betwixt
thefe men that are mod neerly joy ned together.
Obfer. Here we may obfervcingenerall, That our exhor-
tations mufi be feafoned with love andgoodwUl; but more Spe-
cially it affords us this Obfervation, That there it not a more
brotherly office, then to fiirre up and bring thofe that we love, to
labour and endeavour to lead a (fhriflian life.
Reafon 1. Becaufe by this meanes they are delivered from
the greater! evils, lames 5 . 20.
2. Becaufe they arc made partakers of the greateft good ,as
it appearej in the text.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to admoni(h us , to take in good
part (uch exhortations and admonitions that are given us,
whether they be in publick or in private.
2. To exhort us, to feafbn our exhortations and admoni-
tions after this manner , and fo to be more frequent in thefe
duties. For oftentimes fae that negleds thefe duties, fhewes
that he doth hate his brother and is his enemy ; they being
X proper
x6 3 A Commentary upon the Second Epijile of Peter,
proper to brethren,and the neereli and dearcft friends, Levit*
i 9 . ij.
lhc Do&rines ariftng herehence.
Docl . I . Thf affurance efoxr calling and eldlion it a thing
ere at ly to be defir<d*
This is gathered from the text r becaufe Tetcr in this ex-
hortation prciuppofeth fijnie fuch defire in the faitMiifl, and
then ttirres them up to a more fervent and earned deuYe of it.
Reafcn. Bccaufe cur happineffe and all fpirituill goad
things are greatly to bedchred, and they depend upon this
afTurance of our cdhng and election. Forele&ionistbcfree
love of God, whereby iie intends faving grace, of fuperna-
turall bleffings unto uc Oar calling is the manifestation of
that love by the application of this faving grace. Theaflu.
rance of both conlifts, I. in Gods unchangeable purpoie 5
iTiw. 2. I p. The foundation of "God fiandethfare. 2. In the
cffectuall operation, tvhich thofe bleifings ofGodhavcin
us 3 as in that place ofTimothj i that foundation hath thisfeuU
that whofoevcr cals on the name of (^hrif^fl)OHld depart from ini-
quity. 5. In afiur anc* of faith, conftdence 3 and experimental!
knowledge 3 which we come to have both of Gods purpofe
towards us, and the efls&uall and faving operation thereof in
our hearts.
Vfe I. This may fene to condemne thofe that have no af-
fection at all unto thrfe fpirituall good things, but reft well
pleafed in the things of this world. They are like unto the
rebellious Ifraelite?, who moredeiired the Onions and Gar-
lick of Egypt, then the Milke and Honey of the promised
Lard, ortheceleftiall Manna 3 iV#0?£.i 1.5,6. They are farre
worfethen the Prodigall Sonne, if they alwayes reft fatisfied
with the Swin?s husks, and never defire the bread that is in
their fathers houfe, Luk? 1 $. 1 6 . 1 7.
2. To exhort us, to labour for a fpirituall hunger and
thirft after thefe fpiiituall good things : God himfelfe
mewesusthebeftmeanes, wlu, when he would itirre up the
people ofrfrael to defire the promifed land, forthwith com-
mended unto them the riches of the land, wherewith ic did a-
bound: Co alio mould we alwayesfet before our eyes.thofe
innumerable bleffings, which depend upon our calling and
election* Dodc
A Commentary upon the Second Epifile of Peter* 1 63
Doft. 2. It belongs to our duty towak^this our calling and
eleUion fttre.
Cjive diligence Not as they are in the purpofeof God,
but as they have an effettuall operation in us, whereby they
are certahily manifefted and fealed unto us j and this is the
reafon why our calling is fet before election : for although
election be cternail in God, and our calling be in time; yet
vve come to know oar calling before our election, arid the
knowledge of cur election depends upon the cffeSnalnefle of
our calling.
Reafon i. Becaufe although God himfelie caufeth this,
yet he doth it partly by morall perforations and by thofe
meanes wherein our endeavour is required.
2. Becaule there ar? no effects of our calling and election,
which arc not alfo our effects, becaufe God makes us to doe
5. Becaufe that very thing which God doth in this kinde,
we are in feme fort faid to doe, if we beg it of him by conti-
nual! prayer.
4. Becaufe Gods confirmation of it is fuch,that it requires
alfo the like confirmation ofus. God confirmes our cailing
and ejection by his promise, his covenant, v acrarnents, oath,
and fpirituall pledge : And thefe things do in like manner
require ofus our promife, and vow, to cleave unto God, our
covenant, faith, and endeavour, and all thofe things whereby
we may be confirmed in that communion which we have
with God.
Vie i. This may (erve to comfort us, becaufe the certainty
.md aflurance of our calling and election is not only polfible
for us to attaine unto, but alfo commanded us; (b that no-
thing is more pkafing unto God, then that we ftiould labour
to be more and more allured of thefe things: for this is the
end both of the promifc and the precept.
2. To reprove thofe, that either altogether neglect this
primary duty of the faithful!, or take fiich flight care of it,that
they mnft m eds alwayes waver in their minds touching thofe
things whereof they fhould be moft afTured. Dangerous is that
doctrine of the Papifts, that holds men* minds alwayes in fu-
ipenfe, both in life and death. For in life they accufe this
X a firmc
j 5 4 A Commentary *fon the Second Epiftle of Peter.
flrme confidence of preemption , and in death they leave
wretched men in doubt, how long they lhall be tormented in
Purgatory #
3, To exhort us to this labour and diligence ; and indeed
this indeavour is infeparable from a true and lively faith : for
look how it is amonglt men ; if one did beleeve that he had an
inheritance left him by his Father, or any other, bewonli
never be at quiet, till he had gotten it affared unto him , ac-
cording to the lawes and eultomtsofthecountrey wherein
he lives > Co is it with the faithfull alfo touching thefe fph i-
tuall good things.
Doft. 3. liAll thofe, and tho/e alone , make their eleftion
fure^ that make their calling fure,
Thefe two God hath joyned together, as the Apoftle doth
in this place, fo that no man ought or may di^joyne them.
Hence eleftion and calling are taken fometimes in the Scrip-
tures for one and the fame, as i£V. 1.26,17. that which is
called calling, verfe 26. is called ele&ion, vttfcij. There is
indeed an outward and ineffectual! calling , which is many
times feparated from election, as when it is hid^Many are cal-
Ud^ but few are chofen. But etFcftuall and faving calling hath
alwayes a fure connexion with eleftion, as Row. 8. 30. and
11. 28. 29.
Reafon. Becaufe this calling is nothing elfe but the opera-
tion of God, whereby- in time he begins to execute that pur-
pofe of eleftion, which he had decreed from everlafting.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to reprove thofe, that are wont to
boaftoftheitieleftionandpredcitination, when in themeane
time they never looke after their calling or converfion, to de-
monstrate it cither to themfelves or others. It is prefumption,
whatibever~men fay of their ele&ion, if they are not firft af-
fined of their catling.
2. Toxomiort all the faithfull that are penitent 5 converted,
and called, becaufeall thofe may and ought to be fure of their
eleftion. 7!~ -
DocT. 4. An endeavour Jtifafcound in vertm^mytfirtkgml
yporkes is the only meanes to/6ake our calling andHtwfb&fure,
This is gathered fronrthefe words , Jfye do thefe things,
Reafon 1. Becaufe thefe are the proper effects of calling
and election. 2. They
A Commentary upon the SecondEpftU ofPeter. 165
?. They are the caufesofthat knowledge which weiiave
of our calling and election. For the knowledge and affarance
of thefe things depends upon the reflex aft of our under-
ftanding, whereby we fee in our (elves the markes and fignes
of cfFeftuall calling, and confequcntly of eterhall election.
Hence this afiurance increaieihand decreafethmus, accor-
ding as our endeavour to abound in vertucs, and to do good
workes is greater or lefler.
Vfe 1. This may (erve to refute thofe, that teach that the
aflTurance of ele&ion crofleth the pra&ife of piety 5 whereas
there is as great an agreement betwixt thefe, as is betwixt the
effect and the caufe, which abfolutely agree.
1. To condemne thofe, that from this doctrine of the aflli-
rance of election, take occafion to caft off all care of piety :
thefe ate they that the Apoftle fpeaks of, c.3 v. 16. who being
unlearned and unftable, trrrft the Scriptures unto their ewnede-
ftruElior. Although the election, of. God be fore initfelfe,
yet no man is fureofit without the practice of piety. Then
againc the certainty of election that is in God 3 makes this
certaine , that no man mall ever.be faved by vertue of electi-
on:, unlefle there be in him the pra&ife of piety : fuch words
or thoHghts are certaine tokens ofa profane (bule, which nei-
ther cares for election nor falvation, nor hath any feare of
God. For whereas it is alike certaine with God , how long
every one of us (hall live in this world, yet there is nonethat
cares not for his life, or ufeth not the meanes to live, unlefle
he be quite mad : fo from the certainty of election none con-
cludes after fiich a manner, unlene he be altogether profane.
3. To exhort us, to ftirre up our (elves more and more to
do thefe things, whereby we (hall receive fo great fruit and
Do$. ?. fy labouring to do thefe things we are fore-armed
again ft the dangers of all temptations.
If ye do thefe things ^jejhall never fail*
Reafdn 1. Becaufe we are never led into temptation with-
out our owne fault, and confequently without the neglect of
this duty.
2. We are never led into temptation , unlefle we have firft
tempted God, by forfafcing thofe meanes 3 whereby we might
be upheld and preferved. 3. God
-l 66 A Commentary upon tbe Second EptftU of Vet er.
% God can and will defend thole that flyc unto him, and
that fceke him in his w ayes. Hither tend thofe frequent pro-
miles, fuch as are Pfal. ij.the lap words, and 7 fa/. i 6.8.
Doft. 6. The more we are freed, from thefa/s ofJtnne y the
more are we a fared of our calling andeldlion*
This is gathered from the oppofition , which is made be-
twixt the aflurance of our calling and our fals.
Reafon, The reafon is taken from the contrariety $ for like
as the more the darknefle is difpelled,the more the light in-
creafeth , and on the contraryjfo is it in thefe things
DocT - . J, Lookwhat progrejfc we make in grace and vertue,
fo muebprogreffe do we make inglorj andbappinejje.
This is gathered from the connexion of trie eleventh verfe
with the former 4 the fore* whereof confift? in this , that by
adding ver.tue.unto kith, and knowledge unto vertt^ we /hall
adde alfo (bmething unto that participation, which we have
in the kingdome of God : where it is to be obferved that the
fame word is ufed in this eleventh verfe, where he fpeakes of
glory, that was ufed, verfe 5* where he fpake of vertue ; there
it was i7ux a wy* ff!iTi , hcvei7ri^^Myt3tm7U'.
Reafin* The reafon is, becaufe as in evill the finne is never
fepatated from the punifhment, but in the finneicfelfe there
is the fpot orblemifh, which is like unto mifery; fo alio in
,good the obedience and vertue is never fcparated from the re-
waid. For it hath alwayes joyned with it that consolation
which p^raines to thcreward of happineffe-
Vfe 1. This may ferve to comfort us againft the afflicti-
ons of this life; for although the faithfull receive no reward
from this world, by reafon of the iniquity of mcn,but hatred,
difgraccj contempt, and persecutions : yet the^.may reft w$H
contented in this, that they (hall not only receive an ample
reward in the life to come,but alfo they mall receive it in fome
fort in this life prefent, A//*tt£. 5- 10.12. & 19.29.
2. To exhort us t,o labour to i icreafe in piety, for as much
as this labour is not in vaine, but bath its wward.even in this
prefent world, 1 Cor, \ % Uft.
DocT: 8 This happinejfe'cmfifls in b ting made partakers
of the everZ-tfiinQ- k^rigiome ofG' d%
ty the h^ngdome of God is meant properly that condition
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter, ! 67
into which the faitbfullaretranflatedby thetreffe&uall cal.
ling : now feeing there are no degrees of this cond tion, this
kingdome is diilinguiihed into the kingdome of grace, and the
kingd'Jine ofgtorj. Into the kingdome of grace, because the
preaching and miniltery of the Goipe'll is (Hi efficient caufe
thereof, therefore the Got pell it felfe "is called in Scripture the
kfagdtm: of ' &d, and becaufe the Church is the proper ftib-
jctt of this itate and conditi >n , therefore the Church is alto
Gilled the kingMme tfGod; and becaufe fpirituaftgraCe hath
the chiefe part in this condition, thei cforc that alfo is called
the kingdome ofCjod, Rom. 1 4 1 7. but molt properly the con-
dition it felfe is the kingdome tfGod. And it is compared to a
kingdome rather then to a Democracy or Ariitocracy, or any
other fociety.
Rtafon 1. Becaufe of the dignity and fplendour which It
, 2 . Becaufe the rule or governement is in the power of one!
For although it is called fometimes the kingdome of God,
fometimes the kingdome ofour.LordJefusChrift>as in this
place; yet they are not made two Kings as touching the ef-
fence, but thereby it is (hewed that he hath a fingular charge
in this kingdome.
3. Becaufe the lawes and edicls of this fociety are altoge-
ther Kingly and Monarchical! ; the feales alfo, and all thing*
that pertaine to this government, beare the effigies as it were,
or image of one King.
VJe 1. This may ferve to comfort the faithfull.who mould
think with them felves, and often call to minde, unto what a
great happinefle they are called,- For that which David ftid
heretofore, 1 Sam 1 8.2 3, Seemeth it tojon a light thing to be a
Kings fonne in law ? that may all the faithful! fay of them-
selves in refpeft of this kingdome, that it is not a light thing
%o be macle Citi2ens of this kingdome , and efpecially feeing
we are poore and vile creatures, the greater will our comfort
be,when we confide r the glory and eternity of this kingdome.
The glory is mch thAtthekmgiomcs of David and Sotomin,
even in the greateft glory th*t ever they had, were but imper-
fect reprefentations and (hadowes as it were of thi* kingdome;
For they were but types of it. So great is the glory of this
I SB A Commentary upon the Second Epijile ef Peter.
kingdome, that all the Citizens and Subjects thereof arc in
fome fort Kings, JpocA>6. The eternity is Inch, that neither
in whole nor in part is it lyable unto an end, or any eflentiall
change. Compare all the kingHomes of the Per/ians, Adedes,
and Grecians, all which are abolifhed j this kingdome of God
alone continues for ever.
2. To reprove thofe, that profcfle themfelves Chriftians,
and yet live fo as if they were under no lawes, & did acknow-
ledge no King. For as this is reckoned as the caufe that tnte
Ifraelites did runne into all kind of wickednefle 5 becatife there
was no king in Ifrael, but every one did that which was right
in his owne eyes. Judges iy,6.& 18. i. So alfo do thefe men as
it were proclaime, that they neither acknowledge Chrift nor
God for their King, while they do that which ftemes right in
their own eyes, not caring whether it do pleafe God , ordit
pleafe him. Such men muft expeft that ientence of Chrift,
which is laid downe,L»^ 19.27. Thofe mine enemies which
would not that 1 fhould reigne over them, bring hither and flay
them before me,
3. Te exhort all to feekethis kingdome of God above all
other things, according as Chrift bids us ; firft feeke the king-
dome of goci. And not only the happinefte of thole that arc
admitted to be partakers of this kingdome, but alfo the mife-
ry of all thole that are excluded from it , fhould be an argu-
ment to perfwade hereunto: for there are two fpirituall king-
domes, and every man muft needs be a fubjeft of one of them :
the kingdome of light and the kingdome ofdarknefle ; the
kingdome ofrighteouftefle and grace, and the kingdome of
finne ; the kingdome of God,and the kingdome of the Devil^
who is called the Prince of this world. All thole that are ex*
eluded cut of the kingdome of God, of grace and falvatiou,
are nccelTarily included in the kingdome of the Devill, hnnc
and darknefle; and defervedly doth this befall all unbclecvers
and impenitent men, according to that commination, Dent*
Do5. p. The faithful! ntufl feeke not only to have an en-
trance into the kingdome of Godfbtit alfo an entrance in a plenti-
full and abundant manner*
Men may be confidered to be in a fourefold condition in
A Commentary ttpott the Second Epifik of Peter. ify
refpecl: of the kingdome of God. For feme arc very furre off
from it : namely, fuch as the Apoftle fpeaks o^Epbrf. 2. 12.
Tkafare without Chrift^ andnvithottt God, aliens from the Com"
mon-we/ilth of Ifrael^ ft-'angers from the covenants ofpromife :
fuch are all thofe that cither underftand nothing at af!>of thofe
things which pertaine unto this kingdome , or el (e nothing
care for them, having their consciences feared as it were with
a hot iron, as the Apoftle fpeaks, 1 tim,^. 2. Others there arc
which come neere unto the kingdome of God, although they
are not partakers of it,fuchas that Scribe was of whom Chrift
faith, Markj. 1 . 3 4. that he tvas not farre from the kjng&ome of
God\ and King Agrippa, AFls26.i2. Others there are that
enter into the kingdome of God by faith and repentance,
Iohn 3»3» He that is borrse againe feeththe kingdome ofGod } that
iSj he enters into *> 5 as it is, verfe 5. But then againe others there
are, (with whom alfo in that refpett God is very well plea-
fed,) that do not only enter into it, butenterinaplentifull
and abundant manner, as in this place. The difference betwixt
thefe two laft forts is fuch, as is betwixt thofe that make en-
trance only into the borders of a countrey, and thofe that go
even into the moft inward parts of it : or as is betwixt thofe
that make entrance only into a difcipline, and thofe that have
throughly learned, and do exercife the very myfteries thereof.
This Doctrine is confirmed, Colof. 3, 1 5, 16. And to that pur-
pofe is that in Colof 1.9.
Reafon 1 . Becaufe thefe fpirituall things are £uch,that they
can never exceed meafure: there fs nothing in them tco much.
2. They are of fiich a nature, that they do whet and ftirre
ap the defire, fo that whofoever hath tafted the fweetnefle of
thcm» doth ftill defire to be more and more filled with them,
untill he (hall come to the higheft perfection, as we may fee in
their examples, who in this refpeft are moft commended in
'Vfi'i: This may fcrve to reprove and condemne thole,
to whom the bare profeffion of piety teenies to be enough and
too much, that feare left they mould be too godly, that is, left
they mould be too happy : this is a certainetoken of a carnall
2. Tcexhortus, r. To give Godthanks, that he hath not
• > Y only
17© A Commentary upon the Second Epifile of Peter.
only admitted us into the fuburbs, as it were, and gates of
this kingdome, but hath alforeve.iled unto us thofe things
which are more inward and (ecret. 2. To be diligent and
careful!, that we do not negleft or defpifefb great grace, but
day by day earneftly to (hive to make a greater progrtflc in
this kingdome, which we (hall do, if we be more diligent and
religious in thofc exercifes , whereby this kingdome is ad-
Verfe IS. Wherefore I will not be negligent tit put you alwayes
in remembrance of thefe things, though ye know them, and
be ftablifbedin the prefent truth.
Vet ft 13. Teatlthinkjtmret as long as I am in this tabernacle,
tofiirreyou up, by putting you in remembrance :
Verfe 14. Knowing that Shortly, I my. ft pat off 't hid my taberna-
cle , even as our Lord hfus Chrift hath fhewedme,
Verfe 15* Moreover, 1 will end?avour,that you may be able af-
ter my deceaftjo have thefe things alwayes in rtm mbrance*
The Analyfis.
IN the foimer words the Apr-file had given a reafon of his
exhortation, why all the faithfull mould unbrace it :.and in
t s efe words he give? a reafon of the fame, why he mould u'e
itiintothem; which reafon he delivers by way cf anticipa-
tion, whereby he meets wichaclofeobjtftionby akin, eof
moJelt excufe, or by removing the caule which they might
fufpeftjwhy he mould- put them in remembrance of thefe
thing?, namely, becaufe he did think they were ignorant arid
unliable. Now he fhewes that this was not the caufe, in thefe
Words, though ye know them, and be ftablifbcd in the prefent
truth. And then \ e brings divers true caufes that inoyed him
to make this exhortation unto them. 1. The great profit th; t
would redound unto them by the performance of thefe du-
ties whereunto he exhorts them. This reafon is intimated in
t'latcaufall particle, whereby he joynes thefe words with the
roi mer, wherefore, that is, lor thofe benefits fake which you
ihail 1 < ccive by this meancs, I thought it my part to pur ycu
* in
A Commentary ufon the Second Epiftk of Peter, I j t
in remembrance of thefe things after this manner. 2. The ft.
cond reafon, which depends upon the former, isthedefire
and care that he had ro further their good ; this is intimated
in theft words,/ will not be negligent' 3 The third reafon is ta-
ken from the duty of the Apoftie, becaufe juttice and equity
required this of him 3 in thefe words, Ithinkjtmeet* 4. The
fourch reafon is- taken from the opportunity of time,whicb he
had now, and was not long to continue ; that he had it no^
he fhewes in theft words,** long as lam in this tabernaclrythxt
it Was not long to continue, in theft words, Knowing that
fhortly Imuft put of this my tabernacle* which he confirmes by
the teftimony of jefus Chrift.5. The fifth rrafon is taken from
the fruit which this exhortation might bring forth; which
is ftt forth by the adjunct of time, that it would be profita-
ble unto them , not only while Teter lived, but alfo after his
death, after my deceafe to have thefe things alwayes in remem-
branc 9 vcrfc 15.
The Doftrinesarifingherehence.
Doft. I • In our exhortations and admonitions \ we mujl not
only look? unto /V, that that which we fay bejuft and right Jbut alfo
that wefpeak^ it vith a right minde and good intention, and that it
may fo appeare alfo unto thofe with whom we have to do%
This is gathered from the (cope of this text.
Reafon 1. The fir ft reafon is taken from our duty; for that
which is good in it felfe, becomes evill unto us, and our duty
is turned into finne, unlefle quodbonum eft bene agamus, we do
that which is good after a good and right manner ; as if a
man out of anger, hatred, envie, or a defile to difgrace him,or
pride, fhould tell his neighbour of any vice , or ltirre him up
to do his duty.
2. From the profit of our neighbour, or the benefit of our
adtaonition and exhortation. For it depends oftentimes up-
on the mind or manner of doing it, which is chiefly looked
unto in fuch like duties ; fo that they do either make way for
our neighbours receiving it, or caft an obftacleinthc way to
hinder him from receiving it«
Vfe. This may ferve to reprove thofe, that never exhort
fither* but for revenge fake, when there if fbme contention
and ftrife betwixt themj and then they plea ft thcmftlvcs moft
Y * i»
tjl A Commentary npon the Sec&nd Epiftle ef Peter. .
in repfoovmg other mens vices, when they fhould not , and
when they fhould, they are altogether filent.
Dott. 2. We muft put our neighbours in remembrance of
thofe 'things which make moft for their gov J.
This is gathered from that particle, Wherefore*
Reafon. Becaufe admonition and exhortation are accord-
ing to their nature, workes of charity, and tend unto the good
of our neighbour : therefore we fhould ufe it moft unto thofe
from whom we may cxpeft moft good.
Vfe i. This inayferve to reprove thofr, who 9 if their neigh-
bours do any thing unfeemely or uncivilly, or to the loffe of
their honour, or fome outward profit, doprefentlytake no-
tice of it in ihem; but never looke after thofe things that doe
moft pertaine to thekingdomeofGod: thofe things indeed
fhould not be neglected 3 but thefe thingsmould chiefly be
looked after.
2. To exhort us, in thofe things which pertaine to the
kingiome]of God , and the falvation of foules ] to have an
efpeciall care of our duty towards our neighbour. Hitherto
belongs that which ?eter faith , that he would not be negligent,
that is, that he would never lay a(ide the care of thefe things :
which although it did in a fpeciall manner pertaine to the du-
ty of Pet-.r, an ApolUe, and other Minifters of the word, yet
it 13 proportionably to be extended to the comaion duty of
all Chrmians, becaufe the rcafons which ftrengthen it,arc for
the meft part common.
Doe\. 3. In juftiee andequitywe -Are bound to put one anc-
therin remembrance.
This is gathered from thefe words., 1 thinkjt meet : for al-
though it doth not pertain unto that particular juftiee., which
conliils in theequality of the thing received and repayed,yet
it is called /uftice, becaufe itihath as ftrohgan obligation, as
any thing that is due by juftiee, Rom.i.iq.
Vf. This may ferveto reprove thofe that account it a finne
to be negligent in paying debts, but make no account of the
negledt of this duty.
Deft. 4, They that *tre learned and alfo ftablijhedin the
truth % do yet Hand in need of admonition sand exhort at ions.
This is gathered from thefe words, though ye know them
i and be ftablijhedin theprefent truth. Reafon 1.
Redfon I. Becaufe they art not foleanietJan^ffabfifaied.
kit that they may.be yet farther inftru&ed and iholifhed. v
2. Becau-fe ir 'they had all knowledge and alfe fakfnVyet
their .will and affection's muft be by thetemeariesftk-fedup
onto their duty. For our williHike'urftba flow artcfdallfcr-
vant , to whom h\$ not enough once to heare thecotSh*Hf9j
of his matter, but they muft be often told him. Then agaihej
if they had not only aMhowledge and faith., buta'Hbamof!
ready will and affections,' yet becaufe they arecontinuaMy afc
faulted by temptations, they-hay6^ctf6hirtie ,; ot^ei , Meof
continual! remembrances and puttings in, iriindito-ftrthgthen
them. The fpeech of the Captaine arid' the found of the
Trumpet, and fuch like excitements, do put fome courage £•
ven info the moft valiant fouldiers.
Vfe u This may If^c to reptovc t^^fai JbRhWft^*^
that put fudi Confidence in themfelves in their jqwri kft6$3
ledge and faith, that they do utterly coatemne foe hkiride of
u p i npQ .. sir!T
2. To exhort all to be conftant and diligent in the hearfag
'of Sermons. For if there be- any that abobnfr in fcnbwlcb^e;
and perhaps 1 exceed the' Prckcher^irfefelfe^that tteylanriot
be taught any more by him, yet they may be itirredup-byaBK
monitions and exhortations, and in that refpe& tbeyffrould
alwayes be pretent there; but much more fhouldt'hey,' that
ara no t yet learn ed and ftabliflied in the truth.
§.. Xodireft, as well the Preachers as the hearers, not only
to teach the truth, but alfo to bring a word of exBortaeion al-
wayes, that is , to apply it to the ufe of the truth which they
deliver, and then the hearers, tocomeuntoSermons,nota8
Daft. 5- fVe muft t*k* hold of the opport*>fity of time,
•which we have^ diligently to fxercife fitch Chriftian duties.
This is gathered from theft words , As twr as I am in this
tabernacle. So Cjal. 6.10. John 9.4. & 1 2.35.
Vi% This may ferve to admonilh us, not to defcrre or pul
offthe Mme of our repentance and obedience, a £V.6.a.P aU
95 7>8.
1^4 4 Comment dry upon the Second Epiftle of Peter,
Doft. 6. The neerer w come to the end of our fife, the more
diligent fhould we be in Qhrifkian duties.
This is gathered from the words following, Knowing that
Jhortly Imuftfut off this tnj tabernacle
Vfe* This may fervc to exhort us, alwayes to be diligent,
for as much as we are never fane from putting off this our ta-
bernacle 9 for although we are not cxprefly told,as Peter wa»,
how foone this mall be, yet we ace told that it (hall not be
long ; and it may happen fooner unto us, (hen it did unto
Teter^ who wrote this Epiftle.
Doft. 7. fVefhould labour in our life, thatfome fruit of our
life may remaine in the Church after our death*
This is gathered from verfe 1 5. We cannot all profit the
Church by our writings, as Peter did, but yet through Gods
grace we may either by Come other workes > or at leaft by our
good example leave fbme fweet fmelling favour bchinde us,
that may be pleafing and acceptable unto thofe that remaine.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to condemne thofe, that live €0
corruptly and wickedly , that even after their death they are
a fcandall and offence unto thofe chat knew them.
2. To exhort us, (and to comfort our felve* in it, ) to carry
and behave our (elves pioufly and holily while we live , be-
caufe Gods glory is thereby advanced, not only while we
live, but alfo after our deceafe.
Verfe, f 6. For we have not followed cunningly devifed fables 9
when we made knojvne unto you the fewer and comming of
our Lord lefus Chrifi y but were eye-witnejfes of his Ma*
Verfe 1 7. For he receivedfrom God the. Father , honour ; andglo*
ry t when there came fuch a voice to him from the excellent
glory i This U my beloved Sonne jn whom I am well p leafed.
Verfe 18. t/fnd this voice which came fromheaven % we heard t
when we were with him in the holy mount.
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftlt ofPetir. 17 5
The Analyfis.
IN thefe verfes is contained the reafonand caufeofthofe
things, which he had fpoken of before, as it is manifeft by
thecaufall particle For. Now he had faid before, 1. That all
the fa 5 thfull muft adde vertue unto faith. 2. That he had a juft
rcafon why he mould fo fcrioufly ft irre them up unto this du-
ty; and in thefe words he (hewes the reafon and cauie qt
both, which Is taken from the certainty that is in the things
themfelves, and the aiTurance that all the faithfull may have
of thofe things that were propofed unto them tobeleeve. The
certainty is fet forth firft by fomething unlike it, that is, by
cunningly devifed fables. Secondly, by the t^ftimqni^s or the
Apoftles, who were both eye-witnetfes., and earc-wn;ncffes
Or thefe things. Eye-w r tii:flcs,in thefe words,** were eje-wit~
nfffes of his Mayfly. Eare- witneffes in thefe words , and thir
voice roe have hard. The fight and hearing of the Appftles,
wherein lies the foundation of therjenjmony.are fetfof$4f4
by their objects : The ob je& of their fight was thje naaje||if
of Chrift, the object of their hearing was a- voice which came
from Heaven concerning Chrift. Secondly by the caufe,
which was God the Father, commu licating glory unto
Chrift both by word and deed, Vcrfe 17. Thirdly, by the
circuroftances of time and place, when we were withhiwy &c.
The DuArines ariling herehence. f \
*D-ol}. t. (fttnninglj devifed fables are feme times propofed
in the Church in feed of the truth of God.
For thjis is the reafon why the Apoftje cleares himfelfe
from all (ufpicion of fuch like fables,becaufe there were many
at that time, and many would come afterwards i that wpuld
deceive the Church with fuch like fables 8 1 Cor. 2.1. Where
Paul faith, that he came not with excellency offpeech^ thereby
clofely rebuking fomefalfe Apoftlcs and Preacher who did
affeft nothing elfe but a mew of eloquence. So in this place
(T Peter makes mention o| fables, by reaibn of fuch impoftors,
1 Tim* 1. 4. & 6. 4. 71.vi.-i4. Such were the fables id the
Church of Rome^hit are contained in their golden Legends of
S« Francis i e J)omimck^ and inuuiflerablc Saints and Virgins,
£y£ ACammifrAryVfMitfo Second Epiftk of Peter*
with the miracles that were done by them. For fuch like fa-
bles were wont to be heretofore, and yet to this day alfo in
many places are propofed unto the people in Read of the word
of (jod,
* Vfe I. This may ferve to admonifhtiSj not to receive all
things that are propofed, without triall and examination : for
fo we may imbrace fables in ftced of the Gof pell.
2. fo exhort ns,to give God thanks , that we live in thoft
Churches, out of which all fadfcold wives fables are wholly
removed „ and wherein nothing is propoled but the firicere
word of God.-
Docl:* 2. All thofe profeffors of the faith that donotadde
vertne tint a faith ; andallthofe Preachers that do not with kjeale
tiMdconfiancjftirre up the faithfull to labour for vertue^ do great*
lytUfhonour the ^ofpeH^ as if it were of thefaOie nature with cun*
toingly devifed fables.
This is garnered from the connexion of the te words with
tfni words foregoing , which were explained in the Analyfis.
frbVthis Is theforce of tfte Apoftles reafon ; If I did Account
th* truth of the C&X$di like unto a cunriingly devifed fable,
$ £ould not fo eainefHy, and with wch conftancy ftir you up
to imbrace and adbrneit; nor could ye receive thole things
that we have fpoken of, without an endeavour to abound in
vertiie 3 if ye did! not account them like unto cunningly devifed
Vfe i. This may-fervetoadrnonifh, i. All Preachers to
beware of carcleflenefiTe and negligence in ftirring up the peo-
ple unto piety. And 2, All the faithfull alio to beware of
luke^ivartrk and unfruitfull profeflion of the faith. Forhei-
thef fbftfcem 5 eari-be without animpliclt and vertuall &iaiphe-
yfjN"Afe& tfifey* that Co carry themfelves, although they do
not iri words; yet they do in their deeds conrefie, and make it
to appeare, that they make no more account of the Gofpell,
then of atf old wives fable.
2. Toexhort us/tugive alldiligenceto fanftify, as it-Were^
the GofpeH of Ghrift which we profefle., and to mew it in
our lives, that we think farre otherwiieof the natureof i^then
the profane multitude doth.
DoCt. 5. Thefitmme of the Cfofpell corf fs fa declaringthe
power and comm'mg ofChrift, This
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle ofPeter, \yj
This is gathered fi om thefc words, We made knwnennto
yon the power and comming of our Lord Icftts £hrifi. For his
power hath refpett unto his divine nature, together with the
eflk&s thereof, RotK.i.+, And his comming hath refpeft un-
to his humane nature, together with the end and benefit of his
incarnation. Now if chele two be joyned together, namely,
tha: Chrilt came to fave us, and that he came with power, lo
thac he had allfufficiency & efficacy at his comming, nothing
more can be defircd to comfort the faitfofuIJ.
Vfc i. This may fervetoadrnonifh, i Preachers, to make
the power and comming of ChrW the center as it were of all
their Sermons. The Apoftle, I Cor.2,1* Determined to know
nothing fave Iefus Cbrift and him crucified fe then alio, 2. the
hearers, to have a fpeciall eye unto that in the hearing of Ser-
mons, how they may profit in the understanding of this my-
2. To exhort us, to fetch all the obedience which we per.
forme unto God, from him as from the fountaine. For w rut-
foe ver duties flow not from the power and comming of
Ghrift,arc not Evangclicall,but are infecled with hypocrilie,
or coniift in civility.
Doft. 4. The certainty of this Go/pell , even as it may be
had after the manner of men, is as great as any we can have of any
things that are done andfafi.
This is gathered from thefe words ; We havefeene, -we have
heard. For it is confirmed by the teftimony of thoft, that fen-
fibly perceived itj who by theconretfionofallweremenal
lealt worthy to be believed , having no reafon to witnefle any
©therwife then the thing it fclfe vvasjin regard that they could
not expeft to receive any profit th; reby from men$ and being
fuch as confirmed it unto us, not by the bare teftimony of
their words, but alfo with their life and blood .• fo that even
after the manner of men we may be as certaine of the Gofpell
as we are, that there was fometimes a Monarchy of the Afiy-
rians, Grecians, Romans : that there were Captaines, and
Knights, of fuch and fuch a countreyj or the like.
Vfe 1. This may ferveto reprove and condemne the pervert-
nc (fc of men,who eanly belie /e all ©ther things,though there
be but weak arguments to confirme it ; but they can lcarcc be
brought to receive the Gofpell otfalvation, Z 2.T0
j 78 A Commentary upon tfo Second Epiftle of Peter.
2. To exhort us to'ftrengthen our faith with fuch like rea-
fons, even to th« full affurance thereof, I loUn 1.3,4* For al-
though wc our felves have not (eerie thcfe things, yet we muft
as ftrongly and firmely believe them , as if we our felves had
fcene them with our eyes, lob* 10.29, This peruines Unto
the thankfulnefle which we owe a to God, that he would not'
barely declare unto us his will, but alfo confirmed by tefti-
nionies,I*^M*2. For this Was one of the fpectall offices of
the ApoftIes,.to wiunfle thofe things which they had feeoe
ofChrift, i&f&s 1.12. ^232.
Deft. 5. sA great Mayfly was fenfbtj ferceivedby the
zApcflles. • '
■ This is gathered from tbefe words, fVe have fecne his CMa-
jefiie. So great was this M ijeft ie,that the Difciples could not
beare it, Matth.\y 6. It aftonifhed and amazed Teter, C^Urle
9- t° .
Vfe 1. This may ferve to inftruft iis, to conceive by this
proofe, how great the glory and Ma jef tie ofChrift is now in
Heaven, how great it mall be at the laft day , and how great
we alfc (nail be made in the lifeto come.
2. To exhort us, to have Chrift in high eftirnation? Wc
have no caufc to be afhamed of fo great a Ma jeftie 5 according
to that cf our Saviour ; If'ivy one be a/bamsd of me iA this adul-
terers generation D him will I be aft anted of 'before God and his-
!3o c r. 6. This majefi'f was exptrfedin thofe words tfJftih
This is my belove'd Sbnrie in whom 1 am'well plea(ed.
In thife words is contained both the power and com-
ming ofChrift, whereof the Apoftlcswitncfled, and wherein
is contained the fumme of the Gdfpell, as we faid before.
This is gathered from the connexion of the words, which
th( (e have with the former, Wetnade bnowne^eb'c. For in the
title of Sonne is declared the honour and glory ofChrift,
where he is called thumy Sonne: in the title of beloved is (hew-
ed the comn irig ofChrift, and the end thereof, namely, to re-
concile us unto God, and make us beloved.of him : whence
he is called, My b-loved in whom lam we//p/eafed. By the ti-
tle of Sonne is chiefly fignified the kingdomc ofChrift, by the
title oi beloved in whom I am i&e/l f leafed, is fignified the Piieft-
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftk ofPe ier. 1 7^
hoodofChriu* ; and by the third thing which h added. Mat.
17.5. is (ignified his Prophetical! office; hea>eyehim.hnd that
whkh is there exprefled, is here underftoodj 10 that there is
nothing in Chrilt and the Gofpell which may not fitly be re*
duced to thefe few word*.
Vfe 1. This may fervc to inftruft us, for the building up
of our faith, tohavealwaycsinourmindcs that divine voice;
for therefore came it twice from Heavcn,oncein the Baptifmc
of Chrift, and once in this transfiguntfion which Peter hath
reference unto in this place : All the word of God indeed
comes from him, but there are tome parts of it which come
from him unto men in a more fpeciall manner, that i? a imme-
diately. Such was theDecaloguein the Old Teftament: fuch
was the voice, Iohn 12. 18. and men was this voice that was
twice repeated : Now as we mould magnifie every word of
God, fo in a fpeciall manner mould we obferve and take no-
tice of fuch words as theft.
2. Toadmonifhus, to depend upon Chrift alone, and to
have recourfeunto him only, in thole things which peitaine
unto our fatvatiork 1. Becaufe fuch a teltimony was never
given ofany one befides Chrift. a. In this teftimony^ower,
honcur, and glory is fo given unto Chrift, that it is denied
unto all others: for the demon ftrative particle that, as it is in
theoriginail,«u(^ » aVT>iT3c,hath an exclufive vertue,as touch-
ing all others 3 excluding all others from being partakers
of it.
Doft. 7. This voice of God did effectually bring honour
and glory unto Chrift,
This is gathered from thefe words 9 Be received from god
the Father honour and glory , when there came fuch a voice unto
Reafon 1. Becaufe the teftisnony of God is infallibly true.
P- v 2» There is pyned with it omnipotent power , when it is
faid to come from the excellent glory.
•Vfe 1. This may ferve toinftruft us, by faith to relye upon
every teftimony of God. For that wfoich God promifeth or
any way witnefTeth, is as fure as that which we have already
received or do fee brought to pafTe. We may oftentimes doubt
of mens words, becaufe theyihave neither pcrfeft truth , nor
Z. 2 perfeft
j g A CcmmwUry upon Ihe Second Eptjtle ofVeter.
perfect power : but the excellent glory of God, whereof men-
tion is here made, requires far other wife or us.
a . To exhort us, tor the confirmation of cur faith, to have
alwayes in our eyes the excellent glory of God, whereby he
can and alfo will do whatfoever he hath f*id.
Doft. S. Thofe things which genuine uuto the kingdoms
ef Chrift) are fo holj^ that they make the place it felfe , wherein
thy are declare^ infomefort holy,
I his is gathered from thefe words : in the holy Alount. For
thb Mount was not ho!y,but by this transfiguratiomand this
voice that came from heaven, £xod,$,$. Iohn 6.3.
Vfir 1 . This may lerve to reprove the Cupidity of thofejthat
are nothing taken with fuch things as thefe that are fo holy.
2. To exhort us, reverently and religioufly toprepaieour
(elves, and apply our mindes unto holy exerciies,£cW^5. 1 .
Verfe 19. We have alfo a more fur e word of 'prophefie $ wkereun-
to ye do well that ye take heed , as unto a light thatjhincth
in a darkjplac 9 u/3till the day dawne^an^thedaj-fiarre arife,
in your hearts. -* :•>
Verlc 20. Knowing this firftjhat no prephefie of 'the Scripture is
of any privat e interpretation:
Verfe 21. For the prophefie came not in old time by t^e will of
man : but holy men ofGodfpake as they were movei by the
holy Ghofi,
The Analyfif.
PEter had before proved the certainty of the Gofpell by
the teftfmony of the Apoftles, who wereeye-witnefles
and eare-witneffesjof it; now he proves the fame certainty by
the teftimony of the word of prophefie ; which he fets forth,
1. By the adjunlfc of liability, and that in comparifon to the
teftimony of the Apoftles, in refj. eel whereof this word of
prophefie is (aid to be more fore. 2. By the duty ailjoyned
which is due unto this word of prophefie, namely, a religious
heed and attention which (hould be given unto this word.
W' h attention is declared, 1. By the end and ufe of this word
of prophefie, which is by way of comparifon fet forth by the
ufe of a light , 2. by the helping caufe, 3. By the cfteeme
A Commentary upen the Second Epiftlt ofPeter. j8t
which we fhould have of the Prophefie of Scripture, verfe 2c>
2i. namely 3 that it is by the inftintt of the Holy Ghoft;
which is fet forth by thole-Propheiies that are contrary there-
unto, namely, £uch, as are of private interpretation, or by
th-3 will of man. By prophefieis meant, not the foretelling:
of thofe things thar depend eipon any naturall caufes, (for fo
th'- Aftrologers and Phyfitianscan foretell many things, be-
ing skilfull in. the nacurall caufes, ) nor of thofe -things that
depend upon the will of any creature (jjpr fo thoie that know
other mens counfe-11, m jy foretell many things, probably at
leaft)but prophefie is a fore-telling of thofe things, that de-
pend only upon the. will of God, and fan be known? by God
alone, and thofe to whom he hath revealed it. By the word
of Prophefie U meant the Propbeiie of holy Scripture, as ic
isexprefly ferdowne, verfeap. whkhisdiitingui(hedin chit
refpeft not only from falfe prophe(ies,but alfo from other true
ones, which were never in the Canon of the Scripture.
The Doctrines riling herehence.
Doc):. i« The, word of Prof he fie is a more fur e teftimony
then the teftimpny of Any men > or of t ho ft things that our fen fes
themfehts Can Hye w.
This is gathered from the com pari fon which is here made
betwixt this teftimony and that which went before. But it is
faid to. bemorefure, not more true: becaufe that which the
Apoftles witnefied, was as; true 5 but their teftimony did not
carry with it Co great a confirmation of the truth.
Reafon 1. Becaufe it appeared not fo much to be a divine
teftimony, being not as yet exprefied in the Scriptures.
2. Becaufe it could not prevaile fo much upon the mindes
of the jewesj as the word ojfprophefie, which had now for
many ages bin as it were habitually confirmed in their minde .
3. Becaufe the teftimony" of one that forefaw the truth, hath
more divine operation in it, then the teftimony of him that
witnefleth what he hath leen or heard being prefent,!^. 5.36,
3p.Therearethree degrees of teftimonies, 1 O£lobn. 2,Ofthe
workes ofChrift. 3.. Of the Scripture or word of prophefie*
The teftimony of works isfaid to be greater then the (teftimo-
ny of M», and the teftimony of the Scripture by way of gra-
dation is intimated to be greater then both.
Vfi i.
A Commentary uftiU&e Second Epiftk of Piter.
¥fe\. Thte may ferve to inltruft us , in all thole things
that pertaine unto faith and our fulvation to depend only up-
on the Scriptures, becaufe nothing cart be more fure.
2. To exhort us, to give God thankes,that he hath not on-
ly made knowne unto us his truth, but hath alfo confirmed
it by ftrong and fure reafons , and in all refpe&s hith had re-
gard to and provided tor the wcaknefTe of our fait h.
3. To reprove many Chriftians, which' do too much dag-
ger and doubt of thefifctruths. For there appeares fach a wa-
vering and doubting of the minde, where the life is doubtful!
and uncertaine > and is not furely grounded and ordered ac-
cording to the rules of Ghrift. -Now we (hould be as fure of
theie matters of faith by the Scriptures > asweareofthofe
things that we our felves fee now prefent before our eyes ; arid
goonasfirmely andconftantly in the way of Ghn ft, as if we
did now with our eyes fee Chrift himfelf,andall thofe things
that he hath promifed us;or as if we did now heare that voice,
Arifeye dead And come to judgement.
Doft. 2. The ' prophefe of the OldT eftament gtw* antofk
fare tefiimony of the power afidcommin£ of Chr'ft.
This is gathered from the reference which this^ 19 verft
hath to verfe 16. S&Luk? i.io.'Atts 5.18,14. & 10.43,
ReafoKo- 1. The greatneffeof this my ftery, which was fiich,
that it nriuft not be (hewed on a (iidden to the world, but, for
dignity fake, as it were^ by ftich like meffengers going be-
fore. ' '
-a. That it might the more appeare that thele things come
from God, who was the only author of fuch like prophe(ie?.
3. Becaufe the faction ofthe people of God from the be-
ginning of the worid depended upon the bekeving of this
Wf* *• This may ferve to inftruft us 5 to confirme our faith
more and more by fuch like arguments.
2. To exhort usjhigWy to efteeme of this my ftetie,becaufe
God himfelfe alwayes made fuch reckoning of it, thattie
would have his Prophets from the beginning ofthe world to
be exercifed in the SVeferatian of iti
3. To admonifh us, that it mould never feeme tedious un-
to usjto heare and meditatcupon thofethings,' which pertain
A ConfmtnUfy ufon th* sibmd Epiftk efVetir* g$»
onto this myfterie 3 feeing Goi would have this alwayes prc£
fed by *HhrisProphcts.
Doft. $ ■ ?r tt w|/? praife-yvorthy in flviftiansalrvayeS to
give- 'diligent tie id ttrHo ih> VYcpheftes end the reft of the Scripture]
Thi,s is gathered from thefe words: TedorreJltb«tfe'+dlte
I ced. By taking heed-h meant, i. ' A fea re h- and inquiry after
the fen ft of the Scriptures, or the truths that are contained in
them. i. An applying of thole truths unto the ends and lifts
wrfereuntdthey ftrver 3. A reIig?ous affteYionoftheminde ?
whereby the conscience is fubdued unto thole truths as unto
the raits of faith and manners i n\>w they do Weltyhat do thus
give heed unto the Scriptures. ■'
Reafen I. Becaufe this obedience plea fethtjod.
2. Becaufe they provide well for thcmfelves.to bedire&ed
unto eternal! -happihtfle.
Vfe i. This m ry fsrvtf to refute the Papi/Jsjand fome&thef
foolifh men, who deny that they do well 5 which give freed
unto the Scripture?.
2. To reprove all profane and worldly men., who take greatf
care about their worldly profits, or their carnal! pleasures,
but give little or nd heed at all unto the Scriptures.
3. To exhort us, to ftirre up in dtir felves daily thiscare of
D j&. 4. Th s. Scripture is a light pnning-unto thefe that re*
fiflfottfly (rive heed ttr.toit.
\ This is gathered from thefe words-, Taks heed-as unto a light
th.t Jhinetk. Now it is called a light,
Reafon 1. Bscaufe it is cleareand manifeftin it felfe.
2. Becaufe it makes all other things cleare and manifeiK
3, Becaufe it enlightens alfo the eyes of our minde, fothat
wc are able to beholdthe heavenly myfteries of thekingdome
of God.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to refute the Papifts , who tax the
Scriptures of obfeurity,
2. To reprove and condemnethofe, that walk in the rriift
of this light, and yet perceive no more of the things of God,
then as if they were in darknene.
3. To exhort us, I. To give God thanks for fo great a be-
nefit. For God now dcales with us, as he did heretofore with
I $4 A Commentary upon, the Second Epifile of Peter*
the Israelites, in whofe dwellings there was light, when in
all the landof the Egyptians there was thick darknefle, Exod.
10.22 23. 2. To walke in this light, not to fleepe or have
fellowship with the workes of darknefle, as it is Sphefans 5. 8.
II. 14.
Doft. $e The whole condition of this our life- hath much
darkneffe in it*
This if gathered from thefe words; A light Jhining in a,
darke place. We may fee the explication of thefe words in
Reafon. Becaufe without the light of the Scriptures and
faith we are nothing but darknefle; feeing therefore this light
is communicated unto us but imperfectly in this life, there
muft needs be as yet much darknefle.
Vfe 1. This may fervc to admoniih us, not to puffe up our
felves with the opinion of knowledge , but humbly to ac-
knowledge pur imperfc&ions.
2 . To exhort us, fo much the more diligently to give heed
unto the light.
Doc"t. 6, We muft give heed unto the Scriptures , untill a
greater light be communicated unto us^ then we can have out of
the Scriptures, that is^ untill the lafi etrdofthis life.
This is gathered from thefe words , untill the day dasvne.M-
though they were very ftrongly confirmed, verfe 1 2. Yet they
muft (till give heed unto the Scriptures. Daniel himfelfe,
though a Prophet, gave heed unto the Proprieties of leremy,
l Damel i §.'Z. 'Peter himfelfe gave heed unto the Epiilles of
Pauly c.3. v. 1 5 . Paul himfelfe had great care of the Parch-
mentSjthat is, of the volumes and books of Scripture, % Tim;
4. 13.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to refute the Anabaptifts , who fay
that the Scriptures are only profitable for novices and young
beginners, and not for the fhonger.
2 To reprove thofe,that reft in that knowledge of the
Scriptures, which they have, and feeke no farther.
Dc&. 7. Very gnat knowledge , light and cleerenejfe flail
~be communicated unto us in the life to come, .
This is gathered from the companion that is made betwixt
the life prefent and the life to come : In the prefent we fcave
A Commentary upon tie Second Epiflk of Peter* \ #5
a light as it were in a darke place,but in that to come we (hall
have full noone as it were, 1 Ccr. 1 3. 1 2.
Vfe. This may ferve to exhort us earncftly to defire to come
unto that perfeclion, and in the mcane time to exercife our
felvcs in thofe things that lead thereunto.
Doc"t. 8. The light of the Scripture prcfitcth nsne but the
This is gathered from thefe wcrds : KnotvinorthU firfi y thn
is 5 be!eeving, H^.4.2. No great or noble effect is produced,
unleflTethe matter, or theobjecT wherein it lfiould be produ-
ced, be prepared before: the feed it (elfe that is caft into the
ground, doth not grow, nnlefle the ground be plowed and
harrowed. Befides, whereas the Scripture is a te(timony,and
the ftrength of the teftimony depends upon the authority of
him that witnefleth, the Scripture can be of no force, if the
authority of God be not acknowledged in it.
Vfe* This may ferve to direft us , when we come to the
reading or hearing of the Scriptures , alwayes to lift up our
mindes unto God, and ftirre up true faith in our hearts.
Docl. 9. The fir ft thing to be believed is, that the Scriptures
are nttofany inhumane interpretation^ but of divine revelation.
This is gathered from theft words : Knowing thufirft^ &c»
The Papifts and fome others gather from this place, that
the interpretation of Scripture doth not belong unto private
men, but unto the Church, that is,the Pope and theCouncels
whom he approves of : but in this (enle this place makes
moft againft them : for firft it is not here laid that a private
man may not interpret the Scriptures , but that he may not
make an interpretation of his owne * now by a mans owne
interpretation is meant a humane interpretation, that is made
by the will of man ; as it evidently appeares by the oppofiti-
on,ver(e2i. So that the Prophets themfelves, although they
were publick Doftors of the Church , yet if they fhould have
faid any thing of themfelves without the revelation of God,
that would have beene their owne, that is , a humane inter-
pretation: whence alfoit followes that every interpretation
of the Tope^ which he takes not from cleare Scripture,or hath
it not by fome extraordinary revelation , is his owne in that
fenfe as this word is taken in this place. Secondly, By inter'
A a fretAtion
1 86 A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter.
fretatlon in this place is not meant the interpretation of Scrip-
ture,that was before revealed 3 but the revelation it felf 3 as it ap-
pears by the 2 1 verf where this interpretation is made to con-
fift therein 9 that the Prophets fpaket heir proprieties as thsy
were moved by the holy Ghoft. 3 Peter himfelfcwho in the
opinion of the Papifts was at that time head of the Church,
bids the faithfull here, fearch the Scriptures, he doth not bid
them depend upon him, and alwayes look for interpretation.
4 He attributes more and greater ftrength unto the Scripture,
then to his own teftimony. 5 He cals the Scripture a light,
and the condition of the Church a dark place ; the Papifts
on the contrary attribute darknefle unto the Scripture, and
light and clearneflc unto the Church. 6 He commends the
vulgar fort of the faithfull „ that they did take heed unto the
Scriptures, in theft words, Te do well. But the Papifts by this
interpretaion debarre the faithful! from the reading of the
Vfe 1. This may ferve to refute the Papifts , that put the
Church before the Scripture, and fay that the firft thing to be
believed is, that the Church cannot erre.
2. To exhort us, to lay this foundation firme and fare in
our hearts.
Doft. 10. The holy Ghojl moved ' thofe men that were authors
tf the Scriptures,
This is gathered from thefe words: As they were moved hj
the holy Qheft*
Vfe. This may (erve to inftru&us, by continuall prayer to
feck for the aid of the Spirit, for the underftanding of the
Scriptures. The Scripture muft be undcrftood by the help of
the fame Spirit, by whom it was diftated,as Hiir* Eodemfpi-
ritu debet intelligi Scriptura, ojuofuit ditlata.
Do&. II. The men which the holy Ghaft made ufe ofjo de-
liver the Scriptures, were holy men ofCjod.
HclyJoccauCe they were (an&iSed inwardly,& alfo ftt apart
to this moft holy work. Men of God they vcere, becaufe they
were called by God to this oflice,and they did declare the will
of God, and they did labour alfo to bring men unto Goe*.
Vfe* This may ferve to exhort us, to labour to be like unto
them, according to our ability, both in holincflc, and in zeale
of the Lord. Chap*
A Commentary upon the Second E fifth of Peter* 1 Bf
Chapter II.
Verfe T. But there were falfe Trophets alfo among the people^
even as there jhall be falfe teachers amongjou 3 who privily
Jhall bring in damnable k rep.es , even denying the Lord that
bought them, and bring upon themfelves fwift dejlrutlien.
Verfe 2. And many JhaH follow their pernicious wayes } by reafon.
of whom the way of truth Jhall beevillfpoken of.
Verfe 3- ^nd through covet oufnejfe Jhak they withfeinednords
mak* merchandize ofyeu.
The Analyfis.
tftherto the Apoftle propounded an exhortation,
land confirmed it alfoin the foregoing Chapter.
In the two following Chapters he ftrengthens it,
Jby removing the impediments, that might make
this exhortation of no effect. And the chief e impediments are
falf teachers and profane J coffers: of thefe former he fpeaks Ch.
2. Of the latter chap. !•■ The falfe teachers he doth firft, de-
fcribe: fecondly, reprove: he defcribes them from the be-
ginning to thofe words in verf. 3 . whefe judgement, &c. Then
he reproves them , 1 in gencr all in thefe words, that they are
damned men ; which he doth afterwards prove, 1 by the ufu-
all courfe of Gods juftice, from verfe 4. to the 1 o. 2. By their
deferts, whereby they bring upon themfelves the revenging
;uftice of God, from verfe 1 o. to the end of the Chapter. In
the defcription of the falfe teachers he makes, 1 Acompari-
fon of the like betwixt the fane teachers and thofe that were
talfeprophets among the people of I frael partly that hemight
joyne together this difcourfe with the former, where he
fpake of true Prophets; and partly that he might meet with
the fcandall which might arifc by fuch feducers •, and partly
A a a, that
l88 A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Vtttr.
that he might ftirre up the faithfull Co much the more, to be-
ware ofthcir feducing. In the firit refpeft, the laft words of
the former Chapter , and the iirlr of this Chapter, makefuch
adifcreet axiom as this; although there were many Prophets
among the People of Ifrael, that were holy men of GoJ 3 and
were moved by the Spirit of God in thole things that they
fpake ; yet among the fame people alfo there were many fal(e
Prophets. This difcretioa is (helved in thefe words : But there
ivere. In the Second refpeft theft words make a ccpnUic axi-
om thus ? Like as there were falie Prophets among the People
of Ifrael, fo alfo (hall there be falle teachers among you. In
the third refpecT there is intimated and implicitely contained
. fiich a connex axiom as this ; If there (hill be falie teachers
among you, like as there were falfe Prophets, among the peo-
ple of Iiracl,then muft you be alike careful to beware or thele
as the Israelites were warned heretofore to beware of them.
After that defcription which is made by way of comparifon,
followes an abfolute defcription ; wherein the falfe teachers
aredefcribed by their effects. Which eff fts have either an
immediate reference unto the falfe teachers th?mfeh*es, or un-
to others by them. Thofe that have reference unto the fjjfe
teachers themfelves , are i The bringing in of herefies,which
are ft t forth by their ad jun£t, that they are damnable^vhereof
he gives a reason alfo, uken from the nature of here fies, which
is faid to be fuch, that it brings in a denying of the Lord. 2 . The
fecond effect is, that they bring upon tbcm^tlvesfirift d ftruBi-
$n. In refpeft of others the firil erM is, iluuhty fhall have
mtny folhrpers^ who are pointed out by another eifecT: accom-
panying this feducing, namely, afpeaking evil/ of the truth , or
of the Gcfpsll^ which jhall come to pajfe by their mcanes* The o-
ther efteft is the abufe of thofe whom they do feducc for gain;
which abufc is ftt forth by the helping caufe, namely by fai-
led words.
The DocTrines arifingherehence.
Doft. i. There are alwayes falfe prophets And falfe teach"
ers in the (fhurch %
This is gathered from thefe words : there were, there fhaU
Reafon, This comes to pafTe in a threefold refpecl, 1 in re-
k A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter. \ 89
f e&of God. 2. In refpeft of the Devil). 3. In'refpc&of
men. Firft, in refpeft of God, and chat 1 that they which
are approved in the Church may be made manifefty 1 C«W-I«
19. Dr#r. 15.3. *. That the obftinatc wicked may per i(h in
their ungodlinefle and cruelty, 27^.2.10,1 i 5 i2. 1 /G^
22.2021,22. Secondly, in refpeft of the Dcvill, becaufehe
is alwayestbe father of lyes, and a murtherer, and that envi-
ous one, which foweth tares among the goad feed, rbb&y,
In refpeft of meri, btcwfc the wifdome of.the fleih is enmity
acainlt God and his truth.
Theufe hereof according to the Apoftles intention is two-
f% t. To admoniftius, not to be offended, nortobetoo
much troubled in minde, when wefeeberefiflsjaarifeinthe
Church, but to fay as die Apoftle did, There weyc\ tkre
2. To.inftrtiaus,Hot to believe every fpint,butto try whe-
ther they are of God- if Iobn^u
Dott. 2. Every ktrefie luth damnation vyn:d with it.
This is gathered from thefe words : dawmlleherefies. Some
are more-damnable then, others, yet all do in their nature tend
to damnation. For all arc contrary unto the way of truth,
whereof mention is made,verfe 2. which way alone leads unto
life. But there are fome heretics which can by nomeanes
confitt with faWationorctcrnall life. Hereupon fuch opini-
ons are by a kind of appropriation called herefies in the
Church, that is, opinions altogether damnable. For there is
a difference to be obfeFved betwixt things raihly fpoken,bare
errors in faith, and herefies properly fo called. In the herefies
themfelves alfo we muft diftmguifobetwixt the materiality,
and the formality of it. Fortorrukeaformallherefie, for
which a man is properly called an heretick, there is required
befides an crrour in thofe things that pertame unto the fun-
damentals of religion, a reliction againtt the cleare light,
and obftinacy in that reluclation.
Vfe This may £kve to condemne thole that under the name
of peace and charity, make fo little reckoning of the bringing
in of herefies into 'the Church. They would have all things
received in and tolierated; which is all one, as it they would
I pa A Commentary npon the Second Epiftk ofVtter.
for peace and charity admit of damnation it felfe. For here-
lies have-damnation joyned with it.
2. To admonifh us, i. to take diligent heed that we do
not by any means further fuch hereftes. 2. Not rauhly or for
a light caufc to pronounce any man an heretick. 3. -As care-
fully to beware of herefies, as we mould of damnation.
Queft. In the reafon which is here given of this property
ofhorelieSjthat they are damnable, a queftionis moved,What
is meant by denying the Lord ? denying the Lord that bought
them* For many gather from this place, that all and every
particular man were redeemed by Chrift, becaufc it is here
laid that he bought eveathofe wicked hereticks: but it may
be anlwcrcd divers wayes.
Anfrv. 1. That thefe falfe teachers Were members of the
vifibleChurch, and therefore, 1. they accounted themfelves
fuch as were redeemed by Chrift, and made fhew of that pro-
feffion. 2. Men were to account them fuch , as long as they
continued in the Church ; and in this refpeft they may be
laid to be fuch as were redeemed by Chrift ; like as the Apo-
ftles are wont to call whole Churches juftifled, fan&ified, and
elecT. There is not the fame reafon therefore of all and every
particular man, as there was of thefe.
Anf. 2. He doth not here fpeak of Chrift proper!y,as he is
Redeemer, nor of the redemption of his blood , but of that
right , whereby mafters chalenge their fervants , as having
bought them; which may be thus mewed : 1. Here is no
mention of Chrift as being Lord properly, but Mafter. For in
the Greek it is Acnrorns^ which is properly, a Mafter in refpefl:
of a fervant, not wV®", Lord, And thefe two names are clear-
ly diftmguithed, Juie v. 4. where the fame thing is fpokea of
the fame falfe teachers : there they are faid to deny their Do-
minum & her urn, Lord and mafter; although he may be called
their Berus^ Mafier y he is not properly called their Dont'wuj s
Lord, Then againe, the Lord is not (aid to have redeemed all
men, but only to have bought them: now although the word
*yo$<x.'£iip :i to buy, be fometimes ufed in the fame lenle that the
other is, yet it is not al wayes fb.
«^V« 3« The compaiifon here is plainly made betwixt
the falfe teachers and the faile Prophets , bewixtthevifible
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftk of Peter* \ $ \
Church and the people of Ifrael; for tI:eLordisfaidtohave
bought thole men in the fame (enfe, that he is (aid to have re-
deemed and delivered all the people of Ifrael j that is.^as he de-
livered them out ot Egypt , and challenged them to himfclfe,
in a peculiar manner, that by a folemnc covenant they mould;
be his fervants ; fo alfo all thofe that give their names unto the
Church, he may in thisrefpeft be (aid to have bought, as a
Mafter, that they fhouidferve him forever. To deny the Lord
is, not to acknowledge God or Chrift for the Lotd^Mattki o.
3 2 j 3 5. to confefle and to deny are made contrary one to ano-
ther,. Luks 12. 8,p 4 The reafon is, becaufe it hath oncepro-
fefled the name of the Lord,andafterwards departs from that
profeflion, it is all one as if he did plainly fay, that he would
no longer be a fervant of that Lord. For this denying is two-
foldj either verball or reall. A verball denying was in Teter^
reall denying is in all thole thatafcer they have made profefc
lion ofthe faith, return unto a profane life, 1 Tim.^ t %. 2 Tim*
3,5. The denying in this place is properly meant of a reall de-
nying. For the delcription ofthefe men doth rather exprefie
their profane courie^then their open renouncing of Chrift.
Doft. 3. Jt is a damnable impiety to deny Cbrijt either in
yvordor deed,
Reafon I. Becawfe by this means Chrift is greatly difiao-
noured ; for men, our lufts, and Sathan himfelfe are preferred
before him, Mark%* 3& where the indignity of this (inneis
(hewed, that an adulterous and (Infull generation is preferred
before Chrift.Chri ft alfo by this raems i8 accufed of iniquity:
for no fervant ufaally gocth away from his mafter, if he con-
fefleth him to be a juft mafter •, therefore this going away is as
it were a profefling that he doth accufe that mafter from whom
he goes offomc iniquity* Hereupon was that contefting of the
Lord againft his rebellious people,that he was a juft and tight
mafter , neither did he give them any cau(e to depart from
himjfrr.2 5. cJWiV&.&j. Deat^l.^.
2. Becauie Chrift thrcatned a moftheavie Judgement againft
this fin,when he (aith that he will deny thole menjthat he wit
be alhamed oi them before God and his Angels,^^ 8.38.
Vfe 1. This may ierve to condemne, nut only themanifeft
Apoftatcs, but alfo all thofe> that with the proteffion of
godli. fth
1 92 A Commentary n$cu the Second Epifilc ofVeten
godlinetfe joyne a profane life, or turn afide from that profefc
Hon. The finne of thcfc men is more grievous, then of Turks
and Infidels, that never gave their names unto Chrift 5 for the
neerer any man commethanto God , the more doth he dis-
honour his name, if he doth fall back againe. He that hath in
(bme fort forfaken Sathan, and given himfelfe up unto God,
and afterward forfakes God again, and gives himfelfe up unto
Sathan, feems to have Rnown both matters, and advifedly to
pronounce that he is the better , whofefervant he would ra-
ther be, that is, Sathan.
2. To admonifh us, 1 . Carefully to beware, not only of
the damnable fin it fclfe, but alio of all appearance, and every
degree of it,and every occafion that might leade us thereunto.
2. If in any refpeci we have turned towards luch like abomi-
nation, to recall our (elves betimes, and ferioufly to bewaile
our offence j like as Teter did after his denying of Chrift,
Doft. 4. It is the nature offuckjinr.es to bring deftruclim
?ipon men.
This is gathered from thefe words 5 Iring uponthemfehes
Reafon. Becaufe finne in refpecl of the guilt that is joyned
with it, hath a kind of power whereby it drawes all evill$ like
as faith and prayers obtain every good gift from God. Hence
is it , that our fins are faid to cry for vengeance 5 and alfo to
draw punifhment unto it a9 it were with ftrong cords, Ifay 5.
1 8. For while men draw fin with fuch-like cords, they do al-
fo draw the punifhment of finne, which is joyned unto it.
Vfe io This may ferve to admonifh us , in this refpe&to
beware of fin.
2. To exhort us, by faith, repentance, and prayers, to turn
away that deftrudion from us, which our fins would bring
upon us.
. Doft. 5. The eUflruftion which hangs over the heads ef
grievous offenders will come fwiftly.
This is gathered from thefe words ; fwift defiruftion.
Doft. 6, Men A'e wonderfully prone to imbrace errors.
This is gathered from thefe words ; And many ftall fol-
A Commentary upon the Seed fid Epifile of Peter, 102
Reafon 1. By reafon of that darknefle, which hath taken
hold of mens mindes; thereupon they may be eafily drawne
under any (hew or glimps of light.
2. By reafon of that difpofition which they have , "alien
from the truth 5 thereupon they eafily imbrace thole things
that are contrary to this truth.
3. By reafon of that difpofition which they have, agreeing
with the nature of errors. For tinners have in themfelvcs the
feeds, of all fins, errors and herefics 5 Co that the nat re of cor-
rupt man doth as eafily receive errors, as the tinder n* e.
4. By reafon ofthejuft judgement of God, whereby for
the puniihment of other fins they are given over to the power
of errors, 2 Thejf. 2.10.
Vfe i. This may ferve to inflruftus,tofhew the corruption
and wretchednefTe of our nature, how hardly are we brought
to imbrace the heavenly and Caving truth, when we are carri-
ed headlong unto damnable errors.
2. Toadmonifhus, that itfhould not be an offence unto
us, if we fee many given unto errors ; becaufe this was fore-
told us by the Apoftle, and it hath a manifeft reafon ; fo that
it is not to be wondred at, that many are given unto errors,
but that rather, that any one doth believe the truth*
3. To exhort us, 1 Unto humiliation, in refpeft of this
pronenefle unto error, 2 To care and circurafpeftion that wo
be not overfwayed by it. And an Argument whereby we may
and mould be ftirred up unto this care , we have in the text,
whiles they which follow herefics and hereticks , are faid to
follow their deftru&ion. For not only the authors of herefics
run unto destruction, but alfo their followers, as in the place
of the Thejf. before cited. In thofe which perijb, Co that it is a
figne of deftrucVion, to be feduced by hereticks.
Doft. 7. The fruit of 'errors andhereftes ufpeal^ngeviR of
the way of truth.
This is gathered from thefe words,By reafon of whom the way
of truth fball be eviH (poke* cf. By the way of 'truth is meant the
Gofpell , or the will of God revealed in the Scripture, which
fhewes the true way of falvation. It is faid to be eviUfpo-
ken ef, when the dignity thereof is violated, moft proper-
ly by reproachfull words. It is faid to be evill fpoken of by
Bb them,
194 * Commentary vpwihe Second Epijik tpttor.
thsw, namely^by the author* of the fcerefies and their follow-
ers, in a two-fold refpeft, i . When they themielves /peak re-
proachfully of it, as the Scribes and Phariiees did of Chrift.
2. WhHe they give others occafion to fpeafc reproachfully of
it^as the Jewes did unto the Gentiles, Rom. i .2 4«both relpe&s
fecmetobemeantherebythefe. for the Greek word </i« Sig-
nifies per & propter, by, and by reafbn of.
Vfe 1. TaismayfervctoinftrH&us, to judge aright of the
nature of finne, that never ftaies till it hath brought men to
blatphemy againft God^and to (peak evill of the way of God.
2. To admonifh us 9 1. For this cauie to withftand the be
ginnings of fin> left at length we be brought alfo to blafphe-
my againft the holy Ghoft , which Chrift faith is a fin that
fhali never be forgiven. 2. To beware alfb of thofe men , that
durft openly fpeak cvill of the truth ; amongft the number of
whom they are to be put, that daremockandfeoffeatthe
name of predeftination and the predominate.
Do&. 8. They which propagate errors under faire prettnee,
do often times feekjheir^wn gaine.
This is gathered from theft words ; through ccvetoufneffe
with faived words : Co«etoufn£iie is commonly the compa-
nion of herefies, oftentimes the mother, very often the Nurfe
of them, as we may fee in the Papiftf.
yfe. This may ferve to admonifh us, 1. Not to believe
mensfained words. 2. To beware of covetoufnefie, which
is the root, as of all evils, (6 alfb of herefies.
JDoft. p. 'Miferable is the condition ofthofe men that arc ft'
ducedhj here ticks ; for they are fold like beafts and cat tell.
This is gathered fao«i thefe words, they JbaU make ntcrchan-
t Az.e ofj/ox.
A Commentary upon the Stcmd BpiflktfPafa fft
Verfc 3, at the end. Whofe judgement new of a longtime Un*
vretk not, and their damnation (ItMketh net. ? p &>
The Anatyfis.
Hitherto we have feen the defcription of falfk teachers,
and thejr fins ' now followesthcir reproofe,. or the pu»
niftimentfor their itns 3 that fhall certainly befall ehcrti.' ' i his
rfoniramenrisfet forth, i.'Metonymica% 3 bythfecaufe, in
that it is called judgement. 2. By the effect i in that it is cal-
led damnation. 3. By the adjunft of fwtftnefle artd fpeed,
which is (hewed bytheTTegatiorrofthoftthing^hat are op-
oofed unto fwiftuefle. Now in generall, lingring or flowneffe
is oppofed thereunto; infpeciall, flumbring, which is put
as a fpeciesofidlenefleorfiackneffe. This (wiftneffe of the
punifhment that fhali befall them, is fet forth by the adjunfl:
of time, that it did not now firft of allbegin to make haft, but
now of a long time-
The Doctrines arifing-herebenee.
Do& . r . Tltepttnijhment offinnefottowe.s after fitmt.
This is gathered from the connexion of theft words with
the words foregoing : there was the defcriptfon of fin 5 and
here prefehtly fotfOWes the threatening of punifhment.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifli us, never to think offiny
But to adjoyrte alfo the confideration of the punifhment,
which is joyned unto fin. , • „ /
DocT. 2. This fmijhment proceeds front the juft judge-
ment of God for that it h here called' judgement.
For God as Judge of all the earth, pronounceth fentence
upon men for their fins, and the execution of that fentence is 4
called punifhment. Mow he pronounceth fentence according
to right and a moft Holy law, arid thereforethe punifhment
which God inflið is in a proper fenfe called judgement.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to refute, 1 prophanemen, which
think that thofe evils that men fuffer , both publick and pri-
vate, come by chance. 2. Thofe that are wont to complaine
of the evils which they fuffer, as ifGoddiddealeunjuflly
with them, (7^.18.25.^^.32.4. Bb a *. To
i $t 4 €ommtntary *fon the Second Efiftle $f Peter.
2. To admoniih us, continually to walke in the fcare of
the Lord 3 becaufe we live in hi* fight, that exercifeth judge-
Do&. 3.. T his judgement of God brings damnation upon
finners 9 that is, a privation of all good^ which pertaines unto
the happinejfe or well-being of man, and the fenfc of *M mifery ^
which makes that very being bitter and unpLafant.
Vje. This may ferve to admonifti us, withfearetoflyea*;
Way from fin, and to feek the face of God.
Doft, 4. T his damnation comes Jw'tftly upon finners.
Reafon 1. Becaufe it comes long before their expectation
of it. i
2. Becaufe it is not deferred beyond the time which is
moil fit , and appointed by God 3 and in thit refpect it is Cud
not to linger.
3. Becaufeno impediment can hinder it, but it is deferred
through Gods mercy and long-fufFering ; in that reaped it is
fiid not toflfunber , becaufe flumbring and fleepe bindes the
mind, and hinders the aft ions.
4. Becauie now of a long time before , way is made and
prepared for this damnation.
5. Becaufe the damnation it felfe, although the w icked of-
tentimes are not fenfible of it, yet it takes hold of them, and
fpiritually wotketh in their minds and conferences.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to condemnethofe, that give them-
fe^lvcs wholly unto fin, cither becaufe they think that punifli-
mentcommeth flowly^or elfe becaufe they hope to efcape un-
punifhed, Ecclf%.io 3 i 1,12.
. 2* To admonifti us, to make hafte to repent of our finnes
not to linger nor dumber.
Doft. 5, In All thofe.thhgs which pertaipc unto judgement
tgainfljtmers, like * s %n *% other *h*»g s i God doth nothing rafhly,
but forefeet^premeditateth^ andpreparethdl things.
This is gathered from the ad juncl of time , Now of a long
time* So Ixdcv.4.
A Commentary upon the Second EptftU efPetor. \6y
Vcrfe 4. For if God J "pared not the Angels that finned, but cafl
them downe to hell, and delivered them into chaines of dark;
nejfe to be referved ttnto judgement*
The Analyfis.
NO«r the Apoftle proves chat which he had before laid
downe concerning the punishment that mould bcfilJ
falfe teachers. The conclulion of this arguing is , 1 .In gene-
rail propounded of all the wicked,v. 9. For there is the confe-
quent part of that connex axiom, the antecedent whereqf be-
gins v.4.and is fliewed by the connexion/f, as, If Cjod fpared
mat the <iAngels^ Sic. Then afterwards in fpeciall, of theft falfe
teachers themfelves and their followers, v. 1 cv In the general!
conclu(ion,v. 9. he doth not barely let downe the condemna-
tion of the wicked, but alfb by a copulate axiom joynei to-
gether with it. the deliverance of the godly from that tempta-
tion, which arifeth unto them by means of the wicked. And
the reafon is, becaufe the Apoftles purpofe was, Co to reprove
the wicked, that he might in the mean time comfort the god-
ly, and ftrengthen them againft all tbetemptation6,whereun-
to they were obnoxious by means of the wicked. In the ante-
cedent part of this arguing he lets downe three arguments,
which are at fo many examples & judgements of God againfi:
the wicked 5 & they may make three fyllogifmes to prove one
and the fame conclufion. The firft example is of the Angels
that fell, v.4. The fecond is of the old world, v. 5. The third
is efSodome and CjomorrbaJThc fyllogifmes are knit together,
after this manner : If Cjod fpared not the sAngels^nor the old
rrorld^ nor Sodome and Gomorrha^ then he mil not /pare thefe falfe
teacher s^nor the like vpiekedmen 1 But the former istrue^ by the
tefiimony ofScriftttre,Therefore i &c.TheCe examples in refpect
of the generall conclufion, which is let downe, v. 9. are as/jv-
eiet unto their genus. But in refpc&of the fpeciall conclufion
w* is let down.r.xo.they are as comparata, partly alike,part-
ly greater .That wherein they arealikejconfifts therein,as God
condemned thofe finners fo alfb will he condemn thefe.Their
inequality therein* if God fpared not his moft excellent crea-
tures,the Angels,nor the old world,nor thofe citiessthen much
leflc will he fpare thefe falfe teachers. The
jog ACmmrtary nfon the Second Bpiflk off iter.
The Do&rines arifing herehence.
DocT. I. The judgements of God which he hath executed
from the beginning of the veer Id were ordained to be examples
for ut.
This is evidently gathered from all this arguing of the Apo-
ftle, and it is plainly taught us, verle 6. So I CV.io.&they
are called fj^*,that is, enfamples ; which appears alfo by verfc
1 1 . which fenfe of the words Beza and others have mined
Reafon. The reafon of this truth is Gods unchangeable na-
ture andconftantjuftice, whereby he is alwayes like himfelf,
not only inwardly and in himlelfe , but alfo outwardly to-
wards us in the difpeniation of his punifhments and rewards,
ifwelooktothefubftanceofGod. Hence is it, that by this
argument the godly are both confirmed in their hope 3 Ifay
5?.i* & pip.io. and affured of the deftruclion of all their cnc-»
mies, and of all thole that give themlelves over unto impietyJ
Vfe i. This may ferve to inftru&us, fo to read the facred
Hiftory, not as we read profane hiftories and fables, either for'
delight,or to be informed only in the knowledge of the times,
or in things that have bin done ; but alwayes to obierve Gods
warnings and apply them unto our ownufc,
a. To admonifh us, not to deceive our (elves, as if we had a
priviledge to fin above other men,or asif God wold not deale
to (everely with us, if we mould continue in our (ins, as he did
heretofore with thofe whom he deftroyed : * Ohcr mens
harrnes mould teach usto beware of the like fins-. In thefiril
example we have, flrft, The object of Gods judgement. The
^Angels that finned. Secondly, the manner how he dealt with
them, Ifhefpared them not. Thirdly, the degree of this judge-
ment; prefcnt, and to come ; prefent, that they were adjudged
unto damnation ; and to come, that they wereto be referred
unto judgement. The fin of the Angcb is not particularly fet
downein the Scriptures, becaule ic doth not fo much pertaine
to our edification and falvation,to know their fin,as it doth to
know our own fins.But in gcnerall we are taught , that tfiey
kept not their firft eftate. Jude v. 6. that is, they left that eftate
wherein God had placed them, and afterwards exerciled en-
vie, lying, murrher towardstner. We are taught alio thatthe
number of thofe that fell was great ; thence it is that the Apo-
A CommtnUry upon, the Szeend Epsfile of Peter * I 09
file here Speaks in the plurall number. They ar* faid to have
been caft down to hell, i. By realbn of the change of their
eilate, becaufe from that wonderfull high condition , which
they had received by creation, they were caft downc to the
loweitofall. j. By reafon of the change of their place, be-
caufe from the place ofblifle, where they were round about
the throne of God with the other Angels, they were thruft
downe into a lower place fit for fin and mifery : But chat this
place is in the loweft parts of the earth, as the Papifts would
have it, it cannot be fbewed out of the Scriptures , but rather
the contrary : for they are faid to be in the aire, and to rule
there, and to go about the earth feekitig todevoure men* This
at leaft is plaine out of the Scripture, and it mould fuffice fuch
as are not over-eurious •• I. That they fufrer a great change of
eftate. 2. That they ate excluded from their firft habitation.
3. That they are in that place,where they receive fxnamdam-
vii & fen/us, the punifhment of lode, and the punifhment alfo
of fenfe. They are faid to be delivered into darknefie, partly
in refpeft of fin, partly in relpeft of mifery : for both are fig-
nified by dark»ejfe in the Scripture?. They are (aid to be deli-
vered into chains, by a metaphor taken from malefa&ors that
are condemned, who are kept inprifon bound with chains.
Now thete chains arc, 1 A bardningin their fins, a A de-
fpaire of all deliverance. 3 A fearful! looking for that mifery
whereof mention is made, Heb.io»2j, 4. The providence of
God which alwayes watcheth over them, to keep and punifh
them. They are (aid to be referved unto judgement, becaufe
they are bound Co faft with thefe evils, that they can never e-
fcape 5 and yet thefe are but the beginnings of the evils,which
they muft farther undergo.
Do&. 2. There u no dignity that can exempt a fimter from
the judgement ofCjod.
This is gathered from the nature of the Angels.
Reafon, Becaufe dignity doth not leflen the fin, but aggra-
vate it. For he that hath received much, owes much , and of
him much is required.
*Ufe, This may ferve for admonition, that men mould not
truft to fuch ftafFes of reed.
Doft. 3. That [everitj is dptenntojin^ that Jinners fhouU
not befpared. This
200 A Commentary upon the Second Epiftie of Peter.
This is gathered from thefe words, Hejfarednot.
Reafon i. Becaufe tinners alwayes abule thegoodnefieof
2. They (pare not the glory of God,but themftlves.
Vfe l . This may ferve to inftruft us, to afcribe it unto the
grace and mercy or God, that he hath hitherto fpared us.
2. To exhort us , not to contemne this long-fiiffering of
God, but thereby to be led unto repentance, Rom.2.4.
Do&. 4. 'Byjinne a, finner is cafi downe from the place and
condition which he had before*
This is gathered from thefe words j cap down to hell.
Reafon* Becaufc fin is an averfion from God. Now as the
communion which we have with God, makes us to afcend in-
to a high condition, even into Heaven it felfe, fo that our con-
version isin heaven, as it is Fhil.^.to. So al(b averfion from
him makes us to descend , even untill we come unto hell it
Vfe. This may ftrve to adrnonifli us, not to truft the dcvill,
nor our own imaginations,as if we could ever attain any good
by finning. For (o our firft parents were deceived, when they
thought to make themfelves like unto God by fin , they were
made like unto the devill*
DoQ. 5. The darfyeffe of mifery follows the darknejfe of
This gathered from thefe words ; delivered them into chaines
of darknefie.
Reafon. Becaule the light is the fame, whereby we are dire-
cted, and whereby we arc perfefted ; therefore the privation
of perfection and happinefle followes the privation of di-
rection .
Vfe. This may (erve to admonilh us, alwayestowalkin
the light, as children of the light, if we defire to avoid utter
Dofr. 6. Sinners are held in Jinne and in their mifery , ash
were with bendy.
This is gathered from that : Chaines.
Reifon. Becaufe the fins themfelves are the (hares of the de-
vill, 2 Tim. %.laft. Law. 1 . 1 4 . There arc other reafon s given of
this thing in the Analyfis*
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftk of Peter* 20 1
Vfe* This may (erve toadmonifluis, betimes to pray for
deliverance from our fins, which then we (hall obtain^ when
we do flye unto Chrift, who gives deliverance unto the Cap-
tives^ Luke 4. 1 8.
Dofr. 7. The extreamefl punifhment of finnsrs is deferred
unto the loft judgement ofCjod*
Vfe. This may lerve for inftru&ion, that no man mould
pleafe himlelfc thcrein,that he (uifers afflictions in this world,
as if therefore he mould efcape free in the world to come,
which is the miferablc comfort of Come men.
Verfe 5. And fared not the old worldjbut foved Noah, the eighth
perfbn, a Preacher ofrighteoufnejfe^ringing in the flood up-
on the tvor Id of the ungodly*
The Analyfif.
THe Second and third example of Gods juftice cowards mi-
ners are not barely propounded, as the firft was , but arc
illuftrated by different examples , or by examples of Gods
mercy, which he mewed towards the godly ,w bile he deftroy-
ed the wicked. The reafon is, that both parts of the coi clufi-
oni which is fct down, verfe ?• might be fitly inferred; where
the deliverance of the godly is joyned together with the dc-
ftru&ion of the wicked. In the former of thefe examples is
fetdowne, 1 The objeft of Gods juftice, materially, the old
world^ which is more formally explained by the adjunct of
impiety, whence it is called the world f 'the ungodly* 2. This
juflice is alfo illuftrated by the inftrument thereof, namely,f A*
bringing in of the flood upon the world of the ungodly. The objeft
of Gods mercy is made to be Noah with his family : who are
dsfcribed, 1 By their fmall number, wherein his family was
contained,which is (aid to be eight.! his Peter (hewes, 1 Epift.
C.3.V.20. a By the effeft, that he was a Preacher ofrighteouf-
nejfe. For the office or duty is not here commended, but the
ad or exercUe of this duty. For the duty was common to him
with many more, but theexercife of it was proper unto him-
fcIfe ' ^ ^
C c The
A Commentary upon the Second Epijtle of Peter.
The Doctrines arifing here-hence.
Doft. I. The multitude of thofe that fmne doth not hinder
Gods juftic* from executing his judgements upon them for their
This is gathered from this 5 He /pared not the whole world.
For as it was with dignity in the Angels, fo it is alfo with the
multitude now in the world.
Reafon 1. Becaufe the multitude dcth not leffen, but rather
increafe the guilt of finne, and more fill up the meafure there-
of, as it is in thoProver be, §>uipeccat exemflo,b^peccat , he
that fins with example, fins twice : So he that fins with ma-
ny examples, fins often times, if the thing be rightly confide-
red. As if a man mould fee another fall in a flippery way, and
not take the more heed unto himfelfe therein, but fall into the
fame place and after the fame manner, he is much more taxed
by men, then if he had fallen alone, or firft of all : fo is it alfo
in thefe.
2. Becaufe the multitude which feemeth unto us a great
thing, as if it could withffand Gods artger, is before God like
unto water, that fals from a bucket.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifh us, not to follow a multi-
tude to do evil!. And fo much the more neceffary is this ad-
monition, becaufe we are all too prone to go in the way of
the multitude j which fault alfo we feeme to commit with
fome reafon.
1 . Becaufe that we prefurne that many eyes fee more then
one, whence it is that the voice of the people is often taken
for the voice of God.
i. Becaufe the.labour of examination feemes too diffi-
cult, and almoft impoffible.
3. Becaufc that which all men do, nfually goesunpuni-
(hed<among men 5 and weconceive the like thing of God.
4. Becaufe he that doth not follow the multitude, (hall
gaine a multitude of enemies, and fuch as hate hirr.
But the contrary reafon , which is of greater valae then all
thofe, is that of Chn^Matth.j. 13. Uroadis the way thai lead-
em to d'ftruftien^ and many there be which go in thereat. To the
iirfi reaion or cbjeft? on we anfwer; that one eye of a man that
feeth, perceives more, thea a thoufand blind eyes. The world
AKommeniarynfonthe SecondEptftle cfVetet, 303
or the multitude of the world is bltoied j therefore one
Chriftian which hath the eye ofhismindinlightneJby the
Spirit, and followes the light of Gods word, can fee more
then a great multitude of others. To the fecond weanfvver,
that the duty of examination lies upon all and every one. And
they had need to do it, not only as they arc Chriftians, and
as Chrift commands them, to prove all things , and hold faft
that which is good, but alfo as they are men : for it is not a '
humane, but a brutifh.thing to follow the multitude of thofe
that go before, without judgement. To the third we anfwer,
that the wayes ofGodarenotasthewayesofnaen : Men
winck at many, either out of ignorance, or impotency 3 or for
feare, and the like imperfections which are not incident to
God. To the fourth we anlwer , If God be with us, who can
be againft us ?
Do ft. 2. The creatures which are mofi necejfary and profi*
table unto ui y by fin are made our enemies and hurt full unto «*.,
This is gathered from the flood of waters, that deftroyed
tke old world. Now nothing is mqre neceflary and profitable
unto us then water.
Reafon. Becaule the creatures are the fervants and hoaft of
God, and therefore they depend upon his will, and pleafure,
and command both for war and peace, Hof.2,1%,
Vfe 1 . • This may ferve to admonish us , lo much the more
to beware of fin.
2. To inftrutt us, if we would have any true comfort from
the creatures, to lay the foundation thereof in our reconcilia-
tion with God.
Doft. 3. God in the mid(t of judgement towards the ungod*
ly t is mercifull towards the godly*
This is gathered therehence, that when he deftroyed the
world, he faved Noah
Reafon, Becaufe God doth not execute judgement accor-
ding to the fiercenefle of his anger or fury, a s men oftentimes
ufe to do, but according to the counfell of his moft perfeft
Vfe i. This may ferve to inftruft us, not to afcribethofe
things unto fortune or chance, which happen unto us or ©.-
thers in this kind*
Cqz 2. To
204 A Comment try upon the Second Epifik of Peter.
2. To comfort us, becaufe in a world of all dangers and
judgements, we may flye unto the mercy of God.
Dod. 4. There are wont to be but a few godly men in the
This is gathered therehence, that Noah is called the eighth
of the godly, or rather he may be called the feventh 3 becaufe
Cham was cur fed.
Reafon 1. In refpeft of God, becaufe he gives this grace
but unto a fcvf t that his goodnefle and mercy towards them
may appeare the more abundant.
2» In refpeft of the fecond caufes, and of the nature of the .
thing it felfc, becaufe that which is moft difficult, and of the.,
greateft care and perfection, is not wont to be found but in
Pew. The gifts of nature are common unto all $ of art and in?
duftry to fewer, but the gifts of grace to fewett of all. There
are more good Taylors,then good Phy fitianSj and morc^ood
Phyfitians then good Kings. So that that hath the greateft
perfection, which is given but to a few* .
Vfe i» This may ierve to admonifh us, to be Co much the
jnore diligent to make our election and calling fure.
2. To exhort us, to give God than&s, that he hath made
us partakers of that happinefle, which he grants but to a few. .
Doft. 5. All the godly ', that will be made partakers of gods
mercy , mvft be preachers ofrightecufnefa as Noah wot.
Now righteoufnefle is preached not only in words, but al-
io in deeds. For ib it is wont to be faid, The thing it felfe
(peakcth, 1 o: the tongue only, Thi[.2. 15,16.
Reafon. Becaufe no man can efcape the revenging juftice of i
God, unleffe he labour to follow and advance the rightepufc
ixflfe that is prescribed by him.
Vfe i. This may.ferve to condemne and reprove thofe,
that are rather Preachers of unrighteoufnefle, thenofrighte-,
2. To exhort us, more and more to Air up our (lives to have
a card of this duty.
A C$tfmcntaty upm the Second Epiftk ef Peter. 205
Vcrfc 6* And turning the Cities ofSodome and gomorrba into
ajbes 3 condemned them with an overthrow, making them an
enf ample unto thofe that after fhould live ungodly.
Verfe 7. z/fnddrlheredjujl Lot, vexed with the filthy convtr-
fation of the wicked :
Verfe 8. (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in fee-
ing and hearing^ vexed his righteous foult from day to day %
with their unlawfull deeds, )
The Analyfis.
IN thefe veries is contained the third example, which is di-
vided after the fame manner, as the fecond was. For here he
(peaks of the judgement of God upon the wicked , and his
mercy towards the godly. The object of his judgement are
the Cities of Sodome and Gomorrha ; the manner 4 is, by Hre
which is intknated in theiVwords,rwtf<r^ into afies.The degree
is,in their atter overthrow ; the end and ufc is, to warne thofe
that mould after live ungodly. For fuch judgements areen-
lamples not of a wicked life , but of the condemnation due
hangs over the heads ofthofe that live ungodly 5 and fo they
are enfamples to move men, not to do the like ; buttotake
heed left if they do after the like maimer, they fuftcr alfo after
the like manner.
The Do&rines arifing herchence.
D o&. No faciei j of men or policy can hinder the judgement
ofGod^ which he will bring upon them for their fins.
For as in the firft example there was the dignity of the An-
gels, in the fecond the multitude of men, fo alfo in this place
fociety and policy $ and Cities that were fo noble, 5W?«*and
Gomorrha. For they were Cities that were brought into go-
vcrnmentj they had Kings, Gen. 142. Ta is Do&rine is pro-
pounded, and proved, Trov. 11 21.8c in 1 6.^'x is repeated.
Reafi/i. Becaule the guilt of fin is not Ieuened, but inereafed
by means of (bcieties, if they favour fin nes : for they perv«rt
the end whereunto they were ordained. Fo? whereas the end
of all locieties is to reftraine finne, and to advance righteouf-
nefle, 1 Tim* 2.2, and they on the contrary cherifti fin and im-
pugne righteoufnes, they do provoke the anger of God more,
2 ©6 4 Commentary upon the Sec$nd Epiftte tfPtter.
then if they were not fuch focieties. The fin of thefe Cities is
(kidtobe grievous, and crying, Gen. 18.20.
This may (erve for admonition, that Citizens or Magi-
ftrates {hould not truft too much to their wealth/o that there-
by they (hould be made the more bold to fin.
Doclc. 2, The fame judgements of God are executed tyjwn*
trary caufes.
This is gathered therehence , that whereas the old world
was deftroyed by water , thole Cities were ovcrthrowne by
Vfe. This may ferve for admonition, that finners mould
not therefore think thcmfelves fafe, becaufe they have efcaped
one judgement; for when they are fartheft off from one evil,
another is ready to falupon them, «•*/#<?/ 5. 19.
Doft. 3« Sxtreame judgements follow extreame fmsl
This is gathered therehence, that this was an utter over-
throw, becauie that thefe Cities had filled up the meafure of
their fins.
Reafon* The reafon is taken from the proportion, that is
betwixt fin andthepunifhmentoffin.
Vfe* This may fervctoadmoniflius, if we cannot altoge-
ther avoid fin, yet with feare and trembling to Chun the pro-
grefie and continuance in fin.
Doft. 4. The j that are unto others examples offw^fljatl he
alfo unto them examples ofpuntjhmem.
This is gathered from thefe words ': Making them an en-
j ample.
Vfe i. This may ferve to admonifh us, fo much the more to
take heed, that we give no fcandal unto others, or to be au ex-
ample in fin«
*• To exhort us to incrcafe in godlinefTc by the examples
of Gods judgements upon finners. For that is the ufe and end
of them, Amo s 4 12.
The other part of the Analyfis.
The object of mercy is Lot 9 who is defcribed, 1 By the
adjun£t,that he was righteous. 2 2?y the effeft, that his foule
was vexed with the wickedneffe of che ungodly,which is more
largely fet forth, v. 8. 1 By the internall caufe,which was his
righteoufiiefle. 2 2?y thecXternall cau(e,which was their un-
A Commentary upon the Second Epi/ik of Peter. 2 07
godlinefle. 3 By the mean?, wherby the external caufe or the
ob/ett did work that ef7eft«And they were the fen{es of bear-
ing and feeing. 4 By the occafion, wfikh was his dwelling
arnongftthern. 5 By theadjun&oftime, which was conti-
nually. 6 "By thedegrec, which wasthe higheft, asif he had
beene put upon the rack $ he vexed, in Greek it is «&r«tV« ,
tormented. ' * •"
2?efides thofe that are common anto Let with* the exam*
pie oiNoab, there are thefe Doctrines to be obftrved.
Doth *. Men' are Accounted rigftttoHS or unrightebmin
the fight of gody notfo much for fame one deed ^ as for the whole
courYe of their life.
This is gathered therehence, that Lot is here called righto
enr^ who notwithftariding' is fpoken of in the Scripture to
have committed a molt hainaus fin. For thofe that, are (aid to
be righteous in the Scriptures , are fo called, either in refpec\
of the imputation of Ghrrttsrighteoufneife, orinrefpe£tof
•fome particular *caufe wherein they fhew themferves tighre-
teous, or in refpeft of that inherent righteoufnelffe 1 , which,
though it be imperfeft , yet is itiincere and pleafingur\to
Vfe. i;'Thi$ may ferve to refute the Papifts and others,who
as (bone as they reade that any one is called righteous in the
Scriptures , presently conclude that a man may fulfill the
whole law, and (land upon his own merits before God*
2. To comfort the godly, who fometimes fall through in-
firmity. For if they continually labour to pleafe God, God
in mercy accounts them righteous.
Doct. 2. There are Jmctimes righteous men found in the
vridft of tin ungodly.
this is gathered therehence, that righteous Lot dwelt a-
mongft the Sodomites,
Vfe 1. This may ferve to refute thofe, that when they finne
put the fault upon others with whom they live , as if they
could not be godly becaufc others are wicked.
2. To exhort us, to flrengthen our minds agarnft the Wic*
kednefle of the age, and places, or men, amengft whom wc
live. For like as that fcrvant deferves well of his Mafter, that
flicks clofennto him 3 when all others forfake him 5 fo alfo are t
208 A Commentary upon the Second Epifik ef Peter.
they moft acceptable unto God, that adhere unto him, when
all others not only forfake him, but alfo are againft him $ fo
did Noah) Gen. 6.8,p.
Do&* 3. Thofe that are righteous^ even whiles they live <*«
mongfi the ungodly 9 are grieved for their impietj.
This is gathered therehence, that Lot vexed, &c» So Tfal.
1 19. 158 Attsij.\6.
Reafon. iJecaufe whengodly men do moft of all defire, and
take care for to advance the glory of God and the falvation of
others, they cannot but be grieved 3 when they fee no recko-
ning made of either.
Vfe I . This may ferve to condemne thofe,that take delight
in no company Co much a$ in the company of the ungodly.
2. Thole that are not lorry for their own fins, much lefle for
2. To inftrucViis, to judge of our felves hereby,in that con-
version which we have with wicked- men. For i( we are
thus wrought upon, when we fee it,then it is a figne of a good
Verfc 9. The Lordknowetb how to deliver the godly, out< oftemf-
tations s and to re ferve the unjust unto the day of judgement
to be punijhed 9 or fujfering punijhment.
The Analyfis.
HTHis is the generall cpnclufion, the premhTes whereof the
former examples makeup, and it is difpofed in a copulate
axiom, the former part whereof is of the : mercy of God, and
the latter of ihisjuftice. Where .<wfi may take notice of the
reafon of this order, which may be two-fold. 1 Becaufe in
the premhTes he had fpoken of mercy irr the laft place ; there-
fore that the connexion might be evident^ he puts it firit in -the
Conclufion j arid becaufe he intends to (peak more at large of
the wicked afterwards > therefore he mentions Gods juftice
towards them in the laft place. 2. The Apoftledothfirftof
all conclude the mercy of God towards the godly, becauie it
Was his primary intent and purpofe to comfort and ftrength-
A Commentary upon t&e Second Epiftte ofPtter* 200
en the godly. The obj.ft of Gods mercy is the gocijy. Ttoe
aft and effeft thereof is, to deliver them from temptation.
The object of his juftice is the wicked. The aft and eiFe&
thereof is, to refervethem unto the day of judgement. Where
he «ddes the manner how they (hall be rderved , namely fb 5
that they (hall in the meane time fufTer punifhment. The cauie
and reafon of thclc a&s and effects, as well of his mercy as his
juftice, is the wifdome of God, or his knowledge joyaed to-
gether with his will ; as that firft word intimates unto us, The
Lord knoweth.
The Doctrines arifing herehence.
Do&. I. JVe have need of divers arguments to confirme our
fahh touching the mercy andjufiice of God.
This is gathered therchence , that the A poftle was Co care-
full to conclude this, and by Co many arguments.
Reafon I. Becaufe faith is not, as knowledge and fenfc is,
to have fach a full and evident afiurance, as excludes a^I man-
ner of doubting, but it hath fome obfeurity in the object, and
Co admits of divers doublings, which muft be removed by
iuch-Iike arguments.
2. The imperfection of our faith, which muft be helped by
thefe means.
3. The multitude of objections and temptations , which
fight againft this faith.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to reprove the fecurity and pre-
emption of thoie, that feele no want in this kinde,
2. To admoaifh us, to ufe all diligence,and to fcarch out all
the arguments that may be, to ediHe our felves in this faith.
Doft. 2. They that are truly righteous 9 fo that they are
vejfds of the mercy ofGod 9 are alfo godly.
This is gathered therchence, that here they are called god-
ly, who before in the example of Noah and Lot, were called
Reafon* Becaufe no righteoufhefTe can be pleafing unto
God, which is not referred unto him and his honour 5 now ,
this is done no other way, but by piety.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifh us , nottoreftorpleafe
our felves in any righteoufneffe , that is feparatcd from true
piety towards God. <
Dd Do&.
% i o A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter.
Doft* 3. The fling of 'every evili of 'punifbment , whereunto
men are obnoxious in this life, is temptation.
This is gathered therehence, that deliverance from tempta-
tion is here put for deliverance from all evilh
Reaon. Becaufe the afflictions or mifcries of this lifefcs-
come hurtfull unto us only by that means, and as tfeey are in
us occaiions or motives unto (in. For that is the nature of
temptation, whereof mention is here made, to induce men un-
to (inne.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to admonifh us, to beware of the
temptation that is in theevill, more then of the evils them-
2. To inn* ru& us, to judge aright of the mercy of God to-
wards the godly ; for although they are not prefently delive-
red from the afflictions themfclves , yet if they be delivered
from the temptation of them, they have great experience of
Gods mercy towards them.
Doft. 4 God doth very well know how to per forme all thofe
things that he hath either promifed to the godly 9 or threatmd to the
Vfe* This may ferve to admonifh us, not to judge of the
event of thefc t hings , or of the fuccefTe of the godly or the
. wicked, according to thofe things that we fee , but torcferre
all thefe things unto the knowledgeand wifciomeof God 5 reft-
ingupon the beliefe of thofe things which lie hath promifed.
■ ■ ■ 1
Verfe 10. 7? ut chiefly them that walkjtfter the flefb in the Ittfl of
um I 'annejfe 9 4ndde/pife government: pre fumptuotts are they,
felfe-willed : they are not afraid tofpeakcvill of dignities.
The Analyfis.
IN this verfe is contained the particular conclusion of the
formerargumg : becauie he doth particularly apply unto
the fahe teachers of that age.that which he had affirmed in ge-
nerall of the un juft. verfe $>. Therefore this particular conclu-
fion is joy tied with the general J, not by a bare copula, but by
a gradation from the leffc to the greater, as it is intimated in
A Commentary upon tie Second Epiflle of Peter- 3 1 1
that firft x9ord, r But chiefly : &$il hehadfaid, that all the un*
juft (hould indeed iuffer punifhment, but thole moft certainly,
and moft heavily , that are fuch as the fal(e teachers are here
defci ibed to be. N jw they are delcribed both in generall,and
in particular. In generall the effeft of their wicked walking,
in thok words>thcm that walk!;* Ofwhicheffeft, I hemewes
the principall cau(e, which is, tbeflejh. 2 The adminiftring,
or next caufe, which is the luff afthefe/b, that is, the vicious
motions and inclinations of corrupt nature: which is illuftra-
ted by the proper effeft thereof, ttncleannefte > becaufe the mo-
tions of the flefli do fpiritually defile the foules of men , fo
that it makes them polluted in the fight of God. The parti-
cular defcription is by a particular fin, which is, a contempt
of lawfull authority : which fin is illuftratcd by its effeft,thac
is, that they do contemptuoiifly reproach dignities ; where he
fticwes the manner of this effect which is adjoyncd, that they
do it boldly and (clfe-willed.
The Doctrines arifing here-hence.
DofcY I. ^Although aUfinners may defervedly feare the
judgment of God, yet there arefome that may more eertainly ex-
fetl thefeveritj of that judgement.
This is gathered from thefe words ; But chiefly them.
Reafon. By reafon of that proportion which is kept be-
twixt the fins a:.d their puniftiments. Now they that may
moft certainly expeft this feverity of judgement, arc fuche-
fpecially, as are very much given unto thofe fins, whereby we
read in the Scriptures that men have brought upon themfelves
v/e. This may ferve to admonifh us, moft of all to beware
of thofe fins that do moft haften our damnation.
Doft. 2. There is no one fin fo heinous, as towalkjnthe
ytayes of a (inner.
This is gathered from thefe words 5 B*t chief j them that
Reafon t. Becaufe the aft of fin doth not fo much condemn
as the habit of fin 5 like as on the contrary , the habit of any
vertuc doth much more commend a man, then any particular
aft, though it be of great note,
2. Becaufe he that walks in the way of fin , addes impeni-
Dd 2 tency
4 Commentary upon the Second Epifile of Peter.
tency unto his fins; now impenitency doth conderfme men
more then any (in, becaufe there is no way to cfcape the an-
ger of God, but by repentance.
Vfe I. this may fcrve to condemne thole, that pleafe
themfelves therein, that they are not rnurtherers, nor adulte-
rers, nor robbers 3 &c. when in the meane time they walk in
the way of other fins, who do either contemne the worfhip
of God, or neglcft faith, hope, and charity, and are altoge-
ther ignorant of the like vertues.
2. To admoniih us, to take heed unto our felves, by a time-
ly and daily repentance, that we walk not in finp., though we
cannot abftain from all fin. Sinners are not fo much hatefull
unto God, as the workers of fin, and fuch as walk in it.
Doft. 3» There is in all men while they are in this world ^
feme catife pricking andflirring them up unto fir*
This is gathered therehence, that the flelh is here put as the
beginning of all thofe fin6,whereunto thefe wicked men were
given.Now it is called the flcfli, becaufe it doth extend it felfe
as largely as the flefh or body of man, being carnal^ .• and fo
is in all and every particular man in common and without
any exception.Thisis proved firft Gal 5. 17. lames 1.14. Man
15.1c. Secondly, it is contirmedalib by reaibn and experi-
ence, becauie when there is no outward objedf or perfwafion
that can induce us unto Cm , yet we fecle fiic » little (parks ari-
fing in our felves 3 that will fet the whole man on fire,if they be
not quenched betimes.
Vfe i. This may feive for inftruclioii, 1 To refute their
dreame„ which imagine a perfection in this prefent life, i To
refute the Papifts, who fay that concupiscence after Bap-
tifme is not formally a fin* For that which of its own nature
produceth fin, muft needs have the nature of fin. For •quale
tjfittlum, talis caufa^ fuch as the tffett is, fuch is the caufo
2. To admonifh us, diligently to beware not only of out-
ward provocations, that might lead us into temptation, but
alfo ot our felves and our own hearts ; lor there lyes our great-
er} danger.
Deft. 4. Sittne doth not confift only in outward wards and
deeds, but aljo in the inward luffs anhajfc ftionsfvhkh are contra-
ry unto the law of Cjod.
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle ef Peter.. 2 1 3
Reafon t. The firft reafon is taken out of the places of
Scripture, wherein God is called a Spirit, and is (aid ftp. look
mod i*htothe Spirit and heart of mar.
2. Thcfecondis taken out of thofe places, .where finite
faid to come from the heart, For Jin can come fro the heart no Mat, *5* l 9
other way,but by the means of fuch vicious lulls of the fk-fti.
3. From the exprefle words of God, .Guu6,^.&l 8,21.
4. The fame is mewed unto us bf the contraries,, becaufe
the inward affections of mcn 3 tliat arefgood, are vtry ple.ifing
unto God : Therefore after the like -manner evil) affections
and defires mud needs difpleafe him. The. amplification ojf
this truth may be taken therehence, that there is no impro-
perly in the outward words, anddecjs, but as they depend
upon the inward arEe&ion of the. heart. For if it were other-
wile, then a man might be compelled unto fin, which is alto-
gether untrue, and contrary to common fenfe.
Vfe,. This may ferve to refute and condemne thoie , that
take little or np care at all 3 about their thoughts or inward* af-
feftionsjib that they can any way excufe their outward words
and deeds. 2. To admonifti us : therefore to watch over our
inward affections and thoughts. For this is the property of a
trueChriltian. Thole that are out-fide Chriftians, look only
unto outward things 5 they that do inwardly and in heart
feare God, arc no lefle carefull of their inward thoughts then
ehey are of their outward words.
Doft. 5» Sins of this ktnd^ Hk{ at all others alfo y do defile a max.
Some fins are laid inafpeci2ll manner to defile a rnan,name-
lyfucb, a9 pertain unto the unlawfull copulation of the flefh,
and tranfgrefie the tenth Commandemenr.
Rcaf* Becaufe they do in their nature alfo defile the body
and perfon of a mamBut all fins do alfo defile the foul of man,
becaufe they leave a blemifh behind them, which makes the
foul of the (inner dcformed,and lefle pleafingunto God^Adat,
1 5. 20. This is it which was heretofore (ignificd in the Cere-
moniall Law by all thofe uncleannefles.feparations, warnings,
and purgings , which are fo frequently fpoken of by Moftr,
This alfo is that,which is intimated unto us in Baptifme.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to condemn tho(e,that do not only
take delight in their fins, but alfo feeme to boaft of them, as if
they fhould glory in their own dung. 2. To
2 Ia A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter.
2. To admonilh us, to lcarne hence more and more to ab«
horrc all fin,as a moft filthy and dcteftable thing. Betides that
gencrall defiling which is common to all finne, the Apoftle
feems here to intimate thatfpeciall defiling, which is in wan-
tonnefle, as it appears by v. 1 4. & 18. But ot this we (hall have
a fitter opportunity tft fpeak afterwards.
Doft. 6* Jt is a moft heinous fin to defpife government ', or
thefuferiour lattfull power.
This is confirmed, Roma 3.1,2.
Reafon 1. Becaufc they which defpife la wfull power, de-
fpife the ordinance ot'God. It is the Apoftlcs reafoninthe
feme place. For although God hath prescribed unto men no
fpeciall forme of government , yet he hath appointed, that
there mould be fomecertaine kind of governing, and fo ap-
proves of all power,which is not contrary unto nature, or un-
to his revealed will*
2. Becaufe fuch a contempt is againft the common good,
and tends to the disturbance of humane fbciety.
3. Becaufe it gives occafion to the overflowing of all other
fins. For this is the reafon why the authority of (uperiours
is eftablimed in theflrft Commandement of the fecond Table,
becaufe if that be defpifed or neglected, all the other Com-
mandements, not only of the fecond, but alio of the firft ta-
ble, are cjuite deftitute of thofc things that mould ftrengthen
them, as touching thofe means which men can u ft.
Vfe 1. This may ftrve to refute the Anabaptifts and thofc
that tread in the fteps of fuch hcreticks, whiles they maintaine
that the civill Magistrate is clean contrary to Chriftian reli-
2 . To reprove thofe,that although they confefie the pow-
er in words, yet in their deeds refift it , nor do they refpeft it
farther then it makes for their lulls.
Do£K 7. The e felt of contempt is t to reproach aman, and
fpeakevill of him.
Reafon. 2?ecaufe reproaches and contumelies come proper-
ly from pride, whereby a man thinks himfelf better then ano-
ther. For otherwifc he could not reproach another man,
but the fame reproach would fall upon himfclfe alfo # Con-
tempt is the daughter of pride, and the mother of fuchne-
phewes. Vfe'i
A Commentary npon the Sec&nd Epifiie sf Peter, 3 1 «
Vfi I. This may lcrve to admonifh all Ch. iitians , to ab-
ftaine from reproachings and eviil fpeakings.For there is none
that dares affirme that it is lawful! for him to defpife his bro-
2. To admonifh us , to beware of pride and the contempt
of others, if we would not break forth into fuch fins> that are
Co unworthy of a Chriftian man.
Jfltteft, Here arifeth a aueftion. Whether we may not fome-
times reprove the fins of men fomewhat fharply ?
Anft*. That this is lawful! is proved by the approved pra-
cVife of the Prophets, Apoftles, and ot Chrift himfelfe alfoj
-but with theft caution?, i Tnat the fin which we reprove
bemanifeft. i Thatthecheckbeibdirc&ed, that it be done
to the fin rather then to the man. 3. That there be together
with it a manifestation of our charity* 4 That we be not mo-
ved unto this vehemency chiefly by our own private injuries,
but by the zeale that we bcare unto the glory of God and the
falvation of others.
Doft 8. Amengft thofe circumftttnees of Jinne, mentioned
in the textjhere is none -whereby it is mart aggravAted t thenftttlh*
fornboldnejfe, andfelfi-willfdHctfe.
This is gathered from theft words: < PrcfnmftHOHS i ftlfe*
•prilled^ &c %
Reafon 1. Becauft they arc tokens of a will finning with
fulliionfent. '
3. They are tokens ofaftared con fcience.
3 . They are moft contrary unto repentance.
Vfe 1. This may fcrve to condemne thofe, that account it
a great praift unto themftlves 3 that they are bold to commit
all kind of villanousafts : they neither feare men , nor God
himftlfej as it is faid of the unjuft Judge- in the Got pel.
2. To admonifh u$, although we cannot wholly abftaine
from all fin , yet to take heed that we do not pleafe our feivee
in any fin, nor to go on and perfitt ttubbornly, and prefomp-
tuouflj ia it*
ai <■> t <4Cwp$iit<ny vpo# the Secepd Epjfiie efTtHr*
Verfe 11* Where as Aigcls which are greater in power and
mighty bring not railing acenfation ttgainfi them before the
. Lord,, '■■ |
The Analysis*
THat the Apoftle may aggravate that fin , which he had
laid to charge ot the faife teachers in the former words.hc
makes a companion betwixt them and the Angels,, fuchasis
made, verfe £., and the ro. But in .this comparifon there is^
contained a two-fold dif-rfimilitude, namely, of their condi-
tion, and their actions. Their condition, becaufe the Angels
are high and mighty, but thefe men were of a low mean con-
ditioii.Their aclions,bccaufe the Angels abftained from fpeak-
ing evill of dignities, but thefe men gave their minds unto it.
The former dif-fimilitude is fet forth by a kind of inequality,
of greater and lefler , becaufe there is indeed a very great in-
equality, but this dif-fimilitude arifeth from the inequality.
Both parts of the comparifon are difpofed in a di tercet axiom
as it were to this fenfe. Although the Angels do farrc exceed
theft dignities in power, yet they do not (peak evill of them ;
but thefe men 9 although they be far inferiour unto them in
power, yet they fear not to fpeak evill of them.
Touching the former part of the comparifon two queft jons
may be made.
Steffi, i . In what fenfe the Angels are faid to be greater in
power and might ?
sAnfwcr. The Angels are faid to be greater in power and
migbt,not ibmuch in refpeft of thefalfe teachers,as in refpeft
of the dignities themfelves, whereof the Apoftle here fpeakf.
And the reafon is, not only becaufe they are of a more excel-
lent nature then men; but aifo becaufe God hath fet them over
men, and commanded them to watch over Governments,
Common-wealths, and confequcntly over dignities. Whence
they are often called in Scripture Dominions y as Ephefians
I. 21.
Qjffi* 2 * How this is true, that they do not bring railing
A Commentary upon the Second Bpiflle of Peter* 217
accufation againft dignities, when Godhtmfelfefometimes
fpeaks evill of them , and makes the Angels to execute his
malediction ?
zAnfwer. They are laid to abfaine from fpeaking evill,
I Becaufe they do not fpeak evill, but when God commands!
them , and therefore it is not their malediction fo much as
Gods. 2 Though they do fpeak evill of the men that are fet}
in authority, and do evill alfo unto them fometimes, as we fee
in the example of Herod^ arid in the Holt of Se nacherib 5 yec
they do not fpeak evill ot the dignities them(elves,which Was
the fin ofthefc impoitors, of whom the Apoitle fpeaks.
The Doftrines ari.ing herehence.
Doft. I. Their finis the greater ^ who are of d lower condi*
& on i tfthfj WJX pro fid and defpife dignities , then if they were fet
in a higher degree.
This is the ground of the ApofUes comparifon. For other-
wife it wpnld make nothing to the aggravation of the finneof
thefe men.
Reafon i. Becaufe his (in is the greater, that is drawn unto
fin upon the lighter occafion or fmaller temptation.
2. B.caufe fuch men are not moved by thofc reasons, that
might and mould with-hold them from committing fuch a
fin, which other men have not after the fame manner.
Vf* This may ferve for condemnation 3 to coudemne the
fafhion of fome men of che lowed rank, who even in that con-,
dicion of lifeaie as proud, and more alfo (bmetimes , then
they that are in the higheft degree of dignity and honour*
Doft. 2. The Angels are greater in pewr then all men,
Vfe. This may ferve for the comfort of the I aithfull, be-
caufe God hath given the Angels a fpeciall charge over them,
fo that they are faid to pitch their tents about them.
Doc"t .3. Thefe power full Angels do mofl religioufly ab-
Jfainefrorn aHfinne*
For what is here faid in fpeciall, is to be underftood alfo in
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifli us , therefore the more
carefully to beware of fin ; both becaufe we arc bound by the
Law at leaft as well as they,, ard alfo becaufe othei wife we
cannot have thofc good and powerful miniltiing Spiri s to
take care of us. Ec Verfe
1 1 8 A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle ofPettr.
Verfe I2. But thefe as natHra.ll bruit beafts , made to be tak? ft
And deftrojed^ fftak^ evill of the things that they understand
not 5 andjhall utterly perijh in their own corruption.
The Analyfir.
THe other part of the comparifon is contained in this
verfe, wherein the fin of the falfe teachers defpi!:ngand
fpeaking evill of dignities,is aggravated by a new comparifon
oi the like, fo that in this verfe there is both a mewing of the'
diflimilitute , and alfo a whole fimilitude explained by its
parts. The propofition of this fimilitude containes a defcrip-
tionof naturall bruit beafts : the Apodofis contains a defcrip-
tion of falfe teachers , according to tho(e qualities which
they have proportionably with thofc bruit beaft?. Thede-
fcription of the bruit beafts contains three things: 1 Their
inward nature, which is exprefied by a negation, that they are
voidofreafon^ bruits. 2 Their a&s or operations, which are
laid to proceed, not from counfell, but from nature, naturall,
3 Their end and denTU&ion, that they zxztaken and defrayed.
To thefe there are three alfo anfwerable in falfe teachers :
1 That they are void of judgement,'/.^ under ft and not. 1 That
they are carrycd with a naughty p2flion to fpeak evill, fpeak^
foill of the things 1 hat they underfiand not. 3 That they bring
upon themfelves definition ; they fhaUperifhintheir own cor~
The Do&rinesarifinghererience.
Dott. I. Sin, where it reigr.es, tnrncs a man into a bruit
bcafl as it were*
This is fhewed in all thofe places of Scripture, where wic*
ked men arc compared unto bruit beafts, either in generall, or
in fpeciall, fo Horfes, Mules, Dogs, Swine, Foxes, Wolves,
Beares, Lions, &c. Yea, they that are in greateft honour and
efteeme in this world, are accounted no otherwise of by God,
then as bruit beafts. TheMonarchs, inl>4w>/,arealwayeg
compared unto wild beafts ; and the Roman Emperours that
ncrfecuted the Church 3 are pointed out in the Apocalyps by
A Commentary upon the Second Epijile of Peter. 210
the name of the Dragon. And the Pope is not only called a
beaft, but is dcfcribea! as a very great monltcr among the
beafts 3 with (even heads>and ten horncf.
Vfe i. This may fcrve to condemn thofe a that pleafet hem-
felves in their finf.
2. S o admonifh us, (b much the more to beware of finne,
left at length with Nebuchadnezzar we be caftdownefrom
the greatest glory to theloweft condition of all.
Dod. 2 . The fountainc of all this fin andmifery is the want
of a right and/piritualljuJrement.
Vf"» This m*y fcrve to admonira us, diligently therefore
to betake our (elves unto prayer, and other means, that are
{anftified'by God,for theenlightning of our mind, and keep-
iBg it found.
Dott 3. A fane of fitch a condition, that is, of a man turn*
ing to abrttit beafi, is, to follow the paffms of corrupted nature^
without reafon.
Vfe. This may fcrve to convift and condemne many, that
(eeme unto them felves to be excellent men.
Doft. 4. Such men do corrupt tdfo whatfoever natural
geodneffe they have in them*
This is gathered from this word, corruption,** it is explain-
ed, lude r. 10.
Vfe. This may fcrve to admoDiflius,thereforetohateand
dcteft fuch courfes.
Do&. 5. Such finners are entangled in their finf, and kept
unto defrutlion , like as bruit hafts in their fnares 9 wherewith
they are taken.
So 2 Tfw.2. 2 6, Lament. 1. 14.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifh us , to flye from all Cor>
option j as we would from the foares of cternall death*
Be 2 Vcrfe
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter.
Verfe 13. And Jhall receive t he reward of unrighteoufnftfi^ as
they that count itpleafure to riot in the day time : Jp&ts they
arc and blcmijhes ^[porting thcmfelves with their own dtat-
vings while they feaft with yon I
Verfe 14. Having eyes full of adultery , and that cannot ceaft
fromfwy beguiling unjlablefoules ; an heart they bavccxer*
fifed with covetous pratlifes, cur fed children*
The Analyfo.
AFtcr tint defcription of theft men, which was let down
in the three fore-going verfes, here in the beginning of
this 13 verfe;, is againe repeated that jjft puniftinent which
they muft expect ; they fljall receive the reward of unrighteouf-
nij[e t Then he makes a new defcription of the fame men, that
they might wax the more fierce if it were poffible. And he de-
fcr'tbes them by three chiefe vices, 1 By the luxury, where-
unto they gave their minds. 2 By their uncleannefle, 3 By
their covetoufneffe. Their luxury is fet forth and aggravated,
1 By the adjunct of pleafure. 2 By the adjunct of time, that
it was in the day time. 3 By the effect, that they did by this
means, as fpots and bicmiftiej, defile not only themlelves, but
alfo thofe with whom they were converfant. Of which effect
alio he'thewes the caufe in another effect , that deceiving was
joynei with this luxury. Their uncfeanncflc.is described,
I TSy the helping caufes or mil ruments, in thefe Words.- Ba-.
vingeyes full of adultery* 2 'By the adjunct of conftancy, be-
caufe they cannot ceafe from fin» 3 By the effect^ beguiling un»
flable foules. Their covetoutnefle is explained, 1 By the pri-
mary fuhjsct of it, in thefe words, //;* heart, there it was fcat-
ed. 2 By the adjunct of cuftome, in thefc words, A heart ex-
excijed. Latt of all, the end and fnmme of this defcription is
exprelTed,that they are acwrfed children.
The.Doctriies a Ling herehence.
Djft. I. Whennvethink.ofthefinsofwickedmen ) wefhoHld
likvpvtft thinly of their punifhwents.
This is gathered therehence, thai the Apoftle doth ever now
and then put in this, while he fpeaks of theie mens iins.
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter, 221
Reafon, 1. Becaufe theft two are in Gods purpofe and
theirown nature knit together*. j ? , ; ' ,
2. 2?ccaufe the confidcration of fin doth oftentimes mqrg
hurt then good, it the confideration oi the punishment be not
Vfe, This may ferve to condemne thofejthatukedelijp^
only in. the commemoration either of their own, oro§e#
mens tins* , ^ ..
Doft. 2. Profufelnxyryisafigneofanranfmninffecurefyfi
This is gathered out of the text, and.itisfxpretfy.fet-downj
Itiie v. 1 1.
Redfon, Becm(c luch men do either not thin^^alj^fjthfi
judgements of God, or do labour arjeait jto rqmo^e.'lgcn
thoughts owt of their minds. , M
Vfe .1. Tais may ferve to inftcuft us. , nQyQ^a^oiyjt^coj
men happy j as themuUitude ufeth to dt > •: fnorabl! T .c
.2. T^monifhus tobeware ; of %hxxceuV ;
Daft. 3. Luxttrj^the more it is Jbewea openly, tjftjgprejt is
to be condemned, >;r
This is gathered from that Epithete, ipthed^timu
Reafon, Becauic. it is. Co much the farther ofTfrom,m»me,and
consequently from repentance. ,
Vfe. this may feryc to condemne .that impu^race, wfoch
many men have gotten.-
• Deft. 4. There, h the great eft danger in thofe fins 9 jrw
which the greatefl pleafure and delight arifttf,
^^."Becaufe pJeafore is a.iigne of i peffe$ £abit»
2. Becaufepleailirc is vcrj hardly left. : ; ; ,
Vfe. This may ferve to admoniuVus, toteyfareofthofe
delights which arife from fin.
'. D &. 5» Tbej that pUafethemf elves moft intheirftns a do
mofi defile and contaminate bath them fe Ives and others.
t.iis is gathered from thefc wocdsjpottan.dblemj#es i it it is
alfo/»^v.i2. .cL.s,
*8?4/. #ecaufe the more any fin appearsin the Church, the
greater dishonour doth it-hcin^^ not.onjy. to the (inner him*
ielfe, but alfo to the whole Church, whereof he is a member.
D? >&* 6, 1 he tuiwurU membtrs alfe ofmck^dmitHpefull
£ n A Commentary *po* the Second Epiftk of Peter*
This is gathered therehence, Hazing eyrsfuF^ &c.
Reafon i. Becaufe out of the abundance of the heart all
our faculties, and all the inftruments of operations receive ina-
preflions anfwcrablc unto the heart.
%• B- cautc fin, or temptation unto fin is admitted into the
heart it felfe by the outward ftnfcs, as by channels or gates;
fo that the eyes and ftich like corporeall inftruments are rilled
two wayes, both in the ingrcfle and the egrefle of fin.- Whence
itcomestopafle, that as the gates of a great City ufc tooe
fuller then the other parts of the City , by reafoa of the fre-
quent ingrefle and egrefle of people, (o alfb are the eyes of
fuch like men.
Vfe r. Thismay fcrvetoinftmftus,tofceandbewaJlethe
miferable condition, whereunto men are obnoxious by rea-
fon offin ; becaufc they have no part clean or void of fin.
a. To admonifh us, to ufc all care to clean fe our (elves, and
all our faculties and parts both of body and mind ffdriJ fuch
Doft. 7. The uncleannejfe of the body is oftentimes joyned
veitb impurity of religion*
This is gathered from theft words ; adultery.
Reafon 1. Becaufc the hindring caufc or that which keeps
koffis removed, namely , pure religion.
2. Becaufc this is the juft judgement of God, Rom.1.26.
3. Becaufc by reafon of thefc carnall afFe&ions men do
withdraw thernfclves from piety, or impugneit.
Vfe* This may fervc to admonifh us, (b much the more re-
ligioufly to imbrace purity in religion.
Dod:. 8. In fuch men covet oufnejfe is oftentimes joyned
with their impiety.
This is gathered from theft words, covetous praitifes.
Reafon, Becaufc that doth chiefly pertaine to the rule and
(way which thedevill exercifethbver his fervants,! lohn 2.16
2. Becaufc ,by . covetoufnefle they ftek thofe things that
ferve to rtourilh their impurity oflife.
Vfe. This may ferve for a generall admonition, to abftaine
even from the leaft fins, if we would not admit of others alio.
Do&. 9* The exercifng of the heart unto fuch fins^ doth
very much firenethen and increafc them. •
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter* * $|
This is gathered from that word .* A heart they have exer-
Reafon i. Becaufe exercifing a mans felfe unto fin brings in
and increafeth the habit.
2, It is a token that a man takes pleafure in fuch fins. For
no man doth willingly excrcife himfelfe in thole things
wherein he takes no delight.
Vf\ This may ferve to admonifh us, according to the
counfcll of the Apoftle, I Tim.^.j, to excrcife our felves unto
godlinefle, not unto wickednefTe. For as the Apoftlethete
faith, verfc S. that bodily exercife'profiteth little ; fo in this
comparifon may it belaid;, that the excrcife of fin" h not only
unprofitable, but very hurtful!.
Doft. 10. They that are after this manner accajionted unti
their Jins^ are hardnedin them*
This is gathered from thefc words ; The} cannot ceafefrom
Reafon* Becaufe by thi* means fin gets great ftrength and
2. Becaufe every Way unto repentance is (topped up.
Vfe* This may ferve to adnioniOl us , to leave orFotir wic-
ked purpofes in time.
Doft, II* Such men are moft to be detefted.
This is gathered from theft words : cur fed children.
R"a'on. Becaufe they tre moft oppofite and contrary unto
that which is moft to be loved.
Vfe. This may ferve to exhort us, to fliew our zeale in fly-
ing from fin and finncrs.
Vcrfe 15. Which have for faken the right way, and are gone A'
fray following the way of Balaam thefon ofBofor^who loved
the wages ofunrighteoufnejfe^
Verft 16. But was rebuked for his iniquity : the dumbe Aj[e
freaking with mans voice , for bad the madnejfe of the fro*
224 ^ Commentary upon the Second Epiftle ?f Peter.
The Analyfis.
■"THe Apofflc h'ere'ftill continues in explaining and illulirat-
•*• ing the covet oufnefle ot thefe men by way of a fimilitude,
which he makes betweerie-thein and Balaam ihtConoi^BoJor,
N-jw the quality wherein they are compared is frru propoun-
ded in gei ipra 11, that they followed his way, that is, they imi-
tated him in the like manner of doing, and then fet Forth in
particular, i By the etfeft, that they . forfook the right way,
and wert aftray into by wayes,.that is, into naughty and wic-
ked wayes. 2 By the proper caufeofthiseffecl, that they
loved the wages of unrighteoufnefle, like as he loved itj that
is, for the ddire of filthy lucre tbe.y gave the mfelves over unto
impiety and unrighteoufnefle. 3 By the adjunft that fol-
lowes upon this effect namely, God* rebuking of him, v.,i6.
which 1? let forth by the inftrument,that he roadeufeof to do
it,namely,adurabe iVfle. The fitneffe alfo ofthisinftmment
as he was made ufe of at that time.is declared by their, inequa-
lity, becaufe he (hewes that this A(fe was in Come fort wifer
then his Matter. For wh<?nthc .Matter, though he was a Pro-
phet, was mad, this Afic By his wifdofnc a? jt were , rebuked
and corrected that madnclie.
§**f*. But : here a ^ueftion may be made concerning this
Bdatm the (on of Bo for 7 who is here called a Prophet, and yet
is iaid to have finned moft wickedly Whether he were a true
Prophet of God, or no I ,
esfnfiv. He was fometime endued with the gift of Prophe-
fie that God had communicated unto him,as it appearSjiWw.
21. fo 2 }, 24. But in a fpeciall manner in 23. 26. the Lord is
(aid to haye/>»f words into his mouthy Co alfo verfe, 20.& cap. 24.
2. the Spirit of the Lord 1$ (aid to have come upon lom\ and verfe
4. he is Mdtohave heard the words of God. Yet he was not a
holy Prophet of God, but as he was given to other vices, and
efpecially to CovetoufnefTe^ Co alfo he was skilfull in the Ma-
gick art*, by whofe he^pe.' as it is faid Numb. 24. 1 . he tiled to
feek fur inchantments. Such an one therefore he was amongft
the Prophets, as fntUs was amongft the Apoftles : of which
fort alfo the old Prophet that dwelt at 'Bethel^ (eemes to have
bc«ne in fome re fpeft* T he
A Commentary upon the Second Eptfile »f Peter, 2 2 $
The Do&rines arifing herehsnce.
Doth I. The wicked of every Utter age do in tlxir cottrfes
imitate thofe wickedmen % that lived before them.
This is gathered from thefe words : Following the way of
For theft men did notpropofe Balaam unto themfelves for
an example to imitate, but becaufe they went in the fame
wayes, therefore they are faid to have followed him.
Reafon i. Becaufe that in-bred corruption, from which
fiich wicked eourfes are derived, as from their originall foun-
tains, is one and the fame. For although it doth not work
al wayes and in all altogether after the fame manner, yet when
it meets with natures alike , and the like occafions alfo hap-
pen, then it is no lefle like it felfe, then an egge is like an egge.
2. Becaufe the fame teacher of wickednefle, the tempter
and old Serpent works effectually in his bond Haves through-
out all ages.
3. Becaufe oftentimes alfo the eourfes fore-going do not
only by tradition, but by tranfmhfion as it were alfo beget
eourfes like themfelve? •
Vfe 1, This may ferve to enforme us , not to b* too much
troubled at the wickednefle of nae«, that live with us, becaufe
there is nothing new under the Sunne in that kinde.
2. To admonifkus, not to cxpeft any lingular thing from
wicked men, while they remaine fuch , above that which wc
read of other wicked men before them in ancient time.
3. To exhort us therefore, to labour to be like the ancient
godly men, that are commended in Scripture.
Do&. 2. This is common to all the wicked, to for fake the
right n ay, and go afiray in that which is not good.
This is gathered from theft words, Which having] "or faken
■the right way are gone afiray.
Reafon 1. Becaufe the right way is in obferving the will
of God, or in doing the good works which God hath before
ordained that we (hould walk in them, Efhef.i. 1 0. Pfal. 119.
i^&c. But wickednefle is another crooked way , which
men have found out themfelvesj cleane contrary to the will of
F f 2. Becaufe
2 % 6 A Commentary upon the Second Epifik of Peter.
2. Bccaufe that is the right way which certainly leadcth
unto life, and ecernall happintflfe, Mktth. j. 1 4. but wicked-
neffe tendeth unto death, Trov.j. 27. & 8.36.
Vfe* This may ferve to admonUh us, diligently to beware
of this going aftray, alway es loofeing unto the right way.
' Doct. 3. Covetotifntjfe^where it prevaileth, doth mo ft cer-
tainly produce this g*ing aftray from the right way.
This is gathered from thefe words : who loved the wages of
nnrichteoHfne$e : fo 1 Tim.6.17. He that trufls in uncertaine
riches, doth not truft in the living God ; and therefore he
cfoth necefiarily follow a new way clean contrary unto that
which the true and living God hath (hewed us.
Reafin, 2?ecaufe a covetous man is obnoxious unto all the
temptations of the devill, which have any (hew of gaine ; ib
that he accounts gainegodlinefTe, 1 Tim. 6*. 5. 9. and this is it
which is meant in the text, they love the wages of 'unrighteouf-
nejfe, that is, they fcek lucre, though it be joyned with the
grcateft iniquity.
Vfe if This may ferve toadmonimuj, to take heed there-
fore and flye from coveioufnefie, as from the greateft plague
and enemy ofgodlinefle, C^f^-S*
2. To exhort uys, to labour for contentment, 1 Tim. 6.6.2:
D0&. 4. lAllfHchwickedneffeisrebHkedby God,
This is gathered from the bf ginning of v. 16. But was re-
bitked^ &C,
Rcafon 1. Becaufe the Scripture and law it felfe which is
tra^fgrefled by fin, doth therefore rebuke that fin, Rom.j.'j.
2. The confeienecs of finners do ufually alio check them*
Rent.*'! 1 ).
3. The very creatures do it alfo after their manner, Dtttt*
31.28. and if they ihould not in their appointed order iuffi-
cientiy rebuke iinners, there mould ibme extraordinary mira-
cle be fhewed rather then they mould not be convifted,as we
fee here in the example of 'Balaam.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to admonifh us, to apply our minds
unto thefe rcbukings of Gcd, and not to be carelefle of them,
as defperate men uie to be ; but to yeeld usto them, and (htm
all thofe things that are rebuked by God, either in the Scrip-
tures, or in our confidences, or in the creatures.
2. To
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter. 227
2. To exhort us, to ufe all diligence to feek and preferve in
our felvcs that teftimonyofGod and our conference, which
may be for our comfort, and not for our rebuke.
Doft. 5, Thofe men are extreamly and brutifily mad,
that will not be rebukcX or flopped in their impiety, unltfe it be by
feme miraculous works
This is gathered from the end of verfe 16. the dumbe Jffe
/peaking wfFhmans voice, forbad the madnejfe of the Prophet,
Kea/on. Becaufe fuch ni?n are deprived of common fenfe
touching fpirituall thing s 4 and are given over unto a reprobate
Vfc. This may ftrve to admonifh us, to beware of that
hardneflfc of heart, which cannot bekeve God fpeaking in his
word 5 and not to give way to that vaine imagination, which
Dives m$L his brethren is faid co have maintained, Luke 16,
30.and Abrahamvcfutes.vcrfe 3T. •
Verfe 1 7. Thefc are welles without water, clouds that are carri-
ed with a tempeft, towhomthemifiofdarJ^nejfeisreferved
for ever.
Verfe 18. For when they fpeak.greatfwellingwords of vanity i
they allure through the lufis of 'the flejh, through much wan-
tome fe, thofe that were cleane efcapedfrom them who live in
Verfe 19. While they promife them liberty, they themfches are
the fervants of corruption : for of whom a man is overcome,
of the fame is he brought in bondage.
Verfe 20. For,if,*fter they have efcaped the pollutions of the
world, through thefyowlcdgc of the Lord and Saviour Jefus
Ckrifli they are againe entangled therein , and overcome ,
the latter end is worfe withthem then the beginning.
Verfe 21. For it had beene better for them not to have known*
the way of right coufneffe, then after they have knowne it, to
turnefrom the holy commanitment delivered unto them.
Verfe 2 2 . 'But it is hapnedunto them according to the true Pro-
verbe ; The Dog is turned to his own vomit againe, and the
Sow that was wafted to her wallowing in the mire.
F f 2 The
aa g A Commentary ufcnthe Second EpiftleofPetm
The Analyfis.
IN theft verfes is contained a refutation of the falle teachers,
of whom a description was made before. Now the fumof
this refutation confiiU herein, that all thofe things were vain.,
which they promifedto their difciples or followers. And this
is in generall (hewed by thofe comparifons which are made
verfel7. Where thefe teachers are faid to be wels as it were,
without water, and clouds without raine, becauft they make
(hew of many things worthy to be defired, but they performe
nothing at all. Upon occafioa of theft fimilitudes , by the
way he repeats the punifhment which God had prepared for
them, by a continuation of the fame Allegory, namely, that
whereas they are wels as it were, or clouds making (hew of
fome mift, they (hall at length certainly fin 4 the mirt of eter-
nall darknefle. 2 The fame vanity is illuftrated by the impul-
sive cauft that moved them to fpread abroad their new opini-
ons, which was their fwelling vanity, Verfc 18. in the begin-
ning, and by theerTecT thereof, which was their crafty fedu-
cing of Ghriftians to g&e themfelvcsovertotheldtsofthe
flc(h D at the end of the fame verfc. 3 The fame vanity of their
promife9i3fet forth, verftip. at the beginning, by the great
diflimiiicude and oppofition that is betwixt them and their
promifes. For they promiftd liberty unto others, when they
themfelvcs were fervants of corruption. Thence the vanity of
their promifts is made manifeft and palpable as it were ; bc-
cauft they promiftd that, whereunto they themfelves were
grangers, and far remote from it. 4. That which is put in the
diffimilitude, namely, that they were ftrvants of corruption,
becaufe fome might make a doubt of it, the ApolMcconfirmes
it at the end of verfe ip. by the generall definition or defcrip-
tion of a ftrvant, or that bondage which he meant, namely,
that he is another mans fervant,that is overcome by him. For
he that is taken by the enemy in warre , is brought in bon-
dage to him, at leaftuntill he bath payed the juft price of his
ranfome. 5 The naiftry of this bondage is amplified in re-
fpe& of thofe , that have made profeffion of faith and holi-
nefle, by comparing things unequall, betwixt that condition,
A ComMntdty upon the Second Epi ft U tfpeter. a 29
whereunto thty were obnoxious before their calling, and
this which they have brought upon themselves by their Apo-
ftalie, where the mifery of the latter condition is made greater
then the former, verf.20. and the reafon of it is given, verf.21.
Becaufe the fin is greater 3 which is committed after and againft
the knowledge of the right way, then that which is done
through ignorance; which inequality is alfo illustrated by a
. comparifon of the like things,that is explained in prpvcrbiall
fentcnceSjOfthe Dog and the Sow, verfe 22.
£t*eft» Here arifeth a Queftion, Whether thofe that were
(educed by the falfc teachers, were before true believers ?
Anfrv, They had that faith which we ufe to call temporary
faith, but they were never foundly rooted in faith. This is
proved out of the i4verfe, where all thofe that were feduced
by thele deceivers arc called wftablc fotdes. For if they had
beene by found faith grafted into Chrift , then they mould
have been (table and corroborated in him alfo. And whereas
they are (aid verfe 18. to have cleane efcapedfrom the rvkkedjhvi
was, 1 In refpeft oftheprofeflion which they had made of
their true converfion.2.In refpeffc of the aflent,which we muft
think tkat they did give inwardly alfo unto the word , by
which they were called to this conversion. 3. In refpeft of
the change which they had made in their outward carriage.
4, In refped of (brae fmall beginning alfo 9 whereby they
tended towards holinefTc it felfe.
The Doctrines arifing herehence.
Do6t. 1. The j that go aftraythemfelves from the right way t *
anhaftje others to go affray, -mhatfoever they make fhcvp of \ they
have nothing elfe in tbemj elves or in their err ours but vanity.
This is gathered out of verfe 1 7. and the beginning of 18.
For they are faid in the text to be as it were vanity it felfe , as
Solomon faith of all things that are under the Sunne, in refpeft
of happineflfe they are vanity of vanities. Now they are faid
to be vain, 1 Becaufe they have only a fhew of fome truth or
good, not the thing it felfe. 2. Becaufe they make a fhew of
communicating fome good unto others, but they do not per-
forme it, nor can they .For that is properly called vainc^which
is void of that thing which it fhould have , or which is unfit
for that ufe and end whereunto it mould ferve.
. Reafon I.
,2%o A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Veter.
Reafon i. Becaufe they have forfaken God, who is the
fountainc of all true and folid good.
2. 2?ecauie they are led by Sathan , who is the father of
lyes and of all vanity-
V(t\ This may fcrve to admoaifhus, to beware therefore of
fijeh men, that we be not in any wife deceived by them. For
this were to imbracc vanity in ftead of eternall happinefle.
Do&. 2. let fitch men in their vanity are ttfually mofl
puffed up.
This is gathered from verfe 18. in the beginning. So I £V.
8. i. Knowledge pujfeth up. Which if it be true of the know-
ledge of things that are true in themfclvs,if they be not known
as they ought to be known, as it is explained, verfe 2. Then
much more muft we think fopf that knowledge which hath
a (hew of fome lingular excellency , when there is no folid
good in it at all.
Reafon. Z?ecaufe fuch men feemc tothemfelvestobewife,
not only above the ordinary fort, but alfo above thoft that
excell in the Church of God , yea fometimes above the Apo-
ftles themfelves and Prophets, and therefore are wont to boaft
of fome depths which they have 5 which the holy Ghoit
therefore cals the depths of Sathan, zApoc. 2. 2 4.
. Vfi. This may ferve to informc us, alwayes to foipecl: thofc
men , that are in a wonderfull manner puffed up with their
own private conceits of fome part of religion.
Dodl. 3. That fuch men do oftentimes [educe many , and
4*2 have divers followers, it comes to pajfe chiefly thereby , that their
doflrinc^ either for the matter ofit^or thcm&nner of their teaching,
u very agreeable to the carnall lufts of men.
.This is gathered from thefe words.- they allure through the
Reafon. Becaufe as the flem doth eafily apply it felfc at all
times unto carnall do&rine, by reafon or that communion
that is betwixt them; fo cfpeciajly and mod eafily doth ic,
when the doctrine is covered with a (hew of religion or truth.
Vfr. l,his may ferve for admonition , that if we would be
fafe from infection and fedncing, wefhould diligently labour
for mortification of the fh-fh. For neither are rhey only in
danger of feducing that have not yet known the truth , but
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftie of PeJe.r t % ?
they atfb that have in fome fort clean efcaped from tkofe that
live in errour, as it is in the text.
Deft. 4. The chhft ln(f of the fiefh^ whereby mtn are wont
to befedxeed, is the love of carnall liberty*
This is gathered from the beginning of verfe 1 £.So Tfalnse
s. 3.
Iteafon 1. Becaufe the flelh ahvayes feeketh its peace and
ejnietnelfe, which it cannot enjoy, but by giving it felfe over
unto the lutts thereof;and hence it is that carnal! men account
the command of God and his Word, a yoke.aud itrong cords,
and bands, &c.
2. Becaute in liberty there is fome kinde of fhew of that
dignity andexcellency 5 whereof all the fons olAdam are moft
defirous ever fince chcy drank in that poyfon of the Serpent,
Tejhall be like Cjods.
3. 2?ecaufe it hath a falfe ftiadow of that Chriftian liberty,
wherennto we are called, hhn 8.32,33,34, Hence itis, that
the curfed fe&of Libertines, which under a fhew of liberty
overthrowes all religion, findeth many well- withers thereun-
to, even amongft thofe that are Christians in name.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to condemne thofe, thatalwayes
follow after liberty of what kind foever it be. For Chriftians
are the (ervantsofrighteoufneffe, although they be free from
fin, Rom.6.iS,
2. To admonifh us, to reprefTe and reftraine in our (elves
this carnall defire of liberty, 1 fir. 9.27.
Doft. 5. They that moft labour for this carnall liberty t are
themofl wretched fervants of fin.
This is gathered from thefe words'; they are the fervants of
corruption. So Rom. 6.1 o.
Keafon 1. 'Jecaufc they are overcome and led captive by .
2. Because they give up thcmlelves wholly to obey finne,
Rom.6. 16.19,
3» 2?ecaufe they remain in this bondage, although it be the
worft of all, with a kind of pleafure ; fo that they are the fer-
vants of fin more^then thofe are the fervants of men, that are
gaily- (laves.* for chc(e mens minds alwayes wiflh for liberty,
but the others are very well pleafed in their moft fervile con-
dition. Vfe 'n
23 2 * A Commentary upon the Second Epifile of Peter.
Vfe i. This may ferveto iniorme us, how we mould Hand
affected towards fuch men. For although they feem to chem-
(elvestobetheonly happy men almoft, yet they are in truth
obje&s moft worthy of pity, and not of envie.
2. To admonifh us, more and more to get out of this bon-
dage, by ycelding our felves wholly unto Cod and his righ-
ceoutaeffe, Rom.6 . 1 8 3 1 9,2 2 .
DocY 6» They that are brought into this bondage ■, after
that they have made profrjfion and confejfton of the truth , their
condition is more deplorable^ then the condition of other (inner s.
This is gathered from, vei fe 20,21,
Reafon 1. 2?ccaufe their fin is greater then other mens.For
where no law is, there is no fin 5 where the law or the know-
ledge of the law is leffe, there the fin is lefle : but where the
knowledge of Gods law and his will is greater , there the fin
ii made greater and heavier.
2. 2?ecaufe they do wonderfully dishonour God , while
they profeffc themfelvcs to have known his difcipline, and to
have had experience of it in Tome meafure 9 and do afterwards
rej eft it, and prefer fin before it.
3. 2?ecaufc the devill the Prince of fin doth more feverely
befet thofe, that he hath withdrawne unto himfelfe from the
flight as it were, Matth.i 2.45.
4. 2?ccaufe the anger of God is incenied againft fuch men,
Heb*\Q.26 ,2j»
5. #ecau(e there is (carce any place left for them to re-
pent, Heb.6,6*
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifh all thofe, that know the
way of God , to labour alfb to continue conftantly in the
(ame, in all parts of their life and converfation.
Doft. 7. The fhhinefie of fmnefbonldmakeinentoabhorre
A returning to the bondage thereof
Reafon 1; Becaufe we are called unto purity.
2. Becaufe we have profefTed an abomination of that impu-
rity which is in fin.
3. Becaufe it is abominable unto God, and makes men a-
bominable in his fight.
Vfe j. This may ferve to condemne thofe, that take delight
in this filthinefle, and think they gain credit unto themfelvcs
A Commentary upon the SecondEpiftk ofVettr* ^ -
thereby, by gracing and fetting out their fpeech with oathes,
and labour to make their conversation pleafing, by applying
themfelves unto the cuftomes and vicious and tilth y courfes of
2. To admoni(h us, to put before our eyes this fflthineffe
of fin. So (hall we renew our repentance, and be confirmed in
the grace of perfevcrance.
Chapter III.
Verfe I. This ficond Spiflle (beloved) I now write unto you^ h
both which Iftir up your pure minds by way of remembrance :•
Verfe 2. that ye may be windfall of the words which were fp9-
ken before by the holy Triphets, and of the commandement of
ns the Apofilcs of the Lord and Suviour.
The Analyfis.
|He Apoftle now making hafte to the end of the E«
piftle, i Repeats the fcope and aime that he had
in writing, in the i & I verfes. 2 He doth again
defcribe thofe men, of whom he writes this Epi-
ftle, that they fhould beware, verfe 3,4. 3 He re-
futes their blafpemies, from verfe 5. to verfe 1 1. 4 He fhewes
the ufe and fruit of his do&rine, which all the faithfull mould
make of it, from verfe 1 1 to the end. In repeating the end and
(cope of the Epiftle he fets it forth and describes it, 1 By the
rrennsythztit is a putting in remembrance, 2 By the effeft, that
Tt (lirres up, 3 By the objefr, that it was directed unto them,
thathadapureminJe. 4 By the means how to obtaiae this
efteft, namely, thofe things which were fpoken before by the
Prophets, and commanded by the Apoftles,veric2. 5 'By
the manner how all thefe things might be made the more effe-
ttuall : to which purpofe he ufeth a kinde of illuftration,
namely, -that this putting in remembrance was iterated and
repeated with an earneft vehemency. This fecond Bpiflle I
write^nd that with a fatherly kind of lovc,whichis intimated
G g in
q 3 4 * Commentary upon the Second Bpiftle of Peter.
in the title which he gives them, when he cals them befoved.
Of the putting in remembrance we fpake before, c. i .v. r 2 1 3.
and alfo of ftirring up : Therefore palling ovet them,wc come
to the next.
Do&rines arifing herchence.
Doft. I. The minds of the faithfull Jhould be indued with
parity , and fincerity y that they may receive the divine admonitions
as they ought toJ?e received*
This is gathered from thefc words.- Tftir up your pure minds*
Now he doth not fo much commend them by this his tefti-
mony, as (he* them, what thing they ought chiefly to la-
bour for, that they may receive benefit by this writing. So
lames 1.2 1. and this firft E| ift.cap.2. verfc 2.
Reafon I. 2?ecaufe, as in all things that are of any mo-
ment, there is alwayes required fome preparing of the (iibjeft,
for example, as in husbandry,plowing and harrowing of the
ground : fo and much more aHo is it required that we fhould
prepare our hearts to receive the word of God with benefit,
Ierem.^,^4 Now there can be no fitter preparation, then by
fincerity to lay afidc all thofe things, that arc contrary to the
word, and hinder the efficacy thereof.
2. Recall (e the word of God is fincere, and therefore it re-
quires fincerity in thofe that receive it, 1 £///?.c.2.v.2.
3. j^ecaufe without fincerity nothing at all is done aright.
For fincerity is the common afTeclion of obedience.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to reprove thofe , that have no care
at all, rightly to difpofe themfelves for to receive the word of
God aright.
2. To exhort u c ,to labour chiefly for this purity of minde .
and fincerity of heart.
Do&. 2. They that have a pure minde, do willingly rrc*ivc
andretain thofe things that are propofed unto them out of the Fro-
phetsand Apoftles,
This is gathered from verfc 2.
Reafon 1. Eecaufc Chrifts (heepe know his voice and fol-
low him, John 1 0.27. Now his voice founds in the Prophets
and Apoftles.
2. BecmCe in the Prophets and Apoftles all things agree
with fincerity, * 7V.2. 2. P/*/, 19.8,9.
A Commentary upon the Second Epifile of Peter* . a 3.5
Vfe* This may ferve to inform* us, to examine ourminda
according to this rule ; for they that earenot for the words of
the Prophets and Apoftles, have not purity of minde; but
they that cleave faft unto them, although it be accompanied
with divers infirmities, have alwayes in rcadinefle a aire argu-
ment of their fincerity.
Do&. ^ Tet the very beft have need to be often fiirred up
unto thefe duties*
This is gathered from thefe words ; thisfecond Spifllelnow
v rite.
So Phi/,$.i, and this Epiftle,c. J..V.10. 1 3.
DocT:. if. Such admonitions are works ofChrijlian charity.
This is gathered from this title, beloved,
Reafon i. Becaufe they tend to deliver men from the grea-
teft evill 9 and to communicate unto them the greater! good.
2. becaufe they pertainc unto the communication which
is exercifed by charity.
Vfe 1. This may fcrve to reprove thofe that cannot endure
admonitions, and take them for their enemies that ufe them.
Gal, 4 16. 7 Tim.*\,%.
2. To exhort us, to exercife our fclves unto this duty with
all charity.
Verfe 3. Knowing this firft ., that there /hall come in the laH
dajes^fcoffers^ walking after their ortn lufis^
Verfe 4. Andfajing, Where is thepromife of his comming ? For '
fnce the Fathers feR afleepe s all things continue as thej were
from the beginning of the creation*
The Analyfis.
VPon occafion of the Apoftles teftimony before cited,
there is in thefe words a new defcription made of fbme
wieked men of whom we muft greatly beware. For in that he
faiths that this is firft to be knowne, what thefe wicked men
are, of whom he doth admonifh us, he doth thereby mean not
only to (hew that this is ncceflfary to be known for the under-
ftanding and applying of the Apoftles words with benefit,
Gg 2 but
A CommmUry ufon the SecMdEpifikef Peter.
but alfo that this may and ought to be chiefly observed out of
the Apoftles words, namely, that there flaall come fuch men
in the laft dayes. For Co is this phrafe explained, /»&, v. 1 8.
Theft wicked- men are defcnbed in gene -all, 1 By their im-
piety towards God, that they art/coffers. 2 By their impu-
lity of life and deeds, tlut th'ty walks after their own lufts.
Then in fpecial by their arguing,that the wicked fcoffers uftd,
to defend their impiety, and to remove the contrary do&rine
from themfelves, verfc 4 For in thofc words is expreffed,
1 their fcoffiog, which was before noted in gcnerall , and
2 their argument is fet forth, whereby they would perfwade
themfelves and others, that they might walk after their own
Inn's, without feare or danger ; namely, becauft the commlrg
of God, the expectation whereof did deterre men from fuxh
a life ishotto be feared, in theft words: Where is tbe-promife
oftiisconto'wg > . Now this they confirmed to themfelves and
others by a vaine comparing the times that wjnt before with
ihoft that were to come j that whereas there was no commiog
of the Lord to judge the world ilnce the times of the Father?,
and from the creation of the world, there Was no cauft to feare
that any fuch thing would happen at the end ofthe World,
in thefe words. For Ji nee the Fathers fell ajleepe^ att-thir.^s ccr.-
lintie as thy were from the beginning ofthe creaticr.. Now this ■
whole defcription, or rather the thing defcribed, that is, this
impiety, is illuftrated by the adj.u.£r of time, wherein chiefly
and by a fpecial] kind of eminency or abundance it is found,
namely, *">? the Lift dayes.
The Doftrines arifmg here-hence.
Do6t. I. In the redding of the Saiptirrcs we mx(l five fpc~
c'tfift heed unto thofe things ve here of we ha~egreatfift ufe.
This is gathered fronubeft words." Knowing this fir ft. For
the Apoftle would, that for the prefent they mould hrft and
chief]/ think ofthofe things, that the Apoftles had fpoken for
their preftnt ufe, touching thofc wicked mep.
Doct. 2 . The Scripture f or et els moft grievotts things of; he
Lift dAye r .
So 1 Tim 4. 1. 2 Tim.yt,
Reafon i, For that iniquity doth abound more in the Uft
dayes, it is becauft knowledge doth abound, which is held
A Commentary nfmthe Second Epi 'file ef Peter. 227
under righteoufoefle : that makes the fin the more finfuir,
i^.7.13 anddoth more incenfe the wrath of God, Ramans
1, 18.
2. Becaufe the laft ages.by reafou of that depravedncfTe and
corruption which hath over-fpread mankind, areas it were
the (ink of all the ages that went before , to receive their
Vfe r. This may ferveto informcus, not to be too much
troubled in mind, when we fee as it were an inundation of
iniquity and impiety, flowing every where ; becaufe fuch
things were forecold us before, Iobn 16.4.
2. N jt to fafhion our feives to thofe courfes, that are com-
mon in this age, but to prepare and aimc our (elves rather a-
gainft their contagion.
Dott. 3. tAmongfi wicked mw they ] are thsivorflofall^
that feoff e At godlin <ff( .
This is gathered from this vfovd^fc^fcrs,
Rejfon 1, Becaufe they are not only unbelievers, butdc-
fpifersof the faith alfc For fcofring is from contempt*
2 Becaufe their confeiences are feared as it were with a
hot iron 3 that can be wrought upon by no inftm&ion, and
therefore they are quite defperate. For they have quenched
and choaked even thofe naturall fparks , which are wont to
breakout mall mens hearts.
3. Becaufe they arethechofeninftrumentsofthedevillto
turne afide others from godlinefle, and to make the faithfull
lervants of God afhamed of it, if it were poffible. For the
proper effed of fcoffingis (hame.
Vfe. This may ferveteadmonifhus, to fhun fuch fcoffers
as the monfters and pefts of mankind.
Doft. 4. Thty that mabttaine wicked opinions in their
mir.de ^ are qiven to impurity in their lifr.
This is gathered therehence, that the fame men are called
feoffors, and fuch as yvalkjiftcr their own lufts>
Reafon i. Becaufe the proper caufe, why fuch men do la-
bour fo much to caft off all fenfe of religion, is no other, then
that they may with all licentioufnefle D give themfelves wholy
over to their moft filthy lulls*
2. Becaufe fuch wicked opinions' or imaginations do let
233 A Commentary upon the Second Epifik of Peter*
loofe the raines to all concupifcence , and therefore are the
caufe of increafing that wickednefle, whereof at the firft they
were the effeft.
Vfe I. This may ferve to informe us, not to think that
wicked and profane and Atheifticali men do fpeak from any
reafon or judgement, when they fcoffe at religion. For they
are beafts in their life , and therefore they have alfo beaftly
imaginations , which they are wont to bring forth under a
(hew of reafon.
2. To admonifh us, in fhunning profane and blafphemous
opinions and imaginations , to beware erpecially of a wicked
life, becaufc it makes way for all wicked opinions.
Do&. V. That is proper to wicked and prophage men 3 in
fomefort to deny the camming of the Lord^and his judgement*
This is gathered from verfe 4 at the beginning.
Reafon* Becaufe the expectation of judgement is afirong
bridle to reftraine and keep in the wickednefle of men, which
ungodly and profane men do moft of all defire to (hake off.
Vfe. This may ferve to admonifh us , by all means to take
heed, that we be not any way partakers of that impiety:
which comes to pafie not only then when we doutterly deny
his comming, but alfo when we do either make any doubt of
ir, or apprehend it as a thing far off from u c , or do ineffectu-
ally think of it, not edifying our felves in faith and obed ence,
Doft. O*. The fallacy wherewith wicked and prof ane men do
deceive them/elves^ confifls therein, that they will believe nothing
above their fenfes , and do oppofe their fenfeagainfi the teflimony
of God,
This is gathered ver. 4. at the enS-Vorface the Fathers^ &c»
Reafon. Becaufe they, are fentuallmen, Iude y v.i 9. and are
led by fenfe and fenfible things, like as bruit beafts.
Vfe I. This may ferve for information ; hence we may un-
derftand that the contradictions of profane men arc void of
all reafbn 3 and therefore are to be contemned with deteftation.
Nothing can be more contrary or mad, then to con (lilt with
nature about fupernaturall things, and to fetch the judgement
of fpiricuall thing? from fenfe.
2. To admomft) us, not to attribute any thing to our (enfes
in matters of faith. For it is all one, as if We mould fcek the
judgement of rcsfon ainongft bruit beafts. Verfe
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle if Peter. 339
Verfe 5. For this they willingly are ignorant of ^that by the word
ofCjvd the heavens were ofold 3 and the earth ftanding out
of the water, and in the water ^
Verfe 6: Whereby the world, that then wot , being overflowed
with water ^erifhed, «
Vcrfe 7. But the hsavens and the earth which are now ^ by the
fame word are kept in ft ore, referved unto fire again ft the day
of judgement , and perdition of ungodly men*
The Analylis.
IN the refutation of this profane opinion, the Apoftle doth
firft reprove the ignorance of theft profane men,verft 5.6,7.
Secondly, he doth inftrucT the faithfull touching the com-
ming of the Lord in thofc things, that did moft pertaine to
the confirmation of them in the truth againft fach temptati-
ons that might arife from (uch humane cavillings, vcrfe 8. 9,
ic. The Apoftle reproves their ignorance, 1 From the cauft,
that it was voluntary or affetted ignorance. 2 From the ob-
jetY, namely that truth, which they willingly were ignorant
of, and did oppugne. Now that truth which is affirmed con-
tradifts that affertion , whereby theft men would confirme
therr opinion. For when they hadfaidit, and had brought
it for an argument, that all things did continue in the lame e-
ftate from the beginning of the creation , the Apoftle denies
this, and (hewes the contrary by the hiftory of the flood, v. 6.
then by comparing things alike, he gathers t hat the fame alfo
is to be expefted concerning the deftru&ion of the world by
fire at the comming of the Lord, that was before in Come fort
performed by the deltruftion of it in water, v.7. 3 The reafon
of this conftquenceis taken from the common caufe of crea*
tion,preftrvation,and both deftrucTions of the world,namely 9
the word & will of God, v.5.7. 4 He doth illuftrate the con-
clusion it ftlfe concerning the deftru&ion of the world by th«
end thereof,that it may withall be applyed unto thoft wicked
ones,with whom he now dealt,v.7 at theend,whilchecals the
day of the Lord the day of judgement , andperdltion of ungodly
men. For in thefe words he threatens eternall damnation unto
thoft profane men, that denied his comming, w ch muft cer-
tainly be expected at the comming of the Lord. The
^q A Commentary upon the Second Epifik ofPttgr*
The Do&rines arifing herehence.
Doft. I« It is the property ofvnekedmcn to be willlngiy ig*
nor Ant of all things , thai croffe their lufts.
This is gathered from thefe words : They willingly are igno-
rant of* AH men are ignorant of many things, but the faith-
full are not ignorant of thofe things that are neceffary for
them unto farvation, nor do they pleafethemfelves in the ig-
norance of any truth, much le(Te in the ignorance of thole
things that pertaine unto the pradife of religion : nay they
do very much lajbour for this knowledge, whereby they may
be brought unto eternal! life : but the wicked, although they
do very much defire to know other things, yea and are too
curious in it, yet they love to be ignorant of thofe things that
pertaine to the bridling of their lufts and reproving of their
tins. This is that ignorance which is called voluntary and
Reafon I. Becaufe they affeft thole vices whereunto this
knowledge is repugnant. Therefore they efchew knowledge
as a thing that is evill unto them, and makes againft them; and
affeft ignorance as a thing that is good for them and very
well agreeing with them. For he that hath refolved with
himfelfe to give his mind unto fin , and to continue therein,
feckes to have peace and quietnefle in that condition , and
therefore abhorres that truth which convinceth his confer-
ence of fin, and fufFers him not to fleep in ir.
2. Becaufe he is given unto thofe lufts that ftop up the way
unto faving knowledge,and hold him enfnared and intangled
Co that he cannot freely endeavour and labour for true know-
ledge : therefore he affe&s ignorance in this rcfpe& , not lb
much in it ielfe.,as in thecaufe of it.
Vfe I. This may ferve to convince thofe , that pleafe them-
felves in the ignorance of holy things, becaufe this is the pro-
perty of a wicked man.
2. To admoniftius, never to (hut our eyes againft the light
of the truth.
3. To exhort us, on the contrary to ufe all our endeavour
and give all diligence to gaine knowledge , efpeciaily
in thofe thiags that pertaine to our own pra&ife and
A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter. 24. 1
DocT. 2« It makes veric much for the taking away or It fi-
ning of our ignorance^ tolookjipon the works of God lhat are p aft ,
that from them n e may gather the works that are to come.
This is gathered from the comparifonthat is here made, v.
Reafon* Becaufe the works of God arc as looking- glaiTes,
wherein Gods fufficiency and efficiency are propoted unto us
to behold.
Vfe* This may ferve to admonifli us s not to look (lightly
upon the works of God, nor to read the hiftories of them as
we read humane hiftories, but fo , that we may alwayes be- •
hold God in them.
Doft. J. Thofe publick, workl ofGod^ the creation, prefer-
vation^anddtftruBion of the world, firft by water^fecondly byfire
are often t» be meditated upon^ and compared one with the other*
This is gathered from the fame comparison.
Reafon, Becaufe God hath propofed thofe,as very remark
able arguments , to worke fbme fenfe at leaft of religion in
mens minds.
Vfe. This may ferve to exhort us, to exercife our felves in
thefe meditations,whi<ch God hath commended unto all forts
of men.
Do&. 4. In all fuch work* of God , that is e fpecially to be
confident that they are by the word of God, and do depend there-
Thisis gathered from verfe 5,7.
Reafon^ Becaufe we can receive no benefit by meditating
upon Gods works , unlefle 'we do behold the perfection of
God in them. Now the perfection of God in his works doth
very much appeare therein, that all things are done by his -
word and according to his will.
Vfe . This may ferve to admonifti us, to turne our eyes from
all fecond caufes, and to acknowledge God and his word In
all things. For thence it comes to pafle, 1 hat men often times
attribute thofe things unto fortune, which are done by God,
becaufe they are ignorant of the power of Gods word. And
fuch an oppofition there feems to be in the text, betwixt the
words of the wicked, (when they fay that all things conti-
nue, making no mentionin the mean time of God, by whole
H h power
%a% A Commentary »pott the Second Epiftle of Peter.
power they continue j but rather clofely attributing thiscon-
tinuance to fortune or (econd caufes,Jand that aflcrtion of the
Apoftle , whereby he aftirmes that the world was at rlrlt by
Gods word, and is kept by the fame word .• »
Dg&. 5« Every confideration of the works of Godfhouli be
Apply edto the Comfort efthefaithfuli^ndterrour of the wicked.
This i$ gathered from v. 7. at the end*
Ycrfe 8. Bftt (beloved) be not ignorant of 'this one thing s that
one day is with the Lord as a thoufandycares, and a thoufani
y cores as one day,
Verfe 9. The Lord is not flackjoncermng his promt 'fe, (as feme
men count ft ackneffe*) but is long-fufferingto us ward , not
-filling that any fhould pcrijhj Imt that all Jhould come to re-
Verlc 10. But the day of the Lord will corneal a thief e In the
nighty in the which the heavens Jhallpajfe away with a great
mife^mdthe elements fha.ll melt with fervent heat y the earth
4lfo, andthc works that are therein fh aE be bmnt uf»
The Analyfk
IN this other patt of the refutation the Apoftle propoun-
ded! unto the godly and faithfullthofe things that might
cftablifii and conrirme their hearts in the truth , touching the
comming of the Lord. 1 Therefore he perfwadesthem to
undemanding and knowledge, contrary to the ignorance of
wicked. For whereas he had fpoken before of the wicked,
'his thty are willingly ignorant of , now turning to thefaithfull
he exhorts them unto the contrary. But be not ynu ignorant of
this one thing. 2. He propounds the thing it felfe, which he
would have them ina^eciallraannertotrnderftaRdandob-
ferve, which concaines two things, t That the prolonging
of the Lords comming is not with thatflackrcefle, which
mould be a ftumbli ng-block to any man , both becaufe it is
not to be judged of according to our fen{e,but by the eternity
of God, in refpefi: whereof that fpace of time, which feemtg
very long unto us, is but as one day , v. 8. and alio becaufe the
A Commentary upon the Second Efiftle of Peter. ' 343
end of this prolonging is the converfion and folvation of iln-
ners ; and therefore this prolonging proceeds not io much
from flickneflcj as from patience, verfe 9. 2 That the manner
of his comming, (both becaule it (hall be Hidden, and al& be.
caufe it (hail be with ma jelly and great terrour,J is fuch, that ■
it fhould rather make men carefull to prepare them felvcs for
it, then to be curious in inquiring about the time it fclfc, or to
coraplakie of flacknefTe.
The Doctrines ariting herehence.
DoQc* I. When wicked and prafane men 4rcrepreved t re fa-
ted And condemned in Scripture , this is done for the fait hfafl and
tietls fakf, rehtfe edification andfftlvat'wn God hath refpetl #nto %
even when hefeemts t& fpeakjtntoothers.
This is gathered from the beginning of verfe 8. where the
Apoftlc turning himfelfedire&ly unto the faithfull, thewes
that thefe wicked men were refuted for their good. So 1 Iheff*
2. 13. lnde } v.20. 1 Tim,6*li. 2 Tin*. 3. 14.
■Reafon 1. Becaufe the whole Scripture and all the meanet
of falvation do by a fpeciall kind of propriety belong unto
the faithfull.
2. Becaufe Ood will not have his word to pafle without
fbme fruit : Now wicked men are oftentimes Co fore-lorne,
that no congruous fruit can be expetted in them, but only in
the faithfull.
Vfe I. This may ferve to informe us, to Judge aright of
Gods intention in thofe things that he doth about men that
are paft all hope and incorrigible. For as the Apoftle faith
X)£ Oxen, that God taketh not care for Oxen , but for men ;
ib mould we think that God taketh not care fb much for theft
befriall men , as for the faithfull and elecl: whom he doth
chiefly fpeak unto even when he feemes to fpeak unto others.
7. To admonifh us , not to neglect or defpife fuch rebu«
kings of the wicked , as if they did nothing belong unto us,
but widely to turne it to our own ufe.
Do6t. 2. The faithful do then profit by the wordofGed^
•which is again ft therrhked^ when they are become much H»lik* the
This is gathered therehence , that Whereat the Apoftlc did
reprove the wicked of ignorance , he doth row exhort the
faithful! to knowledge^rffoi. 1 $• Hfe 3 &f*f*
• A Commentary upon the Second Epiftle of Peter.
Reaf»n. Becaufc the courfes and fafhk>ns of the wicked.are
therefore fet forth unto us, that we might avoid them,
Vfe. This may ferve to admorailh us, not to fuffer our felves
to be led away by the example of the wicked multitude. For
God doth not propofe it as a thing to be followed, but to be
fhunned a,nd avoided. •
Doit. 3. We Jhould in a ftnguUr manner differ froyt the
mcked therein, that we judge of the wayes of God not according to
the fenfe of the flefb, but according to the nature of god.
This is gathered from thefe words : One day with the Lord,
With men it is otherwife.
fcafon. Becaufe fpirituall things are to be judged of fpiri-
tually. Now all the wayes of God are in fome fort fpirituall
and divine.
Vfe. This may ferve to reprove thofe, that in fuch exami-
nations are wont to confult with flefh and blood, and not
with the word of God.
Do6r. 4. The end of all CjoXs wayes , as they have reffetl
unto mev> is the repentance andfdvation of the godly.
This is gathered from v. 9. Now here arifeth a queftion.
JUttefi. Whether all and every particular man be meant
thereby, when in is faid, that God is not willing that any
fhould perjffi, but that all mould come to repentance ?
nAnfw. The patience of God according to its nature hath
that uie and end, to lead all finners unto repentance, Rem.2.4.
and in that fenfe might their interpretation be admitted, who
underftand thefe words and the likf of all and every particular
man.' But that the Apoftle in this place hath fpeciall refe-
rence to the elegit appears thereby, that he fpeaking of the
beloved of God, verfeS. and reckoning himfelfe amongft the
number of us, faith, that God isiong-fufFeringtous-ward,
that is, towards thofe beloved, arid is not willing that a-ny
fhould pei ifb, that is, any of them : becaufe Gods principall
work towards men is the falvation of the faithfull, and there-
fore all his wayes tend thereunto, as unto the fcopeand mark
whereunto they are directed.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to reprove the madnefTe of thofe men
that blame thofe things in God , which make moft for their
tlfe and good, as tbefe men do in the flacknefk of the Lords
commiDg? a. To
A Commntaiy upon the Second Epifile efptttr. 245
2. To admonifh us, not to pervert thefe right wayes of
God, but alwayes to apply them unto that life wber&unto
they tend, that is 3 to the Jurtherance ofour own repentance
and falvation.
Docl. 5. The way cf the Lord, when he commcth to judg-
ment, (hall be withfwiftnejfr, majefty and terrour.
This is gathered from yeric 10.
■ Firft, ic (ball be fudden r ,becaufe the houre and day ^hereof
is not revealed,, and becaufe theinoft part of menexpeclno
. fuch thing. And it (hall be full of majeiiie and terror, becaufc
it is the comming of the Lord not.in humility, as his firft com-
ming was, but in glory.
Vfe. This may ferve to admpnim us,to prep ire pur fejvs ac*
cordingly againft this commingofthc Lord. For rius ufc t(ie
Apoftle preffeth and exhorteth us unto in the reft of the chap.
Verfe 1 1 . Seeing then that all thefe things Jhall, be diffolvedjohat
manner of perfons ought ye to be in all holy conver fatten ar.d
Verfe 1 2. Looking for ; andhafling unto the commingofthe day
of God, wherein the heavens being on fire, Jhall be diflolved,
and the elements fbali melt with fervent heat ?
Verfe 1$* Nevertbeleffe, we according to his promife 3 looke for
new heavens, and a new earth,wherein dwellethrighteoufnejfe, ■
Verjfc 14. Wherej ore^beloved^feeing that yelookjor fuch things^
be diligent jhatyc may be found of him in peace ,without fpot^
and blame leffr.
Verfe I5« %And account ', that the long fufferingef the Lord is
falvation, even as our beloved brother Paul alfo , according
to the wifdome given unto him, hath written untoyou.
Verfe l6» As alfo in all his Epiftles, fpeaking in them of thefe
things, in which are fame things hard to be underfiood^ which
they that are unlearned, and unjl able, wrefi, as they do alfo
the other Scriptures^ unto their own defiruttion,
Verfe 17. Te therefore beloved, feeing ye know thefe things be-
fore, beware left ye alfo being led away with the error of the
ypicked, fall from your own fi edj aft neffe.
Verfe 18. *But grow ingracc 9 andinthetmowledge of our Lord
und Saviour Jefus Chrifi : to him be glory ^ both now and for
ever \ Amen* The
*4 tf A Commentary npon the Second Epiftk of refer,
The Analyfis.
IN thcfe verfes is contained an application of the do^rine,
trut was before propounded concerning the Lords com-
ming, to the ufe and edification of the faithful!. Now this
application is made by anexhortatiOn to piety and holintfle,
which is firft of all propounded, v. i-i. Secondly, confirmed
by the doctrine that was before propofed concerning the
manner of the Lords comming, v. 1 2,1 j. Thirdly, ic is againe
repeated arid preflcd,v. 14. Fourthly it h againe confirmed
by the, do&rine that was before propofed concerning the pa-
tience and long*-fuffcring of God, v. 1 ■>. begin, which is in this
place Confirmed by theterttmony of the Apoftle Paul: whofc
teftimoily is illuftrated, i Thereby, that he was frequent in
fochteftimonies,v.i6. begin. 2 By a preoccupation, where-
by the faithful! are admonifhed not rafhiy to wrcft any thing
■that. P*nl fpake concerning fuch things, to a contrary fenfe,
becaule although he fpakc foaie things that are hard to be un«
derftood, yet they are fuch that they are not wont to be
wreftedjbut by fome perverfe men,who wreff the other Scrip-
tures alfo unto their own deftru&ion. Fromallthcfehein-
ferrcs in the laft place a conclufion both of the fore-going ex-
hortation, and alfo of the whole Epiftle, which is, to have a
-care to be ftedfeft, v. 17. and to labour for growth, v. 1 8. The
end whereof is (hewed to be the glory of Chrift in that doxo-
logy, wherewith the whole Epiftle is clofed up.
The Doctrines arihVig herehence.
DocT:. I . All Scripture mufi- be appljed hMoa prMca/l nfe s
that it may advance hohnefie And piety.
This is gathered from v»i 1. Now not only in this place is
this order of inftru&ion obfcrved, but in all the Epiftlcs and
Sermons that are propounded in Scripture.
Reafon 1. Becaufe the end of all Theological! do&rine is
to live well.
2. becaufe a bare apprehenfion and (peculation of the
truth, and a mcere affent thereunto, is nothing worth, if it be
feparated from the pra&ife* For this is found in fbme fortin
the devils themfelves.
A Commentary ttpon the Second Epifile &f Peter* % 47
3 . Bscaufs the temptations of the Dev ill tend chiefly there-
unto, that if he cannot hide the truth, yet Co to choak it, that
it can bring forth no fruit in the life ; and thereupon he takes
oceafion to mock and deride men*
ZSfe* This may ferve to admohifh us all, tOilafaouribr this
both in private and in publike, in preaching, hearing,read-
ing, and meditating upon Gods word •, and never think that
we know any thing as we ought to know, unlcflc we know it
unto piety and holinefle.
Docl:. 2. Infietjandhoti*effcwcmmft.ap£w*a^&*»£
labour for the bighejl perftftitn* '
This is gathered 1 From the queftion , What manner of
perfont ought ye to he ? 2 From the plurall number , which ia
uCed in the originally *Wfo?«7?,in your conversions, that
is, in all piety and holinefle.
Reafon u Becaufe every degree of piety and holinefle isf as
dcfirable in it felfe as the firft is.
2. Our defire and affection towards the higheit degree of
holinefle and piety is a pare of the very firft degree. Foe
there is no true holinefle without a defire of perfect holinefle.
3. becaufe we are called unto perftft hoi inefle,neither caa
we lee God without it*
Vfc. This may ferve to reprove thole, that reft inakiadof
bke-warme profeifion, or in a partiajl praftife of piety and
D0&. 3. It makes 9mchfsr the advancing af 'piety* tutook^
fer and haftt* unto theeommwing of the day of the Lord*
This is gathered from V.i 2,14* So PhiL^io.
t- Reafen I. Becaufe it takes off our minds from allthofe
ehingSjthat belong unto this preient world.
2. becaufe ic mafies us to prepare our (elf ci for the world
to come, 1 Joh»$. 3 .
Vfe. This may ferve to exhort us, to raiie up our minds, as
much as may be unto this fpirituall looking for the Lord.
Doft. 4. Our chief efi care touching t^e cemming of the
Lord, fbould he, to be found efbhn in peace.
This is gathered from v. 14 Now by peace is meant that
condition which is pleafing unto God and approved of
him ; whereupon net the anger, butthe goodnefle and grace
A Commentary upon the SccmdEpifik of Peter.
of- the Lord is ihewcd in communicating all happineflc,
Reafon i. Becaufe the Lord is looked for, as the (upreme
Judge, whofe anger is to beflyed from and avoided 9 and his
approbation and good liking greatly to be fought for.
' z» becaufe unlefle peace be then had, afterwards it Cannot
be had for ever.
Vfe. This may fervc to exhort us, while we live here, conti-
nually to (eek to confirme our peace with God , and in our
own conferences. Now this is done by railing up in our (elves
a lively faith anckconfidence, eftablifhing our hearts with all
aflurance of (atvation, and following all thofe mean s. where-
by our calling and election is made (lire.
Do&. $. From the long-fuffering of God we mufi gather
thofe things which make for the promoting °f°*r peace a*dfkh*~
This is gathered from v. J 5. For when the Apoftle tels us,
that we mould account, that the long fufFering of the Lord is
(alvation , he means that we mould €0 think wich our (elves
and di£pute of thefc things, that we mould gather nothing
el(e from thence, but that God aimes at our (alvation , and
therefore we alfo mould take great care of it.
Reafon. Becaufe by thefe meditations wc mould confirme
and hicreafe both our faith and our (an&ification. For our
reafonings and difputes, when they are rightly direfted either
by the word, or by the works of God , as by a third argu-
ment, to the Ikengthning of our faith and increafe ofholi-
neffe, asunto a conclusion arawae from thence; they are thofe
morall means whereby we work out our (alvation with feare
and trembling.
Vfe. This may fcrve to exhort us, to exercife our (elve«
more and more in (iic h meditations > for being accuiromed
thereunto , from them we mall gather honey and medicine 9
whence others fiickpoy (on 5 as we may fee in thisexample,
wherefrom the Lords prolonging of his comming the wicked
men did conclude thofe things whereby they might confirme
their profane opinions ; but the faithfull are taught on the
contrary, by the fame argument to conclude thole things,
ufrhich make much for their falvation. Sufch is the Apofijes
admonition, Kom .6. 1 2. .«.
A Commentary upon the Second Epi file of Peter, 2 $ 1
D ode 6» In the writings of the Apoftles and Prophet s^ Chri-
ftians muft have a fpeciatt heed to thofe things^ which do mo ft di-
rcQ them tofuch connexions or conclufions.
This is gathered from vcrfe 1 5. Where Pauls teftimony is
cited to confirme 8c illuftrate this connexion, & not to prove
other things, which might eafily be proved out of his writings.
Reafon I. Bccaufc thefe are mod necefliry for us to know*
and of perpctuall ufe.
2. 2?ecau(e that was the wifdome of God communicated
Co the Apoftles and Prophets, that they might explaine theft
truths unto us moft frequently, and clearly , which is the rea-
(bn of that elogy which is given unto Taulin the text, accor-
ding to the wifdome given unto him he hath written unto us,
ffe. This may ferve to reprove thofe, that doe more wil-
lingly by far give heed unto thofe things, which do little or
nothing at all touch the conscience of a man, or the praAife
of his life. The inward inclination and difpofition of a man
appeares raanifeftly by thofe things which he doth chiefly
heed in his reading and hearing : As if a man be given only to
the tongues, he will obferve nothing but the words and phra-
fes : If he be a lover of Chronology, he will take notice of no-
thing but the things that have beene done, and the moments
of time wherein they were done : If he be a Difputer,one that
feeketh praife by arguing, he will marke nothing , but thofe
things which make for controversies : Co a godly man. al-
though he will not neglect other things , which ferve for his
ufe, yet he doth chiefly fix his mind upon thole thing?, which
do moft directly tend unto godlinefle.
Doft. 7. 9Ve mnft understand a& thefe things fo^ as if they
were dircEllj written unto us.
This is gathered from thefe words, Hath written unto us.
Reafon 1. 2?ecau(e fiich was the wifdome of God, which
fpake in thefe holy men, that they wrote thofe things which
do belong unto us as well as unco thofe that lived at tint time.
2. ifccaufe God would have the Scripture to be the pub-
lick inftrument of the Church, not of one age only, but of all
ages. Tlerefore every p tt oficistheruleoflift both to me
and thee, as well as untr thofe to whom it was fir ft given.
Ii Vfel.
250 A Commentary npon the Second Epiflle of Peter.
Vfe 1. This may ferve to admonifh us,not fo much to med-
dle in the Scriptures, as if we were in another mans ground,
or in thofe things which belong unto others,and not unto our
2. To exhort us, to raife up our minds to receive the word
of God with a congruous affettion.We may eafily think wich
our felves how our minds would be arFe&ed,' if we mould re-
ceive a letter that was written by the hand of God in heaven;
andcuefteduntousby name, and fent unto us by one of his
Angels : after the fame manner mould we be affe&ed in read-
ing and hearing the written wofd or God,
VuhIs Epil>les 3 norof any one whole Epiftle,much leflecf the
whole Scripture, (as the Patrons of traditions, and Enemies
of Scripture would have it 3 ) bat of lome few thing?. And he
feemes to point chiefly at fome of thofe things, which Paul
wrote concerning the coruming or the Lord 5 becaufe he fpcaks
of that in this place, & therefore it is very likely that he hath
reference unto thofe things which aie fpofcen of, .2 Tbtjf. 2.2.
Reafin I. Becade there arc fome divine myfteries 10 farre
remote from us, that in what words fbever they be exprefied,
they will alwayes be hard tobeunderftood.
2. i?ecaufe God would have fome things, that are not of fo
generall and neccfljry aufe, out of his lingular wiidome to.
be more obfenrely propounded : which feemes to be the pro-
per reafon, why thofe 1 hifigs of Antichiiii, 2lijef. 2. were in
the Primitive Church hard to be underirood. For God would,
fc r juft cauies, that Antichrift mould come , and that mott
men mould be ignorant who he was, untill he did come.
3. God would exercise the induftry and diligence of the
faithfull in (earching the Scriptures, and finding out the fenfe
and meaning of them, not to deter men from reading them.as
the Papifts ufe to do, by wrefting this argument amifle. For
'Peter in this place doth not difcourage fo muc h as the comon
fort of the faithfull from reading the Scripturs, but rather
nirs them up to read all the Epiftles oiTauly although he tels
them that there arc Come things in them thatmuft be read wa-
rily. Vfe
A Commentary upon the Second Epifik of Peter. 251
Vfe 1. This may ferve to admonifh us, not to think it Suffi-
cient that we know the words ofthe Scripture, but to give all
diligence and labour to find out the tmefenfe and meaning
of them. &
2. To comfort us , that we mould not be too much cart
down, if we do not fully underhand fome things in the Scrips
ture, becaufe we are told that there are fome things hard to be
Doft. p. They are unlearned and unftable men^that weft
the Scripture to maintaine their impiety.
For that the Apoftle means , when he faith that they wreft
the Scriptures to their own deftru&ion ; not that it is fuch an
exceeding dangerous thing to interpret fome place of Scrip-
ture otherwife then it mould be, but that it is the property of
a very wicked man to argue out ofthe word ofdodagainft
God, or againft his will. Now they are called unlearned, not
becaufe they have no skill in the tongues or arts , wherein
fuch peftifcrous men may fometimes excell ; but becaufe they
never effectually learned or were taugta ihoie tnings which
pertaine onto religion • And in the like manner are they called
unliable, becaufe in that, knowledge of the truth which they
had and profefled, they were not grounded and rooted, but
as men not grounded nor fetled they are eafily turned from
their profeffion.
Vfe, This may ferve for admonition,that the people mould
not therefore be deterred from reading the Scriptures, as the
Papifts would have it,(who in this very thing fhew thcmfelves
to be unlearned and unliable, bceaufe they do mifehievoufly
wreft this place, where they are exprefly told, with how great
danger it is wont to be done:) but that we mould labour to
caft off all ignorance and uofteadfaftnefle , that Co we may be
made fit to read the Scriptures with profit. For this is the
fcope of the admonition, as the Apoftle ufeth it in this place*
Do&. Io. The end and fcope of ail divine information and
inflrntlion in refpeSt ofthefaithfuH *V, that they may beftablijhed
and grew in that grace which thsy have received.
This is gathered therchence, that this is the conclufion of
this general! Epiftle,as it was of theformerjwhich holds good
alio in all other Epiftles and Sermons, inreipecl: of thofe that
aicnowfaithfull; Ii 2. Reafon,
A Commentary upon the Second Epfile of refer.
/to/.Becaufe by their erTe&ual calling they have fafrh,hope,
and charity begotten in them, Co that they have the principle
of all grace in them, nor can any thing be wanting befides the
c©ntinuation,confirroation, and increafe of the fame grace.
Doft. 1 1 . To obtaine fiedfafinfa in grace there is required a
f ore-knowledge of thofe things that tend to the confirming and
lengthening of ear minds.
This is gathered frem thefc words : Seeing je knorothefe
things before*
Reaf. Becaufe although our ftedfaftnes depends upon God,
and the effeatiall operation of his Spirit , as it is in the con-
cUifionoftheiPff.5.io. Yet God worketh in us not only
by a reall efficacy, but alfo agreeable to an intelligent nature,
by teaching and perfwading. Now nothingcan be wrought
by this morall way, unleffe knowledge go before , and fo it
muft be wrought by knowledge, as it is in the text.
Vfe I. This may fervc to refute the Papifts,who maintaine
ignorance and commend it in the common people : they are
lumcienny refuted bj him, from whom they boaftthat they
have received the Ghaire, free from all error. For Peter in this
place, i Requires knowledge of all the faithful!, yea, and
fore-knowledge too of thofe things whereby they might be
confirmed againft profane men and falfcteacherr. 2 He pre*
fuppofcth that all that were tiuly faithfull to whom this Epi-
ftle came, were already endued With this knowledge. 3 He
prefuppofctb that his Epittles were fo cleare and fo eaiie to be
under flood that all the faithfull which mould read them with
godly minds, might underftand outof them, and coniequent-
ly out of the Scriptures, thole things, w hereby they being
forewarned, might be fore-armed againft thofe fal(e deceivers
whereofhe fpake.
2. To admonifti us, notibto look for our confirmation,
and (lengthening from God , as that we fhould in the meane
time ncgleft the knowledge of thofe things that tend there«
unto, but to u(e all our endeavour both in generall to know
thole things that are abfolutely neceffary unto falvation, and
in particular, thole things that are neceffary for us in our pra-
ftifeupon occafion of any temptation.
Do&. 1 2. , Tiefides knowledge there is required alfo unto the
fiedfaftaeffe of grace a continnall and vigilant heed, This
A Cdmmentay up* the Second Bpiflk rfPeter. a;;
This is gathered from this word, Beware.
Reafon i. Becaufe knowledge is unprofitable, if it be not
reduced to pra&ife. Now pra&ifc in difficult things cannot
be had without care and heed*
2. Becaufe many are the fallacies wherewith we are affaul-
ted, both in the Devill and his inftniments that are without
us, and in our felves alio, by reafon of that marvellous deceit-
fulnefle of our hearts, fuch as cannot be exprefTed.
Vfe* This may ferve to exhort us, above all to take notice
of our felves, and thofe things that tend to the ftrengthnihg
and ftablifhing of us in grace.
Do& 1 3. Itfhonld be an argument to the faithfull to beware
of the errors offomtmen^ becanfe they are wich^dmen^ungadlj^
and profane*
This is gathered from that title, the error of the mcked.
Reafon, becaufe all thole things that have any agreement
with ungodlincfle are to be fhunned and avoided. Now thole
things that are in a fpeciall manner approved of by profane
men, muft ncceflarily have an agreement wicn proiane ungod-
Vfe, This may ferve to admonifh us,by this means amongft
others to ftrengthen our felves againft divers errors, that are
moft pleafing to profane men.
D06Y. 14. Sedfaftnejfe and iter eafe of 'grace Are jo jtted to-
This is gatheredfrom the connexion of v. i7.with the if.
Reafon 1. Becaufe like as trees and all plants , and alio li-
ving creatures, from which this metaphor is taken, are cor-
roborated by growth,while they acquire greater and per &ft-
er ftrength , fo alfo do the faithful).
2. Becaufe the ftedfaftnefle of grace confifts not therein,that
it continues in the fame degree, but that it is formed in its na*
turc,one property whereof of is,to grow untill it come to per-
Vje, This may ferve to exhort us, to labour therefore to be
fo ftafelifhed, that we may alfo grow and increafe in all grace.
DoC%L I 5. They grow ingrace^ that grow in the effcBuall
knowledge ofottr Lord and Saviour le[m Cbrift,
See Chapter 1. Verfe 2.
54. A fyWQ&WJW ** *k Second Eoiftk of UUr<
Doer. 1 6» Our em una iejirc m 4// winijLei e 1 in thoft Mngi
XiDatn [/hrift*
This is f gatherei from the lad, worcls*
Ret/on 1. Bccaufe wc arc the (crvants of Chrift bought
with his own blood* Now whatsoever the fervants gee or do,
turaesto the proper good and benefit of . their Maftcrf.
1. Becaulc God is absolutely the chiefeft good.
3. Unlefle we do this, whatsoever wc do, it is not done
out of religion. For it is the nature of religion to give the glo-
ry unto Grifl-
Vfe* This may ferve to exhort us, to lift up our minds more
and more to maintaine the glory of God in all things, as the
Apoftle doth by that doling particle, Amen,