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Full text of "The well-ordered family: : wherein the duties of it's [sic] various members are described and urged. A small, but very comprehensive piece, suitable to be in the hand of every housholder [sic]; and may be especially seasonable in the present day."


gN9 H, i£ 1J 

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TVell-Ordered Family : 

W^rt^RWl N"' 

The Duties of it's various Members 
are dcfcribed and urged. 

A fmall, but very comprchenfive Piece, 
fuicable to be in the Hand of every 
Houfholder ; and may be efpecially 
feafonable in the prefent Day. 

By that eminently pious and learned Divine, 

Mn Isaac Ambrose, 

Minider of the Gofpel at Pre/ton, 

But as for me and my Houfe^ me will ferve the 
Lord. Jo 111. xxiv. 15. 

B O S T O N: 

Re-printed and Sold by S.Kneeland, oppofitcf 
the Probate-Office in Qjxeen'Street, 1762,^ 



Well-Ordered Family. 


Section I. 
Of the Preparatives to Family Duties. 

«Sli^»jf^S:)(S^t^5bOW that we may more comfortably 
<gf?j^£>^?.^cg^ '^^ carry on thele i'amily Duties, oblerve 
Slt^ >jS22 we, r. Our Entrance into them, and 
^f 1? £:tf "?? 2. Our Proceedings m them. 
'^^^5''ii5''^6^-c^ I. r or Entrance, we muft lay^a 
^r?^®t^-^ good Foundation for Traaablenefs 
unto Religion in thofe that belong to the Family. 
As, I. In the Governour. 2. In the'Governed. 

1. In the Governour ; whofe Duty it is, 

T. To endeavour in a fpecial Manner for Know- 
ledge in God's Word ; and for Holinefs of Converfa- 
tion in a ChriftianVValking. This would tend much 
to the Prefervation of his Authority ; who other- 
wife will be flighted and difregarded, through an apt- 
nefs in Inferiours to take Occafion therefrom. 

2. To ?narry in the Lord ; and then to live chaftely 
in Wedlock, that there may be a holy Seed : Now 
that he may marry m theLord^ i. LetPiety be the mover 
of hisAfrection ; and Perfonage, Parentage, &^ Portion, 
be only as a comfortable accefTary, confiderable ii; a 


4 HouJhoJd Piety 

fecond Place : Chriftianity and Grace, is the chi.e^ 
golden Link and noble Tie, which hath the Power 
and Priviledge to make Marriage a lovely and ever- 
larting Bond. 2. Let him ply the Throne ot Grace 
"with fervency of Prayer : A good Wife is a more 
immediate Gift of God. Whence Solomon could fay, 
Moufes and Riches are the Inheritance of Fathers ; hut a 
friident Wife is from the Lord : Such a rare, and pre- 
cious Jewel is to be fued and fought for at God's 
Mercy Seat, with extraordinarylmportunity & Zeal ; 
2nd it (he be procured at God's Hand by Prayer, 
jhe lha)l.,find a thoufand Times more Sweetnefs an^l 
Comfort, then if (he be call: on him by an ordinary 
Providence. 3. Let l)im obferveand mark thefe fix 
Points in his Choice : As, i. The Report : 2. The 
Looks;; 3. The Speech: 4. The Apparel : 5. The 
Companions : 6. The Education ; Thefe are like the 
Fulfes ; that (hew the fitnefs and gccdJinefs of any 
Parry with whom heought to marry.. . ; 
■ 3. To beware whom he admits to dwell with him ; 
that they be tradable unto religious Courfes. See 
David's R e fo lii ti o n h e r e i t) ^: Ji Tine Eye Jhall he upon tht 
faithful of the Land^ that they rruiy dive II ivith me .' . He 
ihat walketh in a perfe£i Way Jhall ferve me : . He that 
world h Deceit fnall not divell within my Houjc : He thai 
ielleth Lies^ fhall not tarry in my Sight. . 
• 2.. In the Governed -, whole Duty it is both to join 
together in ;'the Performance oi Family Duties w.ijii 
tiieir Govfrnour;and to fubmit to his Government : 
My Son^ here the Infirutiion of thy Father^ andforfake not 
the Law of tlry Mother ; for they jhall be pn Ornament 
of Grace unto thy Head^ and Chains about ihyNeck. 

Thefe Preparatives 1 pin upon the Front or Porch 
<if this Family : . Now to tlie Family. Duties them- 
4<i.v,es, and how they mull be excrcikti.. . 


It . 


Explained and En/arced. 5 

Of the Duties of Governours in generaL 

N rhe Proceedings of thefe Family Dutie^^ we are to 
confide •• the Duties, 1. Of the Governours-. 
2. Or the Governed. 

I. TheGovernours ; if (as !♦ is in Marriage) there 
be more than one ; as tirii, the chief Gover- 
nour, viz. the Hufoand : iiiecondiy, the Helper, v<z, 
the Wife j both thefe owe Duties- to their Famil.esi 
and Duties to one another. 

I. The Duties they owe to their Families, are 
either, la general to the whole ; or, in particular, 
according to their feveral Relations. 

I. That which in general they owe to the whole 
Family, is either, to their Bodies, or to their Souls. 

r. To their Bodies : Concerning which, faith the 
Apodle, He that providetJ? not for his own, and efpeciall^ 
for thoje of his oiun Haufe. he hath denied the Faith ^ and is 
worfe than an Ufdtl. I Tim. 5. 8. Now as tlie Spirit 
of God ch^r^eih us with this Duty, lo iie fetterh us 
about fuch Thingswhereby this may be compaifed ; 
a:s, I. That every one fliould have feme honeft and 
good Calling, and walk diligently in it : Let him that 
Jictie^jUal no m»re, (faith the Apoflle, Eph. 4. 28.) hut 
ra'her Jet him labour, zvorking with his Hands the Thifig 
zuhich is good. • 2. That h-e bear a low Sail, and ket-p 
.within Compafs; remembring that of Solomon ; Fie thut 
is dffpiftd, and hath a Servant, is better than he that hi. - 
noureih himjelf\ and lackeih Brtad. ■ 
■ ,2. To their Souls : Concerning which, fomeZ)::- 
//t.c, they are to perform to the Family ; and otheis, 
to rtqune of ilie Family. ^. . 
* I. The /)z^//>j they mull: perform to them, are 

r. To provide that they may live under ihe publick. 

Minillry 5 for otherwife how thould they be brought 

' ... . . ... , iaiu 

6 Houfaold Piety, 

into the Sheepfold of Chrift, if they hear not the 
. Voice of the chief Shepherd fpeaking unto them by 
thofe whom he hath fcnt ? 

2. To oveifee the Ways of their Famihes ; that 
they ferve God : and as in all other Duties, fo efpe- 
cially in fan(5^ifying the Sabbath : To th.*s the very 
Words in the fourth Commandment do bind all 
Mailers of Families * Rcnu'tnber, thou and thy Son, 
and thy Daughter^ thy uV^an- Servants, and thy Maid ; — 
Where the Lord fpeaks by Name to thcGovernours, 
as if he v/ould make them Overfeers of this Work 
of fandifying his Sabbaths. 

3. To fet their Houfe in order for the Service of 
God, to offer Prayers & Praifes to the Lord Morning 
and Evening. To this Purpofe, Pray aritinually (faith 
the ApoftleJ i The/, 5. 17. which we muft not un- 
derftand of uninterrupted and incefTant pouring out 
of Prayers, as the Mujfaliam or Euch'ita did ; but of 
Morning and Evening Prayers ; the Apoltle here 
fpeaking in Reference and in Analogy to the conti- 
nual, or daily Sacrifices. This was Da'vid's Practice, 
Evening and Mcrnivg, and at Noon will I pray and cry 
akud, arid he Jhall hear my Vo'ice^ ^^^^^-JS- ^ 7- ^^^ ^^^'* 
was Jc>h\ Prael;ce, who fcnt for, and fancflirted his 
Sons and Daughters ; and rofe up early in the Mornings 
arid off'eredBurnt- offerings according to the Number ofihe?H 
ail : --'Th'js /^W Job coninwally, Job 1.5. And this was 
Jbraharns Practice vvher;.ver he c^n^e, to build an Altar 
to God^ wl^ere Gad (hould be worih pped jointly by 
him and his Family : Gen. 12. 7. h 13. 4. & 21.^3. 
And this was ChrjiVs PrsClice for h'mijelf and hii Fa- 
inll)^ Mat. 14. 19. 'J oh ij. J. 

4. To inruu6T rheir Families privately in Matters 
of Re'iglon,' that they may not only profefs, -but feel 
the Power ot Religion in their Lives and Converfa- 
tions. This D:/ty hath thcfe Specials belonging 
to it. , 

I.. A 

Explained and Enforfed. 7 

1. A familiar Catechizing of them in the Princi- 
ples of Religion. Thus were Parents commanded 
ot old ; Thou Jhalt teach thcfe Words diligently unto thy 
Children^ and /halt talk of thein when thou fetteji in thine 
Houfe^ and when thou walkefl by the Way^ and when thou 
iiiji down ^and when thou rifeji up. Deut.6.7. Prov.22.6. 

2. A daily reading of the Scriptures in their hear- 
ing, direcSling them to mark and to make Ufe of 
them : So Timothy was trained up by his Parents, and 
Xhzt from his Childhood, I Tim. 3. 15. 

3. A careful endeavouring that they may profit by 
the publick Miniftry : To this end : \ They muft 
prepare them to hear theWord,by confidering God's 
Ordinances, Promifes, and their own Neceflities, 
2. They muft remember them to look in the Word 
for a Chrift,and forCommunion with him. 3. They 
muft examine them after the Ordmances, what 
they have learned, and what Ufe thev make of it : 
Thus Chrift, after he had preached a Parable to his 
Difciples, he faid unto them, Know you not this Para- 
lie, and how then will you know ail Parables ? and then 
he expounds the Parable to them. Mark 4. 13. 

2. The Duties they are to require of the Family, 
are both carefully to frequent the publicMiniflry,and 
diligenly to be converiant in the private Worfhip 
of God, and conftantly to pra6tice all holy and 
Chriftian Duties comprifed briefly in the Command- 
ments of God ; and they are to require thefeThings, 
not only by telling them, calling on them, catechi- 
zing them, admonifhing them j but if they be neg- 
ligent, by correcting them. 

Now this Corredion muft be miniftred both ia 
Wijdom and in Patience. 

I. In IVifdom \ whofe Property it is to find out the 
right Party that committed the Fault, to confider of 
what Sort and Nature, the Fault is, to weigh Cir-^ 
cumftances of Age, Difcrction and Occafions 3 and 


8 Houjhold Piety, 

to look to the Mind of the Doer, whether Negli- 
gence or meer Simpiiciry brought hiir) to it. 

2. In Patiente ; whofe Property it is to make the 
Fault rnanif'eft to the Offender, that his Confcience 
may be touched therewith ; to hear what the Offen- 
der can fay in his own Defence, and accordingly to 
allow or difallow ; to avoid Bitternefs, which fooner 
will harden the fJeart, then reform the Manners of 
the Offender : TheTe Rules being obferved, and the 
Heart lifted up in Prayer to God for Direction and 
bleffiniT, this CorreSJion is neceffary ; as is evident in 
Gen. 30- 2.' Prov. 13. 24. and 19. 18. 

Thefe are the Dutia that Govemours owe to their 
Families in refpecl of their Souls ; to correSt- thern^ 
caUchize them^ aclmonifb the?n<, call on them., read to thcTriy 
prayjor ihe-m^ Is'c. only with thefe Limitations. 

I. That tiiey prefiime not above their Callings : 
This was Paul's, Exhortation, That no Afan take this 
Hovcur to h'imjelj\ hut he that is called of God, as zvtis 
Aaron : The Honour here, is the Honour of the 
pubfick MiniHry j except that, and I know not but 
that every Governour of a Family, wlio hath fpcciaJ 
Abilities, Utterance, Memory, may read Scriptures, 
repeat Sermons, pray^ teach and inftru^t qut of the 
the Scriptures. 1 /*c/. 4. 10. Thus Jacob faid to his 
Houfhold, Put away the fi range Gccls that are among you. 
Gen. 35. ?. And without all Coiitradi^ion ffaith the 
ApoHle) the Ifjs is hleffed of the better ^ Heb. 7. 7. And if 
the IPcman tvould learn any Thing., let them ofk their Huf- 
hands at Ilonie^^\ Cor. J 4. 35. Thus Origen would 
have the Word expounded in Chriftian Families : 
and Augujlir.e faith, That which the Preacher is in the 
Pulpit-, thejunic is the Hou/Jjolder in the Houfe. 

2. That th.ey prefume not above their Gifts : This 
vas PauW Exhoitaticn to every Man, "Not to think of 
himfelf ^nore highly Jhen he ought to think ; hut to think fo- 
lerh\ (i^ '^'(^ ('^'th dealt to every Man the Meafre of 

Faith : 

Exp!atned and Enforced, 9 

Faith ; yet I deny not but in fome Cafes they may 
lawfully depute or fubftitute fome one in the Family, 
whom they judge fitted unto the Service and Em- 
ployment, which they themfelves fhould ordinarily 
perform : as in Cafe of old Age and weaknefs of 
Body : Thus Samuel being old, made his Sons "Judges : 
Or in want of goodUtterance orExpreiTion of what is to 
be faid : Thus j^aron vi?iS Mofes his Spokefman, and 
in ftead of a Mouth : or in want of Boldnefs and 
Audacity, arifing from a confcioufnefs of Weaknefs : 
Thus the good Centurion fent the Elders of the Jews 
to Chrift to intercede for him : or in Cafe that a Mi- 
nifter of the Gofpel do fojourn in ones Family, as Ar- 
chippus did in Philemon his Houfe : or in Cafe of ne- 
ceflary Abfence : Thus the Apoftle Paul made Timo- 
thy his Deputy to the Chriftian Ihejfahnians : Or in 
Cafe the Lord hath beflowed more of his Gifts and 
Graces to one than another : I know not in this Cafe, 
but that we may covet earnejlly, the left Gifts in others^ as 
well as in our own f elves. 

Section III. 
Of the Dulles of Parents to their Children. 

'"pHE Duties in particular which. Governours owe to 
• the Family, according to their Relations, -air q either 

As Parents to their Children : Or, as Mafters to 
their Servants. 

Tiie Fhiiies of Parents to their Children, are either 
to their Bodies, or to their Souls. 

I. The Duties of Parents t© iheBodies of their Chil- 
dren, are in many Particulars, but may be all com- 
prized under this one Head, J provident Care for their 
ttfnporal Good ; and this extendeth it felf to all Times, 
as I. To their Infancy. 2. To their Youth. 3. To 
the Time of Parents Departure cut oflhis World. 

B I. The 

id HouJhoU Piety t 

r. The firfl Age of a Child is his Infancy, and the 
jfirH: Part of its Infancy, is while it remaineth in the 
Mother'sWomb. Here the Duty Hes principally upon 
the Mother, to have a fpecial Care of it, that it may 
be fafely brouecht forth. Why was the Charge of 
abjiainlng from IVine^ ftrong Drink^ and unclean Thhrgs^ 
given to Manoah''s Wife, but becaufe of the Child which 
fie had conceived ? 

The next Degree of a Child's Infancy, is while it is 
m the Swadling-band, and reniains a facking Child ; 
in thisalfotheCare mare efpecially hes on theMother, 
whofe Duty it is to take all the pains fhe poflibly may, 
for the Education of her Child ; and efpecially to give 
her Child fuck, if fhe be able thereto : This not only 
Nature, but Scripture fets forth ; 

1. By Confequeace, Gen, 49. 25. Hof. 9. 14. i Tim. 
j. 10. 

2. By Example, Gen. o.i.y, i Sam.1.22. P/aL 22 g, 

3. By Grant, the Word giving it as a ruled Cafe 
not to be denied. Gen. 21. 7. Cant, 8. i. Luk n.27. 

2. The fecond Age of a Child is its Youth, frora 
fhe Time it begins to be of any Difcretion, till it be 
lit to be placed forth : Now the Duty of Parents at 
this Time is, 

I. To nourish. 2. To nurture their Children. 

Under Nouri/hment, are comprized Food, Apparel» 
Recreation, Means for Recovery of Health when they 
are fick : In which, if Parents provide not for their 
Children, they areworfe than Infidels. And urider Nur- 
iure^t are comprized, good Manners, a good Calling, 
frequent Admonition, Repreheniion, Correction, the 
laft Remedy, which may do good when nothing elfe 
€an. Prov, 19. 18. — 23. 13, 14.--- 29. 17. 

3, The laft Time to which Parents provident Care 
extendeth it felf, is the Time of their Departure out 
of the World ; and then they are to fet their Houfe 
m Order, and to le^ve their ^Aates to their Children. 

2. Tiie 

Explained and Enfarced. 1 1 

2. The Duty of Parents to the Scu/s of their Cbll- 
dren extends it felf alfo to all l^imes : As 

I. To their Infancy. 2. To their Youth. 3. Tg 
the Time of Patents Departure out of this V/orld. 

1. The firft Age of a Child, is his Infancy i and 
tlie firi^ Part of it's Infancy, is whik it lemaineih m 
tlie Mother's Womb. Now the Duty of Parents ai 
that Time are thefe : i. That they pray for their 
Children :■ Thus did Rebeckah, while the Children 
were quick in her Womb. Thofe Parents that neg- 
lecl this Duty to their Children, confider not rightly 
that they are conceived in Sin : 2. That they make 
fure (fo much as in them lies) that their Children be 
born under the Promife, or under the Covenant, in 
refpec^ of the fpiritual Part of it : How ? by making 
fure that ihey be under the Prcmife cr Covenant ihemfelvei : 
if God in Chrill: be their God, they may have a com- 
fortabic Hope, that God will be the God oftheirSeed, 
according to the Proniife, Ivjillhe thy Gcd^ widthe Gos^ 
of thy Seedy Gen. i']> ']. 

The next Degree ot a Child's Infancy, is when it is 
born: and xh't Duty of Parents then is, to give up 
their Children unto God, cafting thern intotheHands 
of his Providence, into the Arms of his Mercy, beg- 
ging for them a gracious Acceptation with God ; and 
to tender them to the Ordinance, The. Sacrament of 
Bapiifm^Ko get the Seal of the Covenant fet upon iheiTi, 
to get t})em mark'd out for Salvation. 

2. The fecond Age of a Child, is it's Youth : Now 
the Duty of Parents to their Children at this Time, is 
to train them up in true Piety : To bring them up in the 
Nurture a-nd Ad?ncn'iiion of the Lord To this end, 

1. When Children begin to read, let \\\Qm read the 
holy Scriptures : fo was Timothy trained up from a Child ; 
and thus will Ch'ildren fuck inReligion with learning. 

2. Let Children be Catechized conftantly fromDay 
to Day j only with thisCaveat, that Parents deaj with 

B 2 tl^^sir 

12 Uoujhold Piety 

their Children, as fkilful Nurfes and Mothers 60 
ill feeding their Children, not to give them too much 
at once : over mufh dulls a Child'sUndernanding:,and 
breedsWearifomenefs to it ; it is moft fuitable to give 
them Precept upon Precept^ Precept uponPrecept^ Line 'upon 
LineyLine uponLineJjere a lktle^& there a /////^,lfai.2 8. 10. 
Thus (hall they learn withEafe &Delight,and inTime 
a great Meafure of Knowledge will be gained thereby. 

3. Let Parents declare to their Children, the admi- 
rable Works that God -n former Times hath done 
for his Church, efpecially fuch Works as he 
hath done in their Time : outward fenfible Things 
do bed work upon Children, and therefore this Di- 
redion was given under the Law, Jojh. 4. 6. 2\. 

4. Let Parents be to their Children a good Pattern 
in Piety, leading them to Chrift by their Examp'es : 
This will take Place with Children, more than all Pre- 
cepts or parenta!Inftru6lions : But as for me (h\AJoJhua) 
Grid my Houle^ we will [erve the Lord \ Jofli. 14. 13. He 
fet.s himfelf firft, as a Guide to the rert. 

5. Let Parents reprove and corre6l their Children 
for Sin ; and that the Lord may fanc\ify this Correeim 
unto them j Confider this, O ye Parents^ Do yoj ob- 
ferye fuch and fuch Sins in your Children ? Enter in- 
to your own Hearts, examine your felves, whether 
they come not from you : Confider, how juftly thfe 
Hand of God may be upon you : and when you are 
angry with your Children, have an holy Anger with 
your felves, and ufe this or the like Meditation with 
your own Souls, Lord^ Jhall I thus punijh my own Sin in 
mine own Child f Shall I thus perfecute the Corruptions of 
?nine own Ancejlors ? How then may/i thou be difpleajed 
with me for the too carnal Conception oj my oivn Child : Jt 
inaybe^ 1 then lay in fame Sin, 0?'. I ajked ii not of thee by 
Prayer : Be merciful to me, Lord ; ayid in thy good 
Time^ Jhew thou pity on ms and my Child I 

6. As 

Explained and Enforced. ^ 1 1 

6. As Children grow in Years, and in the Know- 
/ed^e of Chrift, and of Juflificaticn by Chrift, let Pa- 
rents train them up in the Exercife ot all Duties, as 
Prayer, A'ledhat'ion, Self- ExaT?:iKaticn, lyatchfulncfs, and 
oH Aleani publick and private : If this be done, the 
World to come may reap the Benefit of their Educa- 
tion ; fucli Children as you bring up, fucli Parents 
will they be (when you are gone) to their Children ; 
and fuch Children (hall they have, who are Parents 
in the next Generation, &c. You then are the very 
making or marring of the World : but on the con- 
trary, if this be negleded, the rich Man will rife up 
againft you in the Day of Judgment, and condemn 
you ; tor he being in Hell, had a Care of his Father's 
Houfe, that they might be forewarned ; he defired 
Abraham Xo fend Laxarus to his Brethren, to tejlify unto 
them that they came not to that Place of Torment \ but you 
will not adiponilh your Children, )ou will not teach 
them Mcfes and the Prophets ; you will not (hew them 
the Danger of God's heavy Difplealure hanging over 
theirHeads ; you will not, whileii )ou live, lead a good 
Example before them : O you m.ay fear that yourChil- 
dren (hall beFuries of Hell to torment you. Now the 
Lord open ycur Eyes to fore fee,^ to fly thefe Judgments to come. 

3. The laft Time to whicii ihe Duty of Parents ex- 
tends it felf, is the Time of ih.eir Dt',:i3rture out of 
ihe World ; and then they owe to tl-e^r Children : 
Good DireClion. Faiiliful Prayer. 

1. For Direction : When Parents obferve their 
Time to draw near, it is their Duty then efpecially, 
to commend fome wife and wholfom Precepts unto 
their Children, the better to direct them in their 
Chriftian Courfe ; fo did Ifaac^ and Jacob,2rA David: 
The Words of a dying Parent are efpecially regarded, 
and make a deeper ImprefTion. 

2. For Prayer : then is the molt proper 7^1rne for 
Parents to pray and to b.kfs r^ thcijChiJdrjt. As they 


14 Houjhold Piety, 

commend their own Souls unto God's Grace : God's 

Provid^ince and Promifes ere the UJl hiher'iiance in the 
Wcrld \ and if Parents (in their Prayers j leave tbe-fe 
to tl\eir Cliildren, rhey can never wart any Thing tliat 
js good. O the faitb.ful Prayers of Parents for their 
Children (efpecTally when th.ey are leaving th.eir Chil- 
dren, and going toGod) muft needs,/??, /c/r, and thr cK^b 
Chr'iJ}, prevail mightily with God. 


Of the duties of Mafiers to Servants, 
'"I^HJE Duty of Maflers to their Servants is either to 
'*' their Bodies, or to their Souls. 

1. The Duty of Mo/lcrs to the Bodies of their Ser- 
vants, confifts in thefe Particulti'ts ; viz. In a duePro- 
vifion of P'ood for them, Prov. 31. 15. and 27. 27. In 
a wife Care for their Cloathing, Prov. 31.21. in a 
well -ordering of their Labour, fo as they may be able 
to undergo it : h\ their Eafe, Refi^, and Intermifilon 
from Labour at feafonable Times : In paying ilicm 
fufficient V\^ages^Z)rz//. 24. 14. In a caretu) prekrvii.g 
of their Health, and ufing Means for their Recovery 
in Cafe of Sicknefs, Mat. 8. 6. and that not of the 
Servtms Wages, but of the M^fier's own Charge, o- 
therwife they undo not the heavy Buriheriy but ralh.'.^r lay 
Burthen upon Burthen. 

2. The Duty of Mafters to the Scuh of tlieir ScT' 
"cwr/.r, -confift in thefe Particulars, -^/yz. In teaching them 
the i^rinciples of Religion, and all Duties of Piety : la 
caufing them to ?;o to the publick Miniftry of the 
Word and Worfnip of God : In taking anAccount of 
their profiting by the publick and private Means ©f 
Edification : In praying for them; and as they ob- 
serve any Grace wrought in them, in praifing God 
ioT ir, and praying for the encreafe of it : Nothing fo 
much wins a Servant's Heart, or the AfFe<51ions of any 
gracious Heart, as the edifying of it in Grace. 



Explained and Enforced, i^ 

S E c T I o N V. 
Of the T> titles of the Hujkand and IVife. 

'HE Duties which the chief Governour and his 
Helper owe to one another, are either 

Common and mutual ; or proper and peculiar to 
each revcrally : 

I. The common mutual Duties betv.'ixt Maa and 
Wife, are either 

OF Neceffity to the being of Marriage ; as Matri- 
7nanial Unity ; or Matrimonial Chajiity : 

Of Honefty to the well-being of Marriage ; as a 
loving Affeclion of one another ; Provident Care 
for one another. Mat, 19. 5. Tit. 2. 5. MaL. 2. 15. 

The formerDuties prefuppofed : there ought to be-* 

I. A fweet, loving, and tender-hearted pouring out 
of their Hearts, with much affectionate Dearnefs into 
one another's Bofoms. This mutual-melting- heart- 
edncfs, being preferved frefh and fruitful, will infinite- 
ly fvveeren and beautify the Marriage State. Now 
for the Prefervation of this Love, let them confider 

1. The companionate and melting Compcllations 
which Chriti and his Spoufe exchange in the Cantides^ 
My fair one., my Lcve^ my DovCy my tmdefiled^ my wjU- 
helovc(h the chief cf ten Thoufand : Such a fervent and 
chafte Love as this, all married Couples fhould refem- 
ble and imitate. 

2. The Command of God to this ?urpok,Hu/haytds 
love your IVives^ Eph. 5. 25. and JVives (or young Wo- 
men) love your Hufbands., Tit. 2. 4. Methinks this 
Charge often remembred, fhould ever beat back all 
Heart- riling and Bitternefs, all wicked Wilhes, that 
they had never met together, that they had never feen 
one another's Faces. When the Knot is tied, every 
Man (liould think his Wife the fitted for him, and 
every VVife fhould think her Hufoand the fitted for 
her of any other in the World. 


1 6 Houjhold Piety, 

2. A provident Care cf one tor another ; which 
extends to the Body : No Man hatdh his own Flefh^ but 
ncurijheth and cher'ijheih it : and to the good Name: 
yofeph was not willing to make Mary ^ pub lick Example : 
and to the Goods ot this World ; in which if there 
fall out any crofs Providence, they are both to join 
with Job's Spirit, 7he Lord hath given^ and the Lord hath 
taken &c. But efpecially to the Soul ; in praying 
together, for, and with one another : in taking No- 
tice of the Beginning and leaft Meafure of Grace, and 
approving tlie fame ; in conferring about /uchlliings 
as concern the fame,mutually propounding Qiief^ions, 
and giving Anfwers one to another ; in mamtaining 
holy and religious Exercifes in the Family, and be- 
twixt their own felves, in ftirring up one another to 
hear the Word, to receive the Sacraments, and confci- 
onably to perform all the Parts of God's publickWor- 
fliip ; In cafe the one prove unconverted, let the other 
wait, and |')ray, and cxpe^l God's good Time : or in 
Cafe the one be a Babe in Chrift, or weak in Chriftia- 
nity, let the other deal fairly, lovingly, meekly, and let 
ourLordJefus his tender- heartednefs to fpiriiualYoung- 
Jings, teach us Mercy this Way, who is faid to gather 
the Lambs ivith his JrniSy and to carry them in his Bojom^ 
and gently to lead thofe that are with young, 

2. The proper and peculiarDuties to each feveraliy, 

I. Of the Hufoand, whofe /)z//y it is, i. That he 
dearly Jove his Wife. 2. That he wifely maintain 
and manage his Authority over her. 

For the former, i. The Matter of it is a dear Love, 
a fpecial Love, and a more fpecial then that common 
mutual Love to one anoth.er : No quertion the Wife 
js to love licr ITiltand, and a Brother to love his Bro- 
ther, and a Friend to love his Friend ; but mor ^ cfpe- 
*^'ially, or with a more fpecial Lcvc, is the Hufl^and to 
love his \\"i{q. To tliis Purpofe fl^jc is called, The 


Explained and Enforced. J 7 

Wife of hh Bcfom % to ibew, that (lie ought to be as 
hisHeart in hisBofom. He mult Jove her at all Times, 
he muft love her in all Things : Love muft feafom 
and iweeten his Speech, Carriage, and Anions sto- 
wards her : Love muft ihew it felt in his Commands, 
Reproofs, Admonitions, lnrtru6lions. Authority, Fa- 
miliarity with her, the Rife /< which Love mufl not 
be from her Beauty, Nobility, or becaufe (lie contents 
and pleafeth her Hulband ; but efpecially becaufe fhe 
is his Siller in the Profeffion of Chriftian Religion, and 
an Inheritor with him of the Kingdom of Heaven : 
becaufe of her Graces, andVertues,as Mode(ty,Chafti- 
ty. Diligence, Patience, Temperance, Faithfuinefs, 
SecrecvrObedience, &c. becaufe (he bears and brings 
him forth Children, the Heirs of his Name and Sub- 
ftance, and the Uj.holderot his Family ; and becaufe 
of the Union and Conjunaion of Marriage. Love 
growing on Beauty, Riches, Luft, or any other ilight 
Grounds, is but a Blaze, and foon vanifheth, but if 
grounded on thefe Conliderations, and efpecialiy on 
this Union of Marriage, it is la(\ing and true : The 
want hereof is the Fountain of Strife, Qu&relling,De- 
bate ; which converts the Paradife of Marriage, into 
an Hell. 

2, For the manner of this Love ; the Apoflle gives it 
thus ^Hufbaiids love your cwnlVheF.even asChriJf aijo loved 
the Church. Now the Love of Chrift to his Church, 

is commended to us in ihefe Particulars : 

I. \n the Cafe of Im Love ^ which \%\\\%Love : Hi 
jet his Love on you ^ becaufe he loved you : his Love arofe 
wholly and folely from himfelf, and was every Way 
free :To lliould Hulbands love their Wives, tho' there 
be nothing in Wives to move them, but meerly be- 
caufe they are Wives. 

2. In'ihe Order of his Love : Chrift began it to the 
Church, before the Church could love him : And as 
a Wall is firft fraitten on by the Sun-bear.js, before it 

'C give 

i8 HouJkoM piety, 

give a ReflecSlion of hef Heat back again : To the 
Church is firft heated and warmed at Heart by the 
Senfe of Chrift's Love, before (he love him again : 
IVeUve h'lm^ becaufe he loDed us firji : — Becauje of the 
Savour of thy Ointments^ therefore do the Virgins love thee : 
So fhouldHufbands begin to love their ov^n Wives. I 
know forne Wives prtv-nt their Hufbands herein, 
and there may be Reafon for it ; but the greater is 
their Glory. This Pattern of Chrift (liould rather ftir 
up the Hufbands to go before them. 

3. In the Truth of Chrifl's Love : This was mani- 
fefted V>y the Fruits thereof to his Church : He gave 
himfelf for it^hat he iwght fan5lify it, i^cleanfe it^& prefent 
it to himfelf a- glorionsChurch^not having fpot or ivr inkle : So 
muft Hulbands love their Wiv^s in Truth and indeed, 
by guiding them in the Way of Life, and Path that 
is holy ; for this is the trueft Charadlcr of a fmcere 
Lov e. 

4. In ihe^alityofhisLove : Chrift'sLo^Y is an holy, 
pure, and chafte Lsve ; as he himfelf is, fo is his Love i 
fuch mai\ be the love of Hufbands, an holy, pure, and 
chafle Love. Away with all intemperate, exceflive, 
or any Ways exorbitant Pollutions of the Niarriage- 
Bed ! from which, if the fear of God, imitation of 
Chrift, love of Purity, awfulnefs of God's all-feeing; 
Eye cannot draw, yet that flavilh Horror, left God 
ihould punifl^ fuch a Couple with no Children, or 
with mifliapen Children, or with Idiots, or with pro- 
digious wicked Children, or with fome other heavy 
Crofs ; onfc would think fhould be able to affright 

5. In the Continuance of Chri/Vs Love ? Having loved 
his cwn^he loved (hem to the End. His Love is a conftant 
Love., an everlalVmg- Love. No Provocation or Tranf- 
3[reirvons could ever make him forget hi-s Love. Thou, 
hafi played the Harlot with many Lovers., yet return icnto me, 
Jer. 3. I. SlkU muf\ be the Love of Hufbands, a 


Exphln&d and Enprced. 19 

firm Love^ an inviolable Zc^^ ; The Ground of it mud 
be God s Ordinance, and the Support of it muft be 
an inviolable Refolution,that noProvocation fhall ever 
change or alter it. Huibands muft pafs by all Infir- 
mities, endeavouring in Love to redreis them, if pofli- 
bly they can ; or iTnot, to bear with them. 

i. Duty of an Huil)and, is, wifely to ?nabitam and 
manage his Authority, Now the managing of it con- 
fifts in two Things : 

1. That he tenderly refpe^l her. 

2. That he carefully provide for her. 

1. He muft tencUrty refpe^ hsr^ as his Wife, Compa- 
nion, Yoke-fellow,as his very Delight ; and the Dcjin 
of his EyeSy and never be bitter againfl her. This Bit- 
ternefs ordinarily turneth the Edge of his Authority : 
Jf therefore any Matter of Unkindnefs arile (as fome- 
times certainly will) then mult he carefully with all 
Lenity, Gentlenefs and Patience quiet all, and never 
fufFer himfelf nor his Wife to fleep in Difpleafure : 
Let ?2st the Sun go down upon your Wrath ; or if he fhall 
kave Occafion to reprove her, he mufl keep hisWords 
until a convenient time, and not do it in Prcfence of 
others ; and then utter them in theSpirit of Meeknefs 
and Love. Surely if fhe be not correded by a Word 
of Wifdom and Difcretion, fhe will never amend by 
Threats, or any hafty, rigorous Carriage : and it (he 
once begin to lofe her Shamefac'dnefs in the Prefence 
of her Hufband, it is likely there will be otten Braw- 
lings and Quarellings betwixt them, and the Houfe 
\vill be full of Difquietnefs : It is beft therefore to 
deal wifely with her, to admonidi her often, to repre- 
hend her {"eldom, never to lay violent Hands on her ; 
and if (he be dutiful, to cherifh her, that (he may fo 
car^tinue ; if wayward, mildly to fufFer her, that (he 
wax not worfe. 

2. He muft carefully provide for her : To this pur- 
pofe he is called her Head, and Saviour, as Cori/i Js 

C 2 ths 

20 Family Piety, 

the Head of his Churchy and the Saviour of the Body : 
The Head fyou knowj is the Fountain of Motion, 
Qiiick'ning, Life, Senfe, and Lightfomenefs to the 
Body J fo fhould the Hufband be as the Well-fpring 
of Livelinefs, Lightfomenefs, Light heartednefs to his 
"Wif^ J fhe hath forfook all for him, and therefore 
fhe fhould receive from him a continual Influence of 
chearfulWaJking, and comfortable enjoying of herfelf. 
And a Saviour (you knowj both provides for, and pro- 
te(5ts the faved : Chrift thus faved his Church ; he is 
every Way a fufficient Saviour, able perfe^ly U fave^ 
even to the very uttermoji ; he faves Soul and Body, he 
faves from all Manner of Mifery, from the Wrath of 
God, the Curfe of the Law, the Venom of all out- 
ward Crofre3,theTvranny of Satan, the Sting of Death, 
the Power of ihe Grave, the Torments of Hell ; or, 
jf Sin be the greateft Evil,- (as indeed it is) he will Jave 
his People from their Sins-, Mat. r. 21. 1 cannot fay 
thus ot the Hufband ; yet an Hufband carrieth a Re- 
femblance of Chrifl, and is after a Manner a Saviour 
to his Wife, to protect her and to provide for hen 
David compares her to a Fine, intimating that as a 
Vine is underpropped and raifed by fomeTree orFrame 
near to which it is planted ; fo is the .Wife raifed to 
the Height of Honour by Vertue of her Relation to 
her Hufband 5 by his Wealth fhe is enriched ; by his 
Honour (he is dignified t he is underGod andChrif^,^/^ 
in all to her. In the Family, he is a King, fo govern 
and aid her ; a Prieft, to pray with her and for her 5 
a Prophet, to teach and inftrucl her ; a Saviour to pror 
vide for, and protect her to his uimojl, if not to the ut- 
mofl ; which indeed is proper and peculiar to the Lord 
Jefus Chrift. 

2. The Duties proper to i^e Wife, are thefe, viz, 

1. That ihe be in SubmilTion to her Hufoand. 

2, That Jhe be an Helper to him all her Days. 

^. . , _ .1, Wivii 

Explained and Enf^ced. ii 

1. TVtves mufl be in fuVjeclion to their own Hujbands : 
Sarah obeyedAtraham^atid called him Lord : Gen,3. i6.Eph. 
5.22. I l^et.3. 16. But here is a Cafe of Confcience, — 

f. What if her Hufband be a Son of Belial^ an En- 
emy to Chrift ? Muft (ho. then yield Subjedion ? — 
Yes : becaufe in his Office her Hufband is as inChrift 
Stead : The Church is compared to a Lilly among 
ThornSy (he remains Lilly-like j white,foft, pleafant,and 
amiable, tho' fhe be joined with Thorns^ which are 
prickly and fharp : So a Wife muft be meek, mild, 
gentle, obedient, tho* fhe be matched with a crooked, 
perverfe, prophane and wicked Huiband : She muft 
.in this Cafe remove her Eyes from the Difpofirion of 
her Hufband's Perfon, to the Condition of his Place ; 
and by Venue thereof ffeeing he bearethChrift'sImage) 
be fubjet^t unto him as unto Chrift. 

2. What if her Hufband commandThings contrary 
to Chrift ? murt Ihe therein be fubjed ? — No : Sub- 
mit^ i^c. How? as unttihe Lord: if fhe fubmits to 
Things contrary to Chrift, fhe, fubmits not as to the 
Lord. Confciencious Wives muft remember, they 
have an Hufband in Heaven, as weU as on Earth, be- 
twixt whom th we is a greater difference, than betwixt 
Heaven and Earth ; and therefore in Cafe they bid 
contrary Things, they muft prefer God before Maa, 
Chrift before all Men. 

^. IVives mu!} he helpers to their Hujbands. Now 
this Helpfulnefs confirts in.thefe Things : 
'\ J. That fl\e be careful to preferve his Perfon, m 
Sicknefs or in Health, in Adverfity, or Frofperity, in 
Youth or old Age. 

A moft memorable and famous Pattern for thisPur- 

pofc, is recorded by * Uves : A youngs tender^ and beau- 

iiful Maid^ ivas matched to a Man flrickm in Tears, whom 

^fter Mai riage jhi found to have a very difeafed Body ^ full 

' ' 0/ 

t L'lbi z, de Chjiftiani faem. p. ^60, 

22 ' Houj^jold Piety, 

of loathful Difeafes .' yet notwithftanding^ out of Senfe and 
Conjdence^ that by God's Providence Jhe was become hislVife^ 
Jhe moji worthily digefled all with incredible Patience : 
Friends and Phyjicians advifed her by no Means to come near 
him; and for their Parts, they utterly forfock him ; but JJ?e 
{pajftng by with a loving Difdain ihofe unkind Diffivafions) 
becomes to him in theirStead^Frtend^Phy/ichan^Nurje^AJolher^ 
Sijler^ Daughter^ Servant ^ every Thing^any Thing to do hi?n 
Good any manner of way. At iaji by extraordinary Ex- 
pence^ and exc£Jjive Charges about him., Jhe came tofmne want 
ofjome Necejjaries ;* whereupon jhe fold her Rings ^ Chains y 
richeji Attire^ Plate, and choiceji Jewels : and luhen he was 
dead, and Friends came about her, rather to congratulate her 
happy Riddance, than to bezvail her IVidowhood ; /he not 
only abhorred all Speeches tending that W^y, but protejied, if 
it wen poffible, Jhe would willingly recleem her Htifjand's 
Life with the lofs of her five dearefl Children. Whence 
it appears that this worthy Woman was wadded to her 
Hulband's Soul, not to his Body ; feeing no Infir- 
mity or Deforinity thereof, could cool or weaken the 
fervency of her Love. 

2- That (he learn and labour to forecaft, contrive 
and manage HoufholdAffairs^and Bufmejs within Doors, 
as they f^y : for which fee a right noble glorious Pat- 
tern in Prov. 31. " 

3. That (he help her Hufband, in fetting forward 
rhe rich and royal Trade of Grace, in erecting and 
eftabiiihing Chrift's glorious Kingdom in theirHoufe, 
and efpeciaily in their own Hearts. This is that one 
necejfary Thing, "without which their Family is hut Sa- 
tan's Seminary, and a Nurfery for Hell : This will 
xnarveiJoufly fweeten all Reproaches, cafi: upon them 
by envenomed Tongues : This will fweetiy feal unto 
them their AfTurance of meeting logethef hereafter in 
Heaven,--- Where the Hufbband and Wife perform 
thefe and the like Duties \ there's an hnpny Family, s 


Explained and Enforced, 23 

there's a Col lege of Quietnefs ; where thefe are neg- 
lected, we may ter^ it an Hell, 

Thus much of the Dutlei of Governours ; we now 
come to the Governed. 

Section VI. 
Of the 'Duties of Children to Parents. 

T\Utifs of Children to Parents, are either inward, as 
•*-^ Love and Fear ; gr outward, as Reverence y Ohedi- 
encey and Recompencc. 

1. The inward Duties which Children owe to their 
Parents, are Lyue and Fear : Love like Sugar, fweetens 
/v^r, and Fear like Salt, feafons Love ; there muft be 
a loving Fear, and a fearing Love. Hence the Fearoi 
a Child is oppofed to the/V^jrof a Slave ; for a Child's 
Fear being mixt with Love^ hath refped to the Offence 
which a Parent may take : But a Slaves F^^r, which 
is ordinarily mixed v^ith Hatred, hath refpect to no- 
thing but the Punifhment which his Mafter may inflict 
upon him. This love-like Fear is fo proper to Children, 
as that the awful Refpecl which the Saints bear to God, 
is called a filial Fear : Children have received their 
Subftance, from the very Subftance of their Parents, 
and therefore they are to perform lYnsDuty oi Love and 
Fear to them. 

2. The outward Duties, or the Manifeftation ofthis 
Live and Fear in Children, appears ; 

I. In their Reverence, in Speech and Carnage : They 
mufl give to their Parents reverent and honourable 
Titles, meek and humble Speeches, Obeifance, as 
becomes their Age and Sex : Thus Jofeph and Solomon 
bowed, the one to his Father, the other to his Mother, 
Gen, 48. 12. I Kin. 2.19. Contrary hereto is mocking 
and defpifing Father and Mother : of which, faid S^lo- 
mon. The Eye that mockeih at bis Father., and defpifeth to 
oie-j his Mother^ the Ravem of the Valley jhall pick it out ; 


^4 Houjhold Piety, 

Pr©v. 13. 17. A Phrafc that fets forth the End of ^ 
notorious Malefactor, that is hang'd in the Air tiii 
the Ravens pick out his Eyes. 

2. In their Obedience to their Connmands, In- 
f^ructions, Reproofs and Corecfticns of their Parents, 
Eph. 6. £. Prov. I. 8, 9. The Reafon is, hecaufe of 
God, whom the Father reprefenrs : Children niuft 
remember, that whatever chey do to their Parents, 
they do it to God ; when they pieafe rhem, they pleafe 
God ; when tlieir Parents are jurtly angry with them, 
God is angry wit)> them : nor can they recover God's 
Favour ^iho' all the Saints of Heaven Hiould intreat for 
them) till they have fubmitted themfelvcs to their own 
Parents ; only with this Limitation, that they fubmit 
or obey them in the Lordy Eph. 6. i. 

3. In their Recompence : This is z'Duiy whereby 
Children endeavourfas much as in them liesj to repay 
what they can for the Parents Kindnefs, Care and Coit 
towards them, in way of Thankfulnefs : If any Widow 
have Children^ or Nephews^ let tkem fir ft learn to jhewKind- 
nefs at Home^ and to requite their Parents^ 1 Tim. 5. 4, 
In Sicknefsjthey mufl: vifit them, in the time of Mourn- 
ing, they muft comfort them ; in Want, they muffc 
provide for them : As the Children of Jacobs who 
vifited, comforted, and went to buy Food for their 
Father, Gen, 4.8.1. & 37. 35. &42.3. In time of Dan- 
ger, they muft endeavour their Prote6tion ; as David 
did, I Sam. 22. 3,4. Let wy Father and Mother (laid he 
to the King of Moah) I pray thee^ cone forth and be with 
^'ouy till I know what G:d will do for me : ^nd he brought 
them before the King of Moaby and they dwelt with him all 
the whi-^:hat David was in the hold. 

If God pleafe to take Children out of this World 
before their Parents, and their Parents be fqccourlefs, 
they muft (as they canj provide for their well-being 
after their Deaths : Thus Chrill commended his Mo- 
ther tQ his Difciple John^ a little before he gave up the 


Explained afid Enforced. 25 

Ghoft. It is recorded of the Stork, that when the 
Dams are old, the young Ones feed them ; and when 
thro* Age they are ready to faint in their flying^, the 
youna; Ones help them ; and when they are part fly- 
ing, the young Ones carry them on their weak Backs. 
Thus Nature teaches Children their Puty, howmucl^ 
more lliould Grace. ? 

Section VIL 
0/ the 'Duties of Servants to their Maflers. 

DUties of Servants to their Mafters, are either in- 
ward, as Fear^ outward, as Reverence^ Obedience, 
J. The inward Z>z/?y is Fear : Servants be fubje£f to 
your Ma/iers with all Fear^ and acceunt them worthy of all 
Honour : So proper is this Fear to a Servant, as where 
it is wanting, there is a plaiii denial of his Mafter's 
Place and Powef : If I be a Majier^ where ii my Fear ? 
faidGod ; ObferveJ mean not an exceffive flavilhFear ; 
as when aServant fears nothing but the revengingPower 
Gi his Mafter (fuch was the Fear of that unprofitable 
Servant, who could fay to his Mafter, 1 knew that thou 
Wert an h(ird Alan^ and ] was afraid) but I mean an awful 
Fear of Provoking his Mafter's Wrath, fo as it makes 
him caft every Way, how he may pleafe his Mafrer, 
and fuch ^ Fear draws him on chearfully to perforiiv 
his Duty. 

2. Outward Duties which ilTue from this Fear, arc 
JR.everence, Obedience. 

I. Reverence^wWxch. is manifefted inSpeech&Carriage. 
ThusServantsmuftgivereverendTitlesto theirMafters, 
as Father^ Lird^ and Ma/ler^ b*r. They muft yield O- 
•beifance to them ; as The Children of the Prophets, when 
they faw that the Spirit o/' Elijah relhd o;; Elifha, they camt 
to meet him, and bowed the mf elves to the Ground before him. 

2. Obedience \ which hathRefpedl to thcCommands, 
Inftru<5lions, Reproofs U Corre(5tions of their Mafters, 
I Pet. 2. 18,19,20. But here's a Cafe or two oi Conf^ 
cience ; D . i, Hq'^^ 

2(^ ttoujhold Piety, 

T. How far they muft obey ; or what is the extent 
of Servants Obedience, to Matters ? — The Apoftlc 
anfwers, Servants obey trj all Things your Maflers according 
to the Flejh, Col. 3. 22. It is not fufficient that Ser- 
vants perform well their Duties in fome Things ; they 
muft do it in all Things ; yea ill Things that may 
be againft their own Mind and Liking, iftheirMafters 
will have it fo : This is clear hi the Example of Joab^ 
"the King commands him to number the People : Joah de- 
clares himfelf, that he thinks it a very unmeetThing, 
Why doth my Lord the King delight (faith he) in thisThing? 
2 Sam. 24. 2,&c. Yet againft hisjudgmetit he yields 
unto the King's peremptory Command, The King* 5 
Word prevailed againfljoab. Look as /'^/^r^whenChrift 
bid him launch out into the Deep, and let down his 
Net for a Draught, tie anfwered and faid^ Mafter^ IVe 
have toiled all the Nighty and have, taken nothing : neverthe- 
lefs at thy Word^ 1 will let down the Net, So muft Ser- 
vants fay, when they have a peremptory Command, 
tho' contrary to their ownjudgments, this or that in aU 
Humility, I fuppofe, or I propound to you ; Never- 
ihelefs^ at ysur Word 1 will let down the Net -, I will do as 
you pleafe. 

2. But what if God and Mafter (hould command 
contrary Things .? In fuch a Cafe the Apoftle fets 
down an excellent Limitation in thefe four Phrafes, 
[l. Jsunto Chriji, t,AstheServantsofChri/i, 2. Doing 
the fVill of God, 4. As to ihg Lord,]' ' All thefe imply. 
That if Matters command their Servants any Thing 
contrary to Chrift, they may not yield to it : Upon 
this Ground the Midwives of the Hebrew Women, 
viould not kill the Hebrew Children, They feared God 
(faith the Text) and did not as the King commanded themy 
Exod. I. 17. In this Cafe, Jofeph is commended, in 
Hot hearkening to hisMiftrefs ; and theServants 0^ Saul 
arc commended, for refufing to flay theLord*sPrietts,at 
theirMaftersCommand, WhenMaftersCommand of 
..-■'■.-■■ >■ forbid 

lExp^atned and Enforced, 2 J 

forbid any Thing againftGod & Chrift,they go therein 
beyond theirCommi(rion,and their Authority ceafeth ; 
fo that Servants may fay, We ought to obey God rather 
than Men^ A(5l. 5. 29. 

5. Ohj6l. But feme may obje^Sl, That all Men are 
altke^ and that there is no Difference as betwixt Majlers and 
Servants ;' liay^ it is exprejly forbidden to beServanis of Men, 
J Cor. 7. 23. 

I anfwer. To he a Servant^ in that Place, is not (im- 
ply to be in Subje6tion under another, but to be fo 
obfequious to Man, as to prefer him before God i 
Hence the Apoftle elfewhere in the Duties of Servants^ 
Jays down this Antithefis, Not as Men-pleafers^ but as 
the Servants of Chrift ; ' again, doing Service as to the 
Lord^ and not to Men : Tlie meaning isj That we mull 
do Duty to a Mafler^ not as meerly to a Man^ but as 
to orte in Chri;Ts Stead. ^ Mafters, by vertue of their 
Office and Place, bear the Image of Chrirt ; Chrift 
communicates his Authority iinto them, and fo in 
performing Dutyxo iVlafters,v/e perform i^/z/ytoChrill, 
and in denying Duty to Masters, we deny Duty to 
Chrift : Thus the Lord faid to Samuel, when thePeo- 
ple rejecfVed his Government, They havp nctreje^ed thee^ 
but they have rtjeHed /»f, thai 1 jhould not reign ever them, 
Confider this, all ye that are Servant s,\\\oug\i Majhrs 
ihould neither reward your eood Service, nor revenge 
'^o\xi ill Service, yet ChriiV will do both : This is your 
Prerogative that fear God, above all other Servants ; 
others may ferve their Mafters with Fear avd Trem- 
bling.^ in Singlenefs of Heart, and with good Will, 
but only Chriftians and Saints do Service as to Chri/i ; 
and this makes them not content themfelves with doing 
the Thing, but to endeavour to do it after the belt 
Manner chey can, fo as God and Chrift may accept 
^f it, 


2^ HouJ^cf Id Piety E^^'plained, &c, 

I have now run thro* the Familv, and informed 
you of the Duties both of Gcvernours and Governed. 
Chriftians, look within you, look about you : That 
Man is not a good Many that is not good in all his Relations, 
The fame God that requires us to ferve him as pri- 
vatePerfons, requires us to ferve him in ourRelations : 
And therefore, though you be never fo careiul of your 
jDuty in the former Refpcd:, yet you may go ta Hell 
for neglecting your Duties, as Ma/iers^ SirvaniSy Huf- 
handsy Wives ^ Parents^ ox Children : Nay, Tie fay^ a lit- 
tle more, that though you Ihould be good in one 
Relation, yet if you endeavour not to be good in every 
Relation, you (liall never go to Heaven : for the fame 
God that commands you to ferve him as a Mafter, 
commands you to ferve him as a Father, as an 
Hulband, &c. Jnd be that keeps the whole LazVy and 
()ff ends in one Pointy is guilty of all^ Jam. 2. lO. 



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